HomeMy WebLinkAboutGroundwater Quality Assessment Report 7/1992�oS�FFOI�COG�rT PART 360 AND PHASE II GROUNDWATER DUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT JULY 1992 SAMPLING EVENT Southold Landfill, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York . DO Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers DECEMBER 1992 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL PART 360 GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT JULY 1992 SAMPLING EVENT PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK m DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS SYOSSET, NEW YORK DECEMBER 1992 10950/3 1027 SO OLD LANDFILL PART 360 GROUNDWATER QU ASSESSMENT REPORT JULY 1992 SAMPLING EVENT TABLE OF CONTENTS `I� 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION 2.1 Monitoring Well Sampling 2.2 Pump Decontamination Procedure 2.3 Private Well Sampling 2.4 Field Forms 2.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Groundwater Flow Patterns 3. 1.1 Shallow Water Table 3.1.2 Deep Groundwater 3.2 Groundwater Sampling Results 3.2.1 Organic Sampling Results 3.2.2 Inorganic Sampling Results 3.2.3 Leachate Parameter Sampling Results 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS A APPENDIX A Field Forms APPENDIX E Data Validation Report S30950/2 1027 1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 ks 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-5 3-5 3-13 3-22 LIST OF FIGURES Title Page 1-1 Monitoring Well Sampling Locations 1-2 1-2 Private Water Supply Well Sampling Locations 1-3 3-1 Water Table Contour Map - July 22, 1992 3-2 3-2 Potentiometric Surface Contour Map - July 22, 1992 3-3 3-3 Organic Compounds Exceeding Class GA Groundwater 3-16 3-4 Standards/Guidelines 3-14 3-4 Inorganic Constituents Exceeding Class GA Groundwater 5-2 Standards/Guidelines 3-21 LIST OF TABLES Number D& Page 2-1 Groundwater Elevations - July 22, 1992 2-2 3-1 Vertical Hydraulic Gradients at Each Well Cluster 3-4 3-2 Groundwater Sampling Results - Organic Compounds 3-6 3-3 Groundwater Sampling Results - Inorganic Constituents 3-16 3-4 Groundwater Sampling Results - Leachate Parameters 3-23 5-1 Baseline and Routine Parameters to be Analyzed 5-2 S30950/2 1027 li 1.0 INTRODUCTION A Part 360 and Phase 11 Hydrogeologic Investigation was conducted at the Southold Landfill, Town of Southold, Long Island, New York in 1991 to obtain detailed hydrogeologic information pertaining to the landfill site and to determine if the landfill is a source of groundwater contamination. The results of this investigation are contained in a report, entitled "Part 360 and Phase H Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, Southold Landfill, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York," dated October 1991. As a recommendation of this report, a long-term monitoring program was proposed as a result of the data developed from the hydrogeologic investigation, and which satisfies the requirements of the New York State Part 360 regulations for the operation and closure of the existing landfill, and the permitting of a new landfill adjacent to the existing landfall. This report presents the results of the initial phase of the long-term monitoring program which was conducted in July 1992, and a comparison to the initial 1991 sample results. During the period July 22 through July 29, 1992, groundwater samples were collected from 14 groundwater monitoring wells installed during the Part 360/Phase H Hydrogeologic Investigation and two monitoring wells installed by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) at the landfill site. The locations of these 16 wells are shown in Figure 1-1. In addition to the groundwater monitoring wells at the landfill, water samples were collected from three private water supply wells which are located downgradient from the landfill (Figure 1-2). The groundwater and water supply samples were analyzed for the Part 360 Baseline Parameters. 2839(3/2 1027 1-1 1 F1 C n i - 0' -GOV ROAD - 1, MW -4 , \ 11 �� -"� • 500.1 MW -5' �. 0 EXIST ING \IAJNING AREA \ �I �jMW-2 \ \\ S -6883t -l/ x \ V MW -3 68916/ i 'Al MW -6 -no I oZ 6\ I \ I + \I� �T ( LAND)fIILL Afl€A / EOVERHEAD LECTRIC J\ l / �• LINES MW-7WASTE OIL _ / 1STORAGE ', �, �;["-J \I � •1 ;\,-'- � COLLECTION CENTER WEIGHING STATION STORAGE GARAGE LEGEND MW -T : v -' EXISTING BUILDING ,\ O i ON LANDFILL SITE EXISTING FENCE LINE SCDH8 GROUNDWATER /+ S-69761 • - •, MONITORING WELL C M W -1•• PART 380/PHASE B GROUNDWATER ROp MONITORING WELL CLUSTER N/ SCALE IN FEET �R 0 100 t00 300 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL mMONITORINNG WELL LOCATIONS ,J �tw FIGURE 1-1 Section 1 I I GW -51 ® I OREGON ROAD DIRECTORY: C:\1027 FILE NAME: PGWATER DATE: R.A. 8/14/92 SCALE: 1=1 0 400 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION ------ - -AL ------_ -PRIVATE WAVER SUPPLY - - GW -5 SAMPLING LOCATIONS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dvirka SOUTHOLD LANDFILL and PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY O Bartilucci SAMPLING LOCATIONS FIGURE -z CONSULTING ENGINEERS Secti®n 2 2.0 FIELD HWESTIGATION 2.1 Monitoring Well Sampling The depth to groundwater and total well depth was measured in 15 of the 16 monitoring wells comprising the long-term groundwater monitoring well network on July 22, 1992. The sixteenth well, S-68831, was not safely accessible until a deep drainage ditch adjacent to the well was temporarily filled by facility personnel. Well S-68831 was measured on July 28, 1992. The measurements obtained from the wells were used to determine the groundwater level elevation and calculate the volume of water to be purged from each well prior to sampling. Groundwater elevations are presented in Table 2-1. Four well volumes were purged from the monitoring wells in clusters MW -1 through MW -7. A minimum of four field measurements for temperature, pH, specific conductance and turbidity were obtained from the water purged from the wells. Stabilization was satisfied if three consecutive measurements indicated that the water was representative of groundwater in the aquifer. The measurements of the field parameters stabilized after removal of three well volumes from wells S-68831 and S-68916. The shallow wells in clusters MW -1 through MW -7 were purged using disposable, dedicated polyethylene bailers and polypropylene rope. The seven deep wells in the clusters, as well as S-68831 and S-68916, were purged using a Grundfos Rediflo 2 submersible pump. As described below, the pump was decontaminated before use on the site and between monitoring wells to prevent introduction of contaminants from prior use and cross contamination between monitoring wells. Samples collected from the monitoring wells were analyzed for the Part 360 Baseline Parameters. Field measurements of turbidity from samples from the shallow wells in clusters MW -1 through MW -7 were greater than 50 NTUs immediately after purging. Samples for metals analysis from these wells were collected within 24 hours after purging to allow water in the well to clear. The collection of a sample for metals analysis was also delayed for MW -4D when the turbidity meter malfunctioned and the turbidity was visually estimated to exceed 50 NTU. 2840(3/2 1027 2-1 Table 2-1 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS JULY 22,1992 (measured in feet) Depth to Groundwater Elevation Groundwater Well (From Top of Top of Well Elevation Monitoring Well I. * Well Casin¢) ing MSL) MSL) MW -1S 52 39.65 44.38 4.73 MW-lD 152 39.48 44.39 4.91 MW -2S 27 13.63 18.15 4.52 MW -2D 85 12.72 17.23 4.51 MW -3S 55 43.91 48.50 4.59 MW -3D 125 44.06 48.63 4.57 MW -4S 73 59.54 63.60 4.06 MW -4D 150 59.63 63.76 4.13 MW -5S 77 64.15 68.44 4.29 MW -5D 136 63.64 67.89 4.25 MW -6S 56 47.89 52.50 4.61 MW -6D 145 48.01 52.59 4.58 MW -7S 50 43.40 48.07 4.67 MW -7D 125 42.35 47.03 4.68 S68916 102 48.70 53.23 4.53 S68831** 204 48.60 53.27 4.67 *Below ground surface **Water level measured on July 28, 1992. MSL - Mean Sea Level i 28400/1 1027 2-2 2.2 Pump Decontamination Procedure Decontamination of the Grundfos Rediflo 2 pump consisted of an external wash with Alconox and a brush followed by a rinse with clean water. Decontamination of the interior of the pump consisted of pumping approximately 30 gallons of potable water through the pump. Water for decontamination was obtained from a public water supply source at an outside hose connection at the rear of the Town of Southold Recreation Center located in Peconic. 2.3 Private Water Supply Sampling Samples from private water supply wells were collected from outside hose connections at locations GW -5, GW -6 and GW -8 (Figure 1-2). The property at location GW -7 is the subject of a bank foreclosure and was not accessible for sampling. Samples obtained from the water supply wells were analyzed for Part 360 Baseline Parameters. 2.4 Field Forms Daily Field Activity Reports, Sample Information Records, Water Supply Sample Information Records, Daily Equipment Calibration Logs and Chain of Custody forms were prepared during the sampling program and are contained in.Appendix A. 2.5 Data Validation Results All sample data was validated to ensure that all analyses were performed in accordance with the 1991 NYSDEC ASP. All results were 100 percent contractually compliant. The results for volatile organics and select metals were qualified due to Quality Control (QC) criteria falling outside control limits; however, all data is deemed usable. Data validation summaries and data user advisory tables can be found in Appendix B along with completed data validation forms. 284M/2 1027 2-3 Section 3 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Groundwater Flow Patterns Groundwater contour maps were prepared from the groundwater elevations contained in Table 2-1, and are presented in Figures 3-1 and 3-2. 3.1.1 Shallow Water Table The water table elevations measured in the shallow wells ranged from 0.73 feet to 0.88 feet lower than water table elevations measured on July 22, 1991. The water table contour map prepared from these measurements (Figure 3-1), indicates a generally northwesterly flow of groundwater through the site confirming the findings of the Part 360/Phase H Hydrogeologic Investigation conducted in 1991. The groundwater gradient ranges from 5.4 x 10-5 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the southern end of the site to 4.0 x 10-4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the northern end of the site. The hydraulic gradients are comparable to those found in 1991. 3.1.2 Deep Groundwater Water level elevations measured in the deep wells ranged from 0.56 feet to 0.9 feet lower than water level elevations measured on July 22, 1991. Well S-68831 was not included in the groundwater level measurements obtained in 1991. The piezornetric contour map prepared from the July 1992 measurements (Figure 3-2) indicates a general northwesterly flow direction and confirms the findings of the 1991 investigation. The flow gradient ranges from 1.25 x 10-4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the south end of the site to 3.3 x 10-4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance in the north end of the site. The average hydraulic gradient for deep groundwater flow is 2.3 x 10-4 feet of head loss per foot of horizontal distance and confirms the findings determined in 1991. The vertical hydraulic gradient for each well cluster location is presented in Table 3-1. The vertical gradient was deterrnined by calculating the difference in hydraulic head between the shallow and deep wells and dividing this figure by the distance between the water table and the midpoint of each deep monitoring screening interval. A slight downward gradient of 2.5x10-4 to 5.7x10-4ft/ft exists at clusters MW -3, MW -5 and MW -6. An upward gradient of 2.5x10 3 ft/ft 2841(3/3 1027 3-1 1 ^4.70 STORAGE GARAGE I, 4•�� I I I 4 20 �I II� 4.30 II / 4.40 / I 4.50 I � � ❑ �I II w— s (4.73 ROAD NORTH o� II I� 1 I \ 4.40 i I 4.50 I I I 4.60 I �ROAO AB) �cou�,n LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION MW -4S MONITORING WELL LOCATION 5.0 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR — GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION DIRECTORY: C:\1027 0 400 800 FILE NAME: WTCMAP DATE: R.A. 8/14/92 SCALE: 1=1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD anirka SOUTHOLD LANDFILL O aartilucci WATER TABLE C O NT O^U R M A P CONSULTING ENGINEERS JULY 229 1992 FIGURE 3-1 I \\ I \\ I I —4.20tI 1 5 4.30 4.30 I FORMER MIMNG I II 4.40 AREA I ED 14.40 i I I 4.50 � —_------_— - �— r4.51� Fkz� i •4.53�--sa) 4.5 8�D 58�D Z4— �� 1 ACTIVE DFILL 14.57) Z4 -- 4.60 AREA COMPOST / 4.70 � � 1 MW -7D I 1 OVERHEAD ELETRIC LINES — 4.80 4� DISPOSAL AREA - ` ---� i ETJ STORAGE T O GARAGE J C ❑ 4.9 I h41 W —1 U 0 (4 91 el l�® I � —COLLECTION — WASTE OIL CENTER STORAGE WEIGHING cl I ¢60 STATION � ROAD ROAD 4.90 '— 4 Ddl DIRECTORY: C:\1027 Q 400 800 FILE NAME: 1027psur DATE: R.A. 10/26/90 SCALE: 1=1 DESIGNER: L.V.G. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dvirka SOUTHOLD LANDFILL and P®TENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP O Bartilucci JULY 2 2, 1992 --- LEGEND --- --- -- - -- DESCfllf'T101 I M01JITORING WELL LOCATION GR_OUI lDW_A_TER _EI EVAT1011 C0P1 i0l)R GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION uESIGhI a1I011 h1'A FIGURE 3-2 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Table 3-1 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL VERTICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIEbM -.r AT EACH WELL CLUSTER Well Cluster Number MW -1 MW -2 MW -3 MW -4 MW -5 MW -6 MW -7 Difference Between Shallow and Deep Well Water Level Elevations (ft) 0.18 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.01 Vertical Hydraulic Gradient (M) 1.7x10-3 No Gradient2 2.5x10 7.9x10 5.7x10 3.2x10 No Gradient Direction of Vertical Hydraulic Gradient Upward Downward Upward Downward Downward 1. Vertical gradient computed by dividing the difference in elevation by the distance between the water table and the midpoint of the deep well screen. 2. The vertical gradient at these locations could not be accurately determine since the difference in groundwater elevations were below the limit of accuracy of 0.01 ft. when measured using hand held water level recording equipment. 28410/5 1027 3-4 and 7.9x10 4 ft/ft was present at clusters MW -1 and MW -4, respectively. The vertical gradient at well clusters MW -2 and MW -7 could not be calculated since the difference in groundwater elevations was 0.01 ft which is below the limit of accuracy for hand held water level recording equipment. The 1992 vertical gradients are lower than those measured during the 1991 round of sampling indicating horizontal flow conditions with little or no recharge. Strong downward 4 vertical gradients of 1.4 x 10-2 ft/ft and 1.3 x 10-2 ft/ft were found to exist at well clusters MW -2 v' and MW -7, respectively, in 1991. Slight downward gradients were found throughout the site in the remaining wells in 1991, except for well clusters MW -3 and MW -6, where a slight upward _1 gradient was present. This indicates that, in general, the aquifer was in a state of recharge during i 1991. Although rainfall was greater just prior to the 1992 sampling event, the total rainfall for the year up to July 1992 (January through July) was less than that for the same period in 1991. This may account for the lower water level elevations in 1992 as well as the lack of recharge during this period. 3.2 Groundwater Sampling Results 3.2.1 Organic Sampling Results The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in groundwater samples during this round of monitoring are presented in Table 3-2. The analytical results for samples collected in July 1991, are also included for comparison purposes. For those wells not sampled in July 1991, (GW -5, GW -6, GW -8, S-68916 and S-68831), the most recent available analytical results are ' included for comparison. Methylene chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloropropane, chlorobenzene, 1,2 -dichloro- benzene and 1,4 -dichlorobenzene were found to be present in the on-site wells during both rounds of sampling. Of these, methylene chloride was found to exceed NYSDEC groundwater standards of 5 ug/1 during this round of sampling. However, methylene chloride, which was found in all of the wells sampled, excluding S-68831, is a common laboratory contaminant that was found in the method blank, field blank and trip blank, therefore, its presence in the groundwater samples is unlikely. 1,2-Dichloroethane, which was detected previously in wells MW -6D and S-68916 at levels exceeding the NYSDEC standard of 5 ug/l, was found to be no longer present in any well sampled as part of the investigation. 1,2-Dichloropropane and chlorobenzene detected above NYSDEC standards in the July 1991 sampling round in wells MW -6D and S-68916, respectively, were either 2841 G15 1027 3-5 r TABLE 3-2 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANIC Uuwurlmmb: Nt7TE8: U: Analyzed for but not detected r ST: Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST": Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines MW1S MW1S I IMW10 MW10 I MW2S MW2S MW2D MW2D NYSCLASS GA STANDARDS/1 7/25/91 17/22/92 7/25/91 17/22/92 1 7/24/91 17/23/92 17/24/91 17/28/92 1 GUIDELINES Volatile ompounos u ug/ ug 1 ug I u) u u 1 ug/ u i Chlorometnane U U U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride L 14 B U 11 8 U 9 8 U 2 B 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene L U U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethane L U U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) L U U U U U U U 5 Si Chloroform L U U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane U U U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U U U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene L U L L U L U U 5 ST Trichloroethene L U L L L L L L 5 ST Dibromochloromethane L U L L L L L L 50.GV 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane L U L L L L L L 5 ST Benzene L U L L L L L 0.7 ST Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene L U L L L U L L 5 ST Tetrachloroethene L U L L U U L U 5 ST 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane L U L L U U L U 5 ST Toluene L U L L U U L U 5 ST Chlorobenzene L U L L U 3.5 L 1 5 ST Ethylbenzene L U L L U U L U 5 ST Xylene (total) L U L L U U U U 5 ST' 2-Chloroethylvinylether L U L L U U U U ---- Trichlorofluoromethane L U L L U U U U 5 ST 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene L U L L U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 5 ST 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene U 4.7 ST Bromoform U11 I I I So GV Uuwurlmmb: Nt7TE8: U: Analyzed for but not detected r ST: Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST": Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines I Chloromethane Bromomethans Vinyl Chloride Chloroethane Methylene Chloride 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) Chloroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Bromodichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Dibromoch lorom ethane 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane Benzene Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2.2 -Tetrachloroethane Toluene Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene Xylene (total) 2-Chloroethylvinylether Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene Bromoform TABLE 3-2 (CON -170) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANIC MW3S MW3S I ' MW313 I MW3D 7/25/91 7/23/92 I 7/25191 1 7/28/92 ugil) I (11nilli u7701 U U U u U U U 5 ST U U U U LI u U U U 7.5 B U 5 ST U U U U U U U U U U U 7 ST U U U U U U U U U U U 50 GV U U U U U U U U U u U So GV U L U U U L U U U L U 5 ST U L U U U •:. U U U U U 5 ST U L U U U L U U U L U 4.7 ST U L U U LI L U U U L U GV: Guidance value U L U U L U U U U U U U U U QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed for but not detected B: Compound found in blank as well as sample 2.3 2.7 MW4S ! MW4S SGA STANDARD 7/26/91 7/27/92 i GUIDELINES u u u U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 2 ST U U 5 ST U 4.7 8 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 7 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 50 GV U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U So GV U U 5 ST U U 0.7 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST U U 5 ST* U U ---- U U 5 ST U U 4.7 ST U U 5 ST U U 4.7 ST U U 50 GV NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST*: Applies to each isomer individually :. ?; ..::Exceeds standardsiguidelines i TABLE 3-2 (CONTD) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANIC U: Analyzed for but not detected ST. Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ---: Not established ST Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines 1 I NYSDEC CLASS MW413 MW4D MWSS MWSS MW5D MWSD MW6S MW68 IGA STANDARDS/1 ,7/26/91 17/27/92 7/25/91 17/27/92 7/25/91 1 7/27/92 7/24/91 17/23/92 1 GUIDELINES 1 Volatile ompoundsug/1 1 ug/l E 727-7 i (ug/1) 77U57-1 ug/l) 1 ug/I) i (UgJT Chloromethane L LU U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane L U U U U L U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride L L U U''. f?U U 2 ST Chloroethane U 5 ST Methylene Chloride L 4.1 B 4.5 B U 4 E U 8.6 B 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene L U U U u U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethane L U U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) L U U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform L 2.2 U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane L 1 U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane L U U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane L U U U U 2 U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U U U U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene L U U U U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene L L L L L L L U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane L L L L L L L U 50 GV 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane L L L L L L L U 5 ST Benzene L L L L<; '`±°L U 0.7 ST Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene L L L L L L L U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene L L L L U L L U 5 ST 1,1;2,2 -Tetrachloroethane L L L L U L L U 5 ST Toluene L L L L U L L U 5 ST Chlorobenzene L L L L U 1.3 L 2.2 5 ST Ethylbenzene L L L L U L L U 5 ST Xylene (total) L L L L L L L U 5 ST, 2-Chloroethylvinylether L L L L L L L U ---- Trichlorofluoromethane L L L L L L L U 5 ST 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene L L L L L L 1 1.5 4.7 ST 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene L L L L L L L U 5 ST 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 1 2.5 4.7 ST Bromoform U So GV ®UALJFIERS: NnTER- U: Analyzed for but not detected ST. Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ---: Not established ST Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines 1 TABLE 3-2 (CONT'D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANIC UUAU1-1t:rty: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST. Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST** Applles to each isomer individually standards/guidelines MW6D MW6D I MW7S MW7S MW7D MW7D NYSDEC CLASS -1 GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/24/92 1 7/25/91 7/22192 1 7/26/91 7/22/92 j GUIDELINES Volatile ompounds j (Ug/0 u u (Ug/0 i u u u Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 12 B U 17 B U 15 B 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1, 1 -Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 S 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U28' UU U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U L1 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane 1U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane U U U U U L 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U L U L 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U L U L 50 GV 1,2-DichloropropaneL U L U L 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U L U L U L 5 ST Trichloroethene U I. U L U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U L U L U U 50 GV 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane U L U L U U 5 ST Benzene U L U L U U 0.7 ST Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U L U L U L 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U L U L U L 5 ST 1,1,2,2-Tetracnloroethane U L U L U L 5 ST Toluene U L U L U L 5 ST Chlorobenzene U L U L U L 5 ST Ethyibenzene U L U L U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U L U L U U 5 ST* 2-Chlorcethylvinyiether U L U L U U ---- Trichlorofluoromethane U L U L U U 5 ST 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene 1 2.6 1 L U U 4.7 ST 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene U L U U U 5 ST 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene U L 1 U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U UT I U U 50 GV UUAU1-1t:rty: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST. Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST** Applles to each isomer individually standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS UUAUFIEFiS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST. Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST': Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines GW -8 PW -001 (GW -8) GW -6 PW -002 (GW -6) GW -5 PW -003 (GW - 5) NYSDEC CLASS I GA STANDARDS/1 12/4/90 1 7/24/92 112/4/90 1 7/24/92 1 1214/90 1 7/24/92 GUIDELINES Volatile ompounas WI(Ug/0 (ug/1) (Ug/0 i u u (u Chloromethane U U U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 10 8 U 10 B U 12 B 5 ST 1, 1 -Dichloroethene U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,2-01chloroethene (trans) U U U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane U U U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U L U L U U 5 ST cis- 1,3- Dichloropropene U L U L U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U L U L U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U L U L U U 50 GV 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane U L U L U U 5 ST Benzene U L U L U U 0.7 ST Trans-l,3-Dlchloropropene U L U L U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U L U L U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane U L U L U U 5 ST Toluene U L U L U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U L U U U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U L U U U U .5. ST Xylene (total) U L U U U U 5 ST' 2-Chloroethylvinylether U L U U U U ---- Trichlorofluoromethane U L U U U U 5 ST 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 5 ST 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U1 ul I U1 Ul 5o GV UUAUFIEFiS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST. Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST': Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines TABLE 3-2 (CONT -0) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSOEC CLASSGA S-68916 S-68916 S-68831 S-68831 STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7129/92 7/25/89 7/29/92 GUIDELINES Volatile ompoun s I u ug/ ug/ u u Chloromethane U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 0.3 J U U 5 ST 1,1-01chloroethene U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethane U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) U U U U 5 ST Chloroform U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U 3.5 U U 50 GV 1,2-01chloropropane U U U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane U U U U 5 ST Benzene U U U U 0.7 ST Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U U U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane U U U U 5 ST Toluene U U U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene :24>: 2 U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U U U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U U U U 5 ST' 2-Chloroethylvinylether U U U U ---- Trichlorofluoromethane U U U U 5 ST 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 4.7 ST 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 5 ST 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene U U U U 4.7 ST Bromoform U U U1 U 1 50 GV QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST: Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as sample GV: Guidance value ----: Not established ST': Applies to each isomer individually :Exceeds standards/guidelines _ l TABLE 3-2 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS VOLATILE ORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS TS 7/25 TRIP BLANK FB01 FIELD BLANK GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/28/92 7/15/91 7/24/92 GUIDELINES Volatile mpounds(Ug/0 u l u (ug/1) - Chlorometnane U U U U 5 ST Bromomethane U U U U 5 ST Vinyl Chloride U U U U 2 ST Chloroethane U U U U 5 ST Methylene Chloride U 6.8 B U 8.7 8 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethens U U U U 5 ST 1,1-Dichloroethans U U U U 5 ST 1,2-Oichloroethene (trans) U U U U 5 ST ' Chloroform U U U U 7 ST 1,2-Dichloroethane U U U U 5 ST 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane U U U U 5 ST Carbon Tetrachloride U U U U 5 ST Bromodichloromethane U U U U 50 GV 1,2-Dichloropropane U U U U 5 ST cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U U U U 5 ST Trichloroethene U U U U 5 ST Dibromochloromethane U U U U 50 GV 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane U U U U 5 ST Benzene U L U U 0.7 ST Trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene U L U U 5 ST Tetrachloroethene U L U U 5 ST 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane U L U U 5 ST Toluene U L U U 5 ST Chlorobenzene U L U U 5 ST Ethylbenzene U L U U 5 ST Xylene (total) U L U U 5 ST' 2-Chloroethylvinylether U L U U ---- Trichlorofluoromethane U L U U 5 ST 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene 1 U U 4.7 ST 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene U U U 5 ST 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 1 U U 4.7 ST Bromotorm ul ul 50 GV QUAUFlERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected ST, Standard B: Compound found in blank as well as s GV: Guidance value ', ----: Not established ' ST': Applies to each Isomer individually :::Exceeds Standards/guidelines not detected during this round or were present at levels well below the NYSDEC standards. Figure 3-3 shows the organic compounds found to exceed the NYSDEC groundwater standards. Additional volatile organic compounds detected on-site that were not present during the previous round include benzene, bromodichloromethane, chloroform, vinyl chloride and 1,2-dichloroethene. Of these, only vinyl chloride, benzene and 1,2-dichloroethene were found to slightly contravene the NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards of 2 ug/1, 5 ug/1 and 0.7 ug/1, respectively. No VOCs (exclusive of methylene chloride) were detected in the three private wells sampled. Benzene, which was not detected during the previous round in any on-site well was present in MW -2S (1.2 ug/1), MW -3S (1.1 ug/1) and MW -5D (1.5 ug/1) at levels slightly exceeding the NYSDEC standard of 0.7 ug/l. The reason for the detection of benzene at these wells is unclear and will be confirmed during future rounds of groundwater sampling. 1,2-Dichloroethene was detected in well MW -6D at a level of 28 ug/l. This compound was not detected during any previous groundwater sampling round. Since 1,2-dichloroethene was not present in any previous sampling events, including the soil samples collected from within the lagoon area upgradient of MW -6D, the presence of this compound cannot be confirmed at this time. The presence of vinyl chloride in monitoring well MW -5D at a concentration of 17 ug/l is considered anomalous since it was undetected during previous sampling rounds and is not present in any wells located upgradient of MW -5D. If this compound was indicative of a plume emanating from the landfill,, it should be present in well clusters MW -2 and MW -3. A possible source of VOCs in MW -5D could be the commercial properties located upgradient of this well and immediately adjacent to the landfill along Cox Lane. These properties include a commercial landscaping company, a cement company and a company which handles refrigeration units. r Therefore, the presence of vinyl chloride at MW -5D will need to be confirmed in subsequent sampling events. r� 3.2.2 Inorganic Samples Results The inorganic constituents detected in groundwater samples are listed in Table 3-3. Iron, manganese, magnesium and sodium were the metals found to exceed New York State 28410/5 1027 3-13 COMPOUND CO —1.2 DCE BENZENE ■ -- — -- --- e 2 ON EP D 1 Y ON EP D D D ION .EP ID ID ID DIRECTORY: C: \1027 FILE NAME: ORGST-01 DATE: R.A. 10/28/92 SCALE: 1=1 DESIGNER: LV.G. 0 400 SCALE IN FEET NOTE ALL RESULTS IN ug/I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Dvi ka ORGANIC COMPOUNDS EXCEEDING CLASS GA andidlO Bartilucci GROUNDWATER STANDARDS IN GROUNDWATER— CONSULTING ENGINEERS JULY 1992 FIGURE 3-3 LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION • MW -6 MONITORING WELL AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS • GW -5 PRIVATE SUPPLr WELL SAtdPLIHG LOCATIONS 1,2 DCE 1.2 DICHLOROETHENE TRANS VC VINYL CHLORIDE BENZENE BENZENE ND NOT DETECTED * PRESENT ABOVE STANDARDS J ESTIMATED VALUE BELOW DETECTION LIMIT NOTE ALL RESULTS IN ug/I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Dvi ka ORGANIC COMPOUNDS EXCEEDING CLASS GA andidlO Bartilucci GROUNDWATER STANDARDS IN GROUNDWATER— CONSULTING ENGINEERS JULY 1992 FIGURE 3-3 standards/guidelines for Class GA groundwater in a number of samples collected during the 1991 and 1992 rounds of sampling. Cyanide was found during the 1992 sampling program at a concentration of 110 ug/l at monitoring well MW -21) which contravenes the NYSDEC standard of 100 ug/l. However, this detection of cyanide may be due to matrix interference and will need to be confirmed. Figure 3-4 illustrates those constituents exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards and includes leachate parameters discussed in Section 3.2.3 of this report. The results obtained during this investigation indicate that the distribution and concentration of metals within the groundwater has, in general, remained consistent with the results obtained during the previous (1991) round of sampling with a few exceptions, which show either increasing or decreasing concentrations of certain inorganic parameters at discrete locations when compared to the 1991 sampling results. Water quality at downgradient well cluster MW -2 is essentially the same; however, the concentration of iron has decreased in well MW -21) (244 ug/1) to below the NYSDEC standard (300 ug/1). The concentration of iron at MW -4S, however, has increased from 79 ug/1 to 636 ug/l. The concentration of sodium in well MW -5S (8,720 ug/1) fell below the NYSDEC standard of 20,000 ug/1. There has also been significant decreases of iron and manganese concentrations at monitoring well -5D, although magnesium and sodium levels have increased. The data also indicates a significant increase in the level of iron in well MW -6D from 758 ug/l to 18,400 ug/1. Iron has decreased sharply in wells MW -7S and MW -7D to levels indicative of background conditions. It is interesting to note that the 1991 round of sampling showed the highest levels of iron at the MW -7 well cluster. Manganese, which exceeded the NYSDEC standard of 300 ug/l in well -7S and MW -71) during the first round of sampling was found in concentrations of 136 ug/l and 34.1 ug/1, respectively. The most significant anomaly is the presence of cyanide exceeding the NYSDEC standard of 100 ug/1 in monitoring well MW -2D (110 ug/1). As mentioned previously, MW -21) has shown a marked decrease in the levels of iron while other parameters remained unchanged. Therefore, the presence of cyanide in well MW -21) may be an isolated occurrence that will be confirmed in future rounds of groundwater sampling. Sampling results for the private wells are also included in Table 3-3 and are compared to results obtained on December 4, 1990, which were obtained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The metals found to contravene standards during this sampling phase were 284ia/5 1027 3-15 TABLE 3-3 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW1S MW1S MW1D MW1D 1 MW2S MW2S MW21) MW21) GA STANDARDS/ 1 7/25/91 7/22/92 7/25/91 7/22/92 7/24/91 7/23/92 7/24/91 7/28/92 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Aluminum 501 1190 612 822 1490 173 146 B 92.7 ---- Antimony U U U U U U U U 3 GV Arsenic U U U U U U U U 25 ST Barium 68 B 51.98 30 B 30.1 B 198 B 180 B 264 219 1000 ST Beryllium U U U U U U U U 3 GV Cadmium U U U U U U U U 10 ST Calcium 11500 6810 22800 15900 7620 153000 106000 112000 ---- Chromium U 11.7 U U U 8.58 U U 50 ST Cobalt U U U U U 13.68 32 B 19.1 B ---- Copper U 10.8 B 12 B 11.8 B 21 B 13.68 U U 200 ST Iron :-.4 .: <28 1; 8s s85ti ; ::3� t > `i?80: 244 300 ST Lead U 3.2 13 8.1 4 U U 3.3 25 ST Magnesium 7740 5260 9220 6910 22000 23300 :7.1400. 35000 GV Manganese 62(D> 32T 243 224 4flQf);. _ a93A> ::9990> `: ij: 300 ST Mercury U U U 0.25 U 0.33 U 0.34 2 ST Nickel U 33.4 B U U U 18B 79 82.2 ---- Potassium 23800 1960 2090 B U 93500 80000 130000 118000 ---- Selenium U U U U U U U U 10 ST Silver U U U U U U U U 50 ST Sodium >:#1:61: : 1630 14600 : TOQQ; : 743�R0Q2pQ89QpQ: 20000 ST Thallium U U U U U U U U 4 GV Vanadium U U U U U U U U ---- Zinc 16 B 33.8 36 35.3 17 B 14.813 17 B 99.7 300 ST Cyanide U U U U U U U 1>1I}: 100 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B: Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but greater than instrument ----: Not established detection limits. : Exceeds standard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. am TABLE 3-3 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW3S MW3S MW3D 1 MW31) MW4S MW4S MW41) MW4D GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/23/92 7/25/91 7/28/92 7/26/91 7/28/92 7/26/91 7/28/92 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) W/O (ug/1) (ug/1) Aluminum 410 348 196 B 269 U 253 300 170 ---- Antimony U U U U U U U U 3 GV Arsenic U U U U U U U U 25 ST Barium 282 210 133 B 125 B U 22.4 B 155 B 133 B 1000 ST Beryllium U U U U U 1.2 U U 3 GV Cadmium U U U U U 5 U U 10 ST Calcium 118000 121000 125000 140000 9080 12700 133000 136000 ---- Chromium U 8.58 U U U 6.9 B U U 50 ST Cobalt U 11.98 77 84.5 U U U U ---- Copper U 11.813 U U U U U U 200 ST Iron:2t:1:Q 539iD ::: TQW 79 B Sa:Q 311 300 ST Lead U U U 5 U U 5 U 25 ST Magnesium 32800 27100 WOW: :04oft 1950 B 2910 B 60.3W.: -WOW 35000 GV Manganese 70 f : 2060Q 235Qf) : °: '.1l t : 40 40.2 :54+' 3' .: 1 t1. 300 ST Mercury U 0.4 U 0.75 U 0.56 U 0.88 2 ST Nickel U 23.9B 36 B 32.2 B U U U 31.6 B ---- Potassium 72500 47700 84000 86600 3330 B 3050 B 53800 44300 ---- Selenium U U U U U U U U 10 ST Silver U U U U U U U U 50 ST Sodium 2400 B 4720 8ZI(;tQt)p:. iQQQ 20000 ST Thallium U U U U U U U U 4 GV Vanadium U U U U U U U U ---- Zinc U 14.48 19 B 58.7 U 12.2 B U 46.9 300 ST Cyanide U 30 U 40 U U U 30 100 ST QUALIFIERS: _ NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B: Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but greater than instrument ----: Not established detection limits. : Exceeds standard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. TABLE 3-3 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS MW5S MW5S MW51) 1 MW51) MW6S MW6S MW6D MW61) GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/28/92 7/25/91 7/27/92 7/24/91 7/24/92 7/24/91 7/24/92 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/I) (ug/1) (ug/1) I (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Aluminum 460 537 319 198 754 255 U 56.9 ---- Antimony U U U U U U U U 3 GV Arsenic U U U U U U U U 25 ST Barium U 14.7 B 58 B 160 B 40 B 123 B 134 B 101 B 1000 ST Beryllium U U U U U U U U 3 GV Cadmium U U U U U U U U 10 ST Calcium U 1490 B 51100 83600 42300 61200 80400 78000 ---- Chromium U U U U U 14.2 U 7.6B 50 ST Cbbalt U U U U U 14 B U 13.68 ---- Copper U U U 22.2 B U 10B U U 200 ST Iron 15: 1.8400' 300 ST Lead 5 3.8 8 5.4 16 U U U 25 ST Magnesium 2160 B 2200 B 28700 74pp: 11100 15400 393AQ8(l4ii: 35000 GV Manganese 110 122 63.2 1 ; .: :3f7Q. I'94QQ. "400 300 ST Mercury U U U 0.30 U 0.69 U U 2 ST Nickel U 18.5 B U 24 B U 35 B 51 32.913 ---- Potassium U U 377 3060 B 42500 37000 44800 38100 ---- Selenium U U U U U U U U 10 ST Silver U U U U U U U U 50 ST Sodium $1 8720 13.1000: 65 .00: J0.5 : 11!#OQQ 09144:. `. 20000 ST Thallium U U U U U U U U 4 GV Vanadium U U U U U 9.2 B U U ---- Zinc U 12.1 B 49 78.9 20 21.2 14 B 23.6 300 ST Cyanide U U U 10 U U U 10 100 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B. Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but greater than instrument ----: Not established detection limits. : Exceeds standard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. TABLE 3-3 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS PW001 PWO02 PWO03 NYSDEC CLASS MW7S MW7S MW7D MW71) GW -8 (GW -8) GW -6 (GW -6) GW -5 (GW -5) GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/23/92 7/26/91 7/22/92 12/4/90 7/24/92 12/4/90 7/24/92 12/4/90 7/24/92 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Aluminum 664 238 8860 258 N/A 63 N/A 32.6 N/A 32.6 ---- Antimony U U U U N/A U N/A U N/A U 3 GV Arsenic U U U U U U U U U U 25 ST Barium 72 B 51.9 B 110B 38.3 B U 20.5 B U 43.7 B U 51.9 B 1000 ST Beryllium U U U U N/A U N/A U N/A U 3 GV Cadmium U U U 6.3 U U U U U 5 10 ST Calcium 15600 14300 10900 9320 U 5270 36500 58900 56600 37000 ---- Chromium U U 21 U U U U U U U 50 ST Cobalt U U U U N/A U N/A U N/A U ---- Copper U U 22 B U U 107 284 -268156 83.2 200 ST Iron 2��8Q6P: 49 <i��lOp:: .:: 55:• U 828):: 280 U:. 250 U 300 ST Lead U U 16 U U U U U U U 25 ST Magnesium 3490 B 3090 B 6270 4680 B U 5320 9140 15100 12400 11300 35000 GV Manganese -45 - 136 '0: 34.1 U 203 U 7 B U 7.2 B 300 ST Mercury U U U 0.34 6 0.39 0.7 0.36 0.8 0.24 2 ST Nickel U U U U U U U 17 B U U ---- Potassium 5310 2800 3920 B U U 4080 B U 7460 U 4320 ---- Selenium U U U U N/A U N/A U N/A U 10 ST Silver U U U U U U U U U U 50 ST Sodium 16600 14200 $$fjOQOQI: .. ..::..... 8670 9870 8730 11900 ,%:1a 8860 20000 ST Thallium U U U U N/A U N/A U :. N/A U 4 GV Vanadium U U 31 B U N/A 10.1 B N/A 6.2 B N/A U ---- Zinc U 19.2 67 33.4 221 35.3 38 50.2 -405. 32.1 300 ST Cyanide U U U U N/A U N/A U N/A U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B: Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but greater than instrument ----: Not established detection limits. : Exceeds standard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. TABLE 3-3 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS INORGANICS NYSDEC CLASS S68916 S68916 S68931 S68931 FB0724 GA STANDARDS/ 12/4/90 7/29/92 12/4/90 7/29/92 7/24/92 GUIDELINES Constituent (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Aluminum N/A 153 N/A 99.4 32.6 ---- Antimony N/A U N/A U U 3 GV Arsenic U U N/A U U 25 ST Barium U 106 B NIA 21.4 B 31.4 B 1000 ST Beryllium N/A U N/A U U 3 GV Cadmium U U N/A 6 U 10 ST Calcium 6830 58400 15000 17800 26400 ---- Chromium 20 U N/A U U 50 ST Cobalt N/A 15 B N/A U U ---- Copper 31 18.6 B N/A U U 200 ST Iron 30 Als: U 300 ST Lead :f4> U N/A 6.7 U 25 ST Magnesium �t4 4Q701? 2100 2050 B 8400 35000 GV Manganese O.... 60 83.5 8.78 300 ST Mercury U N/A U U 2 ST Nickel U U NIA U U ---- Potassium 167000 118000 2500 U U ---- Selenium N/A U N/A U U 10 ST Silver U U N/A U U 50 ST Sodium €$QQ.R.: :: .:.:.::....: -.1 ::....: 3c�340 :..:..:.: 10800 20000 ST Thallium . N/A U N/A U U 4 GV Vanadium N/A U N/A U U ---- Zinc 20 28.8 N/A 96.1 91.1 300 ST Cyanide N/A 40 N/A U U 100 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed for but not detected. ST: Standard B: Value less than contract required GV: Guidance value limits but greater than instrument ----: Not established detection limits. : Exceeds standard/guidelines N/A: Not analyzed. CUKUN U ut)I U.UJO 0:02 IID CHROMIUI.1 0.03 NO PHENOL DIRECTORY: C: \1027 0 400 FILE NAME: INORGSTI DATE: R.A. 10/30/92 SCALE: 1=1 SCALE IN FEET DESIGNER: S.P.B. dbDvirka and INORGANIC BartNluccEERB GROUNDWATER IT OTE ALL RESULTS IN mg/I 4TION DEEP .616 + 131 • Q-010-- 1.02213 ND ND _ Z65 + ND ND ).02 • ATION DEEP 1.6 » 15.4 148 » 0.040 -ND- 24.0 ND_24.0 -1-48-- 297 + 0.696 ND ;ATION DEEP 1.535 + 4.688 0.034 70.5 + ND NO ND -.9-8 80 0.04 0.01 NO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CONSTITUENTS EXCEEDING CLASS GA STANDARDS/GUIDELINES IN GROUNDWATER FIGURE 3-4 LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION 0 MW -6 MONITORING WELL AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS GW -:i PRIVATE SUPPLY WELL SAMPLING LOCATIONS Fe IRON _ M MAGNESIUM _ Mn MANGANESE No SODIUM Cn CYANIDE Cu COPPER AMMOHIA AMMONIA NITROGEN NITRATE NITRATE CHLORIDE CHLORIDE _ BORON BORON CHROMIUM HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM PHENOL PHENOL ND NOT DETECTED B I LESS THEN CRDL BUT GREATER THEN IDL. *I PRESENT ABOVE STANDARDS GUIDELINES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CONSTITUENTS EXCEEDING CLASS GA STANDARDS/GUIDELINES IN GROUNDWATER FIGURE 3-4 iron and copper. Iron was found in private well PW001 (GW -8) at a concentration of 8,210 ug/l. Previous results did not indicate the presence of this metal. Copper was found in private well PW002 (GW -6) at a concentration of 268 ug/1 and was detected previously at a similar concentration of 284 ug/l. Sodium and zinc were detected above NYSDEC standards in well PW003 (GW -5) during previous rounds of sampling but were well below the standard during this round. These elevated metal levels may be attributable to piping in the residences and are not related to contaminants detected at the landfill. MORTMM . ..`.II .q.' Leachate parameters found to contravene NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards as part of this investigation include ammonia, chloride and phenol. These constituents were also found during the July 1991 sampling round. In addition, hexavalent chromium and boron were found in isolated samples during this part of the investigation. The sample results are presented in Table 3-4. Leachate parameters exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards were included in Figure 3-4. Phenol, found to contravene NYSDEC standards in all wells sampled in July 1991 was undetected in wells MW -1S, MW -ID, MW -5S, MW -6D, MW -7S, MW -7D and 5-68831. Phenol was found in the remaining wells at concentrations which do not exceed the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) drinking water standard of 0.050 mg/l. This indicates a possible trend toward decreasing concentrations of phenol throughout the site. Ammonia was found to exceed NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards of 2 mg/1 at monitoring wells MW -2S, MW -2D, MW -3S, MW -3D, MW -4D, MW -6S and MW -6D. The results are consistent with previous findings. Ammonia was undetected in downgradient wells MW -4S, MW -5S and MW -5D, indicating an attenuation of the plume as it moves off-site. Chloride, although not toxic, is a good leachate indicator since its presence corresponds closely with areas of elevated metal concentrations, as well as elevated ammonia concentrations. Chloride concentrations are generally unchanged since the last sampling round, although the concentration increased from 115 mg/I to 265 mg/1 in downgradient well MW -5D. Although this may indicate a strengthening of the plume downgradient of the landfill in the area of this well, decreasing concentrations of iron and manganese make this unclear. 28410/9 1027 3-22 TABLE 3-4 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS NYSDEC CLASS MW1S MW1S MW11) MW1D MW2S I MW2S MW213 MW2D MW3S MW3S MW3D MW3D MW4S MW4S GA STANDARDS/ 7/25/91 7/22/92 7/25/91 7/22/9 7/24/9117/23/92 7/24/91 7/28/92 7/25/91 7/23/92 7/25/91 7/28/92 7/26/91 7/28/92 GUIDELINES Color, Pt/Co. 10 <10 10 20 50 150 75 40 75 40 50 20 10 <10 ---- Turbidity, N.T.U. 255 3760 26 60 244 400 17.5 8 1820 1050 75 15 700 620 ---- Results in mg/I: Alkalinity 13 9 46 40 689 932 192 790 682 666 707 624 6 16 ---- Ammonia Nitrogen 0.17 U 0.09 U $7'.. t3$ Q; 96 .:$ 3 ..•:: 2 i.9[t<. U <0.05 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 U U U 3 8 U 40 6 6 U 21 U U ---- Chloride 26 34 24 19 133 216 33 $; 28� 239 21'4. 25 10 250 ST Chemical Oxygen Demand 7 83 U 16 189 188 143 129 170 193 92 74 104 51 ---- Hardness 26 232 100 148 390 408 620 720 530 452 640 684 32 64 ---- Hexavalent Chromium N/A 0.03 N/A 0.02 N/A U N/A U NIA U N/A U N/A U 0.05 ST Nitrate 0.15 1.05 1.69 2.04 0.34 0.10 U 12.7 0.89 0.67 U 1.48 0.64 2.14 10 ST Phenol f),A: ; U O.Q/4 U 020:< ::QQ9:: Q,020:::QQ:: O:AA U 0.001 ST Sulfate 20 22 56 41 77 85 71 63 56 28 78 88 25 23 250 ST Total Dissolved Solids N/A 186 N/A 216 N/A 1400 N/A 1514 N/A 1135 N/A 1205 N/A 99 ---- Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.40 1.18 2.69 1.99 100 74.3 90 60.2 46.1 29.7 30.4 27.4 1.18 2.14 ---- Total Organic Carbon 9.1 3.19 7.4 2.1 2.25 55.6 253 40.4 233 36.5 192 19 4 2.4 ---- Boron U 0.067 U 0.058 U 0.797 0.938 DQ2!¢: 0.614 0.692 0.626 0.696 U 0.143 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detected ST: Standard N/A: Not analyzed GV. Guidance value ----: Not established. : Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance value. TABLE 3-4 (CONT -D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS NYSDEC CLASS MW413 MW4D I MW5S MW5S MW51) MW513 MW6S MW6S MW613 MW61) MW7S- MW7S MW713 MW713 GA STANDARDS/ 7/26/91 7/28/92 7/25/91 7/28/92 7/25/91 7/27/92 7/24/91 7/24/92 7/24/91 7/24/92 7/25/91 7/23/92 7/26/91 7/22/92 GUIDELINES Color, Pt/Co. 125 20 15 20 15 40 35 40 50 10 15 40 250 <10 ---- Turbidity, N.T.U. 24 32 495 210 13.5 16 113 180 3.8 280 154 620 516 10 ---- Results in mg/I: Alkalinity 546 522 8 12 230 426 267 320 401 434 46 33 60 38 ---- Ammonia Nitrogen 4 ' :#<t: U U U U 0.15 0.25 0.10 U 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand U 7 U U 353 U U 3 5 8 U 7 U U ---- Chloride 2$Q: ;? $:. 14 11 115 2% 42 49 150 160 13 18 74 80 250 ST Chemical Oxygen Demand 93 74 24 16 492 65 41 79 41 60 U 60 32 20 ---- Hardness 650 618 16 28 290 586 160 228 396 480 78 228 50 80 ---- Hexavalent Chromium N/A U N/A U N/A U N/A U N/A 0.02 N/A 0.06 N/A 0.01 0.05 ST Nitrate 0.91 0.71 U 0.04 0.21 U 0.13 U 0.05 U 1.39 0.75 14: 9.80 10 ST Phenol Q A3Q::'... A Q2Q ' U Q:Q3Q : :. Q;Q2:. 40 Q :: ;Q Q1; 0; U Q.f12U.. U OA>tA>` U 0.001 ST Sulfate 153 179 11 12 70 78 128 121 157 156 26 51 49 29 250 ST Total Dissolved Solids N/A 1260 NIA 82 N/A 1076 N/A 635 N/A 981 N/A 173 N/A 358 ---- Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 37.8 35.3 0.23 0.07 1.18 0.59 13.15 10.1 21.6 19.7 1.56 1.00 12.7 9.52 ---- Total Organic Carbon 135 1.3 2.2 26.8 149 1.3 92.6 20.4 78.6 9.9 48.6 3.19 12.9 1.73 ---- Boron 0.617 U U 0.534 0.221 U 0.159 0.252 0.393 0.326 U 0.099 U 0.04 1 ST QUALIFIERS: NOTES: U: Analyzed but not detected ST: Standard N/A: Not Analyzed. GV: Guidance value ----: Not established. : Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance value. TABLE 3-4 (CONT°D) SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LEACHATE PARAMETERS QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed but not detected N/A: Not analyzed. NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value ----: Not established. Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance va PW001 (GW -8) PWO02 (GW -6) PWO03 (GW -5) S-68916 S-68831 FIELD BLK NYSDEC CLASS GA STANDARDS/ GUIDELINES 7/24/92 7/24/92 7/24/92 7/29/92 7/29/92 7/24/92 Color, Pt/Co. 20 <10 <10 80 20 <10 ---- Turbidity, N.T.U. 153 0.27 0.30 53 9.2 0.50 ---- Results in mg/I: Alkalinity - 36 10 14 718 122 31 ---- Ammonia Nitrogen 0.59 U 0.06; 0.67 U 2 ST Biochemical Oxygen Demand 6 U U 107 8 U ---- Chloride 14 48 31 212 13 14 250 ST Chemical Oxygen Demand 16 24 16 177 33 U ---- Hardness 220 264 140 402 64 84 ---- Hexavalent Chromium U U U U €U9: U 0.05 ST Nitrate 1.32 `iQ; 8.49 1.12 U 5.31 10 ST Phenol U U U b.,U U 0.001 ST Sulfate 16 92 75 77 7 47 250 ST Total Dissolved Solids 108 477 337 1007 158 U ---- Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 2.15 8.30 7.73 93.9 0.82 5.47 ---- Total Organic Carbon U U U 25 5.4 U ---- Boron 0.087 1 1 0.104 0.163 0.590 0.077 0.007 1 ST QUALIFIERS: U: Analyzed but not detected N/A: Not analyzed. NOTES: ST: Standard GV: Guidance value ----: Not established. Value exceeds allowable standard/guidance va Hexavalent chromium was found in well MW -7S at a level of 0.06 mg/l and in well S-68831 at a concentration of 0.09 mg/l, which slightly exceeds the NYSDEC standard of 0.05 mg/l. Hexavalent chromium was not analyzed in previous rounds of sampling. Whether these are isolated occurrences will be determined in subsequent groundwater sampling events. Boron slightly exceeded the NYSDEC standard of 1 mg/1 in monitoring well MW -2D, where it was found at a concentration of 1.024 mg/l. This is consistent with the previous sampling event where it was found at a concentration of 0.938 mg/l. Boron was undetected in downgradient wells MW -4D and MW -5D, but was detected in well MW -5S at a concentration of 0.534 mg/l. Nitrate was found to slightly exceed the NYSDEC standard of 10 mg/1 in private well PWO02 (GW -6), where it was detected at a concentration of 10.5 mg/l. Since nitrate was not found to be present at elevated levels in any wells located upgradient of this location, the presence of nitrate in the sample cannot be attributed to the landfill. 28410/5 1027 3-26 Section 4 4.0 CONCLUSIONS In general, the analytical results obtained for the initial phase of the long-term monitoring program conducted in July 1992, are consistent with those collected one year earlier in July 1991 and presented in the Part 360 and Phase H Hydrogeologic Report dated October 1991. The presence of vinyl chloride, benzene and 1,2 dichloroethene at levels slightly exceeding the NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards will be addressed further as part of -the long-term monitoring program. Further rounds of groundwater sampling are necessary to identify any possible long-term trends which cannot be established based on two sets of analytical data. VOCs were not detected in any downgradient private water supply wells sampled as part of this investigation. Aside from the anomalous presence of cyanide in well MW -21), the general distribution and concentration of metals throughout the site has not changed significantly when compared to the July 1991 sampling event. Cyanide in well MW -21), if present, will be confirmed in future rounds of groundwater sampling. Metals detected above the NYSDEC Class GA groundwater standards in private wells sampled as part of the 1992 investigation include iron, copper and sodium. Copper was not found in elevated concentrations in the landfill monitoring wells. Therefore, the elevated levels of metals in the private water supply well samples are not attributable to the landfill. The source of copper in the private water supply samples could be from copper piping. The leachate parameter sample results obtained as part of this investigation, were generally similar to those obtained during the July 1991 sampling round. However, concentrations of phenol have shown a marked decrease in concentrations throughout the site. Hexavalent chromium, which was not analyzed for in the previous round, was detected at levels slightly exceeding the NYSDEC standard of 0.05 mg/l in wells MW -7S (0.06 mg/1) and S-68831 (0.09 mg/1). Whether these are isolated occurrences will be determined in subsequent sampling events. The only routine parameter to exceed NYSDEC standards in the private wells was nitrate, which was found in well GW -6 at a concentration of 10.5 mg/1. On-site nitrate levels were significantly below NYSDEC standards, indicating no impact from the landfill. The likely source of this nitrate contamination could be fertilizers or on-site sewage disposal. 310960/3 1027 4®1 In summary, the groundwater quality at the Southold Landfill has not been significantly impacted by the landfill and has not changed significantly, and there has been no apparent impact on private water supply wells downgradient from the landfill. M60/3 1027 4-2 Secti®n 5 The results of the 1992 Groundwater Quality Assessment Report generally confirm the findings of the Part 360/Phase H Hydrogeologic Report, as well as previous investigations. The findings indicate that a weak plume is emanating from the landfill but is limited in that the plume has not caused any observable impacts to nearby downgradient water quality in off-site private water supply wells. The 16 on-site monitoring wells, in addition to the downgradient private water wells, provide an adequate and comprehensive monitoring network. Therefore, continued, long-term sampling of the monitoring network is recommended to fulfill the Part 360 landfill operation, closure and expansion requirements. The Part 360 requirements call for all environmental monitoring points not previously sampled to be analyzed for two rounds of sampling. The first round of sampling as part of the Part 360/Phase III Hydrogeologic Investigation was performed for baseline parameters. The sampling program, which is the subject of this report, comprises the first round of sampling as part of the long-term monitoring plan, and was also performed for baseline parameters. The existing data base for these two rounds of baseline sampling is considered sufficient so that the next round of sampling will be performed for select routine parameters as described in Section 6.0 of the Part 360/Phase II Hydrogeologic Report. Since the 1992 round of sampling showed elevated levels of contaminants not previously detected, it is recommended that the list of selected routine parameters be modified to include those compounds not previously detected at levels exceeding NYSDEC groundwater standards. Further modifications may be made for this list based on future groundwater sampling results. It is recommended that the sampling frequency of the long-term monitoring parameters be. semiannually, with one sampling event being for baseline parameters and one for modified routine parameters on an alternating basis. All subsequent rounds of sampling are primarily designed to confirm the results of previous rounds of sampling, as well as to establish trends related to groundwater quality. Sampling parameters for both the July 1992 round of sampling and the recommended modified routine parameter list for subsequent rounds of sampling are included in Table 5-1. 31310/2 1027 5-1 Table 5-1 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM BASELINE AND ROUTINE PARAMETERS TO BE ANALYZED AS PART OF OPERATION AND CLOSURE MONITORING PLAN Baseline Modified Routine Parameters to be Analy (1) (My 1992)* ganm= 1993)(2) I. Field Parameters Static Water Levels X X Specific Conductance X X Temperature X X Floaters or Sinkers(3) X pH X X Eh X X Field Observations(4) X X 2. Leachate Indicators Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) X Ammonia X X Nitrate X X Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) X Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) X Total Organic Carbon (TOC) X Sulfate X Alkalinity X Phenols X O Chloride X X Total Hardness (as CaCO3) X Turbidity X X Color X Boron X O I Metals Potassium X Sodium X X Iron X X Manganese X X Magnesium X X Lead X ' - - Cadmium X Aluminum X Calcium X 31310/2 1027 5-2 Table 5-1 (1) All samples must be whole and unfiltered, except as otherwise specified by NYSDEC. (2) Modified list subject to change based on future sampling results. (3) Any floaters or sinkers found must be analyzed separately for baseline parameters. (4) Any unusual conditions (colors, odors, surface sheens, etc.) noticed during well development, purging or sampling must be reported. (5) Volatile organics are to be analyzed using EPA Methods 601/602. X Targeted parameter as per the October 1991 Hydrogeologic Investigation Report. O Additional targeted parameter based on data obtained from the July 1992 round of groundwater sampling. *Not all parameters in Part 373-2, Appendix 33 are analyzed under TCL+30. 31310/2 1027 5-3 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM BASELINE AND ROUTINE PARAMEMERS TO BE ANALYZED AS PART OF OPERATION AND CLOSURE MONITORING PLAN Baseline Modified Routine Parameters to be AnalyzW(l) iJ y 1992)* (J=,= 1993)(2) Toxic Metals Antimony X Arsenic X Beryllium X Barium X Cadmium X Chromium (total) X Chromium - Hexavalent O Copper X O Lead X Mercury X Nickel X Selenium X Silver X Thallium X Zinc X Cyanide X O 4. Volatile Organics(5) X X (1) All samples must be whole and unfiltered, except as otherwise specified by NYSDEC. (2) Modified list subject to change based on future sampling results. (3) Any floaters or sinkers found must be analyzed separately for baseline parameters. (4) Any unusual conditions (colors, odors, surface sheens, etc.) noticed during well development, purging or sampling must be reported. (5) Volatile organics are to be analyzed using EPA Methods 601/602. X Targeted parameter as per the October 1991 Hydrogeologic Investigation Report. O Additional targeted parameter based on data obtained from the July 1992 round of groundwater sampling. *Not all parameters in Part 373-2, Appendix 33 are analyzed under TCL+30. 31310/2 1027 5-3 V xipueddd 3095011 1027 J J 3099®/1 1027 ®VIRKA AND ND BARMUCC, DAJILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT ReporT Number: Project Number: i L Date: Field Log Book Page Number: Project: S ��r- OQD L,,� Address: ei4 06 uS /V e Weather: (AM) `� J W I Rainfall: (AM) Inches (PM): s J "✓u / (PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) -,r OF Wind Speed: (AM) 0S MPH Wind Direction: ( AM) LfA�L— (PM) OF (PM) MPH TM) Site Condition: G-467 Arrival Departure Personnel On Site: N= L= L4 /� rLa2M� ,� Ili V 3 zi ®� C,"A/ L) [ 041-7 �e �Ri4v� Sv oss,� �a I' Subcontractor Work Cornrnencernent: (AM) — (PM) Subcontractor Work ComVietion: (AM) (PM) dbOV1RKA AND BARnLUCCI DATE. V S S DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work performed today by D&B: L.4Cs fz Dv.OM,*,4/ i.� �� LO ,.r.. � / z � � %/4 %'r20r� S , 7d S14%y� ))Ee4 4.1 �)z ✓' C L Lis /-Ax h R C/0 B rc %� cKti•7 �� �F1�✓1/L�%/� i2d _ l�hN a L / a c �/ kh- List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): Verbal comments received from subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and recommendataio ting action): IDMI DJ ;G`` 7 0'V1RKA AND ND ®ART LUCC, DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT ' Report Number: Project Number: � ®'?7 Date: luL. Field Log Book Page Number: Project: s J� :address: � J G N-0 � U k X Weather: (AM) +' � `y �- Lo Rainfall: (AM) Inches (PM): S ��Nu (PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) L�° F Wind Speed: (AM) IZAA MPH ' Wind Diiecdon: (AM) (PM) F (PND MPH (PM) i Site Condition: ` Arrival Departure Personnel On Site: via Subcontractor Work Commencement: ( (PM) Subcontractor Work Completion: (AM) (PM) K� dEa DVIRKA AND BARiILUCCi DATE: General work performed today by D&B: �J,4%,fe 4Rv4 LS W A t_.L 1-A' UU KLCz i`1219 uA-c,> t,✓ ly'ti L4— C L �s:.r� e / Ti�.4 �� ,� ] � ,) l✓t c L S G �' 9r List speck inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): �i�y,v7 hlATe3 A S�/I c.< � ��� �: �L•ic? � ��•-� �% w / S W hi.2lC ,y0i LLgeTa,�j —.Q,r; �J �c l / /'-',D /7(4/ /3&WvSd 0 I VIA, t� 7-23 -gam r� List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): Verbal comments received from subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and recommendati ting action): DB-DFAR dbDVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: I0 Date: Field Log Book Page Number: Project:u Address: - CJ; c4-yav:r A) Weather: (AM)fyMLA`- ;— - S�a��/x Rainfall: (AM) S X425 Inches (PM): 2 (PM) ¢ v Inches Temperature: (AM) °F Wind Speed: (AM) _ NIPH Wind Direction: (AM) (PM) �-� OF (PM) MPH (PM) Site Condition: �'� L --w(? ✓11'7 Arrival Departure Personnel On Site: Name Time Time T" A4 9r C40 ' Subcontractor Work Commencement: ^� Subcontractor Work Completion: DB-DFAR (AK �— (PM) (AM) `�` (PM) -� dbcDVIRKA AND BARMUCCi DATE. 7 - --� 3 - � ; DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work performed today by D&B:�i'-�o��.,�� wV47'u y-< /'70 �IA 1 a ` d.1 .a( L4..),t LiC //TSAR i.. List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): c�CoI )N1 W 47_ a� 7Ae�9 e �C �%1I�L LyCf%4,� �i�V� / -7 N1 s�; �s U,,� �.� �'-� � � S �"I �✓— � S �-a,,� �`i c� is tAfh 2 V n C V'.1 s 2A n A, L% a �.4� u,v7 w.¢T,r� �►e��r /�2 �"lliiaC.S ,�,v� 6yk wed List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): Verbal comments received from subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and recommendationsfresulting action): DB-DFAR bDVIRKA BARTILUCCI AND I DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: `� Project Number: CO2 :2 Date: 6/1- -� Field Log Book Page Number: r Project: �O V i 4vL—o Address: �� i GI -GOC, 4 /V L� Weather: (AM) Sv-J�� Rainfall: (AM) Inches (PM): g.J • (PM) Inches 0 Temperature: (AM) of Wind Speed: (AM) � MPH Wind Direction: (AM) (M) F (PM) MPH (PM) Site Condition: C�2 Arrival Departure Personnel On Site: /Name Time Time Lis_ �.��y''i Ami Subcontractor Work Commencement: (AM) _ (PM) ' Subcontractor Work Completion: (AM) (PM) DB-DFAR dbc®V1RKA AND BARMLUCCI DATE: N,, . I 1 r General work performed today by D&B: � ,�v,,�� W.4%9/1 5 Sd2�S l v d �StS �'o C.C.Oci�.7 �/-�� T. �/r 1V Fog �� Co.vi1�� fit v,✓,�F�S ���, F�r,•� �ve.,� List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): LL« L s Tv `_ sV-���� a4MJ I wai®Q - iAme -; byAAr ?oti 44rA 50,4,0cl•s �C'41 f} F1 A Q /� SNC w9S CV L-L.FL1.oii FAI17 7.0 J G�.�DF�S �, /-7o ' C �j List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): Verbal comments received from subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and recommendations/resulting action): • DVIRKA dbAND BARTILUCCI DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: /Via : Date: U L. Field Log Book Page Number: Project: SO Address: Weather: (AM) - N&A (14 S' Rainfall: (AM) Inches ' (PM): AvaI\.(PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) 0 °F Wind Speed: (AM) MPH Wind Direction: (AM) PM () 'F (PM) V10V MPH (PM) Site Condition: Arrival Departure Personnel On Site: Name filiation Time Time Subcontractor Worm Commencement: (AM) Subcontractor Work Completion: DB-DFAR (PM) (AK (PM) bBARTO VIRKA ILUCCI AND DATE: / / e DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work p/erfor,m�ed today by D&B: CoArj'j'V']k�,�y� List specific inspections) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): '4/ L/L /-"L.) 5--s ilZ. )f9l" C /D Co List type and location of tests performed and results (include equipment used and monitoring results): Verbal comments received frmn subcontractor (include construction and testing problems, and recommendation*ivsulting action): Reviewed by: 0 bD VIRKA BARTILUCCI AND DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: '� Date: Field Log Book Page Number: Project: V i-) I--, L Address: ktl Weather: (AM) �i Rainfall: (AM) Inches (PM): (PM) Inches Temperature: (AM) �2 °F (PM) ��-- °F Site Condition: Wind Speed: (AM) MPH Wind Direction: (AM) (PNO (PM) �. Personnel On Site: NameAffiliation Arrival Departure U= Time ,1�n —C% �oE><AA /� 30 3 '� D Subcontractor Wodc Commencement: (AM) TM) Subcontractor Work Completion: (AM) TM) ------- DB-DFAR Ajl�, ®V1RKA qLa AND BARi1LUCCi DATE: DALLY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT General work performed today by D&B: 6AC .rr v C.0 L li'i ] / /L��ir7 � /moi /i � .. `9 is r �� 1 � � / • List specific inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): List tyPe and location of tests performed • • i• • • • • S boDVIRKA AND BARMUCCI I DAILY FIELD ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number: Project Number: Z0 2 :1 Date: Field Log Book Page Number: 3 Project: 5,0,J �Q h IQs c (— Address: Address: - c ±QG,ji Weather: (AM) Rainfall: (AM) inches (PM): ✓A,1^/; (PM) inches Temperature: (AM) OF wind Speed: (AM) — MPH Wind Direction: (AM) �— TM) °F (PMO MPH (PM) Site Condition: 22&> Arrival Departure Personnel On Site: lime Time -- Subcontractor Work Commencement: (AM) TM) Subcontractor Work Completion: (AM) (PM) jll� OVIRKA ULCI)AND BARTILUCCI DATE: L, 1 1 1 0. ,41 General work performed today by D&B:L ' 4,o 3 i� S List speck inspection(s) performed and results (include problems and corrective actions): List type . locationand results (include equipment used and monitoring results): 309513/1 1027 . zA", 'O'AL ANAL r'•CAi SEav�CES apa • SAFE cyw,ar tiME'vr `i,/�1A/ n test envy ron ment .,. v a� CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Page / of�_ SHIP TO Nytest Environmental Inc REPORT TO Client NameIle k;'T t` Ep.� 60 Seaview Blvd Address_ DC7 r1 'L1 E- Port Washington, NY 11050 15161 625-5500 Phone Attn "/1 I t,� ) ,�� Attn. �'�� T–I; //1-)—A-%�`7-4-: ---FProject N.o- Pr ect Name Date Shipped Carrier /;/,C- - Sampler iSignature) Analytical Protocol Air Bill No Cooler No Sample I.D Date/Time Sampled Sample Description No. Of Con- tainers ANALYSIS REQUESTED ✓-/,A n -rK I p 3L 41J - - !aC C Rish�y,by (Signature) u qu'- �� Oat@ / Time 4 11,431 Ree U. By (Signature) Oats ! Time PrinirN___ame / c -T- /A 5,40,r- AA Pant Name Relinquished by (Signature) Oats / Time Redd. by (Signaturc) Date / Time Print Name Print Name Relinquished by ISignature) Oat@ / Time Received for Laboratory by ISignature) Oats / Time Pant Name Print Name Special Instructions/Comments D-6 0)n I c'/1 !c L,,j 47/CO. C7'( f�C,��1�Z a7�/4 Client Retains Yellow Copy Only 4A0 F '0 'A, ANAI "ICAI SEQVICES AOQ A $AGE ENVA(,NME"�� A ej ntest env nmentaI r.0 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD �- Page—of- SHIP age ofSHIP TO Nytest Environmental Inc REPORT TO Client Name ` 60 Seav ew Blvd Address ` Port Washington, NY 11050 15161625.5500 Phone — '• Attn t Attn. Project No Project Name Sampler (SLanaturaa_-Analytical Protocol Date Shipped Air•Bill No Carrier Cooler No Sample D. Date/Time Sampled Sample Description No. Of Con- tainers ANALYSIS REQUESTED o IS 62r t. IT Releaga.sned by (S.gMR .yam • � � �_: 7 ! '� Oat• / Time Rec d. By (Signature) Date / Time Pant Name ® Pant Name Relinquished by IS.gnature) oat* / Time Rec d. by(S. gnawre) Date/ rur» Pant Name Pant Nana Relinquished by Mgnatural Date ! Time Received for Laboratory by (Signature) Date / Time Print Name Print Name Special I nstructions/Comments I Client Retains Yellow Copy Only • envir.0 rA1 ANAL Ir1CAL SEQVICES =CA A SAFE E4 v,ACNMENr n test zJ =ii y al r'C CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD _ Page of SHIP TO Nytest Environmental Inc. REPORT TO ClientName 60 Seav ew Blvd Address - — - Port Washington, NY 11050 1 (516) 625-5500 Attn _f — t Phone Attn. Project No Project Name _ Date Shipped Carrier $ampler (Signature) Analytical Protocol Air Bill No Cooler No Sample 1.0 Date/Time Sampled Sample Description No. Of tamers ANALYSIS REQUESTED Y! �/ A 7 17 Z L7 Z R�m metl be ISignaturel ��' '7' �+ Date Time u� Ree d. 8v (Signature) Date ! Time PLInj warnif � =-z ' , I Print Name ReGnquiehao by IS.gnaturef - Date Time Rec d. bV (Signature) Date ! Time Print Name Print Name Refincimisned by ISignatural Date ! Time Received for Laboratory by (Signature) Date ! Time Print Name Print Name Special I nstructions/Comments r • Client Retains Yellow Copy Only IIIW • 'OTAL ANAL enCAL SERVICES ;,JR A SA:E ENV,R(GN1IENr n test environment y al CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SHIP TO Nytest Environmentar Mc REPORT TO 60 Seaview Blvd Port Washington, NY 11050 (516) 6?5 5500 Attn -r, Page I of Client Name Address- �� t f Phone tr `vt '.y ;, Project No. _ Project Name rt L Date Shipped e. Carrier Samplef (Signature) Analytical Protocol Air Bill No Cooler No Sample I D �t — �'�— ,. Date/Time Sampled ~;. f 13SI Sample Description � No Of Con- tainers � ANALYSIS REQUESTED .I��SE� I�• � �-r f< <, n�� r-�;c ��r .".�- - �. e 135 ;�- ...r �. �� . �-:r. � -1-�� �� ►1�1� . ;�: X03 r - �� 7A log{ Relinquisned by 1Signaturel - eta r rime r Fix d. 9y (Signature) Dan I Time Print Name Pant Name Relinquished by ISignature) Date / rime Rec d. by (Signature) Date ! rime Print Name Print Name Relinquished by (Signature) Date r Time Received for Laboratory by (Signature) Dan / Time Print Name Print Name Special Instructions/Comments p 7CY - tn'r�=— v J717an-ao4iiA,14l:Z Client Retains Yellow Copy Only •� 'Orel a,vat rrrCAC SERVICES;00 a SAFE environment cy�ra(,ro,wEnr Am n test y al CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Page of SHIP TO Nytest Envtronmen al Inc. REPORT TO Client Name.- 60 ame• 60 Seavfew Blvd Addres i '' = Port Washington, NY 11050 1516) 625.5500 Phon%•o e y "a,�� r Attn. RC 9 6 /.CJ 7 7) F i j Pro ect No. �- P olect Name D�?]tu� � �A A)b F/ 11 Date hipped Carrier Sart}pl�S�gnaturel i ✓fit' C�Lc� Analytical Protocol Air Bill No Cooler No. Sample I D Date/Time Sampled Sample Description Co - tamers ANALYSIS REQUESTED SA L),J :P,4,q y'y7 :F QRS M 1 RaLwau's v tSignature) �Tfs^' ite%%% / TTTim`e § ),�+y}� Rec U. By (Signature) Date / T me I' / Print Name R*linquisned by tS.gnature) Date / Time Ree d by tSignature) nate / Time Print Name Print Name Relinqursned by (Signature) Oate / Time Received for Laboratory by IS.gnature) s Oat* I Time Print Name Pant Name Special Instructions/Comments Client Retains Yellow Copy Only rr rA1 AN ,rICAL SERVICES %OR A SAFE ENVIAC-NMENr A"jn fest environ �w y mentalnc CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SHIP TO Nytest Environmental Inc REPORT TO 60 Seaview Blvd Port Washington, NY 11050 (516) 625-5500 i Attn i2-- ' ;• r 14J Page I/ of� Client Namer.�� K� •1= f`�,C+(1-r–? / (fin 1 Address CO F ("x— Phone Attn. Project.No_ — `1 7 Project Name SGtJZ Date Shipped Carrier Sampler (Signature) Analytical Protocol 7) Air Bill No Cooler No Sample I D. Date/Time Sampled Sample Description No. Of Con- tainers ANALYSIS REQUESTED Rehne d b� 4gnature) -- Pr( t / Date ! Time 0 Qtd-0� /Time Rec d. BY (Signature) m Date / Tie Print Name Relmtiuisned by I ignaturel ate / Rec'd. by (Signaturel Date / Time Print Name Print Name R@linpuisned by (Signature) Oat@ ! Time Rece fpl �r A" (Signature) oG� Date ! Time ^� Print Name P Print Name Sco -rr wiiS X Special I nstructions/Comments Client Retains Yellow Copy Only 30950/1 1027 hoDVIRKA AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD I3A121IL1fCCI SITE �0yi 1A0 L-;) 4--qze/ /-"/ L - L- / SAMPLE CREW&) f1�/Z+ /f 0f',VF,,1J�� SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. 6 FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER S (� // DATE TIME /-0 4z0 WEATHER TEMPERATURE J,S y� SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATTIUSIMEAM SOIL SEDIIdENT WELL INFORMATION (fall out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER 4 �- 2 MEASUREMENT METHOD ��4,fllwL DOYM OF WELL / 0 3 • L MEASUREMENT METHOD k—IJ /A !/if VOLUME REMOVED /00 6 LLLyti S REMOVAL METHOD FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR a �"P pHy. �— 5 ODOR TEMPERATURE (PK/k. r ' � SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (umhosidn) 0 OTHER (OVA, Methane meter. etc.) /0 / � 11^0 CONSTITUENTS SAWL D. aA'r,4- Z -1,11A r�� WELL. CASING VOLUMES GAIIPT 1.1/4" a 0.077 2" = 0.16 3" = 0.37 4" 0.63 1-vr a 0.10 2.1/2" s 0.24 3-1/2" a 030 6" a 1.46 SIR D VTR KA 0 AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARTMUCCI / S PIE S'o—,�EL G, a ,✓1,C c� L SAMPLE CREW O /' SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. G 3 / FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER DATE TngE WEATHER S TEMPERATURE 7s v SAMPLE TYPE: / GROUNDWATER ✓/ SEDIMENT SURFACE WA Bei WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e.. septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER 7 ZS , � MEASUREMENT ME HOD W AT A- � ✓X L—�� i Cq )�j C DEPTH OF WELL 0 ® MEASUREMENT METHOD W -A 4e Ih v, VOLUME REMOVED 3 1 J 9t a LLo,6& REMOVAL METHOD V &, a.$ 1a COLOR a, PH � / � ODOR T MWrERATURE con /7. ;� Q, spE imc CONDUCTANCE (umhw/an) a ' L OTHER (OVA, Methane meter, etc.) 2 , ;L' I A'r —[ y :,-sAl ! ols WILL CASWG VOLUMES GALfFT 1-V4" ■ 0.077 2" s 0.14 3" s 0J7 4" s 0.65 1-112" s 0.19 2-1/2" a 0.24 3•V2" s SM f" s 1.46 WEI bBARTDVIRKA lLUCCI AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD l S ITE 'r i� Z /� nJ ��–L SAADLE CREW SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER %1 W —C� DATE I C! -rte¢ �' WEATHER �rJ ,(/,v l TEMPERATURE SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATER/STREAM SOIL SEDII4ENT WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER 39 G S MEASUREMENT METHOD U% -m LL UA DEPTH OF WELL �3 . vZ MEASUREMENTMETHOD L✓/�•C,%'tet VOLUME REMOVED L(.0vS REMOVAL METHOD FIII..D TEST RESULTS: COLOR Sad al tiJ pH 47 :2 �2 ODOR TEMPERATURE,fffrS. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (tunhos/an) OTHER (OVA, Methane meter, etc.) 7 � ag ka (J CONSITIVENTS SAMPLED: 3 � S L/ WM,L CASING VOLUMES GAL/FT 1-1/4" : 0.079 2" = 0.16 3" = 0.37 4" = 0.63 1-1/2" : 0.10 2-1/2" = 0.24 3.1/2" a 030 f" s 1.46 bD VIRKA BARTILUCCI AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD SITE > D Uf1 SAMPLE CREW �F✓ G SAMPLE LOCATION/WEL.LNO. r FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER (5 LLi DATE TDAE I WEATHER �✓titin TEMPERATURE - v SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WA SOIL U"// WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER R (Describe, i.e.. septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER L b MEASUREMENT METHOD kJh l49. DEPTH OF WELL / MEASUREMENT METHOD hL—& 4,4ue L VOLUME REMOVED G gLLp-✓S REMOVAL METHOD, `-' l dA1;;VV-S 40/LF D FIELD TEST RESULTS: i • s' i J pH ODOR TEMPERATURE (°F) /� - ® C- SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (amboakm) 21 R -7 OTHER (OVA. Methane meter, etc.) REMARKS: WNL CASING VOL LM S GALJPT 1-1/4" = 0.077 2" a 0.16 3" = 031 4" = 0.45 1-1/2" : 0.16 2-1/2" a 0.24 3.1/2" a 0.50 4" a 1.44 SIR DVIRKA AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD O BARTILUCCI S TTE SAMPLE CREWC-14f&2�15O/A�r�,41L SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER /l'J L(J (�t� DATE TII,fE WEATHER l�Al A/ TEMPERATURE S v SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER L// SEDIMENT SURFACE WATTAISTREAM AIR SOIL WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): OTHER (Describe, i.e.. septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER 3 . MEASUREMENT METHOD 4D 1, h v4 L ncv>tT nz 'CLrCT T �.41 , MRAQTTRRMRW ML'TNOD A4-7'40?` 1511,4 ( VOLUME REMOVED D . D Ca Llo,A REMOVAL METHOD / J�t *iC FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR 1 Jew A) pH !� • �9 Ov Te"ERArmpi�'t, a 2 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (umhos/an) OTHER (OVA, Methane meter, etc.) Af U coNmTnmNTs sAmPLED: REMARKS: 7 9, SIR L ODOR WELL CASING VOLiJNM GAIJff 1-1/4" a 0.077 2" = 0.10 3" = OJ7 4" a 0.63 1-U2" = 0.10 2-U2" = 0.24 3.1/2" a OJO f" a 1.40 dbDVIRKA BARTILUCCI AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Ql SITE J,9 Ute L d7 l�1 tJl, LL SAMPLE CREW�Vl� SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER M(A) DATE TIME //3D WEATHER S TEMPERATURE 0 SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WA SOIL SEDIMENT WELL, INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER MEASUREMENT METHOD QLLL�,f DEPTH OF WELL l MEASUREMENT METHOD W/YAhyl L 1,c/J/CT'v� VOLUME REMOVED SD G¢LLD,✓S REMOVAL METHOD Igd4/,-)/C0-5 6D, FLO FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR CLFIORpH v /02 ODOR e TEMPERATURE (°F) )� • C SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (,umhos/on) OTHER (OVA, Methane meter. etc.) ®• J AI—Jy coNsTnVENTS SAMPLEM REMARKS - WELL CASING VOLUMM GAL/FP 1-1/4" a 0.077 2" = 0.16 3" = 0.37 4" a 0.6S Mira LIS 2.1/2" = 0.24 3-1/2" a O.SO f" a 1.46 SIR DVTRKA o AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD dBARTILUCCI SITE ��7y� L l� I/1� �--L SAMPLE CREW SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. /('�/ i.% 7 5 FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER ;Aj Cj DATE TII%4E WEATHER / \/tel AJ TEMPERATURE SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATER/STREAM - -- SEDIMENT AIR SOIL OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): DF -FM TO WATER 7 3 I MEASUREMENT METHOD J � L d 116 /-O< ��/.� 1,✓ , DEPTH OF WELL -� %. � S MEASUREMENT METHOD �� VL i �Z� VOLUME REMOVED % GA LLD,y S REMOVAL METHOD FIEI-D TEST RESULTS: COLOR 6k pH t7 G TEMPERATURE mC- SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (umhos/c3n) OTHER (OVA, Methane meter. etc.) > ;,on A / y CONsmmm 1' :lt REMARKS: SIR 49 � WELL CASING VOLtJlY1F9 GALTr 1-1/4" a COW 2" = 0.14 3" = 031 4" 1-1/2" a 0.10 2.1/2" = C24 3.1/2" a 0.30 i" D VIR KA O AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD dBARTILUCCI SITE -Jo U % h�4 LL� �AV-7-) � L-�. SAMPLE CREW SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. LA.2 -% `J FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER `) -(-cl DATE TII's WEATHER TEMPERATURE v SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SEDMONI' SURFACE WA SOI. WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER , ®� MEASUREMENT METHOD AVALiW2/ < DEPTH OF WELL a 3 °� MEASUREMENT METHOD �V4;#4 414 L VOLUME REMOVED SS l�� �L DSS REMOVAL METHOD Q"Ao C:� FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLORS pH 2-7 ODOR TEMPERATURF,(n�o4. 6 C_ SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (umhoa/at) I �D OTHER (OVA, Methane meter, etc.) Z2 6 &,/ V CONSTrr"UEPM SAbOIJMt A&4c&� REMARKS: WE.L CASING VOLUMES GAL/FT 1-1/4" a 0.677 2" = 0.16 3" = 037 4" ' 0.63 1-9/2" a 6.16 2.1/2" a 0.24 3-1/2" a 6.36 6"m 1.46 SIR JLDVIRKA uo AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARnLUCCI SITE fig L!� NSAMPLE CREW /Qv SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. �7 FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER M il DATE -7�i�e TIME/ 3 S / WEATHERJ J,vv - TEMPERATURE S - SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATERJSTREAM SOIL SEDIMENT AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): DEPTH TO WATER �� • MEASUREMENT METHOD VAJ*V 4Af vi L-�"f�/�l�•e DEPTH OF WELL 3 MEASUREMENT METHOD 144%.4 l VOLUME REMOVED REMOVAL METHOD A ( 4 YZ FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR A) pH 6 • 3 L ODOR TF.beERATURE I C sPEcIFic CONDUCTANCE (t mbwcm) ZA / OTTER (OVA, Methane meter, ea.) 7 (;-Z' iil WELT. CASING VOLUMES GALFT 1-1/4" : 0.W 2" = 0.14 3" = 031 4" = 0.65 1-11r =0.10 2-1/2" = 0.24 3.112" = O30 f" = 1.46 SIR JLDVIRKA uo AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD CBARTELUCCI sITE So rlJ9 L� / %�/✓�) �'� SAMPLE CREW SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. FfE D SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER /-)A) "t) DATE TIME WEATHER S L TEMPERATURE SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER V/ SURFACE WATER/STREAM AIR SOIL OTHER (Describe, i.e., septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): DEPTH TO WATER 5-1 3 MEASUREMENT METHOD `UA7-.4� ��dh L Z-,✓.��c,�.o2 DEPTH OF WELL - MEASURIM ENT METHOD 1[" B � fi ✓[ C L,/��i c�i�.P VOLUME REMOVED GALLVNS REMOVAL METHOD QUM�0 F)EL.D TEST RESULTS: COLOR L o VP ; H G C' ODOR TEMPERATUREoy - / L SPECIFIC CONDUCrmm (umbwcm) / 2 3 OTHER (OVA, Methane meter, ete.) J vA6 D,: MgT.j.t Aldi CONS7TnMNTS SAMnM).- /39,;, WML CAMM VOI.UbM GAUrr 1-1/4" ■ CO" 2" = 0.16 3" 4" a 0.65 1-U2" a O.10 2-U2" s" Mir s o -m f" t L" JLD VTRKA Cuo AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARTILUCCI SITE V L�,t/17F �- L SAMPLE CREW(17CVW4J SAMPLE LOCATIONIWELLNO. -e�—s FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER �� �� - DATE % TIME / 0 3 o WEATHER n MAC J, - �- TEMPERATURE 7y b� SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WA SOIL WELL INFORMATION (fill out for gmuudwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe. i.e., septage, leachate) DEPTH TO WATER G �� MEA.SURMAENT METHOD l,l%�B/ h Ll/i L 1.✓.��Cs%,,C DEPTH OF WELL / 2• T 9 MEASUREMENT ME'IIiOD LJ . �2l/i(- -4clojgoa VOLUMEREMOVED2 6ash REMOVAL METiiOD )Dxg1 4%2 FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR 3A"2 j PH � • A � ODOR TnWERATURE,M</I • S C -SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (umbos/dm) OTHER (OVA. Methane meter, etc.) % D o CONSTTTUENTS SAIFLF.D: L/ �oO �-7 REMARKS: I SIR N W=.L CAMNG VOLUb= GALA T 1-1/4"w&9" 2" a 0.16 3" a 0.37 4" a 0.65 1-1/2" a 4.14 2-1/2" a 4.24 3-1/2" a O.34 f" a 1.44 JLnviRKA UO AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD CBARTILUCCI SrIE O U, lam L;") 4,4 AJD,71 L SAMPLE CREW 96 ir,Qo�/ 1 /a0l�A SAMPLE LOCATIONIWELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER / �lJ �� moi/ DATE TIME 162 7 WEATHER )ZV G% TEMPERATURE 7l9 SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WATERISTREAM AIR SOI. WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): OTHER (Describe. i.e.. septage, leachate) DEP' H TO WATER (1 3 MEASUREMENT METHOD W �Til� 6 of L 1✓���C.t%O� DEPTH OF WELL 1 3 7• �r MEASUREMENT METHOD ��,4 R ZyZi L VOLUME REMOVED r5 -D C * U404A REMOVAL METHOD 6 ,QW as / 1)"Fzy FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR C � flf¢ z pH J �� ODOR TIIIu,ERATURE,qr0! • 7 oC sPEciRc CONDUCTANCE (umbwan) OTHER (OVA. Methane meter, enc.) ��j'. z G /V -/ Y CONSITTUF1 SA11 : 1 WELL CASPIG VOLU M GAUFT 1-V4" .O.OTI 3" 3 0.11 3" = OX 4" : 0.63 1-UZ" ■0.10 Z•VZ" : O.Z4 3 -VZ" = LSD f" s L46 Slit JLDVTRKA uo AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD CBARTMUCCI Sr E S O v—,wo G�) SAMPLE CREW SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. ! �� FOLD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER 6 W DATE a TIME WEATHER AI A-) TEMPERATURE 70 SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER V/ SEDIMENT SURFACE WA AIR SOI. OTHER (Describe, Le.. septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (611 out for groundwater samples): DEPTH TO WATER Z - 1 MEASUREMENT METHOD �/¢�'.( �1�•� C J: ;))4a%Da DEPTH OF WELL S l - � MEASUREMENT METHOD 1iV//�1.4.0�Atk l VOLUME REMOVED (9A f-CDa/S REMOVAL METHOD L-' r FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR pH 6.16 ODOR TENG ERATUREXIK�C_SPECMC CONDUCTANCE (umbos/aa) 27(f - OTHER 7(OTHER (OVA. Metbane meter. etc.) (57r• Aji U CONSTTTUEN'TS SAMIgJMt REMARKS: SIR WSM CASDIG VOLAMM GALTr 1-u4;" : 0.tnf 2" a 0.16 3" 4" a 0.63 1.1/r a &10 2.1/r a 0.?4ti 3-ur ■ ojo 6" ■ 1.46 DVTRKA OAND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARIMUCCI / SITE 5v, 9 L�� SAMPLE CREW �-+�i`Nr�� SAMPLE LOCATIONIWELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER /II�J !� lJ"G'�! M S . %'I S6� DATE 7/, SL TIME I,� oZ O WEATHER r TEMPERATURE � J r SAlHT7U TYPE: GROUNDWATER SURFACE WA SOIL WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samples): AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e.. septage, leacfiate) DEPTH TO WATER lS L I MEASUREMENT METHOD DEPTH OF WELL T MEASUREMENT METHOD VOLUME REMOVED �iQ CLgP�y S REMOVAL METHOD Qi/.V,7)12 g i<htii /ci•0 %��'+� FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR 0—L-" pH 6 • 61 ODOR TEMPERATURE / 3 . VC SPECTFIC CONDUCTANCE (tmtbwcm) OTTER (OVA, Methane meter, etc.) 3. q AIpl-V CONMTnJENTS SAMnZD-. - i - �/ WE WILL CASING VOI,L MMS GAIJIN 1-114" : O.M Z" a 0.16 3" _ OX 4" a 0.63 I -I/2" a 0.10 Z.Vr a 0.24 3.VZ" s 0.30 f" • L46 SIR D V TRKA oAND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD BARTILUCCI / STIE S o u -l' C D h /�-�y>/C LL SAMPLE CREW C^ A / SAMPLE LOCATIONIWELLNO. / �% ? S FOLD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER /'I f'lJ 7S — (; k; DATE TIME / G 3 3 WEATHER SAMPLE TYPE: GROUNDWATER SED04EN T SURFACE WA SOIL TEMPERATURE AIR OTHER (Describe, i.e.. septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater sampla): DEFM TO WATER MEASUREMENT METHOD h� ✓� L rN� �iD� DEPTH OF WELL 3 C� MEASURIIdEN T METHOD 41w VOLUME REMOVED G REMOVAL METHOD FIELD TEST RESULTS: COLOR AV 4U AJ phi ODOR TEMPERATURE (OF) ° C_SPECCTFIC CONDUCTANCE (umbos/am) / D OTHER (OVA. Metbaae meta, em) A/ (J CONST7UENTS SAMPUED. wet, CAMM VOEAMM GALT 1-V4" a &V" 2" a 0.16 3" = OX 4" : 0.65 1-Vr a 0.14 2-V2" a" 3-Vr a sm f" a 1.46 SIR JLDVIRKA o AND SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD t3ARTILUCCI Srm 150 Ui�-o Lr� /iiV1�,�, LL SAMPLE CREW SAMPLE LOCATION/WELLNO. FIELD SAMPLE I.D. NUMBER Mw ;l (�' G(J DATE /g TIME WEATHER TEMPERATURE 'S SAMPLE TYPE: / GROUNDWATER SEDIMENT SURFACE WA AIR SOIL OTTER (Deambe. Le.. septage, leachate) WELL INFORMATION (fill out for groundwater samplesr DEPTH TO WATER �Q 3S MEASUREMENT METHOD +'Vi¢� %L� ��'� L DEPTH OF WELL b . ��� l MEASURIIViEN'T METHODpl!Lo J/r VOLUME REMOVED S- �/� LL®,S REMOVAL METHOD I� �o g Y�fit�•FCO o� �j F'IEL.D TEST RESULTS: COLOR �- it/S� 2 pH �J�- ODOR TEMPERATUREJ71-_._SPECIIRC CONDUCTANCE (nmbakm) 6 OTHER (OVA. Methane mom eke-) P. 1-7 I i L) REMARKS: WELL CASING VOLLI&M GALIFT 1-114" a #J" 2" a 0.!i 3* _ l i7 4" = 0.63 1 -UP a quo 2-1/2" =" 3-U3" a OM f" : L46 SIR DVIRKA O AND dBARTILUCCI WATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Name: l r'/v �� )� r/< h C% S K Address: r�S' �-V ax L�X Cy cf�Gv� ti� Telephone: Date and Time Sampled: f �-..� }� -5` ? / li D 9 /7';p IX Sample Location: /O -A j!, Sample Number: Well Information: Depth and Type of Well: Date Constructed: Type of Construction and Diameter. Driller: Estimated Usage (gpm): Water Use(s): Type of Treatment Device and Location: Date and Location Last Sampled: Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: Continents: (Use of bottled water. etc.) wss Sketch of Lot. Building, and Well and Septic System Location Fie gTi L�eo,� tT CAk LBwz Sketch of Water Treatment System and Sampling Locations Photograph of Water Treatment System i� wss 1 a1VIRKA o AND dBARTILUCCI `IWATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Name: `� D/4,o Z -),4,-)S K, 1 Address: ��fL�®v �9�c> C✓� eGv/r k Telephone: Date and Time sampled: ' —� y- ±2 / 0 -� Z /2k S Sample Number: 9' L1/' Well information: f L/d -4-4 LD�E /I/.0/ Ll,/2 a®2 Depth • Type of Date Constructed: Type of Construction and Diameter. Estimated Usage (): Water Use(s): Type of Treatment Device and Location: _ / AJ Date and Location Last $ led: Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: . ,• . i _•' Sketch of Lot. Building, and Well and Septic System Location ® Rf&0,0 IZOAn Sketch of Water Treatment System and Sampimg Locations Photograph of Water Trewment Systema UK =P1Cr- or' DVIRKA 0 AND dBARTMUCCI WATER SUPPLY SAMPLE INFORMATION RECORD Name: Address: Telephone: / p `7 Date and Time Sampled: :z - "qq --% / e y12R c7 - �,� /� Sample Location: (�V � Sr , l .S/L �,(1 � /�,� i ti1ti� S r i L, Ss r Gif T 0F ex. Sample Number: — 3 Well Information: U-/ Aa2 AA-e7— Depth A-e — Depth and Type of Well: Date Constructed: Type of Construction and Diameter. Driller: Estimated Usage (gpm): Water Use(s): Type of Treatment Device and Location: Date and Location Last Sampled: Homeowner's Perception of Water Quality: Comments: (Use of MKfsd water. etc.) wss Sketch of Lot. Building, and Well and Septic System Location C E LLA,� oo � oRFGo,J J�v ,4b Sketch of Water Treatment System and Sampling Locations Photograph of Water Treasment System wss 349343/@ 1027 D VIRKA O , ND BARTIMCCI DA [LY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG Project Name: �Ou4 01d l� Date: a Project Number. Calibrated By: DECL D VTR KA La AND BARTILUCCI DAILY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG Project Name: ntIZr a LQ �4 g Date: 7 �,ol Project Number. i() .� --? Calibrated B : bBARTD VIR KA ILUCCI AND DAILY EQUIP MENT'CALIBRATION LOG ProjectName: '5nNJJ7,4(-� 4,0 �F, LL Date: 7��/9� Project Number: / D -� = Calibrated By: Instrument Name Calibration and Model Number Method Time Readings and Observations .57 r .L z, dLc,D VTR KA kND ' BARMUCCI DAILY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG Project Name: �o �c�� L.yi�� Date: Project Number. / 0 Calibrated By: DEQ. D VTRKA dbc AND BARTILUCCI DAILY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG Project Name: �� - 4� ��r, L Date: % — ,� 2 - Project -Project Number. 107.E Calibrated By: ! �' , C DECL boD VTR KA AND BARTILUCCI DAILY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG Project Name: Is"D Ui �,� L /�ry �!-"� Date: 7 Project Number. 4 19J :Z Calibrated By: G DECL D VTRKA dLc) AND BARTII.UCCI DAILY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION LOG Project Name: 501,— Date: 7 -;Z-� Project Number. n 7 Calibrated Bv: L - S uL;:k-"lq Appendix B APPENDIX B DATA VALIDATION REPORT 30933/1 1027 i DATA USABILITY REPORT A total of 21 samples, 19 groundwater samples, 1 field blank and 1 trip blank, were collected during the Phase II sampling event at the Town of Southold Landfill. The samples .were analyzed for Baseline Parameters as required by the Part 360 permit. The data was validated according to the 1989 NYSDEC ASP. All data was deemed 100% contractually compliant with the exception of the hexavalent chromium data for samples MWISGW, MWIDGW, MW7SGW and MW7DGW. Samples were analyzed 1 day out of holding time, data is deemed usable for environmental assessment. Both volatile organic compounds and select metals have been qualified as estimated due to QC criteria falling outside ASP control limits. A summary of the validation findings can be found in Table 1, and Table 2 contains data user advisories which should be applied to the results. 31086 1027 Table 1 DATA VALIDATION SUMMARY (CONTRACTUAL COMPLIANCE WITH 1989 NYSDEC ASP) Sample Leachate Total Organic Numbe matrix VOA** TCL Metals Parameters Cartx)n MWIDGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable MWISGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable MW2DGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW2SGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW3DGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW3SGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW4DGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW4SGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MWSDGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MWSSGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW6DGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW6SGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MW6DGW MS/MSD Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable MWIDGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable MW7SGW Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable PW001 Water Acceptable* Acceptable* -- -- PW002 Water Acceptable* Acceptable* -- -- PW003 Water Acceptable* Acceptable* -- -- FB02724 Distilled Water Acceptable* Acceptable* Acceptable Acceptable Trip Blank Distilled Water Acceptable* -- -- -- S68831 Water Acceptable Acceptable* -- -- S68916 Water Acceptable Acceptable* -- -- *See Table 2 **Analyzed by Method 601/602 --Not Required 53099G/1 1027/1 Table 2 DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Number M Data Fraction Data User Advisory Continents MWIDGW Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected less than 10X blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Calibration criteria Estimated not met. 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria Ether not met. MetalS Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Manganese Biased high exceeded 125%. Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Several differences Cobalt, Nickel and were not met Zinc within the contract specified +10%. Leachate Hexavalent Qualified as estimated Analyzed I day out Chromium of hold. S3099G/1 1027/2 Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Ntumber mr auix Data Fraction Data User Advisory Comments MWISGW Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected less than l0X blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Calibration criteria Estimated not met 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria Ether not met Metals Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Manganese Biased high exceeded 125%. Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Several differences Cobalt, Nickel and were not within the Zinc contract. Specified +10%. Leachate Hexavalent Qualified as estimated Analyzed 1 day out Chromium of hold. 53099G/1 1027/3 ale Number MW2SGW Water S3099G/1 1027/4 Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Data Fraction VOA(601/602) Methylene Chloride 1,1 Dichloroethene Data User Advisory Qualified as Nondetected Qualified as Estimated 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Ether Metal Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Manganese Biased high Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc Comments Compound concentration less than IOX blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met Calibration criteria not met Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Several differences were not within the contract. Specified +10%. MW2DGW WAate l 53099G/1 1027/5 Water Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Data Fraction Data User Advisory Cominents VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected le„ than IOX blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Calibration critena Estimated not met 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria Ether not met Meta Lead Qualified as estimated Control limits for the relative percent dif- ferences were not met. Iron, Silver Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Biased high exceeded 125%. Aluminum, Barium, Qualified as estimated Serial dilution dif- Beryllium, Cadmium, ferences were not with - Chromium, Magnesium, in contract specified Potassium, Sodium limits. and Zinc VOA(601 /602 ) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected less than lOX blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Calibration criteria Estimated not met. 53099G/1 1027/6 Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Num M Data Fraction Data User Advisory Comments MW3SGW Water 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria (continued) Ether not met. Metals Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Manganese Biased high exceeded 125%. Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Several differences Cobalt, Nickel and were not met Zinc within the contract specified +10%. MW3DGW Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected less than IOX blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Calibration criteria Estimated not met 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria Ether not met Metals Lead Qualified as estimated Control limits for the relative percent dif- ferences were not met. 53099G/1 1027/6 Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale NUM Mrl Vata >;rawon Data User Advisory MW3DGW Water Iron, Silver Qualified as estimated. (continued) Biased high Aluminum, Barium, Qualified as estimated Berylium, Cadmium, Chromium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc MW4SGW Water VOA(601/6021 Methylene Qualified as Chloride Nondetected 1,1 Dichloroethene 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether Metals Lead Iron, Silver Aluminum, Barium, Berylium, Cadmium, Chromium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc S3099G/1 1027/7 Qualified as Estimated Qualified as estimated -Qualified as estimated Qualified as estimated B lased high Qualified as estimated Comments Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Serial dilution dif- ferences were not with- in contract specified limits. Compound concentration less than 10X blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met Calibration criteria not met Control limits for the relative percent dif- ferences were not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125% Serial dilution dif- ferences were not with- in contract specified limits. ale Number MW4DGW Water MWSSGW 53099G/1 1027/8 Water t Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Data Freon VOA(601/602) Methylene Chloride 1,1 Dichloroethene 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether Lead Iron, Silver Aluminon, Barium, Berylium, Cadmium, Chromium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc VOA(601 /602) Methylene Chloride 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Nondetected Qualified as Estimated Qualified as estimated Qualified as estimated Qualified as estimated. Biased high Qualified as estimated Qualified as Nondetected Qualified as Estimated Comments Compound concentration less than lOX blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met Calibration criteria not met Control limits for the relative percent dif- ferences were not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Serial dilution dif- ferences were not with- in contract specified limits. Compound concentration less than IOX blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Nurn M Data Fraction Data User Advisory MWSSGW Water 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated (continued) Ether Metals Lead Qualified as estimated Iron, Silver Qualified as estimated. Biased high Aluminum, Barium, Qualified as estimated Berylium, Cadmium, Chromium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc Uachate Hexavalent Chromium Qualified as estimated MWSDGW Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Chloride Nondetected 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Estimated 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Ether Metals Lead Qualified as estimated Cotntnents Calibration criteria not met Control limits for the relative percent dif- ferences were not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Serial dilution dif- ferences were not with- in contract specified limits. Analyzed 1 day out of hold. Compound concentration less than 10X blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met Calibration criteria not met Control limits for the relative percent dif- ferences were not niet Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Number M Data Fraction Data User Advisory MW5DGW Water Iron, Silver Qualified as estimated. (continued) Biased high Aluminum, Barium, Qualified as estimated Berylium, Cadmium, Chromium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc Hexavalent Chromium MW6SGW Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Chloride 1,1 Dichloroethene 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether Metals Iron, Lead Manganese Aluminum, Chromium, Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc S3099G/1 1027/10 Qualified as estimated Qualified as Nondetected Qualified as Estimated Qualified as estimated Qualified as estimated. Biased high Qualified as estimated Comments Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Serial dilution dif- ferences were not with- in contract specified limits. Analyzed 1 day out of hold. Compound concentration less than 10X blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. ale Number Matri MW6DGW Water MW7SGW S3099G/1 im7ii 1 Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Data Fraction Data User Advisory VOA(601 /602) Methylene Qualified as Chloride Nondetected 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Estimated 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Ether Metals Iron, bead Qualified as estimated. Manganese Biased high Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc Water VOA(601/6021 Methylene Chloride 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Nondetected Qualified as Estimated Conunents Compound concentration less than IOX blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%u Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. Compound concentration less than lOX blank concentration. Calibration criteria i not met. Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Number rix Data Fraction Data User Advisory MW7SGW Water 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated (continued) Ether Metals Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Manganese Biased high Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc MW7DGW Water 53099G/1 1027/12 Leachate Hexavalent Chromium VOA(6011602) Methylene Chloride 1,1 Dichloroethene 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether Metals Iron, Lead Manganese Qualified as estimated Qualified as Nondetected Qualified as Estimated Qualified as estimated Comments Calibration criteria not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. Analyzed 1 day out of holding tune. Compound concentration less than 10X blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Biased high exceeded 125%. Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Number prix Data Fraction Data User Adviaory Comments MW7DGW Water Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Several differences (continued) Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc were not met within the contract specified +10%. Leachate Hexavalent Chromium Qualified as estimated Analyzed l day out of holding time. PWO01 Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected less than IOX blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Calibration criteria Estimated not met. 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria Ether not met. Metal Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Manganese Biased high exceeded 125%. Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Several differences Cobalt, Nickel and were not met Zinc within the contract specified +10%. PW002 Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Compound concentration Chloride Nondetected less than 1OX blank concentration. 53099G/1 1027/13 Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOU MOLD LANDFILL Stele NumberMatrix Data Fraction Data User Advisory PWO02 Water 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as (continued) Estimated PWO03 53099G/1 1027/14 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Ether Metals Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Manganese Biased high Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Chloride Nondetected 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Estimated 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Ether Comments Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. Compound concentration less than 10X blank concentration. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Numbermamix Data Fraction Data User Advisory PWO03 Water Metals (continued) Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Manganese Biased high Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc 568916 Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Chloride estimated 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as Estimated 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Ether Meta Chromium, Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Iron, Manganese Qualified as estimated. B lased high. 53099G/1 1027/15 Continents Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration criteria not met. Control limits for the RPDs were not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL ale Number Data Fraction Data User Adviso 568916 Water Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated (continued) Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc S68831 Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as Chloride estimated 1,1 Dichloroethene 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether Metals Chromium, Iron, Lead Qualified as Estimated Qualified as estimated Qualified as estimated. Iron, Manganese Qualified as estimated Biased high. Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc 53099G/1 in,)-piir Comments Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. Calibration criteria not met. Calibration critena not met. Calibration criteria not met. Control limits for the RPDs were not met. Matrix spike recoveries exceeded 125%. Several differences were not met within the contract specified +10%. Table 2 (continued) DATA USER ADVISORIES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL. Sample Number M Data Fraction Data User Advisory Comments FB0724 Water VOA(601/602) Methylene Qualified as nondetected Compound concentration Chloride less than IOX blank concentration. 1,1 Dichloroethene Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria not met. 2 Chloroethyl Vinyl Qualified as estimated Calibration criteria Ether not met. Metals Iron, Lead Qualified as estimated. Matrix spike recoveries Manganese Biased high exceeded 125%. Aluminum, Chromium, Qualified as estimated Several differences Cobalt, Nickel and were not met Zinc within the contract specified +10/0. S3099G/1 1027/17 DATA VALIOATION-ORGANICS Site Name: (-Li4l) C( kf(VY<Laboratory Name: Rev ewer: Date of Review: i J I. Data Deliverable Requirements A. Legible Yes No B. Paginated Ye No C. Arranged in order No D. Consistent dates a No E. Case Narrative Ye�' No F. Chain -of -Custody Record (Yes No G. Sample Data Complete Yes No H. Standard Date Complete ciej� No I. Raw QC Data Complete Yes No Comments: X16 6, . DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Si to Name:, C u ".\r ( �'k LLaboratory Name: K �-f 4,S't— (S" i -i I,-; , (, I f III �, ,`rc ( •, ; Reviewer: c, J II. Holding Times Sample I.D. Date Received "5 S 7-c i I -k w -cI S -c- 7/2,ea/ c? 7 - C: W -Q 6 G LC 7 /.2& / g am FLlW —(oS -GLO 500-7-ce4 kkAI -r1-- 6L.L 7/2-gl<la 3qL 7-0 13- �,�� -� �a-c--�� 712 / �a -1/30/5� 3 u /C Fi e I cl Uan i-- 34S 7-U7 Tr,n r31a,i ,4 &,T- 01 S - (cS ct 1 7 / ao /9,;L 134S'-:--02 S -- (- SF -71 U)/9 �so1 t-tQ--)5-c-,.c -7���,9z 34aso.3 NW -3S - (S ,c) FLlW —(oS -GLO M LO -(o b _G L-0 �4D5c 7 rPw-1 1 34 3L" o,:2) PLC -i t -1/30/5� 3 u /C Fi e I cl Uan i-- 34l zo I MVC - IS - 6 L -7/.13�q a 341a c --A Kx v -D - -7S - G LC { I c3 �uu. -- lD-GL-' G Date of Review: / �� / 21. DateDate Holding Time Extracted Analyzed Exceeded ti/A 7131(��� -731 7/-3 -7/3c%9,�? AJ/A 8 � S/ R -�. �v `- N �A- '7 30 7/31/gd 7/31 / 9 -), -7/31 /9 7/31 19 t -1/30/5� NSA -7 /3ol q a -7130 q :� 713 -/q a -7/3c/ q� _ 7/3ujq DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: ���G�c1C' �rc��'+i �� Laboratory Name: I F& 1. , I"": rl,11�'c�`I Reviewer: << � x l: Date of Review:_ ��� <C�c� r racti on: III. Tune Summary Aioan*stile 7 (+f9mmantt U111: � r i i V Iv n m 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: CCuL�(cl �w)dCiI(Laboratory Name: ,-e- C��i�1��1�L�i!,( Reviewer: ���Ccr��cc C CSC• L Ccr-C 1 ( Date of Review: ; i� J Fraction: � C IV. Initial Calibration Summary (GC*"") P r- Date of Calibration:? `�-3 A. Standard Data Files , ,Y\ e Standard 1 ID: VS f4t)% Conc: Standard 2 ID: UConc: /y c),O 6 Standard 3 I0: VS o Conc: 90 4242 Standard 4 I0: VS 5 O DOB Standard S ID: 4 S f- (cc, Q� B. 1. All ria ? - - Yes 2. Calculate a SPEC averW- Conc: C ac,h Conc • to�o6 No Comments: `+ G / O i ) O Ln U�r+ PSD �S r, —,o rQ k-; �'Vl CIL\ 30 c! o -.- -340/6 7 li l� j ,Q Te- -rcLchtoro1-+'har)e : 34,?9% Ll DATA VALIOATION-ORGANICS Site Name: Snu-,4� &(Cj Lu)dCO(Laboratory Name: _ 1.Li A-eSE �rr1�' Ir�h IM <ltC�I Reviewer: btc a Cc (C' Date of Review: I r�lga Fraction: Y 0 A <<, IV. Initial Calibration Summary (GC1 Date of Calibration: 9a {-� (S c•�i C A. Standard Data Files Standard 1 I0: 1/S 10 Conc: 5-o2,06 Standard 2 I0: VS 0 �2 Conc: Standard 3 I0: VS _Qo nab Conc:�D '0t0 IS 5 7 Standard 4 I0: VS+ SD b Cont: SO no% Standard S I0: V54- (cc QQ b Conc: /off 1 7 :t B. 1. All S t Criteria ? No 2. Cal cu 1 ate—a—SRCZ average RRF Comments: -'Ock r `IO P.S fhs QU GC.kr- f h ar, cis , � 3 `� ¢ Oxn ►,lelen�or 3 ® °/o �F� 43.-310/0 DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: f' -Arco (ickJ Laboratory Name: U Reviewer: � �t V- Date of Review: (Z Fraction: Date of Calibration: C-1 l IV. Initial Calibration Summary (continued) 2. All CCC met Criteria ? No Comments: Calculate a CCC % RSO C. 1. Was the tune for the initial bration acceptable ? .i Yes No 2. Was the calibration condu within 12 hours of the tune ? Yes No Comments: 6rcl /&0 a G/ LL IL �f,La_L1 Ion/n �'1C1ti9-EUFC'SP ilrc�f�0cl_ CsLI�CrL�� `'���SiJ's �2 SS �incL 30 "Yo QsD's We LQ- 7 300/0 D. Overall assessment of the initial (list the associated samples) W ?S k _ kA LL) I S 5(9 0 31 e�,v1GE "ti3 0 �SVlvLLIC tae . ICBG �eL .PSh rnlL calibration: � j J v,�k 4-� Sct_,Pl was_ M i P C0 cc) 2 DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: OLILA Cf(/ Laboratory Name: e,n� fro— Reviewer: �i.UA b(Cc�LLCLCCL Date of Review:_q Z/ 7�9 Fraction: IAC VI. Continuing Calibration Summary (GC/ Y Date of Initial Calibration: 1-,2 9 Date of Continuing Calibration: File ID: PC 0 A. 1. All SPCC met criteria ? Yes No Calculate a SPCC RRF Comments: clob 2. All .EeC met criteria ? Calculate a Cee% D Comments:- C1 U e_ °lo Yes No +�C&_n aS• k ow e U{ �C,I-t cl W `'v B. Overall assessmWnt of Continuing Calibration (list associates samples) S-[";�gl(v,S(Css>I �S U�o r, DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: 5e�.L_4\CACI LLU.\c( Laboratory Name: ��; Sf �'L-„ ,����� n�tl Reviewer: U(I i -a lbc C,ILC Date of Review: Fraction: V R VI. Continuing Calibration Summary (GCBs) Date of Initial Calibration: -7499 19a Date of Continuing Calibration: S File ID: 14 %2 5E3 0 oo D 2. Al l C-ec met criteria ? Yes CNo Calculate a = Y 0 Comments: HW, Cri )0U Y - cud eta CO W f -t— Sljii 1_ /10 a,��rn c S . B. Overall assessment of Continuing Calibration (list associates samples) DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: ISICL-i �C (� zur)d. .F Laboratory Name: W -\V urc,nrY��� Rev ewer: Via-. - g- �cr— c�-` Date of Review: Fraction: ��� A VI. Continuing Calibration Summary (GCI' Date of Initial Calibration: 7I�� Lq -a- 144 6-!, C, D Date of Continuing Calibration: 3v�9 File I0: A. 1. All SPCC met criteria ? Yes N Calculate a SPCC RRF Comments: 2. All U� met criteria ? Yes CNo Calculate a GP % 0 Comments: YYl e'4-�1y 011 lar, c_ F„r, �...� .. x,vN o f ect hr 4, 5 jp Q,t id cuka td UM �qt.e,. ScmpLes . �;,Al me4-11q ttne O h to ride: d e 4c 'ov) S �or B. Overall assessment of Continuing Calibration + So-�mp(� -u (l (list associates samples) decrrexf- riarld�.hev+-. See -Qs X1,1 u� -3S �1 w —(o S M W -(o /J IOW -i cy 'z 1�24qd -_3_ 1 6 w e �1 e (cJ !ten e- , kA W- l s , - -7S . Irl w -I IJ _ MW -70. ir-iOBLCLot DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Si to Name: `� S� �{��cicl �<<���� � Laboratory Name:1�LCvr v rcnvx.L-�-�tk' /nC_ LNC c Reviewer: LLC �� Date of Review: 7 ZL/ Fraction: `LC A— VI. Continuing Calibration Summary (GC/b Date of Initial Calibration: �1 / I,;) - Date of Continuing Calibration: 30 )(1 ;- File ID: hE E s- CCS .A. 1. All SPCC met criteria ? Yes Calculate a SPCC RRF Comments: 2. All CSE met criteria ? Yes Calculate a CCC % 0 ` Comments: to jS:L, Ole) lJ 'S u-q�eC - n �tiM-- C4 LL,(J-® '4¢ oriL'-f1J -o } CTL ti`� Lt3 f Continuing ,fit, rnP B. Over -a a essmen o g (list associates samples) ULu-3S w-35 IllW -(oS Gllc 7 5 No ONO CJei lib pion Q— s`' no -we Lk -e Y- M ek, - � PVJ -z acv- 3 t 1- 7 0 ra a R /,in DATA VALIDATION—ORGANICS Site Name: Lc ���Laboratory Name: �����',, �vl,�trrit R e v i ewer: I (I I mac, ( <<C• i U -i- (li Date of Review:_ J Fraction: 1 C VI. Continuing Calibration Summary (GC, Date of Initial Calibration: Date of Continuing Calibration: 7/3f / 9File ID: ?E E�c-c, A. 1. All SPCC met criteria ? Yes _No�� Calculate a SPCC RRF Comments: 2. All Cermet criteria ? Yes No Calculate a SZ D Comments: ° o/ t 's w-e—Le , .. C0ry-)P9UL41d5 �� OCore t, 0 0-&J1 C n B. Overall assessment of Continuing Calibration (list associates samples) 2 V— S PLk) 4'S 1, b lCA)�C)1 �AWA,1W50-,MLU3f� P w3() ,44 U(etrtL DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: L u Laboratory Name:�1� lr�C��>1Prl�cl Reviewer: t Date of Review: �-- Fraction: VOA i VI. Continuing Calibration Summary (GUMS) .f Date of Initial Calibration:`%9a Date of Continuing Calibration: 7i File ID: A. 1. All SPCC met criteria ? Yes No s Calculate a SPCC RRF Comments: 0/O D 2. All CC -met criteria ? Yes No Calculate a QM- % D Comments: 7hrejt., %15' om PQlA4'ld5 B. Overall assessment of Continuing Calibration (list associates samples) LA U1 � S . A-1 L,L � (3 Ili ,z) S S k. Uj I /lam! !.l..) L iu LU V' S /C I DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: fhc<cci�C� Laboratory Name: R e v i ewer:/lP Cl !Cf '.l (ZDate of Review: Fraction: I'I /;.`i1 IX. Blank Summary Date/Time of Analysis: �'IlL1�P" �.� �z vT File ID:�� z C2?ngound Concentration Com n List{ the ( / s�amp-les associated j with At�his m/e�thhold bl/an/k. DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: S c4c (c➢ ,LC'PLd A f ( Laboratory Name: �FS� C �_,\; L�_ C .�-1ct l � "\ ('- Reviewer: _ Reviewer: �-JI LT�cz l� ,C(,, LCA.- CLL Date of Review:7- Fraction: IX. Blank Summary Date/Time of Analysis: if Compound Concentration P44utiu c.h►c�r«Ap- /-, I File ID: ('/ � L k C' s �RQLCimm n Al/ sawp&5 es s /l C-kl 10 Ccnoe►l1VCLK(!Yl bUt iI �- ) * -JLSL.rp 4'c r cUs v CL UL" Sly c �� l b.c) 6 ta�2eo List the samples associated with this method blank. rir /C ! 8 lcc,1 K P W - �s M � - 3 S M W � � ' %� (_o- 3 til W - (C �— 6 L� � 5 : � tU - � 0- G W M s� llit (.l) I S. M tA)16 _ J r DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS f Site Name: '(A Laboratory Name: LX J Reviewer: L6/t'L Date of Review: Fraction: A IX. Blank Summary Date/Time of Analysis: 7/ 3� 1,13 Concentration File I0: �g L I M Comments List the samples associated with this method blank. ri e tc f etc, h 1 C , til Lv — :2 LU) , 3 5 /l-( P cu.% — Z P6U — 3 DATA VALIOATION-ORGANICS f I Site Name: 7 -k-�nC �C� LLaboratory Name: rch(^,V l,C( Ind -nevi ewer: Date of Review: Fraction: IX. Blank Summary Date/Time of Analysis: -7 �� = 3� File I0: V L- Ic, 4 Co7cound Concentration < M C mm n C c:�1 �-��•� eco I,•ss �iG Ic xis fig L(7ti1� �vll-rcLh'cI AL� CCULIJJ a=ML cl List the samples associated with this method blank. �� l`, -45 4'0 DATA VALIOATION-ORGANICS S1 to Name: �c ��c Irl Laboratory Name: L rif-r(�„LC iLI-a' !L, Revi ewer: � �r- (I Date of Review: /9D Fraction: fk X. Surrogate Recovery Summary Were all surrogate recoveries within the contract limits ? cyes) No If No, please note below. Surrogate Compound Sample Outside Recovery Limits Amount Above Contract Requirement Comments DATA VALIDATION -ORGANICS Site Name: ���C� JJ [Ck.Ocl �-� l Laboratory Name: ItC4 , rliUnl Reviewer: Date of Review: Fraction: _,,0 It XI. Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Sample ID: 1: 445 IAlLerL-) Matrix: U.'CL►` Did the MS/MSD recovery data meet the contract recommended requirements ? Yes No If No. please note below. DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: x �l �, c W,61 (( Laboratory Name: ~evewer: ( Ri�� �,��c�� r$-� Date of Review: _ �`-��: �� � r \; 7-2 4 - I. Holding times �iIS(QZ�r �VG ,_,` (3L t -Mu:l56L4-; 7/2,31q g/(c: --8113 - AA LU.756k 7/x-1* 9� Date Date Date Holding Time Samole I.D. Received Digested Analyzed Exceeded? - 1 5 7cs- NA LC 9L)C.(k 7/--)F, q QL C-a� 3g3S-o -7/a4/Sa f5 7o(c NLLjL)6LC 7/--)E)iq -)L- 1S70a 5- 7 C, -a- (Lt LL4OC-tc= 7/20(nI S7C( kiU.�SC%Aj -7 12-2;j s /� L.1.'4t5 C- LL'1) 7/Z1?,! < - 5 7ci5 ..M V-;456LLS 7(28112. t\AW5") C- 7118192, 7/ 2-819, �`; -C-•a S 3 ! -7 3c' -010 5 (.-li�ClI�t� -115-c"15 3 (,2 ��' q 1(o S 7-2 4 ��ti��3 1Llu 11)C -,Lc 7/23( q;j $IS�c1 �iIS(QZ�r �VG ,_,` (3L t -Mu:l56L4-; 7/2,31q g/(c: --8113 - AA LU.756k 7/x-1* 9� 3 435 C-4 -tit w6DGaJ 712,4/7 X413 - AA k -L, 7 L) -712310) ?/a4/5'a. 3g3S-o -7/a4/Sa 5-0 q DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name:-�cl+� lI Laboratory Name: �;•-��F,'��„" Rev i ewer : L� C cmc- CU, Date of Rev i ew: Associated Samples: S g `l(c ZZ4• 1 • _ I ' II. Initial Cal"iPat ion y 1. Were all initial instrument calibrations performed? Yes J No Comments: 2. Were the initial calibration verification standards analyzed at the contract specified frequency? rr Yes No Comments: 3. Were the initial calibration results within the control limits listed below? For tin and mercury: 80-120% of the true value For all other metals: 90-110% of the true value Yes No If "No", note analytes - k l 0O r i T r DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: JC,0- `'C-, CA ,L 1t) 14L/Laboratory Name: ,, 4-x,4 q,,� �► ,;rii�, �ctl �C Reviewer: �J c,c j u- L�-Date of Review: Associated Samples: S/oES 31 a i� III.'�on`'inuing Calibration 1. Were the continuing calibration verification standards analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No ,f Comments: 2. Were the continuing calibration results within the control limits listed below? For tin and mercury: 80-120% of the true value ti For all other metals: 90-110% of the true value Yes No f If "No", note analytes I DATA VALIDATION - METALS S;te Name: �c���1,� lc, �n;nr«� (� Laboratory Name: �� �PS�- t't i�c� iILC� f0q �eviewer:� (i r, (rr , CL t Date of Review: It -,2i .I IY. Blank Summary A. Method Blanks " I. Was a method blank prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes, No 2. Were all the analytes below the CROL in the method blank? Y' No Comments: B. Calibration Blanks I. -Were all initial and continuing calibration blanks analyzed at the contract specified frequency? �sYe No __. 2. Were all a analytes below the CROL in all the calibration blanks? Yes No Comments: =' DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name:___ Laboratory Name: ti��sf �t IC Reviewer: �I� ��: \,,-�...,,Lrrl, Date of Review: �1'lo7i �C1 V. Duplicate Analysis 1. Was a duplicate prepared and analyzed at the contract specified II frequency? eel Yes No � 1 Comments: 2. Were control limits for the relative percent differences (RPO) met for each analyte? Yes No For sample values >5 times the CROL, the RPO control limit is 20x. For sample values <5 times the CROL, the RPD control limit is ±CROL. If sample results were outside of the control limits, all data"** ata associated with that duplicate sample should have been flagged with a . DATA VALIDATION - METALS JP)6 d �ccnChc tic Laborator Name: I�)�/ K S�" � Y1 r(Ccyil %u c r�G' Site Name: .:C� y Reviewer: K ,u/tCQ Date of Review: 1 t Vi. Matrix Spike Analysis 1. Was a matrix spike prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No Comments: 2. Were the matrix spike recovereis within the contract specified control limits (15-125X)? Yes No if "No". note analytes ��� Ccll '►�-�-d-�- U( �G`� �1 u�O �� Data should have been flagged wqth "N' for analytes out of control limits. If the sample concentration exceeds the spike concentration by a factor of four or more, no flag is required. DATA VALIDATION - METALS JJ^^ Sit a Name: c,� Laboratory Name: u F� �_ l [, ��:�� )U, 4t -k( Reviewer: Date of Review: I VII. ICP Interference Check Sample Summary 1. Was the ICP serial dilution analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No Comments: 2. Were the serial dilution differences within the contract specified limits of +:w -10X7 Yes CN. Comments � Zt 3. Was the ICP CROL ctreck standard analyzed at the contract specified frequency for the analytes required? Yes j No Comments Ya it i Q DATA VALIDATION - METALS S i to Name:i' ' 'Laboratory Name: reviewerDate of Review: 5 � VII. ICP Interference Check Sample Summary (continued): 4. Was the ICP interference check sample analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No Comments: 5. Were the ICP interference check sample results within the control limit of +:w-20% of the mean value? Y e� No If "No", note analytes DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: ,-Sou-4-10(1 LU41 Laboratory Name: Fi) L /r Ci)ikkJfj Rev i ewer:- Oate of Review: 9 i VIII. Laboratory Control Sample Analysis 1. Was a laboratory control sample analyzed at the contract required frequency? Yes No Comments- 2. Were the perecent recoveries within the control limits of 80-120% (except for Ag and Sb) for each analyte? • Yes No ._. Comments 1 DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: �C'c�I;lcl(J 4C<J'1([ jaboratory Name: Reviewer: ��C1Lcc� �,,,��a,l Date of Review: IX. Furnace Atomic Absorption Analysis 1. Were duplicate injections performed for all analytes (except for the Method of Standard Addition CMSA) which requires single injections only)? Ees NO Comments: 2. Where the concentrations were above the CROL, did the two runs agree within 20% of the relative standard deviations for ach anal rte? L'Yes No E g L_ 1, If "No", note analytes = �y "L�' and check to see if the ana ytes were run again. it readings are sti outside the control limits, all data associated with that analysis should have been flagged with an "M'. 3. Did the preparation blank analysis produce spike recoveries of 85-115x? Yes No Comments 1 / I �.r DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Nam.�7C(���'��� �� � Laboratory Name: Reviewer: ( f) f CcZ Date of Review: S IX. Furnace Atomic Absorption Analysis (continued): 4. Were analysis (post digest) spikes performed on all required samples and concentr n levels (2x CROL)? Y No Comments 5. For those samples whose initial spike recovery was less than 40%, was sample dilutin and respiking performed? Yes No Comments ! re 6. Was the MSA performed at the contract specified frequency and did it follow the contract specified criteria? Yes No Comments A/0,i )62 awl /J i DATA VALIDATION - .METALS Si to Name: �c L-t-h� c, ��� .LCtOdP' laboratory Name: � tC�l� 7 �� /i c i?�yf- rt0' Reviewer: Date of Review: Associated Samples: 73MLU 0 G(•O A LU l , w2S-,0 >uDCt0 til W (c bG �� �L� C LU S, �-1 �o 10 C- Lo j cLt U) 7 0 G �z' , tit �.' "7 S 6 �.L�1 roc �� C c �C c, C C Z II. Initial Calibration kl.'C"cam 1. Were all initial instrument calibrations performed? Yes No Comments: 2. Were the initial calibration verification standards analyzed at the contract � cified frequency? Yes ' No Comments: 3. Were the initial calibration results within the control limits listed below? For tin and mercury: 80-120% of the true value For all other metals: 90-110% of the true value E No If "No", note analytes DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: C �Cl t044�t �1 Laboratory Name: �!�( S� Efj� Ire E LLL' � j Reviewer: • _ LDate of Review:�- Associated Samples: F10-134 H W Iii 6 -CU Ddu= iS6W ktLC :)S6(U u.'G 0 GCL' ki ti:p;/ -w k1UC-7S6c.'L' PU CCI PLCCCZ��ctCCZ III. Continuing Calibration 1. Were the continuing calibration verification standards analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No Comments: 2. Were the continuing calibration results within the control limits listed below? For tin and mercury: 80-120% of the true value For all other metals: 90-110% of the true value Y e� No If "No", note analytes I DATA VALIDATION - METALS S ; :e Name:c 16( �t 11 Laboratory Name: I�-� K S+ c�'�� �4 Ci arLO&6(� Reviewer: • ( c, � �cd IDate of Review: (C :� IY. Blank Summary A. Method Blanks 1. Was a method blank prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No 2. Were all the analytes below the CROL in the method blank? Yes No Comments Ba Calibration Blanks 1. Were all initial and continuing calibration blanks analyzed at the contracnes ified frequency? No 2. Were all the analytes below the CROL in all the calibration blanks? Yes No Comments: DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: C; ,; i�clCl ���1<<�1 l f Laboratory Name: Reviewer: Date of Review: eT Vi. Matrix Spike Analysis 1. Was a matrix spike prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Y No y/ Comments: 2. Were the matrix spike recovereis within the contract specified control limits (75-125x)? Yes If "Nonote analytes fro S ! 31. S ct yt C) �(Q 1. (o 0/0 rCS pe- llj 'f • tom `fh e 5e S a m • f' control limits. Data should have been flagged with N for analytes out o 99 If the sample concentration exceeds the spike concentration by a factor of four or more, no flag is required. % 1 r on , ea Cj aw d 94a ttj eccc.¢ ii ,0 110 u C1 fie. C�c �,e� < ka L6 o� DATA VALIDATION -METALS `' , ( ( Laboratory Name: ``-g �f s� Si.e Name:-�-���i-i-,� � Z��� i1 y I , O�. ly (-L'101e�•Jzd Rev iewer: (C'c (-LCir-Date of Review:ic -2� J V. Duplicate Analysis 1. Was a duplicate prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No Comments: 2. Were control limits for the relative percent differences (RPO) met for each analyte? ` Yes No ts: Cern fyo i' is ca ^(�• ��" For sample values >5 times the CRDL, the RPO control limit is ±20X. For sample values <5 times the CRDL, the RPO control limit is ±CRDL. If sample results were outside of the control limits, all data associated with that duplicate sample should have been flagged with a Site Name Reviewer: DATA VALIDATION - METALS Laboratory Name: ku � -t t 3' yC.F6( Zt-C Date of Review: 162 VII. ICP Interference Check Sample Summary 1. Was the ICP serial dilution analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Y s No Comments: 2. Were the serial dilution differences within the contract specified limits of +:w -10X? Yes No 3. Was the ICP CROL check standard analyzed at the contract specified frequency for the analytes required? Yes/ No Comments DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: _-X-( t 4) C, LJ LCwA All aboratary Name: � f C O4q I, n,e? Reviewer:N(iDate of Review: i G VII. ICP Interference Check Sample Summary (continued): 4. Was the ICP interference check sample analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No - Comments: 5. Were the ICP interference check sample results within the control limit of +:x-20% of the mean value? Yes - No If "No", note analytes DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: ��t�r: �C� ��►�C��I ( I Laboratory Name: 41e -d Reviewer: ti - l.L Date of Review: i YIN. Laboratory Control Sample Analysis 1. Was a laboratory control sample analyzed at the contract required frequency? (,Yes ; No Comments: 2. Were the perecent recoveries within the control limits of 80-120% (except for Ag and Sb) for each analyte? Y s No Comments DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: Sc- L�� CJ )at�� J/ Laboratory Name: UJ �{ FOS -•l I Reviewer: ( t L Date of Review: (% IX. Furnace Atomic Absorption Analysis 1. Were duplicate injections performed for all analytes (except for the Methoa of Standard Addition CMSA] which requires single injections only)? Yes No Comments: 2. Where the concentrations were above the CROL, did the two runs agree within 20% of the relative standard deviations for each analyte? Y es_)No If "No", note analytes and check to see if the analytes were run again. If readings are stiJT— outside the control limits, all data associated with that analysis should have been flagged with an "M". 3. Did the preparation blank analysis produce spike recoveries of 85-115x? Yes No Comments Pr /_° n DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: c 'Laboratory Name: ��j �2��- ��CVCtir-Krxkf reviewer: Qtl.lk-OA �ir�le�CUCCLIDate of Review:—[0/3 IX. Furnace Atomic Absorption Analysis (continued): 4, Were analysis (post digest) spikes performed on all required samples and concentration levels (2x CROL)? Yes,, No Comments S. For those samples whose initial spike recovery was less than 40%, was sample dilutin and respiking performed? Yes No 6. Was the MSA performed at the contract specified frequency and did it follow the contract specified criteria? Yes No DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: �c�L,Clc1. LCUICO-, �I Laboratory Name: Pk 1 S� �G,I)��Lc��z�( Reviewer: l CSC ICLt-CLL Date of Review: ( (.%���� -D" Associated Samples: II. Initial Calibration 1. Were all initial instrument calibrations performed? -' 1 Yes No Comments: 2. Were the initial calibration verification standards analyzed at the contract _s eC}ified frequency? Yes / No Comments: 3. Were the initial calibration results within the control limits listed below? For tin and mercury: 80-120% of the true value For all other metals: 90-110% of the true value Yes, No If "Nou, note analytes DATA VALIDATION - METALS 1 Site Name: '50t -IJ InG%�� )—tLy\,r Laboratory Name: ��4joc- _fJL ir"rrl N lty Reviewer: E Date of Review: ((D %,,2Iq L _ Associated Samples: I� �,� �I), �1 ��i�U kiU)4-S. III. Continuing Calibration 1. Were the continuing calibration verification standards analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Ye `' No Comments: 2. Were the continuing calibration results within the control limits listed below? For tin and mercury: 80-120% of the true value For all other metals: 90-110% of the true value Yes No If "No", note analytes DATA VALIDATION - METALS S t e Name: L C C �-� Laboratory Name: �u �y11' I�'cn�lu' t aev iewer:U(IA,_(-Ck-- �, 1\ �� L Date of Review: C` IY. 31ank Summary A. Method Blanks 1. Was a method blank prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Y eT ! No 2. Were all the analytes below the CROL in the method blank? Yes No Comments: S. Calibration Blanks 1. Were all initial and continuing calibration blanks analyzed at the contract specified frequency? :Des No ' 2. Were all the analytes below the CROL in all the calibration blanks? `,,Yes No Comments: M DATA VALIDATION - ,METALS f n Si:e Name:�-i 1( Laboratory Name: �,`I }�5¢ Cell, 4C�t11V6_ Re. i ewer :Date of Review: n V. Duplicate Analysis 1. Was a duplicate prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequenc 7 Yes No Comments: 2. Were control limits for the relative percent differences (RPO) met for each analyte? Yes No Comnents: For sample values >5 times the CROL, the RPD control limit is t20x. For sample values <5 times the CROL, the RPD control limit is ±CROL. If sample results were outside of the control limits, all data associated with that duplicate sample should have been flagged with a . DATA VALIDATION - METALS S i to Name: Laboratory Name: -A)U �Sf �n� ��cr�6YLJltltt� Reviewer: Date of Review: �o"J Vi. Matrix Spike Analysis 1. Was a matrix spike prepared and analyzed at the contract specified frequency? CYe No Comments: 2. Were the matrix spike recovereis within the contract specified control limits (75-125X)? Yes No If "No", note analytes 1 rO n Ccod Lr 5Pu4ced Lgmly'aH cl� fr 0 Data should have been flagged with 1°N" for analytes out of control limits. If the sample concentration exceeds the spike concentration by a factor of four or more, no flag is required. DATA VALIDATION - 'KETALS Site Name: c, �: Laboratory Name: ,rp �l lli, 1021'!% Reviewer: Date of Review: VII. ICP Interference Check Sample Summary I. Was the ICP serial dilution analyzed at the contract specified frequency? es No Comments: 2. Were the serial dilution differences within the contract specified limits of +:w-I®X? Yes CNo Comments _ f 3. Was the ICP CRDI check standard analyzed at the contract specified frequency for the analytes required? Yew No Comments DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name:���I` C'(Cj Z-aY%j4 01 Laboratory Name: Sf �rl 6 ctj Reviewer: Date of Review: 9 VII. ICP Interference Check Sample Summary (continued): 4. Was the ICP interference check sample analyzed at the contract specified frequency? Yes No Comments: 5. Were the ICP interference check sample results within the control limit of +:w-20% of the mean value? Yes No If "No", note analytes DATA VALIDATION - METALS Site Name: SCS 'Nnr'.lC( LQV)� Ci 1I Laboratory Name: U f f5� ��� L�� rc�'1`h eriKeo Reviewer: r t,t, Date of Review: r 2 9� VIII. Laboratory Control Sample Analysis 1. Was a laboratory control sample analyzed at the contract required frequency? �Yes No Comments: 2. Were the perecent recoveries within the control limits of 80-120% (except for Ag and Sb) for each analyte? Yes No Comments DATA VALIDATION - METALS G Site Name: � A Laboratory Name: Reviewer: z, Date of Review: IX. Furnace Atomic Absorption Analysis 1. Were duplicate injections performed for all analytes (except for the Method of Standard Addition CMSA] which requires single injections only)? Yes No Comments: 2. Where the concentrations were above the CROL, did the two runs agree within 29%—ef the relative standard deviations for each analyte? Yes No If "No", note analytes and check to see if the analytes were run again. If readings are still outside the control limits, all data associated with that analysis should have been flagged with an "M". 3. Did the preparation blank analysis produce spike recoveries of 85-115X? Yes No Comments � 1 _ n #$ (ter11nn I rl k --r i'2 f/t N V uocej f n Site Name Reviewer: DATA VALIDATION - METALS aboratory Name: 10L ate of Review: IX. Furnace Atomic Absorption Analysis (continued): 4. Were analysis (post digest) spikes performed on all required samples and concentration levels (2x CROL)? Yes No Comments\. 5. For those samples whose initial spike recovery was less than 40%, was sample dilutin and respiking performed? Yes No 6. Was the MSA performed at the contract specified frequency and did it follow the contract specified criteria? Yes No