HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-10/24/1957 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Rober+ W. Gi]!ispie, Jr.. Chairman Robert I~ergen Hotbed' Rosenberg Charles Gregonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. ~OUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. Telephone SO 5-2&60 MINUTES Seuthold T ow~ Board of Appeals October 24, 1957 A regular meeting of the Seuthold Tow~ Board of Appeals was held at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, October 24, 1957, in the Town Olerkts Office, Southol&, N. Y. There were present: Also Mr. R. W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairmam Mr. Hober~ Bergen Mr. Herbert Rosenberg Mr. 0h~rles Gregonis, Jr. Mr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Mr. Howard M. Terry, ~uildi~g Inspector l~ablic Hearing: Appeal No. 33, application of Messrs. Douglas J. and L~wrence 0urrie of 252~$e~ford Avenue, M~ssapequa, N. Y., for a vari~uce to the Zoning Ordinance on Plot No. 2 located on the north side of S ou~dView Avenue, 15001 west of Kennels Read, Southold, N. ¥.. 162~/8~t x 96-1/2I, total approximate area 11,870 square feet. ~plication for appeal, letter to ~ppellants advising of date of public hearing and legal notices with affidavits from two official town newspapers were read by the Chairman. There being no one present who wished to speak either for or against the appeal the Board studio& application and accompamyingplot plan. It was the umanimous decision of the Board to grant the variance on the under- sized lot as it was the Board's opinion that the best possible development of the land had been established. Board further granted recognition of one right-of-wa~v, 12-1/2 feet in width, adJoiningwesterly side of Plots I and 2, a total distance of 270 feet in depth from North to South. Minutes of the October 17th meeting were read. On motion made by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mr. Gregonis, amd carried, minutes were approved. Among various recommendations with reference to the relocation and control of signs in the Town of Southold were those of M~r. R. $. ~itherspoon o£ the Peconic Outdoor Advertising Company. Southold, N. Y.. who attended the meeting. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS OCT0~E,R 2~, 1957 MINUTES, Continued A letter off recommendations was drawn up covering suggested amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which is to be presented to the Pls. nning Board for their consideration. T he next regular meetimg of the Board will be held on October 31, 1957. Respectfully submitted, Secretary