HomeMy WebLinkAboutMontauk We Hopei^ �. p ♦ �Tprw CLERKTOUIN REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Montauk We Hope Att: Robert Kent 45 Research Way Suite 100 East Setauket, NY 11733 Dear Mr, Kent, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 www.southoldtownny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 5, 2015 We are returning your application for a Permit to hold a Special Event in the Town of Southold. At the July 14, 2015 Town Board meeting, the Special Events policy was amended (copy enclosed) to read "There shall be no bicycle and/or running special events conducted within the Town of Southold during the period of June 1 to November 1." I am also enclosing the updated application form, (the $250 clean up deposit fee must be submitted as well as the $1,500.00 deposit to ensure roads are returned to their pre -event condition), if you choose to resubmit your application with another date. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (631) 765-1800. S'ncerely, Bonnie J. D ski Deputy Town Clerk Enc. July 28, 2015 Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PERMIT REQUEST On behalf of Robert Kent, enclosed please find a completed application for a Permit to Hold a Special Event. This is the 16th year we have held this event, and last year it was requested that we apply for the above -referenced permit. /ends. w w w. m o n t a u k w e h o p e. o r g I have also enclosed an Exempt Organization Certificate, a copy of the Permit we were issued by the LI State Parks Dept for our event, and a copy of our course map. Stony Brook Technology If there is anything else you require to process this permit application, I can be reached at Center 631-706-4120. A 45 Research Way Thank you! Suite 100 East Setauket NY 11733 Sincerely, T: 631.751.0300 F: 631.751.0868 Linda M. Rooney Executive Assistant Montauk We Hope /ends. w w w. m o n t a u k w e h o p e. o r g ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 www.southoldtownny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OIC' SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO HOLD A SPECIAL EVENT Please provide ALL of the information requested below. Incomplete applications WILL NOT be reviewed. Date of Submission �_..17n "Ls Name of Event_—HQ6daui< e dope- _-- Name of Organization: Is this a Not -For -Profit E Contact's Narne: (,O bC4,,+ blP (l+ L Mailing Address: q5 P -. V I� �Q Si" ��7 a �� i ! J Contact's Phone Number: (D3P • �7D�0. °7 12—® Contact's Email Address: L 9.O 0"r"q P I- FZ I Tf-C Ize. GOm _ t— ^ -----._------ l Event Location and Site Diagram: -h�h�v �� O�i;i,t, c%� YJ� Iy► `SE' d) (Use additional paper if necessary) Event Date(s):.___-.._._.__ GL'Y(AV� (Include set up and shutdown tii es and d es) Nature of Event: —/ S - hi -I l e __Ohm _, bile, r (Please attach a detailed description t this app icP ,atio►i) m Time Period (Hours) of Event: From _ q maYh -.- to - : ®® J Maximum Number of Expected Attendees: 1J! C �r5 W t ll !'!_d OU -I h ®I !1® more, --I arl Specify any special requirements (i.e. road closure, polic6 presence): -- IfaTent or other temporary structure will be used please contact the Southold Town Building Department at 631-765-1802 Mailing Address to Send Event Permit to: F � - � f -o V v14- 4 r; IZp -c' R n Yl-�h In I tw S 4( - I DD, gd 5 f < Fees: $250 for events with less than 1000 expected attendees $350 for events with 1000 or more expected attendees $250 or more Clean-up deposit _ (Canirlot be waived) NOTE, Additional deposit may be required (,see attached regulations) and shall be made ill all amount determined prion- to issuance of the permit based upon the estimated direct costs attributable to additional police, highway and cleanup costs associated with the event. The deposit will be used to cover such costs and any unused monies will be returned to applicant. CERTIFICATE OFINSURANCE REOUIRE .: Not less than $2,000,000 naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. Adrj;l-jnjj-,4l information and requirements may be required as deerned necessary by the Town Board. Print name of Authorized Person filling out application "Upon the request by applicant, the- "Town Board may waive in whole or ill )art any of the application requirements. Nowy0fk StAt1 DapuyTwy d TII-Wn and Rumce E�--4xempt Organization Certificate T-1 `y The organization named below its exempt from Paymoet of UW New ytA Stats and(tM local sales and use tax, The number shown on this certificate must be entered on arry Form ST-1 19.1, EzonV CM ganizft to a vendor. If this certificate is lost or destroyed, You may obtain a replscarnenl by �� ease C °t � Pre This cortificate will remain in effect unless it is revok*d rx r 00fi rg � Exempt O izadons Unit. revocation of exempt status and sub;ect the c W. Misuse of the aud" granted under this ce on Ia substantial civic and criminal Penalties, rtifxate will result in the& MONTAUK WE NOPE INC 1i ROBERT E KENT Gertiiticate number 4S RESEARCH WAY- SUITE 100 EAST SETAUKET, NX 11733-6401 EX 244892 Date issued APral, 16, 2008 This certificate may not be altered, changed, lent; or trans to another organization or person. REVOCABLE PARK USE PERMIT LONG ISLAND STATE PARK REGION PERMIT OFFICE, P.O. BOX 247, BABYLON, NEW YORK 11702 PHONE: (631) 321-3515 PERMIT NO: 15-1093 EXPIRATION DATE: 09/12/2015 ISSUED TO: Montauk We Hope DATE OF ISSUE: 07/08/2015 45 Research Way, Suite 100 TELEPHONE NO.: 631-706-4120 East Setauket, NY 1 1733 Attn: Robert Kent PURPOSE: BI-A-TIION !W�E f LOCATION: HITHER HILLS & MONTAUK POINT STATE PARKS DATE(S) AND TIME(S): SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 FROM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM FEE, PAYABLE WITH RETURN OF ACCEPTANCE: $ 250.00 OPRHP (Write NONE if not applicable) CONDITIONS 1. This permit does not constitute a waiver of any applicable vehicular use fee or park entry fee, which must be paid at point of entry. Vehicles must be parked in designated area, and no reserved parking spaces will be assigned. Exceptions to this rule only if noted in Section 6 — Special Conditions, 2. This permit may be used only by the designated permittee and only for the purpose, location and tirne period stated. 3. This permit is issued with the understanding that all use made of the area designated will be in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Long Island State Park Region and the instructions of the Park Manager. 4. For the purpose of identification, this permit must be carried on your person and be available if requested by a park officer or park employee. 5. The sale or vending of any foodstuffs, refreshments, merchandise, etc. is prohibited. Refreshment stands are available in every park and the operators of these stands have the exclusive license for the sale of all foodstuffs, refreshments, merchandise, etc. in the park area. Vendors, catering services, etc., are NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER THE PARKS TO DELIVER AND/OR SELL ANY FOODSTUFFS, BEVERAGES OR MERCHANDISE TO ANY GROUP OR ORGANIZATION. Arrangements for catering may be made through the park catering service ONLY except if noted in Section 4-6 — Special Conditions. Call (63'; ) 321-3515 for information. 6. Special Conditions: See attached General Information and Rules (Terms and Conditions) ® All parking is at the direction of Park Manager - blocking service roads, parking by east driveway, house area, of park prohibited. ® Entrance fee per cat- is to be paid on arrival. ® Permittee must provide at least 4 Port -o -johns ® Permit in conjunction with Group Use permit #45165. ® Person in charge must be present at all times. ® Permittee must call Tom Dess, 631-665-3781, to set up locations of water stops on Montauk Hwy and Montauk Point Stage Park. ® Permittee must contact park licensed Park caterer to sign off for use of outside vendor. 7. This permit is issued on the condition that the permittee shall be responsible for any and all damage to park property or facilities which may result from the permittee's use thereof. The pennittee assumes all risks and shall hold harmless and defend the State of New York, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and the Long Island State Park Region, its officers and employees, for injury or death arising out of an accident to themselves or others, resulting from activities under this permit or by reason of any unauthorized activities undertaken in the contravention to the terms under which this permit is issued. Violation of the above rules or other Long Island State Park regulations will result in immediate revocation of permit (NO REFUND), possible issuance of summons and whatever other legal remedies the Long Island State Park Region deems necessary. 8. The Long Island State Park Region reserves the right to revoke this permit at any time. *PLEASE SIGN & RETURN COPY TO: PERMIT OFFICE, P.O. BOX 247, BABYLON, NY 11702. This permit is not valid until a signed copy is retur to i office. ACCEPTED BYAPPROVED _ ERMITTEE AEPI-1 LONG ISLAND STA E PARI{ REG_ON F Green