HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2015 James Grathwohl, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Donald Feiler 54375 Route 25 James Garretson, Vice Chair PO Box 1179 Anne Surchin Southold, NY 11971 Gary Parker Fax (631) 765-9502 Robert Harper Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Landmark Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 p.m., February 17, 2015 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: James Garretson, Anne Surchin, Gary Parker, Robert Harper, Edward Webb. Commissioner Webb recorded the minutes in the absence of Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman James Garretson in Chairman Grathwohl’s absence.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of January 20, 2014 were approved unanimously.  Chairman’s Comments: James Garretson advised the members of recent communication from Chairperson James Grathwohl and his need to step down as chair, due to health issues, but that he wished to remain a member of the commission. RESOLUTION: Commissioner Surchin brought forth a resolution accepting the o resignation of James Grathwohl as Chairperson of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. RESOLUTION # passed unanimously. (Resolution/roll call attached). o RESOLUTION: Commissioner Webb brought forth a resolution naming James o Garretson as Chairperson of the Landmarks Preservation Commission and naming Anne Surchin as Vice Chairperson for a term ending December 31, 2015. RESOLUTION # passed unanimously. (Resolution/roll call attached). o Chairman Garretson asked that James Grathwohl’s resignation letter be part of the official record of this meeting. Old Business  Awards Program: Commissioner Surchin reviewed suggestions for the awards program which o include:  Initiate a press release announcing the program  Review criteria  Place ad in Suffolk Times announcing the program Discussion ensued regarding award criteria with the following agreed to by o consensus: Applicant must meet at least one of the following required criteria:  SPLIA Survey listing  Historic District (Commercial/residential)  At least 50 years old Commissioner Surchin will draft a press release and circulate to members for o review prior to next meeting. The tentative plan is to roll out the publicity in the spring and present the award in early summer.  Historic Lighthouses: CommissionerWebb advised that Damon Rallis has drafted a resolution to go before the town board for approval regarding inclusion of historic town lighthouses on the Town’s landmark registry. Damon will be asked about the status of the resolution.  Ben Franklin Mile Marker Project: Chairman Garretson will obtain a status update from Commissioner Grathwohl and report back.  Historic Churches/Floating Zone Legislation: Chairman Garretson noted that a public hearing on the proposed legislation has been scheduled for March 10th, 2015 at 4:32 pm at Southold Town Hall. He encouraged all commission members to attend the hearing. Chairman Garretson will attend and speak in support of the proposed law. New Business  Commission Name: Following discussion the commission agreed by consensus that we should comply with the Southold Town code and call ourselves the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission.  Encouragement of New Landmark Designations: CommissionerHarper reviewed the issue noting that presently there is no incentive to preserve the facades of historic buildings in the town. Following a discussion, it was agreed that we should request a meeting with Supervisor Russell to discuss the issue. Chairman Garretson will contact the Supervisor to set up a meeting with the commission.  Status of Update of SPLIA inventory conducted by Mark Tweedie several years ago. Commissioner Parker led the discussion after which it was agreed to ask Damon Rallis for an update on the status of the project.