HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/2015 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 p.m., June 16, 2015 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: James Garretson, Robert Harper, Edward Webb, Don Feiler, Anne Surchin, Gary Parker.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman James Garretson.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of May 19, 2015 were approved unanimously. Appointments  Town employee John Sepnoski gave the commission a presentation on the new SPLIA mapping program, which was put together using data from the HPC’s intern survey conducted in 2012 and 2013. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. Because initial SPLIA files are in poor condition, Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis agreed to contact SPLIA to see if they could provide the town with original copies to go with the updated files. Old Business  150 Bay Water Avenue, Southold Commissioner Harper continued a discussion regarding the above-referenced o property. In his conversation with the CDC, regarding its denial of funding for home improvements on the property, he found that the CDC would reconsider the application if money was made available from another source. He agreed to reach out to additional funding sources.  Update on award designations Vice Chair Anne Surchin reported that no action had been taken on the proposed o awards program. A brief discussion followed regarding the difference between awards and recognitions. It was discussed that the commission could send out letters of recognition to those who have done work to a historic home even if it was not a registered landmark. Commissioners discussed the possibility of using Community Preservation Funds o to preserve historic structures. They also discussed the need for incentivizing the program to make landmarking worthwhile to property owners. New Business  Julie P. Davis – Second Parsonage House – 2500 Hobart Road: Application for new addition to the Southold Town Registry of Historic Landmarks Damon Rallis outlined the process for adding the property to the registry. Vice o Chair Surchin and Commissioner Harper agreed to tour the property and bring their recommendation back to the commission at its next meeting. At that time, a motion will be made to recommend designation to the Southold Town Board. CommissionerGrathwohl asked commissioners to each compile a list of five o properties to be added to the town’s Landmark Registry, so that the commission could target those properties for preservation.