HomeMy WebLinkAboutOperation and Maintenance ManualTOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PREPARED FOR HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i 125 BAYLIS ROAD, MELVILLE, NEW YORK 0 BY CLYDE PORTER, JR., CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 405 SUMMIT AVENUE, MT. VERNON, NEW YORK DECEMBER 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations Preface Manual Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Permits and Standards Chapter 3 - General Laboratory Controls Chapter 4 - Reports and Records Chapter 5 - Safety Precautions and Emergency Response Program Chapter 6 - Plant Personnel Chapter 7 - Preliminary Treatment Facilities Chapter 8 - Equalization Tank Facilities Chapter 9 - Chemical Coagulation and Flocculation Facilities Chapter 10 - Primary Clarifiers Chapter 11 - Secondary Treatment Facilities Chapter 12 - Final Clarifiers Chapter 13 - Sludge and Scum Treatment Facilities Chapter 14 - Odor Control System Chapter 15 - Electric Power and Lighting Systems Chapter 16 - Heating and Ventilating Systems Chapter 17 - Maintenance and Utilities APPENDICES A - Operator Qualifications B - Scavenger Waste Disposal Ordinance C - Reference Materials D - Manufacturer's Literature (Under Separate Cover) E - Shop Drawings (Under Separate Cover) F - As Built Drawings (Under Separate Cover) i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand RBD Rotating•Biological Discs d.c. direct current deg F degrees Fahrenheit gpd gallons per day gph gallons per hour G.P.M. Gallons per Minute HOA Hand -Off. -Automatic HP Horsepower Hz Hertz KVA. Kilowatt -Volt -Ampere RW Kilowatt(s) lb pound(s) FeC13 Ferric Chloride HCL Hydrochloric Acid M.G.D. Million Gallons Per Day mg/l milligrams per liter NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental. Conservation NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System % Percent ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS pH _ Hydrogen ion concentration ppd pounds per day psi pounds per square inch psig pounds per square inch gage M.C.C. Motor Control Center spm stokes per minute SPDES State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System SS Suspended Solids USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency INF. Influent EFF. Effluent PRESS. Pressure scfm standard cubic feet per minute D.O. Dissolved Oxygen gal. gallons iii PREFACE MANUAL FORMAT AND USER GUIDE This Operation and Maintenance (0&M) Manual is a primary reference book for the Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility. As such, it is essential that those persons responsible for the operation and maintenance of the treatment plant be thoroughly familiar with its contents and format so that desired information can be found quickly. Although it is a primary reference document, it is by no means the only reference, nor is it totally self-contained or comprehensive. References are provided in the Manual, directing the user's attention to more detailed manufacturer's literature, technical reference, textbooks and other sources of information which may or may not be appended hereto. A Table of Contents listing all chapters is presented in the beginning of this Manual to permit easy identification and location of the topics addressed herein. It is intended here to give some explanation of the Manual's organization, as depicted in the Table of Contents, and to discuss its intended use. Chapter 1 serves only to acquaint the user with the general background concerning the Manual's preparation, scope and use. It is not, as are most of the remaining chapters of this Manual, meant to convey information pertinent to the day-to-day operation of the plant. This chapter contains information pertaining to the design and performance criteria under which it is to operate. Chapter 2 includes information concerning the discharge permit and the New York State Water Quality Standards for the Long Island Sound. Chapter 3 contains information regarding the testing schedule delineating testing frequency, sample location and sample type, description of sampling locations, and some general guidelines with respect to procedures. Also included in this section are interpretations of some significant laboratory testing results and suggested operating procedures with respect to these results. Descriptions of specific laboratory testing controls for individual processes are contained in the chapters of this Manual for each process. Chapter 4 contains information regarding the keeping of proper records and guides for filling out the required reports. Chapter 5 is an overview of the general problem regarding safe working procedures and equipment in a treatment plant, as well as the actions that have to be taken during an emergency situation. All plant personnel are urged to familiarize themselves with this material. P-1 Chapter 6 contains information regarding staffing needs for the Southold.plant. Chapter 7 through 13 include the description of the operation and controls for treatment of the scavenger wastewater flow and the operation and control of the sludge handling facilities. It is meant to provide the plant operator with a clear picture of the treatment plant, since major treatment processes in the treatment plant do not operate independently, but are preceded by and/or followed by units which contribute significantly to the overall treatment efficiency. A schematic diagram is presented which physically traces the scavenger, wastewater flow through the various components of the plant. In addition, a list of major plant components with respective size or capacity data is included. It is within these chapters that operating personnel can find thorough descriptions of units and processes within the plant, and can obtain guidance on operating and controlling these units and processes. The purpose and basic theoretical concepts of each process are discussed, as are the details of process operation and control. In addition, common operating problems for the units and processes are indicated and suggested solutions discussed. Several blank pages for Notes and Addenda are inserted after each chapter so that plant personnel may record additional information or significant observations deemed appropriate for the purpose of the Manual. Chapter 14 describes the operation and control of the odor control system used for removing odors in the Grit Building and the vented gas from the equalization tank. Chapter 15 describes the electrical system and gives instructions for its operation and maintenance. Chapter 16 describes the heating and ventilating system and gives instructions for its operation and maintenance. Chapter 17 provides a complete equipment list for the Southold plant, including the name, address and telephone number of manufacturers, for service needs. Also included is general information regarding maintenance of the facility utilities. The Appendices contain the following information: Operator Qualifications; Scavenger Waste Ordinance; Reference List and Manufacturer's 0&M Material. P-2 CHAPTER 1® INTRODUCTION OPERATION AND MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY PURPOSE OF MANUAL TYPE OF PLANT AND DESIGN CRITERIA DESCRIPTION OF PLANT TYPE AND FLOW PATTERN NOTES AND ADDENDA LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC 1- 1 PAGE NO. 1- 3 OPERATION AND MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY The operation and maintenance of the scavenger waste treatment plant is under the direct charge of the Chief Plant Operator. The Town of Southold has the overall managerial responsibility for maintaining, staffing and operating the scavenger waste plant. PURPOSE OF MANUAL The purpose of this manual is to with the basis of design, to provide equipment and facilities, and to make operation and maintenance so that the plant may function -in a satisfactory TYPE OF PLANT AND DESIGN CRITERIA familiarize plant personnel a description of the recommendations for scavenger waste treatment and economical manner. The scavenger waste plant (see Figure 1®1) has been designed to meet the current and future treatment needs of the Town of Southold. The flow stream for the plant consists of primary clarification with chemical addition, carbonaceous BOD removal and secondary clarification. Final effluent is metered and discharged to the existing Village of Greenport treatment plant. The sludge system consists of scum/sludge pumping, anaerobic digestion and dewatering sludge drying beds. DESCRIPTION OF PLANT TYPE AND FLOW PATTERN The head end facilities consist of receiving ports, a manually cleaned bar screen, an aerated grit chamber and an equalization tank. In order to minimize the waiting time for scavenger waste haulers, and to discourage illegal dumping which might occur if excessive waiting times were encountered, two (2) receiving ports are provided for unloading of scavenger waste. Hoses are provided for washdown of spills. Significant quantities of grit, rags, sticks and other deleterious materials are typically contained in scavenger waste. A manually cleaned bar screen and an aerated grit chamber are provided to protect downstream equipment from these materials. Air flow to the grit chamber can be regulated to control the efficiency of grit removal. Grit will be removed from the tank via an inclined screw conveyor and discharged to a container for removal to the landfill. The bar screens and grit removal 1- 2 7 + r SCAVENGER WASTE TRUCK INFLUENT PORTS 0 v c- 0 0 O Z Cn C q Z 0 rnZ G7 Z Irl G� BAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS I 1 FE CL 3 STORAGE TANK EQUALIZATION TANK PRIMARY DIGESTER scum SLUDGE WET WELL FLASH MIX TK. LIME EAD BOX FLOCCLATION TANK PRIMARY CLARIFIERS HCL STORAGE :) F-1 TAN R OTATI N G BIOLOGICAL DISCS — FLOW METER TO OUTFALL................. I I EXISTING VILLAGE OF EFFLUENT GREENPOINT PLANT WET WELL SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC HCL MIXING TANK FINAL CLARIFIER c� c m equipment are housed inside a building to minimize odors at the site. An odor control system is provided in this building. The scavenger waste flows from the grit chamber to the equali- zation tank. Air diffusers are provided for mixing of the waste. The equalization tank is sized to provide storage for peak flows, as well as to maintain a flow to the biological system throughout the weekend when no wastes are received. The equalization tank also serves to homogenize the scavenger waste, which exhibits varying characteristics from truckload to truckload. The equalization tank is covered and vented to the odor control system within the Grit Building. Scavenger waste is pumped from the equalization tank to a flash mix tank where lime and ferric chloride are added. Scavenger waste then flows to a flocculation tank. The waste then flows to a primary clarifier. After primary clarification, the waste flows by gravity to the rotating biological discs (RBD's) . The rotating biological discs are utilized for BOD removal and nitrification. Prior to biological treatment the waste stream is mixed with HCL for pH adjustment. A pH probe will regulate the amount of HCL added to the liquid stream. From the RBD units the flow goes to the final clarifier. A single clarifier has been provided for final sedimentation. Following final sedimentation, the flow is metered and discharged to the existing Village of Greenport treatment plant. Scum and sludge collected in the primary and secondary clarifiers flows by gravity to a scum/sludge tank. From this tank scum/sludge is then pumped to a high rate anaerobic digester. The digester is heated, mixed and provided with a floating gas holder cover. Recovered methane gas is used to heat the digester contents. Digested sludge is pumped to an existing and expanded sludge drying beds. The final sludge cake is then trucked to a landfill for disposal. 1- 4 CHAPTER 20 PERMITS AND STANDARDS GENERAL REPORTABLE SPILLS REPORTING SYSTEM STATE POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM WATER QUALITY STANDARDS NOTES AND ADDENDA LIST OF TABLES 2-1 MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER SPILL REPORT 2-2 CLASSES AND STANDARDS FOR SALINE SURFACE WATERS 2-3 CLASS "SA" LIST OF FIGURES PAGE NO. 2- 2 2- 2 2- 3 2- 7 2- 8 2-21 2- 6 2-20 2-20 2-1 SAMPLE LETTER FOR REPORTING SPILLS 2- 5 2- 1 GENERAL The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has implemented and enforces a permit program under the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92®500, Section 402). In general, anyone discharging pollutants from a point source into the waters of the United States, including the oceans and the contiguous zone, must obtain a discharge permit. If there are any questions concerning any of the items of the permit, contact the USEPA office at the address shown below: Regional Administrator, Region II Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water & Compliance 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007 ATTENTION: Mr. George Meyer Tele-. No.: (212) 264®2676 An agreement has been reached between the USEPA and NYSDEC in which the State discharge permit (SPDES) is acceptable in lieu of the NPDES permit. Therefore, information regarding the discharge permit for the plant can also be obtained at the following address: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit Administration Section 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233 ATTENTION: Mr. William L. Garvey Tele. No.: (518) 457®5968 REPORTABLE SPILLS Any discharge from a municipal wastewater system which is not in compliance with the effluent limitations established for that system is classified as a reportable spill. For the purpose of the above definition, a wastewater system includes, but is not limited to, a treatment plant, a pumping station and sanitary sewers. A discharge includes, but is not limited to, any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, dumping, overflowing or bypassing. The intent of the reportable spill definition given previously is to provide maximum protection to the downstream water users and to give the responsibility for the incident severity analysis to the State Water Pollution Control Agency (the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation). 2- 2 The importance of treatment system personnel at all levels being informed of the reporting procedures for spills of raw or inadequately treated wastewater cannot be overemphasized. Prompt reporting ensures spill cleanup and monitoring assistance can be dispatched to help minimize health hazards and environmental damage. Penalties for being negligent in reporting these conditions are generally severe and the damage done to public relations can be disastrous to any treatment system. REPORTING SYSTEM The legal requirements for spills of raw or inadequately treated municipal wastewater is these spills should be reported promptly. As an aid to the personnel responsible for this reporting, the telephone numbers of the State and County Water Pollution Control Agency that can be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report emergencies are listed as follows: New York State Oils Spills Bureau Albany, New York EMERGENCY NO.: (518) 457-7362 Suffolk County Department of Environmental Control Enforcement Section 15 Horse Block Place Farmingville, New York 11738 EMERGENCY NO.: (518) 451-4629 Any spills should also be reported to the following address: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11790 ATTENTION: Mr. A. Yerman Tele. No.: (516) 751-7900 When reporting a spill, the operator should give as much information as possible about the spill. To avoid confusion, the emergency response plan should include all reports from the spill site to follow a specific format. This format is as follows: 1. SITUATION - Should include location, what happened, strength and volume of wastewater spilled, extent of emergency, success of emergency response actions. 2- 3 2. ACTION - Summary of all actions taken by the municipality, or by others. 3. PLANS - All planned actions by the municipality, or others. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS - Any recommendations pertaining to the emergency that the operator has. 5. STATUS-- Should indicate whether emergency condition has ended or is continuing, give details of conditions existing. 6. The verbal report should be followed by written correspondence documenting the verbal notification. This should -- include the facts listed 1 through 5 above and the date, time and names of individuals reported to. A sample letter is shown as Figure 2-1. Table 2-1 is a sample form which can be used to record all spills. 2- 4 FIGURE 2-1 SAMPLE LETTER FOR REPORTING SPILLS S A M P L E (DATE) ADDRESS OF STATE OR COUNTY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL.AGENCY CONTACTED DEAR MR. IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR TELEHONE CONVERSATION ON (DATE AND TIME) REGARDING SPILLAGE OF INADEQUATELY TREATED WASTEWATER TO THE LONG ISLAND SOUND; PLEASE FIND HEREIN THE VERBAL INFORMATION CONVEYED TO YOU. 1. SITUATION 2. ACTION 3. PLAN 4. RECOMMENDATIONS 5. STATUS Very truly yours, 2- 5 TABLE 2-1 MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER SPILL REPORT NAME OF FACILITY: LOCATION (RIVER BASIN): (CITY) : OWNER: TELEHONE: (Area Code) PERSON REPORTING SPILL: DATE REPORTED: TIME REPORTED: (DAY) (MONTH) (YEAR) SPILL STARTED: (TIME): ( DAY) ( MONTH ( YEAR ) SPILL STOPPED: ,(TIME): SPILL VOLUME: GALLONS IF SPILL STOPPED. SPILL"RATE: M.G.D. IF SPILL CONTINUING. IF SPILL CONTINUING, ESTIMATED DURATION HOURS. ESTIMATED TREATMENT AS PERCENT OF NORMAL o IS CHLORINATION BEING PROVIDED? - YES NO DESCRIBED CONDITIONS SURROUNDING SPILL (POWER FAILURES, EQUIP- MENT BREAKDOWN, BROKEN LINE, ETC. ACTION TAKEN TO STOP SPILL AND PREVENT REOCCURRENCE: ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: 2- 6 i { STATE POLLUTION DISCHAGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM olvew York State Department of Environmental Conservatio So wolf Road, Albany, New York PublicMr. James I. Monsell - Greenport,Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Dear Mr. Honsell: November 25, 1981 M Le: MODIFICATION OF POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION NY -0020079 Greenport Greenport This -is to inform you that pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law (1!ECL11), Article 17, Title 8 (McKinney'&) and 6 NYCRR, Part 757, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has made a determination to modify your referenced Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit as indicated on the attached 'Tinal Effluent :_tion_ .:•-_ ._ der permitof the • /force The revised page indicates the deletion of the 85% r val require—nt for suspende-A solids as anincrease in the suspended solids effluent limitation was granted an cto20, 1981 bertherebymaking e removal Unless otherwise specified, this modification will become effective immediately unless you petition, pursuant to ECL Section 17®0907, that you be given an opportunity to be heard -in connection with this determination and where applicable, if no written objection is received by this office within 30 days after receipt of this modification by the Regional Administrator of EPA. Any such petition for a hearing shall contain specific evidence to support your contention that a hearing is necessary and that you were sot previously given an opportunity to be heard. Enclosures Mr. Pulaski Suffolk Co. DEIS ,. . Stevens ,_ Spear- Frank Russo, E2M,- Crouin Very truly yours, William L, Carvey, PX Chlafs, Permit Adminletr4tIon Sect Divi-sion. of Water I NJ 125 Baylis Rd., Xelville,, New York 11747 Fiml EF: LUF.�ri QfITATIONS periodaring the beginning October 20, 1981 and ischarges from the permitted facility shall TABLE I Part I Page 2 of 8 Facility I.D. No. NY0020079 MODIFIED: 10/20/81 - 11/25/81 lasting until June 1, 1982 and monitored by the permittee Effluent Limitations (YA_-dm= Limits except where otherwise indicated) (z) Floe 30 day arithmetic mean 0.5 ot )??OD ( )CPD (x) BODS 30 day arithmetic mean 30 mg/1 and 125 lbs/day(1) (x) BODS 7 dap arithmetic mean mg/"I and lbs/day BOD Do -U7 mg/l and lbs/da ( ) UODS(2) y mg/I and lbs/dal (A) Suspended Solids -_ _0 day arithmetic mean _. D mgfl and 292 lbs/day ($) Suspended Solids 7 day, arithmetic mean mg/1 and 7_3r®lbs/da7 () Suspended Solids ng/1 and lbs/day (x) Effluent disinfection required: (x) all year ( ) Seasonal from to nnIjfQ='2 ...- ...�i"ee1emC'e r"�T.. .,.r. eW+ e®® If chlorine is used for disinfection, a chlorine residual of 0.5-2.0 mel shall be maintained in the chlorine contact chamber mh-enever disinfection is required. If specified here, the chlorine residual in the final discharge shall not exceed 2.0 zgp.. (� Total Colifore , 7 700 100 MI {) Total Kjeldahl Kl troge_- Da;'' y /Mr as () onia /mel as NE3 () Dissolved Oxygen ylini= greate= than (� PE Flange 6.0 to 9.0 (� Settleable Solids Daily MI/1 ( ) Phosphorus Daily mg/1 as P ( ) Total Nitrogen Daily mg/1 as N :onitorine Reouiez-e=ents TABLE ?axaneter frecuen= SadeT7De �) Total Flow, IZD tinuous x) BOD , mg/1 m 6 hr cowosite I Sus ended Solids, mg/1 2 month 6_hr ea=site ) Fecal Coliform, Ivo./100 ml x) Total Coliform, No./100 ml hb Tonal Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/l as N gonia, Wjl as NHI Dissolved Oxygen, X) PE Grab X) Settleable Solids, ml/1 /div Grab X) Residual Chlorine, mel 1/dav Qmb Phosphorus, as P x) Temperature,oC Total Nitrogen, mg/l as N Visual Observation (1)and effluent values shall not exceed 15 of influent (2)UOD (Ultimate Oxygen Demand) shall be computed and reported as UOD ® 1i x ECD5 + 41 z TKF (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen)® Wapplicable only in the Interstate Sanitation District. /1¢ow++1^ eenw64 n$ _U'_ 9— W441-9-4 vwa ♦i s,g1 OM Tn��, +, jj+ 1jvj�v .�_ Sa=ule Location Inflvent Effluent X X X +t -j P.- " -`-- 1-4,6 ivE:+1 YORK SPATE DEP .I:RTMENT OF ENVIROINMELTAL CONSERVATION STATE POLLUTANT DISCH.-kRGE ELIMI�ZATION SYSTEZI (S PDES ) DISCHARGE PERMIT GENERAL CONDITIONS (PART I I ) PAG E General, Provisions............ 1 Prohibitions ................................................. 1-2 Exclusions..................................................... 2 Modification, Suspension, Revocation .......................... 2-3 Reporting Noncompliance ....................................... 3-4 Insoectiors........... ,................. I........................ 4 Transfer of Ownership......... 5 Pernit Ren=wal....:........................................... 5 Special Provisions, - Proposed or Expanded Facilities.......... 5- Limitation of Disharges of Oil and Hazardous Substances in Harmful Quantities....... .................................. 6 Monitoring Recording and Reporting ..................4.4....... 6-8 1. General ........ ...:......... 6 2. Monitoring,Locations ............................ .. 6 3. Recording of Monitoring Activities and Results...... 7 4.. Analytical Methods............. ...................... 7-8 5. Abplication for Alternate Test Procedures..........., 8 6. Confidential Information ............................. 8 Facility Operation and Quality Control ........................ 9-11 1. General......... ........................ 9-10 2. Prohibition of Bypass ............................... 10 3. S.oecial Condition - Facilities with Septic Tanks.... 10 4. Disposal of Collected Solids ........................ 10-11 Special Conditions - Publicly Owned Treatment Works............ 11 _elAsed 2-8 -1- " - PART 11 - GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS a. A determination has been made on the basis of a submitted application, plans, or other available information, that compliance with the specified permit provisions will reasonably assure compliance with applicable water quality standards. Satisfaction of permit provisions notwithstanding, if operation pursuant. to U!e permit causes or contributes to a condition in contravention of State water quality standards, or if the Department determines, on the basis of notice provided by the permittee and any related investigation, inspection or sampling, that a modification of the permit is necessary to assure maintenance of water quality standards or compliance with other provisions of ECL Article 17, or the Act., the Department may require such a modification and may require abatement action to be taken by the permittee�.and may also prohibitthe noticed act until the permit has been modified. b. All discharges authorized by this permit shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit; facility expansions, production increases, or process modifications which result in new or increased discharges of pollutants must -be reported by submission of a new SPDES application -or, if such new or increased discharge does not violate the effluent limitations specified in this permit, by submission to the permit issuing authority of notice of such new or increased discharges of pollutants. (in which case the permit may modified to specify effluent limitations for any pollutants not identified and limited herein); -the discharge of any pollutant not identified and authorized or the discharge of any pollutant more frequently than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by this permit shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit. C.. The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, .the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit, shall not be affected thereby. PROHIBITIONS a. The following discharges into the waters of the State are hereby prohibited: (1) The discharge of any radiological, chemical or biological warfare agent or high-level radioactive waste, such as terms are defined by the Act or pursuant thereto; 2-9 -2 - Any discharge which the Secretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers finds would substantially impair anchorage and navigation; (3) Any discharge to which the Regional Administrator has objected in writing pursuant to any right to object provided the Administrator in Section 402(d) of the Act; and (4) Any discharge from a point source which is in conflict with a plan or amendment thereto approved pursuant to section 208(b) of the Act, or any other discharge not permitted by this article, article 17 of the ECL, other rules and regulations adopted or applicable pursuant thereto, the Act, or the provisions of a SPDES permit. EXCLUSIONS a. The issuance of this permit by the Department and the receipt thereof by the Applicant does not supersede, revoke or rescind an order or modification thereof on consent or determination by the Commissioner issued heretofore by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements- contained in such order or modification thereof. b. The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations; nor does it obviate the necessity of obtaining other assent required by law for the discharge authorized. c. This permit does not authorize or approve the construction of any onshore or offshore physical structures or facilities or the undertaking of any work in any navigable waters. MODIFICATION SUSPENSION REVOCATION a. if the permittee fails or refuses to comply with an interim or final requirement in a SPDES permit, such noncompliance shall constitute a violation of the permit for which the Commissioner may modify, suspend, or revoke the permit or take direct enforcement j action pursuant to law. When, at any time during or prior to a period for compliance, the permittee announces or otherwise lets it be known, or the•Commissioner on reasonable cause determines, that 2-10 J the permittee will not make the requisite efforts to achieve compliance with" an interim or final requirement, the Commissioner may modify, suspend or -revoke the permit or take direct enforcement action pursuant to law, without waiting for expiration of the period for compliance with such requirements. I b. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, this dprrmiti may be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or -in p g erm for cause including, but not limited to, the following: 1. violation of any terns or conditions of this permit; or; 2. Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts, or false or inaccurate statements or information in the application; or; 3. A change in any physical circumstances, requirements or criteria applicable to discharges that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharges, such as: (i) standards for construction or operation of the discharging facility, (ii) the characteristics of the waters into which such discharge is made, (iii) the water quality criteria applicable to such. waters, (iv) the classification of such waters, or (v) effluent limitations or other requirements applicable pursuant, to the Act or, S,tate Law. if a toxic effluent standard or pro - c. Notwithstanding (b) above, hibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in Section 17-0813 of the Environmental Conservation Law or Section 307(x) of the Act) is established for a toxic pollutant which is present in the dischar authorized herein and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation upon such pollutant in this permit, or if this permit contains no limitations on such pollutants, this permit shall be revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standards or prohibitic and the permittee shall be so notified. _ REPORTING NONCOMPLIANCE a. If for any reason the permittee does not comply with or will be unable ,to comply with any daily maximum effluent limitation Specified in this pal -mit or should any unusual or extraordinary discharge of wastes occur for the permitted --Facilities, the permittee ` shall immediately notify the Department of Environmental conservation 2-11 ME Regional office by telephone and provide the following information in writing within five days of such notification: (1) Cause of noncompliance; (2) A"description of the noncomplying discharge including its impact upon the receiving waters; (3) Anticipated time the condition of noncompliance is expected to continue, or if such condition has been corrected, the duration of the period of noncompliance; (4') Steps taken by the permittee to reduce and eliminate the. noncomplying discharge; and (5) Steps to be taken by the permittee to prevent recurrence of the condition of noncompliance. b. Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any advance impact to navigable waters resulting from noncompliance with any effluent limitation specified in this permit, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine C. Except as provided herein under Prohibition of Bvoass of Treat- ment Facilities, nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance. INSPECTIONS The permittee shall allow, the Commissioner of the Depart*nent of Environmental Conservation, the Regional. Administrator, and/or their authorized representatives, upon the presentation of credentials: a. To enter upon the permit -tee's premises where an effluent source, is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit, or State law; b. To have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; c. To inspect any monitoring equipment or practices being maintained pursuant to this permit-; or 2-12 I ..d. -. To have access to and sample any discharge of pollutants to waters or to publicly owned treatment works resulting directly oi: indirectly from activities or operations of the owner or operator of the premises in which the effluent source or outlet is located. TFLANSFER OF OWNERSHIP Any permittee who intends to transfer a S-PUES permit is required to notify the Department in advance of the transfer. In the case o a change of ownership only, notice to the Department is required hip change accompanied by prior to change; in the case of an owners a change or proposed change in wastewater characteristics, a minimum of -180 days prior notice to the Department is required. The terms and -conditions of this permit are binding on the suc- cessors or assigns in interest of the original permittee. PERMIT RENEWAL The permittee shall file for renewal of this permit no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date by submitting any forms, fees, or supplemental information which may be required by the Depart- ment. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROPOSED OR EXPANDED FACILITIES. a. No construction of the waste disposal facilities shall commence without written approval of the .Department or its --designated field office. b. The facilities shall be fully constructed and completed in compliance with the engineering report, plans and specifications as approved, and any additional standards which are consistent with the state =,aw and Code, as specified in writing (letter of approval) by the Department or its designated field office. c. The construction of the facilities shall be under the super- vision of a person or firm qualified to practice professional engineer- ing in the State of New York under the Education Law of the State of New York, whenever engineering services are required by such law for such purposes. d. Before operation commences, where such facilities are under the supervision of a professiona'_ engineer, he shall certify to the Department and to the permittee that the constructed facilities have been fully completed in accordance with the approved engineering report plans and specifications, permit and letter of approval. e. Acceptance and approval o. wastewater disposal facility plans does not constitute approval of the facility's structural integrity. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation reviews reports plans and specifications for process capability' only. 2- 13 ! LIMITATION OF DISCHARGES OF OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN HARMFUL QUANTITIES The permittee shall not discharge oil into or upon navigable waters or adjoining shorelines in quantities defined as harmful in regulations published at 40 CFR 110, including any amendments or revisions to such regulations effected subsequent to the date of this permit. In addition, the,permittee shall not discharge hazardous substances into or upon navigable waters or adjoining shorelines in quantities defined as harmful in regulations promul- gated by the Administrator pursuant to Section 311(b)(4) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. Nothing in this permit shall be deemed to preclude the institution of any legal action nor relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to'which the permittee is or may be subject under Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, or under any other Federal or State law or regulation. MONITORING RECORDING AND REPORTING 1. General a.. The permittee shall comply with all recording, reporting, monitoring - and sampling requirements herein and such other additional terms, provisions, requirements or conditions that'theDepartment may deem to be reasonably necessary to achieve the -purposes of the Environmental Conservation Law, Article 17-,. the Act, or rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. b. Samples and measurements taken to meet the monitoring require- ments specified herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. All composite samples should be "flow proportioned" over the entire sampling period. c. The permittee shall periodically calibrate. and perform main- tenance procedures on all monitoring and analytical instrumentation to insure accuracy of measurements. 2. Monitoring Locations a. Permittee shall take samples and measurements to meet the monitoring requirements at the locations specified. b. Unless specified otherwise, samples of the effluent shall be taken at the point of combined flow into the outfall sewer. c. Unless specified otherwise, samples of the -influent wastewater shall be taken at the point of plant inflow. 2-114 3. Recording of Monitoring Activities and Results a. The permittee shall make and maintain records of all infor- mation resulting from the monitoring activities required by this permit. b. The pp rnittee shall record for each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit the following information: (1) The date, exact place, and time of sampling;' (2) The -ates analyses were performed; (3) Who performed the analyses; (4,) The analytical techniques or methods used; and, (5) The results of al -1 required analyses. C. If.the permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than is required by this permit, he shall include the results of such moni- toring in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Discharge Monitoring Report form. Such increased frequency shall be indicated on the Discharge Monitoring Report form. d. The permittee shall retain for a minimum of three (3) years all records of monitoring activities and results including all records of calibration and maintenance of instrumentation and original strip chart recordings from continuous monitoring instrumentation. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unre- solved_litigation or 'other proceedings regarding the discharge of pollutants by the permittee or when requested by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation or the EPA Regional Administrator. 4. Analytical Methods Following promulgation of guidelines establishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants, published pursuant to Section 304(g) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, all sampling and analytical methods used -to meet the monitoring requirements specified above shall conform to such guidelines. If the Section 304(g) guidelines do not specify test procedures for any pollutants required to be monitored by this permit and until such guidelines are promul- gated, sampling and analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements specified in this permit shall, unless otherwise specified by the Commissioner, conform to the. latest edition of the following references: 1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste - Waters, 14th Edition, 1976, American Public Health Association, New Yb rk, New York 10019. 2. A. S. T. M. Standar?s, Part 31, Water; Atmospheric Analysis, 1975, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. 2-15 W -M 3. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, 1974, Environmental Protection Agency Water Quality Office, Analytical Quality Control Laboratory, NECK, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268. 5. Aoplication for Alternate Test Procedures The applicant shall submit his application to the Director of the Bureau of Monitoring and Surveillance, Division of Pure Waters, N.Y.D.E.C., 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233. Unless and until printed application forms are madEt available, an application for an alternate test procedure may be made by letter in triplicate. Any application for an alternate test procedure shall: (1) Provide the name and address of the responsible person or firm making the. discharge .(if not the applicant) and the applicable ID number of the existing or pending permit, issuing agency, and type of permit for which the alternate test procedure is requested, and the discharge serial number. (2) Identify the pollutant or parameter for which approval of.an alternate testing procedure is being requested. (3) Provide justification for those specified in Table I, FEDERAL Tues. Oct. 16, 1973 • or, as amended. using testing procedures other than REGISTER, 28759, Vol. 38. No. 199, (4) Provide a detailed description of the proposed alternate test procedure, together with references to published studies of the applicability of the alternate test procedure to the effluents in question. 6. Confidential Information Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 17-0805 of the Environmental -Conservation Law or Section 308 of the Act, all such reports shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Regional Administrator of EPA Region II. Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 71-1933 of the Environmental Conservation Law or Section 309 of the Act. 2-16, Om FACILITY OPERATION AND QUALITY CONTROL 1. General a. The facilities shall not receive or be committed to receive wastes beyond their design capacity as to volume and character of wastes treated, nor shall the facilities be changed or modified or otherwise altered as to type., degree, or capacity of treatment provided, disposal of treated effluent, or treatment and disposal of separated scum, liquids, solids or combinations thereof resulting from the treatment process without prior written approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation or its designated field office. b. The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible all treatment or control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit.' C. Maintenance of treatment facilities that results in degrada- tion of effluent quality shall be scheduled during non-critical water quality periods and shall be carried out in a manner approved,by,the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. d.. When required under Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (6NYCRR650), sufficient personnel meeting qualifications for operators of sewage treatment works as required therein shall be employed to satisfactorily operate and maintain the treatment facilities. e. The permittee shall not discharge floating solids or visible foam, unless specifically authorized by this permit. f. Under no circumstances shall the permittee allow introduction of the following wastes into the waste treatment system: (1) Wastes which create a fire or explosion hazard in the treatment works. (2) Wastes which will cause corrosive structural damage to treatment works, but in no case wastes with a pH lower than 5.0, unless the works is designed to accomodate such wastes. 2-17 -la - (3) Solid or viscous substances in amounts which cause obstructions to the flow in sewers or interference with the proper operation of the treatment works. (4) Wastewaters at a flow rate and/or pollutant discharge rate which is excessive over relatively short time periods so as to cause a loss of treatment efficiency. 2. ' Prohibition of Bypass o.f Treatment Facilities' The diversion or bypass of any discharge from facilities utilized by the permittee to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit'is prohib it�ed, except (i) where unavoidable to prevent loss of life or. -severe property damage, or (ii) where excessive storm drainage or runoff would damage any facilities necessary for compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee shall immediately notify the Department of Environmental Conservation Regional -office of each such diversion or bypass in accordance with the procedures specified herein for reporting noncompliance.. The permittee shall within 30 days after such incident submit to the Department for approval a plan to prevent recurrence of such incidents. - 3. Special Condition - Facilities With Septic Tanks If a septic tank is installed as part of the treatment system, it shall be inspected by the permittee oe his agent for scum and sludge accumulation. at intervals not to exceed accumulation will be removed before the fourth (4) of the liquid depth so that will leave in the septic tank effluent. disposed of in an approved manner. _ one year's duration, and such death of either exceeds one - o setteable solids or scum Such accumulation shall be 4. S LUDO' L DISPOSAL Collected screenings, sludges, and other solids and precipi- tates separated from the permittee's discharges authorized by this permit and/or intake or supply water by the permittee shall be dis- posed of in. such a manner as to prevent entry of such materials into classified waters or their tributaries. Any live fish, shellfish, or other animals collected or'trapped as a result of intake water screen- ing creen-ing or treatment may be returned"to their water body habitat. The. permittee shall maintain records of disposal on all effluent screen- ings, sludges and other solids associated with the discharge(s) herein. described- The following data shall be compiled and reported to the De_oartment or its designated field office upon request: a. The sources of the materials to be disposed of; _ 2-18 • - -11- b. The approximate volumes and weights; c. The method by which they were removed and transported; d. Their final disposal locations. SPECIAL CONDITIONS - PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS 1. Notice shall be given the Department of Environmental Conservation of any new introduction of pollutants into such treatment works from a source which would be a new, source as defined in section 306 of the Act if such source was discharging pollutants; and, except as to such categories and classes of sources specified by the Commissioner, any new introduction of pollutants which exceed 10,000 gallons on any one day into such treatment works from a source which would be subject to Section 301 of the Act if such source was discharging pollutants; and any substantial change in volume or character of pollutants being intro- duced into such treatment works at the time of issuance of the permit. Such notice shall include information on the quality and quantity of effluent to be introduced into such treatment works; and an anticipated impact of such change in the quantity or quality of effluent to be -discharged from such publicly owned treatment works. 2.. The permittee shall require any industrial user of such. treatment works. to comply'with the requirements of Section 204(b), 307, and 308 of the Act. Any industrial user subject to the requirements of Section 307 of the Act shall be required by the permittee to prepare and transmit to -the New York State Department of Environmental Conser- vation periodic notice, (over intervals not to exceed 9 months) of progress toward full compliance with Section 307 requirements. The permittee, upon receipt of such reports shall transmit a copy promptly to the Department. 3. The permittee shall require any industrial user of storm sewers to comply with the requirement of Section 308 of the Act. 4. For discharges from publicly owned treatment works, appropriate measures will be established by the permittee to insure compliance by industrial users with any system of user charges and recovery of construction costs. required under the provisions of the Act. 5. Persons discharging industrial waste -to a publicly owned treatment works shall comply with toxic effluent standards and pretreatment standards and with monitoring, reporting, recording, sampling and entry requirements provided by the Act or the Environmental Conservatio: Law, Article 17 or adopted pursuant to the Act or the Environmental Conservation Law, Article 17. 2-19 TABLE 2-2 CLASSES AND STANDARDS FOR SALINE SURFACE WATERS* The following items and specifications shall be the standards applicable to all New York Saline Surface Waters which are assigned the classification of SA, SB, SC or SD, in addition to the specific standards which are found in this Part under the heading of each such classification. Quality S-tanda.rds for Saline Surface Waters Items Specifications 1. Garbage, cinders, ashes, None in any waters of the marine oils, sludge or other district as defined by Environ - refuse. mental Conservation Law (S 17-0105). 2. pH The normal range shall not be extended by more than one-tenth (0.1) pH unit - 3. Turbidity No increase except from natural ` sources that will cause a sub- stantial visible contrast to natural conditions. In cases of naturally turbid waters, the contrast will be due to increased turbidity. 4. Color None. from man-made sources that will be detrimental t.o anticipated best usage of waters. 5. Suspended, colloidal None from sewage, industrial wastes or settleable solids. or other wastes which will cause deposition or be deleterious for any best usage determined for the specific waters which are assigned to each class. 6. Oil and floating No residue attributable'to sewage, substances industrial wastes or other wastes, nor visible oil film nor globules of grease. 7. Thermal discharges (See Part 704 of this Title.) *Source: NYSDEC,-Classifications and Standards Governing the Quality and Purity of Waters of N.Y.S., Part 701.5, OffiLi'al Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations. 2-20 CHAPTER 3; GENERAL LABORATORY CONTROL PAGE NO. PURPOSE 3- 2 COLLECTION OF SAMPLES 3- 2 ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES AND TESTING SCHEDULE 3- 3 SAMPLING LOCATIONS 3- 4 INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER MONITORING 3- 7 INTERPRETATION OF LABORATORY RESULTS 3- 7 PROCESS CONTROL STRATEGIES 3-10 NOTES AND ADDENDA 3-15 LIST OF TABLES 3 - 1 RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE OF LABORATORY ANALYSES 3- 5 3 - 2 TROUBLESHOOTING INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE 3- 8 3 - 3 PROCEDURE FOR RUNNING LABORATORY JAR TEST 3-13 LIST OF FIGURES 3 - 1 SAMPLING LOCATION DIAGRAM 3- 1 3- 6 PURPOSE The proper conduct of laboratory analysis coupled with other operating records is important for the following reasons: 1. To form a rational basis for the control of treatment plant process. 2. To define the operational efficiency of the plant, and aid in the predictions of problems that might develop. 3. To obtain a historical record of the conditions under which the plant has been operated as an aid to the design of plant expansion or modification, and as a budgetary aid. 4. To satisfy the report requirements of the applicable Municipal, State or Federal agencies. 5. Data which may be utilized to enforce the Town's Scavenger Waste Ordinance. COLLECTION OF SAMPLES Proper sampling techniques are as important as analytical techniques. Care should be taken to ensure that a sample obtained is representative. Sampling points should ideally be located at points of turbulence. There are two basic types of samples. The first "grab" sample is a single sample taken at neither set time nor flow, it represents an instantaneous condition. It is used primarily when test samples cannot be mixed, such as when testing for residual chlorine or pH. The second, a "composite" sample is defined as a combination of individual samples taken at selected time intervals, for some specified period. These samples are proportional to the flow at the time of sampling. This type of sampling provides an average representation of the wastewater over a period of time, thus minimizing the effect of the variability of the individual sample. The following is a list of general guidelines for sampling wastewater: 1. Samples should be taken at locations where the wastewater is as completely mixed as possible. 2. Particles greater than 1/4 -inch in diameter should be excluded when sampling. 3- 2 3. If samples are to be kept for an hour or more prior to testing, they should be immersed in ice water or refrigerated (approximately 42 deg. F) to retard bacterial action, but not frozen. 4. Consideration should be given to the relationship between the plant's daily flow variation and detention time through the units so that influent and effluent samples relate to the same waste. 5. All samples should be large enough to perform the required tests. At least one liter should be furnished for most tests. 6. Caution should be exercised in sampling below weirs. The upstream pool may have solids lying below the weir crest, and downstream sampling may introduce floating oils or grease. 7. The most desirable location in sampling from sewers and channels is from the middle third (depth wise). Skimming the water surface will introduce oil and grease into the sample, and dragging the bottom or sides will introduce settled solids. 8. The most desirable location in sampling from settling tanks, if samples cannot be collected from effluent troughs, is just prior to the outlet weirs below any floating layers. 9. Composite samples should be proportioned to the flow. A suggested method would be mixing 200 ml of sample for each M.G.D. of flow each hour. ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES AND TESTING SCHEDULE Operating personnel at the plant perform only routine operational tests such as, settleable solids, temperature, chlorine residual and pH. These tests will be performed in_ the laboratory of the existing Village of Greenport Treatment Plant. The chief operator and all operators should be capable of interpreting their significance. As a guide to the various test procedures, it is recommended that the operator refer to the following publications® 1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaters, Fifteen Edition, American Public Health Association, Inc., 1980. 2. Laboratory Procedures for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, New York State Department of Health, 1969. 3- 3 3. Simplified Laboratory Procedures for Wastewater Examination, Publication No. 18, Water Pollution Control Federation, Second Edition, 1976. All other tests required for evaluation of plant operation is performed by an outside State approved laboratory. The required tests, location(s), the type of sample to be collected and the frequency of testing are shown in Table 3-1 (also see Figure 3-1). The indicated frequencies should be considered as minimum. In addition to the tests cited, each sample should be given a cursory inspection and any apparent abnormalities in color, odor and appearance should be noted. SAMPLING LOCATIONS The following is a descriptive listing of the points in the plant where samples may be obtained. The numbers correspond to the same numbers on Figure 3-1. 1. Influent Ports - samples of scavenger waste can be obtained from the waste hauler vehicles prior to their discharging into the influent ports. The collected sample bottle will labeled, refrigerated and stored for a designated time period. If an upset occurs at the facility, the contents of the bottles will be analyzed as indicated in Table 3-1 to determine the origin of the upset. 2. Grit Chamber Tank Effluent - samples may be collected from the effluent end of the aerated grit tank. 3. Equalization Tank Effluent - samples may be collected from the head box. 4. Flocculation Tank Effluent - samples may be obtained from the flocculation tank outlet. 5. Primary Clarifier Effluent - samples may be obtained from.the clarifier effluent channel preceeding the RBD units. 6 & 7. Final Clarifier Influent and Effluent - samples may be obtained from the RBD effluent channel and the clarifier effluent channel preceeding the effluent wet well. 8. RBD Units - Samples may be obtained from the RBD tanks on a daily basis. 3- 4 a LOCATION(S) 1 2 3 - 7 3 m 8 TABLE 3 - 1 RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE OF LABORATORY ANALYSES TYPE OF PARAMETER/ANALYSIS SAMPLE Raw Scavenger/Suspended Solids Grab Wast Total Solids Grab Total Volatile Solids Grab BOD5 Grab Total Kjeldal Nitrogen Grab Ammonia Grab Heavy Metals Grab Grit/Total Volatile Solids Grab Wastewater/BODS 24 Hr. Wastewater/Suspended Solids 5 & 6 Wastewater/Alkalinity 3,4,5,6 & 7 Wastewater/pH 2, 4, 5 & 6 Wastewater/Settleable Solids 3 & 7 Wastewater/Temperature 8 RBD Basin/Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) 9 Digested Sludge/Total Volatile Solids pH Alkalinity 3- 5 Composite 24 Hr. Composite Grab Grab G rab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab FREQUENCY As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required Daily Weekly Weekly Weekly Twice/Day Twice/Day Twice/Day Daily Weekly Weekly Daily Weekly PRIMARY ' DIGESTER EXISTING SLUDGE BEDS _DRYING ® i Scull ROTATING -- BIOLOGICAL I L®®-v®®®J= DISCS B SLUDGE c- WET WELL 9 Z Ll C 6 ®®� FLOW METER I TO OUTFALL I FINAL I CLARIFIER m EFFLUENT m _ EXISTING XISTING VILLAGE OF WET WELL Z GREENPOINT PLANT w .m 1 LING LOCATION I M 9. Primary Digested Sludge - samples may be taken from the sampling taps located in the digester building. INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER MONITORING Many Municipal treatment plants provide satisfactory treatment to a variety of industrial wastewaters, and there are many reasons that such joint treatment is a desirable solution to a community problem. Any arrangements of this nature, however, should be approached with caution, as industrial wastes are frequently cited as the cause of a large number of operation and maintenance problems at treatment plants and in sewer systems. It is beyond the scope of this manual to characterize the many different types of wastes or to detail the difficulties which their presence may cause. It is absolutely necessary that the Town maintains control of the types of wastes admitted to the scavenger waste plant. An ordinance regulating scavenger waste disposal has been adopted, and it is recommended that the Town stand prepared to enforce it if necessary. A copy of the Scavenger Waste Disposal Ordinance is shown in Appendix G. It may also be desirable to equip the existing Greenport Treatment Plant laboratory to perform non -routine tests for constituents of the industrial waste, and thereby maintain a continuing watch for adverse changes in the nature of the treatment plant influent (see Table 3-2). INTERPRETATION OF LABORATORY RESULTS One of the purposes of laboratory testing in wastewater treatment, and perhaps the most important one, is providing a basis for process control. It is necessary that the plant operator be able to interpret the laboratory results in order to be able to apply them to the control of unit processes. The following are descriptions of some significant test results which have a direct bearing on plant operation. Biochemical Oxygen Demand: The BOD -5 is a widely employed method of describing the organic or pollutional strength of a wastewater. It is of prime importance in design, in operational control and in defining plant efficiency. Since the test requires five (5) days for completion, it cannot be used for rapid control adjustments. However, it does provide a record of loading conditions and affords the most rational basis for making major operational changes. 3- 7 TABLE 3 - 2 TROUBLESHOOTING INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE INDICATORS 1. Discoloration of influent. 2. Sterilization of biological treatment process. 3. Change in influent odor. 4. Unusual amounts of solids in influent. MONITORING, ANALYSIS AND/OR INSPECTION 1. Constantly monitor influent for pH above 8.0 or below 6.0. 2. Check pH of sludge in the disgestion chamber. 3. Check influent temperature. 4. Run settleable solids test. 5. Run BOD test on contaminated effluent and compare results with normal plant loading. CORRECTIVE MEASURES 1. Isolate and dispose of all contaminate sludges. 2. Raise pH above 6.5 by adding lime to the digester tank (see Chapter 14). 3. Institute program of source control (Scavenger Waste Ordinance). 0=1 Suspended Solids: A Suspended Solids (SS) test will measure quantitatively all the settleable solids. When conducted on raw waste, the test is one of the two principal parameters for defining wastewater strength. When coupled with tests on the effluent, the SS test becomes an important expression of the efficiency of the treatment process. Chronically high effluent solids indicate serious operating difficulties. Chlorine Residual: Chlorine residual tests on the final plant effluent are generally accepted as the means of demonstrating that a satisfactory degree of disinfection is being provided. In general, residuals of 1.0 mg/l are acceptable., but the operator should be guided primarily by the requirements of the State regulatory agency. pH: The pH value, expressed in a numerical unit, provides a measure of acid or alkaline conditions. Although the following definition is oversimplified, a pH value of 7.0 is considered to be neutral. Increasing pH values indicate a more alkaline condition, whereas decreasing pH values represent greater acidity. Although FeC13 has a wide optimum pH range of 4.0 to 11.0, abrupt changes in raw wastewater pH over an extended period of time will make jar testing necessary for adjusting the FeC13 feed concentration to ensure the desired removal efficiency in the primary settling tanks. Note that the equalization tanks at this facility should dampen the effects of wide pH fluctuations. Biological reactions, such as those occurring within the RBD`s, proceed most efficiently at pH values near 7.0, and serious process deterioration may be expected at values outside a pH range of about 6.0 to 8.0. A pH probe has been provided to measure and record the influent pH to the RBD tanks. The pH readings must be monitored on a daily basis to ensure that the HCl feed system is operating in the desired range. Daily checks of primary settling tank effluent pH is recommended so that the operator can more readily spot an increasing or decreasing trend and can adjust the limefeed rates accordingly. Daily pH checks of the contents of the digestion tanks are recommended so that the operator will notice any variations from the 6.8 to 7.6 range required for stable operation. pH tests on the digested sludge may help the operator to determine the appropriateness of the polymer dosage required for sludge dewatering. 3- 9 Settleable Solids: The settleable solids test shows qualitatively the volume of material which can be removed by gravity settling during a specific interval. The settling time is normally one hour on wastewater samples. Results are expressed as ml/l, or occasionally as a percent by volume. When applied to raw wastewater the settleable solids test gives an indication of wastewater strength and visually shows the operator the type of solid material which should be captured within the primary tanks. Although there are better indicators, the test may also be used to express treatment efficiency. PROCESS CONTROL STRATEGIES In some cases, the operator may need to make more in-depth tests to tell how well the plant is working. Some of these tests may be performed by an outside State approved laboratory, if necessary. The following non -routine tests should be performed as required® 1. Turbidity 2. Jar Test. Turbidity: Turbidity refers to the interference of light passage through water. Fine particles of suspended matter hinder the passage of light by scattering and absorbing the rays. Turbidity in the denitrification filters is chiefly due to suspended solids in the filter effluent. Measurement of the turbidity of the wastewater entering and leaving the denitrification filters will indicate the degree of turbidity removal through the tanks. Precautionary Procedures: When performing the turbidity test, the following procedures should be followed in conjunction with the procedures outlined in the most recent edition of Standard Methods. 1. Hold the turbidimeter test vial near the top. The test vial must be kept clean, both on the inside and the outside. 2. Calibrate the turbidimeter using a standard in the range of the turbidity expected. 3. Stir the sample before pouring. Pour the sample slowly into the vial, being careful not to create or trap air bubbles. 3-10 4. Be sure the outside of the test vial is dry before inserting it into the turbidimeter. 5. After allowing any air bubbles to escape, promptly read the results. 6. Replace any test vials that are scratched or damaged. Trend Analysis: Routine hourly observation of influent wastewater samples entering the primary settling tanks can be invaluable in maintaining control of the flocculation process. If they are collected on the hour, and allowed to .settle in liter glass containers, the clarity can be readily observed. To be most helpful to the.operator maintaining watch for process control use 24 liter sample containers. Then by placing the collected settling samples in sequence, corresponding to the time of collection, one for each hour, a rapid comparison is continuously available so that changes in coagulated water quality can more easily be detected. In other words, a sample may be collected every hour on the hour throughout the operating day. This sample is placed on an observation shelf with the other samples collected before it. At the end of the operating day samples should be discarded and replaced with a new sample corresponding to the same hour of the following day. If water clarity after settling changes, the operator who is observant and concerned, will notice the relative change and proceed to search for the causes. For example, empty chemical hoppers, stopped -up hoppers, machines that were accidentally not turned on, mechanical or electrical failure of feed machines or accidental wrong feed machine setting. This method of floc detection and observation can provide not complete, but very adequate continuous surveillance of the flocculation process. There is no formula for determining coagulant doses for best clarification in the primary settling tanks. Laboratory tests are valuable indicators of the probable doses that will be required and should be used frequently; but, in the final analysis, actual records of results at the plant in question are the best guides. Jar Test: The jar test is a laboratory procedure which affords a rapid means to determine the effects of chemical treatment on wastewater. It consists of a series of six stirring paddles which can be rotated at a variable controlled speed to mix contents of 1 - liter beakers. This permits the simultaneous treatment and observation of six samples under identical mixing conditions in order to determine the optimum dosage of FeC13. 3-11 What constitutes the optimum dosage depends upon the objectives of treatment. In the case of clarification, size and density of the floc particles are important. Very often a small, dense floc, about pinhead size, will settle more rapidly and completely than a large, flaky floc, so that a floc size is not in itself necessarily a good criterion to use. Some simple tests of the wastewater being treated, before or after mixing and settling of the samples are a valuable part of the procedure. Measurements of turbidity, pH, BOD -5 and suspended solids are necessary to ascertain optimum coagulant dose. Standard strength solutions of coagulant (FeC13) may be prepared by dissolving 1 grain (64.8 mg) of the chemical in 100 ml of distilled water. A milliliter of this solution in the 1,000 ml of water being treated forms a dose of 10 mg/l. A dose of 1 mg/l is equal to 8.34 lbs. of the chemical per million gallons of water being treated. One (1) grain per gallon amounts to 17.1 mg/1. In making jar tests it is desirable to duplicate insofar as possible actual full scale plant conditions. It is common to start the mixer at say 40-80 RPM, add the chemical and mix rapidly for about 30-60 seconds, then reduce the paddle speed to 10-20 RPM and slow mix for an additional 15-30 minutes. At the end of the slow mix period, the paddles are then removed from the jars and the floc is allowed to settle. The time for all of the floc to settle to the bottom of the beakers is observed. The recommended procedure for performing laboratory jar tests is given in Table 3-3. The dosage giving the best BOD -5 and suspended solids removal is the optimum FeC13 dose. Results given by this test are valuable as a guide in finding what dosage is best on a plant scale. The dosage shown as best by the jar test may not be the best one, in actual plant practice, but it will usually be close to it, and with some modifications gives good results. 3-12 TABLE 3 - 3 PROCUDURE FOR RUNNING LABORATORY JAR TESTS (MULTIPLE STIRRER) COAGULATION 1. Prepare a solution of the coagulant (FeC13) of such strength that 1 ml contains 10 mg of coagulant. 2. Measure 1 to 2 liters of freshly drawn sample and pour it into a beaker. A 2 -liter sample is preferred, but 1 -liter is usually sufficient to produce uniform results. Never use less than a liter or quart sample. A guide for numbering the jars and the dose per jar follows: Dose per Liter Jar Number ml mg/l 1 1 10 2 2 20 3 3 30 4 4 40 5 5 50 6 6 60 3. Lower paddle of the stirrers into the beakers, start multiple stirrer and adjust speed to 80 RPM. 4. Add desired volumes of the coagulant (FeC13) starting with the first jar on the left, in rapid succession from fast delivery Mohr pipettes. 5. Continue stirring at 80 RPM for 30 seconds, after the last chemical is added, for good mixing. 6. Reduce speed to 40 RPM for 7 minutes to permit floc to form. Note speed of floc formation; that is, time required for discrete particles of floc to form at the reduced speed. Now continue stirring test for 3 minutes at 10 RPM for the floc to grow. The suggested time intervals for the 40 RPM and 10 RPM mixing may be changed. The samples should be stirred for a length of time equivalent to the mixing period used in the plant. 7. Remove paddle from test solution and allow floc to settle for at least 15 to 30 minutes. Note size and settling rate of the floc. If no floc forms, insufficient coagulant (FeCL3) has been added. If a large flaky floc forms, this indicates that the dose of coagulant used may be reduced. 3-13 8m The floc is designated as poor, fair, fairly good, good, very good, or excellent (large floc to pinhead floc). 9. Siphon off the supernatant into clean containers for analysis. 3-14 CHAPTER 4: REPORTS AND RECORDS LIST OF TABLES Table 4 - 1 PAGE NO. IMPORTANCE 4- 2 QUARTERLY REPORT TO USEPA AND NYSDEC 4- 2 REPORTS 4- 2 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION LOGS 4- 6 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT.' 4-13 ALARM LOG 4-13 EQUIPMENT RUNNING TIME LOG'S 4-17 LABORATORY 4-17 MAINTENANCE 4-17 OPERATING COSTS 4-17 SAFETY 4-19 NOTES AND ADDENDA 4-20 LIST OF TABLES Table 4 - 1 DAILY OPERATING LOG 4- 3 4 - 2 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT 4- 5 4 - 3 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION LOG (MONTHLY REPORT) 4- 7 4 - 4 SUMMARY OF TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING 4-10 CONDITION 4 - 5 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FOR THE 4-12 ANNUAL REPORT 4 - 6 ALARM LOG 4-14 4 - 7 EQUIPMENT RUNNING TIME LOG 4-18 4- 1. IMPORTANCE The importance of keeping accurate records cannot be over stressed, as they provide the basis for making operational decisions, troubleshooting problem areas, planning future plant expansions or modifications, justifying or adjusting budgets, and supplying evidence of performance in compliance with regulations and objectives of water pollution control agencies. In addition to operating records, any background information relating to water pollution control, such as preliminary engineering or planning reports, should be readily available at the plant. Contract drawings modified to reflect "As Built" conditions, shop drawings, manufacturers' operation and maintenance catalogs, nameplate data and relevant cost information should also be on hand. QUARTERLY REPORT TO USEPA AND NYSDEC A quarterly self-monitoring report must be submitted to the USEPA and NYSDEC within 28 days after the end of the quarterly reporting period. A completed copy of the discharge monitoring report must be submitted to the following regulatory agencies: NYSDEC - Albany, NYSDEC - Region #1 and the USEPA - Region #2. An additional copy should be filed with the treatment plant records. The data for this facility will be incorporated as part of the Village of Greenport treatment plant quarterly self-monitoring report. A copy of the SPDES permit is included in Chapter 2. REPORTS Daily, monthly and annual reports should be kept, each summarizing and commenting on the data in the reports covering the preceding shorter periods, adding pertinent data thereto, and making comparisons with previous performances during similar periods. The daily report should include a statement concerning the weather, temperature, rainfall, wind and -the results of periodic measurements of quantity and quality of scavenger waste and of the influent to and effluent from the various treatment units, of which chemical and physical analysis should be made. In addition to such routine material the daily report should contain a record of any unusual happenings about the plant, e.g., construction work, floods, complaints, or visitors. A sample daily operating log is contained in Table 4- 1 and a sample daily inspection report in Table 4- 2. 4- 2 --I- A 4 DAILY OPERATING LAG DATE OPERATOR DAILY OPERATING LOG I. GENERAL DATA A. Waste Flow: (a) Total Received gals. (b) Mag. Flow Meter Reading. Rate gpm. Total gals. (c) Number of Trucks B. Odor Conditions: C. Temperature of Raw Waste at Headbox OF. D. Weather: (a) (b) Direction of Wind (c) Rainfall or Snowfall in. (d) Outdoor Air Temperature (i) Maximum 'F (ii) Minimum F. (e) Time Recorded: M M II. PROCESS OPERATION DATA A. Coarse Bar Rack: (a) Cleaning Period hr. (b) Quantity of Screenings lbs. B. Grit Chamber: (a) Cleaning Period hr. (b) Quantity of Grit lbs. C. Primary Settling Tank: (a) Tank in Service (b) Cleaning Period hr. (c) Quantity of Sludge Removed gal. (d) Scum Removed cu. ft. D. RBD Units: (a) Unit in service E. Final Settling Tank: (a) Tank in service (b) Cleaning Period hr. (c) Quantity of Sludge removed gal. (d) Scum Removed cu. ft. 4- 3 TABLE 4 ® 1 (Cont"d) DAILY OPERATING LOG F. Totalizer Readings (GALS/24 Hrs) G. Methane Gas Meters (CF/24 Hrs) H. Digester Operation SERVICE IQ= TOTAL PRIMARY THIS DAY + PREV. DAY + 24 HR. + I. Sludge Transfer Pumps PUMP #1 PUMP # 2 RUNNING TIME (HRS.) EST. GALS. K. Sludge Recirculation Pumps PUMP # 1 PUMP # 2 RUNNING TIME (HRS.) EST. GALS. L. Sludge/Scum Wet Well Pumps PUMP # 1 PUMP # 2 RUNNING TIME (HRS.) EST. GALS. M. Remarks TEMP. (OF) pH PRESS. (In.) J. Fuel Oil Consumption (GAL/24 HRS) TREAT. BLDG DIG. BLDG TOTAL PREY. DAY + _ THIS DAY + _ 24 HR. + _ 4 ® 4 DATE TABLE 4 - 2 DAILY INSPECTICN REPORT OPERATOR ACTION ITEM YES NO REMARKS 1. Inspection of motors & machinery 2. Cleaning bar screen and disposing of screenings 3. Operating the sludge collectors or checking their operation 4. Reading all meters and recorders 5. Pumping sludge to the digester 6. Checking gas flow from digester 7. Checking sludge temperature and, operation of heating system 8. Drawing supernatant liquor from digester 9t. Cleaning grit removal equipment or devices 10. Check operation of MD'units and air diffuser nozzles 11. Hosing down and squeegeeing tank walls 12. Removing scum from settling tanks 13. Collection of samples, performance of laboratory tests and recording of results 14. Adjust equipment operation as indicated by tests 15. Maintenance of minor plant equipment, oiling & greasing of machinery -and ground work, etc. 16. Complete records and report for the da The monthly report summarizes the daily records and includes such additional information as any special analyses made, equipment repaired or renewed, and changes in personnel. A sample monthly report is contained in Table 4- 3. The annual report is an accounting by the plant operator to the Town and to the public of the performance, economy and needs of the plant as shown by the year's experience° It is recommended that the plant operator be responsible for the preparation of a formal annual report. The purpose of the report, prepared at the end of either the calendar year or the fiscal year, is to summarize the year's operation in terms of loading conditions, treatment efficiency and operating costs. Inclusion of a completed copy of Table 4- 4 (Summary of Treatment Plant Operating Conditions) in the report would serve to summarize important operating conditions and overall plant performance. This table should be completed monthly by summarizing the plant operation logs (Table 4- 3). The actual conditions that prevailed during the year should be compared with conditions for which the plant was designed. A detailed summary of operating expenditures should also be presented, and would include discussion of such items as manpower, chemical usage, maintenance, utility costs and miscellaneous supplies. A sample is provided in Table 4- 5. The report should include explanation of any extraordinary occurrences such as major operational problems, process upsets, equipment failures or lost -time accidents. Any other situations (i.e., citizens' complaints, directives from regulatory agencies) which may have contributed to, or resulted in, a change in operating procedures should also be discussed. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION LOGS Table 4- 3 has been developed and is recommended for use. Space has been provided for 31 calendar days each month, although it is not expected that all laboratory tests will be performed every day of the month. The degree of uniformity of waste volume and characteristics will determine, to a large extent, how much more frequently laboratory analysis will be required above the frequencies indicated in Table 3-1, Chapter 3. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation Logs (Table 4- 3) should be completed weekly (daily were required). Most of the information required to complete these forms will be available from the laboratory results. This form was designed to aid the operator in observing the weekly results of each unit process and to summarize and show the average conditions which prevailed 4- 6 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS LOG PRIMARY CLARIFIERS MONTH 19 OPERATOR SETTLEABLE SOLIDS, m1/1 B 0 D, mg/1 SUSPENDED SOLIDS, mg/1 DAY OF % % % wrath 11Hrr; IM". r;r'r'. tMmuVr;u INF. r;r'r. mnivw tNr'. MIT'. MMUVE;u I TOTAL TABLE 4 — 3 (CONT'D) WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS LOG SECONDARY CLARIFIER MONTH 19 OPERATOR SETTLEABLE SOLIDS, m1/1 B 0 D, mg/1 SUSPENDED SOLIDS, mg/1 DAY OF % % $ WEEK IJRE1; INY. EtV. mnivrll LNb,. -zr'r'. xc muvbu INr'. Lr'r'. libmuvw F- 1 1 TOTAL A WEE 4-3OW'D WASBITM TFERNM PLW CPEPqnQ5 DOG PLW EFFIi W Dllk m im 19 CPLTA[R S1P UME SMW, m1/1 B O D, rqA SUADEIM a m, NAL, Q H1r QU HIM FCM RM— DAY FIIPL FRML tw UIP,L CF RAF. EFF. % EFF. % DF. EFF. % EFF. % INF. EFF. % EFF. % 1W awl a� • u •.� .!WfMEMOKa • zI I I I I MMTa • nb ••a• D—DIM A I•a • �• •.o • o 9 -FT,.- � Che g mm of FeC13 - 11 pard-. of FUC13 Che ga11rn of HZ = 9.6 pm -ds of HZ Adividedby[l,OM,OWx(area),],'EmmmmmmmmmmmI Che g mm of FeC13 - 11 pard-. of FUC13 Che ga11rn of HZ = 9.6 pm -ds of HZ TABLE 4® 5 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT OPERATING EXPENSES ($) SALARIES (OPERATING PERSONNEL). ........................ SALARIES (PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE) ........................ SALARIES (CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE) ........................ SALARIES (CLERICAL STAFF) ................................ SALARIES (ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF) .......................... CHEMICALS................................................ LABORATORY............................................... TREATMENT ................................................ VEHICLE OPERATION ........................................ MISCELLANEOUS..................................................... TOTAL EXPENSES ($) ................................................ BUDGET OR REVENUE ($) ............................................. REMARKS 4®12 during any month. It is expected that use of this form will help the operator to collect data to determine and recognize long-range trends and will make it easier for him to compare loading and operating conditions with results produced in terms of treatment efficiency. It is suggested that a copy of the completed logs (Table 4- 3) be sent to the consulting engineers so they may observe the general pattern of performance of individual units and provide advice if it is requested. Keeping accurate Operation Logs (Table 4- 3) for`the process systems is an important part of plant operations. The accuracy of the data entered on these sheets should be checked before they are filed for reference information. DAILY INSPECTION REPORT An important tool for the plant operator is a daily plant inspection in the morning. The Daily Inspection Report (Table 4- 2) should be completed by the operator during his morning plant tour. In addition to keeping the Daily Inspection Report it is recommended that all gauges (pressures,, temperature, etc.) be marked with red paint indicating the normal operating range. The operator can then note at a glance whether the pump is operating within or outside its normal range. If the gauge is outside its normal range, the operator should investigate and correct the cause. It is recommended that self-adhesive temperature plates be placed on all motors. As the temperature tape is exposed to temperature exceeding the maximum rated temperature, it turns irreversibly black and an overheating motor can be easily noted by the operator. One such type of tape is TEMP -PLATE manufactured by William Wahl Corporation, Santa Monica, California. ALARM LOG Table 4- 6 is an Alarm Log sheet. An alarm should be located adjacent to each instrument panel or console. Every time an alarm occurs, it should be entered on this form. These should be reviewed periodically and, if there is a recurring problem, a change in operating procedure or corrective action should be evaluated. 4-13 TABLE 4-6 ALARM LOG DATE ALARM POINT TIME OF MALFUNCTION CAUSE CORRECTIVE AC'T'ION OPERATOR Note: Place one log near each panel. EQUIPMENT RUNNING TIME LOGS Table 4- 7 is an Equipment Running Time Log sheet. Equipment Running Time Logs should be completed each shift by the operator, as appropriate. These records should be made available to the mechanic for his use in scheduling routine and preventive equipment maintenance based on equipment running time. LABORATORY Sample forms suggested for use in the laboratory are presented and discussed in Chapter 3, Laboratory Controls. MAINTENANCE Forms for maintenance sheduling, repair work orders, main- tenance, lubrication and repair records, spare parts inventory and related subjects are presented in Chapter 17. OPERATING COSTS It is recommended that plant personnel maintain complete records of expenditures as they occur and summarize on a monthly or quarterly basis those items contributing to the cost of plant operation. Major categories of costs will be labor, utilities, chemicals, maintenance and supplies. Bills for utilities such as electrical power, heating fuel and water should be reviewed and pertinent information such as amounts used, unit costs, total costs and any miscellaneous charges should be recorded. Chemicals such as methanol, ferric chloride, hydrochloric acid and lime are used in significant quantities at the plant. The summary should include total usage, unit costs and total costs. Whenever maintenance or repairs must be performed by outside craftsmen or by representatives of equipment manufacturers, the details of each visit, including the nature of the problem, the persons involved and costs for parts and labor, should be recorded and filed. Costs incurred in the operation and maintenance of vehicles used in connection with the plant may also be summarized as a separate item. In addition, records should be maintained showing the decription and cost of plant supplies, as well as any additional miscellaneous expenditures. In accounting for costs incurred in the operation of his plant, the operator should, of course, be guided by procedures or requirements established by that branch of the Town government having jurisdiction in budgetary matters. 4-17 �• aa, �• _ _ • !..��o.ilial 6L HIN3 • 1 11 IC . •C L -621M NONE MENOMONEE ■ moons MENNEN on ■�■■■.■■■■■■��■■■.■■■■......... ■■■■�■■�■■■■■.�■■■■o■■.n....... •••• MOM..... ■■ ■■■■ ■■m■■■■■.■■■■■■■M 0 0 mommommmmm SIEMENS mossommom In smommmmmmo MMMMm ME MENOMONEE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�...�..... mommmmmmmomm MOMMOMMMMENESESSE. oil. to - _ .c M■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■......... 6L HIN3 • 1 11 IC . •C L -621M M2UH 19 UaE 4 - 7 (G:IT'D) asi• o I crevAMN&- — cmc [SJI.E: Ra� k the end cf each day. ••- i Y•. .........M■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■ OEM momommomm, [SJI.E: Ra� k the end cf each day. SAFETY A form for recording and reporting pertinent information relative to accidents is shown in Chapter 5, Safety Precautions and Emergency Response Program, and is suggested for use if the insurance company does not provide a standard accident report forme 4-19 CHAPTER 5: SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM GENERAL PREVENTION OF INFECTION PROTECTION AGAINST MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL HAZARDS PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTRICAL HAZARDS PROTECTION AGAINST CHLORINE HAZARDS PROTECTION AGAINST OTHER GAS AND EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS PRECAUTIONS DURING CHEMICAL HANDLING SLUDGE DIGESTION HAZARDS FIRST AID EQUIPMENT FIRE -FIGHTING EQUIPMENT ACCIDENT REPORTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLANT RECOMMENDED REFERENCE MATERIAL ON SAFETY EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM General General Response Pattern to Emergencies EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TREATMENT SYSTEM RECORDS COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS Police Department Checklist Fire Department Checklist NOTES AND ADDENDA 5- 1 PAGE NO. 5- 3 5- 3 5- 4 5- 6 5- 6 5- 9 5-10 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-14 5-14 5-16 5-17 5-17 5-30 5-32 5-32 5-32 5-32 5-37 5-37 5-38 5- 2 LIST OF TABLES PAGE NO. Table 5 ® 1 COMMON DANGEROUS GASES ENCOUNTERED IN SEWERS AND AT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS 5®11 5 ® 2 SUGGESTED ACCIDENT REPORT FORM 5-15 5 m 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR FLOW METERING 5®18 SYSTEMS 5 m 4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CONTROL 5®20 SYSTEMS 5 ® 5 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CHLORINATION 5®23 SYSTEM 5 m 6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRICAL 5®26 SYSTEM 5 ® 7 LIST OF EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS 5-33 5- 2 GENERAL The operation of wastewater treatment plants can be a dangerous occupation if proper safety procedures are not followed. Physical injuries and body infections are continuous threats. Explosions and asphyxiation from gases or oxygen deficiency are constant hazards. The injury rate of wastewater collection and treatment personnel is relatively high compared to other industrial groupings. Safety measures for operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants are effective if hazards are known and if proper safety precautions are followed. Personnel should be aware of hazards, preventive measures and emergency procedures. Any accidents or injuries which occur should be immediately investigated and recorded. Safety meetings, formal or informal, should be held on a regular basis, and safety equipment must be maintained and tested routinely. It is desirable that all employees become safety -conscious and develop a personal concern in preventing accidents at their plant. The telephone numbers of several physicians, the nearest hospital, the police and fire stations, and one or more ambulance service should be prominently posted at each plant telephone. Telephone numbers of the chlorine equipment manufacturer and the chlorine supplier should also be posted for ready reference in the event of a chlorine emergency. The hazards commonly associated with a wastewater treatment plant may be classified into the following broad categories: 1. Bacterial and viral infection. 2. Mechanical and physical hazards. 3. Electrical hazards. 4. Chlorine hazards. 5. Other gas and explosive hazards. PREVENTION OF INFECTION Constant caution is necessary to prevent infection by the bacterial and viruses present in wastewater. Workers are continually exposed to such water -borne diseases as typhoid fever, amoebic dysentery and infectious hepatitis. Tetanus and skin diseases must also be guarded against. The local health department should be requested to notify plant personnel when cases of water -borne diseases are encountered. 5- 3 Some of the more basic, if not obvious, rules of safety are as follows: 1. Personal cleanliness cannot be stressed too strongly. Personnel must make a habit of frequently and thoroughly washing with soap and hot water, especially before meals and before leaving the plant. 2. Wastewater and sludge on hands contaminates doorknobs and fixtures. Dirty clothing or careless washing of hands may spread infection beyond the wastewater plant area. 3. Emergency first aid must be promptly given to all minor cuts and injuries. A two (20) per cent tincture of iodine or tincture of methiolate solution should be immediately applied to any wound or cut. Major injuries must be treated by a physician at once. As many of the personnel as possible should have Red Cross first aid training. 4. Rubber gloves should be worn when handling sludge, wastewater or similar materials. Special precautions should be taken to prevent wastewater from coming in contact with open cuts or other injuries. Fingers must be kept out of the nose, mouth and eyes at all times. 5. Drinking water from any source other than regular drinking fountains must be prohibited. Hands should be thoroughly washed before using the drinking fountains. 6. Personnel should have typhoid and tetanus innoculations followed by booster shots at the appropriate intervals. 7. There should be no smoking in sewers or in other areas in the vicinity of wastewater or sludge. It is impossible to avoid contamination of the ends of pipes, cigars or cigarettes. PROTECTION AGAINST MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL HAZARDS 1. Care must be taken when repairing or performing maintenance on automatic or remote-controlled equipment to ensure that power is shutoff so that equipment cannot be started. Power should be shutoff at the system control center or lighting panel as appropriate and the breaker marked with a red tag. The red tag should read: "WORKMAN IS WORKING ON LINE° and be signed by the workman.. The tag should be removed only by the person whose name is on the tag. 2. Insofar as practical, lubrication or adjustments should not be made on machinery in operation. If such services must be performed on operating machinery, a second man must be present and stationed at the control switch. 5- 4 3. Belt and shaft guards must be kept in place. 4. Floors and stairways must be kept clean, dry and free of grease, oil and ice to prevent slipping. 5. Tools must be picked up and manhole covers or hatch covers kept closed. If it is necessary for openings to be uncovered, they must be protected with guards and warning signals. 6. Cleaning fluids with flash points below 100 deg. F should not be used. 7. Hard hats should be worn by personnel working in areas where tools or other heavy items may be dropped from above. 8. One of the most common injuries results from the improper lifting of objects. All personnel should become familiar with correct lifting techniques. Portable hoists and power equipment should be used wherever possible. 9. Life preservers with throw lines should be attached to railings around open tanks. 10. Tools to be used in an empty tank should be lowered in a pail on a rope and removed in the same way. 11. While washing floors, all personnel should wear rubber boots with good, treaded soles and heels. 12. When an extension ladder is used to enter an empty tank, the ladder should be lashed to a handrail. 13. Clothes must not be hung on electrical disconnect handles, light switches or control panel knobs. 14. A safety belt with a short rope and safety snap should be used by personnel when leaning out through the railings over any tank. 15. Fire prevention is an important part of every safety program. Flammable materials should be kept in approved safety cans. Oily rags should be stored outdoors in a covered bin. 16. Permanent warning signs should be placed at all hazardous locations and should be supplemented by temporary signs during emergency operation. 17. Sharp projections or locations of low headroom should be padded and identified by being either marked clearly or painted with a contrasting color. 5® 5 18. Employees working in noisy areas for prolonged periods should wear ear -protecting devices, e.g. ear muffs or plugs. PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTRICAL HAZARDS 1. Only electrical tools and lights having three wire grounded extension cords should be used. 2. Major electrical maintenance and repairs should be performed only by licensed, qualified electricians. 3. Operators should become familiar with the types of electrical accidents, how to administer first aid and artificial respiration, and how to rescue another person without endangering themselves. Examples of electrical accidents are, electrical shock and burns from electrical fires. 4. Rubber mats should be placed on the floors in front of control panels when work is being done on this equipment. 5. When work is to be done on equipment controlled by a switch located at some distance from the equipment, the switch should be tagged with a red card to prevent others from closing the circuit. 6. Consider all electrical circuits to be dangerous. Contact with even low voltage wiring has caused workmen to fall from ladders and scaffolds. 7. Treat dead circuits as though they were alive; an accident can result from the negligent closure of the circuit by another person. PROTECTION AGAINST CHLORINE HAZARDS Chlorine gas is an extremely active chemical which is very toxic and corrosive in moist atmospheres. As a result, the handling of chlorine must be performed in an intelligent and cautious manner. The following suggested rules will help to prevent accidents or, if an accident occurs, to minimize the damage: 1. At least one employee should be fully informed concerning the safe handling of chlorine and the repairing of leaks, and should be responsible for proper handling of chlorine cylinders, for maintenance of chlorination equipment, and for inspection and care of the self-contained breathing apparatus. All other employees should be instructed in the principles of safe handling of chlorine and procedures to follow in case of an emergency. 5- 6 2. Do not drop chlorine cylinders or allow them to strike against each other, as damage may result to the fusible plugs or other parts of the cylinder and allow chlorine gas to escape. 3. Do not heat or store chlorine cylinders where the temperature might exceed 125 deg. F (such as adjacent to steam lines), as the fusible plug will soften or melt and allow the chlorine within the container to discharge to the atmosphere. 4. Chlorine gas, as drawn from a cylinder, is dry and non -corrosive to metals. In combination with moisture, however, chlorine will attack all but the noble metals and a few other materials. Liquid chlorine will attack both hard and soft rubber. Chlorine in the atmosphere, even in small amounts, is particularly damaging to metal objects and electrical equipment. 5. Connections between the manifold and chlorine cylinders should be carefully inspected at regular intervals and should be replaced promptly when defects are found. 6. The flexible connections between the chlorine cylinders and the manifold should be replaced yearly. Deterioration on the inside of these pipes can be extensive and may not be readily noticed. Any small pinhold will increase in size very rapidly. 7. Plastic -coated gloves should be worn by personnel changing cylinders. 8. When the chlorine cylinder is being connected to the headers, it is important to eliminate bending stresses at the end of unions of the flexible tube connectors. 9. When piping on cylinders is connected, or when it is necessary to break a connection and recouple it, a new lead or fiber washer (gasket) must be used. 10. Never connect a full cylinder to a header with other cylinders until the temperature of all cylinders are approximately the same. Chlorine would tend to flow from the warmer to the cooler cylinder and cause it to overfill. Bursting pressures could be developed as the temperature of the cool, overfilled cylinder increases. 11. Keep the valve -protection caps on cylinders except when cylinders are in use. 12. Close the valve on a cylinder as soon as it is empty and replace the protective caps. 5- 7 13. All lines used for chlorine must be perfectly dry; all oil and grease must be thoroughly removed by means of trichloroethylene rather than water. 14. After full chlorine cylinders have been installed, all joints must be checked for leaks. 15. Do not start up a chlorinator or turn on a cylinder unless a self-contained breathing apparatus is on hand in the chlorine room area. 16. The slightest leaks of chlorine gas must be given immediate attention. Leaks may be located by passing an un - stoppered bottle of strong ammonia solution along pipelines and fittings. If chlorine leaks are present, white fumes will appear at the mouth of the bottle. (The ammonia solution should not be allowed to enter any fittings). 17. Inaccessible locations may be conveniently leakchecked by tying a cloth saturated with ammonia solution to the end of a long pole. 18. An uncapped bottle of ammonia left on the floor of a chlorine area permits the detection of a leak without entering the room. 19. Chlorine valves should be opened only one turn so that they may be closed quickly in case of emergency. 20. Self-contained breathing apparatus must be used if personnel must enter the chlorine room to repair a leak. The breathing apparatus should not be stored in an area likely to be affected by chlorine leak. 21. Emergency repair Kit "A" for cylinders should be provided. Drills should be held at frequent intervals to review the use of the kit and the emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a leak. 22. Local Fire and Police Departments should be instructed in emergency procedures and should participate in the drills at the plant. 23. When a leak is detected, the emergency procedures should include the following: (a) Designated employees should use the self-contained breathing apparatus and investigate the source and severity of the leak, locating the point of leakage with ammonia as previously described. OM (b) Notify the Police and Fire Departments of the emergency. (c) Notify the office or plant of the chlorine supplier and request the assistance of emergency personnel. (d) Never put water on a leak, as water will always make the situation worse. (e) If the leak is downstream of the valve on the container, turn off that valve before repairing the leak. 24. One person should never work on a leak alone. Someone should always observe him and be equipped to go to his aid if necessary. 25. Never be ashamed to call for help in a chlorine emergency. PROTECTION AGAINST OTHER GAS AND EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS Normal air contains about 21 per cent oxygen by volume. Any atmosphere containing less than 13 per cent oxygen is dangerous to human beings and is termed oxygen deficient. Such a situation may occur in any confined space if another gas displays the oxygen. Noxious and toxic gases or vapors may also exist in enclosed areas. The following are some of the more common hazardous situations found in treatment plants. 1. Gas emitted by wastewater or sludge is explosive when mixed with certain proportions of air, can be asphyxiating, and is sometimes toxic. Methane is the main constituent of such gas mixtures and accounts for 60 to 70 per cent of their volume. It is odorless and colorless and cannot be detected without testing equip- ment. Manholes, wet wells and other enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces should not be entered for inspection or repairs until their atmosphere has been tested for flammable gas mixtures, for oxygen deficiency and for hydrogen sulfide. If any doubt exists about the quality of air in a confined space, positive ventilation or self-contained breathing apparatus should be used. A second man should always be present in case of trouble. 2. Hydrogen sulfide has an odor similar to rotten eggs and can be easily detected by smell in small concentrations. However, in strong concentrations, it causes impairment or temporary loss of the sense of smell and may cause suffocation before one realizes what is happening. Manholes, wet wells and other poorly ventilated spaces should not be entered if a hydrogen -sulfide reading obtained by a detector is in excess of 0.005 per cent. 5- 9 3. Gasoline and other flammable and volatile substances find their way into the system from time to time. Such materials pose a serious fire and/or explosion hazard in wet wells or wherever there is an open surface of wastewater. Smoking or open flames should be absolutely prohibited in such areas, and only explosion -proof lights or flashlights should be permitted. Tools should be of'the non -sparking type. 4. Materials releasing toxic gases may also enter the system occasionally and could cause personnel hazards in the previously mentioned areas. Personnel should be alert to such danger and be sure that an area is purged of all foreign gases before entering. If irritation of the eyes, nose or throat is experienced, personnel should leave immediately. 5. The first workman to enter a confined area should wear a safety belt and be witnessed by two men of ample strength to pull him to safety if necessary. A good rule to observe around treatment plants is never to go alone into a tank or other hazardous location. Someone should be present who can observe the worker's condition and who is equipped to give all necessary assistance in case of emergency. 6. Smoking should be prohibited near hazardous areas such as manholes, wet wells or the sludge digestion tanks. 7. Responsible personnel should be familiar with the care and use of the self-contained breathing apparatus. This equipment should be stored in a readily available location, but one which is appropriately remote from potential sources of toxic gases. 8. Painting in confined areas should be undertaken only with proper ventilation. Table 5- 1 summarizes the properties of, and the tests for, the more common dangerous gases encountered in sewers and at wastewater treatment plants. PRECAUTIONS DURING CHEMICAL HANDLING Reasonable care should be exercised in the.handling and preparation of the hydrated lime, ferric chloride, methanol liquid polymer and hydrochloric acid used in the various plant processes. Hydrated lime, supplied in the dry form, is a fine white powder, and results in an alkaline slurry when mixed with water. It is recommended that plastic safety goggles, gauntlet gloves and dust masks be worn when lime is being unloaded, stored or mixed, to avoid contact with the eyes and hands and to prevent inhalation of dust particles. 5-10 TABLE S-1. COMMON DANGEROUS GASES" ENCOUNTERED IN SEWERS AND AT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTSM _.ger ..o.� .. .eeca. mrgrn.e ,.aa 2. Gars with • sprcifrw gravity kr Nun 1.0 ere lghter than ala; those mors thea 1.0 ere bevkr thaw sk. 1 The fiat nrthodgiven is the pnfcrabk leanrg Proccclum 4. One percent IQusls 14000 ppm (parts per -M- - Erpbaiue sp-i k (% h w County tseuty wluwe .L) prep�ty lbyc6olcg;d r)frda Lff' afar. safe J<Lx. wfi N~ Chrwivf of por cl wity(2) (prsn7a- Mbr -we parorwt is .ir (pv¢nto�ea are perces a.L Kon eomwoa Simp4R era f eheapeat wfearpoewe, "-i..k Q.h.w r:pwwe, ---r-- Lox � f)ppw ofN forwuia (.i- 1) U.." twit by wlueve) by. -4-4) a r- . u ares avrrhod Wefry(7) % by % of aolr.ve() 8y wbwe(e Oxygen 03 1.11 Not flammable Colorless. odorka% Normal kir contains Oxygen depletion Oxygen deficiency- (in �) tastclra. nos 20.975.( 0,, Man from poor v<ntila- ivdrcatar. - poi.onous gaa.•Sup• tolerates down to tion and ab.orplioa - porta eombustioeL 1256. Below 55 to or chemical 7% likely to be corwmption of fatxL a "bla 03. Gasoline C, lf,i 7.0 to 1.5 7.0 Cobrlm odor Anesthetic effects Luka atonge 1. Combuv ibk San 0.4%. 0.10 vapor 0.0 noticeable in 0.07%. when inhaled_ tanks, durhvges indicator- 0.7 C CeH�e Flammable. 2.4714 n d fatal. from garagea, and 2. Oxygen defiuene7 • i Explosive- 1.1 k to'237i commndal or home indicator for dangerous for even dry -doming concentrations " short exposerm operation. over 0.71.. Carbon CO 0.97 12.5 74.2 Colorless. odorka He bbin of xur Manufaced CO smd poul, 0.06 0.01 monoxide nonirritatiq, bkwd hu strong fuel p.a . tasteless, affinity for Ira Flammable. causing oxygen E:pb:va star.sticeL 035 to 0.2 % cau cs t000crcourvcs in 70 aninutea - Hydrogen H, 0.07 4.0 74.2 Colorkea, odorkst Acts rncdudcaffy Manufactured Combustible gas taatesy now u to deprive tie of fuel p. indicator. ' po6korwu , Fla® oxygen. Does not ruble. Expb:vc. support &ft_ A propagates flans simple asordeol t rapidly: very i dargeroaL ' Methane CH. 0.55 S.0 1S.0 Cobrlcm. tadeleak S¢ hydrogen. Nat -I pa, marsh 1. Combua6ble Sm - - odorkas, now pa manufactured indrcalor. poisonous. Flans 'fuel pti ars gas 2. Oxygen deficiency 'mabk. Expl..i indicator. , Hydrogen H,S 1.19 4.7 66.0 Rotten egg odor in. Death in few �rninutca fu Prtrokfumes 1. 1. H S ampoules 0.02 to. 10.002 -tricksmall • conccntntions at 625. From b Issv^g` 2: $' by 0.07 but icnsc of smc& Pira ly"xn: �$c�er gas: , s so do � a¢Lt solution. MP,.dh impaired: rcepoxtary center" Odor not evident at �., high concentration. - c lorles. F16 moble: Exp&"'a, raiaonous: t Carbon co, 1.Si Not flammable Colnrknfil odorless. 10% cannot be Lacs from oxygen deficiency 6.0 to . OS "xide Nonflammable. Not endured for more nubonsecous strata. indicator. 6.0 K7LJy present it than a few minute Sewer g g­ I' vow rugvow amounts A ev onuns of. unless there is r-Parano.. _. ■kead'y a deficie"7 of oxygc& i Phu.6cm N, 0.97 Not flammabk Colorless. Wteka6 Scat hyd4o5e< trues from some Oxygen delioersq. odorless. Now rods strata" indicator. ' • flammabk. Now Sewer t - poisonous. Principal eonacewnt of ala (about 795). Etharn C2H6 1.05 7.1 15.0 Cokrkas, taateka. See hydrogen. Natural gas: ,Combustible W. odorki,non. I �aid'ru'i.6 ' pworou. Fla - enable. Eaplo in. Chlanne CI, 2S Not flammable Greenish yellow Respwolory britant; Laking pipe Odor. strong 0.0006 0.0001 Not expb:ve aa• a amber color �pud irritating to eyes conne ction uiunoni. on -.h • under and mucous maw Oterdouge- off white pneurwe. Highly bran. 70 ppm F"m fumes. wntatisg a cause couthm pp��netratug odor. 40"60 ppm dangerous tighlyaxroinn i.70msnuts. LOW ' in presence ofp Mey b be 1 nrouwtre. lapl in It- lrcath. _.ger ..o.� .. .eeca. mrgrn.e ,.aa 2. Gars with • sprcifrw gravity kr Nun 1.0 ere lghter than ala; those mors thea 1.0 ere bevkr thaw sk. 1 The fiat nrthodgiven is the pnfcrabk leanrg Proccclum 4. One percent IQusls 14000 ppm (parts per -M- - Ferric chloride solutions are strong acids and will cause chemical burns to eyes and clothing and will attack and stain concrete and most metals. Plastic safety goggles, plastic or rubber aprons and plastic -covered canvas gloves are recommended for use while liquid ferric chloride is being mixed or handled. While the chemical will not normally harm the skin, it is recommended that any spills be washed off immediately. Precautions should be taken to avoid contact of polymer with the skin surface. It is recommended that plastic safety goggles, gauntlet gloves, and dust masks be worn when chemicals are being unloaded, stored or mixed, to avoid contact with the eyes and hands. Precautions should be taken to avoid contact with the skin when hydrochloric acid is being handled. Plastic safety goggles, plastic or rubber aprons and plastic -covered canvas gloves are recommended to avoid contact with the eyes and hands. Any spills should be washed down immediately with ample amounts of water. SLUDGE DIGESTION HAZARDS Because of the highly combustible and explosive nature of the gases associated with sludge digestion, special precautions are absolutely necessary. The design of sludge digestion tanks and gas control equipment includes pressure relief valves, flame traps and other precautionary devices to minimize the possibility of an explosive mixture of gases. In addition, all electric motors, switches and lighting fixtures are explosionproof and no substitute to this construction type should be allowed for any reason in the future. For reasons of safety, the gas system controls should be given a high priority on maintenance scheduling. All gas piping and appurtenances should be checked periodically for gas leaks by use of a combustible gas detector. Leak checkpoints should include piping joints, gas valve stems, drip trap ports, pressure relief devices and flame traps. If the combustible gas detector is not available for any reason, a soap solution may be brushed over possible leak areas under pressure, so that leaks will be detected by bubbling. The odor of sludge gas cannot be depended upon to indicate leaks. Serious leaks can exist even though the gas odor is not strong. The following precautions should be completely understood by all operating personnel: 1. No smoking or use of any open flame within the control Building or on digestion tank roofs should be permitted. 5-12 2. Only nonsparking tools should be used in a sludge digestion area. 3. If exhaust fans in the Control Building are not running, they should be operated manually when personnel enter the building. 4. No use of ungrounded electrical tools can be allowed in the restricted area. While combustion may occur at lower concentrations, the greatest hazard results when a mixture of air and sludge gas produces 5 to 15 percent methane by volume. In this range, the mixture is very explosive. Similarly, special precautions must be observed during dewatering of digestion tanks to prevent the formation of explosive mixtures. Prior to personnel entering a digestion tank for inspection, repair or cleaning, the following precautions should be taken: 1. A qualified individual should test the interior of the tank for presence of any toxic, explosive, or oxygen -deficient condition. 2. A mechanical means of fresh air circulation must be provided and must be in operation at all times while men are in the tank. 3. All electrical disconnects on gas -mixing equipment must be locked out or tagged. 4. All piping leading into the tank from tanks for sludge or gas transfer should be blanked off as well as valved off. 5. At least two men should be stationed at the entrance to observe the men inside the tank and to render any other assistance that may be required of them. 6. Personnel must be trained in the use of breathing apparatus, safety equipment and first aid procedures. 7. Self-contained breathing equipment, safety harnesses and a method of sounding an alarm should be located at the entrance. 8. After any break in the work, the tank atmosphere should be retested. FIRST AID EQUIPMENT First aid kits should be provided throughout the treatment plant. The cabinets and kits should be kept well supplied, neat, 5-13 clean and in order. Replacement items should be obtained before the supply in the kit is exhausted, to ensure their availability when needed. Personnel should be familiar with first aid procedures. In case of serious injuries, a doctor should be called or the injured person removed to a hospital by ambulance. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Plant personnel should know the exact locations of all extinguishers and should be thoroughly familiar with their use. The extinguishers should be checked periodically for operability and changed as recommended by the local Fire Department. ACCIDENT REPORTS Any injury, however slight, must be reported to the supervisor by means of a standard form. This procedure gives some legal protection to both employee and employer. A suggested accident report form is shown as Table 5 - 2. However, if the insurance company has standard forms for this purpose, they should be utilized. After an accident has occurred, an injury investigation (formal or informal) should be undertaken to determine the cause of the injury and to take steps to prevent a recurrence. If plant personnel are allowed to play a role in determining the cause of injury, overall safety -consciousness is likely to increase. Copies of accident reports should be made available to all employees for their review, in the hope that they will adjust their work habits to avoid similar injuries. SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLANT It is recommended that the plant be equipped with the following safety equipment: 1. One cotton -web safety belt, complete with 50 feet of 3/4 inch -rope. 2. One combustible gas indicator with carrying straps, 5 foot sampling tube and probe tubing. 3. One oxygen -deficiency indicator, complete with sampling tube and carrying case. 4. One safety breathing apparatus which is a self-contained unit of the type approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines for use for a minimum of 30 minutes severe service in hazardous areas. 5-14 Accident TABLE 5-2. SUGGESTED ACCIDENT REPORT FORM 'classification, Date of report Person reporting Name and title of injured Occupation Age Sex a.m. on duty or visitor Date of injury time p.m. off Place of injury Name of doctor, if seen Administrant of first aid, if any Description of accident: Type of injury: Fatal Permanent Temporary Nondisabling What did injured person do to cause accident? Was injured acting in regular line of duty? What other persons were involved? What did these persons do to contribute to the acci at? Did defective equipment or unsafe• condition contrib = to accident? How? Other persons who witnessed accident Corrective action taken: What steps have been taken to prevent future accide s? Recommendations Cost of accident: $ Cost. of accident computation (to be filled in on 'ad-iistration copy Compensation $ Medical $ Public liability $ Property loss $ Time off job $ Other $ Total cost _ $ (to be filled in above 5. First aid cabinets complete with contents and 10 pound carbon dioxide, hand -type fire extinguishers should be purchased and located in each of the following areas: (a) Scavenger Waste Receiving Station (b) The Plant Administration Building (c) The Sludge Digestion Tank Area 6. Life preservers with throw lines should be attached to railings around open tanks. 7. Emergency repair Kit "A" for chlorine leaks. RECOMMENDED REFERENCED MATERIAL ON SAFETY Water Pollution Control Federation: Publication No. 1 Publication No. 4 Publication No. 11 Publication No. 13 Publication No. 14 Packet Safety in Wastewater Works Chlorination of Wastewater and Industrial Wastes Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation Training Course One Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Training Course Two How to Promote Safety in Water Pollution Control Operation State of New York, Health Education Service: ` Manual of Instruction for Sewage Treatment Plant Operators Chlorine Institute: Chlorine Manual Solvay Technical and Engineering Services: Liquid Chlorine, Bulletin 7 Ontario Water Resources Commission: Safety Regulations for Plant Operators 5-16 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM General The USEPA Construction Grants Program requires that the grantee provide an emergency operating and response program in accordance with Section 35.935 of 40 code of Federal Regulations, Part 35. This Chapter of the manual contains emergency procedure guides (See Tables 5- 3 through 5- 6) for a variety of possible emergency conditions which could occur during the treatment of wastewater and the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the wastewater treatment process. The procedures discussed in the emergency procedure guides are part of a response plan for ensuring the effective continued operation of the wastewater treatment system under emergency conditions imposed by catastrophe, failure of process or equipment, or unavoidable shutdown of components, and the guides suggest methods for responding to various types of disasters. Effective emergency planning requires considerable coordination and fore -thought by the operating staff; therefore, these guides are meant to idenify the major considerations in each type of emergency. Detailed plans should be worked out by the operating staff who can best assess their own capabilities for dealing with emergencies and who have fuller knowledge of emergency resources available in the area. The USEPA has developed two manuals entitled, "Emergency Operating Procedures for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities" and "Emergency Response Programs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities, State -Local Aspects", both under Contract No. 68-01-0341 to assist in the preparation of local emergency plans. Another EPA report entitled, "Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electrical and Fluid System and Component Reliability", under Contract No. 68-01-0001, also contains information related to emergency planning. It is necessary for the operator to have an idea of what his procedures should be in the event of an emergency. Emergency conditions are of varying degrees of seriousness. In any event, the operator should be concerned with: 1. Safety of personnel both within the plant and in the surrounding area. 2. The safety equipment within the plant area. 3. Continuation of the plant functioning to assure proper treatment of wastewater. 5-17 EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION 1. Power Failure a. General Area 2. Act of God 3. Fire and/or Explosion TABLE 5 - 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR FLOW METERING SYSTEMS b. Treatment plant a. Flood b.. Hurricane c. Earthquake d. Windstorm a. In plant EQUIPMENT REACTION No change in operation if emergency generator functioning properly. May experience slight blip on charts. Same as 1 a.. Equipment will function normally until electrical service is interrupted or equipment is damaged. Same as 2 a. b. In instrument con- Same as 2 a-. trol cubicle or individual enclosure. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY None. May have to readjust time arcs on charts if generator fails to start or cuts out before electrical service is restored. Assess condition of equipment after emergency is over. Call manufacturer's representative to have equipment repaired, recalibrated and returned to service. Call Fire Department and Medical Services. Alert Supervisor. - Continue as per 2 a. Call Fire Department and Medical Services. Alert Supervisor - This will be an electrical fire, if attempting to extinguish fire, use CO2 or dry chemical only. Do not use watet or liquid. Proceed as specified in Z a. EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION 4. Equipment Failure a. Transmitters b. Recorder c. Totalizer TABLE 5 - 3 (CONT'D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR FLOW METERING SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT REACTION Indicating recorder - incorrect reading or "Dead". Same as 4 a.. Recorder functions normally. Totalizer fails to count. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY Check power to transmitter; should be 1.20 volts, 60 Hertz. Attach mercury manometer to test head connections, calculate flow from calibration curves supplied with flow tubes. If calibration equipment not available, call manufacturer's service representative. " Verify correct operation of transmitter as in 4 a. Check power supply•to recorder; shoul& be 120 volts, 60 Hertz. If above, check okay. Call manufacturer's service representative. Call manufacturer's service represent- ative. -EMERGENCY SITUATION 1. Power Failure 2. Act of God 3. Fire and/.or Explosion TABLE 5 - 4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CONTROL SYSTEMS TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION STAFF RESPONSIBILITY a. General Area Emergency generator should start Essential equipment as listed in automatically and return all specifications should -be essential. equipment to operational physically checked to verify operation. status. b. Treatment plant Same as 1 a. Same as 1 a. c. False alarm None., Advise Supervisor -determine, and if possible, correct the cause of the false alarm. a. Flood b. Hurricane 1. Wet -well level and waste In most c#"s, there should be c. Earthquake pump control system will sufficient #dvance warning to d. Windstorm function normally as long provide fora routine shutdown of as instrument air and the facility if such is warranted. electricity is available Following the emergency, assess and equipment is not damaged. condition of the.equipment. Where equipment damage has been sudtained 2. Compressed air system will or or suspected, and/or accuracy is function normally as long as questionable, call the manufacturer's electricity is available and service representative to have equipment is not -damaged. equipment repaired, recalibrated and returned to service. a. In plant Generally speaking, the equipment Advise Supervisor - call Fire will function normally until air- Department and Medical Service.. supply or electrical service is Should an attempt be made to interrupted or equipment is extinguish a localized fire on damaged. instrument equipment, use a CO2 or dry chemical extinguisher only - Do not use water unless electrical power has been disconnected.. a EMERGENCY SITUATION TABLE S - 4 (CONT'D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CONTROL SYSTEMS TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION b. Air compressors Wet -well level will cease to function when air pressure drops below 2 psig. Wastewater pumps will cease to operate on automatic, but can be operated on manual at the -plant. For the pumping station redundant on/off operation is initiated if the rest- of estof the system is not damaged. c. Pump controls Wet -well level control will drop off if signal line to pump control cabinets has been damaged, thus,_ automatic speed control will cease to function if wiring damaged. Pumps may cease to function depending on damage to electrical equipment. d. Instrument control cubicle 4. Equipment Failure a. Wet -well level transmitter STAFF RESPONSIBILITY After emergency is over, assess. damage and call manufacturer's representative. .11 3 a. applies, also the following. If damage has been confined to control cabinets but pump motors are service- able, -the local electrical utility or a local electrical contractor may be able to wire pump motors direct through a switch and rheostat to provide temporary manual control. Wet -well level indication and Call manufacturer's service represent - wastewater pumps on/off and speed ative. control will fail. Indicated wet -well level will not follow actual level. Pump operation may become erratic. Level indication may go to'O or 100 -per cent. Make sure bubble tubes are clear; if so check air supply to tranmitter; must be minimum of 18 psi. Place wastewater pumps on manual and remove transmitter from cubicle. Following manufacturer's 0&M Instructions, repair transmitter if possible, if not, call service representative. < TABLE 5 - 4 (CONT'D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CONTROL SYSTEMS EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION STAFF RESPONSIBILITY b. Level controller Level indication will not be Place wastewater pumps on manual affected and pump on/off control. Local attempt to repair sequencing will not be affected. controller is not recommended - Pump speed control will be erratic call manufacturer's service or cease functioning. representative. c. Pressure switch Equipment operates out of sequence Change pump sequence so that mal - or fails to function, i.e., pump functioning control is on standby. fails to start or stop on level Place all pumps on manual control changes. and replace defective switch if new one is available. Place pumps back on automatic after d. Pump speed control Pump speed fails to respond to repairs are completed. level changes on automatic or Change pump sequence so that mal - manual. functioning controls is•on standby -- position and deenergize electrically. Call manufacturer's r service representative. z MWENCY SITUATION Power Failure Act of God TABLE 5 - 5 .EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CHLORINATION SYSTEM TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION a. General Area Automatic startup of emergency generator set. On power failure, to operate: blip on charts. b. Treatment plant c. False alarm a. Flood b." Hurricane c. Earthquake d. Windstorm Same as 1 a. None Chlorine equipment will continue .to function until failure of either electrical service, water supply or solution piping damage, initiates automatic shutdown. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY 1. Check operation of .emergency generator set. 2. Check operation of chlorina- tion equipment. 3. If chlorination system fails to operate, shut chlorine gas-"" valves on cylinders until' cause of restart failure - has been determined. Same as La. Advise supervisor and/or note in operations log book, determine and correct cause of false alarm.., in plant. In most cases, there should be sufficient advance warning to permit a routing shutdown'of the system as outlined in the preceding Tables. Chlorine gas valves on cylinders should be shutoff any time system is shutdown either automatically or manually, and remain closed until the system is ready for startup. TABLE 5 - 5 ( CONV D ) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CHLORINATION SYSTEM EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION STAFF RESPONSIBILITY 3.- Fire -and/or Explosion a. In plant, but remote Equipment will function normally Assess situation, call Fire and from chlorine area. until either damage or Medical Services, shutdown interruption of utilities chlorination system, shut chlorine initiates automatic shutdown. supply valves on cylinders, disconnect cylinders from mani- fold, install safety cap and remove from building if possible. b. Chlorine area Same as 3 a.' Assess situation, call Fire and Medical Services, alerting both to the possibility of chlorine leakage. -Using approved chlorine respirator, shutoff gas supply valves on cylinders, if possible. 4. Freezing a. Solution piping - Equipment will automatically shut. Assess situation, consider possi- either blockage or down chlorine feed as result of bilities of selecting alternate rupture, vaccum loss. chlorination point to achieve required treatment, correct ' problem and return to service. 5. Ruptures and a. Solution piping Same as 4 a. Same as 4 a. Stoppages TABLE 5 - 5 (CONT'D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR CHLORINATION SYSTEM EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION STAFF RESPONSIBILITY b. Chlorine gas supply Equipment will continue to function Avise supervisor, have other staff piping or cylinders as long as gas supply pressure members or medical team standby. is 30 psi or above. Leak will.be Then, using approved respirator, detected by: (1) leak detector; enter area and using ammonia, locate (2) odor; (3) visual (green haze source of leak. If leak is in in chlorine area); and (4) piping, shutoff ga'ss supply.valve increased rate of change on weigh on cylinders, then repair or replace scales. defective pipe. If leak involves cylinders (either valve failure or cylinder rupture) Close supply valve, disconnect cylinder, install safety cap, remove from'chlorine room and relocate to an isolated -area where if will do the least harm, rotate tank so that gas escapes rather than liquid chlori) and call supplier for emergency assistance. 4. Equipment Failure a. Chlorinator Loss of chlorine feed rate and/or Make necessary valves changes and components failure. loss of vaccum indication. place alternate chlorinator in service. Advtse supervisor, call manufacturer's service representative or, if qualified, repair chlorinator. EMERGENCY SITUATION 1. Power Failure 2. Act of God TABLE 5 - 6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION a. General Area All electrical equipment in plant will shutdown temporarily. Essential loads will restart upon automatic transfer to the standby power source (engine -generator). b. Treatment plant Same as 1 a. c. Individual circuit Equipment on individual circuit will shutdown - operation of all other equipment will be normal. a. Flood Flooding will cause failure of all electrical equipment involved, with the possible exception of that in watertight enclosures. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY Advise plant Supervisor. After normal power has been restored and essential loads have been automatically retransferred to normal power, restart loads which do not restart automatically. Same as 1 a. Advise plant Supervisor. Determine cause of power failure and correct, following procedures outlined in Electrical Systems Chapter. I Shutdown all electrical circuits to areas in imminent danger of being flooded to protect equipment and avoid hazards to'personnel. After flooding condition has passed, all electrical equipment in the flooded area should be cleaned, thoroughly dried -out, and properly tested before being energized. This work should be performed by personnel who are thoroughly experienced in repairing and testing electrical equipment which has been subjected to flood damage. V EMERGENCY SITUATION 3.- Fire and/or Explosion TABLE 5 - 6 (CONY D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION c. Hurricane } Most likely damage is to incoming } power lines, with consequent d. Windstorm } loss of power. (See Power Failure). e. Earthquake Probably no electrical damage unless very severe. Most likely damage in severe earthquake would be electrical overloads caused by mechanical damage to rotating machinery, and by short-circuits caused by the failure and collapse of structures. a. In treatment plant Equipment will continue to operate normally except for portions of electrical system which may have been damaged. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY See Power Failure, 1 and 2. All electrical circuits should be de - energized as quickly as possible by opening the circuit breaker on the standby engine -generator control panel. This will help to minimize damage to equipment, hazards to personnel and the danger of fire. After cessation.of earthquake, inspect all electrical equipment, electrically driven equipment, cables and ductwork for physical damage before energizing any electrical circuits. Advise'plant Supervisor and Fire Department. Shutdown all electrical circuits to the area involved in the fire or explosion to minimize hazards to personnel and spread of fire. After the emergency has passed, all electrical equipment and cables in,the affected area should be inspected for damage before restoring electrical power.' EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION b. In electrical equipment. 4. Equipment Failure a. Motors b. Control devices TABLE 5 - 6 (CONY D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT REACTION Extensive damage to the equipment will result unless it is de -energized immediately. Motor stops, overheats or repeatedly trips circuit breaker. Equipment stops, fails to start or operates improperly. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY De -energize affected equipment at 'once. Advise plant Supervisor and Fire Department. Shut down all electrical circuits to th area in which the fire has_ as occurred, in order to minimize hazards to personnel and damage to other equipment. Shut down equipment and notify plant Supervisor. Try to determine cause of failure as outlined in -Electrical Power and Lighting Systems, Chapter 15. If unable to determine the cause of failure, call an electrician. Shut down equipment and notify plant Supervisor. Try to determine cause of malfunction, as outlined in Electrical Power and Lighting Systems, Chapter,15. TABLE 5 - 6 (CONT'D) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES,FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT REACTION c. Motor control center Same as 2., except caused by equipment device in motor control center (starter, relay, switch or circuit breaker),. _d. Wiring Wiring -overheats or short- circuits (generally due to severe overload or physical damage). STAFF RESPONSIBILITY Same as 2. ' Shut down affected circuit immediately, notify'plant Supervisor and call an electrician. Try to determine cause of overload or location of. short-circuit. If circuit supplies vital equipment, have electrician disconnect both ends of damaged cable and connect a temporar, cable in its place while'lrepairs are in progress. General Response Pattern to Emergencies There is a logical sequence of steps in responding to emergencies which should be followed by the operator on duty. This sequence includes identifying the emergency, investigating the extent of the emergency, deciding on the proper initial course of action, taking corrective action to rectify the situation, and following up with a post -emergency investigation. Identify Emergency: This step is obvious in most cases and is essentially that of becoming aware that an emergency exists. Equipment breakdowns, power failures, injuries and natural disasters are usually rather dramatic and will capture the operator's attention immediately upon occurrence. In other cases, the operator may have prior warning of an impending emergency through weather reports in the case of natural disasters, and trends in equipment performance in the case of breakdown, etc. Some emergency situations exist long before the operator is aware that an emergency exists. These cases usually produce larger disasters which then become immediate and obvious. Unattended equipment may have minor breakdowns which go unnoticed; further operation may then lead to complete destruction of the equipment with possible injury to the unwary bystander. Initial Investigation® Once the operator is aware that an emergency situation exists or that a disaster is impending, an immediate initial investigation should be made. This step is undertaken to assess the severity of the situation and collect enough information to make an initial action decision. Assessment of the emergency should include identifying obvious injured persons (if any), damage to buildings and equipment, noting possible impending damage which could occur if corrective action is not taken immediately, and itemizing resources immediately required to correct the situation. Initial Action: Once the extent of emergency is known, the operator should make an immediate decision as to what initial steps should be taken to correct the emergency situation. This first action, in the case of large scale emergencies, usually consists of notifying responsible authorities and/or calling for the necessary assistance in order of priority. After the necessary calls have been made, the operator should begin action on his own to remedy matters but within limitations. The operator should not unduly endanger himself or others by attempting tasks for which the proper equipment is not available or with which he is unfamiliar. Injury cases are the 5-30 best example. If the operator is not familiar with first aid techniques, he should do little more for an injured person than to keep him out of further danger. Moving a patient unnecessarily or attempting first aid when not absolutely needed may cause further, lasting injury to the patient. In all cases, if in doubt, wait until qualified help arrives before taking action. Corrective Action: When help arrives, the operator should immediately inform those called of the pertinent details of the situation. If the type of emergency is beyond his own capabilities, the operator should also immediately appoint the proper person to supervise corrective action. While work is underway, the operator should find time to notify persons not called initially, but who have interests at stake in the emergency. Corrective action should be continued until the situation is either under control or completely rectified. If correction will take considerable time, the operator should consult with the required parties to outline a long-term effort to complete the task. Follow -Through: After the situation is corrected, the operator should make every effort to determine why the emergency occurred, review the corrective action taken and then take preventive action to minimize the chance of recurrence. In the case of equipment failure, if negligence was not a factor, then revising maintenance procedures would be the most likely first preventive step. For natural disasters which cannot be prevented from recurring, the procedures followed in dealing with them can be reviewed to develop more effective action plans. NOTE: IN ALL EMERGENCIES, THE STATE REGULATORY AGENCY AND THE FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGIONAL OFFICIALS SHOULD BE NOTIFIED AND A FOLLOW-UP REPORT MADE DETAILING WHAT HAPPENED AND HOW THE SITUATION WAS CORRECTED. ALSO, THE OPERATOR SHOULD ASK FOR AND EXPECT ASSISTANCE FROM THESE AGENCIES WHEN THE SITUATION WARRANTS. (THESE AGENCIES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED NOT ONLY TO REGULATE PLANT OPERATION, BUT ALSO TO ASSIST THE OPERATOR IN MEETING THEIR OWN REQUIREMENTS). Summary: This section has outlined a general pattern which the operator should follow in responding to emergencies. In most small emergencies, the operator will go through these steps automatically; however, they should be kept in mind (and perhaps 5-31 posted near telephones) in order to effectively deal with major disasters. In summary, these steps are: 1. Identify emergency (be aware). 2. Investigate quickly (know what has happened). 3. Take initial action (notify). 4. Take corrective action (remedy, implement action plans). 5. Follow-through (prevent future similar disasters). EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Table 5- 7 shows•a suggested list of emergency telephone numbers which should be completed and posted in a conspicuous place near each telephone at the plant. This list should be checked for accuracy at least quarterly and changes in names and/or telephone numbers should be noted on posted listes. One person should be given the responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of the lists. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY An inventory should be made of equipment, materials and chemicals available within the treatment system which can be used in case of an emergency. Any additional emergency equipment and supplies required should be purchased and stockpiled and/or arrangements made to obtain these items through mutual aid agreements or outside contracts. TREATMENT SYSTEMS RECORDS A system should be established for the protection of essential records, maps and inventories. Full size copies of maps and other details sheets should be made each year and kept in a vault that is not subject to flooding. Copies of the layouts of important pumping installations should also be kept there. These items will then be available for immediate use and can be reproduced as required. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS The treatment system's emergency response program should be coordinated with the local Police and Fire Departments. Coordinating instructions are outlined below and consideration should be given to the items in the following checklists. 5-32 TABLE -S — 7 LIST OF EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS T E L E P H O N E OFFICE HOME 1. PHYSICIANS/AMBULANCE Dr. Address Dr. Address Ambulance Address_ Ambulance Address_ 2. FIRE Department Department 3. POLICE City Police County Sheriff County Deputy State Police Local Headquarters 4. POWER COMPANY Name Address Name Address S. EMERGENCY POWER UNITS (MOBILE) Name Address Name Address f S— 33 TABLE 5 - 7 LIST OF EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS T E L E P A 0 N E OFFICE HOME 6. TELEPHONE COMPANY Name Address Name Address 7. ELECTRICIANS Name Address Name Address 8. PLUMBERS Name Address Name Address 9. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Type Equipment Name Available Type Equipment Name Available 10. EXTRA LABOR Name Address Name Address 11. CONSULTING ENGINEER Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. 125 Baylis Road Melville, New York 11747 ATTN: Mr® Gary Loesci� (516) 752-9060 5-34, I TABLE 5 7 LIST OF EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS 12® EQUIPMENT REPRESENTATIVE/MANUFACTURERS Comany/Name Address_ Comany/Name Address Comany/Name Address Comany/Name Address Comany/Name Address 13. COUNTY OFFICIALS Suffolk County Dept. of Environmental Control 15 Horse Block Place Farmingville, New York 14, COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Offidial Address Official Address 15. STATE REGULATORY AGENCY New York State Dept® of Environmental Conservation Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11790 16. AREA CIVIL DEFENSE Official Address Official Address 5-35 T E L E P H 0 N E OFFICE HOME 451-4629 751-7900 TABS E 5 — 7 LIST OF EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS T E L E P H O N E OFFICE HOME 17. FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, REGIONAL OFFICE Official Address Official Address 18. OTHER Chlorine Equipment Mfg. Address Chorine Supplier Address Address Address Address i Address Address e 5-36 Police Department Checklist 1. Critique existing treatment system security measures. 2. Make routine checks of treatment facility. 3. Be prepared to assist during emergencies within the treatment system. Fire Department Checklist 1. Routinely check fire -fighting equipment within the facility and inspect facility for potential fire hazards. 2. Provide first aid instruction to treatment system personnel. 3. Coordinate with treatment system personnel on safety precautions to be used with chlorine gas. 5®37 CHAPTER 6: PERSONNEL 6- 1 PAGE NO. GENERAL 6® 2 CERTIFICATION 6® 2 JOB DESCRIPTIONS 6® 3 Superintendent 6® 3 Operator 6® 4 Equipment Mechanic 6® 5 Attendant 6® 6 NOTES AND ADDENDA 6® 7 6- 1 GENERAL This Chapter consists of a description of the personnel requirements for the operation and maintenance of the Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility. The recommendations made herein should be considered flexible with adjustments made for changes in conditions and in the capabilities of the personnel available. The job descriptions which follow are based on the information given in Part 650 of the Public Health Law adopted by the State of New York, and the recommendations are based on the anticipation that outside skilled tradesmen, such as motor or engine mechanics and instrumentation servicemen; will be engaged to perform specialized maintenance -and repairs on the occasions when plant personnel do not have the knowledge or the means to conduct complicated repairs or tests. Regardless of the care which goes into the design and con- sideration of a treatment facility, the full capabilities of the plant cannot be realized without qualified personnel in adequate numbers to operate the processes. Up-to-date training for operators and maintenance personnel is stressed as being of critical importance in the proper functioning of the facility to protect the plant equipment from damage or -deterioration and to maintain the quality of the effluent. Staffing will consist of a Superintendent/Chief Operator who will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility. In addition, two (2) additional attendants will be added to assist in the operation of the plant. CERTIFICATION The present certification program for pollution control plant operators is mandatory in the State of New York and is under the administration of the Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water Resources. The details of the certification program are presented in the Division of Water Resourses Regulations, Chapter -10, Part 650, enclosed as Appendix "A". In summary, the regulations state that an operator must be certified by a combination of experience, education level and written examination. In addition, pollution control plants are classified into grades by the Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water Resources, in accordance with flow and degree of complexity of the treatment process. The Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Facility has been classified Grade B. Each pollution control plant must be manned by at least one certified operator of the assigned grade. 6- 2 It is strongly recommended that all operators be encouraged to obtain the highest degree of certification possible for their experience level, and to take full advantage of any operator training courses which may be available. The Town of Southold should also consider providing incentives to encourage personnel to voluntarily obtain certification and/or additional schooling, as their increased knowledge would be expected to result in a higher level of performance, more competent operation of facilities, and a more flexible staff, better able to meet and solve problems. Various methods of training are available. For example, courses are sponsored by Local Enforcement Agencies in operation, laboratory procedures, safety, etc. The Long Island,Section of: Water Pollution Control Association also provides educational meetings and field trips at which the operators can see how other plants are operated. JOB DESCRIPTIONS General job descriptions for the recommended types of positions follow. General qualifications, job descriptions and suggested duties of the usual types of personnel commonly employed for the operation and maintenance functions of conventional waste treatment plants are listed and these descriptions include, but are not limited to, the responsibilities indicated. The suggested duties, qualifications and experience explained in these.personnel.job descriptions should be used as a guide only, as the need for manpower requirements, based on individual capabilities, will vary with the municipalities' ability to recruit suitable employees. Superintendent General Statement of Duties: Has responsible charge of the operation and maintenance of the water pollution control facilites; does related work as required. . Distinguishing Features of the Class: This is an important technical and supervisory position involving responsibility for the proper operation and maintenance of the existing Southold water pollution control plant and the scavenger waste treatment plant. Work performed requires use of independent judgement in the development of procedures and methods. Supervision is exercised over all employees of the plants. Example of Work: Supervises and administers the operation and maintenance of the treatment plants; lays out procedures and methods of operation; plans and lays out work of subordinates; investigates complaints, of wastewater stoppage; requisitions 6- 3 parts and materials; prepares budget estimates; maintains records and prepares reports; inspects plant regularly; evaluates personnel; initiates or recommends new or improved practices; recommends plant improvements and additions; controls expenditures of budgeted funds; and maintains effective communication and working relationship with employees, government officials and general public. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Thorough knowledge of -the theory and practice of the operation and maintenance of a public wastewater disposal system; good.knowledge of the principles and practices of water pollution and wastewater disposal; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; understanding of managerial, administrative and accounting practices -and .procedures involved in successful plant operation; ability to deal successfully with public officials and others on wastewater disposal problems; ability to understand and follow oral and written directions; initiative; resourcefulness; good judgement; and good physical condition. Acceptable Experience and Training: One year of experience in the operation, maintenance or construction of wastewater treatment plants and graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with a degree in public health, sanitary, chemical or civil engineering, including acceptable courses in sanitation; or five years of experience in the operation, maintenance or construction of wastewater treatement plants and completion of a course of instruction in wastewater treatment, approved by the public health council as qualifying for a Grade 3B Operator's Certificate or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Special Requirements: Eligibility for a Grade 3B Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Certificate issued by the State of New York. Operator General Statement of Work: Performs routine mechanical work in the operation of a water pollution control plant; does related work as required. Distinguishing Features of the Class: Duties are of a routine mechanical nature involving responsibility for efficient operation of plant and for assisting in the maintenance of equipment at the plant. The work is performed under the immediate supervision of a superior and requires strict adherence to established procedures. Supervision may be exercised over the work of water pollution control plant attendants. 6 4 Examples of Work: Starts and stops pumps, motors, air blowers and other machinery and equipment; operates, maintains and lubricates mechanical screens and mixers, the RBD units, pumps and similar equipment; takes samples of water and makes simple physical tests; makes minor repairs to machinery and equipment; monitors meters, gauges and control pumps; keeps records and makes reports of plant operations; observes variations in operating conditions and makes appropriate equipment adjustments. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Some knowledge of and skill in the operation of pumps, motors and -other mechanical equipment; ability to make simple mechanical repairs, aptitude for mechanical work; ability to understand and carry out oral and written directions; industrious; dependability; alertness; and good physical condition. Acceptable Experience and Training: One year of satisfactory experience in a water pollution control treatment plant; or three months of satisfactory .experience in a water pollution control treatment plant and completion of a course of instruction in wastewater treatment approved by the public health council; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Special Requirements: Eligibility for a Grade 3B Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Certificate issued by the State of New York. Equipment Mechanic General Statement.of Work: Works as a skilled mechanic in the maintenance and repair of water pollution control plant equipment; does related work as required. Distinguished Features of the Class: This is skilled work involving responsibility for efficient and workmanlike performance of a variety of mechanical tasks requiring a good knowledge of the electrical, mechanical and plumbing trades. General instructions are received from the plant operator, permitting wide leeway for planning the details of each assignment. Immediate supervision may be occasionally exercised over the work of attendants on un -skilled or semi -skilled work. Examples of Work: Lines up and fits bearings on machine shafts; greases and oils motors, machinery and pumps; maintains and repairs motors, machinery, pumps, blowers, compressors, conveyors, sludge collector drives, valves and gates, and similar equipment; maintains and repairs plumbing and heating appliances; and makes estimates and prepares requisitions for materials. 6- 5 Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Good knowledge of common. practices, tools, terminology and accident precautions of the electrical, mechanical and plumbing trades; ability to work from plans and specifications and to follow rough sketches and oral instructions; good motor, hand and eye coordination; manual dexterity; good physical condition; and ability to organize and supervise work of others. Acceptable Experience and Training: Five years of experience in practical plumbing work and machine repairing and completion of a standard grade school course; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Attendant General Statement of Work: Performs manual work at the water pollution control plant; does related work as required. Distinguishing Features of the Class: This is routine manual work requiring no previous training or experience, but requiring physical endurance and a willingness to perform various tasks. The work is performed under immediate supervision. Examples of Work: Starts and stops pumps, motors, air blowers and other machinery and equipment, as directed; cleans, flushes and maintains equipment, as directed; assists in operation of the screens, mixers and pumps; removes snow; performs a variety of custodial duties; cleans drains, ditches and culverts; mows lawn and maintains landscaping; collects and disposes of trash and garbage; washes and cleans vehicles; drives truck used for sludge removal.; rough paints; lubricates machinery and unloads materials. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Willingness to perform routine manual work; ability to lift heavy weights; physical endurance; and good physical condition. Acceptable Experience and Training: None required. CHAPTER 7: PRELIMINARY TREATMENT FACILITIES PAGE NO. PURPOSE AND THEORY 7- 2 General 7- 2 Bar Screen 7- 2' Aerated Grit Chamber 7- 2 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION 7- 3 General 7- 3 Grit Removal. 7- 3 Air Blowers/Aeration Piping 7- 3 Odor Control Facilities 7- 7 OPERATION AND CONTROL 7- 7 General 7- 7 Normal Operation 7- 7 Start-up 7- 7 Routine Surveillance 7- 9 Sampling 7- 9 Housekeeping 7- 9 Troubleshooting 7- 9 NOTES AND ADDENDA 7-11 Table 7- 1 7- 2 Figure 7- 1 7- 2 7- 3 LIST OF TABLES Units, Locations and Controls Troubleshooting Guide for Aerated Grit Chamber LIST OF FIGURES Influent Port Detail Plan and Section Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic Bar Rack and Aerated Grit Chamber 7- 1 7- 8 7-10 7- 4 7- 5 7- 6 PURPOSE AND THEORY General Preliminary treatment facilities include processes that remove coarse materials from the wastewater stream. Removal of such material eliminates interference with subsequent treatment processes and minimizes damage to plant equipment. At the Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility the preliminary treatment units consist of a bar screen and a aerated grit chamber. Bar Screen Trash such as cloth, rags, plastics, paper together with some fecal matter and other large objects which may be present in the scavenger waste stream can cause problems in the operation of pumps, valves and other equipment at the plant. It is, therefore, necessary to remove these objects prior to further treatment of the waste stream. The removal of these objects which are commonly known as screenings is achieved at the plant by the bar screen. These objects are manually removed from the waste stream and emptied into a screening can. When the can is full it is emptied into a dump truck and the screening are ultimately disposed of in a landfill. Aerated Grit Chamber The grit chamber removes grit,, consisting of sand, gravel, cinders, or other heavy solid materials that have settling velocities or specific gravities substantially greater than those of the organic putrescible solids in wastewater. Grit also includes eggshells, bone chips, seeds, coffee grounds, and large organic particles, such as food wastes. Grit chambers protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion and accompanying abnormal wear and reduce formation of heavy deposits in pipelines, channels, conduits and anaerobic digesters. Grit removal facilities are designed to slow the flow through velocity to a point where the heavier grit settles out, while the lighter organic solids are maintained in suspension. In an aerated grit chamber, settling control is created artificially by introducing air along the sides of the tank. The air rising through the wastewater imparts a rolling motion to the flow as it passes through the tank. The heavier grit particles settle and the lighter organic particles stay in suspension. This rolling motion also tends to wash the grit by removing organics attached to the grit by scouring action. 7- 2 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION General Scavenger waste enters the treatment facilities through one or both influent ports, where it is directed via a 16 -inch pipe to the screen. A plan and sectional view of a typical influent port is shown on Figure 7- 1. Screening is the first scavenger waste treatment step as shown on Figure 7- 2. Manual Bar Rack This unit is composed of 2 x 1/4 inch rectangular bars fastened top and bottom to provide a clear spacing of 1 inch between the bars at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizontal. The bar rack extends 2 feet above the surface of the operating floor. Bar racks are manually raked as required. Debris is collected in containers, removed and trucked to the landfill. Grit Removal Grit removal is the second step in the scavenger waste treatment process. A sectional view of the bar screen and aerated grit chamber is shown on Figure 7- 3. Aerated Grit Chamber Design Data Type of Diffusers Orifices Effective depth, ft. 8.0 Effective width, ft. 4.0 Effective length, ft. 18.0 Detention period minutes 1.4 Recommended range of air available scfm/ft. of length 5-8 Grit Removal Inclined Screw Conveyor Grit Disposal To Town Landfill The waste stream from the aerated grit chamber is discharged over an effluent weir and into a 12 inch ductile iron pipe which goes to the equalization tanks. Air Blowers/Aeration Piping Air is supplied to the grit chamber by a positive displacement air blower with a capacity of 20 cfm at 4.1 psig. The air blower is located in the grit room and is driven through a V -belt drive connected to a constant torque, open, drip -proof 1 HP motor. The blower is equipped with an intake filter silencer, a discharge silencer, flexible pipe connections, manometer and pressure gauges, check valve, pressure relief valve, and 7- 3 FIGURE 7-1 • SCAVENGER WASTE -TRU C K .. � BAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER INFLUENT PORTS FE 'CL 3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK EQUALIZATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. ' CLARIFIER HCL STORAGE LIME TANK HEAD BOX HCL ' MIXING. TANK :)DIAA A DV PROPOSED SLUDGE BEDS_ _DRYING i SCUM ROTATING BIOLOGICAL n. L-=-----� DISCS SLUDGE WET WELL in C r- - - -' I FLOW METER TO OUTFALL I ®� FINAL CLARIFIER EFFLUENT G7 EXISTING VILLAGE OF WET WELL m ..Z GREENPORT PLANT m SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC cn r -AIR l3E AD ER 1 GRIT--CHAMBER- ROOM RIT--CHAMSER-ROO.M _ _SCREW.-DRIV-_{JNIT_-, AIR SLOWER E.M SLY - AIR SUPPLY LINE GREASE- PIPE- 3A{= PLE PLATE w/SCUM PORTS - E: r F -L_ T-R000H G) SECTIONAL VIEW' c rn rc PJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS temperature and pressure controls. .Air is piped to the grit chamber through a 2 inch supply manifold pipe providing air directly into the waste stream via adjustable diffuser units. When the aerated grit chamber blower is out of service for maintenance and/or repairs,•Blower No. 1, located in the blower room of the Treatment Building can be used as a,standby. Odor Control Facilities The odor control system for the -plant is also'housed in the Grit Treatment Building. However; details regarding this system will be presented'in Chapter 14, Odor Control System of this manual, OPERATION AND CONTROL General An important tool for plant operation is a daily plant inspection. Generally, a tour of the plant as the first item on the agenda each morning can be valuable in spotting potential problems. It should be used -to -modify the regularly scheduled operating and maintenance routines. Some items to,look for are changed and excessive -equipment noise, and an abnormal appearance of the effluent from the various unit operations. Table 7-1 contains a list of units and location of controls for various equipment with the Treatment Building. NORMAL OPERATION The inclined .grit screw conveyor is controlled by on/off pushbuttons. During the start-up period the grit channel should be probed daily to determine the depth of grit accumulation. After sufficient operating experience has been gained it will be, possible to schedule grit removal without daily probing of the grit channel. START-UP,. Perform the following items before plant influent is allowed to pass, into the mechanical bar screen/grit chamber channel; 1. Check for debris such as rocks, sand, timber, waste concrete or other foreign material. Short pieces of 2x4 boards and other form lumber can suddenly appear during initial flow and this material can damage the air diffuser assemblies. 7® 7 TABLE 7-1 - UNITS, LOCATIONS AND CONTROLS LOCATION OF TYPE OF UNIT (1) CONTROL (2) CONTROL REMARKS Air Blower #1 MCC -A Air Blower #3 MCC -A Grit Screw MCC -B Flocculation°Tank-Mixer MCC -B Primary Clarifier MCC -A RBD #1 MCC -A RBD #2 MCC -B Sludge/Scum #1 MCC -A Sludge/Scum #2 MCC -B Effluent Pump # 1 MCC -A Effluent Pump # 2 MCC -B Equalization Tank #1 MCC -A Submersible Pump Odor Control Unit MCC -A Air Blower #2 MCC -B Grit Blower MCC -B Flash Mixer MCC -A Secondary Clarifier MCC -B Equalization .Tank ,#2 MCC -B' Submersible Pump, Acid Mixer MCC -A Notes:, 1. All units have green Clarifiers also have 2. MCC units located in room. 3. CS - Control Switch CS (3) On/Off Control Switch CS On/Off Control Switch CS On/Off Control Switch CS On/Off Control Switch CS Start/Stop Pushbuttons CS Ori/Off Control Switch CS On/Off Control Switch CS. On-Off-Automtic CS On-Off-Automtic CS On-Off-Automtic CS On-Off-Automtic CS On -Off- Automatic` CB On/Off/Control Switch CS On/Off Control Switch CS On/Off Control Switch CB On -/Off -Control Switch CS' Start/Stop Pushbuttons CS On -Off- Automatic CS On/Off Control Switch indicating lights on MCC. Primary red indicating lights. the Treatment Building,- office NW. 2. Start the air blower and have air passing through all the diffusers as waste is admitted to the channel. This will prevent the diffuser from being clogged by material in the waste stream. ROUTINE SURVEILLANCE. The following items should be checked daily except as noted: 1. Check for any unusual objects or deposits in the bar screen channel by using a rake. Stones, sticks and other large -objects should be removed whenever- observed by using a rake and shovel., 2. Check for even turbulence throughout the grit chamber. A relatively calm portion of the chamber may indicate a clogged air diffuser. 3. Check the grit chamber bottom with a pole to detect grit build-up. SAMPLING. A grab sample should be taken from the effluent end of the grit chamber once per week and analyzed for grit and total volatile solids. HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping is essential in the area of the bar screen and the grit chamber. Keep all walking surfaces - free of grit, slimes, oils, greases or other material that will make the surface slippery. This can be done by hosing down the walkways, handrails and all other exposed parts of the structure with water. Your housekeeping program should include the hosing down of the influent channel walls above the water level to prevent buildup of dried solids. If froth forms within the aerated grit chamber and accumulates on structures and surfaces, spray it down using water. TROUBLESHOOTING. Table 7®2 contains guides for correcting process malfunctions and a variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of waste stream and the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the treatment of the waste stream. 7® 9 TABLE 7-2 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR AERATED GRIT CHAMBER Indicators/ Probable Cause Check or Monitor Solutions Observations 1. Corrosion of la. Inadequate. la. Ventilation la. Increase, metal and ventilation. ventilation concrete. 2m Removed grit 2a. Inadequate air 2a. Check air flow 2a. Increase air is grey in flow rate. rate. flow rate. color® smells 2b. Grit removal 2b. Use dye releases 2b. Increase velocity and feels system velocity to check velocity. in grit chamber. greasy. too low. i 3. Surface 3a. Diffusers 3a. Diffusers. 3a. Clean diffusers. CD turbulance in covered by rags aerated grit or grit. chamber is reduced. 4. Low recovery 4a. Bottom scour. 4a. Velocity. 4a. Maintain velocity rate of grit. 4b. Too much 4b. Aeration. near 1 ft/second. aeration. 4c. Retention period. 4b. Reduce aeration. 4c. Not enough 4c. Increase retention retention time. time. CHAPTER 8: EQUALIZATION TANK FACILITIES PAGE NO. PURPOSE AND THEORY 8- 2 General 8- 2 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION 8- 2 General 8- 2 Aeration System 8- 5 Effluent Pumping 8- 5 Head Box 8- 8 OPERATION AND CONTROL 8- 8 General 8- 8 Normal Operation 8- 8 Ultrasonic Transmitters 8-11 Pump Operation 8-11 Alternate Operation 8-11 Sampling 8-11 Troubleshooting 8-13 NOTES AND ADDENDA 8-16 LIST OF TABLES Table 8- 1 Air Blowers and Valve Schedule 8- 7 8- 2 Control of Plant Flow Rate 8-12 8- 3 Troubleshooting Guide for Submersible Pumps 8-14 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 8- 1 Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic 8- 3 8- 2 Equalization Tanks -Sectional View 8- 4 8- 3 Air Blowers and Piping 8- 6 8- 4 Head Box Structure 8- 9 8- 5 Equalization Tanks -Plan View 8-10 8- 1 PURPOSE AND THEORY General Due to the nature and intermittent discharge of scavenger waste fluctuation in quality and quantity occurs. Sustained periods of extremely high organic loading to the RBD's may temporarily cause an overload of the first stage of the RBD system. Sustained overload conditions may result in some reduction in BOD removal and may alter the settling characteristics of the sloughed biological solids. The equalization basin serves to balance these extreme quality and quantity fluctuations. This results in a more homogeneous and uniform hydraulic and organic loading to the downstream treatment processes. At this facility in-line flow equalization is provided. This method of equalization results in significant dampening of the concentration and flow of the waste stream. UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION General There are two rectangular, equalization tanks at the facility. As shown on Figure 8-1, these equalization tanks follow the aerated grit chamber. Effluent from the aerated grit chamber enters these tanks via a 16 inch pipe. EQUALIZATION TANK DESIGN DATA Number of Tanks Two Detention Time @ Average Flow, in minutes 41 Length in Feet/Tank 35.00 Width, in Feet/Tank 13.00 Water Depth, in Feet 8.10 Volume, in Cubic Feet/Tank 3,686 Volume, in Gallons/Tank 27,570 The major components of the equalization tank facilities are as follows: 1. Aeration System 2. Effluent Pumping Figure 8-2 shows a sectional view of the major components of the equalization tanks. SCAVENGER WASTE TRUCK INFLUENT PORTS BAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS FE CL3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK EQUALIZATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. CLARIFIER HCL STORAGE LIME TANK HEAD BOX HCL MIXING TANK PRIMARY DIGESTER SCUM / ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISCS SLUDGE WET WELL - - FLOW METER TO OUTFALL �- -- J EFFLUENT EXISTING VILLAGE OF WET WELL GREENPORT PLANT SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC FINAL CLARIFIER a FLOORSTAND \,A// IZ PIPE I -ROM GRIT HANDWHEEL CHAMBER (Til?) -F IE3ERGLASS ULTRASONIC GRATING_: TRANSMITTER (TYP.) IR HEADER Alt - GUIDE Aw Q RAIL (TYP G - Pi pEDROP 1= Rom IPE (TYP) HEAD BOX (TYR) =AIR -DIFFUSER - - - (TYP_) 4' DISCHARGE LINE SUBMERSIBLE TO HE-AIDBOX(TYP) PUMP (TYP_Fj - 12��KNkFE GATE /Id'RE:RFORA7F-1D AlR tN7AKE LINE (TYp) VA LV E_ SECTIONAL VIES/ GPJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS Aeration System The aeration system is provided to mix the contents of the tanks and to prevent deposition of solids in the tanks. Air is supplied to the diffusers in the equalization tanks by two (2), one standby, positive displacement air blowers. This blower and corresponding controls are located in the Treatment Building. The equalization tank blowers are driven through a V -belt drive connected to a two (2) speed constant torque open drip proof 7 1/2 HP motor. The RBD blower has a 3 HP motor. The blowers are equipped with an intake filter silencer, a discharge silencer, flexible pipe connections, manometer and pressure gauges, check valve, pressure relief valve and temperature and pressure controls. Figure 8-3 shows a schematic of the blowers and air piping. Table 8-1 contains the air blowers and valve schedule. Each blower has the following SCFM of air and discharge pressure: Blower No. Inlet Volume (SCFM) Discharge Pressure (PSIG) 1 100 3.0 2 205 4.0 3 205 4.0 There is a 4 -inch venturi flow meter on the air piping to the RBD units rated for a maximum flow of 250 SCFM. On the air piping to the equalization tanks there is a 6 -inch venturi flow meter rated at a maximum capacity of 800 SCFM. Each venturi is provided with a wall mounted SCFM flow indicator. Air is piped to each equalization tank through a 6 inch supply header. The air then flows through coarse bubble diffusers.. The upward motion of the air bubbles from the diffuser tubes keeps the bottom of each tank swept clear of settled solids and provides gentle mixing. Effluent Pumping At the effluent end of each equalization tank a submersible pump is provided which discharges flow to the head box downstream of the tanks. EQUALIZATION TANK PUMPING Number Two (One/Tank) Type Submersible Discharge Capacity 40 gpm at 11.5 ft. TDH Motor HP 0.75 Rating 460, 3 phase 60 HZ RPM 1150 Odor is removed from the equalization tanks via a 10 inch E= FIGURE s --3 BLOWER NO.l TO A E R AT E ED GRI -r G HA M BER c D I E BLOWER NO,2 H M G [BLOWERS L.00AT E D IN TR F.AT BLDG. TO F-' Q u A.11_-2-- ATI OIC TANK I 4TO R B® TAN KS AIR BLOWERS AND PIPING r - TABLE 8- 1 AIR BLOWERS AND VALVE SCHEDULE NORMAL OPERATION: Blower No. 1 operating to feed RBD units. Blower No. 2 or 3 operating to feed equalization tanks (alternating system) . Blower located in grit chamber room operating to feed grit chamber. VALVE POSITION B Open D Open (alternate) I Open (alternate) G Closed F Open E Closed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alternate Operation: Alternate # 1 2 3 4 5 Valve No. _ B Open Open Closed Open Open D Open Open Open Closed Open I Closed Open Open Open Closed G Closed Open Open Closed Closed F Closed Closed Closed Open Open E Open Open Closed Closed Closed Alternate #1: Blower No. Blower No. Alternate #2: Blower No. Blower No. Blower No. Alternate #3: Blower No. Blower No. 1 used as standby blower for grit chamber unit. No air flow to RBD units. 2 used to supply air to equalization tanks. 1 used as standby blower for grit chamber unit. 2 used to supply air to RBD units. 3 used to supply air to equalization tanks. 1 out of service. 2 used as standby blower for RBD units. Alternate #4: Blower No. 2 out of service. Alternate #5: Blower No. 3 out of service. 8- 7 PVC pipe installed in each tank. The odors from these tanks are treated in the odor control facilities located in the Odor Control room of the Treatment Building. There are two ultrasonic transmitters provided (one per tank) located at the south end of the equalization tanks. Head Box Effluent from the equalization tank flows through a 4 inch force main to the head box structure. The head box is divided into two chambers by a wall with a 6 -inch diameter sluice gate and pipe. When the flash mix and/or flocculation tanks require servicing, the sluice gate is opened, allowing the waste flow to be recirculated to the equalization tanks. When the flash mix and/or flocculation tanks are ready for service the sluice gate is closed. The sluice gate should be operated for one complete cycle, open -close -open at least once a month. When the elevation of the flow in the head box reaches 18.67 feet it overflows the V -notch adjustable weir separating the head box structure from the flash mix tank. Ferric chloride and lime are feed into the flash mix tank. The waste stream then flows through a 6 -inch pipe into the flocculation tank. From the flocculation tank the waste stream flows by gravity to the primary settling tank. Elevation of weir height in the head box is adjustable, thus the flow can be controlled by adjusting the weir height. A sectional view of the head box structure is shown on Figure 8- 4. OPERATION AND CONTROL GENERAL. The position of the valves associated with the equalization tanks for both normal and alternate operation is given in Figure 8-5. NORMAL OPERATION. Normal pump operation is continuous, one pump in operation at a time. Pumps should be alternated weekly. Normal operation of the diffusers is continuous. The gate valve between the two tanks is normally open to equalize tank levels, and to allow use of one pump at a time to empty both tanks. Submersible pumps will be controlled by floats. ULTRASONIC TRANSMITTERS. The ultrasonic transmitters emit a beam of ultrasonic sound. The sound waves rebound after hitting the liquid level in the equalization tank. The transmitter computes the distance between it and the liquid level CHECKERED STEEL PLATE W/CONT.IN000S HINGE(TYF.) OVERFLOW TO EQUALI M AT 1 O N TANK VALVE STAND W/ H-ANDW HEEL e - J,; A®%.JUSTAlBL WEIR PLATE N OTC H ED WOR SLUICE GATE M� fP-J CONSULTING ENGINEERS -'O :HEAD EBOX FROM a --HEAD BOY, 6 PLUG ILIO_ -I PLUG NO.2 PLUG NO.3 t4J E s b CHAM GER �a �• � e �'' 'pro R' • IBL -IDG FROM GRIT CHAMSERI ,(I' � l HEAD BOX _.PLUG NO -7 PLUG NC), 5 igAsT CHAMBER L7ERNATE OPERATION . m w .g Lei ma, EA 5T CHAMBER TAKEN OUTOF SERV 1 OPEN CLOSE® OPEN CLOSED OPEN s CLOSED OPEN CLOSEID OPEN CLOSED OPEN _.PLUG NO -7 PLUG NC), 5 igAsT CHAMBER L7ERNATE OPERATION EST CHAMBER KEN OUT OF SERV. EA 5T CHAMBER TAKEN OUTOF SERV OPEN OPEN CLOSE® OPEN CLOSED OPEN CL®SED CLOSED OPEN CLOSEID OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED N• VALVE:" -.T o D! _ DIFFUSER. Tt4E:N BE • by measuring the total time of travel of the sound wave. The _ transmitter converts this distance to a signal and sends it to the panel located in the administration room of the Treatment Building. A continuous readout of liquid level for each chamber is provided at the panel. The overall range of the units is from 1 to 15 feet from the face of sensor. PUMP OPERATION. The controls provided for the equalization tank pumps consist of pump on and pump off float switches, an elapse time meter for each pump and a high level alarm. These controls are located on MCC located in the office room of the Treatment Building. The high level alarm is located on an instrumentation panel located in the administration room of the Treatment,Building. The float switches are located in each tank. The flow rate through the plant must be adjusted on a daily basis, depending on the volume received the previous day and the number of days per week in which the plant receives scavenger waste (5 or 6 -day operation). In order to maintain flow through the plant on days when the plant does not receive waste (Saturday and Sunday, or Sunday), the operator must pump slightly less flow through the plant than is received. This will result in a rising equalization tank level during the week and a declining level on the weekend. Table 8-2 is provided as a guide to the operator for adjusting plant flow. ALTERNATE OPERATION. Should it be necessary to take a tank out of service to clean the diffusers, the operator should close valve #4. After this is complete, the operator should operate only the pump in the tank to be taken out of service until the level is sufficiently reduced. If the flow to the tank in service triggers the high level alarm, the operator should open valve #4. This valve should remain open until the high level alarm stops. When the alarm stops, the operator should close this valve and continue to pump from the tank being removed from service. In order to drain the tank below the pump off level, the pump must be operated in the hand position and the level visually checked to avoid running the pumps dry. When the tank is empty, the pump should be shut off and the pump in the operating tank should be placed in service. Note that for this situation, the plug valve feeding the tank to be taken out of service will be in the closed position (No. 3 or No. 6). The air supply should remain on until the tank level is brought below the diffuser piping, at which time the plug valve controlling the air feed to the tank being taken out of service should be closed. The submersible pumps can be removed for maintenance without taking the tank out of service. A mobile hoist is provided for raising the air diffusion units from the equalization tanks. SAMPLING. Access to each equalization tank is obtained by opening one of the roof scuttle located near the effluent end of each tank. A 24 hour composite sample should be taken, one per week, and analyzed for BOD5 and suspended solids. A representative sample of the equalization tank contents can also be obtained from the head box. 8-11 TABLE 8-2 CONTROL OF PLANT FLOW RATE Previous Day's Approximate Pump Rate Required Volume Received (Gallons) (Gallons)* 5 -day Operation 6 -day Operation 5,000 3,5%1 ' 4,286 10,000 7,143 I 8,571 15,000 + 10,714 12,857 20,000 14,286 ` 17,143 22,000 15,714 18,857 24,000 17,143 20,571 26,000 + 18,571 22,286 28,000 20,000 24,000 30,000 ` 21,429 + 25,714 32,000 22,857 I 27,429 34,000 24,286 29,143 36,000 25,714 30,857 38,000 27,143 32,571 40,000 28,571 34,286 42,000 30,000 36,000 44,000 31,429 ` 37,714 46,000 I 32,857 39,429 48,000 34,286 ` 41,143 50,000 I 35,714 a 42,857 52,000 37,143 44,571 54,000 1 38,571 46.,286 56,000 + 40,000 58,000 41,429 + 49,004 60,000 42,857 ` 51,429 62,000 44,286 53,143 64,000 45,714 54,857 66,000 I 47,143 I 56,571 68,000 48,571 i 58,286 * Plant operator should read the totalizer reading, every morning, on the flow indicator mounted in the administration room of the Treatment Building. 8- 12 TROUBLESHOOTING Table 8®3 contains guides for correcting process malfunctions and a variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of waste stream and the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the treatment of the waste stream. 8® 13 00 i TABLE 8-3 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Indicators/ Probable Cause Check or Monitor Solutions Observations Inspect pump for 2a. Remove obstruction. 1. Pump not running, la. Replace defective la. Defective control la. Use a meter to running circuit. check switching part. circuits. ' lb. Defective motor. lb. Motor operation. lb. Replace motor. 2. Pump not 2a. Clogged pump or 2a. Inspect pump for 2a. Remove obstruction. running, closed valve. obstruction. circuit ' breaker will not reset. 3. Pump is 3a. Pump air -bound. 3a•. Air bleed pipe. 3a. Remove obstruction. running, but 3b. Clogged impeller. 3b. Inspect for 3b. Remove obstruction. reduced 3c. Wearing rings. obstructions. 3c. Replace worn rings. discharge. 3c. Check clearance. 4. Clogged pump 4a. Grease 4a. Check grease 4a. Frequent cleaning or pump accumulations. accumulation on of tank walls or suction line. walls of tanks. removal of grease by dewatering the tank, and scraping the bottom. 5. Rising power 5a. Clogged pump. 5a. Total daily 5a. Remove obstruction consumption 5b. Misaligned belt pumpage and in pump. per gallon. drives. maximum and minimum flow rates. 00 i TABLE 8-3 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Indicators Probable Cause Check or Monitor Solutions Observations 6. Improper 6a. Coating on liquid 6a. Probe. 6a. Clean probe. liquid levels. high probes. 6b. Float detector. 6b. Remove obstruction, 6b. Hang-ups in float 6c. Bubbler. release float. level detectors. 6c. Clean bubbler. 6c. Leaks in bladders. 6d. Fouling in bubbler controls. 7. Excessive 7a. Sand accumulations wear or in the wet well. damage to pumps. 7b. Grease accumulations in the wet well. 7a. Inspect for eroding action, corrosion, and solids build up. 7b. Inspect tank walls. 7a. Remove sand from wet well. 7b. Clean walls. CONT'D CHAPTER 9: CHEMICAL COAGULATION AND FLOCCULATION THEORY AND PURPOSE General Delivery of Ferric Chloride Delivery of Lime UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION Ferric Chloride System Lime Feed System Mechanical Flash Mixer Mechanical Flocculation OPERATION AND CONTROL Ferric Chloride Solution Feed Pump Flash Mixer/Flocculator Normal Operation Alternate Operation Start-up Routine Surveillance Troubleshooting Sampling Housekeeping NOTES AND ADDENDA LIST OF TABLES PAGE NO. 9- 2 9- 2 9- 3 9- 3 9- 3 9- 3 9- 4 9- 4 9- 7 9- 8 9- 8 9- 8 9- 8 9- 8 9- 8 9- 9 9- 9 9-10 9-10 9-12 Table 9- 1 Troubleshooting Guide for Chemical 9-11 Coagulation and Flocculation LIST OF FIGURES Figure 9- 1 Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic 9- 5 9- 2 Head Box, Flash Mix and Flocculator Tanks 9- 6 9- 1 THEORY AND PURPOSE General The addition of chemicals to the waste stream is an effective method of removing suspended solids and BODS. The process of "chemical clarification" includes coagulation and flocculation, accomplished by a combination of physical and chemical processes. These processes thoroughly mix the chemicals with the waste stream and promote the aggregation of waste stream solids into particles large enough to be separated by gravity settling. The first step of the process involves the thorough mixing of the waste stream with ferric chloride and lime. Flash or rapid mixing of the chemicals and waste stream mixture completely disperses the coagulants so that the maximum possible portion of influent suspended and colloidal solids are absorbed and destabilized. For particles in the colloidal size range, natural stabilizing forces dominate over natural aggregating forces and the natural mechanism which tends to cause particle contact and agglomeration. The stabilizing forces include electrostatic repulsion and physical separations by absorbed water layers. The natural aggregating forces include the van der Waals force and Brownian movement of the particles. Destabilization, the action of the chemical coagulant, may involve any of several mechanism. Briefly, destabilization may be accomplished by electrostatic charge reduction, thus reducing the repulsive forces between the particles, along with enmeshment of the particles in the gelatinous hydrolysis products formed by reaction of the metal salt coagulant with hydroxyl ions in the water. Lime treatment takes place within a range of pH 9.0 to 11.5. The second step in the chemical clarification process involves flocculation or slow mixing to increase the natural rate of contacts between particles. This makes it possible, within reasonable detention periods, for destabilized colloidal solids to coagulate into "flocs" - particles large enough for effective separation by gravity settling. A period of gentle agitation is directly proportional to the velocity gradients established in the water being treated. The stirring action derived from flocculating mechanisms is responsible for establishing these gradients and, therefore, fundamental to the process. The end result is promotion of the floc growth so that finely divided suspended solids and colloidal particles can be removed by the settling tanks. DELIVERY OF FERRIC CHLORIDE. Ferric chloride will be delivered to the plant in solution form (30 - 32% concentration) to the ferric chloride storage tank installed in a below grade concrete vault. The vault is located east of the sludge digestion tank. DELIVERY OF LIME. Hydrated lime is delivered to the plant in 50 lb. bags. Lime feed is usually based on parts of hydrated lime Ca(OH2) per parts of water. Initially, the lime slurry prepared at this facility will be a 5% solution at 85% standard strength. When prepared continuous mixing of the lime slurry in the solution tank is required. The lime feed system is manually controlled by use of an adjustment knob located on the lime feeder control panel which is calibrated from 0 - 100% of feeder capacity. UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED SYSTEM. The components of this system consist of the following: 1. Liquid ferric chloride storage tank - One fiberglass ferric chloride tank with a capacity of 470 gallons. The tank is equipped with a 4 inch fill line, side access manway and a vent line. There is a 1 1/4 inch suction line with a 1 1/4 inch turn off and relief valves which connect to the ferric chloride feed pump. The tank is also equipped with a liquid level gauge located in the Treatment Building. 2. Ferric chloride feed pump - The ferric chloride pump draws the ferric chloride solution from the storage tank, and pumps it, through a 3/4 inch feed line that discharges into the flash mix tank. FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED PUMP DESIGN DATA Pump Number Type Capacity Rating (Max.) Feed Range - 2 four capacity steps Motor Hp Rating 1 Hydraulically activated Diaphragm 38.5 GPD @ 150 psig 20 : 1 D.C. 1/4 115V, 1 phase, 60 Hz 9- 3 LIME FEED SYSTEM. The lime feed system located in the lime ' room of the Treatment*Building feeds hydrated lime solution to the flash mix tank. The lime feed equipment consists of a 100 gallon solution tank and a lime meter pump with the associated piping. The 100 gallon solution tank is equipped with a mechanical mixer.The lime feed pump draws the lime solution from the solution tank and discharges it through a 1 inch pipe to the downstream flash mix tank. The lime solution tank will be required to be filled with approximately 100 pounds, per. day, of lime. The rate of lime slurry feed pumped to the flash mix is controlled by a manual adjustment of the lime feed pump. LIME FEED PUMP DESIGN DATA Pump Number Type Capacity Rating (Max) Feed Range - 2 four capacity steps Motor HP Rating 1 Hydraulically activated Diaphragm 20 gph @ 400 psig 10 0 1 TEFC 1/4 115/270V,60 Hz, 1 phase MECHANICAL FLASH MIXER. As shown on Figure 9- 1, flash mixing and flocculation are the next treatment processes. The waste stream enters the flash mix tank via a v -notch weir . The waste stream is then chemically dosed with lime and ferric chloride prior to being mixed. Within the flash mix tank intense mixing is required in order to insure uniform chemical distribution of the coagulants throughout the waste stream before floc begins to form. The flow is mixed by submerged propellers. Figure 9- 2 shows a sectional view of the mixing tank. FLASH MIXING TANK BASIC DESIGN DATA Number of Tanks One (1) Length, in Feet 2.5 Width, in Feet 2.5 Water Depth, in Feet 3.0 Volume, in Cubic Feet 18.75 Propeller Diameter, in Inches 13.0 Type of Turbine Blade Axial 9- 4 SCAVENGER WASTE TRUCK BAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS_, FE CL3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK EQUALIZATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. CLARIFIER HCL STORAGE LIME 77ANK HEAD BOX HCL MIXING TANK PRIMARY DIGESTER SCUM ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISCS SLUDGE WET WELL FLOW METER TO OUTFALL L_ ---J EFFLUENT EXISTING VILLAGE OF WET WELL GREENPORT PLANT SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC � I ml .1-1--l— I..,. ,". 1 _' 1. " I — , ".: ' 7' , , , " , 1� , .: cep — , "�tl q WIp :P-LOC--CULAT-OR MIXER MOTO p VALVF- STAND W1 -HANDWHEEL FROM E_ FFLUENT.- M 1)(F- R WET WE -LL FLOCCULATION ---MOTOR TANK -HF-AD BOX I F /:CD r-, IkA C- n I A I ROM E:�UALIZATION ------- TANK FLASH MIX I ANK TO PRIMARY SETTLING - C. LSP L AT E:: L Nrp CHE.CKERE:O�---,-S-T.--PL-A-T-E:.----w/ C-ONT.1-NUOU.S'-H,INGF---(TYP-)- HEAD F30X -WEIR 'PLATE NOTCHED WEIR !XD FROM EQUALIZA 1: -7- AT 10 N TAN K -FLASH MIX TANK TANK PLAN SECTIONAL VIEW HEAD BOX, FLASH MIX AND FLOCCULATION TANK • -FCPJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shaft Speed, in RPM 0 - 350 Motor Horsepower 0.65 Rating 230/460 V, 60 HZ, 3 phase, 1800 RPM MECHANICAL FLOCCULATION. The flow from,the flash mixer enters the flocculation tank via a 6 inch wall sleeve opening. It is within this tank that floc forms. Flocculation is accomplished by revolving radial -flow turbine impellers which gently agitate and maintain solids in suspension throughout the flocculation unit, thus enhancing floc formation. These turbine impellers impart a vortex flow pattern throughout the tank. Also see Figure 9-2'for a typical sectional view of the turbine impeller in the flocculation tank. FLOCCULATION TANK BASIC DESIGN DATA Number of'Tanks Length, in Feet Width, in Feet d Water Depth, in Feet Volume, in Cubic Feet Turbine Impeller Agitator Impeller Diameter, in Inches Type of Turbine Impeller Shaft Speed, in RPM Motor Horsepower Rating 9- 7 One (1) 4 0 4.0 4.58 73.28 One (1) 24.0 Axial 153 1.5 230/460 V, 60 HZ, 3 phase, 1750 RPM. After flocculation the flow enters -via a 6 inch opening to the primary settling tank. OPERATION AND CONTROL FERRIC CHLORIDE SOLUTION FEED PUMP. Controls for the FeC13 feed pump consist of a SCR variable speed drive control unit located in the Treatment Building. The SCR control unit contains a rate -control knob, a meter reading out motor speed, stop -run switch, power on-off switch and a switch to change from automatic control to local -manual control. The meter reading out motor speed is calibrated for 0.- 100% of pump speed. FLASH MIXER/FLOCCULATOR. The controls consist of START/STOP push buttons located on MCC in the administration room of the Treatment Building and on the control panel near the unit. NORMAL OPERATION. The flash mixer and flocculator variable frequency controllers should be set at the desired speed settings and the START pushbuttons should normally be pressed so that the units operate continuously. Ferric chloride and lime feeding is continuous. Initially, the ferric chloride and lime feed pumps should be set to feed 2.4 GPD (32% solution) of FeC13 and 2.00 GPD (5% solution) of lime. This is based on treating the design flow of 23,000 gpd. However, these feed rates are subjectto change based on -the actual flows and the scavenger waste suspended solids concentration experienced at the facility. Laboratory analysis of the waste stream is needed to determine the proper amount of feed. The equalization tankseffluent should be analyzed once per week for suspended solids concentration. Use the previous weeks analysis to determine the feed rate for the current week, as well as the facility flow rate. During normal operation the sluice gate in the head box is closed. ALTERNATE OPERATION. When the flash mixer and/or flocculator require maintenance and repair, shut off each unit. Open thIe sluice gate located in the head box to divert flow to the equalization tanks. The flash mixer and/or flocculator tanks can be dewatered by use of the plant portable submersible pump and hosing, and inserting the discharge end of the hose into the overflow chamber of the head box (Refer to Figure 9-2). Upon completion of the dewatering the operator can inspect the mixer and flocculator blades. START-UP. Before starting a new flash mixer or flocculator unit, or restarting one that -has been out of service for maintenance and repairs, inspect the tank carefully as outlined below: 1. Check for debris such as rocks, sand, timber, waste concrete, or other foreign material. Short pieces of 2 x 4 boards and other form lumber can suddenly appear during initial flow, this material can damage a propeller and turbine blade. s Fes; 2. For instructions on startup for the flash mixer and flocculator units consult the manufacturer's bulletins which are included in Appendices D 9-1 and D 9-2. The manufacturer's guides for the above equipment must be rigidly followed. If no problems develop initiate normal operation of the flash mixer and flocculator units by letting flow into the tanks while the units are in operation. ROUTINE SURVEILLANCE. The flash mixer and flocculator units should be given a daily routine inspection consisting of a visual inspection and observation for oil leaks or unusual noises. If either occur, unit should be shut down at once, the cause of leakage or noise found and corrected. The lime feed system should be checked routinely for plugging of the discharge lines. The discharge piping from the lime feed pump contains a pressure relief valve to protect the pump from damage due to a line blockage. The relief valve overflow is piped to the solution tank. All 90 degree bends in the slurry piping have been provided with plugged tees or crosses to enable the operator to clean the piping with high pressure water and/or rodding. The discharge piping of the FeC13 pump is also equipped with a relief valve, with the overflow being returned to the storage tank. A clear section of piping is utilized to enable the operator to detect an overflow condition. The operator should routinely check the FEC13 vault for an overflow condition and for any leakage. TROUBLESHOOTING. The following table contains guides for correcting process malfunctions and a variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of waste stream and the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the treatment of the waste stream. The purpose of Table 9-1 is to properly identify the problem by defining the indicators. Once the problem has been identified, certain analyses and/or inspections must be performed prior to making a decision as to which corrective measures should be utilized. In some cases, the data -gathering process can be simple visual observation and in other cases it can involve sampling and laboratory procedures. The resulting information should then be systematically utilized to make a determination on which of the corrective measures should be implemented. The problems discussed in this table are those which could occur frequently in practice and the suggested solutions have been, for the most part, accepted procedures in the industry. There may be times when the suggested corrective measures do not correct the problem, or a problem may exist which does not fit into the common category. In a case such as this, it is prudent to seek expert advice on the subject prior to undertaking any coarse of action. SAMPLING. Jar test should be performed on samples from the equalization tank effluent as indicated in Chapter 3, Table 3-3. HOUSEKEEPING. The greatest hazard involved in working on or in the flash mixing and flocculation tanks is the danger of slipping. Wash off with water under pressure accumulations of solid particles, grease and other material from walkways, handrails and all other exposed parts of the structures and equipment. Be extremely cautious during freezing weather. A small amount of ice can be very dangerous. 9- 10 s TABLE 9 ® 1 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR CHEMICAL COAGULATION AND FLOCCULATION PROBLEM SYMPTOMS ACTION SOLUTION Improperly Cloudy appearance Conduct laboratory Correct coagulant coagulated waste of waste stream at tests to determine concentration if stream the outlet end of optimum dose required the flocculation tanks Adjust speed of Monitor the flash mixer turbidity of the and/or flocculation flocculator units tank effluent per hour and compare with the results obtained from satisfactory floc formation 9® 11 CHAPTER 10: PRIMARY SETTLING TANKS PAGE NO. THEORY AND PURPOSE 10- 2 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION 10- 2 Tanks 10- 2 Sludge Collector Mechanism 10- 5 Scum Collector Mechanism 10- 5 OPERATION AND CONTROL 10- 5 General 10- 5 Normal Operation -10- 5 Alternate Operation 10- 5 Alarms 10- 7 Start Up 10- 7 Routine Surveillance 10- 8 Dewatering 10-10 Troubleshooting 10-10 Sampling 10-13 Housekeeping 10-13 NOTES AND ADDENDA 10-14 LIST OF TABLES Table 10 - 1 Primary Settling Tank Record 10- 9 10 - 2 Troubleshooting Guide for the Primary 10-11 Settling Tanks LIST OF FIGURES Figure 10 - 1 Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic 10- 3 10 - 2 Plan and Sectional View of Primary Settling 10- 4 Tank 10 - 3 Primary Settling Tank Flow Schematic 10- 6 10- 1 THEORY AND PURPOSE Sedimentation is the separation of suspended solids from a liquid during relatively quiescent conditions. Those solids having a higher specific gravity than the liquid will tend to settle (gravitational settling) and those solids with a lower specific gravity will tend to rise (floatation). Within the primary settling tanks sedimentation is responsible for removing the floc formed in the flocculation tank, and thus reducing the suspended solids and organic loading to the rotating biological discs. The settled sludge is removed from the bottom of the tanks by a sludge collector mechanism, and floating scum by scum removal troughs. UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION As shown on -Figure 10-1 sedimentation follows the flocculation tank. Flocculated wastewater enters each primary settling tank via a 6 inch pipe into the influent well of the settling tank. The cylindrical influent well that surrounds the center column (torque tube) in the tank improves the distribution of the flow by forcing it downward several feet underneath the well rather than allowing it to pass horizontally across the top of the tank, thus preventing short-circuiting of the flow. After emerging from under the well, the flow moves radially at a low velocity towards the V -notch weir around the periphery of the tank. The weir is baffled to prevent scum from being discharged with the effluent. From the weir, the effluent enters the effluent trough around the outside of the tank and is discharged to the hydrochloric mixing tank. Sludge from these tanks is drawn -off via a 6 inch pipe by telescoping valves located in a pit adjacent to the sludge/scum tank. There is one circular primary settling tanks at the facility, the major components of which are as follows: 1. Tank 2. Sludge Collector Mechanism 3. Scum•Collector Mechanism On Figure 10-2 is a plan and sectional view of the major components of the primary settling tank. 10- 2 SCAVENGER FE CL3 WASTE TRUCK STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK EQUALIZATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY LBAR EN MIX TK. CLARIFIER GRIT CHAMBER HCL, - STORAGE INFLUENT LIME TANK PORTS HEAD BOX HCL MIXING TANK PRIMARY DIGESTER EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS_ i SCUM ROTATING BIOLOGICAL � L-------� DISCS SLUDGE WET WELL. C7 O Z Cn C — — FLOW METER z TO OUTFALL I I FINAL CLARIFIER mi Z EFFLUENT G7 EXISTING VILLAGE OFe WET WELL m Z, GREENPORT PLANT m SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC ° PRIMARY SETTLING TANK BASIC DESIGN DATA Number of Units Diameter, Feet Side Water Depth, Feet Detention Time: At design flow of M.G.D. Overflow Rate: At design flow of M.G.D Sludge Collector Mechanism One (1) 12 Feet 8 Feet 8.2 hrs. 523 gals./sq. ft./day This mechanism consists of a truss assemblage concentric with the torque tube with two (2) radial trussed arms at 180 deg. F to each other. There are flights with squeegees set at an angle attached to each truss arm. As the truss revolves these flights push the sludge towards the central sludge hopper. This entire mechanism -is driven by a 1/2 HP, 230/460 V, 3 phase, 60 hertz, motor mounted on a turn -table on top of the torque tube. Scum Collector Mechanism This mechanism moves radially, horizontally and vertically as it automatically removes surface scum. The skimming device consists of a scum deflector plate and a hinged blade connected to a skimmer boom. As the boom rotates scum is deflected to the hinged blade which collects and conveys the floating material into the scum trough. The collected scum flows by gravity from the scum trough via a 6 inch pipe to the scum wet well where it is stored until it is pumped out. OPERATION AND CONTROL General The primary settling tank collector drives are controlled from a panel near the motor. The control consists of a start,_ stop and reset switch. Normal Operation Continuous operation of the sludge collector mechanism is desirable in order to keep the sludge in constant motion toward the sludge hopper and prevent sludge build-up on the tank bottom. This would avoid the possibility of overloading the mechanism by starting it with a load of sludge on the tank bottom. Alternate Operation When the settling tank is out of service for maintenance and repairs press the STOP button on the control panel (see Figure 10.-3). 10- 5 PRIMARY SETTLING TANK FLOW SCHEMATIC )EN 3ED Alarms The circular sludge collector has a torque indicator and overload system. As the drive mechanism approaches an overload condition increased torque causes the wormshaft of the gear to deflect a spring. This deflection is indicated by a torque dial indicator mounted on the walkway. Also included are two (2) micro switches (one N.O. and one N.C.) . Should the deflection equal or exceed the first pre-set limit (1200 load condition) the internal switching mechanism will sound an alarm. If this condition persists and exceeds the first limit and advances to the second pre-set limit (1400 load condition) the internal switching mechanism will de -energize the drive motor, stopping the collector arms. Following this terminal overload, the overload detector will reset automatically, but the electrical system must be restarted manually by switching the selector switch for the terminal overload system to the ON position. A torque overload alarm condition should be investigated immediately, and the trouble located and corrected. No attempt should be made to keep the unit in operation while overloaded. Overloads are most likely to result from too great a sludge accumulation or from some foreign object in the tank. If overload is due to sludge accumulation, incoming flow to the tank should be reduced or stopped, and the sludge load should be lightened by pumping sludge. If a foreign object is the cause of overload, the.obJect should be located and removed'if possible: As a last resort, it may be necessary to dewater the tank to locate and correct the difficulty. Following such a shutdown, the collectors must be restarted.. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO KEEP COLLECTOR RUNNING WHEN AN OVERLOAD IS INDICATED. FIND THE TROUBLE AND CORRECT IT. DO NOT START COLLECTOR WITH A LOAD OF SLUDGE IN THE TANK.. Start Up Before starting -up a new unit or one which has been out of service for cleaning or repair, inspect the tank carefully as outlined in this section. Check the following items before the flocculation tank effluent is allowed to pass into -the primary settling tank(s): 1. Check for debris such as rocks, sand, timber, waste ° concrete, or other foreign material. Short pieces of 2 x 4 boards and other form -lumber can suddenly appear 10- 7 during initial flow, this material can stall a sludge collector mechanism. 2. Check collector drive mechanism for lubrication, drive alignment and complete assembly. 3. Check squeeges blade on the collector flight for proper distance from the floor of the tank. 4. Check hopper and sludge line for debris and obstructions. If everything checks out properly, turn the mechanism on and let it make several revolutions, checking that the squeegee does not travel high and low, missing the bottom or scraping in some areas. The scraping action should control the entire area from the outside wall to the sludge hopper. Also be certain that the mechanism runs smoothly without jerks or jumps. Test the overload alarm to see if the mechanism will stop on overload. With the unit running, time the period for the flights to make one complete revolution around the tank and record the time for later reference. Check the amperage that the motor draws and record. Let the unit operate for several hours and if no problems develop, it should be alright (see Table 10-1) . Routine Surveillance The following items should be checked daily except as noted. 1. Be sure that the sludge collectors are operating smoothly. 2. Check for any unusual objects in the tank(s). 3. Check tank surface for rising or bulking sludge. 4. Check scum trough. Remove scum when necessary. 5. Check to see if any grease or rags are passing over or are stuck on the effluent weirs. Effluent weirs must be kept free of floating debris which may be blown into the tank. TABLE 10 - 1 PRIMARY SETTLING TANK RECORD DATE COMMENT E X A M P L E 10- 9 TIME - MIN. AMPERAGE ONE REVOLUTION (AMPS) 6. Check overload indicator on tank bridge. Dewatering The primary settling tanks can be dewatered by following the steps indicated below: 1. Isolate the tank by closing plug valve #1 (See Figure 10-3). 2. Remove the sludge from the bottom of the tank by adjusting the telescoping valve. 3. Shut-off the sludge collector mechanism. 4. Lower the plant portable submersible pump and hosing into the tank to be dewatered. 5. Remove the checkered plate on the head box and insert the discharge end of the hose into the section of the head box which will return flow to the equalization tanks (Refer to Chapter 8, Figure 8®3). 6. Turn on the portable submersible pump. Hose down tank and scum trough. 7. When the tank is about empty, turn off pump. 8. Remove the submersible pump and hosing from the tank and the hosing from the head box. 9. Examine all equipment and tank surfaces below the water line and repair, adjustor replace parts as needed. A ladder will be required to perform this task. 10. Check all wear of the scum pick-up wiper blade. Replace worn wiper blade. 11. To place the settling tank back into service follow the steps indicated in the Start Up section of this chapter. Troubleshooting Table 10®2 contains guides for correcting process malfunctions and a variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of the waste stream and the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the waste stream treatment process. 10® 10 TABLE 10-2. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR PRIMARY TREATMENT - PRIMARY SETTLING TANKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem Action Solution Poor sludge settling; sludge 1. Check telescoping valve 1. Adjust telescoping valve flowing over weirs; sludge setting. setting to increase rate of particles rising to surface sludge removal from settling in settling tanks; effluent 2. Determine if the weir tanks. clarity poor. overflow rate is equal for the entire weir. Erratic operation of sludge collection C) mechanism. 3. Dewater settling tanks and check for damage on sludge scraper mechanisms especially at the peri- phery of the tank. 1. Check all drives for gear wear. Dewater settling tanks and check for damage on sludge scraper mechanisms. 2. Probe bottom for ex- cessive accumulation of sludge. 2. Level the weir. If uneven weir overflow rate is caused from wind; install a windbreak, 3. Repair or replace all damaged sludge scraper mechanisms. 1. Repair all worn or broken sludge collector equip- ment and drives. 2. If sludge accumulation is a problem, increase frequency of pumping sludge from tanks. TABLE 10-2. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR PRIMARY TREATMENT - PRIMARY SETTLING TANKS (CON'D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------7-------------------- Problem Action Solution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visible grease particles 1. Check depth of the 1. Adjust the elevation of being discharged. skimming blade in the the skimming blade for water. Check the correct operation. contact the skimming blade makes with the trough. 2. Check the depth of floating scum and water in the pit. r Co I N SAMPLING + Grab samples of primary effluent collected from the.effluent channels twice a day should be analyzed for settlable solids and pH. Twenty four-hour composite samples analyzed once a week for BOD5 and suspended solids are collected at the sample place. 'HOUSEKEEPING The greatest hazard involved in working'on or in a settling tank is the danger of slipping. Wash off with water under pressure accumulations of solids particles, grease, slime and other material from walkways, handrails and all other exposed parts of the structures and equipment. Be„extremely cautious during freezing weather. A small amount of ice can be very dangerous. Your housekeeping program should include the brushing or cleaning of effluent weirs and the removal of any settled sludge from the launders. 10- 13 CHAPTER 11® SECONDARY TREATMENT FACILITIES PURPOSE AND THEORY Acid Neutralization Secondary Treatment Process UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION pH Control System Hydrochloric Acid Feed System Hydrochloric Mixing Tank Rotating Biological Discs Aeration System OPERATION AND CONTROL pH Control System Hydrochloric Feed Pump Normal Operation Alternate Operation Start Up Routine Surveillance Sampling Troubleshooting NOTES AND ADDENDA LIST OF TABLES PAGE NO. 11-22 11- 1 RBD Load Cells 11-12 11- 2 Troubleshooting Guide for the RBD 11-13 Units 11- 3 Routine Maintenance Surveillance 11-20 s LIST OF FIGURES 11- 1 pH Probe 11- 3 11- 2 Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic 11- 5 11- 3 Hydrochloric Acid Mixing Tank 11- 6 11- 4 RBD Units Cross Sectional View 11- 9 j t PURPOSE AND THEORY Acid Neutralization For this facility the use of lime in the flash mixing tank increases the alkalinity and pH of the waste stream. Therefore, to insure the proper environment for biological treatment to take place the pH of the waste stream must be adjusted downward. To lower the pH, hydrochloric acid is added to the waste stream. The use of an acid to lower the pH is called acid neutralization. Secondary Treatment Process Rotating biological discs are used at this facility for secondary treatment. The RBD process is a fixed film process very similar to trickling filters. The waste water passes over the discs in a thin film and absorbs oxygen from the air. The microorganisms attached to the disc remove organics and dissolved oxygen from the thin film. The disc then rotates through the waste water picking up more organics, completing the process. The absorbed BOD is oxidized and synthesized by the bacteria, resulting in the oxidation products of carbon dioxide and water, and the production of new cells. RBD performance is sensitive to the wastestream temperature above- 90 deg. F or below 55 deg. F. Above 90 deg. F the reduced solubility of oxygen in water will depress the dissolved oxygen levels to a point where soluble BOD removals will be adversely affected. When temperatures decrease below 55 deg. F the treatment efficiency also decreases. The shearing forces exerted on the biomass as the media is rotated through the waste water cause excess biomass to be stripped from the media into the waste water. These shearing forces maintain a constant microorganism population on the media. The mixing action of the rotating media keeps the stripped biomass in suspension until the flow of the treated waste water carries it downstream to the final settling tank for removal. UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION pH Control System As mentioned in Chapter 9, lime treatment takes place within a range of pH 9.0 to 11.5, therefore, pH adjustment will be required before the wastestream enters the RBD units. To accomplish the pH adjustment a submersible probe is located at the influent channel of RBD #1 (see Figure 11®1). This probe is used to monitor the pH level of the influent wastestream. This 11® 2 FIGURE 11-1 TO TRANSMITTER IN 1-REATMENT BLDG. JUNCTION BOX GRADE vw.e). --ELECTROOE 7-ASSEIVISLY INFLUCNT CHA,-NNEL TO -L R15-0 TANK NO. I pH PROBE DETAIL [-CPJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS probe sends a signal to the,pH control panel located in the administration room in the Treatment Building. The pH control panel consists of a pH receiver and indicator, pH controller, pH recorder and electrical controls for the hydrochloric acid pump. At high pH, the acid feeder speed controller increases the"rate of flow to the hydrochloric acid mix tank located upstream -of the RBD units and reduces the rate of flow at low pH. HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED SYSTEM The acid neutralizing system for this plant utilizes hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid will be delivered to the plant in solution form (30-32% concentration) to the hydrochloric storage tank installed in a.below grade concrete vault. This vault -is located northeast of the Administration/Treatment Building. 1. Liquid hydrochloric acid fiberglass hydrochloric 1,031 gallons. The tank fill line, side access m There is a 1 1/4 inch su inch turn off and relief storage tank - One acid tank with a capacity of is equipped with a 4 inch anway and a vent line. ction line with a 1 1/4 valve which connects to the hydrochloric acid feed pump. The tank is also equipped with a liquid level gauge, mounted in the administration 2. Hydrochloric acid feed pump - the hydrochloric acid pump draws the hydrochloric acid solution from the storage tank and discharges through a 3/4 inch,line into the hydrochloric mix tank. Pump Number Type, Capacity Rating (Max.) Control Range Motor HP Rating HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED PUMP DESIGN DATA 1 Hydraulically activated Diaphram 3.83 gph @ 125 prig 0-100% 1 /'4 90 V, D.C., 1725 RPM, TENV HYDROCHLORIC ACID MIXER._ As shown on Figure 11-2, hydrochloric mixing is the next treatment process. The waste stream enters the mixer tank a 6 inch line. The waste stream is then chemically dosed with hydrochloric acid prior to being mixed. Within this tank intense mixing is required -in order to insure uniform chemical distribution of the acid throughout the waste stream. The flow is mixed by submerged propellers. Figure 11-3 shows a sectional view of the mixing tank. 11- 4 SCAVENGER WASTE TRUCK INFLUENT PORTS n L n O Z cn C _q Z G7 Z G7 Z rn m X cn BAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS— P EQUALIZATION TANK PRIMARY DIGESTER FE CL 3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. CLARIFIER HCL STnRAr.F SLUDGE WET WELL LIME EAD BOX ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISCS r-' FLOW METER TO OUTFALL EXISTING VILLAGE OF EFFLUENT GREENPORT PLANT WET WELL SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC HCL MIXING TANK FINAL CLARIFIER FIGURE II -3 TO R OTAT l lel G BIOLOGICAL SURFACE UN ITS WS.EL. 16.4 I FROM PRIMARY CL%RIP(ER HYDROCHLORIC ACID MIXING TANK FCPJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROCHLORIC ACID MIXING TANK BASIC DESIGN DATA Number of Tanks One (1) Length, in Feet 2.5 Width, in Feet 2.5 Water Depth, in Feet 4.0 Volume, in Cubic Fee 25.0 Turbine Diameter, in Inches 13.6 Type of Turbine Blade, Axial Shaft Speed, in RPM 0 - 350 Motor Horsepower 0.65 ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISCS From Figure 11-2 the RBD units are the next treatment process at the plant. The RBD units at this facility consist of a series of closely spaced polyethylene discs mounted on a horizontal shaft and placed in concrete tanks. The shafts are supported above the surface of the waste stream, allowing the lower portion of the discs to extend into the waste stream. Approximately 40 percent of the surface area is submerged. The RBD shaft rotates, continuously submerging the biomass and exposing it to the atmosphere. Rotation of the shaft is accomplished by mechanical drives. Supplemental air supplied by coarse bubble diffusers located on the bottom of the RBD tanks are used to assist in the shearing of the biomass. Operation of the supplemental air is intermittant. The RBD system consists of two RBD tanks. The four (4) RBD units in Tank No. 1 are arranged for parallel flow (single stage). Effluent from the acid mix tank enters the RBD influent channel via a 6 inch line. From this channel flow is distributed equally to each RBD unit. The four (4) RBD units in Tank No. 2 are arranged for series flow (three stages by utilizing the baffle system). Flow from RBD Tank No. 1 is discharged to the center channel between RBD Tank No. 1 and No. 2. This flow then enters the RBD units in Tank No. 2, further treated and discharged to the RBD effluent box. From here it flows by gravity via a 6 inch line to the secondary settling tank. 11- 7 As the waste stream passes from stage to stage, it undergoes a progressively increasing degree of treatment. An enclosure is provided for the RBD unit for odor control, aesthetic requirements, and for protection against extreme weather conditions. In the winter, an enclosure protects the biological growth from freezing temperatures and prevents excessive heat loss from the waste stream; during the summer it controls algal growth on the media. The enclosure also prevents ultraviolet degradation of the plastic media. Figure 11-4 indicates a cross sectional view of the RBD units. RBD DESIGN DATA RBD loading rate at 50 deg. F (gpd/sf) RBD area (1) (sf/reactor) Total area of media (sf) Surface area per shaft (sf) Number of shafts Air supply (acfm/shaft) Motor/Unit Speed Rating Influent Parameters 0.099 600,000 200,000 100,000 2 70 - 350 7.5 HP 1200 RPM 230/460V, 3 phase, 60 HZ Average Daily Flow (ADF) - (Totalized) - 19,700 gpd Peak Flow (hourly) - 39,400 gpd Minimum Flow Rate - 0 gpd Sustained Period of No Flow (Max.) - 6 hours Sustained Period of Maximum Flow - 4 hours BOD -5 (soluble) - Avg. Diurnal concentration based on 24 hr. composite sample - 2000 mg/l. Temperature - 47 degrees F Minimum Waste stream pH range 7.0 to 9.0 11® 8 90 degrees F Maximum INFL. i M I.K,TANK liNt-t_--( , L -11\4t_ SECTIONAL VIEW I AERATION SYSTEM As mentioned in Chapter 8, one (1) positive displacement air blower located in the air blower room of the Treatment Building supply air to the RBD units. OPERATION AND CONTROL pH Control System The pH control system includes an adjustable sampling period timer and an adjustable running period timer. The sampling period timer controls the output signal from the proportional plus reset controller. This timer is adjustable from 0-30 minutes and includes an automatic reset and a progress indicator which shows the time remaining to the timed out position. The running time timer controls the length of time for each corrective action period. This timer is adjustable from 0-15 seconds and also has an automatic reset and a progress indicator. Hydrochloric Feed Pump Controls for the HCL feed pump consist of ON-OFF., AUTO -MANUAL switch and a single turn manual speed adjust potentionmeter. These controls are on a panel mounted in the administration room in the Treatment Building. The ON-OFF switch turns the unit on and off. In the AUTO position the pump is paced by a 4 to 20 ma signal from the pH receiver proportional to a 4 to 12 pH range. In the MANUAL position the unit disregards the signal from the pH receiver and can only be controlled manually. NORMAL OPERATION The HCL mixer variable frequency controller should be set at the desired speed setting. HCL feeding is intermittant depending upon the desired pH value. Initially, the hyrochloric acid feed pump -should be set to feed 3.5:GPD (30% solution) of HCL. However, this feed rate is subject to change based on actual plant operating experience. The RBD process is inherently stable under conditions of fluctuating hydraulic and organic.loads. There are no process control functions to -perform such as -recycle of,sludge or effluent for proper operation. The RBD rotational speed has a significant effect on treatment efficiency. As long as the RBD rotation is maintained, the -process will operate satisfactorily. At this facility the periphera-1 velocity is 16 fpm and the shaft speed is 1.5 rpm. C It wi11 take several days of operation before biomass appears on the disc. After a week to 10 days a thin layer of biomass will appear. At this time .some sloughing of the biomass may take place. In 2 or 3 weeks of operation, the biomass will be reestablished and the anticipated levels of BOD removal should be achieved. The operator should visually examine the appearance of the biomass growth on each disc, on a daily basis. 'Biomass growth on the discs will typically appear as a gray, shaggy mass when fully developed. The growth will also typically be very irregular in thickness. Once the biomass growth has been fully established, any deviations in appearance from day to day should be investigated. There are load cells on the RBD units at this facility. The operator should use the loadcell weight read-out device daily to ascertain the approximate biomass thickness. See Table 11-1. The operator should monitor dissolved oxygen (D.O.) levels for each RBD basin on a daily basis. A minimum D.O. of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l should typically be present. Typical RBD problems which may occur and their solutions are shown in Table 11-2. ALTERNATE OPERATION When the HCL mixer requires maintenance and repair, shut off the unit and remove from the tank for servicing. If one of the RBD tanks is taken out of service for maintenance and repair, dewater the affected tanks to make sure that the idle shafts are not submerged in a tank filled with waste. Close the 6 inch plug valve to the RBD influent channel and open the 6 inch plug valve to the RBD effluent box to by-pass the kBD units and insert the removable stop gate for the RBD effluent box. Use a portable submersible pump to dewater the tank(s), with discharge to the head box overflow structure. Depending on the length of time the RBD°s are to be out of service, the following procedures should be followed: Short Period Shut -Down (2 to 8 Hours): If the shut -down period exceeds two hours, the RBD shaft must be rotated manually 1/3 of a turn every hour. This must be done to avoid an unbalanced condition,,and subsequent damage to the gear reducer when the unit is restarted. Long Period Shut -Down (Over Eight (8) Hours: If the RBD process is shut -down for an extended period of time (8 or more TABLE 11- 1 RBD LOAD CELLS Load Cells Weight Read-out Estimated Biofilm Thickness (lbs.) (inches) 15400 0.050 17200 0.055 18700 0.060 20200 0.065 21700 0.070 * 23600 0.075 25000 0.080 26700 0.085 28100 0.090 29600` 0.095 31100 0.100 32900 0.105 34000 0.110 * Operator should initiate corrective action as outlined in Alternate Operation section of this chapter. TABLE 11 - 2 'TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR THE RBD UNITS PROBLEM Influent wastes contain toxic or inhibitory substances that kill biomass. 0 .Severe and unusual variations in influent. pH to the process. Generally, pH in the range of 6.0 to 8.5 will not cause any sloughing problems to occur. However,"if unusual variations, consisting of periods of low (below 5) .or high pH (above 10.5) occur, loss of biomass may result. Odor - Objectionable odors do not normally occur when the RBD process is treating typical domestic wastewater. However, when SOLUTION - Determine the substance that is causing toxicity and its concentra- tion, discharge frequency and duration. Elimination of the toxic substance is the best solution, although this may not be possible. In the event that the toxic sub- stance cannot be eliminated, loading peaks should be dampened and a uniform concentration of the toxic or inhibitory substance created to permit an acclimatised culture to adapt. The equalization of the inhibitory substance may be best accomplished at the source. If this is not - possible, it must be accomplished at the treatment plant. When the corrections are made at.the treatmen plant, dampening may be accomplished either by aerated equalization or possbily altering contractor stage configuration. Neutralization is required to ensure that.influent pH to the system is maintained within the range of 6.0 to 8.5 at all times during the .day. Performance, will ;be optimized by maintaining pH within these limits with as flat a profile as possible. Provide or increase the rate of supplemental aeration. Incrtase the ventilation. 11= 13 'w. CONT'D TABLE 11 - 2 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR THE RBD UNITS PROBLEM a high strength wastewater is processed, odors may occur in the first stages if insufficient oxygen is available to satisfy the demand exerted by the higher strength wastes. Under these conditions, the biomass becomes anaerobic. Similarly, if the enclosure around the RBD process prevents adequate ventilation, the biomass may become anaerobic, even with domestic wastewater. Odors can also develop due to solids depositing at the bottom of the RBD basin. Loss of Biomass Growth - Under normal operation, there should not be a massive loss of biomass from the RBD media, although small patches of biogrowth will be°continuously dropping off, as -noted • in the process description. A massive loss .of biomass -.,can occur if a toxic chemical ha'ss"•been discharged ,into the, -system, as described above. However, a massive - loss of the biomass can also occur if the RBD.is subjected to continuing blasts of cold.air.. For instance, cold air blowing across an RBD unit from a door,or vent left open on a very cold, windy day can kill'the.'biomass within hours. SOLUTION Determine depth of sludge deposits. Remove sludge deposits. Determine and.correct the cause.` Use of supplemental air can assist in minimizing sludge deposits. Eliminate source of toxic substance, as previously described. i 1- 14,X a SOLUTION Determine depth of sludge deposits. Remove sludge deposits. Determine and.correct the cause.` Use of supplemental air can assist in minimizing sludge deposits. Eliminate source of toxic substance, as previously described. i 1- 14,X CONY D TABLE 11 - 2 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE -FOR THE FCBD UNITS P, PROBLEM Excessive Biomass Growth - The."load cells must be monitored on a daily basin to ensure -that biomass growth does not exceed the, carrying capacity of the ',RBD shaft. If excessive growth is determined, corrective measures must be implemented. Development of White Biomass - It is not uncommon to develop organisms on the contactor media that appear white in color. There is no immediate concern if the white organisms (probably thiotrix or beggiatoa) appear in limited areas on the media. If this form of biomass appears to dominate the surface, however, reduced process performance levels may be expected. The probable causes of these organisms are as follows: - Influent septic wastewater and/or high hydrogen sulfide concentrations. Septic wastewater and industrial discharges with high H2S concentrations may cause predomination of a white filamentous growth on the contactor media. . 11 SOLUTION See Table.11-2 for allowable loads and collective -procedures. This situation may be solved by preaeration of the influent waste or by the addition of chemicals to increase the concentration of oxidized materials. -The exact amount of preaeration required will depend on the- original ratio of oxidized and reduced material in the waste, and the pH. If chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide or sodium nitrate are used, the dosage is determined by a process of trial: and error. 7 CONT'D TABLE 11 - 2 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR THE RBD UNITS PROBLEM SOLUTION - Overloaded first stage of Use of the supplemental air the reactor system. When should alleviate this situation, severe organic overloads occur if it is not severely overloaded. on the first stage of the process, Severe overloading will require it is possibleto develop the the operator to provide a larger white filamentous biomass on amount of surface area on the the first stage. first stage. This may be accomplished by adjusting .the baffles between stages one and two to increase the fraction of total surface area on the first stage, Low Dissolved Oxygen Level in RBD Basin Wastewater. Low D.O. levels may be caused by an overloaded first stage, sludge deposits at the bottom of the basin, and elevated wastewater temperatures. Determine the cause of the low D.O. levels. Corrective procedures for overloaded first stages and sludge deposits were previously described. Use of supplemental aeration.may assist during extreme high temperatures. J hours), an unbalancing of the. discs, caused by the drying out of the top half of the discs, will induce unusual load conditions on the equipment when put back into service. Prior to placing the RBD units back into service, the' following procedures est be carried out to prevent damage to gear reducers: 1. Drain tank. 2. Wash down all discs while rotating shaft. 3. Grease bearings while rotating shaft. 4. Repeat Step #3 above once every 2 weeks if excessive moisture is present. 5. Close plug valve to RBD effluent b'ox. Remove stop gate from RBD effluent box. Open plug valve to RBD influent channel. The maximum recommended operating film thickness for the RBD units is 0.075 inches. Therefore, when the operator observes a read-out of approximately 35,000 lbs. he should initiate the following actions asa guide. Actual plant operating experience will indicate how long RBD air supply system should be used: l.. Start the supplemental air supply system to the RBD units. After the air supply system has been on for 45 to 60 minutes. Use the load cell device to ascertain the weight. If the reading is less than 35,000 lbs. continue to use the supplemental air supply system for an additional 30 to 45 minutes. 2. If the reading is still 35,000 lbs., increase the amount of supplemental air to the RBD units. Two to three hours after the air supply adjustment, take another load cell reading. If the read-out is less than 35,000 lbs. continue as indicated in (1) above. 3. If the read-out remains at 35,000 lbs. remove the baffles to increase the first stage surface area and turn off the supplemental air supply system. Use load cell device in the morning of the nextloperating day. Re-insert baffle when load cell reading is less than 35,000 lbs. During loss of power or mechanical failure, and the RBD units are not rotating the operator MUST refer to the O&M manual in Appendix D-11-2 for specific recommendations. START UP Before starting a new HCL mixer or restarting one that has been out of service for maintenance and repairs, inspect the tank carefully as outlined below: 1. Check for debris such as rocks, sand, timber, waste concrete, or other foreign material. Short pieces of 2 x 4 boards and other form lumber can suddenly appear during initial flow, this material can damage a propeller and turbine blade. 2. For instructions on start up for the HCL mixer consult the manufacturer's bulletins which are included in Appendix D-11-1. The manufacturer's guides for the above equipment must be rigidly followed. If no problems develop, normal operation of the HCL mixer may begin by letting flow into the tank while the unit is in operation. The following procedures should be followed prior to, and during, start-up of the RBD system: Final Check of RBD Equipment prior to Start-up 1. System Tank and Piping: Check RBD tankage and piping (influent and effluent.) to assure they are free of foreign materia.. 2. RBD Assembly: Perform visual check of radial structure and plastic media. 3. Main Shaft Bearings: Check that pillow blocks have been filled with the recommended grease. 4. Shaft Mounted Reducer: Visually check bubble gauge to assure reducer is at the proper attitude. Visually check oil level in -the oi-1 sight gauge. Check belt tension on motor/sheave V -belts. Install required belt guard. 5. Bushing Bolts: Check torque on reducer -taper lock bushing bolts. Torque should be 75 foot-pounds. 6. Baseplate and Pillow Block Bolts: Check'that all nuts and bolts have been securely tightened. 7. Electrical: Verify electrical connection to insure that rotation,of main shaft assembly is in accordance with engineering. drawings. "J Initial Start-up Procedures (Empty Tank) Start-up" (15 -minute run) A. Turn on electric power. B. Listen for unusual noises. C. Visual check of V -belts. D. Check temperature of bearing housing. E. Check clearance between tank wall and media. F. Shutdown. Continuous Operation After the initial start-up has been approved and the system is filled with wastewater, the system should be kept running until shutdown for standard maintenance is required. During a maintenance shutdown, repairs should.be made as quickly as possible. NOTE: Operate the system under working conditions for a short.period. Check and re -tighten all mounting bolts and nuts. Repeat procedure until no adjustment can be made. ROUTINE SURVEILLANCE Table 11-3 contains a guide for routine maintenance surveillance of the RBD units. SAMPLING Since there are no process control functions to be'performed for the RBD units, only minimal analysis is required to -monitor. performance. Samples taken from,the RBD tanks and the final settling tank effluent will .monitor the overall I performance of the RBD units.' Samples should be taken from the RBD tanks on a daily basis and analyzed for D.O. TROUBLESHOOTING The following table contains guides for -correcting process malfunctions and a;variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of waste stream and the production, handling and disposal of the solids:accumulated during the treatment of the waste stream. "J 11- 19' TABLE 11-3 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SURVEILLANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I n t e r v a l Semi Procedure Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Annual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check RBD shaft bearings. Feel to I I I I I see if they are running hot. Listen I I { I for unusual noises. This includes I { { { { any pillow block on output of speed reducer. X , Feel motors to see if they are run- ning hotter than design temperature. Check area around the drive train and shaft bearings for oil spills. Check oil levels in speed reducer and chain drive system. Lubricate contactor shaft bearings. Consult manufacturer's instructions. Check chain drives for alignment and tightness. Check belt drives (if any) for alignment and tightness. Coat machined ends of RBD shaft with grease in case these ends do not have permanent coating® Adjust RBD shaft bearings. This includes any pillow block on the reducer output. Change lubricant for chain drive system. Change oil in speed reducer. Clean magnetic drain plug, if any. Replace the grease in the seals' (if any) in the speed reducer. Consult manufacturer's instructions. X { { x I I x I { { X { { { X I 1 I { I x I I { { g• Grease bearings in the electric motor (if applicable). Consult' { manufacturer's instructions. ----------------- -------------------------------------------- 11- ------------------------------------------" 11- 20� The purpose of this table is to properly identify the problem by defining the indicators. once the problem has been identified, certain analyses and/or inspections must be performed prior to making a decision as to which corrective measures should be utilized. In some cases, the data -gathering process can be simple visual observation and in other cases it can involve sampling and laboratory procedures. The resulting information should then be systematically utilized to make a determination on which of the corrective measures should be implemented. The problems discussed in Table 11-2 are those which could occur frequently in.practice and the suggested solutions have been, for the most part, accepted procedures in the industry. There may be times when the suggested corrective measures do not correct the problem, or problem'may exist which does not fit into the common category. In a case such as this, it is prudent to seek expert advice on the subject prior to undertaking any coarse of action. J NOTES AND ADDENDA E J i CHAPTER 12:- FINAL SETTLING TANK PAGE NO. THEORY AND PURPOSE 12® 2 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION 12® 2 Sludge Collector Mechanism 12- 5 Scum Collector Mechanism 12- 5 Effluent Wet Well 12- 5 Effluent Flow Metering 12- 5 OPERATION AND CONTROL 12- 8 General 12- 8 Normal Operation 12- 8 Alternate Operation 12- 8 Alarms 12- 8 Start-up 12-10 Routine Surveillance 12-11 Dewatering 12-11 Troubleshooting 12-13 Sampling 12-13 Housekeeping 12-13 NOTES AND ADDENDA 12-16 Table 12 - 1 12 - 2 Figure 12 1 12 - 2 12 - 3 12 - 4 12 - 5 LIST OF TABLES Final Settling Tank Record 12-12 Troubleshooting Guide for the Settling 12-14 LIST OF FIGURES Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic Final Settling Tank Effluent Wet Well Flow Metering Device Final Settling Tank Flow Schematic 12- 1 12- 3 12- 4 12- 6 12- 7 12- 9 THEORY AND PURPOSE The final settling tank provides a quiescent condition for the settling of the suspended solids from the rotating biological discs. These solids are irregular in size and tend to form a floc which settles rapidly. The resulting humus sludge,is removed from the bottom of the settling tank by use of the telescoping valve located in the sludge/scum wet well. In addition, scum which floats on the water surface is collected and removed from the tank to the scum well. UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION Effluent from the rotating biological discs enters the final settling tankvia a 6 inch pipe into the influent well to the settling tank. The cylindrical influent well that surrounds the ,center column (torque tube) in the tank improves the distribution of the -flow by forcing it downward several feet underneath the well rather than allowing it to pass horizontally across the top of the tank, thus preventing short-circuiting of the flow. After emerging from under the well, the flow movesradially at a low velocity towards the V -notch weir around the periphery of the tank. The weir is baffled to prevent scum from being discharged with the effluent.. From the weir, the flow enters the effluent trough around the outside of the tank and is discharged to the process wet well as shown in Figure 12 —1. Sludge from this tank is drawn -off via a 6 inch pipe by a telescoping valve located in a pit adjacent to the sludge/scum tank. The major components of the final settling system are: 1. The tank. 2. Sludge Collector Mechanism. 3 Scum Collector Mechanism. Figure 12 - 2 is a schematic plan and cross-section view of the circular final settling tank. FINAL SETTLING TANK BASIC DESIGN DATA Number of Units One (1) Diameter, Feet 10 ft. Side Water Depth, Feet 8 ft. Detention Time: At design flow of M.G.D. 5.7 Hrs. 12- 2 i SCAVENGER WASTE TRUCK BAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER EXISTING SLUDGE ®RYING BE®3®_ B FE CL3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK EQUALIZATION TALK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. CLARIFIER HCL LIME STORAGE TANK HEAD BOX HCL MIXING TANK PRIMARY DIGESTER ROTATING SCUM _ BIOLOGICAL DISCS SLUDGE DIWET WELL r — —, FLOW METER TO OUTFALL I J EFFLUENT EXISTING VILLAGE OF WET WELL GREENPORT PLANT SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC FINAL CLARIFIER i a i i SCUM TO WET WELL.�' PLAN FrAl V41. 11 '00or momb 4m ROT9TION SLUDGE LINE SECTION, FINAL SETTLING -TANK Overflow Rate: At design flow of M.G.D. Sludge Collector Mechanism 251 gals./sq. ft./day This mechanism consists of -a truss assemblage concentric with the torque tube with two (2) radial trussed arms at 180 degrees to each other. There are flights with squeegees set at an,angle attached to each truss arm. As the truss revolves these flights push the sludge towards the central sludge hopper. This entire mechanism is driven by a 1/2 HP, 230/460V 3 phase, 60 hertz, motor mounted on a turn -table on top of the torque tube. Scum Collector Mechanism This mechanism moves radially, horizontally and vertically as it automatically removes surface scum. The skimming device consists of a scum deflector plate and a hinged blade connected to a skimmer boom. As the boom rotates scum is deflected to the hinged blade which collects and conveys the floating material into the scum trough. The collected scum flows by gravity from the scum trough via a 6 inch pipe to the scum pit where it is stored until it is pumped out. Effluent Wet Well Effluent from the final settling tank flows by gravity via a 6 inch line to the process wet well. From the wet well the waste stream is pumped to the flow meter and to the existing Village of Greenport plant for further treatment. Figure 12-3 shows a sectional and plan view of the effluent wet well. EFFLUENT WET WELL DESIGN DATA Number of pumps Two Type Submersible Discharge Capacity 60 GPM @ TDH 17' Speed 1725 RPM Motor 0.9 HP Rating 460 V, 3 phase, 60 HZ Effluent Flow Metering A flow metering device is located in a metering pit following the effluent wet well. The rate of flow of the scavenger waste stream is measured by a 3 -inch magnetic flow meter tube (see Figure 12-4). 12- 5 f VALVE BOX TO F-XkST. IMHOFF TANK - FIGURE 12-3 SUBMERSIBLE E:FFL. PUMP (TYP.) VENT UvEt--C't- L-UVV St --<um / w - D,IGESTCR SLOG, -FROM SE:CC)NOA.IqY -!Z-)E:T-7LING. TANK EFFLUENT WET WELL PLAN VIEW CPJ' CONSULTING ENGINEERS MANHOLE: COVER AND FRAME VALVE: BOX (TYR) PLUG VALVE: (TYR) 41 X 411 TF—E: (TYP) TO GREENPORT STP IMHOFF TAN FLG. CPLD. ADAPTER:,a'., W/ MAGNETIC TUBE METER FLOW METER PIT —FLOW METER PUMP AND TRAWMETER —ELEC. LINE: -SIGN.,64— TO TREAT. FROM EFFL.WET W ELL —HYDPA,,Ut-IC FLUID LINES HANDHOLD (TYP-) The magnetic flow meter tube measures the volumetric -flow rate through the tube by means of a 316 stainless steel electrode. The components of the flow -measuring system are the magnetic flow electrode, a transmitter and a totalizer. Effluent flow tube meter, measurement provides the following information: 1. A record of the hydraulic load on the various units in the plant. 2. A means of computing the organic load to the plant. 3. Data for the preparation of composite samples. The output signal is transmitted to the totalizer, mounted inia panel on the wall of the Treatment Building, indicates the rate of flow calibrated linearly from 0 to 75 GPM. The totalizer provides a continuous total of the -quantity of wastewater passing through the tube. The operator should read the totalizer at the same time each day and compute and record the total flow to the plant for the previous day. OPERATION AND CONTROL General The final settling tank collector drives are controlled from a panel near the motor. The control consists of a start, stop and reset switch. Normal Operation Continuous operation of the sludge collector mechanism is desirable in order to keep the sludge in constant motion toward the sludge hopper and prevent sludge build-up on the tank bottom. This would avoid the possibility of overloading the mechanism by starting it with a load of sludge on the tank.bottom. Alternate Operation When the settling tank is out of service for maintenance and repairs press the OFF button on the control panel. Also.see Figure 12-5. Alarms The circular sludge collector has a torque indicator and overload system. As the drive mechanism approaches an overload 12- 8 TO SLUDGE:/SCUtA WE'r VVELL-i NORMAL OPE:R -CLOSE:O -OPEN -NO14MAL OPERATION -OPEN ALTERNATE: OPE:RATION- CLOSCO ink 4:41E A condition increased torque causes, the wormshaft of the gear to ~ deflect a spring. This deflection is indicated by a torque dial indicator mounted on the walkway. Also included are two (2) micro switches (one N.O. and one N.C.). Should the deflection equal or exceed the first pre-set limit (1200 load condition) the internal switching mechanism will sound an alarm. If this condition persists and exceeds the first limit and advances to the second pre-set limit (140% load condition) the internal switching mechanism will de -energize the drive motor, stopping the collector arms. Following this terminal overload, the overload detector will reset automatically, but the electrical system.must be restarted manually by switching the selector switch for the terminal overload system to the ON position. A torque overload alarm condition should be investigated immediately, and the trouble located and corrected. No attempt should be made to keep the unit in operation while overloaded. Overloads are most likely to result from too great a sludge. .accumulation or from some foreign object in the tank. If overload is due to sludge accumulation, incoming flow to the tank should be reduced or stopped, and the sludge load should be lightened by pumping sludge. If a foreign object is the cause of overload, the object should be located and removed if possible. Asea last resort, it may be necessary to dewater the tank to locate and correct the difficulty. Following such a shutdown, the collectors must be .restarted. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO KEEP COLLECTOR RUNNING WHEN AN OVERLOAD IS_INDICATED. FIND THE TROUBLE AND CORRECT IT. DO NOT START COLLECTOR WITH A LOAD OF SLUDGE IN THE -TANK. Startup Before starting -up a new unit or one which bas been out of service for cleaning or repair, inspect the tank carefully as outlined in this section. Check the following,items before the Rotating Biological Disk effluent is allowed to pass into the secondary settling tank(s): 1. Check for debris such -as rocks, sand, timber, waste concr.ete,'or other foreign material. Short pieces of 2 x 4 boards and other form -lumber can suddenly appear during initial flow, this material can stall a sludge collector mechanism. 12- 10 2. Check collector drive mechanism for lubrication, drive alignment and complete assembly. 3. Check squeegee blades on the collector flight for proper distance from the floor of the tank. 4. Check hopper and sludge line for debris and obstructions. If everything checks out properly, turn the mechanism on and let,it make several revolutions, checking that'the squeegee does not travel high and low, missing the bottom or scraping in some areas. The scraping action should control the entire area from the outside wall to the sludge hopper. Also be certain that the mechanism runs smoothly without jerks or jumps. Test the overload alarm to see if the mechanism will stop on overload. With the unit running, time the period for the flights to make a complet revolution around the tank and record the time for later reference. Check the amperage that the motor draws and record. Let the unit operate for several hours, and if no problem develops, it should be alright (see Table 12®1). Routine Surveillance Y The following items should be checked daily except as noted. 1. Be sure that the sludge collectors are operating smoothly. 2. Check for any unusual objects in the tank(s). 3. Check tank surface for rising or bulking sludge. 4. Check scum trough. Remove scum when necessary. 5. Check to see if any grease or rags are passing over or are stuck on the effluent weirs. Effluent weirs must be kept free of floating debris which may be blown into the tank. 6. Check overload indicator on tank bridge. Dewatering The final settling tank can be dewatered by initiating alternate operation and following the steps indicated below: 1. Shut off the sludge collector mechanism. 2. Remove sludge using telescoping valve. DATE TABLE 12- 1 FINAL SETTLING TANK RECORD TIME - MIN. AMPERAGE COMMENT ONE REVOLUTION (AMPS) 12- 12 3. Lower the plant portable submersible pump and hosing into the final settling tank: 4. Open the roof scuttle on the equalization tank and insert discharge end of the hose into the equalization tank (Refer to Chapter 8, Figure 8-4)-. 5. Turn on the portable submersible pump. Hose down tank and scum trough. 6. When the tank is about empty turn off pump. 7. Remove the submersible pump and hosing from the final settling tank and the hosing from the roof scuttle. 8. Examine -all equipment and tank surfaces below the water line and repair., adjust or replace parts as needed. A ladder will be required to perform this task. 9. Check for wear of the scum pick-up wiper blade. Replace worn wiper blade. 10. To place the settling tank back into service follow the steps indicated in the Start Up section of this Chapter and return to normal operation. Troubleshooting Table 1-2-2 contains guides for correcting process malfunctions and a variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of the waste stream and the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the waste stream treatment process. SAMPLING Twenty four hour composite samples of RBD effluent collected from the RBD effluent channel once,a week should be analyzed for BODS and suspended solids. The pH should be monitored twice daily from this location also. HOUSEKEEPING The greatest hazard involved in working on or in a settling tank is the danger of slipping. Wash off with water under pressure accumulations of solids particles, grease, slime and other material from walkways, handrails and all other exposed parts of the structures and equipment. Be extremely cautious during freezing weather. A small amount of ice can be very dangerous. Your housekeeping program should include the brushing or cleaning of effluent weirs and the removal of any settled sludge from the launders. 12- 13 TABLE 12-2. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR SECONDARY TREATMENT - FINAL SETTLING TANKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem Action Solution Poor sludge settling; sludge 1. Check telescoping valve 1. Adjust telescoping valve flowing over weirs; sludge setting. setting to increase rate of particles rising to surface sludge removal from settling in settling tanks; effluent 2. Determine if the weir tanks. clarity poor. overflow rate is equal Septic sludge Erratic operation of sludge collection mechanism. for the entire weir. 2. Level the weir. If uneven weir overflow rate is 3. Dewater settling tanks caused from wind; install and check for damage on a windbreak. sludge scraper mechanisms especially at the peri 3. Repair or replace all damaged phery of the tank. sludge scraper mechanisms. 1. Check sludge withdrawal 1. Restore to suitable rate. condition. 2. Check if collection mechanism is off® obstructed or not running continuously. 1. Check all drives for gear wear. Dewater settling tanks and check for damage on sludge scraper mechanisms. 2. Second bottom for ex- cessive accumulation of sludge. 1. Repair all worn or broken sludge collector equip- ment and drives. 2. If sludge accumulation is a problem® increase frequency of pumping sludge from tanks. CONT®D TABLE 12-2, TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR SECONDARY TREATMENT - FINAL SETTLING TANKS ------------------------------------------------- Problem Action Solution Visible grease particles 1. Check depth of the 1. Adjust the elevation of being discharged. skimming blade in the the skimming blade for water. Check the correct operation. contact the skimming blade makes with the trough. 2. Check the depth of floating scum and water in the pit. N Un CHAPTER 13: SLUDGE AND SCUM TREATMENT FACILITIES PAGE NO. PURPOSE AND THEORY 13- 3 Sludge/Scum Handling Facilities 13- 3 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion 13- 3 Sludge Dewatering 13- 3 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION 13- 4 Sludge/Scum Handling Facilities 13- 4 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion 13- 4 Gas Mixing System 13-11 Sludge Heating Unit 13-13 Gas Extraction 13-16 Sludge Transfer Pumps 13-16 Sewage Gas System 13-16 Sludge Dewatering 13-23 OPERATION AND CONTROL 13-25 Scum Removal 13-25 Normal Operation 13-25 Alternate Operations 13-26 Routine Surveillance and Housekeeping 13-27 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion 13-27 Normal Operation 13-27 Alternate Operation 13-27 Start Up 13-31 Routine Surveillance 13-36 Daily Procedures for Operation 13-39 Sampling 13-40 Instrumentation and Alarms 13-40 Housekeeping 13-41 Troubleshooting 13-41 Sewage Gas System Operation 13-41 Normal Operation 13-45 Alternate Operation 13-45 Gas Utilization 13-46 Safety 13-47 System Maintenance 13-48 Sludge Dewatering 13-49 Operation and Control 1,3-49 Procedure for Withdrawing Sludge 13-49 Filling Beds 13-50 Cleaning the Beds 13-50 Dried Sludge Characteristics 13-50 Schedules 13-50 Sludge Removal 13-51 13- 1 NOTES AND ADDENDA LIST OF TABLES Table PAGE NO. 13-52 13m 1 Sludge Recirculation Pumps Valve Schedule 13-18 13® 2 Sludge Transfer Pumps Valve Schedule 13-20 13- 3 Units, Location and Controls 13-37 13- 4 Sludge Digestion Troubleshooting Guide 13-42 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 13- 1 Scavenger Waste Flow Schematic 13® 5 13- 2 Sludge/Scum Wet Well 13- 6 13- 3 Reactions In a Digester 13- 8 13- 4 Sludge Digester 13-12 1.3- 5 Heat Exchanger Unit 13-15 13® 6 Sludge Recirculation Pumps 13-17 13® 7 Sludge Transfer Pumps 13-19 13- 8 Sewage Gas Piping 13-24 13® 9 Volatile Solids (VS) Reduction Chart 13-30 13- 2 PURPOSE AND THEORY Scum Handling Facilities Scum is that part of the waste stream that floats to the surface because its specific gravity is lighter than water., This includes soap, hair, oil and grease. If it is not removed from the waste stream, scum will cause clogging of pipes and pumps and will coat the RBD°s media. It can be a highly visible eye -sore in the receiving waters and a constant source of odors. Scum is removed from the primary and final settling tanks by skimming it from the surface and gravity flow to the scum wet well. Anaerobic Sludge Digestion The purpose of digestion is to attain both of the objectives of sludge treatment, a reduction in volume and the decomposition of highly putrescible organic matter to relatively stable or inert organic and inorganic compounds. Anaerobic digestion of sludge is a complex biochemical process employing several groups of anaerobic and facultative anaerobic organisms. In general, the process can be considered to consist of two steps. In the first step, facultative organisms called "acid formers" degrade the complex organics of raw sludge to volatile organic acids. In the second step, these volatile acids are fermented to methane and carbon dioxide by a group of anaerobes called "methane bacteria". In contrast to raw sludge, which is offensive in appearance, odorous, and laden with pathogenic organisms, the residue after digestion (digested sludge) is relatively inoffensive and is basically innocuous. Thus, anaerobic digestion achieves ultimate disposal by gasifying a portion of the sludge and by preparing the remainder for ultimate disposal by other methods. In addition, the end products have recycle potential. A principal gaseous end product is methane, which is often used as a fuel in wastewater treatment plants. Sludge digestion takes place at almost any range of temperature likely to be encountered, but the time taken to complete digestion varies greatly with the temperature. Sludge Dewatering. Sludge drying beds are used for dewatering digested sludges at this facility. Digested sludge is discharged onto a drying bed and allowed to dewater and dry under natural conditions. After digested sludge is applied to the drying beds, dissolved gases are released and rise to the surface. The solids remain on the drying bed media and the filtrate drains through the media. The filtrate flows to the under drain system and to the supernatant wet well. It is then pumped to the equalization tank for further treatment. Drying beds drain very slowly in the beginning, however, after 3 days the rate increases. After 13- 3 maximum drainage is reached, the dewatering rate gradually slows down and evaporation continues. When the moisture content is low enough the sludge can be removed. The drying out period can take from 1 to 4 weeks. Dry sludge is removed from the beds with a bobcat and taken to a landfill for final disposal. Figure 13-1 shows a flow schematic of the sludge handling facilities. UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION Sludge/Scum Handling Facilities A scum blade in each settling tank is used to direct the floating scum to the scum trough in the settling tank. Scum from the two primary and the final settling tanks flows by gravity via a 6 inch pipe to the sludge/scum wet well. The sludge/scum wet well structure consists of a below grade combined wet well and pump room. See Figure 13-2. Access to the pump room and wet well is obtained by removing the checkered plate covers on top of the structure. The wet well has a capacity of 480 gallons which when full can be pumped out in approximately three minutes by the scum pump and is discharged via a 4 inch line to the primary digester tank. The sludge/scum wet well has three (3) float switches for pump control, pump on, pump off and high level alarm. SLUDGE/SCUM PUMP WET WELL DESIGN DATA Number of Pumps Type Maximum Solids Pumped Discharge Capacity Maximum Allowable Speed Suction and Discharge Connections Suction Motor Float Switches Anaerobic Sludge Digestion Two Positive Displacement (Progressive Cavity) 150 gpm @ 27 ft. 450 RPM 6 -inch Normally flooded 5 HP Pump On level - Pump Off level - High level alarm TDH EL. 10.7 EL. 8.2 - EL. 11.8 Thickened sludge is pumped from the sludge wet well to the 13- 4 SCAVENGER WASTE TRUCK gullmillm 0:101316= PRIMARY DIGESTER SLUDGE FE. CL 3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. CLARIFIER HCL STORAGE LIME TAN HEAD BOX HCL MIXING TANK TO OUTFALL FLOW METER -J EFFLUENT EXISTING- VILL.AGE OF WET WELL GREENPORT PLANT SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC 4 FINAL F I E -T, lid 0 c- cl 0 Z JI cn ,71 m z C) Z PRIMARY DIGESTER SLUDGE FE. CL 3 STORAGE TANK FLOCCLATION TANK FLASH PRIMARY MIX TK. CLARIFIER HCL STORAGE LIME TAN HEAD BOX HCL MIXING TANK TO OUTFALL FLOW METER -J EFFLUENT EXISTING- VILL.AGE OF WET WELL GREENPORT PLANT SCAVENGER WASTE FLOW SCHEMATIC 4 FINAL F I E -T, lid SLUDGE PIPE FROM SECONDARY SETTLING TANK - SCUM PIPE SECOND SET"TLI N G TANK SCUM PIPE FROM �RIMARY SE-rTLIN G TK SLUDGE PUMP (TYP) , HiOIWAO' 44, 3031 im. 7 i��il� =PIPE TO AN . IOIGESTER SLUDGE PIPE FROM -CHECKERED PLATE TYP SETTLING TANK SLUDGE /SCUM WET WELL PLAN -VIEW FIGURE 13-2 VALVE STAND W/ SECTIONAL, VIEW digester for further treatment. See Figure 13-1. The Scavenger Waste Facility treatsthe primary and secondary sludge in a sludge digester tank where bacteria decomposes the organic solids in the absence of dissolved oxygen. The purposes of sludge digestion area 1. A 20 to 30 percent reduction of total, dry solids. 2. The conversion of highly putrescible organic matter to relatively stable compounds. 3. The production of methane gas to be used in heating. The anaerobic digestion process utilizes anaerobic (living in the absence of oxygen) and facultative (living either with or without oxygen) organisms for stabilization of the organic matter in sludge. Digestion takes place in enclosed tanks. There are three stages of sludge digestion: 1. Acid fermentation 2. Acid regression 3. Intensive digestion Figure 13-3 shows the typical.reactions which take place in the digester. During each stage the volatile acids and pH go through dramatic changes. In the acid fermentation stage of digestion, "acid forming" microorganisms attack the soluble solids such as sugar and produce organic acids at a concentration of upwards of several thousands mg/L, causing the pH to drop to 5.1 or lower; carbon dioxide, carbonates, and hydrogen sulfide are also produced by the "acid forming" micro-organisms. The second stage is acid regression, where the organic acids and nitrogenous compounds are liquified by microorganisms to which an acid environment is favorable. The pH climbs from 5.1 back to 6.8. Small quantities of carbon dioxide and methane are produced in this stage. 099�A OP6ANICAC019 MMA2�00T*Q REACTIONSFIGURE 13-3 DIGESTEA Intensive digestion, stabilization, and gasification marks the third state of digestion. The proteins and amino acids are attacked by "methane forming" microorganisms. The pH becomes stabilized in the range of 6.8 to 7.4 and the volatile acid content is down to about 500 mg/L. At this point the solids can be disposed of without causing a nuisance. During this last stage of digestion a large amount of methane gas is produced which can be burned off or utilized. In a well -operated digester, all three stages are carried out at the same time, with the acids produced in the first stage being partially neutralized by the ammonia produced in a .following stage until they can only be further degraded. The pH of the third stage should predominate and keep the digester in a neutral range. Once good alkaline digestion is established, the acid stages are not apparent unless the normal digestion process becomes upset by overloading, addition of poisonous chemicals, large temperature swings or poor mixing. The whole process can be considered to be an "assembly line" process where the products of one stage are utilized and then passed onto the next group of organisms. For this reason, any action which hurts one group of organisms will have an adverse effect on the entire process. A well digested sludge should be black in color, have a tarry odor, and contain solids in which the volatile fraction is only 40 to 60 percent. The gas volume produced should be in the range of 12 to 17 cubic feet of gas per pound of volatile matter destroyed, or about 7 to 9 cubic feet per pound of volatile matter added. Most of the volatile solids reduction and gas production takes place in the primary digester. To achieve this end, proper conditions of temperature and complete mixing are provided. Temperature is an important factor in determining the time period required for complete digestion. At 95 deg F, digestion takes about 25 days, but the time required doubles if the temperature drops to around 60 deg F. The unit must be maintained consistently within a narrow range of a few degrees to prevent damage to the methane -producing organisms. It is recommended that the temperature in the primary digester tank be maintained between 95 and 98 deg F. The food supply is another important factor in providing maximum use of the digestion capacity. The total volume of raw sludge pumped and the pumping rate are both important. If too much sludge is added to the digester at one time, the first stage (acid production) predominates and the environment becomes unfavorable for the other organisms. This condition is termed 13- 9 "overloading". The organisms in the digester are most efficient when food is furnished to them in small volumes at frequent intervals. Fresh sludge, as concentrated as possible, should be pumped to the digester at least twice a day. Seeding (adding digested sludge from some other source) is the best way to start up a new digester or restart an existing "sick" digester. The seed sludge contains the organisms of the second and third stage and allows the digester to begin functioning in the shortest possible time. An adequate amount of digested sludge must be maintained in the digestion tank as seed. Mixing the contents of the digester is beneficial in many ways. The mixing helps to maintain a constant temperature throughout the digester, provide contact between the food and the organisms, and reduce scum formation. The rate of digestion is thereby increased, and the time required for complete digestion is reduced. The pH of a well operated digester may be expected to remain in the range of 6.8 to 7.4. Any marked difference from these pH values means that the digestion process is out of balance, and corrective action must be taken before the process ceases to function. The ratio of volatile acids to alkalinity offers a sensitive control for the operation of the digester. If the ratio is less than 0.3, the digester is in good balance. A ratio of 0.4 shows that the digester is under stress, and if the ratio reaches 0.8, the process is in serious trouble. Other indicators which have been used are the rate of volatile acid increase and the ratio of carbon dioxide to methane in the digester gas. Although each plant has a varying normal value, volatile acid concentrations greater than 1,000 mg/L are usually detrimental to the digestion process. There are many reasons for failure of digesters. The major reasons are poor mixing, overloading, and temperature fluctuation. Other causes of failure are low pH, low alkalinity, high volatile acids, toxic industrial wastes, toxic metals, and addition of too much lime. Precautions. Because of the highly combustible and explosive nature of the gases associated with sludge digestion, special precautions are absolutely necessary. 1. No smoking or use of any open flame within the primary sludge digester building or on digester roofs should be permitted. 2. Only nonsparking tools should be used in a sludge digestion area. 13-10 3. If exhaust fans in the primary sludge digester building are not running, they should be operated manually when personnel enter the building. 4. Use of ungrounded electrical tools cannot be allowed in the restricted area. While combustion may take place at lower concentrations, the greatest hazard occurs when air and sludge gas combine to produce a 5 to 15 percent methane mixture by volume. In this range, the mixture is -explosive. Special precautions must be observed during dewatering of the digester tank to prevent the formation of an explosive mixture. DIGESTER DESIGN DATA Number of Tanks One Diameter, ft. 25.0 Sidewall Water depth, ft. 18.0 Volume, gallons 66,000 Cover Floating Figure 13-4 contains a cross sectional view of the sludge digestion tank. Gas Mixing System The primary digester tank is equipped with a gas mixing system located on the top of the floating cover. This system recycles the gases that have accumulated in the gas dome and redistributes them at various points in the bottom of the digestion tank providing a mixing of tank contents. Mixing accelerates the digestion process. The high rate digestion must continue once started. Digestion upset is probable when the gas mixing is discontinued. The gas mixing system consists of a compressor, motor and safety controls, including a high pressure relief with flame arrester, a low pressure regulator to maintain positive service pressure, pressure indicating gauges, and motor operated valves with interconnecting piping mounted in a ventilated housing. A combination starter and circuit breaker with a start/stop pushbutton is mounted on the outside of the compressor housing. All of the electrical equipment is either explosion proof or is installed in explosion proof enclosures. The assembly housing is close to the gas dome to require only short lines for the suction, control and by-pass relief i { f 7 } TO CONTROL ROOM' I STI _ ♦♦Y o '{ ( Z ch z ,ern .cl) ROTARY VALVE GAS SLUDGE DIGESTER ■ Irl lines. This central location reduces to a minimum the length of distribution lines to each discharge well. All of the discharge piping between the compressor housing and the gas discharge wells is located in the cover within the attic space between the ceiling plate and roofing. All the discharge wells are designed to allow the installation and removal of the-vertical gas discharge pipe without disconnecting any of the distribution piping and without the release of gas from the digester. The plain-end discharge and size of the pipe eliminates clogging. Pressure controls include a pressure-relief valve, a pressure regulator, and low-pressure safety switch. The pressure-relief valve is actuated by pressure in the compressor discharge line and will open at a predetermined maximum pressure to bypass back to the cover gas dome through the return line. The pressure regulator will act to prevent an excessive drop in pressure in the cover gas dome•and gas utilization system occasioned when starting the compressor or when in operation. It will be actuated by a pressure-control line directly connected into the cover gas dome and will open at a .predetermined minimum pressure to bypass back to the cover gas dome through the return line. The low-pressure safety switch with manual reset will shut down the compressor motor in the event the suction line pressure at the compressor approaches 1 inch w.c. gas pressure. Two dial type pressure indicating_ gages are flush-mounted on the assembly housing. One gage is connected to the compressor discharge and reads from 0 prig to 20 prig. The other gage is connected to the pressure control line to the pressure regulator and will indicate the pressure in the cover gas dome. It reads from 20 inch vacuum to 20 inch pressure w.c. A temperature control switch is provided and mounted in the compressor discharge line and will stop the compressor motor when the temperature in the line exceeds a predetermined point. _Sludge Heating Unit The heating unit -is a hot water boiler and heat exchanger. The hot water boiler will burn digester gas•or oil.- The automatic mode of operation will result in utilization of digester gas whenever it is available. Sludge to be heated passes through tubes in the heat exchanger surrounded by hot water circulated from the boiler. The unit has a sludge heating capacity of 140 BTU per hour and a boiler capacity of 335 BTU per hour. , The digester has a tank temperature indicator mounted on an 13-13 instrument panel in the Primary Digester Building. The gages are calibrated from 0-150 deg.. F. The digester is insulated to maintain proper temperature in the digesters. The temperature within the primary sludge digester should vary no more than.l degree a day. A deviation of more than a few degrees could upset the whole dige'stive system. Therefore, the temperature in the primary tank must be checked twice a day. The sludge recirculation pumps are used to draw sludge from the digestion tanks and circulate it through the heat exchanger and back to the digester. Automatic control of the digester temperature, within plus or minus 1/2 degree F., is by means of,a thermostat located at the inlet to,the sludge tubes of the unit. The water circulation pump for sludge heating and burner equipment is automatically controlled,by the temperature of the sludge passing the thermostat. A repeating cycle time switch is provided for periodic starting of the digester recirculation pump, with controls arranged such that the recirculation pump will continue to operate until the digester heating requirements are satisfied, or shall stop after a short cycle in case heat is not required by the digester. Sludge indicating thermometers with a range from 0 degress to 150 degrees F. are placed in the sludge inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. Each thermometer -is provided with a mounting socket to enable the removal of the thermometer without draining the sludge tubes. The digester contents may also be heated by'manually controlling the recirculation pumps. Manual control of the digester temperature is accomplished by use of the Manual/On/Off switch mounted on the control panel. When one of the recirculation pumps is started the hot water circulation will also start automatically and provide hot water at the proper temperature to the heat -exchanger. When the digester is at the desired temperature the hot water circulator should be manually stopped. When the water temperature in the heat exchanger drops to approximately 130 deg. F. the recirculation pump can be stopped. This sequence should be followed to ensure that the sludge remaining in the tubes of the heat exchanger is not baked by excessive water temperature. Figure 13-5 shows a sectional view of the sludge heat exchanger unit. 13-14 EXHAUST -F--- LUJE 4".O-!5LUE)G-E: PI -PE: -.0 H E: C) --VA L\,/ E; -(T Y SWUR FAISMOMM11=00, .0 PIPE TO HEATER—Hr—AT EXCHANGER EXPANSION TANK VV/CE:ILING Im 4 -SUPPORTS lmwxe2mw.!mgNlrclmqrm RF—CIRCULATIQaN PUMPS .4 FROM SLUDGE/SCUM WELL oil 0 REAT EX C HAN G E R UNIT C m FC -PJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS10 SLUDGE RECIRCULATION PUMPS DESIGN DATA Number of Units Type Discharge Capacity, Maximum Speed Motor HP Rating Two (one standby) Horizontal, Torque Flow Max.' 200 gpm @ TDH 18' 770 RPM Variable Speed Drive 5 230/460 V, 60 HZ, 3 phase, 1750 RPM Figure.13=6 shows a sectional view of the sludge recirculation pumps and Table 13-1 contains the valve schedule for these pumps. Gas Extraction Gas is extracted from the primary digester through the gas dome. When the gas is not being used it will be stored under the floating gasholder cover. The gas is extracted from the primary digester via gas piping within the gas dome in the gasholder cover. Gas is extracted from the primary digester when the hot water boiler is in operation. When gas storage capacity is full, excess gas is burned in the waste gas burner. For a detailed description and operating procedures see the sewage gas system section in this Chapter. Sludge Transfer Pumps The sludge transfer pump in the Primary Digester Building is used to draw digested sludge from the digester tank and pump it to the existing sludge drying beds. Figure 13-7 shows a plan view of the sludge transfer pumps and Table 13-2 contains the valve schedule for these pumps. SLUDGE TRANSFER PUMPS DESIGN DATA Number of Units Type Discharge Capacity Maximum Speed Motor HP Rating Sewage Gas System Two (one standby) Positive Displacement, Progressive Cavity 150 gpm @ TDH 27' 410 RPM Variable Speed Drive 5 230/460 V, 3 phase, 60 HZ In the digestion of sewage sludges, gas is produced at a rate of 12 to 17 cubic feet per pound of volatile matter 13-16' is ro a womm4— SEA TO DIGESTER F -EEC) SLUDGE PIPE ow �. J LAR®M 01GESTER -F-ZEGIRCUL-Al ION PUMPS MOUNTE: .(WALL ®1- DIGESTER TA- N -K - WET \#Vr—LL..-Il SLUDGE RECIRCULATION PUMPS PJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS,: TABLE 13®1 SLUDGE RECIRCULATION PUMP VALVE SCHEDULE PUMP # 1 TO DIGESTER FEED" VALVE NO. A OPEN B OPEN C CLOSED D CLOSED PUMP # 2 TO DIGESTER FEED VALVE NO. A CLOSED B CLOSED C' OPEN D OPEN Note: Valve sequencing based upon weekly alternating each sludge recirculation pump. 13®18 VALVE NO.,*Z GL-uc)GE: -r-RANSF-ER p --(Ty.,p - r— I le. A � S,LQ,I),,G,E, TRANSFER PUMPS FROM SLUDGE DRAWOF-F' -.4-DIGESTER TAW jCPJ CONSULTING ENGINEERSI TABLE 13-2 SLUDGE TRANSFER PUMP VALVE SCHEDULE PUMP A TO SLUDGE DRYING BEDS Valve No. 1 OPEN 2 OPEN 3 CLOSED 4 CLOSED PUMP B TO SLUDGE DRYING BEDS Valve No. 1 CLOSED 2 CLOSED 3 OPEN 4 OPEN 13-20 destroyed. This is roughly equivalent to 1.0 cubic feet/capita/day. Gas production is variable depending on the volatile concentration and more importantly, the biological activity in the digester. The biological activity is based upon many factors including the rate and amount of sludge withdrawal and sludge addition, temperature variations, and recirculation of tank contents. The best gas production will normally occur when uniform operating conditions are maintained. This means that the temperature should be kept constant, sludge additions should be made in many small quantities rather than one large load and that there is a continual mixing of the tank contents. A good steady production of digester gas and the proper utilization of this gas will result in minimizing the purchase and use of oil, which will cut the operating costs. Digester gas normally consists of about two thirds methane and about one third carbon dioxide with other gases such as hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon monoxide present in small quantities. Digester gas has a heating value of between 600 to 700 BTU/cu. ft. under normal conditions. WARNING: A GAS MIXTURE RATIO OF 5.7% TO 13.5% DIGESTER GAS TO AIR IS EXPLOSIVE (LOW AND UPPER LIMITS). WARNING: DIGESTER GAS CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS IN TWO WAYS. WHEN MIXED WITH OXYGEN IT CAN FORM EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES AND IT ALSO CAN CAUSE ASPHYXIATION OR OXYGEN STARVATION. SMOKING, OPEN FLAMES OR SPARKS MUST NOT BE TOLERATED AROUND THE DIGESTERS OR SLUDGE PUMPING FACILITIES. Flame Traps The flame trap element is made up of an aluminum spider and cage casting in which are two coiled strips of aluminum. One of these strips is specially crimped; the other is flat. These two strips are tightly wound simultaneously on the spider, forming a honeycombed series of ducts and channels. The gas from the digester readily passes up through the ducts and through the outlet to the service connection. The ducts formed by the aluminum strips are of such a depth and cross section that a flame cannot pass through them, but gas is able to pass with little head loss. A spring actuated thermal valve will automatically close if sufficient heat is developed to melt the thermal release, shutting off the gas supply. A feeler pin is also provided to check the condition of the thermal unit. 13-21 Flame traps should be serviced every three months by valving off the gas and pulling out the cartridge. A build-up of scale, salts from condensate and residue on the element could restrict the gas flow. Sewage Gas Meters Two gas recorders and meters measure and record the volume of digester gas produced and the amount used by the boiler. Both gas flow meters measure the differential pressure across an orifice plate located at these two places. Sediment Accumulators The sediment accumulators serve to keep the gas lines free from scale and other solid impurities and also service to remove condensate normally encountered in sludge gas lines. These units have a capacity of five gallons for accumulated sediment which may be emptied by removing a drain plug located at the bottom of the unit. They also have a capacity for five gallons of accumulated condensate. Each unit is equipped with a drip trap to remove the condensate. Drip Traps - Condensate Traps Digester gas is quite wet and in traveling from the heated tank to a cooler temperature the water condenses. The water must be trapped at low points in the system and removed, or it will impede gas flow and cause damage to equipment and interfere with gas utilization. The drip or condensate traps are manually operated with a mechanically interlocked inlet and outlet connection so that both cannot be open at the same time. Pilot Line Flame Cell The flame cell installed on the pilot line to the waste gas burner consists of a cover casting with a flame element composed of an aluminum foil flame -resistant unit designed to prevent the passage of flame. The flame cell is capable of passing the gas required for the pilot lights. Waste Gas Burner The waste gas burner is used to burn the excess gas from the digestion system and is on the roof of the primary digester 13-22 building. The burner consists of a pilot and ignition chamber and a pipe pedestal, support the burner. The burner also has gas nozzle and shutoff valve. The burner adjustable air inlet shutter. flame ring, a mixing about six feet high.to a stainless steel pilot is equipped with an The waste gas,burner has a continuous pilot flame, so that any excess gas will pass through the gas regulator and be burned. The pilot flame should be checked daily to be sure that it has not been blown out by wind. If the pilot is out, gas will.be vented to the atmosphere creating an odorous and potentially explosive condition. The pilot is accessible for inspection and lighting from the outside. The waste gas burner also has an electric ignitor. The ignitor consists of an electrode trough and control box. The ignitor can be operated automatically or manually. With the selector switch on "auto", sparking of the electrodes occurs by means of the adjustable timer cams at intervals of three to thirty-seconds per minute. With the selector switch on "hand", continuous sparking of the electrodes will occur. The ignitor should be operated in the automatic mode. Figure 13-8 contains a schematic of the sewage gas piping system. Sludge Dewatering Digested sludge from the digester is pumped to the sludge drying beds for dewatering. This combination of open and covered beds provides maximum usage of the drying facilities. For example, open beds evaporate cake moisture faster than the covered beds under favorable weather conditions, while the covered beds enable a greater number of sludge drawings per year because of the protection from the snow and rain. The sludge drying bed media consists of 8 inches of coarse sand, 4 inches of pea gravel, 15 inchesmaximum of washed gravel and 9 -inches maximum of clean compacted fill. Underdrain piping is imbedded in the drying bed media. For the covered beds, a PVC liner separates the above media from the existing clay soil on the site. The filtrate from the covered beds flows through the underdrain pipe by gravity to an existing filtrate manhole, the filtrate from the opened beds flows, also, by gravity to the existing filtrate manhole. 13'-23 WASTE GAS BURNER - i FROM FLEXIBLE PIPING CONNECTION SEWAGE GAS PIPING DRIP TRAP (TO SUMP) I C Fr 1 4 UNIT DESIGN AND DESCRIPTION SLUDGE BED NO. 1 Type: Covered Size: 2 bays @ 23.0' x 48.0' each Area: 2208 S.F. Volume: 1,479 C.F. Surface: Clean Coarse Sand Drain: Perforated PVC underdrain SLUDGE BED NO. 2 Type: Uncovered Size: 4 bays @ 24.25' x 59.25' each Area: 5747.25 S.F. Volume: 3,851 C.F. Surface: Clean Coarse Sand Drain: Perforated PVC underdrain OPERATION AND CONTROL Sludge/Scum Removal The scum in the primary and final settling tanks is collected by a skimmer attached to the sludge collector mechanisms. Sludge in the primary and final settling tanks is collected in the sludge hopper at the bottom.of each tank and flows by gravity to the sludge/scum wet well. Normal Operation Sludge/scum removal from the primary and final tanks is a daily operation. Sluge1scum should be pumped from the wet well to the digester periodically depending upon the amount of sludge/scum, odor and the weather. During the winter the sludge/scum should be pumped at least once a day to prevent 13-25 freezing. During the summer every other day should be adequate, if odor is -not a problem. When pumping sludge/scum to the digester, the digester sludge recirculation system should be operating to mix hot digester sludge with the scum in the pipea The mixing of the sludge/scum with the heated sludge results, in a rise in temperature of the scum. This rise in temperature helps to: 1. Prevent a scum blanket from forming in the digester. 2. Prevent the scum from balling and clogging the pipes. 3. Reduce the chance of sudden shock overload of the digester. The sludge/scum is pumped from the wet well into a 4 inch line to the digester. Before pumping sludge/scum to the digester, heated sludge from the digester should be recirculated through the heat exchanger line if necessary and back to the primary digester. There are float switches located in the sludge/scum wet well which activate the ON/OFF operation of the scum pump. Alternate Operations Removing Sludge/Scum from Wet Well Under normal condition, the sludge/scum pump will be activated by the float switches, which areas follows: High Level Alarm ®- 11.80 Pump On Level 10.70 Pump Off Level -- 8.20 The level in the sludge/scum well should be checked daily to ensure that -the float switches are operating properly. The scum may -tend to coat the float switches, which should be hosed off periodically as required. If required, the scum box at the clarifiers should be hosed down to assist the, removal of scum. 1. -Check that all valves are in their proper position. See Figures 13-5 and 13-6 and Table 1'3-1,to pump to the primary digester. 2. Recirculate sludge from the digester. Once per day lift open the checkered steel plate over the sludge/scum wet well. Observe the scum level in the wet well. If required hose down scum pit to ease scum flow. 13-26 3. Start sludge/scum pump. 4. Continue pumping for about four minutes then stop the pump. The pit should not be pumped dry because this can air bind the pump. 5. The pit can be hosed down -to clean it. The excess water is also pumped to the digester. 6. Let circulation pump run for a -few minutes longer to clear pipes of scum, then turn heat exchanger off. T. Reset valves to normal positions (see Figures 13-5, 13-6 and Table 13-1). Routine Surveillance and Housekeeping 1. The sludge/scum pump should be visually checked for oil leaks before starting -and immediately after for unusual noises. If either occur, the unit should be shut down at once and the cause found and -corrected® 2. 'Change oil at six month --intervals for reduction gear motor. 3. Keep -scum trough and surrounding area clean. The scum can be cleaned -with a brush and hot water. 4. Check that the scum layer is removed'properly from both. the primary and final settling tanks. Anaerobic Sludge Digestion Normal Operation An anaerobic sludge digester is operating properly when the rate of acid formation and methane fermentation are approximately equal: Otherwise the reaction would be out of balance. The most common-condition'of inbalance occurs when the methane fermenters, which are sensitive anaerobes, fail to -keep pace with the acid forming microorganisms and the,digester becomes acid. Effective mixing -of incoming sludge with the contents of the digester is necessary to provide all working -organisms with their essential food supply -and to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the digester. Mixing is accomplished by recirculating gas, given off at the surface, through diffusers near the bottom of the digester. The digester may be operated in one of three temperature zones or ranges, each of which has, its own particular type of 13-27 bacteria. The Scavenger Waste digester operates in the middle range encouraging growth of organisms called the mesophilic bacteria. The temperature range tolerated by this bacteria is between 68-113 deg. F, more commonly between 95 and 98 deg. F. Digestion at this temperature may take from 5 to 50 days, but normally from 25 to 30 days. The temperature of the digesting sludge should be recorded so that both short -and -long-term fluctuations and trends may be observed and recorded. Digester temperature should never change more than 1 deg. F per day. The same temperature should be maintained at all levels of the primary digester. The pH in the -digester should be kept between 6.8 and 7.4 with the ideal pH at 7.0. At a pH of 7.0 the microorganisms are the most effective in digesting the sludge. If the pH falls below 6.8 those microorganisms of the second stage of digestion will prevail. They will produce gas high in carbon dioxide, foul smells and scum. If the pH should go above 7.4 those organisms producing methane gas will start to become inactive. At the pH level of 8.0 very little digestion will take place and, at a pH of 9.0 digestion will cease. As mentioned earlier in this manual, lime (and-FeC13) is -used in the chemical coagulation and flocculation process. The. addition of lime increases the pH and alkalinity of the waste. - Lime treatment takes place between a pH of 9.0 to 11.5. Acid neutralization is used ahead of the RBD units to lower the pH. If the pH levels in the primary digester are consistantly high, the operator should try one of the following: 1. Reduce the amount of lime used. 2. Increase the amount of acid used. (This will not be as effective as. step 1, since the acid addition only impacts the secondary clarifier sludge). 3. A combination of both of the above. The volatile acids content of digesting sludge is quite possibly the best indicator of digester condition. Proper operating levels will vary depending on raw sludge feed characteristics, the loading and detention time provided in design, the degree of digestion allowable in the facility, and the method of -testing. Generally, the volatile acids concentrations should be kept below 500 mg/L. The volatile acid/alkalinity ratio also has been used as a control index. When the ratio exceeds 0.8, pH depression and inhibition of methane production -occurs, the process is failing. Increases above 0.3 to 0.4 indicate upset and the necessity for corrective action. 13-28 Digester Efficiency. Volatile solids of the raw .sludge is a basic measure of the organic load on a digester. When this data is combined with the volatile solids content of the digested sludge, the efficiency of the digester, expressed as percent reduction of volatile acids, can be obtained. Figure 13- 9 presents a graphical method. The following equation also can be used: Percent Reduction Volatiles - Volatiles Volatile Solids =: In Out -------------------------- Volatiles - (Volatiles x Volatiles ) In ( In Out). It usually is considered that -a minimum of about 45 percent reduction of volatile solids is required. Figure 13- 9 and the above equation assume the non-volatile solids in the raw sludge remain unchanged during digestion. This is not precisely true, but the relation is calculated easily and affords an excellent control procedure for following the progress of digestion. Normally digested sludge is pumped to the sludge drying beds. by use of the sludge transfer pumps. Alternate Operation When the digester has to be taken out of service, its contents can be removed as indicated below: Figure 13-7 and Table 13-2 show the valving associated with draining the digester. This operation would only be done if it is necessary to empty a digester for cleaning or repair. Alternately the digested sludge flows into the overflow sample line and through the 6 inch transfer line to the effluent wet well. This occurs when sludge is pumped to and displaces the digested sludge into the overflow sampling pipe. Before draining the digester the steps to be followed are: L. Stop feeding sludge./scum to the digester. 2. Shut off gas mixer. 3. After gas production has decreased to less than 10a of normal production, the digester should be isolated from the gas system and vented to the atmosphere. Venting should be -by the positive opening -of the pressure relief valve, properly and securely cocked open. 13-29 Start Up The following steps should -be followed before placing a digester in operation. 1. Close all gas lines to the digestion tank to be started up. 2. Check all sludge, water and gas lines for leaks. Any repairs needed are made much more easily before sludge is added. 3. Fill the tank and all sludge lines with waste or water and check for leaks. 4. Start the heating system and operate long enough to be sure it is operating properly., 5. Check all seals to see that they are in working order. Two start up procedures are given: one for starting a digester with seed, the other for starting using lime addition. The preferred procedure is to use seed for faster starting. Only use the second procedure if seed is not available. tank. Starting a Digester With Seed from an existing digester 1. These procedures are recommended either for starting a new digester or for restarting a "sour" one. However, if an existing "sour" digester is to be restarted, it is recommended that the contents be removed completely. 2. Fill the digester with fresh raw scavenger waste from the sludge wet well. Water may also be used. 3. Heat the scavenger waste or water to 95 deg. F and maintain temperature with + 3 deg. F throughout the starting process. 4. The seeding culture from a nearby sewage treatment plant will hasten the start up. The quantity of -seed needed to start a digester tank is equal to about 15 percent of the total volume of the tank. This is 9900 gallons for the digester at this plant. 5. The amount of new raw sludge to be added per day is made on two assumptions: 13-31 Assumption No. 1 - The digester at the nearby sewage treatment plant is working properly and can supply the necessary amount of seed to the primary digester at the scavenger waste treatment facility.: Proper working conditions include: 1. pH between 6.8 and 7.2. 2. Volatile acid is less than -1000 mg/L.. 3. Alkalinity is 2-10 times the volatile acids. 4. Volatile acid/alka-linity relationship is b'etween'0.1 and 0.5. Assumption No. 2 - The daily volatile solids loading of new and raw sludge to the digester will not overload -the digester.- A safe loading to start with is between 0.03 and 0.10 pounds of new volatile solids to be added per day per pounds of volatile solids under digestion. Using this method, the calculated amount.of raw sludge/scum able to be fed into the primary digester. i -s 132 gallons per day. A better approach is to determine how much of a strain the working'digester can take, use the remaining,volume of raw sludge as the initial load to the -starting digester and then calculate the volume of seed sludge needed for that initial load.. To calculate the amount of seed needed it is necessary to first know the gallons of sludge/scum produced by the primary and final settling tanks. Example: Assume 4!� solids for the combined primary and final sludge and 45% volatile,solids Volatile material = (volume of sludge, gpd) x (solids, %) pumped x (volatile, %) x (8.33 lbs/gal) (lbs/day) = 4,500(.04) (.45) (8.33) 675 lbs/day Note® The values used in the exemplary equations on these pages are estimates only and should be revised to 13-32 reflect actual conditions experienced. The values such as quantity of sludge/scum should be measured, and the solids and volatile solids content can be determined using laboratory procedures.. To find the pounds of seed necessary choose a ratio of pounds per day raw sludge to pounds seed sludge between the range of .03 to -.10. A commonly used ratio is .05 and will be used here.. 0.05 675 lbs/day ----------------- 1 seed sludge- ( lbs . ) Seed sludge (lbs.) _-13,500 lbs,: Find the gallons of seed sludge needed (seed sludge, lbs.) Seed sludge (gal.) --------------------------- (9 lbs. /gal. ) (solids o) (volatile %) 13,500 lbs. -------------- 9 (.10)(.30) 50,00.0 gallons. Therefore, the amount -of seed sludge needed to seed.•'the, primary digester is 50,000 gallons. Depending on the amount -of seed needed it.may take from 3 to 9' days to supply the primary digester.. 6. Recirculate primary digester contents,daily. The recirculation -speeds the digestive process by mixing_ the new raw sludge with the seed.. Once the digester is producing gas, the gas mixing -unit should -be turned on. This -will mix digester contents better. 7. The initial feed rate can be.increased once.the primary- digester.has reached the operating criteria as outlined in step 5. The most important condition is the -volatile acid/alkalinity relationship. When this is between 0.1 and 0.5 the primary digester is in a well balanced operating condition. The daily feed rate can then be increased 50 to 100 percent per day until the total daily sludge.production is pumped to the digester. The volatile acid/alkalinity relationship should be determined daily after the new thickened sludge has been seeded 13-33 and mixed. During the start-up period thickened sludge should always be mixed with recirculated sludge from the digester. If the volatile acid/alkalinity ratio starts to go above 0.5, corrective measures must be taken to prevent the digester from going "sour". Corrective measures include: 1. Reducing the daily feed rate. 2. Adding.more seed from another digester. 3. Maintain temperature at 90 deg. F. 4. Improve mixing by: a. gas mixing b. recirculation 5. Adding lime in controlled amounts. 8. Digestion will be established between 30 to 40 -days. Using Lime to Start a Digester. The recovery of a sour digester or the start of a new one - can be accelerated by neutralizing the organic,acids with lime or by transferring alkalinity in the digested sludge from -the secondary digester.. Neutralization increases the pH to a.level suitable for growth of. -the methane fermenters and provides buffering to help maintain the required volatile acids/alkalinity relationship and -pH. When neutralizing a digester, the quantity of lime must be carefully calculated. Too little will be ineffective, and too much is both toxic to the digester and wasteful. An accurate method in calculating the proper -dosage is to add sufficient lime to neutralize 100 percent of the volatile acids in the digester liquor. The following example illustrates the lime additions necessary for different volatile acid concentrations. Example: Volatile acids in the primary digester = 1,400 mg/L. Find an equivalent amount of lime Ca(OH') to neutralize it. 2 (Volatile acids expressed as acetic acid). Reaction: Acetic Acid + Calcium hydroxide = Calcium acetate + water 13-34 2C H 0 + Ca(OH) = Ca (C H 0 ) + 2H 0 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 Molecular Weights 120 74 Ratio of molecular weights = 158 36 Lime 74 _ --- = 0.62.. Acetic Acid 120 Lime Required = 0.62 (Volatile Acids Concentration X Tank Vol. x Conversion Factor) 0.62 (1400 mg/L. X 0.0659 M.G. X 8.34 lbs./gal.) = 477 lbs. lime required Gallons of Chemlime Required Using Chemline with Ca(OH) of 35% solids 2 Lime solution has 35 percent solids content of which 95 percent is Ca(OH) 2 477 lbs... lime Chemlime (gals.) _ -------------- (0.35),(0.95)(8.34 lbs./gal.) These procedures can be used to start a new digester or to restart a sour one. It usually is not considered necessary to empty the sour sludge for this process in restarting a unit. 1. For a new digester, fill the tank with scavenger waste and bring the temperature up to about 95 deg. F. Maintain this temperature +/- 3 deg. F until digestion is established. For a sour digester, follow the same procedure until digestion is again established. 2. When thickened sludge is added, also add hydrated lime. The raw sludge feed would probably be less than the design load at first, but full loads are usually possible within 30 to 40 days. This method also has.been used with full sludge loads from the start. 3. When a mass of "sour" sludge already exists in a restarting situation, lime should be added to bring 13-35 the pH up to 6.8 to 7.0 prior to addition of more thickened sludge. 4. During the -daily feeding of raw sludge, use just enough lime to maintain the pH at 6.8 to 7.0. It is important that mixing be complete so that false low pH readings will not result in excess lime addition. Lime should be added in slurry form. The lime can be added at the sludge or scum wet.well and pumped to the digester and mixed with the digestion tank contents in the combined sludge and scum line using the recirculation PUMP. 5. Recirculate the sludge mass daily. The entire tank contents should be overturned from bottom to top. 6. Keep a constant check on the pH at as many points in the tank as is possible so that it is reasonably certain that the 6.8 to 7.0 range is maintained throughout the sludge mass. 7. Digestion usually is established within 30 to 40 days. However, if too much lime was used, many upsets can occur over a period of several months. Starting a Digester Without Seed. The same procedure as outlined in the section on starting a digester with seed is to be used except there are no seed additions. The difference between starting'a digester without seed is the time involved. The digester without seed will take from 60-100 days to start. Table 13-3 contains a list of units and location of controls for various equipment with the Primary Digester Building. Routine Surveillance Items listed below are provided to help the operator keep the digestion tank in a healthy condition. Daily A. Thickened Sludge Pump 1. Record thickened sludge volume pumped in past 24 hours, taken from counter. 2. Check pumps for proper operation (check motor, pump, packing, suction, and discharge pressures while pump is operating) . 13-36 TABLE 13-3 UNITS, LOCATIONS.AND CONTROLS LOCATION TYPE OF UNIT OF CONTROL CONTROL REMARKS Sludge Recirculation MCC -DA HOA Hand -Off -Automatic Pump # 1 Digested Sludge MCC -DA CS' On/Off Control Switch Pump # 1 Digested Sludge MCC -DB CS On/Off Control Switch Pump # 2 Sludge Recirculation MCC -DB HOA Hand -Off -Automatic Pump #2 Gas Recirculation MCC -DB FSO Fast -Slow -Off Compressor 13-37 3. Check--sludge line valve positions.. B. Recirculated Digester Sludge 1. Check temperature of recirculated sludge. 2. Check boiler and heat exchanger temperatures and pressures. 3. Check boiler and-heat exchanger operation. 4. Check recirculated sludge pump operation (check motor, pump,,packing, suction-and discharge pressures while pump is.operating) C. Digesters 1. Drain gas line condensate traps and sedimentation trap. 2. Record floating cover position. 3. Read gas meters.. 4. Check operation of mixing equipment. 5. Check temperatures. Weekly A. Sludge and Gas System Valves Exercise all sludge and gas system valves by opening and closing. B. Lubricate Equipment Monthly A. Scum Blanket Check digester for scum blanket build-up. B. Digester Structure Examine digester structure for cracks and possible gas leaks. C. Gas Piping System Inspect gas piping system for leaks. 13-38 D. Clean gas recirculation system flame arrester. Quarterly A. Gas Safety Device Clean and check digester gas safety devices. Semiannually A. Clean and refill gas manometers-. B. Flush and refill digester dome water seals. Three to Eight Years A. Clean and Repair Digester Dewater digester and clean out, repair and paint as required. Daily Procedures for Operation Feeding Thickened sludge is fed to the digesters twice a day. The thickened sludge should be pumped for two hours in the morning and two hours at the end of the day. Digester Mixing The gas mixing system has controls on the mixers to program a predetermined discharge period through each of the discharge wells in sequence. Sequencing is controlled by relay actuated by a pulse timer, with adjustable time cycle, which will reset at the expiration of the time period to the next well in sequence. A permanent nameplate with operation instructions is mounted on the housing. Recirculation The two recirculation pumps in the sludge digester building are manually operated by a HAND -OFF -AUTO switch and two ON-OFF switches located on the sludge heat exchanger control panel. The OFF -ON, switches control which pump will be ON and which will be STANDBY. Only one of these switches should be ON at a time and they should be alternated weekly to equalize pump wear. Once the ON pump has been selected the HAND -OFF -AUTO switch will control the daily operation of the pumps. In the.HAND position the selected pump will run until it is manually shut-off. To use the 13-39 AUTO position, the. -timer located inside the control cabinet-, must be set for the desired running time. The pump will then automatically shut off after the number of hours set on the timer have elapsed. Sampling The pH should be determined daily and the volatile acids and. alkalinity weekly. The pH should be between 6.8 and 7.2. The volatile acids, should be.below 600 mg/L and the volatile acid/ alkalinity relationship should be between 0.1 and 0.5. The sample slop sink located next to the primary digester in the primary digester building has sampling taps.for the primary digester at three elevations for obtaining samples at different levels in the tank. The levels are: Elevation 18.50 Elevation 2.0.50 Elevation 22.50 When collecting digester sludge samples the sludge should be allowed to flow to clean the line out to make sure that you are getting a proper sample and not some sludge that has been left.in the line. Alarms Instrumentation and Alarms: On an instrument panel located in the Digester building are two indicators,_ the liquid level and cover position indicators. The dial type liquid level indicator consists of a circular dial 12 inches in diameter with a scale calibrated in increments of feet and inches. The function of the liquid level indicator is to show the level of sludge in the digester tank at all times. The cover position indicator also has a circular dial 12 inches in diameter with a scale calibrated in increments of feet and inches for the full travel of the Gas Holder Cover Dial. The cover position indicator is provided with a low level alarm consisting of a horn and red. warning lights which automatically sound -and light when the gas holder. is lowered to within 6 inches of the landing brackets. A high level alarm with a horn and a green warning light will automatically sound and light when the gas holder is raised to the overflow level. A pushbutton is provided on the instrumentation panel for silencing the horn. However, the warning light will remain lit until the cover position moves out of the alarm position. 13-40 Housekeeping Good housekeeping can and has prevented many accidents. Have a place for your tools and equipment. When they are not being used, see that they are kept in their proper place. Clean up all spills of oil, grease, scavenger waste, sludge, etc. Keep walkways and work areas clean. Provide proper containers for wastes, oily rags, papers,_ etc. Empty these frequently. A clean plant will reduce the possiblity of physical injuries and infections. Troubleshooting Table 13-4 contains guides for correcting process malfunctions and a variety of common operating problems which could occur during the treatment of the waste stream and -the production, handling and disposal of the solids accumulated during the waste treatment process. Sewage Gas System Operation The gas produced in the digester will be used to the maximum extent possible in the boiler. If this unit is not running, the gas will be stored under the floating digester cover. After the. maximum storage level is reached, excess gas will be burned in the waste gas burner on top of the digestion control building. The gas system is controlled by pressure control valves in the system. The pressure and vaccum relief valve on top of primary digester will be activated if the pressure in the digester rises to 11 inches w.c. or drops to 2 inches w.c. Another pressure relief valve, before the flame trap on the waste gas burner piping opens when the pressure in the system reaches 12.5 inches w.c. The floating'cover has a range of 3 feet from minimum gas storage. As the cover moves through its range, the gas -pressure in the tank will remain -fairly constant at its normal working pressure of 9.5 inch w.c. When the cover is at maximum storage, any additional gas production will start to pick the concrete ballast ring out of the liquid. This will result in an immediate pressure increase to 10.5 inch w.c. that opens the valve to the waste gas burner preventing the water seal of the cover from being broken. If the pressure relief valve on the waste burner line fails to operate the pressure will continue to rise and the pressure 13-41 (1) Problem Indicators Monitoring, Analysis and/or Inspections Corrective Measures (2) Problem Indicators Monitoring, Corrective Measures TABLE 13-4 SLUDGE DIGESTION TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE - Foam in Digester - Foam discharged from upper level supernatant lines (a) Determine total and volatile solids of sludge being pumped to digester and volume pumped. - (b) Determine pH of digester contents. (c) Check digester temperature daily. (d) Monitor withdrawal rate of sludge from digester. (e) Check digester mixing program and effectiveness of mixing equipment. (a) Maintain digester pH between 6.8 and 7.4 and volatile acid/alkalinity ratio below 0.2 by adding lime. (b) Reduce or discontinue pumping raw sludge to digester. (c) Maintain digester temperature at 95 deg. F. (d) Attempt to thoroughly mix digester by increasing gas recirculation and pumping tank contents. (e) Break up scum layers. (f) Add digester sludge from secondary digester. - Low Reduction of Volatile Solids in Digester - Volatile reduction calculates to less than 50%. - (a) Determine total solids of digested sludge and/or raw sludge being pumped to digester. (b) Monitor solids loading, to digester daily. (c) Monitor solids withdrawal from digester. (d) Determine volatile acid/alkalinity ratio and pH of digested sludge. (e) Monitor digester gas production. (a) If total or volatile solids daily loading to digester exceeds design loading, reduce the amount of sludge pumped to the digester daily. 13-42 (3) Problem Indicators Monitoring, Analysis and/or Inspection Corrective Measures (4) Problem Indicators Monitoring, Analysis and/or Inspection Corrective Measures CONT°D TABLE 13-4 SLUDGE DIGESTION TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (b) Keep digester tempertature at 95 deg. F (c) Raw sludge pumped to digester should contain more than 50% volatile solids. (d) Recirculate and mix digester contents. (e) Prolong periods of withdrawing digested sludge until volatile reduction is abov 50%. (f) Lower volatile acid/alkalinity ratio and raise pH above 6.5 by adding lime to digester. Scum Blanket in Tank - (a) Decrease in digester gas production. (a) Core blanket through digester sampling wells to determine thickness. (b) Check digester temperature. (c) Check daily digester gas production. (d) Determine gallons of scum pumped to digester daily. (a) Run digester gas mixing system continuously while increasing digester temperature up to 100 deg. F or 105 deg. F with the incremental increases.not to exceed 1 deg. F per day. - Increase in Volatile Acid/Alkalinity Ratio in Digester. - (a) Drop in digester gas production. (a) Determine volatile acid, alkalinity and pH of digested sludge at least twice daily. (b) Check digester temperature. (c) Check pH of raw sludge pumped to digester. (d) Check mixing in digester. (a) If digester pH is below 6.5, add lime to digester. (b) If volatile acid/alkalinity ratio is greater than 4.0, decrease or discontinue feeding digester and add lime. 13-43 CONT'D TABLE 13-4 SLUDGE DIGESTION TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (c) Do not feed digester raw sludges with pHs lower than 6.8- (d) Maintain digester temperatures at 92 deg. F to 95 deg. F. (e) If possible, transfer sludge with low volatile acid/alkalinity ratio content from another digester to affected digester. (f) Keep contents of digester well mixed. (g) Decrease sludge withdrawal rates from digester. 13-44 relief valve on top of the cover will open at 11 inch w.c. and release the gas to the air. The gas that is vented is highly combustible and special care must he taken not to ignite this gas. If the digester gas being utilized by the boiler is greater than the amount being produced by the digesters, the cover will fall as the stored gas is utilized. If the cover falls to 8 inches above the landing ledge; a valve opens and only oil is fed to the boiler. If the cover continues to drop to 4 inches above the landing ledge a low level alarm will sound on the Instrument Control Panel in the Primary Digester Building. If the cover seats on the corbels and the pressure continues�to drop to 2 inches w.c., the vacuum relief valve will open -and allow air to. enter the digesters. Normal Operation Gas flows through a sediment accumulator with a drip trap mounted on the digester and the gas passes through a gas meter with a plug valve on both sides. Gas is burned in either the boiler or the waste gas burner. The gas will go to the boiler if it is operating. If the boiler is not being used and the gas pressure reaches 10.5 inches w.c., gas will flow to the waste gas burner. The gas flowing to the waste gas burner,goes through a plug valve, pressure relief valve, and a flame trap with drip trap at the low point before it reaches the burning unit. As the gas flows to the boiler drip trap, plug valve, gas meter, a a drip trap at the low point. Alternate Operation it will go through another strainer and flame trap with The gas system is equipped with bypass lines to enable the operator to take most of the equipment out of service for a short time without inhibiting the gas flow system. When taking any gas unit out of operation, the greatest care must be taken not to have any sparks or flames` in the area. There may be some highly combustible gas left in the unit. The bypass, valves are to be opened first before isolating a unit to prevent increasing pressure within the system and opening pressure relief valves. 13-45 Gas Utilization Normal Operation The gas compressor located in the Sewage Gas Piping room of the Primary Digester Building automatically draws digester gas from the digester cover. The digester gas is then filtered and metered. Excess gas is diverted to the waste gas burner. The required volume of digester gas is metered again and discharged to the heat exchange unit where it is used as a fuel to heat the water. It is anticipated that enough digester gas will be produced at the plant to meet the hot water heating requirements. If not, alternate operation procedures should be initiated. Alternate Operation Stable operation requires daily heating of the digesting sludge if 95 deg. F is to be maintained. Heating time will vary with outside temperature. Recirculated sludge is to be mixed with thickened sludge, and scum during pumping of the sludge or scum to the digester. Heating of recirculated sludge is dependent on the sludge temperature which also varies. with outside temperature. With the gas holder cover at maximum elevation, about two hours of heater burning time is available and it takes about four hours to refill. Therefore, heating sludge should be on a cycle of the first two hours in the morning and an off period with restarting the sludge heating in accordance with the following schedule. The boiler uses digester gas and/or fuel oil depending on the availability of digester gas. For maximum use of the digester gas, the heating of sludge should be performed as a guide on the following basis when the sludge heating requirement is less than eight hours per day. Heating Time Boiler On Boiler Off 7 hours 8 AM to 10 AM 11 AM to 4 PM 10 AM to 11 AM 6 hours 8 AM to 10 AM Noon to. 4 PM 10 AM to Noon 5 hours 8 AM to 10 AM 1 PM to 4 PM 10 AM to 1 PM 4 hours 8- AM to 10 AM 2 AM to 4 PM 10 AM to 2 AM 3 hours 8 AM to 10 AM 3 AM to 4 PM 10 AM to 3 AM These charts and tables are an estimate and the operator should keep careful observation of the digester thermometer when heating sludge. It is recommended that the operator keep accurate records of digester gas usage and heating times and modify the schedule above accordingly. 13-46 Safety Ch Because of the highly combustible and explosive nature of the gases associated with sludge digestion, special precautions are absolutely necessary. The design of sludge digestion tanks and gas control equipment includes pressure relief valves, flame traps and other precautionary devices to minimize the possibility of an explosive mixture of gases. In addition all electric motors, switches and lighting fixtures are explosion proof and no substitute for this construction type should be -allowed for any reason in the future. For reasons of safety, the gas system controls should be given a high priority on-maintanance scheduling.. All gas piping and appurtenances should be checked periodically for gas leaks by use of'a combustible gas indicator and probe tube. Leak check points should include piping joints, gas valve stems, drip trap ports, pressure relief devices and flame traps. If the combustible gas meter is not available for any reason, a soap solution may be brushed over possible leak areas under pressure, so that leaks will be detected by bubbling. Theodor of sludge gas cannot be depended upon to indicate leaks. Serious leaks can exist even though the gas odor is not strong. The following precautions should be completely understood by all operating,personnel: 1.. No smoking or use of any open flame within Primary Digestion Building or on digestion tank roofs should be permitted. 2. Only nonsparking tools should be used in the sludge digestion area. 3. If exhaust fans in the Primary Digestion Building are not running, they should be operated manually when personnel enter the building. 4. No use of ungrounded electrical tools can be allowed in restricted area. While combustion may occur at lower concentrations, the greatest hazard results when a mixture of air and sludge gas produces 5 to 15 percent methane by volume. In this range, the mixture is very explosive. Therefore, sludge withdrawal from the primary digester should be carried out only when new sludge or scum is being added, to avoid creating a vacuum which will cause air to be drawn into a digester through the vacuum relief valve. Similaryly, special precautions must be observed during dewatering of a digester to prevent the formation of explosive mixtures. 13-47 Prior to personnel entering a digester for inspection, repair or cleaning, the following precautions should be taken: 1. A qualified individual should test the interior of the tank for the presence of any toxic, explosive or oxygen deficient condition. 2. A mechanical means of fresh air circulation must be provided and must be in operation at all times that men are in the tank. 3. All electrical disconnects on gas mixing equipment must be locked out and tagged. 4. All piping leading into the tank from other tanks for sludge or gas transfer should be blanked off as well as valved off. 5. At least two men should be•stationed at the entrance to observe the men inside the tank and to render any other assistance that may be required of them. 6. Personnel must be trained in the use of breathing apparatus, safety equipment and first aid procedures. 7. Self contained breathing equipment, safety harnesses, and a method of sounding an alarm should be located at the entrance. 8. After any break in the work, the tank atmosphere should be retested. System Maintenance Digester gas, as it exists from the tank, can contain grease aerosols. These aerosols will tend to accumulate on the inside of the digester gas system piping. If allowed to accumulate, reduced gas flow or blockage of the line can result. Therefore, in addition to the normal maintenance precedures as described in Chapter 18, cleaning of the interior of the gas system piping may at times be required. Cleaning of the gas piping can be accomplished by first isolating that section of the piping to be cleaned. It should be remembered that a suitable safe bypass for the gas must be provided during the cleaning operation. When the piping has been isolated, hose down to thoroughly rinse out any grease accumulations. After cleaning, the isolated section is reconnected to the gas system and all connections are checked for leaks. 13-48 SLUDGE DEWATERING Normal Operation During normal operations the digested sludge is pumped from the digester to the sludge beds. This is accomplished by opening the sludge withdrawal line and the valve to the appropriate sludge drying bed. During the winter months, at the completion of each sludge withdrawal cycle, the 8 -inch line to the bed should be flushed with water under pressure to dilute the sludge remaining in the line. Enough liquid should be drained to insure that the vertical discharge piping at the beds is empty and not subject to freezing. At the entrance of each sludge bed there is a distribution box which directs the sludge to either bay of the sludge bed where it will flow across the bed seeking its own level. The sludge will dry most efficiently if it is spread to a depth not greater than ten inches. After the sludge has been placed on the bed, some water will seep out and flow to the sand drain and into the 8 -inch PVC perforated drain pipe. This water flows back to the filtrate manhole of the existing Village of Greenport treatment plant. The major portions of the drying, however, will occur through evaporation. Under good weather conditions the dewatering process will take one to two weeks, but wet or damp weather can extend the time to four or five weeks. PROCEDURE FOR WITHDRAWING SLUDGE. The amount of sludge that can be withdrawn from the primary digester to the drying beds will depend upon the amount of gas in storage and whether the digester gas is being used by the heat exchanger at the time of sludge withdrawal. Before withdrawing sludge, the gas holder cover position and the liquid level indicator should be checked at the control panel in the Primary Digester Building. The cover should be at least at E1. 25.33° before sludge is withdrawn from the primary digester. This will prevent the cover from resting on the corbel. The best time to withdraw sludge from the primary digester to the beds is in the morning because the gas storage should be at full capacity. The digester gas to the heat exchanger should be shut off at night before withdrawing sludge, as a precautionary measure, to ensure full capacity gas storage. 13®49 FILLING BEDS. During periods of foul weather, as in the winter or during rainy weather, Sludge Drying Beds No. 1 should be utilized as much as possible because it is covered and will have a quicker dewatering period than the uncovered bed. During periods of good weather, as in the summer, the sludge will dewater faster in the uncovered bed than in the other beds. This is because more water will evaporate due to the sun and winds if the bed is uncovered. Depending upon the weather conditions, the operator should try to utilize the appropriate beds. CLEANING, THE BEDS. Access to each bay of the sludge drying beds is through a 6 feet wide by 8 feet high over head door and ramp. The sludge is mechanically picked up by a small front end loader and loaded on a truck for final disposal. The sand above the drain pipe should be raked clean each time sludge is removed. The top inch of sand should also be removed to prevent -clogging of the sand by the sludge. When approximately 4 -inches of sand has.been removed it should then be replaced with clean sand. DRIED SLUDGE CHARACTERISTICS. A well dewatered sludge has a cracked spongy appearance when squeezed. It's moisture content should be no more than 60-70 percent. SCHEDULES. The amount of sludge withdrawn from the primary digester and the time at which it.is withdrawn depends upon the following factors: 1. The weather and its effect on the sludge drying time. 2. The position of the gas holder cover. 3. The availability of the drying bed. The gas holder cover should have enough available vertical movement to allow the sludge to be withdrawn without causing the -cover to hit the corbel. This requires that the water level in the primary digester be at the normal water level of El. 25.33'. All withdrawal of sludge should be stopped when the level reaches E1. 18.331. The 1.96 feet of sludge from the primary digester is equal to about 7200 gallons. This would fill one bay of one of the open beds to a depth of 8 -inches. At this depth the sludge will dewater quite readily. Additional sludge should never be put on drying sludge. 13-50 FINAL DISPOSAL. After being cleaned off the beds and loaded on the truck the dewatered sludge is disposed of at the Town landfill site. 13®51 CHAPTER 14: ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM PAGE NO. PURPOSE 14® 2 DESCRIPTION 14® 2 Wet Scrubbing 14® 2 UNIT DESIGN 14® 3 CONTROLS 14® 5. NOTES AND ADDENDA 14® 6 LIST OF FIGURES 14 ® 1 Odor Scrubber System Schematic 14® 4 14® 1 PURPOSE The principal source of odors for this treatment facility emanate from the grit building and the equalization tanks. In order to abate this problem, an odor scrubber has been provided in the Odor Control room of the treatment building. This scrubber permits contact between a scrubbing liquor and a gas stream containing gaseous contaminates (odors), resulting in the transfer (absorption) of the contaminant from the gaseous to a liquid phase. DESCRIPTION Wet Scrubbing Wet scrubbing is a process whereby soluble components in a gas mixture pass over and dissolve in a liquid. The process requires that the gas stream contact a very large surface of liquid so that the soluble component is efficiently absorbed. In the odor control applications considered herein, the malodorous gases are the soluble components, the exhaust air stream is the gas mixture and the liquid is one of several possible aqueous solutions. For this facility the chemical scrubbing system utilizes a packed tower with sodium hypochlorite (NaOC1). The packed tower is a vertical cylindrical shell fitted with air entry and exhaust ports, filled with packing material and provided with an internal spray header and mist eliminator. These packed tower scrubbers are generally of countercurrent design. The air stream enters from below the packing and flows upward while the solution is sprayed onto the top of the packing and flows downward. It is within the packing that•the necessary intimate contact of air and solution is achieved. Sodium hypochlorite is reported as being able to achieve the following removals of oxidizable odorous gases when other gas concentrations in the treated air are minimal: Hydrogen sulfide 980 Ammonia 98% Sulfur dioxide 95% Mercaptans 90% Other oxidizable compounds 70% to 90% The oxidation reactions between the hypochlorite and absorbed hydrogen sulfide produces sulfates, sulfur and salt (sodium chloride). When hydrogen sulfide concentrations are low relative to the available hypochlorite in the scrubbing solution, the sulfate reaction predominates. During heavy odor loads more sulfur is produced in the process. 14- 2 This odor control system provides on-site regeneration of the hypochlorite solutionm The regeneration equipment consists of electrolytic cells and a DC rectifier. About 0.5 pounds of brine and 2.5 kwh of power are needed to produce 1.0 pound of hypochlorite. Hypochlorite solution is relatively safe and easily handled even though it is corrosive. The basic components of the odor control system are as follows® 1. Electrolytic Module 2. Scrubber Tower and Tanks 3, Pumps 4. Exhaust Fans 5. Rectifier/Control Panel/Motor Control Center Figure 14-1 shows a schematic of the odor control system. UNIT DESIGN The system is designed to destroy odors in a 1,000 cfm gas stream containing oxidizable compounds having an average continuous oxidation demand equivalent to 20 ppm hyrogen sulfide (H2S) and is capable of generating a maximum of 29 lbs. of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) per day, equivalent to 0.78 lb. equivalents of oxidant per day. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM'DESIGN DATA Electrolytic Module Capacity Rectifier Operating Range Rating Scrubber Tower Capacity Size Brine Tank Capacity Size 14- 3 500 amps. 0 to 500 amps. 0 to 12 volts 460V, 3 phase, 60 Hz 1,000 cfm 2'-6" dia. x 8'-2" high 58 gallons 2'-0" dia® x 2'-10" high POTABLE WATER SUPPLY ELECTROLYTIC HYPOCHLORITE REGENERATOR POWER SUPPLY 11ZRECTIFIER i 0 a 0 i I mm FAN MALODOROUS �— AIR INLET RECYCLE PUMP CPJ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ui c m m G Brine Tank Mixer Rating - Circulating Pump Type Capacity Motor Rating Chemical Metering Pump Type Rating Exhaust Fans Motor Rating CONTROLS 115V, 1 phase, 60 Hz Centrifugal 25 gpm @ TDH 30 ft. TEFC 1 HP 460V, 3 phase, 60 Hz .Adjustable 115V, 1 phase, 50/60 Hz Explosion Proof 460V, 3 phase, 60 Hz The odor control unit contains STOP -START pushbuttons, a reset button, DC ammeter and voltmeter, with indicating lights for current on or overload cut out for the recycle pumps, caustic solution addition pump and the exhaust fan. The unit is also equipped with an automatic level control to automatically maintain an optimum solution level in the scrubber tower basin. A flow and temperature sensor located in the electrolytic cell discharge line automatically turns off the main rectifier power to the electrolytic cells when solution flows through the cells is insufficient or the temperature is too high. The exhaust fan motor starter automatically turns off the odor control system in the event of exhaust fan malfunction. The chemical metering pump is automatically ON-OFF operated to control the fluctuating pH. 14- 5 CHAPTER 15: ELECTRIC POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS GENERAL POWER SOURCE SYSTEMS CONTROL ALARMS ELECTRIC MOTORS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY ENGINE®GENERATOR SET NOTES AND ADDENDA LIST OF TABLES PAGE NO. 15® 2 15® 2 15® 2 15- 2 15® 4 15- 8 15® 8 15®17 PAGE NO. Table 15® 1 Emergency Procedures 15® 9 15- 2 General Troubleshooting Guide for Electric 15®13 Motors GENERAL This chapter of the manual describes the electrical system and gives instructions for its operation and maintenance. This system is also shown on the record drawings for Contract No. 4 -Electrical, which includes single line drawings, plans and details for power and lighting. Additional information is also available in the contract specifictions and approved shop drawings attached -as Appendix E. POWER SOURCE • Primary power is supplied to the facility by a Village of Greenport 400 AMP underground feeder from the Village service pole to metering enclosure located outside of the Treatment. Buildings. From here the secondary underground services are distributed to the MCC's and other electrical receptacles throughout the facility. SYSTEMS CONTROL ALARMS The following alarm systems are provided at this facility: UNIT Odor Control Unit Effluent Pumps Sludge/Scum Pumps Equilization Pumps Primary Clarifier Overload Secondary Clarifier Overload ALARM CONDITION Malfunction - High Level High Level High Level Over Torque. Over Torque These alarm conditions are connected to the annunciator panel located in the Treatment Building. Additional alarm conditions at the plant are discussed in the following sections of Chapter 13, Sludge and Scum Treatment Facilities; Anaerobic Sludge Digestion and Sludge Dewatering. Preventive Maintenance WARNING: NO MAINTENANCE WORK SHOULD BE,PERFORMED WITHIN THE ENCLOSURE OF ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT BY ANY PERSON WHO IS NOT A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN, EXCEPT AS CLEARLY SPECIFIED. Personnel who perform any maintenance procedures should record the fact in the appropriate plant records, with signature, date and comments as to actions taken, the reason for those actions and the results obtained. 15- 2 At least every six months, each electrical panelboard should be opened, visually inspected and cleaned. It is recommended that this work be done by an electrician. The circuit breaker'or switch of -the unit to be cleaned should be padlocked in the OFF or OPEN position for safety during the cleaning -process. WARNING: TAKE CARE NOT TO TOUCH ANY UNINSULATED CONNECTIONS INSIDE THE COMPARTMENT. LETHAL VOLTAGES MAY STILL BE PRESENT IF THE CONTROL CIRCUIT IS ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH A UNIT WHICH IS STILL ENERGIZED. Inspect for dust or dirt within the unit and remove with a vacuum cleaner. WARNING: THE,NOZZLE OF THE VACUUM CLEANER MUST BE OF A NON -CONDUCTING MATERIAL ONLY. After cleaning, inspect for evidence of overheating at connections and contacts,. shown by discoloration, and at the coils and wiring, shown by a burned appearance and a characteristic unpleasant odor. Check for any other deficiencies so they may be corrected by a qualified electrician. At least once each year, each panelboard should be deenergized, cleaned out and given an electrical inspection by a qualified electrician. To de -energize a particular panelboard or MCC, the following procedure is 'recommended: 1. Open the main circuit breaker for the desired panel - board (see Contract No. 4 -Electrical, record drawing, Control and Line Diagrams), padlock the circuit breaker on the OPEN position. 2. Cleaning and inspection as performed by the qualified electrician should include buswork, insulators, bus and terminal compartments, and each unit compartment. Remove all dirt and dust by wiping, brushing and vacuum cleaning. 3. Tighten all connections, both.electrical and mechanical, especially those of the buswork and wiring. Check all switches, starter and relay contacts and all electrical wiring, paying particular attention to any evidence of'overheading, misalignment, poor contact or other faults. Contacts or wiring found to be in poor condition should be repaird or replaced. 4. Before cleaning, and again after all cleaning, inspection and repairs have been completed, measure the insulation - 15- 3 resistance of the buswork and record the results in the plant maintenance record. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. 5. At least once each year, unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's instructions, lubricate each motor. Check the plant maintenance records to find the last lubrication period. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations as to frequency and amount of lubrication and use the specified grade and quantity of lubrication. 6. To restore normal power reverse the procedure described in 1 above. ELECTRIC MOTORS Semi-annually, all electic.motors should be examined for excessive accumulation of dirt, excessive heating and proper lubrication. If a motor is suspected of running overheated, the temperature should be measured by means of a thermometer. Should the temperature prove to be excessive, a check should be made to ensure that the bearings are adequately lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If excessive dirt is present on or in the motor, it should.be cleaned out as previously noted. Lubrication of bearings should be checked. Follow manufacturer's instructions as to the time between lubrications,. type of lubricant, and,procedure to be followed. DO NOT OVER -LUBRICATE. Excess oil will seep into windings,. and excess grease will cause overheating. When checking the oil level in large bearings, stop -the motor. Replace dirty oil or grease. On wick -oiled bearings, change the wicking at least once a year. At intervals of approximately one year, each electic motor' driving important equipment should be cleaned, lubricated and checked for overheating, insulation resistance and phase current balance. Where,manufacturer's maintenance instructions are available., the procedures outlined therein should be followed. The following general procedures may be used for guidance where - specific manufacturer's instructions are not available. The circuit°to the motor should be de -energized by opening its circuit breaker in the MCC or panelboard from which it is supplied. Padlock the circuit breaker in the OPEN position and tag it. 15- 4 Bearing lubrication of motors should be accomplished in accordance with manufactur:er's instructions when they are available.. Otherwise the following general procedures should be followed applicable® Sleeve Bearings Oil -ring Type Drain reservoir, refill to indicated level with type and grade of oil recommended by manufacturer (generally a good grade of engine oil, SAE #20). Check to be sure that oil -ring is free. Wood -packing Type Add oil slowly until packing is thoroughly saturated. When oil begins to flow out of the overflow hole near the bottom, the bearing is full. Use oil ,recommended by manufacturer (generally a.good grade of engine oil,, SAE #10) . Ball Bearings S Grease -lubricated Type If the motor -end bells have grease plugs or grease fittings, grease may be added by the use of a low pressure grease gun. Grease should be added sparingly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (generally, a good grade of grease made especially for ball bearing electric motors is used). If the motor has a grease sump with a -plug near the bottom, the plug should be removed before any grease is added. Add only a small quantity of grease - do not overlubricate. Sealed -cartridge Type-- If no grease plugs or fittings are provided on the outside of the end bells, the bearings are of the sealed -cartridge type. In general, bearings of this type are packed with enough grease to last for three years. Follow manufacturer's instructions regarding greasing of 15- 5 End Bell and Bearing - Removal such bearings. In general, every three years the -end bells of the motor should be removed, the snap rings and removable seals removed from the outer ends of the bearings. If the grease inspected has a bad odor, the bearings should be removed and cleaned with a suitable non-flammable, non-toxic solvent. Repack with a good grade of grease made especially for all bearing electric motors. Do not pack tight. Only about half of the grease space should,be used. Tightly packed bearings -will overheat. I'f, upon examination, the grease in the bearings is not discolored and has no unpleasant odor, the bearing may be put back in service without cleaning and regreasing. If removal of motor end bells and bearings for inspection or cleaning and regreas-ing is'necessary, it should be done very carefully to, avoid damage to motor parts and bearings. If possible, motors should be disconnected from their driven equipment and taken to the shop for such servicing. Couplings, gears, pulleys, etc., should be removed from the motor shaft by means of pullers. Excessive hammering or wedging is likely to damage other parts in addition to that being removed. Clean each part as soon as it is removed, store -,in a clean place, and cover to protect from dirt. End bells should be tapped or - wedged uniformly around their circumference to avoid damaging their edges. Bearings should be removed by means of a puller,which exerts a uniform pull all around so as not to distort the bearing or damage the motor shaft. Reassemble carefully, using the minimum amount 15- 6 of force. When replacing the motor, carefully check alignment of couplings. Be sure that motor is solidly bolted in place, properly lubricated and properly connected. Be sure that fan or other cooling devices are functioning properly. Be sure that motor frame is properly grounded. On wound -rotor motors, the slip rings should be cleaned and slip rings and brushes inspected for abnormal or irregular wear. Should -any roughness or grooving of the slip rings be observed, steps should be taken immediately to smooth and polish the slip ring surfaces and replace the brushes. On sleeve -bearing motors, a check should be made of the air gap between the rotor and the stator. Four measurements should be made, approximately 90 degrees apart, and the results recored. Periodic comparison of air gap measurements will permit early detection of bearing wear. After cleaning and lubrication, the motor should be restored to service and allowed to run for a sufficient time to reach normal operating temperatures. During this period, it should be carefully observed to ensure that it is operating normally, without excessive noise or vibration and with proper circulation of cooling air. When the motor -has been run for a sufficient period to ensure its having reached normal operating temperatures, its temperature should be measured and recorded. Temperature measurements should be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and temperature should not exceed that indicated on the motor nameplate. When the motor temperature has stabilized and is within normal limits, the circuit to the motor should be de -energized by opening its circuit breaker on the panelboard from which it is supplied, locking the circuit breaker in the OPEN position, and tagging it. The insulation resistance of the motor should then be measured and recorded. E In case of a.wound-rotor motor., the rotor leads should be disconnected and the insulation resistance of -both stator and rotor should be measured separately. Insulation resistance is ordinarily measured by means of a megger. Care should be exercised to be sure that the megger voltage does not exceed the rating of the motor. Measurements are made from the stator leads (connected together), or the rotor leads of a wound -rotor motor (connected together), to the 15- 7 grounded motor frame. For 480 volt -or lower voltage motors,.>the insulation resistance readings should not be less than on megohm. Insulation resistance readings of each motor should be taken and recorded at yearly intervals. A comparison of current and past readings should be made each time a motor is checked. A significant and progressive. lowering of insulation resistance over a period of time indicates deterioration of the motor insulation or an accumulation of dirt in the windings, and warns of impending trouble (Note® It is important that motors be hot when insulation resistance measurements are taken). After completion -of insulation resistance measurements, the motor should be reconnected, and the connections properly insulated (the motor connections should be temporarily left accessible so that the motor leads will be available for checking phase currents). After work has been completed and carefully checked, the motor should be energized and run at normal load. Current in each phase wire to the stator should then be measured by means of a suitable clamp -on., or tong, type ammeter, and the readings recorded. If any significant unbalance in phase currents is discovered, a wattmeter should be installed in the, circuit and a check made of -the power being used by the motor. In the event of a significant and progressive lowering of, insulation resistance, a serious unbalance of phase currents, or an excessive power consumption,.it is recommended that the services of a qualified motor repair organization be obtained to determine the cause and repair the motor. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES For procedures to adopt in the event of emergency equipment and/or power failures, see Table 15-1 - Emergency Procedures. Table 15-2 is included as a general guide for troubleshooting electric motors. EMERGENCY ENGINE - GENERATOR SET Manual Line Transfer Switch There is an existing emergency engine -generator set at the - Village of,Greenport wastewater treatment plant. Provisions have been made to provide standby power to the Town of Southold scavenger waste treatment facility via a connection to the Village emergency engine -generator set. However, the existing emergency engine -generator set does not have the capacity to handle all of the electrical loads from the Southold facility. 15- 8 EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION Power Failure 1. Treatment Plant 2. Individual Circuit TABLE 15-1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EQUIPMENT RESPONSE All electrical equipment in plant will shutdown temporarily, appropriate loads will restart upon transfer to standby power. Equipment on affected circuit will be shutdown - all other equipment operation will be normal. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY Advise plant supervisor and power company. Determine cause of power failure and correct, following procedures outlined in Table 15-2 Corrective Procedures. Act of God 1. Flood Flooding will cause failure of all Shutdown all electrical circuits electrical equipment involved to areas in imminent danger of unless in watertight enclosures. being flooded, to protect equipment and avoid hazard to personnel. After flooding condition has passed, all electrical equipment in the flooded area should be cleaned, thoroughly dried out, and properly tested before being energized. This work should be performed by personnel thoroughly experienced in repairing and testing electrical equipment which has been subjected to flood damage. EMERGENCY SITUATION Fire and/or Explosion TYPE/LOCATION 2. Hurricane) Windstorm) 3. Earthquake 1. Treatment Plant TABLE 15-1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EQUIPMENT RESPONSE Most likely damage is to incoming power lines, with consequent loss of power. Probably no electrical damage unless very severe. Most likely damage in severe earthquake would be electrical overloads caused by mechanical damage to rotating machinery, and by'short circuits caused by failures and collapse of structures. Equipment will continue to operate normally except for portions of electrical system which may be damaged. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY See Power Failure, 1 and 2. All electrical circuits in plant should be de -energized as quickly as possible by opening the main circuit breaker control panel. Advise plant supervisor and Fire Department. Shutdown all electrical circuits to the area involved in the fire and/or explosion in order to minimize hazards to personnel and the spread of fire. After emergency has passed, all electrical equipment in the affected area should.be inspected for damage before restoring electrical power, EMERGENCY SITUATION TYPE/LOCATION 2. In Electrical Equipment Equipment Failure 1. Motors TABLE 15-1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EQUIPMENT RESPONSE Extensive damage to equipment will result unless it is de -energized immediately. Motor stops, overheats or repeatly trips circuit breaker. STAFF RESPONSIBILITY De -energize affected equipment at once. Advise plant supervisor and Fire Department, Shutdown all electrical circuits to the area in which the fire has occurred, in order to minimize hazards to personnel and damage to other equipment. Shutdown equipment, notify plant supervisor. Call an electrician. 2. Control Devices Equipment stops, fails to start, Try to determine cause of failure or operates improperly. as outlined in Table 15-2 Corrective Procedures. Shutdown equipment and notify plant supervisor. Try to determine cause of malfunction as outlined in Table 15-2 Corrective Procedures. EMERGENCY SITUATION TABLE 15-1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TYPE/LOCATION EQUIPMENT RESPONSE STAFF RESPONSIBILITY 3. Panelboard Equipment Same as 2, except caused by If unable to determine cause of device in panelboard (starter, failure, call an electrician relay switch or circuit breaker). 4. Wiring Wiring overheats or short circuits Same as 2. (generally due to physical damage). Shutdown affected circuit immediately, notify plant supervisor. Call an electrician. Try to determine cause of overload or location of short circuit. If circuit supplies vital equipment, have electrician disconnect both ends of damaged cable and connect a temporary cable in its place while repairs are in progress. TABLE 15-2 GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR ELECTRICAL MOTORS TROUBLE Motors will not start and/or run Motor will not start Motor starters contact chatter Contacts weld or freeze POSSIBLE CAUSE 1. No supply line voltage. 2. No voltage at motor terminal. 3. Motor starter does not work. 1. Defective motor. 2. Single phasing on 3-phase circuit. 3. Capacitor open or shorted (single phase motors). 4. Centrifugal switch stuck (single phase motors). Broken shading coil, low voltage, poor connection, dirty pole faces. REMEDY Check line circuit breaker or fuses. Check motors starter operation, overload relays and load connections. Reset overload relay. Check starter coi Check pilot -control circuit. Replace. Correct voltage condition. Replace capacitor. Clean and loosen switch. 1. High in -rush current. Check for grounds, shorts or excessive m load current. 2. Insufficient contact pressure. Replace springs. 3. Low voltage. Check for dip in voltage during activati TABLE 15-2 GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR ELECTRICAL MOTORS TROUBLE Contacts do not close when coil voltage is applied Frequent tripping or overload relays Starter contacts do not drop out POSSIBLE CAUSE 4. Foreign material or buildup on contacts. 1. Open coil. 2. Shorted coil. 3. Undervoltage. 4. Dirt or rust on pole faces. REMEDY Clean contacts (do not file). Replace coil. Replace coil. Correct system voltage. Clean pole faces. 1. Loose connection on load wires. Clean and tighten. 2. High ambient of motor starter. Use larger heater. 3. Sustained overload. Check for grounds, shorts or excessive m currents. 4. Insufficient supply voltage. Correct voltage conditions. 1._ Worn or rusted parts causing Replace parts. binding. 2. Coil voltage not removed. Check control circuits. Pushbuttons and selector switches 1. Faulty wiring. Repair or replace. do not energize or de -energize circuit 2. Foreign matter in operating Remove and clean. parts. TROUBLE TABLE 15-2 GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FOR ELECTRICAL MOTORS POSSIBLE CAUSE 3. Contacts dirty. 4. Contacts welded. 5. Spring return units bind. REMEDY Clean - use commercial solvent. Check for shorts and grounds. Replace contacts. Clean and lubricate. During operations under standby power only the following critical electrical loads should be connected to the engine -generator: Air Blowers Equalization Pumps Effluent Pumps RBD Units As a general guide for initiating standby power operations at the Southold facility follow the steps listed below: 10. All load breakers are turned off. 2m Once the engine -generator is operating turn on the manual line transfer switch. 3. Individually load on critical electrical Toads indicated above® 4e Depending on available capacity remaining, the operator may add non-critical electrical loads up to ninety percent of the engine -generator capacity. 15® 16 CHAPTER 16: HEATING AND VENTILATION SYSTEMS PAGE NO® ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS 16- 2 Electric Baseboard Heater 16- 2 Maintenance 16- 2 Electric Unit Heater 16- 2 Maintenance 16- 2 Convection Heaters 16- 3 Maintenance 16- 3 VENTILATING SYSTEM 16- 5 Startup Check List 16- 5 Maintenance 16- 7' NOTES AND ADDENDA 16-10 LIST OF TABLES 16® 1 Electric Heaters 16- 4 16- 2 Exhaust Fans 16- 6 16- 3 Miscellaneous Air Handling Devices 16- 9 16- 1 ELECTRIC.HEATING SYSTEM Electric Baseboard Heater Each baseboard heater is self-contained. It.consists of a heating element housed in a steel casing. Heat transfer is accomplished by a cast -aluminum heating grid. The aluminum heating element is cast inside the heavy finned aluminum grid,. This mass of aluminum acts as a heat bank, which holds the.heat generated by the element -imbedded in it-; discharging it slowly into the room air when the unit shuts down. Mounted directly to the cast -aluminum heating`grid is a thermal limit switch which provides protection against excessive grid temperature. If for any reason normal air flow is interrupted, the thermal limit switch safety device automatically interrupts power,to the heater. When the condition causing air blockage is corrected, the switch automatically resets and restores current. Maintenance Regular inspection is the most important factor in continuous economical,,troubl:e-free operation. Usually inspection every four -months should be sufficient. On inspection, check for dirty heating elements and loose electrical connections. The heating element should be cleaned' as often as -,required to maintain maximum efficiency, at least once a year. The heating capacity can be -seriously impaired by dirt. The casing can be cleaned during inspection and rusted or corroded spots removed. After this is done, retouch with paint. Electric Unit Heater Each unit heater is basically self-contained and is provided with a thermal limit switch that protects against excessive temperature on.the unit's grid. If for any reason normal air flow is interruped, the switch automatically interrupts power service to the heater. The unit is also equipped with louvers which are individually adjustable so heated air can,be directed as desired. Each unit heater is controlled by the setting on the wall mounted thermostat which is provided with a thermometer. Maintenance Regular inspection is the most important factor in continuous. economical, trouble-free operation. Usually, inspection every four months should be sufficient. On inspection, check for dirty heating elements, loose electrical connections and excessive vibration, and clean the fan and the outside of the motor. 16- 2 The heating element should be cleaned as often as required to maintain maximum efficiency and at least once a year. The heating capacity can be. seriously impaired by dirt. To remove dirt, brush the fins on the side where the air enters the unit and then turn on the fan. A bag may be placed over the face of the unit to catch this dirt. Brush along the fins -to avoid bending, because this could reduce unit capacity. Removal of oil and dirt accumulations on the leading edge of .fin.s can be done by using a mild alkali solution -or detergent to cut oil or grease. Rinse thoroughly to remove any trace of this solution. For very thorough cleaning, dismount the unit. Care should be taken to rinse well afterward. The fan should be cleaned at periodic intervals. Much trouble can be caused by a dirty fan, such as getting out of balance, noise and excessive vibration that may damage the bearings and overload the motor. A check should be made to be sure that the fan is in the proper position, the setscrews tight, and that the fan blades have a uniform setting. The casing can be cleaned during inspection and rusted or corroded spots removed. -After this is done, retouch with paint. Convection Heaters The convection heaters are of the cabinet type and operate on the principle of forced air application. They are provided with a thermal limit switch which protects the heating element if the air flow across the element stops or is blocked, by interrupting current to it, or in the event of excessive temperature on the -heating element, by de -energizing the element. After shutdown the.thermal limit switch automatically resets. The motor is also provided with a built-in automatic reset thermal overload protection device.. Each heater'is controller by a wall mounted thermostat. There is no temperature control knob, temperature adjustments can be made only when the thermostat cover is removed and by using an ordinary screwdriver. Maintenance Only a minimum amount of maintenance is required for these .heaters, when required proceed as indicated in -the manufacturer's bulletin (see Appendix D 16®1). The electric heaters are located throughout the plant as listed in Table 16®1. 16® 3 UNIT # LOCATION H- 1 Aerated Grit Chamber H® 2 & Aerated Grit H- 3 Chamber H® 4 & H® 5, Blower Room Hm 6 Lime Room Hm 7 Storage Room H® 8 Bath Room H® 9 Gas Equipment Room H®10 Digester Room TABLE 16 ® 1 ELECTRIC HEATERS CAPACITY VOLTAGE (KW) (V) BTU/HR TYPE I, Group D 480 17,075 Wall Mount Forced Wall Mount Forced 10.0 480 34,130 Air Unit Heater Wall Mount Forced 5.0 480 17,075 Air Unit Heater Wall Mount Forced 5.01 480 17,075 Air Unit Heater 5.0 480 17,075 Wall Mount Forced Air Unit Heater 1.25 120 4,269 Automatic Wall Heater 1.25 120 4,269 Automatic Wall Heater 5 . Q_ H®.11 Sludge/Scum Well 3.0 480 19,,209 Explosion Proof., Class I, Group D 480 17,075 Wall Mount Forced Air Unit 1 Heater 2.40 10,245 Wall Mount Forced Air Unit Heater NOTE: Units H®7, H®8 & H®11 are single phase, all other units are 3 phase. 16® 4 VENTILATING SYSTEM The ventilation system for the treatment plant consists of the following components: 1. Roof mounted exhaust fans. 2. Wall mounted exhaust fans. 3. Dampers: a. Volume Control b. Automatic c. Fire 4. Louvers 5. Roof outside air intake and exhaust blowers The exhaust fans draw air out of the service area, thus keeping the area well ventilated. The roof mounted exhaust fan consists of a centrifugal fan, direct drive, dome covered, wired to a disconnect switch. These fans are equipped with a bird -screen, a gravity louver damper and a speed control switch. The wall mounted exhaust fan is of the centrifugal type with an adjustable shutter and a speed control switch. The exhaust fans are located throughout the plant as listed in Table 16-2. Startup Check List Before putting any fan into operation the following check list should be completed: 1. Lock out primary and secondary power source. 2. Make sure installation is in accord with manufacturer's instructions. 3. Check and tighten all hold down (securing) bolts. 4. Spin wheel to see if rotation is free and does not bind or rub. 5. Inspect wheel to see if it is the proper rotation for the fan design. 16- 5 r TABLE 16 - 2 EXHAUST FANS * Explosion Proof Motor - 115 Volts - Single Speed 16- 6 RPM MOTOR HP 1250 1/10 CAPACITY UNIT NO. LOCATION CFM AT .12518 S.P. E-1 Aerated Grit 565 E-2 Blower Room 1707 E-3 Blower Room 565 E-4 Bath Room 214 E-5 Storage Room 214 E-6 Lime Room 214 E-7 Gas Equipment Room 414 E-8 Digester Room 214 * Explosion Proof Motor - 115 Volts - Single Speed 16- 6 RPM MOTOR HP 1250 1/10 925 1/3 1250 1/10 1250 1/25 1250 1/25 1250 1/25 1725 1/4* 1250 1/25 6: Check all set screws and tighten if necessary. 7. Properly secure all safety guards. 8. Switch on electrica supply and allow fan to reach full speed. 9. Check carefully for: A':- Correct wheel rotation® B. Excessive vibration. C: Unusual noise. If any problem is -indicated SWITCH.OFF IMMEDIATELY. Lock out the; -electrical supply, check carefully- for the.= cause of the trouble and correct as necessary.. Even if the fan appears to be operating satisfactorily, shutdown after a brief period and recheck items 3 through 7 as the initial startup may have relieved the tightness of bolts and set screwsm The fan'may now b.e,put into operation but, during -the first eight hours of running, it should be periodically observed and, checked for excessive vibration and noise. At this time checks should be also be made of motor input current and motor and bearing temperatures to insure that they do'not exceed manufacturer's recommendations. After eight hours of satisfactory operation, the fan should be shutdown and the power locked out to check the following items and adjust if necessary: 1. All set -screws and hold-down bolts. 2. Drive coupling alignment. Maintenance The wall exhaust fans are basically maintenance free and - have motors with permanently lubricated ball bearings. The .roof exhaust fans require a minimum amount o-f- maintenance-. On a -routine basis, the operator should perform the following® 1. Check that fans turn freely and that passages are not obstructed. 2. Check for excessive vibration. Do not allow a fan to run if it vibrates or makes scraping or rattling noises. 3. Keep fan blades and damper clean and remove accumulated 16® 7 4 dirt. 4. Check bird -screens and clean when necessary. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY MAINTENANCE ON A FAN UNLESS THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED. The following suggestions may be helpful in locating the sources of trouble in ventilating fan operations: 1. The failure of a fan to start could be caused by a power failure, a bent shaft, a clogged housing of a fan wheel which has shifted on the shaft and jammed against the housing. 2. Excessive vibraition may be caused by unbalance in the fan or motor, loose anchor bolts, bent fan blades or dirt accumulations on the blades or housing. Also, set -screws or keys holding the fan wheel to the shaft may have loosened. Table 16®3 contains a list of miscellaneous air handling devices located throughout the plant. 8 UNIT NO. LOCATION TABLE 16 ® 3 MISCELLANEOUS AIR HANDLING DEVICES INCREMENTAL CONDITIONER SCHEDULE CAPACITY (B T U/ HR) COOLING HEATING ICml Administration 13,800 Room SUPPLY ROOF FAN SCHEDULE CAPACITY CFM @ 1/8" S.P. S®1 Dig -ester Room 1,395000 16- 9 16,400 RPM 1,140000 MOTOR HP 1/4 CHAPTER 17: MAINTENANCE AND UTILITIES GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES General Scheduling Equipment Data Tools Miscellaneous Supplies Service Contracts Warranty Provisions Maintenance Records Pipe Identification and Color Coding Maintenance and Lubrication Table General Process Startup Procedures Process Tanks and Wells Miscellaneous Equipment, Metalwork and Piping Housekeeping MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Pumping -Equipment General Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps Submersible Pumps Hydraulic Diaphragm (Chemical) Pumps Progressive Cavity Pumps Pump Packing Mechanical Seals Valves and Gates Ball Valves Plug Valves Gate Valves Buried Gate Valves Butterfly Valves Diaphragm Valves Air and Vacuum Relief Valves Solenoid Valves Check Valves Sluice and Slide Gates 17- PAGE NO. 17- 3 17- 3 17- 5 17- 5 17- 6 17- 6 17- 6 17- 7 17-10 17-10 17-10 17-12 17-13 17-13 17-14 17-14 17-15 17-15 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-19 17-2-0 17-20 17-20 17-21 17-21 17-21 17-22 17-22 17-22 17-22 PAGE NO. Drives 17-23 Chain Drives 17-23 V -Belts 17-24 Couplings 17-24 Circular Tank Sludge Collectors 17-25 Air Diffusers 17-27 Rotary Positive Displacement Blowers 17-27 Mixers 17-28 Sludge Digestion System 17-29 Compressors 1.7-31 Hoisting Equipment 17-32 Air Filters and Regulators 17-32 Flow Indicators 17-33 UTILITIES WATER 1.7-33 REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS 17-33 Description 17-33 Operation 17-33 Maintenance 17-36 ELECTRICAL 17-36 TELEPHONE 17-36 FUEL OIL 17-36 NOTES AND ADDENDA 17-37 LIST OF. TABLES 17- 1 Maintenance and Lubricat'on Requirements 17- 4 17- 2 Maintenance Record Form fi 17- 8 17- 3 Pipe Identification and Color Coding Schedule 17-11 LIST OF FIGURES 17- 1 Backflow Preventer Devic 17-34 17- 2 GENERAL" AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES General A well planned and executed maint nance program is absolutely necessary if the treatment facility is to operate efficiently. Attention to maintenance is particularly important in preventing the accelerated corrosion and wear tharesults from the severe conditions imposed by waste water acid'ty, gases and.dampne.ss. The first requirement in keeping aintenance,to a minimum is to have reliable and,properly installei equipment. The combined efforts of the Engineer and the Contra for have met this requirement. The second requirement is to have personnel. The people who will actual of inspection, lubrication and minor r acquainted with the equipment,,i.ts pur operation. Major overhauls of certain specialized equipment such as the Inst generator facilities, may require the representative. The third requirement is the est commitment to, a strong maintenance p prepared to aid plant personnel in me specific purposes of the chapter are scheduling required,equipment mainten suggest general good housekeeping pra of -keeping detailed service -records. Maintenance can be divided into preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance is the continuous process painting, adjusting, lubricating and important role of lubrication in prev overstressed. In contrast, correctiv repair or replacement of equipment (o longer capable of performing their in qualified maintenance y perform the routine tasks pairs should be thoroughly ose and its proper items, and.repairs to umentation and emergency ervices of the factory lishment of, and firm gram. This chapter has been ing that requirement. The provide assistance in ce and lubrication, to ices, and to suggest means e general classification of rocedures. Preventive f inspecting, cleaning,. placing small parts. The tive maintenance cannot be procedures refers to the major parts) which are no nded function. Applying preventive maintenance -methods extensively and conscientiously will minimize the amount of time and money spent on corrective procedures and will result in more efficient treatment operations. SCHEDULING The recommendations described in manufacturer®s literature (furnished with the equipment) should be the primary source of maintenance and lubrication information and MUST be followed in detail. In addition, Table 17-1 is suggested for use as an aid to scheduling the work. The table is a format onto which information 17® 3 TABLE 17-1. MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION REQUIREMENTS Equipment: Frequency i Maintenance ' Lubrication i Lubrication Type Daily { { { Weekly S A M P L E Monthly { I { Quarterly { { { Semiannually{ { { Annually i { When necessar YI I - I { { 17® 4 extracted from various equipment manufacturer's manuals can be entered. It is intended as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, the manuals. Therefore, maintenance.personnel should refer to the manuals for all specific details. Table 17-1 should be completed by the Equipment Mechanic and Plant Operator. This will aid them in becoming completely familiar with the individual equipment operation and maintenance. . Table 17-1 should be completed for all.equipment at the facility. Tasks to be performed have been divided into the categories of lubrication and maintenance. It should be noted that sample Table 17-1 indicates when and what to lubricate, but does not describe the type, grade or quantity of required lubricant, all of which are important. The various manufacturer's instruction booklets may recommend products of several different oil companies. Therefore, it is suggested that arrangements be made with one oil company to have its representative review the lubrication requirements of all items of plant equipment and prepare a listing of equivalent products made by his company. a separate grease gun or oil can (properly labeled) should be used for each type of grade of lubricant to avoid the possibility of improper lubrication. Suggestions for maintenance of equipment and structures are discussed in greater detail in the remainder of this chapter. Also, since it is often not possible or even desirable to separate maintenance procedures from operating procedures, the operator should refer to the other applicable chapters and sections of this manual for additional comments on maintenance.. EQUIPMENT DATA The following information should be kept for each piece of equipment: 1. Identification and location 2. Nameplate nomenclature 3. Manufacturer and service representative 4.' References to applicable manufacturer's instruction manuals and shop drawings. TOOLS No facility can be effectively maintained without the proper types and .sizes of tools and other maintenance equipment, and these tools and equipment must be kept in working order and .stored in a proper place. An initial supply of tools and miscellaneous equipment was provided under the construction contract. 17- 5 _ It is recommended that tools be locked in storage when not in use, with access restricted by key, if necessary. It is further suggested that a tool inventory be prepared and that all tools be checked in and out of storage. Such a system would indicate where a tool is being used and by whom, and would provide an incentive to personnel to return tools to their designated places, clean and in good working order. MISCELLANEOUS`SUPPLIES It is recommended that a list of necessary -expendable supply items.be developed, including such materials as fuses, light bulbs, flashlight batteries, waxes, cleansers, and paper products. The - list should indicate size and type, minimum amounts to be kept in stock and the most economical quantities. Such information, together with periodic inventories of stock on hand, will provide necessary reordering data, will help to avoid annoying shortages, and will be of assistance in preparing future budgets. SERVICE CONTRACTS Many equipment manufacturers are willing to provide for the servicing of their equipment on a contract basis. however, reliance on manufacturers to perform routine inspection, adjustment, lubrication, and minor repairs can become very costly. As a general. rule, plant personnel should, insofar as possible, develop their maximum maintenance capabilities in order to perform - all but the most complex tasks.. It is recommended that consideration be given to a.service agreement with the supplier of the instrumentation, denitrification filter equipment and emergency generator because of the complicated and highly specialized nature of'these items. The contract should provide for periodic visits for inspection, cleaning and calibration, with adjustments and repairs as necessary, .and for the submittal of a formal.report after each visit. Annual visits are suggested initially, until more experience with the reliability of the systems is obtained. It is further recommended that the contract include demand service which provides for the response of a serviceman on one or two days' notice. WARRANTY PROVISIONS The contract under which the treatment facility was constructed includes a one-year guarantee period, starting from the date of completion and acceptance of work as stated in the final estimate. During this one-year period, the contractor is required to repair,. correct or replace without charge all work, equipment or material that fails to be in strict accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract. If,the contractor fails to provide this service, the owner may have corrections made with monies withheld for the purpose. 17- 6 In order that all problems,.of such -nature may be brought to a satisfactory resolution, established procedures must be strictly followed. The fact that such a guarantee exists should not be used as an excuse for improper operation, lubrication or maintenance of equipment items. Lack of strict adherence to manufacturer's recommendations for operation and maintenance may result in a dispute as to responsibility for: equipment failures, and may void any guarantee® Alteration of supplied equipment by the owner, without the knowledge and consent -of the contractor and the equipment supplier, should be avoided, as it may result in a refusal by these parties to accept-responsibility,for subsequent problems. Equipment not in regular service during the guarantee period must be maintained as recommended, and should undergo periodic operation and special lubrication to prevent such typical problems as rusting and seizure of rotating and permanent -setting of drive belts. MAINTENANCE RECORDS In the previous sections, special information and suggestions for implementing a maintenance program have been discussed. Another important and integral part of the program is to obtain, record, and preserve accurate and,.detailed information on each piece of equipment on both preventive maintenance and the corrective procedures adopted to remedy equipment malfunctions. A suggested format has been prepared for the recording of this material and is shown in reduced size as Table,17-2® The record form in full size measures 18 x 11-1/2 inches, is doublesided, and is made of cover stock for durability. The form is designed to be folded in half for filing so that it may serve as a convenient file folder in which additional, pertinent information relative to that piece of equipment (i.e., correspondence and repair bills) can be kept. The form is comprised of five main parts: 1. Nomenclature. The equipment data may be duplicated here in order to have a complete reference of_ detail 2-.. Spare Parts. The type and number of spare parts originally supplied may be recorded,in this section. Space is:also provided for keeping the inventory up 17- 7 otuu—V sxYvrNT14r uAtNTr.NANCF NeeetltD TORM tSiDE 31 REPAIR RECORD (SIDE -2) DATE DE.iCRIPTION OP REPAIR PARTS REPAIRED OR REPLACED (DSY BY WHOM ltAN11OL'RS COST REMARKS L COST- PARTSTOTAC I LABOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION OP REPAIR: ►%ITS IMPAIRED OR KLPLACID C/1ST bT ONIIM MA\Illll'RS CDiT REMARKS T I I 1 - PARTSTtgAL-'LA&JR 7u1 AL - tMlO \TPIE: IuTALItKi e MIMENCtATM 0111. 11 epulruFxT INVENTORY NO: CAMP MTI: , REPERf.N�= _ _.._....gym. SAIlSA SERVICE: ..eaeDATE POT INTO SERVICE: DATE REPLACED: L&%f.TH OF SERVICE: RPM TYPE Pd.AMEPLATE DATA– PIODEL SERIAI. NO. SIZE _ _SERIAL NA. FRAME TYPE CODE LETTCR MOTOR DATA— YODEL - vntet AMPS RPM RUTZ _ -_ PHASE 'RATING NEMA DESIGN INSL'LAT10! CLASS SERV'IEE FA(70R SPARE PARTS to date by entry of the date and number remaining each time any part is used or restocked. 3. Preventive Maintenance Record. Space is provided in the upper portion of this section to enter the recommended type and frequency of maintenance for each piece of equipment, utilizing the manufacturer's -instructions together with the information developed in Table 17-1. The lower portion of this section should be used:.to record when and by whom -monthly, quarterly,- semiannually, etc. preventive maintenance was performed. 4. Repair Record. Information regarding repairs or remedial - maintenance work should be registered in this space. 5. Comments. Additional space is left for use at the plant superintendent's discretion to enter his remarks or additional information regarding the equipment. It is intended that these card folders will serve as the basis for a permanent record of information for each equipment item. To help prolong the life of the folders, it is suggested that the entries on the form be made by the plant superintendent or his designee, rather than the many persons who may have actually performed the maintenance or repairs. When available space on a portion of the form has been completely used (such as the lower part of side three), standard size sheets of the same format may be prepared and inserted into the card folder. PIPE IDENTIFICATION AND COLOR CODING Table 17-3, Pipe Identification and Color Coding Schedule, was used at this facility. MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION TABLE Table 17-1 has been provided for developing a preventive routine maintenance program to be used in conjunction with the MAINTENANCE RECORD FORM and the manufacturer's operation and maintenance manuals. Table 17-1 should be completed by the Equipment Mechanic and Plant Operator by summarizing the manufacturer's operation and maintenance manual data onto the table. The data for some typical equipment has been entered as an example of the method to be employed. The reverse side of the-card-dan serve as the routine maintenance and lubrication record. GENERAL.PROCESS STARTUP PROCEDURES This section contains general process startup considerations which are applicable to most unit processes. Careful and systematic process startup procedures will help to prevent damage to equipment and minimize safety hazards to operating personnel. 17- 10 TABLE 17-3 PIPE IDENTIFICATION AND COLOR CODING SCHEDULE ANSI & ASTM SERVICE COLOR DESIG. MARKINGS Sludge Brown 2006 SL Potable Water ® Cold Blue 2044 C.W. v Hot Blue 2044 H.W. Sewage Gray 2050 S Compressed Air Green 2036 A Chemical m Ferric Chloride Orange 2016 F.C. ® Hydrochlo- ric Acid Yellow 2025 H.A. ® Lime Ca (OH)2 Orange 2016 LI r 1. Clean all debris from tankage, pipelines and from the vicinity of equipment. Assure that all packing material and shipping tiedowns are removed per manufacturer's instructions. 2. Check all protective coatings for damage and repair as necessary. 3. Provide initial lubrication. Be sure all oil reservoirs are properly filled. Remove any temporary protective coatings which were supplied for shipping protection. 4. Operate all valves, shafts and other mechanical components prior to filling will process liquid where possible. Adjust drives, belt tension, alignment and other items at this time. 5. Adjust weirs and troughs to approximate position. 6. Check electrical components for operational status. Check out control circuits as possible on a "dry -run" basis prior to operation of drive. 7. Check all motors for correct voltage connections at the terminal box. 8. Check all motors for proper direction of rotation. 9. Pressurize piping with water to check for leaks where possible. 10. Check out and calibrate instrumentation, controls and safety devices. 11. Check that the necessary chemicals are on hand for initial operation. 12. When tankage is filled, the weirs can be adjusted to final level. 13. Start up all support facilities such as service water, air supply, hot water and similar facilities. 14. Make sure safety equipment is available. PROCESS TANKS AND WELLS The equalization, settling, RBD and sludge thickener tanks should be drained and washed down ANNUALLY unless conditions require greater frequency. Tank draining should be staggered during the year so as to minimize process effects. Wet wells, scum wells, division or mixing boxes, and other channels (some of which cannot be shut down and drained completely) 17® 12 should be cleaned of sludge or other accummulations. Items to be cleaned should include but not be limited to weir plates, slide or sluice gates, scum skimmers and collectors, and sludge collection mechanisms. All areas showing rust, loss of paint or defective paint coating should be cleaned to bare metal, preferably by sandblasting, and touched up immediately with a epoxy base coating, followed by one complete coat of good quality epoxy base coating. Any areas in the metalwork above water level which show evidence of rusting or paint failure should be thoroughly cleaned, touched up with metal primer, and painted. In any case, all such metalwork, except aluminum railings, should be given a complete coat of paint at three-year intervals. While a tank is drained, a careful check should be made for missing parts, and adjustments should be made where necessary, to prolong the life of the equipment. Concrete surfaces and exposed piping above the water level should be flushed weekly to avoid crusting or caking of unsightly sludge deposits. Defective concrete surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and patched as required. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT, METALWORK AND PIPING Miscellaneous items of equipment, iron and steel work, and piping and appurtenances should be frequently inspected for rust spots or paint failure. As soon as defects are detected, they should be thoroughly cleaned and touched up. All such items should be completely repainted at least every three years. Cleanout openings are provided in the sludge piping to allow the pipes to be rodded if they become plugged. The primary sludge lines should be flushed after each use. Manhole steps should be inspected for soundness at least yearly. HOUSEKEEPING The general care of buildings and grounds is an area of preventive maintenance which is often given a position of secondary importance, but good housekeeping practices can go a long way towards promoting public confidence and support by way of preventing unnecessary odors and giving the treatment plant a clean and pleasing appearance. Care and cleanliness are also helpful in developing an employee's pride in his work while contributing toward his overall safety. Flushing or otherwise cleaning process structures should be done frequently in order to prevent unsightly growths and deposits and to minimize potential odor sources. Floors and windows inside the buildings should be cleaned when necessary and terrazzo floors sealed with a good quality protective finish. Painted floors should be recoated as necessitated by wear 17- 13 or paint failure. Bare concrete floors should be kept clean and free of grease, oil or other accumulations. Window and door glass should be kept clean. Wall tiles should be kept clean, with particular attention given to those in the toilet room. The shower stall should be cleaned with an antibacterial cleaner at regular intervals. Outside the buildings, roof gutters and drains should be cleaned semiannually to remove debris -such as.leaves and stones. The -sidewalks and walkways should be kept clean and free from snow, ice or other hazardous obstructions. Any deterioration should be patched up as soon as practicable. Landscaping maintenance is likely to occupy any spare time. Lawns must be mowed as necessary, and weeding the planting beds will be a periodic chore. During the growing months, the shrubbery should be trimmed about once a month. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PUMPING EQUIPMENT General Pumps are used to raise a liquid to a higher level, to increase its flow and pressure, and to provide the necessary motion to convey it to another point. The treatment plant utilizes both kinetic and positive -displacement pumps. All the centrifugal pumps are the kinetic type, and the reciprocating pumps (diaphragm) are the positive displacement type. The pumps are supplied in a wide variety of designs to serve the many different plant needs. The manufacturer's instruction book furnished with each pump should be read carefully. All pumps should be inspected at least daily to visually - observe their performance and to check for unusual operating conditions, such as the following: 1. Unusual noises 2. Excessive vibrations 3. High operating temperatures 4. Abnormal suction or discharge pressures 5. Improper flow readings 6. Excessive or insufficient leakage from packing glands 7. Leakage of lubricants. Impellers and other wearing surfaces should be checked annually for abnormal wearing and improper clearances. Diaphragms and checks should be examined periodically and replaced when worn. Oil levels in the pump housings on chemical feed or transfer pumps are critical and must be checked often to ensure proper operation. Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps 17- 14 These pumps are designed basically for a specific operation, } and with proper'lubrication and maintenance will give long trouble free service. Grease -lubricated bearings are provided with grease fittings and some models are provided with relief fittings or plugs. When greasing, USE A HANDGUN ONLY and fill until the old grease is forced out the opposite opening. Generally, grease every three months or as necessary. On oil -lubricated bearings, be sure to keep the oil reservoir filled to the proper level. Do not overfill. For water -sealed packings, a clean water supply is furnished to the stuffing box. For grease -sealed packings, a grease fitting is tapped into the stuffing box. The stuffing box packing is subject to wear and should be given regular inspection. If inspection indicates normal operation with no excessive heating or leakage, it should be left alone. If excessive leakage does occur and cannot be reduced by tightening of the stuffing box gland, the gland should be repacked. For correct packing sizes, consult manufacturer's operational manual. Submersible.Pumps Submersible pumps are provided with motors designed to operate continuously at rated load with a temperature rise not to exceed 55 deg. C when completely submerged in liquids with an ambient of 40 deg. C or less. Do not run the motors in air. Motors should not be overloaded due to their enclosure. Hydraulic Diaphragm (Chemical) Pumps .On diaphragm pumps, replace the diaphragm and 0 -ring check valve seals annually unless experience indicates more frequent need. 1. Replacing Diaphragm. a. Shut off pump and close the valves in suction and discharge lines. b. Remove angle bracket engaging measuring cylinder studs. C. Drain pump housing of hydraulic oil. Remove both check valve clamp studs. Slide the check valves from between the elbows and the cylinder. Remove the nuts from the cylinder -mounting studs. Remove one stud and rotate the cylinder to clear the pipe connections. Lower the measuring cylinder assembly and remove. If the assembly resists removal, manually rotate the motor coupling to raise the plunger and provide clearance. 17- 15 ] d. Remove the end cap and push the diaphragm support from the center of the diaphragm. Clamp the cylinder in a vice and remove the diaphragm from the cylinder by doubling in the lower flange and pushing the diaphragm through the bore with a blunt -ended rod. CAUTION: TO AVOID DAMAGING THE DIAPHRAGM, DO NOT USE A SHARP -ENDED TOOL WHEN REMOVING OR INSTALLING A DIAPHRAGM. e. Wash all parts thoroughly before reassembling. f. To install a new diaphragm,.repeat step d. in reverse, then rotate diaphragm so that the high point of the• air venting shoulder is adjacent to the flow passage in the cylinder. g. Insert the diaphragm support tube, reinstall the end cap assembly cylinder to the pump housing in reverse procedure to that in step c. 2. Ball -Type Check Valves. Examine valve balls and seats, and replace 0 -rings at the same time that diaphragm is replaced. a. To disassemble check valves, push on ball guide with blunt rod. Examine ball and.seat. If ball has any indentation., replace it. There must not be any irreg- ularities on ball seating surface. NOTE: Seats are reversible. To provide a new seating surface turn the seat cover, unless it has been damaged by flow erosion and/or corrosion. b. Install new O -rings and reassemble. C. Insert check valves between cylinder "ear" and suction/ discharge elbows. ARROWS ON CHECK VALVE BODIES MUST POINT UPWARD. d. Center valve bodies on base. Reassemble and tighten both clamp studs. e. If no additional service operations are to be performed on pump, be sure to refill housing with oil to proper level before startup. 3. Poppet -Type Check Valves. Examine valve parts, and replace 0 -rings at the same time that diaphragm is replaced. a. To disassemble check valves, carefully push on poppet - DO NOT DISTORT. Examine body and seating surface for wear and/or corrosion. Check spring condition. Replace worn or corroded parts. b. Install new,0-rings and reassemble. 17- 16 C. Insert check valves between cylinder "ear" and suction/ discharge elbows. ARROWS ON CHECK VALVE BODIES MUST POINT UPWARD. d. Center valve bodies on base. Reassemble and tighten both clamp studs. e. If no additional service operations are to be performed on pump, be sure to refill housing with oil to proper level before startup. 4. Lubrication. Drain and replace SPEED REDUCER OIL after first 240 hours of operation. For ambient temperatures above 50 deg. F, use SAE No. 90 gear oil. Thereafter, change a oil only occasionally - every two or three months for continuous operation; every six months for eight hours per day operation. FILL ONLY TO OIL LEVEL, NEVER HIGHER. PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMPS 1.' Pump Bearings S DO NOT give these bearings routine lubrication because far more bearings are ruined due to over -attention and improper attention than otherwise. DO NOT lubricate with any grease except an approved bearings grease. It is recommended, under normal use, that.no lubrication be added for the first 12 months of operation. At the end of this time, the bearing -shaft assembly should be removed and washed with clean benzine. All old grease should be removed from the bearing housing and only enough new grease applied to bearing races so as to fill them flush. Add a few drops of oil.to bearing seals before remounting assembly. It takes several days of running for grease -lubricated ball bearings in a new pump or relubricated pump to level off to final running temperature. Prior to reaching this condition, the bearings might run hot to the extent that it is not comfortable to hold the hand on the housing. 2. Packing Maintenance Procedures (General) a. Adjustment of packing gland should be.kept sufficiently snug so as to prevent leakage but not so tight that the stuffing box feels -hot to the touch. Gland bolts must be kept evenly adjusted. 17- 17 b. Nearly all Moyno pumps are supplied with a lantern ring in the mid-section of the packing and a grease fitting communicating with it. Careful lubrication of the packing with a grease insoluble in the liquid pumped will pay dividends. Greasing often, but with limited quantities, is best practice. c.. Scored shafts are packing destroyers. If shaft is scored as mush as 1/64 inch deep, it: -should be removed and polished before renewing packing. Shafts can be sent back to factory for grinding and resurfacing at a nominal charge. Shafting grooved 1/32 inches or deeper cannot always be reclaimed. d. Packing replacements can best be made with formed rings and these should be inserted with their joints staggered. Do not use a one piece spiral wrap of packing. Care must be exercised in slipping rings over the shaft - part them as below to avoid deforming. e. Forming of new packing in the stuffing box should be done by pulling gland bolts down evenly and firmly. Bolts should then be backed off gradually as stuffing box warms up. Several "touch-up" adjustments with the new packing can be expected before final running condition is attained. Pump Packing In repacking a pump, the packing glands should also be removed to provide access to the packing. old packing should be removed and a careful examination made of the shaft and/or sleeve. Badly worn or pitted shafts or sleeves will result in short packing life, and they should be repaired or replaced. Packing rings should be carefully angle cut to the proper length and placed in the stuffing box with staggered joints. Check that the lantern ring is located in the proper location. After the stuffing box has been properly packed, replace the gland and lightly tighten gland bolts. The pump should be started and the packing gland drawn down snug, yet loose enough to permit a liberal drip from the stuffing box. New packing should be carefully broken in, to ensure long and satisfactory life. As the packing "wears -in" from operation, the glands should gradually be pulled down. Excessive tightening of the gland may cause the packing to overheat resulting in damage to packing and shaft sleeve. Usual causes of packing failure and excessive leakage from the stuffing box are as follows: 1. Packing has not been installed properly. 2'. Packing used is not suitable for the temperature and pressure involved or may be subject to attack by the liquid being handled. 17- 18 3. Inner rings of packing are not properly seated and outer rings of packing are carrying all -the load. 4. Dirt and foreign particles in the stuffing box are causing rapid scoring of the shaft sleeve. Mechanical Seals Mechanical seals are precision products with highly polished and lapped -seating surfaces. Mechanical seals have two sealing surfaces and are installed inside the stuffing box, but the working mechanism is not exposed to the fluid being handled. For proper lubrication and cooling of these seals, the stuffing box must be filled with liquid at all times. The pressure must be slightly higher than the pressure in the casing of the pump. If the box pressure is not greater, the pressure within the casing will force open the inner seal area and allow the fluid to enter the seal area and ruin the seal. Precautions to be used with mechanical seals are as follows: 1. The seal should be operated until there is fluid in the seal box to ensure liquid in the seal. Loosen the vent plug and retighten it only after fluid has started flowing from the opening. Running the,seal with an air bound box is the same as running it without fluid. 2. Make sure the pressure line is securely in place and free of obstructions. Some seals will leak slightly when first run but this leakage should cease within a short time. Routine maintenance of mechanical seals should include the following: 1. Blow out the filter on the water seal every week. 2. About every three or four months, disassemble and clean the filter. VALVES AND GATES All valves, regardless of type and function, should be operated throughout their entire range at least every three to six months to ensure that they have not become frozen or -jammed in position and can achieve full shutoff in any circumstances. The timing of valve operation should be coordinated with tank dewatering and other unit processes to minimize disturbance of plant operation. Because of the wide variety of valve types and service applications, valve inspection, lubrication and -repacking can not be precisely scheduled, except on an individual basis and as operating experience dictates.. As a -general rule, valves in•sludge 17- 19 or gas lines should be isolated, drained and inspected for wear of seats, balls and plugs, respectively, at six month intervals. Valves located in process tanks should be thoroughly inspected for wear, corrosion or hindered travel whenever tanks are dewatered. Valves should be lubricated whenever they are dismantled for servicing. Ball Valves Ball valves are nonlubricated and are self-cleaning, self- adjusting floating ball that compensates for wear. Seat rings are set deep into metal grooves to protect them from pressure distortion, mechanical damage or the erosive effects of low flow through the valve. Valves are wrench or motor operated. These valves are virtually maintenance free. Plug Valves Plug valves are the eccentric type. Valves of 8 inches or larger are worm -gear or spur -gear operated; valves smaller than 8 inches are wrench operated except where, due to operational space or distance from floor, are worm -gear or spur -gear operated with wheel and chain. Check the valve packing MONTHLY for leaks; tighten the gland as needed. To repack when leakage becomes excessive, relieve pressure on valve, remove gland and old packing and repack with proper packing. When unit is dismantled for servicing, lubricate the plug -journal and plug -stem hex, with a good grade of light grease. Apply a light grease on worm, gear sector and bearings in actuator. On oil -filled units, fill with correct oil. When plug replacement becomes necessary, be sure to follow instructions in manufacturer's operational manual. Gate Valves Gate valves larger than 3 inches in size are iron -body, bronze mounted, solid -wedge type. Most valves have packed stuffing boxes, although some valves may have 0 -ring stuffing boxes. The design of valves are such that repacking may be accomplished with minimum leakage while in service. 1. Replace valve packing ANNUALLY. Gate valves can be repacked without removing them from service. Before repacking, open valve wide. This prevents excessive leakage when the packing or the entire stuffing box is removed by drawing stem collar tightly against bonnet on a nonrising stem valve, and tightly against bonnet bushing on rising stem valve. 17- 20- a. Stuffing Box. Remove all old packing from stuffing box with a packing hook or a rattail file with bent end. Clean valve stem of all adhering particles and polish it with fine emery cloth. After polishing, remove the fine grit with a clean cloth to which a few drops of oil have been added. b. Insert Packing. Insert new split -ring packing in stuffing box and tamp it into place with packing gland. Stagger ring splits. After stuffing box is filled, place a few drops of oil on stem, assemble gland and tighten it down on packing. 2. Lubricate gate valves ANNUALLY, as recommended by manufacturer. Lubricate thoroughly any gearing in large gate valves. Wash open gears with solvent and lubricate with grease. 3. Clean threads on rising -stem gate valves and lubricate with grease, SEMIANNUALLY. Buried Gate Valves If a buried valve works hard, lubricate it by pouring oil down through a pipe which is bent at the end to permit oiling the packing follower below the valve nut. Butterfly Valves Butterfly valve bodies are cast iron and the shaft is stainless steel. The valve disc and shaft connection is by means of tapered pins secured by lock washers and nuts. Valves have a pointer and scale which indicate position of the valve disc. Gear operators are totally enclosed and lubricated with adjustable stops for open and closed position. 1. Valves are supplied with nylon bearings which should never be greased or oiled and which require no attention. 2. The only component of the valve which -is field replaceable is the valve shaft packing. Refer to manufacturer's literature or procedures. 3. The manual valve operators are shipped with grease in the unit. The housing is completely filled with,grease and the unit is lubricated for life. 4. Motors furnished with valve controls are lubricated for life. Diaphragm Valves 1. Since valve diaphragm prevents fluid in line from entering bonnet and washing lubricant from working parts, one shot of lubricant should -be applied SEMIANNUALLY. 2.. Where valves are exposed to corrosive atmospheres or 17- 21 outside conditions, contacting surfaces of the handwheel and bonnet shell .should also be lubricated. 3. Refer to manufacturer's literature for procedures to replace diaphragms. Air and Vacuum Relief Valves 1. These valves are automatic in operation and require little or no maintenance. 2. Valves should be visually inspected to check for leakage. A malfunction of the valve can be identified by the seepage of water through the exhaust port. 3. If a malfunction occurs, follow manufacturer's instructions to repair the valve. Solenoid Valves 1. Turn off electrical power and line pressure to valve before making repairs. It is not necessary to remove valve from pipeline for repairs. 2. A periodic cleaning of all solenoid valves is desirable. The time between cleanings will vary depending on the media and service conditions. In general, if the voltage to the coil is correct, sluggish valve operation or excessive leakage will indicate that cleaning is required. 3. See.manufacturer's literature for procedures for coil replacement and valve disassembly and- reassembly. Check Valves On swing check valves equipped with rubber seats or discs, dismantle the valve and observe the condition of the facing. If the metal seat ring is scarred, dress it with a fine file and fine emery paper wrapped around a flat tool. Check pin wear on balanced disc -check valves as disc must be accurately positioned on its seat to prevent leakage. Sluice and Slide Gates Sluice gates are designed and constructed to operate satisfactorily under the specified operating conditions. Care should be taken in the operation of these gates to assure that the specified operating conditions are not exceeded. If, in the operation of a gate, an obstruction is met, either in the opening or closing direction, the obstruction should be removed before continuing the operation of the gate. The gates and particularly the bronze seating surfaces, should be protected as much as possible from debris which may be carried in the flow. When the gate.is fully open or fully closed, excess force should not be placed on the gate or gate stem by the operator in an effort,to 17- 22 move the gate further. 1. Sluice gates should require no maintenance other than lubrication of the operating mechanism -and of the stem. It is recommended that the stems be lubricated MONTHLY with a light film of high-grade lubricant. 2. Manually operated floorstands are supplied with high pressure grease fittings in the operating case and spur -gear case. It is recommended that the hoists be lubricated with a high- grade pressure grease that is impervious to,water. Service intervals for lubrication should be no longer than SEMIANNUALLY. 3. For valves- seating against pressure, ANNUALLY check the bottom and side wedges until in closed position, each wedge applies nearly uniform pressure against gate. Adjust as necessary. DRIVES Chain Drives Accurate alignment, proper chain tension, good lubrication and frequent inspection are required to obtain maximum chain -and sprocked wear. When installing chain, make sure it is free from dirt and grit before -it is installed. Fit chain around both sprockets bringing free ends together on one sprocket. Insert connecting pin and secure in place. The correctamount of slack is essential to the proper operation of chain. Unlike belts, chains require no initial tension and should not:be tightened around the sprockets. Properly adjusted chain drives should permit slight flecture by hand in the slack strand. The primary purpose of chain lubrication is to provide a clean film of oil at all load carrying points where relative motion occurs. To maintain high efficiency and give long trouble free service, roller chain drives must have oil delivered to the chain in an appropriate manner to -assure that oil reaches all joints. 1. Chain drives may be designated for slow, medium or high speeds. a. Slow -Speed Drives. Because slow -speed drives are usually enclosed, adequate lubrication is difficult.. Heavy oil applied to the outside of the chain seldom reaches the working parts; in addition, the oil catches dirt and grit and becomes abrasive. b. Medium -and High -Speed Drives. Medium -speed drives should be continuously lubricated with a device similar to a sightfeed oiler. High-speed drives should be completely enclosed in an oil -tight case and the oil maintained at proper level. 17- 23 Periodically check belt tension and retighten hub setscrews. 1. General. Maintaining a proper tension and alignment of belt drives ensures long life of belts and sheaves. Incorrect alignment causes poor operation and excessive belt wear. Inadequate tension reduces the belt grip, causes high belt loads, snapping and unusual wear. a. Cleaning Belts. Keep belts and sheaves clean and free of oil, which causes belts to deteriorate. To remove oil, take belts off sheaves and wipe belts and sheaves with a rag moistened in a non -oil base solvent. Carbon tetrachloride is NOT recommended because exposure to its fumes has many toxic effects on humans. It also is absorbed into the skin on contact and is cumulative. b. Installing Belts. Before installing belts, replace worn or damaged sheaves, thenslack off on adjustments. Do not try to force belts into position. Never use a screwdriver or similar lever to get belts onto sheaves. After belts are installed, adjust tension; recheck tension after eight hours of operation. c. Replacing Belts. Replace belts as,soon as they become frayed, worn or cracked. NEVER REPLACE ONE V -BELT ON A MULTIPLE DRIVE. Replace the complete set with a set of matched belts, which can be obtained from any supplier. All belts in a matched set are machine checked to ensure equal size and tension. d. Storing Spare Belts. Store spare belts in a cool dark place. Tag all belts in storage to identify them with the equipment on which they can be used. V -Belts A properly ajusted V -belt has a slight bow in the slack side when running; when idle, it has an alive springiness when thumped with the hand. An improperly tightened belt feels dead when thumped. a. Check tension MONTHLY. If tightening belt to proper tension does not correct slipping, check for overload, oil on belts, or other possible causes. Rubber wearings near the drive are a sign of improper tension,incorrect alignment, or damaged sheaves. Couplings 1. General. Unless couplings between the driving and driven elements of a pump or any other piece of equipment are kept in proper alignment, breaking and excessive wear results in either or both the driven machinery and the driver. Burned - out bearings, sprung or broken shaft and excessively worn or ruined gears are some of the damages caused by misalignment. 17- 24 To prevent outages and the expense of installing replacement parts, check the alignment of all equipment before damage occur. a. Improper original installation of the equipment may not necessarily be the cause of the trouble. Settling of foundations, heavy floor loadings, warping of bases, excessive bearing wear, and many other factors cause misalignment. A rigid base is not alway security against misalignment. The base may have been mounted off level which could cause it to warp. b. Flexible couplings permit easy assembly of equipment, but they must be aligned as exactly as flanged couplings if maintenance and repair are to be kept to a minimum. Rubber -bushed types cannot function properly if the bolts cannot move in their bushings. 2. Check coupling alignment SEMIANNUALLY. Excessive bearing and motor temperatures caused by overload, noticeable vibration, or unusual noises may all be warnings of misalignment. Realign when necessary, using a straight edge and thickness gage or wedge. To ensure satisfactory operation, level up to within 0.005 inch as follows: a. Remove coupling pins. b. Rigidly tighten driven equipment; slightly tighten bolts holding drive. C. To correct horizontal and vertical misalignment, shift or shim drive to bring coupling halves into position so no light can be seen under a straight edge laid across them. Place straight edge in four positions, holding a light back of straight edge to -help ensure accuracy. d. Check for angular misalignment with a thickness or feeler gage inserted at four places to make certain space between coupling halves is equal. e. If proper alignment has been secured, coupling pins can be put in place easily -using only finger pressure. Never hammer pins into place. f. If equipment is still out of alignment, repeat the procedure. 3. Lubricate flexible couplings SEMIANNUALLY. CIRCULAR TANK SLUDGE COLLECTORS The circular units consist of a turntable base, mounted on a center column. Annular ball bearings support the internal gear and underwater mechanism. The balls ride on hardened steel strips set in grooves in the turntable base and internal gear. The pinion (or 17- 25 pinions) that mesh with the internal gear are driven by a worm gear reduction unit (or units) which is mounted on top of the turntable base, and is connected by chain and sprocket to a motor or gear motor. Anti -friction bearings support the worm, worm -gear and pinion. Systematic inspection and lubrication will lengthen the life of these units. 1. All oil baths should be inspected WEEKLY. Periodically remove the drain plugs under worm housing (upper and lower reservoir) and remove small quantity of oil to remove any water or foreign matter. The oil fill plugs have vent holes; be sure.that this hole is not closed by paint and that it is open at all times. 2. Lubrication of the gears depends on the pumping action of the meshing teeth. This is a maintenance -free feature and requires no attention provided the proper oil level is maintained. Check the oil level WEEKLY to make sure that oil is maintained at the proper level. 3. The proper interval for changing oil will depend upon condition of oil. However, for typical or average service, SEMIANNUALLY can be considered often enough. Draining the center mechanism is accomplished by removing a plug at the following locations: a. Under the worm b. Under the upper reservoir bearing (when provided) c. At the lower reservoir drain line d. On large units, an additional lower reservoir drain line is provided. 4. Because a high viscosity oil must be used, some time will be required for the oil to settle. Fill to the number of gallons specified in operational manual. If overload device is provided, more oil may be needed. Never check oil when unit is running. 5. The lower pinion bearings are provided with grease fittings, grease SEMIANNUALLY. EVERY TWO YEARS, the cover plate beneath each bearing should be removed and, without disturbing the retainer plate, remove as much old grease as possible, repack with grease and replace cover. 6. Dual -pinion units are provided with grease fittings in the couplings at each end of an intermediate shaft. These should be lubricated QUARTERLY. To do this, the unit must be stopped and coupling and chain guards removed. 7. Roller chain, if in semi -enclosed guards, swab or brush 17- 26 with oil. If in oiltight guard, fill through opening until lowest point of chain dips into oil. 8. Lifting or dragging of the arms can cause damage to mechanism. Keep mechanism adjusted. Consult operational manual for adjustment procedures. 9. Examine gears, oil seals and bearings ANNUALLY. AIR DIFFUSERS Air diffuser assemblies should be inspected each time the tanks are cleaned. ROTARY POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT BLOWERS Grease -Lubricated Bearings Bearings should be lubricated QUARTERLY when units are in continuous use. When greasing bearings, remove plug at top of bearing housing, also remove drain plugs in bearing housing cap (both top and bottom). Insert grease in top opening. Dirty grease will be forced out through drain hole in bottom of cap. Continue adding grease until new appears at the drain hole. Start unit and allow it to run with both top and bottom drain holes open until grease stops dripping,then replace plugs. Oil -Lubricated Bearings Oil should be checked WEEKLY when units are in continuous service. Check oilers on units, they may be preset and need no adjustment. After servicing unit(s), always be sure the vent hose between oiler base and the top of the machine bearing housing has been connected. Oil should be changed every six months, unless the units are operating under severe conditions. It is good maintenance practice to remove old grease from bearings housing and flush bearing housings SEMIANNUALLY. Do not fill bearing housing more than half full. Alignment Proper alignment of drive and driven unit at operating conditions is the single most important factor in providing trouble-free operation. All corrections of direct -drive units should be made with the unit at operating temperature. Ambient (room) temperature alignment does not allow for the units' thermal growth. Neglect of this will result in misalignment, excessive vibration and shortened bearing life. Worn.or defective bearings should be replaced promptly to avoid damage to the unit. Spare bearings should be readily available. When screen or filters are used, it is imperative they be kept clean. When replacing bearings, it is 17- 27 necessary to only remove bearing housings. Disconnection of intake or discharge piping not necessary. Bearings should not be forced into the housings. It should slide into the shaft and into housing with only a hand push. Never start the unit with both the inlet and outlet open. Proper direction of rotation is indicated by an arrow on unit. If rotation is wrong, allow machine to reach full speed before stopping. Units should not normally be operated with both the inlet and outlet connections wide open. This condition allows maximum flow, and in some cases could seriously overload motor. Under full load conditions, the unit should rotate at the full load speed indicated on motor nameplate. Check shutoff valves in line to ensure they are in the "open" position. An excessively hot motor indicates one or more of the following conditions: overload, low voltage, high ambient temperature or restricted ventilation. MIXERS 1. Check oil level WEEKLY. 2. The operating temperature of the unit is the temperature of the oil in the case. The maximum temperature should not exceed 180 deg. F (200 deg. F for worm -gear units). 3. Instructions for "Grease Lubrication" and "Shut Down Periods" should be followed as specified in manufacturer's literature. 4. For units with pressure lubrication systems, the above information and instructions apply with the addition of the following: a. Whenever the unit is started, the oil pressure should be check. When unit temperature is 160 deg. F, the oil pressure should be approximately 15-30 psi. When starting a cold unit, the pressure will be higher. If no pressure is indicated, shut down until the condition is corrected. b. oil filters, when supplied with pressure -lubricated units, should be cleaned periodically. 6. It is recommended to change oil SEMIANNUALLY. 7. Every precaution should be taken to prevent any foreign matter from entering the gear case. Dust, dirt, moisture and chemical fumes form sludge which is the biggest enemy of proper and adequate lubrication. 17- 28 8. Bearings should be lubricated SEMIANNUALLY. 9. For units located outdoors; proper grade oils must be used for winter and summer operation: Winter oil - Shell Omala No. 66 Or Mobil Gear No. 3 Summer oil - Consult Manufacturer's Operation and Maintenance Manual. SLUDGE DIGESTION SYSTEM Digester maintenance should have high priority because of the corrosive nature of the gases emitted during sludge -digestion. Sludge gas, when mixed with air in certain proportions, presents an exceedingly dangerous explosion hazard. It may also be toxic, and a number of fatalities have resulted at waste treatment plants. It is essential that the equipment be properly maintained to avoid failures which might result in gas leaks or malfunctioning of the fixed or floating cover, with the hazard of collapse if a vacuum results. Vacuum -pressure relief valves are designed to prevent structural collapse should a vacuum develop within a tank or if gas pressure exceeds preset limits. Adjustments to the pressure -relief device are made by adding or removing weights above the diaphragm.. The sheepskin leather diaphragm should be treated with neat"s-foot oil and the drain hole kept open to prolong its life. The aluminum surfaces of the relief valve should be kept clean of slime. Check the vacuum -relief reservoir frequently and maintain its liquid level. The flame cell in the vacuum -pressure relief valve assembly should be inspected frequently to maintain the passages to permit free gas flow. Slimy material may be removed from the flame cell by water, steam or compressed air. In winter months, frost must be removed, as necessary, to keep the vacuum unit.open. The gas recirculation systems are designed to mix sludge in the primary digesters. Each time the control panel's explosion - proof cover is opened, it must be resealed with grease. A silicone spray should be applied annually to all metal parts of electrical components. The compressor's lubricator should be set to dispense oil to the compressor at a rate of 16 to 20 drops per minute through each feeder. These units use a three -line oiler with individual pumps for each feeder line, one oiler line to the rotor and the other two to the main bearings at each end of the compressor's shaft. The sight feed unit must be kept full of liquid, normally glycerin, water or a combination of both. The reservoir gageglass and the sight feed glass should be kept clean. The ball check valves in the lubricator pump must be kept clean and only clean oil be used. A commercial engine cleaner should be used 17- 29 MONTHLY to flush the lubricator reservoir, followed by oil of same type used in the lubrication. The reservoir should be -kept full of oil. Maintain all connections, oil leads and mounting hardware, seeing that they are kept tight and free of vibrations. The drive motor for the compressor and lubricator should be regreased YEARLY, flushing all the old grease out and renewing it with fresh clean grease. Alignment of flexible couplings should be checked YEARLY. The compressor manufacturer's recommendations for rotor and blade clearance and replacement must be followed. Globe high-pressure relief and low-pressure regulator valves will require occasional maintenance, such as repacking, replacing valve seats, rings or stems, etc. Under no circumstances should any form of maintenance be performed on this type of equipment without first isolating the valve and relieving any internal pressure from the valve body. Any maintenance performed should be done with strict adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations and procedures. Gas safety equipment must be maintained to prevent gas leaks and failure of protective devices. The flame trap and cell elements must be checked frequently and kept clean to ensure drainage and reduce clogging. If there is any indication of a flashback within the piping system, or if it is known that severe heat has been applied near a flame cell or trap, those units should be investigated immediately and elements replaced if necessary. The waste gas burner requires only a periodic check to ensure that the pilot orifice and vertical holes throughout the ignition ring are open. Condensate should be removed from drip traps and accumulators daily or as often as necessary to prevent condensate from interfering with the free flow of gas in the system. In addition, the accumulator collects a considerable amount of slime -producing matter that is present in sludge gas lines. This sediment can be removed by the drain plug near the bottom of the container. Diaphragms in the low-pressure check valves and gas pressure gages must be kept soft and pliable, which can be done by treating them with neat's-foot oil. The digester heater and heat exchanger is a combination hot water boiler and shell and tube heat exchanger, built as an integral compact unit. It provides the necessary heat source for heating the new digester control building and the new primary digestion tank. Since the boiler is automatic and under the limit control, the main concern of the operating personnel should be systematic inspection and servicing. It is suggested that, about EVERY 5 to 10 YEARS, the level in the digestion tanks be drawn down and the system purged to allow complete inspection of the interior. Accumulations of inert solids (primary sand) should be removed from the tanks. Access manholes have been provided at near ground level and on the covers of the digestion tanks. It is recommended that sealing gaskets be replaced on the manholes or hatches opened and that a grease seal 17- 30 be applied to both sides of the gasket prior to sealing; this will ensure a gastight closure and make it easier to remove the next time the manhole is opened. Rollers on the floating cover digesters should be relubricated every two or three months. Whenever digestion tanks are dewatered, all interior steelwork (pipes, support and ceiling plate, etc.) should be checked thoroughly for paint failure or corrosion, repainting or replacing as required. Exterior steelwork or metal, not directly exposed to digester liquid, should be inspected annually and repainted when there is evidence of rusting or corrosion. Water accumulation in the sump well of the floating cover digesters should be drawn off as frequently as necessary to prevent any standing water. The operator is referred to the chapter .on safety precautions and the manufacturer's bulletins and instructions for additional details. COMPRESSORS A good grade of compressor oil will not form gummy or carbon deposits at cylinder and head temperatures - assuring efficient compressor valve operation. Consult factory or your oil company for recommended type of lubricant. Some automobile oils are suitable for intermittent use but not for heavy duty operation. The compressor oil capacity is shown on the oil tag attached to the pump. Keep oil level to the line on the visual oil gage at all times. Some compressors are not equipped with visual oil gages. For these models, keep oil level between marks on the bayonet gage or as indicted on the base filter opening. Drain oil from crankcase at least QUARTERLY and refill with fresh oil. If in daily use, change oil MONTHLY. Check belt tension and pulley alignment using a straight edge. The motor may have shifted or have been loosened by vibration or rough handling. Abnormal belt wear indicates poor alignment. Belts should be kept tight enough to prevent slipping on the motor pulley (heating of motor pulley indicates slippage). Slots in the platform or motor rails make it easy to slide the motor back and forth to adjust belt tension. Failure to compress air is frequently due to a clogged filter which prevents free intake of air. Inspect the filter element daily and clean if necessary. If the filter element is a wire mesh type, remove when dirty, wash in kerosene or other solvent and dry. Then dip in new oil, drain and replace. Felt pad -type elements may be cleaned in the same manner but should not be oiled. Never operate the compressor without the intake filter since dirt -can be drawn into the compressor preventing proper valve action and possibly scoring cylinder and piston walls. 17- 31 Atmospheric moisture is condensed and deposited in the tank. Open tank drain valve at least WEEKLY and blow out moisture. A check valve is used on automatic switch controlled for centrifugal unloader compressor to seal off the storage tank from the pumping unit and make it possible to relieve pressure from the aftercooler so the motor can start against no pressure load. When the compressor stops running, trapped air rushes out through the automatic switch relief valve piping or the centrifugal unloader outlet for a few seconds until the aftercooler has been drained. If air continues to escape from that opening while compressor is idle, a leaky check valve is indicated. This condition can prevent the electric motor from starting or cause it to accelerate slowly when current is turned on, thereby-damaging the starting mechanism and windings. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that the check valve be kept in good condition. HOISTING EQUIPMENT All hoist cables should be inspected MONTHLY and swabbed as necessary to prevent rusting. Lack of lubrication may be expected to result in rapid wear of the strands as the cables travel over the sheaves and drum. The lubricant should be capable of penetrating to the inner core and should be sufficiently adhesive to prevent dripping. Care should be exercised during operation to see that the hoist cables do not jump the grooves in the drum, as the cables can weaken and reduce service life. AIR FILTERS AND REGULATORS Filters 1. To maintain maximum filtering efficiency and to avoid excessive pressure drop, the filter must be kept clean. Bowl drainage is automatic; however, manual draining can also be done by turning drain cock clockwise. A visible coating of dirt or condensate on the filter element surface, or an excessive pressure drop, is an indication that cleaning is necessary. 2. To clean, it is not necessary to remove filter from the line disassembly is simple and does not require tools. Clean all parts with methanol alcohol and blow out filter body before reassembly. Wash filter element in alcohol and blow out from the inside. Clean bowl with household soap ONLY; NEVER use carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, thinner, acetone or similar solvents. Regulators 1. It the air supply is kept clean, the regulator should provide long periods of uninterrupted service. Erratic regulator operation or loss of regulation is most always due to dirt 17- 32 FIGURE 17-1 rrn 0 o ° o ° 8 0 0 0 C 0 q 0 0 0 0 o G o a 0 p E - F 0 BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE IMCONSULTING ENGINEERS on the disk area and cleaning is in order. 2. Remove bottom plug, spring, strainer with denatured alcohol, wipe off seat compressed air. Reassemble parts as regulator - before tightening bottom is in center hole in body. FLOW INDICATORS and disk. Clean parts and blow out body with a unit and screw into plug, make sure disk 1. The only maintenance required is the occasional cleaning of the tube and float. The meter should be cleaned frequently, enough to preserve the accuracy and float visibility. 2. The meter tube and the float are precision manufactured parts. Never subject the meter tube to unnecessary shock or strain. When removing the tube, be careful not to drop the meter float. Handle the float with care as a nick or scratch will destroy the meter's accuracy. 3. Refer to the manufacturer's literature for procedures for tube and float removal, installation and disassembly. UTILITIES Water Water is supplied to the treatment facility via a 2 -inch main at a pressure of about 65 psi. There is one water meter and one reduced pressure backflow preventer at this facility, located in the Administration Building. A description and function of the reduced pressure backflow preventer follows: REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER Description The reduced pressure principle backflow preventer (Figure 17-1) operates on the principle that water will not flow from a zone of lower pressure to one of higher pressure. It provides protection against backflow caused by both backpressure and backsiphonage. The device consists of two spring-loaded check valves (A and B) and a spring-loaded, diaphragm -actuated differential pressure -relief valve (C) located in the zone between the check valves. Operation Normal Operation. The first check valve (A) causes all water passing through it to be automatically reduced in pressure by approximately 8 psi. 17- 33 The second check valve (B) is lightly spring forms the "double check" feature of the device. It acts to prevent unnecessary drainage of the domestic system in case a backflow condition occurs. The relief valve (C) is spring-loaded to remain open and diaphragm actuated to close by means of differential pressure. To illustrate the operation, assume water, having a supply pressure of 60 psi, is flowing in a normal direction through the device. If all valves beyond area (F) are closed, creating a static condition, the water pressure in area (D) will be 60 psi and water pressure between the check valves (E) will be 52 psi. The inlet pressure of 60 psi is transmitted through a cored passageway to the underside of the diaphragm of the relief valve (C). This valve is spring-loaded to remain in an open position until the differential pressure amounts to approximately 4 psi across the relief valve. During normal operation, therefore, the 8 psi differential pressure produced by the first check valve (A) exceeds the spring -loading of the relief valve (C) and causes the relief valve (C) to remain closed. Backflow: There are two (2) conditions that tend to produce backflow: 1. Backsiphonage - where the pressure in the drinking water system becomes less than atmospheric due to a vacuum or partial vacuum in that system. 2. Backpressure - where the pressure in the nonpotable system exceeds that in the drinking water system. Backsiphonage: As the supply pressure drops in area (D), it also drops in the area below the diaphragm of the relief valve (C). When the pressure differential across the diaphragm decreases to approximately 4 psi, the relief valve (C) will start to open. This happens because the spring above the diaphragm of the relief valve (C), which is trying to force the valve open, is designed to compress with a differential pressure of 8 psi. When that differential is decreased to 4 psi, the spring will extend and cause the relief valve (C) to start to open. This spring-loaded relief valve is designed to eliminate intermittent discharges and "spitting" with normal minor fluctuations in the line pressure. As the supply pressure continues to drop, the relief valve (C) automatically continues to drop, the relief valve (C) automatically continues to drain and regardless of the pressure on the supply side, approximately 4 psi less pressure will be maintained between the check valves (Zone E). This will cause continual drainage which will be readily visible at the drain outlet. 17- 35 Maintenance General. Reduced pressure backflow preventer should be inspected WEEKLY for signs of discharge from the relief valve, in order to obtain a "visual inspection" of need for maintenance. See Appendix D18 for detailed maintenance instructions. ELECTRICAL Information on the electrical service to the plant is discussed in Chapter 16. TELEPHONE The Treatment Building at this facility is provided with a tie line to the Village of Greenpoint treatment plant which has a telephone connection to police and fire departments. There are audible alarms mounted on the outside wall of the Village of Greenport plant, Control and Pump Building. FUEL OIL The fuel oil system at the plant consists of a fuel oil tank which supplies fuel oil to the heater/heat exchanger. The tank is located below grade between the ferric chloride storage vault and the flow meter pit -and is of the horizontal cylindrical type, with tapping aligned axially at the top of the tank for fill, vent, dipstick, suction and return piping. This tank is provided with a 4`° fill and vent lime. Periodically check and record the fuel oil level in the storage tank with a dipstick to insure that an adequate amount of oil is, available at all times. 17® 36 C C CHAPTER X DIVISION OF WA^.'ER RESOURCES § 650.7 PART 650 QUALIQ+'ICATIONS OF OPERATORS OF PUBLIC SELVAGE TREATMENT PLANTS (Statutory authority: Public Health law, 1 225) E Sec. 630.1 Desnitions 650.10 Grade 311-13 860.2 Qualtflcations required 650.11 Grade III -B 650.3 Grades established 650.12 Grade n -C 650.4 Type of plant and required grade of 650.13 Grade rrl-c operator and assistant operator 650.14 Submission of evidence of 650.8 Preliminary qualifications qualifications 650.6 Grade I -A 650.15 Authority to alter requirements or 650.7 Grade IIA to require examinations 650.8 Grade'ffi-A 860.16 Statue of previously approved 650.9 Grade I -B operators Historical Note Part (if 660.1-860.18) added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May-, --r?2. Soafion 6".1 Definitions. As used hs.this Part the following words and terms shall have the indicated meanings: (a) Operator shall mean an individual who is employed or appointed by any county, city, village, town, district, or by any State department, agency or authority, or by any sewer company, corporation, person or group of persons, or by any industry or institution, and who is designated by the appointing officials as the person in responsible charge of the complete and actual operation of any sewage treatment plant. It is not intended to include. city managers, superintendents of public works or municipal or -other officials uness .their duties include the actual operation. of a sewage treatment plant. (b) As*tant operator shall mean an individual who is employed or appointed by any county. city. village, town, district, or'by any State department, agency or authority, or by any sewer company, corporation, person or group of persons, or by any industry or institution, and who is designated by the appointing officials as the person who, under the direction of an approved operator, is responsible for the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant. (o) Sewage tr+eat"ietst plant shall mean any plant or facilityowned or main- tained by any county, city, village, town, district, or by any State department, agency, or authority, or by any sewer company, corporation, person or group of persona, or by any Industry_ or institution, which subjects sewage to a process for removing or altering the objectionable constituents of sewage for. the purpose -of making it less offensive. or dangerous. It - is .Intended to include a plant treating a combination of domestic sewage and industrial wastes, but not a plant which treats industrial wastes amllistvoly.,,Plauts consisting of the foffiowing treatment. schemes We cWhided frpm the requirement of having`.a certified operator: (1) Septic tanks followed by subsurface leaching facilities with eventual dlacharge to the ground waters, regardless of design capacity. (2) Septic tanks followed by open.or covered intermittent sand Biters, with a designated- capacity of less than 50,000 gallons. per day. (d) Actiosated ~ pry abaIl'mean a biological sewage treatment process In. wbich a mixture of sewage and activated sludge is . agitated and aerated. It is Intended to inctnde the modified forms of this process and also the aacalled pack- age plants which make use of such modifications. (a) M*IV(cas oxidation process shall mean a process by which-micrroorgwdems 881 CAT 480-72 g 650.2 TITL)0 Q VN'ViRONMi1NTAL .C,ON8EIRVAT1ON ih the search for food break down complex organic materials if►•.o simple. more Mable substances. It is intended to include treatment units such as trickling SI - tors, land Sher, oxidation or stabilization ponds and any device performing the ssrne funcUon. Such units are secondary treatment units. Hlatorical Note Hao. added, filed April 29, 1972 eft. May 1, 1472. 650.2 Qu&Ufic&uo`g rogldred. (a) A sewage treatment plant must be under the responsible supervlslon of an appropriately approved operator at all times. No person shall be employed or appointed hereafter as operator or assistant oper- ator unless he shall possess at Ule time of employment or appointment the qualifl- cauons herein prescribed for such position. (b) Ttdz fart shall not apply to appointments made from civil service lists established prior to October 1, 1937, nor to an Individual actually employed on Sep- tember 30, 1937 as such an operator, nor to an Individual actually employed on December $1, 1946 as an uperator of a sewage treatment plant serving the general public and owned or operated by a sewer company, corporation, person or group of persons, nor to an individual whose oualitications have beim approved in accordance with prior Sanitary Code regulauona 111storioal Note Sea added, tiled AVLII 2si, 1972 o8. Way 650.3 Owes oetablished. There are hereby established qualilicatiorw for operators in grades I -A, 11-A, I -B, II -B, III -B, II -C sad III•C and for assistant operators In grades 11-A, III -A, III -B and III -C. Iiiatorloal Note Hae. added, Sled April 28, 1973 off. May 1, I= 650.4 Type of plant and tvyuired grade of operator and assistant opoautor. Tile following indicates the nrinimum grade of operator anis assistalit operator rrquirod to bo in rosponsible charge of the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant and a summary of the required qualifications of the personnel: 832 CN 4-30-72 T°t of PL,at Treatment A Activated sludge process (including I e. Luo tIl :tions) Designated 8oalth Dept Chemical precipl- uired Grade tation or sludge Required Basic .vacuum filtration Required Type and Duration of Experience or sludge inciner- ation or sludge Training oxidation or sepa- Op— Op rate sludge diges- Per Day tion or biological B oxidation process Greater than L5 I -A650.6 N e 0 PUnt by I Designated 8oalth Dept FN. Ailnicnum uired Grade gfy-- Required Basic Required Special Required Type and Duration of Experience million GalionNo. Education Training Operating Op— Op Arai Oper. Per Day Course Greater than L5 I -A650.6 — Appropriate One year oparsting experience at a ° use option Approved Plant with facilities egttiv3leat to below C-iurse Type A plant. with ability to make necessary tests. n'A 650.7 M9hfchool or high or hi Appropriate �Type Sly. months operating experience at - Approved a plant with fs.cilitles equivalent to 31-A equivalency equivalency Course A plant, with ability to mak® diploma neceasary testa. 65C.8 Z"gb echool cr high echool Appr:, rlateata Approved Three rvontha ope-&ting experience l' last w th :ncElt'ica equlealent than 0•III-A �—j III -A equivalency Courseto Type A plant ith ability to make necessary tests. diploma —650.9 Sc•e. option Appropriate One year operating experience at a plant with facilities equivalent to I -B below Approved Course Type B plant, with ability to make Greater than 1 _ — necessary tests. II -B 650.10 High school or high school Appropriate Approved fila tn- 'ire operating experience at a plant with facilities equivalent to __— II -B equivalency Course 'type B plant, with ability to make 2.6-10.0 diploma necessary testa. ]II'B650.11 High school or high Appropriate Approved Three months operating experience at a plant with facilities equivalent 0.02—leas thea school Course to Type B plant, with ability to 2.5 >�-B IIS -B equivalency diploma make necessary tests. Oq. TYp6 plant off Traetment Plant - ttaapa Capacity �eaTth t�D�e�p�' Jd.Rlion 1=ns Pa D87 24aim� a e pea• No- Regnircd Beate Mduca.tion 8 TM. ming Course g8gvlred D� and Duration of Opp71M Mxperlewa Aper. i Aast Oper. B Those esnd Alton i with design ca- pacltles of less than 80,000 gpd or those planta employing the activated sludge process and/or 0.01—leas than 0.02 No grade required until 12/30/70 After 1/1/11 III -B III -B I High school or high school equivalency diploma Appropriate A)aproved Course Three months operating experience at a plant with facWtieo equivalent Type BBplan with ability to s 650.11 rt.ablllzation ponds are excluded from Les. than 0.01 No Grade this category Required C Settling tank (plain or septic or Imhof!) or stabilization or oxidation pond Greater then 5.0 II -C 650.12 High reboot or high school equivalency diploma Appropriate Approved Course Four months operating experienee t n plant with facilltir� equivalent to Type C plant, with Obluty to make necessary tests. III -C III -C 650.13 HiGh school or high school equivalency (diploma Appropriate Approved Course T-0months operating experience at a plant with facilities equivalent m Type C pleat, wills ability to mah, ,we,, test.. ° 0.05--5.0 III -C Leve than n.08 - -------Required No Grade ._.--------- �--------- I — --- — ,Qualifying options for Grade I -A and I -B: a. Bachelor of Science degree from a duly accredited university or school or b. A. New York State Professional rngincer's license or e. An Associate in Applied Science degree from a duly accredited univerelty or school In a currlculum approved by the New York State Department of hnvironmental Conservation phis 21,1. years of approved experience or d. An Associate In Applied Science degree fro,• :• duly accredited nniver.sIty or school plus 5 years of approved eaperlence or e. A high school diploma or ec,uivalczw-y eerthicatt .1.nd 10 yr: ry appi oved experlen,-n. Those IndlvOuals seeking apprnvnl of qu;sliflEutiurm under c, d, of a above, may be required to pass writen and/or oral examination.. U U V CHAPTER X DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES § 650.9 Mstoricai Note Sec. added, filed April 28, 1972 Off. May 1, 1972. 650.5 Preliminary qualifications. An operator or assistant operator shall be physically capable of performing his duties; shall be able to speak, read and write the English language; and shall produce evidence acceptable to the appointing authority as to his character and ability to maintain and operate properly all equipment entrusted to his care. Alatorleal Note Sec. added, flied April 28, 1972 eff. May 1, 1972. 650.6 Qualifications, grad1-4. The qualifications for grade I -A operators shall be education, training and practical experience consisting of: graduation from a university or school recognized by the University of the State of New York with a bachelor of science degree; satisfactory completion of an appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than one year of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for the activated sludge process or Any similar proc- ess; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Sub- stitution of approved experience or education may be made as detailed in the foot- note to the table in section 650.4. Historical Nato See. added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May 1, 1972. 650.7 Qualifications, Krade H -A. The qualifications for grade H -A operators and assistant operators shall be education, training and practical experience con- sisting of: graduation from high school or possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma; completion of an appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than six months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for the activated sludge process or any similar process; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Historical Note Sea added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May 650.8 Qualifications, grade IIIA. The qualifications for grade IIIA oper- ators and assistant operators shall be education, training and practical experience consisting of: graduation from high school or possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma:. completion of ah appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; and not less than three months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for the activated sludge process or any similar process; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Historical Note Sec. added, filed April 28, 197E eff. Mwy 1, 1972. 650.9 Qualifications, grade E -B. The quaUfieations for grade I -B operator shall be education, training and practical experience consisting of: graduation from 335 CN 4-80-72 C- - C CHAPTER X DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES § 650.9 Mstoricai Note Sec. added, filed April 28, 1972 Off. May 1, 1972. 650.5 Preliminary qualifications. An operator or assistant operator shall be physically capable of performing his duties; shall be able to speak, read and write the English language; and shall produce evidence acceptable to the appointing authority as to his character and ability to maintain and operate properly all equipment entrusted to his care. Alatorleal Note Sec. added, flied April 28, 1972 eff. May 1, 1972. 650.6 Qualifications, grad1-4. The qualifications for grade I -A operators shall be education, training and practical experience consisting of: graduation from a university or school recognized by the University of the State of New York with a bachelor of science degree; satisfactory completion of an appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than one year of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for the activated sludge process or Any similar proc- ess; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Sub- stitution of approved experience or education may be made as detailed in the foot- note to the table in section 650.4. Historical Nato See. added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May 1, 1972. 650.7 Qualifications, Krade H -A. The qualifications for grade H -A operators and assistant operators shall be education, training and practical experience con- sisting of: graduation from high school or possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma; completion of an appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than six months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for the activated sludge process or any similar process; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Historical Note Sea added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May 650.8 Qualifications, grade IIIA. The qualifications for grade IIIA oper- ators and assistant operators shall be education, training and practical experience consisting of: graduation from high school or possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma:. completion of ah appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; and not less than three months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for the activated sludge process or any similar process; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Historical Note Sec. added, filed April 28, 197E eff. Mwy 1, 1972. 650.9 Qualifications, grade E -B. The quaUfieations for grade I -B operator shall be education, training and practical experience consisting of: graduation from 335 CN 4-80-72 §-650.10 .TITLE 8 ENMONMENTAV CONSERVATION a university or school recognized b_v the Urdversity of the State of New York with a bachelor of science degree; satisfactory completion of an appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than one year of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for chemical precipitation, sludge vacuum filtration, sludge incineration, separate sludge digestion, or any biological oxidation process other than the activated sludge and the stabilization or oxidation pond processes; and the ability to conduct the routine .laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. Substitu- tion of approved experience or education may be made as detailed in the footnote to the table In section 850.4. Historical Note Sec. added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May 1, 1972. 650.10 Qualifications, grade H -B. The qualifications for grade II -B operators and assistant operators shall be education, training and practical experience con- sisting of: graduation from high school or possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma; satisfactory .completion of an appropriate course of Instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than six months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage -treatment 'plant with facilities for chemical precipitation, sludge vacuum filtration, sludge incineration, separate sludge digestion, or any biological oxidation process other than the activated sludge and the stabilization or oxidation pond processes-, and' the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment -plant with such facilities. Historical Note Bec. added, filed April 28, 1972 eff. May 1, 1972. M The for III -B oper- 650:11 Qualifications, grade -B. qualifications grade. ators and assistant operators shall be education, trairing and practical experience consisttng-of: graduation from high school or the possession of a New York State high school equivalency diploma; satisfactory completion of an,appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than three months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for chemical precipitation, sludge vacuum filtration, sludge incineration, separate sludge digestion, or any biological oxidation process other than the activated sludge and the stabilization or oxidation pond processes; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. BBtoriaal Note �• Sec: added, Sled , April 28_1972 eff. May .450:1 Z Qusllflatbtts, 6rAft XI -Q, The ,qualifications for grade':11-0- operators -shall be education, training and practical experience consisting,of: graduation from high school or possesalon:of it New•York.State high school equivalency diploma, satisfactory completion of an appropriate_ course of instruction. approved by the State.. Department of -Environmental Conservation; not less than four months of satisfactory experience- 4n the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for plain settling. -or the use of $A161hoff•tank, or these of a.stabilization or oxidation pond; or the use of any similar facility; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests .required for the control of the operation of a new- (` age treatment plant with such facilities, mamma Notts Bee. added, Sled April 28,. 1872 eff. May 1, 1l1T3R. ' 336 CN 4-30-72 e t' CSAPTEIR X DIVIBION OF WATER RESOURCES i. • $50.13 Qualifications, grade M -C. The qualifications for grade ffi-C operators e and &blatant operators shall be eduration, training and practical experience con- alsting of: graduation from high school or possession of a Now York State high school equivalency diploma; satisfactory completion of an appropriate course of instruction approved by the State Department of Environmental Conservation; not less than two months of satisfactory experience in the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant with facilities for plain settling, or the use of an Imho$ tank, or the ( use of a stabilization or oxidation pond, or the use of any similar facility; and the ability to conduct the routine laboratory and field tests required for the control of the operation of a sewage treatment plant with such facilities. H -r` Sturical Nobe B6c. added, filed April 28, 1872 eff. May 1, 1[r1Z. 630.14 Subtnlsalon of evidence of qual fleation s. Any person may submit his qualifications for consideration to the State Department of Environmental Conserva- tion and have them approved in a spec ,ific grade if such qualifications meet the requirements for such grade as herein stated. _ itt:ztorical Note 1 Sea. added, flled April tri, 18T1 eft. May 3, 18iZ 650.15 Authority to titter mjuiremenhs or to require eaaminatiorm (a) In the cake of a specifically designated sewage treatment plant, the State department of Environmental Conservation mi.y require, on the basis of the designed plant, capacity, type of treatment plant and the classification of the receiving waters, the operator and assistant operator responsible for the actual operation of a sewage treatment plant to have qualiflca6ions in either a higher or lower grade than those therein required for a specific treatnent plant. (b) The State Department of Krivironmental Conservation may require any person whose qudlificutiuns ere submitted for consideral,.;n w take written, oral or practical examinations and may approve such quali(ication� in a specific grade on the basis of the results of sut h examinations. 111etorical Nota t Sec. added, mita April 28, 1872 efr. May 1, 1SiT2 650.16 Status of previously approved operators. Individuals who have had their qualifications approved in any grade prior- to April 1, 1963 shall be considered t to be giWified to operate or to operate under supervision the type of treatment plant for which his qualifications were approved under the previous Sanitary Code require- ments. r II+,cterical Nolte Sea added, Sled April 28, 187% eff. May 1. MX Ll 887 CM 9-30-72 REFERENCE MATERIALS. Organized and easily accessible reference materials provide operating and supervising personnel with ready access to facts, figures and backup knowledge concerning the waste treatment facility. A listing of some basic renference materials follows: 1. Water Pollution Control Federal Publications Number 1 Safety and Wastewatr:r Works Number 6 Units of Expressions for Wastes and Waste Treatment Number 11 Operation of Wastewater Plants Number 17 Paint and Protective Coatings for Wastewater Treatment Facilities Number 18 'Simplified Laboratory Procedures for Wastewater Examination 2. Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastwater, Current Edition, APHA, AWWA, WPCF 3. Glossary of Terms, WPCF, APRA, ASCE, and A14WA 4. Manual of Instruction for Sewage Treatment Plant Operators, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation S. Operation of Wastewater Treatment*Plant, EPA # 5TT1-WP-16-03, prepared by Sacramento State College, Department of Civil Engineering (Two volumes) 6. Wastewater Engineering: Collection,. Treatment and Disposal, Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., McGraw Hill 7. Chemistry for Sanitary Engineers, Sawyer, C.H. and McCarty, P.L., McGraw Hill USEPA Manuals 1. Maintenance Management Systems for Municipal Wastewater Facilities, EPA, 430/9-74-004 2. Emergency Planning for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities, EPA 430-9-74-013 3. Start up of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants .Contract No. 68-01-0341 4. Safety in the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Works APPENDIX D MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE The manufacturer's maintenance manuals are listed by Chapter, according to their location in the waste treatment stream. The exceptions are the electrical equipment in Chapter 15 and the mechanical equipment in Chapter 16. A listing of manufacturer's for this facility follows: 1. D- 7- 1 Grit Collector/Grit Screw Conveyor/Dewatering Screw 2. D- 7- 2 Positive Displacement Blowers 3. D- 8- 1 Coarse Bubble Diffusers 4. D- 8- 2 Peabody Barnes Submersible Sewage Pumps Installation and Operation Manual/Equalization Tank 5. D- 8- 3 Fidelity Environmental Equipment Co., Inc. Installation and Maintenance of Sluice Gate 6. D- 9- 1 Lime Feed system/Acrison, Inc. Instruction Manual for Model 500 Polymair 7. D- 9- 2 Ferric Chloride Diaphragm Pump 8. D- 9- 3 Mechanical Flash Mixer 9. D- 9- 4 Mechanical Flocculator 10. D-10- 1 Sludge/Scum Collector Mechanism 11. D-11- 1 Hydrochloric Diaphrapm Pump 12. D-11- 2 Mechanical Flash Mixer 13. D-11- 3 Lyco Service Manual RBS Water Treatment System 14. D-12- 1 Sludge/Scum Collector Mechanism 15. D-12- 2 Peabody Barnes Submersible Sewage Pumps Installation and Operation Manual/Effluent Wet Well 16. D-13- 1 Peabody Barnes Submersible Sewage Pumps Installation and Operation Manual Scum/Sludge Pumps 17. D-13- 2 Fidelity Environmental Equipment Co., Inc. Installation and Maintenance of Telescopic Valve 18. D-13- 3 Ralph B. Carter Company/Installation, Operating, Maintenance Instructions -Spiral Guide Gasholder 19. D-13- 4 Ralph B. Carter Company/Installation, Operating, Maintenance Instructions -Digester Accessories 20. D-13- 5 Ralph B. Carter Company/Installation, Operating, Maintenance Instructions -Sludge Heater H335C41-L 21. D-13- 6 Ralph B. Carter Company/Installation, Operating, Maintenance Instructions-Pearth Gas Recirculation Equipment 22. D-13- 7 Westinghouse Instruction Book 1.B.105-001- Ring Balance Meter 23. D-13- 8 Prime -Mover Skid Steer Loaders LS-70/LS-75 Series 24. D-13- 9 Nemo Pump Operating Instructions/Sludge Transfer Pumps 25. D-13-10 Wemco Torque -Flow Pump Installation, Maintenance and Operation Instructions/Sludge Recirculation Pumps 26. D-14- 1 Pepcon Odormaster I - Model 1,000 CFM Operation and Maintenance Manual APPENDIX E SHOP DRAWINGS Supplementing the manufacturer's literature are the approved shop drawings for the equipment, installed at this facility. These include sketches, catalog cuts and electrical diagrams issued by the manufacturer. A listing of the show drawings for this facility follows: -3 -Tlj,2 AS BUILT DRAWINGS These drawings include a set of contract drawings reflecting the actual installation of equipment, piping and structures at this facility. These drawings are indexed on the cover sheet and kept in a plan file in the Administration Building. 1 i