HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001RECEIVED Q EC 14 2001 Southold Town Clerk Orient Fire District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York The undersigned, STELLA SLEDJESKI, Chairperson of the election, and BETTY BONDARCHUK, Ballot Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS. 1) That each of us is a resident elector of the Orient Fire District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and that pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of said Fire District on the 16th day of October 2001 we were appointed to the offices set forth herein above in connection with the election of said Fire District held on the 11th day of December 2001, between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M., prevailing time, for the purpose of voting upon the election of one (1) Fire District Commissioner for the term of office which will commence on January 1, 2002 and expire on December 31, 2006. 2) After the polls had closed for said election, we immediately canvassed the ballots cast. Inspection of such ballots disclosed the following results: For the election of Fire District Commissioner for the period of five (5) years for the term of office which will commence on January 1, 2002 and expire December 31, 2006. Total number of ballots cast' Number of votes for: Robert Hicks 11:5 O �� A JCL b f fe_ Hfll✓-S 6 *1 —� fx?ov C✓SoN Number of void ballots _ I 3) Upon completion of such canvass, the Chairman of the Election publicly announced the result thereof. 4) A true, correct, and complete copy of the official ballot used at said election is attached hereto and made a part thereof. 5) On the 19th day of November 2001 at 4:00 P.M., the Fire District Secretary -Treasurer held a meeting to prepare the voter registration roll. This register was prepared containing the names of all persons residing in said Fire District and qualified to vote in said election whose names were on the registration list certified and supplied to said Fire District by the Suffolk County Board of Elections as of a date twenty-three (23) days before the date of said election. All of the votes described above were of voters whose names appear on the register prepared at that time. Dated: December 11, 2001 At: Orient, New York '0.. , - . ,/ ,Y.- Edward Loper, Fir�-,bi'strict Secretary -Treasurer Stella Sledjeski, Chairpersodof the Election Betty B*KtWhuk, Ballot Clerk