HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001All Numbers In This Report Must be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar ANNUAL REPORT O F T H E FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 20130 NAME OF DISTRICT INTHE `THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ASO U f/ o L J ftg- COUNTY OF so rtyL k THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners ✓ or Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law Method of Accounting (Check One) Single Entry Cash a� Double Entry Modified Accrual RECEIVE0 FEB 2 3 2001 wothow Town Clerk Please check here if the treasurer's name, address and/or telephone number is different from last year. "1. ***every***fire***district***shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ***treasurer of each fire***district***." *** 115. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such***district***." PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Data Verification Unit Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 Revised 1998 GENERAL FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF ASSETS EDPCODE Cash Cash A2O0 S_ Time Deposits A201 _ Petty Cash A210 Total Cash A601 Investments A637 Investment in Securities A450 Investment in Repurchase Agreements A451 Total Investment A620 Accounts Receivables A380 Due from Other Funds A391 State and Federal Receivables State and Federal, Other A410 Total State and Federal Receivables A690 Due from Other Governments A440 Inventory A445 Restricted Assets Cash, Special Reserves A230 Cash in Time Deposits, Special Reserves A231 Investment in Securities, A821 Special Reserves A452 Investment in Repurchase Agreements, A882 Special Reserves A453 Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS S S S 1 IFOR DOUBLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY) LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY EDPCODE Accounts Payable A600 S Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities A601 Due to Employees' Retirement System A637 Total Accured Liabilities Notes Payable Tax Anticipation A620 Revenue Anticipation A621 Budget A622 Total Notes Payable Due to Other Funds A630 Overpayments A690 Due to Other Governments A631 Deferred Revenues A691 Total Liabilities FUND EQUITY Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances A821 Inventory A845 Repairs A882 Debt A884 Total Reserved Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated -Ensuing Year's Budget A910 Unappropriated A911 Total Unreserved Fund Equity 1 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY S GENE RAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE Personal Services Real Property Taxes A1001 A3410.2 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 State Retirement System Interest and Earnings A2401 3,14Y Rentals A2410 Social Security Sale of Equipment A2665 _ 0012. Insurance Recoveries A2680 Disability Insurance Refund of Expenditures A2701 51 Gifts and Donations A97 — .6 Interest on Notes Other Unclassified Revenue&AiR nA-2705 &-w "e— 167328 R/SC A2770 72 2— Federal Federal Aid for Civil Defense A4305 Af ??/ 9 Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes.Issued A5750 (2)Tax Anticipation Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL, RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ 77,5/ Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Beginning of Year A8021 l/1;59 7 **TOTAL Notes: PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES EDPCODE Judgments and Claims A1930.4 Personal Services A3410.1 Fire Protection Equip/CapOutlay A3410.2 Fire Protection Contractual A3410.4 State Retirement System A9010.8 Police and Fire Retire System A9015.8 Local Pension Funds A9025.8 Social Security A9030.8 Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 Life Insurance A9045.8 Disability Insurance A9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance A9060.8 (3) Redemption of Notes A97 — .6 Interest on Notes A97 _ .7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 Transfer to Other Funds A9901.9 Other (Specify) 7iPRW , a4ht Pjc*- Af ??/ 9 TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash (1) Balance at End of Year *A8029 **TOTAL .5'3,277 19f'(0490 3,33/ 410, Of a/ 11--92,7 O /f 570 _ SOoo (1) Cash balance for singl-e entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments and petty cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 1. **These must be equal. K • CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - BALANCE SHEET - AS OF , (FOR DOUBLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY) ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY EDPCODE EDPCODE Cash Accounts Payable H600 S Cash "200 S ,, Time Deposits H201 Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities H601 S Total Cash S H Total Accrued Liabilities S Investments Notes Payable Investment in Securities H450 S Revenue Anticipation "621 S Investment in Repurchase Agreements H451 Bond Anticipation H626 Total Investments S Total Notes Payable S Due from Other Funds H391 S Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable H605 S Deposits with Other Governments H395 S Due to Other Funds "630 S State and Federal, Receivables "410 S Due to Other Governments H631 S Restricted Assets Other Liabilities H S Cash, Special Reserves H230 S Cash in Time Deposits, Special Reserve H231 Deferred Revenues H691 S Investment in Securities, Special Reserves H452 Total liabilities S Investment in Repurchase Agreements, Special Reserves H453 FUND EQUITY Total Restricted Assets S Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances "821 S Capital Reserve H878 Total Reserved S Fund Balance - Unreserved Unappropriated "911 S Total Unreserved S Fund Equity $ TOTAL ASSETS S TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY S CAP ITA L FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE Interest and Earnings H2401 $ Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds H2710 Other (Specify) H2770 Transfer From General Fund H5031 Bonds H5710 (1)Bond Anticipation Notes H5730 Capital Notes H5740 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES $ Fund/Cash Balance at Beginning of Year H8021 **TOTAL (1) Single Entry Units Only PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fire Protection Redemption of BAN's Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYMENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year **TOTAL a *For Double Entry Units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. **These must be equal. 4 EDPCODE H3410.2 $ H9730.6 H9901.9 H $ *H8029 $ RECEIPTS Interest and Earnings Sale of Assets Other (Specify) Transfers TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance Beginning of Year **TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE PAYMENTS Fire Protection Transfers to Other Funds Other ISpecify) TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year **TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE **These must be equal. R E S E R V E F U N D(S) (FOR SINGLE ENTRY UNITS ONLY, EDPCODE Total 82401 EACH RESERVE IN APPROPRIATE FUNDI R2660 Do Not Key R2770 mwe#&S- R5031 0 �i //l Type (Purpose) s 7 R8021961�3%� of Reserve R3410.2 S✓(p� 7T� R9901.9 R s /36 7i�3 R8029. 5 /x°/25 DOUBLE ENTRY UNITS MUST INCLUDE /7, 350 EACH RESERVE IN APPROPRIATE FUNDI Do Not Key 20% ZV mwe#&S- LONG �i //l Type (Purpose) Type (Purpose) Type (Purpose) of Reserve of Reserve of Reserve $ ✓�,',S'85 s 3, -�d3 s /, D 79 /x°/25 .S oo /7, 350 20% ZV /.?,? 97y 1161,2107 s 177,.6'07 s k 1/036 $ 99 - ( 7 s 7, ?7b s A4, 00a s 4936 7 s %,37� s 36, Doo ASSETS Cash Cash Time Deposits Total Cash AGENCY FINDS * BALANCE SHEET * AS OFO EDPCODE TA200 S TA201 S S Investments Investment in Securities TA450 $ _ Investment in Repurchase Agreements TA451 Securities and Mortgages TA455 _ Accrued Interest on Securities TA455 _ Acquired Cash and Securities with Deferred Comp. Plan Provider TA460 *Service Award Program Assets TA461 1Y02,21 7✓ TOTAL ASSETS AGENCY FUND LIABILITIES EDPCODE *Service Awards TA13 S Deferred Compensation TA17 State Retirement TA18 Disability Insurance TA19 Group Insurance TA20 New York State Income Tax TA21 Federal lrxxww Tax TA22 Income Executions TA23 Association and Union Dues TA24 U.S. Savings Bonds TA25 Social Security Tax TA26 Guaranty and Bid Deposits TA30 Foreign Fire Insurance TA50 Other Agency Funds (Specify, TA85 TOTAL AGENCY LIABILITIES $ *Program administrator retained by district. Nhen program is administrated by the district the TE fund should be used. See Service Awards Accounting Program Procedures dated September 6, 1990. ONO ASSETS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNTS * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF EOPCODE Land K101 Buildings K102 Improvements Other than Buildings K103 Machinery and Equipment K104 Construction Mork in Progress KIDS K K TOTAL ASSETS EDPCODE INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Bands and Notes K151 S Current Appropriations K152 Gifts K153 State Aid K156 Federal Aid K157 K K S TOTAL INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS t S y .. GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF , ASSETS Amount Available in Debt Service Fund Amounts to be provided for Long -Term Obligations TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE PROVIDED EDPCOOE M120 W125 S I u LIABILITIES EOPCODE Term Bonds Payable M623 Bond Anticipation Notes W626 Capital Notes Payable M627 Bonds Payable M628 Due to Employees' Retirement System M637 Installment Purchase Debt W685 Judgements and Claims Payable M686 Compensated Absenses M687 Other Long -Term Debt M689 8 TOTAL LIABILITIES S S Do Not Key RECONCILIATION This must be completed. Balances by Fund at End of Year: I Include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, investments and petty cash) General Fund......................................................................... .....A..... $ 0.V891 -- Capital Fund..........................................'............................... .....H..... S Reserve Fund......................................................................... .....R..... S Trustand Agency Funds............................................................... .....T..... S Other Funds......................................................................... ........... S Total - All Funds................................................................ ........... Bank Balances at End of Year: Name and Location of Bank " /I�Dry m%R ltr sAill v9s A,4/tZ deI944- /lwn �.9•vk TOTALS s S Bank. Balance s S Outstanding Checks Cash on Hand (Date Deposited).............................................................. PettyCash................................................................................. s 45-2/5 Z40- . Not Bank Balance 9,337 s 3!7 Z 6/9 45� S S INVESTMENTS HELD AT DECEMBER 31, _ Fund Description of Investment Purchase Price S TOTAL INVESTMENTS.................................................................................... S Total Bank Balances, Cash on Hand, Petty Cash and Investments *These totals must agree 9 Bonds (Show each issue separately by) EDP Code DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS XXXX XXX Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed of Interest Beginning During During Issue Rate of Year Year. Year 1 3 5 Outstanding End of Year 7 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ 2 DOD Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 XXXX XXX Revenue Notes 2P1862 XKXX XXX _ _Anticipation Budget Notes 2P1863 XXXX XXX Capital Notes 2P1875 XXXX XXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 XXXX XXX TOTAL NOTES XXXX XXX TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES I XXXX I XXX 1$310000 1 $ I $ %SDOO $,2-3 000 10 Assessed Valuation EDP of Fire District TOWN Code Within Town Tax Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) *Should agree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shown at top of page 1 COMPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY TOWN Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Town Equalization Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation $ EDP Code `l`f(o, py3, 7eV- Total Full Valuation 9ZFE $ EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A $10,000 25% _ $40,000 Town B 5,000 40% = 12,500 Town C 20,000 100% = 20,000 Assessed Valuation $35,000 Full Valuation $72,500 11 13 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER � �;Cke*-SOAl certify that I am the Treasurer of the &,g--/ �ILc (Please Print or Type Name) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, c24000. Dated _ 4/1-� `S , O) 0Q / Name J011N (. • /`ll%i'ISO� Signature -- — --- _- Address 42yxe Telephone ((L��) 2�1�- q700 Area Code CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Address �,WA4k 1Le Azyeel— Telephone (i3l) gfV-..sX-� Area Code STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER 12