HomeMy WebLinkAboutElizabeth Airport, Fishers Island - Grant Applicaton - Apron & Taxiway StubCushman, John From: fishers island office [fiferry@fishers island. net] Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 8:58 AM To: Cushman, John Subject: Re: Federal Grant Applications John - Please hold those grant applications until I research this thing further. Yesterday I got a lump sum consutlant agreement in the amount of $106,000+ for engineering, etc. for the apron project. I have got to find out where these $$ are supposed to be coming from before moving -fur -er. ; ecertainly- _- do not have that kind of money available and I would just as soon drop the whole thing if that kind of money has to be found. More later... Phil ----- Original Message ----- From: "Cushman, John" <John.Cushman@town.southold.ny.us> To: "Robert P."Knauff (E-mail)" <fiferry@fishersisland.net> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 8:04 AM Subject: Federal Grant Applications > I am still awaiting word on the grant applications you sent over. Has the > Town Board authorized Josh to sign them? If they have, please advise me > when; if not , please e-mail a resolution over for 2/12 meeting. Thanks Cushman, John From: Cushman, John Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:31 PM To: Robert P. Knauff (E-mail) Subject: C & S agreements C & S sent over a lump sum agreement for Josh to sign plus copies of Final Application for Federal Assistance for proposed Apron and Taxiway Stub. Please send over a description of the project and a proposed resolution authorizing Josh to sign. Please direct this information to the Town Board via this office. — - — - -- - Thanks LUMP SUM CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE APRON AND TAXIWAY STUB AT ELIZABETH FIELD AIRPORT FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK FAA AIP NO. 3-36-0029-09-02 NYSDOT NO. 0913.09 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE................................................................1 2. PROVISION FOR PAYMENT...................................................................... .......1 3. STANDARD PRACTICES AND REQUIREMENTS...................................................2 4. DOCUMENTS FORMING THE CONTRACT........................................................... 2 5. TAXES, ROYALTIES AND EXPENSES.................................................................2 6. CONSULTANT LIABILITY.................................................................................2 7. LABOR LAW REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................2 8. NON-DISCRIMINATION PROVISIONS..................................................................4 9. WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE...................................5 10. ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................6 11. EXTRA SERVICES............................................................................................7 12. ABANDONMENT, CHANGE OF PLAN AND TERMINATION...................................7 13. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES...............................................................................8 14. DEATH OR DISABILITY OF THE CONSULTANT ................................................... 8 15. INTERCHANGE OF DATA.................................................................................8 16. DISPOSITION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS............................................................8 17. DAMAGES AND DELAYS.........:........................................................................ 9 18. CODE OF ETHICS.............................................................................................9 19. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR..........................................................................9 20. PATENT RIGHTS AND COPYRIGHTS..................................................................9 21. NEW YORK STATE PARTICIPATION...................................................................9 22. FEDERAL PARTICIPATION.............................................................................. 1 23. MISCELLANEOUS.......................................................................................... 1 24. SUBCONTRACTORS/SUBCONSULTANTS.......................................................... 11 SCHEDULE A - SCOPES OF WORK..................................................................... A-1, A-6 SCHEDULE B - COST SUMMARIES..................................................................... B-1, B-2 SCHEDULE C - ALLOWABLE OVERHEAD..................................................................0-1 SCHEDULE D - SPONSOR'S CERTIFICATION FOR SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS ..D-1, D-2 SCHEDULE E - RESOLUTION.................................................................................... E-1 SCHEDULE F - OUTLINE FOR ENGINEER'S REPORT.............................................F-1, F-4 SCHEDULE G - CERTIFICATION OF CONSULTANT.................................................... G-1 SCHEDULE H - AIRPORT AID PROGRAM............................................................H-1, H-5 SCHEDULE I - NEW YORK STATE DOT REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 1-1,1-5 SCHEDULEJ........................................................................................................... J-1 LUMP SUM CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES PROJECT: Apron and Taxiway Stub Elizabeth Field Airport NYSDOT PROJECT NO. This Agreement, made this day of ,200_, by and between the Town of Southold (hereinafter referred to as the "SPONSOR"), and C&S Engineers, Inc., located at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, Syracuse, NY 13212 (hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT"). WITNESSETH: That the SPONSOR and the CONSULTANT, for the consideration hereinafter named, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE. The SPONSOR agrees to and hereby does retain and employ the personal service of the CONSULTANT because of its ability and reputation, and the CONSULTANT agrees to perform such services of said Project being particularly described in Schedules A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. • Schedule A-1 Apron and Taxiway - Environmental Form C • Schedule A-2 Apron and Taxiway - Design Services ARTICLE 2. PROVISION FOR PAYMENT. The SPONSOR shall pay to the CONSULTANT, and the CONSULTANT agrees to accept as full compensation for its services under this Agreement, lump sum fees covering salaries of employees assigned to the Project, all indirect costs, all direct expenses and profit. • Schedule B-1 Apron and Taxiway Stub, Environmental: $37,906 • Schedule B-2 Apron and Taxiway Stub, Design: $68,438 The maximum fee under this Agreement cannot be exceeded for any reason, unless additional services are performed in accordance with the Extra Services Provision in Article 11 of this Agreement. Partial payments of the lump sum fee shall be made monthly on account. Such monthly installments shall be in amounts determined by the SPONSOR and shall be based on its review of a monthly progress report submitted by the CONSULTANT. Payment of the final invoice will be made upon the satisfactory completion of the services covered by the lump sum fee. The CONSULTANT specifically agrees that the Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the monies available, and no liability shall be F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc —1— 8/00 incurred by the SPONSOR beyond the monies available for the purpose. The time for completion of the services agreed to under this Agreement shall be as recorded in Schedules A-1 and A-2 which are attached and made a part of this Agreement. The method of computation of the CONSULTANT's lump sum fee is prescribed in Schedules B-1 and B-2 which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ARTICLE 3. STANDARD PRACTICES AND REQUIREMENTS. The CONSULTANT shall ascertain the standard practices of the SPONSOR, the New York State Department of Transportation (the "NYSDOT"), and the Federal Aviation Administration (the "FAA") prior to beginning any of the services of this Project. Where practicable, all services required under this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with these standard practices. In the event that provisions of these standard practices are in conflict or strict adherence to same is impossible or undesirable, the CONSULTANT may, with the approval of the other parties, vary or deviate from such standards. The CONSULTANT shall perform all services under this Agreement in accordance with approved Federal and State standards. ARTICLE 4. DOCUMENTS FORMING THE CONTRACT. The Contract Documents shall be deemed to include this Agreement, with accompanying schedule or schedules. ARTICLE 5. TAXES, ROYALTIES AND EXPENSES. The CONSULTANT shall pay all taxes, royalties and expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT in connection with performing its services under this Agreement, unless otherwise provided in Article 2. ARTICLE 6. CONSULTANT LIABILITY. The CONSULTANT specifically agrees that its Subconsultants, agents or employees shall possess the experience, knowledge and character necessary to qualify them individually for the particular duties they perform. Further, it is expressly understood that the CONSULTANT shall indemnify and save harmless the SPONSOR, the NYSDOT, and the FAA from claims, suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting soley from the negligent performance of the services of the CONSULTANT under this Agreement, and such indemnity shall not be limited by reason of enumeration of any insurance coverage herein provided. Negligent performance of services, within the meaning of this Article, shall include, in addition to negligence founded upon tort, negligence based up on the CONSULTANT'S failure to meet professional standards and resulting in obvious or patent errors in the progression of his work. Nothing in this Article or in this Agreement shall create or give to third parties any claim or right of action against the CONSULTANT or the SPONSOR beyond such as may legally exist irrespective of this Article or this Agreement. F:\PRO]ECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc -2- 8/00 ARTICLE 7. LABOR LAW REQUIREMENTS. The CONSULTANT specifically agrees, as required by the New York Labor Law Sections 220, 220-d and 220-e, as amended, that its execution of this Agreement binds it to the following specific agreements: A. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the CONSULTANT, Subconsultants or other persons doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the services included in the Agreement shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day or more than five (5) days in one (1) week in the performance of services included in this Agreement except in the emergencies set forth in the Labor Law; B. The wages (including supplements) paid for a legal day's work shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wages (including supplements) as defined by law; C. The minimum hourly rate of wages (including supplements) to be paid shall not be less than that designated by the Industrial Commissioner; D. The minimum hourly supplements to be paid shall be in accordance with the prevailing practices in the locality where the Project is located and shall be not less than designated by the Industrial Commissioner. Supplements as defined in Section 220 of the Labor Law, as amended, mean all remuneration for employment paid in any medium other than cash or reimbursement for expenses or any payments which are not wages within the meaning of the law, including, but not limited to health, welfare, non -occupational disability, retirement, vacation benefits, holiday pay and life insurance; E. The Labor Law provides that the Agreement may be forfeited and no sum paid for any work done thereunder on a second conviction for willfully paying less than: 1. The stipulated wage scale (including supplements) as provided in Labor Law Section 220, Subdivision 3, as amended, or 2. The stipulated minimum hourly scale (including supplements) as provided in Labor Law Section 220-d, as amended. F. The CONSULTANT specifically agrees as required by the provisions of Labor Law Section 220-e, as amended, that: 1. In the hiring of employees for the performance of services under this Agreement or any Subcontract hereunder, no CONSULTANT, Subconsultant, nor any person acting on behalf of such CONSULTANT or Subconsultant shall, by reason of race, creed, sex, color or national origin, discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; 2. No CONSULTANT or Subconsultant or any person acting on its behalf, shall in any manner discriminate or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this Agreement on account of race, creed, sex, color or national origin; 3. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the CONSULTANT by the SPONSOR under the Agreement a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the Agreement; F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doe -3- 8/00 4. The Agreement may be canceled or terminated by the SPONSOR and all monies due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this section of the Agreement. G. Surveying Services - The SPONSOR recognizes that the CONSULTANT will be required by the New York State Department of Labor to compensate its personnel performing field survey work in accordance with applicable state wage rates in effect at the same time services are performed. The SPONSOR understands that the CONSULTANT has no control over these labor rates and their periodic increases. Therefore, it is agreed that the SPONSOR will compensate the CONSULTANT for field survey services included as a part of this Agreement in accordance with the New York State Department of Labor Prevailing Rate Schedule made a part of this agreement. Furthermore, the SPONSOR will compensate the CONSULTANT for all increases in labor costs including applicable overhead and profit when those increases occur by direction of the New York State Department of Labor. Billings for these increases and payments by the SPONSOR of these increases will take place routinely in accordance with the appropriate terms of this agreement and these increases will be paid as an additional cost over and above the agreed contract amount. Additional Federal Labor Law provisions are contained in Schedule H. ARTICLE 8. NON-DISCRIMINATION PROVISIONS. During the performance of this Contract, the CONSULTANT agrees as follows: A. The CONSULTANT shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin, and shall take affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference to, but not limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. B. The CONSULTANT shall send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the State Division of Human Rights, advising such labor union or representative of the CONSULTANT's Agreement under clauses (A) through (G) (hereinafter called "non- discrimination clauses"). If the CONSULTANT was directed to do so by the contracting agency as part of the bid or negotiation of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall request such labor union or representative to furnish him with a written statement that such labor union or representative shall not discriminate because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin and that such labor union or representative shall affirmatively cooperate within the limits of its legal and contractual authority, in the implementation of the policy and provisions of these non- discrimination clauses or that it consents and agrees that recruitment, employment and the terms and conditions of employment under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the purposes and provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. If such labor union or representative fails or refuses to comply with a request that it furnish such a statement, the CONSULTANT shall promptly notify the State Division of Human Rights of such failure or refusal. F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc —4— 8/00 C. The CONSULTANT shall post and keep in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the State Division of Human Rights setting forth the substance of the provisions of clauses (a) and (b) and such provisions of the State's laws against discrimination as the State Commissioner of Human Rights shall determine. D. The CONSULTANT shall state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the CONSULTANT, that all qualified applicants shall be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin. E. The CONSULTANT will comply with the provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law; will furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commissioner of Human Rights under these non-discrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law; and will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the State Commissioner of Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. F. This Agreement may be forthwith canceled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commissioner of Human Rights that the CONSULTANT has not complied with these non-discrimination clauses, and the CONSULTANT may be declared ineligible for future Agreements made by or on behalf of the State or a public authority or agency of the State, until he satisfies the State Commissioner of Human Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. Such finding shall be made by the State Commissioner of Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the State Division of Human Rights have failed to achieve compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and after a verified complaint has been filed with the State Division of Human Rights; notice thereof has been given to the CONSULTANT; and an opportunity has been afforded him to be heard publicly before the State Commissioner of Human Rights or his designee. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked independently of or in addition to sanctions and remedies otherwise provided by law. G. The CONSULTANT will include the provisions of clauses (A) through (F) in every Subcontract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding upon each Subconsultant or vendor as to operations to be performed within the State of New York. The CONSULTANT will take such action in enforcing such provisions of such subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct, including sanctions or remedies for non-compliance. If the CONSULTANT becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation by a Subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the CONSULTANT shall promptly so notify the Municipal Counsel, requesting him to intervene and protect the interests of the SPONSOR. ARTICLE 9. WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. The CONSULTANT agrees to procure and maintain at its own expense and without direct expense to the SPONSOR with the exception of Item (B)4 below which may be billed as a direct expense to the SPONSOR until final acceptance by the SPONSOR of the services covered by this Agreement, insurance of the kinds and in the amounts hereafter provided written by insurance companies authorized to do business in New York State, covering all operations under the Agreement, whether performed by it or by F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doe —5— 8/00 Subconsultants. Before commencing the services, the CONSULTANT shall furnish the SPONSOR a certificate or certificates in form satisfactory to the SPONSOR showing that it has complied with this schedule, which certificate or certificates shall provide that the policies shall not be changed or canceled until thirty (30) days, written notice has been given to the SPONSOR. The kinds and amounts of insurance required are as follows: A. Policy or policies covering the obligations of the CONSULTANT in accordance with the provisions of any applicable Worker's Compensation or Disability Benefits Law, including for the State of New York Chapter 41, Laws of 1914, as amended, known as the Worker's Compensation Law, and amendments thereto, and Chapter 600 of the Laws of 1949, as amended, known as the Disability Benefits Law, and this Agreement shall be void and of no effect unless the CONSULTANT procures such policy or policies and maintains the same in force during the term of this Agreement. B. Protective Liability Insurance issued to and covering the liability of the Municipal Corporation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the State, the Commissioner and all employees or other representatives of each of them, both officially and personally with respect to all operations under the Agreement including omissions and supervisory acts of the Municipal Corporation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the State, the Commissioner and their employees or other representatives. Policies of bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance, each with limits of liability of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), for all damages arising out of bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom sustained by one (1) person in any one (1) accident; and subject to that limit for each person; not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by two (2) or more persons in any one (1) accident, and not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property in any one (1) accident, and subject to this limit per accident, not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property during the policy period. Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the CONSULTANT with respect to all work performed by it under this Agreement. 2. Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the CONSULTANT'S Subconsultants with respect to all work performed by said Subconsultants under this Agreement. Protective liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the CONSULTANT with respect to all work under this Agreement performed for the CONSULTANT by Subconsultants. 4. Protective liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the SPONSOR and all employees of the SPONSOR, both officially and personally, with respect to all operations under this Agreement by the CONSULTANT or by his Subconsultants, including omissions and supervisory acts of the SPONSOR and its employees. F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc -6- 8/00 ARTICLE 10. ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS. The CONSULTANT specifically agrees that: A. It is prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, subletting or otherwise disposing of the Agreement or of its right, title or interest therein, or its power to execute such Agreement, to any other person, company or corporation without the previous consent in writing of the SPONSOR and the Commissioner of Transportation and the FAA. B. If this provision of the Agreement is violated, the SPONSOR may revoke and annul the Agreement and the SPONSOR shall be relieved from any and all liability and obligations thereunder to the person, company or corporation to whom the CONSULTANT shall assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of the Agreement, and such transferee shall forfeit and lose all monies therefore assigned under said Agreement, except so much as may be required to pay his employees. ARTICLE 11. EXTRA SERVICES. If the CONSULTANT is of the opinion that any services it has been directed to perform are beyond the scope of this Agreement and constitute Extra Services, it shall promptly notify the SPONSOR of that fact. The SPONSOR shall be the sole judge as to whether or not such Service is in fact beyond the scope of this Agreement and constitutes Extra Services. If the SPONSOR determines that such Services does constitute Extra Services, it shall provide extra compensation to the CONSULTANT therefore upon a fair and equitable basis. A Supplemental Agreement providing for such compensation for Extra Services shall be prepared and executed by the CONSULTANT and the SPONSOR and be approved by the appropriate State and Federal officials. ARTICLE 12. ABANDONMENT, CHANGE OF PLAN AND TERMINATION. The SPONSOR shall have the absolute right to abandon the work or to amend its Project or to change the general basis at any time, and such action on its part shall in no event be deemed a breach of contract. If the SPONSOR does amend its Project or change the general basis and the CONSULTANT is of the opinion that Extra Services are made necessary as a result thereof, the provisions of Article 11 of this Agreement with respect to Extra Work shall apply. The SPONSOR has the right to terminate this Agreement at its pleasure and make settlement with the CONSULTANT upon an equitable basis as determined by the SPONSOR, who shall fix the value of the services performed by the CONSULTANT prior to the termination of this Agreement. In determining the value of the services performed, the SPONSOR shall consider the following: A. The ratio of the amount of services performed by the CONSULTANT prior to the termination of the Agreement to the total amount of services contemplated by this Agreement, less any payments previously made. F:\PROIECf\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc —7— 8100 B. The amount of expense to which the CONSULTANT is put in performing the services performed prior to the termination, in proportion to the amount of expense to which the CONSULTANT would have been put had he been allowed to complete the services contemplated by the Agreement, less any payments previously made. C. The actual cost incurred by the CONSULTANT as verified by audit, plus a portion of the fixed fee equal to the percentage of services completed. In determining the value of the services performed by the CONSULTANT prior to the termination, no consideration shall be given to profit which the CONSULTANT might have made on the uncompleted portion of the services. If the termination is brought about as a result of unsatisfactory performance on the part of the CONSULTANT, the value of the services performed by the CONSULTANT prior to termina- tion shall be fixed solely on the ratio of such services to the total amount of work contemplated by this Agreement. ARTICLE 13. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES. In the event that the services under the Agreement is entirely suspended, the CONSULTANT agrees that its services shall likewise be suspended without compensation for the suspended period, unless otherwise directed by the SPONSOR. Upon the resumption of the work under the Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall resume its services under this Agreement until the service are completed and accepted. In all cases provided for in this Agreement for the additional services above described, the SPONSOR'S directions shall be exercised by the issuance of a Supplemental Agreement. ARTICLE 14. DEATH OR DISABILITY OF THE CONSULTANT. In case of the death or disability of one or more, but not all, of the persons herein referred to as the CONSULTANT, the rights and duties of the CONSULTANT shall devolve upon the survivor or survivors of them, who shall be obliged to perform the services required under this Agreement, and the SPONSOR shall make all payments due to him or them. In case of the death or disability of all the persons herein referred to as the CONSULTANT, all data and records pertaining to the Project shall be delivered within sixty (60) days to the SPONSOR or its duly authorized representative. In case of the failure of the CONSULTANT, his successors or personal representatives, to make such delivery on demand, then and in that event the representatives of the CONSULTANT shall be liable to the SPONSOR for any damages it may sustain by reason thereof. Upon the delivery of all such data to the SPONSOR, the SPONSOR shall pay to the representatives of the CONSULTANT all amounts due the CONSULTANT, including retained percentages to the date of the death of the last survivor. ARTICLE 15. INTERCHANGE OF DATA. All technical data in regard to the Project whether (a) existing in the office of the SPONSOR or (b) existing in the office of the CONSULTANT, shall be made available to the other party to this Agreement without expense to such other party as the case may be. F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc —8— 8/00 ARTICLE 16. DISPOSITION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS. At the time of completion of the work and upon payment for its services, the CONSULTANT shall make available to the SPONSOR all original tracings plans, maps, computerized programs and reports which have been prepared as the result of this Agreement. This material shall become the property of the SPONSOR and the maintenance of the data shall be the responsibility of the SPONSOR. The cover sheet of each document furnished to the SPONSOR by the CONSULTANT shall include the appropriate State and Federal financial notices and the endorsement of the CONSULTANT. In the event that this Agreement is terminated for any reason, then within ten (10) days after such termination, the CONSULTANT shall make available to the SPONSOR all data and material prepared under this Agreement including cover sheets in accordance with the above paragraph. ARTICLE 17. DAMAGES AND DELAYS. The CONSULTANT agrees that no charges or claim for damages shall be made by him for any delays or hindrances from any cause whatsoever during the progress of any portion of the services specified in this Agreement. Such delays or hindrances, if any, shall be compensated for by an extension of time for such reasonable period as the SPONSOR may decide, it being understood, however, that the permitting of the CONSULTANT to proceed to complete any services or any part of them after the date of completion or after the date to which the time of completion may have been extended, shall in no way operate as a waiver on the part of the SPONSOR of any of its rights herein. ARTICLE 18. CODE OF ETHICS. The CONSULTANT specifically agrees that this Agreement may be canceled or terminated if any service under this Agreement is in conflict with the provisions of Section 74 of the New York State Public Officers' Law, as amended, and Schedule G. ARTICLE 19. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The CONSULTANT, in accordance with its status as an independent contractor, covenants and agrees that it shall conduct itself consistent with such status; that it shall neither hold itself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee of the SPONSOR by reason hereof, and that it shall not by reason hereof, make any claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the SPONSOR, including, but not limited to, worker's compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social security coverage or retirement membership or credit. ARTICLE 20. PATENT RIGHTS AND COPYRIGHTS. Any patentable result arising out of this Agreement, as well as all information, designs, specifications, know-how data, and findings, shall be made available without cost to the State or its licensees and the FAA for public use. No material prepared in connection with this Project shall be subject to copyright. The F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc -9- 8/00 State and the FAA shall have the right to publish, distribute, disclose or otherwise use any material prepared under this Project. ARTICLE 21. NEW YORK STATE PARTICIPATION. The work in this Agreement is included in a NYSDOT Project, which is being undertaken and accomplished by the SPONSOR and the State of New York, pursuant to which the State has agreed to pay a certain percentage of the allowable Project costs. The State of New York is not a party to this Agreement and no reference in this Agreement to the Commissioner of Transportation or any representative thereof, or to any rights granted to the Commissioner of Transportation or any representative thereof or the State of New York, by the Agreement, makes the State of New York a party to this Agreement. The CONSULTANT and the SPONSOR agree that properly authorized officials of the State of New York may from time to time inspect all Project documents for the purpose of insuring compliance with New York State laws and protecting the interests of New York State. ARTICLE 22. FEDERAL PARTICIPATION. The FAA is not a party to this Agreement although the Project work program covered by this Agreement is to be financially aided in part by a Grant Agreement between the SPONSOR and the FAA as provided for under the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (P.L. 91258). The SPONSOR and the CONSULTANT hereby agree to comply fully with the conditions set forth in detail in the Grant Agreement as though they were set forth in detail in this Agreement. The CONSULTANT further agrees that by reason of complying with the conditions of the Grant Agreement, no obligation is entailed on the part of the FAA to the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT and the SPONSOR agree that properly authorized officials of the FAA may from time to time inspect all Project documents for the purpose of insuring compliance with Federal laws and protecting the interests of the FAA. ARTICLE 23. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The CONSULTANT agrees that it shall require all persons employed upon the work, including his Subcontractors, agents, officers and employees, to comply with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which the work is performed. B. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. C. By execution of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT represents that he has not paid and also agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of this Agreement. D. The SPONSOR and CONSULTANT agree that all Project documents requiring formal approval by a Federal agency will be submitted to the NYSDOT for its prior approval and forwarding to the FAA for its formal approval. The SPONSOR and CONSULTANT agree that approval of all Project documents requires the complete, prior and simultaneous coordination with the FAA and New York State Department of Transportation. F: \PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc —10— 8/00 ARTICLE 24. SUBCONTRACTORS/SUBCONSULTANTS. All subcontractors and subconsultants performing work on this Project shall be bound by the same required contract provisions as the CONSULTANT. All agreements between the CONSULTANT and a subcontractor or subconsultant shall include all standard required contract provisions, and such agreements shall be subject to review by the NYSDOT and the FAA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the SPONSOR, acting by and through the Supervisor of the Town of Southold who has caused the seal of his office to be affixed hereto, and the CONSULTANT, by and through a duly authorized officer, effective the day and year first above written, subject to the approval of the Commissioner, Department of Transportation, the State Comptroller, and the FAA. SPONSOR Town of Southold By: Joshua Y. Horton Title: Supervisor Date•i CONSULTANT C&S Engineers, Inc. RAF 101, v� /M Title: Vice President Date: �Z F:\PROJECr\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc -11- 8/00 (ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF OFFICER OF OWNER ATTESTING AGREEMENT) State of New York ) County q614116 SS: On 144AII R a QW , 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared oshNa personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. �c . ..:. ._ 3 `s Notary Public (ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATION) State of New York ) County of Onondaga) SS: On fflaq , 2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared aid Als Q/ , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. 'A0001 A) 4 Notary Public SUSAN M. LOEWER Notary Public, State of New York Qual. in Onon. Co. No. 01 L0604004 My Comm. Exp. April 17,20 L — F: \PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc —12— 8/00 SCHEDULE A-1 SCOPE OF WORK Project Title: Apron and Taxiway Stub Airport Name: Elizabeth Field Airport Services Provided: Short Environmental Assessment (Form C) Project Description: A Short Environmental Assessment (Form "C") for Terminal Apron and Access Taxiway Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York. The CONSULTANT agrees that the following services will be provided: Conferences with the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD to review its wishes and requirements, inspection of the site and become knowledgeable of the existing data that is already available for the Project. 2. Conferences with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration to review their programming and design standards and become knowledgeable of the data that is already available for the project. 3. During the assessment, aid the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD by acting as liaison and project coordinator with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration. SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (FORM "C") FOR TERMINAL APRON AND ACCESS TAXIWAY PROJECTS 1. The Environmental Study will comply with FAA Order 1050.1C, Policies and Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts, FAA Order 5050.4A, The Airport Environmental Handbook, the SEQR Law and Handbook and its attendant rules and regulations. The study process is basically composed of six steps: 1) Description of existing conditions; 2) Description of proposed actions; 3) Consideration of alternatives and recommend a plan; 4) Measurement of significant changes; 5) Minimization of unavoidable impacts; and 6) Mitigation to avoid creation of significant impacts. The Short Environmental Assessment will cover the following areas: Wetlands, Flood Plains, Wild, Scenic, or Recreational Rivers and Coastal Zone Management: The consultants will review the proposed development areas to determine if wetlands are affected. If FAPROJECT\21100801\Apron-env\Agreemem\FORMCSCO. DOC A -I there is uncertainty on whether this area is a wetland or in a flood plain, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the New York Natural Heritage Program, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) will be contacted for further information. If wetlands are discovered, appropriate mitigation plans will be prepared and submitted to the COE. The project shall also include correspondence with appropriate agencies to determine whether the project is within a Coastal Zone, or adjacent to a waterbody listed on the state or federal list of Wild, Scenic, or Recreational Rivers. If the project is located in a Coastal Zone, all state and federal coastal zone policies will be followed. This project does not include a wetland delineation. b. Prime and Unique Farm Land: If any farm land is to be converted to other uses as a direct result of the proposed airport development or induced development, the local office of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will be contacted to determine if the farm land is identified as prime or unique. If it is not prime or unique, the contact shall be documented. Energy Supply and Natural Resources: As applicable, energy effects and natural resource effects will be identified and described. d. Light Emissions: The consultants will consider the extent to which any lighting associated with the airport will create an annoyance among people in the vicinity. Solid Waste: Airport development actions do not normally include any direct relationship to solid waste collection, control or disposal other than that associated with construction itself. A preliminary review will indicate if the projected quantity or type of solid waste generation or method of collection or disposal will be appreciably different then that would be the case today. f. Construction Impacts: Specific effects during construction which may create adverse environmental impacts including noise of construction equipment at the site, noise and dust from delivery of materials through residential streets, creation of borrow pits and disposal of spoil, air pollution from burning debris, and water pollution from erosion. The extent to which any of these effects are subject to local, State or Federal ordinances or regulations will be discussed, as applicable, together with measures to be taken to conform with such requirements. g. Land Use: The land use task sets the stage for evaluating the impacts of the proposed airport development. Both present conditions and planned/projected land uses for the future analysis year will be set forth. h. Socioeconomics: Two types of socioeconomic effects will be assessed: direct social impacts and induced socioeconomic impacts. The effect of proposed development actions upon the social and community aspects of the area will be described in terms of the numbers of persons and businesses affected and available forms of relocation assistance. Road closures and surface transportation disruptions will also be identified and described where appropriate. A general description of potential socioeconomic effects upon the area will also be provided. i. Air Quality: Effects upon the area's air quality will be described using accepted techniques. Estimates will be provided of total amounts of pollutants as well as concentrations, as necessary and appropriate, for complying with State air quality implementation plans. Water Quality and Drainage: The description of effects of proposed development actions upon water quality will include identification of relevant water quality standards, available water FAPRO]EM21100801\Apron-cnv\Agreement\FO RMCSCO.DOC A-2 resources and effects upon existing water tables. Measures to minimize water pollution and runoff effects will also be identified and described. k. Department of Transportation Section 4 (f): This part of the assessment will identify and consider effects upon public parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, historic sites and scenic areas affected by the proposed development actions. Such areas affected will be identified and means to minimize disruptive effects will be recommended. Historic, Archaeological, Architectural, and Cultural Resources: Based upon contacts with appropriate State agencies and examination of the National Register of Historic Places, districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects included on the National Register and affected by proposed development actions will be identified. Specifically, this project will cover the completion of a Stage l A/B Cultural Resource Survey. A Stage 2 cultural resource survey is not included as part of this project. In. Biotic Communities and Endangered Species: General descriptions of the effect upon wildlife and waterfowl habitat will be provided. Potentially affected species will be identified from secondary sources and from contacts with appropriate State and Federal agencies. Endangered species that may be found in the area of the proposed project will be identified from secondary sources and contacts with State and Federal agencies. This project will include the completion of a biological assessment of any threatened or endangered species identified by the above mentioned secondary sources and appropriate state and federal agencies. n. Noise: If required by FAA Order 5050.4A, a noise analysis will determine if the proposed project is likely to have a significant impact on noise levels over noise -sensitive areas within the DNL 65 dBA noise contour. o. Hazardous Sites/Materials: General review to determine the likelihood of encountering land that may contain hazardous substances or may be contaminated will be provided. P. Environmental Justice: General descriptions of the impacts to minority and/or low-income populations considering human health, social, economic, and environmental issues will be provided. 2. Documentation for the Short Environmental Assessment will include flood plain mapping, wetlands mapping, air quality analysis and other analyses as appropriate, a listing of all required permits for the project, and an evaluation of cumulative impacts (three years past and five years future foreseeable projects). The Short Environmental Assessment will satisfy the regulatory requirements of a formal EA and will be prepared to support a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). 3. The existing Airport Layout Plan drawing will have a "pen and ink" change made on it to reflect the proposed development. 4. The CONSULTANT agrees to complete the work under this phase of the Agreement in a manner satisfactory to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, within four (4) months after receiving a Notice to Proceed from the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD or within such extended periods as are agreed to by the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. END OF SCHEDULE FAPROJECT21100801\Apron-env\Agreement\FORMCSCO.DOC A-3 Project Title: Airport Name: Services Provided: Project Description: SCHEDULE A-2 SCOPE OF WORK Apron and Taxiway Stub Elizabeth Field DESIGN The CONSULTANT shall provide required professional services to design the Design of an aircraft parking apron for approximately eight aircraft and associated access taxiway stub. The proposed project will be performed and constructed by the SPONSOR with grant assistance from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and the New York State Department of Transportation. Design of an aircraft parking apron for approximately eight aircraft and associated access taxiway stub. Note: The design portion of this project shall not begin until after Environmental Form C has been completed. Professional services to be provided by the CONSULTANT shall include civil, electrical, structural, and geotechnical engineering services required to accomplish the following items: ADMINISTRATION PHASE The CONSULTANT shall aid the SPONSOR by acting as their liaison and project coordinator with the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration during the project design. In addition the CONSULTANT shall assist the SPONSOR in the preparation of paperwork required to secure funds for the project. The specific items of work shall include: Preparation of grant application packages, coordination of their execution by the SPONSOR and submission to the funding agencies. 2. Preparation of reimbursement request packages, and coordination of their execution by the SPONSOR and submission to the funding agencies. 3. During the design phase, to aid the SPONSOR by acting as liaison and project coordinator with the funding agencies. 4. The construction budget for the project is estimated to be $600,000. The CONSULTANT shall evaluate the feasibility of this budget and keep the SPONSOR appraised during each phase of the design. The CONSULTANT shall advise the SPONSOR as to options available for reducing construction costs to stay within the budget, if it appears likely that contractor bid prices will exceed this budget. F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc A-1 800 5. The design schedule is anticipated to be as follows: Contract Execution Notice to Proceed (NTP) Schematic Design Preliminary Design Final Design SCHEMATIC DESIGN Time from Receipt of NTP Anticipated Completion Date ----- March 1, 2002 120 Days July 1, 2002 60 Days September 1, 2002 60 Days November 1, 2002 60 Days December 31, 2002 The schematic design phase is intended to identify and evaluate alternatives to provide cost-effective and practical solutions for the work items identified. The CONSULTANT will complete its evaluation of alternatives through contacts with local authorities, review of the preapplication, field investigations, and a practical design approach. The design will take advantage of local knowledge and experience and will utilize expertise from recent construction projects to design a cost-effective project. Specific items of work shall include: 1. Schedule and conduct a pre -design meeting with the SPONSOR, Federal Aviation Administration and New York State Department of Transportation to review the scope of work and become familiar with the project requirements and construction operational concerns. 2. Acquire and Review record documents such as plans, specifications, reports, and studies to become familiar with data that is available for the project. 3. Perform preliminary site inspection to further familiarize the design team with project areas. 4. Prepare preliminary plans identifying required topographic field surveys, subsurface soils investigations and other field investigative programs. Develop a schedule of completion to minimize their interference with airport and tenant operations. Coordinate schedule with SPONSOR and supervise programs at the site as necessary. 5. Acquire the necessary topographic survey and utility data of the site, including related office computations and drafting. 6. Acquire the necessary soils and existing pavement investigation data, including borings, pavement cores and test pits as well as field and laboratory tests to identify existing pavement conditions and subsurface soil characteristics. 7. Perform a preliminary environmental review, including the collection and review of available documents such as published wetland maps, soil conservation survey maps, and previous master plan and environmental studies to identify potential impacts the project may have on the environment. F:\PROJECn21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doe A-2 8/00 8. Develop schematic designs including preliminary pavement horizontal geometric layouts and prepare preliminary probable construction costs for each major element of the project. 9. Schedule and conduct a meeting with the SPONSOR to review the schematic design. PRELIMINARY DESIGN The work included under this phase shall generally consist of all work required to furnish the SPONSOR with a set of Preliminary Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Report. The specific items of work shall include: 1. Finalize horizontal pavement geometrical layouts. Compute and document on drawings sufficient information to layout proposed pavements in field during construction. 2. Analyze data obtained from subsurface soils and existing pavement investigation program and determine properties of existing pavement and soil materials. Document results of program, existing conditions, and recommendations in the design report. 3. Develop pavement design in accordance with FAA advisory circular 150/5320-6C. 4. Develop preliminary pavement centerline profiles, cross sections and site grading for the proposed work. 5. Develop preliminary drainage designs including computation of surface water runoff volumes and layout facilities necessary to accommodate expected flows. 6. Develop preliminary airfield lighting layouts including light fixture spacing and cable circuitry requirements. Investigate existing electrical system capacities and perform preliminary design of electrical power distribution and control systems. 7. Develop preliminary designs of structural project elements such as catch basins, manholes, culverts, building foundations, and tower foundations. 8. Conduct site inspections to verify topographic survey and other project related existing physical features and facilities. 9. Prepare preliminary contract drawings (approx. 50% complete) providing sufficient detail for review of design concepts by SPONSOR, FAA, and NYSDOT. 10. Prepare general specifications and preliminarily develop technical specifications expected to be required for the proposed services. 11. Develop a draft construction phasing and operations plan which limits interference of the construction with airport and tenant operations. F:\PROJEC7n21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc A-3 8/00 12. Assist the SPONSOR in conducting a SEQR review of the project including completion of appropriate EAF forms and preparation and submission of letters to governmental agencies requesting their review and determination regarding what if any impacts the project is expected to have on sensitive environmental areas. 13. Conduct wetland delineation and mapping; archaeological and other environmental investigations as required by governmental agencies during the SEQR review process. The cost of these services if required is not included in the CONSULTANT's original Scope of Work, however, when required shall be included and paid for under a supplement to this agreement. 14. Update probable construction cost to reflect the preliminary project design. 15. Prepare written design report documenting items such as design concepts, assumptions, and alternative designs. The contents of the report shall be consistent with Schedule 'Y'. Identify and where necessary request waivers to standards from the FAA for design items that do not comply with standards. 16. Submit sufficient copies of preliminary design documents to the SPONSOR, FAA, and NYSDOT for their review and comment. 17. Schedule and conduct a preliminary design review meeting to discuss and resolve SPONSOR comments. FINAL DESIGN PHASE The work included under this Phase shall generally consist of all work required to furnish the SPONSOR with a complete set of contract documents including Final Plans, Specifications, Engineer's Design Report and probable construction costs. Specifically, this work will include revising the Preliminary submittal information to comply with SPONSOR comments and then completion of the final design. Plans and Specifications, suitable for unit price bidding, will be completed, final design will be coordinated with the SPONSOR and a 100% complete set of bid documents will be furnished to the SPONSOR. A final probable construction cost and the final Design Report will also be prepared and submitted. A final Construction Phasing and Operations Plan will be included as part of the specifications. Specific items of work include: Finalize pavement centerline profiles, cross-sections and grading designs. 2. Finalize pavement designs and detail pavement keyways; edge of pavement grading requirements, and pavement sections. 3. Finalize drainage designs, layouts and detail pipe, and drainage structure installations. 4. Finalize structure designs and detail portland cement concrete, reinforcing bar and other related installations. 5. Finalize airfield lighting layouts; electrical power distribution and system designs and detail installations. 6. Finalize pavement marking layouts and detail installations. FAPROJECf\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMN7\Cover.doc A-4 8/00 7. Prepare final contract drawings. 8. Perform a detailed quantity takeoff of all bid items to be included on the contract drawings and in the general specifications of the construction contract. 9. Finalize general specifications and prepare written technical specifications for all construction materials and installations. Finalize construction phasing and operations plan and include in specifications. 10. Prepare final probable construction costs based upon the actual bid items and quantity takeoffs. 11. Finalize design report to be consistent with the final design. 12. Prepare stormwater pollution control plan and submit required documents to comply with stormwater permit requirements for construction projects. 13. Submit draft final documents to SPONSOR, FAA, and NYSDOT for final review and comment. Schedule and conduct draft final review meeting with SPONSOR to discuss and resolve final comments. 14. Reproduce and submit sufficient copies of bid documents to SPONSOR for bidding purposes. Bid documents shall consist of the contract drawings and specifications. Cross-sections and soils investigation data shall also be provided to bidders for informational purposes BID PHASE The bid phase is that time frame between completion of the design process and beginning of actual construction when the SPONSOR publicly advertises and receives bids, awards contracts to the lowest responsible bidder and executes a construction contract to perform the work with the successful contractors. The CONSULTANT shall assist the SPONSOR during this phase as required. Specifically, the work shall consist of: 1. Assist SPONSOR in the advertisement of the project and issuance of bid documents. 2. Receive and respond as required to questions from potential bidders regarding the contract documents. 3. Schedule and conduct pre-bid conference if requested by SPONSOR and advise SPONSOR on matters relating to design. Prepare meeting minutes of the pre-bid conference(s). 4. Prepare addenda to the bid documents after advertisement and prior to bidding as required upon the SPONSORS approval. 5. Attend bid opening. Upon receipt of bids, perform bid reviews. The bid review shall include items such as a check of the contractor's bid extensions, bid security, execution of bid, non- collusive bidding certificate, EEO certification, statement of surety's intent, addenda receipt, buy American certificate, subcontractors and supplier's list, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification, eligibility certification, corporate bidder's certification, non-discrimination statement F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc A-5 8/00 and nonsegregated facilities certificate. Request evidence of competency and evidence of financial responsibility from the contractor. Review contractor's list of personnel, list of equipment and financial statement. Formal contact of the contractors references shall be made upon SPONSOR's request or if contractor has no past working relationship with CONSULTANT, SPONSOR, FAA, or NYSDOT. 6. Prepare a final bid tabulation, recommendation/rejection of award to the SPONSOR, and a sample award letter. Request concurrence of award from the FAA and NYSDOT. 7. Upon award of contract, prepare conformed copies of contracts, coordinate contractors execution of contract, review contractors bonds, insurance and DBE plan, review contractor's submission with SPONSOR, coordinate SPONSORS execution of contract, assist in distributing copies of executed contracts to the contractor, FAA and NYSDOT. 8. Coordinate Notice to Proceed (NTP) for construction. Contact FAA for permission to issue NTP. Prepare a sample NTP letter for SPONSOR to send to contractor. F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc A-6 8/00 ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING COST SUMMARY SCHEDULE "B-1" PLANNING PHASE PROJECT NAME: Short Environmental Assessment (Form C) PROJ DESCRIPTION Short Environmental Assessment for Terminal Apron and Access Taxiway at Elizabeth Field, Fishers Island, New York CLIENT: Town of Southold CLIENT MANAGER: Bruce Clark DATE: 28 -Jan -02 A/E: C & S ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT NO: 211. C&S CONTACT: I. DIRECT SALARY COSTS: MAXIMUM AVERAGE RATE OF PAY RATE OF PAY TITLE ($/HR) ($/HR) 0 HOURS COST A. SERVICE GROUP MANAGER $56.50 $43.30 X 5 = $217.00 B. MANAGING ENGINEER $40.40 $37.50 X 0 = $0.00 C. SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER $37.20 $32.80 X 0 = $0.00 D. PROJECT ENGINEER $31.80 $27.40 X 26 = $712.00 E. ENGINEER $28.40 $23.30 X 32 = $746.00 F. SENIOR PROJECT ARCHITECT $28.40 $26.90 X 0 = $0.00 G. ARCHITECT $27.70 $25.40 X 0 = $0.00 H. ASST ARCHITECT $22.70 $20.80 X 0 = $0.00 I. SENIOR GEOLOGIST (SOILS ENG) $36.80 $33.70 X 0 = $0.00 J. HYDROGEOLOGIST $21.90 $20.50 X 0 = $0.00 K. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST $23.40 $22.90 X 0 = $0.00 L. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST $19.10 $14.70 X 20 = $294.00 M. ASST ENGINEER $23.20 $19.60 X 0 = $0.00 N. DESIGNER $22.60 $18.20 X 0 = $0.00 O. SENIOR DRAFTER $19.60 $18.00 X 16 = $288.00 P. DRAFTER $15.00 $13.00 X 0 = $0.00 0. TECHNICALTYPIST $19.80 $18.00 X 30 = $540.00 R. GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR $18.90 $17.30 X 0 = $0.00 S. ASST GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR $15.80 $13.70 X 0 = $0.00 T. SENIOR AIRPORT PLANNER $41.80 $32.40 X 20 = $648.00 U. AIRPORT PLANNER $27.20 $23.20 X 0 = $0.00 V. ASST AIRPORT PLANNER $18.50 $18.20 X 170 = $3,094.00 W. INSPECTION SUPERVISOR $38.10 $35.10 X 0 = $0,00 X. RESIDENT ENGINEER $34.70 $29.20 X 0 = $0.00 Y. CHIEF INSPECTOR $30.00 $26.90 X 0 = $0.00 Z. SENIOR INSPECTOR $27.70 $23.00 X 0 = $0.00 AA. INSPECTOR $23.70 $21.50 X 0 = $0.00 BB. JUNIOR INSPECTOR $15.00 $14.30 X 0 = $0,00 CC. CONST RECORDS SPECIALIST $22.20 $19.70 X 0 = $0.00 DD. PARTY CHIEF $32.00 $29.90 X 0 = $0.00 EE. INSTRUMENT MAN $28.80 $26.90 X 0 = $0.00 FF. RODMAN $25.30 $23.60 X 0 = $0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT SALARY COST $6,539.00 11. OVERHEAD EXPENSES & PAYROLL BURDEN PER SCHEDULE "C" - (AUDITABLE, ESTIMATED AND EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE OF DIRECT SALARY COST): III. SUBTOTAL OF ITEMS I & It: B-1 141.10% $9,227.00 $15,766.00 IV. ESTIMATE OF DIRECT EXPENSES: MILES/TRIP 0 A. TRAVEL, BY AUTO: 2 PERSONS 0 $500.00 = TRIPS B. TRAVEL, BY AIR: $193.00 = $2,316.00 20 3 TRIPS C. PER DIEM: 0 SHEETS/SET 0 $1.00 = 6 DAYS 0 D. REPRODUCTION - $5.00 = $0.00 REPORTS: $0.00 10 SETS DRAWINGS: $1,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE OF DIRECT EXPENSES SETS 0 MYLARS: E. LEGAL STENOGRAPHER: F. MISCELLANEOUS (rental car, ferry, etc.): V. FIXED FEE (PROFIT, LUMP SUM): A. LABOR PLUS OVERHEAD B. DIRECT EXPENSES VI. SUBCONTRACTS: A. Endangered species study C. Stage 1 AB Study D. Survey TOTAL FIXED FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS 15% (OF III.) 15% (OF IV.) VII. TOTALS: A. ESTIMATE OF MAXIMUM TOTAL COST FOR PLANNING SERVICES, AGREEMENT TOTAL & FAA ELIGIBLE: B-2 $6,326.00 $2,365.00 $949.00 $3,314.00 $4,500.00 $8,000.00 $0.00 $12,500.00 $37,906.00 MILES/TRIP 0 $0.345 = $0.00 2 PERSONS 0 $500.00 = $3,000.00 2 PERSONS @ $193.00 = $2,316.00 20 PAGES/SET 0 $0.05 = $10.00 0 SHEETS/SET 0 $1.00 = $0.00 0 SHEETS 01 $5.00 = $0.00 $0.00 _ $1,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE OF DIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL FIXED FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS 15% (OF III.) 15% (OF IV.) VII. TOTALS: A. ESTIMATE OF MAXIMUM TOTAL COST FOR PLANNING SERVICES, AGREEMENT TOTAL & FAA ELIGIBLE: B-2 $6,326.00 $2,365.00 $949.00 $3,314.00 $4,500.00 $8,000.00 $0.00 $12,500.00 $37,906.00 ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS PROJECT NAME: Apron & Taxiway stub PROJ DESCRIPTION: Apron & Taxiway stub CLIENT: Town of Southold CLIENT MANAGER: Phil Knauff ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING COST SUMMARY SCHEDULE 1113-2" DESIGN PHASE DATE: 28 -Jan -2002 A/E: C & S ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT NO: 211.008 C&S CONTACT: B. Clark I. DIRECT SALARY COSTS: MAXIMUM AVERAGE RATE OF PAY RATE OF PAY TITLE ($/HR) ($/HR) @ HOURS COST A. SERVICE GROUP MANAGER $59.30 $45.50 X 0 = $0.00 B. MANAGING ENGINEER $42.40 $39.40 X 78 = $3,073.00 C. SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER $39.10 $34.40 X 24 = $826.00 D. PROJECT ENGINEER $33.40 $28.80 X 0 = $0.00 E. ENGINEER $29.80 $24.50 X 288 = $7,056.00 F. SENIOR PROJECT ARCHITECT $29.80 $28.20 X 0 = $0.00 G. ARCHITECT $29.10 $26.70 X 0 = $0.00 H. ASST ARCHITECT $23.80 $21.80 X 0 = $0.00 I. SENIOR GEOLOGIST (SOILS ENG) $38.60 $35.40 X 0 = $0.00 J. HYDROGEOLOGIST $23.00 $21.50 X 0 = $0.00 K. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST $24.60 $24.00 X 0 = $0.00 L. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST $20.10 $15.40 X 0 = $0.00 M. ASST ENGINEER $24.40 $20.60 X 288 = $5,933.00 N. DESIGNER $23.70 $19.10 X 0 = $0.00 O. SENIOR DRAFTER $20.60 $18.90 X 0 = $0.00 P. DRAFTER $15.80 $13.70 X 0 = $0.00 Q. TECHNICAL TYPIST $20.80 $18.90 X 24 = $454.00 R. GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR $19.80 $18.20 X 24 = $437.00 S. ASST GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR $16.60 $14.40 X 0 = $0.00 T. SENIOR AIRPORT PLANNER $43.90 $34.00 X 0 = $0.00 U. AIRPORT PLANNER $28.60 $24.40 X 0 = $0.00 V. ASST AIRPORT PLANNER $19.40 $19.10 X 0 = $0.00 W. INSPECTION SUPERVISOR $40.00 $36.90 X 0 = $0.00 X. RESIDENT ENGINEER $36.40 $30.70 X 0 = $0.00 Y. CHIEF INSPECTOR $31.50 $28.20 X 0 = $0.00 Z. SENIOR INSPECTOR $29.10 $24.20 X 0 = $0.00 AA. INSPECTOR $24.90 $22.60 X 0 = $0.00 BB. JUNIOR INSPECTOR $15.80 $15.00 X 0 = $0.00 CC. CONST RECORDS SPECIALIST $23.30 $20.70 X 0 = $0.00 DD. PARTY CHIEF $33.60 $31.40 X 0 = $0.00 EE. INSTRUMENT MAN $30.20 $28.20 X 0 = $0.00 FF. RODMAN $26.60 $24.80 X 0 = $0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT SALARY COST $17,779.00 AGREEMENT AMOUNT II. OVERHEAD EXPENSES & PAYROLL BURDEN PER SCHEDULE "C" - (AUDITABLE, ESTIMATED AND EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE OF DIRECT SALARY COST): 141.1% $25,086.00 III. SUBTOTAL OF ITEMS I & II: $42,865.00 B-1 AGREEMENT AMOUNT IV. ESTIMATE OF DIRECT EXPENSES: A. TRAVEL, BY AIR: 4 TRIPS @ 1 PERSON @ $600.00 = $2,400.00 B. PER DIEM: 4 DAYS @ 1 PERSONS @ $193.00 = $772.00 C. REPRODUCTION - 1 . DESIGN REPORTS: 10 SETS @ 100 PAGES/SET @ $0.05 = $50.00 2. SPECIFICATIONS: 25 SETS @ 250 PAGES/SET @ $0.05 = $312.50 3. DRAWINGS: 25 SETS @ 8 SHEETS/SET @ $1.00 = $200.00 4. MYLARS: 8 SHEETS @ $5.00 = $40.00 D. MISCELLANEOUS: _ $800.50 TOTAL ESTIMATE OF DIRECT EXPENSES $4,575.00 V. FIXED FEE (PROFIT, LUMP SUM): A. LABOR PLUS OVERHEAD 15% (OF III.) $6,430.00 B. DIRECT EXPENSES 15% (OF IV.) $686.00 TOTAL FIXED FEE $7,116.00 VI. SUBCONTRACTS: A. ESTIMATE OF TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS: $10,000.00 B. ESTIMATE OF SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION & TESTS: 1. MOBILZATION/DEMOBILIZATION: LUMP SUM = $1,000.00 2. PAVEMENT CORES: 2 EACH @ $50.00 = $100.00 3. CONTINUOUS SAMPLING: 50 L.F. @ $18.00 = $900.00 4. OBSERVATION WELL: 0 L.F. @ $15.00 = $0.00 5. TEST PITS: 2 EACH @ $250.00 = $500.00 6. FIELD CBR: 2 EACH @ $250.00 = $500.00 7. FIELD DENSITY TESTS: 2 EACH @ $35.00 = $70.00 8. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS: 2 EACH @ $35.00 = $70.00 9. LABORATORY PROCTORS: 2 EACH @ $100.00 = $200.00 10. LABORATORY CBR, 1 PT.: 2 EACH @ $150.00 = $300.00 11. LABORATORY CBR, 3 PT.: 0 EACH @ $350.00 = $0.00 12. ATTERBERG LIMITS: 2 EACH @ $55.00 = $110.00 13. NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT: 2 EACH @ $6.00 = $12.00 14. HYDROMETER ANALYSIS: 2 EACH @ $60.00 = $120.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION & TESTS: $3,882.00 VII. TOTALS: A. ESTIMATE OF MAXIMUM TOTAL COST FOR DESIGN SERVICES, AGREEMENT TOTAL & FAA ELIGIBLE: $68,438.00 B-2 SCHEDULE C C&S ENGINEERS, INC. SYRACUSE HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SYRACUSE, NY 13212 ESTIMATED ALLOWABLE OVERHEAD FYE 12/31/98 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD Indirect Labor DOLLARS MULTIPLIER SALARY OVERHEAD (PAYROLL BURDEN) 640,000.00 0.158 Vacation & Holiday Pay 475,000.00 0.117 Sick & Personal Pay 150,000.00 0.037 FICA Taxes 520,000.00 0.128 Unemployment Taxes 100,000.00 0.025 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 35,000.00 0.009 Group Insurance 410,000.00 0.101 Bonus 50,000.00 0.012 Miscellaneous Employee Benefits 160,000.00 0.040 Payroll Preparation 7.200.00 0.002 TOTAL 1,907,200.00 0.471 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD Indirect Labor 690,000.00 0.170 Clerical & Administrative 640,000.00 0.158 Project Development 750,000.00 0.185 Meeting, Conventions & Education 35,000.00 0.009 Office Supplies & Expenses 275,000.00 0.068 Travel & Subsistence 95,000.00 0.023 Field Supplies 15,000.00 0.004 Insurance 225,000.00 0.056 Depreciation 275,000.00 0.068 Rent 300,000.00 0.074 Utilities & Maintenance 195,000.00 0.048 Telephone 114,000.00 0.028 Auto Expenses 85,000.00 0.021 Dues & Fees 45,000.00 0.011 Legal & Accounting Expenses 65,000.00 0.016 Business Taxes 2.798.00 0.001 TOTAL 3,806,798.00 0.940 TOTAL ALLOWABLE OVERHEAD 5,713,998.00 1.411 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 4,050,000.00 1.000 F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc 1/99 SCHEDULE D SPONSOR CERTIFICATION FOR SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS Airport Sponsor: Town of Southold AIP Project No.: 3-36-0029-02 Project Name: Apron and Taxiway Stub Section 509(d) of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as amended (herein called the Act), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from sponsors that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors from fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. Every certified item must be marked. Each certified item with a "no" response must be fully explained in an attachment to this certification. If the item is not applicable to this project, mark the item "N/A". General procurement standards for consultant services within Federal grant programs are described in 49 CFR 18.36. Sponsors may use other qualifications -based procedures provided they are equivalent to specific standards in 49 CFR 18 and Advisory Circular 150/5100-14. Advertisements (were) (will be) placed to ensure fair and open competition from a wide area of interest. Yes _ No _ N/A 2. For contracts over $25,000, consultants (were) (will be) selected using competitive procedures based on qualifications, experience, and disadvantaged business enterprise requirements with the fee determined through negotiation. Yes _ No _ N/A _ An independent cost analysis (was) (will be) performed, and a record of negotiations (has been) (will be) prepared reflecting the considerations involved in the establishment of fees. Yes _ No _ N/A _ 4. If engineering or other services are to be performed by sponsor force account personal, prior approval (was) (will be) obtained from FAA. Yes _ No — N/A _ F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc D-1 8/00 5. The consultant services contracts clearly (establish) (will establish) the scope of work and delineate the division of responsibilities between all parties engaged in carrying out elements of the project. Yes _ No _ N/A _ 6. Costs associated with work ineligible for AIP funding (are) (will be) clearly identified and separated from eligible items. Yes _ No _ N/A _ 7. All mandatory contract provisions for grant -assisted contracts (have been) (will be) included in all consultant services contracts. Yes _ No _ N/A _ 8. If the contract is awarded without competition, pre -award review and approval (was) (will be) obtained from FAA. Yes _ No _ N/A _ 9. Cost -plus -percentage -of -cost methods of contracting prohibited under Federal standards (were not) (will not be) used. Yes _ No _ N/A _ 10. If the services being procured cover more than the single grant project referenced in this certification, the scope of work (was) (will be) specifically described in the advertisement, and future work will not be initiated beyond three years. Yes _ No _ N/A _ I certify that, for the project identified herein, the responses to the foregoing items are correct as marked, and that the attachments, if any, are correct and complete. Date Signature Title END OF SCHEDULE F:\PROJECn21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNnCover.doc D-2 8/00 SCHEDULE E (RESOLUTION TO BE INSERTED) F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc 800\ SCHEDULE F ENGINEER'S REPORT The following has been compiled as guidance covering what will be reflected as a minimum in an Engineer's Report: Chapter I - Introduction 1. Scope. A brief explanation of the scope of the proposed development as indicated in the Tentative Allocation, and how it fits in with the present and future development of the airport as shown on the approved Airport Layout Plan. This is not to be construed as another justification of the item(s) which has(have) already been accomplished during the development and processing of the Request for Aid. However, the Request for Aid and Tentative Allocation letter should be included in this section. 2. Environmental and Safety Consideration. Fulfillment of environmental consideration and commitments as per the project Environmental Impact Statement, AC 150/5370-7, "Airport Construction Controls to Prevent Air and Water Pollution", Order EA 5210.1, "Safety Requirements on Airports During ADAP-Funded Construction Activity" and AC 150/5370-2, "Safety on Airports During Construction Activity". 3. Applicable FAR Part 77 Surfaces. Include sketch of applicable FAR Part 77 surfaces showing any obstruction, plan and profile and any pertinent data and/or discussion concerning them, especially with respect to the proposed project. 4. State what is the critical aircraft for design purposes and the basis of selection. Chapter II - Design 1. Design Standards. A listing of the applicable Advisory Circulars that are current on the date of the Tentative Allocation as shown in the latest tri -annual listing in the Federal Register and which are mandatory as per Paragraph 83 and Appendix I of FAR Part 152. In the event the Sponsor/Engineer wishes to use either draft or non -mandatory Advisory Circulars or other standards, a written request, including the rationale shall be promptly submitted through the sponsor for FAA consideration and inclusion in the report. The processing of the request shall be accomplished in accordance with Order 5300.1A. Include a discussion on any variances from the design standards and request for waivers. 2. Unusual Local Conditions. Identification and explanation of local conditions not covered by the standards listed in above item (1) which will require modification. This should include a discussion of the local condition, alternative solutions, recommended solution and the rationale for same. The discussion shall also include economics, scheduling, methods and effect on other facilities, operations, parties, etc. Some typical items that may generate this type of discussion are: A. unusual soil classification, including drainage and structural characteristics; B. unusual weather conditions such as precipitation and temperature; F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc F-1 800 C. availability, proximity and costs of construction material, manpower, on and off-site equipment and plans, etc.; D. special design to accommodate unusual equipment and/or operations (e.g., off -hour construction or non-standard construction procedures). 3. Soils Report and Other Test Reports. Either a separate document or include in Engineer's Report. In soils report discuss reason for stopping borings at given elevations, assumption used in report and why the number and types of tests were chosen. If separate, it should be referenced in Engineer's Report. 4. Pavement Design. Discuss pavement design rationale making references to publications used, including applicable graphs, etc., if necessary. Include Pavement Design Form 5100-1 and Pavement Gradients and Cross Sections. 5. Drainage Design. Discuss drainage design rationale, including grades, drainage structures (sizes, slope, strength, etc.), and sketch of drainage layout. 6. Lighting. Discussion should include the following: A. Lighting system layout, including approach survey for VASI. B. Plan and profile sketch for NAVAID projects. C. Series lighting design (HIRL, MIRL, MITL, Centerline, TDZ), including: 1) Physical layout sketch; 2) Present regulator rating, condition and load; 3) Proposed load under this project; 4) Future load; 5) Wire sizes and length of runs. Chapter III - Contract Provisions and Eligibility 1. Contract Technical Provisions. Discussion on the adaptation of the construction contracts' technical provisions in order to avoid conflicts between the technical requirements of the sponsor, the FAA, and other Grantor Agencies. Typical areas for consideration are: A. Asphalt and concrete pavements (e.g., P-401 & P-501) B. Drainage structures C. Fencing (type, etc.) D. Concrete E. Turfing F. Excavation and embankment G. Painting F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doe F-2 8/00 H. Alternate bids 2. Contract General Provisions. (Non -Technical). Discussion on the adaptation of the construction contract's general (non-technical) provisions in order to avoid conflicts between the procurement requirements of the sponsor, the FAA, and other Grantor Agencies. Typical areas for considera- tion are: A. Definitions B. State, Federal and local wage rates and labor provisions C. EEO provisions, including Hometown or Imposed Plans D. Insurance E. Bid, payment and performance bonds F. Payment provisions and application G. Change Orders H. Claims I. Extra work J. Material submissions, substitutions and approvals K. Survey and layout procedure and responsibility L. Guaranty and warranty procedure and responsibility M. "As Built" information and responsibility N. Pre -Construction Conference O. Notice to Proceed P. Stop Orders Q. Time extensions R. Airport operations and requirements S. Repair and/or replacement or damage facility requirements T. Work schedule (bar chart, PERT, etc.) U. Bidding forms and requirements V. Sponsor and Grantor Agency authority and responsibilities F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc F-3 8/00 W. Safety (Order EA 5210.1) 3. Non -Eligible Work. Identification, justification and details of separation of non -eligible work to be included in ADAP contract. This shall also cover the impact that the non -eligible work will have on costs and scheduling of ADAP work. 4. Eligible Work to be Done by Others. Identification, justification and details of eligible work to be done by others, such as utility companies, Sponsor Force Account, etc. This shall also cover the impact that others doing eligible work will have on costs and scheduling of ADAP work. 5. Scheduling and Coordination. Identification, justification and details of scheduling and coordination where project work will impact or be impacted by other parties and/or activities such as airport users, airlines, public, FBO, National Weather Service, FAA Sponsor, other contractors, military, utilities, concessionaires, etc. This discussion shall also cover the economic conditions of the general and local construction market conditions, with a view to obtaining the most advantageous bids. Included in the discussions should be what effect the Grantor Agency's (FAA, State, Sponsor, etc.) commitments have on the schedule. 6. Construction Inspection and Testing. Discussion of construction inspection, sampling and testing which shall include personnel, experience, techniques, methods, standards, results, timing facilities, etc., and their relationship to the requirements of the approved Engineering Agreement and construction contract. 7. Submittal of the Engineer's Report. The Engineering Report will accompany each submittal of the plans and specifications, to the degree of development commensurate with the submittal itself. The Sponsor/Engineer must understand that without submittal of the Engineer's Report the plans and specifications will be returned without comments. 8. Project Completion. When the Record Drawings are submitted, the Engineer's Report will be updated and submitted to reflect the changes that took place during construction. Updating should include the departures taken, and explanation from the As -Advertised plans and specifications. END OF SCHEDULE F:\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMNT\Cover.doc F-4 8/00 SCHEDULE G CERTIFICATION OF CONSULTANT I hereby certify that I am the Vice President and duly authorized representative of the firm of C&S Engineers, Inc., whose address is Syracuse Hancock International Airport, Syracuse, NY, and that neither I nor the above firm I here represent has: A. employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) to solicit or secure this Contract. B. agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this Contract, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the Contract, or C. paid or agreed to pay to any firm, organization, or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the Contract; except as here expressly stated (if any): I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States' Department of Transportation, in connection with this Contract, involving participation of Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds and is subject to applicable state and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. END OF SCHEDULE Rona d L. Peckham, P.E. Vice President F: \PROJECC\21100802\DESIGN\AGREEMN71Cover.doc G-1 8/00 SCHEDULE H AIRPORT AID PROGRAM There is set forth below the contract provision required by the regulations of the Secretary of Labor in Parts 5 and 5a of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Section 152.55(a) requires sponsors to insert this provision in full in each construction contract. PROVISION REQUIRED BY THE REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF LABOR A. MINIMUM WAGES All mechanics and laborers employed or working upon the site of the work will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR Part 3), the full amounts due at time of payment computed at wage rates not less than those contained in the wage determination decision(s) of the Secretary of Labor which is (are) attached hereto and made a part hereof, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor and such laborers and mechanics; and the wage determination decision(s) shall be posted by the contractor at the site of the work in a prominent place where it (they) can be easily seen by the workers. For the purpose of this paragraph, contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated under Section 1(b) (2) of the Davis -Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of Subparagraph 4 below. Also for the purpose of this paragraph, regular contributions made or costs incurred for more than a weekly period under plans, funds, or programs, but covering the particular weekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or incurred during such weekly period [29 CFR 5.5(axl Xi)]. 2. Any class of laborers or mechanics, including apprentices and trainees, which is not listed in the wage determination(s) and which is to be employed under the contract, shall be classified or reclassified' conformably to the wage determination(s), and a report of the action taken shall be sent by the SPONSOR to the FAA for approval and transmittal to the Secretary of Labor. In the event that the interested parties cannot agree on the proper classification or reclassification of a particular class of laborers and mechanics, including apprentices and trainees, to be used, the question accompanied by the recommendation of the FAA shall be referred to the Secretary of Labor for final determination [29 CFR 5.5(axl)(ii)]. Whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed in the contract for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly wage rate and the contractor is obligated to pay a cash equivalent of such a fringe benefit, an hourly cash equivalent thereof shall be established. In the event the interested parties cannot agree upon a cash equivalent of the fringe benefit, the question accompanied by the recommendation of the FAA shall be referred to the Secretary of Labor for determination [29 CFR 5.5(a) (1)(iii)]. 4. If the Contractor does not make payments to a trustee or other third person, he may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program of a type expressly listed in the wage determination decision of the Secretary of Labor which is a part of this contract. Provided, however, the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the Contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis -Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of Labor may require the Contractor to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. B. WITHHOLDING: FAA FROM SPONSOR Pursuant to the terms of the grant agreement between the United States and SPONSOR, relating to Airport Development Aid Project No._____, and Part 152 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR Part 152), the FAA may withhold or cause to be withheld from the SPONSOR so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and mechanics, including apprentices and trainees; employed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor on the work the full amount of wages required by this Contract. In the event of failure to pay any laborer or mechanics, including any apprentice or trainee, employed or working on the site of the work all or part of the wages required by this Contract, the FAA may, after written notice to the SPONSOR, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment or advance of funds until such violations have ceased [29 CFR 5.5(ax2)]. C. PAYROLLS AND BASIC RECORDS. Payrolls and basic records relating thereto will be maintained during the course of the work and preserved for a period of three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work. Such records will contain the name and address of each such employee, his correct classification; rates of pay (including rates of contributions or costs anticipated of the types described in Section 1(bx2) of the Davis -Bacon Act), daily and %%ENG%FNGVAASTOMAcrtEENrrn AIRPORITSM-x.noc H-1 sm weekly number of hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of Labor has found, under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(lxiv) (see.Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph A above), that the wages of any laborer or mechanic include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program described in Section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis -Bacon Act, the Contractor shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records which show the costs anticipated or the actual costs incurred in providing such benefits [29 CFR 5.5(a)(3)(i)]. 2. The Contractor will submit weekly a copy of all payrolls to the SPONSOR for availability to the FAA as required by SS 152.59(a). The copy shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the employer or his agent indicating that the payrolls are correct and complete, that the wage rates contained therein are not less than those determined by the Secretary of Labor and that the classifications set forth for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he performed. A submission of a "Weekly Statement of Compliance" which is required under this Contract and the Copeland regulations of the Secretary of Labor (29 CFR Part 3) and the filing with the initial payroll or any subsequent payroll of a copy of any fmdings by the Secretary of Labor, under 29 CFR 5.5(axlxiv) (see Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph A above), shall satisfy this requirement. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for the submission of copies of payrolls of all Subcontractors. The Contractor will make the records required under the labor standards clauses of the Contract available for inspection by authorized representatives of the FAA and the Department of Labor, and will permit such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the job [29 CFR 5.5(ax3xii)]. D. APPRENTICES AND TRAINEES Apprentices. Apprentices will be permitted to work as such only when the are registered, individually, under a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency which is recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or, if no such recognized agency exists in a State, under a program registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the Contractor as to his entire work force under the registered program. Any employee listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not a trainee as defined in Subparagraph (2) of this Paragraph, or who is not registered as above, shall be paid the wage rate determined by the Secretary of Labor for the classification of work he actually performed. The Contractor or Subcontractor will be required to furnish to the SPONSOR written evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as well as of the Appropriate ratios and wage Hues, for the area of construction prior to using any apprentices on the contract work [29 CFR 5.5(ax4)]. 2. Trainees. Trainees will be.petmitted to work as such when they are bona fide trainees employed pursuant to a program approved by the United States Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training and, where Subparagraph 3 of this Paragraph is applicable, in accordance with the provisions of Part 5a.29 CFR, Subtitle A. 3. Application of 29 CFR Part 5a. On contracts in excess of 510,000, the employment of all laborers and mechanics, including apprentices and trainees as defined in 29 CFR 5.2(c) shall be also be subject to the provisions of 29 CFR Part Sa. Apprentices and trainees shall be hired in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR Parts 5a as set forth in Subparagraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this Paragraph. 4. Apprentice and Tminee Employment Requirements. a. The Contractor agrees: 1) That he will make a diligent effort to hire for the performance of the contact a number of apprentices or trainees, or both, in each occupation, which bears to the average number of the journeymen in that occupation to be employed in the performance of the contract the applicable ratio as determined by the Secretary of Labor, 2) That he will assure that 25 percent of such apprentices or trainees in each occupation are in their first year of training, where feasible. Feasibility here involves a consideration of the availability of training opportunities for first year apprentices, the hazardous nature of the work for beginning workers, excessive unemployment of apprentices in their second and subsequent years of training; and 3) That during the performance of the Contract he will, to the greatest extent possible, employ the number of apprentices or trainees necessary to meet currently the requirements of Subdivisions 1) and 2) of this Subparagraph. %V NG\6N41MAS7ERSMGRFbNaW7VURPORISISCH-H.D0C H-2 sm b. The Contractor agrees to maintain records of employment by trade of the number of apprentices and trainees, apprentices and trainees by first year of training, and of journeymen, and the wages paid and hours of work of such apprentices, trainees, and journeymen. The Contractor agrees to make these records available for inspection upon request of the Department of Labor and the Federal Aviation Administration. C. The Contractor who claims compliance based on the criterion stated in (Subdivision 5 b. of this Paragraph) agrees to maintain records of employment, as described in Subdivision b. of this Paragraph on non -Federal and non -Federally assisted construction work done during the performance of this contract in the same labor market area. The Contractor agrees to make these records available for inspection upon request of the Department of Labor and the Federal Aviation Administration. d. The Contractor agrees to supply one copy of the written notices required in accordance (with Subsection 5 c.) at the request of Federal Aviation Administration compliance officers. The Contractor also agrees to supply at three-month intervals during performance of the Contract and after completion of contract performance a statement describing steps taken toward making a diligent effort and containing a breakdown by craft, of hours worked and wages paid for first year apprentices and trainees, other apprentices and trainees, and journeymen. One copy of the statement will be sent to the Federal Aviation Administration, and one to the Secretary of Labor. e. The Contractor agrees to insert in any Subcontract under this contract the requirements contained (in this Subdivision 4). Subparagraphs 5, 6, 7, and 8 shall also be attached to each such Contract for the information of the Contractor. The term "Contractor" as used in such clauses in any Subcontract shall mean the Subcontractor. 5. Criteria for Measuring Diligent Effort. A Contractor will be deemed to have made a "diligent effort" as required by Subparagraph 4 of this Paragraph if during the performance of his Contract he accomplishes at least one of the following three objectives: a. The Contractor employees on this project a number of apprentices and trainees by craft as required by the Contract clause at least equal to the ratios established in accordance with Subparagraph 6 of this Paragraph. b. The Contractor employs, on all his public and private, construction work combined in the labor market area of this project, an average number of apprentices and trainees by craft as required by the contract clauses, at least equal to the ratios established in accordance with Subparagraph 6. C. 1) Before commencement of work on the project, the Contractor, if covered by a collective bargaining agreement, will give written notice to all joint apprenticeship committees: the local United States Employment Security Office; local chapter of the Urban League (Workers Defense League) or other local organization concerned with minority employment; and the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training Representative, United State Department of Labor, for the locality. The Contractor, if not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, will give written notice to all the groups stated above except joint apprenticeship committees; this Contractor also will notify all non joint apprenticeship sponsors in the labor market area 2) The notice will include at least the Contractor's name and address, the jobsite address, value of contract, expected starting and completion dates, the estimated average. number of employees in each occupation to be employed over the duration of the Contract, and a statement of his willingness to employ a number of apprentices and trainees at least equal to the ratios established in accordance with Subparagraph 6. 3) The Contractor must employ all qualified applicants referred to him through normal channels (such as the Employment Service, the Joint Apprenticeship Committees and, where applicable, minority organizations and apprentice outreach programs who have been delegated this function) at least. up to the number of such apprentices and trainees required by the applicable provision of Subparagraph 6. 6. Determination of ratios of Apprentices or Trainees to Journeymen. The Secretary of Labor has determined that the applicable ratios of apprentices and trainees to journeymen in any occupation shall be as follows: NNGNGkENG\MAWERS\AGRUMNTAIRMRTS03i-N.DW H-3 sus a In any occupation the applicable ratio of apprentices and trainees to journeymen shall be equal to the predominant ratio for the occupation in the area where the construction is to be undertaken, set forth in collective bargaining agreements or other employment agreements, and available through the Regional Manager for the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for the applicable area b. For any occupation for which no such ratio is found the ratio of apprentices and trainees to journeymen shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the standards of the National Joint Apprentice Committee for the occupation, which are filed with the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. C. For any occupation for which no such recommendations are found, the ratio of apprentices and trainees to journeymen shall be at least one apprentice or trainee for every five journeymen. 7. Variations, Tolerances, and Exemptions. Variations, tolerances, and exemptions from any requirement of this Part with respect to any Contract or Subcontract may be granted when such action is necessary and proper in the public interest, or to prevent injustice, or undue hardship. A request for a variation, tolerance, or exemption may be made in writing by any interested person to the Secretary, United States Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210. 8. Enforcement. a The FAA shall insure that the Contract clauses required by Subdivision 4 a of this Paragraph are inserted in every Federal or Federally assisted construction contract subject thereto. For assistance programs for construction work for which it does not contract directly, the FAA shall promulgate regulations and procedures necessary to insure that contracts for the construction work subject to Subdivision 4 of this Paragraph D will contain the clauses required thereby. b. Enforcement activities, including the investigation of complaints of violations, to assure compliance with the requirements of this Part, shall be the primary duty of the FAA. The Department of Labor will coordinate its efforts with the FAA, as may be necessary to assure consistent enforcement of the requirements of this Part. Enforcement of these provisions shall be in accordance with 29 CFR 5.6. E. COMPLIANCE WITH COPELAND REGULATIONS. The Contractor shall comply with the Copeland Regulations (29 CFR Part 3) of the Secretary of Labor which are herein incorporated by reference (29 CFR 5.5(aX5)). F. OVERTIME REQUIREMENTS. No Contractor or Subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he is employed on such work to work in excess of 8 hours in any calendar day or in excess of 40 hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic received compensation at a rate not less than 1 1/2 times his basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours in any calendar day or in excess of 40 hours in such workweek, as the case may be (29 CFR 5.5(cXl)). G. VIOLATIONS; LIABILITY FOR UNPAID WAGES; LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. In the event of any violation of Paragraph F of this provision, the Contractor and any Subcontractor responsible therefore shall be liable to any affected employee for his unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and Subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed, with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic employed in violation of said Paragraph F of this provision, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such employee was required or permitted to work in excess of 8 hours or in excess of the standard workweek of 40 hours without payment of the overtime wages required by said Paragraph F of this Provision (29 CFR 5.5(cX2)). H. WITHHOLDING FOR UNPAID WAGES AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, AND PRIORITY OF PAYMENT. The FAA may withhold or cause to be withheld, from any monies payable on account of work perforated by the Contractor or Subcontractor, such sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or Subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in Paragraph G of this Provision (29 CFR 5.5(cX3)). 2. In the event of failure or refusal of the Contractor or any Subcontractor to comply with overtime pay requirements of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, if the funds withheld by the FAA for the violations are not sufficient to pay fully both the unpaid wages due laborers and mechanics and the liquidated damages due the United States, the available fiords shall be used first to compensate the laborers and mechanics for the wages to �u rrouTroutesraas��o x.noc H-4 sin which they are entitled (or an equitable portion thereof when the funds are not adequate for this purpose); and the balance, if any, shall be used for the payment of liquidated damages (29 CRR 5.14(d)(2)). 1. WORKING CONDITIONS. No Contractor may require any laborer or mechanic employed in the performance of the contract to work in surroundings or under working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to his health or safety as determined under construction safety and health standards (29 CFR Part 1518; 36 F.R. 7340) issued by the Secretary of Labor. J. SUBCONTRACTS. The Contractor will insert in each of his subcontracts the clauses contained in Paragraphs A through K of this provision, and also a clause requiring the Subcontractors to include these provisions in any lower tier subcontracts which they may enter into, together with a clause requiring this insertion in any further subcontracts that may in turn be made (29 CFR 5.5(a)(6), 5.5(c)(4)). K. CONTRACT TERMINATION; DEBARMENT. A breach of Paragraphs A through J of this provision may be grounds for termination of the contract. A breach of Paragraphs A through E and I may also be grounds for debarment as provided in 29 CFR 5.6 of the regulations of the Secretary of Labor (29 CFR 5.5(a)(7)). END OF SCHEDULE \\ENGMNG\MASTERS\AGREEMMUIRPORTS\SM-N.DW H-5 5M SCHEDULE I NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS A. Standard Clauses For All New York State Contracts (Appendix A). The parties to the attached contract, license, lease, amendment or other agreement of any kind (hereinafter, "the contract" or "this contract") agree to be bound by the following clauses which are hereby made a part of the contract (the word "Contractor" herein refers to any party other than the State, whether a contractor, licensor, licensee, lessor, lessee or any other party): 1. Executory Clause. In accordance with Section 41 of the State Finance Law, the State shall have no liability under this contract to the Contractor or to anyone else beyond funds appropriated and available for this contract. 2. Non -Assignment Clause. In accordance with Section 138 of the State Finance Law, this Contract may not be assigned by the Contractor or its right, title or interest therein assigned, transferred, conveyed, sublet or otherwise disposed of without the previous consent, in writing, of the State and any attempts to assign the contract without the State's written consent are null and void. The Contractor may, however, assign its right to receive payment without the State's prior written consent unless this contract concerns Certificates of Participation pursuant to Article 5-A of the State Finance Law. 3. Comptroller's Approval. In accordance with. Section 112 of the State Finance Law (or, if this contract is with the State University or City University of New York, Section 355 or Section 6218 of the Education Law), if this contract exceeds 55,000 (520,000 for certain S.U.N.Y. and C.U.N.Y. contracts), or if this is an amendment for any amount to a contract which, as so amended, exceeds said statutory amount, or if, by this contract, the State agrees to give something other than money, it shall not be valid, effective or binding upon the State until it has been approved by the State Comptroller and filed in his office. 4. Worker's Compensation Benefits. In accordance with Section 142 of the State Finance Law, this contract shall be void and of no force and effect unless the Contractor shall provide and maintain coverage during the life of this contract for the benefit of such employees as are required to be covered by the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law. 5. Non -Discrimination Requirements. In accordance with Article 15 of the Executive Law (also known as the Human Rights Law) and all other State and Federal statutory and constitutional non-discrimination provisions, the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or marital status. Furthermore, in accordance with Section 220-e of the Labor Law, if this is a contract for the construction, alteration or repair of any public building or public work or for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equipment or supplies, and to the extent that this contract shall be performed within the State of New York, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its subcontractors shall, by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin: (a) discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work; or (b) discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract. If this is a building service contract as defined in Section 230 of the Labor Law, then, in accordance with Section 239, thereof, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its Subcontractors shall, by reason of mux, creed, color, national origin, age, sex or disability.: (a) discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work: or (b) discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract. Contractor is subject to fines of $50.00 per.person per day for any violation of Section 220-e or Section 239 as well as possible termination of this contract and forfeiture of all moneys due hereunder for a second or subsequent violation. 6. Wage and Hours Provisions. If this is a public work contract covered by Article 8 of the Labor Law or a building service contract covered by Article 9 thereof, neither Contractor's employees nor the employees of its subcontractors may be required or permitted to work more than the number of hours or days stated in said statues, except as otherwise provided in the Labor Law and as set forth in prevailing wage and supplement schedules issued by the State Labor Department. Furthermore, Contractor and its Subcontractors must pay at least the prevailing wage rate and pay or provide the prevailing supplements, including the premium rates for overtime pay, as detemuned by the State Labor Department in accordance with the Labor Law. muNcmavcvdesrExsuoxEEMrrry►tUrorrcx%SCH-].roc I-1 sres 7. Non -Collusive Bidding Requirement. In accordance with Section 139-4 of the State Finance Law, if this contract was awarded based upon the submission of bids, Contractor wan -ants, under penalty of perjury, that its bid was arrived at independently and without collusion aimed at restricting competition. Contractor further wan -ants that, at the time contractor submitted its bid, an authorized and responsible person executed and delivered to the State a non -collusive bidding certification on Contractoes behalf. International Boycott Prohibition. In accordance with Section 220-f of the Labor Law and Section 139-h of the State Finance Law, if this contract exceeds $5,000, the Contractor agrees, as a material condition of the contract, that neither the Contractor nor any substantially owned or affiliated person, firm, partnership or corporation has participated, is participating, or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the federal Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 USC App. Sections 2401 et seq.) or regulations thereunder. If such Contractor, or any of the aforesaid affiliates of Contractor, is convicted or is otherwise found to have violated said laws or regulations upon the final determination of the United States Commerce Department or any other appropriate agency of the United States subsequent to the Contract's execution, such contract, amendment or modification thereto shall be rendered forfeit and void. The Contractor shall so notify the State Comptroller within five (5) business days of such conviction, detemtination or disposition of appeal (2 NYCRR 105.4). 9. Set -Off Rights. The State shall have all of its common law and statutory rights of set-off. These rights shall include, but not be limited to, the State's option to withhold for the purposes of set-off any moneys due to the Contractor under this contract up to any amounts due and owing to the State with regard to this contract, any other contract with any State department or agency, including any contract for a term commencing prior to the term of this contract, plus any amounts due and owing to the State for any other reason including, without limitation, tax delinquencies, fee delinquencies or monetary penalties relative thereto. The State shall exercise its set-off rights in accordance with normal State practices including, in cases of set-off pursuant to an audit, the finalization of such audit by the State agency, its representatives, or the State Comptroller. 10. Records. The Contractor shall establish and maintain complete and accurate books, records, documents, accounts and other evidence directly pertinent to performance under this contract (hereinafter, collectively "the Records"). The Records must be kept for the balance of the calendar year in which they were made and for six (6) additional years thereafter. The State Comptroller, the Attorney General and any other person or entity authorized to conduct an examination, as well as the agency or agencies involved in this contract, shall have access to the Records during normal business hours at an office of the Contractor within the State of New York or, if no such office is available, at a mutually agreeable and reasonable venue within the State, for the term specified above for the purposes of inspection, auditing and copying. The State shall take reasonable steps to protect from public disclosure any of the Records which are exempt from disclosure under Section 87 of the Public Officers Law (the "Statute") provided that: (i) the Contractor shall timely inform an appropriate State official, in writing, that said records should not be disclosed; and (ii) said records shall be sufficiently identified; and (iii) designation of said records as exempt under the Statute is reasonable. Nothing contained herein shall diminish, or in any way adversely affect, the State's right to discovery in any pending or future litigation. 11. Identifying Information and Privacy Notification: (a) Federal Employer Identification Number and/or Federal Social Security Number. All invoices or New York State standard vouchers submitted for payment for the sale of goods or services or the lease of real or personal property to a New York State agency must include the payee's identification number, i.e., the seller's or lessor's identification number. The number is either the payee's Federal employee identification number or Federal social security number, or both such numbers when the payee has both such numbers. Failure to include this number or numbers may delay payment. Where the payee does not have such number or numbers, the payee, on his invoice or New York State standard voucher, must give the reason or reasons why the payee does not have such number or nurnbers. (b) Privacy Notification. (1) The authority to request the above personal information from a seller of goods or services or a lessor of real or personal property, and the authority to maintain such information, is found in Section 5 of the State Tax Law. Disclosure of this information by the seller or lessor to the State is mandatory. The principal purpose for which the information is collected is to enable the State to identify individuals, businesses and others who have been delinquent in filing tax returns or may NaENcuNcvr ASTERsv►catEtrrMtMRTS%M-t.Doc I-2 5/98 have understated their tax liabilities and to generally identify persons affected by the taxes administered by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. The information will be used for tax administration purposes and for any other purpose authorized by law. (2) The personal information is requested by the purchasing unit of the agency contracting to purchase the goods or services or lease the real or personal property covered by this contract or lease. The information is maintained in New York State's Central Accounting System by the Director of State Accounts, Office of the State Comptroller, AESOB, Albany, New York 12236. 12. Equal Employment Opportunities For Minorities And Women. In accordance with Section 312 of the Executive Law, if this contract is: (i) a written agreement or purchase order instrument, providing for a total expenditure in excess of $25,000.00, whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds in return for labor, services, supplies, equipment, materials or any combination of the foregoing, to be performed for, or rendered or furnished to the contracting agency; or (ii) a written agreement in excess of 5100,000.00 whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, construction, demolition, replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements thereon; or (iii) a written agreement in excess of $100,000.00 whereby the owner of a State assisted housing project is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, construction, demolition, replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements thereon for such project, then: (a) The contractor will not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status, and will undertake or continue existing programs of affirmative action to ensure that minority group members and women are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination. Affirmative action shall mean recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgradings, demotion, transfer, layoff, or termination and rates of pay or other forms of compensation; (b) at the request of the contracting agency, the Contractor shall request each employment agency, labor union, or authorized representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, to furnish a written statement that such employment agency, labor union or representative will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or marital status, and that such union or representative will affirmatively cooperate in the implementation of the contractor's obligations herein; and (c) the contractor shall state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, that, in the performance of the State contract, all qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or marital status. Contractor will include the provisions of Na", "b", and "c", above, in every subcontract over $25,000.00 for the conduction, demolition, replacement, major repair, renovation, planning or design of real property and improvements thereon (the "Work") except where the Work is for the beneficial use of the contractor. Section 312 does not apply to: (i) work, goods or services unrelated to this contract; or (ii) employment outside New York State; or (iii) banking services, insurance policies or the sale of securities. The State shall consider compliance by a contractor or subcontractor with the requirements of any federal law concerning equal employment opportunity which effectuates the purpose of this section. The contracting agency shall determine whether the imposition of the requirements of the provisions hereof duplicate or conflict with any such federal law and if such duplication or conflict exists, the conducting agency shall waive the applicability of Section 312 to the extent of such duplication or conflict. Contractor will comply with all duly promulgated and lawful rules and regulations of the Govemoes Office of Minority and Women's Business Development pertaining hereto. 13. Conflicting Terms. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the contract (including any and all attachments thereto and amendments thereof) and the terms of this Appendix A, the terms of this Appendix A shall control. 14. Governing Law. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York except where the federal supremacy clause requires otherwise. 15. Late Payment. Timeliness of payment and any interest to be paid to Contractor for late payment shall be governed by Article XI -A of the State Finance Law to the extent required by law. %uarcMwc,,Mr AGREMA rr,xaurox s%scx-r.noc I-3 sros 16. No Arbitration. Disputes involving this contract, including the breach or alleged breach thereof, may not be submitted to binding arbitration (except where statutorily authorized) but must, instead, be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of New York. 17. Service of Process. In addition to the methods of service allowed by the State Civil Practice Law & Rules ("CPLR"), contractor hereby consents to service of process upon it be registered or certified mail, return receipt request. Service hereunder shall be complete upon contractor's actual receipt of process or upon the State's receipt of the return thereof by the United States Postal Service as refused or undeliverable. Contractor must promptly notify the State, in writing, of each and every change of address to which service of process can be made. Service by the State to the last known address shall be sufficient Contractor will have thirty (30) calendar days after service hereunder is complete in which to respond. B. Terms and Conditions (Addendum No. 1) 1. The Grantee agrees to incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or furnishing of any materials, supplies, or equipment or professional consulting services of any kind in connection with the Project, clauses under which the Contractor: a. Agrees to procure and maintain insurance of the kinds and in the amounts hereinafter provided in Schedule I hereof. b. Agrees that he will comply with the requirements of the State Labor Law and particularly Sections 220 and 2204 thereof as amended, and as set forth in Appendix A hereof. C. Agrees that during the performance of this contract, the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of nice, creed, sex, color or national origin and will comply with the Non -Discrimination provisions set forth in Appendix A hereof. d. Agrees that he will cause all persons employed upon the work including his subcontractors, agents, officers and employees, to comply with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which the work is performed. e. Agrees not to assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this agreement or any part thereof, or of its right, title or interest therein or its power to execute such agreement to any person, company or corporation without the previous consent in writing of the Grantee and the Commissioner of Transportation. f. Agrees that in accordance with its status as an independent contractor, it will conduct itself with such status that it will neither hold itself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee of the State by reason hereof, and that it will not by reason hereof, make any claim demand of application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the State, including, but not limited to, Workmen's Compensation coverage, Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Social Security coverage or Retirement membership or Credit. g. Agrees that this agreement may be canceled or terminated by the Grantee if any work under this agreement is in conflict with the provisions of Section 74 of the Public Officers Law. h. Agrees that any patentable result arising out of this Agreement, as well as all information, designs, specification, know-how, data, and findings, shall be made available without cost to the State or its licenses for public use. i. Agrees that for construction work he will furnish a performance bond in an amount at least equal to 100 percent of this contract price as security for the faithful performance of his contract and also a labor and material bond in an amount equal to 100 percent of his contract price as security for the payment of all persons performing labor on the project under his contract and furnishing materials in connection with his contract. The performance bond and the labor and material bond may be in one or in separate instruments in accordance with law. j. Agrees that the Commissioner and the State Comptroller reserve the right to audit and inspect the work of the contractor and any and all records thereof through representatives of the State, as well as through officers and employees of the State, as they shall determine. \%ENG\ENGVAASTERS\AGREEMNrWRMTS%SCH4.DOC I-4 sros C. k. Agrees that the State shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Grantee. 1. Agrees that if any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of the applicable law. In. Agrees that by execution of the Agreement the Contractor represents that it has not paid and, also, agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of this agreement. n. Agrees that all project documents requiring formal approval by a Federal Agency will be submitted to the Commissioner for his prior approval and forwarding to the Federal Agency for its formal approval. The Grantee agrees to give full opportunity for free, open and competitive bidding for each contract to be let by it calling for construction or the furnishing of any materials, supplies, or equipment to be paid for with Project funds in accordance with the requirements of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, the State Finance Law and any other applicable State Laws, Regulations or any requirements or opinions of the State comptroller. 3. The Grantee agrees that contracts for professional or consulting services may be negotiated, but they must be in writing and must state the maximum compensation or reimbursement to be paid. Negotiations must be adequately documented to show consultants considered, proposals received, reasons for selecting the proposed consultant, and the unit basis or other detailed explanation in support of the amount of compensation to be paid. Clauses to be Included in Grantee Contracts (Schedule I, Insurance). The grantee agrees to incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract in connection with the Project, the following clauses: The Contractor agrees to procure and maintain insurance of the kinds and in the amounts hereafter provided in insurance companies authorized to do business in New York State, covering all operations under the contract whether performed by it or Subcontractors. Before commencing the work, the Contractor shall furnish the Grantee a certificate or certificates in form satisfactory to the Grantee showing that it has complied with this Schedule, which certificate or certificates shall not be changed or canceled until thirty days written notice has been given to the Grantee. The kinds and amounts of insurance required are as follows: Policy or policies covering the obligations of the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of any applicable Workmen's Compensation or Disability Benefits Law, including for the State of New York, Chapter 41, Laws of 1914, as amended, known as the Workmen's Compensation Law, and amendments thereto, and Chapter 600 of the Laws of 1949, as amended, known as the Disability Benefits Law, and this agreement shall be void and no effect unless the Contractor procures such policy or policies and maintains the same in force during the term of his contract. 2. Protective liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the Grantee, the State, the Commissioner and all employees or other representatives of each of them, both officially and personally with respect to all operations under the contract including omissions and supervisory acts of the Grantee, the State, the Commissioner and their employees or other representatives with the following limits: Construction Bodily Injury Liability Property Damage Liability Each Person Each Occurrence Each Occurrence $1,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 $3,000,000 Consultant and Other Services Bodily Injury Liability Property Damage Liability Each Person Each Occurrence Each Occurrence $100,000 $300,000 $100,000 $300,000 %CENGAG%MASrERMGeFAMNrAIP"RrslScaa.roc I-5 SM 3. Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the Contractor with respect to all work performed by him under this Agreement. 4. Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of each of the Contractor's Subcontractors with respect to all work performed by said Subcontractor under this Agreement. S. Protective liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the Contractor with respect to all work under this Agreement performed for the contractor by Subcontractor. 6. Protective liability insurance issued to and covering the liability of the Grantee and all employees of the Grantee, both officially and personally, with respect to all operations under this agreement by the Contractor or by his Subcontractor, including omissions and supervisory acts of the Grantee and its employees. N21c: If work is to be performed by forces of the Grantee, the Grantee will provide or cause to be provided the insurance coverage provided in Paragraph 2 above. END OF SCHEDULE %\ENc\EKG$IASrERsuoaEEMrnwtaroxrsZM- .Doc I-6 5198 a - SCHEDULE J "In accordance with Chapter 406 of the Laws of 1981, the Contractor hereby promises, asserts and represents that neither the Contractor nor any substantially owned or affiliated person, firm, partnership or corporation has participated, is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the provisions of the United States Export Administration Act of 1969, as amended, or the United States Export Administration Act of 1979, or the effective Regulations of the United States Department of Commerce promulgated under either Act. "It is understood further that the State in awarding a contract does so in material reliance upon the promise and representation made by the Contractor in the foregoing paragraph and that such contract shall be rendered forfeit and void by the State Comptroller if subsequent to the bid execution date, the Contractor or such owned or affiliated person, firm, partnership or corporation has been convicted of a violation of the aforesaid Acts or Regulations or has been found upon final determination of the United States Commerce Department or any other appropriate agency of the United States to have violated such Acts or Regulations. "The Contractor agrees to and shall notify the Commissioner of Transportation and the Director of the Bureau of Contracts and State Expenditures in the Department of Audit and Control of any such conviction or final determination of violation within five (5) days thereof." END OF SCHEDULE F:\MAST6RS�AGREFMN AMPGRTS%M-1.IXX J-1 5198 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR. OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER 'V" OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown. northfork. net THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 191 OF 2002 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 12,2002: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute an agreement with C&S Engineers, Inc., Syracuse Hancock International Airport, Syracuse, NY 13212 to provide en ineering services in accordance with a Lump Sum Consultant Agreement for the apron and taxiway stub at Elizabeth Airport (FAA AIP No. 3-36-0029-09-02 and NYSDOT No. 0913.09), Fishers Island, New York as requested by the Fishers Island Ferry District. aja'411- T -- Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS February 5, 2002 Joshua Y. Horton Town of Southold Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 CSS Engineers, Inc. Syracuse Hancock International Airport Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 315-455-2000 fax 315-455-9667 www.cscos.com F SUPERVI Tntn/nlncSORS OFFICE �.,.._. Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Apron and Taxiway Stub Engineering Services Consultant Agreement for Design File: 211.008 Dear Mr. Horton: Enclosed for your review and approval is one (1) copy of the draft Engineering Services Consultant Agreement for this project. This Agreement provides for the complete design of the project generally including project management, preliminary and final design, subsurface soil investigation and laboratory testing, topographic surveys, and direct expenses. In addition, this Agreement provides for the complete preparation of Environmental Form "C" as required by NEPA. In accordance with FAA AC 150/5100-14, the Town is responsible for completing the Independent Fee Estimate (IFE) for this agreement. The IFE is to be submitted to the FAA for their review and approval. Please feel free to contact me so I can explain the IFE process. By copy of this letter, we are also submitting draft copies of this Agreement to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for their review and approval. If you have any questions in reference to the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, C&S ENGINEERS,IL Bruce W. Clark, PE Managing Engineer cc: Mr. Philip Brito (w/encl.) Mr. Philip Knauff (w/encl.) \\ENGENG\PROJECT\21100802\DESIGN\LF.T"rERS\DESAGRI DOC ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Thomas H. Doherty, Jr., Manager Fishers Island Ferry District From: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Re: FAA Grant Applications & Agreement with C&S Engineers re; Elizabeth Airport Date: April 12, 2002 Tom, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net I have been waiting to hear from Phil on the above regarding the completion of the Independent Fee Estimate (IFE) referred to in C & S Engineers letter of February 2, 2002. Phil had called someone, but never received a response back. The copies of the grant applications and the agreement have been signed by the Deputy Supervisor. I spoke to Comptroller John Cushman this morning and asked him if he knew anything about this IFE form. He did not and he advised I send everything back to you at this time for completion and filing of the grants.