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Chapter A108 - 04/20/1993
HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS Chapter A108 HIGHWAY S:PHC IFI CAT I ONS ARTICLE I Plans and Maps for Subdi-%risions * A108-1. Sketch plans. * A108-2. Preliminary grading, drainage & road profile plans. * A108-3. Final grading, drainage & road profile plans. A108-4. Construction plans. ARTICLE II, General Construction Requirements * A108-5. Progress -schedule. A108-6. Responsibility of developer. A108-7. Traffic maintenance. * A10878. Stormwater runoff. x A108-9. Protection.of new drainage installations. * A108-10. Topsoil removal. A108-11. Dead-end streets. * A108-12. Street signs. A108-13. Drainage easements. A108-14. Temporary roads. Adopted by the Southold Town Board on April 20, 1993. ARTICLE III Roaaway Construction A108-15. Construction specifications. A108-16. Clearing and grubbing. A108-17. Stripping and stockpiling soil. A108-18. Excavation and embankment. A108-19. Base course for stone blend road. A108-20. 3/4" Stone blend wearing course. A108-21. Base course for asphalt pavement. A108-22. Asphalt binder course. A108-23. Asphalt wearing course. A108-24. Bituminous surface treatment double application. A108-25. Modifications to existing private roads. A108-26. Asphalt pavement cores. A108-27. Drainage design criteria. A108-28. Design criteria for leaching basins. A108-29. Recharge basins Type A and drainage areas. A108-30. Recharge basins Type.B and drainage areas. A108-31. Recharge basins Type C A108-32. Stormwater drainage systems. A108-33. Storm drains. A108-34. Catch basins. A108-35. Manholes. A108-36. Drainage pipe criteria. A108-37. Concrete footings, slabs & headwalls. A108-38. Concrete curbs. A108-39. Granite curbs. A108-40. Concrete sidewalks & driveway entrances. A108-41. Concrete cylinders. A108-42. Fencing & curbs at recharge basins. A108-43. Landscaping of recharge basins - Type•A & B A108-44. Seeding. A108-45. Street trees. A108-46. As -constructed survey. A108-47. Street lighting specifications. A108-48. Alterations or modifications to specifications. A108-49. Inspection of work. -2- ARTICLE IV Final Dedication of Roads A108-50. Procedure. Drawing number 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 27-1 29-1 30-1 30-2 30-3 31-1 32-1 33-1 34-1 35-1 37-1 38-1 39-1 40-1 42-1 45-1 Depart.m.ent Standard, Drawing title of Highway Drawings 28' Wide Standard Asphalt Roadway 24' Wide Standard Asphalt Roadway 16' Wide Standard Asphalt Roadway 16' Wide Standard Stone Blend Roadway 12' Wide Standard Stone Blend Roadway Standard Intersection Runoff Coefficient Table Standard Recharge Basin - Type Standard Recharge Basin - Type Standard Precast Bubble Basin Standard Precast Diffusion Well Standard Recharge Basin - Type Standard Leaching System Standard Precast Storm Drain Standard Precast catch basins Standard Precast Manholes Standard Headwall & Apron Standard Concrete Curb Details Standard Granite Curb Details Standard Driveway Entrance Standard Fence Detail Standard Street Tree Detail -3- C HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS ARTICLE I Plans and Maps for Subdivisions * A108-1. SKETCH PLANS. SEE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE CHAPTER A106 "SUBDIVISION OF LAND" FOR SKETCH PLAN REQUIREMENTS. * A108-2. Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Road Profile Plans. A. Highways shall be designed to the requirements of two hundred (200) feet visibility on horizontal curves, depending on the curve data as specified herewith. Profiles shall be designed to provide satisfactory sight distance of not less than two hundred (200) feet at vertical curves. B. Plan and profile for all proposed paved roads shall be laid out in a centerline station numbering system. Plans to show all drainage pipes, drainage structures, recharge basins, etc. Profiles to show original ground elevations from field survey and percent of proposed grades between stations and drainage structures where applicable. C. Profiles for all roads shall be at a scale of one (1) inch equals five (5) feet vertical and one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet horizontal. D. Drainage structures shall show such details as location, pipe sizes, depth of excavation, type of catch basins and manholes, headwalls, recharge basins and leaching systems. Necessary easements for drainage facilities and for side slopes shall be shown. E. A test hole will be required at the proposed site for each recharge basin Type A. The test hole must indicate sand and gravel at least five (5) feet below design depth. F. Borings shall be taken at two -hundred -foot intervals for a depth of four (4) feet in the roadway to determine the type of soil present. This information shall be shown in the construction plans. -4- * A108-3. Final Grading, Drainage & Road Profile Plans. Final plans shall be submitted, upon receipt of written approval, and the return on one (1) copy of the preliminary plan approved, or approval as corrected, as follows: A. Final plans and profiles shall be to scales as indicated for preliminary plans showing actual distances along roads. B. Exact location and types of all drainage structures. C. Exact location of curbing and sidewalks. D. Exact location of all easements. E. Location of street trees. F. Exact location of all street lights when required. G.- Exact location of all fire wells when required. H. Concrete monuments, four by four by thirty (4 x 4 x 30) inches, shall be shown at all changes of alignment, at points of curvature and tangency and at one hundred (100) feet along curves. These monuments, together with the beginning and ending of all roads, shall be shown on both sides of the highway. -5- * A108-4. Construction Plans. A. Construction plans shall be submitted for approval upon return of final plans. Six (6) copies of construction plans shall be submitted. B. No work shall be done on major subdivision projects until approved construction plans have been received by the subdivider. C. The plans shall be at a minimum scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet. All roads shall show beginning and ending stations. D. Roadway profiles shall be at a scale of one (1) inch equals five (5) feet vertically and one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet horizontally. E. Profiles to show original ground elevations, grades, stationing and elevations of grade intersections, length and corrections for vertical curves, including high and low points and drainage structures where applicable. F. Drainage structures shall be exactly located by stations with details showing cover elevation, invert elevations, size and type of pipe and type of structure. Separate drawings shall be shown on the plans for drainage structures showing classification, type of grate, frames, covers, rings, size and number. Complete details for each type of recharge basin Type A shall also be shown separately. G. Typical road sections shall indicate width of right-of-way and easements, width of pavement, type of pavement showing surfacing and base material, sidewalks, type of curbs, road crown and shoulder grading. H. All boring information as required, shall be shown on construction plans. I. Street lights shall be exactly located by stations with details showing standards, luminaries, conduit runs, service splice boxes, fuses, wiring circuits and all related hardware for street lighting systems. Pians shall include a Long Island Lighting Company power source and shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer licensed to Practice in the state of New York. J. The Highway Department and the Construction Inspector shall be notified two (2) days before each phase of construction is begun if different from construction schedule. -6- ARTICLE II General Construction Requirements * A108-5. Progress Schedule. A progress schedule of ALL PROPOSED subdivision work shall be submitted by the subdivider. The schedule shall indicate the estimated commencement and completion dates for the major items of work involved in the project. The schedule shall be reviewed by the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer for approval. Upon approval, or approved as corrected, the work shall be adhered to by the subdivider for the orderly performance and completion of the work. * A108-6. Responsibility of developer. A. The developer is responsible for keeping town roads, streets and private property free of debris and damage caused by construction operations or by stormwater runoff from the development sites. Any damage so caused shall be immediately repaired by the developer at his own expense. B. It shall be mandatory upon the subdivision developer that the work proceed in accordance with the best construction practice and that all necessary measures be taken for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. C. The developer is responsible to existing town and private the proposed subdivision as of Highways. Test holes to inches at intervals of one directed by the Town Engineer shall be taken to determine road construction. * A108-7. Traffic Maintenance. for all required improvements roads adjacent to and accessing required by the Superintendent a minimum depth of twelve (12) hundred (100) feet, or as or Superintendent of Highways, the depth & type of existing The flow of traffic or the safety thereof on any public street or highway within the town shall not be restricted or endangered in any way by construction operations, equipment, vehicles or materials connected with road construction by subdivision development. -7- * A108-8. Stormwater Runoff. Stormwater runoff from developments must be confined to the site unless adequate facilities exist. Methods of providing temporary drainage shall be approved by the Town engineer. Rainfall runoff onto roads, streets or private property is prohibited. , * A108-9. Protection of New Drainage Installations. All drainage facilities during construction shall be cleared of lumber debris, dirt or other objectionable material after completion and shall be maintained in a clean condition until time for use. A108-10. Topsoil Removal. Topsoil removal is prohibited. Refer to Chapter 81 of the Southold Town Code regarding Soil Removal. * A108-11. Dead-end Streets. A. All highways ending at tidewater shall terminate one hundred (100) feet back from the mean high water elevation. Each dead-end road shall have a dead-end sign on a ten -foot steel U -Type signpost. B. All dead-end highways with five (S) lots or more must have a width of not less than one hundred (100) feet for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the dead end to provide for a turnaround, all of which must be cleared of trees, bushes and stumps. A guardrail shall be installed along the entire dead-end length. Such guardrail shall be on galvanized steel (flex -beam type), 12 -gauge, eighteen and one-half (18 1/2) inches in width erected on four -inch- by six-inch- by seven -foot-, CCA .6 treated posts placed in the ground for a depth of three (3) feet. The dead end sign shall be placed in the center of the dead-end width in the rear of the guide rail with posts spaced at twelve (12) feet on center. -8- * A108-12. Street Signs. A. Street Name Signs: The developer shall propose the name for each street or road in a proposed subdivision. The proposed name shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Highways. Street identification signs, stop signs, dead- end signs or other signs required shall be of a type approved by the Superintendent of Highways. Signs shall be provided by the subdivider and placed at all intersections and at other locations as directed by the Superintendent of Highways. B Traffic Control Signs: Placement of any and all traffic control signs (ie. STOP, SPEED LIMIT, etc.) shall be subject to the approval of the Southold Town Board. A108=13. Drainag@ Easem nts. A. Where it is necessary to have a drainage area located beyond the fifty -foot bounds of the highway, an easement to such area shall be provided, together with the necessary land to connect such area to the bounds of the highway. Easements shall have a minimum width of twenty (20) feet. B. Corrugated pipe having a minimum diameter of eighteen (18) inches, extending from the drainage area to the bounds of the highway, shall be installed with clean-out boxes at one - hundred -fifty foot intervals. A108=14, T@mporary Road@. A. When temporary traffic is permitted on subdivision roads prior to construction of stabilized base courses and asphalt binder courses, a passable all-weather road must be maintained at all times with specific attention to winter and spring weather. B. Traffic on stabilized base courses and asphalt binder courses shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent of Highways. -9- ART1 S 1I1 Roadway Construction * A108-15. Construction Specifications. The specifications set forth in the following chart shall apply to all. constructed roadways after April 20, 1993.: A. Specifications. SZ'ANDXLnD HIGHWIILY CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS u NOTES: v d * 1 WHERE THE POTENTIAL TO RE --;SUBDIVIDE INTO A c TOTAL OF FIVE (5) OR MORE LOTS EXIST, OR THE ROAD PROVIDES ACCESS TO FIVE (5) OR 3 o F MORE LOTS, WHETHER THOSE LOTS ARE PART OF i A THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OR NOT, A FIFTY w x :3: (50) FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE REQUIRED. ZONING DISTRICT r a a * 2 UPON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING 'BOARD, THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS MAY "R" * 2'3 ALL DISTRICTS *1 12 Ft. REQUIRE WIDER ROADS WHEN THE POTENTIAL FOR 1 to 2 (ACS R40, R801 R120, 25 Ft. (DRAWING RE -SUBDIVISION EXISTS OR THE ROAD SERVICES R200 & R400) 0 15-5) MORE THAN FIVE'(5) LOTS. (SOME OF WHICH MAY BE OUTSIDE THE SUBDIVISION) IF THE ALL "R" * 2'3 DISTRICTS. *1 16 Ft. PROPOSED ROAD CONNECTS WITH AN EXISTING 3 to 4 (AC. R40, R80. R120, 25 Ft. (DRAWING PAVED ROAD, SUCH ROAD SHALL CONFORM WITH R200 6 R400) # 15-4) THE SPECIFICATIONS LISTED HEREIN, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 5 & Over AC, R40, R80, R120, AHD 6 HD 50 Ft. 24 Ft. (DRAWING * 3 THIS CONSTRUCTION TYPE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE 11 15-2) FOR DEDICATION TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * 4 ON-SITE PARKING IS REQUIRED. ALL "R" DISTRICTS 1G Ft. 5 b Over (When developed at a density of R200 50 Ft. ( DRAWING D15-3) GENERAL NOTE: or less.) ON SITE PARKING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL LOTS IN ALL ALL BUSINESS, MARINE 28 SUBDIVISIONS CONTAINING ROADS WITH LESS THAN A 2 b Over b INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS 50 Ft . (DRAWINNGG TWENTY-EIGHT (28) FOOT WIDE PAVEMENT SURFACE. (RR, R0, LB, HB. B, 11 15-1) NO ON STREET PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED. MI, MII, LIO*4, LI *4) B. A fifty (50) foot Right -of -Way with a minimum pavement width of twenty four (24) feet shall be required for dedication to the Town. See Drawing # 15-2. C. Upon the recommendation of the Planning Board, the Superintendent of Highways may require wider right-of-ways and paved surface areas when necessary. -10- * A108-16. Clearing and Grubbing. Clearing and grubbing in a fifty (50) foot right-of-way with five (5) or more lots shall consist of the removal of all trees, brush, stumps, fences, debris and other miscellaneous materials within the designated right-of-way areas as shown on the plans. Clearing and grubbing in a fifty (50) foot right-of-way with less than five (5) lots and in a twenty five (25) foot right-of-way shall consist of the removal of all trees, brush, stumps, fences, debris and other miscellaneous materials for a distance of three (3) feet outside the proposed paved area but not to extend beyond the proposed right-of-way. Off-site disposal: all tree trunks, stumps, roots and other materials shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the contractor at an approved 1-andfill facility. * A108-17. Stripping and Stockpiling Soil. Existing topsoil shall be stripped to its full depth between the right-of-way limits, or as ordered, and stockpiled on the site for future use. Stripping shall be completed prior to starting general excavation in an area. * A108-18. Excavation and..Embankment. A. Excavation shall consist of the excavation, use of or disposal of all materials of any description encountered in the course of construction. B. The.proposed road section in cuts or fills shall meet the existing abutting surface -with a one (T) an two (2) slope or as shown on the plans. ,Where the proposed slopes-ext,end beyond the bounds of the highway (right-of-way), the necessary releases, easements or deeds must be obtained from the property owner or owners. C. Roadway embankments shall be constructed with suitable material from excavation or from acceptable borrow when necessary. Embankments shall be constructed in successive uniform layers not exceeding eight (8) inches. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted with steel wheel or pneumatic tired rollers to the approval of the Construction Inspector. The drainage system may be installed at any time before the final'grading of roads is completed. D. When feasible, excavation and embankment within the construction site shall have a reasonable balance. -11- ' * A108-19. Base Course for Stone Blend Rbad. A. The base course shall consist of bank run compacted to a six (6) inch depth. If clay or other unsuitable material is found below the base course, it shall be removed and replaced with additional bank run material for a total compacted depth of twelve (12) inches. Bank run material shall contain a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) gravel. B. The soil base shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall be smooth, parallel to and at the required depth below the base course. The soil base shall not be in a muddy or frozen condition before placing base course material. The base course material shall'be deposited on the prepared grade by means of dump truck, spreader, tailgate or other approved methods of deposition. Spreading the base course material shall be done by approved spreading equipment. After the loose material has been spread evenly so that it will have the required thickness after compaction, correct grade for succeeding courses, segregation of any large or fine particles corrected, it shall be rolled with approved rollers weighing not less that the (10) tons. Rolling must -begin at the sides and continue toward the center and shall continue until there is•no movement of the course ahead of the roller. A minimum of four (4) passes of rollers will be required. Approved vibratory rollers may be used at the option of the contractor. Where the use of a roller is impractical, approved vibrating plate compactors or impact rammers shall be used to compact the base material. C. Upon the completion of the base course, the.contractor shall request an inspection by the Engineer or Inspector and shall not proceed with further road work until such inspection has been made and the work approved. -12- * A108-20. 3/4"'Stone Blend Wearing Course. A. The wearing course shall consist of three -fourths -inch stone blend. The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone and fine aggregate and shall meet the minimum requirements of the New York State Department of Transportation specifications for Stone Blend. B. The wearing course shall be placed on the stabilized base course when it has been satisfactorily completed and approved by the Engineer or Inspector. The material shall be placed only when the surface to be covered is dry., clean and weather conditions in the opinion of the Engineer are suitable. All defective areas in the base course shall be repaired as directed. C. The wearing course shall be compacted to a two (2) inch thickness with ten_ -ton tandem steel wheel rollers or vibratory rollers of a type as approved by the Engineer. During the initial rolling, rollers shall travel parallel to the center line beginning at the edge and working toward the center, overlapping on successive passes by one-half (1/2) of the roller wheels. A minimum of four (4) passes of rollers will be required. D. The Developer and / or owners of the property shall be required to properly maintain the road surface at all times to ensure continuous access by all emergency vehicles. -13- * A108-21: Base Course for Asphalt Pavement. A. The base course shall consist of three-fourths (3/4) inch stone blend or crushed concrete compacted to a four (4) inch depth. If clay or other unsuitable material is found below the base course, it shall be .removed and replaced with twelve (12) inches of compacted bankrun containing fifteen percent (15%) or more of gravel. The twelve -inch replacement depth may be modified according to existing conditions as approved by the Engineer. B. The soil base shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall;be smooth, parallel to and at the required depth below the bas e"course. The soil base shall not be in a muddy or frozen condition before placing base course material. The base course material shall be deposited on the prepared grade by means of.dump truck, spreader, tailgate or other approved methods of deposition. Spreading the base course material shall be done by approved spreading equipment. After the loose material has been spread evenly so that it will have the required thickness after compaction,. correct grade for succeeding courses, segregation of any,large-or fine particles corrected, it shall be rolled with approved rollers weighing not less than ten (10) tons. Rolling must begin at the sides and continue toward the center and shall continue until there is no movement of the course ahead of the roller. A minimum of four (4) passes of,rollers will be required. Approved vibratory rollers may be used at the option of the contractor. Where the use of a roller is impractical, approved vibration plate compactors or impact rammers shall be used to compact the base material. C. Upon the completion of the base course, the contractor shall request an inspection by the Engineer or Inspector and shall not proceed with further road work until such inspection has been made and the work approved. -14- * A108-22. Asphalt Binder Course. A. The binder course shall be two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in compacted depth. The material shall be local sand and gravel pit run, passing the three-fourths (3/4) inch screen with filler added. The filler material shall be local fine sand. The combined materials shall show the following composition: (1) Passing the three -fourths -inch square sieve: one hundred percent (100%). (2) Passing the No. 4 sieve: seventy-five percent (75%) to ninety percent (90%). (3) Passing the No. 10 sieve: fifty percent (50%) to seventy-five percent (.75%) . (4) Passing the No. 40_ sieve: twenty-five percent (25%) to fifty percent (50%). (5) Passing the No. 80 sieve: twelve percent (12%) to twenty percent (20%). (6) Passing the No. 10.0, sieve: four percent (4%) to twelve percent (12%). (7) Asphalt cement grade AC -20: six percent (6%) to eight percent (8%). (8) Temperature range placing: two hundred.twenty-five degrees to two hundred Seventy-five degrees fahrenheit. B. The binder course, shall be placed on the stabilized base course when it has been satisfactorily completed and approved by the Engineer or Inspector. The material shall be placed only when the surface to be covered is dry, clean and weather conditions in the opinion of the Engineer are suitable. All defective areas in the base course shall be repaired as directed. The bituminous course shall be placed with an approved finishing paver with screed heating equipment, capable of placing a fourteen -foot width and to such appropriate loose depth that when the work is completed the required, compacted thickness will have been met. The course shall be compacted with ten -ton tandem steel wheel rollers or vibratory rollers of a type as approved by the Engineer. During the initial rolling, rollers shall travel parallel to the center line beginning at the edge and working toward the center, overlapping on successive passes by one-half (1/2) of the roller wheels. A minimum of four (4) passes of rollers will be required. C. The temperature of the material, when placed, shall not be less.than two hundred twenty-five (225) degrees Fahrenheit. No material shall be placed when the air and surface on which the material is to be placed is below forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit. -15- * A108-23. Asphalt wearing course. A. The wearing course shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) inches in compacted depth. The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, the fine aggregate sand and mineral filler. The mineral filler shall consist of limestone dust, cement or silica sand. (1) The combined materials shall have the following composition: B. The wearing course shall be placed on the binder course when it has been satisfactorily completed and approved by the Engineer or Inspector. The material shall be placed only when the surface to be covered .is dry, clean and weather conditions in the opinion of the Engineer are suitable. All defective areas in the base course shall be repaired as directed. The bituminous course shall be placed with an approved finishing paver with screed heating equipment, capable of placing a fourteen -foot width and to such appropriate loose depth that when the work is completed the required, compacted thickness will have been met. The course'shall be compacted with ten -ton tandem steel wheel rollers or vibratory rollers of a type as approved by the Engineer. During the initial rolling, rollers shall travel parallel to the center line beginning at the edge and working toward the center, overlapping on successive passes by one-half (1/2) of the roller wheels. A minimum of four (4) passes of rollers will be required. C. The temperature of the material, when placed, shall not be less than two hundred twenty-five (225) degrees Fahrenheit. No material shall be placed when the air and surface on which the material is to be placed is below forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit. -16- General Limits Job Mix Screen (percent (percent Sizes passage) passage) 1 inch 100 + 0 1/2 inch 95-100 + 5 1/4 inch 65-85 + 7 1/8 inch 32-65 + 7 20 15-39 + 7 40 7-25 + 7 80 2-12 + 4 200 2-6 + 2 Asphalt cement 5.8-7.0 + 0.4 grade AC -20 B. The wearing course shall be placed on the binder course when it has been satisfactorily completed and approved by the Engineer or Inspector. The material shall be placed only when the surface to be covered .is dry, clean and weather conditions in the opinion of the Engineer are suitable. All defective areas in the base course shall be repaired as directed. The bituminous course shall be placed with an approved finishing paver with screed heating equipment, capable of placing a fourteen -foot width and to such appropriate loose depth that when the work is completed the required, compacted thickness will have been met. The course'shall be compacted with ten -ton tandem steel wheel rollers or vibratory rollers of a type as approved by the Engineer. During the initial rolling, rollers shall travel parallel to the center line beginning at the edge and working toward the center, overlapping on successive passes by one-half (1/2) of the roller wheels. A minimum of four (4) passes of rollers will be required. C. The temperature of the material, when placed, shall not be less than two hundred twenty-five (225) degrees Fahrenheit. No material shall be placed when the air and surface on which the material is to be placed is below forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit. -16- A108-24,. Bituminous Surface Treatment Double Application. A bituminous surface treatment double application may be considered an acceptable substitution for the Asphalt Wearing Course when and if approved by the Superintendent of Highways. A. Bituminous surface treatment double application. (1) The first course shall consist of an application of emulsified asphalt, Grade CRS -2, applied at a rate of thirty -hundredths (0.30) gallon per square yard; to forty -five -hundredths (0.45) gallon per square yard and the spreading and rolling of crushed blue stone aggregate at a rate of twenty- five (25) pounds per square yard to thirty (30) pounds per square yard.. The aggregate shall have the following composition: Screen Size 1 - inch 1/2 - inch 1/4 - inch General limits (percent passage by weight) 100 90 to 100 0 to 1. (2) The second course shall consist of an application of emulsified asphalt, Grade CRS -2, applied at a rate of twenty -hundredths (0.20) gallon per square yard to thirty -five -hundredths (0.35) gallon per square yard; and the spreading and rolling of crushed blue stone aggregate at a rate of twenty (20) pounds per square yard to twenty-five (25) pounds per square yard. The aggregate shall have the following composition: Screen Size General Limits (percent passage by weight) 1/2 - inch 100 1/4 - inch 90 to 100 1/8 - inch 0 to 15 -17- B. The double -application bituminous surface treatment, when required, shall not be placed until the binder course has been satisfactorily completed, cured and approved by the Inspector. The liquid asphalt shall be evenly applied to the road surface by means of a pressure distributor, at one hundred twenty-five (125) degrees Fahrenheit to one hundred eighty five (185) degrees Fahrenheit and at the rate specified. The distributor shall be equipped with an accurate measuring device which indicates the exact number of gallons remaining within the distributor tank. Note that the rate of application may be adjusted depending on the specific gradation of the crushed blue stone to be used. No asphalt shall be applied unless sufficient truckloads of aggregate are standing by the paving site as per the opinion of the Inspector and all asphalt distributed will be immediately covered with aggregate. Sufficient time shall elapse between the completion of the first course and the placing of the second course so that the bituminous material in the first course has time to set or cure. Prior to the placement of the second course, the surface to be paved shall be drag-broomed, and the excess on the sides of the roads shall be evenly distributed across the entire width of the pavement. Any damage to the pavement shall be repaired with asphalt and stone applications prior to the placement of the second course. Additional stone shall be applied to take up any bleeding that occurs. All rolling shall be done by pneumatic -tired rollers or steel -wheeled rollers no heavier than eight (8) tons., No material shall be placed when the air temperature is below fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit or if the road surface temperature is less than seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit. C. The width of the wearing course shall be equal to the width of the asphalt base course. See Construction Specifications. =18- A108-25. Modifications to Existing Private Roads. A. Existing roads with unstable subgrades such as clay or other objectionable material shall be excavated as necessary to reach a stable subgrade. If unstable material exceeds twelve (12) inches in depth, remove only twelve (12) inches or as directed by the Engineer. Backfill all excavations with clean fill before placing new road construction. B. Existing roads with stable subgrades and insufficient wearing surfaces shall be patched and repaired as follows: (1) Regrade all minor potholes and depressions with suitable packing material such as 3/4 inch stone blend, bituminous patch or other approved equal. All patching and leveling shall be approved by the Engineer or Inspector. (2) A new two (2) inch lift of compacted wearing course asphalt shall be placed over the entire road surface after all patching has been approved by the Engineer. See section A108-27 for additional specifications. C. All drainage problems incurred due to existing roads shall be corrected by owner. Drainage facilities required specifications included herein or as Engineer. * A108-26. Asphalt Pavement Cores. improvements on the developer and or shall meet the minimum directed by the When requested by the Superintendent of Highways, cores shall be taken by a reliable testing laboratory which has the approval of the Town Engineer, at the developer's expense. One (1) core from the finished pavement for each five hundred (500) feet of road will be -required. -19- A108.-27 Drainage design criteria. All stormwater collection systems shall be designed in accordance with the following minimum standards and shall be submitted on design sheets to be reviewed by the Town Engineer. A. Rational method. The rational method shall be as follows: 'Q = Aci Where Q = Discharge in cubic feet per second (c.f.s.). A = Tributary drainage area in acres within the subdivi- sion and shall include areas outside the subdivision. c = Coefficient of runoff drainage area. (1) The following values of c shall be used: (a) Type of surface: See Recharge Design Detail for c = . runoff coefficients.' (2) i, the. rainfall intensity in inches per hour, shall be de- termined by the following formula: 120 1 = t+20 Where t = The time of concentration in minutes of the point of design. Maximum time of concentration (t) shall be twenty-eight (28) minutes. B. Closed conduits and open channels shall be designed using Manning's formula:. V _ 1.486 X R2/3 x S1/2 n Where V = Velocity in feet per second. R = Hydraulic radius in feet. S = Slope in feet per foot. The slope (S) shall generally be considered to be the slope of the pipe invert, except that such slope shall be checked against the available hydraulic gradient wherever the system discharges against an existing hydraulic head. -20- Where n = 0.015 for reinforced concrete pipe eighteen (18) inches or less. 0.013 for reinforced concrete pipe twenty-four (24) inches or larger. 0.021 for corrugated metal pipe. (1) Design velocities shall be limited to two (2) feet per sec- ond minimum and ten (10) feet/secand maximum, unless special approval for unusual conditions is granted by the Town Engineer. (2) Minimum pipe diameter shall be eighteen (18) inches. § A108-28 Design criteria for leaching basins. The design criteria for leaching basins shall be as follows: Vc = ARC. Where Vc = Volume capacity in cubic feet. A = Tributary drainage area in square feet within the subdivi- sion and shall include areas outside the subdivision if necessary. R = Two (2) inches of rainfall. C = Weighted coefficient for runoff of the drainage area (min- imum C = 0.30). 0 -21- § A108-24 Recharge basins Type A and drainage areas. A. Recharge. basins Type A and drainage areas are designed to return stormwater to the existing groundwater aquifer. An area of eight (8) acres or more shall be deemed necessary for 'a recharge basin or drainage area. In areas less than eight (8) acres, other drainage facilities such as drywells, etc., may be .installed as approved by the Town Engineer, having been .designed for a ten-year storm or.two-in_ch rainfall in twenty- four (24) hours. B. All stormwater recharge basins Type A and drainage areas shall be designed to provide storage based on an anticipated runoff from a six-inch rainfall in twenty-four (24) hours on the tributary area under conditions of total potential development multiplied by a weighted runoff coefficient [minimum twenty - hundredths (0.20)]: C. The depth of recharge basins will be determined from design. This measurement shall be two (2) feet below the elevation of -the berm or elevation of grate at the inlet basin at the Iow point in the tributary drainage. system, whichever is the lowest. • D. A test hole shall be required at the bottom elevation of re- charge basins and shall indicate at least five (5) feet of good leaching material. -22- E. Fencing, complete with gate, shall be installed before excava- tion. F. N feasible, the area of the recharge basin shall be cleared of ,trees only where excavation and grading is required, and a natural tree screening. shall remain along the perimeter of the basin. G. Asphalt gutters will be required around sections of the perimeter of recharge basins where possible erosion from upland runoff may occur. H. Asphalt gutters shall have an elliptical section four (4) feet in width, a depth of six (6) inches and four (4) inches in thick= ness. The asphalt gutters shall be installed where necessary in the perimeter of the recharge basin as directed by the En- gineer. The outfall of the gutter shall be carried through the berm and down the slope to the bottom of the recharge basin. An asphalt spillway apron, eight by eight (8 x 8) feet and four (4) inches in depth, shall be placed on the bottom of the re- charge basin at the gutter. I. Alternate methods to direct the outfall flow from asphalt gut- ters into the recharge basin can be submitted for approval. J. Headwalls on all outfall drainage lines into recharge basins Type A shall be concrete. -23- * A108-30. Recharge Basins Type B and Drainage Areas. A. Recharge basins Type B and drainage areas are designed to return stormwater to the existing.groundwater aquifer. An area of eight (8) acres or more shall be deemed necessary for a recharge basin or drainage area. The Type B basin shall be an acceptable alternate to the Type A basin when sufficient area is available to provide adequate storage within the shallow Type B basin. In areas less than eight (8) acres, other drainage facilities such as drywells, etc., may be installed as approved' by the Town Engineer, having been designed for a ten.-yeat storm or two-inch rainfall in twenty-four (24) hours. B. All stormwater recharge basins Type B and drainage areas shall be designed to provide storage based on an anticipated runoff from a six-inch rainfall in twenty-four (24) hours on the tributary area under conditions of total potential development multiplied by a weighted runoff coefficient [minimum twenty -hundredths (0.20)]. C. The maximum design depth for a Type B recharge basin shall be two (2) feet. The High Water Mark shall be two (2) feet below the elevation of the berm or elevation of grate at the inlet basin at the low point in the tributary drainage system, whichever is the lowest. The area of the basin will be determined from design calculations. D. A test hole shall be required at the bottom elevation of recharge basins and shall indicate at least five (5) feet of good leaching material. E. The area of the recharge basin where excavation and grading is required shall be cleared of trees and brush. If feasible, a natural tree screening shall remain at the perimeter of the recharge basin. F. A Bubble Basin shall be installed in Type B recharge basins at the end of the outfall drainage pipe. Alternate methods to direct the outfall flow from the drainage structures to the recharge basins can be submitted for approval. See Standard Drawing # 30-2. G. A Diffusion Well shall be installed in Type B recharge basins. See Standard Drawing # 30-3. -24- * A108-31. Recharge Basins Type C. Recharge basins Type C may be used for drainage runoff from small tributary areas with the exception of clay, unsuitable material, etc. when approved by the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer. See Standard Drawing # 31-1. * A108-32. Stormwater Drainage Systems. Stormwater drainage systems shall consist of catch basins and interconnected leaching basins. The size and number of rings shall be determined by drainage design requirements. Systems can be within the right-of-way or in other approved locations with different arrangements of leaching basins where soil conditions are suitable for infiltration. See Standard Drawing # 32-1. * A108-33. Storm Drains. This system, using metal inlet castings over leaching basins, shall be used for minor drainage areas only. The catch basin shall be substituted with a precast concrete leaching basin and appropriate inlet casting when shown on the plans. The leaching basin shall have an eight -inch thick reinforced concrete traffic cover. Where additional leaching basins are provided, a solid six (6) inch reinforced concrete cover may be substituted for a metal casting. See Standard Drawing # 33-1. * A108-34. Catch Basins. Only curb inlet with grate or grate only type metal castings shall be used. The,maximum distance of flow in roadway gutters for subdivision pavements before a catch basin is required shall not exceed three hundred fifty (350) feet. * A108-35. Manholes. Maximum distance between manholes shall be fc (400) feet. Manholes shall be installed where there in pipe alignment, grade, pipe size change ar. intersections or other locations where catch basins, laterals are to be connected. See Standard Drawing # -25- ur hundred are changes d at road inlets or 35-1. * A108-36. Drainage Pipe Criteria. A. The minimum diameter of stormwater'drainage pipe shall be eighteen (18) inches. The pipe. shall be 14 -gage galvanized corrugated steel, aluminum or reinforced concrete. Other types of drainage pipe may be used only with approval of the Superintendent of Highways. B. The trench width for pipe installations shall be the pipe diameter plus twenty-four (24) inches. Trench bottoms shall be flat and to the required pitch with holes as necessary for bells, points and -point -making. Sheathing and bracing of trenches and structure excavation shall be used whenever soil conditions or depths of trenches indicate caving. It shall also be done where trade union regulations, industrial code regulations or other applicable laws require it, regardless of soil conditions. Backfill in trenches under paved areas shall be compacted- with vibrating plate compactors or impact rammers. * A108-37.. Concrete Footings, Slabs & Headwalls. All concrete footings, slabs & headwalls shall be placed on undisturbed original soil. If undercut, the bearing areas shall be consolidated with mechanical tampers or filled with concrete. All Concrete construction shall conform to the American Concrete Institutes standards. ACI 318. All Concrete shall be 3,000 PSI at 28 days. Exposed surfaces shall have a finish acceptable to the Construction Inspector. See Standard Drawing # 37-1. -26- A108-38. Concrete Curbs. A. All concrete curb construction shall conform to the American Concrete Institutes specifications. ACI 318. All curbing shall consist of 3,000 PSI concrete at 28 days. Exposed surfaces shall have a wood float finish or as directed. See Standard Drawing # 38-1. B. Concrete curbs shall be installed on both sides of all roads within major subdivisions or developments. C. The curb to be constructed shall conform to the type as shown on a plan of typical road sections. Expansion joints of one-half inch pre -molded bituminous, material shall be placed at twenty foot intervals on all type of curb. Expansion joints shall also be placed on both sides of curb inlet castings. D. The subgrade for all types of curbs shall be consolidated with mechanical tampers before forms are placed. E. Where curbing has been wavered and not required by the Superintendent of Highways, a detailed drawing of the cross section of the road shall be shown. Without such curbing,' a detail of the road surfacing and road shoulder must be submitted. * A108-39. Granite Curbs. Granite curbing may be used when approved by the Superintendent of Highways. The subgrade in- trenches for the placed. concrete foundation shall. be compacted with vibrating plate compactors or other approved methods. The use of compacting equipment may be waived, providing -that the trench subgrade consists of undisturbed natural soil. See Standard Drawing # 39-1. -27- * A108-40. Concrete Sidewalks & Driveway Entrances. Sidewalks and driveway entrances shall be constructed of concrete having a compressive strength of 3,000 PSI at 28 days. All concrete work shall conform to the American Concrete Institutes specifications. ACI 318. All sidewalks shall be pitched to prevent the ponding of water. All sidewalks shall receive a broom finish. Sidewalks shall be four (4) inches in depth, except at driveways where they shall be six (6) inches in depth. Widths, expansion joints, mesh reinforcing, finishing and curing, protection in, freezing weather, etc., shall be as required by the Superintendent of Highways. See Standard Drawing # 40-1. * A108-41. Concrete Cylinders. Cylinders shall be taken to determine the strength of concrete at twenty-eight (28) days as required by the Superintendent of Highways. Cylinders shall be made and tested by an approved testing laboratory at the expense of the developer. The number of cylinders to be tested shall be two (2). each, per day, of the different types of concrete being placed or as directed. * A108-42. Fencing and Curbs at Recharge Basins. Fencing shall include the installation of green, vinyl clad, chain link fabric with gates, curbs and all other related items of sizes and requirements as specified on the Standard Drawing. See Standard Drawing # 42-1. -28- * A108-43.. Landscaping of Recharge Basins - Type A & B Topsoil shall be placed six (6) inches in depth on the berm around the recharge basin. In the Type A basin, the topsoil shall extend between the inside of the fence to a line four (4) feet down from the top of the slope. Screen planting shall be provided outside of and parallel to the fence around the entire recharge basin, except at the gate. See Standard Drawing # 29-1. In the Type B basin, the topsoil shall extend between the Property Line of the basin to a line four (4) feet above the toe of slope or bottom of the basin. Screen planting shall be provided around the perimeter of the basin inside of the Property Line. All topsoil areas shall be limed, fertilized and seeded. See Standard Drawing # 30-1. A. Topsoil. Topsoil shall consist of natural loam free of refuse, stones larger•than one (1) inch, weeds or other objectionable material. It shall contain not less than five percent (5%) and not more than twenty percent (20%) organic material. Topsoil shall be six (6) inches in depth when compacted. The .surface shall be smoothly graded to meet established elevations and adjacent ground levels. B. Liming. Limestone shall be agricultural limestone with a to- tal carbonate content of not less than eighty percent (80%) or forty-five percent (45;'b) calcium oxide equivalent for the pur- pose of calculations. Total carbonates shall be considered as calcium carbonate. Limestone shall be evenly distributed at the rate of fifty (50) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet and worked into the top three (3) inches of the soil. C. Fertilizing. Not less than five (5) days after the application of limestone, commercial fertilizer 5-10-5 shall be evenly dis- tributed at the rate of twenty (20) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet and worked into the top three (3) inches of the soil. -29- D. Seeding. Grass seed shall be fresh, recleaned send containing at least twenty percent (20%) of chewing, creeping, red, mead- ow or alter fescue with a minimum germination of eighty percent (80%). Inert matter and weed seeds shall not exceed eight percent (8%). The seedman's 'certificate of analysis shall be available for inspection. Grass seed shall be sown evenly at the rate of four (4) pounds per one hundred (100) square feet. The seed shall be covered to a proper depth by raking or oth- er suitable means. After seeding and raking, the surface shall be rolled with an approved roller weighing at least one hundred (100) pounds. Grass seeding shall be done between April 1 and May 30 or between August 15 and October 15 and shall not be accepted unless there is a uniform growth evident over all seeded areas. E. Screen planting. (1) All trees shall be nursery grown and shall be nominal columnar or narrowly pyramidal habit of growth typi- cally characteristic of the particular variety. Only the following species and varieties are acceptable: (a) Douglas fir (pseudotsuga menziesii). (b) Canadian hemlock (tsuga canadensis). (c) Colorado spruce (picea pungens). (d) Native cedar (thuja accidentalis). (e) Norway spruce (picea excelsa). (2) All evergreen trees shall be moved with a burlap and tied with a good grade of haylop or heavy twine. The size of ball for all specified evergreen trees shall be a min- imum of twelve (12) inches in diameter and deep enough to include all lateral roots. All, evergreen trees shall be set plumb at such level that after settlement they have the same relationship to the elevation of the surrounding ground as they had to the ground from which they were dug. All trees shall be planted, and the holes backfilled and tamped with topsoil. The screen planting shall be maintained and all dead or dying trees replaced by the developer until such time as the recharge basin has been accepted by the town. -30- * A108-44. Seeding. Seeding for slopes, shoulders and other areas where shown on the plans or as required in these specifications shall be in accordance with the requirements for seeding as shown for landscaping at recharge basins. * A108-45. Street Trees. Prior to planting, the Planning Board shall be notified as to a time & place where the trees may be inspected. Any trees that are deemed to *be unacceptable, which have been planted without proper notification, will be subject to rejection and removal. On large subdivisions with multiple streets, a serious consideration shall be given to planting more than one species of tree.. A. All trees shall be of freshly dug nursery stock and shall have grown for a period of at least two (2) years, under the same climatic conditions as the location of the development. They shall be of symmetrical growth, sound, healthy, free from insect pests, disease and suitable for street trees. The average trunk diameter at a height of four (4)mcoabove the finished ground level shall be a minimum of two and one-half (2%) inches to three (3) inches, depending on good practice, with reference to the particular species to be planted. B. Trees shall be planted at intervals of from thirty (30) feet to forty (40) feet depending on the species and location of the lot lines along both sides of the street and shall be within the right-of-way where their spacing from the property line will be determined by the Superintendent of Highways and the Planning Board. In order to provide visibility for traffic safety, no trees shall be planted within a minimum length of twenty (20) feet from the ends of the right-of-way curve radi- us at intersections. Where sidewalks are required, street trees will be planted on private property. -31- C. Planting. The size of tree pits shall be as follows: Depths of all pits shall not. be less than three (3) feet. In no case shall the distance from the ball to the side of the pit be less than six (6) inches. All pits shall have vertical sides unless otherwise di- rected. The soil shall be made loose and friable for a depth of one (1) foot below the bottom of all pits. D. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, the subgrade material is unsuitable, the size of the pits shall be dug wider and deep- er than normally required. The bottom and sides shall be backfilled with topsoil and thoroughly worked into place. E. Backfill for tree pits shall consist of topsoil and manure mixed in the proportions of seventy-five percent (75%) topsoil and twenty-five percent (25%) manure. Trees shall be handled so that the ball will not be loosened. After the backfill has been firmed under the .ball and around it in six-inch to eight - inch lifts, it shall be thoroughly settled with water. F. Staking of trees shall be done immediately after planting and _ maintained until final acceptance. Trees shall stand plumb after.staking and shall be supported: by two (2) stakes, eight (8) feet or more in length, driven into the ground for three (3) feet and fastened securely with double strand No. 12 steel wire through reinforced black rubber hose at the trees. G. Trees shall be wrapped with new six-inch plain burlap ban- dage when directed by the Engineer. The bandage, when used, shall cover the entire surface of the trunk to the height of the first branches. H. Pruning of any badly bruised or broken branches shall be done as directed and the cuts painted with an approved tree paint depending on, the size of the cuts. All trees shall be sprayed with an approved antidesiccant, using a power spray to apply an adequate film over trunks, branches and/or over the foliage when directed by the Engineer. -32- I: 'At the time of planting, the soil around the trees shall be thoroughly saturated with water and as many times thereafter as seasonable conditions require during `the period to final acceptance. J. Trees shall be planted from March 1 to May 1 and from Oc- tober 15 to December 1, or at such other times as the Engi- neer may direct. K. Only the following species and varieties for street trees are acceptable: Scientific Name Acer platanoides Acer saccharum -Fraxinus americana Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolatus Gleditsia triacanthos Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Quercus borealis Quercus palustris Tilia cordata. Tilia tomentosa -33- Common Name Norway maple sugar maple white ash green ash honey locust moraine honey locust red oak pin oak little -leaf linden silver linden Spacing (feet) 40 40 30 40 30 30 40 40 30 30 * A108-46. As -constructed Survey. An as constructed curb and drainage installation survey will be required and submitted for approval before permission will be given to construct pavement. A108-47. -Street Lighting Specifications. Streetlight standards, luminaries, conduit, splice boxes, fuses, and all related hardware for streetlighting systems shall be installed in all residential and commercial subdivisions. A. Lighting layouts shall be designed to provide a generally even level .of illumination based on the use of seventy (70) watt colonial -type, high pressure sodium luminaries. 'In general, streetlights shall be installed at every street intersection and at the end of each cul-de-sac. Additional lighting may be required at regular- intervals where existing site conditions and topography warrant. B. All wiring, splices, conduit, and workmanship shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code,. the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO). All work on the streetlighting system shall be performed'by and tested for continuity and safety by electricians, licensed by the County of Suffolk. Copies of test results shall be furnished prior to release of performance bonds. C. Upon commencement.of the installation work, periodic inspections of the work being performed will be made by the Town. The developer shall be responsible for notifying the Towns Engineering Office and/or Street Lighting Personnel at least forty eight -(48) hours prior to performance of any work in order to allow for daily inspections of all work being performed. Upon completion and final testing of the streetlighting installation, a final inspection will be made before the Town will accept the completed installation. -34- D. All. lighting standards shall be fiberglass in accordance with Town Specifications. Fiberglass poles may be either gray, black, brown or as specified by the Town. All poles shall have an overall length of .twenty (20) feet, embedded four (4) feet, and shall be installed-approximate.ly twenty four (24) inches behind the curb. Luminary mounting height shall be sixteen (16) feet above finish grade. Poles shall be plumb and soil thoroughly tamped after installation. Wire in poles shall be copper RR -USE or XLP-USE, minimum gage AWG # 10. All poles shall be'sequentially numbered W/ two (2) inch lettering at five (5) feet above grade. E. Standard light fixtures shall re seventy (70) watt high pressure sodium and shall be Town and Country 100 series by G.E. or approved equal. Lamps used shall be manufactured by General Electric, Westinghouse, Sylvania, Norelco or - approved equal. Additional fixture requirements are as follows: (1) A Photoelectric Control shall be individually connected to each streetlight installed. F. Wire and cable for lighting system circuitry shall be direct burial, copper, type RR -USE or XLP-USE- with a minimum gage of AWG # 6. Wire shall be approved and complete installation shall meet all requirements of the National Electrical Code. All wire splicing shall be performed within approved splice boxes or within pole- at hand hole: All splices and connections shall be made using approved split bolt or compression type connectors and shall be insulated using an approved waterproof method. Cable shall be buried twenty four (24) inches below finished grade installed directly behind the curbing. Any and all wiring. under a roadway, driveway, walkway, sidewalk, or other load bearing paved surface shall be installed within one and one-quarter (1-1/4) inch galvanized rigid steel conduit. All cable terminations and splices shall be color -coded using Scotch Tape 2210 as follows: Red - Hot Leg;.White - Neutral Leg; Green - Ground. All underground wire and cable shall have caution tape installed at.eight (8) inches below finish grade. i -35- G. Polyethylene splice boxes may be installed at the base of each streetlight pole for splicing and fusing. Splice boxes shall be installed so that the top of the installed box is at finished grade. Splice boxes shall be located behind the'curb in front of each light pole. H. Fuses shall be individually installed for each streetlight pole and fixture in its splice box using a Bussman Type HEB-AA fuse holder and a Bussman KTK-15 amp fuse or approved equal. Each lighting loop shall be fused in the corresponding service box to protect and isolate each individual lighting circuit. Each service box is to contain a Bussman Type HEB-AA fuse holder and an appropriately sized Bussman KTK fuse. I. Splices between fixtures or between transformers and splice boxes, unless specifically authorized by the Engineer, are not acceptable. Where splices are authorized and locations approved such as at fixture connections to circuit cables, the contractor shall make a splice with an approved mechanical connector encapsulated by Scotch Tape 2210; Scotch Tape 33+, and then coated with Scotch Cote in a manner as approved by the Engineer. J. A service splice box referred to above shall be installed at the point of connection to the LILCO facilities. This installation shall meet all requirements of the Long Island Lighting Company. Direct burial service cable shall be installedfrom the streetlight service splice box to LILCO service. point and a length of slack cable sufficient for LILCO to connect to their facilities shall be left coiled at the LILCO service box and shall. be color -coded at connection ends as follows: Red Hot Leg; White - Neutral Leg; Green - Ground. -36- K. All -conduit shall be hot dipped galvanized, one 'and one-quarter (1-1/4) inch inside diameter, UL approved, rigid steel. Conduit shall be used as a wireway for circuit cables where lighting circuits pass under roadways; driveways, sidewalks, or other paved' load bearing surface. Conduit shall be installed directly behind the curb where applicable or in the most direct route as specified by the Engineer and installed twenty four (24) inches below grade. Such conduit shall extend a minimum of six (6) inches beyond the edge of any paved area as specified above. L. Streetlights to be installed on existing utility poles located on existing Town property at all new intersections created by the subdivision shall be the developers- responsibility. All. required Long Island Lighting Company Permits.as well as coordination and installation shall .be obtained and provided by the - developer. The installation shall be approximately twent-y five (25) feet above finish grade and shall meet all the requirements of 'the Long Island Lighting Company. Fixture type -shall be Cobra Head with fifty, seventy five or one hundred fifty (50,75,150) watt High Pressure Sodium as directed and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Superintendent of Highways. The remaining assembly shall be an eight (8) foot arm with rubber bushing & grounding lug. Risers shall be schedule 80 - 3/4 inch PVC. Wire shall. be RHW-USE or RHH-USE with a. minimum gage of AWG # 8.. The. power supplied to lights on existing utility poles in existing Town right-of-ways shall be the responsibility of the Town of Southold. M. All power supplied to -the new lighting systems shall be the responsibility of, the developer 'or housing association until such time that the roads and power systems -have been dedicated to and accepted by the Town of Southold. -37- § A108 -J}$ Alterations or modifications to specifications. A. Whenever, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Highways, he finds that, for the best interest of the town, alterations or modifications should be made to specifications, rules and regulations, such alterations or modification may be made on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Highways to and with the approval of the Town .Soar d. § A108-tl Inspection of work. Any work done on any highway without notifiying the Superin- tendent of Highways or his inspector and done with no inspector present will be considered unacceptable and subject to review by the Inspector and the Superintendent of Highways. -38- ARTICLE IV FINAL DEDICATION OF ROADS § A108-50. Procedure. If dedication of a road is being offered at same point in time after the performance bond has been released, this prccedure should be followed: A. Dedication papers shall be submitted to the Town Clerk and shall include: (1) A duly acknowledged dedication and release, together with the required County Clerk's recording fees, if any. (2) A survey map of the property, which shall show the actual location of the highway area within the highway right-of-way and a metes and bounds description of the right-of-way. (3) An abstract of title certified to the Town Board by a reputable title company. (a) -A bargain and sale deed with covenant against grantor's acts in the proper form for recording in the County Clerk's office. (5) Six (6) sets of plans which demonstrate that the roads are in conformance with highway specifications as set forth in Chapter A108 of the Cede of the Town of Southold. B. Upon receiving all of the aforesaid dedication papers, the Town Clerk shall refer the papers to the Town Attorney for review. -39- C, When the Town Attorney deems the papers to be in proper legal form, he shall so notify the Town Clerk and forward the papers to the Superintendent of Highways. D. The Superintendent of Highways shall ask the Town Engineer to conduct an inspection of the road to be dedicated, the costs of which are to be assumed by applicant. The Town Engineer shall submit a written inspection report. The report shall itemize any work that remains to be completed in order to bring the road up to town highway specifications. E. The Town Engineer's report shall be submitted to the Highway Superintendent for his review. F. If further work is needed to bring the road up to specifica- tions,, the Highway Superintendent shall so notify the applicant, in writing, with a copy to the Town Clerk. G. !Mier the work is deemed complete by the Highway Superin- tendent, he shall advise, in writing, the Town Clerk to submit the dedication papers to the Town Board for acceptance at its next regularly scheduled meeting. H. The name of such highway may be proposed by the owner or owners of property dedicating such highway, but the proposed name shall be subject to the approval of the Town Board and the Planning Board, primarily, to avoid duplication. I. Before any highway shall be accepted by the Town of Southold as a town highway by dedication, the assessed value of the buildings and structures on the land on both sides of such highway, as shown on the current tax roll of the Town of Southold, - shall have an assessed value of not less than forty thousand dollars ($40,000.) per mile proportioned at that rate if more or less than a mile. -40- C) 0 7F S Q UrE" H 0T. -j D SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK DMPARrrMENrr O F H I CCHwA6y S SrrALNDl1RD DRALW i NGS TOWN BOARD PLANNING BOARD SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS -41- DATE: April 20, 1993 JAMES A. RICHTER i7- Ap-ril -20, 1993 ARCHITECT RA OND L. J OBS DATE.. -42n- TOWN OF SOU•THOLD S-TAN`DAR'D ASPHALT ROAD:WAY rrowN-- OF .:SOUTHOLD-;. • .: S'TANDARD ASPHALT ROADWAY Right -of -Way Right -of -Way -- 50.' - 0" . . I CI' .25,' •- 0" 251 _ 011 =10!-O" 6' -0" 9' -0" 9' =0'' 6'-0" 10' 0" _ 16' ROAD SECTION- ECTION- _ _Y' 3" CROWN (typ.icail 4 1 4'�� 41' TOPSOIL SLOPE .1';_3 MAX: TO :• ' EXISTING'' TO;BE,CLEARED GRADE RAKED '&.SEEDED 2 z" BINDER ,COURSE _ FINE GRADE - -4": COMPACTED BASE COURSE ST 3" ONE BLEND OR, /4 : CRUSHED CONCRETE NO' -SCALE. Prepared and Approved By DRAWING Rec6mmended By: Sup ntendent of Highways _ NUMBER JAMES_ A: RICHTER April ,20,•.1993 1 , S `3 ARCHITECT RA)MOND L: --JA�OBS DATE ::, - -44- == STANDA'RD STONE' B'-LEND R"OAD.GJAY. Right-of-Way, Right-.of-Way =. 25-' --Ori, �. I I i I 42' -'6 11 ' 12' 8'- off $1-011 1'-611 3'-0" 16'-0"- ROAD SECTION 3'.=0" 1'-61T 3' CROWN " 4„.1, . -•-(typ'ical). • 4 11 SLOPE = 1:.3 TOPSOIL MAX.` TO TO BE- EXISTING .CLEARED - 'GRADE ” � - - ." - .. RAKED & .. - " ..-. -SEEDED. ' D 2" COMPACTEWEARING COURSE 3-/4" STONE BLEND FINE GRADE 6'" -COMPACTED- -BASE COURSE_ EXISTING BANK RUN OR OTHER., SUITABLE MATERI'AL NO SCALE. Prepared,and -Approved By DRAWING Recommended'-By:- : Supe 'ntendent of 'Highways" • NIJMBER JAMES.A. RICHTER G�y�'�� April_'20, 1993 ARCHITECT,• RAYMOND L. JAE'OBS DATE -46- TOWN O-mr S-OU,THOLD STANDARD STONE,BLEND. ROADWAY Right=of-Way .-Right-of-Way, 25' _ 0" 121 _ 6" i _ 12' = 6" 6'-0" 3!-'6" 31-0" 12'-0" ROAD SECTION 3'-0"3'-6" 2" CROW14 14111' (typical) a'� ►" - 4►' SLOPE 1:3 TOPSOIL MAX. TO TO BE CLEARED EXISTING GRADE' RAKED & SEEDED 211- COMPACTED WEARING COURSE 3/4" -STONE BLEND FINE GRADE 6"•COMPACTED BASE COURSE „ EXISTING -BANK. RUN OR'OTHER' SUITABLE,MATERIAL NO SCALE - Prepared and Approved By.DRAWING Recommended By:Super' en, of Highways NUMBER A.. -RICHTER (,�y�,y gs April 20, 199-3 1.5— S , . . -JAMES ARCHITECT RAYWND L, JACog3 DATE - - -46- rrowN-, OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD 2NTERSE"CT20N o �. R= ' - 25Typ . .RIGHT-OF-WAY -RIGHT-OF-WAY _ .ROADWAY -� ; _ o o ` EDGE OF PAVEMENT. °N° RIGHT-OF-WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY _ 28'-011: ` ' 50'-0" NOTE FOR THE STANDARD ROADWAY SECTION,SEE DWG. No.' SD 50' Prepared and Approved By DRAWING " Recommended By: Super' tendent,of Highways NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER L�-; /- April 20', 1993 1 5 _ 6. ARCHITECT RA OND L. JACO S DATE -47- • .01 Er • • - • • - - T -j IE 1 •� '1/ —.RiQUIRED STORAGE (AREAMESIGN 1 Prepared and APproved-By Recommended By: -Supe3dntendent of Highways NUMBER JAMES'A. RICHTER- iL.rL , 1993 ARCHITECT • I L. JACgB`8- _T -OWN . OF SO`UT-HOLD STANDARD. RECHARGE BAS,=•N TYPE. — "A `PROPERTY LINE d 20' 'PLANTING SCREEN AREA - -TYP. O a0 0 Q 0'���X _x x—x—x—x=x—x—x x—x—x x Q) FENCE 1-5' BERM - TYP . �O �O X1, I �. O • Z SLOPE "1:2 - (TYP . ) A 'n :TOE OF" SLOPE I A ^, x TEST- HOLE REQUIRED X L, MIN. 5' OF GOOD I LEACHING:SOIL. x. STANDARD HEADWALL IIN.' r7' TYP, x o OUTFALL PIPE I P4 0p -01 0 00 I HIGH WATER ELEV. C. r GATE Io° 0 X- x X -X -=x :x -X -x -x -x-- O° O�Oopt7 - 0 0,0000 ENTRANCE WITH, 20' RIGHT-OF-WAY 07,' TYP. -P. L A N Z. IL -PLANTING SCREEN- BERM IL 6' -HIGH VINYL CLAD TEST HOLE - SHOW j-, CHAIN LINK FENCE GROUND WATER 2 ELEVATION S E C T I O N "A -A" •NOTES: * TOPSOIL & SEED BERM AND -:SLOPE TO-' *-DIMENSIONS OF RECHARGE BASINS',VARY 4' FROM TOP OF SLOPE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAINAGE * FENCING,.COMPLETE.WITH GATE & LOCK CALCULATIONS.AND FIELD"CONDITIONS. TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE EXCAVATION. DATA TO BE SHOWN -SHALL INCLUDE HIGH WATER,& TOP OF.BERM ELEVATIONS. Prepared and Approved' -By DRAWING. Recommended By: Superintendent -of Highwoays NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER dl A'G� April -20, 1993 29-1 ARCHITECT RA OND'L. JA BS - DATE -49 TOWN. O-H SOUTHO.LD. 'STAND.ARD;:R.EC.HAP, E: BAS IN`_ TYPE — $ PROPERTY LINE SCREEN_ PLANTING' AREA H . TOP OF FREE FORM BEP14 - o © OO �0 20' MIN .. . 1 �Q SLOPE 1 : 6 (MAX) A TOE OF SLOPE (BOTTOM•ELEV.) A "(34—,BUB LE BASIN p' 7 TYP. I1. DIFFUSION WELL �r q- >4 L O \ II TEST HOLE D. OUTFALL PIPE O 01D o. HIGH WATER PROVIDE 20"' RIGHT-OF=WAY ELEVATION �FOR'DP.AINAGE"PIPE ACCESS., 7' TYP: P L. A N ' PLANTING SCREEN TEST,-HOLE-:REQUIRE - S 5'MIN. TOP OF"BERri GOOD LEACHING SOIL-'.SHOW IL GROUND WATER ELEVATION. PL BUBBLE BASIN DIFFUSION WELL :0 6 1 _ I �i - - x.w.M._ N - 1� _ 1 •: S E".0 T':.I 0 -N A-A NOTES:' . * TOPSOIL & SEED. BERM & .SLOPE TO * DATA TO BE -SHOWN SHALL -INCLUDE 4' .FROM TOE OF' SLOPE. HIGH WATER &' TOP OF. BERM * DIMENSIONS OF•RECHARGE:�BASINS.VAP,Y IN EL"E_VATIONS. ACCORDANCE WITH DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS. Prepared and Approved By" DRAWING Recommended By: =Supeiiritendent.of Highways NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER April 20, ; 1993 30-1 ARCHITECT. OND L: JA BS DATE -50- TOGJN OF SOUTHOLD, STAN'D.AR•D PRECAST BUBBLE BAS•I-N -8'. DIA:x 8'.°THICK 3,000- PSI . REINFORCED' , . CONCRETE 'TRAFFIC COVER..- OVER. - USE. USE. #4 BAR @. 4'! 0./C E.W. CAST IRON -FRAME- &- GRATE. I CAMPBELL FOUNDRY PATTERN o' -t-1007B OR APPROVED EQ., 00IN 3,000 PS,I CONCRETE CHIMNEY" - USE:.6x6,- 10/10 W.W.F: TYPICAL . P L A N 3" STONE RIP RAP CORRUGATED METAL' OUTFALL PIPE.= z 18" DIA.. MIN. o ,-� I a 2 21p .E-4-H . 00. 0 0 _ . JA 1 BOTTOM OF BASIN . 00 ;. au G � PROVIDE 5' 'MIN. z -'GOOD LEACHING — 6" 2! -0" 6 " �• _ Q ®® SOIL . AT BOTTOM _ DIA. , OF BASIN. �. r1®'. o d naa. o - a _ " N _ 3,000 PSI..PRECAST CONCRETE LEACHING •RING. TYPICAL . . CLEAN SAND/GRAVEL BACKFILL. TYPICAL 1'-0" 8'-0" DIAMETER MIN. MIN. E.L E V.A T I 0 N Prepared. and Approved By,: DRAWING Recommended By: Sup ten-dent of Highways • -: NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER it April 20, :1993 O=2 30-2 ARCHITECT ARCHITECT _ RA ND L. JACOVS DATE, TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD STA'NIDA-1 PRE -CAST D=FFUS=ON WELL 8' • D -IA . x ,18" THICK 1,000 PSI -REINFORCED - 'CONCRETE-TRAFFIC.COVER.-. w ' \ USE #4 BAR-_: @,, 4" 0/.0 E.W. CAST •IRON- FRAME -& GRATE A CAMPBELL FOUNDRY`PATTEAN 1'007B OR APPROVED - EQ; o00 . /. _. 3,000. PSI,CONCRETE' CHIMNEY - USE 6x6,- - 10%10 W.W.F.. TYP. P L A Pd 3" STONE RIF -,RA -P-. 2'. 2 o a 00 1• �— v o 1 o 4i Obe?—� BOTTOM OF BASIN PROVIDE ' S -MIN ®L GOOD LEACHING z ® 6i' 2'-0" 6 " I SOIL AT BOTTOM DIA. ® I I; OF BASIN. - r. 0I0 ®. o _�. ❑®p b III .- 0 0 0 0 M P 3,000 PSI PRECAST II 0_ r Ili CONCRETE LEACHING RING, ❑ [� [uT' : I TYPICAL ... CLEAN SAND/GRAVEL - .BACKFILL. TYPICAL of .z1.'-0" MIN.•" 1'-O" MIN: `v T. 8'-0" DIAMETEP: E L E.V•A'T I' 0 N Prepared and Approved -By,: DRAWING Recommended By:-- Superintendent off Highways NUMBER, JAMES A. RICHTER � '�JGC, y(J��%rte/ April 20, 1993 O — 3 _ 3.0,— ARCHITECT RA OND -L. JACOBS DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STAN-D,ARD RECHARGE BAS IN- . TYPE — C - PROPERTY LINE 31 A ( I I A P L A N 3'-Oi, "� 6.,r TOPSOIL 3'-0" 6" SAND -&-GRAVEL 3'-0" GRAVEL. S E.0 T I 0 N "A -A" Prepared and Approved By -DRAWING- Recommended By: Superintendent of Highways NUMBER . JAMES.A. RICHTER April 20,'1993 _ 3 1 — 1 ARCHITECT RA ND:L. JAC018 DATE -53- TOGJN -.OF. S0UTHOI;-D STANDARD. LEA'CH2NG SYSTEM...:' CONCRETE CURBING 'CATCH -BASIN W/ CAST IRON'FRAME & GRATE. SEE SD 18" DIA. C. M. P. 6` SOLID REINFORCED CONCRETE TRAFFIC COVER.-' 8' DIA. x 8'.' THICK REINFORCED- H CONCRETE TRAFFIC COVER. - USE: # 4 BAR @ 4"' O,C-.. EACH WAY 8'-0" DIAMETER o,�. 1' MIN:. 1' MIN. • Q 4 � ❑ (B ® ml .. O` o ❑®oo ❑0"a-Im ❑. C9 19 P - 2 8' : ROADWAY 00 IFF I .. ❑c 50.' R.O.W. - L, .�. ---S AND / GRAVEL PLAN NOTES:', I z NUMBER -OF LEACHING RINGS TO BE ' H DETERMINED BY DRAINAGE LEACHING BASIN DETAIL CALCULATIONS. and rRe7commended'By: Approved By" DRAWING Superintendent of Highways NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER 44 April 20, 1993" 32 — 1' ARCHITECT AZAYMOND L. JA BS DATE -54- JAMES A.. RICHTER April -20.,, 1993 33-1- ARCHITECT RAYNYOND L. JACOB"S DATE -55- „ .TOWN -0F'- S'"OUTHOL.D STANDARD PRECAST STORM DRAIN. 8' Dia. x -8"-THICK•3,000'PSI = REINFORCED -CONCRETE TRAFFIC w COVER -.USE:,# 4 BAR: w \ . @ 4"- `0 : C. EACH ' WAY .. . _�. ASPHALT BERM AS REQUIRED. T. CAST IRON FP.AME &GRATE = P'L,A N CAMPBELL FOUNDRY PATTERN # J 007B OR APPROVED EQUAL.. ' FINISH GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT 00 ; o� ® 8" Dia. x' 8" THICK .3 ; 000 PSI - SI -REINFORCED RE INFORCE DCONCPETE TRAFFIC Q I. a s I COVER .- USE: # 4 BAR i @ 4" O.C. EACH WAY. �II.0,L�7 i 0 ID o . r 3,000 PSI PRECAST CONCRETE. LEACHING RING. . -TYPICAL. 0•N-rri. Q P`- CLEAN SAND/GRAVEL BACKFILL:• I 'MIN., .1MIN. N 81,_0'.1'DIAMETER .: -EL E VAT I0.'N Prepared,'and .Approved By.,DRAWING Recommended By:.:, Sup intendent of Highways NUMBER JAMES A.. RICHTER April -20.,, 1993 33-1- ARCHITECT RAYNYOND L. JACOB"S DATE -55- „ -56- TOWN 'OF ` S-OiJ'THOLD STANDARD PRRCA-ST CATCH.BASINS 18" Dia. QQQooaq: DDdOQQ�. C.M.P. PLAN `O CAST IRON .FRAME &-GRATE •- CAMPBELL GRADE FOUNDRYPATTERN # 2.5.41 -OR. APPROVED .. `. o EQUAL. ASPHALT PAVEMENT 00 w 18" Dia., C..M.P_ .. .• ell 1!-6"— x.�A .39000 P . S. -I. PRECAST CONCRETE BOX AS MFG_ . s;,'k •: :r't` ;'��: BY SUFFOLK-CEMENTJ6 . OR APPROVED EQUAL. 6.r 4 _01.!. S E" C"T I O N Prepared and Approved By DRAWING. Recommended By:. -_Superintendent of_Highways NUMBER .JAMES A:. RICHTER -April 20, 1993 -3 4 —'l ARCHITECT RAYMOND L. JAC08S DATE - -56- TOWN= OF' S"OUTHOLD STANDARD P_R.ECAST-' MA"N;HOLE S.. -57- I. CORRUGATED METAL �. PIPE.. --TYPICAL' 3;000 P:"S.L. PRECAST .. .' . CONCRETE.MANHOLE AS w MFG: -BY SUFFOLK CEMENT' OR' APPROVED •EQUAL. P L.A. N CAST.IRON FRAME & COVER. CAMPBELL FOUNDRY PATTERN OR.APPROVED EQUAL ,.. 3 , 000: P . S . I . PRECAST '�}Y►.";'°�'' �''�"'° `4^'' CONCRETE 2'-0 „ - - .TRAFFIC BEARING COVER.' o= `` z 3,000" P. S": I. PRECAST . _-CONCRETE MANHOLE AS . MFG. BY" SUFFOLK CEMENT OR APPROVED EQUAL. 4'7-0'1' DIAMETER ' 411. S E" C T I 0 -N, ; Prepared DRAWING and, Approved,By.-.. '.Recommended By.:-. .'Superintendent of of Highways NUMBER ; JAMES,A: RICHTER m4ww April -20, 1993.' .3'5 ARCHITECT RA OND L. JAC+ S DATE -57- TOWN D I M E N S I O N S OF SOUTHOLD S,TAN.DARD HEADGJALL & ' APRON - D E F 101-011. 18" 5'-6" 4'-6" 21— 9" 13'-0" 17'-0" 31— 9" 24" 6'-6" �1"2" 3'- 3" 14'-6" 18'-0" 4'- 3" 30" 7'-8" 5'-6" .3'-10" 16'-2" 61'1 4'-10" 6" 8'-8"- 6'-0" 4'- 4" 17'-8" 20'-2"-•5'- 4" — — — — — — CORRUGATED. 2x4 FINISH GRADE. %01 -METAL PIPE KEY _ C14 . 1-011 8" 9'-4" 18"• Prepared and Approved By DRAWING :vo Recommend -ed By: 1 Highraays . NUMBER ,.1. I JAMES A.-RICHTER `April 20, 1-993''3 7— 1 ARCHITECT RAYMOND L: JAC0j S/ . DATE p 3,000.P:S.I. CONCRETE - — — — — — HEADWALL - TYPICAL. zo �- TOE OF • SLOPE 58 D I M E N S I O N S VVV L..V.1• CONCRETE WITH A B C D E F G 18" 5'-6" 4'-6" 21— 9" 13'-0" 17'-0" 31— 9" 24" 6'-6" 5'-0" 3'- 3" 14'-6" 18'-0" 4'- 3" 30" 7'-8" 5'-6" .3'-10" 16'-2" 19'-2" 4'-10" 36" 8'-8"- 6'-0" 4'- 4" 17'-8" 20'-2"-•5'- 4" 58 VVV L..V.1• CONCRETE WITH , 2 - 3/4" BARS 2 S E• C T I 0 N "X -X" - �cs. 1 3,000 P: S - I. •CONCRETE _ °r,° 1� • •: cu W/ 6x.6-8/8 W.W.F•. - TYP-. - P - -' 2x4 FINISH GRADE. %01 p;;: KEY _ C14 1-011 8" 9'-4" 18"• Prepared and Approved By DRAWING Recommend -ed By: Superintendent of Highraays . NUMBER ,.1. JAMES A.-RICHTER `April 20, 1-993''3 7— 1 ARCHITECT RAYMOND L: JAC0j S/ . DATE 58 TOWN , OF. SOUr'HOLD Srr.ANDAR.D CONCRETE CURB 0ETA2.LS ASPHALT ASPHALT -811 111 WEARING .6„ WEARING SURFACE SURFACE FINISH FINISH GRADE R=1" GRADE `�R=1" 00 33000 P.S.I. 9" CONCRETE " @ 28 DAYS TYPE "A" TYPE "B" COMMERCIAL CURB RESIDENTIAL CURB ASPHALT ASPHALT 611 -. WEARING 6'„ -WEARING SURFACE SURFACE 2" 4„ FINISH GRADE , \" �...��' gip.' �• atrb: . 3,000 P.S.I. 811 CONCRETE 8 @ '28 DAYS TYPE "C" TYPE " D" MOUNTABLE CURB. HEADER, CURB .Prepared -and Approved By. DRAWING Recommended'By:. Supe intendent of Highways NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER ! _ April 20, 1993 38-1 ARCHITECT RAYMOND L. JACQB-S DATE -59- .`.rowN. 0H SOL -Teri ' STANDARD.. .GRANITE CURB DETAILS _ .-, -�. _ ,. • . 4 Z�� . TYP- • rte' ASPHALT WEARING M FINISH _ a4 SURFACE GRADE E:- - , co >4 z POVIDE MAXIMUM COMPACTION AT JUNCTURE OF CUR_ B FOOTING AND ROAD'. GRANITE _ 12" MIN. 'CONCRETE FOOTING BELGAIN BLOCK 3000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS' —SECTION "A -A" _DEPRESS CURB AT DRIVEWAYS - A 3/4",A 10" TYP.. -FLOW LINE �. Lj a ; A CONCRETE FOOTING - - 3,000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS ELEVATION NOTE: CUPS SHALL_ BE SET TRUE TO LINE AND GRADE ON'POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION TO PROVIDE A FIRM UNIFORM BEARING. Prepared.and -Approved By DRAWING Recommende& By: Super'ntendent of Highways NUMBER .JAMES A-! .RICHTER C� -April 20',.'-1993 - 39 -1 - ARCHITECT RAYMOND L. JACOB DATE TO.c�JN OF ,SOU-THOLD . S'T'ANDARD DR I VEWAY ENTRANCE 10'-0" 'DRIVEWAY'. PROPERTY -LINE N CONCRETE SIDEWALK x" LINE OF DEFLECTION q IN CONCRETE SLAB 3,000 PSI CONCRETE SLAB TOPSOIL & SEED.. o Pq i -DEPRESS CURB AT" .o ENTRANCE. ( f 6" 12'-0" 611' P:_L A N .. :• 5'-011. 5.'-6.. �-6". "CURB. 4;-0„ ASPHALT - �o SIDEWALK• PAVEMENT _ �o '3,-000 PSI CONCRETE SLAB W% 6x6-10/10 CONCRETE CURB F " I. W.W.F. SEE STANDARD` - DETAILS. S E C T I -0 N "A -A" Prepared and Approved Ay DRAWING .Recommended By: Superintendent of Highways NUMBER JAMES A. RICHTER- / 771 April 20-;• 1993 40-1 ARCHITECT: •ND`L: JAC' • • DATE ' n 12'-0" 10'-0" ; n: ro 0 10 M H a p INYL CLAD / STRETCHER BAR y x p CHAIN LINK'- .• POST BRACE FABRIC - o '9 -GAGE W/ -� 2" MESH: TRUSS ROD BOTTOM. G b r COIL WIRE N Z ll kAID, Id 0 II �I. 12" jllj - �7i rt a, I �� I PROVIDE" HOLE": Dia. I : II FINISH GRADE II o r c , a�C rD I li .LARGER & " 1" LONGER II II - L J_ THAN_GATE BOLT. LI 3,000 PSI CONCRETE li I j <, N 1L _ _ LJ POST ENCASMENT L Ifv �,,` 18 PROVIDE CONTINUOUS L 18" 8 �' TYP .. t� . CONCRETE .CURB AT GATE. x E' I: 17 V. A "T I 0 N ov Z ' GATE POST::, . ,.....'. '3'.' Dia.., '_ SCHEDULE 40 .,VINYL CLAD CHAIN CORNER POST:....... 22" Dia.'SCHEDULE 40 LINE POST:.:....... 2" Dia. I;INK FABRIC SCHEDULE 409GAGE 'RAIL':70 - 2".MESH x TOP .... , ....: `. 12" . FENCE .PIPE. '— -� BRACE BRACE RAIL:'........: 12" Dia.- FENCE PIPE _ LINE POST _ d'o -• BOTTOM COIL .WIRE:.. .# -7 GAGE ''GALVANIZED " -i ' o r F] d NOTES:`° i ALL FENCE:POSTS AND RAILS'SHALL BE HOT DIPPED N ' GALVANIZED.' -ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE HOT DIPPED FINISH'GRADE , H ' GALVANIZED, .EXCEPT FOI? EYE CAPS,, CORNER CAPS r ' & RAIL' -ENDS WHICH WILL BE -.CAST ALUMINUM.. 3,000 PSI CONCRETE ILII -o ALL CHAIN LINK 'WIRE' SHALL BE TIED. TO• THE' POST ENCASMENT N UPRIGHT POSTS & TOP PAIL WITH 9 GAGE ALUMINUM_ ill 1. M Iz .. TIES, SET NO FURTHER THAN 18".APAPT. L1iJ * EACH GATE SHALL BE, SUPPLIED WITH APPROVED LOCK,. CHAIN-AND;TRIPLICATE• KEYS. S E C T 1-0 N