HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Code Supplement - 11/15/2000GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS CORP. INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 129 • The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. 0 REMOVE Table of Contents, ix — xii 9206.1 9706.1— 9706.5 Supplemental Index, SI-1—SI-19 INSERT Table of Contents, ix — xii 6001 — 6005 8601 — 8607 9206.1 9706.1— 9706.5 Supplemental Index, SI-1—SI-20 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 16-2000; 17-2000; 18-2000; 19-2000. 11-15-2000 • • TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 37. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas ............ 3701 38. Dogs .................................... 3801 Article I General Regulations Article II Fees 39. (Reserved) ............................... 3901 40. (Reserved) ............................... 4001 41. Ducks .................................. 4101 42. (Reserved) ............................... 4201 43. Electrical Inspections .................... 4301 44. Environmental Quality Review ........... 4401 45. Fire Prevention and Building Code, Uniform ................................ 4501 Fishers Island Harbor Management — See Ch. 33 46. Flood Damage Prevention ................ 4601 47. Farm Stands ............................ 4701 48. Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse ............ 4801 49. Highway Defects, Notice of ............... 4901 50. (Reserved) ............................... 5001 51. (Reserved) ............................... 5101 52. (Reserved) ............................... 5201 53. (Reserved) ............................... 5301 54. Junkyards .............................. 5401 55. (Reserved) ............................... 5501 56. Landmark Preservation .................. 5601 57. Littering ................................ 5701 58. Notice of Public Hearing ................. 5801 ix 10-30-98 x 10-30-98 \ SOUTHOLD CODE CHAPTER PAGE 59. Open Space Preservation ................ 5901 60. (Reserved) ............................... 6001 61. (Reserved) ............................... 6101 62. Parks and Recreation Areas .............. Article I Use Regulations and Restrictions 6201 • 63. (Reserved) ............................... 6301 64. (Reserved) ................................. 6401 65. Parking at Beaches ...................... 6501 66. (Reserved) ............................... 6601 67. Peace and Good Order ................... 6701 Article I Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages 68. (Reserved) ............................... 6801 69. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants .............................. 6901 70. (Reserved) ............................... 7001 71. Public Entertainment and Special Events 7101 72. Records Management .................... 7201 73. Records, Public Access to ................ 7301 74. Salvaging Centers ....................... 7401 75. Scavenger Wastes ........................ 7501 76. Sewers .................................. 7601 Article I Sewer Use Article II Rents and Charges • 77. Shellfish ................................ 7701 Article I Catching of Shrimp Article II Taking of Shellfish and Eels 78. (Reserved) ............................... 7801 79. (Reserved) ............................... 7901 x 10-30-98 \ X1 12-25-99 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 80. Sidewalks ............................... 8001 81. Soil Removal ............................ 8101 82. (Reserved) ............................... 8201 83. Street Excavations 8301 • 84. ...................... Street Numbering; Addresses ............. 8401 85. Taxation ................................ 8501 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans' Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income 86. (Reserved) ............................... 8601 87. (Reserved) ................................ 8701 88. Tourist and Trailer Camps ............... 8801 Article I General Regulations Article II Recreational Vehicle Parks 89. Unlicensed Motor -Driven Vehicles ........ 8901 90. Unsafe Buildings ........................ 9001 91. (Reserved) ................................ 9101 92. Vehicles and Traffic ...................... 9201 93. (Reserved) ............................... 9301 94. (Reserved) ............................... 9401 95. (Reserved) ............................... 9501 96. (Reserved) ............................... 9601 • 97. Wetlands ................................ 9701 98. (Reserved) ............................... 9801 99. (Reserved) ............................... 9901 100. Zoning .................................. 10001 101. Zoning (continued) ...................... 10101 X1 12-25-99 SOUTHOLD CODE CHAPTER PAGE 102. (Reserved) ............................... 10201 103. (Reserved) ............................... 10301 104. (Reserved) ............................... 10401 APPENDIX • A105. Grievance Procedures ................. A10501 A106. Subdivision of Land ................... A10601 A107. Police Department Rules and Regulations ........................... A10701 A108. Highway Specifications ................ A10801 1 B/ • xii 12-25-99 • • § 92-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Broadwaters South Vanston Road Cutchogue Road Brower Road East Grand Avenue Mattituck Bungalow West Marratooka Mattituck Lane Lane (Cont'd on page 9207) 9206.1 10-30-98 § 97-13 WETLANDS § 97-13 (2) All banks, bogs, meadows, flats and tidal marsh subject to such tides and upon which grows or may grow some or any of the following: salt hay, black grass, saltworts, sea lavender, tall cordgrass, high bush, cattails, groundsel, marshmallow and low march cordgrass; and/or • (3) All land immediately adjacent to a tidal wetland as defined in Subsection A(2) and lying within 75 feet landward of the most landward wetland boundary of such tidal wetland. [Amended 11-10-1998 by L.L. No. 21-19981 B. FRESHWATER WETLANDS [Amended 11-10-1998 by L.L. No. 21-19981: (1) "Freshwater wetlands" as defined in Article 24, Title 1, § 24-0107, Subdivisions 1(a) to 1(d) inclusive, of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York; or is (2) All lands and waters in the town which contain any or all of the following- (a) ollowing(a) Lands and submerged lands commonly called "marshes," "swamps," "sloughs," "bogs" and "flats" supporting aquatic or semiaquatic vegetation of the following types: [1] Wetland trees which depend upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently water-logged soils to give them a competitive advantage over other trees, including, among others, red maple (Acer rubrum), willows (Salix spp.), black spruce (Picea mariana); swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor), red ash (Fraxinum pennsylvanica), black ash (Fraxinus nigra), silver maple (Acer 9706.1 3-15-99 § 97-13 SOUTHOLD CODE § 97-13 saccharinum), American elm (Ulmus americana) and larch (Larix laricina); [2] Wetland shrubs which depend upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently water-logged soils to give them a competitive advantage over other shrubs, including, among others, • alder (Alnus spp.), buttonbush (Cephalkanthus occidentialis), bog rosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla), dogwoods (cornus spp.) and leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata); [3] Emergent vegetation, including, among others, cattails (Typha spp.), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), bulrushes (Scirpus spp.), arrow arum (Peltandra virginica), arrowheads (Sagittaria spp.), reed (Phragmites communis), wildrice (Zizania aquatica), bur -reeds (Sparganum spp.), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus) and water plantain (Alisma plantagoaquatica); [4] Rooted, floating -leaved vegetation, including, among others, water -lily (Nymphaea odorata), water shield (Brasenia schreberi) and spatterdock (Nuphar spp.); [5] Free-floating vegetation, including, among others, duckweed (Lemna spp.), • big duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) and watermeal (Wolfa spp.); [6] Wet meadow vegetation which depends upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently water-logged soils to give it a competitive advantage over 9706.2 3-15-99 § 97-13 WETLANDS § 97-13 other open land vegetation, including, among others, sedges (Carex spp.), rushes (Juncus spp.), cattails (Typha spp.), rice cut -grass (Leersia oryzoides), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), swamp loosestrife • (Decodon verticillatus) and spikerush (Eleocharis spp.); [7] Bog mat vegetation, including, among others, sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum spp.), bog rosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla), leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata), pitcher plant (Sarracenis purpurea) and cranberries (Vaccinum macrocarpon and V. oxycoccos); or [8] Submergent vegetation, including, among others, pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.), naiads (Najas spp.) bladderworts (Utricularia spp.), wild celery (Vallisneria americana), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), water milfoils (Myriophyllum spp.) muskgrass (Chara spp.), stonewort (Nitella spp.), water weeds (Elodea spp.) and water smartweed (Polygonum amphibium). (b) Lands and submerged lands containing remnants of any vegetation that is not aquatic or semiaquatic that has died • because of wet conditions over a sufficiently long period, provided that such wet conditions do not exceed a maximum seasonal water depth of six feet and provided further that such conditions can be expected to persist indefinitely, barring human intervention. 9706.3 3-15-99 § 97-13 SOUTHOLD CODE § 97-20 (c) Lands and waters substantially enclosed by aquatic or semiaquatic vegetation as set forth in Subsection BMW or be dead vegetation as set forth in Subsection B(2)(b), the regulation of which is necessary to. protect and preserve the aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation. • (d) The waters overlying the areas set forth in Subsection BMW and (b) and the lands underlying Subsection B(2)(c). (3) All land immediately adjacent to a freshwater wetland, as defined in either Subsection B(1) or Subsection B(2), and lying within 75 feet landward of the most landward wetland boundary of such freshwater wetland. ARTICLE II Permits § 97-20. Permit required. [Amended 6-5-1984 by L.L. No. 6-1984; 3-26-1985 by L.L. No. 6-19851 A. Permit required. Notwithstanding any prior course of conduct or permission granted, no person shall conduct operations on any wetlands in the Town of Southold unless he shall first obtain a written permit therefor issued by authority of the Trustees as hereinafter provided and only while such permit remains in effect. B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A of this section, the Trustees may, by resolution, waive the requirement of a permit with respect to lands immediately adjacent to wetlands, as defined in • Subsection A(3) or B(3) of the definition of "wetlands" in § 97-13, if the Trustees find and determine that no operations are proposed on such lands, or that the operations proposed thereon comply with the standards set forth in § 97-28 of this chapter. 9706.4 3-15-99 § 97-21 WETLANDS § 97-21 § 97-21. Application. [Amended 6-5-1984 by L.L. No. 6-1984] A permit may be issued upon the written, verified application of the person proposing to perform operations on wetlands. The application shall be submitted to the Clerk in quadruplicate. Such application shall contain the following information: • A. The name and address of the applicant and the source of the applicant's right to perform such operations (e.g., whether applicant is the owner, lessee, licensee, contractor, etc.). In all cases where the applicant is not the owner of the premises where such operations are proposed to be conducted, the consent of the owner, duly acknowledged, must be attached to said application. B. The purpose of the proposed operations. C. The amount of material proposed to be removed or deposited, and/or the type, size and location of any proposed structure. t (Cont'd on page 9707) • 9706.5 3-15-99 t • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX —A— ABANDONMENT Signs, 100-207 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 ACCESSORY USES Farm stands, 47-3 ADDRESS NUMBERING, see STREET NUMBERING: ADDRESSES ADMINISTRATOR Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-42 Defined, 37-6 Powers and duties, 37-42 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAWS Rezonings, 14-6 ADVISORY BOARD Defined, 6-16 AFFORDABLE HOUSING (AHD) DISTRICT Penalties for offenses, 100-59 Zoning, 100-50 —100-59 AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION (A C) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-32 Parking, 100-32 AGRICULTURAL DEBRIS Defined, 48-1 AGRICULTURAL LAND PRESERVATION Land Preservation Committee, 25-50 AIRPORT REGULATIONS Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 ALARM SYSTEMS Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31 False alarms, 24-5, 24-6 Fees, 24-6 Penalties for offenses, 24-8 Permits, 24-3, 24-4 ANCHORING Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-6 Flood damage prevention, 46-16 ANTENNAS Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 APARTMENT Defined, 100-13 APARTMENT HOUSE Defined, 100-13 APPEALS Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-35, 37-36 Flood damage prevention, 46-22 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-145 APPEAR Defined, 10-2 APPEAR BEFORE Defined, 10-2 APPOINTMENTS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50,59-50 Transportation Commission, 22-4 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Site plan approval, 100-257, 100-258 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COADEM EE Appointments, 100-258 Architectural review, 100-258 Membership, 100-258 Qualifications, 100-258 Residency requirements, 100-258 Salaries and compensation, 100-258 Terms of office, 100-258 ARCHIVES Defined, 72-3 AREA, YARD AND BULK REGULATIONS Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) District, 100-32 Farm stands, 47-3 General Business (B) District, 100-103 SI -1 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Of- fice Park (LIO) District, 100-133 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-83 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 AUTO REPAIR SHOPS Defined, 100-13 —B— BAZAARS, see PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS BEACH Defined, 37-6 BED-AND-BRFARFAST Alarm systems, 100-31 Fees, 100-281 Signs, 100-31 Zoning, 100-31, 100-281 BERMS Height regulations, 100-231 BLUFF Defined, 37-6 BOARD OF APPEALS Notice of public hearing, 100-275 BOATS Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-12 Mooring, 32-39.3 BOATS, DOCKS AND WHARVES Bathing and swimming, 32-38.1 Mooring, 32-39.4 Notices, 32-39.4 Permits, 32-39.3, 32-39.4 Ramps, 32-32.1 Regulation of personal watercraft and specialty prop -craft, 32-36.3 Scuba diving, 32-38.2 Spear fishing, 32-38.3 BODY FLUIDS Defined, A107-43.1 BONDS Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-41 BOWRIDING Defined, 32-31 BREEZEWAY Defined, 100-13 BUILDING INSPECTOR Flood damage prevention, 46-11, 46-14 Powers and duties, 46-14 BUILDING PERMITS - Site plan approval, 100-252 BUILDINGS, DEMOLITION OF Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 BULKHEAD Defined, 100-13 BURNING, OUTDOOR Exclusions, 36-4 Penalties for offenses, 36-5 Supervision of fires, 36-3 BUSINESS Defined,10-2 _C_ CANS Defined, 48-1 CANVASSERS Defined, 69-1 See also PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Defined, 100-13 Flood damage prevention, 46-14 CERTIFICATE OF Defined, 100-13 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Site plan approval, 100-252 CHANNEL SYSTEM Defined, 32-31 CHILD-CARE Defined, 100-13 CIRCUSES, see PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS CLIENT Defined, 10-2 SI -2 5-15-2000 • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA Administration and enforcement, 3740-37-49 Administrator, 37-42 Amendments, 37-50,37-51 Appeals, 37-35, 37-36 Applicability, 37-20 Beach area, 37-15 Bluff area, 37-17 Bonds, 3741 Certification, 37-51 Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review, 37-34 Conflicts, 37-44 Definitions, 37-6 Dune area, 37-16 Emergency activity, 37-20 — 37-29 Enactment, 37-1 Environmental review, 37-46 Erosion protection structures, 37-18 Establishment, 37-10 Fees, 37-32, 37-40 Findings, 37-5 General provisions, 37-1— 37-9 Interpretation, 37-43 Near shore area, 37-14 Notices, 37-21, 37-22 Penalties for offenses, 37-47 Permits, 37-11, 37-12, 37-40 Procedure, 37-50 Purpose, 37-4 Regulations, 37-10 — 37-19 Structural hazard area, 37-13 Title, 37-2 Traffic control, 37-19 Variances, 37-30 — 37-39 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP Defined, 37-6 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD BOARD OF REVIEW Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-34 COASTAL WATERS Defined, 37-6 COASTLINE Defined, 37-6 COLLAPSED BUILDINGS, see UNSAFE BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162,100-166 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Defined, 48-1 COMMISSION Defined, 22-3 COMMON OWNERSHIP Defined, 100-25 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Defined, A107-43.1 COMMUNICABLE/INFECTIOUS DISEASES Definitions, A107-43.1 Line -of -duty exposures, A107-43.1 Notices, A107-43.1 Police Department rules and regulations, A107-43.1 Policy, A107-43.1 Procedures, A107-43.1 Purpose, A107-43.1 Records, A107-43.1 Supplies, A107-43.1 COMMUNICATION FACILITIES, see WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Defined, 6-16 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND Acquisition of interests in prop- erty, 6-28 Alienation of land acquired using fund moneys, 6-36 Community Preservation Project Plan, 6-45 — 6-55 Definitions, 6-16 Findings, 6-7 Fund established, 6-20 Hearings, 6-28 Management of lands acquired pursuant to chapter, 6-32 Purposes of fund, 6-24 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-70 — 6-175 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND ADVISORY BOARD Community Preservation Project Fund, 6-60 — 6-65 SI -3 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Established, 6-60 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT FUND Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board, 6-60 — 6-65 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION 'PROJECT PLAN Community Preservation Fund, 6-45-6-55 Community preservation project plan adopted, 6-50 Defined, 6-16 COMPLAINANT Defined, A107-35.1 CONFIDENTIALITY Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-160 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Ethics, Code of, 10-4,10-7 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C & D) DEBRIS Defined, 48-1 CONTINUING CARE FACILITY Defined, 100-13 CORRUGATED CARDBOARD Defined, 48-1 COSTS AND EXPENSES Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-135 CRAWL SPACE Defined, 46-4 CROPS, LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Defined, 100-221 CURBS Highway specifications, A108-42 CUSTOMER Defined, 10-2 I IM DEBRIS LINE Defined, 37-6 DECKS Defined, 100-13 DEDICATION OF ROADS Highway specifications, A108-50 DEFE14MONS Administrator, 37-6 Advisory Board, 6-16 Agricultural debris, 48-1 Apartment, 100-13 Apartment house, 100-13 Appear, 10-2 Appear before, 10-2 Archives, 72-3 Auto repair shops, 100-13 Beach, 37-6 Bluff, 37-6 Body fluids, A107-43.1 Bowriding, 32-31 Breezeway, 100-13 Bulkhead, 100-13 Business, 10-2 Cans, 48-1 Canvassers, 69-1 Certificate of compliance, 100-13 Certificate of determination, 100-13 Channel system, 32-31 Child-care, 100-13 Client, 10-2 Club, membership or country or golf, 100-13 Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Map, 37-6 Coastal waters, 37-6 Coastline, 37-6 Commercial vehicles, 48-1 Commission, 22-3 Common ownership, 100-25 Communicable disease, A107-43.1 Community preservation, 6-16 Community Preservation Project Plan, 6-16 Complainant, A107-35.1 Consideration, 6-75 Construction and demolition (C & D) debris, 48-1 Continuing care facility, 100-13 Controlling interest, 6-75 Conveyance, 6-75 Corrugated cardboard, 48-1 Crawl space, 46-4 Crops, livestock and livestock products, 100-221 Customer, 10-2 Debris line, 37-6 Decks, 100-13 SI -4 5-15-2000 • is • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Designated landmark, 56-3 Dune, 37-6 Eels, 77-201 Erosion, 37-6 Erosion hazard area, 37-6 Erosion protection structure, 37-6 Existing manufactured home park or subdivision, 46-4 Existing structure, 37-6 Expansion to an existing manufac- tured home park or subdivision, 46-4 Family/household, A107-35.1 Family offense, A107-35.1 Farm stands, 100-13 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 46-4 Financial benefit, 10-2 Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, 46-4 Flood elevation study, 46-4 Floodplain, 46-4 Flood -prone area, 46-4 Food catering facility, 100-13 Food processing facility, 100-13 Fraternal organization, 100-13 Front, 84-2 Frontage, 84-2 Fund, 6-16, 6-75 Gift, 10-2 Glass, 48-1 Golf course, standard regulation, 100-13 Grading, 37-6 Grantee, 6-75 Grantor, 6-75 Habitable floor area, 100-13 Health care facilities, 100-13 Historical society, 100-13 Historic District, 56-3 Historic significance, 22-3 Historic structure, 46-4 Home business office, 100-13 Home professional office, 100-13 Illegal dumping, 48-2 Interest in real property, 6-75 Life care community, 100-13 Light industrial uses, 100-13 Living area, 100-13 Local administrator, 46-4 Major addition, 37-6 Map, 84-2 Mean low water, 37-6 Movable structure, 37-6 Natural protective feature, 37-6 Natural protective feature area, 37-6 Nearshore area, 37-6 New manufactured home park or subdivision, 46-4 Newspaper, 48-1 Nonrecyclable waste, 48-2 Normal maintenance, 37-6 Off -premises sign, 100-13 Order of protection, A107-35.1 Outside employer, 10-2 Owner, 842 Patio, 100-13 Peddler, 69-1 Person, 6-75, 10-2, 37-6, 69-1 Personal watercraft, 32-31 Plastics, 48-1 Primary dune, 37-6 Primary frontal dune, 46-4 Private warehousing, 100-13 Probable cause, A107-35.1 Public warehousing, 100-13 Real property, 6-75 Receding edge, 37-6 Recession rate, 37-6 Recording Officer, 6-75 Records, 72-3 Records center, 72-3 Records disposition, 72-3 Records management, 72-3 Recreational facilities, 100-13 Recreational vehicles, 46-4 Recyclable, mandated, 48-1 Recyclable, other, 48-1 Recyclable wood, 48-1 Regulated activity, 37-6 Relative, 10-2 Restaurant, formula food, 100-13 Restaurant, take-out, 100-13 Restoration, 37-6 Retaining wall, 100-13 Rural significance, 22-3 Salvage center, 74-1 Scalp net, 77-201 Scenic significance, 22-3 SI -5 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Secondary dune, 37=6 DUNE Servicing, 72-3 Defined, 37-6 Shopping centers, 100-13 DUST Significant fish and wildlife habi- Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 tat, 37-6 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Solicitors, 69-1 retail merchants, 69-10 Specialty prop -craft, 32-31 Street, 84-2 Structural hazard area, 37-6 — E — Structure, 37-6, 100-13 EELS • Style of architecture, 56-3 Defined, 77-201 Subordinate of a town officer or EMERGENCIES employee, 10-2 Coastal erosion hazard area, Substantial damage, 46-4 37-20 — 37-29 Telecommunication tower, 100-13 EROSION Toe, 37-6 Defined, 37-6 Town, 6-75 EROSION HAZARD AREA Town garbage bag, 48-2 Defined, 37-6 Town officer or employee, 10-2 EROSION PROTECTION Town Supervisor, 6-75 STRUCTURE Transfer station, 48-1 Defined, 37-6 Transient retail business, 69-1 ETHICS BOARD Treasurer (County Treasurer), Appointments, 10-19 6-75 Establishment, 10-19 Unregulated activity, 37-6 Ethics, Code of, 10-19 —10-23 Utilities, 100-51 Inspections, 10-23 Vegetation, 37-6 Investigations, Wetland boundary or boundaries Membership, 10--1919 of wetland, 97-13 Powers and duties, 10-20 Wireless communication facility, Qualifications, 10-19 100-13 Records, 1 Wireless communications, 100-13 Removal, 100-1-1 9 DESIGNATED LANDMARK Review of lists and disclosure Defined, 56-3 statements, 10-22 DESIGN STANDARDS Terms of office, 10-19 Wireless communication facilities, ETHICS, CODE OF 100-165 Appearances, 10-10 DISABLED PERSONS WITH Confidential information, 10-11 LHVIITED INCOME, TAX Conflict of interest, 10-4, 10-7 EXEMPTION FOR Debarment, 10-26 Taxation, 85-9 Definitions, 10-2 • DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Disclosure of interest, 10-11, Ethics, Code of, 10-11, 10-16 — 10-16 —10-18.1 10-18.1 Ethics Board, 10-19 —10-23 DRAINAGE Exclusion from Code of Ethics, Highway specifications, A108-27, 10-15 . A108-29 — A108-33, A108-36 General prohibition, 10-5 Site plan approval, 100-252 Gifts, 10-8 DRIVEWAYS ' Goal, 10-3 Highway specifications, A108-40 SI -6 5-15-2000 • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Inducement of others and bribery, 10-14 Legislative intent, 10-1 Officers and employees, 10-1- 10-26 Penalties for offenses, 10-24 Political solicitation, 10-12 Recusal, 10-6, 10-7 Representation, 10-9 Revolving door, 10-13 Voidable contracts, 10-25 EXCAVATIONS Highway specifications, A108-18 EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOMEPARK OR SUBDIVISION Defined, 46.4 EXISTING STRUCTURE Defined, 37-6 EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION Defined, 46-4 —F— FAIRS, see PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS FALSE ALARMS Alarm systems, 24-5, 24-6 FAMILYIHOUSEHOLD Defined, A107-35.1 FAMILY OFFENSE Defined, A107-35.1 FARM BUILDINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 FARMLAND BILL OF RIGHTS Definitions, 100-221 Dust, 100-222 Enforcement, 100-225 Noise, 100-222 Notice by brokers and agents, right to, 100-224 Notice provided by town agencies, right to, 100-223 Nuisances, 100-222 Odors, 100-222 Penalties for offenses, 100-225 Protected farm practices, right to undertake, 100-222 Right to farm, 100-220 Smoke, 100-222 Vibrations, 100-222 Zoning, 100-220 —100-226 FARM STANDS Accessory uses, 47-3 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 47-3 Defined, 100-13 Fees, 47-4 Greenhouse, 47-3 Nonconforming uses, 47-5 Parking, 47-3 Penalties for offenses, 47-6 Permits, 47-2 — 47-4 Setbacks, 47,3 Topsoil protection, 47-3 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Defined, 46-4 FEES Accessory buildings, 45-8 Alarm systems, 24-6 Bed -and -breakfast, 100-281 Buildings, demolition of, 45-8 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-32, 37-40 SI -7 Farm buildings, 45-8 Farm stands, 47-4 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-6, 33-8, 33-12 Flood damage prevention, 46-12 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2 Hotels and motels, 45-8 Night fishing parking permit, 92-42 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-4, 69-9 Public entertainment, 100-274 Public entertainment and special events, 71-1 Salvaging centers, 74-3 Signs, 45-8 Single-family dwellings, 45-8 Site plan approval, 100-256 Special events, 100-274 Swimming pools, 45-8 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 FENCES Highway specifications, A10842 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 FINANCIAL BENEFIT Defined, 10-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Exceptions, 45-8 FISHERS ISLAND Parking at beaches, 65-3.1 Permits, 65-3.1 FISHERS ISLAND HARBOR COMMITTEE Appointments, 33-3 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-3 Meetings, 33-3 Notices, 33-3 Powers and duties, 33-3 Terms of office, 33-3 FISHERS ISLAND HARBOR MANAGEMENT Abode, use of vessel as, 33-7 Anchoring, 33-6 Applicability, 33-1 Boats, unnavigable, 33-12 Fees, 33-6, 33-8, 33-12 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 33-11 Hazards to navigation, 33-12 Height regulations, 33-6 Inspections, 33-8 Liability, 33-12 Liens, 33-8, 33-12 Mooring, 33-6 Mooring buoys, 33-6 Mooring maintenance, 33-8 Mooring permits, 33-6 Notices, 33-12 Penalties for offenses, 33-14 Permits, 33-6 Rafting, 33-10 Sale of unnavigable boats, 33-12 Sewage, 33-11 Speed limits, 33-4 Traffic control authority, 33-2 Use of private moorings by guests, 33-9 Wake regulations, 33-4 Waterskiing, 33-5 FLOOD BOUNDARY AND FLOODWAY MAP Defined, 46-4 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Anchoring, 46-16 Appeals, 46-22 Building Inspector, 46-11, 46-14 Certificate of compliance, 46-14 Construction materials and meth- ods, 46-16 Encroachments, 46-15 Fees, 46-12 General floodproofing standards, 46-15 Manufactured homes, 46-15, 46-21 New construction, 46-15, 46-16 Nonresidential structures (coastal high -hazard areas), 46-20 Nonresidential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 46-19 Penalties for offenses, 46-9 Permits, 46-12, 46-13 Recreational vehicles, 46-21 Residential structures (coastal high -hazard areas), 46-18 Residential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 46-17 Standards for all structures, 46-16 Stop -work orders, 46-14 Subdivision proposals, 46-15 Utilities, 46-16 Variances, 46-23 Warning and disclaimer of liabil- ity, 46-10 Zoning Board of Appeals, 46-22 FLOOD ELEVATION STUDY Defined, 46-4 FLOODPLAIN Defined, 46-4 FLOOD -PRONE AREA Defined, 46-4 FOOD CATERING FACILITY Defined, 100-13 SI -8 5-15-2000 • 1�i • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX FOOD PROCESSING FACILITY Defined, 100-13 FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Defined, 100-13 FRONT Defined, 84-2 FRONTAGE Defined, 84-2 FUND Defined, 6-16 —G— GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND REFUSE Fees, 48-2 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-11 Nonrecyclable waste, 48-2, 48-3 Town garbage bag, 48-2 Town Transfer Station, 48-3 GENERAL BUSINESS (B) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-103 Setbacks, 100-103 Zoning, 100-100 —100-103 GIFT Defined, 10-2 GLASS Defined, 48-1 GOLF COURSE, STANDARD REGULATION Defined, 100-13 GRADING Defined, 37-6 GREENHOUSE Farm stands, 47-3 GUARANTIES Site plan approval, 100-254 —H— HABITABLE FLOOR AREA Defined, 100-13 HANDICAPPED PARSING Parking, 92-48 Permits, 92-18 HEALTH CARE FACILITIES Defined, 100-13 Zoning, 100-31 HEARINGS Community Preservation Fund, 6-28 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-11 Site plan approval, 100-254 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-145 Zoning, 100-26 See also NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HEIGHT REGULATIONS Berms, 100-231 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-6 Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS Alterations or modifications to specifications, A108-48 As -constructed survey, A108-46 Asphalt binder course, A108-22 Asphalt pavement cores, A108-26 Asphalt wearing course, A108-23 Base course for asphalt pavement, A108-21 Base course for Stone Blend Road, A108-19 Bituminous surface treatment double application, A108-24 Catch basins, A108-34 Clearing and grubbing, A108-16 Concrete curbs, A108-38 Concrete cylinders, A108-41 Concrete footings, slabs and headwalls, A108-37 Concrete sidewalks and driveway entrances, A108-40 Construction specifications, A108-15, A108-15.1 Dead-end streets, A108-11 Drainage design criteria, A108-27 Drainage pipe criteria, A108-36 Excavation and embankment, A108-18 Fences and curbs at recharge ba- sins, A108-42 Final dedication of roads, A108-50 Granite curbs, A108-39 SI -9 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Inspections, A108-49 Landscaping of recharge basins, A108-43 Leaching basins, A108-28 Manholes, A108-35 Modifications to existing private roads, A108-25 . Recharge basins Type A and drainage areas, A108-29 Recharge basins Type B and drainage areas, A108-30 Recharge basins Type C and drainage, A108-31 Screening, A108-43 Seeding, A108-44 Stone blend wearing course, A108-20 Storm drains, A108-33 Stormwater drainage systems, A108-32 Streetlighting, A10847 Street signs, A108-12 Street trees, A108-45 Stripping and stockpiling soil, A108-17 Topsoil, A108-43 Trees, A108-43 HISTORICAL SOCIETY Defined, 100-13 HISTORIC BUEr DINGS AND DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-164 HISTORIC DISTRICT Defined, 56-3 HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE Defined, 22-3 HISTORIC STRUCTURE Defined, 46-4 HOME BUSINESS OFFICE Defined, 100-13 HOME PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Defined, 100-13 Noise, 100-31 Setbacks, 100-31 Signs, 100-31 Storage, 100-31 Zoning, 100-31 HOTELS AND MOTELS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 —I— ILLEGAL DUMPING Defined, 48-2 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, • 100-162 INSPECTIONS Ethics Board, 10-23 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-8 Highway specifications, A108-49 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-160 INVESTIGATIONS Ethics Board, 10-21 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-7 —L— LAND CLEARING Site plan approval, 100-259 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Agricultural land preservation, 25-50 Appointments, 25-50, 59-50 Membership, 25-50, 59-50 Open space preservation, 59-50 Powers and duties, 25-50, 59-50 Terms of office, 25-50, 59-50 LANDSCAPING Highway specifications, A108-43 Site plan approval, 100-252 Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 LIABILITY Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-12 Flood damage prevention, 46-10 Recording Officer, 6-120 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-90, 6-120, 6-130, 6-145 SI -10 5-15-2000 • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX LICENSES Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-1— 69-13 Shellfish, 77-202 LIENS Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-8, 33-12 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-150 LIFE CARE COMMUNITY Defined, 100-13 Zoning, 100-31 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-143 Setbacks, 100-143 Zoning, 100-140 —100-143 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK/PLANNED OFFICE PARK (LIO) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-133 Setbacks, 100-133 Zoning, 100-130 —100-133 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES Defined, 100-13 LIGHTING Parks and recreation areas, 100-239.5 Signs, 100-206 Site plan approval, 100-252 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 Zoning, 100-239-5 1IIV1ITED BUSINESS (LB) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-83 Outdoor storage, 100-81 Setbacks, 100-83 Zoning, 100-80 —100-83 LIVING AREA Defined, 100-13 LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR Defined, 46-4 LOTS Zoning, 100-24, 100-25 —M— MAJOR ADDITION Defined, 37-6 MANUFACTURED HOMES Flood damage prevention, 46-15, 46-21 MAP Defined, 84-2 MARINE DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 MEAN LOW WATER Defined, 37-6 MEETINGS Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 MEMBERSHIP Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50,59-50 Transportation Commission, 22-4 MERCHANTS, see PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS MOORING Boats, 32-39.3 Boats, docks and wharves, 32-39.4 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-6, 33-8, 33-9 MOORING PERMITS Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-6 MOVABLE STRUCTURE Defined, 37-6 —N— NATURAL PROTECTIVE FEATURE Defined, 37-6 NATURAL PROTECTIVE FEATURE AREA Defined, 37-6 NEARSHORE AREA Defined, 37-6 SI -11 5-15-2000- SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX NEW MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION Defined, 46-4 NEWSPAPER Defined, 48-1 NIGHT FISHING PARKING PERMIT Fees, 92-42 Parking, 92-42 Rules and regulations, 92-42 NOISE Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 Home professional office, 100-31 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 NONCONFORMING USES Farm stands, 47-5 Nonresidential uses, 100-243 Wireless communication facilities, 100-168 NONRECYCLABLE WASTE Defined, 48-2 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2, 48-3 NORMAL MAINTENANCE Defined, 37-6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Board of Appeals, 100-275 Providing notice of public hear- ings, 58-1 Site plan approval, 100-254 Subdivision of land, A106-23, A106-24 Zoning, 100-292 NOTICES Boats, docks and wharves, 32-39.4 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-21,37-22 Communicabletinfectious diseases, A107-43.1 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-223, 100-224 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-12 Pro -arrest policy, A107-35.1 Site plan approval, 100-254 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-135, 6-145 NUISANCES Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 OBSTRUCTIONS Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 Sidewalks, 80-2 ODORS Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Ethics, Code of, 10-1-10-26 OFF -PREMISES SIGN Defined, 100-13 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Site plan approval, 100-252 OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION Land Preservation Committee, 59-50 ORDER OF PROTECTION Defined, A107-35.1 OUTDOOR STORAGE Limited Business (LB) District, 100-81 Residential Office (RO) District, 100-71 OUTSIDE EMPLOYER Defined, 10-2 OWNER Defined, 84-2 —P_ PARKING Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) District, 100-32 Farm stands, 47-3 Handicapped parking, 92-48 Night fishing parking permit, 92-42 Salvaging centers, 74-4 Vehicles and traffic, 92-47, 92-60 PARKING AT BEACHES Fishers Island, 65-3.1 PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS Lighting, 100-239.5 SI -12 5-15-2000 • • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX PATIO Defined, 100-13 PEDDLER Defined, 69-1 PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS Canvassing for religious purposes, 69-14 Definitions, 69-2 Dust, 69-10 Exemptions, 69-4 Fees, 69-4, 69-9 Hearings, 69-11 Investigations, 69-7 Legislative intent, 69-1 Licenses, 69-1— 69-13 Noise, 69-10 Obstructions, 69-10 Penalties for offenses, 69-13 Permitted activities, 69-5 Records, 69-8 Registration, 69-3, 69-6 Restrictions, 69-10 Sales, 69-1— 69-13 Signs, 69-12 Vehicles, 69-10 PENALTIES FOR OFFENSES Affordable Housing (AHD) Dis- trict, 100-59 Alarm systems, 24-8 Burning, outdoor, 36-5 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-47 Ethics, Code of, 10-24 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-225 Farm stands, 47-6 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-14 Flood damage prevention, 46-9 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-13 Salvaging centers, 74-6 Site plan approval, 100-259 Street numbering: addresses, 84-8 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-155 PERMITS Alarm systems, 24-3, 24-4 Boats, docks and wharves, 32-39.3, 32-39.4 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-11, 37-12, 37-40 Farm stands, 47-2 — 47-4 Fishers Island, 65-3.1 Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-6 Flood damage prevention, 46-12, 46-13 Handicapped parking, 92-48 Public entertainment and special events, 71-1 Salvaging centers, 74-2, 74-3, 74-5 Signs, 100-209 See also BUILDING PERMITS; NIGHT FISHING PARKING PERMIT PERSON Defined, 10-2, 37-6, 69-1 PERSONAL WATERCRAFT Defined, 32-31 PLASTICS Defined, 48-1 POLICE DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Communicable/infectious diseases, A107-43.1 Pro -arrest policy, A107-35.1 POWERS AND DUTIES Administrator, 37-42 Building Inspector, 46-14 Ethics Board, 10-20 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50,59-50 Records Advisory Board, 72-5 Records Management Officer, 72-4 Transportation Commission, 22-5 PRIMARY DUNE Defined, 37-6 PRIMARY FRONTAL DUNE Defined, 46.4 PRIVATE WAREHOUSING Defined, 100-13 PRO -ARREST POLICY Accusatory instrument, A107-35.1 Definitions, A107-35.1 General provisions, A107-35.1 Notices, A107-35.1 Orders of protection, A107-35.1 SI -13 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Police Department rules and regulations, A107-35.1 Procedure, A107-35.1 Protection of identity of victim, A107-35.1 Purpose, A107-35.1 PROBABLE CAUSE Defined, A107-35.1 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS Bazaars, 71-1 Certain entertainment restricted, 71-1 Circuses, 71-1 Fairs, 71-1 Fees, 71-1, 100-274 Outdoor shows, 71-1 Permits, 71-1 Wineries outdoor events, 71-1 PUBLIC WAREHOUSING Defined, 100-13 —Q— QUALIFICATIONS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 —R— RAFTING Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-10 RAMPS Boats,.docks and wharves, 32-32.1 RECEDING EDGE Defined, 37-6 RECESSION RATE Defined, 37-6 RECORDING OFFICER Designation, 6-115 Liability, 6-120 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-115, 6-120 RECORDS Communicabletinfectious diseases, A107-43.1 Defined, 72-3 Ethics Board, 10-23 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-8 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-85 RECORDS ADVISORY BOARD Powers and duties, 72-5 Records management, 72-5 RECORDS CENTER Defined, 72-3 RECORDS DISPOSITION Defined, 72-3 RECORDS MANAGEMENT Custody and control of records, 72-6 Definitions, 72-3 Disposition of records, 72-7 Intent, 72-1 Program established, 72-2 Records Advisory Board, 72-5 Records Management Officer, 72-4,72-6 Records management officer, 72-2 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Powers and duties, 72-4 Records management, 72-2, 72-4 RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Defined, 100-13 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Defined, 46-4 Flood damage prevention, 46-21 RECYCLABLE, MANDATED Defined, 48-1 RECYCLABLE,OTHER Defined, 48-1 RECYCLABLE WOOD Defined, 48-1 REGISTRATION Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-3, 69-6 REGULATED ACTIVITY Defined, 37-6 RELATIVE Defined, 10-2 RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 SI -14 5-15-2000 • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DISTRICT Additional standards, 100-71 Outdoor storage, 100-71 RESTAURANT, FORMULA FOOD Defined, 100-13 RESTAURANT, TAKE-OUT Defined, 100-13 RESTORATION Defined, 37-6 RETAINING WALL Defined, 100-13 RURAL SIGNIFICANCE Defined, 22-3 _S_ SALARIES AND COMPENSATION Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 SALES Boats, unnavigable, 33-12 Local produce, 100-31 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-1— 69-13 SALVAGE CENTER Defined, 74-1 SALVAGING CENTERS Definitions, 74-1 Fees, 74-3 Parking, 74-4 Penalties for offenses, 74-6 Permits, 74-2, 74-3, 74-5 SCALP NET Defined, 77-201 SCENIC SIGNIFICANCE Defined, 22-3 SCREENING Highway specifications, A108-43 Site plan approval, 100-252 Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 SECONDARY DUNE Defined, 37-6 SERVICING Defined, 72-3 SETBACKS Farm stands, 47-3 General Business (B) District, 100-103 Home professional office, 100-31 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Of- fice Park (LIO) District, 100-133 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-83 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 SEWAGE Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-11 SHELLFISH Eels, 77-208.1 Licenses, 77-202 Vegetation removal prohibited, 77-211.2 SHOPPING CENTERS Defined, 100-13 SIDEWALKS Highway specifications, A10840 Intent, 80-1 Obstructions, 80-2 Snow and ice removal, 80-2 SIGNIFICANT FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT Defined, 37-6 SIGNS Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31 Fees, 45-8 Highway specifications, A108-12 Home professional office, 100-31 Lighting, 100-206 Nonconforming signs, 100-209 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-12 Permits, 100-209 Specific sign requirements, 100-205.1 Specific signs, 100-205 Transition, 100-208 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 Unsafe, abandoned and unlawful signs, 100-207 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 SI -15 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 SITE PLAN APPROVAL Applicability, 100-250 Application requirements, 100-256 Approval of plan required, 100-253 Architectural review, 100-257, 100-258 Building permits, 100-252 Certificate of occupancy, 100-252 Drainage, 100-252 Duration of plan, 100-255 Fees, 100-256 Findings of fact, 100-251 Guaranties, 100-254 Hearings, 100-254 Land clearing, 100-259 Landscaping, 100-252 Lighting, 100-252 Notice of public hearing, 100-254 Notices, 100-254 Objectives, 100-252 Off-street parking and loading, 100-252 Penalties for offenses, 100-259 Purpose, 100-251 Review procedure, 100-254 Screening, 100-252 Utilities, 100-252 Variances, 100-254 Zoning, 100-250 —100-256 SMOKE Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Sidewalks, 80-2 SOLICITORS Defined, 69-1 See also PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND, see COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND SPECIAL EVENTS Fees, 100-274 See also PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES Wireless communication facilities, 100-163 SPECIALTY PROP -CRAFT Defined, 32-31 SPEED LIMITS Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-4 STOP -WORE: ORDERS Flood damage prevention, 46-14 STORAGE Home professional office, 100-31 Long-term outdoor display or stor- age, 100-239.7 Zoning, 100-239.6, 100-239.7 STORAGE, OUTDOOR, see OUTDOOR STORAGE STREET Defined, 84-2 STREETLIGHTING Highway specifications, A108-47 STREET NUMBERING: ADDRESSES Changes, 84-3 Compliance deadline, 84-6 Definitions, 84-2 Display of numbers, 84-5 Enforcement, 84-7 Numbering system established, 84-3 Penalties for offenses, 848 Posting of numbers, 84-4 Style and size, 84=5 Tax bill, 846 Unnamed roads, 843 STRUCTURAL HAZARD AREA Defined, 37-6 STRUCTURE Defined, 37-6 STYLE OF ARCHITECTURE Defined, 56-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Flood damage prevention, 46-15 Notice of public hearing, A106-23, A106-24 SUBORDINATE OF A TOWN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE Defined, 10-2 SI -16 5-15-2000 is is • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE Defined, 46-4 SWIMMING POOLS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 —T— TAXATION Disabled persons with limited in- come, tax exemption for, 85-9 Exemption granted, 85-9 Veterans' exemption, 85-7, 85-8 TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER Defined, 100-13 TERMS OF OFFICE Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50,59-50 Transportation Commission, 22-4 TOE Defined, 37-6 TOPSOIL Highway specifications, A108-43 TOPSOIL PROTECTION Farm stands, 47-3 TOWERS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162,100-165,100-166 TOWN GARBAGE BAG Defined, 48-2 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2 TOWN OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE Defined, 10-2 TOWN TRANSFER STATION Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-3 TRANSFER STATION Defined, 48-1 TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, see PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS TRANSIENT RETAIL BUSINESS Defined, 69-1 TRANSPORTATION ACCESS MANAGEMENT Definitions, 22-3 Purpose, 22-2 Transportation Commission, 22-4, 22-5 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Appointments, 22-4 Membership, 22-4 Powers and duties, 22-5 Terms of office, 22-4 Transportation access manage- ment, 22-4, 22-5 TREES Highway specifications, A108-43, A108-45 Wireless communication facilities, 100-162,100-166 TWO -PERCENT REAL ESTATE SI -17 TRANSFER TAX Additional exemptions, 6-100 Appeals, 6-145 Applicability, 6-80 Apportionment of consideration subject to tax for property lo- cated only partly within town, 6-140 Community Preservation Fund, 6-70-6-175 Confidentiality, 6-160 Cooperative housing corporation transfers, 6-110 Costs and expenses, 6-135 Credit, 6-105 Definitions, 6-75 Deposit and disposition of revenue, 6-130 Designation of agent by County Treasurer, 6-115 Determination of tax, 6-145 Exemptions from tax, 6-95 Hearings, 6-145 Imposition of tax, 6-80 Inspections, 6-160 Interest, 6-155 Intergovernmental agreement authority, 6-165 . Judicial review, 6-135 Liability, 6-90,6-120,6-130,6-145 5-15-2000 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Liens, 6-150 Notices, 6-135, 6-145 Overpayment or underpayment, 6-130 Payment of tax, 6-85 Penalties for offenses, 6-155 Proceedings to recover tax due, 6-150 Recording Officer, 6-115, 6-120 Records, 6-85 Referendum requirement, 6-175 Refunds, 6-125 Remedies, 6-145 Return, filing of, 6-85 Town Supervisor, petition to, 6-145 Use of tax, 6-80 Warrants, 6-150 —U— UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE Accessory buildings, 45-8 Buildings, demolition of, 45-8 Farm buildings, 45-8 Fees, 45-8 Hotels and motels, 45-8 Signs, 45-8 Single-family dwellings, 45-8 Swimming pools, 45-8 UNREGULATED ACTIVITY Defined, 37-6 UNSAFE BUILDINGS Unsafe premises prohibited, 90-3 UTILITIES Defined, 100-51 Flood damage prevention, 46-16 Site plan approval, 100-252 —V— VARIANCES Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-30 — 37-39 Flood damage prevention, 46-23 Site plan approval, 100-254 VEGETATION Defined, 37-6 VEHICLES Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Fire wells, 92-47 Parking, 92-47, 92-60 VETERANS' EXEMPTION Amount of exemption, 85-8 Taxation, 85-7, 85-8 VIBRATIONS Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 —W— WATERSHIING Fishers Island Harbor manage- ment, 33-5 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Airport regulations, 100-166 Antennas, 100-165 Appearance, 100-166 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-165 Collocation, 100-165 Commercial districts, 100-162, 100-166 Design standards, 100-165 Fences, 100-165 Height regulations, 100-162 Historic buildings and districts, 100-164 Industrial districts, 100-162 Landscaping, 100-166 Lighting, 100-165 Location of use, 100-162 Marine districts, 100-162 Nonconforming uses, 100-168 Removal, 100-168 Residential districts, 100-162 Screening, 100-166 Setbacks, 100-165 Signs, 100-165 Special exception uses, 100-163 Towers, 100-162, 100-165, 100-166 Trees, 100-162, 100-166 Zoning, 100-160 —100-169 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Defined, 100-13 SI -18 5-15-2000 • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX _Z_ ZONING Adoption of Local Laws, 14-6 Affordable Housing (AHD) Dis- trict, 100-50 —100-59 Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31, 100-281 • Definitions, 100-25 Exceptions, 100-25 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-220 — 100-226 General Business (B) District, 100-100 —100-103 Health care facilities, 100-31 Hearings, 100-26 Home professional office, 100-31 Life care community, 100-31 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-140 —100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Of- fice Park (LIO) District, 100-130— 100-133 Lighting, 100-239-5 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-80 —100-83 Lots, 100-24, 100-25 Merger, 100-25 Merger, waiver of, 100-26 Notice of public hearing, 100-292 Outdoor storage, 100-239.6, 100-239.7 Sale of local produce, 100-31 Site plan approval, 100-250 — 100-256 Wireless communication facilities, 100-160— 100-169 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Flood damage prevention, 46-22 • SI -19 5-15-2000