HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Code Supplement - 11/30/2003• 0 GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS CORP. INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 141 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. 4508.3 — 4508.4 Supplemental Index, SI -1 — SI -2 SI -15 — SI -16 INSERT 4508.3 — 4508.5 Supplemental Index, SI-1—SI-2 SI -15 — SI -16 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. No. 24-2003. 11-30-2003 § 45-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING § 45-9 (2) If an application is denied and a notice of disapproval is issued, the applicant shall pay a fee of $35. (3) For the purpose of this Subsection L, cellars, decks, attached garages and any habitable area shall be included in the calculation of floor area. • (4) Preconstruction fee. If any land clearing or excavation or building or commencement of any construction activity is without the benefit of applicable town permits, all fees associated with any land clearing or excavation or building or construction activity will be equal to double the otherwise applicable fee for all permits as provided by this chapter. (5) Notwithstanding the foregoing, no fee shall be required of or paid by taxing entities or districts, including but not limited to fire districts, school districts, park districts and the like. § 45-9. Issuance or denial of building permit. A. The Building Inspector shall approve or disapprove the application within a reasonable time, and in all events within 10 business days. [Amended 10-26-1999 by L.L. No. 17-19991 B. Upon approval of the application and upon receipt of the legal fees therefor, he shall issue a building permit to the applicant upon the form prescribed by him and shall affix his signature or cause his signature to be affixed • thereto. C. Upon approval of the application, two sets of plans and specifications shall be endorsed with the word "approved." One set of such approved plans and specifi- cations shall be retained in the offices of the Building Inspector and the other set shall be returned to the applicant, together with the building permit, and shall 4508.3 5-20-2001 § 45-9 SOUTHOLD CODE § 45-11 be kept at the building site, open to inspection by the Building Inspector or his authorized representative at all reasonable times. D. If the application, together with plans, specifications and other documents filed therewith, describes proposed work which does not conform to all the requirements of the Uniform Code and all other applicable building • regulations, the Building Inspector shall disapprove the same and shall return the plans and specifications to the 'applicant. The Building Inspector shall cause such refusal, together with the reasons therefor, to be transmitted to the applicant in writing. § 45-10. Performance of work under permit. A. A building permit shall be effective to authorize the commencing of work in accordance with the application, plans and specifications on which it is based, for a period of 18 months after the date of its issuance. For good cause, the Building Inspector may allow an extension for a period not exceeding six months. B. The issuance of a building permit shall constitute authority to the applicant to proceed with the work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in accordance with the Uniform Code and applicable building laws, ordinances or regulations. All work shall conform to the approved application, plans and specifica- tions. § 45-11. Building permit fees. • A. Upon filing of an application for a building permit, fees shall be paid in accordance with § 45-8 of the Town Code. [Amended 6-6-1989 by L.L. No. 10-19891 4508.4 5-20-2001 • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX DEFINITIONS NOTE: For the convenience of the Code user, all terms defined in this Code are included in the Index under the heading "Definitions." —A— ABANDONMENT Signs, 100-207 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 ACCESSORY USES Farm stands, 47-3 ADDRESS NUMBERING, see STREET NUMBERING: AD- DRESSES ADMINISTRATOR Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-42 Powers and duties, 37-42 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAWS Rezonings, 14-6 ADVERTISING OF TOBACCO, see TOBACCO ADVERTISING AFFORDABLE HOUSING (AHD) DISTRICT Penalties for offenses, 100-59 Zoning, 100-50 —100-59 AGRICULTURAL - CONSERVATION (A -C) DIS- TRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-32 Parking, 100-32 AGRICULTURAL LAND PRES- ERVATION Land Preservation Committee, 25-50 AIRPORT REGULATIONS Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 ALARM SYSTEMS Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31 False alarms, 24-5, 24-6 Fees, 24-6 Penalties for offenses, 24-8 Permits, 24-3, 24-4 ANCHORING Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6 Flood damage prevention, 46-16 ANTENNAS Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 APARTMENTS General Business (B) District, 100-101 APPEALS Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-35, 37-36 Flood damage prevention, 46-22 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, - 6-145 APPOINTMENTS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50, 59-50 Transportation Commission, 22-4 ARCHITECTURAI. REVIEW Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Site plan approval, 100-257, 100-258 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Appointments, 100-258 Architectural review, 100-258 Membership, 100-258 Qualifications, 100-258 Residency requirements, 100-258 Salaries and compensation, 100-258 Terms of office, 100-258 AREA, YARD AND BULK REGU- LATIONS Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) Dis- trict, 100-32 Farm stands, 47-3 General Business (B) District, 100-103 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District, 100-133 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-83 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 SI -1 8-20-2003 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX —B— BAZAARS, see PUBLIC ENTER- TAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS BED -AND -BREAKFAST Alarm systems, 100-31 Fees, 100-281 Signs, 100-31 Zoning, 100-31,100-281 BERMS Height regulations, 100-231, BOARD OF APPEALS Notice of public hearing, 100-275 BOATS Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-12 Mooring, 32-39.3 BOATS, DOCKS AND WHARVES Bathing and swimming, 32-38.1 Mooring, 32-39.4 Notices, 32-39.4 Permits, 32-39.3, 32-39.4 Ramps, 32-32.1 Regulation of personal watercraft and specialty prop -craft, 32-36.3 Scuba diving, 32-38.2 Spear fishing, 32-38.3 BONDS Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-41 BUILDING INSPECTOR Flood damage prevention, 46-11, 46-14 Powers and duties, 46-14 BUILDING PERMITS Site plan approval, 100-252 BUILDINGS, DEMOLITION OF Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 BURNING, OUTDOOR Exclusions, 36-4 Penalties for offenses, 36-5 Supervision of fires, 36-3 BUS STOPS Parking, 92-49.3 _C_ CANVASSERS, see PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRAN- SIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLI- ANCE Flood damage prevention, 46-14 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Filming, 44A-3 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Site plan approval, 100-252 CHILD-CARE CENTER Tobacco advertising, 86-3 CIRCUSES, see PUBLIC ENTER- TAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA Administration and enforcement, SI -2 37-40 — 37-49 Administrator, 37-42 Amendments, 37-50,37-51 Appeals, 37-35, 37-36 Applicability, 37-20 Beach area, 37-15 Bluff area, 37-17 Bonds, 37-41 Certification, 37-51 Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Re- view, 37-34 Conflicts, 37-44 Definitions, 37-6 Dune area, 37-16 Emergency activity, 37-20 — 37-29 Enactment, 37-1 Environmental review, 37-46 Erosion protection structures, 37-18 Establishment, 37-10 Fees, 37-32, 37-40 Findings, 37-5 General provisions, 37-1— 37-9 Interpretation, 37-43 Near shore area, 37-14 Notices, 37-21, 37-22 Penalties for offenses, 37-47 Permits, 37-11, 37-12, 37-40 Procedure, 37-50 Purpose, 37-4 Regulations, 37-10 — 37-19 Structural hazard area, 37-13 Title, 37-2 8-20-2003 C • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Cooperative housing corporation trans- fers, 6-110 Costs and expenses, 6-135 Credit, 6-105 Definitions, 6-75 Deposit and disposition of revenue, 6-130 Designation of agent by County Treas- urer, 6-115 Determination of tax, 6-145 Exemptions from tax, 6-95 Hearings, 6-145 Imposition of tax, 6-80 Inspections, 6-160 Interest, 6-155 Intergovernmental agreement authority, 6-165 Judicial review, 6-135 Liability, 6-90,6-120, 6-130,6-145 Liens, 6-150 Notices, 6-135, 6-145 Overpayment or underpayment, 6-130 Payment of tax, 6-85 Penalties for offenses, 6-155 Proceedings to recover tax due, 6-150 Recording Officer, 6-115, 6-120 Records, 6-85 Referendum requirement, 6-175 Refunds, 6-125 Remedies, 6-145 Return, filing of, 6-85 Town Supervisor, petition to, 6-145 Use of tax, 6-80 Warrants, 6-150 _U_ UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE Accessory buildings, 45-8 Buildings, demolition of, 45-8 Farm buildings, 45-8 Fees, 45-8 Hotels and motels, 45-8 Signs, 45-8 Single-family dwellings, 45-8 Swimming pools, 45-8 UNSAFE BUILDINGS Unsafe premises prohibited, 90-3 UTILITIES Flood damage prevention, 46-16 Site plan approval, 100-252 —V— VARIANCES Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-30 — 37-39 Flood damage prevention, 46-23 Site plan approval, 100-254 VEHICLES Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Fire wells, 92-47 Parking, 92-47, 92-49 — 92-49.4, 92-61 Truck traffic restricted, 92-60 VEHICLES, MOTOR -DRIVEN, see MOTOR -DRIVEN VEHICLES VETERANS' EXEMPTION Amount of exemption, 85-8 Taxation, 85-7, 85-8 VIBRATIONS Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS AND AMBULANCE WORK- ERS, TAX EXEMPTION FOR Amount, 85-10 Applicability, 85-11 Exemption granted, 85-10 Qualifications, 85-10 Residency requirements, 85-10 Taxation, 85-10, 85-11 —W— WATERSKIING Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-5 WEIGHT LIMWS Truck traffic restricted, 92-60 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Airport regulations, 100-166 Antennas, 100-165 SI -15 Appearance, 100-166 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-165 Collocation, 100-165 Commercial districts, 100-162, 100-166 Design standards, 100-165 Fences, 100-165 Height regulations, 100-162 Historic buildings and districts, 100-164 8-20-2003 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Industrial districts, 100-162 Landscaping, 100-166 Lighting, 100-165 Location of use, 100-162 Marine districts, 100-162 Nonconforming uses, 100-168 Removal, 100-168 Residential districts, 100-162 Screening, 100-166 Setbacks, 100-165 Signs, 100-165 Special exception uses, 100-163 Towers, 100-162,100-165, 100-166 Trees, 100-162, 100-166 Zoning, 100-160 —100-169 —Z— ZONING Adoption of Local Laws, 14-6 Affordable Housing (AHD) District, 100-50 —100-59 Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31, 100-281 Definitions, 100-25 Exceptions, 100-25 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-220 — 100-226 General Business (B) District, 100-100 —100-103 Health care facilities, 100-31 Hearings, 100-26 Home professional office, 100-31 Life care community, 100-31 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-140 — 100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District, 100-130 — 100-133 Lighting, 100-239-5 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-80— 100-83 Lots, 100-24,100-25 Merger, 100-25 Merger, waiver of, 100-26 Notice of public hearing, 100-292 Outdoor storage, 100-239.6, 100-239.7 Sale of local produce, 100-31 Site plan approval, 100-250 —100-256 Wireless communication facilities, 100-160 —100-169 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Flood damage prevention, 46-22 SI -16 8-20-2003 is •