HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 Code Supplement - 02/25/2004GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS CORP. INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 142 ® The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of .the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. is REMOVE Table of Contents, ix—x 1007-1008 8501 — 8504 8507-8508 9205— 9206 9206.1 10096.7 —10096.8 10096.8.1 Supplemental Index, SI-5—SI-6 INSERT Table of Contents, ix—x 1007 -1008 1008.1 3901 — 3904 8501 — 850.4 8504.1 8507 —8508 9205 —9206 9206.1 10096.7 =10096.8 10096.8.1 Supplemental Index, SI-5—SI-6 Supplemental Index, SI -6.1 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 25-2003; 26-2003; '27-2003; 2-2004; 4-2004; 5-2004. 2-25-2004 C • TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 37. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas ............ 3701 38. Dogs .................................... 3801 Article I General Regulations Article II Fees 39. (Reserved) ................................ 3901 40. (Reserved) ............................... 4001 41. Ducks ................................... 4101 42. (Reserved) ............................... 4201 43. Electrical Inspections .................... 4301 44. Environmental Quality Review .......... 4401 44A. Filming ................................. 44A01 45. Fire Prevention and Building Code, Uniform ................................ 4501 Fishers Island Harbor Management — See Ch. 33 46. Flood Damage Prevention ................. 4601 47. Farm Stands ............................ 4701 48. Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse ............ 4801 49. Highway Defects, Notice of ............... 4901 50. (Reserved) ............................... 5001 51. (Reserved) ............................... 5101 52. (Reserved) ............................... 5201 53. (Reserved) ............................... 5301 54. Junkyards .............................. 5401 55. (Reserved) ............................... 5501 56. Landmark Preservation .................. 5601 1X 3-15-2001 SOUTHOLD CODE CHAPTER PAGE 57. Littering ................................ 5701 Motor -Driven Vehicles — See Ch. 60 58. Notice of Public Hearing .. . ............. 5801 59. Open Space Preservation ................ 5901 • 60. Motor -Driven Vehicles ................... 6001 61. (Reserved) ............................... 6101 62. Parks and Recreation Areas ............... 6201 Article I Use Regulations and Restrictions 63. (Reserved) ............................... 6301 64. (Reserved) ............................... 6401 65. Parking at Beaches ...................... 6501 66. (Reserved) ............................... 6601 67. Peace and Good Order ................... 6701 Article I Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages ' 68. (Reserved) ............................... 6801 69. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants ........................ 6901 70. (Reserved) ............................... 7001 71. Public Entertainment and Special Events.................................. 7101 72. Records Management .................... 7201 73. Records, Public Access to ................ 7301 74. Salvaging Centers ....................... 7401 • 75. Scavenger Wastes ........................ 7501 76. Sewers ................................... 7601 Article I Sewer Use Article II Rents and Charges A 3-15-2001 § 10-6 ETHICS, CODE OF § 10-10 failing to act on the matter may financially benefit any of the persons listed in § 10-5 of this chapter. § 10-7. Recusal procedure. Whenever a town officer or employee is required to recuse • himself or herself under this Code of Ethics: A. He or she shall promptly inform his or her superior, if any. B. A member of a board shall state the general nature and extent of the conflict of interest upon the public record of the board. C. He or she shall immediately refrain from participating further in the matter. § 10-8. Gifts. No town official or employee or member of any official or employee's family shall, directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or receive any gift under circumstances from which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him or her in the performance of his or her official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his or her part. § 10-9. Representation. A town officer or employee shall not represent any other person in any matter that said person has before the town nor represent any other person in any matter against the interest of • the town. § 10-10. Appearances. A town officer or employee shall not appear before or exert influence over any board or department of the town, except on his or her own behalf or on behalf of the town. 1007 3-25-95 i § 10-11 SOUTHOLD CODE § 10-15 § 10-11. Confidential information. Town officers and employees and former town officers and employees shall not disclose any confidential information or use it to further anyone's personal interests. § 10-12. Political solicitation. A town officer or employee shall not knowingly request, or • knowingly authorize anyone else to request, any subordinate of the officer or employee to participate in any election campaign or contribute to a political committee. § 10-13. Revolving door. A town officer or employee shall not appear or practice before the town as to particular matters on which the town officer or employee personally worked while in town service, unless acting in response to a request by the appropriate official for the sole purpose of providing information. A town officer or employee shall not appear or practice before the board or de- partment in which he or she previously served, except on his or her own behalf, for a period of one (1) year after the termination of his or her municipal service or employment. § 10-14. Inducement of others and bribery. A town officer or employee shall not induce or aid another officer or employee of the town to violate any of the provisions of this Code of Ethics. § 10-15. Exclusion from Code of Ethics. • The provisions of Article II shall not prohibit or require recusal as a result of the following: 1008 3-25-95 Mr., W.W91830 Chapter 85 TAXATION ' ARTICLE I Senior Citizen Exemption ARTICLE I Senior Citizen Exemption § 85-1. Partial exemption for senior citizens. _ § 85-2. Conditions. § 85-3. Applications. § 85-4. Reapplications. § 85-5. Penalties for offenses. § 85-5.1. Notice. ARTICLE II Business Investment Exemption § 85-6. Exemption repealed. ARTICLE III Veterans' Exemption • § 85-7. Purpose. § 85-8. Amount of exemption. / 8501 5-15-2003 § 85-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 85-1 ARTICLE IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income § 85-9. Exemption granted. ARTICLE V Exemption for Volunteer Fire -Fighters and Ambulance Workers § 85-10. Exemption granted; amount; qualifications. § 85-11. Applicability. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] ARTICLE I Senior Citizen Exemption [Adopted 4-20-19711 § 85-1. Partial exemption for senior citizens. [Amended 3-12-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985; 2-2-1993 by L.L. No. 2-1993; 12-27-1994 by L.L. No. 31-1994; 5-28-1996 by L.L. No. 9-1996; 2-4-1997 by L.L. No. 3-1997; 2-29-1998 by L.L. No. 1-19981 A. Amount of exemption. (1) Real property owned by one or more persons, each of whom is 65 years of age or over, or real property • owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, shall be exempt from Town taxes to the extent provided, subject to the following income limitations: [Amended 9-29-1998 by L.L. No. 16-1998; 1-30-2001 by L.L. No. 3-2001; 3-25-2003 by L.L. No. 6-20031 8502 5 -15 -.2003 § 85-1 TAXATION § 85-1 Income Extent of Exemption Up to $21,499 50% $21,500 to $22,499 45% $22,500 to $23,499 40% $23,500 to $24,499 35% $24,500 to $25,399 30% $25,400 to $26,299 25% $26,300 to $27,199 20% $27,200 to $28,099 15% $28,100 to $28,999 10% $29,000 to $29,899 5% (2) Such exemption shall be computed after all other partial exemptions allowed by law have been subtracted from the total amount assessed. B. The real property tax exemption on real property owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, once granted, shall not be rescinded solely because of the death of the older spouse, so long as the surviving spouse is at least 62 years of age. C. The above income shall be calculated as described in Real Property Tax Law § 467 and shall include social security and retirement benefits, interest, dividends, total gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset which may be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset in the same income tax year, net rental income, salary or earnings, and net income from self-employment, but shall not include a return of capital, gifts, inheritances, payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution as defined in P.L. 103-286 or moneys • earned through employment in the federal foster grandparent program, and any such income shall be offset by all medical and prescription drug expenses actually paid which were not reimbursed or paid by insurance. 8502.1 5-15-2003 § 85-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 85-2 § 85-2. Conditions. [Amended 3-12-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985] No exemption shall be granted: A. If the income of the owner or the combined income of the owners of the property for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of making application for exemption exceeds the sum of twenty-one thousand two (Cont'd on page 8503) • 8502.2 5-15-2003 i § 85-2 TAXATION § 85-2 hundred ninety-nine dollars ($21,299.). "Income tax year" shall mean the twelve-month period for which the owner or owners filed a personal income tax return or, if no return is filed, the calendar year. Where title is vested in either the husband or the wife, their combined income may not exceed such sum. Such income shall include social security and retirement benefits; interest; dividends; total gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset, which may be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset in the same income tax year; net rental income; salary or earnings; and the net income from self-employment, but not including a return of capital, gifts or inheritances. In computing net rental income and net income from self-employment, no depreciation deduction shall be allowed for the exhaustion, wear and tear of real or personal property held for the production of income. [Amended 4-5-1988 by L.L. No. 7-1988; 2-6-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990; 3-27-1990 by L.L. No. 3-1990; 2-2-1993 by L.L. No. 2-1993; 12-27-1994 by L.L. No. 31-19941 B. Unless the title of the property shall have been vested in the owner or one (1) of the owners of the property for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive months prior to the date of making application for exemption; provided, however, that in the event of the death of either a husband or wife in whose name title of the property shall have been vested at the time of death, and then becomes vested solely in the survivor by virtue of devise by or descent from the deceased husband or wife, the time of ownership of the property by the deceased husband or wife shall be deemed also a time of ownership by the survivor, and such ownership shall be deemed continuous for the purposes of computing such period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months, and provided further that in the event of a transfer by either a husband or wife to the other spouse of all or part of the title to the property, the time of ownership of the property by the transfer or spouse shall be deemed also a time of ownership by the transferee spouse, and such 8503 2-25-95 § 85-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 85-3 ownership shall be deemed continuous for the purposes of computing such period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months, and provided further that where property of the owner or owners has been acquired to replace property formerly owned by such owner or owners and taken by eminent domain or other involuntary proceedings, except a tax sale, the period of ownership of the former property shall be combined with the period of ownership of the is property for which application is made for exemption and such periods of ownership shall be deemed to be consecutive for purposes of this Article. Where a residence is sold and replaced with another within the state, the period of ownership of both properties shall be deemed consecutive for the purposes of this Article. C. Unless the property is used exclusively for residential purposes. D. Unless the real property is the legal residence of and is occupied in whole or in part by the owner or by all of the owners of the property. § 85-3. Applications. . Applications for such exemption must be made by the owner or all of the owners of the property, on forms prescribed by the State Board, to be furnished by the appropriate assessing authority, and shall furnish the information and be executed in the manner required or prescribed in such forms and shall be (Cont'd on page 8505) 8504 2-25-95 § 85-7 TAXATION § 85-8 ARTICLE III Veterans' Exemption [Adopted 6-27-1995 by L.L. No. 14-19951 § 85-7. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to maintain the ratio of the amount of the veterans' exemption to the assessed valuation of property on which the exemption was granted when the ratio may change as a result of a revaluation or update of assessments, as authorized by Paragraph (a) of Subdivision 5 of § 458 of the Real Property Tax Law. § 85-8. Amount of exemption. A. If the total assessed value of real property for which an exemption has been granted pursuant to § 458 of the Real Property Tax Law has been increased or decreased as a result of a revaluation or update of assessments in the Town of Southold, and a material change in level of assessment has been certified by the State Board of Real Property Services for the assessment roll on which such property is assessed, the Assessor shall increase or decrease the amount of such exemption by multiplying the amount of such exemption by the percentage change in level of assessment. B. In accordance with Paragraph (a) of Subdivision 5 of such § 458, if the Assessor receives the certification from the State Board after the final assessment roll has been filed, the Assessor shall certify the amount of the recomputed exemption to.the officer having custody and • control of the roll, who is directed and authorized by such statute to enter the recomputed exemption on the roll. 8507 5-15-2003 § 85-9 SOUTHOLD CODE § 85-9 ARTICLE IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income [Adopted 5-12-1998 by L.L. No. 7-19981 § 85-9. Exemption granted. A. Real property owned by a person with disabilities whose income is limited by such disabilities, and used as the legal residence of such person, shall be entitled to a partial exemption from taxation to the extent of 50% of assessed valuation. B. To be eligible for the exemption authorized by such § 459-c and implemented by this article, the maximum income of such person shall not exceed $21,500. Any such person having a higher income shall be eligible for exemption in accordance with the following schedule: [Amended 4-11-2000 by L.L. No. 8-2000; 2-13-2001 by. L.L. No. 4-2001; 3-25-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003] Percentage Assessed Valuation Exempt Annual Income From Taxation Up to $21,499 50% $21,500 to $22,499 45% $22,500 to $23,499 40% $23,500 to $24,499 35% $24,500 to $25,399 30% $25,400 to $26,299 25% $26,300 to $27,199 20% $27,200 to $28,099 15% $28,100 to $28,999 10% $29,000 to $29,899 5% • (Cont'd on page 8509) 8508 .5-15-2003 I 9205 10-30-98 1 § 92-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Airway Drive [Repealed 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-19801 Albo Drive West Bray Avenue Mattituck (north end) Albo Drive West Bray Avenue Mattituck • (south end) Aldrich Lane North Second Avenue Mattituck Aquaview West Rocky Point East Avenue Road Marion Atlantic North Champlin Greenport Avenue Place Azalea Road West Cardinal Drive Mattituck [Added 10-13-1998 by L.L. No. 17-1998] Bailey North Champlin Greenport Avenue Place Bailie Beach East Reeve Avenue Mattituck Road Bayer Road West Wickham Mattituck Avenue Baywater West South Harbor Southold Avenue Road Beach Road East Manhanset Greenport [Added Avenue - 7 -31-1990 by • L.L. No. 15-1990] 9205 10-30-98 1 9206 10-30-98 § 92-30 SOUTHOLD CODE § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Beckwith North Traveler Southold Avenue Street [Added 9-23-1986 by L.L. No. • 8-1986] Beebe Drive East Eugene's Road Cutchogue Bennet Road East Middleton Greenport [Added Road 3-10-1992 by L.L. No. 6-19921 Bergen East Cox Neck Road Mattituck Avenue Bergen South Sound Avenue Mattituck Avenue - Betts Street South East Road Cutchogue Birch Drive South Peconic Bay Laurel Boulevard Booth Place North Wilmarth Greenport Avenue Booth Place South Washington Greenport Avenue Booth Road North Soundview Southold Avenue Bray Avenue South Peconic Bay Laurel Boulevard • Breakwater South Cox Neck Road Mattituck Road Broadwaters North Skunk Lane Cutchogue Drive (Bay Avenue) 9206 10-30-98 • § 92-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Broadwaters North Mason Drive Cutchogue Drive and [Added south 9-12-2000 by L.L. No. 16-2000] Broadwaters South Vanston Road Cutchogue Road Brower Road East Grand Avenue Mattituck Bungalow West Marratooka Mattituck Lane Lane (Cont'd on page 9207) 9206.1 11-15-2000 B. [Amended 4-28-1997 by L.L. No. 6-19971 Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception 10096.7 12-20-2002 § 100-141 ZONING § 100-141 (2) Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. (3) Wholesale businesses, private warehousing and public warehousing, and building material storage and sale, but excluding storage of coal, coke, fuel oil • or junk. [Amended 11-19-2002 by L.L. No. 7-2002] (4) Building, electrical and plumbing contractor's businesses or yards. (5) Cold storage plants, baking and other food processing and packaging plants that are not offensive, obnoxious or detrimental to neighboring uses by reason of dust, smoke, vibration, noise, odor or effluent. (6) Office buildings for businesses, governmental and professional uses, including'administrative training, data processing, publication, financial and sales offices. (7) Telephone exchanges. (8) Wineries as regulated by § 100-101A(11). (9) Auto repair shop. (10) Repair shop (not including auto and marine). (11) Custom workshop. (12) Machine and equipment workshop. (13) Light industrial uses. (14) Publishing and printing plants. (15) Boat building, servicing and storage, excluding wholesale and retail sales of boats and accessories. B. [Amended 4-28-1997 by L.L. No. 6-19971 Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception 10096.7 12-20-2002 § 100-141 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-141 by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: (1) Research, design or development laboratories, provided that any manufacturing shall be limited to prototypes and products for testing. (2) Laundry or dry-cleaning plants, subject to the • following conditions: (a) All processes and storage shall be carried on within an enclosed building. (b) All fluids used in processing shall be recycled, and the overall facility shall be designed, located and operated to protect surface waters and the groundwater from pollution. (3) Light industrial uses, subject to the following conditions: (a) No such process or operation shall involve the handling, storage or discharge of explosives or permit upon the premises any virus or other type of infectious organisms identified with diseases of animals or humans. (b) No offensive noises, gases, fumes, smoke, odors, dust, effluent or vibrations shall emanate from such use and no waste products shall be discharged therefrom of a character to create a nuisance or to be injurious to health or to negatively impact groundwater. (c) Such processes shall involve the use of only oil, gas or electricity for fuel. (4) Conference facilities, subject to the following conditions: (a) Where rooms are provided for conference attendees, said rooms are permitted as set forth and regulated by § 100-61B(4) of the Resort Residential (RR) District. 10096.8 12-20-2002 • • § 100-141 ZONING § 100-141 (5) Public utility structures and uses. (Cont'd on page 10096.9) 10096.8.1 12-20-2002 • C SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Records, 72-3 Records center, 72-3 Records disposition, 72-3 Records management, 72-3 Recreational facilities, 100-13 Recreational vehicles, 46-4 Recyclable, mandated, 48-1 Recyclable, other, 48-1 Recyclable wood, 48-1 Regulated activity, 37-6 Relative, 10-2 Restaurant, formula food, 100-13 Restaurant, take-out, 100-13 Restoration, 37-6 Retaining wall, 100-13 Rural significance, 22-3 Salvage center, 74-1 Scalp net, 77-201 Scenic significance, 22-3 School, 86-2 Secondary dune, 37-6 Servicing, 72.3 Shopping centers, 100-13 Significant fish and wildlife habitat, 37-6 Smokeless tobacco, 86-2 Solicitors, 69-1 Specialty prop -craft, 32-31 Street, 84-2 Structural hazard area, 37-6 Structure, 37-6, 100-13 Style of architecture, 56-3 Subordinate of a town officer or em- ployee, 10-2 Substantial damage, 46-4 Telecommunication tower, 100-13 Tobacco, 86-2 Tobacco product, 86-2 Tobacco product advertisement, 86-2 Toe, 37-6 Town, 6-75 Town garbage bag, 48-2 Town officer or employee, 10-2 Town Supervisor, 6-75 Transfer station, 48-1 Transient retail business, 69-1 Treasurer (County Treasurer), 6-75 Unregulated activity, 37-6 Utilities, 100-51 Vegetation, 37-6 Wetland boundary or boundaries of wetland, 97-13 Wireless communication facility, 100-13 Wireless communications, 100-13 DESIGN STANDARDS Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 DISABLED PERSONS WITH LDHTED INCOME, TAX EX- EMPTION FOR Taxation, 85-9 DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Ethics, Code of, 10-11, 10-16 —10-18.1 DRAINAGE Highway specifications, A108-27, A108-29 — A108-33, A108-36 Site plan approval, 100-252 DRIVEWAYS Highway specifications, A108-40 DUST Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 —E— EMERGENCIES Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-20 — 37-29 EMERGENCY VEHICLES Motor -driven vehicles, 60-5 ETHICS BOARD Appointments, 10-19 Establishment, 10-19 Ethics, Code of, 10-19 —10-23 Inspections, 10-23 Investigations, 10-21 Membership, 10-19 Powers and duties, 10-20 Qualifications, 10-19 Records, 10-23 Removal, 10-19 Review of lists and disclosure state- ments, 10-22 Terms of office, 10-19 ETHICS, CODE OF Appearances, 10-10 Confidential information, 10-11 Conflict of interest, 10-4, 10-7 Debarment, 10-26 Definitions, 10-2 SI -5 8-20-2003 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Disclosure of interest, 10-11, 10-16- 10-18.1 Ethics Board, 10-19 — 10-23 Exclusion from Code of Ethics, 10-15 General prohibition, 10-5 Gifts, 10-8 Goal, 10-3 Inducement of others and bribery, 10-14 Legislative intent, 10-1 Officers and employees, 10-1 —10-26 Penalties for offenses, 10-24 Political solicitation, 10-12 Recusal, 10-6, 10-7 Representation, 10-9 Revolving door, 10-13 Voidable contracts, 10-25 EXCAVATIONS Highway specifications, A108-18 —F— FAIRS, see PUBLIC ENTERTAIN- MENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS FALSE ALARMS ' Alarm systems, 24-5, 24-6 FARM BUILDINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 FARMLAND BILL OF RIGHTS Definitions, 100-221 Dust, 100-222 Enforcement, 100-225 Noise, 100-222 Notice by brokers and agents, right to, 100-224 Notice provided by town agencies, right to, 100-223 Nuisances, 100-222 Odors, 100-222 Penalties for offenses, 100-225 Protected farm practices, right to un- dertake, 100-222 Right to farm, 100-220 Smoke, 100-222 Vibrations, 100-222 Zoning, 100-220 —100-226 FARM STANDS Accessory uses, 47-3 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 47-3 Fees, 47-4 Greenhouse,47-3 Nonconforming uses, 47-5 Parking, 47-3 Penalties for offenses, 47-6 Permits, 47-2 — 47-4 Setbacks, 47-3 Topsoil protection, 47-3 FEES Accessory buildings, 45-8 Alarm systems, 24-6 Bed -and -breakfast, 100-281 Buildings, demolition of, 45-8 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-32, 37-40 Farm buildings, 45-8 Farm stands, 47-4 Filming, 44A-3 —44A -6,44A-13 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6, 33-8, 33-12 Flood damage prevention, 46-12 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2 Hotels and motels, 45-8 Night fishing parking permit, 92-42 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-4,69-9 Public entertainment, 100-274 Public entertainment and special events, 71-1 Salvaging centers, 74-3 Signs,45-8 Single-family dwellings, 45-8 Site plan approval, 100-256 Special events, 100-274 Swimming pools, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 FENCES Highway specifications, A108-42 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 FILMING Applications, 44A-3 Certificate of insurance, 44A-3 Cleanup deposit, 44A-5 Compliance with other laws, 44A-10 Exemption, 44A-2 Fees, 44A-3 — 44A -6,44A-13 Insurance, 44A-11 Liability, 44A-3, 44A-11 No alterations to town property, 44A-9 No donations accepted, 44A-7 Notices, 44A -4,44A-5 SI -6 8-20-2003 is •