HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 Code Supplement - 02/15/2005GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS CORP. INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 146 • The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume., REMOVE INSERT • Table of Contents, - Table of Contents, xi - xii - xi - xii 8303-8310 8303-8310 8509-8511 - 8509-8511 9209 -9210 9209- 9210 9210.1 - 9210.1 9216.10.1 — 9216.10.1 10008.1 =�- 10008.1 10034.1 - 10034.2 10034.1 - 10034.2 10149 -10158 10149 -10158 10158.1-10158.3 — 10158.1-10158.10 --- DL Divider Page (in front of Index Divider Page) --- DL:1 (following DL Divider Page) Supplemental Index, Supplemental Index, SI -1 -SI -21 _ SI -1 -SI -21 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 23-2004; 24-2004; 25-2004; 26-2004; 27-2004; 1-2005. 02-15-2005 X1 12-15-2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 77. Shellfish ............................. 7701 Article I Catching of Shrimp Article II Taking of Shellfish and Eels 78. (Reserved) ............................... 7801 79. (Reserved) ............................... 7901 • 80. Sidewalks ............................... 8001 81. Soil Removal ............................ 8101 82. (Reserved) ............................... 8201 83. Street Excavations ...................... 8301 84. Street Numbering, Addresses ............. 8401 Subdivision of Land — See Ch. A106 85. Taxation................................ 8501 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans' Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers 86. Tobacco Advertising ................... 8601 87. (Reserved) ............................... 8701 88. Tourist and Trailer Camps ............... 8801 Article I General Regulations Article II Recreational Vehicle Parks 89. Unlicensed Motor-Driven Vehicles ........ 8901 90., Unsafe Buildings ........................ 9001 • 91. 92. (Reserved) .......... Vehicles and Traffic ..•..........•.......• 9101 9201 Vehicles, Motor-Driven — See Ch. 60 93. (Reserved) . ............................. 9301 94. (Reserved) ............................... 9401 X1 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD CODE CHAPTER PAGE 95. Waterfront Consistency Review ........... 9501 96. (Reserved) ............................... 9601 97. Wetlands and Shoreline .................. 9701 98. Housing Fund ........................... 9801 99. (Reserved) ................................ 9901 100. Zoning .................................. 10001 101. Zoning (continued) ...................... 10101 102. (Reserved) ............................... 10201 103. (Reserved) ............................... 10301 104. (Reserved) ............................... 10401 APPENDIX A105. Grievance Procedures ................. A10501 A106. Subdivision of Land ................... A10601 A107. Police Department Rules and Regulations ........................... A10701 A108. Highway Specifications ................ A10801 INDEX X11 12-15-2004 • C7 § 83-4 STREET EXCAVATIONS § 83-6 A. The name and address of the applicant. B. A reasonably adequate description of the proposed work and the reason therefor, including a description of the location of the proposed work. C. A statement as to the time when such work wi11 be com- menced and an estimate of the time when such work,shall be fully completed and the highway restored to its previous con- dition as nearly as may be feasible. D. A time schedule showing when various portions of the work will be done. E. A reference to the legal authority of the applicant to perform the proposed work in the public highway. F. An estimate of the cost of the proposed work, including such detail as may be specified by the Superintendent. G. Such other information as the Superintendent shall deem pertinent to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. i § 83-5. Insurance coverage. No permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have filed with the Superintendent evidence that the town has been named as a. primary insured under any insurance policy extending bodily injury and property damage coverage to the town in amounts of three hundred thousand/five hundred thousand dollars ($300,000./$500,000.) for bodily injury and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.) for property damage, caused by or attributable to the work to be performed by the applicant, such insurance coverage to be written by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of New York. § 83-6. Bonds. A. No permit shall be issued to any applicant until the applicant has posted with the Superintendent a surety bond or certified check in such amount the Superintendent may determine nec- essary to cover the probable expense to the town of replace- ment by the town of any highway to its former condition and 8303 _ 9-25-8M § 83-6 SOUTHOLD CODE § 83-7 to guarantee the performance by the applicant of any of the conditions contained in the permit and compliance with this chapter. B. The above bond requirements shall include provision for maintenance by way of a maintenance bond, which bond shall have a duration of two (2) years from the date of completion of the work under the permit, in case of all excavations with a depth of eighteen (18) inches or less, and a duration of three (3) years from the date of the completion of the work under the permit for all excavations with a depth greater than eighteen (18) inches. § 83-7. Fees. A. Each application for a permit hereunder shall be accompa- nied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.) therefor, to be paid to the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold. Permit fees for permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be as follows: _1 (1) .Twenty dollars ($20.) for each service connection excava- tion. Additional excavations made in connection with the same service connection excavation shall be charged at the rate of ten dollars ($10.) for each additional excava- tion. (2) Ten dollars ($10.) for the first one hundred (100) linear feet or any part thereof of,street excavations and ten cents ($0.10) per linear foot thereafter for all excavation eighteen (18) inches in depth or less. (3) . Thirty dollars ($30.) for the first one hundred (100) lin- ear feet or part thereof of street excavation and thirty cents ($0.30) per linear foot thereafter for all excavations between eighteen (18) inches and five (5) feet in depth. (4) Fifty dollars ($50.) for the first one hundred (100) linear feet or part thereof of street excavation and fifty cents ($0.50) per linear foot thereafter for all excavations five (5) feet in depth and over. [Amended 5-17-88 by L.L. No. 13-19881 - 8304 9-25-8H 9'83-7 STkigtT EXCAVATIONS :§ 83-10 '(5) -Ten dollars ($10.) for each utility fepgir:oxdAvation And live.Atillai-9 05.) for each additiohAl.;6jccaVAti6n made in -conjundildhvith said repair. B. The aforementioned fees shall be paid to the Toiwn Clerk prior to the�igsuahce of ihe,perrnit. • _99=8; -,N6ticeU'JPdbfte utilities. th6'•Sdperiht6ndent­ shall require. any -person �ffiakink a highway excavation puigiMht to pe r1mit granted hereunto,to,give written -no- tice,of such, "oxedvdtionto public 'service companies Or municipal-dis- A,ridts IhVirig Iffids, mains or other property 'in the streets, And no work shall:be commenced or dorie-uridbr such peftnit until such ke- -,-quiroment of notice has been `fully complied with. Proof of mailing of ,Auch-notice in the form of -a -sworn statement shalLbe 'filedvith-the ,application: A A4y..00i-soh iniikihg.,,qn:excavation piijrgtitiit;tb this, chapter shall iefo&d sultable�barti6r, 6fr,,9iiafd 1or tfie.pi-btedti6n .6f,per'sons ;usi n-9 =the ,.qtre0t§-:or - sidow- klks and, in :addition ihefotoi, AAH -§6t; ..up .and IthAifitaiiih,dur"ift, the'1ours,of,darkhegs stiffidient Ilkhi§or flafbs or fbtMk6hectivo %AfnHdAde§'to properily'illuminate -or .delineate ;the Y*otk:Area ah-d-ghall dl§6',,thke all nbde8sai.-y-pfeeaUti6fis,fok ihe"pro- A6di6h:bf ihd;tdWft.'and :df public service. -companies orithuhidiDdl dig= u i t8 --an Adi6iiiiiiig,propoky owners -and others -whith-Jhi4ghf-be eh- - . d dAnget6d -by such excavations or -;the work incident th&ttd:An'd,§hM1 �dbihply with-�itii,,�ditiodtioiig;gi,v'en by :t& §fidh bitkii&§, - lights; flares, Ahd,ptUbdfiwT rheiigutog. Permit requirements.3 A." 6oininencement of work. Work under the pbrffiit shall be cbmthenced, within -thirty (86) days ,frornthe- date. of potml and continued ins an expeditious manner. 8305 9 - M - 85 § 83-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 83-10 B. Construction. (1) When working on any town road, no pavement cuts or trenches are to be left uncovered or unfilled overnight, except in emergencies, and in such cases adequate pre- cautions must be exercised to protect traffic. (2) When working on any town road, contractors must com- plete final backfilling (See Subsection E hereof.) of any trench within eighteen (18) days from the day of opening. (3) All pipes or mains crossing highway pavements shall, wherever possible, be driven beneath the roadway with-. out disturbance to the pavement. The point of driving shall not be less than five (5) feet from the edge of pave- ment. Such crossover pipes shall, whenever possible, be enclosed in sleeves or larger pipes so that repairs or re- placements may be made without further disturbance of the roadway pavement. (4) If the boring method in the driving of crossover pipes is - found to be impracticable, the Superintendent shall be consulted to determine the manner of placing the pipe by the open -cut method. This request is to be made in writing to the Superintendent and may be granted upon such conditions as deemed necessary and proper under the circumstances. C. Excavations; method and type of opening. (1) Openings in concrete roads shall have a minimum width of five (5) feet. (2) No roads are to be tunneled, but pipe may be driven or trenched across. (3) All openings are to be made either by pinwheel trench- ing machine or saw cutting, as specified in the permit. D. Restoration of excavation; temporary patching. Upon comple- tion of the final backfilling, if final pavement replacing is not to be accomplished within twenty (20) days from day of open- ing, then the trench will be brought to within two (2) inches of road level and then paved with two (2) inches of asphaltic 8306 9-25-85 §.i83"1011 ST-REET"EXCAVATIONS- §`8310 concrete.twithinAwenty, (20) days of opening,,, which; shall" bib, - pl-deed-ta&,&.kt,6r,ftpprar.y,surface,in :any,paveraentiopeningAand ' d shall.',b6imaiyit9ineditothe"..same, grade..as.,adjacent-,P&Y.ement-.-. E.- Procedure,,f6i-=,fihal,'backfilling. : Cl&an! fill' will, be•used,.!an&i the trench �shall :be: compacted. in,twelve-inch-!Iifltg,,with..either,f - vibratory.SoiFcompactors or, by suitable. hydraulic. compaction :,, by water jettirig:at�thtee7fobt intervals.:. F!..,Final �,pavem.ent:keplaciiigi- Cdher.ete.,,.--,,Miriim'um--siie replacements:,in:concrete.,ortas-,,, phalV on -,concrete base-Ishal-i:beiten,;by4ten,.(10 feet;4. or; -as;, -directed.' In,!.alPtases,.if"the Aen-by-ten-fdot...,,re-- placement, is -within :five (5)_ feet, -of. a. joint,, the =replace- ment.,must extend to-theJoint. Concrete openings.shall- be saw. -cut, and the -.mix,:shall i,be:.highiearly,- New, York State. Specifi6ations. Class:F; latest revision.: (2)1,,, Aspbklt,,,i,The,.trench; :shall,!,,,be.compge.tedi.,, to . iwithi f r e '" 6U ;;I- (4)i,in'ch6s:;of,.,l,th-o,troadt'surfitce,,Th'&f,exigting.,-AspbLa,I-t,i:su.rrl-, face ,shAllAh6nfb& cubbac.,kiattleast-,twe lve,(12),inch6s.L;ony.,, either sidd of.,the :undisturbed-, subkra&,At, ,the�di§cre-,-,­ tion­of,,:tU.,Su eri ntendent,:. th&.zontdat-,�surfaces;n, the:.I.,� I P_ i - patch e'd,,.'surface,, and/or,.,. adjac.ent),:p4vementLs.,!edgf?$,,shall.!"i biepAinted i and sealed )xdth iapproved!.i bituminous,and/Pri bluestdne.,,material, bbfdre-,,or,7afthr.;placing,th6 :courseiof.;.,' aspbAlti,which -,'shaIlLibe-.foiir.{4)."�,inch6.5,of>Nibw,Y6rks'StiiW�..-. Sp Pcif icatibn ,BY`: h6t.,o,pldnb,,mii.,.,- This�l-leourse„,:sh'hll),i'be,,,- roll6d4',Wiftan , ei4.bt4o7.tenttdn,,roll6raandT.§urfdeeovaria ;� tions 4h exqess,of., 6 ne4obrth(1/), inch ,;.shhlll be telifninhate&l or,thia,�p.avipmQpt,.reldid,,-). (3);, If-,iedmporar.y-,,,p?,tchiiig,;isk;.notk,accompiish6d;+,!'fiiiali�aveI.. • ment,.mustaIJ6. Pompldted 4,ithih,,tWenty ilig.�,if,",,tempgrar.y�,,p,atch'irig,is_.accomlighWghsts ewei fiKi, P, _ then,-fiiial4pavement.reDIdeirig:mustb6,,comp_ldt,e'd--i-Withili,-,, thir,ty,r(30).',,ddys-hof..,'temporaryvp?Ltr,hing5L-on-tw�ithiiivsuchi.-i additii)nal',.,'time..-as.s•may...b6.,,authbriieds,'bk,.-,the S'U-ppriti-,-i, te'ndentitat= his- discretion; ,uppn:applio-'ati6n:, G:;, Shoulder areas., -If the-trenchwork is in the,ea.rth6wshbulderl, of the: roadway,;, thoni proper compaction i as,_outlined, in; Sub -, 8307 9 --25'7 85 '. § 83-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 83-11 section E above will apply, with the addition of a covering of sod or grass seeding as specified by the Superintendent. H. Traffic control. (1) Maintenance and protection of traffic. Traffic is to be maintained at all times during the progress of this work. Adequate signs, barricades and lights, necessary to pro= tect the public, shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Flagmen to direct traffic shall be employed continuously during periods when only one- way traffic shall be maintained or when equipment is operated in the pavement area. (2) No construction material or equipment shall be left on the pavement after working hours, nor shall any con- struction equipment or materials be placed in any manner or location that will obstruct highway or railroad warn- ing signs. (3) Barricades, whether sidewalk or roadway area, shall be prominently displayed. For police convenience the ad- dress and telephone number of twenty -four-hour availa- bility of someone who will reestablish the same in an emergency shall be filed with' the Town Police Depart- ment. (4) Access to adjacent properties shall be maintained. I. Notification. The applicant will be responsible to notify the Superintendent twenty-four (24) hours prior to street opening and closing. J. Expiration date. The permit shall expire one (1) year from the date of issue of the permit, unless a different expiration • date has been specified by the Superintendent. § 83-11. Completion of work. The applicant shall notify the Superintendent when work has been completed, after which an inspection will be made by the Superin- 8308 9-25-85 § 83-11 STREET EXCAVATIONS § 83-14 tendent or his duly authorized agent, and upon approval of the work, a release will be granted to the applicant. Until the granting of such a release, the applicant shall remain liable -for proper guarding and protection as provided herein. § _83=12. -Revocation. The Superintendent, upon a finding that the issuance of A permit was illegal or unauthorized or that the applicant has failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the permit or of this chapter, may revoke the permit, and the -applicant shall thereupon, with all .reasonable. speed, -forthwith restore the highway to its former condi- tion. § 83-13. Responsibility for damages; repair. The person to whom such permit is issued "shall be responsible for all damages caused to public utilities Arid shall, under the supervi= sion of the Superintendent, replace any cracked or damaged sewer pipe or water main with new pipe and repair or replace damaged ditches, curbs, sidewalks or other improvements so that they "shall be in the same or better condition after the excavation as before the excavation. § 83=14. Penalties for offenses. A: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or shall fail to comply with any condition imposed by the permit or shall fail to comply with,any lawful order of the Superintendent or to discharge any duty imposed by this chapter shall, upon conviction, be deemed to have committed an offenseagainst this chapter and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars 0500.). Each -day any such violation shall "continue shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. B. Any person violating this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty enforceable and collectible by the town in the amount 8309 9-25-85 § 83-14 SOUTHOLD CODE § 83-15 of five hundred dollars ($500.) for each such offense. Such pen- alty shall be collectible by and in the name of the town for each day that such violation shall continue. C. In addition to the above -provided penalties and punishment, the Town Board may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the town, in a court of competent jurisdiction, to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the viola- tion of this chapter. § 83-15. Waiver of insurance and bond requirements. Upon special application made to it by any applicant for a permit required under this chapter and for good cause shown, the Town Board may, in its discretion, waive any of the provisions set forth under §§ 83-5 and 83-6 insofar as it may accept such other insurance and/or indemnification documents as it deems appropriate under the circumstances. • 8310 9-25-85 § 85-10 TAXATION § 85-10 ARTICLE V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers [Adopted 2-25-2003 by L.L. No. 4-20031 § 85-10. Exemption granted; amount; qualifications. A. Qualifying residential real property, under § 466-c of the New York State Real Property Tax Law, owned by an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service or such enrolled member and spouse residing in Suffolk County shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of 10% of the assessed value of such property for city, village, town, part town, special district, county or school district purposes, exclusive of special assessments; however, such exemption shall in no event exceed three thousand dollars multiplied by the latest state equalization rate for the assessing unit in which such real property is located. B. Such exemption shall not be granted to an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service residing in such county unless:. (1) The applicant resides in the city, town or village which is served by such incorporated fire company or fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service; (2) The property is the primary residence of the applicant; (3) " The property is used exclusively for residential purposes; provided, however, that in the event any portion of such property is not used exclusively for the applicant's residence but is used for other purposes, such portion shall be subject to taxation and the remaining portion only shall be entitled to, the exemption provided by this section; 8509 3-15-2003 § 85-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 85-10 (4) The applicant has been certified by the authority having jurisdiction for the incorporated volunteer fire company or fire department for at least five years or the applicant has been certified by the authority having jurisdiction for the incorporated voluntary ambulance service as an enrolled member of such incorporated voluntary ambulance service for at least five years. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the municipality to determine the procedure for certification. C.. Any enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service who accrues more than 20 years of active service and is so certified by the authority having jurisdiction for the incorporated voluntary fire company or fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service shall be granted the 10% exemption as authorized by this section for the remainder of his or her life, as long as his or her primary residence is located with the Town of Southold. D. Application for such exemption shall be filed- with the Assessor or other agency, department or office designated by the municipality offering such exemption on or before the taxable status date on a form as prescribed by the State Board. B. Incorporated volunteer fire companies, fire departments and incorporated volunteer ambulance services shall file lists of its enrolled members eligible .for the exemption provided by this section with the assessor or other agency, department or office designated by the municipality offering such exemption on or before the taxable status date on a form as prescribed by the State Board. F. No applicant who is a volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance worker who, by reason of such status is receiving any benefit under the provisions of this article on the effective date of the section, shall suffer any 8510 3-15-2003 • § 85-10 TAXATION § 85-11 diminution of such benefit because of the provisions of this section. § 85-11. Applicability. This article shall apply to assessment rolls prepared on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after March 1, 2003. 8511 3-15-2003 9209 11-20-2001 § 92-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Corwin West Ninth Street Greenport Street Cox Lane North Oregon Road Cutchogue Cron Land East Highland Road Cutchogue Lane [Added 12-13-1994 by L.L. No. 28-1994] Custer Avenue East Gardiner's Lane Southold [Added 8-28-2001 by L.L. No. 16-2001] Deep Hole Drive [Repealed 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-19801 Deep Hole North New Suffolk Mattituck Drive (east) Avenue [Added 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980] Deep Hole North New Suffolk Mattituck Drive (west) Avenue [Added 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980] Deer Drive East Westphalia Mattituck Avenue • Depot Lane North Oregon Road Cutchogue [Added 9-21-1976 by L.L. No. 4-1976] 9209 11-20-2001 § 92-30 SOUTHOLD CODE § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Dicks Point West West Creek Cutchogue Road Road Dicks Point East Holden Avenue Cutchogue Road Dicks Point West Holden Avenue Cutchogue Road Douglass North King Street Orient Street Duck Pond South Oregon Road Cutchogue Road [Added 9-21-1976 by L.L. No. 4-1976] East Road West Inlet Drive Mattituck East Road East Luthers Road Mattituck East Road West Pequash Cutchogue Avenue East Legion West Bay Avenue Mattituck Avenue East Side North Bailie Beach Mattituck Avenue Road Eastwood South South Cross Cutchogue Drive Road Eighth North Wiggins Greenport Street Street Eighth South Wiggins Greenport Street Street Elijah's North Oregon Road Mattituck Lane 9210 11-20-2001 �A • • § 92-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of 1ravel section With (hamlet) Emory Road West Beebe Drive Cutchogue Eugene's East Skunk Lane Cutchogue Road (Bay Avenue) Fairway East Case's Lane Cutchogue Drive [Added and Cedars 8-13-1991 by Road L.L. No. 20-1991] Fanning Road East New Suffolk New [Added Road Suffolk 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980] Fasbender East Mill Road Peconic [Added 1-16-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001] Fiddler Lane West Manhanset Greenport Avenue Fifth Street North Jackson New Street Suffolk (Cont'd on page 9211) 9210.1 11-20-2001 § 92-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-30 Direction At Inter- Location Stop Sign on of Travel section With (hamlet) Stillwater West Pequash Cutchogue Avenue Avenue Stillwater West Stillwater Cutchogue Avenue and Track [Added • Avenues 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980] Summit Drive East Inlet Drive Mattituck Sunnyside East Horton's Lane Southold Road [Added 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980] Sunset Drive East Marratooka Mattituck Road Tabor Road [Repealed 9-21-1976 by L.L. No. 4-19761 Tasker Lane South Sutton Place Greenport [Added 8-13-1985 by L.L. No. 13-19851 (Cont'd on page 9216.11) • 9216.10.1 8-10-98 ZONING § 100-256. Application requirements; fees. § 100-257. Architectural review standards. § 100-258. Architectural Review Committee. § 100-259. Land clearing. • ARTICLE XXVI Special Exception Uses § 100-260. Purpose. § 100-261. Special exception uses; approval required. § 100-262. Application; hearing; approval; violations of conditions. § 100-263. General standards. § 100-264. Matters to be considered. § 100-265. Additional conditions and safeguards. ARTICLE =I Board of Appeals § 100-270. Appointment; membership. § 100-271. Powers and duties. § 100-272. Additional conditions and safeguards. § 100-273. Rules of conduct and procedure. § 100-274. Fees. § 100-275. Notice of hearing. (Cont'd on page 10009) 10008.1 8-10-97 § 100-13 ZONING § 100-20 YARD LINE — A line drawn parallel to a street or lot line at a distance therefrom equal to the respective yard dimension required by this chapter. YARD, REAR — An unoccupied ground area fully open to the sky between the rear lot line and a line drawn parallel thereto. • YARD, SIDE — An unoccupied ground area fully open to the sky between any property line other than a street or rear lot line and a line drawn parallel thereto between the front and rear yards. ZONE — A finite area of land, as designated by its boundaries on the Zoning Map, throughout which specific and uniform regulations govern the use of land and/or the location, size and use of buildings. ZONING BOARD — See "Board of Appeals." ZONING MAP — The map annexed to and made part of this chapter indicating zone boundaries. ARTICLE II Districts § 100-20. District designations. [Amended 7-31-1973; 7-1-1986 by L.L. No. 6-1986; 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989] For the purpose of this chapter, the Town of Southold, outside of the incorporated Village of Greenport, is hereby divided into districts designated as follows: • A -C Agricultural -Conservation District (two -acre minimum) R-80 Residential Low -Density District (two -acre minimum) R-40 Residential Low -Density District (one -acre minimum) R-120 Residential Low -Density District (three -acre minimum) R-200 Residential Low -Density District (five -acre minimum) R-400 Residential Low -Density District (ten -acre minimum) 10034.1 5-15-2000 § 100-20 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-21 HD Hamlet Density Residential District AHD Affordable Housing District RR Resort Residential District RO Residential Office District HB Hamlet Business District LB Limited Business District B General Business District MI Marine I District MII Marine II District LIO Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park District LI Light Industrial District § 100-21. Zoning Map. [Amended 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989] The boundaries of the said districts are hereby established as shown on the Zoning Map, dated January 10, 1989, which accompanies this chapter and which, with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted and made a part of and incorporated into this chapter. Said map, indicating the latest amendments, shall be kept up-to-date, and a copy thereof shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector for the use and benefit of the public. (Cont'd on page 10035) 10034.2 5-15-2000 • • § 100-252 ZONING § 100-253 I. Public utilities: that plans for water supply and sewage disposal, cable, telephone, electricity, gas, etc., shall be considered and included in this section and shall conform to such public requirements and standards as may exist. J. Existing development and Comprehensive Development Plan: that the development proposed is at a scale consistent with existing development and with the Comprehensive Development Plan of the Town of Southold. K. Architectural features: that the natural features of the site and surroundings, exterior design and appearances of existing adjacent structures and the character of the district are evaluated in accordance with the architectural standards set forth in this chapter. [Amended 5-15-1995 by L.L. No: 7-19951 L. Handicapped access: that the site plan and building design shall accommodate the needs of the handicapped and be in conformance with the applicable state and local standards concerning the same. § 100-253. Approval of site plan required. A. After the filing of an application for a building permit, the Building Inspector shall make a determination as to whether a site plan or an amendment thereto is required, and this written determination shall be forwarded to the Planning Department for comment. The Planning Department must provide written comments on this determination to the Building Inspector within five business days, or be deemed to have waived the opportunity to comment. After review of comments, or after the time period for comment has elapsed, the Building Inspector shall issue a final determination to the applicant, which shall in no event be more than 15 business days from the filing of the application. No building permit shall be issued for any" structure or building for which use a site plan is required pursuant to 10149 6-25-2004 § 100-253 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-253 this Chapter 100, until, if required, an approved site development plan or approved amendment of any such plan has been secured by the applicant from the Planning Board and presented to the Building Inspector, along with all necessary approvals and permits as may be required by other public agencies. [Amended 5-15-1995 by L.L. No. 8-1995; 3-9-2004 by L.L. No. 8-20041 B. No regrading, clearing, tree removal or any other work in preparation of future use of a site, except limited clearing needed to undertake survey work or soils investigations, may take place ,or be permitted to take place until the site plan has been approved by the Planning Board. C. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any building, structure, premises, lot or use of land covered by this Article unless the structure has been completed (whether the structure is being constructed, renovated, reconstructed, altered, moved or put into use), and the site is developed in accordance with an approved site development plan or approved amendment of any such plan. D. Upon request of the owner or his authorized agent for a certificate of occupancy, the Building Inspector shall issue the certificate, provided that said Building Inspector, along with the Planning Board, shall find that such building or structure and site is in conformity with the approved site plan. E. After a certificate of occupancy is issued, there shall be no exterior alterations of a building that expand the footprint or any revisions of the site or changes of use without first obtaining Planning Board approval. F. Failure to obtain site plan approval shall be a violation of this article and shall be subject to such penalties as are set forth in § 100-285 of this chapter. 10150 6-25-2004 § 100-253 ZONING § 100-253 G. Upon recommendation of the Planning Board and approval of the Town Attorney, the Building Inspector may revoke an existing certificate of occupancy upon a showing that the subject premises is being occupied or used in violation of an approved site plan and may direct • that such occupancy or use be discontinued. The Town Attorney is authorized to commence proceedings in a court of appropriate jurisdiction to restrain said use or occupancy. (Cont'd on page 10151) J 10150.1 6-25-2004 § 100-254 ZONING § 100-254 § 100-254. Review procedure. A. Presubmission conference. Prior to the submission of w site development plan, the applicant. or his agent shall meet with the Planning Board or its representative. The purpose of such, conference shall be to discuss proposed uses or development plan elements that shall be • submitted to the Planning Board in order for said Board to determine conformity with the provisions and intent of this Article. Said meeting shall take place within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of written request therefor. B. Site development plan. Nine (9) copies of the site development plan application and any related information as defined during the presubmission conference shall be submitted to the Planning Board within four (4) months of the presubmission conference. If a site development plan application is not submitted within four (4) months following a presubmission conference, another conference may be required by the Planning Board. (1) Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the application, the Planning. Board shall determine whether to accept, reject or request revision of the application. (2) If the Planning Board determines said application to be acceptable but in need of revision, it shall notify the applicant, in writing, wherein said application is deficient within thirty (30) business days. (3) In the case of a variance or special exception application requiring site plan approval, the site development plan application shall be subjected to preliminary review and written comments by the Planning- Board within sixty (60) days of such request by the Board of Appeals. (a) In no case may the Planning Board grant site plan approval prior to the issuance of a special 10151 6-10-96 § 100-254 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-254 exception by the Zoning Board of Appeals, if such is required. (b) Before the Planning Board can approve any application for the amendment of a use or structure for which a special exception was granted, the applicant must obtain permission from the Zoning Board of Appeals to expand or otherwise alter or change either the use or the structure. (4) The Planning Board may vary or waive parking requirements, provided that such change will not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety or general welfare and will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and provision of the Zoning Code. (a) . The Planning Board may allow or require landscaping to be installed in place of specified parking spaces. (b) On any site for which the Planning Board grants approval for less than the required number of spaces for that use, the Planning Board shall have the right to review the parking requirements again if a change of use is proposed. (5) Review of a new site plan for a lot on which an approved site plan already exists shall not proceed until the approved plan is withdrawn by the applicant. C. When the Planning Board determines said application to be acceptable, it shall, within ten (10) business days of such determination, distribute said application and documentation to the town, county and state agencies having jurisdiction, for their comment. Such referral shall include a referral to the Architectural Review Committee. The Architectural Review Committee shall make a written recommendation to the Planning Board 10152 6-10-95 ;Y� § 100-254 ZONING § 100-254 on the site plan within ten (10) business days of receipt of the referral. If the Committee fails to make a recom- mendation within this time period, the project shall proceed to the Planning Board for consideration without Committee view. [Amended 5-15-1995 by L.L. No. 7-1995] • D. Upon receipt and review of written comments from each of the agencies to which the proposed site plan was distributed, the Planning Board shall, within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, determine whether to require revisions to the proposed plan. E. No decision on the application shall be made until the State Environmental Quality Review Act' process is completed. F. After the Planning Board has determined that the 1 Editor's Note: See Art. 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law. 10152.1 6-10-95 proposed site plan is suitable for approval, it shall: (1) Forward the plan to the Building Inspector for final �y review and certification. (2) Forward the plan to the Fire Commissioner of the fire district within which the site is located for a determination as to whether a fire well is needed and, if so, its location. (3) Notify the applicant, in writing, to make an application for the appropriate curb cut permits. (4) Submit the proposed site plan to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with the provision of the Suffolk County Charter, if necessary. • (Cont'd on page 10153) 1 Editor's Note: See Art. 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law. 10152.1 6-10-95 § 100-254 ZONING § 100-254 G. Upon receipt of the Building Inspector's certification, the Fire Commissioner's response, the curb cut permits and the comments of the Suffolk County Planning Commission, the Planning Board shall place the site plan on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled public meeting. • H. The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing to consider the application. Notice shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 58. [Amended 12-27-1995 by L.L. No. 25-19951 I. Prior to the Planning Board's endorsement of the site plan, the applicant must sign a statement placed on the site plan indicating his/her knowledge and acceptance of the conditions of approval. J. Amendments to an existing site plan may be acted upon in the same manner as a new site plan. K. A guaranty of performance may be required for all public improvements as part of the conditions of approval. Such guaranty shall be based on a listing of required site improvements in accordance with Chapter A106 of this Code. L. Within 10 days of final approval, a copy of the endorsed site plan shall be sent to: (1) The Building Department. (2) The Town Engineer. (3) The Town Trustees, when applicable. (4) The Highway Department. • (5) The Zoning Board of Appeals, when applicable. 1 Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the repeal of former Subsection I which dealt with giving notice by certified mail and immediately followed this subsection, and for the relettering of former Subsections J through N as I through M, respectively. 10153 5-20-2001 § 100-254 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-256 M. The Planning Board shall have the right to deny the proposed site plan for lack of compliance with the provisions of the Town Code. The Planning Board shall notify the applicant, in writing, within 10 days of such determination, of the reasons for such denial. § 100-255. Duration of plan. • A. An approved site development plan shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. All work proposed on the plan shall be completed within three years from the date of approval unless a longer period was approved or the applicant obtains an extension from the Planning Board. B. All site plans which have received final approval prior to the enactment of this Article shall remain valid for a, period of three years from the date of such enactment. This period will begin when all governmental approvals have been obtained. § 100-256. Application requirements; fees. A. Submission of a complete site plan application shall consist of: (1) A completed site plan application form. (2) The site plan review fee, as specified in Subsection B below. (3) A completed environmental assessment form. (4) Nine copies of the site plan. • (5) Four copies of a property survey, certified by a licensed land surveyor. B. Fees. [Amended 3-27-2001 by L.L. No. 7-20011 10154 5-20-2001 § 100-256 ZONING § 100-256 (1) The application fee for a new site plan shall be $300 per acre or any fraction of an acre thereof,, plus $0.05 per square foot of building area. (2) The application fee for a revised site plan shall be $300, plus $0.05 per square foot of building area. • C. Standards. Site plan design shall include the following items: (Cont'd on page 10155) • 10154.1 5-20-2001 § 100-256 ZONING § 100-256 (1) Technical data: (a) The lot, block and section number of the property, taken from the latest tax records. (b) The name and address of the landowner on record: [1] The names and addresses of adjoining ® landowners. [2] The name and address of the applicant, if not the same as the landowner. (c) The name and address of the person, firm or organization preparing the map, sealed with the applicable New York State license seal and signature. (d) Date, graphic scale and North point, whether true or magnetic; if magnetic, show the date of reading. (e) A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's map or base reference map. All distances shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot. All angles shall be given to the nearest ten (10) seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one (1) in ten thousand (10,000). (f) The locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within five hundred (500) feet of property lines. If none exist within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property, indicate the distance to the nearest intersection with a public street. (g) A separate key map showing location and owners of all adjoining lands within five hundred (500) feet, as shown on the latest tax records, at a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet. (h) The location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property. 10155 7-25-89 § 100-256 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-256 (i) A complete outline of other existing easements, deed restrictions or covenants applying to the property. (j) Existing zoning, including zone lines and dimensions. (k) Site plans drawn at the scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet. If all required information cannot be shown clearly on one (1) plan, the information should be separated as follows: [1] Alignment and schedule plan. [2] Grading and drainage. [3] Landscaping. [4] Other, e.g., site utilities. (2) Natural features: (a) Existing contours with intervals of two (2) feet or less, referred to mean sea level as per United States Geological Survey datum. (b) Boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater overflows, tidal bays, saltwater marshes, beaches and all freshwater bodies, including wet- lands and intermittent streams, perimeter bounda- ries of shoreline bluffs, dunes and beaches. (c) The location of existing natural features, including but not limited to natural drainage swales, water- courses, wooded areas and wetlands, as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Board of Trustees of Southold Town, marshes, ponds, dunes, bluffs, beaches, kettleholes, escarpments, wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas, erosion -prone areas and trees of six (6) inches in diameter at a point three (3) feet above the trunk base. (d) The location of any existing cultural and historical features within five hundred (500) feet of the property boundaries. 10156 7-25-89 § 100-256 ZONING § 100-256 (3) Existing building structures and utilities: (a) The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, as defined in § 100-13 of this chapter, and all uses of the site. (b) Paved areas, including parking areas, sidewalks and vehicular access between the site and • public streets. (c) The locations, dimensions, grades and flow directions of any existing culverts, waterlines or sewage disposal systems, as well as other underground and aboveground utility poles and utility lines within and adjacent to the property. (d) The location and use of all buildings and structures, including curb cuts, within two hundred (200) feet of the boundary of the subject property. (4) Proposed construction: (a) The location of proposed buildings or structural improvements, indicating setbacks from all property lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. (b) The location and design of all uses not requiring structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas and pedestrian circulation. (c) The location, direction, power level and time of use for any proposed outdoor lighting or public- address systems. (d) The locating and plans for any outdoor signs • must be in accordance with applicable sign regulations. (e) The location and details of aprons, curbs, sidewalks, fencing (type and location), grading, including existing and proposed topography 10157 6-10-95 § 100-256 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-257 with two -foot contours [on site and two hundred (200) feet beyond the property line] and spot elevations for buildings and all structures, drainage calculations, details of drainage structures and watershed areas, where applicable. (f) Grading and drainage plans shall be based • upon site stormwater retention, in conformance with Chapter A108, Highway Specifications. (g) The location and listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity and location. (h) The location of water and sewer mains, electrical service, cablevision and telephone installations, ground transformers, fire well and fire hydrants and/or any alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. (i) , Building elevations for all facades and floor ` plans showing the proposed use of floor area. - § 100-257. Architectural review standards. [Added 5-15-1995 by L.L. No. 7-19951 Site plans shall be reviewed for conformance with the following criteria: A. Appropriate diversity of design elements from another structure or structures located or proposed to be located on the same street or corner thereof and within five hundred (500) feet of the site of the structure for which a site plan or building permit has been requested, in respect to one (1) or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: (1) Substantially identical facade, disregarding color. 10158 6-10-96 § 100-257 ZONING § 100-257 (2) Substantially identical size and arrangement of either doors, windows, porticoes, porches or garages or other openings or breaks or extensions in the facade, including reverse arrangements. (3) Other substantially identical features, such as but not limited to setbacks from street lines, heights, widths and lengths of elements of the building design and exterior materials and treatments. B. Minimize or eliminate visual discord or dissimilarity with respect to other structures located or proposed to be located on the same street or a corner thereof and within five hundred (500) feet of the site of the structure for which a building permit is requested, in respect to one (1) or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: (1) Facade, disregarding color. (2) Size and arrangement of doors, windows, porticoes porches or garages or other openings, breaks. or extensions in the facade. (3) Other significant design features, such as but not limited to heights, widths and lengths of elements, roof structures, exposed mechanical equipment, service and storage areas, retaining walls, landscaping, signs, light posts, parking areas and fences, service and loading areas. C. Maximize sensitivity to visual appearance and qualities of exterior design, including with respect to signs, considerations of the harmony of colors or compatibility of the proposed structure with the terrain in which it is to be located, including but not limited to excessive divergences of the height or levels of any part of the structure from the grade of the terrain. 10158.1 11_1_95 § 100-258 SOUTHOLD CODE § 100-259 § 100-258. Architectural Review Committee. [Added 5-15-1995 by L.L. No. 7-19951 A. The Architectural Review Committee shall consist of five' (5) members appointed by the Town Board to serve at the pleasure of the Board without compensation. If possible, the members of the Committee shall be appointed from the following categories: two (2) members shall be architects or landscape architects, one (1) member shall be from the Landmark Preservation Commission and ten (10) members shall be appointed from the hamlets of the town. The hamlet members shall vary and shall sit only on the site plans which are proposed in their hamlet. The hamlet members shall be from the following areas: two (2) from Fishers Island, two (2) from Orient/East Marion/Greenport, two (2) from Southold/Peconic, two (2) from New Suffolk/Cutchogue and two (2) from Mattituck/Laurel. [Amended 10-3-1995 by L.L. No. 20-1995] B. The term of office of the Architect and Landmark Preservation Commission members of the Committee shall be three (3) years, provided that those members first appointed shall be appointed for one- , two- and three-year, terms, respectively. The hamlet members shall be appointed for two-year terms, with the first appointments to be appointed for a one- and two-year term, respectively. § 100-259. Land clearing. [Added 8-8-1995 by L.L. No. 17-19951 No • person shall undertake or carry out land clearing, including grading, clearing, cutting and filling, excavating or Is tree removal associated therewith, without first having 1 Editor's Note: This local law also provided as follows: "rhe purpose of this ordinance is to allow owners to take advantage of the existing vegetation on-site when developing a landscaping plan as part of site plan approval, and to prevent clear cutting of properties prior to site plan approval" 10158.2 11-1-95 40 § 100-259 ZONING § 100-260 obtained site plan approval. Weeding, gardening, mowing and the selective pruning of vegetation or selective cutting of diseased or dead trees shall not be included herein. Any landowner found guilty of violating this section shall be fined up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.). Site plan approval shall be withheld until and unless a plant restoration plan for that site is approved by the Planning Board. ARTICLE XXVI Special Exception Uses [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989] § 100-260. Purpose. The provisions of this Article are designed to provide for administrative review of selected types of proposed land uses. Certain uses which are allowable under zoning are nevertheless so likely to significantly affect their surroundings that they require individual review to assure compatibility with existing land use patterns, community character and the natural environment before being permitted to come into existence. Similarly, certain authorized uses may take on such diverse forms in their actual implementation that it is wise to review and pass upon the adherence of each individual proposal to standards and guidelines previously established for the use involved. Finally, the case-by-case review achieved by use of the special exception approval mechanism can increase the flexibility and appropriateness of local development review and better enable local officials to avoid negative consequences which sometimes arise from the otherwise lawful development or use of a particular site. • (Cont'd on page 10159) 10158.3 11-1-95 • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX DEFINITIONS NOTE: For the conven- ience of the Code user, all terms defined in this Code are included in the Index under the heading "Definitions." —A— ABANDONMENT Signs, 100-207 Subdivisions, A106-42 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 ACCESSORY USES Farm stands, 47-3 ADDRESS NUMBERING, see STREET NUMBERING: ADDRESSES ADMINISTRATOR Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-42 Powers and duties, 37-42 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAWS Rezonings, 14-6 ADVERTISING OF TOBACCO, see TOBACCO ADVERTISING AFFORDABLE HOUSING (AHD) DISTRICT Applicability of amendments, 100-50 Improved or unimproved parcel of property, 100-56 Moderate -income family dwelling units, 100-56 Penalties for offenses, 100-59 Records, 100-56 Special Projects Coordinator, 100-57 Zoning, 100-50 —100-59 AGRICULTURAL -CONSERVATION (A -C) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-32 Parking, 100-32 AGRICULTURAL LAND PRESER- VATION Land Preservation Committee, 25-50 AIRPORT REGULATIONS Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 ALARM SYSTEMS Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31 False alarms, 24-5, 24-6 Fees, 24-6 Penalties for offenses, 24-8 Permits, 24-3, 24-4 ANCHORING Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6 Flood damage prevention, 46-16 ANTENNAS Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 APARTMENTS General Business (B) District, 100-101 APPEALS Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-35, 37-36 Flood damage prevention, 46-22 Landmark preservation, 56-11 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-145 APPOINTMENTS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Historic Preservation Commission, 564 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50, 59-50 Transportation Commission, 224 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Site plan approval, 100-257, 100-258 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COM- MITTEE Appointments, 100-258 Architectural review, 100-258 Membership, 100-258 Qualifications, 100-258 Residency requirements, 100-258 Salaries and compensation, 100-258 Terms of office, 100-258 AREA, YARD AND BULK REGULA- TIONS Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) Dis- trict, 100-32 Farm stands, 47-3 General Business (B) District, 100-103 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-143 Light IndustrialPark/Planned Office Park (LIO) District, 100-133 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-83 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 SI -1 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX —B— BAZAARS, see PUBLIC ENTERTAIN- MENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS BED -AND -BREAKFAST Alarm systems, 100-31 Fees, 100-281 Signs, 100-31 Zoning, 100-31, 100-281 BERMS Height regulations, 100-231 BOARD OF APPEALS Notice of public hearing, 100-275 BOATS Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-12 Mooring, 32-39.3 BOATS, DOCKS AND WHARVES Bathing and swimming, 32-38.1 Mooring, 32-39.4 Notices, 32-39.4 Permits, 32-39.3, 32-39.4 Ramps, 32-32.1 Regulation of personal watercraft and specialty prop -craft, 32-36.3 Scuba diving, 32-38.2 Spear fishing, 32-38.3 BONDS Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-41 Final plat, A106-27, A106-29 Housing Fund, 98-4 Open development area, A106-35 Subdivision of land, A106-36, A106-37, A106-38, A106-39, A106-40 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 BUILDING INSPECTOR Flood damage prevention, 46-11, 46-14 Powers and duties, 46-14 BUILDING PERMITS Landmark preservation, 56-6 Site plan approval, 100-252 Uniform fire prevention and building code, 45-8 BUILDINGS, DEMOLITION OF Fees, 45-8 Landmark preservation, 56-6, 56-9 Permits, 56-6 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 BULKHEADS Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 BURNING, OUTDOOR Exclusions, 36-4 Penalties for offenses, 36-5 Supervision of fires, 36-3 BUS STOPS Parking, 92-49.3 _C_ CANVASSERS, see PEDDLERS, SO- LICITORS AND TRANSIENT RE- TAIL MERCHANTS CEASE-AND-DESIST ORDERS Wetlands and shoreline, 97-34 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATE- NESS Landmark preservation, 56-6, 56-7, 56-12 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Flood damage prevention, 46-14 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-29 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Filming, 44A-3 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Site plan approval, 100-252 Uniform fire prevention and building code, 45-8 CHILD-CARE CENTER Tobacco advertising, 86-3 CIRCUSES, see PUBLIC ENTER- TAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT Easements, A 106-49 Open space, A] 06-48, A10649 Sewage disposal systems, A106-49 Subdivision of land, A106-47 — A 106-49 Water, A106-49 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA Administration and enforcement, 37-40-3749 Administrator, 37-42 Amendments, 37-50,37-51 Appeals, 37-35, 37-36 Applicability, 37-20 Beach area, 37-15 Bluff area, 37-17 Bonds, 37-41 Certification, 37-51 Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Re- view, 37-34 SI -2 12-15-2004 • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Conflicts, 37-44 Definitions, 37-6 Dune area, 37-16 Emergency activity, 37-20 — 37-29 Enactment, 37-1 Environmental review, 37-46 Erosion protection structures, 37-18 Establishment, 37-10 Fees, 37-32, 37-40 Findings, 37-5 General provisions, 37-1 — 37-9 Interpretation, 37-43 Near shore area, 37-14 Notices, 37-21, 37-22 Penalties for offenses, 37-47 Permits, 37-11, 37-12, 37-40 Procedure,37-50 Purpose, 37-4 Regulations, 37-10 — 37-19 Structural hazard area, 37-13 Title, 37-2 Traffic control, 37-19 Variances, 37-30 — 37-39 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD BOARD OF REVIEW Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-34 COLLAPSED BUILDINGS, see UN- SAFE BUILDINGS COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162, 100-166 COMMUNICABLE/INFECTIOUS DISEASES Definitions, A107-43.1 Line -of -duty exposures, A107-43.1 Notices, A 107-43.1 Police Department rules and regula- tions, A107-43.1 Policy, A 107-43.1 Procedures, A107-43.1 Purpose, A10743.1 Records, A 107-43.1 Supplies, A10743.1 COMMUNICATION FACILITIES, see WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND Acquisition of interests in property, 6-28 Alienation of land acquired using fund moneys, 6-36 Community Preservation Project Plan, 6-45-6-55 Definitions, 6-16 Findings, 6-7 Fund established, 6-20 Hearings, 6-28 Management of lands acquired pursuant to chapter, 6-32 Purposes of fund, 6-24 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-70-6-175 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND ADVISORY BOARD Community Preservation Project Fund, 6-60-6-65 Established, 6-60 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT FUND Community Preservation Fund Advi- sory Board, 6-60 — 6-65 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT PLAN Community Preservation Fund, 6-45 — 6-55 Community preservation project plan adopted, 6-50 CONFIDENTIALITY Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-160 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Ethics, Code of, 10-4, 10-7 COSTS AND EXPENSES Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-135 CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AR- EAS Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 CURBS Highway specifications, A10842 —D— DECKS Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 DEDICATION OF ROADS Highway specifications, A108-50 DEFINITIONS Accessory structure, 97-11 Actions, 95-3 Adaptive reuse, 56-3 Administrative permit, 97-11 Administrator, 37-6 SI -3 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Advisory Board, 6-16 Aesthetics, 97-11 Agency, 95-3 Agricultural debris, 48-1 Agriculture, 97-11, A106-3 Agriculture reserve arca, A106-3 Alteration, 56-3 Apartment, 100-13 Apartment house, 100-13 Appear, 10-2 Appear before, 10-2 Applicant, 97-11, A106-3 Application, 97-11 Aquaculture, 97-11 Archives, 72-3 As -built plans, 97-11 Auto repair shops, 100-13 Bay, 97-11 Beach, 37-6, 97-11 Bluff, 37-6, 97-11 Bluff line, 97-11 Board, 97-11 Boat/vessel, 97-11 Body fluids, A 107-43.1 Bowriding, 32-31 Breezeway, 100-13 Buffer area, 97-11, A106-3 Buildable lands, A106-3 Bulkhead, 97-11, 100-13 Business, 10-2 Cans, 48-1 Canvassers, 69-1 Catwalk, 97-11 Certificate of compliance, 100-13 Certificate of determination, 100-13 Channel system, 32-31 Child-care, 100-13 Child-care center, 86-2 Cigarette, 86-2 Cigarette tobacco, 86-2 Clearing, 97-11, A106-3 Clerk, 97-11 Clerk of the Planning Board, A 106-3 Client, 10-2 Club, membership or country or golf, 100-13 Cluster, A 106-3 Coastal area, 95-3 Coastal assessment form, 95-3 Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Map, 37-6 Coastal erosion hazard line, 97-11 Coastal waters, 37-6 Coastline, 37-6 Commercial agriculture, 97-11 Commercial dock, 97-11 Commercial vehicles, 48-1 Commission, 22-3 Common driveway, A106-3 Common ownership, 100-25 Communicable disease, A107-43.1 Community preservation, 6-16 Community Preservation Project Plan, 6-16 Complainant, Al 07-35.1 Comprehensive Plan, A106-3 Conservation, 97-11, A106-3 Conservation areas, primary, A106-3 Conservation areas, secondary, A106-3 Conservation easements, A106-3 Conservation subdivision, A106-3 Consideration, 6-75 Consistent, 95-3 Construction and demolition (C & D) debris, 48-1 Continuing care facility, 100-13 Controlling interest, 6-75 Conveyance, 6-75, 100-51 Corrugated cardboard, 48-1 Crawl space, 46-4 Creeks, 97-11 Critical environmental areas, 97-11 Crops, livestock and livestock products, 100-221 Crosswalk, A106-3 Cul-de-sac (court), A106-3 Cultural features, A 106-3 Customer, 10-2 Debris line, 37-6 Decking, 97-11 Decks, 97-I1, 100-13 Demolition, 56-3 Direct actions, 95-3 Dock length, 97-11 Docks, 97-11 Drainage right-of-way, A106-3 Dunc, 37-6, 97-11 Dwelling, 86-2 Easement, A106-3 Eels, 77-201 Engineer, A106-3 Environment, 95-3 Erosion, 37-6 Erosion control, 97-11 Erosion hazard area, 37-6 Erosion protection structure, 37-6 SI -4 12-15-2004 • • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Existing manufactured home park or subdivision, 46-4 Existing structure, 37-6 Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, 46-4 Facade, 56-3 Family/household, A107-35.1 Family offense, A 107-35.1 Farm stands, 100-13 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 46-4 Final plat, A106-3 Final plat approval, A106-3 Financial benefit, 10-2 Fixed dock, 97-11 Floating dock, 97-11 Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, 46-4 Flood elevation study, 46-4 Floodplain, 46-4 Floodplain or flood -prone area, A 106-3 Flood -prone area, 46-4 Food catering facility, 100-13 Food processing facility, 100-13 Fraternal organization, 100-13 Front, 84-2 Frontage, 84-2 Functional bulkhead, 97-11 Functional jetty/groin, 97-11 Fund, 6-16, 6-75, 98-3 Gabion, 97-11 Gift, 10-2 Glass, 48-1 Golf course, standard regulation, 100-13 Grading, 37-6, A106-3 Grantee, 6-75 Grantor, 6-75 Groin, 97-11 Habitable floor area, 100-13 Habitat, 97-11 Habitat fragmentation, 97-11 Harvesting, 97-11 Health care facilities, 100-13 Historic, 56-3 Historical society, 100-13 Historic significance, 22-3 Historic structure, 46-4 Home business office, 100-13 Home professional office, 100-13 Horticulture, 97-11 Housing, 98-3 Illegal dumping, 48-2 Immediate project area, 97-11 Impervious surface, 97-11 Income eligible individuals/families, 98-3 Interest in real property, 6-75 Jetty, 97-11 Landward, 97-11 Life care community, 100-13 Light industrial uses, 100-13 Living area, 100-13 Local administrator, 46-4 Local Waterfront Revitalization Pro- gram, 95-3 Lot, A106-3 Lot line modification, A106-3 Low -profile jetties, 97-11 Low -sill bulkhead, 97-11 LWRP, 95-3 Maintenance dredging, 97-11 Major addition, 37-6 Man-made pond, 97-11 Map, 84-2 Marina, 97-11 Material, 97-11 Mean high water (MHW), 97-11 Mean low water, 37-6 Mean low water (MLW), 97-11 Minor actions, 95-3 Monopolize, 97-11 Mooring, 97-11 Movable structure, 37-6 Multiple dwelling, 86-2 Multiple dwelling unit, 86-2 Natural buffer, A 106-3 Natural features, resources or systems, A106-3 Natural protective feature, 37-6 Natural protective feature area, 37-6 Nearshore area, 37-6 New manufactured home park or sub- division, 46-4 Newspaper, 48-1 Nondisturbance buffer, 97-11 Nonrecyclable waste, 48-2 Nonturf buffer, 97-11 Normal maintenance, 37-6 Official Map, A106-3 Off -premises sign, 100-13 Open development area, A 106-3 Operations, 97-11 Order of protection, A107-35.1 Ordinary and usual maintenance, 97-11 Original structure, 97-11 SI -5 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Outside employer, 10-2 Restoration, 37-6 Owner, 84-2 Resubdivision, A106-3 Park, 86-2 Retaining wall, 97-11, 100-13 Park and recreation fee, A106-3 Revetment, 97-11 Park dedication, A106-3 Riprap, 97-11 Patio, 100-13 Rural significance, 22-3 Peak lunar tides, 97-11 Salvage center, 74-1 Peddler, 69-1 Scalp net, 77-201 Performance bond, A106-3 Scenic significance, 22-3 Person, 6-75, 10-2, 37-6, 69-1, 86-2, School, 86-2 97-11 Secondary dune, 37-6 Personal watercraft, 32-31 SEQRA, A106-3 Pier, 97-11 Servicing, 72-3 Pier line, 97-11 Setback, 97-11 Planning Board, A106-3 Sheathing, 97-11 Plastics, 48-1 Shopping centers, 100-13 Platform, 97-11 Shoreline structure, 97-11 Pond, 97-11 Significant fish and wildlife habitat, Preexisting nonpermitted and/or non- 37-6 conforming structures, 97-11 Silt boom, 97-11 Preliminary plat, A]06-3 Smokeless tobacco, 86-2 Preservation, A106-3 Solicitors, 69-1 Primary dune, 37-6 Sound, 97-11 Primary frontal dune, 46-4 Spawner sanctuary, 97-11 Private dwelling, 86-2 Special Projects Coordinator, 100-51 Private warehousing, 100-13 Specialty prop -craft, 32-31 Proactive restoration, 97-11 Split -rail fence, 97-11 Probable cause, A]07-35.1 Standard subdivision, A106-3 Public warehousing, 100-13 Street, 84-2 Real property, 6-75 Street, arterial, A106-3 Receding edge, 37-6 Street, collector, A106-3 Recession rate, 37-6 Street, local, A106-3 Recording Officer, 6-75 Street or right-of-way width, A 106-3 Records, 72-3 Structural components, 97-11 Records center, 72-3 Structural hazard area, 37-6 Records disposition, 72-3 Structure, 37-6, 97-11, 100-13 Records management, 72-3 Subdivision, A106-3, A106-66 Recreation, active, A106-3 Subordinate of a town officer or em - Recreational facilities, 100-13 ployee, 10-2 Recreational vehicles, 46-4 Substantial damage, 46-4 Recreation, passive, A106-3 Subtidal, 97-11 Recyclable, mandated, 48-1 Telecommunication tower, 100-13 Recyclable, other, 48-1 Tidal waters, 97-11 Recyclable wood, 48-1 Tobacco, 86-2 Regulated, activity, 37-6 Tobacco product, 86-2 Relative, 10-2 Tobacco product advertisement, 86-2 Removal, 56-3 Toe, 37-6 Residential, 97-11 Town, 6-75, 97-11, 98-3 Residential dock, 97-11 Town garbage bag, 48-2 Residential horticulture, 97-11 Town officer or employee, 10-2 Resource buffer area, 97-11 Town Supervisor, 6-75 Restaurant, formula food, 100-13 Town waters, 97-11 Restaurant, take-out, 100-13 Trail, A106-3 SI -6 12-15-2004 • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Transfer station, 48-1 Transient retail business, 69-1 Treasurer (County Treasurer), 6-75 Tropical hardwood, 97-11 Trustees, 97-11 Unregulated activity, 37-6 Utilities, 100-51 Vegetated wetlands, 97-11 Vegetation, 37-6 Waler, 97-11 Watcr-dependent uses, 97-11 Wetland boundary or boundaries of wetland, 97-11 Wetlands (freshwater), 97-11 Wetlands (tidal), 97-11 Wharf, 97-11 Width ofcreck, 97-11 Wireless communication facility, 100-13 Wireless communications, 100-13 Yield, A106-3 DESIGN STANDARDS Subdivision of land, A 106-50 — A 106-55 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 DEVELOPMENT AREA, OPEN, see OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA DISABLED PERSONS WITH LIM- ITED INCOME, TAX EXEMP- TION FOR Taxation, 85-9 DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Ethics, Code of, 10-11, 10-16 —10-18.1 DOCKS Commercial docks, 97-27 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS Fees, 39-5 Filing of statements, 39-5 Requirements, 39-3 Statement of domestic partnership, 39-4 DRAINAGE Highway specifications, A108-27, A108-29 — A 108-33, A 108-36 Natural'fcatures, A106-58 Site plan approval, 100-252 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 DREDGING Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 DRIVEWAYS Highway specifications, A108-40 Subdivision of land, A 106-50 DUST Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 EFM EASEMENTS Cluster development, A106-49 Open development arca, A106-33 EMERGENCIES Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-20 — 37-29 EMERGENCY VEHICLES Motor -driven vehicles, 60-5 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Final plat, A106-26 Preliminary plat, A106-21 ETHICS BOARD Appointments, 10-19 Establishment, 10-19 Ethics, Code of, 10-19 — 10-23 Inspections, 10-23 Investigations, 10-21 Membership, 10-19 Powers and duties, 10-20 Qualifications, 10-19 Records, 10-23 Removal, 10-19 Review of lists and disclosure state- ments, 10-22 Terms of office, 10-19 ETHICS, CODE OF Restriction opn elected official or member of board, 10-12A ETHICS, CODE OF Appearances, 10-10 Confidential information, 10-11 Conflict of interest, 10-4, 10-7 Debarment, 10-26 Definitions, 10-2 Disclosure of interest, 10-11, 10-16 — 10-18.1 Ethics Board, 10-19 —10-23 Exclusion from Code of Ethics, 10-15 General prohibition, 10-5 Gifts, 10-8 Goal, 10-3 Inducement of others and bribery, 10-14 Legislative intent, 10-1 Officers and employees, 10-1 — 10-26 SI -7 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Penalties for offenses, 10-24 Political solicitation, 10-12 Accusal, 10-6, 10-7 Representation, 10-9 Revolving door, 10-13 Voidable contracts, 10-25 EXCAVATIONS Highway specifications, A108-18 —F— FAIRS, see PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS FALSE ALARMS Alarm systems, 24-5, 24-6 FARM BUILDINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 FARMLAND BILL OF RIGHTS Definitions, 100-221 Dust, 100-222 Enforcement, 100-225 Noise, 100-222 Notice by brokers and agents, right to, 100-224 Notice provided by town agencies, right to, 100-223 Nuisances, 100-222 Odors, 100-222 Penalties for offenses, 100-225 Protected farm practices, right to under- take, 100-222 Right to farm, 100-220 Smoke, 100-222 Vibrations, 100-222 Zoning, 100-220 —100-226 FARM STANDS Accessory uses, 47-3 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 47-3 Fees, 47-4 Greenhouse, 47-3 Nonconforming uses, 47-5 Parking, 47-3 Penalties for offenses, 47-6 Permits, 47-2 — 47-4 Setbacks, 47-3 Topsoil protection, 47-3 FEES Accessory buildings, 45-8 Alarm systems, 24-6 Bed -and -breakfast, 100-281 Buildings, demolition of, 45-8 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-32, 37-40 Domestic partnerships, 39-5 Farm buildings, 45-8 Farm stands, 47-4 Filming, 44A-3 —44A -6,44A-13 Final plat, A106-8 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6, 33-8, 33-12 Flood damage prevention, 46-12 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2 Hotels and motels, 45-8 Landmark preservation, 56-14 Night fishing parking permit, 92-42 Open development area, A106-35 Parks and recreation areas, A106-60 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-4, 69-9 Preliminary plat, A106-8 Public entertainment, 100-274 Public entertainment and special events, 71-1 Salvaging centers, 74-3 Signs, 45-8 Single-family dwellings, 45-8 Site plan approval, 100-256 Sketch plat, A106-8 Special events, 100-274 Subdivision of land, A106-8, A106-42, A106-60 Swimming pools, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-22, 97-24 FENCES Highway specifications, A108-42 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 FILL Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 FILMING Applications, 44A-3 Certificate of insurance, 44A-3 Cleanup deposit, 44A-5 Compliance with other laws, 44A-10 Exemption, 44A-2 Fees, 44A-3 — 44A-6, 44A-13 Insurance, 44A-11 Liability, 44A-3, 44A-11 No alterations to town property, 44A-9 No donations accepted, 44A-7 SI -8 12-15-2004 • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Notices, 44A-4, 44A-5 Notices to other official, 44A-8 Penalties for offenses, 44A-14 Permits, 44A -2,44A -3,44A-12, 44A-13 Superintendent of Highways, 44A-5 Traffic control, 44A-4 FINAL PLAT Action on final plats which are in sub- stantial agreement with approved preliminary plats, A106-28 Bonds, A 106-27, A 106-29 Environmental review, A106-26 Fees, A] 06-8 Final plats not in substantial agreement with approved preliminary plats or when no preliminary plat is re- quired, A106-29 Hearings, A 106-29 Notices, A106-29 Subdivision of land, A] 06-8, A 106-24 — A 106-29, A 106-40, A106-60 Submission, A] 06-24 Technical requirements, A106-25 FIRE HYDRANTS Subdivision of land, A106-40 FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Exceptions, 45-8 FIRE ZONES Parking, 92-49.2 FISHERS ISLAND Parking at beaches, 65-3.1 Permits, 65-3.1 FISHERS ISLAND HARBOR COM- MITTEE Appointments, 33-3 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-3 Meetings, 33-3 Notices, 33-3 Powers and duties, 33-3 Terms of office, 33-3 FISHERS ISLAND HARBOR MAN - AGEMENT Abode, use of vessel as, 33-7 Anchoring, 33-6 Applicability, 33-1 Boats, unnavigable, 33-12 Fees, 33-6, 33-8, 33-12 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 33-11 Hazards to navigation, 33-12 Height regulations, 33-6 Inspections, 33-8 Liability, 33-12 Liens, 33-8, 33-12 Mooring, 33-6 Mooring buoys, 33-6 Mooring maintenance, 33-8 Mooring permits, 33-6 Notices, 33-12 Penalties for offenses, 33-14 Permits, 33-6 Rafting, 33-10 Sale of unnavigable boats, 33-12 Sewage, 33-11 Speed limits, 33-4 Traffic control authority, 33-2 Use of private moorings by guests, 33-9 Wake regulations, 33-4 Waterskiing, 33-5 FLAG LOTS Subdivision of land, A106-50 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Anchoring, 46-16 Appeals, 46-22 Building Inspector, 46-11, 46-14 Certificate of compliance, 46-14 Construction materials and methods, 46-16 SI -9 Encroachments, 46-15 Fees, 46-12 General floodproofing standards, 46-15 Manufactured homes, 46-15, 46-21 New construction, 46-15, 46-16 Nonresidential structures (coastal high - hazard areas), 46-20 Nonresidential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 46-19 Penalties for offenses, 46-9 Permits, 46-12, 46-13 Recreational vehicles, 46-21 Residential structures (coastal high - hazard areas), 46-18 Residential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 46-17 Standards for all structures, 46-16 Stop -work orders, 46-14 Subdivision proposals, 46-15 Utilities, 46-16 Variances, 46-23 Warning and disclaimer of liability, 46-10 Zoning Board of Appeals, 46-22 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX FLOODPLAINS Natural features, A106-57 —G— GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND REFUSE Fees, 48-2 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-11 Nonrecyclable waste, 48-2, 48-3 Town garbage bag, 48-2 Town Transfer Station, 48-3 GENERAL BUSINESS (B) DISTRICT Apartments, 100-101 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-103 Setbacks, 100-103 Zoning, 100-100-100-103 GRADING Natural features, A106-56 GREENHOUSE Farm stands, 47-3 GUARANTEES Wetlands and shoreline, 97-24 GUARANTIES Site plan approval, 100-254 —H— HANDICAPPED PARKING Parking, 92-48 Permits, 9248 HEALTH CARE FACILITIES Zoning, 100-31 HEARINGS Community Preservation Fund, 6-28 Final plat, A106-29 Hearing on violation, 97-33 Housing Fund, 98-6 Landmark preservation, 56-5 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-11 Preliminary plat, A106-22 Site plan approval, 100-254 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-145 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-23, 97-33 Zoning, 100-26 See also NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ING HEIGHT REGULATIONS Berms, 100-231 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6 Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS Alterations or modifications to specifi- cations, A 108-48 As -constructed survey, A108-46 Asphalt binder course, A 108-22 Asphalt pavement cores, A 108-26 Asphalt wearing course, A108-23 Base course for asphalt pavement, A108-21 Base course for Stone Blend Road, A108-19 Bituminous surface treatment double application, A108-24 Catch basins, A108-34 Clearing and grubbing, A108-16 Concrete curbs, A108-38 Concrete cylinders, A108-41 Concrete footings, slabs and headwalls, A108-37 Concrete sidewalks and driveway en- trances, A108-40 Construction specifications, A108-15, A108-15.1 Dead-end streets, A108-11 Drainage design criteria, A108-27 Drainage pipe criteria, A108-36 Excavation and embankment, A108-18 Fences and curbs at recharge basins, A108-42 Final dedication of roads, A108-50 Inspections, A 108-49 Landscaping of recharge basins, A108-43 Leaching basins, A108-28 Manholes, A108-35 Modifications to existing private roads, A108-25 Recharge basins Type A and drainage areas, A108-29 Recharge basins Type B and drainage areas, A108-30 Recharge basins Type C and drainage, A108-31 Screening, A108-43 Seeding, A108-44 Stone blend wearing course, A108-20 Storm drains, A108-33 SI -10 12-15-2004 • i SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Stormwater drainage systems, A108-32 Streetlighting, A] 08-47 Street signs, Al 08-12 Street trees, A 108-45 Stripping and stockpiling soil, A108-17 Topsoil, A108-43 Trees, A108-43 HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND DIS- TRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-164 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COM- MISSION Appointments, 56-4 Landmark preservation, 56-4 Meetings, 56-4 Membership, 56-4 Powers and duties, 56-4 Qualifications, 56-4 Quorum, 56-4 Terms of office, 56-4 HOME PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Noise, 100-31 Setbacks, 100-31 Signs, 100-31 Storage, 100-31 Zoning, ] 00-31 HOTELS AND MOTELS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION Housing Fund, 98-6 Membership, 98-6 Powers and duties, 98-6 Residency requirements, 98-6 HOUSING FUND Bonds, 98-4 Definitions, 98-3 Establishment, 98-4 Hearings, 98-6 Housing Advisory Commission, 98-6 Housing Implementation Plan, 98-6 Purposes of Fund, 98-5 Special Projects Coordinator, 98-6 HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Housing Fund, 98-6 —I— IMPROVEMENTS Subdivision of land, A 106-40, A 106-41, A 106-43, A 106-44, A 106-45, A 106-46 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 INSPECTIONS Ethics Board, 10-23 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-8 Highway specifications, A 108-49 Subdivision of land, A106-38, A106-41, A] 06-42 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-160 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-24 INSURANCE Filming, 44A-11 INVESTIGATIONS Ethics Board, 10-21 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-7 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-23 —L— LAND CLEARING Site plan approval, 100-259 LANDMARK PRESERVATION Appeals, 56-11 Building permits, 56-6 Buildings, demolition of, 56-6 Certificate of appropriateness, 56-6, 56-7,56-12 Criteria for approval of alteration of fa- cades of historic landmarks, 56-8 Criteria for approval of demolition or removal of historic landmarks, 56-9 Designation of historic landmarks, 56-5 Enforcement, 56-12 Fees, 56-14 Hardship criteria for approval of demo- lition, removal or alteration of his- toric landmarks, 56-10 Hearings, 56-5 Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4,56-7 Notices, 56-5 SI -11 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Penalties for offenses, 56-13 Stop -work orders, 56-12 LAND PRESERVATION COMMIT- TEE Agricultural land preservation, 25-50 Appointments, 25-50, 59-50 Membership, 25-50,59-50 Open space preservation, 59-50 Powers and duties, 25-50, 59-50 Terms of office, 25-50, 59-50 LANDSCAPING Highway specifications, A108-43 Natural features, A106-56 Site plan approval, 100-252 Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 LETTER OF CREDIT Subdivision of land, A106-39 LIABILITY Filming, 44A-3, 44A-1 I Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-12 Flood damage prevention, 46-10 Recording Officer, 6-120 Subdivision of land, A106-61 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-90, 6-120, 6-130, 6-145 LICENSES Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-1 — 69-13 Shellfish, 77-202 LIENS Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-8,33-12 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-150 LIFE CARE COMMUNITY Zoning, 100-31 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-143 Setbacks, 100-143 Zoning, 100- 140 — 100-143 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK/PLANNED OFFICE PARK (LIO) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-133 Setbacks, 100-133 Zoning, 100-130 — 100-133 LIGHTING Parks and recreation areas, 100-239.5 Signs, 100-206 Site plan approval, 100-252 Subdivision of land, A106-53 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 Zoning, 100-239-5 LIMITED BUSINESS (LB) DISTRICT Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-83 Outdoor storage, 100-81 Setbacks, 100-83 Zoning, 100-80 — 100-83 LOADING ZONES Parking, 92-49.4 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITI- LAZATION PROGRAM Waterfront consistency review, 95-4 LOTS Open development area, A106-35 Subdivision of land, A106-46, A106-50 Zoning, 100-24, 100-25 _M_ MANUFACTURED HOMES Flood damage prevention, 46-15, 46-21 MARINE DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 MEETINGS Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4 MEMBERSHIP Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4 Housing Advisory Commission, 98-6 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50, 59-50 Transportation Commission, 22-4 MERCHANTS, see PEDDLERS, SO- LICITORS AND TRANSIENT RE- TAIL MERCHANTS MONUMENTS Subdivision of land, A106-46 MOORING Boats, 32-39.3 Boats, docks and wharves, 32-39.4 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6, 33-8, 33-9 MOORING PERMITS Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6 SI -12 12-15-2004 '.7 • is SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX MOTOR -DRIVEN VEHICLES Confiscation and redemption, 60-6 Emergency vehicles, 60-5 Enforcement, 604 Exceptions, 60-5 Penalties for offenses, 60-7 Presumptive evidence, 60-3 Restitution, 60-7 Restrictions, 60-2 See also RECREATIONAL VEHI- CLES; VEHICLES —N— NATURAL FEATURES Clearing of vegetation, A 106-56 Drainage, A106-58 Floodplains, A106-57 Grading, A] 06-56 Landscaping, A106-56 Preservation, A 106-56 —A 106-58 Soil erosion and sedimentation, A106-58 Stormwater management, A] 06-58 Subdivision of land, A] 06-56 — A 106-58 NIGHT FISHING PARKING PERMIT Fees, 92-42 Parking, 92-42 Rules and regulations, 92-42 NOISE Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 Home professional office, 100-31 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 NONCONFORMING USES Farm stands, 47-5 Nonresidential uses, 100-243 Wireless communication facilities, 100-168 NONRECYCLABLE WASTE Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2, 48-3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Board of Appeals, 100-275 Providing notice of public hearings, 58-1 Site plan approval, 100-254 Zoning, 100-292 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Wetlands and shoreline, 97-32 NOTICES Boats, docks and wharves, 32-39.4 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-21, 37-22 Communicable/infectious diseases, A107-43.1 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-223, 100-224 Filming, 44A-4, 44A-5, 44A-8 Final plat, A106-29 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-12 Landmark preservation, 56-5 Preliminary plat, A106-22 Pro -arrest policy, Al 07-35.1 Site plan approval, 100-254 Subdivision of land, A 106-41 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-135,6-145 NUISANCES Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 —O— OBSTRUCTIONS Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-10 Sidewalks, 80-2 ODORS Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Ethics, Code of, 10-I — 10-26 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOAD- ING Site plan approval, 100-252 OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA Bonds, A106-35 Easements, A106-33 Establishment, A106-31 Fees, A106-35 General requirements, A106-32 Lots, A106-35 Permits, A106-31 Procedure, A106-34 Subdivision of land, A106-31 — A 106-35 Submission requirements, A106-33 Zoning, A106-32 OPENSPACE Cluster development, A106-48, A 106-49 OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION Land Preservation Committee, 59-50 SI -13 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX OUTDOORSTORAGE Limited Business (LB) District, 100-81 Residential Office (RO) District, 100-71 _P_ PARKING Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) Dis- trict, 100-32 Bus stops, 92-49.3 Farm stands, 47-3 Fire zones, 92-49.2 Handicapped parking, 92-48 Loading zones, 92-49.4 Night fishing parking permit, 92-42 No stopping zones, 92-49.1 Regulations, additional, 92-49 Salvaging centers, 74-4 Vehicles and traffic, 92-47, 92-49 — 92-49.4, 92-61 PARKING AT BEACHES Fishers Island, 65-3.1 PARKLANDS CONTAINING RESI- DENTIAL UNITS Subdivision of land, A 106-60 PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS Fees, A106-60 Lighting, 100-239.5 Subdivision of land, A106-59, A106-60 PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MER- CHANTS Canvassing for religious purposes, 69-14 Definitions, 69-2 Dust, 69-10 Exemptions, 69-4 Fees, 69-4, 69-9 Hearings, 69-11 Investigations, 69-7 Legislative intent, 69-1 Licenses, 69-1 — 69-13 Noise, 69-10 Obstructions, 69-10 Penalties for offenses, 69-13 Permitted activities, 69-5 Records, 69-8 Registration, 69-3, 69-6 Restrictions, 69-10 Sales, 69-1 — 69-13 Signs, 69-12 Vehicles, 69-10 PEDESTRIAN TRAILS Subdivision of land, A106-61 PENALTIES FOR OFFENSES Affordable Housing (AHD) District, 100-59 Alarm systems, 24-8 Burning, outdoor, 36-5 Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-47 Ethics, Code of, 10-24 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-225 Farm stands, 47-6 Filming, 44A-14 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-14 Flood damage prevention, 46-9 Landmark preservation, 56-13 Motor -driven vehicles, 60-7 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-13 Salvaging centers, 74-6 Site plan approval, 100-259 Street numbering: addresses, 84-8 Subdivision of land, A 106-67 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-155 Waterfront consistency review, 95-7 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-34 PERMITS Administrative permits, 97-20, 97-23 Alarm systems, 24-3, 24-4 Applications, 97-23 Boats, docks and wharves, 32-39.3, 32-39.4 Buildings, demolition of, 56-6 Coastal erosion hazard arca, 37-11, 37-12, 37-40 Farm stands, 47-2 — 47-4 Filming, 44A-2, 44A-3, 44A-12, 44A-13 Fishers Island, 65-3.1 Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-6 Flood damage prevention, 46-12, 46-13 Handicapped parking, 92-48 Nonadministrative applications, 97-21 Open development area, A106-31 Public entertainment and special events, 71-1 Salvaging centers, 74-2, 74-3, 74-5 Signs, 100-209 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-20 — 97-25, 97-27 — 97-30, 97-33, 97-34 SI -14 12-15-2004 E, • • • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX See also BUILDING PERMITS; NIGHT FISHING PARKING PERMIT POLICE DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Communicable/infectious diseases, A107-43.1 Pro -arrest policy, Al 07-35.1 POWERS AND DUTIES Administrator, 37-42 Building Inspector, 46-14 Ethics Board, 10-20 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4 Housing Advisory Commission, 98-6 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50, 59-50 Records Advisory Board, 72-5 Records Management Officer, 72-4 Special Projects Coordinator, 98-6, 100-57 Superintendent of Highways, 44A-5 Transportation Commission, 22-5 PRELIMINARY PLAT Action on preliminary plat, A106-22 Environmental review, A106-21 Fees, A106-8 Hearings, A 106-22 Notices, A106-22 Subdivision of land, A106-8, A 106-18 — A 106-22 Submission, A106-19 Technical requirements, A106-20 Waiver of requirements, A106-18 PRO -ARREST POLICY Accusatory instrument, A107-35.1 Definitions, A107-35.1 General provisions, A107-35.1 Notices, A107-35.1 Orders of protection, A107-35.1 Police Department rules and regula- tions, A107-35.1 Procedure, A107-35.1 Protection of identity of victim, A107-35.1 Purpose, A107-35.1 PROPERTY TAX Subdivision of land, A106-39 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS Bazaars, 71-1 Certain entertainment restricted, 7 1 -1 Circuses, 71-1 Fairs, 7 1 -1 Fees, 71-1, 100-274 Outdoor shows, 7 1 -1 Permits, 7 1 -1 Wineries outdoor events, 7 1 -1 _Q_ QUALIFICATIONS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4 QUORUM Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4 —R— RAFTING Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-10 RAMPS Boats, docks and wharves, 32-32.1 RECORDING OFFICER Designation, 6-115 Liability, 6-120 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-115, 6-120 RECORDS Affordable housing (AHD) district, 100-56 Communicable/infectious diseases, A107-43.1 Ethics Board, 10-23 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-8 Two -percent real estate transfer tax, 6-85 RECORDS ADVISORY BOARD Powers and duties, 72-5 Records management, 72-5 RECORDS MANAGEMENT Custody and control of records, 72-6 Definitions, 72-3 Disposition of records, 72-7 Intent, 72-1 Program established, 72-2 Records Advisory Board, 72-5 Records Management Officer, 72-4, 72-6 Records management officer, 72-2 SI -15 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFI- CER Powers and duties, 72-4 Records management, 72-2, 72-4 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Flood damage prevention, 46-21 See also MOTOR -DRIVEN VEHI- CLES REGISTRATION Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-3, 69-6 RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Housing Advisory Commission, 98-6 Volunteer fire fighters and ambulance workers, tax exemption for, 85-10 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162 RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) DIS- TRICT Additional standards, 100-71 Outdoor storage, 100-71 RESTRICTED TRUCK TRAFFIC, see TRUCK TRAFFIC RESTRICTED RETAINING WALLS Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 _S_ SALARIES AND COMPENSATION Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 SALES Boats, unnavigable, 33-12 Local produce, 100-31 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-1 — 69-13 SALVAGING CENTERS Definitions, 74-1 Fees, 74-3 Parking, 74-4 Penalties for offenses, 74-6 Permits, 74-2, 74-3, 74-5 SCHOOLS Tobacco advertising, 86-3 SCREENING Highway specifications, A108-43 Site plan approval, 100-252 Wireless communication facilities, 100-166 SETBACKS Farm stands, 47-3 General Business (B) District, 100-103 Home professional office, 100-31 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District, 100-133 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-83 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-12 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 SEWAGE Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-11 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Cluster development, A 106-49 Subdivision of land, A106-54 SHELLFISH Eels, 77-208.1 Licenses, 77-202 Vegetation removal prohibited, 77-211.2 SHORELINE REGULATIONS, see WETLANDS AND SHORELINE SIDEWALKS Highway specifications, A108-40 Intent, 80-1 Obstructions, 80-2 Snow and ice removal, 80-2 SIGNS Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31 Fees, 45-8 Highway specifications, A108-12 Home professional office, 100-31 Lighting, 100-206 Nonconforming signs, 100-209 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 69-12 Permits, 100-209 Specific sign requirements, 100-205.1 Specific signs, 100-205 Transition, 100-208 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 Unsafe, abandoned and unlawful signs, 100-207 Wireless communication facilities, 100-165 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 SI -16 12-15-2004 • • 0 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX SITE PLAN APPROVAL Applicability, 100-250 Application requirements, 100-256 Approval of plan required, 100-253 Architectural review, 100-257, 100-258 Building permits, 100-252 Certificate of occupancy, 100-252 Drainage, 100-252 Duration of plan, 100-255 Fees, 100-256 Findings of fact, 100-251 Guaranties, 100-254 Hearings, 100-254 Land clearing, 100-259 Landscaping, 100-252 Lighting, 100-252 Notice of public hearing, 100-254 Notices, 100-254 Objectives, 100-252 Off-street parking and loading, 100-252 Penalties for offenses, 100-259 Purpose, 100-251 Review procedure, 100-254 Screening, 100-252 Utilities, 100-252 Variances, 100-254 Zoning, 100-250 —100-256 SKETCH PLAT Action on sketch plat, A106-14 Coordination with other agencies, A106-13 Fees, A106-8 Review, A106-12 Subdivision of land, A106-8, A 106-10 — A 106-15 Submission, A106-10 Technical requirements, A106-11 SMOKE Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Sidewalks, 80-2 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTA- TION Natural features, A106-58 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 SOLICITORS, see PEDDLERS, SO- LICITORS AND TRANSIENT RE- TAIL MERCHANTS SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY PRES- ERVATION FUND, see COMMU- NITY PRESERVATION FUND SPECIAL EVENTS Fees, 100-274 See also PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES Wireless communication facilities, 100-163 SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINA- TOR Affordable Housing (AHD) District, 100-57 Housing Fund, 98-6 Powers and duties, 98-6, 100-57 SPEED LIMITS Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-4 STOP -WORK ORDERS Flood damage prevention, 46-14 Landmark preservation, 56-12 STORAGE Home professional office, 100-31 Long-term outdoor display or storage, 100-239.7 Zoning, 100-239.6, 100-239.7 STORAGE, OUTDOOR, see OUT- DOOR STORAGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Natural features, A106-58 STREET ACCEPTANCE Subdivision of land, A106-59 STREETLIGHTING Highway specifications, A108-47 Subdivision of land, A106-53 STREET NUMBERING: ADDRESSES Changes, 84-3 Compliance deadline, 84-6 Definitions, 84-2 Display of numbers, 84-5 Enforcement, 84-7 Numbering system established, 84-3 Penalties for offenses, 84-8 Posting of numbers, 84-4 Style and size, 84-5 Tax bill, 84-6 Unnamed roads, 84-3 STREETS Subdivision of land, A106-50 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Abandonment of subdivisions,, A 106-42 Application submission requirements, A106-7 Bonds, A106-36, A106-37, A106-38, A106-39, A10640 Cluster development, A 106-47 — A 106-49 SI -17 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Definitions, A106-3, A106-66 Design standards, A106 -50—A106-55 Driveways, A106-50 Effect on existing plats, A 106-65 Enforcement, A106-68 Fees, A106-8, A10642, A106-60 Final plat, A106-8, A106 -24— A 106-29, 106-24— A106-29, A106-40, A106-60 Fire hydrants, A106-40 Flag lots, A106-50 Flood damage prevention, 46-15 General application procedure, A106-6 General requirements, A106-4 Improvements, A106-40, A106-41, A 106-43, A 106-44, A 106-45, A106-46 Inspections, A106-38, A106-41, A 106-42 Land reservation, A106-60 Letter of credit, A106-39 Liability, A106-61 Lighting, A106-53 Lots, A106-46, A106-50 Monuments, A 106-46 Natural features, A106 -56—A106-58 Notices, A106-41 Open development area, A106-31 — A 106-35 Parklands containing residential units, A106-60 Parks and recreation areas, A106-59, A106-60 Pedestrian trails, A106-61 Penalties for offenses, A 106-67 Preliminary plat, A106-8, A106-18 — A 106-22 Property tax, A106-39 Safeguards during construction, A106-44 Sewage disposal systems, A106-54 Sketch plat, A106-8, Al06-10— A106-15 Statutory authority, A106-1 Street acceptance, A106-59 Streetlighting, A106-53 Streets, A106-50 Subdivision classifications, A106-5 Time limitations, A106-62 Utilities, A106-40 Violations, A106-66 Waiver, adjustment of property lines, A106-64 Waivers of certain provisions, A106-63 Wastewater treatment systems, A106-54 Water, A106-55 SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Filming, 44A-5 Powers and duties, 44A-5 SWIMMING POOLS Fees, 45-8 Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, 45-8 Wetlands and shoreline, 97-27 —T— TAXATION Disabled persons with limited income, tax exemption for, 85-9 Exemption granted, 85-9 Veterans' exemption, 85-7, 85-8 Volunteer fire fighters and ambulance workers, tax exemption for, 85-10, 85-11 TERMS OF OFFICE Architectural Review Committee, 100-258 Ethics Board, 10-19 Fishers Island Harbor Committee, 33-3 Historic Preservation Commission, 56-4 Land Preservation Committee, 25-50, 59-50 Transportation Commission, 22-4 TOBACCO ADVERTISING Child-care center, 86-3 Definitions, 86-2 Exceptions, 86-4 Injunctions, 86-6 Intent and findings, 86-1 Restrictions, 86-3 Schools, 86-3 Time frame for compliance, 86-5 TOPSOIL Highway specifications, A 108-43 TOPSOIL PROTECTION Farm stands, 47-3 TOWERS Wireless communication facilities, 100-162, 100-165, 100-166 TOWN GARBAGE BAG Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-2 TOWN TRANSFER STATION Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 48-3 SI -18 12-15-2004 0 • SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX TRAFFIC CONTROL Judicial review, 6-135 Filming, 44A-4 Liability, 6-90, 6-120, 6-130, 6-145 TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, see PED- Liens, 6-150 DLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRAN- Notices, 6-135, 6-145 SIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS Overpayment or underpayment, 6-130 TRANSPORTATION ACCESS MAN- Payment of tax, 6-85 AGEMENT Penalties for offenses, 6-155 Definitions, 22-3 Proceedings to recover tax due, 6-150 Purpose, 22-2 Recording Officer, 6-115, 6-120 Transportation Commission, 22-4, 22-5 Records, 6-85 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION • Referendum requirement, 6-175 Appointments, 22-4 Refunds, 6-125 Membership, 22-4 Remedies, 6-145 Powers and duties, 22-5 Return, filing of, 6-85 Terms of office, 224 Town Supervisor, petition to, 6-145 Transportation access management, Use of tax, 6-80 22-4,22-5 Warrants, 6-150 TREES Highway specifications, A108-43, A108-45 _U_ U— Wireless communication facilities, Wireless 100-162, 100-166 UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND TRUCK TRAFFIC RESTRICTED BUILDING CODE Vehicles and traffic, 92-60 Accessory buildings, 45-8 Weight limits, 92-60 Building permits, 45-8 TWO -PERCENT REAL ESTATE Buildings, demolition of, 45-8 TRANSFER TAX Certificate of occupancy, 45-8 Additional exemptions, 6-100 Farm buildings, 45-8 Appeals, 6-145 Fees, 45-8 Applicability, 6-80 Hotels and motels, 45-8 Apportionment of consideration subject Signs, 45-8 to tax for property located only Single-family dwellings, 45-8 partly within town, 6-140Swimming pools, 45-8 Community Preservation Fund, 6-70— UNSAFE BUILDINGS 6-175 Unsafe premises prohibited, 90-3 Confidentiality, 6-160 UTILITIES Cooperative housing corporation trans- Flood damage prevention, 46-16 fcrs, 6-110 Site plan approval, 100-252 Costs and expenses, 6-135 Subdivision of land, A10640 Credit, 6-105 Definitions, 6-75 — V Deposit and disposition of revenue, 6-130 VARIANCES Designation of agent by County Treas- Coastal erosion hazard area, 37-30 — urcr, 6-115 37-39 Determination of tax, 6-145 Flood damage prevention, 46-23 Exemptions from tax, 6-95 Site plan approval, 100-254 Hearings, 6-145 VEGETATION Imposition of tax, 6-80 Natural features, A106-56 Inspections, 6-160 VEHICLES Interest, 6-155 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail Intergovernmental agreement authority, merchants, 69-10 6-165 SI -19 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Fire wells, 9247 Parking, 92-47, 92-49 — 92-49.4, 92-61 Truck traffic restricted, 92-60 VEHICLES, MOTOR -DRIVEN, see MOTOR -DRIVEN VEHICLES VETERANS' EXEMPTION Amount of exemption, 85-8 Taxation, 85-7, 85-8 VIBRATIONS Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-222 VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS AND AMBULANCE WORKERS, TAX EXEMPTION FOR Amount, 85-10 Applicability, 85-11 Exemption granted, 85-10 Qualifications, 85-10 Residency requirements, 85-10 Taxation, 85-10, 85-11 !!:'E WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYS- TEMS Subdivision of land, A106-54 WATER Cluster development, A 106-49 Subdivision of land, A106-55 WATERFRONT CONSISTENCY RE- VIEW Definitions, 95-3 Enforcement, 95-6 Management and coordination of LWRP, 95-4 Penalties for offenses, 95-7 Review of actions, 95-5 WATERSKIING Fishers Island Harbor management, 33-5 WEIGHT LIMITS Truck traffic restricted, 92-60 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE Bulkheads, 97-27 Cease-and-desist orders, 97-34 Certificate of compliance, 97-29 Compliance requirements, 97-34 Construction and operation standards, 97-27 Coordination, 97-31 Critical environmental areas, 97-27 Decks, 97-27 Definitions, 97-11 Docks, 97-27 Drainage, 97-27 Dredging, 97-27 Enforcement, 97-31 Exceptions, 97-13 Fees, 97-22, 97-24 Fences, 97-27 Fill, 97-27 Gabions, 97-27 Guarantees, 97-24 Hearings, 97-23, 97-33 Inspections, 97-24 Investigations, 97-23 Jurisdiction, 97-12 Mitigation, 97-34 New and remodeled homes, 97-27 Notice of violation, 97-32 Penalties for offenses, 97-34 Permits, 97-20 — 97-25, 97-27 — 97-30, 97-33, 97-34 Restoration, 97-34 Retaining walls, 97-27 Revetments, 97-27 Setbacks, 97-12 Shoreline structures, 97-27 Soil erosion and sedimentation, 97-27 Swimming pools, 97-27 Word usage, 97-11 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FA- CILITIES Airport regulations, 100-166 Antennas, 100-165 Appearance, 100-166 Area, yard and bulk regulations, 100-165 Collocation, 100-165 Commercial districts, 100-162, 100-166 Design standards, 100-165 Fences, 100-165 Height regulations, 100-162 Historic buildings and districts, 100-164 Industrial districts, 100-162 Landscaping, 100-166 Lighting, 100-165 Location of use, 100-162 Marine districts, 100-162 Nonconforming uses, 100-168 Removal, 100-168 Residential districts, 100-162 Screening, 100-166 Setbacks, 100-165 SI -20 12-15-2004 SOUTHOLD SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX Signs, 100-165 Special exception uses, 100-163 Towers, 100-162, 100-165, 100-166 Trees, 100-162, 100-166 Zoning, 100-160— 100-169 —z— ZONING Adoption of Local Laws, 14-6 Affordable Housing (AHD) District, 100-50 — 100-59 Bed -and -breakfast, 100-31, 100-281 Definitions, 100-25 Exceptions, 100-25 Farmland Bill of Rights, 100-220 — 100-226 General Business (B) District, 100-100 —100-103 Health care facilities, 100-31 Hearings, 100-26 Home professional office, 100-31 Life care community, 100-31 Light Industrial (LI) District, 100-140- 100-143 00-140-100-143 Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District, 100-130 — 100-133 Lighting, 100-239-5 Limited Business (LB) District, 100-80 — 100-83 Lots, 100-24, 100-25 Merger, 100-25 Merger, waiver of, 100-26 Notice of public hearing, 100-292 Open development area, A 106-32 Outdoor storage, 100-239.6, 100-239.7 Sale of local produce, 100-31 Site plan approval, 100-250 —100-256 Wireless communication facilities, 100-160— 100-169 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Flood damage prevention, 46-22 SI -21 12-15-2004