HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Code Supplement - 11/07/2012GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 24 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediate- ly! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. 1:7 01► Preface,i Table of Contents, iii — vii 117:1-117:6 DL:5 — DL:6 Index Pages 1 — 43 INSERT Preface, i — iv Table of Contents, v — viii 117:1-117:6 DL:5 — DL:6 Index Pages 1 — 42 - Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. No. 11-2012. 11-01-2012 PREFACE The Town of Southold, site of the oldest English settlement in New York State, has a history going back to 1638, when a group of men landed from Antigua, one of the Leeward Islands, to set up a turpentine distillery, using as a natural resource the trees of the great pine swamp that lay west of present-day Greenport. Two years later, another group of settlers arrived from the New Haven colony. That year, 1640, is generally considered to mark the beginning of the Town of Southold, although Town records are missing for that early period until 1651. Much of the original Town of Southold was part of the Aquebogue Purchase, acquired from the Indians in 1648-49. The area contained in that purchase was substantially that more fully out- lined and described in Governor Andros's patent, executed in 1676. That early Town, part of the East Riding of Yorkshire (which became Suffolk County in 1683), stretched along the northern shore of Long Island from Wading River to Orient Point. In 1730, Shelter Island became a sepa- rate town, followed by Riverhead in 1792. The early government of Southold was vested in the Town meeting, and all those qualified to vote attended as an obligation, for it was at that time that all local matters affecting the Town were decided. More structured and organized government has, of course, become necessary, and in this regard the Town of Southold, like many other municipalities, has passed through the struggles that characterize all American communities in their early history. While only a few simple laws were necessary in earlier years, subsequent growth of the community, together with the complexity of modern life, has created the need for more and detailed ordinances and local laws for the proper function and government of the Town. The recording of local law is an aspect of municipal history, and as the community develops and changes, review and revision of old laws and consideration of new laws, in the light of current trends, must keep pace. The orderly collection of these records is an important step in this ever -continuing process. Legislation must be more than mere chronological enactments lost in history in the pages of old records. It must be available, and it must be logically arranged for convenient use. It must be kept up-to-date. It was with thoughts such as these in mind that the Town Board ordered the following codification of ordinances and local laws. Contents of Code The various chapters of the Code contain all currently effective legislation of a general and per- manent nature enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, including revisions or amendments to existing legislation deemed necessary by the Town Board in the course of the codification. Division of Code The Code is divided into parts. Part I, Administrative Legislation, contains all Town legislation of an administrative nature, namely, that dealing with the administration of government, that estab- lishing or regulating municipal departments and that affecting officers and employees of the mu - 11 -01-2012 u- 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD CODE nicipal government and its departments. Part H, General Legislation, contains all other Town leg- islation of a regulatory nature. Items of legislation in this part generally impose penalties for vio- lation of their provisions, whereas those in Part I do not. Table of Contents and Grouping of Legislation The Table of Contents details the arrangement of material alphabetically by chapter as a means of identifying specific areas of legislation. Wherever two or more items of legislation have been combined by the editor into a single chapter, the use of article designations has preserved the identity of the individual enactments, and the titles of the articles are listed beneath the chapter title in order to facilitate location of the individual enactments. Reserved Chapters Unassigned chapter numbers do not appear in the Table of Contents but are available for assign- ment to new enactments. In this manner, new subject matter can be included alphabetically. Pagination A unique page -numbering system has been used in which each chapter forms an autonomous unit. The first page of each chapter is the number of that chapter followed by a colon and the nu- meral "1." Thus, Chapter 6 would begin on page 6:1. By use of this system, it is possible to add or to change pages in any chapter, or add new chapters, without affecting the sequence of subse- quent pages. Numbering of Sections A chapter -related section -numbering system is employed in which the section number indicates the number of the chapter and the location of the section within that chapter. Thus, the first sec- tion of Chapter 30 would be § 30-1, while the sixth section of Chapter 57 would be § 57-6. Scheme The Scheme is the list of section titles that precedes the text of each chapter. These titles are care- fully written so that, taken together, they may be considered as a summary of the content of the chapter. Taken separately, each describes the content of a particular section. For ease and preci- sion of reference, the Scheme titles are repeated as section headings in the text. Histories At the end of the Scheme (list of section titles) in each chapter is located the legislative history for that chapter. This History indicates the specific legislative source from which the chapter was derived, including the enactment number, if pertinent, and the date of adoption. In the case of ii 11-01-2012 PREFACE chapters containing parts or articles derived from more than one item of legislation, the source of each part or article is indicated in the text, under its title. Amendments to individual sections or subsections are indicated by histories where appropriate in the text. General References; Editor's Notes In each chapter containing material related to other chapters in the Code, a table of General Ref- erences is included to direct the reader's attention to such related chapters. Editor's Notes are used in the text to provide supplementary information and cross-references to related provisions in other chapters. Appendix Certain forms of local legislation are not of a nature suitable for inclusion in the main body of the Code but are of such significance that their application is community -wide or their provisions are germane to the conduct of municipal government. The Appendix of this publication is reserved for such legislation and for any other material that the community may wish to include. Disposition List The Disposition List is a chronological listing of legislation, indicating its inclusion in the publi- cation or the reason for its exclusion. The Disposition List will be updated with each supplement to the Code to include the legislation reviewed with said supplement. Index The Index is a guide to information. Since it is likely that this publication will be used by persons without formal legal training, the Index has been formulated to enable such persons to locate a particular section quickly. Each section of each chapter has been indexed. The Index will be sup- plemented and revised from time to time as new legislation is added. Instructions for Amending the Code All changes to the ,Code, whether they are amendments, deletions or additions, should be adopted as amendments to the Code. In doing so, existing material that is not being substantively altered should not be renumbered. Adding new sections. Where new sections are to be added to a chapter, they can be added at the end of the existing material (continuing the numbering sequence) or inserted between existing sections as decimal numbers (e.g., a new section between §§ 65-5 and 65-6 should be designated § 65-5.1). Adding new chapters. New chapters should be added in the proper alphabetical sequence in the appropriate division or part (e.g., Part I, Administrative Legislation, or Part II, General Legisla- tion), utilizing the reserved chapter numbers. New chapter titles should begin with the key word iii 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD CODE for the alphabetical listing (e.g., new legislation on abandoned vehicles should be titled "Vehicles, Abandoned" under "V" in the Table of Contents, and a new enactment on coin-operated amuse- ment devices should be "Amusement Devices" or "Amusement Devices, Coin -Operated" under "A" in the Table of Contents). Where a reserved number is not available, an "A" chapter should be used (e.g., a new chapter to be included between Chapters 166 and 167 should be designated Chapter 166A). Adding new articles. New articles may be inserted between existing articles in a chapter (e.g., adding a new district to the Zoning Regulations) by the use of "A" articles (e.g., a new article to be included between Articles XVI and XVII should be designated Article XVIA). The .section numbers would be as indicated above (e.g., if the new Article XVIA contains six sections and existing Article XVI ends with § 166-30 and Article XVII begins with § 166-34, Article XVIA should contain §§ 166-30.1 through 166-30.6). Supplementation Supplementation of the Code will follow the adoption of new legislation. New legislation or amendments to existing legislation will be included, and repeals will be indicated as soon as pos- sible after passage. Supplemental pages should be inserted as soon as they are received and old pages removed, in accordance with the Instruction Page which accompanies each supplement. Acknowledgment The assistance of the Town officials is gratefully acknowledged by the editor. The codification of the legislation of the Town of Southold reflects an appreciation of the needs of a progressive and expanding community. As in many other municipalities, officials are faced with fundamental changes involving nearly every facet of community life. Problems increase in number and com- plexity and range in importance from everyday details to crucial areas of civic planning. It is the profound conviction of General Code that this publication will contribute significantly to the effi- cient administration of local government. As Samuel Johnson observed, "The law is the last result of human wisdom acting upon human experience for the benefit of the public." 1V 11-01-2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CODE PART I: ADnIINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION 1. General Provisions...........................................................................................................1:1 Article I Adoption of Code Article II Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Code 5. Appearance Tickets........................................................................................................... 5:1 9. Assessors..........................................................................................................................9:1 Article I Election Article II Number 13. Committees, Appointment of.........................................................................................13:1 17. Community Preservation Fund......................................................................................17:1 Article I Southold Community Preservation Fund Article II Southold Community Preservation Project Plan Article III Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board Article IV Two -Percent Real Estate Transfer Tax 21. Defense and Indemnification......................................................................................... 21:1 26. Ethics............................................................................................................................. 26:1 30. Expenses of Town Officers ............................................................................................ 30:1 34. Housing Fund................................................................................................................. 34:1 38. Local Laws, Adoption of...............................................................................................38:1 42. Officers and Employees................................................................................................. 42:1 Article I Town Clerk Article II Superintendent of Highways 47. Personnel........................................................................................................................47:1 Article I Grievance Procedures 51. Police Department.......................................................................................................... 51:1 55. Public Hearings, Notice of............................................................................................. 55:1 59. Records.......................................................................................................................... 59:1 Article I Public Access to Records Article II Records Management 64. Transportation Access Management.............................................................................. 64:1 68. Youth Board................................................................................................................... 68:1 V 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD CODE PART H: GENERAL LEGISLATION 70. .................................................................................... Agricultural Lands Preservation70:1 72. Agricultural Uses........................................................................................................... 72:1 75. Alarm Systems............................................................................................................... 75:1 79. Alcoholic Beverages...................................................................................................... 79:1 Article I Public Consumption 83. Animals..........................................:................................................................................83:1 Article I Ducks Article II Dogs Article III Dog Licensing and Identification Article IV Waterfowl and Gull Feeding and Domestic Pet Waste 88. Bicycles......................................................................................................................... 88:1 92. Bingo and Games of Chance......................................................................................... 92:1 Article I Bingo Article 11 Games of Chance 96. Boats, Docks and Wharves............................................................................................ 96:1 Article I Obstruction and Use of Town Waters Article 11 Public Docks Article III Boats Article IV Floating Homes Article V Administration and Enforcement 100. Buildings, Unsafe; Property Maintenance...................................................................100:1 104. Burning, Outdoor.........................................................................................................104:1 111. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas.....................................................................................111:1 117. Sanitary Flow Credits, Transfer of...............................................................................117:1 121. Domestic Partnerships.................................................................................................121:1 126. Electrical Inspections...................................................................................................126:1 130. Environmental Quality Review...................................................................................130:1 139. Filming.........................................................................................................................139:1 144. Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration ....................................................144:1 148. Flood Damage Prevention...........................................................................................148:1 157. Harbor Management....................................................................................................157:1 Article I Fishers Island Harbor Management 161. Highway Specifications...............................................................................................161:1 166. Junkyards.....................................................................................................................166:1 vi 11-01-2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 170. Landmark Preservation................................................................................................170:1 172., Lighting, Exterior.........................................................................................................172:1 174. Littering.......................................................................................................................174:1 180. Noise, Prevention of.................................................................................................... 180:1 185. Open Space Preservation.............................................................................................185:1 189. Parking.........................................................................................................................189:1 Article I Parking at Beaches 193. Parks and Recreation Areas.........................................................................................193:1 Article I Use Regulations and Restrictions 197. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants ...................................................197:1 205. Public Entertainment and Special Events.................................................................... 205:1 211. Salvage Centers........................................................................................................... 211:1 Sanitary Flow Credits, Transfer of — See Ch. 117 215. Sewers and Sewage Disposal....................................................................................... 215:1 Part 1 Scavenger Wastes Part 2 Sewer Use Part 3 Sewer Rents and Charges 219. Shellfish and Other Marine Resources........................................................................ 219:1 228. Soil Removal............................................................................................................... 228:1 233. Solid Waste..................................................................................................................233:1 Article I Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse 235. Stormwater Management............................................................................................. 235:1 237. Streets and Sidewalks.................................................................................................. 237:1 Article I Notification of Defects Article II Street Excavations Article III Snow and Ice Removal Article IV Street Numbering Article V Removal of Utility Poles 240. Subdivision of Land..................................................................................................... 240:1 245. Taxation....................................................................................................................... 245:1 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans' Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers Article VI Exemption for War Veterans and Gold Star Parents Article VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans Article VIII Exemption for Historic Properties vii 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD CODE 249. Tobacco Advertising.................................................................................................... 249:1 253. Tourist and Trailer Camps....................:...................................................................... 253:1 Article I General Regulations Article Il Recreational Vehicle Parks 260. Vehicles and Traffic..................................................................................................... 260:1 264. Vehicles, Motor-Driven............................................................................................... 264:1 Article I Unlicensed Motor -Driven Vehicles Article 11 Motor -Driven Vehicles 268. Waterfront Consistency Review.................................................................................. 268:1 275. Wetlands and Shoreline............................................................................................... 275:1 277. Wind Energy.................................:..............................................................................277:1 Article I Small Wind Energy Systems 280. Zoning..........................................................................................................................280:1 APPENDIX A290. Police Department Rules and Regulations................................................................ A290:1 DERIVATION TABLE DISPOSITION LIST INDEX viii 11-01-2012 § 117-1. § 117-2. § 117-3. § 117-4. § 117-5. § 117-6. § 117-7. Chapter 117 SANITARY FLOW CREDITS, TRANSFER OF Title. § 117-8. Irreversible transfer. Purpose and intent. § 117-9. Procedure for transfer from Definitions. bank to receiving district. Applicability; general prohibitions. Sanitary flow credit bank Sanitary flow credit transfer. Determination of credits to be deposited; duties of Clerk. § 117-10. Sanitary flow credit certificate. §,117-11. Covenants and restrictions. § 117-12. Revocation. § 117-13. Expiration. § 117-14. Return of credit to bank. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 3-1-2005 by L.L. No. 2-2005; amended in its entirety 9-25-2012 by L.L. No. 11-2012. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Community Preservation Fund — See Ch. 17. Notice of public hearings —See Ch. 55. Housing Fund — See Ch. 34. Zoning — See Ch. 280. § 117-1. Title. This chapter shall be known as the "Transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits." § 117-2. Purpose and intent. A. As set forth in numerous comprehensive planning documents, the Town's goals include: (1) The preservation of open space, agricultural lands and recreational landscapes; (2) Preservation. of the rural, cultural, and historic character of the hamlets and surrounding countryside; (3) Preservation of the natural environment and prevention of further deterioration of resources; (4) Preservation and promotion of a broad range of housing and business opportunities to support a socioeconomically diverse community; and (5) Increased transportation efficiency. B. To achieve these goals it is the intent and purpose of this chapter to provide for the transfer of sanitary flow credits, if certain conditions are present, and thereby transfer 117:1 11-01-2012 § 117-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 117-5 development potential from areas designated for preservation to areas designated as more appropriate for higher -density residential development. C. Unless expressly permitted herein, the transfer of sanitary flow credits shall not occur in the Town of Southold. § 117-3. Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings as herein defined. Any word or term not noted below shall be used with a meaning as defined in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (or the latest edition). TRANSFER OF SANITARY FLOW CREDITS — The process by which sanitary flow credits are transferred from one lot, parcel, or area of land in any sending district to another lot, parcel, or area of land in one or more receiving districts. § 117-4. Applicability; general prohibitions. A. Applicability. Any and all sanitary flow credit transfers within the Town of Southold shall be in accordance with this chapter. B. General prohibitions. (1) If not expressly permitted within this chapter, the transfer of sanitary flow credits is prohibited. 11 -111 (2) All transfers of sanitary flow credits from parcels located outside of the Town of Southold's boundaries are prohibited. (3) All transfers of sanitary flow credits from or to properties that are not recognized pursuant to § 280-9 of the Town Code or that do not contain sufficient buildable land area, as defined in § 280-4 of the Town Code, are prohibited. § 117-5. Sanitary flow credit bank The Town hereby establishes a sanitary flow credit bank (SFC bank) in which sanitary flow credits may be received, retained and sold by the Town Board in the best interests of the Town. All sanitary flow credits transferred into the bank must first be accepted by Town Board resolution in accordance with the terms of this chapter. All receipts and proceeds from sales of sanitary flow credits sold from the Town bank shall be deposited into a special municipal account known as the "Community Preservation Fund," to be used in a manner specified in Chapter 17 of the Town Code. A. The only development right that may be transferred into and out of the SFC bank is a sanitary flow credit. B. The lands from which sanitary flow credits to be transferred into the bank were acquired shall remainpreserved in perpetuity by a permanent conservation easement or other instrument that similarly preserves community character as defined and set forth in the 117:2 11-01-2012 § 117-5 SANITARY FLOW CREDITS, TRANSFER OF § 117-8 definition of "community preservation" in Chapter 17 of the Town Code. The easement or other document shall be in a form approved by the Town Attorney. § 117-6. Sanitary flow credit transfer. The sanitary flow credit transfer will allow the Town to bank sanitary flow credits from preserved land in the SFC bank and later sell those credits for use exclusively in connection with affordable housing. The sale price of the credits shall be determined by resolution of the Town Board, and such factors as the appraised value of the sanitary flow credit and the public benefit provided to the community shall be considered. All transfers of sanitary flow credits within the Town of Southold must pass through the SFC bank. A. Designation of sending and receiving districts. (1) The sending district shall be any zoning district in the Town of Southold that is not defined as a receiving district. (2) The receiving district shall be any land designated as General Business (B) Hamlet Business (HB) or Residential Office (RO), or land designated as an Affordable Housing District (AHD) after March 1, 2005. B. Designation of development rights. A development right, for the purposes of this chapter, shall be limited to a sanitary flow credit. § 117-7. Determination of credits to be deposited; duties of Clerk. A. Upon receipt of a contract (executed by the seller) for the Town's acquisition of a parcel of property or the development rights thereon, and prior to the public hearing on the purchase, the Land Preservation Coordinator shall provide to the Town Board a calculation of the sanitary flow credits available, subject to survey, for transfer from the parcel of property upon the closing of the contract in accordance with its terms. B. Following the closing on the parcel, sanitary flow credits shall be placed into the Town SFC bank by resolution of the Town Board, which resolution shall set forth the number of sanitary flow credits and the source of the credits. The Town Clerk shall maintain a log detailing the credits transferred into the bank, as provided by the Land Preservation Coordinator in a form approved by the Town Board. C. The Town Clerk shall forward the resolution to the Tax Assessor's office, the Land Preservation Department, the Special Projects Coordinator and the Planning Department for inclusion in the Town database and geographic information system (GIS). § 117-8. Irreversible transfer. No sanitary flow credits shall be transferred back to the sending parcel once the development rights have been transferred. No sanitary flow credits may be transferred out of a parcel which has previously had all of its development rights extinguished under the Town of Southold, 117:3 11-01-2012 § 117-8 SOUTHOLD CODE § 117-9 Suffolk County, or New York State acquisition of development rights program or other easement, transfer, restrictive covenant or otherwise. § 117-9. Procedure for transfer from bank to receiving district. Upon application by the owner of an individual parcel in a receiving district, the Town Board may permit the transfer of a sanitary flow credit to such parcel by proceeding in the manner set forth below: A. Notice to adjacent property owners shall be given by the applicant in the same manner as set forth in § 280-159 relating to change -of -zone applications. B. The Town Board, before publishing notice for a public hearing, shall comply with all State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 1 requirements, and costs associated with review shall be paid by the applicant. C. The Town Board, before publishing notice for a public hearing, shall, in a written request, instruct the Town Planning Board and the Building Inspector to prepare an official report regarding the proposed transfer, including the Planning Board recommendations. The Building Inspector report shall certify the use in the zone proposed and comment on the proposed project. The Planning Board shall consider the factors set forth in § 117-7E below in its report and recommendations. D. The Town Board, by resolution adopted at a stated meeting, shall fix the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed transfer and cause at least 10 days' notice of such hearing to be published in the official newspaper. E. Before the transfer of sanitary flow credits may be authorized to any receiving district, the Town Board shall determine, after evaluating the effects of potential increased development which is possible under the transfer of development rights provisions, that the district contains adequate resources, environmental quality and public facilities, including adequate transportation, water supply, waste disposal and fire protection; that there will be no significant environmentally damaging consequences; and that such increased development is compatible with comprehensive planning and the development otherwise permitted by the Town and by the federal, state and county agencies having jurisdiction to approve permissible development within the district. F. Sanitary flow credits shall not be transferred out of the school, special assessment or tax districts unless the Town Board determines that there is no other available lot within said districts to which a sanitary flow credit may reasonably be transferred and that the transfer does not unreasonably transfer the tax burden between the taxpayers of such districts. G. Following the public hearing, the Town Board may, by resolution authorize the transfer of sanitary flow credits. The resolution shall state that the applicant shall receive a sanitary flow credit certificate, which shall not be signed by the Supervisor and released 1. Editor's Note: See Environmental Conservation Law § 8-0101 et seq. 117:4 11 -01-2012 § 117-9 SANITARY FLOW CREDITS, TRANSFER OF § 117-12 by the Town Clerk to the applicant until the covenants and restrictions as set forth at § 117-11 have been filed and such filing has been approved by the Town Attorney. § 117-10. Sanitary flow credit certificate. A. An applicant must obtain and present a sanitary flow credit certificate to the Building Department prior to receiving a building permit. B. The sanitary flow credit certificate shall state the specific use for the transferred credit and may be used only for construction of the project listed on the certificate. C. The Town Clerk shall maintain a log detailing the sanitary flow credit certificates that have been issued by the Town Board, and such log shall contain the source and location of the transferred credit. D. The Town Clerk shall provide notice of the issuance of a sanitary flow credit certificate to the Town Attorney, the Tax Assessor's office, the Land Preservation Department, the Special Projects Coordinator and the Planning Department. § 117-11. Covenants and restrictions. A. Following the Town Board resolution granting a transfer of a sanitary flow credit to a recipient pursuant to the procedures set forth in this chapter, the applicant shall file in the office of the Suffolk County Clerk covenants and restrictions in a form approved by the Town Attorney. The covenants and restrictions shall contain terms and conditions as the Town Board and the Planning Board deem necessary to ensure that the dwelling unit created by the transferred credit remains affordable in perpetuity and shall be leased or sold only to eligible individuals registered with the Town of Southold Housing Registry. The sale and/or lease of the dwelling unit that has been constructed with the transferred credit shall be administered through the Town of Southold pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 34, Housing Fund, and §§ 280-24 through 280-33, Affordable Housing (AHD) District, and the sale and/or lease price shall be set by resolution of the Town Board. B. A copy of the filed covenants and restrictions must be filed with the Town Clerk within 30 days of the approving resolution. No sanitary flow credit certificate shall be issued until the covenants and restrictions have been filed and such filing has been approved by the Town Attorney. C. The Town Clerk shall forward the covenants and restrictions to the Town Attorney, the Tax Assessor's office, the Land Preservation Department, the Special Projects Coordinator and the Planning Department for inclusion in the Town database. § 117-12. Revocation. Failure to comply with any of the requirements set forth in this chapter may result in revocation of the transferred sanitary flow credit. A sanitary flow credit may be revoked by Town Board resolution following a public hearing after 10 days' written notice of the hearing, by personal service or certified mail, has been given to the property owner. 117:5 11-01-2012 § 117-13 SOUTHOLD CODE § 117-14 § 117-13. Expiration. Any sanitary flow credit transferred to a recipient for construction of a dwelling unit shall expire and be returned to the bank one year after transfer if the dwelling unit has not been issued a certificate of occupancy unless an extension of time has been requested by the property owner and granted by the Town Board. A request for an extension of time shall be made one month in advance of the expiration. A sanitary flow credit shall be returned to the bank by resolution of the Town Board, and notice thereof shall be given by the Town Clerk to those Town departments referenced in § 117-10D. § 117-14. Return of credit to bank In the B, HB or RO Zoning Districts, a property owner may apply to the Town Board to return the transferred sanitary flow credit to the bank and extinguish the affordable housing covenants and restrictions applicable to the property. The Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the application, and notice shall be given in accordance with Chapter 55, Public Hearings, Notice of. A sanitary flow credit shall be returned to the bank by resolution of the Town Board, and notice thereof shall be given by the Town Clerk to those Town departments referenced in § 117-10D. ' 117:6 a-01-2012 § DL -1 DISPOSITION LIST § DL -1 Local Law Adoption No. Date Subject Disposition 10-2010 8-24-2010 2010 Retirement Incentive Program, Part NCM B 11-2010 10-5-2010 Parking at beaches amendment; vehicles Chs. 189, Art. 1; and traffic amendment 260 1-2011 1-4-2011 Animals: dog licensing and identification Ch. 83, Art. 111 2-2011 1-18-2011 Fire prevention and building code Chs. 144; 280 administration amendment; zoning amendment 3-2011 4-12-2011 Taxation: senior citizen exemption Ch. 245, Art. I amendment 4-2011 5-10-2011 Solid waste: garbage, rubbish and refuse Ch. 233, Art. I amendment 5-2011 5-10-2011 Fire prevention and building code Ch. 144 administration amendment 6-2011 5-24-2011 Small wind energy systems amendment; Chs. 277, Art. I; zoning amendment 280 7-2011 7-19-2011 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 8-2011 7-19-2011 Prevention of noise Ch. 180 9-2011 8-2-2011 Zoning Map amendment NCM 10-2011 8-30-2011 Parking at beaches amendment Ch. 189, Art. I 11-2011 8-30-2011 Parking at beaches amendment; vehicles Chs. 189, Art. I; and traffic amendment 260 12-2011 10-11-2011 Taxation: exemption for volunteer fire Ch. 245, Art. V fighters and ambulance workers amendment 13-2011 12-6-2011 Fire prevention and building code Ch. 144 administration amendment 1-2012 12-20-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 2-2012 1-17-2012 Shellfish and other marine resources Ch. 219 amendment 3-2012 2-14-2012 Fire prevention and building code Chs. 144; 228; administration amendment; soil removal 236; 237, Art. 11; amendment; stormwater management 240; 253, Art. I; amendment; street excavations 275; 280 amendment; subdivision of land amendment; tourist and trailer camps: -general regulations amendment; wetlands and shoreline amendment; zoning amendment 4-2012 3-13-2012 Unsafe buildings; property maintenance Ch. 100 amendment DL:5 11-01-2012 § DL -1 SOUTHOLD CODE § DL -1 Local Law Adoption No. Date Subject Disposition 5-2012 4-10-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 6-2012 4-24-2012 Fire prevention and building code Chs. 144; 280 administration amendment; zoning amendment 7-2012 5-8-2012 Streets and sidewalks: removal of utility Ch. 237, Art. V poles 8-2012 6-5-2012 Dogs amendment; waterfowl and gull Ch. 83, Arts. H, feeding and domestic pet waste IV 9-2012 7-3-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 10-2012 9-11-2012 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 11-2012 9-25-2012 Transfer of sanitary flow credits Ch. 117 amendment DL:6 11-01-2012 DEFINITIONS NOTE: For the convenience of the Code user, all terms defined in this Code are in- cluded in the Index under the heading "Definitions and Abbrevi- ations." -A- ABANDONMENT Harbor management, 157-8 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 37,215-43 Subdivision of land, 240-37 Vehicles and traffic, 260-23 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-19 Wind energy, 277-6 Zoning, 280-76, 280-88 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8, 144-15 Landmark preservation, 170-7 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-5 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-15, 280-19,280-22, 280-104, 280-107,280-116,280-149, 280-154 ACCESSORY USES Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-15, 280-17, 280-22, 280-27, 280- 35, 280-38, 280-41, 280-45, 28048, 280-52, 280-55, 280- 58, 280-62, 280-78, 280-127, 280-172 ADOPTION OF RENUMBERED 2006 CODE General provisions, 1-14 -1-18 ADVERTISING Tobacco advertising, 249-1- 249-5 Wind energy, 2774 Zoning, 280-80, 280-81, 280-85 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Subdivision of land, 240-10 Zoning, 280-137 AFFORDABLE HOUSING (AHD) DISTRICT Subdivision of land, 240-10,240- 42 Zoning, 280-30 AGE REQUIREMENTS Animals, 83-6 AGE RESTRICTIONS Zoning, 280-30 AGPDD, see AGRICULTURAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL - CONSERVATION (A -C) DISTRICT (TWO -ACRE MINIMUM) Subdivision of land, 240-42 SOUTHOLD INDEX AGRICULTURAL LANDS PRESERVATION Acquisition of development rights, 704 Alienation of development rights, 70-5 Definitions, 70-3 Hearing, 704, 70-5 Improvement, 70-2 Open space, 70-2 Permits, 70-5 Purpose, 70-2 Sale, 70-4, 70-5 Severability, 70-6 Title, 70-1 AGRICULTURAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Zoning, 280-170 - 280-181 AGRICULTURAL USES Farm stands Appeals, 72-11 Area, yard and bulk regula- tions, 72-5, 72-6 Definitions, 72-6 Farm stand offerings, 72-7 Farm stand permit required, 72-5 Farm stand permits issued without requirements of site plan approval, 72-6 Maximum size of farm stand, 72-8 Off-street parking, 72-6 Parking, 72-5, 72-6 Penalties for offenses, 72-12 Permit, 72-12 Setbacks, 72-6 Variance procedures, 72-11 Zoning, 72-5 Zoning Board of Appeals, 72- 11 General provisions Definitions, 724 Purpose, 72-2 Statutory authorization, 72-3 Title, 72-1 Variances, 72-3 AIR CONDITIONING Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36 AIR POLLUTION Zoning, 280-77,280-111 ALARM SYSTEMS Alarm device, 75-2, 75-3, 75-6 Charges for false alarms, 75-6 Definitions, 75-2 Disorderly conduct, 75-8 Emergency, 75-1, 75-2, 75-5, 75- 6 False alarms, 75-5, 75-6 Fees, 75-4 Fine, 75-8 Intentional false alarms, 75-5 Investigation, 75-1 Penalties for offenses, 75-5, 75-6, 75-8 Permit, 75-3, 754 Purpose, 75-1 Rules and regulations, 75-6 Severability, 75-7 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15, A290-24 Public Consumption, 79-1, 79-2 Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public re- stricted, 79-1 Penalties for offenses, 79-2 Vehicle, 79-1 ANCHORING Boats, docks and wharves, 96-3, 96-7, 96-11, 96-12, 96-22, 96-23 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 13 Flood damage prevention, 148- 14, 148-16,148-18, 148-21 Harbor management, 157-4, 157- 6 Wind energy, 277-4 ANIMALS Community Preservation Fund, 17-4 Dog Licensing and Identification Definitions, 83-18 Exemptions, 83-23 Fees, 83-23 Identification tag, 83-24 Issuance of license, 83-24 Legislative authority, 83-16 Licenses issued only by Town Clerk, 83-20 Licensing, 83-19 Notices, 83-24 Penalties for offenses, 83-25 Proof of vaccination against rabies, 83-21 Purpose, 83-17 Rabies vaccinations, 83-21 Records, 83-24 Repeal of inconsistent local laws or ordinances, 83-26 Term of license and renewals, 83-22 Dogs, 83-6 - 83-15 Age requirements, 83-6 Arrest warrant, 83-9 Barking or howling, 83-6 Confinement, 83-12 Disposition, 83-12 Enforcement, 83-7 Fecal matter, 83-6 Filing of complaints, 83-8 Fine, 83-13 Hunting, 83-6 Impoundment, 83-11, 83-12 Leash, 83-6 Minors, 83-6 Penalties for offenses, 83-6, 83-13 Permit, 83-6, 83-9 Pet waste disposal, 83-6 Prohibited activities, 83-6 Property damage, 83-6 Redemption, 83-12 11-01-2012 Seeing Eye dogs, 83-10 Seizure of dogs at large, 83-11 Severability, 83-14 Summons, 83-9 When effective, 83-15 Ducks, 83-1- 83-5 Deposit of waste matter in Town waters prohibited, 83-4 Keeping of ducks for private use, 83-2 Penalties for offenses, 83-5 Permit, 83-1, 83-3, 83-4 Water, 83-3, 83-4 Harbor management, 157-11 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2, 193-9 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 37,215-38 Subdivision of land, 240-44 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding and Domestic Pet Waste Appearance tickets, 83-29 Definitions, 83-27 Enforcement, 83-29 Penalties for offenses, 83-28, 83-30 Pet waste, 83-28 Pet waste disposal, 83-28 Police/Bay Constables, 83-29 Prohibitions, 83-28 Statutory authority, 83-31 Waterfowl feeding, 83-28 Zoning Inspector, 83-29 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Zoning, 280-13, 280-17, 280-58, 280-62,280-78,280-85, 280- 98,280-99,280-111 ANTENNAS Wireless Communication Facili- ties, 280-76.1 Zoning, 280-68, 280-70, 280-72, 280-73,280-76,280-76.2 APARTMENTS Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-22, 280-27,280-38,280-45,280- 48, 280-78 APPEALS Agricultural uses, 72-11 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 1I I- 24-111-26 Community Preservation Fund, 17-34 Ethics, 26-13 Expenses of town officers, 30-1 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-22 Landmark preservation, 170-11 Lighting, outdoor, 172-8 Records, 59-8, 59-10 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- 45,240-57 Waterfront consistency review, 268-4,268-5 Zoning, 280-4, 280-9, 280-13, 280-17, 280-22, 280-28,280- 31, 280-35, 280-38, 280-41, SOUTHOLD INDEX 280-45, 280-48, 280-52, 280- 55, 280-58,280-62,280-78, 280-79,280-81,280-86,280- 92, 280-100, 280-121, 280- 130, 280-131, 280-137, 280- 140 - 280-142, 280-144 - 280-150, 280-154 APPEARANCE TICKETS Animals, 83-29 Appearance tickets, 5-1- 5-3 Certain public servants authorized to issue appearance tickets, 5-2 Dogs, 5-2 Parking, 5-2, 5-3 Purpose, 5-1 Safety, 5-2 Sanitation, 5-2 Service of appearance tickets, 5-3 Signs, 5-2 Vehicles, 5-2 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Zoning, 280-131 AREA, YARD AND BULK REG- ULATIONS Agricultural uses, 72-5, 72-6, 72 - Community Preservation Fund, 17-13 Stormwater management, 236-20 Zoning, 280-137 ASBESTOS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 43 ASHES Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 ASSESSMENTS Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-10 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 11I- 10 Ethics, 26-13 General provisions, 1-4 Littering, 174-5 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 5, 215-33, 215-50, 215-52 Soil removal, 228-6 Subdivision of land, 240-7, 240- 44 Taxation, 245-3,245-4,245-8, 245-9, 245-11, 245-12 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3,268-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-4, 275-6 Zoning, 280-45; 280-88, 280-92, 280-133,280-159 ASSESSOR Taxation, 245-3 ASSESSORS Election, 9-1, 9-2 Approval by referendum, 9-2 Continuation as elective office, 9-1 Number, 9-3 - 9-5 Amendment of Session Laws, 9-3 Approval by referendum, 9-5 Conditions as to effectiveness, 9-4 -B- BACKFILLING Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 BARRICADES Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 43 Streets and sidewalks, 237-12, 237-13 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 BATTERIES Junkyards, 166-1 BAY CONSTABLE Powers and duties, 219-23, 275- 12.1, 275-15 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-23 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1, 275-15 BED -AND -BREAKFAST Zoning, 280-13,280-52, 280-55 BICYCLES Applicability, 88-8 Carrying children, 88-5 Coasting, 88-5 Cutouts prohibited, 88-4 General provisions, 1-2 Light required, 88-1 Operation of bicycle, 88-3 Parks, 88-1- 88-3, 88-5 Penalties for offenses, 88-7 Use of bell or whistle as alarm, 88-2 Use of sidewalks, 88-6 Vehicles, 88-1- 88-6 Zoning, 280-137 BINGO AND GAMES OF CHANCE Bingo, 92-1- 92-11 Bingo permitted, 92-2 Leased premises, 92-4 License, 92-2, 92-3 Management and operation, 92-9 Maximum value of all prizes on one occasion, 92-8 Maximum value of single prize, 92-7 Penalties for offenses, 92-11 Purchase of bingo equipment, 92-5 Purpose, 92-1 Remuneration prohibited, 92- 10 Use of proceeds, 92-6 Games of Chance, 92-12 - 92-15 Approval by electors, 92-15 Definitions, 92-12 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Games of chance authorized, Mattituck Creek, 96-23 Highway specifications, 161-16, 92-13 Mooring and anchoring, 96-22 161-30 License, 92-13, 92-14 Mooring permits, 96-24 Solid waste, 233-4 Restrictions, 92-14 Mooring without a permit, 96-25 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5 BLOCK Mufflers, 96-17 BUFFERS Fire prevention and building con- Noise, 96-17 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- struction, 144-8 Notice, 96-10, 96-13, 96-25 12 Flood damage prevention, 148-21 Obstruction and Use of Town Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240 - Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- Waters, 96-1- 96-3 17, 240-21, 24042, 240-43, 17,240-21,240-45 Anchoring, 96-3 240-49 Wind energy, 277-2 Issuance of permits by Board Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, Zoning, 2804, 280-116, 280-133 of Trustees, 96-3 275-5, 275-7,275-11 BLUE CLAW CRABS Permit, 96-1, 96-3 Zoning, 280-92, 280-94 - 280-96, Shellfish and other marine re- Restricted areas at end of 280-118, 280-137,280-143 sources, 219-11 Town highways, 96-2 BUILDING INSPECTOR BOATS, DOCKS AND Operation of boats near beaches Buildings, unsafe; property WHARVES and bathers, 96-11 maintenance, 100-7, 100-9 Administration and Enforcement, Operators, 96-15 Electrical inspections, 126-3 96-30 - 96-33 Parade, 96-16 Filming, 139-8 Compliance required, 96-33 Parks, 96-15 Fire prevention and building con - Enforcing officer, 96-30 Permit, 96-15, 96-18, 96-20, 96- struction, 144-8 Fine, 96-33 24,96-25 Flood damage prevention, 148-11 Hearing, 96-31, 96-32 Public Docks, 964, 96-5 Powers and duties, 100 -9,280 - Meeting, 96-32 Definitions, 96-4 151 Notice of violation, 96-31, 96- Monopolization of docks, Soil removal, 228-4 32 bulkheads and landing Streets and sidewalks, 237-28 Notices, 96-31- 96-33 places prohibited, 96-5 Waterfront consistency review, Penalties for offenses, 96-33 Ramps, 96-9 268-6 Permit, 96-31- 96-33 Record, 96-10, 96-25 Wind energy, 277-7 Anchoring, 96-7, 96-11, 96-12, Registration, 96-10, 96-24 Zoning, 280-6, 280-8,280-13, 96-22, 96-23 Regulation of personal watercraft 280-31, 280-81, 280-85, 280 - Applicability, 96-6 and specialty prop -craft, 96- 88, 280-92, 280 -109,280 - Aquatic events, 96-18 16 127,280-130, 280-131, 280 - Bathing and swimming, 96-19 Safety, 96-14, 96-15 146, 280-151- 280-155 Boats, 96-6 - 96-25 Sale, 96-10, 96-25 BUILDING PERMITS Definitions, 96-7 Sanitary regulations, 96-8 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Disabled, 96-10 Scuba diving, 96-20 Ethics, 26-21 Drug, 96-15 Short tide, 96-6 Fire prevention and building con - Dumping, 96-8 Signs, 96-23, 96-24 struction, 144-3, 144-8, 144 - Emergency, 96-17 Spearfishing, 96-21 11, 144-12, 144-17 Equipment, 96-14 Speed limits, 96-13 Landmark preservation, 170-5, Explosive, 96-16 Storage, 96-10, 96-25 170-6 Floating Homes, 96-26 - 96-29 Towing, 96-12 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Definitions, 96-27 Unnavigable boats, 96-10 41 Emergency, 96-26 Vehicle, 96-9, 96-24 Streets and sidewalks, 237-25, Legislative findings, 96-26 Water, 96-12, 96-16 237-26 Permit, 96-28 Water-skiers, 96-12 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240 - Pollution, 96-26 Zoning, 280-137 25 Prohibited acts, 96-28 BONDS Wind energy, 277-3, 277-6 Recreation areas, 96-26 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- Zoning, 280-8 - 280-10, 280-31, Safety, 96-26 15, 111-27,111-28 280-70, 280-71, 280 -74,280 - Severability, 96-29 General provisions, 1-4 114, 280-121, 280-124, 280 - Storage, 96-26 Highway specifications, 161-46, 125,280-127, 280-130, 280 - Water, 96-26 161-49 34,280-140,280-151- 134,280-140,280-151 - Water Water pollution, 96-26 Housing fund, 34-4 280-153, 280-180 Fuel, 96-16 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- BUILDINGS, UNSAFE; PROP - Garbage, 96-8 42 ERTY MAINTENANCE Gas, 96-17 Soil removal, 228-8, 228-9 Assessments, 100-10 Gases, 96-16 Stormwater management, 236-20 Building Inspector, 100-7, 100-9 Hazards to navigation, 96-10 Streets and sidewalks, 237-9, Cesspools, 100-4 Hunt, 96-20 237-18 Contents of notice, t00-7 Inspection, 96-24 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-7, Costs and expenses, 100-7, 100 - Internal -combustion engines, 96- 240-20,240-23, 240-25, 240- 10 17 30-240-35, 240-37, 240-45 Definitions, 100-3 Liable, 96-10, 96-25 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9 Emergency measures to vacate, Lien, 96-10, 96-25 Zoning, 280-137 100-9 Lighting, 96-14 BRUSH, GRASS AND WEEDS Filing a copy of notice, 100-8 Manner of operation, 96-13 Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 100- CERTIFICATES OF OCCU- Report, 111-35 4 PANCY Emergency Activities, 111 -17 - Hearings, 100-7 Electrical inspections, 126-3 111-19 Inspection and report, 100-5 Ethics, 26-21 Applicability, 111-17 Landscaping, 100-4 Fire prevention and building con- Emergency, 111-17 -111-19 Liability, 100-11 struction, 144-15 -144-18 Improper or insufficient notifi- Liens, 100-10 Stormwater management, 236-34 cation, 111-19 Notices, 100-9 Streets and sidewalks, 237-25 Notification, 111-18, 111-19 Penalties for offenses, 100-6, Subdivision of land, 24049 Permit, 111-19 100-10,100-11 Zoning, 2804, 280-10, 280-13, Safety, 111-17,111-18 Purpose, 100-2 280-31, 280-33, 280-85, 280- General Provisions, 111 -1 -111 - Safety hazards, 100-9 112,280-130, 280-151, 280- 6 Service of notice, 100-6 154 Definitions, 111-6 Severability, 100-12 CESSPOOLS Enactment, 111-1 Standards, 1004 Buildings, unsafe; property Findings, 111-5 Title, 100-1 maintenance, 100-4 Grading, 111-6 Unsafe buildings, 1004, 100-5 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Purpose, 1114 Unsafe premises, 1004 2, 215-4, 215-5, 215-7, 215- Title, 111-2 Vehicles, junked, 1004 8, 215-11, 215-12,215-19, Water, 111-5, 111-6 Violations and penalties, 100-7 215-21, 215-22, 215-27, 215- Well, 111-4, 111-5 Water, 1004 28,215-37, 215-39 When effective, 111-3 Wells, 1004 Soil removal, 228-4 Wildlife, 111-6 When effective, 100-13 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, Regulations, 111-7 -111-16 See also PROPERTY 275-5 Anchored, 111-13 MAINTENANCE CHURCH Assessment, 111-10 BURNING Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Beach area, 111-12 Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 41 Bluff area, 111-14 Fire prevention and building con- Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Bond, 111-15 struction, 144-8 Vehicles and traffic, 260-17 Buffer, 111-12 General provisions, 1-2 Zoning, 280-38, 280-48,280-143 Drainage, 111-14 Junkyards, 166-3, 166-7 CLAMS Dune area, 111-13 BURNING, OUTDOOR Shellfish and other marine re- Erosion protection, structures, Agreement with Fire District, sources, 219-9 111-15 104-1 CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT Establishment, 111-7 Brush, 104-1, 104-2 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- Excavation, 111-10 Burning, 104-1,104-2 42-240-45 Fine, 111-11 Exclusions, 104-4 Zoning, 280-137 Gas, 111-10 Fine, 104-5 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD Grade, 111-10 -111-13 Fires, 104-1-104-3 AREAS Nearshore area, 111-11 Grass, 104-1, 104-2 Administration and Enforcement, Obstructions, 111-11, 111-13 Grass fires, 104-2 111-27 - 111-34 Opens pace, 111-13 Penalties for offenses, 104-5 Bond, 111-27,111-28 Permit, 111-8 - 111-15 Permit, 104-1, 104-2 Coastal erosion management Record, 111-10 Supervision of fires, 104-3 permit, 111-27 Structural hazard area, 111-10 BUS STOPS Conflicts, 111-31 Traffic control, 111-16 Vehicles and traffic, 260-21, 260- Environmental review, 111-33 Vehicles, 111-16 27 Fine, 111-34 Water, 111-7, 111-10, 111-13, Hearing, 111-27 111-14 Inspections, 111-29 Well, 111-13 - C - Interpretation, 111-30 Wildlife, 111-12 -111-15 Notice of violations, 111-29 Variances and Appeals, 111-20 - CATWALKS Penalties for offenses, 111-34 111-26 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Permit, 111-27, 111-28, 111- Coastal Erosion Hazard Board CEMETERIES 31 of Review, 111-24 Zoning, 280-13 Powers and duties ofAdminis- Expiration, 111-23 CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL trator, 111-29 Fees, 111-22 Subdivision of land, 240-21 Records, 111-29 Format and procedure, 111-21 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLI- Reports, 111-27, 111-29 Hearing, 111-23 ANCE Severability, 111-32 Notice, 111-25 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Sign, 111-29 Variances from standards and Flood damage prevention, 148-14 Variances, 111-27 restrictions, 111-20 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-10, Water, 111-29 CODE ENFORCEMENT OF - 275 -13 Amendments, 111-35,111-36 FICER Zoning, 2804, 280-13 Certification, 111-36 Powers and duties, 219-23, 275 - CERTIFICATES OF INSUR- Hearing, 111-35 12.1 ANCE Newspaper, 111-35 Shellfish and other marine re - Filming, 139-3,139-11 Notice, 111-35 sources, 219-23 Procedure, 111-35 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1 4 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLDINDEX Wind energy, 277-7 Wildlife, 17-4,17-8 Records, 17-22,17-34,17-35 COLD WAR VETERANS' TAX Southold Community Preserva- Referendum requirement, 17 - EXEMPTION tion Project Plan, 17-12 —17- 40 Taxation, 245-17,245-18 15 Refunds, 17-30 COMBUSTIBLE Area, yard and bulk regula- Report, 17-34 Junkyards, 166-1, 166-7 tions, 17-13 Sale, 17-24 Soil removal, 228-7 Community Preservation Fund Severability, 17-39 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Management and Stew- Use of tax, 17-21 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-4 ardship Plan adopted, 17- COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Zoning, 280-78,280-110 13.1 FUND MANAGEMENT AND COMMITTEES, APPOINT- Community preservation pro- STEWARDSHIP PLAN MENT OF ject plan adopted, 17-13 Community Preservation Fund, Committee members, 13-2 Legislative findings, 17-12 17-13.1 Duties, 13-3 Meeting, 17-13 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Effect on statutory provisions, 13- Open space, 17-12 Flood damage prevention, 148-22 5 Purpose, 17-12 Soil removal, 228-6 Establishment of committees, 13- Severability, 17-14 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, 1 Wetlands, 17-13 240-10,240-11, 240-19, 240 - Expenses, 134 When effective, 17-15 42,24043,240-53 Meeting, 13-3 Two -Percent Real Estate Transfer Zoning, 280-29 Minutes, 13-3 Tax, 17-19 —17-40 CONFIDENTIALITY When effective, 13-6 Additional exemptions, 17-25 Community Preservation Fund, COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Appeal, 17-34 17-37 Police department rules and regu- Applicability, 17-21 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-45 Apportionment of considera- lations, A29041 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 tion subject to tax for CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Zoning, 280-13 property located only Ethics, 26-3 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION partly within Town, 17-33 CONSTRUCTION FUND Confidentiality, 17-37 Stormwater management, 236-7, Community Preservation Fund Confidentiality of transfer tax 236-9, 236-18 — 236-20, 236 - Advisory Board, 17-16 —17- returns, 17-37 30 18 Cooperative housing corpora- Subdivision of land, 240-10 Community Preservation Fund tion transfers, 17-27 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Advisory Board estab- Credit, 17-26 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- lished, 17-16 Definitions, 17-20 16 Membership, 17-16 Deposit and disposition of rev- CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Purpose, 17-16 enue, 17-31 Wind energy, 2774 Severability, 17-17 Designation of agent by Coun- CONTAGIOUS DISEASES When effective, 17-18 ty Treasurer, 17-28 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Southold Community Preserva- Determination of tax, 17-34 retail merchants, 197-6 tion Fund, 17-1-17-11 Easement, 17-24 CONTRACTORS Acquisition of interests in Effective date, 1740 Stormwater management, 236-22 property, 17-7 Exemptions from tax, 17-24 CONVENIENCE STORES Alienation of land acquired us- Filing of return, 17-22 Zoning, 280-45, 28048 ing fund moneys, 17-9 Hearing, 17-34 COSTS AND EXPENSES Animal, 17-4 Imposition of tax, 17-21 Buildings, unsafe; property Definitions, 174 Inspection, 17-37 maintenance, 100-7, 100-10 Easement, 17-9 Insurance, 17-32, 17-34 Stormwater management, 236-31 Effective date, 17-11 Interest and civil penalties, 17- Subdivision of land, 240-10 Findings, 17-2 36 'Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Hearing, 17-7 Intergovernmental agreement Wind energy, 277-6 Improvements, 17-8 authority, 17-38 Zoning, 280-76.2,280-177 Legislative purpose, 17-3 Judicial review, 17-32 COUNTY CLERK Management of lands acquired Legislative findings, 17-19 Zoning, 280-175 pursuant to chapter, 17-8 Liability, 17-23,17-29,17-31, CROSSWALKS Open space, 17-4, 17-8, 17-9 17-34, 17-35 Subdivision of land, 240-3 Parking, 17-8 Liens, 17-27, 17-35 CURB Parks, 17-4 Natural features, 17-19 Highway specifications, 161-4, Public hearing and other re- Notice, 17-32, 17-34 161-34, 161-38, 161-41, 161- quirements, 17-7 Open space, 17-24 45,16146 Purposes of fund, 17-6 Parks, 17-24 Police department rules and regu- Sale, 17-9 Payment of tax, 17-22 lations, A290-37, A290-38 Severability, 17-10 Penalty, 17-35, 17-36 Streets and sidewalks, 237-16 Southold Community Preser- Petition to Town Supervisor, Subdivision of land, 240-17, 240- vation Fund established, 17-34 21,240-45 17-5 Proceedings to recover tax Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 Title, 17-1 due, 17-35 Water, 17-8 Purpose, 17-19 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Zoning, 280-4,280-55, 280-78, Aquaculture/mariculture, 219-4 Certificate of occupancy, 280-4 280-92,280-131, 280-133, Archives, 59-13 Cesspool, 215-2 280-137 Area light, 172-2 Channel, 236-5 CURBS Area of shallow flooding, 148-4 Channel system, 96-7,2194 Zoning, 280-131 Area of special flood hazard, 148- Charitable event, 1804 4 Child care, 280-4 Armed forces, 245-17 Child-care center, 249-2 — D — As -built plans, 275-2 Chlorine demand, 215-36 Asset, 280-25 Churning, 219-4 DECKS ASTM, 215-36 Cigarette, 249-2 Fire prevention and building con- Attendant, 233-1 Cigarette tobacco, 249-2 struction, 144-8 Authorized private receptacle, Clean fill, 236-5 DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICA- 174-1 Clean Water Act, 236-5 TION Auto, 166-2 Clearing, 236-5, 240-3, 275-2 Adoption of statutory provisions, Automobile sales lot or building, Clerk, 275-2 21-1 2804 Clerk of the Planning Board, 240 - Town to provide defense for em- Automobile trailer or house car, 3 ployees, 21-2 253-1 Club, beach, 280-4 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVI- Auto repair shop, 280-4 Club, membership or country or ATIONS Base flood, 1484 golf, 2804 303(d) list, 236-5 Basement, 1484,280-4 Club, yacht, 280-4 Access, 2804 Base station equipment, 280-69 Cluster, 240-3, 280-4 Accessory apartment, 2804 Bay, 275-2 Coastal area, 268-3 Accessory building or structure, Beach, 111-6, 275-2 Coastal assessment form (cat), 280-4 Bed -and -breakfast, 2804 268-3 Accessory structure, 275-2 Berm, 2804 Coastal erosion hazard area map, Accessory use, 2804 Best management practices 111-6 Access path, 275-2 (BMPs), 236-5 Coastal erosion hazard line, 275-2 Acquisition, 185-3 Billboard, 2804 Coastal high -hazard area, 1484 Actions, 268-3 Block, 2804 Coastal waters, 111-6 Active duty, 245-17 Bluff, 111-6, 275-2 Coastline, 111-6 Adaptive reuse, 170-3 Bluff line, 275-2 COD (denoting chemical oxygen Addition, 280-4 Board, 215-2,275-2 demand), 215-36 Administrative permit, 275-2 Boarding- and tourist houses, Cold War veteran, 245-17 Administrator, 111-6 280-4 Co -location, 280-69 Advisory board, 17-4 Board of appeals, 280-4 Combined sewer, 215-36, 236-5 Aesthetics, 275-2 Board or Department of Public Commence (commencement of) Agency, 268-3 Health, 253-1 construction activities, 236-5 Agricultural debris, 233-1 Boats, 96-7 Commercial agriculture, 275-2 Agricultural lands, 70-3 Boat/vessel, 219-4, 275-2 Commercial dock, 275-2 Agricultural production, 70-3, 72- BOD (denoting "biochemical ox- Commercial purposes, 219-4 4,236-5 ygen demand"), 215-36 Commercial self -haulers, 233-1 Agricultural uses, 72-4 Body fluids, A290-45 Commercial service equipment, Agriculture, 236-5, 240-3, 275-2, Bowriding, 96-7 180-4 280-4 Breakaway wall, 148-4 Commercial vehicles, 233-1 Agriculture and markets law, 83- Breezeway, 280-4 Commission, 64-3 18 Buffer, 2804 Committee, 70-3, 185-3 Agriculture reserve area, 240-3 Buffer area, 240-3, 275-2 Common driveway, 240-3 Airborne sound, 180-4 Buildable area, 280-4 Common open space, 280-4 Alarm installation, 75-2 Buildable lands, 240-3, 280-4 Communicable disease, A290-45 Alienation, 70-3, 185-3 Building, 148-4, 236-5, 280-4 Community preservation, 17-4 Alteration, 170-3, 280-4 Building area, 280-4 Community preservation project Alter hydrology from pre- to post- Building connection lateral, 215- plan, 17-4 development conditions, 36 Complainant, A290-36 236-5 Building drain, 215-36 Comprehensive plan, 240-3 Amplified sound, 180-4 Building Inspector, 236-5 Condominium, 280-4 Antenna, 280-69 Building line, 2804 Conservation, 240-3, 275-2 Antenna support structure, 280-69 Building or house sewer, 215-36 Conservation areas, primary, 240 - Apartment, 280-4 Building permit, 144-3 3 Apartment house, 2804 Bulkhead, 275-2, 2804 Conservation areas, secondary, Appeal, 148-4 Camp cottage, 253-1 240-3 Appear and appear before, 26-2 Campsite, 253-20 Conservation easement, 240-3 Applicant, 236-5,240-3, 275-2, Cans, 233-1 Conservation subdivision, 240-3 280-4 Carter, 215-2 Consideration, 17-20 Application, 275-2 Catwalk, 275-2 Consistent, 268-3 Application for development, Cellar, 148-4,280-4 Construction, 236-5 2804 Central alarm station, 75-2 Construction activity, 236-5 Aquaculture, 275-2 Certificate of compliance, 2804 6 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Construction and demolition (c Dune, 111-6, 275-2 Floating home, 96-27 & d) debris, 233-1, 275- Dwelling, 249-2 Floating home marina, 96-27 2 Dwelling, multiple, 280-4 Flood boundary and floodway Construction device, 180-4 Dwelling, one -family, 280-4 map (fbfm), 148-4 Consumer price index, 280-25 Dwelling, row or attached, 280-4 Flood elevation study, 1484 Containment, 219-4 Dwelling, semidetached, 280-4 Flood hazard area, 280-4 Continuing care facility, 2804 Dwelling, two-family; 2804 Flood hazard boundary map Controlling interest, 17-20 Dwelling unit, 2804 (fhbm), 1484 Convenience store, 2804 Easement, 215-2, 240-3, 280-4 Flood insurance rate map (firm), Conveyance, 17-20, 280-25 Eel, 2194 1484 Cooling water, 215-36 Elevated building, 1484 Flood insurance study, 1484 Cooperative, 2804 Emergency alarm, 75-2 Flood or flooding, 1484 Corrugated cardboard, 233-1 Employee, 47-1 Floodplain, 2804 Court, depth of outer, 280-4 Energy Code, 144-3 Floodplain or flood -prone area, Court, inner, 280-4 Engineer, 240-3 148-4, 240-3 Court, outer, 280-4 Enlargement, 280-4 Floodproofing, 148-4 Court, width of outer, 2804 Environment, 268-3 Floodway, 148-4 Crawl space, 148-4 Equipment shelter, 280-69 Floor area, 280-4 Creeks, 275-2 Erosion, 111-6, 236-5 Floor area, livable, 280-4 Critical environmental areas, 275- Erosion control, 275-2 Floor area ratio, 280-4 2 Erosion Control Manual, 236-5 Flush -mounted, 280-69 Crops, livestock and livestock Erosion hazard area, 111-6 Food catering facility, 280-4 products, 280-98 Erosion protection structure, 111- Food processing facility, 280-4 Crosswalk, 240-3 6 Footcandle (FC), 172-2 Cul-de-sac, 280-4 Erosion, sedimentation and Fraternal organization, 280-4 Cul-de-sac (court), 240-3 stormwater runoff control Frontage, 280-4 Culling, 2194 plan, 236-5 Front or frontage, 237-23 Cultural features, 240-3 Essential lighting, 172-2 Full cutoff (FCO), 172-2 Curb cut, 280-4 Excavation, 236-5 Fully shielded, 172-2 Curb level, 280-4 Excessive lighting, 172-2 Functional, 275-2 Curbline, 260-1 Existing manufactured home park Functional bulkhead, 275-2 Customer or client, 26-2 or subdivision, 148-4 Functional jetty/groin, 275-2 Custom workshop, 280-4 Existing resource and site analy- Functionally dependent use, 148 - Days, 47-1 sis plan (ersap), 240-3 4 dB(A), 180-4 Existing structure, 111-6 Fund, 17-4, 17-20, 34-3 Debris line, 111-6 Expansion to an existing manu- Gabion, 275-2 Dec, 215-36 factured home park or subdi- Garage, private, 280-4 Decibel ("dB"), 180-4 vision, 1484 Garage, public, 2804 Deck, 275-2, 2804 Exterior lighting, 172-2 Garage, repair, 280-4 Decking, 275-2 Exterior property, 100-3 Garbage, 100-3, 174-1,215-36 Dedication, 236-5, 2804 Facade, 170-3 Gasoline service station, 2804 Demolition, 170-3,280-4 Fall zone, 280-69 Gift and financial benefit, 26-2 Department, 47-1, 236-5, A290- False emergency alarm, 75-2 Glare, 172-2 46 Family, 280-4 Glass, 233-1 Design manual, 236-5 Family/household, A290-36 Gold star parent, 245-15 Design professional, 236-5 Family member, 280-4 Golf course, standard regulation, Developer, 236-5 Family offense, A290-36 280-4 Development, 148-4, 236-5 Farm, 280-4 Grading, 111-6, 236-5, 240-3 Development right, 70-3, 185-3 Farm buildings, 280-4 Grantee, 17-20 Development rights, 280-171 Farm stand, 72-4, 280-4 Grantor, 17-20 Dial alarm, 75-2 Federal emergency management Greenhouse, 280-4 Direct actions, 268-3 agency, 148-4 Grievance, 47-1 Direct alarm, 75-2 Feed, 83-27 Grocery store, 280-4 Direct discharge (to a specific Feeding, 83-27 Groin, 275-2 surface water body), 236-5 Fence, 280-4 Ground floor, 280-4 Discharge, 236-5 Filling, 236-5 Ground -mounted, 280-69 , District, 215-2, 215-36 Final plat, 240-3 Guest, 2194 Dock, 275-2 Final plat approval, 240-3 Guest unit, 280-4 Dock length, 275-2 Final stabilization, 236-5 Guyed antenna support structure, Domestic or sanitary sewage, Fire departments, 75-2 280-69 215-36 Fire or police alarm device, 75-2 Habitable floor area, 280-4 Domestic pet (animal), 83-27 Fish processing, 280-4 Habitat, 275-2 Double pole, 237-31 Fixed dock, 275-2 Habitat fragmentation, 275-2 Drainage right-of-way, 240-3 Fixed gear, 219-4 Handbill, 174-1 Drainage systems, 236-5 Fixture, 172-2 Harvesting, 275-2 Drain field, 215-2 Flat or mansard roof, 2804 Hazardous materials, 236-5 Drain layer or licensed drain lay- Flea market, 2804 Head of household, 280-25 er, 215=36 Floating dock, 275-2 Health care facility, 280-4 7 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Height, 280-69 Latest state equalization rate, 245- Modification, 280-69 Height of accessory building, 17 Monopole, 280-69 280-4 Lattice antenna support structure, Monopolize, 96-4, 275-2 Height of building, 280-4 280-69 Mooring, 275-2 Highest adjacent grade, 148-4 Laws and ordinances, A290-46 Motel, resort, 280-4 Highway, 237-5 Licensing authority, 75-2 Motel, transient, 280-4 Historic, 170-3 Life care community, 280-4 Mount, 280-69 Historical society, 280-4 Light industrial uses, 280-4 Mounting height, 172-2 Historic building, 280-4 Light industry, 280-4 Movable structure, 111-6 Historic significance, 64-3 Lighting, 172-2 Multiple dwelling, 249-2 Historic structure, 148-4 Light pollution, 172-2 Multiple dwelling unit, 249-2 Holiday lighting, 172-2 Light source, 172-2 Municipal permit, 236-5 Holidays, 260-1 Light trespass, 172-2 Municipal separate storm sewer Home business office, 280-4 Litter, 100-3, 174-1 system (MS4), 236-5 Home occupation, 280-4 Living area, 280-4 National geodetic vertical datum Homeowner's light residential Loading berth, 2804 (ngvd)", 1484 outdoor equipment, 1804 Local administrator, 1484 Natural buffer, 240-3 Homeowners' or homes associa- Local waterfront revitalization Natural drainage, 236-5 tion, 275-2, 280-4 program or lwrp, 268-3 Natural features, resources or sys- Home professional office, 280-4 Lot, 240-3, 280-4 tems, 240-3 Horticulture, 275-2 Lot area, 280-4 Natural outlet, 215-36 Hotel or motel, resort, 280-4 Lot, corner, 280-4 Natural protective feature, 111-6, Hotel or motel, transient, 280-4 Lot coverage, 280-4 236-5, 268-3 Household, 280-25 Lot depth, 280-4 Natural protective feature area, Housing, 34-3 Lot, interior, 280-4. 111-6 Identification tag, 83-18 Lot line, 280-4 Natural vegetated buffer, 268-3 IESNA, 172-2 Lot line, front, 2804 Natural watercourse, 236-5 IESNA recommended practices, Lot line modification, 240-3 Natural watershed, 236-5 172-2 Lot line, rear, 280-4 Nearshore area, 111-6 Illegal dumping, 233-1 Lot line, side, 280-4 Net worth, 280-25 Illicit connections, 236-5 Lot, rear or flag, 280-4 New construction, 148-4 Illicit discharge, 236-5 Lot, through, 280-4 New manufactured home park or Illuminance, 172-2 Lot width, 280-4 subdivision, 148-4 Immediate family member, 26-2 Lower- and moderate -cost hous- Newspaper, 174-1, 233-1 Immediate project area, 275-2 ing, 280-4 New York Scenic Byway (North Immediate supervisor, 47-1 Lowest floor, 148-4 Fork Trail), 268-3 Impervious surface, 236-5, 275-2 Low -profile jetties, 275-2 Noise pollution, 180-4 Income eligible individu- Low -sill bulkhead, 275-2 Nonconforming building or struc- als/families, 34-3 Lumen, 172-2 ture, 280-4 Individual sewage treatment sys- Luminaire, 172-2 Nonconforming lot, 280-4 tem, 236-5 Main floor, 280-4 Nonconforming use, 280-4 Indoor dog and cat care facility, Maintenance agreement, 236-5 Nondisturbance buffer, 275-2 280-4 Maintenance dredging, 275-2 Nonessential exterior lighting, Industrial activity, 236-5 Major addition, 111-6 172-2 Industrial sewage or wastes, 215- Man-made pond, 275-2 Nonfertilizer, 275-2 36 Manufactured home, 148-4 Nonpoint source pollution, 236-5 Industrial stormwater permit, Manufactured home park or sub- Nonrecyclable waste, 233-1 236-5 division, 148-4 Nonresident, 219-4 Infiltration, 236-5 Manufacturing, 2804 Nonstormwater discharge, 236-5 Interest in real property, 17-20 Map, 237-23 Nonturf buffer, 275-2 Interior -mounted, 280-69 Marina, 96-27, 275-2 Normal maintenance, 111-6 Intrusion, 75-2 Marina or boat basin, 2804 NPDES, 215-36 Jetty, 275-2 Marine resources, 2194 Nuisance wildlife, 268-3 Junked vehicle, 100-3 Master plan, 280-4 Nursery school, 280-4 Junkyard, 2804 Material, 275-2 Occupant, 100-3 Jurisdictional wetland, 236-5 Mean high water (mhw), 275-2, Off duty, A29046 Lamp, 172-2 2804 Officer, A290-46 Land, 100-3 Mean low water, 111-6 Official map, 240-3 Land development activity, 236-5 Mean low water (mlw), 275-2 Official time standard, 260-1 Landmark designation, 280-4 Mean sea level, 148-4 Off -premises sign, 280-4 Landowner, 236-5 Member, A290-46 Off-street parking space, 280-4 Landscaped buffer, 268-3 Minor actions, 268-3 On duty, A290-46 Landscape lighting, 172-2 Mobile home, 148-4 One -hundred -year flood, 148-4 Landscaping, 280-4 Moderate -income family, 280-25 One -hundred -year floodplain, Landward, 275-2 Moderate -income family dwelling 236-5 Larger common plan of develop- unit, 280-25 On-site system, 215-2 ment or sale, 236-5 Moderate -income family unim- Open development area, 240-3 Latest class ratio, 245-17 proved lot, 280-25 Open space, 2804 8 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Open space or open area, 185-3 Private warehousing, 280-4 Restoration, 111-6 Operations, 275-2 Proactive restoration, 275-2 Resubdivision, 240-3 Order of protection, A290-36 Probable cause, A290-36 Retail sales area, 72-4 Ordinary and usual maintenance, Processed agricultural product, Retail store, 280-4 275-2 72-4 Retaining wall, 275-2,2804 Ordinary maintenance, 280-69 Professional, A290-46 Revetment, 275-2 Original structure, 275-2 Professional office, 280-4 Right-of-way lines, 280-4 Outdoor storage, 280-4 Project, 236-5 Riprap, 275-2 Outside employer or business, 26- Publicly owned property, 83-27 Roadside farm stand or agricul- 2 Public parking lot, 260-1 tural stand, 280-4 Owner, 83-18, 100-3,237-23, Public place, 174-1 Roof -mounted, 280-69 280-4 Public property, 264-3 Rubbish, 100-3, 174-1 Owner of record, 83-18 Public sewer, 215-36 Rules, 130-2 Park, 174-1, 249-2 Public warehousing, 280-4 Run at large, 83-18 Park and recreation fee, 240-3 Public water: public sewer, 280-4 Rural significance, 64-3 Park dedication, 240-3 Qualified inspector, 236-5 Salvage center, 211-1 Parking lot, 280-4 Qualified owner, 245-17 Sand dunes, 1484 Partially shielded, 172-2 Qualified professional, 236-5 Sanitary sewer, 215-36 Partial self-service gasoline ser- Qualified residential real proper- Scap net, 2194 vice station, 2804 ty, 245-17 Scavenger waste pretreatment fa - Patent lands, 2194, 275-2 Radio frequency (RF) emissions cility, 215-2 Patio, 280-4 or radiation, 280-69 Scenic significance, 64-3 Peak lunar tides, 275-2 Radio frequency (RF) profession- School, 249-2 Peddler, 197-2 al, 280-69 Secondary dune, 111-6 Performance bond, 240-3 Radio frequency (RF) signal, 280- Sedimentation, 236-5 Performance guaranty, 280-4 69 Sediment control, 236-5 Period of war, 245-15 Real property, 17-20 Sensitive areas, 236-5 Permanent fixed improvement, Receding edge, 111-6 Septage (scavenger waste), 215-2 280-25 Recession rate, 111-6 Septic tank, 215-2, 280-4 Permanent mooring, 96-7 Recharge, 236-5 Seqra, 240-3 Permanent resident, 219-4 Recording officer, 17-20 Service connected, 245-17 Permit holder, 144-3 Records, 59-13 Servicing, 59-13 Person, 17-20, 26-2, 83-18, 83- Records center, 59-13 Setback, 275-2, 280-4 27, 964, 96-27, 100-3, 111- Records disposition, 59-13 Sewage, 215-36 6, 144-3, 166-2, 174-1, 180- Records management, 59-13 Sewage treatment plant, 215-2,. 4, 197-2, 215-2, 215-36, 233- Recreation, active, 240-3 215-36 1, 237-5, 249-2,275-2, 280-4 Recreational areas, 193-1 Sewage works, 215-36 Personal watercraft, 96-7 Recreational facilities, 280-4 Sewer or drain, 215-36 Pervious nonturf buffer, 268-3 Recreational vehicle, 148-4, 253- Sheathing, 275-2 Pervious surface, 236-5 20,280-4 Shellfish, 219-4 pH, 215-36 Recreational vehicle park, 253-20 Shopping center, 280-4 Phasing, 236-5 Recreational vehicle site, 253-20 Shoreline structure, 275-2 Pier, 275-2 Recreation facility, commercial, Side -mounted, 280-69 Pier line, 275-2 2804 Sign, 280-4 Planning board, 280-4 Recreation, passive, 240-3 Sign area, 280-4 Planning board or board, 240-3 Recyclable, mandated, 233-1 Significant fish and wildlife habi- Plastics, 233-1 Recyclable, other, 233-1 tat, 111-6, 268-3 Plat, 280-4 Recyclable wood, 233-1 Silt boom, 275-2 Platform, 275-2 Refuse, 174-1, 233-1 Site plan, 280-4 Police headquarters, 75-2 Refuse hauler/carter, 233-1 Site preparation, 236-5 Pollutant, 236-5 Regulated activity, 111-6 Skyglow, 172-2 Pollutant of concern, 236-5 Regulation equipment, A290-46 Sloping roof, 2804 Pond, 275-2 Regulatory floodway, 1484 Slugs, 215-36 Preexisting nonpermitted and/or Relative, 26-2 Small wind energy system, 277-1, nonconforming structures, Removal, 170-3 2804 275-2 Rental permit, 280-4 Smokeless tobacco, 249-2 Preliminary plat, 240-3 Research laboratory, 280-4 Solar power fast track program, Premises, 100-3, 236-5 Resident, 83-18 144-3 Preservation, 240-3 Residential, 275-2 Solicitor and/or canvasser, 197-2 Primary dune, 111-6 Residential cluster, 280-4 Sound, 275-2 Primary frontal dune, 148-4 Residential dock, 275-2 Sound -level meter, 180-4 Primary residence, 280-25 Residential horticulture, 275-2 Spawner sanctuary, 275-2 Principal building, 280-4 Residential self -haulers, 233-1 SPDES General Permit for Principally above ground, 148-4 Resource buffer area, 275-2 Stormwater Discharges from Principal use, 2804 Responsible party, 236-5 Municipal Separate Storm - Priority water body, 268-3 Restaurant, 2804 water Sewer Systems GP -0 - Private dwelling, 249-2 Restaurant, formula food, 2804 10-002,236-5 Private premises, 174-1 Restaurant, take-out, 2804 Special conditions, 236-5 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Special exception use, 280-4 Temporary anchoring, 96-7 Wireless communication facility, Special projects coordinator, 280- Temporary stabilization, 236-5 280-4 25 Tidal waters, 275-2 Wireless communications, 280-4 Specialty prop -craft, 96-7 Tobacco, 249-2 Wireless communications facility, Split -rail fence, 275-2 Tobacco product, 249-2 280-69 Stabilization, 236-5 Tobacco product advertisement, Wireless services, 280-69 Standard installation, 144-3 249-2 Yard, 280-4 Standard subdivision, 240-3 Toe, 111-6 Yard, front, 280-4 Start of construction, 148-4 Topsoil, 236-5 Yard line, 280-4 State Pollutant Discharge Elimi- Total maximum daily load Yard, rear, 280-4 nation System (SPDES), (TMDL), 236-5 Yard, side, 280-4 236-5 Tourist camp, 253-1, 280-4 Yield, 240-3 State Pollutant Discharge Elimi- Tourist cottage, 280-4 Youth, 68-2 nation System (SPDES) Tower height, 277-1 Youth service project, 68-2 General Permit for Construc- Town, 17-20, 34-3, 83-18, 130-2, Zone, 280-4 tion Activities GP -0-10-001, 174-1, 237-5,275-2 Zoning Board, 280-4 236-5 Town agency, 130-2 Zoning Map, 280-4 Stop -work order, 236-5 Town board, 237-5,2804, A290- DEMOLITION Storm sewer or storm drain, 215- 46 Fire prevention and building con - 36 Town garbage bag, 233-1 struction, 144-5, 144-8 Stormwater, 215-36, 236-5 Townhouse, 280-4 Highway specifications, 161-21 Stormwater hotspot, 236-5 Town officer or employee, 26-2 Landmark preservation, 170-2 - Stormwater management, 236-5 Town of southold, 75-2 170-7,170-9,170-10 Stormwater management control Town supervisor, 17-20 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-4 plan, 236-5 Town waters, 96-27, 2194, 275-2 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, Stormwater management facility, Trail, 240-3 275-5 236-5 Trailer or mobile home, 2804 Zoning, 280-140 Stormwater Management Officer Trained contractor, 236-5 DESIGN STANDARDS (SMO), 236-5 Transfer of sanitary flow credits, Flood damage prevention, 148- Stormwater management practic- 117-3 14,148-18 es (SMPs), 236-5 Transfer station, private, 233-1 Stormwater management, 236-7, Stormwater pollution prevention Transfer station, Town, 233-1 236-18 plan (SWPPP), 236-5 Transient retail business, 197-2 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Stormwater runoff, 236-5 Treasurer (county treasurer), 17- Zoning, 280-70,280-72 Story, 280-4 20 DIRECTOR OF CODE EN - Story, half, 280-4 Tropical hardwood, 275-2 FORCEMENT Street, 237-23, 280-4 Trustees, 275-2 Powers and duties, 275-15 Street, arterial, 240-3 Uniformity ratio ("U Ratio"), Wetlands and shoreline, 275-15 Street, collector, 240-3 172-2 DIRT Street line, 280-4 Unit, 253-1 Highway specifications, 161-9 Street, local, 240-3 Unlicensed motor -driven vehicle, Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Street or right-of-way width, 240- 264-3 Peddlers, solicitors and transient 3 Unregulated activity, 111-6 retail merchants, 197-10 Stripping, 236-5 Unshielded fixture, 172-2 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Structural alteration, 280-4 Usable open space, 280-4 21,215-37 Structural components, 275-2 Use, 280-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Structural hazard area, 111-6 Use, accessory, 280-4 DISABILITY Structure, 70-3, 111-6, 148-4, Utility, 237-31 Police department rules and regu- 185-3, 236-5, 275-2, 280-4 Variance, 148-4 lations, A290-3 Structure -mounted, 280-69 Vegetated wetlands, 275-2 DISABLED BOATS Subdivision, 240-3 Vegetation, 111-6 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10 Subordinate of a town officer or Vehicles, 174-1, 193-1 Harbor management, 157-12 employee, 26-2 Veteran, 245-15 DISCLOSURE PROVISIONS Subsoil drainage, 215-36 Waler, 275-2 Zoning, 280-174 Substantial damage, 148-4 Wastewater, 236-5 DISCRIMINATION Substantial improvement, 1484 Watercourse, 215-36, 236-5 Personnel, 47-2 Subtidal, 275-2 Water -dependent uses, 275-2 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Superintendent, 193-1, 215-36, Waterfowl, 83-27 Alarm systems, 75-8 237-5 Water quality standard, 236-5 Police department rules and regu- Superior officer, A290-46 Waterway, 236-5 lations, A290-9, A290-15 Supervisory officer, A290-46 Waterways, 83-27 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Surface waters of the State of Wetland boundary or boundaries 40 New York, 236-5 of wetland, 275-2 DOCKS Suspended solids, 215-36 Wetlands (freshwater), 275-2 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5, Swimming pool, 280-4 Wetlands (tidal), 275-2 275-11 Taking, 2194 Wharf, 275-2 DOGS Taxpayer, 2194 Width of creek, 275-2 Animals, 83-6 - 83-12 Telecommunication tower, 2804 Wireless carrier, 280-69 Appearance tickets, 5-2 10 11-01-2012 Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-5, 197- 10 DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS Fees, 121-5 Filing of statements, 121-5 Penalty, 121-4, 121-5 Purpose and objectives, 121-2 Record, 121-4 Requirements, 121-3 Statement of domestic partner- ship, 121-4 Title, 121-1 DRAINAGE Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 14 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-10 Flood damage prevention, 148- 12, 148-15 -148-17, 148-19 Highway specifications, 161-2- 161-4, 161-8, 161-9, 161-13, 161-18, 161-25, 161-27- 161-33,161-36,161-45 Junkyards, 1664 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 28, 215-36, 215-38, 215-39 Soil removal, 228-2,228-4,228- 5,228-7 28-2,228-4,228- 5,228-7 Stormwater management, 236-13, 236-18 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, 240-7, 240-9 - 240-11, 240- 17, 240-19 - 240-21, 240-23, 240-25, 240-30, 240-32, 240- 35 - 240-37, 24041, 240-44, 240-51 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5, 253-22 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 - 275-7,275-11 Zoning, 280-4, 280-78, 280-91, 280-127,280-129,280-133 DREDGING Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 DRIVEWAYS Highway specifications, 161-39, 161-46 Littering, 174-2 Soil removal, 228-4 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240- 45 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3, 253-10, 253-11, 253-22 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, 260- 15, 260-17,260-18,260-27 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-5 Zoning, 28048, 280-78, 280-85, 280-92,280-93,280-137 DRUG Boats, docks and wharves, 96-15 Taxation, 245-1 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-15 Zoning, 280-13 SOUTHOLD INDEX DUMP Highway specifications, 161-19, 161-21 Junkyards, 166-7 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 DUMPING Boats, docks and wharves, 96-8 Junkyards, 166-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 27 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-2, 233-7 DUST Highway specifications, 161-23 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 Soil removal, 228-2, 228-5, 228-7 Zoning, 280-13,280-48, 280-58, 280-62,280-91, 280-99, 280- 111,280-143 -E- EASEMENTS Community Preservation Fund, 17-9,17-24 General provisions, 1-4 Highway specifications, 161-2 - 161-4, 161-13, 161-18 Landmark preservation, 1704 Sanitary flow credits, transfer of, 117-5 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 2, 215-20,215-43, 215-44 Stormwater management, 236-9 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240- 10, 240-17,240-21, 240-26 - 240-28, 240-42, 240-44, 240- 51,240-54 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-3, 280-4, 280-133, 280-175,280-177,280-179, 280-180 EELS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-13 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Administration, 126-1 Building Inspector, 126-3 Building permit, 126-3 Certificate of compliance, 126-3 Certificate of occupancy, 126-3 Designation of Inspectors, 126-2 Duties of Electrical Inspector, 126-3 Emergency, 126-3 Inspections, 126-1-126-3 Insurance, 126-2 Penalties for offenses, 126-5 Permit, 126-3 Reports, 126-3 Restrictions on materials, 1264 Severability, 126-6 When effective, 126-7 ELEVATORS Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Zoning, 280-104 11 EMERGENCIES Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-9 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-11 Solid waste, 233-6 Stormwater management, 236-29, 236-32 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 EMERGENCY Alarm systems, 75-1, 75-2, 75-5, 75-6 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-17, 96-26 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 17 -111-19 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-6, 148-9, 148-10, 148-13 -148-15, 148-22 Harbor management, 157-6 Highway specifications, 161-20 Housing fund, 34-2, 34-6 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3 Police department, 51-4 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-3, A290-33 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 23,215-38 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13, 237-22 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- 42 Vehicles and traffic, 260-23 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-18 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Zoning, 280-13,280-137, 280- 143 EMERGENCY VEHICLES Flood damage prevention, 148-22 Highway specifications, 161-20 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-18 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Environmental quality review, 130-9 - 130-14 Subdivision of land, 240-18, 240- 19,240-22, 240-25 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW Actions involving more than one agency, 130-18 Compliance required, 130-3 Decision to approve or disap- prove action, 130-14 Definitions, 130-2 Environmental impact statement, 130-9 -130-14 Exceptions, 130-3 Fee, 130-19 Filing of copy of determination, 130-16 Filing of written statement by ap- plicant, 130-5 Hearing, 130-10 - 130-12 Inspection, 130-17 11-01-2012 Maintenance of files open to pub- lic inspection, 130-17 Meetings, 130-7 Newspaper, 130-6, 130-10 Notice of completion of draft en- vironmental impact state- ment, 130-10 Notice of completion of final en- vironmental impact state- ment, 130-13 Notice of receipt of complete ap- plication, 130-6 Notices, 130-6, 130-10, 130-13, 130-17 Permits, 130-5 Preparation of draft environmen- tal impact statement, 130-9 Preparation of final environmen- tal impact statement, 130-12 Processing of proposed actions, 130-8 Processing of proposed actions not affecting environment, 130-11 Required findings in written de- termination, 130-15 Time limit, 130-14 Time limit for written determina- tion by agency, 130-7 Title, 130-1 Types of actions, 130-4 When effective, 130-20 EROSION AND SEDIMENTA- TION Stormwater management, 236-7, 236-18, 236-34 Waterfront consistency review, 268-2 - Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 ETHICS Code of Ethics, 26-1, 26-2 Definitions, 26-2 Legislative intent, 26-1 Disclosure Requirements, 26-17 - 26-20 Annual disclosure, 26-17 Applicant disclosure, 26-20 Designation of officers and employees required to file annual disclosure state- ments, 26-18 Licenses, 26-17 Maintenance of disclosure statements, 26-19 Permits, 26-17 Retirement, 26-17 Variances, 26-17 Ethics Board, 26-21 - 26-25 Building permits, 26-21 Certificates of occupancy, 26- 21 Establishment of Ethics Board, 26-21 Inspection, 26-25 Investigations, 26-21 - 26-23, 26-25 Licenses, 26-21 Meeting, 26-21 SOUTHOLD INDEX Permits, 26-21 Powers of the Ethics Board, 26-22 Public inspection of Ethics Board records, 26-25 Records, 26-23, 26-25 Reports, 26-25 Review of lists and disclosure statements, 26-24 Penalties, 26-26 - 26-28 Debarment, 26-28 Liable, 26-26 Penalties for offenses, 26-26 Voidable contracts, 26-27 Rules of Conduct, 26-3 - 26-16 Appeals, 26-13 Appearances, 26-10 Assessment, 26-13 Avoidance of conflicts, 26-4 Confidential information, 26- 11 Conflicts of interest, 26-3 Exclusion from Code of Eth- ics, 26-16 General prohibition, 26-5 Gifts, 26-8 Goal, 26-3 Inducement of others and brib- ery, 26-15 Political solicitation, 26-12 Record, 26-7 Recusal, 26-6 Recusal procedure, 26-7 Representation, 26-9 Restriction on elected official or member of board, 26- 13 Revolving door, 26-14 EXCAVATIONS Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 10 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-17,161-18,161-25,161- 29, 161-30, 161-36 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 42,21543 Soil removal, 228-1, 228-3 - 228- 7 Streets and sidewalks, 237-4, 237-6, 237-9, 237-11- 237- 13,237-16 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-114,280-129 EXPENSES OF TOWN OFFIC- ERS Appeals, 30-1 Compensation for expense of at- tendance at official meetings, 30-1 Meetings, 30-1 EXPLOSION HAZARD Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 EXPLOSIVES Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16 12 Junkyards, 166-1 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Zoning, 280-58,280-62, 280-111 -F- FALSE ALARMS Alarm systems, 75-5, 75-6 FARMLAND BILL OF RIGHTS Zoning, 280-97 - 280-103 FARMS AND FARMING Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Zoning, 280-13, 280-174 FARM STANDS Agricultural uses, 72-5 - 72-8, 72-11,72-12 FECAL MATTER Animals, 83-6 FEES Alarm systems, 75-4 Animals, 83-23 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 22 Domestic partnerships, 121-5 Environmental quality review, 130-19 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8, 144-11, 144-15,144-18 Flood damage prevention, 148-12 Junkyards, 166-6 Landmark preservation, 170-14 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-9 Public entertainment and special events, 205-1 Records, 59-9 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 41 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-7 Soil removal, 228-11 Solid waste, 233-4, 233-6 Streets and sidewalks, 237-10 Subdivision of land, 240-8, 240- 10 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7 Wind energy, 277-5 Zoning, 280-13, 280-74,280-81, 280-137,280-149 FENCES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8, 144-10 Highway specifications, 161-16, 161-29,161-41,161-42 Junkyards, 166-4, 166-7 Soil removal, 2284, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-15 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-5,275-11 Wind energy, 2774 Zoning, 2804,280-13,28041, 28048, 280-78, 280-82,280- 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX 85, 280-92, 280-94, 280-99, FIRE EXTINGUISHER Permit, 144-8 280-104 - 280-106, 280-114, Junkyards, 166-7 Powers and duties of Building In - 280 -133, 280-134, 280-149 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 spector, 144-5 FILL Zoning, 280-48 Property maintenance, 144-6 Flood damage prevention, 148- FIRE HYDRANTS Purpose, 144-2 12,148-15,148-18 Subdivision of land, 240-10,240- Records, 144-16,144-17 Highway specifications, 161-25 17, 240-21, 240-35, 240-36, Right of entry, 144-14 Police department rules and regu- 24048 School, 144-8 lations, A290-33, A290-36 Vehicles and traffic, 260-14,260- Signs, 144-8 Soil removal, 228-7 18,260-27 Single-family dwellings, 144-8 Stormwater management, 236-18 Zoning, 280-133,280-137 Site plan, 144-8 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 FIRE LANES Smoke detectors, 144-8 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6, Junkyards, 166-7 Solar energy systems, 144-8 275-11 Vehicles and traffic, 260-14, 260- Special exception, 144-8 FILMING 27 Sprinklers, 144-8, 144-17 Applications, 139-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND Stop -work orders, 144-13 Building Inspector, 139-8 BUILDING CONSTRUC- Storage, 144-8 Certificate of insurance, 139-3, TION Stormwater, 144-10 139-11 Abatement of violations, 144-21 Swimming pools, 144-8 Cleanup deposit, 139-5 Accessory buildings, 144-8, 144- Temporary certificates of occu- Compliance with other laws, 139- 15 pancy, 144-18 t0 Administration and enforcement Tests, 144-19 Exemption, 139-2 officers designated, 144-3 Title, 144-1 Extension of permit period, 139- Applications, 144-8,144-15 Vacant lot, 144-8 13 Block, 144-8 Water, 144-8,144-10 Fees, 139-6 Building Inspectors, 144-8 Watercourse, 144-10 Inspection, 139-12 Building permit, 144-3, 144-17 Yards, 144-8,144-10 Insurance, 139-3, 139-11 Building permits, 144-8, 144-11, FIRE PROTECTION Insurance requirements, 139-11 144-12 Zoning, 280-174 Liability, 139-11 Burning, 144-8 FIRES No alterations to Town property, Certificate of occupancy, 144-15 Burning, outdoor, 104-1-104-3 139-9 -144-17 FIRESAFETY No donations accepted, 139-7 Compliance required, 144-20 Fire prevention and building con - Notice, 139-4, 139-8 Compliance with standards, 144- struction, 144-6, 144-8 Parking, 139-3 19 FIRE ZONES Parks, 139-8 Conflicts with other regulations, Vehicles and traffic, 260-20, 260 - Penalties for offenses, 139-14 144-4 27 Permit, 139-1-139-5, 139-7 - Cooperation with other depart- FISHING 139-13 ments, 144-7 Parking, 189-3 Purpose, 139-1 Decks, 144-8 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9 Safety, 139-1, 139-3 Definitions and Abbreviations, FLAMMABLES Severability, 139-15 144-3 Junkyards, 166-1 Traffic control fee, 139-4 Demolition, 144-5,144-8 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Trees, 139-9 Drainage, 144-10 38 Vehicles, 139-3 Excavation, 144-8 Zoning, 280-48 When effective, 139-16 Farms and farming, 144-8 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVEN- FINAL PLANS Fees, 144-8, 144-11, 144-15, 144- TION Highway specifications, 161-3, 18 48-14,148-16,148- Anchoring, 148-14,148-16,148- 161-4 161-4 Fences, 144-8, 144-10 21 FINAL PLATS Firesafety, 144-6, 144-8 Appeals, 1484,148-22 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-6 Fuel, 144-8 Appeals board, 148-22 - 240-8, 240-13, 240-15, Garages, 144-8 Applicability, 148-5 240-16, 240-19 - 240-25, Grading, 144-10 Basis for establishing areas of 240-28, 240-31, 240-32,240- Heating, 144-8 special flood hazard, 148-6 35,240-36,240-41,24042, Hotel, 144-8 Blocks, 148-21 240-44,24045,240-51- Improvement, 144-8 Building Inspector, 148-11 240-53 Inspections, 144-6, 144-8, 144-16 Certificates of compliance, 148 - Zoning, 280-4 Issuance of certificate of occu- 14 FINGERPRINTS pancy, 144-17 Comprehensive Plan, 148-22 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Lots, 144-8 Conflict with other laws, 148-7 retail merchants, 197-6 Motel, 144-8 Definitions, 148-4 FIRE ALARM Multifamily dwellings, 144-6 Deposit, 148-12 Subdivision of land, 240-17 Notices, 144-8 Designation of local administra- FIREARMS Nuisance, 144-10 tor, 148-11 Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 Penalties for offenses, 144-12, Design standards, 148-14, 148-18 Police department rules and regu- 144-13, 144-20 Drainage, 148-12, 148-15 -148- lations, A290-9, A290-33 Performance of work under per- 17,148-19 mit, 144-10 13 11-01-2012 Duties and responsibilities of lo- cal administrator, 148-14 Elevation of residential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 148-17 Elevator, 148-16 Emergency, 148-4, 148-6, 148-9, 148-10, 148-13 -148-15, 148-22 Emergency vehicles, 148-22 Fees, 148-12 Fill, 148-12, 148-15, 148-18 Findings, 148-1 Floodplain development permit, 148-12 Floodway, 1484,148-14,148-15, 148-23 Gas, 148-3, 148-15, 148-22 General standards, 148-15 Grade, 148-2, 1484, 148-16 - 148-19,148-21 Heating, 148-16 Height, 148-21 Improvements, 148-4,148-13 - 148-20,148-23 Insect, 148-16 Inspections, 148-12, 148-14 Insurance, 148-2, 148-4, 148-6, 148-7, 148-12, 148-14, 148- 15,148-17, 148-18,148-21, 148-23 Interpretation, 148-7 Liability, 148-10 Lots, 148-13, 148-23 Manufactured homes, 148-4, 148- 13 -148-15, 148-21 Meeting, 148-4, 148-16,148-19 Mobile home, 148-4 Nonresidential structures (coastal high -hazard areas), 148-20 Nonresidential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 148-19 Notices, 148-9,148-14, 148-23 Nuisances, 148-23 Objectives, 148-3 Obstructions, 148-16, 148-18 Parking, 148-16 Parks, 148-13 - 148-15 Penalties for offenses, 148-9 Permit, 148-9,148-11 - 148-14, 148-16 Purpose, 148-2 Records, 148-22 Recreational vehicles, 148-4, 148- 13 - 148-15, 148-21 Report, 148-6, 148-22 Residential structures (coastal high -hazard areas), 148-18 Safety, 148-2, 148-4, 148-7, 148- 18,148-22,148-23 48- 18,148-22,148-23 Sanitary facilities, 148-19, 148-20 Screening, 148-16 Severability, 148-8 Standards for all structures, 148- 16 Stop -work orders, 148-14 Storage, 148-12, 148-16 SOUTHOLD INDEX Utilities, 148-3, 148-13, 148-15, 148-16,148-19 -148-22 Variances, 148-4, 148-7, 148-9, 148-14, 148-22, 148-23 Vehicles, 148-4, 148-13 - 148-16, 148-21, 148-22 Warning and disclaimer of liabil- ity, 148-10 Water, 148-2, 148-3, 148-14 - 148-16,148-18,148-19,148- 22 Watercourses, 148-13, 148-14 FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Zoning, 280-4,280-129, 280-133 FLOODWAY Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-14,148-15,148-23 FUEL Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 Zoning, 280-48,280-52, 280-55, 280-58,280-62,280-111 FUMES Zoning, 280-13, 280-58, 280-62 -G- GARAGES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 1974 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 28045, 280-48, 280-58, 280-62,280- 78, 280-104, 280-134, 280- 137 GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND RE- FUSE Boats, docks and wharves, 96-8 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-4 General provisions, 1-2 Littering, 174-1, 174-2 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2, 193-7 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36-215-38 15- 36-215-38 Soil removal, 228-7 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-2, 2334 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-7, 253-14 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 GAS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16, 96-17 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 10 Flood damage prevention, 148-3, 148-15,148-22 Junkyards, 166-4 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15 14 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Subdivision of land, 240-35 Zoning, 280-13, 280-58, 280-62, 280-83,280-111,280-129, 280-143 GENERAL BUSINESS (B) DIS- TRICT Subdivision of land, 24042 GENERAL PROVISIONS Adoption of Code, 1-1-1-13 Amendments to Code, 1-8 Assessments, 14 Bicycles, 1-2 Bond, 1-4 Burning, 1-2 Code book to be kept up-to- date, 1-9 Copy of Code on file, 1-7 Distribution of local laws, or- dinances and resolutions, 1-2 Easement, 14 Effect on previously adopted legislation, 1-5 Enactments saved from repeal, 1-4 Fine, 1-11 Garbage, 1-2 Grade, 1-4 Improvement, 1-4 Incorporation of provisions in- to Code, 1-12 Junkyards, 1-2 Legislative intent, 1-1 Liability, 14 License, 14 Littering, 1-2 Matters not affected, 14 Parking, 1-2 Penalties for offenses, 14, 1- 11 Repeal of enactments not in- cluded in Code, 1-3 Sale of Code book, 1-10 Severability, 1-6 Supplementation, 1-10 Vehicles, 1-2 When effective, 1-13 Zoning Map, 1-4 Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Code, 1-14-1-18 Continuation of provisions, 1- 16 Incorporation of provisions in- to Code, 1-17 Legislative intent, 1-14 Nonsubstantive changes in previously adopted legis- lation, 1-15 When effective, 1-18 GLARE Lighting, outdoor, 172-5 Zoning, 280-91, 280-94, 280-111, 280-117, 280-129 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX GOLD STAR PARENTS TAX Police department rules and regu- HAZARDOUS WASTE EXEMPTION, see WAR lations, A290-15 Police department rules and regu- VETERANS AND GOLD lations, A29045 STAR PARENTS Solid waste, 233-2 GRADE - H - HEARINGS Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- Agricultural lands preservation, 6,111-10-111-13 HAMLET BUSINESS E�) DIS- 704,70-5 Fire prevention and building con- TRICT Boats, docks and wharves, 96-31, struction, 144-10 Subdivision of land, 24042 96-32 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, HAMLET DENSITY RESIDEN- Buildings, unsafe; property 148-4,148-16 -148-19, 148- TIAL (HD) DISTRICT maintenance, 100-7 21 Subdivision of land, 240-42 . Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- General provisions, 14 Zoning, 280-137 23,111-27,111-35 Highway specifications, 161-2, HANDICAPPED FACILITIES Community Preservation Fund, 161-4, 161-18, 161-19, 161- Zoning, - 129 280 17-7,17-34 21-161-24,161-29,161-30, HANDICAPPED PARKING Environmental quality review, 161-35,16142,16146 Vehicles and traffic, 260-17, 260- 130-10 -130-12 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 27 Housing fund, 34-4, 34-6 43 HARBOR MANAGEMENT Junkyards, 166-6 Soil removal, 2284,228-6,228-7 Fishers Island Harbor Manage- Landmark preservation, 170-5, Streets and sidewalks, 237-6, ment, 157-1-157-14 170-7,170-14 237-13 Abandonment, 157-8 Lighting, outdoor, 172-8 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 2404, Anchoring, 157-4, 157-6 Local laws, adoption of, 38-1, 38- 240-6,240-10, 240-17, 240- Animals, 157-11 2, 38-4, 38-6 19, 240-21, 240-41, 240-45, bili Applicaty, 157-1 Open space preservation, 185-4, 240-49,240-51 d boats, - Di12 157 185-5 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5 Discharge of refuse, 157-11 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7, Emergency, 157-6 retail merchants, 197-11 275-11 Fine, 157-14 Personnel, 47-4 Zoning, 280-4, 280-78, 280-85, Fishers Island Harbor Com- Police department, 51-6 280-99, 280-108,280-114, mittee, 157-3 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 280-129, 280-133, 280-134, Hazards to navigation, 157,-12 Sanitary flow credits, transfer of, 280-136 Height, 157-6 117-9, 117-12, 117-14 GRASS Inspections, 157-8 Soil removal, 228-5, 228-12 Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 Lia12 157 Liable, - Solid waste, 233-6, 233-8 Highway specifications, 161-42 Lien, 157-8, 157-12 Subdivision of land, 240-10,240- Junkyards, 166-7 Meeting, 157-3 13, 240-19, 240-25, 240-29, Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Mooring maintenance, 157,-8 240-30,240-53 21 Notices, 157-3, 157-9, 157-12, Taxation, 245-4, 245-13 Soil removal, 228-7 157 - 14 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-2, Solid waste, 233-4 Penalties for offenses, 157=14 253-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Permit, 157-6,157-14 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 Subdivision of land, 240-10 Rafting, 157-10 Zoning, 280-11, 280-13, 280-26, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, - 12 157 Record,280-29, 280-92, 280-131, 275-11 Registration, 157-12 280-137, 280-141, 280-146, Zoning, 280-93, 280-95 Safety, 157-6 280-150, 280-157, 280-159, See also BRUSH, GRASS AND 12 157 Sale, - 280-174, 280-175, 280-177 WEEDS Severability, 157-13 HEAT GRASS CLIPPINGS Speed and wake regulation; Fire prevention and building con - Solid waste, 233-4 157-4 struction, 144-8 GRAVEYARDS Storage, 157-6, 157-12 Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Junkyards, 166-1 Traffic control authority, 157- Highway specifications, 161-22, GUARANTEE 2 161-23 Streets and sidewalks, 237-9 Unnavigable boats, 157-12 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Subdivision of land, 240-31, 240- Use of private moorings by 38 33,240-34 guests, 157-9 Zoning, 280-22, 280-58,280-91 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9, Use of vessel as abode, 157-7 HEIGHT REGULATIONS 275-10 Water, 157-1, 157-5 1 Flood damage prevention 148-21 ion, GUARANTEES Waterskiing, 157-5 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Harbor management, 57-6 StRANTI management, 236-20 Highway specifications, 161-44, GUARANTIES Waterfront consistency review, 16146 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 268-3 1 Lighting, outdoor, 172-5 42 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES' Soil removal, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-34,240- Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Streets and sidewalks, 237-26 38 Zoning, 280-4, 280-131 28 Waterfront consistency review, Subdivision of land, 240-10 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 GUNS 268-5 Wind energy, 277-2 -277-4 Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 15 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Zoning, 280-4, 280-13,280-15, Asphalt pavement cores, 161- Permits, 161-46 280-28,280-48, 280-70, 280- 26 Recharge basins, 16141 71, 280-76, 280-76.2, 280- Asphalt wearing course, 161- Recharge basins Type A and 78, 280-82, 280-85, 280-94, 23 drainage areas, 161-29 280-104 - 280-109, 280-117, Base course for asphalt pave- Recharge basins Type B and 280-122, 280-134 ment, 161-21 drainage areas, 161-30 HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS Base course for stone blend Recharge Basins Type C, 161 - Final Dedication of Roads, 161- road, 161-19 31 49 Bituminous surface treatment Safety, 161-44, 161-46 Bond, 16149 double application, 161- Screen, 161-22 -161-24, 161 - Inspection, 161-49 24 29,161-30, 161-42 Meeting, 16149 Bonds, 161-46 Seeding, 161-43 Procedure, 161-49 Brush, 161-16,161-30 Stone blend wearing course, Report, 16149 Catch basins, 161-34 161-20 Sale, 16149 Clearing and grubbing, 161-16 Storage, 161-29, 161-30 General Construction Require- Concrete curbs, 161-38 Storm drains, 161-33 ments, 161-5 -161-14 Concrete cylinders, 161-40 Stormwater, 161-27, 161-29, Dead-end streets, 161-11 Concrete footings, slabs and 161-30, 161-32,161-36 Dirt, 161-9 headwalls, 161-37 Stormwater drainage systems, Drainage, 161-8, 161-9, 161- Concrete sidewalks and 161-32 13 driveway entrances, 161- Streetlighting specifications, Easements, 161-13 39 161-46 Improvements, 161-6 Construction specifications, Stripping and stockpiling soil, Lots, 161-11 161-15 161-17 Progress schedule, 161-5 Curbs, 161-34, 161-38, 161- Tests, 161-26, 161-29, 161-30, Protection of new drainage in- 41, 161-45, 161-46 161-40, 16146 stallations, 161-9 Demolition, 161-21 Trees, 161-16, 161-29, 161-30, Responsibility of developer, Design criteria for leaching 161-42, 161-44 161-6 basins, 161-28 Trenches, 161-36 Safety, 161-6, 161-7 Drainage, 161-18, 161-25, Utility, 161-46 Signs, 161-11, 161-12 161-27-161-33, 161-36, Vehicles, 161-20 Speed limit, 161-12 16145 Vibration, 161-21 Stormwater, 161-6, 161-8 Drainage design criteria, 161- Water, 161-30, 161-39, 161-44 Street signs, 161-12 27 Weeds, 161-42 Temporary roads, 161-14 Drainage pipe criteria, 161-36 Well, 161-30, 161-46 Test, 161-6 Driveways, 161-39,161-46 Yard, 161-24 Topsoil removal, 161-10 Dump, 161-19,161'-21 HISTORICAL FEATURES Traffic maintenance, 161-7 Dust, 161-23 Zoning, 280-133 Trees, 161-11 Easements, 161-18 HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND Vehicles, 161-7 Embankment, 161-18 DISTRICTS Water, 161-11 Emergency vehicles, 161-20 Zoning, 280-75 Plans and Maps for Subdivisions, Excavations, 161-17, 161-18, HISTORIC PRESERVATION 161-1 - 161-4 161-25, 161-29, 161-30, Zoning, 280-75, 280-131 Construction plans, 161-4 161-36 HISTORIC PROPERTIES TAX Curbs, 161-4 Fences, 161-16, 161-29, 161- EXEMPTION Drainage, 161-2 -161-4 41,161-42 Taxation, 245-19 Easements, 161-2 -161-4 Fill, 161-25 HOLIDAYS Excavation, 161-2 Grade, 161-18, 161-19, 161-21 Lighting, outdoor, 172-6 Final plans, 161-3, 161-4 -161-24, 161-29, 161-30, HOME OCCUPATIONS Grade, 161-2, 161-4 161-35, 161-42, 161-46 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13,280-78 Lighting, 161-4 Grass, 161-42 HOSPITALS Major subdivision, 1614 Heating, 161-22,161-23 Police department rules and regu- Manholes, 161-2 Height, 161-44,161-46 lations, A29044, A29045 Monuments, 161-3 Illumination, 16146 Zoning, 280-13,280-17, 280-48, Preliminary plans, 161-2, 161- Improvements, 161-25 280-78,280-79 3 Insect, 16144 HOTELS Sketch plans, 161-1 Inspections, 161-19, 161-21, Fire prevention and building con - Streetlights, 161-3, 161-4 161-42,161-46, 161-48 struction, 144-8 Test, 161-2 Landscaping, 16142, 161-43 Parking, 189-3 Trees, 161-3 Lighting, 16146 Zoning, 2804,280-35,28041, Wells, 161-3 Lots, 161-15, 161-16 28044, 280-45, 28048,280 - Roadway Construction, 161-15 - Major subdivisions, 161-38 55, 280-78,280-79, 280-85 16148 Manholes, 161-35 HOUSING FUND Alterations or modifications to Minutes, 161-27 Bond, 344 specifications, 16147 Modifications to existing pri- Definitions, 34-3 As -constructed survey, 16145 vate roads, 161-25 Emergency, 34-2,34-6 Asphalt binder course, 161-22 Notification, 161-44 Findings, 34-2 Parking, 161-15 Fund established, 34-4 16 11-01-2012 Hearing, 34-4, 34-6 Housing Advisory Commission established, 34-6 Improvements, 34-2, 34-5, 34-6 Meetings, 34-6 Open space, 34-6 Parking, 34-6 Purposes of Fund, 34-5 Sale, 34-2, 34-4 - 34-6 Water, 34-6 HUNT Animals, 83-6 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-20 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2, 193-6 -I- ILLEGAL DISCHARGES Stormwater management, 236-25 ILLICIT CONNECTIONS Stormwater management, 236-25 ILLICIT DISCHARGES Stormwater management, 236-29, 236-35 ILLUMINATION, see LIGHTING IMPOUNDMENT Animals, 83-11, 83-12 Vehicles and traffic, 260-24 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-9 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 IMPROVEMENTS Agricultural lands preservation, 70-2 Community Preservation Fund, 17-8 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-13 -148-20, 148-23 General provisions, 1-4 Highway specifications, 161-6, 161-25 Housing fund, 34-2, 34-5, 34-6 Lighting, outdoor, 172-4 Records, 59-15 Soil removal, 2284 Streets and sidewalks, 237-6, 237-16 Subdivision of land, 240-6,240-9, 240-10, 240-16, 240-17, 240- 20, 240-30 - 240-41, 240-45, 240-51,240-53,240-59 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-6 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-5 Zoning, 280-25, 280-30, 28045, 280-88, 280-129, 280-131, 280-133, 280-137, 280-174 INDUSTRIAL WASTES Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 28,215-36 - 215-38 INSECTS Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Highway specifications, 161-44 SOUTHOLDINDEX Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 INSPECTIONS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-24 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-5 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 29 Community Preservation Fund, 17-37 Electrical inspections, 126-1- 126-3 Environmental quality review, 130-17 Ethics, 26-25 Filming, 139-12 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-6, 144-8, 144- 16 Flood damage prevention, 148- 12,148-14 Harbor management, 157-8 Highway specifications, 161-19, 161-21, 161-42, 161-46, 161- 48, 161-49 Junkyards, 166-6 Local laws, adoption of, 38-2 Parking, 189-3, 189-4 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-7, A290-15, A290-27 Records, 59-2 - 59-5, 59-9, 59-10 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 21- 215-24, 215-37, 215-38, 215-41,215-43,215-44 Solid waste, 233-4, 233-6 Stormwater management, 236-9, 236-20,236-24,236-31,236- 34 Streets and sidewalks, 237-14 Subdivision of land, 240-9,240- 20, 240-32, 240-33, 240-36, 240-37 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-13 Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3, 268-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7, 275-9 - 275-11 Zoning, 280-13,280-74, 280-101, 280-110, 280-137, 280-151, 280-154 INSURANCE Community Preservation Fund, 17-32, 17-34 Electrical inspections, 126-2 Filming, 139-3, 139-11 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, 148-4, 148-6, 148-7, 148-12, 148-14,148-15, 148-17, 148- 18,148-21, 148-23 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 42 Soil removal, 228-6 Streets and sidewalks, 237-8, 237-18 Taxation, 245-1 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9 17 Zoning, 280-10,280-38,280-52, 280-55 INTOXICATION Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-9 INVESTIGATIONS Alarm systems, 75-1 Ethics, 26-21- 26-23, 26-25 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-7 Personnel, 47-3 Police department, 51-6 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-7, A290-15, A290-17, A290-19 - A290- 21, A290-24, A290-25, A290-31 Records, 59-2 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 Zoning, 280-130 J JUNK DEALER Junkyards, 166-6 JUNKED VEHICLES, see VEHI- CLES, JUNKED JUNKYARDS Batteries, 166-1 Burning, 166-3,166-7 Combustible, 166-1, 166-7 Definitions, 166-2 Display, 166-6 Drainage, 166-4 Dump, 166-3,166-7 Duration, 166-6 Existing businesses, 166-5 Explosive, 166-1 Fee, 166-6 Fence, 1664,166-7 Fire extinguisher, 166-7 Fire lane, 166-7 Flammable, 166-1 Gas, 166-4 General provisions, 1-2 Grass, 166-7 Graveyards, 166-1 Hearing, 166-6 Inspections, 166-6 Junk dealer, 166-6 Junkyards, 166-1 Legislative intent, 166-1 Liable, 166-8 License, 166-1, 166-3 - 166-8 Notice, 166-5 Nuisances, 166-1 Penalties for offenses, 166-8 Permit, 166-7,166-8 Regulations, 166-7 Revocation, 166-6 Sale, 166-3 Sanitary facilities, 166-7 Septic tanks, 166-7 Storage, 166-3 Tires, 166-1 11-01-2012 Transferability, 166-6 Water, 166-4 Well, 166-7 Zoning, 280-4 -K- KENNELS Zoning, 280-13 -L- LANDMARK PRESERVATION Accessory buildings, 170-7 Appeals, 170-11 Application for certificate of ap- propriateness, 170-7 Building permits, 170-5, 170-6 Certificate of appropriateness for alteration, demolition or new construction, 170-6 Criteria for approval of alteration of facades of historic land- marks, 170-8 Criteria for approval of demoli- tion or removal of historic landmarks, 170-9 Definitions, 170-3 Demolition, 170-2 -170-7, 170- 9,170-10 Designation of historic land- marks, 170-5 Easements, 170-4 Enforcement, 170-12 Fees, 170-14 Fine, 170-13 Hardship criteria for approval of demolition, removal or alter- ation of historic landmarks, 170-10 Hearings, 170-5, 170-7,170-14 Historic Preservation Commis- sion, 170-4 Meetings, 170-4 Membership, 170-4 Minutes, 170-4 Newspaper, 170-7 Notices, 170-4,170-5,170-7, 170-14 Penalties for offenses, 170-13 Permit, 170-5, 170-6 Powers and duties, 170-4 Purpose, 170-2 Record, 170-5, 170-11 Reports, 170-5 Stop -work order, 170-12 Terms, 170-4 Title, 170-1 LANDSCAPING Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-4 Highway specifications, 161-42, 161-43 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 21 Soil removal, 228-4 Solid waste, 233-4 SOUTHOLD INDEX Subdivision of land, 240-32, 240- 36, 240-42,24043, 240-49 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-11 Zoning, 2804,280-7,28041, 280-70,280-72,,280-76.2, 280-78, 280-91- 280-95, 280-123,280-129,280-131, 280-133,280-134,280-137 LEASHING REQUIREMENTS Animals, 83-6 Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 LIABILITY Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 96-25 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-11 Community Preservation Fund, 17-23, 17-29, 17-31, 17-34, 17-35 Ethics, 26-26 Filming, 139-11 Flood damage prevention, 148-10 General provisions, 1-4 Harbor management, 157-12 Junkyards, 166-8 Salvage centers, 211-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38, 215-42, 215-44, 215-51 Streets and sidewalks, 237-14 Subdivision of land, 240-54 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-20 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9 Zoning, 280-88 LICENSE Animals, 83-19, 83-20, 83-22, 83- 24 Bingo and games of chance, 92-2, 92-3,92-13,92-14 Burning, outdoor, 104-2 Ethics, 26-17, 26-21 General provisions, 1-4 Junkyards, 166-1, 166-3 - 166-8 Parking, 189-3, 189-4 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-3, 197- 4, 197-6 -197-9, 197-11, 197-13 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-33 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 4 - 215-6,215-31, 215-41, 215-42 Solid waste, 233-2-233-4, 233-8 Subdivision of land, 240-21 Tobacco advertising, 249-2 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, 260- 17 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 Zoning, 280-48, 280-133 LICENSES AND PERMITS Sanitary flow credits, transfer of, 117-10 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-6; 219-7 18 Stormwater management, 236-20, 236-21,236-27,236-30 LIENS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 96-25 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-10 Community Preservation Fund, 17-27, 17-35 Harbor management, 157-8, 157- 12 Littering, 174-5 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 33,215-50, 215-51 Subdivision of land, 240-34, 240- 44 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-76, 280-88, 280-92 LIGHTING Boats, docks and wharves, 96-14 Highway specifications, 161-4, 161-46 Streets and sidewalks, 237-12 Subdivision of land, 240-44, 240- 46 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Wind energy, 277-4 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-70, 280-81, 280-83, 280-87, 280- 88, 280-111, 280-117, 280- 129,280-133,280-137 LIGHTING, OUTDOOR Appeals, 172-8 Applicability, 172-4 Conflict with other laws, 172-3 Definitions, 172-2 Exemptions, 172-6 Glare, 172-5 Hearings, 172-8 Height regulations, 172-5 Holidays, 172-6 Improvements, 172-4 Penalties for offenses, 172-9 Poles, 172-5 Prohibitions, 172-7 Recreational, 172-6 Review procedures, 172-8 Site plans, 172-8 Standards for exterior lighting, 172-5 Streetlighting, 172-5 Title, 172-1 Utilities, 172-5 Variances, 172-8 Vehicles and traffic, 172-6 LIMITED BUSINESS (LB) DIS- TRICT Subdivision of land, 240-42 LITTERING Assessment, 174-5 Definitions, 174-1 Driveway, 174-2 Fine, 174-7 Garbage, 174-1, 174-2 11-01-2012 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 174- 2 General provisions, 1-2 Handbills, 174-6 Lien, 174-5 Litter in parks, beaches and bod- ies of water, 174-4 Litter in public places, 174-2 Litter on private property, 174-5 Newspapers, 174-1, 174-6 Notice, 174-5 Parks, 174-4 Penalties for offenses, 174-7 Record, 174-5 Sign, 174-6 Tires, 174-3 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Vehicles, 174-1, 174-3, 174-6 Water, 174-4 LIVESTOCK Subdivision of land, 240-44 Zoning, 280-98, 280-99 LOCAL LAWS, ADOPTION OF Filing of proof of publication and posting, 38-4 Hearings, 38-1, 38-2, 38-4, 38-6 Inspection, 38-2 Newspaper, 38-1 Notice, 38-1, 38-2, 38-4, 38-6 Numbering, 38-5 Posting and availability of copies, 38-2 Posting of copy upon adoption, 38-3 Rezonings, 38-6 LOTS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148- 13,148-23 Highway specifications, 161-11, 161-15,161-16 Soil removal, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-4, 240- 10, 240-17,240-21, 240-26, 240-27,240-30,240-41 - 240-45, 40-27,240-30,240-41- 240-45, 240-49, 240-51, 240- 53, 240-57,240-59 Vehicles and traffic, 260-12, 260- 27 Zoning, 280-9 - 280-11, 280-13, 280-15, 280-30, 280-31, 280- 41, 280-48, 280-61, 280-70, 280-78,280-79,280-95,280- 106, 280-109, 280-113, 280- 116, 280-124, 280-137,280- 173 _M_ MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Highway specifications, 161-4, 161-38 MANHOLES Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-35 SOUTHOLD INDEX Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38,21540 15=38,215-40 Subdivision of land, 240-17 MANUFACTURED HOMES Flood damage prevention, 1484, 148-13 -148-15, 148-21 MASTER PLAN Subdivision of land, 240-10,240- 17 Zoning, 2804 MEETINGS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-32 Committees, appointment of, 13-3 Community Preservation Fund, 17-13 Environmental quality review, 130-7 Ethics, 26-21 Expenses of town officers, 30-1 Flood damage prevention, 1484, 148-16, 148-19 Harbor management, 157-3 Highway specifications, 161-49 Housing fund, 34-6 Landmark preservation, 1704 Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-7 Streets and sidewalks, 237-2 Subdivision of land, 240-13, 240- 23, 240-40, 240-43 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 Zoning, 280-29, 280-38, 28045, 28048, 280-78, 280-131, 280-133,280-137,280-157, 280-173,280-174 METERS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 MINORS Animals, 83-6 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 MINUTES Committees, appointment of, 13-3 MOBILE HOME Flood damage prevention, 148-4 Zoning, 2804,280-78 MODERATE -INCOME FAMILY DWELLING UNITS Subdivision of land, 240-10 MODERATE -INCOME HOUS- ING Zoning, 280-137 MONUMENTS Highway specifications, 161-3 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- 17,240-21,24041 40- 17,240-21,240-41 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 Zoning, 280-104 MOTELS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Parking, 189-3 Zoning, 2804,280-35,280-44, 28045, 280-48, 280-55, 280- 78,280-85 MUFFLERS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-17 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3 MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 41 Zoning, 280-108 MUSSELS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-12 -N- NATURAL FEATURES Community Preservation Fund, 17-19 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240- 43,240-53,240-54 Zoning, 280-133, 280-143 NATURAL FEATURES PRESERVATION Zoning, 280-129 NEWSPAPER Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 35 Environmental quality review, 130-6, 130-10 Landmark preservation, 170-7 Littering, 174-1, 174-6 Local laws, adoption of, 38-1 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 1974 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Records, 59-10 Soil removal, 228-12 Solid waste, 233-1 Subdivision of land, 240-19, 240- 25 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-4 Zoning, 280-26, 280-157,280- 159 NIGHT FISHING Parking, 189-3 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9 NOISE Boats, docks and wharves, 96-17 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 Soil removal, 228-5 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Wind energy, 277-2, 277-3 Zoning, 280-13, 280-47,280482 280 -58,280-62,280-91,280- 94,280-99,280-111, 80- 94,280-99,280-111, 280- 143 NOISE, PREVENTION OF Definitions, 1804 Enforcement, 180-8 Exceptions, 180-7 General prohibition, 180-5 Penalties for offenses, 180-9 Purpose, 180-2 Standards, 180-6 Statutory authorization, 180-3 Title, 180-1 11-01-2012 NONCONFORMING SIGNS Zoning, 280-90 NONCONFORMING USES Zoning, 280-2,280-4, 280-90, 280-120, 280-121, 280-123, 280-154 NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-31, 96-32 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 29 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 31 Stormwater management, 236-35 NOTICES Animals, 83-24 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 96-13, 96-25, 96-31- 96-33 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-6 -100-9 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 18, 111-19, 111-25, 111-29, 111-35 Community Preservation Fund, 17-32, 17-34 Environmental quality review, 130-6, 130-10, 130-13, 130- 17 Filming, 139-4,139-8 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-9, 148-14,148-23 Harbor management, 157-3, 157- 9,157-12,157-14 57- 9,157-12,157-14 Highway specifications, 161-44 Junkyards, 166-5 Landmark preservation, 170-4, 170-5, 170-7, 170-14 Littering, 174-5 Local laws, adoption of, 38-1, 38- 2, 38-4, 38-6 Parks and recreation areas, 193- 10 Police department, 51-6 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-33, A29044 Public entertainment and special events, 205-1 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Records, 59-10 Sanitary flow credits, transfer of, 117-9, 117-10, 117-12-117- 14 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 23, 215-31, 215-32, 215-37, 215-38,21541 - 21543, 215-45 Soil removal, 228-5, 228-9, 228- 12 Solid waste, 233-6, 233-8 Stormwater management, 236-12, 236-27,236-32 Streets and sidewalks, 237-1, 237-2,237-11,237-13 Subdivision of land, 240-13, 240- 18, 240-19, 240-22, 240-25, SOUTHOLD INDEX 240-29, 240-30,240-32, 240- 36,240-44, 240-54 Taxation, 245-3,2454, 245-6 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-4 Vehicles and traffic, 260-25 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-8 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 - 275-11, 275-16 Wind energy, 277-3 Zoning, 280-26, 280-29,280-30, 280-74,280-76,280-88,280- 92, 280-97,280-100, 280- 101, 280-131, 280-137, 280- 141, 280-146, 280-150, 280- 153, 280-155,280-157,280- 159,280-174 80-155,280-157,280- 159,280-174 NUISANCES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-10 Flood damage prevention, 148-23 Junkyards, 166-1 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Soil removal, 228-5 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-14 Zoning, 280-58, 280-62, 280-97, 280-99 -O- OBSTRUCTIONS Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 11, 111-13 Flood damage prevention, 148- 16,148-18 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Streets and sidewalks, 237-1, 237-20 Vehicles and traffic, 260-23 Zoning, 280-80, 280-104,280- 106, 280-111 ODORS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Subdivision of land, 240-44 Zoning, 280-13, 28048, 280-58, 280-62, 280-99, 280-111, 280-143 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Superintendent of Highways, 42- 5-42-8 2- 5-42-8 Referendum to be held, 42-7 Supersession of Town Law, 42-6 Term of office, 42-5 When effective, 42-8 Town Clerk, 42-1-42-4 Referendum to be held, 42-3 Supersession of Town Law, 42-2 Term of office, 42-1 When effective, 42-4 20 OFFICIAL MAP Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, 240-10,240-17 Zoning, 280-4 OFF-STREET LOADING Zoning, 280-79 OFF-STREET PARKING Agricultural uses, 72-6 Subdivision of land, 240-4, 240- 45 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-27, 280-28,280-45, 280-48, 280- 58, 280-77,280-78, 280-95, 280-109, 280-129, 280-133, 280-137, 280-143 ONE -FAMILY DWELLING Zoning, 280-10,280-13, 280-109 OPEN SPACE Agricultural lands preservation, 70-2 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 13 Community Preservation Fund, 17-4, 17-8, 17-9, 17-12, 17- 24 Housing fund, 34-6 Open space preservation, 185-1- 185-3, 185-5 Subdivision of land, 240-2, 240- 10, 240-21, 240-42 - 240-45, 240-49,240-54 Waterfront consistency review, 268-2, 268-5 Zoning, 2804, 280-8, 280-16, 280-127, 280-128, 280-137, 280-181 OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION Acquisition, 1854 Alienation of fee, interest or right, 185-5 Definitions, 185-3 Findings, 185-2 Hearing, 1854, 185-5 Instrument of conveyance, 185-5 Open space, 185-1-185-3, 185-5 Open Space Committee, 185-5 Permits, 185-5 Sale, 185-4, 185-5 Severability, 185-6 Title, 185-1 OUTDOOR LIGHTING, see LIGHTING, OUTDOOR OYSTERS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-10 _P_ PARADE Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16 Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 PARKING Agricultural uses, 72-5, 72-6 Appearance tickets, 5-2, 5-3 Community Preservation Fund, 17-8 Filming, 139-3 11-01-2012 Flood damage prevention, 148-16 General provisions, 1-2 Highway specifications, 161-15 Housing fund, 34-6 Parking, 189-1, 189-3 -189-6 Parking at Beaches, 189-1-189- 8 Designation of parking areas on Fishers Island, 189-4 Designation of parking areas requiring permits, 189-2 Fishing, 189-3 Hotels, 189-3 Inspection, 189-3, 1894 License, 189-3, 1894 Motels, 189-3 Night fishing parking permit, 189-3 Other regulations, 189-6 Parking, 189-1-189-6 Parking permits, 189-3 Parks, 189-3 Penalties for offenses, 189-8 Permit, 189-2 -189-5 Policy, 189-1 Registration, 189-3, 189-4 Removal of vehicles parked in violation, 189-7 Sign, 189-3, 189-4 Storage, 189-7 Trailers, 189-2 Vehicles, 189-1-189-4, 189-7 Water, 189-1 Wells, 189-2 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3, 193-9 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 Public entertainment and special events, 205-1 Salvage centers, 211-3, 2114 Soil removal, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-4, 240- 44,240-45 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Vehicles and traffic, 260-1, 260-8 - 260-12, 260-14 - 260-23, 260-27 Zoning, 280-4,280-13, 280-14, 280-18, 280-23, 280-27,280- 28, 280-36, 280-39, 280-42, 280-45, 280-46, 280-48, 280- 49, 280-53, 280-56, 280-58, 280-59, 280-62,280-63, 280- 65, 280-77 - 280-79, 280-85, 280-92,280-95, 280-109, 280-110, 280-117, 280-127 - 280-129, 280-131, 280-133, 280-134, 280-137,280-143 PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS Bicycles, 88-1- 88-3, 88-5 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-15, 96-26 Community Preservation Fund, 17-4,17-24 Filming, 139-8 lltl: 911031�[93*:1 Flood damage prevention, 148-13 -148-15 Littering, 174-4 Parking, 189-3 Subdivision of land, 240-4,240- 10, 240-42 - 240-44, 240-52 -240-54 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-23 Use Regulations and Restrictions, 193-1-193-13 Animals, 193-2,193-9 Ashes, 193-2 Authority to promulgate rules and regulations, 193-11 Beach activities, 193-5 Behavior and conduct, 193-9 Certain acts prohibited, 193-2 Definitions, 193-1 Dirt, 193-2 Dogs, 193-9 Dump, 193-2 Emergency, 193-3 Enforcement, 193-12 Firearms, 193-6 Garbage, 193-2, 193-7 Guns, 193-6 Hours of use, 193-10 Hunt, 193-2, 193-6 Intoxicating, 193-9 Leashes, 193-9 Meetings, 193-9 Muffler, 193-3 Notices, 193-10 Parade, 193-9 Parking, 193-3, 193-9 Penalties for offenses, 193-12 Penalty, 193-12 Permit, 193-7,193-9 Recreation area, 193-7 Regulations concerning bath- ing and swimming, 193-4 Regulations concerning motor vehicles, 193-3 Restrictions concerning certain games and sports activi- ties, 193-8 Safety, 193-6,193-11 Signs, 193-3 Toilet, 193-4 Tree, 193-2 Use of picnic areas, 193-7 Vehicles, 193-1, 193-3, 193-4 Water, 193-4 Weapons, 193-6 When effective, 193-13 Wildlife, 193-6 Zoning, 280-7, 280-137 See also PLAYGROUNDS PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT RETAIL MERCHANTS Licensing and Regulation, 197-1 -197-13 Application for license, 197-6 Contagious diseases, 197-6 Definitions, 197-2 Dirt, 197-10 21 Dogs, 197-5, 197-10 Dust, 197-10 Exemptions, 1974 Fees, 197-9 Fingerprints, 197-6 Garage, 1974 Hearing, 197-11 Insects, 197-10 Investigation of applicant, 197-7 Legislative intent, 197-1 License, 197-3, 1974, 197-6 - 197-9, 197-11, 197-13 Newspapers, 197-4 Noise, 197-10 Obstructions, 197-10 Parking, 197-10 Penalties for offenses, 197-13 Permit, 197-10 Permitted activities, 197-5 Possession, 197-8 Records, 197-8 Registration, 197-1, 1974, 197-6 Restrictions, 197-10 Sales, 197-4 - 197-6, 197-10 School, 197-10 Signs, 197-12 Vehicles, 197-10 Well, 197-10 PEDESTRIANS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-137 PENALTIES FOR OFFENSES Agricultural uses, 72-12 Alarm systems, 75-5, 75-6, 75-8 Alcoholic beverages, 79-2 Animals, 83-5, 83-6, 83-13, 83- 25, 83-28, 83-30 Bicycles, 88-7 Bingo and games of chance, 92- 11 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-33 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-6, 100-7, 100-10,100-11 Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-5 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 11, 111-34 Community Preservation Fund, 17-35, 17-36 Domestic partnerships, 121-4, 121-5 Electrical inspections, 126-5 Ethics, 26-26 Filming, 139-14 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-12, 144-13, 144-20 Flood damage prevention, 148-9 General provisions, 1-4, 1-11 Harbor management, 157-14 Highway specifications, 161-19- 161-23 Junkyards, 166-8 Landmark preservation, 170-13 Lighting, outdoor, 172-9 Littering, 174-7 11-01-2012 Noise, prevention of, 180-9 Parking, 189-8 Parks and recreation areas, 193- 12 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-6, 197- 13 Police department, 51-6 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15, A290-19, A290-33, A290-36 Public entertainment and special events, 205-1 Salvage centers, 211-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 5, 215-7, 215-9, 215-32, 215- 38, 215-45, 215-49 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-6, 219-22 Soil removal, 228-13 Solid waste, 233-3.1, 233-7, 233- Stormwater management, 236-25, 236-29, 236-31, 236-33 - 236-35 Streets and sidewalks, 237-17, 237-21, 237-29, 237-30,237- 33 Subdivision of land, 240-44,240- 60 Taxation, 245-5 Tobacco advertising, 249-6 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-19 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, 260- 27 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-9, 264-10, 264-20 Waterfront consistency review, 268-7 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1, 275-15,275-16 Wind energy, 277-7 Zoning, 280-13, 280-32.1, 280- 33, 280-76, 280-88, 280-130, 280-136,280-155,280-156 PENSION Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 PERMIT Agricultural lands preservation, 70-5 Agricultural uses, 72-5, 72-6, 72- 12 Alarm systems, 75-3, 754 Animals, 83-1, 83-3, 83-4, 83-6, 83-9 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-1, 96-3, 96-15, 96-18, 96-20, 96-24, 96-25, 96-28, 96-31- 96-33 Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 8-111-15, 111-19, 111-27- 111-29, 111-31 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Environmental quality review, 130-5 Ethics, 26-17, 26-21 SOUTHOLD INDEX Filming, 139-1-139-5, 139-7 - 139-13 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-9, 148-11-148-14, 148-16 Harbor management, 157-6, 157- 14 Highway specifications, 16146 Junkyards, 166-7, 166-8 Landmark preservation, 170-5, 170-6 Open space preservation, 185-5 Parking, 189-2- 189-5 Parks and recreation areas, 193-7, 193-9 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-7 Public entertainment and special events, 205-1 Records, 59-3, 59-7 Salvage centers, 211-2, 211-3, 211-5,211-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 8 - 215-17, 215-21 - 215-23, 215-25,215-31,215-32,215- 37, 215-38, 21540 - 215-43 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-16 Soil removal, 228-3 - 228-12 Solid waste, 233-2, 233-3.1, 233- 4, 233-6, 233-8 Streets and sidewalks, 237-6 - 237-11, 237-13, 237-15 - 237-18, 237-25, 237-26 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- 25, 240-26, 240-34, 240-36, 240-39, 24045, 24049, 240- 51 Tobacco advertising, 249-2 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-2 - 253-4 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, 260- 17,260-27 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-7, 264-15,264-20 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-4-275-14, 275-16 Wind energy, 277-3, 277-6,277-7 Zoning, 280-2, 280-3, 280-8 - 280-10, 280-13, 280-16, 280- 20, 280-31, 280-45,280-48, 280-58,280-62,280-70,280- 76.1, 280-81, 280-85, 280- 89, 280-90, 280-113 - 280- 115, 280-121, 280-122, 280- 124, 280-125,280-127, 280- 130, 280-131, 280-134, 280- 140, 280-141, 280-146, 280- 149, 280-151-280-154, 280-180 PERMITTED USES Zoning, 280-13, 280-17, 280-22, 280-27,280-35, 280-38,280- 22 41, 280-45, 280-48,280-52, 280-55, 280-58,280-62,280- 143, 80-58,280-62,280- 143, 280-146,280-175 PERSONNEL Grievance Procedures, 47-1- 47- 4 Declaration of policy, 47-2 Definitions, 47-1 Discrimination, 47-2 Hearing, 47-4 Initial presentation, 47-3 Investigation, 47-3 Review by Town Board, 47-4 PET WASTE Animals, 83-28 PET WASTE DISPOSAL Animals, 83-6, 83-28 PLACES OF WORSHIP Zoning, 280-13, 290-38,280-78 PLANNING BOARD Subdivision of land, 240-10 Zoning, 280-131, 280-174, 280- 181 PLAYGROUNDS Subdivision of land, 240-43, 240- 44, 240-52,240-53 Zoning, 280-13 See also PARKS AND RECRE- ATION AREAS PLUMBING Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36,21543 Subdivision of land, 240-47 Zoning, 280-41, 280-45, 28048, 280-58,280-62,280-78 POLES Lighting, outdoor, 172-5 POLICE/BAY CONSTABLES Animals, 83-29 POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration, 51-5 Board of Police Commissioners, 51-2 Charges, 51-6 Compensation, 51-1 Disciplinary action, 51-6 Emergency, 514 Equipment, 51-1 Establishment, 51-1 Fined, 51-6 Hearing, 51-6 Investigation, 51-6 Members, 51-1 Notice, 51-6 Powers and duties, 51-1 Qualifications of members of Po- lice Department, 51-3 Record, 51-2 Rules and regulations, 51-5 Special policemen, 514 POLICE DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Chief of Police, A290-6, A290-7 General duties, A290-6 Inspections, A290-7 Investigation, A290-7 Meeting, A290-7 Permit, A290-7 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Records, A290-7 Confidentiality of official Specific duties, A290-11 Reports, A290-7 business, A290-41 Vehicles, A290-11 Specific duties, A290-7 Curb, A290-37, A290-38 Word usage, A290-46 Civilian Members, A290-12 — Duty of Department, A290-35 POLLUTION A290-14 Fitness for duty, A290-39 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-26 General duties, A290-12 Grooming, A290-43 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Report, A290-13 Hazardous waste, A290-45 38 Safeguarding information, Hospital, A29044, A29045 Soil removal, 228-7 A290-14 Maintenance of order, A290- Stormwater management, 236-24, Specific duties, A290-13 34 236-28 Conduct, A290-15 Minor, A290-36 Waterfront consistency review, Alcoholic beverages, A290-15 Notification, A290-44 268-3 Disorderly conduct, A290-15 Patrol duty, A290-37 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Fine, A290-15 Pro -arrest policy, A290-36 Zoning, 28048, 280-58, 280-62, Gas, A290-15 Records, A290-45 280-77, 280-91, 280-111, Gun, A290-15 Report, A290 -36 —A290-38, 280-143 Inspection, A290-15 A290-44 PRELIMINARY PLANS Intoxicating, A290-15 Safety, A29045 Highway specifications, 161-2, Investigation, A290-15 Sick time, A290-44 161-3 Penalty, A290-15 Sidearms, A290-42 PRELIMINARY PLATS Record, A290-15 Sign, A290-36 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-6 Report, A290-15 Smoke, A290-45 —240-8, 240-10, 240-13, Rules of conduct, A290-15 Streetlights, A290-37, A290- 240-15 — 240-20, 240-22, Tobacco, A290-15 38 240-24, 240-25, 240-53, 240 - Towing, A290-15 Supervisory officers, A290-38 58 Vehicles, A290-15 Testing, A290-45 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Weapon, A290-15 Vehicles, A290-45 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Construal of Provisions, A290-48 Water, A290-45 37 Conflict with Police Benevo- Well, A290-43 PRIVY VAULT lent Association agree- Lieutenant, A290-8, A290-9 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- ments, A290-48 Disorderly conduct, A290-9 37 Definitions, A290-46 Firearms, A290-9 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES Detectives, A290-16 — A290-32 General duties, A290-8 Animals, 83-6 Additional duties, A290-19 Intoxication, A290-9 PROHIBITED USES Assignment, A290-17 Records, A290-9 Zoning, 280-8, 280-111 Composition, A290-18 Reports, A290-9 PROHIBITIONS Cooperation with other law en- Specific duties, A290-9 Animals, 83-28 forcement agencies, Members of the Department, Stormwater management, 236-6 A290-22 A290-33 PROPANE/LIQUID GAS TANKS Detectives to be on call, A290- Duties, A290-33 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 32 Emergency, A290-33 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Documents, A290-28 Fill, A290-33 Fire prevention and building con - Dress, A290-29 Firearms, A290-33 struction, 144-6 Inquiries, A290-25 License, A290-33 See also BUILDINGS, UN - Inspections, A290-27 Minor, A290-33 SAFE; PROPERTY Intoxicating, A290-24 Notice, A290-33 MAINTENANCE Investigations, A290-17, Offenses, A290-33 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT A290-19 — A290-21, Record, A290-33 AND SPECIAL EVENTS A290-24, A290-25, Report, A290-33 Applications, 205-1 A290-31 Retirement, A290-33 Certain entertainment restricted, Offenses, A290-19 Safety, A290-33 205-1 Procedures, A290-30 Vehicle, A290-33 Fees, 205-1 Qualifications, A290-16 Weapon, A290-33 Notices, 205-1 Records, A290-28 Organization, A290-1— A290-5 Parking, 205-1 Report, A290-31, A290-32 Absence or disability of Chief, Penalties for offenses, 205-1 Requesting assistance, A290- A290-3 Permit, 205-1 26 Chief of Police, A290-2 Tents, 205-1 Rules of conduct, A290-23 Disability, A290-3 PUBLIC HEARINGS, NOTICE Scene of investigation, A290- Emergency, A290-3 OF 20 Order of rank, A290-4 Assessment, 55-1 Use of intoxicating beverages, Powers and duties, A290-1 Hearings, 55-1 A290-24 Report, A290-3 Newspaper, 55-1 Disciplinary Action, A290-47 Seniority, A290-5 Notice, 55-1 Types of action, A29047 Sergeants, A290-10, A290-11 Providing notice of public hear - General Rules, A290-34 — A290- Emergencies, A290-11 ings, 55-1 45 General duties, A290-10 Record, 55-1 Communicable/infectious dis- Record, A290-11 Setbacks, 55-1 eases, A290-45 Reports, A290-11 Sign, 55-1 - 23 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX - R - Powers and duties of records Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- management officer, 59- 5, 215-7, 215-38 RABIES VACCINATIONS 14 Stormwater management, 236-20, Animals, 83-21 Program established, 59-12 236-23 RADIATION Records, 59-11- 59-17 Subdivision of land, 240-19 Zoning, 280-13 Records Advisory Board, 59- Tobacco advertising, 249-1 RECORDS 15 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 Animals, 83-24 Sign, 59-15 Transportation access manage - Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, Storage, 59-12, 59-14 ment, 64-4 96-25 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Waterfront consistency review, Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 35,21543 268-4 10,111-29 Soil removal, 228-6, 228-9, 228- Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7, Community Preservation Fund, 12 275-8 17-22,17-34,17-35 Stormwater management, 236-20, Zoning, 280-29, 280-30, 280-70, Domestic partnerships, 121-4 236-31, 236-32 280-74, 280-151, 280-157, Ethics, 26-7, 26-23, 26-25 Streets and sidewalks, 237-24 280-174 Fire prevention and building con- Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240- RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY struction, 144-16, 144-17 17, 240-19, 240-21, 240-25, (R-40) DISTRICT (ONE - Flood damage prevention, 148-22 240-29, 240-34, 240-38, 240- ACRE MINIMUM) Harbor management, 157-12 41,240-44 Subdivision of land, 240-42 Landmark preservation, 170-5, Tourist and trailer camps, 253-13 RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY 170-11 Zoning, 280-7, 280-31, 280-52, (R-80) DISTRICT (TWO - Littering, 174-5 280-55, 280-92, 280-133, ACRE MINIMUM) Peddlers, solicitors and transient 280-151, 280-154 Subdivision of land, 240-42 retail merchants, 197-8 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY Police department, 51-2 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, (R-120) DISTRICT (THREE - Police department rules and regu- 148-13 -148-15, 148-21 ACRE MINIMUM) lations, A290-7, A290-9, Tourist and trailer camps, 253-20, Subdivision of land, 240-42 A290-11, A290-15, A290- 253-21,253-23,253-24 RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY 28, A290-33, A290-45 Zoning, 280-4, 280-137 (R-200) DISTRICT (FIVE - Public Access to Records, 59-1- RECYCLABLES ACRE MINIMUM) 59-10 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-2,233- Subdivision of land, 240-42 Appeals, 59-8, 59-10 3.1, 233-4, 233-5 RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY Definitions, 59-1 RECYCLING (R-400) DISTRICT (TEN - Denial of access, 59-8 Solid waste, 233-7 ACRE MINIMUM) Designation of records access REGISTRATION Subdivision of land, 240-42 officer, 59-3 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE (RO) Designation of records loca- 96-24 DISTRICT tion, 59-4 Harbor management, 157-12 Subdivision of land, 240-42 Duties, 59-3 Parking, 189-3, 189-4 RESORT RESIDENTIAL (RR) Exceptions, 59-2 Peddlers, solicitors and transient DISTRICT Fees, 59-9 retail merchants, 197-1, 197- Subdivision of land, 240-42 Hours for public inspection, 4,197-6 RESTAURANTS 59-5 Solid waste, 233-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Inspection, 59-2 - 59-5, 59-9, Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 Zoning, 2804, 280-13,280-35, 59-10 Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 280-38, 280-41, 28045, 280 - Investigations, 59-2 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-11 48, 280-55, 280-78, 280-85 Maintenance of list of records RENTAL PROPERTY RETIREMENT by subject matter, 59-7 Zoning, 280-13 Ethics, 26-17 Newspaper, 59-10 REPORTS Police department rules and regu- Notice, 59-10 Buildings, unsafe; property lations, A290-33 Permit, 59-3, 59-7 maintenance, 100-5 Taxation, 245-1, 245-2 Records, 59-2 - 59-10 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- Waterfront consistency review, Safety, 59-2 27,111-29,111-35 268-3 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Community Preservation Fund, RIGHT OF ENTRY Records, 59-2 - 59-17 17-34 Fire prevention and building con - Records Management, 59-11- Electrical inspections, 126-3 struction, 144-14 59-17 Ethics, 26-25 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Custody and control of rec- Flood damage prevention, 148-6, 23 ords, 59-16 148-22 Stormwater management, 236-20, Definitions, 59-13 Highway specifications, 161-49 236-31 Designation of records man- Landmark preservation, 170-5 Zoning, 280-151 agement officer, 59-12 Police department rules and regu- ROOFS Disposition of records, 59-17 lations, A290-3, A290-7, Zoning, 280-71 Improvements, 59-15 A290-9, A290-11, A290-13, Intent, 59-11 A290-15, A290-31- A290- 33, A290-36 - A290-38, A290-44 24 11-01-2012 _S_ SAFETY Appearance tickets, 5-2 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-14, 96-15, 96-26 Coastal erosion hazard areas, I 1I- 17, 111-18 Filming, 139-1, 139-3 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, 148-4, 148-7, 148-18, 148- 22,148-23 Harbor management, 157-6 Highway specifications, 161-6, 161-7, 161-44, 161-46 Parks and recreation areas, 193-6, 193-11 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-33, A290-45 Records, 59-2 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 44 Soil removal, 228-1, 228-5, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-2, 240-4, 240-10, 240-38, 240-43, 240- 45,240-46,240-56 40- 45,240-46,240-56 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Vehicles and traffic, 260-26 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-2, 264-14,264-15 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-11, 275-12 Zoning, 280-2,280-3, 280-13, 280-28,280-67,280-82,280- 88, 280-97, 280-99, 280-111, 280-125,280-128,280-129, 280-131,280-133,280-137, 280-142,280-143,280-146 SAFETY HAZARDS Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-9 SAFETY STANDARDS Wind energy, 277-3 SALES Agricultural lands preservation, 70-4,70-5 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 96-25 Community Preservation Fund, 17-9,17-24 General provisions, 1-4, 1-10 Harbor management, 157-12 Highway specifications, 161-49 Housing fund, 34-2, 344 - 34-6 Junkyards, 166-3 Open space preservation, 185-4, 185-5 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 1974 - 197-6, 197-10 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36 Subdivision of land, 240-34 Taxation, 245-1, 245-2 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 SOUTHOLD INDEX Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-30, 280-31, 280-38, 28041, 280- 45, 280-48, 280-52, 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, 280-78,280- 79, 280-85, 280-86, 280-98, 280-104,280-118,280-174 - 280-177, 280-179 - 280-181 SALVAGE CENTERS Access, 211-4 Applications, 211-3 Definitions, 211 -1 Fees, 211-3 Liable, 211-6 Parking, 211-3, 211-4 Penalties for offenses, 211-6 Permit, 211-2, 211-3, 211-5, 211- 6 Storage, 211-3 SANITARY FACILITIES Flood damage prevention, 148- 19,148-20 Junkyards, 166-7 SANITARY FLOW CREDITS, TRANSFER OF Applicability, 1174 Covenants and restrictions, 117- 11 Definitions, 117-3 Determination of credits to be de- posited, 117-7 Easements, 117-5 Expiration, 117-13 General prohibitions, 1174 Hearings, 117-9,117-12, 117-14 Irreversible transfer, 117-8 Licenses and permits, 117-10 Notices, 117-9, 117-10, 117-12- 117-14 Powers and duties, 117-7 Procedure for transfer from bank to receiving district, 117-9 Purpose and intent, 117-2 Return of credit to bank, 117-14 Revocation, 117-12 Sanitary flow credit bank, 117-5 Sanitary flow credit certificates, 117-10 Sanitary flow credit transfer, 117- 6 Title, 117-1 Town Clerk, 117-7 SANITATION Appearance tickets, 5-2 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 30 SCALLOPS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-8 SCHOOL Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-10 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 41 Subdivision of land, 240-4, 240- 53 Taxation, 245-11 25 Tobacco advertising, 249-1- 249-3 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-6 Zoning, 2804,280-13, 280-26, 280-38,28045,28048, 280- 52, 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, 280-78,280-79, 280-143, 280-154 SCREEN Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Highway specifications, 161-22 - 161-24,161-29,161-30,161- 42 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Soil removal, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-49 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-16 Zoning, 280-4, 280-7, 280-72, 280-78, 280-91- 280-94, 280-129,280-143 SEARCH WARRANTS Stormwater management, 236-31 SEEING EYE DOGS Animals, 83-10 SEIZURE Animals, 83-11 Vehicles and traffic, 260-24 SEPTIC SYSTEMS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 25 Subdivision of land, 240-10 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 SEPTIC TANKS Junkyards, 166-7 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 2,2154,215-5,215-7,215- 8, 215-11, 215-12, 215-19, 15- 2,215-4,215-5,215-7,215- 8,215-11,215-12,215-19, 215-21, 215-22, 215-27, 215- 37,215-39 Stormwater management, 236-28 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-7 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Zoning, 280-4 SERVICE STATIONS Zoning, 280-4, 280-48, 280-78 SETBACKS Agricultural uses, 72-6 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Soil removal, 228-5, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-19,240- 42, 240-43, 24045 40-19,240- 42,240-43,240-45 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-21 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-3,275-5 Wind energy, 277-3 Zoning, 280-4,280-13, 280-15, 280-24, 280-28, 280-43, 280- 50, 280-60, 280-64, 280-70, 280-72,280-76.2,280-85, 280-104, 280-116, 280-123, 280-133,280-134,280-137 SEWAGE TREATMENT SYS- TEMS, INDIVIDUAL Stormwater management, 236-26 -236-28 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX SEWERS AND SEWAGE DIS- Responsibility of owner, 215- Disorderly conduct, 21540 POSAL 22 Drainage, 215-36, 215-38, Administration and Enforcement, Right of entry, 215-23 215-39 215-30 - 215-32 Right to require maintenance, Easement, 215-43, 215-44 Administration and enforce- 215-25 Emergency, 215-38 ment officer, 215-30 Septic system, 215-25 Excavations, 215-42, 215-43 Compliance required, 215-32 Septic tank, 215-22 Explosion hazard, 215-38 License, 215-31 Prohibited Wastes, 215-28, 215- Explosive, 215-38 Notice, 215-31, 215-32 29 Fees, 215-41 Notice of violation, 215-31 Cesspool, 215-28 Flammable, 215-38 Penalties for offenses, 215-32 Discharge, 215-29 Fuel, 215-38 Permit, 215-31, 215-32 Drainage, 215-28 Garbage, 215-36 - 215-38 Sanitation, 215-30 Hazardous substances, 215-28 Gas, 215-38 Construction and Alteration, 215- Industrial waste, 215-28 General discharge prohibi- 8 - 215-10 Prohibited wastes enumerated, tions, 215-38 Cesspool, 215-8 215-28 General waste disposal re - Civil penalty, 215-9 Water, 215-28 quirements, 215-37 Fees, 215-10 Rates and Fees, 215-16 - 215-18 Grade, 215-43 Penalty, 215-9 Construction permits, 215-16 Guaranty, 215-42 Permit, 215-8 - 215-10 Fees for alteration and con- Heat, 215-38 Septic tank, 215-8 struction permits, 215-16 Industrial wastes, 215-36 - Construction Requirements, 215- Fees for operation permit, 215- 215-38 19-215-21 17 Inspection, 215-37, 215-38, Cesspools, 215-19,215-21 Permit, 215-16,215-17 21541, 21543,215-44 Covering, 215-21 Tax rate, 215-18 Insurance, 21542 Dirt, 215-21 Well, 215-18 Liability, 215-38, 215-42, 215 - Easement, 215-20 Septic Tanks and Cesspools, 215- 44 Grass, 215-21 11-215-15 License, 21541, 215-42 Inspection, 215-21 Affected properties, 215-11 Licensed drain layers, 21542 Landscaping, 215-21 Cesspool, 215-11, 215-12 Manholes, 215-38, 215-40 Location, 215-20 Exceptions, 215-13 Meters, 215-38 Permits, 215-21 No permit required of tenants, Multifamily dwellings, 215-41 Septic tanks, 215-19, 215-21 215-14 Notices, 215-37, 215-38, 215 - Standards, 215-19 Permit, 215-11 - 215-15 41-215-43, 215-45 Trespassing, 215-20 Septic tank, 215-11, 215-12 Nuisance, 215-38 Costs and Expenses, 215-33 Sewer Rents and Charges, 21548 Obstruction, 215-38 Assessment of costs, 215-33 -215-52 Odor, 215-38 Lien, 215-33 Actions to collect rents, 215- Penalties for offenses, 215-38, Disposal Fees, 215-26 51 21540,215-45 Fee to be set by resolution, Assessments, 215-50, 215-52 Permit, 215-37, 215-38, 215- 215-26 Liable, 215-51 40-215-43 Effective Date, 215-34 Liens, 215-50,215-51 Persons authorized to work on When effective, 215-34 Penalty, 215-49 sewers, 215-42 General Provisions, 215-1- 215- Penalty for late payment, 215- Plumbing, 215-36,21543 3 49 Pollution, 215-38 Cesspool, 215-2 Purpose, 21548 Powers and authority of in - Definitions, 215-2 Rents, 21549 spectors, 215-44 Easement, 215-2 Sewer rent fund, 215-52 Private sewage disposal, 215 - Purpose, 215-3 Sewer Use, 215-35 - 21547 37 Septic tank, 215-2 Abandoned, 215-37, 21543 Privy, 215-37 Title, 215-1 Air conditioning, 215-36 Privy vault, 215-37 Water, 215-3 Animals, 215-37,215-38 Purpose, 215-35 Improper Disposal, 215-27 Asbestos, 215-43 Record, 215-35, 21543 Cesspool, 215-27 Ashes, 215-38 Report, 215-38 Dumping, 215-27 Barricades, 215-43 Safety, 215-44 Septic tank, 215-27 Bond, 215-42 Sale, 215-36 Inspections and Maintenance, Building permits, 21541 Schools, 215-41 215-22 - 215-25 Building sewer permits, 215- Screens, 215-38 Cesspool, 215-22 41 Septic tanks, 215-37, 215-39 Civil claims, 215-24 Cesspools, 215-37, 215-39 Severability, 21547 Emergency, 215-23 Churches, 21541 Standards for building sewers, Frequency of inspections, 215- Definitions, 215-36 21543 22 Dirt, 215-37 Storage, 215-36,215-38 Inspections, 215-22,215-23 Discharges from private sys- Stormwater, 215-36, 215-38 Notice, 215-23 tems, 215-39 Tampering prohibited, 21540 Permit, 215-22, 215-23,215- Disconnection, 21545 Tests, 215-38, 21543, 21544 25 Discretionary monitoring of Toilet, 215-36 effluents, 21546 Toxic substances, 215-38 26 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Tree, 215-43 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- SKETCH PLAT Trenches, 215-39, 215-43 29 Subdivision of land, 240-6 - 240 - Utility, 215-42, 215-43 Fire prevention and building con- 13, 240-17, 240-20, 240-26 - Water, 215-36 - 215-38, 215- struction, 144-8 240-28 43 Highway specifications, 161-I1, SMALL WIND ENERGY SYS - Watercourse, 215-36 161-12 TEMS Water pollution, 215-38 Littering, 174-6 Zoning, 280-13 Well, 215-43 Parking, 189-3, 189-4 SMOKE Word usage, 215-36 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3 Fire prevention and building con - Transportation, 215-4-215-7 Peddlers, solicitors and transient struction, 144-8 Assessment, 215-5 retail merchants, 197-12 Police department rules and regu- Cesspools, 215-4,215-5, 215- Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-45 7 lations, A290-36 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Fees, 215-6 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Zoning, 280-13, 280-48,280-58, License, 215-4 - 215-6 Records, 59-15 280-62, 280-99, 280-111, Penalty, 215-5,215-7 Solid waste, 233-4 280-143 Reports, 215-5, 215-7 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13, SMOKE DETECTORS Septic tanks, 215-4, 215-5, 237-26 Fire prevention and building con - 215 -7 Subdivision of land, 240-17,240- struction, 144-8 Vehicles, 215-5 19,240-21, 240-32 SMOKING SHELLFISH AND OTHER MA- Tobacco advertising, 249-4 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 RINE RESOURCES Vehicles and traffic, 260-4, 260- SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Angling for fish, 219-2 6,260-8 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Aquaculture/mariculture exemp- Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 SOIL REMOVAL tion, 219-21 Wind energy, 2774 Assessments, 228-6 Bay Constable, 219-23 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-35, Bond, 228-8, 228-9 Blue claw crabs, 219-11 280-38, 28041, 28045, 280- Building Inspector, 2284 Clams, 219-9 48,280-52,280-55, 280-58, Cash deposit, 228-9 Code Enforcement Officer, 219- 280-62, 280-70, 280-78, 280- Cesspool, 2284 23 80 - 280-90, 280-101, 280- Combustible, 228-7 Coordination and enforcement, 131, 280-133, 280-134, 280- Comprehensive Plan, 228-6 219-23 137 Drainage, 228-2, 228-4, 228-5, Culling shellfish and restoration SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS 228-7 of underwater lands, 219-14 Fire prevention and building coni- Driveway, 2284 Definitions, 219-4 struction, 144-8 Dust, 228-2, 228-5, 228-7 Display, 219-7 Stormwater management, 236-19 Excavations, 228-1, 228-3 - 228 - Dredges and scrapes, 219-19 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 7 Eels, 219-13 Zoning, 280-27, 280-28,280-38 Fees, 228-11 Enforcement, 219-14 - 219-23 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS Fences, 2284, 228-7 Expiration, 219-7 Zoning, 280-70 Fill, 228-7 Fees, 219-7 SITE PLAN Garbage, 228-7 Fixed gear, 219-15 Zoning, 280-74 Grade, 2284,228-6, 228-7 Licenses and permits, 219-6, 219- SITE PLAN APPROVAL Grass, 228-7 7 Agricultural uses, 72-6 Hearings, 228-5, 228-12 Mussels, 219-12 Zoning, 280-71, 280-72 Height, 2287 Oysters, 219-10 SITE PLAN REVIEW Improvement, 2284 Penalties for offenses, 219-6, Solid waste, 233-6 Insurance, 228-6 219-22 SITE PLANS Intent of regulations, 228-2 Permit, 219-16 Fire prevention and building con- Landscaping, 2284 Planting of shellfish seed, 219-17 struction, 144-8 Legislative declaration, 228-1 Prohibited activities, 219-14 - Lighting, outdoor, 172-8 Lots, 228-7 219-23 Soil removal, 228-4 Newspaper, 228-12 Purpose, 219-5 Subdivision of land, 24042 Noise, 228-5 Residence requirements, 219-1 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3 Notices, 228-5, 228-9,228-12 Restricted areas, 219-14 - 219-23 Zoning, 280-4,280-13, 280-17, Nuisance, 228-5 Scallops, 219-8 280-22, 280-29, 280-31, 280- Operations excepted, 228-4 Title, 219-3 35, 280-38, 280-41, 280-45, Parking, 228-7 Transplanting of shellfish, 219-18 280-48, 280-52, 280-55, 280- Penalties for offenses, 228-13 Variances, 219-21 58, 280-62, 280-92,280-104, Permit, 228-3 -228-12 Vegetation removal prohibited, 280-119, 280-127, 280-129 - Pollution, 228-7 219-20 280-134, 280-136 - 280-138, Records, 228-6, 228-9, 228-12 SHOPPING CENTERS 280-151, 280-154 Regulations, 228-7 Vehicles and traffic, 260-14 SKETCH PLANS Safety, 228-1, 228-5,228-7 Zoning, 2804, 28048, 280-87 Highway specifications, 161-1 Screening, 228-7 SIGNS Subdivision of land, 240-7, 240- Setbacks, 228-5, 228-7 Appearance tickets, 5-2 10, 240-13, 240-16, 240-20 Site plan, 2284 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-23, Storage, 228-7 96-24 Stormwater, 2284 27 11-01-2012 Stormwater management control plan, 228-6 Vibration, 228-5 Waiver by Town Board, 228-10 Water, 228-2, 2284, 228-5, 228- 7 Well, 228-1 Yards, 228-6,228-11 SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 SOLID WASTE Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse, 233-1, 233-2, 2334,233-5, 233-7,233-8 Brush, 233-4 Commercial vehicles, 233-1, 233-4 Conveyance and transportation of refuse, 233-5 Definitions, 233-1 Demolition, 233-1, 233-4 Disposal and collection of sol- id waste and recyclables, 233-3.1 Dumping, 233-1, 233-2, 233-7 Emergencies, 233-6 Fees, 233-4, 233-6 Garbage, 233-1, 233-2, 2334 Grass clippings, 2334 Hazardous waste, 233-2 Hearing, 233-8 Hearings, 233-6 Inspection, 2334 Inspections, 233-6 Issuance and duration of per- mits and licenses, 2334 Landscaping, 2334 License, 233-2 - 233-4, 233-8 Newspaper, 233-1 Notice, 233-8 Notices, 233-6 Penalties for offenses, 233-3.1, 233-7 Permit, 233-2, 233-3.1, 233-4, 233-6,233-8 Recyclables, 233-1, 233-2, 233-3.1,233-4,233-5 Recycling, 233-7 Registration, 2334 Signs, 2334 Site plan review, 233-6 Solid waste, 233-3.1 Town transfer station, 233-3 Transfer station special permit, 233-6 Trees, 233-4 Vehicles, 233-1, 2334,233-5 Yard, 233-4 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-17, 280-22, 280-35, 280-38, 280- 41, 28045, 280-48, 280-52, 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, 280- 71, 280-73, 280-74, 280-78, 280-130,280-131,280-139 - SOUTHOLD INDEX 280-142, 280-144, 280-146, 280-149, 280-154 SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-35, 280-38,280-41, 280-45, 280- 48, 280-58, 280-62, 280-78, 280-140,280-141,280-144 SPEED LIMITS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-13 Highway specifications, 161-12 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 SPRINKLERS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8, 144-17 STABLES AND RIDING ACAD- EMIES Zoning, 280-13 STEEP SLOPES Subdivision of land, 2404 STOP -WORK ORDERS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-6, 144-13 Flood damage prevention, 148-14 Landmark preservation, 170-12 Waterfront consistency review, 268-6 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1 STORAGE Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 96-25, 96-26 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148- 12,148-16 Harbor management, 157-6, 157 - Highway specifications, 161-29, 161-30 Junkyards, 166-3 Parking, 189-7 Records, 59-12, 59-14 Salvage centers, 211-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36,215-38 Soil removal, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-44 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 Vehicles and traffic, 260-24 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-19 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-38, 280-41,280-48,280-58,280- 62, 280-78, 280-79, 280-88, 280-101,280-104,280-110, 280-111, 280-118, 280-119, 280-134, 280-137 STORMWATER Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-10 Highway specifications, 161-6, 161-8, 161-27, 161-29, 161- 30, 161-32, 161-36 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36,215-38 Soil removal, 228-4 28 Subdivision of land, 240-11, 240- 19, 240-36, 240-44,240-50, 240-51 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-7 Zoning, 280-129, 280-133, 280- 143 STORMWATER CONTROL Stormwater management, 236-15 STORMWATER MANAGE- MENT Additional Requirements Activities covered, 236-19 Application process, 236-20 Area, yard and bulk regula- tions, 236-20 Bonds, 236-20 Construction, 236-20 Construction activities, 236-19 Contractor identification and certification, 236-22 Inspection of stormwater facil- ities after project comple- tion, 236-24 Inspections, 236-20 Licenses and permits, 236-20 Maintenance guarantees, 236- 20 Other environmental permits, 236-21 Performance guarantees, 236- 20 Pollution, 236-24 Recordkeeping,236-20 Reports, 236-20,236-23 Right of entry, 236-20 Single-family dwellings, 236- 19 Stormwater Management Of- ficer, 236-20 Stormwater pollution preven- tion plans, 236-20 SWPPP and other documents retained on site, 236-23 Administration and Enforcement All stormwater discharges, 236-34 Certificates of occupancy, 236-34 Enforcement, 236-33 Erosion and sediment control inspection, 236-34 Illicit discharges, 236-35 Notice of violations, 236-35 Penalties for offenses, 236-33 -236-35 Remedies not exclusive, 236- 36 General Provisions Amendments and modifica- tions to stormwater man- agement control plan, 236-12 Applicability and prohibitions, 236-6 Construction, 236-7,236-9 Definitions, 236-5 Findings of fact, 236-3 11-01-2012 Maintenance easements, 236-9 Maintenance, inspection and repair of stormwater facil- ities, 236-9 Notices, 236-12 Performance and design crite- ria for stormwater man- agement and erosion and sediment control, 236-7 Powers and duties, 236-8 Purpose, 2364 Statutory authoriza- tion/conflicts with other laws, 236-2 Stormwater Management Of- ficer and authority, 236-8 Stormwater pollution preven- tion plans, 236-12 Technical standards, 236-7 Title, 236-1 Water quality standards, 236-7 Illicit Discharges Access and monitoring of dis- charges, 236-31 Activities contaminating stormwater prohibited, 236-27 Costs and expenses, 236-31 Discharge and connection pro- hibitions, 236-25 Emergencies, 236-32 Failing individual sewage treatment systems prohib- ited, 236-26 Failure to comply, 236-29 Illegal discharges, 236-25 Illicit connections, 236-25 Individual sewage treatment systems, 236-27,236-28 Industrial or construction ac- tivity discharges, 236-30 Inspections, 236-31 Licenses and permits, 236-27, 236-30 Notices, 236-27 Notification of spills, 236-32 Penalties for offenses, 236-25, 236-29,236-31 Prevention, control and reduc- tion of stormwater pollu- tants by use of best man- agement practices, 236-28 Records, 236-31, 236-32 Right of entry, 236-31 Search warrants, 236-31 Septic tanks, 236-28 Suspension of access to MS4 in emergency situations or due to illicit discharge, 236-29 Testing, 236-25 Requirements for All Stormwater Discharges Activities requiring storm - water management con- trol approval, 236-15 Application process, 236-17 Compliance, 236-16 SOUTHOLD INDEX Construction activities, 236-18 Drainage, 236-13, 236-18 Erosion and sedimentation, 236-18 Fill, 236-18 Performance standards for ap- proval of stormwater management control plan, 236-18 Requirements for all land - disturbing activities or impervious surfaces, 236- 14 Stormwater management con- trol plan, 236-17 Stormwater Management Of- ficer, 236-16 Watercourses, 236-13 Wetlands, 236-18 Zoning, 280-142 STORMWATER MANAGE- MENT CONTROL PLAN Soil removal, 228-6 Stormwater management, 236-12, 236-17,236-18 Subdivision of land, 240-17 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 Zoning, 280-133 STORMWATER MANAGE- MENT OFFICER Stormwater management, 236-8, 236-16, 236-20,236-29 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANS Stormwater management, 236-12, 236-20, 236-23 STREETLIGHTING Highway specifications, 161-3, 161-4,16146 Lighting, outdoor, 172-5 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-37, A290-38 Subdivision of land, 240-17, 240- 21,24046 STREET OPENINGS Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Notification of Defects, 237-1- 237-3 Meeting, 237-2 Obstruction, 237-1 Prior written notice required, 237-1 Statutory provisions supersed- ed, 237-3 Transmission and presentation of notices, 237-2 Removal of Utility Poles Definitions, 237-31 Failure to comply, 237-30 Legislative intent and purpose, 237-30 Penalties for offenses, 237-30, 237-33 Removal of damaged or dou- ble utility poles, 237-32 29 Superintendent of Highways, 237-32 Utility poles, 237-30 Snow and Ice Removal, 237-19 — 237-21 Church, 237-20 Dirt, 237-20 General maintenance, 237-20 Intent, 237-19 Obstructions, 237-20 Penalties for offenses, 237-21 Snow and ice removal, 237-20 Vacant lot, 237-20 Weeds, 237-20 Street Excavations, 2374 — 237- 18 Applications, 237-7 Backfilling, 237-13 Barricades, 237-12,237-13 Bond, 237-9,237-18 Completion of work, 237-14 Curbs, 237-16 Definitions, 237-5 Emergencies, 237-13 Fees, 237-10 Fill, 237-13 Fine, 237-17 Grade, 237-6, 237-13 Grass, 237-13 Guarantee, 237-9 Improvements, 237-6, 237-16 Inspection, 237-14 Insurance, 237-8, 237-18 Liable, 237-14 Lighting, 237-12 Notices, 237-11, 237-13 Penalties for offenses, 237-17 Permit, 237-6 — 237-11, 237- 13,237-15 — 237-18 Protective measures, 237-12 Repair, 237-16 Responsibility for damages, 237-16 Revocation, 237-15 Short title, 237-4 Signs, 237-13 Street opening, 237-13 Trenches, 237-13 Utilities, 237-11, 237-16 Waiver of insurance and bond requirements, 237-18 Water, 237-13,237-16 Street Numbering, 237-22 — 237- 29 Building Inspector, 237-28 Building permit, 237-25, 237- 26 Certificate of occupancy, 237- 25 Changes, 237-24 Compliance deadline, 237-27 Definitions, 237-23 Display of numbers, 237-26 Emergency, 237-22 Enforcement, 237-28 Fine, 237-29 Height, 237-26 Legislative intent, 237-22 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Numbering system estab- Landscaping, 240-32 Residential Low -Density (R- lished, 237-24 Liens, 240-34 80) District (two -acre Penalties for offenses, 237-29 Maintenance bond, 240-33 minimum), 240-42 Permit, 237-25, 237-26 Notification, 240-32 Residential Low -Density (R - Posting of numbers, 237-25 Performance bond, 240-32 120) District (three -acre Records, 237-24 Permit, 240-34 minimum), 24042 Sign, 237-26 Purpose of performance bond, Residential Low -Density (R - Style and size, 237-26 240-31 200) District (five -acre Tax bill, 237-27 Record, 240-34 minimum), 24042 Unnamed roads, 237-24 Sale, 240-34 Residential Low -Density (R - Vehicles, 237-26 Sign, 240-32 400) District (ten -acre Well, 237-22 Cluster Development, 240-42 — minimum), 240-42 Subdivision of land, 240-42 240-44 Residential Office (RO) Dis- SUBDIVISION OF LAND Affordable Housing (AHD) trict, 240-42 Additional Requirements, 240-52 District, 240-42 Residential site plans, 240-42 —240-58 Agricultural -Conservation (A- Resort Residential (RR) Dis- Appeals, 240-57 C) District (two -acre min- trict, 240-42 Comprehensive Plan, 240-53 imum), 240-42 Safety, 24043 Easements, 240-54 Animals, 240-44 Setbacks, 240-42, 240-43 Effect on existing plats, 240- Assessments, 240-44 Storage, 240-44 58 Authority and purpose, 240-42 Stormwater, 240-44 Final plat, 240-52, 240-53 Buffers, 240-42,24043 Streets and sidewalks, 240-42 Hearing, 240-53 Cluster development, 24043, Utility, 24042 Improvement, 240-53 240-44 Vehicles, 240-44 Liability, 240-54 Comprehensive Plan, 240-42, Water, 24042, 240-44 Lots, 240-53, 240-57 240-43 Wells, 240-44 Natural features, 240-53, 240- Determination of location of Wildlife, 240-44 54 open spaces created by Definitions, 240-3 Notice, 240-54 cluster development using Design Standards, 240-45 — 240 - Open space, 240-54 primary and secondary 48 Parks and recreation areas, conservation areas, 240- Plumbing, 240-47 240-52-240-54 43 Safety, 24045, 240-46 Playgrounds, 240-52, 240-53 Drainage, 240-44 Setbacks, 240-45 Preliminary plat, 240-53, 240- Easements, 240-42, 240-44 Streetlighting, 240-46 58 Emergency, 240-42 Streets, 240-45 Reservation of lands for pedes- Final plat, 240-42, 240-44 Wastewater treatment systems, trian trails, 240-54 General Business (B) District, 24047 Reservation of parkland on 240-42 Water, 240-48 subdivision plats contain- Hamlet Business (HB) Dis- Water supply systems, 240-48 ing residential units, 240- trict, 240-42 Well, 240-45 53 Hamlet Density Residential Yard, 240-45 Safety, 240-56 (HD) District, 240-42 Enforcement, 240-59 — 240-61 School, 240-53 Landscaping, 240-42, 240-43 Improvements, 240-59 Standards and procedures for Lien, 240-44 Lots, 240-59 acceptance of streets, 240- Lighting, 240-44 Methods of enforcement, 240- 52 Limited Business (LB) Dis- 61 Time limitations, 240-55 trict, 240-42 Penalties for offenses, 240-60 Variances, 240-57 Livestock, 240-44 Violations, 240-59 Vehicles, 240-54 Lots, 240-42 — 240-44 Final Plat Review, 240-20 — 240 - Waiver, adjustment of proper- Meeting, 240-43 25 ty lines, 240-57 Natural features, 240-43 Action on final plats which are Waivers of certain provisions, Notice, 240-44 in substantial agreement 240-56 Odors, 240-44 with approved prelimi- When effective, 240-58 Open space, 240-42 — 240-44 nary plats, 240-24 Bonds and Other Security, 240-31 Parking, 240-44 Block, 240-21 —240-34 Parks, 240-42 Bond, 240-20,240-23, 240-25 Default, 240-34 Penalty, 240-44 Buffer, 240-21 Drainage, 240-32 Playgrounds, 240-43, 240-44 Building permits, 240-25 Expiration and terms of bonds, Protection and use of open Certificate of approval, 240-21 240-34 space lands created by Coordination of review of per - Final plat, 240-31, 240-32 cluster development, 240- formance bond estimate, Forms of security, 240-34 44 240-23 Guarantee, 240-31, 240-33, Record, 24044 Curb, 240-21 240-34 Recreation areas, 24043, 240- Drainage, 240-20, 240-21, Guaranty, 240-34 44 240-23,240-25 Improvements, 240-31— 240- Residential Low -Density (R- Easements, 240-21 34 40) District (one -acre Environmental impact state - Inspection, 240-32, 240-33 minimum), 24042 ment, 240-22,240-25 30 II -01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Environmental review, 240-22 Recreation areas, 240-4 Test, 240-17 Final plats not in substantial Safety, 240-4 Trees, 240-17 agreement with approved School, 240-4 Utilities, 240-17 preliminary plats or when Steep slopes, 240-4 Waiver of requirements, 240 - no preliminary plat is re- Subdivision classifications, 15 quired, 240-25 240-5 Water, 240-17, 240-19 Fire hydrants, 240-21 Utility, 2404 Wells, 240-17 Grade, 240-21 Water, 2404 Preservation of Natural Features, Hearings, 240-25 Wells, 2404 24049 — 240-51 Improvements, 240-20 Open Development Area, 240-26 Buffer, 240-49 Inspections, 240-20 —240-30 Certificate of occupancy, 240 - License, 240-21 Bond, 240-30 49 Lots, 240-21 Creation of lots, 240-30 Clearing, 240-49 Meeting, 240-23 Drainage, 240-30 Drainage, 240-51 Monuments, 240-21 Easement, 240-26 — 240-28 Easements, 240-51 Newspaper, 240-25 Establishment, 240-26 Final plat, 240-51 Notice, 240-22, 240-25 Final plat, 240-28 Floodplains, 240-50 Open space, 240-21 General requirements, 240-27 Grade, 240-51 Permits, 240-25 Hearings, 240-29,240-30 Grading, 24049,240-51 Preliminary plats, 240-20, Improvements, 240-30 Improvement, 240-51 240-22,240-24,240-25 Lots, 240-26,240-27, 240-30 Landscaping, 240-49 Records, 240-21, 240-25 Notice, 240-29, 240-30 Lots, 240-49, 240-51 Signs, 240-21 Permits, 240-26 Open space, 240-49 Sketch plan, 240-20 Procedure, 240-29 Permit, 24049,240-51 Sketch plat, 240-20 Records, 240-29 Screen, 240-49 Streetlights, 240-21 Sketch plat, 240-26 — 240-28 Stormwater, 240-50,240-51 Submission, 240-20 Submission requirements, 240- Stormwater, drainage and ero- Technical requirements, 240- 28 sion control, 240-51 21 Preliminary Plat Review, 240-15 Trees, 240-49 Test, 240-21 —240-19 Water, 240-51 Trees, 240-21 Action on preliminary plat, Required Public Improvements; Utilities, 240-21 240-19 Inspections; Fees, 240-35 — Water, 240-21 Block, 240-17 240-41 Wells, 240-21 Buffer, 240-17 Abandoned, 240-37 General Application Procedure; Comprehensive Plan, 240-19 Administration fee, 240-37 Submission Requirements; Curbs, 240-17 Backfilling, 240-36 Fees, 240-6 — 240-8 Drainage, 240-17, 240-19 Bond, 240-35, 240-37 Assessment, 240-7 Easements, 240-17 Bonding, 240-35 Bond, 240-7 Environmental impact state- Design standards, 240-36 Drainage, 240-7 ment, 240-18, 240-19 Drainage, 240-35 —240-37, Fees, 240-8 Environmental review, 240-18 240-41 Final plats, 240-8 Final plat, 240-15, 240-16, Excavation, 240-36 General application procedure, 240-19 Fencing, 240-36 240-6 Fire alarm, 240-17 Final plat, 240-35, 240-36, Grading, 240-6 Fire hydrants, 240-17 240-41 Improvement, 240-6 Grade, 240-17, 240-19 Fire hydrants, 240-35, 240-36 Preliminary plat, 240-6 — 240- Hearings, 240-19 Gas, 240-35 8 Improvements, 240-16, 240-17 Grading, 240-41 Sketch plan, 240-7 Lots, 240-17 Guaranties, 240-38 Sketch plat, 240-6 — 240-8 Manholes, 240-17 Improvements, 240-36 Submission requirements, 240- Master Plan, 240-17 Inspections, 240-36, 240-37 7 Monuments, 240-17 Landscaping, 240-36 General Provisions, 240-1, 240-2 Newspaper, 240-19 Lots, 240-41 Open space, 240-2 Notices, 240-18, 240-19 Mapping of completed im- Purpose, 240-2 Official Map, 240-17 provements, 240-41 Safety, 240-2 Records, 240-17,240-19 Meeting, 24040 Statutory authority, 240-1 Reports, 240-19 Modification of design of im- General Requirements; Classifi- Setbacks, 240-19 provements, 24040 cation, 240-4, 240-5 Signs, 240-17, 240-19 Monuments, 24041 Comprehensive Plan, 2404 Sketch plan, 240-16 Notice, 240-36 Drainage, 240-4 Sketch plat, 240-17 Permit, 240-36, 240-39 General requirements, 240-4 Stormwater, 240-19 Records, 240-38, 240-41 Grade, 2404 Stormwater management con- Required improvements and Lots, 2404 trol plan, 240-17 utilities, 240-35 . Oficial Map, 240-4 Streetlighting, 240-17 Safeguards during construc- Off-street parking, 240-4 Submission, 240-16 tion, 240-39 `rY Parking, 240-4 Technical requirements, 240- Safety, 240-38 Parks, 2404 17 Stormwater, 240-36 31 11-01-2012 Testing, 240-35, 240-36 Utilities, 240-35,240-36,240- 41 40-35,240-36,240- 41 Waiver, 240-38 Water, 240-35, 240-36 Watercourse, 240-41 Wells, 240-35, 240-36 Sketch Plat Review, 240-9 - 240- 14 Action on sketch plat, 240-13 Affordable housing, 240-10 Affordable Housing (AHD) District, 240-10 Appeals, 240-10 Block, 240-10 Building permits, 240-10 Cluster development, 240-10 Comprehensive Plan, 240-10, 240-11 Construction, 240-10 Coordination with other agen- cies, 240-12 Costs and expenses, 240-10 Decision, 240-13 Drainage, 240-9 - 240-11 Easements, 240-10 Emergency, 240-10 Expiration, 240-14 Fees, 240-10 Final plat, 240-13 Fire hydrants, 240-10 Grades, 240-10 Grass, 240-10 Hearings, 240-10, 240-13 Height, 240-10 Improvements, 240-9, 240-10 Inspection, 240-9 Lots, 240-10 Master Plan, 240-10 Meeting, 240-13 Moderate -income family dwelling units, 240-10 Monuments, 240-10 Notice, 240-13 Official Map, 240-10 Open space, 240-10 Parks, 240-10 Permit, 240-10 Planning Board, 240-10 Preliminary plat, 240-10,240- 13 Record, 240-10 Recreation area, 240-10 Review of sketch plat, 240-11 Safety, 240-10 Septic systems, 240-10 Sketch plans, 240-10, 240-13 Stormwater, 240-11 Submission, 240-9 Technical requirements, 240- 10 Trees, 240-10 Utilities, 240-10 Waivers, 240-10 Water, 240-9 -240-11 Wells, 240-9,240-10 Zoning, 280-137 SOUTHOLDINDEX SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGH- WAYS Streets and sidewalks, 237-32 SWIMMING POOLS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-11 Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-52, 280-55 -T- TAXATION Business Investment Exemption, 245-7 Exemption repealed, 245-7 Cold War veterans' tax exemp- tion, 245-17, 245-18 Definitions, 245-17 Exemption granted, 245-18 Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income, 245- 10 Disabilities, 245-10 Exemption granted, 245-10 Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers, 245-11, 245-12 Amount, 245-11 Applicability, 245-14 Assessments, 245-11, 245-12 Effective date, 245-12 Exemption granted, 245-11 Hearings, 245-13 Killed in the line of duty, 245- 13 Qualifications, 245-11 School, 245-11 Unremarried spouses of de- ceased volunteer fire fighters or ambulance workers, 245-13 Historic properties tax exemption, 245-19 Real property exemption, 245- 19 Senior Citizen Exemption, 245-1 -245-6 Applications, 245-3 Assessment, 245-4 Assessments, 245-3 Assessor, 245-3 Conditions, 245-2 Drug, 245-1 Fine, 245-5 Hearing, 245-4 Insurance, 245-1 Notice, 2454,245-6 Notices, 245-3 Offenses, 245-5 Partial exemption for senior citizens, 245-1 Penalties for offenses, 245-5 Reapplications, 245-4 Retirement, 245-1, 245-2 Sale, 245-1, 245-2 32 Veterans' Exemption, 245-8,245- 9 Amount of exemption, 245-9 Assessments, 245-8,245-9 Purpose, 245-8 Veterans, 245-8 War veterans and gold star par- ents tax exemption, 245-15, 245-16 TECHNICAL STANDARDS Stormwater management, 236-7 TENTS Public entertainment and special events, 205-1 TESTS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-5, 144-19 Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-6, 161-26, 161-29, 161- 30, 161-40, 16146 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-45 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38, 21543, 215-44 Stormwater management, 236-25 Subdivision of land, 240-17, 240- 21,240-35,240-36 40- 21,240-35,240-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 2754 Zoning, 280-48, 280-58, 280-62 TIRES Junkyards, 166-1 Littering, 174-3 Zoning, 28048 TOBACCO Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15 Tobacco advertising, 249-1- 249-5 TOBACCO ADVERTISING Definitions and word usage, 249- 2 Exceptions, 2494 Legislative intent and findings, 249-1 License, 249-2 Minors, 249-1 Parks, 249-1 Penalties for offenses, 249-6 Permit, 249-2 Report, 249-1 Restrictions, 249-3 Sales, 249-1 Schools, 249-1- 249-3 Severability, 249-7 Sign, 249-4 Smoke, 249-1 Smoking, 249-1 Time frame for compliance, 249- 5 Tobacco, 249-1- 249-5 Variance, 249-1 Well, 249-1 When effective, 249-8 TOILET FACILITIES Parks and recreation areas, 193-4 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX TOPSOIL REMOVAL Drainage, 253-22 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2 Highway specifications, 161-10 Driveways, 253-22 Wind energy, 277-3 TOURIST AND TRAILER Parks, 253-23 Zoning, 280-83, 280-92 - 280-95, CAMPS Roadways and driveways, 280-98, 280-118,280-129, General Regulations, 253-1- 253-22 280-130,280-133, 280-136 253-19 Setbacks, 253-21 TRENCHES Application, 253-3 Site requirements, 253-21 Highway specifications, 161-36 Brush, 253-5 Time limit for accommoda- Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Communicable diseases, 253- tion, 253-23 39,215-43 14 Vehicles, 253-20, 253-21, 253- Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Definitions, 253-1 23,253-24 TRESPASSING Distance between cottages and Yard, 253-21 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - other buildings or trailers, TOWERS 20 253-9 Wind energy, 277-2 - 277-4, 277- Tourist and trailer camps, 253-15 Distance from property lines 7 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-14 and roadways, 253-10 Zoning, 280-4,280-104 TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS Drainage, 253-5 TOWING Zoning, 280-13 Driveways, 253-3, 253-10, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-12 253-11 Police department rules and regu- Duties of owner, 253-14 lations, A290-15 _U_ U - Entrances Entrances and exits, 253-15 TOWN ATTORNEY Fees, 253-4 Wind energy, 277-7 UNSAFE BUILDINGS Fence, 253-15 Zoning, 280-175 Buildings, unsafe; property Fine, 253-19 TOWN BOARD maintenance, 100-4,100-5 Fire extinguisher, 253-14 Wind energy, 277-7 UTILITIES Garbage, 253-7, 253-14 Zoning, 280-173, 280-174, 280- Flood damage prevention, 148-3, Garbage collection, 253-7 176, 280-177, 280-180 148-13, 148-15, 148-16, 148 - Graded, 253-5 TOWN CLERK 19-148-22 Hearing, 253-2, 2534 Sanitary flow credits, transfer of, Highway specifications, 16146 Inspection, 253-13 117-7 Lighting, outdoor, 172-5 License, 253-3 Zoning, 280-174 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215 - Lighting, 253-3 TOXIC SUBSTANCES 42,215-43 Management, 253-12 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Streets and sidewalks, 237-11, Minimum unit dimensions, 38 237-16 253-8 TRAILERS Subdivision of land, 2404, 240 - Newspaper, 2534 Parking, 189-2 10, 240-17, 240-21, 240-35, Nonapplicability, 253-18 Vehicles and traffic, 260-8.1 240-36, 24041, 240-42 Notice, 253-4 Zoning, 280-137 Vehicles and traffic, 260-8 Other ordinances and regula- TRANSPORTATION ACCESS Waterfront consistency review, tions, 253-17 MANAGEMENT 268-3 Penalties for offenses, 253-19 Definitions, 64-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Permit, 253-2 - 253-4 Duties of Commission, 64-5 Wind energy, 277-2 - 2774 Public hearing, 253-4 Improvements, 64-5 Zoning, 280-2, 280-4, 280-13, Records, 253-13 Lighting, 64-5 280-22, 280-29, 280-58, 280 - Registration, 253-14 Litter, 64-5 62, 280-83, 280-112, 280 - Report, 253-14 Noise, 64-5 127, 280-129,280-133 Roadways and driveways, Parking, 64-5 UTILITY POLES 253-11 Purpose, 64-2 Streets and sidewalks, 237-30, Screening by plantings, 253-16 Report, 644 237-32 Septic tanks, 253-7 Safety, 64-5 Sewer system, 253-7 Speed limits, 64-5 Site plan, 253-3 Title, 64-1 - V - Site requirements, 253-5 Transportation Commission, 644 VACANT LOT Storage, 253-14 Vehicle, 64-5 Fire prevention and building con - Trespassing, 253-15 Water, 64-5 struction, 144-8 Trespass on adjoining proper- When effective, 64-6 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 ty, 253-15 TREES Zoning, 280-30 Vehicles, 253-14 Filming, 139-9 VARIANCES Water, 253-3, 253-6, 253-14 Highway specifications, 161-3, Agricultural uses, 72-3, 72-11 Water supply, 253-6 161-11, 161-16, 161-29, 161- Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111 - Weeds, 253-5 30,161-42,161-44 20-111-24, 111-27 Well, 253-5,253-11 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Ethics, 26-17 Recreational Vehicle Parks, 253- Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- Flood damage prevention, 1484, 20-253-24 43 148-7, 148-9, 148 -14,148 - Applicability of other chapter Solid waste, 233-4 22,148-23 provisions, 253-24 Subdivision of land, 240-10,240- Lighting, outdoor, 172-8 Dates of operation, 253-23 17, 240-21, 240-49 Shellfish and other marine re - Definitions, 253-20 Vehicles and traffic, 2604, 260-6 sources, 219-21 33 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Subdivision of land, 240-57 General Provisions, 260-1, 260-2 Wells, 260-27 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Authority to install traffic con- Stop and Yield Intersections, 260 - Waterfront consistency review, trol devices, 260-2 4-260-6 268-3, 268-5 Definitions of words and School, 260-6 Zoning, 280-10, 280-28, 280-30, phrases, 260-1 Signs, 260-4, 260-6 280-76.3, 280-81, 280-86, Parking, 260-1 Stop intersections with flash - 280 -92, 280-121, 280-131, Lighting, outdoor, 172-6 ing signals, 260-5 280-137, 280-146,280-149, One -Way Streets, 260-3 Stop intersections with stop 280-154 Parking, Standing and Stopping, signs, 260-4 VEHICLES 260-7 - 260-22 Tree, 260-4, 260-6 Alcoholic beverages, 79-1 Additional parking regula- Wells, 2604,260-6 Appearance tickets, 5-2 tions, 260-18 Yield intersections, 260-6 Bicycles, 88-1- 88-6 Application, 260-7 Truck Traffic, 260-26 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-9, Bus stops, 260-21 Restricted truck traffic, 260-26 96-24 Church, 260-17 Safety, 260-26 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- Driveways, 260-9, 260-15, Zoning, 280-129, 280-137 16 260-17, 260-18 VEHICLES, JUNKED Filming, 139-3 Fire hydrants, 260-14, 260-18 Buildings, unsafe; property Flood damage prevention, 148-4, Fire lanes, 260-14 maintenance, 100-4 148-13 - 148-16, 148-21, Fire wells, 260-14, 260-16 VEHICLES, MOTOR -DRIVEN 148-22 Fire zones, 260-14, 260-20 Motor -Driven Vehicles, 264-14 - General provisions, 1-2 Handicapped parking, 260-17 264-22 Highway specifications, 161-7, License, 260-9, 260-17 Abandoned, 264-19 161-20 Loading zones, 260-22 Confiscation and redemption Littering, 174-1, 174-3, 174-6 Lots, 260-12 of vehicles, 264-19 Parking, 189-1- 189-4,189-7 Night fishing parking permit, Drugs, 264-15 Parks and recreation areas, 193-1, 260-9 Emergency vehicles, 264-18 193-3, 193-4 No stopping zones, 260-19 Enforcement, 264-17 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Parking, 260-8 - 260-12, 260- Exceptions, 264-18 retail merchants, 197-10 14-260-22 Fine, 264-20 Police department rules and regu- Parking for limited time only, Intent, 264-14 lations, A290-11, A290-15, 260-11 Liable, 264-20 A290-33, A290-45 Parking or standing prohibited Nuisance, 264-14 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- during certain times, 260- Penalties for offenses, 264-20 5 15 Permit, 264-15, 264-20 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-4, 233-5 Parking prohibited at all times, Presumptive evidence, 264-16 Streets and sidewalks, 237-26 260-8 Restitution, 264-20 Subdivision of land, 24044, 240- Parking prohibited during cer- Restrictions, 264-15 54 tain hours, 260-9 Safety, 264-14,264-15 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14, Parking prohibited during cer- Severability, 264-21 253-20, 253-21, 253-23, 253- tain months, 260-10 Storage, 264-19 24 Penalties for offenses, 260-9 Trespassing, 264-14 Transportation access manage- Permit, 260-9, 260-17 When effective, 264-22 ment, 64-5 Public parking lots, 260-12 Unlicensed Motor -Driven Vehi- Vehicles and traffic, 260-1- 260- Shopping center, 260-14 cles, 264-1- 264-13 3, 260-7, 260-8, 260-8.1, Signs, 260-8 Conflicts with state law, 264- 260-9 - 260-27 Stopping prohibited at all 11 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-1- times, 260-13 Definitions, 264-3 264-7, 264-9, 264-11, 264-14 Trailer parking prohibited at Exceptions, 264-6 - 264-16, 264-18 - 264-20 all times, 260-8.1 Impound, 264-9 Zoning, 280-2, 280-4, 280-48, Utility, 260-8 Impounded, 264-9 280-58, 280-77 - 280-79, Vehicles, 260-8.1, 260-9 Impoundment, 264-9 280-99, 280-110, 280-143 Penalties, 260-27 Improvement, 264-6 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, 260- Bus stop, 260-27 Notice, 264-8 14 Curb, 260-27 Operation on private property Emergency Removal of Vehicles, Driveway, 260-27 restricted, 264-5 260-23 - 260-25 Fines, 260-27 Operation on Town property Abandoned, 260-23 Fire hydrant, 260-27 prohibited, 264-4 Authority to remove vehicles, Fire lanes, 260-27 Parents or guardians to be no - 260 -23 Fire zone, 260-27 tified of violations, 264-8 Emergency, 260-23 Handicapped parking, 260-27 Penalties for offenses, 264-10 Fees, 260-24 Inspection, 260-27 Permit, 264-7 Impoundment, 260-24 Lots, 260-27 Purpose, 264-2 Notices, 260-25 Parking, 260-27 Registration, 264-11 Obstruction, 260-23 Penalties for offenses, 260-27 Responsibility of parents or Parking, 260-23 Permit, 260-27 guardians, 264-7 Seizure, 260-24 Registration, 260-27 Safety, 264-2 Storage, 260-24 Vehicle, 260-27 School, 264-6 34 11-01-2012 Severability, 264-12 Title, 264-1 When effective, 264-13 VETERANS Taxation, 245-8 VETERANS TAX EXEMPTION, see WAR VETERANS AND GOLD STAR PARENTS VIBRATIONS Highway specifications, 161-21 Soil removal, 228-5 Zoning, 280-48, 280-58, 280-62, 280-99, 280-111, 280-143 IFAM WAIVERS Subdivision of land, 240-10 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 Zoning, 280-76.2 WAR VETERANS AND GOLD STAR PARENTS TAX EX- EMPTION Definitions and Abbreviations, 245-15 Exemption granted, 245-16 Taxation, 245-15, 245-16 WATER Animals, 83-3, 83-4 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-12, 96-16, 96-26 Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-4 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 5 - 111-7, 111-10, 111-13, 111-14,111-29 Community Preservation Fund, 17-8 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8, 144-10 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, 148-3, 148-14-148-16, 148- .18,148-19,148-22 48- •18,148-19,148-22 Harbor management, 157-1, 157 - Highway specifications, 161-11, 161-30,161-39,161-44 Housing fund, 34-6 Junkyards, 166-4 Littering, 174-4 Parking, 189-1 Parks and recreation areas, 193-4 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-45 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 3, 215-28, 215-36 - 215-38, 215-43 Soil removal, 228-2, 228-4, 228- 5,228-7 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13, 237-16 Subdivision of land, 240-4, 240-9 -240-11, 240-17, 240-19, 240-21, 240-35, 240-36, 240- 42, 240-44, 24048, 240-51 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3, 253-6,253-14 SOUTHOLD INDEX Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Waterfront consistency review, 268-2, 268-3,268-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2- 275-4, 275-7,275-11, 275-12 Zoning, 280-2, 280-4, 280-7, 280- 8, 280-13, 280-16, 280-22, 280-29,280-34, 280-35, 280- 51,280-54,280-55,280-91, 280-96, 280-99, 280-104, 280-112,280-113,280-116, 280-128, 280-129,280-133, 280-143,280-174 WATERCOURSES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-10 Flood damage prevention, 148- 13,148-14 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 36 Stormwater management, 236-13 Subdivision of land, 240-41 Zoning, 280-133 WATERFOWL FEEDING Animals, 83-28 WATERFRONT CONSISTENCY REVIEW Animals, 268-3 Appeals, 2684, 268-5 Assessment, 268-3, 268-5 Authority and purpose, 268-2 Building Inspector, 268-6 Definitions, 268-3 Emergency, 268-3 Enforcement, 268-6 Erosion and sedimentation, 268-2 Hazardous materials, 268-3 Hazardous substances, 268-5 Inspections, 268-3, 268-5 Investigations, 268-3 Landscaping, 268-3 Management and coordination of LWRP, 268-4 Open space, 268-2, 268-5 Penalties for offenses, 268-7 Pension, 268-3 Permit, 268-3 Pollution, 268-3 Report, 268-4 Retirement, 268-3 Review of actions, 268-5 Sale, 268-3 Setbacks, 268-3 Stop -work order, 268-6 Storage, 268-3 Street openings, 268-3 Title, 268-1 Utility, 268-3 Variances, 268-3, 268-5 Water, 268-2, 268-3,268-5 Wildlife, 268-2,268-3 WATER POLLUTION Boats, docks and wharves, 96-26 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215- 38 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 35 WATER QUALITY STAND- ARDS Stormwater management, 236-7 WATER SUPPLY Zoning, 280-174 WEAPONS Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15, A290-33 WEEDS Highway specifications, 161-42 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2 See also BRUSH, GRASS AND WEEDS WELLS Buildings, unsafe; property maintenance, 100-4 Highway specifications, 161-3 Parking, 189-2 Subdivision of land, 240-4, 240- 10, 240-17,240-21, 240-35, 240-44 Vehicles and traffic, 260-4,260- 6, 260-12, 260-14,260-16, 260-27 Zoning, 280-133 WETLANDS Community Preservation Fund, 17-13 Stormwater management, 236-18 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE Administration and Enforcement, 275-15,275-16 Bay Constable, 275-15 Compliance requirements, 275-16 Coordination and enforcement, 275-15 Director of Code Enforcement, 275-15 Failure to comply, 275-16 Fine, 275-16 Notice, 275-16 Penalties for offenses, 275-15, 275-16 Permit, 275-16 Zoning Inspector, 275-15 General Provisions, 275-1- 275- 3 Accessory structure, 275-2 Assessment, 275-4 Buffer, 275-2 Cesspool, 275-3 Definitions, 275-2 Demolition, 275-2 Driveway, 275-3 Erosion and sedimentation, 275-3 Exceptions, 275-4 Fence, 275-2 Findings, 275-3 Flood hazard areas, 275-3 Grass, 275-2 Improvement, 275-3 Jurisdiction, 275-3 Landscaping, 275-3 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLDINDEX Permit, 275-2, 275-4 Landscaping, 275-11 Fees, 277-5 Pollution, 275-3 Liability, 275-9 Fences, 2774 Purpose, 275-3 Licenses, 275-6 Height regulations, 277-2 - Safety, 275-3 Liens, 275-11 277-4 Septic tank, 275-3 Lighting, 275-11 Lighting, 277-4 Setbacks, 275-2, 275-3 Meeting, 275-8 Noise, 277-2, 277-3 Stormwater, 275-3 Monument, 275-6 Notices, 277-3 Swimming pool, 275-3 Notice, 275-8 - 275-10 Penalties for offenses, 277-7 Test, 275-4 Notices, 275-11 Permit, 277-3, 277-6, 277-7 Title, 275-1 Pedestrians, 275-11 Remedies for violations, 277-7 Trees, 275-2 Penalties for offenses, 275- Safety standards, 277-3 Water, 275-2 - 275-4 12.1 Setbacks, 277-3 Weeds, 275-2 Permit procedures, 275-5 Signs, 277-4 Wildlife, 275-3,275-4 Processing of application, 275- Towers, 277-2 - 277-4, 277-7 Word usage, 275-2 8 Town Attorney, 277-7 Yard, 2754 Propane/liquid gas tanks, 275- Town Board, 277-7 Permits, 275-5 - 275-12, 275- 5 Trees, 277-3 12.1, 275-13,275-14 Reports, 275-7,275-8 Utilities, 277-2 - 277-4 Accessory structures, 275-5 Restaurants, 275-11 Zoning, 280-13 Administrative permits, 275-5 Safety, 275-11, 275-12 WINERIES Application, 275-6 Septic systems, 275-5 Zoning, 280-13 Assessment, 275-6 Setbacks, 275-5 Backfilling, 275-11 Signs, 275-11 Barricades, 275-11 Single-family dwellings, 275-5 _Y_ Bay Constable, 275-12.1 Standards for issuance of per- YARDS Bond, 275-9 Buffers, 275-5,275-7, 275-11 mit, 275-12 Stop -work orders, 275-12.1 Fire prevention and building con - Catwalks, 275-11 Stormwater, 275-7 struction, 144-10 Certificate of compliance, 275- Stormwater management con- Highway specifications, 1-24 10, 275-13 trol plan, 275-6 Soil removal, 228-6, 228--11 1 Cesspools, 275-5 Swimming pools, 275-11 Solid waste, 233-4 Subdivision of land, 240-45 Code Enforcement Officer, Transferability, 275-14 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-21 275-12.1 Conditions, inspection fees, Utilities, 275-11 Waivers, 275-6 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-4, performance guarantee Water, 275-7, 275-11, 275-12 275-7 Zoning, 280-4, 280-7, 280-8, 280- upon issuance of permit, Wildlife, 275-7, 275-11, 275- 13, 280-15, 280-28, 280-41, 275-9 Construction and operation 12 Yards, 275-7 280-43, 28048, 280 -50,280 - standards, 275-11 Zoning Inspector, 275-12.1 58, 280-60, 280-62, 280-64, Contents of permit, 275-10 WILDLIFE 280-78, 280-79, 280-86, 280 - Costs and expenses, 275-11 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111- 93, 280-96, 280-104 - 280 - Demolition, 275-5 6,111-12- 111-15 106, 280-109, 280-122, 280 - Docks, 275-5, 275-11 Community Preservation Fund, 124,280-143 YOUTH BOARD Drainage, 275-5 - 275-7, 275- 17-4,17-8 Appointments, 68-5 11 Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 Definitions and Abbreviations, Dredging, 275-11 Subdivision of land, 24044 68-2 Driveways, 275-5 Waterfront consistency review, Membership, 68-5 Easement, 275-11 268-2, 268-3 Powers and duties, 68-5 Emergency permits, 275-11 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, Removal of members, 68-5 Excavation, 275-11 2754, 275-7, 275-11, 275-12 4 Salaries and compensation, 68-5 Failure to comply, 275-11 Zoning, 280-129, 280-133 Terms of office, 68-5 Fees, 275-7 WIND ENERGY Youth Bureau, 688-3-3, 684 Fences, 275-5, 275-11 Small Wind Energy Systems, , YOUTH BUREAU Fill, 275-6, 275-11 277-1-277-7 Youth Board, Fuel, 275-5 Abandonment of use, 277-6 Director, D 68-4 Youth Bureau Dire, Fuel tanks, 275-5 Advertising, 277-4 YOUTH BUREAU DIRECTOR Garbage, 275-11 Anchoring, 2774 Powers and duties, 68 4 Grading, 275-7, 275-11 Application, 277-2 Youth Bureau, 68 4 Grass, 275-11 Block, 277-2 Guarantee, 275-9, 275-10 Building Inspector, 277-7 Hearings, 275-8 Building permits, 277-3, 277-6 - Z _ Height, 275-11 Code Enforcement Officer, Impoundment, 275-6 277-7 ZONING Improvement, 275-5 Construction standards, 277-4 Accessory buildings and struc- Inspections, 275-7, 275-9 - Costs and expenses, 277-6 tures, 280-15 275-11 Definitions, 277-1 Administration and Enforcement, Insurance, 275-9 Development standards, 277-3 280-151- 280-156 Investigation, 275-8 Enforcement, 277-7 Accessory buildings, 280-154 36 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Administrative and enforcing Sales, 280-30,280-31 Radiation, 280-13 officer, 280-151 Schools, 280-26 Registry of permits, 280-13 Appeals, 280-154 Setbacks, 280-24, 280-28 Rental permits, 280-13 Building Inspector, 280-151- Single-family dwellings, 280- Restaurants, 280-13 280-155 27,280-28 Safety, 280-13 Building permits, 280-151- Site plan, 280-29, 280-31 Sales, 280-13 280-153 Use regulations, 280-27 Schools, 280-13 Certificates of occupancy, Utilities, 280-29 Setbacks, 280-13, 280-15 280-151, 280-154 Vacant lot, 280-30 Signs, 280-13 Fine, 280-155 Variance, 280-28 Site plan, 280-13 Inspections, 280-151, 280-154 Variances, 280-30 Small wind energy systems, Nonconforming use, 280-154 Water, 280-29 280-13 Notice, 280-153, 280-155 Well, 280-31 Smoke, 280-13 Penalties for offenses, 280- Yards, 280-28 Special exception, 280-13 155, 280-156 Zoning Map, 280-29 Special exception uses, 280-13 Permit, 280-151- 280-154 Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) Stables and riding academies, Records, 280-151, 280-154 District and Low -Density 280-13 Remedies, 280-156 Residential R-80, R-120, R- Storage, 280-13 Report, 280-151 200 and R-400 Districts, Swimming pools, 280-13 Right of entry, 280-151 280-12 -280-14 Two-family dwellings, 280-13 School, 280-154 Accessory buildings and struc- Use regulations, 280-13 Site plan, 280-151, 280-154 tures, 280-13 Utility, 280-13 Special exception, 280-154 Accessory structures, 280-13 Water, 280-13 Stop orders, 280-153 Accessory uses, 280-13 Well, 280-12,280-13 Variance, 280-154 Animals, 280-13 Wind energy systems, 280-13 Affordable Housing (AHD) Dis- Apartments, 280-13 Wineries, 280-13 trict, 280-24 - 280-33 Apartments, accessory, 280-13 Yard, 280-13, 280-15 Accessory uses, 280-27 Appeals, 280-13 Agricultural Planned Develop - Administration, 280-31 Application review, 280-13 ment District, 280-170 - Age restrictions, 280-30 Bed -and -breakfast, 280-13 280-181 Apartments, 280-27 Building Inspector, 280-13 Accessory uses, 280-172 Appeals, 280-28, 280-31 Bulk, area and parking regula- Application and review proce- Applicability, 280-26 tions, 280-14 dure, 280-174 Application procedure, 280-29 Cemeteries, 280-13 Building permits, 280-180 Building Inspector, 280-31 Certificate of compliance, 280- Classification, 280-172 Building permit, 280-31 13 Clearing house, 280-179 Bulk, area and parking regula- Certificate of occupancy, 280- Conditions, 280-180 tions, 280-28 13 Conditions of approval, 280 - Certificate of occupancy, 280- Communicable diseases, 280- 175 31,280-33 13 Costs and expenses, 280-177 Comprehensive Plan, 280-29 Drug, 280-13 County Clerk, 280-175 Definitions, 280-25 Dust, 280-13 Definitions, 280-171 Fine, 280-33 Emergency, 280-13 Disclosure provisions, 280 - General regulations and re- Farms and farming, 280-13 174 quirements, 280-30 Fees, 280-13 Easements, 280-175, 280-177, Hearing, 280-26,280-29 Fence, 280-13 280-179, 280-180 Height, 280-28 Fumes, 280-13 Farms and farming, 280-174 Improvements, 280-25, 280-30 Garages, 280-13 Fire protection, 280-174 Lots, 280-30,280-31 Gas, 280-13 Hearings, 280-174, 280-175, Maintenance and upkeep, 280- Hearings, 280-13 280-177 32.1 Height regulations, 280-15 Improvements, 280-174 Meeting, 280-29 Home occupations, 280-13 Lots, 280-173 Newspapers, 280-26 Hospitals, 280-13 Meetings, 280-173, 280-174 Notice, 280-26,280-29, 280- Inspection, 280-13 Notices, 280-174 30 Kennels, 280-13 Open space, 280-181 Off-street parking, 280-27, Lighting, 280-13 Permit, 280-180 280-28 Lots, 280-13, 280-15 Permitted uses, 280-175 Parking, 280-27, 280-28 Noise, 280-13 Planning Board, 280-174, 280 - Penalties for offenses, 280- Odor, 280-13 181 32.1, 280-33 Off-street parking, 280-13 Price for development rights, Permit, 280-31 One -family dwelling, 280-13 280-176 Permitted uses, 280-27 Parking, 280-13, 280-14 Purpose, 280-170 Purpose, 280-24 Penalties for offenses, 280-13 Reports, 280-174 Records, 280-31 Permit, 280-13 Requirements for eligibility, Reports, 280-29, 280-30 Permitted uses, 280-13 280-173 Residency requirements, 280- Places of worship, 280-13 Sales, 280-174 - 280-177, 30 Playgrounds, 280-13 280-179 - 280-181 Safety, 280-28 Purpose, 280-12 Subdivision, 280-181 37 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Subsequent development right Certificate of occupancy, 280- Dust, 280-48 sales to Town, 280-177 10 Fence, 28048 Town Attorney, 280-175 District boundaries, 280-7 Fire extinguisher, 28048 Town Board, 280-173, 280- District designations, 280-5 Flammable, 28048 174, 280-176, 280-177, Effect of establishment of dis- Front yard setbacks, 280-50 280-180 tricts, 280-8 Fuel, 28048 Town Clerk, 280-174 Hearing, 280-11 Garages, 280-48 Water, 280-174 Insurance, 280-10 Height, 28048 Water supply, 280-174 Landscaping, 280-7 Hospital, 28048 Zoning approval, 280-174 Lot recognition, 280-9 Hotel, 28048 Zoning Map, 280-174, 280- Lots, 280-9 — 280-11 License, 28048 175 Merger, 280-10 Lots, 28048 Agricultural uses, 72-5 One -family dwelling, 280-10 Meeting, 28048 Amendments, 280-157 — 280-159 Open space, 280-8 Motel, 280-48 Additional notice requirements Parks, 280-7 Noise, 28047, 28048 relating to petitions for Permit, 280-8 — 280-10 Odor, 280-48 proposed amendments, Prohibited uses, 280-8 Off-street parking, 280-48 280-159 Record, 280-7 Parking, 28048,280-49 Assessment, 280-159 Screening, 280-7 Permit, 28048 Fees for petitions for proposed Variance, 280-10 Permitted uses, 28048 amendments, 280-158 Waiver of merger, 280-11 Plumbing, 28048 Hearings, 280-157, 280-159 Water, 280-7, 280-8 Pollution, 280-48 Meeting, 280-157 Yards, 280-7,280-8 Purpose, 28047 Newspaper, 280-157,280-159 Zoning Map, 280-6,280-7 Restaurants, 280-48 Notice, 280-157, 280-159 Farmland Bill of Rights, 280-97 — Retail stores, 28048 Procedures, 280-157 280-103 Sales, 28048 Report, 280-157 Animals, 280-98, 280-99 School, 28048 Zoning Map, 280-157-280- Appeals, 280-100 Service stations, 28048 159 Definitions, 280-98 Setbacks, 280-50 Board of Appeals, 280-145 — 280- Dust, 280-99 Shopping centers, 280-48 150 Enforcement, 280-102 Signs, 280-48 Accessory buildings, 280-149 Fences, 280-99 Site plan, 280-48 Accessory structures, 280-149 Grading, 280-99 Smoke, 28048 Additional conditions and Holidays, 280-99 Special exception, 280-48 safeguards, 280-147 Inspection, 280-101 Special exception use, 280-48 Appeals, 280-145 — 280-150 Livestock, 280-98, 280-99 Storage, 28048 Appointment, 280-145 Noise, 280-99 Testing, 28048 Building Inspector, 280-146 Notices, 280-97, 280-100, Tires, 28048 Fees, 280-149 280-101 Use regulations, 280-48 Fences, 280-149 Nuisance, 280-97,280-99 Vehicle, 280-48 Hearings, 280-146,280-150 Odor, 280-99 Vehicles, 280-48 Membership, 280-145 Right to farm, 280-97 Vibration, 280-48 Notice, 280-146, 280-150 Right to notice by brokers and Yards, 280-48, 280-50 Permits, 280-146, 280-149 agents, 280-101 General Provisions, 280-1— 280 - Permitted use, 280-146 Right to notice provided by 4 Powers and duties, 280-146 Town agencies, 280-100 Accessory building, 280-4 Rules of conduct and proce- Right to undertake protected Accessory use, 280-4 dure, 280-148 farm practices, 280-99 Apartment, 280-4 Safety, 280-146 Safety, 280-97, 280-99 Appeals, 2804 Special exceptions, 280-146, Sale, 280-98 Block, 2804 280-149 Severability, 280-103 Certificate of compliance, 280 - Variances, 280-146, 280-149 Sign, 280-101 4 Zoning Map, 280-146 Smoke, 280-99 Certificate of occupancy, 280 - Density, Minimum Lot Size and Storage, 280-101 4 Bulk Schedules, 280-65, Trees, 280-98 Curb, 280-4 280-66 Vehicles, 280-99 Definitions, 280-4 Conformance required, 280-66 Vibration, 280-99 Drainage, 280-4 Incorporation of new sched- Water, 280-99 Easements, 280-3, 2804 ules, 280-65 General Business (B) District, Fence, 2804 Parking, 280-65 28047 —280-50 Final plat, 280-4 Repeal of existing schedule, Accessory uses, 28048 Flood hazard area, 2804 280-65 Apartments, 28048 Garage, 2804 Districts, 280-5 — 280-11 Appeals, 28048 Grade, 2804 Appeals, 280-9 Bulk, area and parking re- Guaranty, 2804 Building Inspector, 280-6, quirements, 28049 Height, 2804 280-8 Church, 28048 Home occupation, 2804 Building permits, 280-8 — 280- Convenience stores, 28048 Hotel, 2804 10 Driveways, 280-48 38 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Interpretation and conflicts, Hamlet Density (HD) Residential Dust, 280-62 280-3 District, 280-20 — 280-23 Explosives, 280-62 Junkyard, 2804 Accessory buildings, 280-22 Front yard setbacks, 280-64 Landscaping, 280-4 Accessory uses, 280-22 Fuel, 280-62 Lighting, 2804 Apartments, 280-22 Fumes, 280-62 Master Plan, 280-4 Appeals, 280-22 Garages, 280-62 Mobile home, 2804 Applicability, 280-21 Gas, 280-62 Motel, 2804 Bulk, area and parking regula- Lots, 280-61 Nonconforming uses, 280-2, tions, 280-23 Noise, 280-62 280-4 Heat, 280-22 Nuisance, 280-62 Official Map, 2804 Parking, 280-23 Odors, 280-62 Off-street parking, 280-4 Permit, 280-20 Parking, 280-62, 280-63 Open space, 2804 Permitted uses, 280-22 Permit, 280-62 Parking, 2804 Purpose, 280-20 Permitted uses, 280-62 Permits, 280-2, 280-3 Site plan, 280-22 Plumbing, 280-62 Purposes, 280-2 Special exception, 280-22 Pollution, 280-62 Recreational vehicle, 280-4 Use regulations, 280-22 Purpose, 280-61 Restaurant, 280-4 . Utilities, 280-22 Sales, 280-62 Safety, 280-2, 280-3 Water, 280-22 School, 280-62 Sales, 280-4 Zoning Map, 280-21 Setbacks, 280-64 School, 2804 Landscaping, Screening and Signs, 280-62 Screening, 2804 Buffer Regulations, 280-91— Site plan, 280-62 Septic tank, 280-4 280-96 Smoke, 280-62 Service station, 280-4 Appeals, 280-92 Special exception use, 280-62 Setbacks, 2804 Assessment, 280-92 Storage, 280-62 Shopping center, 2804 Buffer, 280-92, 280-94 — 280- Testing, 280-62 Signs, 280-4 96 Use regulations, 280-62 Site plans, 280-4 Building Inspector, 280-92 Utility, 280-62 Special exception use, 2804 Curbs, 280-92 Vibrations, 280-62 Storage, 280-4 Drainage, 280-91 Yards, 280-62, 280-64 Swimming pools, 280-4 Driveway, 280-93 Light Industrial Park/Planned Of - Title, 280-1 Driveways, 280-92 fice Park (LIO) District, 280 - Tower, 280-4 Dust, 280-91 57-280-60 Utilities, 280-2,2804 Fences, 280-92, 280-94 Accessory uses, 280-58 Vehicles, 280-2, 280-4 Front landscaped area, 280-93 Animals, 280-58 Water, 280-2, 280-4 General requirements, 280-92 Appeals, 280-58 Yard, 280-4 Glare, 280-91, 280-94 Bulk, area and parking regula- Zoning Map, 280-4 Grass, 280-93, 280-95 tions, 280-59 Hamlet Business (HB) District, Hearing, 280-92 Dust, 280-58 280-44 —28046 Heat, 280-91 Explosives, 280-58 Accessory uses, 28045 Height, 280-94 Fuel, 280-58 Apartments, 28045 Landscaped parking area, 280- Fumes, 280-58 Appeals, 280-45 95 Garages, 280-58 Assessment, 28045 Lien, 280-92 Gas, 280-58 Bulk, area and parking regula- Lots, 280-95 Heating, 280-58 tions, 28046 Noise, 280-91, 280-94 Noise, 280-58 Convenience stores, 28045 Notice, 280-92 Nuisance, 280-58 Garages, 28045 Off-street parking, 280-95 Odors, 280-58 Grocery stores, 280-45 Parking, 280-92, 280-95 Off-street parking, 280-58 Hotel, 28044, 280-45 Pollution, 280-91 Parking, 280-58, 280-59 Improvement, 28045 Properties located adjacent to Permit, 280-58 Meeting, 280-45 creeks, 280-96 Permitted uses, 280-58 Motel, 280-44, 280-45 Purpose, 280-91 Plumbing, 280-58 Off-street parking, 280-45 Record, 280-92 Pollution, 280-58 Parking, 280-45, 28046 Screen, 280-91-280-94 Purpose, 280-57 Permit, 280-45 Site plan, 280-92 Sales, 280-58 Permitted uses, 280-45 Transition buffer area, 280-94 Schools, 280-58 Plumbing, 280-45 Trees, 280-92 — 280-95 Setbacks, 280-60 Purpose, 280-44 Variance, 280-92 Signs, 280-58 Restaurants, 280-45 Water, 280-91, 280-96 Site plan, 280-58 Retail stores, 28045 Yards, 280-93, 280-96 Smoke, 280-58 Sale, 280-45 Light Industrial (LI) District, 280- Special exception use, 280-58 School, 28045 61 L 280-64 Storage, 280-58 Signs, 28045 Accessory uses, 280-62 Testing, 280-58 Site plan, 28045 Animals, 280-62 Transfer stations, 280-58 Special exception use, 28045 Appeals, 280-62 Use regulations, 280-58 Use regulations, 28045 Bulk, area and parking regula- Utility, 280-58 tions, 280-63 Vehicles, 280-58 39 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Vibrations, 280-58 Marine I (MI) District, 280-51— Off-street loading areas, 280 - Yards, 280-58, 280-60 280-53 79 Limited Business (LB) District, Accessory uses, 280-52 Off-street parking areas, 280- 280-40 — 280-43 Appeals, 280-52 78 Accessory uses, 28041 Bed -and -breakfast, 280-52 Parking, 280-77 — 280-79 Appeals, 280-41 Bulk, area and parking regula- Place of worship, 280-78 Bulk, area and parking regula- tions, 280-53 Plumbing, 280-78 tions, 28042 Fuel, 280-52 Pollution, 280-77 Fencing, 28041 Insurance, 280-52 Purpose, 280-77 Hotels, 280-41 Parking, 280-53 Restaurant, 280-78 Landscaping, 280-41 Permitted uses, 280-52 Sales, 280-78, 280-79 Lots, 280-41 Purpose, 280-51 School, 280-78, 280-79 Parking, 280-42 Record, 280-52 Screening, 280-78 Permitted uses, 28041 Sales, 280-52 Service station, 280-78 Plumbing, 280-41 School, 280-52 Signs, 280-78 Purpose, 280-40 Signs, 280-52 Special exception uses, 280-78 Restaurants, 280-41 Site plan, 280-52 Storage, 280-78, 280-79 Sales, 28041 Special exception, 280-52 Vehicles, 280-77 — 280-79 Setbacks, 28043 Swimming pools, 280-52 Yards, 280-78, 280-79 Signs, 280-41 Use regulations, 280-52 Residential Office (RO) District, Site plan, 28041 Water, 280-51 280-37 — 280-39 Special exception use, 280-41 Nonconforming Uses and Build- Accessory uses, 280-38 Storage, 280-41 ings, 280-120 — 280-126 Apartments, 280-38 Use regulations, 28041 Appeals, 280-121 Appeals, 280-38 Yards, 280-41, 28043 Building permit, 280-121, Bulk, area and parking regula- Low-Density Residential R-40 280-124, 280-125 tions, 280-39 District, 280-16 — 280-19 Height, 280-122 Churches, 280-38 Accessory buildings, 280-19 Involuntary moves, 280-126 Insurance, 280-38 Accessory uses, 280-17 Landscaping, 280-123 Meeting, 280-38 Animal, 280-17 Lots, 280-124 Parking, 280-39 Appeals, 280-17 Nonconforming buildings with Permitted uses, 280-38 Bulk, area and parking regula- conforming uses, 280-122 Places of worship, 280-38 tions, 280-18 Nonconforming buildings with Purpose, 280-37 Hospital, 280-17 nonconforming uses, 280- Restaurants, 280-38 Open space, 280-16 123 Sales, 280-38 Parking, 280-18 Nonconforming lots, 280-124 School, 280-38 Permit, 280-16 Permit, 280-121, 280-122, Signs, 280-38 Permitted uses, 280-17 280-124, 280-125 Single-family dwellings, 280 - Purpose, 280-16 Purpose, 280-120 38 Site plan, 280-17 Repairs and maintenance, 280- Site plan, 280-38 Special exception, 280-17 125 Special exception uses, 280-38 Use regulations, 280-17 Safety, 280-125 Storage, 280-38 Water, 280-16 Setbacks, 280-123 Use regulations, 280-38 Marine II (MII) District, 280-54 — Variance, 280-121 Resort Residential (RR) District, 280-56 Yard, 280-122,280-124 280-34 — 280-36 Accessory uses, 280-55 Parking and Loading Areas, 280- Accessory uses, 280-35 Appeals, 280-55 77-280-79 Appeals, 280-35 Bed -and -breakfast, 280-55 Accessory use, 280-78 Bulk, area and parking regula- Bulk, area and parking regula- Air pollution, 280-77 tions, 280-36 tions, 280-56 Animal, 280-78 Hotels, 280-35 Curb, 280-55 Apartment, 280-78 Motels, 280-35 Fuel, 280-55 Appeals, 280-78, 280-79 Parking, 280-36 Hotels, 280-55 Commercial vehicles, 280-78 Permitted uses, 280-35 Insurance, 280-55 Curbs, 280-78 Purpose, 280-34 Motels, 280-55 Drainage, 280-78 Restaurants, 280-35 Parking, 280-56 Driveways, 280-78 Signs, 280-35 Permitted uses, 280-55 Fence, 280-78 Site,plan, 280-35 Purpose, 280-54 Garages, 280-78 Special exception use, 280-35 Record, 280-55 Grade, 280-78 Use regulations, 280-35 Restaurants, 280-55 Height, 280-78 Water, 280-34, 280-35 Sales, 280-55 Home occupation, 280-78 Severability, 280-160 School, 280-55 Hospital, 280-78,280-79 Signs, 280-80 — 280-90 Signs, 280-55 Hotels, 280-78, 280-79 Abandoned, 280-88 Site plan, 280-55 Landscaping, 280-78 Advertising, 280-80, 280-81, Special exception, 280-55 Lots, 280-78, 280-79 280-85 Swimming pools, 280-55 Meeting, 280-78 Animal, 280-85 Use regulations, 280-55 Mobile home, 280-78 Appeals, 280-81, 280-86 Water, 280-54,280-55 Motel, 280-78 Applicability, 280-81 40 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Application, 280-81 Architectural review stand- Natural features, 280-129, Approval, 280-81 ards, 280-134 280-133 Assessment, 280-88 Area, yard and bulk regula- Natural features preservation, Building Inspector, 280-81, tions, 280-137 280-129 280-85, 280-88 Assessment, 280-133 Notice, 280-131, 280-137 Certificate of occupancy, 280- Bicycles, 280-137 Objectives, 280-129 85 Block, 280-133 Off-street parking, 280-129, Driveway, 280-85 Boats, 280-137 280-133, 280-137 Fees, 280-81 Bonds, 280-137 Open space, 280 -127,280 - Fences, 280-82, 280-85 Buffers, 280-137 128, 280-137 Gas, 280-83 Building Inspector, 280-127, Parking, 280-127 - 280-129, General design principles, 280-130, 280-131 280-131, 280-133,280- 280-82 Building permit, 280-127, 134,280-137 Grade, 280-85 280-130, 280-134 Parks and recreation areas, Height, 280-82,280-85 Certificate of occupancy, 280- 280-137 Hotel, 280-85 130 Pedestrians, 280-137 Improvement, 280-88 Cluster development, 280-137 Penalties for offenses, 280 - Liable, 280-88 Comprehensive Plan, 280-129 130, 280-136 Lien, 280-88 Curbs, 280-131, 280-133, 280- Permit, 280-127, 280-130, Lighting, 280-81, 280-83, 280- 137 280-131, 280-134 87,280-88 Drainage, 280-127, 280-129, Planning Board, 280-131 Limitation of content or copy, 280-133 Purpose, 280-128 280-84 Driveways, 280-137 Records, 280-133 Motel, 280-85 Duration of plan, 280-132 Recreational vehicles, 280-137 Nonconforming signs, 280-90 Easements, 280-133 Review procedure, 280-131 Nonconforming use, 280-90 Emergency, 280-137 Safety, 280-128, 280-129, Notice, 280-88 Excavation, 280-129 280-131, 280 -133,280 - Obstructions, 280-80 Failure to comply, 280-130 137 Parking, 280-85 Fees, 280-137 Screening, 280-129 Penalty, 280-88 Fee schedule for site plan ap- Setbacks, 280-133, 280-134, Permit, 280-81, 280-85, 280- plications, 280-138 280-137 89,280-90 Fences, 280-133, 280-134 Signs, 280-131, 280-133, 280 - Prohibitions and general re- Findings of fact, 280-128 134,280-137 strictions, 280-83 Fire hydrants, 280-133, 280- Site plans, 280-130 - 280-132 Purpose, 280-80 137 Special exception, 280-130, Restaurant, 280-85 Flood hazard areas, 280-129, 280-131 Safety, 280-82,280-88 280-133 Standards for residential site Sales, 280-85, 280-86 Garages, 280-134, 280-137 plans, 280-137 Setbacks, 280-85 Gas, 280-129 Storage, 280-134, 280-137 Shopping centers, 280-87 Glare, 280-129 Stormwater, 280-129, 280-133 Sign illumination, 280-87 Grade, 280-129, 280-133, 280- Stormwater management con - Specific sign requirements, 134,280-136 trol plan, 280-133 280-86 Guaranty, 280-131 Subdivision of land, 280-137 Specific signs, 280-85 Hamlet Density Residential Trailers, 280-137 Storage, 280-88 (HD) District, 280-137 Trees, 280-129, 280-130, 280 - Transition, 280-89 Handicapped facilities, 280- 133, 280-136 Tree, 280-83 129 Utilities, 280-127,280-129, Unsafe, abandoned and unlaw- Hearings, 280-131, 280-137 280-133 ful signs, 280-88 Height, 280-134 Variances, 280-131, 280-137 Utility, 280-83 Historical features, 280-133 Vehicles and traffic, 280-129, Variances, 280-81, 280-86 Historic preservation, 280-131 280-137 Yard, 280-86 Improvements, 280-129,280- Water, 280-128, 280-129, 280 - Site Plan Approval, 280-127 - 131, 280-133, 280-137 133 280-138 Inspections, 280-137 Watercourses, 280-133 Accessory uses, 280-127 Investigations, 280-130 Wells, 280-133 Affordable housing, 280-137 Land clearing, 280-136 Wildlife, 280-129,280-133 Appeals, 280-130, 280-131, Landscaping, 280-129, 280- Special Exception Uses, 280-139 280-137 131,280-133,280-134, -280-144 Applicability, 280-127 280-137 Additional conditions and Application requirements, License, 280-133 safeguards, 280-144 280-133 Lighting, 280-129, 280-133, Appeals, 280-140 - 280-142, Approval of site plan required, 280-137 280-144 280-130 Lots, 280-137 Application, 280-141 Architectural features, 280- Meeting, 280-131, 280-133 Approval, 280-141 129 Meetings, 280-137 Approval required, 280-140 Architectural Review Commit- �^ Moderate -income housing, Buffer, 280-143 tee, 280-131, 280-135 280-137 Building permit, 280-140 ` Church, 280-143 41 11-01-2012 SOUTHOLD INDEX Demolition, 280-140 Gas, 280-111 Definitions, 280-69 Dust, 280-143 Glare, 280-111, 280-117 Design standards, 280-72 Emergency, 280-143 Grade, 280-108,280-114 Fall zones, 280-70 Gases, 280-143 Height, 280-104-280-109, Federal aviation regulations, General standards, 280-142 280-117 280-70 Hearing, 280-141 Inspection, 280-110 General requirements for all Matters to be considered, 280- Land under water, 280-113 wireless communication 143 Lighting, 280-111, 280-117 facilities, 280-70 Natural features, 280-143 Long-term outdoor display or Height regulations, 280-70, Noise, 280-143 storage, 280-119 280-71, 280-76, 280-76.2 Notice, 280-141 Lots, 280-106, 280-109,280- Historic buildings and dis- Odors, 280-143 113, 280-116 tricts, 280-75 Off-street parking, 280-143 Monuments, 280-104 Historic preservation, 280-75 Parking, 280-143 Multifamily dwelling, 280-108 Inspections, 280-74 Permit, 280-140, 280-141 Noise, 280-111 Landscaping, 280-70, 280-72, Permitted uses, 280-143 Obstructions, 280-104,280- 280-76.2 Pollution, 280-143 106,280-111 Liens, 280-76 Purpose, 280-139 Odor, 280-111 Lighting, 280-70 Safety, 280-142, 280-143 Off-street parking, 280-109 Lots, 280-70 School, 280-143 One -family dwelling, 280-109 Notices, 280-74, 280-76 Screening, 280-143 Open storage, 280-110 Penalties for offenses, 280-76 Smoke, 280-143 Parking, 280-109, 280-110, Permit, 280-70,280-76.1 Stormwater, 280-143 280-117 Preexisting antenna support Stormwater management, 280- Permit, 280-113 - 280-115 structures and antennas, 142 Pollution, 280-111 280-76.1 Vehicles, 280-143 Prohibited uses in all districts, Purpose, 280-67 Vibration, 280-143 280-111 Radio emissions, 280-70 Violations of conditions, 280- Provisions for community wa- Relief, 280-76.3 141 ter, sewer and utility facil- Removal, 280-76 Water, 280-143 ities, 280-112 Reports, 280-70,280-74 Yards, 280-143 Public roads, encumbrances to, Required approvals, 280-71 Zoning Board of Appeals, 280-111 Roof mounting, 280-71 280-142 Safety, 280-111 Safety, 280-67 Supplementary Regulations, 280- Sales, 280-104, 280-118 Scope, 280-68 104 - 280-119 Setbacks, 280-104, 280-116 Screen, 280-72 Accessory buildings, 280-104, Site plan, 280-104,280-119 Setbacks, 280-70, 280-72, 280-107 Smoke, 280-111 280-76.2 Accessory structures, 280-116 Storage, 280-104, 280-110, Severability, 280-76.4 Access requirements, 280-109 280-111,280-118,280- Signs, 280-70 Air pollution, 280-111 119 Site design standards, 280-70 Animal, 280-111 Temporary outdoor display or Site plan, 280-74 Block, 280-116 storage, 280-118 Site plan approval, 280-71, Buffer, 280-118 Tourist camps, camp cottages 280-72 Building Inspector, 280-109 and trailers, 280-115 Special exception, 280-71 Building length and separation Towers, 280-104 Special exception approval, for buildings containing Trees, 280-118 280-73 multiple dwellings, 280- Utility, 280-112 Special exceptions, 280-74 107 Vehicles, 280-110 Standards, 280-73 Building permit, 280-114 Vibration, 280-111 Variances, 280-76.3 Building setback requirements Water, 280-104, 280-112, 280- Waivers of criteria, 280-76.2 adjacent to water bodies 113,280-116 When effective, 280-76.5 and wetlands, 280-116 Yards, 280-104 - 280-106, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Certificate of occupancy, 280- 280-109 Agricultural uses, 72-11 112 Zoning Map, 280-113 Zoning, 280-142 Commercial vehicles, 280-110 Wireless Communication Facili- ZONING INSPECTOR Comer lots, 280-106 ties, 280-67 - 280-69 Animals, 83-29 Courts, 280-108 Abandonment, 280-76 Powers and duties, 275-12.1, 275 - Dust, 280-111 Antennas, 280-68, 280-70, 15 Elevators, 280-104 280-72, 280-73, 280-76, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1, Excavations, 280-114 280-76.1, 280-76.2 275-15 Exceptions and modifications, Application fees and require- ZONING MAP 280-104 ments, 280-74 General provisions, 1-4 Explosives, 280-111 Base station equipment shelter, Zoning, 2804, 280-6, 280 -7,280 - Fences, 280-104 - 280-106, 280-70 21, 280-29, 280-113, 280- 280-114 Building permits, 280-70, 280- 146, 280-157 - 280-159, Filled land, 280-113 71,280-74 280-174, 280-175 Fuel, 280-111 Consultant review, 280-74 Garage, 280-104 Costs and expenses, 280-76.2 42 11-01-2012