HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Code Supplement - 03/15/2008GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 7 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immedi- ately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE Table of Contents, v — vii 219:1— 219:8 245:1— 245:2 245:11 — 245:12 275:1 — 275:16 275:19 — 275:31 DL: 1— DL:3 Index Pages 1 — 38 INSERT Table of Contents, v — vii 219:1 — 219:9 245:1 — 245:2 245:2.1 245:11 — 245:15 275:1 — 275:16 275:16.1 275:19 — 275:34 DL:1 — DL:3 Index Pages 1— 38 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 22-2007; 23- 2007; 24-2007; 25-2007. 03-15-2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 64. Transportation Access Management ...................................... 64:1 68. Youth Board........................................................................... 68:1 PART II: GENERAL LEGISLATION 70. Agricultural Lands Preservation ............................................. 70:1 75. Alarm Systems....................................................................... 75:1 79. Alcoholic Beverages.............................................................. 79:1 Article I Public Consumption 83. Animals..............................................................:................... 83:1 Article I Ducks Article II Dogs Article III Dog License Fees 88. Bicycles................................................................................. 88:1 92. Bingo and Games of Chance .................................................. 92:1 Article I Bingo Article II Games of Chance 96. Boats, Docks and Wharves ..................................................... 96:1 Article I Obstruction and Use of Town Waters Article II Public Docks Article III Boats Article IV Floating Homes Article V Administration and Enforcement 100. Buildings, Unsafe................................................................. 100:1 104. Burning, Outdoor................................................................. 104:1 111. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas .............................................. 111:1 117. Development Rights, Transfer of ......................................... 117:1 121. Domestic Partnerships.......................................................... 121:1 126. Electrical Inspections........................................................... 126:1 130. Environmental Quality Review ............................................ 130:1 135. Farm Stands.......................................................................... 135:1 139. Filming................................................................................. 139:1 144. Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration ............. 144:1 V 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD CODE 148. Flood Damage Prevention.................................................... 148:1 157. Harbor Management............................................................. 157:1 Article I Fishers Island Harbor Management 161. Highway Specifications........................................................ 161:1 166. Junkyards..............................................................................166:1 170. Landmark Preservation...................................................... :... 170:1 174. Littering................................................................................. 174:1 185. Open Space Preservation...................................................... 185:1 189. Parking................................................................................. 189:1 Article I Parking at Beaches 193. Parks and Recreation Areas ............. :.................................... 193:1 Article I Use Regulations and Restrictions 197. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants............ 197:1 205. Public Entertainment and Special Events ............................. 205:1 211. Salvage Centers.................................................................... 211:1 215. Sewers and Sewage Disposal ............................................... 215:1 Part 1 Scavenger Wastes Part 2 Sewer Use Part 3 Sewer Rents and Charges 219. Shellfish and Other Marine Resources ................................. 219:1 228. Soil Removal........................................................................ 228:1 233. Solid Waste.......................................................................... 233:1 Article I Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse 235. Stormwater Management..................................................... 235:1 237: Streets and Sidewalks............:.............................................. 237:1 Article I Notification of Defects Article II Street Excavations Article III Snow and Ice Removal Article IV Street Numbering 240. Subdivision of Land............................................................. 240:1 vi 03-15-2008 280. Zoning.................................................................................. 280:1 APPENDIX A290. Police Department Rules and Regulations .........................A290:1 DERIVATION TABLE DISPOSITION LIST INDEX vii 03-15-2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 245. Taxation................................................................................245:1 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans' Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers Article VI Exemption. for War Veterans and Gold Star Parents Article VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans Article VIII Exemption for Historic Properties 249. Tobacco Advertising............................................................ 249:1 253. Tourist and Trailer Camps .................................................... 253:1 Article I General Regulations Article II Recreational Vehicle Parks 260. Vehicles and Traffic............................................................. 260:1 264. Vehicles, Motor -Driven ....................................................... 264:1 Article I Unlicensed Motor -Driven Vehicles Article 11 Motor -Driven Vehicles 268. Waterfront Consistency Review ........................................... 268:1 275. Wetlands and Shoreline........................................................ 275:1 277. Wind Energy........................................................................ 277:1 Article I Small Wind Energy Systems 280. Zoning.................................................................................. 280:1 APPENDIX A290. Police Department Rules and Regulations .........................A290:1 DERIVATION TABLE DISPOSITION LIST INDEX vii 03-15-2008 Chapter 219 SHELLFISH AND OTHER MARINE RESOURCES ARTICLE I Residence Requirements; Title; Definitions; Purpose § 219-1. Residence requirements. § 219-2. Angling for fish. § 219-3. Title. § 219-4. Definitions. § 219-5. Purpose. ARTICLE R Shellfish § 219-6. Permit requirements. § 219-7. Permit fee; expiration; display. § 219-8. Scallops. § 219-9. Clams. § 219-10. Oysters. ARTICLE III Other Marine Resources § 219-11. Blue claw crabs. § 219-12. Mussels. § 219-13. Eels. ARTICLE IV Prohibited Activities; Restricted Areas; Enforcement § 219-14. Culling shellfish and restoration of underwater lands. § 219-15. Fixed gear. § 219-16. Restricted areas. § 219-17. Planting of shellfish seed. § 219-18. Transplanting of shellfish. § 219-19. Dredges and scrapes. § 219-20. Vegetation removal prohibited. § 219-21. Aquaculture/mariculture exemption. § 219-22. Penalties for offenses. § 219-23. Coordination and enforcement. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-4-2007 by L.L. No. 22-2007.1 Amendments noted where applicable.] Ducks — See Ch. 83, Art. I Boat, docks and wharves — See Ch. 96. GENERAL REFERENCES Wetlands — See Ch. 275. 1. Editor's Note: This local law amended former Ch: 219, Shellfish, in its entirety, which former chapter consisted of: Art. I, Catching of Shrimp, adopted 6-29-1933 by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, and Art. II, Taking of Shellfish and Eels, adopted 6-23-1966 by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, as amended. 219:1 03-15-2008 r § 219-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 219-4 ARTICLE I Residence Requirements; Title; Definitions; Purpose § 219-1. Residence requirements. Persons shall be deemed to be residents of the Town of Southold at any given date, within the meaning of this chapter, when they shall have actually and continuously resided within the said Town for a period of at least 60 days immediately preceding such date. § 219-2. Angling for fish. No provision of this chapter shall be deemed to prevent any person or�persons residing within the Town of Southold from angling for fish for other than commercial purposes. § 219-3. Title. This chapter shall be known as the "Shellfish and Other Marine Resources Law of the Town of Southold." § 219-4. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the terms used herein are defined as follows: AQUACULTURE/MARICULTURE — The cultivation, planting, containment or harvesting of products that naturally are produced in the marine environment, including fish, shellfish, crustaceans and seaweed, and the installation of cribs, racks and in -water structures for cultivating such products, but excluding the construction of any building, any filling or dredging or the construction of any water -regulating structures. BOATNESSEL —' Any floating object capable of carrying people as a means of transportation in water, including without limitation an airplane capable of landing on water, any floating structure not otherwise considered to be part of a dock structure as defined herein, with or without means of propulsion, which object can be moored independently or can be secured by any means to a piling, dock, bulkhead, groin or other fixed device located above mean high water. Floating docks are excluded from this definition. CHANNEL SYSTEM — The bed of a natural waterway with well-defined banks presenting the evidence of the flow of tidal waters, which is commonly traversed by boat/vessel and is designated by channel markers, including man-made or stabilized waterways designed for the navigation of boats/vessels. For the purpose of this chapter, boat basins and bathing areas are included within this definition. CHURNING — The removal of shellfish from lands below average low water by,utilizing a propwash from a vessel or skid -mounted outboard motor. COMMERCIAL PURPOSES — Taking, containment or harvesting of shellfish or other marine resources to sell to a third party. 219:2 03-15-2008 § 219-4 SHELLFISH AND OTHER MARINE RESOURCES § 219-5 CONTAINMENT — The placement and possession of shellfish in a basket, tub, bag, or any other type of container. CULLING — Separating, shellfish or other marine resources according to size. EEL — The American eel. FIXED GEAR — Fishing equipment that is set in a stationary position, including without limitation pots, moorings, long line, hand line, weir nets, gillnets and traps. GUEST — A person who temporarily occupies living quarters in a dwelling maintained by a permanent resident. MARINE RESOURCES — Blue claw crabs, horseshoe crabs, eels and mussels. NONRESIDENT — One who does not reside in the Town of Southold. PATENT LANDS — All uplands and underwater lands owned in fee title by the Town of Southold Board of Trustees by virtue of the Andros Patent. PERMANENT RESIDENT — A person who has maintained a permanent dwelling within the Town of Southold during the period of not less than 60 days immediately preceding the date of his application for a permit hereunder, or the date of taking shellfish if no permit is required. SCAP NET — A hand -operated net attached to a handle with an opening across the mouth of no more than 14 inches. SHELLFISH — Clams, scallops, oysters, blue claw crabs, mussels, periwinkles, conchs, channeled whelk and knobbed whelk.- TAKING helk:TAKING — The removal or harvesting of shellfish and other marine resources by any means. TAXPAYER — A person who owns real property as shown on_ the assessment roll of the Town of Southold. TOWN WATERS — All the waters lying over patent lands. § 219-5. Purpose. It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to provide for the protection, the preservation and the proper use and maintenance of Town waters and lands under Town waters, to minimize damage thereto and to enhance their use for the propagation of shellfish and other beneficial marine organisms and thereby protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the Town of Southold. 219:3 03-15-2008 § 219-6 SOUTHOLD CODE. § 219-7 ARTICLE II Shellfish § 219-6. Permit requirements. A. Shellfish. may be taken from Town waters for commercial purposes by a permanent resident over the age of 14 years upon first obtaining a commercial shellfish permit therefor from the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold. (1) Persons ages 12 and 13 can apply for a junior commercial shellfish license which will allow them to catch half the commercial limit. The junior commercial shellfish license will be at half the cost of a commercial license. The parents or guardian of the applicant for a junior commercial shellfish license must sign for the holder of the junior license, making the parent or guardian responsible for any violation incurred. B. Shellfish may be taken from Town waters by a nonresident upon first obtaining a nonresident shellfish permit from the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold. C. Shellfish may be taken from Town waters for noncommercial purposes by a permanent resident or taxpayer upon first obtaining a permanent resident or taxpayer's permit from the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold. Such a permit shall be required for all persons ages 10 and older. Persons under the age of 10 may take shellfish only when accompanied by a valid permit -holder, and -any shellfish taken by such child shall count toward the maximum daily quantity allowed in this chapter for such permit -holder. D. Shellfish may be taken from Town waters for noncommercial purposes without obtaining a permit by a guest when accompanied by a permanent resident in'whose dwelling such , guest occupies living quarters, provided that such permanent resident is the holder of a valid shellfish permit. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the quantity of shellfish taken by a guest or guests shall be added to the quantity taken by the permanent resident accompanying the guest or guests, and the total amount thereof shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the maximum daily quantity prescribed in this chapter for such permanent resident. E. Except as set forth herein, no person shall take shellfish in any manner at any time from Town waters without a permit issued pursuant to this chapter. F. The possession of shellfish in excess of the limits, or of less size than that, set forth in this chapter, in the waters of the Town of Southold, shall be deemed presumptive evidence of a violation of this chapter. § 219-7. Permit fee; expiration; display. A. . The fee for a commercial shellfish permit shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board, upon recommendation by the Board of Trustees. Such permit shall expire on December 31 of the year of its issuance. 219:4 03-15-2008 § 219-7 SHELLFISH AND OTHER MARINE RESOURCES § 219-8 B. The fee for a nonresident shellfish permit sha11 be set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board, upon recommendation by the Board of Trustees. The nonresident permit shall expire on September 15 of the year of its issuance. C. The fee for a noncommercial permanent resident or taxpayer shellfish permit shall be $5. Such permit shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance. There shall be no fee for a permanent resident who has attained the age of 62 years. D. The holder of a shellfish permit shall carry the permit assigned to him or her on his or her person while engaged in the permitted activities, and the failure of such holders to exhibit their permit to an enforcement officer shall be presumptive evidence that no valid permit has been issued to him or her. § 219-8. Scallops. A. Scallop season for residents and nonresidents shall be set pursuant to New York State, as adopted by Board of Trustee resolution. B. Subject to the provisions of this section, during the first two weeks of scallop season, harvesting in Town waters shall be by hand or with. a scalp net only. During the first two weeks of scallop season, harvesting in Town waters shall be open to all permit holders, for the noncommercial limits set forth herein. C. Except as set forth above, during the commercial scallop season, scallops may be taken from Town waters with a dredge having an opening at the mouth of not more than 36 inches in width when towed by a boat operated by mechanical power or other means, provided that such dredge is brought aboard the boat by hand power without the .use of a mechanical device. D. Subject to the provisions of this section, a permanent resident, a taxpayer, a nonresident or a guest, .accompanied by a permanent resident, may take from Town waters not more than 1/2 bushel of scallops for noncommercial purposes in any one day by any one, person. Two or more persons occupying the same boat may take, in the aggregate, not more than two bushels of scallops in one day for noncommercial purposes. E. Subject to the provisions of this section, not more than five bushels of scallops may be taken from Town waters for commercial purposes in any one day by any one person. Two or more persons occupying the same boat may take, in the aggregate, not more than 10 bushels of scallops in one day for commercial purposes. F. Scallops shall not be taken from Town waters during the period from sunset to sunrise. - G. Scallops shall not be taken from Town waters on Sundays by uses of dredge or other power device. H. Scallops having an annual growth line and measuring not less than 2 1/4 inches from the middle of the hinge to the middle of the bill may be taken from Town waters only by resolution of the Southold Town Board of Trustees. 219:5 03-15-2008 § 219-9 SOUTHOLD CODE § 219-11 § 219-9. Clams. A. Hard clams less than one inch in thickness shall not be contained and shall be subject to, the requirements set forth in § 219-14A. B. Soft or steamer clams less than two inches in the longest diameter shall not be contained and shall be subject to the requirements set forth in § 219-14A. C. Churning by power may not be employed in the, taking of clams on land below the high -tide line in Town waters. D. A permanent resident, a taxpayer, a nonresident of a guest accompanied by a permanent resident may contain not more than 100 hard clams and 100 soft clams from Town waters in one day for noncommercial purposes. E. Not more than 2,000 hard clams may be taken from Town waters for commercial purposes in any one day by any one person. Two or more persons occupying the same boat may take, in aggregate, not more than 4,000 hard clams in one day for commercial purposes. § 219-10. Oysters. A. Oysters shall not be taken from Town waters during the period from May 1 to August 31 in each year, both dates inclusive, and shall be subject to the requirements of § 219-14A. B. Oysters shall not be taken from Town waters during the `period from sunset to sunrise. C. Only oysters measuring more than three .inches from the hinge to the bill may be taken from Town. waters, and shall be subject to the requirements of § 219-14A. D. A permanent resident, a taxpayer, a nonresident or a guest accompanied by a permanent resident may take not more than 1/2 bushel of oysters from Town Waters for noncommercial purposes in any one day by any one person._ Two or more persons occupying the same boat may take, in the aggregate, not more than one bushel of oysters from Town Waters in one day for noncommercial purposes. E. Not more than 2,000 oysters may be contained or taken from Town Waters for commercial purposes in any one day by any one person. Two or more persons occupying the same boat may take, in aggregate, not more than 4,000 oysters in one day from Town waters for commercial purposes. ARTICLE III Other Marine Resources § 219-11. Blue claw crabs. A. Blue claw crabs must be harvested according to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulations. 219:6 03-15-2008 § 219-12 SHELLFISH AND OTHER MARINE RESOURCES § 219-15 § 219-12. Mussels. A. A permanent resident, a taxpayer, a nonresident or a guest accompanied by a permanent resident may not contain more than one bushel of mussels from Town waters in one day for noncommercial purposes. Two or more persons occupying the same boat may contain, in aggregate, not more than two bushels of mussels from Town Waters in one day for noncommercial purposes. B. Not more than 10 bushels of mussels may be taken from Town waters for commercial purposes in one day by any one person. Two or more persons occupying the same boat may contain, in the aggregate, not more than 20 bushels of mussels in one day for commercial purposes. C. Ribbed mussels shall be contained by handpicking only. Raking for mussels in peat bog areas shall be prohibited. D. The containment of mussels is further regulated by New York State. § 219-13. Eels. A. Commercial purposes. No more than 50 eel pots or traps per permittee in Town waters shall be permitted. All pots must be identified with the shellfish permit number. B. A permanent resident,—taxpayer and temporary nonresident. No more than five eel pots in Town waters shall be permitted: All pots must be identified with the shellfish permit number. C. The containment of eels is further regulated by New York State. ARTICLE IV Prohibited Activities; Restricted Areas; Enforcement § 219-14. Culling shellfish and restoration of underwater lands. A. Shellfish shall be culled when taken. All shellfish taken which do not comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be immediately returned alive to the water in the immediate vicinity of where they were harvested. B. All lands under Town waters disturbed by the taking of shellfish shall be restored to their condition prior to the taking of such shellfish by the person taking such shellfish. § 219-15. Fixed gear. Fixed gear shall be placed no closer than the outer edge of any channel system and the gear shall not impede navigation. 4 219:7 03-15-2008 § 219-16 SOUTHOLD CODE § 219-21 § 219-16. Restricted areas. Shellfish shall not be taken from any Town waters which have been restricted by the. Town Board of Trustees, provided that such restricted areas shall have been properly designated by a resolution duly passed by said Board of Trustees and notices posted by said Board of Trustees. In addition, shellfish shall not be taken from the following habitat sanctuary zone in Hallock Bay, north of the line formed by the following coordinates (excluding Little Bay): from a westerly point at Lat 41 degrees 8 minutes 17.22 seconds N, Long 72 degrees 16 minutes 40.68 seconds W, for a distance 5,190 feet, S 81 degrees 10 minutes 8 seconds E, to an easterly point at Lat 41 degrees 8 minutes 24 seconds N, Long 72 degrees 15 minutes 33.81 seconds W. Such sanctuary area, depicted on a mapped image, shall be made part of all permits issued pursuant to this chapter. § 219-17. Planting of shellfish seed. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Board of Trustees may approve an organization plan for planting shellfish seed in Town waters and upon approval, the Board of Trustees may then authorize the approved organization and other volunteers acting under its supervision to plant shellfish seed in accordance with the approved plan. § 219-18. Transplanting of shellfish. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Town Board of Trustees may authorize the transplanting of shellfish in Town waters of any age or size, subject to its supervision, when it shall find that such shellfish are in danger of destruction as the result of predators, economic factors or other detrimental causes. § 219-19. Dredges and scrapes. Except as permitted by § 219-8C of this chapter, the use of a dredge, eel dredge, hydraulic means or similar device operated by mechanical power or other means is prohibited in Town waters except by special permission of the Trustees for scientific study projects. § 219-20. Vegetation removal prohibited. No person shall remove beach grasses or wetland vegetation. of any kind, nor place spoil thereon, in any other area of the Town of Southold without prior written approval by the Board of Town Trustees of the Town of Southold. § 219-21. Aquaculture/mariculture exemption. The Board of Trustees may grant an exemption or variance, in terms of permitted sizes, number and time periods of harvest, from the provisions of this chapter for aquaculture/mariculture activities that are properly permitted by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. 219:8 03-15-2008 § 219-22 SHELLFISH AND OTHER MARINE RESOURCES § 219-23 § 219-22. Penalties for offenses. A. For each offense against any provision of this chapter, the person committing the same shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $500 or imprisonment not exceeding 15 days. B. A second conviction for an offense against any of the provisions of this chapter within a period of one year shall result in immediate revocation of their permit. No new permit shall be issued to such person for at least one year after such forfeiture. C. In addition to the above -provided penalties and punishment, the Town Board may also commence an action or proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the offense against this chapter. § 219-23. Coordination and enforcement. The Director of Code Enforcement and/or the Bay Constable are responsible for coordination and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and have the authority to issue violations of the provisions of this chapter. 219:9 03-15-2008 Chapter 245 TAXATION ARTICLE I Senior Citizen Exemption § 245-1. Partial exemption for senior citizens. § 245-2. Conditions. § 245-3. Applications. § 245-4. Reapplications. § 245-5. Penalties for offenses. § 245-6. Notice. ARTICLE II Business Investment Exemption § 245-7. Exemption repealed. ARTICLE III Veterans' Exemption § 245-8. Purpose. § 245-9. Amount of exemption. ARTICLE IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income § 245-10. Exemption granted. ARTICLE V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers § 245-11. Exemption granted; amount; qualifications. § 245-12. Effective date. § 245-13. Unremarried spouses of volunteer fire fighters or ambulance workers killed in line of duty. § 245-14. Applicability. ARTICLE VI Exemption for War Veterans and Gold Star Parents § 245-15. Definitions. § 245-16. Exemption granted to veterans and Gold Star parents. ARTICLE VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans § 245-17. Definitions. § 245-18. Exemption granted. ARTICLE VIII Exemption for Historic Properties § 245-19. Real property exemption. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] 245:1 03-15-2008 § 245-1 SOUTHOLD CODE. § 245-1 ARTICLE I Senior Citizen Exemption [Adopted 4-20-19711 § 245-1. Partial exemption for senior citizens. " [Amended 3-12-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985; 2-2-1993 by L.L. No. 2-1993; 12-27-1994 by L.L. No. 31-1994; 5-28-1996 by L.L. No. 9-1996; 2-4-1997 by L.L. No. 3-1997; 2-29-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998] A. Amount of exemption. (1) Real property owned by one or more persons, each of whom is 65 years of age or over, or real property owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, shall be exempt from Town taxes to the extent provided, subject to the following income limitations: [Amended 9-29-1998 by L.L. No. 16-1998; 1-30-2001 by L.L. No. 3-2001; 3-25-2003 by L.L. No. 6-2003; 11-18-2003 by L.L. No. 26-2003; 2-13-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007] Income Extent of Exemption 2007-2008 Limit Up to $25,999 50% $26,000 to $26,999 45% $27,000 to $27,999 40% $28,000 to $28,999 35% $29,000 to $29,899 30% $29,900 to $30,799 25% $30,800 to $31,699 20% $31,700 to $32,599 15% $32,600 to $33,499 10% . $33,500 to $34,399 5% 2008-2009 Limit Up to $26,999 50% $27,000 to $27,999 45% $28,000 to $28,999 40% $29,000 to $29,999 35% $30,000 to $30,899 30% $30,900 to $31,799 25% $31,800 to $32,699 20% $32,700 to $33,599 15% $33,600 to $34,499 10% $34,500 to $35,399 5% 2009-2010 Limit Up to $27,999 50% 245:2 03-15-2008 § 245-1 TAXATION Income Extent of Exemption $28,000 to $28,999 45% $29,000 to $29,999. 40% $30,000 to $30,999 35% $31,000 to $31,899 30% $31,900 to $32,799 25% $32,800 to $33,699 20% § 245-1 245:2.1 03-15-2008 § 245-15 TAXATION § 245-16 U.S.C.A. §§ 10301 and 10501), and further to include near -foreign voyages between the United States, Canada, Mexico or the West Indies via ocean routes or public vessels in oceangoing service or. foreign waters and who has received a certificate of release or discharge from active duty and a discharge certificate or an honorable service certificate/report of casualty from the Department of Defense; C. Who served as a United States civilian employed by the American Field Service and served overseas under United States Armies and United States Army Groups in World War II during the period of armed conflict, December 7, 1941, through May 8, 1945, and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions; or D. Who served as a United States civilian flight crew and aviation ground support employee of Pan American World Airways or one of its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as a result of Pan American's contract with Air Transport Command or Naval Air Transport Service during the period of armed conflict, December 14, 1941, through August 14, 1945, and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions. § 245-16. Exemption granted to veterans and Gold Star parents. A. The maximum exemption allowable to qualifying residential real. property exempt from taxation under § 458-a of the New York Real Property Tax Law, to the extent of 15% of the assessed value, shall be increased from $27,000 to $54,000. B. In addition to the exemption provided by Subsection A of this section, the maximum exemption allowable to veterans who served in a combat theater or combat zone of operations, as documented by the award of the United States Campaign Ribbon or Service Medal, or the armed forces expeditionary medal, naval expeditionary medal, Marine Corps expeditionary medal, or global war on terrorism expeditionary medal, shall be increased from $27,000 to $36,000. C. The maximum exemption allowable as an additional exemption available to a veteran who has received a compensation rating from a New York veterans organization or the United States Department of Defense because of a service -connected disability, calculated as the product of the assessed value multiplied by 50% of the veteran's disability rating under § 458-a . of the New York Real Property Tax Law, is hereby increased from $90,000 to $180,000. D. The County of Suffolk hereby elects to include a Gold Star parent within the definition of "qualified owner" and to include property owned by a Gold Star parent within the definition of "qualifying residential real property," as provided in § 458-a(1)(c) and (d) of the New York Real Property Tax Law, on the condition that such property shall be the primary residence of the Gold Star parent. The exemption granted by Subsections A and B of this section are hereby extended to the primary residences of Gold Star parents located within the Town of Southold. The real property tax exemption provided to Gold Star parents under § 458-a of the New York Real Property Tax Law is hereby extended to such Gold Star parents to the maximum extent permissible under state law. 245:11 1 03-15-2008 § 245-16 SOUTHOLD CODE § 245-17 E. Where a veteran already receiving an exemption pursuant to § 458 or 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law sells the property receiving the exemption and purchases property within the same Town or Village, the Assessor shall transfer and prorate, for the remainder of the fiscal year, the exemption which the veteran received. The prorated exemption shall be based upon the date the veteran obtains title to the new property and shall be calculated by multiplying the tax rate or rates for each municipal corporation which levied taxes, or for which taxes were levied, on the appropriate tax roll used for the fiscal year or years during which the transfer occurred times the previously granted exempt amount times the fraction of each fiscal_ year or years remaining subsequent to the transfer of title. Nothing in this section shall be construed to remove the requirement that any such veteran transferring an exemption pursuant to this section reapply for the exemption authorized pursuant to §.458-a of the Real Property Tax Law on or before the following taxable status date, in the event such veteran wishes to receive the exemption in future fiscal years. ARTICLE VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans [Adopted 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 25-20071 ] § 245-17. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated. ACTIVE DUTY — Full-time duty in the United States armed forces, other than active duty for training. ARMED FORCES — The United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. COLD WAR VETERAN — A person, male or female, who served on -active duty for a period of more than 365 days in the United States armed forces, during the time period from September 2, 1945 to December 26, 1991, was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions and has been awarded .the Cold War recognition certificate as authorized under Public Law 105-85, the 1998 National Defense Authorization Act. LATEST CLASS RATIO — The latest final class ratio established by the state board for use in a special assessing unit. LATEST STATE EQUALIZATION RATE — The latest final equalization rate established by the state -board. QUALIFIED OWNER — A Cold War veteran, the spouse of a Cold War veteran, or the unremarried surviving spouse of a deceased Cold War veteran. Where property is owned by more than one qualified owner, the exemption to which each is entitled may be combined. Where a veteran is also the unremarried surviving spouse of a veteran, such person may also receive any exemption to which the deceased spouse was entitled. 1. Editor's Note: This locallaw stated that it shall apply to assessment rolls prepared on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after January 1, 2008. 245:12 03 - 15 - 2008 § 245-17 TAXATION § 245-18 QUALIFIED RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY — Property owned by a qualified owner which is used exclusively for residential purposes; provided, however, that in the event that any portion of such property is not used exclusively for residential purposes, but is used for other purposes, such portion shall be subject to taxation and only the remaining portion used exclusively for residential purposes shall be subject to the exemption provided by this section. Such property shall be the primary residence of the Cold War veteran or the unremarried surviving spouse of a Cold War veteran; unless the Cold War veteran or unremarried surviving spouse is absent from the property due to medical reasons or institutionalization for up to five years. SERVICE CONNECTED — With respect to disability or death, such disability was incurred or aggravated, or that the death resulted from a disability incurred or aggravated, in line of duty on active military, naval or air service. § 245-18. Exemption granted. A. Qualifying residential real property shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of 15% of the assessed value of such property; provided, however, that such exemption shall not exceed $12,000 or the product of $12,000 multiplied by the latest state equalization or the latest class ratio, whichever is less. B. In addition to the, exemption provided by Subsection A of this section, where the Cold War veteran received a compensation rating from the United States Veterans Affairs or from the United States Department of Defense because of a service -connected disability, qualifying residential real property shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of the product of the assessed value of such property, multiplied by 50% of the Cold War veteran disability rating; provided, however, that such exemption shall not exceed $40,000, or the product of $40,000 multiplied by the latest state qualization rate or the latest class ratio, whichever is less. C. If a Cold War veteran receives the exemption under Article VI of this Chapter, the Cold War veteran shall not be eligible to receive the exemption under this section. D. The exemption provided by Subsection A of this section shall be granted for a period of 10 years. The commencement of such ten-year period shall be governed pursuant to this subsection. Where a qualified owner owns qualifying residential real property on the effective date of this section, such ten-year period shall be measured from the assessment roll prepared pursuant to the first taxable status date occurring on or after the effective date of this section. Where a qualified owner does not own qualifying residential real property on the effective date of this section, such .ten-year period shall be measured from the assessment roll prepared pursuant to the first taxable status date occurring at least 60 days after the date of purchase of qualifying residential real property; provided, however, that should the veteran apply for and be granted an exemption on the assessment roll prepared pursuant to a taxable status date occurring within 60 days after the date of purchase of residential real property, such ten-year period shall be measured from the first assessment roll in which the exemption occurs. If, before the expiration of such ten-year period, such exempt property is sold and replaced with other residential real property, such exemption may be granted pursuant to this subsection for the unexpired portion of the ten-year exemption period. 245:13 03-15-2008 § 245-18 SOUTHOLD CODE § 245-19 E. Application for exemption shall be made by the owner, or all of the owners, of the property on a form prescribed by the state board. The owner or owners shall file the completed form in the Assessor's Office on or before the first appropriate taxable status date. The owner or owners of the property shall be required to refile each .year. Applicants shall refile on or before the appropriate taxable status date. Any applicant convicted of willfully making any false statement in the application for such exemption shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in the Penal Law. ARTICLE VIII Exemption for Historic Properties [Adopted 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 24-200721 § 245-19. Real property exemption. The Town of Southold hereby grants an exemption from taxation and special ad valorem levies as authorized under § 444-a of the New York Real Property Tax Law and as provided herein: A. Property located within the' Town of Southold designated as "historic" pursuant to Chapter 170 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold shall be exempt from taxation and special ad valorem levies imposed by or on behalf of the Town of Southold, to the extent of any increase in value attributable to alteration or rehabilitation pursuant to the following schedule: Year of Exemption 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extent of Exemption 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% B. No such exemption shall be granted unless: (1) Such property 'has been designated as ."historic" pursuant to Chapter 170 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold; (2) Alterations or rehabilitation must be made for means of historic preservation; 2. Editor's Note: This local law stated that it shall apply to assessment rolls prepared on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after January 1, 2008. 245:14 03-15-2008 § 245-19 TAXATION § 245-19 (3) Such alterations or rehabilitation of historic property meet the guidelines and review standards of Chapter 170 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold; (4) Such alterations. or rehabilitation of historic property are approved by the Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission; (5) . Alterations or rehabilitation are commenced subsequent to the effective date of this article. C. Such exemption shall be granted only by application of the owner or owners of such historic real property on a form prescribed by the State Board of Real Property Services. The application shall be filed with the Town of Southold Assessors on or before the appropriate taxable status date of Suffolk County. D. Such exemption shall be granted where the Town of Southold Assessors are satisfied that the applicant is entitled to an exemption pursuant to this article. The Assessor shall approve such application and such property shall thereafter be exempt from taxation as herein provided commencing with the assessment roll prepared on the basis of the taxable status date referred to in Subsection A of this section. The assessed value of any exemption granted pursuant to this article shall be entered by the Assessor on the assessment roll with the taxable property, with the amount of the exemption shown in a separate column. 245:15 03-15-2008 Chapter 275 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE ARTICLE I General Provisions § 275-1. Title. § 275-2. Definitions; word usage. § 275-3. Findings; purpose; § 275-8. jurisdiction; setbacks. § 275-4. Exceptions. performance guarantee upon ARTICLE II Permits § 275-5. Permit procedures. § 275-6. Application. § 275-7. Fees. § 275-8. Processing of application. § 275-9. Conditions, inspection fees, performance guarantee upon issuance of permit. § 275-10. Contents of permit. § 275-11. . Construction and operation standards. § 2751-12. Standards for issuance of permit. § 275-12.1. Stop -work orders. § 275-13. Certificate of compliance. § 275-14. Transferability. ARTICLE III Administration and Enforcement § 275-15. Coordination and enforcement. § 275-16. Compliance requirements; penalties for offenses. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 2-24-2004 by L.L. No. 6-2004. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Notice of public hearings — See Ch. 55. Shellfish — See Ch. 219. Boats, docks and wharves — See Ch. 96. Soil removal — See Ch. 228. Coastal erosion , See Ch. 111. Subdivision of land — See Ch. 240. Environmental quality review — See Ch. 130. Zoning — See Ch. 280. Flood drainage prevention — See Ch. 148. ARTICLE I General Provisions § 275-1. Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Wetlands Law of the Town of Southold." 275:1 03-15-2008 § 275-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-2 §'275-2. Definitions; word usage. A. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE — A building or structure detached from a principal building located on the same lot as and customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal building. ACCESS PATH — An area, cleared by hand or hand-held equipment, no more than four feet wide, left in its natural state and devoid of any man-made structure, to provide a walkway to a body of water. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT — A permit intended to provide an expedited review for projects that are deemed consistent with the Trustee's policy regarding protection of wetland resources. AESTHETICS = The natural intrinsic appearance of a site or object. in the context of surrounding land use, views, viewsheds and vistas important to the community. AGRICULTURE — The production, keeping or maintenance, for sale, lease or personal use, of all plants and animals useful to man, including but not limited to forages and sod crops; grains and seed crops; dairy animals and dairy products; poultry and poultry products; livestock, including beef cattle, sheep, swine, horses, ponies, mules or goats or any mutation of hybrids thereof, including the breeding and grazing of any or all of such animals; bees and apiary products; fur animals; fruits of all kinds, including grapes, nuts and berries, vegetables; floral, ornamental and greenhouse products; or lands devoted to a soil conservation or forestry management program. APPLICANT — The party applying for permits or other approval pursuant to Chapter 275. APPLICATION — The completed form or forms and all accompanying documents, exhibits, and fees required of an applicant pursuant to Chapter 275. AQUACULTURE — The raising or cultivation of nursery spawn shellfish in artificial containment systems in, on or off bottom. AS -BUILT PLANS — Plans prepared to scale by a licensed surveyor detailing any and all operations conducted according to a valid permit. BAY — Cutchogue Harbor, Gidds Bay, Great Peconic Bay, Hallocks Bay, Hog Neck Bay, Little Peconic Bay, Long Beach Bay, Orient Harbor and Southold Bay. BEACH — The zone of unconsolidated earth that extends landward from the mean low water line to the seaward toe of a dune or bluff, or whichever is most seaward. Where no dune or bluff exists landward of a beach, the landward limit of a beach is 100 feet landward from the place where there is a marked change in material or physiographic form from the line of permanent vegetation, whichever is most seaward. Shorelands subject to seasonal or frequent overwash or inundation are considered to be beaches. 275:2 03-15-2008 § 275-2 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-2 BLUFF — Any bank of cliff with a precipitous or steeply sloped face adjoining a beach or a body of water. The waterward limit of a bluff is the landward limit of its waterward natural protective feature. Where no beach is present, the waterward limit of a bluff is mean low water. The landward limit is 25 feet landward of the receding edge or, in those cases -where there is no discernible line of active erosion; 25 feet landward of the point of inflection on the top of the bluff. The point of inflection is that point along the top of the bluff where the trend of the land slope changes to begin its descent to the shoreline. BLUFF LINE — The landward limit of a bluff that is 25 feet landward of the receding edge or, in those cases where there is no discernible line of active erosion, 25 feet landward of the .point of inflection on the top of the bluff. The point of inflection is that point along the top of the bluff where the trend of the land slope changes to begin its descent to the shoreline. BOARD — Unless otherwise indicated, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. BOATNESSEL — Any floating object capable of carrying people as a means of transportation in water, including an airplane capable of landing on water as well as any floating structure not otherwise considered to be part of a dock structure as defined herein, with or without means of propulsion, that can be moored independently or can be secured by any means to a piling, dock, bulkhead, groin, or other fixed device located above or below mean high water. This definition excludes floating docks. BUFFER AREA — A defined area landward of a wetland boundary, coastal erosion hazard line or bluff line measured as a linear distance, perpendicular to said boundary. BULKHEAD — A structure or barrier, the intended use for which is to separate and act as a barrier between earthen material and water. This definition excludes gabions and revetments. CATWALK — An elevated walkway, usually built to gain access to a commercial or residential dock, built at a fixed height above grade and which is constructed landward of the high-water mark. CLEARING — Cutting down, felling, thinning, logging or removing, killing, destroying, poisoning, ringbarking, uprooting or burning vegetation, severing, topping or lopping branches, limbs, stems or trunks or substantially damaging or injuring in other ways that would cause or contribute to the death or affect the survivability and growth of vegetation. This definition also includes removal of dead and dying vegetation. CLERK — Unless otherwise indicated, the Clerk of the Board of Trustees. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE — The landward boundary of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area defined by Article 34 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE — Agriculture (See above.) intended to earn an income. 275:3 03-15-2008 § 275-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-2 COMMERCIAL DOCK — Any catwalk, fixed or floating dock or extension of such, designed, used and/or intended for use other than as a residential dock, as defined in this chapter. CONSERVATION — Protection in natural or existing condition. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C & D) DEBRIS — Includes, but is not limited to, waste cement, concrete, masonry work, brick, tile, sheetrock, plaster, wood shingles and the like and rubble resulting from remodeling, demolition, repair and building of structures.. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] CREEKS — Broadwaters Cove, Brushes Creek, Budd's Pond, Cedar Beach Creek, Corey Creek, Dam Pond, Deep Hole Creek, Down's Creek, East Creek, East Harbor, Goose Creek, Goldsmiths Inlet, Gull Pond, Hallock's Bay, Halls Creek, Hashamomuck Creek, Haywaters Cove, James Creek, , Jockey Creek, Little Creek, Long Beach Bay, Mattituck Creek, Mattituck Inlet, Mud Creek, Paradise Point Creek, Pipes Neck Creek, Richmond Creek, Town Creek, West Creek, West Harbor, West Lake, Wickham Creek, Wunnewata Lagoon and Wunnewata Pond. CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS -All sites previously nominated by the Town of Southold and designated by the New York Sate Department of state as Critical Environmental Areas worthy of protection including: Cutchogue Harbor Wetlands, Hallock's Bay, Dam Pond, Downs Creek, Orient Creek, West Creek, Richmond Creek and Beach,, Brush's Creek, Cedar Beach Creek, Corey Creek, Deep Hole Creek, Goldsmiths Inlet, Halls Creek, Goose Creek, Little Creek, Mill Creek and Pipes' Cove Creek. DECK — A. structure and/or platform without a roof that is either freestanding or attached to a building supported by pillars and/or posts constructed of various materials. DECKING — Horizontal structural components of a dock, deck, pier or other shoreline structure intended to be walked upon. DOCK — Any permanent or seasonal structure, except a building, located or proposed to be located on lands abutting or comprised of freshwater or tidal wetlands or connected to a bulkhead or the upland and extending over the water's surface, designed to secure vessels and provide access from, the shore to a body of water. For the purpose of this chapter, this term shall also include the associated structures necessary to cross wetlands and adjacent natural areas. The term "dock" includes the terms "wharves," "piers," "fixed docks," "docks," or "floats." [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 DOCK LENGTH — The length of a dock, including all fixed docks, ramps, floating . docks and mooring piles, as measured from the most landward portion of the structure to the seaward -most portion of the dock or the seaward=most mooring pile, whichever distance is greater. DUNE — A ridge or hill of loose, windblown or artificially placed earth, the principal component of which is sand. EROSION CONTROL — Actions taken or structures installed to prevent the wearing away of the land or loss of soil by the action of water, ice or wind. Erosion control 275:4 03-15-2008 § 275-2 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-2 typically relates to stabilization of unvegetated soils resulting from excavation, grading, stockpiling, construction or other activities. FIXED DOCK — An elevated walkway which is constructed at a fixed height above grade and which extends seaward from the high-water mark or a point landward. FLOATING DOCK — Any structure, raft or floating platform which is designed to float upon the surface of a water body and is secured in place by poles, pilings, anchors, or any other type of mooring system that provides access to the water. A floating dock includes the float itself and any pilings or mooring system designed to keep the dock at a fixed point. FUNCTIONAL — Any structure that has essentially retained its purpose and use within the 24 months preceding the operations or activities at issue, as determined by the Board of Trustees. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 FUNCTIONAL BULKHEAD — A bulkhead that is at least 75% physically intact and serving the purposes for which it was designed. FUNCTIONAL JETTY/GROIN — A jetty or groin that is at least 75% physically intact and serving the purposes for which it was designed. GABION — A shoreline structure consisting of stone and/or rock enclosed in a mesh cage or similar, designed to stabilize soil or sediments. GROIN — A man-made barrier perpendicular to the shoreline used to change the natural littoral drift, prevent erosion, maintain inlet entrances, or protect an area from wave energy. See "jetty." HABITAT — The place where a plant or animal species naturally lives and grows; or characteristics of the soil, water, and biologic community (other plants and animals) that make this possible. HABITAT FRAGMENTATION — Destruction or impairment of habitat such that it results in breaks in areas of contiguous habitat. Habitat fragmentation can also cause a greater distance between adjacent (noncontiguous) habitats. These actions prevent the transfer of organisms, natural materials and energy within a habitat. Habitat fragmentation can result from the placement of physical barriers within a contiguous habitat or between adjacent habitats, but can also- occur as a result of removal of vegetative cover, changes in sediment characteristics and/or changes in hydrology. HARVESTING — The gathering or collecting of natural resources and organisms. HOMEOWNERS' OR HOMES ASSOCIATION — A community association, including a condominium association, which is organized in a residential development in which individual owners have a shared interest in the responsibility for open space or facilities. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-20051 HORTICULTURE — The raising of plants. (See "agriculture.") IMMEDIATE PROJECT AREA — The minimum area required to allow access to the site by the machinery conducting the operation. 275:5 03-15-2008 § 275-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-2 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE — Any hard -surfaced, man-made area that does not retain or absorb .water, including but not limited to building roofs, paved parking lots and driveways, sidewalks and other paved areas. JETTY — A man-made barrier perpendicular to the shoreline used to change the natural littoral drift, prevent erosion, maintain inlet entrances, or protect an area from wave energy. See "groin." LANDWARD — In the opposite direction from the water or wetland. LOW -PROFILE JETTIES — The ' definition of a low -profile jetty is site specific, but typically is a structure no higher than 18 inches. to 24 inches above existing soil or sediment grade. LOW -SILL BULKHEAD — A subtidal structure designed to stabilize the toe of a slope or shore and often associated with boat basins or other navigable waterways. MAINTENANCE DREDGING — A dredging project , will be considered maintenance dredging if there is documentary evidence that it has been previously dredged. MAN-MADE POND — A constructed inland body of water, including, but not limited to, lined and unlined irrigation ponds and ornamental ponds. MARINA — Any dock, pier or other facility operated for profit, or to which public patronage is invited, providing moorings, dockage or other marine services primarily for power and sailing yachts, launches or other watercraft, other than floating homes, and which may also be capable, of removing any and all watercraft moored or docked within the marina from the water for repair and/or storage. ' MATERIAL - Soil, sand, stone, gravel, clay, bog, peat, mud or any other material, including liquids, organic or inorganic. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) — The average of all the water heights observed over the most previous nineteen -year period. MEAN LOW WATER (MLW) — The average of all the low heights observed over the most previous nineteen -year period. MONOPOLIZE — The use for an unreasonable period of time to the exclusion of others or to unreasonably restrict or obstruct the use of any public bulkhead, dock or landing owned or controlled by the Town of Southold. MOORING — Anchoring for greater than 24 hours. NONDISTURBANCE BUFFER — A vegetated area, a minimum of 30 feet wide or as designated by the Board of Trustees, immediately landward of the wetland boundary, shoreline structure, or 'other line designated by the Trustees where no operations, maintenance, placement of signs or other activities may take place, except that man-made debris may be removed from such area by hand without the permission of the Board of Trustees. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 275:6 03-15-2008 § 275-2 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-2 NONFERTILIZER — Not to include the use of fertilizers of 'any type. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] NONTURF BUFFER — Any pervious material allowing for percolation of surface runoff into the soil. Examples include: natural vegetation, wood chips, mulch, gravel, and sand. Decks may be allowed if they are level or pitched away from the water, are pervious to precipitation and are constructed of materials other than treated lumber. Any and all runoff generated by such structures must be allowed to percolate into the ground directly below the structure. Fertilizers may not be used within the nonturf buffer area. OPERATIONS — [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-20051 (1) The removal of material from wetlands or otherwise within Trustee jurisdiction. (2) The deposit or discharge of material on wetlands or otherwise within Trustee jurisdiction. (3) The deposit or discharge of material on any area that results .in the transport of said materials into wetlands or otherwise within Trustee jurisdiction. (4) The erection, construction, alteration or enlargement of any building, dock, pier, wharf, bulkhead, jetty, groin or other structure, temporary or permanent, on wetlands, or otherwise within Trustee jurisdiction. (5) Removing or otherwise affecting the growth of plants in wetlands or otherwise within Trustee jurisdiction. ORDINARY AND USUAL MAINTENANCE — Actions which are required to preserve in a condition or state of equivalent quality to that which was approved or required by permit. ORIGINAL STRUCTURE — The earliest known, permitted or otherwise documented structure. PATENT LANDS — All uplands and underwater lands owned in fee title by the Trustees by virtue of the Andros Patent (October 31, 1676). PEAK LUNAR TIDES — Those excessively high tides or spring tides caused by lunar gravitational phenomena. PERSON — Any individual, any combination of individuals, firm, partnership, association, society, corporation, joint-stock company, company, organization or other legal entity of any kind, including municipal corporations or governmental agencies or subdivisions thereof. PIER — A fixed structure to secure vessels, unloading or loading persons or property or providing access to the water. See "wharf." PIER LINE — The average seaward projection of one or more existing permitted docks, piers, wharves or floats. The average seaward projection is calculated by adding the length of all docks within the immediate area and dividing by the number of said docks. PLATFORM — See "deck." 275:7 03-15-2008 § 275-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-2 POND — An inland body of water. PREEXISTING NONPERMITTED AND/OR, NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES — A structure, use or lot that. is not otherwise permitted but which is allowed to continue solely because it was lawfully existing prior to the effective date of the original law or ordinance or prior to any subsequent amendment, as the case may be. Any determination of lawful existence must at least include a review of prior land use laws and ordinances. PROACTIVE RESTORATION — Restoration undertaken solely for the benefit of the natural environment and not associated with compensatory mitigation or other regulatory requirements. Proactive restoration typically includes planting of beneficial native vegetation (i.e., vegetative enhancement) in a natural setting at a time, place and in a position that are conducive to future survival and growth. RESIDENTIAL — Associated with a single- or multiple -family home, apartment or condominium, excluding marinas and public property. RESIDENTIAL DOCK — Any fixed dock and/or floating dock designed or constructed as a continuous unit to provide access to the surface waters from a lot that is zoned for residential use. The term "dock" shall include all associated structures such as ramps and mooring piles. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 RESIDENTIAL HORTICULTURE — The raising of plants for ornamental purposes on residential lots. RESOURCE BUFFER AREA — A buffer area with specific quantifiable natural resource value. RETAINING WALL — A bulkhead landward of the wetland boundary. REVETMENT — A shoreline hardening structure landward of the wetland boundary typically constructed of rock or stone. See " gabion." RIPRAP — A layer, facing or protective mound of rubble or stones randomly placed to prevent erosion, scour, or sloughing of a structure or embankment; also the stone used for this purpose. SETBACK — The minimum distance by which any building, structure or operations must be separated from a wetland boundary, coastal erosion hazard line or bluff line. SHEATHING — Vertical structural components of a bulkhead or retaining wall necessary to keep soil and sediment from passing through the structure. SHORELINE STRUCTURE — Any intentionally constructed structure on the shore composed of man-made or natural materials. See "structure." SILT BOOM — A structure deployed within the water column that is designed to prevent passage of suspended sediments and contaminants from spreading from the immediate project area to surrounding waters. Properly installed, silt booms completely surround the project area.- SOUND rea. SOUND — Long Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound and Block Island Sound 275:8 03-15-2008 § 275-2 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-2 SPAWNER SANCTUARY — An .area of bottom designated by the Trustees for the purpose of protecting and enhancing shellfish populations for a specific period of time. SPLIT -RAIL FENCE — A linear fence structure composed of posts and rails. STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS — Pilings, deadmen, rails, whalers and other significant components used to hold together and anchor docks, piers, wharves, jetties, groins and other shoreline structures. STRUCTURE — Any object constructed, installed or placed in, on or under land or water, including but not limited to a building; permanent shed; deck; in -ground and aboveground pool; garage; .mobile home; road; public service distribution, transmission or collection system; tank; dock; pier; wharf; groin; jetty; seawall; bulkhead; breakwater; revetment; artificial beach nourishment; boat rack; trellis; arbor; gazebo; walkway; statue; sculpture; stairs; or any addition to or alteration of the same. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-20051 SUBTIDAL — Existing at or below mean low water. TIDAL WATERS — All waters bordering on or within the boundaries of the Town of Southold subject to fluctuation in depth from peak lunar, storm or normal tidal action, and including, but not limited to, all brackish and salt waters of streams, ponds, creeks, estuaries, sounds, bays and inlets. TOWN — The Town of Southold. TOWN WATERS — All the waters lying over patent lands. (See definition.) TROPICAL HARDWOOD — Any of a number of species of hardwood harvested from areas situated in the tropics (the region on either side of the equator). TRUSTEES — The Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. VEGETATED WETLANDS — Any and all wetland types supporting or capable of supporting emergent, submerged or floating -leaved vegetation as described in § 275-2, "wetlands (freshwater)" and "wetlands (tidal)." WALER — Structural member of a bulkhead used to hold the sheathing behind the pilings. Normally there are top and bottom walers. WATER -DEPENDENT USES — An activity which can only be conducted on, in, over or adjacent to a water body because such activity requires direct access to that water body, and which involves, as an integral part of such activity, the use of the water. The uses include, but are not limited to commercial and recreational fishing and boating facilities, finfish and shellfish processing, fish storage and retail and wholesale fish marketing facilities, waterfront dock facilities, shipyards and boat -building facilities, navigation aides, basins and channels, industrial uses dependent upon waterborne transportation or requiring large volumes of cooling or processing water and which cannot reasonably be located or operated at an inland site, and uses which primarily provide general public access to marine or tidal waters. 275:9 03-15-2008 § 275-2 SOUTHOLD CODE. § 275-2 WETLAND BOUNDARY OR BOUNDARIES OF WETLAND — Wetland ecosystems generally possess three essential characteristics: (1) hydrophytic vegetation, (2) hydric soils, and wetland hydrology. The wetland indicator status of all plants can be found in the National List of Plants that Occur in Wetlands (USFWS). The wetland boundary is most easily determined by defining the outer limit of the vegetation specified in the definition of "freshwater, brackish or tidal wetlands." The wetland boundary is to be defined and flagged at the point where existing wetland indicator species no longer have a competitive advantage over upland species. Wetland and upland plants will mix together at this transition zone. For freshwater wetlands that frequently lack standing water_ (shrub swamps, deciduous swamps, coniferous swamps and wet meadows), vegetation alone may not be adequately diagnostic for identification of a wetland boundary. In these wetland types, field verification of wetland hydrology and/or hydric soils might be required to define the boundary. The methodology used to determine this boundary shall be the same methodology utilized in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Technical Methods Statement relating to the Freshwater Wetlands Act. WETLANDS (FRESHWATER) — [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] (1) "Freshwater, wetlands" as defined in Article 24, Title 1, § 24-0107, Subdivisions 1(a) to 1(d) inclusive, of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York; or (2) All lands and waters in the Town which contain any or all of the following: (a) Lands and submerged lands commonly called "marshes," "swamps," "sloughs," "bogs" and "flats" supporting aquatic or semiaquatic vegetation of the following types: [1] Wetland trees which depend upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently waterlogged soils to give them a competitive advantage over other trees, including, among others, red maple (Acer rubrum), willows (Salix spp.), black spruce (Picea mariana); swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor), red ash (Fraxinum pennsylvanica), black ash (Fraxinus nigra), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), American elm (Ulmus americana) and larch (Larix laricina); [2] Wetland shrubs which depend upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently waterlogged soils to give them a competitive advantage over other shrubs, including, among others, alder (Alnus spp.), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), common winterberry (flex verticillata) leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata), and swamp azalea (Rhododendron viscosum); [3] Emergent vegetation, including, among others, cattails (Typha spp.), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), bulrushes (Scirpus spp.), arrow arum (Peltandra virginica), arrowheads (Sagittaria spp.), common reed (Phragmites australis), wild rice (Zizania aquatica), bur -reeds (Sparganium spp.), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), swamp 275:10 03 - 15 - 2008 § 275-2 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-2 loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus) and water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica); [4] Rooted, floating -leaved vegetation, including, among others, water -lily (Nymphaea odorata), water shield (Brasenia schreberi) and spatterdock (Nuphar spp.); [5] Free-floating vegetation, including, among others, duckweed (Lemna spp.), big duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) and watermeal (Wolffia spp.); [6] Wet -meadow vegetation which depends upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently waterlogged soils to give it a competitive advantage over other open land vegetation, including, among others, sedges (Carex spp.), rushes (Juncus spp.), cattails (Typha spp.), rice cut -grass (Leersia oryzoides), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus) and spikerush (Eleocharis spp.); [7] Bog mat vegetation, including, among others, sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum spp.), bog rosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla), leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata), pitcher plant (Sarracenis purpurea) and cranberries (Vaccinum macrocarpon and V. oxycoccos); or [8] Submergent vegetation, including, among others, pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.), naiads (Najas spp.), bladderworts (Utricularia spp.), wild celery (Vallisneria americana), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), water milfoils (Myriophyllum spp.), muskgrass (Chart: spp.), stonewort (Nitella spp.), water weeds (Elodea spp.) and water smartweed (Polygonum amphibium). (b) Lands and submerged lands containing remnants of any vegetation that is not aquatic or semiaquatic that has died because of wet conditions over a sufficiently long period, provided that such wet conditions do not exceed a maximum seasonal water depth of six feet and provided further that such conditions can be expected to persist indefinitely, barring human intervention. (c) Lands and waters substantially enclosed by aquatic or semiaquatic vegetation as set forth in Subsection (2)(a) or be dead vegetation as set forth in Subsection (2)(b), the regulation of which is necessary to protect and preserve the aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation. (d) The waters overlying the areas set forth in Subsection (2)(a) and (b) and the lands underlying Subsection (2)(c). WETLANDS (TIDAL) — (1) All lands generally covered or intermittently covered with, or which border on, tidal waters, or lands lying beneath tidal waters, which at mean low tide are covered by tidal waters to a maximum depth of five feet, including but not limited to banks, bogs, salt marsh, swamps, meadows, flats or other low-lying lands subject to tidal action; 275:11 63-15-2008 § 275-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-3 (2) All banks, bogs, meadows, flats and tidal marsh subject to such tides and upon which grows or may grow some or any of the following: smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), salt hay grass (Spartina patens), black grass (Juncus gerardii), saltworts (Salicomia spp.), sea lavender (Limoneum spp.), marsh elder (Iva frutescens), groundsel (Baccharis halimfolia), marshmallow (Hibiscus spp.) WHARF — See "pier." WIDTH OF CREEK — The distance across a creek from mean low water to mean low water, perpendicular to the main channel directly in front of the subject parcel. B. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the present tense include the future; words used in the plural number include the singular number; and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not directory. § 275-3. Findings; purpose; jurisdiction; setbacks. A. Findings. The Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that rapid growth, the spread of development and increasing demands upon natural resources are encroaching upon or eliminating many of its wetlands and patent lands, which, if preserved and maintained in an undisturbed and natural condition, constitute important physical, social, aesthetic, recreational and economic assets to existing and future residents of the Town of Southold. In addition, there has been a significant increase in the applications for and the numbers of fixed and floating piers and docks accessory to upland residential and other uses. Most of these structures and the uses they support are on and in publicly owned land and waters and always have some effect on physical, biological, ecosystem functions and values, development patterns and the aesthetic character of the area. Therefore it is essential to regulate the type and placement of such structures. B. Purpose. It is the intention of this chapter to ensure for the citizens of the Town of Southold the protection, preservation, proper maintenance and use of its wetlands, giving due consideration to the reasonable economic and social development of the Town. In addition, the Town Board declares that it is the intention of this chapter to regulate the type and placement of fixed and floating piers and docks for the protection, preservation, proper maintenance and use of its waters and wetlands. Therefore, the Town Board declares that the regulation of the wetlands of the Town of Southold is essential to the health, safety and welfare of the people of the Town of Southold. The wetlands shall be regulated in order to maintain and contribute to the following resource area values and the attributes and functions they possess: protection of public and private water supply; groundwater; flood control; erosion and sedimentation control; storm damage prevention; water pollution control; fisheries; shellfish, , including spawner sanctuaries; wildlife habitat; agriculture; aquaculture; aesthetics; public access and recreation. In addition, the following resource area values shall be maintained and protected: prevention of flood damage by limiting of development in flood hazard areas; prevention of damage to structures and natural resources as a result of erosion; improvement of water quality; protection and enhancement of existing vegetation cover in order to maintain water quality and wildlife habitat: protection of wildlife, waterfowl, and plant habitat and the 275:12 03-15-2008 § 275-3 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-3 maintenance of existing populations and species diversity; prevention of loss or degradation of critical wildlife and plant habitat; prevention of new stormwater runoff discharge and the improvement of existing stormwater runoff discharges; protection of coastal ecosystems which support the continued viability of harvestable shellfish and finfish habitat; public access to water and land; improvement of groundwater recharge; and the minimization of the impact of new development, restoration and/or expansion on the resource area values listed above. C. Jurisdiction: The following areas are subject to protection under Chapter 275 of the Code of Southold. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] (1) Any freshwater wetland, tidal wetland, beach, bluff, dune, flat, marsh, swamp, wet meadow, bog, or vernal pool; (2) Any creek, estuary, stream, pond, canal, or lake; (3) Land under water; (4) . Land subject to tidal action; (5) Land within 100 feet of the areas listed above. D. Setbacks. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-20051 (1) The following minimum setbacks apply to any and all operations proposed on residential property within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees: (a) Wetland boundary. [1] Residence: 100 feet. [2] Driveway: 50 feet. [3] Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool): 100 feet. [4] Septic tank: 75 feet. [5] Swimming pool and related structures: 50 feet. [6] Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet. [7] Placement of C & D material: 100 feet. (b) Bluff line. [ 1 ] Residence: 100 feet. [2] Driveway: 100 feet. [3] Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool): 100 feet. [4] Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet. 275:13 03-15-2008 § 275-3 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-4 (2) The Board of Trustees reserves the right to waive or alter these setbacks where site-specific and/or environmental conditions justify such action. § 275-4. Exceptions. A. The provisions of this chapter shall not require a permit for the following: [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005; 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (1) . The ordinary and usual operations incidental to the harvesting of fish and shellfish. (2) The ordinary and usual operations relative to conservation of soil, vegetation, fish and wildlife landward of the wetland boundary. (3) The ordinary and usual operations relative to preexisting commercial agriculture and horticulture landward of the wetland boundary. (4) The ordinary and usual operations relative to residential horticulture within Trustees' jurisdiction provided they are limited to the use of noninvasive native species of vegetation. Re -grading and removal of trees are not considered such ordinary and usual operations. (5) . The ordinary and usual maintenance or repair (of the same dimensions) of a functional building, dock, pier, wharf, jetty, groin, dike; dam or other water -control device or structure, for which structure a wetland permit has been issued by the Town. (6) Environmental testing activities, including test borings, small volume soil sampling, environmental assessment and inventory activities, provided such operations do not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. (7) The ordinary and usual maintenance or repair of a man-made pond as defined. in § 275-2. This exception does not apply to filling of unlined man-made ponds. (8) Proactive restoration or, enhancement projects conducted in cooperation with the Trustees, including, but not limited to, salt marsh restoration, eelgrass plantings or other vegetative enhancement work. (9) Installation or burial of a residential propane tank within 100 feet of wetlands in an existing, established yard area when more appropriate upland placement is not possible. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] (10) Installation of new or replacement windows, roof shingles, doors, dormers and siding on existing structures only. (11) Notwithstanding the above listed exceptions, operations within a designated nondisturbance buffer are prohibited. B. Nothing contained in this section shall alter the jurisdiction of the Southold Town Board of Trustees. These listed exceptions do not provide an exemption from the requirements of other departments or agencies. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] 275:14 03-15-2008 § 275-5 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-5 ARTICLE II Permits § 275-5. Permit procedures. A. Permit required. Notwithstanding any prior course of conduct or permission granted, no person shall conduct operations on any area within Trustee jurisdiction (§ 275-3C) without first obtaining a written permit therefor issued by the Trustees as hereinafter provided and only while such permit remains in effect. B. Administrative permit. (1) The administrative permit review process is intended to provide for expedited review for projects that are deemed consistent with the Board's policy regarding protection of wetland resources. If the proposed operations meet with all the current setback requirements as defined by § 275-3 and do not pose a threat to the overall function and condition of wetlands or adjacent buffer areas, applicants may request an administrative permit review. This review does not relieve the applicant of providing all the application requirements (§ 275-6) or obtaining permits from other jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and United States Army Corp of Engineers. Under the administrative review process, each application will be reviewed .by at least one member of the Board. See § 275-8H for details of approval. (2) The following operations will be considered for administrative review, in accordance with the standards set forth in § 275-11: [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005; 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (a) Construction, installation or removal of a split rail fence, open arbor, trellis or other similar structure, provided that such operation will, not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. Concrete footings are not permitted within wetlands. (b) Removal of any material or structure, provided that a project limiting fence and a silt fence with hay bales is installed to contain disturbance if deemed necessary and provided that such operations will not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. (c) Construction of additions' to the landward side of an existing functional single-family dwelling, where such dwelling generally lies parallel to the wetland boundary and provided that all new and existing runoff is captured on site. Such addition must be less than or equal to 25% of the area (footprint) of the existing structure. (d) Remodeling, renovation or reconstruction of a structure, provided that such activity will not have an undue adverse .impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. (e) Construction of accessory structures for existing single-family dwellings, provided that such activity will not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town and the setback is no less than 50 feet. 275:15 03-15-2008 § 275-5 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-5 (f) Construction or improvement of pervious residential driveways or walkways, provided that such activity will not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. (g) The demolition, removal, relocation, repair and/or upgrading of existing fuel tanks,, fuel lines, fuel dispensers, cesspools, septic systems, or sanitary wastewater activities, including necessary site work, and provided that such activity will not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. (h) Construction or installation of drainage structures for the retention- of runoff; provided that such structures incorporate the maximum feasible setback from wetlands and provided that such activity will not have an undue adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town. (i) Cutting of common reed (Phragmites australis) to within 12 inches of the soil surface landward of the wetland boundary. This does not include mowing to ground level. (j) The construction of 'a permitted bulkhead as per § 275-11, which is to replace an existing functional bulkhead, subject to the following: [1] That the new bulkhead is constructed substantially similar to the design and measurement of the existing bulkhead; and [2] The new bulkhead is in the same location as the existing bulkhead. [3] Any such operations shall require the addition of a nonturf pervious buffer area. (k) Minor changes to existing, valid Trustee permits. The Trustees reserve the right to determine whether the changes qualify for administrative review. (1) Minor restoration or alterations of landscaping. (m) Decks. (n) Minor alterations to existing permitted shoreline structures including stairs, bulkheads and docks. (o) Installation or burial of a residential propane/liquid gas tank 25 feet or greater from wetlands in an existing, established yard area when more appropriate upland placement is not possible. Installation or burial of a propane tank less than 25 feet from wetlands is prohibited. (p) Dredging work necessitated by the accumulation of silt from runoff or other circumstances not the result of activity by or on behalf of the owner of the property. (3) Any such activities shall require the addition of a nonturf buffer area not to exceed 20 feet wide as defined in § 275-2. 275:16 03-15-2008 § 275-6 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-6 § 275-6. Application. A. I Contents of application. A permit may be issued upon the written, verified application of _the person proposing to perform operations on wetlands. Three copies of the complete application, including all written descriptions, pictures and surveys, shall be submitted to the Clerk. Such application shall contain the following information: [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] °(1) The name and address of the applicant and the source of the applicant's right to perform such operations (e.g., whether applicant is the owner, lessee, licensee, contractor, etc.). In all cases where the applicant is not the owner of the premises where such operations are proposed to be conducted, the notarized consent of the owner, duly acknowledged, must be attached to said application. (2) A schedule for the proposed activities with a completion date. (3) The purpose of the proposed operations. (4) The amount of material proposed to be removed or deposited, and/or the type, size and location of any proposed structure. (5) A description of the area from which the removal or in which the deposit of material is proposed, or in which structures are to be erected. The description shall be appropriately referenced to a permanent reference point or monument. (6) The depth to which the removal or the deposit of material is proposed throughout the area of operations, and the proposed angle of repose of all slopes. 275:16.1 103 - 15 - 2008 § 275-7 WETLANDS AND .SHORELINE § 275-8 (2) The consultant fee may be required for expert opinion regarding, but not limited to, wetland resource. area surveys and delineations, analysis of resource area values, wetland resource area reports, hydrological and drainage analysis, wildlife habitat analysis, shellfish surveys, and environmental land use law, or any of -the following: (a) Placement, removal or grading of at least 50 cubic yards of material; (b) Five hundred square feet or greater alteration of a resource area; (c) Shoreline or bank alteration to a coastal or inland waterway; (d) Five hundred square feet or greater alteration to land in a naturally vegetated condition that constitutes a resource buffer area. (e) Discharge of any pollutants into or contributing to surface or groundwater of the resource area; (f) Construction of any stormwater control facility, or water control structure. E. Dock and float fee. Every application for a new dock or float shall include a fee equal to $3 per foot of linear length for residential and commercial docks. Commercial docks are any structures that are rented, leased or otherwise used to generate income, including, but not limited to, those .structures located on properties zoned M1 and M2. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] F. Dredging fee. Every application for a permit for dredging within Town -owned underwater lands shall include a fee as set by the Town Board based on the 'amount of cubic yard of dredge spoil to be removed. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 § 275-8. Processing of application. A. Presubmission conference. Applicants are encouraged to schedule a voluntary presubmission site visit to discuss the proposed operations with the Board. Discussions in the field are purely advisory and nonbinding, but this meeting is intended to facilitate communication between the applicant and the Board. There will be a fee of $50 for this conference. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] B. Investigation and coordination. Upon receipt of the application, the Clerk shall forward one copy thereof to the Conservation Advisory Council, when appropriate, one copy to the Planning Department, one copy to the Zoning Board, and one copy to be filed with the office of the Trustees. The Conservation Advisory Council shall review said application and the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town that may . result from the proposed operations and shall, within 20 days of receipt of the same, forward its written report of findings and recommendations with respect to such application to the Trustees. If the Conservation Advisory Council shall recommend that such application be disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be set forth in such report. If no response is received within 20 days, the application is not subject to further Conservation Advisory Council review. 275:19 03-15-2008 § 275-8 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-9 C. All paperwork relative to an application shall be submitted at least seven days before the scheduled hearing. The submittal of additional paperwork after this time may result in delays in processing of the application. D. Hearing. The Trustees shall hold a public hearing on such application. Notice shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearings, of the Town Code. E. Action. After the public hearing on such applications, the Trustees shall either adopt a resolution directing the issuance of a permit or adopt a resolution denying the application. A resolution directing the issuance of a permit may be adopted only if the Trustees find that the proposed operations will conform to the standards set forth in § 275-11 hereof. If the Trustees adopt a resolution denying an application for a permit, the reasons for such denial shall be set forth in the resolution. F. Modifications and amendments. Any and all modifications and amendments of existing permits shall be reviewed by the Trustees in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter, and may be subject to public hearing. G. Tabled applications. If an applicant tables an application for any reason, it will be considered withdrawn if it does not go to public hearing within four months of the time it was tabled. After such time the applicant will have to reapply for a permit. H. Administrative permits. An administrative permit is deemed to have no adverse impact on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town, and a public hearing and notice are not required prior to issuance of a permit. The final decision will be made upon resolution. 1 § 275-9. Conditions, inspection fees, performance guarantee upon issuance of permit.' The Trustees may, upon the adoption of a resolution directing the issuance of a permit: A. Impose such conditions on the manner and extent of the proposed operations as they deem appropriate, consistent with the purpose of this chapter. B. Fix the time by which operations must be commenced and within which they must be completed. C. Require the payment of inspection fees. D. Under certain circumstances the Board may require the submittal of as -built plans, upon completion of operations, stamped by a licensed surveyor and/or engineer. E. Performance guarantee. The Trustees may require a performance guarantee to ensure the proposed operations are conducted in compliance with a permit. If the work is not conducted as described in the permit or such work is causing harm to the protected resource, notice will be given in writing. The Board may require, as a permit condition, that performance and observance of other conditions be secured by one or both of the following methods: (1) Bond; (2) Deposit of money; 275:20 03-15-2008 § 275-9 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE' § 275-10 (3) Negotiable securities; or (4) Other undertaking of financial responsibility. F. Liability insurance. The applicant for a permit shall, before the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, file with the Clerk a certificate that the contractor chosen to perform the work under the permit has liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit, which said policies shall name the Town as an additional insured. § 275-10. Contents of permit. Each permit issued hereunder by the Clerk pursuant to a resolution of the Trustees shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of approval. Said permit may be renewed for two consecutive one-year periods at the discretion and review of the Board. Each permit shall state the following: A. The name of the permittee. B. The date of issuance and expiration of the permit. C. A schedule of when operations will be conducted. D. The conditions imposed by the Trustees on the issuance of the permit. E. The specific location of the areas to be affected by the operations of the permittee. F. A statement that "The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations hereunder until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Clerk upon receipt by the Clerk of written notice from such . other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval." Acceptance of the' permit is acceptance of this condition. G. A statement that "The permittee does, by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the permittee also agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of the applicant, his agents and employees." Acceptance of the permit is acceptance of this condition. H. A statement that "The permittee and the owner and occupants, of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town and its officers, employees and agents to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections to determine whether said operations are being conducted in conformity with the permit 275:21 03-15-2008 § 275-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-11 and, if necessary, to conduct said operations according to the performance guarantee (§ 275-9E)." I. A statement that "The permittee is required to notify the Trustees in writing one, week prior to initiation of any and all operations." J. A statement that "The permittee is required to notify the Trustees in writing upon completion of operations such that the site can be inspected for issuance of a certificate of compliance (§ 275-13)." K. A statement that "The permittee is required - to provide evidence that a copy of this Trustee permit has been recorded with the Suffolk County Department of Real Properties Office as a notice covenant and deed restriction 'to the deed of the subject parcel. Such evidence shall be provided within 90 calendar days of issuance of this permit." [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] L. A statement that 'The permittee is required to conspicuously post the permit and have the supporting Trustees' stamped plans available for immediate inspection at the work site at the commencement of work until which time the project is completed. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. D-2007] § 275-11. Construction and operation standards. A. General. The following standards are required for all operations within the jurisdiction of the Trustees: (1) Drainage upgrade. Applicants for a permit for any form of construction may be required to upgrade the site's drainage system such that all surface water generated from impervious surfaces shall be kept onsite through infiltration or retention. Applicants proposing grading or filling operations will be required to submit a drainage plan for the entire site at the discretion of the Trustees. See § 275-6A(14) for requirements. (2) Erosion control. Installation of an' erosion control structure is necessary during any' building, grading, landscaping or site work activity within Trustee jurisdiction. This "structure may include, but is not limited to, installation of a silt fence, 'hay bales, wood chip berm and silt booms. The placement of the erosion control structure(s) shall be determined by the Trustees or their designee. All intertidal construction and excavation requires the installation of a silt boom that will retain all suspended sediments within the immediate project area. (3) New and remodeled homes. New and remodeled . homes cannot be situated or in such that they project closer to the wetland boundary than homes on either side of the subject lot. (4) Fences. Trustees reserve the right to permit erection of a fence where the applicant has shown that there is a need to protect his/her private property. In these rare cases, only split -rail fences are allowed on beaches and wetlands. Such fences shall be perpendicular to the waterline and not closer than 10 feet to MHW. Only one posted sign per 100 linear feet of fence is allowed. Posted signs shall be no larger 275:22 ' 03-15-2008 § 275-11 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-11 than 12 inches by 12 inches square. Any fence, barricade or impediment to pedestrian traffic on the beach or wetland area in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be removed upon written notice to the owner of the premisesupon upon which such fence, barricade or impediment is located sent by certified or registered mail. Such fence, barricade or impediment shall be removed by the owner within 30 days .of the date of the notice. Upon failure to comply with such notice, the Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or Bay Constable may remove or cause the removal of the illegal structure. If any fence, barricade or impediment is determined by the Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer or Bay Constable to create a hazard to the health, safety or welfare of the public, such structure may be removed and disposed of by the Town without prior notice to the owner. Upon removal by the Town, all costs and expenses incurred by the Town for the removal of such fence, barricade or impediment shall be the responsibility of the owner. The Town may pursue any and all remedies available at law to recover any unpaid costs associated with removal, including filing a statement with the Town Assessors, identifying the property in connection with which such expenses were incurred and the owner thereof as shown on the latest assessment roll of the Town. The Assessors, in preparation of the next assessment roll, shall assess such amount upon such property. Such amount shall be included in the levy against such property, shall constitute a lien and shall be collected and enforced ' in the same manner, by the same proceedings, at the same time and under the same penalty as is provided by law for the collection and enforcement of real property taxes in the Town of Southold. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005; 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (5) Swimming pools. Applications for new pools must include a description of how all pool drainage will be retained onsite using dedicated drywells or similar structures. All future pool drainage shall be discharged to this dedicated system. (6) Decks and platforms. No decks or platforms shall be permitted on or near bluffs. Platforms associated with stairs may not be larger than 32 square feet. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] (7) Critical environmental areas. At the discretion of the Board of Trustees, any operations proposed in critical environmental areas (§ 275-2) may be subject to more stringent requirements than detailed in this section. Such requirements may include, but are not limited to,, denial of certain operations, shortening or reducing the size of structures, and increasing the width of nondisturbance buffers. (8) No structures on beaches, bluffs or dunes unless approved by the Board at its discretion based on its site inspection. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] . (9) Pumping of Town -owned freshwater wetlands for irrigation purposes shall be prohibited. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (10)' Access paths. A permit for only one path shall be granted per lot for the purposes of shoreline access unless otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L.'No. 23-2007] 275:23 03-15-2008 § 275-11 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-11 B. Shoreline structures. The following standards . are required for all operations relating to shoreline structures on residential properties. Operations conducted on properties zoned M1 or M2 may be given greater flexibility in these requirements given the water -dependent nature of their use. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] (1) Bulkheads, retaining walls, revetments and gabions. (a) Only in-place replacement of existing functional bulkheads (as defined in § 275-2) is permitted. In-kind replacement relates to the position and dimensions and does not necessarily require or allow for the use of the same materials.. At its discretion, the Board may allow for a one-time projection of the replacement structure seaward of the original, only if such placement will not project the proposed structure seaward of adjacent, neighboringstructures and if the proposed installation is in close proximity to the original structure. Any subsequent repair or replacement following the first replacement requires the structure to be built on or landward of the original structure, (b) Bulkheads on the Sound shall only be permitted when the likelihood of extreme erosion is demonstrated and it shall not increase erosion on neighboring properties. (c) Bulkheads on the Sound must be armored with stone. (d) All bulkhead construction and renovation work requires the establishment of a permanent nonturf buffer as defined by § 275-2. (e) Retaining walls are not permitted unless excessive erosion can be demonstrated. (f) In order to prevent the release of metals and other contaminants into the wetlands and waters of Southold, the use of lumber pre-treated with any preservative, including ' but not limited to chromated copper arsenate (also known as "CCA"), penta products, Alkaline . Copper Quat .(ACQ), or homemade wood preservatives is prohibited for use in sheathing and decking on structures in the wetlands as well as on any part of a structure in low tidal flow wetland areas as determined by the Trustees. Any use of creosote is prohibited. Preservatives of any type, including but not limited to those listed above, cannot be applied to any bulkheads, retaining walls or revetments after installation. Encapsulated pilings or native nonchemically treated (untreated) lumber only should be used in sensitive areas. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (g) The use of tropical hardwoods is not permitted unless it is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or similar organization. (h) New bulkheads in creeks and bays are prohibited, unless the operation involves construction of a low -sill bulkhead. (i) Machine excavation is prohibited in tidal and freshwater wetland areas. 275:24 03-15-2008 § 275-11 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-11 (j) Individual residential stairs are prohibited on bluffs if the property is partof an association that maintains a common stairway within a reasonable distance. (k) No discharge pipes are allowed out of or over bulkheads unless permitted by the Trustees. (1) Lighting: Any and all lights associated with bulkheads, retaining walls, stairs or poles in Trustee jurisdiction must be directed on the subject structure and not out into the adjacent wetland, waterway or property. Lights shall not be on unless the waterfront is in active use. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (m) Backfilling: Only clean sand can be used for backfilling in eroded and excavated areas as well as behind new and repaired bulkheads. Garbage, asphalt, and C&D materials are strictly forbidden for use as backfill behind bulkheads. C. In water. The following standards are required for all in -water operations adjacent to residential properties. Operations conducted on properties zoned M1 or M2 may be given greater flexibility in these requirements given the water -dependent nature of their use. (1) Jetties and groins; general rules. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-20051 (a) Only low -profile jetties as defined in § 275-11 will be permitted. (b) Only in-place replacement of existing low -profile functional jetties and groins (as defined in § 275-2) is permitted. (c) Pre -backfilling of jetties and groins may be required. (d) In order to prevent the release of metals and other contaminants into the wetlands and waters of Southold, the use of lumber treated with chromated copper arsenate (also known as "CCA"), creosote, penta products or homemade wood preservatives is prohibited for use in sheathing and decking. Preservatives of any type, including but not limited to those listed above, cannot be applied to any jetty or groin after installation. (e) The use of tropical hardwoods is not permitted unless it is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or similar organization. (f) No new jetties or groins will be permitted unless the work results in a net decrease in the total number of jetties in the subject area. (g) All applicants for jetties and groins extending across the foreshore shall be required to give and maintain a public passing way, on the upland, not less than five feet in width, to enable persons to pass and repass over said structure by steps or a ramp allowing pedestrian passage. (2) Docks. 275:25 03 - 15 - 2008 § 275-11 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-11 (a) Standards for residential and commercial docks; general rules. It shall be the policy of the Town of Southold that all docks shall be designed, constructed and located so as to reduce a dock's potential adverse impacts to navigation, public safety, waterway congestion, access to public trust lands and water, and natural resources and habitats. The following standards will serve as a basis for granting, denying, or limiting permits for the construction of docks. [1] No dock shall be constructed, - altered or removed without a permit issued by the Southold Town Trustees. In determining whether- to approve such application, the Trustees shall consider the factors contained in § 275-11C(2)(d) below and all other provisions of this chapter. [2] All docks shall be constructed of sturdy, durable and stable materials capable of maintaining position and location, supporting pedestrian traffic, and resisting lateral loads resulting from wind, wave, and impact forces. Docks shall be constructed, where possible, to permit. the free circulation of water, reduce the effects of fluctuating water levels, and prevent adverse modification of the .shoreline. Applicants shall certify as to the structural integrity of the dock so as not to cause a threat to the person or property of others. [3] In order to prevent the release of metals and other contaminants into the wetlands and waters of Southold, the use of lumber pre-treated with any preservative, including but not limited to chromated copper arsenate (also known as "CCA"), commercial copper quat (CCQ), penta ' products, Alkaline Copper Quat (ACQ), or homemade wood preservatives is prohibited for use in sheathing and decking on structures in the wetlands as well as on any part of a structure in low tidal flow wetland areas as determined by the Trustees. The use of creosote is prohibited. The use of tropical hardwoods is prohibited unless it is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or similar organization. Materials used for structural components .shall be at the discretion of the Trustees. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] [4] All docks and gangways onto such docks shall provide a safe pedestrian surface at all times. [5] All docks, including any vessel tied to the dock, shall have a minimum clearance of 15 feet of the seaward extension of any property line from . adjacent parcels so as not to interfere with the neighbor's access to waters, unless the Trustees decide otherwise for navigational or other reasons. Waterside boundaries can be identified using the appropriate method for the shape of the shoreline for Long Island waters specified in 9 NYCRR 274.5. [6] All docks' and floats shall have the appropriate permit number permanently affixed to the most seaward face for identification. Said 275:26 03-15-2008 § 275-11 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-11 numbers shall be at least three inches high and constructed of metal, wood, plastic or other material such that they can withstand exposure to the elements and are visible from the water. [7] Except for structures used for water -dependent uses, there shall be no permanent structure located on or above the docks, ramps and floats. [8] Any application for a dock to be .constructed at the end of a right-of=way or commonly held land requires the written consent of all parties having an interest in the right-of-way, regardless of how property interests in the upland parcel may be divided among the owner(s), lessee(s), occupant(s), easement holder(s), or any other person(s) or entity(ies) with a legal or beneficial interest in any existing or proposed docking facility. [9] All applicants for docks, including catwalks and ramps, extending across the foreshore shall be required to give and maintain a public passing way, on the upland, not less than five feet in width, to enable persons to pass and repass around said dock or by 'steps or a ramp allowing pedestrian passage. [10] Preexisting nonpermitted and/or nonconforming structures cannot be replaced in kind without full review and approval by the Trustees. [11] Personal watercraft or "jet ski" floats cannot be added to any float, stairway, or dock without a Trustee Permit. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] [12] Lighting: Any and all lights associated with docks, floats or poles must be directed on the subject structure and not out into the adjacent wetland, waterway or property. Lights shall not be on unless the dock is in active use. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] [13] Utilities and Water: If power and/or water are to be installed on a dock, plans for the installation must be provided to the Trustees at the time of application, Installation of such amenities on an existing permitted- dock requires obtaining a permit amendment from the Trustees. [Added 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] (b) Dock locations and lengths. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] [1] No dock shall be erected or extended if, in the opinion of the Trustees, such structure would adversely affect navigation, fisheries, shell fisheries, scenic quality, habitats or wetland areas. [2] Within creeks and other narrow waterways, no dock length shall exceed 1/3 the total width of the water body. Determination of the length of the dock must include the dimensions of the vessel. [3] Prohibited locations and activities. 275:27 03-15-2008 § 275-11 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-11 [a] No new docks will be permitted over vegetated wetlands or such that it causes habitat fragmentation of vegetated wetlands in the following areas: Downs Creek, Hallocks Bay, Hashamomuck Creek and Pond, Long Creek (branch of Mattituck Creek, East of Grand Avenue bridge), Pipe's Cove Creek and West Creek. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] [b] Machine excavation is prohibited in tidal or freshwater wetland areas. [c], Placement of fence, mesh or other material preventing passage under docks is prohibited, [d] No floating docks, floats, dock components, duck blinds or boats shall be stored on tidal wetlands, other intertidal areas or freshwater wetlands. (c) Regulations for the placement and configuration of docking facilities. [1] Residential docks. [Amended 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] [a] Only one catwalk may be permitted per residential lot. Only -one mooring or dock may be permitted per residential lot. Upon a showing of special need due to low water level and hazard to property,'the Trustees may permit both a mooring and a dock for the same residential property. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] [b] If any part of a residential dock structure includes a float or floating dock, the float or floating dock portion shall be designed so that, with the exception of the pilings: [i] It is no larger than six feet wide and 20 feet long except on Fishers Island if the need is demonstrated; or of equal square footage as determined by the Trustees; [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 [ii] No part of the floating dock will contact the bottomland during a normal low tide. [c] In determining the permitted length of a proposed residential dock, the Trustees shall seek to maintain lengths consistent with the other docks (i.e., pier line) in ' the waterway which meet the requirements of this chapter. [d] Pilings shall not project more than three feet above the surface of a dock or catwalk unless a need for greater height is demonstrated. [e] All excess fill from installation of pilings must be removed from tidal or freshwater wetland area on the same day as installation and disposed of in an approved upland disposal area. 275:28 03-15-2008 § 275-11 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE I § 275-11 [f] Tie -off poles associated with residential docks will only be permitted to secure one vessel. If the dock utilizes a float, the poles shall not project farther seaward than the outer edge of the float. If a float is not used, the pole(s) can be situated seaward of the end of the dock sufficient to secure the vessel. [g] Only one handrail is permitted on a residential dock unless the need for two is demonstrated. Rails shall not be higher than three feet above the surface of the dock and posts shall not be placed closer than six feet on center or larger than .four inches by four inches in dimension. [h] Residential catwalks and ramps are limited to four feet in width. [i] Residential boatlifts, floating or fixed, are prohibited, except in privately owned basins on private property at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 [2] Commercial docks (marinas, yacht clubs and restaurants). [a] Given the water -dependant nature and economic benefit of properties zoned as M1 and M2, dock design constraints and placement restrictions will be given greater flexibility than would otherwise be allowed for residential uses. [b] Construction of new marinas and additions to existing marinas shall require establishment of a pump -out facility for vessel sanitary waste. (d) Review and approval of dock applications. Before issuing a permit for a dock structure, the Trustees shall consider whether the dock will have any of the following harmful effects: [1] Whether the dock will impair navigation or be located in areas of high vessel traffic or vessel congestion; [2] Whether the dock will unduly interfere with the public use of waterways for swimming, boating, fishing, shellfishing, waterskiing and other water -dependant activities; [3] Whether the dock will unduly interfere with transit by the public along the public beaches or foreshore; [4] Whether the dock will significantly impair the use or value of waterfront property adjacent to or near the dock; [5] Whether the dock will cause degradation of surface water quality and natural resources; [6] Whether the dock will cause habitat fragmentation and loss of significant coastal fish and wildlife habitats; 275:29 03-15-2008 § 275-11 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-12 [7] Whether the dock will result in the destruction of or prevent the growth of vegetated wetlands, seagrasses including eelgrass (Zostera marina) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) or shellfish; [8] .Whether the dock will unduly restrict tidal flow or water circulation; [9] Whether the dock will be safe when constructed; [10] Whether the dock will adversely affect views, viewsheds and vistas important to the community; [ 11 ] Whether the cumulative impacts of a residential and commercial dock - will change the waterway or the environment and whether alternate design, construction, and location of the dock will minimize cumulative impacts; and [12] Whether adequate facilities are available to boat owners and/or operators for fueling, discharge of waste and rubbish, electrical service and water service. (3) Dredging. (a) Creeks. [1] Only maintenance dredging (as defined in § 275-2) is permitted, unless the applicant owns underwater land or the applicant is requesting permission to dredge in connection with installation of low -sill bulkheads. All maintenance dredging permits shall be valid for a period no greater than 10 years. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No-. 23-2007] [2] Dredging may be permitted when it can be demonstrated that the actions of man have resulted in impairment to water quality or habitat value. [3] Dredging in, or in close proximity to salt marsh vegetation (Distichlis spicata, Spartina alterniflora or Spartina patens) or seagrass (Ruppia maritia or Zostera marina) meadows is prohibited. (b) Freshwater wetlands. Dredging of freshwater ponds may be permitted when it can be demonstrated that such action will restore the water body to an historic condition, improve water quality or habitat value. (c) All dredging applications must demonstrate a specific location for the deposit of dredging material. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-20071 § 275-12. Standards for issuance of permit. The Trustees may adopt a resolution directing the issuance of a permit to perform operations applied for only if it determines that such operations will not substantially: 275:30 03-15-2008 § 275-12 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-12.1 A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the Town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. ,Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the Town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or -other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation or, the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the' danger of flood and storm -tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the Town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town. J. Adversely affect the aesthetic value of the wetland and adjacent areas. § 275-12.1. Stop -work orders. [Added 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] A. The Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to issue stop -work orders pursuant to this section. The Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a stop -work order to halt: (1) Any work that is determined by the Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer to be contrary to any applicable provision of this chapter, or: (a) Any work that is being conducted in a dangerous or unsafe manner in the opinion of the Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer, without regard to whether such work is or is not work for which a Trustee permit is required, and without regard to whether a Trustee permit has or has not been issued for such work; or (b) Any work for which a Trustee permit is required which is being performed without the required Trustee permit, or under a Trustee permit that has become invalid, has expired, or has been suspended or revoked. B. Stop -work orders shall: (1) Be in writing; (2) Be dated and signed by the Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer; (3) State the reason or reasons for issuance; (4) If applicable, state the conditions which must be satisfied before work will be permitted to resume. 275:31 03-15-2008 § 275-12.1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-16 C. The Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer shall cause the stop -work order, or a copy thereof, to be served on the owner of the affected property, and if the owner is not the permit holder, on the permit holder, personally or by certified -mail to the owner or permit holder and posting at the work site. The Bay Constable or Code Enforcement Officer shall be permitted, but not required, to cause the stop -work order, or a copy thereof, to be served on any or all of the following: builder, architect, tenant, contractor, subcontractor, construction superintendent, or their agents, or any other person taking part or assisting in work affected by the stop -work order, personally or by certified mail and posting; provided, however, that failure to serve any person listed above shall not affect the efficacy of the stop -work order. D. Upon issuance of the stop -work order, the owner of the affected property, the permit holder and any other person performing, taking part in or assisting in the work shall immediately cease all work which is the subject of the stop -work order. E. The issuance of a stop -work order shall not be the exclusive remedy available to address any event described in this section, and the authority to issue a stop -work order shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for or limitation of, the right and authority to pursue any other remedy or impose any other penalty under any other applicable local or state law. Any such remedy or penalty may be pursued at any time, whether prior to, at the time of, or after the issuance of a stop -work order. § 275-13. Certificate of compliance. A certificate of compliance shall be issued by the Trustees prior to use or occupancy of a structure, which has been erected, enlarged, or altered pursuant to the issuance of a permit in this chapter. § 275-14. Transferability. A permit issued pursuant hereto shall not be transferred or assigned without the prior approval and review of the Trustees. The fee for transferring said permit shall be $50. ARTICLE III Administration and Enforcement [Amended 9-21-2004 by L.L. No. 19-2004; 10-11-2005 by L.L. No. 17-2005] § 275-15. Coordination and enforcement. The Director of Code Enforcement and/or the Bay Constable are responsible for coordination and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. The Director of Code Enforcement and Bay Constables have the authority to issue violations of this chapter. § 275-16. Compliance requirements; penalties for offenses. A. It shall be unlawful for any carter, owner, occupant, builder, architect, contractor or their agents or any other person to fail to comply with any provisions of this chapter or to fail 275:32 03-15-2008 § 275-16 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE § 275-16 in any manner to comply with a written notice, directive or order of the Director of Code Enforcement or Bay Constable or to conduct any operation in a manner not in compliance with a permit issued pursuant to this chapter. B. For each offense against any of the provisions of this chapter or any regulations made pursuant thereto, or failure to comply with a written notice or order of any Director of Code Enforcement or Bay Constable within the time fixed for compliance therewith, the owner, occupant, builder, architect, contractor or their agents or any other person who commits, takes part or assists in the commission of any such offense or who shall fail to comply with a written order or notice of the Director of Code Enforcement or Bay Constable shall be subject to the following fine schedule. Each day on which such violation occurs may constitute a separate, additional offense. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] (1) Failure to obtain a permit. Any person conducting operations within the jurisdiction of the Trustees without first obtaining a permit according to the procedures outlined in this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $4,000 or a term of imprisonment of not less than 15 days nor more than six months, or both. (2) Failure to comply with the terms of a permit. (a) Any person failing to comply with the terms of a permit shall be subject to a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $4,000. For each subsequent offense, the violator shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than $1,000 nor more than $7,500 or a term of imprisonment of not less than 15 days nor more than six months, or both. (b) Any person failing to comply with posting the permit and/or the requirement for supporting plans to be available for immediate inspection pursuant to § 275-10 shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000. (3) Failure to heed a stop -work order. Any person conducting operations in direct contradiction to the terms of a stop -work order shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $4,000. For each subsequent offense, the violator shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than $1,000 nor more than $7,500 or a term of imprisonment of not less than 15 days nor more than six months, or both. (4) Restoration. In lieu or in addition to these punishments, any offender may be punished by being ordered to restore the affected wetland to its condition prior to the offense. Any such order shall specify a reasonable time for the completion of such restoration, which shall be effected under the supervision of the approving authority. The Trustees reserve the right to require specific replanting and restoration methods including specific survivability and success criteria. (5) Failure to comply with a restoration plan. Any person failing to comply with the terms of a mandated restoration plan as detailed in Subsection B(4) of this section within the proscribed period of time for completion shall be guilty of an offense and subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $4,000. 275:33 03-15-2008 § 275-16 SOUTHOLD CODE § 275-16 (6) Mitigation. When on-site wetlands restoration and creation may be unfeasible due to technical or other constraints, other mitigative measures, such as off-site wetland restoration or creation, may be required. C. No new permits, will be issued to any carter, owner, occupant, builder, architect, contractor or their agents if they are a named defendant in an outstanding or unresolved violation of Chapter 275, Wetlands and Shoreline, or Chapter 111, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas. [Amended 12-18-2007 by L.L. No. 23-2007] D. In addition to the above -provided penalties, the Trustees may also, if authorized by the Town Board, maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the Town in a courtof competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation of this chapter. 275:34 03-15-2008 Chapter DL DISPOSITION LIST § DL -1. Disposition of legislation. The following is a chronological .listing of legislation of the Town of Southold adopted since January 1, 2005, indicating its inclusion in the Code or the reason for its exclusion. [Enabling legislation which is not general and permanent in nature is considered to be non -Code material (NCM).] Consult municipal records for disposition of prior legislation. § DL -1. Disposition of legislation. Local Law Adoption No. Date Subject 1-2005 1-18-2005 Zoning amendment 2-2005 3-1-2005 Transfer of development rights 3-2005 3-1-2005 Sidewalks amendment 4-2005 3-29-2005 Zoning amendment 5-2005 4-12-2005 Community preservation fund: Southold community preservation project plan amendment 6-2005 5-24-2005 Domestic partnerships amendment 7-2005 5-24-2005 Littering amendment 8-2005 6-7-2005 Zoning amendment 9-2005 6-7-2005 Highway specifications amendment 10-2005 6-7-2005 Highway specifications amendment 11-2005 6-7-2005 Vehicles and traffic amendment 12-2005 8-2-2005 Zoning amendment 13-2005 8-16-2005 Landmark preservation amendment 14-2005 9-27-2005 Vehicles and traffic amendment 15-2005 10-4-2005 Moratorium on applications and permits for retail stores 16-2005 10-11-2005 Coastal erosion hazard areas amendment 17-2005 10-11-2005 Wetlands and shoreline amendment 18-2005 10-25-2005 Zoning amendment 19-2005 12-6-2005 Vehicles and traffic amendment 1-2006 1-3-2006 Moratorium on applications and permits for retail stores DL:1 Disposition Ch. 280 Ch. 117 Ch. 237 Ch. 280 Ch. 17, Art. R Ch. 121 Ch. 174 Ch. 280 Ch. 161 Ch. 161 Ch. 260 Ch. 280 Ch. 170 Ch. 260 NCM Ch. 111 Ch. 275 Ch. 280 Ch. 260 NCM 03-15-2008 § DL -1 SOUTHOLD CODE § DL -1 Local Law Adoption No. Date Subject Disposition 2-2006 1-31-2006 Community Preservation Project Plan Ch. 17, Art. II amendment " 3-2006 2-14-2006 Code of Ethics amendment Ch: 26 4-2006 3-14-2006 Moratorium on applications and permits NCM for retail stores 5-2006 3-28-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 6-2006 4-11-2006 Zoning Map amendment NCM 7-2006 6-6-2006 Waterfront consistency review Ch. 268 amendment 8-2006 6-20-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 9-2006 6-20-2006 Tax exemption for volunteer fire fighters Ch. 245, Art. V and ambulance workers amendment 10-2006 6-20-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 11-2006 6-20-2006 Adoption of renumbering of Code Ch. 1, Art. II 12-2006 8-8-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 13-2006 9-5-2006 Zoning Map amendment NCM 14-2006 9-5-2006 Community Preservation Fund: Ch. 17, Art. IV tw6-percent real estate transfer tax amendment 15-2006 11-21-2006 Penalties amendment Chs. 100; 135; . 144;228;233; 264 16-2006 12-19-2006 Fire prevention and building code Ch. 144 administration amendment 1-2007 1-16-2007 Youth Bureau Ch. 68 2-2007 1-16-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 3-2007 1-16-2007 Penalties amendment Chs. 96, Arts. III and V; 104; 139; 157, Art. I; 166; 174; 205; 211; 215, Parts 1 and 2; 219, Art. II; 240; 245, Art. I; 249; 253; Art. I 4-2007 2-13-2007 Taxation: senior citizen exemption Ch. 245, Art. I amendment 5-2007 2-13-2007 Taxation: exemption.for disabled persons Ch. 245, Art. IV with limited income amendment 6-2007 2-13-2007. Zoning amendment Ch. 280 DL:2 03-15-2008 § DL -1 . DISPOSITION LIST § DL -1 Local Law. Adoption No. Date Subject Disposition 7-2007 3-13-2007 Tax exemption for volunteer fire fighters Ch. 245, Art. V and ambulance workers amendment 8-2007 3-13-2007 Tax exemption for war veterans and Ch. 245, An. VI Gold Star parents 9-2007 3-27-2007 Stormwater management Ch. 236 10-2007 4-10-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 11-2007 4-10-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 12-2007 5-8-2007 Parking at beaches amendment; parks Chs. 189, Art. I; and recreation areas: use regulations and 193, Art. I; 260 restrictions amendment; vehicles and traffic amendment 13-2007 5-22-2007 Solid waste: garbage, rubbish and refuse Chs. 233, Art. I; amendment; zoning amendment 280 14-2007 6-5-2007 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 15-2007 7-17-2007 Wind energy: small wind energy Ch. 277, Art. I; systems; zoning amendment Ch. 280 16-2007 7-31-2007 Moratorium on wireless communication NCM facilities 17-2007 7-17-2007 Parking at beaches amendment Ch. 189, Art. I 18-2007 7-31-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 19-2007 7-31-2007 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 20-2007 8-30-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 21-2007 10-23-2007 Sewer rents and charges amendment Ch. 215, Part 3 22-2007 12-4-2007 Shellfish and other marine resources Ch. 219 amendment 23-2007 12-18-2007 Wetlands and shoreline amendment Ch. 275 24-2007 12-18-2007 Tax exemption for historic properties Ch. 245, Art. VIII 25-2007 12-18-2007 Tax exemption for Cold War veterans Ch. 245, Art. VII 1-2008 1-29-2008 Moratorium on wireless communication NCM facilities DL:3 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX DEFINITIONS NOTE: For the AIR CONDITIONING Ducks, 83-1 - 83-5 convenience of the Code user, all Sewers and sewage disposal, Deposit of waste matter in terms defined in this Code are in- 215-36 Town waters prohibited, eluded in the Index under the AIR POLLUTION 83-4 heading "Definitions and Abbre- Zoning, 280-77, 280-111 Keeping of ducks for private viations." ALARM SYSTEMS use, 83-2 Alarm device, 75-2, 75-3, 75-6 Penalties for offenses, 83-5 Charges for false alarms, 75-6 Permit, 83-1, 83-3, 83-4 Definitions, 75-2 Water, 83-3, 83-4 - A - Disorderly conduct, 75-8 Harbor management, 157-11 Emergency, 75-1, 75-2, 75-5, Parks and recreation areas, 193-2, ABANDONMENT 75-6 193-9 Buildings, unsafe, 100-3 False alarms, 75-5, 75-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, Harbor management, 157-8 Fees, 75-4 215-37,215-38 Sewers and sewage disposal, Fine, 75-8 Subdivision of land, 24044 215-37, 215-43 Intentional false alarms, 75-5 Waterfront consistency review, Subdivision of land, 240-37 Investigation, 75-1 268-3 Vehicles and traffic, 260-23 Penalties for offenses, 75-5, 75-6, Zoning, 280-13, 280-17, 280-58, Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-19 75-8 280-62, 280-78, 280-85, Wind energy, 277-6 Permit, 75-3, 754 280-98, 280-99, 280-111 Zoning, 280-74, 280-88 Purpose, 75-1 ANTENNAS ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND Rules and regulations, 75-6 Zoning, 280-68, 280-70, 280-72, STRUCTURES Severability, 75-7 280-73 Fire prevention and building con- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES APARTMENTS struction, 144-8 Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-22, Landmark preservation, 170-7 Police department rules and regu- 280-27, 280-38, 280-45, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, lations, A290-15, A290-24 280-48, 280-78 275-5 Public Consumption, 79-1, 79-2 APPEALS Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-15, Consumption of alcoholic Coastal erosion hazard areas, 280-19, 280-22, 280-104, beverages in public re- 111-24 - 111-26 280-107, 280-116, 280-149, stricted, 79-1 Community preservation fund, 280-154 Penalties for offenses, 79-2 17-34 ACCESSORY USES Vehicle, 79-1 Ethics, 26-13 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-15, ANCHORING Expenses of town officers, 30-1 280-17, 280-22, 280-27, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-3, Farm stands, 135-3 280-35, 280-38, 280-41, 96-7, 96-11, 96-12, 96-22, Flood damage prevention, 1484, 280-45, 280-48, 280-52, 96-23 148-22 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, Coastal erosion hazard areas, Landmark preservation, 170-11 280-78, 280-127, 280-172 111-13 Public entertainment and special ADOPTION OF RENUMBERED Flood damage prevention, events, 205-1 2006 CODE 148-14, 148-16, 148-18, Records, 59-8, 59-10 General provisions, 1-14- 1-18 148-21 Subdivision of land, 240-45, ADVERTISING Harbor management, 1574, 240-57 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 - 157-6 Waterfront consistency review, 249-5 Wind energy, 277-4 268-4, 268-5 Wind energy, 277-4 ANIMALS Zoning, 280-4, 280-9, 280-11, Zoning, 280-80, 280-81, 280-85 Community preservation fund, 280-13, 280-17, 280-22, AGPDD, see AGRICULTURAL 17-4 280-28, 280-31, 280-35, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Dog License Fees, 83-16 280-38, 28041, 28045, DISTRICT Dogs, 83-6 - 83-15 280-48, 280-52, 280-55, AGRICULTURAL LANDS Arrest warrant, 83-9 280-58, 280-62, 280-70, PRESERVATION Confinement, 83-12 280-78, 280-79, 280-81, Acquisition of development. Disposition, 83-12 280-86, 280-92, 280-100, rights, 704 Enforcement, 83-7 280-121, 280-130, 280-131, Alienation of development rights, Filing of complaints, 83-8 280-137, 280-140 - 280-142, 70-5 Fine, 83-13 280-144 - 280-150, 280-154 Definitions, 70-3 Hunting, 83-6 APPEARANCE TICKETS Hearing, 70-4, 70-5 Impoundment, 83-11, 83-12 Appearance tickets, 5-1 - 5-3 Improvement, 70-2 Leash, 83-6 Certain public servants authorized Open space, 70-2 Penalties for offenses, 83-13 to issue appearance tickets, Permits, 70-5 " Permit, 83-6, 83-9 5-2 Purpose, 70-2 Prohibited activities, 83-6 Dogs, 5-2 Sale, 70-4, 70-5 Redemption, 83-12 Parking, 5-2, 5-3 Severability, 70-6 Seeing Eye dogs, 83-10 Purpose, 5-1 Title, 70-1 Seizure of dogs at large, 83-11 Safety, 5-2 AGRICULTURAL PLANNED Severability, 83-14 Sanitation, 5-2 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Summons, 83-9 Service of appearance tickets, 5-3 Zoning, 280-170 - 280-181 When effective, 83-15 Signs, 5-2 03-15-2008 Vehicles, 5-2 ASBESTOS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-43 ASHES Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 ASSESSMENTS Buildings, unsafe, 100-5, 100-9 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-]0 Development rights, transfer of, 117-7 Ethics, 26-13 General provisions, 174 Littering, 174-5 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-5,215-33,215-50, 215-52 Soil removal, 228-6 Subdivision of land, 240-7, 240-44 Taxation, 245-4, 245-8, 245-9, 245-11,245-12 Waterfront consistency review, 268-3, 268-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-4, 275-6 Zoning, 280-45, 280-70, 280-88, 280-92, 280-133, 280-159 ASSESSORS Election, 9-1, 9-2 Approval by referendum, 9-2 Continuation as elective office, 9-1 Number, 9-3 - 9-5 Amendment of Session Laws, 9-3 Approval by referendum, 9-5 Conditions as to effectiveness, 9-4 -B- BACKFILLING Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 BARRICADES, Buildings, unsafe, 100-8 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-43 Streets and sidewalks, 237-12, 237-13 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 BATTERIES Junkyards, 166-1 BAY CONSTABLE Powers and duties, 219-23, 275-12.1 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-23 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1 BICYCLES Applicability, 88-8 SOUTHOLD INDEX Carrying children, 88-5 Coasting, 88-5 Cutouts prohibited, 88A General provisions, 1-2 Light required, 88-1 Operation of bicycle, 88-3 Parks, 88-1 - 88-3,88-5 Penalties for offenses, 88-7 Use of bell or whistle as alarm, 88-2 Use of sidewalks, 88-6 Vehicles, 88-1 - 88-6 BINGO AND GAMES OF CHANCE Bingo, 92-1 - 92-11 Bingo permitted, 92-2 Leased premises, 92-4 License, 92-2, 92-3 Management and operation, 92-9 Maximum value of all prizes on one occasion, 92-8 Maximum value of single prize, 92-7 - Penalties for offenses, 92-11 Purchase of bingo equipment, 92-5 Purpose, 92-1 Remuneration prohibited, 92-10 Use of proceeds, 92-6 Games of Chance, 92-12 - 92-15 Approval by electors, 92-15 Definitions, 92-12 Games of chance authorized, 92-13 License, 92-13, 92-14 Restrictions, 92-14 BLOCK Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-21 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240-17, 240-21, 240-45 Wind energy, 277-2 Zoning, 280-4, 280-116, 280-133 BLUE CLAW CRABS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-11 BOATS, DOCKS AND WHARVES Administration and Enforcement, 96-30 - 96-33 Compliance required, 96-33 Enforcing officer, 96-30 Fine, 96-33 Hearing, 96-31, 96-32 Meeting, 96-32 Notice of violation, 96-31, 96-32 Notices, 96-31 - 96-33 Penalties for offenses, 96-33 Permit, 96-31 - 96-33 Anchoring, 96-7, 96-11, 96-12, 96-22, 96-23 Applicability, 96-6 Aquatic events, 96-18 Bathing and swimming, 96-19 N Boats, 96-6 - 96-25 Definitions, 96-7 Disabled, 96-10 Drug, 96-15 Dumping, 96-8 Emergency, 96-17 Equipment, 96-14 Explosive, 96-16 Floating Homes, 96-26 - 96-29 Definitions, 96-27 Emergency, 96-26 Legislative findings, 96-26 Permit, 96-28 Pollution, 96-26 Prohibited acts, 96-28 Recreation areas, 96-26 Safety, 96-26 Severability, 96-29 Storage, 96-26 Water, 96-26 Water pollution, 96-26 Fuel, 96-16 Garbage, 96-8 Gas, 96-17 Gases, 96-16 Hazards to navigation, 96-10 Hunt, 96-20 Inspection, 96-24 Internal-combustion engines, 96-17 Liable, 96-10, 96-25 Lien, 96-10, 96-25 Lighting, 96-14 Manner of operation, 96-13 Mattituck Creek, 96-23 Mooring and anchoring, 96-22 Mooring permits, 96-24 Mooring without a permit, 96-25 Mufflers, 96-17 Noise, 96-17 Notice, 96-10, 96-13, 96-25 Obstruction and Use of Town Waters, 96-1 - 96-3 Anchoring, 96-3 Issuance of permits by Board of Trustees, 96-3 Permit, 96-1, 96-3 Restricted areas at end of Town highways, 96-2 Operation of boats near beaches and bathers, 96-11 Operators, 96-15 Parade, 96-16 Parks, 96-15 Permit, 96-15, 96-18, 96-20, 96-24, 96-25 Public Docks, 96-4, 96-5 Definitions, 96-4 Monopolization of docks, bulkheads and landing places prohibited, 96-5 Ramps, 96-9 Record, 96-10, 96-25 Registration, 96-10, 96-24 Regulation of personal watercraft and specialty prop -craft, 96-16 Safety, 96-14, 96-15 03-15-2008 Sale, 96-10, 96-25 Sanitary regulations, 96-8 Scuba diving, 96-20 Short title, 96-6 Signs, 96-23, 96-24 Spearfishing, 96-21 Speed limits, 96-13 Storage, 96-10, 96-25 Towing, 96-12 Unnavigable boats, 96-10 Vehicle, 96-9, 96-24 Water, 96-12, 96-16 Water-skiers, 96-12 BOND Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-15,111-27,111-28 General provisions, 1-4 Highway specifications, 161-46, 161-49 Housing fund, 34-4 - Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-42 Soil removal, 228-8, 228-9 Streets and sidewalks, 237-9, 237-18 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-7, 240-20, 240-23, 240-25, 240-30 - 240-35, 240-37, 240-45 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9 Zoning, 280-73, 280-137 BRUSH, GRASS AND WEEDS Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 Highway specifications, 161-16, 161-30 Solid waste, 233-4 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5 BUFFERS Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-12 Stormwater management, 236-13 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-17, 240-21, 24043, 240-49 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-5,275-7,275-11 Zoning, 280-73, 280-92, 280-94 - 280-96, 280-118, 280-143 BUILDING INSPECTOR Buildings, unsafe, 100-4 -100-6, 100-8,100-9 Development rights, transfer of, 117-7 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Filming, 139-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-11 Soil removal, 228-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-28 Waterfront consistency review, 268-6 Wind energy, 277-7 Zoning, 280-6, 280-8, 280-13, 280-31, 280-70, 280-81, 280-85,280-88,280-92, 280-109, 280-127, 280-130, 280-131, 280-146, 280-151 - 280-155 SOUTHOLD INDEX BUILDING PERMITS Development rights, transfer of, 117-8 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Ethics, 26-21 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-3, 144-11, 144-12, 144-17 Landmark preservation, 170-5, 170-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-41 Streets and sidewalks, 237-25, 237-26 Subdivision of land, 240-25 Wind energy, 277-3, 277-6 Zoning, 280-8 - 280-10, 280-31, 280-70,280-114,280-121, 280-124,280-125,280-127, 280-130,280-134,280-140, 280-151 - 280-153, 280-180 BUILDINGS, UNSAFE Abandonment, 100-3 Assessment, 100-5, 100-9 Barricades, 100-8 Building Inspector, 1004 - I00-6, 100-8, 100-9 Costs and expenses, 100-9 Demolition, 100-3, 100-8, 100-9 Emergency, 100-3, 100-4, 100-8 Emergency measures to vacate, 100-8 Fine, 100-10 Hearing, 100-6 Inspection, 100-4,100-8 Liability, 100-10 Lien, 100-9 Notices, 100-5 -100-8, 100-10 Penalties for offenses, 100-10 Permit, 100-3, 1004 Purpose, 100-2 Record, 100-7 Report, 100-4 Safety, 100-2, 100-3 Service of notice, 100-5 Severability, 100-11 Title, 100-1 Unsafe buildings, 100-1, 100-3 Unsafe buildings and premises prohibited, 100-3 Vehicles, 100-3, 100-4 When effective, 100-12 BURNING Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 General provisions, 1-2 Junkyards, 166-3, 166-7 BURNING, OUTDOOR Agreement with Fire District, 104-1 Brush, 104-1, 104-2 Burning, 104-1,104-2 Exclusions, 104-4 Fine, 104-5 Fires, 104-1 - 104-3 Grass, 104-1, 104-2 Grass fires, 104-2 3 Penalties for offenses, 104-5 Permit, 104-1, 104-2 Supervision of fires, 104-3 BUS STOPS Vehicles and traffic, 260-21, 260-27 _C_ CARNIVALS Public entertainment and special events; 205-1 CATWALKS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 CEMETERIES Zoning, 280-13 CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL Subdivision of land, 240-21 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLI- ANCE Electrical inspections, 126-3 Flood damage prevention, 148-14 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-10, 275-13 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13 CERTIFICATES OF INSUR- ANCE Filming, 139-3,139-11 CERTIFICATES OF OCCU- PANCY Development rights, transfer of, 117-11 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Ethics, 26-21 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-15 - 144-18 Stormwater management, 236-16 Streets and sidewalks, 237-25 Subdivision of land, 240-49 Zoning, 280-4, 280-10, 280-13, 280-31, 280-33, 280-85, 280-112, 280-130, 280-151, 280-154 CESSPOOLS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-2,215-4,215-5,215-7, 215-8,215-11,215-12, 215-19, 215-21, 215-22, 215-27, 215-28, 215-37, 215-39 Soil removal, 2284 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-5 CHURCH Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-41 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Vehicles and traffic, 260-17 Zoning, 280-38, 280-48, 280-143 CLAMS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-9 CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240-42 - 24045 Zoning, 280-137 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX COASTAL EROSION HAZARD Grade, 111-10— 111-13 Southold Community Prescrva- AREAS Nearshore area, I I IA I tion Fund, 17-1 — 17-11 Administration and Enforcement, Obstructions, ] 1 1-11, 111-13 Acquisition of interests in 111-27 — 111-34 Open space, I11-13 property, 17-7 Bond, 1 ] 1-27, 111-28 Permit, 111-8 — 111-15 Alienation of land acquired us - Coastal erosion management Record, 111-10 ing fund moneys, 17-9 permit, 111-27 Structural hazard area, I I I-10 Animal, 17-4 Conflicts, 111-31 Traffic control, I11-16 Definitions, 17-4 Environmental review, 111-33 Vehicles, 111-16 Easement, 17-9 Fine, ] 11-34 Water, 111-7, 111-10, 111-13, Effective date, 17-11 Hearing, 111-27 111-14 Findings, 17-2 Inspections, 111-29 Well, 111-13 Hearing, 17-7 Interpretation, 111-30 Wildlife, 1I1-12— 111-15 Improvements, 17-8 Notice of violations, I ] 1-29 Variances and Appeals, 111-20 — Legislative purpose, 17-3 Penalties for offenses, 111-34 111-26 Management of lands acquired Permit, 111-27, 111-28, Coastal Erosion Hazard Board pursuant to chapter, 17-8 . 111-31 of Review, 111-24 Open space, 174, 17-8, 17-9 Powers and'duties ofAdminis- Expiration, 111-23 Parking, 17-8 trator, 111-29 Fees, 111-22 Parks, 17-4 Records, 111-29 Format and procedure, 111-21 Public hearing and other re - Reports, 111-27, 111-29 Hearing, 111-23 quircments, 17-7 Severability, 111-32 Notice, 111-25 Purposes of fund, 17-6 Sign, 111-29 Variances from standards and Sale, 17-9 Variances, 111-27 restrictions, 111-20 Severability, 17-10 Water, 111-29 ' CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFI- Southold Community Preser- Amendments, 111-35, 111-36 CER vation Fund established, Certification, 111-36 Powers and duties, 275-12.1 17-5 Hearing, 111-35 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1 Title, 17-1 Newspaper, 111-35 Wind energy, 277-7 Water, 17-8 Notice, 111-35 COLD WAR VETERANS' TAX Wildlife, 17-4, 17-8 Procedure, 11 ]-35 EXEMPTION Southold Community Preserva- Report, 111-35 Taxation, 245-17, 245-18 tion Project Plan, 17-12 — Emergency Activities, 111-17— COMBUSTIBLE 17-15 111-19 Junkyards, 166-1, 166-7 Community preservation pro - Applicability, 111-17 Soil removal, 228-7 ject plan adopted, 17-13 Emergency, I I 1-17— 111-19 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Legislative findings, 17-12 Improper or insufficient notifi- Solid waste, 233-1, 233-4 Meeting, 17-13 cation, 111-19 Zoning, 280-78, 280-110 Open space, 17-12 Notification, 111-18, 111-19. COMMITTEES, APPOINT- Purpose, 17-12 Permit, 111-19 MENT OF Severability, 17-14 Safety, 111-17, 111-18 Committee members, 13-2 When effective, 17-15 General Provisions, 1 11-1 — Duties, 13-3 Two -Percent Real Estate Transfer 111-6 Effect on statutory provisions, Tax, 17-19 — 17-40 Definitions, 111-6 13-5 Additional exemptions, 17-25 Enactment, I I I A Establishment of committees, Appeal, 17-34 Findings, 111-5 13-1 Applicability, 17-21 Grading, 111-6 Expenses, 13-4 Apportionment of considera-' Purpose, 111-4 Meeting, 13-3 tion subject to tax for Title, 111-2 Minutes, 13-3 property located only Water, 111-5, 111-6 When effective, 13-6 partly within Town, 17-33 Well, 111-4, 1-4, 111-5 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Confidentiality, 17-37 When effective, 111-3 Police department rules and regu- Confidentiality of transfer tax Wildlife, 111-6 lations, A290-45 returns, 17-37 Regulations, 111-7 — 111-16 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 Cooperative housing corpora - Anchored, 111-13 Zoning, 280-13 tion transfers, 17-27 Assessment, I I I A 0 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Credit, 17-26 Beach arca, I I1-12 FUND Definitions, 17-20 Bluff arca, 1 I 1-14 Community Preservation Fund Deposit and disposition of Bond, 111-15 Advisory Board, 17-16.— revenue, 17-31 Buffer, 111-12 17-18 Designation of agent by Drainage, 111-14 Community Preservation Fund County Treasurer, 17-28 Dune area, 111-13 Advisory Board estab- Determination of tax, 17-34 Erosion protection structures, lished, 17-16 Easement, 17-24 111-15 Membership, 17-16 Effective date, 17-40 Establishment, 111-7 Purpose, 17-16 Exemptions from tax, 17-24 Excavation, ] I I A 0 Severability, 17-17 Filing of return, 17-22 Fine, 111-11 When effective, 17-18 Hearing, 17-34 Gas, ] 11-10 Imposition of tax, 17-21 4 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Inspection, 17-37 Subdivision of land, 240-17, Automobile trailer or house car, Insurance, 17-32, 17-34 240-21, 240-45 253-1 Interest and civil penalties, Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 Auto repair shop, 2804 17-36 Zoning, 280-4, 280-559 280-78, Base flood, 148-4 Intergovernmental agreement 280-92, 280-131, 280-133, Basement, 148-4, 280-4 authority, 17-38 280-137 Bay, 275-2 Judicial review, 17-32 Beach, .111-6, 275-2 Legislative findings, 17-19 Bcd-and-breakfast, 280-4 Liability, 17-23, 17-29, 17-31, - D - Berm, 280-4 17-34, 17-35 Liens, 17-27, 17-35 DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICA- Best -management practice, 236-4 Billboard, 280-4 Natural features, 17-19 TION Block, 280-4 Notice, 17-32, 17-34 Adoption of statutory provisions, Bluff, 111-6, 275-2 Open space, 17-24 21-1 Bluff line, 275-2 Parks, 17-24 Town to provide defense for em- Board, 215-2, 275-2 Payment of tax, 17-22 ployees, 21-2 Boarding- and tourist houses, Penalty, 17-35, 17-36 DEFINITIONS AND ABBRE- 280-4 Petition to Town Supervisor, VIATIONS Board of appeals, 280-4 17-34 Access, 280-4 Board or Department of Public Proceedings to recover tax Accessory apartment, 280-4 Health, 253-1 due, 17-35 Accessory building or structure, Boats, 96-7 Purpose, 17-19 280-4 Boat/vessel, 219-4, 275-2 Records, 17-22, 17-34, 17-35 Accessory structure, 275-2 BOD (denoting "biochemical requirement, Referendum re q Accessory use, 280-4 oxygen demand"), 215-36 17-40 ' Access path, 275-2 Body fluids, A290-45 Refunds, 17-30 Acquisition, 185-3 Bowriding, 96-7 Re ort, 17-34 p Actions, 268-3 Breakaway wall, 148-4 Sale, 17-24 cve Active du 245-17 h', Breezeway, 280-4 Severability, 17-39 Adaptive reuse, 170-3 Buffer area, 240-3, 275-2 Use of tax, 17-21 Addition, 280-4 Buildable area, 280-4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Administrative permit, 275-2 Buildable lands, 240-3, 280-4 Flood damage prevention, 148-22 Administrator, 1 ] 1-6 Building, 148-4, 2804 Soil removal, 228-6 Advisory board, 17-4 Building area, 280-4 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, Aesthetics, 275-2 Building connection lateral, 240-10, 240-11, 240-19, Agency, 268-3 215-36 24042, 240-439 240-53 Agricultural debris, 233-1 Building drain, 215-36 Zoning, 280-29 g Agricultural lands, 70-3 Building Inspector, 236-4 CONFIDENTIALITY - Agricultural production, 703 Building line, 280-4 Community preservation fund, Agriculture, 236-4, 240-3, 275-2, Building or house sewer, 215-36 17-37 2804 Building permit, 144-3 Police department rules and regu- Agriculture reserve area, 240-3 Bulkhead, 275-2, 280-4 lations, A290-41 Alarm installation, 75-2 Camp cottage, 253-1 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Alienation, 70-3, 185-3 Campsite, 253-20 Ethics, 26-3 Alteration, 170-3, 280-4 Cans, 233-1 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Apartment, 280-4 Carter, 215-2 Sewers and sewage disposal, Apartment house, 280-4 Catwalk, 275-2 215-16 Appeal, 148-4 Cellar, 148-4, 280-4 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Appear and appear before, 26-2 Central alarm station, 75-2 Wind energy,277-4 Applicant, 240-3, 275-2, 2804 4Application; Certificate of compliance, 280-4 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES 275-2 Certificate of occupancy, 280-4 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Application for development, Cesspool, 215-2 retail merchants, 197-6 280-4 Channel system, 96-7, 219-4 COSTS AND EXPENSES Aquaculture, 275-2 Child care, 280-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Aquaculture/mariculture, 219-4 Child=care center, 249-2 Wind energy,277-6 Archives, 59-13 Chlorine demand, 215-36 Zoning, 280-177 Area of shallow flooding,148-4 Churning, 219-4 COUNTY CLERK Area of special flood hazard, Cigarette, 249-2 Zoning, 1Zonin 280-175 148-4 Cigarette tobacco, 249-2 CROSSWALKS - Armed forces, 24517 Clean fill, 236-4 Subdivision of land, 240-3 As -built plans, 275-2 Clearing, 240-3, 275-2 CURB ASTM', 215-36 Clerk, 275-2 Highway specifications, 1614, Attendant, 233-1 Clerk of the Planning Board, 161-34, 161-38, 161-41, Authorized private receptacle, 240-3 161-45,161-46 174-1 Club, beach, 280-4 Police department rules and regu- Auto, 166-2 Club, membership or country or lations, A290-37, A290-38 Automobile sales lot or building, golf, 280-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-16 280-4 Club, yacht, 280-4 Cluster, 240-3, 2804 5 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Coastal area, 268-3 Customer or client, 26-2 Farm stand, 280-4 Coastal assessment form (caf), Custom workshop, 280-4 Federal emergency management 268-3 Days, 47-1 agency, 148-4 Coastal erosion hazard area map, Debris line, 111-6 Fence, 280-4 111-6 Dec, 215-36 Filling, 236-4 Coastal erosion hazard line, 275-2 Deck, 275-2, 2804 Final plat, 240-3 Coastal high -hazard area, 148-4 Decking, 275-2 Final plat approval, 240-3 Coastal waters, 111-6 Dedication, 280-4 Fire departments, 75-2 Coastline, 111-6 Demolition, 170-3 Fire or police alarm device, 75-2 COD (denoting chemical oxygen Department, 47-1, A29046 Fish processing, 280-4 demand), 215-36' Development, 148-4, 236-4 Fixed dock, 275-2 Cold War veteran, 245-17 Development right, 70-3, 185-3 Fixed gear, 219-4 Combined sewer, 215-36 Development rights, 117-2, Flat or mansard roof, 280-4 Commercial agriculture, 275-2 280-171 Flea market, 280-4 Commercial dock, 275-2 Dial alarm, 75-2 Floating dock, 275-2 Commercial purposes, 219-4 Direct actions, 268-3 Floating home, 96-27 Commercial self -haulers, 233-1 Direct alarm, 75-2 Floating home marina, 96-27 Commercial vehicles, 233-1 Discharge, 236-4 Flood boundary and floodway Commission, 64-3 District, 215-2, 215-36 map (fbfm), 148-4 Committee, 70-3, 185-3 Dock, 275-2 Flood elevation study, 148-4 Common driveway, 240-3 Dock length, 275-2 Flood hazard area, 280-4 Common open space, 280-4 Domestic or sanitary sewage, Flood hazard boundary map Communicable disease, A290-45 215-36 (fhbm), 148-4 Community preservation, 17-4 Drainage right-of-way, 240-3 Flood insurance rate map (firm), Community preservation project Drainage systems, 236-4 148-4 plan, 174 _ Drain field, 215-2 Flood insurance study, 148-4 Complainant, A290-36 Drain layer or licensed drain Flood or flooding, 1484 Comprehensive plan, 240-3 layer, 215-36 Floodplain, 280-4 Condominium, 280-4 Dune, 111-6, 275-2 Floodplain or flood -prone area, Conservation, 240-3, 275-2 Dwelling, 249-2 148-4, 240-3 Conservation areas, primary, Dwelling, multiple, 280-4 Floodproofing, 148-4 240-3 Dwelling, one -family, 2804 Floodway, 148-4 Conservation areas, secondary, Dwelling, row or attached, 280-4 Floor area, 280-4 240-3 Dwelling, semidetached, 280-4 Floor area, livable, 280-4 Conservation easement, 240-3 Dwelling, two-family, 280-4 Floor area ratio, 280-4 Conservation subdivision, 240-3 Dwelling unit, 280-4 Food catering facility, 280-4 Consideration, 17-20 Easement, 215-2, 240-3, 280-4 Food processing facility, 280-4 Consistent, 268-3 Eel, 219-4 Fraternal organization, 280-4 Construction, 236-4 Elevated building, 148-4 Frontage, 280-4 Construction and demolition (c Emergency alarm, 75-2 Front or frontage, 237-23 & d) debris, 233-1, Employee, 47-1 Functional, 275-2 275-2 Energy Code, 144-3 Functional bulkhead, 275-2 Consumer price index, 280-25 Engineer, 240-3 Functional jetty/groin, 275-2 Containment, 219-4 Environment, 268-3 Functionally dependent use, Continuing care facility, 280-4 Erosion, 111-6, 236-4 148'-4 Controlling interest, 17-20 Erosion control, 275-2 Fund, 174,17-20,34-3 Conveyance, 17-20, 280-25 Erosion hazard area, 111-6 Gabion, 275-2 Cooling water, 215-36 Erosion protection structure, Garage, private, 280-4 Cooperative, 280-4 111-6 Garage, public, 2804 Corrugated cardboard, 233-1 Erosion, sedimentation and Garage, repair, 280-4 Court, depth of outer, 280-4 stormwater runoff control Garbage, 174-1, 215-36 Court, inner, 280-4 plan, 236-4 Gasoline service station, 280-4 Court, outer, 280-4 Excavation, 2364 Gift and financial benefit, 26-2 Court, width of outer, 2804 Existing manufactured home park Glass, 233-1 Crawl space, 1484 or subdivision, 148-4 Gold star parent, 245-15 Creeks, 275-2 Existing resource and site analy- Golf course, standard regulation, Critical environmental areas, sis plan (ersap), 240-3 2804 275-2 Existing structure, 111-6 Grading, 111-6, 236-4, 240-3 Crops, livestock and livestock Expansion to an existing manu- Grantee, 17-20 . products, 280-98 factured home park or subdi- Grantor, 17-20 Crosswalk, 240-3 vision, 148-4 Greenhouse, 280-4 Cul-de-sac, 280-4 Facade, 170-3 Grievance, 47-1. Cul-de-sac (court), 240-3 False emergency alarm, 75-2 Grocery store, 280-4 Culling, 219-4 Family, 280-4 Groin, 275-2 Cultural features, 240-3 Family/household, A290-36 Ground floor, 2804 Curb cut, 2804 Family offense, A290-36 Guest, 219-4 Curb level, 280-4 Farm, 280-4 Guest unit, 280-4 Curbline, 260-1 Farm buildings, 280-4 Habitable floor area, 280-4 6 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Habitat, 275-2 Lot, through, 280-4 Nonturf buffer, 275-2 Habitat ftagmentation, 275-2 Lot width, 280-4 Normal maintenance, 111-6 Handbill, 174-1 Lower- and moderate -cost hous- NPDES, 215-36 Harvesting, 275-2 ing, 280-4 Nursery school, 280-4 Health care facility, 280-4 Lowest floor, 148-4 Off duty, A290-46 Height of accessory building, Low -profile jetties, 275-2 Officer, A290-46 280-4 Low -sill bulkhead, 275-2 Official map, 240-3 Height of building, 280-4 Main floor, 280-4 Official time standard, 260-1 Highest adjacent grade, 148-4 Maintenance dredging, 275-2 Off -premises sign, 280A Highway, 237-5 Major addition, 111-6 Off-street parking space, 280-4 Historic, 170-3 Man-made pond, 275-2 On duty, A290-46 Historical society, 280A Manufactured home, 148-4 One -hundred -year flood, 148-4 Historic building, 280-4 Manufactured home park or sub- One -hundred -year floodplain, Historic significance, 64-3 division, 148-4 236-4 Historic structure, 148-4 Manufacturing, 280-4 On-site system, 215-2 Holidays, 260-1 Map, 237-23 Open development area, 240-3 Home business office, 280-4 Marina, 96-27, 275-2 Open space, 280-4 Home occupation, 280-4 Marina or boat basin, 280-4 Open space or open area, 185-3 Homeowners' or homes associa- Marine resources, 219-4 Operations, 275-2 tion, 275-2, 280-4 Master plan, 280-4 Order of protection, A290-36 Home professional office, 280-4 Material, 275-2 Ordinary and usual maintenance, Horticulture, 275-2 Mean high water (mhw), 275-2, 275-2 Hotel or motel, resort, 280-4 280-4 Original structure, 275-2 Hotel or motel, transient, 280-4 Mean low water, 111-6 Outdoor storage, 280-4 Housing, 34-3 Mean low water (mlw), 275-2 Outside employer or business,, Illegal dumping, 233-1 Mean sea level, 148-4 26-2 Illicit discharges, 236-4 Member, A290-46 Owner, 237-23, 280-4 Immediate family member, 26-2 Minor actions, 268-3 Park, 174-1, 249-2 Immediate project arca, 275-2 Mobile home, 148-4 Park and recreation fee, 240-3 Immediate supervisor, 47-1 Moderate -income family, 280-25 Park dedication, 240-3 Impervious surface, 236-4, 275-2 Moderate -income family dwelling Parking lot, 280-4 Income eligible individu- unit, 280-25 Partial self-service gasoline ser- als/families, 34-3 Moderate -income family unim- vice station, 280-4 Industrial sewage or wastes, proved lot, 280-25 Patent lands, 219-4, 275-2 215-36 Monopolize, 96-4, 275-2 Patio, 280A Interest in real property, 17-20 Mooring, 275-2 Peak lunar tides, 275-2 Intrusion, 75-2 Motel, resort, 280-4 Peddler, 197-2 Jetty, 275-2 Motel, transient, 280-4 Performance bond, 240-3 Junkyard, 2804 Movable structure, 111-6 Performance guaranty, 2804 Landmark designation, 280-4 Multiple dwelling, 249-2 Period of war, 245-15 Landscaping, 2804 Multiple dwelling unit, 249-2 Permanent fixed improvement, Landward, 275-2 Municipal permit, 236-4 280-25 Latest class ratio, 245-17 National geodetic vertical datum Permanent mooring, 96-7 Latest state equalization rate, (ngvd)", 148-4 Permanent resident, 219-4 245-17 Natural buffer, 240-3 Permit holder, 144-3 Laws and ordinances, A290-46 Natural drainage, 236-4 Person, 17-20, 26-2, 964, 96-27, Licensing authority, 75-2 Natural features, resources or sys- 111-6, 144-3, 166-2, 174-1, Life care community, 280-4 tems, 240-3 197-2, 215-2, 215-36, 233-1, Light industrial uses, 2804 Natural outlet, 215-36 237-5, 249-2, 275-2, 2804 Light industry, 280-4 Natural protective feature, 111-6, Personal watercraft, 96-7 Litter, 174-1 2364 pH, 215-36 Living area, 2804 Natural protective feature area, Pier, 275-2 Loading berth, 2804 111-6 Pier line, 275-2 Local administrator, 148-4 Natural watershed, 236-4 Planning board, 280-4 Local waterfront revitalization Nearshore area, 111-6 Planning board or board, 240-3 program or lwrp, 268-3 Net worth, 280-25 Plastics, 233-1 Lot, 240-3, 280-4 New construction, 148-4 Plat, 280-4 Lot arca, 280-4 New manufactured home park or Platform, 275-2 Lot, corner, 280-4 subdivision, 148-4 Police headquarters, 75-2 Lot coverage, 280-4 Newspaper, 174-1, 233-1 Pond, 275-2 Lot depth, 280-4 Nonconforming building or struc- Preexisting nonpermitted and/or Lot, interior, 2804 ture, 280-4 nonconforming structures, Lot line, 280-4 Nonconforming lot, 2804 275-2 Lot line, front, 280-4 Nonconforming use, 280-4 Preliminary plat, 240-3 Lot line modification, 240-3 Nondisturbance buffer, 275-2 Preservation, 240-3 Lot line, rear, 280-4 Nonfertilizer, 275-2 Primary dune, 111-6 Lot line, side, 280-4 Nonrecyclable waste, 233-1 Primary frontal dune, 148-4 Lot, rear or flag, 280-4 Nonresident, 219-4 Principal building, 280-4 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Principally above ground, 148-4 Rural significance, 64-3 Structure, 70-3, 111-6, 148-4, Principal use, 280-4 Salvage center, 211-1 185-3; 236-4, 275-2, 2804 Private dwelling, 249-2 Sand dunes, 148-4 Subdivision, 240-3 Private premises, 174-1 Sanitary flow credit, 117-2 Subordinate of a town officer or Private warehousing, 280-4 Sanitary sewer, 215-36 employee, 26-2 Proactive restoration, 275-2 Scap net, 219-4 Subsoil drainage, 215-36 Probable cause, A290-36 Scavenger waste pretreatment fa- Substantial damage, 148-4 Professional, A290-46 cility, 215-2 Substantial improvement, 148-4 Professional office, 280-4 Scenic significance, 64-3 Subtidal, 275-2 Public parking lot, 260-1 School, 249-2 Superintendent, 193-1, 215-36, Public place, 174-1 Secondary dune, 111-6 237-5 Public property, 264-3 Sedimentation, 236-4 Superior officer, A290-46 Public sewer, 215-36 Sending district, 117-2 Supervisory officer, A29046 Public warehousing, 280-4 Septage (scavenger waste), 215-2 ,Suspended solids, 215-36 Public water: public sewer, 280-4 Septic tank, 215-2, 280-4 Swimming pool, 280-4 Qualified owner, 245-17 Seqra, 240-3 Taking, 219-4 Qualified residential real prop- Service connected, 245-17 Taxpayer, 219-4 erty, 245-17 Servicing, 59-13 Telecommunication tower, 280-4 Real property, 17-20 Setback, 275-2, 280-4 Temporary anchoring, 96-7 Receding edge, 111-6 Sewage, 215-36 Tidal waters, 275-2 Receiving district, 117-2 Sewage treatment plant, 215-2, Tobacco, 249-2 Recession rate, 111-6 215-36 Tobacco product, 249-2 Recording officer, 17-20 Sewage works, 215-36 Tobacco product advertisement, Records, 59-13 Sewer or drain, 215-36 249-2 Records center, 59-13 Sheathing, 275-2 Toe, 111-6 Records disposition, 59-13 Shellfish, 219-4 Topsoil, 236-4 Records management, 59-13 Shopping center, 280-4 Tourist camp, 253-1, 280-4 Recreation, active, 240-3 Shoreline structure, 275-2 Tourist cottage, 280-4 Recreational areas, 193-1 Sign, 2804 Tower height, 277-1 Recreational facilities, 280-4 Sign area, 280-4 Town, 17-20, 34-3, 130-2, 174-1, Recreational vehicle, 148-4, Significant fish and wildlife habi- 237-5, 275-2 253-20, 280-4 tat, 111-6 Town agency, 130-2 Recreational vehicle park, 253-20 Silt boom, 275-2 Town board, 237-5, 280-4, Recreational vehicle site, 253-20 Site plan, 280-4 A290-46 Recreation facility, commercial, Site preparation, 236-4 Town garbage bag, 233-1 280-4 Sloping roof, 280-4 Townhouse, 280-4 Recreation, passive, 240-3 Slugs, 215-36 Town officer or employee, 26-2 Recyclable, mandated, 233-1 Small wind energy system, 277-1, Town of southold, 75-2 Recyclable, other, 233-1 280-4 Town supervisor, 17-20 Recyclable wood, 233-1 Smokeless tobacco, 249-2 Town waters, 96-27, 219-4, 275-2 Refuse, 174-1, 233-1 Solicitor and/or canvasser, 197-2 Trail, 240-3 Regulated activity, 111-6 Sound, 275-2 Trailer or mobile home, 280-4 Regulation equipment, A290-46 Spawner sanctuary, 275-2 Transfer of development rights, Regulatory floodway, 148-4 Special exception use, 2804 117-2 Relative, 26-2 Special projects coordinator, Transfer station, private, 233-1 Removal, 170-3 280-25 Transfer station, Town, 233-1 Research laboratory, 280-4 Specialty prop -craft, 96-7 Transient retail business, 197-2 Residential, 275-2 Split -rail fence, 275-2 Treasurer (county treasurer), Residential cluster, 280-4 Standard subdivision, 240-3 17-20 Residential dock, 275-2 Start of construction, 148-4 Tropical hardwood, 275-2 Residential horticulture, 275-2 Storm sewer or storm drain, Trustees, 275-2 Residential self -haulers, 233-1 215-36 Unit, 253-1 Resource buffer area, 275-2 Stormwater, 215-36 Unlicensed motor -driven vehicle, Responsible party, 236-4 Stormwater runoff, 236-4 264-3 Restaurant, 280-4 Story, 280-4 Unregulated activity, 111-6 Restaurant, formula food, 2804 Story, half, 2804 Usable open space, 280-4 Restaurant, take-out, 280-4 Street, 237-23, 280-4 Use, 280-4 Restoration, 111-6 Street, arterial, 240-3 Use, accessory, 280-4 Resubdivision, 240-3 Street, collector, 240-3 Variance, 148-4 Retail store, 280-4 Street line, 280-4 Vegetated wetlands, 275-2 Retaining wall, 275-2, 280-4 Street, local, 240-3 Vegetation, 111-6 Revetment, 275-2 Street or right-of-way width, Vehicles, 174-1, 193-1 Right-of-way lines, 280-4 240-3 Veteran, 245-15 1 Riprap, 275-2 Stripping, 236-4 Waler, 275-2 Roadside farm stand or agricul- Structural alteration, 280-4 Watercourse, 215-36 tural stand, 2804 Structural components, 275-2 Water -dependent uses, 275-2 Rubbish, 174-1 Structural hazard area, 111-6 Wetland boundary or boundaries Rules, 130-2 of wetland, 275-2 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Wetlands (freshwater), 275-2 Sanitary flow credit certificate, Sewers and sewage disposal, Wetlands (tidal), 275-2 117-8 215-28, 215-36, 215-38, Wharf, 275-2 Sanitary flow credit transfer, 215-39 Width of creek, 275-2 117-4 Soil removal, 228-2, 228-4, Wireless communication facility, School, 117-7 228-5, 228-7 280-4 Water, 117-7 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, Wireless communications, 280-4 DIRECTOR OF CODE EN- 240-7, 240-9 - 240-11, Yard, 280-4 FORCEMENT 240-17, 240-19 - 240-21, Yard, front, 280-4 Powers and duties, 219-23 240-23, 240-25, 240-30, Yard line, 280-4 Shellfish and other marine re- 240-32, 240-35 - 240-37, Yard, rear, 2804 sources, 219-23 24041,240-44,240-51 Yard, side, 280-4 DIRT Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5, Yield, 240-3 Highway specifications, 161-9 253-22 Youth, 68-2 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 - Youth service project, 68-2 Peddlers, solicitors and transient 275-7, 275-11 Zone, 280-4 retail merchants, 197-10 Zoning, 280-4, 280-73, 280-78, Zoning Board, 280-4 Sewers and sewage disposal, 280-91, 280-127, 280-129, Zoning Map, 280-4 215-21, 215-37 280-133 DEMOLITION Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 DREDGING Buildings, unsafe, 100-3, 100-8, DISABILITY Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 100-9 Police department rules and regu- DRIVEWAYS Fire prevention and building con- lations, A290-3 Highway specifications, 161-39, struction, 144-5, 144-8 DISABLED BOATS 161-46 Highway specifications, 161-21 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10 Littering, 174-2 Landmark preservation, 170-2 - Harbor management, 157-12 Soil removal, 228-4 170-7, 170-9, 170-10 DISCLOSURE PROVISIONS Subdivision of land, 240-3, Solid waste, 233-1, 2334 Zoning, 280-174 24045 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, DISCRIMINATION Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3, 275-5 Personnel, 47-2 253-10, 253-11, 253-22 Zoning, 280-140 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, DESIGN STANDARDS Alarm systems, 75-8 260-15, 260-17, 260-18, Flood damage prevention, Police department rules and regu- 260-27 148-14, 148-18 lations, A290-9, A290-15 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, Subdivision of land, 240-36 Sewers and sewage disposal, 275-5 Zoning, 280-72 215-40 Zoning, 28048, 280-73, 280-78, DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, DOCKS 280-85, 280-92, 280-93, TRANSFER OF Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5, 280-137 Assessment, 117-7 275-11 DRUG Building Inspector, 117-7 DOGS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-15 Building permit, 117-8 Animals, 83-6 - 83-12, 83-16" Taxation, 245-1 Certificate of occupancy, 117-11 Appearance tickets, 5-2 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-15 Covenants and restrictions, 117-9 Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 Zoning, 280-13 Definitions, 117-2 Peddlers, solicitors and transient DUMP Determination of sanitary flow retail merchants, 197-5, Highway specifications, 161-19, credit to be deposited into 197-10 161-21 TDR Bank, 117-5 DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS Junkyards, 166-7 Development Rights Bank, 117-3 Fees, 121-5 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Easement, 117-3, 117-6 Filing of statements, 121-5 DUMPING Expiration, 117-11 Penalty, 121-4, 121-5 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-8 Hearings, 117-5, 117-7, 117-10, Purpose and objectives, 121-2 Junkyards, 166-3 117-12 Record, 121-4 Sewers and sewage disposal, Irreversible transfer, 117-6 Requirements, 121-3 215-27 1 Meeting, 117-7 Statement of domestic partner- Solid waste, 233-1, 233-2, 233-7 Newspaper, 117-7 ship, 121-4 DUST Notice, 117-7, 117-8, 117-10- Title, 121-1 Highway specifications, 161-23 117-12 DRAINAGE Peddlers, solicitors and transient Open space, 117-1 Coastal erosion hazard areas, retail merchants, 197-10 Permit, 117-7, 117-8 111-14 Soil removal, 228-2, 228-5, 228-7 Procedure for transfer of devel- Fire prevention and building con- Zoning, 280-13, 280-48, 280-58, opment right from the TDR struction, 144-10 280-62, 280-91, 280-99, Bank to receiving district, Flood damage prevention, 280-111, 280-143 117-7 148-12, 148-15 - 148-17, Purpose and intent, 117-1 148-19 Report, 117-7 Highway specifications, 161-2 - - E - Return of credit, 117-12 161-4, 161-8, 161-9, 161-13, Revocation, 117-10 161-18, 161-25, 161-27- EASEMENTS Sales, 117-3, 1174, 117-9 161-33, 161-36, 161-45 Community preservation fund, Junkyards, 166-4 17-9, 17-24 9 03-15-2008 Development rights, transfer of, 117-3,117-6 General provisions, 1-4 Highway specifications, 161-2 - 161-4,161-13,161-18 Landmark preservation, 170-4 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-2, 215-20, 21543, 215-44 ' Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-10,240-17,240-21, 240-26 - 240-28, 24042, 240-44, 240-51, 240-54 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-3, 280-4, 280-133, 280-175,280-177,280-179, 280-180 EELS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-13 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Administration, 126-1 Building Inspector, 126-3 Building permit, 126-3 Certificate of compliance, 126-3 Certificate of occupancy, 126-3 Designation of Inspectors, 126-2 Duties of Electrical Inspector, 126-3 Emergency, 126-3 Inspections, 126-1 - 126-3 Insurance, 126-2 Penalties for offenses, 126-5 Permit, 126-3 Reports, 126-3 Restrictions on materials, 126-4 Severability, 126-6 When effective, 126-7 ELEVATORS Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Zoning, 280-104 EMERGENCIES Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-11 Solid waste, 233-6 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 EMERGENCY Alarm systems, 75-1, 75-2, 75-5, 75-6 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-17, 96-26 Buildings, unsafe, 100-3, 100-4, 100-8 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-17 - 111-19 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-6,148-9,148-10, 148-13 - 148-15, 148-22 Harbor management, 157-6 Highway specifications, 161-20 Housing fund, 34-2, 34-6 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3 Police department, 51-4 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-3, A290-33 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-23,215-38 SOUTHOLD INDEX Streets and sidewalks, 237-13, Time limit for written determina- 237-22 tion by agency, 130-7 Subdivision of land, 240-10, Title, 130-1 240-42 Types of actions, 130-4 Vehicles and traffic, 260-23 When effective, 130-20 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-18 EROSION AND SEDIMENTA - Waterfront consistency review, TION 268-3 Stormwater management, 236-13 Zoning, 280-13, 280-137, Waterfront consistency review, 280-143 268-2 EMERGENCY VEHICLES Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Flood damage prevention, 148-22 ETHICS Highway specifications, 161-20 Code of Ethics, 26-1, 26-2 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-18 Definitions, 26-2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Legislative intent, 26-1 STATEMENT Disclosure Requirements, 26-17 - Environmental quality review, 26-20 130-9 -130-14 Annual disclosure, 26-17 Subdivision of land, 240-18, Applicant disclosure, 26-20 240-19, 240-22, 240-25 Designation of officers and ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY employees required to file REVIEW annual disclosure state - Actions involving more than one ments, 26-18 agency, 130-18 Licenses, 26-17 Compliance required, 130-3 Maintenance of disclosure Decision to approve or disap- statements, 26-19 prove action, 130-14 Permits, 26-17 Definitions, 130-2 Retirement, 26-17 Environmental impact statement, Variances, 26-17 130-9 - 130-14 Ethics Board, 26-21 - 26-25 Exceptions, 130-3 Building permits, 26-21 Fee, 130-19 Certificates of occupancy, Filing of copy of determination, 26-21 130-16 Establishment of Ethics Board, Filing of written statement by ap- 26-21 plicant, 130-5 Inspection, 26-25 Hearing, 130-10 - 130-12 Investigations, 26-21 - 26-23, Inspection, 130-17 26-25 Maintenance of files open to pub- Licenses, 26-21 lic inspection, 130-17 Meeting, 26-21 Meetings, 130-7 Permits, 26-21 Newspaper, 130-6, 130-10 Powers of the Ethics Board, Notice of completion of draft en- " 26-22 vironmental impact state- Public inspection of Ethics ment, 130-10 Board records, 26-25 Notice of completion of final en- Records, 26-23, 26-25 vironmental impact state- Reports, 26-25 ment, 130-13 Review of lists and disclosure Notice of receipt of complete ap- statements, 26-24 plication, 130-6 Penalties, 26-26 - 26-28 Notices, 130-6, 130-10, 130-13, Debarment, 26-28 130-17 Liable, 26-26 Permits, 130-5 Penalties for offenses, 26-26 Preparation of draft environ- Voidable contracts, 26-27 mental impact statement, Rules of Conduct, 26-3 - 26-16 130-9 Appeals, 26-13 Preparation of final environ- Appearances, 26-10 mental impact statement, Assessment, 26-13 130-12 Avoidance of conflicts, 26-4 Processing of proposed actions, Confidential information, 130-8 26-11 Processing of proposed actions Conflicts of interest, 26-3 not affecting environment, Exclusion from Code of Eth- 130-11 ics, 26-16 Required findings in written de- General prohibition; 26-5 termination, 130-15 Gifts, 26-8 Time limit, 130-14 Goal, 26-3 10 03-15-2008 Inducement of others and brib- ery, 26-15 Political solicitation, 26-12 Record, 26-7 Recusal, 26-6 Recusal procedure, 26-7 Representation, 26-9 Restriction on elected official or member of board, 26-13 Revolving door, 26-14 EXCAVATIONS Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-10 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-17,161-18,161-25, 161-29,161-30,161-36 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-42,215-43 Soil removal, 228-1, 228-3 - 228-7 Stormwater management, 236-10, 236-13 Streets and sidewalks, 237-4, 237-6, 237-9, 237-11 - 237-13,237-16 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-114, 280-129 EXPENSES OF TOWN OFFI- CERS Appeals, 30-1 Compensation for expense of at- tendance at official meetings; 30-1 Meetings, 30-1 EXPLOSION HAZARD Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 EXPLOSIVES Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16 Junkyards, 166-1 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 Zoning, 280-58, 280-62, 280-111 -F- FALSE ALARMS Alarm systems, 75-5, 75-6 FARMS AND. FARMING Zoning, 280-174 FARM STANDS Appeals, 135-3 Fees, 135-4 Legislative intent, 135-1 Nonconforming farm stands, 135-5 Parking, 135-3 Penalties for offenses, 135-6 Permit, 135-2 - 135-4, 135-6 Safety, 135-3 Setbacks, 135-3 Site plan, 135-3 Special exception, 135-3 SOUTHOLD INDEX Standards for issuance of permit, 135-3 FEES Alarm systems, 75-4 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-22 Domestic partnerships, 121-5 Environmental quality review, 130-19 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-11, 144-18 Flood damage prevention, 148-12 Junkyards, 166-6 Landmark preservation, 170-14 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-9 Records, 59-9 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-41 Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-7 Soil removal, 228-11 Solid waste, 233-4, 233-6 Streets and sidewalks, 237-10 Subdivision of land, 240-8 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7 Wind energy, 277-5 Zoning, 280-81, 280-149 FENCES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8,1144-10 Highway specifications, 161-16, 161-29, 161-41, 161-42 Junkyards, 166-4, 166-7 Soil removal, 2284, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 240-36 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-15 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-5, 275-11 Wind energy, 277-4 Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-41, 28048, 280-69, 280-70, 280-72,280-73,280-78, 280-82,280-85,280-92, 280-94, 280-99, 280-104 - 280-106,280-114,280-133, 280-134, 280-149 FILL Flood damage prevention, - 148-12,148-15,148-18 Highway specifications, 161-25 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-33, A290-36 Soil removal, 228-7 Stormwater management, 236-10, 236-13 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6, 275-11 FILMING Applications, 139-3 Building Inspector, 139-8 Certificate of insurance, 139-3, 139-11 Cleanup deposit, 139-5 Compliance with other laws, 139-10 11 Exemption, 139-2 Extension of permit period, 139-13 Fees, 139-6 Inspection, 139-12 Insurance, 139-3, 139-11 Insurance requirements, 139-11 Liability, 139-11 No alterations to Town property, 139-9 No donations accepted, 139-7 Notice, 139-4, 139-8 Parking, 139-3 . Parks, 139-8 Penalties for offenses, 139-14 Permit, 139-1 - 139-5, 139-7 - 139-13 Purpose, 139-1 Safety, 139-1, 139-3 Severability, 139-15 Traffic control fee, 139-4 Trees, 139-9 Vehicles, 139-3 When effective, 139-16 FINAL PLANS Highway specifications, 161-3, 161-4 FINAL PLATS Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-6 - 240-8, 240-13, 240-15, 240-16, 240-19 - 240-25, 240-28, 240-31, 240-32, 240-35, 240-36, 240-41, 240-42, 240-44, 24045, 240-51 - 240-53 Zoning, 280-4 FINGERPRINTS Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-6 FIRE ALARM Subdivision of land, 240-17 FIREARMS Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-9, A290-33 FIRE EXTINGUISHER Junkyards, 166-7 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 Zoning, 280-48 FIRE HYDRANTS Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240-17, 240-21, 240-35, 240-36, 240-48 Vehicles and traffic, 260-14, 260-18, 260-27 Zoning, 280-133, 280-137 FIRE LANES Junkyards, 166-7 Vehicles and traffic, 260-14, 260 -27 - FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CONSTRUC- TION Abatement of violations, 144-21 Accessory buildings, 144-8 Administration and enforcement officers designated, 144-3 Applications, 144-8, 144-15 03-15-2008 Block, 144-8 Building permit, 144-3, 144-17 Building permits, 144-11,.144-12 Burning, 144-8 Certificate of occupancy, 144-15 - 144-17 Compliance required, 144-20 Compliance with standards, 144-19 Conflicts with other regulations, 144-4 .Cooperation with other depart- ments, 144-7 Definitions and Abbreviations, 144-3 Demolition, 144-5, 144-8 Drainage, 144-10 Excavation, 144-8 Fees, 144-11, 144-18 Fences, 144-8, 144-10 Firesafety, 144-6, 144-8 Fuel, 144-8 Garages, 144-8 Grading, 144-10 Heating, 144-8 Hotel, 144-8 Improvement, 144-8 Inspections, 144-6, 144-16 Issuance of certificate of occu- pancy, 144-17 Lots, 144-8 Motel, 144-8 Multifamily dwellings, 144-6 Nuisance, 144-10 Penalties for offenses, 144-12, 144-13,144-20 Performance of work under per- mit; 144-10 Powers and duties of Building In- spector, 144-5 Property maintenance, 144-6 Purpose, 144-2 Records, 144-16,144-17 Right of entry, 144-14 School, 144-8 Signs, 144-8 Single-family dwellings, 144-8 Site plan, 144-8 Smoke detectors, 144-8 Special exception, 144-8 Sprinklers, 144-8, 144-17 Stop -work orders, 144-13 Storage, 144-8 Stormwater, 144-10 Swimming pools, 144-8 Temporary certificates of occu- pancy,144-18 Tests, 144-19 Title, 144-1 Vacant lot, 144-8 Water, 144-8, 144-10 Watercourse, 144-10 Yards, 144-8, 144-10 FIRE PROTECTION - Zoning, 280-174 FIRES Burning, outdoor, 104-1 - 104-3 SOUTHOLD INDEX FIRESAFETY Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-6, 144-8 FIRE ZONES Vehicles and traffic, 260-20, 260-27 FLAMMABLES Junkyards, 166-1 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 Zoning, 280-48 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVEN- TION Anchoring, 148-14, 148-16, 148-21 Appeals, 148-4, 148-22 Appeals board, 148-22 Applicability, 148-5 Basis for establishing areas of special flood hazard, 148-6 Blocks, 148-21 Building Inspector, 148-11 Certificates of compliance, 148-14 Comprehensive Plan, 148-22 Conflict with other laws, 148-7 Definitions, 148-4 Deposit, 148-12 Designation of local administra- tor; 148-11 Design standards, 148-14, 148-18 Drainage, 148-12, 148-15 - 148-17, 148-19 Duties and responsibilities of lo- cal administrator, 148-14 Elevator, 148-16 Emergency, 148-4, 148-6, 148-9, 148-10, 148-13 - 148-15, 148-22 Emergency vehicles, 148-22 Fees, 148-12 Fill, 148-12, 148-15, 148-18 Findings, 148-1 Floodplain development permit, 148-12 Floodway, 148-4, 148-14, 148-15, 148-23 Gas, 148-3,.148-15, 148-22 General standards, 148-15 Grade, 148-2, 148-4, 148-16 - 148-19, 148-21 Heating, 148-16 Height, 148-21 Improvements, 148-4, 148-13 - 148-20, 148-23 Insect, 148-16 Inspections, 148-12, 148-14 Insurance, 148-2, 148-4, 148-6, 148-7, 148-12, 148-14, 148-15,148-17,148-18, 148-21,148-23 Interpretation, 148-7 Liability, 148-10 Lots, 148-13, 148-23 Manufactured homes, 148-4, 148-13 - 148-15, 148-21 Meeting, 148-4, 148-16, 148-19 Mobile home, 148A 12 Nonresidential structures (coastal high -hazard areas), 148-20 Nonresidential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 148-19 Notices, 148-9, 148-14, 148-23 Nuisances, 148-23 Objectives, 148-3 Obstructions, 148-16, 148-18 Parking, 148-16 Parks, 148-13 - 148-15 Penalties for offenses, 148-9 Permit, 148-9, 148-11 - 148-14, 148-16 Purpose, 148-2 Records, 148-22 Recreational vehicles, 148-4, 148-13 -,148-15, 148-21 Report, 148-6, 148-22 Residential structures (coastal high -hazard areas), 148-18 Residential structures (except coastal high -hazard areas), 148-17 Safety, 148-2, 148-4, 148-7, 148-189 148-22, 148-23 Sanitary facilities, 148-19, 148-20 Screening, 148-16 Severability, 148-8 Standards for all structures, 148-16 Stop -work orders, 148-14 Storage, 148-12, 148-16 Utilities, 148-3, 148-13, 148-15, 148-16, 148-19 - 148-22 Variances, 148-4, 148-7, 148-9, 148-14,148-22,148-23 Vehicles, 148-4, 148-13 - 148-16, 148-21, 148-22 Warning and disclaimer of liabil- ity, 148-10 Water, 148-2, 148-3, 148-14 - 148-16, 148-18, 148-19, 148-22 Watercourses, 148-13, 148-14 FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Zoning, 280-4, 280-129, 280-133 FLOODPLAINS Stormwater management, 236-13 FLOODWAY Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-14,148-15,148-23 FUEL Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 Solid waste, 233-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 Zoning, 280-48, 280-52, 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, 280-111 FUMES Zoning, 280-13, 280-58, 280-62 03-15-2008 -G- GARAGES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 1974 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-45, 280-48,280-58,280-62, 280-78, 280-104, 280-134 GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND RE- FUSE Boats, docks and wharves, 96-8 General provisions, 1-2 Littering, 174-1, 174-2 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2, 193-7 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-36 - 215-38 Soil removal, 228-7 Solid waste, 233-1- 233-4 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-7, 253-14 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 GAS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16, 96-17 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-10 Flood damage prevention, 148-3, 148-15,148-22 Junkyards, 166-4 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 Subdivision of land, 240-35 Zoning, 280-13, 280-58, 280-62, 280-83, 280-111, 280-129, 280-143 GENERAL PROVISIONS Adoption of Code, 1-1 - 1-13 Amendments to Code, 1-8 Assessments, 1-4 Bicycles, 1-2 Bond, 1-4 Burning, 1-2 Code book to be kept up-to- date, 1-9 Copy of Code on file, 1-7 Distribution of local laws, or- dinances and resolutions, 1-2 Easement, 1-4 Effect on previously adopted legislation, 1-5 Enactments saved from repeal, 1-4 Fine, 1-11 Garbage, 1-2 Grade, 1-4 Improvement, 1-4 Incorporation of provisions into Code, 1-12 Junkyards, 1-2 Legislative intent, 1-1 Liability, 1-4 License, 1-4 SOUTHOLD INDEX Littering, 1-2 Matters not affected, 1-4 Parking, 1-2 Penalties for offenses, 1-4, 1-11 Repeal of enactments not in - eluded in Code, 1-3 Sale of Code book, I-10 Severability, 1-6 Supplementation, 1-10 Vehicles, 1-2 When effective, 1-13 Zoning Map, 1-4 Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Code, 1-14- 1-18 Continuation of provisions, 1-16 Incorporation of provisions into Code, 1-17 Legislative intent, 1-14 Nonsubstantive changes in previously adopted legis- lation, 1-15 - When effective, I-18 GLARE Zoning, 280-91, 280-94, 280-111, 280-117,280-129 GOLD STAR PARENTS TAX EXEMPTION, see WAR VETERANS AND GOLD STAR PARENTS GRADE Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-6, 111-10- 111-13 Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-10 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, 148-4,148-16 - 148-19, 148-21 General provisions, 1-4 Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-4, 161-18, 161-19, 161-21 - 161-24, 161-29, 161-30, 161-35, 161-42, 161-46 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-43 Soil removal, 228-4, 228-6, 228-7 Stormwater management, 236-10, 236-13 Streets and sidewalks, 237-6, 237-13 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, 240-6, 240-10, 240-17, 240-19, 240-21, 240-41, 240-45,240-49,240-51 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7, 275-11 Zoning, 280-4, 280-69, 280-78, 280-85, 280-99, 280-108, 280-114,280-129,280-133, 280-134, 280-136 fiiRASS Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 Highway specifications, 161-42 Junkyards, 166-7 13 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-21 Soil removal, 228-7 Solid waste, 233-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Subdivision of land, 240-10 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, 275-11 Zoning, 280-93, 280-95 'See also BRUSH, GRASS AND WEEDS GRASS CLIPPINGS Solid waste, 233-4 GRAVEYARDS Junkyards, 166-1 GUARANTEE Streets and sidewalks, 237-9 Subdivision of land, 240-31, 240-33, 240-34 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9, 275-10 GUARANTIES Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-42 Subdivision of land, 240-34, 240-38 Zoning, 280-4, 280-131 GUNS Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15 -H- HANDICAP Zoning, 280-129 . HANDICAPPED PARKING Vehicles and traffic, 260-17, 260-27 HARBOR MANAGEMENT Fishers Island Harbor Manage- ment, 157-1 - 157-14 Abandonment, 157-8 Anchoring, 157-4, 157-6 Animals, 157-11 Applicability, 157-1 Disabled boats, 157-12 Discharge of refuse, 157-11 Emergency, 157-6 Fine, 157-14 Fishers Island Harbor Com- mittee, 157-3 Hazards to navigation, 157-12 Height, 157-6 Inspections, 157-8 Liable, 157-12 Lien, 157-8, 157-12 Meeting, 157-3 Mooring maintenance, 157-8 Notices, 157-3, 157-9, 157-12, 157-14 Penalties for offenses, 157-14 Permit, 157-6, 157-14 Rafting, 157-10 Record, 157-12 Registration, 157-12 Safety, 157-6 03-15-2008 Sale, 157-12 Severability, 157-13 Speed and wake regulation, 157-4 Storage, 157-6, 157-12 Traffic control authority, 157-2 Unnavigable boats, 157-12 Use of private moorings by guests, 157-9 Use of vessel as abode, 157-7 Water, 157-1, 157-5 Waterskiing, 157-5 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Waterfront consistency review, 268-3 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-28 Waterfront consistency review, 268-5 HAZARDOUS WASTE Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-45 Solid waste, 233-2 HEARINGS Agricultural lands preservation, 70-4,70-5 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-31, 96-32 Buildings, unsafe, 100-6 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-23,111-27,111-35 Community preservation fund, 17-7,17-34 Development rights, transfer of, 117-5, 117-7, 117-10, 117-12 Environmental quality review, 130-10 -130-12 Housing fund, 344, 34-6 Junkyards, 166-6 Landmark preservation, 170-5, 170-7, 170-14 Local laws, adoption of, 38-1, 38-2,38-4,38-6 Open space preservation, 185-4, 185 -5 - Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail merchants, 197-11 Personnel, 474 Police department, 51-6 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Soil removal, 228-5, 228-12 Solid waste, 233-6, 233-8 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240-13,240-19, 240-25, 240-29, 240-30, 240-53 Taxation, 245-4 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-2, 253-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 Zoning, 280-11, 280-26, 280-29, 280-92,280-131,280-137, 280-141,280-146,280-150, 280-157,280-159, 280-174, 280-175, 280-177 SOUTHOLD INDEX HEAT Grade, 161-2, 161-4 Fire prevention and building con- Lighting, 161-4 struction, 144-8 Major subdivision, 1614 Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Manholes, 161-2 Highway specifications, 161-22, Monuments, 161-3' 161-23 Preliminary plans, 161-2, Sewers and sewage disposal, 161-3 215-38 Sketch plans, 161-1 Zoning, 280-22, 280-58,280-91 Streetlights, 161-3, 161-4 HEIGHT REGULATIONS Test, 161-2 Flood damage prevention, 148-21 Trees, 161-3 Harbor management, 157-6 Wells, 161-3 Highway specifications, 16144, Roadway Construction, 161-15 - 161-46 161-48 Soil removal, 228-7 Alterations or modifications to Streets and sidewalks, 237-26 specifications, 161-47 Subdivision of land, 240-10 As -constructed survey, 161-45 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Asphalt binder course, 161-22 Wind energy, 277-2 - 277-4 Asphalt pavement cores, Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-15, 161-26 280-28, 280-48, 280-69, Asphalt wearing course, 280-70,280-72,280-73, 161-23 280-78, 280-82, 280-85, Base course for asphalt pave - 280 -94,280-104-280-109, ment, 161-21 280-117, 280-122, 280-134 Base course for stone blend HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS road, 161-19 Final Dedication of Roads, Bituminous surface treatment 161-49 double application, Bond, 16149 161-24 Inspection, 16149 Bonds, 16146 Meeting, 161-49 Brush, 161-16, 161-30 Procedure, 16149 Catch basins, 161-34 Report, 16149 Clearing and grubbing, 161-16 Sale, 161-49 Concrete curbs, 161-38 General Construction Require- Concrete cylinders, 161-40 ments, 161-5 - 161-14 Concrete footings, slabs and Dead-end streets, 16 1 -11 • headwalls, 161-37 Dirt, 161-9 Concrete sidewalks and Drainage, 161-8, 161-9, driveway entrances, 161-13 161-39 Easements, 161-13 Construction specifications, Improvements, 161-6 161-15 Lots, 161-11 ' Curbs, 161-34, 161-38, Progress schedule, 161-5 161-41, 161-45, 161-46 Protection of new drainage in- Demolition, 161-21 stallations, 161-9 Design criteria for leaching Responsibility of developer, basins, 161-28 161-6 Drainage, 161-18, 161-25, Safety, 161-6, 161-7 161-27- 161-33, 161-36, Signs, 161-11, 161-12 161-45 Speed limit, 161-12 Drainage design criteria, Stormwater, 161-6, 161-8 161-27 Street signs, 161-12 Drainage pipe criteria, 161-36 Temporary roads, 161-14 Driveways, 161-39, 161-46 Test, 161-6 Dump, 161.-19, 161-21 Topsoil removal, 161'-10 Dust, 161-23 Traffic maintenance, 161-7 Easements, 161-18 Trees, 161-11 Embankment, 161-18 Vehicles, 161-7 Emergency vehicles, 161-20 Water, 161-11 Excavations, 161-17, 161-18, Plans and Maps for Subdivisions, 161-25, 161-29, 161-30, 161-1 - 161-4 161-36 Construction plans, 161-4 Fences, 161-16, 161-29, Curbs, 161-4 161-41, 161-42 Drainage, 161-2- 1614 Fill, 161-25 Easements, 161-2- 1614 Grade, 161-18, 161-19, Excavation, 16,1-2 161-21 - 161-24, 161-29, Final plans, 161-3, 1614 14 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX 161-30, 161-35, 161-42, HOTELS Zoning, 280-25, 280-30, 280-45, 161-46 Fire prevention and building con- 280-88,280-129,280-131, Grass, 16142 struction, 144-8 280-133, 280-137, 280-174 Heating, 161-22, 161-23 Parking, 189-3 INDUSTRIAL WASTES Height, 161-44, 161-46 Zoning, 280-4, 280-35, 280-41, Sewers and sewage disposal, Illumination, 161-46 280-44, 28045, 280-48, 215-28, 215-36 - 215-38 Improvements, 161-25 280-55, 280-78„280-79, INSECTS Insect, 161-44 280-85 Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Inspections, 161-19, 161=21, HOUSING FUND Highway specifications, 16144 161-42, 16146, 16148 Bond, 344 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Landscaping, 161-42, 161-43 Definitions, 34-3 retail merchants, 197-10 Lighting, 161-46 Emergency, 34-2, 34-6 INSPECTIONS Lots, 161-15, 161-16 Findings, 34-2 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-24 Major subdivisions, 161-38 Fund established, 344 Buildings, unsafe, 100-4, 100-8 Manholes, 161-35 Hearing, 344, 34-6 Coastal erosion hazard areas, Minutes, 161-27 Housing Advisory Commission 111-29 Modifications to existing pri- established, 34-6 Community preservation fund, vate roads, 161-25 Improvements, 34-2, 34-5, 34-6 17-37 Notification, 16144 Meetings, 34-6 Electrical inspections, 126-1 - Parking, 161-15 Open space, 34-6 126-3 Permits, 161-46 Parking, 34-6 Environmental quality review, Recharge basins, 161-41 Purposes of Fund, 34-5 130-17 Recharge basins Type A and Sale, 34-2, 34-4 - 34-6 Ethics, 26-25 drainage areas, 161-29 Water, 34-6 Filming, 139-12 Recharge basins Type B and HUNT Fire prevention and building con - drainage areas, 161-30 Animals, 83-6 struction, 144-6, 144-16 Recharge Basins Type C, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-20 Flood damage prevention, 161-31 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2, 148-12, 148-14 Safety, 161-44, 161-46 193-6 Harbor management, 157-8 Screen, 161-22- 161-24, Highway specifications, 161-19, 161-29, 161-30, 161-42 161-21, 161-42, 161-46, Seeding, 161-43 -1- 161-48, 161-49 Stone blend wearing course, Junkyards, 166-6 161-20 ILLICIT LIQUIDS Local laws, adoption of, 38-2 Storage, 161-29, 161-30 Stormwatcr management, 236- 7 Parking, 189-3, 1894 Storm drains, 161-33 ILLUMINATION, see LIGHTING Police department rules and regu- Stormwatcr, 161-27, 161-29, IMPOUNDMENT lations, A290 -7,'A290-15, 161-30, 161-32, 161-36 Animals, 83- , - 11 12 83 A290-27 Stormwater drainage systems, Vehicles and traffic, 260-24Vhildi Records, 59-2 - 59-5, 59-9, 59-10 161-32 Vehicles, motor -driven, -9 264 Sewers and sewage disposal, Streetlighting specifications, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 215-21 - 215-24, 215-37, 161-46 IMPROVEMENTS 215-38, 215-41, 215-43, Stripping and stockpiling soil, Agricultural lands preservation, 215-44 161-17 70-2 Solid waste, 233-4, 233-6 Tests, 161-26, 161-29, 161-30, Community preservation fund, Stormwater management, 236-16 161-40, 161-46 Trees, 161-16, 161-29, 161-30, 17-8 Fire prevention and building con- Streets and sidewalks, 237-14 Subdivision of land, 240-9, 161-42, 161-44 Trenches, 161-36 struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 1484, 240-20, 240-32, 240-33, 240-36, 240-37 Utility,161-46 148-13-148-20,148-23 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-13 Vehicles, 161-20 General provisions, 1-4 Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 Vibration, 161-21 Highway specifications, 161-6, Waterfront consistency review, Water, 161-30, 161-39, 161-44 161-25 268-39 268-5 Weeds, 161-42 Housing fund, 34-2, 34-5, 34-6 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7, Well, 161-30, 161-46 Records, 59-15 275-9-275-11 Yard, 161-24 Soil removal, 2284 Zoning, 280-13, 280-70, 280-101, HISTORICAL FEATURES Streets and sidewalks, 237-6, 280-110, 280-137, 280-151, Zoning, 280-133 237-16 280-154 HISTORIC PROPERTIES TAX Subdivision of land, 240-6, 240-9, INSURANCE EXEMPTION 240-10, 240-16, 240-17, Community preservation fund, Taxation, 245-19 240-20, 240-30 - 240-41, 17-32, 17-34 HOME OCCUPATIONS 240-45, 240-51, 240-53, Electrical inspections, 126-2 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-78 240 - 59 .Filming, 139-3, 139-11 HOSPITALS Transportation access manage- Flood damage prevention, 148-2, Police department rules and regu- ment, 64-5 148-4, 148-6, 148-7, 148-12, lations, A290-44, A290-45 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-6 148-14, 148-15, 148-17, Zoning, 280-13, 280-17, 28048, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 148-18, 148-21, 148-23 280-78,280-79 275-5 15 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Sewers and sewage disposal, Sale, 166-3 LANDSCAPING 215-42 Sanitary facilities, 166-7 Highway specifications, 16142, Soil removal, 228-6 Septic tanks, 166-7 16143 Streets and sidewalks, 237-8, Storage, 166-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, 237-18 Tires, 166-1 215-21 Taxation, 245-1 Transferability, 166-6 Soil removal, 228-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9 Water, 166-4 Solid waste, 233-4 Zoning, 280-10, 280-38, 280-52, Well, 166-7 Subdivision of land, 240-32, 280-55 Zoning, 280-4 240-36, 240-42, 240-43, INTOXICATION 240-49 Police department rules and regu- Waterfront consistency review, lations, A290-9 - K - 268-3 INVESTIGATIONS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, Alarm systems, 75-1 KENNELS 275-11 Ethics, 26-21 - 26-23, 26-25 Zoning, 280-13 Zoning, 280-4, 280-7, 28041, Peddlers, solicitors and transient 280-70, 280-72, 280-73, retail merchants, 197-7 280-78, 280-91 -280-95, Personnel, 47-3 - L - 280-123, 280-129, 280-131, Police department, 51-6 LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVI- 280-133, 280-134, 280-137 Police department rules and regu- TIES LEASHING REQUIREMENTS lations, A290-7, A290-15, Stormwater management, 236-9 Animals, 83-6 A290-17, A290-19 - LANDMARK PRESERVATION Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 A290-21, A290-24, Accessory buildings, 170-7 LIABILITY A290-25, A290-31 Appeals, 170-11 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, Records, 59-2 Application for certificate of ap- 96-25 Waterfront consistency review, propriateness, 170-7 Buildings, unsafe, 100-10 268-3 Building permits, 170-5, 170-6 Community preservation fund, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 Certificate of appropriateness for 17-23, 17-29, 17-31, 17-34, Zoning, 280-130 alteration, demolition or new 17-35 construction, 170-6 Ethics, 26-26 Criteria for approval of alteration Filming, 139-11 - J - of facades of historic land- Flood damage prevention, 148-10 JUNK DEALER marks, 170-8 General provisions, 1-4 Junkyards, 166-6 Criteria for approval of demoli- Harbor management, 157-12 JUNKYARDS tion or removal of historic Junkyards, 166-8 Batteries, 166-1 landmarks, 170-9 Salvage centers, 211-6 Burning, 166-3,166-7 Definitions, 170-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, Combustible, 166-1, 166-7 Demolition, 170-2 - 170-7, 215-38, 215-42, 215-44, Definitions, 166-2 170-9, 170-10 Designation of historic land- 215-51 Streets and sidewalks, 237-14 Display, 166-6 Drainage, 166-4 marks, 170-5 Subdivision of land, 240-54 Dump, 166-3, 166-7 Easements, 170-4 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-20 Duration, 166-6 Enforcement, 170-12 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-9 Existing businesses, 166-5 Fees, 170-14 Zoning, 280-88 LICENSE Explosive, 166-1 Fee, 166-6 Fine, 170-13 Hardship criteria for approval of Animals, 83-16 Fence, 166-4, 166-7 demolition, removal or al- Bingo and games of chance, 92-2, Fire extinguisher, 166-7 teration of historic land- 92-3, 92-13, 92-14 Fire lane, 166-7 marks, 170-10 Burning, outdoor, 104-2 Flammable, 166-1 Hearings, 170-5, 170-7, 170-14 Ethics, 26-17, 26-21 Gas, 166-4 Historic Preservation Commis- General provisions, 1-4 General provisions, 1-2 sion, 1704 Junkyards, 166-1, 166-3 -166-8 Grass, 166-7 Meetings, 170-4 Parking, 189-3, 1894 Graveyards, 166-1 Membership, 170-4 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Hearing, 166-6 Minutes, 170-4 retail merchants, 197-3, Inspections, 166-6 Newspaper, 170-7 197-4, 197-6- 197-9, Junk dealer, 166-6 Notices, 170-4, 170-5, 170-7, 197-11, 197-13 Junkyards, 166-1 170-14 Police department rules and regu- Legislative intent, 166-1 Penalties for offenses, 170-13 lations, A290-33 Liable, 166-8 Permit, 170-5, 170-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, License, 166-1, 166-3 - 166-8 Powers and duties, 170-4 . 215-4 - 215-6, 215-31, Notice, 166-5 Purpose, 170-2 215 41, 215-42 Nuisances, 166-1 Record, 170-5, 170-11 Solid waste, 233-2 - 2334, 233-8 Penalties for offenses, 166-8 Reports, 170-5 Subdivision of land, 240-21 Permit, 166-7, 166-8 Stop -work order, 170-12 Tobacco advertising, 249-2 Regulations, 166-7 Terms, 170-4 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3 Revocation, 166-6 Title, 170-1 Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, 260-17 16 03 -15 -Zoos Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 Zoning, 28048, 280-69, 280-133 LICENSES AND PERMITS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-6, 219-7 LIENS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 96-25 Buildings, unsafe, 100-9 Community preservation fund, 17-27, 17-35 Harbor management, 157-8, 157-12 Littering, 174-5 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-33,215-50,215-51 Subdivision of land, 240-34, 240-44 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Zoning, 280-74, 280-88, 280-92 LIGHTING Boats, docks and wharves, 96-14 Highway specifications, 161-4, 161-46 Streets and sidewalks, 237-12 Subdivision of land, 24044, 240-46 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Wind•cnergy, 2774 Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-72, 280-73,280-81, 280-83, 280-87,280-88,280-111, 280-117, 280-129, 280-133, 280-137 LITTERING Assessment, 174-5 Definitions, 174-1 Driveway, 174-2 Fine, 174-7 Garbage, 174-1, 174-2 Garbage, rubbish and refuse, 174-2 General provisions, 1-2 Handbills, 174-6 Licn, 174-5 Litter in parks, beaches and bod- ies of water, 1744 Litter in public places, 174-2 Litter on private property, 174-5 Newspapers, 174-1, 174-6 Notice, 174-5 Parks, 1744 Penalties for offenses, 174-7 Record, 174-5 Sign, 174-6 Tires, 174-3 Transportation access manage- ment, 64-5 Vehicles, 174-1, 174-3, 174-6 Water, 174-4 LIVESTOCK Subdivision of land, 24044 Zoning, 280-98, 280-99 SOUTHOLD INDEX LOCAL LAWS, ADOPTION OF Filing of proof of publication and posting, 38-4 Hearings, 38-1, 38-2, 38-4, 38-6 Inspection, 38-2 Newspaper, 38-1 Notice, 38-1, 38-2,38-4, 38-6 Numbering, 38-5 Posting and availability of copies, 38-2 Posting of copy upon adoption, 38-3 Rezonings, 38-6 LOTS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-13,148-23 Highway specifications, 161-I1, 161-15, 161-16 Soil removal, 228-7 Subdivision of land, 2404; 240-10, 240-17, 240-21, 240-26, 240-27, 240-30, 240-41 - 240-45, 240-49, 240-51, 240-53, 240-57, 240-59 Vehicles and traffic, 260-12, 260-27 Zoning, 280-9 - 280-11, 280-13, 280-15, 280-30, 280-31, 280-41, 280-48,280-61, 280-78, 280-79, 280-95, 280-106, 280-109, 280-113, 280-116, 280-124, 280-137, 280-173 _M_ MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Highway specifications, 161-4, 161-38 MANHOLES Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-35 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38,215-40 Subdivision of land, 240-17 MANUFACTURED HOMES Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-13 - 148-15, 148-21 MASTER PLAN Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240-17 Zoning, 280-4 MEETINGS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-32 Committees, appointment of, 13-3 Community preservation fund, 17-13 Development rights, transfer of, 117-7 Environmental quality review, 130-7 Ethics, 26-21 Expenses of town officers, 30-1 17 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, 148-16, 148-19 Harbor management, 157-3 Highway specifications, 161-49 Housing fund, 34-6 Landmark preservation, 170A Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-7 Streets and sidewalks, 237-2 Subdivision of land, 240-13, 240-23, 240A0, 240-43 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 Zoning, 280-29, 280-38, 280-45, 280-48,280-78,280-131, 280-133,280-157,280-173, 280-174 METERS Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38 MINORS Tobacco advertising, 249-1 MINUTES Committees, appointment of, 13-3 MOBILE HOME Flood damage prevention, 148A Zoning, 280-4, 280-78 MONUMENTS Highway specifications, 161-3 Subdivision of land, 240-10, 240-17, 240-21, 240-41 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-6 Zoning, 280-104 MOTELS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 Parking, 189-3 Zoning, 280-4, 280-35, 280-44, 280A5, 280-48, 280-55, 280-78,280-85 MUFFLERS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-17 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3 MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-41 Zoning, 280-108 MUSSELS Shellfish and other marine re- sources, 219-12 -N- NATURAL FEATURES Community preservation fund, 17-19 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-43,240-53,240-54 Zoning, 280-129, 280-133, 280-143 NEWSPAPER Coastal erosion hazard areas, 111-35 Development rights, transfer of, 117-7 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX - Environmental quality review, Local laws, adoption of, 38-1, ODORS 130-6, 130-10 38-2, 38-4, 38-6 Sewers and sewage disposal, Landmark preservation, 170-7 Parks and recreation areas, 215-38 Littering, 174-1, 174-6 193-10 Subdivision of land, 240-44 Local laws, adoption of, 38-1 Police department, 51-6 Zoning, 280-13, 280-48, 280-58, Peddlers, solicitors and transient Police department rules and regu- 280-62, 280-99, 280-111, retail merchants, 1974 lations, A290-33, A29044 280-143 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Records, 59-10 Records, 59-10 Superintendent of Highways, Soil removal, 228-12 Sewers and sewage disposal, 42-5-42-8 - Solid waste, 233-1, 233-3 215-23, 215-31, 215-32, Referendum to be held, 42-7 Subdivision of land, 240-19, 215-37, 215-38, 215-41 - Supersession of Town Law, 240-25 21543,21545 42-6 Tourist and trailer camps, 2534 Soil removal, 228-5, 228-9, Term of office, 42-5 Zoning, 280-26, 280-157, 228-12 When effective, 42-8 280-159 Solid waste, 233-6, 233-8 Town Clerk, 42-1 -42-4 NOISE Streets and sidewalks, 237-1, Referendum to be held, 42-3 - Boats, docks and wharves, 96-17 237-2, 237-11, 237-13 Supersession of Town Law, Peddlers, solicitors and transient Subdivision of land, 240-13, 42-2 retail merchants, 197-10 240-18, 240-19, 240-22, Term of office, 42-1 Soil removal, 228-5 240-25, 240-29, 240-30, When effective, 42-4 Transportation access manage- 240-32, 240-36, 240-44, OFFICIAL MAP ment, 64-5 240-54 Subdivision of land, 240-3, 240-4, Wind energy, 277-2, 277-3 Taxation, 245-4, 245-6 240-10, 240-17 Zoning, 280-13, 280-47, 280-48, Tourist and trailer camps, 253-4 Zoning, 280-4 280-58, 280-62, 280-91, Vehicles and traffic, 260-25 OFF-STREET LOADING 280-94, 280-99, 280-111, Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-8 Zoning, 280-79 280-143 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-8 - OFF-STREET PARKING NONCONFORMING SIGNS 275-11,275-16 Subdivision of land, 240-4, Zoning, 280-90 Wind energy, 277-3 24045 NONCONFORMING USES Zoning, 280-26, 280-29, 280-30, Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-27, Zoning, 280-2, 2804, 280-75, 280-74, 280-88, 280-92, 280-28, 280-45, 280-48, 280-90, 280-120, 280-121, 280-97, 280-100, 280-101, 280-58, 280-72, 280-77, 280-123, 280-154 280-131, 280-137, 280-141, 280-78, 280-95, 280-109, NOTICE OF VIOLATION 280-146, 280-150, 280-153, 280-129,280-133, 280-137, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-31, 280-155, 280-157, 280-159, 280-143 96-32 280-174 ONE -FAMILY DWELLING Sewers and sewage disposal, NUISANCES Zoning, 280-10, 280-13, 280-109 215-31 Fire prevention and building con- OPEN SPACE NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS struction, 144-10 Agricultural lands preservation, Coastal erosion hazard areas, Flood damage prevention, 148-23 70-2 111-29 Junkyards, 166-1 Coastal erosion hazard areas, NOTICES Sewers and sewage disposal, 111-13 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, 215-38 Community preservation fund, 96-13, 96-25, 96-31 - 96-33 Soil removal, 228-5 17-4, 17-8, 17-9, 17-12, Buildings, unsafe, 100-5 - 100-8, Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-14 17-24 100-10 Zoning, 280-58, 280-62, 280-97, Development rights, transfer of, Coastal erosion hazard areas, 280-99 117-1 111-18, 111-19, 111-25, Housing fund, 34-6 1,11-29, 111-35 Open space preservation, 185-1 - Community preservation fund, -0- 185-3, 185-5 17-325 17-34 Subdivision of land, 240-2, Development rights, transfer. of, OBSTRUCTIONS 240-10, 240-21, 24042 - 117-7 117-8 117-10 - Coastal erosion hazard areas, 240-45, 24049, 240-54 117-12 111-11, 111-13 Waterfront consistency review, Environmental quality review, Flood damage prevention, 268-2, 268-5 130-6, 130-10, 130-13, 148 - 18 148 16, - Zoning, 280-4, 280-8, 280-16, 130-17 Peddlers, solicitors and transient 280-127, 280-128, 280-137, Filming, 1394,139-8 retail merchants, 197-10 280-181 Flood damage prevention, 148-9, Sewers and sewage disposal, OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION 148-14, 148-23 215-38Std Acquisition, 185-4 Harbor management, 157-3, Streets ansewas, 237-1, sidewalks, Alienation of fee, interest or right, 157-9, 157-12, 157-14 237-20 185-5 Highway specifications, 16144 Vehicles and traffic, 260-23 Definitions, 185-3 Junkyards, 166-5 Zoning, 280-80, 280-104, Findings, 185-2 Landmark preservation, 170-4, 280-106, 280-111 Hearing, 185-4, 185-5 170-5, 170-7, 170-14 Instrument of conveyance, 185-5 Littering, 174-5 Open space, 185-1 - 185-3, 185-5 18 03 -15 -'2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Open Space Committee, 185-5 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-14, Safety, 193-6, 193-11 Permits, 185-5 280-18, 280-23, 280-27, Signs, 193-3 Sale, 185-4, 185-5 280-28, 280-36, 280-39, Toilet, 193-4 Severability, 185-6 280-42, 28045, 280-46, Tree, 193-2 Title, 185-1 280A8, 280-49, 280-53, Use of picnic areas, 193-7 OYSTERS 280-56, 280-58, 280-59, Vehicles, 193-1, 193-3, 1934 Shellfish and other marine re- 280-62, 280-63, 280-65, Water, 1934 sources, 219-10 280-72, 280-73, 280-77 - Weapons, 193-6 280-79,280-85, 280-92, When effective, 193-13 280-95, 280-109, 280-110, Wildlife, 193-6 - P - 280-117, 280-127 - 280-129, Zoning, 280-7 PARADE 280-131, 280-133, 280-134, See also PLAYGROUNDS Boats, docks and wharves, 96-16 280-137, 280-143 PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND Parks and recreation areas, 193-9 PARKS AND RECREATION TRANSIENT RETAIL PARKING AREAS MERCHANTS Appearance tickets, 5-2, 5-3 Bicycles, 88-1 - 88-3, 88-5 Licensing and Regulation, Community preservation fund, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-15, 197-1 - 197-13 17-8 96-26 Application for license, 197-6 Farm sta stands, nds, 135-3 Community preservation fund, Contagious diseases, 197-6 Filming, 1 17-4, 17-24 Definitions, 197-2 Flood damaagege prevention, 148-16 Filming, 139-8 Flood damage prevention, Dirt, 197-10 Dogs, 197-5, 197-10 General provisions, f 148-13 - 148-15 Dust, 197-10 Highway specifications, , 161-15 Littering, 174-4 Exemptions, 197-4 Housing fund, Parking, 189-3 Fees, 197-9 - 1 Parking, 189-1 189-6 Subdivision of land, 240-4, Fingerprints, 197-6 Parking at Beaches, 189-1 - 240-10, 240-42 - 240A4, Garage, 197-4 189-8 Designation parking areas 240-52 - 240-54 Hearing, 197-11 rsof on Fishers Island, Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Insects, 197-10 Designation areas areas Tourist and trailer camps, 253-23 Investigation of applicant, requiring permits, 189-2 g permits, Use Regulations and Restrictions, 197-7 Hotels, 193-1 -193-13 Legislative intent, 197-1 on, 1 4 I ion, 189 Animals, 193-2, 193-9 License, 197-3, 197-4, 197-6 - icens 1 -4 License, 189-3, 189 4 Ashes, 193-2 197-9, 197-11, 197-13 Motels, Authority to promulgate rules Newspapers, 197-4 Other regulations, ons, and regulations, 193-11 Noise, 197-10 Parking, 189-1 - 189-6 Beach activities, 193-5 Obstructions, 197-10 Parking permits, 189-3 Behavior and conduct, 193-9 Parking, 197-10 Parks, 189-3 Certain acts prohibited, 193-2 Penalties for offenses, 197-13 Penalties for offenses, 189-8 Definitions, 193-1 Permit, 197-10 Permit, 189-2 - 189-5 Dirt, 193-2 Permitted activities, 197-5 Policy, 189-1 Dogs, 193-9 Possession, 197-8 Registration, 189-3, 1894 Dump, 193-2 Records, 197-8 Removal of vehicles parked in Emergency, 193-3 Registration, 197-1, 197-4, violation, 189-7 Enforcement, 193-12 197-6 Sign, 189-3, 189-4 Firearms, 193-6 Restrictions, 197-10 Storage, 189-7 Garbage, 193-2, 193-7 Sales, 197-4-197-6, 197-10 Vehicles, 189-1, 189-3, 189-4, Guns, 193-6 Hours of use, 193-10 School, 197-10 Signs, 197-12 189-7 Water, 189-1 Hunt, 193-2, 193-6 Vehicles, 197-10 Wells, 189-2 Intoxicating, 193-9 Well, 197-10 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3, Leashes, 193-9 PENALTIES FOR OFFENSES 193-9 Meetings, 193-9 Alarm systems, 75-5, 75-6, 75-8 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Muffler, 193-3 Alcoholic beverages, 79-2 retail merchants, 197-10 Notices, 193-10 Animals, 83-5, 83-13 Public entertainment and special Parade, 193-9 Bicycles, 88-7 events, 205-1 Parking, 193-3, 193-9 Bingo and games of chance, Salvage centers, 211-3, 211-4 Penalties for offenses, 193-12 92-11 Soil removal, 228-7 Penalty, 193-12 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-33 Subdivision of land, 240-4, Permit, 193-7, 193-9 Buildings, unsafe, 100-10 240-44, 240-45 Recreation area, 193-7 Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-5 Transportation access manage- Regulations concerning bath- Coastal erosion hazard areas, ment, 64-5 ing and swimming, 1934 111-11, 111-34 Vehicles and traffic, 260-1, Regulations concerning motor Community preservation fund, 260-8 - 260-12, 260-14 - vehicles, 193-3 17-35, 17-36 260-23, 260-27 Restrictions concerning certain Domestic partnerships, 121 A, games and sports activi- 1121-5 ties, 193-8 Electrical inspections, 126-5 19 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Ethics, 26-26 Development rights, transfer of, 280-85, 280-89, 280-90, Farm stands, 135-6 117-7, 117-8 280-113 -'280-115, 280-121, Filming, 139-14 Drainage control permit, 236-10 280-122, 280-124, 280-125, Fire prevention and building con- Electrical inspections, 126-3 280-127, 280-130, 280-131, struction, 144-12, 144-139 Environmental quality review, 280-134, 280-137, 280-140, 144-20 130-5 280-141, 280-146, 280-149, Flood damage prevention, 148-9 Ethics, 26-17, 26-21 280-151 -280-154, 280-180 General provisions, 1-4, 1-11 Farm stands, 135-2 - 135-4, PERMITTED USES Harbor management, 157-14 135-6 Public entertainment and special Highway specifications, 161-19 - Filming, 139-1 - 139-5, 139-7 - events, 205-1 161-23 139-13 Zoning, 280-13, 280-17, 280-229 Junkyards, 166-8 Flood damage prevention, 148-9, 280-27, 280-35, 280-38, Landmark preservation, 170-13 148-11 - 148-14, 148-16 280-41, 28045, 280-48, ' Littering, 174-7 Harbor management, 157-6, 280-52, 280-55, 280-58, Parking, 189-8 157-14 _ 280-62,280-69,280-143, Parks and recreation areas, Highway specifications, 161-46 280-146, 280-175 193-12 Junkyards, 166-7, 166-8 PERSONNEL Peddlers, solicitors and transient Landmark preservation, 170-5, Grievance Procedures, 47-1 - retail merchants, 197-6, 170-6 47-4 197-13 Open space preservation, 185-5 Declaration of policy, 47-2 Police department, 51-6 Parking, 189-2 - 189-5 Definitions, 47-1 Police department rules and regu- Parks and recreation areas, 193-7, Discrimination, 47-2 lations, A290-15, A290-19, 193-9 Hearing, 474 A290-33, A290-36 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Initial presentation, 47-3 Salvage centers, 211-6 retail merchants, 197-10 Investigation, 47-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, Police department rules and regu- Review by Town Board, 47-4 215-5, 215-7, 215-9, 215-32, ' lations, A290-7 PLACES OF WORSHIP 215-389 215-45, 215-49 Public entertainment and special Zoning, 280-13, 280-38, 280-78 Shellfish and other marine re- events, 205-1 PLANNING BOARD sources, 219-6, 219-22 Records, 59-3, 59-7 Zoning, 280-174, 280-181 Soil removal, 228-13 Salvage centers, 211-2, 211-3, PLAYGROUNDS Solid waste, 233-7,233-8 211-5, 211-6 Subdivision of land, 240-43, Stormwater management, 236-16 Sewers and sewage disposal, 240-44, 240-52, 240-53 Streets and sidewalks, 237-17, 215-8 - 215-17, 215-21 - Zoning, 280-13 237-21, 237-29 215-239 215-25, 215-31, See also PARKS AND REC- Subdivision of land, 240-44, _ 215-32, 215-37, 215-38, REATION AREAS 240-60 215-40 - 215-43 PLUMBING Taxation, 245-5 Shellfish and other marine re- Sewers and sewage disposal, Tobacco advertising, 249-6 sources, 219-16 215-36, 215-43 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-19 Soil removal, 228-3 - 228-12 Subdivision of land, 24047 Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 Solid waste, 233-2 - 233-4, Zoning, 280-41, 280-45, 280-48, Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-9, 233-6, 233-8 280-58, 280-62, 280-78 264-10, 264-20 Stormwater management, 236-10, POLICE DEPARTMENT Waterfront consistency review, 236-12 Administration, 51-5 268-7 Streets and sidewalks, 237-6 - Board of Police Commissioners, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1, 237-119 237-13, 237-15 - 51-2 275-16 237-18, 237-25, 237-26 Charges, 51-6 Wind energy, 277-7 Subdivision of land, 240-10, Compensation, 51-1 Zoning, 280-32.1,280-33, 240-25, 240-26, 240-34, Disciplinary action, 51-6 280-889 280-136, 280-155 240-36, 240-39, 24045, Emergency, 51-4 PENSION 240-49, 240-51 Equipment, 5 1 -1 Waterfront consistency review, Tobacco advertising, 249-2 Establishment, 5 1 -1 268-3 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-2 - Fined, 51-6 PERMIT 253-4 Hearing, 51-6 Agricultural lands preservation, Vehicles and traffic, 260-9, Investigation, 51-6 70-5 260-17, 260-27 Members, 5 1 -1 Alarm systems, 75-3, 75-4 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-7, Notice, 51-6 Animals, 83-1, 83-39 834, 83-6, 264-15, 264-20 Powers and duties, 5 1 -1 83-9 Waterfront consistency review, Qualifications of members of Po - Boats, docks and wharves, 96-1, 268-3 lice Department, 51-3 96-3, 96-15, 96-18, 96-20, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, Record, 51-2 96-24, 96-25, 96-28, 96-31 - 275-4 - 275-149 275-16 Rules and regulations, 51-5 96-33 Wind energy, 277-3, 277-6, 277-7 Special policemen, 514 Buildings, unsafe, 100-3, 100-4 Zoning, 280-2, 280-3, 280-8 - POLICE DEPARTMENT RULES Burning, outdoor, 104-1, 104-2 280-10, 280-13, 280-16, AND REGULATIONS Coastal erosion hazard areas, 280-20, 280-31, 280-45, Chiefof Police, A290-6, A290-7 111-8 - 111-15, 111-19, 280-48, 280-58, 280-62, General duties, A290-6 111-27- 111-29, 111-31 280-70, 280-72, 280-81, Inspections, A290-7 20 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Investigation, A290-7 General Rules, A290-34 — Emergencies, A290-11 Meeting, A290-7 A290-45 General duties, A290-10 Permit, A290-7 Communicable/infectious dis- Record, A290-11 Records, A290-7 eases, A290-45 Reports, A290-11 Reports, A290-7 Confidentiality of official Specific duties, A290-1 I Specific duties, A290-7 business, A290-41 Vehicles, A290-11 Civilian Members, A290-12 — Curb, A290-37, A290-38 Word usage, A290-46 A290-14 Duty of Department, A290-35 POLLUTION General duties, A290-12 Fitness for duty, A290-39 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-26 Report, A290-13 Grooming, A290-43 Sewers and sewage disposal, Safeguarding information, Hazardous waste, A290-45 215-38 A290-14 Hospital, A29044, A290-45 Soil removal, 228-7 Specific duties, A290-13 Maintenance of order, Waterfront consistency review, Conduct, A290-15 _ A290-34 268-3 Alcoholic beverages, A290-15 Minor, A290-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Disorderly conduct, A290-15 Notification, A290-44 Zoning, 280-48, 280-58, 280-62, Fine, A290-15 Patrol duty, A290-37 280-77, 280-91, 280-111, Gas, A290-15 Pro -arrest policy, A290-36 280-143 Gun, A290-15 Records, A290-45 PRELIMINARY PLANS Inspection, A290-15 Report, A290-36 — A290-38, Highway specifications, 161-2, Intoxicating, A290-15 A290-44 161-3 Investigation, A290-15 Safety, A290-45 PRELIMINARY PLATS Penalty, A290-15 Sick time, A290-44 Subdivision of land, 240-3, Record, A290-15 Sidearms, A290-42 240-6-240-8, 240-10, Report, A290-15 Sign, A290-36 240-13, 240-15 — 240-20, Rules of conduct, A290-15 Smoke, A290-45 240-22, 240-24, 240-25, Tobacco, A290-15 Streetlights, A290-37, 240-53, 240-58 Towing, A290-15 A290-38 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Vehicles, A290-15 Supervisory officers, A290-38 Sewers and sewage disposal, Weapon, A290-15 Testing, A290-45 215-37 Construal of Provisions, A290-48 Vehicles, A290-45 PRIVY VAULT Conflict with Police Benevo- Water, A290-45 Sewers and sewage disposal, lent Association agree- Well, A290-43 215-37 ments, A290-48 Lieutenant, A290-8, A290-9 PROHIBITED USES Definitions, A290-46 Disorderly conduct, A290-9 Zoning, 280-8, 280-111 Detectives, A290-16 — A290-32 Firearms, A290-9 PROPANE/LIQUID GAS TANKS Additional duties, A290-19 General duties, A290-8 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 Assignment, A290-17 Intoxication, A290-9 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Composition, A290-18 Records, A290-9 Fire prevention and building con - Cooperation with other law en- Reports, A290-9 struction, 144-6 forcement agencies, Specific duties, A290-9 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT A290-22 Members of the Department, AND SPECIAL EVENTS Detectives to be on call, A290.33 Appeals, 205-1 A290-32 Duties, A290-33 Carnivals, 205-1 Documents, A290-28 Emergency, A290-33 Certain entertainment restricted, Dress, A290-29 Fill, A290-33 205-1 Inquiries, A290-25 Firearms, A290-33 Parking, 205-1 Inspections, A290-27 License, A290-33 Permit, 205-1 Intoxicating, A290-24 Minor, A290-33 Permitted use, 205-1 Investigations, A290-17, Notice, A290-33 Sanitary facilities, 205-1 A290-19 — A290-21, Offenses, A290-33 PUBLIC HEARINGS, NOTICE A290-24, A290-25, Record, A290-33 OF A290-31 Report, A290-33 Assessment, 55-1 Offenses, A290-19. Retirement, A290-33 Hearings, 55-1 Procedures, A290-30 Safety, A290-33 Newspaper, 55-1 Qualifications, A290-16 Vehicle, A290-33 Notice, 55-1 Records, A290-28 Weapon, A290-33 Providing notice of public hear - Report, A290-31, A290-32 Organization, A290 -1 —A290-5 ings, 55-1 Requesting assistance, Absence or disability of Chief, Record, 55-1 A290-26 A290-3 Setbacks, 55-1 Rules of conduct, A290-23 Chief of Police, A290-2 Sign, 55-I Scene of investigation, Disability, A290-3 A290-20 Emergency, A290-3 Use of intoxicating beverages, Order of rank, A290-4 —R— R— A290-24 A290-24 Powers and duties, A290-1 Disciplinary Action, A290-47 Report, A290-3 RADIATION Types of action, A290-47 Seniority, A290-5 Zoning, 280-13 Sergeants, A290-10, A290-11 21 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX RECORDS - Storage, '59-12, 59-14 Zoning, 280-29, 280-30, 280-70, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, Sewers and sewage disposal, 280-151, 280-157, 280-174 96-25 215-35, 21543 RESTAURANTS Buildings, unsafe, 100-7 Soil removal, 228-6, 228-9, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Coastal erosion hazard areas, 228-12 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-35, 111-10, 111-29 Streets and sidewalks, 237-24 280-38, 280-41, 28045, Community preservation fund, Subdivision of land, 240-10, 280-48, 280-55, 280-78, 17-22, 17-34, 17-35 240-17, 240-19, 240-21, 280-85 Domestic partnerships, 1214 240-25, 240-29, 240-34, RETIREMENT Ethics, 26-7, 26-23, 26-25 240-38, 240-41, 240-44 Ethics, 26-17 Fire prevention and building con- Tourist and trailer camps, 253-13 Police department rules and regu- struction, 144-16, 144-17 Zoning, 280-7,280-31, 280-52, lations, A290-33 Flood damage prevention, 148-22 280-55, 280-92, 280-133, Taxation, 245-1, 245-2 Harbor management, 157-12 280-151, 280-154 Waterfront consistency review, Landmark preservation, 170-5, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 268-3 170-11 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, RIGHT OF ENTRY Littering, 174-5 148-13 - 148-15, 148-21 Fire prevention and building con - Peddlers, solicitors and transient Tourist and trailer camps, 253-20, struction, 144-14 retail merchants, 197-8 253-21, 253-23, 253-24 Sewers and sewage disposal, Police department, 51-2 Zoning, 2804, 280-137 215-23 Police department rules and regu- RECYCLABLES lations, A290-7, A290-9, Solid waste, 233-1 - 233-5 A290-11, A290-15, RECYCLING _S_ S - A290 -28, A290-33, A290-45 A290-28, Solid waste, 233-7 Public Access to. Records, 59-1 - REGISTRATION SAFETY 59-10 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, Appearance tickets, 5-2 Appeals, 59-8, 59-10 96-24 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-14, Definitions, 59-1 ., Harbor management, 157-12 96-15, 96-26 Denial of access, 59-8 Parking, 189-3, 189-4 Buildings, unsafe, 100-2, 100-3 Designation of records access Peddlers, solicitors and transient Coastal erosion hazard areas, officer, 59-3 retail merchants, 197-1i 111-17, 111-18 Designation of records logia- 197-4, 197-6 Farm stands, 135-3 tion, 594 Solid waste, 2334 Filming, 139-1, 139-3 Duties, 59-3 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, Exceptions, 59-2 Vehicles and traffic, 260-27 148-4, 148-7, 148-18, Fees, 59-9 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-11 148-22, 148-23 Hours for public inspection, REPORTS Harbor management, 157-6 59-5 Buildings, unsafe, 1004 Highway specifications, 161-6, Inspection, 59-2 - 59-5, 59-9, Coastal erosion hazard areas, 161-7, 161-44, 161-46• 59-10 111-27, 111-29, 111-35 Parks and recreation areas, 193-6, Investigations, 59-2 Community preservation fund, 193-11 Maintenance of list of records 17-34 Police department rules and regu- by subject matter, 59-7 Development rights, transfer of, lations, A290-33, A29045 Newspaper, 59-10 117-7 Accords, 59-2 Notice, 59-10 Electrical inspections, 126-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, Permit, 59-3, 59-7 Ethics, 26-25 215-44 Records, 59-2 - 59-10 Flood damage prevention, 148-6, Soil removal, 228-1, 228-5, 228-7 Safety, 59-2 148-22 Subdivision of land, 240-2, 240-4, • Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Highway specifications, 16149 240-10, 240-38, 24043, Records, 59-2 - 59-17 Landmark preservation, 170-5 24045,24046,240-56 Records Management, 59-11 - Police department rules and rcgu- Transportation access manage - 59 -17 lations, A290-3, A290-7, ment, 64-5 Custody and control of re- A290-9; A290-11, A290-13, Vehicles and traffic, 260-26 cords, 59-16 A290-15, A290-31 - Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-2, 'Definitions, 59-13 A290-33, A290-36- 264-14, 264-15 Designation of records man- A290-38, A29044 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, agement officer, 59-12 Sewers and sewage disposal, 275-11, 275-12 Disposition of records, 59-17 215-5, 215-7, 215-38 Zoning, 280-2, 280-3, 280-13, Improvements, 59-15 Subdivision of land, 240-19 280-28, 280-67, 280-70, Intent, 59-11 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 280-72, 280-73, 280-82, Powers and duties of records Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 280-88,-280-97, 280-99, management officer, Transportation access manage- 280-111, 280-125, 280-128, 59-14 ment, 64-4 280-129, 280-131, 280-133, Program established, 59-12 Waterfront consistency review, 280-137, 280-142, 280-143, Records, 59-11 -59-17 2684 280-146 Records Advisory Board, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-7, SAFETY STANDARDS 59-15 275-8 Wind energy, 277-3 Sign, 59-15 22 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX SALES Subdivision of land, 2404, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DIS - Agricultural lands preservation, 240-53 POSAL 70-4,70-5 Taxation, 245-11 Administration and Enforcement, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, Tobacco advertising, 249-1 - 215-30 - 215-32 96-25 249-3 Administration and enforce - Community preservation fund, Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-6 ment officer, 215-30 17-9,17-24 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-26, Compliance required, 215-32 Development rights, transfer of, 280-38, 280-45, 280-48, License, 215-31 117-3, 117-4, 117-9 280-52, 280-55, 280-58, Notice, 215-31, 215-32 General provisions, 1-4, 1-10 280-62, 280-78, 280-79, Notice of violation, 215-31 Harbor management, 157-12 280-143, 280-154 Penalties for offenses, 215-32 Highway specifications, 161-49 SCREEN Permit, 215-31, 215-32 Housing fund, 34-2, 34A - 34-6 Flood damage prevention, 148-16 Sanitation, 215-30 Junkyards, 166-3 Highway specifications, 161-22 - Construction and Alteration, Open space preservation, 185-4, 161-24, 161-29, 161-30, 215-8 - 215-10 185-5 16142 Cesspool, 215-8 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Sewers and sewage disposal, Civil penalty, 215-9 retail merchants, 197-4 - 215-38 Fees, 215-10 197-6, 197-10 Soil removal, 228-7 Penalty, 215-9 Sewers and sewage disposal, . Subdivision of land, 240-49 Permit, 215-8 - 215-10 215-36 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-16 Septic tank, 215-8 Subdivision of land, 240-34 Zoning, 280-4, 280-7, 280-69, Construction Requirements, Taxation, 245-1; 245-2 280-73, 280-78, 280-91 - 215-19 - 215-21 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 280-94, 280-129, 280-143 Cesspools, 215-19, 215-21 Waterfront consistency review, SEEING EYE DOGS Covering, 215-21 268-3 Animals, 83-10 Dirt, 215-21 Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-30, SEIZURE Easement, 215-20 280-31, 280-38, 280-41, Animals, 83-11 Grass, 215-21 280-45, 280-48, 280-52, Vehicles and traffic, 260-24 Inspection, 215-21 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, SEPTIC SYSTEMS Landscaping, 215-21 280-78, 280-79, 280-85, Sewers and sewage disposal, Location, 215-20 280-86, 280-98,280-104, 215-25 Permits, 215-21 280-118, 280-174 - 280-177, Subdivision of land, 240-10 Septic tanks, 215-19, 215-21 280-179 -280-181 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 Standards, 215-19 SALVAGE CENTERS SEPTIC TANKS Trespassing, 215-20 Access, 211-4 Junkyards, 166-7 Costs and Expenses, 215-33 Applications, 211-3 Sewers and sewage disposal, Assessment of costs, 215-33 Definitions, 211-1 215-2, 2154, 215-5, 215-7, Lien, 215-33 Fees, 211-3 215-8, 215-11, 215-12, Disposal Fees, 215-26 Liable, 211-6 215-19, 215-21, 215-22, Fee to be set by resolution, Parking, 211-3, 211-4 215-27, 215-37, 215-39 215-26 Penalties for offenses, 211-6 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-7 Effective Date, 215-34 Permit, 211-2, 211-3, 211-5, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 When effective, 215-34 211-6 Zoning, 280-4 General Provisions, 215-1 - Storage, 211-3 SERVICE STATIONS 215-3 SANITARY FACILITIES Zoning, 280-4, 280-48, 280-78 Cesspool, 215-2 Flood damage prevention, SETBACKS Definitions, 215-2 148-19, 148-20 Farm stands, 135-3 Easement, 215-2 Junkyards, 166-7 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Purpose, 215-3 Public entertainment and special Soil removal, 228-5, 228-7 Septic tank, 215-2 events, 205-1 Subdivision of land, 240-19, Title, 215-1 SANITATION 240-43, 240-45 Water, 215-3 Appearance tickets, 5-2 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-21 Improper Disposal, 215-27 Sewers and sewage disposal, Waterfront consistency review, Cesspool, 215-27 . 215-30 268-3 Dumping, 215-27 SCALLOPS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2, Septic tank, 215-27 Shellfish and other marine re- 275-39 275-5 Inspections and Maintenance, sources, 219-8 Wind energy, 277-3 215-22 - 215-25 SCHOOL Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-15, Cesspool, 215-22 Development rights, transfer of, 280-24, 280-28, 280-43, Civil claims, 215-24 117-7 280-50,280-60, 280-64, Emergency, 215-23 Fire prevention and building con- 280-70, 280-72, 280-73, Frequency of inspections, struction, 144-8 280-85, 280-104, 280-116, 215-22 Peddlers, solicitors and transient 280-123, 280-133, 280-134, Inspections, 215-22, 215-23 retail merchants, 197-10 280-137 Notice, 215-23 Sewers and sewage disposal, Permit, 215-22, 215-23, 215-41 215-25 Solid waste, 233-3 23 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Responsibility of owner, Disorderly conduct, 215-40 Tree, 215-43 215-22 Drainage, 215-36, 215-38, Trenches, 215-39, 21543 Right of entry, 215-23 215-39 Utility, 215-42, 215-43 Right to require maintenance, Easement, 21543, 215-44 Water, 215-36 - 215-38, 215-25 Emergency, 215-38 21543 Septic system, 215-25 Excavations, 215-42, 21543 Watercourse, 215-36 Septic tank, 215-22 Explosion hazard, 215-38 Water pollution, 215-38 Prohibited Wastes, 215-28, Explosive, 215-38 Well, 21543 215-29 Fees, 21541 Word usage, 215-36 Cesspool, 215-28 Flammable, 215-38 Transportation, 215-4 - 215-7 Discharge, 215-29 Fuel, 215-38 Assessment, 215-5 Drainage, 215-28 Garbage, 215-36 - 215-38 Cesspools, 215-4, 215-5, Hazardous substances, 215-28 Gas, 215-38 215-7 Industrial waste, 215-28 General discharge prohibi- Fees, 215-6 Prohibited wastes enumerated, tions, 215-38 License, 215-4 - 215-6 215-28 General waste disposal re- Penalty, 215-5, 215-7 Water, 215-28 quiremcnts, 215-37 Reports, 215-5, 215-7 Rates and Fees, 215-16 - 215-18 Grade, 215-43 Septic tanks, 215-4, 215-5, , Construction permits, 215-16 Guaranty, 215-42 215-7 Fees for alteration and con- Heat, 215-38 Vehicles, 215-5 struction permits, 215-16 - Industrial wastes, 215-36 - SHELLFISH AND OTHER MA - Fees for operation permit, 215-38 RINE RESOURCES 215-17 Inspection, 215-37, 215-38, Angling for fish, 219-2 Permit, 215-16, 215-17 215-41, 215-43, 21544 Aquaculture/mariculture exemp- Tax rate, 215-18 Insurance, 215-42 tion, 219-21 Well, 215-18 Liability, 215-38, 215-42, Bay Constable, 219-23 Septic Tanks and Cesspools, 215-44 Blue claw crabs, 219-11 215-11 -215-15 License, 215-41, 215-42 Clams, 219-9 Affected properties, 215-11 Licensed drain layers, 21542 Coordination and enforcement, Cesspool, 215-11, 215-12 Manholes, 215-38, 21540 219-23 Exceptions, 215-13 Meters, 215-38 Culling shellfish and restoration No permit required of tenants, Multifamily dwellings, 21541 of underwater lands, 219-14 215-14 Notices, 215-37, 215-38, Definitions, 219-4 Permit, 215-11 - 215-15 21541 - 215-43, 215-45 Director of Code Enforcement, Septic tank, 215-11, 215-12 Nuisance, 215-38 219-23 Sewer Rents and Charges, Obstruction, 215-38 Display, 219-7 21548 - 215-52 Odor, 215-38 Dredges and scrapes, 219-19 Actions to collect rents, Penalties for offenses, 215-38, Eels, 219-13 215-51 215-40, 215-45 Enforcement, 219-14 - 219-23 Assessments, 215-50, 215-52 Permit, 215-37, 215-38, Expiration, 219-7 Liable, 215-51 21540 - 215-43 Fees, 219-7 Liens, 215-50, 215-51 Persons authorized to work on Fixed gear, 219-15 Penalty, 215-49 sewers, 21542 Licenses and permits, 219-6, Penalty for late payment, Plumbing, 215-36, 215-43 219-7 21549 Pollution, 215-38 Mussels, 219-12 Purpose, 21548 Powers and authority of in- Oysters, 219-10 Rents, 215-49 specters, 21544 Penalties for offenses, 219-6, Sewer rent fund, 215-52 Private sewage disposal, 219-22 Sewer Use, 215-35 - 21547 215-37 Permit, 219-16 Abandoned, 215-37, 215-43 Privy, 215-37 Planting of shellfish seed, 219-17 Air conditioning, 215-36 Privy vault, 215-37 Prohibited activities, 219-14 - Animals, 215-37, 215-38 Purpose, 215-35 219-23 Asbestos, 21543 Record, 215-35, 215-43 Purpose, 219-5 Ashes, 215-38 Report, 215-38 Residence requirements, 219-1 Barricades, 215-43 Safety, 215-44 Restricted areas, 219-14 - 219-23 Bond, 215-42 Sale, 215-36 Scallops, 219-8 Building permits, 215-41 Schools, 215-41 Title, 219-3 Building sewer permits, Screens, 215-38 Transplanting of shellfish, 219-18 21541 Septic tanks, 215-37, 215-39 Variances, 219-21 Cesspools, 215-37, 215-39 Severability, 215-47 Vegetation removal prohibited, Churches, 215-41 Standards for building sewers, 219-20 Definitions, 215-36 215-43 SHOPPING CENTERS Dirt, 215-37 Storage, 215-36, 215-38 Vehicles and traffic, 260-14 Discharges from private sys- Stormwatcr, 215-36, 215-38 Zoning, 280-4, 28048, 280-87 tems, 215-39 Tampering prohibited, 215-40 SIGNS Disconnection, 21545 Tests, 215-38, 21543, 21544 Appearance tickets, 5-2 Discretionary monitoring of Toilet, 215-36 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-23, effluents, 215-46 Toxic substances, 215-38 96-24 24 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Coastal erosion hazard areas, SMOKE SOLID WASTE 111-29 Fire prevention and building con- Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse, Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-8 233-1 - 233-5, 233-7, 233-8 struction, 144-8 Police department rules and regu- Brush, 233-4 Highway specifications, 161-11, lations, A290-45 Commercial vehicles, 233-1, 161-12 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 233-4 Littering, 174-6 Zoning, 280-13, 280-48, 280-58, Conveyance and transportation Parking, 189-3, 189-4 280-62, 280-99, 280-111, of refuse, 233-5 Parks and recreation areas, 193-3 280-143 Definitions, 233-1 - Peddlers, solicitors and transient SMOKE DETECTORS Demolition, 233-1, 233-4 retail merchants, 197-12 Fire prevention and building con-, Dumping, 233-1, 233-2, 233-7 Police department rules and regu- struction, 144-8 Emergencies, 233-6 lations, A290-36 SMOKING Fees, 2334, 233-6 Public hearings, notice of, 55-1 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Fuel, 233-3 Records, 59-15 SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Garbage, 233-1 - 233-4 Solid waste, 233-3, 233-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Grass clippings, 233-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13, SOIL REMOVAL Hazardous waste, 233-2 237-26 Assessments, 228-6 Hearing, 233-8 Subdivision of land, 240-17, Bond, 228-8, 228-9 Hearings, 233-6 240-19, 240-21, 240-32 Building Inspector, 228-4 Inspection, 233-4 Tobacco advertising, 249-4 Cash deposit, 228-9 Inspections, 233-6 Vehicles and traffic, 260-4, Cesspool, 228-4 Issuance and duration of per - 260 -6, 260-8 Combustible, 228-7 mits and licenses, 233-4 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Comprehensive Plan, 228-6 Landscaping, 233-4 Wind energy,.277-4 Drainage, 228-2, 2284, 228-5, License, 233-2 - 2334, 233-8 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-35, 228-7 Newspaper, 233-1, 233-3 280-38, 280-41, 280-45, Driveway, 228-4 Notice, 233-8 280-48, 280-52, 280-55, Dust, 228-2, 228-5, 228-7 Notices, 233-6 280-58, 280-62, 280-69, Excavations, 228-1, 228-3 - Penalties for offenses, 233-7 280-72, 280-78, 280-80 - 228-7 Permit, 233-2 - 233-4, 233-6, 280-90, 280-101, 280-131, Fecs, 228-11 233-8 280-133, 280-134, 280-137 Fences, 228-4, 228-7 Recyclables, 233-1 - 233-5 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS Fill, 228-7 Recycling, 233-7 Fire prevention and building con- Garbage, 228-7 Registration, 233-4 struction, 144-8 Grade, 228-4, 228-6, 228-7 School, 233-3 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-5 Grass, 228-7 Signs, 233-3, 233-4 Zoning, 280-27, 280-28, 280-38 Hearings, 228-5, 228-12 Site plan review, 233-6 SITE PLAN REVIEW Height, 228-7 Town Transfer Station, 233-3 Solid waste, 233-6 Improvement, 228-4 Transfer station special permit, SITE PLANS Insurance, 228-6 233-6 Farm stands, 135-3 Intent of regulations, 228-2 Trees, 233-4 Fire prevention and building con- Landscaping, 2284 Vehicles, 233-1, 233-3 - 233-5 struction, 144-8 Legislative declaration, 228-1 Yard, 233-3, 233-4 Soil removal, 228-4 Lots, 228-7 Yard waste, 233-3 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3 Newspaper, 228-12 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-17, Noise, 228-5 Farm stands, 135-3 280-22, 280-29, 280-31, Notices, 228-5, 228-9, 228-12 Fire prevention and building con - 280 -35, 280-38, 280-41, Nuisance, 228-5 struction, 144-8 280-45, 280-48, 280-52, Operations excepted, 228-4 Zoning, 2804, 280-13, 280-17, 280-55, 280-58, 280-62, Parking, 228-7 280-22, 280-35, 280-38, 280-69, 280-70,'280-92, Penalties for offenses, 228-13 28041, 28045,280-48, 280-104, 280-119, 280-127, Permit, 228-3 - 228-12 280-52, 280-55, 280-58, 280-129-- 280-134, Pollution, 228-7 280-62, 280-69, 280-70, 280-136-280-138, 280-151, Records, 228-6, 228-9, 228-12 280-74, 280-78, 280-130, 280-154 Regulations, 228-7 280-131, 280-139 - 280-142, SKETCH PLANS Safety, 228-1, 228-5, 228-7 280-144, 280-146, 280-149, Highway specifications, 161-1 Screening, 228-7 280-154 Subdivision of land, 240-7, Setbacks, 228-5, 228-7 SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES 240-109 240-13, 240-16, Site plan, 228-4 Zoning, 280-4, 280-35, 280-38, 240-20 Storage, 228-7 280-41,280-45,280-48, SKETCH PLAT Stormwater, 228-4 280-58, 280-62, 280-78, Subdivision of land, 240-6 - Vibration, 228-5 280-140, 280-141, 280-144 240-13, 240-17, 240-20, Waiver by Town Board, 228-10 SPEED LIMITS 240-26 - 240-28 Water, 228-2, 228-4, 228-5, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-13 SMALL WIND ENERGY SYS- 228-7 Highway specifications, 161-12 TEMS Well, 228-1 Transportation access manage - Zoning, 280-13 Yards, 228-6, 228-11 ment, 64-5 25 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX SPRINKLERS Discharges, 236-6 Grass, 237-13 Fire prevention and building con- Enforcement, 236-16 Guarantee, 237-9 struction, 144-8, 144-17 Erosion and sedimentation, Improvements, 237-6, 237-16 STEEP SLOPES 236-13 Inspection, 237-14 Subdivision of land, 240-4 Excavations, 236-10, 236-13 Insurance, 237-8, 237-18 STOP -WORK ORDERS Fill, 236-10, 236-13 Liable, 237-14 Fire prevention and building con- Floodplains, 236-13 Lighting, 237-12 struction, 144-6, 144-13 Grade, 236-10, 236-13 Notices, 237-11, 237-13 Flood damage prevention, 148-14 Illicit liquids, 236-7 Penalties for offenses, 237-17 Landmark preservation, 170-12 Inspections, 236-16 Permit, 237-6-237-I1, Waterfront consistency review, Land -disturbing activities, 236-9 . 237-13, 237-15 - 237-18 268-6 Penalties for offenses, 236-16 Protective measures, 237-12 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-12.1 Permit, 236-10, 236-12 Repair, 237-16 STORAGE Prohibited discharges, 236-7 Responsibility for damages, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-10, Requirements for all stormwater 237-16 96-25, 96-26 discharges, 236-8 Revocation, 237-15 Fire prevention and building con- Statutory authorization, 236-2 Short title, 237-4 struction, 144-8 Stormwater runoff control plans, Signs, 237-13 Flood damage prevention, 236-13 Street opening, 237-13 148-12, 148-16 Variances, 236-15 Trenches, 237-13 Harbor management, 157-6, Wetlands, 236-7, 236-13 Utilities, 237-11, 237-16 157-12 STREETLIGHTING Waiver of insurance and bond Highway specifications, 161-29, Highway specifications, 161-3, requirements, 237-18 161-30 161-4, 161-46 Water, 237-13, 237-16 Junkyards, 166-3 Police department rules and regu- Street Numbering, 237-22 - Parking, 189-7 lations, A290-37, A290-38 237-29 Records, 59-12, 59-14 Subdivision of land, 240-17, Building Inspector, 237-28 Salvage centers, 211-3 240-21, 240-46 Building permit, 237-25, Sewers and sewage disposal, STREET OPENINGS 237-26 215-36, 215-38 Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Certificate of occupancy, Soil removal, 228-7 Waterfront consistency review, 237-25 Subdivision of land, 240-44 268-3 Changes, 237-24 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Compliance deadline, 237-27 Vehicles and traffic, 260-24 Notification of Defects, 237-1 - Definitions, 237-23 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-19 237-3 Display of numbers, 237-26 Waterfront consistency review, Meeting, 237-2 Emergency, 237-22 268-3 Obstruction, 237-1 Enforcement, 237-28 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-38, Prior written notice required, Fine, 237-29 280-41, 28048, 280-58, 237-1 Height, 237-26 280-62, 280-78, 280-79, Statutory provisions super- Legislative intent, 237-22 280-88, 280-101, 280-104, seded, 237-3 Numbering system estab- 280-110, 280-111, 280-118, Transmission and presentation lished, 237-24 280-119, 280-134, 280-137 of notices, 237-2 Penalties for offenses, 237-29 STORMWATER Snow and Ice Removal, 237-19 - Permit, 237-25, 237-26 Fire prevention and building con- 237-21 Posting of numbers, 237-25 struction, 144-10 Church, 237-20 Records, 237-24 Highway specifications, 161-6, Dirt, 237-20 Sign, 237-26 161-8, 161-27, 161-29, General maintenance, 237-20 Style and size, 237-26 161-30, 161-32, 161-36 Intent, 237-19 Tait bill, 237-27 Sewers and sewage disposal, Obstructions, 237-20 Unnamed roads, 237-24 215-36, 215-38 Penalties for offenses, 237-21 Vehicles, 237-26 Soil removal, 2284 Snow and ice removal, 237-20 Well, 237-22 Subdivision of land, 240-11, Vacant lot, 237-20 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-19, 240-36, 240-44, Weeds, 237-20 Additional Requirements, 240-50, 240-51 Street Excavations, 237-4 - 240-52 - 240-58 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 237-18 Appeals, 240-57 275-7 Applications, 237-7 Comprehensive Plan, 240-53 Zoning, 280-72, 280-73, 280-129, Backfilling, 237-13 Easements, 240-54 280-133, 280-143 Barricades, 237-12, 237-13 Effect on existing plats, STORMWATER MANAGE- Bond, 237-9, 237-18 240-58 MENT Completion of work, 237-14 Final plat, 240-52, 240-53 Applications, 236-12 Curbs, 237-16 Hearing, 240-53 Approved plans, 236-14 Definitions, 237-5 Improvement, 240-53 Buffers, 236-13 Emergencies, 237-13 Liability, 240-54 Certificates of occupancy, 236-16 Fees, 237-10 Lots, 240-53, 240-57 Compliance, 236-11 Fill, 237-13 Natural features, 240-53, Definitions and Abbreviations, Fine, 237-17 240-54 236-4 Grade, 237-6, 237-13 Notice, 240-54 26 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Open space, 240-54 Emergency, 240-42 Drainage, 240-20, 240-21, Parks and recreation areas, Final plat, 240-42, 240-44 240-23, 240-25 240-52 — 240-54 Landscaping, 240-42,24043 Easements, 240-21 Playgrounds, 240-52, 240-53 Lien, 240-44 Environmental impact state - Preliminary plat, 240-53, Lighting, 240-44 ment, 240-22, 240-25 240-58 Livestock, 240-44 Environmental review, 240-22 Reservation of lands for pedes- Lots, 240-42 — 240-44 Final plats not in substantial trian trails, 240-54 Meeting, 240-43 agreement with approved Reservation of parkland on Natural features, 24043 preliminary plats or when subdivision plats contain- Notice, 240-44 no preliminary plat is re- ing residential units, Odors, 240-44 quired, 240-25 240-53 Open space, 24042 — 240-44 Fire hydrants, 240-21 Safety, 240-56 Parking, 240-44 Grade, 240-21 School, 240-53 Parks, 240-42 hearings, 240-25 Standards and procedures for Penalty, 240-44 Improvements, 240-20 acceptance of streets, Playgrounds, 240-43, 24044 Inspections, 240-20 240-52 Protection and use of open License, 240-21 Time limitations, 240-55 space lands created by Lots, 240-21 Variances, 240-57 cluster development, Meeting, 240-23 Vehicles, 240-54 240-44 Monuments, 240-21 Waiver, adjustment of prop- Record, 24044 Newspaper, 240-25 erty lines, 240-57 Recreation areas, 240-43, Notice, 240-22, 240-25 Waivers of certain provisions, 240-44 Open space, 240-21 240-56 Safety, 240-43 Permits, 240-25 When effective, 240-58 Setbacks, 240-43 Preliminary plats, 240-20, Bonds and Other Security, Storage, 240-44 240-22, 240-24, 240-25 240-31 —240-34 Stormwater, 240-44 Records, 240-21, 240-25 Default, 240-34. Utility, 240-42 Signs, 240-21 Drainage, 240-32 Vehicles, 24044 Sketch plan, 240-20 Expiration and terms of bonds, Water, 240-42, 240-44 Sketch plat, 240-20 240-34 Wells, 240-44 Streetlights, 240-21 Final plat, 240-31, 240-32 Wildlife, 240-44 Submission, 240-20 Forms of security, 240-34 Definitions, 240-3 Technical requirements, Guarantee, 240-31, 240-33, Design Standards, 24045 — 240-21 240-34 240-48 Test, 240-21 Guaranty, 240-34 Plumbing, 240-47 Trees, 240-21 Improvements, 240-31 — Safety, 24045, 240-46 Utilities, 240-21 240-34 Setbacks, 240-45 Water, 240-21 Inspection, 240-32, 240-33 Streetlighting, 240-46 Wells, 240-21 Landscaping, 240-32 Streets, 24045 General Application Procedure; Liens, 240-34 Wastewater treatment systems, Submission Requirements; Maintenance bond, 240-33 24047 Fees, 240-6 — 240-8 Notification, 240-32 Water, 240-48 Assessment, 240-7 Performance bond, 240-32 Water supply systems, 240-48 Bond, 240-7 Permit, 240-34 Well, 240-45 Drainage, 240-7 Purpose of performance bond, Yard, 240-45 Fees, 240-8 240-31 Enforcement, 240-59 — 240-61 Final plats, 240-8 Record, 240-34 Improvements, 240-59 General application procedure, Sale, 240-34 Lots, 240-59 240-6 Sign, 240-32 Methods of enforcement, Grading, 240-6 Cluster Development, 240-42 — 240-61 Improvement, 240-6 240-44 Penalties for offenses, 240-60 Preliminary plat, 240-6 — Animals, 240-44 Violations, 240-59 240-8 Assessments, 240-44 Final Plat Review, 240-20 — Sketch plan, 240-7 Authority'and purpose, 240-42 240-25 Sketch plat, 240-6 — 240-8 Buffers, 240-43 Action on final plats which are Submission requirements, Cluster development, 240-42 — in substantial agreement 240-7 240-44 with approved prelimi- General Provisions, 240-1, 240-2 Comprehensive Plan, 240-42, nary plats, 240-24 Open space, 240-2 240-43 Block, 240-21 Purpose, 240-2 Determination of location of Bond, 240-20, 240-23, 240-25 Safety, 240-2 open spaces created by Buffer, 240-21 Statutory authority, 240-1 cluster development using Building permits, 240-25 General Requirements; Classifi- primary and secondary Certificate of approval, 240-21 cation, 240-4, 240-5 conservation areas, Coordination of review of per- Comprehensive Plan, 240-4 240-43 formance bond estimate, Drainage, 240-4 1 Drainage, 240-44 240-23 General requirements, 240-4 Easements, 240-42, 240-44 Curb, 240-21 Grade, 240-4 27 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Lots, 240-4 Submission, 240-16 Safeguards during construc- Official Map, 240-4 Technical requirements, tion, 240-39 Off-street parking, 240-4 240-17 Safety, 240-38 Parking, 240-4 Test, 240-17 Stormwater, 240-36 Parks, 240-4 Trees, 240-17 Testing, 240-35, 240-36 Recreation areas, 240-4 -. Utilities, 240-17 Utilities, 240-35, 240-36, Safety, 2404 Waiver of requirements, 240-41 School, 240-4 240-15 Waiver, 240-38 Steep slopes, 240-4 Water, 240-17, 240-19 Water, 240-35, 240-36 Subdivision classifications, Wells, 240-17 Watercourse, 240-41 240-5 Preservation of Natural Features, Wells, 240-35, 240-36 Utility, 240-4 240-49 - 240-51 Sketch Plat Review, 240-9 - Water, 240-4 Buffer, 240-49 240-14 Wells, 2404 Certificate of occupancy, Action on sketch plat, 240-13 Open Development Area, 240-49 Block, 240-10 -. 240-26 - 240-30 Clearing, 24049 Cluster development, 240-10 Bond, 240-30 Drainage, 240-51 Comprehensive Plan, 240-10, Creation of lots, 240-30 Easements, 240-51 240-11 Drainage, 240-30 Final plat, 240-51 Coordination with other agen- Easement, 240-26 - 240-28 Floodplains, 240-50 cies, 240-12 Establishment, 240-26 Grade, 240-51 Decision, 240-13 Final plat, 240-28 Grading, 240-49, 240-51 Drainage, 240-9 - 240-11 General requirements, 240-27 Improvement, 240-51 Easements, 240-10 Hearings, 240-29, 240-30 Landscaping, 240-49 Emergency, 240-10 Improvements, 240-30 Lots, 240-49, 240-51 Expiration, 240-14 Lots, 240-26, 240-279 240-30 Open space, 240-49 Final plat, 240-13 Notice, 240-29, 240-30 Permit, 240-49, 240-51 Fire hydrants, 240-10 Permits, 240-26 Screen, 240-49 Grades, 240-10 Procedure, 240-29 Stormwater, 240-50, 240-51 Grass, 240-10 Records, 240-29 Stormwater, drainage and ero- Hearings, 240-10, 240-13 Sketch plat, 240-26 - 240-28 sion control, 240-51 Height, 240-10 Submission requirements, Trees, 240-49 Improvements, 240-9, 240-10 240-28 Water, 240-51 Inspection, 240-9 Preliminary Plat Review, Required Public Improvements; Lots, 240-10 240-15 - 240-19 Inspections; Fees, 240-35 - Master Plan, 240-10 Action on preliminary plat, 24041 Meeting, 240-13 240-19 Abandoned, 240-37 Monuments, 240-10 Block, 240-17 Administration fee, 240-37 Notice, 240-13 Buffer, 240-17 Backfilling, 240-36 Official Map, 240-10 Comprehensive Plan, 240-19 Bond, 240-35, 240-37 Open space, 240-10 Curbs, 240-17 Bonding, 240-35 Parks, 240-10 Drainage, 240-17, 240-19 Design standards, 240-36 Permit, 240-10 Easements, 240-17 Drainage, 240-35 - 240-37, Preliminary plat, 240-10, Environmental impact state- 240-41 240-13 ment, 240-18, 240-19 Excavation, 240-36 Record, 240-10 Environmental review, 240-18 Fencing, 240-36 Recreation area, 240-10 Final plat, 240-15, 240-16, Final plat, 240-35, 240-36, Review of sketch plat, 240-11 240-19 24041 Safety, 240-10 Fire alarm, 240-17 Fire hydrants, 240-35, 240-36 Septic systems, 240-10 Fire hydrants, 240-17 Gas, 240-35 Sketch plans, 240-10, 240-13 Grade, 240-17, 240-19 Grading, 240-41 Stormwater, 240-11 Hearings, 240-19 Guaranties, 240-38 Submission, 240-9 Improvements, 240-16, 240-17 Improvements, 240-36 Technical requirements, Lots, 240=17 Inspections, 240-36, 240-37 240-10 Manholes, 240-17 Landscaping, 240-36 Trees, 240-10 Master Plan, 240-17 Lots, 240-41 Utilities, 240-10 Monuments, 240-17 Mapping of completed im- Water, 240-9 - 240-11 Newspaper, 240-19 provements, 240-41 Wells, 240-9, 240-10 Notices, 240-18, 240-19 Meeting, 240-40 SWIMMING POOLS Official Map, 240-17 Modification of design of im- Fire prevention and building con - Records, 240-17, 240-19 provements, 240-40 struction, 144-8 Reports, 240-19 Monuments, 240-41 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, Setbacks, 240-19 Notice, 240-36 275-11 Signs, 240-17;240-19 Permit, 240-36, 240-39 Zoning, 280-4, 280-13, 280-52, Sketch plan, 240-16 Records, 240-38, 240-41 280-55 Sketch plat, 240-17 Required improvements and Stormwater, 240-19 utilities, 240-35 Strectlighting, 240-17 28 03-15-2008 -T- TAXATION Business Investment Exemption, 245-7 Exemption repealed, 245-7 Cold War veterans' tax exemp- tion, 245-17, 245-18 Definitions, 245-17 Exemption granted, 245-18 Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income, 245-10 Disabilities, 245-10 Exemption granted, 245-10 Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers, 245-11, 245-12 Amount, 245-11 Applicability; 245-14 Assessments, 245-11, 245-12 Effective date, 245-12 Exemption granted, 245-11 Qualifications, 245-11 School, 245-11 Unremarried spouses of volun- teers killed in line of duty, 245-13. Historic properties tax exemption, 245-19 Real property exemption, 245-19 Senior Citizen Exemption, 245-1 - 245-6 Applications, 245-3 Assessment, 245-4 Conditions, 245-2 Drug, 245-1 Fine, 245-5 Hearing, 245-4 Insurance, 245-1 Notice, 245-4,245-6 Offenses, 245-5 Partial exemption for senior citizens, 245-1 Penalties for offenses, 245-5 Reapplications, 245-4 Retirement, 245-1, 245-2 Sale, 245-1, 245-2 Veterans' Exemption, 245-8, 245-9 Amount of exemption, 245-9 Assessments, 245-8, 245-9 Purpose,.245-8 Veterans, 245-8 War veterans and gold star par- ents tax exemption, 245-15, 245-16 TESTS Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-5, 144-19 Highway specifications, 161-2, 161-6, 161-26, 161-29, 161-30, 161-40, 161-46 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290A5 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-38,215-43,215-44 SOUTHOLD INDEX Subdivision of land, 240-17; 240-21, 240-35, 240-36 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-4 Zoning, 28048, 280-58, 280-62 TIRES Junkyards, 166-1 Littering, 174-3 Zoning, 280-48 TOBACCO Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15 Tobacco advertising, 249-1 - 249-5 TOBACCO ADVERTISING Definitions and word usage, 249-2 Exceptions, 249-4 Legislative intent and findings, 249-1 License, 249-2 Minors, 249-1 Parks, 249-1 Penalties for offenses, 249-6 Permit, 249-2 Report, 249-1 Restrictions, 249-3 Sales, 249-1 Schools, 249-1 - 249-3 Severability, 249-7 Sign, 249A Smoke, 249-1 Smoking, 249-1 Time frame for compliance, 249-5 Tobacco, 249-1 -249-5 Variance, 249-1 Well, 249-1 When effective, 249-8 TOILET FACILITIES Parks and recreation areas, 193-4 Sewers and sewage disposal, 215-36 TOPSOIL REMOVAL Highway specifications, 161-10 TOURIST AND TRAILER CAMPS General Regulations, 253-1 - 253-19 Application, 253-3 Brush, 253-5 Communicable diseases, 253-14 Definitions, 253-1 Distance between cottages and other buildings or trailers, 253-9 Distance from property lines and roadways, 253-10 Drainage, 253-5 Driveways, 253-3, 253-10, 253-11 Duties of owner, 253-14 Entrances and exits, 253-15 Fees, 253-4 Fence, 253-15 Fine, 253-19 Fire extinguisher, 253-14 Garbage, 253-7, 253-14 29 Garbage collection, 253-7 Graded, 253-5 Hearing, 253-2, 253-4 Inspection, 253-13 License, 253-3 Lighting, 253-3 Management, 253-12 Minimum unit dimensions, 253 -8 - Newspaper, 253-4 Nonapplicability, 253-18 Notice, 253-4 Other ordinances and regula- tions, 253-17 Penalties for offenses, 253-19 Permit, 253-2 - 253-4 Public hearing, 253-4 Records, 253-13 Registration, 253-14 Report, 253-14 Roadways and driveways, 253-11 Screening by plantings, 253-16 Septic tanks, 253-7 Sewer system, 253-7 Site plan, 253-3 Site requirements, 253-5 Storage, 253-14 Trespassing, 253-15 Trespass on adjoining prop- erty, 253-15 Vehicles, 253-14 Water, 253-3, 253-6, 253-14 Water supply, 253-6 Weeds, 253-5 Well, 253-5, 253-11 Recreational Vehicle Parks, 253-20 - 253-24 Applicability of other chapter provisions, 253-24 Dates of operation, 253-23 Definitions, 253-20 Drainage, 253-22 Driveways; 253-22 Parks, 253-23 Roadways and driveways, 253-22 Setbacks, 253-21 Site requirements, 253-21 Time limit for accommoda- tion, 253-23 Vehicles, 253-20, 253-21, 253-23,253-24 Yard, 253-21 TOWERS Wind energy, 277-2 - 277-4, 277-7 Zoning, 280-4, 280-67, 280-69, 280-70, 280-72 - 280-75, 280-104 TOWING Boats, docks and wharves, 96-12 Police department rules and regu- lations, A290-15 TOWN ATTORNEY Wind energy, 277-7 Zoning, 280-175 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX TOWN BOARD Streets and sidewalks, 237-11, Police department rules and regu- Wind energy, 277-7 237-16 lations, A290-11, A290-15, Zoning, 280-173, 280-174, Subdivision of land, 240-4, A290-33, A290-45 280-176, 280-177, 280-180 240-10, 240-17, 240-21, Sewers and sewage disposal, TOWN CLERK 240-35, 240-36, 240-41, 215-5 Zoning, 280-174 240-42 Solid waste, 233-1, 233-3 - 233-5 TOXIC SUBSTANCES Vehicles and traffic, 260-8 Streets and sidewalks, 237-26 Sewers and sewage disposal, Waterfront consistency review, Subdivision of land, 240-44, 215-38 268-3 240-54 TRANSPORTATION ACCESS Wetlands and shoreline, 275-11 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-14, MANAGEMENT Wind energy, 277-2 - 277-4 253-20, 253-21,•253-23, Definitions, 64-3 Zoning, 280-2, 2804, 280-13, 253-24 Duties of Commission, 64-5 280-22, 280-29, 280-58, Transportation access manage - Improvements, 64-5 280-62, 280-70, 280-83, ment, 64-5 Lighting, 64-5 280-112, 280-127, 280-129, Vehicles and traffic, 260-1 - Litter, 64-5 280-133 260-3, 260-7 - 260-27 Noise, 64-5 Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-1 - Parking, 64-5 264-7, 264-9, 264-11, Purpose, 64-2 - V - 264-14 - 264-16, 264-18 - Report, 64-4 264-20 Safety, 64-5 VACANT LOT Zoning, 280-2, 280-4, 280-48, Zoning, Speed limits, 64-5 Fire prevention anung con - building 280-58, 280-72, 280-77 - Title, 64-1 struction, 144-8 280-79, 280-99, 280-110, Transportation Commission, 64-4 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 280-129, 280-137, 280-143 Vehicle, 64-5 Zoning, 280-30 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, Water, 64-5 VARIANCES 260-14 When effective, 64-6 Coastal erosion hazard areas, Emergency Removal of Vehicles, TREES 111-20 - 111-24, 111-27 260-23 - 260-25 Filming, 139-9 Ethics, 17 26- Abandoned, 260-23 Highway specifications, 161-3, Flood damage prevention, 148-4, Authority to remove vehicles, 161-11, 161-16, 161-29, 148-7, 148-9, 148-14, 260-23 161-30, 161A2, 161-44 148-22, 148-23 Emergency, 260-23 Parks and recreation areas, 193-2 Shellfish and other marine re- Fees, 260-24 Sewers and sewage disposal, sources, 219-21 Impoundment, 260-24 215-43 Stormwater management, 236-15 Notices, 260-25 Solid waste, 233-4 Subdivision of land, 240-57 Obstruction, 260-23 Subdivision of land, 240-10, Tobacco advertising, 249-1 Parking, 260-23 240-17, 240-21, 240-49 Waterfront consistency review, Seizure, 260-24 Vehicles and traffic, 260-4, 260-6 268-3, 268-5 Storage, 260-24 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2 Zoning, 280-10, 280-28, 280-30, General Provisions, 260-1, 260-2 Wind energy, 277-3 280-81, 280-86, 280-92, Authority to install traffic con - Zoning, 280-69, 280-70, 280-73, 280-121, 280-131, 280-137, trol devices, 260-2 280-83, 280-92 -280-95, 280-146, 280-149, 280-154 Definitions of words and 280-98, 280-118, 280-129, VEHICLES phrases, 260-1 280-130, 280-133, 280-136 Alcoholic beverages, 79-1 Parking, 260-1 TRENCHES Appearance tickets, 5-2 One -Way Streets, 260-3 Highway specifications, 161-36 Bicycles, 88-1 - 88-6 Parking, Standing and Stopping, Sewers and sewage disposal, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-9, 260-7 - 260-22 215-39, 215-43 96 - 24 Additional parking regula- Streets and sidewalks, 237-13 Buildings, unsafe, 100-3, 100-4 tions, 260-18 TRESPASSING Coastal erosion hazard areas, Application, 260-7 Sewers and sewage disposal, 111-16 Bus stops, 260-21 215-20 Filming, 139- 3 Church, 260-] 7 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-15 Flood damage prevention, 148-4, Driveways, 260-9, 260-15, Vehicles, motor -driven, 264-14 148-13 - 148-16, 148-21, 260-17, 260-18 148-22 Fire hydrants, 260-14, 260-18 General provisions, 1-2 Fire lanes, 260-14 _ U _ Highway specifications, 161-7, Fire wells, 260-14, 260-16 161-20 Fire zones, 260-14, 260-20 UNSAFE BUILDINGS, see Littering, 174-1, 174-3, 174-6 Handicapped parking, 260-17 BUILDINGS, UNSAFE Parking, 189-1, 189-3, 189-4, License, 260-9, 260-17 UTILITIES � 189-7 Loading zones, 260-22 Flood damage prevention, 148-3, Parks and recreation areas, 193-1, Lots, 260-12 148-13, 148-15, 148-16, 193-3, 193-4 No stopping zones, 260-19 148-19 - 148-22 Peddlers, solicitors and transient Parking, 260-8 - 260712, Highway specifications, 161-46 retail merchants, 197-10. 260-14 - 260-22 Sewers and sewage disposal, Parking for limited time only, 215-42, 215-43 260-11 30 03-15-2008 Parking or standing prohibited during certain times, 260-15 Parking prohibited at all times, 260-8 Parking prohibited during cer- tain hours, 260-9 Parking prohibited during cer- tain months, 260-10 Permit, 260-9, 260-17 Public parking lots, 260-12 Shopping center, 260-14 Signs, 260-8 Stopping prohibited at all times, 260-13 Utility, 260-8 Penalties, 260-27 Bus stop, 260-27 Curb, 260-27 Driveway, 260-27 Fines, 260-27 Fire hydrant, 260-27 Fire lanes, 260-27 Fire zone, 260-27 Handicapped parking, 260-27 Inspection, 260-27 Lots, 260-27 Parking, 260-27 Penalties for offenses, 260-27 Permit, 260-27 Registration, 260-27 Vehicle, 260-27 Wells, 260-27 Stop and Yield Intersections, 260-4 - 260-6 School, 260-6 Signs, 260-4, 260-6 Stop intersections with flash- ing signals, 260-5 Stop intersections with stop signs, 260-4 Tree, 260-4, 260-6 Wells, 260-4, 260-6 Yield intersections, 260-6 Truck Traffic, 260-26 Restricted truck traffic, 260-26 Safety, 260-26 VEHICLES, MOTOR -DRIVEN Motor -Driven Vehicles, 264-14 - 264-22 Abandoned, 264-19 Confiscation and redemption of vehicles, 264-19 Drugs, 264-15 Emergency vehicles, 264-18 Enforcement, 264-17 Exceptions, 264-18 Fine, 264-20 Intent, 264-14 Liable, 264-20 Nuisance, 264-14 Penalties for offenses, 264-20 Permit, 264-15, 264-20 Presumptive evidence, 264-16 Restitution, 264-20 Restrictions, 264-15 Safety, 264-14, 264-15 Severability, 264-21 SOUTHOLD INDEX Storage, 264-19 Harbor management, 157-1, Trespassing, 264-14 157-5 When effective, 264-22 Highway specifications, 161-11, Unlicensed Motor -Driven Vehi- 161-30, 161-39, 161-44 cles, 264-1 - 264-13 Housing fund, 34-6 Conflicts with state law, Junkyards, 166-4 264-11 Littering, 174-4 Definitions, 264-3 Parking, 189-1 Exceptions, 264-6 Parks and recreation areas, 193-4 Impound, 264-9 Police department rules and regu- Impounded, 264-9 lations, A290-45 Impoundment, 264-9 Sewers and sewage disposal, Improvement, 264-6 215-3, 215-28, 215-36 - Notice, 264-8 215-38, 215-43 Operation on private property Soil removal, 228-2, 228-4, restricted, 264-5 228-5, 228-7 Operation on Town property Streets and sidewalks, 237-13, prohibited, 264-4 237-16 Parents or guardians to be no- Subdivision of land, 240-4, tified of violations, 264-8 240-9 - 240-11, 240-17, Penalties for offenses, 264-W 240-19, 240-21, 240-35, Permit, 264-7 240-36, 240-42, 240-44, Purpose, 264-2 240-48, 240-51 Registration, 264-11 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-3, Responsibility of parents or 253-6,253-14 guardians, 264-7 Transportation access manage - Safety, 264-2 ment, 64-5 School, 264-6 Waterfront consistency review, Severability, 264-12 268-2, 268-3, 268-5 Title, 264-1 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2 - When effective, 264-13 275-4, 275-7, 275-11, 275-12 VETERANS Zoning, 280-2, 280-4, 280-7, Taxation, 245-8 280-8, 280-13, 280-16, VETERANS TAX EXEMPTION, 280-22, 280-29, 280-34, see WAR VETERANS AND 280-35, 280-51, 280-54, GOLD STAR PARENTS 280-55, 280-73, 280-91, VIBRATIONS 280-96, 280-99, 280-104, Highway specifications, 161-21 280-112, 280-113, 280-116, Soil removal, 228-5 280-128, 280-129, 280-133, Zoning; 280-48, 280-58, 280-62, 280-143, 280-174 280-99, 280-111, 280-143 WATERCOURSES Fire prevention and building con- struction, 144-10 - W - Flood damage prevention, 148-13, 148-14 WAR VETERANS AND GOLD Sewers and sewage disposal, STAR PARENTS TAX EX- 21 EMPTION Subdivision of land, 240 41 Definitions and Abbreviations, Zoning, 280-133 245-15 WATERFRONT CONSISTENCY Exemption granted, 245-16 REVIEW Taxation, 245-15, 245-16 Animals, 268-3 WATER Appeals, 268-4, 268-5 Animals, 83-3, 83-4 Assessment, 268-3, 268-5 Boats, docks and wharves, 96-12, Authority and purpose, 268-2 96-16, 96-26 Building Inspector, 268-6 Coastal erosion hazard areas, Definitions, 268-3 111-5 - 111-7, 111-10, Emergency, 268-3 111-13, 111-14, 111-29 Enforcement, 268-6 Community preservation fund, Erosion and sedimentation, 268-2 17-8 Hazardous materials, 268-3 Development rights, transfer of, Hazardous substances, 268-5 117-7 . Inspections, 268-3, 268-5 Fire prevention and building con- Investigations, 268-3 struction, 144-8, 144-10 Landscaping, 268-3 Flood damage prevention, 148-2, Management and coordination of 148-3, 148-14 - 148-16, LWRP, 268-4 148-18, 148-19, 148-22 Open space, 268-2, 268-5 31 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Penalties for offenses, 268-7 Driveway, 275-3 Hearings, 275-8 Pension, 268-3 Erosion and sedimentation, Height, 275-11 Permit, 268-3 275-3 Impoundment, 275-6 Pollution, 268-3 Exceptions, 2754 Improvement, 275-5 Report, 268-4 Fence, 275-2 Inspections, 275-7, 275-9 - Retirement, 268-3 Findings, 275-3 275-11 Review of actions, 268-5 Flood hazard areas, 275-3 Insurance, 275-9 Sale, 268-3 Grass, 275-2 Investigation, 275-8 Setbacks, 268-3 Improvement, 275-3 Landscaping, 275-11 Stop -work order, 268-6 Jurisdiction, 275-3 Liability, 275-9 Storage, 268-3 Landscaping, 275-3 Licenses, 275-6 Street openings, 268-3 Permit, 275-2, 2754 Liens, 275-11 Title, 268-1 Pollution, 275-3 Lighting, 275-11 Utility, 268-3 Purpose, 275-3 Meeting, 275-8 Variances, 268-3, 268-5 Safety, 275-3 Monument, 275-6 Water, 268-2, 268-3, 268-5 Septic tank, 275-3 Notice, 275-8 - 275-10 Wildlife, 268-2, 268-3 Setbacks, 275-2, 275-3 Notices, 275-11 WATER POLLUTION Stormwater, 275-3 Penalties for offenses, Boats, docks and wharves, 96-26 Swimming pool, 275-3 275-12.1 Sewers and sewage disposal, Test, 275-4 Permit procedures, 275-5 215-38 Title, 275-1 Processing of application, Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3 Trees, 275-2 275-8 WATER SUPPLY Water, 275-2 - 275-4 Propane/liquid gas tanks, Zoning, 280-174 Weeds, 275-2 275-5 WEAPONS Wildlife, 275-3, 275-4 Reports, 275-7, 275-8 Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 Word usage, 275-2 Restaurants, 275-11 Police department rules and regu- Yard, 275-4 Safety, 275-11, 275-12 lations, A290-15, A290-33 Permits, 275-5 - 275-12, Septic systems, 275-5 WEEDS 275-12.1, 275-13, 275-14 Setbacks, 275-5 Highway specifications, 161-42 Accessory structures, 275-5 Signs, 275-11 Streets and sidewalks, 237-20 Application, 275-6 Single-family dwellings, 275-5 Tourist and trailer camps, 253-5 Assessment, 275-6 Standards for issuance of per - Wetlands and shoreline, 275-2 Backfilling, 275-11 mit, 275-12 See also BRUSH, GRASS AND Barricades, 275-11 Stop -work orders, 275-12.1 WEEDS Bay Constable, 275-12.1 Stormwater, 275-7 WELLS Bond, 275-9 Swimming pools, 275-11 Highway specifications, 161-3 Buffers, 275-5, 275-7, 275-11 Transferability, 275-14 Parking, 189-2 Catwalks, 275-11 Utilities, 275-11 Subdivision of land, 240-4, Certificate of compliance, Water, 275-7, 275-11, 275-12 240-10, 240-17, 240-21, 275-10, 275-13 Wildlife, 275-7, 275-11, 240-35, 24044 Cesspools, 275-5 275-12 Vehicles and traffic, 260-4, Code Enforcement Officer, Yards, 275-7 260-6, 260-12, 260-14, 275-12.1 WILDLIFE 260-16, 260-27 Conditions, inspection fees, Coastal erosion hazard areas, Zoning, 280-133 performance guarantee 111-6, 111-12 - 111-15 . WETLANDS upon issuance of permit, Community preservation fund, Stormwater management, 236-7, 275-9 17-4,17-8 236-13 Construction and operation Parks and recreation areas, 193-6 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE standards, 275-11 Subdivision of land, 240-44 Administration and Enforcement, Contents of permit, 275-10 Waterfront consistency review, 275-15,275-16 Costs and expenses, 275-11 268-2, 268-3 Compliance requirements, Demolition, 275-5 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-3, 275-16 Docks, 275-51 275-11 275-4, 275-7, 275-11, 275-12 Coordination and enforcement, Drainage, 275-5 - 275-7, Zoning, 280-129, 280-1133 275-15 275-11 WIND ENERGY Failure to comply, 275-16 Dredging, 275-11 Small Wind Energy Systems, Fine, 275-16 Driveways, 275-5 277-1 -277-7 Notice, 275-16 Easement, 275-11 Abandonment of use, 277-6 Penalties for offenses, 275-16 Excavation, 275-11 Advertising, 277-4 Permit, 275-16 Failure to comply, 275-11 Anchoring, 277-4 General Provisions, 275-1 - Fees, 275-7 Application, 277-2 275-4 Fences, 275-5, 275-11 Block, 277-2 Accessory structure, 275-2 Fill, 275-6, 275-11 Building Inspector, 277-7 Assessment, 275-4 Fuel, 275-5 Building permits, 277-3, 277-6 Buffer, 275-2 Garbage, 275-11 Code Enforcement Officer, Cesspool, 275-3 Grading, 275-7, 275-11 277-7 Definitions, 275-2 Grass, 275-11 Construction standards, 277-4 Demolition, 275-2 Guarantee, 275-9, 275-10 Costs and expenses, 277-6 32 03-I5-2.008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Definitions, 277-1 - Z - Records, 280-31 Development standards, 277-3 Reports, 280-29, 280-30 Enforcement, 277-7 ZONING Safety, 280-28 Fees, 277-5 Accessory buildings and struc- Sales, 280-30, 280-31 Fences, 277-4 tures, 280-15 Schools, 280-26 Height regulations, 277-2 - Administration and Enforcement, Setbacks, 280-24, 280-28 277-4 280-151 - 280-156 Single-family dwellings, Lighting, 277-4 Accessory buildings, 280-154 280-27, 280-28 Noise, 277-2, 277-3 Administrative and enforcing Site plan, 280-29, 280-31 Notices, 277-3 officer, 280-151 Use regulations, 280-27 Penalties for offenses, 277-7 Appeals, 280-154 Utilities, 280-29 Permit, 277-3, 277-6, 277-7 Building Inspector, 280-151 - Vacant lot, 280-30 Remedies for violations, 277-7 280-155 Variance, 280-28 Safety standards, 277-3 Building permits, 280-151 - Variances, 280-30 Setbacks, 277-3 280-153 Water, 280-29 Signs, 2774 Certificates of occupancy, Well, 280-31 Towers, 277-2 - 277-4, 277-7 280-151, 280-154 Yards, 280-28 Town Attorney, 277-7 Fine, 155 280- Zoning Map, 280-29 Town Board, 277-7 Inspections, 280-151, 280-154 Agricultural -Conservation (A -C) Trees, 277-3 Nonconforming use, 280-154 District and Low -Density Utilities, 277-2 - 277-4 Notice, 280-153, 280-155 Residential R-80, R-120, Penalties for offenses, 280-155 R-200 and R-400 Districts, Permit, 280-151 - 280-154 280-12 - 280-14 - Y - Records, 280-151, 280-154 Accessory buildings and struc- Remedies, 280-156 tures, 280-13 YARDS Report, 280-151 Accessory structures, 280-13 Fire prevention and building con- School, 280-154 Accessory uses, 280-13 struction, 144-8, 144-10 Site plan, 280-151, 280-154 Animals, 280-13 Highway specifications, 161-24 Special exception, 280-154 Apartment, 280-13 Soil removal, 228-6, 228-11 Stop orders, 280-153 Appeals, 280-13 Solid waste, 233-3, 233-4 Variance, 280-154 Building Inspector, 280-13 Subdivision of land, 240-45 Affordable Housing (AHD) Dis- Bulk, area and parking rcgula- Tourist and trailer camps, 253-21 trict, 280-24 - 280-33 tions, 280-14 Wetlands and shoreline, 275-4, Accessory uses, 280-27 Cemeteries, 280-13 275-7 Administration, 280-31 Certificate of compliance, Zoning, 280-4, 280-7, 280-8, Apartments, 280-27 280-13 280-13, 280-15, 280-28, Appeals, 280-28, 280-31 Certificate of occupancy, 280-41, 280-43, 280-48, Applicability, 280-26 280-13 280-50, 280-58, 280-60, Application procedure, 280-29 Communicable diseases, 280-62, 280-64, 280-72, Building Inspector, 280-31 280-13 280-73, 280-78, 280-79, Building permit, 280-31 Drug, 280-13 280-86, 280-93, 280-96, Bulk, area and parking regula- Dust, 280-13 280-104 - 280406, 280-109, tions, 280-28 Emergency, 280-13 280-122, 280-124, 280-137, Certificate of occupancy, Fence, 280-13 280-143 280-31, 280-33 Fumes, 280-13 YARD WASTE Comprehensive Plan, 280-29 Garages, 280-13 Solid waste, 233-3 Definitions, 280-25 Gas, 280-13 YOUTH BOARD Fine, 280-33 Hcight regulations, 280-15 Appointments, 68-5 General regulations and re- Home occupations, 280-13 Definitions and Abbreviations, quirements, 280-30 Hospitals, 280-13 68-2 Hearing, 280-26, 280-29 Inspection, 280-13 Membership, 68-5 Height, 280-28 Kennels, 280-13 Powers and duties, 68-5 Improvements, 280-25, 280-30 Lighting, 280-13 Removal of members, 68-5 Lots, 280-30, 280-31 Lots, 280-13, 280-15 Salaries and compensation, 68-5 Maintenance and upkeep, Noise, 280-13 Terms of office, 68-5 280-32.1 Odor, 280-13 Youth Bureau, 68-3, 68-4 Meeting, 280-29 Off-street parking, 280-13 YOUTH BUREAU Newspapers, 280-26 One -family dwelling, 280-13 Youth Board, 68-3, 68-4 Notice, 280-26, 280-29, Parking, 280-13, 280-14 Youth Bureau Director, 68-4 280-30 Permit, 280-13 YOUTH BUREAU DIRECTOR Off-street parking, 280-27, Permitted uses, 280-13 Powers and duties, 684 280-28 Places of worship, 280-13 Youth Bureau, 68-4 Parking, 280-27, 280-28 Playgrounds, 280-13 Penalties for offenses, Purpose, 280-12 280-32.1, 280-33 Radiation, 280-13 Permit, 280-31 Restaurants, 280-13 Permitted uses, 280-27 Safety, 280-13 Purpose, 280-24 Sales, 280-13 33 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Schools, 280-13 Amendments, 280-157 - 280-159 Open space, 280-8 Setbacks, 280-13, 280-15 Additional notice requirements Parks, 280-7 Signs, 280-13 relating to petitions for Permit, 280-8 - 280-10 Site plan, 280-13 proposed amendments, Prohibited uses, 280-8 Small wind energy systems, 280-159 Record, 280-7 280-13 Assessment, 280-159 Screening, 280-7 Smoke, 280-13 Fees for petitions for proposed Variance, 280-10 Special exception, 280-13 amendments, 280-158 Waiver of merger, 280-11 Storage, 280-13 Hearings, 280457, 280-159 Water, 280-7, 280-8 Swimming pools, 280-13 Meeting, 280-157 Yards, 280-7, 280-8 Use regulations, 280-13 Newspaper, 280-157, 280-159 Zoning Map, 280-6, 280-7 Utility, 280-13 Notice, 280-157, 280-159 Farmland Bill of Rights, 280-97 - Water, 280-13 Procedures, 280-157 280-103 Well, 280-12, 280-13 Report, 280-157 Animals, 280-98, 280-99 Yard, 280-13, 280-15 Zoning Map, 280-157 - Appeals, 280-100 Agricultural Planned Develop- 280-159 Definitions, 280-98 ment District, 280-170 - Board of Appeals, 280-145 - Dust, 280-99 280-181 280-150 Enforcement, 280-102 Accessory uses, 280-172 Accessory buildings, 280-149 Fences, 280-99 Application and review proce- Accessory structures, 280-149 Grading, 280-99 dure, 280-174 Additional conditions and Holidays, 280-99 Building permits, 280-180. safeguards, 280-147 Inspection, 280-101 Classification, 280-172 Appeals,. 280-145 - 280-150 Livestock, 280-98,280-99 Clearing house, 280-179 Appointment, 280-145 Noise, 280-99 Conditions, 280-180 Building Inspector, 280-146 Notices, 280-97, 280-100, Conditions of approval, Fees, 280-149 280-101 280-175 Fences, 280-149 Nuisance, 280-97, 280-99 Costs and expenses, 280-177 Hearings, 280-146, 280-150 Odor, 280-99 County Clerk, 280-175 Membership, 280-145 Right to farm, 280-97 Definitions, 280-171 Notice, 280-146, 280-150 Right to notice by brokers and Disclosure provisions, Permits, 280-146, 280-149 agents, 280-101 280-174 Permitted use, 280-146 Right to notice provided by Easements, 280-175, 280-177, Powers and duties, 280-146 Town agencies, 280-100 280-179, 280-180 Rules of conduct and proce- Right to undertake protected Farms and farming, 280-174 dure, 280-148 farm practices, 280-99 Fire protection, 280-174 Safety, 280-146 Safety, 280-97, 280-99 Hearings, 280-174, 280-175, Special exceptions, 280-146, Sale, 280-98 280-177 280-149 Severability, 280-103 Improvements, 280-174 Variances, 280-146, 280-149 Sign, 280-101 Lots, 280-173 Zoning Map, 280-146 Smoke, 280-99 Meetings, 280-173, 280-174 Density, Minimum Lot Size and Storage, 280-101 Notices, 280-174 Bulk Schedules, 280-65, • Trees, 280-98 Open space, 280-181 280-66 Vehicles, 280-99 Permit, 280-180 Conformance required, 280-66 Vibration, 280-99 Permitted uses, 280-175 Incorporation of new sched- Water, 280-99 Planning Board, 280-174, ules, 280-65 General Business (B) District, 280-181 Parking, 280-65 280-47 - 280-50 Price for development rights, Repeal of existing schedule, Accessory uses, 280-48 280-176 280-65 Apartments, 28048 Purpose, 280-170 Districts, 280-5 - 280-11 Appeals, 280-48 Reports, 280-174 Appeals, 280-9, 280-11 Bulk, area and parking re - Requirements for eligibility, Building Inspector, 280-6, quirements, 280-49 280-173 280-8 Church, 280-48 Sales, 280-174 - 280-177, Building permits, 280-8 - Driveways, 280-48 280-179 - 280-181 280-10 Dust, 280-48 Subdivision, 280-181 Certificate of occupancy, Fence, 280-48 Subsequent development right 280-10 Fire extinguisher, 280-48 sales to Town, 280-177 District boundaries, 280-7 Flammable, 280-48 Town Attorney, 280-175 District designations, 280-5 Front yard setbacks, 280-50 Town Board, 280-173, Effect of establishment of dis- Fuel, 280-48 280-174, 280-176, tricts, 280-8 Garages, 28048 280-177, 280-180 Hearing, 280-11 Height, 280-48 Town Clerk, 280-174 Insurance, 280-10 Hospital, 280-48 Water, 280-174 Landscaping, 280-7 Hotel, 28048 Water supply, 280-174 Lot recognition, 280-9 License, 280-48 Zoning approval, 280-174 Lots, 280-9 - 280-11 Lots, 280-48 ' Zoning Map, 280-174, Merger, 280-10 Meeting, 28048 280-175 One -family dwelling, 280-10 Motel, 280-48 34 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Noise, 280-47, 280-48 Purposes, 280-2 Utilities, 280-22 Odor, 280-48 Recreational vehicle, 280-4 Water, 280-22 Off-street parking, 280-48 Restaurant, 280-4 Zoning Map, 280-21 Parking, 280-48, 280-49 Safety, 280-2, 280-3 Landscaping, Screening and Permit, 280-48 Sales, 280-4 Buffer Regulations, 280-91 — Permitted uses, 280-48 School, 280-4 280-96 Plumbing, 280-48 Screening, 280-4 Appeals, 280-92 Pollution, 280-48 Septic tank, 280-4 Assessment, 280-92 Purpose, 280-47 Service station, 280-4 Buffer, 280-92, 280-94 — Restaurants, 280-48 Setbacks, 280-4 280-96 Retail stores, 280-48 Shopping center, 280-4 Building Inspector, 280-92 Sales, 280-48 Signs, 280-4 Curbs, 280-92 School, 280-48 Site plans, 280-4 Drainage, 280-91 Service stations, 280-48 Special exception use, 280-4 Driveway, 280-93 Setbacks, 280-50 Storage, 280-4 Driveways, 280-92 Shopping centers, 280-48 Swimming pools, 280-4 Dust, 280-91 Signs, 280-48 Title, 280-1 Fences, 280-92, 280-94 Site plan, 280-48 Tower, 280-4 Front landscaped area, 280-93 Smoke, 280-48 Utilities, 280-2, 280-4 General requirements, 280-92 Special exception, 280-48 Vehicles, 280-2, 280-4 Glare, 280-91, 280-94 Special exception use, 280-48 Water, 280-2, 280-4 Grass, 280-93, 280-95 Storage, 280-48 Yard, 280-4 Hearing, 280-92 Testing, 280-48 Zoning Map, 280-4 Heat,,280-91 Tires, 280-48 Hamlet Business (HB) District, Height, 280-94 Use regulations, 280-48 280-44 — 280-46 Landscaped parking area, Vehicle, 280-,48 Accessory uses, 280-45 280-95 Vehicles, 280-48 Apartments, 280-45 Lien, 280-92 Vibration, 280-48 Appeals, 280-45 Lots, 280-95 Yards, 280-48, 280-50 Assessment, 280-45 Noise, 280-91, 280-94 General Provisions, 280-1 — Bulk, area and parking regula- Notice, 280-92 280-4 tions, 280-46 Off-street parking, 280-95 Accessory building, 280-4 Garages, 280-45 Parking,, 280-92, 280-95 Accessory use, 280-4, Grocery stores, 280-45 Pollution, 280-91 Apartment, 280-4 Hotel, 280-44, 280-45 Properties located adjacent to Appeals, 280-4 Improvement, 280-45 creeks, 280-96 Block, 280-4 Meeting, 280-45 Purpose, 280-91 Certificate of compliance, Motel, 280-44, 280-45 Record, 280-92 280-4 Off-street parking, 280-45 Screen, 280-91 — 280-94 Certificate of occupancy, Parking, 280-45, 280-46 Site plan, 280-92 2804 Permit, 28045 Transition buffer area, 280-94 Curb, 280-4 Permitted uses, 280-45 Trees, 280792 — 280-95 Definitions, 280-4 Plumbing, 280-45 Variance, 280-92 Drainage, 280-4 Purpose, 280-44 Water, 280-91, 280-96 Easements, 280-3, 280-4 Restaurants, 280-45 Yards, 280-93, 280-96 Fence, 280-4 Retail stores, 280-45 Light Industrial (LI) District, Final plat, 280-4 Sale, 280-45 280-61 — 280-64 Flood hazard area, 280-4 School, 280-45 Accessory uses, 280-62 Garage, 280-4 Signs, 280-45 Animals, 280-62 Grade, 280-4 Site plan, 280-45 Appeals, 280-62 Guaranty, 280-4 Special exception use, 280-45 Bulk; area and parking regula- Height, 280-4 Use regulations, 280-45 tions, 280-63 Home occupation, 280-4 Hamlet Density (HD) Residential Dust, 280-62 Hotel, 280-4 District, 280-20 — 280-23 Explosives, 280-62 Interpretation and conflicts, Accessory buildings, 280-22 Front yard setbacks, 280-64 280-3 Accessory uses, 280-22 Fuel, 280-62 Junkyard, 280-4 Apartments, 280-22 Fumes, 280-62 Landscaping, 280-4 Appeals, 280-22 Garages, 280-62 Lighting, 280-4 Applicability, 280-21 Gas, 280-62 Master Plan, 280-4 Bulk, area and parking regula- Lots, 280-61 Mobile home, 280-4 tions, 280-23 Noise, 280-62 Motel, 280-4 Heat, 280-22 Nuisance, 280-62 Nonconforming uses, 280-2, Parking, 280-23 Odors, 280-62 280-4 Permit, 280-20 Parking, 280-62, 280-63 Official Map, 280-4 Permitted uses, 280-22 Permit, 280-62 Off-street parking, 280-4 Purpose, 280-20 Permitted uses, 280-62 Open space, 280-4 Site plan, 280-22 Plumbing, 280-62 Parking, 280-4 Special exception, 280-22 Pollution, 280-62 Permits, 280-2, 280-3 Use regulations, 280-22 Purpose, 280-61 35 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Sales, 280-62 Sales, 280-41 Use regulations, 280-52 School, 280-62 Setbacks, 280-43 Water, 280-51 Setbacks, 280-64 Signs, 280-41 Nonconforming Uses and Build - Signs, 280-62 Site plan, 280-41 ings, 280-120 — 280-126 Site plan, 280-62 Special exception use, 280-41 Appeals, 280-121 Smoke, 280-62 Storage, 280-41 Building permit, 280-121, Special exception use, 280-62 Use regulations, 280-41 280-124, 280-125 Storage, 280-62 Yards, 280-41, 280-43 Height, 280-122 Testing, 280-62 Low -Density Residential R-40 Involuntary moves, 280-126 Use regulations, 280-62 District, 280-16 — 280-19 Landscaping, 280-123 Utility, 280-62 Accessory buildings, 280-19 Lots, 280-124 Vibrations, 280-62 Accessory uses, 280-17 Nonconforming buildings with Yards, 280-62, 280-64 Animal, 280-17 conforming uses, 280-122 Light Industrial Park/Planned Of- Appeals, -280-17 Nonconforming buildings with fice Park (LIO) District, Bulk, area and parking regula- nonconforming uses, 280-57 — 280-60 tions, 280-18 .280-123 Accessory uses, 280-58 Hospital, 280-17 Nonconforming lots, 280-124 Animals, 280-58 Open space, 280-16 Permit, 280-121, 280-122, Appeals, 280-58 Parking, 280-18 280-124, 280-125 Bulk, area and parking regula- Permit, 280-16 Purpose, 280-]20 tions, 280-59 Permitted uses, 280-17 Repairs and maintenance, Dust, 280-58 Purpose, 280-16 280-125 Explosives, 280-58 Site plan, 280-17 Safety, 280-125 Fuel, 280-58 Special exception, 280-17 Setbacks, 280-123 Fumes, 280-58 Use regulations, 280-17 Variance, 280-121 Garages, 280-58 Water, 280-16 Yard, 280-122, 280-124 Gas, 280-58 Marine II (MII) District, 280-54 — Parking and Loading Areas, Heating, 280-58 280-56 280-77 - 280-79 Noise, 280-58 Accessory uses, 280-55, Accessory use, 280-78 Nuisance, 280-58 Appeals, 280-55 Air pollution, 280-77 Odors, 280-58 Bulk, area and parking regula- Animal, 280-78 • Off-street parking, 280-58 tions, 280-56 Apartment, 280-78 Parking, 280-58, 280-59 Curb, 280-55 Appeals, 280-78, 280-79 Permit, 280-58 Fuel, 280-55 Commercial vehicles, 280-78 Permitted uses, 280-58 Hotels, 280-55 Curbs, 280-78 Plumbing, 280-58 Insurance, 280-55 Drainage, 280-78 Pollution, 280-58 Motels, 280-55 Driveways, 280-78 Purpose, 280-57 Parking, 280-56 Fence, 280-78 Sales, 280-58 Permitted uses, 280-55 Garages, 280-78 Schools, 280-58 Purpose, 280-54 Grade, 280-78 Setbacks, 280-60 Record, 280-55 Height, 280-78. Signs, 280-58 Restaurants, 280-55 Home occupation, 280-78 Site plan, 280-58 Sales, 280-55 Hospital, 280-78, 280-79 Smoke, 280-58. School, 280-55 Hotels, 280-78, 280-79 Special exception use, 280-58 Signs, 280-55 Landscaping, 280-78 Storage, 280-58 Site plan, 280-55 Lots, 280-78, 280-79 Testing, 280-58 Special exception, 280-55 Meeting, 280-78 Transfer stations, 280-58 Swimming pools, 280-55 Mobile home, 280-78 Use regulations, 280-58 Use regulations, 280-55 Motel, 280-78 Utility, 280-58 Water, 280-54, 280.-55 Off-street loading areas, Vehicles, 280-58 Marine I (MI) District, 280-51 — 280-79 Vibrations; 280-58 280-53 Off-street parking areas, Yards, 280-58, 280-60 Accessory uses, 280-52 280-78 Limited Business (LB) District, Appeals, 280-52 Parking, 280-77 — 280-79 280-40 = 280-43 Bulk, area and parking regula- Place of worship, 280-78 Accessory uses, 280-41 tions, 280-53 Plumbing, 280-78 Appeals, 280-41 Fuel, 280-52 Pollution, 280-77 Bulk, area and parking'regula- Insurance, 280-52 Purpose, 280-77 tions, 280-42 Parking, 280-53 Restaurant, 280-78 Fencing, 28041 Permitted uses, 280-52 Sales, 280-78, 280-79 Hotels, 28041 Purpose, 280-51 School, 280-78, 280-79 Landscaping, 28041 Record, 280-52 Screening, 280-78 Lots, 280-41 Sales, 280-52 Service station, 280-78 Parking, 280-42 School, 280-52 Signs, 280-78 Permitted uses, 280-41 Signs, 280-52 Special exception uses, 280-78 Plumbing, 280-41 Site plan, 280-52 Storage, 280-78, 280-79 Purpose, 280-40 Special exception, 280-52 Vehicles, 280-77 — 280-79 Restaurants, 280-41 Swimming pools, 280-52 Yards, 280-78, 280-79 36 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX 1 Residential Office (RO) District, Lighting, 280-81, 280-83, Fences, 280-133, 280-134 280-37 - 280-39 280-87, 280-88 Findings of fact, 280-128 Accessory uses, 280-38 Limitation of content or copy, Fire hydrants, 280-133, Apartments, 280-38 280-84 280-137 Appeals, 280-38 Motel, 280-85 Flood hazard areas, 280-129, Bulk, area and parking regula- Nonconforming signs, 280-90 280-133 tions, 280-39 Nonconforming use, 280-90 Garages, 280-134 Churches, 280-38 Notice, 280-88 Gas, 280-129 Insurance, 280-38 Obstructions, 280-80 Glare, 280-129 Meeting, 280-38 Parking, 280-85 Grade, 280-129, 280-133, Parking, 280-39 Penalty, 280-88 280-134, 280-136 Permitted uses, 280-38 Permit, 280-81, 280-85, Guaranty, 280-131 Places of worship, 280-38 280-89, 280-90 Handicap, 280-129 Purpose, 280-37 Prohibitions and general re- Hearings, 280-131, 280-137 Restaurants, 280-38 strictions, 280-83 Height, 280-134 Sales, 280-38 Purpose, 280-80 Historical features, 280-133 School, 280-38 Restaurant, 280-85 Improvements, 280-129, Signs, 280-38 Safety, 280-82, 280-88 280-131, 280-133, Single-family dwellings, Sales, 280-85, 280-86 280-137 280-38 Setbacks, 280-85 Inspections, 280-137 Site plan, 280-38 Shopping centers, 280-87 Investigations, 280-130 Special exception uses, 280-38 Sign illumination, 280-87 Land clearing, 280-136 Storage, 280-38 Specific sign requirements, Landscaping, 280-129, Use regulations, 280-38 280-86 280-131, 280-133, Resort Residential (RR) District, Specific signs, 280-85 280-134, 280-137 • 280-34 - 280-36 Storage, 280-88 License, 280-133 Accessory uses, 280-35 Transition, 280-89 Lighting, 280-129, 280-133, Appeals, 280-35 Tree, 280-83 280-137 Bulk, area and parking regula- Unsafe, abandoned and unlaw- Lots, 280-137 tions, 280-36 ful signs, 280-88 Meeting, 280-131, 280-133 Hotels, 280-35 Utility, 280-83 Natural features, 280-129, Motels, 280-35 Variances, 280-81, 280-86 280-133 Parking, 280-36 Yard, 280-86 Notice, 280-131, 280-137 Permitted uses, 280-35 Site Plan Approval, 280-127 - Objectives, 280-129 - Purpose, 280-34 280-138 Off-street parking, 280-129, Restaurants, 280-35 Accessory uses, 280-127 280-133, 280-137 Signs, 280-35 Appeals, 280-130; 280-131, Open space, 280-127, Site plan, 280-35 280-137 280-128, 280-137 Special exception use, 280-35 Applicability, 280-127 Parking, 280-127 - 280-129, Use regulations, 280-35 Application requirements, 280-131, 280-133, Water, 280-34, 280-35 280-133 280-134, 280-137 Severability, 280-160 Approval of site plan required, Penalties for offenses, 280-136 Signs, 280-80 - 280-90 280-130 Permit, 280-127, 280-130, Abandoned, 280-88 Architectural Review Commit- 280-131, 280-134, Advertising, 280-80, 280-81, tee, 280-135 280-137 280-85 Architectural review stan- Purpose, 280-128 Animal, 280-85 dards, 280-134 Records, 280-133 Appeals, 280-81, 280-86 Assessment, 280-133 Recreational vehicles, 280-137 Applicability, 280-81 Block, 280-133 Review procedure, 280-131 Application, 280-81 Bonds, 280-137 Safety, 280-128, 280-1299 Approval, 280-81 Building Inspector, 280-127, 280-131, 280-133, Assessment, 280-88 280-130, 280-131 280-137 Building Inspector, 280-81, Building permit, 280-127, Screening, 280-129 280-85, 280-88 280-130, 280-134 Setbacks, 280-133, 280-134, Certificate of occupancy, Certificate of occupancy, 280-137 280-85 280-130 Signs, 280-131, 280-133, Driveway, 280-85 Cluster development, 280-137 280-134, 280-137 Fecs, 280-81 Curbs, 280-131, 280-133, Special exception, 280-130, Fences, 280-82, 280-85 280-137 280-131 Gas, 280-83 Drainage, 280-127, 280-129, Standards for residential site General design principles, 280-133 plans, 280-137 280-82 Driveways, 280-137 Storage, 280-134, 280-137 Grade, 280-85 Duration of plan, 280-132 Stormwater, 280-129, 280-133 Height, 280-82, 280-85 Easements, 280-133 Trees, 280-129, 280-130, Hotel, 280-85 Emergency, 280-137 280-133, 280-136 Improvement, 280-88 Excavation, 280-129 Utilities, 280-127, 280-129, Liable, 280-88 Fee schedule for site plan ap- 280-133 Lien, 280-88 plications, 280-138 Variances, 280-131, 280-137 37 03-15-2008 SOUTHOLD INDEX Vehicles, 280-129, 280-137 Certificate of occupancy, Yards, 280-104- 280-106, Water, 280-128, 280-129, 280-112 280-109 280-133 Commercial vehicles, 280-110 Zoning Map, 280-113 Watercourses, 280-133 Comer lots, 280-106 Wireless Communication Facili- Wells, 280-133 Courts, 280-108 ties, 280-67 - 280-76 Wildlife, 280-129, 280-133 Dust, 280-111 Abandonment, 280-74 Yard, 280-137 Elevators, 280-104 Antennas, 280-68, 280-70, Special Exception Uses, Excavations, 280-114 280-72, 280-73 280-139 - 280-144 Exceptions and modifications, Appeals; 280-70 Additional conditions and 280-104 Appearance, 280-73 safeguards, 280-144 Explosives, 280-111 Assessment, 280-70 Appeals, 280-140 - 280-142, Fences, 280-104 - 280-106, Bond, 280-73 280-144 280-114 Buffers, 280-73 Application, 280-141 Filled land, 280-113 Building Inspector, 280-70 . Approval, 280-141 Fuel, 280-111 Building permit, 280-70 Approval required, 280-140 Garage, 280-104 Design standards, 280-72 Buffer, 280-143 Gas, 280-111 Drainage, 280-73 Building permit, 280-140 Glare, 280-111, 280-117 Driveway, 280-73 Church, 280-143 Grade, 280-108, 280-114 Fences, 280-69, 280-70, Demolition, 280-140 Height, 280-104 - 280-109, 280-72, 280-73 Dust, 280-143 280-117 Grade, 280-69 Emergency, 280-143 Inspection, 280-110 Height, 280-69, 280-70, Gases, 280-143 Land under water, 280-113 280-72, 280-73 General standards, 280-142 Lighting, 280-111, 280-117 Historic buildings and dis- Hearing, 280-141 Long-term outdoor display or tricts, 280-71 Matters to be considered, storage, 280-119 Inspections, 280-70 280-143 Lots, 280-106, 280-109, Landscaping, 280-70, 280-72, Natural features, 280-143 280-113, 280-116 280-73 Noise, 280-143 Monuments, 280-104 License, 280-69 Notice, 280-141 Multifamily dwelling, 280-108 Lien, 280-74 Odors, 280-143 Noise, 280-111 Lighting, 280-72,280-73 Off-street parking, 280-143 Obstructions, 280-104, Location of use, 280-69 Parking, 280-143 280-106, 280-111 Nonconforming uses, 280-75 Permit, 280-140, 280-141 Odor, 280-111 Notice, 280-74 Permitted uses, 280-143 Off-street parking, 280-109 Off-street parking, 280-72 Pollution, 280-143 One -family dwelling, 280-109 Parking, 280-72, 280-73 Purpose, 280-139 Open storage, 280-110 Permit, 280-70, 280-72 Safety, 280-142, 280-143 Parking, 280-109, 280-110, Permitted use, 280-69 School, 280-143 280-117 Purpose, 280-67 Screening, 280-143 Permit, 280-113 - 280-115 Removal, 280-74 Smoke, 280-143 Pollution, 280-111 Report, 280-70 Stormwater, 280-143 Prohibited uses in all districts, Safety, 280-67, 280-70, Vehicles, 280-143 280-111 280-72, 280-73 Vibration, 280-143 Provisions for community wa- Scope, 280-68 Violations of conditions, ter, sewer and utility fa- Screen, 280-69, 280-73 280-141 cilities, 280-112 Setbacks, 280-70, 280-72, Water, 280-143 Public roads, encumbrances to, 280-73 Yards, 280-143 280-111 Severability, 280-76 Supplementary Regulations, Safety, 280-111 Signs, 280-69, 280-72 280-104 - 280-119 Sales, 280-104, 280-118 Site plan, 280-69, 280-70 Accessory buildings, 280-104, Setbacks, 280-104, 280-116 Special exception, 280-69, 280-107 Site plan, 280-104, 280-119 280-70, 280-74 . Accessory structures, 280-116 Smoke, 280-111 Stormwater, 280-72, 280-73 Access requirements, 280-109 Storage, 280-104, 280-110, Towers, 280-67, 280-69, Air pollution, 280-111 280-111, 280-118, 280-70, 280-72 - 280-75 Animal, 280-111 280-119 Trees, 280-69, 280-70, 280-73 Block, 280-116 Temporary outdoor display or Utility, 280-70 Buffer, 280-118 storage, 280-118 Vehicles, 280-72 Building Inspector, 280-109 Tourist camps, camp cottages Water, 280-73 Building length and separation and trailers, 280-115 Yard, 280-72, 280-73 for buildings containing Towers, 280-104 ZONING MAP multiple dwellings, Trees; 280-118 General provisions, I-4 280-107 Utility, 280-112 Zoning, 280-4, 280-6, 280-7, Building permit, 280-114 Vehicles, 280-110 280-21, 280-29, 280-113, Building setback requirements Vibration, 280-111 280-146, 280-157 -280-159, adjacent to water bodies Water, 280-104, 280-112, 280-174, 280-175 and wetlands, 280-116 280-113, 280-116 38 03-15-2008