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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransfer Station Overhead Door Addition TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL "TRANSFER STATION OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION" CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK LKMA Project No: 07052.00 WO Prepared For: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Prepared Bv: L.K. McLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers 437 South Country Road Brookhaven,New York 11719 (631)286-8668 NOVEMBER 2007 Lll�ll�l TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 PHONE: 631-765-1800 / FAX: 631-765-6145 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL—"TRANSFER STATION GARAGE DOOR ADDITION" Definite specifications may be obtained at the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning October 4, 2007 PLACE OF OPENING: DATE OF OPENING: TIME OF OPENING: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November , 2007 10:00 AM TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Paul M. Roth, P.E., L.K. McLean Associates, 631-286-8668 (X233) A site visit can be arranged for any bidders interested in inspecting the jobsite at the Southold Town Landfill in Cutchogue (Route 48 & Cox Lane) by calling Paul M. Roth at the phone number above. VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BID IN SEALED ENVELOPE. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1) NAME & ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME BID MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A 5 % BID SECURITY. It is the bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and General Conditions, which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. The Town of Southold requires that this document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely. Please do not remove any pages from this bid package, and make a copy of the bid document for your records. A non-refundable fee of $50.00 will be charged for plans and specifications. Payment can be made by either money order, cash or check (payable to the Town of Southold). The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. TABLE OF CONTENTS SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDFILL TRANSFER STATION GARAGE DOOR ADDITION Title Page ------ Invitation to Bid ------ Table of Contents ------ Instructions to Bidders I13-1 thru I13-6 NYS Wage Rates ------ Standard Insurance Requirements SIR-1 thru SIR-2 General Conditions GC-1 thru GC-12 Conditions of Contract CC-1 thru CC-20 Proposal Form Package Proposal Form Package 1-22 Qualification of Bidders QS-1 thru QS-4 Contract Agreement A-1 thru A-3 Questions Page Q-1 Specifications Divisions 3,5,7,8 & 16 General Construction Drawings (Separate) 1 - 4 i INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INDEX 1. Receipt and Opening of Bids 2. Form,Preparation and Presentation of Proposal 3. Bid Security 4. Qualifications of Bidders 5. Rejection of Bids 6. Bidders Responsibility 7. Construction Terms and Conditions 8. Security for Faithful Performance 9. Bid Reservations 10. Non-Collusive Statement 11. Addenda and Interpretations 12. Method of Award 13. Single Price Bid Analysis 14. Municipal Exempt Status 15. Labor Law 16. Wage Rates 17. Insurance Required by the Town of Southold 18.. Quantities 19. MBE\WBE-EEO Requirements 1 IB - 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS The Town of Southold invites bids on the forms herein provided for the Town of Southold Transfer Station Garage Door Addition Project in Southold, New York. Sealed bids shall be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold at 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York no later than 10:00 AM prevailing time on •• ovember • • , 2007 at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. All bids received after the time stated for the opening in the Notice to Bidders may not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by employees of the Town. Whether sent by mail or by means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes responsibility for having his bid deposited on time at the place specified. Faxed bids will not be accepted. 2.FORM,PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PROPOSAL The Proposal Form as issued by the Town Clerk shall be completely filled in, in black ink or typed on the original bid form. No photocopies will be accepted. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in both words and figures, with a total or gross sum for which the bid is made. All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it be "0", "NIA", "No Charge", or a dollar figure. All lines must be filled in to indicate bidder's acknowledgement of the request. Bids that do not have all applicable lines filled in on the bid proposal form may be disqualified as a non-responsive bid. We cannot assume there is "no charge"when lines are left empty. Bids that contain any omission, erasure, alteration, addition or items not called for in the itemized bid form or that contain irregularities of any kind will not be accepted. In case of discrepancy between the unit price and total amount bid for any item, the unit price, as expressed in words, shall govern. The following two items will automatically render a bid unacceptable to the Town of Southold: a. Failure to sign bid proposal page. b. Failure to include necessary bid security deposit(as required). It shall be fully understood that any deviations from the inclusion of the above items will be grounds to see the bid as non-compliant and will not be considered for award. 3. BID SECURITY (a) The Bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank or trust company with its principal place of business in New York State, or an acceptable bid bond, in an amount equal to not less than five percent(5%) of the total amount bid,made payable to the Town of Southold (herein identified as Owner), as assurance that the bid is made in good faith. The certified checks or bid bonds of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after execution of the Contract between the Owner and the successful bidder; the certified check or bid bond of the successful bidder will be retained until filing and approval of the Performance Bond and until completion of five percent(5%)of the work under the Contract. IB -2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (b) The successful bidder, upon his failure or refusal to execute and deliver the Contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after-the date of notice of the acceptance of his bid, shall forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated-damages for such failure or refusal, the security he deposited with his bid. 4. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS (a) Forms for qualifications of bidders, giving evidence of sufficient facilities, equipment, experience and financial ability to insure completion of the work are provided with the bid specification package, and shall be filled out by the contractor and returned with the bid submission. (b) Information contained in any statement of financial ability shall be not more than thirty days old at the time of submission. (c) The Town reserves the right to make such investigation as it may deem necessary or advisable to determine any bidder's ability to do the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the. Town, on request, all data and information pertinent thereto. The Town reserves the right to reject any bid if such investigation fails to satisfy the Town that the bidder is fully qualified to do the work.Financial instability of a bidder may be cause for non-award. 5. REJECTION OF BIDS (a) The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted in the qualifications statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the TOWN BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will be considered informal and will be rejected. (b) The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or part thereof which it deems most favorable to the Town after all bids have been examined and/or checked. 6. BIDDERS RESPONSIBILITY (a) Bidders are cautioned not to submit bids until after having inspected the site of the proposed improvement and having made themselves familiar with local conditions. The attention of persons intending to submit bids is specifically called to the paragraph of the Contract which debars a Contractor from pleading misunderstanding or deception because of estimates or quantities, character, location or other conditions surrounding the same. Special attention is called to the notes on the Plans or in the itemized form of bid, which are made a part of this Contract,which may alter or revise the Specifications for the particular contract. (b)No representation is made as to the existence or nonexistence of groundwater, which may in any way impede the work, proposed to be accomplished. Each bidder shall fully inform himself as to groundwater and sub-surface conditions prior to submitting his bid. IB - 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (c) The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the bidder is fully informed as to the extent, cost, and character of the materials, labor, and equipment required to complete the proposed job in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, including all other expenses incidental thereto. (d) Bidders must examine the Plans and Specifications and exercise their own judgement as to . the nature and amount of the whole of the work to be done, and for the bid prices, must assume all risks of variance by whomsoever made in computation or statement of amounts or quantities necessary to fully complete the work in strict compliance with the Contract Documents. (e) The Bidder shall assume all risks and responsibility and shall complete the work in whatever material and under whatever conditions he may encounter or create, without extra cost to the Town. (f)No pleas of ignorance or misunderstanding of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of conditions or difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of failure to make the necessary examinations and investigations, will be to fulfill in every detail all of the requirements of the Contract Documents, or will be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation, or for an extension of time. 7. CONSTRUCTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS The successful bidder is warned that the work specified in the Conditions of Contract, together with the Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form, General Conditions, Plans, Specifications and instructions of the Engineer or his duly authorized representative will be rigidly enforced. 8. SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE The successful bidder shall be required to execute a Performance Bond equal to one hundred percent(100%) of the amount bid, such bonds to be executed by a New York licensed insurance carrier/surety company with an A rating or better from A.M. Best & Co. and acceptable to the Owner; or bonds secured by collateral; or securities approved by the Owner. The Performance Bond shall be written so as to remain in full force and effect as a maintenance bond for a period of not less than one(1)year after the date of final acceptance of the work. The successful bidder, upon failure to execute and deliver the bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of notice of award, shall forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his bid, and he will be liable for and he agrees to pay to the Owner on demand, the difference between the price bid and the price for which such contract shall subsequently be relet including the cost of such reletting less the amount of such deposit. No plea of mistake in such accepted bid shall be available to the bidder for recovery of his deposit or as a defense to any action upon accepted bid unless said mistake can be proven by documentary evidence acceptable to the Town. After approval of the bonds and execution of the Contract and after ten (10)percent of the work has been completed,the bid security accompanying the bid will be returned. IB -4 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 9.BID RESERVATIONS Bids submitted shall remain in effect for forty-five (45) days past the date of bid opening. This period may be extended, for the benefit of the Town, by mutual agreement between the Bidder and the Town Clerk. 10.NON-COLLUSIVE STATEMENT The form of non-collusion bidding certification contained in the proposal package must be executed by the Bidder and submitted with the. proposal. The submission of this statement certifies that the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 11. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS Every request for information or interpretation of the Contract Documents or Drawings must be addressed in writing to the Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,N.Y. 11971, and to be given any consideration,must be received at least five(5)days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any such interpretations or supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda, and will be mailed or faxed to all prospective bidders. The failure of any bidder to receive any such addenda will not relieve the bidder of any obligation under his bid as submitted. Any addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 12. METHOD OF AWARD The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest, taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished, and conformity with the specifications. 13. SINGLE PRICE BID ANALYSIS In the event a single bid is received, the Town will conduct a price analysis of the bid price prior to the award of the contract. 14.MUNICIPAL EXEMPT STATUS The Town is exempt from the payment of Federal, State and local taxes. Taxes must not be included in proposal prices. IB - 5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 15. LABOR LAW The Contractor and each and every subcontractor performing work at the site of the project to which this Contract relates shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Labor Law, as amended, of the State of New York. Attention is called to certain provisions of the Labor Law, as set forth in the Conditions of Contract,Paragraph 11,which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 16. WAGE RATES The rates of wages determined by the New York State Industrial Commissioner pursuant to the Labor Law, which shall be paid on this project, are set forth herein following the Instructions to Bidders. Contractors and subcontractors are required to submit to the Town, within thirty days after issuance of the first payroll, and every thirty days thereafter, a transcript of the original payroll records, subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury. 17. INSURANCE REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The successful bidder will be required to procure and pay for the following types of insurance, as set forth in more detail herein following the Instructions to Bidders in the Standard Insurance requirements Section. (a)Comprehensive Automobile Policy (b)Comprehensive General Liability (c)Excess/Umbrella Insurance (d)Workmen's Compensation Insurance (e)Disability Insurance and Unemployment Insurance 18. QUANTITIES Any quantities set forth in the bid specifications are approximations only. No guarantee is made for any quantities stated. Payment shall be on the basis of actual quantities supplied or the actual work done at the unit prices quoted. 19. MBE/WBE-EEO REOUIREMENTS This contract is subject to the provisions of Article 15-A of the Executive Law. Therefore, the winning bidder may be required to submit an MBE/WBE Equal Employment Opportunity Program and a Utilization Program within ten days of being notified of award, and make good faith efforts to achieve goals established by the Town of Southold and the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation for the participation of various business enterprises as Sub- Contractors and Suppliers on the Contract will be required. IB - 6 NB[{,�gA aA �t. Eliot Spitzer,Governor yQ' M.Patricia Smith,Commissioner �EIV'T Town of Southold Soild Waste Schedule Year 2007 through 2008 Matthew Jedlicka,Architectural Designer Date Requested 09/05/2007 Louis K. McLean Associates PRC# . 2007006466 437 South Country Road Brookhaven NY 11719 Location Southold Transfer Station Project ID# 07052 Project Type Add coiling roll-up doors to existing pre-engineered building PREVAILING WAGE SCHEDULE FOR ARTICLE 8 PUBLIC WORK PROJECT Attached is the current schedules of the prevailing wage rates and prevailing hourly ( ) P 9 9 P 9 ou y. supplements for the project referenced above. A unique Prevailing Wage Case Number (PRC#) has been assigned to the schedule(s) for your project. The schedule is effective from July 2007 through June 2008. All updates, corrections, posted on the 1st business day of each month, and future copies of the annual determination are available on the Department's website Updated PDF copies of your schedule can be accessed by entering your assigned PRC# at the proper location on the website. It is the responsibility of the contracting agency or its agent to annex and make part, the attached schedule, to the specifications for this project, when it is advertised for bids and /or to forward said schedules to the successful bidder(s), immediately upon receipt, in order to insure the proper payment of wages. Please refer to the "General Provisions of Laws Covering Workers on Public Work Contracts" provided with this schedule, for the specific details relating to other responsibilities of the Department of Jurisdiction. Upon completion or cancellation of this project, enter the required information and'mail OR fax this form to the office shown at the bottom of this notice, OR fill out the electronic version via the NYSDOL website. NOTICE OF COMPLETION / CANCELLATION OF PROJECT Date Completed: Date Cancelled: Name&Title of Representative: Phone: (518)457-5589 Fax: (518)485-1870 W.Averell Harriman State Office Campus, Bldg. 12, Room 130,Albany, NY 12240 PW 200 General Provisions of Laws Covering Workers on Article 8 Public Work Contracts Introduction The Labor Law requires public work contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers,workers, or mechanics employed in the performance of a public work contract not less than the prevailing rate of wage and supplements (fringe benefits)in the locality where the work is performed. Responsibilities of the Department of Jurisdiction A Department of Jurisdiction(Contracting Agency)includes a state department, agency, board or commission: a county, city,town or village; a school district, board of education or board of cooperative educational services; a sewer,water,fire, improvement and other district corporation; a public benefit corporation; and a public authority awarding a public work contract. The Department of Jurisdiction(Contracting Agency)awarding a public work contract MUST obtain a Prevailing Rate Schedule listing the hourly rates of wages and supplements due the workers to be employed on a public work project. This schedule may be obtained by completing and•forwarding a"Request for wage and Supplement Information"form(PW 39)to the Bureau of Public Work. The Prevailing.Rate Schedule included in the specifications for the contract to be awarded and is deemed part of the public work contract. Upon the awarding of the contract,the law requires that the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency)furnish the following information to the Bureau: the name and address of the contractor,the date the contract was let and the approximate dollar value of the contract. To facilitate compliance with this provision of the Labor Law, a copy of the Department's "Notice of Contract Award"form(PW 16)is provided with the original Prevailing Rate Schedule. The Department of Jurisdiction(Contracting Agency)is required to notify the Bureau of the completion or cancellation of any public work project. The Department's PW 200 form is provided for that purpose. Hours No laborer,worker, or mechanic in the employ of a contractor or subcontractor engaged in the performance of any public work project shall be permitted to work more than eight hours in any day or more than five days in any week, except in cases of extraordinary emergency. The contractor and the Department of Jurisdiction(Contracting Agency)may apply to the Bureau of Public Work for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular public work project. Wages and Supplements The wages and supplements to be paid and/or provided to laborers,workers, and mechanics employed on a public work project shall be not less than those listed in the current Prevailing Rate Schedule for the locality where the work is performed. If a prime contractor on a public work project has not been provided with a Prevailing Rate Schedule,the contractor must notify the Department of Jurisdiction(Contracting Agency)who in turn must request an,original Prevailing Rate Schedule form the Bureau of Public Work. Requests may be submitted by: mail to NYSDOL, Bureau of Public Work, State Office Bldg. Campus, Bldg. 12, Rm. 130,Albany, NY 12240; Fax to Bureau of Public Work(518)485-1870; or electronically at the NYSDOL website Upon receiving the original schedule,the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency)is REQUIRED to provide complete copies to all prime contractors who in turn MUST, by law, provide copies of all applicable county schedules to each subcontractor and obtain from each subcontractor, an affidavit certifying such schedules were received. If the original schedule expired,the contractor may obtain a copy of the new annual determination from the NYSDOL website www.labor.state.ny.u s. The Commissioner of Labor makes an annual determination of the prevailing rates. This determination is in effect from July 1 st through June 30th of the following year. The annual determination is available on the NYSDOL website Payrolls and Payroll Records Every contractor and subcontractor MUST keep original payrolls or transcripts subscribed and affirmed as true under penalty of perjury. Payrolls must be maintained for at least three(3)years from the-project's date of completion. At a minimum, payrolls must show the following information for each person employed on a public work project: Name, Classification(s)in which the worker was employed, Hourly wage rate(s)paid, Supplements paid or provide, and Daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification. Every contractor and subcontractor shall submit to the Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency),within thirty(30) days after issuance of its first payroll and every thirty(30)days thereafter, a transcript of the original payrolls, subscribed and affirmed as true under penalty of perjury. The Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting Agency)shall receive and maintain such payrolls. Apprentices Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates unless they are individually registered in a program registered with the NYS Commissioner of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeyworkers in any craft classification can be no greater than the statewide building trade ratios promulgated by the Department of Labor and included with the Prevailing Rate Schedule. An employee listed on a payroll as an apprentice who is not registered as above or is performing work outside the classification of work for which the apprentice is indentured, must be paid the prevailing journeyworker's wage rate for the classification of work the employee is actually performing. NYSDOL Labor Law,Article 8, Section 220-3, require that only apprentices individually registered with the NYS Department of Labor may be paid apprenticeship rates on a public work project. No other Federal or State Agency of office registers apprentices in New York State. Persons wishing to verify the apprentice registration of any person must do so in writing by mail,to the NYSDOL Office of Employability Development/Apprenticeship Training, State Office Bldg. Campus, Bldg. 12,Albany, NY 12240 or by Fax to NYSDOL Apprenticeship Training (518)457-7154.. All requests for verification must include the name and social security number of the person for whom the information is requested. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is written verification from the NYSDOL Apprenticeship Training Albany Central office. Neither Federal nor State Apprenticeship Training offices outside of Albany can provide conclusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof that any person is registered in that program. Furthermore,the existence or possession of wallet cards, identification cards, or copies of state forms is not conclusive proof of the registration of any person as an apprentice. Interest and Penalties In the event that an underpayment of wages and/or supplements is found: - Interest shall be assessed at the rate then in effect as prescribed by the Superintendent of Banks pursuant to. section 14-a of the Banking,Law, per annum from the date of underpayment to the date restitution is made. - A Civil Penalty may also be assessed, not to exceed 25% of the total of wages, supplements, and interest due. Debarment Any contractor or subcontractor and/or its successor shall be ineligible to submit a bid on or be awarded any public work contract or subcontract with any state, municipal corporation or public body for a period of five(5)years when: - Two(2)willful determinations have been rendered against that contractor or subcontractor and/or its successor within any consecutive six(6)year period. - There is any willful determination that involves the falsification of payroll records or the kickback of wages or supplements. Criminal Sanctions Willful violations of the Prevailing Wage Law(Article 8 and Article 9 of the Labor Law)constitute.a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment,or both. Discrimination No employee or applicant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability or marital status. No contractor, subcontractor nor any person acting on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates (NYS Labor Law,Article 8, Section 220-e(a)). No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate e()employee on account of race, creed, color, disability, sex, or national origin(NYS Labor Law,Article 8, Section 220- The Human Rights Law also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age, marital status, or religion. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of$50.00 for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provision of the contract (NYS Labor Law,Article 8, Section 220-e(c) ). Eliot Spitzer,Governor M.Patricia Smith,Commissioner IVT� Town of Southold.Soild Waste Schedule Year 2007 through 2008 Matthew Jedlicka,Architectural Designer Date Requested 09/05/2007 Louis K. McLean Associates PRC# 2007006466 437 South Country Road Brookhaven NY 11719 Location Southold Transfer Station Project ID# 07052 Project Type Add coiling roll-up doors to existing pre-engineered building Notice of Contract Award New York State Labor Law, Article 8, Section 220.3a requires that certain information regarding the awarding of public work contracts, be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. One "Notice of Contract Award" (PW 16, which may be photocopied), MUST be completed for EACH prime contractor on the above referenced project. Upon notifying the successful bidder(s) of this contract, enter the required information and mail OR fax this form to the office shown at the bottom of this notice, OR fill out the electronic version via the NYSDOL website. Contractor Information All information must be supplied Federal Employer Identification Number: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Amount of Contract: Contract Type: [ ] (01)General Construction Approximate Starting Date: [ ] (02)HeatingNentilation [ ] (03)Electrical Approximate Completion Date: [ ] (04)Plumbing [ ] (05)Other Phone: (518)457-5589 Fax: (518).485-1870 W.Averell Harriman State Office Campus, Bldg. 12, Room 130,Albany, NY 12240 PW 16 �I To all State Departments, Agency Heads and Public Benefit Corporations IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PUBLIC WORK ENFORCEMENT FUND Budget Policy & Reporting Manual B-610 Public Work Enforcement Fund effective date December 7, 2005 1. Purpose and Scope: This Item describes the Public Work Enforcement Fund (the Fund, PWEF) and its relevance to State agencies and public benefit corporations engaged in construction or reconstruction contracts, and announces the recently-enacted increase to the percentage of the dollar value of such contracts that must be deposited into the Fund. This item also describes the roles of the following entities with respect to the Fund:' - New York State Department of Labor (DOL), - The Office of the State of Comptroller(OSC), and - State agencies and public benefit corporations. 2. Background and Statutory References: DOL uses the Fund to enforce the State's Labor Law as it relates to contracts for construction or reconstruction as defined in subdivision two of Section 220 of the Labor Law. State agencies and public benefit corporations participating in such contracts are required to make payments to the Fund. Chapter 511 of the Laws of 1995 (as amended by Chapter 513 of the Laws of 1997, Chapter 655 of the Laws of 1999, Chapter 376 of the Laws of 2003 and Chapter 407 of the Laws of 2005) established the Fund. 3. Procedures and Agency Responsibilities: The Fund is supported by transfers and deposits based on the value of contracts for construction and reconstruction, as defined in subdivision two of Section 220 of the Labor Law, into which all State agencies and public benefit corporations enter. Chapter 407 of the Laws of 2005 increased the amount required to be provided to this fund to .10 of one-percent of the total cost of each such contract, to be calculated at the time agencies or public benefit corporations enter into,a new contract or if a contract is amended. The provisions of this bill became effective August 2, 2005. Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007:-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Introduction to the Prevailing Rate Schedule Information About Prevailing Rate Schedule This information is provided to assist you in the interpretation of particular requirements for each classification of worker contained in the attached Schedule of Prevailing Rates. Classification It is the duty of the Commissioner of Labor to make the proper classification of workers taking into account whether the work is heavy and highway, building,sewer and water,tunnel work, or residential, and to make a determination of wages and supplements to be paid or provided. It is the responsibility of the public work contractor to use the proper rate. If there is a question on the proper classification to be used, please call the district office located nearest the project. District office locations and phone numbers are listed below. Paid Holidays Paid Holidays are days for which an eligible employee receives a regular day's pay, but is not required to perform work. If an employee works on a day listedasa paid holiday,this remuneration is in addition to payment of the required prevailing rate for the work actually performed. Overtime At a minimum, all work performed on a public work project in excess of eight hours in any one day or more than five days in any workweek is overtime. However,the specific overtime requirements for-each trade or occupation on a public work project may differ. Specific overtime requirements for each trade or occupation are contained in the prevailing rate schedules. Overtime holiday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on specified holidays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The applicable holidays are listed under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME.The required'rate of pay for these covered holidays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section listings for each classification. Supplemental Benefits Particular attention should be given to the supplemental benefit requirements. Although in most cases the payment or provision of supplements is for each hour worked,some classifications require theayment or provision of supplements for each hour paid(including paid holidays on which no work is performed)and/or may require supplements to be paid or provided at a premium rate for premium hours worked. Effective Dates When you review the schedule for a particular occupation,your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These are the dates for which a given set of rates is effective. The rate listed is valid until the next effective rate change or until the new annual determination which takes effect on July 1 of each year. All contractors and subcontractors are required to pay the current prevailing rates of wages and supplements, If you have any questions please contact the Bureau of Public Work or visit the New York State Department of Labor website( current wage rate information. Apprentice Training Ratios The following are the allowable.ratios of registered Apprentices to Journey-workers. For example,the ratio 1:1,1:3 indicates the allowable initial ratio is one Apprentice to one Journeyworker.The Joumeyworker must be in place on the project before an Apprentice is allowed.Then three additionalJoumeyworkers are needed before a second Apprentice is allowed. The last ratio repeats indefinitely.Therefore,three more Journeyworkers must be present before a third Apprentice can be hired, and so on. Please call Apprentice Training Central Office at(518)457-6820 if you have any_questions. Title(Trade) Ratio boilermaker 1:1,1:4 Mason 1:1,1:4 Carpenter 1:1,1:4 Electrical(Outside)Lineman 1:1,1:2 Electrician (Inside) 1:1,1:3 Elevator/Escalator Construction&Modernizer 1:1,1:2 Glazier 1:1,1:3 Insulation&Asbestos Worker 1;1,1:4 Iron Worker 1:1,1:6 Laborer 1:1,1:3 Op Engineer 1:1,1:5 Page 11 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Suffolk County General Construction S.. . . .rker................................................... JOB DESCRIPTION Asbestos Worker DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Abestos Worker Removal &Abatement Only* $28.45 NOTE: *On Mechanical Systems that are NOT to be SCRAPPED. NOTE: —May be distributed between wages and/or supplemental benefits. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Abestos Worker Removal &Abatement Only $7.50 OVERTIME PAY See(B, B2, K)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6)on HOLIDAY PAGE NOTE: Easter Paid at Time and One-half IF worked REGISTERED APPRENTICES Apprentice Removal&Abatement Only: 1000 hour terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's rates. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 78% 80% 83% 89% Supplemental Benefits: .(per Hour worked) Apprentice Removal&Abatement Only $7.50 9-12a-Removal Only ...:......:.;:;: JOB DESCRIPTION Boilermaker DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York,Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster,Westchester WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 01/01/2008- 01/01/09 12/31/2007 12/31/2008 Boilermaker $44.09 $44.98 $45.89 Repairs&Renovation $44.09 $44.98 $45.89 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 01/01/2008- 01/01/2009 12/31/2007 12/31/2008 BoilerMaker 48%of Hourly 48%of Hourly 48%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $7.85 $8.09 $8.33 Repairs&Renovation* NOTE: "Hourly Wage Paid"shall include any and all premium(s)pay. *Same as Boilermaker(Includes replacement of parts and repairs&renovation of an existing unit). OVERTIME PAY Page 13 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County HOLIDAY HOLIDAY: Paid: See(5,6)on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime: ;See(5,6)on HOLIDAY PAGE. **See(8,10,11,13)on HOLIDAY PAGE. Assistant: One(1)year increments at the following percentage of Assistant wages.This is not an apprenticeship for Driller. 1 st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 70% 80% 90% 100% 9-1 536-Core Driller :: ::::: .....::::::::::::::::::.:::? .. ?.: :: : : .. ..........t`:; i:>: ::: ::z r': :.. ...:::.:2 :.:.... i` > .:... . ............ 40/02007:: JOB DESCRIPTION Carpenter DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Timberman $58.04 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per hour paid: Timberman $36.06 OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, E2,Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(18,19)on HOLIDAY PAGE. Paid:for 1st&2nd yr. Apprentices See(5,6,11,13,16,18,19,25) Overtime: See(5,6,11,13,16,18,19,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE. REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wages per hour: ( 1 )year terms: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 40% 50% 655 80% Supplemental benefits per hour: Apprentices $23.89 9-1536 a:':a`.>•::•r trte ... 2: ::: ' .. :t i : .... . .>.. ::.2.:...2....:. 910.4 10.: 12007. JOB DESCRIPTION Carpenter DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Building Millwright $42.42 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per hour paid: Millwright $39.97 OVERTIME PAY Page 15 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Publishedby the New York State Department of Labor Last,Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Apprentices $23.89 9-1456MC rtnt�r ::.:.:... : ......... :::..:.............:.........:......... 09l011f2�Q7 JOB DESCRIPTION Carpenter DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Carpet/Resilient Floor Coverer $41.71 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per hour paid: Floor Coverer $34.56 OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(18, 19)on HOLIDAY PAGE. Paid:for 1st&2nd yr. Apprentices See(5,6,11,13,16,18,19,25) Overtime: See(5,6,11,13,16,18,19,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE. REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wage per hour: (1)year terms: 1 St. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. $ 18.80 $22.82 $28.86 $34.90 Supplemental benefits per hour: Apprentices $23.14 9-2287 enter............... :::. :.:.:.:;;.; ............0 Uft2Qi�7:: JOB DESCRIPTION Carpenter DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Dutchess; Kings, Nassau, New York,Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland,Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Piledriver $42.01 Dockbuilder $.42.01' SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per hour paid: Journeyman $36.01 Page 17 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County WAGES Per Hour 07/01/2007- 01/01/2008- 01/01/2009 12/31/2007 12/31/2008 Tree Trimmer/ Line Clearance Specialist $24.71 $25.57 $26.46 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 01/01/2008- 01/01/2009 12/3112007 12/31/2008 Tree Trimmer/ Line Clearance Specialist 17.5%.of Hourly 19.0%of Hourly 20.5%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $ 5.18 $ 5.33 $5.48 NOTE:"Hourly Wage Paid"shall include any and all premium(s),pay OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, P)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See,(5,6, 8, 16,23, 24,25,26)on HOLIDAY PAGE NOTE:Time and One Half the Hourly Rate plus Holiday Pay if Worked 4-1049/Tree EIC r�clr�r# . .. .......................................................................:..............................::.::::::.�::::::::::.::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::..�:::. :._:::::.:::?Dg/tl'��20Q�: JOB DESCRIPTION Electrician DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Telephone& Intergrated Tele- Data Sytems Electrician $31.80 "PLEASE NOTE" This rate classification applies to ALL Voice,Data&Video work.: Excluding Fire Alarm Systems and Energy Managment Systems(HVAC Controls), in those cases the regular Electrician rate applies.To ensure proper use of this rate please call the Garden City.District Office at (516)228-3915. I SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Electrician 47.5%of Hourly Wage Paid+ $3.90 NOTE:"Hourly Wage Paid"shall include any and all premium(s)pay OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, E2,Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 15, 16,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE 4-25tela 91.0.11 : >> »:><: ::< :::>:><:: «:>:: >::: < <:>: <: :> :>: : : <:<::>:> ::<:> :: :::>::::>::>:<:>: »::>::>::::::: >::»::»>:z:::>::::......0"' .. •: JOB DESCRIPTION Electrician DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Page 19 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor, Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 15, 16,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES One(1)Year Terms at the following_Percetage of Journeyman(s)Wage 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 35% 40% 45%• 50% 60% 70% Supplemental Benefits per hour Apprentice(s) 1st Term 15%of Hourly 15%of Hourly 3%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $5.94 $6.24 $ 13.44 2nd Term 15%of Hourly 15% of Hourly 3%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $9.94 $11.19 $ 17.44 3rd Term 35.5%of Hourly 28.0%of Hourly 16.0%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $6.93 $ 16.76 $23.19 4th Term 35.5%of Hourly 28.0%of Hourly 16.0%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $6.93 $ 16.76 $23.19 5th Term 35.5%of Hourly 28.0%of Hourly 16.0%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $6.93 $16.76 $23.19 6th Term 35.5%of Hourly 28.0%of Hourly 16.0%of Hourly Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ Wage Paid+ $6.93 $ 16.76 $23.19 NOTE:"Hourly Wage Paid"shall include any and all premium(s)pay 4-25 ecicta... 64man•........ .. ..... ...... . .. .. .. ... .. ....... ................ .................. . 4 1 X07: JOB DESCRIPTION Electrician Lineman DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau,Suffolk WAGES For Utility Distribution &Transmission Line Construction, Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Lineman/Splicer $39.50 Marerial Man 34.37 Heavy Equip. Operator 31.60 Groundman 32.70 Flagman 17.78 Undergrond Natural'Gasline Mechanic(2"or Less) 07/01/2007 Journeyman U.G.Mech. $31.81 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: Page 21 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County REGISTERED APPRENTICES WAGES: Per Hour 07/01/2007 One(1)year the following rate Elevator Constructor 1st Term $20.70 2nd Term $25.29 3rd Term $29.89 4th Term $34.49 Modern./Service 1 st Term $2b.70 2nd Term $20.24 3rd Term $23.92 4th Term $27.60 Supplemental Benefits per hour paid: One(1)year term at the following dollar amount Elevator Constructor: 1st Term $ 16.79 2nd Term $17.12 3rd Term $ 17.76 4th Term '$ 18.41 Modern/&Service: 1stTerm $ 16.62 2nd Term $16.93 3rd Term $ 17.66 4th Term $ 18.29 9-1 .. < 9�QtZOD7 JOB DESCRIPTION Glazier DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam,Queens, Richmond, Rockland,Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Glazier $43.60 Scaffolding $44.60 Repair&Maintenance: Glazier $25.35 Repair&Maintenance-All repair&maintenance work on a particular building, whenever performed,where the total cumulative contract value is under $100,000.00. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per hour paid: Journeyman.... $ 19.90 Glazier Repair&Maintenance**: $ 11.89 OVERTIME PAY OVERTIME: See(C*,D*O)on OVERTIME PAGE. *Denotes if an optional 8th hour is required same will be at the regular rate of pay. If 9th hour is worked then both hours or more (8th and 9th or more)will be at the double time rate of pay. Page 23 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Apprentice Insulator(s) Same%as Same%as for Wage of for Wage of $25.67 $25.67 9-12 JOB DESCRIPTION Ironworker DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx,,Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens;Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Wages: (Per Hour) 07/01/2007 Structural..... $38.40 Riggers..... $38.40 Machinery Movers..... $38.40 Machinery Erectors..... $38.40 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: Journeyman.. $48.25 OVERTIME PAY See(B*,E*",Q,V)on OVERTIME PAGE. *Time and one-half shall be paid for all work in excess of(8)eight hours at the end of a work day to a maximum of two hours on any regular work day(the ninth(9th)and tenth(10th)hours of work)and double time shall be paid for all work thereafter. **Time and one-half shall be paid for all work on Saturday up to eight(8)hours and double time shall be paid for all work thereafter. HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5, 6, 8, 18, 19)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wages: (Per Hour) Six(6) month terms at the following wage rate. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th $20.29 20.89 21.49 21.49 21.49 21.49 Supplemental Benefits: (Per Hour) $34.38* *Applies to all Apprentices. 9-40/361-Str JOB DESCRIPTION Ironworker DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester PARTIAL COUNTIES Rockland: Southern Section Page 25 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published gn Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Supplemental Benefits per hour paid: 07/01/2007 001/01/2008 1 st Term $27.45 $28.15 2nd Term $28.26 $28.96 3rd Term $29.06 $29.78 4th Term $30.68 $31.41 5th Term $31.49 $32.23 6th Term $33.11 $33.86 9-580-Or :::.:::::. D9i® / 047• JOB DESCRIPTION Ironworker DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Derrickman/Rigger $47.36 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Journeyman $25.09 OVERTIME PAY OVERTIME See(A*,D1,E**,Q,V)on OVERTIME PAGE. *Time and one-half shall be paid for all work in excess of seven(7) hours at the encs of a work day to a maximum of two hours on any regular work day(the eighth(8th)and ninth (9)hours of work)and double time shall be paid for all work thereafter. **Time and one-half shall be paid for all work on Saturday up to seven (7)hours and double time shall be paid for all work thereafter. HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5, 6, 8, 10)on HOLIDAY PAGE HOLIDAY: Paid:........See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:....See(5*,6*,.8*",24***,25**)on HOLIDAY PAGE. *No work shall be performed on this day, except in cases of emergency. Such work shall be done at double time rate of pay. —Double time rate of pay. ***Work stops at schedule lunch break with full day's pay. REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wage per hour: (1/2)year terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 50% 50% 70% 80% 90% 90% Supplemental benefits per hour paid: Registered Apprentice 1st year 50% of journeyman's rate All others 75% of journeyman's rate 9-197D/R rct . . ........................... .: x . . ............> - ............. . 49�5� /201}7 JOB DESCRIPTION Laborer-Building DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk Page 27 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published gn Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County GROUP#3 28.05 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007 ALL GROUPS $21.34 After Forty(40)paid Hours in a work Week 13.27 OVERTIME PAY See(B, E2, F)on OVERTIME PAGE NOTE: Premium Pay of 25%of wage for all Straight time hours on all New York State D.O.T. and other Goverment Mandated Off-Shift Work NOTE: Hazardous Material Work add an Additional 10% of Hourly Rate HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES One(1)Year Terms at the following Pecentage of the Journeyman's Wage 1st 2nd 80% 90% Supplemental Benefits per hour: APPRENTICES $21.34 After Forty(40)paid Hours in a work Week 13.27 t. 4-1298 :...:.:... ........::::. :::::::::..:::091 l2Qtk JOB DESCRIPTION Mason DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York,Queens, Richmond,Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Brick/Blocklayer $43.34 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Brick/Block Layer $20.61 OVERTIME PAY See(A, E, E2, Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES (750)Hour)Terms at the following Percentage of Brick/Blocklayer's Wage 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 500hrs 500hrs 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% Supplemental Benefits per hour: 'I Page 29 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County ( 1/2)year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 80% 90% 95% Supplemental Benefits: (per hour worked) (750)hours term at the following dollar amount: Apprentices: term wage %of $8.20+$6.78 9-7/24 M sior B iitd <` . .` > T9l0 l OD7 JOB DESCRIPTION Mason-Building DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Building: Tile Setters $42.27 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Journeyman: $ 19.28 OVERTIME PAY See(A, E, Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See.(5,6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wage per hour: (750 hr)terms at the following percentage of journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 50% 55% 65% 75% 85% 95% Supplemental Benefits per hour paid: Apprentice: $9.93+term wage%of 9.35 9-7/52 Mason:-:: stilt n : > :.... ;{13/0 2007:: JOB DESCRIPTION Mason-Building DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Building: 07/01/2007 Mosaic&Terrazzo Worker $41.68 Mosaic&Terrazzo Finisher $40.37 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Journeyman: $18.55 OVERTIME PAY See(A, E, Q,*V)on OVERTIME PAGE *ADD$8.05 per hour to supplements on time&one-half overtime hours.ADD$10.05 per hour to supplements on double-time overtime hours. HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 8, 11, 15, 16,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wage per hour: Page 31 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published pn Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County 07/0112007 Journeyman $24.12 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Journeyman $10.76 OVERTIME PAY See(B, E', Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid`. See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wages: 07/01/2007 (per hour paid) One year(1)Apprenticeship $20,27 Supplemental Benefits: Apprentice: $ 6.08 9-1 Paver :.;:;{::5111 <;: `; E:::;i e:.; :: & :>;:;>::;::i;::% . 2 ` > >' :::.:»:<.:;.:; ::•;:.>:< M .. Ig 6urfd.tlt 1.H yY.Htc h ty�y......... ......... :.... :::..:.:::::.....:...::,:..::.:::::.:. ...............::::::::,::::::::.... .Q9/Q fZOD7 JOB DESCRIPTION Mason-Building/Heavy&Highway DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond,Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per hour: 07/01/2007 Marble-Riggers, Crane&Derrickman $39.23 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Journeyman $ 18.82 OVERTIME PAY See(C,O,V)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(*2)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 8, 11, 15,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE *1/2 Day for Labor Day. REGISTERED APPRENTICES 'Wages: (per hour paid): ( 1/2)year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 07/01/2007 50% 55% 65% 75% 85% 95% Supplemental Benefits: (per hour paid) 07/01/2007 $8.65+ term wage%of$ 10.17 9-7/20-MR ::Nlt�.:.F .. . Higrnta ... ............................ ...... .................::.... III� IIa . JOB DESCRIPTION. Mason-Heavy&Highway DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 (MASON) Pointer,Cleaner& Caulkers $35.98 Page 33 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01%2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published,on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 07/01/2008- 06/30/2008 Building Contruction Party Chief $51.19 Add$2.60/Hr Instrument Man 40.59 Add 2.22/Hr Rodman 27.52 Add 1.76/Hr SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 07/01/2008 06/30/2008 All Catorgories $21.64 $21.64 OVERTIME PAY See(A,*E, Q)on OVERTIME PAGE *Doubletime paid on the 8th hour on Saturday. HOLIDAY Paid: See(5,6, 8, 11, 12, 15,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 25)on HOLIDAY PAGE 9-15Db Yt ! b`` ratix' ' ier JOB DESCRIPTION Operating Engineer-Building DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk WAGES BUILDING CATEGORIES: CLASS"AA"CRANES: Crane,Truck Crane, Derrick, Dragline, Dredge, Crawler Crane,Tower Crane&Pile Driver. CLASS"A": Asphalt Spreader, Backhoe Crawler, Boiler, Boring Machine,Cherry Picker(over 50 tons), Concrete Pump, Gradall, Grader, Hoist,Loading Machine(10 yds.or more), Milling Machine, Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural Steel&Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scraper in Tandem,Shovel, Sideboom Tractor,Stone'Spreader(self-propelled),Tank Work,Tower Crane Engineer. CLASS"B": Backhoe, Boom-Truck, Bulldozer, Boring Machine/Auger, Cherry Picker(under 50 Tons), Conveyor-Multi, Dinkey Locomotive, Fork Lift, Hoist (2 Drum), Loading Machine&Front Loader, Mulch Machine(Machine Fed), Power Winches(Not Included in Class"A"),Asphalt Roller, Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine,Scoop,Carryall, Scaper, Maintenance Man on Tower Crane, Trenching Machine,Vermeer Cutter,Work Boat. CLASS"C": Curb Machine, Maintenance Engineer(Small Equip. &Well Point), Field Mechanic, Milling Machine(Small), Pulvi Mixer, Pumps(all), Roller (dirt), Ridge Cutter,Vac-All,Shotblaster,Striping Machine,Interior Hoist, Concrete Finish Machine, ConcreteSpreader,Conveyer,Curing Machine, Hoist(one drum). CLASS"D": Concrete Breaker, Concrete Saw/Cutter, Fork Life or Walk Behind(power operated), Generator, Hydra Hammer, Compactors(mechanical or hand operated), Pin Puller, Portable Heaters, Power Booms, Power Buggies, Pump(double action diaphragm). CLASS"E": Batching Plant, Generator,Grinder, Mixer, Mulching Machine, Oiler, Pump(gypsum), Pump(single action diaphragm),Stump Chipper,Track Tamper,Tractor(caterpiller or wheel),Vibrator. Deckhand on Workboat. 07/01/2007 Class"AA" $50.11 Cranes: Boom length over 100 feet add $ 1.00 per hour " 150 " " $ 1.50 " " 250 $2.00 " " " 350 " " $3.00 " Page 35 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Level A $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Level B 2.00 2.00 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 08/01/2007 07/31/2007 Well Driller $ 10%of straight 10%of straight time Well Drller Helper time rate plus$9.55 rate plus$9.55 (NOTE) Additional$2.25 for Additional$2.88 for Premium Time Premium Time OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, G, P)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(5,6, 16,23)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5, 6, 16,23)on HOLIDAY PAGE 4-138well /0 12Qt#7 JOB DESCRIPTION Operating Engineer-Heavy&Highway DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk WAGES HEAVY/HIGHWAY CATEGORIES: CLASS"AA"CRANES: Crane,Truck Crane, Derrick, Dragline, Dredge, Crawler Crane,Tower Crane, Pile Driver. CLASS"A": Asphalt Spreader, Backhoe Crawler, Boiler Cherrypicker(over 50 tons),Concrete Pump,Grader, Gradall, Hoist Loading Machine 10 yds. or more), Milling Machine, Power Winch-Stone Setting/Structural Steel or Truck Mounted, Powerhouse, Road Paver, Scoop-Carryall-Scaper in Tandem, Shovel, Sideboom Tractor, Stone Spreader(self propelled),Tank Work,Track Alignment Machine. CLASS"B": Backhoe, Boom Truck, Bulldozer, Boring Machine/Auger,Cherry Picker(under 50 tons), Conveyor-Multi, Dinky Locomotive, Fork Lift, Hoist (2 drum), Loading Machine&Front Loader, Mulch Machine(machine fed), Power Winches(all others not included in,GLASS A),Asphalt Roller, Hydraulic Pump with Boring Machine,Scoop, Carryall,Scaper, Maintenance Man on Tower Crane,Trenching Machine,Vermeer Cutter,Work Boat. CLASS"C": Curb Machine, Maintenance-Engineer(Small Equip. &Well Point), Field Mechanic, Milling Machine(Small), Pulvi-Mixer, Pumps, Roller (Dirt),Vac-All,Welding/Burning, Compressor(Structural Steel&2 or more Batteries), Concrete Finish Machine, Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Curing Machine, Fireman, Hoist(One Drum), Ridge Cutter, Striping Machine,Welding Machine(Structural Steel&Pile Work). CLASS"D": Compressor"(Pile,Crane,Stone Setting), Concrete Saw Cutter/Breaker,Work Lift(Walk Behind,Power Operated), Generator(Pile Work),Hydra Hammer, Hand Operated Compactor, Pin Puller, Portable Heater, Powered Broom/Buggy/Grinder, Pump(Single Action-1 to 3 Inches/Gypsum/Double Action Diaphragm), Hand Trenching Machine,Welding Machine. CLASS"E": Batching Plant, Generator, Grinder, Mixer, Mulching Machine,Oiler, Pump (Centrifugal up to 3 In.), Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler on Tower Crane,Track Tamper,Tractor,Vibrator, Deckhand on Work Boat. 07/01/2007 Class"AA" $51.34 Cranes: Boom Length over 100 feet add$ 1.00 per hour 150 " " $ 1.50 " " 250 " " $2:00 " " " 350 " " $3.00 " " Class"A" $45.33* *Add$3.50 for Hazardous Waste Work. Class"B" $42.28* Page 37 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County CLASS C Drag Barge Operator, $25.04 $25.49 $26.14 Steward, Mate, Assistant Fill Placer, Welder(please add) $ 0.51 $ 0.06 Boat Operator $24.29 $24.79 $25.29 CLASS D Shoreman, Deckhand, .$20.34 $20.64 $21.09 Rodman, Scowman, Cook, Messman, Porter/Janitor Oiler(please add) $ 0.09 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: THE FOLLOWING SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS APPLY TO ALL CATEGORIES 07/01/2007- 10/01/2007- 10/01/2008 09/30/2007 09/30/2008 All Classes A&B $7.55 plus $ 7.80 plus $ 8.05 plus 7%of straight 7%of straight 7%of straight time wage time wage time wage (overtime hours add) $ 0.63 $ 0.63 $ 0.63 All Class C $ 7.35 plus $ 7.50 plus $ 7.75 plus 7%of straight 7%of straight 7%of straight time wage time wage time wage (overtime hours add) $0.48 $ 0.48 $ 0.48 All Class D $6.95 plus $ 7.20 plus $ 7.45 plus 7%of straight 7%of straight 7%of straight time wage time wage time wage (overtime hours add) $0.33 $ 0.23 $ 0.23 OVERTIME PAY See(B, F, R)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 8, 15,26)on HOLIDAY PAGE 4-25a-MarConst .rpt h.les�.l�x ` JOB DESCRIPTION Operating Engineer-Trenchless.Pipe Rehab DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Albany,Allegany, Bronx, Broome, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chautauqua, Chemung, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Cortland, Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Genesee, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer,Jefferson, Kings, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Nassau, New York, Niagara,Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Orleans, Oswego, Otsego, Putnam, Queens, Rensselaer, Richmond, Rockland,Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Schuyler, Seneca, St. Lawrence,Steuben, Suffolk, Sullivan,Tioga,Tompkins, Ulster,Warren,Washington,Wayne,Westchester,Wyoming,Yates WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 DSET/DSSET Operator $30.00 Robotic Unit Operator 30.00 DDCC Injection Operator 30.00 Technician/Equipment Operator 25.50 Page 39 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County 4th year 18.62 19.42 9-NYDCT9-DWT FICIGtS ?: is 2 :::2: is is ::: :::: :.;;:•:;.:<-.::;:-; <; JOB DESCRIPTION Painter DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES (Per hour) 07/01/2007- 05/01/2008 04/30/2008 Brush $34.50 $35.00 Spray&Scaffold 37.50 38.00 Fire Escape 37.50 38.00 Decorator 37.50 38.00 Paperhanger/Wall Coverer 36.33 36.83 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS (per hour worked) 07/01/2007- 05/01/2008 04/30/2008 Paperhanger $23.15 $24.15 All others 20.83 20.94 OVERTIME PAY See(A, H)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 16,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Indentured after 5/31/93 ( 1 )year terms at the following wage rate. (per hour) Appr 1st term... $ 12.70 $ 13.25 Appr 2nd term... 17.25 17.50 Appr 3rd term... 20.70 21.00 Appr 4th term... 27.60 28.00 Spplemental benefis: (per Hour worked) Appr 1 st term... $ 9.67 $ 9.82 Appr 2nd term... 11.82 12.32 Appr 3rd term... 14.15 14.74 Appr 4th term... 18.62 19.42 9-NYDC9-13/S P....nihek... ..::...................:::.:,. . ::........::.:::.: :..:::•:::::::::.::.:.::::: JOB DESCRIPTION Painter-Heavy&Highway DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 10/01/2007 09/30/2007 Structural Steel $43.00 $44.00 Bridge Painting 43.00 44.00 Power Tool/Compressor 49.00 50.00 "NOTE" Bridge Painting Contracts,ALL WORKERS on and off the bridge(including flagmen)are to be paid Painting Rate.The Contract must be ONLY for Bridge Painting. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 10/01/07 09/30/2007 I Page 41 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published.on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Note:*All workers shall be paid an additional premium in an amount equal to twenty(20%)percent of their basic straight time rate of pay for all time worked on hanging scaffolds and on standing scaffolds while working more than 34 feet off the ground.Such premium are to be paid on top of their straight time or overtime,whichever is applicable.This also applies to employees erecting scaffolding. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Journeyman: . $ 11.02 OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, Q,T)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(5,6, 11, 15, 16,25,26)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 9, 11, 15, 16,25,26)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES 55%of Basic Polisher Rate(*) 9-BA/28A-MP ........................ ......................................... ......:. ........................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............................................................. ..... ....... te . . .............................................................................................. .. ......... JOB DESCRIPTION Plasterer DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Kings, Nassau, Queens, Suffolk PARTIAL COUNTIES New York: Includes work in all Islands in New York City, except Manhattan. WAGES Per hour: 0710112007 Building: Plastererfrraditional $35.53 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per hour worked: Journeyman $21.80 OVERTIME PAY See(B, E, E2, Q)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 8, 11, 13, 25,26)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wages: (per hour) (1 )year terms at the following%journeyman's wage rate. First year: 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 40% 45% Second year: 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 55% 60% Third year: 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 70% 75% Supplemental Benefits: (per hour paid): (1)year term broken down into six month periods: 1 st year: 1stsix months $ 8.37 2nd six months 9.35 3rd six months 11.35 4th six months 12.33 5th six months 14.33 6th six months 15.33 Page 43 I Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Plumber $ 7.65 OVERTIME PAY See(B;J)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 15, 16)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES One(1)Year Terms,Wages Per Hour as Follows: 07/01/2007 1 st Term $ 12.34 2nd Term 13.29 3rd Term 14.28 4th Term 15.31 5th Term 16.38 Supplemental Benefits per hour: 1 st Term $ 6.20 2nd Term 6.20 3rd Term 6.20 4th Term 6.20 5th Term 6.20 4-200 Maintance JOB DESCRIPTION Plumber DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Nassau, Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007- 11/01/2007- 05/01/2008 10/31/2007 04/30/2008 Plumber $44.90 $46.08 $46.98 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: Plumber $23.42 $24.33 $24.68 OVERTIME PAY See(A, O,V)on OVERTIME PAGE CODE"V"is only for SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS WORKED HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 15, 16,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES One(1)Year Terms at the following percentage of Plumbers Rate: 1stTerm 2nd Term 3rd Term 4th Term 5th Term 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Supplemental Benefits per hour: 07/01/2007- 11/01/2007- 05/01/2008 10/31/2007 04/30/2008 1 st Term $ 11.99 $ 12.79 $ 12.89 Page 45 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County *May be distributed between wages and/or supplemental benefits. OVERTIME PAY See(A, O)on OVERTIME PAGE For Fan Maintenance See Codes B&O HOLIDAY Paid: See(1)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 11, 15, 16,25,26)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Per Hour: (1/2)Year Terms at the following percentage of journeyman's hourly wage: 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th 30% 35% 40% 45% 5th 6th 7th 8th 50% 55% 60% 70% Supplemental Benefits per hour: 1 st Term $ 13.11 2nd Term 14.86 3rd Term 16.35 4th Term 17.92 5th Term 19.45 6th Term 20.89 7th Term 22.79 8th Term 26.49 4-28 heetrr�etal.X111Qtke�t......................... . .. .. ....................................................................:..:..... 091# /20 : JOB DESCRIPTION Sheetmetal Worker DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk,Westchester WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Sign Erector* $36.20 *NOTE: Overhead Highway Signs and Structurally Supported Signs (See IRON WORKER CLASS) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Sign Erector $25.48 OVERTIME PAY See(A, F,S)on OVERTIME PAGE HOLIDAY Paid: See(5,6, 11, 12, 16,25)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 25)on HOLIDAY PAGE REGISTERED APPRENTICES Wage per hour: 07/01/2007 Half(1/2)year terms at the following rate(s): 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $12.67 $14.48 $16.29 $18.10 $19.91 6th 7th 8th 9th 1 0th $21.72 $23.53 $25.34 $27.15 $28.96 Supplemental Benefits-per hour paid: Half(1/2)year the following dollar amount Page 47 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Suffolk County Refrigeration,A/C, Oil Burner and Stoker Service and Installations, limited on Refrigeration to combined compressors up to five(5)horsepower, and on A/C Heating and Air Cooling to combined compressors up to ten (10) horsepower. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour 07/01/2007 Ste amfitter/Maintance $ 7.71 OVERTIME PAY OVERTIME:....See (B, E, Q*, S**)on OVERTIME PAGE. HOLIDAY HOLIDAY: Paid:........See(2, 6,9, 10, 11, 15, 17,26,Memorial Day)on HOLIDAY PAGE. Overtime:.... *(2, 6, 9, 15, 17) **( 10, 11, 26, Memorial Day) 9-638B-StmFtrRef v �r[ttna................................................................................................ . . .. :... ..:. .0910f2047: JOB DESCRIPTION Survey Crew Consulting DISTRICT 9 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk,Westchester PARTIAL COUNTIES Dutchess: Only the portion south of the north city line in Poughkeepsie. WAGES Feasibility and preliminary design surveying, line and grade surveying for inspection or supervision of construction when performed under a Consulting Engineer agreement. WAGES:(per hour) 07101/2007 Survey Rates: Party Chief..... $29.82 Instrument Man.. $25.01 Rodman.......... $21.95 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS (per hour paid) Journeyman...... $ 11.70 OVERTIME PAY OVERTIME:.... See (B, E*,Q,V)ON OVERTIME PAGE. *Doubletime paid on the 9th hour on Saturday. HOLIDAY Paid: See(5,6,7, 11, 16)on HOLIDAY PAGE Overtime: See(5,6,7, 11, 16)on HOLIDAY PAGE 9-15dconsult ms. .c...B ilc#i :1 H�alxuvaY....................... .... .... . .. ............................................{)9/01(12007. JOB DESCRIPTION Teamster-Building/Heavy&Highway DISTRICT 4 ENTIRE COUNTIES Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk WAGES Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Truck Driver, Chauffeur Trailers $26.33 Straight Jobs 26.03 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS Per Hour: 07/01/2007 Page 49 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published on Sep 01 2007 PRC Number 2007006466 Overtime Codes Followingis an explanation of the codes listed in the OVERTIME section of each classification contained' teattached p ( ) im h schedule. Additional requirements may also be listed in the HOLIDAY section. (A ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day (AA) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day ( B ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 8 hours per day ( 131 ) Time and one half of the hourly rate for the 9th & 10th hours week days and the 1 st 8 hours on Saturday. Double the hourly rate for all additional hours (B2) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 40 hours per week (C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day (Cl ) Double the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day (D ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day (D1 ) Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day (E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday ( E1 ) Time and one half 1st 4 hours on Saturday Double the hourly rate all additional Saturday hours (E3) Between November 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather,provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week (E2) Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather (E4) Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather ( F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday (G ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays (H ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays (I ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday (J ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays ( K ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays (L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday (M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday ( N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays (O } • Double the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays (P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday (Q ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays (R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays (S ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked (Si ) Two and one half times the hourly rate the first 8 hours on Sunday or Holidays One and one half times the hourly rate all additional hours. (T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked Page 51 Prevailing Wage Rates for 07/01/2007-06/30/2008 Published by the New York State Department of Labor Last Published-on Sep 01 2007 . PRC Number 2007006466 Holiday Codes PAID Holidays: Paid Holidays are days for which an eligible employee receives a regular day's pay, but is not required to perform work. If an employee works on a day listed as a paid holiday,this remuneration is in addition to payment of the required prevailing rate for the work actually performed. OVERTIME Holiday Pay: Overtime holiday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on specified holidays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The applicable holidays are listed under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME.The required rate of pay for these covered holidays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section listings for'each classification. Following is an explanation of the code(s)listed in the HOLIDAY section of each classification contained in the attached schedule.The Holidays as listed below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. ( 1 ) None (2) Labor Day (3) Memorial Day and Labor Day (4) Memorial Day and July 4th (5) Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day (6) New Year's,Thanksgiving, and Christmas (7) Lincoln's Birthday,Washington's Birthday, and Veterans Day (8) Good Friday (9) Lincoln's Birthday ( 10) Washington's Birthday ( 11 ) Columbus Day (12) Election Day ( 13) Presidential Election Day ( 14) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day ( 15) Veterans Day ( 16) Day after Thanksgiving ( 17) July 4th (18) 1/2 Day before Christmas (19 ) 1/2 Day before New Years (20) Thanksgiving (21 ) New Year's Day (22) Christmas (23 ) Day before Christmas (24 ) Day before New Year's (25 ) Presidents'Day (26 ) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Page 53 NEP w� BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NY 12240 N'r REQUEST FOR WAGE AND SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION: REQUIRED BY ARTICLES 8 AND 9 OF THE LABOR LAW Fax (518) 485-1870 or mail this form for new schedules or for determination for additional occupations. THIS FORM MUST 13E TYPEE3 SUBMITTED BY: ❑CONTRACTING AGENCY ❑ PUBLIC WORK DISTRICT OFFICE DATE: (CHECK ONE) ❑ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERING FIRM A. PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT TO BE LET BY: (Enter Data Pertaining to Contracting Agency) 1. Name and complete address( ❑ check if new or change): 2 NY State Units(see Item 5) ❑07 OTHER N.Y.STATE UNIT ❑01 DOT ❑ 08 City ❑02 OGS 1109 Local School District ❑03 Dormitory Authority ❑10 Special Local District,i.e., Fire,Sewer,Water District 1:104 State University ❑ 11 Village Construction Fund ❑ 12 Town ❑ 05 SUNY/Colleges ❑ 13 County Telephone: ( ) Fax:( ) ❑ 06 Mental Hygiene ❑ 14 Other Non-N.Y.State E-Mail: Facilities Corp. (Describe) 3.SEND REPLY TO I❑check if new or change) 4,SERVICE REQUIRED. Check appropriate box and provide project Name and complete address: information. ❑ New Schedule of Wages and Supplements. APPROXIMATE BID DATE: ❑ Additional Occupation and/or Redetermination Telephone:( ) F ( ) TPRC HIS NUPROMB R'ISSUED PREVIOUSLY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY E-Mail: B. PROJECT PARTICULARS 5 .Project Title 6 Project: Location on Sit Description of Work Route No/Street Address Village or City Contract Identification Number Town Note: For NYS units,the OSC Contract No. County 7.Nature of Project-Check One: 8. OCCUPATION FOR PROJECT: ❑ 1. New Building ❑ Construction(Building,Heavy ❑ Guards,Watchmen ❑ 2.Addition to Existing Structure Highway/SewerMater) 133.Heavy and Highway Construction(New and Repair) El Tunnel [3 Janitors, Porters,Cleaners ❑ 4. New Sewer or Waterline ❑ Moving furniture and ❑ ❑ Residential equipment 5.Other New Construction(Explain) ❑ 6.Other Reconstruction, Maintenance, Repair or Alteration ❑ Landscape Maintenance ❑ Trash and refuse removal ❑ 7. Demolition ❑ Elevator maintenance ❑ Window cleaners ❑ 8. Building Service Contract ❑ .Exterminators, Fumigators ❑ Other(Describe) 9. Name and Title of Requester Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Locality Designations PW-39(03-07) SEE PAGE TWO FOR LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC WORK CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR -. BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK Under Article 8 of the NYS Labor Law, when two final determinations have been rendered contractor,a against g r, s ub- contractor and/or its successor within any consecutive six-year period determining that such contractor, sub-contractor and/or its successor has WILLFULLY failed to pay the prevailing wage and/or supplements, or when one final determination involves falsification of payroll records or the kickback of wages and/or supplements, said contractor, sub-contractor and/or its successor shall be debarred and ineligible to submit a bid on or be awarded any public work contract/sub-contract with the state,any municipal corporation or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. NOTE: Where the Fiscal Officer is denoted "NYC", the information has been, provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office,the agency issuing the determination. LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code 385 Services LLC 2657 State Highway 28 Portlandville NY 13834 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1466399 01/08/2009 DOL Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code 4-A General Construction Corp 13147th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3161355 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office and Spiridon Anthoulis,Anastasia Anthoulis aka Stacey Gouzos as individuals Company Name Address City State Zip Code A&D Contracting Corp 15 Pine Aire Drive Bay Shore NY 11706 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3203983 08/01/2010 DOL Falsification of payroll records. Also Tommaso Allocca as an individual Company Name Address City State Zip Code A A General Contractors Inc 1765 Mt Read Boulevard Rochester NY 14606 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1319254 10/18/2009 DOL And W.J.Grinder Roofing as a substantially affiliated employer and Dominic Antonucci as an individual.Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code A Castricone Concrete Inc P O Box 203 Athol Springs NY 14010 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1582253 03/03/2008 DOL and Crazy Horse Tonawanda Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code A&T General Construction Inc 3 Alan B Shepard Place Yonkers NY 10705 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3927478 12/11/2011 DOL and Nick Nitis as an individual-falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code ACC Construction Corp 6 East 32nd St-7th Fl New York NY 10016 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2688758 05/25/2011 NYC Falsified records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Adam Deckman FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: dba i eckman Painting Monday,August 20,2007 Page 1 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Anthos Contracting Corp 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2967327 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Azam Ali Chaudhry FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/10/2007 See Republic Reconstruction&Management Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code B&Z Development Inc 19 West Street Spring Valley NY 10977 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3713559 02/22/2010 DOL dba Ben-Zvy Enterprises Inc and Erez Ben-Zvy as an individual. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Ballah General Contracting Inc 250 Kneeland Avenue Yonkers NY 10705 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-4157828 07/09/2012 DOL And Bernadette and Thomas Gormally,individually. Falsified payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Bat-Jac Construction Inc 62 Neulist Avenue Port Washington NY 11050 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3391498 07/17/2009 DOL aka Bat-Jac Contracting Inc.a/k/a Bat-Jac Inc.and Kenneth Merz,president and one of its five largest shareholders and Steve Menzer,vice president and one of its five largest shareholders,as individuals. Falsified payrolls. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Bat-Jac Contracting Inc FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3133524 07/17/2009 See Bat-Jac Construction Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Bat-Jac Inc FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/17/2009 See Bat-Jac Construction aka Bat-Jac Contracting Company Name Address City State Zip Code Ben-Zvy Enterprises Inc 19 West Street Spring Valley NY 10977 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3713559 02/22/2010 See B&Z Development Inc. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Bernadette Gormally 250 Kneeland Avenue Yonkers NY 10705 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/09/2012 As an individual. See Ballagh General Contracting Company Name Address City State Zip Code Best of Friends of Schenectady Consti Cc 425 Hamilton Street Schenectady NY 12305 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 20-2105455 01/24/2011 DOL Company Name Address City State Zip Code Boguslaw Bozek FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/14/2008 As an individual-see Goldhand Construction LLC Monday,August 20,2007 Page 3 of 27 LIST OF= EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Christopher Nicholson 91 Newman Place ' Buffalo NY 14210 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/19/2011 See Commercial System Construction Company Name Address City State Zip Code Columbus General Construction Inc 914 Newkirk Avenue Brooklyn NY 11230 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3357344 12/16/2009 AG And Mohammed A Rashid as an individual.Falsified business records. Plea agreement. Company Name Address City State" Zip Code Commercial Painting Co 4872 West Seneca Turnpike Syracuse NY 13215 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1513909 05/01/2008 DOL James Stanton dba Commercial Painting Co-falsified payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Commercial Steel-Inc 65 Corporate Park Drive Central Square NY 13036 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1557064 03/16/2009 DOL As a successor and/or substantially-owned affiliated entity with Dalton Steel Inc dba Pardee Construction-multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Commercial System Construction 91 Newman Place Buffalo NY 14210 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 90-0066866 10/19/2011 DOL And Christopher Nicholson as an individual-falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Commtech Communications Inc 649 Warwick Road North Tonawanda NY 14120 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1335983 11/22/2007 DOL See also Commtech Electrical Construction Corp and Michael R Palmer-multiple violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Commtech Electrical Construction 649 Warwick Road North Tonawanda NY 14120 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1407836 11/22/2007 DOL See also Commtech Communications and Michael R Palmer-multiple violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Corinthian Construction Co Inc 372 North Main Street Lodi NJ 07644 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3750033 12/24/2009 AG And Andres Alvarez as an individual. Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Crazy Horse Tonawanda Inc P O Box 203 Athol Springs NY 14010 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1528124 03/03/2008 DOL and A Castricone Concrete Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Dalton Steel Inc 197 U S Route 11 Central Square NY 13036 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1557064 03/12/2009 DOL dba Pardee Construction and Shirley Pardee as an individual-multiple willful violations. Also Charles J Pardee as an individual. Monday,August 20,2007 Page 5 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Dominic Antonucci 1939 Town Line Road Hilton NY 14468 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/18/2009 DOL As an individual. See A A General Contractors Inc and W J Grinder Roofing Company. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Don Adams Roofing Inc 472 Commerce Street Hawthorne NY 10532 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3455881 12/07/2010 DOL Plead guilty to a felony Company Name Address City State Zip Code Douglas S Griffen 312 Halseyville Road Ithaca NY 14850 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 09/06/2011 See DG Pipeline Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Drywall Systems Unlimited Inc 182 West Main Street Middletown NY 10940 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 06-1405921 10/02/2007 DOL Company Name Address City State Zip Code E Green Restoration&Roofing Inc 117 Hawley Street Binghamton NY .13901 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1561693 06/21/2009 DOL Company Name Address City State Zip Code Eliyhu Benyamin 303 Ten Eyck Street Brooklyn NY 11206 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 03/05/2010 As an individual. See W&B Mechanical Corp. . Company Name Address City State Zip Code Elizabeth A.Carr P O Box 82 Valatie NY 12184 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/14/2008 dba Everlasting Slate-as an individual Company Name Address City State Zip Code Emeis &Emeis General Contracting Corp 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 134103233 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Emes Heating&Plumbing Contr 5 Emes Lane Monsey NY 10952 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-2590780 DOL and Julius and Gita Behrend,as individuals. Parties entered into a voluntary agreement to be permanently debarred Company Name Address City State Zip Code Enjem's Incorporated 111 South Main Street Herkimer NY 13350 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1038008 03/04/2009 DOL and Francis Enjem as an individual. Falsification of records. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Enviroclean Services LLC 4245 Union Rd-Suite 210 Buffalo NY 14225 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 26-0045677 09/07/2009 DOL Monday,August 20,2007 Page 7 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Franco Paints Inc 159 92nd Street Brooklyn NY 11209 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/07/2008 NYC and Mida Painting Ltd,Nicholas Kallergis and Stamatia.Kallergis,as individuals. Assurance of Discontinuance/Settlement Agreement Company Name Address City State Zip Code Frank J Tucek&Son Inc 92 North Route 9W Congers NY 10920 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3300128 01/29/2012 DOL Company Name Address City State Zip Code Frank Lobene Jr 13 Cheviot Lane Rochester NY 14624 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/18/2010 As an individual-See Lobene Painting Inc. Company Name Address City State Zip Code George Begakis FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/04/2011 As an individual-see Aegean General Contracting Inc-Debarment period has been extended for George Begakis as per A.G.'s Plea Agreement Company Name Address City State Zip Code George Bush 19 Hoffman Drive Latham NY 12118 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/14/2009 DOL Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code George J Leva Sr. FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 02/06/2008 As an individual dba Ontario Flooring Company.Debarment period extended after additional violation Company Name Address City State Zip Code George Lucey,Manual Tobio(see note) 150 Kings Street Brooklyn NY 11231 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: NYC Manuel P Tobio and Lake Constr and Development Corp(individually and as a whole) grand larceny,falsified records,debarred permanently Company Name Address City State Zip Code Gerasimo Andrianis 22-15 47th Street Astoria NY 11105 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/03/2011 AG As an individual. See Rainbow Renovations Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Goldhand Construction LLC 116 East Saddle River Rd Saddle River NJ 07458 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 22-3765123 05/14/2008 DOL Falsified payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Gregory Kloepfer 248 Lein Road West Seneca NY 14224 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/06/2009 DOL As an individual. See Kloepfer's Floor Coverning Monday,August 20,2007 Page 9 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code International Environmental Resources FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05-0448266 08/09/2007 See International Environmental Services Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code International Environmental Services Inc 2 Stafford Court Cranston RI 02920 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05-0448266 10/05/2009 DOL dba International Environmental Resources-Falsified payrolls-Debarment period extended after additional violation. Also IES Environmental Inc and James J Ney Jr as an individual Company Name Address City State Zip Code Ismael Cisneros FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 04/14/2008 As an individual-See Izi Plumbing&Heating Ltd Company Name Address City State Zip Code Izi Plumbing&Heating Ltd 291 Metropolitan Avenue Brooklyn NY 11211 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3157717 04/14/2008 DOL and Ismael Cisneros,Individually-falsified payrolls Company Name Address City State Zip Code J B C Contracting Co Inc 346 Prospect Ave-1st Fl Brooklyn NY 11215 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3550663 03/23/2010 AG And/or 509 McDonald Avenue,Brooklyn NY 11218.And Mohammed H Kabir as an individual and J B C Contracting Company.Settlement agreement withA.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code J B C Contracting Company 346 Prospect Ave-1 st Fl Brooklyn NY 11215 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3330280 03/23/2010 AG And/or 509 McDonald Avenue,Brooklyn NY 11218.And Mohammed H Kabir as an individual and JBC Contracting Co Inc. Settlement Agreement with A.G's Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code J Barr Construction Corp 119-51 Metropolitan Ave Jamaica NY 11415 FEIN: - Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3344003 12/14/2009 DOL and Steve J Nictas as an individual. Multiple willful violations Company Name Address city State Zip Code J C McCashion Construction Inc 84 Fredericks Avenue Albany NY 12205 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 14-1767357 04/13/2011 DOL Multiple willful violations Company-Name Address City State Zip Code J T Painting Corp P O Box 337 Burlingham NY 12122 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 06-1260246 02/26/2009 DOL Falsification of records Company Name Address City State Zip Code James Avallone FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/07/2008 As an individual-see James Avallone Tile&Marble-debarment period extended Monday,August 20,2007 Page 11 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code K M R Enterprises Inc 10 Stuffle Street Cropseyville NY 12052 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 14-1749993 05/03/2010 DOL Multiple willful violations. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kefcal Construction Inc 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kenneth Merz 62 Neulist Avenue Port Washington NY 11050 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/17/2009 As an individual. See Bat-Jac Construction Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kenneth W Griffin 101 Lill Street Rochester NY 14621 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/01/2011 As an individual-see Lightning Fast Labor Force Services Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kevin C Marlowe FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/09/2007 See Hi Tech Insulation Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kevin Martell FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 06/25/2012 As an individual-see K M Martell Construction Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Keystone Construction Corp 9945 Fort Hamilton Pkwy Brooklyn NY 11209 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1402500 08/20/2008 DOL And Nicholas Margaritis as an individual Company Name Address City State Zip Code King Machine 11365 Center Road Sheridan NY 14135 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1293494 04/04/2010 DOL See Robert Metzgar Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kingston Trucking&Rigging Corp 99 St Nicholas Avenue Brooklyn NY 11237 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3540715 02/19/2008 DOL As a substantially owned-affiliated entity and/or successor of Cavalier Construction Corp. Falsification of records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kloepfer's Floor Covering 248 Lein Road West Seneca NY 14224 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1234359 10/06/2009 DOL And Gregory Kloepfer as an individual. Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Kosmar Contracting Corp 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-4103318 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office Monday,August 20,2007 Page 13 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Lorenzo DeVardo 1850 Steinway Street Long Island City NY 11105 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/08/2009 DOL As an individual. See Vardo Construction Corp Company Name Address City State Zip Code Lounsbury Erectors Inc FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/27/2009 See Dennis Lounsbury Builders Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code LTS Construction 24 Miller Street Rochester NY FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1463105 06/30/2009 See Thomas L.Smalls Company Name Address City State Zip Code M&S Pipeline Excavation Company Inc 784 Conklin Road Binghamton NY 13903 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-0926714 05/06/2009 DOL Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Manbru Construction Corp 1439 Wood Road Bronx NY 10462 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 02/19/2008 DOL Also at 201-203 E 22nd Street,New York 10010.As a substantially owned-affiliated entity and/or successor of Cavalier Construction Corp. Falsification of records. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Manns Contracting Corp 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Manuel P.Tobio FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: See George Lucey-debarred permanently Company Name Address City State Zip Code Manuel Tobio FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: See George Lucey-debarred permanently Company Name Address City State Zip Code Marangos Construction Corp 59-45 56th Avenue Maspeth NY 11378 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2554543 08/16/2010 DOL And Charles Marangoudakis individually and Tropic Construction Corp. Multiple willful violations. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mary Newsom 1537 Union Street Schenectady NY 12309 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/24/2009 DOL As an individual. See Pachyderm Enterprises,Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mas-Ann Mechanical Inc 35 Regency Oaks Blvd Rochester NY 14624 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1357694 01/04/2010 DOL Debarment period extended after additional willful violations Monday,August 20,2007 Page 15 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Michael Taylor 66 Rybka Road Stuyvesant Falls NY 12174 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 03/02/2012 DOL As an individual-see Supreme Sports Surfaces Inc., R&T Supreme Sports Flooring, LLC,and Northeastern Supreme Floor Co.,Inc. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mida Painting Ltd 159 92nd Street Brooklyn NY 11209 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/07/2008 NYC and Franco Paints,Inc.and Nicholas Kallergis and Stamatia Kallergis,as individuals. Assurance of Discontinuance/Settlement Agreement Company Name Address City State Zip Code MJAB Construction Inc 183 Washington Avenue New Rochelle NY 10801 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 58-2620937 04/22/2009 DOL and Linda Williams as an individual. Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Modem Tech Design&Services Inc 9151 Southwestern Blvd Angola NY 14006 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1464435 01/19/2011 DOL Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mohammed A Rashid 914 Newkirk Avenue Brooklyn NY 11230 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/16/2009 As an individual.See Columbus General Construction Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mohammed Ali AM 22-41 26th Street-Apt 2 Astoria NY 11102 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/18/2010 DOL Individually and Mohammed Ali AM T/A Ford Masonry and Ford Construction Inc. Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Mohammed H Kabir 200 East 77th Street Brooklyn NY 11218 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 03/23/2010 AG As an individual. See J B C Contracting Co Inc and J B C Contracting Company- Settlement Agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Muhammad A Beig 142 East Market Street Long Beach NY 11561 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 10/21/2007 DOL Asan individual-See C B E Contracting Corporation.Falsified payrolls Company Name Address City State Zip Code Muir Contractors Associates Inc 75 Argyle Ave-Suite 2B Uniondale NY 11553 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3586616 08/18/2010 DOL Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Musa Pacuku FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 04/14/2008 As an individual-See Victory Roofing&Contracting Co Inc Monday,August 20,2007 Page 17 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code. Olympia Mechanical Piping&Heating Inc 3624 12th Avenue Brooklyn NY 11218 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3161641 08/18/2010 AG And Steven Tischler.and Solomon Werzberger as individuals. Plea Agreement with District Attorney Company Name Address City State Zip Code Olympic Window Installers Inc 174 Lincoln Avenue Hawthorne NJ 07506 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 22-3034903 07/21/2008 DOL and Carl and Russell Babb as individuals Company Name Address City State Zip Code Omni Contracting Company Inc 3 Alan B Shepard Place Yonkers NY 10705 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 22-3431803 12/11/2011 DOL And Haleem Zihenni as an individual-falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Ontario Flooring Company 296 Rogers Parkway Rochester NY 14617 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1554554 02/06/2008 DOL See George J Leva Sr.Debarment period extended after additional violation Company Name Address City State Zip Code Oswego Trucking&Leasing 258 Washington Blvd Oswego NY 13126 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: .16-1371814 07/21/2008 DOL Falsified records - Company Name Address City State Zip Code P&H Supply Company Inc 241-A Harrison Avenue Harrison NY 10528 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3868727 05/25/2009 DOL Multiple willful violations-debarment period extended after additional willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code P&T Iron Works 59 Plain Avenue New Rochelle NY 10801 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-3895133 06/01/2010 and Amodio Russo individually. Falsification of payroll records.Settlement Agreement with A.G.'s office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Pachyderm Enterprises Inc 1537 Union Street Schenectady NY 12309 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 00-1386527 05/24/2009 DOL And Willie Jones and Mary Newsom as individuals-Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Paragon Plate Glass Inc 210 Factory Street Watertown NY 13601 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1113039 11/07/2011 DOL And Thomas E Mooney individually as President of Paragon Plate Glass Inc-falsified payrolls Company Name Address City State Zip Code Pardee Construction FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1557064 03/12/2009 See Dalton Steel Inc. Monday,August 20,2007 Page 19 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State. Zip Code Republic Construction&Management-Inc 8111 7th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11228 FEIN: Barred Until - Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3178177 12/10/2007 NYC and Azam Ali Chaudhry-falsified payrolls-plea agreement Company Name Address City State Zip Code Robbye Bissesar 89-51 Springfield Blvd Queens Village NY 11427 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: As an individual. See Star International Inc-permanently debarred Company Name Address City State Zip Code Robert Amendola 1084 Sunrise Highway Amityville NY 11701 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 03/19/2008 As an individual. See Westwood Fence Corp. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Robert DeMonte 367 Veterans Memorial Hwy Commack NY 11725 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/10/2010 As an individual. See L&T Plumbing Corp. Company Name Address City State Zip.Code Robert O'Hanlon 635 Midland Avenue Garfield NJ 07026 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/09/2012 As an individual. See Allstate Concrete Cutting,Inc. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Robert Stevenson 571 Miles Square Road Yonkers NY 10701 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 04/04/2012 As an individual. See R S Construction Company LLC Company Name Address City State Zip Code Robert W Metzgar 11365 Center Road Sheridan NY 14135 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 04/04/2010 DOL dba King Machine-Also as an individual. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Roger-A Hoek Jr FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 06/10/2010 See N F K Excavating and Construction Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Rudolph Neuss 8 Far Horizons Drive Newburgh NY 12550 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 09/06/2011 DOL As an individual-see Neuss Construction Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Rusmar Environmental Services Corp 703 Atlantic Avenue Rochester NY 14609 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1492326 12/22/2009 AG And John Bradford as an individual.Falsified payrolls. Plea agreement. Company Name Address. City State Zip Code' Russell Babb FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/21/2008 As an individual-See Olympic Window Installers Inc Monday,August 20,2007 Page 21 of 27 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Spiridon Anthoulis 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/25/2012 AG As an individual-See 4-A General Construction Corp Company Name Address City State Zip Code Stacey Gouzos FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/25/2012 See Anastasia Anthoulis Company Name Address City State Zip Code Stamatia Kaller is 159 92nd Street Brooklyn NY 11209 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/07/2008 As an individual. See Franco Paints,Inc.and Mida Painting Ltd Company Name Address City State Zip Code Star International Inc 89-51 Springfield Blvd Queens Village NY 11427 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 00-1613496 DOL Also Robbye Bissesar. Falsified payroll-permanently debarred Company Name Address City State Zip Code State Environmental Services Inc 1801 Stillwell Avenue Brooklyn NY 11223 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3164259 02/25/2008 NYC Plea agreement Company Name Address City State Zip Code Steve J Nictas c/o J Barr Constr 119-51 Metropolitan Ave Jamaica NY 11415 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 12/14/2009 DOL As an individual-See J Barr Construction Corp. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Steve Menzer 62 Neulist Avenue Port Washington NY 11050 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 07/17/2009 As an individual. See Bat-Jac Construction Company Name Address City State Zip Code Steven Tischler 1465 46th Street Brooklyn NY 11212 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/18/2010 As an individual. See Olympia Mechanical Piping&Heating Incorporated Company Name Address City State . Zip Code Super Structure Builders Inc 99 St Nicholas Avenue Brooklyn NY 11237 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3487355 02/19/2008 DOL Also at 2013 Flatbush Avenue,Brooklyn,NY 11234.As a substantially owned-affiliated entity and/or successor of Cavalier Construction Corp.Falsification of records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Superior Jamestown Corporation 55 Jones-Gifford Avenue Jamestown NY 14701 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-1381131 03/17/2008 NYC Falsified payroll records Monday,August 20,2007 Page 23 of 27 a LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT Company Name Address City State Zip Code Tommaso Allocca 15 Pine Aire Drive Bay Shore NY 11706 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/01/2010 DOL As an individual. T/A A&D Contracting Corp.Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Topo-Metrics Inc 432 Park Avenue South New York NY 10016 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2465550 04/22/2009 DOL Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Topor Contracting Inc 153 Fillmore Avenue Buffalo NY 14210 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 16-3590680 04/27/2009 DOL Falsified payrolls Company Name Address .City State Zip Code Tower Building Maintenance and Mgmt 347 Kingsland Avenue Brooklyn NY 11222 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3042307 11/24/2008 DOL Additional willful violations-debarment period extended Company Name Address City . State Zip Code Tri-State Building Contractors Inc 108 Sparrow Ridge Road Carmel NY 10512 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 14-1765905 05/24/2009 DOL Falsified payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Tropic Construction Corp 59-45 561h Avenue Maspeth NY 11378 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2659640 08/16/2010 DOL and Marangos Construction and Charles Marangoudakis individually. Multiple willful violations Company Name Address City State Zip Code Two By Four Carpentry and Constr Inc 132 W 129th St-Ste 4W New York NY 10027 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 08/12/2009 AG dba of Harrison Jarvis. Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office. Company Name Address City State Zip Code Uddin USA Corp 663 Degraw Street Brooklyn NY 11217 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-3265184 05/17/2012 NYC Falsification of payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code un Hak Kim FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 04/14/2010 AG As an individual. See Howard K Enterprise Inc and Howard Kim Company Name Address City State Zip Code Urban-Suburban Recreation Inc 3 Lucon Drive Deer Park NY 11729 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2228663 06/20/2012 DOL Company Name Address City State Zip Code Vardo Construction Corporation 1850 Steinway Street Long Island City NY 11105 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2694892 01/08/2009 DOL And Lorenzo DeVardo as an individual. Falsified payrolls Monday,August 20,2007 Page 25 of 27 LIST CF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT . Company Name Address City State Zip Code Willie Jones 1537 Union Street Schenectady NY 12309 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/24/2009 DOL As an individual. See Pachyderm Enterprises Inc Company Name Address City. State Zip Code Winston J Goins Sr 87 Malling Drive Rochester NY 14621 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 05/01/2011 As an individual-see Lightning Fast Labor Force Services Inc Company Name Address City State Zip Code Wintech Contracting Inc 1950 E Main St-Ste 205A Mohegan Lake NY 10547 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13=3139312 07/22/2009 DOL Falsified payroll records Company Name Address City State Zip Code Yang General Contracting Ltd 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 01/25/2012 AG Plea agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Yin Construction Ltd 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-0520288 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreement with A.G.'s Office Company Name Address City State Zip Code Zaffuto Construction Company Inc 162 Atlantic Avenue Lynbrook NY 11563 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 11-2139574 09/29/2008 AG And Angelo Zaffuto(President of ZCCI)and Joseph Zaffuto(Key Person to ZCCI),as individuals-Settlement Agreement Company Name Address City State Zip,Code Zarben General Construction Inc 131 47th Street Brooklyn NY 11232 FEIN: Barred Until Fiscal Officer Notes: 13-4201564 01/25/2012 AG Plea Agreeement with A.G.'s Office Monday,August 20,2007 Page 27 of 27 STANDARD INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CONTRACT INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION: THE BID NUMBER IS TO APPEAR ON ALL INSURANCE CERTIFICATES INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The Corporation/Contractor/Agency/Consultant, is an independent contractor and covenants and agrees that it, its agents, servants and/or employees will neither hold itself/themselves out as, nor claim to be an employee, servant or agent of the TOWN OF-SOUTHOLD, and that it, its agents and employees will not make claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD including, but not limited to Worker's Compensation coverage, Unemployment Insurance benefits, Social Security coverage or retirement membership or credit. INSURANCE: Contractor/vendor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required under the following paragraphs, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD has approved such insurance. WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract, such insurance as will protect both the owner and the contractor from claims under worker's compensation acts and amendments thereto and from any other claims for property damage and for personal injury including death, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations by contractor or by any other party directly or indirectly employed by the contractor. Copy of Certificate to be provided to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. DISABILITY INSURANCE & UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: Contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the entire term of the contract any disability benefits and unemployment insurance as required by law. Copy of Certificate to be provided to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract, such bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance as shall protect him and the Town from claims for damages for bodily injury including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this contract,whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor/vendor to maintain such insurance in amounts sufficient to fully protect himself and the Town, but in no instance shall amounts be less than those set forth below. These amounts are specified only to establish the minimum coverage acceptable. Bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 (one million dollars) for damages on account of any one accident, and in an amount of not less than$2,000,000 (two million dollars) on account of all accidents(general aggregate). EXCESS/UMBRELLA INSURANCE: The contractor/vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of the project an excess/umbrella insurance policy in an amount of not less than $2,000,000 (Five million dollars) each occurrence and aggregate. OTHER CONDITIONS OF COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: 1. Coverage shall be written on commercial general liability form. 2. Coverage shall include: SIR- 1 STANDARD INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Contractual liability B. Independent contractors C. Products and completed operations AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Automobile bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance shall be provided by the contractor/vendor with a minimum combined single limit (CSL) of$1,000,000 (one million dollars). OTHER CONDITIONS OF AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: 1. Coverage shall include: A. All owned vehicles B. Hired car and non-ownership liability coverage C. Statutory no-fault coverage ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF INSURANCE: 1. Contractor/vendor.shall submit copies of any or all required insurance policies as and when requested by the Town. 2. If any of the contractor's/vendor's policies of insurance are cancelled or not renewed during the life of the contract, immediate notice of cancellation of non-renewal shall be delivered to the Town no less than 10 days prior to the date and time of cancellation or non-renewal. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE: The contractor/vendor shall file with the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD prior to commencing work under this contract,a certificate of insurance. 1. Certificate of insurance shall include: A. Name and address of insured B. Issue date of certificate C. Insurance company name D. Type of coverage in effect E. Policy number F. Inception and expiration dates of policies included G. Limits of liability for all policies on certificate. included on certificate De`scnptib of operatio is/locdtions/etc.�Bdx must include tlie'statemerit . , "THE_TOWN OFSOUTHOLD'IS LISTED AS-,ADDITIONAL JNSURED" CERTIFICATE.HOLDER SHAT:L BE LISTED AS TOWN O.F.SOUTHOLD 53095 MAINROAD PO SOX 1179. SOUTHOLD;NEW YORK 11971 2. If the contractor's/vendor's insurance policies should be non-renewed, cancelled or expire during the life of the contact, the Town shall be provided with a new certificate indicating the replacement policy information as requested above. Thirty days (30) prior written notice to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD for cancellation is applicable. SIR- 2 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT INDEX 1. Contract Documents and Defmitions 2. Scope of the Work 3. Compensation to be paid to the Contractor 4. Time of Essence 5. Commencement of Work 6. Time of Completion 7. Liquidated Damages for Delays 8. Extension of Time. No Waiver 9. Weather 10. Contract Security 11. Laws and Ordinances 12. Qualifications for Employment 13. Non-Discrimination 14. Payment of Employees 15. Estimates and Payments 16. Acceptance of Final Payment Constitutes Release 17. Construction Reports 18. Inspection and Tests 19: Plans and Specifications: Interpretations 20. Subsurface Conditions Found Different -21. Contractor's Title to Materials 22. Superintendence by Contractor 23. Protection of Work,Persons and Property 24. Representations of Contractor 25. Patent Rights 26. Authority of the Engineer 27. Changes and Alterations 28. Correction of Work 29. Weather Conditions 30. The Owner's Right to Withhold Payments 31. The Owner's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract 32. Contractor's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract 33. Responsibility for Work 34. Use of Premises and Removal of Debris 35. Suits of Law 36. Power of the Contractor to Act in an Emergency 37. Provisions Required by Law Deemed Inserted 38. Subletting, Successor and Assigns 39. General Municipal Law Clause 40. Grades,Lines,Levels,and Surveys 41. Insurance Requirements 42. Foreign Contractors 43. Lien Law 44. Refusal to Waive Immunity 45. Exemption from Sales and Use Tax 46. Minority and Women's Business Enterprises/Equal Employment Opportunity, State Revolving Fund CC - 1 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DEFINITIONS The Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form, Conditions of Contract, General Conditions, Specifications, Form of Contract, Construction Drawings, together with any Addenda, shall form part of this Contract, and the provisions thereof shall be as binding upon the parties hereto, as if they were herein fully set forth. The table of contents, titles, heading, headlines, and marginal notes contained herein are solely to facilitate reference to various provisions of the Contract Documents and in no way affect, limit or cast light upon the interpretation of the provisions to which they refer. Whenever the term "Contract Documents" is used, it shall mean and include the Notice to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form,. Conditions of Contract, General Conditions, Specifications, Form of Contract, Construction Drawings and any Addenda. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the Contract and those of the Specifications,the provisions of this Contract shall govern. Extra Work: The term "extra work", as used herein, refers to and includes all work required by the Owner, which in the judgement of the Engineer involves changes in or additions to work required by the Plans, Specifications and any Addenda in their present form and which is not covered by a specific unit price in the Form of Bid. Subcontractor: The term "subcontractor" shall mean any person, firm, or corporation supplying labor and material for work at the site of the project but not including the parties to this Contract. Notice: The term "notice", as used herein, shall mean and include written notice. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served when delivered to, or at last known business address of,the person, firm or corporation for whom intended, or his,their, or its duly authorized agents, representatives,or officer, or when enclosed in a postage prepaid wrapper or envelope addressed to such person, firm or corporation at his, theiror its last known business address and deposited in a United States mailbox. Directed, Required,Approved,Acceptable: Whenever they refer to the work or its performance, "directed", "required", "permitted", 'ordered", "designated", "prescribed", and words of like import shall imply the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation or prescription of the Engineer, and "approved", "satisfied", or "satisfactory", "in the judgement of', and words of like import, shall mean approved, or acceptable to, or satisfactory to, or in the judgement of the Engineer. 2. SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor will furnish all plant, labor, materials, supplies, equipment and other facilities and things necessary or proper for, or incidental to, the work contemplated by this Contract as required by, and in strict accordance with the applicable Plans, Specifications and Addenda prepared by the Engineer and/or required by, and in strict accordance with, such changes as are ordered and approved pursuant to this Contract, and will perform all other obligations imposed on him by this Contract. CC-2 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 3. COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR (a)Agreed Prices: It is understood and agreed that the Contractor will accept as payment in full the summation'of products,of the.actual quantities in place upon the completion of the work, as determined by the Engineer's measurements,by the unit prices bid,no allowance being made for anticipated profit or for reasons of variations from the estimated quantities set forth in the Form of Bid. (b) Extra Work: The Owner may, at any time, by a written order and without notice to the Sureties, require the performance of such extra work or changes in the work as it may find necessaryor desirable. The amount of compensation to be aid to the Contractor for any extra p p work, as so ordered, shall be determined as follows: 1)By such applicable unit prices,if any, as set forth in the Contract; or 2) If no such unit prices are set forth, then by unit price or by a lump sum mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Contractor; or 3)If no such unit prices are so set forth and if the parties cannot agree upon unit prices or a lump sum; then by actual net cost in money to the Contractor of the materials, permits, wages of . applied labor,premiums for Workmen's Compensation Insurance,payroll taxes required by law, rental for plant and equipment used (excluding small tools) to which total cost will be added twenty (20) percent as full compensation for all other items of profit, costs and expenses, including administration, overhead, superintendence, insurance, insurance other than Workmen's Compensation Insurance, materials .used in temporary structures, allowances made by the Contractor to subcontractors, additional premiums upon the performance bond of the Contractor and the use of small tools. 4. TIME OF ESSENCE INASMUCH AS THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT RELATING TO THE TIME OF PERFORMANCE AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENABLING THE TOWN TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH A PREDETERMINED PROGRAM, SUCH PROVISIONS ARE OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 5. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The Contractor agrees that he will commence work immediately on and not later than ten (10) days after signing of the Contract. 6. TIME OF COMPLETION The time of completion of the entire contract work shall be TWELVE (12) WEEKS from the date the contract is signed by all parties. The date of such completion shall be the date of the Certification of Completion herein specified. The entire work must be satisfactorily completed so that the project improvements are available to the Town for use. CC- 3 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The Owner reserves the right to order the Contractor to suspend operations, when in the opinion of the Engineer, improper weather conditions make such action advisable, and to order the Contractor to resume operations when weather and ground conditions permit. The days during which such suspension of work is in force are not chargeable against the specified completion date. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAYS The time limit being essential to and of the essence of this Contract, the Contractor hereby agrees that the Owner shall be, and is hereby authorized to deduct and retain out of the money which may be due or may become due to said Contractor under this agreement, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day which amount is hereby agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto as the liquidated damages, including overhead charges, services, inspector's wages and interest on the money invested, that the Owner will suffer by reason of such default, for each and every day during which the aforesaid work may be incomplete over and beyond the time herein stipulated for its completion in 6—Time of Completion, provided, however, that the Owner shall have the right to extend the time for the completion of said work. 8. EXTENSIONS OF TIME. NO WAIVER If the Contractor shall be delayed in the completion of his work by reason of unforeseeable causes beyond his control and without his fault or negligence,including but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires,.floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, riots, civil commotion's or freight embargoes, the period herein above specified for completion of his work shall be extended by such time as shall be fixed by the Owner. No such extension of time shall be considered a waiver by the Owner of its right to terminate the Contract for abandonment or delay by the Contractor as hereinafter provided, or relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for performance of his obligations hereunder. 9. WEATHER 9 During unsuitable weather, all work must stop when such work would be subject to injury and the Contractor shall transfer his men and materials to those parts of the work where weather conditions will not have any effect on the workmanship. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any damages on account of such damages or suspension, and he must protect any work that might be injured by the elements and make good any work that is injured. 10. CONTRACT SECURITY (a) The Contractor shall furnish a Performance Bond, or other acceptable security, equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the bid as security for the faithful performance of the Contract, and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract. The Performance Bond shall be written so as to remain in full force and effect as a maintenance bond for a period of not less than one(1)year after the date of acceptance of the work by the Engineer. CC-4 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (b)Additional or Substitute Bond: If at any time the Owner shall be or become dissatisfied with any surety or sureties, or if for any other reason such bond shall cease to be adequate security to the Owner, the Contractor shall within five (5) days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable bond in such form and sum and signed by such other surety as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premiums on such bonds shall be made until the new surety shall have been qualified. 11. LAWS AND ORDINANCES In the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall comply and obey all federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations relating to the performance of the Contract, including but not limited to, labor employed thereon, materials supplied, obstructing streets and highways, maintaining signals, storing, handling and use of explosives and all other general ordinances and state statutes affecting him or his employees or his work hereunder in his relations with the Municipality or any other persons, and also all laws, codes, ordinances controlling or limiting the Contractor while engaged in executing the work under the Contract. As a condition of the Contract, the Contractor shall and does hereby agree to comply with all requirements of the labor laws of the State of New York. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law, shall furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commission for Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. The Contract may be forthwith cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commission for Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these laws. The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Law, as amended, provides that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one (1) calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week expect in such emergency; that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as herein before defined, to laborers, workmen or mechanics upon the work called for under this Contract or upon any material used upon, or in connection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality within the state where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction, maintenance, and repair of highways and in water works construction outside the limits of cities CC- 5 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT and villages are no longer exempt from the provisions of the Labor Law which require the payment of the prevailing rate of wages and the eight(8)hour day. Section 222 of the Labor Law; as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employment shall be given to citizens of the State of New York who 'have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six(6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satisfactory proof of residence in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be°employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 further provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial Commissioner, the Contractor shall furnish a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides that a violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 220-A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of the Laws of 1932,provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of the State of any city, county, town or village or.other civil division of the state of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it is the duty of the Comptroller or the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and ,each and every subcontractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satisfactory form, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for daily or weekly wages on account of labor performed upon the work of the Contractor, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose.wages are unpaid and the amount due each respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the amounts due or to become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on the public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if for any reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct from the whole amount of any payment on account thereof of the sums or sum admitted by any contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor performed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any contractor or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so shown to be due for such wages. Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended,provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised Specifications for every contract , for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, county, town and/or village is a party shall contain a provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the CC- 6 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum rate of wage. Any person or corporation that willfully pays, after entering into such Contract, less than such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both by fine and imprisonment; for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be forfeited, and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the State pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which the Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of the provisions of this section. The minimum wage rates established by the Industrial Commissioner, State of New York, for this Contract are set forth herein above as part of"Instructions to Bidders". 12. QUALIFICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT No person under the age of sixteen (16) years and no person currently serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution shall be employed to perform any work on the project under this Contract. No person whose age or physical condition is such as to make his employment dangerous to his health or safety or to the health or safety of others, shall be employed to perform any work on this project; provided, however, that such restrictions shall not operate against the employment of physically handicapped persons, otherwise employable, where each person may be safely assigned to work which they can ably perform. 13. NON-DISCRIMINATION There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, age or sex in the employment of persons for work under this Contract, whether performed by the Contractor or any subcontractor. Neither shall the Contractor and subcontractor or any person acting on behalf of the Contractor or subcontractor discriminate in any manner against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this Contract on account of race, creed, color, national origin, age or sex. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor by the Owner under this Contract a penalty of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of this paragraph; provided that for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms of this paragraph, this Contact may be canceled or terminated by the Owner and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. 14. PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this Contract in full (less deductions made mandatory by law) in cash (or any agreed upon method by the Employee) and not less often than once each week. CC- 7 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 15. ESTIMATES &PAYMENTS (a) Monthly: At the end of each calendar month during the progress of the work, the Engineer shall make anapproximate estimate of the work satisfactorily done, based upon the prices set forth in the Proposal Form. In consideration of the work done, the Owner will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor the amount estimated by the Engineer as due him less five(5)percent. The making of any such estimate or payment made thereon shall not be taken or construed as an acceptance by the Owner of any work so estimated and paid for. The five percent (5%) of the amount of the monthly estimate remaining unpaid will be retained by the Owner as a guarantee that the Contractor will faithfully and completely fulfill all obligations imposed by the Contract and Specifications, and against any damages caused the Owner by reason of any failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill all conditions and obligations herein contained. (b) Final Estimate: One month after the completion and acceptance of the work specified and contracted for,, the Engineer will make a final estimate of all the work done. Thereafter, the Owner will pay the full amount, less prior payments, less any amounts retained-to complete the work according to the provisions of the Specifications, less any money paid by the Owner by reason of said Contractor having failed to carry out faithfully and completely all the obligations and requirements herein contained. Upon final settlement, according to the conditions herein specified and not until such settlement shall have been made, will the Contractor be relieved from the obligations assumed in the Contract. (c)Measurement for Payment: The Engineer shall make due measurement of work done during the progress of the work and his estimate shall be final and conclusive evidence of the amounts of work performed by the Contractor under, and by virtue of, this agreement and shall be taken as full measure of compensation to be received by the Contractor. When requested by the Contractor, the Engineer shall measure, remeasure or,re-estimate any portion of the work, but the expense of such remeasurement or re-estimating shall, unless material error be proved, be paid for by the Contractor. (d) No payments will be made for materials delivered to the site which have not been incorporated into the work. (e) Contractors and subcontractors are required to submit to the Town, within thirty days after issuance's of the first payroll, and every thirty days thereafter, a transcript of the original payroll record, subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury. 16. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT CONSTITUTES RELEASE The acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be, and shall operate as a release to the Owner from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor for all the things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Owner and others relating to or arising out of, this work, excepting the Contractor's claims for interest upon the final payment, if this payment be improperly delayed. No payment,however, final or otherwise, shall operate to CC- 8 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT release the Contractor or his sureties from any obligations under this Contract or the Performance Bond. 17. CONSTRUCTION REPORTS The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer prior to commencing any work urider this Contract, a detailed schedule and plan of operations indicating the manner in which the Contractor proposes to prosecute the work and a time schedule therefor. Such schedules are not intended to bind the Contractor to a pre-determined plan or procedure, but rather to enable the Engineer to coordinate the work of the Contractor with work required of, and to be performed by others. The detailed schedule shall include a list of the subcontractors and material suppliers he proposes to use on the work. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with periodic estimates for partial payments as required elsewhere in the Contract Documents, and in addition thereto will furnish the Engineer with a detailed estimate for final payment. Prior-to being eligible to receive the final payment under this Contract, the Contractor, shall furnish the Engineer with substantial proof that all bills for services rendered and materials supplied have been paid. The enumeration of the above reports in no way relieves the Contractor of his responsibility under existing Federal or State Laws of filing such other reports with agencies as may be required by such existing laws or regulations. 18. INSPECTION AND TESTS All material and workmanship shall. be subject to inspection, examination and test by the Engineer at any time during the construction and at any and all places where manufacturing of materials used and/or construction is carried on. Without additional charge, Contractor.shall furnish promptly all reasonable facilities,labor and materials necessary to make any tests required by the Engineer and/or required by the Specifications. If at any time before final acceptance of the entire work, the Engineer considers necessary or advisable an examination of any portion of the work already completed, by removing or tearing out the same, the Contractor shall upon request, furnish promptly all necessary facilities, labor and materials for such examination. If such work is found to be defective in any material respect, due to the fault of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or if any work shall be covered over without the approval or consent of the Engineer,whether or not the same shall be defective, the Contractor shall be liable for the expense for such examination and of satisfactory reconstruction. If,however, such approval and consent shall have been given and such work is found to meet the requirements of this Contract, the Contractor shall be recompensed for the expense of such CC- 9 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT examination and reconstruction in the manner herein provided for the payment of cost of extra work. The selection of laboratories and/or agencies for the inspection and tests of supplies,materials or equipment shall be subject to the approval of or designated by the Owner. Satisfactory documentary evidence that the material has passed the required inspection and tests must be furnished to the Engineer prior to the incorporation of the material in the work. Any rejected work will be removed from the site of the project completely at the expense of the Contractor. 19. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: INTERPRETATIONS The Contractor shall keep at the site of the work one copy of the Plans and Specifications signed and identified by the Engineer. Anything shown on the Plans and not mentioned in the Specifications or mentioned in the Specifications and not shown in the Plans shall have the same effect as if shown or mentioned in both. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the Plans and Specifications, the Specifications shall govern. Any discrepancy between the figures and drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer whose decision thereon shall be conclusive. 20. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FOUND DIFFERENT Should the Contractor encounter subsurface conditions at the site materially differing from those shown on the Plans or indicated in the Specifications, he shall immediately give notice to the Engineer of such conditions, before they are disturbed; the Engineer shall thereupon promptly investigate the conditions and if he finds that they materially differ from.those shown on the Plans or indicated on the Specifications, he shall at once make such changes in the Plans and/or Specifications as he may find necessary. Any increase or decrease of cost resulting from such changes will be adjusted in the manner provided herein for adjustment as to extra and/or additional work and changes. 21. CONTRACTOR'S TITLE TO MATERIALS No materials or supplies for the work shall be purchased by the Contractor or any subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. The Contractor warrants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in the work. 22. SUPERINTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR At the site of the work, the Contractor shall give his constant, personal attention to the work or employ a construction superintendent or foreman who shall have full authority to act for the Contractor. It is understood that such representative shall be acceptable to the Engineer .and shall be one who can be continued in that capacity for the particular job involved unless he ceases to be on the Contractor's payroll. The Contractor's superintendent and foreman must be able to read and speak the English language. CC- 10 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 23. PROTECTION OF WORK,PERSONS AND PROPERTY Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the proper protection of all persons, property and work. The Contractor shall give notice to the owners of utilities which may serve the area and request their assistance in predetermining the location and depth of various pipes, conduits, manholes, and other underground facilities. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. Machinery, equipment and all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction published by the Associated General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provisions are not in contravention of applicable law. The Contractor shall furnish entirely at his own expense any and all additional safety measures deemed necessary by the Owner or his Engineer to adequately safeguard the traveling public. The Contractor shall, at all hours of the day, safely guard and protect his own work and adjacent property, from any damage and shall replace or make good any such damage, loss or injury, unless such be caused directly by errors contained in the Contract Documents; or by the Owner or its duly authorized representatives. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such watchmen, barriers, lights, flares and other signals at his own expense, as will effectively prevent any accident in consequence of his work for which the Owner might be liable. The Contractor shall be liable for all injuries or damage caused by his act or neglect, or that of his employees. The Contractor shall take particular care to avoid the blocking of fire hydrants, fire alarm boxes, letterboxes,traffic signals or other visible devices maintained for the use of the public. 24. REPRESENTATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor represents and warrants: (a) That he is financially solvent and that he is experienced in, and competent to, perform the type of work involved under this Contract and able to furnish the plant, materials, supplies and/or equipment to be furnished for the work; and (b) That he is familiar with all Federal, State and Municipal Law, ordinances and regulations which may in any way affect the work of those employed hereunder, including but not limited to any special acts relating'to the work; and (c) That such work required by these Contract Documents as is to be done by him can be satisfactorily constructed and used for the purpose for which is intended and that such construction will not injure any person or damage any property;and (d) That he has carefully examined the Plans, Specifications and the site of the work, and that from his own investigations he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work,the character, location, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials, structures and CC - 11 r CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT utilities likely to be encountered; the character of equipment and other facilities needed for the performance of the work, the general local conditions which may in any way affect the work or its performance. 25. PATENT RIGHTS As part of his obligation hereunder and without any additional compensation,the Contractor will pay for any patent fees or royalties required in respect to the work or any part thereof and will fully indemnify the Owner or his Engineer for any loss on account of any infringement of patent rights unless prior to his use in the work a particular process or a product of 'a particular manufacturer he notifies the Engineer in writing that such.process or product is an infringement of a patent. 26. AUTHORITY OF THE ENGINEER In the performance of the work, the Contractor shall abide by all orders and directions and requirements of the Engineer and shall perform work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at such time and places, by such methods, and in such manner and sequence as he may require. The Engineer shall determine the amount, quality, acceptability, and fitness of all parts of the work, shall interpret the Plans, Specifications, Contract Documents and any extra work orders and shall decide all other questions in connection with the work. Upon request; the Engineer shall confirm in writing any oral orders, directions,requirements or determinations. The enumeration herein or elsewhere in the Contract Documents of particular instance in which the opinion, judgement, discretion or determination of the Engineer shall control or in which work shall be performed to his satisfaction or subject to his approval or inspection, shall not imply that only matters similar to those enumerated shall be so governed and performed, but without exception all the work shall be governed and so performed. 27. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Owner, upon the Engineers recommendation, reserves the right to make alterations in location, line, grade, plan, form or dimensions of the work, or any part thereof, either before or after the commencement of construction. If such alterations diminish the amount of work to be done, no claim for damages or anticipated profits will be warranted on the work, which may be dispensed with. If such alterations increase the amount of work, such increases shall be paid for according to the quantity of work actually done and at the prices for such work as contained in the schedule of prices. 28. CORRECTION OF WORK All work and all materials whether incorporated into the work or not, all processes of manufacture and all methods of construction shall be at all times and places subject to the inspection of the Engineer who shall be the final judge of quality, materials, processes of manufacture and methods of construction suitable for the purpose for which they are used. Should they fail to meet his approval, they shall be forthwith reconstructed, made good and replaced and/or corrected as the case may be,by the Contractor, at his own expense. CC - 12 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is not desirable to replace any defective or damaged materials or to reconstruct or correct any portion of the work injured or not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the compensation to be paid to the Contractor hereunder shall be reduced by such amount as in the judgement of the Engineer shall be equitable. The Contractor expressly warrants that his work shall be free from any defects in materials or workmanship and agrees to correct any defects, which may appear within one year following the final completion of the work. Neither the acceptance of the completed work nor payment therefor shall operate to release the Contractor or his sureties from any obligations under or upon this Contract or the Performance Bond. 29. WEATHER CONDITIONS In the event of temporary suspension of work or during inclement weather or whenever the Engineer shall direct, the Contractor will, and will cause his subcontractors to protect carefully his and their work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If in the opinion of the Engineer any work or material shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure on the part of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors to protect his or their work, such work and materials shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. 30. THE OWNER'S RIGHT TO WITHHOLD PAYMENTS The Owner may withhold from the much of any approved payments due him as may,in the judgement of the Owner,be necessary: (a) To assure the payment of dust claims then due and unpaid of any persons supplying labor or materials for the work; (b)To protect the Owner from loss due to defective work not remedied; or (c) To protect the Owner from loss due to injury to persons or damage to the work or property of other contractors or subcontractors or others caused by the act or neglect of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. The Owner shall have the right, as agent for the Contractor to apply such amounts so withheld in such manner as the Owner may deem proper to satisfy such claims or to secure such protection. Such applications of such money shall be deemed payments for the account of the Contractor. 31. THE OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT If, (a) The Contractor shall be adjudged bankrupt or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (b)A receiver or liquidator shall be appointed for the Contractor for any of his property and shall CC-13 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT not be dismissed within 20 days after such appointment, or the proceedings in connection therewith shall not be stayed on appeal within the said 20 days; or (c) The Contractor shall refuse or fail, after notice or warning from the Engineer, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials; or (d) The Contractor shall refuse or fail to prosecute the work or any part thereof with such diligence as Will insure its completion within the periods herein specified(or any duly authorized extension thereof)or shall fail to complete the work within said periods; or (e) The Contractor shall fail to make prompt payments to persons supplying labor or materials for the work; or (f) The Contractor shall fail or refuse to regard laws, ordinances or the instructions of the Engineer or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provisions of this Contract; then and in any such event, the Owner, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy it may have, may by seven(7) days'notice to the Contractor, terminate the employment of the Contractor and his rights to proceed either as to the entire work or(at the option of the Owner) as to,any portion thereof as to which delay shall have occurred, and may take possession of the work and complete the work by contract or otherwise, as the Owner may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor will not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid the Contractor hereunder shall exceed the expense of so completing the work (including compensation for additional managerial, administrative and inspection services and any damages for delay), such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the ,Contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the Owner for such excess. If the right of the Contractor to proceed with the work is so terminated, the Owner may take possession of and utilize in completing the work, such materials, appliances, supplies, plant and equipment as may be on the site of the work and necessary thereof. If the Owner does not so terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed,the Contractor shall continue to work. 32. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT If the work shall be stopped by order of the Court or other public authority for a period of three (3) months without act or fault of the Contractor or any of his agents, servants, employees or subcontractors, the Contractor may, upon ten (10) days notice to the Owner, discontinue his performance of the work and/or terminate the Contract; in which event, the liability of the Owner to the Contractor shall be determined as provided in Paragraph 31. The Contractor shall not be obligated to pay to the Owner any excess of the expense of completing the work over the unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid to the Contractor hereunder. 33. RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK The Contractor agrees to be responsible for the entire work.embraced in this Contract until its completion and final acceptance, and that any unfaithful or imperfect work that may become damaged from any cause either by act of commission or omission to properly guard and protect CC - 14 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT the work that may be discovered at any time before the completion and acceptance shall be removed and replaced by good and satisfactory work without any charge to the Owner, and that such removal and replacement will be performed immediately on the requirement of the Engineer,notwithstanding the fact that it may have been overlooked by the proper inspector, and partial payment made thereon. It is fully understood by the Contractor that the inspection of the work shall not relieve him of any obligation to do sound and reliable work as herein prescribed, and that any omission to disapprove any work by the Engineer at or before the time of partial payment or other estimate shall not be construed to be acceptance of any defective work. 34. USE OF PREMISES AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS The Contractor expressly undertakes at his own expense: (a)To store his apparatus,materials, supplies and equipment in such orderly fashion at the site of the work as will not unduly interfere with the progress of his work or the work of any of his subcontractors; (b) To frequently clean up all refuse, rubbish, scrap materials and debris caused by the operations to the end that at all times, the site of the work shall present a neat, orderly and workmanlike appearance; (c) Before final payment hereunder to remove all surplus material, temporary structures, plants of any description and debris of every nature resulting from his operations. 35. SUITS OF LAW The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner from and against all suits, claims, demands or actions for any injury sustained or alleged to be sustained by any party or parties in connection with the construction of the work or any part thereof, or any commission or omission of the contractor, his employees or agents of any subcontractor, and in case of any such action shall be brought against the Owner, the Contractor shall immediately take charge of and defend t e at and expense. he same his o c s wn cost o 36. POWER OF THE CONTRACTOR TO ACT IN AN EMERGENCY In case of an emergency, which threatens loss or injury to property and/or safety of life, the Contractor will be permitted to act as he sees fit without previous instructions from the Engineer. He shall notify the Engineer thereof immediately and any compensation claimed by the Contractor due to extra work made necessary because of his acts in such emergency shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Where the Contractor has not taken action but has notified the Engineer of an emergency indicating injury to persons or damage to adjoining property or to the work being accomplished under this Contract, then upon authorization from the Engineer to prevent such threatened injury or damage, he shall act as instructed by the Engineer. The amount of reimbursement claimed by the Contractor on account of any such action shall be determined in the manner provided herein for the payment of extra work. CC- 15 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 37. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW DEEMED INSERTED Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted herein and the Contract shall read and be enforced-as though it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either parry the Contract shall be forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion. 38. SUBLETTING,SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS The Contractor shall not sublet any part of the work under this Contract nor assign any money due him hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the Owner. This Contract shall insure the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereunder and upon their respective successors and assigns,but neither party shall assign or transfer his interest herein in whole or in part without consent of the other. 39. GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW CLAUSE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law, in the event that the Bidder or any member, partner, director or officer of the Bidder, should refuse, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the State, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or any public Department, agency or official of the State or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, such person, and anyfirm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public Department, agency or official thereof for goods, work or services for a period of five (5) years after such refusal, and any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public Department, agency or official thereof on or after the first day of July, 1959, by such person, and by any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurringan penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination but an monies Y P tY g � Y owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. 40. GRADES,LINES,LEVELS AND SURVEYS .The Engineer shall furnish the Contractor with the basic horizontal and vertical controls from which the Contractor shall transfer and stake his lines and grades and for their accuracy. The Engineer will establish the basic horizontal and vertical controls at the start of the work, and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to safeguard such controls; and if, in the opinion of the Engineer, these controls are damaged or destroyed either in whole or in part, the Contractor shall pay the cost of having the damaged controls verified, checked, corrected or replaced. CC - 16 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 41. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall not commence work until the Town has approved all the insurance required under this Contract as required immediately following the Instructions to Bidders. Additionally, the Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Town of Southold from and against all losses and all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgments of every kind or nature,brought or recovered against the Town of Southold by reason of any act or omission of the Contractor,his agent or employees in the performance of the Contract. n The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to commence any work under this contract until satisfactory proof of carriage of the required insurance has been posted with and approved by the Town. 42. FOREIGN CONTRACTORS Foreign Contractors must comply with the!provisions of Articles 9A and 16 of the Tax Law, as amended, prior to submission of a bid for the performance of this work. The certificate of the New York State Tax Commission to the;effect that all taxes have been paid by the foreign contractor shall be conclusive proof of the;payment of taxes. The term "foreign contractor" as used in this subdivision means in the case!of an individual, a person who is a legal resident of another state or foreign country; ,and in the case of a'foreign corporation, one organized under the laws of a state other than the State of New York. 43. LIEN LAW Attention of all persons submitting bids is specifically called to the provisions of Section 25, Subdivision 5, Section 25A and 25B of the Lien Law, as amended, in relation to funds being received by a contractor for a public improvement declared to constitute trust funds in the hands of such Contractor to be applied first to the payment of certain claims. 44. REFUSAL TO WAIVE IMMUNITY Pursuant to the provisions of Section 103-A of the General Municipal Law, in the event that the bidder or any member,partner, director or officer of the bidder, should refuse when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the State, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the State or of any political subdivision thereof or of an authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, firm director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency, or official thereof, for goods, work or services; for a period of five (5) years after such refusal, and any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency, or official thereof on or after the first day of July, 1959, by such person and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member,partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without CC- 17 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination,but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. 45. EXEMPTION FROM SALES AND USE TAXES In accordance with Chapter 513 of the laws of 1974 adopted by the New York State Legislature, amending Section 1115 (a) of the tax law, specifically paragraphs 15 and 16, political subdivisions, as described in subdivision(a)paragraph(L) of section 1116 of the tax laws, of the State of New York are exempt from the payment of sales and use taxes imposed on tangible personal property within the limitations specified in tax law 1115 (a) (15) and(16). (15) Tangible personal property sold to a contractor, subcontractor or repairman for use in erecting a structure or building of an organization described in subdivision (a) of section 1116, or adding to, altering or improving real property,property or land of such an organization, as the terms real property, property and land are defined in the real property tax law; provided, however, no exemption shall exist under this paragraph unless such tangible personal property is to become an integral component part of such structure,building or real property. (16) Tangible personal property sold to a contractor or repairman for use in maintaining, servicing or repairing real property, or`land of an organization described in subdivision (a) of section 1116, as the terms real property,property or land are defined in the real property tax law; provided, however, no exemption shall exist under this paragraph unless such tangible personal property is to become an integral component part of such structure,building or real property. Contractors entering into Contract with the Town of Southold shall be exempt from payment of sales and use tax as described above. Procedures and forms are available to the Contractor direct from the Instructions and Interpretations Unit, State of New York, Department of Taxation and Finance, State Campus,Albany,New York, 12227. 46. NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION MINORITY AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, STATE REVOLVING FUND The Contractor agrees to make documented "good faith efforts" to utilize at least 15% Minority Business Enterprise(s) and at least 5% Women's Business Enterprise(s) for the combined Federal and State Funded portions of the Project. The established MBE/WBE-EEO goals shall be in conformance with NYS Executive Law, Article 15-A. Failure to attain these objectives or demonstrate positive good faith efforts to do so may lead to appropriate actions by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan recipient. Within ten working days of the award of a prime contract, the Contractor shall submit to the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient's Minority Business Officer and MBE/WBE-EEO Utilization Plan with a detailed description of each of the subcontract services to be provided by NYS Certified MBEs/WBEs as well as an estimated dollar amount of each subcontract. The CC - 18 f CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT MBE/WBE-EEO goals herein stated are the goals which have been included in the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipients approved MBE/WBE Utilization Plan. The CWSRF/DWSRF Minority Business Officer shall review and approve the Prime Contractor's Utilization Plan within ten working days after receipt of such plan if it clearly delineates methods to achieve the established MBE/WBE goals. Failure by the Contractor to submit and receive approval from the CWSRFDWSRF loan recipient of the MBE/WBE Utilization Plan prior to the first request for payment may result in the withholding of progress payments to the Contractor by the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient. Such withholding of progress payments shall not relieve the Contractor of any requirements of the contract documents including the completion of the project within the specified contract time and any construction sequence requirements of the contract. Within thirty days of approval of the Contractor's MBE/WBE Utilization Plan by the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient, the Contractor shall submit copies of legally signed MBE/WBE subcontracts (fully executed) and/or legally signed purchase orders to the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient's Minority Business Officer. These subcontracts and/or purchase orders must include the following information: 1. Actual Dollar Amount; 2. Job Description; 3. Signatures of Both Parties (Prime and MBE/WBE); and 4. Date of Execution NOTE: Purchase orders must be accompanied by copies of both sides of legally signed and cancelled checks. The Contractor is advised that failure to submit the referenced MBE/WBE support documentation within the time stipulated may be grounds for the withholding of progress payment by the CWSRF/DWSRF loan recipient. Such withholding of progress payments shall not relieve the Contractor of any requirements of the contract documents including the completion of the project with in the specified contract time and any construction sequence requirement of the contract. SUPPLY POLICY Contractors shall receive credit for the use of MBE/WBE suppliers as follows: Suppliers receive 25 percent credit if they only provide supplies, and do not manufacture or fabricate them. Suppliers receive 100 percent credit for items they supply that they also manufacture or fabricate. A "supplier" is a business that distributes materials or equipment, and which provides a commercially useful function when such activity is traditional in the industry producing the material or equipment that is supplied. CC- 19 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT "Commercially useful functions"normally include: 1.) Providing technical assistance to a purchaser prior to a purchase, during installation, and after the supplies or equipment are placed in service; 2.) Manufacturing or being the first tier .below the manufacturer of supplies or equipment; or 3.) Providing functions other than just accepting and referring requests for supplies or equipment to another party for direct shipment to a contractor. Haulers receive 100 percent credit if they provide the material that is hauled. NOTE: For those contracts in which an extraordinary proportion of the contract price is for equipment or supplies,the contractor may purpose a lower project goal than otherwise would be required, or request the applicant/recipient to increase the twenty-five percent(25%) limit for supplies, or a combination of`the two. Only NYS Certified Minority/Women Business Enterprises may be utilized for MBE/WBE Program crediting purposes. Contractors must ensure that firms proposed for MBE/WBE participation are NYS Certified with the New York Empire State Development Corporation, Omni Management Plaza, and located 30 South Pearl Street, Albany, New York. Please be advised that there is no fast tracking system under the NYS MBE/WBE Certification Program for approving firms wishing to participate as MBEs/WBEs under New York State agency programs. See attached Exhibit on how to access the directory for certified M/WBE firms on the Website. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The contractor agrees to take affirmative action to utilize at least 10%minority employees and at least 10% female employees in the workforce(s) associated with the Construction and/or service Contract. The established EEO goals shall be attained in conformance with NYS Executive Law,Article 15-A. The NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation requires at least one, or two weeks notice be given prior to pre-bid and pre-construction meetings to allow for the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation officials' attendance and review MBE/WBE compliance requirements. Failure to meet theprovisions for this notice may be grounds for rescheduling the meeting. CC- 20 Town of Southold TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTIAL DROP-OFF PROPOSAL PACKAGE BID OPENS: NOVEMBER 2007 REMINDER NOTE!!!: VENDORS MUST RETURN THIS DOCUMENT INTACT AND FILLED OUT COMPLETELY! ! (Do Not Sign the Contract Agreement. It is included only for informational purposes, and will be signed by the successful bidder after award of contract.) All line items on the Proposal Form must be filled in! All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it is a dollar figure or No Bid. Please DO NOT remove any pages from this bid package! ! ! Thank you! Proposal Package 1 of 22 BIDDER'S CHECK LIST Your response to our above referenced bid will be considered unresponsive and will be rejected if the following forms are not included at the time of the bid opening. ❑ Notarized Affidavit of Non-Collusion as required by NYS Law. ❑ A Bid Deposit in the amount of Five Percent of Bid Price as required in the Invitation to Bid. ❑ As per specifications, the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD requires a current insurance certificate, with the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD listed as additional insured, to be on file in the Town Clerk's Office. You will be given ten(10) business days from notice of award to supply this form or the bid will be rescinded. ❑ Vendor Information Sheet and Address Record Form. ❑ Assumed Name Certification. ❑ Bidder's Qualification Statement. NOTE: Please do NOT sign the Contract Agreement. It is included only for informational purposes, and will be signed by the successful bidder after award of the contract. Proposal Package 2 of 22 VENDOR NAME: VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET TYPE OF ENTITY:CORP. PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL FEDERAL EMPLOYEE ID #: OR SOCIAL SECURITY#: DATE OF ORGANIZATION: IF APPLICABLE: DATE FILED: STATE FILED: If a non-publicly owned Corporation: CORPORATION NAME: LIST PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS: (5% of outstanding shares) LIST OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: NAME TITLE .................................................................................. If a partnership: PARTNERSHIP NAME: LIST PARTNERS NAMES: Proposal Package 3 of 22 ADDRESS RECORD FORM MAIL BID TO: VENDOR NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: ONLY if different- MAIL PURCHASE ORDER TO: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX: CONTACT: E-MAIL: ONLY if different - MAIL PAYMENT TO: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX: CONTACT: E-MAIL: Proposal Package 4 of 22 VENDOR NAME: ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATION *If the business is conducted under an assumed name, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under the New York general business law must be attached. ASSUMED NAME: If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid or previously filed with the Town Clerk. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD or other municipality bid on contracts only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) INSURANCE STATEMENT Bidder agrees as follows -please mark appropriate box: Insurance Certificate as requested is attached ❑ I certify that I can supply insurance as specified if awarded the bid ❑ Insurance Certificate filed on DATE FAILURE TO PROVIDE SPECIFIED INSURANCE SHALL DISQUALIFY BIDDER. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Proposal Package 5 of 22 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION I hereby attest that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the prices(s) and amount of this bid or, if not, that I have written authorization, enclosed herewith, from that person to make the statements set out below on his or her behalf and on behalf of my firm. I further attest that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s), nor the amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. 5. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by an firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person, and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any project, in consideration for my firm's submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. I have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm's bid on this project and.have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this affidavit. The person signing this bid,under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature&Company Position NOTARY: DAY OF 120_ Type Name&Company Position Company Name NOTARY PUBLIC Date Signed Federal I.D.Number Proposal Package 6 of 22 PROPOSAL FORM TRANSFER STATION OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION VENDOR NAME: VENDOR ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX: The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as necessary and called for in the said Contract Documents in the manner prescribed therein and in said Contract, and in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer, at the prices listed on the attached Bid Proposal Form. If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid documents. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD or other municipalities bid on contracts, but only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda (if none were issued please write N/A below): Addendum No. Dated Proposal Package 7 of 22 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINT NAME TITLE DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ) ss.: On the day of in the year 2004 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared, ' personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC Proposal Package 22 of 22 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION CONTRACT'A' Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold LKMA Project No.07055 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENDED BID NO. (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) QUANTITY BID AMOUNT 1 General Conditions and Mobilizations 1 LS for IS Dollars Cents Method of Measurement: The amount bid shall include supervision and management,on-going project-related expenses, insurances,bonding,labor,materials,equipment,and incidentals necessary to mobilize,construction staging,construction fencing, re-mobilization to the construction site, inspections,fees,meet all of the general requirements set forth under Division 1,comply with all conditions set forth in the Conditions of Contract and General Conditions of the Contract and demobilize from the construction site upon successful completion of the project. Method of Payment: Payment for this item will be made in two(2)payments; a.Fifty Percent(50%)upon complete mobilization to the site. b.Fifty Percent(50%)upon successful completion and acceptance of the project. Intent: This bid item shall facilitate requirements of Division 01000 of the specification and construction operations. 2 Overhead Coiling Doors 1 LS for /LS Dollars Cents Method of Measurement: The quantity to be paid for under this item shall be a lump sum unit cost for all for all construction in accordance with the specifications and drawings. Method of Payment: The accepted construction shall be measured and paid for at the contract lump sum bid as called for in the proposal form. This price shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials,tools and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work as shown on the contract drawings and described in this specification. Included but not limited to this item are coordination with any subcontractors,carting fees,clean-up and protection of existing structure as shown on the construction documents and as specified. Intent: The Contractor shall furnish and install two overhead coiling doors,metal wall panels and related work as shown on the Construction Drawings. TOTAL Dollars Cents WRITTEN IN WORDS FTotal all Pay Items NOTE: The Town of Brookhaven reserves the right to increase, decrease, or eliminate in its entirety any or all items prior to or after award of the bid. Town of Southold BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The signatory of this questionnaire certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to interrogatories hereinafter made. SUBMITTED BY: A Corporation A Partnership or Entity FIRM NAME: An Individual PRINCIPAL OFFICE: PRINCIPAL OFFICERS: BACKGROUND TITLE NAME ADDRESS PROFESSION/TRADE 1. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 2. You normally perform what percent of the work with your own forces? % List trades that you organization normally performs below: 3. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so,note where and why. 4. Are there any claims,judgments, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your firm or its officers?If yes,please provide details. QS-1 5. Has your firm requested arbitration or filed any lawsuits with regard to construction contracts within the last five years?If yes,please provide details. 6. List the major construction projects your organization has underway at this date: Name of: Engineer/ Project Owner Architect Contract Percent Scheduled Name Telephone# Telephone# Amount Complete Completion 7. List five major projects you organization has completed in the past five years: Name of: Engineer/ Work Done Project Owner Architect Contract Date of With Own Forces Name Telephone# Telephone# Amount Completion %of Work QS-2 8. List the construction experience of the principal individuals of your organization (particularly the anticipated project supervisors): Present Type of Work Position Years of For Which In What Individual's Name Of Office Experience Responsible CapacitX 9. Do you have, or can you obtain, sufficient labor and equipment to commence work when required and complete the work within the Contract Time? 10. Bank References: 11. Trade Association Membership: 12. Has your firm ever been investigated by the New York State Department of Labor for prevailing wage rate violations? If yes, when? What was the outcome of the investigation? QS-3 13. Attach current state of financial conditions showing assets,liabilities and net worth. Failure to attach the required documentation may be considered non-responsive on the part of the Bidder and may result in rejection of the Bidder's Proposal. STATE OF ) COUNTY OF ) being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the of contractor and that answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. (Signature of person who signed bid) Sworn to before me this day of ,2004 Notary Public Commission Expiration Date: QS-4 ALLQ UESTIONS PERTAINING TO THIS SOLICITATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. (Please use this form and fax to 631-286-6314 to the attention of Paul M. Roth. We will respond as soon as possible.) . Date: Company Name: Contact Name: Fax No.: Telephone No.: Q-1 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES,ADDENDA and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS—DIVISION NO. 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Included in this Division are the following sections: 01010 General 01025 Measurement and Payment 01500 Construction Facilities&Temporary Controls 01501 Health& Safety Provisions 01590 Field Offices All Contractors shall note and pay particular attention to the Minority and Women's Enterprises/Equal Opportunity,,State Revolving Fund clause found in Item 46 of the Conditions of Contract. z DIVISION 1 -Page 1 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 SECTION 01010-GENERAL SITE The site of the proposed general construction for the TRANSFER STATION AND RESIDENTAL DROPOFF is located in the Town of Southold, on Middle Road (CR 48) in Cutchogue, County of Suffolk, State of New York and more particularly shown on the Contract Drawings. SCOPE A. The work to be performed under this Contract shall include all labor, materials, equipment, services and incidentals required to perform the proposed construction as indicated in the Specifications, shown on the Contract Drawings and/or as approved by the Engineer. Generally, it is the intent of this contract to install two overhead coiling doors at the building entrance and in fill the remaining building opening with metal wall panels. B. In general,the work shall include but not be limited to the following: • Overhead Door Installation • Metal Wall Panel Installation • Building Reinforcement • Demolition • Bollards • Concrete Curb Work • Electric Motor Door Operator Installation • Installation of Conduit and Electric Feeds and Circuits • Building Lighting • Site Restoration C. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing and for the convenience of each Contractor, the items of work are specified under the Standard 16 Uniform Divisions of the Construction Specifications Institute as follows: 1. General Requirements 2. Site Work 3. Concrete 4. Masonry 5. Metals 6. Wood 7. Thermal and Moisture Protection 8. Doors and Finish Hardware 9. Finishes 10. Specialties DIVISION 1 -Page 2 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL,REQUIREMENTS 13 11. Equipment 12. Furnishings 13. Special Construction 14. Conveying Systems 15A. H.V.A.C. (Not Used). 15B. Plumbing 16. Electrical D. The work covered under these Divisions shall be bid one(1) Contract: Contract A- General Construction SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall make or provide any shop drawings, cuts or samples which the Engineer may require for the approval of details and to show the construction as it will be installed. No shop drawing shall be issued or used until it has been approved by the Engineer or his representative. After approval, no changes or deviations shall be made without written notice being sent to the Engineer. The Engineer's approval shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from the Drawings or Specifications unless he has, in writing, called the Engineer's attention to such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors or omissions of any sort in the Shop Drawing or schedule. The Contractor shall submit six (6) copies of each requested item to the Engineer for approval. SUPERINTENDENCE AND WORKMEN The Contractor shall give his constant personal attention to the work while it is in progress, and he shall place it in charge of a competent and reliable superintendent, who shall have authority to act for the Contractor, and who shall be acceptable to the Engineer. the Contractor shall, at all times, employ labor and equipment which shall be sufficient to prosecute the work to full completion in the manner and time specified. All workmen must have sufficient skill and experience in such work to properly and satisfactorily perform it and operate the equipment involved. Any person employed by the Contractor whom the Engineer may deem incompetent or unfit to perform the work, shall be at once discharged and shall not be again employed. INSPECTION All proposed work under this Contract shall be performed during and with Engineer's approval. The Contractor is advised to inspect carefully the full premises and consult with the Engineer regarding any items of construction or reconstruction that may be questionable. MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC DIVISION 1 -Page 3 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to interfere to the least extent practicable with the passage of vehicles, pedestrians and all other kinds of public traffic; and he must take every precaution against accidents happening to said vehicles, pedestrians and other traffic because of his operations. The Contractor shall enforce regulations and restrictions as may be necessary or required for the protection of fire, accidents, property damage and public nuisance. He shall provide and maintain such toilet facilities at or adjacent to the site as may be required. The Contractor shall erect and maintain such signs, channel and obstruction markers and barricades as may be required for the protection of traffic. The Contractor shall not deposit or store any equipment or materials within the Site Area except with written permission from the Engineer. MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF UTILITIES A. The Contractor shall familiarize himself with the existence of structures of municipal and other public service corporations on or adjoining the site of the work and give reasonable opportunity to and cooperation with the owners of these utilities in the work of reconstructing or altering them. Such reconstruction and alteration shall be so conducted as to delay or interfere as little as practicable with the work of the Contractor. Any additional cost of various items of work because of these utilities shall be included in the price bid for these items. B. The Engineer shall direct the public utility corporations to shift or remove those utility structures that may be necessary to permit the Contractor to carry out the work in accordance with the Plans. The Contractor shall not remove or cause to be removed, any structure owned by a public utility corporation without the approval of the Engineer. C. The Contractor shall cooperate with the public utility corporation whose structures (aerial, surface or subsurface) are within the limits of or along the outside of the right-of- way,to make it possible for them to maintain uninterrupted service. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a way as to delay or interfere as little as practicable with the work of the utility corporation. LABOR,LAWS AND WORKMANSHIP A. All Contractors and Subcontractors employed upon the work shall and will be required to conform to the Labors Laws of the State of New York,the Occupation Safety and Health Act of the various acts amendatory and supplementary thereto; and to all other laws, ordinances and legal requirements applicable thereto. B. All labor shall be performed in the best and most workmanlike manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades. The standards of the work required throughout shall be of such grade as will bring results of the first class only. QUALIFICATIONS All bidders must have been established in the type of construction of whichever Prime Contract DIVISION 1 -Page 4 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 they are submitting a bid for as specified in the Contract Documents for a period of at least five (5) years. On request, bidders must furnish a list of a minimum of five (5) projects of similar type construction that was built by them in the Nassau- Suffolk area. List must contain name, address and telephone number of client's engineer for which each project was undertaken by Contract. A minimum of five(5) of the projects must have been built for municipal clients. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTORS A. No Subcontractors shall be employed on the work unless prior approval has been given by the Engineer. The Contract shall, within five (5) days after signing of the Contract, submit a list of proposed Subcontractors to the Engineer for approval. The list shall contain firm names, names of all principals and addresses and projects completed by each Subcontractor and names, addresses and telephone numbers of the particular project's Engineer for which the Subcontractor on the aforementioned project list must have been of similar nature. A minimum of five (5) projects for each proposed Subcontractor must be submitted. B. If for any reason a Subcontractor must be discharged from work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 24 hours prior to discharge, stating the reasons, and shall provide the Engineer with the name and qualifications of the replacement Subcontractor for approval by the Engineer. This action is deemed necessary to maintain continuity of the work and to minimize project disruptions. All costs due to slowdown of the project` for such reasons shall be borne by the Contractor. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Where reference is made in these Specifications to a society, the portion referred to shall be read into and shall be a part of this Contract and Specifications. Materials, methods and equipment shall conform with the latest A.S.T.M., A.W.P.A., A.S.A., N.E.C., I.E.S., etc. Specifications as may relate to or govern the construction work. TEMPORARY OFFICE AND STORAGE SHED A. This Contractor shall, at all times, provide and maintain a watertight office where directed, for his use and the use of his Subcontractors, and the use of the Engineer. Waiver of the temporary office requirements shall only be granted by the Engineer. Temporary office shall be removed from the site upon completion of all work and the office site restored to original conditions. •B. The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the premises, where directed, watertight storage sheds for storage of all materials which might be damaged by weather, and shall remove them from the site at the completion of the work. Restoration of the shed site shall be done by the Contractor to the condition prior to erection of sheds. DIVISION 1 -Page 5 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 CONTRACT DRAWINGS A. The Contract drawings which accompany and form part of these Specifications, bear the general title OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION AT THE SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION, Suffolk County,New York and separately numbered and entitled as follows: 1 Title Sheet 2 Floor Plan 3 Elevations 4 Structural Details CLEAN-UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the construction area, including storage areas used by him, free from accumulation of waste material and rubbish and prior to completion of the work, remove any rubbish from and about the premises. Upon completion of the construction, the Contractor shall leave the work premises in a clean, neat and workmanlike condition satisfactory to the Engineer. GUARANTEES A. Before issuance of the final certificate, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner the following guarantees in addition to those specifically required in the General Conditions and in the various technical sections. B. The Contractor hereby guarantees that all materials and workmanship installed under his respective contract to be new and of good quality in every respect and to remain so for a period of one (1) year or for longer periods where so provided for in the Specifications, from the date of issuance of the Final Certificate by the Engineer. C. Should any defects develop in the aforesaid work within the stipulated periods due to faults in materials and/or workmanship, the Contractor hereby agrees to make all repairs and do all necessary work to correct the defective parts. Such repairs and corrective work, including the cost of making good all other work damaged by or otherwise affected by making of the repairs or corrective work shall be done without any cost or expense to the owner, and at the entire cost and expense of the Contractor, within five (5) days after notice to the Contractor. The owner may have the work done and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor and/or his Sureties who agree to pay the owner the cost of such work if the Contractor fails to respond as required. PAYMENTS Payment(s) made under this Contract will be made on the basis of actual work completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Payments will be computed from the unit and lump sum bid. Payment will only be made for the items shown in the Proposal Form. DIVISION 1 -Page 6 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 END OF SECTION 01010 - GENERAL DIVISION 1 -Page 7 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENT'S 13 II SECTION 01025—MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENTS DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall furnish all labor,materials,tools, equipment, appurtenances and all services necessary to perform all Work as required by the plans and specifications or as required by the Engineer, at the lump sum or unit prices for the items listed herein. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES The ENGINEER'S estimated quantities for unit price pay items are approximate only and are included solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids. The OWNER does not expressly or by implication agrees that the nature of the materials encountered below the surface of the ground or the actual quantities of material encountered or required will correspond with the estimated quantities. PAYMENT ITEMS The method of payments and measurement of payments for each contract item shall be described on the Proposal Form(PF) section of the bid specifications END OF SECTION 01025—MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENTS DIVISION 1 -Page 8 of 13 DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 SECTION 01500—CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS SCOPE Work shall include but not be limited to the following: A. Temporary Utilities —Electricity, lighting, heat, ventilation, telephone service (including fax machine),water and sanitary facilities. B. Temporary Controls — Barriers, enclosures and fencing, protection of the Work, and water control. C. Construction Facilities — Access roads, parking, progress cleaning, project signage, and temporary buildings. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY A. All Contractors shall be responsible for providing temporary electric power for all p construction activities associated with their contracts with the exception of the Proposed Transfer Station&Residential Dropoff Building area. TELEPHONE SERVICE A. The Contractor shall arrange with the local telephone company for all telephone services for construction needs at locations as required. B. Contractor shall provide an adequate number of service lines for his needs and coin- operated instruments for use by construction personnel. TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE A. The Contractor shall provide temporary water service for construction purposes, sanitary facilities, fire protection and for cleaning. B. Potable water shall be furnished for construction personnel by portable containers. C. Water service shall be protected from freezing, and the service shall be extended and relocated as necessary to meet temporary water requirements. D. The Contractor shall install a meter and pay for all expenses associated with temporary water service during the course of the work, including furnishing all necessary permits and fees required for temporary water service. E. Comply with all applicable codes and arrange for all necessary inspections and approvals. F. Upon completion of all work, the Contractor shall disconnect and remove all temporary DIVISION 1 -Page 9 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 connections and fixtures. TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall provide at the site suitable enclosed toilet facilities for the use of construction personnel. The Contractor shall observe and enforce all sanitary regulations and maintain satisfactory sanitary conditions around and on all parts of the work. B. Adequate washing facility shall be provided for the construction personnel. C. The Contractor shall maintain, service, clean, and disinfect facilities in a satisfactory manner and enforce proper use of the sanitary facilities. D. The Contractor shall be subject to a fine and prosecution if any human excrement is deposited in or around the construction site. E. The Contractor shall pay for all expenses associated with temporary sanitary facilities during the course of the work, including furnishing all necessary permits and fees required for temporary sanitary facilities. F. Comply with all applicable codes and arrange for all necessary inspections and approvals. FIRST-AID FACILITIES AND ACCIDENTS A. First Aid Facilities and Accidents B. The Contractor shall provide, at the site, such equipment and facilities as are necessary to supply first-aid to any of his personnel who may be injured in connection with the work. C. Accident 1. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer all accidents and whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work, whether on or adjacent to the site, which cause death, personal injury or property damage, giving full details and statements of witness. 2. If death or serious injuries or serious damages are caused, the accident shall be reported immediately by telephone or messenger to both the Owner and the Engineer. 3. If any claim is made by anyone against the Contractor or a Subcontractor on account of any accidents, the Contractor shall promptly report the facts in writing to the Engineer, giving fiill details of the claim. DIVISION 1 -Page 10 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 SECURITY A. Provide security and facilities to protect work, and existing facilities, and Owner's operations from unauthorized entry,vandalism or theft. B. Coordinate with Owner. C. Furnish security during the course of the work. ACCESS ROAD A. Maintain roads accessing construction area as shown on the Construction Drawings. B. Extend and relocate as work progress requires. Provide detours necessary for unimpeded traffic flow. C. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. D. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering public and private streets. Clean all mud and debris from construction traffic at no additional expense to the Owner. Comply with all State and Local regulations. E. Designated existing on-site roads may be used for construction traffic, as directed by the Owner and Engineer. Damage to existing site roads as a result of this Contract will be the responsibility of the Contractor. BUIILDING OPERATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The Contractor will stage work, or take steps as directed by the Engineer, so that vehicles entering or exiting the building are not unreasonably delayed entering or leaving the building during construction. PARKING A. The Contractor's personnel shall not park on the main road or adjacent private side streets. B. When space is not adequate,provide additional off-site parking. C. Do not allow vehicle parking on existing pavement. DIVISION 1 -Page 11 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 13 PROGRESS CLEANING A. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris and rubbish. Maintain site in a clean and orderly condition. B. Remove waste materials, debris and rubbish from site and dispose weekly in areas as designated by the Owner. REMOVAL OF UTILITIES,FACILITIES AND CONTROLS A. Remove temporary above grade or buried utilities, equipment, facilities, materials, prior to Final Applications for Payment Inspections. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. C. Restore existing facilities used during construction to original condition. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to specified conditions. END OF SECTION 01500—CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS DIVISION 1 -Page 12 of 13 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL,REQUIREMENTS 13 SECTION 01501—HEALTH AND SAFETY PROVISIONS REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain a safe workplace and to monitor working conditions at all times during construction and, as necessary, to provide appropriate protective clothing, equipment and facilities for his personnel, and/or to establish work place procedures to ensure their safety, and to enforce the use of these procedures, equipment and/or facilities in accordance wit the following guidelines: 1. Safety and Health Regulations Promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor OSHA, 29 CFR 1910 — Occupational Safety and Health Standards, and 29 CFR 1920—Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Medical Monitoring Program Guidelines. B. If, at any time, the Owner or the Engineer is apprised of a safety hazard which demands immediate attention because of its high potential for harm to public travel, persons on or about the work, or public or private property, the owner of the Engineer shall have the right to order such safeguards to be erected and such precautions to be taken as necessary and the Contractor shall comply with such orders. If, under such circumstances, the Contractor does not or cannot or his representative is not upon the site so that he can be notified immediately of the insufficiency of safety precautions, the Owner may put the work into such a condition that it shall be, in his opinion, in all respects safety, and the Contractor shall pay all expenses of such labor and materials as may have been used for this purpose by him or by the Owner. The fact that the Owner or the Engineer does not observe a safety hazard or does not order the Contractor to take remedial measures shall in no way relieve the.Contractor of the entire responsibility for any costs or claims for loss, damage, or injury by or against any part sustained on account of the insufficiency of the safety precautions taken by him or by the Owner acting under authority of this Section. C. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to take appropriate safety precautions to meet whatever conditions of hazard may be present during the performance of the work, whether reasonably foreseeable or not. The Contractor is alerted to the fact that it shall be his sole responsibility to anticipate and provide such additional safety precautions, facilities,personnel and equipment as shall be necessary to protect life and property from whatsoever conditions of hazard are present or may be present. END OF SECTION 01501 —HEALTH AND SAFETY PROVISIONS DIVISION I -Page 13 of 13 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES,ADDENDA, and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS -DIVISION NO.3- CONCRETE Included in this Division are the following sections: 03100 Concrete Form Work 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete DIVISION 3 —Page 1 of 7 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03100- CONCRETE FORM WORK SCOPE A. The work under this heading shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all concrete form work, including but not limited to the following: 1. Forms and centering. 2. All forms required for the work in this Section. 3. Setting and building of all anchors, inserts, hangers, supports, ties, frames, bolts, sockets, sleeves, lintels, etc., required to be built into concrete work, except where otherwise specified. FORMS, CENTERING AND FORM WORK AFFECTING WORKMANSHIP A. Forms shall conform with the lines, dimensions and shapes of concrete indicated on the Drawings, for the members for which they are provided. They shall be tight to prevent any possibility of movement after concrete is poured and shall insure safety to workmen and the public. B. On concrete exposed to view, metal ties where used shall be detached 1-inch back from surface of exposed side and holes filled with cement mortar and rubbed immediately after removal of forms. C. Forms for concrete work shall be plywood or composite of smooth line construction, that will produce straight, dense surface free from honeycombs,bulges and depressions. D. If any material is used to coat formwork to facilitate its removal, this material shall be of such nature as not to stain or injure the concrete or cause injury to finish to be applied on exposed surfaces on concrete. Forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before reusing. E. All wood form work, including that used in void spaces, pockets and other similar places, shall be removed. F. Forms shall not be disturbed until the concrete has adequately hardened. Care shall be taken to avoid spalling concrete surface. WORK IN CONNECTION WITH OTHER SECTIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS A. Box out for pipes as directed and fill up to pipe sleeves with concrete after same are in place. B. Build in anchors, inserts or slots as required for proper anchorage. DIVISION 3 —Page 2 of 7 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE C. Set in concrete all sleeves furnished under other sections or contracts, in proper alignment and location. D. Cooperate with other trades. E. Build in concrete all forms furnished by other trades and required to be built into concrete. END OF SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORM WORK DIVISION 3 —Page 3 of 7 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT SCOPE The work under this heading shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all concrete reinforcing. SHOP DRAWINGS A. Complete and accurate shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for review before any work is executed. Drawings shall show framing plans, details, bending diagrams, sizes and spacing of members, relationship to contiguous work, scale elevations of all reinforced concrete walls, and all other pertinent information. Details shall be carried out in accordance with the A.C.I.rules. B. Contractor shall submit one black and white print and one reproducible with each submission. Cost of all prints required from the reproducible, including prints required by the Engineer, shall be borne by this Contractor. MATERIALS A. Deformed reinforced steel shall conform with SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW BILLET-STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT,ASTM A-615, GRADE 60. B. Deformations on deformed bars shall conform with SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFORMATIONS OF DEFORMED STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT, ASTM A-305. C. Welded wire fabric shall comply with ASTM A-185. PLACING OF REINFORCEMENT A. Metal supports, ties and spacers for reinforcement shall be rustproof of proper size, and strength to ensure against displacement during pouring operations. For structural slabs placed on ground, provide legs of slab bolsters and continuous high chairs with continuous plates. B. All reinforcement shall be bent cold. Minimum radius of bend shall be four diameters for bars 5/8 inch round or less, and six diameters for larger bars. C. At intersections,rods shall be securely wired together. D. Contractor shall exercise extreme care to prevent discoloration of exposed concrete surfaces by reinforcement. E. All reinforcement shall be inspected in the forms before concreting starts by the Engineer. Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 24 hours prior to any pour. END OF SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT DIVISION 3 —Page 4 of 7 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE REFERENCES Except as shown or specified otherwise, the Work of this Section shall conform to the requirements of Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings ACI 301-89 of the American Concrete Institute. QUALITY ASSURANCE Concrete batching plant shall be currently approved as a concrete supplier by the New York State Department of Transportation. PROPORTIONING(Amendments to ACI 301, Chanter 3): A. Compressive Strength: Minimum 4000 psi for structural footings, foundations, floor slabs, exterior slabs, ramps and stairs. B. Weight: Normal weight as indicated, Lightweight Concrete (for floor fills): Air-dry unit weight between 95 and 115 lb/cu ft. C. Durability: 1. Concrete shall be air-entrained. Design air content shall be 6 percent by volume, with an allowable tolerance of plus or minus 1.5 percent for total air content. Entrained air shall be provided by use of an approved air-entraining admixture. Air-entrained cement shall not be used. D. Slump: 4000 psi Normal Weight Concrete: Between 2 inches and 3 inches. E. Admixtures: Do not use admixtures in concrete unless specified or approved in writing by the Engineer. F. Selection of Proportions: Concrete proportions shall be established on the basis of previous field experience or laboratory trial batches, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer. Proportion mix with a minimum cement content of 564 pounds per cubic yard for 3000 psi concrete and 611 pounds per cubic yard for 4000 psi concrete. REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 5): A. Bar Reinforcement: ASTMA 615, Grade 60, deformed steel bars. B. Fabric Reinforcement: ASTM A 185, welded wire fabric, fabricated into flat sheets unless otherwise indicated. DIVISION 3 —Page 5 of 7 DIVISION 3 -CONCRETE C. Bar Supports: Galvanized steel or AISI Type 430 stainless steel, and without plastic tips. D. Tie Wire: Black annealed wire, 16-1/2 gage or heavier. PRODUCTION (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 7) A. Provide ready-mixed concrete, either central-mixed or truck-mixed. EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Do not use items of aluminum for mixing, chuting, conveying, forming or finishing concrete, except magnesium alloy tools may be used for finishing. B. Keep excavations free of water. Do not deposit concrete in water. C. Hardened concrete, reinforcement, forms, and earth which will be in contact with fresh concrete shall be free from frost at the time of concrete placement. D. Prior to placement of concrete, remove all hardened concrete spillage and foreign materials from the space to be occupied by the concrete. FORMWORK(Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 4) A. Chamfer all exposed external corners of concrete. PLACING REINFORCEMENT (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 5) A. At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free of mud, oil, loose rust, loose mill scale, and other materials or coatings that may adversely affect or reduce the bond. PLACING CONCRETE (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 8) A. Operation of truck mixers and agitators and discharge limitations shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. B. Do not allow concrete to free fall more than 4 feet. FINISHING FORMED SURFACES (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 10) A. Finish Schedule: Except where indicated otherwise on the Drawings, provide the finishes below: 1. Rough Form Finish for concrete surfaces not exposed to view. 2. Smooth Form Finish for concrete surfaces exposed to view. 3. Smooth Rubbed Finish for exterior concrete surfaces exposed to view. 4. Grout Cleaned Finish for interior concrete surfaces exposed to view. DIVISION 3 —Page 6 of 7 DIVISION 3-CONCRETE FINISHING SLABS (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 11) A. Slabs On Grade: Provide key type joints unless otherwise shown. Tool exposed joints. B. Finish Schedule: Except where indicated otherwise on the Drawings,provide the finishes below: 1. Broom Finish for exterior slabs. Texture as approved by the Engineer. C. Finishing, General: Provide monolithic finishes on concrete floors and slabs without the addition of mortar or other filler material. Finish surfaces in true planes, true to line, with particular care taken during screeding to maintain an excess of concrete in front of the screed so as to prevent low spots. Screed and darby concrete to true planes while plastic and before free water rises to the surface. Do not perform finishing operations during the time free water(bleeding)is on the surface. CURING AND PROTECTION (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 12) A. Maintain concrete surfaces in a moist condition for at least 7 days after placing; except where otherwise indicated. For surfaces of exterior slabs (on grade), apply chemical curing and anti-spalling compound in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL (Amendments to ACI 301, Chapter 16) A. The Contractor shall make a maximum of(2)two test cylinders per truck load of concrete delivered to the site for testing by a testing lab. One sample shall be taken at the start of the pour and the second at the end of the pour. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing the Engineer with the test results of each concrete test cylinder tested at 7 and 14 days for each truck load. LABORATORY TESTS The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating of all testing. All laboratory costs in establishing the design mix and testing of cylinders shall be borne by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DIVISION 3 —Page 7 of 7 p DIVISION 5-METALS GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES,ADDENDA and other Contract Documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS -DIVISION NO. 5-METALS Included in this Division are the following sections: 05120 Structural Steel 05080 Factory Applied Metal Coatings DIVISION 5 -Page 1 of 7 DIVISION 5-METALS SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL SCOPE A. The work under this heading shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary or required to perform and complete all structural steel *as shown on the Drawings and specified herein,including but not limited to the following: 1. Furnishing, fabricating and erecting all structural steel work as shown on the Drawings. 2. Anchor bolts 3. Bearing plates 4. Shop and field painting. (Note: a specialty high performance coating is required) 5. Preparation of shop, erection and detail drawings. 6. Hangers and struts. DRAWINGS A. Submit shop and erection drawings for review in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, immediately on award of Contract,based on design drawings. B. Materials shall not be fabricated or delivered to the site before the shop drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer, and returned to the Steel Contractor. Shop drawings shall include layouts and details showing the sizes of members, connections, cuts, holes, welds, bolts, etc. Provisions for the connection of other work shall be indicated. All Welds shall be indicated by standard welding symbols contained in the "Structural Welding Code" of the American Welding Society. Shop drawings shall show the size, length and type of each weld. C. Review of shop drawings will be for size and arrangement of principal and auxiliary members and strength of connections. Errors in dimensions shall be the Contractor's responsibility. DIMENSIONS The Contractor must verify all measurements at the building, especially when his work is subsequent to other work of the building and is to join it and will be held responsible for any error in said measurement unless he notified the Engineer in time for proper adjustment to be made. This Contractor must cooperate with other contractors of the several trades so that work will not be constructed prematurely and have to be taken down to allow the construction of work that should have had precedence. All work so done must be adjusted and must be replaced at the Contractor's DIVISION 5 -Page 2 of 7 DIVISION 5-METALS cost. Dimensions shown on the structural drawings shall be verified and supplemented. MATERIALS A. All structural steel and accessories shall be new. B. Structural steel (Beams): conform to ASTM Specification A-572, Grade 50 (or A- 992), latest edition. C. Structural steel (Columns): conform to ASTM Specification A-500, Grade B, latest edition. D. All other steel: conform to ASTM Specification A-36, latest edition. E. High strength bolts: conform to ASTM A-325, latest edition. F. All stock material shall be of quality equal to that called for in Paragraph A above. Mill test reports shall constitute sufficient records as to materials taken from stock. G. Unidentified stock material, if free from surface imperfections, may be used for shore sections of minor importance or for small unimportant details where precise physical properties of the material would not affect strength of structure, as approved by the Engineer. H. No material containing plugged or filled holes will be accepted. I. Structural steel exposed to view in finish work shall be uniformly rolled true to section, without kinks,bends or surface imperfections. J. Welding Electrodes and Flux Combination: Use 70XX Class Electrodes. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Except where otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, all materials, design, fabrication, erection and inspection shall comply with Specifications for DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS and also CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES latest edition,issued by the American Institute of Steel Construction. B. The design of members and connections for any portions of the structure not indicated on the Drawings shall be completed by the fabricator, and shop drawings submitted to the Engineer for review before fabrication. C. Welding, where permitted shall be in accordance with STANDARD CODE FOR ARC AND GAS WELDING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION of the American Welding Society. D. All pieces having assigned positions shall have a distinguishing mark plainly indicated DIVISION 5 -Page 3 of 7 DIVISION 5-METALS thereon and near one end. These markings shall agree with those given on the Drawings relating thereto, or calling for those pieces. E. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all errors of fabrication and erection and for correct fitting of structural members to each other and to adjacent work. F. Templates shall be furnished for setting of anchor bolts and other bolts and items. Templates and bolts shall be delivered within such time as will not delay progress of concrete and masonry work. CHECKING MEASUREMENTS,EXAMINATION OF FOUNDATIONS The Contractor, before commencing with the work, shall check all governing dimensions at the building and the levels of all footings on which the work is to stand, and shall notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. SUBSTITUTION OF SECTIONS Substitution of sections or modifications of details shall be made only if accepted by the Engineer. Substituted sections, if permitted, shall be of strength equal to those shown on Drawings and shall not interfere with Architectural and Mechanical requirements. DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. All Work shall be fabricated in ample time so as not to delay the progress of the work, and shall be delivered at such time as required for the proper coordination of the work. B. Competent workmen and suitable equipment shall be on the job at the time of delivery to properly handle and receive the material. C. All materials shall be kept clean and stored and handled in such a manner as to cause a minimum of inconvenience and to avoid injury in any way. FABRICATION A. Finished members shall be true to line and free from twists,bends and open joints. Shearing and punching shall leave clean,true lines and surfaces. B. All shop connections shall be high strength friction type bolts, or welded, except where welded connections are indicated on Drawings or specially authorized by the Engineer. Field connections shall be bolted, except where welding is required. C. Bolts shall be 3/4 inch in diameter, except where otherwise noted. Holes shall be 1/16 inch larger than nominal diameter of the bolts. D. Holes in bearing plates shall be drilled. Grout holes shall be provided in column bearing DIVISION 5 - Page 4 of 7 DIVISION 5-METALS plates where required. E. Contractor shall do all cutting, drilling, fitting,blocking, reinforcing, etc. of structural steel as required for the proper fabrication, connection and erection of work and as may be required for passing through, support or attachment thereto of work of other trades, where shown on Drawings, where required by site conditions or where instructions for same are given. Extent and location of all such drilling or cutting of each member shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. F. Provide standard AISC framed beam connections wherever possible. Web connections shall be double angle connections. End connections shall be of sufficient strength to develop maximum reaction of the member,plus any eccentric load. G. Connections shall be so arranged as to avoid eccentricity so far as possible. H. Field Connections. All field connections shall be made with high strength friction type bolts. I. End connections shall be of sufficient strength to support safely the maximum reactions of carrying member,plus any load due to eccentricity. WORKMANSHIP AND ERECTION A. Except as otherwise shown or specified, details of erection shall be in accordance with the Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel. B. It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to correct errors in shop fabrication or deformations which result from handling and transportation and prevent the proper assembly. C. Corrections shall be made at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Location of anchor bolts shall be verified by Steel Contractor before erection of structural steel work. E. All members shall be aligned, leveled, and adjusted accurately prior to final fastening. Tolerances shall conform to A.I.S.C. code of Standard Practice. Fastening of splices of compressions members shall be done after the abutting surfaces have been brought completely into contact. F. As erection progresses, the work shall be fastened securely to take care of all dead load,wind and erection stresses. All structural steel shall have suitable temporary braces to hold it in position until permanently secure. G. Field cutting of structural steel may only be done with prior consent of the Engineer. Burning of holes for bolted connections will not be permitted, and violation of this clause will be sufficient cause for the rejection of any piece in which a burned hole exists. DIVISION 5 -Page 5 of 7 DIVISION 5-METALS WELDING A. Welds shall be made only by operators who have been previously qualified by tests as prescribed in STANDARD QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE of the American Welding Society to perform type of work required, except that this provision need not apply to tack welds later incorporated into finished welds carrying calculated stresses. B. Appearance, quality of work and methods of correction for defective work where welding is permitted shall be in accordance with the American Welding Society publication CODE FOR ARC-WELDING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. PAINTING AND CLEANING Note: a factory applied high performance coating will be required on all steel components. INSPECTION A. Field inspection will include but not be limited to ascertaining that: 1. Plates are level and properly placed. 2. Connections fit. 3. Welding is properly executed by qualified welders. 4. Torque of high strength bolted connections. B. Any weld which upon examination or inspection is found to be defective, shall be removed to the satisfaction of the inspector and the weld shall be remade. This Contractor shall remake the welds at no additional cost to the Owner and shall in addition bear all costs of examination and inspection of the welds that have been remade. C. This Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish such facilities and provide such assistance as may be required for proper inspection. D. Reports shall be made of each inspection and shall be distributed in accordance with directions issued by the Engineer. END OF SECTION DIVISION 5 -Page 6 of 7 DIVISION 5-METALS SECTION 05080—FACTORY-APPLIED METAL COATINGS GENERAL Work under this heading shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the painting of all exposed steel surfaces. PAINTING, CLEANING AND SURFACE PREPARATION A. Cleaning 1. All steel work shall be cleaned in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council SP-6 Commercial Blast Cleaning. Surface profile shall not exceed 1.5 mils. B. Coating Materials — Basis of Design is Tnemic Company, Inc. (Righter Group, Inc. (800) 533-3003 1. Surface Preparation: SSPC Commercial blast cleaning as a minimum. Remove all mill scale. 2. Shop applied primer: Tnemic No. 90-97 Tneme-Zinc. Apply'at 3.0-3.5 mils dry film thickness. 3. Shop applied epoxy intermediate: Tnemic V27 Typoxy. Apply at 4.0-6.0 mils dry film thickness. 4. Field applied topcoat: Tnemic N69F. Apply at 2.5-3.0 mils dry film thickness. 5. Field application shall be as per the direction of a Tnemic representative. 5. Colors shall match the existing steel coating. END OF SECTION 05080—FACTORY APPLIED METAL COATINGS DIVISION 5 - Page 7 of 7 DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES,ADDENDA, and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and contracts for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS - DIVISION NO. 7 - THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION Included in this Division are the following sections: 07111 Bituminous Damp proofing 07412 Metal Wall Panels 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal 07920 Sealants&Caulking DIVISION 7 - Page 1 of 6 DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07111 -BITUMINOUS DAMP PROOFING SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Catalog sheets, specifications and installation instructions, for each material specified. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Apply damp proofing in clear dry weather. Do not apply damp proofing below 40 degrees F. MATERIALS A. Asphalt Primer: ASTM.D 41. B. Asphalt Emulsion, heavy duty, fibrated; ASTM D 1227, Type IV. PREPARATION A. Comply with manufacturer's printed recommendations for preparation of type of surface shown or indicated to receive damp proofing. B. Thoroughly clean surfaces to be damp proofed of soil, debris and all foreign matter. Allow cleaned surfaces to thoroughly dry. C. On porous surfaces, except new concrete masonry units, apply a uniform coating of asphalt primer. APPLICATION A. Provide continuous uniform damp proofing coating, 3/32 inch minimum dry thickness, on surfaces shown or scheduled to be damp proofed. Apply damp proofing by brush. $. Damp proof vertical wall surfaces to within 4 inches of finished grade at top of walls. At bottom of walls, extend damp proofing across horizontal projection of footing and down face of footing approximately 2 inches. END OF SECTION 07111 - BITUMINOUS DAMP PROOFING DIVISION 7 - Page 2 of 6 DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07412—METAL WALL PANELS The panels shall match the existing panels. The MAP (Architectural Panels) shall have 11/2" deep major ribs which taper in width from 2" to 3 13/16", and are spaced 12" on center. Between each major rib are two minor stiffening ribs, plus two small "pencil" ribs. The "leading edge"rib has a bearing leg. Each panel shall provide 3 feet of lateral coverage. The panel colors shall match the existing colors. END OF SECTION 07412—METAL WALL PANELS DIVISION 7 -Page 3 of 6 DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07600-FLASHING AND SHEET METAL DELIVER' A. Delivered materials shall be in the manufacturer's original packages and containers clearly marked with the approved manufacturer's name and trademark for every item. B. Store all materials in a dry, ventilated place off the ground. During adverse weather conditions and job delays, store materials under cover or in a totally enclosed space. Use of wet materials will not be permitted. PREPARATION A. Vents, drains and other projections through surfaces shall be properly positioned. B. Wood blocking and nailers for flashing cleats shall have been rigidly anchored in place. C. Dissimilar metals in contact shall be fully isolated from each other. Unprimed, abraded or otherwise corrosive surfaces of metal shall receive a coat of the bituminous paint and allow to dry before assembling. MATERIALS A. ' Stainless Steel: Sheets or strips -ASTM A167, Type 302 or 304 gauge. .015 inch - 8 to 10-foot lengths. Finish - 2D. Solder - ASTM B32 - 60-40% block tin and pig lead. Flux - Acid type. Sealant - single component synthetic rubber- color as selected by the Engineer. B. Pop Rivets - noncorrosive metal, may be used where water tightness of fastener is not a factor or if waterproof rivets are used. C. Pipe Flashing-Flashing around pipes and vents extending above the roof shall extending at least 12" above the finished roof surface, and extending at least six inches beyond opening. D. Mechanical Equipment Flashing - Examine Plans and Specifications for mechanical and electrical trades and note extent of flashing covered herein. Provide all flashing in addition thereto as necessary. MISCELLANEOUS WORK AND CLEANING A. Do all necessary cutting,patching, fitting in connection with the fitting and sealing of the modular units, one to another. B. On completion, work shall be left in perfect condition. END OF SECTION 07600 -FLASHING AND SHEET METAL DIVISION 7 - Page 4 of 6 DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07920- SEALANTS AND CAULKINGS WORK INCLUDED A. Caulking of exterior joints formed by the intersection of different materials, such as masonry and concrete, masonry and metal, wood with masonry or metal, and adjacent dissimilar materials. B. Caulking of joints at heads,jambs and sills of door frames and windows. C. All other caulking where indicated on Drawings or required by building conditions. DELIVERY A. Materials delivered to the job site shall bear the quality label and the name or trademark of the approved manufacturer; shall be new,unopened and from fresh stock, and shall be the same products and manufacture as approved. Caulking tubes shall bear label indicating conformance to referenced Federal Specifications. MATERIALS A. Caulking compound for general exterior application shall be "Tremco's Dymeric", a two- part polytremdyne polymer sealant conforming to Federal Specifications TT7S-00227E as manufactured by the Tremco Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Approved equivalent items of the following manufacturers any be provided: Pecora Chemical Corp.,Harleysville,Pa. or Products Research and Chemical Corp.,Burbank California. B. Caulking compound for general interior application shall be "Tremco"s Caulking Compound" an oleo-resinous caulking compound conforming to Federal Specifications TT-0598B as manufactured by the Tremco Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Approved equivalent items of the following manufacturers may be provided: Pecora Chemical Corp., Harleysville, Pa., or Products Research and Chemical Corp., Burbank, California. C. Colors of Caulking Compound-As selected by the Engineer. D. Primer-A quick drying, non-staining liquid as recommended by the caulking compound manufacturer. Primer shall be used in all installations unless the caulking manufacturer specifically states otherwise. E. Back-up (Packing) Material - Polyethylene foam or hollow tubing or other approved non-staining material. DIVISION 7 -Page 5 of 6 DIVISION 7-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION INSTALLATION A. Surface Preparation - Remove dust, dirt, grease and other foreign and objectionable material. B. Application of Caulk 1. Joints deeper than 1/2" shall have backing material installed to within 1/4" of the face of the joint. 2. Apply caulking compound under sufficient pressure to force out all air and to completely fill the joints, using a caulking gun with nozzles of widths as necessary to fit the various joints, except in locations where knife application is necessary. 3. Tool joints to a neat and smooth bead of uniform width, finishing flush with adjoining surfaces or tool to a concave profile. 4. Upon completion of caulking, joints not completely filled shall have caulk roughened and then the joint shall be properly filled and tooled. 5. Adjacent surfaces soiled by caulking operations shall be cleaned immediately. END OF SECTION 07920- SEALANTS AND CAULKINGS DIVISION 7 - Page 6 of 6 I DIVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES,ADDENDA, and other Contract documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS-DIVISION NO. 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS Included in this Division are the following sections: 08331 Overhead Coiling Doors DIVISION 8 - Page I of 4 DIVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS SECTION 08310 - OVERREAD COILING DOORS GENERAL Description A. All rolling service doors shall be as manufactured by The Cookson Company or approved equal. Furnished material includes all guides, hoods, operating mechanisms and special features as pertaining to the particular type of door. B. Work not to be furnished by The Cookson Company includes design of, material for and preparation of door openings but not limited to structural or miscellaneous iron work, access panels, finish painting, electrical wiring, conduit and disconnect switches. Performance A. Exterior rolling doors shall be designed to withstand at least twenty(20) pounds per square foot wind load. Windlocks shall be provided as required for windload protection. B. All service. doors and grilles shall be able to withstand a standard maximum of up to 50,000 operating cycles for the life of the door and 6 cycles per day for side-coiling doors. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Show application to project. B. Product Data: Catalog sheets, specifications, and installation instructions for rolling service door assemblies, finishes, and operators. C. Contract Closeout Submittals: 1. Operation and maintenance data. 2. Replacement parts list. PRODUCTS Materials A. The door curtain shall be constructed of interlocking slats-22 gauge. B. Guides are to be constructed to structural angle forming a channel for the curtain to travel in. The guides shall be attached to the wall by minimum 1/2 inch fasteners. (Fastener type to be determined by type of surrounding mounting surface.) C. Brackets are to be constructed of steel plate and shall be bolted to the wall angle with 1/2 inch fasteners. D. All gears shall be cast iron with teeth cast from machine cut patterns. The pinion gear shall not be less than a 3-inch pitch diameter. The gear ratio shall be designed for a maximum manual DIVISION 8 - Page 2 of 4 DIVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS effort of not more than 30 pounds. E. The barrel shall be steel tubing of not less than 4 inches in diameter. Oil tempered torsion springs shall be capable of correctly counter balancing the weight of the curtain. The barrel shall also be designed to limit the maximum deflection to .03 inch per foot of opening width. F.' Hoods shall be fabricated from 24 gauge galvanized steel. Hoods shall be formed to fit the curvature of the brackets. Operation A. Chain Operation shall operate with an endless chain and cast iron reduction gears. B. Motor Operation shall be of the proper size for the type of door selected and shall be activated by push button controls. Additional control stations for motor operator shall be as noted on the drawings. Locking Locking device shall be standard provided. Finish Galvanized steel curtain and hoods shall have TinalCoate" finish. All other exposed surfaces shall receive one coat of dark bronze rust inhibiting paint. EXECUTION Installation All Cookson Company Rolling Door products shall be installed by an authorized Cookson Distributor. Warranty Cookson Company Rolling Door products shall be guaranteed for a period of one year against defects in workmanship and materials from the time of Contract completion. ADJUSTING Adjust and lubricate doors and operating equipment to operate smoothly. Adjust door fit and weatherstripping to make a weathertight fit for the door perimeter. CLEANING Clean doors, and clean work area surfaces that have been soiled performing the Work. END OF SECTION 08310 - OVERHEAD COILING DOORS DIVISION 8 - Page 3 of 4 ' DIVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS DIVISION 8 - Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL GENERAL The work under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, SCHEDULES,ADDENDA and other Contract Documents. Refer to the Drawings and Specifications of other trades and Contractors for items which might affect the work under this Division. TABLE OF CONTENTS-DIVISION 16-ELECTRICAL Included in this Division are the following sections: 16000 General 16110 Raceways 16111 Conduits 16120 Wires and Cables 16131 Pull Boxes and Junction Boxes 16134 Outlet Boxes 16176 Switches 16177 Device Plates 16190 Supporting Devices 16191 Expansion Joints 16192 Sleeves 16450 Grounding 16520 Exterior Building Lighting 16902 Electrical DIVISION 16 -Page 1 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16000 - GENERAL SECTIONS INCLUDED All applicable provisions of the sections entitled "General Conditions" and "Special Conditions" shall apply to all work under this Contract as if written out in full, and shall be adhered to by the Contractor. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. The bidder shall, before submitting a proposal, examine the site, construction drawings and specifications covering the work of other trades, so as to familiarize themselves with the scope of the project as a whole and to enable them to better understand the relation and extent of the work. B. The construction drawings and details show schematically the approximate location of all apparatus, lights, switches, and appurtenant electrical materials and equipment. The exact location of shall be subject to approval of the Engineer who reserves the right to make,prior to installation, any reasonable changes in location indicated without extra cost to the Owner. C. It is the intent of the contract drawings and these specifications to provide a complete and operative system. Whether shown on the contract drawings and/or included in the specifications or not, the Contractor shall furnish and install all material, equipment and labor usually furnished with such systems, unless specifically excluded in these Specifications. WORK INCLUDED A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals to complete all electrical work as specified herein, shown on the Contract Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. In general, the work shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Wiring overhead door operators; 2. Exterior lighting systems; 3. Conductors and raceways; 4. Grounding; SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish four (4) copies of Shop Drawings of all equipment and material to be furnished by him under this Contract for approval by the Engineer. Drawings shall be supplemented with catalog cuts,materials of construction,ratings, etc. DIVISION 16 -Page 2 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS A. The contract drawings are generally diagrammatic, not showing every bend or offset as may be required to properly complete the work to meet job conditions, building geometry, changes in locations, work of other trades, etc. The Contractor shall furnish all such additional offsets, bends, piping, etc., at no additional cost to the Owner so that the completed installations will result in neat, workmanlike, first-class operating electrical systems of the highest quality. B. Field drawings shall be maintained by the Contractor showing actual installed locations of all equipment and materials under this Contract. Shop drawings approved by the Engineer shall be maintained by the Contractor in the field. C. Record Drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer upon completion of work and shall be marked "Record Plan". ADJUSTMENT OF AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall make all necessary adjustments for proper operation of all equipment furnished by him under this Contract. He shall also instruct and acquaint the Owner's designated representative in the proper operation of all equipment. B. Final payment under this Contract shall not be made until all the above requirements are met by the Contractor. PERMITS AND REGULATIONS A. The Electrical Contractor shall obtain and pay for any permits necessary to conduct work and complete this Contract. All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electric Code. Upon completion of the work provided for in this Contract, and before final payment shall be made, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with any necessary Certificates of approval issued by various regulatory agencies. The Contractor shall SMply a Certificate of Approval from the New York Board of Fire Underwriter's. END OF SECTION 16000- GENERAL DIVISION 16 -Page 3 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16110-RACEWAYS GENERAL A. Branch circuit raceways for light and power may be rigid galvanized steel or aluminum conduit, electric metallic tubing in accordance with the job conditions, National, State and Local Codes. Minimum trade size 3/4", except where otherwise noted. All home runs and feeders shall be in rigid steel or EMT. (Aluminum conduit is not permitted to be embedded in concrete.) B. All raceways installed shall be placed parallel (or perpendicular) to walls and ceilings using fittings and shall be installed in a workmanlike manner. No raceways shall be run exposed in finished areas. C. The routing of raceways and locations of outlets and panels shown on the plans is diagrammatic only and subject to such modifications (without extra cost to the Owner) as conditions may necessitate. D. The ends of raceways where entering boxes shall be fitted with galvanized locknuts and bushings. E. Where allowed by National Electric Code Regulations, Contractor may substitute "MC" in lieu of conduit and wire for branch circuits. F. Provide all explosion-proof fittings wherever required to comply with National Electric Code for the intended building use. END OF SECTION 16110-RACEWAYS DIVISION 16 -Page 4 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16111 - CONDUITS GENERAL A. Aluminum conduit will not be approved. B. Rigid metallic or non-metallic conduits (Schedule 40 or 80), will be approved when installed in accordance with the requirements of the latest issue of the National Electrical Code. C. Conduit size shall be as indicated on the drawings, or minimum in accordance with the N.E.C. D. Conduit system shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of the N.E.C. and shall be installed in a neat,workmanlike manner. E. Schedule 40 metallic or non-metallic conduit may be used below grade under pavement or sidewalks unless prohibited by municipal ordinances. F. In all cases, rigid non-metallic conduit shall be clearly and permanently identified as to schedule and trademark. G. The entire conduit system shall be installed to provide a continuous bond throughout the system. H. Exposed conduits shall be run parallel to and at right angles to buildings using conduit fittings for all turns and off-sets. I. Exposed conduits shall be securely fastened in place on maximum ten(10) foot intervals. Hangers, supports or fasteners shall be provided at each elbow and at the end of each straight run terminating at a box or cabinet. J. All empty conduits shall contain a 3/16-inch vinyl pull rope. END OF SECTION 16111 - CONDUITS DIVISION 16 -Page 5 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16120-WIRES AND CABLES GENERAL A. Conductors No. 10 and smaller shall be single braid, solid, Conductors No. 8 and larger shall be stranded cable. B. Branch circuit wiring shall be continuous from outlet to outlet. No splices will be permitted except at outlets. Splices shall be made mechanically and electrically secure with 3M "Scotch-Locks." C. No conductors shall be installed in raceways until all mechanical work is completed. Raceways shall be kept free of moisture. Use approved lubricants only for pulling purposes. D. Branch circuit conductors shall be Type THW, color coded for identification. E. Connections at panels shall be such that no neutral conductor shall service more than one branch circuit from the same phase. Connect branch circuits in phase sequence in panel boards. F. Minimum size of conductors shall be No. 12 gauge except where specifically permitted in other sections of this division. G. Feeders shall be load balanced as closely as possible. H. Conductors in buried exterior conduits for secondary service shall be Type THHN or USE-2. I. Conductors in interior conduits shall be Type THWN-2. END OF SECTION 16120-WIRES AND CABLES DIVISION 16 -Page 6 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16131 -PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES GENERAL Pull boxes and junction boxes shall be made of code gauge steel with screw covers. Sizes shall be as required and/or approved in accordance with the National Electric Code. END OF SECTION 16131 -PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES DIVISION 16 -Page 7 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16134-OUTLET BOXES GENERAL A. At every outlet shown on the Plans, install a galvanized steel outlet box complete with cover. Set all boxes correct, square and true with building finish. Edge of covers shall be flush with building finish where concealed wiring is required. Outlets shall be erected in advance of partitioning, furring and fireproofing and shall be properly secured to building structure or steel. B. Locations of all outlets shown on the Plans shall be verified. Engineer's plans showing interior details and finish and adjustment shall be made to coincide with architectural locations where necessary. In no case, however, shall the number and type of outlets be less than that shown on the Plans. C. Outlet boxes installed in concrete or fill shall be of the concrete type, with removable cover. Receptacles and switch boxes shall have regular deep plaster covers. Outlet boxes in hung ceilings shall be of the regular shallow type. Other types of boxes shall be as hereinafter specified, as noted in the Plans as required. D. Contractor shall allow for overhead pipes, ducts and other mechanical equipment, variations in arrangement and thickness of fireproofing and plastering, etc. E. Gang type boxes shall be used wherever more than one wiring device is to be installed in the same location. F. Weatherproof outlet boxes shall be cast aluminum with gasket between box and cover making boxes vapor tight and water tight. END OF SECTION 16134- OUTLET BOXES DIVISION 16 -Page 8 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16176- SWITCHES GENERAL All switches shall be flush mounted. Verify all mounting heights before installing to be certain that there will be no interference with equipment of other trades as to location, etc. and compliance with hazardous location requirements, if any, of the NYBFU and NEC. Single poles, three pole and four-way switches shall be fully rated at 20 amperes, 125 volts, AC quiet line type,white,by Leviton or approved equal. END OF SECTION 16176-SWITCHES DIVISION 16 -Page 9 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16177-DEVICE PLATES GENERAL A. Provide a cover plate for each outlet installed. B. Plates shall be metal (painted),by Leviton or approved equal. C. Cover plates for junction boxes shall be flat galvanized. D. Where more than one device is mounted in one outlet box or where two or more outlet boxes are installed adjacent to each other,the face plate shall be a common "Gang" type. END OF SECTION 16177-DEVICE PLATES DIVISION 16 -Page 10 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16190-SUPPORTING DEVICES GENERAL A. All raceways shall be supported from the building structure by means of approved type hangers, clamps or straps as conditions require. This excludes raceways concealed in concrete slabs. B. Hangers, clamps or straps shall be securely anchored to building's structure by means of bolts or inserts as required. C. Raceways shall be supported at intervals of not over 10 feet for 1-1/4" and larger, 8 feet for 1" and 3/4", and 6 feet for 1/2" END OF SECTION 16190-SUPPORTING DEVICES DIVISION 16 -Page 11 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16191 -EXPANSION JOINTS GENERAL A. All raceways crossing expansion joints shall be placed so as to compensate for movement of one part of the structure in relation to another and shall have an expansion fitting inserted wherever same crosses such a joint in the structure. B. Set the insulating bushing in the center of the fitting so as to allow a 2 inch movement in either direction. Expansion heads shall be sealed by high grade graphite packing. C. Provide each fitting with a copper bonding jump, with one loop of jumper placed in the mastic joint. END OF SECTION 16191 -EXPANSION JOINTS DIVISION 16 -Page 12 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16192-SLEEVES GENERAL A. Provide conduit sleeves in connection with all conduits passing through concrete walls and floor slabs. Sleeves shall be set in concrete construction before pouring and shall be waterproof type. Locate, set and anchor all sleeves in a substantial manner so that they will not become displaced. All sleeve locations shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to construction of same. B. Where conduits pass through exterior foundation walls or slab on ground, sleeves shall be provided and set by the Contractor. Sleeves in exterior of building walls below grade shall be installed with approved caulking between sleeves and conduit to make it waterproof. C. Conduit sleeves shall extend past walls or above floors at least 2 inches. The space between sleeves and conduit passing through them shall be amply sufficient to permit conduit expansion and contraction and precaution shall be used so as to prevent concrete, plaster, etc.,being forced between risers and sleeves. END OF SECTION 16192- SLEEVES DIVISION 16 -Page 13 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16450 - GROUNDING GENERAL A. The Contractor shall install all equipment and material necessary to provide a complete and adequate "grounded system" in accordance with the requirements of the New York Sate Building Code and National Electric Code. Size of ground conductor shall be as required to suit the conditions. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor and materials necessary for grounding connections as required by the Long Island Power Authority. This includes the grounding of all apparatus furnished under other sections of the scope of work for the project. C. Exposed, non-current carrying metal parts of fixed equipment which is liable to become energized, shall be grounded under any of the following conditions: 1. Where equipment is supplied by means of metal-clad wiring. 2. Where equipment is located within the reach of a person who can make contact with any grounded surface or object. 3. Where equipment is located within the reach of someone on the ground. 4. Where equipment operates with any terminal 120 volts to ground or greater. 5. Where equipment is in electrical contact with;metal or metal lath. D. All circuits shall be run with a separate grounding conductor. END OF SECTION 16450-GROUNDING DIVISION 16 -Page 14 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16520-EXTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING 1. FLOURESCENT WALL LIGHTS A. Fixtures shall be Glare Buster 23W fluorescent wall mounted light model# GB-1000 or approved equal. B. Fixtures shall be constructed in accordance with the National Board of Fire Underwriters' specifications and shall bear the Underwriters'label. C. Fixture shall have full cut-off optic design. D. Fixtures shall be complete with new lamps of sizes and types as indicated. Lamps shall be Panasonic's GenIV compact fluorescent light bulbs or approved equal. E. All fixtures shall be installed at locations shown on the Plans. Minor deviations from locations shown will be allowed to obtain symmetrical layouts and to clear obstructions. The installation shall be coordinated with the equipment of others whenever interference may occur. Fixtures shall be rigidly supported and suitable canopies shall be installed as required. Supporting steel angles or channels spanning the structural framing shall be furnished and installed when required to support the fixtures. END OF SECTION 16520-EXTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING DIVISION 16 -Page 15 of 16 DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL SECTION 16902—ELECTRICAL GENERAL The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible to provide all power wiring to miscellaneous equipment located within the project area. END OF SECTION 16902—ELECTRICAL i DIVISION 16 -Page 16 of 16 , r , : 0. .. ♦i�� ,. _ _ ; ' � �� � Y is �; „ '�4, 5511 ,I d {' ' r > 4 u r t 5 {, r .... -...,.., -.v. ..tet:. ....� _.i. , I u dW , r v " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY , NEW YORK INDEX x rTITLE SHEET 4 t} ,5 N FLOOR PLAN ,I 3 ELEVATIONS 4 ST .. RUCTURAL DETAILS v I I a , i la s -- t - a e r , w . r .x r b8DRAFT ' II, - _ ,ate tk R, 1 I d a LOCATION MAP PLANS FOR NOT TO SCALE -ION OVERHEAD DOOR .-_ ., ADDIT * / • 0010 arAT r " .JL THE • _"c^^.. X94 � • r y+ f ©S "RANSFER STATION SOUTHOLD OUrI�+•+ • © aO �� • ••n rrrr + l •` 'f • s v r* r• W ~�\` � � x� ,• • •, , i7� CUTCHOGUE, SUFF® ' N•Y•COUNTYW \\ 56 ?, �l > ~J +K o. 00 " CTOBER 2007 I ` q °� t, \l\ •� + �Z� r orf' 48 • •'4 57 V+ y Q f r ♦ . �j r + e ♦ •�p� •r • + •+ r+ + * • ••+ r`1� cred Heart • a. N . r °• •� .- " ' + ' � •= �iar���• ,: PROJECT J r 0 LOCATION 41 L • �r .' � 0 0 ��o [ rr �e �1q o0+ +• AF4 DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY C: a + . .+•y 0 • g J' '' ','{/'/�♦ • + +:•' r' •. REVISIONS -° �,r ` '•, �.w + • ' •'J �` +; + cutcho est ; • '��� ,`L + E m oma• • F • ,�,, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • . utcho „ ' .� SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK �T �4 SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATIONLO - +• 4 qy •+ + 4 : • + + • �• • OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION C0 � S°- 41 � �\ � + +, C!ut°h° ° TITLE SHEET A 9 41 ` •' °O * • ���3 \\ ' THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK PROHIBITS i O �!Y \\ p a ■ - - ,v ANY PERSON FROM ALTERING ANYTHING ON THE DRAWINGS EIPEL BARBIERI MARSCE' HAUSEN LLP L. K. McLEAN ASSOCIATES f .('1• � tt v �✓ I > • ' \., � , + .• %1 s�, AND/OR THE ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS IT'S UNDER ,��•24 \, � �� . ' .• + 1 ■ THE DIRECTION OF A„LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, WHERE CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ' CONSULTING ENGINEERS 437 SOUTH COUNTRY RD., BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 0 SUCH ALTERATIONS ARE MADE, THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 224 WEST 35TH STREET 11TH FLOOR MUST SIGN, SEAL, DATE AND DESCRIBE THE FULL EXTENT OFNEW YORK, NY 10001 Designed B Sheet No. O THE ALTERATION ON THE DRAWING AND/OR IN THE SPECIFICATION T: 212,695.5120 F: 212.695.5158 WWW.EBMLLP.COM 9 y PR Scale: AS NOTED N Q LOCATIONMAP (NYS ED. LAW SECTION 7209-2). Drawn By: MCJ Date: OCT. 2007 0 %S SCALE 1a ffi fi000” Approved By: PR File No. 07052 8'-0" 20'-0" 4'-0" 15'-0" 23'-0" KEYED NOTES: EDGE OF EDGE OF CONCRETE 7 7 1 2 CONCRETE1❑ CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 36" HIGH X 12" THICK CONCRETE CURB WITH 0 PIERS AT NEW COLUMN LOCATIONS. SEE SHEET 4 FOR DETAILS --------------- ---------------- ----------- --------- vi �f� - g I g I. - - -— - - 02 CONTRACTOR SHALL INFILL EXISTING OPENING WITH STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING AND METAL PANELS TO MATCH EXISTING METAL PANEL SIDING �3 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL X-BRACING AS SHOWN. NEW 1Y" 0 ROD TYPICAL. 211_6" '-6 163_6" 15'_3" 7'4" ® CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT THE DOOR OPERATOR FEEDERS TO THE EXISTING SUBPANEL 0 CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUTE NEW CONDUIT AND ELECTRIC FEEDS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER © ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EMT 0 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NEW FULL CUT—OFF EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES - - - - - - - - - - ------ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CENTERED ABOVE DOORS. ® CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ELECTRIC MOTOR DOOR OPERATOR. DOOR OPERATORS SHALL BE ON SEPARATE CIRCUITS. EXISTING SHOP 6 EXISTING TIPPING FLOOR 3 ROD BRACE SLOPE WASHER FLAT WASHER HEX NUT EXISTING MAIN PANEL - - --- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- 3 0 DELTA SERVICE 3 oa DETAIL AT ROI7 BRACE CaNI_. rTtO�I E 4 5 bo RAF[ER . ----�-- A325 BULTS RAR PIPE STRUT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gt3U1MIV :. 0 0 ROD BRACING 3 I ccxr�r�N N O ROD BRACE CONNECTION c o 0 0 -- - - I::: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Q TYPICAL FRAME BRACING DETAIL (KEYED NOTE ❑3 L N.T.S. 0 0 0 L PARTIAL FLOOR PLAN cm SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" N DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY REVISIONS LEGEND: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK co EXISTING To REMAIN SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATIONLO — N CD PROPOSED NEW WORK OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION. aC) � � .� PLAN � 0 O Q EIPEL BARBIERI NIARSCHHAUSIEN LLP L. K. MCLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. L CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERSCONSULTING ENGINEERS 437 SOUTH COUNTRY RD., BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 N •o NEW YORK,NY 10001 Designed By: PR Scale: AS NOTED Sheet No. o 224 WEST 35TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR T: 212.695.5120 F: 212.695.5158 WWW.EBMLLP.COM N Drawn By: MCJ Date: OCT. 2007 U / O / Approved By: PR File No. 07052 ME —N o o EXISTjN I \R� ' E �\ Z R R L0 Ln ME x x J ` N N_ O ' � I ME Ln I SEE (TYP) (TYP) w w X I Jo z z U x LIJ I N z I T z NEW W12x26 NEW W12x26 I I I I I I � I I I U OPEN- OPEN- x PROPOSED PROPOSED '10Z100' @ 2'-3" MAX. DOOR DOOR EXISTING COLUMN - I w (.n,P) 4 — EXISTING COLUMN SEE�3 Q I � I I ME 81-0» MAX. N SEE®(TYP) NEW CONCRETE I EXISTING CURB CURB (TYP) EXISTING CURB SEEQ SEEO2 SIMILAR j ,C (TYP) I I I i EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB I I 1 I I I I WALL ELEVATION NOTES: ,_---, 0 MEMBERS BY CECO BUILDING SYSTEMS TYP SCALE: 1/4 1'-0" 1. DENTES M M � " = 2. ALL CONNECTIONS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. TO BE COORDINATED WITH ROLL—UP GATE MANUFACTURER 3. ** DENOTES TO BE VERIFIED TO MATCH EXISTING 4. SEE SHEET 4 FOR DETAILS 5. ALL STEEL MUST HAVE FACTORY APPLIED METAL COATING URETHANE TNEMIC COATING (ANTI—CORROSION) 0 ° ° Li I PROPOSED FULL CUT-OFF LIGHTING 0 0 Q o I ' E I OE 0 ° 15'_0„ 4'-0» 20,_0" ° 0 ° 0 0 O co L Q � N DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY REVISIONS L2 111111111 1� 110 TOWN WN OF SO UTHOLD ..:.::.:::.:..::..:..:..::.::............::..:.-.:..::.,. ..::.::..::.:: SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 0 ` ) OPEN SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATION -- N PROPOSED 15 X 20 ROLL—UP DOOR PROPOSED 20 X 20 ROLL—UP DOOR `r' OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION 0 1111 PROPOSED INFILL WALL 4 COATED STEEL FRAME & METAL PANEL (MATCH EXISTING) ELEVATIONS ° EXISTING CONCRETE CURB PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB CO 0 EIPEL BARBIERI MARSCHHAUSEN LLP L. K. MCLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. C [\ /nT CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 437 SOUTH COUNTRY RD., BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 N SOUTH E L E V A I I O NEW YORK,NY224 WEST 35TH 10001 STREET, 11TH FLOOR Designed By: PR scale: AS NOTED sheet No. ° T: 212.695.5120 F: 212.695.5158 WWW.EBMLLP.COM N a SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Drawn By: MCJ Bete: OCT. 2007 012 0 / Approved By: PR File No. 07052 OF COLUMN = �. OF BASE PLATE GENERAL NOTES: 2'-6" CODES AND STANDARDS 1. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NEW YORK STATE BUILDING CODE, 1'-7" LATEST EDITION, AS AMENDED BY ALL FEDERAL AND MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE WORK. I (3) #5 HORIZONTAL 2. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE AISC 1989 SPECIFICATIONS 1'-0" FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR 1/4 BUILDING. I NEW CONCRETE CURB . 3. ALL WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST REQUIREMENTS OF THE #6 @ 12 O.C. VERT. z AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY. _ DRILLED INTO EXISTING w STRUCTURAL STEEL SLAB W/ HILTI HY 150 ,*4 _ M � 1. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO THE AISC 1989 6Y" MIN. EMBEDMENT � `�' , + + ( ) EQ BASE PLATE 14"x 3/4"x 1'-6" SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF _F OF COLUMN = W/ (4) 3/4"0 A.B. WT9x17.5 AT EACH ATTACHMENT POINT STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS. OF BASE PLATE �' + + (12" MIN EMBEDMENT) OF ROLL—UP GATE (SEE MANUFACTURER 2. ALL ROLLED SECTIONS OF STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A995 _ FOR REQUIREMENTS / 2'-0" MAX DESIGN STRESSES: VERTICAL SPACING Fy 50,000 PSI 1y TYP 1/4 ALL OTHER SHAPES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A36 ALL TUBULAR SECTIONS OF STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A500 EXISTING CONCRETE 3/8" BENT PLATE AS GRADE B. . � REQ'D © 2'-3" MAX FOUNDATION WALL 3. ALL SHOP CONNECTIONS SHALL BE HIGH STRENGTH BOLTED OR WELDED. PIER ++ �I 'CL 205' (TYP) 'CL 205' (TYP) 4. FIELD CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING STEEL SHALL BE WELDED. PROVIDE (6) #6 DOWELS MIN. ++ II Y PLATE AS REQ'D + 4" 5. WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY WELDERS CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE DRILLED INTO EXISTING SLAB (SEE 1U) ++ II @ 2'-3" MAX MIN WITH AWS D1.1, LATEST EDITION, OR MORE STRINGENT QUALIFICATIONS W/ #4 STIRRUPS @ 8" O.C. MAX 1" ++ II 'CL 207' (TYP) I '102100' (TYP) AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE MUNICIPALITY. MIN F1 6. WELDING ELECTRODES SHALL CONFORM TO AWS D1.1, CLASS E70XX. *NOTE. TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TO ASSURE 1" MIN. CLEARANCE _ '10Z100' (TYP) MIN L_A�— 7. ALL STEEL THAT IS TO BE WELDED SHALL BE POWER TOOL CLEANED AT L _ _ I BETWEEN NEW COLUMN AND EXISTING STRUCTURE ABOVE 1/4 1/4 WELD LOCATIONS. 8. UNLESS REACTIONS ARE NOTED ON PLAN, BEAM AND GIRDER SECTION @ CURB PIER COLUMN BASE PLATE DETAIL 10Z TO COLUMN DETAIL CONNECTION AT GATE OPENINGS CONNECTIONS SHALL BE BASED ON UNIFORM LOAD TABLES IN THE AISC `� SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 3/4"4-0- MANUAL FOR A36 STEEL. / 9. THE STEEL CONTRACTOR'S DETAILER SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY FIELD DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE ANY WORK IS STARTED ON ERECTION PLANS AND SHOP DETAILS. 10. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW TO THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. SUBMIT ERECTION PLANS AND SHOP DETAILS. 11. ALL REVISIONS TO SHOP DRAWINGS AFTER FIRST SUBMISSION MUST BE SO IDENTIFIED ON SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSIONS. 12. REPRODUCTIONS OF STRUCTURAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SUBMITTED AS SHOP DRAWINGS. 13. ALL STEEL MEMBERS USED FOR REINFORCEMENT OF EXISTING (INTERIOR) EXISTING ROOF GIRDER FRAMES SHALL BE PAINTED IN THE FIELD AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL WELDING AS PER DIVISION 5 IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. i i INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS i l 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ALLOW A SUM FOR INSPECTIONS OF ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 2. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE A LOCAL TESTING LABORATORY TO PERFORM REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FOR: A. STRUCTURAL STEEL. 3. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COPY OF THE STRUCTURAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO THE TESTING LABORATORY SO THAT THE 1/4 LABORATORY CAN DETERMINE SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUIRED. � 4. ALL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN FIELD, BY A QUALIFIED INSPECTION AGENCY APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. WRITTEN INSPECTION REPORTS SHALL BE FILED WITH THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NEW BENT PLATE 6" x 3/8" X WITHIN 10 WORKING DAYS OF THE ACTUAL INSPECTION. INSPECTION 1'-0" W/ (4) 3/4" 0 A325 AGENCY SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ALL PHASES OF STRUCTURAL STEEL o NEW COLUMN BOLTS IN VERTICAL SLOTTED CONSTRUCTION AND WELDING BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. HOLES JOB SITE RESPONSIBILITIES i c 0 1. THE ENGINEER OF RECORD WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEANS, METHODS, SEQUENCE, PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES OR SCHEDULING OF OR FQ NEW COLUMN TO EXISTING THE CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTORWI LLR BEGS OLELYSITESAFETYRESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE. s (D�G_ RDER CONNECTION 0 SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" ° L ° C 0 ° LID co 4-- c DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY ° REVISIONS ° TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �o SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK liNk N I SOUTHOLD TRANSFER STATIONLn — OVERHEAD DOOR ADDITION 0 E -' ° " STRUCTURAL DETAILS 00 c o Q i EIPEL RARRIERI MARSCHHAUSEN LLP L. K. McLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. L CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS vi CONSULTING ENGINEERS 437 SOUTH COUNTRY RD., BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 o 224 WEST 35TH STREET, 11TH FLOOR 0 NEW YORK, NY 10001 Designed By: PR Sale: AS NOTED Sheet No. N T: 212.695.5120 F: 212.695.5158 WWW.EBMLLP.COM r� a Drawn By: MCJ Date: OCT. 2007 ° 0 � 4 0 f Approved By: PR File No. 07052