HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A - FEIS Appendix A 1 2 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 3 4 PUBLIC HEARING AND PUBLIC COMMENT 5 PURSUANT TO STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 6 REVIEW ACT (SEQRA) 7 REGARDING 8 THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION BY THE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT OF APPROXIMATELY 17 . 2 ACRES 9 OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION 10 OF A RESIDENTIAL PROJECT KNOWN AS NORTHWIND VILLAGE 11 12 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 13 14 October 28 , 2009 15 7 : 00 p .m. 16 17 18 BEFORE : 19 RICHARD R. WISSLER, Administrative Law Judge 20 21 22 REPORTED BY : 23 THERESA PAPE, Court Reporter/Notary Public 24 25 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 2 2 JUDGE WISSLER : Good evening . 3 The time is now 7 : 06, and my name 4 is Richard Wissler . I am an 5 administrative law judge with the 6 Department of Environmental 7 Conservation, and I will be presiding at 8 this evening ' s hearing, which, for the 9 record, is being held on Wednesday, 10 October the 28th, 2009, in the Southold 11 Town Hall , 53095 Main Road, Route 25, 12 Southold, New York 11971 . 13 The purpose of this hearing is to - 14 solicit comment on a Draft Environmental 15 Impact Statement , which is sometimes 16 here referred to as a DEIS, prepared for 17 the proposed annexation by the Village 18 of Greenport of approximately 17 . 2 acres 19 of land in the Town of Southold, and, in 20 particular, we are talking about a 21 parcel Suffolk County Tax Map Number 22 1000-40-03-01 , and the subsequent 23 development and construction of a 24 residential project known as Northwind 25 Village . 1 Pudic Hearing 30/28/09 3 2 My assignment this evening is to 3 ensure that your comments are received 4 in an orderly fashion . It ' s not 5 necessary for you to have filed in 6 advance to speak at this hearing, but if 7 you do wish to speak, I need to have you 8 file out one of the speaker cards that 9 are located at the back table there, 10 which Ms . Aicher has, and she will have 11 you fill them out, will bring those up 12 to me, and I will call your names in the 13 order in which I receive those cards . 14 Your statements tonight are not 15 being made under oath and there is no 16 cross-examination . But I would ask that 17 you -- that when you come up to the 18 podium that you speak into the 19 microphone, and speak slowly and clearly 20 because everything that we say is being 21 taken down by a court .reporter, who has 22 also had a problem with me tonight 23 already because she says I write like a 24 doctor . So please speak clearly. It ' s 25 important that everyone ' s statement be I Public Hearimg 10/28/09 4 2 recorded accurately. 3 I would note for the record that a 4 notice of complete application in this 5 matter was published in the 6 Environmental Notice Bulletin, which is 7 the Department ' s electronic notification S instrument which is located at its 9 Web site at www . dec . ny . gov. In 10 addition, it was published -- the notice 11 of this hearing was published in the 12 Environmental Notice Bulletin. on 13 October the 7th, 2009, and it was also -- 14 published in the Suffolk County Times on 15 October the 8th, 2009 as a legal notice . 16 And I would note for the record that 17 this fulfilled the legal notification 18 obligations under Part 617 of Title 6 of 19 the New York Compilation of Codes , 20 Rules, and Regulations, which are the 21 environmental quality review 22 implementing regulations . 23 Now, if you don ' t wish to make a 24 written statement -- an oral statement , 25 you don ' t have to . You can make a 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 5 2 written statement . If you want to make 3 a written statement , there are two ways 4 you can do it . 5 One is you can take the speaker 6 card -- because there ' s a little box on 7 the speaker card that asks you if you 8 wish to make a statement, and it says 9 yes or no -- and you can take that 10 little speaker card and check the no 11 box, and write your comment on the back 12 of that card, and then hand that in to 13 me , and that written comment will become - 14 one -- will become a record of -- in 15 this hearing . 16 If you would prefer to provide a 17 comment to the Department after tonight, 18 you may do so until November the 30th, 19 2009 -- Monday, November the 30th, 2009, 20 and you can do that in zither of two 21 ways . But both of them will go to 22 Ms . Sherri Aicher who is standing in the 23 back of the room who has the cards , and 24 you can either send your statement to 25 her at the New York Statement Department I Public Hearing 10/28/09 6 2 of Environmental Conservation, the 3 Division of Environmental Permits , 4 SUNY/Stony Brook, 50 Circle Road, 5 Stony Brook, New York 11790-3409, or by 6 e-mail to slaicher@gw . dec . state . ny . us . 7 I 'm sure you all got that . 8 Okay . I just wanted to briefly -- 9 the procedure we ' re going to follow. 10 Before we go to the public 11 comments, if there are -- we ' re going to 12 have two brief statements, one by the 13 Department , and one by the project 14 applicant in this case -- no pun 15 intended, KACE -- and, thereafter, I 16 will begin taking comments from members 17 of the public . 18 If there are any elected officials 19 in -- any of your elected officials 20 present here tonight, I will take their 21 comments first . So please indicate your 22 presence . 23 If not , Mr . Hammarth . 24 MR. HAMMARTH : Hello . My name is 25 George Hammarth, H-A-M-M-A-R-T-H, with I Public Hearing 10/28/09 7 2 the New York State Department of 3 Environmental Conservation ' s Region 1 4 office in Stony Brook, in the Division 5 of Environmental Permits . I 'm one of 6 the people that are heading up the 7 review of the Draft Environmental Impact 8 Statement for this action . 9 The purpose of today ' s hearing is 10 for the Department to accept comments on 11 the Draft Environmental Impact Statement 12 which has been prepared for this action, 13 and also to accept comments on the -- 14 pending application for a state 15 Freshwater Wetlands permit which is 16 required for the development as well . 17 The DEIS is available 18 electronically at the following 19 Web address, and I apologize in advance 20 because this is going to be a long 21 address , but it ' s 22 www . vhb . com/northwindvillage/deis . 23 Northwindvillage is all one word. 24 Please note that this Web address 25 and the name of the contact person, the 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 8 2 contact information for the contact 3 person, are all available on the Notice 4 of Hearing that we have on the back 5 table . Anybody is welcome to take one 6 of those notices , and all the 7 information that you need to contact us 8 and provide commentary is available on 9 that notice . 10 Paper copies of the DEIS document 11 are available for public review at the 12 Floyd Memorial Library at 539 First 13 Street in Greenport, and at the Southold 14 Free Library at 53705 Main Road in 15 Southold. 16 A hard copy of the DEIS is also 17 available for review, along with the 18 state Freshwater Wetlands permit 19 application, at the DEC Region 1 office 20 in Stony Brook. The Judge gave that 21 address previously, and it is on the 22 hearing notice at the back of the room. 23 One of things that I think is very 24 important is that we provide some 25 context for the hearing and the action 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 9 2 that is the subject of today ' s hearing . 3 As the Judge said, the action is 4 actually the annexation by the Village 5 of Greenport , pursuant to Article 17 of 6 the New York State General Municipal 7 Law, of a 17 . 2-acre parcel of land 8 currently located in the Town of 9 Southold, adjacent to the northwest 10 border of the Village of Greenport . 11 Once annexed, the site is proposed to 12 be developed with a 128-unit, 13 mixed-income housing development 14 consisting of one, two, and three 15 bedroom units in 20 buildings with 16 associated access roadway, driveways , 17 drainage, common areas, and landscaping . 18 One-half or 64 of the proposed units 19 will be developed as affordable housing 20 units as defined by Suffolk County, and 21 will be subject to price, sale, resale, 22 and ownership controls, which are 23 collectively known as affordability 24 restrictions . 25 The General Municipal Law sets 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 10 2 forth a procedure by which proposals to 3 annex land from one local government to 4 another are to be made and decided. 5 Annexation is the alteration or changing 6 of the boundaries of a county, city, 7 town, or village that has the effect of 8 adding territory to one municipality by 9 removing territory from another 10 municipality. The basic requirement of 11 the law for the annexation of land from 12 one municipality to another is the 13 consent of the governing boards of each 14 involved municipality; in this case, the 15 Town Board of the Town of Southold and 16 the Village Board of the Village of 17 Greenport . 18 In order to consent to an 19 annexation proposal , a municipal 20 governing board must conclude that the 21 annexation is in the overall public 22 interest, taking into account such 23 considerations as : 24 The effects on the territory to be 25 annexed; 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 11 2 The effects on the local government 3 to which the territory will be annexed; 4 The effects on the remaining area 5 of the local government in which the 6 territory is now located; and, 7 The effects on any school district, 8 fire district , or other district 9 corporation, public benefit corporation, 10 fire protection district, fire alarm 11 district, or town or county improvement 12 district situated wholly or partially in 13 a territory to be annexed . 14 The DEIS includes more details on 15 the requirements of the Municipal 16 Annexation Law and the steps taken to 17 date by the Town, the Village, and the 18 project sponsor to fulfill its 19 requirements . 20 In July, 2005 , KACE LI , LLC -- 21 that ' s spelled K-A-C-E, L-I , L-L-C -- 22 filed a petition with both the Town of 23 Southold and the Village of Greenport to 24 annex the subject property into the 25 Village . 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 12 2 In August of 2005, the Town Board 3 determined that the proposed annexation 4 was an Unlisted Action pursuant to the 5 State Environmental Quality Review 6 Regulations and initiated the lead 7 agency coordination process provided for 8 under the SEQR -- that ' s the acronym for 9 the State Environmental Quality Review 10 Regulations . 11 The lead agency is the involved 12 agency responsible for determining 13 whether an environmental impact 14 statement will be required for a 15 proposed action and for the preparation 16 and filing of the EIS if one is 17 required. Both the Town and the Village 18 expressed desire to serve as the SEQR 19 lead agency. When it became clear that 20 the Town and the Village could not agree 21 on which agency would be the lead 22 agency, the municipalities initiated the 23 lead agency dispute resolution process 24 provided for in the SEQR regulations . 25 In this process , each disputing 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 13 2 agency makes a submission to the 3 Commissioner of Environmental 4 Conservation which supports its 5 contention that it is the best suited, 6 based on the standards contained in the 7 SEQR regulations , to serve as the lead 8 agency . The DEC commissioner makes the 9 final lead agency decision after 10 reviewing all submissions . 11 In the case of the subject action, 12 the review of the lead agency petitions 13 filed by the Town and the Village by the 14 DEC Commissioner ' s staff in Albany 15 identified that the site contains state 16 regulated freshwater wetlands, and that 17 the development of the site as proposed is would require a Freshwater Wetlands 19 permit from DEC . 20 After discussions involving the 21 Town, the Village, the DEC Central 22 Office and Regional staff, all parties 23 agreed to the designation of the DEC 24 Region 1 as the SEQR lead agency, which 25 resolved the dispute . 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 14 2 1n late 2005, the Town also made 3 two determinations on the proposed 4 annexation petition pursuant to the 5 Municipal Annexation Law. 6 The first was that the annexation 7 petition filed by the project sponsor 8 complied with the procedural filing 9 requirements of the law . 10 The second was that the proposed 11 annexation was not in the overall public 12 interest and should not go forward. 13 On learning of the Town ' s denial of -- 14 the proposed annexation petition, the 15 Village filed a lawsuit seeking a 16 judgment pursuant to the Municipal 17 Annexation Law and the New York Civil 18 Practice Law and Rules against the Town 19 as is provided for in the Municipal 20 Annexation Law when one of the involved 21 municipalities in a proposed annexation 22 denies the petition . 23 This case is currently pending in 24 the Supreme Court of the State of 25 New York Appellate Division, Second 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 15 2 Department . One of the elements 3 required for the Court to render a 4 decision in that matter is a completed 5 SEQR record . 6 In October of 2006, DEC determined 7 that the proposed action had the 8 potential to result in significant 9 impacts to the environment and issued 10 the required SEQR Positive Declaration . 11 In June of 2007 , DEC approved the 12 final scope for the Draft Environmental 13 Impact Statement . - 14 The combined Notice of Completion 15 of Draft EIS, Notice of Complete 16 Application, and Notice of this State 17 Environmental Quality Review Hearing was 18 published on September 28th -- was 19 issued on September 28th, 2009 . 20 And that brings us to where we are 21 tonight . 22 Thank you . 23 JUDGE WISSLER: Okay. Thank you . 24 We ' ll now hear from Theresa 25 Elkowitz . 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 16 2 MS . ELKOWITZ : Good evening, 3 Judge Wissler . My name is Terri 4 Elkowitz and I 'm a principal of 5 VHB Engineering, and we ' re serving as 6 the environmental consultant to the 7 applicant , KACE LI , LLC . 8 Mr . Hammarth did a very good job at 9 explaining what the application is , so 10 I 'm not going to repeat what he ' s 11 presented to you . Clearly, yes , the 12 application involves an annexation and 13 the development of 128 multifamily 14 units, 64 of which are proposed to be 15 workforce units with no taxpayer or 16 other government subsidy . 17 Our firm was the primary preparer 18 of the Environmental Impact Statement, 19 which is in the back of the room as 20 Mr . Hammarth has said. And we have 21 prepared that in accordance with the 22 final scope that was issued by the DEC 23 on June 29th, 2007 . And the DEC did 24 review that and ultimately deemed it 25 adequate for public review on 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 17 2 September 28th of this year . 3 So S don ' t believe that we really 4 need to go into further detail because 5 Mr . Hammarth was very comprehensive . So 6 we and the applicants who are here with 7 me tonight will remain here for the 8 remainder of the hearing, and we will 9 listen to the comments so that they can 10 be responded to in a final Environmental 11 Impact Statement . 12 Thank you, your Honor . 13 JUDGE WISSLER : Thank you . 14 Again, if you wish to speak 15 tonight, I need to have you fill out a 16 speaker card for me, and those will be 17 brought up here . 18 MS . AICHER: (Handing) 19 JUDGE WISSLER: We ' ll first hear 20 from David Nyce -- is that -- did I get 21 it right? 22 MAYOR NYCE : (Head gesture) 23 JUDGE WISSLER : The Mayor of the 24 Village of Greenport . 25 MAYOR NYCE : Good evening, Judge . I Pudic Hearing 10/28/09 18 2 Thank you . And I congratulate you, 3 that ' s -- about one in ten that get it 4 right the first time . 5 The Village of Greenport -- T ' d 6 like to read a statement on behalf of 7 the Village Board, 8 The Village of Greenport has 9 received the Draft Environmental Impact 10 Statement with respect to the proposed 11 Northwind Village project , and the 12 Village Board is presently reviewing 13 that document and the information it 14 contains with its professionals . 15 The Village of Greenport realizes 16 the significance of SEQRA and -- as an 17 underpinning of the government process 18 and the importance of conducting a 19 thorough SEQRA review prior to any 20 governmental action . 21 The Village of Greenport is also 22 dedicated to public review and input in 23 the SEQRA process and for that reason 24 has decided that it is in the interest 25 of the residents of the Village that I Public Hearing 10/28/09 19 2 there be an additional public meeting 3 on -- with the DEIS as its subject to be 4 conducted by the Village of Greenport at 5 a public session in the Village of 6 Greenport for the residents of the 7 Village to consider and provide comments 8 . an this DEIS . 9 The Village for that reason will 10 conduct a public hearing on the DEIS -- 11 I 'm sorry, a public meeting on the DEIS 12 to be held on November 12th, 2009 at 13 6 : 00 p .m. at the Third Street Firehouse , 14 and all public is encouraged to attend . 15 Any and all written comments may be 16 directed to Sylvia Pirillo, the Village 17 Clerk, via mail at Village Hall , 18 236 Third Street, Greenport, New York 19 11944 , or via e-mail to the 20 villageofgreenport . org to Sylvia 21 Pirillo, the clerk, and in the subject 22 matter please put Northwind DEIS . 23 This is in an effort for the 24 Village to compile comments of its 25 residents that it may incorporate them, 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 20 2 if necessary, into its comments . 3 It is the Village Board ' s intent to 4 comment on the Northwind DEIS . Those 5 comments will reflect the board ' s 6 concerns for not only the Village but 7 the entire community. And that ' s my 8 statement . 9 Thank you very much . 10 JUDGE WISSLER: And, Mayor, 11 although this isn ' t a question and 12 answer, I just have a question for 13 you -- 14 MAYOR NYCE : Okay . 15 JUDGE WISSLER: -- just so that I 16 understand and so the Department is 17 clear of -- 18 MAYOR NYCE : Yes . 19 THE COURT : -- of what to expect . 20 The proceeding that you ' ll conduct 21 in the Village of Greenport, it ' s your 22 intent to take a transcript of that 23 hearing and any written comments that 24 you receive -- 25 MAYOR NYCE : No . 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 21 2 JUDGE WISSLER: -- and give them to 3 the Department? 4 MAYOR NYCE : It is our -- we are 5 eliciting information from our residents 6 to try and kind of incorporate those 7 into our comments in the SEQR process . 8 I understand that -- 9 JUDGE WISSLER: I understand that , 10 but one -- our function here tonight is 11 to receive comments on the Draft 12 Environmental Impact Statement that has 13 been presented. 14 MAYOR NYCE : Yes . 15 JUDGE WISSLER: Okay. So I 'm 16 correct in assuming that basically what 17 you ' re doing is , in a more formal way, 18 developing a set of comments that are 19 unique to the folks of the Village of 20 Greenport, and that they ' re going to be 21 given to -- so that the Department by 22 November the 30th can expect that they 23 will receive from the Village of 24 Greenport comments -- 25 MAYOR NYCE : Yes . 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 22 2 JUDGE WISSLER : -- in the form of a 3 transcript from a public hearing that 4 you may hold, and in the form of written 5 comments that folks may submit to you . 6 MAYOR NYCE : That is correct . 7 JUDGE WISSLER : And they will 8 become written comments and part of the 9 record -- essentially part of the record 10 of this hearing that we ' re starting 11 tonight -- the process we ' re starting 12 here tonight . 13 MAYOR NYCE : That is correct , that 14 that is my understanding . Again, I ' m 15 not our village attorney . Our village 16 attorney had suggested that we do this . 17 JUDGE WISSLER: Okay. 18 MAYOR NYCE : I don ' t want -- I 19 don ' t understand the SEAR process 20 enough, I ' m sorry to say -- 21 JUDGE WISSLER: That ' s okay. 22 MAYOR NYCE : -- but I don ' t -- I 23 want to make sure that what we ' re doing 24 doesn ' t step on the process . 25 JUDGE WISSLER: I just want to make I Public Hearing 10/28/09 23 2 sure that the Department is on notice -- 3 MAYOR NYCE : Yes . 4 JUDGE WISSLER: -- and clear that 5 they should expect -- 6 MAYOR NYCE : Yes . 7 JUDGE WISSLER : -- a packet of some 8 things -- you know, some -- some 9 clan- -- more comprehensive comments 10 from the folks of the Village of 11 Greenport . 12 MAYOR NYCE : Absolutely. 13 JUDGE WISSLER: Okay. 14 MAYOR NYCE : That is our intent . 15 JUDGE WISSLER: Do you have a copy 16 of the written statement that you just 17 gave us that you would like to submit 18 for the record? You can give it to the 19 court reporter, if you ' d like . 20 MAYOR NYCE : Okay. Please pardon 21 the handwritten line at the bottom. 22 JUDGE WISSLER: If she can read 23 mine, she can read yours . 24 (WHEREUPON, the above-referred-to 25 document, written statement, was marked 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 24 2 as Public Hearing Exhibit 1 , for 3 identification, as of this date . ) 4 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 5 Okay. Are there any other elected 6 officials in the audience? 7 (WHEREUPON, there was no response . ) 8 JUDGE WISSLER : We will then hear 9 from Ray Huntington . 10 After Mr . Huntington, we will hear 11 from Anne Murray. 12 MR. HUNTINGTON : , Good evening. I ' m 13 Ray Huntington from Cutchogue . 14 First, I ' d like to say that I ' m 15 some -- disappointed in the objectivity 16 of the Environmental Impact Statement 17 which is the subject of this hearing, 18 although I should not be surprised since 19 it was purchased by the developer . 20 I am a member of the Southold Land 21 Preservation Committee, which is an 22 advisory board to -- advisory committee 23 to the Town Board, and we discussed this 24 last night . 25 The Town of Southold has made 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 25 2. significant investment in the Moore ' s 3 drain area which flows south from this 4 area -- from where -- where the 5 property -- the Northwind property is . 6 To protect that drain with those 7 investments and preservation that were 8 made, were made to protect the creeks 9 and the bay and the -- the water that 10 flows through that area . 11 The Environmental Impact Statement 12 makes no mention of that . 13 The local knowledge suggests that 14 the solutions -- that -- the local 15 knowledge really is that this is an area 16 of spectacularly complex drainage . It 17 runs for quite a distance down to the 18 bay, and locally I think people 19 understand that you don ' t want to build 20 a house in a lot of this area because of 21 the perched water, the poor drainage in 22 general, the clay. It ' s not a place 23 that ' s very receptive to development . 24 The Environmental Impact Statement 25 seems to suggest that if enough money 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 26 2 and engineering is brought to bare on 3 any problem, it can be mitigated. But 4 there really is a distance between the 5 cup and the lip in the complex area 6 of -- the complex freshwater estuary as 7 we ' re talking about right now. 8 High density development has the 9 potential to undo the preservation in 10 which we have already invested very 11 considerably. 12 Thank you . 13 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 14 We ' ll now hear from Anne Murray. 15 Atter Anne Murray, we ' ll hear from Frank 16 Wills . 17 MS . MURRAY : Hi, I 'm -Anne Murray. 18 1 live in East Marion, not too far from 19 this proposed project . 20 1 want to address something that 21 the final scope requested, which was 22 to -- that the applicant indicate the 23 indication of sanitary flow impact if 24 the connection to the Greenport sewer 25 district does not go through . I Public Hearing 10/28/09 27 2 This is not addressed at all 3 anywhere in, this DIS that I could find, 4 and I believe that ' s required as 5 requested in the final scope, so I would 6 think that ' s something that needs to be 7 addressed . 8 It also says that the project will 9 result in a loss of 4 . 6 acres of 10 woodland, and the consultant says that 11 the magnitude of that is not expected to 12 be significant . Well , that ' s a very 13 subjective answer in my book. I think 1.4 what -- what is significant to the 15 developer is very different from what ' s 16 significant to Southold residents and 17 the preservation of wetlands and the 18 woods that we have left . 19 Thank you . 20 JUDGE WISSLER; Thank you , 21 Frank, is it Wills? 22 And, folks, I apologize in advance 23 if I -- 24 MR. WILLS : Excuse me? 25 JUDGE WISSLER: -- mispronounce I Public Hearing 10/28/09 28 2 names . 3 Atter Mr . Wills, we ' ll hear from 4 Kristopher Pilks . 5 MR. WILLS : Good evening . My name 6 is Frank Wills . I represent the North 7 Fork Environment Council . I 'm the 8 president . 9 The DIS lists 17 . 2 acres as the 10 total property, but nowhere is -- what I 11 found, is there any statement as to how 12 much of that property is wetlands, 13 whatever you want to call them, which 14 under our rules and regulations are not 15 allowed for development . 16 Mr . Huntington also mentioned the 17 fact that the company that performed 18 this DIS is headed by a gentleman who 19 previously was working for 20 Mr . Kontokosta . So the possibility 21 of -- I ' ll say it -- conflict of 22 interest is an obvious one . 23 The DIS mentions, after some 24 calculations , that possibly 25 approximately '40 students would be added I Public Hearing 10/28/09 29 2 to the Greenport School System, whose 3 budget per pupil these days is $22 , 222 . 4 So obviously, this would add 5 approximately $ 900 , 000 to the Greenport 6 tax base . I don ' t know that Greenport ' s 7 aware of this or what their thoughts are 8 on this , but it ' s something to consider 9 even these days . 10 Those are the only comments S have 11 at the present . 12 Thank you . 13 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 14 MR. PILKS : How you doing? Kris 15 Pilks . I just wanted to speak as a 16 resident of the North Fork in favor of 17 this project . 18 I 'm a real estate broker . I ' m also 19 a young person. I understand the 20 importance of homeownership out here . I 21 think this is a very good way for our 22 community to see some benefit from a 23 private developer doing the job that ' s 24 typically reserved for, you know, the -- 25 the taxpayers ' dollars . You know, we ' re I Public Hearing 10/28/09 30 2 looking at, you know, 64 units that 3 should be preserved perpetually as 4 affordable and workforce housing. I 5 don ' t know the last time we ' ve had this 6 opportunity, just as a town, for our 7 residents to see this . 8 Looking at the -- the wetlands on 9 this property, my understanding is the 10 DEC has flagged the freshwater wetlands, 11 and the proposed project is within the 12 hundred feet boundary that ' s required 13 for any project . 14 You know, so, again, I just urge, 15 you know, the stakeholders of this 15 project to look at the -- not only the 17 tax revenue created for the Town and the 18 Village who are both struggling 19 financially, but the benefit to the 20 locals . 21 And that ' s all I have to say. 22 Thank you . 23 JUDGE WISSLER: We will now hear 24 from Diana Weir . 25 And after Ms . Weir, from Jenn 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 31 2 Hartnagel . 3 MS . WEIR: Judge Wissler, thank you 4 for the opportunity to speak before you 5 today. I am with the Long Island 6 Housing Partnership. We are a 7 not-for-profit developer of affordable 8 housing on Long Island, the largest, and 9 I am here to comment on the affordable 10 units as the young man before me has 11 done . 12 It ' s a tremendous need on Long 13 Island . We ' re using -- losing our 14 youth . I am a resident of the East End, 15 the South -- the South Fork, East 16 Hampton, and I know that it ' s very 17 difficult for young people in this 18 community to be able to purchase a home . 19 And I think the type of development, 20 with the different types of housing, 21 which are attached housing, is going to 22 make it inherently more affordable, and 23 the mix of single one bedroom, two 24 bedroom, and three bedroom will -- will 25 address a lot of the needs for the young 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 32 2 people in this community. 3 And that is what I would like to 4 say . 5 Thank you . 6 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 7 We ' ll now hear from Jenn Hartnagel . 8 After Ms . Hartnagel , we ' ll hear 9 from Patrick Heaney. 10 MS . HARTNAGEL : Good evening . My 11 name is Jenn Hartnagel . I ' m here on 12 behalf of the Group for the East End. 13 The Group for the East End is an 14 environmental education and advocacy 15 organization . 16 The subject parcel is ecologically 17 valuable and it ' s intrical ( sic) in 18 providing healthy habitat to a variety 19 of plant and animal species . The parcel 20 also contains important freshwater 21 wetlands which are part of the Moore ' s 22 drain system. 23 The Town of Southold has recognized 24 the ecological value of the parcel as 25 well by including it on its community 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 33 2 preservation list . Considering this, 3 the proposed number of units is 4 significantly higher than what is 5 permitted under the as-of-right zone, 6 and this is concerning - 7 Although it has been repeatedly 8 stated that the proposed project hookup 9 to the Greenport Sewage Treatment Plant 10 would essentially eliminate groundwater 11 impacts and service water impacts , the 12 intense density continues to provide 13 overarching potential impacts such as 14 traffic, community character, number of 15 school-age children, and the list goes 16 on . 17 The point I "m trying to make here 18 is that the hookup to the sewage 19 treatment plant is not a cure all . 20 Having said this, one of the most 21 important parts of the DEIS is the 22 alternatives section, and the 23 alternatives should provide thorough 24 details regarding mitigation . 25 Last year, the Town of Southold I Public Hearing 10/28/09 34 2 codified new zoning standards in 3 specific relation to the hamlet density 4 zone . Essentially, size limits as well 5 as maximum building area were created in 6 addition to the requirement of open 7 space set asides . Under these new 8 regulations, the permitted as-of-right 9 density would be reduced . And, 10 theoretically, this decrease in density 11 would also significantly eliminate many 12 of the potential environmental impacts . 13 Therefore, we are strongly 14 suggesting that the DEC require the 15 addition of an alternative that 16 illustrates a plan that complies with 17 the new Town standards . 18 And, lastly, I ' d like to mention 19 that the Suffolk County Department of 20 Health Services last year also updated 21 its standards , and these updates 22 directly effect the -- the proposal in 23 the way of how much proposed sanitary 24 waste is projected to generate from 25 various size the dwelling units 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 35 2 proposed. 3 The standards have been amended 4 to assigned dwelling units above 5 1 , 200 square feet, a value of 6 300 gallons per day, which is equal to 7 what a single family resident produces , 8 and I believe the proposal includes 9 70 units which range above that size . 10 So these new amendments would change the 11 details provided within the DEIS, and in 12 the very least we ' re asking that the 13 DEIS should be updated to reflect these 14 changes , and the calculations should 15 also reflect these changes within the 16 document as well . 17 Thank you for the opportunity to 18 speak tonight . We will no doubt be 19 providing additional, more specific 20 written comments . 21 Thank you . 22 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 23 MR. HEANEY : Good evening . My name 24 is Patrick Heaney. Z ' m commissioner of 25 Economic Development and Workforce 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 36 2 Housing for the County of Suffolk . Our 3 mission in the department is rather 4 straightforward . We are charged with 5 encouraging a broad mix of business 6 opportunities across Suffolk County, 7 promotion of arts in the culture, and to 8 pursue and advocate for affordable 9 housing for the County ' s workforce . 10 As I understand this hearing 11 tonight, it is directly related to the 12 proposed annexation . My comments are in 13 a narrow band, limited only to the 14 affordability aspect of the proposal . 15 There are proposed to date 128 units , of 16 which 64 are intended to be affordable . 17 Of that 64 , 32 of the units are intended 18 for those families earning incomes less 19 than 80 percent of the Nassau/Suffolk 20 regional nMI , and the second 32 units 21 are intended for those families earning 22 between 80 percent and no more than 23 120 percent . The long term covenant on 24 affordability is one that certainly 25 meets the requirements of the Suffolk 1 Public Hearing 14/28/09 37 2 County ' s Workforce Housing program, as 3 do the percentages and the income levels 4 for the targeted families . 5 With that said, we would strongly 6 support a project like this should it 7 actually come to fruition . 8 Thank you . 9 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 10 Next, we ' ll hear from Howard 11 Meinke, and then from James Dinizio . 12 And I would just note that I have 13 no other cards . So if you ' d like to 14 speak, you need to fill out a card . 15 MR. MEINKE : Hello . Thank you for 16 the opportunity . My name is Howard 17 Meinke, I live in Mattituck. 18 If I 'm too far off base, you can 19 stop me, because I wasn ' t aware that 20 this was going to be purely a 21 nuts-and-bolts technical contribution or 22 complaints about your report . I want to 23 say that as a Southold resident, we are 24 very concerned about how Southold is 25 devel- -- Southold Town, which goes all 1 Pylic Bearing 10/28/09 38 2 the way from Mattituck to the end of 3 Orient , and the development and how it 4 happens , and we are starting work on an 5 update of a master plan . Now, this land 6 currently belongs to Southold, and it ' s 7 a stupendously high density piece of 8 development . There is no way that 9 Southold, before their master plan 10 written -- was written, would ever 11 consider approving a development such as 12 this . 13 Now, I would also say that I ' ve 14 always understood that affordable 15 housing wanted to be near the hamlets, 16 near the hallow zone, walking distance 17 to shops, things of that sort . This is 18 planted in a place that is just going to 19 create traffic, everybody will have to 20 have an automobile to go anywhere . It 21 may do something about the -- effecting 22 the price of the house , I ' ve heard that 23 and I can ' t argue with it , but it is not 24 affordable housing in the place that 25 affordable housing is intended to be, as 1 Public Hewing 10/28/09 39 2 far as I know. 3 So I am not sure that it ' s the best 4 use of the land for that purpose . I 5 think that ' s a misstatement , I don ' t 6 think it works . And it is 7 excruciatingly too dense for Southold . 8 And it is a part of Southold Town, in 9 that Southold goes from Mattituck all 10 the way to Orient, so I know that the 11 North Fork Environmental Council -- I ' m 12 a member of their Land Use Committee -- 13 is strongly against this whole 14 annexation proposal . 15 Thank you . 16 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 17 Mr . James Dinizio . 18 And after Mr . Dinizio comes Heather 19 Lanza . 20 MR. DINIZIO: Hi . James Dinizio 21 from Greenport . I ' ve lived in the 22 school district all my life, was born in 23 the hospital in Greenport , and certainly 24 played in the woods -- in Moore ' s woods 25 more than my probably fair share . And 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 40 2 as I understand it, this is really a 3 battle between two different entities , 4 Southold Town of which I served on the 5 zoning board for 20 years, and the 6 Village of Greenport which I used to 7 call the wild west . 8 They have very high density there . 9 They have sewage . For over a hundred 10 years, they ' ve managed to take care of 11 themselves . They have their own 12 electric, fire department . And this 13 land is probably the last time that we 14 will ever be able to see a truly large 15 development for affordable housing . 16 There ' s just not any. There ' s no 17 feeling on the Town ' s part to provide 18 any kind of affordable housing . it 19 seems like every time it comes up, they 20 either rezone the land or, you know, 21 they just drag it out too long . 22 So if the comments you want to hear 23 today is , you know, the DIS going to be 24 good for a guy who lives next -- in that 25 area, I 'm going to tell you yes . I Public Hearing 10/28/09 41 2 The DIS says that that school 3 district, my school district, is only to 4 about 60 percent capacity. You know, 5 that -- that may -- that number may be 6 low . I -- I don ' t know, my wife works 7 in the school . But I can tell you this, 8 it depends on -- that school district 9 depends on importing students from 10 another district that as currently is 11 considering leaving . So if it leaves , 12 that -- our school district probably 13 doesn ' t survive . 14 Certainly, there are -- I 'm a 15 member of the fire department, and 16 certainly, just to look around at a 17 monthly meeting, we ' re not getting any 18 younger . You know, we ' re not getting -- 19 we have a few young members . No doubt, 20 they work constantly. They work. quote 21 a bit now because we have a -- a 22 development called Peconic landing, 23 which is a senior development . A lot of 24 alarms , a lot of rescues . We could use 25 more people . I Public Hearing 10/28/09 42 2 So if you ' re comments are for that , 3 then I 'm all for this project . 4 So, thank you . 5 JUDGE WISSLER: Thank you . 6 MS . LANZA: Heather Lanza with the 7 planning department with the Town of 8 Southold . 9 I just wanted to let you know that 10 we ' re reviewing the DEIS in detail, and 11 we ' ll be submitting written comments on 12 behalf of the Town Board . 13 JUDGE WISSLER: Okay . 14 I have no other speaker cards . 15 However, is there anybody who hasn ' t 16 filled out a card who would like to 17 speak? 18 (WHEREUPON, there was no response . ) 19 JUDGE WISSLER: Well, I ' ll tell you 20 what ; folks , this hearing is noticed 21 from 7 o ' clock tonight until 9 : 30 . So 22 I 'm not going anywhere, which I 'm sure 23 the court reporter loves to hear. So we 24 will take care -- take a recess right 25 now, and my intention will be if there 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 43 2 are folks who want to come in tonight 3 between now and 9 : 30 and provide 4 comments, will be here to receive those 5 comments . 6 So thank you -- you ' re welcome to 7 keep me company, but don ' t feel that you 8 have to . 9 (Laughter) 10 JUDGE WISSLER: But I do appreciate 11 the input of everyone this evening, and 12 I 'm sure the Department does as well . 13 (WHEREUPON, a brief recess was 14 taken, after which the following 15 transpired : ) 16 (Time noted: 7 : 48 p . m. ) 17 JUDGE WISSLER: Okay. We ' re back 18 on the record. 19 We broke at 7 : 48 , and the hearing 20 was noticed for the period of 7 : 00 p .m. 21 until 9 : 30 . It is now, according to my 22 watch, 9 : 30 p .m. , so this hearing is 23 concluded . 24 (WHEREUPON, the above-referred-to 25 document, Public Hearing Registration 1 Public Hearing 10/28/09 44 2 Cards, consisting of 11 cards, was 3 marked as Public Hearing Exhibits 2A 4 through 2K, for identification, as of 5 this date . ) 6 (WHEREUPON, this public hearing was 7 adjourned at 9 : 30 p .m. ) 8 9 10 -000- 11 12 13 EXHIBITS 14 15 PUBLIC HEARING EXHIBITS DESCRIPTION PAGE 16 1 Written Statement of 17 Mayor David Nyce 23 18 2A-K Public Hearing Registration Cards 43 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I Public Hearing 10/28/09 45 2 3 4 C E R T I F I C A T E 5 6 1 , THERESA PAPE, a Shorthand Reporter and 7 Notary Public of the State of New York, do hereby 8 certify: 9 That the witness whose examination is 10 hereinbefore set forth, was duly sworn, and that 11 such examination is a true record of the testimony 12 given by such witness . 13 I further certify that I am not related to 14 any of the parties to this action by blood or 15 marriage; and that 1 am in no way interested in the 16 outcome of this matter . 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my 18 hand this 28th day of October 2009 . 19 20 21 THERESAP ------_---_ ---------------- APE. — 22 23 24 25