HomeMy WebLinkAboutCalverton Soil ProposalBATGI 'Envirc-amental of CanneetieUt, ac: FAX TRANSMITTAL ]ATF: l3 ai P s. TO: FROM: �JA COMPANY: �'� h � ' d COMPANY: BATG Environmental of GT, UC FAX #: / -2 3 7Or -7 9`7 Phone: Fax: 860-674-1429 860-674-1798 SUBJECT: q X i s I i• j x- E 5 Forest Park Drive m Farmington, Ci 0602I=' Tcl: 860.674.1429 + Fax: 860.674.1798 An fgvpl Opportunity Employe, F. #F kill krFamr-ra in mff m- e -khw- YID! . - DATATUMARbUND IbJF RPJA'noN HARD C9.r. GiiLi �% •, 1 � 11a�f� f ` TO 6E AP1'li4iM••'•r ByCHEMTECH "NORM11HINARWNDIAME.14-DAYS CHENUCH i�fdA�fF�'I' SAMPLIK ID UMPL9 MOM FIRMOR .. —2T.7 �oil�ct -S I - us ic M* -1 ON ^I 4L S. Vee 7lSt14 j M Sh®lfield Strati MaLlata;nSide jj.o72 (000) 30N200 Fox (908) 780 8922 yllmeha toctnet r DJ61ji C�fERAl93.E IAIPai31�iATiON fKSIXTS ONLY 0 NY STME C1r;T€WWA F16S13LTS PWS OCS�M STAVE 0 W 0 HY MULATAR Eft. �___ NEW JERM PaUCED nEL1VWMLES CLP Er%n F41�ART E-• 3r e{ aa T 8 8 PRESiTTiViS M&TAI>E DATE I "nVE IBM- C4;y IENT'S 61461kPL.E Ctl6'(OB1l I� IiST81� �i�g�1TI€D �LOYJ EfiCH YIrldB SAFhpL.ES �4AN!'il: F+oBSE�IpN IP.ItAtlp�t� �®U911@E CEI.ivERT 9Y 6M--. C�1Izan6 t� �oIT oaolar� eg rai ppUant Non-f�am�Iiant a Tsrrp. mfGooler,.... __ �' a�,►r due m r � 'Cdnnme�e: - � ar..liE � ammia. % %7 $. 9A 'UPPEAyP PAPE , 13 PANDDr=L.W g6D� © Q6+MR �IdpmmtF ppx�' s cHe6 J*t o MOKED UP a avec IGMT -a., m a to N Q EWWfl CWY FOA RETUAR TO OtJ�t Y Y�LtaW - ATTECH COPY S - -, �Lo CHEMMTEic4 CAJOT9 NO., r.i w ri DILU Na IWFonNfATi m BILL m- w F, OiTY a BTAT�`�P.. OD Gi m LD LD _ ao M&TAI>E DATE I "nVE IBM- C4;y IENT'S 61461kPL.E Ctl6'(OB1l I� IiST81� �i�g�1TI€D �LOYJ EfiCH YIrldB SAFhpL.ES �4AN!'il: F+oBSE�IpN IP.ItAtlp�t� �®U911@E CEI.ivERT 9Y 6M--. C�1Izan6 t� �oIT oaolar� eg rai ppUant Non-f�am�Iiant a Tsrrp. mfGooler,.... __ �' a�,►r due m r � 'Cdnnme�e: - � ar..liE � ammia. % %7 $. 9A 'UPPEAyP PAPE , 13 PANDDr=L.W g6D� © Q6+MR �IdpmmtF ppx�' s cHe6 J*t o MOKED UP a avec IGMT -a., m a to N Q EWWfl CWY FOA RETUAR TO OtJ�t Y Y�LtaW - ATTECH COPY S - -, 09/23/2002 07:32 18606741798 BATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 03/09 Chemieeh ConsuNng Group TA -1- IAIQ)RGAKXC ,ANALYW DATA FA XA.GE Cum: Faster whadArRavbxMmentatCup SDGNO-' P3845 Wth,od?ykm SWM >ni: G51- S 1.4 pte : P3 15.01 f-%%ftaet: ume Nos SAS iNua P3845 iy M'ix- jDate ltwx Med: VZVU2 L41val: LVW Cl�1B11Ta A ybe �om�eemtrat�aD� �Ynats C Qui M DL bnh-wmwmt]D :7440:W! 'Arsenic 32-0 MiL U P 28 0 P2 X'Z82302 744439 3 PtMM 167 vg& a { Y 8.0 F2 P882M 7a•W 9 C> nicuaa 82 u811. ] .. P 4.0 V2 P28230 744%47-S ChmmkM 7.0 'AA RZ 1= 6.0 P2 P282302 7439-M-1 Lead 210 �OL U 21.0 P2 P282302 7727,49-2 Salem= 53.9 OWL +'' F solo Ia2 P2vm WOW- nw 09/2312002 07:32 18606741798 BATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 04/09 SWNo- M845 C!¢a� 1;+'osler�VfleelerF.utvir�c�uioae�oe4aAxCa�e. �-.--,...__-.. Sampk D: 23845-a cltmtm: csY:Wcws C Dau CeQe : ° DateR wive;!: 8n�yt�lfd�l2 ,Date1#nibwd; �������, �� r&W= 1C L1 AM Ari: A wavem! Rm Uft 3mmilm . ifdot'ion:� 51.46 Vinyl cbWib Aaawd Method; 22!m As�o►aa�ed Bianlr: 0. �s. Samp[e W&Wdb 5:11 vaits: WL Soi! Ct �i'pl: 3vilAJigant�Ol: r�� va brobtam too C"Numbrat Cvamtra im C ROL NDL UAW ` A]i=S t,2-1Did9omc&am&-d4 79-W5 51.46 Vinyl cbWib 7541.4 sPK: SO 4.0 U/ 25 4.0 UBIL 1,1-JDkWoawUW 75 3S•4 < 3A Ct 25 3.4 sem. cwomrom 6-66.3 < 3.0 U,/ 2i 3.0 u9fL p-DIaRwood= X07-ft6.2 < 2.9 U / 25 2,8 *L 2 -But= 79-93-3 < 12 u 25 12 VlL Caibm Tend loride: s&23*5 < 2A it ,/ 2S i.4 usnL TdoblwoAt oe 7901-b 3.6 v 2S 3-6 WX BQIZM 7j.43.2 < 3.6 v 25 3.6 U01 Teftacuwmeftae 127-18-4 4 3.5 U 25 3-5 ugh. Cblmobw=e 4 3.9 u 2S 3.9 0 SMOGA'1'ES t,2-1Did9omc&am&-d4 79-W5 51.46 103% 68-135 sPK: SO Tolaew-d& 2037-26-5 43.79 88%, 70-135 SJR: 50 4-B omd1marobeumv- 4604X)-4 4:.33 85% 70-125 S14L. 59 rbim mof1aoramothm 54.95 110% 70-125 SSC: 50 EM"AISTAi DAIWS P=udaacobc=ne 361.724 1108184 12.8! 1,4•DWuomb c 540-36-8 1$-74656 15-19 Cblumbeame-d5 3114-554 1349124 22..75 1,4.1cblexob9Ammo-d4 3855-82-1 629095 29.15 09/2312002 07:32 18606711798 BATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 05/09 ti.aw��rw�..t• vwnw.w.w�� +�• v w�. ryp,p^LF BNA SAG No.: , XS84541 Clieut. voeter Wbower FwdFoal meld t drp. &MPSI: I 401 - C11rt IDs CSI-WCOS nate cbllp5t - agom DqAv l vaftc& $at= _ Dabo A�batd; MM �- J�ate �s � � FDA 0):1�01Ci 1� • . 1art xD: AMty lb��" 32 AoR= 1D; S2=Fk Wt/WGL• spej rav0d VOL• SOP blaWmit Vah 2 % lee Aseo11 "k MUZ02-24B UVL *XrAMcoer 14$.$1 50% W.L MM Unit TARMETS 36% 10-94 SM 300 1 -Um e -d5 143.5 1 dine 1_0 U. 10 0 UZIL 1,4-1i%Wanob 10 U 10 1.0 UVL -Atter enat .41.0 U 10 1.0 UWL < 1.3 u ` 10 1.8 uV. 1,1 u, 10 1.1 UA �p�pl mae�e c 1.0 U/ l0 1.0 USA blocvbt +diene { 1,S U'`� 10 1.S VeL 7r' b 2,4,5-1k1e]�nevphearol a X.Q la 10 1.0 M&L ?.�#d6-7btichl�ap11 i1 < 1.0 u '� 10 1.0 qs�L �,$-D drotoluE+Oc < 1.1 U � 10 13 U90L ,Se lorobe < i-1 i 10 1.1 AWL �lilc�o ivsT < 1.9 U/ 10 1.9 094-- 2-Fkwopbaug 14$.$1 50% 21-100 SM- 300 Fhwal•d5 148.49 36% 10-94 SM 300 1 -Um e -d5 143.5 72% 35-114 SM- 20D 2-fterablybMA 139.14 fig 5L 43-116 s» 200 2Arl-TvbrOu ;PhcwL 310.56 104 Va 10-123 SM 300 Tcq&ccA-dl4 190.35 95% 53-141 � SPK: 200 194-DichImubemomo-64 172387 6.14 Nspwialm"s 631 S" 8,73 ACMwfuiiw&-d,10 432969 12.70. - wobo ou 410 665603 16.12 Cba7sfto.&2 536384 _ 22.29 P&YIMc-d12 466926 25.43 $27+0 09123x'2002 07:32 18606741798 BATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 06109 SW -846 SDGNo.: P384"l aimb funw vibmlw znvira=er w Corp smplo cnmE HD: CSI.VV'CDB Di to Coll md; &MM UmAmdvah Dote A=Wek M raubm Y2% RYtra *d-. Bl�?11 . $B.e 10D: 4P .D noun= I�o�Osm�ot IDa WG Asrer+e: 7. AecGe p Cc.apmtmt'sx C unit pyloa=1016 45.6 u is 5.6 „W99 AFJDCWR 1221 --1-4 'i7 Y8 1.4 B UQCt.4tiR 1232 SS u is 8.5 U&TZ AYt.C]C=12411 < 2.3�X1p 18 2-3 Wag ,p,,1t,OC1.QA,12<l8 5-9 i U 18 5.9 u7 -g 0. AROCWR 1254 -83 11 18 11 sag/ . AitOCWIL 1260 0-2-1 u 18 2.3 SL91ato"T" '1'ettwm-Afte 11.64 5$ 96 24-151 5m' 20 DmadA mbrpt awl 19.85 59 lye 24 -151 SM, 20 N 09123/2002 07:32 18606741798 BATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 07109 i..ricr�ssc�►.r� r,.v,.u...o.,u� yr .��• xcTAP sw4W6 C*xA,.- F3W.4d c ]Fastrur WIweler EnAro ouoaami C - Sa�►ie 3D: �8�-01 Cent � X51 -m8 . page co Z ]Date moved: W21102 Date Amgbmdr SM 2 bUtxb-1 " claw -- h" t 3Dm Bum ,Amis[ l uau' EMbis & 0/0 M+mie�tni+ec 1QU� A foS`JiAii wai sma�r C:omgatR *pm C $IIfL. *mL i7nib aAa •2 -, 0.05 I7 ID20 (LOS 2,4,5 TP (Silva) -90.02 YJ � 020 0..02 Aa SMtR0GA1iW ZA-D AA 33.4 67 'Yo 24-151 Ste. 50 09/23/2002 07:32 18606741798 SATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 08/09 SW4W6 BOGr(v.: iM6-01 ut at�xer whww Enk►ameaw Corp. Sam 3t�: �1 ,t �9: CSl-3iiC0� - Bate Cause R& stion Dasa xocekmd. "Im Date Auatw&- =7M Matrbu — 6tiA D bdon: .A,wofta1kC &v VW Attselo dmLR= % 119[ wtamee 1003— AOL AOL 11�Y. 13a�s TNUMAS ga:oimw-7Br1YC �} a 0.009 - U' j / 0.450 UdL sots v 0"m ILW7 +g. afr r a (Lacs u O.W a.DW a& Aud& < 0.01 V ` 0.054 042 tom. McAosidgm { ON V O,Q54 0.O m UPS 3'W.4h= .90-12 L1 / 0.50 0.12 UA Chlofdm 0.10 YX 0.30 0.13 umfL X41, A�aaaBicsobxpJbaal►l 13.67 68% 30-150 SSC: 20 7�b�cbkom-n�- 18.17 919 30-150 S 20 *7 09/23/2002 07:32 18606741798 BATE ENVIRONMENTAL CHEN[TECH T,AFjLILATED ANALYTICAL itESULTS SMOL.IWE RANGE ORGAWS EPA - 0095 cuEmT: FCsiER WHEELER F- WIR.ONMENiAL CORP. CUENT PROJECT-- NYS IRP CALVEfRTON CTO 79 ANALYST.' PHM MATKIX: sora PAGE 09/09 Page Z . MR 'Environmental of Connecticut, LLC Southold Town Landfill County Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Attn: Jim Bunohuck Re: ]Getter of Intent for the acceptance of Soil Calverton, NY Dear -Mr. Bunchuck: September 11, 2002 BATG Environmental of CT, L.L.C. (BATG-CT) is providing this.letter as an expression of its intent to tratasport and dispose of soil from the above referenced prof eot at the Southold Town Landfill located in Cutchogue, New Fork contingent upon meeting the Southold Town Landfill permit criteria/requirernents for cover/contour material. The agreed upon fee for disposal of approximately 25,000 English tons at the Southold Landfill Facility is $15.00 per English ton which will remain in effect for The duration of the project. The following facility information is being provided in accordance with the speciPcation for tive project listed above: Facility Name: Southold Town Landfill Facility Address: County Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Contact Persons: Jim Buncbuck Southold Town Landfill, Manger (631)-734-7744 NYDEC Contact: Igor Siltiric (631)444-0393 There are currently no specific limitations regarding the daily or total amount of material that way be received from this project. BATE -CT is anticipating on moving approximately 2,000 tons of soil per day pending weather conditions and/or site conditions. If you are in agreement with this letter of intent please indicate so by signing below and facsimileing the document back to BATG �CT at (860) 674-1798. BATE -CT appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to the Southold Town Landfill. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call me at (860) 674-1429. Sincerely, BATG Envko�nrnental of �QT, L.L,C, Jam, � .. Adam B. Westhaver Vice President SimL11L,e _ Date Siemture Date BATG Environmental of CT, L,L.C, Southold Town Landfill 5 Fa rest Park Drive ^ Farmington, CT 0611 32 Tel: 860.674,1429 -'Fax. 860.674.1798 An Fqua1 Opportunity Fmp1oyzr 44&P SGS tA49401CAA� d� 78 BATG Environmental of CT, L.L.C. 5 Forest Park Drive Farmington, CT 06032 TEL. (860) 674-1429 FAX: (860) 674-1798 Vendor: Southold Landfill PURCHASE ORDER 1.) Please sign and return one signed copy of purchase order 2.) The Terms and Conditions on page 2 are an intergral part of this purchase order agreement Address: County Route 48 Coutchogue, NY 11935 Contact: , Jim Bunchuck Phone: 631-734-7744 Fax: 631-734-7976 PR#: CT02-132-092702-02 PR Date: 9/27/2002 PR Requested by: Adam B. Westhaver Date PO Required: 9/27/2002 AN`�:::p�S:CRIPTI�3CJ�::::::::::::::l��Jl`C.....R.C�.............................. . E -TON Disposal of Non -Hazardous Material $6.00 $0.00 at the Southold Landfill Facility $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Grand Total: 1 $0.00 Notes Do you have in place an BATG standard contract? ❑ Yes ❑ No Do you have in place a valid Certificate of Insurance from this Sub -Contractor? ❑ Yes ❑ No Are goods/services re -billable? ❑ Yes ❑ No Client Name: Fleet Environmental Services, L.L.C. Task Order No.: Job No.: CT02-132 Estimated Reorder Date: Office Manager Approval: Project Manager Approval: CORP. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE_ Date: Date: Date: N/A ........................................................................... •;•;•;,,•;0•;•;,•y;•;,,•i;•;•;,•;•y;•;•OO;•;•;•;•;•;•y;,•;0•;,,•;•;,,•::❖:❖:::❖::•:::•::❖:•:0:::::❖:::• 8:::::.•::•:rr.;.y;.;r.;.;,.;rrgO•y;•y;•;,•;•;,•;•;•;•: yi;,•;:,,,,,,r,•;•;•;O•y.•ooO.000. SHIP TO: BA I G Environmental OT U i, L.L.U. DILL I U. t v I � t 5 Forest Park Drive 5 Forest Park Drive Farmington, CT 06032 Farmington, CT 06032 VENDOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: BATG-CT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: DATE: not Employment Opportunity Is the Law —Discrimination is prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and by Executive Order No. 11246. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 —Administered by: e Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Prohibits discrimination because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin by Employers with 75 or more employees, by labor Organizations with a ing hall of 75 or more members, by Employment Agencies, and by Joint Labor -Management Committees for Apprenticeship or Training. After July 1, 1967, employers and labor organizations with 50 or more ployees or members will be covered; after July 1, 1969, those with 25 or more will be covered. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against should contact The Equal Employment portunity Commission, 2401 E. Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20506, Executive Order No. 11246 — Administered by: The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Prohibits discrimination because Race, Color, Religion, Sex or National Origin, and requires affirmative action to ensure equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment. By all federal government contractors and subcontractors, and by uractors performing work under a federal assisted construction contract, regardless of the number of employees in either case. A person who believes he or she has been discriminated against should contact The fee of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Vendor agrees to be bound by all items, obligations, and responsibilities of the General Contract that pertain to the labor, materials, components, equipment, or services to be urnished and supplied to the Buyer ("Vendor's Work) under this Purchase Order, and Vendor acknowledges that all applicabI specifications and contract documents are available for inspection by Vendor at the offices of Buyer. Vendor shall also be ound by all dispute resolution procedures set forth in the general contract and waives any independent right it may have to proceed pursuant to the Miller Act or similar statute. 2. Time is of the essence for this Agreement, and Vendor warrants that all of Vendor's Work will be performed and supplied so as to not delay or impede the progress of Buyer's work at any site or location where such work is to be performed (the "Project"). 3. If there is any delay as to any aspect of the Project attributable to the failure of the Vendor to properly perform or supply the Vendor's Work for the Project or to make timely delivery thereof, then Vendor shall be liable for all costs and expenses including consequential damages on account of such delay. 4. Vendor agrees that the price set forth in this Purchase Order is firm for the duration of the project for which the materials, labor, equipment or services are to be used. 5. Vendor shall promptly furnish for examination and approval of Owner's Architect and/or Engineer all shop drawings and such samples as may be required. Materials, components, and equipment furnished and the workmanship involved therein shall be in strict accordance with the general contract documents including all drawings, specifications, addenda, and samples, and it shall be Vendor's responsibility to furnish or assign all warranties or guaranties that are called for in said specifications with respect thereto. 6. Buyer reserves the right at any time to make changes in writing in the specifications, drawings, or plans relating to this Purchase Order of the time and place of delivery and, if necessary, shall make suitable adjustments in the contract price and/or in the time for performance or delivery under this Purchase Order. 7. To the extent permitted by law, the Vendor shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer (and any of its agents or employees), Owner, and Engineer from any and all claims, liabilities, fines and penalties, liens, demands, and causes of action for or on account of any injury to persons (including employees of the Vendor, the Vendor's subcontractors or suppliers, and anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable) or damage to property arising out of or in consequence of the performance of any work hereunder in accordance with this provision. To the extent permitted by law, Vendor further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Buyer of any claim by the Owner, Engineer, other contractor, or any person, which pertains to or arises out of the acceptability, fitness, sufficiency, performance, or non- performance of the Vendor's work or materials. Vendor will defend all such claims at its own cost and expense and reimburse the Buyer for any attorneys' fees incurred by the Buyer with respect to any such claim. 8. Vendor's work shall comply in all respects with all federal, state and municipal laws, regulations, ordinances, and by-laws relating thereto including without limitation, and Vendor shall hold Buyer harmless from any violations thereof. 9. Vendor agrees that any information needed by it to promptly and expeditiously perform Vendor's work will be sought by written request to Buyer immediately upon the discovery of its need thereof. 10. Buyer or its representatives shall have full and free access to all places of business of Vendor or of the Vendor suppliers in order that it may inform itself as to the general condition and progress of Vendor's work as herein contemplated. 11. No payment made under this Purchase Order shall be evidence of full performance by Vendor or constitute acceptance of Vendor's work which is defective, incomplete, improper, or not otherwise in conformance with all applicable specifications and contract documents. 12. Buyer shall have the right to deduct from any payments due or to become due Vendor and withhold an amount sufficient to protect and indemnify Buyer from any costs, loss, or damage caused to Buyer by Vendor's failure to perform this Purchase order in strict accordance with its terms or conditions. 13. Buyer may at any time terminate this Purchase order in whole or in part by written notice thereof to Vendor. If the termination is for the convenience of the Buyer and Vendor has incurred expenses because of its partial performance including non- cancelable purchase of materials, special preparation, or special fabrication of materials, and adjustment mutually agreed upon between the parties shall be made. Buyer shall not be held liable for any lost profits or other incidental or consequential damages resulting from or relating to said termination. If, however, termination is caused by Vendor's breach of any term or condition hereof including any breach of warranty or for delay or if termination is due to caused beyond the control of the Buyer, Vendor shall have no claim for any costs, expenses, or damages claimed to have been caused by such termination, and Vendor shall become and remain fully liable for any and all damages, costs, or expenses caused to the Buyer by Vendor's breach of default: 14. The Buyer's obligation to perform this Purchase Order is expressly made subject to Buyer's executing a contract with the Owner or Awarding Authority and, where necessary, obtaining any written approvals with respect to Vendor from such Owner, Awarding Authority or their respective Engineers or Architects. 15. This Purchase Order constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the Vendor's work at the Project and supersedes all previous Agreements between the parties whether written or oral with respect to the subject matter hereof. Additionally, changes to the scope of work in this Purchase Order must be approved in writing by the Buyer. 16. This Purchase Order is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 17. Vendor pricing includes all state, federal, taxes, fees, permits and applicable costs to conduct the work. 18. All invoices must be accompanied by backup documentation for approval for payment. 19. Payment terms are net 10 days after Buyer is paid by Owner unless otherwise specified. Notwithstanding, payment due shall be mailed to the vendor on either the 2nd and/or 4th Friday of each month. 09/27/2002 10:35 16606741798 SATG ENVIRONMENTAL PAGE 01/02 BATG Envirorxmental of C", L.L.C. 5 Forest Park Drive Phone, (860) 674-1429 Farmington, CT 06032 Pax; (860) 674-1795 FAX T94N5A41 �,L To: Jim Bunchuck Company: Southold Town Landfill FAX No.: 631-734-7976 From: Adam B Westhaver Subject: Letter of Intent Total Number of pages (including cover): 2 Rin: Please review, sign and fettim to me asap via,, facsimile. If you have any questictin please call ine at (860) 674-1.429 or (860)9132-7516. Thanks - Adam STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY The documents) included with this facsimlle transmittal sheet contain(s) information from SATG Environmental of CT, LLC (BATG-CT) which is confidential and/or privileged. This information is intended to be for the use of the addressee named on this transmittal sheet. If you are not the address mi. note that any disclosure, photocopying, distribution or use of the contents of this faxed Information Is prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify us by telephone ($50)-574-1429 immediately so that we can anrange for the retrieval of the orlgimal documents at no Cost to you. It you do not receive all pages, please Call 1- 860-674.1429. 5 Forest Park Drive Farmington, DT 06032 Phone: (860) 674-1429 Fax: (860) 674-1429 Of Connecticut, UC Southold Town Landfill County Route 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935 .p�yn: fico Bunchuck Re: . Letter of latent for the acceptance of Soil Caiverbon, NY Dear Mr. Bunchuck: September 11, 2002 BATG Environmental of CT, L.L.C. (BATG-CT) is providing this tetter as an expression of its intent to transport and dispose of soil from the abo a referenced project at the Southold Town Landfill located in C utchogue, New York conting nt upon meeting the Southold Town Landfill permit criteria/requircrncnts ,for cover/contour material. The agreed im upon fee for disposal of approximately 25,000 English tons at the Southold Landfill Facility is 56.00 per English ton which will retrain in effect for the duration of the project. The following facility information is being provided in accordance with the specification for the project listed above: Facility Name: Southold Town Landfill Facility ,address: County Route 48 C~utchogue, NY 11935 Contact Persons: Jim Bunchuck Southold'roam Landfill, ?Manger (631)-734-7744 Ni'DEC Contact: Igor Sikirio (631)-444-0393 There are currently no specific limitations regarding the daily or total amount of material that may be received from this. project. BATG-CT is anticipating on moving approximately 2,000 tons of soil per day pending weather conditions and/or site conditions. If you are in agreement with this letter of intent please indicate so by signing below and fscsi=leing the document back to BATG-C'l' at (860) 674-1798. BATG-CT appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to the Southold Town. Landfill, If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call me at (860) 674-1429. Sincerely, BATG Environmental of CT, L.L.C. Adax trr Vice President Simture Date Signature Date BATG Environmental of CT, L.L.C. Southold Town Landfill 5 Tbrest Park Drive - Farmington, Cr 0603 Tel: 860.674,1429 -'Fax: 860.5ZI7298 An Equal OpportunityEmployer 284 Shettleld Street, lV�euntaln8si789 8922 u*f- (905 789-8900 ®net www chemtc h 9vw% OF CUSTODY RECORD PROJECT INirmMATION CLIEWT INFO TION 0tvawTOMSWT Tat . pHWECT NAME CONYPANY: . I PROJECT nu �•ta^s M7t 9ots�� RaQ� 4. LHON ' ND RIWANtlIT1ONAN DATATUR 3a �90%X7 DAYS° FAX: vpDAYS' HART) Gam; DAYS' IEDD. TO BE APPROVED B U D T1MEC 14 DAYS •• NORMALTURNAFiD PROJECT CHF .MTECH GAUP � YDEM1FlCAT10N id �= 0 PHONE: 11 la is i' "'- - - LNERAELH INFORUATION DATA 0 NY STATE CATEGORY A b RESULTS ONLY NY STATE CAM43OM B Q RESULTS PLUS C C �RUCED RSEY AED DEt]VERABLES 1 ORM4AT: 2 PEDOULATORY 9ANPLE ��"PE COLLEC�N DA 66 'InMF 1 2 CMEMTECH t]UOTE NO. - PO f r � PRMRYAYNE•g COl�AIIAENTS J .- specify PrewVaINGS A, -HCI 8 - HNO, C _ Fi;SO� ' D - N80H r- F — Other 2. 0�.- 9. 4. 5. 8. 7 INCLUDMIO 00,1 IFA DELNBt1Y 8 SAMP�CI?STODY MUST ldE DOCUYEtAfED tjELOW EACH nME SAMPLES CHAN®E POSSE6� HEOEIUFDflY Conditions of bAGS or coolers at recelpt ❑ CompHlM ❑Nan-CornpflpM ❑ T°mP of Coolet IeNm S PIFlI; , �• Dolnln®nb: qEU, • a Bh1pReMCompM 1.ST ND DELNERE0 ❑ OVERNI polriC�116NED Br 2. SHIPPEDVW GME Fpt Q PICKED UP ❑OVERNIGHT O YESS -U.N 2 �-�' , FEMIVED Fw I AR P. s R COPY Z Z U Z REUNovISHEO Br 21�� 7L1A YELLAW—'CHEMTECH COPY PIS _ SAMPLE CHEtu(TECH COPY•FOR RE -TURN CLIENT •wW+�rw.wv��"u.n.•r.r.•:.:urvr.vo++'srrw�+"•uvw"iw*n•M . E v�rvprra.�.ir Vv�r►7HrrEILs �/VK�/ . GENERAL CHEM STRY Analyses Data Sheet SDG No.: P3593 Sample 1D: x'3593-01 Contract: Foster Wheeler 1gavk9umental Corp. Mabaix: SOIL %'Solids: 97.70 Client W! CSI WC01 Date Collected: 8/1/O2 Date Received: 8/2!02 Axalylkd AAxlYh Method Result Units C Qaa1 DF Date z et g Comments; - :AL CMMSTRY G'hemtech Consulting Group METALS -1- INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster WhcderEnvzmuwemtal Corp. SDG No.: P3593 Method Type; SW846 Color Refore: Clarity Sema- Texture: Color After: COM106ciats: Clarity After: -- _ - Artifacts: METALS ample ID: P3593-01 Client ID: -WC01 comtmct: twerwheeler bawronmentel Lab Code: t.:loww case No_ SAS No.: P3593 Corp. Immix: -1-ULY Late Recelived: 611J02 Level: LUW 5oI1ds: Aaalytkca1 CAS No. Analyte Concentration Units C Qual M DL Instrument M Ran 7440-38-2 Arsenic 45-0 ug/L U P 4S.0 P1 Pi 80502 7440-39-3 Barium 119 ug/L H P 99.0 Pl P180502 7440-43-9 Cadmium 8.0 ug/L U P 8-0 Pi P180502 7440-47-3 Chromium 480 vg/L B P 14.0 Pi P180502 7439-92-1 Lead 30.0 u91L U P 30.0 Pi P180502 7439-97-6 Mercury 2.0 ug/L U Cv 2.0 M ��� t ��� 090602A 778249-2 Selenium 9-0 u81L U P 9.0 Pi P180502 7440-22-4 Silver 37-0 ug/L U P 37.0 Pi P180502 Color Refore: Clarity Sema- Texture: Color After: COM106ciats: Clarity After: -- _ - Artifacts: METALS PCB SW -846 SDG No.: 1"3593-0i Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3593-01 Client 1D: CSkWC01 Date Collected: 8/'1/02 . Date Received: 8/2/02 Date An*xe -. 8/4/02 Nbtriu: Sul -- Date Eitracted: File ID: 4PC8044.D Dilution- AV Instrument ID_ MIN Analytical Method: ` -8982' Analytical Run 1D: 4PC070 Moisture: 2.0 ABsociated Blank-: PB 2 B Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units AROCLOR 1016 < 53 U 170 53 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 13 U 170 13 ug/Kg AIKOCLOR 1232 < SI U 170 81 ug/4 AROCLOP.12422 < 22 U 170 22 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 640 I70 56 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1254 < 110 U 170 110 ug/Kg AROCLOR I260 < 20 U 170 20 ug/Kg SURROGATES Tetrachloro-m-xylezte 20.5 103% 24-151 SPK- 20 Decachlorobipbenyl 189 95% 24-151 SPK. 20 Pesticide SW -846 SAG No.: P3593-01 Client Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: 1'3593-01 Client ID: CSI--WCOI Data Collected: SWO2 ' Date Received: 82/02 Date Analyzed: 8/5/02 Mair: Date Extracted: Extracteed: File ID: 3PS6927.D' D7atiow A Instrument ID: 3 Amalytical 1Vletbtod ii$r Ambl ical Rana ID: % Moisture: 100.0 Associated Blank: 4 Parameter Concentratioxx C ROL AWL Unit gamma -BHC (Lindane) < 0.009 U 0.050 0.009 ug/L Heptachlor < 0.007 U 0.050 0.007 ug2 Heptachlor epoxide < 0.008. U 0 050 •0:008 ug/L Endrin < 0.02' U 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 U 0.050 0.608 ug/L Toxaphene < 0.12 U 0.50 0.12 ug/L ,Chlordane < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SLMROGATES Decachlorobiphenyl 21.23 106% 30-150 SPK 20 TetxacbIc ro-m-xylene 28 140'/0, 30-150 SPK.: 20 TCLF Herbicides SW -S46 SDG No.: P3593-01 Clitemt: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. SampleID: P3593-01 (31ent ID: CSI;-WC01 Date Collected: WV02 Date Received - Date Analyzed: 8/6/02 Nbtrh: Date )KrlMcteil: 87379% File W: Daatiion: I bu rumeat m: Analytical Method; Herbicide Analytical Rxm ED: */0 Mulstume: 106.0 Associated $lank: 812/02 TCL 6PC0367-D JKCVS a Parameter Concentration C RDL 1v,1DL Units 2,4-D < 0.05 u 0.20 0.05 ug/L 2,4,5-T? (Sxlvex) < 0.02 U 0.20 0.02 ug/L SURROGAM 2,4 DCAA 32.94 66% .24-151 SPK: 50 ,' ••0' Y :�: .•x'j.Y?.`•i.•.:.:: - Ste: _ _ _. _. -' AM 284 ShefifieldStreet,.-Mountainside, New Jersey 871392• Phone: (9a8r 788-S.kb pax: (968) 789-8922' - FAX RES7TX.TS - AttenClient Client ProjectID:_ Chemteeh. roject:ID: 1 This Fa,Y' comtai as data for the followjng .Analytical Fracdomk: ' AINALMIS STATti ': SIREAti7SORS IfYY11- AM- OC'8 Preliminary Final SVOC's Prelizainaiy Fail GC Extractables " Preliaunary Final - Metals - Preliminary Final r> Wet Chem Prelzmaaary. Final Other: Dreary Pmal TPI,C* P.relim .nary Final *If other a-aalysls are required based upon the TFHC results, please Aotify your Chemtech Project M�Lngger ASAP! IF TEUS FAX CONTAIiYS Llsl� LNA-RY DATA, TAE -FOAL DATA W.LLL- _F07',X0W AS SOONL AS POSSLBLly- The data is ,preliminary due to the -Mown. - zeason(s) S=ple(s) require(s) further dilution. This is mdivated-by ='!E" flag (meaning an Estimated=valga but, above the calibration ragbe) fallowing the positive value on the result page Tlie final result w.M have tate same parameter With a positive valuee folloWed bv. a " D" flag (meaning DiMed value) - Sample(s) requireis) re -run to coafrm surrogate or intergal standard .recoveries outside of QC Limits. Th6,se samptexe-zeas are often -dome as confirmation of matrix mterzecence. Sometimes the epnfims the interIeremce and sometimes -it does not. When the conflrmatiom does venfy }antra. irteraererce the prelin-dna y results wjjl. be the final results �47aen fl:e conar_oi does not verify rnatnx mterlerence that the re -run results will'be the final results Otter Reason. -- 1967 .. .`• ;Ci ••` . ; .: S. - ' -'~i- . .. 1, .. •..-.=4`Fw Chemfech Coming Group TCLP Valatilea SW -846 SDG No.: P3593 Client: ---Foster Whaler Environmental Corp. - - - Sample ID: P3593-01 Date Collected: NA/02 Date Analyzed: Raw He ID: Dilution: 1 Analytical Method: 9260 Sample wt/wol: 5.0 Unft- mL Soil Aliquot Vols Client ID: CSI-WC01 Date Received: $/2/02 Matrix; TCLP Aoalytieal Run 1D: P3593 InstramentID: P&VOAB AssociRted Weak: Soil Extract vol: •iG 1►Iolsture: 100 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C RDL l►1DL Unita TARGETS 79-00-5 4852 97% .63-135 SPK: 50 Tolu &-dS 2037-26-5 Viayl chloride 75-01-4 < 4D,79 U 5.0 0.79 ug/L '1,1-Dichloroethene 75-154 < 0.69, u 5,0 049 u911. Chloroform 67-66-3 < 0.61 'u 5.0 0.61 uVL 1,2-Dichloroe uue 107=06-2 < 0.56 u 5.0 0A ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 23 U 5.0 2.3 ug/L. CarboA Tetcachlodde 56-23-5 < 0.47 u 5.0 OA7 ug/L Trichloroethene - 79-01-6 < 0.72 u 5.0 0.72 tig/I, Benzene 71-43-2 < 0.71 U 5.0 0-71 u81L Tetxacbdoroethene 127-18-4 < 0.70 U so 0.70 U95- Chl6robenzene 108-90-7 < 0.78 U 5 a 0-78 ug/L .SURROGATES 1,2-Dichloroedmne-d4 79-00-5 4852 97% .63-135 SPK: 50 Tolu &-dS 2037-26-5 4925 99 °C 70-125 SPK: 50 4-Brotuofluorobenzene 469-00-4 50.13 100% 70-125 SPK: 50 Dibromoiluorocaetllatle 63.37 127% 70-125 SPK: 50 INTERNAL STANDARDS Peimfluorobenzene 363-72=4 820576 7.57 M-DiftuorobenzMe 540-36-3 825373 8.85 .Chlombenzene-d5 3114-55.4 651621 14.73 1,4 Dirblorabeame-d4. 3855-82-1 118095 20.29 PRELIMINARY RESUI,7S Subject to change upon funkier dela quality review TCLP BNA, SW -846 SDG No.: F3593-01. Client_ Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample lA: P3593-01 Client ID: CSI-WC01. Date Collected: 8/1/02 Date Analyzed: .8/6/02 Date Extracted: 3/3102 Dilution: 1 Analytical Method: 8270 Sample Wt/Wal: 500:0 injection vol: 2 Associated Blank: U Date Received: 812/02 - Matrix: WATER Foie ID: BB003199.D 1wtrument 1D: 5971B Analytical Run ID: 1• Extract Vol: 500 % Moisture: 100 Parameter Comceutra4ou - C RDL MDL Units TARGETS Pynfte < 10 U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Diah1o.robenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Methylphenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 3+4-Metbylphcnols < 18 U 10 1.8 ug/L Hexachloroethane < 1 1 U 10 1.1 ug/1.. Nitrobenzene < 10 U 10 1.0 ugfL Heaachlorobutadieme < 1j U 10 1.5 ug/L 2,4,5-Tnchloraphenol < 1-0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6-Tnch1orophemo1 < 10 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4-Dinittvtoluene < 1-1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Hexachlorobemzene < 1.1 U 10 1-1 ug/L Pentachlorophenol < 1.9 U 10 1-9 ug/L SURROGATES 2-Fluorophenol 112.8 38% 21-100 SPK: 30Q Phenol-dS 8228 27% 10-94 SPK.: 300 Nitivbanzenc-d5 11915 60% 35-114 SPX- 200 2-Fluorobtphemyl 140-99 70 % 43-116 SPK: 200 2,4,6-Tnbrom0phen01 185.35 62% 10-123 SPK: 300 Taphenyl-dl4 319-31 160% -33-141 SPK--. 200 ]1MBNAL STANDARDS 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene -d4 79984 6.23 Naphtbaleme-d8 303573 8.82 Acenaphthene-= 158395 12.80 1Phemamihreme-d10 290867 16.23 Chrysenc-d12 242892 22.41 .Peryleue-M 213265 25.56' 8270 CHEMTECH DATE q / 1 a/ 0a NXT.NM ER OF PAGES NAME: 0L.. !l`1" - - FAX#WC a b1 COWANX: rl)dt-eY--" W RE SENT BY: Om aWra L. Penas t- Mffllrjp�&Oro I PROJECT # IF YOU DO NOT DECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US AT (732) 225-4111 or (908) 789-890G AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street �Mountainside, NJ 07092 This facsimile tra =cxission pertains to confidential inforA 4on involving -Qhe 0.`te h i~oiasultingGtoup, Inc_ and the intended recipient. If you are riot the zztaxided recipient copying, acting upon or discussing the contents is FiOMBATExD. In the event this transmission has been misdirected, please contact this office so Haat we may take appropriate action. T7px* you for your prompt response to this matter. I V. '"I.'VES,S` FOR THE E V A IRON T TENT a CHEMTECH GC Volatiles DETECTOR: P10 Tabulated ,Analytical Report EPA - 8015 GASOLINE RANgE ORGANICS CLIENT. FOSTER V'.aLHEELER*ENVIRONMENTAL CORP, MATRIX: SOIL PROJECT. NINIRP CAERTON CTO 71 ANALYST: PHM SAMPLE ID: CSI-WLV Co1 DATE ANALYZED: 8/8/b2 LAS ID: P3593-01 DILUTION: 4 FILENAME. ENDATAUV0808:12 RAW PROJECT: P3593 COMPOUND RESULTS (ug/Ka) MDL fuet/Ka) GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS NEI 5 •%Solids 98% MDL = METHOD DETECTION LIMIT ND =UNDETECTED BELOW MDL n] citemlech -consultingGroup TC`.T.P Vnlofihk SDG Pio.. P3593 Client. Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID. P3593-01 Client Wt CSI-WCOI XDL A?b) Date C611c tad: 811/02 IlateReeeived: 8/2/02 Date Analyzed: U 14latric TCLP File M., -W/O: VItAROR09.n AuaJybcsl Rub, ID: V8021702 pllution: 5 _ Instrument ID: MSVOAD Analytical Method: 8260 Assotiated Blank: YM0808WI SampkWvwoI: 5.0 74nits. mL Soil Extract vol: 30 ,. _ [_4.jtnuot VvL• 2,2-Dichloroethane % IVIOLsttlrt` 100 Parameter CAS Plumber Cooceatratson C XDL A?b) Units TARGB'1'S Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4:0 U 25 40 U91L 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 < 3-4 U 25 34 ug/L Chloroform 67-66-3 < 3,0 U 25 30 ugL 2,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 IJ 23 12 UZIL , Carbon Tetrachlonde 56-25-5 < 2-4 U 125 2.4 ugA. Tnchlaroethene 79-01-6 <. 3-6 U 25 3-6 u7/L. Benzene 71-43-2 < 3-6 U 25 36 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 < 3-5 U 25 3-5 ug/L Cbiloroberwe 108-90-7 < 3.9 U 25 39 *L ' SURROGATES 1,2-Dxchloroethane-d4 79-00-5 5142 103% 68 - 135 SPK. 50 Toluene -d8 203.7-2675 47-68 95% 70-125 SPK 50 4-13romofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.5 9.9% 70-125 SPK: 50 Dibromofluoromethane 54.58 109% 70-125 SEK; 50 lA'TER1�iAL STANDARDS Penta`luoroben=' e ' 363-72-4 802201 7-51 1,4-Dsfluorobenzene 98x355 .8.73. Chlorobenzeae-d5 3114-55-4 774499 14:40 1.4-Diahlorobemzeme-d4 385542-1 '475789 1976 CMunECH 284 Sheffield- Mouetainilde, NJ 07092 CHEMTECH JOB NO.; (909):789100 Fax (908) 789-8922 Asp - CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD vfwmchemtech.net CHEMTECH QUOTE NO.: ,rer. VOW WHITE - CHEMTECH DOPY FOR RETURN TO CLIENT YELLOW - CHEMTECH COPY, PINK.-'SAMPLM COPY - '22629 CLIENT IRPOiiaTION PROJECT JNFORIMATION UILLIN0 INFORMATION RJ`3'OAT108E6DVr70t •• 4•••m'r• ✓ 04ftlf � raw Cq/p, PRONAME w i BILL TO: J Q✓�Y.0 PO JI:UP- 70DRESS: ✓rtil�✓� d. PROJECTNO.: ga "/ . _DO0OQ ADDRESS: � -I pliL►u STATE: I -r.+ ZIP; D79,CV PROJE67 ANAOER: {!da L. 1�Alllk CITU; r 9&14 STATE: J� ZIP:47VD ATTENTION: .!✓J d LOCATION Lj ATTENTIQN: I �! I kZ HONE: � G� -W t 3 PHONE; $ % &- % FAX (jO—.53oc� PHONE I %��-O?g FAX 'T3a-$o8j • ANALYSIS DATA TURNAROUND INFORMATION DATA DELIVERABLE INFORNA110�1 r cc DAYS - 0 RESULTS ONLY O NY STATE CA! -4 ❑ RESUIrTSPLUSOC NY STATE B EDD' Si.illq " TO I3E APPR DAYS DAYS' 7� I% L DAYS - ED BY It CATS fl REGULATORY FORMAT, STATE; NEWJERSEY REDUCED DELIVERABLES W " CHEAITEiCH a CLP ; �� NORMAL TURNAROUND TIME - 14 DAYS ❑ El}[i FORMAT I 2 3 4 '` b 6 7 8 B SAMPLE SAMPLE PRESERVATIVO COMMENTS CHENTHCH SAMPLE PROJECT SAMPLE `TYPE COLLECTION � � +- Spscily Preriervadves A -HCI 9 - SNO ID SAMPLE WEW FICATION MATRIX � � ® DATE Ti 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 E- ICE F -Marl 2Local 8•L-a� raza /o a •4. - s. e. • 7 B. BANGLE CUSTODY MUST BE DOCUMENTED BROW EACH TIME SAMPLES CHANGE P089E8810N WCL.UOINO COURIER DBLIYERY AEUt�13UEJ: QAT6riWS ;ECEIIIED B5^ RECEIVED BY• COrbffws of bottles or coolera at receipt COInt wft: O Compliant O Norv.Cwplk" ❑ Terra. of Cooler REL DATElr>11E: 2. "�. s•.•• . RE\INQUt9}IEDBv 3. -lIrS' IDZ R£CEiVEOFOR IABg •: 3. SHlPPEDVIA:CLIENT: C3HAN!)•DJEUVERED ❑ OVERNI �" 'CHBMCH: 6uIww"comp": P —m O PICKED UP ❑ OVEflMO fr ❑ YES O 40 ,rer. VOW WHITE - CHEMTECH DOPY FOR RETURN TO CLIENT YELLOW - CHEMTECH COPY, PINK.-'SAMPLM COPY - '22629 / Aug 14• ZUUI, U:D4NM, Iqu•UUJu i • U. LY Chemaa.a.is .,.,..ter...,.;. 4roup TCLP Volatiles SDG No.: P3635 :Client: Foster Wheeler En4im mmental Coxp. arc: Sato#le;)0D: P363542 Client ID: CSI-WCO2 D;gtie%Collected: 8/6/02 - Dlale Analyzed: • 8/10/.02. rik 0: VG081007.D DAdtivn: 5 Analytical Method: 8260 Sample Wt/Wuh 5.0 Units: mL Suit Aliquot Vol: Date Received: 817/02 Matrix: TCLF — ,Analyt ical Run ID: P3635 Instrument I.V. MSVOAG Associated Blank:VBGMUWI �� Soil Extract Vol: % mobture: Parameter. CAS Number Concentration C RDL MDL Units. TARGETS 79-00-5 45-88 92% 68-135 SPK 50 Toluen f 2037-26-5 Vinyl.chloride 75-.01-4 < ' 4.0 U 25 4.0 ug/L l,l-DicXoroethene 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 ug�L Chloroform 67-66-3 < 30 U 25 3.0 ug/L 1,2-Dxcbloroethene 107-06-2 < 2.8. U 25 2.8 ug/L. 2-Butanono 78-93-3 %, 12 U 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 25 2.4 ug/L Trichloroethene 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 < 3-6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Tetrachlorocthcne 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug/,L, Cblorobemzene 108-90-7 < 3.9 U 25 3.9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2-DicbI6roethane•-d4 79-00-5 45-88 92% 68-135 SPK 50 Toluen f 2037-26-5 50.57 101% 70-125 SPK: 50 4-Brou7lwo}`[bbe,`nz`e 4.6A_ -004 y 50-71 101% 70-125 SPK 50 r Dibromofluomm „ sr 41.85 84 % 70-125 SPK: 50 s INTERNAL STAIPARDS Penmfluorobenzeae,ty 363-72-4 164188 14.16 1,4-l>iluorobenzene 540-36-3 336040 16.39 Chlombeazene-6 3114-55-4 321165 22.85 1,4 Dicblorobenzene-d4 3855-82-1 143804 2811 vi&cianUn i r LUUL•. V UVI Ulv• l TCLP BNA. SDG No.: P363"I Ment: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3635-02 Client ID: CSI-WCO2 Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Recekved: 817/02 Date Analyzed: 8/1.0/02 mtrix: < to Date Extracted: 8/8/0.2 File'ID: 0003325.D Dilution: 1 Insmament ID: 5971E Analytical Method: 8270 Aaaalytical Rua ID: P3635 Sample WYWol: 500.0 Eztraet vol: 500 bgjection Vol: 2 % Moisture: 100 Associated Bla & - Parameter Concentration C RDL ' MDL Units TARGETS Pyxidine < to U 10 1.0 u911, 174-Dichlambcazonc < 1.0 U 10 1-0 ug/L 2-Methylphenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 UIVL 3+4-Methylphenols < 1.8 "IJ 10 1.8 uglL Hexachloroethane < 1-1 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ugjL Hexachlorobuiadaeme < 1.5 U 10 1.5 ugfL . 2,4,5-Tneblorophenol 0,`14 < 1.0 U 10 I.0 ug/L 2,4,6-Thcbloxophenol < 1.0 U I.Q 1.0 ug/L 2,4-Dxnitrotolucne < 1,1 U 10 1.1 U91L HexacbIoxobe=me < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Pemchleropb: dol < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/L S OG TES _ .•16522 2-Fluorophenol + 55% 21-100 SPK 300 Plxexllol-d5 9,9.02 33% 10-94 SPIE- 30Q Nittbbenzeae-d5 184.75 92% 35-114 SPK: 200 2-b'luoxobiphenyl ' 177.1 89% 43-116 SPY- 200 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 320.34 107% 10-123 SPK. 300 Texpbenyl-d14 381-52 191 Ya 33-141 SP1. 200 INTERNAL STANDARDS 1,4Dxchlorobenaene-d4 75129 6.21 Naphthalene -d8 283078 8.81 Acenaphthene -d10 159874 12.79 Phepaiutb e -d10 283498 16.20 Cbrysen"12 208159 22.37 Peryleme-d12 198560 .25.52 8270 Lne)Aug • 14• ZUUZS U:Wff (TrOV iru I u01lu r • iii cv Pesticide SW -"6 SAG No.: P3635-01 Client: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample'ED: P3635-02 Client ID: CSI WCO2 Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Received: 8/7/02 Date Analyzed: 8/8/02 Mat&: Tcupr- ^ Date Extracted:_ File ID: SPS6319-D Dilution: I Instrument ID: EM A,nalytled Method7---BW Analytical Run W: "/0 Moisture: 100. _ Associated $lama Parameter Concentration C RDI: ?VIpE Units .gamma -BHC (Lindane) < 0.009 U 0.050 0 009 ug/L Reptachlor < 0.007 U 0-050 0.007 ug/L Heptachlor epoxide < 0.008 U 0-050 0.008 ug/L Endnn < 0-02 U 0 050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0 008 ,` 0,050 0 008 ug/L Toxaphene < 0-12 0-50 012 ug/L Chlordane < 0 13 Ti 0.50 0.13 lig/L SURROGATES Aecachlorobiphenyl ; , 13.74 69% 30-150 SPK 20 Tet=hloro-m-Xylene 152,1 76% 30-150 SPY— 20 t,neymn,i4, zuuzs j-uirvuroup IIU-UUUU I - IT/ LU TCLP Herbicides SW -846 SDG No.: P3635-01 CUen.t Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample M: P3635-02 Client M-. CSI-WCO2 Date Collected: 91610.2 DatmRecelved: MIN Date Analyzed: 8/9/02 M.2t)rjm IrEr- Date lExtracte4b . Fit ID: 6M396,D Dilution: jL-- lnsb*==t ID: ECDS Analytical Method -7- AnakyticalRan IM, 6PUB09 Moisture: . 10A. Associated Blank: Parameter Concentration C RDL units I AXI'M A 2,4-D < 0-05 U. .0-20 ...0105 U9I2 2,x},5-TP (silvex) < 002 U 010 002 Uja '8111MOGATES- ........... 2,4-DCAA 33.59 67% 24-151 SPK. 50 c.r«inua • 1 g• cuuzs v umfi grrOup fru uuju PCB SW --846 SDG No.: P3635-01 (Ment: Foster Wheder Environmental Corp. - w Sample ID: P3635-02 Client 1D: CSI-WCO2 Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Received: 8/7/02 Date Amabzed: 8/9/02 Matrix: solo -- Date Extracted_ 37710 File ID: 4PC8188.1) Dilution: Instrument 1D: E Analytical Method --.--Mgr AA W"cal Run ID: 4MSQ5 Molgture:7-Associated Blault: 080702, Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units AROCLOR 1016 < 5:6 U 18 5.6 ug/KS A.ROCLOR 1221 < 1.4 U 18 14 %/K,g.. AROCLOR 1232 8.5 U 18 8.5 ug/kg AROCLOR 1242 < 2.3 U 18 2-3 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 450 18 5-9 ug/kg AROCLOit 1254 < 11 18 11 ng/$g AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 ug/Kg SURROGATES Tetmcbloro-m-xy1=e ;,,� 1531 77% 24-151 SPR: 20 Decachlorobiphenyl 13.77 69% 24-151 SPK: 20 PCB SW -849 SDG No.: P3635-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. sample m: P3635-02 Client ID: CSI-WCO2DL Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Received: S/7/02 Date Aualyyzed: 8/9/02 Matte: Ste^ Date Extracted: 3777U2 File ID: 4PC8190.D Dilution: 10 Insummeott ID: E Analytical Method -808.2' A;nabybical Run ID: 4PCNOS % Moisture_ 7.6 Associated Blank:P9080702-UW- Parameter Concentration C RDL MDI, Units AROCLOR 1016 < 56 U 180 56 ug/Kg AROCLOR 122.1 < 14 tJ 180 14. ugMg AROCLOR 1232 < 85 U 180 85 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 23 U 180 23 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 470 l80 59 � ug/Kg f AROCLOR 1254 < 110 180 110 ug/gg AROCLOR 1.260 < 21 U 180 21 ug/Kg SURROGATES Tetxachloro-m-xylcne { 193 92% 24-151 SPK 20 Deeaahiombiphenyl 13.2 66% 24-151 SPK-. 20 t nu6111�cuuc 4 uurm no•uoov r - ccir.V Cheasatech Consudtang Group METALS INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster Wheeler Envuontneatal• Corp: :. -Lasi4brNW P3635 Method Type: SW846 Sample ID: P36345-02 lClient ID: CS 1-WCO2 Contract: !foster WheelerEummmennal Lab Code: (;1iY1V ED Uase.No.: SASNo_: P3635 Corp. Matriz: KULP Date meceived: 8/7102 level: LOW /o a011d9: A 31yftal CAS No. Analyte Concentratimn Uri C Qual M DL Instrwu entID Run 7440-38-2 'Arsenic 45-0 ug/l U P 45.0 Pl P180802 7440-39-3 Banum 99-0 ug/1_. U P 99.0 P] P180802 '7440.43-9 Cadmium 8.0 ug/1. 1 P 8.0 P1 P180802 7440-47-3 Chromium 14.7 U94- ' �'a P 8.0 PI P180802 7439-92-1 Lcad 30.0 ug/L U P 30.0 Pi P180802 7782-49-2 Sclaiium 1 37.0 ug/L B P 90 Pi P180802 7440-7.2-4 Silver 0.%\ 42.0 ug2 B P 370 P1 P180802 �isjtzr—, MP.Yccw+� fl -0 ,44,914 to -p W 2<<a w C.0 oa,: az Color Bejb re: Clarity Before: Texture: Color Afar; Clarity After: Arti&cts: TCLP ICP Metals AU8.14 ZUUZ UUIPM 1➢U,UODU r tultu Chemzem uonswung► Group GENERAL CHEN.QSTRY Analyses Data Sheet SDG No.: P3635 Sample ID: P3635-0 - Client ID: CSI-WCO2 Contract: Foster Wheeler Faaviroamemtal Corp. Date Collected: 916102Date Received: $/7/02 Matrix: SOIL % Solids: 93.20 _ Analytical Analyte Method Result Umb C Qual DF Date mg Commexib: } 4 :AI. CHEWSTRY a � � - TCLP Volatiles SDGlgo.: P3635 . •� .• :� ' 2, kIj : Poster Wheeler Environmental;CoYur�. _ _ "`" Client: Client ID: CSI--WC03 ` ':•'` .•-" =' Sample ID: P3635-03.::1: •...-817/02 " ' ' �. - f �.-i s �;�.,•, Dste-Reeeived: Date Collected: 8/602: . �— - - Date Analyzed-. 8/10!.02 _ '�- -� Analytical Run ID: p3635 Pile ID: vt.;oSiOOS� - ar. instrument W- MSVOAG Diludon: 5 Associated Blank: VRGNIOWA Analyfucal Method: 8260 5.0 Units: mI.'ID1\ SoB Extract Vol: Owl j SaAaple Wt/R'ol: %Moisture: log, � Soil Miqu oc vol: - CAS Number Cpneentrat�iom C RAX' NIDI' Units Parameter TARGETS75-01-4 < 4.0 a 25 4.0 J ug/L. vinyl chloride < 3.4 U25 3.4 ug/L 1,1-Dteliloroetheae 75 35.4 U 25 3.0 ug/L Q16roform 67-66-3 < • < 3.0 2.8 U 25 2.8 ug /L1,2-Dichloroetbmm 107 -Ob -2 U 25 12 n82 2-Bntanome 78-93-3 ,�a"s 12 U 25 2.4 u�' - Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 25 3.6 ut3/l- Ti[tcbloroethelue 79-01-6 < 3.6 25 3.6 u�- 1 Benzene ,,i 71-43-2 < < 3.5 U 3.5 25 3.5 ug/L. Teu=b1oroethene 127-184 U 25 39 u' Chlorobenzer<e • 108-90-7 < 3.9 SURROGATES 79-00-5 50.07' 100% 68-135 SPK: 50 1,2-Dichloroe*544 2037-26-5 50.52 101% 70 -125 SPK: 50 Tolne�ps .c 4.69_00-4 52.01 , 104% 70-125 sm so 4-Bmm�ifluofohenzet - 42.78 86 Yo70 -125 SPK- 50 Dibromaflno��lur��+ INTmAL STArRARDS 363-72-4 154739 14.16 Penta#iuoxobepzex<el::s 334713 15.39 1,4-Difluorobenzene 540-36-3 3114-55-4 322486 22-84 Chloraben=e-0 1,4-Dichlorobenzen"4 3855-82-1 145008 28.11 i - TCLP BMA SDG No.. P3635-01 CU=t: ynter Wheeler Eotvi m oumental Corp. Sample ID: P3635,03 CHent 7D: CSI--WC03 Date Collected: 816/.62 Date Received: Matrb:AW 817/.02 - Date Analyzed: 861102 File AD: BB003354- D Date Extracted: 8/8/02 boistswent IA: 59718 Di lutlow d Method: 8270 - Analytical Run ®: p ,tfnalytical Sample Wt/Wol: 500.0 Extract Vol: 500 Injection Vuh 2 % Moisture: 100 ,A,ssocxated; �1am1t:. - Parameter Comcemtratiom C RAI. MDL Units TARGIETS Pyrite < 1-0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 U91L 2-Methylpheaol < 1.0 . U 10 1.0 U91L 3+4-Methylphenols < 1.8 � 10 1.8 u82 Hexaebloroethane < 1.1J 10 1_1 ug/L Nxtrobeazene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 uS(L\1' Hexachlorobutadime t < 1.5 U 10 1.5 ug/L 7,4,5- rnchloropheno1 •r'+ < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6-Tn6lorop1keno1 < 1-0 U 10 1-0 ug/L 2,4-13imttrotolueme 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Rexachlorobonzene < I.1 u 10 1.1 ug/L Pentacb4exbpbpol < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/L S G TES _ r, 2-Fluorophenol -` �` 153.47 5.1 % 21-100 SPK 300 t Phcnol :d5 F 9.7.58 33% 10-94 SPK 300 Nrgiobenzene-d5 Vit£ 18855 9.4% 35-114 SPK: 200 2-Fluombiphenyl ' 187.67 94% 43-116 SPK 200 2,4,6-Tnbromophenol 308.58 103% 10-125 SPK 300 Terphouyl-04 340 170% 33-14.1 SP1C: 200 INTERNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dicbloroben=e-d4 88907 621 Naphthalene -d8 341497 8.82 .A,cenaphthe ae-d l 0 190606 12.80 phenanfhr=-d1-0 333537 16.21 Chxy ="12 251385 22.38 Pcryleucrd12 201699 21.53 8270 c Pesticide SW -846 SDG1vo.: F3635-01 Client: Foster Wheeler liaavironmental Corp. Sample ID: F363543 Obaat ID: CS1-WC03 Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Received: 817/02 Date Analysed: 8/8/02 AUtriz: ILTT— Date fttracted. VIS/U2 File ID: 5FS6320.D Dilation- Instrument IOD: Analytical Method —OW Aaalytacal Run 333: SPS5907 Moisture: 100.0 _ Associated Blank: _ Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units gamma-BHC(Lmdane) <.0,009 :U _ 0,050 0.009 ug2 'Reptachlor < 0-007 U 0-050 0-007 ug/,L Heptachlor cpoxxde < 0.008 U 0.050 0-008 ug/L - Endim < 0 02 U 0,050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 0-050 0-00$ ug/L Toxaphene < 0-12 TH 0.50 012 Ug/4 Cbdordane < 0 1.3 U 0-50 0-13 ug/L SURROGATES DecachiorobiphenyI � 14.59 73% 30-150 SPK. 20 TeWwhloro-m-xyl=e 13.51. 68% 30-150 SPK: 20, i 1 Rr., TCLP Herbicides SW -846 SDG No.: P3635-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Euvkou memtal Corp. Sample W: P3635-03 Client IOD: CS] WC03 Date Collected: 8/6/02 Rate Received: 8!7/02 Date A ualyzed: 819/02 Matrix:' TCI;Er — Date Extracted; W370 File ID: 6PC0897.D Dilution: Instru memt ID: ECDT Analytical Method: ,Auslvtiea! Run ID: PCO809 '/o M.Ow4re: 10D. _ _ AssoclaUd Blank: Parameter Concentration C RD.L 1VIDI: units 2,4-D < 0.05 u 0,-20 0.0s, ug/L -2,4,5-T? (Silver) < 0.02 11 0.20 0.02 U91L f STIMOGATES 2,4-DCAA, 3541 71 % Z4 - 151 SP& 50 j .i-4. PCB SW -846 SDG No.: P3635-01. Client Faster Wheeler FAvlronmentai Corp. Sample ID: F3635-03 Client ID: ,CSX WC03 Date Collected: 8/6/07 Date Received: 8!.7/02 Date Analyzed. 8/9102 Matrix: SOLL Date Extracted: of7102 "r--"` File ID: 4PCB189.D Dilution: I Instrument M: EM Analytical Method.—Wr Amaiytical Ron M: 4FCOINS 9/6 Moisture: 8. _ Associated Bunk: 2-19 B Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Vnits AROCLOR 1016 < 5 6 U 18 S_6. ugag AROCLOR 1221 < 1.4 U 18 1.4 usag AROCLOR 1232 < 8-6 U l8 8.6 ug/K.g AROCLOR 1242 <24 U 18 2.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 1400 18 59 ug/KS AROCLOR 1254 < 11 18 11 uvxg AROCLOR 1260 <22 U 18 2.2 ug/Kg SURROGATES Tct=hlozn-m-xyieme 1547 77% 24-151 SPK. 20 Decachlmobxphenyl 16.52 83% 24-151 SPK 20 r� f L. , d ' wrawrsvzt.rs •rVRJff�K11� VrVssy WTALS C0101r Ammer;: rix Clarity A,ftex: Artifacts: TCLP ICP Metals INORGANIC ANALYSIS DA,,T& A AGE int: Foster Wheeler Emummenud Corp. SDG No.: P3635 ; + Method Type: SW846 Sample ID: P363S-03 Client ID: CSI-WC03 - - Contraet: !`ower *wcicr l:avma==tal Lab Code: (;=Mhl) case A0-1 SAS No.: P3635 corp -or -'ILLY Date At+eeetvea: W710 Level: )-UW • "fo bollow. _ An -w aWucm CAS No. Analyte Concentration Units C Qual M DL bmtrument ID R13M 7440-38.2 ' ' Axacnic 450 ug/L U P 45.0 P1 FISO302 7440-39-3 Dx um 213 ug/L B P 990 Pi P180802 -7440-43-9 Cadmiun 395 ug/L -ji P 8.0, P1 P180802 7440.47-3 Cbr+ Whim 268 ng/L '< P 8.0 Pl P180802 7439-92-1 Lead 30.0 uF)L U P 30.0 P1 P180802 7782-49-2 selenium 182 �t ug/L B P 9.0 Pi P180802 7440.-22-4 Silver -'k 370 rJ ug/L U P G/ 37.0 �- Pl C.cJ PI80802 - r<<219 cwJ e 4 i s o ._ M Z.- 1[_ c/ �D color Be[ore: Clarity Before., Teztart: C0101r Ammer;: rix Clarity A,ftex: Artifacts: TCLP ICP Metals Lunafusureg luru"P • GENERAL CEEEMSTRY Analyses Data Sheet SDG No.; P3635 Simple 113.- P3635-03 Mut ED: CSI WC03 Cogtract: Fester Wheeler Envkoumeutal Corp. Date Collected: 816/02 Date Rmeived. SP1/02 M2tdX: SOIL % Solids: 92.30 AnW"IrA Acolyte Method Rem* Units C Qual, DF Date Ten 91A 4ZO Commeub-z UL COEMMAY FRO",CT # 302. N MMER OF PAGES . f X31--7 - 80 3 M- Coate SINT BY L.Penas P �0. P lw OU DO NOT AC=V Amt, PAQFS, MF -&n CALT T CJS AT 908-789-3900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 234 SHM=M ST MOUNT -A NSME M 07092 e . Ivi' h u facsimile t-ateittal. 1\Ll%M.Xani, OF PAGES �PLJ J na FAM : - i wy c Jw YOU 130 NOT REPC U ALL PAGES, PLEA' sE CALL US AT 908, 789-8900 AS SOLAR AS POSSIBLE. 2S4 HEIM Sr -A flUl?•l'i AD SW)9 M 07092 E E 6 �I 8 a Is CLE t® M CM N r Volatiles SDG No.: 113727-01 Clieut; Foster Wheeler l;nviroamental Corp- Sample lD. P3727-01< Client ID: CSI-WC04 same , Date Collected: 8/13/02 Date Receive& 8!14/02 Nauru: X Date Amalyzed: 8/16102 A islytleal Run ID: VDO810o2 File ID: W31617D t emt JD: ZVISVOAA Dilution: S A dyfical Me* U60 Soil $=tract Vol- Sample WtlWoY: 5.0 U�aits: mL %Moisture: lob Soil Alfduot Vol: - CASNumber Couceaatration C RDL fix, Units TARGETS7501-4 'vinyl - c 4.0 U 25' 4.0 ug/L V cbloxide 75-35-4 < 3AU 25 3_4 ug/L 1,1-Dicblorootheae c 3.0 25 3.0 ugfL Chlorofoxux, 67-66-3 U 25. 2.8 ug/L 1,2 Aic'bloroedme 107=06-2 < 2.8 25 12 u8/: 2-Butanoua 78-93-3 < 12 U U 25 2,4 u�- Carbou Tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 29 % � 25 3.6 usa- Triebtoroethaue 79-01=6 < < 3-6 3.6 U V 25 3.6 u82 Seuzene 71-43-2 < 3.5 �'" U_ 25 3.5 ug/L Tetrachl=Co fficnc 127-18-4 < 3.9 U 25 3.9 ug/L Ctda,robe�p�eu� 108-90-7 StTMOGATESSM 1,2-Aicbloiroe� 79-00-5 � 54.37 109 % 68 -135 50 SPK: 50 Toluene -d8 29-00-5 5 48.22 96% 91,% 70 -1Z5 76-125 SPK: 50 4-Bmmol%o�robeazeue 460.00-4 45.35 46.79 94 % 70 -125 SPK SQ J%ticvmofluomm4one •MERNA' STANDARDS 363-72-4 348017 12-74 Peutatlum-obounne 540-36-3 63342 15.12 1,4-1)iiluorobcnaene 3114-55-4 516970 r 22.65 'Cblorobeuzeue45 1, 4-DichlorobenzamL-d4 3855-82-1 214907 29.03 wciP BNA SDG No.: P3727-01 Client: Foster V &eeler UvIro muent Sample ID: P3727-01 C CSI-,WC04 MDL Date Collected: . 8/13/01 Date Yteeeived: 8114/02 Date Analyzed: 8/18/02 ilutrix: WATER DateExtracted: 8/16102 Mem. BD001830.D D6tiom I b stroment ID: $971D An aLvd* Method: 2270 A»alylical Rm ID= Sample Wt/Wol: 400 Ezb wd Vol: SOO bjectlon Vol: -.. 2 % Moictiae: 100 Associate# Wmmk PB081602-25RD Parameter Concentration C RDI. MDL Units TARGrs Pyridine < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Mcb1owbe=.eue < 1.0 - U 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Mcfhylpheuol < i.0 u 10 1.0 uglL 3+4 Med*henoLs < 1.8 U 10 1.8, ug/L Hmachloraetbme < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Ntrobeazene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L Deaachlorobutadiene < 1.5 U 10 1.5 ug/L 2,4,54siahlorophenol < 10 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6-Trichla mphenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4 -Din itrotoluene < 1.1 �" U 10 1.1 ug/L ` ileaacb1orobemzew < 1.1 u 10 1.1 ug/L Pent wWomphenol < 1.9 / U 10 19 ug/L SURROGATES 2 Fluorophenol 126.3 42% 21-100 SPK: 300 Phenol -d5 97.58 33% 10-94 SPK 300 Nitmbenwn&A5 142.16 71% 35-114 SPK 200 2-Fluorobiphemyl I28.25 64% 43-116 SPK 200 2,4,6-Tn-bromophanol 235.28 78% 10-123 SPK- 300 Tetphen)+44 256.0 129% .33-141 SPK: 200 4 dOWAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dich1orobenzene-d4 42176 5.68 Naphthulenad8 12321.5 8.11 Acenaphthene -d10 90996 11.82 Pbbenans u=e-dl.0 1485.47 1.4.98 ChryseA -412 99918 20.71 Perylena-W 87247 23.68 SW -846 TCLP Pesticide SW -346 SDG No.: P3727-01 Cl at: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3727 -0I Clleat ID: CSI WC04 Date CoUocftd: S/I M Date Received: 8/I4/OZ — Date.An%Yyzed: S/1,7�02' = MID: SI S6477M Date Eitracted: WHIM Iostrn'm AtaID: xm p otion: Awdy#cat Methods" -UM Asodatal Itnn ID: NNW W/o Moisture: 100.0Associated BIa�olc: P 27 Pi6meter Coalcentration C RDL MDL Un[ts gamma -BHC Wiidaw) < 0:009 .- U 0.050 0.009 ug/L Ileptechior < 0.007 -" U 0.050 0-007 ug/L , heptachlor epoxide < 0.008 - U 0.050 1.006 ug/L End= < 0.02 U 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 U. 0.050 0.008 UVL Toxaphene < 0.12 U 0.50 0.12 U91L Chlotdanc < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES DecadMombiphanyl 14.55 73% 30-150 SPK: 20 Tebichloro-m-xylene 14.94 75% 30-150 SPK: 20 fil TCCYP Herbicides SW4 46 SDG No.: P3727-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Fnvkonment8l Corp- vur%nA Sample ID: 1P3727-01 AM: - Date Fzcelved: 8/14/02 Date Collected: 8/13/02 bbd: Tay- Date Auab-ad: 8/20/02 ne ED: 6PC0958.D Date'Extracted: 51ILluz Instrument IM ECD5_ DEntion: AnAQiethad:" L� Herbicide A RM ID: atydcal Asavciated sleek: 1's�rwmeter Concentration C HDL WDL uum 2,4_D < 0.05 u 0.20 0-05 ug/L '2.4,5-4T (SAves) < 0.02 u 0.20 0.02 v81L SURROGATES 53.09 106% 24-151 Sl': SO Z,4-DCAA PCS SW -846 SDG No.: P3727-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3727-01 y Corp - Client Csx WC04 r Date Received:: 8!14/02 Date Collected: 8/1.3/OZ �� �--- Date Analyzed: 8/1b/02 —• Fla IS: 4PC8356.D Date Extracted: WENT Indent TD: vilatioa: Analytical Method: An*Hcgl Rin ID: M 2602- �'SOSI 7-r.— "/o MAwtare: !-. • Parameter Concentration C• DDU 1VIDI- Units A RGEAi R 1016 < 5.5 V1-9 SS 1.4 uSrKS ugT-g AROCLOR 1221 < IA U 18 18 8-5 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 -,8.5 u 18 2.3 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 23 U 18 5 9 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 2560 E 11 u8mg Q AROCLOR 1254 < 11 U 18 AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U is 2.1 us/Ks SURROGATES 15.17 ?b % 24 -ISI SPK: 20 Tetracl'floro-Boa-xylene 17.12 86% 24-151 SM 20 DecacblorobiPhenyl r PCIS SW -846 SDG No.: P3727-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. sample ID: P3727-01 Client IUD. CSI-WC04DL nate R eceived: 8/14/02 Date Collected: 8/13102 1Mstil: -- E0 pate A=bawd. 8/16/02 M IA: 00MM Date Extracted: 5715/uz USUVueQent 'StiB� Analytical Rua ID: 4W0305 A,u* YiM1 MetbLor-- Associated Blink: lMnisture: 7• Concentration C Rl)L 1VIDL Uift Parameter ,AROCLOIt 1016 v 180 55 p8�g : ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 14 U 180 14 180 85 . uglKg ,A,ROCL01t 1232 < 85 U 180 23 s8/KS pROCLOR 1242 < 23 1T 180 59 u glKo ,A,ROCLOR 1248 2900 < 110 U 180 110 nSRCS aQ,� d AROCLOR 1254 U 180 21 u91K9 ,AXOCLOR 1260 -c 21 SURROGATES 19 95 % 24 -151 SP20 Tensa w0w-m-xylene 23.2 116% 24-151 SPM 20 D=cb =bipbemyl NW TALS -I- INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Mediod Type: SW4_ Client: Foster Wkteebet Pjp�vpc0ta� corp- SAG Nos P3727 cl�emcxD: s1-wco4 Sample JD-. P37 7-Ol SAS No.: P3727 COmtract: Pom W heeter t nvuoamenW IAD Loae: c;�li;nni:.0 i:aseNo� Corp. 1Ylats'iX: "1' LY Date lieeenved: 8/14lU2 A,pvel: t.0=_ v/o Sobtds: Apa{�tUCal DL Tmtrmnent ID Rna CAS No. Ama�pte Comcemtrad m Units C �1 M P2819o2 28 0 P2 7440-38-2 AxsemiO 28. 0 - 68 /L U P p 8-0 P2 P281902 7440-39-3 fh um 730.,- °�' B P 4.0 P3 P291902 7440.43-9 Cadwimm 4 0 �+8/L U 6.0 P2 P281902 7440-47-3 Cb=lh= 86.2 USIL 13 p p 21.0 PZ p281902 7439-92-1 lead 27-0 u84- 13 P 30.0 n81902 7782-49-2 Selenium 30.0 u8/I U p 10.0 P2 aii9�� p281902 7440 22.4 Silver 10.0 U CJ .� LV C VO S 19 c,brity $elo7re: Texture: Color BOOM* Artifacts: clarity After: Color Affair: Comments. TCLF ICP Met3b CHEMTECH OETECiOR: PW Tabulated Analytical Report EPA- MS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST -PHM IX: SOIL PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 DATE ANALYZED: PHM PHM SAMPLE ID: CS1-WC04 9/02 DILUTION: 1 LAB ID: P3727-01 PROJECT: P3727 FILENAME: H;1DATg2lSp81903 RAW BATCH: L1921858 COMPOUND RESULTS (ug/Ka) MOL 1_1 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS ND 5.4 MDL = METHOD DETECTION LIMIT ND =UNDETECTED BELOW MDL %SOIIdS 93% Moxie #1- P �v Load Tracking Sheet Pile ID S --Ijajov �y Load it �!� � -_ �" `��/ •- _ -- 2 3 ; 4 5 6 .7 8 9 10 C� 11 12 13 ®� 14 600-1� 7 ®), 15 • 16 17 18 19� 20 �--� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CHEMTECH ,DA� fr �.� NUMBER OF PAGES NAME:AM-69 FAX# COWANY• r r RE : . SENT BY Omamra L. Pen commNT: PROJECT # IF YOU ]DO NOT RECEM ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL. . US AT (732) 2254111 or (908) 789-8900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street, Mountainside, NJ 07092 CHEMTECH DATE/l �2—&L N1T1v7Q3ER OF PAGES FA" 62NAME: RAM& COMPANY: r RE : , SENT BY Omawa L. Pens COMMENT: We hsalk PROJECT # 757 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES; PLEASE CALL- US AT (732) 2254111 or (908) 789-8900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street, Moumtaiwide, NJ 07092 ofmcEc" CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD CLIENT' INFORMATION 1l PAEr�rnomesfnrrm COMPANY: jCh'1•Qfe- " • le, 4 a A 284 Sheffield Street, Mountainside, NJ 07092 CHEMTECH JOB NO.! (908) 789.8900 Fax (908) 789-8922 www.chemtech.net CHEMTECH QUOTE NO: PRC4fECT INFORMATION WILLING INFORMATI WIT'. 7:o7- .,g's A.1 fJeVL rL-� BILL,T0: T�/�ib[fQrr6(I), I a. �7 OWES& /1000 � rNe✓m ANALYSIS DATA TURNAROUND INFORMATION DATA DELIVERABLE INFORMAnvN FA1 % .DAYs • ❑ RESULTS ONLY ❑ NY STATE CATEGOFIY A 'V HD CO YI DAYS' (3 RESULTS PLUS QC ANY STATE CATEGORY B AR ❑ REGULATORY FORMAT, STATE; ` ETO SE APPR ED BY CHEMTEtH DD: g�DAY9 13 NEW JERSEY REDUCED DELIVERABLES f•1/��, �G�`� \,Q JD ❑CLP •• NnRMAL TURNAROUND TIME V14 DAYS ❑ EDD FORMAT, 1 Z S 4 .5 S 7 8 8 Ash Com SAMPLE SAMPLE IO PROJECT SAMPLE SAMPLE IDEIMFICATION. MATRIX SAMPLE SALVU . TYPE COLL,ECiION RD RD 1 PRESERVATIVES COMMENTS r a- r ecE►Y Pre3e- KNOj fi A- K.SHCI B - -NaOHy C - 10E D NaO 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 6-10E F -Older ?� X X I o- DATE TIME 1. ; QUGHED BY• DATFJr1418; ® c5t-wctei.l � " 'f F -10c0t-, QLUNREQEYDAT 3. O R D FOR iAB p1h 7�. 'OZ r� % x �• � � - - b YES, � � two � � X.. � � r 4• ,1i172 1'>c I X )c 6. 7 c.um a PI&P.IM v UI L- r RP nnEUVAENTm 13ELOW EACH TIME SAILPL.ES CHANGE-POSSESSM INCLUDING COUAIER DEUVERV OUIYHED BY IFR DATTrMM FMCENED BN Conditions Of bodles WC�o,o�l�ersp t.�l recelpt ❑ O mplianl ❑ Non-compII '❑ QUGHED BY• DATFJr1418; REMED BY(�...z.e_v c5t-wctei.l � " 'f F -10c0t-, QLUNREQEYDAT 'Q, R D FOR iAB p1h _ D 13 _rw SHIPPED VIA: Shlpmmd O NO 3 i�L& of CH6hfIEC14 �NDPICKED UPE I ❑ ¢VEiiMONTH[3 YES, wHrrE - wmmw COPY FOR- RETURN TO CLIENT YELLOW!" CIiEMTECH COPY PINK =PLEFI COPY 22-823 Ver. 7f2001 l.ncm I ca.n . TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA -8015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. CLIENT PROJECT- NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 ANALYST: FHM MATRIX: Solid PATCH- LB21108 LAB PRVJtt,:t: LAM matat SAMPLE OESCRienm LOCATION DAM ANALYZED E&E RMULMUut MDL (u9W 43 P3757-01 CS1 WC*35 5/16102 WS0818?IO.RAVY NO P3757-02 CS1 WCO6 BMW W9081511.RAW NO 5.4 P375T-03 CSI-WC07 8116102 WM511RAW NO 5.3 P3757-04 CS1-WC01-1)C1 SM7102 WS081614.RAW NO 5.5 P3757-05 CSI-WCOi •002 8117102 W8081616.RAW NO 5.8 0 Page 1 SAG No.: P3757-01 Client: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample IID: P3757-01 Date Collected: 8/14/02 Date Analyzed: 8/22/02 File ID: VD082206.D Dilation: 5 Analytical Method: 8260 Sample Wt/Wol: 5.0 Unita: mL Soil Aliquot Vol: volatiles Client ID: CSI-WC05 Data Received: 8115/02 Matrk: WATER Analytical lltun ID: VD082102 Instrument ID: 1MSVUAA Associated Rlaok: 94% Soft brad Vol: SPK: 50 % Moisture: 100 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C "L =L Units TARGETS 47.1 94% 70-125 SPK: 50 4-Bmmofluorbbenzene 460-00-4 44.51 Vinyl cbloxide 75-014 < 4..0 U 25 4.0 ng/L 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 < 3A U 25 3.4 ug/L Cb1moform 67-66-3 < 3_0 U 25 3.0 ug/I. 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 < 2-8 U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetmcblonide 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 25 2A ug/L Thehlaroetheue 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ugIL Tettachlometheae 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug/L Cbloxobe=ne 108-90-7 < 3.9 / U 25 3.9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2-D:ichlaroethane-0 79-00-5 51.48 103% 68-135 SPK 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26-5 47.1 94% 70-125 SPK: 50 4-Bmmofluorbbenzene 460-00-4 44.51 89% 70-125 SPK: 50 Dxbromofluoromethane 51.89 104% 70- M SPK: 50 INTERNAL STANDARDS Pemtafluorobenzene 363-72-4 1220621 12.82 1,4-Difluorobcnzene_ 540-36-3 1868868 15.20 Cbdozobe=ezte-cis 3114-55-4 1575414 22.74 1,4-Dichlorobe==e-d4 3855-82-1 719397. 29.13 TCILP DNA sOG No.: P3757-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample 1D: P3757-01 Client ID: CS1-WC05 Date Collected: 5114/02 Date RcOM41- 8/19WA'AY2 Date Analyzed: Sf18/0Z Matra - F11e ID: �eo1831� Date Extracted: an6/oz baafra�ouent ID: 5971D Dilution' � A�aalytical Meth 70 Analytical Run ID: Sample Wt/Wol: 500...---- V ol. 500 t v Extract . Moisture: 100 Injection Vol: 2 -� Associated Blank: PB081602-25EB < 1.0 parameter COAV. atrMtton C RDL MDL U�poits TARGETS Pyridme < 1.0 U 10 1.0 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1-0 u8/L 2-Methylphenol < 1.0 U 10 1. ugAL 3+4 Methylphenols < 1:8 U 10 1.8 ug/- Hexcachleraethane < 1-1.1 U 10 1.1 U91L Nitrobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 U91L Flexacblorobutadiwe < 1.5 U 10 1-5 ug/L. 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 z U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 LO n82 2,4-DinitrotVIVEAe < 1.1 U 10 1.1 uP/- Rexachlorobenzeae < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L pentgchloropbenol < 1.9 � U 10 1.9 U91L SURROGATES 2-Fluor 196.56 66% 21-100 SPY, 300 Ph¢mokd5 162.7 54 % 10-94 SPK: 300 Nitrobenzene -d5 157.62 79% 35-114 SvK: 200 2-Fluorobipbmyl 142.5 71% 43-116 SPK: 200 2,4,6-WbXQM0Pb=Ql 284-92 .95% 10-1.23 SPK: 300 TwVhenyl-dl4 270:05 135 % 13-141 SM 200 INTERNAL STANDARDS 1.4 -Dichlorobenzene -d4 41684 5.68 Naph"eue-d8 123161 8.11 Acenaphthene -d10 90956 11.82 Phenaathreae-dl0 148162 14.98 ChzyMene-d12 95883 20.77 Perylene-dU 88804 23.68 SW -S46 V D■/yR A YM SW -846 SDG No.: P3757-01 client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Coxp. Sample ED: P3757-01 Client ID: CS1. WC05 Date Collected: V14/02 Date Reeaved: 8/15/02 Date Analyzed: 8/20/02 jVIMMKI== `'�'""' Date Extracted: NIIWUZ leae XD; 4PC8422.D Dilution: I lngtrnmentHk MW Analytical Method Analytical Run DI: 4PC0805 0/0 Moisture: 6. Associated )3bw -. PBOO1602-21 B Psxaxaxeter . Concratratlon C RDL ML Ux its AROCLOR 1016 < S.5 U 18 5.5 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 1.4 U l8 1.4 USMS AROCLOR 1232 < 8.4 U 18 8.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 2.3 U 18 2.3 ug/Kg .AROCLOR 1248 940 E 18 5.8 ug/B8 / AROCLOR 1254 < 11 U 18 11 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 ug/xg SURROGATES TatMccbkr0- o -xylene 16.56 83% .24-151 SPK: 20 Decachlombiphenyl 15.98 80% 24-151 SPIE: 20 I,nepnecn c.ousuzang woup METALS .I_ INORGANIC ANALYSIS ]DATA PACKAGE Climb foster WbLeeler Exxvxw=enW Corp. SDG No.: P3757 Method Type: SWW $apaple IID: P3757-01 JCReAt ED: CSI-WC05 Contract: 1,06W Wheeler tnVnxmMenw L bCode: UIEM D CaseNo-: SASNo.: P3757 Corp. Corp. Date jocelived: 8/ 15/02 leers LUW. " bonds: CAS No. Aunlyte lCoacentratioar Unita C. Qual M DL Ins& meat ID Run 7440-38-2 Aramis- x '45.0 ! ugJL U P •45,0 Pi P182002 7440-39-3 Barium : 259 -� ug/L B P 519.0 Pi P182002 7440-43-9 Cadmium ;15.5 ug/L B P 8.0 Pi P132002 7440-47-3 Chromium 52.2 ' ug/L B P 14.0 P1 P182002 7439-92-1 Lead = 30.0 ug/L U P 30.0 P1 Pi 82002 7782-49-2 Seleaiium -9.0 % ug/L U P 9.0 P1 P182002 DF 7440-22-4 Silver 37.0 '/ ug/L U P UJ 37,0 8.0 Pl cu P182002 cv082•001— C �= z D ✓ 1L- V Color Be*we: Clarity Before: Texture-- exture:Color ColorAtter: Clarity After: Artifacts: Co�mtepts: Metak ��raa��svvw vv�►orrrw�rb v� v Pe9ticnde"PP SW -846 SDG No.: P3757 -0I Client: Faster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample M' P3757-01 Client Y®: C51-wC05 Date Collected: 3A4/02 Date Received: 8/15102 Date Analyzed: ST 7103 Matdu TULP pate ratzaeted: VXIM`�— File IID: SPS6472.D Dilution: T butrumeat IU: r, Analytical Method —Mffr Itsm IUD: —SM0997 % Moiatwre: 1100.u—Associated Blank: Para�ateter Concent ratIom C IiDL MDL U Hx gamma -BHC (l indaue) < 0.009 U 0.050 0.009 ug/L Heptacblor < 0.007 U 0.050 0.007 ug(L. Heptachlor epoxide <. 0.008 U 0..050 0.008 ug/L Paadrin < 0.02 --" U 0.050 0.02 ug/L IVlAoaycbt)or < 0.008," U 0.050 0.003 ug/L Toxaphene < 0.12 U 0.50 0.12 ug/L CWordane < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES Decacblorobipbenyl 11.08 55 "/a 30-150 SPI- 20 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 14.7 74% 30-150 SPK: 20 TCLP Hexbiddes SW-846 SDG No.: x'3757-01 Client, Fedw Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3757-01 Client Uh CSI.-WCOS Date Collected: 8/14/02 Date Received: OAS/02 Vide A02YYZed: W20/02 Matrix: XULP� Date Extracted: wILwUz File M. 6PC0959.D Dilution: I instrument EDD LICUS AAakrftal Method; TCLP Herbicide AB bVxA Rwm 1D: 5PUM 'i6 molewre: 100. k: Associated Blank 3023137- Ohl) t30 k1w. Parameter CUACemtratWA C RDL MDL Units 2,A-D < 0.05 / U 0.20 0.05 ug(L 2,4,5-TP (Silm) < 0.02.1-11 U 0.20 0.02 ug/L arwo SURROGATES 2,4-)DCA A 32.05 64% 24-151 SPK: 50 TCLP Hvrbicides SSV -846 SDG No.: 1P3157-01 Client: Foster Wheeler EANkID uoo CMbd Corp. Sample ID: P3757-01 Cli�mt.�A: CSX. WC05 Date Couected: 8!14/02 Date Received: 8/15102 Date A,mRV=d: 8/20/02 Matzia: TcEr"— Fite ID: 6PC.""M Date Extracted: D,1ulion: WLUUA ' Jnst rument ID: aZ Aaa�ytical 1, dhq —TC Horbi dde ,watts f4w ISD: 100: - Associated Blank: a/. Moisture: Parameter ConceRtratiom C RDI. MDL Units 2,4-A a 0.05 U 020 0.05 u8/L 2,4,5 -TP (Silvcx) c 0.02 U 0.20 0.02 ng/L SURROGATES' 32-05 64 Vo. 24-151 SPK; 50 2,4-2,4 N i- _ SDG No.: P3757-01 Cbi ,ut: Poster wheeler Environmental Corp: Sample ID: P3757-02 Date Collected: 3114WOZ Date Analyzed: 8/22/02 Pile ]D: VD=07.D Dilution: 5 Ana(ytical Method: 8260 Sample wt/wol: 5.0 Units: mL Soil Aliquot Vat Volatiles C11W IDD: CSI-wc06 Date Received: 871SM Maim: VP,A'1'F�`"" Analytical RM M. VD082102 bstrument lD: MSVOAA Associated Blank: Soil F.%tcact VOL % 1lubtu[e: 100 Paraareter CAS Number Concentration C BDL MDL uxdta TARGETS Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4.0 / U 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1-DAi9bdoroed=c 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 ug/L Chloroform 67-66-3 < 3.0 l U ' 25 3.0 - ug/L 112-Mcbloroetbane 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 2,8 ng/L 2'Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug)L Carbon, Tetiacblonde 56-23-5 < 2.4z U 25 2.4 ug/- Triabloroetheae 79.01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzine 71-43-2 < 3.6 U ' 25 3.6 ug/L Tettublor'Oetheno 127-13-4 < 3.5 U 25 35 ug/L Chlorobenzmc 108-90-7 < 3.9- U 25 3.9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2-Dichlomethene-d4 79-00-5 50.89 102 % 6$ - 135 SPK: 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26-5 47.01 94% 70 - 125 SPK: 50 4-BmmoSuorobenzcne 460-00-4 44.09 88% 70-125 SPK. 50 Dgm ofiuozomedme 51.57 103% 70-125 SPK.. 50 INTERNAL STANDARDS Pentafiuorobe=me 363-71-4 1226438 12.80 1.4-pupuorobenzew 540-36-3 1879719 15-18 Chlorobeazene-dS 3114-55-4 1623259 22.74 1,4-Dichlorobenze4e - 3855-82-1. 708740 29-14 TCLP BNA SDG Pio.: P3757-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Eavi ronmental Corp. Sample ID: P3757--02 Client ID: CSI-WC06 Date Collected: 8/14/02 Date dived: 8/15/02 Date AvAyzed: 8/18/07. Matrix: WATER Date Extracted: 8/16/02 File ID BD0018323) DOution: 1 Instrumedt M. S971D AaalydeaTMethod: 8270 Awayt1ea1 Rim 1D: 1,4-DicUosobewme Sample Wtfwol: $00.0 Extract Yob 500 b4"On Vol: 2 % Moisture: I00 Associated Blanie PB081602-25ED Parameter Concentrsdon C RDL . MDL UBW TARGETS Pyndme < 1.0 ! U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-DicUosobewme < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2 Methylphenol --1.0 U 10 1.0 ug2 3+4-Methylph=uls < 1.8 U 10 1.8 ug/L Hexachloroed=e < 1.1 / U 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 1'' lexachlorobutadienc < 1.5:' U 10 1S ug/L 2,4,5 Tricbtiozaph=ol < 1.0:'' U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol t 1.0 U 10 1.6 ug/L 2,4-Diuuitrotolueue < 1.1 ! U 10 1.1 ug/L 1lexachlorobwmu < 1.1 ! U 10. 1.1 ug/L Pentachloxopbtenel < 1.9 ! U 10 1.9 ug/L. SURROGA.TM 2 Fluorophenol 137.49 46% 21-100 SPK: 300 Phenol -85 M.81 56% 10-94 SPK.- 300 Nitrebenacue-5 154.05 77% 35-114 S1'l : 200 24laorobiphenyl 136.12 68% 43-116. SPK: 200 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 258.05 96% 10-123 SPIT- 300 Teqheuyl-dl4 254.67 127% 33-141 SPK: 200 INTERNAL STA" A,"S 1,4-Dicbloroben=ne-d4 41027 5.66 Naphtbaleue-68 119780 8.11 Acenaphthene -d10 89106 11.83 Phenanthrene-dl0 147323 14.99 Chr"ene-d12 97135 20.77 Perylene`42 84896 23.68 SSV -1146 PCB SW -846 SAG NO.; P3757-01 Client: Foster M%eeler Envirounemtal Corp. Sample 11D: P3757-02 Client ID: CSI--VVC06 Date Collected: W14/02 Date Recaivech 8/x5/02 Date Analyzed: WWO2 Mahan: bVIL Date Extracted: 971wuz File ID: 4PC8423.D Dilution: Instrument ID: E A=ly,dcd Metbtod-'8Q8F &%**cal Am 1D: new % Mobtnre: 7.4 Associated Bbnlc: PBUSIO92-21 B Parameter- Concentration C AIDL MDL Units to -AROCLOR 1016 < 5.6 U 18 5.6 ug/4 AROCLOR 1221 < 1A U 18 IA ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 8.5 u 18 8.5 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 23 U 18 2.3 uvxg AROCLOR 1248 230 l/ 18 5.9 uvxg AROCLOR 1254 <11 U 18 11 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 u9mg SURROGATES Tetwhloro-m-xylene 16.7 84 % 24-151 UK: 20 Decacbtlorobl phenyl 17.85 89 % 24-151 SPK: 20 f T-nalnusc:rs 1-Un3mturb vruup METALS -1- INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. SDG No-- P3757 Method Type: SW846 Sample ID: P375 -02 Client dD- CSI-WC06 contract: Foster WheelcrPimraboouemta[ AAb (:ode: UAildMI) caseivo.: SAS Now P3757 COAP. 1vltat : •1'ULY Date Kemivea: w15/01 Level: LOW 1i6 �ollms: AngWtkat CAS No. Analyte Concentration Uwts C QUA M DL Instrument ID Rr.n 7440-38-2 Arsenic c-' 45.0 ugIL U P 45.0 P1 P182002 7440-39`3 Barium .490 ng/L B P 99.0 P1 P182002 7440-43-9 Cadmium x:20.3 ug/L 13 P 8.0 P] P182002 7440-47-3 Chrvmnun -14.0 ug/L U p 14.0 P1 P182002 7439-92-1 Lead 1451 ug(L P 30-0 Pi P182002 7782-49-2 Selenium .; 9.0 ug/L U P 9-0 P1 P182002 7440-22-4 Silver % 37.0 ug2 U P 37.0 Pi P182002 �.- 2.0b rl . ey 2..0 w Z-- CaJr7�z,�� i:oAor Nefore: Clarity Before: TextwCe: Color After: comments: Charity After: Artifacts: Metals PesWde-SPP SW -846 3DG No.: P3757-01 CliMV Feaftr Wheder Environmental Corp. Sample 1D: P3757-02 CTj mt M. CSI-WC06 Date Collected: 8/14/02 Date Reeelved! 8/15/02 Date Axabzed: 9/17/02 MAW= JIMP"—' Dene Extracted: WJLOIWA M W., 5P86473M DButton: I L"teum= ID: ECDOW Anaigt ical rdetbod- "8081' Awdydcsl Itzm 1D: '/o Moisture: 10.0 Ancelated Black: ParslOoteter Concentration. C RDL MIL Uvift gamma -BHC (Lindane) < 0.009 / U 0.050 0.009 u0/L Heptacblor < 0.007 U 0.050 0.007 ug/L Heptachlor epoxide < 0.008 ' U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Eudrin < 0.02 / U 0.050 0.42 ug/L IVlethoxycltlor < 0.008 / U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Toxaphene < 0.12 / U 0.50 0.12 ag/l. Cb1ordme < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURR®GAUS - Decachlorobipheinyl 12-23 61% 30-150 SPK. 20 Tezxac icro-Mm Myleae ...15 75% 30-150 SPY- 20 iy* TCLP Herbiddes SW -846 S1,DGN*.: P3757-01 Client: Poeftr Wheder Enviro amenW Corp. Semple ID: P3757-02 Chad ID: CSl-WC06 Date Collected: 8/14/02 Date Received: 8/15/02 Date Ajuvyzed: 8/29/02 Matrix: TCLT-- Date gzuwted: MGM Pile 1D: 6PC9968JI) D1ZutiiM I lutrument IDs XUDS kcal Method:!— rCLY Herbicide Awdytkd pQm ID: 5PUMP % Moistures lion Anoclated lll>mk: - - - Para�ao�ete� Concentratlou C RAL MDL unift 2z4 -D 0.05 U 0.20 0.05 ug/L 2,4,5 TP (900 =) < 0.02 U 020 0.02 qg/L Of SURROGATES 2,4-DCAA 49.35 99% 24-151 SPK: 50 ....-�..-- _ TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGAN= EPA - 8015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST: PHM CLIENT PROJECT: MMRP CALVERTON CTO 71 MATRIX: Solid I we nOn-19!4-r- B12Tra BATCH- L6219M LAM LOCATION ANALYMD EM RESULTS (Ug P37557-01 CS7 WC05 8/76102 milvig RAW NO 5.3 P3757.02 X31-WCO6 8116102 Isalf"Imml NO 5A P3757-03 _ GSI-WC07 8116162 WOB161ZRAW NO 5.63 P375744 CSI-WC014)01 8117/02 1SOB1614.RAW NO 5.5 P3757-05 CSi WC01.pO2 8117102 1S01615.RA NO 58 0 Page 4 I 4/iORf1�vV/� vvl W�'ii�N�b V• vw� SW4W6 SDG No.: P3757-01 Client.- Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. sample ID: P3757-02 Client Yb: CS1-wC06 bate collected: 8!!4/02 Dane Received: 8/15/02 Date Analyzed: 8/20102 1Vlatru: Date EXtracted: W17407 lode 11): 6 MO960.D Ddution: I butrument ID- AnIWdCab Herbicide An*dcal Run ID: 1Vj{pj�! auCe: 10 - ,Associated Blank-- .parameter ` Concentration C RDL P4DL units < 0.05 U 0.20 0.05 ug/L 2,4,5 IF (Sx-W=) < 0.02 U 0.20 0.02 ug/L SURROGATES 2,4-DCAA 4935 99% 24-151 SPK. 50 TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLiNE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 I ACM PPfLIPr-T• 03797 ANALYST; PHM MATRUC: Solid BATCH: LB21M jQ .QNANNOM SAMPS P QRSCRIP110 PAR SAMPLE E MDL [udKal P3757 -M CSI--WC-35 amwo iS081510AAW ND 43 P3757.82 CS7 WC06 6116f02 1=1611AAW NO 5A P3757-03 CSI-WC07 8116102 15081612.RAW NO 563 P3757 -M CS1 WC07-DD1 8/1702 i=1614.RAW ND 5.5' P3757-05 CSi-WC01.002 an7102 =8161ERAW ND 5.8 0 Page 1 TCLP Herbicides SW -846 8DG NO.: P3757-01 Client: Fortes V&esler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: n757--03 Client ED: CSI-WC07 Date Collected: 8/14/02 Dale Received: 8!15/02 Date Analyzed: 9/20/02 Matrix: W77— Date Extracted: PRe ID: 6PC0%1M Dilution: A liusttmm mt M: Analytical 1Vletbod: I I—A r Herbicide Aublical Run ID: 0/. Moisture: 100 -.6 --Associated Blank: Irarameter Concentration C RDL 50L Dohs -2A-I) < 0.05 U 0,.20 0.05 ug%L .2,4,5 -TP (Silvex) < 0,02 U 0.20 0,02 ug/L SURROGATES 2';4-DCAA 40.88 82% 24-151 ,SPK,: 50 1 TCLP Herbicides SW -946 SDG No.: P3757-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3757-03 Client ID: CSI-WC07 Date Collected: 8114/02 _ Date Received: 9/15/02 Pate Axalyzed: 8/20/02 MA&IIL TCLT-- Date Fitt acted: wimuz, File ID: 67C0961.D Dilation: I Instftment ID: ECDS Analytical Meth0g-.--r EP Herbicide An■ Ucd Rwa ID: Moisture: xw.0 Alssocutted Man]: JMMU 0 IP— ParaMeter Concetakadon. C RPL MDL units 2A --D < 0.05 u 0.20 0.05 ug/L 2,4,5-77 (Silver) < 0.02 u 020 0.02 ug1L UXI SURROGATES 1 2,4-DCAA 40.88 82% 24-151 SPK: 50 0 Pesticide -PF SW -846 SDG No.: P3757-01 Cltent: Foster Wb odw Environmental Corp. Sample W, P3757-03 Client ID: CSI,-WC07 Date Collected: x/14/02 Date Received: 8/15/02 Date Analyzed: W17/0.2 Mss: TCS Date Extracted: SIMUZ. File ID: 5PS6474.D Mo t ioxe boetrauomnat 1D: Auelytb%l Method- Mr- AuslyNeW Run ID: SPSM *A Me%tw"-. 1 .0 Auochded Blank: Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL units gamma -BRC (Liudaae) < 0.009"-, U 0.050 0.009 ug/L Heptachlor < 0.007 U 0.050 0.007 ug/L $eptacbior epoxide < 0:008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Endrin < 0.02 U 0.056 0.02 ug/L MothoxycWor < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Toxaphene, < 0.12 U 0.50 0.12 ug/L Chlordane < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ugtL SURROGATES Decachlorobiphenyl 12.63 63% 30-150 SPK 20 TetMCwoxu-Boa-uylew 16.6 83% 30-150 SPK: 20 F,-nemrecn uonsutung crroup AWTALS INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGIR Ment: FoMr Wheeler Eavi ,==ectal Coxp: SDG No.: P3757 Medtod.Type: SWW Comments: Metals Sample ID: P375T03 JCIJent ID: CS 1-WC07 Contract: Fastex Wbeelerkwuwmental Lab voce: C;lilrmEu Uaserio.: SAS No.: P3757 Corp - Ma I UL Late lteeeivect: 6115/02 Level: LUW "/o �ioliW: Agaly►ticat CAS No. Analyte Coacentratiion Units C Qual M DL Iustrumeat IA Run 7440-38-2 Arsenic ,`.45.0 ug/L U P 45.0 P1 P182002 7440.39-3 Barium .753 ug/L B P 9910 P1 P182002 7440-43-9 Cadmium 8-0 ug/L U P 8.0 P1 P182002 7440-47-3 Chromium v 32.8 ! ug/L B P 14.0 Pl P182002, 7439-92-1 Lead 30-0 ug/L U P 30.0 Pi P182002 7782-49-2 Selenium Oma, RO -' ug/L U P 9-0 P1 PI -82002 7440-22-4 Silver :37.0 ug/L U P 37.0 P1 P182002 { iP.Yt�artt - Z.0 MR (4 Pa! •O W CrlO t zo04- Color Velbre: Clarity Before: Terme: Color After: Clsrlty After: Artifacts: Comments: Metals FCB SW -846 SAG No.: P3757-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Eavironmeiatal Corp. Sample ID: P3757-03 Client ID: CS1-WC07 Date Collected: W14102 Date Received: 8/15/02 Date Analyzed: 8/20/02 Matrix: 801L Date Extracted: File 1D: 4PC8424.3 Imutiom: A b.uhvnmt Ilk Analytical Methodi�£ Analytical Run ID: VC0885 % Moistme: 5. - Associated Blank: FBOSX602-21 B Parameter Concentration C RAL ML Unita AROCLOR 1016 < SA U 18 5A ugmg AROCLOR 1221 < IA u 18 1.4 uwxg AROCLOR 1232 < 8.3 U 1$ 8.3. ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 23 % U 18 23. uVW9 AROCLOR 1248 220 ✓ 18 5.7 uVTS AROCLOR 1254 < 11 II 18 11 ug/Kg U AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1. U 18 2.1 uOg SURROGATES Tetra:chloro-m-xylene 15.94 80% 24-151 SPK: 20 Decacb1orobiphenyl 15.96 80% 24-151 SPK: 20 TCLP BNA SDG No.: P3757-01 Client: Poste; Whmeler Environmental Corp. Swmple AD: P3757-03 Client ID: CSI-WC07 Date CoIIected: 8114/02 Date Received: 8/15/02 Date Axvk yzed: 8A&M2 Mab*: WATER' Date Extracted; 8116/02 File ID: BD001933.D Dilution: 1 Instrument ID: 5971D Analytical Method: 8270 A»alyfIcO Rum ID: Samxple Wt/Wol: ug/L Extract Vol: 500 bgjection Vol: 2 % Moisture: 100 Associated Blank: PROB1602-25EB �aXal eteR Concentration C RM ISI. Units. TARGETS 42% 10-94 SPK: 300 Nitrobenzene -d5 163.82 Pyridine < Lo U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Methylphenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 3+4-Methylphenols < 1.8 U 10 1.8 ug/l.. Hexachlomethane < L.1/ U 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene < 1.0! U 10 1.0 ug/L 4vy HexacWorobutadiieme < 1.5 / U 10 1.5 ug/L 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0; U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrotoluene t 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Hexachloroben=e < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Perrtacblorophenol < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/l. SURROGATES 2-Pluorophemol 150.49 50% 21-100 SPK: 300 Phenol -d5 125.93 42% 10-94 SPK: 300 Nitrobenzene -d5 163.82 32% 35-114 SPK: 200 2-Fluorobiphenyl 153:89 770/c 43-116 SPK: 200 2,4,6-Tnb.romcphenol 258.17 86% 10- 1" SPK: 300 3exphenyl-414 2"..73 122 "/® 33-141 SPK- 200 INTERNAL STA"ARDS 1,4-DichlorobenzeA"4 41352 5.68 Naphthalene -d8 122188 8.12 Acenaphthene -d10 89922 11.83 Phertaatlxceme-d10 145579 14.99 ChMene-d12 95835 20.77 Perylene-d12 84574 23.68 SW -846 Voladles SAG No-- P3757-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample M: P3757-03 Client ID: CSI-WC07 Date Collected: 8/14102 Date Analyzed: 8/22/02 File ID: VA08220S.D Dilution: 5 Analytical Method: 8260 Sample Wt/WOI: 5.0 Units: mL Soil Aliquot Vol: Date Received: 8/15102 Matft WATER Analytical Run ID; VD082102 Instrument ID: MSVOAA Associated Blank: SPIE: 50 SoE Extract Vol: 42.01 % buistunro: 100 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C RDL MDL Ueats TARGETS 70-1.25 SPIE: 50 4-Brombiluorobenzene 460-00-4 42.01 84 % 70-125 SPK: 50 Vm- yl cliloxide 75-01-4 < 4.0:/ U 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1-Dichlomethene 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 ug/L Chloroform 67-66-3 c 3_0 U 25 30 ug/L ' 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 < 18 U 25 28 ug/L 2-Butsnone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 25 2.4 U91L Trichloroethene 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6- ug/L B==Ue 71-43-2 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Tetracbloroed=e 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug/L MazubenzeAe 108-90-7 < 3.9--- U 25 3.9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2 Dicbloroetbane-d4 .79-00-5 $1.17 102% 68 - 135 SPK: 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26-5 46.06 9.2% 70-1.25 SPIE: 50 4-Brombiluorobenzene 460-00-4 42.01 84 % 70-125 SPK: 50 Dibzomolluoromethane 51.99 104% 70-125 SPIE: 50 INTERNAL STANDARDS Pevta*liwmbeazene 363-72-4 1196574 12.83 1,44MIuorobenzeno 540-36-3 1816626 15.21 MembeAMO-0 3114-55-4 1483162 22.75 1,4Dichlorobeazene-d4 .3855-82-I 684700 29.13 Op _— ,,, gin = "Fem Chem other IT -tic ;7 T"Ta•C i�3$S�'r3le�;9i JCi'i Vtj}ar re ,l-lta L`�'i:.2T�% ' 2zsti'113r: -LST. anLY'.2 an I n .T2'.2 �%2.:L•.e �•'�• '. � ' "^: ti�n� �.�. �'_�i.: L's i_t�C�T.�c�'� `i�lL'B' OII :tee l:S'.71t _..:! C.'CL 31- .e :• 1�C�"v �a ' pes, sueo}Ivs�z �X ���'..t� viiiv -tee - -: ��=-e;�- �.Ltt ; �l:sx� •z O' f • y+ 3amPle t.z.i dvTaE r•5 CC Gi W- P .1 .e +e Viral W:zei .. .. ;+4G`•'q L.aC' vim• .a`�: a y�L n riL icy �.0 L : C„^ "i _GL^'•_ ��..�•cr .:.: .i. •.c,'°i1LL a�SI2iYS.' '•�l7lr 3S :::� �ci �'�:i�. �._:. .•�C.9 .z; 1,9E7 New ,;ret a , . r . r_2 •-� 1 _A r` = c0r. _ I ���4. =4� Other a=iYald ChW=Te�.:u .i uocs�e .`o;_ ,rine, - icy Tia'S z col"rIA iNi5 r� FOi.�Q ti rjt _ L -r- ,, I D:� i A- ; s7L�y_ - DA s� WI.1`L. JS..jBLZ_ _ � i„fp roL'o�zn�T- lue Val= JTl $e i�.3'�lt +"�� ' y �GSw1i1? E�;C j- ... Lie :i 5.1� inZ;l•!�a•- ., vj-ne Y0R0vved la Ca"�il�-� a �•i! L.L�T +' _'o-'^''' � _y •' ' aces act 'ti'v :, a `G—". a .s:t 5 Z - ^ a• s:Z � �C� mai Yv'[:1 rl i- be ane si .s1*�i �� 'S•'-_•e.=e:-uuts oe : Z T -est.. Oxh= Re= -Cam 2 � M =4� Other a=iYald ChW=Te�.:u .i uocs�e .`o;_ ,rine, - icy Tia'S z col"rIA iNi5 r� FOi.�Q ti rjt _ L -r- ,, I D:� i A- ; s7L�y_ - DA s� WI.1`L. JS..jBLZ_ _ � i„fp roL'o�zn�T- lue Val= JTl $e i�.3'�lt +"�� ' y �GSw1i1? E�;C j- ... Lie :i 5.1� inZ;l•!�a•- ., vj-ne Y0R0vved la Ca"�il�-� a �•i! L.L�T +' _'o-'^''' � _y •' ' aces act 'ti'v :, a `G—". a .s:t 5 Z - ^ a• s:Z � �C� mai Yv'[:1 rl i- be ane si .s1*�i �� 'S•'-_•e.=e:-uuts oe : Z T -est.. Oxh= Re= -Cam 2 � 28.4 Sheffield Street, Mountainside, New Jersey 07692 Phone: (908) 789-8900 Fax: (908) 789-8922 1. - )F.AX SULTS Attention: Client Client Project ID: Chemteclk Project This Fax contains data for the following ,A.uatytical Fractions: ANALYSIS STATUS SUPERVISORS IlVI 1ALS �VO Preliminary F- SVOC's preliminary .Final GC Extractables Preliminary Final Metals Preliminary Final Wet Chem Preliminary Final Other. Preliminary Final TPHC* Preliminary Final ' *If otlxer analysis are required based upon the TPUC results, please.notify your Chemtech Project Manager ASAP! IF THIS FAX CONTAINS MLDMITARY DATA, THE FINAL DATA. WILL FOLLOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE_ The data is preliminary due to the following reason(s): Sample(s) require(s) Rather dilution. This is indicated by an "E" flag (meaning an Estimated value but, above the calibration range) foUowjng the positive value oh the result page. The final result will have the same parameter with a positive value followed by a "D" flag (Mo 4ianing Diluted value). Sample(s) requare(s) re -run to confirm surrogate or internal standard recoveries outside of QC Limits_ These sample re -runs are often done as confirmation of mattes interference. Sometimes the re -run conf=s the interference and sometimes it does not. When the corxfiamation does verify matrix interference the preiimi4ary results will be the final results. When the confixmatwri does not verif�­Mf atrix intedf erne than the re -run results will be the final results. Other Reason. 4 Since 1967 0 -1um md4= - — � :3rt3i ID. .tee • _. ���TLti. VOCIS • � �j�Tl'T*Tary •�— r-. n a7 v -C C...w"-%na cmC�zS r•.- 'WezCh Fi:,A U �?` �°�l Lr�31: ;3i'r z�t1L13" Dig j li13 OU i e' pi@asa- �Crt3� Yiji�r i' v.�il..•�r S- ��� ate' Mx,_ LL iimemjinaa an � -1 i'�.LiT.e'��±' L� _X5;5 `l+xll:i'. the s-$' � n r� 1" - ... i::Z ca c �`ti3n.'�^a_-�ec '�1�iC .V �a y� x+14 7- Z ice t4'�' �v�%A :v� -•�� •�Tle i01a0' �ci J�� r. � li'� r 1 a � � . .7aiiZ �2i�7.: G�LL�. +��'•L•i.r �:(i�l'.�`. ,rte' re s�'�tFG'I;�? t3LT�i.E J.i^ 4 mss (;,. -r:, :�:::=:i:;rr 3L1�u�T''�T.Z .'•i ���.� �L:�?'-C =r� a _ _�re sr::eoftem done rhe tae =,ex7e � doesGL ri heti C_"•.le r.Q'�E�^ T Oz-- -nom y •-�:cS ..$7..�be - 7S�ti,2.a,. 4.yti •. Cal .+:wl: a dcC'y`- Sc the W.- 284 Sheffield Street. Pwlauntwinst E, New J.ersey 07093 Phone: (908; 780-8900 Fax: (^,0889-8422 FAX RESULTS Arteatzon. Client Client Pro' eft TD - ^ ! Chesnte� Praje�t m_ This Fax contains data for :,he 1-oLow1hg P�aal,/tc4l Fracaon:. . Y= XSZS STATUS 5YrPERV-L1-,QFiS 1qmus VOC's :reliminary S Voc's Irre[unlizari Foal GC E.-aractables Pz-hbmmary Final ED FTe3zm-lnary _ Final D �, Vet Chuen Prahmnaarl Ftaal OtaEx: Preliminary Final TPHC= Prel minari Final "If other anslys:s are rewired based upon the TPHC results, please notify your Chem tech Project Nla sager ASAP? IF TMS FAX C OriTA r.NS ?RF1XV Y --k-RX DATA, THE FE-I.A.L. DATA WML FOLLOW AS SOO`f AS POSSIBLE The data is prellmanaxy due to the M1Q,;-,m-zerson(a), Samples) tegture;s) Ru ht -n chlution- This is mdicated by an "E" fla- (meaning axEstimated value but, above the cah"m- tion range) zoljow-,ug the posl,- v8lue CM the result page The final result w SII have the S ame rsrametea with a oosiu,, e value followed by a "D-" flag (meannig Diluted vale). Samples) regt;ir; s) ze-nm to confirm ;uTrofzate or int=ai standard r 4v -;es ou de of QC Limits i nese _aiupie are Q&ea do.A2 as ,oz.ilmaijori o mat iT tand'e once. Some"uznes the rc-run tours E1 -e iMer ereace and some6me3 cines not. Vilen the CQmfiz= L -on does. •ie: ----,v z x, --,,z ir►%erferamca the Fr�lu ;:�'�r�:es-aj—z vTr be tfie flna)' z�sttlts ti4-h ;he canrri��en rices net very ALL l ,rew2ace ;han the r-e_�resufti w:PI-- be th.e ifnai resttlu cihe~ Reason. CHEMTECH TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST: PHM CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 MATRIX: Solid' ....� ter,...=. 'r. a-2ewC ROTC14- LR21889 B 10 SAMPLEDESCRIPTION DATE YZEU SAMPLE FILE LTS MDL u1K LOCATION P3845-01 CS14NC08 MAW XSW2610 RAW NO 5A P3845 -M CSIaNC01-CDOI 826102 GSOSL811 PAW NO 5 4 Page 1 TCLP Herbicides SW -8" SDG No.., P3845 -0I Client: . Foster Wheeler EaviurmmenW Corp. Sample ID: P3845-01 Client ID: CSI-WC08 Pate Collected: 8/20/02 pate Received: 8/22/02 Date Analyzed: 8/23/02 Matift 'POLY -"— Date Extracted: wz7jwA File 10: 6PC-C—"7ff- Dilution: X Instrument ID: Aga 46cal MethodT—TCU Herbicide A aalptical Rum ID: PCDWMK '/. Moisture: 100-.0 Amented Dbmk: Parameter Concentrations C RDL BWL Units '2,4.p < 0.05 U 0.20 J 0A5 ug/L 2,4,5 TP (Silvex) < 0.02 U 020 0..02 ug/L ,�lz� SURROGATES I�}� Y� "�.ia 33.4 67% 24-151 SPS 50. Pesticide SW -846 SDG Pio.: F3845-01 C1jMt: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID-. P394541 Client ]D: CSl WC08 Date CoIIected: 8126/02 Data Rocebad: 821/02 Date Auabz"h 2 Matrix: Fuj6r— Date Extracted: Y=M MWED: 5PSW&D Dilation: I fttru meat 1A: ,AmzIyticalIWtbtodi—WW Analydeal Rm ISD: Moisture: 100.0 Asseciatpd DianlcMIZZELM Parameteer Concentration C RDL AWL UAdts gammtl BHC (Lkdane) < 0.009 - U. / 0.050 0-009 ug/L heptachlor < 0.007 U' 0.050 0.007 ugfL .Heptachlor epoxide < 0.008 U j 0.050 0.008 U91L );ndxjAt < 0.02 U 0.050 0.02 ng/L Methoxrblur < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Iw.Vhene < 0.12 U ! 0.50 0.12 ug1L Chloidane < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES Decachlorohiphenyl 13.67 68 % 30-150 SPK: 20 Tetxachloro m xylene 18-17 91 % 30-150 SP1: 20 PCB SW -846 SDG No.: P3945-01. Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample 1A; P384341 Uent ID: CSI-WCN Date Collected: 8/20/02 Date Ana•4yzed: 8/27/02 Date Extracted: Ditntiou: Analy4cal Methods –IMIT yo Moisture: 7. Date Received: 8/21102 A4atrix:. wuDr ' — M 1D: 4PC8653.D Instrument IID: ,Analytical Run ID: Associated Blank. Parametar CancentratiM C RDS. PADL Units A,ROCI:OR 1016 < 5.6 U 18 5.6 ug/1Cg AROCLOR 1221 < 1.4 I7 18 1.4. ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 8.5 U 18 8.5 ug/KS AROCLOR 1242 < 23 U 18 23 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 < 5.9 U 18 5.9 ug/K9 AROCLOR 1254 •83 J P 18 11 u.T.g AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 09/K9 SURROGATES Tetra bIOro-to-XYI=e 11.64 59% 24-151 SP1 20 Decachlorobipheayl 19.85 99% 24-151 SPK 20 1 =cam' -----__. - ^-----'_p -_ - T TCLP BNA SDG No.: 23845-01 CHent: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp_ Sample ID: P3845-01 (Xmt ID: CSI-WC08 Date Collected: •a/AM Datellecelved: 821'/02 Date Analyzed; 8/25/02 Matrix: wXTM Date Extracted: 8/?.2/02 File Yb: M03729 -D Dilution: 1 Instrument 1D: 5971D Analytical Method: 8270 Analyti d Run M: Sample Wt*OL' 500.0 Extract Vol: 500 Mection Vol: 2 % Moisture: 100 Associated BLwak PPSOUM-24-24B U 10 Parameter. Concentration C . RDL MDI, Units TARGETS 36% 10-94 SPK: 300 Ntrobenzeae-d5 143.5 72% 35-114 SPK: 200 2 Fluarabipbeayl 138.14 69% dime < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlor9benzene < 1-Q U 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Medaylphenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 3-M-Meti y1ph=ols < 1-8 U 10 1.8 U&S He acworoetbane < 1.1 U ! 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene < 1.0 U' 10 1.0 ug/L l�achlorobutadiene < 1.5 U 10 1-5 ug/L ",� T 2,4,5-Michlorophmal < 1.0 U� 10 1.0 ug(L b 2,4,6-Trichlozaphenol < 1.0 U 10, 1.0 ug)L 2,4-Dm*otoluene < 11 U/ 10 1.1 ug/L, Hexathlorobenzme < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L penia wmupheuol < 1.9 u/ 10 1.9 ug/L. SURROGATES 2-Fluorophcn01 1481.81 50% 21-100 SPK- 300 Pheuo145 108.49 36% 10-94 SPK: 300 Ntrobenzeae-d5 143.5 72% 35-114 SPK: 200 2 Fluarabipbeayl 138.14 69% 43-116 SPK 200 2,4,6-TnbromophenoL 310.56 104% 10-123 SPK 300 Terphenyl-d14 190.85 9.5% 33-141 SM 200 ` 1,4-Dich1orobePzene-d4 172387 6.14 Naphthalene -d8 631846 8.73 -Acenaphthcae-dl0 432969 12.70 _ Phmaiubmae-d10 665603 16.12 Cb ysene-= 536384 22.29 Perylone-d12 466926 25.43 8270 Cherntech Consulting Group METALS -1- INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Coxp. SDG No.: P3945 Method Type: SW846 Sample ID: P3845 -01 -eat ID: CS 1-WC08 Contract: koster WbeewEunrc omental Lab t:ncie: (:1'1Smj) Uase N0-: SAS Nos P3845 Corp. ivlatrix: 1't-LLY !]tate Received: 8121/U2 Level: LUW "/• �ol)ids Aaaal,►tical .CAS No. Analyte Coneentration Units C Qgal M DL Lish-=ent ID Run 7440-384 Arsenic 28.0 ugJL UU P 28.0 P2 P282302 7440-39-3 Panum 167 ag/L B P 8.0 P2 P282302 7440-43-9 Cadmium 8.2 ug/L D/ P 4.0 P2 P282302 7440-47-3 Clmmium 7.0 ug(L ]a,/ P 6.0 P2 P282302 7439-92-1 Lead 210 ug/L U P 21.0 P2 P282302 7782-49-2 Selenium 53.9 ug/L P 30.0 P2 P282302 ad,149 n• •n nn • to n -__Ir r r / 17 f A A tYl D701RM C,nemiecn Lonsumng tr'roup MY VaIaWeq SDG No.: P5845 Client: Poster Wheeler EAvironaMtl'Cosp- SampleiD: P3845-01 - Client1D: CSI-WC08 Aste Collected: &MZ Date Received: 8121/02 'Date Analyzed; 8/26/02 Metria: TCLP Pile W: Vnniulara .Analytical Rea ID: VD082102 Dilution: 5 bastMmeut ID: MSVOAM Analytical McMod: 8260 Associated Blank: V8008202 Sample WtlWol, 5.0 Unita: ML Solt Extract VOL - Soil Aliquot Vol: % Mgbture: 100 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C HDL MDL units TARGETS / Vinyl chloride 75-01.4 4 4.0 U/ 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1-Mebloroetheme 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 u9/1, Chloroform 67-66-3 < 3.0 U", 25 3.0 ug/L 1,2-Diebloroethatle 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 23 ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 2.4 U.,- 25 2.4 ug/1- T'irichloroethene 79-01-6 < 3-6 U 25 3.6 ug(L Benzene 71-43-2 < 3,6 U 25 3-6 ug/.L T'e$achlowetheue 127-184 < 3.5. U 25 3.5 ug/L Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 < 3.9 U 25 3.9 ug/L ; SURROGATES 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 79-00-5 51.46 103% 68-135 SPK: 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26-5 43.79 88%, 70-125 SPK-- 50 4-Bromolluorobenzene 460-00-4 42.33 85% 70-125 spT{: 50• Dtbromofluoromethane 54.95 110% 70-125 SPK-: 50 INTERNAL STANDAIWS Pentalluorobenzene 363-724 1108184. 1181 1,4-Dilluerob==e 540-36-3 1474656 15-19 Chlorobenzene-d5 3114-55-4 1249124 22-75 1,4-Dxrblorobe=ne-d4 3855-82-1 629095 29.15 Zd4 unelnela swreez, sVIDUnt MS10e, N&U70.92 CHEMTECH JOB NO., (908) 7894900 Fax (908) 799-8922 CHAIN OF CUSTODYBECORD www.chemtech met CHEMTECH QUOTE NO., CL,lifiT 114FORMAill-0-N—M LIPROJECT INFORMATION BILLING INFORMATION REPORT TO BE SENT TO: COMPANY; 064 PROJECT NATE , 2 BILL TO: PO 0: - , ADDRESS, 'A` � --- PROJECT NO.- ADDRESS' , ly — PROJECT MANAGER; CIT1F �I �-nti l Ain S STATE: t� ZIP: C� / / 2a,&..__ _ �. f ,)ak STATE: &T ZIP•('4-q'5 LOCATION. 1 �G �� ATTENTION; r PHOINE-RIS ' 630-$`4 ATT TION: , "'� ^� �y PHONE 9`T - ���" ItFAX-%-�j U- SSI' PHONE. 'FAX: :, ANALYST - ci O1 f DATA TURNAROUND INFORMATION DATA DELIVERABLE INFORMATION ' ���/// FAX ' AYS • HARD COPY: DAYS' ❑RESULTS ONLY Q NY STATE CATEGORY A ❑ RESULTS PLUS QC j�NY STATE CATEGORY 0 (�! EDD: ' r DA S > 'TO ❑ REGULATORY FORMAT, TS ATE' ❑ NEW JERSEY REDUCED DELIVERABLES BE APPROVED BY CHEMTECH �,� G ❑ CLP " NORMAL TURNAROUND TIME-14.DAYS D EDD FORMAT- 1 ' 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 CHt2MPLEH SAMPLE SAMPLE PRESIERVAiIVES C DM DAEMB •. SAMPLE PROJECT 9AMFLE TYPE COLLECTION - � � .-Specify Preeervati4es ID SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION MATRIX AO_HCI B=HNOB DATE TIME $ • 1 P-� 2 3 4 5 6 ,. 01 5 - w C 7 8 9 , E-1� er c7 2. 3• • `•, a. 5. 8. '7 8. SAMPLE CUSTODY MUST BE DODUMENTED BELOW EACH TJME SAMPLES CHANGE POSSESSION INCLUDING COURIER DELIVERY RELI UISHED BY UP1ER DATF1TIIft? RECEIVED 81" 7 1 ��dLr Condttlona of 6Dttles DI coolers at reoelpt 'Comments: ❑ COmpllent ❑ Non -Compliant ❑Temp. of Cooler RELINO IBHED B1" DATEMME RECOVED 6Y,. 2. �"-_ 2. --�---- RELINQUISHED BY, RECEIVED FOR LAB EY 'SHIPPEDVWCLIENT• 3. W-4110aQ' 3. y� ❑ HANDDELIVERED ❑ OVERNIG 8hlpmmtDempiNs p 9 of CHEASiECIt O'PICKEDUP ❑OVERNIGHT O.,YE9 Cl NO Ver. 7001 IV[ ii i c - .yncrn i gun wry run RETURN URN TO WENT YELLOW - CHEMTECH COPY PINK - SAMPLER'COPY n 1 G �? C CI3EMTECH IDATE --,?/ J-9/ &L, NAME: as a uy, COMTAN : , r -td- r SENT BY: NUMEBER OF PAGES FAX# 01— 7-7,x -- 90 SI- RE OmU-Pa L. Peas S PROJECT # 5 r )W YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL- US AT (732) 225-4111 or (908) 789-8900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street,. Mountainside, NJ 07092 SITE 1 - NORTHEAST POND DISPOSAL AREA, CALYERTON, NY Pile ID #: CHEMTECH ID # : Parameter Start Generation Date: Sample Date: Received Analytical: Data Reviewed By- Comments: y Comments: esu- wco8 r? q 19 Lv�� - C) I Soil Sediment Confirmatory Q Classification Drums Q Other Reuse Q Ball End Generation Date: (� Tum Around Time: Late Results IkYes =No c f,io, I/oc , �'fA CIA DATE 4 /c2 -A/ 0---P NUMBER OF PAGES C23 NAME: FAX# %a g 08 COMPANY:4054tr--Whmar RE SENT BY 0mayra L. Penas CONT: U"': k' TTi:e,2-en PROJECT # XF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US AT (732) 225411I or (908) 759-8900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 SheMeld Strept Mountainside, NJ 07092 QUEMCECH CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD CLIENT INFORMATION REPaRrToass wrTa 284 Sheffield Street, Mountainside, NJ. 07092 (908) 789-8900 Fax (908) 789-8922 www.chamtech.net PROJECT INFORMATU)N PROJECT NO X-:O(--(3+11-"fY- M CHEMTECH JOB NO.: CHEMTECH QUOTE NO.: 1 BILLING INFORMATION BILL TO' G-L49dn W&Cr'*L PQ 01. k4DDRESS:I'�-'TL►2 �M6�iC'A'Z- l' l�/� CITY: STATE: TIP: Sa m19"&76 . 9:73/ ATTENTION:/ j^AAP/JLjkT- PHONE X-10- ?9)1 C�i '73� �g7 lf� C63 �J ANALYS PHONE, FAX: k'HON c, FAX: DATA TURNAROUND INFORMATION DATA DELIVERABLE INFORMAMON FAX jT j7AYS ° ❑ RESULTS ONLY ❑ NY STATE CATEGORY A HARD COPY.- DAYS ❑ RESULTS PLUS= NY STATE CATEGORY B O� EDD: = DAYS • ❑ REOUTATDRY FORMAT, TE: " TO BE APPROVED BY CHEMTECH rift N�7- -C3NEINJERSEY REDUCED DELIVERABLES V O CLP NORMAL TURNAROUND TIME - 14 DAYS 13 EDD FORMAT, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SAMPLE SAMPLE PRESERVATIVES COMIMENTSJN CHEMTECH PROJECT SAMPU TYPE COLLECTION � „ r �. pe �' SAMPLE 1 A SHCI Preservatives BHNO ID SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION MATRIX V C-H,SO4 D-•Na0H o DATE TIME 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 a 9 E -.ICE F -Other r a / )4 i� X a o -� r si 99 IaAAw 10 ;< x ?C x 4. ers Ad U. )CZ'A10 K )c X '5• o o r ° o 7, SAMPLE CUSTQOY MUST BE DOCUMENTED EELOW RACH•TIME SAMPLES CHANGE POSSESSION INUCIDING COURIER DELIVERY RELI ISHED BY DATERIME: RECEIVED BY•s O 1, Conditions of bottles or wolers at receipt O Compliant ❑ Non-Compllant t[imo. of Cooler Comments: �,�t Fb �� f�C®fi +CGd--, 3Z-0? lac L�� 4-C31- �t�C. REUNaIIeHM W nArErrunE: RECEIVED BY' r 2. r''....'..' 2. ''"•---.�, ' ' cxv QL '� �p� AJ Z, f hoe c, a,t, rv& 1 ASUNCWHEDDY' DAY J RECEIM FOR LAS -BY: SHIPPED VIA: CLIENT: D HAND DELIVERED E NIGH WiPM4 Campide; �. ( OZ — 3• Pa®@�of_L_ CHEWECIt O PICKED,UP ❑ OVERNIGHT (3,140. Ver. 712001 W}fITE - CHEfATECH COPY FOR RETURN TO CLIENT YELLOW- CHEMTECH COPY PINK - SAMPLER COPY --22-625 `22-v25 Ll (,wemtech Consulting Group METALS INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Aleut: Foster Wheeler Enviw=eroW Coxp_ SAGNo-- P3897 Method Type: SW846 Sample ID: 3897-01 ICUcmt ID: CSI- C09 Contract: Roser Wheeler bio u mmeatel LAD t:oae: i:Hl;mV , ease No-: SAS No.: P3847 COT- OT- matrix: TuL,r Plat Date Received: WNW Level: LUW Soiid� ' Anaiyticai CAS No. Analyte Concentration /Units C Qwd M DL Instrument ID ��► '7440-38-2 Arsenic 45.0 UWL U P 450 P1 P382902 7440-59-3 Bmum 990 .�' ug/L U P 990 P1 1'182902 7440-43-9 Cadmium 8.4 f UA B P 8.0 Pi P182902 7440-47� Chromium 28.2 x u x B P 14,0 Pi P182902 7439-92-1 Lead 300/ uA U P 30.0 Pl P182902 778249-2 Selenium 15.6 u84- B P 9.0 Pi P182902 7440-22-4 Silver 37.0 ug/L U P 37.0 Pl P182902 HCv4:. mw Z 0 / . "L ✓ W z -o w wota�oZ / 'Color Before: Clarity Before: Texture: Color After: Comments: Clarity After: Artifacts: Metals vw1Vw-wwvvw• VYwwwrNww6 viVNj./ Pesacuae SW -846 SDG No.: P3897-01 Cilent: Pastes Wheeler Environmental Carp- Sample lD: P3897-01 ukut w; CSI--WC09 Date Collected: 8122/02 Date Received. 8/23/02 Date Awdyud: 8129M Mat ru.- TuLr^ Date Extracted: W23M File ID: SPS6591D Dilatioe►: bstcumeut gyp: AAx rtxcal Method:r— 8 Ucal Rxm ID; '/0 Moisture-, X00• Associated sienk: Parameter ., . Concentration C RUL. MIDL Unita gamma -BHC (Lindane) 0.009 U 0.050 0.009 ug/L K"chlor < 0.007 U 0.050 0.007 ug/L geptacb1or epoxide < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L, Endrin < 0.02 U 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methox,wWor <0008 l U 0.050 0-008 ug/L Tmcaphene <0.12 / U 0.50 0-12 ug/L Chlordane < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES Decachlorobiphenyl 11.11 56% 30-150 SPK: 20 Tetrachloro-m-xylcnc 19.58 98% 30-150 SPK: 20 SW4W6 SDG No.: P3997-01 client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Simple ID: P3697-01 Client ID: CSX-WC09 Date Collected: 8122/02 Date Deceived: 883/02 Date Analyzed: 8728102 Matrix: W��- Date Extracted: W2610A PO4IA: 4PC8695J) D$udon: Lutrument ID: ,4na►jtipl 1V)Cetb�o Analytical Run ID: 7• Associated Wank % Moisture: Puranteter Conce"Untion. C RDL MDL Unite 1016 < 5.6 U 18 5.6 ug/Kg .AROCLOR AROCLOR 1221 < 1.4 U 18 1.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 8.6 U 18 8.6 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1742 < 2.4 U 18 2.4 ug/kg AROCLOR 1248 500 E 18 5.9 ug/K9 AROCLOR 1254 < 11 U 18 11 ugIx8 AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 ug/K8 SURROGATNS Tamehloru-m-xyleue 14.92 75% 24 -151 SPK: 20 Decachloiobiphenyl 24.39 122% 24-151 SXK: 20 Ii SDG Na: I'3897--01 ()hent: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3897-01 PCB SW -8d6 Clbmj )D: CSI WC09DL Date Collected: al3..Z' /02 Date Received: 8/23/02 Date Analyzed: 128/02 Matra: Data Extracted: File W: 4P 87os� Dilution: AV Lutrument ID: Aumbl" Method: -308'£ NOW— An*i tical Rom AD: % Moisture: 7. A mciated Blank: Parameter Concentration C RDL NIDL units AROCLOR 1016 < 56 u 180 56 UW%9 AROCLOR 1221 < 14 U 180 14 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 86 u 180 86 usms AROCLOR 1242 1248 <2q.-- (580 '� ' U 180 180 24 59 u8/Kg ug/Kg AROCLOR ,AROCLOR 1254 <-Ue u 180 110 UvK9 AROCLOR 1260 <21 u 180 21 u91K9 SURROGATES Tehachloro-Boa-aylenie 23.1 116% 24-151 SPK: 20 Decachlorol iphenyl 15.6 78% 24-151 SPK: 20 a.rsvrir.�.vr• vvr.v...... r v v r TCJLP Herbicides SW -846 SAG No.: P3897-01 Client: Fo9W Wlxeeler EnwmnmentalCorp. Sample ID: P3897-01 Cliieut 1D: CSI-WC09 Date Collected: 8122./82 Rate Reuived: 8/Z3/02 Date A�oalyzed: 8JZ9 Matt= �— DateExtracted: File ID: 6PC10183� Dilution: Instrument ID: Analytical Method—'xCjLr Herbicide s �: moisture: HUM ,Ann ated Blank: Pmrameter Concealation C RDL MDL UAM 2,4-D < 0.05 U 0.20 0.05 ug/L 2.4,5-37 (S&M) < 0.02 U 0.20 0.02 ug/L � SURROGATES 2�4-DCAA 31-5 63% 24-151 SM 50 TCLF Volatiles SDG No.: P3897 Client: Fosta WWec • pvncoamentai Co=p: " - • _ ` �. g- p�e �: P3847-01 CUemt:ID cs� wEa9 Date Collected; 8/?.zlZ002 • ' -'� ate Received: = •O�--- ,,8/23/2002 Date Analyzed: 8/29/2002 Matrg: Analyflcal Run iD: VE082802 -Ae 1D: VE082817.D bstrntAaent ID: I�VISVQAIy Dilation: 5 Associated Blank: E & AnAlytical Method= 8260 Sample wt/wol: .o nits: MI. Soil FAtract. Vob Y. m6- tura: 100 Soul Aliquot Vol: Parameter CAS Number Concentration C RDL MDL Units TARGIETS• Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4.0 , . U 4-0 u$� 1,1-Dichloioetheme 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 3,0 / U 25 25 3.4 3.0 U91L ugIL Cbioroform 67-6&3 < U 25 2.8• uS/L 1,2-Dicblomethm 107=06-2 < 2.8 U 25 12 ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 2.4 U 25 2-4 nS/L " Carbon Tctzschlaride 56-23-5 < U 25 3-6 ng/L Txicblometbew 79-01-6 < < 3.6 3.6 / U 25 3.6 U91L Benzene 71-43-2 3-5 U 25 3'-5 ne/L Tetracblo7[oetbeme 127-1811 < / U 25 3.9 ng/L 'Cblorobemzene 108-90-7 ¢ 3,9/ ,SURROGATES49,y-3 1,2-Dicblomed=ca -d4 79-00-5 99 % 68 -135 - r 51'K' 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26.5 45.03 90 % 70-125- SPK: 50 SPK: 50 4-Brormoiluorobewme 460400-4 47.52 95% 98% 70-125 70-125 Spy— 50 Dibromo$uoramethanc 48.83 IN -IL " ST'AIVDAM 363-72-4 657479 5.18 ReAtanuorobeazene 1,4-Difluorobenzene 540-36-3 599736 6.24 C:blorobeo=e-0 3114-55-4 463231 12.00 1,4-Dlchlorobtnzmv-d4 .3855-82-1 247665 1799 TCLP 19NA SDG No.: P3997-01 Client: Foster Wheeler EnvkopmenW Corp. Sample ID: P39W-01 CJlent ID: CSI-WC09 Date Collected: 8i== Date Received: 8/13/02 Date Analyad: 8129 Maw' WAIAK Date Extracted: 8!28/02 !Fite ID: BB00382" Daudon: I instrument ID. 59118 Analytical Methods Analytical Rum ID; I Sample Wt/Wol: _-MO.O , Eatrnct vob % Moisture: s00 100 %jection Vol: 2 ASsocisted Blank MMS02-23B Pasa�oaeter Cooncegtratiom C BDL - MAL units TARGETS / Pyndbw < 1.0 U / 10 1.0 ug/L , 1,4-Dichlorobe zme < 1.0 V 10 1.0 ug/L 2-MetblYlpb=Ol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 3+4-Methylphenole < 1.8 U � 10 1.8 ug/L Hcaachlotuetbaue < 1.1 U. 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene < 1-0 U 10 1.0 ugAL Hexachlombuta4eue < 1.5 U 10 1-5 1.0 ug/L U91 -L 2,4,5.Trichlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 2,4,6--fnch1oropheu6l < 1.0 U / 10 1.0 1.1 ug/L 2,4 -Mi Mtoluene < 1.1 U 10 ug/L Hexachlorobenz= < 1.1 U 10 10 1.1 1.9 ug/L ug/L Pentachlorophenol < 1.9 U SURROGATES Z Fluorophewl 109.54 37% 21-100 SPK: 300 Phenol d5 88-56 30% 10-94 SPK: 300 NN-nmbenzcne-d5 12122 61 % 35-114 SPK: 200 2-Flu=biQhenyi 12208 61% 43-116 SPK.' 200 2,4,6-Tribrc noph=ol 234.65 78 % 10-123 SPK: 300 Terpba"I-di4 . 157.91 79% 33-1.41. SM- 200 1NTE'RNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dich1orobenzene-d4 152418 6.10 Naphthalene -dg 575281 8.68 A,cenVhthene-d10 370834 12.64 P=410 627890 16.06 Chroeme-d12 503195 22.21 Perylene-02 448345 25.34 8270 u"rm 1 Wun TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST: PHM MATRU(Solid CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 : BATCH: 1.1321$88 LAB PROJECT. P3897 DATE SAMPIX Amu= FISR90AMl-UQU mm - jug" %S082612.MVY ND 5.4 P3w-01 CS1-WC09 i�3897,d4 CS1 WC99 8W02 VS082613.RAW NO 53 Page 1 TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8015 CANT; FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST: PHU CLIENT PROJECT: NW IRP CALVERTON CTO 77 MATMX' Slid � A'r^". • 12424AAO cs' wcs9 DAA MAPLE 8I2SI02 1SQSZ612.RA erzm I%SDM13.RA Page 1 0 Q as 5A I l./lt'/l..v.-r• vvrr.shrrrrrs v/ vssy TCLP Herbicides SW -846 SDG No.: P3897-01 Climit: Foster Wheeler Environmsatal Corp - Sample M: P38V-04 Client ID: CSI.-WC99 Date Collected: 8122102 Daft Recd'ed: Date Analyzed: 8129/02 butrU.- Date Extracted: MWUZ Ir'e M: Mudw. I usbument EN Analytical. Method--TCEP Herbicide Audydcal Run ID: ./. Moisture: 100--0 Associated Blanc 8123102 TMIr- 6PC1019-B ECS Parameter. Concentration . C RDIL MDL units. 2,4-,D < 0.05 U 0.20 0.05 ng/L 2,4,5-T? (Silver) < 0.02 U 0.20 0.02 ug/L � r� v ) SURHOGA.TRS 2,4-DCAA, 44.59 89% 24-151 SPK: SO vrt.vrr-wYw� vvrt-u w��w TCLP BNA - SDG No.: P3897-01 Cleat. Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample IID: P3897-04 Client JD: CS1; WC99 Date Collected: 8/22!02 Date ReceWed: 8/23/02 Date,Amakpmd: 8/29/02 Mstdx; WATER ]late Extracted: SaSM2 File ID: BB003829.D Dilution: 1 bst r=ent ID: 5971B Analytical Method: 8270 AaelyIIcal Run ID: Sample Wt/Wok Extract vol: 500 Injection Vol: 2 % Moisture: 100 Associated Blank: PB082902-2313 Parameter Coheentradon C RDI, MAL 'Units TARGETS 373836 / Phenanthrene -d10 644764 1.6.06 pyfifiw < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene < 1.0 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Methy1phenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 3+4-Methylphenols < 1.8 U 10 1.8 ug/L Hexachloroceme < 1.1 U./ 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobewcue < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L Hexachlorabutadiene < 1S U.,z 10 1.5 ug/L 2,4,5-Tmcb1ozophenol < 1.0 U / 10 1.0 UWL 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 1:0 ug/L 2,4-Dinit:otvlueme < 1.1 U/ 10 1.1 ug/L Hexacblorobenzene < 1-1 U 10 1.1 ug/L PentacWorophenol < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/L SURROGATES 2-Fluorophenol 9123 31% 21-100 SPK: 300 pmol -d5 83.84 28% 10-94 SPK: 300 Nitrobenzene-& 119.87 60% 35-114 SPIE: 200 7,,:Morobipheuyl 131.63 66% 43-116 SPI- 200 2,4,6-Tribromophennl 218.46 73% 10-123 4& 300 Terphenyl-d14 155.42 78% 33-141 SPK: 200 INTERNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dicblombenzene-d4 153578 6.09 Naphtha1ene-d8 596149 8.68 Acenaphthene -d10 373836 12.64 Phenanthrene -d10 644764 1.6.06 ChMeue-02 521654 22.21 Pexylene-d12 486592 25.34 8270 TCLP volatiles SDG No.: P3997 client: Foster • W.heeler.:EnAmmeidtal Corp. .. Qfent ID: CSl-3?4►C99 Sample ID: r Y3897-04 - � •• ')Date Collected:•8?22200Z. -. ,•_...: Date Received: 8/238002 z • ,•_,x,;:: Date Analyzed; 8/2977.002 7 Maw: IqIJLAr Rile II3 YE082818.D Analytical Run XD: VE082802 Dilution: 5 InstrumentlD: MSVOAE ,Aural *cal Method: 8260 Assbciated Slanlc 828W1— Sample Wt/WoI: 5.0 Units: mL Soil Ktbract Vol: Soil Aliquot Vol: % *isture: 100 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C ROY, N1DL units TARGETS Vmyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4.0 / U 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1Dicbloroetheme 75-3514 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 upt Chloroform, 67-66-3 < 3.0 U 25 3.D ug/L 1,2-Dicbloro d=e 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 .2.$ ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetxachloride 56-23-5 < 2.4,,/ U 25 2.4 ug/L Tnchlamethme 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 7143-2 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Tetrachloroethent 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug2 Cblorobemzeme 108-90-7 < 3.9/" U 25 3.9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2-Dichloroetbarxe-d4 79-00-5 50.18 100 % 68-135 SPK: 50 Toluene -48 2037-26-5 45.16 90% 70-125 SPK. 50 A-Bromofluorob ..zme 460.00-4 45.69 -91% 70-125 SPK: 50 Dbromofluoroimethaue 46.9 94% 70-125 SPK 50 DMRNAL STANDARDS Pentafluorobeozete 363-72-4 641882 5.16 1,4-DitIuorobenzene 540-36-3 612305 6.24 C;hlorob=zcnc-d5 3134-55••4 446945 12.00 1,4-DxchIorobenzene-d4 ., 3855-82-1 245897 18.00 PCB SW -846 SDG No.: P3891-01 Client Foster Wheeler EnvironmeAW Com Sample ID: P3997-04 Client ID: CSI-WC99DL Date Collected: MW Date Received: 8!;3102 - Date Anib2ed: 8128/02 Mhtriz: SOW Date F�xtracted; NAM File ID: 4PC8706.13 Dilution: to Lubin meat 1D: Analytical Medwd:�SZ' A�malytkzl Run ID: °r6 1b(pistuuce: 5. Awoclated Blank: PAraMeftT Concentration C RDL unite AROCLOR 1016 < 55 U 180 55 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 14 U 180 14 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 84 U 180 84 ug/Rg AROCLOR 1242 < 23 U 180 23 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 580 ,- 180 58 ugtKg AROCLOR 1254 < 110 U 180 110 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 21 U 180 21 ug/iSg SURROGATES Tearachloro-m-xylene 21.6 108% 24-151 SPK: 20 Decachlordbiphmyl 11.5 58% 24-151 SPK: 20 it v�wiwwvr� vviww��ai�b vs vwrPCB i'W-Sa6 5DG r4o.: P3897-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Envhvg mental Corp. Sample ID: P3897-04 CReot 1D: CS1-WC99 Date Collected: BrMA2 Date Received: 8x23/02 Date Analyzed: 812VM Matriz: SM-` Date Extracted: File ID: 4P 8696M AOudom: I bnh-d gent M.- .A ualytical Method.—INT AmAy0cal Rxm ID: Moistnxes 5.0 AssodatedBlauL Parameter Concentration C RDL MBL uaita AROCLOR 1016 < 5.5 U 18 5-5 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 1A U 18 1.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 8.4 U 18 8.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 23 U 18 23 ug/K,g AROCLOR 1248 570',, E 18 5.8 u9IK9 AROCLOR 1254 <--11 U 18 11 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 ug/Kg SURROGATES TetiacbIcw-m xylene 14.26 71% 24-151 SPK: 20 Dmachimbiphenyl 27.96 140% 24-151 SPK: 20 a Pesdeide SW -&16 SAG No.: P3397--01 Client: Foster Wheeler Envirtm memtal Corp. Sample M- P3897-04' CHcnt ID: CSI -WC" Date Collected: 8/22/02 Date Received: 8/23/02 ]Date Analyzed: 8/ JM Match: 'TCL — Date Extracted: WMIU7. Pile ID: S1PSM598.A Dilation: I Instrument iD: Aw4bical Method -99W Aithlrytical Ran ID: SP'b$07 Molatuxv: 100. A"adated Blank: Parameter Coaeentration C RDL MAL Units gamma -DHC (Lindane) < 0.009 U/ 0.050 0.009 ag/l. Heptachlor < 0.007 u j 0.050 0.007 ag2 Heptachlor epoxide < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 U91L Eudrin < 0.02 U 0.050 0,02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 U/ 0.050 0.008 agf L Tvx80eme < 0.12 U,-' 0.50 0.12 ug/L Chlordane < 0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES Dccaebdorobiphenyl 9-58 48% 30-150 SPIC: 20 Tetrachlom-M-asylene . 17.97 90% 30-150 SPR 20 lK Chemtech Consulting Group METALS INORGANIC ANALYSIS DA'T'A PACKAGE Client: Foster Wheela F-mvuojuM(mt)l CoIP. SDGNo.s P3897 Method Type; SW846 Comments: Metall Sample ID: P3897-04 Cliemt 71D: CS1-WC99 Comtract: koster Wheelerhnviroamental Lad Code: (.HEMBI) , ease 1V o.: SAS Pio.: P3897 Corp. MStriz: -TULP Nate .Received: =3/trl 2.evd: LUW ,Plata�ytic>11> . • .CAS No. Aotalyte Cotaic=tratian Units C Qwd M DL Instrument ID Run ' 744038-2 ArsSaic 45.0 UgIL U' P 45.0 P1 P1&2902 ' / 7440-39-3 Barium 240 ug/L 13 P 99.0 Pi P182902 / .7440-43-9 Cadmium 126 ug/L 33 P 8.0 ' P1 P182902 744047-3 C1wougum 44.5 US/L B'/ . P 14.0 P1 P182902 7439-92-1 Lead 300 ag/L U/ P 30-0 Pl P192902 7782-49-2 Selenium 90 US/L U/ P 9.0 P1 P182902 7440-22-4 Silver 370 ug/L U P 370 P1 P182902 DP Cow Before: clarity Before: Color meter: Clarity Miter. Artifacts: "{ Comments: Metall (�/Z1�/fLLG�:/I 4V/�.7KLIi/L,� VIVK�/ PGB SW4146 MG Ko.: P4065-01 Cllemt: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-01 Cdent ID: CSI-WC10 r Date Coltected: 9/4/02 Date,Reeeive& 9/5/02 Dste Analyzed: 9/16/02 Matriw SvEr— Date Extracted: WW9Z FHeID: 4PC1468D DAudow 2 Instrument ID: EM Analytical Method --MW Analytical Rau M Moisture: 14. Associated Blank Parameter Coneentratiom C ML MDL Units AROCLOR 1016 < 12 U 40 12 UwX9 AROCLOR 1221 < 3.0 U 40 3.0 u$/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 19 U 40 19 u9/K9 AROCLOR 1242 < 5.1 U 40 5-1. ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 540 'F 40 13 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1254 160 P 40 25 u8X8 AROCLOR 1260 < 4.7 U 40 4.7 ng/Kg SURROGATES 2etnchloro-m-xylene 14.14 71% 24-151 SPZC 20 Decacblorobiphcnyl 6.1 31% 24-151 SPK 20 I N. CHEMTLUM TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8019 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST- PHM CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CT MATRDC: Solid BATCH- L921910 r �• , - mt. � 1 1 t •'1 t E. t �'IK � -•t: t t 1 tr trt�t: � -I Page 1 a L/LGluwa.ro �.w6.Jssoazasfy vaVss�J SDG No.: ,x'4065 Client: Foster Wheeler EaviroAMental Corp - Sample ID: P4065-01 Date Collected: 9/4/700.2 Date Aaralyzed: 9/8/2007 File 1A: VD090714.D Dilution: 5 Analytical Method., 8260 Sample Wt/Wol: 5.0 Units: 5L Soil Aliquot Vol: TCLP Volatiles Client w: CSI-WCIO Date Rocelved: 9/5/2002 Mark: TC.LP Analydeal Run ]D: VD083102 �( Instrument ID: MSVOAD A AssociatedB18nk* V YU7W1-- 1 Soil ExUact Vol: % Moisture: 100 Parameter. CAS Number Cor►centration C RDL AWL Umua TARGETS vinyl chloride 75-01-4 100 % 4.0 U 25 4.0 ug1L 1,1 Dicbloxoetbeme 75-35A < 3.4 U 25 3A ug/L Chloroform 67-66-3 < 3.0 U- 25 30 vg/L 1,2-Dicliloxoetbtane 107-06-2 < 2.8 U , ' 25 2.8 ug/l. z-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 V ! 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 25 2.4 ug/L Tl ieb,loroethene 79-01-6 < 36 U25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Tetracbloznethene 127-184 < 3.5 U 25 3S ug/1, Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 < 3.9 U� 25 39 ug/L SURR.QGATES 42-Dicbloroethane-d4 79-00-5 53.56 107 % 68-135 SM 50 Toluene -d8 2037-36-5 50.09 100 % 70 - 125 SPK 50 4-Bromolluorobeame 460-00-4 47.09 94% 70-125 SPK: 50 Dibromotluoromethene. 49.53 99% 70-125 SPK 50 AVTERNAIL STANDARDS Pentailuorobenzene 363-72-4 566340 }2.76 1,4-Difluotobe=erne 540-36-3 1027027 15.13 Chlorobenzene-d5 3114-554 898854 22.67 1,4-Dichlorubenzene-d4 3855-82-1 360757 29-07 TCLP BNA SDG Na: P4065-01 Client: Poster Wheeler E>avit opmental Corp. Sample ID: P406541 Client lD: CSI WCIO r Date Collected: 9/4/02 Date Received: 9/5/02 Date Analyzed: 9!13/02 Maw' WN= Date Extracted: 9/9/02 Foam: ABB004136D Dlludon: 1 Pastrument ID: 59718 Analytical Method: 8270 Analydad Run ID: Sample Wt/Wol: �i Extract Vol: 500 Xgjection Vol: 2 _ % Ma�i+taxe: 100 Associated Blank: Parameter Conceataration C RDL MBB _ U�odts TARGETS' Pyridiue < 1.0 U .., 10 1.0 ug/1- 1,4-Dichlorobentene < 1.0 U `' 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Mothylpbcem0l < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug4, 3-+-4-Methylphenola 1.8 U 10 1.8 ug/L Hexacbloroed=e < IA U!' 10 1.1 u8/L N-Atrobenzene < 1-0 U -I/ 10 1.0 ug/L 1. 5��-,1�J Hexechiombutadiene < 1.5 U� 10 1.5 ug/L USIL 2,4,5-Trich1orophen01 < 1.0 U 10 1.0 1.0 u81L 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 2,4 -Dir Uotoluene < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ng(L 1lexachlorobenzene < 1.1 U / 10 1.1 u9tL PentacWmvph0wl < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/L SURROGATES 24luorophmol 108.71 36% 21-100 SP1L 300 Phenol -d5 88.5 29% 10-94 SPK: 300 Nt>mbeuuue-d5 108.29 ' 54% 35-114 114 SPK: 200 2-Fluorob2phenyl 116.01 58% 43 -116 SPK: 200 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 226.96 76% 10 -123 SPK 300 Terpheloyl-d14 190.5 95% 33-141 SPIE: 200 ENTERNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Anch1orobenzene-d4 164090 5.85 Naphthalene -d8 611490 8.41 AFe.uaphthene-d10 380740 12.34 Phenanthrena410 598566 15.74 Chryseue-02 464516 21.89 Pezylene d12 420269 2499 8270 TCLP ]Herbicides SW -941k BDG No.: P406541 Cuent: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-01 Client ID: CSI WC10 Date Collected: 9/4/02 Date Received: Date Analyzed: 9113102 Matrix: Date Extracted: YMM Fib M: Dilation: I bastrument M: ,Audytical MethoM 4151 Analytical Run ID: 0/6 Moisture: 100. Associated OW& 915/02 Tom' _ ti,D parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units 2,4-D < 0.02 U 0.10 0.02 ug/L 2,4,5 -TP (Silver) < 0.01 U �� 0.10 0.01 ug(L Pill SURROGATES 2,4-DCAA 1.56 3% 24-151 SP21. 50 PCB SW -946 SDGNe.: P4065-01 Client: Foster Wbeeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-01 Chant ID: CSI-WC10 , Date Collected: 9/4/2002 Date Received: 9/5/2002 Date Analysed: WIM2002 Matrix: SM— Dste Extracted: W172M File ID: 4PC1409.D Dilution: Insunumt ID: ECIM Anablital hfetkodr- 0gT Anabdeal Am ID: % Mobtare: 14.0 Amdated Blank: Parameter Cuncentration C RDL MDL Units LZ AROCLOR 1016 < 6.0 U 20 6.0 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 1.5 U 20 115 u8/K8 AROCLOR 1232 < 93 U 20 93 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 2.5 U 20 2.5 u6fK8 AROCLOR 1248 750 E 20 6.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1254 230 P 20 12 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 2.3 U ,. 20 23 ug/Kg SURROGATES Tetrachloro-m-xylene 12.63 63% 24-151 SPIC,: 20 DecacblorobxpitenYl 5.75 29% .24-151 SPK: 20 PRELIMINARY RESULTS Subject to change upon further data quality review Pesticides SW -846 SDG No.: P406541 Client: Foster Wheelmi-Raviu[ummental Corp. Sample) D: P4065-01 Client IDN CSI WC10 Date Collected-. 9/4102 Date Reedved: Date Analyzed: 2/02 Matrix: Date Eitraeted: �971VQZ File ID: Dilation: it Instrument ID: Analytical Method—wr. Analytical Run ID: % A2olsturei IQO. Associated Bhumk-. 9/5/02 Wujujr 5PS6789X Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units gamma -BHC (Lindane) < 0.009 U 0.050 0.009 ug/i, Heptachlor < 0.007 U - " 0.050 0.007 ug/L Heptachlor epoxide < 0-008 U 0A50 0.008 ug/L Endre► < 0.02 U,-' 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Toxaphene < 0.12 U 0.50 0.12 ug/L (:Wordaue < 0.13 U . ' 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES Decaahlosobipheuyl 13.98 70% 30-150 SPK. 20 Tet=hloro-m-xylene 15.43 77% M - 150 SPK: 20 Chemlech. Consulting Group. 30TALS INORGAMC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: foster Wheeler Environmental Corp- SDC No.: P4065 Method Type.' SW846 Sample ID: P4065-01 CGent-7D: CS1-WC1O Voutract: roster whee114,EAvutonlmeM8l - LAb Code: Uil;hWD Case N o.: SAS No.: P4065 Corp, Matrix: 141, Date Received: 9/5/U2 Level: LUW "/o Solids: Anauytieal CAS No. Analyte Copcemtrat!Om Units C Qual M DL Instrument ID Rum 7440-38-2 Arsenic .028.0 ug/L U / P 2810 P2 P290402 7440-393 Barium .198 ug/L B / P 8.0 P2 P290402 74403-9 Cadmium .00 6.5 ug/1, B P 4-0" P2 P290402 7440-47-3 Cbromium —DO 73 ug/1; ' B P 6.0 P2 P290402 . 7439-92-1 head- - 0210 ug/L U P 210 P2 P290402 � 7782-49-2 Selenimn .030-0 ug/L U P 300 1`2 P290402 7440-22-4 Silver .0 10.0 u9/1, U �� P 10 0 P2 P290402 (YeM,ry 'JO Q.O A4 IL- V W Z. -,O , , cu CUolo4ot. Color Jkfore: CaAor After: Comments. Clarity Bdore: Clarity After: Texture: Artifacts: METALS CH.EMTECH. DATE q d -�" /00-- NAME:. 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(9" lcl i3 1+�3�J NALYSLSPHONE: LT" �LJ'i FAX: L�-- .® HOE: FAX:DATA 4T, TURNAROUND•INFORMATION DELIVERABLE INFORMATION FAX: DAYS' ❑ RESULTS ONLY 0 NY STATE CATEGORY A HARD COPY: EDD: DAYS' xng ❑ RESULTS PLUS CTC NY STATE CATEGORY B®� ❑ pEGULATORY FORMAT, STATE W f„gd DAYS' LI ❑ NEW JERSEY REDUCED DELIVERABLES • TO BE APPROVED BY CHEMTECH I) /*"iNr 11 CLP " NORMAL TURNAROUND TIME - 14 DAYS ❑ EDD FORMAM 1 2 8 4 5 ® 7 8 9 SAMPrE SAMPLE PAt:SERVATNEB COMMENTS CNEMTECH PROJECT SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTION � +-Specify Freservatives SAMPLE SAMP'LE1t9ENTIFICATION UATRIX j ,� z A -HCI B-HNO8 8 5 DATE TIME ICES. 1 2 mum No= INUM11001601 9 4 5 8 7 8. 9 E F- Olher 1. d/ qI41 14ag 1 ,v c 2. 3. O O 4. Qom^ 5 & 03 GS1 Eo o, , 1 7. a SAMPLE CUSTODY MUST BE DOCUMENTED BELOW EACH TIME SAMPLES CHANGE POSSESSION'INCLUONO COURIER DELIVERY Condillons of bottles or coolers at recelpt O Compliant ❑ Nor► -Compliant O Temp. of Caaler' Comments: RELINQUIGHI10 6Y I 04MIM RECEIVED Or 2. q---- r-- 2. AELINOWHED BY• RECEIVED FOA IAS BY- �7 SHIPPEDVIA; CLIENT' ❑ HAND DELIVERED 17 OVERN10 SI11pmw1t CanpW@c 3. /r t of 3. .� cam. pg Qt CHEW. ECH; ❑ PICKED UP O OVERNIGHT ❑ YE6 O NO Var. 712001 WHITE - CHWTECH COPY FOR RETURN TO CLIENT YELLOW- CHEMTECH COPY PINK - SAMPLER DOPY " 17633 CHEMTECH DATE Q 1/9 iCi NAME: Pl b f"AMER OF PAGES FA%# 031-10-a- M97 cOMPAN : r u.)heet� R� SENr BY: OmayEa L. Pen OM .FN PROJECT # IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US AT (732) 225-4111 or (908) 789-8900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street Mountainside. NJ 07092 Ibis faesimitle transmission pertains to confidential information involving Chemtech Consulting Group, T.mtc_ and the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient copying, acting upon or discussing the contents is FPROEUB E]D. In the event this transmission has been misdirected, please contact this office so that we may take appropriate action. 1 hank you for your prompt response to tbxs matter. CHEMTECH D.A It 0 / 9 / W.., NUMM OF PAGES NA %M: e,h. G-- IFA 4631) -7AR- 868 ,-L COMPANY: )��t �,r RE SENT BY P�enas L. L Oma y ra CONMNT: PROJECT # IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US AT (732) 2254111 or (908) 7894900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street,,Mountainside,NJ 07092 IN B USI,N"ESS FOR THE ENT YR 0IN211ENT Choweeh Consulting Group METALS -I- INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster Wbeeler Environmental Corp_ SDGNo.: P4065 5Uthod Type: SW846 Comments: METALS SamplerD': 74065-02 t- CSI-WCIl Contract: roster wheeler Eimrm=ental Lab Code: CH1;MN) Case NO.: SASS No.: P4065 Corp. maftu: TLLY one Recerved: 915/U2 Level: LOW An�� CAS No. 'Analyte Concentration Unibi C Qaal M' DL Instrument ID Finn 7440-38-2 Aracnic v28-0 ug/L U '�' P 28.0 P2 P290402 7.440-39-3 $edam .147 ng/L 13 y' P 80 1?2 P290402 7440-43-9 Cadmmum 034.0 ug/L B l P 4.0 P2 P290402 7440-47-3 Chmmium , v 196 ugo- ]a,.-: P 6-0 P2 P290402 7439-92-1 Lead .0 21.0 ng/L U% P 21_0 P2 P290402 7782-44-2 Selenium v 46.8 ug/I. B,-- P 30.0 P2 P290402 7440-22-4 Silva .0 10.0 ug/L U." w P 100 P2 P290402 k ,�:� Z•0 Itr V / CV Z•d Cw GuOgnaca- C:olor Before: Clarity Before: Testisre: Color After: Clarity After: Artifacts: Comments: METALS VIaG1I �6V\.l♦ vv�wssosr�sb tirVwl/ Pesticides SW -846 SAG No.: P4065-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Enviroamental Corp.. Sample ID: P4065-02 CR=t )[D: CSI--WCll Date Collected: 914/02 Datelleceived: 9/5/02 Date .A sal yw& 9/12102 Matrix: 'MLP DateEktrracted: 971PUZ File ID: SPS6790.D Dilation: XMI" o out M: EM Analytical Meftud-808r Awdytical R m M. gio Moislnre_ 100. Aeaocisted Blank: Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Unlb it A al gm= -BHC (Lindane) < 0.009 U / 0.050 0.009 ug/L Heptachlor < 0.007 U 0:050 0.007 ug/L Heptachlor epoxide < 0-008 U '` 0,050 0.008 ug/L )vmdtin < 0..02 U 0:050 0.92 ug/L Methoxyd1or < 0.008 U,---- 0.050 0.008 ug/L Toxaphanc --0.12 U / 0.50 0.12 ug/L cblordame <.0.13 U 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURROGATES Deaachloiobipbemyl 11.54 5311/0 30-150 SPK: 20 Tettacbloro-m xyleno 13.49 67% 30-150 SPK 20 PCD SW -946 SDG No.: P4065-01 Cheat: Fob Wheelu Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-02 Client ID: CSI-WC11 Date Collected: 9/412002 Date AARIyzed: 9MM Date E=tracded: 9' Dilution: Analytical J;Vlethod-808' % Moisture: 12. Date Recu'ved: 9/5/2002 1Vlatrla: SlM- File ID: 4PC1410.D rnetrament Jam: Anaiydad Rum ID: Associated Blank Parameter Comcenfration C RDL . MAIL Units ;AROCLOR 1016 < 5.9 u 19 59 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 1.5 U 19 1.5 ugfKg AROCLOR 1232 < 9.1 u 19 9.1 ug(K,g 1ROCLOR 1242 < 2.5 U 19 2.5 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 .380 EP 19 63 ug1Kg AROCLOR 1254 130 F 19 .12 ugfKg AROCLOR 1260 28 19 23 ugmg SURROGATES Teftwhl0ro-mxylme 15.26 76 % 24-151 SPK: 20 J>Mchlozobiphenyl 6.55 33% 24-151 SM— 20 PREUMINARY RESULT Subject to chan9e upp data quality TGASW TCLP Herbicides SW -946 SDG Ncu P4065-01 (Meat Foster Wheeler lKwA onmcatal Corp. Sample ID: P4065-02 C W M: CS1-WC12 - Date CollectaiL 9/4102 Date Received; 9/3/02 Date,A,malyzed: 911342 Maui=: 'LULF Date E=hracted: File Wt 6PC1227.D ]?flatloa: ALutrunkeat ID: Analytical Method: Sx31r ,Aaablicid Rwa ID: Q/* Moisture: .0 Aeaaciated Bhudc Parameter . CancefflVation ' C BDL MDL units '. 2,4-17 < 0.02 U ' 0.10 0.02 ug/L 2,4,5- (Sdv=) < 0.01 U 0.10 0.01 ug/L �ri113 SURROGATES 1 2,4-DCAA 136 3% 24-151 SFK 50 'CLP BNA SOGNo.: 1'4065.01 Client: Foster wheeler Environ nentnl Corp. Sample ID: P4065-02 Client ID: CSI-wC:Ix Ante Collected: 9/4/02 Date Analyzed: 9/13/02 Date Extracted: 919/02 nilutiop,: x An*tfcal Mctbod. 'l gamble wt/wel: 500.0 1wecdon Vok. 2 .dissociated BL xdr.- U Date Received: 9/5/02 Mttrh: WATEW MM: XMG4197.D Instrument IDD.- 59M AnaWdeal Ran W: BI Extract Vol: 500 a/o M1,31T 10-0 Parameter C•amceVtMOOR C RI)L AWL Units Pfill*:" 1Pyndine < 1-0 U.'' 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-DUMarobeazene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 UOIL 2: Me&ylpbienol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 3+4-Methylphmols < 1.8 U 10 1.8 u8tL HeaacbIwmthane < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L HaacWmabutadiene < 1.5 U 10 1.5 ug/L 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol < 1-0 U 10 1-0 ug/L 2,4,6-Trichiojuphemol < 1.0 U ' 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrotohme < 1-1 U 10 1.1 ug/L N'exachiorobenzeue < 1.1 U • 10 1.1 ug/L Pemtacblorophenol < 1.9 U '` 10• 1.9 ug/L SURROGATES 2-l:luorophenol 146.23 49% 21-100 SM- 300 Phenol -d5 130.47 43% 10-94 SPK: 300 Nitrobeazeue-d5 11833 59% 35-114 SP$: 200 2-Fluorobmhenyl 110.18 55% 43-116 SPY- 200 2,4,6-Tx3I%=ophenol 231.25 77% 10-123 SPK 300 Tmpheuyl-dl4 169.95 85% 33-141 SPK- 200 IN I KRNAL STANDARDS 1,4-D Ichlorobenzane-d4 171655 5.94 Naphthalene -d8 588266 8.40 Acenaphthene -d10 402644 12.35 Phcw m fi=e-d10 640308 15.73 Chrysew-dl2 504297 21,90 PMlcnc-dl2 512297 24.98 8270 TCLP Volatiles 5DG No.: Y4065 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. SampleXD: ?'4065-02 Client 11D.- CSI-WCII Date Collected: 9/4/2002 Date dived: 9/5/2002 C Date,Analyzed: 9/8/2002 1V4trft: TLTr TARGETS f"Ae XD: VM90715M Azab--cal Rw XD: VD083102 22.67 Dilution: 5 butrument XD: AOVOAD Vinyl chloride Analytical Method: 8260 Associated Blank: 1 t&\V Sample Wt/Wob- 5.0 Unita: ML Safi Extract Vol: ug/L Soil AAquot Vol: 75-35-4 % Moisture.- log 3.4 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C RDL MDL Units TARGETS Cblorobenzeae-d5 3114-554 927493 22.67 1,4-Dichlombenzene-d4 3855-82-1 364986 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4.0 U! 25 4.0 ug/L l,x Di04oroefl=e 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3_4 ug/L Clilor form 67-66-3 < 3.0 U 25 3.0 ug/L i,2-Dichloroetbane 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 2.8. ug/L 2 -But wone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Carbon Tetrschlonde 56-23-5 < 2.4 U -,r 25 2.4 ug/L Tk icbloroe% me 79-01-6 < 36. U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 7143-2 < 3 6 U.s' 25 3.6 ug/L Tetiachtoroetheue 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 U91L Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 < 3.9 U % 25 3 9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2-Dichloroedme-d4 79-00-5 5795 116% 68-13.5 SFK- 50 Tolucne48 - 2037-26-5 49.46 W% 70-125 SPK: 50 4-Bromotlaorobemzene 460-00-4 44.79 90% 70-125 SPK: 50 Dibromofluoromethane 47M 95 % 70-125 SPIE: 50 INTERNAL STANDARDS Penmiluorobentene 363-72-4 564701 12.75 1,4-Difluomb=zene 540-36-3 1094272 15-13 Cblorobenzeae-d5 3114-554 927493 22.67 1,4-Dichlombenzene-d4 3855-82-1 364986 29.06 ' TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8015 CLIENT: FASTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CLIENT PROJECT: NVARP CALVERTON CT LAB PROJECT: P40M Page 1 ANALYST: PHIN MATRM' Solid MTCH: MOM w s.e • p�P B S 4WG SDG No.: JNQ65-01 Client: Foster Wheeler EnvirwmeAtal Corp. Sample ID: P4065-02 CHeatID: CSI-WCU r Date Collected: 9/4/82 Date Received: 9/5/02 Date Analyte: 2 M etrkK: Date Fatracted: 4/'Woz File ID: 4PCL5= Dilution: d& Totrument D7: AnaWdeal• Method. ---PCW Analytical Run ID: Moisture: X2. Amociated I;lauk Parameter Concattration C RDL ML: units AROCLOR 1016 < 12 U 39 12 ugxg AROCLOR 1221. < 3.0 U 39 3.0 u9mg AkOCLOR 1232 < 18 U 39 18 ugJICg AROCLOR 1242 < 5.0 U 39 5.0 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 310 P 39 13 Uwxg AROCLOR 1254 110 P 39 24 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 4.5 U 39 4.5 ug/Kg SURROGATES Teuachloro-m xglcnc 17.34 87 % 24-151 SPK: 20 DcvwbJorub6pb=y1 6.54 33% 24-151 SPIE: 20 CH-'EMT--IECH DATE i Nom: Rfr-h COWANY: SENT BY: NUM BER OF PAGES FAX## Omgyra L. Penazs CON WNT: PROJECT # IF YOU DO NOT RECE) VE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL US AT (732) 2254111 or (908) 789-8900 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 284 Sheffield Street, Mountainside, NJ 07092 This facsi a transmission pertaim to eojand=W information involving Chemtech Consulting Group, Wt. 'and The intended'tffc#nem if you art; not the mtended recipient copying, act 4 upon or discussing the contents is pROHnwrED_ Int the eveztt this transmission has beau =sdirected, please contact this office so that we may take appr+opdate action. Thank you foryour prompt response to this matter_ 284 Sheffield Street, Mountainside., NJ 07092T 0BNO., (908) 789-8900 Fax (908) 789-8022 8 (CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD www,chemtech,net CHEMTECH 00076 NO., CLIENT INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION- BILUNG INFORMATION . REPOAT 7G 05SW I• f.Ipjge. 4v/1e:1'JLCJC- COMPANY• iOs 2 WI1ac 1C�y� (�>�P. PROJECT NA ; (: Po rf RILL TO: gLI ADDRESS: /LZL—IV.E- 2�,i1�+ 1�►� PAOJECT NO.: !II - ADDRESS CITY:19'),2a , s ` i'frs a., s 'STATE: Iti/T 2iP:ey PROJECT MANAGER; • -" CITY: STATE: 21P: A NTION: ATTENTION; PHON O'* c�?s� X93 �1TCATION 16s ANALY81 PHONE: O FAX:6 ONE -1 1- 'FAX: DATA TURNAR101 F6INFORMATION DATA DELIVERABLE INFORMATION . FAX v - DAYS' O, RESULTS ONLY ❑ NY STATE CATEGOFIY A HARD COPT" DAYS' 0 RESULTS PLUS QC ` eNY STATE CATEGORY B EDD:!93'1 In, &'S+►�— DAYS' STT 0. NEW JERSEY REGULAMFfy REDUCED DEWEAAUES Qop "TO BE APPROVED BY CHEMTEn p. CLP " NORMALTURNAROUND TIME 1d DAYS 0 EDO FORMAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SAMPLE SAMPLE PRESERVAMES COMMENTS CHEMTECH PROJECT SAMPLE SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTION +- 9pedfy Preeervatltras �' r I-� A -NCI B -HND, G ID SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION MATRIX DATE TIME �° �' C -PSO, D - NaOH 1 '2 3 4 5 B 7 8 8 E -10E F -Other I. 4 ' 2. 3. O ' 4' 1 - •t^, S — W G �•ac- 'Sa •.� A, E2 C33 C� 7 B . SAMPLE CUSTODY MUST BE DOCBELOW EACH TIME SAMPLES CHANGE POSBERSION INCLUDING COURIER DQUVERY IRUENTED 191ED BY6ANPLEFA m , ME: RECENfi� Y. r COltdlllone a1 bottles or CColees at rrecelpt, ❑ CDmplieM Q Non•COmpllanl ❑Temp. 01 Coal", 4 , u '<<• 1• comments: RELWOUI EDeY• DA ME REGENEDBY: 2, 2. RAE , FOR BiPPEDYWCLIENi: O HANDDELIY39ED CJ pERNIp OVERNIGHT �nwcw�a:. 0 YES; D !IO l� Is, P CHEMTECH •O PICKEDUP O Vet.7J2001 1NHITE—CHEMTECIi•O6PY.FOR'RE7UhiN'TO MJENT • YELLOW—CHEMTECHCO?Y PINK—SAMPLEROOFY ; Z2 9,4 b Chemtech Consult#n Gro TMP Volaiile-9 SAG No.. P4141. Client. Foster Wheeler Environmental CorP, ' Sample ID: P4141 -0I (Ment ID: CSIMC12 c Date Collected: 9/1 Date Analyzed: 9tl41 - Fiie ID: V"91 M 7) AnalytiicalMetbod5 3240 Sample Wt/Wol: 5.0 _ Units: mL -Soil Aliquot VOk Date Received: 9111102 CAS Number MatriF: �_ X- - - - C. AnalytiicalRmlD: VE091302 i1�DL Ynstrumeat Ipz MSVOAE TMECTTS Pmryl cblao4p- Assoeiated Blank; VF0914W2 - ¢ $oR g„xtract VoL• 1 % 111obtaxe: 100 4.0 Parameter.' CAS Number . - C. . ' ROL i1�DL U*ts TMECTTS Pmryl cblao4p- 75-01-4 ¢ 4.0 U 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1 _DiWoMethene 75-35.4 15 3.4 U 25 3-4 u9, _ CJa19ro ost� 67-06-3 < 3.0 U ' U / 25 25 3.0 2.8 ' UgIL - .1,2 Dichtoroethaae 107-06-2 < 2-8 1,4-Difluombenzene 540-36-3 2402526 2-Butanoue 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ugf i� Carbon Tettacbioride 56-23-5 < 2-4 U 25 2-4 ug/L Txiebloroethene 79-01-6 < 3,6 U U' 25 25 3.6 3.6 ug/L 4& Benzene Teorachtoioethene- 71-43 2 127-18-4 < < 3.6 3.5 FJ 25 3.5 ng/L Cbloroben=e 108-90-7 < 3.9 Ul 25 39 ugly, SURROGATES68-135 1,2-Mcblardetbaue-d4 79-00-5 50.33 101 SPK: 50 Tolu=e-d8 2037-26-5 • 47,08 94 % 70-125 SPK: 50 4 -Br mofluorobenzene 460-00-4 45.54 91 5(0 70-125 SAK 50 DibzoxAoAuozonoetbame 48.26 97% 70-125 SPK:. 50 STANDARDS .HMRNAL #wta#lumzobenzme 363-72-4 2129934 5.07 1,4-Difluombenzene 540-36-3 2402526 6-06 Cbiorobe d5 3114-55-4 1991194 11.13 1,4-Dicblozobenzene-d4 3855-82-1 1037292 16.21 �.•s�■■+wws vv�saysKiW��T vI Vit/ TCLP ENA P4141-01 Client: Foster WI}eeler Environmental Com - Sample AD: . P4141-01 Client Ip: pate Collected: 9/10/02 Date Anaiyze&. 9/17/02 Date Extracted: 9/17/_02 DOQtaou�: 1 Analytical Method: 8270 Sample WUWo1: 500.0 -- Injection Vol: 2 Associated 81 nk; CSl.'WC12 nate Received: 9/0102 M,ab ila WA'1'Elar"— M IUD: BENKHM.D Instrument ID: 59718 A*Mj tical R= IA: - Extract Vol: see % Molsture: too Parameter Concentration C. $M. MAI. units TARGETS Pyddine < 1.0. U 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene < 1.0 U/ 10 1-0 ug/L 2-ldetby)phbnol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug!L 3+4-Methylphenols < 1-8 U 10 1.8 ug/L Heaachlaroethane < 1.1 U 10 1.1 UWL Nitmbeume < 1.0 U 10 1-0 ug/L 1 HexmblorAutadiene < 1.5 U i 10 1.5 2,4,5-Tz,bdoropbenol < 1-0 U f 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4,6-7iichlorophewl < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4-Dinibmtohmne < 1.1 U o" 10 1.1 U91L Heawhimobeanzene < 1-1 U 10 1A uglL. Pentacbdorophcnol < 1-9 U 10 1.9 ug/L SUR OGATES 2 Fluomphenol 146.51 4-9% 21-100 SPK: 300 Pi,eiaol-d5 115.7.7 39 % 10-94 SPK: 300 Narobenzene•0 96AI 48% 35-114 SPK: 200 2-PluorobipheMy1 95.9 48% 43 -116 SPI{: 200 2,4,6-11nbwmopheuol 168.59 56010 10-123 SPK- 300 T'eThenyl-d14 143.93 72% -33-141 SPK 200 I1 -URNAL STANDARDS 1,4 Dicbdorobeazeue-d4 193233 5.78 M phthaleue-tib 897298 3.34 , Aaen9pheheue-d10 429196 12.29 Phtmandume-dl0 794046 15.69 Chrysene-d12 557866 21,82 Pexylen"12 585593 24.90 TCILP Herbicides SW -846 SDG No.: • P4141-01 Clicmt: ]Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. sample ID: P414I.-01 CIi►►Uo►t iD: CSx.WG'12 - Date Recelved: 91111 02 Date Collected: 9110/02 Matra: TXaAr Date Analyzed: 9/18/0. me r: 6 98.D Date Extracted: 911316Lr'-- Tmswment m. Dilution: ltea 1Dz _ 6 ,A,uJydcA Method-.-3151tial Dla�alc: Moistures 100. ,A,asociated Parameter Coneenkauom C. RDL MDL ift ub. 2,4-D < 0.02 [7 0.10 0.02 0.01 up,IL f 2,4,5-1P (Siivex) < 0.01 U 0.10 11 .SURROGATES 1.38 3% 74-151 sm- 50 2,4-DCA►.A. v..c....tia'.v■. vvR•�s•s..•..b v. v..�s PCB SW -846 SDC No.: P4141-01 Client-. Foster Wh".ler Environmental Corp. Sample ID• P4141-01 Client ID: CSi wc12 Date collected: 9110/2M Date Received: 9/1112902 Date Analyzed: 9/1Matrix: 8U-` Date Extracted: YI]Lw wz MID: Cl"1645M Dilatiom: IT min ,A,n*dca1 Methedt"-888z cd B1anf;. % Moisture: 6.0 Assodated Parameter Concentration C RDL NIDL Ualft AROCLOR 1016 < 5.5 U 18 5.5 ng/Kg -AROCLOR 1221 < l_4 U 18 IA uvxg .AROCL,OR 1232 < 8.4 U 18 8.4 ug/,Kg AROCL.OR 1242 < 2.3 U 18 2.3 ugfKg AROCL OR 1248 170 18 5.8 ug/Kg AROC)LOR 1254 <11 U 18 11 ug/Kg AROCLOR I260 < 2.1 U 18 2.1 ug/Kg SURROGATES Tettaahl0r0-m-xylene 11.09 55% 24-151 SPK: 20 Decachlorobiphenyl 8.9.5 45% 24-151 SM 20 ��`�v d� SLA SW -846 SDGKo.: P4141-01 Client: Foster wheeler RuvironmtemRul Corp. Sample lD= P4141.-01 Client ID-. CS1.WCi2 - DateCollected: 9/lom Date Received: 9/11/02 Date A u*zed: 9/20/02 rdatrix: TCEF-- Date Extracted: YfYJIU7A Fft ID: 3PS7446M. Dilution: bstrament Analytical Mothoifi—MU8I Analytical Ran 1p: yo Moist: loo,.:o Associated Blank: Parameter CoScab tiou C ID11r 1VIDL ulm its lemma HHC (I,iadane) < 0.009 U 0.050 0.009 og/L Heptwhlor < 0-.007 v ooso 0.007 0.008 heptachlor epi < 0.008 U 0.050 ug/L < 0.02 U 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Tmvbem < 0.12 U/ 0.50 -0.12 »g/L Chlordane < 0.13 U ! 0.50 0.13 ug/L SURR®GA M DccachlombipboUl 12.26 61% 30-150 SPit: 20 Tettacbloro-m-nicae 12.8 64% 30-150 SPK'. 20 G*"gech Consultcng Group WT -ALS -I- • INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA P,A cKAGE Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp• SDG No.: P4141 Method Type: SWM t:oior Alter: COMMMts: Clarity After: Artifaets: Metals Client ID: C51,wC1 sample P4141M (:aatmct: f Oster W beelRt• E&MMODW Lab Code: (.kWMED - Lase N o� SAS No.: P4141 C,osp. Matsu' TULY Date iceeetved: V/1 11M Level: LOW PQ SORCIM. • SAS )!Iv. Ama1,Y� Comeamtratlam Unita C Qaat M DL Lutrament IOD Ran 45-0 n$(L U / P 450 PI P191702 7.440-38-2 .A"cnie 7440-39-3" Barium '287 u8/I. H P 30.0 PI P191702 7440.43-9 Cadmium 13_7 ug/L s / P 10.0 P] P191702 7440-47-3 Chmauum 5&7 ugu B �' P 1Q0 P1 Pt91702 7439-97--1 1.eAd 30-0 Ug/L U i P 300 PI P191702 lW2-49-2 Sel=ium ' 45-0 ug/L U ` - P 450 PI P191702-- 7440-22-4 Silver .- 31,0 uSIL U P 31.0 PI CV P191702 91 �i,A. C,vDy17CYr H - 2.0 Il.� V %� LV 2-0 Color liefo)re:. Clarity Before: T t:oior Alter: COMMMts: Clarity After: Artifaets: Metals CHEMTECH TA13ULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - $015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST_ PHM CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 MATRIX: Solid BATCH: L1321924 Lim MKLMC%f 1; LAI31D r -r sw 1 SAMPLEVE jDCAMON ANA.)= SAMPLE Em rau LYS fu NO MDL -- 5.3 P4141-01 CS1 WC12 9N6102 1S091W?.RAW P4141-02 CSLWC13 9116102 18091606.RAW ND 5.5 P4141-03 C31 WC14 9116102 15091609AAW ND 5.7 Page 1 e,nemaeen t-URNUIUM crroup TCT,P VolAtile-t SDG No.: FAIQ Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4141-02 Client ID: CST-WC13 Date Collected: 9/10/02 Data Received: 9/11/02 - Date Analvzed: 9114102 Maw TCLP File Ip: V>:.091•ec17_D Analytical Item TD: V .091302 Dilution: 5 Instrument ID: MSVOA,E Analytical Method: Associated Blank: VBE09149V2 a, Sample Wt/Wok 5.0 Units: JUL Sort E�ct Vol: 1�% N Sox-[ Aliquot Vol: % Moisture: 7,00 Parameter CAS Number Concemtza4ou C RDL MAT. units, W-A,ILGETS my) chloride 75-01.4 . < 4.0 U / 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1 picbloroetbene 75-35- t 3A U 25 3.4 ug/L px ;"Of Chl 67-66-3 - < 3.0 U 25 3.0 ug/L L,2 Dichloroedwne 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Dye ut=Carbon 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Teuachlorid_y 56-23-5 - < 2.4 U. 25 2-4 -vg/I, Tridwaraethene 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 < 3-6 U '' 25 3.6 ug/L Tekachloroethene. 127-18-4 < 3..5 U 25 3.5 UVL Chloroben=e 108-90-7 < 3.9 U 25 3.9 ng/L SURROGATES 1,2-Dicb111oroetbialte-d4 79-00-5 50.4 101 k 68-135 SPK: 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26-5, 46.03 92% 70-125 - SPIC: 50 4-5xomaflnoz6bcoieae 460-00-4 413 93% 70-125 SPK 50 Dx-bromofluormethaue 4751 96% 70 - L25 SFK: 50 INTERNAL STANDARDS Peatafl=ob==e 363-72-4 2099994 5.08 1,4-Difluorobenzme 540-36-3 2330549 6-06 Chlmabe=cne-d5 3114-55-4 1913167 11.13 1,4-Dichlorobeuze "4 3855-82-1 885097. 16.22 0 0 TCLP DNA, SD.G No.: . P4141-01 Clfent: )Faster Wheeler Envhvnmmtal Corp - sample 111!: P4141-02 Crim ID: CSLWCI3 Ante tCollected: 9/10/02 Date Received: 9/11.02 Date Ana�ed: 9/17/02t' /17N2 We ID: WATER— SB00428 Pate Extracted: Inetrnmeatt TD: 5971D Dflution: 1 Analytical Method: 8270 Ax►°l�ydculAQU'M)' sample Wt/Woh 500A ExtractVal: S00 Injection Vab 2 Y. N[oiateres 100 Associated Blank' Paraioaeter ConcenMa4on C RDL r*MIL Units 'TARGETS Pyridine < IA TJ- 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dieldowbenaene < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug2 I-Methylphenol < L0 V 10 lA ug/L 3+4-Methylphenols < 1.8 U In 1-8 U91L Hexachloroetheue < l.i U� 10 I.1 u9/1, Mtrobenzane <.1.0 U ' 10 1.0 ug/L Henachluxubutadtene < 1.5 10 1.5 2,4,S-ThchloropheuOl < 1:0 U 10 1.0 u- 2,4,6-Tricblowphenol < 1.0 U10 `! 1.0 1.1 ug/L 2,4-DWbrotolueuc < 1.1 U.1-1, 10 ng/L $exachlorobewene < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Pentachlorophenol < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/L SURROGATES 2-Pluomphenol 140.07 47% 21-100 SPK: 300 Phenol -d5 123.42 41% _ 10-94 SPK: 300 Nitrobe=ene-d5 103.51 52% 35 -114 SPK: 200 2-Fluorobiphewl 108.51 54% 43-116 SPK: 200 -W-Tn-brOMO henol 198,25 ' 66% .10- 123 SM 300. Terphenyl-d14 149:75 75 °!0 33-141 SPIE: 200 INTERNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dichlv:nbenzene-0 184614 5.77 142vbt8 we -d8 796277 8.34 AcWWhthene-dl0 387590 12.29 P1aanthreue-dI0 707613 15.67 Cluyad "12 444826 21.82 Peryleno-dM 453545 24.91 8270 vrt,ci►�►�w• vvr►urswer�� ...w v►.y . TCLP Herbiddes SW -846 SDC No.: - P4141-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Caa'P. Sample m: X4141-02 Cheat ID: CSLWC13 Date C®llected: 9120/02 Date Received: 9/11/02 DateAaa[y�ed: 91X8/02 Mm TCL7 Date Eriracted: 9713702—" — Elle ID: 6PC1399M Dilution: I XuBt nMeAt W: 0.10 0.02 Analytical Run ID: 2,4,5 -TP (Silver Associated Blank: U 0:10 0.01 Parajnefer Conciatretion C RRL MIDL Units: 2,4.-p < 0.02 U 0.10 0.02 ug/L 2,4,5 -TP (Silver < 0-01 U 0:10 0.01 ug/L � t SURROGATES 24-DCA.A. 1.39 3% 24-151 SPK: 50 v..vv.••v-... vvrw•••�•.•b vv v.•�. PCB SW -846 SDGNo.: 1?4141-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Favi nmmentol Corp. Sample ID: P4141-02 Cljwt 1D: CSLWC13 Date Collected: 9/10/2082 )Date, Analyzed: 9/17/z00Z Date Extracted: 91131106LDjUndon: I . Analytical Metboe-7 W . % Moisture: 9• Date Received: 9/11/2002 MatrkC S8EI;- Flle ID: CLP916"M jukamwag ID: XPR Analytical Ran ID: Associated Blank: Parameter CMeentratian C ' RDL ?IDL, Unit® AROCLOR 1016 < 5.6 U 18 5.6 ug/K& AROCLOR 1221 < IA V 18 1.4 WKS AROCLOR 1232 < 8.7 u 18 8.7 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 2.4 U I8 2.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 110. P 18 6.0 nig AROCLOR 1254 < 11 U 18 11 u9IX9 AROCLOR 1260 < 2.2 V 18. 2.2 ug/Kg SURROGATES Te=bloro-Mi xyleme 10.78 54016 24-151 SPK.. 20 Decacbaorobiphenyl 8.76 44 % 24-151 SPK: 20 JC RSW4JII41" SDG No.: P4141-01 Client: Fester Wheeler Envhunmental tom. Sample ID: P4141-02 Cdent ID: CSI.WC13 Dato•Colleeted: 9/10/OZ DateReceived: ` 9/11102 Date Analyzed: 9/20/0— �� �VIM—MM 3PS7447.D D:7ntion: Instrument ID' Analytical Method'-SdBr Anabrdcal Rma ID: o� 1►iaioetaxe: 10D Anodated Blanks. Concentration C RDL MAL . MAU . gamma -BHC (Lgadane) < 0.009 u / 0.050 0.009 ug/L IiTt wwor < 0.007 U 0-050, 0.007 vg/L PIeptachlor epoxide < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Esidrix < 0.02 U 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0-.008 lJ� 0.050 0.008 ugIL Toaaph=e < 0.12 U 0.50 -0.12 ug/L pdordane < 0.13 U 0.50• 0.13 U91L SURROGATES Decachk)wlriphanYl 10.05 50% 30-150 SPK: 20 Tabwworo-= xylene 10-44 52% 30-150 SPK: 20 4 Chantech Consulting Group • METALS INORGANIC ANALYSXS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster Wheeler Environmaental Corp_ SDG No-, P4141 Method hype: SWW Vim e ID • P4141-0 Cheat W: -CSLWC 13 Contract: roster wltceler Eavimnmeatal lab code: (.H1rmJw trace N a: SAS No.: P4141 CDXR' xt7rix: TUX jDate maceived: W11/OZ Level: LOW Yeo boadw . . . _ _ ... AoAly.ttcal -CAS No. Analyte Concentration URits C Qual. m DL In9trument ID Run •g440 38.2 AmseWc • CD 45.0 UWL U / P 45.0 Pi P191702 2440-39.3 Barium .382 U91L H / P 30-0 Pi P191702 7440-43-9 Cadmmmn 'D18.9 ug/L B �' P 10.0 Pi P191702 744047-3 Chromium _) 100 ug/L U / P 10.0 Pi P191702 7439-92-1 Lead 30,0 ug/L U f " P 30.0 P1 P191702 7792-49-2 Selenium o 45,0 ug/L U ,- P 45.0 PI P191702 7440-22.4 Silver -= 31.6 ng/L U �� P 310 P1 P191702 pGyE3�ov Color 13et"ore: Clarity Before. Texture: Color After: Clarity After: tlrtifacl�: Commeate• TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS ALINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - 8015 CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST_ PNM CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 MATRDC! Solid LAB PROJECT: P4141 BATCH: L021924 a Page 1 PIT -IT, IT. 1.M:ci1l[$1c.t IJ �I �I a Page 1 %onr.m t =%on TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA - $095• CLIENT: FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. ANALYST: PHM CLIENT PROJECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CTO 71 MA7RM Solid LA9 PROJECT: P4141 BATCH: L1321W24 Page 4 1 h Ir til � �,� •� ®I�� Page 4 f . Chemtech Consulting Group • METALS INORGANIC ANALYSXS DATA PACKAGE CU=t: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp- SDG No—, P4141 Method Type: SWW SampleP4141-02[Mint ID•'CSI.WC13 Contract: l:osW Wheeler Enwamnerxal L -ab Code: (;1&Mbl) lase N o.: SAS No.: P4141 Coop. Matrix: 1,(;Ly Date Received: 9/11/U2 Level: LOW Bio souas: -CAS No. Analyte Concentration Units C Qual K DL Instrument ID Aun .4W-38-2 Arsenic + Q 45,0 ug/L U P 45.0 Pi P191702 .7440-39-3 Ba rum 382 ug/L H % P 30.0 Pi P191702 7440-43-9 Cadmium ".DI&9 ug/L B P 10.0 Pi P191702 7440-47-3 Chromium 100 ug/L U / P 10.0 Pi P191702 7439-92.1 Lead J 30,0 ugIL U F 30.0 PI P191702 7782-49-2 Selenium 7 45,0 ug/L U l` P 45.0 Pi P191702 7440-22.4 Silver 31.6 ug/L U °'�✓ P 310 PI P191702 kg—r� .:_ 02.o Argllr 161,111, cu 2.0 w W041 70t Color Zefore: Clarity Before: Texture: Color After: Clarity After: Artifacts: Comments: Metals Pee dte.4 S WW4146 SDG No.: P4141-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: 1.414142 Client ID: CSi.WC13 - Date -Collected., 9/10/02 Date }Analyzed: MUM Date F40racted: D�ntion: Analytical Method'—Wr !A Montt" -- 100: Date Received: 9/11/02 1VlGatrix: TCLLT— Fde'M: 3]P'S7447.D Instrument ID: .Analytical Run ID: Associated ]lank: 1'arAnaeter Concentration C RDL MDL units LS gamma 13KC (Lindane) < 0.009 U / 0.050 0.009 ug/L 3Icpffichlor < 0.007 U 0.050 0.007 U91L Heptachlor epoxide < 0.009 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Eadrin < 0.02 U 0.050 0.02 ug(L Methoxychlor < 0..008 Ul---- 0.050 0.008 ug/L Toaapb=e < 0.12 U 0.50 '0.12 ugfL, Chlordmae < 0.13 U 0.50• 0.13 ug/L. SURROGATES Decachlorobiphenyl 10.05 50% 30-150 SP1: 20 TchacLloro-Boa-xylene 10-44 52% 30-150 SM 20 A PCB SW -846 SDG No.: -74141-01 Client: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4141-02 Mad M. CSLWC13 Date Collected: 9110/2002 Date Received: 9/11/2002 Date Analyzed: 9/17/2002 MatriT: SUMI;— Date Extracted: 9/T.11'AM2 File ID: CLP91646.D Dilation: bsatrv=Mt ID: Analytled Metbhod-. —801;1 Autlytical Ran ID: % Mistore: 9.0 Associated Blank: Parameter Concentratlou C RDL MDL Units AROCLOR 1016 < 5.6 U 18 5.6 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 1.4 U 18 l.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 8.7 U 18 8.7 ug/kg AROCLOR 1242 < 2.4 U 18 2.4 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 11_0_.. P 18 6.0 u8mg AROCLOR 1254 < 11 U 18 11 u9/X9 AROCLOR 1260 < 2.2 U 18 2.2 ug/kg SURROGATES Tetrachloro-m-xylene 10.78 54% 24-151 SM 20 Decachlorobiphenyt 8-76 44% 24-151 SPK: 20 vr►�r•►►tea-•► vvrwas►►r•►� yr vwr TCLP Herbicides SW -846 SDG No.: - P4141-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4141-02 Client ID: CSLWC13 Date Collected: MUM Date Received: 9/11/02 Date Analyzed: 9118/02 Mstri=: • TCL Date Extracted: 91131UZ Elle ID: 6PC1399.D Dilution: I lostrumeat IDe Analytical Method: 'SP's Analytical Run ID: % Nfoisture_ X06-4 Associated Blank: Parimefer Congistration C RDL MDL Units' 2,4•-,D < 0.02 U 0.10 0.02 ug(L 2,4,5-ltP (Shue .) < 0.01 U 0.10 0.01 ugl% SURROGATES � t 2A-•DCAA, 1.39 3% 24-151 SPK: 50 �..cG•.••a.�..s vvgoo Nssi.ab %xw4w"! TCLP BNA SAG No.: P4141-01 Client: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4141-02 Cbiemt ID: CSI.WC13 Date Collected: 9/10/02 Date AnA yred: 9/17/02 Date Extracted: 9/17/02 Dilution: 1 Analytical Methed8270- Sarnple Wt/WoL' 500.0 Injection Vol: 2 Associated Blank: IT �l Date Received: 911111..0,2 Mirk: WA'PE1F- File ID: IM00428LD Inetrnment ID: 59718 AAmsutiical Rim ID: i�tr,ct Val: M MobturecoT 0 Parameter -Concentration C' RDL . MDL -Units `TARGETS Pyridine < 1.0 IT �l 10 1.0 ag/L 1,4-Dichlombenzene < 1.0 U ` 10 1.0 ug/L 2-MetlhylPheaol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug4L 3+4-Meth*henols <1 . 8 U 10 7.8 ug/L Heaarbloroethane < 1.1 U' 10 LI ug/L Nitrobenztne < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug2 Hamblexubutwhene < 1.5 U,"' 10 1.5 ug/L �l 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 i1. 10 1.0 ugAL 2,4,6-Tricbilorophenol < 1.0 U 10 j.0 ug/L 2,4 -Di aitrotolueno < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L $exachlorobeio=e < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Pentachlorophenol < 1.9 U 10 1.9 ug/L SURROGATES 2-Fluarophenol 140.07 47% 21-100 SPK: 300 Phenol -0 123.42 41% 10-94 SM 300 Nitrobanz =45 103.51 52% 35-114 SPK: 200 2-Fluorobipheuyl 10851 54% 43-116 SM 200 7,4,6-Tnbwmophenol 198..25 66% 10-123 SPK: 300 Taphenyl-d14 149.75 7510/9 33 -141. SPK- 200 MERNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dichlombenzene-d4 184614 5.77 Navbdwleue-d8 796277 8.34 Aceaaplx Nene-00 387590 12.29 Phentanthreue-d I O 707613 15.67 Chuseue-d 12 444826 21.82 Perylene412 453545 24.91 8170 c,nenumn t-unswung crroup TCT.P Volatile SAG No.: F4141 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. 363-72.4 2099994 5.08 1,4-Difluoroben=e - Sample ID: P4141-02 Client ID: CSLWC13 75-01.4 Date Collected: 9/10/1)2 Date Received: 9/11/02 - Date Analyzed: 9/14/02 Mxtxax: TCLP File ID: W.891•d07_il Analytical Item ID: VE091302 Dilution: S Instrument lD: MSVQAE Analytical Method: 8260 Avociated Blauk: VBE0914W2 Sample Wt/Wol- 5.0 Units: mL Soil Extract Vol: t'1 Sod Aliquot Vol: % Moisture: 100 Parameter CAS Number Concentration C RDL MDI. Units XA1iGETS 363-72.4 2099994 5.08 1,4-Difluoroben=e - 2330549 6-06 :Vinyl chloride 75-01.4 • < 4-0 U 25 4.0 ug/L. 1,1-Dicblaroethene 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3-4 ug/1, ,Chloro QxM 67-66-3 - < 3.0 U ! 25 3.0 ug/j 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Butaaone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 UWL. CarbonTetrachlaridq. 56-23-5 - < 2.4 U/ 25 2.4 -ug/L Trichloroethene 79-01-6 ¢ 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 < 3-6 U 25 3.6 CU94- td acbloroetbene 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug/L Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 < 39 U 25 3.9 u91L SURROGATES 1,2-AicbIoroetb=e-d4 79-00-5 50.4 101% 68-135 SPK: 50 Toluene -d8 2037-26-5 46.03 92 "/0 70-125 SPK: 50 - 4-BromglIuorobea=e 460-00.4 413 83% 70-125 SPK: SO Diibrornofluoromaethaue 47.91 96% 70 -125 SPK: 50 RWERNAL STANDARDS Pentaflaombenxme 363-72.4 2099994 5.08 1,4-Difluoroben=e 540-36-3 2330549 6-06 Chlorrobemzeme-d5 3114-55-4 1913167 11.13 1,4-DichiorobenzeneL d4 3855-82-1 885097 16.22 cmlllmKH CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD CUENT INFORMAMO RevArro BE amr M. 284 Shemetd,Srtreet, Mountainside, NJ 07092 (900).7865650 Fax (908) 789-8922 Www-chemtechmet ..ti ' oicacT INFORMATION CITY.r 16�!�_LL=p STATE: /11.E ZIP; -ml) 1: 11 DATA TURNAROUND INFORMATION FAX! 011-711 - % DAYS' HARD COPY;— DAYS' EDD— 7 �tv. -1�o ria,! •i DAYS' ' TO BE APPROVED BY CHEMTECH " NORMAL TURNAROUND TIME • 14 DAYS d� CHEMTECH PROJECT SAMPLE Io SAMPLE IDENTIRCATION P A PHONE: 60 TP -S072 1FAXr 7a ' DATA DELIVERABLE INFORMATION 0 RESULTS ONLY ❑ NY STATE CATEt$C_f[ "A 0 RESULTS PLUS OC VfVY STATE CATEDRI)iY 8 0 REGULATORY FORMAT. SYAM., 0 NEW JERSEY REDUCED DELIVERABLES AZ 0 CLP ❑ EDD FORMAT; 1 SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTION MATRIX ];, OATS TilllE I \d -ft RM ro 'e - 4 =c CHEMTECH JO8 NO. CHEMTECH QUOTE NO.• BILUNQ INFORMA'il ANALVGID 8 /7 /e /8 COMIINTS Sp * Prseervatwas A- HCI B - HN C -H 0, D -Na E - )C F - OtiW SAMPLE CUSTODY LUST BE DOCUMENTED BELOW EACH TWE SALWLES CHANIJE P088EMON INCLUDIN(# COURIER rm meny 0 sY R DATEMME.. RECEIVED W.. 00ndlllons of bodies or coders al reoslpt: 0 Co S.(0.o 1, �'ng rnpuant ❑Non CDmpHelnt O Temp. of CaolSt e Comrtwnti: ow DuiTElfl RECEIVEDW w -.w 2. !D ®Y DAYC, . RECEIV®•FCR LNa 4Y 8H[;m%4:cUENr, 0 IRMD OELI1fEfiED 0 OVERNI a*rmA Coimp" 9• rR � CHEMTECH; D PICKED UP O OVERNIGHT O YES ❑ NO WHITE CHEMTECH COPY F05i Rl:?URN T Ver. 712001 - P CLIENT YELLOW - CHEMTECH COPY PINK - SAMPLER COPY 2263'0 2 6 3.O VNrW.r.\.�Y•/.rNN-r.an.NNN.YwrW.M.rw\.M.rr•..Nw.µ\y NNM.rMrI1.M�V1ti•.Nw.Nwlr✓w•rWMNM.r .•.. wtw•Nrw\\n r.nr r.. r•.... .. r.. . r rr.r r..r r......+....r...... •.r ..... r . •. r L TCLP Volatiles SDC No.: P3635 Cheat: Foster Wbeelei EjaL*omneAtal Corp: 79-00-5 45.41 91% 68 - 135 ' SM 50 Sample ID: P3635-01 4951 99010 - Client IA: CSI-WCOI-SEOX - Date Collected. 8/6/02 4-Brodtlffudmbenzet a Date Received: gym 101% 70-125 pate.Au*xed: 8110/02 43.9 89% Mstriz: SPK-- 50 INTERNAL STADJDARDS b'"la a ID: VGOB1006.D Pcntgflnorobeazemelx Aa*dcal Rm ID: P3635 160076 14.16 Dilution: 5 _ 540-36-3 329820 Ineteament ID: bff%AG Chlorobenze=-d5 Analytical Metbod----R—ZW- 315811 22.83 Assedated Blank VBGOnGWI 3855-82-1 136073 Sample WUWok Soil Aliquot Vok 5.0 Units: mil. Son Fxkaet VOL - % Moi bwel 106 _ Pf Parameter CAS Number Concentration . C RDL NML Units TARGETS Vinyl cb1critde 75-OIA < 4.0 U 25 4.0 ug/l, 1, I Dichloroethene 75-35-4 < 3-4 U 25 3.4 uS& { ld=fQxM 67-66-3 < 3.0 U 25 3.0 U91L 1,2 Mchlaroethane 107-06-2 .< 2$ U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Butauome 78-93-3 12 U 25 12 ng/l, Carbon Tet=hlodde 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 2S 2.4 ug/L Thcblorcethene 79-01-6 < 36 U 25 3-6 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 < 36 U 25 3.6 ug/L TeftwWometiaeioe 127-18-4 IS U 25 3.5 ug/L Chlorobeazene 108-90-7 < 3-9 U 25 3.9 ug/L SURROGATES 1,2 Dichloroath_ apo -M 79-00-5 45.41 91% 68 - 135 ' SM 50 Toluene -a 2037 26-5 4951 99010 70-125 SPK- 50 4-Brodtlffudmbenzet a A6¢00.4 50:47 101% 70-125 SPK: 50 Mbronsofluommet aK:� I 43.9 89% 70-125 SPK-- 50 INTERNAL STADJDARDS Pcntgflnorobeazemelx 363-72-4 160076 14.16 1,4-Difluorobeazene = 540-36-3 329820 16.39 Chlorobenze=-d5 3114-554 315811 22.83 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene -0 3855-82-1 136073 28.12 TCLP BNA SDG No.: P3635-01 Client: Paster Wbeder Environmental Corp. Sample ID• P3635-01 Client.lD: CSl WC01--SFA1 Date Collected: x/6102 Date Received 8/7102 Date Analyzed: 8111/02 Matriz: :Date Extracted: 8!8102_ Me m: HB0033833) AEnotiom: 1 Jwbn=egt ZD: 5971E Awdytied Method: 8270 - Analytical RMA M: 1,4-Dichlorobenzeme Sample Wt/W-ol: 7roo.0 Extract'vol; S00 Tajeetiou Vol: 2 9,76 Mobtu re: 100 Associated Btank: . Parameter Concentration . C RDL ...AWL units 'TARGETS Ppidine < 1:0 u 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzeme < 1.0 u 10. 1.0 ug/L 2-Methylphenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 USIL 3� 4-Methylphenols < 11 r° L 10 1.8 ug2 Heuachloroethane 1.1 1`J 10 1.1 ug/L Nitrobenzene - < 1.0 u 10 1-0 ug/L �ly Flamblorobutadiene t < 1.5 u 10 15 US/L 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol < 1.0 u 10 1-0 ng/L 2,4,6-Thch1c Mhenol < 1.0 u 10 1.0 2,4-Diniitrotolufte < 1.1 V 10 1-1 ngJL Hmaahlorobmme < 1.1 u 10 1.1 nS/L PemtacbJsznphepiol < 1.9 Q 10 1-9 ug/L SUROOGALTES, �j : a , 2-F1uorWbenol V! 144-83 48 % 21-100 SPK 300 Phenol 45 9219 31% 10-94 SPIE 340 Nt6robeazene-d5 Rz 164.8 82 35-114 SPK. 200 2 FIu=biphonyl 178.78 890/4 43-116 SPIE: 200 2,4,6-Tz 7mmophenol 297.14 99% 0 -123 SPK: 300 Tetphtnyl-d14 374.62 197-1/9 33-.141 SPS 200 IN ERNIU; STANDARDS 1,4-DxdbIozoben=xte-d4 87517 6.23 NaphtiWene-d8 342745 8.82 AcenapmbLeee-d10 178003 12.79 Phenm9hrme-110 327695 16.22 Chryseue-42 222030 2239 Peryleae-d12 154488 2553 9270 Pesticide . SW -846 SDG No.: P3635-01 Client Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample Uh P3635-01 Client ID: CSX-WCOI-MI Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Received: SRIOZ Date Analyzed: 8/8/0 Matriz: �'G'LI?" Date Extraebuh SM02 File ID: SPS6318.D Dflutionz I instntment ID: ECD3 Amalvtical Method' -8O' Analy4c d Run ID: SPS Moistum: 106.0 Associated Blank Hcptacblor epoxide Parameter. 'Concentration . C RDL MDI. Units LS gamma -BHC (Linden-) -0.009 u 0.050 0.009 ug/L Heptachlor < 0.007 LT 0.050 0.007 ug/L Hcptacblor epoxide < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Eudan < 0.02 If 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxycbaor < 0.008 I 0.050 0.008 ug/L Toxaphene < 0,12 Z 0150 0.12 ug/L Chlordaue < 0.13 u 0.50 013 ug/L S[ItROGATES Decacblorobiphcuyl a 13.73 69% 30-150 SPK 20 Tehmchioro- m -xylene 13.73 69% 30-150 SPK 20 TCLP Herbicides SW -846 MG No.: P3635-01 CLicat: Foster Wheeler FAvironm=ftl Corp. Sample 13D: . . P3635-01 Ment IOD: CSI-WCQI-8E0I Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date Received: 317/02 Date Analyzed:- 8/9/02 butriz: Date Extracted: W/O File ID: 6M3 Dilution: -7 - Jxwtrument Elk zc%T— Amiyucal methodr— Analytical Run ID: 6PU8-09 MeWture: Associated Black-, Parameter Concentradext C. RDL MDL units 2,4-D < 005 U 0.20 0-05 ugiL 2,4,5 -TP (S� VX) < 0.02 U 020 002 ug/L SURROGATES 11 2A-DCAA 39-27 79% 24-151 SPK: 50 A. 'N .1 PCS SW -846 SDG No.: P3635-01 Client Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P3635-01 Client 1D: CS1-WC01-SE01 Date Collected: 8/6/02 Date moved: 8/7/02 Date,AAnlyzed: 8/9/02 Matrk: 'SPM Date Extracted: File ID: 4PC8187.D Dilution: bubn=mt m: ECjw Analytical Method -'HOST AnWytkd $tat ID: 4PCQ805 ' % Moisture. 38- _ Associated kbjalc: 80702- Parameter. Concentm n C RDL MDL Units AROCLOR 1016 < 83 U 27 83 ug/Kg AROCLOR I221 < 2_I U 27 21 U81K9 AROCLOR 1232 < 13 U 27 13 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 3S U 27 3S ug/Kg AROCLOR 1248 < 8.8 ;: 27 8.8 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1254 < 17 -q 27 17 ng/KS AROCLOR 1260 < 3.2 U 27 32 f ug/Kg SURROGATES f Tettacblosm-m-xylene y 15.9 79% 74-151 SPK 20 DecwMorubaphetryl 19.77 99% 24.151 SFK.- 20 �.rs�rrsc�c;rs �..vrc.�cscccic, vrvup GENERAL CHEMISTRY Analyses Data Sheet SDG NO.: P3635 Sample ID: P3635-01 Cliemt W: Comtrmt: Foster Wheeler Envkonmemtal Corp. Date collected: CS1 WCOi-s"I Min DateReceived: 8/7/02 Matrix: SOS % Solids: 62.10 cal Ana%te Method Result Uxdts C Qual DF AnaDate Comments: .AL COY ummteeiz t onsu[ting Group WTALS wo tGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Cllent:- Foster V/hAekt Eaar;xe=Cntal Cozp- SDG No.: P3635 Me8t6d.Typm SWM6 sample ID- P3635-01 - Giant W. CSTWCOI-SE 1 Lautcact: Ifa terWheeker&MMMCE al lab (_ode: t;,kII;MEU c:aselro� SASNo.: P3635 Corp. _ •1 r Date lR�txtivett: N/7/UL 3.eveb LUW A1��dcal CAS No. Au bft Concentration tisrita C Q=1 M DL Instrument ID. RUA 7440-38-2- Anewc 45.0 ug/L. U p 450 Pl 7180802 7440-39-3 Bad= 141 ug/L B P 990 Fl P180802 7440-43-9 Cadmium B.0 ug/L., ., P 8A P1 7180802 7440-47-3 Chromium, 153 u91L �NBy P 8.0 PI P180802 7439-92-1 Lead 30.0 ug/L U P 30.0 Pi P180802 778249-2 Selenium f 16.7 ag/L B P 9.0 PI P180802 7440_22.4 Silver � 479 ug/L B P tAJ 37.0 PI Cal 7180802 Or W 08t t Oz- LColor 1-0 t, U ColorBetore: Clarity Before: Texture: Color At; r., Clarity After: Artifacts: TCLP Ice Metals Chemteeh Consulting Group METALS ,I - INORGANIC ANNALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Fosw Wheeler Ewfiomnental Corp. SDG Ivo- P4065 Method Type; SW846 METALS Sample : P4065-03 tID: CSl-WCO2-SE02 c:outnet: flomr Wheeler l;rmrm=estal Corp. Lab (:ode: CHt r_n C ase 1V q.: SAS Nov P4065 Mama,: 1C.7r1' Date ReceWea:9/5/U2 level: LUW 'Soti4t;: . Run CA$ No. Analyte Concentration Ujuits lvAnalytical Qual M AL lustrwo mt ID 7440.-38-2 Amir 280 ug/L U ! P -280 P2 P290402 7440-39-3 Bariwn 133 uS/L B,-, P 80 P2 P290402 7440-43-9 Cadmiwn 4.0 ug/L U� P 4.0 F2 P290402 7440-47-3 Chromium 9.9 USIL a f P 6.0 F2 P290402 7439-92-1 Lead 25.0 ug/L 8--' P 210 F2 P290402 7782-49-2 Sc1cmum 300 ug/L U S P 30.0 P2 P290402 7440-22.4 Silver 10.0 ug/L U P 100 F2®.Lt 6 Z( P1G1•[ a �. S 12 1! W 7-0 cJ P290402 d 290402 =[ b z Color Before: Clarity Before: Texture: Color After; Clarity Auer: Artifacts: Camments: METALS e,isemicuo e.umuumg ty-oup Pesticides SW -946 SDG 1°70.: 1P4065-01 Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Samplq ID: P406rr-03 CRent lam: CSI-WCOZ4MO2 Date Collected: 9/4/02 Date Received: 915102 ;Date .Apwbrted: 9/WOZ mutriv: TC17- Date Extracted: YjjLjvtrz MID: SPS679LD Dilution: it Instrument ID: AAdyftcal Method. --WW ,A=abrbical X 6 W: . -VS0910— % moistuim: i X Associated Blak: Paxametar Concentratioi ' C lex. N DL tnits gmma-BRC (Lindeae) < 0: 009 U 0 050 0.009 UOL ReptEmblor < 0.007 U / 0-050 0-007 ug/L Hepmchlor epoxide < 0-008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Eudda < 0.02 LTA 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0-008 U 0 050 0.008 u91L Toxapb.ene < 0.12 tpo� 0.50 0-12 ug/L Chlordane < 0.13 U 050 0.13 ug/L SIIRROGA,TXS Decachlorobiphenyl 13.87 69% 30-150 SPR 20 Tetm ddoro-m-xAcuo 16.4 82% 30-150 SPK: 20 h,. PCB SW -S" SDG No.: P4065-01 Cheat: Foster Whaftr Environmental Corp. Sawple 11D: P4065-03 Clamt 1D: CS1-WCO2-SE02 )Date Collected: 9/4aO(kZ Date Received: Date AzWyzed: WlWOM Matr4a: Date Eatraeted: YIWWU2 Flle ID: Dfludon: Instrument ID: Au*tical ,AaWLY cai R m ID: % miswre; 69.0 Associated Blank: 9/5/7002 M)JJ6- 4PC1411.D Parameter ` Concentration C. RDLL MDL U"ft LO .AROCLOR 1016 < 17 U 55 17 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 4-2 U 55 4.2 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 26 U 55 26 ug/$.g AROCLOR 1242 < 7.1 U / 55 7.1 ug ft AROCLOR 1248 < 18 U. 55 18 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1254 < 34 U 55 34 A#K9 AROCLOR 1260 < 6.5 U 55 6.5 ug/xg SURROGATES Tettachlom-you xylene 9.13 46% 24-151 SPK: 20 Decachlorobiphenyl 4.26 21% 24-151 SPK: 20 TCLP Herbieades SW -9" SDG No.: P4065-01 Client: Foster Wheder Environmental Corp. Sample Aa: P4065-03 Cu mt ID: CSl-WCO2-5E0Z Date Collected: 914MZ Date moved: 9/5/02 Dam Ama(yzed: 9113/0 Matrisr TCL " -- Date Extracted: VIVO File ID: 6PC1228.D Dilation: I huhmmlent ID: AnalyfiW Mem Anaty0ical Ran ID: Moisture: 100. Associated mk: Parameter. Concentration C RDL MDL. Units . . . 7,4-D < 0.02 U j 0-10 0-02 ag/1, 2,4,5 TP (Silvea) < 0.01 U 0.10 0.01 UA j t SURROGATES 2,4-DCAA 1.53 3% 24-151 SPK- 50 V W TCL P BNA MGM.: P4065-01 Client: Fustier Wb=kr Envwonmlental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-03 Client ID: CSI-WCO2-SE02 Date CoIIected: 914/02 Date Analyzed: 9/13/02 Date Extracted: 9/9/02 Dilution: 1 AnaWdeal Method: 3270 Sample Wt/Wois 500.0 Aiq jecbiext Vol: 2 Associated Blank: U' Date Received: 9/5102 Matrix: WNTER File M: DB00418SM, Instrument Hk 5971B Aaaiytical Run ID: `-MUO2 ftbract VOb 500 % Moisture: Too Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units TARGETS 33% 10-94 SFK 300 Nitrobenzene -0 123.67 .. -dine < 1.0 U' 10 1.0 ug/L 1,4-Dicblorobenzeue < 1.0 U,-' 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Methylpheual < 1:0 U 10 IA ug/L 3+3-Methylphenole < 1.8 U 10 1.8 ug/L Hexachloroedanc < 1.1 U/" 10 1.I ug/L Nthvben=e < 1.0 U/ 10 1.0 ug/L Mxachlorobutadiene < U U," 10 1.5 ug/I. 2,4,5-Tmob1oxWb=l < 1.0 U,--' 10 1.0 ug/L �`13 2,4,6-Tnchlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/1, 2,4-Dimtrotoluene < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Hexachlombenzeae < 1.1 U 10 Ll ug/L Pentachlotaphe .ol < 1.9 U / 10 1.9 ugfL SURROGATES 2 -Flue ruphoaol 123.92 41 %a 21-100 SPK: 300 P11en01-0 10032 33% 10-94 SFK 300 Nitrobenzene -0 123.67 62% 35-114 SPK: 200 2-Eum-obzphenyl 124.1.3 62% 43-116 SPK: 200 2,4,6-Thbromophenol 26833 89% IO -.123 '9M- 300 Tcrphegyj d14 .200.8 1000/0 33-142 SPK: 200 UffFRNAL STANDARDS 1,4-Dichlorobenzona-d4 159721 5.84 Naphthalene -de. 594345 8.41 .A.eenapbabtene-d10 373170 12.35 Phenanthren"10 571302 15.75 C2uyseue-dl2 425594 21.90 Perylene-d12 418584 24.98 8270 v.►v. ►►vv ► vv.w �r�b V♦ %pow 'CLP Volumes SDG No.: -P4065 (Ment: Foster Wheeltr Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-03 Cheat J D: Csx WCO2-SN2 Date Collected: 9/4/2002 bate Received: 9/5/2002 Date Anabyzed: 9/$/2002 b2afth: IM Tile W: VD09M6.0 Analytical Run JM: VD9=82 Dilation: 5 limras ant ID: BEVOAD Aaa[ytical 1&tbod: 8260 Aasocmkd SLnlr YBDogo7M Sample Wt/WoL 5.0 Units: nit Soil Extract VOL.l v SOLI Aliquot Vol: % Moisture: Parargteter CA,S Nuomber .-„ Concentration C'. IiDL NDL Units. 'TARGETS Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4.0 U � 25 4.0 ug/L III-Anchloxoedme 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 U91L ChImo£orm 67-66-3 < 30 U 25 3-0 ug/L 1,2- cbloroethaate 107-W2 < 2.8 U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Butaaone 78-931-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug1L CaxboA TekacbIonde 56-23-5 < 2.4 U 25 2.4 ug/L - Trichloroetheac 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ugfL Bc=na 71.43.2 4 3-6 U 25 3.6 uglL Tetracb1oroetheJae 127-184 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug/L Chlorobenzeno 108-90-7 < 3-9 U 25 39 ug/1, SURROGATES „ 1 s vs va-M ■ %.vv I TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS / LPA - $019 CLIENT: FOSTER VWHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CLIENT PROJECT: N1N1RP CALVERTaN CT LAS PROJECT: P40M AWYST: PHM MATRIX: Solid BATCH: L1321910 :44 14 t liv -..u:c Ir !. •'Ir 1[x'.1 i1 �, Ii::. �I K. ♦11 -1. _I 1/' X11! 1 � 1.: 1� �.. Page 1 TABULATED ANALYTICAL RESULTS V1 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS EPA -8015 CLIENT: POSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL CLIENT PROTECT: NWIRP CALVERTON CT LAB PROJECT: P4065 ANALYST: PHM MATRIX: Solid BATCH• LB21910 R, m " �'. 61:1. IY .�'.. •.'Ir ".1.` 1 !.'1 � ' ��1 Page I v �r .►rr vvA►Y ��►►►/►b VI %Fwve SDG No.: -P4065 Ghent: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-03 Date Collected: 9/4/2002 Date Analyzed: 9/8/2002 Pile W: VD099716M Dilution: 5 Analytical 1Vl etbod: 8260 Sample wt/Wol: 5.0 Units: mL Sod Aliquot Vol: TCLP Vubtidea Cliexxt 1D: CSx wCw-SU2 Date Received: 9/5/2002 Matrix: TMP— Anaiy6cal Run Ilk VD 3102 Instrument ID: MSVOAD Associated Blank j ,v Soil Extract Vol: a`l % Moisture: 19d, Parameter CAS Number Concentradon C RDL NOL Units 'TARGETS Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 < 4.0 U 25 4.0 ug/L 1,1-Mbloroetheae 75-35-4 < 3.4 U 25 3.4 ug/L Chloroform 67-66-3 < 30 U."- 25 3.0 ug/L 1,2-Ihchlowethane 107-06-2 < 2.8 U 25 2.8 ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 < 12 U 25 12 ug/L Caxbou-Tetmchlonde 56-23-5 < 2.4 U,-' 25 2.4 ug/L Trichloroethene 79-01-6 < 3.6 U 25 3.6 ug/L Benzene 71-41-2 4 3-6 U 25 3.6 pg/L , Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 < 3.5 U 25 3.5 ug/L Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 < 3.9 U 25 39 ug/L SURROGATES V j.. TCLP BNA SDG No.: P4065-01 Client: Poster Whaler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: 1?4065-03 (Went ID: CSI-WCO2-SEOZ Date Collected: 9/4/02 Date ,Analyzed: 9 INN Date Extracted: 9/9/02 Dilution: 1 Analytical Method: 8270 Sample Wt/Wo]: 500.0 Lgjectiont Vol: 2 Associated Blank: U Date Received: 9/5/02 Matrix: WA'•PMt - File 1D: RM04188 D Instrument ID: 5971B AnSlyti¢al Pam ID: Phenanthrene -d10 Fatmet Vol: 500 % Moisture-, Parameter Concentratloa C. RDL AML Units TARGETS 373170 12.35 Phenanthrene -d10 571302 15.75 ,P idm. < 1.0 U 10 1-0 ug/L 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene < 1.0 U,-' 10 1.0 ug/L 2-Methylpbcaol < 1.0 U 10 1.Q ug/L 3+4-Meth*heuoL < 1.8 U 10 1.8 ug/L, Hexachloroedm= < 1.1 U/ 10 1.1 U91L Nttrobenme < 1.0 U/ 10 1.0 ug/L Heaachlorobutadiene < 1-5 ut, 10 1.5 ugfL 2,4,5-TrjcbQoaopb=ol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 X0,3 ug/L 2,4,6-Tnchlorophenol < 1.0 U 10 1.0 ug/L 2,4-Duutrotoluene < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Ha wchlorobenzeae < 1.1 U 10 1.1 ug/L Pentachlorophenol < 1.9 U / 10 19 ug/L SURROGATES 2-Fluomphenol 123.92 41% 21-100 SFK: 300 phenol -d5 10032 33% 10-94 SPA: 300 Nitrobenzene45 123.67 62% 35-114 SFK: 200 2-Fluorvbxphezryl 124.13 62% 43-116 SPK: 200 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 268.33 89% 10-123 `SPK- 300 Tarpheuyl-dl4 2003 1000/0 33-141 SPK: 200 INTERNAL STANDARDS 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene -d4 159721 5.84 Naphthalene -d8. 594345 8.41 Acenaphthene -d10 373170 12.35 Phenanthrene -d10 571302 15.75 Chryuze-d12 425594 21.90 Perylene-d12 418584 24.98 8270 TCLP Herbicides SW4146 SDG No.: P4065-01 Client: Foster Wbteeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P4065-03 Client ID: CSl WCO2_SE02 Date Collected: 9/4lOZ Pate ,Amyx 9/13/0 Date Extracted: Dilation: % Moisture: 100. Date Reeehmh 9/5/02 Matrix: TCS FUe ID: 6PC1228A hutrumtent ID: EUM Analytical Jinn ID: Associated Blanic: Parameter. Concentration C RDL NDL Unita 2,4-D < 0.02 U j 0.10 0.02 ug/L 2,4,5-17(Silvea) < 0.01 U 0.10 0.01 ug/L SURROGATES 2,4-DCAA 153 3% 24-151 SPK: 50 PCB SW -S" SDG Na: P4065-01 Client:: Teeter Wheder Environmental Corp. Sample 1D: P4065-03 Mutt xD: CSI-WCO2-SE02 Date Collected: 9/4/20@ Date Received: Date Analyzed: Matriz: Date Exftmeted: File ID: DIIution: Inch anent ID: Analydvd .Aata>ytleal Rua ID: % lbfolstwre: 69.9 Associated Blank: 9/5/2002 N.._ 4PC1411.D Parameter Concentration C RDL MDL Units AROCLOR 1016 < 17 U 55 17 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1221 < 42 U 55 4.2 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1232 < 26 u 55 26 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1242 < 7.1 U 55 7.1 u^g AROCLOR 1248 < 18 U 55 18 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1254 < 34 U 55 34 ug/Kg AROCLOR 1260 < 6.5 U 55 6.5 UOK9 SURROGATES Tetrachloxm-mt-aylexte 9.13 46% 24-151 SPR: 20 Decachlorobiphenyl 4.26 21% 24-151 SPK: 20 a�� s I,nemaeun L unsuutng .urroup Pesticides SW -946 SDG No.: 1!4065-01 Client: Poster Wheeler Environmental Corp. Sample ID: P40" Cheat W. CSi_WCOZ4S,02 Date Collected: 9/402 Date Received: 915/02 Date Amwyzed: 9/WO2 N sift: Tcur— Date Ektracted: 973IMP2 File ID; S.PS679LD Mutton: A Imtrument ID: MUM Am lyficel Method -80i- ,Aua Wb*cai noun ID: %Molatyre: i Associated Blmmk Pelra�opleter Concent:ratiori • C RPL MDI, tnits gamma -BHC (Lindane) < 0.009 U,,!" 0 050 0.009 ng/L Heptachlor < 0.007 U / 0.050 0.007 ug/L Heptachlor epoxide < 0.008 U 0.050 0.008 ug/L Fudds < 0,02 0.050 0.02 ug/L Methoxychlor < 0.008 u 0 050 0.008 ug/L Toxaphene < 0.12 0.50 0.12 ug/L Chlordane < 0.13 U 050 OA3 ug/L SURROGATES lkwacwOwbiphenyl 13.87 69% 30-150 SPIE. 20 Tcttw*Iom-m-xyleue 16.44 82% 30-150 SPI, 20 Chemteeh Consulting Group METALS -I- INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE Client: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. SDG No.: P4065 KeDlod Type: 5W846 Sample : P4065-03 Client IDs CSI-WCO2-SE02 C:omtract: t'oeterW&.clerEnwronmeatal LabC:ode: CHkJdk ) C:aaeNv-- SASN*4 P4065 Corp. Matr x: 1C:l.A' Date Received: 51/5/01 Level: LVW Solids: CAS No. Analyte Concentration Units CAnaouca1 Qual M DG Imstrimemt ID Run 7440:38-2 Arsenic 280 ug/L U P .280 P2 P290402 7440-39-3 Barium 133 ug/1„ B,-" ` P 80 P2 P290402 7440-43-9 Cadmium 4.0 ug/L U-.-� P 4.0 P2 P290402 7440-47-3 Chromium 9.9 us. S 00-- P 6A F2 P290402 7439-92-1 Lead 25.0 ug/1.. )3.,-' P 210 F2 P290402 7782-49-2 Selaumrtr 300 ug/l. V P 300 P2 P290402 7440-22-4 Silver 10.0 ug/1.. U/ P 100 P2P290402 D-q� l Q r`ityCwr. Z d � ll. V / C✓ 2_� c.�J Cat'yKaR.bz Color Before; Clarity Before: Texture: Color After; Clarity After: Artifacts; Comments: N WTALS