HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/2001Senior Associates November 28, 2001 Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. James Bunchuck Solid Waste Coordinator Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Dvirka Joseph A.asRP.E. and 0 Bartilucci William D. Merklin, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Michael Neuberger, P.E. 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 Brian M. Veith, P.E. 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Design of Road to 17 -Acre Parcel Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P. E. Senior Associates November 28, 2001 Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. James Bunchuck Solid Waste Coordinator Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Town of Southold Joseph A.asRP.E. 53095 Main Road David S. Glass, s, RE. William D. Merklin, P.E. Southold, NY 11971 Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Design of Road to 17 -Acre Parcel D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Bunchuck: Provided below is a description of the scope of work and cost to design the permanent road across the landfill to provide access from the scale house to the new yard waste compost facility. The design cost, as well as the construction cost, should be chargeable to the compost facility, which are 50% reimbursable. The scope of work includes the following: • . Revision of the grading plan in the southwestern portion of the landfill to construct the road and provide adequate turning radius going into the scale. • Revision of the drainage plan in the southwestern portion of the landfill, including relocation of currently designed swales and stilling basin and design of new swales to preclude runoff from the new road onto residential property south of the landfill. • Design of the asphalt road to provide for two-way traffic with curbing. • Design of plan to remove waste and relocate cap and anchor trench to provide space for new outboard swales, sound barrier and screening vegetation, A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS James Bunchuck Page Two Solid Waste Coordinator Town of Southold November 28, 2001 • Preparation of submittal of changes to NYSDEC for approval and discussion of changes with DEC and Terry Contracting & Materials. • Preparation of Change Order and discussion of cost of change with Terry. The budget for this work is the following: Title Hours Hourly Rate Salary Cost Principal 24 $58.00 $ 1,392 Senior Design Engineer 48 40.00 1,920 Design Engineer 80 20.20 1,616 Drafter/CARD Operator 16 16.00 256 $ 5,184 Overhead and Profit 9,590 Total $14,774 If you have any questions with regard to this letter or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, kz 11 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam 01314\TFM01ALTR-15.D0C(R01) i r- .�l C DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE WOODBURY NY 11797-2015 PHONE: (516)364-9890 FAX: (516) 364 - 9045 TO: Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 WE ARE SENDING YOU: Shop Drawings Copy of Letter LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 26 -Nov -01 JJobNo. 131443 Attention: Robert Terry Re: General Construction Contract No. 2000 Southold Landfill Closure 0 Attached F-1 Under Separate Cover Via. Prints E] Plans Q Change Order the following items: Samples D Specifications TRANSMITTAL COPIES No. Received Returned DESCRIPTION 1 26a 11/20/2001 11/25/2001 CHDPE Drainage Pipe Specifications Approved as noted (AAN) Submit copies for distribution Disapproved (D) Return corrected prints 0 Rejected (R) Q Other THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below For approval El For your use As requested For review and comment ® Approved as submitted (A) Resubmit copies for approval Approved as noted (AAN) Submit copies for distribution Disapproved (D) Return corrected prints 0 Rejected (R) Q Other c //V Copies to: J. Bunchuck T. Howell Signed: G T. Maher P. Sutherland M, is Wright, P.E. J. Mulligan I. Sikiric If enclosures are not as note4atiiatl.Rfltti� at once Charles J. wachsmuth, P.E. D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: Enclosed please find final drawings that show construction of a permanent road that will provide access to the new 17 -acre yard waste compost facility for review and approval. This road is to be constructed in the same manner as the Main Access Road to the Borrow Pit (formerly planned to be used as the site of the compost facility) previously approved by the Department. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. TFM/tam Enclosures cc/encl: J. Bunchuck R. Phaneuf I. Sikiric J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright 01314\TFMA0I LTR -3 8.DOC(R01) Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 ■ 718-460-3634 Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. November 27, 2001 Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph Marturano Anthony-J. Cava, P.E. Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. J Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Associates Rudolph F Cannavale SUNY - Region 1 - Building 40 Joseph A. RE P.E. Ston Brook NY 11790-2356 y David S. Glass, P.E. lass, , William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Charles J. wachsmuth, P.E. D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: Enclosed please find final drawings that show construction of a permanent road that will provide access to the new 17 -acre yard waste compost facility for review and approval. This road is to be constructed in the same manner as the Main Access Road to the Borrow Pit (formerly planned to be used as the site of the compost facility) previously approved by the Department. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. TFM/tam Enclosures cc/encl: J. Bunchuck R. Phaneuf I. Sikiric J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright 01314\TFMA0I LTR -3 8.DOC(R01) Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. 50 40 30 20 10 I DATUM ELEV 0.00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 DRAINAGE PROFILES HW1 TO CB2 SCALES: HORIZ: 1 "=40' VERT: 1"=4' 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 50 �o 30 6 20 5 10 40 DATUM ELEV 30.00 0+00 L=30' S=1.00% DIA. CHDPE DRAINAGE PROFILES C61 TO MI -15 SCALES: HORIZ: 1"=40' VERT: 1"=4' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. N0. DATE REVISION INT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1314 a SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE DATE: DRAINAGE PROFILES DECEMBER 2001 PROJECT ENGINEER: DRAWN BY: T.F.M. J.E.Z. DVIRKA AND eARTiLUCCi GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE: L z DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: CONSULTING ENGINEERS AS NOTED E.P. E.P. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. V) V3 0 C�n Ld 00 6 �O �N 04 O M Lrj 00tn O0 OQ� Lr) OOrM MO� C4C)n .0� JcpF- } 04 AZO CC) rr�cZ0 +C6ZO 0) +ozo (—f)O�Z OM Zp -N 04 NWZ �q— .- "'— .-�-- _< �(n�-- _��>> ZZ �(nQ'-- MQ ZZ 21— �Np_ZZ �Q�>> SF-- �V) Lr)Q SF-- �0EK J» tOQmi> =F-- KZ �cr)E NQJ> mF- Z (-) 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 DRAINAGE PROFILES HW1 TO CB2 SCALES: HORIZ: 1 "=40' VERT: 1"=4' 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 50 �o 30 6 20 5 10 40 DATUM ELEV 30.00 0+00 L=30' S=1.00% DIA. CHDPE DRAINAGE PROFILES C61 TO MI -15 SCALES: HORIZ: 1"=40' VERT: 1"=4' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. N0. DATE REVISION INT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1314 a SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE DATE: DRAINAGE PROFILES DECEMBER 2001 PROJECT ENGINEER: DRAWN BY: T.F.M. J.E.Z. DVIRKA AND eARTiLUCCi GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE: L z DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: CONSULTING ENGINEERS AS NOTED E.P. E.P. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. I I I 36" DIA. CHD E L-162' S=1.00 "CHDPE L-158' S=1 00 • L=g '7::r �736" L=27' DIA. CH PE 5=1.0 % 24" DIA. S=1.00% CHDPE 36" DIA. CH PE 5=1.00 L=400' 36 DIA. CHDPE 36" DIA. CHDPE L= 215' 5=1.00 O O CV 00 G,ZO +_ 0 0 N Z 0, 5� , I I 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 DRAINAGE PROFILES HW1 TO CB2 SCALES: HORIZ: 1 "=40' VERT: 1"=4' 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 50 �o 30 6 20 5 10 40 DATUM ELEV 30.00 0+00 L=30' S=1.00% DIA. CHDPE DRAINAGE PROFILES C61 TO MI -15 SCALES: HORIZ: 1"=40' VERT: 1"=4' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. N0. DATE REVISION INT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1314 a SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE DATE: DRAINAGE PROFILES DECEMBER 2001 PROJECT ENGINEER: DRAWN BY: T.F.M. J.E.Z. DVIRKA AND eARTiLUCCi GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE: L z DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: CONSULTING ENGINEERS AS NOTED E.P. E.P. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. ftAftft -� A" C`1►LA l C FILL (TYP.) LIMITS OF - WASTE (TYP.) RENO MATRESS (TYP.) UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. i FPGJECT EtiG'tiEEF [FAO;', Br T.F.M. F.D. GEE NE5 Fr GHEC�EG e{ E.P. E.P. O DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. t MANHOLE #1 - a... - RIM 46.00 i INV. EL. IN 39.00 (18") ! INV. EL. OUT 38.80 (18") I I PROVIDE WATERTIGHT PLUG GAS MIGRATION �— TRENCH (TYP.) - I SWALE - HP EL. 45.5 - - - I — — SWALE �' — - - I GAS MONITORING - - WELL (TYP.) i I I 1 10'-0" VERTICAL SOUND BARRIER I I 149 LF -18" 0 CHDPE B - ® 1.34% 3 - MANHOLE #1A I RIM 44.50 i I INV. EL. IN 36.80 (18") I I INV. EL. OUT 36.60 (18") i SWALE co LP EL. 44.50 I I 155 LF -18" 0 CHDPE I I _ ® 1.34% • I I SWALE • I I HP EL. 45.50 (� I I SEE DRAINAGE PROFILE ON SHEET 2 STILLING BASIN #1 INLET EL. 37.00 (N,E,W) INVERT EL. 32.75 (24") -84 LF -24" 0 CHDPE ® 2.62%- - (SEE DRAINAGE PROFILE ON SHEET 2) MANHOLE #2 RIM 44.50 INV. EL. IN 34.53 (18") INV. EL. IN 30.55 (24") INV. EL. OUT 28.58 (36") - SWALE LP EL. 44.50 45 LF -36" 0 CHDPE ® 1.517 - SWALE HP EL. 45.50 -MANHOLE #3 RIM 46.20 INV. EL. IN 27.90 (36") INV. EL. OUT 27.70 (36") 52 LF -36" 0 CHDPE ® 3.2.67 HEADWALL # 1 INV. EL. •26.00 i I 2 Til I i I I I I II, I i I I I If f i i 25. I I 25.0 I' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION TUTH/LL =um DRAINAGE PLAN (REVISED) ENLARGED PARTIAL PLAN SOUTHWEST QUADRANT rPl,�E�T NO 1314 LATE NOVEMBER 2001 Sc", -E. 1"=30' uj 0-1 DRA'W114G NO �I n� 7111 2' -0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE SOLID COVER AND FRAM 50 45 A 35 30 25 20 MANHOLE Ii - v4ANHOLE w oz C� r < a co r - 1+o0 2+00 3+00 DRAINAGE PROFILE SCALES: VERT.: 1 "=3' I 24" DIA. 1 5" 1 oft J j - - r—�5 ® 6" oc EW TacB I 1291 i I .._ . j CE Q Ljj' Lr) o I Z ► : i j 12 TYP. 18" CHDPE �I 36„ CHDPE 9-U-) U J Q Z 12 TYP. '- LL:LOCATION J WELDED WIRE MESH DRAIN z0 O = DRAIN J :: i J a Q ? : AS = .12 SQ IN/LF p- `n MANHOLE N0. 2 LOCATION OF TYP. ALL SECTIONS MANHOLE NO, 1 V) o I :- EPS AS Di ECTED BY PLAN VIEW O 0 l ENGINEER N.T.S. I I 4�--BUTYL W J O 1 1/2" CI. Q L`-' I RUBBER JOINT SEAL TYP Q °° ►rill, Q i ALL JOINTS STEPS (TYP) z I z € G AD I Q F- � �- MANHOLE , _ w r00 w O DRAIN 7„ 1 Li POSEDi i I Hki 18" CHDPE DRAIN m 1 i� 20" I — —6 DOWELS x 4'-5" ® 12" oc RAD. 8�0 IL — — 4 DOWELS x 3'-0" ® 12" oc RAD. —.—. i I 6'-0" ID MANHOLE �- 1'-0" 6'-0" DIAMETER MANHOLE #5 ® 12" oc EW N.T.S. I i I \ I 4'-0" I DIAMETER MANHOLE I \ N.T.S. T I 8 CrD E ► I IV'I p E ( 36"O H PE I i ° a 'i N I 1 I I ( Li I N I I I Zuj Z I C p ° � I ► i W UJ LLJ 1i P, -- Z Z Z I I I I C pp � 1• � I 3 „ o 14" CHD E I I LF CH P cO 00^ ^ rn 00 - oo I Z-) co — i !co cD 0 00 1 I I 00 00110 0 O I CV I I I i rn z 1 I j o z o j Z — I W O � I W LJ W I i Z ' Z N Z +Z I Z Z Z Z MANHOLE Ii - v4ANHOLE w oz C� r < a co r - 1+o0 2+00 3+00 DRAINAGE PROFILE SCALES: VERT.: 1 "=3' 18" CHDPE DRAIN 2'-0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE GRATED COVER AND FRAME 4+00 50 50 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 I 24" DIA. 1 5" 1 oft J j - - r—�5 ® 6" oc EW TacB I 1291 Z .._ . j CE Ljj' Lr) o I Z �' : i j 12 TYP. 18" CHDPE �I 36„ CHDPE 9-U-) U J Q Z 12 TYP. '- LL:LOCATION J WELDED WIRE MESH DRAIN z0 O = DRAIN w :: i J a Q ? : AS = .12 SQ IN/LF p- `n MANHOLE N0. 2 LOCATION OF TYP. ALL SECTIONS MANHOLE NO, 1 V) o 1 1/2” CI. :- EPS AS Di ECTED BY PLAN VIEW w o 0 PLAN VIEW ENGINEER N.T.S. (n, I 4�--BUTYL ::1 1 1 1/2" CI. STEPS (TYP) I RUBBER JOINT SEAL TYP °° ►rill, i ALL JOINTS STEPS (TYP) z I z o0 � - : -� F- � �- MANHOLE , _ w r00 w O DRAIN 7„ 1 Li POSEDi i I Hki 18" CHDPE DRAIN m 1 i� 20" I — —6 DOWELS x 4'-5" ® 12" oc RAD. 8�0 IL — — 4 DOWELS x 3'-0" ® 12" oc RAD. —.—. 4'-0" ID MANHOLE I 6'-0" ID MANHOLE �- 1'-0" 6'-0" DIAMETER MANHOLE #5 ® 12" oc EW N.T.S. I i I \ I 4'-0" I DIAMETER MANHOLE I \ N.T.S. 18" CHDPE DRAIN 2'-0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE GRATED COVER AND FRAME 4+00 50 50 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 o+oo i+oo DRAINAGE PROFILE SCALES: HORIZ.: 1 "=40' VERT.: 1 "=4' m 45 35 30 25 20 18" CHDPE DRAIN 0" OPNG. 2'-0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE GRATED COVER AND FRAME 5®6"ocEWT&B 1 5" 1 oft - - I Z j CE Ljj' Lr) o I Z �' : i j 12 TYP. WELDED WIRE MESH AS = .18 SQ IN/LF 36„ CHDPE 9-U-) U J Q Z '- LL:LOCATION J OF O = DRAIN w O ~ J a Q ? _ STEPS AS DIRECTED BY MANHOLE N0. 2 ENGINEER Q 1 1/2” CI. uj PLAN VIEW 4�--BUTYL N.T.S. STEPS (TYP) I RUBBER JOINT SEAL TYP °° ►rill, i ALL JOINTS z I F- � 7„ , _ w r00 DRAIN m 30" POSEDi i I Hki ; g"-.- — —6 DOWELS x 4'-5" ® 12" oc RAD. I IL #5 ® 12" oc EW 6'-0" ID MANHOLE 6'-0" DIAMETER MANHOLE I N.T.S. I i I \ I I T I 8 CrD E IV'I p E ( 36"O H PE I i ° a �. N LJ Li N Zuj Z � I ► i W UJ LLJ z Z Z Z o+oo i+oo DRAINAGE PROFILE SCALES: HORIZ.: 1 "=40' VERT.: 1 "=4' m 45 35 30 25 20 18" CHDPE DRAIN 0" OPNG. 2'-0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE GRATED COVER AND FRAME 2'-0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE SOLID COVER AND FRAM MANHOLE cl�- NOPE fro" ORo,tA 3 MANHOLE NO. 1A _MANHOLE N0. 3 Lr PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW N.T.S. N.T.S. NO DATE I PE. i .h NT UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROJECT NO DRAWING NO. TO •THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1314 = SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE - --� -- ------ --- -- I EDUCATION LAW. S 0 UTH 0 LD LANDFILL CLOSURE DATE: -- ---_- -- --- DRAINAGE PROFILES AND ENGINEER ^,RAWN BY MANHOLE DETAILS NOVEMBER 2001 1— -- -- - 1 T.F.M. F.D. DV 2 IRKA AND BARTILUCCI GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE z _ _ DESISNED BY CHECKED el CONSULTING ENGINEERS E.P. E.P. AS NOTED A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. 5®6"ocEWT&B 1 5" 1 oft - - I CE z o I Z �' : i j 12 TYP. WELDED WIRE MESH AS = .18 SQ IN/LF 36„ CHDPE 9-U-) U '- LL:LOCATION J OF TYP. ALL SECTIONS DRAIN w O ~ J a Q ? _ STEPS AS DIRECTED BY MANHOLE N0. 2 ENGINEER 1 1/2” CI. uj PLAN VIEW 4�--BUTYL N.T.S. STEPS (TYP) RUBBER JOINT SEAL TYP °° i ALL JOINTS z F- � 7„ , 36" CHDPE w r00 DRAIN m 30" Hki g"-.- — —6 DOWELS x 4'-5" ® 12" oc RAD. #5 ® 12" oc EW 6'-0" ID MANHOLE 6'-0" DIAMETER MANHOLE .� N.T.S. i I \ 2'-0" DIAMETER OPENING PROVIDE SOLID COVER AND FRAM MANHOLE cl�- NOPE fro" ORo,tA 3 MANHOLE NO. 1A _MANHOLE N0. 3 Lr PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW N.T.S. N.T.S. NO DATE I PE. i .h NT UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROJECT NO DRAWING NO. TO •THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1314 = SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE - --� -- ------ --- -- I EDUCATION LAW. S 0 UTH 0 LD LANDFILL CLOSURE DATE: -- ---_- -- --- DRAINAGE PROFILES AND ENGINEER ^,RAWN BY MANHOLE DETAILS NOVEMBER 2001 1— -- -- - 1 T.F.M. F.D. DV 2 IRKA AND BARTILUCCI GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE z _ _ DESISNED BY CHECKED el CONSULTING ENGINEERS E.P. E.P. AS NOTED A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Z Y NO DATE BOTTOM OF SWALE (TYP.) SECTION A SECTION OF ROAD AND SWALE N.T.S. 4% CHDPE SWALE DRAIN (TYP. OF 3) RENO MATTRESS - I 4000 PSI —4"0 CHDPE SWALE DRAIN �^ CONCRETE RENO MATTRESS 24"0 CHDPE REMOVABLE GALV. STEEL GEOCOMPOSITE GRATING DRAINAGE LAYER REMOVABLE GALVANIZED STEEL IKG BORDEN STANDARD TYPE B PRESSURE LOCKED GRATING WITH NO. 11 BAR SIZE OR PLAN APPROVED EQUAL. THE GRATE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN 3 EQUAL SIZE SECTIONS SYMMETRICAL ABOUT N 4"0 CHDPE SWALE DRAIN I ...................... 11 1 01 1 1 1 I I 11 r17i1'i... I °o°obooUo`'blc� 1,ol%o1.1., A n 7" (TYP) I MANHOLE STEPS I 12" O.C. (TYP) X00 300 :oo 100 0 °0 60 MIL HDPE TEXTURED GEOMEMBRANE ....... ...... GAS VENTING LAYER p� CONTINUOUS 2 ::.:.. 4 1/2" MIN. EGDE DIST. 1 /2"x1 /4" GALV. ANGLE 1/16" NEOPRENE GASKET/ -5/8" ANCHOR ® 12" O.C. 6" RENO MATTRESS (HILTI 5/8" OGALV. KB -11 EXP. ANCHORS W/4" EMBEDMENT) ::.;:} " T"I'T 1 1 1 1( 11 !i' 1doJo�'odo°o° 0°0 0000 0° 000000c n 0 oDc ooc ooc 00 oc 00 _ 4"0 CHDPE SWALE DRAIN 3" CL.(TYP) A B I D 0 #4 0 12" (TYP.) #4 0 OPENING(TYP) 6'-0" 4'-4" 17'-8" a #4 ® 6" WITH CORNER '39 0-c BARS AT ENDS (TYP.) )oo X00 • ooc ooc • • • • • 24"0 CHDPE • >000c INV. EL. 32.752" CL '• • SYMMETRICAL SPLICE #5 BAR 2'-0" ° 12" COMPACTED ao FINAL GRADE • • ABOUT M GENERAL FILL --�-' ,: »- •+ :�', x •':•� • 0°"�•'`O 000000000000000000 O 0 �oO 0 o°oc CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE 0°020°0°0°0°0°0°0° °0 SECTIO 11 60°0°0°0, STILLING BASIN D ETAI L Nog. NOT DESIGNED FOR TRUCK LOADING N.T.S. CHDPE 6* CROWN • • • DRAIN TYPE 11 GEOTEXTILE 6" HIGH CURB ROAD q (ROAD STONE FILL— ELEVATION) 6" ZINC COATED STONESWALE LL - , �. ���'�I................................................ RENO MATTRESS 37 r e dl. e e I ------------------- BOTTOM OF SWALE (TYP.) SECTION A SECTION OF ROAD AND SWALE N.T.S. 4% CHDPE SWALE DRAIN (TYP. OF 3) RENO MATTRESS - I 4000 PSI —4"0 CHDPE SWALE DRAIN �^ CONCRETE RENO MATTRESS 24"0 CHDPE REMOVABLE GALV. STEEL GEOCOMPOSITE GRATING DRAINAGE LAYER REMOVABLE GALVANIZED STEEL IKG BORDEN STANDARD TYPE B PRESSURE LOCKED GRATING WITH NO. 11 BAR SIZE OR PLAN APPROVED EQUAL. THE GRATE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN 3 EQUAL SIZE SECTIONS SYMMETRICAL ABOUT N 4"0 CHDPE SWALE DRAIN I ...................... 11 1 01 1 1 1 I I 11 r17i1'i... I °o°obooUo`'blc� 1,ol%o1.1., A n 7" (TYP) I MANHOLE STEPS I 12" O.C. (TYP) X00 300 :oo 100 0 °0 60 MIL HDPE TEXTURED GEOMEMBRANE ....... ...... GAS VENTING LAYER p� CONTINUOUS 2 ::.:.. 4 1/2" MIN. EGDE DIST. 1 /2"x1 /4" GALV. ANGLE 1/16" NEOPRENE GASKET/ -5/8" ANCHOR ® 12" O.C. 6" RENO MATTRESS (HILTI 5/8" OGALV. KB -11 EXP. ANCHORS W/4" EMBEDMENT) ::.;:} " T"I'T 1 1 1 1( 11 !i' 1doJo�'odo°o° 0°0 0000 0° 000000c n 0 oDc ooc ooc 00 oc 00 _ 4"0 CHDPE SWALE DRAIN 3" CL.(TYP) A B I D 0 #4 0 12" (TYP.) #4 0 OPENING(TYP) 6'-0" 4'-4" 17'-8" a #4 ® 6" WITH CORNER '39 0-c BARS AT ENDS (TYP.) )oo X00 ooc ooc goo oc 24"0 CHDPE CONC. >000c INV. EL. 32.752" CL DOWELS ® 12" O.C. SPLICE #5 BAR 2'-0" ° 12" COMPACTED ao #4 ® 12" EW M GENERAL FILL --�-' ,: »- •+ :�', x •':•� ,.., 0Uc .,�•�.�.:•:;.,'•. MIFAR FABRIC FOR ° 0°"�•'`O 000000000000000000 O 0 �oO 0 o°oc CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE 0°020°0°0°0°0°0°0° °0 SECTIO 11 60°0°0°0, STILLING BASIN D ETAI L Nog. NOT DESIGNED FOR TRUCK LOADING N.T.S. q ROAD 15'-0" ROAD SYMMETRICAL ABOUT CENTERLINE VARIES FINAL GRADE O W 1n cn VARIES FROM 32'-0" TO 60'-0" 3'-0" 1 2'-0" 1 3'-0" 1 3'-0" CAP SYSTEM OR GENERAL FILL AND TOPSOIL WHERE OUTSIDE CAP LIMITS FIN. GRADE w ANCHOR TRENCH SECTION B SECTION BETWEEN ROAD AND PROPERTY LINE N.T.S. BURIED DRAINAGE=111-11—I 111 — PIPE (SIZE VARIES) JO = o°° WASTE OR EXISTING NATURAL SOIL 0°0 — �I 00000 °°0c o� ^ ,� REMOVE WASTE MATERIAL WHERE PRESENT, 2 -6 + INSTALL PIPE, THEN BACKFILL WITH GENERAL PIPE DIA. (TYP) FILL AS SPECIFIED TO UNDERSIDE OF LANDFILL CAP WITHIN CAP LIMITS AND TO UNDERSIDE OF TOPSOIL OR GAS MIGRATION CONTROL TRENCH OUTSIDE OF CAP LIMITS TYPICAL DRAINAGE PIPE DETAIL N.T.S. NOTE: ALL PENETRATIONS INTO STILLING BASIN, MANHOLES AND HEADWALLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND GROUTED WITH NON -SHRINK EPDXY GROUT AS SPECIFIED AND TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER t � 1 GAS MIGRATION CONTROL TRENCH RIP -RAP APRON (SEE PLANS) L 10'-0" SOUND BARRIER PROPERTY LINE 30'-0" 5'-0" 3'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 6'-0" SLOTTED GRATE 4'-0• COVER VARIES FROM 6" TO 1'-6" ELEVATION 46'-0" ± I22 i iv EXTEND VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECIIIONS OF GEOTEXTILE M'IN. OF 1 2'-0" BEYOND TENCH - ON BOTH SIDES LIMANHOLE WITH SLOTTED GRATE - 1( WASHED ROUNDED GRAVEL COVER FILL - PLACED IN 24" LIFTS I EXISTING NiTURAL SOIL OR TYPE I GEOTEXTILE PROVIDE FI�L AS NEEDED (TYP.) (TYPICAL ALL SIDt~S) STO MrSPEWER I C r r 11'-0" 1 ( Ij ;,. STORM SEWER I I TOE OF SLOPE _ co I � � 12" �o 6 o �T 1 I s" x 12" #3 GAUGE FABRIC REINF. w v MFSH 30 CD II �J� I USE 2 #6 BARS 4"0 HOLES `O 02'-0" O.C. #5 BENT BAR 1 8"LONG- 1 8"C -C TO PROJECT 6" IF CURB IS NOT POURED MONOLITHIC WITH SLAB. PLAN ** - REINFORCING ON EXPOSED FACE OF WALL WITH 2" CLEAR USE -2 BARS FOR 36"0 PIPE INSTALL 2 #6 BARS ADJACENT TO INSIDE FACE RIP -RAP APRON m 5 ®12 EW ** 2 #4 BARS 36" CHDPE PIPE CONTINUOUS 81p #5 @ 12 HORIZ. ** 2"x2" KEY �. n X12" Q.. 2" UNDER VALL APRON TYPE 11 GEOTEXTILE COMPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION "C—C" 12p -O" I '-- #5 ® 12 VERT. ** WELDED IRE GAGE HEADWALL DIMENSIONS A B C D E 36" 8'-8" 6'-0" 4'-4" 17'-8" A= PIPE SIZE IS I.D. HEADWALL DETAIL N.T.S. NOTES, 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 4000 PSI (MIN) REVISION WT. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. TO THIS DOCUMENT IS A VIOLATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1314 SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. 0 SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE DATE: PROJECT ENGINEER. DRAWN BY MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE DETAILS AND SECTIONS NOVEMBER 2001 T.F.M. F.D. DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCALE: DESIGNED B CHECKED By. CONSULTING ENGINEERS E.P. E.P. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. AS NOTED { Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 • 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P. E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P. E. Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Mr. Robert G. Terry Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard. P.E. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. 840 West Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Assoc.Wea Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Ficraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure William D. Ma`n' P.E. 6b,7b Submittals 6b 7b and 8b Michael Neuberger, P.E. M. veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. VJachsmuth, P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: November 26, 2001 We have completed additional review of the above submittal and in addition to the comments provided to you . on November 12, we have reviewed submittals 6b, 7b and 8b dated October 29, 2001 and have the following comments: 1. In accordance with the specifications, provide the pH resistance for the material. As you are aware, the submittal has been stamped "revise and resubmit". Incorporate the pH resistance with your response to our comment letter dated November 12, 2001, and resubmit. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. TFM/MDW(t)/tam cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright O 1314./TFMO 1 LTR. doc-3 5 Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. November 26, 2001 Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Mr. Robert G. Terry Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Dv i rka Rudolph F. Cannavale and O Bartilucci David S. Glass, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS william D. Merklin, P.E. 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 Michael Neuberger, P.E. 516-3649890 • 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 Brian M. Veith, P.E. e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. RobertT Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. November 26, 2001 Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Mr. Robert G. Terry Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Ficraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. william D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Submittal 11 Charles J. Wachsmulh, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Terry: We have reviewed the submittal stamped as follows: Submittal 11 - Friction Angle Testing Results. The submittal was received on October 16, 2001, and in accordance with your stamp has been reviewed with respect to the requirements of Section 4.3 C.3.b and 4.4 B.l.f of the Specifications for the above referenced project. As previously discussed with your office, a veneer slope stability analysis of the geocomposite using the interface friction angle test data provided for the geomembrane/geocomposite and geocomposite/barrier protection layer interfaces indicate that an acceptable factor of safety of 1.5 can be obtained for slopes no greater than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1 V). Therefore, the geocomposite and geomembrane are not to be placed on slopes greater than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. Present grading of the northeast corner area of the landfill is greater than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical, therefore installation of the geomembrane in this area is not acceptable using the presently proposed materials. Any alternate material to be used will require additional prequalification testing. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Robert G. Terry Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. November 26, 2001 Page Two The submittal has been stamped "approved as noted." Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/RMW(t)/tam cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright 01314/TFMO I LTR.doc-36 Dvirka a0and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 ■ 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@woddnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Banilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, RE Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Mr. Robert G. Terry Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Aesoclates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Submittal 27 Brian M. veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: November 19, 2001 We have reviewed the submittal stamped as follows: Submittal 27 - Precast Concrete Specifications. The submittal was received on November 7, 2001, and in accordance with your stamp, has been reviewed with respect to the requirements of Section 6.4.E.2 of the Specifications for the above referenced project. Comments on the submittal are as follows: 1. With regard to your letter dated November 6, 2001, you only reference use of three manholes when, in fact, there will be four manholes utilized. Please clarify your letter. 2. In accordance with the Specifications, the shop drawings should provide the grade elevation at each structure, the height of the frame and the leveling courses. Please also provide the elevation at the bottom of the structure. 3. In accordance with the Specifications, the shop drawings should provide Certificates of Compliance with the referenced Specifications. 4. Joints between precast sections shall be sealed by means of flexible butyl rubber sealant in accordance with AASHTO M-198. 5. Additional information must be provided on the cast iron manhole frames and covers to be installed. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Robert G. Terry Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. November 19, 2001 Page Two 6. Manhole steps shall be constructed of steel reinforced copolymer polypropylene plastic conforming to NYSDOT Specifications, Section 725-02.01. 7. The exterior and interior surfaces of the precast structures shall be painted with one coat of Kop-Coat Bitumastic No. 300-M (16) mils dry film thickness or equal. 8. Specific comments on the 72 -inch diameter precast concrete manhole and the 48 -inch diameter precast concrete manhole are provided on the attached shop drawings. 9. The headwall shop drawing provided does not meet the requirements of the contract drawings. Some specific discrepancies include: • A 12 -inch underwall is not included on the shop drawings. • An 8-inch"curb is not included on the shop drawings. • The thickness of the concrete is 8 inches verses 12 inches specified. • The dimensions of the sidewalls are not consistent with the contract drawings. • The reinforcement as .shown is not consistent with the contract drawings. Further clarification with regard to the reinforcement required is provided on the attached drawing. The submittal has been stamped "revise and resubmit." Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, -7y F.�/Ah•r Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/FDt/jmy Attachment(s) Cc: J. Bunchuc_k I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright ♦ 1314\TFM0IALTR-33.D0C •• — REINFORCING ON EXPOSED FACE OF WALL WITH 2' CLEAR USE 2 /6 BARS FOR 36"0 PIPE INSTALL 2 /6 BARS ADJACENT TO — ^ --- INSIDE FACE �— — /5 012 EW •• 36' CHDPE PIPE — /5 O 12 HORIZ. •• — 2'x2' KEY 2" UNDER TYPE n r rnTFYTILE /5 0 12 VERT. .. \` 6 x 12 13 GAGE SECTION C—C WELDED WIRE FABRIC HEADWALL DIMENSIONS A I 8 I C D E 36' 1 W-8' 1 6'-0" 4'-4' A= PIPE SIZE IS I.D. HEADWALL DETAIL N.T.S. /�T�Q�C+! NOTI i• 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 4000 PSI (MIN) 31 RIP—RAP (SEE P CD01 - 6"X U — /3 GAUGE FABRIC REINF MFSH 3n TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — SOUTHOLD LANDFILL _ LANDFILL CLOSURE — GENERAL CONSTRUCTION N z Dvirka and Bartilucai HEADWALL DETAIL 5O Consulting Engineers A Division of William F. Cosulich Associates, P.C. B TOE OF SLOPE I � � 12" io of o � � i USE 2 /6 BARS 4"0 HOLES 1p 02'-0' O.C. /5 BENT BAR 18'LONG-18"C—C TO PROJECT 6" IF CURB IS NOT POURED MONOLITHIC p� WITH SLAB. PLAN TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ( 6 3 1 ) 727-0170 F`AX: (631) 727-0410 November 6, 2001 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Maher: Attached, please find drawings and specifications for the pre -cast concrete headwall and pre -cast concrete manholes for use on the Southold landfill Closure. The 4° diameter manholes will be used for the two up -gradient manholes. The 6' diameter manhole will be used for the final down -gradient manhole. These submissions are made after recent conservations with Eli in which he indicated initial approval of these items. Please contact me with any questions and/or comments. Thank you, Timothy r. fiowell 11/6/2001. Page -,I . ofl Steps o 12"or- 1" 6'-O" Diameter 7" Flan T-2" Diameter Section A -A Scoring Detall 24" Or As Rq'd Add'I #5 ES of Opg. #5 ® 6 o EW T45 Welded Wire Mesh As =A5 sq In/If Typ. All Sections 10" - 6 ------ 0 S :? 1211 Typ. ] .: L 4 n 0 --------------'•' Ln 6 A in ::i :�• 8" --- #5®6"06 EW - Top Slab T11 — 1 1/2" GI. — Butyl Rubber Joint Seal Typ All Joints Dowels x 4'-5" ® 12"or- Rad. #5 ®12"oc EW Section SPECIFICATIONS I. concrete Mix Design (5000 Gement - -1152 a/cy sand- IMC) a/oy 5/4" Agg.r100 a/oy Water- 5540/6y (w/e - 0.4Y) Him acceptable 28 day strength - 4000 2. Rebars - is v 60000 F.S.I. Yield A.S.T.M. A- 65 Meeh - is - 65000 P.S,I. Yield A.S,T.M. A- 185 5. Loading - A.A.S.H.T.O, H -20 Load 4. See Drill sheets For Size t Location of Pipe Entries. This Drawing For Reinforcement And 6eneral Details Only. S. Manhole Design Conforms With ASTM C-418 For Precast Concrete Manholes. 6. Steps- Co -polymer Pokypropylene r+/ I/2" Rebar As Manufactured by M.A. Industries Model P52 -PF Or Approved Equal. I. Joint Seal- Self-sealing Butyl Rubber basket ConformIng to FED. Spec-S°S-S-Oo2lo. Steps ® 12"oc 5" 4'-0" Diameter 5" A A Plan 24" Dia 811 low Project: oc* — 12" u Product: 48" Dlo Precast Concrete Manhole c o date 12" TyP• O I Norse 11/18/92 G.S.E. U 0 rn 0 o N I - -------------- c O co I m O � F- 01 In ,Do � l N 8" ------------------- -Section d '057 ® 6" oc EW 4'-10" Diameter Section A—A Scoring Detail 24" Add'I (� tair ES of Opg. 5 Welded Wire Mesh As = .12 sq in/If Typ. All Sections - 1 1/2" Cl. — #4 Dowels x 3'-0" ® 12" oc R :#--5Q 12. FEW 474 X W.W.R.4/4 ®6" oc EW Top Slab z4p 5 Dui 2'-0• As -.ft%q 1n/If Eccentric Cone Section SPECIFICATIONS 1 1. Concrete Mix Design (5000 P.S.I.) Cement — 752 f/ry Send— 1170 //q 3/4" Agg.1700 j/cy War— 354//cy (w/o — 0.47) Min. acceptable 28 day strength 4000 P.S.I. 2. Rebar - to - 60000 P.S.I. Yield A.S.T.M. A— 515 Mesh - fe — 65000 P.S.I. Yield A.S.T.M. A— 185 3. Loading — AJLS.H.T.O. H —20 Load 4. See Drill Sheets For Size k Location of Pipe Entries. This Drawing For Reinforcement And General Details Only. 5. Manhole Design Conforms With ASTM C-478 For Precast Concrete Manholes. 6. Slops— Co—polymer Polypropylene w/ 1/2" Rebar As Manufactured by M.A. Industries Model PS2—PF Or Approved Equal. 2• Lill Hole. COASTAL PIPELINE t (518 369-4000 PRODUCTS CORP. P.O. Box 575, Twomey Ave. , Colverton W 11933 low Project: i` 6 Contractor: �n n Product: 48" Dlo Precast Concrete Manhole scale date dwn. by dwg. no. Norse 11/18/92 G.S.E. 3}: EASE re -Per +o Co ►�iYIE tl�' .. III''Eif a r N> Al F -E C_ to i f1E4C1� UUAI� �7F—+A � • (dotes taxacrete 400n pal a 2:5 nabs• Reba- ASTM A-65 6rado 6o v 6. 84 @LZ"oc EW Walls —. l =4 012'Oc LH To Grovt P4— t r- Altor tistdiatlon h rormed tips Hole 5 C 6 . e• L• ra• 7`0`,, ...... *W1•M SCALE 1' Dia A Bc v R Wekht 12' 36' W- 36' IB' 112- 38458 15' 48' 30' 42' 21' O4' 41600 18' 48' 9O' 42' 21' 6° 41bo= 24' 60' 1 96' 48' 24'l8' w4o+ C_ OASTAL PIPELINE z 06 r idbluC m CO p. no. Dox 9'P3, T►lainy Ay.., c,*erlm HY mg Project: - --- !'a'ocluet. Precast Concrete Wi,g 1'4ifl . _.. _� —accib � ckito •awn. Uy clrJg. no. As -Hated 09/2l/43 I `65.F~ I WM6Y1A11 or U— m 6 00 i v LT LN \l r L n r u Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Riverhead, NY 11.901 Southold Landfill Closure Contract No. 2000 Date: 11/6/01 Submittal Number: 27 Equipment Identification No.: Contract Drawings No.: Specification Section: 6.4 E.2 This document has been reviewed, coordinated and checked in detail for accuracy of content and for compliance with the Contract Documents and is hereby approved. The information contained herein has been coordinated with all involved CONTRACTORS. CONTRACTOR: Terry Contracting and Materials, Inc. Signed/Date: APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT DISAPPROVED THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN CHECKED FOR GENERAL ARRANGEMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICA- TIONS AND CONTRACT DRAWINGS. APPROVAL OF THIS MATERIAL SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRAC- TOR OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR DIMENSIONAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND OMMISSIONS. OR OF GIMRAW TIES REQUIRED BYTHE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. DVIRKAAND BARMCQ 2MIulng Eng Ff oATE4061 — Dvirka anand o Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 • 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Princloals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P E. Richard M. Mika Steven A. Fangmann, P. E. Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph Marturano Mr. Robert Terry Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. J Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E` Submittals 2b> 3a> 4b> 5b and 16a Brian M. Veith, RE. Charles J. Wachsmuth. P.E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Howell: November 19, 2001 We have reviewed Submittals 2b - Geocomposite Manufacturer Data and Specifications, Resubmit 2, 3a - Geomembrane Installer Specifications, Resubmit 1, 4b - Geomembrane Manufacturer Data and Specifications, Resubmit 2, 5b - Geomembrane Prequalifications, Resubmit 2 and 16a - Preconstruction Submittals, Resubmit 1 with respect to the Specifications. With respect to Submittal 2b - Geocomposite Manufacturer Data and Specifications, the following comments were not addressed in the revised Geocomposite Installation Procedures: 1. We are awaiting final approval from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on finishing terminal ends of the geocomposite. Until approval is provided, work will be completed in accordance with the specifications. 2. In accordance with the specifications, geocomposite shall not be left exposed to sunlight for more than 14 days, not 30 to 45 days as noted in the procedures. Certification from the manufacturer would need to be provided in order for acceptance of material that has been exposed to sunlight for more than 14 days. 3. Defect documentation procedures for the geocomposite drainage layer have not been provided. With respect to Submittal 16a, an installation schedule must still be provided, if not from the geomembrane installer then from your office. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Timothy Howell Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. November 16, 2001 Page Two Submittals 3a, 4b and 5b have been stamped "approved." Submittal 2b has been stamped "approved as noted" and Submittal 16a has also been stamped "approved as noted" pending receipt of an installation schedule. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, x1W z i ; �;?z � � - Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/MW(t)/ld cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland ♦ 1314\TFM01ALTR-31.DOC(RO1) d1Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 • 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals .Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P. E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. November 16, 2001 Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Mr. Timothy Howell Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Associates 840 West Main Street Rudolph F Cannavale Joseph A. assP.E. Riverhead, NY 11901 RE. David S. Glass, , . William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Charies J. Wachsmuth, RE. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Howell: This is in response to your letter dated November 9, 2001, regarding Terry Contracting & Materials' proposed method of construction of the gas migration control trenches. As a point of clarification, there is no conflict between Section 2.3 G.2 of the Specifications and the Contract Drawings as stated in your letter. The reason for the proposed change is to allow ease of construction of the gas migration control trenches by the contractor, for which the Town reserves its right to seek a credit. If you have any questions, please call me. TFM/tam Enclosure cc: James Bunch_ uck Igor Sikiric James Mulligan 01314\tf n01A1tr-25 Ve 1 your , Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Senior Associates Dvirka Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. and Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Bartilucci Joseph H.Marturano CONSULTING ENGINEERS Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 Theodore S. Pyllar, Jr. 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 - Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. 625 Broadway, 9th Floor Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Albany, NY 12233-7258 Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. Mika Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H.Marturano J. Robert JPhaneuf, P.E. Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. , Theodore S. Pyllar, Jr. Bureau of Solid Waste & Land Management Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials AssociatesNYSDEC Rudolph F Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, RE. 625 Broadway, 9th Floor David S. Glass, P.E. Wiliam D. Merklin, RE. Albany, NY 12233-7258 Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. Mchsmuth, RE. Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Phaneuf: November 16, 2001 This is to confirm our recent telephone conversation that, in lieu of having the laboratory perform sample collection as specified in the Contract Documents, the construction contractor can perform sample collection with D&B construction inspectors observing all sampling. All sample results will be certified by the D&B inspector that the sampling was observed and that the sample is representative. If this is not your understanding, please contact me as soon as possible. TFM/tam cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric J. Mulligan P. Sutherland 01314\TFM01ALTR-28.D0C Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, RC. Dvirka nand o Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka November 14 2001 SlevenA. Fangangmann, P.E. , Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Anthony..Cava, P.E. Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. y Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Associates SUNY - Region 1 - Building 40 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. RE P.E. Ston Brook NY 11790-2356 y David S. Glass, P.E. lass, , William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Landfill Closure Brian M. Veith, P.E. Re: Southold Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Cava.:. This -is a follow-up to my letter of October 19, 2001, regarding the alternate design of the gas migration control trenches. On Attachment #1 to the October 19 letter (see attachment to this letter), two minor modifications are illustrated with regard to the geocomposite: one is to remove the geotextile from the downgradient terminal end of the geocomposite to enhance flow from the composite to the drainage structures; and two is to remove the top layer of geocomposite fabric immediately below the perforated swale drain to enhance drainage from the swale drain to the geocomposite. It is not clear from your letter if these changes were approved in your letter of November 9, 2001. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very4ruly youls. '0"v�C�� Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President' TFM/tam Attachment cc/attach: James Bunchuck, Town of Southold -Igor Sikiric, NYSDEC James Mulligan, D&B O 1314\TFMA01 LTR-26.DOC(R01) A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. igTige11A,5.c!<— "O'1 r% , TiYs�int��� IK -1 7" F�� U 10 F� F64I i \ I I I SAW I I 0 Dear Mr. Terry: This is in response to your letter of November 5, 2001 (attached), regarding payment for relocation of the temporary RCA access road. As discussed previously, this road is to service the yard waste composting facility and does not pertain to closure construction of the Southold Landfill. As such, your request for payment should be addressed to the Town for approval: Very truly you Thomas F. Maher, P.E. TFM/tam Vice President cc: James Bunchuck James Mulligan 0.1314\TFM01 ALTR-24.DOC A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka =� and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 718-460-3634 Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates November 13 2001 Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. , Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Mr. Robert G. Terry Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale 840 West Main Street Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. Riverhead, NY 11901 David S. Glass, RE' William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Charles J. Wachsmuth, RE. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Terry: This is in response to your letter of November 5, 2001 (attached), regarding payment for relocation of the temporary RCA access road. As discussed previously, this road is to service the yard waste composting facility and does not pertain to closure construction of the Southold Landfill. As such, your request for payment should be addressed to the Town for approval: Very truly you Thomas F. Maher, P.E. TFM/tam Vice President cc: James Bunchuck James Mulligan 0.1314\TFM01 ALTR-24.DOC A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. ti J TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ( 6 3 1 ) 727-0170 FAX: (631) 727-0410 November 5, 2001 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Maher: As discussed at the November 2, 2001 progress meeting, payment for relocation of the temporary RCA access road to the 17 -acre parcel will be billed on a per day basis for all equipment used. The following rates will apply. 1. Daewoo 330 Excavator $1800/day 2. Cat D7 Bulldozer $1750/day If you concur with the content of this letter, please return it with your signature below. X Thank you, /4 Robert G. Terry cc: James Bunchuck 11/5/2001 Page 1 of 1 Senior Associates November 13, 2001 Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dvirka Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. and 0 Bartilucci Kenneth J. Pritchard' P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 Associates e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Riverhead, NY 11901 Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka D&B No. 1314 Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates November 13, 2001 Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard' P.E. Mr. Robert G. Te rry Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Riverhead, NY 11901 Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: As discussed at the November 8, 2001, Progress Meeting, and in response to your letter of November 7, 2001, the nonpotable water supply well is to be constructed as specified in the Contract Documents, with the exception of the following changes suggested by Casola Well Drilling to achieve a pumping capacity of 500 gpm: 1. Increase well depth from 75 feet to 100 feet; and 2. Increase screen length from 15 feet to 30 feet. Please provide a cost for these changes. If you have any questions, please call me. TFM/tam cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright U 1314\TFMO I ALTR-23.DOC Very truly yours., �fl Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 ■ 718-460-3634 - Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@woddnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Mr. Robert G. Terry Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. 840 West Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. RE P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure lass, David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Medlin, P.E. Submittal 28 Michael Neuberger, RE. D&B No. 1314 Brian M. Veith, RE. Charles J. Wachsmuth, RE. Dear Mr. Terry: November 12, 2001 We have reviewed the submittal stamped as fojlows: Submittal 28 - List of Proposed Or -equals. The submittal was received on November 7, 2001, ,and in accordance with your stamp has been reviewed with respect to the requirements of Section GC 2.8.4 of the Specifications for the above -referenced project. As previously discussed with your office, American Excelsior Company Curlex, I will not be accepted as an or -equal item to replace the erosion control blanket as specified in Section 4.7 of the Specifications. The submittal has been stamped "disapproved." (51.6)'364-9890 if you have any questions. TFM/MDW(t)/Id cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright ♦ 1314\TFMOIALTR-21.DOC(RO1) Please do not hesitate to contact me at ly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 PHONE: (631) 727-0170 FAX: (631) 727-0410 To: Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers _330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Copy of Letter N Attached ❑ Prints ❑ Change Order Date: 05 -Nov -01 I Job No. 1314-173 Attention: Thomas Maher Re: General Construction Contract No. 2000 Southold Landfill Closure ❑ Under separate cover Via ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications 9 List of "Or Equals" the following items: COPIES DATE NO. I DESCRIPTION 1 11/5/01 28 List of Proposed "Or Equals" as to GC 2.8.4 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: Copies To: James Bunchuck Igor Sikiric ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Signed: / Timothy J. How If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify C TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ( 6 3 1 ) 727-0170 FLAX: (631) 727-0410 November 6, 2001 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Maher: This letter is to provide the list of proposed "or equal" items. This list is submitted in accordance with GC 2.8.4. Item Description Proposed "or equal" 1. Erosion Control Blanket as to 1. American Excelsior Company 4.7 D.2 Curlex I Product specifications and samples for proposed "or equal" items are attached. Should the Contractor be given permission to use this "or equal" item for construction at the Southold.Landfill Closure a credit of $0.20 will be given for each square yard (app. 216,000 sy total) of Erosion Control Blanket used on the job. Upon approval of this list, the Contractor will submit product specifications for final approval. Please contact me with any questions and/or comments. Thank you, TimotAyJ.Howell cc: James Bunchuck Igor Sikiric 11/6/2001 Materials: Roll Sizes: Description: CURLEX®1 Revised 02/17/99 Erosion Control Blanket Replaces 04/06/98 CURLER® I MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Great Lakes Aspen Excelsior Polypropylene netting QuickGrass (green excelsior - optional) Width Length Area Weight 4 ft (1.22m) 180 ft (54.9m) 80.0 sy (66.9 m2) 58.4 Ib (26.49 kg) Curlex®l erosion control blanket is a natural, excelsior blanket which provides a temporary organic cover to reduce erosion, protect seeds, enhance germination and hasten re - vegetation. Typically, Curie^ is suitable for severe slopes up to 1.5:1 and channels up to 5.0 fps (1.5 mps). Curlexml is furnished in rolls with polyethylene wrapping ( paper wrapping for QuickGrass) t9 protect against the elements prior to installation and may be ordered stretch -wrapped in Master-Paks of six rolls each to minimize material handling requirements. Physical Properties: Fiber: Great Lakes Aspen Excelsior with no weed seeds Curled, interlocking fibers with barbed edges Fiber Size: 80% of fibers a minimum of 6" (15.24 cm) long 0.038" t 0.010" wide by 0.018" t 0.003" thick (0.97 mm t 0.25 mm wide by 0.45 mm t 0.08 mm thick) Water Absorption: 250% ±25% Weight: 0.73 Ib/sy (0.40 kg/m2) t 10% Net: Polypropylene (green or white -UV degrader additive) Net Opening Size: 3/4" wide by 1-5/8" long (19 mm wide by 41 mm long) Net Configuration: Top side only All weights and measures are based on product at time of manufacture American - Excelsior - Company® AN EMPLOYEE OWNED COMPANY P.O. Box 5067 / 850 Avenue H East, Arlington, TX 76011 Phone 800 -777 -SOIL Fax 817-649-7816 C.ui4ex I." The Industry Standard for Most Slope &Channel Protection Needs This is the one that started it all - the erosion control blanket that literally defined an industry: Curlex L Born in 1963 and thoughtfully refined over the last four decades, Curlex I continues to set the standard for the majority of erosion control blanket requirements. Material Characteristics rurlex I is an erosion control blanket Mbining our unique, barbed Curlex riber (aspen excelsior) and a top layer of polypropylene netting. Other blankets draw the line at 270g/m2 (1/2 lb/sy), but not Curlex I. At just under 400g/m2 (3/4 lb/sy), Curlex I brings 50% more erosion fighting fiber to your job site. Combine that with a roll that's 45cm (18 in) wider than conventional blankets and you've got today's best multi-purpose blanket. • Roll Dimensions- 2.4mX27.4m(8ftX90ft) 1.2mX54.8m(4ftX180ft) Performance Capabilities • Channels - Shear Stress: 96Pa (2 psf) • Slopes - Steepness: 2H:1V Typical Applicatibns: 0 Highway Embankments, Ditches, Bridge, Approaches and Medians 0 Landfill Caps and Side Slopes 0 Pipeline Right -Of -Ways 0 Golf Course Fairways and Roughs 0 Mine Site Reclamation Projects 0 Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Site Development SUGGESTED CURLEX° t SPECIFICATIONS Section 2720 - Erosion Control Blanket (ECB) GENERAL The Erosion Control Blanket (ECB) is a rolled excelsior matting for the purpose of erosion control and revegetation. ECB's shall be furnished in plastic bags or paper -wrappers. Each roll shall be labeled to provide identification sufficient for inventory and quality control purposes. PRODUCTS ECB shall be Curlexe I, as manufactured by American Excelsior Company, Arlington, TX (800-777-7645). ECB shall be made of aspen excelsior with one layer of polypropylene netting stitched together to form a three-dimensional matrix. ECB shall be free of weed seed and of consistent thickness. Fiber shall be curled and interlocked to form a mat, shall have barbed edges and shall be evenly distributed. A minimum of 80 percent of the fibers shall be 15cm (6 in) or greater in length. Excelsior color shall be QuickGrassT" (green) or standard (natural). The ECB shall have the following material characteristics: Unit Weight 397g/m2 (11.7 oz/sy) Tensile Strength (MD x XD) 92N x 47N (per 10cm) (63.2 lb/ft x 32.4 lb/lf) Thickness 12.7mm (0.5 in) Roll Dimensions 2.4mx 27.4m (8 ftx 90 ft) 1.2m x 54.8m (4 ft x 180 ft) Roll Area 66.9m2 (80 sy) Anchors shall be steel wire staples a minimum of 15cm (6 in) in length. EXECUTION Before placing ECB, the finished grade shall be inspected by Owner's Representative to insure that it has been properly compacted; has been graded smooth; has -no depressed, void, soft or uncompacted areas; is free from obstructions, such as tree roots,, projecting stones or other foreign matter; and has been seeded. Contractor shall not proceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been remedied. The extent of ECB shall be as shown on Drawings. Anchors shall be installed as identified on the Drawing stapling pattern detail(s). Channels: ECB shall be unrolled parallel to the direction of water flow. The first roll shall be centered longitudinally in the channel and anchored with staples. Subsequent rolls shall be installed outward to the edges of the channel and be lapped to allow installation of a common row of staples. ECB ends shall be overlapped sufficiently for a common row of staples with the upstream end on top ("shingled"). Staple the overlap across the end of each of the overlapping lengths. A trench shall be constructed at the upstream termination [15cm (6 in) min depth]. ECB shall be stapled to the bottom of the trench. Backfill and compact the trench. Slopes: ECB shall be orientedin vertical or horizontal strips and anchored with staples. Joints may either be overlapped to allow for installation of a common row of staples or abutted. Horizontal joints shall be shingled. Along flanks and where exposed to overland sheet flow from above, construct a termination trench (staple, backfill and compact). Disclaimer. CURLEX'° I is a system for erosion control and revegetation on slopes and channels. American Excelsior Company (AEC) believes that the information contained herein to be reliable and accurate for use in erosion control and revegetation applications. However, since physical conditions vary from job site to job site and even within a given job site, AEC makes no performance guarantees and assumes no obligation or liabilityfor the reliability, or accuracy of information contained herein, for the results, safety or suitability of using CURLEX I, or for damages occurring in connection with the installation of any erosion control product whetherornot made by AEC orits affiliates, except as separately and specifically made in writing byAEC. These specifications are subject to change without advance notice. American Excelsior Company EARTH SCIENCE 850 Avenue H East Arlington, Texas 76011 800 -777 -SOIL (7645) 817-640-3624 (fax) DIVISION www.curlex.com Form # 235-1099 Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 - 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@woddnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, RE. Henry J. Chlupsa, RE. Thomas F Maher, P.E. RobertT Bums, P. E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmahn, P. E. Senior Associates Anthony -0. Conetta, RE Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Mr, Robert G. Terry Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, R.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, R.E. Schedule of Submittals Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. wachsmuth, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Terry: November 12, 2001 We have reviewed the revised Schedule 'of Submittals dated October 22, 2001. Several submittals, which according to your schedule are due prior to today's date, have not been received. The submittals that are currently past due include: • Contour Grading Material - Construction Test Results - Western Hill • Geomembrane Roll Certification • Geomembrane QC Certification • Geocomposite Drainage Layer - Manufacturer's Affidavit • Geocomposite Drainage Layer - Roll Certification • Non -Potable Water Supply Well - Well Permits, Materials Samples, Screen Sample, Sand Samples/Gradation Curves, Shop Drawings - Protective Casing, Drilling and Construction Methods, Shop Drawings - Electrical Connections. • Abandonment of Existing Non -Potable Water Supply Well - Overdrilling Methods A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. e Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Robert G. Terry Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. November 12, 2001 , Page Two In addition to the above, the following submittals will be due prior to the end of this month: • Potable Water Supply Source II • Gas Venting Layer - Construction Test Results - Western Hill • . Abandon Existing Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells - Overdrilling Methods • Abandon Existing Groundwater Monitoring Wells - Overdrilling Methods • Non -Potable Water Supply Well - Construction Log and Driller's Report • Non -Potable Water Supply Well - Formation Samples • Non -Potable Water Supply Well - Well Completion Construction Report In addition, although the Schedule of Submittals indicates that new landfill gas monitoring wells will not be installed until March 2002, as discussed, new landfill gas monitoring wells must be install'&,betweeh2ihe °residences and the landfill on the southern portion of the landfill prior to placement of'the! geomembrane. Therefore, site approval and well construction logs for these wells will need to be submitted prior to March 2002. Very truly yours i Is Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/MDW(t)/ld cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan ""P. Sutherland _ M. Wright �'I31`4\TFM'OiALTR-12.DOC(R02) .-0. h 3�-9'i a,... o....,._. � .. -i Is Dv i rka and a no Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 - Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, RE. Senior Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Mr. Robert G. Terry Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Submittal 23 Theodore S. Pular, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. 840 West Main Street Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Submittal 23 Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Terry: November 12, 2001 We have reviewed the submittal stamped as follows: Submittal 23 - Gravel Fill. The submittal was received on October 25, 2001, and request for modification of the material was provided to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Based on their acceptance of the material in their letter dated November 9, 2001, the submittal has been stamped approved. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. TFM/MDW(t)/ld cc: J. Bunchuck I. ' Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright ♦ 1314\TFMOIALTR-20.DOC(RO1) Very truly yours, G�i1.t�El- Thomas F. Maher,.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. v TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 PHONE: (631) 727-0170 FAX: (631) 727-0410 To: Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Copy of Letter © Attached ❑ Prints ❑ Change Order Date: 24 -Oct -01 Job No. 1314-F3 Attention: Thomas Maher Re: General Construction Contract No. 2000 Southold Landfill Closure ❑ Under separate cover Via ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications 9 Gravel Fill Specs. the following items: COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION 1 10/24/01 I 23 Source Approval — Gravel Fill as to 2.11 A.8 i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: N For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: Copies To: James Bunchuck Igor Sikiric James Mulligan ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Signed: /�.-- Timothy J. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ( 6 3 1 ) 727-0170 FAX: (631) 727-0410 October 24, 2001 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Maher: Attached, please find the gradation analysis for gravel being screened on the 17 -acre parcel. The stockpile of this material is located on the 17 -acre parcel adjacent to the Southold Town Landfill and will, upon completion of screening operations, contain approximately 3,000 yds of material. Terry Contracting and Materials, Inc. requests that this material, modified so that only material of :�s" or greater remains, be approved for use as gravel fill in the Gas Migration Control Trenches. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you, Robert G. Terry cc: James Bunchuck Igor Sikiric 10/24/2001 Page 1 of 1 28 C1 :30P L , I LN U 66 l.:4 LS F t,i- L I U ii GRADATION WORKSHEET CLIENT: rj�: - -Z& - D PROJECT: TECH NICLA N: L-1 I . .. ..... -SAMPLE TYPE. SAMPLE IC: SAMPLE Cal -o -R. ( t i PERCE-14T '-: - I i ES 'ERCE" PASS LAT'rN RETANED PASSING .103 SPECIFIC I C- iof" pe� 14 VA IZ.486,r �Or ?� x - 05`1.1o) 364. -34-4? Ig"er ler/ Dv i rka anand o Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-3649890 • 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci. RE, Henry J. Chlupsa. P.E. Thomas F. Maher. P.E. Robert T. Bums. P. E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Mr. Robert G. Terry Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard. RE, Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. 840 West Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. RE P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure lass. David S. Glass. P.E. Wiliam D. Mer,din. P.E. Submittals 6b,7b and 8b Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. wachsmuth. P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: November 12, 2001 Final approval has been provided by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) on installation procedures for the geotextile for the gas venting trenches. Therefore, we request that the installation procedures be included with Submittals 6, 7 and 8 and final copies of the submittals be provided for our approval. In addition to the installation procedures, we have reviewed Submittals 6b, 7b and 8b, dated October 29, 2001, and have the following comments: 1. Although the submittal indicates that defect repair will not be attempted, the submittal should indicate what the procedures would be implemented if a defect is found in the field. The submittal has been stamped "revise and resubmit." . Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. V ly yput Thomas F. Maher, P.E. TFM/MDW(t)/ld Vice President cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright ♦ 1314\TFM0IALTR-11.DOC(R01) A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dv i rka and a no Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 - 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci. P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Mr. Robert G. Terry Kenneth J.Pritchard, P.E. T erry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Theodore S.. Pytlaytlar, Jr. 840 West Main Street Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Wiliam D. Merklin, P.E. L Submittals 6b,7b and 8b Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. wachsmuth, P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: November 12, 2001 Final approval has been provided by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) on modified procedures for the installation of geotextile for the gas venting trenches. Therefore, we request that the installation procedures be included with Submittals 6, 7 and 8, and final copies of the submittals be provided for our approval. In addition to the installation procedures, we have reviewed Submittals 6b, 7b and 8b, dated October 29, 2001, and have the following comments: 1. Although the submittal indicates that defect repair will not be attempted, the submittal should indicate what the procedures would be implemented if a defect is found in the field. The submittal has been stamped "revise and resubmit." Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. V ly your-s� Thomas F. Maher, P.E. TFM/MDW(t)/ld Vice President cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright ♦ 1314\TFM0IALTR-11.D0C(R02) A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and a no Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnetatt.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. November 12, 2001 Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Anthony J. Cava, P.F. Kenneth J. Prichard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Associates Rudolph F Cannavale SUNY - Region 1 - Building 40 Joseph A. RE P.E. Ston Brook NY 11790-2356 lass. David S. Glass, P.E. y , William D. Merklin, P.E. —Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. D&B 1314 Dear Mr. Cava: This is in response''to your letter dated November 13, 2001, regarding change requests and revisions the approved' Southold Landfill 'Closure Plan. With regard to item 1) Letter dated October 12, 2001, and disapproval of the proposed modified gas vents, we have revised the modifications to extend the gas vent pipe below fill five (5) feet into waste as illustrated in the attached figure. We assume that this modification meets, the Department's requirements. If our assumption is incorrect, please contact me as soon as possible. TFM/tam Attachment cc/attach: James Buncluck Town "of Southold i-. 7 -. ..'... .. i. t go`Sikiric; NYSDEC I James Mulligan, D&B `' -Robert Terry, TM&C 0 1314\TFMA01LTR-17.DOC Very truly yours, Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and a no Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 , 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045' e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci. P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P. E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M: Walka Steven Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F Koehler, P.E. Mr. Robert G. Terry Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. 840 West Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Associates Rudolph F Cannavale Joseph A. RE P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure lass, David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Submittal -26 Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: November 12, 2001 We have reviewed the submittal stamped as follows: Submittal 26 - CHDPE Drainage Pipe. The submittal was received on November 3, 2001, and in accordance with your stamp has been reviewed with respect to the requirements of Section 3.1(B)1 of the Specifications for the above -referenced project. It is our understanding that this submittal has been submitted to meet the requirements of Section 3.1.D.3 - Corrugated High Density Polyethylene (CHDPE) culverts and conveyance pipe of the Specifications, and additional submittals for 3.1.D.4 - Corrugated High Density Polyethylene (CHDPE) Drain Pipes will be provided under separate cover. With respect to Submittal 26, we have the following comments: 1. The submittal should indicate that all pipe shall bear the class of pipe and the trademark of the manufacturer. 2. No information on installation of the, culvert pipe with prefabricated flared ends is provided. Additional information must be provided. The submittal has been stamped "revise and resubmit." Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. TFM/MDW(t)/ld cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Howell ♦ 1314\TFM01ALTR-20.DOC(RO1) ;h y y s, homas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President J. Mulligan P. Sutherland M. Wright A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. a TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. f 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 PHONE: (631) 727-0170 FAX: (631) 727-0410 To: Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop Drawings. ❑ Copy of Letter T7-:. Ila s i� % S JL" ii LKS :v lu IL di Date: .l -Nov-01 Job No. 1314-F3 Attention: Thomas Maher Re: General Construction Contract No. 2000 Southold Landfill Closure © Attached ❑ Under separate cover Via the following items: ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Change Order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 5 1.1/1/O1 26 CHDPE Drainage Pipe Specifications as to 3.1 B.1 i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 9 For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑. As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for. distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Copies To: James Bunchuck Signed: ia•- Igor Sikiric Timothy J. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify I P rM M -A F&AW7 The Performance You Expect. The Innovations You Need. With over 110 years experience, Hancor has provided expert knowledge and innovative product solutions proven in a wide range of field drainage applications. The recent development of large diameter pipe is only one example of our commitment to providing superior products and improved performance. Our HDPE pipe delivers superior value while providing physical strength and structural design that just cannot be matched by metal or concrete. Sure -Lok F477 pipe is perfect for storm sewer applications; retention/detention systems; culverts; cross, slope or edge drains. Other uses include golf courses, sports playing fields, or parking dot drainage, as well as irrigation ditch enclosures. Sure -Lok F477 b Diameter. 4'- 60"(100 -1500mm) \ Length: 20, (6.Im) for 4° 30' 000-750mm) diameter pipe 20.5'(5.24m) for 36'30' (900-1500mm) diameter pipe Specifications: AASHTO M252, Type S AASHTO M294; Type S AASHTO MP7-97 Joint,Performance. Leak -resistant, silt -tight Joining System: Bell -and -spigot Gasket: Rubber, meeting ASTM F477 Fittings and Accessories Hancor manufactures a full comp%ment of fittings for all diameters of Hancor pipe: J Sure-LoV F477 Pipe Specifications Scope This specification describes 4" - 60" (100 - 1500mm) Sure -Lok F477 pipe for use in nonpressure drainage applications. Pipe Requirements Sure -Lok F477 pipe shall have a smooth interior and annular exterior corrugations. • 4'- 10" (100 - 250mm) meets AASHTO M252, Type S. • 12"- 48" (300 - 1200mm) meets AASHTO M294, Type S. • 54' and 60" (1350 and 1500mm) meets AASHTO MP7-97. • Mannings "n" value for use in design shall not be less than 0.010. Joint Performance Pipe shall be joined with the Sure -Lok (bell -and -spigot) joint meeting AASHTO M252 Type S, AASHTO M294 Type S or MP7-97. The joint shall be silt tight and leak resistant. Gaskets shall be made of polyisoprene meeting the requirements of ASTM F477 with the addition that the gaskets shall not have any visible cracking when tested according to ASTM D1149 after 72 - hour exposure in 50 PPHM ozone at 1047 (40°C). Gaskets shall be installed by the pipe manufacturer and covered with a removable wrap to ensure the gasket is free from debris. A joint lubricant available from the manufacturer shall be used on the gasket and bell during assembly. I Fittings 4" - 10" (100 - 250mm) fittings shall conform to AASHTO M252, 12" - 48" (300 - 1200mm) to AASHTO M294 while 54" (1350mm) and 60" (1500mm) shall conform to MP7-97. Material Properties Pipe and fitting material shall be high density polyethylene meeting ASTM D3350 minimum cell classification 324420C for 4" - 10" (100 - 250mm) diameters or 335420C for 12 - 60" (300 - 1500mm) diameters. Installation Installation shall be in accordance with ASTM D2321 with the exception that minimum cover in trafficked areas shall be one foot (0.3m) for 4" - 48" (100 - 1200mm) pipe and 18" (0.5m) for 54" (1350mm) and 60" (1500mm) pipe. Nominal'PipeI.D., In. 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 (100) (150) (200) (250) (300) (375) (450) (600) (750) (900) (1050) (1200) (1350) (1500) Approx. p O D in. 4.7 6.9 9.4 11.9 14.2 17.7 21.5 28.4 36.0 41.4 48.0 55.0 61.0 67.3 (119) (175) (239) (303) (361) (450) (546) (721) (914) (1052) (1219) (1397) (1549) (1709) Approx. 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.7 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.6 5.8 5.8 7.8 7.8 (16) (19) (26) (43) 1 (51) (61) 1 (76) (102) (102) (117) 1 (147) (147) (198) (198) 10 20 30 42 70 100 130 220 330 400 500 597 709 861 (5) (9) (14) (19) (32) (46) (59) (100) (150) (182) (227) (260) (309) (315) All diameters available with or without perforations One stick is 20'(5.1m) for 4'-30' (100-750mm) diameter pipe and 20.5' (5.24m) far 36•-60' (900-1500mm) diameter pipe. Buyer/user is responsible for sea'! '.ti`^f itis ;:8d ��t is g^y�aapplication. S81ler is not4esponsible for injury or damage resulting from improper installation, n ddm Nance with guideline fbt in5tal/atipn of product or use outside the guidelines set forth herein. HOLBROOK PLASTI PIPE SSUPPLk.4TNC: A DIVIS THE GLOB/ 7SO GRUNDY AVE. • Hi TEL: 631 .588.6880 J 40NO W1 PC 4 9 1 Olive St., Findlay, OH 45840 S'O�J R CE' - q=k, NY 1 1741 � 631.588. B568 v DfRECfiCONTACT ELECTRONIC MEDIA Cust=4 Service Web Site -8813-FOR PIPE (367-7473) Find market- and application - Monday Friday specific information and the 7-a.m. - p.m. EST latest industry news at our ~ On -Line Pipeline - Fax 888-j=AX PIPE (329-7473) www.hancor.com 24 howsla day A411cati©n Engineering For technical questions, call 800 -P -RANCOR (242-6267), ext. 809 Hancor and Sure -Lok' are registered Monday -Friday trademarks of Hancor, Inc. ® 2000 Hancor, Inc. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST #112010700 A Dv i rka ` and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-20115 516-3649890 - 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa; P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. November 12, 2001 Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano T Robert G. Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. ,1 erry Theodore S. Pyllar, Jr. 'ferry Contracting & Materials; Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Riverhead, NY 11901 Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin• P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Dear Mr. Terry: With regard to your submittal dated November 9, 2001 (attached), for proposed revision of construction' of the gas migration control trenches, including substitution of venting material, this revision has been approved by NYSDEC (see attached letter dated November 12, 2001, Items 1 and 6).. However, we request that the 4 -inch perforated CHDPE pipe be placed three (3) feet below grade and that wind driven ventilators be placed at intervals of 100 feet along the length of the pipe. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly your Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam , Attachments cc/attach: James Bunchuck, Town of Southold Igor Sikiric, NYSDEC James Mulligan, D&B 0 1314\TFMAo1LTR-18.DOC A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. m • TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIV'ERHEAD, NY 11901 (6 31) 727-0170 FAX_ (631) 727-0410 November 9, 2001 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci 330 crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Re: Southold Landfill closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Daher: Attached, please find a detail of the proposed method of construction for the gas migration control trenches, as discussed by yourself and Robert Terry. Such methods are proposed because the Contractor is unable to construct the trenches as designed by the i;ngineer. The proposed method preserves the critical details of the gas migration trenches and, excluding the proposed ventilation system, can be constructed at contract prices. The proposed methods will supersede any conflicting detail as described. ira 2.3 G.2 of the Contract Documents and as shown on the Contract Drawings. Please contact me with any questions and/or comments. Thank you, Timothy J. Howell cc: Igor Sikiric James Bun.chuck 11/9/2001 Page I of I ;r�d 6 n, 3r d&,w `/D Pvc 90 ° A-rN1-9 10 I - f lllJ _ /1 LL mi�� NOV-09-2001 11=58 SHM STONY BROOK 1631 444 0231 P.02/03 008120 'New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, Region One Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Phone: (631)444-0375 • FAX: (631) 444-0231 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us Erin M. Crotty Commissioner Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, New York 11797 Re: Southold Landfill Dear Mr. Maher: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is in receipt of several letters dated between October 12 and October 19, 2001, regarding various change requests and revisions to the approved Southold Landfill closure report. 1)Letter dated Oetoberl2, 2001: The Department has no objections toward the use of the specified replacement material that is to be used in the gas vent trenches and the gas vent wells. Furthermore, the Department concurs with your change in material for the gas vent trenches. In reference to the change in method of construction of the gas vents, the Department does not find your change to be suitable and believes that the gas vents should be installed according to the regulations specified under Part 360-2.13(p)(2)(i). 2)Letter dated October 12, 2001: The Department finds your re -design to the 17 -acre parcel access road along the southwestern portion of the landfill, and all the changes associated with the re -design, to be acceptable_ In addition, since the road previously designated for use as the main access road to the yard waste composting area is no longer going to be used as such, the requested re -design and construction is acceptable. 3)Letter dated October 15, 2001: The Department has reviewed your request for modification to the existing drainage plan involving Recharge Basins No. 3 and 4. The Department concurs with the conceptual design presented, however, several areas of concern need to be addressed. If the pipe must route through, the waste we will need additional justification than what has been provided, and if so, the final drawings and specifications need to clarify the pipe within the pipe specifications, for the double containment of the storm water conveyance. NOV-09-2001 11=59 SHM STONY BROOK 1631 444 0231 P.03/03 4)Letter dated October 16, 2001: This letter addresses the proposed beneficial use of the landfill, as a golf driving range on the capped eastern portion of the landfill. The Department has the following comments and concerns. The geomembrane will need to meet the minimum 4% grade, however, if needed, the final upper surface grade could be less than 4%. if additional barrier protection soil is placed, which could enhance the proposed end use. Additionally, a delineation on the engineering plans will be needed for the relocation of gas vents at areas where public access will be heaviest. If need be, it is conceivable to bury gas. transmission header pipes to facilitate the removal of the above ground gas vents at the driving range area. Furthermore, this end use would also require additional monitoring to ensure public health and safety. . 5)1.etter dated October 17, 2001: , The Department has reviewed the change requests presented within the above mentioned letter and finds the following change requests to be acceptable. Change the Barrier Protection Layer material from maximum particle size of 3/8 -inch to 1 -inch providing the particles are round or sub -round and change the minimum temperature for geomembrane installation from 40 OF to 320F as per Part 360. 01 -titter dated October 19, 2001: The Department has reviewed Terry Contracting's proposal for an alternate design to the construction of the gas migration control trenches. We agree with your decision and find the design to be acceptable. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Igor Sikiric of my staff at (631)444-0375. cc: M. Treers, NYSDEC I. Sikiric, NYSDEC J. Bunchuck, Town of Southold I Mulligan, D&B P. Sutherland, TEC Sincerely, Anthony I Cava, P.B. Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer TOTAL P.03 Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Kenneth Shider M/WBE Manager New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12207-2997 Re: D M Shid , . Southold Landfill Closure D&B 1314 November 6, 2001 ear r.. er. Enclosed --please find the EEO and MBE/WBE Work Plan prepared by Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. for closure construction of the Southold Landfill for your review and approval. As noted in the Work Plan, the "On -Site Sources" refer to materials provided by the Town of Southold. If you have any questions with regard to this Work Plan or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam Enclosure, cc: James Bunchuck, Town of Southold James Mulligan, D&B Robert Terry, TC&M 0 1314\TFM01ALTR-09.doc A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, RE. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P. E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P. E. Senior Associates Anthony 0. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Associates Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. Wachsmuth, P.E. Kenneth Shider M/WBE Manager New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12207-2997 Re: D M Shid , . Southold Landfill Closure D&B 1314 November 6, 2001 ear r.. er. Enclosed --please find the EEO and MBE/WBE Work Plan prepared by Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. for closure construction of the Southold Landfill for your review and approval. As noted in the Work Plan, the "On -Site Sources" refer to materials provided by the Town of Southold. If you have any questions with regard to this Work Plan or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/tam Enclosure, cc: James Bunchuck, Town of Southold James Mulligan, D&B Robert Terry, TC&M 0 1314\TFM01ALTR-09.doc A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC. 840 WEST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 ( 6 3 1 ) 727-0170 FAY: (631) 727-0410 November 1, 2001 Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Dvirka and Bartilucci 330 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2015 Re: Southold Landfill Closure D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Maher: In recent conversations with Mr. Kenneth Shider of the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, the following Contract Items were determined to be "Sole -Source" items. As such they may be excluded from the total dollar value of the prime contract when calculating MBE and WBE percentages. Item 6: Contour Grading Material, $108,000 General Fill, and Daily Cover From On -Site Sources Item 8.: Gas Venting Layer From On -Site $168,000 Sources Item 12: Barrier Protection Layer From $280,000 On -Site Sources Item 13A: Vegetative Growth Medium Using $266,000 On -Site Compost and On -Site Sand From Borrow Area - Including Additional Material Needed due to Elimination of Contingency Off -Site Material The total dollar value of the prime contract is $5,216,366.50. The total dollar value of the prime contract minus these "Sole -Source" items is $4,394,366.50. This is the amount that will be used when calculating MBE and WBE percentages for this job. Please contact me with any questions and/or comments. Thank you, cc: James Bunchuck Igor Sikiric 11/1/2001 Page I of 1 coo,H-wTon DrTAiLED EEO A14D MBFJVVtl11; woRK PLAN NzW YOSWS ATE DEPARTNIViT OF RKMOHMEN£AI, CONSERVATION COlAEltitagtlCg1141ytr Ntlm� Contractor Number A4drea Cit? Stots dip Code Gra, tee N*10a _ ProjectlGrant Number Addreae city 7;q (,&-1) Stats /w Zip Code 1197/ llnthoriud $eprraentatiYe Title Authorized Signature Contract Description IPIROJKCM EEU AND MBFIWB3E CONTRACT SUMMARY Percent-AT+taunt Percent Na of WorkMours Employees ), Total Dollar Valaa * >r��6, 3�l fU S• Total Number Empioyeesl work Hours 7 �� , z/3,1 U of the Prime 2. MBE Goal App9ieti o Ud� �6U ` t� 7'olal foal far Minority U/mss S % //6U �iycy�i/,� to the Co+tltict '211, Employees 3, WGE Goal Ap'11e+4 . 7, 9�% y 7, Total Goat for Fcmak /G to The coutract Employe" goy n+wVJ Way Coml�isud - g. EEO Combiacd Totals �F 7 For Iba Office of Amrmative Action Use Only Work Flail Proposed Geab Date Approved Date IDesapprovod Taitials MBE t146fld OM76M-4000]! 1-7 SECTION I - MBC INFORMATION: In order to Achieve the MBC Goals, MINORITY Firms are Expected to Participate in the Following Manner: MBE Firm Description of Work Quantities Involved By MBE Projected MBE Contract Amount and Award Date Contract Schedule Start Date Contract Payment Schedule Project Completion Date name: mxlwro Coonewalw6l C /AJ,�/�i 45eJA161164A& Al Pd y�s�-,�cc ATio�J /v2o 390 $ i ' Date: address: e6q,0 city: .c,Ts C/T state/zip code: telephone: name: ,4 (,d-X-,edN AcdD. C09S address: . 1). 5a 6/Ori cit /,p F state/zip code: ,t) Lf 3 G / Date: telephone: name: $ address: cit state/zip code: Date: telephone: • 1314U'0412018.doc(RO3) 1_8 SECTION D - WBE INFORMATION: In order to Achieve the WBE Goals, WOMEN Firins are Expected to Participate in the Following Manner: WBE Firm Description of Work Quantities Involved By WBE Projected WSE Contract Amount and Award Date Contract Schedule Start Date Contract Payment Schedule Project Completion Bate name.:llaZl lvv-� 'e A.,��ur T.,�ix.4 12,,n r �„'•�� `" /°/� Date: , address- ddress:cit : city: statel code: -v>' //%51/ telephone. s'PP- drr name: address: city: Date: statdzip code.• tel hone name: address: city:-- Date: state/zip code: telephone: 0 f 11VJ041 2Qi &doc(R63) 1-9 F SECTION 111 - EEO INFORMATION: In order to Achieve Ilse EEO Goals, Minorities and Females are Expected to Be . Employed In the Following .lob Categories for the Specified Amount of Work Hours: t Job Categories Total Work -Hours of Contract All Employees Minority Employees Males Females Black Asian Native American Hispanic Officials/ Managers 940 Nks/MaOTH lia0 aarJ Professionals Technicians ` Sales Workers - Office/Clerical %y D N RS Nov �V vo Craftsmen 149 IM007-A 9 2O Laborers 96 a N/zs Service/Workers TOTALS y 3 16 A pas YO • 1468/P0807004.doc(R03) I-io Dvi rka dloD and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 ■ 718-460-3634 • Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P. E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P. E. Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano G. Terry Robert GTe Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pyt!ar, Jr Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Associates Riverhead NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale � Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Submittal 2a Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. Wachsmuth. P. E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Terry: November 5, 2001 We have reviewed submittal 2a — Geocomposite Specifications - Resubmit 1 with respect to the results of the interface friction angle testing provided to our office on October 16, 2001 as Submittal Number 19. Based on the results of the quality control and quality assurance interface friction angle testing results provided by your office and confirmation testing performed by Tectonic Engineering Consultants P.C., the geocomposite is acceptable for all areas of the landfill except were slopes are greater than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1 V). As a result, the proposed geocomposite is not to be used on slopes greater than (3H:1 V). It should be noted that the present graving of the northeast corner area of the landfill is greater. than 3H:1 V, with proposed grades of 2.5H:1 V; therefore, installation of the geocomposite in this area is not acceptable using the presently proposed materials. In addition to the above, please review our letter dated September 12, 2001, with regard to comments requiring revision and resubmittal of the above referenced submittals prior to final approval of the submittals. We have attached a copy of this letter for your information. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Robert G. Terry Page Two Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc November 5, 2001 Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, GLc,cR—GCS Af T mas F. Maher, P. Vice President TF M/MI) Wt/cmc Enclosure cc: �J:—.-B.Muliu`ck:;� I. Sikiric T. Howell J. Mulligan P. Sutherland ♦ 1314\TFMOIALTR-07.DOC Dvirka and 0 Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@woridnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Banilucci, P.E. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Robert T. Burris, P.E. Richard M. Walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Sonlor Associates An" O. Conetta� P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano. Mr. Timothy Howell Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E. do Theore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street Assmiates Rudolph F Cannavale Riverhead, NY 11901 Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glen, P.E. William D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Brian M. Veith, PE. Submittals 2a, 4a and 5a Charles J. Wachsmuth. P.E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Howell: September 12, 2001 We have reviewed the submittals stamped as follows: 2a (Geocomposite Manufacturer Data and Specifications - Resubmit 1) 4a (Geomembrane Manufacturer Data and Specifications - Resubmit 1), 5a (Geomembrane Prequalifications - Resubmit 1) and 16 (Preconstruction Submittals as to 4.3.C.4.a). The submittals were received on August 30, 2001, and in accordance with your stamp have been reviewed with respect to the requirements of Sections 4.4(B)(2), 4.3(C)(1), 4.3(C)(3) and 4.3(C)(4), respectively, of the specifications for the above -referenced project. Our comments are presented below. Comments on Submittal 2a - Geocomposite Manufacturer Data and Specifncation!� 1. The results of the specified interface friction tests must be submitted. 2. Regarding Chenango Contracting's Geocomposite Installation Procedures, there are several inconsistencies between the plan and the specifications. Specific comments are as follows: • Geonet components shall be overlapped by at least 4 inches, not 1 to 4 inches as indicated in the installation procedure. • Cable ties shall be made of nylon not plastic as indicated in the installation procedures. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and. Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Timothy Howell Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. September 12, 2001 Page Two • The installation procedures indicate that geonet will be fastened at 5 -foot intervals longitudinally; however, the specifications require tying at a minimum every 5 feet along the slope, every 1 -foot across the slope,_ every 6 inches in any anchor trench and'every 10 feet on horizontal surfaces. • The installation procedures state that geocomposite should be continuously sewn, wedge welded or leistered on the top layer of geotextile. The specifications state that the top layer of geotextile shall be continuously sewn. The bottom layer of geotextile shall be overlapped. In accordance with the specifications, all terminal ends and edges of the geocomposite (top of slope, toe of slope or lateral limits of the geocomposite) shall be finished by wrapping the ends and edges of the geocomposite with geotextile and heat bonding the geotextile wrap to the bottom and top geotextiles of the geocomposite. • In accordance with the specifications, any holes or tears in the geocomposite shall be repaired by placing a patch extending 2 feet beyond the edges of the hole or tear, not 6 inches as noted in the procedures. • In accordance with the specifications, geocomposite shall not be left exposed to sunlight for more than 14 days, not 30 to 45 days as noted in the procedures. • Defect documentation procedures for the geocomposite drainage layer have not. been provided. Comments on Submittal 4a - Geomembrane Specification and. Submittal 5a - Geomembrane Prequalification 1. Although a letter was provided from Poly -Flex, Inc. ` which states that the geomembrane will meet the specified requirements, be advised that prior to delivery,. notarized certifications are required from the manufacturer stating that each roll conforms to the requirements of the specifications. 2. Chenango Contracting indicates that samples have been shipped for interface friction tests. The results of the interface friction testing must be submitted. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Timothy Howell Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. September 12, 2001 Page Three 3. Poly -Flex, Inc. indicates that the unbound, data sheet of geomembrane properties titled "Southold, NY" is the proposed data product Data Sheet. However, we again note that values for several specified parameters are not shown (e.g., coefficient of linear thermal expansion, volatile loss, water adsorption and resistance to soil burial). Poly -Flex, Inc. indicates that we should refer to the manual for coefficient of linear thermal expansion, volatile loss and water adsorption and then certifies values for soil burial in their letter dated August 10, 2001. We request that all properties be listed on one page so that there is no confusion with regard to the properties and values required for the geomembrane. 4. Although we do not approve at this time, we will consider the proposal to weld below 40° F. if documentation of the claim that NYSDEC permits welding at temperatures of 32° F: is provided. Comments on Submittal 16 - Preconstruction Requirements 1. At this time, we have no comments on the Panel Layout Drawing. 2. An installation schedule has not been provided. Based on the, above we have stamped Submittal 2a, 4a, 5a and 16 "Approved as Noted" contingent upon receipt of the results of the interface friction tests and the specific comments above being satisfactorily addressed. Four (4) complete copies of each submittal shall be provided for final approval. Please do not hesitate to call me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. MDW/DSG(t)/ld,tam cc: J. Bunchuck T. Maher D. Glass R. Terry ♦ 1314\MDWOILTR-01.D0C(RO1) Very truly yo , f0"__ Maria D. Wright, P.E. Dv i rka noand Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS 330 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York, 11797-2015 516-364-9890 • 718-460-3634 ■ Fax: 516-364-9045 e-mail: db-eng@worldnet.att.net Principals Nicholas J. Bartilucci, RE. Henry J. Chlupsa, P.E. Thomas F: Maher, P.E. Robert T. Bums, P.E. Richard M. walka Steven A. Fangmann, P.E. Senior Associates Anthony O. Conetta, P.E. Dennis F. Koehler, P.E. Joseph H. Marturano Mr. Timothy Howell Kenneth!, Pritchard, P.E. Theodore S. Pytlar, Jr. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 840 West Main Street A'g.lates Riverhead, NY 11901 Rudolph F. Cannavale Joseph A. Fioraliso, P.E. David S. Glass, P.E. Wiliam D. Merklin, P.E. Re: Southold Landfill Closure Michael Neuberger, P.E. Submittals 4a and 5a U Brian M. Veith, P.E. Charles J. wachsmuth, P.E. D&B No. 1314 Dear Mr. Howell: November 1, 2001 We have reviewed submittals 4a - Geomembrane Manufacturer Data and Specifications - Resubmit 1 and 5a - Geomembrane Prequalifications - Resubmit 1, with respect to the results of the interface friction angle testing provided to our office on October 16, 2001 as Submittal Number 19. Based on the results of the quality control and quality assurance interface friction angle testing results provided by your office and confirmation testing performed by Tectonic Engineering Consultants P.C.; the geomembrane is acceptable for all areas of the landfill except were slopes are greater than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1 V). As a result, the proposed 60 Mil Textured HDPE Geomembrane is not to be used on slopes greater than (3H:1 V). It should be noted that the present grading of the northeast corner area of the landfill is greater than 3H:1 V, with proposed grades of 2.5H:1 V; therefore, installation of the geomembrane in this area is not acceptable using the presently proposed materials. In addition to the above, please review our letter dated September 12, 2001, with regard to comments requiring. revision and resubmittal of the above referenced submittals prior to final approval of the submittals. We have attached a copy of this letter for your information. A DIVISION OF WILLIAM F. COSULICH ASSOCIATES, P.C. Dvirka and Bartilucci CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Timothy Howell Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc November 1, 2001 Please do not hesitate to contact me at (516) 364-9890 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, 44;7--Wlz� Thomas F. Maher, P.E. Vice President TFM/MDWt/j my Enclosure cc: J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric R. Terry J. Mulligan P. Sutherland ♦ 13 14\tfmO I Altr-05 Page Two