HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/2003,;
01/20,22003 MON 10:05 FAX
J. Bunchuck
T. Maher
R. 'ferry
Town of Southold
Dvirka. and Bartilucci Consulting Pngineers
Terry Contracting & Materials, Ino.
1. Comments on Minutes of Previous (January d, 2003) Meeting
Bob Terry did not have a chzmce to review the minutes and Jim Bunchuck did not
have any comments.
2. Status of lnstallatiozi of Replacement Water Sun Inv Well
The Town has not signed the coziract with the driller. 1't may be signed on January
21, 2003.
3. Status of Constructlon on 17 -acre .Parcel
Bob Terry is screening sand as the Town takes the sand.
4. Replacement of Sand .Along McBride Property and
Gradin of Borrow Pit Perimeter Road and Cut ureas
.As in the previous P-rogress Meeting, Bob Tent' stated that this has been. completed.
The Town and D&B will check.
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5. Status of Completion and Testing of Gas Monitoring Wells
and Coml2letion of Groandwater Monitoring Wells
The gas wells were last tested on December 31, 2002, and no gas was detected. The
groundwater monitoring wells have not been completed.
6_ Status of New Access Road to Cox Lane
Final resolution regarding transfer of property stili is pending.
7. Repair of Erosion Damage Along Swales to Recbar •e Basin No. 3
Bob Terry stated that the exposed geocomposite and geomembrane have been
covered with gravel and the erosion will be repaired in the spring.
S. NYSDEQ Monitoring Well Oversight
All the deep groundwater monitoring wells have been installed. The NYSDEC tvas
informed of the schedule for well installation, but did not come to the site to observe
9. Costs for Additional ftLvAys
Bob Terry is to meet with McLean on January 20, 2003, to develop the costs, and
Bob stated that the costs will be provided to Tom Maher and the Town by 3anytaary 24,
10. Protection of Erasion Control Blanket
Bob Terry stated that the erosion control blanket is being covered properly,
including the ends of the rolls, and most of it is GQmpleted.
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11. Replacement of Concrete Blocks Along Road to 17 -Acre Parcel
This still is being completed as the smooth blocks are being manufactured.
12. Easement Termination
It was discussed that the easements for Corrazini and Fluger will be necessary until
the transition grading and fence installation are completed, which may be the end of March.
13. Retainin 'Wall/Easemept AIona MrBride Prove=
A meeting was held with Jim and Rich McBride on January 14, 2003, to discuss
obtaining an approximate 20 -foot wide permanent vaserneni alorig the landfill property
line. The WBrides stated they will need to discuss this with their father and got back to
the Town. The concept of possibly moving the road up on to the landfill was discussed at
the meeting, which will be evaluated by D&B.
14. Filling of T.eg_f Bags
Jim Bunchuck stated that Bob Terry had 200 degradable bags filled with leaves for
the Town's pilot project to evaluate how well the bags decompose over the winter.
15. Grading of Transition Area
Torn Maher stated that D&B was evaluating the slopes along the eastern transition
areas to determine if adjustments are necessary where slopes may be too great to tie into
the original elevations at the property line. The goal will be to complete the transition areas
by the end of February.
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1 G. Split Rail Fence Proposal
Bob Terry stated that he will provide a. cost estimate to the Town on January 21,
17. Removal of Fluger Material
Jim Bunchuck will notify lyluger next week that the temporary road will be removed
in the near future.
18. Schedule for Completion of All Remaining Wo
The December 20, 2002, check list of remaining work was reviewed and it was
stated by Bob Teary that grinding of brush and trees stockpiled by the Mc13'ride, property;
removal of debris in the swales; and placement of additional stone in the swale at the
intersection of the /rain access road and road leading to the 17 -acre parcel and at the west
side of the main access road was complete. It was agreed that fine grading of RCA
betweer) the roads and the swales will be performed in the spring when the topsoil is
19. Charges to Landfill Project for 1 gnnanent Road to 17 -Acre parcel
Tom Maher stated that constniction of the permanent road to the 17 -acre parcel has
been charged to the landfill closure project when it should have been charged to the
compost facility. Bob Terry did not include this in his costs for construction of the
compost facility. Bob claimed that Jim Bunchuck directed him to charge it to the landfill;
however, Jim has no recollection of this. Final charges of the permanent road still are to be
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20. Now Portion of Road to the BorrGW Pit
Bob Terry stated that RCA and asphalt will be added in the spring to achieve the
minimum 30 -foot roadway width. Also, additional RCA will be added to the two
turnarounds on the eastern portion of the landfill to achieve the minimum 50400t diameter.
21. Removal of Debris
Bob Terry will pay tbo Town $2,000 to take Bob's cap construction related debris.
Bob will have Corrazini take the asphalt debris.
22. Eastern Drainm System Catch Basin No. 2 Repair
Jim Mulligan had reported that the walls of this catch basin had been damaged.
Bob Terry will inspect the catch basin to determine what repairs need to be made.
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