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05/01/2002 WED 12;97 FAX
Attendees -
I, Sikiric
C. Fritz
T. Maher
J. Mulligan
R. Terry
- Affiliation
Dvvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers -
D3virka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
Terry Contracting & Materials
1. Minutes of Previans (A,ril 1.9. 2002) Meeting
Bob Terry said he had not as yet read these minutes. 1sTo other comments were
given by anyone.
2. - Status of Surveyna and Staking of Eastern portion of Landfill by McLean
Bob Terry said Mcf.ean was out this week grade staking the eastern half of the
landfill, and will be, back this coming Monday and Tuesday to complete the staking, and
this coming Thursday to do the topographic survey of the top of waste on northern two
thirds (northern and central ronounds). Bob Terry estimates that 5,000 cy of waste still is
to be placed on the eastern portion. Verbal agreement between Bob and Tom was
reached whereby this waste would be placed to a Nigher elevation ($1 ft.) on the central
and southern mounds and feathering in the waste down the west slopes on the central and
southern mounds and southern side slope on the southern mound while still directing the
same runoff to the swales as shown on the grading plan. Bob Terry said the grading of
this waste would be finished by the end of May when the waste under the temporary road
(ter 17 -acre parcel) is finally removed.
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3. Non otable Well
Not discussed (see minutes of April 19, 2002, meeting). -
4. West Half of Landfill — Status and Plan for Completion
Not discussed (see minutes of April 19, 2002, meeting).
5. Status of Submittals
Not discussed (see minutes of April 19, 2002, meeting).
6. Vegetative Cover Mix — Agronomist Certification/Revised Report and -
Testing by University of Massachusetts frown) and Cornell (Terry)
Bob Terry still is waiting for results of testing by Cornell Cooperative- Extension. -
Jim Bunchuck gave a copy of the University of Massachusetts test results to Tom Maher,
which showed the organic content of the mixed sample to be 3.8%. (J. Mulligan, B.
Terry and I. Sikiric were given copies as well,)
7. - Status of Sand.Screening and Testing
Bob Terry said they are on hold with sand screening at the present time.
8: - Soil Test Results
Bob Terry said some soil test results are still to be received from -their laboratory. -
Jim Mulligan is to check with Chris Morris on this matter also.
9. Status of Backfill of Recliarge Basin #4
and Construction of Eastern Dr inage Ey m
Bob Terry said they will begin construction of the drainage system soon, after
finishing the grading of waste on the eastern side.
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10. Status of T4s -Built Drawing for Southwest Drainage Svstern
Tom Maher informed Bob Terry that manhole MH -3 is too high and will need to
be lowered (0.4 foot) to achieve the design inlet invert elevation due to the need to meet
the design flow/capacity of the drainage system in the area of the residences. Bob agreed
to do it although he felt it was not necessary.
11. Regarding Area of Shroder Proverty
Bob Terry indicated this is almost completed.
12. Schedule to Manufacture Topsoil
Not discussed.
13. - Schedule of Work for Next Week
Bob Terry submitted a copy of their weekly work schedule which shows the work
items through May 17, 2002.
14. Revised Construction Schedule to Complete Project
Bob Terry gave Tom Maher, Jim Mulligan, and Igor Sikiric a copy of Terry's -
letter to Tom Maher dated April 25, 2002, requesting an extension of time to November
I, 2002, for substantial completion of work. Tom Maher said he would review the
request. Bob Terry said he thinks realistically that he can complete the job by October 1,
2002, but since the Town could hold him to the contract liquidated damages
(52,000/day), he wants to hold to the November 1, 2002, date.
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15. ChmRe., Orders
Tom Maher wit] review the change orders he has..
16. - Shop Drawing for Stilling Basin
Dian Mulligan is to review the drawing submitted by Terry especially as to
whether a concrete floor is needed in the basin up to the pipe invert.
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