HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/200205/21/2002 TUE 12:50 FAX z Attendees; Name J. Bunchuok T. Maher J. Mulligan R. Terry T. Howell C. Fritz I. Sikiric TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE MINUTES OF MAY X6, 2002 PROGRESS MEE'T'ING Affiliation Town of Southold Dvirka and Baedlucci Consulting Engineers Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 'Terry Contracting c&. Materials, Inc Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. NYSDEC NYSDEC 1. Minutes of Previous (May 9, 2002) Meeting No comments by R Terry or anyone else at the meeting. 2. - Status of Sun eyink of Pastern Portion of L g—ndfill by MgLean McLean was on-site today to prepare as -built topography of the eastern portion of the landfill, as well as shooting pipe invert elevations for the eastem drainage system, and Maxibole 43 in the southwest draivaage system which recently was reset by Terry Contracting. 3. Status of Fire Department Plm to Install the Nonpotable Supply Well Jim Bunchuck reported that he still does not have the cost estimate from the Fire Department but will call them today to get it. Jim said fhe rough estimate for the well is between $15,000 to $20,000, plus the electrical cost. 41314fr0517201(R01) 1 ID003/008 05/21/2002 TUE 12:51 FAX 4. Status of Submittals Tim Howell gave Tom Maher plans for the eastern drainage system and apparently is otherwise up-to�-date. 5. Additional Tcst:ng of Vegetative Cover Mix by the Town arid Ten y Three split samples of vegetative cover mix were taken by I Bunchuck; -J. Mulligan and T. Howell, The Town forwarded their samples to Boo Tess: and Terry forwarded their samples to Cornell for analyses. Two of the samples had a mix of 3 parts compost/2 parks topsoil/1 part sand, and the third sample had a min. of 2 parts compost and 1 part topsoil. 6. Status of Completion of Permanent Pad for 17 -acre Parcel The Town has removed much of their brush material along the western s'. of the 17 -acre parcel and Terry is continuing to expand the permanent pad in that area 7. Status of Sand Screelung and Testing Bob Terry wanted the minutes to reflect that his power screener has beeil sitting idle for one month on the 17 -acre parcel. No sand screening was performed d,_ring this time nor at present. S- Status of Soil Test Results Tim Howell said Terry Contracting is up-to-date with the required sail testing. 01314fr0SI7201(RO1) 2 i Z 004/008 05/21/2402 TUE 12:51 FAX i 9. Plan and Schedule for Lowering Manhole 93 along Southwest Drainage System Bob Terry reported this work has been done and McLean is surveying the manhole today. 1-0. Planbr Eudigrd'n Area by Shroder Property Bob Terry said they will be backfilling part of the eastern drainage system near the Shroder property starting tomorrow and the final regrading subsequently can be looked at after this is completed.. 11. Schedule to M[auufacturt a Topsoil Jim Bunchuck is concerned with possibly having to screen more compost beyond the 15,000 cy he estimates currently stockpiled. All agreed, that no decision can be made on manufacturing the topsoil (vegetative cover mix) until the laboratory results are received from the samples recently taken for organic content analysis. 12, Daily Schedule of Work for Next 2 Weeps Bob Terry will submit written schedule tomorrow. He said Chenango is scheduled to lay liner in the area of the permanent road in the southwest area starting Monday, May 20, 2002. 13. Status of Request for Time Extension Tom Maher has spoken to Town Board member John Romanelli, who will be speaking to other Board members for consideration of approval of Terry's time extension request. If approved, the time extcnsion would set the dates for substantial completion on November 1, 2002, and find completion on December 1, 2002. e1310mOS17201(k0l) - 3 Z005/008 05/21/2002 TUE 12:52 FAX, 14. Plan/Proposal for Placement of Subgrade and Gas Venting Laver on East Side of Landfill and to Complete West Side Tom Maher said John Romanelli gave permission to use 22,000 cy of "screened" sand from existing stockpile in southwest corner of Borrow Pit for use over waste on eastern portion of the landfill. Bob Teaay said he plans to cover the eastern portion with two lifts (first HFt 6" to 9" depth) since compaction in most areas will be done using a bulldozer. This work is to start probably on Monday, May 20, 2002. Chenango is to install the liner in the southwest area of the landfill on the same day. Bob Terry handed out a letter to Torn Maher dated May 16, 2002, wherein he outlined the justification for extra cost in transporting material from the 17 -acre parcel. 15. Status of April 12, 2002, Project Schedule as of May 16 2002 Sout western Drainage System (MH -3) - Bob Terry reported this has been completed. Eastern Drahog v tem - Bob Terry reported work continuing but, because Corrazini's worker knocked out several stakes, Terry lost about a half day of work and it cost hire $800 for McLean surveyors to restake. Tom Maher recommended to Jim Bunchuck to have the Town deal with Corrazini on this matter. Gas Monitoring Wells - Bob Terry reported that Cassola. Well Drillers have been on-site for abandonment of wells and will be on-site later to install new gas monitoring wells after Chenango has installed liner in southwest portion of the landfall. - Groundwater Monitoring Wells - Agreed that these wells would be installed at a later date. - Siren, Electrical Service and Telephone Service - Bob Terry said he is awaiting word from their electrician. 16. Responses - Stilling Basin Shop Drawigg Information— Has been submitted. cx1.1141Mp 17201(RGI) 4 Z 00a/00s 05/21/2002 TUE 12:52 FAX - Cost Proposal for Placement of 18" Sub �rade/GVL Lift — Bob Terry has submitted to T. Maher. henana® CostBackufor Phased Ling Installation of West Side — Bob Terry said Chenango still is working on this item. 17.Other 1' Bob Terry recominended the possible use of Jersey barriers in lieu of curving and guardrail along the permanent road to the Compost Facility. Torr Maher said he would give this consideration and asked Bob Terry to submit a proposal including casts. Bob agreed to do so. Also, Tom Maher explained that as a cost savings measure, the plan is to eliminate the plantings on the cap and in the Borrow Pit, but wants to retain plantings along the southern landfill boundary. Torn asked Bob Terry to submit a proposal on such plantings which Bob aged to do. 01314lrO31r.01(ROl) - S Z 007/008 i 1 i /f �I Z 007/008