HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/24/200205/129/2002 WED 14:24 FAX Attendees; Name J. Bunchuck T. Maher J. Mulligan R. Terry T. ]Howell TOWN OF SOUTHOLID LANDFILL CLOSURE MINUTES OF MAY 24, 2002 PROGRESS A EE TrNG Aif'llzation Town of Southold Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers - Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers 'ferry Contracting & Materials, Inc Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 1. Minutes of Previous (May 16.200-T) Meeting No comments by anyone: 2. Status of Surveying of Eastern Portion of Landfill, Eastern Drains eSyst= and Martial #, 3 by McLean Tim Howell said he sent invert elevations shot by McLean for the eastern drainage system (MH #1 through MH #4) to Tom Maher; however, they were in fact not sent based on follow-up by Tom. While; MH 43 (S!W drainage system) was reset and the elevation react by McLean, the elevation of the entrance invert still was found to be high (essentially no change). McLean is to reshoot the invert elevation on Tuesday or Wednesday (May 2s or May 29) 3. Cost for Fire Degartment to Install the Nonpotable SmDly_Well Jim Bunchuck said he expects to have the cost next week after the electriciax-i measures the distance for the electric hookup to the well. �1314/P05262U1(R0]) 1 [?1002/0()6 05/29/2002 SOED 14:25 FAX 4. Status of Submittals Tim Howell said he owes D&B the certifications for the liner rolls. S. 'fest Results of Vegetative Cover Mix by the ToiNm and Terry Jim Mulligan handed out the Town's test results by Eco Test on the three samples split by Terry Contracting and the Town. Bob Terry said he still is awaiting their results from Cornell, Jim Bunchuck said he estimates the Town. has 13,000 cy of screened compost at present and, since an estimated 7,000 cy is needed, he asked Bob Terry for a cost to screen this additional auantity of compost. Tom Maher expressed concern with the timing for this operation. 6. Status of Camoletion of permanent Pati for 17 -acre Parcel Bob Terry said they are still working on the peananent pad, but gave no estimate for time of completion. i 7. Status of Sand Screening and Testing No screening being performed by Terry. Tom Maher asked Jim Mulligan to estimate the quantity of screened sand presently stockpiled on the 17 -acre parcel. B. SWW of Soil Test Results Tim Howell agreed to compile all soil test results to date and Jim Mulligan is to forward any results that Tectonic does not have to Pete Sutherland. 0 1314/rOS28201(ROl) 2 0003/006 05129/2002 WED 14:25 FAX 41 i 9. Status of Further Regrading Area of Shroder Property This area still needs regrading and will be done after the eastern drainage system is completed. 10. Schedule to Manufacture Topsoil See Item S 11. Daily Schedule of Mr -k- for Ng&t TwQ Weeks Tom Maher said he will hold up payment to Term if the schedule is not submitted shortly. Tim Howell will develop the schedule and give it to Jim Mulligan by the end of today. 12. Status of Request for Time ]Extension The Town Board is to meet on June 3, 2002) to consider Terry's time extension request. 13. Schedule for Construction of Permanent Road This work will be performed shortly and Tom Maher said he will send out a road inspector from D&B who specializes in this work. 14. Status of A,prll 12.2002 Project Schedule as of May 24, 2002. - Southwestern Drainage System — MIS 63 invert elevation is to be reshot by McLean on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week to determine if the manhole still must be lowered. 0 1314lr0526201(ROI) 3 C' r 2004/006 05129/2002 WED 14:20 FAX - Eastern Drama. eeSS,vstem — Work in progress with manholes and piping installed fram MH #1 through MH #4. Invert elevations shot by McLean have been sent to D&B (see item '"I). - Gas Monitoring Wells — Most wells abandoned and new wells to be installed in southwestern area as soon as possible. - Groundwater Monitoring Wells — All existing wells have been abandoned properly and Bob Terry said he will check with Casola for a schedule to install the new monitoring wells. - Siren. Electrical Service and Telephone Service Jim Bunchuck gave Bob Terry the go-ahead to perform this work. 14. Responses Due: - Stillin, B� asin Shop DI -awing Information — Bob Terry acknowledged owing this to D&B. Cost ProposaY for Placement of 18" Subarade/CrVL Lift — Tom Maher has responded in writing to Terry's cost proposal. - Chenango Cost Backur) for Phased Luer Installation of West Side — Torn Maher said he still has not received this and Bob Terry said he will follow up in submitting same. 01914/T052B201(R01) 4 20051,006