HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/200207/16/2002 TUE 13:34 FAX
T. Maher
J. Mulligan
R. Terry
T. Howell
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
Dvirka and Bartilueoi Consulting Engineers
Terry Contracting & Materials. Inc
Terry Contracting, & Materials, Inc.
1. Minutes of Previous (July 2.2002) Meeting
No comments by anyone.
2. Status of Submittals
Tim Howell and Bob Terry acknowledged subr4ssions to be made on erosion control,
IBCA laboratory results for permanent road and Mer roll certifications.
3. Status of Construction cif 17-Aarc:P_aros;I
Bob Tcrry said nothing further was done since what was reported at the last progress
meeting regarding construction of the pad; however, wood chips have been removed from the
northern three acres and at least a portion of the area is available for screening of sand,
Wood chips were removed from the northern three acres and put into Borrow Pit. Most
of the three acres are available for screening sand.
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4. Status of Sand Screening and Testing
Bob Terry said there is no screening taking place at the present time.
5. Status of Soil Test Resu
Tim Howell completed the compilation of soil test results and had given a copy to both
Barry Quimet (Tectonic Engineering) and Jim Mulligan. Tectonic had found a discrepancy and
Tina is to make correction and resubmit to all parties.
6. Status of Grading in Area of Shroder Prop! rty
Bob Terry said the final grading of this area will not be performed right now since his
vehicles need to access the east half of the landfill from the area by Sbroders property for laying
BPL and vegetative cover mix.
7. Schedule to Manufacture Toosoi[
Most of the vegetative cover mix has been blended, but it must be screened with the
screening started as of today. A second split sample of the blend had been taken by D&B and r
Terry several days ago. D&B's sample was analyzed by Tectonic's laboratory and showed an
organic content of 16.8% compared to the first sample with an organic content of 11.1°/x.
Terry's second split sample results have not been received from their laboratory as yet.
$. Daily Schedule of Work for Next 2 Weeps
Tim. Howell will submit the schedule shortly.
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9. Schedule for Construction of Permanent Road
The fabric and RCA are to be peat down over the BPL next week, as well as the asphalt.
It was Agreed that the .RCA could be installed in a single 8 -inch lift (specifications required 6 -
inch maximum lift), but that 95% compaction must be achieved as per the specifications.
However, approval toproceed with placement of the RCA is pending receipt of the correci test
results as specified in the contract documents.
10. Statics of Installation of Gas Monitoring bells Along Southwestern Boundary
While the four wells have been installed, Cassola Well Drillers still must install the
petcocks for sampling. It was agreed that one (methane) reading would be taken weekly from
each of the four wells by Terry.
11. Response Due on C'henango Cost 13ackup for phased Liner Installation on West Silo:
Bob Terry acknowledged that this response is dill clue to D&13.
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1. Minutes of Previous (July 2, 2002) Meeting
2. Status of Submittals
3. Status of Construction on 17 -acre Parcel
4. Status of Sand Screening and Testing
5. Status of Soil Test Results
6. Status of Grading in Area of Shroder Property
7. Schedule to Manufacture Topsoil
8. Daily Schedule of Work for Next 2 Weeks
9. Schedule for Construction of Permanent Road
10. Status of Installation of Gas Monitoring Wells along Southwestern Boundary s_
11. Response due:
- Revised Chenango Cost Backup for Phased Liner Installation on West Side
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