HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/20020£1/17/2002 TUE 13:40 FAX
T. Maher
J. Mulligan
R. Terry
T. Rowell
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc.
Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc.
1. Minutes of Previous (August 30 and September 5. 2002) Mectinsas
Bob Terry pointed out that in item. 7 of the August 30, 2002, minutes, where it is stated
that issues were resolved between Jim Mulligan .and Jamie Richter, this was not the case. As it
turned out, the same issues still were under discussion at the September 5, 2002, progress
meeting, There were no other comments provided by anyone.
2. Status of Submittals
Tirn Howell said he owes a submittal on the plantings and a response to D&B's
comments on his fencing submittal. Tim will respond by next week. Regarding fencing, Bob
Terry asked if a 9 -inch diameter bore hole would be adequate for the fence posts. Tom Maher
checked with his office and told Bob that the fence line posts can have a 9-Wch bore hole, but
that the corner and gate posts must have 12 -inch bore holes.
?. Status of Sand Screening, Tonsoil Manufacture and Testing
Tim Howell said they are continuing to manufacture topsoil (vegetative cover mix) and
that the tests show a pH between 6 and 7 and an organic content between 7 and 9 percent.
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4. Status of Soil Test Result d Resolution of Three Gas Vent Layer Samples
Jim Mulligan has asked Peter Sutherland about Terry's explanation of the problem
regarding the three gas vent layer samples. Peter told Jim he has not seen the letter. Jim will
send a copy to Peter for his review.
5. Status of Installation of Replacemerit of Water Supply Well
No discussion on this item since it is being handled by the Town and Jim Bunchuck was
not at this meeting to provide an update.
G. Daily Schedule of Work for Next 2 Weeks
Tun Howell distributed the work schedule for the next week. Fencing was not on the
schedule and Tom Maher asked Bob Terry why the fencing has not been installed along the
southern property line by the residents this week as previously agreed. Bob said he will begin
the fencing tomorrow or Monday at the latest and it will be completed by next week (from the
cornea near the scale house to the southwest corner of the 17 -acre parcel).
7. Status of Construction on 17 -Acre Parcel
Bob Terry will submit a construction schedule, including costs, by next weep. The, costs
will detail all additional work not in the original contract, both completed and fiiture work to
complete the 17 -acre site. All of the drainage pipe has been delivered to the site. McBean has
staked the edge of the entrance road and drainage structures. Bob said the fence along the
southerly boundary would be about 20 feet from Route 48.
8. Replacement of Sand Along the McBride Property
Bob Terry said nothing has been done as yet regarding this item.
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9. Status of Completion and Testing of Gas
Monitoring Wells Along_ Southwestern Boundary_
Jim Mulligan said the four gas monitoring wells would be tested tomorrow. Tom Maher
said that the scale house likewise should be tested weekly in addition to the wells.
10. Proposal ror Plantings Along Southern Bound
Torn Maher was informed that Bob Terry, Tial Howell and Jim Mulligan recently met
with Jing Bunchuck to review several planting options prepared by Bob and Tim. Jim Bunchuck
has decided on one of the options calling for 152 red cedar along the southwestem property line
near the residents. The 5-6 foot cedars would cost approximately $26,000. Bob Terry said he
will submit this proposal to D&B by next week.
11. Abandonment of Existing Landfill Well
Nothing further has been done and the casing still needs to be cut and filled with cement
above the bentonite grout.
12. Status of Revised Construction Schedule
Terry is slightly behind schedule for the start of hydroseeding and installation of the
erosion control blanket which Bob said is not a significant problem given the schedule's time
frame to complete this work.
13. Status for Installation of Vinyl Coated Fence Along, Boundary of Residential Area
See item 2.
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14. Price for Construction of Asphalt Curb Along Permanent Road
Bob Terry will submit in writing the cost of $2.75 per lineal foot for Corazini to construct
the asphalt curbing. Tom Maher said he will prepare a change order to cover this item, as well as
the concrete blocks along the permanent road and the elimination of guide rail and concrete curb.
15, Status of Establishment of a Work Area Alone Southeast Boundary of Landfill
Tom Maher told Jim Mulligan to talk to Jim Bunchuck as soon as possible since this
work area will be needed soon by Terry. Bob Terry said he will fence the agreed upon area.
16. Metes and Bounds for New Access Road
Bob Terry said that Jim Bunchuck told lulu he will soon have the metes and bounds.
17. Maintenance of the Borrow Pit Perimeter Road and Grading of the Cut Areas
All agreed that a perimeter road, say 15 feet wide, will be needed at the top of the borrow
pit adjacent to the property fencing.
18. Other
Bob Terry said he will apply 200 pounds of seed mix per acre rather than the 125 pounds
per acre as required in the specifications. Given that, Tam Maher said that no credit would be
sought for the hydroinulch required, but which will not be applied. Bob Terry said winter wheat
seed will be added to the seed mix only when the weather turns cold. The Town has agreed to
purchase the wildflower seeds which Terry will add to the mix for the southern portion of the
east side of the landfill_
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1. Minutes of Previous (August 30 and September 5, 2002) Meetings
2. Status of Submittals
3. Status of Sand Screening, Topsoil Manufacture and Testing
4. Status of Soil Test Results and Resolution of 3 Gas Vent Layer Samples
5. Status of Installation of Replacement Water Supply Well
6. Daily Schedule of Work for Next 2 Weeks
7. Status of Construction on 17 -acre Parcel
8. Replacement of Sand Along the McBride Property
9. Status of Completion and Testing of Gas Monitoring Wells along Southwestern
10. Proposal for Plantings Along Southern Boundary
11. Abandonment of Existing Landfill Wall.
12. Status of Revised Construction Schedule
13. Status of Installation of Vinyl Coated Fence Along Boundary of Residential Area
14. Price for Construction of Asphalt Curb Along Permanent Road
15. Status of Establishment of a Work Area Along Southeast Boundary of LandfUl
16. Metes and Bounds for New Access Road
17. Maintenance of the Borrow Pit Perimeter Road and Grading of the Cut Areas