HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/2002TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE Attendees: Name J. Bunchuck J. Romanelli T. Maher F. DeVita R. Terry T. Howell MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, 2002 PROGRESS MEETING Affiliation Town of Southold Town of Southold Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc.- Comments nca Comments on Minutes of Previous (November 7, 2002) Meeting and Minutes of October 25 and 31, 2002 Bob Terry indicated that he will comment on previous meeting minutes in writing. Jim Bunchuck requested that Bob provide a letter proposing erosion control procedures to provide protection of the barrier protection layer until topsoil is placed in Spring 2003. This item originally was requested at the November 7, 2002, Progress Meeting. 2. Status of Submittals Discussions were held concerning submittals remaining for the project. Currently, the erosion control submittal for application in Recharge Basin No. 3 (MACMAT) has not been submitted. Timothy Howell indicated that he is waiting for literature from the manufacturer. 3. Status of Sand Screening, Topsoil Manufacture and Testing Bob Terry indicated that sand screening on the 17 -acre parcel for completion of the barrier protection layer has been completed. Additional sand screening on the 17 -acre parcel will continue upon approval of Town bonding and authorization to proceed. 0 1314/r1120203 1 4. Status of Soil Test Results Tim Howell indicated that conformance sampling for all barrier protection layer material is up to date. 5. Status of Installation of Replacement Water Supply Well Jim Bunchuck indicated that the bids were received for the installation of the replacement water supply well on November 12, 2002. Due to the fact that the lowest bid received was greater than the Town had budgeted, Jim Bunchuck stated that the work would not proceed until approval for additional funding was obtained from the Town Board. 6. Daily Schedule of Work for Next Week Bob Terry indicated that the following work will be completed for the week ending November 22, 2002: • Construction of the RCA maintenance roadways • Replacement of fill near McBride property line. Bob Terry indicated that he would provide a cost estimate for construction of the reinforcement wall along the maintenance road bordering McBride's property. Bob Terry presented a proposal to use RCA in place of stone on the northern side of the southwest maintenance road down into the swale. Bob indicated that it was his preference to use RCA rather than stone due to the instability of the stone fill on the given slope. Tom Maher agreed to review Bob's proposal. 0 1314/r1120203 2 Bob Terry indicated that all paving work would not occur until Spring 2003. Jim Bunchuck stated that it would be the Town's preference to complete this work as soon as possible. Bob acknowledged this and agreed to schedule the work within the next few weeks. 7. Status of Construction on 17 -acre Parcel No work is being undertaken pending additional Town bonding and authorization to proceed. 8. Replacement of Sand Along the McBride Property Bob Terry indicated that the replacement of sand along the McBride property currently is being performed and should be completed by the end of the week. 9. Status of Completion and Testing of Gas Monitoring Wells along_ Southwest Boundary Wells still need sampling ports to be installed. Testing of wells this week did not detect methane gas. 10. Status of Installation of Vinyl Coated Fence Along Boundary of Residential Area and Route 48 Fence along western boundary by residential areas and Route 48 is pending additional Town bonding and authorization to proceed on the 17 -acre parcel. Bob Terry was notified that the installation of the 12 foot fencing in southeast corner of landfill has not been started. Bob agreed to install this fencing in the near future. Jim Bunchuck indicated that this work could not be performed on Wednesday November 20, 2002. 01314/T1120203 3 11. Status of New Access Road to Cox Lane This work will be addressed after the Town takes title to the property. 12. Maintenance of the Borrow Pit Perimeter Road and Grading of the Cut Areas Bob Terry indicated that the maintenance of the perimeter road is currently being addressed, together with the replacement of sand along the McBride property. Jim Bunchuck indicated that the NYSDEC had requested all slopes in this area will need to be vegetated as part of restoration activities in the Borrow Pit. Jim indicated that he will request approval from the NYSDEC to address this issue in Spring 2003 once the project is complete. Bob Terry addressed concerns with regard to the elimination of all restoration work in the Borrow Pit. It was agreed that Tom Maher and Bob Terry would review a summary of all project additions and deletions to estimate current budget status prior to further discussion. Jim Bunchuck indicated that he would like to access to the Borrow Pit as soon as possible as a storage location for wood chips. Tom requested that Bob Terry provide an approximate area that he would require to manufacture topsoil in the Borrow Pit. In addition, Jim indicated that the Town will be able to provide 7,500 cubic yards of compost by March 15, 2002, to be used in the manufacture of topsoil to complete the project. 13. Privacy Slats Along New Access Road to Cox Lane This work will be addressed after the Town takes title to the property. John Romanelli indicated that the Town would have no objections to eliminating this item from the project unless otherwise determined. 01314/1'1120203 4 14. Repair of Erosion Damage Along Swales to Recharge Basin No. 3 Bob Terry indicted that this work still has not been completed. 15. NYSDEC Approval of Monitoring Well Construction Proposed by TC&M Tim Howell indicated that the proposed procedures have been approved by the NYSDEC. A letter of approval from the NYSDEC would be provided to D&B. 16. Silt in Recharge Basin No. 3 After inspection, Tim Howell and Frank DeVita indicated that there were merely traces of silt in the floor of Recharge Basin No. 3. Therefore removal of material from this area would not be required. 17. Results of Samples from Town Highway Department Topsoil Sample results indicated compliance with the specification requirement for organic content; however, the pH of the material was slightly lower than the specifications. 18. Status of Items to be Completed for Substantial Completion Bob Terry and Tim Howell stated the status of the following Substantial Completion items: • Relocate General Fill from Recharge Basin No. 1 and utilize for McBride property transition area. • Final Grading of Recharge Basins No. 1 and 2 to be addressed in a letter from Bob Terry. • Construction of Recharge Basin No. 3 to be completed in two to three weeks. 0 1314/r1120203 5 1 • Completion of southwest drainage system into Recharge Basin No. 1 possibly this week. • Completion of eastern drainage system into Recharge Basin No. 3 not addressed. • Completion of main access road this week. Concrete aprons and asphalt paving to be completed within the next two weeks. • Completion of RCA maintenance roads this week. 19. Status of Items to be Completed for Final Completion Discussions were held concerning liquidated damages ,for all Final Completion items not completed by December 1, 2002, other than topsoil placement work associated with the postponement (i.e. — seed application, erosion control, etc.). Bob Terry indicated that liquidated damages would cost the Town additional money should they apply. 01314/T1120203 1.1 I .i 11/14/2002 THU 10:37 FAX SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE AGENDA ITEMS FOR NOVEMBER BER IS 2002, FROG SS lb}(]ETING 1. Comments on Minutes of previous kNovetnber 7, 2002) Meeting and Minutes of October 25 and 31, 2002, 2. Status of Submittals Z069/009 3. Status of Sand Screening, Topsoil Manufacture and 'Testing 4. Status of Soil Test Results °\`164-tt 3. Status of Installation of Replacement Water Supply Well id e- j/ 6, Daily Schedule of Worts for Next Weep rev Status of Construction on 17 -acre Parcel 8. Replacement of Sand Along the McBride Property 9. Status of Completion and Testing ©f Gas Monitoring Wells along Southwestern Boundary 10. Status of Installation of Vinyl Coated Fence Along Boundary of Residential Area and Route 48 11. Sravus of New Access Road to Cox Lane 12. Maintenance of the borrow Pit Perimeter Road and Grading of the Cut Areas 13. Privacy Slats .Along New Access Road to Cox Lane 14. repair of Erosion Damage Along Swages to Recharge Basin No. 3 15. NYSDK-:C: Approval of Monitoring Well Construction Proposed by TC&Irk 16. Silt in Recharge Basin No. 3 1?. Results of Sarn.plcs from Towel Highway Department Topsoil 1$. States of Items to be Completed for Substantial Comptetion 19. Status of items to be �Completed for l-� inal Cwnpletion iv„ •r`e � S44" — lci1314M 113202( -,RC