HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/200212/16/2002 MON 16:32 FAX TOWN OF SOUTHOL D LANDFILL CLOSUR14C Attendees: Name J. Bunchuck T. Maher .1. Mulligan R. Terry T. Howell MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 2002 PROGRESS MEETING A1fiiiation Town of Southold Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. 1. QMments on Minutes of Previous (November 18 and 27 2002) Meetings Bob Terry said he is sending a letter to Tam Maher on the comments he has, but there is nothing major. 2. Status of Submittals and Response to November 18, 2002, Lotter Tim Howell said he will provide a response to the November 1$, 2002, letter by the enol of next week. 3. Status of Sand Screening, Topsoil Manufacture and BPL Testing Tim Howell said all BPL test results will be compiled and given to Jinn Mulligan next week. There is no sand screening being performed at present. 4. Status of Soil/Soil BPL Test Results See Item No. 3 0 1314."T1213204(R01) 1 ra003i0os 121161/2002 MON 16:32 FAX S. Status of Installation of Replacement Water Sagly Well Jim Btmehuck said that Peconic Well has been awarded the contract and that he believes work may start around the begiimaiing of January 2003. He is waiting to hear from the Fire District's attorney. Jima Mulligan is to contact Jamie Richter to see if Jamie will provide construction oversight. 6_ Status of Coustraction on 17 -acre Parcel The road leading down to the 17 -acre parcel was paved with 2'/z inches of base asphalt (Town specifications) yesterday by P. Corazzini. Today, Terry's men are laying fabric and RCA at the base of the road to connect with the existing RCA pad. More of the drainage system has been installed and the recharge basin has been rough graded. Fabric acid IBCA also has been extended approximately 100 feet further south. Terry intends to continue work on the parcel through the winter. 7. Replacement of Sand Along the McBride Property The sant] has been replaced, but grading of the Borrow Pit perimeter road still is to be performed. Jiro Bunchuck agreed to have the gabion baskets and stone installed along the northern edge of the west maintenance road. Tim Howell said it will take about one week to get the baskets and will take about two days for installation. Grading of the perimeter road will be performed at ihat time as well. Torn Maher will approve Terry's proposal and cost estimate to do the gabion work. 8. Status of Completion and Testing of Gas Monitoring Wells alone Southwest Boundan Jim Mulligan said the four gas monitoring wells were tested and no gas detected. 01314,71213204(ROI) 2 Z004/009 12/16/2002 MON 16:32 FAX 9, Status of Installation of Vinyl Coated Fence Alone BoundM of residential Area, and Route 48 Bob Terry said the fencing work will begin today and be completed by next week. Tom Maher expressed his disappointment that the work was not started yesterday as had previously been promised by Bob Terry. Bob said it had not started yesterday because Chris Zito was out sick. Jim Bunchuck said he would like the 12 -foot fencing installed as soon as possible by the recycling center area, Bob Terry said this fencing would be installed during January 2003. 10. Status of New Access Road to Cox Lane Jim Bunchuck said he still is waiting to hear from the Health Dcpartment regarding any soil cleanup that may have to be performed along the proposed access road. Assuming no remediation is required, Jim sees the Town then moving ahead with the land exchange. I I Maintenance of the Borrow Pit Perimeter Road and Grading of the Cut Areas See Item No. 7. 12. Repair of Erosion Dama a Along Swales to Recharge Basin No. 3 Bob Terry indicated that this will be addressed when Recharge Basin No. 3 is constructed, 13. NYSDEC Monitoring Well ARp oval Tim Howell said this has been taken care of. 01314,71213204(R.OI) 3 2005/009 12/16/2002 MON 16:33 PAX 14, Results of Samples from Town Highv��av 1aPoartment Topsoil Tont Maher said the four individual samples recently collected showed elevated levels of arsenic and, therefore, this topsoil cannot be used on the landfill project. 15, Stat►1s oCGas arld Ciroundwatzr Monitoring Well Construction Groundwater water wells 3D, 8S, 8D and 6D still have to be installed, and gas wells 6, 11, 12, 13 and 14 still have to be installed. The monitoring ports have to be installed on all gas wells. Due to problems with supply of gravel pack and well screens by Casola Well Drillers, Bob Terry said he will call Bob Casola so that the fittare monitoring wells can be installed in a timely fashion. It is estimated that 6 to it days %ill be requited to complete the installation of the remaining wells, Tim Howell has Notified Igor Sikiric of NYSDEC that the deep wells, to be installed using the rotary method, «Till start to be drilled next Thursday, December 1.9, 2002, so that a NYSDEC representative may be on-site as they requested. 16. Status of Items to be Completed for Substantial Completion See Item No. 19, 17. Status of Items to be CoQLAeted for Final Completion See Item No. 19. 18. Dailw Schedule of Work for Next trveelc See Item No. 19, t� 1314M213204(R01) 4 2006/009 12/16 21)02 MON 16:33 FAX 19. Scheduleff) �-ComDletion of All Remaining Orrk * East Maiatenauce Road - Tim Howell said this work will be completed by the end of neat week.. ® Red Cedar Tree Plantings - Tim- Howell said they will be finished by this corning Monday (along southwest property up to Recharge Basin No. 1). Fencing by Route 48 and NiS by Residential Area - Bob Terry said this will be completed by the end of next week., m Monitoring Wells - See Iters No. 15 Scraping Topsoil in Bottom of Borrow Pit - Tim Howell said work will start today and be finished by the end of Tuesday. a Headwall at recharge Basin No. 3 w Torn Maher gave Terry condltioral approval to start the beadwall work and will provide this in a letter to Terry today. a Other The top (Finish) course of asphalt on all paved roadways will be completed in the Spring of 2003 as agreed by everyone. - Toni Maher said he and Jim Bunchuck agreed that the placement of topsoil along the transition areas (mainly the east side of the landfill) would be performed by the Town. 20. Conunerlts pa Ngvember 20 2002. Selections/Additions Sununat See Item I .To. 21 21. Qosts for Additional Suz°ve s Tom Maher said he needs these costs and Bob Terry said he will contact Mclean (Surveyors) and have the costs by the end of next week. 0131411-1213204(ROI) 12i16/2002 HON 16:33 FAX 22. Protection of Erosion Control Blanket Not discussed, 23. Re laccment of Concrete Blocks Along Road to 17 -Acre Parcel This will be performed as previously agreed. 24. Easements Tom Maher asked Jim Mulligan to review with Jim Bunchuck and Tim Howell the need to keep all of the casements active. 25. falter Tim Howell is to review whether there is any extra cost for installing asphalt curbing on the northern edge of the paved road leading down to the Borrow Pit. 01314IT12132204(ROI) 6 Z008/009