HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/200201/22/2002 TUE 16:26 FAX Attendees: Name J. Bunchuck I. Sikiric T. Maher C. Morris R. 'perry T. Huwcll TOWN OF SOUTHOL D LANDFILL CLOSURE MINUTES Ol+ JANUARY 17, 2002 PROGRESS MEETING Affiliation Town of Southold NYSDEC 1Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers - Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Terry Contracting &. Materials Tarry CuaLicauliug &. Matcxials 1: - Minutes of Previous (Jw-1uga 10.20+02) Meed' g Bob Terry commented that the proposal to elin-j=te the nr2terproofng epoxy (Iter, 2) sheuld italude all precast structures, not just the manholes. Bob also said tham are flow four manholes, not three as originally designed, and the credit to the Town would be $1,700. Bob also commented that Schroder said he may want to plant a barrier on his property in the area to be regraded at no expense. to the Town (Item 11). 2. Recharge basin #4 -- Drainage Redesign Cost Estimate - Tom Mager indicated there are a few itenis in Bob 'ferry's cost esta=te that appear to be too low. Bob Terry agreed and said there will be cost increases. Tom asked for a cost revision including an indication that the same manholes udll be used as those uved in the drainage system on the southurest side. Tom 54W hp will provide a list of changes so that Bob can price the work properly. Tom indicated he will need to prepare A details of the head wall, manholes, catch basins and the inlet structures. Bob said he will 013141TO121201(R01) 1 VJ009/009 01/22/2002 TUE 16:27 FAX obtain a price for the details to be included on McLean .Associates as -built drawing of the system. 3. status of Aerial Phot_ o vh Toms Maher asked Jim Bunchuck the status of the aerial photograph. Jim said the fly -over should take place soon.. 4; Na off, table Well — Status of Town Review of Redesign Goat Estimate Jim Buncl=k indicated that the imus hoe not yet been dircuzsed xvith the Toxim Boerd. Jim said dmt if ilio cumL uWiuu of UJU well 6 ulitical to Q1G PiugiwS of [11G cul,, there the work oRn begin. Jim then said he will discnss it with John Ro manalli and that the Town Board will be informed at the next meeting; hoive�mr, at this tine he asked TQm Maher to proceed with the redesign. 5. West Half of Landfill — Status and Plan for Completion Dob Tarry aaia that 4he majority of the liner north of the tamporw rood is down on the west half and that hopefully the remaining portion will be down by the end of the week. Bob then said he wants to start oa the drainage system on the south end soon and that he would like to start installing the barrier protection layer as soon as possible, but he has yet to receive formal approval. Toni Maher said he would call Peter Sutherland after the meeting regarding his approval. Bob asked Tom if the spacing of the gas vents in the g��; migratirm rnr�trrtl lrenrheg iS t17 hP 1�(1 feet Tnm rnr�filmesi the spacing m hP 7,11!1 feet and said he l�aliovcs the Cost for the pipe should be off ct by Tony'o rovieed mathod of construction. Bob responded that he wants to wait until the task is complete to make a decision on the issue. 01314rrOI21201 (RO1) 2 ►004/006 01/22/2002 TUE 18:28 FAX 6. -Golf Driving Ran M, Design_ - Tom Maher asked Jim Bunchuck if the proposal had been presented to the Town Board. Jim replied that it had and that the Town asked John Romanelli if any other usage idew were suggested for the area. Jim said that he and John feel the economic feasibility study is wan -anted and the Town Board is to decide within the next two weeks. Jim also said that John was directed to check the references of the golf driving range architect who submitted the proposal. Jim also stated that there have been continued requests to use the land for radio -controlled planes and that he -believes the Town should write a letter to NYSDEC on the issue. 7. - . Status of Submittals Tian Howell provided the final submittal on the geocomposite to Torn Maher. S. Vegetative Cover Mix s Agronomist Certification Jilu Dunchuak said he has spoken with M agronomist from the University of Massachusetts to whom he plans to send samples shortly. Jim stated that the University has a very complete soil analysis facility. Tom Maher said that the samples _need to be analyzed only for the necessary items to meet the specifications, and that Bab Terry should be consulted on the samples to be sent. Jim agreed and said that several mixes will be sent for analysis. Bab stated that his agronomist is revising his report reflecting a two-thirds compost ouz-tlsird earltamhMted topsoil "IbAura. 9. Status of Sand Screening and Testing - Use of 17 -Acre Material for Eastern Portion of Landfill/Can Bob Terry said the screening of the 17 -acre material is ongoing and that he needs rn Srarr mnving.thn marPrfRl on rn rhe landfill to pmvidr. mnrn NIIAV. c 1314rr0121201(ROI) 3 IA005/008 01/22/2002 TUE 18:28 FAX 10. " Test Gas Vents on laastern_P4rtion of Landfill Tom Maher asked if the vents had been tested again. Chris Morris answered that Lixy hdva not. Toin asked Cluis to test the vents again Chris said he would do so. 11. Rap4diaS of Northeast Area to 3:1 Slaps/ Replacement of Cap Material to Meet Friction Angle Requirement~ Tom Maher asked if the agreement with Schroder needs to be formalized. Bob Terry said he does not believe so and that the work can begin when necessary. 12, Plan for Dust Control During Winter - Need for Submittal Tim Howell said he provided Tom Maher with a letter at last week's meeting. 1".4. Removal of Material in Easement Area on Corrazini Property Bob Terry said the issue has been resolved. 14. Soil Test Results Tim. Howell said the testing is up to date. 15. Winter Work Schedule Bob Terry said that winter work will include regrading of the east half and the drainage system on the east side once the golf driving range concept has been approved by the Town. 16. Review of Savings and Additional Costs to Date Tom Maher provided a draft savingsladditional cost analysis to all attendees. Torn reviewed all listed savings items and added that there should be additional savings n 1.14iTO1212O1(ROl) 4 ZOOO/008 01/22/2002 TUE 18:29 FAX for the reduction in the depth of cut needed for the southwest drainage system. Tom asked Bob Terry if he can think of any other items where there may have been savings. Bob replied that he could not think of any, Bob then said there may be an additional cost necessary for the grading of the material delivered to the borrow pit. Tom said Bob should submit a Proposal if he feels additional compensation is warranted. , Tom asked Jiro Bunchuck if the extra waste taken in to the landfill should be charged to the landfill closure. Jim answered yes, as the money charged for the waste offsets the additional costs associated.with grading the waste. Tom asked Jim if the Greenport pond material should be billed to the landfill. Jim said that it is possible that the material be billed to Ilia NYBDUT aud U=L ldc wvuhl op6ak W RPIU1 ItOMILIM111 AMUt tht Lmc- lan5 MCI reviewad the additional coat liar Adding additional tort items for the revised drainage system on the Past Side, additinnal rnntrnir grading maf-,rial, ndditin-ml gennompnsite, and the redesigned nonpotable well to the list. Tom asked Chris Morris to determine how the 3,000 cubic yards in Item SC was measured. Tom asked Bob if he can think of any other additional costs associated with the landfill. Bob responded that there will be an additional cost for testing the 17 -acre material, and for the additional days needed to 6v.1Lyl6i6 WAA6 Exeavatiaa Areas 2.and 3. Tani asked Ckris to aheok the numbor of days spent on Waste Excavation Areas 2 and 3. 17. - Review of Cost Items Regarding the Comoost Facility Tom Maher provided a list to all attendees describing the costs associated with the compost facility construction. Tom reviewed the list and added the cost for additional guard rail. Tom asked if there are any additional items that should be added. Christ Morris asked about the charges for moving leavestbrush and the RCA stockpile on the 17 -acre parcel. Bob Terry said those items will be charged to the compost facility and also said there will be additional charges for the relocation of the temporary road and for the screening of sand which still needs to be reconciled with the Town. iD1314/T'4121201(RO1) - 5 R007/008 01/22/2002 TUE 10:30 FAX SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE AGENDA. ITEMS FOR JANUARY 24, 2001. PROGRESS MEETING 1. Minutes of Previous (January 17, 2002) Meeting 2. Recharge Basin 94 — Drainage Redesign Cost Estimate 3. Status of Acrial Photograph 4. Nonpotable Well — Status of Redesign S. West Half of Landfill — Status and Plan for Completion 6. Golf Driving Range Design 7. Status of Submittals 8. Vegetative Cover Mix — Agronomist Cartification/Revised Report and Testing by University of Massachusetts 9. Status of Sand Screening and Testing — Use of 17 -Acre Material for Eastern Portion of Landfill/Cap 10. Test Gas Vents on Eastern Portion of Landfill 11. Regrading of Northeast Area to 3:1 Slopo/Roplacement of Cap Material to Meet Friction Angle Requirements 12. Soil Tet Regultg 13. Review of Revised Savings and Additional Costs to Date 14. Ruv;uw of Rtvised Cost Items Rogwding tho Compost raaility IS. Discussion of Area of Waste Disposal and Placement of Fill 16. Credit -for Sewing Ends of Geocomposite 01314tl*022202 Z008/008