HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/2001E
Name Affiliation
J. Bunchuck
Town of Southold
T. Maher
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
C. Morris
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
R. Terry
Terry Contracting & Materials
T. Howell
Terry Contracting & Materials
1. Minutes of Previous (November 1, 2001) Meeting
No comments by anyone.
2. Work Schedule
Not discussed.
3. Recharge Basin #4 — Drainage Redesign — NYSDEC Approval Status
Tom Maher spoke with Igor Sikiric (NYSDEC) and is waiting for the letter of approval
to be signed. Tom believes he will receive the approval shortly and, if so, the plans will be ready
next week. Bob Terry said he will submit a cost proposal when he receives the plans. Tom
asked Bob when the test trenching on the east side will begin. Bob replied that the trenching will
begin this afternoon or tomorrow. Tom said that if the trenches can be completed by early next
week, then the design will be ready by the end of next week or the following week. Bob
indicated if that holds true, the work could begin in three weeks. Tom agreed, unless there is a
major design change. Tom also said the gas migration control trench could be done at the same
time. Bob replied that the drainage pipe must be completed first and then the gas migration
trench could be completed right after. Tom said the easement on the Corazzini property needs to
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be cleared. Bob agreed and added that the cleared space also is needed to store the liner when it
is delivered. Tom asked Jim Bunchuck to talk to Corazzini and inform him the easement needs
to be cleared by November 14. Jim agreed to do so.
4. Gas Migration Control Trench — Stone and Redesign — NYSDEC Approval Status
Tom Maher said that NYSDEC appears to have no problem with the change, but he still
is waiting for formal approval. Bob said he can't begin working on the trenches yet. He
explained that he needs the grading plan for the 17 -acre parcel in order to properly construct the
trenches on the west side and that there also are several trucking routes crossing the area further
preventing installation. Bob also said the trenches on the south and east sides cannot be
completed until the plans for these sections are finalized. Bob asked Tom the number of vents he
would like in each trench. Tom replied he believes a vent on each end of the trench would not be
adequate, but he will review the issue. Tom stated he would like Bob to absorb the cost for the
venting pipe in the trenches. Bob said the cost is approximately $5,000 and he would like to
trade off the cost to another task. Tom indicated he feels the trench redesign saves Terry a
substantial amount of money. Bob replied that he would prefer to wait on this matter.
5. 17 -Acre Grading Plan and Water Supply Well Location Plan by H2M
Tom Maher said he still has not received the plan but that the water supply well location
plan is no longer important. Tom said that it is less expensive to install two wells than to run a
main from the 17 -acre well to the area near the scale house ending with a fire hydrant using
ductile iron pipe. Tom indicated that he would like the second well as close to Route 48 as
possible. Jim Bunchuck said in that case he would like a hydrant from the well installed in the
same area as the previous well location. Bob will submit a cost proposal on a main and hydrant
from the second well. Tom indicated he would like to install the well according to the original
specifications. Bob agreed to obtain a price for an additional 25' of depth for the well and an
additional 15' of screen. Bob said if the wells are built according to the original specifications,
he can't guarantee a 500 gpm flow rate. Bob said he also will submit pricing for both a 6" and
8" pipe for the main. Tom and Bob agreed to select the location for the well today. Bob stated
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his desire to have the well permit expedited. Jim Bunchuck also stated his desire to have the
well installed as quickly as possible.
6. MBE/WBE and EEO Work Plan
Tom Maher said he has sent the plan to Ken Schider. Percent utilization has been
recalculated excluding the geotextile. Tom said that he is waiting for comments/approval from
Ken Schider.
7. Subgrade on West Half of Landfill — Status and Plan for Compaction Testing
Tom Maher asked Bob Terry for status. Bob replied that the temporary road has been
moved, but he still is waiting for the drainage plan on the south end, which is holding up the
completion of the subgrade. Tom stated he wants the gas venting material moved in order to
complete Waste Excavation Area #3. Bob said that he needs the drainage plan to complete the
subgrade on the west half so he can then begin removing the gas venting layer. Tom responded
that the west half needs to be divided in half and that the north end should be ready for
compaction testing. Tom also said that if the north half is ready and passes compaction testing,
then the gas venting material can be moved and Waste Excavation Area #3 can be exposed. The
material in Waste Excavation Area #3 was planned to be placed on the west half. Bob agreed to
divide the west side in half and that the north half will be ready for compaction testing on
Tuesday. Bob indicated that he feels it is necessary to receive the drainage plan for the south end
by next week. Tom stated it is his belief that no liner will be installed this year. Bob said he still
is hopeful that it can be. Tom asked Bob if the liner will be stored according to the
specifications. Bob responded that he is not aware of any specifications for the liner, but that he
will look into the matter.
8. Golf Driving Range Design
Tom Maher said he still is waiting for NYSDEC approval.
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9. Status of Submittals
Tom Maher said he is waiting for the submittal for the liner. Bob replied the certificate
will arrive with the liner.
10. Vegetative Cover Mix — Agronomist Certification
Bob Terry stated that he has found an agronomist with the USDA to assist Terry. Bob
said testing of the vegetative mix will be performed by Universal and the results will be given to
the agronomist who will then provide his recommendations. Tom Maher asked who will create
the mix to be tested. Bob replied he will supply the individual components and will inform the
agronomist of the desired mix. Tom asked when this will be completed. Bob responded that is
should be completed in two weeks.
11. Removal of Waste by Permanent Road to 17 -Acre Parcel
Tom Maher said that the measurement of the material excavated was to be done by
survey. Bob Terry said the excavation was too difficult to survey and that he talked about the
measurement with Chris Morris. Chris stated at the time of their conversation he was unaware of
the specification requirements for a survey. Tom asked why the excavation was too difficult to
survey. Bob responded the excavation was quite deep (approximately 8'-10'), narrow, and. had
water at the bottom. Tom asked how many truckloads and cubic yards were removed. Chris
replied that 49 Terex TA40 truckloads and 35 TA30 truckloads were used to fill the excavation.
Tim said that equaled approximately 2,000 cubic yards.
12. Nonpotable Well — Location and Submission of Method of Construction
See Item 5.
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13. Status of Sand Screening
Bob Terry said he is running out of room on the 17 -acre parcel. Bob feels that 6,000-
8,000 yards of sand has been screened. Bob reiterated his need for the grading plan on the 17 -
acre parcel. Bob stated that the Town is removing the sand too slowly and that he would like to
use the sand as gas venting and barrier protection layer material. Tom Maher responded that the
stockpiled sand in the area of Waste Excavation Area #3 must be used first. Bob said that he
would like to have some sand sold to create room and he could make more money for the Town
by screening more sand. Tom indicated his concern with the operation being considered a
mining operation and does not want the Town to incur any additional cost. Jim Bunchuck
explained that if the Town was to sell sand, it would have to be put out to bid which may cause
additional delays. Tom said the sand possibly could be used as gas venting layer material, but
would first have to be tested. Bob said he possibly could take some sand from the Town as a
credit and sell it to Corazzini Asphalt to avoid delays.
14. Test Gas Vents on Eastern Portion of Landfill
Bob Terry said the pipe is supposed to arrive this week but, as of this point, it has not.
Jim Howell said he will check on the status of the pipe.
15. Regrading of Northeast Area to 3:1 Slope and Replacement
of Cap Material to Meet Friction Anglequirements
Bob Terry said that he would like to regrade the slope in the area by partially leveling the
mound that straddles the property line between the landfill and the neighboring property owned
by Schroeder. Jim Bunchuck indicated that he believes Schroeder also would agree to the plan.
Jim said he will coordinate the plan with Schroeder.
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16. Property Line SurveX
Tom Maher indicated he feels it is necessary to be able to locate the property line and to
have it staked. Bob Terry said his surveyor, McLean Associates, refuses to stake property lines
unless they have surveyed the area themselves using existing monuments. Tom said that
locating the property line on the south end where the sound barrier and drainage pipe are to be
installed is critical. Tom also said that the location of the property line is important between the
landfill and the Schroeder property in order to determine who can claim the regraded sand. Bob
stated that the area cannot be staked during the regrading process, but that existing monuments in
the area can be used to determine the location of the line. Jim Bunchuck said he will work on an
agreement with Schroeder over the regraded material.
17. Dust Control During Winter
Tom Maher asked Bob Terry his plan for controlling dust during winter. Bob said he
plans to place rows of silt fence to control blowing loam and sand. Jim Bunchuck voiced
concern over the amount of material and the ability of silt fences to control the situation. Bob
said he does not believe it will be a problem. Bob reiterated his concern with daily cover and his
desire to use wood chips as cover. Jim said he does not think the wood chips need to be mixed
with loam or other material. Tom asked Bob how thick he intends to spread the wood chips.
Bob responded only 2"-3". Tom said he has no problem with that, but does not want the
thickness to exceed 2"-3" .
18. Test Trench Excavation Along Eastern Boundary
See Item 3.
19. Soil Test Results
Tom Maher said that according to the specifications, a representative of the laboratory is
t supposed to collect the samples. Bob Terry said that it already has been proposed that Terry's
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QA/QC representative (Tim Howell) be permitted to sample. Tom replied that it is NYSDEC's
decision and that he will let Bob know their response. Tom voiced his concern with not
following the specifications properly with regard to possible State reimbursement to the Town.
Tom asked how often the samples are being collected and the method used to determine when
samples should be. collected. Tim Howell responded the samples are collected once per 2,500 cy
as per the specifications and that the volume of material is calculated using the number of
truckloads to determine when sampling is required. Tom asked if the information is being
documented and if the locations have been noted on a map. Tim replied that the information has
been documented, but that a sample location map has not been generated. Tom said he would
like to have a map produced and that he would like to see all sample results from the contour
grading material. Tim said he would provide the results along with a map of sample locations by
the end of next week. Tom indicated his concern that the contour grading material was not
sampled before it was placed. Tim said it was Terry's understanding that it was agreed to use the
unscreened sand as contour grading material. Tom agreed but said it still must pass the
20. Other
Bob Terry said there is some trash blowing around and contaminating the screened
compost. Jim Bunchuck and Bob agreed that the screened compost should be moved every day
it is produced. Bob also said he is concerned with the progress of the screening and would like
to stress the need for the Town to make it a priority. Jim agreed with Bob's concern and said he
will take care of it.
Bob Terry indicated that he wants Tom Maher to give him direction with regard to the
sound barrier. Tom agreed to do so. Jim Bunchuck said he has not yet spoken to the local
residents but that he will do so. Bob said the construction of the sound barrier is approximately a
month away.
Bob stated that he would like to identify areas where permanent fencing can be installed,
replacing the temporary orange fencing. Jim Bunchuck said that if areas are to remain with
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temporary fence, then signs to direct the public should be in place. Bob asked if the proposed
fence behind the sound barrier would be necessary. Jim stated he would prefer to keep the fence.
Jim Bunchuck said that he would like to have a new aerial photo provided. Jim also
stated he would like to have a new photo every three months or whenever a significant change
has taken place. Bob Terry agreed to do so.
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