HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/2001I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CLOSURE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21, 2001 PROGRESS MEETING Attendees: Name Affiliation T. Maher Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers J. Mulligan Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers C. Morris Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers B. Quimet Tectonic Engineering R. Terry Terry Contracting & Materials T. Howell Terry Contracting & Materials 1. Minutes of Previous (November 15, 200 1) Meeting Bob Terry said he has not as yet read the minutes. 2. Recharge Basin #4 — Drainage Redesign Tom Maher said this work is proceeding. 3. 17 -Acre Grading Plan Bob Terry said the bid is being published today on the plan to excavate sand from the 17 -acre parcel for placement in the borrow pit area. The bids are to be opened next Wednesday. Bob said that H2M is to deliver the grading plan to Jim Bunchuck today. 4.& 5. NoWotable, Well Tom Maher had several concerns which need to be addressed. He asked Jim Mulligan to check on the requirement of the Fire Department for pressure at the hydrant. Jim also is to speak with Cassola Wall Drilling regarding Tom's concern with the pump 0 1314/r1126101(R01) 1 1 breaking suction should the drawdown in the well be too great. Bob Terry will submit a letter to D&B describing the method of construction, i.e., drive well, two samples in screen areas, etc.) Tom also said he will submit a proposal to Jim Bunchuck regarding the overall design of the well, storage tank, water line, fire hydrant, controls, etc. 6. Comments on Draft Field Order #2 and Change Orders #5, 6 and 7 Tom Maher asked Bob Terry to review these for any comments and a copy of each was given to Jim Mulligan for his review. 7. MBE/WBE and EEO Work Plan Since there has been no response from Ken Shider as yet, Tom Maher said he will call Ken to determine the status of the plan. 8. Subgrade on West Half of Landfill — Status After some discussion, it was agreed that no more contour grading material would be put on the west half of the landfill and that "high areas" and/or areas where the contour sand is too thick would be regraded to 6 inches in thickness, while still maintaining minimum required grades. The survey for the top of waste has been completed according to Bob Terry and the survey for the top of contour grading material is 75 percent complete. Chris Morris showed the results of his test holes indicating a range in thickness of between 7 inches and 30 inches for the contour grading material. All contour grading material thus far placed on the landfill is to be paid for at $3.00/cy. 9. Golf Driving Rangegn Tom Maher said D&B is addressing the design issues. 0 1314/r1126101(ROl) 2 j 1 10. Status of Submittals Bob Terry acknowledged that he still owes certain submittals to D&B. Tom Maher asked Bob to take care of the more critical submittals. 11. Veizetative Cover Mix Bob Terry said he hopes to have the agronomist's report by the next Progress Meeting. 12. Completion of Waste Excavation Area 3 It was agreed that the waste would be placed by the northern swale on the west half of the landfill. Bob Terry is to be paid $600 (V2 day for equipment) to push the remaining gas venting material over to the side in order to access the waste in Waste Excavation Area 3. 13. Sand Screening and Testing Tom Maher questioned the status of testing on the screened sand which is to be used for the gas venting layer and barrier protection layer. No testing has been done thus far by Terry Contracting. It was determined that Terry Contracting must sample the screened sand for permeability analyses at the frequency of one sample per 5,000 cy and grain size analyses at the frequency of one sample per 1,000 cy. 14. Test Gas Vents on Eastern Portion of Landfill Bob Terry said he will install the two test gas vents next week since he now has the pipe. 0 1314/r1126101(ROl) 3 1 .15. Regrading of Northeast Area to 3:1 Slope/Replacement of Cap Material to Meet Friction Angle Requirements It remains that Bob Terry and Jim Bunchuck must meet with Mr. Schroder (adjacent property owner) to work out a solution in cutting down the slope. 16. Property Line Survey Bob Terry said that a surveying party from Young and Young is to perform this work next week at a cost of $2,000. 17. Plan for Dust Control During inter_ Bob Terry said that he is aware he still owes a written plan to D&B. 18. Test Trench Excavation Along Eastern Boundary Tom Maher reviewed the findings of the test trenches dug recently along the eastern property boundary where drainage pipe is to be installed. Jim Mulligan is to have Jim Bunchuck talk to Corazzim regarding rubble/metal found in one of the trenches which is to be excavated and placed on Corazzini's property. Also, Corazzini will be asked to move a stockpile of gravel which abuts waste found in test trenches along the property line further south. This area will be designated Waste Excavation Area 4. 19. Soil Test Results Tim Howell said he will formally submit all soil sample test results to D&B. Jim Mulligan has been given copies of the laboratory reports for most of the soil samples to date. All results have been satisfactory thus far in meeting the specifications. Jim Mulligan indicated that Terry is short two samples for the contour grading material. 01314/T1126101(RO1) 4 `f 20. Compaction Test Results on- West Half of Landfill by Tectonic Barry Quimet of Tectonic Engineering summarized the compaction testing he performed the last several days. Barry said that there is an average gravel content of 25 percent in the contour grading material. Of the 52 compaction tests he performed using the Troxler, 32 tests fell below 95 percent compaction and 9 tests fell below 92 percent compaction. The contract specifications call for a minimum compaction of 95 percent. Tom Maher said that we may want to consider the option of measuring compaction by way of visual observance of deflection, but Tom indicated he would defer to Tectonic's thinking on this issue. Peter Sutherland was then contacted by phone and Peter would prefer to continue with the Troxler compaction testing after Terry. Contracting has adequately added the proper moisture content and compacted the contour grading/final subgrade material using the vibratory roller. It was agreed to proceed in this manner. 21. Work Schedule Terry Contracting will be regrading the contour grading material on the west half of the landfill, adding moisture and compacting the material for compaction testing by Tectonic, and installing gas vents. Waste Excavation Areas 3 and 4 also will be addressed. 0 1314/T1126101(R01) 5