HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/2001J
Name Affiliation
J. Bunchuck
Town of Southold
T. Maher
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
J. Mulligan
Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers
I. Sikiric
R. Terry
Terry Contracting & Materials
T. Howell
Terry Contracting & Materials
1. Minutes of Previous (November 29, 2001) Meeting
Bob Terry said that Item No. 21 (Work Schedule) should reflect the fact that he
still does not have the precast manholes and stilling basin, and therefore cannot start the
drainage work in the southwest quadrant. Tom Maher asked Bob Terry to submit a letter
including the extra cost for rebar for the headwall which was not in the original
2. Recharge Basin #4 — Drainage Redesign
Tom Maher probably will have the design completed by next week and will
forward it to Bob Terry for review and a cost estimate.
3. 17 -Acre Grading Plan — Quantity of Sand
Jim Bunchuck wants to keep an accounting of the sand and gravel quantities
produced and moved on the 17 -acre parcel. Bob Terry will try to get the quantity of sand
to be excavated from 1-12M. There may be a problem finding a suitable storage location
i� for the stone produced from the sand screening operation and Bob Terry warned that the
stone must be kept clean from organic matter if it is to retain its value.
4.& 5. Nonpotable Well
Jim Mulligan is to call the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for any
setback requirements for the well from the property line and septic systems.
6. Comments on Draft Field Order #2 and Change Orders #5, 6 and 7
Bob Terry gave written comments on Change Order #6 to Tom Maher. Bob
pointed out that one of the change orders should reflect the cost of additional cutting
required to install the permanent road (approximately 4,700 cy @ $5/cy) and the cost
should be charged to the compost facility (17 -acre parcel).
7. Subgrade on West Half of Landfill — Status and Plan for Completion
Bob Terry reported that 80 to 90 percent of the area of the west half of the landfill
to the north of the siren has been completed to subgrade (contour grading material). It
was noted by Bob that the gas venting material was being placed as of yesterday. Two
tests on the compaction of the gas venting by Barry Quimet of Tectonic showed 96+ and
97+ percent compaction. Tom Maher agreed with Bob Terry that there is no need to
water and roll the gas venting material as long as the compaction tests pass (meet
8. Golf Driving Ran eg Design
Tom Maher asked Bob Terry to re-request the electronic grading plan from
McLean for the golf driving range design. Tom said this would save D&B the need to
digitize the grades and thereby save time/money for the Town. Bob said he would do so,
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f but claimed that even though he paid for the driving range grading plan, McLean will not
release it to Bob.
9. Status of Submittals
Tim Howell said he is aware that he still owes a couple of submittals.
10. Vegetative Cover Mix — Agronomist Certification
Bob Terry said he expects their Agronomist's report tomorrow and he will then
submit it to D&B.
11. Completion of Waste Excavation Area 3
The work has been completed.
12. Status of Sand Screening and Testing -
Sufficient Stone for Gas Migration Control Trench
See Item 3.
13. Test Gas Vents on Eastern Portion of Landfill
Bob Terry said the two test vents will be installed some time next week.
14. Regrading of Northeast Area to 3:1 Slope/
Replacement of Cap Material to Meet Friction Requirements
Bob Terry and Jim Bunchuck still have not met with Schroder to resolve this
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15. Plan for Dust Control During Winter Need for Submittal
Bob Terry discussed concepts of (a) silt fence on west half of landfill to protect
the Barrier Protection Layer; (b) wood chips/sand on east half of landfill: and (c) tarps to
cover unused liner, geocomposite and geotextile stored on-site.
16. . Waste Excavation Along Eastern Boundary and
Removal of Material in Easement Area on Corrazini Property
Bob Terry said he will move the material owned by Corrazini now on the Town
easement. The Town has agreed to pay Terry for this work.
17. Soil Test Results — Need for Two Additional Contour Grading Material Samples
Tom Howell said he has taken the necessary Contour Grading Mateiral samples
which are now at the laboratory for analysis.
18. Work Schedule
All agreed that the major effort is to do what is necessary to line the west half of
the landfill. Bob Terry may have men working during the week between Christmas and
New Year.
19. Other
Jim Bunchuck asked Tom Maher to submit a proposal for developing the west
half of the landfill into a walking/nature trail type use. Tom will look into beneficial
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