HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousehold Hazardous Waste Collection Program Permt ApplicationHousehold Hazardous Waste Collect'o ion Program Permit Application T own Ul 3UUUIUIU. Southold Town Landfill Route 48 C;utchogue, New York 11935 notn�,�r I u ')Of)() V V &%J &JV1 1 -T, Lr %J W \J December 9, 2000 Town of Southold Town Hall JJV7J 1VIM11 aUU P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Town of Southold Household Waste Collection Program Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Street P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 • • • n �J 0 Table of Contents Sections 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.1 7.2 Figures Facility Description Acceptable Wastes Security Procedures for Collecting Household Waste Handling of Unknown Waste Procedures for Large Amounts of Waste (Possible Commercial Waste) Recording, Labeling and Organizing Drums DOT Hazardous Materials Labels Non -EPA Regulated Waste Labels Household Waste Incompatibility Drum Inventory Sheet Packing Procedures 1 Service Area Map 2 Location of Household Waste Collection Program 3 DOT Hazardous Materials Labels 4 Non-RCRA Drum Label 5 Drum Inventory Packing Slip Appendices A Contractor's Emergency Contingency Plan B New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYCRR Part 371 -Waste Identification C US Department of Transportation Code of Federal Regulation, Title 49 Section 172.101 D Index of Chemical Synonyms E Chemical Compatibility Chart • 1.0 Program and Facility Description The Town of Southold Household Waste Collection Center is located at the Southold Town Landfill, Route 48, Cutchogue, New York. This center provides a site for the safe, convenient and environmentally sound collection of hazardous chemical wastes generated in the home. There will be household hazardous waste collection programs run at this location on specific days for the purpose of collecting waste from two municipalities; the Southold town and Greenport village (Figure 1). The building utilized for the collection of household waste is approximately 1/4 acres (Figure 2). The building includes the recycling area for cans and bottles which will be emptied to provide an area for the collection, segregation, and packaging of the waste. It is comprised of a large open garage area. Residents enter the site and pull their vehicle in front of the collection area to be attended to by collection personnel. Employees from the contractor hired t:o complete the collection program will collect the waste from the residents and immediately place it into plastic bins. These bins are used to prevent the waste from accidental spillage. The trained employees then bring the plastic bins containing the waste to the drum storage building for proper segregation and drum packaging. The automobiles will then exit by driving through the drive through area used by residents to drop off standard refuse. The collection of household waste utilizes an area approximately 20 feet x 10 feet of the southeast section of the building. The collection days will be occur on the following dates: October 14, 2000 December 9, 2000 Insert Site Map here Figure 1 Current Map ©1998 by Rand McNally & Company. All rights reserved. • 2.0 Accepted wastes Although originally purchased for household and garden used many of the chemicals brought for disposal are toxic and environmentally hazardous. These household items, if improperly disposed of, can cause injury to municipal waste transporters and landfill site workers and pose a threat to the environment by contaminating the soil and groundwater. The issue of contaminated groundwater is of heightened concern since 100% of Long Island's drinking water is from local groundwater. The following is a partial list of the household wastes that are accepted at the household collection programs: Adhesives Alcohols • Antifreeze Brake Fluid Transmission Fluid Charcoal Lighter Fluid Cleaning Solvents Degreasers Engine Degreasers Herbicides Paint Remover and Thinners Pesticides Photo Supplies & Photo Chemicals Plant and Insect Spray Pool Chemicals Solvents Spot Removers Stain and Varnishes Wood Preservatives As stated above this is only a partial list of the chemical accepted. All labeled containers will be accepted expect materials that can be defined as explosive, shock sensitive, compressed gas is cylinders, pathogenic, radioactive, infectious, or suspected dioxin waste. Containers without labels will not be accepted unless an accurate and positive determination can be made as to the containers contents and its' environmental and safety hazards. The estimated quantities received per vehicle are 50 pounds per vehicle. Procedures for handling unknown waste and quantities exceeding the estimated amount per vehicle are provided in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 respectively. 3.0 Security The Southold Town Landfill is fenced around the perimeter by a 6 -foot chain-link fence Access through the Middle Road entrance will be controlled by the town of Southold employees. The contractor's personnel throughout the collection day will occupy the waste collection, segregation, and packaging areas. All waste will be removed from the landfill at the end of the 10 collection day. The facility's normal security procedures will continue at the end of the program. 4.0 Procedures For Collecting Household Waste The Southold Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program will have a clearly marked area where household waste is to be collected. The contractor's personnel who receive the waste will adhere to the practices listed below. Additional information on the contractor, collection of waste and emergency contingency procedures see Appendix A. 1. No smoking is allowed. 2. Safety equipment (e.g. gloves, apron, and safety eye protection) will be worn at all times that collecting and segregating is being completed. 0 3. Avoid carrying and tipping containers onto the stomach and/or chest. . 4. Handle containers gently at all times and do not hit the containers against the tables or walls. Materials to be received will then be checked for items listed below: 1. Are the waste containers in good condition and not leaking? 2. Is the waste is from non-commercial use? 3. Are the waste containers properly labeled? If any of the above answers are "NO" refer to the appropriate section for the procedures to follow. If the answers are "YES" the next step is to determine the hazard class for proper segregation. The classes to define the waste include the following: Waste Flammable Solid Waste Flammable Liquid Waste Corrosive Solid, Basic Waste Corrosive Liquid, Basic Waste Corrosive Solid, Acidic Waste Corrosive Liquid, Acidic Waste Toxic Liquid Waste Toxic Solid Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Solid Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Liquid Waste Oxidizing Substance, Liquid Waste Oxidizing Substance, Solid Waste Pesticide Liquid Waste Pesticide Solid Waste Aerosols Non-RCRA/DOT Hazardous Substance, Solid Non-RCRA/DOT Hazardous Substance, Liquid Procedures for properly classifying waste received are: 1. Read the list of ingredients 2. Identify the specific hazards and hazard class for any of the hazardous ingredients. Selecting the proper waste class is not straightforward. Certain manufacturers are required to list the hazards associated with the product. For example flammable paint thinners and solvents are 0 usually labeled as flammable. It is important that the ingredients on a container be identified in order to confirm that the container's warning label is correct. If the waste is a mixture it is important to confirm both the main ingredient and the ingredient that provides the most serious hazard to the handler and the environment. It is important to understand that in many cases a small amount of chemical is mixed with a large amount of inert material. An example if this is a pesticide mixed with a large percentage of solvent. While is it important that the material be identified as being toxic the most significant hazard to those handling the material is that the material is flammable. 3. Determine the hazard class. The hazard class may be determined from the listing of hazardous wastes found in Appendix B, which is a listing from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) regulations regarding hazardous waste, NYCRR Part 371, Waste Identification. Or if the chemical is not identified in NYCRR Part 371 then it may • be identified in Appendix C, the US Department of Transportation's Code of Federal Regu- lation, Title 49 Section 172.101. This appendix provides an alphabetical listing of chemicals identified to be hazardous materials when transported by air, water, or highway. Sometimes chemicals are known by more than one name. If you are unable to find the chemical in either set of regulations by one name it may be listed under a synonym. Appendix D contains an index of chemical synonyms. This index lists chemical names in the left column and provides its' synonym in the right column. If the chemical name is not found then the synonym may be listed. Corrosive material must be further classified according to what type of corrosive material it is, acid or alkaline. 4. After a hazard class is determined the waste must be checked to ensure it is compatible with the waste already packaged in the drum. Appendix E and Section 8.0 provide information on IS chemical compatibility. • 5.0 Handling of Unknowns If unknown waste is brought to the collection program for disposal the following information must be recorded: 1. Name of the individual 2. Address of the individual 3. Amount of waste 4. Possible contents 5. Type of container 6. Condition of the Container The contractor will attempt to classify the material by completing available field-testing. • Material must be identified in order for it to be received by the contractor since treatment facilities will not receive material unless they can be certain of the waste's hazards and treatment methods. If the material cannot be received for disposal on the day of the program the material will be stored at the Southold collection center's storage building. Southold personnel will receive instructions depending on the amount of waste and condition of the unknown's container. The container will be stored at the town storage building while the material is sampled and analyzed for proper disposal. The NYSDEC, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste must be notified of the situation and at all times the materials must be segregated in the drum storage building from other hazardous materials. 0 • 6.0 Procedures For Large Amounts of Wastes Because household waste is generated from various activities the waste streams are not uniform. However when the quantity of waste is large and/or the nature of the waste is unusual it may be suspected that a. commercial generator generated the waste. In such a case the following procedures are followed: 1. Proof of town residence must be shown (e.g. car registration or tax bill) 2. The form found in Appendix F must be signed verifying that it is household waste If it is known that the material is from a commercial generator Town of Southold employees will following these procedures: • 1. Driver's license information is recorded 2. Waste type and amount are recorded 3. The generator is notified that a licensed waste transporter must remove the waste 4. The generator is provided with a list of transporters 5. The generator is notified that the waste must be shipped on a hazardous materials manifest, and in some cases, a NYSDEC hazardous waste manifest and that the NYSDEC, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste will be contacting them to assure that the waste has been disposed of properly. 6. Report the incident to NYSDEC, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste at (631) 444-0233. 7.0 Recording, Labeling, and Organizing Drums 0 Before drums are used for packaging household waste they must be properly identified. This • includes having a DOT hazardous waste label, a Non -EPA Regulated Waste label and a waste packing slip. These items are each discussed below. 7.1 DOT Hazardous Materials Label The labels shown in Figure 3 represent the hazard classes that are used to segregate the household waste. (Note: Figure 3 contains labels that will not be utilized at the collection programs since the material is not acceptable at the collection program. These include Class 1 Explosives, Class 6.2 Infectious Substances/Biomedical Materials, Class 7 Radioactives.) With a few minor exceptions there should be only eleven partially filled drums, each with a different label, in the waste segregation area at any one time. The packaging of waste into a new drum should only begin once an old drum is full and securely closed. However • it may occur that a waste does not fall into any of the eleven hazard classes, in which case, an additional drum must be made ready for use. 7.2 Non -EPA Regulated Waste Label While the DOT Hazardous Materials label will identify the DOT hazard class associated with a particular hazardous material the waste label is used to provide additional information for the material contained within the drum. All the required information must be completed on the label prior to the drum being used. The information includes: 1. Generator name, street, city and zip code 2. DOT hazardous waste name, hazard class, identification number, and packaging group - when 0 the drum contains more than one waste and they are the same chemically compatible hazard 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LABELING CHART CLASS 1 E.plosne 1.1 12 13 CLASS 1 E.plos ye 1.4 CLASS 1 E.plosrve 1.5 CLASS 1 E.plosrve 1.6 CLASS 1 Subsidiary CLASS 2 D v s 2.1 "nclude appropriate arision number and Cornpatbilev group 'Include appropriate compatibility group. 'Include appropriate :ompat,biuty group 'Include appropriate Compa dbdily yatip. No compatibility group letter or Class -Division numbor may be Sspayed P•ammeMe qas CLASS 2 D+visior, 2.2 CLASS 2 Division 22 CLASS 2 Dw q� 2.3 CLASS 3 CLASS 4 Drvis:on i 1 CLASS 4 >♦,� OXYM < >/ INHALATION HAZARD 2 2 CLASS 4 DAIf6ER0US m" - CLASS 5 ,r, OXHNZER 5.1 CLASS 5 = ORGANIC PEROXME 5.2 CLASS 6CLASS •ri f INHALATION HAZARD 6 IS POISON 6 CLASS 6 b. i HARMFUL srorr se.• •' CLASS 6 CLASS 6 CLASS 7 CLASS 7 CLASS 7 CLASS 8 ./� __ < FECTIDIIS SUSTAlilff A BIOMEDICAL MATERIAL J • • • III \i•'! - \ Y � RADIOACTIVEi RADIOACTIVEIIRADIOACTIVE CLASS 9 SUBSIDIARY RISK EMPTY FOR AIRCRAFT / EMPTY a _ 1 Figure 3 Note: Figure 3 contains labels that will not be utilized at the collection programs since the material is not acceptable at the collection program. These include Class 1 • Explosives, Class 6.2 Infectious Substances/Biomedical Materials, Class 7 Radioactives, Aircraft labels. • ENVA M T I v I,& El • DESCRIPTION GENERATOR INFORMATION: TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP APPROVAL CODE DOCUMENT NO. HANDLE WITH CARE! a Figure 4 aviNlok ldtlo • ENVA M T I v I,& El • DESCRIPTION GENERATOR INFORMATION: TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP APPROVAL CODE DOCUMENT NO. HANDLE WITH CARE! a Figure 4 0 class, for example all flammable liquids, the generic name will be used to describe the shipment. For example xylene is a flammable liquid that is found by name in the DOT table of hazardous materials.- If shipping a drum packed with containers of xylene for disposal the DOT shipping information would be Waste Xylene, 3, UN1307, II. Toluene is also a flammable liquid that is found by name in the DOT table of hazardous materials and a drum packed with containers of toluene for disposal would be shipped with the name Waste Toluene, 3, UN1294, II. However for a drum packed with containers of toluene and containers of xylene the generic shipping name, Waste flammable liquid, n.o.s., 3, UN 1993, II would be used listing toluene and xylene in parentheses as the constituents of concern. There are fifteen DOT hazardous materials generic shipping names that may be used to ship waste along with two non -DOT shipping names: Waste flammable solid, organic, n.o.s. 4.1 UN1325 Waste flammable liquid, n.o.s. 3 UN1993 Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s. 8 UN3262 Waste corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s. 8 UN3266 Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s. 8 UN3260 Waste corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s. 8 UN3264 Waste toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3287 Waste toxic solid, inorganic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3288 Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. 9 UN3077 Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. 9 UN3082 Waste oxidizing liquid, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3139 Waste oxidizing solid, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1479 Waste pesticides, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2902 Waste pesticides, solid, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 LN2588 Waste aerosols, flammable 2.1 UN1950 Non-RCRA/DOT hazardous substance, solid Non-RCRA/DOT hazardous substance, liquid Depending on which wastes are received and the packaging requirements and guidelines there may be additional shipping names used to describe materials packaged for shipment. 0 Figure 4 are examples of the non-RCRA regulated label. These labels or an equivalent will be • used to label non-RCRA materials. 8.0 Household Waste Incompatibility Household chemical must be sorted and packaged into drums according to hazard class. Incompatible wastes can produce effects that are harmful to human health and the environment. Below are general comments on potentially incompatible wastes: 1. Waste will be packaged and segregated for shipping in accordance with the information provided in 49CFR, Part 177.848 - Segregation Table For Hazardous Materials and the Chemical Compatibility Chart which are both found in Appendix E. 2. Waste materials which are classified as corrosive -acidic must be packaged separately from those identified as corrosive -basic. 3. With a chemical mixtures it is important to confirm both the main ingredient and the ingredient that provides the most serious hazard to the handler and the environment. 4. Never mix products containing ammonia with products containing bleach. Toxic fumes will result. If there is a concern about the compatibility of a waste to be packaged the material will be segregated and packaged separately for shipment. If there is a large amount of material to be shipped the NYSDEC will be contacted for assistance. • 9.0 Drum Inventory Sheet There will be three copies of the drum inventory sheet shown in Figure 5 used for shipping the packed drums. One will be attached to the drum, one will be left onsite, and one will be attached to the manifest. The information required on this form includes the following: 1. Date of the collection program 2. The trade name of the material 3. The chemical constituent that the waste classification is based on 4. Container size 5. Container type (e.g. glass, metal, plastic) 0 The drum inventory sheet must be kept on file at the facility for a minimum of three years. 10.0 Packing Procedures Prior to packing any containers in the drum the bottom of the drum will be covered with ample vermiculite to insure that containers placed at the drum's bottom are not broken against the bottom. After establishing the correct hazard class and the compatibility with the current contents of a drum the waste can be entered on the drum inventory sheet and consolidated into the drum. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE CAN AN UNKNOWN BE PACKED. Waste will be packed in order to comply with regulations found in 49 CFT 173.12(b). In accordance with 49 CFR • 173.12(b)(2)(ii) the inner packagings must be either glass not exceeding 1 gallon rated capacity, Figure F--I LJ Proper DOT Shipping Name Hazard UN/NA PG Company Name Class Address Total lbs/gals. Date Manifest # Waste Codes Drum # Container Chemical Name Size Qty. EPA Codes r I I I � i 1 i I I f • r7 LJ 0 or metal or plastic, not exceeding 5.3 gallons rated capacity. All inner packagings containing liquid must be surrounded by a chemically compatible absorbent material in sufficient quantity to absorb the total liquid content. Upon closing a drum it must be full with the inner packagings and vermiculite. i b Om p Y4 a • Appendix A EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN Town of Southold Household Hazardous Materials Collection Programs Southold Town Landfill Middle Road Southold, New York October 14, 2000 December 9, 2000 • C: • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Contingency Plan Site Security Determination, Segregation and Packing Handling of Rejected Material Acceptable/Unacceptable Material Safety/Emergency Equipment List of Personnel Disposal Sites Household Waste Collection Experience • CONTINGENCY PLAN: The Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures are to ensure that Chemical Pollution Control has established the necessary planned procedures to follow in the event an emergency situation should arise. GENERAL INFORMATION - Programs will be held on October 14, 2000 and December 9, 2000 at the Southold Town Landfill, Middle Road, Southold, NY. WORK AREA: Note: All containers accepted must be from homeowners. The work area will be lined with a poly liner to insure no potential exists for groundwater contamination. The work crew will also provide absorbents and over pack containers for any incoming leaking containers. A high pressure water wash will also be on site for any areas that need decontamination. EMERGENCY COORDINATORS: If an emergency situation develops at the site the observer should contact an Emergency Coordinator. Ken Mitchko will be the primary Emergency Coordinator and should be contacted . first. NOTIFICATION: In the event of an emergency, the Emergency Coordinator will notify federal, state and local agencies. IDENTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY: The Emergency Coordinator will immediately identify the emergency character, exact source, extent of the emergency and the materials involved. The initial identification method is a visual analysis of materials and locations of the release. ASSESSMENT: The Emergency Coordinator will access all hazards to human health and environment. CONTROL PROCEDURES: Emergencies can fall under the following classifications: 1. Spill or release of materials 2. Fire and/or explosions 3. Natural disasters SPILL OR RELEASE: In the event of a chemical release the Emergency Plan Chart should be used as a guideline (see Figure F-1). If an employee observes any chemical release he will immediately report it to the Emergency Coordinator and the following information will be obtained: 1. The material released 2. Location of release 3. Quantity and rate of release 4. Direction of release 5. is 6. Any injury from release If the release could have the possibility of fire and/or explosion If the emergency is determined to lie within the contractor's capabilities the contractor's personnel will be deployed to control and remove the materials and complete any necessary site decontamination. In the event of a chemical release a safe zone emergency area will be designated. The placement of this area will be determined the morning of the program prior to starting time and will be based on the existing weather conditions. 0 • S.T.O.P. PROGRAM SITE SECURITY During Operations During operations the work area will be taped off so as to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the work area. Personnel working within the area will be alerted to enforce this policy. After Operations Upon completion of material collection all drums will be loaded onto the truck and transported to the designated facility. If the truck breaks down en route to the facility a second truck will be dispatched to the breakdown location and all materials will be transferred to the new vehicle. General Security At all times during the collection, packing and transportation of materials Chemical Pollution Control will ensure that a person will be present for security to enforce all safety policies for optimum environmental protection. Quantities Larger Than Anticipated Volumes • If the amount of material collected exceeds the anticipated volume a second truck will be dispatched to the collection site to transport the additional material to the designated facility. 0 • WASTE DETERMINATION, SEGREGATION AND PACKING STEP 1: The On-site Coordinator will determine into what category the material will be placed by visual inspection, label information, use of pH paper, aroma and any information that the homeowner can furnish. STEP 2: Materials will be segregated into proper D.O.T. shipping categories (ie. paints, varnish, stains and polyurethanes are in the flammable category. Chlordane, Lindane and Deldrin would be placed in the pesticide liquid or pesticide solid category.) STEP 3: Once the materials has been identified and segregated it is then placed in the proper drum, cushioned with absorbent, closed, labeled and prepared for transport. • 0 • HANDLING OF REJECTED MATERIALS In the event a town residents material is refused because of unacceptable materials the town coordinator will be contacted. The resident will be informed on how the material should be handled, depending on the nature of rejection. The contingency plan may be initiated if the unacceptable material presents an immediate danger to the environment. This includes explosive, shock sensitive, possible release of an inhalation hazard or radioactive material. If the material is rejected due to permit restrictions the resident shall be given alternate contacts (if available) who can safely dispose of the waste. These materials include dioxin, infectious, pathogenic and unidentifiable material, gas cylinders and asbestos.* * Asbestos may be handled if it is wet and securely double -bagged according to regulatory specification. If this criteria is not met the material will be rejected. 0 0 • ACCEPTABLE/UNACCEPTABLE MATERIAL Only waste which is generated solely from residential use will be accepted at the S.T.O.P. program (see 40CFR 261.4(b)(1)). No commercial or town generated waste will be accepted as per state and federal regulations. Only materials which can be identified will be accepted at the S.T.O.P. program (ie. labels, knowledge of the waste or field testing verification). Type of materials that are acceptable include: Pesticides* Herbicides* Paints Paint thinners Kerosene Preservatives - except Pentachlorophenols Corrosives Oxidizers Motor oils Batteries • * except dioxin bearing material (2,4,5-T, 2,4,5 -TP and Silvex) Materials that will be deemed unacceptable shall include: Explosives Pathogenics Radioactives Infectious Suspected dioxin Unknowns Gas cylinders • • EMERGENCY, SAFETY AND PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR S.T.O.P. PROGRAMS SITES 2-4 Scott Paks (air equipment) 3 Spill Guns (acid and alkaline neutralizers) 4 Bags of speedi-dry 1 Dozen chemical resistant gloves 1 Dozen protective eye glasses 1 Dozen Tyvek chemical resistant suits 3-4 Spare 3M respirators with cartridges and filters 2 85 gallon overpack drums 2-3 Pair of chemical resistant boots • Shovels, brooms and tarps First aid kit Portable eye wash Portable decontamination equipment - 50 gallon tub, hose, scrub brushes 0 LIST OF PERSONNEL GARY GEORGE - 12 years experience in identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, S.T.O.P. Program Supervisor since 1987, Lab Pack Coordinator PAUL KEELER - 7 years experience in identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, S.T.O.P. programs, lab packs, driver, on-site job supervisor. GEORGE BRUNO - 7 years experience in identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, lab packs, S.T.O.P. programs, driver, assistant yard foreman. WILLY MORALES - 7 years experience in identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, S.T.O.P. program, material coordinator and lab packs. TIM CARR - 7 years experience in identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, S.T.O.P. program, material coordinator and lab packs. MIKE SMITH - 8 years experience in driving vehicles containing hazardous waste, identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, S.T.O.P. program. MIKE RIDGES - 2 years experience in driving vehicles containing hazardous waste, S.T.O.P. toprogram. CUBIE WADE - 6 years experience in identification, segregation and handling of hazardous materials, S.T.O.P. program, material coordinator and lab packs. Is • • C_J DISPOSAL FACILITIES UTILIZED BY CHEMICAL POLLUTION CONTROL TREATMENT/LANDFILL - Subtitle C: Chemical Waste Management Highway 17, Mile Marker 163 Emelle, Alabama 35459 205-652-9721 Len Necaise ALD 000 622 464 Stablex 760 Industrial Blvd. Blainville, Quebec, Canada 800-782-2539 Roger Gibb NYD 980 756 415 Laidlaw Environmental Services 4090 Telfer Road, RR #1 Corunna, Ontario, Canada 519-864-1021 Rick Reilly MIT 270 019 904 LANDFILL - Subtitle D: City Management, Inc 1550 Harper Street Detroit, Michigan 48211 313-923-0080 Jim Kreger MID 054 683 479 Chemical Waste Management 1550 Balmer Road Model City, New York 14107 716-754-8231 Mike McInerney NYD 049 836 679 Envotech-Michigan Disposal 49350 North I-94 Service Road Belleville, Michigan 48111 313-697-2200 Mike Favor MID 000 724 831 Chem -Met Services 18550 Allen Road Wyandotte, Michigan 48192 800-282-9251 Bruce Smith MID 096 963 194 Wayne Disposal 49350 North I-94 Service Road Belleville, Michigan 48111 313-326-2200 Mike Favor MID 048 090 633 TREATMENT: ACID/ALKALINE/HEAVY METAL Republic Environmental System (PA), Inc 2869 Sandstone Drive Hatfield, PA 19440 215-822-2676 Bob Fulton PAD 085 690 592 E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co. Route 130 Deepwater, New Jersey 08023 800-626-1717 Jennifer The NJD 002 385 730 • TREATMENT: ACID/ALKALINE/HEAVY METAL (continued) Eticam Northland Environmental 25 Graystone Street 275 Allens Avenue Warwick, Rhode Island 02886 Providence, Rhode Island 02905 401-738-3262 401-781-634 Rick Belmont Steve Ganley RID 980 906 986 RID 040 098 352 FUEL SUBSTITUTION: United Oil Recovery, Inc. Norlite Corporation 136 Gracey Avenue 628 S. Saratoga Street Meriden, Connecticut 06450 Cohoes, New York 12047 203-238-6745 518-235-0401 Bill Morris Tim Lachell CTD 021 816 889 NYD 080 469 935 Bridgeport United Recycling Petro -Chem Processing Group 50 Cross Street 421 Lycaste Bridgeport, Connecticut 06610 Detroit, MI 48214 203-334-1666 800-767-6070 • CTD 002 593 887 MID980615298 Steve Kozara Keystone Cement Company NYD 048 148 175 Route 329 Exide - General Battery Corp. Bath, Pennsylvania 18014 Spring Valley Road & Nolan Avenue 610-837-2240 Lauderdale, PA 49605 PAD002389559 610-921-4004 Jeff Kaboly Bob Jordan RECLAMATION: Chemrec, Inc. Mercury Refining 190 Brosseau 26 Railroad Avenue Cowensville, Quebec, J2K3G6 Albany, New York 978-348-1223 518-459-0820 Mark Boisvenue Steve Graves NYD 048 148 175 Inmetco Exide - General Battery Corp. 245 Portersville Road Spring Valley Road & Nolan Avenue Ellwood City, PA 16117 Lauderdale, PA 49605 412-758-2800 610-921-4004 John Onuska Bob Jordan • PAD 087 561 015 PAD 990 753 089 • INCINERATION: Laidlaw - B.D.T. Ensco, Inc. 4255 Research Parkway American Road Clarence, New York 14031 El Dorado, Arkansas 71730 716-759-2868 501-863-7173 Tim Van Domelen Steve Darnell NYD 000 632 372 ARD 069 748 192 Marine Shale Processors, Inc. Waste Technologies, Inc. Highway 90 East 1250 St. George Street Morgan City, Louisiana 70380 East Liverpool, Ohio 43920-5919 504-631-3161 800-495-4162 Mac Wade Bill Bailey LAD 981 057 706 OHD 980 613 541 Port Arthur Incinerator-CWM Rollins Environmental Services Highway 73 Route 322 & Route I-295 Port Arthur, Texas 77640 Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014 409-736-2821 609-467-3105 Jim Gary Steve DeLussa TXD 000 838 896 NJD 053 288 239 • Rollins-Aptus Rollins-Aptus Highway 169 North 21750 Cedar Avenue Coffeyville, Kansas 67337 Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 316-251-6380 800-328-4061 Mike Wilsey Brian Bosnan KSD 981 506 025 MND 981 190 242 Rollins-Aptus Rollins-Aptus 11600 North Aptus Road P.O. Box 609 Aragonite, Utah 84029 Deer Park, Texas 77536 801-531-4200 540-930-2343 Doug Reilly UTD 981 552 177 Trade Waste Incineration 7 Mobil Avenue Sauget, Illinois 62201 800-894-2876 Dennis Warshol ILD 098 642 424 is • MERCURY BULB RECYCLING: American Lamp Recycling, LLC 22 Stage Door Rd Wappingers Falls, NY 12524 NY0000343889 914-896-0057 Advanced Environmental Recycling Co. 2591 Mitchell Avenue Allentown, PA 18103 PAD987367216 617-797-7608 CONSOLIDATION /TRANSFER: C.R.I. Environment, Inc. 75 du Progres Steet Coteau -du -Lac, Quebec, Canada, JOP 1130 514-763-5541 Joseph Peterka U..� 0 Global Recycling Technologies. Inc. 218 Canton Street Stoughton, MA 02072 MA5000004713 781-341-6080 • HOUSEHOLD COLLECTION EXPERIENCE Chemical Pollution Control was founded in 1976 at its present location at 120 South Fourth Street in Bay Shore. The facility accepts generator and homeowner waste at the facility for consolidation and reshipment to final disposal sites. Wastes are consolidated according to the potential hazard(s) associated with the waste material. Chemical Pollution Control operated the first household hazardous waste collection program in the state for the Town of Islip in 1984. Since that time programs have been completed by C.P.C. for virtually every municipality in Nassau and Suffolk county. C.P.C.'s experience in operating household hazardous waste collection programs in the last three years is listed below. Town of Southold S.T.O.P. Program 1998 Jim Buncheck, 734-7685 Town of Shelter Island S.T.O.P. Program 1999 Brian Sherman, 749-0015 Village of Babylon S.T.O.P. Program 1999 Ralph Scordino, 669-1212 • Town of Islip S.T.O.P. Program 1999 Peter Daly, 224-5645 Town of Riverhead S.T.O.P. Program 1999 John Reeves, 727-8194 Town of Brookhaven S.T.O.P. Program 1994 Michael Groben, 451-6222 City of Glen Cove S.T.O.P. Program 1994 Joe Graziose, 674-6032 Town of East Hampton S.T.O.P. Program 1994 David Paolelli, 329-6679 Town of Southampton S.T.O.P. Program 1994 Barry Page, 283-5210 Town of Huntington S.T.O.P. Program 1993 Janet Dietrich, 351-3186 0 Appendix B New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYCRR Part 371 -Waste Identification. • • • • (i) The solid waste exhibits any of the characteristics of hazardous waste identified in section 371.3 of this Part. (ii) The solid waste has been found to be fatal to humans in low doses or, in the absence of data on human toxicity, it has been shown in studies to have an oral LD 50 toxicity (rat) of less than 50 milligrams per kilogram, an inhalation LD 50 toxicity (rat) of less than 2 milligrams per liter, or a dermal LD 50 toxicity (rabbit) of less than 200 milligrams per kilogram or is otherwise capable of causing or significantly contributing to an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness. (Waste listed in accordance with these criteria will be designated Acute Hazardous Waste.) (iii) The solid waste contains any of the toxic constituents listed in Appendix 23, infra, and, after considering the following factors, the Commissioner concludes that the waste is capable of posing a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of, or otherwise managed: ('a') the nature of the toxicity presented by the constituent. ('b) the concentration of the constituent in the waste. ('c) the potential of the constituent or any toxic degradation product of the constituent to migrate from the waste into the environment under the types of improper management considered in clause ('g') of this subparagraph. ('d) the persistence of the constituent or any toxic degradation product of the constituent; ('e') the potential for the constituent or any toxic degradation product of the constituent to degrade into non -harmful constituents and the rate of degradation; ('f) the degree to which the constituent or any degradation product of the constituent bioaccumulates in ecosystems; ('g) the plausible types of improper management to which the waste could be subjected; ('h') the quantities of the waste generated at individual generation sites or on a regional or national basis; ('i) the nature and severity of the human health and environmental damage that has occurred as a result of the improper management of wastes containing the constituent; (j') action taken by other governmental agencies or regulatory programs based on the health or environmental hazard posed by the waste or other constituent; and ('k) such other factors as may be appropriate. Constituents will be listed in Appendix 23, infra, only if they have been shown in scientific studies to have toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects on humans or other life forms. (2) The Commissioner may list classes or types of solid wastes as hazardous wastes if the Commissioner has reason to believe that individual wastes, within the class or type of waste, typically or frequently are hazardous under the definition of hazardous waste found in Article 27, Title 9 of the Environmental Conservation Law. (3) The Commissioner will use the criteria for listing specified in this subdivision to establish the exclusion limits referred to in paragraph 371.1(f) (3) of this Title. (4) Whenever the Commissioner proposes to list a solid waste as a hazardous waste where such solid waste has not been so listed by the Administrator, the listing of the solid waste shall be subject to the approval of the State Environmental Board. (Wastes listed in accordance with these criteria wil l be designated Toxic Wastes.) Section 371.3 Characteristics of Hazardous Waste. (a) General. (1) A solid waste, as defined in section 371.1(c) of this Part, which is not excluded from regulation as a hazardous waste under section 371.1(e), is a hazardous waste if it exhibits any of the characteristics identified in this section. (Note: Section 372.2(a) of this Title sets forth the generator's responsibility to determine whether the waste exhibits one or more of the characteristics identified in this section.) (2) A hazardous waste which is identified by a characteristic in this section is assigned every EPA Hazardous Waste Number that is applicable as set forth in this section. This number(s) must be used in complying with the notification requirements of section 3010 of RCRA and all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Part 372 through Subpart 373-3, and Part 376 of this Title. (3) For purposes of this section, the Commissioner will consider a sample obtained using any of the applicable sampling methods specified in Appendix 19, infra, to be a representative sample. A person may employ a sampling method alternative to those listed in Appendix 19 and is not required to demonstrate the equivalency of that method under the procedures set forth in subdivisions 370.3(a) and (b) of this Title. (b) Characteristic of ignitability. Page 18 of Part 371 0 • • (1) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of ignitability if a representative sample of the waste has any of the following properties: (i) It is a liquid, other than an aqueous solution containing less than 24 percent alcohol by volume, and has a flash point less than 60 degrees (140 degrees F). Flash point must be determined by a Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester Materials Standard D-93-79 or D-93-80; or a Setaflash Closed Cup Tester, using the method specified in the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) and the test method specified in ASTM Standard D-3278-78; or a determined by an equivalent test method approved by the Commissioner as set forth in 6NYCRR 370.3(b) (see section 370.1(e) of this Title). (ii) It is not a liquid and is capable under standard temperature and pressure, of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture or spontaneous chemical changes and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently that it creates a hazard. (iii) It is an ignitable compressed gas, as defined in 49 CFR 172 (see section 370.1(e) of this Title), and as determined by the test methods described in that regulation or equivalent test methods approved by the Commissioner as set forth in section 370.3(b) of this Title. (iv) It is an oxidizer as defined in 49 CFR 173.127 (see section 370.1(e) of this Title). (2) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of ignitability has the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D001. (c) Characteristic of corrosivity. (1) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of corrosivity if a representative sample of the waste has either of the following properties: (i) It is aqueous and has a pH less than or equal to 2 or greater than or equal to 12.5, as determined by a pH meter using Method 9040 in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA publication number SW -846, as incorporated by reference in subdivision 370.1(e) of this Title. (ii) It is a liquid and corrodes steel (SAE 1020) at a rate greater than 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) per year at a test temperature of 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) as determined by the test method specified in the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (MACE) Standard TM -01-69 as standardized in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA Publication SW -846, as incorporated by reference in subdivision 370.1(e) of this Title. (2) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristics of corrosivity has the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D002. (d) Characteristic of reactivity. (1) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of reactivity if a representative sample of the waste has any of the following properties: (i) It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent change without detonating; (ii) It reacts violently with water; (iii) It forms potentially explosive mixtures with water; (iv) When mixed with water, it generates toxic gases, vapors or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the environment; (v) It is a cyanide or sulfide bearing waste which, when exposed to pH conditions between 2 and 12.5, can generate toxic gases, vapors or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the environment; (vi) It is a capable of detonation or explosive reaction if it is subjected to a strong initiating source or if heated under confinement; (vii) It is readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or reaction at standard temperature and pressure; and (viii) It is a forbidden explosive, a Class A explosive or a Class B explosive as defined in 49 CFR 173.51 and 173.53 (see section 370.1(e) of this Title). (2) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of reactivity has the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D003. (e) Toxicity characteristic. (1) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of toxicity if, using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, Test Method 1311 in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods," EPA Publication SW -846, as incorporated by reference in subdivision 370.1(e) of this Title, the extract from a representative sample of the waste contains any of the contaminants listed in Table 1 at a concentration equal to or greater than the respective value given in that Table. Where the waste contains less than 0.5 percent filterable solids, the waste itself, after filtering using the methodology outlined in Method 1311, is considered to be the extract for the purpose of this subdivision. Table 1. -- Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristic EPA Contaminant CAS N o . 2 Regulatory HW Level Page 19 of Part 371 FOOTNOTE 1: Hazardous waste number. FOOTNOTE 2: Chemical abstracts service number. FOOTNOTE 3: Quantitation limit is greater than the calculated regulatory level. The quantitation limit therefore becomes the regulatory level. FOOTNOTE 4: If o-, m-, and p -Cresol concentrations cannot be differentiated, the total cresol (D026) concentration is used. The regulatory level of total cresol is 200 mg/1. (2) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of toxicity has the EPA Hazardous Waste Number specified in Table 1 which corresponds to the toxic • contaminant causing it to be hazardous. Section 371.4 Lists of Hazardous Wastes (a) General (1) A solid waste is a hazardous waste if it is listed in this section, unless it has been excluded from this list under section 370.3(a) and (b) of this Title. (Note: Although the names used for chemicals in this list include common names, trade names and specific isomer names under various chemical naming systems, where any one of these previous names are used, all other equivalent names shall be considered to be listed.) (2) The Commissioner will indicate the basis for listing the classes or types of wastes listed in this section by employing one or more of the following Hazard Codes: Ignitable Waste ...... (I) Corrosive Waste ..... (C) Reactive Waste ...... (R) Toxicity Characteristic Waste (E) Acute Hazardous Waste (H) Toxic Waste (T) Appendix 22, infra, identifies the constituent which caused the Commissioner to list the waste as a Toxicity Characteristic Waste (E) or Toxic Waste (T) in subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section. (3) Each hazardous waste listed in this section is assigned an EPA Hazardous Waste Number which precedes the name of the waste. This number must be used in complying with the notification requirements of section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and certain recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Parts 372, 373, and 376 of this Title (see subdivision 370.1(e) of this Title). (4) The followinghazardous wastes listed in subdivisions (b) and c) of this section are subject to the exclusion limits for acutely hazardous waste established in subdivision 371.1(f) of this Title: EPA Hazardous Waste Number F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027. Page 20 of Part 371 No. (mg/L) •D004 Arsenic 7440-38-2 5.0 D005 Barium 7440-39-3 100.0 D018 Benzene 71-43-2 0.5 D006 Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.0 D019 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.5 D020 Chlordane 57-74-9 0.03 D021 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 100.0 D022 Chloroform 67-66-3 6.0 D007 Chromium 7440-47-3 4 5.0 D023 o -Cresol 95-48-7 4200.0 D024 m -Cresol 108-39-4 4200.0 D025 p -Cresol 106-44-5 4200.0 D026 Cresol 200.0 D016 2,4-D 94-75-7 10.0 D027 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 7.5 D028 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.5 D029 1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 30.7 D030 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.13 D012 Endrin 72-20-8 0.02 D031 Heptachlor (and its epoxide) 76-44-8 30.008 D032 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.13 D033 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5 D034 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 3.0 D008 Lead 7439-92-1 5.0 D013 Lindane 58-89-9 0.4 D009 Mercury 7439-97-6 0.2 D014 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 10.0 D035 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 200.0 D036 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 2.0 •D037 Pentrachlorophenol 87-86-5 190.0 D038 Pyridine 110-86-1 5.0 DO10 Selenium 7782-49-2 1.0 D011 Silver 7440-22-4 5.0 D039 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.73 D015 Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.5 D040 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.5 D041 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 400.0 D042 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 2.0 D017 2,4,5 -TP (Silvex) 93-72-1 1.0 D043 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.2 FOOTNOTE 1: Hazardous waste number. FOOTNOTE 2: Chemical abstracts service number. FOOTNOTE 3: Quantitation limit is greater than the calculated regulatory level. The quantitation limit therefore becomes the regulatory level. FOOTNOTE 4: If o-, m-, and p -Cresol concentrations cannot be differentiated, the total cresol (D026) concentration is used. The regulatory level of total cresol is 200 mg/1. (2) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of toxicity has the EPA Hazardous Waste Number specified in Table 1 which corresponds to the toxic • contaminant causing it to be hazardous. Section 371.4 Lists of Hazardous Wastes (a) General (1) A solid waste is a hazardous waste if it is listed in this section, unless it has been excluded from this list under section 370.3(a) and (b) of this Title. (Note: Although the names used for chemicals in this list include common names, trade names and specific isomer names under various chemical naming systems, where any one of these previous names are used, all other equivalent names shall be considered to be listed.) (2) The Commissioner will indicate the basis for listing the classes or types of wastes listed in this section by employing one or more of the following Hazard Codes: Ignitable Waste ...... (I) Corrosive Waste ..... (C) Reactive Waste ...... (R) Toxicity Characteristic Waste (E) Acute Hazardous Waste (H) Toxic Waste (T) Appendix 22, infra, identifies the constituent which caused the Commissioner to list the waste as a Toxicity Characteristic Waste (E) or Toxic Waste (T) in subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section. (3) Each hazardous waste listed in this section is assigned an EPA Hazardous Waste Number which precedes the name of the waste. This number must be used in complying with the notification requirements of section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and certain recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Parts 372, 373, and 376 of this Title (see subdivision 370.1(e) of this Title). (4) The followinghazardous wastes listed in subdivisions (b) and c) of this section are subject to the exclusion limits for acutely hazardous waste established in subdivision 371.1(f) of this Title: EPA Hazardous Waste Number F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027. Page 20 of Part 371 (b) Hazardous waste from non-specific sources. (1) The following solid wastes are listed hazardous wastes from non-specific sources unless they are • excluded under sections 370.3(a) and (c) of this Title and listed in Appendix 24, infra: Industry and EPA Hazardous Hazardous Waste Hazard Waste No. Code Generic: F001 The following spent halogenated solvents used in degreasing: tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, (T) methylene chloride, 1,1,1 -trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chlorinated fluorocarbons; all spent solvent mixtures/blends used in degreasing containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above halogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F002, F004, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. F002 The following spent halogenated solvents: tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, (T) 1,1,1 -trichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, ortho-dichlorobenzene, trichlorofluoromethane and 1,1,2 -trichloroethane; before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above halogenated solvents or those listed in F001, F004 or F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. •F003 The following spent non -halogenated solvents: xylene, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethyl benzene, ethyl ether, (I)* methyl isobutyl ketone, n -butyl alcohol, cyclohexanone, and methanol; all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, only the above spent non -halogenated solvents; and all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, one or more of the above non -halogenated solvents, and a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of those solvents listed in F001, F002, F004, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. F004 The following spent non -halogenated solvents: cresols and cresylic acid, and nitrobenzene; all spent solvent (T) mixtures/blends containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above non -halogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F001, F002, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. F005 The following spent non -halogenated solvents: toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, carbon disulfide, isobutanol, (I,T)* pyridine, benzene, 2-ethoxyethanol, and 2-nitropropane; all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above non -halogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F001, F002, or F004; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. • F006 Wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating operations except from the following processes: (T) Page 21 of Part 371 (1) sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminum; (2) tin plating on carbon steel; (3) zinc plating (segregated basis) • on carbon steel; (4) aluminum or zinc -aluminum plating on carbon steel; (5) cleaning/stripping associated with tin, zinc and aluminum plating on carbon steel and (6) chemical etching and milling of aluminum. F007 Spent cyanide plating bath solutions from electroplating operations. (R,T) F008 Plating sludges from the bottom of plating baths from electroplating operations where cyanides are (R,T) used in the process. F009 Spent stripping and cleaning bath solutions from electroplating operations where cyanides are (R,T) used in the process. F010 Quenching bath sludge from oil baths from metal heat treating operations where cyanides are (R,T) used in the process. F011 Spent cyanide solutions from salt bath pot cleaning from metal heat treating operations. (R,T) F012 Quenching wastewater treatment sludges from metal heat treating operations where cyanides are (T) used in the process. F019 Wastewater treatment sludges from the chemical conversion coating of aluminum except from zirconium (T) phosphating in aluminum can washing when such phosphating is an exclusive conversion coating process. •F020 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of (H) or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tri- or tetrachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce their pesticide derivatives. (This listing does not include wastes from the production of Hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5 -trichlorophenol.) F021 Waste (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or (H) manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of pentachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce its derivatives. F022 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the manufacturing (H) use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta, or hexachlorobenzenes under alkaline conditions. F023 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of (H) materials on equipment previously used for the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, component in a formulating process) of tri -and tetrachlorophenols. (This listing does not include wastes from equipment used only for the production or use of Hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5 -trichlorophenol.) F024 Process wastes, including but not limited to, distillation residues, heavy ends, tars, and reactor 40 clean-out (w)astes, from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by free radical catalyzed Page 22 of Part 371 from processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths ranging one to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of chlorine substitution. (This listing does not include wastewaters, wastewater treatment sludges, spent catalysts, and wastes listed in subdivision (b) or (c) of this section.) F025 Condensed light ends, spent filters and filter aids, and spent desiccant wastes from the production of (T) certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, by free radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths ranging from one to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of chlorine substitution. F026 Waste (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of (H) materials on equipment previously used for the manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-, or hexachlorobenzene under alkaline conditions. F027 Discarded unused formulations containing tri,- tetra-, or pentachlorophenol or discarded unused formulation (H) containing compounds derived from these chlorophenols. (This listing does not include formulations containing Hexachlorophene synthesized from prepurified 2,4,5 -trichlorophenol as the sole component.) F028 Residues resulting from the incineration or thermal treatment of soil contaminated with EPA Hazardous (T) Waste Nos. F020, F021, F022, F023, F026 and F027. F032 Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process residuals, (T) preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that currently use or have previously used chlorophenolic formulations (except potentially cross - contaminated wastes that have had the F032 waste code deleted in accordance with subdivision 371.4(fl or potentially cross -contaminated wastes that are otherwise currently regulated as hazardous wastes (i.e., F034 or F035) , and where the generator does not resume or initiate use of chlorophenolic formulations). This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. F034 Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process residuals, (T) preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use creosote formulations. This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. F035 Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process residuals, (T) preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use inorganic preservatives containing arsenic or chromium. This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or is pentachlorophenol. Page 23 of Part 371 F037 Petroleum refinery primary oil/water/solids separation sludge -Any sludge generated from the gravitational (T) separation of oil/water/solids during the storage or treatment of process wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such sludges include, but are not limited to, those generated in: oil/water/solids separators; tanks and impoundments; ditches and other conveyances; sumps; and stormwater units receiving dry weather flow. Sludge generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non -contact once -through cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or oily cooling waters, sludges generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in subparagraph 371.4(b) (2) (ii) (including sludges generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and K051 wastes are not included in this listing. F038 Petroleum refinery secondary (emulsified) oil/water/solids separation sludge -Any sludge and/or float (T) generated from the physical and/or chemical separation of oil/water/solids in process wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such wastes include, but are not limited to, all sludges and floats generated in: induced air flotation (IAF) units, tanks and impoundments, and all sludges generated in DAF units. Sludges generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non -contact once -through cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or oily cooling waters, sludges and floats generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in subparagra h 371.4(b�(2) (ii) (including sludges and floats generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and F037, K048, and K051 wastes are not included in this listing. F039 Leachate (liquids that have percolated through land disposed wastes) resulting from the disposal of more (T) than one restricted waste classified as hazardous under section 371.4 of this Part. (Leachate resulting from the disposal of one or more of the following EPA Hazardous Wastes and no other hazardous waste retains its EPA Hazardous Waste Number(s): F020, F021, F022, F026, F027, and/or F028.) *(I,T) should be used to specify mixtures containing ignitable and toxic constituents. (2) Listing Specific Definitions: (i) For the purposes of the F037 and F038 listings, oil/water/solids is defined as oil and/or water and/or solids. (ii) ('a') For the purposes of the F037 and F038 listings, aggressive biological treatment units are defined as units which employ one of the following four treatment methods: activated sludge; trickling filter; rotating biological contactor for the continuous accelerated biological oxidation of wastewaters; or high -rate aeration. High -rate aeration is a system of surface impoundments or tanks, in which intense mechanical aeration is used to completely mix the wastes, enhance biological activity, and ('1') the units employ a minimum of 6 hp per million gallons of treatment volume; and either ('2') the hydraulic retention time of the unit is no longer than 5 days; or ('3') the hydraulic retention time is no longer than 30 days and the unit does not generate a sludge that is a hazardous waste by the Toxicity . Characteristic. Page 24 of Part 371 ('b') Generators and treatment, storage and disposal facilities have the burden of proving that their sludges are exempt from listing as F037 and F038 wastes under this definition. Generators and treatment, storage and disposal facilities must maintain, in their operating or other onsite records, documents and data sufficient to prove that: ('1') the unit is an aggressive biological treatment unit as defined in this subparagraph; and ('2') the sludges sought to be exempted from the definitions of F037 and/or F038 were actually generated in the aggressive biological treatment unit. (iii) ('a') For the purposes of the F037 listing, sludges are considered to be generated at the moment of deposition in the unit, where deposition is defined as at least a temporary cessation of lateral particle movement. ('b') For the purposes of the F038 listing, ('1') sludges are considered to be generated at the moment of deposition in the unit, where deposition is defined as at least a temporary cessation of lateral particle movement and ('2') floats are considered to be generated at the moment they are formed in the top of the unit. (c) Hazardous Wastes from specific sources. The following solid wastes are listed hazardous waste from specific sources unless excluded under sections 370.3(a) and 370.3(c) of this Title and listed in Appendix 24. Industry and EPA Hazardous Hazardous Waste Hazard Waste No. Code Wood Preservation: •K001 Bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving processes that use (T) creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. Inorganic pigments: K002 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome yellow and orange pigments. (T) K003 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of molybdate orange pigments. (T) K004 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of zinc yellow pigments. (T) K005 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome green pigments. (T) K006 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome oxide green pigments (T) (anhydrous and hydrated). K007 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of iron blue pigments. (T) K008 Oven residue from the production of chrome oxide green pigments. (T) Organic Chemicals: K009 Distillation bottoms from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene. • (T) Page 25 of Part 371 K010 Distillation side cuts from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene. /Tl �1J . K011 Bottom stream from the wastewater stripper in the production of acrylonitrile. (R,T) K013 Bottom stream from the acetonitrile column in the production of acrylonitrile. (R,T) K014 Bottoms from the acetonitrile purification column in the production of acrylonitrile. (T) K015 Still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride. (T) K016 Heavy ends or distillation residues from the production of carbon tetrachloride. (T) K017 ends (still bottoms) from the purification column in the production of epichlorohydrin. (T)Heavy K018 Heavy ends from the fractionation column in ethyl chloride production. (T) K019 Heavy ends from the distillation of ethylene dichloride in ethylene dichloride production. /T\ K020 Heavy ends from the distillation of vinyl chloride chloride monomer production. (T) K021 Aqueous spent antimony catalyst waste from fluoromethanes production. (T) K022 Distillation bottom tars from the production of phenol/acetone from cumene. is (T) K023 Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene. (T) K024 Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene. (T) K025 Distillation bottoms from the production of nitrobenzene by the nitration of benzene. (T) K026 Stripping still tails from the production of methyl ethyl pyridines. (T) K027 Centrifuge and distillation residues from toluene diisocyanate production. (R,T) K028 Spent catalyst from the hydrochlorinator reactor in the production of 1,1,1 -trichloroethane. (T) K029 Waste from the product stream stripper in the production of 1,1,1 -trichloroethane. (T) K030 Column bottoms or heavy ends from the combined production of trichloroethylene (T) and perchloroethylene. K083 Distillation bottoms from aniline production. (T) K085 Distillation or fractionation column bottoms from the production of chlorobenzenes. • (T) Page 26 of Part 371 K093 Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene. (T) • K094 Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene. (T) K095 Distillation bottoms from the production of 1,1,1 -trichloroethane. (T) K096 Heavy ends from the heavy ends column from the production of 1,1,1 -trichloroethane. (T) K103 Process residues from aniline extraction from the production of aniline. (T) K104 Combined wastewater streams generated from nitrobenzene/aniline productions. (T) K105 Separated aqueous stream from the reactor product washing step in the production of chlorobenzene. (T) K107 Column bottoms from product separation from the production of 1, 1 -dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from (CIT) carboxylic acid hydrazides. K108 Condensed column overheads from product separation and condensed reactor vent gases from the (I,T) production of 1, 1 -dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. K109 Spent filter cartridges from product purification from the production of (T) 1, 1 -dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. • K110 Condensed column overheads from intermediate separation from the production of (T) 1, 1 -dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. K111 Product washwaters from the production of dinitrotoluene via nitration of toluene. (CIT) K112 Reaction by-product water from the drying column in the production of toluenediamine via (T) hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. K113 Condensed liquid light ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of (T) toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. K114 Vicinals from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via (T) hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. K115 Heavy ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via (T) hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. K116 Organic condensate from the solvent recovery column in the production of toluene diisocyanate via (T) phosgenation of toluenediamine. K117 Wastewater from the reactor vent gas scrubber in the production of ethylene dibromide via (T) bromination of ethene. • K118 Spent adsorbent solids from purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene (T) Page 27 of Part 371 dibromide via bromination of ethene. • K136 Still bottoms from the purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene. K149 Distillation bottoms from the production of alpha- (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring -chlorinated (T) toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups. (This waste does not include still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride.) K150 Organic residuals, excluding spent carbon adsorbent, from the spent chlorine gas and hydrochloric (T) acid recovery processes associated with the production of alpha- (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring -chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups. K151 Wastewater treatment sludges, excluding neutralization and biological sludges, generated during the (T) treatment of wastewaters from the production of alpha -(or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring -chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups. K156 Organic waste (including heavy ends, still bottoms, light ends, spent solvents, filtrates, and decantates) (T) from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.) K157 Wastewaters (including scrubber waters, condenser waters, washwaters, and separation waters) (T) • from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.) K158 Bag house dusts and filter/separation solids from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (T) (This listing does not apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.) K159 Organics from the treatment of thiocarbamate wastes. (T) K161 Purification solids (including filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids), bag house dust and (R,T) floor sweepings from the production of dithiocarbamate acids and their salts. (This listing does not include K125 or K126.) Inorganic Chemicals: K071 Brine purification muds from the mercury cell process in chlorine production, where separately (T) prepurified brine is not used. K073 Chlorinated hydrocarbon waste from the steps of the diaphragm cell process using graphite (T) anodes in chlorine production. K106 Wastewater treatment sludges from the mercury cell process in chlorine production. (T) Pesticides: K031 By-product salts generated in the production of MSMA and cacodylic acid. (T) • K032 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chlordane. (T) Page 28 of Part 371 Page 29 of Part 371 K033 Wastewater and scrub water from the chlorination of cyclopentadiene in the production of chlordane. (T) •K034 Filter solids from the filtration of hexachloro-cyclopentadiene in the production of chlordane. (T) K035 Wastewater treatment sludges generated in the production of creosote. (T) K036 Still bottoms from toluene reclamation distillation in the production of disulfoton. (T) K037 Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of disulfoton. (T) K038 Wastewater from the washing and stripping of phorate production. (T) K039 Filter cake from the filtration of diethylphos-phorodithioic acid in the production of phorate. (T) K040 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of phorate. (T) K041 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of toxaphene. (T) K042 Heavy ends or distillation residues from the distillation of tetrachlorobenzene in the (T) production of 2,4,5-T. K043 2,6-Dichlorophenol waste from the production of 2,4-D. (T) K097 Vacuum stripper discharge from the chlordane chlorinator in the production of chlordane. • (T) K098 Untreated process wastewater from the production of toxaphene. (T) K099 Untreated wastewater from the production of 2,4-D. (T) K123 Process wastewater (including supernates, filtrates, and washwaters) from the production (T) of ethylene-bisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. K124 Reactor vent scrubber water from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. (CIT) K125 Filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids from the production of ethylenebisdithio- carbamic (T) acid and its salts. K126 Baghouse dust and floor sweepings in milling and packaging operations from the production or (T) formulation of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. K131 Wastewater from the reactor and spent sulfuric acid from the acid dryer from the production (CIT) of methyl bromide. K132 Spent absorbent and wastewater separator solids from the production of methyl bromide. (T) Explosives: • K044 Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing and processing of explosives. (R) Page 29 of Part 371 K045 (R) Spent carbon from the treatment of wastewater containing explosives. is K046 Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing, formulation and loading of lead-based (T) initiating compounds. K047 Pink/red water from TNT operations. (R) Petroleum refining: K048 (T) Dissolved air flotation (DAF) float from the petroleum refining industry. K049 Slop oil emulsion solids from the petroleum refining industry. (T) K050 (T) Heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge from the petroleum refining industry. K051 API separator sludge from the petroleum refining industry. (T) K052 (T) Tank bottoms (leaded) from the petroleum refining industry. Iron and steel: K061 (T) Emission control dust/sludge from the primary production of steel in electric furnaces. K062 (CIT) Spent pickle liquor generated by steel finishing operations of facilities within the iron and steel industry (SIC Code 331 and 332). • Primary Copper: K064 Acid plant blowdown slurry/sludge resulting from the thickening of blowdown slurry from (T) primary copper production. Primary Lead: K065 (T) Surface impoundment solids contained in and dredged from surface impoundments at primary lead smelting facilities. Primary Zinc: K066 Sludge from treatment of process wastewater and/or acid plant blowdown from primary zinc (T) production. Primary Aluminum: K088 Spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction. (T) Ferroalloys: K090 Emission control dust or sludge from ferrochromium-silicon production. (T) K091 Emission control dust or sludge from ferrochromium production. (T) • Secondary lead: Page 30 of Part 371 K069 Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting, except sludge generated from (T) •secondary acid scrubber systems. K100 Waste leaching solution from acid leaching of emission control dust/sludge from secondary (T) lead smelting. Veterinary pharmaceuticals: K084 Wastewater treatment sludges generated during the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals (T) from arsenic or organo -arsenic compounds. K101 Distillation tar residues from the distillation of aniline -based compounds in the production of veterinary (T) pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo -arsenic compounds. K102 Residue from the use of activated carbon for decolorization in the production of veterinary (T) pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo -arsenic compounds. Ink Formation: K086 Solvent washes and sludges, caustic washes and sludges, or water washes and sludges from M cleaning tubs and equipment used in the formulation of ink from pigments, driers, soaps, and stabilizers containing chromium and lead. Coking: K060 Ammonia still lime sludge from coking operations. (T) • K087 Decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations. (T) K141 Process residues from the recovery of coal tar, including, but not limited to, collecting sump residues (T) from the production of coke from coal or the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. This listing does not include K087 (decanter tank tar sludges from coking operations). K142 Tar storage tank residues from the production of coke from coal or from the recovery of coke (T) by-products produced from coal. K143 Process residues from the recovery of light oil, including, but not limited to, those generated in stills, {T) decanters, and wash oil recovery units from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. K144 Wastewater sump residues from light oil refining, including, but not limited to, intercepting or (T) contamination sump sludges from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. K145 Residues from naphthalene collection and recovery operations from the recovery of coke (T) by-products produced from coal. K147 Tar storage tank residues from coal tar refining. (T) K148 Residues from coal tar distillation, including but not limited to, still bottoms. (T) • (d) Discarded commercial chemical products, off -specification species, container residues, and spill residues thereof. Page 31 of Part 371 The following materials or items are hazardous wastes if and when they are discarded or intended to be discarded as described in subparagraph 371.1(c) (2) (i) of this Part, when they are mixed with waste oil or used •oil or other material and applied to the land for dust suppression or road treatment, when they are otherwise applied to the land in lieu of their original intended use or when they are contained in products that are applied to the land in lieu of their original intended use, or when, in lieu of their original intended use, they are produced for use as (or as a component of) a fuel, distributed for use as a fuel, or burned as a fuel: (1) any commercial chemical product, or manufacturing chemical intermediate having the generic name listed in paragraph (5) or (6) of this subdivision; (2) any off -specification commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate which, if it met specifications, would have the generic name listed in paragraph (5) or (6) of this subdivision; (3) any residue remaining in a container or inner liner removed from a container that has been used to hold any commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate having the generic names listed in paragraphs (5) or (6) of this subdivision, or any residue remaining in a container or inner liner removed from a container that has been used to hold any off -specification chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate, which if it met specifications, would have the generic name listed in paragraphs (5) or (6) of this subdivision, unless the container is empty as defined in 371.1(h) (2). (Note: Unless the residue is being beneficially used or reused, or legitimately recycled or reclaimed, or being accumulated, stored, transported or treated prior to such use, reuse, recycling or reclamation, EPA and the Department consider the residue to be intended for discard, and thus, a hazardous waste. An example of a legitimate reuse of the residue would be where the residue remains in the container and the container is used to hold the same commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate it previously held. An example of the discard of the residue would be where the drum is sent to a drum reconditioner who reconditions the drum but discards the residues. All waste resulting from the rinsing or cleansing of the container or inner liner, by a nonaqueous solvent, is a hazardous waste. All waste resulting from the aqueous rinsing or cleansing of the container or inner liner is a hazardous waste unless exempt pursuant to subclause 371.1(d) (1) (ii) ('d') ('4').) (4) any residue or contaminated soil, water or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill into or on any land or water of any commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate having the generic name listed in paragraph (5) or (6) of this subdivision, or any residue or contaminated soil water or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of any off -specifications chemical product or manufacturin chemical intermediate which, if it met specifications, would have the generic name listed in paragraph (51 or (6) of this subdivision. (Note: The phrase "commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate having the generic name listed in..." refers to a chemical substance which is manufactured or formulated for commercial or manufacturing use which consists of the commercially pure grade of the chemical, any technical grades of the chemical that are produced or marketed, and all formulations in which the chemical is the sole active ingredient. It does not refer to a material, such as a manufacturing process waste, that contains any of the substances listed in paragraphs (5) or (6). Where a manufacturing process was is deemed to be a hazardous waste because it contains a substance listed in paragraph (5) or (6), such waste will be listed in either subdivision (b) or (c) of this section, or will be identified as a hazardous waste by the characteristics set forth in section 371.3 of this Part.) (5) Acute Hazardous Waste. The commercial chemical products, manufacturing chemical intermediates or off -specification commercial chemical products or manufacturing chemical intermediates referred to in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this subdivision, are identified as acute hazardous wastes (H) and are subject to the small quantity exclusion defined in paragraph 371.1(f) (5) of this Title. (Note: For the convenience of the regulated community the primary hazardous properties of the materials have been indicated by the letters T (Toxicity), and R (Reactivity). Absence of a letter indicates that the compound only is listed for acute toxicity.) These wastes and their corresponding EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers are: Hazardous Chemical • Waste No. Abstracts No. ----------------- P023 107-20-0 P002 591-08-2 Substance Acetaldehyde,chloro- Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)- Page 32 of Part 371 P057 640-19-7 Acetamide, 2-fluoro- P058 62-74-8 Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt P002 P003 591-08-2 107-02-8 1-Acetyl-2-thiourea Acrolein P070 116-06-3 Aldicarb P203 1646-88-4 Aldicarb sulfone. P004 309-00-2 Aldrin P005 107-18-6 Allyl alcohol P006 20859-73-8 Aluminum phosphide (R,T) P007 2763-96-4 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol P008 504-24-5 4-Aminopyridine P009 131-74-8 Ammonium picrate (R) P119 7803-55-6 Ammonium vanadate P099 506-61-6 Argentate(1-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium PO10 7778-39-4 Arsenic acid H3As04 P012 1327-53-3 Arsenic oxide Ase 03 Poll 1303-28-2 Arsenic oxide AS201 Poll 1303-28-2 Arsenic pentoxide P012 1327-53-3 Arsenic trioxide P038 692-42-2 Arsine, diethyl P036 696-28-6 Arsonous dichloride, phenyl- P054 151-56-4 Aziridine P067 75-55-8 Aziridine, 2-methyl- P013 542-62-1 Barium cyanide P024 106-47-8 Benzenamine, 4-chloro- P077 100-01-6 Benzenamine, 4-nitro- P028 100-44-7 Benzene, (chloromethyl)- P042 51-43-4 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-[1-hdroxy-2- (methylamino) ethyl]-, (R)- P046 122-09-8 Benzeneethanamine, alpha, alpha-dimethyl- P014 108-98-5 Benzenethiol P127 1563-66-2 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate. P188 57-64-7 Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy, compd. w/ (3aS-cis)-1,2,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-1,3a,8- trimethylpyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester (1:1 P001 '81-81-2 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-l-phenylbutyl)-, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% P028 100-44-7 Benzyl chloride P015 7440-41-7 Beryllium Powder P017 598-31-2 Bromoacetone P018 357-57-3 Brucine P045 39196-18-4 2-Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl- 1-(methylthio)-, 0-[methylamino)carbonyl] oxime P021 592-01-8 Calcium cyanide P021 592-01-8 Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)Z P189 55285-14-8 Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino)-thio]methyl-, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl- 7-benzofuranyl ester P191 644-64-4 Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 1-[(dimethyl -amino)carbonyl]- 5-methyl-lH- pyrazol-3-yl ester. P192 119-38-0 Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1(1-methylethyl)-1H- pyrazol-5-yl ester. P190 1129-41-5 Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl ester. P127 1563-66-2 Carbofuran. P022 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide P095 75-44-5 Carbonic dichloride P189 55285-14-8 Carbosulfan P023 107-20-0 Chloroacetaldehyde P024 106-47-8 p-Chloroaniline P026 5344-82-1 1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea P027 542-76-7 3-Chloropropionitrile P029 544-92-3 Copper cyanide P029 544-92-3 Copper cyanide Cu(CN) P202 64-00-6 m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate P030 Cyanides (soluble cyanide salts), not otherwise specified 460-19-5 Cyanogen •P031 P033 506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride P033 506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride (CN)C1 P034 131-89-5 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol Page 33 of Part 371 P016 542-88-1 Dichloromethyl ether P036 696-28-6 Dichlorophenylarsine P037 60-57-1 Dieldrin P038 692-42-2 Diethylarsine P041 311-45-5 Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate P040 297-97-2 0,0 -Diethyl 0-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate P043 55-91-4 Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) P004 309-00-2 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexa-chloro- 1,4,4a,5,8,8a,-hexahydro-,(lalpha, 4alpha,4abeta,5alpha,8alpha,8abeta)- P060 465-73-6 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10 -hexa- chloro -1,4, 4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-, (lalpha,4alpha, 4abeta,5beta,8beta,8abeta)- P037 60-57-1 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro -1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, ( 1 a alpha, 2beta, 2aalpha, 3beta, 6beta, 6aalpha,7beta, 7aalpha)- P051 172-20-8 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth [2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro- la,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, (laalpha,2beta,2abeta, 3alpha,6alpha,6abeta,7beta, 7aalpha)-, & metabolites P044 60-51-5 Dimethoate P046 122-09-8 alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethylamine P191 644-64-4 Dimetilan. P047 '534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol, & salts P048 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol P020 88-85-7 Dinoseb P085 152-16-9 Diphosphoramide, octamethyl- P111 107-49-3 Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester P039 298-04-4 Disulfoton P049 541-53-7 Dithiobiuret P185 26419-73-8 1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4 -dimethyl-, 0- [(methylamino)- carbonyl]oxime. P050 115-29-7 Endosulfan P088 145-73-3 Endothall P051 72-20-8 Endrin 72-20-8 Endrin, & metabolites •P051 P042 51-43-4 Epinephrine P031 460-19-5 Ethanedinitrile P194 23135-22-0 Ethanimidothioc acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-[[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]-2-oxo-, methyl ester. P066 16752-77-5 Ethanimidothioic acid, N-[[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]-, methyl ester P101 107-12-0 Ethyl cyanide P054 151-56-4 Ethyleneimine P097 52-85-7 Famphur P056 7782-41-4 Fluorine P057 640-19-7 Fluoroacetamide P058 62-74-8 Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt P198 23422-53-9 Formetanate hydrochloride. P197 17702-57-7 Formparanate. P065 628-86-4 Fulminic acid, mercury(2+) salt (R,T) P059 76-44-8 Heptachlor P062 757-58-4 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate P116 79-19-6 Hydrazinecarbothioamide P068 60-34-4 Hydrazine, methyl - P063 74-90-8 Hydrocyanic acid P063 74-90-8 Hydrogen cyanide P096 7803-51-2 Hydrogen phosphide P060 465-73-6 Isodrin P192 119-38-0 Isolan. P202 64-00-6 3-Isopropylphenyl N-methylcarbamate. P007 2763-96-4 3 (2H) -Isoxazo lone, 5-(aminomethyl)- P196 15339-36-3 Manganese, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-, P196 15339-36-3 Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate. P092 62-384 Mercury, (acetato-0)phenyl- P065 628-86-4 Mercury fulminate (R,T) P198 23422-53-9 Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[3-[[(methyl amino) -carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-, monohydrochloride P197 17702-57-7 Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'- [2 -methyl -4- [(methylamino) carbonyl] oxy] phenyl] - Page 34 of Part 371 P082 62-75-9 Methanamine, N -methyl -N -nitroso - P064 624-83-9 Methane, isocyanato- P016 P112 542-88-1 509-14-8 Methane, oxybis[chloro- Methane, tetranitro- (R) P118 75-70-7 Methanethiol, trichloro- P050 115-29-7 6,9-Methano-2,4, 3-benzodioxathiepin,6,7,8,9,10,10- hexachloro-1,5,5a, 6,9,9a-hexahydro-, 3 -oxide P059 76-44-8 4,7-Methano-lH-indene, 1,4,5,6,7,8,8-heptachloro- 3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro- P 199 2032-65-7 Methiocarb. P066 16752-77-5 Methomyl P068 60-34-4 Methyl hydrazine P064 624-83-9 Methyl isocyanate P069 75-86-5 2-Methyllactonitrile P071 298-00-0 Methyl parathion P190 1129-41-5 Metolcarb. P128 315-8-4 Mexacarbate. P072 86-88-4 alpha-Naphthylthiourea P073 13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl P073 13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4' (T -4)- P074 557-19-7 Nickel cyanide P074 557-19-7 Nickel cynaide Ni(CN) P075 '54-11-5 Nicotine, & salts 2 P076 10102-43-9 Nitric oxide P077 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline P078 10102-44-0 Nitrogen dioxide P076 10102-43-9 Nitrogen oxide NO P078 10102-44-0 Nitrogen oxide NO2 P081 55-63-0 Nitroglycerine (R) P082 62-75-9 N-Nitrosodimethylamine P084 4549-40-0 N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine P085 152-16-9 Octamethylpyrophosphoramide P087 20816-12-0 Osmium oxide OsO4, (T -4)- P087 20816-12-0 Osmium tetroxide P088 145-73-3 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid P194 23135-22-0 Oxamyl. P089 56-38-2 Parathion P034 131-89-5 Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro- P128 315-18-4 Phenol, 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester). P199 2032-65-7 Phenol, (3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio)-, methylcarbamate P202 64-00-6 Phenol, 3- (1 -methyl ethyl)-, methyl carbamate. P201 2631-37-0 Phenol, 3 -methyl -5 - (1 -methyl ethyl)-, methyl carbamate. P048 51-28-5 Phenol, 2,4-dinitro- P047 '534-52-1 Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro-, & salts P020 88-85-7 Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro- P009 131-74-8 Phenol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, ammonium salt (R) P092 62-38-4 Phenylmercury acetate P093 103-85-5 Phenylthiourea P094 298-02-2 Phorate P095 75-44-5 Phosgene P096 7803-51-2 Phosphine P041 311-45-5 Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester P039 298-04-4 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0 -diethyl S- [2- (ethylthio) ethyl] ester P094 298-02-2 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0 -diethyl S-[(ethylthio)methyl] ester P044 60-51-5 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0 -dimethyl S-[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl] ester P043 55-91-4 Phosphorofluoridic acid, bis (1 -methyl ethyl) ester P089 56-38-2 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0 -diethyl 0-(4-nitrophenyl) ester P040 297-97-2 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0 -diethyl 0-pyrazinyl ester P097 52-85-7 Phosphorothioic acid, 0-[4-[(dimethylamino) sulfonyl]phenyl] 0,0 -dimethyl ester P071 298-00-0 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0, -dimethyl 0-(4-nitrophenyl) ester P204 57-47-6 Physostigmine. P188 57-64-7 Physostigmine salicylate. Pilo 78-00-2 Plumbane, tetraethyl - P098 151-50-8 Potassium cyanide P098 151-50-8 Potassium cyanide K(CN) P099 506-61-6 Potassium silver cyanide Page 35 of Part 371 P201 2631-37-0 Promecarb P070 116-06-3 Propanal, 2 -methyl -2- (methylthio)-, 0-[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxime P203 1646-88-4 Propanal, 2 -methyl -2 -(methyl -sulfonyl)-, 0-[(methylamino)carbonyl] oxime. P101 107-12-0 Propanenitrile P027 542-76-7 Propanenitrile, 3 -chloro - P069 75-86-5 Propanenitrile, 2 -hydroxy -2 -methyl - P081 55-63-0 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate (R) P017 598-31-2 2-Propanone, 1-bromo- P102 107-19-7 Propargyl alcohol P003 107-02-8 2-Propenal P005 107-18-6 2-Propen-1-ol P067 75-55-8 1,2-Propylenimine P102 107-19-7 2-Propyn-1-ol P008 504-24-5 4-Pyridinamine P075 154-11-5 Pyridine, 3 -(1 -methyl- 2-pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)-, & salts P204 57-47-6 Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-01, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-1,3a, 8-trimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester), (3aS-cis)-. P114 12039-52-0 Selenious acid, dithallium(l+) salt P103 630-10-4 Selenourea P104 506-64-9 Silver cyanide P104 506-64-9 Silver cyanide Ag(CN) P105 26628-22-8 Sodium azide P106 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide P106 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide Na(CN) P108 157-24-9 Strychnidin-10-one, & salts P018 357-57-3 Strychnidin-10-one, 2,3-dimethoxy- P108 157-24-9 Strychnine, & salts P115 7446-18-6 Sulfuric acid, dithallium(1+) salt P109 3689-24-5 Tetraethyldithio pyrophosphate Pilo 78-00-2 Tetraethyllead Pill 107-49-3 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate P112 509-14-8 Tetranitromethane (R) P062 757-58-4 Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester P113 1314-32-5 Thal lic oxide P113 1314-32-5 Thallium oxide T12O3 P114 2039-52-0 Thallium(I) selenite P115 7446-18-6 Thallium(I) sulfate P109 3689-24-5 Thiodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester P045 39196-18-4 Thiofanox P049 541-53-7 Thioimidodicarbonic diamide [(HZN)C(S)]2 NH P014 108-98-5 Thiophenol P116 79-19-6 Thiosemicarbazide P026 5344-82-1 Thiourea, (2-chlorophenyl)- P072 86-88-4 Thiourea, 1-naphthalenyl- P093 103-85-5 Thiourea, phenyl - P185 26419-73-8 Tirpate. P123 8001-35-2 Toxaphene P118 75-70-7 Trichloromethanethiol P119 7803-55-6 Vanadic acid, ammonium salt P120 314-62-1 Vanadium oxide V2O5 P120 1314-62-1 Vanadium pentoxide P084 4549-40-0 Vinylamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- POOl 181-81-2 Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% P121 557-21-1 Zinc cyanide P121 557-21-1 Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2 P205 137-30-4 Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S') , P122 1314-84-7 Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations greater than 10% (R,T) P205 137-30-4 Ziram. -------------------------------------- FOOTNOTE 1: CAS Number given for parent compound only. •(6) The commercial chemical products, manufacturing chemical intermediates, or off -specification commercial chemical products referred to in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this subdivision, are identified Page 36 of Part 371 as toxic waste (T) unless otherwise designated and are subject to the small quantity generator exclusion defined in paragraphs 371.1(f)(1) and (7) of this Title. is (Note: For the convenience of the regulated community, the primary hazardous properties of these materials have been indicated by the letters T (Toxicity), R (Reactivity), I (Ignitability) and C (Corrosivity). Absence of a letter indicates that the compound is only listed for toxicity). These wastes and their corresponding EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers are: Hazardous Chemical Substance waste abstracts No. No. ------ U394 --------------------------------------------------------------- 30558-43-1 A2213. U001 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde (I) U034 75-87-6 Acetaldehyde, trichloro- U187 62-44-2 Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)- U005 53-96-3 Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- U240 '94-75 I Acetic acid, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-, salts &esters U112 141-78-6 Acetic acid ethyl ester (I) U144 301-04-2 Acetic acid, lead(2+) salt U214 563-68-8 Acetic acid, thallium(1+) salt see F027 93-76-5 Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- U002 67-64-1 Acetone (I) U003 75-05-8 Acetonitrile (I,T) U004 98-86-2 Acetophenone U005 53-96-3 2 -Acetylaminofluorene U006 75-36-5 Acetyl chloride (C,R,T) U007 79-06-1 Acrylamide U008 79-10-7 Acrylic acid (I) U009 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile U011 61-82-5 Amitrole U012 62-53-3 Aniline (I,T) U136 75-60-5 Arsinic acid, dimethyl - U014 492-80-8 Auramine U015 115-02-6 Azaserine U010 50-07-7 Azirino[2',3':3,4] pyrrolo[1,2-a]indole-4,7-dione, 6 -amino - 8 -[[(aminocarbonyl) oxy]methyl]-1,1a,2, 8a,8b-hexahydro- 8a-methoxy-5-methyl-, [laS-(laalpha, 8beta, 8aalpha,8balpha)]- U280 101-27-9 Barban. U278 22781-23-3 Bendiocarb. U364 22961-82-6 Bendiocarb phenol. U271 17804-35-2 Benomyl. U157 56-49-5 Benz[ j]aceanthrylene, 1,2-dihydro-3-methyl- U016 225-51-4 Benz[c]acridine U017 98-87-3 Benzal chloride U192 23950-58-5 Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propynyl)- U018 56-55-3 Benz[a]anthracene U094 57-97-6 Benz[a]anthracene, 7,12 -dimethyl - U012 62-53-3 Benzenamine (I,T) U014 492-80-8 Benzenamine, 4,4' -carbonimidoylbis[N,N-dimethyl- U049 3165-93-3 Benzenamine, 4 -chloro- 2 -methyl-, hydrochloride U093 60-11-7 Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4- (phenylazo)- U328 95-53-4 Benzenamine, 2 -methyl - U353 106-49-0 Benzenamine, 4 -methyl - U158 101-14-4 Benzenamine, 4,4' -methylenebis[2-chloro- U222 636-21-5 Benzenamine, 2 -methyl-, hydrochloride U181 99-55-8 Benzenamine, 2 -methyl -5 -nitro - U019 71-43-2 Benzene (I,T) U038 510-15-6 Benzeneacetic acid, 4 -chloro- alpha- (4-chlorophenyl)- alpha -hydroxy-, ethyl ester U030 101-55-3 Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy- U035 305-03-3 Benzenebutanoic acid, 4 -[bis (2-chloroethyl)amino] - 108-90-7 Benzene, chloro - •U037 U221 25376-45-8 Benzenediamine, ar-methyl- U028 117-81-7 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester Page 37 of Part 371 U069 84-74-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester U088 84-66-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester 131-11-3 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester •U102 U107 117-84-0 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dioctyl ester U070 95-50-1 Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- U071 541-73-1 Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- U072 106-46-7 Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- U060 72-54-8 Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2- dichloroethylidene) bis[4-chloro- T T017 98-87-3 Benzene, (dichloromethyl)- U223 26471-62-5 Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl- (R,T) U239 1330-20-7 Benzene, dimethyl- (I) U201 108-46-3 1,3-Benzenediol U127 118-74-1 Benzene, hexachloro- U056 110-82-7 Benzene, hexahydro- (I) U220 108-88-3 Benzene, methyl - U105 121-14-2 Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro- U106 606-20-2 Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro- U055 98-82-8 Benzene, (1 -methyl ethyl) - (I) 1-1169 98-95-3 Benzene, nitro - U183 608-93-5 Benzene, pentachloro- U185 82-68-8 Benzene, pentachloronitro- U020 98-09-9 Benzenesulfonic acid chloride (C,R) U020 98-09-9 Benzenesulfonyl chloride (C,R) U207 95-94-3 Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro- U061 50-29-3 Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene) bis[4-chloro- U247 72-43-5 Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene) bis[4- methoxy - U023 98-07-7 Benzene, (trichloromethyl)- U234 99-35-4 Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro- U021 92-87-5 Benzidine U202 81-07-2 1,2-Benzisothiazol- 3(2H) -one, 1,1 -dioxide, & salts U203 94-59-7 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5 -(2 -propenyl)- U141 120-58-1 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5 -(1 -propenyl) - U090 94-58-6 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5 -propyl - U278 22781-23-3 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2 -dimethyl-, methyl carbamate. U364 22961-82-6 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2 -dimethyl-, U367 1563-38-8 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl- U064 189-55-9 Benzo[rst]pentaphene U248 181-81-2 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4 -hydroxy -3 -(3 -oxo -1- phenyl -butyl)-, & salts, when present at concentrations of 0.3% or less U022 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene U197 106-51-4 p-Benzoquinone U023 98-07-7 Benzotrichloride (C,R,1) U085 1464-53-5 2,2'-Bioxirane U021 92-87-5 [1,1' -Biphenyl] -4,4' -diamine U073 91-94-1 [1,1' -Biphenyl] -4,4'- diamine, 3,3'-dichloro- U091 119-90-4 [1,1' -Biphenyl] -4,4'- diamine, 3,3'-dimethoxy- Uv95 119-93-7 [1,1' -Biphenyl) -4,4'- diamine, 3,3' -dimethyl - U225 75-25-2 Bromoform U030 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether U128 87-68-3 1,3 -Butadiene, 1, 1,2, 3,4,4-hexachloro- U172 924-16-3 1-Butanamine, N -butyl- N -nitroso - U031 71-36-3 1 -Butanol (1) U159 78-93-3 2-Butanone (I,T) U160 1338-23-4 2-Butanone, peroxide (R,T) U053 4170-30-3 2-Butenal U074 764-41-0 2 -Butene, 1,4-dichloro- (I,T) U143 303-34-4 2-Butenoic acid, 2 -methyl-, 7-[[2,3-dihydroxy- 2-(1-methoxyethyl)-3-methyl-1 -oxobutoxy]methyl)-2,3,5,7a- tetrahydro-lH- pyrrolizin-1-yl ester, [1S-[1alpha(Z), 7(2S*,3R*),7aalpha]]- U031 71-36-3 n -Butyl alcohol (I) U136 75-60-5 Cacodylic acid U032 13765-19-0 Calcium chromate 51-79-6 Carbamic acid, ethyl ester •U238 U372 10605-21-7 Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl ester. Page 38 of Part 371 Carbamic acid, [1 -[ (butyl amino) carbonyl] -1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-,methyl Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester. Carbamic acid, [1,2-phenylenebis (iminocarbonothioyl)]bis-, dimethyl Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester. Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester Carbamic chloride, dimethyl- Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2-ethanediylbis-, salts & esters Carbamothioic acid, bis (1 -methyl ethyl)-, S-(2,3-dichloro-2- propenyl) Carbaryl. Carbendazim. Carbofuran phenol. Carbonic acid, dithallium(l+) salt Carbonic difluoride Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester (I,T) Carbon oxyfluoride (R,T) Carbon tetrachloride Chloral Chlorambucil Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers Chlornaphazin Chlorobenzene Chlorobenzilate p -Chloro -m -cresol 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethyl methyl ether beta-Chloronaphthalene o -Chlorophenol 4 -Chloro -o -toluidine, hydrochloride Chromic acid H2Cr04, calcium salt Chrysene Creosote Cresol (Cresylic acid) Crotonaldehyde Cumene (I) Cyanogen bromide (CN)Br 2,5-Cyclohexadiene- 1,4-dione Cyclohexane (I) Cyclohexane, 1,23,4, 5,6-hexachloro-, (l alpha, 2alpha,3beta, Cyclohexanone (I) 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, 1,2,3,4,5,5-hexachloro- Cyclophosphamide 2,4-D, salts & esters Daunomycin DDD DDT Diallate Dibenz [a, h] anthracene Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene 1,2-Dibromo- 3-chloropropane Dibutyl phthalate o -Dichlorobenzene m -Dichlorobenzene p -Dichlorobenzene 3, 3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene (I,T) Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichloroethylene Dichloroethyl ether Dichloroisopropyl ether Dichloromethoxy ethane Page 39 of Part 371 U271 17804-35-2 ester •U280 U409 101-27-9 23564-05-8 ester. U373 122-42-9 U178 615-53-2 U097 79-44-7 U114 111-54-6 U062 2303-16-4 ester U279 63-25-2 U372 10605-21-7 U367 1563-38-8 U215 6533-73-9 U033 353-50-4 U156 79-22-1 U033 353-50-4 U211 56-23-5 U034 75-87-6 U035 305-03-3 U036 57-74-9 U026 494-03-1 U037 108-90-7 U038 510-15-6 U039 59-50-7 U042 110-75-8 U044 67-66-3 U046 107-30-2 U047 91-58-7 U048 95-57-8 U049 3165-93-3 •U019-0 U05050 218-0118-01-9 U051 U052 1319-77-3 U053 4170-30-3 U055 98-82-8 U246 506-68-3 U197 106-51-4 U056 110-82-7 U129 58-89-9 4alpha,5alpha,6beta)- U057 108-94-1 U130 77-47-4 U058 50-18-0 U240 '94-75-7 U059 20830-81-3 U060 72-54-8 I U_61 50-29-3 U062 2303-16-4 U063 53-70-3 U064 189-55-9 U066 96-12-8 U069 84-74-2 U070 95-50-1 U071 541-73-1 U072 106-46-7 U073 91-94-1 U074 764-41-0 U075 75-71-8 U078 75-35-4 U079 156-60-5 •U025 111-44-4 U027 108-60-1 U024 111-91-1 Carbamic acid, [1 -[ (butyl amino) carbonyl] -1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-,methyl Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester. Carbamic acid, [1,2-phenylenebis (iminocarbonothioyl)]bis-, dimethyl Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester. Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester Carbamic chloride, dimethyl- Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2-ethanediylbis-, salts & esters Carbamothioic acid, bis (1 -methyl ethyl)-, S-(2,3-dichloro-2- propenyl) Carbaryl. Carbendazim. Carbofuran phenol. Carbonic acid, dithallium(l+) salt Carbonic difluoride Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester (I,T) Carbon oxyfluoride (R,T) Carbon tetrachloride Chloral Chlorambucil Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers Chlornaphazin Chlorobenzene Chlorobenzilate p -Chloro -m -cresol 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethyl methyl ether beta-Chloronaphthalene o -Chlorophenol 4 -Chloro -o -toluidine, hydrochloride Chromic acid H2Cr04, calcium salt Chrysene Creosote Cresol (Cresylic acid) Crotonaldehyde Cumene (I) Cyanogen bromide (CN)Br 2,5-Cyclohexadiene- 1,4-dione Cyclohexane (I) Cyclohexane, 1,23,4, 5,6-hexachloro-, (l alpha, 2alpha,3beta, Cyclohexanone (I) 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, 1,2,3,4,5,5-hexachloro- Cyclophosphamide 2,4-D, salts & esters Daunomycin DDD DDT Diallate Dibenz [a, h] anthracene Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene 1,2-Dibromo- 3-chloropropane Dibutyl phthalate o -Dichlorobenzene m -Dichlorobenzene p -Dichlorobenzene 3, 3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene (I,T) Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichloroethylene Dichloroethyl ether Dichloroisopropyl ether Dichloromethoxy ethane Page 39 of Part 371 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,6-Dichlorophenol 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane (I,T) Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate. 1,4-Diethyleneoxide Diethylhexyl phthalate N,N'-Diethylhydrazine 0,0 -Diethyl S -methyl dithiophosphate Diethyl phthalate Diethylstilbesterol Dihydrosafrole 3, 3'-Dimethoxybenzidine Dimethylamine (I) p -Dimethylaminoazobenzene 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene 3, 3'-Dimethylbenzidine alpha,alpha- Dimethylbenzylhydroperoxide (R) Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride 1, 1 -Dimethylhydrazine 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine 2,4 -Dimethylphenol Dimethyl phthalate Dimethyl sulfate 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Di-n-octyl phthalate 1,4 -Dioxane 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine Dipropylamine (I) Di-n-propylnitrosamine Epichlorohydrin Ethanal (I) Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- Ethanamine, N,N-diethyl- Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-hydroxy-2-oxo-, methyl ester. Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'-[thiobis[(methylimino)carbonyloxy]]bis-, 1,2 -Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N'-2-pyridinyl-N'- (2-thienylmethyl)- Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- Ethane,hexachloro- Ethane, l,l'- [methylenebis(oxy)]bis[2-chloro- Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis-(I) Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-chloro- Ethane,pentachloro- Ethane, 1,1,1,2- tetrachloro- Ethane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloro- Ethanethioamide Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- Ethanol, 2 -ethoxy - Ethanol, 2,2'- (nitrosoimino)bis- Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate. Ethanone, 1-phenyl- Ethene, chloro- Ethene, (2-chloroethoxy)- Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-, (E)- Ethene,tetrachloro- Ethene, trichloro- Ethyl acetate (I) Ethyl acrylate (I) Ethyl carbamate (urethane) Ethyl ether (I) Page 40 of Part 371 U081 120-83-2 U082 87-65-0 542-75-6 •U084 U085 1464-53-5 U395 5952-26-1 U108 123-91-1 U028 117-81-7 U086 1615-80-1 U087 3288-58-2 U088 84-66-2 U089 56-53-1 U090 94-58-6 U091 119-90-4 U092 124-40-3 U093 60-11-7 U094 57-97-6 U095 119-93-7 U096 80-15-9 U097 79-44-7 U098 57-14-7 U099 540-73-8 U101 105-67-9 U102 131-11-3 U103 77-78-1 U105 121-14-2 U106 606-20-2 U107 117-84-0 U108 123-91-1 U109 122-66-7 U110 142-84-7 U111 621-64-7 U041 106-89-8 U001 75-07-0 •U174 55-18-5 U404 121-44-8 U394 30558-43-1 11410 59669-26-0 dimethyl ester U155 91-80-5 U067 106-93-4 U076 75-34-3 U077 107-06-2 U131 67-72-1 U024 111-91-1 U117 60-29-7 U025 111-44-4 U184 76-01-7 U208 630-20-6 U209 79-34-5 U218 62-55-5 U226 71-55-6 U227 79-00-5 U359 110-80-5 U173 1116-54-7 U395 5952-26-1 U004 98-86-2 U043 75-01-4 U042 110-75-8 U078 75-35-4 U079 156-60-5 U210 127-18-4 U228 79-01-6 U112 141-78-6 U 113 140-88-5 U238 51-79-6 U117 60-29-7 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,6-Dichlorophenol 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane (I,T) Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate. 1,4-Diethyleneoxide Diethylhexyl phthalate N,N'-Diethylhydrazine 0,0 -Diethyl S -methyl dithiophosphate Diethyl phthalate Diethylstilbesterol Dihydrosafrole 3, 3'-Dimethoxybenzidine Dimethylamine (I) p -Dimethylaminoazobenzene 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene 3, 3'-Dimethylbenzidine alpha,alpha- Dimethylbenzylhydroperoxide (R) Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride 1, 1 -Dimethylhydrazine 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine 2,4 -Dimethylphenol Dimethyl phthalate Dimethyl sulfate 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Di-n-octyl phthalate 1,4 -Dioxane 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine Dipropylamine (I) Di-n-propylnitrosamine Epichlorohydrin Ethanal (I) Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- Ethanamine, N,N-diethyl- Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-hydroxy-2-oxo-, methyl ester. Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'-[thiobis[(methylimino)carbonyloxy]]bis-, 1,2 -Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N'-2-pyridinyl-N'- (2-thienylmethyl)- Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- Ethane,hexachloro- Ethane, l,l'- [methylenebis(oxy)]bis[2-chloro- Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis-(I) Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-chloro- Ethane,pentachloro- Ethane, 1,1,1,2- tetrachloro- Ethane, 1,1,2,2- tetrachloro- Ethanethioamide Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- Ethanol, 2 -ethoxy - Ethanol, 2,2'- (nitrosoimino)bis- Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate. Ethanone, 1-phenyl- Ethene, chloro- Ethene, (2-chloroethoxy)- Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-, (E)- Ethene,tetrachloro- Ethene, trichloro- Ethyl acetate (I) Ethyl acrylate (I) Ethyl carbamate (urethane) Ethyl ether (I) Page 40 of Part 371 U114 '111-54-6 Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid, salts & esters U067 106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide 107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride •U077 U359 110-80-5 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether U115 75-21-8 Ethylene oxide (I,T) U116 96-45-7 Ethylenethiourea U076 75-34-3 Ethylidene dichloride U118 97-63-2 Ethyl methacrylate U119 62-50-0 Ethyl methanesulfonate U120 206-44-0 Fluoranthene U122 50-00-0 Formaldehyde U123 64-18-6 Formic acid (C,T) 0124 110-00-9 Furan (I) U125 98-01-1 2-Furancarboxaldehyde (I) U147 108-31-6 2,5-Furandione U213 109-99-9 Furan, tetrahydro-(I) U125 98-01-1 Furfural (I) U124 110-00-9 Furfuran (I) U206 18883-66-4 Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-(3-methyl-3-nitrosoureido)-, D - U206 18883-66-4 D -Glucose, 2 -deoxy -2- [[(methylnitrosoamino)- carbonyl] amino] - U126 765-34-4 Glycidylaldehyde U163 70-25-7 Guanidine, N -methyl- N' -nitro -N -nitroso - U127 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene U128 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene U130 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene U131 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane U132 70-30-4 Hexachlorophene U243 1888-71-7 Hexachloropropene U133 302-01-2 Hydrazine (R,T) U086 1615-80-1 Hydrazine, 1,2 -diethyl - U098 57-14-7 Hydrazine, 1,1 -dimethyl - U099 540-73-8 Hydrazine, 1,2 -dimethyl - U109 122-66-7 ,2 -diphenyl - Hydrazine, 1,2 -diphenyl - U134 U134 7664-39-3 Hydrofluoric acid (C,T) U134 7664-39-3 Hydrogen fluoride (C,T) U135 7783-06-4 Hydrogen sulfide U135 7783-06-4 Hydrogen sulfide H2S U096 80-15-9 Hydroperoxide, 1-methyl-l-phenylethyl-(R) U116 96-45-7 2-Imidazolidinethione U137 193-39-5 Indeno [ 1,2,3-cd]pyrene U190 85-44-9 1, 3-Isobenzofurandione U140 78-83-1 Isobutyl alcohol (I,T) U141 120-58-1 Isosafrole U142 143-50-0 Kepone U143 303-34-4 Lasiocarpine U144 301-04-2 Lead acetate U146 1335-32-6 Lead, bis(acetato-0)tetrahydroxytri- U145 7446-27-7 Lead phosphate U146 1335-32-6 Lead subacetate U129 58-89-9 Lindane U163 70-25-7 MNNG U147 108-31-6 Maleic anhydride U148 123-33-1 Maleic hydrazide U149 109-77-3 Malononitrile U150 148-82-3 Melphalan U151 7439-97-6 Mercury U152 126-98-7 Methacrylonitrile (I, T) U092 124-40-3 Methanamine, N -methyl- (I) U029 74-83-9 Methane, bromo- U045 74-87-3 Methane, chloro- (I, T) U046 107-30-2 Methane, chloromethoxy- U068 74-95-3 Methane, dibromo- U080 75-09-2 Methane, dichloro- U075 75-71-8 Methane, dichlorodifluoro- U138 74-88-4 Methane, iodo- U119 62-50-0 Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester Page 41 of Part 371 U211 56-23-5 Methane, tetrachloro- U153 74-93-1 Methanethiol (I, T) 75-25-2 Methane, tribromo- •U225 U044 67-66-3 Methane, trichloro- U121 75-69-4 Methane, trichlorofluoro- U036 57-74-9 4,7-Methano-lH-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4,7, 7a-hexahydro- U154 67-56-1 Methanol (I) U155 91-80-5 Methapyrilene U142 143-50-0 1,3,4-Metheno- 2H-cyclobuta[cd]pentalen-2-one, 1,1a,3,3a,4,5, 5,5a,5b,6- decachlorooctahydro- U247 72-43-5 Methoxychlor U154 67-56-1 Methyl alcohol (I) U029 74-83-9 Methyl bromide U186 504-60-9 1-Methylbutadiene (I) U045 74-87-3 Methyl chloride (I,T) U156 79-22-1 Methyl chlorocarbonate (I,T) U226 71-55-6 Methyl chloroform U157 56-49-5 3-Methylcholanthrene U158 101-14-4 4,4'-Methylenebis (2-chloroaniline) U068 74-95-3 Methylene bromide U080 75-09-2 Methylene chloride U159 78-93-3 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) (I,T) U160 1338-23-4 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (R,T) U138 74-88-4 Methyl iodide U161 108-10-1 Methyl isobutyl ketone (I) U162 80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate (I,T) U161 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (I) U164 56-04-2 Mitomycin C U059 20830-81-3 5,12-Naphthacenedione, 8 -acetyl -l0- [ (3 -amino -2, 3, 6-trideoxy) -alpha-L- lyxo- hexopyranosyl)oxy]- 7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,8,11-trihydroxy-1-methoxy-, s)- U167 134-32-7 1-Naphthalenamine U168 91-59-8 2-Naphthalenamine U026 494-03-1 Naphthalenamine, N,N'-bis(2-chloroethyl)- U165 91-20-3 Naphthalene U047 91-58-7 Naphthalene, 2 -chloro - U166 130-15-4 1,4-Naphthalenedione U236 72-57-1 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3'-[(3,3'- dimethyl[1,1'-biphenyl]- 4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)bis [5 -amino -4 -hydroxy]-, tetrasodium salt U279 63-25-2 1 -Naphthalenol, methylcarbamate. U166 130-15-4 1,4 -Naphthoquinone U167 134-32-7 alpha -Naphthylamine U168 91-59-8 beta -Naphthylamine U217 10102-45-1 Nitric acid, thallium(1+) salt U169 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene (I,T) U170 100-02-7 p-Nitrophenol U171 79-46-9 2-Nitropropane (I,T) U172 924-16-3 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine U173 116-54-7 N-Nitrosodiethanolamine U174 55-18-5 N-Nitrosodiethylamine U176 759-73-9 N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea U177 684-93-5 N-Nitroso-N-methylurea U178 615-53-2 N -Nitroso- N-methylurethane U179 100-75-4 N-Nitrosopiperidine U180 930-55-2 N-Nitrosopyrrolidine U181 99-55-8 5 -Nitro -o -toluidine U193 1120-71-4 1,2-Oxathiolane, 2,2 -dioxide U058 50-18-0 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorin- 2 -amine, N,N-bis (2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-,2-oxide U115 75-21-8 Oxirane (I,T) U126 765-34-4 Oxiranecarboxyaldehyde 106-89-8 Oxirane, (chloromethyl) - •U041 U182 123-63-7 Paraldehyde U183 608-93-5 Pentachlorobenzene Page 42 of Part 371 U184 76-01-7 Pentachloroethane U185 82-68-8 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) F027 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol •See U161 108-10-1 Pentanol, 4 -methyl- (I) U186 504-60-9 1,3-Pentadiene (I) U187 62-44-2 Phenacetin U188 108-95-2 Phenol U048 95-57-8 Phenol, 2 -chloro - U039 59-50-7 Phenol, 4 -chloro -3 -methyl - U081 120-83-2 Phenol, 2,4-dichloro- U082 87-65-0 Phenol, 2,6-dichloro- U089 56-53-1 Phenol, 4,4'-(1,2-diethyl-1,2-ethenediyl)bis-,(E)- U101 105-67-9 Phenol, 2,4 -dimethyl - U052 1319-77-3 Phenol, methyl - U132 70-30-4 Phenol, 2,2'-methylenebis [3,4,6-trichloro- U411 114-26-1 Phenol, 2-(1-methylethoxy)-, methylcarbamate. U170 100-02-7 Phenol, 4 -nitro - See F027 87-86-5 Phenol, pentachloro- See F027 58-90-2 Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro- See F027 95-95-4 Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- See F027 88-06-2 Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- U150 148-82-3 L -Phenylalanine, 4 - [bis (2-chloroethyl)amino] - U145 7446-27-7 Phosphoric acid, lead(2+) salt (2:3) U087 3288-58-2 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0 -diethyl S-methylester U189 1314-80-3 Phosphorus sulfide (R) U190 85-44-9 Phthalic anhydride U191 109-06-8 2-Picoline U179 100-75-4 Piperidine, 1 -nitroso - U192 23950-58-5 Pronamide U194 107-10-8 1-Propanamine (I,T) U111 621-64-7 1-Propanamine, N -nitroso -N -propyl - U110 142-84-7 1-Propanamine, N -propyl- (I) 96-12-8 Propane, 1,2-dibromo- 3 -chloro - •U066 U083 78-87-5 Propane, 1,2-dichloro- U149 109-77-3 Propanedinitrile U171 79-46-9 Propane, 2 -nitro- (I,T) U027 108-60-1 Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[2-chloro- U193 1120-71-4 1,3 -Propane sultone See F027 93-72-1 Propanoic acid, 2- (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- U235 126-72-7 1 -Propanol, 2,3-dibromo-, phosphate (3: 1) U140 78-83-1 1 -Propanol, 2 -methyl- (I,T) U002 67-64-1 2-Propanone (I) U007 79-06-1 2-Propenamide U084 542-75-6 1 -Propene, 1,3-dichloro- U243 1888-71-7 1 -Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexachloro- U009 107-13-1 2-Propenenitrile U152 126-98-7 2-Propenenitrile, 2 -methyl- (I,T) U008 79-10-7 2-Propenoic acid (I) U113 140-88-5 2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester (I) U118 97-63-2 2-Propenoic acid, 2 -methyl-, ethyl ester U162 80-62-6 2-Propenoic acid, 2 -methyl-, methyl ester (I,T) U373 122-42-9 Propham. U411 114-26-1 Propoxur. U194 107-10-8 n-Propylamine (I,T) U083 78-87-5 Propylene dichloride U387 52888-80-9 Prosulfocarb. U148 123-33-1 3,6-Pyridazinedione, 1,2-dihydro- U 196 110-86-1 Pyridine U i 91 109-06-8 Pyridine, 2 -methyl - U237 66-75-1 2,4-(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, 5-[bis(2- chloroethyl)amino] - U164 56-04-2 4(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6-methyl-2-thioxo- U180 930-55-2 Pyrrolidine, 1 -nitroso - U200 50-55-5 Reserpine 108-46-3 Resorcinol •U201 U202 '81-07-2 Saccharin, & salts U203 94-59-7 Safrole Page 43 of Part 371 U204 7783-00-8 Selenious acid U204 7783-00-8 Selenium dioxide 7488-56-4 Selenium sulfide •U205 U205 7488-56-4 Selenium sulfide SeS2 (R,T) U015 115-02-6 L -Serine, diazoacetate (ester) See F027 93-72-1 Silvex (2,4,5 -TP) U206 18883-66-4 Streptozotocin U103 77-78-1 Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester U189 1314-80-3 Sulfur phosphide (R) See F027 93-76-5 2,4,5-T U207 95-94-3 1,2,4,5- Tetrachlorobenzene U208 630-20-6 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane U209 79-34-5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane U210 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene See F027 58-90-2 2,3,4,6- Tetrachlorophenol U213 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran (I) U214 563-68-8 Thallium(I) acetate U215 6533-73-9 Thallium(I) carbonate U216 7791-12-0 Thallium(I) chloride U216 7791-12-0 Thallium chloride T1Cl U217 10102-45-1 Thallium(I) nitrate U218 62-55-5 Thioacetamide U410 59669-26-0 Thiodicarb. U153 74-93-1 Thiomethanol (I,T) U244 137-26-8 Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)]252, tetramethyl- U409 23564-05-8 Thiophanate-methyl. U219 62-56-6 Thiourea U244 137-26-8 Thiram U220 108-88-3 Toluene U221 25376-45-8 Toluenediamine U223 26471-62-5 Toluene diisocyanate (R,T) U328 95-53-4 o -Toluidine U353 106-49-0 p -Toluidine •U222 636-21-5 o -Toluidine hydrochloride U389 2303-17-5 Triallate. U011 61-82-5 1 H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine U227 79-00-5 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane U228 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene U121 75-69-4 Trichloromonofluoromethane See F027 95-95-4 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol See F027 88-06-2 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol U404 121-44-8 Triethylamine. U234 99-35-4 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene (R,T) U182 123-63-7 1,3,5-Trioxane, 2,4,6-trimethyl- U235 126-72-7 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate U236 72-57-1 Trypan blue U237 66-75-1 Uracil mustard U176 759-73-9 Urea, N -ethyl -N -nitroso - U177 684-93-5 Urea, N -methyl -N -nitroso - U043 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride U248 '81-81-2 Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations of 0.3% or less U239 1330-20-7 Xylene (1) U200 50-55-5 Yohimban-16- carboxylic acid, 11,17-dimethoxy- 18-[(3,4,5- trimethoxybenzoyl)oxy]-, methyl ester, (3beta, 16beta,17alpha,18beta,20alpha)- U249 1314-84-7 Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations of 10% or less FOOTNOTE 1: CAS Number given for parent compound only. (e) Wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) . (1) All solid wastes containing 50 parts per million (ppm) by weight (on a dry weight basis for other than liquid wastes) or greater of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are listed hazardous wastes, excluding small capacitors as defined in paragraph (3) of this subdivision and PCB Articles drained in accordance with subparagraphs (2) (ii) and (iii) of this subdivision. PCB Articles that contain less than 50 ppm PCBs are not regulated as hazardous waste. Oils in or from electrical equipment whose PCB concentration is unknown, except circuit breakers, Page 44 of Part 371 €pA 0 Appendix C US Department of Transportation Code of Federal Regulation, Title 49 Section 172.101 • • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173.-") Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PGCodes Label Special age boll tions and proper shipping names vision bets provisions Excns Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail crap only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (813) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Accellerene, see p- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nilrosodi melhyla nil ine. Accumulators, electric, see Bat . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... teries, wet etc. D Accumulators, pressurized, 2.2 NA1956 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 306 ..... None .. No limit No limit A pneumatic or hydraulic (containing non-flammable gas). Acetal ......................................... 3 UN1088 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Acetaldehyde .............................. 3 UN1089 1 3 ......... A3, B16, T20, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E T26, T29 A Acetaldehyde ammonia .............. 9 UN1841 III 9 ......... 155 ...... 204 ..... 240 ..... 200 kg 200 kg A 34 Acetaldehyde oxime ................... 3 UN2332 111 3 ......... B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic 8 UN2789 It 8,3 .... A3, A6, A7, A10 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A acid solution, with more than B2, T8 80 percent acid, by mass. Acetic acid solution, not less jb UN2790 II 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, A10, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A than 50 percent but not more B2, T8 than 80 percent acid, by mass. Acetic acid solution, with more 8 UN2790 111 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A than 10 percent and less than 50 percent acid, by mass. Acetic anhydride ......................... 8 UN1715 11 8, 3 .... A3, A6, A7, A10, 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 4C B2, T8 Acetone ...................................... 3 UN1090 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Acetone cyanohydrin, stabilized 6.1 UN1541 1 6.1 ...... 2, A3, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 25, 40. B32, B76, 877, 4E N34, T38, T43, T45 Acetone oils ................................ 3 UN1091 11 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Acetonitrile .................................. 3 UN1648 II 3 ......... T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5L 60L B 4C Acetyl acetone peroxide with Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .............. I..... .................... more than 9 percent by mass active oxygen. Acetyl benzoyl peroxide, solid, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... or with more than 40 percent in solution. A -M hrnmide _._...................... 8 UN1716 11 8 ......... B2, T12, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30L C 4C Acetyl chloride ............................ 3 UN1717 II 3,8 .... A3, A6, A7, 13100, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1L 5L B 40 fMD N34, T18, T26 (D Acetyl cyclohexanesultonyl per- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q oxide, with more than 82 per- cent wetted with less than 12 0 percent water. Acetyl iodide ............................... 8 UN1898 II 8 ......... B2, 8101, T9 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 Acetyl methyl carbinol ................ 3 UN2621 III 3 ......... B1, TI 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q. Acetyl peroxide, solid, or with Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... H more than 25 percent in solu- 'p tion. (D Acetylene, dissolved .................. 2.1 UN1001 2.1 ...... None .... 303 ..... None .. Forbidden 15kg D 25, 40, Q. 57 Q Acetylene (liquefied) ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Acetylenesilver nitrate ............... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Acetylene tetrabromide, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (Q Tetrabromoethane. Q Acid butyl phosphate, see Butyl .................... ............ .......... ......... 3 acid phosphate. CO Acid, sludge, see Sludge acid ... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... D Acridine...................................... 6.1 UN2713 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200kg A C. Acrolein dimer, stabilized ........... 3 UN2607 III 3 ......... 81, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Acrolein, inhibited ....................... 6.1 UN1092 1 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, 830, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 7 O B42, 872, 877, cn T38, T43, T44 p Acrylamide.................................. 6.1 UN2074 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 12 O Acrylic acid, inhibited ................. 8 UN2218 11 8,3 .... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L C 25.40 Acrylonitrile, inhibited ................. 3 UN1093 1 3, 6.1 B9, T18, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 40 Actuating cartridge, explosive. .................... ............ .......... ......... .................... see Cartridges, power device. Adhesives, containing a flam- 3 UN1133 1 3 ......... B42, T7, T30 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B ............ mable liquid. ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... 852, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... Bt, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Adiponitrile.................................. 6.1 UN2205 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Aerosols, corrosive, Packing 2.2 UN1950 2.2, 8 A34 306 ...... None .. None .. 75 kg 150 kg A 40, 48, Group 11 or 111, (each not ex- 85 seeding 1 L capacity). Aerosols, flammable, (each not 2.1 UN1950 2.1 ...... N82 306 ...... None .. None .. 75 kg 150 kg A 40, 48, exceeding i L capacity). 85 Aerosols, flammable, n.o.s. 2.1 UN1950 ............ 2.1 ...... N82 306 ...... None .. None .. Forbidden 150kg A 40, 48, (engine starting fluid) (each 85 �q not exceeding 1 L capacity). Aerosols, non-flammable, (each 2.2 UN1950 2.2 ...... 306, None .. None .. 75 kg 150 kg A 48,85 V N not exceeding 1 L capacity). 307. Aerosols, poison, each not ex- 2.2 UN1950 2.2 ...... 306 ...... None .. None .. Forbidden Forbidden A 40, 48, p ceeding 1 L capacity. 85 • • • O O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials des Hazard class or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca- T(IA aircraf /rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Air bag inflators, compressed 2.2 UN3353 ............ 2.2 ...... 133 166 ...... 166 ..... 166 ..... 75 kg 150 kg A gas or Air bag modules, com- pressed gas or Seatbelt pretensioners, compressed gas. Air bag inflators, pyrotechnic or 9 UN3268 III 9 ......... .............................. 166 ...... 166 ..... 166 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Air bag modules, pyrotechnic or Seat -belt pretensioner, py- rotechnic. Air, compressed ......................... 2.2 UN1002 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 302 ..... 75 kg 150 kg A Air, refrigerated liquid, (cryo- 2.2 UN1003 2.2, 5.1 320 ...... 316 ..... 318, Forbidden 150 kg D 51 genic liquid). 319• Air, refrigerated liquid, (cryo- 2.2 UN1003 2.2, 5.1 320 ...... 316 ..... 318, Forbidden Forbidden D 51 genic liquid) non -pressurized. 319. Aircraft evacuation slides. see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Life saving appliances etc. Aircraft hydraulic power unit fuel 3 UN3165 I 3.6.1. None .... 172 ..... None .. Forbidden 42 L E tank (containing a mixture of 8. anhydrous hydrazine and monomethyl hydrazine) (M86 fuel). Aircraft survival kits, see Life .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... saving appliances etc. G Alcoholates solution, n.o.s., in 3 UN3274 II 3.8 .... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B alcohol. Alcoholic beverages ................... 3 UN3065 II 3 ......... 24, B1, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... 24, 131, N11, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Alcohols, n.o.s ............................ 3 UN1987 1 3 ......... T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ............................ ..................... I... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A G Alcohols, flammable, toxic, n.o.s 3 UN1986 I 3, 6.1 T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 4( ................................. I................... .................... II 3, 6.1 T8, T31 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 4( ............................................. .................... 111 3, 6.1 B1, T8, T31 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Aldehydes, n.o.s ......................... 3 UN1989 1 3 ......... T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A G Aldehydes, flammable, toxic, 3 UN1988 1 3, 6.1 T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 4( n.o.s. _.._._............................. .................... 11 3. 6.1 T8, T31 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 4( .. . ......... ..................................................... , 1:: 3, 6.1 B1, T8, T31 150 203 242 60 L 220 L A M (D Aldol...........................................1 UN2839 6.1 .. T8 None 202 243 5 L 60 L A 12 D rin ,liquid .................... ........ 6.1 NA2762 11 6.1 None 202 243 5 L 60 L B (D 0 Aldrin, solid ............ ..... - .. .. - 6.1 NA2761 11 6.1 None 212 242 25 kg 100 kg A 40 G Alkali metal alcoholates, self- 4.2 UN3206 11 4.2, 8 64 None 212 242 15 kg 50 kg B 0 heating, corrosive, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 4.2,8 64 None 213 242 25 kg 100 kg B Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s 4.3 UN1421 1 4.3 A2, A3, 848. N34 None 201 244 Forbidden 1 L D Alkali metal amalgam, liquid 4.3 UN1389 1 4.3 A2, A3, N34 None 201 244 Forbidden 1 L D 40 Alkali metal amalgam, solid 4.3 UN1389 1 4.3 B101, 8106, N40 None 211 242 Forbidden 15 kg 0 V) Alkali metal amides .................... 4.3 UN1390 11 4.3 A6, A7, AS, All 9, 151 212 241 15 kg 50 kg E 40 (D A20, B106 0• Alkali metal dispersions, orAlka- 4.3 UN1391 1 4.3 A2, A3 None 201 244 Forbidden I L D line earth metal dispersions. Alkaline corrosive liquids, n.o.s...................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s. G Alkaline earth metal alcoholates, 4.2 UN3205 11 4.2 65 None 212 241 15kg 50kg B ............ n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 4.2 65 None 213 241 25 kg 100 kg B in Alkaline earth metal alloys, n.o.s 4.3 UN1393 11 4.3 A19, 8101, 8106 151 212 241 15 kg 50 kg E > Alkaline earth metal amalgams 4.3 UN1392 1 4.3 A19, B101, 8106, None 211 242 Forbidden 15 kg D CIL N34, N40 G Alkaloids, liquid, n.o.s., or Alka- 6.1 UN3140 1 6.1 A4, T42 None 201 243 1 L 30 L A loid salts, liquid, n.o.s. .................... 11 6.1 T14 None 202 243 5 L 60 L A ....... 111 6.1 T7 153 203 241 60 L 220 L A G Al*ka'lo'id's','*s'olid',*'n.o'.'s.' o*r.Alka . 6.'l' UN1544 1 6.1 None 211 242 5 kg 50 kg A 0 loid salts, solid, n.o.s. poi- sonous. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 None 212 242 25 kg 100 kg A ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 153 213 240 100 kg 200 kg A Alkyl sulfonic adds, liquid or Aryl 8 UN2584 11 8 B2, T8, T27 154 202 242 1 L 30 L B sulfonic acids, liquid with more than 5 percent free sulfuric acid. Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl 8 UN2586 111 8 T8 154 203 241 5 L 60 L B sulfonic acids, liquid with not more than 5 percent free sul- furic acid. Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl 8 UN2583 11 8 154 212 240 15 kg 50 kg A sulfonic acids, solid, with more than 5 percent free sulfuric acid. Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl 8 UN2585 111 8 154 213 240 25 kg 100 kg A W) sulfonic adds, solid With not more than 5 percent free Sul- furic acid.CD Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (in- 8 UN3145 1 8 T8 None 201 243 0.5 L 2.5 L B CD cluding C2 -C12 homologues). • • • O W § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Di class or - ti on Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codesprovisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air - bons bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (BC) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... II 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Alkylphenols, solid, n.o.s. (in- 8 UN2430 1 8 ......... T8 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg B cluding C2 -C12 homologues). ..................................................... ......... I.......... II 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Alkylsulfuric acids ....................... 8 UN2571 11 8 ......... B2, T9, T27 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 14 Allethrin, see Pesticides, liquid . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... toxic, n.o.s. Allyl acetate................................3 UN2333 II 3, 6.1 T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 40 Allyl alcohol ................................ 6.1 UN1098 I 6.1, 3 2, 89, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B74, B77, T38, T43, T45 Allyl bromide ............................... 3 UN1099 1 3, 6.1 T18 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 Allyl chloride ............................... 3 UN1100 1 3, 6.1 T18, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 40 Allyl chlorocarbonate, see Allyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chloroformate. Allyl chloroformate ...................... 6.1 UN1722 1 6.1, 3, 2, A3, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 8. B32, B74, N41, T38, T43, T45 Allyl ethyl ether ........................... 3 UN2335 11 3, 6.1 T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 40 Allyl formate ............................... 3 UN2336 1 3, 6.1 T18, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 4C Allyl glycidyl ether ...................... 3 UN2219 111 3 ......... B1, T7 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Allyl iodide .................................. 3 UN1723 11 3,8 .... A3, A6, B100, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 4C N34, T18 Allyl isothiocyanate, stabilized ... 6.1 UN1545 II 6.1, 3 A3, A7 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 60 L D 4C Allylamine ................................... 6.1 UN2334 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C B74, T38, T43, T45 Allyltrichlorosilane, stabilized ..... 8 UN1724 11 8, 3 .... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 4C T8, T26 Aluminum alkyl halides .............. 4.2 UN3052 1 B9, B11, T28, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ T29, T40 Aluminum alkyl hydrides ............ 4.2 UN3076 1 4.2, 4.3 69, B11, T28, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ T29, T40 Aluminum alkyls ......................... 4.2 UN3051 1 4.2, 4.3 B9, B11, T28, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ T29, T40 Aluminum borohyddde or AIu- 4.2 UN2870 1 4.2, 4.3 B11 None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D min- borohvdride in devices. V N O Aluminum bromide, anhydrous .. 8 UN1725 II 8 ......... B106 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 40 A Aluminum bromide, solution ....... 8 UN2580 111 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A N Aluminum carbide ...................... 4.3 UN1394 II 4.3 ...... A20, 8101, 8106, 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A (D N41 Aluminum chloride, anhydrous ... 8 UN1726 II 8 ......... B106 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50kg A 40 n Aluminum chloride, solution ....... 8 UN2581 III 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 7' Aluminum dross, wet or hot ....... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Aluminum ferrosilicon powder .... 4.3 UN1395 11 4.3, 6.1 A19, B106, B108 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 40, 85, M 103 Q .................................................. .................... III 4.3, 6.1 A19, A20, 8106, 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40, 85, W 8108 103 Aluminum hydride ...................... 4.3 UN2463 I 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E n D Aluminum, molten ...................... 9 NA9260 III 9 ......... None .... None .. 247 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D Q Aluminum nitrate ........................ 5.1 UN1438 III 5.1 ...... Al. A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A _ Aluminumphosphate solution. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Corrosive liquids, etc. p Aluminum phosphide .................. 4.3 UN1397 1 4.3, 6.1 A8, A19, 8100, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 40,85 (Q N40 Q Aluminum phosphide pesticides 6.1 UN3048 1 6.1 ...... AS None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 40,85 3 Aluminum powder, coated ......... 4.1 UN1309 II 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 13, 39, H 101 D ..................................................... .................... 111 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 39, Q 101 3. Aluminum powder, uncoated ..... 4.3 UN1396 11 4.3 ...... A19, A20, 8106, 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 39 �— B108 M .................................................... ................... III 4.3 ...... A19, A20, 8106, 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 39 8108 v Aluminum resinate ..................... 4.1 UN2715 111 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 0 Aluminum silicon powder, 4.3 UN1398 III 4.3 ...... Al, A19, B108 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40, 85, uncoated. 103 Aluminum smelling by-products 4.3 UN3170 11 4.3 ...... 128, 8106, 8115 None .... 212 ..... 242 ...,. 15 kg 50 kg B 85, 103 or Aluminum remelting by- products. .................................................... .................... 111 4.3 ...... 128, 8106, 8115 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 85, 103 Amatols, see Explosives, blast. .................... ............ .......... ing, type B. G Amines, flammable, corrosive, 3 UN2733 1 3.8 .... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 40 n.o.s. or Polyamines, flam- mable, corrosive, n.o.s.. ..................................................... .................... II 3.8 .... T8, T31 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L 8 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 3,8 .... B1, T8, T31 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5L 60 L A 40 G Amines, liquid, corrosive, flam- 8 UN2734 I 8.3 .... A3, A6, N34, T8, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L A mable, n.o.s. or Polyamines, T31 liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s. COi .................... 11 8.3 .... T8, T31 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... G Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s, 8 UN2735 I 8 ......... A3, A6, B10, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L A V N or Polyamines, liquid, corro- T42 sive, n.o.s. p ..................................................... .................... 11 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A —+ • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued A 10 n T 30 n gyp_ I 1 �0 %0 M Q O 7 (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Codes Spacial age Ltion- bots tions and proper shipping names vision bers provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk sift. ait craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... 111 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A G Amines, solid, corrosive, n.o.s., 8 UN3259 1 8 ......... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg A or Polyamines, solid, corrosive n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 2 -Amino -4 -chlorophenol ............. 6.1 UN2673 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 2-Amino-5-diethylaminopentane 6.1 UN2946 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 2-Amino-4,6-Dinilrophenol, 4.1 UN3317 1 4.1 ...... 23, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28.36 welted with not less than 20 N41 percent water by mass. 2•(2-Aminoethoxy) ethanol ......... 8 UN3055 III 8 ......... T2 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A N-Aminoethylpiperazine ............. 8 UN2815 III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12 + Aminophenols (o-; m-; p-) .......... 6.1 UN2512 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ............ Aminopropyldiethanolamine, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ............ I....... .................... Amines,etc. n-Aminopropylmorpholine, see . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Amines, etc. Aminopyridines (o-; m-; p-) ........ 6.1 UN2671 11 6.1 ...... T7 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 12,40 1 Ammonia, anhydrous ................. 2.3 UN1005 ............ 2.3, 8 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40,57 315. D Ammonia, anhydrous ................. 2.2 UN1005 ............ 2.2 ...... 13 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40,57 315. D Ammonia solution, relative den- 2.2 UN3318 ............ 2.2 ...... 13 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40,57 sity less than 0.880 at 15 de- 315. grees C in water, with more than 50 percent ammonia. I Ammonia solution, relative den- 2.3 UN3318 ............ 2.3, 8 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40, 57 sity less than 0.880 at 15 de- 315. grees C in water, with more than 50 percent ammonia. Ammonia solutions, relative den- 8 UN2672 III 8 ......... T14 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60L A 40,8! sity between 0.880 and 0.957 at 15 degrees C in water, with more than 10 percent but not more than 35 percent ammo - A 10 n T 30 n gyp_ I 1 �0 %0 M Q O 7 0 & 0 Ammonia solutions, relative den- 2.2 UN2073 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40, 57 M sity less than 0.880 at 15 de- 315. y graes C in water, with more Q than 35 percent but not more than 50 percent ammonia. S Ammonium arsenate .................. 6.1 UN1546 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Ammonium azide ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... .................... Ammonium bi0uoride, solid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... Ammonium hydrogen di- fluo- ride, solid. Ammonium bi0uoride solution . .................... ............ .......... .................... (D see Ammonium hydrogen 0. difluonde, solution. Q Ammoniumbromate ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Ammonium chlorate ................... Forbidden ............. ......... ......... .................... .................... 0 Ammonium dichromate .............. 5.1 UN1439 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A (Q Ammonium dinitro-o-cresolate ... 6.1 UN1843 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 36, 65, Q 66, 77 Ammonium fluoride .................... 6.1 UN2505 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 26 tan Ammonium fluorosilicate ............ 6.1 UN2854 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 26 D Ammonium fulminate ................. Forbidden ............. ......... ......... .................... .................... O. Ammonium hydrogen sulfate ..... 8 UN2506 II 8 ......... 15 4 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 40 3 .... Ammonium hydrogendifluoride, 8 UN1727 11 8 ......... 8106, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 25, 26, solid. 40 - r-� Ammonium hydrogendi luoride, 8 UN2817 11 8, 6.1 N34, T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 pO solution. ..................................................... .................... III 8, 6.1 T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40,95 Ammonium hydrosulflde, solu. .................... ............ .......... ......... tion, see Ammonium sulfide solution. D Ammonium hydroxide, see Am . .................... ............ ....... I.. ......... ......... .................... .................... monis solutions, etc. Ammonium metavanadate ......... 6.1 UN2859 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 0 Ammonium nitrate fertilizers ...... 5.1 NA2072 III 5.1 ...... 7 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 48, 59, 60,117 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 8 9 10 stow- Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Gass or Di- lion Num- PGCodes Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars provisions E Non- Passenger Cargo air- tionsons bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Lora Other tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Ammonium nitrate for- 5.1 UN2067 III 5.1 ...... 52 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 48, 59, tilizers; uniform non-segre- 60,117 gating mixtures of ammonium nitrate with added matter which is inorganic and chemi- cally inert towards ammonium nitrate, with not less than 90 percent ammonium nitrate and not more than 0.2 percent combustible material (includ- ing organic material calculated as carbon), or with more than 70percent but less than 90 percent ammonium nitrate and not more than 0.4 percent total combustible material.. A, W Ammonium nitrate fertilizers: 9 UN2071 III 9 ......... 132 155 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 200 kg 200 kg A ............ uniform non -segregating mix- tures of nitroger✓phosphate or nitroger✓postash types or complete fertilizers of nitro- gen/phosphate/postash type, with not more than 70 percent ammonium nitrate and not more than 0.4 percent total added combustible material or with not more than 45 percent ammonium nitrate with unre- stricted combustible material. D Ammonium nitrate -fuel oil mix- 1.50 NA0331 11 1.50 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E ture containing only prilled ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. Ammonium nitrate, liquid (hot 5.1 UN2426 5.1 ...... B5, 8100, T25 None .... None .. 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 59, 6C concentrated solution). D Ammonium nitrate mixed 5.1 NA2069 111 5.1 ...... 10 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 48, 59, ferilizers. 60. 117 • • • W Ammonium nitrate, with more 1.1D UN0222 II 1.1D ... than 0.2 percent combustible 1 E. SE, A substances, including any or- 19E y ganic substance calculated as,, carbon, to the exclusion of any other added substance. Q Ammonium nitrate, with not 5.1 UN1942 III 5.1 ...... more than 0.2 percent of com- bustible substances, including 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... any organic substance cal- 100 kg A 48, 59, Q culated as carbon, to the ex- clusion of any other added substance. CL Ammonium nitrite ....................... Forbidden ............ Ammonium perchlorate .............. 1.lD UN0402 II 1.1D ... Ammonium perchlorate .............. 5.1 UN1442 II 5.1 ...... Ammonium permanganate ......... Forbidden <D ............ Ammonium persulfate ................ 5.1 UN1444 III 5.1 ...... Ammonium picrate, dry or IAD UN0004 II 1.11D ... wetted with less than 10 per- Q None .... 62 ....... cent water, by mass. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E, T Ammonium picrate, wetted with 4.1 UN1310 1 4.1 ...... not less than 10 percent 19E O 152 ...... 212 ..... 242..... water, by mass. 25 kg E 58, 69, IQ Ammonium polysulfide, solution 8 UN2818 It 8, 6.1 ..................................................... .................... ......... 111 8, 6.1 Ammonium polyvanadate ........... 6.1 UN2861 II 6.1 ...... Ammonium silicofluoride, see .................... 100 kg A ............ Ammonium fluorosilicate. 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden Ammonium suede solution ........ 8 UN2683 II 816.1. 19E 3. Ammunition, blank, see Car- .................... ............ fridges for weapons, blank. None .... 211 ..... None .. 0.5 kg Ammunition, illuminating with or 1.213 UN0171 11 1.2G ... without burster, expelling v charge or propelling charge. 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L Ammunition, illuminating with or 1.3G UN0254 11 1.3G ... without burster, expelling 40 154 ...... charge or propelling charge. 241 ..... 5 L 60 L B Ammunition, illuminating with or 1AG UN0297 II 1.4G ... without burster, expelling 40 None .... 212 ..... charge or propelling charge. 25 kg 100 kg A Ammunition, incendiary liquid or 1.3J UN0247 II 11.3.1 .... gel, with burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Al. A29 107 107, A9 Al, A29 23, A2, N41 T14 T7 T14 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1 E. SE, A 19E y Q n 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 48, 59, Q 60,116 M CL Vf <D n Q None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E, T 19E O 152 ...... 212 ..... 242..... 5 kg 25 kg E 58, 69, IQ 106 Q .......... ......... ......... .................... ..................1. 3 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A H None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E, D 19E 3 None .... 211 ..... None .. 0.5 kg 0.5 kg D 28,36 j v None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 12, 26, O 40 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L B 12, 26, 40 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 12, 22, 26,100 62 .....,. 1 None .. I Forbidden I Forbidden 1 8 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E fpr V .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, 13E, p 23E —+ • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued A 10 n 50 n pS I I �o �0 M Q O 7 (8) (9) (10) Hazard Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bola lions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (108) Ammunition, incendiary (water- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... activated contrivances) with burster, expelling charge or propelling charge, see Contri- vances, water -activated, etc. Ammunition, incendiary, white 1.2H UN0243 11 1.2H ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 8E, phosphorus, with burster, ex- 14E, pelling charge or propelling 15E, charge. 17E Ammunition, incendiary, white 1.3H UN0244 It 1.3H ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 8E, phosphorus, with burster, ex- 14E, pelling charge or propelling 15E, charge. 17E Ammunition, incendiary with or 1.2G UN0009 II 1.213 ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge. Ammunition, incendiary with or 1.3G UN0010 II 1.3G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge. Ammunition, incendiary with or 1.413 UN0300 II 1AG ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Ammunition, practice .................. 1AG UN0362 II 1.4G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Ammunition, practice .................. 1.3G UN0488 11 1.3G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 Ammunition, proof ...................... 1AG UN0363 11 1.413 ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75kg A 24E Ammunition, rocket, see War- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... heads, rocket etc. Ammunition, SA (small arms) . .................... ............ .......... ......... see Cartridges for weapons, etc. Ammunition, smoke (water-acti. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... vated contrivances), while phosphorus, with burster, ex- pelling charge or propelling charge, see Contrivances, water -activated, etc. (UN mca i A 10 n 50 n pS I I �o �0 M Q O 7 • • • Ammunition, smoke (water-acti. .................... vated contrivances), without ......... 62 ....... white phosphorus or, .................... Forbidden phosphides, with burster, ex- 1.3H ... pelling charge or propelling .......... charge, see Contrivances, None .. water -activated, etc. (UN Forbidden 0249). Ammunition smoke, white phos- 1.2H phorus with burster,expelling Forbidden charge, or propelling charge. 1.3G, 8 Ammunition, smoke, white phos- 1.3H phorus with burster, expelling None .. charge, or propelling charge. Forbidden Ammunition, smoke with or with- 1.2G out burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Ammunition, smoke with or with- 1.3G out burster, expelling charge .......... or propelling charge. None .. Ammunition, smoke with or with- 1 AG out burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Ammunition, sporting, see Car- .................... tridges for weapons, etc. (UN 6.1. 0012; UN 0328; UN 0339). Ammunition, tear -producing, 6.1 non -explosive, without burster or expelling charge, non -fuzed. Ammunition, tear -producing with 1.2G burster, expelling charge or Forbidden propelling charge. 8, Ammunition, tear -producing with 1.3G burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Ammunition, tear -producing with 1AG burster, expelling charge or propelling charge. Ammunition, toxic, non-explo- 6.1 sive, without burster or expel- None .... .......... ling charge, non -fuzed. None .. ......... Ammunition, toxic (water-acti. .................... vated contrivances), with burster, expelling charge or propelling charge, see Contri- vances, water -activated, etc. UN0245 UN0246 UN0015 UN0016 UN0303 UN2017 UN0018 UN0019 UN0301 UN2016 ............ 1.2H ... .......... .......... ......... 62 ....... ......... None .. .................... Forbidden .................... Forbidden 1.3H ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 1.2G, 8 .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 1.3G, 8 .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 1.4G, 8 .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden75 kg 6.1, 8 None .... 212 ..... None .. Forbidden 50 kg 1.2G, .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8, 6.1. 1.3G, .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8, 6.1. 1.4G, .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg 8, 6.1. 6.1 ...... ............ None .... .......... 212 ..... ......... None .. ......... Forbidden .................... 100 kg .................... E E E E E E E E M fD CA (D Q 0 S Q 7 8E, Q' 14E, N 15E, 17E n 8E, Q 14E, — 15E, 17E O 17E, (Q 20E Q 3 17E, r^ 20E D Q. 17E, 3 20E 7 v O 4 13, 40 20E 17E, 20E 17E, 20E 13,40 W) V N O • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Hazard Identifica• Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- or Di- lion Num• PG Label Special age boll tions and proper shipping names vision bers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) G Ammunition, toxic with burster, 1.2K UN0020 II 1.2K, .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, expelling charge, or propelling 6.1. 11E, charge. 17E G Ammunition, toxic with burster, 1.3K UN0021 II 1.3K, .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, expelling charge, or propelling 6.1. 11E, charge. 17E Amyl acetates ............................. 3 UN1104 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Amyl acid phosphate .................. 8 UN2819 III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Amyl butyrates ........................... 3 UN2620 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Amyl chlorides ............................ 3 UN1107 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Amyl formates ............................ 3 UN1109 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Amyl mercaptans ....................... 3 UN1111 II 3 ......... A3, T8 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 95,102 n -Amyl methyl ketone ................ 3 UN1110 III 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Amyl nitrate ................................ 3 UN1112 III 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Amyl nitrites ................................ 3 UN1113 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 40 Amylamines................................ 3 UN1106 11 3,8 .... T1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B .................................................... ................... III 3,8 .... B1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A Amyltrichlorosilane ..................... 8 UN1728 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8, T26 Anhydrous ammonia see Ammo- .................... ............ .......... ......... nia, anhydrous. Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous. t Aniline ......................................... 6.1 UN1547 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4C Aniline hydrochloride .................. 6.1 UN1548 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Anilineoil, see Aniline ................ .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Anisidines................................... 6.1 UN2431 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Anisole ........................................ 3 UN2222 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Anisoyl chloride .......................... 8 UN1729 II 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 4C Anti -freeze, liquid, see Flam. .................... ............ .......... mable liquids, n.o.s. Antimonous chloride, see Anti- .................... ............ .......... ......... mony trichloride. Antimony compounds, inorganic, 6.1 UN3141 III 6.1 ...... 35,T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A liquid, n.o.s. Antimony compounds, inorganic, 6.1 UN1549 III 6.1 ...... 35 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A solid, n.o.s. Antimony lactate ......................... 6.1 UN1550 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A antimony nentachloride. licuid ... 8 UN1730 11 8 ......... B2, T8, T26 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 4C V N O Antimony pentachloride, solu- 8 UN1731 11 8 ......... 82, T8, T27 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 M tions. .................... III 8 ......... T7, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C 40 (D ..................................................... Antimony penta8uoride .............. 8 UN1732 II 8, 6.1 A3, A6, A7, A10, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 40 a N3, T12, T26 t7 Antimony potassium tartrate ....,. 6.1 UN1551 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A =r Antimony powder ....................... 6.1 UN2871 III 6.1 ...... 153 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Q Antimony sulfide and a chlorate, Forbidden ............ .....' . ......... ......... .................... .................... Q. mixtures of. Antimony sulfide, solid, see Anti- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... V► mony compounds, inorganic, n.o.s. D Antimony lribromide, solid .......... 8 NA1549 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 13 2• D Antimony tribromide, solution ..... 8 NA1549 It 8 ......... B2 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 13 - Antimony trichloride, liquid ......... 8 UN1733 II 8 ......... B2 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 -p Antimony trichloride, solid .......... 8 UN1733 II 8 ......... B106 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 40 D Antimony trifluoride, solid ........... 8 NA1549 11 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 25 kg A 13 (Q D Antimony trifluoride, solution ...... 8 NA1549 II 8 ......... B2 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 13 Q Aquaammonia. see Ammonia .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 3 solution, eta H Argon, compressed .................... 2.2 UN1006 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A D 315. Q Argon, refrigerated liquid (cryo- 2.2 UN1951 2.2 ...... 320 ...... 316 ..... 318 ..... 50 kg 500 kg B 3 genic liquid). -• Arsenic ....................................... 6.1 UN1558 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Arsenic acid, liquid ..................... 6.1 UN1553 1 6.1 ...... T18, T27 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 46 Arsenic acid, solid ...................... 6.1 UN1554 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Arsenic bromide ......................... 6.1 UN1555 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 12.40 0 Arsenic chloride, see Arsenic tri- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chloride. Arsenic compounds, liquid, 6.1 UN1556 1 6.1 ...... None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 n.o.s. inorganic, including arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenic sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic compounds of ar- senic, n.o.s.. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B 40 Arsenic compounds, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1557 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A inorganic, including arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; ar- senic sulfides, n.o.s.; and or- ganic compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A W) .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A -� ..................................................... Arsenic pentoxide ....................... 6.1 UN1559 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A V N D Arsenic sulfide ............................ 6.1 NA1557 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Arsenic sulfide and a chlorate, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... p mixtures of -' 0 0 0 00 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identiflca- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- P assenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraf /rail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Arsenic trichloride ....................... 6.1 UN1560 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 40 B74, T38, T43, T45 Arsenic trioxide ........................... 6.1 UN1561 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A D Arsenic trisulfide ......................... 6.1 NA1557 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Arsenic, white, solid, see Ar- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... senic trioxide. Arsenical dust ............................. 6.1 UN1562 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Arsenical pesticides, liquid, flam- 3 UN2760 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 mable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C.................... .................... II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2994 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4C ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Arsenical pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN2993 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic, flammable flashpoint not less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... ....... I............ 11 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4C ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1, 3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C Arsenical pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2759 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 4C ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 4C ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 4C Arsenious acid, solid, see Ar- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... senic trioxide. Arsenious and mercuric iodide .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... solution, see Arsenic com- pounds, liquid, n.o.s. Arsine ......................................... 2.3 UN2188 2.3, 2.1 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C Articles, explosive, extremely in- 1.6N UN0486 11 1.6N ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B sensitive or Articles, EEI. G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1AS UN0349 11 1.4S ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1AB UN0350 11 1.413 ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A 24E G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1AC UN0351 II 1.4C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.4D UN0352 11 1.40 ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1AG UN0353 II 1AG ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.1L UN0354 11 1.1L .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E 11E 17E 12 V N O 0 0 0 G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.2L UN0355 11 1.2L .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E, M 11E, H 17E 1D G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.31. UN0356 II 1.3L .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, Q 11E, n 17E =r G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.1C UN0462 II 1.1C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B ? G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.1D UN0463 II 1.1D ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Q G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.1E UN0464 II 1.1E ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.1F UN0465 11 1.1F ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E N G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.2C UN0466 II 1.2C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.20 UN0467 11 1.21) ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.2E UN0468 II 1.2E ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Q G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.2F UN0469 II 1.21' ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ........... 1.3C UN0470 II 1.3C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.4E UN0471 11 1.4E ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E a G Articles, explosive, n.o.s ............ 1.41' UN0472 II 1AF ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Articles, pressurized pneumatic 2.2 UN3164 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302, 304. None .. No limit No limit A C) 3 or hydraulic containing non- flammable gas. y 2E, BE, Articles, pyrophoric ..................... 1.2L UN0380 11 1.21. .... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 11E, CL 17E 3 Articles, pyrotechnic for tech- 1AG UN0428 11 1.1G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B �-' nical purposes. Articles, pyrotechnic for tech- 1.2G UN0429 11 1.2G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B p nical purposes. 0 Articles, pyrotechnic for tech- 1.313 UN0430 II 1.313 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B nical purposes. Articles, pyrotechnic for tech- 1AG UN0431 II 1.413 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E nical purposes. Articles, pyrotechnic for tech- 1AS UN0432 II 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A nical purposes. D Asbestos ..................................... 9 NA2212 III 9 ......... 155 ...... 216 ..... 240 ..... 200 kg 200 kg A 34,40 Ascaridole (organic peroxide) .... Forbidden ....I....... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... D Asphalt, at or above its 3 NA1999 111 3......... 150 203..... 247..... Forbidden Forbidden D flashpoint. DAsphalt, cut back, see Tars, liq. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... uid, etc. Automobile, motorcycle, tractor, other self-propelled vehicle, engine, or other mechanical apparatus, see Vehicles or Battery etc W� A G Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s ... 9 UN3334 ............ 9 ......... A35 155 ...... 204 ..... ............ No limit No limit A _. A G Aviation regulated solid, n.o.s .... 9 UN3335 ............ 9 ......... A35 155 ...... 204 ..... ............ No limit No limit A V N Azaurolic acid (salt oo (dry) ....... forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Azido guanidine picrate (dry) ..... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... p 5-Azido-l-hydroxy tetrazole ....... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... I................... .................... • • • N O § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued 8 9 10 Packaging (§173."') Quantity( limitations Vessel stow - Sym• Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Idenlifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air - Loca- tions tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (BC) (9A) (9B) (10A) (108) Azido hydroxy tetrazole (mer- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... cury and silver salts). 3-Azido-1,2-Propylene glycol Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dinitrate. Azidodithiocarbonic acid ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Azidoethyl nitrate ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 1-Azindinylphosphine oxide . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (tris), see Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide, solution. Azodicarbonamide ...................... 4.1 UN3242 II 4.1 ...... 38 151 212 240 Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 61, 74 Azotetrazole(dry) ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Barium ........................................ 4.3 UN1400 11 4.3 ...... A19, 13100, 13106 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E Barium alloys, pyrophoric ........... 4.2 UN1854 1 4.2 ...... None .... 181 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D Barium azide, dry or wetted with 1.1A UN0224 II 1.1A, 111,117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E less than 50 percent water, by 6.1. mass. Barium azide, wetted with not 4.1 UN1571 1 4.1, 6.1 A2 None .... 182 ..... None .. Forbidden 0.5 kg D 2E less than 50 percent water, by mass. Barium bromate .......................... 5.1 UN2719 II None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56,58 10E Barium chlorate .......................... 5.1 UN1445 II 5.1, 6.1 A9, N34, T8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58 10E Barium compounds, n.o.s .......... 6.1 UN1564 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Barium cyanide .......................... 6.1 UN1565 1 6.1 ...... N74, N75 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 26,4C Barium hypochlorite with more 5.1 UN2741 II A7, A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... None .. 5 kg 25 kg B 56, 58 than 22 percent available 10E chlorine. Barium nitrate ............................. 5.1 UN1446 II 5.1, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A Barium oxide .............................. 6.1 UN1884 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Barium perchlorate ..................... 5.1 UN1447 11 5.1, 6.1 T8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56,58 10E Barium permanganate ................ 5.1 UN1448 II None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58 69 106 1o1 Barium peroxide ......................... 5.1 UN1449 II 5.1, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, ;0 (D 106 H Barium selenate, see Selenates or Selenites. Barium selenite, see Selenates .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........ I........... .................... n S D or Selenites. Barium styphnate ....................... 1AA NA0473 II 1.1A ... 111, 117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E Q Batteries, containing sodium ...... 4.3 UN3292 II 4.3 ...... 189 ...... 189 ..... 189 ..... Forbidden No limit A Z) Q' Batteries, dry, containing potas- 8 UN3028 III 8 ......... None .... 213 ..... None .. 25 kg gross 230 kg A CA sium hydroxide solid, electric, gross storage. fD Batteries, wet, filled with acid, 8 UN2794 III 8 ......... .............................. 159 ...... 159 ..... 159 ..... 30 kg gross No limit A n electric storage. Q Batteries, wet, filled with alkali, 8 UN2795 111 8 ......... .............................. 159 ...... 159 ..... 159 ..... 30 kg gross No limit A ............ electric storage. M Batteries, wet, filled with alkali, 8 UN2795 III 8 ......... 159 ...... 159 ..... 159 ..... 25 kg gross No limit A electric storage. Batteries, wet, non -spillable, 8 UN2800 III 8 ......... 159 ...... 159 ..... 159 ..... No Limit No Limit A 3 electric storage. N Batteries, dry, not subject to the .................... ............ ............ 130 .............. ............ ............ .................... .................... ............ requirements of this sub- D Q chapter. 3, Battery fluid, acid ....................... 8 UN2796 II 8 ......... A3, A7, B2, B15, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B N6, N34, T9, T27 7 [V Battery fluid, alkali ...................... 8 UN2797 II 8 ......... 82, N6, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A Battery lithium type, see Lithium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... batteries etc. 0 Battery -powered vehicle or Bat- 9 UN3171 ............ 9 ......... 134 220 220 ..... None No limit No limit tery-powered equipment. Battery, wet, tilled with acid or .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... alkali with automobile (or named self-propelled vehicle or mechanical equipment con- taining internal combustion engine) see Vehicles, self-pro- pelled etc. + Benzaldehyde ............................. 9 UN1990 III 9 ......... T1 155 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 100 L 220 L A Benzene ..................................... 3 UN1114 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Benzene diazonium chloride Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (dry) Benzene diazonium nitrate (dry) Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... I................... .................... Benzenephosphorus dichloride . .................... ............ ..... I.... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Phenyl phosphorus di- chloride. (01 Benzenephosphorus .................... ............ .......... ......... I........ .................... .................... V thiodichloride, see Phenyl N phosphorus thiodichloride. ' Benzene sulfonyl chloride .......... 8 UN2225 III 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60L A 40 Benzenetdozonide .................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ..........,......... —� • . • tV N § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- y Hazardous materials descrip• class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special p. age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail waft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Benzenethiol, see Phenyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ............. I...... .................... mercaptan. Benzidine .................................... 6.1 UN1885 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Benzol, see Benzene ................. .................... ............ .......... Benzonitrile................................. 6.1 UN2224 It 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 26.40 Benzoquinone ............................ 6.1 UN2587 It 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Benzotrichlohde .......................... 8 UN2226 11 B ......... B2, 8101, T15 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30L A 40 Benzotrifluoride .......................... 3 UN2338 11 3 ......... T2 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Benzoxidiazoles (dry) ................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Benzoyl azide ............................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Benzoyl chloride ......................... 8 UN1736 II 8 ......... B2, T9, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 Benzyl bromide .......................... 6.1 UN1737 II 6.1, 8 A3, A7, N33, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L D 13.40 T12, T26 Benzyl chloride ........................... 6.1 UN1738 11 6.1, 8 A3, A7, B70, N33, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L D 13,40 N42, T12, T26 Benzyl chloride unstabilized ....... 6.1 UN1738 11 6.1, 8 A3, A7, B8, B11, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30L D 13,40 N33, N34, N43, T12, T26 Benzyl chloroformate ................. 8 UN1739 1 8 ......... A3, A6, B4, N41, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40 T18, T26 Benzyl iodide .............................. 6.1 UN2653 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 12.40 Benzyldimethylamine ................. B UN2619 II 8.3 .... B2, T1 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40.48 Benzylidene chloride .................. 6.1 UN1886 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L D 40 Beryllium compounds, n.o.s ....... 6.1 UN1566 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Beryllium nitrate ......................... 5.1 UN2464 11 5.1, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A Beryllium, powder ....................... 6.1 UN1567 11 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Bicyclo [2,2,1] hepta -2, 5 -diene, 3 UN2251 II 3 ......... .............................. 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L D inhibited or 2,5-Norbor- nadiens, inhibited. Biphenyl triozonide ..................... Forbidden ............ ............... ......... .................... .................... Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2782 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E Flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... .I.-............... II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 4C Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3016 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 4C toxic. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4C _ ................_..._._............... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3015 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 21,40 toxic, flammable, flashpoint tQn not less than 23 degrees C. (D ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 21, 40 Q .................... III 6.1, 3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 21, 40 .................................................. Bipyridilium pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2781 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 ? toxic. 7 ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 Q. ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 .....; 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 Bis Aminopropyl) Piperazine. .................... ( ........... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N 10 see Corrosive liquid, n.o.s. (D Bisulfate, aqueous solution ........ 8 UN2837 II 8 ......... A7, B2, N34, T8, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A n T26 Q .................... 111 8 ......... A7, N34, T7, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A ..................................................... Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, 8 UN2693 111 8 ......... TO 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 1 L 30 L A 26.40 n.o.s. (Q Black powder, compressed or 1.113 UN0028 1 11 .113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Gunpowder, compressed or Q Black powder, in pellets or 3 Gunpowder, in pellets. N Black powder or Gunpowder, 1.113 UN0027 11 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 10E, D granular or as a meal. 26E Q. D Black powder for small anus ..... 4.1 NA0027 1 4.1 ...... 70 None .... 170 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 3 _. r—� Blasting agent, n.o.s., see Ex. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... h' plosives, blasting etc. W Blasting cap assemblies, see .................... .......... ......... ......... Detonator assemblies, non- O electric, for blasting. Blasting caps, electric, see Det. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... onators, electric for blasting. Blasting caps, non-electric, see .................... ............ .......... ... I..... ......... Detonators, non-electric, for blasting. Bleaching powder, see Calcium .................... ............ .......... ......... hypochlorite mixtures, etc. I Blue asbestos (Crocidolite) or 9 UN2212 11 9 ......... 155 ...... 216 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 34,40 Brown asbestos (amosite, mysorite). Bombs, photo-flash .................... 1.1F UN0037 11 1.1F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Bombs, photo-flash .................... 1.1D UN0038 11 1.10 ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Bombs, photo-flash .................... 1.2G UN0039 II 1.2G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Bombs, photo-flash .................... 1.3G UN0299 II 1.3G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Bombs, smoke, non-explosive, 8 UN2028 II 8 ......... None .... 160 ..... None .. Forbidden 50 kg E 40 with corrosive liquid, without (0) initiating device. —� Bombs, with bursting charge ..... 1.1F UN0033 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E v N Bombs, with bursting charge ..... 1.1D UN0034 11 1.1D ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E Bombs, with bursting charge ..... 1.213 UN0035 11 1.213 ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E C Bombs, with bursting charge ..... 1.2F UN0291 11 1.2F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E —+ • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued v N O 0 A n 10 �O M Q O 7 v (8) (9) (10) Hazard IdenBflca- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- lass or - cDi B N on u- PGm Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail waft only Lo�- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Bombs with flammable liquid, 1.1J UN0399 II 1.11 .... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, with bursting charge. 16E, 23E Bombs with flammable liquid, 1.2.1 UN0400 II 1.2.1 .... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, with bursting charge. 16E, 23E Boosters with detonator ............. 1.1B UN0225 II 1.18 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E Boosters with detonator ............. 1.213 UN0268 II 1.213 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, 7E Boosters, without detonator ....... 1.10 UN0042 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Boosters, without detonator ....... 1.2D UN0283 11 1.2D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Borateand chlorate mixtures . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Chlorate and borate mix- tures. Bomeol....................................... 4.1 UN1312 III 4.1 ...... Al None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A + Boron tribromide ......................... 8 UN2692 1 8, 6.1 2, A3, A7, 89, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L C 12 B14, B32, B74, N34, T38, T43, T45 Boron trichloride ......................... 2.3 UN1741 2.3, 8 3, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25,4C Boron trifluoride, compressed.... 2.3 UN1008 2.3 ...... 2, B9, B14 None .... 302 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 315. Boron trifluoride acetic acid 8 UN1742 11 8 ......... B2, B6, T9, T27 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A complex. Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate 8 UN2604 1 8,3 .... A19, T8, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 4C Boron trifluoride dihydrate .......... 8 UN2851 II 8 ......... T9, T27 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 12.40 Boron trifluoride dimethyl 4.3 UN2965 1 4.3.8, A19, T12, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L D 21, 28, etherate. 3. 40, 49, 10C Boron trifluoride propionic acid 8 UN1743 II 8 ......... B2, T9, T27 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A complex. Box toe gum, see Nitrocellulose .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... eta Bromates, inorganic, aqueous 5.1 UN3213 II 5.1 ...... T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1L 5 L B 56,58 solution, n.o.s. 10E Bromates, inorganic, n.o.s ......... 5.1 UN1450 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 10E Rmmine wide _._...___........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... v N O 0 A n 10 �O M Q O 7 v 0 0 0 • Bromine or Bromine solutions .... 8 UN1744 1 8, 6.1 1, A3, A6, B9, None .... 226 ..... 249 ..... Forbidden Forbidden 12, 40, M B64, B85, N34, 66, 74, H N43, T18, T41 89, 90 (D Bromine chloride ........................ 2.3 UN2901 2.3, 8, 2, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, Q 5.1. 315. 90 0 + Bromine penta0uoride ................ 5.1 UN1745 1 5.11 1, B9, B14, 830, None .... 228 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40, 6.1, B72, T38, T43, 66, 90 8. T44 L: + Bromine trifluoride ...................... 5.1 UN1746 1 5.1, 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 228 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40, 6.1, B74, T38, T43, 66, 90 N 8. T45 (p 4-Bromo-1,2dinitrobenzene ....... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... n 4-Bromo-1,2dinitrobenzene (un- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q stable at 59 degrees C.). 1-Bromo-3-methylbutane ............ 3 UN2341 III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 1-Bromo-3-nitrobenzene (unsta- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (Q ble at 56 degrees r7. �+ Q 2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-did 4.1 UN3241 III 4.1 ...... 46 151 ...... 213 ..... None .. 25 kg 50 kg C 12, 25, 40 3 Bromoacetic acid, solid .............. 8 UN1938 II 8 ......... A7, N34, T9 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Bromcaostic acid, solution ......... 8 UN1938 II 8 ......... B2, T9 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 Q + Bromoscetone ............................ 6.1 UN7569 11 6.1,3 ... 2 None .... 193 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 3- Bromoacetyl bromide ................. 8 UN2513 II 8 ......... B2, T9, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 �-' Bromobenzene ........................... 3 UN2514 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A cNn Bromobenzyl cyanides, liquid .... 6.1 UN1694 1 6.1 ...... T18 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 12, 40 Bromobenzyl cyanides, solid ..... 6.1 UN1694 1 6.1 ...... T18 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 50 kg D 12, 40 0 1-Bromobutane ........................... 3 UN1126 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5L 60L B 40 0 2-Bromobutane ........................... 3 UN2339 II 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Bromochloromethane ................. 6.1 UN1887 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 2-Bromoethyl ethyl ether ............ 3 UN2340 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Bromoform.................................. 6.1 UN2515 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 12,40 Bromomethylpropanes ............... 3 UN2342 11 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 2-Bromopenlane ......................... 3 UN2343 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Bromopropanes .......................... 3 UN2344 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 3-Bromopropyne ......................... 3 UN2345 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L D 40 Bromosilane............................... Forbidden ...I........ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Bromotoluene-alpha, see Benzyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ...................I .................... bromide. Bromotrifluoroethylene ............... 2.1 UN2419 2.1 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 315. Bromotri0uoromethane or Refrig- 2.2 UN1009 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A Brant gas, R 1361.. 315. Brucine ....................................... 6.1 UN1570 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A to Bursters, explosive ..................... 1.11) UN0043 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Butadienes, inhibited .................. 2.1 UN1010 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 v N 315. Butane see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1011 2.1 ...... 19 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 p gases,liquefied. 315. — § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class a Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo r- al Ltion bulk aircrafVrail n waft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Butane, butane mixtures and .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ....... I............ .................... mixtures having similar prop- erties in cartridges each not exceeding 500 grams, see Receptacles, etc. Butanedione ............................... 3 UN2346 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 1,2.4-Butanetriol lrinitrate ........... Forbidden ...I........ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Butanols ..................................... 3 UN1120 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ten-Butoxycarbonyl azide ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Butyl acetates ............................. 3 UN1123 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B .................... III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Butyl acid phosphate .................. 8 UN1718 III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Butyl acrylates, inhibited ............ 3 UN2348 III 3 ......... B1, T8, T31 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Butyl alcohols, see Butanols ...... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Butyl benzenes ........................... 3 UN2709 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A n -Butyl bromide, see 1 • .................... ............ ............ .............................. .............. ............ ............ ..... I.............. .................... ............ Bromobutane. n -Butyl chloride, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorobutanes. D sec -Butyl chloroformate ............. 6.1 NA2742 1 6.1, 3, 2, 89, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12,13 8. B74, T38, T43, 22,25 T45 40, 48, 10C n -Butyl chloroformate ................. 6.1 UN2743 1 6.1, 8, 2, B9, B14, 832, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12.13 3. B74, T38, T43, 21.25 T45 40, 10( Butylethers, see Dibutyl ethers .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Butylethyl ether, see Ethyl butyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ether. n -Butyl formate ........................... 3 UN1128 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B len-Butyl hydroperoxide, with Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... more than 90 percent with water. tert-Butyl hypochlorite ................ 4.2 UN3255 1 4.2, 8 None .... 211 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D N -n -Butyl imidazole .................... 6.1 UN2690 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A tert-Butyl isocyanate ................... 6.1 UN2484 1 6.1, 3 1, A7, B9, B14, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4( B30, B72, T38, T43, T44 0 0 0 n -Butyl isocyanate ...................... 6.1 UN2485 1 6.1, 3 2, A7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 40 B32, 874, B77, N T38, T43, T45 (DD Butyl mercaptans ....................... 3 UN2347 11 3 ......... A3, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L D 26,95 Q n -Butyl methacrylate, inhibited... 3 UN2227 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A (j Butyl methyl ether ...................... 3 UN2350 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B S Butyl nitrites ................................ 3 UN2351 1 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 40 0 ........................ ................... I......... .................... 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 7 ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 0. tert-Butyl peroxyacetate, with Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N more than 76 percent in solu- tion. 0. n -Butyl peroxydicarbonate, with Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... more than 52 percent in solu- tion. tert-Butyl peroxyisobutyrate, with Forbidden more than 77 percent in solu- tion. Butyl phosphoric acid, see Butyl .................... ............ .......... ......... .........3 .................... .................... acid phosphate. N Butyl propionates ....................... 3 UN1914 III 3 ......... B1,T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ............ D 5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xy- 4.1 UN2956 III 4.1 ...... None .... 214 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 12 Q lene or Musk xylene. Butyl vinyl ether, inhibited .......... 3 UN2352 11 3 ......... B101, T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 j. n-Butylamine .............................. 3 UN1125 II 3.8 .... B101, TB None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 N-Butylaniline ............................. 6.1 UN2738 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A ' tart-Butylcyclohexylchlorofonnate 6.1 UN2747 III 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 12, 13, 25 0 Butylene see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1012 2.1 ...... 19 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 gases,liquefied. 315. 1,2-Butylene oxide, stabilized .... 3 UN3022 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 49 Butyltoluenes .............................. 6.1 UN2667 111 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Butyltrichlorosilane ..................... 8 UN1747 II 8,3 .... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8, T26 1,4-Butynediol ............................ 6.1 UN2716 111 6.1 ...... Al None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 61,70 Bulyraldehyde ............................ 3 UN1129 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Butyraldoxime ............................. 3 UN2840 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Butyric acid ................................. 8 UN2820 111 8 ......... T1 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12 Butyric anhydride ....................... 8 UN2739 111 8 ......... T2 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Butyronilrile................................ 3 UN2411 II 3, 6.1 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 40 Butyryl chloride ........................... 3 UN2353 II 3.8 .... B100, T9, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L C 40 Cacodylic acid ............................ 6.1 UN1572 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 26 Cadmium compounds ................ 6.1 UN2570 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A (Oi Caesium hydroxide .................... 8 UN2682 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Caesium hydroxide solution ....... 8 UN2681 II 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A V N ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Callum ...................................... 4.3 UN1401 II 4.3 ...... B101, 8106 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E p Calcium arsenate ....................... 6.1 UN1573 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A —+ 0 0 0 N 00 § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (t0) Hazard Hazard Idenlifica- Packaging (§173.-") Quantity limitations Vessel slow- Sym- Hazardous materials desaip• or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols lions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Exc Non- Passenger Cargo air• tionsns bulk Bulk aircreNrail craft only Lam_ tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (96) (10A) (10B) Calcium arsenate and calcium 6.1 UN1574 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A arsenite, mixtures, solid. D Calcium arsenite, solid ............... 6.1 NA1574 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Calcium bisutrte solution, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Bisulfles, inorganic, aqueous solutions, n.o.s. Calcium carbide ......................... 4.3 UN1402 1 4.3 ...... Al, A8, B55, B59, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg B 8101, 8106, N34 ..................................................... .................... II 4.3 ...... Al, A8, B55, B59, 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 8101, B106, N34 Calcium chlorate ........................ 5.1 UN1452 II 5.1 ...... N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Calcium chlorate aqueous solu- 5.1 UN2429 II 5.1 ...... A2, N41, T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L B 56, 58, tion. 106 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... A2, N41, T8 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5L 30 L B 56,68 10E Calcium chlorite .......................... 5.1 UN1453 II 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 56, 10E Calcium cyanamide with more 4.3 UN1403 III 4.3 ...... Al. A19, 8105 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A than 0.1 percent o1 calcium carbide. Calcium cyanide ......................... 6.1 UN1575 1 6.1 ...... N79, N80 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 26,4( Calcium dithionile or Calcium 4.2 UN1923 II 4.2 ...... A19, A20 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 1; hydrosulfile. Calcium hydride ......................... 4.3 UN1404 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E Calcium hydrosulfite, see Cal- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... cium dithionite. Calcium hypochlorite, dry or Cal- 5.1 UN1748 11 5.1 ...... A7, A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... None .. 5 kg 25 kg D 48.56 cium hypochlorite mixtures dry 58, 69 with more than 39 percent 106 available chlorine (8.8 percent 11E available oxygen). Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated 5.1 UN2880 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 50,56 or Calcium hypochlorite, hy- 58, 69 drated mixtures, with not less 10E than 5.5 percent but not more than 10 —rent water. 12 V N O Calcium hypochlonte mixtures, 5.1 UN2208 111 5.1 ...... Al, A29, 8103, 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58, dry, with more than 10 per- N34 69, 106 y cent but not more than 39 percent available chlonne. Q Calcium manganese silicon ....... 4.3 UN2844 111 4.3 ...... Al, A19, B105, 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 85, 103 A B106 Mr Calcium nitrate ........................... 5.1 UN1454 III 5.1 ...... 34 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q A Calcium oxide ............................. 8 UN1910 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A fl. Calcium perchlorate ................... 5.1 UN1455 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Calcium permanganate .............. 5.1 UN1456 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg D 56.58. 69, n 106, Q 107 Calcium peroxide ....................... 5.1 UN1457 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, 10 106 Calcium phosphide ..................... 4.3 UN1360 1 4.3, 6.1 AB, A19, B100, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 85 (Q N40 Q Calcium, pyrophonc or Calcium 4.2 UN1855 1 4.2 ...... None .... 187 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 3 alloys, pyrophonc. N Calcium resinate .................... 4.1 UN1313 III 4.1 ...... Al, A19 None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A D Calcium resinate, fused ............. 4.1 UN1314 III 4.1 ...... Al, A19 Nona .... 213 ..... 1240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q Calcium selenate, see Selenates .................... ............ .......... ......... .......... .................... ................... or Selenites. NCalcium silicide .......................... 4.3 UN1405 II 4.3 ...... A19, B105, B106 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 85, 103 �p ..................................................... .................... 111 4.3 ...... Al, A19, 8106, 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 85, 103 v B108 Camphor oil ................................ 3 UN1130 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 0 Camphor, synthetic .................... 4.1 UN2717 111 4.1 ...... Al None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Cannon primers, see Primers . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tubular. Caproic acid ............................... 8 UN2829 III 8 ......... T1 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Caps, blasting, see Detonators . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... etc, Carbamate pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2758 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... .................... 11 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 Carbamate pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN2992 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Carbamate pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN2991 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C. (Of ........................ ...................... I...... .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1.3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 N Carbamate pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2757 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 toxic. Q ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 --� • • • W O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica• Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots ng nap- tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (813) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 Carbolic acid, see Phenol, solid .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... I.............. .................... or Phenol, molten. Carbolicacid solutions, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Phenol solutions. I Carbon, activated ....................... 4.2 UN1362 III 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 0.5 kg 0.5 kg A 12 1 Carbon, animal or vegetable ori- 4.2 UN1361 II 4.2 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 12 gin. ..................................................... .................... 111 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 12 Carbonbisul6de, see Carbon di . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .............. I..... .................... sulfide. Carbon dioxide ........................... 2.2 UN1013 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302, 302, 75 kg 150 kg A 304. 314, 315. Carbon dioxide and nitrous 2.2 UN1015 2.2 ...... 306 ...... None .. 314, 75 kg 150 kg A oxide mixtures. 315. Carbon dioxide and oxygen mix- 2.2 UN1014 ............ 2.2, 5.1 77 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ........... tures, compressed. 315. Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liq- 2.2 UN2187 2.2 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 50 kg 500 kg B uid. 315. AW Carbon dioxide, solid or Dry ice 9 UN1845 III None .. .............................. 217 ...... 217 ..... 240 ..... 200 kg 200 kg C 4( Carbon disutfide ......................... 3 UN1131 1 3, 6.1 B16, T18, T26, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18,40 T29 11`. Carbon monoxide, compressed. 2.3 UN1016 2.3, 2.1 4 None .... 302 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 4( 315. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen 2.3 UN2600 6 None .... 302 ..... 302 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4( mixture, compressed.. D Carlon monoxide, refrigerated 2.3 NA9202 2.3, 2.1 4 None .... 316 ..... 318 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D liquid (cryogenic liquid). Carbon tetrabromide .................. 6.1 UN2516 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 2`. Carbon tetrachloride ................... 6.1 UN1846 II 6.1 ...... N36, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4( Carbonylchloride, see Phos- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... gene. Carbonyl fluoride, compressed .. 2.3 UN2417 2.3, 8 2 None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 4( Carbonyl sulfide ......................... 2.3 UN2204 2.3, 2.1 3, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 4( 315. Cartridge cases, empty primed . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... see Cases, cartridge, empty, with primer. V N O • • 0 Cartridges, actuating, for aircraft .................... ............ ejector seat catapult, fire ex- ...... ......... ......... .................... ...... I............. tinguisher, canopy removal or apparatus, see Cartridges, N power device. Q Cartridges, explosive, see .................... ............ .......... Charges, demolition. ......... .................... .................... Cartridges, flash ......................... 1.1G UN0049 II 1.1G ... Cartridges, flash ......................... 1.3G UN0050 II 1.3G ... Forbidden Cartridges for weapons, blank ... 1.1C UN0326 II 1.1C ... Forbidden Cartridges for weapons, blank ... 1.2C UN0413 II 1.2C ... None .. Cartridges for weapons, blank or IAS UN0014 II None .. .............................. Cartridges, small arms, blank. Forbidden Forbidden B 63 ........ Cartridges for weapons, blank or 1.3C UN0327 II 1.3C ... n Cartridges, small arms, blank. Cartridges for weapons, blank or 1 AC UN0338 II 1 AC ... Forbidden Cartridges, small arms, blank. Cartridges for weapons, inert 1.2C UN0328 II 1.2C ... None .. projectile. 75 kg A 24E 0 Cartridges for weapons, inert 1AS UN0012 11 None .. .............................. projectile or Cartridges, small None .. Forbidden Forbidden B arms. Cartridges for weapons, inert IAC UN0339 11 IIAC ... projectile or Cartridges, small 63 ........ 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg arms. Cartridges for weapons, inert 1.3C UN0417 II 1.3C ... projectile or Cartridges, small amts. Cartridges for weapons, with 1.1F UN0005 II 1.1F ... 62 ....... bursting charge. Forbidden 75 kg B 3, Cartridges for weapons, with 1.1E UN0006 II 1.1E ... 7 bursting charge. 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Cartridges for weapons, with 1.2F UN0007 II 1.2F ... bursting charge. 0 Cartridges for weapons, with 1.2E UN0321 II 1.2E ... None .. bursting charge. Forbidden E None .... 62 ....... Cartridges for weapons, with 1.4F UN0348 II 1.4F ... None .... bursting charge. None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Cartridges for weapons, with 1.4E UN0412 II 1.4E ... B bursting charge. None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden Cartridges, oil well ...................... 1.3C UN0277 II 1.3C ... Forbidden Cartridges, oil well ...................... 1 AC UN0278 II 1.4C ... None .. Cartridges, power device ........... 1.3C UN0275 II 1.3C ... 62 ....... Cartridges, power device ........... 1 AC UN0276 II 1.4C ... 110 Cartridges, power device ........... 1AS UN0323 II 1.4S ... 110, Cartridges, power device ........... 1.2C UN0381 II 1.2C ... A Cartridges, safety, blank, see .................... 62 ....... None .. ............ 100 kg Cartridges for weapons, blank -� None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden (UN 0014). 8 V N ...... ......... ......... .................... ...... I............. N Q 0 .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q None 62 None .. Forbidden Forbidden B d. .... None .... ....... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B y None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 63 ........ 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A n Q None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E 0 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 63 ........ 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A N Q. None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B 3, 7 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 0 H None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E CM 63 ........ 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A -� None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 V N W N • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued V N C3 (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173.--') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Gass or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (88) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Cartridges, safety, see Car- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tridges for weapons, other than blank or Cartridges, power device (UN 0323). Cartridges, signal ....................... 1.3G UN0054 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B Cartridges, signal ....................... 1.413 UN0312 II 1AG ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Cartridges, signal ....................... 1.4S UN0405 It 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A D Cartridges, small arms ............... ORM-D None .. .............................. 63 ........ None .. None .. 30 kg gross 30 kg gross A Cartridges, sporting, see Car- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... bridges for weapons, other than blank. Cartridges, starter, jet engine . .................... ............ see Cartridges, power device. Cases, cartridge, empty with 1.4S UN0055 II 1AS ... 50 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A primer. Cases, cartridges, empty with 1.4C UN0379 II 1AC ... 50 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E primer. Cases, combustible, empty, 1.4C UN0446 II 1.4C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E without primer. Cases, combustible, empty, 1.3C UNG447 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B without primer. Casinghead gasoline see Gaso- .................... ............ line. AW Castor beans or Castor meal or 9 UN2969 II None .. 155 ...... 204 ..... 240 ..... No limit No limit E 34, 4( Castor pomace or Castor flake. G Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s ......... 8 UN1719 II 8 ......... B2, T14 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Caustic potash, see Potassium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... hydroxide etc. Causticsoda, (etc.) see Sodium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... hydroxide etc. Calls, containing sodium ............ 4.3 UN3292 II 4.3 ...... 189 ...... 189 ..... 189 ..... 25 kg No limit A Celluloid, in block, rods, rolls, 4.1 UN2000 III 4.1 ...... None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A sheets, tubes, etc., except scrap. Celluloid, scrap ........................... 4.2 UN2002 III 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D Cement, see Adhesives con- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tainina flammable licuid. V N C3 • • • 74, 91 M N Q n 12 Q 7 a V! ID n 24E Q '9 O 3E, 7E Q 3 N D Q. 3 24E ti 1E, 5E 1E, 5E 1E, 5E 1E, 5E 24E 24E CM V 1E, 5E N O 40 Cerium, slabs, ingots, or rods .... 4.1 UN1333 II 4.1 ...... N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Cerium, turnings or gritty powder 4.3 UN3078 II 4.3 ...... Al, B106, 8109 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E Cesium or Caesium ................... 4.3 UN1407 1 4.3 ...... A19, B100, N34, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D N40 Cesium nitrate or Caesium ni- 5.1 UN1451 III 5.1 ...... Al, A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A trate. D Charcoal briquettes, shell, 4.2 NA1361 111 4.2 ...... 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A screenings, wood, etc. Charges, bursting, plastics 1.1D UN0457 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B bonded. Charges, bursting, plastics 1.2D UN0458 II 1.2D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 bonded. Charges, bursting, plastics 1.40 UND459 II 1AD ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A bonded. Charges, bursting, plastics 1AS UN0460 11 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A bonded. Charges, demolition ................... 1.1D UND048 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, depth ........................... 1.1D UN0056 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, expelling, explosive . .................... ............ for fire extinguishers, see Car- tridges, power device. Charges, explosive, commercial 1.10 UN0442 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B without detonator. Charges, explosive, commercial 1.2D UN0443 II 1.2D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B without detonator. Charges, explosive, commercial 1.40 UN0444 11 1.40 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A without detonator. Charges, explosive, commercial 1.4S UN0445 11 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A without detonator. Charges, propelling .................... 1.1C UN0271 11 1.1C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, propelling .................... 1.3C UN0272 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, propelling .................... 1.2C UN0415 II 1.2C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, propelling .................... 1.4C UN0491 11 1.4C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A Charges, propelling, for cannon 1.3C UN0242 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, propelling, for cannon 1.1C UN0279 II 1.1C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, propelling, for cannon 1.2C UN0414 II 1.2C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, shaped, flexible, linear 1.40 UN0237 II 1.4D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A Charges, shaped, flexible, linear 1.1D UN0288 II 1.1D ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Charges, shaped, without deto- 1.1D UN0059 11 1.1D ... .............................. None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B nator. Charges, shaped, without deto- 1.2D UN0439 II 1.2D ... .............................. None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B nator. Charges, shaped, without deto- 1.4D UN0440 II 1AD ... .............................. None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A nator. Charges, shaped, without deto- 1AS UN0441 II 1.4S ... .............................. None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A nator. Charges, supplementary explo- 1AD UN0060 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 DIsive Chemical kit ................................ 8 NA1760 11 8 ......... 154 ...... 161 ..... None .. 1 L 30 L B 74, 91 M N Q n 12 Q 7 a V! ID n 24E Q '9 O 3E, 7E Q 3 N D Q. 3 24E ti 1E, 5E 1E, 5E 1E, 5E 1E, 5E 24E 24E CM V 1E, 5E N O 40 • • • W .A § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 8 9 (§173."') 10 Hazard Identifica- Packaging ( Quantitylimitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep• Non- Passenger Cargo air• bons bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only I-- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Chemical kits or First aid kits 9 UN3316 ............ 9 ......... 15 None .... None .. None .. 10 kg 10 kg A ............ (containing hazardous mate- rials). Chloral, anhydrous, inhibited ..... 6.1 UN2075 11 6.1 ...... B101, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L D 40 Chlorate and borate mixtures .... 5.1 UN1458 II 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 ..................................................... ......... I.......... III 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58, 106 Chlorate and magnesium chlo- 5.1 UN1459 II 5.1 ...... A9, N34, T8 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, ride mixtures. 106 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... A9, N34, T8 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 58, 106 Chlorate of potash, see Potas. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... sium chlorate. Chlorate of soda, see Sodium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chlorate. Chlorates, inorganic, aqueous 5.1 UN3210 II 5.1 ...... T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L B 56, 58, solution, n.o.s. 10E Chlorates, inorganic, n.o.s ......... 5.1 UN1461 11 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58. 10E Chloric acid aqueous solution, 5.1 UN2626 II 5.1 ...... T25 None .... 229 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 56, 58 with not more than 10 percent 10E chloric acid. Chloride of phosphorus, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Phosphorus trichloride. Chlorideof sulfur, see Sulfur .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chloride. Chlorinated lime, see Calcium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... hypochlorite mixtures, etc. Chlorine ...................................... 2.3 UN1017 2.3, 8 2, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40,51 315. 55,62 68,89 9( Chlorineazide ............................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ................................... D Chlorine dioxide, hydrate, frozen 5.1 NA9191 II 5.1, 6.1 None .... 229 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Chlorine dioxide (not hydrate) .... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorine pentafluoride ................ 2.3 UN2548 2.3, 1, B7, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40,89 5.1, 9( 8. Chlorite solution ......................... 8 UN1908 II 8 ......... A3,A6, A7, 82, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L 8 26 M N34, T8 H ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... A3,A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L B 26 fD N34, T8 Q Chlorine trifluonde ...................... 2.3 UN1749 2.3, 2, B7, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, n 5.1, 90 8. Q Chlorites, inorganic, n.o.s .......... 5.1 UN1462 II 5.1 ...... A7, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, a 106 1-Chloro-3-bromopropane .......... 6.1 UN2688 III 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 1-Chloro-1,1difluoroethane, see .................... Chlorodifluoroeth an es. 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane or 2.1 UN2517 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 Q Refrigerant gas R 1421b. 315. 3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl 6.1 UN2236 II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 isocyanate. 10 1-Chloro-1,2,2,2- 2.2 UN1021 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 1Q tetrafluoroethaneor Refrigerant 315. Q gas R 124. 4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydro- 6.1 UN1579 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A N chloride. D > 1-Chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane or 2.2 UN1983 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A CL Refrigerant gas R 133a. 315. 3. W Chloroacetic acid, molten ........... Chloroacetic acid, solid .............. 6.1 6.1 UN3250 UN1751 II 6.1, 8 II 6.1, 8 T9 A3, A7, N34 None .... None .... 202 ..... 212 ..... 243 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg Forbidden 50 kg C 40 A 40 r n Chloroacetic acid, solution ......... 6.1 UN1750 11 6.1, 8 A7, N34, T8, T27 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 v Chloroacetone, stabilized ........... 6.1 UN1695 1 6.1,3,8 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, 0 B74, N12, N32, N34, T38, T43, 95 0 T45 Chloroacetone (unstabilized) ..... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... + Chloroacetonitrile ....................... 6.1 UN2668 11 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 60 L A 12, 26, B74, T38, T43, 40 T45 Chloroacetophenone (CN), liquid I 6.1 UN1697 11 6.1 ...... A3, N12, N32, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 60 L D 12,40 N33 Chloroacetophenone (CN), solid 6.1 UN1697 II 6.1 ...... A3, N12, N32, None .... 212 ..... None .. Forbidden 100 kg D 12,40 N33, N34 Chloroacetyl chloride .................. 6.1 UN1752 1 6.1, 8 2, A3, A6, A7, B3, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 88, B9, B14, B32, B74, B77, N34, N43, T38, T43, T45 Chloroanilines, liquid .................. 6.1 UN2019 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Chloroanitines, solid ................... 6.1 UN2018 11 6.1 ...... T14, T38 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A W) Chloroanisidines ......................... 6.1 UN2233 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Chlorobenzene ........................... 3 UN1134 111 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A V N Chlorobenzol, see Chloro . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... benzene. p Chlorobenzotrifluondes .............. 3 UN2234 111 3 ......... Bt, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 —+ 0 0 0 §172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O A 10 n T M n S fi (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173." ') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard or Di- classCodes Identifica- lion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafVrail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Chlorobenzyl chlorides ............... 6.1 UN2235 III 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Chlorobutanes ............................ 3 UN1127 11 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Chlorocresols, liquid ................... 6.1UN2669 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12 Chlorocresols, solid .................... 6.1 UN2669 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 12 Chlorodifluorobromomethane or 2.2 UN1974 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A Refrigerant gas R 1281. 315. Chlorodifluoromethane and 2.2 UN1973 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A chloropentafluoroelhane mix- 315. lure or Refrigerant gas R 502 with fixed boiling point, with approximately 49 percent chlorodifiuoromethane. Chlorodifluoromelhane or Refrig- 2.2 UN1018 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A erant gas R 22. 315. + Chlorodinitrobenzenes ............... 6.1 UN1577 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 91 2-Chloroethanal .......................... 6.1 UN2232 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C 674, T38, T43, T45 Chloroform .................................. 6.1 - UN1888 III 6.1 ...... N36, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4C G Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, 6.1 UN2742 II 6.1, 8, 5 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12, 13 flammable, n.o.s. 3. 21, 25 40. 10C G Chlorotormates, toxic, corrosive, 6.1 UN3277 II 6.1, 8 T12, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12, 13 n.o.s. 25,4( Chloromethyl chloroformate ....... 6.1 UN2745 II 6.1, 8 T18 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12, 13 21,25 40, 10( Chloromethyl ethyl ether ..._....... 3 UN2354 It 3, 6.1 T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... I 1 L 60 L E 4( Chloronitroanillnes ...................... 6.1 UN2237 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A + Chloronitrobenzane, ortho, liquid 6.1 UN1578 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A + Chloronitrobenzenes meta or 6.1 UN1578 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Para, solid. Chloronitrotoluenes liquid._ 6.1 UN2433 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Chloronitrotoluenes, solid ........... 6.1 UN2433 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Chloropentafluoroethane or Re- 2.2 UN1020 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A frigerant gas R 115, 315. Chlorophenolates, liquid or 8I UN2904 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Phannlatec linuid. V N O A 10 n T M n S fi Chlorophenolates, solid or 8 UN2905 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A M Phenolates, solid. N Chlorophenols, liquid .................. 6.1 UN2021 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 0 Chlorophenols, solid ................... 6.1 UN2020 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A a Chlorophenylthchlorosilane ........ 8 UN1753 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8, T26 0, + Chloropicrin ................................ 6.1 UN 1580 1 6.1 ...... 2, B7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B32, B46, B74, Q T38, T43, T45 Chloropicrin and methyl bromide 2.3 UN1581 2.3 ...... 2, B9, B14 None .... 193 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 25,40 N "0 mixtures. 315. fD Chloropicrin and methyl chloride 2.3 UN1582 2.3 ...... 2 None .... 193 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25,40 n, mixtures. Q Chloropicrin mixture, flammable .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... I.............. .................... (pressure not exceeding 14.7 psia at 115 degrees F flash point below 100 degrees F) see Toxic liquids, flammable, Q 3 etc. Chloropicrin mixtures, n.o.s ....... 6.1 UN1583 1 6.1 ...... 5 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 40 N ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 40 Q ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 40 D Chloropivaloyl chloride ............... 6.1 NA9263 1 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 40 3. W B74, T38, T43, � T45 Chloroplatinic acid, solid ............ 8 UN2507 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A O 0 Chloroprene, inhibited ................ 3 UN1991 1 3, 6.1 B57, T15 None .... 201 ..... 243. Forbidden 30 L D 40 Chloroprene, uninhibited ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 2-Chloropropans ........................ 3 UN2356 1 3 ......... N36, T14 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 3-Chloropropanol-1 .................... 6.1 UN2849 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 2-Chloropropene ........................ 3 UN2456 1 3 ......... A3, N36, T20 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 2-Chloropropionic acid ............... 8 UN2511 111 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 8 2-Chloropyridine ......................... 6.1 UN2822 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Chlorosilanes, corrosive, flam- 8 UN2986 II 8.3 .... B100, T18, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 mable, n.o.s. Chlorosilanes, corrosive, n.o.s ... 8 UN2987 It 8 ......... B2, T14, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 Chlorosilanes, flammable, corro- 3 UN2985 It 3,8 .... B100, T17, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 sive, n.o.s. Chlorosilanes, water -reactive, 4.3 UN2988 1 4.3,3,8 A2, T18, T26 None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 1 L D 21, 28, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. 40, 49, 100 * Chlorosulfonic acid (with or with- 8 UN1754 1 8, 6.1 2, A3, A6, A10, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 40 out sulfur trioxide). 89, B10, B14, �q B32, B74, T38, T43, T45 V Chlorotoluenes ........................... 3 UN2238 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A N Chlorotoluidines liquid ................ 6.1 UN2239 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A p Chlorotoluidines solid ................. 6.1 UN2239 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 00 V N CD 00 § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots ng nap- tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- No". Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk airaaft/rail craft only a- Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) ) rA (10B) Chlorotrifluoromethane and 2.2 UN2599 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg trifluoromethane azeotropic 315. mixture or Refrigerant gas R 503 with approximately 60 percent chlorotnfluoromethane. Chlorotrifluoromethane or Refhg- 2.2 UN1022 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A erant gas R 13. 315. D Chromic acid, solid ..................... 5.1 NA1463 II 5.1, 8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A Chromic acid solution ................. 8 UN1755 II 8 ......... B2, T9, T27 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C 40 Chromic anhydride, see Chro- .................... ............ mium trioxide, anhydrous. Chromic fluoride, solid ............... 8 UN1756 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 26 Chromic fluoride, solution .......... 8 UN1757 II 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Chromium nitrate ........................ 5.1 UN2720 III 5.1 ...... A1, A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Chromium oxychloride ............... 8 UN1758 1 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B10, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L C 40,66 N34, T12, T26 74.89 9C Chromium trioxide, anhydrous ... 5.1 UN1463 II 5.1, 8 8106 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A Chromosulfuric acid ................... 8 UN2240 1 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B4, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40,66 B6, N34, T12, T27 74.89 Chromyl chloride, see Chromium .................... ..... I...... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... oxychloride. Cigar and cigarette lighters . .................... ............ charged with fuel, see Light- ers for cigars, cigarettes, etc. Coal briquettes, hot .................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Coal gas, compressed ............... 2.3 UN1023 2.3, 2.1 3 None .... 302 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 4( 315. Coal tar distillates, flammable .... 3 UN1136 11 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1. T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Coal tar dye, corrosive, liquid . .................... ............ .......... n.o.s, see Dyes, liquid or solid, n.o.s. or Dye intermedi- ates, liquid or solid, n.o.s., corrosive. • • • Coating solution (includes sur- 3 UN1139 1 3 ......... T42 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ............ M lace treatments or coatings f/1 used for industrial or other purposes such as vehicle un- dercoating, drum or barrel lin- S ing). ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T7,T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ............ Q ..................................................... ........ I........... III 3 ......... B1,17,T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ............ a. Cobalt naphthenates, powder .... 4.1 UN2001 III 4.1 ...... A19 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Cobalt resinate, precipitated ...... 4.1 UN1318 III 4.1 ...... Al, A19 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A •� Coke. hot .................................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Collodion, see Nitrocellulose etc .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... DG Combustible liquid, n.o.s ............ Combustible NA1993 III None .. T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q• liquid G Components, explosive train, 1.2B UN0382 II 1.2B ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 6E •p n.o.s. Q G Components, explosive train, 1AB UN0383 11 1.4B ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E (Q n.o.s. Q G Components, explosive train, 1AS UN0384 11 1.4S ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 3 n.o.s. CA G Components, explosive train, 1.1B UN0461 11 1.1B ... 101 None .... 62 ......, None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 6E D n.o.s. CL Composition B, see Hexolite, etc .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 3. DG Compounds, cleaning liquid ....... 8 NA1760 1 8 ......... A7, B10, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40 W .................... II 8 ......... B2, N37, T14 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 CIO ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... 111 8 ......... N37, T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 v DG Compounds, cleaning liquid ....... 3 NA1993 1 3 ......... T42 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 0 ..................................................... 11 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L 8 ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A D G Compounds, tree killing, liquid or 8 NA1760 1 8 ......... A7, B10, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40 Compounds, weed killing, liq- uid. ..................................................... .................... 11 8 ......... 82, N37, T14 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... N37, T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 D G Compounds, tree killing, liquid or 3 NA1993 1 3 ......... T42 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E Compounds, weed killing, liq- uid. ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A D G Compounds, tree killing, liquid or 6.1 NA2810 1 6.1 ...... None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 Compounds, weed killing, liq- uid. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 G Compressed gas, flammable, 2.1 UN1954 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302, 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40 Wf n.o.s. 305. 315. V G Compressed gas, n.o.s .............. 2.2 UN1956 2.2 ...... 306, 302, 314, 75 kg 150 kg A N 307. 305. 315. G Compressed gas, oxidizing, 2.2 UN3156 2.2, 5.1 306 ...... 302 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg D p n.o.s. 315. —' • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V (8) (9) (10) N Hazard Identifica• Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow - class or Di- don Num. PG Label Special age boll tions and proper shipping names vision bets Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- dons bulk Bulk airaafl/rail craft only Ldoo - Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (106) GI Compressed gas, toxic, oorro- 2.3 UN3304 ............ 2.3, 8 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 sive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A GI Compressed gas, toxic, corro- 2.3 UN3304 ............ 2.3, 8 2 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 sive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 305. 315. Zone B. GI Compressed gas, toxic, corro- 2.3 UN3304 ............ 2.3, 8 3 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 sive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 305. 315. Zone C. GI Compressed gas, toxic, cono- 2.3 UN3304 ............ 2.3, 8 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 sive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard 305. 315. Zone D. GI Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3305 ............ 2.3, 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 17,40 ,A mable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inha- 2.1, lation Hazard Zone A. 8. GI Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3305 ............ 2.3, 2 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17,40 mable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inha- 2.1, 305. 315. lation Hazard Zone B. a. GI Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3305 ............ 2.3, 3 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17,40 mable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inha- 2.1, 305. 315. A lation Hazard Zone C. 8. 10 GI Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3305 ............ 2.3, 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17,40 0mable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inha- 2.1, 305. 315. T lation Hazard Zone D. 8. M G Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN1953 2.3, 2.1 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40,95 n mable, n.o.s. Inhalation haz- ard Zone A. G Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN1953 2.3, 2.1 2, B9, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 mable, n.o.s. Inhalation haz- ard Zone B. 305. 315. G Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN1953 2.3, 2.1 3, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 mable, n.o.s. Inhalation Haz- 305. 315. 10 ard Zone C. `p G Compressed gas, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN1953 2.3, 2.1 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 mable, n.o.s. Inhalation Haz- 305. 315. a ard Zone D. G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. 2.3 UN1955 2.3 ...... 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 7 Inhalation Hazard Zone A. 0 G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. 2.3 UN1955 2.3 ...... 2, B9, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 M Inhalation Hazard Zone B. 305. 315. H G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. 2.3 UN1955 2.3 ...... 3, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Q Inhalation Hazard Zone C. 305. 315. G Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. 2.3 UN1955 2.3 ...... 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 0 Inhalation Hazard Zone D. 305. 315. S GI Compressed gas, toxic, 2.3 UN3306 ............ 2.3, 1 None .... 192 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, Q oxdizing, corrosive, n.o.s. In- 5.1, 90 Q halation Hazard Zone A. 8. GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3306 ............ 2.3, 2 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, •� dizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhale- 5.1, 305. 315. 90 tion Hazard Zone B. 8. GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3306 ............ 2.3, 3 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, Q• dizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhala- 5.1, 305. 315. 90 tion Hazard Zone C. 8. T GI Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3306 ............ 2.3, 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, 0 dizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhala- 5.1, 305. 315. 90 (Q tion Hazard Zone D. 8. Q G Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3303 ............ 2.3, 5.1 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 3 dizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Haz- to and Zone A. D G Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3303 ............ 2.3, 5.1 2 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Q. dizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Haz- 305. 315. 3 and Zone B. —• G Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3303 ............ 2.3, 5.1 3 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 r—� dizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Haz- 305. 315. v and Zone C. G Compressed gas, toxic, oxi- 2.3 UN3303 ............ 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 0 dizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Haz- 305. 315. and Zone D. D Consumer commodity ................ ORM-D None .. 156, 156, None .. 30 kg gross 30 kg gross A 306. 306. Contrivances, water -activated, 1.2L UN0248 II 1.2L .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, with burster, expelling charge 11E, or propelling charge. 17E Contrivances, water -activated, 1.3L UN0249 II 1.31. .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, with burster, expelling charge 11E, or propelling charge. 17E Copper acetoarsenite ................. 6.1 UN1585 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Copper acetylide ........................ Forbidden ......... ........ ......... ....... .................. ................. Copper amine azide ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Copper arsenite .......................... 6.1 UN1586 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Copper based pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2776 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 I flammable, toxic, /lash point less than 23 degrees C. .................... II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... Copper based pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3010 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 N toxic. • II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 p ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 —' 0 0 0 r-. ,A N § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173.'-') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraf /rail craft only Loca tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Copper based pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3009 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic, flammable flashpoint not less than 23 degrees C. .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1, 3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Copper based pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2775 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 toxic. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 Copper chlorate .......................... 5.1 UN2721 11 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Copper chloride .......................... 8 UN2802 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Copper cyanide .......................... 6.1 UN1587 II 6.1 ...... None .... 204 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 26 Copper selenate, see Selenates .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... or Selenites. Copper selenite, see Selenates .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... or Selenites. Copper tetramine nitrate ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... AW Copra .......................................... 4.2 UN1363 111 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 13, 19, 48, 11S Cord, detonating, flexible ........... 1.11) UN0065 11 1.11) ... 102 63(a) .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Cord, detonating, flexible ........... 1AD UN0289 It 1.41) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Cord detonating or Fuse deto- 1.2D UN0102 II 1.2D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B nating metal clad. Cord, detonating or Fuse, deto- 1.11) UN0290 11 1.1D ... None ..,. 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B nating metal clad. Cord, detonating, mild effect or 1 AD UN0104 II 1.41) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Fuse, detonating, mild effect metal clad. Cord, igniter ................................ 1 AG UN0066 11 1.413 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Cordeau detonant fuse, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Cord, detonating, etc; Cord, detonating, flexible. Cordite, see Powder, smokeless .................... ............ ............. ......... .................... G Corrosive liquid, acidic, inor- 8 UN3264 1 8 ......... B10 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 4( ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 8 ......... B2, T14 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 4( _._....__._....._...... .................... 111 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4( 40 CAm 40 Q 40 o :r w u m :3 40 0. Cn 40 40 0 � 25,40 »5, 40 ^o � 40° 40 89 m CL 40 40 � 40 cz 0 � � 12,25 —. 4 ,2, 25 . � 0 B 1 L 30 L B 8 T7 1 54 203 241 5 L 60 L A uoL z,L u 154—' nu »v_ ,L 30 L v 111 8 T7 154 203_ xw _ 5 60 L ^ None — un _ xm—' uoL u,L v .......... o'-- 82, T14 ^54--u02—' »m—' ,L mLo 111 8 T7 xw _ um_ »w_ 5 60 L ^ • Corrosive liquid, self -heating, 8 UNmm 1 8,4.2 B10 None— un _ xo_ u,L 2.5 L o 8,4.2 B2,54_ mu_ »u_ ,L mL o • Corrosive liquids, flammable, 8�� 1 m— o10.,42 None —un_^m_ 0.5 L 2.5 Lo .......................... ............... .................... 11 8.3 — m2,T15,n6 won" — 202 _ »p _ , L 30 L o • --- Corrosive liquids, ".o.s............... o UN1760 1 o_ ���� w�— �_ �_ �L �L o --_--' n o_— B2. T14 ,�_ nu—' mu_ ,L �L n _---- m o--� n 154 -- um_ »n _ ,L 60 L ^ • --_--_------_ Corrosive liquids, oxidizing,^o.s 8UN3093 /8.m None —zm_z43_ Forbidden 2,Lc —---_' n 8.5.1 None rm—' um_ , L �L c • ____--__--__—' o����m ����_ 8uN2922 /8,u, ^���n�no��—zm_,m_ m`L ,oLu ------' o 8,6.1 v�r,�nm w�" —� uu—' mo—' ^ � m� o �� _--------.-------- m 8,6.1m 154 '— mm_ 241 5 60 L v e ----------------- Corrosive liquids, water -reactive, ------ o u°309 / 8,4.3 won" — mm —' »n ,~^m^en ` L s ""= -------_ —_--- u �^` w�°— uo_ um_ 1L ,L s o o="�° ��� "�* �° o um�o / o--' w�°— c,`—' xo—� ,w 25 kg o v """ ______ _____ n o—_ nw-- �u_ um_ `, 50 kg o _�~ _ ___ m o _— 154_ �,_ »m_ 25 kg 100 kg ^ s o�"�"���m organic,o u�zm / o—_ ��— �,_ mz_ ,� �w u .................. .......... ----- n o'-- ^�-- 2,c—' ^m—� `, 50 kg ^ _______' —'_'-- m u--� x*-- �o_ mm_ 25 kg 100 kg ^ o Corrosive solid, basic,inorganic,o u�zo / o—_ None — 211 _ mm_ `w 25w ^ ------ n u—'— 154-- 212—' 240 ,, kg 50 kg o ----------_--- ___ ___ m o_— 154_ �a_ �m_ 25 kg 100 kg ^ a c="�"��.^�" "m°m" o uw�e / o_' mon"— o,—' »u_ ^w 25 kg v .................... u o—_ 154-- 212_ 240-- ,, kg 50 kg o ..................................................... ______ .................. m o 154-- 213_ ^m-- 2,w ^00w ^ s Corrosive solids, flammable, o UN2921 / 8,4.1 B106 m=— 211_ 242_ ,w 25w ^ -----------............... ... | n|8 1^, \ |won"—|','—�|»m—�| `n | 50|o u|c�"�"�m^"""--__| «{mwnm | /|»--| |w"�—|�,—|^u--| `w| 25w|o ........ /.................... / ` x/o—_/ 128.154--.212_240_. `ow 50w^ 40 CAm 40 Q 40 o :r w u m :3 40 0. Cn 40 40 0 � 25,40 »5, 40 ^o � 40° 40 89 m CL 40 40 � 40 cz 0 � � 12,25 —. 4 ,2, 25 . � 0 • • • .A .A § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued None .... liquid, flammable, toxic, 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 (8) (9) (10) 1 L 30 L B grees C. None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard cess or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age 1 6.1 ...... 243 ..... liquid, toxic. 30 L bots bons and proper shipping names vision here ..................................................... Codes Codes provisions II Non- 202 ..... Passenger Cargo air- 30 L III 6.1 ...... 8110, TO Coumarin derivative pesticides, 6.1 UN3025 1 6.1, 3 tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Lo_ tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) II .................... 111 8 ......... 128 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 1 G ..................................................... Corrosive solids, oxidizing, n.o.s 8 UN3084 1 8, 5.1 8100 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg C ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... III 11 8, 5.1 8100 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C 6.1 G Corrosive solids, self -heating, 8 UN3095 1 8, 4.2 B100 None .... 211 ..... 243 ..... 1 kg 25 kg C n.o.s. ..................................................... ...... I............. 11 8, 4.2 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C G Corrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s ...... 8 UN2923 1 8, 6.1 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg 8 40 .................................... I................ .................... II 8, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg 8 40 ..................................................... .................... III 8, 6.1 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg 8 40.95 G Corrosive solids, water -reactive, 8 UN3096 1 8, 4.3 8105 None .... 211 ..... 243 ..... 1 kg 25 kg D n.o.s. .......................................... I.......... ...... I ........... .. 11 8. 4.3 8105 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D D, W Cotton ......................................... 9 NA1365 ............ 9 ......... 137, W41 None .... None .. None .. No limit No limit A ............ A, W Cotton waste, oily ....................... 4.2 UN1364 III 4.2 ...... .............................. None .... 213 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A 54 AIW Cotton, wet ................................. 4.2 UN1365 111 4.2 ...... None .... 204 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A Coumarin derivative pesticides, 3 UN3024 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 None .... liquid, flammable, toxic, 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 I flashpoint less than 23 de- 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B grees C. None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L ..................................................... .................... 153 ...... II 3, 6.1 60 L Coumarin derivative pesticides, 6.1 UN3026 1 6.1 ...... 243 ..... liquid, toxic. 30 L B 40 240 ..... 100 kg ..................................................... .................... 40 II 6.1 ...... 202 ..... ..................................................... .................... 30 L III 6.1 ...... 8110, TO Coumarin derivative pesticides, 6.1 UN3025 1 6.1, 3 B liquid, toxic, flammable 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden flashpoint not less than 23 de- B 40 B74, B77, T38, grees C. T43, T45 ..................................... I............... .................... II 6.1, 3 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1, 3 Coumarin derivative pesticides, 6.1 UN3027 1 6.1 ...... solid, toxic. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... Cresols ....................................... 6.1 UN2076 II 6.1, 8 Cresylic add ............................... 6.1 UN2022 II 6.1, 8 Crotonaldehyde, stabilized ......... 6.1 UN1143 1 6.1, 3 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 B1 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 8110, TO None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 8110, TO None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 B74, B77, T38, T43, T45 0 c.n Crotonic acid liquid ..................... 8 UN2823 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12 N Crotonic acid, solid ..................... 8 UN2823 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 12 N Crolonylene................................ 3 UN1144 1 3 ......... T20 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E Q Cupriethylenediamine solution ... 8 UN1761 II 8, 6.1 T8, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 95 a III 8, 6.1 T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 95 S ..................................................... Cutters, cable, explosive ............ .................... 1.4S UN0070 11 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Cyanideor cyanide mixtures . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dry, see Cyanides, inorganic, Q, solid, n.o.s. y Cyanide solutions, n.o.s ............. 6.1 UN1935 1 6.1 ...... B37, T18, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40, 52 11 6.1 ...... T18, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40, 52 lD ................................................... I. .................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T18, T26 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40, 52 .......................................... I.......... Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s 6.1 UN1588 1 6.1 ...... N74, N75 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 52 ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... N74, N75 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 52 ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... N74, N75 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 52 Cyanogen bromide ..................... 6.1 UN1889 1 6.1, 8 A6, A8 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15 kg D 40 Cyanogen chloride, inhibited ...... 2.3 UN1589 2.3, 8 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Q Cyanogen ................................... 2.3 UN1026 2 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 3 Cyanuric chloride ....................... 8 UN2670 11 8 ......... None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 12,40 N Cyanuriclriazide ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ..................9 > Cyclobutane ............................... 2.1 UN2601 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 k B 40 CL 315. Cyclobutyl chlorofonnate ............ 6.1 UN2744 II 6.1, 8, T18 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12, 13, 7 3_ 21, 25, 40,100 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene ............ 6.1 UN2518 111 6.1 ...... 77 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 O Cycloheptane ............................. 3 UN2241 It 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Cycloheptatriene ........................ 3 UN2603 II 3, 6.1 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 40 Cycloheptene ............................. 3 UN2242 11 3 ......... B1, T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Cyclohexane ............................... 3 UN1145 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Cyclohexanone ........................... 3 UN1915 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Cyclohexane ............................... 3 UN2256 II 3 ......... B101, T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Cyclohexenyltrichlorosilane ........ 8 UN1762 11 8 ......... A7, B2, N34, T8, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T26 Cyclohexyl acetate ..................... 3 UN2243 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Cyclohexyl isocyanate ................ 6.1 UN2488 1 6.1, 3 2,B9, B14,B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, B74,B77, T38, 95 T43, T45 CyGohexyl mercaptan ................ 3 UN3054 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40,95 Cyclohexylamine ........................ 8 UN2357 11 8,3 .... B101, T8, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 Cyclohexyltrichlorosilane ............ 8 UN1763 II 8 ......... A7, B2, N34, T8, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T26 Cycloniteand .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... r.0! cyclotetramethyleneletranilra- V mine mixtures, wetted or de- N sensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desen- CD sitized etc. 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—COfltirlued (8) (9) (10) ard Hazard Identifica- Packaging ( §173."') Quantity limitations el stow- Vessel Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- class r Di- tion Num- pt; Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircratt/rail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) CyGonite and HMX mixtures . .................... ............ .......... ......... ..... I... .............. I..... .................... wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc. Cyclonite and oclogen mixtures . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc. CyGonite, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... CycJotri methylenethnitra mine, etc Cyclooctadiene phosphines, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ........................... .. ............. 9-Phosphabicyclononanes. Cycloociadienes ......................... 3 UN2520 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Cyclooctatetraene ...................... 3 UN2358 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Cyclopentane ............................. 3 UN1146 II 3 ......... B101, T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Cyclopentane, methyl, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Methylcyclopentane. Cyclopentanol ............................. 3 UN2244 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Cyclopentanone ......................... 3 UN2245 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Cyclopentane ............................. 3 UN2246 11 3 ......... B101, T13 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Cyclopropane ............................. 2.1 UN1027 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 4C 315. Cyclotetramethylene Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tetranitramine (dry or unphlegmatized) (HMX). Cyciotetramethylenetetranitrami- 1.11) UN0484 II 1.11) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B IE, 5E ne, desensitized or Octogen, desensitized or HMX, desen- sitized. Cyclotelramethylenetetranitrami- 1.1D UN0226 II 1.11) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E ne, wetted or HMX, wetted or Octogen, wetted with not less than 15 percent water, by mass. D D Cyclotrimethylenenitremine and .................... ............ .......... octogen, mixtures, wetted or y desensitized see RDX and fD HMX mixtures, wetted or de- Q sensitized etc. n Cyclotrimethylenelrinitramine .................... ............ .......... ......... .........=r.................... .................... and Q cyclotetramethylenelelranitra- fl. mine mixtures, wetted or de- sensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desen- ,C Q sitized etc. Cyclotrimethylenetrinilramine .................... ............ .......... Q and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and •V HMX mixtures, wetted or de- O sensitized etc. (Q Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, 1.11) UN0483 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Q desensitized or Cyclonite, de- 3 sensitized or Hexogen, desen- N sitized or RDX, desensitized. D > Cyclotrlmethylenetrinitramine, 1.1D UN0072 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E CIL wetted or Cyclonite, wetted or 3 Hexogen, wetted or RDX, wetted with not less than 15 percent water by mass. Cymenes.................................... 3 UN2046 III 3 ......... 131, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Dangerous Goods in Machinery .................... NA8001 ............ ............ 136 None .... 222 ..... None .. No limit No limit A 0 or Dangerous Goods in Appa- ratus. Decaborane................................ 4.1 UN1868 11 A19, A20 None .... 212 ..... None .. Forbidden 50 kg A Decahydronaphthalene .............. 3 UN1147 111 3 ......... Bt, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A n-Decane.................................... 3 UN2247 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Deflagrating metal salts of aro- 1.3C UN0132 11 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E matic nitroderivatives, n.o.s. Delay electric igniter, see Ignit. .................... ............ ers. Denatured alcohol ...................... 3 NA1986 1 3, 6.1 T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 40 ..................................................... .................... 11 3. 6.1 T8, T31 None .... 202 ..... 243..... 1 L 60 L E 40 ..................................................... .................... III 3, 6.1 131, T8, T31 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L E 40 Denatured alcohol ...................... 3 NA1987 II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... ........ I........... III 3 ......... 131, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Depth charges, see Charges . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... depth. Detonating relays, see Deto- W) nators,etc. Detonator assemblies, non-elec- 1.113 UN0360 II 1.1B ... .............................. None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E N Vic for blasting. Detonator assemblies, non-elec- 1AB UN0361 11 1.413 ... 103 63(f), 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E C tric, for blasting. 63(g). —+ 0 0 0 00 t� § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O A 10 0 T M (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173.'-') Quantity limitations Vessel slow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard class or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only Loca- lion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Detonator, assemblies, non- 1AS UN0500 II 1AS... .............................. 63(f), 62....... None.. 25 kg 100 kg A ............ electric for blasting. 63(g)• Detonators, electric, for blasting 1.1B UN0030 II 1.1B ... 63(f), 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E 63(g). Detonators, electric, for blasting 1.4B UN0255 II 1.4B ... 103 63(0, 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E 63(g). Detonators, electric for blasting 1AS UN0456 II 1.4S ... .............................. 63(0, 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 63(g). Detonators for ammunition ......... 1.18 UN0073 II 1.1B ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E Detonators for ammunition ......... 1.2B UN0364 II 1.2B ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E Detonators for ammunition ......... 1.4B UN0365 II 1AB ... 103 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Detonators for ammunition ......... 1AS UN0366 11 1AS ... .............................. None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A ............ Detonators, non -electric, for 1.1B UN0029 II 1.1B ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E blasting. Detonators, non -electric, for 1.4B UN0267 II 1.48 ... 103 63(% 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E blasting. 63(g). Detonators, non -electric for 1AS UN0455 II 1AS ... 104 63(f), 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A blasting. 63(g) - Deuterium, compressed ............. 2.1 UN1957 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden 150 kg E 40 Devices, small, hydrocarbon gas 2.1 UN3150 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. Forbidden 150 kg B 40 powered or Hydrocarbon gas refills for small devices with release device. Di-n-amylamine .......................... 3 UN2841 III 3, 6.1 B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Di -n -butyl peroxydicarbonate, Forbidden with more than 52 percent in solution. Di-n-butylamine .......................... 8 UN2248 11 8,3 .... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 2.2-Di-(tert-butylperoxy) butane. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... with more than 55 percent in solution. Di-(tent-butylperoxy) phthalate. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... with more than 55 percent in solution. 2,2-Di-(4,4-df-tert- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... butylperoxycyclohexyl) pro- pane, with more than 42 per- -rit with inert solid V N O A 10 0 T M Di-2,4-dichlorobenzoyl peroxide, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... M N with more than 75 percent with water. (D 1,2-Di-(dimethylamino)ethane .... 3 UN2372 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 0 Di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... n see Diisoocto acid phosphate. Di-(1-hydroxytetrazole) (dry) ...... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Di-(1-naphthoyl) peroxide ........... Forbidden ...I........ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... a,a`-Di-(nitroxy)methylether....... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Di-(beta-nitroxyethyl) ammonium Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ,QN nitrate. fD Diaoetone alcohol ....................... 3 UN1148 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60L B ..................................................... III 3 ......... 131, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Diacetone alcohol peroxides, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... — with more than 57 percent in solution with more than 9 per- cent hydrogen peroxide, less (Q than 26 percent diacetone al- Q whol and less than 9 percent 3 water, total active oxygen con- to tent more than 9 percent by D mass. CL Diacetyl, see Butanedione ......... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diacetyl peroxide, solid, or with Forbidden ............ .......... ......... .................... more than 25 percent in solu- tion. 0 Diallylamine................................ 3 UN2359 II 3.6.1, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 21, 40, Diallylether.................................. 3 UN2360 8. II 3, 6.1 N12, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L 100 E 40 4,4'-Diaminodiphenyl methane .. 6.1 UN2651 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A p-Diazidobenzene ...................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 1.2-Diazidoethane ...................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 1,1'-Diazoaminonaphthalene ..... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diazoaminotetrazole (dry) .......... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diazodinitrophenol (dry) ............. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... Diazodinitrophenol, wetted with 1.1A UN0074 11 1.11A ... 111,117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E not less than 40 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass. Diazodiphenylmethane ............... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diazonium nitrates (dry) ............. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diazonium perchlorates (dry) ..... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... 1,3-Diazopropane ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Dibenzyl peroxydicarbonate, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... .... I.... .................... .................... with more than 87 percent W) with water. Dibenzyldichlorosilane ................ 8 UN2434 II B ......... B2, T8, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 V Diborane, compressed ............... 2.3 UN1911 2.3, 2.1 1 None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 57 D Diborane mixtures ...................... 2.1 NA1911 2.1 ...... 5 None .... 302 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40,57 Dibromoacetylene ...................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .... I............... .................... —� Cn O • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 12 V N O �O �0 M C1_ O M (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173.***) Quantity limitations Vessel stow - Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard Gass or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- lions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Low - tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) 1,2-Dibromobutan-3one ............ 6.1 UN2648 II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Dibromochloropropane ............... 6.1 UN2872 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A A Dibromodifluoromethane, R12B2 9 UN1941 III None .. T22 155 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 100 L 220 L A 25 1,2-Dibromoethane, see Ethyl- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ene dibromide. Dibromomethane ........................ 6.1 UN2664 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Dibutyl ethers ............................. 3 UN1149 III 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Dibutylaminoethanol ................... 6.1 UN2873 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A N,M-Dichlorazodicarbonamidine Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (salts ol) (dry). 1,1-Dichloro-l-nitroethane .......... 6.1 UN2650 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12,40 D 3,5-Dichloro-2,4,6- 6.1 NA9264 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 40, 95 trifluoropyridine. B74, T38, T43, T45 Dichloroacetic acid ..................... 8 UN1764 II 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A N34, T9, T27 1,3-Dichloroacelone ................... 6.1 UN2649 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 12,4C Dichloroacetyl chloride ............... 8 UN1765 11 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L D 4C B6, N34, T8, T26 Dichloroacetylene....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... + Dichloroanilines, liquid ............... 6.1 UN1590 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4C + Dichloroanilines, solid ................ 6.1 UN1590 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 4C + o -Dichlorobenzene ..................... 6.1 UN1591 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A ........... D Dichlorobutene ........................... 8 NA2920 1 8,3 .... None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L C 12, 21. 25,40 4f 2,2'-Dichlorodiethyl ether ........... 6.1 UN1916 11 6.1, 3 N33, N34, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Dichlorodifluoromethane and 2.2 UN2602 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A difluoroethane azeotropic mix- 315. lure or Refrigerant gas R 500 with approximately 74 percent dichlorodifluoromethane. Dichlorodifluoromethane or Re- 2.2 UN1028 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150kg A frigerant gas R 12. 315. Dichlorodimethyl ether, symmet- 6.1 UN2249 1 6.1 ...... T25 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C rival. 1,1-Dichloroethane ..................... 3 UN2362 11 3 ......... B101, T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4( 1,2-Dichloroelhane, see Ethyl- .................... ............ .......... ......... ........ ene dichloride. 12 V N O �O �0 M C1_ O M Dichlorcethyl sulfide ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... .................... .................... (D1,2-Dichloroelhylene .................. 3 UN1150 II 3 ......... T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B y Dichlorofluoromethaneor refrig- 2.2 UN1029 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A (D erant gas R21. 315. Q Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry or 5.1 UN2465 II 5.1 ...... 28 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13 n Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts. =r Dichloroisopropyl ether .............. 6.1 UN2490 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60L B Q Dichloromethane ........................ 6.1 UN1593 III 6.1 ...... N36, T13 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 7 Dichloropentanes ....................... 3 UN1152 111 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Dichtorophenyl isocyanates ....... 6.1 UN2250 II 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 25, 40, ( 48 Dichlorophenylthchlorosilane ..... 8 UN1766 11 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 0. T8, T26 Q 1,2-Dichloropropane ................... 3 UN1279 II 3 ......... N36,T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ............ 1,3-Dichloropropanol-2 ............... 6.1 UN2750 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12,40 Dichloropropene and Propylene .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... dichloride mixture, see Pro- (Q pylene dichloride. ^Q Dichloropropenes .......................3 UN2047 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 3 ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A N Dichlorosilane ............................. 2.3 UN2189 2.3, 2, 89, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40 D 2.1, 315. CL 8. 3. 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2- 2.2 UN1958 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A Tetrafluorcethane or Refng- 315. ��.. erant gas R 114. 0 Dichlorovinylchloroarsine ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... Dicycloheptadiene, see 2,5. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... 0 Norbomadiene. Dicydohexylamine ...................... 8 UN2565 III 8 ......... TB 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Dicyclohexylammonium nitrite .... 4.1 UN2687 III 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 48 Dicyclopentadiene ...................... 3 UN2048 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Didymium nitrate ........................ 5.1 UN1465 111 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A D Dieldrin....................................... 6.1 NA2761 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 0.5 kg 5 kg A 40 D Diesel fuel.................................. 3 NA1993 III None .. B1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Diethanol nitrosamine dinitrate Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (dry) Diethoxymethane ....................... 3 UN2373 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 3,3-Diethoxypropene .................. 3 UN2374 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Diethyl carbonate ....................... 3 UN2366 111 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Diethyl cellosolve, see Ethylene .................... ............ .......... ......... glycol diethyl ether. Diethyl ether or Ethyl ether ........ 3 UN1155 1 3 ......... T21 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 40 Diethyl ketone ............................ 3 UN1156 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Diethyl peroxydicarbonate, with Forbidden ............ ........ II. ......... ......... .................... .... I............... (0) more than 27 percent in solu- — tion. V N Diethyl sulfate ............................. 6.1 UN1594 II 6.1 ...... B101, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L C Diethyl sulfide ............................. 3 UN2375 II 3 ......... 8101, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E p Diethylamine ............................... 3 UN1154 11 3,8 .... 8101, N34, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 40 • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials des Gass or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots lions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Lo n bon Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) 2-Diethylaminoethanol ................ 8 UN2686 11 8,3 ...... B2,T15, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A ............ Diethylaminopropylamine ........... 3 UN2684 111 3.8 .... B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A + N, N-Diethylaniline ..................... 6.1 UN2432 111 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A ............ Diethylbenzene ........................... 3 UN2049 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Diethyldichlorosilane .................. 8 UN1767 II 8,3 .... A7, B6, B100, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 N34, T8, T26 Diethylene glycol dinitrate .......... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diethyleneglycol dinitrate, de- 1.11) UN0075 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 4E, sensitized with not less than 21E 25 percent non-volatile water - insoluble phlegmatizer, by mass. Diethylenetriamine ...................... 8 UN2079 11 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 N,N-Diethylelhylenediamine ....... 8 UN2685 II 8.3 .... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A Diethylgoldbromide ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Diethylthiophosphoryl chloride ... 8 UN2751 11 8 ......... B2, T8 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C 40 Diethylzinc.................................. 4.2 UN1366 1 4.2, 4.3 B11, T28, T40 None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 Difluorochloroethanes, see 1 . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Chloro - M -diff uoroeth an es. 1, 1 -Difluoroethane or Refrigerant 2.1 UN1030 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 gas R 152a. 315. 1,1-Difluoroethylene or Refdg- 2.1 UN1959 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. Forbidden 150 kg E 4C erant gas R 1132a. Difluoromethane or Refrigerant 2.1 UN3252 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 4C gas R 32. 315. Difluorophosphoric acid, anhy- 8 UN1768 11 8 ......... A6, A7, B2, N5, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 4C drous. N34, T9, T27 2,3-Dihydropyran ........................ 3 UN2376 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 1,8-Dihydroxy-2.4,5,7- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tetranitroanthraquinone (chrysamminic acid). Diiodoacetylene .......................... Forbidden ............ ............ ......... .................... .................... Diisobutyl ketone ........................ 3 UN1157 111 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Diisobutylamine .......................... 3 UN2361 III 3,8 .... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A Diisobutylene, isomeric com- 3 UN2050 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B pounds. Diisooctyl acid phosphate .......... 8 UN1902 III 8 ......... 17 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Diisopropyl ether ........................ 3 UN1159 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 4C niicnnronvlamine ........................ 3 UN1158 11 3.8 .... B101. T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 0 0 0 cn W Diisopropylbenzene Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... M hydroperoxide, with more than 72 percent in solution. fA Q Diketene, inhibited ...................... 6.1 UN2521 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, 832, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40,49 874, T38, T43, :rT45 1,2-Dimethoxyethane ................. 3 UN2252 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B a 1,1-Dimethoxyethane ................. 3 UN2377 II 3 ......... T13 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B :3 Q' Dimethyl carbonate .................... 3 UN1161 II 3 ......... TO 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Dimethyl chlorothiophosphate. .................... ............ see Dimethyl thiophosphoryl (D chloride. n 2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-dihydroperoxy Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ........................................ hexane, with more than 82 percent with water. Dimethyl disulfide ....................... 3 UN2381 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L 8 40 Dimethyl ether ............................ 2.1 UN1033 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 Q 315. Dimethyl-N-propylamine ............. 3 UN2266 11 3,8 .... T14, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 3 Dimethyl sulfate .......................... 6.1 UN1595 1 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 D B74, B77, T38, Q' T43, T45 Dimethyl sulfide .......................... 3 UN1164 11 3 ......... B100, T14 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 40 3, Dimethyl thiophosphoryl chloride 6.1 UN2267 11 6.1, 8 T7 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 25 :3 Dimethylamine, anhydrous ......... 2.1 UN1032 2.1 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40 " 315. o Dimethylamine solution .............. 3 UN1160 11 3,8 .... T8, T34 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5L B 0 2-Dimethylaminoacetonitrile ....... 3 UN2378 11 3, 6.1 T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L A 26,40 2-Dimethylaminoethanol ............. 8 UN2051 11 8,3 .... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 2-Dimethylaminoethyl acrylate ... 6.1 UN3302 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L D 25 2-Dimethylaminoethyl methacry- 6.1 UN2522 II 6.1 ...... TO None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 late. N,N-Dimethylaniline .................... 6.1 UN2253 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 2,3-Dimethylbutane .................... 3 UN2457 II 3 ......... T13 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60L E 1,3-Dimethylbutylamine .............. 3 UN2379 II 3.8 .... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride ....... 8 UN2262 II 8 ......... B2, TB 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 Dimethylcyclohexanes ................ 3 UN2263 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Dimethylcyclohexylamine ........... 8 UN2264 11 8, 3 .... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 Dimelhyldichlorosilane ............... 3 UN1162 11 3,13 .... B77, T15, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 40 Dimethyldiethoxysilane ............... 3 UN2380 11 3 ......... TO 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Dimethyldioxanes ....................... 3 UN2707 11 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... Bt, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A N,N-Dimethylformamide ............. 3 UN2265 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A W) Dimethylhexane dihydroperoxide Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... (dry). V Dimethylhydrazine, symmetrical 6.1 UN2382 1 6.1, 3 2, A7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B32, B74, B77, p T38, T43, T45 • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Hazard Identifica• Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots lions and proper shipping names vision bers provisions Excep- Non- Passenger C argo air- tions bulk BCodes aircraft/rail craft only Lora lion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (813) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Dimethylhydrazine, unsymmet- 6.1 UN1163 1 6.1, 3, 2, B7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 38, rical. 8. B32, B74, T38, 40,100 T43, T45 2,2-Dimethylpropane .................. 2.1 UN2044 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 315. Dimethylzinc ............................... 4.2 UN1370 1 4.2, 4.3 B11, B16, T28, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 T29, T40 Dinitro-o-cresol, solid ................. 6.1 UN1598 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Dinitro-o-cresol, solution ............ 6.1 UN1598 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 1,3-Dinitro-5,5dimethyl Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ... I..... .................... .................... hydantoin. Dinilro-7,8dimethylglycoluril Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (dry) 1.3-Dinitro-4,5dinitrosobenzene Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 1,4-Dinitro-1,1,4,4- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tetramethylolbutanetetranitrate (dry) 2,4-Dinitro-1,3,5- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ....... I............ trimethylbenzene. Dinitroanilines ............................. 6.1 UN1596 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 91 Dinitrobenzenes, liquid ............... 6.1 UN1597 II 6.1 ...... 11,T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 91 Dinitrobenzenes, solid ................ 6.1 UN1597 11 6.1 ...... 11 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 91 Dinitrochlorobenzene, see .................... ............ .......... .... I.... Chlorodi nitrobenzene. 1,2-Dinitroethane ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... 1,1-Dinitroethane (dry) ............... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Dinitrogen tetroxide .................... 2.3 UN1067 2.3, 1, B7, B14, B45, None .... 336 ..... 314 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40,89 5.1, B46, B61, B66, 9C 8. B67,1377 Dinitroglycoluril orDingu ............ 1.113 UN0489 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Dinitromethane........................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Dinitrophenol, dry or wetted with 1.1D UN0076 11 1.113, None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E less than 15 percent water, by 6.1. mass. Dinitrophenol solutions ............... 6.1 UN1599 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 3E _......._._........._..._.................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 3E Dinitrophenoi, wetted with not 4.1 UN1320 1 4.1, 6.1 23, AB, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28,36 N less than 15 percent water, by N41 go mass. Dinitrophenolates alkali metals, 1.3C UN0077 II 1.3C, None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Q dry or wetted with less than 6.1. 15 percent water, by mass. zr Dinitrophenolates, wetted with 4.1 UN1321 1 23, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28,36 Q not less than 15 percent N41 :3 CL water, by mass. Dinitropropylene glycol ............... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N Dinitroresorcinol, dry or wetted 1.1D UN0078 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E with less than 15 percent A water, by mass. Q 2,4-Dinitroresorcinol (heavy Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... metal salts of) (dry). 4,6-Dinitroresoroinol (heavy Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 0 metal salts of) (dry). (Q Dinilroresorcinol, wetted with not 4.1 UN1322 1 4.1 ...... 23, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28,36 Q less than 15 percent water, by N41 0 mass, Ca 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid (lead Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... D salt) (dry). p, Dinitrosobenzene ....................... 1.3C UN0406 11 - 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E �• Dinitrosobenzylamidine and salts Forbidden ............ .......... ..... I... ......... .................... .................... 7 of (dry) cn Ln 2,2-Dinitrostilbene Forbidden Dinitrotoluenes, liquid ................. 6.1 UN2038 It 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A O Dinitrotoluenes, molten .............. 6.1 UN1600 11 6.1 ...... B100, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C y Dinitrotoluenes, solid .................. 6.1 UN2038 11 6.1 ...... TS None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100k A 1,9-Dinitroxy pentamethylene- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 2,4, 6,6-tetramine (dry). Dioxane...................................... 3 UN1165 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Dioxolane................................... 3 UN1166 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Dipentene................................... 3 UN2052 III 3......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Diphenylamine chloroarsine ....... 6.1 UN1698 1 6.1 ...... None .... 201 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Diphenytchloroarsine, liquid ....... 6.1 UN1699 1 6.1 ...... A8, B14, B32, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 40 N33, N34 Diphenylchloroarsine, solid ........ 6.1 UN1699 1 6.1 ...... A8, B14, B32, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D 40 N33, N34 Diphenyldichlorosilane ............... 8 UN1769 II 8 ......... A7, B2, N34, T8, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T26 Diphenylmethyl bromide ............. 8 UN1770 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 40 Dipicryl sulfide, dry or wetted 1.1D UN0401 11 MD ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E with less than 10 percent water, by mass. Dipicryl sulfide, wetted with not 4.1 UN2852 1 4.1 ...... A2, N41 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 0.5 kg D 28 less than 10 percent wafer, by VN mass. Dipicrylamine, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... p Hexanitrodiphenylamine. 'r s • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued W) (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel slow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard clas or Di- Identlfica• tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vs ision bers Codes provisions Excep• Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Lam_ tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (SA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Dipropionyl peroxide, with more Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... than 28 percent in solution. Di -n -propyl ether ........................3 UN2384 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Dipropyl ketone ..........................3 UN2710 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Dipropylamine ............................ 3 UN2383 II 3,8 .... TB None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B G Disinfectant, liquid, corrosive, 8 UN1903 1 8 ......... A7, B10, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B ............ G n.o.s. Disinfectants, liquid, corrosive 8 UN1903 11 8 ......... B2 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B n.o.s. .................... III 8 ......... 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A G ..................................................... Disinfectants, liquid, toxic, n.o.s 6.1 UN3142 1 6.1 ...... A4, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 4C .................... 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4C ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C G ..................................................... Disinfectants, solid, toxic, n.o.s .. 6.1 UN1601 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 4C .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 4C ..................................................... Disodium trioxosilicala ............... 8 UN3253 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A GDispersant gases, n.o.s. see Re- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... frigerant gases, n.o.s. Divinyl ether, inhibited ................ 3 UN1167 1 3 ......... T14 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 4C D Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid ..... 8 NA2584 II 8 ......... B2 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B Dodecyltrichlorosilane ................ 8 UN1771 11 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 4C T8, T26 Dryice, see Carbon dioxide . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... solid. G Dyes, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or 8 UN2801 1 8 ......... 11, B10 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L A ........... Dye intermediates, liquid, cor- rosive, n.o.s.. .................... It 8 ......... 11, B2, T14 154 ...... 202 ..... I 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... 11,T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A G ..................................................... Dyes, liquid, toxic, n.o.s or Dye 6.1 UN1602 11 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A intermediates, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A G ..................................................... Dyes, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or 8 UN3147 1 8 ......... .............................. None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg A Dye intermediates, solid, cor- G rosive, n.o.s. Dyes, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or 8 UN3147 11 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Dye intermediates, solid, cor- rneiv n n s. W) 0 0 0 ...... ... ..................................................... ................. **' It: 8 154 213 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ;0 M G Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye 6.1 UN3143 6.1 A5 None 211 242 5 kg 50 kg A of intermediates, solid, toxic, n.o.s. (D a .................... 11 6.1None 212 242 25 kg 100 kg A 0 .................................................. ..................................................... .................... 6.1 153 213 240 100 kg 200 kg A :r Dynamite, see Explosive, blast . .................... ............ .......... ........I ......... .................... .................... ing, type A. Electrolyte (acid or alkali) for .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... batteries, see Battery fluid, Ch acid or Battery fluid, alkali. Elevated temperature liquid, 3 UN3256 111 3 T1 None None 247 Forbidden Forbidden A flammable, n.o.s., with flash point above 37.8 C, at or above its flash point T Elevated temperature liquid, 9 UN3257 111 9 T1 None None 247 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 85 n.o.s., at or above 100 C and below its flash point (including molten metals, molten salts, etc.). CA Elevated temperature solid. 9 UN3258 111 9 247(h) None 247 Forbidden Forbidden A 85 > n.o.s., at or above 240 C, see (4). CL section 173.247(h)(4). 3 Engines, internal combustion, 9 UN3166 ............ 9 135 220 220 220 Forbidden No limit A flammable gas powered. R Engines, internal combustion, 9 UN3166............ 9 135 220 220 220 No limit No limit A a flammable lNuid powered • Environmentally hazardous sub- 9 UN3082 111 9 8, T1 155 203 241 No limit No limit A ............ 0 stances, liquid, n.o.s. • Environmentally hazardous sub- 9 UN3077 111 9 ......... 8, B54, N20 155 213 240 ..... No limit No limit A s stances, solid, n.o.s. Epibromohydrin .......................... 6.1 UN2558 1 6.1.3 T18, T26 None 201 243 Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Epichlorohydrin ........................... 6.1 UN2023 11 6.1.3 T14 None 202 243 5 L 60 L A 40 1,2-Epoxy-3-ethoxypropane 3 UN2752 111 3 B1, T1 150 203 242 60 L 220 L A Esters, n.o.s ............................... 3 UN3272 11 3 T8 150 202 ..... 242 5 L 60 L B ............ 111 3 B1, T7 150 203 242 60 L 220 L A Etchingacid, liquid, n.o.s., see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Hydrofluoric acid, solution etc. Ethane ........................................ 2.1 UN1035 2.1 306 304 302 Forbidden 150 kg E 40 D Ethane -Propane mixture, reffig- 2.1 NA1961 2.1 None 316 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 orated liquid. 315. Ethane, refrigerated liquid .......... 2.1 UN1961 2.1 None None .. 315 Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Ethanol amine dinitrate .............. Forbidden ............. ......... "**"*" * ................... Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol or Eth- 3 UN1170 11 3 24, T1 150 202 242 5 L 60 L A anol solutions or Ethyl alcohol roi solutions. '** ........... * ................................ .................................................. .... 111 3 24, B1, T1 150 203 242 60 L 220 L A Ethanolamine or Ethanolamine 8 UN2491 111 8 17 154 203 241 5 L 60 L A solutions. Ether, see Diethyl ether ............. . .................... .... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 0 0 0 co § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued 12 V N O (8) (9)(10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard class Di- Identlfica- Bon Num - PG Label Special age bots Bons and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca_ tions bulk aircrafUrail craft only Bon Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Ethers, n.o.s ............................... 3 UN3271 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethyl acetate .............................. 3 UN1173 II 3 ......... T2 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Ethyl acrylate, inhibited .............. 3 UN1917 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Ethylalcohol, see Ethanol ......... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Ethylaldehyde, see Acetal- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dehyde. Ethyl amyl ketone .......................3 UN2271 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A N-Ethyl-N-benzylanitine .............. 6.1 UN2274 III 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethyl borate ................................ 3 UN1176 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L 8 Ethyl bromide ............................. 6.1 UN1891 II 6.1 ...... B100, T17 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40.85 Ethyl bromoacetate .................... 6.1 UN1603 II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Ethyl butyl ether ......................... 3 UN1179 II 3 ......... B1, 8101, T1 150 ...... 202..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Ethyl butyrate ............................. 3 UN1180 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethyl chloride .............................. 2.1 UN1037 2.1 ...... B43, B77 None .... 322 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg 8 40 315. Ethyl chloroacetate ..................... 6.1 UN1181 II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Ethyl chloroformate .................... 6.1 UN1182 1 6.1, 3, 2, A3, A6, A7, B9, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 40, 8. 814, B32, 874, 10C N34, T38, T43, T45 Ethyl 2-chloropropionale ............ 3 UN2935 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A + Ethyl chlorolhioformate .............. 8 UN2826 11 8,6.1. 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 4( 3. B74, T38, T43, T45 Ethyl crotonate ........................... 3 UN1862 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Ethylether, see Diethyl ether .... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ..................9 Ethyl fluoride or Refrigerant gas 2.1 UN2453 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 k E 4( R161. 315. Ethyl formate .............................. 3 UN1190 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Ethyl hydroperoxide ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Ethyl isobutyrate ......................... 3 UN2385 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B + Ethyl isocyanate ......................... 3 UN2481 1 3, 6.1 1, A7, 89, B14, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4( B30, B72, T38, T43, T44 Ethyl lactate ................................ 3 UN1192 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethyl mercaptan ......................... 3 UN2363 1 3 ......... T21 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 95, 10: FtW m thar-svlatw _____..... 3 UN2277 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 12 V N O • • • D D D Ethyl methyl ether ...................... 2.1 UN1039 2.1 ...... B43 None .... 201 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 N 315. rn Ethyl methyl ketone or Methyl 3 UN1193 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ethyl ketone. Q Ethyl nitrite solutions ..................3 UN1194 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 40, 105 n Ethyl orthofonnate ......................3 UN2524 111 3 ......... B1, T7 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethyl oxalate ...............................6.1 UN2525 111 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Ethyl perchlorate ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 7 Q. Ethyl phosphonothioic dichloride, 6.1 NA2927 1 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, anhydrous. B74, T38, T43, 95 ( T45 10 (D Ethyl phosphonous dichloride, 6.1 NA2845 1 2, B9, B14, 832, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 n anhydrous pyrophonc liquid. B74, T38, T43, Q T45 Ethyl phosphorodichloridate ....... 6.1 NA2927 1 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, B74, T38, T43, 95 O T45 (Q Ethyl propionate ......................... 3 UN1195 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Q Ethyl propyl ether ....................... 3 UN2615 11 3 ......... 81011,T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 3 Ethyl silicate, see Tetraethyl sill- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... N cate. y Ethylacetylene, inhibited ............ 2.1 UN2452 2.1 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 Q. 315. Ethylamine.................................. 2.1 UN1036 2.1 ...... B77 None .... 321 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40 7. 315. Ethylamine, aqueous solution 3 UN2270 11 3,8 .... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 0 with not less than 50 percent 0 but not more than 70 percent ethylamine. N-Ethylaniline ............................. 6.1 UN2272 III 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 2-Ethylaniline .............................. 6.1 UN2273 III 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethylbenzene .............................. 3 UN1175 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B N-Ethylbenzyltoluidines liquid .... 6.1 UN2753 III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A N-Ethylbenzyltoluidines solid ..... 6.1 UN2753 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 2-Ethylbutanol ............................ 3 UN2275 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethylbutyl acetate ....................... 3 UN1177 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 2-Ethylbutyraldehyde .................. 3 UN1178 11 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Ethyldichloroarsine ..................... 6.1 UN1892 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B74, T38, T43, T45 Ethyldichlorosilane ..................... 4.3 UN1183 1 4.3, 8, A2, A3, A7, N34, None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 1 L D 21, 28, 3. T18, T26 40, 49, 100 Ethylene, acetylene and pro- 2.1 UN3138 2.1 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 pylene in mixture, refrigerated 315. W) liquid with at least 71.5 per- -� cent ethylene with not more V N than 22.5 percent acetylene and not more than 6 percent p propylene. 'r 0 0 0 Q7 O § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued CM (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica• Packaging (§173.--') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Gass or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols lions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excns Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Loca Other tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Ethylene chlorohydrin ................. 6.1 UN1135 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B74, T38, T43, T45 Ethylene, compressed ................ 2.1 UN1962 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 302 ..... Forbidden 150 kg E 40 Ethylene diamine diperchlorate .. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Ethylene dibromide .................... 6.1 UN1605 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B74, B77, T38, T43, T45 Ethylene dibromide and methyl .................... ............ bromide liquid mixtures, see Methyl bromide and ethylene dibromide, liquid mixtures. Ethylene dichloride ..................... 3 UN1184 11 3, 6.1 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 Ethylene glycol diethyl ether ...... 3 UN1153 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethylene glycol dinitrate ............. Forbidden ............ ................. ......... Ethylene glycol monoelhyl ether 3 UN1171 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 3 UN1172 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A acetate. Ethylene glycol monomethyl 3 UN1188 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ether. Ethylene glycol monomethyl 3 UN1189 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ether acetate. Ethylene oxide and carbon diox- 2.3 UN3300 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 ide mixture with more than 87 315. percent ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide and carbon diox- 2.1 UN1041 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg B 40 ide mixtures with more than 9 315. percent but not more than 87 percent ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide and carbon diox- 2.2 UN1952 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ide mixtures with not more 315. than 9 percent ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide and 2.2 UN3297 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A chloroletrafluoroethane mix- 315. ture with not more than 8.8 nercent ethviene oxide. CM Ethylene oxide and dichloro- 2.2 UN3070 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A M difluoromethane mixture, with 315, y not more than 12.5 percent (D Q ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide and 2.2 UN32911 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A A pentafluoroethane mixture 315. ? with not more than 7.9 per- Q cent ethylene oxide. :3 Q Ethylene oxide and propylene 3 UN2983 1 3, 6.1 5, A11, N4, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 40 oxide mixtures, with not more T24, T29 N than 30 percent ethylene oxide. 0 Ethylene oxide and 2.2 UN3299 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A tetrafluoroethane mixture with 315. not more than 5.6 percent ethylene oxide. O Ethylene oxide or Ethylene 2.3 UN1040 2.3, 2.1 4 None .... 323 ..... 323 ..... Forbidden 25 kg D 40 (Q oxide with nitrogen up to a Q total pressure of iMPa (10 3 bar) at 50 degrees C. H Ethylene, refrigerated liquid 2.1 UN1038 2.1 ...... None .... 316 ..... 318, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 D (cryogenic liquid). 319• p, Ethylenediamine ......................... 8 UN1604 II 8, 3 .... T14 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 3 Ethyleneimine, inhibited ............. 6.1 UN1185 1 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 —. B72, B77, N25, ;3 N32, T38, T43, T44 Q Ethylhexaldehyde, see Octyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ~ aldehydes etc. 2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate ......... 6.1 UN2748 11 6.1, 8 T12 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12, 13, 21, 25, 40, 100 2-Ethylhexylamine ...................... 3 UN2276 111 3,8 .... B1, T2 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Ethylphenyldichlorosilane ........... 8 UN2435 11 8 ......... A7, B2, N34, T8, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C T26 1-Ethylpiperidine ......................... 3 UN2386 11 3.8 .... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B N-Ethyltoluidines ........................ 6.1 UN2754 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Ethyltrichlorosilane ..................... 3 UN1196 II 3, B .... A7, 8100, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 T15, T26 Etiologic agent, see Infectious .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... substances, etc). Explosive articles, see Articles. .................... ............ .......... ......... .................... explosive , n.o.s. etc. Explosive, blasting, type A ......... 1.1D UN0081 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E, 21E (01 Explosive, blasting, type B ......... 1.1D UN0082 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Explosive, blasting, type B or 1.5D UN0331 II 1.50 ... 105,106 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E V N Agent blasting, Type B. ' Explosive, blasting, type C ......... 1.1D UN0083 11 1.1D ... 123 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E p Explosive, blasting, type D ......... 1.1D UN0084 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E • • • 67 N § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- Bon Num- PG Label Spacial age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk airaaf /rail craft only Lora Other tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Explosive, blasting, type E ......... 1.1D UN0241 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, SE, 19E Explosive, blasting, type E or 1.51) UN0332 II 1.5D ... 105,106 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Agent blasting, Type E. Explosive, forbidden. See Sec. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 173.54. Explosive substances, see Sub- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... stances, explosive, n.o.s. etc. Explosives, slurry, see Explo. .................... ............ sive, blasting, type E. Explosives, water gels, see Ex- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... plosive, blasting, type E. Extracts, aromatic, liquid ............ 3 UN1169 II 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... I................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Extracts, flavoring, liquid ............ 3 UN1197 11 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Fabric with animal or vegetable .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... oil, see Fibers or fabrics, etc. Ferric arsenate ........................... 6.1 UN1606 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Ferric arsenits ............................ 6.1 UN1607 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100kg A Ferric chloride, anhydrous ......... 8 UN1773 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Ferric chloride, solution .............. 8 UN2582 111 8 ......... B15, T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Ferric nitrate ............................... 5.1 UN1466 III 5.1 ...... Al. A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Ferrocerium................................ 4.1 UN1323 II 4.1 ...... 59,A19 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Ferrosilicon, with 30 percent or 4.3 UN1408 III 4.3, 6.1 A1, A19 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 40, more but less than 90 percent 85,103 silicon. Ferrous arsenate ........................ 6.1 UN1608 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A D Ferrous chloride, solid ................ 8 NA1759 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A D Ferrous chloride, solution ........... 8 NA1760 II 8 ......... B3 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 Ferrous metal borings or Fer- 4.2 UN2793 III 4.2 ...... Al, A19, 8101 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A rous metal shavings or Fer- rous metal turnings or Ferrous metal cuttings in a form liable to self -heating. Fertilizer ammoniating solution 2.2 1 UN1043 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 with free ammonia. 315. 12 V N O • • • A, W Fibers or Fabrics, animal or veg- 4.2 UN1373 III 4.2 ...... 137 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A ............ etable or Synthetic, n.o.s. with N N animal or vegetable oil. fD Fibers or Fabrics impregnated 4.1 UN1353 III 4.1 ...... Al None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D C with weakly nitrated nitrocellu- lose, n.o.s. ? Films, nitrocellulose base, from .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q which gelatine has been re- 3 moved; film scrap, see Cel- Q• luloid scrap. N Films, nitrocellulose base, gela- 4.1 UN1324 III 4.1 ...... None .... 183 ..... None .. 25 kg 100 kg D 91 tine coated (except scrap). 0 Fire extinguisher charges, corm- 8 UN1774 II 8 ......... N41 154 ...... 202 ..... None .. 1 L 30 L A Q sive liquid. — Fire extinguisher charges, expel- .................... ............ ling, explosive, see Car- tridges, power device. (O0 Fire extinguishers containing 2.2 UN1044 2.2 ...... 18 309 ...... 309 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A B compressed or liquefied gas. 3 Firelighters, solid with flammable 4.1 UN2623 III 4.1 ...... Al, A19 None .... 213 ..... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A ............ rn liquid. D Fireworks .................................... 1.1G UN0333 II 1.1G ... 108 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B O. Fireworks .................................... 1.2G UN0334 11 1.2G ... 108 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3 �. Fireworks .................................... 1.3G UN0335 11 1.3G ... 108 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Fireworks .................................... 1.4G UN0336 II 1.4G ... 108 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E = W Fireworks .................................... 1AS UN0337 II 1.4S ... 108 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A p W Fish meal, stabilized or Fish 9 UN2216 III None .. 155 ...... 218 ..... 218 ..... No limit No limit A 88 scrap, stabilized. I Fish meal, unstablized or Fish 4.2 UN1374 II 4.2 ...... A1, A19 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 119, scrap, unstabilized. 120 Fissile radioactive materials, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Radioactive material, fissile, n.o.s. Flammablecompressed gas . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Compressed or Liquefied gas, flammable, etc. Flammablecompressed gas .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (small receptacles not fitted with a dispersion device, not refillable), see Receptacles, etc. Flammable gas in lighters, see .................... ............ ... I...... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lighters or lighter refills, ciga- rettes, containing flammable W) gas. G Flammable liquid, toxic, corro- 3 UN3286 1 3, 6.1, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L E 21, 40, N sive, n.o.s. 8. 100 ..................................................... .................... II 3.6.1, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5L B 21, 40, O 8. 1 100 • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—COntlflu@d (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel slow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- bons bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only Loca- Other lion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) G Flammable liquids, corrosive, 3 UN2924 1 3, 8 .... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L E 40 n.o.s. ........................................... I......... .................... II 3,8 .... T15, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 3,8 .... B1, T15, T26 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 G Flammable liquids, n.o.s ............ 3 UN1993 1 3 ......... T42 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... 11 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A G Flammable liquids, toxic, n.o.s ... 3 UN1992 1 3, 6.1 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30L E 40 ..................................................... .................... It 3, 6.1 T18 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 3, 6.1 B1, T18 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A G Flammable solid, corrosive, inor- 4.1 UN3180 II 4.1, 8 Al, 8106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 40 ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 4.1, 8 Al. B106 151 ...... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D 40 G Flammable solid, inorganic, 4.1 UN3178 11 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B G Flammable solid, organic, mol- 4.1 UN3176 11 4.1 ...... T9 151 ...... 212..... 240..... Forbidden Forbidden C ten, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 4.1 ...... T9 151 ...... 213..... 240..... Forbidden Forbidden C G Flammable solid, oxidizing, n.o.s 4.1 UN3097 II 4.1, 5.1 131 None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 G ..................................................... .................... III 4.1, 5.1 131 None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C G Flammable solid, toxic, inor- 4.1 UN3179 11 4.1, 6.1 Al. B106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 40 ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... III 4.1, 6.1 Al, 8106 151 ...... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 4C G Flammable solids, corrosive, or..... 4.1 UN2925 II 4.1, 8 Al, B106 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 40 ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... III 4.1, 8 Al, B106 151 ...... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D 4C G Flammable solids, organic, n.o.s 4.1 UN1325 11 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B ..................................................... .................... III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B G Flammable solids, toxic, organic, 4.1 UN2926 11 4.1, 6.1 Al. B106 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 4C n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 4.1, 6.1 Al, B106 151 ...... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 4C Flares, aerial .............................. 1.3G UN0093 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B Flares, aerial .............................. 1.413 UN0403 II 1AG ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Flares, aerial .............................. 1 AS UN0404 11 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Flares, aerial .............................. 1.113 UN0420 11 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Flares, aerial .............................. 1.243 UND421 11 1.213 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Flares, airplane, see Flares, aer. iai .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Flares, signal, see Cartridges . .................... ............ .... I..... ......... D (CA si nal. Flares, surface ........................... 1.313 UN0092 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B (D Flares, surface ........................... 1.1G UN0418 II 1AG ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Q Flares, surface ........................... 1.2G UN0419 II 1.2G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B n Flares, water-activated, see .................... ............ .... I..... ......... ......... .................... ....... I............ Contrivances, water-activated, Q etc. 7 Flash powder .............................. 1.1G UN0094 II 1.1G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, 5E 0. Flashpowder .............................. 1.3G UN0305 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, 5E N Flue dusts, poisonous, see Ar- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 0 senical dust. Fluonc acid, see Hydrolluoric .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Q acid, solution, etc. _ Fluorine, compressed ................. 2.3 UN1045 2.3, 1 None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, V 5.1, 90 8. (Q Fluoroacetic acid ........................ 6.1 UN2642 1 6.1 ...... B100 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15kg E Q Fluoroanilines ............................. 6.1 UN2941 III 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 3 Fluorobenzene ........................... 3 UN2387 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B N Fluorobodc acid .......................... 8 UN1775 11 8 ......... A6, A7, B2, B15, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A D > N3, N34, T15, T27 CL3 Fluorophosphonc acid anhy- 8 UN1776 It 8 ......... A6, A7, B2, N3, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A drous. N34, T9, T27 _. Fluorosilicates, n.o.s .................. 6.1 UN2856 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 26 :3 cri Fluorosilicic acid ......................... 8 UN1778 11 8 ......... A6, A7, B2, B15, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A " N3, N34, T12, T27 0 Fluorosulfonic acid ..................... 8 UN1777 1 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, A10, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 40 0 86, B10, N3, T9, T27 Fluorotoluenes ............................ 3 UN2388 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L 8 40 Forbidden materials. See 173.21 Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Formaldehyde, solutions, flam- 3 UN1198 111 3.8 .... B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 mable. Formaldehyde, solutions, with 8 UN2209 111 8 ......... Tt 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A not less than 25 percent form- aldehyde. Formalin, see Formaldehyde. .................... ............ .......... solutions. Formic acid................................. 8 UN1779 11 8 ......... B2, B28, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 Fracturing devices, explosive, 1.1D UN0099 11 1.11) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B without detonators for oil wells. Fuel, aviation, turbine engine ..... 3 UN1863 1 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A t0f D Fuel oil (No. 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6) ...... 3 NA1993 III 3 ......... B1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Fulminate of mercury (dry) ......... Forbidden ............ v Fulminate of mercury, wet, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Mercury fulminate, eta 0 Fulminating gold ......................... Forbidden ............ • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials des p- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep Non- Passenger Cargo air - tions bulk Bulk aira Vrail craft only Ltion oca- Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Fulminating mercury ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Fulminatingplatinum .................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ...... I.. .................... ..I. ... ... .......... Fulminating silver ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Fulminicacid .............................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Fumaryl chloride ......................... 8 UN1780 II 8 ......... B2, TB, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 8, 40 Furaldehydes .............................. 6.1 UN1199 11 6.1, 3 T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A ............ Furan .......................................... 3 UN2389 1 3 ......... T18 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 40 Fumigated lading, see §§172.302(g), 173.9 and 176.76(h). Furfuryl alcohol ........................... 6.1 UN2874 III 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 26, 74 Furfurylamine ............................. 3 UN2526 III 3,8 .... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Fuse, detonating,metal clad, . ................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .............. I..... .................... see Cord, detonating, metal clad. Fuse, detonating, mild effect . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... metal clad, see Cord, deto- nating, mild effect, metal clad. Fuse, igniter tubular metal clad 1.4G UN0103 11 1.4G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Fuse, non -detonating infanta- 1.3G UN0101 11 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B neous or quickmatch. Fuse, safety ................................ 1AS UN0105 11 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A D Fusee (railway or highway) ........ 4.1 NA1325 11 4.1 ...... None .... 184 ..... None .. 15 kg 50 kg B Fusel oil ...................................... 3 UN1201 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ............. ....................................... I .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Fuses, tracer, see Tracers for .................... ............ ammunition. Fuzes, combination, percussion .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... and time, see Fuzes, deto- nating (UN 0257, UN 0367); Fuzes, igniting (UN 0317, UN 0368). Fuzes, detonating ....................... 1.1B UN0106 II 1.1B ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E Fuzes, detonating ....................... 1.2B UN0107 II 1.2B ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E Fuzes, detonating ....................... IAB UN0257 11 1.4B ... 116 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Fuzes, detonating ....................... 1AS UN0367 II IIAS ... 116 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Fuzes, detonating, with protec- MD UN0408 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B live features. 12 V N O • • • Fuzes, detonating, with protec- 1.213 UN0409 II 1.2D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 18 N tive features. ill Fuzes, detonating, with protec- 1AD UN0410 II 1AD ... 116 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E tive features. Q Fuzes, igniting ............................ 1.3G UN0316 It 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 0 Fuzes, igniting ............................ 1.4G UN0317 II 1.4G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Fuzes, igniting ............................ 1AS UN0368 II 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A ? Galactsan trinitrate ..................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... Q Gallium....................................... 8 UN2803 III 8 ......... None .... 162 ..... 240 ..... 20 kg 20 kg 8 48 Gas cartridges, (flammable) 2.1 UN2037 ............ 2.1 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg 8 40 N without a release device, non- re-tillable. n 0. Gas generator assemblies (air- Gas 2.2 2.2 ...... None .... 335 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A craft), containing a non-flam- mable non-toxic gas and a propellant cartridge. D Gas identification set .................. 2.3 NA9035 2.3 ...... 6 None .... 194 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D (Q Gas oil or Diesel fuel or Heating 3 UN1202 III 3 ......... 81, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q oil, light. 3 G Gas, refrigerated liquid, flam- 2.1 UN3312 ............ 2.1 ...... .............................. None .... 316 ..... 318 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 H mable, n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid). G Gas, refrigerated liquid, n.o.s. 2.2 UN3158 ............ 2.2 ...... .............................. 320 ...... 316 ..... 318 ..... 50 kg 500 kg D ............ 11 (cryogenic liquid). 3 r-� G Gas, refrigerated liquid, oxi- 2.2 UN3311 ............ 2.2, 5.1 .............................. 320 ...... 316 ..... 318 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ j dizing, n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid). - 4 Gas sample, non-pressurized, 2.1 UN3167 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302, None .. 1 L 5 L D 0 flammable, n.o.s., not refrig- 304. 0 erated liquid. Gas sample, non-pressurized, 2.3 UN3168 2.3, 2.1 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden 1 L D toxic, flammable, n.o.s., not refrigerated liquid. Gas sample, non-pressurized, 2.3 UN3169 2.3 ...... 306 ...... 302, None .. Forbidden 1 L D toxic, n.o.s., not refrigerated 304. liquid. D Gasohol gasoline mixed with 3 NA1203 11 3 ......... 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E ethyl alcohol, with not more than 20 percent alcohol. Gasoline ..................................... 3 UN1203 II 3 ......... B33. B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... ( 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Gasoline, casinghead, see Gas- .................... ............ oline. Gelatine, blasting, see Explo. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... sive, blasting, type A. Gelatine dynamites, see Explo. .................... .... I....... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... sive, blasting, type A. Germane.................................... 2.3 UN2192 2.3, 2.1 2 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 ...• Glycerol- 1,3-dinitrate .................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N Glycerol gluconate trinitrate ....... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Glycerol lactate trinitrate ............ Forbidden ............ ........ ......... ................... .................... C Glycerol alpha-monochlorohydrin 6.1 UN2689 111 6.1 ...... T2 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A -r • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel slow- s m• y Hazardous materials descri p- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special P, age 9 Excep- No Passenger Cargo air- bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions tions bulk Bulk aircraf /rail craft only I -- Other ion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Glyceryl trinitrate, see Nitroglyc. .................... ............ .......... erin, etc. Glycidaldehyde ........................... 3 UN2622 II 3, 6.1 T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L A 40 D Grenades, empty primed ........... 1 AS NA0349 II None .. None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Grenades, hand or rifle, with 1.10 UN0284 II 1.1D ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B bursting charge. Grenades, hand or rifle, with 1.21) UN0285 II 1.21) ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B bursting charge. Grenades, hand or nne, with 1.1F UN0292 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E bursting charge. Grenades, hand or rifle, with 1.2F UN0293 II 1.2F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E bursting charge. Grenades, illuminating, see Am- .................... ............ munition, illuminating, etc. Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.4S UN0110 II 1 AS ... .......... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.3G UN0318 II 1.3G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.2G UN0372 II 1.2G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Grenades practice Hand or rifle 1AG UN0452 II 1AG ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Grenades, smoke. see Ammuni. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tion, smoke, etc. Guanidine nitrate ........................ 5.1 UN1467 III 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 73 Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene Forbidden ............ hydrazine (dry). Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene 1.1A UN0113 II 1.1A ... 111,117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E hydrazine, wetted with not less than 30 percent water, by mass. Guanyl Forbidden ............ .......... ......... nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene (dry) Guanyl 1.1A UN0114 II 1.1A ... 111,117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E n itrosa minogu anyltetrazene, wetted or Tetrazene, wetted with not less than 30 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass. Gunpowder, compressed or .................... ..... I...... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Gunpowder in pellets, see Black oowder (UN 0028). Gunpowder, granular or as a .................... ............ .......... M meal, see Black powder (UN (D 0027). (D Hafnium powder, dry .................. 4.2 UN2545 1 4.2 ...... B100 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D Q .................... II 4.2 ...... A19. A20, 8101. None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 0 ..................................................... 8106, N34 ..................................................... .................... 111 4.2 ...... B100 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D Q Hafnium powder, wetted with not 4.1 UN1326 11 4.1 ...... A6, A19, A20, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E :3 Q' less than 25 percent water (a N34 visible excess of water must N be present) (a) mechanically produced, particle size less n than 53 microns; (b) chemi- Q cally produced, particle size less than 840 microns. T Hand signal device, see Signal .................... ............ .......... I........ ......... .................... .................... devices, hand. (OQ Hazardous substances, liquid or .................... ............ solid, n.o.s., see Environ- 3 mentally hazardous sub- N stances, eta y GD Hazardous waste, liquid, n.o.s ... 9 NA3082 III 9 ......... 155 ..... 203 ..... 241 ..... No limit No limit A GD Hazardous waste, solid, n.o.s .... 9 NA3077 111 9 ......... B54 155 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... No limit No limit A 3 Helium, compressed .................. 2.2 UN1046 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 302, 75 kg 150 kg A 85 7 Q7 314. Helium-oxygen mixture, see p Rare gases and oxygen mix- 0 tures. Helium, refrigerated liquid (cryo- 2.2 UN1963 2.2 ...... 320 ...... 316 ..... 318 ..... 50 kg 500 kg B genic liquid). Heptafluoropropane or Refrig- 2.2 UN3296 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150kg A erant gas R 227. 315. n-Heptaldehyde .......................... 3 UN3056 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Heptanes.................................... 3 UN1206 11 3 ......... T2 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B n-Heptene................................... 3 UN2278 11 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Hexachloroacetone .................... 6.1 UN2661 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B 12,40 Hexachlorobenzene ................... 6.1 UN2729 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Hexachlorobutadiene ................. 6.1 UN2279 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ....... 6.1 UN2646 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B74, B77, T38, T43, T45 Hexachlorophene ....................... 6.1 UN2875 ill 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Hexadecyltrichlorosilane ............ 8 UN1781 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8 Hexadienes................................ 3 UN2458 II 3 ......... B101, T7 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Hexaethyl tetraphosphate and 2.3 UN1612 2.3 ...... 3 None .... 334 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 N compressed gas mixtures. Hexaethyl tetraphosphate liquid 6.1 UN1611 II 6.1 ...... N76 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L E 40 CD Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, solid 6.1 UN1611 11 6.1 ...... N76 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 40 0 0 0 V O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Idenlifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel slow- Sym- Hazardous materials des cdp• class or Di- tion Num- PGCodes Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars provisions o Non- Passenger Cargo air• lionsns ti bulk Bulk aircra(Urail craft only Loca Other tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (813) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Hexafluoroacetone ..................... 2.3 UN2420 2.3, 8 2, 89, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 315. Hexafluoroacetone hydrate ........ 6.1 UN2552 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Hexafluoroethane, compressed 2.2 UN2193 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A or Refrigerant gas R 116, 315. Hexafluorophosphoric acid ......... 8 UN1782 II 8 ......... A6, AT B2, N3, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A N34, T9, T27 Hexafluoropropylene com- 2.2 UN1858 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A pressed or Refrigerant gas R 315. 1216. Hexaldehyde .............................. 3 UN1207 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Hexamethylene diisocyanate ..... 6.1 UN2281 II 6.1 ...... B101, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L C 13,40 Hexamethylene triperoxide Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... diamine (dry). Hexamethylenediamine, solid .... 8 UN2280 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 12 Hexamethylenediamine solution 8 UN1783 II 8 ......... T8 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Hexamethyleneimine .................. 3 UN2493 II 3, 8 .... B101, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 Hexamethylenetetramine ........... 4.1 UN1328 III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Hexamethylol benzene Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ........I .................... .................... hexanitrate. Hexanes ..................................... 3 UN1208 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 2,7,4,4',6,8- Hexanitro-3,3'- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dthydroxyazobenzene (dry). Hexanitroazoxy benzene ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N,N-(hexanitrodiphenyl) ethyl- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .... I ........... .... ene dinitramined ( rY) Hexanitrodiphenyl urea .............. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 2.7,9.4,4',6- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Hexanitrodiphenylamine. Hexanitrodiphenylamine or 1.1D UN0079 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Dipicrylamine or Hexyl. 2,9.4.4',6,8- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Hexanitrodiphenylether. Hexandroethane......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ..... I... .................... .................... Hexanitrooxanilide ...................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... Hexanitrostilbene ........................ 1.113 UN0392 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Hexanoic arid, see Corrosive .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... liquids. n.o.s. V N O s � � Hexanols.................................... 3 UN2282 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A M (D 1-Hexene.................................... 3 UN2370 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60L E Hexogen and .................... ............ (D cyclotetramelhylenetetranitra- Q mine mixtures, wetted or de- sensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desen- sitized eta t. Hexogen and HMX mixtures. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... wetted or desensitized see N RDX and HMX mixtures, (D wetted or desensitized etc. n Hexogen and oclogen mixtures. .................... ............ .... I..... Q wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, T wetted or desensitized etc. O Hexogen, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (Q Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, Q eta 3 Hexolile, or Hexotol dry or 1.10 UN0118 II 1.11) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E H wetted with less than 15 per- D cent water, by mass. C. Hexotonal................................... 1.10 UN0393 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E 3 r. Hexyl, see .................... ............ .......... ......... j 1 Hexanitrodiphenylamine. Hexyllrichlorosilane .................... 8 UN1784 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8, T26 0 Highexplosives, see individual .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... explosives' entries. HMX, see Cydotetramethylenete .................... ............ tranitramine, etc. Hydrazine, anhydrous or Hydra- 8 UN2029 1 8.3. A3, A6, A7, A10, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 21, 40, zine aqueous solutions with 6.1. B7, B16, B53, T25 42,100 more than 64 percent hydra- zine, by mass. Hydrazine, aqueous solution 6.1 UN3293 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A with not more than 37 percent hydrazine, by mass. Hydrazineazide ......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ....... I............ Hydrazinechlorate ..................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Hydrazine dicarbonic acid Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... diazide. Hydrazine hydrate or Hydrazine 8 UN2030 11 8, 6.1 1316, 853, 8110, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30L D 40, 42, aqueous solutions, with not T15 82 tiq less than 37 percent but not more than 64 percent hydra- V zine, by mass. Hydrazine perchlorate ................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... G Hydrazineselenate .................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 0 0 0 v N § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di• tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraf /rail craft only Lona tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (BB) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Hydriodic acid, anhydrous, see .................... ............ .......... Hydrogen iodide, anhydrous. Hydriodic acid ............................. 8 UN1787 II 8 ......... A3, A6, B2, N41, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C T9, T27 ..................................................... .... I............... 111 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C 8 Hydrobromic acid, anhydrous,.................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ........ I........... see Hydrogen bromide, anhy- drous. Hydrobromic acid, with more 8 UN1788 11 8 ......... B2, B15, N41, T9, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C than 49 percent hydrobromic T27 acid. ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 8 Hydrobromic acid, with not more 8 UN1788 II 8 ......... A3, A6, B2, B15, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C than 49 percent hydrobromic N41, T9, T27 acid. ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 30 L C 8 Hydrocarbon gas mixture, com- 2.1 UN1964 ............ 2.1 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 302 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 pressed, n.o.s. 315. Hydrocarbon gas mixture, lique- 2.1 UN1965 ............ 2.1 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 fied, n.o.s. 315. Hydrocarbons, liquid, n.o.s ........ 3 UN3295 1 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... 81, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Hydrochloric acid, anhydrous . .................... ............ .......... see Hydrogen chloride, anhy- drous. Hydrochloric acid ........................ 8 UN1789 II 8 ......... A3, A6, B3, B15, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C N41, T9, T27 ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C 8 Hydrocyanic acid, anhydrous . .................... ............ .......... see Hydrogen cyanide etc. Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solu- 6.1 UN1613 1 6.1 ...... 2, B61, B65, B77, None .... 195 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 tions or Hydrogen cyanide, B82 aqueous solutions with not more than 20 percent hydro- gen cyanide. D Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solu- 6.1 NA1613 11 6.1 ...... T18, T26 None .... 195 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 5L D 40 tions with less than 5 percent hvdroaen cvanide. • • • Hydrocyanic acid, liquefied, see .................... ............ M Hydrogen cyanide, etc. y Hydrocyanic acid (prussic), Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... unstabilized. fl Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric 8 UN1786 1 8, 6.1 A6, A7, 815, B23, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40, 95 0 acid mixtures. N5, N34, T18, T27 =r Hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... Q see Hydrogen fluoride, anhy- Q' drous. Hydrofluoric acid, with more 8 UN1790 1 8, 6.1 A6, A7, B4, B15, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 12,40 N than 60 percent strength. B23, N5, N34, A T18, T27 n Hydrofluoric acid, with not more 8 UN1790 11 8, 6.1 A6, A7, B15, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L D 12,40 O than 60 percent strength. B110, N5, N34, - T18, T27 9 Hydrofluoroboric acid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Fluoroboric acid. (Q Hydrofluorosilicic acid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... I................... Q Fluorosilicic acid. Hydrogen and Methane mix- 2.1 UN2034 2.1 ...... 306 302 ..... 302, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 �^ tures, compressed. 314, D 315. Q. Hydrogen bromide, anhydrous ... 2.3 UN1048 2.3, 8 3,814 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40 3 315. Hydrogen chloride, anhydrous ... 2.3 UN1050 2.3, 8 3 None .... 304 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated 2.3 UN2186 2.3, 8 3, B6 None .... None .. 314, Forbidden Forbidden B 40 Q liquid. 315. 0 Hydrogen, compressed .............. 2.1 UN1049 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 302, Forbidden 150 kg E 40, 57 314. Hydrogen cyanide, solution in al- 6.1 UN3294 1 6.1, 3 2, 25, B9, 1314, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 cohol with not more than 45 B32, 874, T38, percent hydrogen cyanide. T43, T45 Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized 6.1 UN1051 1 6.1, 3 1, B35, B61, B65, None .... 195 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 with less than 3 percent water. B77, B82 Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized, 6.1 UN1614 1 6.1 ...... 5 None .... 195 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 25,40 with less than 3 percent water and absorbed in a porous inert material. Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous .... 8 UN1052 1 8, 6.1 3, B7, B46, 871, None .... 163 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B77, T24, T27 Hydrogen iodide, anhydrous ...... 2.3 UN2197 2.3 ...... 3,B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 315. Hydrogen iodide solution, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Hydriodic acid, solution. (q Hydrogen peroxide and peroxy- 5.1 UN3149 II 5.1, 8 A2, A3, A6, B53, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L D 25, 66, -+ acetic acid mixtures, stabilized 8104, B110, T14 75,106 N with acids, water and not more than 5 percent peroxy- O acetic acid. • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow - Sym -Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions E Non- Passenger Cargo air- tionsons bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Loca• Other tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous so- 5.1 UN2014 II 5.1, 8 12, A3, A6, B53, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 66, lutions with more than 40 per- B80, B81, B85, 75, 106 cent but not more than 60 8104, 13110, T14, percent hydrogen peroxide T37 (stabilized as necessary). Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous so- 5.1 UN2984 III 5.1 ...... Al, B104, T8, T37 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 25, 75, lutions with not less than 6 106 percent but less than 20 per- cent hydrogen peroxide (sta- bilized as necessary). Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous so- 5.1 UN2014 II 5.1, 8 A2, A3, A6, B53, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5L 0 25, 66, lutions with not less than 20 8104, B110, T14, 75, 106 percent but not more than 40 T37 percent hydrogen peroxide (stabilized as necessary). Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized or 5.1 UN2015 1 5.1, 8 12, A3, A6, B53, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 66, Hydrogen peroxide aqueous B80, B81, B85, 75, 106 solutions, stabilized with more T15, T37 than 60 percent hydrogen per- oxide. Hydrogen, refrigerated liquid 2.1 UN1966 2.1 ...... None .... 316 ..... 318, Forbidden Forbidden D 4C (cryogenic liquid). 319. Hydrogen selenide, anhydrous .. 2.3 UN2202 2.3, 2.1 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C Hydrogensulfate, see Sulfuric .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... acid. Hydrogen sulfide ........................ 2.3 UN1053 2.3, 2.1 2, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 4C 315. Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solid 8 UN1740 II 8 ......... N3, N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 25,26 4C ..................................................... ...... I............. III 8 ......... N3, N34 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 25,26 4( Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solu- 8 UN1740 II 8 ......... N3, N34 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 25, 26 tions. 4C ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... N3, N34 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 25,26 4C Hydroquinone ............................. 6.1 UN2662 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Hydrosilicolluoric acid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Fluorosilicic acid. H.,1 1 amine iodide ................ x Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 12 V N O Hydroxylamine sulfate ................ 8 UN2865 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Hypochlorite solutions ................ 8 UN1791 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B15, N34, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 26 y T7 Q .................... III 8 ......... B104, N34, T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L B 26 .� ..................................................... Hypochlonles, inorganic, n.o.s ... 5.1 UN3212 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg D 48, 56, 0 58, 69, 106, 116, ii 118 Hyponilrousacid ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Igniter fuse, metal clad, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... n Fuse, igniter, tubular, metal clad. Q Igniters ........................................ 1.1G UN0121 II 1.1G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Igniters ........................................ 1.2G UN0314 11 1.2G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B O Igniters ........................................ 1.3G UN0315 II 1.303 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A Igniters ........................................ 1AG UN0325 II IIAG ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Q Igniters ........................................ 1AS UN0454 11 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 3 3,3'-Iminodipropylamine ............. 8 UN2269 111 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A ti G Infectious substances, affecting 6.2 UN2900 6.2 ...... 134 ...... 196 ..... None .. 50 mL or 50 4 L or 4 kg B D animals only. 9 CL G Infectious substances, affecting 6.2 UN2814 6.2 ...... 134 ...... 196 ..... None .. 50 mL or 50 4 L or 4 kg B 3 humans. 9 Inflammable, see Flammable ..... cn Initiating explosives (dry) ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Inositol hexanitrate (dry) ............ Forbidden ............ .......... I........ ......... .................... .................... GD Insecticide gases flammable 2.1 NA1954 2.1 ...... 306 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg D n.o.s. 1 315. G Insecticide gases, n.o.s .............. 2.2 UN1968 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 315. G Insecticide gases, flammable, 2.1 UN3354 ............ 2.1 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40 n.o.s. 315. G Insecticide gases, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3355 ............ 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 mable, n.o.s. Inhalation haz- ard Zone A. G Insecticide gases, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3355 ...........1 2.3, 2.1 2, B9, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 mable, n.o.s. Inhalation haz- 305. 315. and Zone B. G Insecticide gases, toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3355 ............ 2.3, 2.1 3, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D mable, n.o.s. Inhalation haz- 305. 315. and Zone C. G Insecticide gases toxic, flam- 2.3 UN3355 ............ 2.3, 2.1 4 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D ............ mable, n.o.s. Inhalation haz- 305. 315. tpf and Zane D. G Insecticide gases, toxic, n.o.s .... 2.3 UN1967 2.3 ...... 3 None .... 193, 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 V N 334. Inulin trinitrate (dry) .................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... p Iodine azide (dry) ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... —+ • • • v O-� § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued 8 ( 9 10 Packaging (§173."') Quantitylimitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Identiflca- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air - Loca- Bons bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Iodine monochlodde ................... 8 UN1792 II 8 ......... B6, N41, T8, T26 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden 50 kg D 40, 66, 74, 89, 90 Iodine pentafluoride .................... 5.1 UN2495 1 5.1, None .... 205 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 25, 40, 6.1, 66,91) 8. 2-lodobutane .............................. 3 UN2390 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B lodomethylpropanes ................... 3 UN2391 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B lodopropanes ............................. 3 UN2392 111 3......... B1, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A lodoxy compounds (dry) ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Iridium nitratopentamine iridium Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... nitrate. Iron chloride, see Ferric chloride .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Iron oxide, spent, or Iron 4.2 UN1376 III 4.2 ...... B18 None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E sponge, spent obtained from coal gas purification. Iron pentacarbonyl ..................... 6.1 UN1994 1 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 192 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C B72, 1377, T38, T43, T44 Ironsesquichlonde, see Ferric .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chloride. Irritating material, see Tear gas .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... substances, etc. Isobutane see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1969 2.1 ...... 19 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 4( gases, liquefied. 315. Isobutanol or Isobutyl alcohol .... 3 UN1212 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isobutyl acetate .......................... 3 UN1213 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Isobutyl acrylate, inhibited .......... 3 UN2527 III 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isobutyl alcohol, see Isobutanol .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Isobutylaldehyde, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Isobutyraldehyde. D Isobutyl chloroformate ................ 6.1 NA2742 1 6.1, 3, 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... 1 L 30 L A 12,13 8. B74, T38, T43, 22,25 T45 40,48 10( Isobutyl formate .......................... 3 UN2393 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Isohutvl isohutvrate .................... 3 UN2528 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L I A + Isobutyl isocyanate ..................... 3 UN2486 1 3, 6.1 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 M 872, T38, T43, H T44 M Isobutyl methacrylate, inhibited .. 3 UN2283 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Isobutyl propionate ..................... 3 UN2394 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L B n Isobutylamine ............................. 3 UN1214 II 3.8 .... B101, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 =r Isobutylene see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1055 2.1 ...... 19 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 Q gases,liquefied. 315. 7 0• Isobutyraldehyde or Isobutyl 3 UN2045 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5L 60 L E 40 aldehyde.N Isobutyric acid ............................ 3 UN2529 111 3,8 .... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A D Isobutyric anhydride .....1 ............. 3 UN2530 111 3, 8 .... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A Isobutyronitrile ............................ 3 UN2284 II 3, 6.1 T17 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 40 Q Isobutyryl chloride ...................... 3 UN2395 II 3, 8 .... 8100, T9, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L C 40 - G Isocyanates, flammable, toxic, 3 UN2478 11 3, 6.1 5, A3, A7, T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L D 40 n.o.s or Isocyanate solutions, p flammable, toxic, n.o.s. IQ flashpoint less than 23 de- Q grees C. G Isocyanates, toxic, flammable, 6.1 UN3080 11 6.1, 3 T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60L B 25, 40, H n.o.s. or Isocyanate solutions, 48 toxic, flammable, n.o.s., flash a point not less than 23 degrees 3 - C but not more than 61 de- groes C and boiling point less than 300 degrees C. G Isocyanates, toxic, n.o.s. or 6.1 UN2206 11 6.1 ...... T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L E 25, 40, Isocyanate solutions, toxic, 48 0 n.o.s., flash point more than 61 degrees C and boiling point less than 300 degrees C. G Isocyanates, toxic, n.o.s. or 6.1 UN2206 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L E 25, 40, Isocyanate solutions, toxic, 48 n.o.s., flash point more than 61 degrees C and boiling point less than 300 degrees C. Isocyanalobenzotrifluoddes ........ 6.1 UN2285 II 6.1, 3 5, B101, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L D 25, 40, 48 Isoheptenes................................ 3 UN2287 11 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Isohexenes................................. 3 UN2288 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Isooctane, see Octanes ............. .................... ............ .......... Isooctenes.................................. 3 UN1216 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B lsopentane, see Pentane ........... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Isopentanoic acid, see Corrosive .................... ............ .......... liquids, n.o.s. Wt• Isopentenes................................ 3 UN2371 1 3 ......... T20 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E Isophorone diisocyanate ............ 6.1 UN2290 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B 40 N Isophoronediamine ..................... 8 UN2289 III 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Isoprene, inhibited ....................1. 3 UN1218 I 3 ......... T20 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E p Isopropanol or Isopropyl alcohol 3 UN1219 It 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B • • • • 00 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued 00 (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp-Label class or Di- tion Num- PG Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger C argo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only Lam_ tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Isopropenyl acetate .................... 3 UN2403 11 3 ......... T1 150...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Isopropenylbenzene ................... 3 UN2303 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isopropyl acetate ........................ 3 UN1220 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Isopropyl acid phosphate ........... 8 UN1793 111 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Isopropyl alcohol, see .................... ............ .... I..... ......... ......... .................... .................... Isopropanol. Isopropyl butyrate ............ I.......... 3 UN2405 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isopropyl chloroacetate .............. 3 UN2947 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isopropyl chlorofonnate .............. 6.1 UN2407 1 6.1.3, 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 4C 8. B74, B77, T38, T43, T45 Isopropyl 2-chloropropionate ...... 3 UN2934 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isopropyl isobutyrate .................. 3 UN2406 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B + Isopropyl isocyanate .................. 3 UN2483 1 3, 6.1 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C B72, T38, T43, T44 Isopropylmercaptan, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Propanethiols. Isopropyl nitrate .......................... 3 UN1222 II 3 ......... T25 150 ...... 202 ..... None .. 5 L 60 L D Isopropyl phosphoric acid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Isopropyl acid phosphate. Isopropyl propionate ................... 3 UN2409 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Isopropylamine ........................... 3 UN1221 1 3,8 .... T20 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L E tsopropylbenzene ....................... 3 UN1918 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Isopropylcumy/ hydroperoxide, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... with more than 72 percent in solution. Isosorbide dinitrate mixture with 4.1 UN2907 11 4.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... None .. 15 kg 50 kg E not less than 60 percent lac- tose, mannose, starch or cal- cium hydrogen phosphate. Isosorbide -5 -mononitrate ........... 4.1 UN3251 III 4.1 ...... 66 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 11 Isothiocyanic acid ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Jet fuel, see Fuel aviation, tur. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... bine engine. D Jet perforating guns, charged oil 1.1D NA0124 II 1.1D ... 55,56 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A 24E well, with detonator. D Jet perforating guns, charged oil 1AD NA0494 11 1AD ... 55,56 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B wall with detonator. Jet perforating guns, charged oil 1.1D UN0124 II 1.10 ... 55 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B (DW well, without detonator. Jet perforating guns, charged, 1AD UN0494 II 1.41) ... 55,114 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 300 kg A 24E (D oil well, without detonator. Jet perforators, see Charges, .................... ............ ..... I.... ......... ......... .................... n shaped, commercial etc. Jet tappers, without detonator. .................... ............ .......... ........I ......... .................... ......... I.......... 7 see Charges, shaped com- C• mercial, etc Jet thrust igniters, for rocket mo- .................... ............ .......... ......... Vf tors or Jato, see Igniters. N Jet thrust unit (Jato), see Rocket .................... ............ .......... ......... motors. O Kerosene.................................... 3 UN1223 III 3 ......... Bt, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A — G Ketones, liquid, n.o.s .................. 3 UN1224 1 3 ......... T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 0 ...................................................1. ................... III 3 ......... Bt, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A (Q Krypton, compressed ................. 2.2 UN1056 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A Q Krypton, refrigerated liquid (cryo- 2.2 UN1970 2.2 ...... 320 ...... None .. None .. 50 kg 500 kg B 3 genic liquid). of Lacquer base or lacquer chips. .................... ............ .......... ......... .................... nitrocellulose, dry, see Nitro- Q. cellulose, etc. (UN 2557). Lacquer base or lacquer chips. .................... ............ .......... ......... plastic, wet with alcohol or solvent, see Nitrocellulose 0 (UN 2059, UN 2060, UN O 2555, UN2556) or Paint etc. (UN1263). Lead acetate .............................. 6.1 UN1616 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Lead arsenates .......................... 6.1 UN1617 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Lead arsenites ............................ 6.1 UN1618 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Lead azide (dry) ......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lead azide, wetted with not less 1.1A UN0129 II 1.lA ... 111, 117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E than 20 percent water or mix- ture of alcohol and water, by mass. Lead compounds, soluble, n.o.s 6.1 UN2291 Ill 6.1 ...... 138 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ............ Lead cyanide .............................. 6.1 UN1620 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 26 Lead dioxide ............................... 5.1 UN1872 111 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 34 Lead dross, see Lead sulfate. .................... ............ ......•... with more than 3 percent free acid. D Lead mononitroresorcinate ........ 1.1A NA0473 11 1.1A ... 111, 117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E Lead nitrate................................ 5.1 UN1469 11 5.1, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A (4f Lead nitroresominate (dry) ......... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lead perchlorate, solid ............... 5.1 UN1470 II 5.1, 6.1 T8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, N 106 Lead perchlorate, solution .......... 5.1 UN1470 II 5.1, 6.1 T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L A 56, 58, p 106 • • s O O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued n T (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging 6173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Gass or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Exc Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air - bons ns bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (108) Leadperoxide, see Lead dioxide .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lead phosphite, dibasic ............. 4.1 UN2989 II 4.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg B 34 ..................................................... .................... III 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 34 Lead picrate (dry) ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lead styphnate (dry) .................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lead styphnate, welled or Lead 1.1A UN0130 II 1.1A ... 111,117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E trinitroresorcinate, wetted with not less than 20 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass. Lead sulfate with more than 3 8 UN1794 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A percent free acid. Lead trinitroresorcinate, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Lead styphnate, etc. Life-saving appliances, not self 9 UN3072 None .. None .... 219 ..... None .. No limit No limit A inflating containing dangerous goods as equipment. Life-saving appliances, self in- 9 UN2990 None .. None .... 219 ..... None .. No limit No limit A flating. Lighterreplacement cartridges .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .......... I......... .................... containing liquefied petroleum gases (and similar devices, each not exceeding 65 grams), see Lighters or lighter refillsetc. containing flam- mable gas, D Lighters for cigars, cigarettes, 3 NA1226 II 3 ......... N10 None .... 21 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B etc., with lighter fluids. Lighters, fuse .............................. IAS UN0131 II 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Lighters or Lighter refills riga- 2.1 UN1057 2.1 ...... N10 None .... 21,308 None .. 1 kg 15 kg B 4( rettes, containing flammable gas. Lime, unslaked, see Calcium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... oxide. G Liquefied gas, flammable, n.o.s 2.1 UN3161 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 4C 315. G Liquefied gas, n.o.s .................... 2.2 UN3163 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 315. n T 0 0 0 G GI GI GI GI GI GI GI GI 00 r-� G G G G G G G G GI Liquefied gas, oxidizing, n.o.s .... 2.2 UN3157 306 ...... I :304 ..._ 314, 75 kg 150 kg D M 315. 0 Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, 2.3 UN3308 ............ 2.3, 8 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Q n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A. n Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, 2.3 UN3308 ............ 2.3, 8 2 None .... :304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 :r n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. B. Q Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, 2.3 UN3308 ............ 2.3, 8 3 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 - N n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. ,Q C. lD Liquefied gas, toxic, corrosive, 2.3 UN3308 ............ 2.3, 8 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 n n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. Q D. Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3309 ............ 2.3, 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 17,40 corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, Hazard Zone A. 8. Liquefied gas toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3309 ............ 2.3, 2 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40 3 corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, 315. N Hazard Zone B. B. 17,40 Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3309 ............ 2.3, 3 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, 315. a 3 Hazard Zone C. 8. Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3309 ............ 2.3, 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 40 7 corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, 315. - Hazard Zone D. 8. Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3160 2.3, 2.1 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 0 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A. Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3160 2.3, 2.1 2, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. B. Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3160 2.3, 2.1 3, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315• C. Liquefied gas, toxic, flammable, 2.3 UN3160 2.3, 2.1 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. D. Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inha- 2.3 UN3162 2.3 ...... 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 lation Hazard Zone A. Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inha- 2.3 UN3162 2.3 ...... 2, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 lation Hazard Zone B. 315. Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inha- 2.3 UN3162 2.3 ...... 3, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 lation Hazard Zone C. 315. f,0f Liquefied gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inha- 2.3 UN3162 2.3 ...... 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 lation Hazard Zone D. 315. v Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3310 ............ 2.3, 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 5.1, 90 Q Hazard Zone A. 8. r-� 00 N • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued 12 V N O A 10 n T M 9 ri C (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard class Di- ass o Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bare Codes provisions Passenger Cargo air• 7(1A Bulk aircraf /rail craft only _ Ltion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (106) GI Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3310 ............ 2.3, 2 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, 315. 90 Hazard Zone B. 8. GI Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3310 ............ 2.3, 3 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, 315. 90 HazC. Zone 8. GI Liquefiedard gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3310 ............ 2.3, 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation 2.1, 315. 90 Hazard Zone D. 8. G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3307 ............ 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A. G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3307 ............ 2.3, 5.1 2 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 4C n.o.s Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. B. G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3307 ............ 3 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 4C n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. C. G Liquefied gas, toxic, oxidizing, 2.3 UN3307 ............ 2.3, 5.1 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 4C n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone 315. D. Liquefied gases, non-flammable 2.2 UN1058 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A charged with nitrogen, carbon dioxide or air. Liquefied hydrocarbon gas. see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Hydrocarbon gases, liquefied, n.o.s., etc. Liquefied natural gas, see Meth- .................... ............ .......... ......... I........ ..... I.............. .................... ane, etc. (UN 1972). Liquefied petroleum gas see Pe- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... troleum gases, liquefied. Lithium ........................................ 4.3 UN1415 1 4.3 ...... A7, A19, 8100, None .... 211 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E N45 Lithium acetylide ethylene- .................... ....... I.... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... diamine complex, see Water reactive solid etc. Lithium alkyls .............................. 4.2 UN2445 1 4.2, 4.3 B11, T28, T40 None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D I thi— Mi—intim hvdride .......... 4.3 UN1410 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100. None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 12 V N O A 10 n T M 9 ri C • • • Lithium aluminum hydride, ethe- 4.3 UN1411 1 4.3, 3 A2, A3, All, N34 None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 1 L D 40 real. Lithium batteries, contained in 9 UN3091 11 9 ......... 29 185(i) ... 185 ..... None .. 5 kg 5 kg A N Q equipment. Lithium batteries packed with 9 UN3091 II 9 ......... 29 185 ...... 185 ..... None .. 5 kg gross 35 kg gross A ............ (� equipment. S Lithium battery ............................ 9 UN3090 11 9 ......... 29 185 ...... 185 ..... None .. 5 kg 35 kg gross A C) Lithium borohydride .................... 4.3 UN1413 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 3 CL Lithium ferrosilicon ..................... 4.3 UN2830 II 4.3 ...... A19, B105, 8106 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 40, 85, 103 U Lithium hydride ........................... 4.3 UN1414 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E (D Lithium hydride, fused solid ....... 4.3 UN2805 II 4.3 ...... A8, A19, A20, 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E n 8101, 8106 Q Lithium hydroxide, monohydrate 8 UN2680 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A — or Lithium hydroxide, solid. T Lithium hydroxide, solution ........ 8 UN2679 11 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 0 .................... III 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 96 fQ ..................................................... Lithium hypochlorite, dry or Lith- 5.1 UN1471 11 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 48, 56, fl ium hypochlorite mixtures, dry. 58, 69, 3 106, H 116 D Lithiumin cartridges, see Lith- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... a ium. Lithium nitrate ............................. 5.1 UN2722 III 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A _. 3 Lithium nitride ............................. 4.3 UN2806 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8101, B106, None .... 211 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 00 N40 W Lithium peroxide ......................... 5.1 UN1472 II 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... None .. 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, 106 0 Lithium silicon ............................. 4.3 UN1417 II 4.3 ...... A19, A20, B105, 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 85,103 8106 LNG, see Methane etc. (UN .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 1972). London purple ............................ 6.1 UN1621 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A LPG, see Petroleum gases, liq. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........ I........... .................... uefied. Lye, see Sodium hydroxide, so- .................... ........ I... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... lutions. Magnesium alkyls ....................... 4.2 UN3053 1 B11, T28, T29, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 T40 gnesiude. aluminum Magnesium 4.3 UN1419 1 4.3, 6.1 A19, B100, N34, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 40.85 N40 I 11 Magnesium arsenate .................. 6.1 UN1622 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Magnesiumbisulrite solution . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Bisulfites, aqueous solu- tions, n.o.s. Magnesium bromate .................. 5.1 UN1473 II 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, --� 106 N Magnesium chlorate ................... 5.1 UN2723 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 O Magnesium diamide ................... 4.2 UN2004 11 4.2 ...... A8, A19, A20 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C -r 0 0 0 r� tb .ice § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O 8 9 (§173.--') 1 Hazard Identifies• Packaging ( Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials desenp- Gass or Di- lion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Exesp- Non- Bulk Passener ggo Car air - Ltion- tions bulk aircraf /rail craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (BB) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (106) Magnesium diphenyl .................. 4.2 UN2005 1 4.2 ...... None .... 187 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C Magnesium dross, wet or hot .... Forbidden ........... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Magnesium fluorosilicate ............ 6.1 UN2853 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 26 Magnesium granules, coated 4.3 UN2950 111 4.3 ...... Al, A19, B108 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A particle size not less than 149 microns. Magnesium hydride .................... 4.3 UN2010 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E Magnesium or Magnesium al- 4.1 UN1869 III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 39 loys with more than 50 per- cent magnesium in pellets, turnings or ribbons. Magnesium nitrate ...................... 5.1 UN1474 111 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Magnesium perchlorate .............. 5.1 UN1475 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Magnesium peroxide .................. 5.1 UN1476 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, 106 Magnesium phosphide ............... 4.3 UN2011 1 A19, N40 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg E 40,85 Magnesium, powder or Magne- 4.3 UN1418 1 4.3, 4.2 A19, B56 None .... 211 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 15 kg A 35 sium alloys, powder. .............................................. .................... II 4.3, 4.2 A19, 856, 8101, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 35 8106 ..................................................... .................... III A19, B56, 8106, None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 35 B108 Magnesiumscrap, see Magne- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... sium, etc. (UN 1869). Magnesium silicide ..................... 4.3 UN2624 11 4.3 ...... A19, A20, 8105, 151 ...... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 85, 10; B106 Magnetizedmaterial, see sec- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ......... I.......... tion 173.21. D Maleic acid ................................. 8 NA2215 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Maleic anhydride ........................ 8 UN2215 111 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A MalononiMle ............................... 6.1 UN2647 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 11 Mancozeb(manganese .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ethylenebisdithiocarbamate complex with zinc) see Maneb. Maneb or Maneb preparations 4.2 UN2210 111 4.2, 4.3 57, A1, A19, 8105 None .... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 34 with not less than 60 percent manah V N O • 0 • Maneb stabilized orManeb 4.3 UN2968 III 4.3 ...... 54, Al, A19, 8108 151 ...... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 34 preparations, stabilized against self -heating. Manganese nitrate ..................... 5.1 UN2724 III 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q Manganese resinate ................... 4.1 UN1330 III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 k9 A n Mannitan tetranitrate .................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... =r Mannitol hexanitrate (dry) .......... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Mannitol hexanitrale, wetted or 1.1D UN0133 II 1.1D ... 121 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Nitromannile, wetted with not Q less than 40 percent water, or N mixture of alcohol and water, by mass. n Marin pollutants, liquid or solid . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q n.o.s., see Environmentally — hazardous substances, liquid T or solid, n.o.s. Matches, block, see Matches . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 'strike anywhere'. Q Matches, fusee ........................... 4.1 UN2254 III 4.1 ...... 186 ...... 186 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A Matches, safety (book, card or 4.1 UN1944 III 4.1 ...... 186 ...... 186 ..... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A N strike on box). D Matches, strike anywhere .......... 4.1 UN1331 III 4.1 ...... 186 ...... 186 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Q. Matches, wax, Vesta .................. 4.1 UN1945 III 4.1 ...... 186 ...... 186 ..... None .. 25 kg 100 kg B 3 Mattingacid, see Sulfuric add ... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Medicine, liquid, flammable, 3 UN3248 II 3, 6.1 36 None .... 202 ..... None .. 1 L 5 L B 40 00 r_n toxic, n.o.s. 0 .................................................... ...... I............. 111 3, 6.1 36 150 ...... 203 ..... None .. 5 L 5 L A Medicine, liquid, toxic, n.o.s ....... 6.1 UN1851 II 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 5 L C 40 .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 5 L C 40 ..................................................... Medicine, solid, toxic, n.o.s ........ 6.1 UN3249 II 6.1 ...... 36 153 ...... 212 ..... None .. 5 kg 5 kg C 40 .................... III 6.1 ...... 36 153 ...... 213 ..... None .. 5 kg 5 kg C 40 ..................................................... D Medicines, corrosive, liquid, 8 NA1760 II 8 ......... B3 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 n.o.s. .................... III 8 ......... 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 ..................................................... D Medicines, corrosive, solid, n.o.s 8 NA1759 11 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A .................... III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ..................................................... D Medicines, flammable, liquid, 3 NA1993 1 3 ......... 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E n.o.s. .................... II 3 ......... 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A D Medicines, flammable, solid, 4.1 NA1325 II 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B n.o.s. D Medicines, oxidizing substance, 5.1 NA1479 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg B 56, 58, solid, n.o.s. 69, 106 Memtetrahydrophthalic anhy. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... CO dride, see Corrosive liquids, V n.o.s. Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, 3 UN3336 1 3 ......... T23 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 95 n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixture, O liquid, flammable, n.o.s.. —' 00 M • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued �0 10 M Q M • (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica-Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Gass or Di- bon Num- Pt; Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca- bons bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (813) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 95 ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B 95 Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, 3 UN1228 II 3, 6.1 T13 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 60 L B 40,95 toxic, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mix- tures, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 3, 6.1 B1. T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 220 L A 40,95 Mercaptans, liquid, toxic, flam- 6.1 UN3071 11 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L C 40,121 mable, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid, toxic, flam- mable, n.o.s., flash point not less than 23 degrees C. 5-Mercaptoletrazol-1-acetic acid IAC UN0448 II 1.4C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 1E, 5E, 24E Mercuric arsenate ...................... 6.1 UN1623 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercuric chloride ........................ 6.1 UN1624 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercuric compounds, see Mer- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... cury compounds, etc. Mercuric nitrate .......................... 6.1 UN1625 11 6.1 ...... N73 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100kg A + Mercuric potassium cyanide ...... 6.1 UN1626 1 6.1 ...... N74, N75 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 26 Mercuric sulfocyanate, see Mer- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... cury thiocyanate. Mercurol, see Mercury nucleate .................... ............ .......... ......... ...... I.. .................... .................... Mercurousazide ......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Mercurous compounds, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Mercury compounds, etc. Mercurous nitrate ....................... 6.1 UN1627 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A A, W Mercury ...................................... 8 UN2809 III 8 ......... 164 ...... 164 ..... 240 ..... 35 kg 35 kg B 40, 97 Mercury acetate ......................... 6.1 UN1629 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury acetylide ....................... Forbidden ............. Mercury ammonium chloride ...... 6.1 UN1630 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury based pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2778 1 3, 6.1 None .... 01 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 4( flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... .................... II 3. 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 4( Mercury based pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3012 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1L 30 L B 4( toxic. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 T14 ( 111 6.1 ...... T14 1153e...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 2 0 L A 4( �0 10 M Q M • • • • A 00 v Mercury based pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3011 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic, flammable, flashpoint V1 not less than 23 degrees C. fD ............................... .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Q ..................................................... ... I................ III 6. 1, 3 T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 n Mercury based pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2777 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 :r toxic. Q ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 D. ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 Mercury benzoate 6.1 UN1631 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg AN Mercury bromides ...................... 6.1 UN1634 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A fD Mercury compounds, liquid, 6.1 UN2024 1 6.1 ...... None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 n n.o.s. Q ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 .................... 111 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B 40 T Mercury compounds, solid, n.o.s 6.1 UN2025 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50kg A ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A i0 a ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Q Mercury contained in manufac- 8 UN2809 III 8 ......... None .... 164 ..... None .. No limit No limit B 40, 97 3 tured articles. CA Mercury cyanide ......................... 6.1 UN1636 II 6.1 ...... N74, N75 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 26 Mercury fulminate, wetted with 1.1A UN0135 II 1.1IA ... 111, 117 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E Q• not less than 20 percent 3 water, or mixture of alcohol 3 and water, by mass. Mercury gluconate ...................... 6.1 UN1637 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A p Mercury iodide, solid .................. 6.1 UN1638 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A O Mercury iodide aquabasic Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ammonobasic (Iodide of Millon's base). Mercury iodide, solution ............. 6.1 UN1638 II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Mercury nitride ........................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Mercury nucleate ........................ 6.1 UN1639 It 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury oleate ........................... 6.1 UN1640 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury oxide ............................. 6.1 UN1641 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercuryoxycyanide ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Mercury oxycyanide, desen- 6.1 UN1642 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 26, 91 sitized. Mercury potassium iodide .......... 6.1 UN1643 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury salicylate ...................... 6.1 UN1644 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury sulfates ......................... 6.1 UN1645 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mercury thiocyanate ................... 6.1 UN1646 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Mesityl oxide .............................. 3 UN1229 111 3 ......... B1, T1 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Metal alkyl halides, water-reac- 4.2 UN3049 1 4.2, 4.3 B9, B11, T28, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ to tive n.o.s. or Mehl aryl T29, T40 halides, water -reactive, n.o.s.. V N Metal alkyl hydrides, water-reac- 4.2 UN3050 1 4.2, 4.3 B9, B11. T28, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ live, n.o.s. or Metal aryl hy- T29, T40 0 drides, water -reactive, n.o.s.. 00 00 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued V N O _ (8) _- (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging 6173."") Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age -- bots ng nap- tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- - dons bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only t oca Other tion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Metal alkyls, water -reactive, 4.2 UN2003 1 B11, T42 None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden G ............ n.o.s. or Metal aryls, water -re- active n.o.s.. D Metal alkyl, solution, n.o.s .......... 3 NA9195 II 3 ......... 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ....,. 1 L 4 L B Metal carbonyls, n.o.s ................ 6.1 UN3281 1 6.1 ...... 5 None .... 201 ..... 243..... 1 L 30 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243.... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ...... 60 L 220 L A, 40 Metal catalyst, dry ...................... 4.2 UN2881 1 4.2 ...... N34 None .... 187 ..... None Forbidden Forbidden C ..................................................... .................... II 4.2 ...... N34 None .... 187 ..... 242 ...... Forbidden 50 kg C. ..................................................... .................... III 4.2 ...... N34 241 ...... 187 ..... None .. 25 kg 100 kg C Metal catalyst, wetted with a 4.2 UN1378 II 4.2 ...... A2, A8, N34 None .... 212 ..... None .. Forbidden 50 kg C visible excess of liquid. Metal hydrides, flammable, n.o.s 4.1 UN3182 II 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E ..................................................... .................... III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ...... 25 kg 100 kg E'. Metal hydrides, water reactive, 4.3 UN1409 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N34, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D n.o.s. N40 ..................................................... .................... 11 4.3 ...... A19, 8101, B106, 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D N34, N40 Metal powder, self -heating, n.o.s 4.2 UN3189 II 4.2 ...... None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C .............................................. I...... ..................I. III 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg C: Metal powders, flammable, n.o.s 4.1 UN3089 II 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ...... 15 kg 50 kg B ...................... I ........................... ... .................... III 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 213 ..... 240.. 25 kg 100 kg 8 Metal salts of methyl nitramine Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (dry) G Metal salts of organic com- 4.1 UN3181 II 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 212 ..... 240.... 15 kg 50 kg B 4C pounds, flammable, n.o.s. ................................................ .................... III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 25 kg 100 kg B 4C Metaldehyde ............................... 4.1 UN1332 111 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..,.. 25 kg 100 kg A, G Metallic substance, water-reac- 4.3 UN3208 1 4.3 ...... B101, 8106 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..,.. Forbidden 15 kg E'. 4C live, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 4.3 ...... B101, 8106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ...... 15 kg 50 kg E 4C ..................................................... .................... III 4.3 ...... B105, B108 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 4C G Metallic substance, water-reac- 4.3 UN3209 1 8100 Nate .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 4C live, self -heating, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 4.3, 4.2 8101, 8106 Norte .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 4C ..................................................... .................... III B101.8106 None .... 213 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 40 Methacrylaldehyde, inhibited ...... 3 UN2396 II 3, 6.1 45,T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L E 4C Methw ,lin acid. inhibited .......... 8 UN2531 111 8 ......... T8. T47 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A V N O 0 0 0 I D Methacrylonitrile, inhibited .......... 3 UN3079 1 3, 6.1 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 12, 40, B74, T38, T43, 48 H T45 fD Methallyl alcohol ...................... ... 3 UN2614 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A fl Methane and hydrogen, mix- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ................... .................... () tures, see Hydrogen and 0 methane, mixtures, etc. Q Methane, compressed or Natural 2.1 UN1971 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 302 ..... Forbidden 150 kg E 40 Q. gas, compressed (with high methane content). N Methane, refrigerated liquid 2.1 UN1972 2.1 ...... None .... None .. 318 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 (cryogenic liquid) or Natural A gas, refrigerated liquid (cryo- Q genic liquid), with high meth- ane content). T Methanesulfonyl chloride ........... 6.1 UN3246 1 6.1, 8 2, 25, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 O B32, B74, T38, (Q T43, T45 Q Methanol ..................................... 3 UN1230 II 3, 6.1 T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 60 L 6 40 Methanol ..................................... 3 UN1230 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 y Methazoicacid ........................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... > D 4-Methoxy-4-methylpentan-2- 3 UN2293 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A CL one. 1 -Methoxy -2 -propanol ................ 3 UN3092 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A _. Methoxymethyl isocyanate ......... 3 UN2605 1 3, 6.1 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 872, T38, T43, T44 0 Methyl acetate ............................ 3 UN1231 11 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Methyl acetylene and propa- 2.1 UN1060 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 diene mixtures, stabilized. 315. Methyl acrylate, inhibited ........... 3 UN1919 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Methyl alcohol. see Methanol .... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Methyl allyl chloride .................... 3 UN2554 II 3 ......... B101, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Methylamyl ketone, see Amyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... methyl ketone. Methyl bromide ........................... 2.3 UN1062 2.3 ...... 3, B14 None .... 193 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40 315. Methyl bromide and chloropicrin .................... ............ .......... ......... mixtures with more than 2 percent chloropicrin, see Chloropicrin and methyl bro- mide mixtures. Methyl bromide and chloropicrin .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... mixtures with not more than 2 percent chloropicnn, see roi Methyl bromide. Methyl bromide and ethylene 6.1 UN1647 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 N dibromide mixtures, liquid. B74, N65, T38, T43, T45 p Methyl bromoacetale .................. 6.1 UN2643 II 6.1 ...... B100, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L D 40 CD O • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O A �O n A r'G n pr I I 10 �O M CL =i O v (8) (9) (10) Hazard Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air - bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Lova- Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (BC) (9A) (913) (1 OA) (10B) 2 -Methyl -l -butene ...................... 3 UN2459 1 3 ......... T14 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 2 -Methyl -2 -butene ...................... 3 UN2460 11 3 ......... T14 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 3 -Methyl -l -butene ...................... 3 UN2561 1 3 ......... T20 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E Methyl ten -butyl ether ................ 3 UN2398 II 3 ......... B101, T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Methyl butyrate ........................... 3 UN1237 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Methyl chloride, or Refrigerant 2.1 UN1063 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 5 kg 100 kg D 40 gas R 40. 315. Methyl chloride and chloropicrin .................... ............ .......... mixtures, see Chloropicrin and methyl chloride mixtures. Methyl chloride and methylene 2.1 UN1912 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 40 chloride mixtures. 315. Methyl chloroacetate .................. 6.1 UN2295 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L D ............ Methyl chlorocarbonate, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ............. Methyl chloroformate........ Methyl chloroform, see 1,1.1 -Tri . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... chloroethane. Methyt chlorofornate .................. 6.1 UN1238 1 6.1, 3, 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 40, 8. B72, N34, T38, 100 T43, T44 Methyl chloromethyl ether .......... 6.1 UN1239 1 6.1, 3 1, 89, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B72, T38, T43, T44 Methyl 2-chloropropionate .......... 3 UN2933 III 3 ......... B1, T7 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Methyl dichloroacetate ............... 6.1 UN2299 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Methyl ethyl ether, see Ethyl .................... ............ methyl ether. Methyl ethyl ketone, see Ethyl .................... ............ .......... methyl ketone. Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in Forbidden ............ .......... solution with more than 9 per- cent by mass active oxygen. 2-Methyl-5-ethylpyridine ............. 6.1 UN2300 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Methyl fluoride, or Refrigerant 2.1 UN24542.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 gas R 41. 315. Methyl formate ........................... 3 UN1243 1 3 ......... T20 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 2-Methyl-2-heptanethiol .............. 6.1 UN3023 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, 814, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40,102 B74, T38, T43, T45 V N O A �O n A r'G n pr I I 10 �O M CL =i O v Methyl iodide .............................. 6.1 UN2644 1 6.1 ...... 2, 89, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 12,40 (D B74, T38, T43, T45 (D Methyl isobutyl carbinol .............. 3 UN2053 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Methyl isobutyl ketone ............... 3 UN1245 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B n Methyl isobutyl ketone peroxide, Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 7' in solution with more than 9 Q percent by mass active oxy- D n. gen. Methyl isocyanate ...................... 6.1 UN2480 1 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 26,40 C B72, T38, T43, (D T44 Methyl isopropenyl ketone, in- 3 UN1246 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Q hibiled. - Methyl isothiocyanate ................. 6.1 UN2477 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A ............ B74, T38, T43, p T45 (Q Methyl isovalerate 3 UN2400 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Q Methyl magnesium bromide, in 4.3 UN1928 1 4.3, 3 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L D 3 ethyl ether. N Methyl mercaptan ....................... 2.3 UN1064 2.3, 2.1 3, B7, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40 D 315. Q Methyl.................... ..... I...... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... mercaptopropionaldehyde, '-" see Thia-4-pentanal. Methyl methacrylate monomer, 3 UN1247 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 v inhibited. Methyl nitramine (dry) ................ Forbidden ............ .......... I........ ......... .................... .................... Methylnitrate .............................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Methylnitrite ............................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Methyl norbomene dicarboxylic .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... anhydride, see Corrosive liq- uids, n.o.s. Methyl orthosilicate .................... 6.1 UN2606 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 40 B74, T38, T43, T45 D j Methyl parathion liquid ............... 6.1 NA3018 11 6.1 ...... N76, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L A 40 D Methyl parathion solid ................ 6.1 NA2783 11 6.1 ...... N77 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 D Methyl phosphonic dichloride ..... 6.1 NA9206 1 6.1, 8 2, A3, 39, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C B32, B74, N34, N43, T38, T43, T45 Methyl phosphonothioic dichlo- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ride, anhydrous, see Corro- sive liquid, n.o.s. D Methyl phosphonous dichlo- 6.1 NA2845 1 6.1, 4.2 2, B9, B14, 816, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 ride,pyrophoric liquid. 832, 874, T38, V T43, T45 Methyl picric acid (heavy metal Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... p salts 00. -' CD N • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip• Hazard class or Di- Idenlifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air - tions tions bulk Bulk Passenger craft only Loon Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (1013) Methyl propionate ....................... 3 UN1248 II 3 ......... B101, T2 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Methyl propyl ether .................... 3 UN2612 II 3 ......... T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 40 Methyl propyl ketone .................. 3 UN1249 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Methyl sulfate, see Dimethyl sul. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... fate. Methyl sulfide, see Dimethyl sul. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... fide. Methyl trichloroacetate ............... 6.1 UN2533 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Methyl trimethylol methane Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... trinitrate. Methyl vinyl ketone, stabilized ... 6.1 UN1251 1 6.1.3, 1, 25, B9, B14, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 4C 8. B30, B72, T38, T43, T44 Memylal...................................... 3 UN1234 II 3 ......... T14 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Methylamine, anhydrous ............ 2.1 UN1061 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 4C 315. Methylamine, aqueous solution 3 UN1235 11 3,8 .... B1, T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 41 Methylamine dinitramine and dry Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... salts thereof. Methylamine nitroform ................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Methylamine perchlorate (dry) ... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Methylamyl acetate .................... 3 UN1233 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A N-Methylaniline ........................... 6.1 UN2294 III 6.1 ...... 77 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220L A alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol ........ 6.1 UN2937 III 6.1 ...... T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 3-Melhylbutan-2-one .................. 3 UN2397 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B N-Methylbutylamine .................... 3 UN2945 II 3,8 .... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 4( Methylchlorosilane ...................... 2.3 UN2534 2.3, 2, A2, A3, A7, B9, None .... 226 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 17, 4C 2.1, B14, N34 315. 8. Methylcyclohexane ..................... 3 UN2296 II 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Melhylcyclohexanols, flammable 3 UN2617 III 3 ......... B1, T2 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Methylcyclohexanone ................. 3 UN2297 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Methylcyclopentane.................... 3 UN2298 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B D Methyldichloroarsine .................. 6.1 NA1556 1 6.1 ...... 2 None .... 192 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 9! Methyldichlorosilane ................... 4.3 UN1242 1 4.3, 8, A2, A3, A7, B6, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L D 21.28 3. B77, N34, T16, 40,49 T26.................... 10( Methylene chloride, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... rlirhlnrnmethane. • • • Methylene glycol dinitrate .......... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... fD 2-Methytfuran ............................. 3 UN2301 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E H a-Methylglucoside tetranitrate .... Forbidden ............ .......... I........ ......... ............ I....... .................... a-Methylglycerol thnitrate ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q 5-Meth Ihexan-2-one 3 UN2302 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A n Methylhydrazine ......................... 6.1 UN1244 I 6.1, 3, 1, B7, B9, B14, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 21, 40, :' 8. B30, B72, 877, 49,100 Q N34, T38, T43, Q. T44 4-Methylmorpholine or n- 3 UN2535 II 3,8 .... B6, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 ( methylmorpholine. 10 (D Methylpentadienes ..................... 3 UN2461 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E n 2-Methylpentan-2-ol ................... 3 UN2560 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Methylpentanes, see Hexanes ... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... _ Methylphenyldichlorosilane ........ 8 UN2437 II 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 1-Methylpiperidine ...................... 3 UN2399 It 3,8 .... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B O Methyltetrahydrofuran ................ 3 UN2536 II 3 ......... B101, T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B (� Methyltrichlorosilane ................... 3 UN1250 1 3,8 .... A7, 86, B77, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L B 40 Q T14, T26 3 alpha-Methylvaleraldehyde ........ 3 UN2367 II 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B CO Mine rescue equipment con- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... D raining carbon dioxide, see 0. Carbon dioxide. Mines with bursting charge ........ 1.1F UN0136 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Mines with bursting charge ........ 1.1D UN0137 II 1.11) ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E W Mines with bursting charge ........ 1.2D UN0138 II 1.21) ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E Mines with bursting charge ........ 1.2F UN0294 II 1.21' ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 0 Mixed acid, see Nitrating acid. .................... ............ .......... ......... ....... I. mixtures etc. Mobility aids, see Wheel chair. .................... ............ .......... ......... electric. D Model rocket motor .................... 1 AC NA0276 11 1.4C ... 51 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E D Model rocket motor .................... 1 AS NA0323 11 1 AS ... 51 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 9E Molybdenum pentachloride ........ 8 UN2508 III 8 ......... T8, T26 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg C 40 Monochloroacetone Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .... I............... .................... (unstabilized). Monochloroethylene, see Vinyl .................... ............ .......... ......... .................... chloride, inhibited. Monoethanolamine, see Etha. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... nolamine, solutions. Monoethylamine, see Ethyl- .................... ............ .......... ......... amine. Morpholine.................................. 3 UN2054 111 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Morpholine, aqueous, mixture. ............ ....I..... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. Motorfuel anti-knock com- .................... ............ .......... ......... .................... pounds see Motor fuel anti- N knock mixtures. + Motor fuel anti-knock mixtures ... 6.1 UN1649 1 6.1, 3 14, B9, B90, T26, None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 25,40 p T39 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued T V N CD (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descn Hazard class or Di- Identifica- tion Num- pG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bers Codes provisions Exce p- Non- Bulk Passenger 9 Car oair- Loca- tions bulk aircraf /rail cra only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Motorspirit, see Gasoline .......... .................... ............ I......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Muriaticacid, see Hydrochloric .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... acid solution. Muskxylene, see 5-tert . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ... I................ .................... Butyl2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene. Naphthasee Petroleum dis• .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tillates n.o.s. Naphthalene, crude or Naph- 4.1 UN1334 III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A thalene, refined. Naphthalene diozonide .............. Forbidden ............ ..... I.... ......... ......... .................... .................... Naphthalene, molten .................. 4.1 UN2304 III 4.1 ...... At, T8 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C beta -Naphthylamine ................... 6.1 UN1650 II 6.1 ...... T12, T26 None .... 212..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A alpha -Naphthylamine ................. 6.1 UN2077 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Naphthylamineperchlorate ......... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Naphthylthiourea ........................ 6.1 UN1651 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Naphthylurea .............................. 6.1 UN1652 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Naturalgases (with high meth- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ane content), see Methane, etc. (UN 1971, UN 1972). Neohexane, see Hexanes .......... .................... ............ .............. ......... .................... .................... Neon, compressed ..................... 2.2 UN1065 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 302 ..... 75 kg 150 kg A Neon, refrigerated liquid (cryo- 2.2 UN1913 2.2 ...... 320 ...... 316 ..... None .. 50 kg 500 kg B genic liquid). Newexplosive or explosive de- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... vice, see sections 173.51 and 173.56. Nickel carbonyl ........................... 6.1 UN1259 1 6.1, 3 1 None .... 198 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 18, 4( Nickel cyanide ............................ 6.1 UN1653 II 6.1 ...... N74, N75 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 2( Nickel nitrate .............................. 5.1 UN2725 III 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Nickel nitrite ................................ 5.1 UN2726 111 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 56, 5E Nickelpicrate .............................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nicotine ...................................... 6.1 UN1654 It 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Nicotine compounds, liquid, 6.1 UN3144 1 6.1 ...... A4, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 4( n.o.s. or Nicotine prepara- tions, liquid, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4( .............__... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B 4( T V N CD 0 0 0 Nicotine compounds, solid, 6.1 UN1655 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B M n.o.s. or Nicotine prepare- (D tions, solid, n.o.s. (D ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A n Nicotine hydrochloride or Nico- 6.1 UN1656 II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A tine hydrochloride solution. Q Nicotine salicylate ...................... 6.1 UN1657 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 7 Nicotine sulfate, solid ................. 6.1 UN1658 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q Nicotine sulfate, solution ............ 6.1 UN1658 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A C Nicotine tartrate .......................... 6.1 UN1659 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Nitrated paper (unstable) ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... Nitrates, inorganic, aqueous so- 5.1 UN3218 II 5.1 ...... 58, T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L B 46 Q• lution, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... 58, T8 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 46 y Nitrates, inorganic, n.o.s ............ 5.1 UN1477 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 46 ~O ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 46 (Q Nitrates of diazonium com- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... I.............. .................... O pounds. Nitrating acid mixtures, spent 8 UN1826 1 8, 5.1 T12, T27 None .... 158 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40,66 N with more than 50 percent ni- tric acid. a Nitrating acid mixtures spent 8 UN1826 11 8 ......... B2, 8100, T12, None .... 158 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 40 with not more than 50 percent T27 3 nitric acid. crr Nitrating acid mixtures with more 8 UN1796 1 8, 5.1 T12, T27 None .... 158 ..... 243..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40,66 v than 50 percent nitric acid. Nitrating acid mixtures with not 8 UN1796 11 8 ......... B2, T12, T27 None .... 158 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 40 0 more than 50 percent nitric acid. Nitric acid other than red fuming, 8 UN2031 1 8, 5.1 847, B53, T9, T27 None .... 158 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 44, 66, with more than 70 percent ni- 89, 90, tric acid. 110, 111 Nitric acid other than red fuming, 8 UN2031 11 8 ......... B2, B47, B53, T9, None .... 158 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L D 44, 66, with not more than 70 percent T27 89, 90, nitric acid. 110, 111 + Nitric acid, red fuming ................ 8 UN2032 1 8.5.1. 2, B9, B32, B74, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 66, 6.1. T38, T43, T45 74, 89, 90 Nitric oxide, compressed ............ 2.3 UN1660 2.3, 1, 837, B46, B50, None .... 337 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, 5.1, B60, B77 90 8. Nitric oxide and dinitrogen te- 2.3 UN1975 2.3, 1, B7, B9, B14, None .... 337 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, CO) troxide mixtures or Nitric oxide 5.1, B45, B46, B61, 90 and nitrogen dioxide mixtures. 8. B66, B67, 1377 v N G Nitriles, Flammable, toxic, n.o.s .. 3 UN3273 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L E 40, 52 ..................................................... .................... II 3, 6.1 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40,52 p G Nitriles, toxic, flammable, n.o.s .. 6.1 UN3275 1 6.1, 3 5 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Idenlifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca- tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 G es, toxic, n.o.s ... Nitril.................. 6.1 UN3276 1 6.1 ...... 5 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Nitrites, inorganic, aqueous solu- 5.1 UN3219 II 5.1 ...... T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1L 5 L B 46, 56, tion, n.o.s. 58 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... T8 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 46, 56, 58 Nitrites, inorganic, n.o.s ............. 5.1 UN2627 11 5.1 ...... 33 152 ...... 212 ..... None .. 5 kg 25 kg A 46, 56, 58 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride .. 6.1 UN2307 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4C 6-Nitro-4-diazotoluene-3-sulfonic Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... acid (dry). Nitro isobutane triol trinitrate ...... Forbidden ............ .......... ........I ......... .................... .................... N-Nitro-N-methylglycolamide ni- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... trate. 2-Nitro-2-methylpropanol nitrate Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitro urea ................................... 1.11) UN0147 II 1.1o... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E N-Nitroaniline .............................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... + Nitroanilines (o-; m-; p-;) ............ 6.1 UN1661 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ............ + Nitroanisole................................ 6.1 UN2730 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ........... + Nitrobenzene .............................. 6.1 UN1662 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4C m -Nitrobenzene diazonium per- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chlorate. Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid .......... 8 UN2305 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A Nitrobenzol, see Nitrobenzene ... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 5-Nitrobenzotriazol ..................... 1.1D UN0385 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E 19E Nitrobenzotrifluoddes ................. 6.1 UN2306 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 4( Nitrobromobenzenes liquid ........ 6.1 UN2732 III 6.1 ...... T8, T38 153 ....,. 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Nitrobromobenzenes solid ......... 6.1 UN2732 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Nitrocellulose, dry or wetted with 1.1 D UN0340 II 1.1 D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 4E less than 25 percent water (or 27E alcohol), by mass. Nitrocellulose membrane filters .. 4.1 UN3270 II 4.1 ...... 43, Al 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 1 kg 15 kg D Nitrocellulose, plasticized with 1.3C UN0343 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, SE not less than 16 percent plas- tiri7inn substance. by mass. 12 V N O 0 0 0 v Nitrocellulose, solution, Dam- 3 UN2059 It 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60L 8 M mable with not more than 12.6 percent nitrogen, by mass, Q and not more than 55 percent nitrocellulose. n .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A .................................................... Nitrocellulose, unmodified or 1.1D UN0341 11 1.10 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 4E, 7 plasticized with less than 16 27E D. percent plasticizing substance. N by mass. Nitrocellulose, wetted with not 1.3C UN0342 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E (D less than 25 percent alcohol, n by mass. F3 Nitrocellulose with alcohol with 4.1 UN2556 II 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 212 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg D 28 not less than 25 percent alco- hol by mass, and with not 0 more than 12.6 percent nitro- Q gen, by dry mass. Nitrocellulose, with not more 4.1 UN2557 II 4.1 ...... 44 151 ...... 212 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg D 28 N than 12.6 percent nitrogen, by D dry mass, or Nitrocellulose n' mixture with pigment or Nitro- 3 cellulose mixture with plasti- cizer or Nitrocellulose mixture with pigment and plasticizer. " Nitrocellulose with water with not 4.1 UN2555 II 4.1 ...... 151 ...... 212 ..... None .. 15 kg 50 kg E 28 0 less than 25 percent water, by mass. Nitrochlorobenzene, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chloronitrobenzenes etc. Nitrocresols................................ 6.1 UN2446 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Nitroethane................................. 3 UN2842 III 3 ......... 81, TB 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Nitroethylnitrate ......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitroethylene polymer ................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitrogen, compressed ................ 2.2 UN1066 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 315. Nitrogen dioxide, see Dinitrogen tetroxide. Nitrogen fertilizer solution. see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Fertilizer ammoniating solution eta Nitrogen, mixtures with rare .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... gases, see Rare gases and (M nitrogen mixtures. —+ Nitrogen peroxide, see .................... ........ I... .......... ......... ..... I... .................... .................... V N Dinitrogen tetroxide, liquefied. Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid cryo- 2.2 UN1977 2.2 ...... 320 ...... 316 ..... 318 ..... 50 kg 500 kg D p genic liquid. "' 00 W 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- p- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di• Identifica- bon Num- PG Label Special age bds tions and proper shipping names vision here Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Low - tions bulk aircratUrail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Nitrogen tetroxide and nitric .................... ............ .......... ......... oxide mixtures, see Nitric oxide and nitrogen tetroxide mixtures. Nitrogen tetroxide, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Dinitrogen tetroxide, liquefied. Nitrogentrichloride ..................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitrogen trifluoride, compressed 2.2 UN2451 ............ 2.2, 5.1 .............................. None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden 25 kg D 40 Nitrogen triiodide ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitrogen triiodide monoamine .... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitrogen trioxide ......................... 2.3 UN2421 2.3, 1 None .... 336 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 89, 5.1, 90 8. Nitroglycerin, desensitized with 1.1D UN0143 II 1.1D, 125 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 4E, not less than 40 percent non- 6.1. 21E volatile water insoluble phlegmatizer, by mass. Nitroglycerin, liquid, not desen- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ........... I........ .................... sitized. Nitroglycerin mixture, desen- 3 UN3343 ............ 3 ......... 129 None .... 214 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D ............ sitized, liquid, flammable, n.o.s. with not more than 30 percent nitroglycerin, by mass.. Nitroglycerin mixture, desen- 4.1 UN3319 II 4.1 ...... 118 None .... None .. None .. Forbidden 0.5 kg E ..........., sitized, solid, n.o.s. with more than 2 percent but not more than 10 percent nitroglycerin, by mass.. Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, 3 UN3064 II 3 ......... N8 None .... 202 ...... None .. Forbidden 5L E with more than 1 percent but not more than 5 percent nitro- glycerin. Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, 1.10 UN0144 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ........ None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E with more than 1 percent but 21E not more than 10 percent nilrogylcerin. Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol 3 UN1204 II 3 ......... N34, T25 None .... 202 ...... None .. 5 L 60L B with not more than 1 percent nitrnolvcarinrt 12 V N O Nitroguanidine nitrate ................. Forbidden ...................... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitroguanidine or Picrite, dry or 1.1D UN0282 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, SE CO wetted with less than 20 per- (D cent water, by mass. a Nilroguanidine, wetted or Picrile, 4.1 UN1336 1 4.1 ...... 23, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28 welted with not less than 20 N41 percent water, by mass. 1-Nitrohydantoin ......................... Forbidden ............ ......... ......... ......... .................... .................... a Nitrohydrochloric acid ................. 8 UN1798 1 8 ......... A3, B10, N41, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 40, 66, T18, T27 74, 89, C 90 Nitromannite (dry) ...................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... n Nitromannite, wetted, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Q Mannitol hexanitrate, etc. — Nitromelhane .............................. 3 UN1261 II 3 ......... T25 150 ...... 202 ..... None .. Forbidden 60 L A Nitromunaticacid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........................................ Nitrohydrochloric acid. Q Nitronaphthalene ........................ 4.1 UN2538 III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A + Nitrophenols (o-; m-; p-;) ............ 6.1 UN1663 111 6.1 ...... T8, T38 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ............ 3 m-Nitrophenyldinitro methane .... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N Nitropropanes ............................. 3 UN2608 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A D p-Nitrosodimethylaniline ............. 4.2 UN1369 11 4.2 ...... A19, A20, 8101, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 34 Q. N34 3. Nitroslarch, dry or wetted with 1 A D UN0146 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E less than 20 percent water, by C.0 tp mass. Nitrostarch, wetted with not less 4.1 UN1337 1 4.1 ...... 23, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg D 28 0 0 than 20 percent water, by N41 �-1 mass. Nitrosugars(dry) ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Nitrosyl chloride .......................... 2.3 UN1069 2.3, 8 3, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 315. Nitrosylsulfuric acid .................... 8 UN2308 11 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L D 40, 66, N34, T9, T27 74, 89, 90 Nitrotoluenes, liquid o-; m-; p-; .. 6.1 UN1664 It 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Nitrotoluenes, solid m-, or p- ..... 6.1 UN1664 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Nitrotoluidines (mono) ................ 6.1 UN2660 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Nitrotriazolone orNTO ............... 1.10 UN0490 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Nitrous oxide and carbon diox. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ide mixtures, see Carbon di- oxide and nitrous oxide mix- tures. Nitrous oxide .............................. 2.2 UN1070 2.2, 5.1 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 40 315. tOi Nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid 2.2 UN2201 ............ 2.2, B6 None .... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg B 40 —� 5.1.. 315. V N Nitroxylenes, (o-; m-; p-) ............ 6.1 UN1665 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Nitroxylol, see Nitroxylenes ........ .................... ............ .......... ......... .... I.... .................... .................... p Nonanes..................................... 3 UN1920 III 3 ......... 81, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A • • • N O O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued �o %O M 0. O 7 (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Specht age boll tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Loca- lion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Nonflammable gas, n.o.s., see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Compressed or Liquefied gases, etc. (UN 1955, UN 1956). Nonliquefied gases, see Com- .................... ............ .......... ......... pressed gases, etc. Nonliquefied hydrocarbon gas . .................... ............ ..... I.... ......... see Hydrocarbon gases, com- pressed, n.o.s. Nonyltdchlorosilane .................... 8 UN1799 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8, T26 Nordhausen acid, see Sulfuric .................... ............ .......... ......... acid, fuming etc. Octadecyltrichlorosilane ............. 8 UN1800 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6 N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8 Octadiene................................... 3 UN2309 II 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L 8 1,7-Octadine-3,5-diyne-1,8- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dimethoxy-9-octadecynoic acid. Octafluorobut-2-ene or Refhg- 2.2 UN2422 2.2 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A erant gas R 1318, 315. Oclafluorocyclobutane, or Re- 2.2 UN1976 2.2 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A frigerant gas R C318. 315, Octafluoropropaneor Refrigerant 2.2 UN2424 2.2 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A gas R 218. 315. Octanes ...................................... 3 UN1262 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Octogen, see .................... ............ .......... ......... Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine, etc. Octolite or Oclol, dry or wetted 1.11) UN0266 II 1.11) ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E with less than 15 percent water, by mass. Octonal....................................... 1.11) UN0496 1.1D ... None .... 62....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Octyl aldehydes .......................... 3 UN1191 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ............ Octyltrichlorosilane ..................... 8 UN1801 II 8 ......... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 4C T8, T26 Oil gas, compressed .................. 2.3 UN1071 2.3, 2.1 6 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 4C 315. nleum_ sea Sulfuric acid. fuminc .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... �o %O M 0. O 7 • • • G G G G G G G G G G G G G G lV G O ~ G G G G D Organic peroxide type A, liquid Forbidden 225 ..... None .. ............ or solid. D 12, 40 <D 53 None .... Organic peroxide type B, liquid .. 5.2 UN3101 II 5.2, 1 Organic peroxide type B, liquid, 5.2 UN3111 II 5.2, 1 temperature controlled. n 53 Organic peroxide type B, solid ... 5.2 UN3102 II 5.2, 1 Organic peroxide type B, solid, 5.2 UN3112 II 5.2, 1 temperature controlled. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 Q Organic peroxide type C, liquid 5.2 UN3103 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type C, liquid, 5.2 UN3113 II 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. None .. 5 L 10 L D Organic peroxide type C, solid .. 5.2 UN3104 11 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type C, solid, 5.2 UN3114 11 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. Organic peroxide type D, liquid 5.2 UN3105 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type D, liquid, 5.2 UN3115 It 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Organic peroxide type D, solid .. 5.2 UN3106 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type D, solid, 5.2 UN3116 II 5.2...... temperature controlled. 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. Organic peroxide type E, liquid .. 5.2 UN3107 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type E, liquid, 5.2 UN3117 II 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. 2,40 Organic peroxide type E, solid ... 5.2 UN3108 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type E, solid, 5.2 UN3118 II 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. D 12,40 ^Q None .... Organic peroxide type F, liquid .. 5.2 UN3109 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type F, liquid, 5.2 UN3119 II 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. N Organic peroxide type F, solid ... 5.2 UN3110 II 5.2 ...... Organic peroxide type F, solid, 5.2 UN3120 II 5.2 ...... temperature controlled. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 Q ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... Organic phosphate, mixed with 2.3 NA1955 2.3...... compressed gas or Organic None .. 10 kg 25 kg D phosphate compound, mixed None .... 225 ..... None .. with compressed gas or Or- Forbidden D 2,40 ganic phosphorus compound, 225 225 10 L 25 L mixed with compressed gas. 12, 40 ...... None .... ..... 225 ..... Organic pigments, self -heating .. 4.2 UN3313 III 4.2 ...... ..................................................... .................... III 4.2 ...... Organoarsenic compound, n.o.s 6.1 UN3280 1 6.1 ...... ..................................................... ...... I............. 10 kg II 6.1 ...... ..................................................... .................... None .... III 6.1 ...... Organochlorine pesticides liquid, 3 UN2762 1 3, 6.1 flammable, toxic, flash point 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L less than 23 degrees C. 40 3 None .... 334 ..... ..................................................... .................... Forbidden II 3, 6.1 Organochlorine pesticides, liq- 6.1 UN2996 1 6.1 ...... uid, toxic. C ............ 8101 None .... M tD N 53 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 12, 40 <D 53 None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 a n 53 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 12,40 53 None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 Q 7 .............................. 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 5 L 10 L D 12, 40 d None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40 ( 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 5 kg 10 kg D 12, 40 (D None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40 Q 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 5 L 10 L D 12,40 None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 IQ 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 5 kg 10 kg D 12,40 ^Q None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 3 N 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 10 L 25 L D 12,40 D None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 Q 3 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 10 kg 25 kg D 12,40 None .... 225 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 152 225 225 10 L 25 L D 12, 40 ...... None .... ..... 225 ..... ..... 225 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 40 T42 152 ...... 225 ..... 225 ..... 10 kg 25 kg D 12.40 None .... 225 ..... 225 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 2,40 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 3 None .... 334 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 .............................. None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg C ............ 8101 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg C ............ 5 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L 8 40 W) V N None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L 8 40 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 • • • N O N § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow - Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only T -_ ther (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Organochlorine pesticides, liq- 6.1 UN2995 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 uid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23 de- grees C. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1.3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 131, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Organochlorine pesticides, solid 6.1 UN2761 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 toxic. .......................................... I.......... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 G Organometallic compound or 4.3 UN3207 1 4.3, 3 T28 None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 1 L E 40 Compound solution or Com- pound dispersion, water -reac- tive, flammable, n.o.s. G Organometallic compound or 4.3 UN3207 II 4.3, 3 T28 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 40 Compound solution or Com- pound dispersion, water -reac- tive, flammable, n.o.s. G Organometallic compound or 4.3 UN3207 III 4.3, 3 T28 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60L E 40 Compound solution or Com- pound dispersion, water -reac- tive, flammable, n.o.s. G Organometallic compound, toxic 6.1 UN3282 1 6.1 ...... B106 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B n.o.s. ....................................................... ........... ....... 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Organophosphorus compound, 6.1 UN3279 1 6.1, 3 5 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 4C toxic, flammable, n.o.s. .......................I ............................. .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4C Organophosphorus compound, 6.1 UN3278 1 6.1 ...... 5 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B toxic n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Organophosphorus pesticides, 3 UN2784 1 3, 6.1 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 4C liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. _.._.......------.................... .................... It 16.1 T18 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 4C • • • Organophosphorus pesticides, 6.1 UN3018 1 6.1 ...... N76, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 (D liquid, toxic. H ........................................ .................... 11 6.1 ...... N76, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 lD ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... N76, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Q Organophosphorus pesticides, 6.1 UN3017 1 6.1, 3 N76, T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 n liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23 de- Q grees C. 7 ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1, 3 N76, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 a ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1, 3 B1, N76, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Vf Organophosphorus pesticides, 6.1 UN2783 1 6.1 ...... N77 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 toxic solid, . ............... ...................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... N77 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 Q ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... N77 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 _ Organotin compounds, liquid, 6.1 UN2788 1 6.1 ...... A3, N33, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 n.o.s. T42 ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... A3, N33, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 fQ T14 Q ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 3 Organotin compounds, solid, 6.1 UN3146 1 6.1 ...... A5 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B 40 H n.o.s. ..................................................... ................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 D a ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 3. Organotin pesticides, liquid, 3 UN2787 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. 0 ....................................... .................... .................................................... II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 Organotin pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3020 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 0 toxic. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Organotin pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3019 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1, 3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Organotin pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2786 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 ...................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 ...itr.... .ani....l. . .,. ..................... .... ...................... ....i.rt.no III 6 .1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 24 0 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 O...ho.see ne.................... ........... . .......... ......... . .. ...... . .................... .......... ....... . . Nitroanilines etc. Osmium tetroxide ....................... 6.1 UN2471 1 6.1 ...... A8, B100, N33, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B 40 N34 D Other regulated substances, liq- 9 NA3082 111 9 ......... .............................. 155 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... No limit No limit A ............ uid, n.o.s. COt D Other regulated substances, 9 NA3077 III 9 ......... B54 155 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... No limit No limit A ............ V solid, n.o.s. N G Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s 5.1 UN3098 1 5.1, 8 None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 34, 56, 58, 69, p 106 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued FIT (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard co r Di- Idenlifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots lions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- _ Loca- tions tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... II 5.1, 8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 34, 56, 58, 69, 106 ..................................................... ...... I............. III 5.1, 8 152 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 34, 56, 58, 69, 106 G Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s ................. 5.1 UN3139 1 5.1 ...... 127, A2 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 56, 58, 69, 106 ..................................................... ....... I............ II 5.1 ...... 127, A2 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L B 56, 58, 69, 106 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... 127, A2 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58, 69, 106 G Oxidizing liquid, toxic, n.o.s ....... 5.1 UN3099 1 5.1, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 56, 58, 95,243 106 ................... II 5.1, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... ..... 1 L 5 L B 56, 58, 95,106 ..................................................... .................... 111 152 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58. 95, 10E G Oxidizing solid, corrosive, n.o.s 5.1 UN3085 1 5.1, 13 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15 kg D 13,34 56, 58, 69,10E ..................................................... .................... II 5.1, 8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg B 13, 34. 56,58 69, 10E ..................................................... .................... III 5.1, 8 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 13,34 56, 58 69, 10E G Oxidizing solid, flammable, n.o.s 5.1 UN3137 1 5.1, 4.1 None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden G Oxidizing solid, n.o.s .................. 5.1 UN1479 1 5.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15 kg D 56, 58 69, 10E ..................................................... .................... II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25kg B 56, 58 69, 10E .................................................... .................... 111 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 56, 58 69, 10E G Oxidizing solid, self -heating, 5.1 UN3100 11 5.1, 4.2 None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden n.o.s. G Oxidizing solid, toxic, n.o.s ........ 5.1 UN3087 1 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15 kg D 56,58 69,95 10E FIT i • • .................... II 5.1, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg B 56, 58, M ..................................................... 69. 95, H 106 (D III 5.1, 6.1 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B 56, 58, Q ..................................................... .................... 69, 95, 0 106 G Oxidizing solid, water-reactive, 5.1 UN3121 None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden n.o.s. Q, Oxygenand carbon dioxide mix- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N tures, see Carbon dioxide and 'p oxygen mixtures. fD Oxygen, compressed ................. 2.2 UN1072 2.2, 5.1 A52 306 ...... 302 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A A 315. Q Oxygen difluoride, compressed 2.3 UN2190 2.3, 1 None .... 304 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 13, 40, — 6.1, 89, 90 8. 0 Oxygen generator, chemical ...... 5.1 UN3356 II 5.1 ...... 60, A51 None .... 212 ..... None .. Forbidden 25 kg gross D 56, 58, 69, 106 Q + Oxygen generator, chemical, 9 NA3356 III 9 ......... 61 None .... 213 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A 3 spent. N Oxygen, mixtures with rare .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........... I........ .................... Q' gases, see Rare gases and oxygen mixtures. tv Oxygen, refrigerated liquid (cryo- 2.2 UN1073 2.2, 5.1 320 ...... 316 ..... 318 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D O genic liquid). ' rJ' Paint including paint, lacquer, 3 UN1263 1 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 10 enamel, stain, shellac solu- tions, varnish, polish, liquid filler, and liquid lacquer base. .................... II 3 ......... B52, T7. T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... 131, B52,17, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Paint or Paint related material ... 8 UN3066 II 8 ......... B2, T14 154 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ............ .................... III 8 ......... B52, T7 154 ...... 173 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A ............ ..................................................... Paint related material including 3 UN1263 1 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ............ paint thinning, drying, remov- ing, or reducing compound. .................... II 3 ......... B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Paper, unsaturated oil treated 4.2 UN1379 III 4.2 ...... B101, 8106 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A incompletely dried (including carbon paper). Paraformaldehyde ...................... 4.1 UN2213 III 4.1 ...... Al 151 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Paraldehyde ............................... 3 UN1264 111 3 ......... Bt, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Parenitroandine, solid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... CV) Nitroanilines etc. D Parathion.................................... 6.1 NA2783 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L A 40 V .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 5 L A 40 ..................................................... D Parathion and compressed gas 2.3 NA1967 2.3 ...... 3 None .... 334 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 p mixture. 0 0 0 N O T § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued If V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Idenlifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials des class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Pans green, solid, see Copper .................... ............ .......... ......... acetoarsenite. A,W PCB, see Polychlorinated .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........ I........... .................... biphenyls. * Pentaborane ...............................4.2 UN1380 1 1 None .... 205 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D Pentachloroethane ..................... 6.1 UN1669 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Pentachlorophenol ..................... 6.1 UN3155 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Pentaerythrite tetranitrate (dry) .. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Pentaerythrite tetranitrate mix- 4.1 UN3344 II 4.1 ...... 118 None .... 214 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 40 lure, desensitized, solid, n.o.s. with more than 10 percent but not more than 20 percent PETN, by mass. Pentaerythrite tetranitrate or 1.1D UN0411 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B IE,5E Pentaerythritol tetranitrate or PETN, with not less than 7 percent wax by mass. Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, 1.10 UN0150 11 1.1D ... 121 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E wetted or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, welled, or PETN, wetted with not less than 25 percent water, by mass, or Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate or PETN, desensitized with not less than 15 percent phlegmatizer by mass. Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, etc Pentafluoroelhane or Refrigerant 2.2 UN3220 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A gas R 125. 315. Penlamethylheptane .................. 3 UN2286 III 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Pentane-2,4-dione ...................... 3 UN2310 III 3, 6.1 B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..........., Pentanes .................................... 3 UN1265 I 3 ......... T20 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T20 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Penlanitroaniline (dry) ................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Pentanols................................... 3 UN1105 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..........., ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, B3, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ............ 1•Pentene In-amvinnol .... 3 UN1108 1 3 ......... T14 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 1 E ............ If V N O • • • tV O v 1 -Pen tol...................................... 8 UN2705 II 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 38 M dry Pentolits, or wetted with less 1.10 UN0151 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E H than 15 percent water, by (D mass. n Pepper spray, see Aerosols, etc. or Self-defense spray, non - pressurized. Q Perchlorates, inorganic, aqueous 5.1 UN3211 It 5.1 ...... T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L B 46, 56, n' solution, n.o.s. 58 N ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... T8 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58, 69, 106 Perchlorates, inorganic, n.o.s .... 5.1 UN1481 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 46, 56 n ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 46, 56 i] Perchloric acid, with more than Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 72 percent acid by mass. Perchloric acid with more than 5.1 UN1873 1 5.1, 8 A2, A3, N41, T9, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L D 66 (O0 50 percent but not more than T27 72 percent acid, by mass. Q Perchloric acid with not more 8 UN1802 II 8, 5.1 N41, T9 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 66 3 than 50 percent acid by mass. LO Perchloroethylene, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Tetrachloroethylene. 3. Perchloromethyl mercaptan ....... 6.1 UN1670 1 6.1 ...... 2, A3, A7, B9, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B14, B32, B74, 7 N34, T38, T43, T45 O Perchloryl fluoride ...................... 2.3 UN3083 2.3, 5.1 2, 89, B14 None .... 302 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 40 O 315. Percussioncaps, see Primers . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... cap type. Pertluoro-2-butene, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Oclafluorobul-2-ene. Perfluoro(elhyl vinyl ether) ......... 2.1 UN3154 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302, 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 304, 315. 305. Perfluoro(methyl vinyl ether) ...... 2.1 UN3153 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 302,314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 304, 315. 305. Perfumery products with flam- 3 UN1266 II 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 15 L 60 L B mable solvents. .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Permanganates, inorganic, 5.1 UN3214 11 5.1 ...... 26, T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L D 56, 58, aqueous solution, n.o.s. 69, 106, CO) 107 Permanganates, inorganic, n.o.s 5.1 UN1482 II 5.1 ...... 26, A30 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58, N 69, 106, p 107 • • • N O O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173." Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age') bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- _ Ltion tions bulk aircraf /rail craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... 26, A30 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D 56, 58, 69, 106, 107 Peroxides, inorganic, n.o.s ......... 5.1 UN1483 II 5.1 ...... A7, A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, 106 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... A7, A20, N34 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 13, 75, 106 Peroxyacetic acid, with more Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... than 43 percent and with more than 6 percent hydrogen peroxide. Persulfates, inorganic, aqueous 5.1 UN3216 III 5.1 ...... T2 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L A solution, n.o.s. Persulfates, inorganic, n.o.s ....... 5.1 UN3215 III 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A G Pesticides, liquid, flammable, 3 UN3021 1 3, 6.1 B5 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B toxic, flashpoint less than 23 degrees C. ............................................... .................... II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B G Pesticides, liquid, toxic, flam- 6.1 UN2903 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 4C mable, n.o.s. flashpoint not less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... ....... I............ II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4C ..................................................... .................... III 6.1, 3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C G Pesticides, liquid, toxic, n.o.s ..... 6.1 UN2902 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L 8 4C ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4( ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C G Pesticides, solid, toxic, n.o.s ...... 6.1 UN2588 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 4C ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 4( ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 4( PETN, see Pentaerythrite .................... ............ .......... .......1. ......... .................... .................... tetranitrate. PETN/TNT, see Pentolite, etc .... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Petrol, see Gasoline ................... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Petroleum crude oil .................... 3 UN1267 1 3 ......... T8, T31 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Petroleum distillates, n.o.s. or 3 UN1268 1 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E Petroleum oroducts. n.o.s. V N O E TB: T31 150 202 242 5 L 60 L 8 M (D 3 T7 T30 150 203 242 60 L 220 L A W Petroleum gases, liquefied or 2.1 UN1075 2.1 306 304 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 (D Liquefied petroleum gas. 315. a I, Petroleum oil 3 NA1270 1 3 T8, T31 None 201 243 1 L 30 L E F) ................... II 3 TS, T31 150 202 242 5 L 60 L B =r .................... III 3 . ....... B1, T7, T30 150 203 242 60 L 220 L A a ..................................................... Phenacyl bromide ...................... 6,1 UN2645 6.1 B106 None 212 242 25 kg 100 kg B 40 Q. Phenetidines ............................... 6.1 UN2311 111 6.1 T7 153 203 241 60 L 220 L A ............ Phenol, molten 6.1 UN2312 11 6.1 B14, 13100, T8 None 202 243 Forbidden Forbidden B 40 CA 'D ........................... Phenol, solid ............................... 6.1 UN1671 11 6.1 N78, T14 None 212 242 25 kg 100 kg A (D Phenol solutions ......................... 6.1 UN2821 11 6.1 T14 None 202 243 5 L 60 L A 0. .................... 111 6.1 T7 153 203 241 60 L 220 L A Phenolsulfonic acid, liquid .......... 8 UN1803 11 8 ......... B2, N41, T8 154 202 242 1 L 30 L C 14 Phenoxyacetic acid derivative 3 UN3346 1 3, 6.1 T23 None 201 243 Forbidden 30 L B 40 pesticide, liquid, flammable, toxic flashpoint less than 23'C.. .................... 11 3, 6.1 T14 None 202 243 1 L 60 L B 40 ............................... I ..................... Phenoxyacatic acid derivative 6.1 UN3348 1 6.1 T24, T26 None 201 243 1 L 30 L B 40 pesticide, liquid, toxic. > ....... .............................................. .................... 11 6.1 T14 153 202 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 Q. .................... 111 6.1 T14 153 203 241 60 L 220 L A 40 3 Phenoxyacetic add derivative 6.1 UN3347 1 6.1,3 T24, T26 None 201 243 1 L 30 L B 40 D pesticide, liquid, toxic, flam- CD mable, flashpoint nol less than 23'C. C) ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1,3 T14 153 202 243 5 L 60 L B 40 .................... 111 6.1,3 T14 153 203 241 60 L 220 L A 40 ................................................. Phenoxyacetic acid derivative 6.1 UN3345 1 6.1 ...... .............................. None 211 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 pesticide, solid, toxic. ................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 212 242 25 kg 100 kg A 40 .............................. ...................I 111 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 213 240 100 kg 200 kg A 40 Phenyl chloroformate ................. 6.1 UN2746 11 6.1,8 T12 None 202 243 1 L 30 L A 12, 13, 21, 25, 40, 100 Phenyl isocyanate ...................... 6.1 UN2487 1 6.1.3 2, B9, 814, 832, None 227 244 Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, 874, 877, N33, 95 N34, T38, T43, T45 Phenyl mercaptan ................ 6.1 UN2337 1 6.1,3 2, B9, B14, 832, None 227 244 Forbidden Forbidden B 26,40 B74, B77, T38, T43, T45 Phenyl phosphorus dichloride 8 UN2798 11 8 B2, B15, T8, T26 154 202 242 Forbidden 30 L 9 40 Phenyl phosphorus 8 UN2799 11 8 B2,B15.T8,T26 154 202 242..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 CM th,odichloride, v Phenyl urea pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3002 1 6.1 T42 None 201 243 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic. ................................ ......... .............. 11 6.1 T14 None 202 243 6 L 60 L B 40 CD .................... 111 6.1 T14 153 203 241 60 L 220 L A 40 — 0 0 0 N O § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 12 V N O n ki (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifies- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Gass or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep• Non- Passenger Carggo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafVrail craft only Loca tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (88) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (106) Phenylacetonitrile, liquid ............ 6.1 UN2470 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 26 Phenylacetyl chloride ................. 8 UN2577 II 8 ......... B2, T8, T26 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 Phenylcarbylamine chloride ....... 6.1 UN1672 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 B74, T38, T43, T45 m-Phenylene Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... diaminediperchlorate (dry). + Phenylenediamines (o-; m-; p-;) 6.1 UN1673 III 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ............ Phenylhydrazine ......................... 6.1 UN2572 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Phenylmercuric acetate .............. 6.1 UN1674 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Phenylmercuric compounds, 6.1 UN2026 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Phenylmercuric hydroxide .......... 6.1 UN1894 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Phenylmercuric nitrate ............... 6.1 UN1895 It 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Phenylthchlorosilane .................. 8 UN1804 II 8 ......... A7, B6, N34, T8 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 Phosgene ................................... 2.3 UN1076 2.3, 8 1, B7, B46 None .... 192 ..... 314 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 9-Phosphabicyclononanes or 4.2 UN2940 II 4.2 ...... A19 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Cyclooctadiene phosphines. Phosphine .................................. 2.3 UN2199 2.3, 2.1 1 None .... 192 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C Phosphoric acid .......................... 8 UN1805 III 8 ......... A7, N34, T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Phosphoricacid .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ................. I.. .................... triethyleneimine, see Tris-(1- aziridiyl)phosphine oxide, so- lution. Phosphoricanhydride, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Phosphorus pentoxide. Phosphorous acid ...................... 8 UN2834 III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 46 Phosphorus, amorphous ............ 4.1 UN1338 III 4.1 ...... Al, A19, B1, B9, None .... 213 ..... 243 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 74 B26 Phosphorus bromide, see Phos- .................... ............ .......... ..... I... ......... .................... .................... phorus tribromide. Phosphorus chloride, see Phos- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... phorus trichloride. Phosphorus heptasulfide, tree 4.1 UN1339 II 4.1 ...... A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 74 from yellow or white phos- .h.-. 12 V N O n ki 12,40 N 40 (DD Q 40 0 Q 7 12,40 CL 40 N 40 74 0. Q 74 (� Q 40 N D 40 Q' 3 12 v 74 0 COi 40 -� V N O • Phosphorus oxybromide ............ 8 UN1939 II 8 ......... B8, 8106, N41, None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden 50 kg C N43 Phosphorus oxybromide, molten 8 UN2576 II 8 ......... B2, B8, N41, N43, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C T8, T27 + Phosphorus oxychloride ............. 8 UN1810 II 8, 6.1 2, A7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L C B32, B74, B77, N34, T38, T43, T45 Phosphorus pentabromide ......... 8 UN2691 11 8 ......... A7, 8106, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden 50 kg B Phosphorus pentachloride ......... 8 UN1806 II 8 ......... A7, 8106, N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden 50 kg C Phosphorus pentafluoride, com- 2.3 UN2198 2.3, 8 2, B9, B14 None .... 302, 314, Forbidden Forbidden D pressed. 304. 315. Phosphorus pentasulfide, free 4.3 UN1340 11 4.3, 4.1 A20, B59, 8101, 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B from yellow or white phos- 8106 phorus. Phosphorus pentoxide ............... 8 UN1807 II 8 ......... A7, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Phosphorus sesquisulfide, free 4.1 UN1341 II 4.1 ...... A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B from yellow or white phos- phorus. Phosphorus tribromide ............... 8 UN1808 11 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B2, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 825, N34, N43, TO Phosphorus trichloride ............... 6.1 UN1809 1 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, 815, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C B32, B74, B77, N N34, T38, T43, T45 Phosphorus trioxide ................... 8 UN2578 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Phosphorus Insulflde, free from 4.1 UN1343 II 4.1 ...... A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B yellow or white phosphorus. Phosphorus, while dry or Phos- 4.2 UN1381 1 4.2, 6.1 B9, B26, N34, None .... 188 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E phorus, white, under water or T15, T26, T33 Phosphorus white, in solution or Phosphorus, yellow dry or Phosphorus, yellow, under water or Phosphorus, yellow, in solution. Phosphorus white, molten .......... 4.2 UN2447 1 4.2, 6.1 B9, B26, N34, None .... 188 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D T15, T26, T29 Phosphorus (white or red) and a Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chlorate, mixtures of Phosphoryl chloride, see Phos- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... phorus oxychloride. Phthalic anhydride with more 8 UN2214 111 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A than .05 percent maleic anhy- dride. Picolines..................................... 3 UN2313 111 3 ......... B1, TO 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Picricacid, see Trinitrophenol. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... etc. D Picric acid, wet, with not less 4.1 NAI 344 1 4.1 ...... A19, A20, N41 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D than 10 percent water. 12,40 N 40 (DD Q 40 0 Q 7 12,40 CL 40 N 40 74 0. Q 74 (� Q 40 N D 40 Q' 3 12 v 74 0 COi 40 -� V N O • N N § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE ---Continued V N O (6) (9) (t0) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip• Hazard clasor Di- s Identifies- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca- tions bulk aircraf /rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Picrite, see Nitroguanidine, etc .. .................... ............ .... I..... ......... ......... ............... I.... .................... Picrylchloride, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trin itroch I orobenzen e. Pine oil ....................................... 3 UN1272 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A alpha-Pinene .............................. 3 UN2368 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Piperazine .................................. 8 UN2579 III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 12 Piperidine ................................... 8 UN2401 1 8,3 .... T17 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B ............ Pivaloyl chloride, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trimethylacetyl chloride. Plastic molding compound in 9 UN3314 III 9 ......... 32 155 ...... 221 ..... 221 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 85,87 dough, sheet or extruded rope form evolving flammable vapor. Plastic solvent, n.o.s., see Flam. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ... I .............. .. mable liquids, n.o.s. Plastics, nitrocellulose -based, 4.2 UN2006 III 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden C self -heating, n.o.s. Poisonousgases, n.o.s., see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Compressedor liquefied gases, flammable or toxic, n.o.s. Polyalkylamines, n. o. s., see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Amines, etc. A, W Polychlorinated biphenyls, liquid 9 UN2315 It 9 ......... 9, 81 155 ...... 202 ..... 241 ..... 100 L 220 L A 34 A, W Polychlorinated biphenyls, solid 9 UN2315 II 9 ......... 9,81 155 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 34 Polyester resin kit ....................... 3 UN3269 ............ 3 ......... 40 152 ...... 225 ..... None .. 5 kg 5 kg B ........... Polyhalogenated biphenyls, liq- 9 UN3151 II 9 ......... 155 ...... 204 ..... 241 ..... 100 L 220 L A 34 uid or Polyhalogenated terphenyls liquid. Polyhalogenated biphenyls, solid 9 UN3152 11 9 ......... 155 ...... 204 ..... 241 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 3A or Polyhalogenated terphenyls, solid. Polymeric beads, expandable, 9 UN2211 III None .. 32 155 ...... 221 ..... 221 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 85,8-1 evolving flammable vapor. Potassium ................................... 4.3 UN2257 1 4.3 ...... A19, A20, 827, None .... 211 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D 8100, N6, N34, T15, T26 Potassium arsenate ................... 6.1 UN1677 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Pntascium arsenite _._._....._.... 6.1 UN1678 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A V N O _N W • • • Potassium bisulfile solution, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Bisulfiles, inorganic, aqueous Cn solutions, n.o.s. (D Q Potassium borohydride .............. 4.3 UN1870 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E Potassium bromate .................... 5.1 UN1484 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 0 106 =r Potassium carbonyl .................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Potassium chlorate ..................... 5.1 UN1485 II 5.1 ...... A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 3 106 0. Potassium chlorate, aqueous so- 5.1 UN2427 11 5.1 ...... A2, T8 152 ...... 202 ..... 241 ..... 1 L 5 L B 56, 58, E lution. 106 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... A2, T8 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 56. 58, 69,106 Q Potassium chlorate mixed with .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .. .................. _ mineral oil, see Explosive, 'O blasting, type C. Q Potassium cuprocyanide ............ 6.1 UN1679 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100kg A 26 (Q Potassium cyanide ..................... 6.1 UN1680 I 6.1 ...... B69, 877, N74, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B 52 Q N75, T18, T26 3 Potassium dichloro isocyanurate .................... ............ .. .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... H or Potassium dichloro-s- D tnazinetrione, see D Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry 3 or Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts etc. Potassium dithionite or Potas- 4.2 UN1929 II 4.2 ...... A8, A19, A20 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 13 v sium hydrosulfite. Potassium fluoride ...................... 6.1 UN1812 III 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 26 0 Potassium fluoroacelate ............. 6.1 UN2628 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg E Potassium fluorosilicate ............. 6.1 UN2655 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 26 Potassiumhydrate, see Poles- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... sium hydroxide, solid. Potassium hydrogen fluoride . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Potassium hydrogen difluonde. - Potassium hydrogen fluoride so- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... lution, see Corrosive liquid, n.o.s. Potassium hydrogen sulfate ....... 8 UN2509 II 8 ......... A7, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Potassium hydrogendifluoride, 8 UN1811 II 8, 6.1 8106, N3, N34, 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ...., 15 kg 50 kg A 25, 26, solid. T8 40 Potassium hydrogendifluoride, 8 UN1811 II 8, 6.1 N3, N34, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 26, 40, solution. 95 Potassium hydrosulfite, see Po- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tassium dithionile. (M Potassium hydroxide, liquid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... Potassium hydroxide solution. V N Potassium hydroxide, solid ........ 8 UN1813 11 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Potassium hydroxide, solution ... 8 UN1814 11 8 ......... a2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30L A O ..................................................... .................... 111 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60L A .r N .P 0 9 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifies- Packaging (§173.'-') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air - tions bulk Bulk aircraftlrail craft only Loca- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (108) Potassium hypochlorite, solution . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... see Hypochlorite solutions, etc. Potassium, metal alloys ............. 4.3 UN1420 1 4.3 ...... A19, A20, 1327 None .... 211 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D Potassium metal, liquid alloy . .................... ••...•.•••.. .......••• ........ see Alkali metal alloys, liquid. Potassium metavanadate ........... 6.1 UN2864 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Potassium monoxide .................. 8 UN2033 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Potassium nitrate ....................... 5.1 UN1486 III 5.1 ...... Al. A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Potassium nitrate and sodium 5.1 UN1487 It 5.1 ...... B78 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58 nitrite mixtures. Potassium nitrite ......................... 5.1 UN1488 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58 Potassium perchlorate, solid ...... 5.1 UN1489 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Potassium perchlorate, solution 5.1 UN1489 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L A 56, 58, 106 Potassium permanganate .......... 5.1 UN1490 II 5.1 ...... .............................. 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58, 69, 106, 107 Potassium peroxide .................... 5.1 UN1491 1 5.1 ...... A20, N34 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg B 13, 75, 106 Potassium persulfate .................. 5.1 UN1492 III 5.1 ...... A1, A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Potassium phosphide ................. 4.3 UN2012 1 4.3, 6.1 A19, N40 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 85 Potassium selenate, see .................... ............ .......... ......... Selenates or Seleniles. Potassium salenite, see .................... ............ .......... ......... Selenates or Selenites. Potassium sodium alloys ........... 4.3 UN1422 1 4.3 ...... A19, B27, N34, None .... 211 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D N40, T15, T26 Potassium sulfide, anhydrous or 4.2 UN1382 II 4.2 ...... A19, A20, B16, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Potassium sulfide with less B106, N34 than 30 percent water of crys- tallization. Potassium sulfide, hydrated with 8 UN1847 11 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 2E not less than 30 percent water of crystallization. Potassium superoxide ................ 5.1 UN2466 1 5.1 ...... A20 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg 8 13,75 10E N cn • i • Powder cake, wetted or Powder 1.1C UN0433 II 1.1C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E M paste, wetted with not less y than 17 percent alcohol by mass. Q Powder cake, wetted or Powder 1.3C UN0159 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E (j paste, wetted with not less than 25 percent water, by Q mass. 0 Powderpaste, see Powder .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... . cake, etc. (A 'D Powder, smokeless .................... 1.1C UNO160 II 1.1C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 10E, (D 26E Powder, smokeless .................... 1.3C UN0161 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 10E, Q• 26E - Power device, explosive, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... M Cartridges, power device. F) Primers, cap type ....................... 1 AS UN0044 II None .. None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A (Q Primers, cap type ....................... 1.1B UN0377 II 1.18 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 2E, 6E Q Primers, cap type ....................... 1.48 UN0378 II 1.48 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E 3 Primers, small arms, see Prim- ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... y ers, cap type. D Primers, tubular .......................... 1.3G UN0319 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B a Primers, tubular .......................... 1 AG UNO320 II 1.4G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E 3 Primers, tubular .......................... 1 AS UNO376 II None .. None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Printing ink, flammable ............... 3 UN1210 I 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 173 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E , ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B v III 3 ......... Bt, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Am .................... 0 Projectiles, illuminating, see . .................... ............ munition, illuminating, etc. Projectiles, inert with tracer........ 1.45 UN0345 II 1.45 ... .......... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 3E, 7E, 9E Projectiles, inert, with tracer....... 1.3G UNO424 11 1.3G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E Projectiles, inert, with tracer....... 1AG UNO425 II 1.4G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 3E, 7E, 24E Projectiles, with burster or expel- 1.2D UNO346 II 1.2D ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E ling charge. Projectiles, with burster or expel- 1 AD UN0347 It 1 AD ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 3E, 7E, ling charge. 24E Projectiles, with burster or expel- 1.2F UN0426 II 1.2F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E ling charge. Projectiles, with burster or expel- 1.4F UNO427 11 1.4F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E ling charge. Projectiles, with burster or expel- 1.2G UNO434 11 1.2G ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 3E, 7E ling charge. Projectiles, with burster or expel- 1 AG UN0435 11 1 AG ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 3E, 7E, W) ling charge. 24E Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.1F UN0167 It 1.1F ... .......... 62....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E V Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.10 UN0168 It 1.10 ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.20 UNO169 II 1.2D ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E CD Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.21' UNO324 11 1.2F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E L_J § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued • 8 9 10 Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity( limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- r Dion lass o - ti Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only Lam_ tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.413 UN0344 II 1AD ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 3E, 7E, 24E Propadiene, inhibited ................. 2.1 UN2200 2.1 ...... None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 315. Propadiene mixed with methyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... acetylene, see Methyl acetylene and propadiene mixtures, stabilized. Propane see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1978 2.1 ...... 19 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 gases,liquefied. 315. Propanethiols ............................. 3 UN2402 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 95,102 n -Propanol or Propyl alcohol, 3 UN1274 II 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B normal. ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A D Propargyl alcohol ....................... 3 NA1986 II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L B 40 Propellant, liquid ......................... 1.3C UN0495 II 1.3C ... 37 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Propellant, liquid ......................... 1.1C UN0497 II 1.1C ... 37 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Propellant, solid .......................... 1.1C UN0498 II 1.1C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A Propellant, solid .......................... 1.3C UN0499 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden A Propionaldehyde ........................ 3 UN1275 11 3 ......... T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E Propionic acid ............................. 8 UN1848 III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Propionic anhydride ................... 8 UN2496 III 8 ......... T2 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Propionitrile................................ 3 UN2404 It 3, 6.1 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 60 L E 4C Propionyl chloride ....................... 3 UN1815 II 3,8 .... B100, T8, T26 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 4C n -Propyl acetate ......................... 3 UN1276 11 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Propyl alcohol, see Propanol ..... .................... ............ .......... ......... n -Propyl benzene ....................... 3 UN2364 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Propyl chloride ........................... 3 UN1278 II 3 ......... N34, T14 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 60 L E n -Propyl chloroformate ............... 6.1 UN2740 1 6.1.3, 2, A3, A6, A7, 89, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L B 21,40 8. B14, B32, B74, 10C B77, N34, T38, T43, T45 Propyl formates .......................... 3 UN1281 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B n -Propyl isocyanate .................... 6.1 UN2482 1 6.1, 3 1, A7, B9, B14, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4( B30, B72, T38, T43, T44 Propyl mercaptan, see ............... I.... ............ .......... ......... ......... Propanethiols. n.vrnnvl nitrate _ __....... 3 UN1865 11 3 ......... T25 150 ...... 202 ..... None .. 5 L 60L D • • Propylamine ............................... 3 UN1277 II 3, 8 .... N34, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 40 M Propylene see also Petroleum 2.1 UN1077 2.1 ...... 19 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 to gases,liquefled. 315. 1D Propylene chlorohydrin .............. 6.1 UN2611 II 6.1, 3 T9 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 12, 40, Q 48 (j Propylene oxide ......................... 3 UN1280 1 3 ......... A3, N34, T20, T29 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 40 ? Propylene tetramer ..................... 3 UN2850 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q 1,2•Propylenediamine ................ 8 UN2258 II 8,3 .... A3, A6, N34, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 7 Propyleneimine, inhibited ........... 3 UN1921 1 3, 6.1 A3, N34, T24 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 CL Propyltrichlorosilane ................... 8 UN1816 II 8, 3 .... A7, B2, B6, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 T8, T26 U Prussic acid, see Hydrogen cya. .................... .......... ......... n nide. Q Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, toxic, 3 UN3350 1 3, 6.1 T24, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 _ flammable, flashpoint less than 23 °C. 43 ............................................. .................... II 3, 6.1 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 !Q Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid toxic 6.1 UN3352 1 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 40 Q ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 3 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 N Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, fl am 6.1 UN3351 1 6.1, 3 T24, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 D mable, toxic, flashpoint not a leh23 degrC. ss tan tv.................... . ......................ees ...................... ..................................................... .................... II III 6.1, 3 6.1, 3 T14 T14 153 ...... 153 ...... 202 ..... 203 ..... 243 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L 60 L 220 L B B 40 ?. 40 —4 Pyrethroid pesticide, solid, toxic 6.1 UN3349 1 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 11 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 0 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 0 ..................................................... Pyridine ...................................... I................... 3 UN1282 II 3 ......... T8 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 21, 100 PyridinePerchlorate ................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... G Pyrophoric liquid, inorganic, 4.2 UN3194 1 4.2 ...... None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 n.o.s. G Pyrophoric liquids, organic, n.o.s 4.2 UN2845 1 4.2 ...... B11, T42 None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 18 G Pyrophoric metals, n.o.s., or 4.2 UN1383 1 4.2 ...... 1311 None .... 187 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D Pyrophoric alloys, n.o.s. G Pyrophoric organometallic com• 4.2 UN3203 1 4.2, 4.3 T28, T40 None .... 187 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ............ pound, water -reactive, n.o.s. G Pyrophoric solid, inorganic, n.o.s 4.2 UN3200 1 4.2 ...... None .... 187 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D C Pyrophoric solids, organic, n.o.s 4.2 UN2846 1 4.2 ...... None .... 187 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D Pyrosulfuryl chloride ................... 8 UN1817 11 8 ......... 132, T9, T27 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 40 Pyroxylin solution or solvent . .................... ............ .......... ......... see Nitrocellulose. Pyrrolidine .................................. 3 UN1922 II 3.8 .... T1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40 Quebrachitol pentanitrate ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Quicklime, see Calcium oxide .... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... f,01 Quinoline .................................... 6.1 UN2656 III 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 12 R114, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N Dich lorotetrafluoroethane. R115, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... I.............. .................... CD Chloropentafluoroethane. • • • • N 00 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued A �0 n T M n pr I 1 1O 10 M a_ O 7 (8) (9) (10) Packaging 6173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard Gass or Di- Idenlifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep• Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Lova tions bulk aircraft/rail /rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) R 116, see Hexafluoroethane .... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ...I................ .................... R124, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorotetrafluoroethane. R133a, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chl orotrifluoroethane. R152x, see Difluoroethane ....... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... R500, see Dichlorodifluoro. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... methane and difluorethane, etc. R 502, see .................... ............ ...... I... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorodifluoromethane and chloropentafluoroethane mix- ture, etc. R503, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorotrifluoromethane and trifluoromethane, etc. R12, see Dichlorodifluoro. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... I.............. .................... methane. R12B 1, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chl orod ifluorobromometh a ne. R13, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorotrifluoromelhan e. R13B1, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ........I .................... .................... B romotrifluorometha ne. R14, see Tetrafluoromethane ... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... R21, see .................. ......... ........ ......._ ....... ................. .................. Dichl orofluorometha n e. R 22, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Chlorodifluoromethane. Radioactive material, excepted 7 UN2910 ............ None .. .............................. 422, 422, 422, .................... .................... A package -articles manufactured 426. 426. 426. from natural or depleted ura- nium or natural thorium. Radioactive material, excepted 7 UN2910 ............ empty .............................. 428 ...... 428..... 428..... .................... .................... A ........... package -empty package or empty packaging. Radioactive material, excepted 7 UN2910 ............ None .. .............................. 422, 422, 422, .................... .................... A package -instruments or arti- clns 424. 424. 424. A �0 n T M n pr I 1 1O 10 M a_ O 7 • • • N Radioactive material, excepted 7 UN2910 ............ None .. .............................. 421, 421, 421, .................... .................... A M package -limited quantity of 422. 422• 422. H material. (D Radioactive material, fissile, 7 UN2918 7 ......... 453 ...... 417 ..... 417 ..... .................... .................... A 40, 95 Q n.o.s. Radioactive material, low spe- 7 UN2912 ............ 7......... .................. 421, 427..... 427..... .................... A cific activity, n.o.s.or Radio- 428. active material, LSA, n.o.s. C Q• Radioactive material, n.o.s ......... 7 UN2982 ............ 7 ......... .............................. 421, 415, 415, .................... A 40, 95 428. 416. 416. Radioactive material, special 7 UN2974 ............ 7 ......... .............................. 421, 415, 415, .................... •.•.••• A (D form, n.o.s. 424. 416. 416. n Radioactive material, surface 7 UN2913 ............ 7 ......... .............................. 421, 427..... 427..... .................... .................... A Q contaminated object or Radio- 424, active material, SCO. 426. Railway torpedo, see Signals . .................... .......... ......... ......... (� railway track, explosive. Q Rare gases and nitrogen mix- 2.2 UN1981 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A 3 tures, compressed. y. Rare gases and oxygen mix- 2.2 UN1980 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A D tures, compressed. CL Rare gases mixtures, com- 2.2 UN1979 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A 3 pressed. 7 RC318, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... Octafluorocyclobuta ne. v RDXand .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... 0 cyclotetramethylenetetranitra- mine, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, welted or desensitized. RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted 1.11D UN0391 II IIAD ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E with not less than 15 percent water by mass or RDX and HMX mixtures, desensitized with not less than 10 percent phlegmatizer by mass. RDX and Octogen mixtures . .................... ............ .......... ......... welted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted ordesensitized etc. ROX, see Cyclotrimethylene.................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... trinitramine, etc. Receptacles, small, containing 2.1 UN2037 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg B 40 W) gas (gas cartridges) flam- —+ mable, mable, without release device, V N not refillable and not exceed- ing 1 L capacity. p N N O • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued 10 n M n pS 1 I o % M CL O 7 (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."`) Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names p p pp 9 vision hers Codes provisions p Excep- Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafUrail craft only L�a- tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (813) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (10B) Receptacles, small, containing 2.2 UN2037 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg B 40 gas (gas cartridges) non-flam- mable, without release device, not refillable and not exceed- ing 1 L capacity. Red phosphorus, see Phos . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... phorus, amorphous. Refrigerant gas R 404A ............. 2.2 UN3337 ............ 2.2 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............ 315. Refrigerant gas R 407A ............. 2.2 UN3338 ............ 2.2 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............ 315. Refrigerant gas R 4078 ............. 2.2 UN3339 ............ 2.2 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............ 315. Refrigerant gas R 407C ............. 2.2 UN3340 ............ 2.2 ...... .............................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A ............ 315. G Refrigerant gases, n.o.s ............. 2.2 UN1078 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 .._. 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 315. D Refrigerant gases, n.o.s. or Dis- 2.1 NA1954 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg D 4C persant gases, n.o.s. 315. D Refrigerating machine ................ 3 NA1993 111 3 ......... 174 ...... 174 ..... None .. 10 L 10 L A D Refrigerating machines, con- 2.1 NA1954 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 306 ..... 306 ..... Forbidden 25 kg C 4C taining flammable, non-poi- sonous, liquefied gas. G Refrigerating machines, con- 2.2 UN2857 ............ 2.2 ...... .............................. 306, 306 ..... 306, 450 kg 450 kg A ............ taining non-flammable, 307. 307. nontoxic, liquefied gas or am- monia solution (UN2672). D Regulated medical waste ........... 6.2 UN3291 II 6.2 ...... A13, A14 134 ...... 197 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Release devices, explosive ........ 1AS UN0173 11 1.4S ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Resin solution, flammable .......... 3 UN1866 1 3 ......... B52, T8, T31 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E ........... ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, B52, T7, T30 150 ...... 173 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Resorcinol .................................. 6.1 UN2876 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Rifle grenade, see Grenades . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... hand or rifle, etc. Rifle powder, see Powder . ............... I.... ............ .......... ......... ......... smokeless (UN 0160). RWets aznlosive _- ___ 1AS UN0174 11 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 10 n M n pS 1 I o % M CL O 7 • 0 • Roadasphalt or tar liquid. see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... M (D (D Tars, liquid, etc. CA Rocket motors ............................ 1.3C UN0186 II 1.3C ... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 220 kg B Rocket motors ............................ 1.1C UN0280 II 1.1C ... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Q Rocket motors 1.2C UN0281 II 1.2C ... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B ............................ Rocket motors, liquid fueled ...... 1.2J UN0395 II 1.2J .... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, S 16E, 7 23E Q Rocket motors, liquid fueled ...... 1.3.1 UN0396 II 1.3.1 .... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, N 16E, 23E (D Rocket motors with hypergolic 1.3L UN0250 II 1.3L .... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, n, liquids with or without an ex- 11E, Q palling charge. 17E Rocket motors with hypergolic 1.2L UN0322 11 1.2L .... 109 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, liquids with or without an ex- 0 11E, (Q pelling charge. 17E Rockets, line -throwing ................ 1.2G UN0238 II 1.2G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Q Rockets, line -throwing ................ 1.3G UN0240 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B H Rockets, line -throwing ................ 1.4G UN0453 II IIAG ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E D > Rockets, liquid fueled with burst- 1.1J UN0397 11 1.1.1 .... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, CL ing charge. 16E, 3 23E N Rockets, liquid fueled with burst- 1.2J UN0398 II 1.2J .... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, ing charge. 16E, " 23E 0 Rockets, with bursting charge .... 1.1F UN0180 II 1.1F ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 0 Rockets, with bursting charge .... 1.1E UN0181 II 1.1E ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Rockets, with bursting charge .... 1.2E UN0182 II 1.2E ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Rockets, with bursting charge .... 1.21' UN0295 II 1.21' ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Rockets, with expelling charge .. 1.2C UN0436 II 1.2C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Rockets, with expelling charge .. 1.3C UN0437 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 Rockets, with expelling charge .. 1 AC UN0438 II 1.4C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Rockets, with inert head ............ 1.3C UN0183 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Rosin oil ..................................... 3 UN1286 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B .......................................... I.......... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, Tt 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Rubber solution .......................... 3 UN1287 II 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Rubidium .................................... 4.3 UN1423 1 4.3 ...... 22, A7, A19, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D B100, N34, N40, N45 Rubidium hydroxide ................... 8 UN2678 II 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Rubidium hydroxide solution ...... 8 UN2677 11 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A (g ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A _. Safety fuse, see Fuse, safety .... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N G Samples, explosive, other than .................... UN0190 II ............ 113 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 12E iitiating explosives. p Sannd acid, see Fluorosilicic acid .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... —+ • N N N r1 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 0 (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard Gass or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air - - tions bulk aircrafUrail craft only ydo Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (BB) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Seed cake, containing vegetable 4.2 UN1386 111 None .. N7 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 13 oil solvent extractions and ex- pelled seeds, with not more than 10 percent of oil and when the amount of moisture is higher than 11 percent, with not more than 20 percent of oil and moisture combined.. I Seed cake with more than 1.5 4.2 UN1386 III None .. N7 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 13 percent oil and not more than 11 percent moisture. I Seed cake with not more than 4.2 UN2217 III None .. N7 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... Forbidden Forbidden A 13 1.5 percent oil and not more than 11 percent moisture. Selenates or Selenites ............... 6.1 UN2630 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg E Selenic acid ................................ 8 UN1905 1 8 ......... N34 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 25 kg A Selenium compound, n.o.s ........ 6.1 UN3283 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B ... . . .. .... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B l .......................................... .......................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ........................... Selenium disulfide ... .............. 6.1 UN2657 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Selenium hexafluoride ................ 2.3 UN2194 2.3, 8 1 None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 4C Seleniumnitride ......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... D Selenium oxide ........................... 6.1 NA2811 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg 8 Selenium oxychloride ................. 8 UN2879 1 8, 6.1 A3, A6, A7, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L E 4C T12, T27 Self-defense spray, aerosol, see Aerosols, etc. -AD Self-defense spray, non-pressur- 9 NA3334 III 9 ......... A37 155 ...... 203 ..... None .. No limit No limit A ized. G Seff-heating liquid, corrosive, in- 4.2 UN3188 II 4.2, 8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L C organic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... III 4.2, 8 None .... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C G Self -heating liquid, corrosive, or- 4.2 UN3185 11 4.2, 8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L C ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... III 4.2.8 None .... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C G Self -heating liquid, inorganic, 4.2 UN3186 II 4.2 ...... None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L C n.o.s. .................... 111 4.2 ...... None .... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L C C, ..................................................... Self-heatino liauid. oroanic. n.o.s 4.2 UN3183 II 4.2 ...... None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 5 L . C 0 0 1�� 4.2 None 203 241 5 L 60 L C M • ..................................................... Self -heating liquid, toxic, inor- .................... 4.2 UN3187 ...... 4.2, 6.1 None 202 243 1 L 5 L C (D UP ganic, n.o.s. (D ............ ................ 111 4.2, 6.1 None 203 241 5 L 60 L C • Self -heating liquid, toxic, or- 4.2 UN3184 11 4.2, 6.1 None 202 243 1 L 5 L C F) ganic, n.o.s. =r ..................................................... * .......... * ................ . .... .. ...... 111 4.2, 6.1 None 203 241 5 L 60 L C a • Self -heating solid, corrosive, in- 4.2 UN3192 11 4.2, 8 None 212 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C 3 organic, n.o.s. a .. ..... .............. 111 4.2,8 None 213 242 25 kg 100 kg C V!• Self -heating, solid, corrosive, or- 4.2 UN3126 11 4.2,8 None 212 242 15 kg 50 kg C ganic, n.o.s. 0 ... ............... .... .............. ........... I ... .................... 111 4.2,8 None 213 242 25 kg 100 kg C . • Self -heating solid, inorganic, 4.2 UN3190 11 4.2 None 212 241 15 kg 50 kg C n.o.s. .... ..... . ................... ..... ..................................................... .... .............. 111 4.2 None 213 241 25 kg 100 kg C • Self -heating, solid, organic, n.o.s 4.2 UN3088 11 4.2 ...... B101 None 212 241 15 kg 50 kg C - ................................................ ............ ... I 111 4.2 B101 None 213 241 25 kg 100 kg C • Self -heating, solid, oxidizing, 4.2 UN3127 4.2, 5.1 None 214 214 Forbidden Forbidden n.o.s. PA • Self -heating solid, toxic, inor- 4.2 UN3191 11 None 212 242 15 kg 50 kg C > ganic, n.o.s. D. '*"toxic, 111 4.2, 6.1 None 213 242 25 kg 100 kg C 3. • Se'lf*-'h'e'a'b'ng,"*'solid, or- 4.2 UN3128 11 4.2, 6.1 None 212 242 15 kg 50 kg C 171.) ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 111 None 213 242 25 kg 100 kg C Self-propelled vehicle, see En- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ........ gines or Batteries etc. • Self -reactive liquid type 8 .......... 4.1 UN3221 11 4.1 ...... 53 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 61 • Self -reactive liquid type 8, tem- 4.1 UN3231 11 4.1 53 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 perature controlled. • Self -reactive liquid type C .......... 4.1 UN3223 It 4.1 None 224 None 5 L 10 L D 61 • Self -reactive liquid type C, tem- 4.1 UN3233 11 4.1 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 perature controlled. • Self -reactive liquid type D .......... 4.1 UN3225 11 4.1 None 224 None 5 L 10 L D 61 • Self -reactive liquid type D, tem- 4.1 UN3235 11 4.1 ...... None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 perature controlled. • Seff-reactive liquid type E .......... 4.1 UN3227 11 4.1 None 224 None 10 L 25 L D 61 • Self -reactive liquid type E, tem- 4.1 UN3237 11 4.1 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 perature controlled. • Self -reactive liquid type F .......... 4.1 UN3229 11 4.1 None 224 None 10 L 25 L D 61 • Self -reactive liquid type F, tem- 4.1 UN3239 11 4.1 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 perature controlled. • Self -reactive solid type B ........... 4.1 UN3222 11 4.1 ...... 53 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 61 • Self -reactive solid type B, tem- 4.1 UN3232 11 4.1 53 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 COQ perature controlled. • Self -reactive solid type C ........... 4.1 UN3224 11 4.1 None 224 None 5 kg 10 kg D 61 • Self -reactive solid type C, tem- 4.1 UN3234 11 4.1 None 224 None Forbidden Forbidden D 2, 61 perature controlled. • Self -reactive solid type D ........... 4.1 UN3226 11 4.1 None 224 None 5 kg 10 kg 0 61 0 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Idenlifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- co r Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Lam_ tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only bon Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) G Self -reactive solid type D, tem- 4.1 UN3236 II 4.1 ...... None .... 224 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,61 perature controlled. G Self -reactive solid type E ........... 4.1 UN3228 II 4.1 ...... None .... 224 ..... None .. 10 kg 25 kg D 61 G Self -reactive solid type E, tem- 4.1 UN3238 II 4.1 ...... None .... 224 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,61 perature controlled. G Self -reactive solid type F ........... 4.1 UN3230 II 4.1 ...... None .... 224 ..... None .. 10 kg 25 kg D 61 G Self -reactive solid type F, tem- 4.1 UN3240 II 4.1 ...... None .... 224 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 2,61 perature controlled. Shale oil ..................................... 3 UN1288 1 3 ......... T7 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B ..................................................... .................... II 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Shapedcharges. commercial . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Charges, shaped, com- mercial etc. Signal devices, hand .................. 1.4G UN0191 11 1.4G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Signal devices, hand .................. 1.4S UN0373 II 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Signals, distress, ship ................ 1.1G UN0194 II 1.1G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Signals, distress, ship ................ 1.3G UN0195 11 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg B Signals, highway, see Signal de- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... vices, hand; Fireworks, type D. Signals, railway track, explosive 1.143 UN0192 11 1.1G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Signals, railway track, explosive 1AS UN0193 II 1AS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A Signals, railway track, explosive 1.313 UN0492 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, 8E Signals, railway track, explosive 1AG UN0493 1.4G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Signals, ship distress, water -ac- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tivated, see Contrivances, water -activated, etc. Signals, smoke ........................... 1.1G UN0196 II 1.1G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Signals, smoke ........................... 1AG UN0197 II 1.4G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Signals, smoke ........................... 1.2G UN0313 11 1.2G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Signals, smoke ........................... 1.3G UND487 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Silane, compressed .................... 2.1 UN2203 2.1 ...... None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 40,57 104 Silicofluoricacid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ....,............... Fluorosilicic acid. Silicon chloride, see Silicon let- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... rachloride. Silinnn oowdar. amomhous ........ 4.1 UN1346 111 4.1 ...... Al None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 12 V N O 0 0 0 Silicon tetrachloride .................... 8 UN1818 II 8 ......... A3, A6, B2, B6, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L I C 40 M T18, T26, T29 H Silicon tetracuoride, compressed 2.3 UN1859 2.3, 8 2 None...: 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Q Silver acetylide (dry) .................. Forbidden ......... ........ ......... .................... 0 Silver arsenite ............................ 6.1 UN1683 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Silver azide (dry) ........................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ........ I........... Silver chlorite (dry) ..................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ..................9 7 Silver cyanide ............................. 6.1 UN1684 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 k A 26, 40 0. Silver fulminate (dry) .................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Vf Silver nitrate ............................... 5.1 UN1493 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A Silver oxalate (dry) ..................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ... I..... .................... .................... 0 Silver picrate (dry) ...................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... fl Silver picrate, welled with not 4.1 UN1347 1 4.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 28, 36 — 'D less than 30 percent water, by 0 mass. Sludge, acid ............................... 8 UN1906 II 8 ......... A3, A7, B2, N34, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 14 T9, T27 Q D Smokeless powder for small 4.1 NA3178 1 4.1 ...... 16 None .... 171 ..... None .. Forbidden 7.3 kg A arms (100 pounds or less). Cn Soda lime with more than 4 per- 8 UN1907 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q cent sodium hydroxide. Sodium ....................................... 4.3 UN1428 1 4.3 ...... A7, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D ', N B9, B48, B68, , N N34, T15, T29, " cn T46 Sodium aluminate, solid ............. 8 UN2812 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 0 Sodium aluminate, solution ........ 8 UN1819 11 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... 17 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Sodium aluminum hydride ......... 4.3 UN2835 11 4.3 ...... A8, A19, A20, 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 50 kg E 8100 Sodium ammonium vanadate .... 6.1 UN2863 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium arsanilate ...................... 6.1 UN2473 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Sodium arsenate ........................ 6.1 UN1685 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium arsenite, aqueous solu- 6.1 UN1686 11 6.1 ...... T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A tions. ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T15 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Sodium arsenite, solid ................ 6.1 UN2027 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium azide ............................. 6.1 UN1687 II 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 36, 52, 91 Sodium bitluoride, see Sodium .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... hydrogendifluoride. Sodium bisulfite, solution, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... COQ Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, V n.o.s. N Sodium borohydride ................... 4.3 UN1426 1 4.3 ...... B100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E O N N § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O 8 9 (§173."') 10 stow- Hazard Identifica- Packaging ( Quantitylimitations Vessel Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- class or Di- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols bons and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Looca tions bulk aircrafUrail craft only on tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Sodium borohydride and sodium 8 UN3320 11 8 ......... B2, N34, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A 26 hydroxide solution, with not more than 12 percent sodium borohydride and not more than 40 percent sodium hy- droxide by mass. ..................................................... .................... 111 8 ......... B2, N34, T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A ............ Sodium bromate ......................... 5.1 UN1494 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Sodium cacodylate ..................... 6.1 UN1688 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 26 Sodium chlorate ......................... 5.1 UN1495 II 5.1 ...... A9, N34, T8 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Sodium chlorate, aqueous solu- 5.1 UN2428 II 5.1 ...... A2, B6, TO 152 ...... 202 ..... 241 ..... 1 L 5 L B 56, 58, bon. 106 ..................................................... .................... III 5.1 ...... A2, TO 152 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 2.5 L 30 L B 56, 58, 69, 106 Sodium chlorate mixed with dint- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... trotoluene, see Explosive blasting, type C. Sodium chlorite .......................... 5.1 UN1496 11 5.1 ...... A9, N34, TB None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, 106 Sodium chloroacetate ................ 6.1 UN2659 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Sodium cuprocyanide, solid ....... 6.1 UN2316 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 2E Sodium cuprocyanide, solution .. 6.1 UN2317 1 6.1 ...... T8, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 26, 4C Sodium cyanide .......................... 6.1 UN1689 1 6.1 ...... 869, B77, N74, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B 52 N75, T42 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate or .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ................. I.. .................... Sodium dichloro-s- triazinetrione, see Dichloroisocyanunc acid etc. Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, dry 1.3C UN0234 II 1.3C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass. Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, 4.1 UN1348 1 4.1, 6.1 23, A8, A19, A20, None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 3E wetted with not less than 15 N41 percent water, by mass. Sodium dithionite or Sodium hy- 4.2 UN1384 11 4.2 ...... A19, A20, B106 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 1: drosulfite. Indium flunrida _.__................. 6.1 UN1690 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 213 ..... 1 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 2E V N O ;o 26 tD N Q n 12, 25, 26,40 Q 12, 25, Q. 26,40 N 40, 95 fD n Q 26 O Q 3 N D Q, 3 v O —1 56, 58 56, 58, 106 56, 58, 69, 106, 107 13, 75, tq 106 13, 25, V 106 _N O 40,85 0 Sodium fluoroacetate ................. 6.1 UN2629 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg E Sodium fluorosilicate .................. 6.1 UN2674 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Sodium hydrate, see Sodium hy. .................... ....... I.... droxide, solid. Sodium hydride .......................... 4.3 UN1427 1 4.3 ...... A19, 8100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E Sodium hydrogendifluoride, solid 8 UN2439 11 8 ......... 8106, N3, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Sodium hydrogendifluoride solu- 8 UN2439 II 8 ......... N3, N34 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A tion. D Sodium hydrosulfide, solution .... 8 NA2922 II 8, 6.1 B2 154 ...... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B Sodium hydrosulfide, with less 4.2 UN2318 II 4.2 ...... A7, A19, A20 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A than 25 percent water of crys- tallization. Sodium hydrosulfide with not 8 UN2949 II 8 ......... A7 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A less than 25 percent water of crystallization. Sodium hydrosulfile, see So- .................... ............ dium dithionite. Sodium hydroxide, solid ............. 8 UN1823 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Sodium hydroxide solution ......... 8 UN1824 II 8 ......... B2, N34, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ..................................................... .................... 111 8 ......... N34, T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Sodium hypochlorite. solution . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... see Hypochlorite solutions etc. NSodium metal, liquid alloy, see .................... ............ 4 Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s. Sodium methylate ...................... 4.2 UN1431 11 4.2, 8 A19 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B Sodium methylate solutions in 3 UN1289 II 3,8 .... T8, T31 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B alcohol. ..................................................... .................... III 3,8 .... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A Sodium monoxide ...................... 8 UN1825 II 8 ......... 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Sodium nitrate ............................ 5.1 UN1498 III 5.1 ...... Al, A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium nitrate and potassium 5.1 UN1499 III 5.1 ...... All, A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A nitrate mixtures. Sodium nitrite ............................. 5.1 UN1500 III 5.1, 6.1 Al. A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium pentachlorophenate ...... 6.1 UN2567 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium perchlorate .................... 5.1 UN1502 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A Sodium permanganate ............... 5.1 UN1503 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg D Sodium peroxide ........................ 5.1UN1504 1 5.1 ...... A20, N34 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg B Sodium peroxoborate, anhy- 5.1 UN3247 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A drous. Sodium persulfate ...................... 5.1 UN1505 111 5.1 ...... Al 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium phosphide ..................... 4.3 UN1432 1 4.3, 6.1 A19, N40 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg E ;o 26 tD N Q n 12, 25, 26,40 Q 12, 25, Q. 26,40 N 40, 95 fD n Q 26 O Q 3 N D Q, 3 v O —1 56, 58 56, 58, 106 56, 58, 69, 106, 107 13, 75, tq 106 13, 25, V 106 _N O 40,85 0 N N lb • • • § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Gass or Di- lion Num- PG Label Special bots lions and proper shipping names Codes provisions vision bars Excep- Non- Bulk (1) (2) (3) (4) tions Sodium picramate, dry or wetted 1.3C UN0235 (6) with less than 20 percent 211 ..... (8A) (BB) water, by mass. II 1.3C ... .......... 154 ...... Sodium picramate, wetted with 4.1 UN1349 None .. not less than 20 percent 47 151 ...... 212 ..... water, by mass. 15 kg 50 kg B II 6.1 ...... Sodium picryl peroxide ............... Forbidden 212 ..... 240 ..... Sodium potassium alloys, see .................... II 1.2F ... Potassium sodium alloys. 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Sodium selenate, see Selenales .................... None .... or Selenites. None .. Forbidden D Sodium selenite .......................... 6.1 NA2630 62 ....... Sodium sulfide, anhydrous or 4.2 UN1385 11 1.2D ... Sodium sulfide with less than None .... 62 ....... None .. 30 percent water of crys- Forbidden B ............ II 8 ......... B2, T8, T26 tallization. ......... 202 ..... ......... 242 ..... .................... 1 L Sodium sulfide, hydrated with 8 UN1849 154 ...... not less than30 percent water. 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Sodium superoxide .................... 5.1 UN2547 211 ..... Sodium tetranitride ..................... Forbidden 15 kg E G Solids containing corrosive liq- 8 UN3244 uid, n.o.s. G Solids containing flammable liq- 4.1 UN3175 uid, n.o.s. G Solids containing toxic liquid, 6.1 UN3243 n.o.s. Sounding devices, explosive ...... 1.2F UN0204 Sounding devices, explosive ...... 1.1F UN0296 Sounding devices, explosive ...... 1.10 UN0374 Sounding devices, explosive ...... 1.2D UN0375 Spirits of salt, see Hydrochloric .................... acid. Squibs, see Igniters etc ............. .................... Stannic chloride, anhydrous ....... 8 UN1827 Stannic chloride, pentahydrate .. 8 UN2440 Stannic phosphide ...................... 4.3 UN1433 Steel swarf, see Ferrous metal borings, etc, (9) (10) Quantity limitations Vessel stow- age Passenger Cargo air- aircraft/rail craft only Ltl Other (9A) (9B) I (10A) I (10B) Forbidden Forbidden I B 1E, 5E 1 1 4.1 ...... ( 23, A8, A19, N41 I None .... 1 211 ..... 1 None .. I Forbidden 1 15 kg I E 1 28, 36 ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E II 4.2 ...... A19, A20, 8106, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A N34 II 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 212 ..... tions bulk u (5) (6) (7) 211 ..... (8A) (BB) (8C) II 1.3C ... .......... 154 ...... ......... 212 ..... None .... 62 ....... None .. (9) (10) Quantity limitations Vessel stow- age Passenger Cargo air- aircraft/rail craft only Ltl Other (9A) (9B) I (10A) I (10B) Forbidden Forbidden I B 1E, 5E 1 1 4.1 ...... ( 23, A8, A19, N41 I None .... 1 211 ..... 1 None .. I Forbidden 1 15 kg I E 1 28, 36 ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E II 4.2 ...... A19, A20, 8106, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A N34 II 8 ......... T8 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 1 5.1 ...... A20, N34 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg E ............ II 8 ......... 49 .......... 154 ...... ......... 212 ..... ......... 240 ..... .................... 15 kg .................... 50 kg B II 4.1 ...... 47 151 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B II 6.1 ...... 48 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B II 1.2F ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E II 1.1F ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 11 1.2D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B ............ II 8 ......... B2, T8, T26 .......... 154 ...... ......... 202 ..... ......... 242 ..... .................... 1 L .................... 30 L C 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 1 4.3, 6.1 A19, B100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 26 13, 75, 106 40 40 40, 85 Stibine............... ............... I.. ...... . 2.3 UN2676 1 None .... 304 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 M Storage batteries, wet, see Bat . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N (D levies, We etc. Q Strontium arsenite ...................... 6.1 UN1691 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Strontium chlorate ...................... 5.1 UN1506 II 5.1 ...... A1, A9, N34 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, n ? 106 Strontium nitrate ......................... 5.1 UN1507 III 5.1 ...... Al, A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Q Strontium perchlorate ................. 5.1 UN1508 11 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, D. 106 N Strontium peroxide ..................... 5.1 UN1509 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, 106 (p Strontium phosphide .................. 4.3 UN2013 1 A19, N40 None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg E 40, 85 n, Strychnine or Strychnine salts ... 6.1 UN1692 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 Styphnicacid, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trinilroresorcinol, eta Styrene monomer, inhibited ....... 3 UN2055 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.1L UN0357 11 1AL .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, BE, Q 11E, 5 17E N G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.21. UN0358 11 1.21L .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, BE, D 11E, a 17E G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.3L UN0359 II 1.3L .... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 8E, 3• t'.)11E, N 17E G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.1A UN0473 11 1.tA ... 101, 111 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 2E, 6E v 0 G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.1C UN0474 II 1.1C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E —i G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.113 UN0475 II 1.113 ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.lG UN0476 II 1.1G ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, 8E G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.3C UN0477 II 1.3C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.3G UN0478 II 1.3G ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, BE G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1AC UN0479 11 1.4C ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 1E, SE G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.413 UN0480 11 1AD ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 1E, 5E, 24E G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1 AS UN0481 11 1.4S ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 75 kg A G Substances, explosive, n.o.s ..... 1.4G UN0485 II 1.4G ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75kg E 1E, BE G Substances, explosive, very in- 1.5D UN0482 II 1.5D ... 101 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E sensitive, n.o.s., or Sub- stances, EVI, n.o.s. Substituted nitrophenol pes- 3 UN2780 1 3, 6.1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 ticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. COi .................... II 3, 6.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... Substituted nitrophenol pes- 6.1 UN3014 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 N ticides, liquid, toxic. ' ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 C ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 0 0 0 N W O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE -Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Identifica• tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air• Lova tions bulk aircraft'rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (98) (10A) (10B) Substituted nitrophenol pes- 6.1 UN3013 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 licides, liquid, toxic, flammable flashpoint not less than 23 de- grees C. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1, 3 B1, T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Substituted nitrophenol pes- 6.1 UN2779 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 ticldes, solid, toxic. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 Sucrose octanitrate (dry) ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Suffamic acid .............................. 8 UN2967 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A D Sulfur .......................................... 9 NA1350 III 9 ......... 30 None .... None .. 240 ..... No limit No limit A 19,74 1 Sulfur .......................................... 4.1 UN1350 III 9 ......... 30, T1 None .... None .. 240 ..... No limit No limit A 19,74 Sulfur and chlorate, loose mix- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... tures of Sulfur chlorides .......................... 8 UN1828 1 8 ......... 5, A3, B10, B77, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L C 4C N34, T18, T27 Sulfurdichlonde, see Sulfur .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chlorides. Sulfur dioxide ............................. 2.3 UN1079 2.3, 8 3, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 4C 315. Sulfur dioxide solution, see Sul- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... furous acid. Sulfur hexafluoride ..................... 2.2 UN1080 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A 315. D Sulfur, molten ............................. 9 NA2448 III 9 ......... T9, T38 None .... 213 ..... 247 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 61 1 Sulfur, molten ............................. 4.1 UN2448 III 4.1 ...... T9, T38 None .... 213 ..... 247 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 61 Sulfur tetrafluoride ...................... 2.3 UN2418 2.3, 8 1 None .... 302 ..... 245 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C + Sulfur trioxide, inhibited or Sulfur 8 UN1829 1 8, 6.1 2, A7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 25 kg A 4C trioxide, stabilized. B32, B49, B74, 877, N34, T38, T43, T45 +, D Sulfur trioxide, uninhibited .......... 8 NA1829 1 8, 6.1 2, A7, B9, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 25 kg C 10, 4C B32, B49, B74, B77, N34, T38, T43, T45 Sulfuretted hydrogen, see Hy- .................... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dr -en sulfide. linuafied. 0 0 0 Sulfuric acid, fuming with less 8 UN1831 1 8 ......... A3, A7, B84, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L I C 14, 40 (;D than 30 percent free sulfur tri- T18, T27 oxide. Q * Sulfuric acid, fuming with 30 8 UN1831 1 8, 6.1 2, A3, A6, A7, B9, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 14,40 percent or more free sulfur tri- B14, B32, B74, n oxide. B77, B84, N34, S T38, T43, T45 Q Sulfuric acid, spent ..................... 8 UN1832 II 8 ......... A3, A7, B2, B83, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 14 Q B84, N34, T9, T27 . Sulfuric acid with more than 51 8 UN1830 11 8 ......... A3, A7, B3, B83, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L C 14 ,C percent acid. B84, N34, T9, T27 (D Sulfuric acid with not more than 8 UN2796 II 8 ......... A3, A7, B2, 815, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B n 51% acid. N6, N34, T9, T27 Q Sulfuricand hydrofluoric acid .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .I.................. .................... mixtures, see Hydrofluoric and sulfuric acid mixtures. Sulfuric anhydride, see Sulfur tn. .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... ....... I............ to oxide, inhibited. p Sulfurous acid ............................ 8 UN1833 II 8 ......... B3, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 3 t Sulfuryl chloride .......................... 8 UN1834 1 8, 6.1 1, A3, B6, B9, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 40 CO B10, B14, B30, D B74, B77, N34, Q. T38, T43, T44 Sulfuryl fluoride .......................... 2.3 UN2191 2.3 ...... 4 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 25 kg D 40. N 315. 3 Tars, liquid including road as- 3 UN1999 II 3 ......... B13, T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B v phalt and ails, bitumen and o 0 cut backs. .................... III 3 ......... B1, B13, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Tear gas candles ....................... 6.1 UN1700 II 6.1, 4.1 None .... 340 ..... None .. Forbidden 50 kg D 40 Teargas cartridges, see Ammu- ................. ............ .... I..... ......... .... I.... .................... .................... nition, tear -producing, etc. D Tear gas devices with more than 6.1 NA1693 1 6.1 ...... None .... 340 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 2 percent tear gas sub- stances, by mass. ..................................................... ....... I............ II 6.1 ...... None .... 340 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Teargas devices, with not more .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ...... I............. .................... than 2 percent tear gas sub- stances, by mass, see Aerosols, etc. Teargas grenades, see Tear .................... ............ .... I..... ......... ... I..... .................... .................... gas candles. G Tear gas substances, liquid, 6.1 UN1693 1 6.1 ...... None .... 201 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 n.o.s. .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 202 ..... None .. Forbidden 5 L D 40 W) G ..................................................... Tear gas substances, solid, 6.1 UN1693 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 -+ V n.o.s. .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... None .. Forbidden 25 kg D 40 ..................................................... Tellurium compound, n.o.s ......... 6.1 UN3284 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B p ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B N W N 0 0 0 § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (t0) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Special Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard Hazard or Di- Identiflca- tion Num- PG Label age bots tions end proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions p Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca- tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion other I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (Bc) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) .................... 111 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ..................................................... Tellurium hexafluodde ................ 2.3 UN2195 2.3, 8 1 None .... 302 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Terpene hydrocarbons, n.o.s ..... 3 UN2319 Ill 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Terpinolene................................ 3 UN2541 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tetraazido benzene quinone ..... Forbidden ............ .......... ........ ......... ............. I...... .................... Tetrabromoethane ...................... 6.1 UN2504 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tetrachloroethane ...................... 6.1 UN1702 II 6.1 ...... N36, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Tetrachloroethylene .................... 6.1 UN1897 III 6.1 ...... N36, T1 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate .. 6.1 UN1704 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D 4C D Tetraethyl lead, liquid ................. 6.1 NA1649 1 6.1, 3 None .... 201 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 40 D Tetraethyl pyrophosphate, liquid 6.1 NA3018 1 6.1 ...... None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L A 4C D Tetraethyl pyrophosphate solid .. 6.1 NA2783 1 6.1 ...... N77 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 50 kg A 4C Tetraethyl silicate ....................... 3 UN1292 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tetraethylammonium perchlorate Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ..... I.............. .................... (dry). Tetraethylenepentamine ............. 8 UN2320 III 8 ......... T2 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane or Re- 2.2 UN3159 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A frigerant gas R 134a. 315. Tetrafluoroethylene, inhibited ..... 2.1 UN1081 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... None .. Forbidden 150 kg E 4C Tetrafluoromethane, Qom- 2.2 UN1982 2.2 ...... None .... 302 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A pressed or Refrigerant gas R 14. 1,2,3,6-Tetrahydrobenzaldehyde 3 UN2498 III 3 ......... Bt, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tetrahydrofuran .......................... 3 UN2056 11 3 ......... T8 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Tetrahydrofurfurylamine ............. 3 UN2943 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tetrahydrophthalic anhydrides 8 UN2698 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A with more than 0.05 percent of maleic anhydride. 1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine ......... 3 UN2410 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Tetrahydrothiophene .................. 3 UN2412 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Tetramethylammonium hydrox- 8 UN1835 11 8 ......... B2, TB 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A ide. Tetramethylene diperoxide Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... ...................I .................... dicarbamide. Tetramethylsilane ....................... 3 UN2749 1 3 ......... T21, T26 None .... 201 ..... 243.:... Forbidden 30 L D Tetranitro diglycerin .................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... Tat-nitrnanllinw _._.._.._............ 1.1D UN0207 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E 0 0 0 Tetranitromethane ...................... 5.1 UN1510 1 5.1, 6.1 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40, 66, 70 (D B74, T38, T43, 106 N T45.................... 2,3,4,6-Tetranitrophenol ............. Forbidden ............ .••...... ......... .••..... .................... Q 2,3,4,6-Tatranitrophenyl methyl Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... n nitramine. 2,3,4,6-Tetranitrophenylnitramine Forbidden ............ .......... I ........ ......... ............ I....... .................... Tetranitroresorcool (dry) ............ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... D. 2,3,5,6-Tetranitroso-1,4- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... dinitrobenzene. N � 2,3,5.6-Tetranitroso Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... nitrobenzene (dry). n Tetrapropylorthotitanate ............. 3 UN2413 III 3 ......... 81, T8 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q Tetrazene, see Guanyl .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... _ nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene. T Tetrazine(dry) ............................ Forbidden ............ ... I...... ......... ......... .................... .................. Tetrazol-l-acetic acid ................. 1.4C UN0407 II 1.4C ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 k 9 A 1E, 5E, !Q 24E B Tetrazolyl azide (dry) ................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 3 Tetryl, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... rn Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine. D Thallium chlorate ........................ 5.1 UN2573 II 5.1, 6.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, Q 106 Thallium compounds, n.o.s ........ 6.1 UN1707 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ;. n' Thallium nitrate ........................... 6.1 UN2727 11 6.1, 5.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A W D W Thallium sulfate, solid ................ 6.1 NA1707 It 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A v 4-Thiapenlanal ........................... 6.1 UN2785 III 6.1 ...... TB 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L D 25, 49 Thioacetic acid ........................... 3 UN2436 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 0 Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, 3 UN2772 1 3, 6.1 .............................. None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. ............................................. .................... II 3, 6.1 .............................. None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 Thiocarbamate pesticides, liquid, 6.1 UN3005 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 flammable, toxic, flash point not less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... ...... I............. II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1, 3 T13 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, 6.1 UN3006 1 6,1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 toxic. .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 ..................................................... Thiocarbamate pesticides, solid, 6.1 UN2771 1 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 toxic. .................... II 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 W) Thiocarbonylchlonde, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ....................—� .................... V Thiophosgene. N Thioglycol................................... 6.1 UN2966 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Thioglyoolic acid ......................... 8 UN1940 II 8 ......... A7, 82, N34, T8 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L A p Thiolactic acid ............................ 6.1 UN2936 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A N W • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di- Identifica- Bon Num- PG Label Special age bots Bons and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air - bons bulk aircreftlrail craft only Bon Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (tOB) Thionyl chloride .......................... 8 UN1836 1 8 ......... A7, B6, B10, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C 40 T18, T27 Thiophene .................................. 3 UN2414 II 3 ......... B101, T2 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 + Thiophosgene ............................. 6.1 UN2474 II 6.1 ...... 2, A7, 89, B14, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 60 L B 26.40 B32, B74, N33, N34, T38, T43, T45 Thiophosphoryl chloride ............. 8 UN1837 II 8 ......... A3, A7, B2, B8, None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 825, B101, N34, T12 Thiourea dioxide ......................... 4.2 UN3341 II 4.2 ...... .............................. None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D ............ .................... III 4.2 ...... .............................. None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D ............ ..................................................... Thonum metal, pyrophoric ......... 7 UN2975 7, 4.2 None .... 418 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D Thonum nitrate, solid ................. 7 UN2976 7, 5.1 None .... 419 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg A Tin chloride, fuming, see Stannic .................... ............ .......... ......... ...1..... .................... .................... chloride, anhydrous. Tin perchloride or Tin tetra- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... chloride, see Stannic chloride, anhydrous. Tinctures, medicinal ................... 3 UN1293 II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tinningflux, see Zinc chloride ... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Titanium disulphide .................... 4.2 UN3174 III 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Titanium hydride ......................... 4.1 UN1871 II 4.1 ...... A19, A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E Titanium powder, dry ................. 4.2 UN2546 1 4.2 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ........................................... I......... .................... II 4.2 ...... A19, A20, N5, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D N34 .................... III 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D ..................................................... Titanium powder, wetted with 4.1 UN1352 II 4.1 ...... A19, A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E not less than 25 percent water (a visible excess of water must be present) (a) mechani- cally produced, particle size less than 53 microns; (b) chemically produced, particle size less than 840 microns. Titanium sponge granules or Ti- 4.1 UN2878 111 4.1 ...... Al None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D tanium sponge powders. n Titanium sulfate solution ... 8 NA1760 11 8 ......... B2, B15 None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30L B 4( • • • t Titanium tetrachloride ................. 8 UN1838 II 8, 6.1 2, A3, A6, B7, B9, None ..., 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 40 N B14, B32, B74, y 877, T38, T43, Q T45 Titanium trichloride mixtures ...... 8 UN2869 11 8 ......... A7, 8106, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 40 n .................... III 8 ......... A7, N34 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 :r ..................................................... Titanium trichloride, pyrophoric 4.2 UN2441 1 4.2, 8 A7, A8, A19, A20, None .... 181 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Q or Titanium trichloride mix- N34 M CL tures, pyrophoric. TNTmixed with aluminum, see .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 'd Tdtonal. (D TNT, see Trinitrotoluene, etc ..... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Toluene ...................................... 3 UN1294 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Q + Toluene diisocyanate ................. 6.1 UN2078 II 6.1 ...... B110, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L D 25, 40 — Toluene sultonic acid, see Alkyl . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 'O or Aryl sutfonic acid etc. O + Toluidines liquid ......................... 6.1 UN1708 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A ............ (Q • Toluidines solid .......................... 6.1 UN1708 II 6.1 ...... .............................. None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A ............ ^Q 2,4-Toluylenediamine or 2,4- 6.1 UN1709 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 3 Toluenediamine. to Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with 1.3J UN0450 II 1.3.1 .... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, D inert head. 16E, a 23E Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with or 1.1J UN0449 II 1.11 .... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 7E, '. W without bursting charge. 16E, cn Torpedoes with bursting charge 1.1E UN0329 II 1.1E ... .......... 62 ....... j None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 23E v Torpedoes with bursting charge 1.1F UN0330 II 1.1F ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 0 Torpedoes with bursting charge 1.11D UN0451 II 1.1D ... .......... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B G Toxic liquid, corrosive, inorganic, 6.1 UN3289 I and II 6.1, 8 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L A G n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 8 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A G Toxic liquid, corrosive, inorganic, 6.1 UN3289 1 6.1, 8 1,B9, 814, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 40 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard, 872, T38, T43, Packing Group 1, Zone A. T44 G Toxic liquid, corrosive, inorganic, 6.1 UN3289 1 6.1, 8 2, 89, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 40 n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard, B74, T38, T43, Packing Group 1, Zone B. T45 G Toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s ...... 6.1 UN3287 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L A G ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... B110. T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A G ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A G Toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. In- 6.1 UN3287 1 6.1 ...... 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden 8 40 halation Hazard, Packing B72, T38, T43, Group 1, Zone A. T44 G Toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. In- 6.1 UN3287 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B 40 (Of halation Hazard, Packing B74, T38, T43, — Group 1, Zone B. T45 V fV G Toxic liquids, corrosive, organic, 6.1 UN2927 1 6.1, 8 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 40 G ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1, 8 T42 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 --� • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued V (8) (9) (10) N Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard Gass or Di- Identiflca• tion Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision hers Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- _ Ltion tions bulk aircrafUrail craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (BB) (8C) (9A) (913) (1 OA) (10B) G Toxic liquids, corrosive, organic, 6.1 UN2927 1 6.1, 8 1, B9, 814, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, n.o.s., inhalation hazard, 872, T38, T43, 95 Packing Group 1, Zone A. T44 G Toxic liquids, corrosive, organic, 6.1 UN2927 1 6.1, 8 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, n.o.s., inhalation hazard, B74, T38, T43, 95 Packing Group 1, Zone B. T45 G Toxic liquids, flammable, or- 6.1 UN2929 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 G ganic, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 3 T15 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 G Toxic liquids, flammable, or- 6.1 UN2929 1 6.1, 3 1, B9, B14, 830, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, ganic, n.o.s., inhalation haz- B72, T38, T43, 95 ard, Packing Group 1, Zone A. T44 G Toxic liquids, flammable, or- 6.1 UN2929 1 6.1, 3 2, B9, 814, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, tv W ganic, n.o.s., inhalation haz- B74, T38, T43, 95 ard, Packing Group 1, Zone B. T45 G Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s ...... 6.1 UN2810 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 G ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... B110, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 G ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 G Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s. In- 6.1 UN2810 1 6.1 ...... 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, halation hazard, Packing B72, T38, T43, 95 A Group 1, Zone A. T44 .p G Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s. In- 6.1 UN2810 1 6.1 ...... 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 20, 40, n halation hazard, Packing B74, T38, T43, 95 T Group 1, Zone B. T45 M G Toxic liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s ..... 6.1 UN3122 1 6.1, 5.1 A4 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L C n G ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 5.1 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L C =r -_ G Toxic liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s. In- 6.1 UN3122 1 6.1, 5.1 1, B9, 814, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C halation hazard, Packing B72, T38, T43, n Group I, Zone A. T44 G Toxic liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s. In- 6.1 UN3122 1 6.1, 5.1 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden C Q halation Hazard, Packing T38, T43, T45 I Group 1, Zone B. 10 G Toxic liquids, water -reactive, 6.1 UN3123 1 6.1, 4.3 A4 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L E 40 10 G n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 4.3 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 40 M d G Toxic liquids, water -reactive, 6.1 UN3123 1 6.1, 4.3 1, B9, B14, B30, None .... 226 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 0 n.o.s. Inhalation hazard, pack- B72, T38, T43, 3 ing group 1, Zone A. T44 v • • • G Toxicliquids, water -reactive, 6.1 UN3123 1 6.1, 4.3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 M A n.o.s. Inhalation hazard, pack- B74, T38, T43, ing group 1, Zone B. T45 1D G Toxic solid, corrosive, inorganic, 6.1 UN3290 1 6.1, 8 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg A Q n.o.s. .................... II 6.1, 8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A 0 =r G ..................................................... Toxic solid, inorganic, n.o.s ....... 6.1 UN3288 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A Q 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A fl. ..................................................... .................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A G ..................................................... Toxic solids, corrosive, organic, 6.1 UN2928 1 6.1, 8 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 25 kg B 40 'fl n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... 11 6.1, 8 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B 40 (p G Toxic solids, flammable, organic, 6.1 UN2930 1 6.1, 4.1 B106 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15 kg B Q n.o.s. .................... II 6.1, 4.1 8106 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg B - G ..................................................... Toxic solids, organic, n.o.s ........ 6.1 UN2811 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B O 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B (Q .....................................................II ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A Q G Toxic solids, oxidizing, n.o.s ...... 6.1 UN3086 1 6.1, 5.1 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 1 kg 15 kg C 3 ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 5.1 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg C y G Toxic solids, self -healing, n.o.s .. 6.1 UN3124 1 6.1, 4.2 A5, B100 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 15 kg D 40 D ..................................................... .................... II 6.1, 4.2 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 40 a G Toxic solids, water -reactive, 6.1 UN3125 1 6.1, 4.3 A5, B100 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 15 kg D 40 3 tv n.o.s. II 6.1, 4.3 B101 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D 40 vD Toy Caps .................................... 1.4S NA0337 II IAS ... None .... 62 ....... None .. 25 kg 100 kg A 9E Tracers for ammunition .............. 1.3G UN0212 II 1.3G ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B Tracers for ammunition .............. 1AG UN0306 II 1AG ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 24E Tractors, see Vehicles, self pro- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... palled. Tri-(b-nitroxyethyl) ammonium Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... nitrate. Triallyl borate .............................. 6.1 UN2609 111 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 13 Tnallylamine ............................... 3 UN2610 III 3, 8 .... 81, T1 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Triazine pesticides, flammable, 3 UN2764 1 3, 6.1 .............................. None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 30 L B 40 toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C. ..................................................... .................... II 3, 6.1 .............................. None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 60 L B 40 Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2998 1 6.1 ...... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 .................... 11 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 ..................................................... .................... 111 6.1 ...... T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 ..................................................... Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic, 6.1 UN2997 1 6.1, 3 T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 flammable, flashpoint not less es than 23 degreC. ................ .......................... .................... II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L B 40 cOi .................... III 6.1, 3 T14 153 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 40 ..................................................... Triazine pesticides, solid, toxic .. 6.1 UN2763 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg A 40 v ..................................................... .................... II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 40 ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 40 p Tributylamine .............................. 6.1 UN2542 11 6.1 ...... B110, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A ............ 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descnp- Hazard Di class or - Identifica- ti o n Num- PG Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Loca- tions bulk aircraft/rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (86) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Tributylphosphane ...................... 4.2 UN3254 1 4.2 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D D mono-(Trichloro) tetra- 5.1 NA2468 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 13 (monopotassium dichloro)- penta-s-triazinetrione, dry (with more than 39 percent available chlorine). Trichloro-s-triazinetrione dry . .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... with more than 39 percent available chlorine, see Trichloroisocyanuric acid, dry. Tnchloroacetic acid .................... 8 UN1839 II 8 ......... A7, N34 154 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 15 kg 50 kg A Trichloroacetic acid, solution ...... 8 UN2564 It 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B N34, T8 ..................................................... .................... III 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, N34, 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L B E T7 * Trichloroacetyl chloride .............. 8 UN2442 11 8, 6.1 2, A3, A7, B9, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 4C B14, B32, B74, j N34, T38, T43, T45 Tnchlorobenzenes, liquid ........... 6.1 UN2321 III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Trichlorobulene .......................... 6.1 UN2322 II 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 25,4C 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ................. 6.1 UN2831 III 6.1 ...... N36, T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C Trichloroethylene ........................ 6.1 UN1710 III 6.1 ...... N36, Tt 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C Trichloroisocyanunc acid, dry .... 5.1 UN2468 II 5.1 ...... 152 ...... 212 ..... 240 ..... 5 kg 25 kg A 1: Trichloromethyl perchlorate ........ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trichlorosilane ............................ 4.3 UN1295 1 4.3, 3, A7, N34, T24, T26 None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 21,28 8. 40, 49 10( Tricresyl phosphate with more 6.1 UN2574 II 6.1 ...... A3, N33, N34, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A than 3 percent ortho isomer. Thethyl phosphite ....................... 3 UN2323 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Triethylamine .............................. 3 UN1296 II 3,8 .... B101, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 4( Trielhylenetetramine ................... 8 UN2259 11 8 ......... B2, T8 154 ...... 202..... 242 ..... 1 L 30 L B 4( Trifluoroacetic acid ..................... 8 UN2699 1 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B4, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L B 12, 4( N3, N34, T18, T27 Trifluoroacetyl chloride ............... 2.3 UN3057 2.3, 8 2, B7, B9, B14 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 4( 315. Tnfluorochloroethylene, inhibited 2.3 UN1082 ...........1 2.3, 2.1 3,814 None .... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden Forbidden D 4( 315. lV W cfl 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane, com- 2.1 UN2035 I 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg I B 40 70 y pressed or Refrigerant gas R 315. (D 143a. Trifluoromethane or Refrigerant 2.2 UN1984 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, 75 kg 150 kg A Q gas R 23. Trifluoromelhane, refrigerated 2.2 UN3136 2.2 ...... 306 ...... None .. 315. 314, 50 kg 500 kg D n =r liquid. 315. a 2-Thfluoromethylaniline .............. 6.1 UN2942 III 6.1 ...... 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A M CL 3-Thfluoromethylaniline ..............6.1 UN2948 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Trifomroxlme tdnitrate ................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... </► Triisobutylene ............................. 3 UN2324 III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Triisopropyl borate ..................... 3 UN2616 II 3 ......... T8, T31 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A ..................................................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T8, T31 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Q D Trimethoxysilane ........................ 6.1 NA9269 I 6.1, 3 2, B9, B14, B32, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 _ B74, T38, T43, T T45 Q Trimethyl borate ......................... 3 UN2416 II 3 ......... T14 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B (Q ^Q Trimethyl phosphite .................... 3 UN2329 III 3 ......... Bt, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 1,3,5-Trimethy4-2,4,6- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... 3 trinitrobenzene. N Thmethylacelyl chloride ............. 6.1 UN2438 1 6.1, 8, 2, A3, A6, A7, B3, None .... 227 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D 25, 40 D 3. B9, 814, B32, p, B74, N34, T38, 3 T43, T45 —• Trimethylamine, anhydrous ........ 2.1 UN1083 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 315. I Tnmethylamine, aqueous solu- 3 UN1297 1 3, 8 .... T42 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 0.5 L 2.5 L D 40, 41 0 tions with not more than 50 -4 percent trimethylamine by mass. .................... 11 3,8 .... B1, T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L B 40, 41 ..................................................... .................... 111 3, 8 .... B1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40,41 ..................................................... 1,3,5-Thmelhylbenzens .............. 3 UN2325 111 3 ......... B1, T1 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tnmethylchlorosilane ................. 3 UN1298 11 3,8 .... A3, A7, 877, N34, None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 40 T14, T26 Trimethylcyalohexylamine .......... 8 UN2326 111 8 ......... T2 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A Trimethylene glycol Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... diperchlorate. Trimethylhexamethylene 6.1 UN2328 111 6.1 ...... T8 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L B diisocyanate. Trimethylhexamethylenediamine- 8 UN2327 111 8 ......... T7 154 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 5 L 60 L A S. Trimethylol nitromethane Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .1.................. .................... trinitrate. Tnnitro-meta-cresol .................... 1.1D UN0216 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E CM 2,4,6-Tnnitro-1,3-diazobenzene Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... V 2,4,6-Tnnitro-1,3,54riazido ben- Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... N zene (dry). Trinitroacetic acid ....................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... O Trinitroacetonitrile....................... Forbidden ............ ..... I.... ......... ......... .................... .................... N O § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE --Continued • (8) (9) (10) Packaging (§173.--') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard class or Di• Identifies- tion Num- PG Label Special age bols tions and proper shipping names vision bers Codes provisions Excep• Non- Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk Bulk aircrafVrail craft only Loca tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) Trinitroamine cobalt .................... Forbidden ............ ................ ... I.,... .................... .................... Trinitroanilme orPicramide ........ 1.1D UN0153 II 1.1D... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Trinitroanisole ............................. 1.10 UN0213 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 1E, 5E Trinitrobenzene, dry or wetted 1.1D UN0214 If 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E with less than 30 percent water, by mass. Thnitrobenzene, wetted with not 4.1 UN1354 1 4.1 ...... 23, A2, A8, Al 9, None .... 211 ..... None .. 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 28 less than 30 percent water, by N41 mass. Thnilrobenzenesulfonic acid ...... 1.1D UN0386 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E 1E, 5E Trinitrobenzoic acid, dry or 1.1D UN0215 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 1E, 5E wetted with less than 30 per- cent water, by mass. Trinitrobenzolc acid, wetted with 4.1 UN1355 1 4.1 ...... 23, A2, A8, Al 9, None .... 211 ..... None .. 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 28 not less than 30 percent N41 water, by mass. Trinitrochlorobenzene or Picryl 1.1D UN0155 11 1.10 ... None .... 62....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E chloride. Trinitroethanol............................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trinitroethylnitrate ....................... Forbidden I........... .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trinitro0uorenone ....................... 1.1D UN0387 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Thnitromethane.......................... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ... I...I. .................... .................... 1,3,5-Trinitronaphthalene ........... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Trinitronaphlhalene .................... IIAD UN0217 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Trinitrophenetole ........................ 1.11) UN0218 If 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Trinitrophenol or Picric acid, dry 1.1D UN0154 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E or wetted with less than 30 percent water, by mass. Trinitrophenol, wetted with not 4.1 UN1344 1 4.1 ...... 23, A8, A19, N41 None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg E 28, 3E less than 30 percent wafer, by mass. 2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl guanidine Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... (dry) 2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl nitramine .... Forbidden 2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl trimethylot Forbidden ......... ........ ....... ....... ................. .................. methyl nitramine trinitrate (dry). Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine or 1.1D UN0208 It 1.1D ... None .... 62....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E Tetrvl. • Trinitroresorcinol or Styphnic 1.10 UN0219 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E N acid, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, or mix- N Q ture of alcohol and water, by mass. Trinitroresorcinol, wetted or 1.1D UN0394 II 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E n Styphnic acid, wetted with not Q less than 20 percent water, or mixture of alcohol and water N by mass. 2,4,6-Trinitroso-3-methyl Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... nitraminoanisole. n Trinitrotetramine cobalt nitrate ... Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Q Trinitrotoluene and 1.113 UN0388 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E — Tmitrobenzene mixtures or T TNT and trinilrobenzene mix- O (Q tures or TNT and hexanilrostilbene mixtures or 4 Trinitrotoluene and hexanitrostilnene mixtures. H Trinitrotoluene mixtures con- 1.1D UN0389 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E D taining Trinitrobenzene and Q- Hexanitrostilbene or TNT mix- 3 lV lures Containing 3 ,p trinitrobenzene and �-' hexanitrostilbene. Trinitrotoluene or TNT, dry or 1.11D UN0209 It 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 1E, 5E 0 wetted with less than 30 per- 1 cent water, by mass. Trinitrotoluene, wetted with not 4.1 UN1356 1 4.1 ...... 23, A2, A8, A19, None .... 211 ..... None .. 0.5 kg 0.5 kg E 28 less than 30 percent water, by N41 mass. Tripropylamine ............................ 3 UN2260 III 3.8 .... B1, T8 150 ..... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L A 40 Tripropylene ............................... 3 UN2057 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A ..................................................... Tris-(1-aziridinyl)phosphine 6.1 UN2501 11 6.1 ...... T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60L A oxide, solution. ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 203 ..... 241 ..... 60 L 220 L A Tris, bis-bitluoroamino diethoxy Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... propane (TVOPA). Tritonal....................................... 1.1D UN0390 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden 8 1E, 5E Tungsten hexafluoride ................ 2.3 UN2196 2.3, 8 2 None .... 338 ..... None .. Forbidden Forbidden D 40 Turpentine .................................. 3 UN1299 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Turpentine substitute .................. 3 UN1300 1 3 ......... T1 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B Wq II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... ..................................................... .................... .................... 111 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A V N Undecane................................... 3 UN2330 III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Uranium hexafluoride, fissile ex- 7 UN2978 7,8 .... 423 ...... 420, 420, ............I ....... ....... I............ p cepled or non-(ssile. 427. 427. § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—COfltlnued 12 V N O A 10 n 10 M Q O v (8) (9)'-- (10) Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Hazard Gass or Di- Identifica- lion Num- PG Label Special age -- Loca- bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars Codes provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cargo air- tions bulk aircrafVrail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (813) (8C) (9A) — (98) (10A) (10B) Uranium hexafluoride, fissile 7 UN2977 7, 8 .... 453 ...... 417, 417, .................... .................... A (with more than 1 percent U- 420. 420. 235). Uranium metal, pyrophoric ......... 7 UN2979 7, 4.2 None .... 418 ..... None .. .................... .................... D Uranyl nitrate hexahydrate solu- 7 UN2980 7, 8 .... 421, 415, 415, .................... ... ................ I D lion. 427. 416, 416, 417. 417. Uranyl nitrate, solid .................... 7 UN2981 7, 5.1 None .... 419 ..... None .. Forbidden 15 kg A Urea hydrogen peroxide ............ 5.1 UN1511 III 5.1, 8 Al, AT A29 152 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100kg A 13 Urea nitrate, dry or wetted with 1.1D UN0220 II 1.113 ... 119 None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E less than 20 percent water, by mass. Urea nitrate, wetted with not 4.1 UN1357 1 4.1 ...... 39, A8, A19, N41 None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg A 2E less than 20 percent water, by mass. Ureaperoxide, see Urea hydro- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........ I........... .................... gen peroxide. Valeraldehyde ............................ 3 UN2058 II 3 ......... Tt 150 ...... 202 ...... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Valeric acid, see Corrosive liq. .................... ............ .......... I ...... .. ......... .... I............... ................... uids, n.o.s. Valeryl chloride ........................... 8 UN2502 II 8, 3 .... A3, A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 202 ...... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L C 4( N34, T8 Vanadium compound, n.o.s ....... 6.1 UN3285 1 6.1 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 50 kg B .................... II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg B ..................................................... .................... III 6.1 ...... T7 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A ..................................................... Vanadium oxytrichlonde ............. 8 UN2443 II 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B2, 154 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 30 L C 4( 816, N34, T8, T26 Vanadium pentoxide, non-fused 6.1 UN2862 III 6.1 ...... .............................. 153 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 100 kg 200 kg A 4( form. Vanadium tetrachloride .............. 8 UN2444 1 8 ......... A3, A6, A7, B4, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L C 4( N34, T8, T26 Vanadium trichloride .................. 8 UN2475 111 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A 4( Vanadyl sulfate ........................... 6.1 UN2931 11 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Vehicle, flammable gas powered 9 UN3166 ............ 9 ......... 135 220 ...... 220 ..... 220 ..... Forbidden No limit A ........... Vehicle, flammable liquid pow- 9 UN3166 ............ 9 ......... 135 220 ...... 220 ..... 220 ..... No limit No limit A ........... ered. Verysignal cartridge, see Car- .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Vidges, signal. I Vinvl anetate. inhibited ............... 3 UN1301 11 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 12 V N O A 10 n 10 M Q O v is Vinyl bromide, inhibited .............. 2.1 UN1085 2.1 ...... 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 M 315. W Vinyl butyrate, inhibited .............. 3 UN2838 II 3 ......... T7 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B fD Vinyl chloride, inhibited or Vinyl 2.1 UN1086 2.1 ...... 21, B44 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 Q chloride, stabilized. 315. n ? Vinyl chloroaoetate ..................... 6.1 UN2589 II 6.1, 3 T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Vinyl ethyl ether, inhibited.......... 3 UN1302 1 3 ......... A3, B100, T14 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L D Q Vinyl Fluoride, inhibited ............... 2.1 UN1860 2.1 ...... ................. 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg E 40 a 315. Vinyl isobutyl ether, inhibited ..... 3 UN1304 II 3 ......... T8 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B Vinyl methyl ether, inhibited ....... 2.1 UN1087 2.1 ...... B44 306 ...... 304 ..... 314, Forbidden 150 kg B 40 315. 0 Vinyl nitrate polymer .................. Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .............. I..... .................... Q Vinyltoluenes, inhibited .. 3 UN2618 III 3 ......... B1, TI 150 ..... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A _ Vinylidene chloride, inhibited ..... 3 UN1303 1 3 ......... T23, T29 150 ...... 201 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L E 40 Vinylpyridines, inhibited .............. 6.1 UN3073 11 6.1, 3, 8100, T8 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 30 L B 40 8. �Q Vinyltrichlorosilane, inhibited ...... 3 UN1305 1 3,8 .... A3, A7, B6, N34, None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 2.5 L B 40 Q T14, T26 3 Warheads, rocket with burster or 1.41D UN0370 II 1 AD ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden 75 kg A 3E, 7E, to expelling charge. 24E D Warheads, rocket with burster or 1.4F UN0371 II 1AF ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E Q. expelling charge. Warheads, rocket with bursting 1.113 UN0286 II 1.113 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E _. tv charge. W Warheads, rocket with bursting 1.2D UN0287 II 1.213 ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E v charge. Warheads, rocket with bursting 1.1F UN0369 II 1.1F ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden E charge. Warheads, torpedo with bursting 1.10 UN0221 11 1.1D ... None .... 62 ....... None .. Forbidden Forbidden B 3E, 7E G I charge. Water -reactive liquid, corrosive, 4.3 UN3129 1 4.3, 8 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L D n.o.s. I............... .................... II 4.3, 8 8106 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 85 ..................................... .................... III 4.3, 8 B106 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E G ..................................................... Water -reactive liquid, n.o.s ........ 4.3 UN3148 1 4.3 ...... None .... 201 ..... 244 ..... Forbidden 1 L E 40 .................... II 4.3 ...... B106 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 40 ..................................................... .................... III 4.3 ....., B106 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 40 G ..................................................... Water -reactive liquid, toxic, n.o.s 4.3 UN3130 1 4.3, 6.1 A4 None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden 1 L D I.......... .................... II 4.3, 6.1 B106 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 1 L 5 L E 85 .......................................... .................... 111 4.3, 6.1 8106 None .... 203 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L E 85 G ..................................................... Water -reactive solid, corrosive, 4.3 UN3131 1 4.3, 8 8101, 8106, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D n.o.s. .................... II 4.3, 8 8101, B106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 85 ..................................................... .................... III 4.3, 8 B105, B106 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 85 W) G ..................................................... Water -reactive solid, flammable, 4.3 UN3132 1 4.3, 4.1 8101, 8106, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D ............ v n.o.s. II 8101, B106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E N .................... ill .1 4.3, 41.1 8105, 8106 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E p G ................................................... Water -reactive solid, n.o.s ......... 4.3 UN2813 1 4.3 ...... B101, B106, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E 40 • • • § 172.101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued 12 V N O (8) (9) (10) Hazard Identifica- Packaging (§173."') Quantity limitations Vessel stow- Sym- Hazardous materials descrip- Gass or Di- tion Num- PGCodes Label Special age bots tions and proper shipping names vision bars provisions Excep- Non. Bulk Passenger Cargo air- Lo�- tions bulk aircraf /rail craft only tion Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B) ..................................................... .................... II 4.3 ...... B101, B106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 40 ..................................................... .................... III 4.3 ...... B105, 8106 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 40 G Water -reactive, solid, oxidizing, 4.3 UN3133 II 4.3, 5.1 .............................. None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 n.o.s.. ..................................................... .................... III .............................. None .... 214 ..... 214 ..... Forbidden Forbidden E 40 G Water -reactive solid, self -heat- 4.3 UN3135 1 4.3, 4.2 B100, N40 None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg E ing, n.o.s. ..................................................... .................... II 4.3, 4.2 B101, 8106 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E ..................................................... .................... III 8101, B106 None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E G Water -reactive solid, toxic, n.o.s 4.3 UN3134 1 4.3, 6.1 A8, B101, 8106, None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden 15 kg D N40 .................................................. .................... II 4.3, 6.1 B105, 8106 151 ...... 212 ..... 242 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E 85 ..................................................... .................... III 4.3, 6.1 8105, B106 151 ...... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg E 85 Wheel chair, electric, see Bat- tery powered vehicle or Bat- tery powered equipment. White acid, see Hydrofluoric .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... acid mixtures. I White asbestos (chrysotile, ac- 9 UN2590 III 9 ......... 155 ...... 216 ..... 240 ..... 200 kg 200 kg A 34, 40 tinolite, anthophyllite, tremolite). Wood preservatives, liquid ......... 3 UN1306 II 3 ......... T7, T30 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B 4C ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T7, T30 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A 4C Xanthates................................... 4.2 UN3342 II 4.2 ...... .............................. None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15kg 50kg D 40 ..................................................... .................... III 4.2 ...... .............................. None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25kg 100kg D 4C Xenon, compressed ................... 2.2 UN2036 2.2 ...... 306 ...... 302 ..... None .. 75 kg 150 kg A Xenon, refrigerated liquid (cryo- 2.2 UN2591 2.2 ...... 320 ...... None .. None .. 50 kg 500 kg B genic liquids). Xylenes ....................................... 3 UN1307 II 3 ......... T1 150 ...... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1, T1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... 60 L 220 L A Xylenols ...................................... 6.1 UN2261 11 6.1 ...... TO None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Xylidines, solid ............................ 6.1 UN1711 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Xylidines, solution ....................... 6.1 UN1711 II 6.1 ...... T14 None .... 202 ..... 243 ..... 5 L 60 L A Xylyl bromide ............................... 6.1 UN1701 II 6.1 ...... A3, A6, A7, N33 None .... 340 ..... None .. Forbidden 60 L D 4C p -Xylyl diazide ............................ Forbidden ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Zinc ammonium nitrite ................ 5.1 UN1512 II 5.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 5 kg 25 kg E Zinc arsenate or Zinc arsenile or 6.1 UN1712 II 6.1 ...... None .... 212 ..... 242 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A Zinc arsenate and zinc arsenite mixtures.. 12 V N O is Zinc ashes .............. ........ ...... 4.3 UN1435 111 4.3 Al, A19, 8108 151 213 241 25 kg 100 kg A (D Zinc bisulfate solution, see .................... ............ ......... ......... .................... .................... lift Bisulfites, inorganic; aqueous (D solutions, n.o.s. 0 Zinc bromate .............................. 5.11 UN2469 111 5.1 Al, A29 152 213 240 25 kg 100kg A 56, 58, 106 Zinc chlorate 5.1 UN1513 11 5.1 A9, N34 152 212 242 5 kg 25 kg A 56, 58, ............................... 106 Zinc chloride, anhydrous 8 UN2331 111 8 None 213 240 25 kg 100 kg A Yn Zinc chloride, solution ................ 11 UNI840 111 8 T7 154 203 241 5 L 60 L A Zinc cyanide ............................... 61 UN1713 1 6.1 None 211 242 5 kg 50 kg A 26 tD Zinc dithionite or Zinc hydro- 9 UN1931 III None 155 204 240 100 kg 200 kg A 49 sulfite. Zincethyl, see Diethylzinc ......... .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... . .................. Zinc fluorosilicate ....................... 6.1 UN2855 111 6.1 153 213 240 100 kg 200 kg A 26 0 Zinc hydrosulfite, see Zinc .................... ............ ......... I ......... ......... .................... .................... (a dithionite. B Zinc muriate solution, see Zinc .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... ........ . .................. 3 chloride, solution. to Zinc nitrate ................................. 5.1 UN1514 11 5.1 152 212 240 5 kg 25 kg A > Zinc permanganate .................... 5.1 UN1515 It 5.1 152 212 242 5 kg 25 kg D 56, 58, 0. 69, 3 106, 107 cn Zinc peroxide .............................. 5.1 UN1516 11 5.1 152 212 242 5 kg 25 kg A 13, 75, 106 Zinc phosphide ........................... 4.3 UN1714 1 4.3, 6.1 A19, N40 None 211 None Forbidden 15 kg E 40,85 Zinc powder or Zinc dust ........... 4.3 UN1436 1 4.3, 4.2 A19, 8109, N40 None 211 242 Forbidden 15 kg A ..................................... I ............... .................... 11 4.3, 4.2 A19, 8109 None 212 242 15 kg 50 kg A ..................................................... .................... 111 8108 None 213 242 25 kg 100 kg A Zinc resinate .............................. 4.1 UN2714 111 4.1 Al 151 213 240 25 kg 100 kg A Zinc selenate, see Selenates or .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Selenites. Zinc selenite, see Selenates or .................... ............ .......... ......... ......... .................... .................... Selenites. Zinc sifloolluoride, see Zinc .................... ............ .......... .... ......... .................... ......... fluorosilicate. Zirconium, dry, coiled wire, fin- 4.1 UN2858 111 4.1 Al 151 213 240 25 kg 100 kg A ished metal sheets, strip (thin- ner than 254 microns but not thinner than 18 microns). Zirconium, dry, Finished sheets, 4.2 UN2009 111 4.2 Al, A19 None 213 240 25 kg 100 kg D strip or coiled wire. W, Zirconium hydride ....................... 4.1 UN1437 11 4.1 A19, A20, N34 None 212 240 15 kg 50 kg E Zirconium nitrate .............. 5.1 UN2728 111 5.1 Al. A29 152 213 240 25 kg 100 kg A Zirconium picramate, dry or 13C UN0236 11 13C None 62 None Forbidden Forbidden B 1E, 5E wetted with less than 20 per- CD cent water, by mass, 0 0 0 § 172. 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE—Continued V N O 8 9 (§173."') 1 s Packaging ( Quantitylimitations Vessel tow - Hazardous Sym- materials descrip- Hazard Bass or Di- Identifica- tion Num- PG Label Spedal ageCodes boll bons and proper shipping names vision hers provisions Excep- Non- Bulk Passenger Cocaargo Lbon - tions bulk aircraNrail craft only Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (BA) (8B) (8C) (9A) (913) (10A) (108) Zirconium picramate, wetted 4.1 UN1517 1 4.1 ...... 23,N41 None .... 211 ..... None .. 1 kg 15 kg D 28,36 with not less than 20 percent water, by mass. Zirconium powder, dry ............... 4.2 UN2008 1 4.2 ...... None .... 211 ..... 242 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D ..................................................... .................... 11 4.2 ...... A19, A20, N5, None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg D N34 ..................................................... .................... 111 4.2 ...... None .... 213 ..... 241 ..... 25 kg 100 kg D Zirconium powder, wetted with 4.1 UN1358 11 4.1 ...... A19, A20, N34 None .... 212 ..... 241 ..... 15 kg 50 kg E not less than 25 percent water (a visible excess of water must be present) (a) mechani- cally produced, particle size less than 53 microns; (b) chemically produced, particle size less than 840 microns. Zirconium scrap .......................... 4.2 UN1932 III 4.2 ...... N34 None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... Forbidden Forbidden D D Zirconium sulfate ........................ 8 NA9163 III 8 ......... N34 None .... 213 ..... 240 ..... 50 kg No limit A Zirconium suspended in a liquid 3 UN1308 1 3 ......... None .... 201 ..... 243 ..... Forbidden Forbidden B ..................................................... .................... It 3 ......... None .... 202 ..... 242 ..... 5 L 60 L B ..................................................... .................... III 3 ......... B1 150 ...... 203 ..... 242 ..... ''�i, 60 L 220 L B Zirconium tetrachloride ............... 8 UN2503 III 8 ......... 154 ...... 213 ..... 240 ..... 25 kg 100 kg A V N O • Appendix D Index of Chemical Synonyms r1 U Taken from: CHRIS A Condensed Guide to Chemical Hazards, CG -446-1, October 1978 • D. INDEX OF SYNONYMS 8-1 0 COMPOUND NAME ATRAZINE OIL= ABSCRPTIGK ACETALDEHYDE ACETIC ACID AMMONIUM ACETATE M --BUTYL ACETATE CCPPER ACETATE DIME7MYLACEiAM10E ETHYL ACETATE ISOBLTYL ACETATE ISOPROPYL ACETATE METHYL ACETATE NICKEL ACETATE M -PROPYL ACETATE SEC -BUTYL ACETATE ZINC ACETATE ACETALCEHYDE ACETIC ANHYDRIDE ETHYL ACETATE ETHYL ACETATE ETHYL ACE70ACEIATE ETHYL ACETOACETATE ACETCNE ACETCNE CYANOHVORIN ACETCHITRILE ACETOPHENONE ACETYLACETONE ACETOPHENONE ACETYL BRCMIDE ACETYL CHLORIDE ACETYLENE 1.2-CICHLORCETHYLENE 7ETRACHLCROEThAME CALCIUM CARBICE PERACETIC ACIL ACETYL PEROXICE SCLUTION AMMONIUM BICARBCMATE AMMONIUM BIFLUDRIDE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE ACROLEIN ACR in IN[ ACROLEIN ACROLEIN ACRYLAMIDE ACRYLIC ACID N -BUTYL ACRYLATE ETHYL ACRYLATE 2-E7MYLHEXYL ACRYLAIE.IMHIBITED ISG-PLTYL ACRYLATE METHYL ACRYLATE ACROLEIN ACRYLAMIDE ACRYLONITRILE CHARCOAL 1-DCDECENE ADIPIC ACID DIOCTYL ADIPATE ACIPIC ACID CIOCTYL ADIPATE ADIPCNITRILE CYCLOHEXANOL CIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE 1RICMLCROETHANE SYNONYM • AAYREX HERBICIDE ABSORBENT OIL ACETALDEHYDE ACETIC ACID ACETIC ACID, AMMONIUM SALT ACETIC ACID, BUTYL ESTER ACETIC ACID, CUPRIC SALT ACETIC ACID, DIPETMYLAMIDE ACETIC ACID, ETHYL ESTER ACETIC ACID. ISOBUTYL ESTER ACETIC ACID, ISOPROPYL ESTER ACETIC ACID, METHYL ESTER - ACETIC ACID. NICKEL 1111 SALT ACETIC ACID. PROPYL ESTER ACETIC ACT[), SEC -BUTYL ESTER ACETIC ACID•ZINC SALT ACETIC ALDEHYDE ACETIC ANHYDRIDE ACETIC ESTER ACETIC ETHER ACETOGCETIC AC10• ETHYL E57ER ACETOACETIC ESTER ACETONE ACETONE CYANOHYDRIN ACETONITRILE ACETOPHENONE ACETYLACETOME ACETYLBENZENE ACETYL BROMIDE ACETYL CHLORIDE -,. ACETYLENE .i ACETYLENE OICHLCRIDE ACETYLENE TETRACHLORIDE 'P ACETYLEMOGEN ACETYL HYDROPEROXIDE ACETYL PEROXIDE SOLUTION ACID AMMONIUM CARBONATE ACID AMMONIUM FLUORIDE ACID CALCIUM PHOSPHATE ACRALOEHYDE ACRIDINE ACROLEIN ACRYLALDEHYDE ACRYLAMIDE ACRYLIC ACID ACRYLIC ACID• BUTYL ESTER ACRYLIC ACID• EiHYI ESTER ACRYLIC ACID, 2-EYHYLHEXYL ESTER ACRYLIC ACID, ISOBUTYL ESTER ACRYLIC ACID, METHYL ESTER ACRYLIC ALCEHYDE ACRYLIC AMIDE 50 PER CENT ACRYLONITRILE ACTIVATED CHARCCAL ADACENE-12 ADIPIC ACID ADIPIC ACID, BIS42-ETHYLHEXYLI ESTER ACIPINIC ACID ACIPOL 1 EH ADIPONITRILE ADROMAL AEROSOL SURFACTANT -„ AEROTHENE 8-1 0 COMPOUND NAME ATRAZINE OIL= ABSCRPTIGK ACETALDEHYDE ACETIC ACID AMMONIUM ACETATE M --BUTYL ACETATE CCPPER ACETATE DIME7MYLACEiAM10E ETHYL ACETATE ISOBLTYL ACETATE ISOPROPYL ACETATE METHYL ACETATE NICKEL ACETATE M -PROPYL ACETATE SEC -BUTYL ACETATE ZINC ACETATE ACETALCEHYDE ACETIC ANHYDRIDE ETHYL ACETATE ETHYL ACETATE ETHYL ACE70ACEIATE ETHYL ACETOACETATE ACETCNE ACETCNE CYANOHVORIN ACETCHITRILE ACETOPHENONE ACETYLACETONE ACETOPHENONE ACETYL BRCMIDE ACETYL CHLORIDE ACETYLENE 1.2-CICHLORCETHYLENE 7ETRACHLCROEThAME CALCIUM CARBICE PERACETIC ACIL ACETYL PEROXICE SCLUTION AMMONIUM BICARBCMATE AMMONIUM BIFLUDRIDE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE ACROLEIN ACR in IN[ ACROLEIN ACROLEIN ACRYLAMIDE ACRYLIC ACID N -BUTYL ACRYLATE ETHYL ACRYLATE 2-E7MYLHEXYL ACRYLAIE.IMHIBITED ISG-PLTYL ACRYLATE METHYL ACRYLATE ACROLEIN ACRYLAMIDE ACRYLONITRILE CHARCOAL 1-DCDECENE ADIPIC ACID DIOCTYL ADIPATE ACIPIC ACID CIOCTYL ADIPATE ADIPCNITRILE CYCLOHEXANOL CIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE 1RICMLCROETHANE • SYNONYM A FICICF ACROC10( ALPn" AL FI.; AL 0111 ; P ALCL' 14L C-10 ALCOHOL C -B ALCINYOE C-10 ALDEHYDE-COLLIDI ME ALCf HYOIWE ALCIf FM ALCR IN ALFA-TOX ALCYLFH ALKANAY LIQUID ALKALINE DERUSTFR - ALKTLP.FNIENESULFONIC ACIDS - ALKYLPCNIENfSULFOMIC ACID, SODIUM SALT• ALLFNF-Mf IHYLACETYLENE MIXTURE ALLOMALEIC ACID ALLYL ALCOHOL ALLYL BPOPIDE ALLYL CHLOR IDE ALLYL CH LO RD CAklONATE ALLYL CHL OR OF OR MA TE - ALLYLSILICONE TRICHLORIDE ALLYL TR ICHLOROS It ONE ALRn-fT DNS ALUMINUM CHLGkICE ALUMINUP ETHYL CICHLOR IDE EADC ALUMINUM ETHYL CICHLORIDE ALUMINUM FLUORIDE ALUMINUM NITRATE ALUMINUM NITRATE NOMAHYDRATE - ALUMINUM SULFATE ALUr INUM 1R If 1HYL ALUMINUM Tk IISURUTYL A PCNL OR 11 (RICAN PALM KERNEL OIL AMINDPENIFNE - I-AMINOPUTANE - AMINOCAPkDIC LACTAM I-AMINO-4-CHLOROSENIENE 2-A r INO-S-CHL OR CT CLUE ME - APINOCYCLOHEXANE - AMINDETMANE 2-APINOETHANOL BETA-AMINOETHYL ALCOHOL 2-1(2-ArINOETHYL)AMINC)ETHAMOL - N-12-APINOETHYLIETHANOLAMINE APINOETHYLETHANOLAMINE - ArINOFORM 2-APINOISCEUTANE AMIMONERCURIC CHLORIDE - ArINOrEINANE - 2-AMINO-I-NETHYLBEXICHE - 1-AMINO-2-METNYLPROPANE 2-AMINO-2-METNYLPROPANE I-AMINONAPMTHALENE I-AMINONAPI.TNALEME ALPHA-NAPHTMYLAMINE - 1-AMINO-2-HITROSENIENE I-AMINO-4-NITRCSENIENE 2-APINOPROPANE - 1 -AMEND -2 -PROPANOL - 2- 04 - ALPHA-APINCTOLUENE 9-2 COIdPOUND NAME PENlf ME HE AACHLCR InE 2 FN IE NE NE x AC HL CR IOf HYORCCEN PERCXIDE MERCURIC AMPLNIUM CHLORICE E1NYL ALCCHOL P-CECYL ALCOHOL CCTAMOL CECALDEMYDE MFTHYLETHYLPYRICINE ME1HrLf 1HY VY¢ILINE 2.4-CINITROPHCNDL ALDRIN 01AIIWON TP ICNLOROE THIL( Nf BOILER COM.POUNC, LIOLIC ALKYLMENIENESULFONIC ACIDS SODIUM-90"*LBE MIFN{SLLFDMA I(S METHYLACETYLf ME - PROPADIENE MIXTURE f UMAPIC ACID ALLYL ALCOHOL ALLYL BROMIDE ALLTL CHLOR ICE ALLYL CHL OR Of GR MI IE ALLYL CHLOROFOPMAIE ALLYLTPICHLOPOSILANE ALLYLIPICHLORDSILAHE DIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE ALUMINUM CMLCk ID( CINYLALUMINUM DICHLORICE EINYLALUPINUM DI(HLORICE ALUMINUM FLUORIDE ALUMINUM NITRATE ALUMIMUM KIT¢AIE ALUM "Ur SULFAjE 1 P i ET 14YL ALUM I NLP TR I1 SOFkUY rL ALtW IFHFM AMMONIUM CHLOk IDE OILS EOIlLET TUCUM ANILINE M-!U7YLAMINE CAPRCLAC IAM. LICUID P -CHL ORO ANILINE 4-CHLORD-0-TOLUIDINE CYCLCHEXVLAMINE ETHYLAMINE MCMOETNANCLAPIME NCMOETMANOLAMINE AMINOETHILETHANOLAMINE AM I NCETHILETNANCL AMINE AMINOETHYLETHAMCLAMINE HExAr ETHILEMETET¢AM IME TERT-lUTYLANINE MERCURICAMMONIUM CHLORIDE IIETHY LAP I NE 0-TCLUIDINE ISCB U T Y LAKINE TERT-lLTYLAMINE 1-NAPHIHYLAMINE I-MAPHTHTLAMINE 2-NITRCANILINE 4-MITROANILIME 1SC►RCPTLAMINE NCNCI SOPRCPA M DLAMIME 0-T CLUID1NE - lENLYLAMINE SYNONYM AMMATE AMMOF ORM AMMONERIC AMMONIA AMHYOROUS AMMONIA SOAP AMMONIATEC MERCURY AMMONIA MATER AMMONIOFORMALOEHYDE AMMONIUM ACETATE AMMONIUM ACID FLUORIDE AMMONIUM AMIOOSULFONATE AMMONIUM AMIDCSULPHATE AMMONIUM BENZOATE AMMONIUM BICARBONATE AMMONIUM BICHROMATE AMMONIUM PIFLUORICE AMMONIUM CARBONATE AMMONIUM CHLORIDE AMMONIUM CITRATE AMMONIUM CITRATE, DIBASIC AMMONIUM OECABORATE OCTAHYORATE AMMONIUM DICHROMATE AMMONIUM DISULFATO-MICKELATE EIII AMMONIUM FERRIC CITkATE AMMONIUM FERRIC OXALATE TRIHYDRATE AMMONIUM FERROUS SULFATE AMMONIUM FLUORIDE AMMONIUM FLUOSILICATE AMMONIUM FORMATE AMMONIUM GLUCONATE AMMONIUM HYDROGEN CARBONATE AMMONIUM MYCROGEM FLUORIDE AMMONIUM HYDROGEN SULFICE SOLUTION AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE AMMONIUM HYPO AMMONIUM. HYPOSULFITE AMMONIUM IODIDE AMMONIUM IRON SULFATE AMMONIUM LACTATE AMMONIUM LACTATE SYRUP AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE AMMONIUM MUDIATE AMMONIUM NICPEL SULFATE AMMONIUP NITRATE AMMONIUM NITRATE -PHOSPHATE MIXTURE AMMONIUM NITRATE -SULFATE MIXTURE AMMONIUM NITRATE -UREA SOLUTION AMMONIUM OLEATE APPCNIUM OXALATE AMMONIUM CXALI TE HYDRATE AMMONIUM PENTASCRATE APMCHIUM PEHTABCRATE TETRANYDRATE AMMONIUM PENTACMLOROZINCATE AMMONIUM PERCHLCRATE AMMCNIUM PEROXYCISULFATE APPCNIUM ►ERSULFATE AMMCNIUM PHOSPHATE AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE. DIBASIC AMMONIUM RHODANATE AMMONIUM RHODANIDE APPONIUM SILICOFLUORICE AMMONIUM STEARATE AMMONIUM STEARATE DISPERSION AMMONIUM SULFAMATE 0 8-3 COMPOUND NAME AMMONIUM SULFAFIAIE HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMIME AMMONIUM CHLORIDE AMNOMIA ANHYDROUS AMMONIUM OLEATE MERCURIC AMMONIUM CHLORIDE AMMONIUM HYDRGXIDE HEX AM ETHYLE METE TR AM I ME AMMONIUM ACETATE A MMOMIUP 91 FLUORIDE AMMONIUM SULFAMAIE AP"ON IUM SULFAMAIE AMMONIUM BENZOATE AMMONIUM SICALt CNATE AMMONIUM DICHROMATE AMMONIUM 81FLUORIDE AMMONIUM CARBONATE AMMONIUM CHLORICE AMMONIUM CITRAIE AMMONIUM CITRAIE AMMONIUM PENTAPORATE AMMONIUM DICHROMATE NICKEL AMMONIUM SULFATE FERRIC AMMONIUM CITRATE FERRIC AMMONIUM OXALATE FERRCUS AMMONIUM SULFATE AMMONIUM FLUORIDE AMMONIUM SILICOFLUORIDE AMMONIUM FORMATE AMMONIUM GLUCONATE AMMONIUM SICARBCHATE AMMONIUM SIFLUORIDE APMOMIUM SULFIDE AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE AMMONIUM THIOSUIFATE AMPONIuM THIOSULFATE AMMONIUM IODIDE FERROUS AMMONIUM SULFATE AMPOMIUP LACTATE AMMONIUM LACTI TE AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE AMMONIUM CHLORIDE NICKEL AMMONIUM SULFATE AMMONIUM NITRATE AMMONIUM MITRAIE-PHOSPHAIE MIXTURE AMMONIUM MITRAIE-SULFATE MIXTURE AMMONIUM MITRAIE-UREA SOLUTION OrMONIUM OLEATE AMMONIUM OXALAIE AMMON IUP OXALA It AhMONIVM PEMIA100ATE AMMONIUM PENTAICAATE ZINC AMMONIUM, CHLORICE AMMOMIUP PERCHLORATE ANM01-IU14 PERSUIFAIE AMMONIUM PERSULFATE AMMONIUM PHOSP14AIE AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE AMMONIUM THICCYAMATE AMMONIUM THICCYAMATE APPOMILM SILICOFLUORIDE AMMONIUM. STEARATE AMMONIUP STEARATE AMMONIUM SULFAMAIE • • SYNONYM Am"NI Un SULFATE AM10H1UM SULFMYDRATE SOLUTION AMMONIUM SULFIDE APr0N1 Ur SULF- LE SOLUTION Ar PONI UM SULFITE ' ANrOHIVM SULF 0CYANATE AnPONIun SULF OCTAN IDE ANrONiUr TARTRATE A nMMYM TMI OC7AMA TE AMMONIUM OUTHI OS ULFAIE AMPONIvn TRIOYALATOF ERRAIE TRINYDRAIE AP" ONIUr ZIMC CNLORIDE AMORPHOUS PHOSPNURUS ArS AMYL ACETATE APYL ACETATES. PIXED ISOMERS N-ArYL ALCOHOL ' 1-ArYL ALCOHOL APYL ALDEHYDE ArYL CARR INCL AM TL CHLORIDE N-APYL CHLORIDE AL►HA-M- AMYLENE APYL HYDRDSULFIDE M-APYL MERCAPTAN N-APYL ME T M Y L KETONE "-APYL NITRATE ' AMYL NITP171 ISO-APYL NITRITE AMYL SULFHYCRATE ArYL THICALCONUL N-AlYLTRICHLORDSILANE ANESTHE51A ET MER AMHYDRONE ' ANHYDROUS ALUMINUM CHLORIDE ANILINE ANILINE OIL ANY IN OBENZENE ANIL IND NE THANE ' ANIMAL CARBON ANIMAL CMARCUAL ' ANISOTL CHLORIDE P-ANISOYL CHLORIGE ANCL A NONE A N$AR ' AMSUL ETHER 121 AN THRACEME A NTNR AC IN ANTIMONY BU T IER ANTI PONT II111 CHl0al0E ' ANTIMONY Ivl LHL ORIDE ANTIMONY P NIACHLDa1DE ' ANTIMOMY ►EN TAFLUORIDE ANTIMONY ►ERCMLORIDE ' ANIIMOMY POTASSIUP IARTRAIE ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE ANTIMONY 1RIFLUORIOE ANT 1"ONT TR IOX ICE ADUARA OIL A►ARASIN A►HT I R I A _ A►0 _ AQUEOUS AMMONIA _ AR ASAM 8-: COMPOUND NAME AMn ON1Ur SULFATE ANPONI Ur SULF TOE AnNON IUPSULFIDE AMPC, .1Ur SULFIDE Ar Y aNIUN SULF IEE A Pi, 01IUI1HIOCIANATE ,Pro N1UP THICCYANATE AMNONIUP TAR TRATE APMD"1UM T. YAMAT( AhM DN IUP IMICSULFITE FERRIC AMMONIUM CX►LAIE ZINC AMr ONIUM CML OR ICE ►HOSPr ORV S. REL AMMOPI uM SULf AMATE AMYL ACETATE APYL ACETATE N-APYL ALCCPCL N-ArYLALCCrCL Y ALE, ALCENYDE PEXANOL N -AMYL CHLORIDE N-APYL CML ORI DE 1-PfNTE NE N -AMYL MERCAPTAN N-APYL MERCAPIAN N -AMYL METHYL KETONE N -AMYL HI7RAIE ISC-AMYL NITRITE ISC-AM7L H172ITE N -AMYL MERCAPTAN M-ArYL MERCAPTAN M-ANYLYRICHLOROSILASE ETHYL ETHER MAGNESIUM PERCHLCR►TE ALUMINUM CHLORIDE ANILINE ANILINE DI►NEMYLA":ML .-MET H YL AN ILHE (MAR CO AL EHARCOAL AN ISCYL CHLORIDE ANISCYL CHLOR ICE (YCLOMEXAMOL CYCLONEXAMONE U COCYLIC ACID ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIMEIHYL ETHER AN IMRACENE ANTHRACENE ANTIMONY TRICHLCREDE ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE ANI- MCMY ►ENIACHL ORIDE ANTIMONY PENTACHLCa IDE ANTIMONY PENTAFLUORIDE ANTIMONY PENIACHLORIDE ANTIMONY POTASSIUM TARIRAIE ANTIMO MY TRICHL0AIDE I%JIMCNY TRIFLUCRIDE ANTIMONY TRIO%IDE OILS EDIBLE- TUCUM BE NZEME HEXA CHLORIDE DEMLENE HEXACMLORIDE TRISEAZIRIDIMTLIPHOSPMIME OXIDE AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE IN IRA" SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME ARCTON 9 - TR I CHLCR OF LUORDNf THANE ARGENTOUS FLUORIDE SILVER FLUORIDE ARGENTOUS OXIDE SILVER OXIDE AROCHLOR POLYCHLORIMAIED BIPHENYL fPCBI AR SECODILE SOOIUN CACDYLIT[ ARSENIC AC10 ARS "ICACI0 ARSENIC CHLORIDE ARSENIC TRICHLCRIDE ARSENIC DISULFIDE ARSENIC CISUIF ICE ARSENIC PENTOXIDE ARSENIC ACID ARSENIC SESOUIOXICE ARSENIC TRIOXIDE ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE - ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE ARSENIC 1(111 TRICHLURIDE ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE ARSENIC TRIOXIDE ARSENIC TRIOXIDE ARSENIC TRISULFIDE - ARSENIC TRISULF ICE ARSENIC YELLOW ARSENIC TRISULFIDE ARSENIOUS CHLORIDE ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE ARSENOUS ACID - ARSENIC TRIOXICE ARSENOUS ACID ANHYDRIDE - ARSENIC TRIOXIDE ARSENOUS CHLORIDE ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE ARSENOUS OXIDE ARSENIC TRIOXIDE ARSICODILE - SCDIUM CACODYLATE ARSYCODILE - SCOIUM CACOOYLA7E ARTIC METHYL CHLORIDE ARTIFICIAL CINNABAR MERCURIC SULFIDE ASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT BLEND STOCK:STRAIGHT RUN ASPHALT BLENG STOCK:STRAIGHT RLN RESIDUE RESIDUE ASPHALT BLENDING STOCK:ROOFERS FLUX ASPHALT BLENCING STOCK:RGCFERS FLUX ASPHALT CEMENTS - ASPHALT ASPHALTIC BITUMEN ASPHALT ASPHALTUM OIL ASPHALT BLENDING STOCKSRCOFERS FLUX ATE IRIETHYLALUMINUM ATRAZINE ATRAIIME 10-AZAAMTHRACENE ACRIDINE AIACYCLOME►TANE HEXAMETHYLENEIMINE I-AZANAPHTHALEME - QUINOLINE AZIMPHOSMETHYL �•3: AZINPHOSMETHYL AZIRANE ETHYLENEIMINE '.g AZIRIOINE E71-YLENCIMINE TRIS 41-AZIRIDINYL) PMOS►HIME OXIDE TRISf AZIRIDINYLIPHOS►HIME OXIDE AZOIC DIAZO COMPONENT 6 - 2-MITROANILINE AZOIC DIAZO COMPONENT 37 A-NITROANILIME BARIUM BINCXIDE BARIUM PEROXIDE BARIUM CARBONATE BAR IUP CARBONATE BARIUM CHLORATE - BARIUM CHLORATE BARIUM CHLORATE MONOHYDRATE - BARIUM CHLORATE BARIUM DIOXIDE BARIUM PEROXIDE BARIUM NITRATE BARIUP NITRATE BARIUM PERCHLORATE BARIUM PERCHLORATE BARIUM PERCHLORATE TRIHYDRATE EAR IUM PERCHLORATE BARIUM PERMANGANATE • BARIUM PERMANGAMAIE BARIUM PEROXIDE - BARIUM PEROXIDE BARiUn SUrEROZ IDE BAR tun ►EROXIUE BASIC BISPU TH CMLCRIDE BtSMUTN OXYCNL ORtOE BASIC ZIRCONIUM CHLORIDE IIRCCNIUP OXYCHLORIDE BATTERY ACID SULFURIC ACID BBH BENZENE HEXACMLORIDE BEARING OIL OIL: SPINDLE BEET SUGAR SUCRCSE BEN -HEX BENZENE HEXACMLORIDE BENZALDEHYDE BEMZALDEMYDE I-BENZAZ IME QUINCLINE BENZENE - BENZENE BENZENE. MIXTURE WITH TOLUENE AND NAPHTHA COAL TAR XYLENES 8-5 • • SYNONYM PF NIFNCCAPEIMCL ' BENV NL CAMB ON.L CHL Ot i DE 8ENIEMECIRBOXYLIC ACID 1• Z-BFNZFNEOICARBCXYLIC ACIG ANHYDRIDE - B ENIF NFDI CAR BGXYL I C AC 0, DIETHYL - ESTfR BE. IE ME CHLORIDE B E.ME-1. 3 -DICARBOXYLIC ACID - BENIENECTCL 1.T-81 MIE NECIOL 1.Z-B.F NE OTo L BENII NE HE XACHLORIOE B ENI, NE PH0" No 0US DICHLORI OE BENIFNE PHOSPHORUS THIOLI CHLOR IDE BE MZENETHI O PH OS P H ONYL CHLE, RID E 1.2•3 -BE MZEMCTRIOL - BEMIINOFORM BENZOICACID BE NIOTC ACID.AMMONIUM SALT BE M 101 ACID MITR ILE BF NZOIC ALDE MY DE BENZOL BE MIDLE BE MZONITRILE BE NZDPHE MONC B E M 10181►YRIO IME BEMIOIBIOIMOLINE BE KIOY LBEMUZEME BENZOYL CHLORIDE BENZOYL PEROXIDE BE N10 TL SUPEROXIDE BENZYL ALCOHOL - SEMIYLAMINE BEMZYL BROMIDE BE NITL M-BUTTL PHTHALATE BE NIYLCARB ON TL CHLORIDE M MIYL CHLORIDE BENZYL CHLOROCARBOHATE ST NZTL CHLOR OFOR MATE BE N IYLDIMET H YLO C TACECYLAMMONIUM CHLOR IDE BENZYL DI METMYLSTEARYLAMrOM1UM CMLCIRIDE` I ENZYLTRIMEIHYLArr0K1UM CNLORTDE OERTLLIA �ERYLLIUn CHLORIDE B{RYLLIUK FLUORIDE BERYLLIUM. METALLIC BERYLL IUK NITRAT BERYLL IUM .,TATE RTRINTORATE of0YLLEUM CXIDE - Of, YLLIUM SULFATE B FRY LLIUK SULFATE TETRANYDRATE B ETAPR0HE BMC BICHROME �1CYCLO (4.4.01 DECAME BIEBERITE BIETHYLEHE :FORMAL IFORMTL BI/HE NYL-0I►MENTL ETHER Bt SE A CETAT O IDIOXOU RANTUM 81112 -AMI NOETHYL I A M I ME N•M .BISC2-AMINGETHYL) ITHTLENECIAMINE COMPOUND NAME FFMIYL ALCOHCL FFN;—rl (HLOEICE PLNICIC ACID PhTHACIC AM HTOPIOE 11r I"YL PMTHALATE CHLOROBFNIENE ISCPKTHAIIC ACIC .TCR COUI MD NE RESORCI NCL CAIECNOL BEN IENE MEXASCMLORIOE BE IIENE PHOPMORUS OICHLOPIDE BENZENE ►HOS►MOR US TNI CC[ CHLOR EDF BE k1ENE INoIFH(RLS THIOL ICHLORIDE Py OC ACIL CARBON TE7RAChLCRIDE BENZOIC ACID APPOMIUM BEMZOATE BEMICNITRELE FFNZALDFHTDE BENIEHE BENZENE BE MIONITRILE BE M10, HEMOME CUINOIINE ACPIDI ME BF MI OPHE MCML PENZDYL CHLORICE DIBEMIOYL PE I'll DIBENICTL PEROXIDE FFMIYL ALCOHOL BEMITLAMIME BENZYL BRGMIDE BE MIYL M-BUTTL PHIHALATE BFNZYL CML OROFORMATE BENZYL CHLOR IDE BENZYL CHLORCFORMATE }FMZYL CMLOROFORMATE BE IYLCIKE7M YLO C IA OECYLAMMCKIUP CHLORIDE FFMIYL CIM ETHYLCCTAOECYLAKMCHIUr CHLORIDE BENZYLTR IMETHTLArMOMIUK CHLORIDE BFRYLLTUM OXICE BERYLLIUM CHLORIDE BERYLLIUM FLUORIDE BERYLLIUM• METALLIC BERYLLIUM "Ilk A TE BERYLLIUMMl KATE BERYLLIUM OXIUE BERYLLIUM SULFATE BERYLL IUK SULFATE BETA -PROPIOLACTONE BE MZ E HE HEX ACHLORIDE PCTASSIUMDICHROMATE DFCA14Y CR OM A►MT MALENE COBALTSULFATE BU T Act ME. INMIBITEO CL TDIAL. 401 SOLUTION GLYOXAL. 402 SOLUIION O OR THERM URA MTL AC ETA7E CIETHYLENETRIAKIHE TRIETHY LE ME TE TO MINE 8-7 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME BES(P-CHLOROSE MIOYL ) PE ROX I DE 01-(P-CHLOROSEMZOYLI PEROXIDE RIS-(P-CMLOROBENIOYL) PEROXIDE CI-(P-CMLCROBENZOVLI PEROXIDE B IS(1-CHLOROETHYLIETHEA CICMLOROETHYL ETHER BS 11 -CHL OBOE TMYLI ETHER CICHLOR CETMYL ETHER • lel -BIS-C HL 0.0PHENYLI-1.2.2- " 4.1 -DICHLORO-ALPHA- IRICNOROETHAMOL TRICMLOROMETMVLSENZHVOROL BTS (DIME T MYLTHIOCARSAMOYL) DISULFIDE 1MIRAM BISIOI"1IHYLTHICCARBAMTLIDISULFIDE THIRAM S-Il•2-815( ET MOXYCARB OMYL I'THY L I-0.0- KALAYM IOM DIMETHYL P MOS PHCRODITHICATE a, S(1-ETMYLHEXYL)HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE DI-(1-ETHVLHEXYLI PHOSPHORIC ACID BIS-(2-ETMYLHEXYL, HY[•ROGEN PHOSPHATE 01-(2-ETHYLMEXVLI PHOSPHORIC ACID Bli(2-ETHYLMEXYLIPHTHALATE - CIOCYYL PHTHALATE BIS11-ETHYLHEXYLI SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE- CIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCIMAIE TETRAETHYLEME GLYCOL BIBIS(2-(2-HYDROXYETFOXY)ETHYLIETHER S/2-HYDROXYETNYl 1AnI NE DIETHANOLAMINE 81512-H YD R OXY ETHYL I ETRE R DIETHYL ENE GLYCOL 2.2-BIS(4-MYDROXYPHEMYL)PROPANE 11ISPHE"OL A BI S(2-METHOXY6THYL,ETHER OIETHYLEME GLYCOL DIMETHYL EIMER 2.2-BIS(►-METHOXYPHEMYL)-1.1.1 - METHOXYCHLOR TRICHLOROETHANE ISMUTH CHLORIDE OXIDE RDE !ISMUTH OXYCHLORICE BISMUTH OXYC MI ORI BISMUTH OXYCHLORICE B(SHUTH SUBCHLORIDE BISMUTH OXYCHLORIDE BISMUTHYL CMLOR IDE BISMUTH CXYCMLORICE B IS HENOL A BISPHENOL A BISPHEMOL A DIGLYCIDYL ETHER 11SPHE MOL A DIGLTCIOVL EIMERR St ISAMENOL A EP ICHLO ROM P ORIN CONOE NSATE: BIS/HEMCL A DIGLYCIDYL ETHER 6 t TUNER ASPHALT BIVIMYL BUTADIENE, INHIBITED BLACK LEAf 40 (40 PER CENT MATER NICOTINE SULFATE SOL UTIOM) BL►CK OIL ISPHALT BLENDING STOCKsp00F ERS FLUX BLAOAN TEYRAEIHVL PYROPHOSPHATE BLUE OIL ANILINE _ BLUE VITRICL COPPER SULFATE BOILER COMPOUND, LIQUID BOILER COMPOUND. LIQUID BOLE TIC ACID FUMARIC AC10 60RACIC ACID BORIC AC10 BCRAX.ANMYOROUS SGCIUK BORATE BORIC ACID BORIC ACID BORON CHLORIDE BORON TRICHLORIDE BORON TRIBROn1UE BORON TRIBROMICE BORON TRICHLORIDE BORON TRICHLORIDE BOTTLED GAS - LIQUEFIED ►ETRCLEUn GAS (LPG) BOX TOE Gun - CCLLOOION BP OIBEMZOYL PERUXIOE BPO OISE"IDYL PEROXIDE BRIMSTONE (LIQUID) SULFUR(LIQUID) BROCIDE ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE BR CM ALLYLE NE BRCNELLITE AIL YL BROPIOE Bf RYLLIUP OXIDE • BROMINE ::ON BRCNINE PENTAFLUORIDE Ba0nINf PENTAFLUORIDE BRCNINE TRIFLUORIOE BRCNINE TRIFLUORIDE - BR0 MO RE Nl ENE BRCKCBEH ZENE BRCMOBE NZ OL BROMCBENZEME BROMOFUnE ETHYLENE OISROMIOE BROKO NE THANE METHYL BROMIDE 3-BRCMOPROPENE ALLYL BROK(DE 3-BROMOPROPYLENE ALLYL BROMIDE ALPHA-BROMOTOLUENE - BENZYL BROMIDE BRCMOTOLUENE, ALPHA BENZYL BROMIDE OMEGA -BROKOTOLUENE BENZYL BROKICE BRUCINE BRUCINE 8-7 SYNONYM BRLC'Nt Ct�r�cAlf BTMAC euM:fR C OIL 1.)-BUTAOII ME BUTADIENE. INHIBITED • BUTAL PL IAL OE NYOE BUTAMAL 1 -BU IAMAMIMI, N-BUIYL B UTAMF N -BUTANE 1.4 -BUTAMEOICARBOXYLIC ACID l.A-BUTANECIOL 1-6 L'TANETHIOL BUTAMIC ACID ' BUTA NOI a C ACED - isNOL 1-BUTANCL 2-BUTA NOL ' 2-BUTANONE TRANS-2-SUTIMAL 1 -BV if NE LIS-8u7E ME0101C ACID TRAMS -BU TE MEDIOIC ACID CIS -B U TE MED 1 0 1 C ANHYDRIDE ' 1.A -BU" MEDIOL CIS-2-BUTEME-I.4-DIOL I-BUIEH-Z-ONE 1-BUTEMEOXIDE R UTIM E RESINS I-SUTOXYou TAME BUTOX V OIETNYLENE GLYCOL B U TOXYDICLYCOL 2-SUTOX V[IN ANGL ' 2-BUTOXVETHAMOL. ACETATE 2-12-BUTOXYE7HOXYEETM►L ACETATE ' 2-BUIOXYETHYL ACETATE BUTOXYETHYL 1.4-DICHLORO►MEM0XYACETATE- BUTOXYr20PYL TR ICMLOROPhE MOXTACET ATE BUTTERCUP YELLCM BUTTER OF ANTIMONY BU71ER OF ARSENIC j UTTL ACETATE M -BUTYL ACETATE SE C- ACETATE BUIYL ACRYLATE $SO-BCTYL ACRYLATE j M -BUTYL ACRYLATE • BUTYL ALCOHOL N-BUTTL ALCOHOL SEC -BUTYL ALCOHOL TERI-BUTYL ALCOHOL BUTYL ALDEHYDE ' N -BUTYL ALPHA -METHYL ACRYLATE BUTYLAMINE ' w-BUTYLAMINE SEC-BUTYLAMINE i TERI-BUTYLAMINE - BUTTE, BENZYL PHTMALATE M-UTYLCARBTMDL . M-:LTYLCARB IMYL CHLORIDE BUTTE. CARBITOL 8-8 11 COMPOUND NAME PCU! INf Pf N2TL1 c I ME TH.L AP -0 -IL" CHL OC IGf FUFL DILI 6 BLTACIEME. INHIBITED BLIAClf ME. IMMICIIED M-BUTYRALOEMYDE M—PUTYRALOEHYDE 1.—BUTYRA LOEHTOE 01-M-PLTYLAMINE BUT AME BUTANE AD "IC ACID 1.+-eUTAMEOICL M-eUIYL rERCAr TAM w -BUTYRIC AC 10 .-RIC AC10 M-BU1TUTYL ALCOHOL M -BUTYL ALCOHOL SEC -BUTYL ALCCMOL MFINTLETHYL KETC►E CROTO NALCENYDE BUTYLEMI MALEIC ACID FU%A, IC ACID MALEIC AMHTORICE 1.s -BU TEMEDIOL I.%-eU TEMEOICL METHYL VINYL METOME BVTYLENE OXIDE IOLYPU TINE 01-M-PUTVL EThER DIFTHYLEME GLYCOL MOMOeUIYL ETHER DICTHYLE►E GLYCOL MOMOBUIYL ETHER EIHYLEME GLYCOL MCt4CBUITL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCMOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE DIFTHYLEME GLYCCL MOMOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL MOMOBUTVL ETHER ACETATE 2.4-0 ESTERS 2.1.5-IfCSIE RSI ZINC [HRONATE AM11rCMY IRICHTORIDE ARSEMIC TRICHLORICE M -BUTYL ACETATE ►-BUTTL ACETATE SEC -BUTYL ACETATE I- L'TYL ACRYLATE ISO -BUTYL ACRYLATE M-BCTYL ACRYLATE N -BUTYL ALCOHOL M-BLTYL ALCOHOL SEC -BUTYL ALCOHOL TERI-BLIVL ALCCHOL M-eUTYRALCE HYDE M -BUTYL ME TMACKYLAIE M-eUTYLAMINE M-BLTYLAMINE SEC-eUTYLAMINE TERI-BCTTLAMINE BEMZYL M -BUTYL ►MIHALATE M-APTL ALCOHOL N -AMYL CML ORIDE OIETHYLENE GLYCCL MOPOBUYYL ETHER • 0 0 SYNONYM BUTYL CARBITOL ACETATE BVTYL CELLOSOLVE d UTYL ICELLOSOL VE( ACETATE BLTYL 2.4-DICHLCROPHENOXYACETATE BUTYLEME Z-BUTYLEME DICMLCRICE BUTYLEME HYDRATE BUTYLEME OXIDE ALPHA-BUTYLEME OX DL 1.2-BUTYLEME OXIDE BUTYL ETHANOATE BUTYL ETHER N-BUTYLE THER BUTYLE THYLACETALDE HYDE TER UTYL HYDROPEROXIDE N -BUTYL MERCA►TAN BUTYL METHACRYLATE M -BUTYL METHACIYLATE BUTYL 2 -METHACRYLATE N -BUTYL METHYL KETONE BUTYL 2 -METHYL -2 -►ROPE NO ATE P-TERT-BUTYL PHENOL BUTYL PHTHALATE BUTYL 2-PROPENUATE :UTYL TITANATE :UTYL TITANATE MONOMER BUTYL 2.4.5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYACETATE BUTYLTRICHLCROSILAME M -B U TYLTR t CHLOR OSI LANE 1..-BLTYNE OIOL 2-BUTYME-1.4-DIOL DUTYRAL B U TYRALOEHYDE ISO-BUTYRALDEHYDE N-BUTYRALDEHYDE BUTYRIC ACID N -BUTYRIC ACID BUTYRtC ACID. ETHYL ESTER BUTYRIC ALDEHYDE BUTYRIC ETHER CACODYLIC ACID CACMIUM ACETATE CADMIUM ACETATE 011-YDRATE CACMIUM BROMIDE CADMIUM BROMIDE TETRAMYDRATE CADMIUM CHLORIDE CADMIUM FLUOBORATI CAONIUM FLUOIt0 CRATE CADMIUM FUME CADMIUM NITRATE CADMIUM NITRATE TETRAHYCRATE CADMIUM OXIOE CAOMI UN SLLFA7E CACOx HDP CADOX PS CAOCX TIP CAKEALUM CALCIUM CALCIUM ABIETATE CALCIUM ALKYLAROMATIC SULFOHATE CALCIUM ALKYLBENZENESULFONATE 8-9 COMPOUND NAME DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL KONO:UTYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL POND UTYL ETHER ACETATE 2.4 -0 ESTERS BUTYLEME OICHICROBUTENE SEC -BUTYL ALCOHOL BLTYLEME OXIDE BUTYLEME OXIDE lUTYLENE OXICE N -BUTYL ACETATE 01 -H -BUTYL ETHER DI -14 -BUTYL ETHER EY14YLHEXALDEMYCE TERT-BUTYL MYCROPEROXIOE M-PLTYL MERCAPTAN M -BUTYL ME T HA CR YLAIE N-PUIYL METHACRYLATE H-!UTYL METHACRYLATE PE7HYL N -BUTYL KETONE M-!UTYL METMACRYLAIE P-TERT-BUTYLPHEMOL OIBUTYLPHIHALATE pt- 8Ul YL ACRYLATE TETRABUTYL TITANATE IETRABUTYL Ti TI NA IE 2.4.5-TIESIERSI BU TYLTRICHLOROSILAKE B UTYLT RI CHLO R OS I LANE 1.A-lU7YNEDICL 1.A-IUTYNEOICL M-:UTYRALDEHYOE N-BUTYRALDEHYDE ISO-BUTYaALCEHYOE N-BUTYRALDEHYDE H-lUTYRIC ACID N -BUTYRIC ACID ETHYL BUTYRATE N-BUTYRALDEHYDE ETHYL BUTYRATE UCODYLIC ACID CAOMIUP ACETATE CADMIUM ACETATE CADMIUM BROMIGE CACMIUM BROMIDE CADMIUM CHLORIDE CACMIUM FLUOROlORATE CAONIUK FLUOR Ol ORATE CACMIUM OXIDE CAOMIUM NITRATE CADMIUM NITRATE CADMIUM OXIDE CAONIUP SULFATE CYCLOMEXAMONE PEROXIDE DI-(P-CHLOROBEMZOYLI PEROXIDE TERT-BUTYL HYDROPEROXIDE ALUMINUM SULFATE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE CALCIUM RESINAIE OODECYLSENZENESULFOHIC ACIO.CALCIUK SALT COOECYLBENZENESULFONIC ACID.CALCIUK SALT • 0 SYNONYM CALCIUM AR SE MA Tf CALCIUM BIPHCSPHATI CALCIUM UR610L CALCIUM CHLORATE CALCIUM CHL CAI DE CALCIUM (HL ORIDE HrORA TES CALCI U► CHL OR of-ANHYDROUS CALCIUM CHROMA If C ALCTUMCHROMATE DIHYCRAlf CALCIUM CHROMATE (YII C ALEIUr CY AL CE CALCIUM DI OXIDE CALCIUM FLUORIDE CALCIUM HYDROXIDE CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE CALCIUM MONOHYDRO GEM PHOSPHATE CALCIUM.METALLIC CALCIUM NTER AIE CALCIUM NITRAIE TETRAHYDRATE CALCIUM OXIDE C ALCIUN PERE KIDE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE. MONOBASIC.MONOHYDRATE CALCIUM PHOSPHIDE CALCIUM R1:SiMATE CALCIUM RESINATE.FUSED CALCIUM ROSIN CALCIUM SUPERPHCSPHATE CALOCHLOR C ALOME L CA rP NEW CAMPHOR OIL CANE SUGAR C APRA LDFNYOE , A."ILLC ALCOHOL _ CAPRIC ALOEHYDE CAPRDALDEHYCF CA►ROTC AL Of HYDE EPSILON -C A►R OLAC TAM l&PROLACIAM, LICUID C A►anN ALD, NYRE FMC A►ROYLALDEHYDE CAPRYLF HE C A, T AN cARBArInE CARBAPI Of PEROXIDE C AaB API [&ABID( CARSIMOL C ARBITOL C ARB OSf NIDXY CMLORIDC CARBOLIC ACID C ORBOL i[ Oil i "PDN SISULFIDE CARBON DIOXIDE CARBON DISULFIDE CAaBDNIC ACID DIETHYL ESTER CARItOMIC ACID GAS CARBONIC ACID nONCAMMOM1uM SALT CARBONIC AMM TCRIDE CARBON NO NC XI DE CAREDN TETRACHLCRTDE NYL CHLORIDE LRRECNYLCIAPIDE 6410 CUMPCaJN') NAME CALCIUM ARSEhAI( (ALCIVP ►HOSPhAT( CALCIV► CARBICE CALCIVM CHLORATE CALC It:M CHL ORICF CALCIUM CHLORICE CALCIUM CHLORIDE CALCIUM CHROMATE CALCIUM CHROMAIf CALCIVM CHROMATE CALCIUM CYANIC( CALCIUM PEROXIDE CALCIUMFLUOR T OE CALCIUP MY ORCY IDE CALC I U r NT►OC MLOPITE CALCIUM ►HOSPMI TI CALCIUP. METALLIC CALCIUM NITRATE CALCIUM NITRATE CALCIVM OXIDE CALCIUM ►E ROXICE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE CALCIUM PHESPHAI( CALCIUM ►HOSFhlCE C ALCIUP RE S I P A IE CALCIUP RESINATE CA LC UP RESI%A IE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE PCRCUAT CHLOkI OE MERCUROUS CHLORIDE CAN►ME NE CIM►MOR CIL SCCRCSf CECALDEHYDE N-CECYL ALCOhUL VEC'ALDEMrDE N-MEXALDEHYCE N-MEXALDFMYOE CAPRCLACIAM. LIQUID CAPRCLACIAM. LIQUID N-N(XALDENVDE P-MFXALOEHIOE I-OCTENE CA P T AM UREA UREA PEROXIDE CARBARYL CALCIUP CARBIDE P'ETMVL ALCOMCL OIETHYLEHEGLYCCL MONOEIHYL ETHER BE 11IYL CML 1)ROFORMATE PHENOL CAR BCLIC OIL CARBONEISU LFIDE CARBCN CIOXEDE CARBCN BISULFICE CIETHYL CARBCHATF CARBON OIOXICE AP r OM IVP EICARBCNATE CARBCN CIOXICE CARBCN rONOY IDE CAREDN TE tItAr -MLCA FOE P"SCEME UREA SYNONYM CARBONYL DIAMINE PEROXIDE CARBOXYBENIENL • CARENE ?RINE CARPETING MATERIAL CARPETING MEDIUM • 0 CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS OIL CARWINATE 125" CATECHIN CATECHOL CAUSTIC ARSENIC CHLORIDE CAUSTIC OIL OF ARSENIC CAUSTIC POTASH CAUSTIC POTASH SOLUTICH CAUSTIC SODA CAUSTIC SODA SOLUTION CO -6B CELLOSOLVE CELLOSOLVE ACETATE CELLULOSE NITRATE SOLUTION CETYL SODIUM SULFATE CETYLTRIMETHYLAMMCNIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION CHAMBER ACID CHARCOAL CHEM BAM CHINESE TANNIN CHINOLINE CHLORACETIC ACID CHLORACETYL CHLORIDE CHLORATE OF POTASH CHLORATE OF POTASSIUM CHLORATE OF SODA CHLORDAN CHLORDANE 2—CHLORETHANOL CHLOREX CHLORIDE OF AMYL CHLORINATED BIPHENYL CHLORINE CHLORINE TRIFLUORIOE CHLOROACEIIC ACID CHLOROACETIC AC10. ETHYL ESTER CHLOROACETOPHENCNE ALPHA—CHLOROACETOPHENONE OMEC►—CHLOROACETOPHENCHE CHLOROACETYL CHLORIDE S—CHLORO-2—AMIMOTCL,UENE 4—CHLOROANILINE ►—CHLCROANILINE CHLOROPENIENE ►—CHLOROSENIOYL PEROXIDE 0I-14—CHLOROSENICYLI►ERCXIDE 4—CfLOROBUTYROWITRILE 4—CHLOROBUTYRCNITRILE (PRACTICAL.MIYTURE WITH 4— BRONOBUTYROhI7RILE) CHLOROCARBONIC ACID, METHYL ESTER ChLOROOIFLUOROMEINANE I—CHLORO-2.3—E►OXYPROPANE CHLOROETHANE 2—CHLOROETNANOL CHLOROETHENE Ar 8-11 COMPOUND NAME URFA PERCXIDE eEHZCIC ACID CARENE CARENE ARSENIC ACID ASPHALT BLEND SILCK:STRAIGHT RUN RESIDUE OILS EDIBLE: SAFFLOWER CIPMENYLMETHAMEDIISOCYAHATE 1"Cll CATECHOL CATECHCL ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE ARSENIC TRICHLORICE PCTASSIUP HYORCXICE CAUSTIC POTASH SCLUTION SCCIUM HYCROXIDE CAUS7IC SODA SCLUTION CHLORDANE ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCNOETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCHOETHYL ETHER ACETATE COLLODICM HEXACECYL SULFATE, SCOIUM SALT HEXACECYLTRIMETH74AMMCNIUM CHLORIDE SULFURIC ACIC CHARCOAL MABAP TANNIC ACID OUINCLINE PCHOCHLORO►CETIC ACID CHLORC►CETYL CFLORIOE PCTASSIUP CHLGRATE PCTASSIUP CHLORAIE SOOIU► CHLORATE CHLORDANE CHLORDANE ETHYLENE CHLOROHYDRIN OICHLOROE114YL E714ER N—APYL CHLORIDE PCLYCHLORIHATED BIPHENYL IPCBI CHLORINE CHLORINE TRIFLUCRIDE MONOCHLOROACETIC ACIC ETHYL CHLOROACEISTE CHLORCACETO►HENCPE CHLOROACETOPHENONE CHLOROACETOPhENCME CHLOROACETYL CHLORIDE 4—CHLORO—O—TOLU1CIPI P—CHLOROANILINE ►—CHLOROANILINE CHLOROSENIENE O1—IF—CHLOROBENIOYLI PEROXIDE Cl—(P—CHLOROBENIOTL) PEROXIDE 4—CHLOROBUTYRONI TR ILE 4—CHLOROBUTYRONIIRILE "ETHYL CHLORCFORMATE 14CHOCHLOR001FLUOR ONE THANE EPICHLOROHYDRIN ETHYL CHLORIDE ETHYLENE CHLORONYDRIN VINYL CHLORIDE • S"N ON" M 2-C PL (IF OF INYL ALCOHOL 2-CHLOPn-4-f YHYLAPINC-b-1SOPItOPYLAMIMO- S-1 9IA7I NE CHL OFOEIHYLE NL C HL Oa DF OF• C MLO, OF DIP IC ACID. BENZYL ESTER CML Ca OP CPMIC ACID. EIMYL ESTFR CHLOR OF O, MIC ACID. METHYL ESTER CHLCRCFCRrYL CHLORIDE CHLO,OHYO,INS ICF UO FI GAMMA -CHL O F C I S DPUT YL EME CHLOROMETHA MI A-CNLORO-2-NETHYLAMILIKE CHLOa O METHYL METHYL ETHER CMLOROMETHYLOKtRANE I 0-()-CHLORO-A-METHYL-2-OXO-ILMI-1- pfN10PYRAN-7-YLIPHOSPHOROTHIOATE A -CHLORO -O -TOLUIDINE CHLOROMETHYL PHC NYL KETGNE )-CHLOR 0 -2 -NE 1HYLPRCPE KE I-LMLO,OFF MANE A -CHLOR OPHI NOL P -CHLOR C PHI NCL A-CHLO F D F H E N T L AM I N F Dl -(P -CF -LO R O P H ENT L I T R ICNLOROMETHYLCARBINDL CHLOROPICRIM, LIQUID )-C PLO, DP ROPE NE )-CNLOROPROP/LENE GAMnA-CHLO RO► R OPTLENE .111.1-C HL 0R 0 -1.i -PROPYLENE OXIDE CNLOROSUIFONIC ACID CMLOROYNE PE CHLOF OT OL UE NE. ALPHA ALPHA-CHLORDTOLUENE i iuE GA -CHLOR OTOLUENE CHLORCTRIFLU'OROITPYLINE CNLOP DT RI KE THTLSILAME CHLO,SULIOMIC ACIC CNLOa YLEN CM► CHRONIC ACID CHROMIC ANHYDRIDE CHROMIC 0y ICE CF.ROMI UM (VII D10KYCHLORIDE CMROHi11 OXTCNLDR101 CHROMIUM TRI OXIDE CNROMYL CHLORIDE CIANURihA CITRIC ACID CITRICAC ID. DIAKPONIUM SALT CL ARE, IED DIL CLOROX CC aAL CDAL TAROIL CCBALT ACETATE CCBALT ACETATE TETRAHYDRATE CC ALT (111 ACETATE COBALT CHLORIDE CCBALT 11t1 CHLDaIDE CC ALT ♦CETATf CCIALMS CHLORIDE COB ALTOUS CNLOa IDE DIHYDRATE COBALTOUS CHLORIDE HEXAhYDRATE CCBALTOUS NITRATE 8-12 COMKi INC NAME CIMYLEME CHLOROHYDRIM AIRAIINE Y IDYL CMLORICE CHL ORaFCFr BENIIL CNLOROFCRMATI ETHYL CNLCROf CRhITE METHYL CNL OR OF OR KATE PHOSCENE CNLOROHYDRINS ICRUDEI 0ITHALLYL CNLOPICE NE THYLCHLORIDE 4-C NL Oa O -O -T CLUIDINE CHLOROMETHYLKf THYL ETHER E PIC N L O R O N T O R IN COUKA►MOS ♦-CHLORO-O-TOLUIC IPE (PLO R 0+CE10►HCM "(INALLYL CHLORIDE M-AKYL CHLORIDE CHLOROPHENOL ►-CHLOROPHEMOL ,CML O R OANI L IME �.� -DICHLOPO-AL►HA- TRICHLOROMETNILPEN7HTORCL CHL Oa0►IC it1" LICUID ALLYL CHL DRICE ALLYL CHLORIDE E P I C NL O R ON D RI f I C ML D R OH Y DR iM CHLOROSULf ONIC ACID 10ICMLCROETHAME Bf NIYL CHLOR1111eIM11L CILO RII)I BEh1YL CHLORIDE 1RIFLUOROCHLOk OCINYLENE IRIMET NTLCNLORCSILAME CMLOROSULFOKIC ACID TRIC NLOROET NY L ENE CUMEME NYDROPIRCXIDE CNR OP IC AhNYDF IDE CHROMIC AMN TDR IDE CNROrIC ANHYDRIDE CMROPYL CHLORIDE CNROrYL CHLORIDE (NR Ori( ANHYCR IDE CHROPYL CKLO[ICE MERCURIC CYAh10E CITRICACID APMONIUM CITRATE OIL: CLARIFIED 5CD1Ur. HYPOCHLORITE CDUMAPMCS OIL I COAL TAR COEALT ACETATE COBALT ACETATE COBALT ACEI AIE COBALT CHLOR;01 CCBALT CHLORIDE COBALT ACETATE CCBALT CHLORICE CCBALT CHLORIDE CCBALT CHLORIDE COBALT NITRATE SYNONYM • CCBALTOUS NITRATE HEXAHYORATE COBAlTOUS SULFATE HEPi1HYCR►TE CCBALT NITRATE COBALT ill) NITRATE COBALT SULFATE COBALT (111 SULFATE CCCONUT BUTTER C CCONUT OIL COCOIL CODOIL COLLODION COLOGNE SPIRIT COLONIAL SPIRIT COLUMBIAN SPIRIT COMBUSTION IMPROVER C12 CONDENSED PHOSPHORIC ACID COPPER ACETATE CCPPER ACETOARSENITE _ COPPER ARSENITE COPPERAS �5 COPPER BOROFLUORIDE SOLUTION COPPER BROMIDE COPPER CHLORIDE CCPPER CYANIDE COPPER FLUOROFORATE CCP►ER(IIIFLULBCR►TE SOLU710M COPPER IODIDE CCPPER HA►HTHENATE COPPER NITRATE COPPER ORTHOARSENITE COPPER OXALATE COPPER SULFATE COPPER SULFATE PENTAHYDRATE COPRA OIL CCR. SUGAR SOLUTION CORN SYRUP CORN SYRUP SOLUTION CCRROSIVE MERCURY CHLORIDE CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE COTTONSEED OIL COUMA►HOS CRANKCASE OIL CRANKCASE OIL CREOSOTE. COAL TAR CREOSOTE OIL CRESOL.EPDXYPROPYL ETHER CRESOLS • CRESYL GLYCIDYI ETHER CRESYLIC ACID CRESYLIC ACIDS CROPLAS EM CROTENALDENYDE CROTONALDENTDE CRCT0141C ALDEMYOE CROTONOEL CRCTON TIGLIUM L. OIL CRUDE EPICHLOROHYDRIN CRUDE OIL CRYSTALLIZED VERDIGRIS CTF CUCUMBER DUST CUNENE CUMENE HYDROPEROXIDE CUNOL 8-13 0 COMPOUND NAME COBALT NITRATE COBALT SULFATE CCBALT NITRATE CCBALT NITRATE CCBALT SLLFATE COBALT SULFATE OILS EDIBLE: COCONUT OILS ECIBLE: COCONUT OILS RESIN OILS ROSIN CCLLCOION ETHYL ALCOHOL METHYL ALCOHOL METHYL ALCOHCL METHYLCYCLO►ENIAOIENYLMANGANESE TRICARBONYL PCLYPHOSPHORIC ACID CCPPER ACETATE CCPPER ACETOARSENITE COPPER ARSENITE FERROUS SULFATE CCPPER FLUORGOOR07E COPPER BROMIDE COPPER CHLORIDE CCPPER CYANIDE CCPPER FLUORCBORATE CCPPER FLUCRCBORATE CCPPER IODIDE CCPPER NAPMTHENAIE COPPER NITRATE COPPER ARSENITE CCPPER OXALATE CC►►ER SULFATE COPPER SULFATE OILS EDIBLE: COCONUT DEXTROSE SOLUTICH CORN SYRUP DEXTROSE SOLUTION MERCURIC CHLORIDE MERCURIC CHLORIDE OILS COTTONSEED COUMA►HOS OIL: MOTOR OIL: LUBRICATING CREOSOTE. COAL 100 CREOSOTE. COAL TAF CRESYL GLYCICYL ETHER CRESOLS CRESYL GLYCIOYL ETHER XYLENOL CRESOLS ETHYL HEXYL TALLAIE CROTONALDEHYDE CROTONALOEHYDE CROTOHALCEMYDE OILS MISCELLANEOUS: CROTON OILS MISCELLANEOUS: CROTCH CMLOROHYDRIMS (CRUDEI OIL: CRUDE COPPER ACETATE CHLORINE TRIFLUC61DE CALCIUM ARSENAIE CUMENE CLNEME HYDROPEROXIDE CUNENE S Y 1, LM "Y W CUPYL Mr DR OPE R O. I OE C UpR IC ACETATE MON0HrDR ♦TF (UpR1C AR S[MOE. ANHYDROUS kAIE SOLu1lON Cup, ILGREEN CL;►RICIN CUPRIC NITkATE TRIHYDRATE C URREC OXALATE NE rIHYCRATE CUPRIC SULFATE C Upv I ETHYLEMEDIAMINL SOLUTION C U P RIETHYLENEDIAMINE HYCRDXI DE SOLUT IOM i CUPROUS CYANIDE CU►RoUS IODIDE CYAN ACEI IC ACID CYANIDE CYANIDE OF CALCIUM CY AN OACE11C ACID CY A. DBI N2E ME 2-CY ANDY TM ANCL (Y AN Of IHY LINE CY AND. A - DUST CYAHOGAS G -FUMIGANT CYANOGEN CYANOGEN BROMIDE CYAMOGEN CHL OR ICE CY AHOMEY MANE CY CLONEXA"E CYCLONEXANOL CYCLONEXANONE CY CLONE XAMONE ►FRCXIDE CYCLOHEXEMYLTRIC NLCROSILAME CYCLONEXYL ALCOHOL CYCLOHCYYL AM EKE CYCLOHEXYL XEI ONE CYCLOPENTANE CYCLOPENTANE. METHYL CYCLOPROPANE ►-CYpEME CYrCIL CYSTOCFN CYTHION INSECTICIDE 2.•-D DALA►ON DBP DCFE DC OCD • OCT P,P -DLT D.C. TURPENTINE DEA DEAD OIL DEC DECABORANE DECAHYDRDNA►NTMALENE CIS -OR TRANS- DECAHYCRONAPHIMALENE DECALDEMYOE T DECALIN E DECANAL I—DECAMOL 5-14 COMPO' WD NAP" C (urEMI NYCR OPEROXIDE COp►FR A(I TA TE CC V PfR ARSE NIIE CD►PER BROMIDE CO►pEF CHLORIDE (C►PER fLUCRO h OPPIC COPPER ARSENI TE CCp": CY ANIOE (CppfR NITRAI[ CCP►ER OXALATE COPPER SULF ATI Cu RI ET H Y LF ME DIAMIINE SCLUTON COPRIETHYLENEC IA- I HE SCLUICN CC►►ER CYANIDE COPPER IODIDE CYANOACETIC ACIC PC i ASSIUM Cr ANILE CALCIUM CYANIUE CY►N0 CC IC ACIC PC N I'DN IIRILF EIHYLFNE CYANCFYCRIN ACR YLOIEI1RlLf CALCIUM CYANIDE CALCIUM Cr ANIDE (YINCGfN CYANOGEN BROMIDE CYANOGEN CHLCkICE AC(TCNI7RILE CYCLOHEXANE CYCLOMEXA MOL (YCLOHEXA"ONE CYCLOHEXAMONE PEROXIDE CYCLOHEXEMYLTRICMLOROSILAME CTCLOMEVANOL CICLCMEXYLAMIHE CTCLONE)rANONE CYCLO►ENT ANE MEINYLCYCLO►ENIAME CYCLOPROPANE P-CYPEWI P-CYMENE A.FXAMETHYLENETEIFAMINE MALATHIOM 2.A-DICMLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID GALA►OM OIBUTTL PHTHALATE DICHLOROE7HYL FINER CALCIUM PHOSPHATE BOO CDT CDT TURPENTINE CIETHANDLAMINE CREOSOTE. COAL I" CEC►NYORONAPHTHALEME OFCABORANE DECAHYCRCHAPMIMALEHE CECAHYCRCMAPHTMALENE CECALDEHYOE DECANYORONA►H7NALENE DECALDEMYDE N-OECYL ALCOMLL • 0 0 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME 1-DECENE 1-OECEME ALPHA-DECENE I-DECENE N-DECYL ALCOHOL t-DECYL ALCOHOL N-DECYL ALDEHYDE DECALOEHYOE DECYLBENIENE - N-OECYLBEPIEHE H-DECYLPENZEHE - M-DECYLSEMZEME DEC DIETHYLEME GLYCOL DEHO DIOCTYL PHTHALATE OEMPA - DI-(2-ETHYLhEXYLI ►MCSPHORIC ACIE DEHYDRITE MAGNESIUM PERCHLCRATE DE KALIN DECANYORONAPHTHALEME DEMETON DEMETON DEM DIETHYLAMIME DENATURED ALCOHOL ETHYL ALCOHOL 2.4-0 ESTERS 2.4-0 ESTERS DETERGENT ALKYLATE -2 CODECYLBEMZERE DEXTROSE SOLLUTICH CEXTROSE SOLUTION DIACETIC ETHER ETHYL ACETOACETATE DIACETONE OIACETCNE ALCOHCL OIACETONE ALCOHOL OIACETCHE ALCOHOL DIACETYLMETHAHE ACETYLACETOME DIACETYL PEROXIDE SOLUTION ACETYL PEROXIDE SOLUTION 1.2-OIAMINOETHANE ETHYLENEDIAMINE 2.2-DIAMINODIETHYLAPINE - DIETHYLEMETRIAMINE 1.6-DIAMINOMEXAME HEXAMETHYLEMEDIAMINE 1.11-OIAMINO-3.6.9-TRIAIAUNDECAME TETRAETHYLEMEPEMIAMIME DIAMMOMIUM CITRATE - APMOMIUM CITRATE DIAMMONIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE AMPOMIUM PHOSPHATE DIAMMONIUP CRIHCPIhOSPHATE AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE DIAMMONIUM OXALATE APPOPIUM CXALATE OIAMYL PHTHALATE DI-M-ANYL PHTHALATE OI -N -AMYL PHTHALATE DI -M -AMYL PHTHALAIE 292-DI-(P-ANISYLI-1.1.1-TRICHLOROETHAPE METHOXYCHLOR DIANTIMONY TROXIDE ANTIMONY TRIOXIDE DIAZINON - DIAZINON DIBASIC CALCIUM PHOSPHATE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE OIBENIO(B.E)PYRIDINE ACRIDINE _ DISENZOYL PEROXIDE DIBEM20 TL PEROXIDE DISK CIISOSUTYL KETONE 1.2-OIBROMOETHANE ETHYLENE DISROMIDE SYM-CIPROMOETHAME ETHYLENE DISROMIOE DIBUTYLAMINE DI-N-BUTYLAMIME DI-N-BUTYLAMINE 01-H-BUTYLAMINE DIBUTYL ETHER - D1 -N -BUTYL ETHER M-DIBUTYL ETHER OI -M -BUTYL ETHER DI -N -BUTYL ETHER 01 -N -BUTYL ETHER 01 -H -BUTYL KETONE 01 -M -BUTYL KETENE DIBUTYL OXIDE DI -M -BUTYL ETHER 018UTYLPHEMOL DISUTYLPHENOL 2.6-01-TERT-BUTYLPHENCL DIBUTYLPPENOL DIBUTYL PHTHALATE DIBUTYL PHTHALATE DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE (ANHYDROUS OR CALCIUM PHOSPHATE DIHYDRATE) S-41.2-OICARBETHOXYETHYLI-O.O-DIMETHYL 14ALAINION OITHIOPHOS►HATE DICARSOMETHOXYZINC - ZINC ACETATE DICHLORIC.IDE P-DICMLOROBEMZEME 1.2-DICMLOROPENZEME D -DICHLOROBENZENE O-DICHLOROSEMIENE D-DICMLOROSEMIENE P-DICMLOROSEMZEME - P-CICMLOROSENZENE OT-(P-CHLOROBENZOYL) PEROXIDE - DI-(P-CHLOROSEMZOYL) PEROXIDE 01-(4-CHLOROBENZOYL) PEROXIDE OI-(P-CHLOROBEPZDYLI PERCXICE ►..P-DICHLOROBENZOYL PEROXIDE DI-IP-CHLOROBEMZOYLI PERCXIDE 1.1-DICMLORO-I.2-SIS(P-CHLOROPMENYLIETHANE• DCD 8-15 • S v ')P1 YW OICMLOROBUTEME 1.4-01CHLORO-2—PUTINF CIS —1.4—D ICHL 000-2—BUTT NE IRAN 5-1,4-0ICHLOR0-2-6UTENE �.. ;1lC::a 9:� J-1—DUirIF NE 01(r�!c Dr IFTHVLETHER C I C1+: 0R 001 F L UCR C M E I"AME C I CHL OR OD I PHENYL D ICNLOROEINANE DICHL DO ODI►HE MILS IL ANE DICHLORODIP HEHYLS I L I CAME DICNLOR ODIPPENTL7RI CHLOROE THANE 1.2—DICHLOROETHAHE DI-12—CMLOROETHYLIETHER DI -12—C HLOR TIE THYLI ETHER DICMLOR 017 YL ETHER 1.1—DICHLOR OET H YLENE 1.2—DICHLOROETHYLENE SYM—DICHLOROFTHYLEHE UMSYM—DICHLOROEIMYLENE CIS—OR TRANS-1.2— DICHLORDETHYLEME 2.2—DICMLOROEIHYL ETHER BETA. BETA — DICHLOROETHYL ETHER DICHLCROMETHANE 2.4—OICHLOROPHf MOL 2.4—DICHLOROPHFNOXYACETIC ACIC 294—DICMLOROPHEHOXYACFTIC AC10. PUTOXYFTHYL ESTER 2.4—DICNLORDPHENOXYACETIC ACID, BUTYL ESTER 2.4—OICHLOROPMENOXYACETIC ACIC.ISCPROPYL ESTER DICHLOROPHENYLPHOSPHINE •I—IP—CMLORDPHENYLI TRICHLOROMETHTLCARBIMOL 1.1—DTCMLOROPROPANE OICHLOROPROPAME Z.2—OICMLOROPROPAMOIC ACID ALPHA. ALPHA — CICNLCROPROPIONIC ACID 1.3—OICHLOROPPOPEME DICMLOROPROPFME 1.2—DICHLOROPROPIONIC ACID 4.4 —OICHLORD—AL►HA— TRICHLOROMEIMTLBEN2NYDRCL DICOFOL DICY *ICYAN 1.4—DICYAMOBUTAME DICYANDGEN DI Cy CL OMEXAM ONE 01►EROXIDE DICYCLOPEMTADIENE DIELDRIN VIESEL IGNITION IMPROVER DIESEL OIL. LIGf-T DIESEL OIL. MEOIUP OIETMANOLAMINE DIETHANOLAMIME. LAURYL SULFATE SOLUTICN--LAURYL SULFATE.DIETMAMOLAMIME SALT SOLUTION DIETHANOLAMINE LAURYL SULFATE SOLUTION LAURYL SULFATE. RTETHANOLAMINE SALT 8-16 CO4APOUND NAME DICHLDRDPUIENl D ICHLOR OtU1ENE DICHLO R 06UTE ME DICHLORDBUTEME DICHLOROBUTE ME OICHLOROETHYL FTNfR OICMLOROCIFLUGFOPETHINE DOC D IPHE NYL O I CMLCA 051L A ME D I PHENTLDICHLOROSILANE D0T ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE DICHLOROEIMYL EIMER DICHLOROETHYL ETHER DICHLOROETHYL ETHER YINYLIOENECHLORIOE, IN141617CO 1.1—DICHLOROETHYLEME 1.1—DICHLOROETHYLEPE VINYLIDFNECHLOPIDE, IMHIBIIEO 1.2—DICHLOROETHYLEPE DICHLOROEIMYL ETHER DICHLOROETHYL TIMER DICHLOROMETHANE 2.4—OICHLOROPHEMCL 2.4—DICHLOROPHENCX UCEIIC ACID 214-0 ESTERS 2.4—D ESTERS 214—C ESTERS SENIEME PHOSPHORUS DICHLORIDE 414 —DICHLORD—ALPHA- TRICML0ROMEIHYL6EMZMTDROL OICHLOROPROPAME OICHLOROPROPANE DALAPOM DALAPON CICHLOROPROPENE DICHLOROPRO►ENE DALAPON 4.4 —CICHLORO—ALPHA— TRICHLOROMETNTL6EMZMYO0OL 4.4 —DICHLORO—ALPHA— TRICHLCROMETHYLBEN2HYOROL DICYCLOPENTADIENE CYANOGEN ADIPOMITRILE CTANOGEN CYCLOHEXAMOME PEROXIDE DICYCLD►ENTACIEWE DIELORIN N—APYL NITRATE FUEL CIU 1—C FUEL OIL: 2-0 CIETHAMOLAMINE CCDECTL SULFATE, DIETHANOLAMINE SALT COOECYL SULFATE. DICIMANCLAMINE SALT 0 0 SYNONYM 1.2-CI(TH0XYETMANE DIETHYLAMINE DIETHYLBEHIENE O IE THYL CARBONATE u'ETHYL CELLOSOLYE CIETHYL-O-(3-CHLORO-4-MtrHYL-I-O%0- tIH1-1-SENZOPYRAH-7- YL)PHOSPH040THIDATE DIETHYLENEOEAMINE D (ETHYLENE GLYCCL DIETHYLEME GLYCCL DIMETHYL ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCOL ETHYL ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCOL METHYL ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCCL MONCBUTYL ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCCL MONOBUTT'L ETHER ACETATE DIETHYLEME GLYCCL MOMOETHYL ETHER DIETHYLENE GLYCCL MONOMETHYL ETHER DIETHYLENEIMIDE OXIDE DIETHYLEME IMIDOXIDE 01(ETHYLEME OXIDE) DIETHYLEME OXIMIDE OIETHYLEMETRIAMIME DIETHYL ETHER 01-(2-ETHYLHEXYL) ACID PHOSPHATE D112-ETHYLHEXYLIADIPATE DI-/2-ETHYLHEXYLI PHOSPHATE DI-(Z-ETHYLHEXYLI PHOSPHORIC ACID 0112-ETHYLHEXYLIPHTHALATE 01-(2-ETHYLHEXYLISULFOSUCCINATE. SODIUM SALT 0.0-0IETHYL 0-IZ-ISCPROPYL-6-METHYL-4- PYRIMIOINYLI PHOSPHORGTHICATE 0.0-DIETHYL-O-(2-ISCPROPYL-6-METHYL-4- PYRIMIDINYL)PHOSPHOROTHIOATE 0.0 -DIETHYL 0-2-ISOPROPYL-4-METHYL-6- PYRIMIDYL THIO -PHOSPHATE 0.0-DIETHYL-O-(2-ISOPROPYL-6-METHYL-4- PYRINIOINYL)TI-IOPHOSPMATE DIETHYL 1-ISOPRCPYL-4-METHYL-6- PYRIMIDYL THICHCPHOSPHAIE 0.0 -DIETHYL 0-(P-MITROPHENYL) PHOSPHOROTHIOATE O.0 -DIETHYL 0-(P-NITROPHENYL) THIOPHOS►HATE 0.D-DIETHYL-O(AND S-1(I- IETHYLTHIO)ETHYLIPHOSPHOROTHIOATES DIETHYL OXIDE DIETHYL PHTHALATE DIETHYLZINC 1.1-OIFLUOROETHANE DIFLUOROPHOSPMORUS ACID DIFLUOROPMCSPHORIC ACID. ANHYDROUS DIFORHYL DIGLYCOL DIGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER DIGLYCOL MCNOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE D IGLYME OIHEPTYL PHTHALATE DIHYDRATE 2.5-DIMYDROPEROXY-2.5-DIMETHYLHEXANE 1.2-DIHYDRO-3.6-PYRIDAZINEDIOME 1.2-DINYDRDXYSENIENE 1.3-DIMYDROXYBENZENE COMPOUND NAME ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYL ETHER C IE THYLAPIHE CIETHYLBEHIENE CIETHYL CARBGNATE E IHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYL ETHER C0UMAPHOS PIPERAIIME DIETHYLENE GLYCCL DIETHYLEME GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETH FR 01ETHYLEIE GLYCCt MONOEY14Yl ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCOL MONOMETHYL ETHER DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MOMOBUTTL ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE OIETHYLENE GLYCOL HOPOET14YL ETHER DIETHYLFME GLYCOL MOMOPEIMYL ETHER MCRPHOLIME MORPHOLINE - 1.4-DID%IME MCRPHOLIME OIETHYLENETRIAPINE ETHYL ETHER 01-(Z-E7HYLHEXYL) PHOSPHCRIC ACID DIOCT YL ADIPATE DI-92-ETMYLMEXYLI PHOSPHORIC ACID 01-(2-ETHYLHEXYLI PHOSPHORIC ACID - DIOCTYL PHTHALATE OIOCT YL SOCILM SLLFOSUCCIMATE 8-17 DIAZINON DIAZIMOM DIAZINON OIAZINOM DIAZTHOM PARATHION. LIOLIC PARATHION. UDUIC CEMETON ETHYL ETHER DIETHYL PHTHALATE DIETHYLZINC 1.1-OIFLUOROETHANE OIFLUOROPMOSPHOR1C ACID. ANHYDROUS DTFLUOROPPOSPHCRIC ACID. AMHYORCLS CLYOXAL. 402 SCLUIICN DIETHYLEME GLYCCL DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER DIETHYLEME GLYCCL MOPOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE DIETHYLENE GLYCOL OIMETHYL ETHER OIHEPTYL PHTHALATE CADMIUM ACETATE OIMETHYLMEXAME OIMYOROPEROXIOE, WEI MALEIC MYORAZIOE CAYECHOL RESORCINGL 0 • • c"NON\'M .';DRD X y a t N,INf .-U IHYC4Dyr MF NIE NF D E NYD R OxYF F Mt CL 1.♦-DIHYDR Drrau/ ANE „ ngDxr-2-aUTE NF 102 _p jR C x y C 1E 1 H Y L AMIME d£l..eETA - DIHYDROyYCIETHTL ETHER ►,P -DINyDRDYY01PHf HYLDINETHYLMETNAMF 2.7 -DINyDROxYOIPRO PYLAMI HE 1.7-CIMYDRO%yETHANE pl-af iA-HYDRO%YE THC%YFTMANE D I17-HrDIC%Tf THYL (AMINE DIMYDPDXYEIHYL ETHER 1.2-DINYORDYYPRCPANF 01150PUTYLEME D It 5OaUIYLEARa1MOL CIISOSUTYL KETONE I.!-DIISOCYANATCTOLUENE DIISOOFCYL PHTHALATE DIISOPROPANOLAMINE OTISOPRO►YL ETHER DIISOPROPYL OXIDF DIISOPRO►YL PERCARSOHATE DIISOPRCPYL pEROXYOACAkaONATE SYN-DIISOPROPYLACEIONE DIISOPPDPYLAMINE OIISOPROPYLaEHIENE MYDk OPFROy IDF DILAUROYL PEROXIDE CIM►IIME 5.a- D I M F THANDNAFMTHALENE I.2-DIMETHOYYETNANE DIMETHOXTPf THANE 10.11-DIMETNoXYSTRTCMNINE CIMpIHYLACFTANIOE N.N-OIMETNY V CEi AM ICE k.01-DIMETHYLACEIAMIDE ACETIC ACI[. DIMETHYLAMIDE DIMETHYLACFTIC ACT[) DIMETHYL►NIME DIPETHYLARSINIC ACID 1.3-DIMETMYLSENIENE 1.4-OIMf THTLBEM7EME I.7-OIMETMyLtEMIENE ALPHA. ALPHA- DIMETHYLaENIENE HYDNCPEROXIDE DIMETHYLDENIYL NYDROPEROXIOE DlM£TMYLEEN2YLOCTAOECYLAMMOHIUP CMI OR i DE 2.2-01"ETHYLOUTAME DIMETHYL C A0.p1 NOL DINETNTL CELLCSCLTE DIMETHYLOICHLORCSILAME DIMETMYL ETHER 1.1-DIMEIHYLETHYLAMINE DIMETMYLFORMAL DIMETMYLF C RMAMICE M.M-DIMETMYLFORMAMIDE 2.6-DIMETMYI-4-HEPTAMOME 2.6-DIMETHYL-4-HEPTAMOL DINETHYLMEKAMALS DIMETHTLME XAMI CINTDROFER014DE. NET 2.5-OINETHYLHEXAME-2,5-0IHYDROPEROYIDE COMPIOUND NAME Pz1_11-I-LL MY LR COUI NDNE FE SDRC INCL , I,A_puTaNFCiCI pUIf NFCiCL P U T 1'M F C I CL C IE T NA MOL AMI ME Dif THYLFNf GLYCOL pISPNFNOI A OI ISCPROPA NOLAPiPf EiHYLFME GLYCOL 1FIEIMTLENE GLYCOL D IE T14AMOLAMI ME CIETHYLENE GIYCCI PROPYLEME GYLCCL 011SCBUIYLEME DIISOBUTYLCARdENCL DIISOaUTYL KET(►E TOLUENE 2.4-DIISCCYAMATE lTDll OIISCOFCYL PHTHALATE OIISC►RCPAMCLAMIPE 1SCPROPYL ETHER ISCPROPTL ETHER ISOPROPYL PERCH►[[NATE ISCPRC►YL pERCARFCMAIf DIISOdUTTL KETONE CIISOPROPYLAMINE DIISCPROP YLSEMIEME HYOROfEROXICE LAU0.OYL ►EROXIOC 1.1-CIMEIHYLHTDRAtINE INCR IN ETNYLENE GLYCOL CIMEIHYL ETHER MEIHYL FORMAL pauctME OtMETHYLACETAMIDE DINETHYLACETAMICE OIFETHYLACETAMTCE IsovuTTtic ACIE DIMETMYIAMINE CACOCYLIC ACID M -XYLENE P -XYLENE . C -XYLENE CUMENE HYORDPERCKIDE CUMENE HYDROPEROXIDE EEMIYLOIPETMYLOCIADECYLAMMCNIUP CHLORIDE MEEiMEXAME ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL • ETPYLENE GLYCOL CIMEIMIL ETHER DIMEIHYLCICHLOAO!ILANE OEPEIMYL ETHER TER1-EUIYLAPINE METMYL FORMAL DIMETHYLFCRMAMIOE CIMETHYIf ORMAMIDE DIISCSUIYL KETCNE 011SOdUTILCARd INCL ISCOCIALCEHYDE DIMEIHYLMEXAME CIMYOROPEROXIDE. NET DIPETHILHEXANE CIHYD%CPf RCXICE. ►El &18 • • 0 SYNONYM DIMETHYL-I-HEXANOLS 1.1-DIMETHYLHYORAZINE UNSYM-D I ME THYLMYDRAZINE DIMETHYL KETONE OIMETHYLMETHAHE 1.2-•0METHYL-3-METHYLENEMORSORNANE 3,3--01 ME THYL-2-METMYLE HE MORCAMPHAME OIMETHYLOCTADECYLBEhZYLAMMCNIUr CHLCR IOF 0.0-DIMETHYL-C-CP- MITROPHEMYLIPHOSPHOR OTHIOAT[ 0.0-DIMETHYL-C-IP- NITROPHEMYLITHICPHOSPHATE 0. 0 -DIMETHYL S-X%4-OXO-1.2.3- BENZOTRIAZINE-3\4H'-YL'ME THYL• ►MOSPHOROOtTH10A11 2.6-DINETHYL►HENOL DIMETHYL POLYSILOXAHE DIMETHYL SILICONE FLUIDS DIMETHYLSILICOME OIL DIMETHYL SULFATE DIMETHYL SULFIDE DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE DIMETHYL TEREPHTHALATE DIMETHYLZINC 2.4-DINITRANILINE 2.4-0INITROANILINE 1.3-OINITROBENIENE M-DINITROBENIENE META-DINITROBENZENE 01141TROSENIOL 1.3-DIMITROBEHIOL DINITROCRESOLS 3.5-0INITRO-D-CRESOL 4.6-O11-ITRO-0-CRESOL 2.6-OINITRO-P-CRESCL 2.6-DINITRO-N.N-DIPROPYL-4- TRIFLUOROMETHYLANILINE 2.6-DINITRO-N.H-DIPROPYL- ALPHA.ALPHA.ALPHA-TRIFLUCRO-P- TOLUIDINE OINtTROGEN MONOXIDE OINITROGEN TETROXIDE ALPHA-DIMITROPHENCL Z.4-OINITROPMENOL 2.4-DIMITROTOLUENE 2.4-DINITROTOLUOL DIOCTYL ADIPATE DIOCTYL PHIHALATE DIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE DICFORM DIOXAN 1.4-0 IOXAME P -DIOXANE DICXOMIUM PERCHLORATE SOLUTION 1.3-DIOXOPHTHALAM DIPENTENE DIPENTYL PHTHALATE DIPHEMYLAMINE DIPMENYLOICHLOROSILAME OIPHEMYL ETHER DIPHENYL KETONE OIPHEMYLMETHAMEDIISOCYANATE tNDll DIPHENYLNETHANE-4.4 -DIISOCYANATE DIPHENYL METHANCNE 8-19 COMPOUND NAME ISOOCTYLALCOHOL 1.1-0 IrETMYL H YDRAZINE 1.1-OIFETHYLHYORAZIME ACETCNE PROPANE CArri'E NE CAP"tht EENZYLCIMETHYLCCIADECYLAPPCNIU► CHLORICE METHYL PARATHION METHYL PARATHION AZIMPHOSMETMYL XYLENOL DIMETHYL POLYSILOXAME DIMETHYL POLYSILOXANE DIMETHYL POLTSILOXANE DIMETHYL SULFATE DIMETHYL SULFIDE DIMETHYL SULFOXIOE DIMETHYL TEREPHTHALATE OIMETHYLIINC 2.4-0INITROANILINE 2.4-DINITROAMILINE M-DINITROBENIENE M-DINITROSENIENE N-CIMITROSENZENE M-OINITRCBENZENE M-OIMITROSEHZEME 01017RCCIESOLS DINITROCRESOLS OIMITROCRESOLS DINITROCRESOLS TRIFLURALIN 1RIFLURALIN NITROUS OXIDE MITRCGEN TETROXICE 2.4-0I14ITROPHEMOL 2,4-DINITROPHENOL 2.4-DINITROTOLUENE 2.4-0 IMI TROT OLUENE DICCIYL ADIPATE DICCTYL PMTHALATE DIOCTYL SODIUM SLLFOSUCCINATI 1.2-OICHLOROETHYLENE 1.4-010XANE 1.4-OICX'N' 1.4 -DIOXANE PERCMLORIC ACIC PHINALIC ANHYDPIDE DIFENTEME DI -N -AMYL PHTHALATE OIPHENYLAMINE DIPHENYLDICHLOROSILANE DIPHENYL ETHER BENZCPHENCHE OIPMENYLMETHAMEDIISOCY/NATE IMDII DIPHENYLMETHANEDIISOCYANATE CNDII EEMZCPHENOME SYNONYM 01PHEMYL OXIDE - DIPHEMYLSILICCN OlCHLDRIDE DI-N-PROPYLAMINE MM.%-DIPROPYL-2.6-DINITRO- 4-IRIFLUCRC- METHYLANILINE D IPRO►YLEME GLYCOL OIS00 TUM ARSENATE HE►TAMYORATE OISDDIUM ETHYLEMEBIS ID lTN10V RBaPATE 1- DISDDIUM METMANEARSONATE OISODIUM METHYL ARSONATE OISOOIUM MITRILCTRIACETATE OISTILLATEIFLASNED FEED STOCKS DISTILLATE:STRAIGHT RUN DISULFATOZIRCONIC ACIC DITH AME OITHIOPYROPHOS►HORIC AC10.0101010- TETRAETHYL ESTER OIYINYL - OP -OT DNF ONS - 0Ps0 ONT - DCA 1-DODECANETHIOL OODECANOL DOCECANOL OCCECANOYL PEROXIDE DODECENE 1-DOCECENE DODECENE 'NON-LINEAR) DCDECENE IMOM-LINEARI DODECYL ALCOHOL DOCECYLBENZEME •_ N—DODECYLSENIENE DOCECYLBENZEMESULFONIC ACID OODECYLBENZENE (LIMEAR) OCDECYLSENIENESULFONIC ACIO.CALCIUM SALT DOCECYLSENZENESULFCNIC ACID- ISOPROPYLAMINE SALT DCOECYLBENZENESULFONIC ACID, TRIETHANOLAMINE SALT ALPHA-DCDECYLENE DOOECYLETHYLENE DODECYL MERCAPTAN ' DCCECYL SULFATE. AMMONIUh SALT DODECYL SULFATE. DIETHANOLAMINE SALT DOCECYL SULFATE- PAGNESIUM SALT OOCECYL SULFATE- SGDIUM SALT DCCECYL SULFATE, T R IETHANDLAMINE SALT - DOGE CYLTRICMIOROS IL ANE OCP DORMANT OIL OOMAMOL DB DOMAMOL DE DOMANOL ON DONANOL EB DOMANOL EE OCMAMOL EM DOMANOL PM DOMANOL TE DCMANOL 338 DOMFUME 40, M-101 M-15. M-40 DCMICIDE 2 8-20 11 COMPOUND NAME DIPHEMYL ETHER DI►HEMYLCICHLOROSELAME DI -N -►ROPY LAPINE IRIFLURALIN DIPROPYLEME GLYCCL SOOIUM ARSENATE MADAM METMANEARSONIC ACID.SODIUM SALTS HETMAMEARSOMIC ACID. SODIUM SALTS NITRILOTRIACETIC ACID AND SALTS DISTILLATEzFLASNEC FEEL STCCKS OISTILLATEISTRAICHT RUM IIRCCNIUP SULFATE MADAM IETRAETHYL OITHIO►YROPHCSPHATE BUTADIENE. INHIBITED METHOXYCHLOR OIMETHYLFCRMAMICE DIMETHYL SULFIDE DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE 2.4-DINITROTOLUENE OIOCTYL AOI►ATE LAURYL MERCAPTAN LIMEAP ALCONCLS EIZ-15 CARBONS' CODECANOL LAURCYL PEROXIDE OOOECEME 1—DCOECENE PROPYLEME TETRAMER DOCECEHE OODECANOL DOCECYLBENZEME DOOECYLBENZEHL ALKYLBENZENESULFONIC ACICS DOOECYLBENZENE DCOECYLBEMZENESUIFONIC ACID.C►LCIUM SALT DODECYLBENZENESULFONIC ACID• ISOPRCPTLAMINE SALT .00DECYLBEMZENESULFONIC ACIC- TRIETHAMOLAMIME SALT 1—DODECENE I—TETRAOECENE LAURYL MERCAPTAN AMMOMIUP LAURYL SULFATE DODECYL SULFATE- DIETHANOLAMINE SALT DODECYL SULFATE. MAGNESILP SALT DODECYL SULFATE. SODIUM SALT DODECYL SULFATE. TRIETHANOLAMINE SALT DODECYLTRICHLCRCSIL►NE DIOCTYL PHTHALATE OILS SPRAY DIFT14YLEPE GLYCOL NOMDBUITL ETHER DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MOMOETNYL ETHER DIETHYLENE GLYCCL MONO14ETHYL ETHER EINYLE14E GLYCOL MCNOBUiYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL NCNOETHTL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL KOHOMETMYL ETHER PROPYLENE GLYCCL NETHYL ETHER ETHOXY TRIGLYCCL PROPYLENE GLYCCL METHYL EIMER ETHYLENE DIBROMIOE TRICHLOROPHEMOL SYNONYM OCMICIDE 7 OOWTHERM OC wTHERM E DRACLIC ACID pATCLCYEANERS NAPHTHA DRYING OIL EPDXIOES OSHA OUST -LAYING OIL DUTCH LIQUID OTTOL S-91 E 1314 EAA E AOC EASC ESEB CC.SODIUM SALT EDC EDIBLE TALLOW EDTA EXTASOLVE OB ACETATE ELECTRICAL INSULATING OIL EPBAFUME ENANTHIC ALCOHOL ENORATE ENOR IN EPICHLOROHYDRIN EPDXIDIZED DRYING OILS E►OXIDIZED OILS EPDXIOIZEO TALL OIL. OCTYL ESTER E►OXIDIZED VEGETABLE OILS 1.2-EPDXYBUTANE 1.2-EPDXYETHANE 1.2-EPCXYPROPANE ERINITRIT _ ERIOCHALCITE (ANHYDROUS) ESKIMON 11 ESKIMO" 12 ESKIMON 22 ESSENCE OF MIRBANE EIHANAL ETHANE ETHANECARBOXYLIC ACID ETHANEDIAL 1.2 -ETHANEDIAMINE ETHANEDINITRILE ETNA"EDIOIC ACID ETHANEDIOIC ACID.OISOOIUM SALT 1.2-ETHANEDIOL EThANENITRILE • ETHANE THIOI E THANOiC ACID ETMAMOIC ANHYDRIDE ETHANOL ETHANOLAMINE ETHENE ETHER ETHIME ETHOKYDIHYDROPYRAW 2-ETHOXY-3.4-DIHYORG-1h-PYRAN ETHOXYETHANE 1-ETHOXYETHANOL 2-ETHOXYETHANOL. ACETATE 8-21 C COMPOUND NAME PENTACHLOROPHEMOL DOWTHERN C -DICHLOROBENZENE PENICIC ACID NAPHTHA STOOCAROSOLVENT I PCX10IZED VELI TISLE 01LS PETHAMEARSOMIC ACID. SODIUM SALTS ASPHALT BLENDING STOCK:ROCFERS FLLX EIHYLEME DICHLORIDE N-CECYL ALCOHOL HEPTACHLCR ETHYL ACETOACEIAIE ETHYLALUMINUM DICHLORIDE ETHYLALUMINUM SESCUICHLCRICE ETHYLBEMZENE NASAH ETH YLEME DICHLORIDE TALLOW ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRACETIC ACID DIETHYLEME GLYCOL MOMOBUTVL ETHER ACETATE OIL'- TRANSFORMER METHYL BROMIDE HEPTANOL ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRACEtIC ACID ENDRIN EFICHLCROHYDRIM EPCXIDIZED VEGETABLE OILS EPDXIDIZEO VEGETABLE OILS OCTYL EPCXV TALLATE EPDXIOtZEO VEGETABLE OILS BUTYLEME OXIDE ETHYLENE OXIDE PROPYLENE OXIDE SODIUM NITRITE COPPER CHLORIDE TRICHLOROFLUORCMETHANE OICHLORCOIFLUOPO"ETHANE MOMOCHLOROOIFLUCPCMEThAME NITROBENZENE ACETALCEHYDE ETHANE PROPIONIC ACID GLYOXAL. 401 SCLUTION EYHYLEMEOIAMIWE CYANOGEN OYALIC ACID SGCIUM OXALATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL ACETONITRILE ETHYL MERCAPTAN ACETIC ACID ACETIC ANHYDRIDE ETHYL ALCOHOL MCHCETHANOLA"IME E IHYLE HE ETHYL ETHER ACETYLENE ETHOXYCINYORCPYRAN EIHOXVDI14YORCPYRON ETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOETNYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCNOEThVL ETHER ACETATE • f' • J SYNONYM 2-(2-E i HLITE iH;;IY IE I HA H L 2-F7HCYYEIHYL ACETATE ETHCIYDIGLYCCL f 1HrIYL A T ID DCOEC ANOL A' u0 DGLf Cy L ALCOHOL -1'- -�:. AT EO LAURYL ALCOHOL �TFCITLATED HYRISIYL ALCOHOL ITHOIYLATED NONYL PHENOL 11HOIYLATED PEHLACEC" OL ETHOITLATED PENT AOECYL ALCOHOL ETHOIYLAT ED TETRADECAN0L ITHOIYLAT EO TEIRADECTL ALCOHOL E THO rYLAT E0 TR IDECANOL. ITH0XYL'IED TRICECYL ALCOHOL ETHO R YT R IE I N Y LINE CL YC OL ITNOlY TRICLY COL ETHYL ACETATE IT "Y LICIT IC ACID ETHYL ACETOACETATE ETHYL ACRYLATE ITHTL ALCOHOL ETHYL ALDEHYDE ETHY LALVrf N U P CICHLORIDE E THY LALUPI NUM SESOUICHLCRIDE FTHYLANINI (IPYLBENIENE ETHYL BUTAwGAiE IT lUT ANOL 2-FTHYL-I-BUTANOL U 2 -ETHYL eTYL ALCOHOL ETHYL BUTYRATE 2-ETNYLCAPRCALDEHYDE EEHYLCAREINDL ETHYL CURBONATE I IHYL CPLO RACETATE E THYL CHL GR IDE E THYL CHL CR GACEIATE I THYL C H LCR OCA R B ONATE ETHYL CHL OR G EIHA NOATE ETHYL CHLCROFORnATE I THYL DICHLOROPHD SPHATE EIHYLDI C HLOR 0$ILA NE ETHYLENE E 7"LIHE ACETATE ETH-YLINEE IS (CI IHIOCARBAMIC ACICSODIUr 'A LT ETHYLENE BROMIDE ETHYLENE CHLORHTDRIN ETHYLENE CHLORICC ETHYLENE CHI OR GHYCRIN ETHYLENE CYANOHYORIN ETHYLENE OIACE T ATE ETPYLE N EOIAPINI ET NY LE N ECLAMINE TETRACETIC KID ETNYLENI DISROMIDC CIS-I.2-ETHTLENEDICARBOIYLIC ACID TRANS-1.I-ETHYLENECI CARR OIYL I C ACID ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE ETHYLENE CI CLYCCL ETHYLENE DIHYDRATE (ETHYLEMEDINITRlL01TETRA-ACETIC ACIC 2.2-ETHYLEMED I OTCYDI ETNA NOL ETHYLENE CLYCCL ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIACETATE COMPOUND NAME CII 'HTl1 w' 6LY(G. MONCi1HYL E1r11 E1HYll HE GIYCCI MONOf T TL E1HER ACF1ATE C IETHYLFPE CLYCCL PC OfIHTl ETHER ETHOIYLA T EC COVE( ANOL I THOIYLA T ED COV (a, OL f THOIYL/TED CCDI($"Ci ETHOzvlA1ED TE IRR CE CA -CL I IH01YLA T ED PCNYL"I OCL ITHOXYLA7ED PfwIIDE C 11 CL EtH 11 LAZED PENHDECANCL E IHOY YLATED 7E To, DEC A, GL E IIDX YL Al E0 Tf IR A DE C A NCL E IH OY YLA T EO TRI CF CA NOL ETH OIYLAIED TRICECANCL IINDIY TRIGLYCOL EIHOIT 1RIGLTCOL E IHTL ACELATE N -BUTYRIC A C 1 0 ETHYL ACETOACETATE ETHYL ACRYLATE ETHYL AICCHOL A CE TAI D(HYDE IAL UrINUn OIC HLOIIDE E 1HYLALUMINUM SE SOUICHL ORIOE EIHYLArINI ITHYLBENIENE (THYL eUTYRAIE ETHYL BUTANOL ETHYL eUTAHOL EIHYL cUTAMDL ETHYL --BUTYRATE EIHYL HEI AL DE H TOE N-FRDPYL ALCOHOL DIETHYL CARaIHAtt f IHTL CHL GR CACI TA IE ETHYL CHLORIDE ETHYL CHL OR OACETATE ETHYL CHLOROFGRPATE • E7 HYL CHLOROAC ITALE ETHYL CHLOR DECK PATE E IHYL PH Is 'H(: R DD ICHLOR IDATE EIHYLOICHLOROSIL A WE ETHYLENE 17HY LINE GLYCOL CIACETATE NAeAr EIHYLEME CIBRONIDE (1HYLE NE CHLOk OHTCRIN "HTLE ME OICHLORICI (IHYLE NE CHLOROHI DRIP ETHYLENE Cy AMOTDRIN EIHYLE NE CL COLNDIACETATE E I HY L E M E C I A M INE IT NYLE ME' IA MINE TETRACETIC ACID ETHYIEME OIBROMIDE MALEIC aC10 FC.A:CC ACID E IHYLENE OICHLCRIDE DIETHYLEME GLTCCI ETHYLENE CLYCCL E7HYLENECIAMIME TETRACETIC ACID TRIETHTLE NE GLICOL ETHYLENE GLYCOL EIHYLEME GLYCOL DIACETATE • • 0 SYNONYM ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCGL DIHYDROXYOIETHYL ETHER - ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL ETHYL ETHER E IHYLENE GLYCOL MCN OBUTYL ETHER iYHYLENE GLYCOL HONOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL MOMOETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCHCETHYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCHOMETHYL ETHER E THYLI NE IM IME ETHYLENEPISIIMINODIACETIC ACI0) ETHYLENE OXIDE ETHYL ETHANOATE ETHYL ETHER ETHYL FORMATE ETHYL FGRMIC ESTER ETHYLHEXALCEHYDE 2-E THYLHE XALDEHYOE 2-ETHYLHEXANAL 2 -ETHYL HEXANOL 2-ETHYL-I-HEXANOL 2-EIHYL-I-HEXEMAL 2-ETHYLMEXYL ACRYLATE.IHHIBITEO 2-ETHYLMEXYL ALCOHOL 2-ETHYLHEXYL 2-PRC►ENOATE ETHYL HEXYL TALLATE 2-ETHYLHEXYL TRICHLOROPHENOXYACETATE ETHYL 2-HYOROXYPRCPANGATE ETHYL ALPHA -HYDROXY -PROPIONATE S-E71-YLIDENEBICYCLOI2.2.IIHEPT-2-ENE ETHYLIDENE OIFLUORIDE ETHYLIDENE FLUORIDE ETHYLIOENENORBORNENE ETHYLIDENENORBORNYLENE ETHYL I DENE MORCA 1, PH ENE ETHYL DL -LACTATE ETHYL LACTATE ETHYL MERCAPTAN ETHYL METHACRYLATE ETHYL 2-METHACkYLATE ETHYL METHACRYLATE INHIBITED ETHYL METHANOATE ETHYL METHYL KETONE ETHYL ALPHAMETHYLM.ETHACRYLATE ETHYL 2-METHYL-2-PROPENCATE S-ETHYL-2-METHYLPYRIDIHE ETHYL NITRILE ETHYL NITRITE ETHYL ORTHOSILICATE ETHYL OXIDE ETHYL 3-OX08U7ANOATE ETHYL PARATHION ETHYL PHENYLDICHLCROSILANE ETHYL PHOSPHONOTHIOIC DICHLORIDE. ANHYDROUS ETHYL PHOSPHOROCICHLORIGO-THIONATE ETHYL PHOSPHOROCIC14LORICATC ETHYL PHTHALATE S-ET14YL-2-PICOLINE ETHYL 2-PRO►ENOATE 2-ETHYL-3-PROPYLACRCLEIN 2-ETHYL-3-PROPYLACRYLALDEHYDE 8-23 COMPOUND NAME ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYL ETHER TRIETMYLENE GLYCOL ETHYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCGL NONOETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCNOETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCCL MCNOETHYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCCL MONONEIHYL ETHER EIHYLENEIMINE EIHYLENECIAMINE TETRACETIC ACID ETHYLENE OXICE ETHYL ACETATE ETHYL ETHER ETHYL FCRMATE ETHYL FORMATE EIHYLHEXALDEHYCE ETHYLHEXALDEHYOE ETHYLMEXALOEHTDE 2 -ETHYL HEXANOL 2 -ETHYL MEXANOL 2-ETHYL-3-►ROPYLACROLEIN 2-ETHYLMEXYL ACRILATE.INHIBITEO 2-ET14YL HEXANOL 2-ETHYLHEXYL ACRYLATE.INHIBITED ETHYL HEXYL TAILATE 2.,%.S-T(ESTERS) ETHYL LACTATE ETHYL LACTATE ETHYLIOEIIENORBORNENE l.l-DIFLUOROETHANE l.l-DIFLUOROETHANE EIMYLIDEMENORBORNENE ETHYLIDEMENORBORMENE ETHYLIDEMENORBORMENE ETHYL LACTATE ETHYL LACTATE ETHYL NERCAP7AM ETHYL PETHACRYLAII ETHYL PETHACRYLAIE ETHYL 14EINACKYLAIE ETHYL FORMATE ►ETHYL ETHYL KETONE ETHYL NETHACRTLATE ETHYL METHACRYLATE METHYLETHTLPYRIDINE ACETCNITRILE ETHYL NITRITE ETHYL SILICATE ETHYL ETHER ETHYL ACETOACETATE PARATNIOM. LIQUID ETHYL PHENYLCICHLCROSILANE ETHYL RHOS►HCNCTNIOIC DICHLORICE. ANHYDROUS ETHYL ►MOS►HCNOTHIOIC OICHLORIDE. ANHYDROUS ETHYL ►HOS►HOROOICHLORIDA7E CIETHYL FHTHALATE ►ETHTLETHYL►YRIOIME ETHYL ACRYLATE 2-ETMYL-3-►ROPYLACRCLEIl1 2-ETHYL-3-PROPYLACOCLEIH SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME EIIYL P k,^P-CSV— It - I('&A(I-YL rrF(Pt CSlr/1t EIr YL SILICATE FIH TL 5 1 L ICA TC ETHYL SILICATt CONOENS(C ETHYL SILICATE ETHYL 5 1 L ICA IE an I I H YL SIL IC A TC ETHYL SILICON TRICNLORIDE EIrYLTRICHLOROSIIIN( tir'YL SILICONE TR ICHL OR E 1 rYL TR I CHLOR OSI I F HE F 1NYl SUl FH1ORATE • f1rTL PE F(A►11P f 1MTL TH IO NOPHOSPhONYL DICHLORIDE ETHYL ►HCS/HCN(iFIGIC CICHLORIOE. ANhY(ACUS EIHYLTRICrLCROSILANE ETHILTRI(HLOROSIIANE ETHYL ZINC - CIF IFTLlINC E IHY N( - ACETr LEN, E OFIN CIEThTL CARBCNATE EUNA T IOL - OLEIC ACID. SOCILJ SILT EXIT EL ITF A.IInONY TRIOXIDE F - II IRI C N( O R O F LNC R C Pt FHA NE F-12 C I C HLOR O CIFL U OROPFTHANE E -ZZ - P'CNOCHLCRCOIFLLOACNEIMAPE FIST REO GG BASE - f -f TTR CA N1L INE FAST FEC YR BASE 4-CHLORO-0-i0LU1CIPE FAIT RED !L BASE -PIIRGANIL INE FERMENTATION ALCOHOL ETHYL ALCOHOL FERMENTATION AMYL ALCOHOL ISCAPYL ALCOHOL FER MENIATI DN BUTYL ALCOFOL ISCBUTYL ALC(HCL ffR¢I( AMMONIUM. CIT4l1E FFRRIC aPnON1UP CITRATE FERRIC AMnONlun C.1 ATC. BRC.H "- FERRIC AnMON1UP (IIRAtE FFRFIC AMMONIUM CIT% GREEN FERRIC APMONIUP CITRATE FERFIC AMMONIUM OXALATE FERRIC APKOH1UP CXALAIE FERRIC CHLORIDE FERRIC CHLORIDE FERP IC CHLORIDE. ANHYDR CUS FERRIC CHLORIDE FERRIC CHLORIDE. HFXAM Y DATE FERRIC CHLORILF FERRIC GLYCEROPhOS►HATE - F(RR IC GLY CEFOf HCS►HATE FERRIC MIT¢&It - FERRIC MICR A TE FFRRIC NITRATE NONAHYDRATE FERRIC NITRATE FERRIC SULFATE FERRIC SULFAIC FERROUS AMMONIUM SULFATE - FERROUS AMMONIUM SULFATE I FERROUS AMMONIUM SULFATE HEXANYORATE - FERRCUS AMMO -ILP SULFATE FERROUS BOR OFL UOR IDE FERROUS FLU'OROBORATE RR FEOUS CrLCRIDE - fERRGUS CHL00.(CE FER¢OUS CHLORI OF TETRAHYDRATE FFFaOUS CHLOR iCE FER¢OUS FLUCROBCRAIE FERROUS FLUOROBGFATE FERROUS OXALATE - FE¢RCUS CXALATE FERROUS OXALATE DIrYORAYE - F,RROUS 0%ALATE 94DROUS SULFATE f(RRCUS SULFATE FERROX FERROUS OXALATE 1 FERTILIZER ACID SULFURTC ACID FILMERINE SOCIUM NITRITE FISH OIL CII: FISH 1 FLAXSEED OIL[ILS PISCELLANEOLS: LINSEED 1 kCNERS OF ANTIMONY ANTIMONY TRI CAIDE FLUORINE fLUOR INE FLUO0.0ETHYLENE ,AMYL FLL04IDE. INHIBIifC ! FLUOR OSILICIC ACID • FLLOSILICIC ACID FLUOR CSULFOHIC ACID FLUOSULf ONEC ACID FLUOROSULCURIC ACID FI UOSULF ONiC AC IC .&LUO It SPA R CALCIUM FLUORICE FLUOSILICIC ACID fLUO5 IL ICIC AC 10 FLUCSPAR CALCIUM FLUCRICE FLUOSULFONIC ACID FLLOSULFCNIC ACIC l FLUXASPHALI BLENDING STOCK:RCOFERS FLUX FLUXING OIL - 1S►HAL7 BLENDING STOCK: RCDFERS FLLX FLUX OIL ASPHALT BLENDING STOCK:■CCF ERS FLUX FOLIAGEOIL CIL: SPRAT FGaNA LOEHYDE DIPETHYLACETAL - PETHYL FCRMAL F(.RNALDE HYDE POLYMER PARAFORMALDEh.YCE 8-24 • SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION - FORMALDEHYDE SCLLTION F CRMALIN - FCRMALOEHYOE SCLL110k FDR MALITH FCRMIC DECIDE SClllION Fr RMIC ACID FCRMIC ACID —'nit, ACID. AM►ONI-UM SALT AM►ONIUM FCRMAIE FORMIC ACID. ETHYL ESTER ETHYLFORMATE FCRMIC ACID. METHYL ESTER - ►ETHYL FERMATE FCRMIC ALDEHYDE - FORMALDEHYDE SCLLTIOk FCRMIC ETHER - ETHYL FORMATE FCRMIN - FEXAPETHYLE METE/FAMINE FCRMYLIC ACID - FCRMIC ACID FREON 11 1RICHLORCFLUCRCMEYH►NE FREON 12 CICHLOROCIFLUCRD/ETHANE FREON 22 - ► OM OCH L OR O OIFL L GFCMEIHANE FRIGEN 11 TRICHLCROFLUCR(PE;HANE FRIGEN 12 C IC HLOR O OIFLU C RC FE THAkE N0. 1 FUEL OIL KEROSENE WO.1 FUEL OIL CIL: RANGE FUEL OIL NO. 1 JET FUEL: JP-11KEROSENEI FUEL OIL 1-0 CIL: DIESEL FUEL OIL:1-D - FUEL OIL: 1-C F GEL OIL N0. 2 - FUEL 01L: 2 FUEL OIL: NO 11XEROSEME) FUEL 011: NO IIKEROSENfI - FLEL OILS 2 - FUEL OIL: 2 FUEL OIL 2-O CIL: DIESEL FUEL 01L: 2-0 - FUEL OIL= 2-0 FUEL OILS 4 FLEL OIL: 4 FUEL OIL NO. 4 FUEL OIL: 4 FUEL OIL NO. 5 - FUEL OIL: S FLEL OILS 5 - FUEL OIL: S FUEL CIL NO. 6 - FUEL OILS 6 FUELOIL: 6 FUEL OILS 6 Fu MARIC A10 - FUPAa IC ACID FUMIGk AIN ACRYLONITRILE FUMIMG LICUID ARSENIC ARSENIC TRICHLCRICE FUMING SULFURIC AC10 CLEUN - FURAL FURFURAL ._ 2-FURALDEHYOE FURFURAL 2-FURANCARSINOL FURFURYL ALCOHOL 2.S-FURANEDIONE PALE IC ANHYORICE FURFURAL FLRFURAL FURFURALCCHOL - FURFURYL ALCGhCL FURFURALDEHYDE - FURFURAL FURFUROLE - FURFURAL FURFURYL ALCOHOL FURFURYL ALCCNCL 2-FURYLCARBIHOL FURFURYL ALCGHCI ALPHA-FURYLCARBIHOL FURFURYL ALCCHCL FLSEL OIL - ISCAPYL ALCOHOL FYDE - FORM►LCEHYCE SCLLTION GALLIC ACID GALLIC ACID GALLIC AC10 MONOHYDRATE GALLIC ACID GALLOTAMNIC ACIC TAMNIC ACID GALLOTANNEN TAMNIC ACID GAMMEXANE 2ENZENE HEXACHLOFIOE GAS OIL: CRACKEC CAS CIL* CRACKED GASOLINE. AUTOMCTIVE (LESS THAN 4.23 - GASOL IME. A-UTOPCIIYE (LESS THAN 4.23 G LEAD/GAL) G LEAD/GALT GASOLINE. AVIATION (LESS THAN 4.116 G GASOLINE. AVIAII(N (LESS THAN 4.116 G LEAD/GAL) LEAD/GAL) GASOLINE BLENDING STOCKS: ALKYLATES GASOLINE BLENDING STCCKS: ALKYLATES GASOLINE BLENDING STOCKS* REFORMATES - GASOLINE BLEk01NC STOCKS* REFORMATES GASOLINE: CASINGHEAD CASOLINE* CASINGHEAD GASOLINE: POLYMER - GASOLINE: POLYMEF GASOLINE: STRAIGHT RUN - GASOLINE: STRAIGFT RUN GELBIN YELLOW ULTRAMARINE CALCIUM CHROMATE 8-25 • 0 0 SYN"P'YM COMPOUND NAME GF.L IRON 11 - IT I CHLORCP LUCR E PI INANE GF ME IRON 12 - CICHLOROCIFLLCVOPETHAME Gf HEiRON 22 /CNOCHLOROCIFLLCRCM(T"AhE C;v„AROITE CCPPER NIY:ATC -.-ANi AFNIf NE HE ACHLOR IDE -..CI AL ACETIC ACID - ACETIC ACID U"-C!UC I TOL SCAB TCL GLUCOSE SCLUTIOP - CE TT RO SE SOLL'T ICP GLUTARALDf HYDE SOLUTION CLUiAR LCEHYCE SCLU1100 GLYCERINE - CL YCf RINE GLYCfvITE IAP, IC AC IC GLYCEROL - CLYCFRINE GLYCIDYL METHACRYLATE GLYCIDrL ME THA(RllaiE GLYCIDYL ALPHA -METHYL ACRYLATE - GLYCIDYL METHACRILATE GLYCOL ETHYLENE GLYCOL GLYCOL BUTYL ETHER ETNYIF NE GLYCOL PDNOBUIYL ETHER GLYCOL CHLOROHYDRIN ETHYLENE CMLOR(MICRIN GLYCOL CYAN 0HYDR IN - ETHYLENE CYANUP'YERIN GLYCOL DIACETATE - 17PYLENE CLYCCL CIACETATE GLYCOL Otfl ROMA DE - ETHYLENE C18RCPIOE GLYCOL DICHLOR TOE - E I H Y LE NE CI CPLCR ICE GLYCOL ETHYL ETHER - ETHYLENE GLYCOL MCHOa UTYL ETHER ACETATE - €lMYLI NE CLYCCL tCNOBUTYI ETHER ACETATE GLYCOL MOMOEYNYL EIMER - ETHYLENE GLYCOL P(NOETHYL ETHER GLYCOL MCHCHETHYL EIMER 11PYLE NE CLTCCL P(MOPETPIL ETHER GLYCOL NONOETHYL ETHER ACETATE - ETHYLE NF CLYCCL PCN OETHYL ETHER ICE LATE CLYOAAL, 40I SOLVT ION CL r ORAL. 4OZ SCLLTION GRAIN ALCOHOL - E1HYL ALCOHOL GRAPE SUGAR SOLUTION - CE%TROSE SOLUTIOP GREEN OIL ANTHRACENE GREEN rI TRIOL - FERROUS SULFATE GR(MALGE ME - I R I CHC R .ETHYL ENE GUM TURPENTINE TLR►EMTINE GUSATHION INSECTICIDE - Al I NPM CS"ETHYL GUTHIDN INSECTICIDE - AIIMPHCSM ETHYL HALOGENATED NAX[S - P CL YC PL OR I N A I k C IIP ME NYL IPCSI HALON 122 - CICHLCRCOIFLUCROPETHANE HARTSHORN APM OMIUP CARBOP ATI HCH BE N2ENE HE%ACHLOFIDE MEHDECANCIC ALCOMCL - LPGECAPCL 1-MENDECANCL - LPDECAHCL N-MENDECYCLENIC ALCOHOL - LNCECANGL j RECD CIELDRIN i HEPTACHLOR - P(PT ACHLCR B.SA- - HEPTACMLCR MEPTACHLOROCICYCLOPENTADIEMC NEPTACMLOR MEPTACHLORO-3A.4,7.7A-TETRAHYDRO- 4,7-METHANOINOENE 1 1-NEPTADECAMECARBOYYLIC ACID - SIEARIC ACID i CIS-B-MEPTAOECYLEME-CARBC%YLI( ACID - CLEIC ACID MERTawE - hEPTAHE N-HEPTANE - PEAT ANE Hf FI ANOL - PE►TANOL 1-HEPTAMOL PEPTANCL I 2-MEPTANOME - 1,-APYL METHYL RETDAE 1-MEPTENE - 1-PEPTEME I MEPTYLALCOHOL HEFT AN CL MEPTYL CARBINOL CCTANOL MEPTYLENE 1-HEPTEME N -HEP TYLETHYLENE 1 -PONE NE HERCOFLE= 260 CICCTYL PHTMALATE WFXA M E IIANET MY LENETETRaM THE 8-_'6 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME - BENZENE hEXACHLCFIDE HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE NEXACHLORCCYCLO►ENTAOIENE - PEXACHLORCCYCLCPFMTADIEME ENDO, E%0-1. 2.3.4.LC.10- - LIELDR IN • NE %ACHL ORO-6.7-fP0%Y- 1.'.,4A,5,6,7,B,BA-OCTAEMYORO- 1.A:5.8-CIMEThANONAPTHALENE - ENDRIN HE XACHLORO-6.7-EPDXY- I,1.,AA,5.br7,8.8A-OCTAHYORO- ENOO.ENDO-t ENDO. (XO-1.2.3,4,IC- - ALCRIN HEXACHLORO-1. 4. 4A.5 .6 .8 A-HEXAHYCRO- I.A:5.8-DI ME THANOMAPHTHALENE HEXADECYL SULFATE, SODIUM SALT - hFXACECYL SULFATE, SODIUM SALT MEYADECYLBENIENESULFOHIC ACID - ALKYLBENZEMESULF(%IC ACICS HEXADECYLTRIMETHYLAMMONIUP CHLORICE - hEXACECYLTRIMLIPIL AMMCPILP CHLORICE HEXADRIN - ENDRIN MEXAFLUOSILICIC ACID - FLCOSILICIC ACID HEXAHYORIC ALCOHOL - SORBITOL HEXAHYORCAMILINE - CYCLCHEXYLAMTNE MEXAHYDRO-2H-AZEPIM-2-ONE - CAPROLACTAM. LIOLID MEXAHYDRDAIEPINE - hE RAPE THYLEME I►IPE HEXAHYDROBENZENE - CYCLOHEXANE HEYAMYORO-I.A-DIAZINE - PIPERAZINE HEXAHYDROPHENOL - CYCLGHEXOMOL MEXAHYCROPYRAZIME - PI►ERAZIME H-NEXALDEHYOE - N-HEXALDEHYDE MEXALIN - CYCLCHEXAMOL HEXAMETHYLEME - CYCLOHEXANE MEXAMETNYLEMEAMINE - FEXAPETHYLEMETETRAMINE NEXAMETHYLENECIAMINE - hEXAPETHYLEMEDIAPIME HEXAMETHYLENEIMINE - ►EXAPETHYLEMEI►IPE HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE - NEXAMETMYLENETETRAMIME HEYAMINE - HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE HEXANAL - M-HEXALOCHYDE _ MEXANAPHTHENE - CYCLOHEXANE HEXAME - ►EXAME 1.6-NEXAMEDIAMtNE - PEXAMETHYLEMEDIAPINE MEXAMEOIDIC ACIC - ADIPIC ACID SORBITCL HEXANEHEXOL HEXANOL - MEXAMOL I-MEXANGL - HEXANOL 2-MEXANOHE - ►ETHYL N -BUTYL KETONE ALPHA -HEXENE - 1-hEXENE 1 -HEXENE - 1-MEYENE HEXONE - METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE HEXYL ACETATE - PETMYL AMYL ACETATE HEXYL ALCOHOL - PEXAMOL SEC -HEXYL ALCDMO MExYLENE GLYCOL OL ETHYL BUTANOL hEXYIEME GLYCOL MLI BENZENE MEXACHLORIDE HPON ALCRIN MI -DRY - TETRAETHYLEME CLYCOL NICH-SPEED BEARING OIL - CIL: SPINDLE HIGHER FATTY ALCOHOL - TALLCN FATTY ALCChOL MMOA - N E XAMETHYLEMEDIAPINE HOPE HEATING OIL - FUEL OILS 2 HCPOPIPERIDINE - h EXAMETNYLENEIPIPE HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA - APPOMIUP HYDRCXICE HIM - CALCIUP HYPOCHLOFITE MTV DRY CHLORINE - CALCIUP MY►0ChLC61TE HYDRACRYLIC ACIC.BETA-LACTONE - BETA-PRCPIOLACTONE 8-2% • u • Sv'.' r, 1, VM MYORACRYLONITRILE HYDR AIIME HYDRA101C ACID.SOOIUM SALT 4YD9nt.q OMEC ACIC. ANHYDROUS ,+Y.::: C. ACID ;; Y Ca,: -;;3 EC AC10. AMMICROUS H.nR D: Y.IN IC ACID HYDROCYANIC AC 10. SDDIUP SALT HYDROFLUORIC ACID HYDROFLUDRIC ACID. AMMYDRDUS HYDROFLUOSILICI C ►CID HYDROGEN Be ONI DE HYDROCEM BROMIDE, ANHYDROUS HYDROGENCHLORIDE MYDRDGEM CYANIDE MY DROCEN FLUDRICE MYDR OCEN MEXAFLUORCSILICATE HrDROGFM PEROXIDE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE CARBAMIDE HYDROGEN SULFIDE MYDROCI H.LIQUEFIED HID R Or EROX Y C YCLCHEXYL H Y DR OxIC Y C LOMEKYL PERCXIDE 1-HYDROP(ROX I C I CLCHEX I L 1- MYDROxYCYCLOHEXYL ►ERCKIDE H70R OOUINCL MYORDOU INOHE HYDROTY EIMER HYDROXY BE NlE ME P - MID R0 YBFNIENSULFCHIC ACIO.IINC SALT D-MYDROXYBEMIOIC ACID 1-HYDROxYBUTANE 2-HYDR OXYBUTAME E-HYDROXY-2-CYAMOETH►NE MrDaOxYCYCLOHEXAME H YD R Ox YDIMETHYLARSIME OXIDE t-PIr DROxr-2.4-tfl`N ITROBEM2ENE BETA -HYDROXYETHYL ACRYlA,E 2-HYDROXTETNYL ACRYLATE, INHIBITED 2-HYDROXYETHYLAMI HE N-IITOROXY(TMIL-1,2-ETMANEDIANINE 14 -BETA HYDROXIEIHYLETHYLENEIDIA N IME j-"YCROXYETHYL 2-PROPEMOAIE 1-HrDROxrHEP TA ME I-HYDR Ox THE XANE AVMA-MYDROXYISC8UTYRCM17R1LE HYDROXYLAMINE SLLFATE 2-MYCROXTMETNYLFU2AH TETR►K1S I HYDR O X YMETHYL) METHANE 1 FHTOROXT-4-NETMIL-2-PEM7AMCNE f 4 -HYD, R OXYN)TROBFN2ENE • 2-MYOROXYN17R 09 ERIE ME 2.2-BISI P -HYO a OX Y►ME NYL)PROPANE. DIGLYCIDTL ETMER 3-HYDROXYPROPAMENITRILE t 2-HYDROX T -1.2.3 -PRO P ANETRICARBOXYLIC i ACID 2-MIDROXY►ROPANDIC ACID ALPHA-HYDR OXYPR OPIONI C ACID 1 HYDROYYPRCPYL ACRYLA7E E 2-HYDROXYPROPYLAMINE HYOROX YPROP TL MET E.ACRTLATE 6-HYDROXY-3-I2M)-PYRIDAZINOME HYDR OXYTOLUENES COMPOUND NAME - ETHILF Mf LY AP DF tCGIN • hYDRA1IKE ' SOOILN AIIOE - UYOROCFN BR ONICE • PYCRCCMLCRIC ACIC • FYDROGEN CHLORIDE ' UYCR CGEN CY A NICE • SODIUM CYANIDE - UYCRCFLUCRIC ACIC • PYDR CGEN FLUOR 10f - FLUOSILICICACIC • UYDR0GEM BR01111 I- YCRLCEW BROP ICE 11YOROGEM CHLORIDE - NYCROGEN CYAN ICE • PTO itOGEN FLUORIDE - FLUOSILICIC ACID hi DRO GEM PEACAIGE - UREI PEROXIDE - I•IOROCEM SULFICE - hYCR LGSM. LTCUEFIED - CtCLCMEXAMOME PEROXIDE - CYCLCHEXAMONE PEFCXICE - MYDRCDUINONE - FYDR CO UINONE - ETHYLENE GLYCOL PCNOEThIL ETPER PMEMCL - IINC ►HENOLSULFGFATE - SALICYLIC ACID N-BUi YL ALCOHOL - SEC-BUTIL ALCOHOL - ETHYLENE CYANOHYCRIN CrCLOHEXANDL r CACOCYLIC ACID • 2.4-CINITRCPHEMOL • 2-MIOROXYETHYL ACRTL►TE. IMMIBI TED • 2-hYD RCXYITMYL ACR ILATE. IMHIBIiED • MGNCETHAN CLAMINE - AhINCETHILET M AFCLAMINE •APIMCEiHYLETHANCLIKINE - 2-hY D RCXYCTMYL ACRILA TE. INHIPITEC - Nf PTANOL - F•EXANCL - ACETCNE CYANCMYDE IM - F7DROXYLAMI ME SULFATE - FURFLRYLALCCMCL - PE N TA E RY T MRITOL - CIACE7011EALCOPOL 4-M IT ROPMEMOI - 2-MITROPHENCL - SIS►HENOL A OICLICIOYL ETI -ER - ETHYLENE CYANOhYCRIN • CITRIC ACID - LACTIC ACIC - LACTIC AC10 - PYCRCXYPROPYL ACFYLATE PC NO IS C►R OPANOL ►r IME MYORCXYPR O►YL PE ih ACRYLAIE PALEIC HYDRAZICE - CRES,LS 8-28 C] 0 SYNONYM ALPHA-HYDROXYTOLUENE BETA-HYDROKYTRICARBALLYLIC ACID BETA-HYDROXYTRICARBUXYLIC ACID ?-HYD R OXY -M -XYLENE HYLENE MSO HYLENE T HYTROL 0 leM ILLUMINATING OIL 2.2-IMINDDIETHAMOL 1.1-IMINODI-2-PROPANOL IMPERIAL GkEEN INEDIBLE TALLOW INSULATING OIL IRCM AMMONIUM SULFATE IRON 41111 CHLORIDE IRON DICHLORIDE IROM(OUSISULFATE IRON PERCHLORIDE IRON PROTOCHLORIDE IRCH PROTCXALATE IRON SESOUISULFATE IRON (111) SULFATE IRON TERSULF ATE IRON TRICHLORIDE IRCH VITRIOL ISCEON 11 ISOAMYL ALCOHOL ISOBUTANE ISOBUTANOL ISOBUTENE i SOBUTEMYL METHYL KETONE ISOBUTYL ACETATE ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL ISOBUTYLALDEHYDE ISD-BUTYLAMINE ISOBUTYLAMIME ISOBUTYLCARBIMOL ISOBUTYLEME ISOBUTYL METHYL CARBINOL ISOBUTYLMETHYL CARBINOL ISOBUTYL METHYL KETONE ISOBUTYLMETHYLMETHANOL ISOBUTYRALDEMYOE ISOBUTYRIC ACID ISOBUTYRIC ALOEHYDE ISOBUTYRONITRILE ISOCYANIC ACID. 4-METHYL-M-PHENYLEME ESTER ISODECALDEHYDE ISODECALDEHYOE. MIXED ISOPERS ISO-DECYL ACRYLATE ISOOECYL ACRYLATE. INHIBITED ISCOECYL ALCOHOL ISODIPRENE ISOMEXANE ISCNITROPROPAME ISOOCTALDEHYDE ISOOCTYL ALCOHOL ISOOCTYL ALDEHYDE ISOOCTYL TRICHLCROPHENOXYACETATE ISOPENTAME ISOPENTYL ALCOHOL ISOPENTYL NITRITE ISOPHORONE COMPOUND NAME BENZYL ALCOHOL • CITRIC ACID CITRIC ACID - XYLENOL • 01► HE MYLMETHANE C I ISOCYANATE (PDI1 1CLUEME Z.4-0115(CYANATE (TOII CVCLOHEXAMOME ISOBUTYRONITRILE • KEROSENE CIETHANCLAMINE • C I ISCPROP A H OLAFIME CCPPER ACETOAkSENITE - IALLEW CIL=TRANSFORMER • FERRCUS AMMONILP SULFATE • FERRIC CHLORIDE FERRCUS CHL ORICE • FERRCUS SULFATE FERRIC CHLORIDE • FERRCUS CHLORICE • FEPRCUS OXALATE • FERRIC SULFATE • FERRIC SLLFATE FERRIC SULFATE FERRIC CHLORIDE • FERROUS SULFATE 1RICHLOROFLUCRCMETHAME ISCAPYL ALCOHOL • ISCBUTAME ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL • ISOBUTYLENE • PESITYL CXIDE • ISCBUTYL ACETATE • ISCBUTYL ALCCHCL • ISC-BUTYRALDEHYDE • ISOBUTYLAMINE ISCBUTYLAMINE • ISCAPYL ALCOHOL ISCBUTYLEME • PETNYL ISOBUTYL CARBINCL • PETNYL AMYL ALCOFCL • PETHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE • METMVL AMYL ALCCHCL • ISG-EUTTRALDEHYDE • ISOBUTYRIC ACIC • ISO-BUTYRALDEHYDE • ISCBUTYROMITRILE • TOLUENE 2.4-DIISCCYANAIE (TD11 8-29 I SODECALDEHYOE ISCOECALOEHYOE ISOOECYL ACRYLATE. INHIBITED ISODECYL ACRVLATE. INHIBITED ISOOECYL ALCCHCL CARENE ISOHEXAME 2-MITRCPROPAME ISOOCTALCEHYOE ISCOCTYL ALCCHCL ISOOCTALDEHYCE 2.4.5-14ESTERSI ISOPENTANE ISCAPYL ALCOHOL ISC-AMYL NITRITE ISCPHORONE • • s"N()Nvw 15OPHTHALIC ACIC ISOPRE -I ISOPROPANOL E$OPR OPAnOI AMI NE • 1 SOPRCPCMYL ISnvR OvEM1L Mf IPIL KETONE 1-1 SLP R O PDX YPROPANE ISOPROPYL ACf1ATE )SCP RO PYLA C ETL.E I SOPROPTL ALCGHCL ISC-►ROPYLAPIME I SO►ROPYLA MI HE ISO RO►YLAMI ME CODECYL6fM1ENESULFCNATf- 1 SC►RO►rLeENlE ME • ISOPRO►YLCAN It NE HYDROPEROXIDE ISOPR OPYLCARB INCL - IS[►RO►rLCUMYL HYDROPEROXIDE ISOPROPYL CYANIDE ISCPROPYL 2.4- D ICHLOROPHINOXY ACETATE ISCPROPYLFTHEK I SO PR O P YL F O R. IC ACID ISO 00 OP YL I DEMEACETONE 4.4 -150 PR01 YLID I MED;PPEMOL 4.4 -ISO PR0 P YLIDENEDPHENOLEPICHLOROHYCRIN RESIN ISOPROPYL MERCAPTAN ISOPROPYL PERCARBO.ATE ISOPROPYL PEROXY OICARBU.A/E P -ISO PR C YLTOLUEME I so 'R O P YL I OL U OL !Sn T R1OFCI NOL - 1SOiRiDECrL ►LCCMCL - ISCTROM 11 - ISOTROM 11 - I;SCTRON 22 IsVALFRAL is O VALE RALDEHYD( ISCVALER IC ALCE.YCE ISOVAL ERONE - J► -1 - J► -1 Jf-1 JET FUEL: JP-11KEROSENEI - JET FUEL: JP -3 JET FUEL JP -4 - JET FUEL: JP-51KEROSENE. HEAVY) - JOCUTIN •EL F MONOPER - KELTHANE - KELTHAMETMANOL KEROSENE - 4, It ME - Kf4OSENE - KEROSENE KEROSENE. HEAVY KEROSENE. HEAVY - KEROSINE KEROSINE KEROSINE KEROSINE b-ALTONEPTANE 5-30 C0MP0UND NAME 1SCPHT.ALIC ACIL ISCPR(-f ISCPRCPYL ALCOPCI P CMOISCPROPANULAPIME ALPHA—PI MILS IY REM) PETHYL ISO►RGPF.Y( KETCNE. 1-.1811(0 ISOPROPYL EIrFF ISCPROPYL aCf IAT[ PEIHYL ISCBUTYt FETOPt ISOPROPYL ALCOrOI ISC►RCPYL AMINE 150►R OPYLAMI NL CCCECYLPf NIENf SU(FONIC ACID. ISOPRCPYLAMIMC $AL1 C U P E ME CLMEMEHYCROPEROXIDE ISO/U T YL ALCCHCL CII SO ► R C YLBEMIEPE HYCRC►ERCZIOE IS08UTYROMITRILE 2.4-C ESTERS ISOPROPYL IIMEI .SC BUIIREC ACIC Pf SI1YL OXIDE 115►HEMOL A IIS►HEMOL A CICLYCIOYL EYPIR ISOPROPYL MERCAPTAN ISCPRC►YL ►ERCARECMATE ISCPROPYL PC CAR(CMA IE P-C" E.E P-CYPE ME 7RIOECANOL IREDEC AMLL I RICPL C RCFLUCRCMi I.ANE CIC HLO RO CIFL UO FOP F TMA ME PONOCHLOR OO IFLLOROMEIMANE I SCVALERALDE r Y CE I SO VA L E RALDE r YEE ISCVALERALDErYCE CIISOBUTYL KETCNE CIL'RAMC( FUEL OIL' NO IIKE FOSE MEI KFR OSFNE JIT FUEL: JP-IIKEROSEMEI JET FUEL' J► -3 JET FUEL: JP -4 JET FUEL: JP-SIKEROSEHE. HEAVYI BENZENEMEX►CHLOFIJE ,..FL U O R CC M LORCE I PYLENE 4.4 -CICMLORO-ALPI.A- TRICrLOROMETFYLBEMINYORCL 4.4 -CICMLORO-AL►MA- 7RICHLCROMEYPYLIEMIMVCRCL CIL RAMCE JE1 FUEL: JP-11KEPOSEMEI FUEL OIL: NO l(KEROSENE) KIR OSEME JET FUEL: J►-S(KTROSENE. HEAVY) CIL: 5►RAY KEROSENE CIL: RAMCE FUEL CIL= MO I(KIROSENEI JET FUEL: JP-11KEROSENEI N-APYL METHYL KEIOPE SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME 8-31 0 I-KETOHEXAMETMYLEMIMIME - CAPROLACIAM. LICLID KETTLE -RENDERED LARD CILS EDIBLE. URC KILLAx i,t GOLD TETRAETHYL PY RC►NCSPH AiE ARSENIC TRISGLf I[E • S GRFEh CCPPER ACETOAkSENITE ISGS YELLC- ARSENIC IRISULFIEF KNELL - BEMIENE MEXACHLORIDE LACTIC ACID - LACTIC ACID DL -LACTIC ACID, AMMONIUM SALT AMMONIUM LACTATE LACTIC ACID, ETHYL ESILR ETHYL LACTATE LAM - LITHIUM ALUMINLM MYDRICE LATEX. LIOUID SYNTHETIC, LATEX, LIOUID SYNTHETIC LAUGHING GAS NI TRCUS CXIJE LAUROYL PEROXIDE U URCYL PEROXICE LAURYL ALCOHOL CCCECAMOL LAURYL AMMONIUM SULFATE - AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE LAURYL BENZENE COCECYLBENZENE LAURYL MAGNESIUM SULFA -IE - CCCECYL SULFATE. MAGMESILM SALT LAURYL MERCAPTAN LAURYL MERCAPTAN LAURYL SODIUM SLLFATE - CCCECYL SULFATE. SDDIUP SALT LAURYL SULFATE. MAGNESIUM SALT CCCECYL SULFATE. PACHESILM SALT LAURYL SULFATE, SODIUM SALT - COCECYL SULFATE. SODIUM SALT LAURYL SULFATE, TRIETHANOLAMINE SALT COCECYL SULFATE. 7RIETHANOLAMINE SALT LEAD (IV) ACETATE - LEAD 7ETRAACETATI LEAD ACETATE LEAD ACETATE LEAD ACETATE TKIHYDKAYE LEAD ACETATE LEAD ARSEMATE LEAD ARSEMATE LEAD ARSENATE, ACID LEAD ARSEMATE LEAD DIFLUORIDE LEAD FLUORIDE LEAD FLUOBORATE LEAD FLUCROBORATE LEAD FLUORIDE LEAD FLUORIDE LEAD FLUOROBORATE LEAD FLUCRG8CRA7E LEAD FLUOROBORATE SOLUTION - LEAD FLUCRCBCRA7E _ LEAD IODIDE LEAD IODIDE LEAD MONOXIDE LI TMARGE -�S LEAD NITRATE LEAD NITRATE IEAD OXIDE. YELLDM - LITHARGE LEAD PROTOXIDE LITHARGE LEAD SULFOCYAMATE - LEAD THICCYANAIE LEAD TETRAACETATE LEAD TETRAACETATE LEAD TETRAETHYL TETRAETHYL LEAD LEAD TETRAMETHYL IETRAMETHYL LEAD LEAD THIOCYANATE LEAD THIOCYAMATE LEAF LARD OILS EDIBLE, LARD LEUCOL OLINCLINE LICHEMIC ACID FLMARIC ACID LIGHT NAPHTHA NAPHTHA SOLVENT LIGHT NAPHTHA . NAPTMA VP . P (71 PER CENT MA►THAI LIGHT OIL CIL: COAL TAR LIMEN MD00 ROSIN LIMONENE CALCIUM RES INAIE C VENTEME • LINDAME BENZENE MEXACHLORIOE LINEAR ALCOHOLS (12-15 CARBONS) LINEAR ALCONCLS (IZ-IS CARBONS) LICUEFIED NATURAL GAS (IMG) - LICUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LMGI LICUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ILPG) LIQUEFIED PE7kCLEUM GAS (LPG) LICUID AMMONIA • AMMONIA ANHYDROUS LICUIN ASPHALT 1S►MALT BLENOIPC STOCK:RCCFERS FLLX LIOU ID ASPHALT CIL: ROAD LIQUID BLEACH SODIUM HYPOCMLCRITE LIQUID GUM CAMPHOR • CAMPHOR OIL LIQUID HYDROGEN I•YDROGEN. l-IQUEFIED L IOU ID IMPURE CAMPHOR CAMPHOR OIL LIQUID NITROGEN NITRCGEN. LIQUEFIED LICU10 NITROGEN DIOXIDE NITROGEN TETRGXICE LICUID OXYGEN OXYGEN, LIQUEFIED 8-31 0 *. 1 S "M1 �!\'YR' NAME L ICU 10 PE IROLATUM - CIL-' "1..t --L L IOUIf IEG PHENOL - CARBOLIC CIL L ITHAF ;� - LIIHARGE Li;i'i�r.. �:un I'YDRIDI LITHIUr ALU•INLP ►YORICE • I IT.!IUn +'. 1) luI , L I1HIUr P 0 R I D f , Li T, lUr+, 1TALL IL LIIHIUP. -(TALL IC LNG- tIOUEFIEC NA1U$AL CAS (L►CI L CNG -T l rf BURNING CIL - BEMiE NE HE A ACHL OF IDE L CNG -T I KI BURNING OIL "I CIL: nINf RAL )IAL L 0R OL -11 I'ALCOE•OL LCX • ETYGEN. LICU( F IEC LPC LIOUEFIEC ►ETRCLf UM CAS (LPCI LUBRICATIMG OIL 01LT KC TCR LVCID OL -70 CIBENZOTL PEROXICE L UMBl ICAL PIPERAZINE LUNAR CAUSTIC SIL YER MI TR All LU►ERCO JOP-SO-T trCI CHETA NO ME FEiCXICE LYE - CAUSTIC SCDA SCLL110N LTE - CAUSTIC POTASH SOLUTION MA AC- PITHIL AP TL ACE 111E IIACOUERS SALT - PCIASSIUr ARSENATE K -B -C FUKICAMT - Pf1HYL PREK ICE M -DNB - K-CINITRCBENIENE _ MACNES IUN - PAG NE SIL'• KI GMFSIVN DODECYL SULFATE - CCCECTL SULFATE. t-AGNESILK SALT MAC MESIUK LAURTL SULFATE - COCECTLSVLFATE. PAGMESILP SALT KAGNESIUK PERCHLORATE PACNESIUP PC ClL RATE NAGM[SIUK PERCHLORATE. ANHYDROUS - PAC NESIUr PERCPLCRATE NC -[SIU- PERCHLORATE HE XAMTDRATE PAGN[$IVr PERChLCRAiE KALATHI0 ►AL A THICK j nALAZIDE PALEIC HYCRAZICE MALEIC ACID - PALE IC ACT MALEIC AC 10 HYDRAZIDE - PALE IC NY CRAZICE KALE IC AHHYDR TOE PALE IC A-PYOR ICE MALEIC HYDRAZIDE PILEIC hYCRAZICE HALE IN IC AC TO tRL.E iC ACID FIALEHIC ACID PALE 1;ACID PALOHIC MONONITRILE - CYANCACET IC ACIC MACH PEINYL ISCBUIYL CARBINOL MACH - PETHYL APT ALCC►(L KAPP GAS K ETHYLACETYLEME - ►ROPACIENE MIXTLRE ! MARLATE 50 RE THOXTCPLOR j MARSH GAS RE THANE f MARSH17E - CC►PER IDCI DE MASSICOT LITHARGE MCB CHLOR OBEN7E ME MCP - CALCIUM ►MOS►HATE MCI CIPHENYL-ETHANE Ct ISOCYANATE (MOTE j MEADOW GREEN COPPER ACETOARSENITE KE CP [!ETHYLENE GLYCOL MOPOKETHYL ETHER KEX PE IME1PTL RE7CNE • MEHOR IH EMOR(w IN nEP ►ETHYL FlP7Ll TRIDIFE MERCAPTOETHAME ETHYL PERCAP UN MERCA►TOMETMANE PETHTL PftCAPTAM i MERCAPTOSUCCINIC ACID. S -ESTER WITH PAL A T HIDN 0.0-DIKFTMYL CIY M TO►M CS►HATE MERCURIALIN - PEYMTLAPINE y MERLUPIC ACETATE PERCLR IC ACETATE KERCURIC AMMONIUM CHLORIDE - MERCURIC AKMONIUP CHLORIDE MERCURIC CHLORICE ►ER CUBIC CnLCRILE rERCURiC CHLORI CE.AMMCKLATED PERCU¢iC AKMONtUP CHLORIDE MERCURIC CYANIDE - PC CLRiC CTAKICE MERCURIC TOCIOE FERCLR IC ICOIDE *. 1 • • 0 SYNONYM MERCURIC IODIDE. REO MERCURIC NITRATE MERCURIC NITRATE MONOHYDRATE MERCURIC OXIDE MERCURIC 0%1 DE. RED ([RED PRECIPITATE() MERCURIC MERCURIC OXIDE, YELLOW ((YELLOW PRECIPITATE[) MERCURIC SULFIDE ' MERCURIC SULFIDE, BLACK IETHIOPS NINERALI MERCURIC SULFIDE. RED (VERMILLION. ARTIFICIAL CINNABAR, CHINESE REO) MERCUROUS CHLORIDE MERCUROUS NITRATE MERCUROUS NITRATE MONOHYDRATE MERCURY MERCURY AMMONIUM CHLORICE MERCURY BICHLORIOE MERCURY BINIOOICE MERCURY (II) CHLORIDE MERCUPY (111 CHLORIDE AMMGNOBASIC MERCURY CYANIDE ` MERCURY (11) CYANIDE MERCURY MONOCHLORIDE MERCURY (111 NITRATE MERCURY OXIDE MERCURY PERCHLORIOE MERCURY PERNITRATE ` MERCURY PROTOCHLORIOE MERCURY ►ROTONITRATE MERCURY SUBCHLORIDE MESITYL OXIDE METALLIC RES INATE METHACRYLATE MONOMER METHACRYLIC ACID. BUTYL ESTER METHACRYLIC ACIO.2,3-EPDXYPROPYL ESTER• M17HACRYLIC ACID. ETHYL ESTER METHACRYLIC ACID. METHYL ESTER BETA-METHALLYL CHLORIDE METHALLYL CHLORIDE METHANAL METHANE METHANEARSONIC ACID, SODIUM SALTS 2-METHOXYETHANOL 2-(Z-METHOXYETHOXYIETHANOL METHOXYETHYLENE I -METHOXY -2 -PROPANOL METHYLACETALOEHYDE METHYL ACETATE M ETHYLACETtC ACID - NE7HYLACETIC ANHYDRIDE METHANETHIOL METHANETHIOMETHANE ME7HAMOIC ACID METHANOL METHENEAMINE METHOXYCHLOR METHOXY -DDT - METHOXYDIGLYCOL METHYLACETYLEHE-ALLENE MIXTURE METHYLACETYLENE - PRO►ADIENE MIXTURE BETA-METHYLACROLEIM METHYL ACRYLATE 8-33 COMPOUND NAME PERCLRIC IODIDE PERCURIC NITRATE MERCURIC NITRATE PERCURIC C%ICE PERCua1C 0%IDE PERCURIC OXIDE MERCURIC SULFICE MERCURIC SULf ICE MERCURIC SULFICE MERCUROUS CHLORICE PERCURGUS NITRATE PERCUROUS MITRITE PERCURY PERCURIC AMMCMIU► CHLORICE MERCURIC CHLORIDE MERCURIC IODIDE PERCURIC CHLORIDE MERCURIC AMMGNIUP CHLORIDE PERCURIC CYANICE PERCURIC CYANICE PERCURCUS CHLORICE PERCURIC NITRATE PERCURIC CXICC PERCURIC CHLCRIDE PERCURIC NITRATE PERCUROUS CHLOFICE PERCUROUS NITRATE MERCUROUS CHLGRICE PES T TYL OXIDE CALCIUM RES IMATE PETHYL METHACRYLA7E N-BLTYL METHACRYLATE GLYCIDYL METHACRYLATE ETHYL METHACRYLAIE METHYL ME7HACRYLA7E PETHALLYL CNLORICE NETHALLYL CHLORICE FCRNALDEPYOE SCILIION PETHAME METHAMEARSONIC ACID. SODIUM SALTS ETHYLENE GLYCCL ►CMOMEIMYL ETHER CIETHYLENE GLYCCL MONOPEIPYL ETP -ER YIMYL METHYL ETHER. INHIBITED PROPYLEME GLYCCL PETHYL ETHER PROPIONALDE14YOE PETHYL ACETATE PROPIONIC ACID ►ROPIDMIC ANPYCRICE PETHYL PERCH►TAN CTMETHYL SULFIDE FCRMIC ACID METHYL ALCOHOL MEXAMETHYLEMETETRAMINE ►ETHOXYCMLOR METHOXYCHLOR CIETMYLEPE GLYCOL MONOPEI►YL ETHER METHYLACETYLENE — ►ROPAOIENE MIXTURE METHYLACETYLENE — PRC►ACIENE MIXILRE CROTCMALCEHYDE ►ETHYL ACRYLATE • SYNONYM IH LAE METHYL ALCOHOL BETA-METHYLALLYL CHLORIDE NETHYLAPINf N -Mf TMYLAMIMO8ENIEMf Ni 7N'. ::'1',, ACE IAIE METHY, AMY! ALCCHCL METH*LAPTI ALCOHOL MFTHYL AMYL KETCNE 0-METHYLANILEHE 7-nETHYI ANTI INE N-METMYLANILINf MEINYLANILINE IMDMCI t- N( I MY L A I I R I D LNI MFIHYLBFNIEHE M E THTLBE NI IN E SULFONIC ACID ME 7HYL lE NICE. BETA -ME 7HYL61VINYL METHYL BRCKIDE 2-METHYL -l.)-BU7ACIENE )-METHYL 8UT AN AL 2 -Mf IHYLBUT AHE 3 -MF THYL- I-MUTANDL 2 -METHYL -i -BUTENE -)-ONE NE TH YL N -BUTYL KETONE l -ME IN DUTYL NIII I IE )-M(7 .YL MU TYR AL Of NY CE METHYL CARBITOL ME7HYL CELLOSOLYE METHYL CHLDRI OE METHYL CML O R D CARICNATE METHYL CHLOROFORM ME TNTL CHLOROFORNATE ME IN IL CHLOR OMEIHTL EIMER, ANHYDROUS ME IN TO. CYANIDE NE YN Y LCYC L GPEMTADIEMYLMANGAMESE TRIC A RICJ RP ONTL PPETHYLCYCLOPENTANE METHYLDICHLOROS I LANE l -METHYL -2.A -0I NE TRCBENIENE METHYLENE CHLORIDE METMYLFHE 01CHLOPIDE WE IM YL ENE DI M(7H YL FTHE A METHVLENESIS1A-PHfMYL ISOCYA64AT(1 METHYL [7 -FV METHYL ETHER NOCD EIMER METMYLETHTLCARBIMOL MEYMYLETHYLE ME METHYL E THYLENEGLYCOL ?-PIETHYLETHYLENI M INE Mf THYL ETHYL KETONE PIETHYLETMYL► YR IDIHE METHYL FORMAL METHYL FDRMATE 6-MEYMYL-I-HEPTANAL hNEiH Tl-1-NE►TA NCL NETHYL HrERAtINI METMYL Is BUTE NTL KETCNE MEINrLISDBUTYL CAReINOI MEYHYL ISCBUTYL CARBINOL M ETMYLISOBUTTLCARbINYL ACETATE ,,ETHYL ISOIU TrI KETONC METHYL /SC►ROPE PYL KETONE. INHIBITED I -pi- -ISOPROPYL-BENZENE COMPOUND NAME PI ""L I^RMAL ` r(1HIL AICCHLL PETHALLYL CHLGRICE • PFIMYLAPINE N - PE INYLANILIME PF THYL APYL ACETAIE PE THYL APYL ALCOPCL PEIHYL ISEPUTYL CARBINCL • N-SrYL PfTFYL KE10P1 • C-ICLUIDIHf D-ICLUIDIMf P-PFTHYLANILIME IA-r[THYLANIIINE • ►RCPYLFN F I MIN E. INMIBIIEC • ICLU(NE • P-TCLUENESULFONIC ACID • ICLUENI ISOPRENE • PEIHYL BRCMICE TS C►RE NE • ISCYALERALCEhTCE ISCPENIANE ISCAr TL ALCOFOI • rf IN, L ISCPRCPI NTL KETCNE. TNM IBIlEO • PE THYL N -BUTYL K(IONE ISC-APYL NTTFtTE • f SCYALERA L DfhYCE C IF IF YIf PE GLY(CE MONOPEIPYL FIf•10 • IIMYLENEGLYCOL PCHONEINYL EIMER • PE INTL CHLORIDE • PTHYL C1.LORCFCRPATE • I R ICNL CRC ET MA NE • PE THYL CPL OR GF CRP A TE • CHLORO METMYL M[if TL ETPER • ACE TCN ITP TLE • rETNYLCYCL OPEI.IACIENYLPANCANESE TRICARPONYL P[THYLCYCLGPENTA►E • 117HYLDTCHLOROSILANE I'll-CIPITRCT CLUENE CI C HL O R OMETHANE CIC H LORD r ETHANE • PETMYL FCR -AL CIPMENYLPEIIIAMEC1110CYANAIE IMCI1 • CINF T HYL ETHER • DI -ETHYL ETHER • SEC -BUTYL ALCCHCL PR0►YLE NE • ►ROPYLEME GYLCCL • ► RO►r LEVE IMINE. INH1811ED • PEIMTL E7PYLKE iC PE NET M YLET P Y L PY R 1010-EP(TNrL FC2M AL • PETMYL FCRMATL I SOCCTALCEHYOL • ISCOC 7 Y L ALCCHCL • PFTMYLMYCRAIINE • P SIIYL CAIDE • METMYL AMYL ALCCICL • PETMYL ISCB UIYL (ARSINCL - PETMYL APYL ACE707E • 'ETHYL ISCBUIYL KETONE PEIMYL ISOPROPE MY KETCNE. INHIBITED • P-CYPENE E-34 • • 0 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME 2-METHYLLACTCNITRILE ACETONE CYANCHYDFIR METHYL PERCAPTAN PETHYL MERCAPTAN METHYL MFTHACRYLATF PETHYL PFTHACRYLATE METHYL AL►HA-METHACRYLATE PETHYL METHACRYLATE ME THYLMETHANE • H ETANE METHYL 2 -METHYL -2 -PROPS NOATE - PETHYL METHACRYLATE METHYL OYIRANE PRCPYLENE OXIDE METHYL PARATHION PETHYL PARATMICN 1-METHYLPENTANE - ISCHEXANE 2-METHYL-Z.4-PENTANEDIOL - PEXYLEME GLYCGL 4-METHYL-2-PENTANCL PETHYL AMYL ALCCFCL 4-METHYL-2-PENTANCL - MEIHYL ISCBUTYL CARBINOL 4-METHYL-Z-PENTANCL. ACETATE - PETHYL AMYL ACETATE 4-METHYL-I-PENTANONE METHYL ISCBUTYL KFTOME 4-METHYL-3-PENTENE-2-ONE - PESIIYL OXIDE 4 -METHYL -I -PENTYL ACETATE PETHYL APYL ACETATE 1-METHYL-I-PHENYLETHYLENE - ALPHA-PEIHYLSTYRENE METHYL PENTYL KETCNE N -AMYL METHYL KEIOPE MEIHYLPHEMOLS CRESOLS METHYLPHEHYLAMINE N-PETHYLANILINE METHYL PHENYL KETCNE ACETOPHEMCNE METHYL PHCSPHONOTHIOIC PETHYL PHOSPHCNCIPIOIC DICHLORIDE(ANHYCI CICHLCRIDELAPPICI T 2 -ME THYLPROP ANAL - ISO-BLTYRALCErYDE 2-MFTHYLPROPANE ISCBUTANE 2-METHYLPROPANENITRILE - I SOBUTYRCNI TR ILE 2-METHYLPROPANOIC ACID - ISOBUTYRIC ACIC 2 -METHYL -I -PROPANOL - ISOBUTYL ALCONCL 2-METHYL-2-PRDPANCL TERT-RLTYL ALCOHOL 2-METHYLPROPENE ISOBUTYLENE METHYL 2-PROPENOATE - rETHYL ACRYLATE ALPHA -ME THYLPROP IONIC ACID - ISOBUTYRIC ACIC 2-METHYLPROPIOHITRILE - ISOBUTYPONITRILE 2 -METHYL -1 -PROPYL ACETATE - ISOSUTYL ACETATE METHYLPRCPYL BENZENE F-CYMENE BETA-METHYLPROPYL ETHANOATE - ISCBUTYL ACETATE 1-METHYL-2-l3-PY RID LIPYRROLIDIME MIC OTINE I-METHYL-2-l3-PYRIDYLF PYRROLIDINE.3-11-• PICOT IME METHYL-2-PYRRCL IDYL PYRTDIME H-METMYLPYRROLIDINOHE - 1-MFTMYLPYRROLIDCME t -METHYLPYRROLIDONE 1 -METHYLPYRROLIDONE N -METHYL -PYRROLIDONE 1 -METHYLPYRROLIDONE I-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDIMONE- 1-OETHYLPYRROLEDCNE H-METHYL-ALPHA-PYRROLIDOME I-METHYLPYRR OL I DC ME 3-12-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDYLIPYRIDIME - I-ICOTIME METHYLSTYRENE VINYLTCLVENE ALPHA-METHYLSTYRENE ALPHA-METHYLSTYRENE METHYL SULFHYDRATE • PETHYL MERCAPTAN METHYL SULFIDE - CIPETHYL SULFIDE 4-IMETHYLSULFONYLI-2.6-DINITRO-N.N- NIIRALIM DIPROPYLAMILINE METHYL SULFOXI DE CIMETHYL SULFOXICE - METHYL THIRAK - THIRAM METHYLTRICHLOROSILAME PETHYLTRICHLORCSILAME METHYL TUADS THIRAM METHYL VINYL ETHER VIPYL METHYL EIMER, INPISITED METHYL VINYL KETONE PETHYL VINYL KETENE METHYL ZINC CIMEINYLZIMC MH PALEIC HYDRAZICE MIBC - METHYL AMYL ALCGPCL RISC PETHYL ISCBUTYL CARBINOL MIRK PETHYL ISCBUTYL METOPE MIC METHYL AMYL ALCOPCL MIC PETHYL ISCBUTYL CARSIMCL 8-35 SYN04YtJ COMP"UND NAME MICOL! OIL (AABCLI( CIL MIK - PfiNYL ISCBUTYL NfTONE MILE) MERCURY CHLORIDE - Mf►CUACUS CHLORICI MILK .CID LACTIC ACID MINERAL CARBON CHARCOAL M INF RAL CHARCOAL CHARCOAL m NI 4AL COL 2A OIL Cil: MINLRAL SEAL MINERAL OIL - OIL: MINERAL M In(RAL Sf AL OIL - CIL' MIME RAL SEAL MINERAL SPIRITS ►IME RAL S►IR K S MITIS GAf EN CC►►ER ACETOARSENITE MIXEC ►RIMART AMYL NITRATES N-APYL NITRATE MIXTURE OF BE MZENE. TOL-UFME. AMC NA►MYNA COAL TAR XYLENES MIXT URE OF 0- AND S -( Z- CEPETON (ETHYLTM I0I ETNY LIPNOS PNOROTHICIC ACID. 0.0 -DIETHYL ESTER MMM METHYLHYDRAZINE HCH RS SALT FfPRCUS APMONILM SULFATE MOLTBDE NUM TRIOXIDE - POLYBOIC IR10 X►OE ' MOLYBDIC ACID. BS PER CENT APPONIUM MOLYBLAIE MCLYBDIC ANHYDRIDE - POLYBZCIC TRIOXIDE MCLYBDIC TRIOXILI - PCLY801C IBICX IDE M CHDURTDS - ICLUENE i..-LIISCCYANATE (TD11 MONDAMMONIUM CRTHCPHOSPHAIE - AMMONIUM ►HOSPf AIE MONO SAO.! OPE NZ ENE - BRCMCBENZENE M CM C"I M ON E TH ANE - METHYL tROMICE MCMO-N-BUTTLAMINE M-ELTYLAPINE MDNOCAL CIVM PMOSPHATE.MONCHYDRATE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE MONOCHLORACETIC ACID. ETHYL ESTER - ETHYL CHLOROACETATE i MONOCHLORETHAME ETHYL CHLORIDE MONOCHLO11 ETMANOIC At 10. ETHYL ESTER - ETHYL CHLOROACETFTE MONOCHLO►0ACEII C ACID - PCHOC HLORD A CETIC ACID NOMOCHLOROBENZENF - CNLOROBEMZEME No OCHLORODIFLUCROMETHANE MCNO C H L OR OOIFLLORCME/MANE MONOCHl O 4OMETHYL EIMER CrIOROPETNYL METt TL ETHER MONOET INAN OLA MIME - PbNOEYMAMOLAMINE MCNCETHYLAMI NE - ETMYLIPINE MONOETMYLEME GLYCOL - ETHYLENE GLYCOL MOMOFLUORO ETHYLENE - S1NYL FLLORIDE. INHIBITED MONOGLYME ETHYLENE GLYCOL C►MEIHYL ETHER MOMOHTDRATE • CALCIUM ►MOS►MITE t MCNOISOBUTYLAMINE T}CBUTYLAMiME F MCMOISOPROPANCLAMINE PCHa ISO►RO►ANOIAPIME MLNOISOP ROP TLAMINE ISO/RO►YL AM THE IJ} MOMOMETMYLAMINE. ANHYDROUS ►EIMYLAPINE NONOM ETH YL H Y DBAZINE PETMYLMYCRAZIME NONOM►TROGEM MONOXIDE NITRIC OXIDE MONO PE - PENTAERYTHRITOL MCNCSODIUM METMAMEARSOMATE - METHANE ARS ONIC ACID. SCOT UP SALTS MCMOSODIUK METHYL ARSONATE PETHAMEARSONIC ACID. SCCIUP SALTS NO OXIDE CARBON NON MOR►NOLIME MCRPNOL INE ! MCR T OPAL IETRAETHYL PYRCPPCS►H A TE i MCSS GREEN COPPER ACETOARSENITE MCIOR FUEL ANTI-KNCCK COM►OUNCS ICTOR FUEL ANTI -►MOCK COPPCUNOS CDMTAINT, LEAD ALKYLS CONTAINIG LEAD ALKYLS MOTOR Oil - Cit.: LUBRICATING MCTOR SPIRIT GASOLINE. AUTCMCIIYE (LESS THAN 4.23 CLEAD/GAL) MPT - METHYL PARATHIC0 M►TD PETHYL PMCSPMONDiHI01C CICHLORIDECANPY[I NSMA PIE INAME ARSON C ACID,SCOIUM SALTS &36 • 0 SYNONYM MULTRATHANE M MURIATIC ACID MYRISTIC ALCOHOL AvRiSTYL ALCOHOL ��ARAM - +ACCONATE 100 HACCONATE 300 NADONE NAPHTHA NAPHTHA COAL TAR NAPHTHA SOLVENT NAPHTHA STODDARD SOLVENT HAPTHA VM . P 175 PER CENT MAPTHAI NAPHTHALAME NAPHTHALENE, MOLTEN NAPHTHALIN NAPHTHANE 14APTHEMIC ACIDS ALPHA -NAPHTHYLAMINE ` 1 -NAPHTHYLAMINE I -NAPHTHYL N-METHYLCARBAMATE NATURAL GASOLINE NEATSFOOT OIL NECATORINA NECHEXAMF NEUTRAL AMMONIUM FLUORIDE NEUTRAL ANHYDROUS CALCIUM HYPOCHLCRITE- NEUTRAL LEAD ACETATE NEUTRAL NICOTINE SULFATE NEUTRAL POTASSIUM CHROMATE NEUTRAL SODIUM CHROMATE. ANHYDROUS ` NEUTRAL VERDIGRIS NICKEL ACETATE MICKEL ACETATE TETRAHYDRATE NICKEL AMMONIUN SULFATE NICKEL AMMONIUM SULFATE HEXAHYDRATE NICKEL BROMIDE NICKEL BROMIDE TRIHYDRATE NICKEL CARBONYL NICKEL CHLORIDE NICKEL CHLORIDE NICKEL CYANIDE MICKEL II11 FLUOBORATE NICKEL FLUOROBORATE SOLUTION NICKEL FLUOROBORATE NICKEL FORMATE NICKEL FORMATE CIMYDRATE NICKEL NITRATE NICKEL NITRATE HEXAHYDRATE NICKEL SULFATE NICKEL TETRACARBONYL NICKELOUS ACETATE NICKELOUS SULFATE NICOTINE NICOTINE SULFATE NIFOS NITRALIN NITRAM 0-NITRANILINE ►—NITRANILINE NITREX NITROGEN SOLUTIONS (NON— ►RESSURE I NITRIC ACID NITRIC ACID, ALUMINUM SALT 8-37 COMPOUND NAME CI►NENYLPETHANEOIISOCYANATE IPDA hVOR CCHLCRIC ACIC IElRAOECA NOL 1FTRADECAMOL N A e A P IOLUENE 2.4 -CJ ISCCYANA TE ITDI1 CIPHENYLPE THANE DIISOC VAN E IMDII CYCLOHEXAMONE P INERAL SPIRITS NAPHTHA COAL TAR NAPHTHA SCLVENT NAPHTHA STODDARD SOLVENT PAPTHA VP • P I7`. PEP CENT NA►THAI CECAhYORCHAPhTFALENE PAPHTHALENE, MCLIEN NAPHTHALENE. MCLIEN CECAHYCROMA►HTFALENE N,APThEPIC ACIDS 1-NAPH7HYLAMINE I-NAPHTHVLAMINE CARBARYL GASOLINE: CASINGFEAD CIL: NEATSFOOT CARBON TETRACHLORIDE NEDHEXAME APPONIUM FLUCRIDE CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE LEAD ACETATE NICOTINE SULFATE PCTASSIUP CHROPATE SODIUM CHROMATE COPPER ACETATE NICKEL ACETATE NICKEL ACETATE NICKEL APPOMIUP SLLFATE NICKEL APPDNIUP SULFATE NICKEL BROMIDE NICKEL BROMIDE NICKEL CARBONYL NICKEL CPLORICE NICKEL CHLORIDE NICKEL CYANIDE NICKEL FLUORCBCRATE NICKEL FLUOROeCRAIE NICKEL FLUOROSCRA1E NICKEL FORMATE NICKEL FORMATE MICKEL NITRATE NICKEL NITRATE NICKEL SULFATE NICKEL CARBONYL NICKEL ACETATE NICKEL SLLFAIE NICOTINE NICOTINE SULFATE IETRAETHYL PYRCPPCSPMATE NITRALIN APMONIUP NITRATE 2-MITROAMILINE 4-NITRGANILTNE AMMONIUM NITRATE -UREA SOLUTION NITRIC ACID ALUMINUP NITRATE %3s SYNONYM, COMvOL'Np NAM' MIIRIC ALIO, IRDM (111) 5-Ly - FERRIC NITRATE NITRIC AC IG, LEAD III) SALT - IFAD NI TO A If NITRIC IA NITRIC CIICE NItRILOI' ICf ilC AC10 AND SALTS NITR ILCTatACET1C A{iL ANL SALTS 2.2 .7 -NITR ILDIR -ETHANOL Ia LET HA NCLA M IN[ 0-M I TR OA.ILINt 2-NITRCAMILINE 4-M I TP OA MILIME - •-NI7RCA M IL INE P-MI IROANILINE 4-PITRCA.ILINE 7-N I TR DAN1LI11 - 2-N I T RO AN ILL NE NITR OP EM IE NE PITROPFM7EN( HITROEENIDL- NIIRGP.ENIfNE ' MITROCAPeOL NITRO NE TNAME 1 NITROCELLULOSE GUM CCLLODION NITROCELLULOSE SOLUTION (CLL0010N N I Ta OCHLOROFORn CHLOROPICRIN. LICLID NI TR OF THANE PITRCE THANE - •ITROCEN OIOY IDE - NIIRGGEM TE IRCIICI N17ROCEN. LIOUEF IED NIIRC GEM. LICUEF IED NITk OGFN POMOXICE NITRIC CIIOL MI TROGEM r[RD CE - NITROGEN IE Ta Os ttE NITROGEN I TROXI DE NIiRGGfN TE -RGI IC( NITROM(THANE NITRCMEIHAME O-MITROPHEMOL 2-MI7RC►HENCL 2-N I700PHE NOL 2-NI T RCP HFNCL P-NITR OP HENOL 4-P I7 RCP HENCI 4-NITROPHEMOL - 4- b, SEC-HITROPROvANE 2-PITRCPaOFANE 2-NIIRO►R OP AMC - 2-NI TR [PROPANE NITROSYL CHLORIDE MiIa OSYL CHLORIDE HITROTRICHLCROMETHAME - CNL OROPICRIN. LIcL11) NITROUS ETHER - ETHYLNITRITE NITROUS OXIDE NIT R I U 5 OII Of M-MCN, NF PCMAME IFOMAME - NCMANE NONANOL - MONANOL - 1-NOF,AMOL . "MAPOL S-NC0,ANONE - CI-M-BUTYL KE7CME NONENE- PONE ME 1-NCNENE - I-NONE PE NONENE INC--LINEARI NCNENE NOMYL ALCCNCL - NCNA NOL ! NCNYL CA RB INCL P-LE CYL ALCOHOL 1-MONYLENC - t-NCNENE M-M0 NYLETHYLENE I-LMCECFNE .0NYLPHENOL NONYI►MENOL NCRMIL ANT[ ALCOHOL P-APYL ALCCHCL NORMAL BV TTL ACETATE N-BUT TL ACETATE ■ORPAL PUITL ACRYLATE P-PUTTL ACaYLATE i FPCRMAL BUTYL ALCOHOL M-BUTYL ALCCHOL NORMAL BUTYR aLDEHYGEALCOHOL NORMAL DEC YL ALCOHOL M-%-DECYIYAA LOALCOE M-CECIL ALCOHOL • NO I. AL LEAD ACETATE LEAD ACETATE j NORMAL PROPL ACETATE M-PROP TL ACETATE AlCanaLPROPYL ALCCHOL - N-PROPYL ALCOHOL I N0 VALAMTNE N-PUTYLAMIME 2-MP 2-NITRCPROPAME F f MTA - PITA ILC TR UCETIC ACIC ANC SALTS 1.2.♦.5. 6.7. e. B- - CHLORDANE OCTACHLCRO-2.7,)A.4,7,7A-HEIAHYCRC- ♦.7-ME To A.OINCFNE OC TA CHLOROCAM►MEN E - TCXAPHEME OCT ADECANOIC ACID - SiEARIC ACID - .. CIS-v-OCTADECEMOIC ACID CLfIC ACIC QCIADECTLCIMETHYLBENZYLAMMONIUM PENIYLCTPETMYLCCIADECTLAPrCNIUP - "ORICE CHLORIDE %3s • 0 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME CIS-OCTADECYLENIC ACIC - OLEIC ACIC CIS -(DELTA 9)- - CLEIC ACD 0CTAOECYLENIC ACID N-OCTAOECYLIC AC IO STE ARIC ACID OCTANE - OCTANE OCTA-KLOR - CHLORDANE N-OCTANEOCTANE OCTANOL - CCTANOL I-OCTANOL CETANOL I-OCTENE - I-CCTENE OCTOCHLOROCAMPHENE - TOXAPHENE OCTOIL - CICCiYL PHTHALATE OCTYL ALCOHOL - CC TANOL OCTYL ALDEHYDE - EIMYLHEXALDEMTCE OCTYL CARBINOL - MONANOL ALPHA-OCTYLEME I-CCTEME OCTYL EPDXY TALLATE - CCTYL EPDXY TALLATE 300 DEC OIL CIL: MINERAL SEAL OIL: ABSORPTION - CIL- ABSORPTION OIL: CASTOR - CIL: CAST CR OIL: CLARIFIED - CIL: CLARIFIEC OIL: COAL TAR CIL: CC ALTAR OIL: COTTONSEED - CIL: COTTONSEEC OIL: CRUDE - CIL: CRUOE OIL: DIESEL CIL: DIESEL OIL: FISH - CIL: FISH OIL: LUBRICATING - CIL: LU BRICATINC OIL: MINERAL - CII: MINERAL OIL: MINERAL SEAL CIL: MINERAL SEAL OIL: MOTOR - CIL: MCTCR OIL: NEA TSFOOT - CIL: ME ATSFOOT OIL OF BITTER ALMOND BE NZALOEHYOE 0 1 L OF ME RB AME - M►TROBE NZENE OIL OF VITRIOL - SULFURIC ACID OIL: OLIVE CIL: OLIVE OIL: PEANUT Cll: PEANUT OIL: PENETRATING CIL: PENETRATING OIL: PANGE - CIL: RANCE OIL: RESIN - CIL: RESIN OIL: ROAD CIL: RCAC OIL: ROSIN - CIL: ROSIN OIL.TANNERS - CIL. TANNERS 0 1 L SED18LE: COCONUT - OILS EDIBLE: CCCChUT OILS EDIBLE. LARD CILS ECIlLE. LARC OILS EDIPLE: PALM OILS EDIBLE:TIL► OILS EDIBLE: SAFFLOWER CILS ECIBLE: SAFFIOMER OILS EDIPLE: TUCUM - OILS EDIBLE: TL PI OILS hISCELLANECUS: CROTON - CILS MlSCELL ANEOL S: CRCICN OILS MISCELLANECUS: LINSEED CILS MISCELL AN SOLS: LINSEED OILS MISCELLANECUS: TURBINE - CILS MISCELLANEOLS: TURBINE Olt: SOYA BEAM CIL: SOYA BEAN OIL: SPERM - CIL: S►ERP CIL: SPINCLE CIU SPINDLE OIL: SPRAY - CIL: S►RAV OIL: TALL - CIL: TAIL OIL: TRANSFORMER CIL: TRANSFORMER OIL: VEGETABLE CIL: VEGETABLE OLEFIANT GAS - ETHYLENE OLEIC ACID CLEIC ACID OLEIC ACT O. AMMONIUM SALT AMMONIUM OLEATE OLEIC ACID. POTASSIUM SALT CLEIC ACID,POTASSIUP SALT OLEIC ACIC, SODIUP SALTOLEIC ACID, 51301LP SALT (ILEUM - CLE UP OLIVE OIL OIL: OLIVE 8-39 S) NONYM COMPn UNIT NAME OPAL - l;TCHLCRCPHEMGL DNI - 1-M I TACAN (LINE OMP - 2-NITROPHEMCL ORI) MF NT AQSfNIC TR[SUIf ICE OR INCA RSfM IC ACID AQSFMiC AC(0 OR TH OB OR IC ACID - PC a IC AC10 o01HDLIDI CIPTAM DAIHOO I CMLCRoEt HIFNE C-CICHLOROBENZf ME OFTHO- D I HYO RO X YP I M I t HE C/IECHCL O R THOPHOSPHORIC ACID PHOSPHORIC ACIC 0 R1HOTITANIC ACID.TETRABUIYL ESTER - TETR ABUTYL 11 AMITE OQ THOXY LEN: - C-xvLE ME ORAL - GLYO%AL. �QI SCLL110M O%ALD(HYDFGLYOxAI. SOI SCLL TION 01, ALIC ACID C)ALIC ACID 0AL IC ACID. DIAMMONIUM SALT A►MOMIUN OXALATE OXALIC ACID DINT TRILE CVAMCGfN Ox ALIC ACID. FERROUS SALT - FC. CUS CXALATE Ox AL OM l T R 1LE CIINCCEN OXANMONI UI+ SULFATE - HY OROXYLAMINESULFATE -0XA-I.5-PENTANECICL C I f THY LEPE CL T CCL 2-0 xET ANDNE - BETA -PROPIOLACTONE OX IDIS OF NITROGEN - MI TROCE N' TE TROY ICE D xIRANC - C1HrlENE CXICE ALPHA-CxCDI►Hf MYLMETHANC IIN2C►HFMCME AL►HA-OXODIi ANE - PfN10►HFN 'HE 2.2 OX YEISETHANOL CIETHYLC%fGLYCOL OxYGEN. LIQUEFIED C%YCEM. LIQUEF IEC 0,YLITE CIBEPZOYL ► END %ICE O XTPMEMIC ACID CAYECHCL 0WYTOLUE MFS - CRESCLS PAINT DRIfR CC►►ERMAPHTtEFAII PAINTERS NAPNTHA . NA PTH A VP• P (75 PER CENT F.A►THA) PALM BUY iE4 CILS CCIPLE: PxLr PALM FRUIT OIL - CILS EDIBLE: PALP PALM SEID CIL - CILS ECIBLE: TLCLP PAN PrTMALIC ANHYCn ICE ►A►{ ►CLYNC T HY LENE ►CLYPHEMYL ISCCYAMAIE PARADI - P -D I CHL O R OB ENZE ME ► A RA D I CHL ONO BE NZ E ME P -C ICMLO R OBENIENE PARADOM P-CICMLOROBEMIEME P►RAFON MALDEHYDE - PARAFCn MALDEHTCE PARA HYDROGEN HY DROGE M. LIQUEFIED ►ARA-MENTHA-1.8-DIENE - CIPENTEME ►AVA MOTH - P -C I CHL Ca OBENIENE P A R A M APMTH►LENE /HI Ha ACENC ►ARATNIO N. LIQUID - P/R AYHICM. LICL{C PANATHION-NETMYL PETMYL PARATHICP ►ARAXYLENE - P -XYLENE PARIS GREEN - CC►►ERACETOARSEPiTE PARROT GREEN CC►PER ACEIDA NSEF ITE PATENT ALUM ALUMINUM SULFATE PCB - FCLYCHICR IMATEC EI►HEMTL (►CBI PE PENTAERYTHRITOL PEANUT OIL - GTL:►E AN UT PEARL WHITE - PIS MU TM OXY CMLCR{CE ►ELARG0MIC ALCOHOL .CkA%DL PENETRATING OIL - CIL: PEMETRATIPC ►ENTA - PENTA CHLCRCr HE PCL ►ENTABONAME - PE MTABC::NE (9)—PEitTAB0RON MONANYDRIDE PCN U aCRIHE PEMTACMLONO►HEMCL - PENTACHLORO►HEPOL ►fNTADCCANOL - PEM7AOEC/NOL 1—PENTACECA NOL /ENT/CECAN CL ►ENTADECAMOL - LINEAR ALCONCLS (12-15 CARBONS) 5.40 SYNONYM PFNTADECYL ALCOHOL PENTACFCYL8(MlENESULF0NIC ACIC PE NTAERYT HRITE . IE NT A ER TYl.HY R I TOL 'E MT AHE THYLE WE F. NTINAL PINT ANE _,S --t ENTANEDIAL SOLUTION 2.4-PENTANED IONF 1-PEH TANETHIOL 1 -PE NTANOL PE NTEK 1-PENTIME PENTYL ACETATES PEN1rL ALCOHOL - SEC -PENTYL CARBINOL I-PE.TYL CHLORIDE PENTYLME TM YL KETCNE - PENTYL SILICCH TRICHLORIDE ►ERACET IC ACID - PERCIRB►MIOE ►ERCHLCPIC ACID - PERCHLORIC AC10 SCLUTION - PERCNLORCCYCLOPENTADIEHE PERCMLO ROCT HY LE N E - PERCHLOROMETHANE PERCHED R OMETHY L MERCAPTAN - PERCLEHE PERHY DPOL-UREA PEON Y D R ONAP H THALENE - P[RK - PEROXIDE ►EROXYACETICACIC PEROXYOICARBONIC ACID. CIISOPROPYL - ESTER PEROXY-DICARSONIC ACID, BIS(1- HETHYLETHYL)ESTER PEROXY-DICARB0HIC ACID. BIS (1- METHYLETMYL) ESTER ►E R OXYDISULFURIC ACID. DIAMMONIUM SALT• ►ETROHOL PE7ROL PETROLATUM PET ROLATUM JELLY ►ETROLEUM - IETROLEUM ASPHALT PETROLEUM ASPHALT - PETROLEUM ASPHALT - • PETROLEUM DISTILLATE PETROLEUM DISTILLATE PETROLEUM INSULATING OIL PETROLEUM JELLY PETROLEUM NAPMTHA PETROLEUM PITCH PETROLEUM RESIDUE PETROLEUM SOLVENT PETROLEUM SOLVENT PETROLEUM SOLVENT - PETROLEUM SOLVENT PETROLEUM SPIRITS &41 0 COMPOUND NAME PENTADECANOL ALKYLBf NIENESULFCNIC ACICS P ENT AE RYTHRIIGL PCN TAE R YTH4I IOL CYCLOPENTANE .VALERALCE HYOE PENTANE GLUTARALCEMYOE SCLUTION ACETYLACETONE N-APYL MFRCAPTAH N-IPYL AL CCNOL PENTAERYTHRITOL I-►ENTEMF APYL ACETATE N-1PYL ALCCFOL E IMYL BUTAMOL N -AMYL CHLCRI Of N -AMYL METHYL KEIOPE N-APYLTR i CHLORCSILANE PERACETICACID LREA ►EROXI Of PERCFLCRIC ACIC FERCHLCRIC ACC FEXACHLC RC CYCLCPENTAOIENE TETRACHLOROETHYLENE CAR BOM iETRACNICF IDE PER C FLO ROME THYL ►ERCA►LAN TETRACHLCROE7HYLENE UREA PEROXIDE CEUEHYORCNA►HTMALENE TETRACHLOROETHYLENE HYCRCGEM ►ERCXIOE PERACETIC ACIL ISCPROPYL PERLARtCNATE ISOPROPYL PERCARBCHATE ISOPROPYL PERCARECHATE AMMONIUM PERSULFATE ISOPROPYL ALCOFCL GASOLINE. AUi0PC71VE (LESS THAN 4.23 G LEAC/GALI PETROLATUM PETROLATUM CIL: CRUCE ASPHALT BLEND STCCK:STRAIGHT RUN RESIDUE OIL: ROAD ASPH ALT 01ST ILLATE:FLASHEO FEED STOCKS LISTILLATE:Sl AICPT RUM OIL: TRANSFORMER FETRCLATLM PETROLEUM MAH IH/ ASPHALT PL ENC STCCK:STRAIGHT RUN RESICUE ASPHALT BLEMC STECK:STRAIGHT RUN RESIDUE NAPHTHA SOLVENT NAPHTHA STODDARD SOLVENT NA►TMA VP • P (75 PER CENT MAPTHAI PETROLEUM NAPHTHA MINERAL SPIRITS • it • SYNONYM PFTPOLEU� WAX - ►HELLAwDPFNE - PHENACHLOk - PHFN "'•' "'L OR ICE 7HEM1C AL.IU - ►HENOL - PHENOXYPENIENE - PFfZYLAMIME - N -P HENYLAW ILINE - ►HEMYLARSENIC DICHLORIDE PHENYL BR I'll IOE PHENYLCARBINOL t HE I Y L CHLORIDE - PHENYL CHLOROMETHYL KETONE - PHENYLCYANIDE I-►HENYLOCCANE PhEMYLDICHLORDARSIHE, LIQUID 1-►HENYLOODECANE PHEMYLETHANE ►HEN YLETH Y LINE - PHENYL ETHER PF!ENYLHYORAIIME HYDROCHLORIDE PFENYLHYORAIINILM CHLCRIDE PPE -YL HYDROXIDE HYDROXIDE PFENYLMETHANOL - ►hEMYLMEIHTL ALCOHOL PHFNTLMETHYL AMINE PHENYL P HOSPH IN E DICHLORIDE - PHEFYLPNOS►HILAE TMIODICHLORIOE - PHENYLPHOSPHOMOTHIOIC DICHLORIDE - PHEwYL ►HOSPHONCU5 DIC HLDRIDE PHENTL►ROPYLENE 1- P H E MYL T ETRADECANE I-PHENYLUNDECANE P HCS CC WE PMCS►MORIC ACID ►HCSPMORIC ACID TRIETHYLENEIMIDE - PVCSPHORIC SULFIDE PHCSPHORCDICHLORICIC ACID. ETHYL ESTER- PHOSPHOROTHIDIC ACID, 0.0 -DIETHYL ESTER "11SPHOROTHIOICACID.C.C-DIETHYL C-►- "ITROPHENYL ESTER PHCSAN ORUS BROMIDE ►HCS►HORUS OXYCHLCRIDE ►HCS►HORUS,PENTASULFIOE - ►HCS►HORUS ►ERSULFIDE PHOSPHORUS TRISROMIDE ►HCSPHORUS TRICMLCRIDE PHCS►HORUS• RED ►HCS►HORUS• HHITE ►HCS►HORYL CHLORIDE PHCSPHORYL CHLORICE ►HOTOPMCR ► MYNA LANDIONE - M-PMTMALIC &CIO PMTHALIC ACID ANHYDRIDE PHIMALIC ACID, PENIYL BUTYL ESTER ►HTNALTC ACID. DIAPYL ESTER ►MTHALIC ACID• CIBUTTL ESTER PHTMAL IC &C[C• CI E THYL 'ESTER PHTHALIC ACID. CIHEPTYL ESTER PHThALIC ACID, CIESOOECYL ESTER - S42 COMPOUND NAME AS• III PIE N:. i P6 STn(a:RCCF(RS FLbs I IPF FT INET TRI CHLCRCPHEFOL C HLORCA C I T C P HEFOFI SIYREME PHI MGL PHENOL CIPH(NYL ETMFR AF IL IHE DIPHE NYL A MIHE P Hf HYLCICHLORDARSIME. LICVID BR CM08E MIf NE PFNIYL ALCOHCL CHLOROSE MIEME CHLOROAC E TOPHI N CFE PEMION ITRILE H-CECTLBFNIENE ►f ENYLCICHLOROAR:INE. LICUID CCDECYL P. f NIENL ETHYLBEHIEHE S IYRENE C IPHE NYLET MtR P H ENY L NY C R A TINE 1TDRCCHLCR ICE PF'ENYLHYCRAjIMf fYDRCCFLCRIDE FHENCL PENTYL ALCCMCL PENTYL ALCCHCL PENIYLIrlME FE I JIM PHCSFHCRIS DICHLORIDE PCHIENE PNOSPNC RLS Tf ICOtCHIOR TOE INN1FNE PHOSFH(RLS Tf ICCiCHLOR IDE BE MZE NE ►HOSPHCRLS 01C HL RIDE ALPHA -If IHYLSTYRENE IETRADECY L B E HIEME H -ONCE CYLBE MZ E NL PHOSCFN, PHCSPHORIC ACID IRISIAIIPIDINYL1FfOSPHIME 0110E ►HCSPHOP,US PENT SLLFIDF ETHYL PHCSPHCRCCICHLORICAIE CEPETON PARAINICN. LICLIC ►HCSPHORUS TRIBPCrIDE ►HCSPMOous Ox Y(HLCaICE PfCS►HORUS PENTASLLFIDE PHCSPMCRUS PENTAILLF I OE PHCSPHORuS TR1BR(P1DE PHCSPHDaUS TP ICMLCRICE PHCSPMORUS. REC PHCSPMCRCS• 4M171 PHCS►MCRL'S OXTCHLCRICE PHCSPMCRLS OXY(MLCRI CE CALCIUr PHCSPHIDf ►MTHAL IC AMHYGR ICE ISCPHTMALIC ACID ►HTHALIC ANN TDP ICE PENZYL H-BUTYLPHIMALATE CI -M -AMYL ►MTM ALATE CIBUTYI PHTHALATE C if THYL ►HTMALA TE CIHEPTYL PHTHALATE CIISCOECTL ►HTFALATE • 0 SYNONYM PHTHALIC ACID. CIPENTYL ESTER PHTHALIC ACID. PIS(Z-ETHYLHEXYLIESTER PHTHALIC ACID, PIS(8-METHYLNDNYLIESTER- PH7HALICANHYDRIDE PHYTAR 160 P F'YTAR 560 P ICF UME PIMELIC KETONE - PIPERAZIDINE PIPERAZINE PITTSBURG PX -138 - PLANAVIN - PLANT SPRAY OIL PLASKON MONOMER - PLASTICIZER OCR - PLASTIC LATEX - PLUMBOUS ARSENATE PLUMBOUS FLUORIDE PLLMBOUS OXIDE - PLURACOL POLYOL PWA PNP POLY (DIMETHYLSILCXAMEI PCLYRUTENE POLYCHLORIMATED SIPHEMYL (PCB) ►CLYCHLOROPOLYPHENYLS PCLYFDRMALOEHYDE - PCLYISOBUTYLENE PLASTICS - PCILYISCIBUTYLENE RESINS PCLYIS08UTYLENE WAXES - PCLYMETHYLENE POLYPHENYL ISOCYANATE POLYOXPROPYLENE ETHER.PPG - POLY(OTYETHYLIDCDECYL ETHER ►CLYIDXYETHYLILAURYL ETHER ►OLYIOXYFTHYL)MYRTSTYL ETHER - PCLY(OXYETHYLIPENTADECYL ETHER ►OLYIOTYETHYLITETRADECYL ETHER PCLYIOXYETHYLITRIDECYL ETHER PCLYOXYMETHYLENE ►OLYOXYMETHYLENE GLYCOL PCLYOXYPROPYLENE GLYCOL - PCLYOXYPROPYLENE GLYCOL METHYL ETHER - POLYPHOSPHORIC ACID PCLYPRCPYLENE - PCLYPROPYLENE GLYCOL PCLYPROPYLEHE GLYCCL METHYL ETHER - POLYIPROPYLEME GLYCOLIMETHYL ETHER ►GLY►ROPYLENE GLYCOLS P400 TO ►4000 ►CIY-SOLV PCLY-SOLV DS POLY-SOLVDE POLY-SOLV DM - ►OLY-SOLV ES - ►OLY-SOLV EE - ►OLY-SOLV EE ACETATE POLY-SOLV EM POTASSIUM ACID ARSENATE ' POTASSIUM ACID OXALATE ►CTASSIUM ANTIMONYL TARTRATE ►CTASSIUM ARSENATE ►CTASSIUM BICHRCMATE ►CTASSIUM 81NOXALATE POTASSIUM CHLORATE - 8-43 COMPOUND NAME CI -N -AMYL PHTHALATE CICCTYL PHTHALATE CIISCOECIL PHTFALATE PHTHALIC ANHYDRICE 50CIUM CACODYL011 SOCIUM CACODYLATE CHLOROPICRIN. LICLID CYCLCHEXANONE PIPERAZINE PIPERAZIWE CICCTYL PHTHALATE MITRALIN CIL: SPRAY IRIFLUCROCHLORCEIEYLEME CIISOCECYL PH TFALATE LATEX, LIQUID SYN7HETIC LEAD ARSENATE LEAD FLUORIDE L ITHARCE PCLYPROPYLENE GLYCOL 4-NITRC AWILINE 4-NITROPHENOL [[METHYL ►OLYSILCXAME FCLYBUTENE FOLYCHLORINATEC PIPMENYL (PC8) PCLYCHLORINAIEC PI►HEMYL (PC81 PARAFORMALDEPYCE PCLYPUTENE FOLYBUTEME PCLYBUTEME ►OLYMETHYLEME PCLIPHEMYL ISOCYANATE PCLYPROPYLEME GLYCOL ETHOXYLATED DOCECAMOL ETHOXYLATED DOCECANOL ETHOXYLATED TETRACECANOL ETHOXYLATED PEPTACECAMOL EIHOXYLATED TETRACECAMCL ETHOXYLATED TRIDECAMOL PARAFORPALOEHYCE PARAFORMALOEHYCE PCLYPRCPYLENE GLYCOL PCLYPRCPYLENE GLICOL METHVL ETHER POLYPHOSPMORIC ACID PCLYPROPYLEME PCLYPROPYLEME GLVCOL PCLYPROPYLEME GLICOL METHYL ETI -EF PCLYPROPYLEME GLICOL METHYL ETHER PCLYPROPYLEME GLVCOL CIETPYLEME GLYCCL OIPETHVL ETHER CIETHYLEWE GLYCOL MONOBIATL ETHER CIETHYLENE GLYCCL MCMCEIHYL ETHER CIETHYLENE GLYCCL MOM OMETPYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCCL PCM08U7YL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCCL PCMOETHYL ETHER ETHYLENE GLYCOL PCNOETHYL ETHER ACETATE ETHYLENE GLYCOL PCHOMETHYL ETHER PCTASSIUP ARSENA It POTASSIUM SINDTALATE ANTIPONY POTASSILP TARTRATE ►GT►SSIU► ARSEPAIE POTASSIUP OICHRCPATE PCIASSIUr SIMCXALATE POTASSIUM CHLORATE SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME PC IAS :I �P CHAOnA I PC I.SS70• INP L.AI( POIASSIO• CHROPATE(VI) - PCTASSIUP CHROPAI( POTASSIUM CYANICE PCIASSIUP CYANIC[ ►OIaSS:UM OICHLOROISOCYANURATE PCIASSIUP DICHL GF C -S -TR IA 21 PE AR ICPE PC TA SSIUP, DICHLOR 0 -5 -TR INIIONE PCIASSIUP 01CHLCr C -S -IR 1121PEI:1CPE r01A SS IUP DICHROMA if ►CTASSIUP DICHPCr ATE P D TA SSIUP NYOROXIOE SOLUTION I C A U S I I CPT ASN SCLUTICM ►L 111S1UP IODIDE FCTASS IUP IOCICE _ PCTASSIUM 01HYOROGEN ARSENATE ►CIASS IUP AR SE PA IE PCTA SSIUP, HYDROXIDE ►DTaSS IUM hTGRCXIDE PCIASSIUP,. METALLIC - ICIa SSIUP. NCIlLI IC ►CTASSIUM OLEATE CLEIC ACID. /CIASSIUM SALT PCIASSIUP OXALATE - FOIASSIUP OXALATE P C I ASSIUM OX AL A 7 E MOMOHYDR ATE PCIASSIUP OXALATE POTASSIUM PERnAPGAPAII PCIASSIUP ►f RNAMCANAIE POTASSIUM PEROXIDE FCIASS1UP PEIOXICE ►CIA SSIUM SU►EROXIOE PCiJSSIUP /ERCX ICE POTATOSPIRIT OIL - ISDAMYL ALCOhOL ►OTERATE - PCIASSIUP CMLO:ATE PRESERVATIVE OIL OIL: PEMETRATIPC PRIMARY CAL CIUN PHOSPHATE CAL CIUN PHOSPHATE rR InI STI An LARD OILS ECIBLE, LAIC PROPADIENE-METHYLACETYLEHE MIXTURE • PETHYLACEIYLEME - PROPACIENE MIXILRE • PRGPALDEHYOE - ►RCPIOPALCEHYOE ' tROPANAI ►40►IDPALDEHYDE PRorANE ►RCPT ME • ►RCPANE-BUTAME-(PROPYLENEI - LIGUEFIEC PEIRCLEUM GAS (LPG) PROPANE-2-CARBOVYLIC ACID - ISOBUTYRIC ACIC ► I CPA N ECARBO XT LIC ACID ._e LIYIIC ►CID 1.2 -PROPANEDIOL - PRCPYLFME CYLCCL 1.2 -PROPANEDIOL 1 -ACRYLATE - hY CRCXY►AC►YL ACRYLATE 1.2-►RCPANEDIOL I -METHACRYLATE hYCRCXYPPO►YL ►EIPACRYLAIE I-PRO►AMEIH1OL P-PRCPVL MERCA►IAh 2-I RO►ANE THIOL • ISO►:O PTL NERC/►IAN PRO►IME-1-THIOL - M -PROPYL MERCAPTAN ►ROPA ME -2 -THIOL - ISCP RO FYL NERCIFIAM 1.21)-PRO►ANET410L GLYCERINE ►40PANOIC ACID PROPIONIC ACID i PRCPANDIC ANHYDRIDE - FRCPIONIC AMPYCRICE 1 -PROPANOL - M-►ROPYI ALCOHOL 2 -PROPANOL 1SCrROr YL ALCCPCL j PRCPANOLIOE BETA-►ROrIOLAC7 ONE 2-PRCPAMONE - ACE T CME 2-P4OPENAL - ACROLE IN 2 -►:OPEN -I -OL ALLYL ALCCHOL ►ROPE MAnIDE SO PER CENT AC2YLArICE • PROPENE PROPYLFPE PRO►ENE OXIDE PRO►TLEME OXIDE jI PROPENE POIrMER P0LYPRCPTIE1E ! PRO►EMOIC ACID - ACIrLIC ACID BETA-PRDr10LACTOME - BETA-PRCFIOLACTOHE { PRO►1 ONALCEHYDE IRC►IDMALOEHTDE j rIOP10MIC ACID ►:O►IONIC ALIO PROP 10 MIC AL1)EMYDE PRC►IChALDEMYOE i PRO►IDMEC ANHYDRIDE PROPIONIC AMHTCRICE BETA-PRO?IOMOLACTONE BETA-►IO►IOLACTOME ►R OP IONYL OXIDE PROPIONIC AMNYCRICE M-►RC►VL ACETATE N-PROPYLACETATE 2-PID►YL ACETATE ISO►ROP TL ACETATE PRO►YL ALCOHOL P -PROPYL ALCOHOL SEC -PROPYL ALCOHOL ISOPROPYL ALCOPOL N-PRO►TL ALCOHOL - M-P:C►YL ALCOHOL PROPYL ALDEHYDE P:OPIOhALOEHYOE N -PROPYLCARBINOL - P-BU7YL ALCOHOL PROPYLENE PRO►TLEME B-44 0 0 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME PROPYLFNE BUTYLENE POLYMER PRL►YLENE BUTYLEPE PCLYMER ►ROPYLE WE DICHLCR IDE CICHLOROPROPANI PROPYLEME GLYCOL METHYL ETHER PRCPYLENF GLYCCL PETFYL ETHER PROPYLENE GLYCOL MONO -ACRYLATE HYDRCXYPRCPYL ACAPLATE ?ROPYLENE GLYCOL PONOME THACRYLATE HYCRCXYPROPYL PEIPACRYLAIE PROPYLENE GLLCOL PROPYLEME GYLCCL P90PYLEHIMINE - PRCPYLENF IMINE. IMHIBE TEC PROPYLENE OXICE - PRCPYLENF OXIDE PROPYLENE TETRAPER - PROPYLENE TETRAMER PROPYLENE TETRAPER - COCECENE PROPYLENE TRIMER - MDNEME PROPYLENE IMINE. INHIBITED - PRCPYLENF IMINE. INHIBITED ►RCPYLETHYLENE I-PENTENE N-►RCPYL MERCAPTAN N -PROPYL MERCAPTAN N-N-PRCPYL-L-PROPANAMIHE - CI-N-PROPYLAPIPE PRUSSIC ACID F'YCRCGEN CYAMICE ►SEUDOHFXYL ALCCHCL ETHYL BUTANOL PYRAZINE HEXAHYCRIDL - PIPERAZINE PYRIDINF PYRICINE PYROCATECHIN CATECHCL PYRCCATECHINIC ACID CATECHOL PYROCATECHCL - CATECHCL PYROCATECHUIC ACID - CATECHOL PYRCFAX - LIQUEFIED ►ETRCLEUM GAS (LPC) PYROGALLIC ACID - PYROGALLIC ACIC PYROGALLOL PYROGALLIC ACIC ►YROGFNTISIC ACID - PYDRCQUINONE ►YROMUCIC ALDEHYDE FURFURAL PYRCXYLIC SPIRIT - METHYL ALCOHOL PYROXYLIN SOLUTION COLLCDIOH OUAKEPAL FURFLRAL OUICKLIME - CALCIUM OXIDE OUICKSILYER PERCURY QUINOL - NYDRCQUIMOME OUINOLINE - CUINCLINE RACEMIC LACTIC ACID - LACTIC ACID RANGE OIL FUEL OIL: NO 1lKEROSEMEI RANGE OIL KEROSENE RANGE DIL JET FUEL: JP-1(KEROSENE) RAN LINSEED OIL OILS MISCELLANEOLS: LINSEED RC PLASTICIZER CBP - CIBUTYL PHTHALATE RC PLASTICIZER COP - CIOCTYL PHTHALATE REALGAR - ARSENIC OISULFICE REC ARSENIC GLASS - ARSENIC DISULFICE REO ARSENIC SULFIDE ARSENIC OESULFICE REC OIL CLE1C ACIC REC OPPIMENT ARSENIC CISULFICE REC OXIDE OF NITROGEN - NITROGEN TETROXICE RED TR BASE 4-CFLORO-0-TCLUICIME REFRIGERANT 152A - 1.1-CIFLUOROETHAME RECULOX - ►ALEIC HYCRAZICE RESIDUAL ASPHALT - ASPHALT BLEND S1OCK:STRAIGHT RUN RESIDUE RESIDUAL FUEL OIL, NO.6 FLEL OIL: 6 RESIDUAL FUEL DIL. N0.4 FUEL OIL: 4 RESIDUAL FUEL OIL. H0.5 FUEL OIL: S RESIDUAL OIL ASPHALT BLENDIMG STOCK:ROOFERS FLUX RESIN OIL CIL: ROSIN RESORCIN - RESORCINCL RESORCINCL - RESORCINOL RETARDER M SALICYLIC ACID RETINOL - CTL: RESIN RETINOL - CIL: ROSIN RHODANATE SCOIUM Th1OCYANAIE 8-45 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME [CAC FIFDE4 - IC^H I'_1 P'.f NC E�:ST{II(hT RLY ROAD OIL - ASPHALT ELINCIPC STDCK:RCCFERS FL1.X {CSIN OIL - Cil: RESIT R CSI MDL - CIL: RCS IM CSINOL CIL: I'll RUP.P INC ALCOHOL ISCPPOPYL ALCOh OI RUBY AR Sf NIC I ARSE MIC CISULFIDf 50CCMA40SF - SUCROSE SACC HA4Ur - SLCROSE SAFFL0,fP SIFT. GIL - CILS EDIBLE: SAFFLOWER SAL ACETOSELLA - PCTASSIUPBIWOXALATE SAL AMMONIAC APM ON IUF CH LORIOE SALICYLIC AC 10 - SALICYLIC ACID S ALMIAC - APMOMIUM CHLORIDE SALT OF SATURN 1170 ACETATE SALT OF SORREL PC7ASS1UM BIMOXALATE S AL UFER - SCCIUM SIIICOFLUCRIDE SAL VOLATILE APrONIUN CARBOFAIE SAND ACID- FLUOSILICIC ACID SAMTACHL OR - P- CI CNL D R 08 ENIEME S ANTOPHEM ZO - PEMTACHLCRDPI.EFCL 41RALEX CIAIIMCM SC HEELE5 CRE EM CCPPER ARSENITE SIAL -COAT INC MATERIAL - ASPHALT BLEND SICCK:STRAIGNT RUM RESIDUE SECONDARY AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE - APP CNIUM PHOSPFAIE SE CO WCARY PU IYI ACETATE - SCC -ELT YL ACF TA TE SE CONCA4Y PUT YL ALCOHOL - SfC-PLTYL ALCOHUL SECONDARY (ALC IUn ►HDSPHATI - CALCIUM PFO SPHA IE SELF IC AMNYDRICF - SILE MIUM TRICK IDE SELENIOUS ANHYDRIDE - SELE NIUr D10XICE SELENIUM DIOXIDE - SE LE rIur OIOXICE SELENIUM 0%TOE - SELEMIur CIOXI[E SELENIUP. 7R IOXIDE - SELF 11 SELF 1R10%TOE SEWAR MONY ITE. - AMT1r OMY 1RIC%ICE SENTRY - (ALCIUr HYPOCHLORITE SEVIN = *"*AP YL ! SE X70HE - CYCLCHEXANOME SHELL CHARCOAL - CHARCOAL 51GWAL OIL - Cil: WINE RAI SEAL SILIB ON - EIHYL SILICATE S IL I COC NLORCFCRM - T R I C H L C R O S I L A NE SILICOFLUORIC AC10 - FIA OS IL IC iC Acic SILICON CHLORIDE SILICON 7Ei RACHLC RIDE SILICONE FLUIDS SEIMEiHYL POLYS ILCXAME SILICON TETRACHLORIDE SILICON YETRACFLCRI DE 1 SILVER ACETATE - SILVER ACETATE SILVER CARBONATE - SILVER CARBONATE j SILVER FLUORIDE - SILVER FLUORIDE 1 SILVER IODATE • SILVER ICCATE SILVER MONOFLUORIDE - SILVERFLUORIDE SILVER NE T RATE SILVER ATE • 1 SLIVER 0%TOE SILVCR OXIDE SILVER SULFATE SILVER SLLFATE 51LVISA0 510 - CACOCYLIC ACID SLAKED LIME CALCIUP rYOROXIDE SLOW -CURING ASPHALT CIL: RAC 1 SCDAMtot SCCILM AFIDE SCDIUM - SCCIUM SCCIUM ACID SULf 11E - SODIUM BISULFIiE SODIUM ALKYLBENZE M ESULFDMATES - SOCIUM AL KYLBE NZENESLLFCWATES SODIUM ALKYL SULFATES SODIUM ALKYL SLLFATES SODIUM AIDE - SODIUM AMIDE SOCIUM ARSEMATE - SCCIUM ARSEMATE 5-46 • 0 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME SODIUM ARSENATE. CIBASIC - SOCIUM ARSENATE SCDIUM ARSENITE - SCCIUM ARSENITE SCOIUP AZIOE - SCO UM AZIDE SCCIUK BIBORATE 5001UK BCRATE SCO IUM BISU LF TUE SCCIUM MICR OSULFICE SOLUIICN SDCIUY BISULF ITE SODIUM BISULFIIE SCCIUM BORATE - SODIUM BORATE SOCIUK B0 OHYDRIDf SGD IUM SCROHVORICE SODIUM CACODYLATE - SOLIUM CACODYLATE 50GlUn CETYL SULFATE SOLU710H MEXACECYL SULFA Tf. SODIUM SALT SOOT UM CHLORATE SCOIUN ChLORAIE Scot UM CHRO MA IE SCCIUM CMROMATE SODIUM CROMATEIVII - $00 UM CHROMATE SCCIUM CY ANIOE - SCDILM CYANIDE SOLIUM D I C HLORDISOCYANURATE - SCDIUM DICHLORC-S-TRIAZINETRIOME Scot UM OTC HLORO-S-TRIAZINETRIONE - SODIUM DtCHLCRC-5-TR IAZIMETRIONE SODIUM DICHROMATE - SOOIUP DICMRGMIIE SODIUM OIMETHYLARSONATE - SCO UM CACODYLATE SCCIUM DIOCTYL SU LFOSUCCINATE - CIOCTYL SODIUM SLLFOSUCCIMATE SODIUM DODECYL SULFATE - CCCECYL SULFATE. SODIUM SILT SODt UM FERR 0 CyAN ICE - 5001UM FERROCYANICE SCCIUM FLUORIDE - SDL1Uh FLUORIDE SCDIUM FLUOSILICATE - SCDIUM SIL ICOFLUCRIDE SCDIUM HEXAFLUOROSI LICAIE - SODIUM SlLICCf LUCRlOE SCCIUM HYDRIDE SDOIUM HYDRIDE SCOIUM HYD:06EH ALKYL SULFATE SCCIUM ALKYL SLLFATES SCDIUM HYDROGEN SULFIDE - SODIUM HYDROSULFICE SOLLTIOH SOO►UM HTOR OSULF IDE SOLUTION - SODIUM NYOR OSULF ICE SOLUTICN SOLIUM MY ORO%I OE - SODIUM HYCR O%ICE SLD IUM HYCROXEDE SOLUTIGH - CAL S TEC SODA SCLLTION SCCIUMHYPGCHLORITE SCDIUM HYPOCHLCRITE SCD IUM LA UPYL SULFATE CCC ECYL SULFATE. SODIUM SALT SODIUMMETAARS ENI TE - SCDIUM ►R SEMITE SOLIUM METABISULFITE SCDIUM BISULFIIE SOLI UN METH../DE - SCDIUh PC THYLATE SOLIUM METHYLATE - SCDIUM ME IMYLAIE SDLIUM NITRITE - sea IUM NI 7RITE SCDIUM OLEATE - OLEIC ACID. SOCILP SALT _ SOCIUM ORTHOARSENITE - SCOIUP ARSENITE SODIUM OXALATE - SODIUM OXALATE SOLIUM PHOSPHATE SCO IUM PHOSPHATE SCCIUM PY ROB OR ATE - 5CC IGH BCRATE SCDIUM PY R GSULFETE - SCDIUM BISULFIIE SODIUM RHODAMIDE - SCDILM THIOCYANATE SOCIUM SILICATE SODIUM SILICATE SOLIUM SI LICOFLUORfDE - SCOTUM SILI CCFLUCPIDE SOCIUM $ULFHYDRATE SCOtUH HYLROSULFITE SOLUTION SODIUM 5ULF TOE SOOILM SULF IDI SODIUM SULFITE - SCCIUM SULFITE SODIUM. SULFOCYANATE SCDIUM TH IOCVANAIE SCCIUM TE TRABORA T E.ANHYDRGUS - SCCIUM BCRATE SDLIUM iHlCCYANATE - SODIUM TMIOCYANAT[ SCLAR NIT: OLEN 50LUTICKS - AhMOHIUM MI TRATE-UREA SCLUTICH SCLUBLE CLASS SCDIUM SILICATE SCAB IT - SC:BRBITOL SCRBITOL SOITCL SORBO - SORBITOL SCRBOL - SCRBITOL SOYBEAN OIL - CIL: SOYA BE SPECTR ACIDE OIA!IMON S►ERM OIL - CII= SPERM SPINDLE OIL CIL: SPiNOLE SPIRIT E1H YL ALCOHOL SPIRIT OF ETHER NITRITE - ETPYL NT TRITE SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE TURPENTINE 8-47 • Ll 8-48 COMPOUND NAME SYNONYM f ... rt. ►: CCMOI 5, '. C .i"I _ "APr/r.• SICOLAFC SOi.E"1 SPOil'Nc NAPMTHI CIL: SP EAY SPRAY CIL CILS MIS Cf LL AM EOL SI IUK BINE SIEAM TURBINE LURE OIL CILS MISCELLAREOLSI TURBINE S 1 AN IupRIHE 011 STI AP IC ACID STI AR IC .i l: AMMONIUM STEARATE 7;A:lt ACIR— AMnGM IUn SALT SiE►P1C $CID ACID TALION F$TTY ALCOHOL STEARYL ALCOMOL.CPUDE CALCIUP CHROMATE STEINPUML YELLO" BENZENE STRF UHEX STYRENE STYRENE STYRENE STYROL SIT RE WE STYROLEME SUCROSE SUCROSE SLCRCSE SUGAR LEAD ACETATE SUGAR OF LEAD SALT IYMOMIUM SULFA►AIE SULF►MIC ACID. MONOAMMONIUM SALT CIL. TANNERS SULFATED HFATSFCOI OIL. SOOIUn CCP►ER SULFATE SULFATE OF COPPER IURPENT INE SULFATE TURPENTINE SULF CL ANE SULFOLANE SULFOLANE SULFOLANE—WSODIUM ALXTLBCNlfME SULFCMATES S UL OnATEO ALXYIBEMtEME. SOD Iun SALT SULFUR OIC%IDE SULFUR DIOXIDE h,CRCCEN SULFICE SULFURCTTEO HYDROGEN SULFURIC ACID SULFURIC ACID SULFURIC ACID, SPENT SLLFURIC ACID. SPENT ETHYL ETHER SLLFUR IC ETH" SLLFURELICUIOI SULFURELICUI:.1 SULFUR MCNOCHLCRICE SULFURMONOCHLORIOE SULFURYL CHLORIDE SULFURYL CMLORIDC SULFUR(LIGUl01 SULPHUR(LIOU101 hYCRCGEN SULFICE $ULIMURETTED HYDROGEN _ MYDRGGEM ►ERGXIOC SUPEROXOL . CC►►EA ARSENIIE SWEDISH GREEN EIMTL NITRITE SWEET SPIRIT OF MITRE LATEX. LIQUID ST" "ETIC SYNTHETIC RURPER LATEX DEHETON SYSTOX AND ISCSYSTOX MIXTUKC 2.4,5—IRICHL0R[PMENOXYACETIC ACID 2.4.5—T CIL% TALL TALL OIL 7ALLCW TALLOW IALLCW FATTY ALCChOI TALLOW FATTY ALCOHOL IALLCN TALLOW CIL _ CIL. TANNERS TANNERS OIL 1AMNIC ACID TANNIC ACID TAwNIC ACID TANNIN CPESOLS TAP ACIDS NAPHTHALENE. MELT[" TAR CAMPHOR ANTIrDNY POTASSIL► TARIRATE TARTAR EMETIC AMMONIUM TARTRATE L—TARTARIC ACID. AMMONIUM SALT ANjIMONT ►CTASSILP TARTRATE 7ARTARIIED ANTIMONY ANTIPONY POTASSILM TARIRATE TARTRATED ANTIMONY IERT—BUTTLAMTME TBA IRICRESYL PHCSPHATE TCP CALCIUM PHOSPHATE TCP TGE CCD TCLUENE 2.4—DIISCCYANATE (1011 TDI IRTETHYLALUMIMLM TEA CFLORCACETO►MENONE TEAR GAS 7ETRAFLUCROE7MYLf NE. INHIBITED TEFLON MONOMER IRIETNYLENE CLYCCL TEG - TEIRAETMYL LEAC TEL CICHLOROPPOPENE TELOME TR IETHYLAMIME TEM 8-48 •. op SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME TEP TETRAETHYL PYRC►PCSPMATE TEPP 1ETR ►ETHYL PYRCPFCSPHATE TEREPHTHALIC ACID• DIMETHYL ESTER - CIMFTHYL IEREPPIPALATE TERG ITOL 3-A-6 NONIONIC EINOXYLA7EO TRIDECANCL TERG I TOL NON T ONEC 45-5-10 . EIYOXYLATED PEMTALECANCL TERGITOL NONIONIC 45-5-10 • ETHOXYLATEO TETRACEC-ANCL TERGITOL NONIONIC TNN - ETHOXYLAIEO CCCECANOL TERPINENE CIPEMTENE DELTA-IIB-TERPODIENE - CIPEMTENE TERTIARY BUTYL ALCOHOL TERT-PU TYL ALCOHOL TERTIARY BUTYL HYDROPEROXIDE TERT-PUTYL MYCROPERCXICE 2.4.5-TIES7ERS1 214.5-11ESTERSI TSTA IRIEIHYLENETEYRAPINE TETRABUTYL TITAMAYE 1ETRABUTYL TITANATE TETRACHLCROETHOME TETRACHLOROETHANE - TETRACMLCROEIHAME TETRACHLOROETHYLENE TEIRACNLCROEINILEME TETRACHLOROMETHANE CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 1-TEIRAOECANOL 1ETRAOECAMOL TETRADECANOL - TETRADECANOL TETRAOECAMOL - LINEAR ALCOHOLS 112-15 CAABCNSI 1-TETRADECENE - 1-TETRADECENE H-TETRADECYL ALCOHOL TETRAOECAhOL TEIRADECYLBENIENE YETRAOECYLBEHIENE TETRADECYLBCHZEMESULFONIC ACID ALKYLBENZENESULF(PIC ACIDS TETRAETHYL DIIHICNOPYROPHOSPHATE 1ETRAETYYI p11F IC tYRL►NCS►MATE TETRAETHYL OITHIOPYROPMOSPHATE - TETRAETHYL 017FICPYROPhCSPFA7E TETRAETHYL LEAD - IE7RAETHYL LEAC TETRAETHYL ORTMOSILICATE - ETHYL SILICA7t TETRAETHYL PYRCPHCS►HATE - TETRAETHYL ►YRCPPCS►MATE -TETRAETHYL PYROPHOSPHORODITHIONATE IETRAETHYL OIIFI(FYRCPFOSPNATE TE7RAE7HYLENE GLYCOL TETRAETHYLENE GLYCOL TETRAETHYLENEPENTAMINE - IETRAE7NYLEMEPEh1AMENE TETRAETHYL SILICATE - ETHYL SILICATE TETRAFLUOROETHYLENE. INHIBITED TETRAFLUCROETHVLIME. IhhIBITE0 7ETRAHYOROFURAN - 7ETRAHYORCFURAN 3A.4.7.7A-TETRAHYDRO-4.7-METHANOINDEME DICYCLOPENTAOIENE TETRAHYORCHAPHIHAIEME TETRAMYDRONAPHTHALENE TETRAHYDRONAPMIMALEME TETRAlHYDRO-P-OXAZINE - PCRPHOLINE TEIRAMYORO-2M-1.4-OXAZINE MCRPHOLINE 7ETRAHYDROTHIOPHEHE-1.1-DIOXIDE SULFCLANE TETRAHYCRpXYMETP'YLMETHANE - PENTAERYTHRITOL TEIRALIN1 ETRAHYDRONAPh IHALEME TETRAMETHYLENEGLYCCL 1.4 -PUT ANECICL TETRAMETHYLENE OXIDE 1ETRAHYCROFURAM TETRAMETHYLENE SULFONE - SULFOLANE TETRAMETHYL LEAC - TETRAMEYMYL LEAD TETRAMETHYLOLMETHANE - PFNTAERYIMRI7GL TETRAMETHYLTHIURAM DISULFIDE - THIRAM TET R ANAP IETRAHYDROMAPHIMALENE 7ETPAPROPYLENE FRO►YLENE TETRAMER TETRAPROPYLEHE CCCECENE TETRINE ACED ETHYLENEEIAMINE IETRACETIC ACIC 7ETRON TETRAEIHYL P RC PF CSP NA If THANOL PPG - PCLYPROPYLEME GLYCOL THF IETRAHYDROFURAh 2-THIAPRO►ANE CIMEYHYL SULFICE THIOBUTYL ALCOHOL M-BbTYL MERCA►TAN THIOCARBONYL CHLORIDE ThIOPHCSGENE THIOCYANIC ACID, AMMONIUM SALT- AMMONIUM TMIOCYAMATE THIOETHYL ALCOHOL • E7HYL MERCAPTAN TMIOMETHYL ALCOHOL METHYL MERCAPTAN THIOPHOSGENE TMIOPMCSGENE TNIOPMOSPHORiC ANHYDRIDE - PhOSPHCRUS PENIASULFICE 8-49 SYNONYM C'WPUL'ND LAME T M IR AY - Ir I R A I 1Y IUkAY lIIkAI THCRIUM Mfiiai'Il TYLkIUr MITkATE TrCkIUP Flikaik TE TAHrDkA Tf • IhD4lUP NI T R1 1[ 1HRf IHr Lf w( TpILH LC R O E T HIL(N1 TIEA - TRAIT CBU ITL ALUP:NLM TIPIL - 1 R I I SOPUTYLALLP IF LM T I IAN:UM Bu TOAIDf - IETRABUTIL I1111A 1E TIIA MIUP iIi'AMUTCXID( 1ETRAllUTTL TITANA IE T IIANIUM IE T RA CHLCk I DE - 1IIAMIU► TE IRA HLCR]DE TOLUENE ICLUENE 2.r-TOLUENE DIISOCYANATE - ICLUENE 2.♦-0I1 S(CYAMATE (TDII T CLUE HE 2..-DIISOCYANATE (TDI) 1CLUENE 2.4-CIISCCYAPATE ITDII 1 TOLUENE. MIXIURE WITH bEN1EHE AND NAPHTHA COAL TAR XYLEM[S IE ►-T OL U ENESULFOMIC ACID ►-7CLUENESULFONIC FCID I- TOLUIDINE - C-1CLUIDIME TOLUOL TOLUENE N-TOLYLEME DIISOCYANATE - TCL UE NE 2.4-DIIS(CYANAIE (TDI: 1.4-TCLYLI HE L:ISDCT AHITE TCLUf ME 2.A-C II SCCYA w ATE tT CII TOLYL EPGTTP4OPIL ETHEk - CRESYL LLrC10TL F1HER - TOLYL CLYCIC TL ETY E4 - CRE SIL CLIC ICYI fIHER TOSICAC IO - P-ICLUENESULFONIC ACID TCXAPHE ME ICXAPHEME TCXICMLOR - CHL ORCAM[ ICXIL IC ACID - ►ALE IC ACID TOXILIC ANY TDR ICE ►ALE IC AMHYDaI" TRANSFORNfk OIL CIL: TRIN SF 1) El TRAM SMISSIOw CIL - CIL: MCTCa TRAMSMISSIOW OIL CIL: LUPRICATINC .I TREFLAN IRif LURALIN TPETHYLENE IpI CN LC:CETHYL(FE TRI IR IC Y LCR CE THILf M( IRI-6 BENZENE ME XACHL OR IDE TRICALCIUM ARSENATE CALCIUP ARSENAIE M K ALCIUI ORIMCARSENATE - CALCIU► ARSENATE TRICML ORAM latCHL O ROE THTLEME i IRI CHLOR DAPTLSILAME - M- Ar YLTRICH LDRDSILA►E - ! 1.1.1-TRIC HL OaD-2.2-BISlc- CLT CHLOROPMEMYL iE TM AME 1.1.1-TRICHLOROFINANE TRICHLCaDETHANE "4CMLOR0E INA NE IRI CHLOR CETHA NF 1 T'RICHLO R DE THEWE - TRICHLOROETMYLf N1 I TRICHLOaOE.MYLLNL TRICHLOROETHYLENE TR I CHLOR C E INYLSILANL f1 MYLIRICHLORC S ILAME TRICHLORDETMYLSIL I CAME ETHYLTa ECMLOROSILANE TR I CHLOR OFLUOROMEIYANE TR I CHLOR OFLUC kCPI TM AWE 1(111 tR ICHLORCI INCISOCYAMURIC ACID TRICHLCRC-S-TRIAIINETRIONE M ICHLOROISCCYANURIC ACID TRICMLC9O-S-7kIAlIMETRICWE TRICHLORO ME (HANE CML OROF ORM TRICHLOaOMETMANE • CALCIUr FLUORICE T R I C NLOR OM ETHANE SULPHURYL CHLORIDE ►E R CM LCR O ACT h TL ►ERCA►IAM TAICMLOROnE7HANESULFENYL CHLORIDE ►ERCHLCRCMETHTL PERCAPI►N TRICHLOROMETHYL SULPHCCHLORIDE PEOCMLORCMETMTI PERCAPLAM TR]CHL ORONETHTLS (LANE ►E1HtL iRICHLORCSiI ANE Ta I CHLOR OM ETHYLS U LFUR CHLORIDE ►ERCNI.0 METHtL PERCAFTAN M- T R I C ML OROM E T HYL I H I C-CIS-C T CL OM EX ENE- - CAFTAN 1.2-OIC-A4lOXIPICE M-( I T 0 I C ML O RO ME TM TL 17 H 101-4-C YCLO HE XE N E- CAP7 AM 1.2-DIC-AkBOXIPIOE M-T R I CMLO ROME T MY L TMIC-CIS-(DELTA CAFTAN 41CYCLO HE XEME-1.2-OCAR SC IMIDE TR I CMLORCMCWOSILANE TRICHLOROSILAWE }R]C HLORCMITRONETHaNE CHLORCPICRIN. LITL10 lQICMLOROCX9 VANADIUM VAMAC1Ur CXYTLICFLORIDE SYNONYM T R ICHLOROPF NTYLS[LANE TR ICHL OR CP HE NOL • 2,4.5- TRIC HLO R OPMENOL .5-T?7 �L OR OPMENO%YACET IC ACID T9:L:+!. JR OSILA HE (R li +I OR O-S-TR[AZINETRICNt iRICHLOROTP I AZ I NE I" ONE TRICHLORO-S-TRIAZINE -2.4.E-1 IH•7h.5h) TRIONE 1.3.5-TRICHLORO-2.4.6-TR10%0-1.3.5-TRIAZINE TRICHLOROYL NYL SILICANE TRICH LOROYI N Y LS I LAN E TRICLENE TR]-CLENE TRICRESYLPHOSPHATE TRI - P - CRE S Y L PHCSPHATE ' l-TRIOECA NOL T RIDE CA NOL T RIDECANOL I_TRIDECENE TRI D ECYLBENZENESULFONIC ACID T RIELENE TRIEN TRIETHANOLAMINE TR IEIHANOLAM I HE CODEC Y LBEN Z ENESLLFONATE TRIETHANOLAMINE LAURYL SULFATE T R IET HY LAL UM I NUM TRIETHYLA•INE TRI ETHY LEE NZENE SYN -TR IE THYLSE NZ ENE 1.3.5-TRIE T NY LBENZENE TRIETNY LINE GLYCOL TRIETNY LINE GLYCOLMONOETHYL ETHER TRIETHYLENEPHOSPHC R AMIDE TRIETHYLENETEIRAMINE r TRIETHYLOLAMINE .LPHA.ALPhA.ALPHA- ' TkIFLUCRO-2.6-DINITRO-N.N-DIPROPYL- P-T OLUI CINE TR IF LUOR OCHLOROETHYLENE TRIFL UO ROPON OCHLOROETHYLENE TR IF LUOROYINYL CHLORIDE TRIF LURALIN TRI GLYCINE TRIGL YC OL TRIGLY(OLMCNOETHYL ETHER 1.2.3 -TRI N Y OkO% Y BEHIENE 3.4,5-TRIHYDROXYBE NZOIC ACID • 1,2,3-TRIHYDR OX YP YTR ROPANE TRI H YD RO%IETM YLAMINE TRIISOBUT Y LAL.UM I NUM TR ILENE TR IL INE TRIMAF ' TRIhETHYLAPINE ` T0.) METHYLAPI NOMEThANE ` T R InEiHYlBENZTIAMMON(UM CNLORIDF ).7,7- TRI METHYL E IC YCL010.1.41h EPT-3-ENI TRIMETHYLCARBINOL TRIMETHYLCHLOROSILANE ).5,5-TRIhETHYL-2-CYCLOMENE-I-ONE TRIMETHYLENE T RIMETHYLHEPTANALS 4.7,7-T RIMETHYL-3-MORCAREME 8-51 0 COMPOUND NAME N-Al-YLTRIChLOROSILAPE TRICHLOROPHENOL 1RICHLOROPNENOL Z.4.5 -Tat CHLOR CPHENOMYACETIC ACID 7RICHLOROSILANE TRICHLCRC-S-TRIAZINETRICNE TRICHLORO-S-TRIAIINETR10NE TRICHLCRC-S-IRIAlIN(TR10PE TRICHLORO-S-TNIAIINETRIONE YINYL7RICHLORO5IIAN( VI MY LTRICHLOROSILANE 19I0L CR C(TH Y LE NE 7R[CHLORCETHYLENE TRiCRESYL PHCSPHATE 701CRESYL PHCSPHATE 7RIOECANCL IRIOECANOL IINEAR ALCOHOLS 112-15 CARBONS) 1-IRIDE CCNE ALRYLBEHIENESULFCNIC ACIDS IRICI'LCRCETHYLENE TRIE7HYLENETETRAPINE 1RIETHANCLAMINE C OO ECY L BEN I E NESULFON1C ACID. T RIE T HAM CLAMIN E SALT CODEC YL SULFATE, TRIETHANOLAMINE SALT TRIET H YLALU M I N LM iRIETHYLAPINE T R I E T hY LBENZENE TRIET NY LIIENIENE 1RIETHYL RENIENE IRIE T HYLENE GLYCEL ETHOXY TRIGLYCCL IRISEA2IRIDINYLIPMOSPHINE 0%TOE 7 R I E TH YLEN ET STRAP INE 1RIETHANOLAMINE 1R IFLURALIN 7RIFLUCROCHLORCEIhYLEME TR I FLUCR OCHLCRCEIhYLENE TRIFLUDROCHLCRCEl1'YLENE TRIFLURALIN ►1 TRI LOTRIACETIC ACID AND SALTS 1R )ETHYLENE GLY CCL 111,0%Y 7RICLYCCL PYROGALLIC ACIC GALLIC AC 1D GLYCERINE TRIETHANOLAMINE IRIISOBUTYLALUPIPUM T RICN L O ROET HYLENE I R ICHL O ROET HYLENE TRICHLOROETHYLENE 7 RI METH Y LAMINE TERT-E:UTYLAMINE B ENZYLTRIMETHYLA►►ONIUP CHLORIDE CARENE TERT-BGTYL ALCOHOL TRIMETHYLCHLCRCSILANE ISOPHORONE CYCLCPR OPANE ISODECALCEHYDE "RENE SYNONYM 2.4.x-TRIMETHYL-I-PENTENE TRIMETHYLSILYL CHLORIDE • 3.,.,_ .6. V -TR IOXAUNDECAN-1.11-DIOL TR I7 XOP YLE NE TIIrR OX1LENC GLYCOL T:IS(AZIRIOI NYL)PHOSPHINE OXIDE ILLS EHYDRCXYEIPYLIAMINf TRISODIUr. HETRILOTRIACETAIE TRE -P -TOLYL PHOSPHATE P -TSA TURPENTINE TURPS TYRANTON UCAME ALKYLATE 12 UCAR BISPHENOL NP UCCN it UCCN 12 UCON 22 UCPH UNDECANOL t-UNDECANGL 1-UNDECENE UNCECYL ALCGHLL N-UNDECYLPENIENE UMCECYLBENIENESULFCNIC ACID UNDECYLETHYLENE UNOECYLIC ALCOHOL UMSLAKED LIME URANIUM ACETATE URANIUM ACETATE DIHYDRATE URANIUM NITRATE URANIUM OXYACETATE DIHYDRATE URANIUM SULFATE URANIUr SULFATE TRIHYCRAiE URANYL ACETATE URANYL ACETATE DIHYDRATE URANYL NITRATE URANYL SULFATE URANYL SULFATE TRIHYDRATE UREA UREA HYDROGEN PERCXIOE UREA PEROXIDE URITOHE UROTROPIN VALENTINITE VALERAL VALERALOEHYDE VALERIC ALDEHYDE • VIM VANAOIC ANMYDRICF VANADIUM 0%YSULFAiE VANADIUM OXYTRICHLORIDE VANADIUM PENTAOXICE VANAOIUP PENTOXIDE VANADYL CHLORICE VANADYL SULFATE VANADYL SULFATE DIHYDRATE VANADYL TRICHLORIDE VANICIOE VAPOTONE VASELINE VC VCL VCM VEGETABLE CARBON 8-5' COMPOUND NAME 011SOBUTYLENE TRIMETHYLCHLCRESILAME IEIRAETHYLENE GLYCOL MCNEHE TRIPROPYLENE GLYCCL TRISIAZIRIDINYLIP HCISPHIME TP1ETrANOLAMINE NITRILDTRIACETIC ACID AND IRICRESYL PHCSPHATE P-ICLUENESULFOMIC ACID TLRPENTINE TURPENTINE CIACETOME ALCGFOL CCDECTLBENIENE BISPHENOL A TRICHLOROFLUCkCMETHANE CICHLOROCIFLUOROPEiMANE PONOCHLORODIFLLORCMETHAHE I.l-CIPETHYLMYDRAIINE UNDECAMOL LNOECAMOL I-UNDECEME LNCECANCL N-LNCECYLSENZENE ALKYLSENZENESULFCNIC ACICS I-TRIDECENE UNOECANOL CALCIUM CXIDE LRANYL ACETATE LRANYL ACETATE LRANYL NITRATE LRANYL ACETATE LRANYL SULFATE LRANYL SULFATE URANYL ACETATE URAMYL ACETATE URANYL NITRATE LRANYL SULFATE LRANYL SULFATE LREA LREA PERCXIDE UREA PEROXIDE I-EXAPETHYLEMETEIVAMIME HEXAMETHYLENETEIRAMINE ANTIMONY TRIOXIDE VALERALCErYDE VALERALOEHYDE VALERALCEHYDE "MY LACETATE VANACIUN PEMIOXICE VANACYL SULFATE VANADIUM OXYTRICFLORIDE VANACIUP FENTG)ICE VANADIUM PENTO)ICE %AMACIUP C%YTkICFLORIDE VANADYL SULFATE VANACYL SULFATE VAMADIUM OXYTRICI-LORIDE CAFTAN TETRAETHYL PYRCPFCS►MATE FETRULATUM VINYL CHLORIDE VINYL C14LCRICE VINYL CHLORIDE CHARCOAL 6Er11ai SALTS • .'N'N ON YM COMPOUND NAVE Z,A.•-lRinf INYL-i-rE NlFwI - CII SCPUTYIE w[ IPIMf1HYLSILVL CHLORIDE YRIM(1MYLCMLCk(SILANE 3.6.9 -TR IOXAUw DE C•w-l. II -DIOL IE Iit A(THYLENE CI, COL TR'-':.) .11 CME - NCNENE 7Fl•00°:L(NE GLYCOL , • IRIMROPYLEME Gl Y(CL I:IS(A I IF' 1 DI N YLIPHCSPHINE OXIDE - 1R154A21RIDINYL)P h OSPHINE OXICE ICIS I HYD R CX Y E 1HY11A nl w f - IFIETf INOU NIM[ TRISODIur. N I TRILOI4IACEIAIL ►I T R I LOTRIACE t. C ACIr AND SALTS TRI -P -TOLYL PHOSPHATE 1RICRESYL Ph SPNITE P -TSA P-ICLUENESULFONIC ACID TURPENTIME 1LRPIN7 INE TURPS 1112/ENT INC T YRANT ON - [!ACETONE ALCOh OI UCANE ALKYLATE l2 - CCCECYLSEMIENE UC At61$PHENOL MP PISPMEMOL A VCCN 11 TR I C ILO A O F LUCk[M E THANE UCON 12 - CICH LCR O C IFLUCRCt[THAME UCON 22 - rONOCH LORD DIFLL ORCMEIHANE UDPH 1.1-11YEIHTLNYDRAIINE UMOECAHOL - GNCECAMOL l -U NOEC ANGL - La DEC AN0L 1 -UNC ECFNE 1-UNCECEME UMCECYL ALCGHLL LNCECANCL N-UNDECYLPFNIINE N-LNCECYLBENIE NE UNC E CYLBCNIEN(SULFONIC ACID - AL K YLBEN I EMESULFCNIC ACICS UNDE C YL E THYLINE I-TRIDECENE UN CE CYL IC ALCOHGL - UN CE CA NOL UNSL AKE0 LIME - CALC IUP E-XIDE URANIUM ACE IA/E - LkANYL ACEIAIt URANIUM ACETATE DIHYDRA/E LRANYL ACEIAIL URANIUM HITRA IE LRANYL NIT4I E Ua Aw1UN OXY ACE TALE UIHY ORATE LRANYL ACIIA7I U0.AM IUM SUL"AIt - LRANYL SULi A URANIUr SULFAIL 7RIFIYCRATE L". YL SL LF AIE URANYL ACETATE LRANYL ACETATE URANYL ACETATE DIHYDRATE - URANYL ACETATE URANYL NjTR 17E - URANYL NIT RALE URANYL SULFATE LRANYL SULFATE URANYL SULFATE 7RIHYDRAIE - I.RAMIL SULFATE U RCI - LREA UREA HYDROGEN PERCXIDE - AREA PERC)IOL UREAPEROXIDE LREA PEROXIDE UR IT ONE - hEXAr E7rrLEMETEIRAMINE URDTRCPIN NEXANETHYLLNETETRI nI ME VALENTIMITE - ANT rOMY TR IDXIDE VALERAL - VAL ERALCCPYDL VALERALDEHYDE VALERALDEHYDE VALE IC ALDEHYDE VALERALCENYDE VAr - VINYL ACETAIL VANADIC ANHYDk IGF - VANACIU. ►ENTDXICE VANADIUM CXYSULFATE - VANACYL SULFATE VANADIUMOXYTRICHLCRIDE VANADIUM OXTIRIChLOR IDE VANADIUM AENIAD,ICE uMAC1U0 FENTD)ICE VAN ADIUr PENTOXIDE VANADIUP PEHTD)ICE VAN ADYL. CMLORICE - VAN At UP CXYlk1Ch LDR1DE VAN ADYL SULFATE VANADYL SULFATE VAN AD YL SULFATE DIHYDRATE VAMACYL SULFATE VANA D Y L TRICHLORIDE VANAOIUP.. OXYTRICFLORIDE VANICIOE OPT AN VA►OTONE TETRAETHYL PYRCPh CS►TATE VASELINE - ►E7ROLAYUP VC VINYL CHLORIDE VCL VINYL CNLCRICE VCM VINYL CHLORICE %rETABLE CAR60N CHARCOAL i-5 • • 0 SYNONYM COMPOUND NAME VEGETABLE CHARCOAL - (NARCOAL VEGETABLE OIL - CIL: VEGETABLE MELS ICOL - PEP IACNLCR V£LSICOL 1068 CNLOROANE VENTOX - A(PYLOMIIRILE VERSENE ACID - ETHYLENEDIAMINE TEIRACETIC ACID VIC-M-XYLENOL - XYLENCL VIENNA GRE EH COPPERACETOARSENITE VILRATHANE 4300 - CIPHEM Y L PETHA M EDI I SOCYANATE (MCI) VINEGAR ACID - 11 CET IC aEtO VINYL ACITA7E VINYL ACETATE VINYL A MONOMER YINYL ACETATE VINYLBENZENE STYRENE VINYLCAR'IN OL - ALLYL AL(ONDL VINYL CHLORIDE VINYL CHLOR ICE VINYL C MONOMER VINYL CHLORILE. VINYL CYANIDE ACRYLONIIRILE VINYLETHYLENE - BUTACIENE. INn(BITE0 1. VINYL FLUORIDE, INHIBITED YINYL FL U;. IMHI BI TEC vINYLfDINECPLORIDE. IN YIMYLICEMECHLOPICE. IMPIBITED VINYL METHYL ETHER. INHIBITED VINYL NE T NYL ETn ER. INN IBI TED VIM Y LS ILICON TRICHLORIDE - VINYLTRICHLOROSILAME VIMYLTOLUENE VI OL VINYLTRICHLOROSILANE VIMYLTRICHLOROSILAME *YAC - VINYLACETATE WA7ER DISPLACING CIL - ElL: PEMETRATIAC MATER GLASS SOCIUM SILICATE MAXIS: CARNAUBA NAXE S: CARNAGbA MARES: PARAFFIN - %AXE1: PARAFFIN W EI S SPIES, GLANI - ANTIPONY IRIC XIDE WHITE ARSENIC - ARSENIC iRTOxICE WHITE OIL CIL- MINERAL WHITE VITRIOL - ZINC SULFATE WI TC[ZER 300 CIBUIYL PHTHALATE -- WITCl1Ek 312 CICCTYL PHTHALATE MOOD ALCONCL METHYL ALCOHOL MOOD CHARCOAL - CHARCOAL WOOD ETHER - CIMEINYL ETHER WCOO NAPHTHA METHYL ALCOHCL MOLD SPIRIT METHYL ALCOHOL MOOD TURPENTINE TURPENTINE META -XYLENE - M -XYLENE P -XYLENE P -XYLENE O -XYLENE - 0 -XYLENE M -XYLENE - P -XYLENE XYLEMFS. MIXTURE WITH BENZENE AND NAPHTHA COAL TAR TOLUEHE XYLENCL - XYLENCL 2.6-XYLEMOL - XYLENOL XYLOL P -XYLENE YELLOW ARSENICSULFIDE - ARSENIC TRISULFICE YELLOW PETROLATUM PETROLATUP YELLOW PHOSPMCRUS - PHOSPHORUS. MNITE ZINC ACETATE - ZINC ACETATE ZINC ACETATE 01NYORATE - ZIMC ACETATE ZINC AMMONIUM CHLORIDE IINC APMCMIUP CHLERIOE ZINC ARSENATE IINC ARSENATE ZINC BORATE IINC BORATE ZINC BROMIDE ZINC BROPIDE ZINC 0.0-DI-M-BUTYLPHCSPHORODITHIGATE - ZINC DIALKYLCITHIOPHOS►HATE IIMC CHLORIDE - ZIMC CEILCRIDE ZINC CHROMATE - 2IMC CNRCMATE ZINC CHROMATETVIIHYDROXIDE IINC CNRCMATE IINC DIACETATE - ZIMC ACETATE IINC DIALKYLDITHIOPHOSPNATE ZINC DIALKYLDITNICPHCSPHAYE &53 11 11 u • SYNONYh ZINC DIETHYL ZINC DINEXYLDITNIVPMOS►MITE 'INC DINEXYL►HCSPHCROCI7HICA7E INC LU,i:'..: ET: SOLUTION ZINC FLUOROBORATE ZINC FLUOSILICATE ZINC HEXAFLUOROSILICATE ZINC M(7HYL ZINC NITRATE ZINC NITRATE MEXAMYDRATE ZINC P -►HE SOL SULF ON AI + I 104 P14EMOL SUL F ON A TE ZINC ►MEMOLSULFOMATE OCTAMYDRATE ZINC PHOSPHIDE ZINC SILICOFLUORICE I INC SILICOFLUORIDE MEXAMYDRATE ZINC SULFATE ZINC SULFATE HE►TIHYDRA7E ZINC SULFOCARBOLATE ZINC SULFOPHENATE IINC VITRIOL ZINC YELLCN ZIRCONIUM ACETATE ZIRCONIUM ACETATE SOLUTION ZIRCONIUM NITRATE ZIRCONIUM NITRATE PEHIANYCRATE ZIRCONIUM OXIDE CHLORIDE ZIRCONIUM OXYCHLORIDE i ZIRCONIUM OXTCHLORIUE HYDRATE ZIRCONIUM SULFATE I IRCOHIUM SULFATE TETRAHTCRATE ZIRCONYL CHLORICE &54 COMPCOJN'; NANIF CIETFYLIINC I INC DIAL KYL DI IN IC►NCS►MATE ZINC OIALKYLCIINICPHCSFNATE CINETNYLZINC C IETNYIZINC ZINC FLUCROSCRAYE ZINC FLUCROBCkATE ZINC SILICOFLUORIDE ZINC SILICCFLUCRICE CIMETHYLZINC ZINC NITRATE ZINC NITRATE ZINC PHENOLSULFONATE ZINC ►HEMCLSULFC►ATE ZINC ►MEMOLSULFONATE ZINC PHOSPHIDE 110-C SILICOFLUCRICE ZINC SILICOFLUCRICE ZINC SULFATE ZINC SULFATE ZINC ►HENOLSVLFCPATE ZINC ►HEMOLSULFOPATE ZINC SULFATE ZINC CMRCMATC ZIRCCHIUN ACETATE 1IRCCMIUP ACETATE ZIRCONIUM NITRATE ZIRCONIUM NITRATE ZIRCONIUP OXYCFLCRIDE I IRCCMIUP OXYCML(RIDE ZIRCONIUM OXYCFLCRIDE lIRCONIU► SULFATE 110CCNIUP SULFATE ZIRCONIUP OXTCFLCRIDE Appendix E W �J COMPATIBILITY CHART mummumi ummWWWWO•ifYmm 2 0 N A.N O » z n n = R u O a po a ({�� 6 2- G i = » "' r n W O 2 N V Z r 0���-� nu 4. (HIGANIC ACIDS ©gym©©© =©��a S. CAUSTICS u 2 c J = 6 j. 2 . ©©© G. AtIMOMA Q Z a ° .....©� © .©o.©....� mummumi ummWWWWO•ifYmm ILFURIC ACID NILPIIC CID 0���-� nu 4. (HIGANIC ACIDS ©gym©©© =©��a S. CAUSTICS ©©©...... . ©©© G. AtIMOMA ©© .....©� © .©o.©....� 7. Al ir"TiC AMINIS ©.... © �W©©© ©©. Al XAMOLAMINIS ©S. © 9. AIIOMATIC MON ©nn" ......© ......©....� 10. AMIDES ©©©..©.�...©..m.....©..� ©©©©©©©.............. ©©©©....0....©.©W�1 13. VI YL AC 94. A( NYLATES �©©..©©©...m...........� ©©...©© .............. .©©...©©..i0....00..... ©©©©©©©©.. .... .....m ©©©©oo©©...C....m......m m©©...©o .............. It. ALDEHYDES o©©.©©©©©............ 20. ALCOHOLS. GLYCOLS ©©©0©.©m... ......... 21. PHENOLS. CFICSOLS .©.©.©..m.... a...... �© u .......... �.......... .....m... .©©...._.....�C....... 31 PARAfFINS ..... ............... .. .................. ..u....... .. C....... .©©...... .. ....... ..©.....C. .......©. .. .... _©........ .....v©.. .. . .... a©........ . . ... ©©....... .. _ .... �: :: i©:::::::: m.mmmmmm.m �:. . ?. ...m mummumi ummWWWWO•ifYmm RE ACTIVITY GROUPS • 1. Non -Oxidizing Mineral Acids Hydrochloric Acid Hydrofluoric Acid Phosphoric Acid 2. Sulfuric Acids Spent Sulfuric Acid Sulfuric Acid (982 or less) 3. Nitric Acid Nitric Acid (702 or less) 4. Organic Acids Acetic Acid Buty-'t Acid Formic Acid Propionic Acid Acrylic Acid (inhibited) 5. Caustics Caustic Potash Solution Caustic Soda Solution Cresylate Spent Caustic Solution Sodium Hydrosulfide Solution (452 or less) • 6. Ammonia Ammonia, Anhydrous Ammonium Hydroxide (282 or less) Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, Water Solutions (containing Ammonia) 7-10 • 7. Aliphatic Amines Butylamine Cyclohexylamine Dibutylamine Diethylamine Diethylenetrismine Diisopropylamine Dimethylamine Di-n-propylamine Ethylamine Ethylenediamine Hexamethyleneimine Methylamine Morpholine Propylamine Tetraethylenepentamine Triethylamine Triethylenetetramine B. Alkanolamines Aminoethylethanolamine Diethanolamine Dfethylethanolamine Diisopropanolamine Dimethylethanolamine Ethanolamine Propanolamine Triethanolamine 9. Aromatic Amines Aniline Pyridine 2-Methyl-5-Ethylpyridine 10. Amides Dimethylformamide ,fi REACTIVITY GROUPS IContinusd) • 11. Organic Anhydrides Acetic Anhydride Phthalic Anhydride Propionic Anhydride 12. Isocyanates Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate Polvphenyl Polymethylene- isocyanate Toluene Diisocyanate 13. Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Acetate (inhibited) 14. Acrylates Butyl Acrvlate (inhibited) butyl Methacrylate (inhibited) Decyl Acrylate (inhibited) Ethyl Acrylate (inhibited) 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate (inhibited) Ethyl Methacrylate (inhibited) Methyl Acrylate (inhibited) Methyl Methacrylate (inhibited) 15. Substituted Allyls • Acrylonitrile (inhibited) Allyl Alcohol Allyl Chloride 1,3-Dichloropropene 16. Alkylene Oxides Propylene Oxide Butylene Oxide 7-11 0) 17. Epichlorohydrin Epichlorohydrin 18, Ketones Acetone Camphor 011 Cyclohexanone Diisobutyl Ketone Isophorone Mesityl Oxide Methyl Ethyl Ketone Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 19. Aldehydes Acetaldehyde Acrolein (inhibited) Butyraldehyde Decaldehyde Ethylhexaldehvde Formaldehyde Glutaraldehyde Solution Glyoxal Solution Methylbutyraldehyde Octyl Aldehyde Pentyl Aldehyde Propionaldehyde Valeraldehyde 20. Alcohols, Glycols Amyl Alcohol Butyl Alcohol 1,3-Butylene Glycol Cyclohexanol Decyl Alcohol Diacetone Alcohol Diisobutyl Carbinol Dodecanol Ethanol Ethoxylated Alcohols C11 -C15 "l REACTIVITY GROUPS (Contm .d) Alcohol Butylene •Ethyl Ethylbutanol Decene Ethylene'£hlorohydrin Dicyclopentadiene Ethylene Cyanohydrin Diisobutylene Ethylene Glycol Dodecene 2-Ethyl Hexanol Ethylene Furfuryl Alcohol Hexene Glycerin Isoprene (inhibited) idexanol Methyl Acetylene, Propadiene Hexylene Glycol Mixture (stabilized) Methanol (alpha-) Methyl Styrene Methyl Alcohol (inhibited) Methylamyl Alcohol Nonene Methylisobutyl Carbinol Octene Octyl Alcohol Fentene Nonyl Alcohol Polybutene Pentadecanol Polypropylene Propyl Alcohol Propylene Propylene Glycol Propylene Butylene Polymer -Sorbitol Propylene Tetramer Tallow Fatty Alcohol Styrene (inhibited) Tetradecanol Vinyl Toluene (inhibited) Tridecanol Tetradecene Undecanol Tridecene Turpentine Undecene 21. Phenols and Cresols Carbolic 011 31. Paraffins Creosote, Coal Tar Cresols Butane donyl Phenol Cycloaliphatic Resins Phenol Cyclohexane Decane 22. Caprolactam Solution Dodecane Ethane Caprolactam Solution Heptane Hexane 23 - 29. Unassigned Methane Nonane 30. Olefins Octane Pentane Butadiene (inhibited) Propane Butene • • F REACTIVITY GROUPS (Continued) 32. Aromatic Hydrocarbons_ Amyl Tallate Butyl Acetate 1IWmm*ne Butyl Benzyl Phthalate Benzene, Toluene, Xylene (crude) Castor Oil Cumene Coconut Oil Cymene Cottonseed 011 Decylbenzene Dibutyl Phthalate Diethylbenzene Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Dodecylbenzene Ether Acetate Ethylbenzene Diheptyl Phthalate Naphthalene Diisodecyl Phthalate Tetradecylbenzene Dinonyl Phthalate Tetrahydronaphthalene Dioctyl Phthalate Toluene Diundecyl Phthalate Tridecylbenzene Ethyl Acetate Triethylbenzene Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Undecylbenzene Ether Acetate Xylene Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate Ethylhexyl Tallate 33. Misc. Hydrocarbon Mixtures Fish Oil Glycol Diacetate Asphalt Lard Asphalt Blending Stocks Methyl Acetate Diphenyl - Diphenyl Oxide Methyl Amyl Acetate Distillates Oetyl Epoxy Tallate Gas Oil, Cracked Olive Oil Gasoline Blending Stocks Palm Oil Gasolines Peanut Oil Jet Fuels Propyl Acetate Yerosene_ SafflovM gil Mineral Spirits Soybean Oil 17aphtha ?allow Oils, Crude Tucum Oil Oils, Diesel Vegetable Oil Oils. Coal Oils, Fuel (No. 1 thru No. 6) `Oils, Residual 35. Vinyl Halides Qils_, Road Oils, Transformer Vinyl Chloride (inhibited) Petrolatum oinylidene Chloride (inhibited) Petroleum Naphtha 36. Halogenated Hydrocarbons 34. Esters Carbon Tetrachloride Amyl Acetate Chlorobenzene 7-13 r'j'I. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LOAD AND SEGREGATION CHART yy X02• oP -r~ .�� CLASS °Q QO p�\y 2.3 GAAS YZONE ' •• �' Qsa�r"� �O r ZONE AB X�XXXXXXXXXX S.i/5.2 • E�P�LOS�VIEty !aygroup 1.2GuANNlyrtrA XPLOSIVES1 'Add division number 3 OUATy NN I I� I� 1/� I� I� x x Xx x x and compatlbilty group EXPLOSIVES mpat tolaroup g 1'4llty 1001 Lbs. I� I� *1*1* 0OO0O1 O0'Add 1 VERY INSENSITIVE 1.5 1001 Lbs. A*****xxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPLOSIVES EXTREMELY INSENSITIVE 1.6 1001 Lbs. Lbs. EXPLOSIVES FLAMMABLE GASES 2'1 1001 Lbs. Xx 01x X0 0 0 1 NON-TOXIC NOW B)�� FLAMMABLE 2.L 1001 Lbs. B X X GASES = POISONOUS GAS/ ZONE A <-4-r", 2.3 oUANT [TY G X X OX X Xx X X X POISONOUS GAS,/4ANy 2.3 a uANnry G X X O X 0 000000' 0 ZONE B \70i FLAMMABLE 3 1001 xxox X Of 0 X LIQUIDS Lbs. FLAMMABLE AM SOLIDS j t) 41 1001 Lbs. X X X0 X 0 SPONTANEOUSLY 4.2 1001 X X O X X 0 X X COMBUSTIBLE Lbs. ANGEROUS WHEN 4.3 A X X X X O X 0 WET MATERIALS c OXIDIZERS onoltft 5.1 Lbs. /� A X X X X00 X 0 5 ORGANIC PEROXIDES 5'2 1001 Lbs. Fix X X X O X 0 POISONOUS LIQUIDS®, PG I ZONE A 6.1 ANy E XXOX 0 xxxxxx X • X INHALATION HAZARD • OUANitTY H cLAss RADIOACTIVEa MATERIALS Z) ANY7 X X 0 CORROSIVE _"• 8 1001 X X XI X O O�X,0101 0 X LIQUIDS � Lbs. IO cuss COMBUSTIBLE 3 Over 119 //�� / The absence o1 any nazartl class d drvis an or a blank space m me table ticates mat no rest Hans appy 21 The lever 'X'*,, me Table mdicates mat mese materials may not be ,ade ! transported. or stored together e, me same transport venicle or storage lacilay during me course of LIQUIDS Gal. v transponabo, 10) The brier "O" m In, Tablndrams that these mat rials may vol be loaded. uansponed. or stored together 11 mesame Iranspon vehicle or storage 1a 111y 11,119 In, 11UI1 of transponauon unless sepamled m a manner mat. m Ine event of leakage Irom packages under conk ons normally incioent to bansponation. commingling of hazardd,s materials would nor xca;r Notwidlstandirg the methods of separation employed. Class 8 (corrosivel kolids may not b, raped above or adjacent to Claw a (flammable) or Class 5 (oxidizing) materials. except Ina, shippers may rad truckload shipments of such matenals together wnen 4 Is snow, mal the mmlure of contents would not cause a lire or a dangerous evolution of heat or gas Q (e. iosive, materials Is memed D me compatibility table m h II of this section (1 The m the Tableindicates that among different Class I P g y y ! POISON PG 1 OR 11 POW CLASS �- \ � OTNER THAN PGI POITUN� `.XIIRMNI> INHALATION HAZARD r V i 11 ' \�a ' loo Lbs. C E (TOXIC placard may be usedt . \, • — mmon um 941, and (5) The ride "A" in me miry cdumn of the Table means Inst. nonwin5(anding ;rte repuirements Ot the lever "X". a nitrate (UN 1962) and amr,gnium nitrate lertrkzer may be loaded the Table r stored with Dlvrsron 1.1 (Class A esplosive) or Division 1.5 (blasting agems, matenals o (6) Wnen the §172.101 Table or §172.402 of this subchapter reo—es a package m bear a subsidiary hazard label, segregation appropriate to the subsidiary hazard must be applied when roar segmgallon la more restrictive than mat ,eddied by the primary hazard However hazardous materials of me same class may os stowed together without regard to segregation required r, any CUSS •�� MISCELLANEOUS 1001 C V 9 NOTES Lbs. D SeCOndary' hazard d the matenals are not capable of mactelg dangerously ..in each other and causing combustion d dangerous evolution of veal. evoMion of flammable. poisonous. o asphynant gases. or brmaton of corrosive or unstable materials. PLACARDS NOT REQUIRED FOR: MIXED LOADS See insvuaions §177 8481en5) 3 car ],,,,Ic iransponalion o1 o.l ger. remor=se,, :, Jkygen rel"ger,led ilquid the gen pl d m y b d n UI 1 NON -r L4`.Ik1ABLE GAS alacard O 1. 6.2 INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE (Labels only) .� �"�" +,.• \JAI DANGEeROUS Placard 454 k911001 lbs.) gross weight of Iwo or mor categories of hazardous matenals listed n Table 2. A traight container ..I bad device transport vehicle, or rail car which contains nonbulk packages weh Iwo d more categories of hazardous • t V leg o c iransp n I o a C 3 d A out, phi+ag tic q . Clas 9 1 aim d op prate dens! ca• on 'c 2. RADIOACTIVE I, II (Labels only) ma rna s that require d ff.mol placards, as specified n Table 2, may oe placarded! with i DANGEROUS placard msbad of the separate pi-.,d,ng specified Id each of ANGEROU me matenals n Table 2 However when 1.000 kg (2.205 pounds) aggregate gross "' eI hl 0, more of one cat of materials loaded therein a1 one,oadm lac fi on ryed a dspayed on a Cass 9 aac1., a r1. ,1e ane, ofaw ,e square on ton lay cpnlgurdllJn as requlrnC5"2 I'?nit'4l1 rr 911 •� �a;,i�,. _ • \ �, — g load r a irelghl container unit load device. transport vehicle, or tall Car. !rte placard specified n Table 210, mal category must be applied 1-.ageS .vin POISDN POISON NHALA :'ON 14 -ARD or HARM FUL KEEF 4y =ROLL FOOD apels may 1 , u sod t n .1 )� r, Mme. "tip a mater a,. mtenled for Humans ar aalma, �.. .epuons >ee ;,, - S41,ra 3. ORM-0 Dv BronIekplosnes) D vision 5 , ,oa sizer) D v son 1 5 (blasting agents) Division 52..,he, man Type 8. equal or sold. Division 1 6 (ekpic-es) temperature controlled lorgahw peroxide, - raid any q—try of a 5 2 ORGANIC PEROXI r TYPE 8 LIQUID OR SOLID ?EMAPc RATURE CON TROLLEC ORM-D Dm on 2.1 (flammable gas) Division 6.1. PGI 8 Ifother than PG I INHALATION Divi tin 2.2 (nonflammable gas) HAZARD (poison) •. -,m POISON GAS or TOXIC GAS ,ia. d•.1� in,r� ,< vied tnr nlghwav -lnd Iasi ;npmoms until OcwJer , 200, - POISON ., TOXIC placd,ds may be sr-1',zi �Ign.�1, ,no iaa ,n.pn,ems ,inui hazardous tial identified on shipping 4. Any azarous maerppng Class 3 (flammable (quid) Davi on 6 1. PG III (keep away Irom food) Combusnple Ipuld CIa55 6 (c.rroslve) C--4 1 (flammable solid) Class 9lmisoellaneous) 01. er 1 2001 papers as a "limited quantity." On,sio, 4 2Isvdntaneouslycombustible) C Copyright 1997 J. J. KELLER 8 ASSOCIATES. INC.. Neenah, WI • USA • (800) 327-6868 • Printed in the United States 41+r3 (Rev 3 9 c Appendix F Form for Large Amounts of Waste • Town of Southold Community Development Agency 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Inspector's Name: (Please Print Individual's Name: Please Print) Address: • Telephone Number: Driver License Number: Date: I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this material is household waste and not from a business or commercial operation. Signature: Date: •