HomeMy WebLinkAboutInstallation of an Exit Truck Scale 1989i 3 L diir' y Ole. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �;s� A/e cE U2*tGROUP W .�f`�i1 HOLZMACHER,McLEN®ON & MURRELL P.C. 4!iyof � , id CONSULTING ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS - PLANNERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS ��rl`;1"CrJ1rrg'% FAIRF.IEID, N.J. MELVILLE, N.Y. RIVERHEAD, N.Y. j, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK ' �1T ' CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS rJ rtrt" ' �•,1, y POR INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK _SCALE_ AT THE CUTCHOGU_LANDFI� JL PROJECT- NO. S OI3'P 89-02 ' A TOW14 BOARD 5 ai SUPERVISOR PI a FRANCI'S J. 131�RPHY A COUNCIL MEMBERS •3a f{1 JEAN W. COCHRANE RUTH D. OLIVA �r 1 ✓9 f' ?, yjl' GEORGE L. PENNY IV EiiLEN M. LAARSEN i 1 I: � RAYMOND W. EDNT;1RDS V TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN CLERK 1 t; JAMES A. SCHONDEBA:? E JUDITH. T. TERRY ,_T ,? �1 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS -� sT RAYMOND C. JACOBS 1 MAY 1989 ,1 l4A U2*tGROUP W .�f`�i1 HOLZMACHER,McLEN®ON & MURRELL P.C. 4!iyof � , id CONSULTING ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS - PLANNERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS ��rl`;1"CrJ1rrg'% FAIRF.IEID, N.J. MELVILLE, N.Y. RIVERHEAD, N.Y. j, P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i-i21N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INDEX INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT THE CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOHT 89-02 INDEX ,NOTICE TO BIDDERS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE, INDEMNITY, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY PROPOSAL QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS CONTRACT GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS f DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS SCOPE OF WORK jEl SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING A SITE WORK - TOPSOIL SPREADING & 'j FINE GRADING I ,+ SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING 1 SITE WORK —PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION R , 11 CONCRETE 'f> STEEL REINFORCEMENT 5, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB r . S-OHT 89-02 I - 1 of 2 r r. PAGE DESIGNATION I - 2 pages NB - 1 page IB - 7 pages BRI - 1 page P -A - P -D - 5 pages QB - 1 page C - 28 pages GC - 12 pages GS - 7 pages SOW - 2 pages EEB&G - 7 pages TS&FG - 2 pages SP&S - 5.pages PVT - 10 pages C - 22 pages SR - 5 pages PCCC - A pages GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INDEX (CONT'D.) I -. 2 of 2 PAGE DESIGNATION STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK SS&MM - 14 pages SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING SF -P - 6 pages TRUCK SCALE TRS - 5 pages ELECTRICAL WORK EW - 5 pages CORRUGATED BEAM GUIDE RAIL CBGR - 2 pages METHOD OF PAYMENT MOP - 1 page I -. 2 of 2 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 112A GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for.the Installation of an Exit Truck Scale at the Cutchogue Landfill for the Town of Southold will be received by the Town Clerk of -"the Town of Southold at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 11:00 A.M., prevailing time, on Thursday, May 25, 1989, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Plans and Specifications may be examined.and obtained at the following offices between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. daily except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: Town Clerk Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. Town of Southold 575 Broad Hollow Road 53095 Main Road Melville, New York 11747 Southold, NY 11971 A deposit of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00), payable to the Town of Southold, will be required for each copy of the Contract documents. Deposits will be returned to all bidders upon return of documents in good condition within ten (10) days following opening of bids. Each proposal must be submitted on the form provided, .and must be accompanied by bid surety as stated in the Information for Bidders. r The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold DATED: MAY 5, 1989 SOHT 89-02 NB - 1 • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 1-i?JN GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS BIDS FOR PROJECT The Town of Southold.will receive SEALED PROPOSALS for the INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT THE CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL. TIME AND PLACE OF BID Bids are to be submitted in opaque envelopes and will be received by the Town of Southold at.the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, not later than .11:00 AM, prevailing time, on Thursday, May 25, 1989, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Use of the mails shall be at the bidder's own risk, and the bidder shall be responsible for physical delivery of the bid at the time and place set for opening of bids. BID ENVELOPE All proposals and either the certified check or bid bond must be placed in a sealed envelope bearing the bidder's firm name and address, marked "INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT THE CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York", but otherwise unmarked. If mailed, this envelope shall be placed in another envelope addressed to Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Use of the mails is at the bidder's risk. SPECIFICATION DEPOSITS (a) Deposits for specifications will be completely refunded to bidders who return same in good condition within ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Bidders will receive one-half of the de- posit amount for specifications returned after ten (10) days and before thirty (30) days following the bid date. (b) Deposits for specifications will be completely refunded to non -bidders who return same in good condition within 48 hours of receipt of said specifications. Non -bidders will receive one- half the deposit amount for specifications returned in good con- dition within ten (10) days following the bid date. No deposit for specifications will be refunded to non -bidders after ten (10) days following the bid date. SOHT 89-02 IB -1 r P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 112A GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONTID.) SPECIFICATIONS Complete sets of' specifications for the inspection of prospective bidders will be found on file with the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and at the office of Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C., Consulting Engi- neers, 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York. All contractors must leave their names, phone numbers and correct mailing addresses upon receipt of the specifications. Should the need arise, this address will be utilized to mail ad- dendums or other correspondence. VERBAL ANSWERS The Town, its agents, servants or employees, and the Engi- neer will not be responsible in any manner for verbal answers to any inquiries regarding the meaning of the Contract Specifica- tions given prior to the awarding of the Contract. EXAMINATION OF SITE Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the location of the proposed work and of the actual conditions and requirements of the work, and shall not, at any time after the submission of a proposal, dispute or complain of such esti- mate or assert there was any misunderstanding in regard' to the scope of work. The contractor shall inspect the site and existing condi- tions before submitting his bid. PROPOSAL The form of proposal contained herein shall be used in making out bids. Any proposal not in accordance with these instructions, -or -containing bids not asked for, may be rejected. On those items in this Contract for which there is a stated maximum and/or minimum allowable bid price, each bidder shall be responsible for making sure that his bid falls within the stated limits. When the price bid is lower than the minimum allowed, the bid price will be adjusted upward to the minimum allowable IB - 2 • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.) price; and when the price bid is higher than the maximum allowed, the bid price will be adjusted downward to the maximum allowable price. As the estimates of quantities of items stated in the pro- posal are approximate only, bidders are required to submit their proposals upon and in the_ following express conditions, which shall apply and become a part of every proposal received. Each bidder shall fill out, in ink, in both words and fig- ures, in the spaces provided, his unit or lump sum bid, as the case may be, for each item in said Form of Proposal for which he is submitting a bid. No bid will be considered which does not include bids for all items in the proposal, including time of completion If the bid is not accepted by the Town within forty-five (45) days after the receipt of bids, the obligation of the bidder under this proposal may terminate at his option, and he shall thereupon be entitled to a refund of his certified check or release of his bid bond furnished by him as security with his proposal. BID BOND OR CERTIFIED CHECK Each proposal from a contractor shall be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check on a solvent bank of the State of New York, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid. Such check shall be made payable to Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor, Town of Southold, New York, and the amount thereof shall be the measure of liquidated damages which the Town will sustain by the failure, neglect or refusal of the bidder to execute and deliver the Contract, should the Contract be awarded to him. The checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the rejection of bids and the execution of the Contract by the parties. Also, the check of the successful bidder will be returned upon the execution of the Contract and the furnishing 'of the required bond. NAME OF BIDDER Each bidder must state in his proposal his full name and business address, and the full name of every person, firm or corporation interested in the same, and the address of every person or firm or president and secretary of every corporation IB - 3 • 1H2Al GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.) interested with him. If no other person be so interested, he must distinctly state that fact, and that his proposal is made without any connection directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the work particularly mentioned in his proposal; that it is in all respects without fraud or collusion, and that no person acting for or employed by the Town is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies of work to which it relates, or in any portion of the prospective profits thereof. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS (1) The Town reserves the right to waive any informalities in, or reject, any and all bids. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids which do not conform to the proposals, or upon which the bidders do, not comply with the requirements of the Town as to their qualifications. (2) All bidders must prove to the satisfaction of the Town that they are reputable, reliable and responsible, and that they possess the necessary qualifications to successfully deliver the proposed equipment, and that they have performed and completed successfully similar work to an extent which, in the opinion of the Town, will qualify them by experience to perform the work which is proposed. (3) In determining the qualifications of a bidder, the Town will consider his record in the performance of any contracts entered into by him for the work contemplated or of similar nature, may make such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Town all such information and data for this purpose as the Town may request. (4) The Town shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of the bidders and of the merits thereof, and reserves the right to reject any bid if the record of the bidder in the performance of contracts, payment of bills and meeting of obligations to sub- contractors, material men or employees is not satisfactory to the Town, or if the evidence submitted by or the investigation of such bidders fails to satisfy the Town that he is properly quali- fied to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. (5) The Contract award will be made to the lowest respon- sive, responsible bidder, in accordance with New York State Gen- eral Municipal Law, Section.103. .IB - 4 • �J ■ ILJA GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.) PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract, the successful bidder must deliver to the Town executed bonds in the amount of'one hundred percent (100%) of the accepted bid as a security for the faithful performance of his contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, prepared on the Standard Form of Bond of American Institute of Architects A-311, and having as surety thereon such surety company or companies as are acceptable to the Town and as are authorized to transact business in the State of New York. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR The bidder to whom a contract may be awarded shall attend at the office of the Town, with the sureties offered by him, within seven (7) days after the date of notification by mail of the acceptance of his proposal, and there sign the contract in quad- ruplicate for the work. In case of failure to do so, the bidder shall be considered as having abandoned the same, and the check accompanying his proposal shall be forfeited to the Town, or the penalty of the bid bond shall be invoked. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained and had approved by the Town all of the insurance specified and required in the contract. WAIVER OF IMMUNITY The bidder's attention is hereby directed to the require- ments of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York and, in particular, to Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law regarding "Waiver of Immunity", as indicated on Page C-8 of the contract. RESPONSIBILITY FOR BIDDER Attention is hereby particularly directed to the provisions of the contract whereby the contractor will be responsible for IB - 5 • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.) any loss or damage that may occur to the material or any part thereof during its delivery; and also whereby the contractor shall make good any defects or faults due to materials or work- manship within twelve (12) months after its delivery, placement and acceptance. In order to secure the performance of the covenant of the contractor, the Town shall require a Maintenance Bond during the period of one (1) year from the date of the Engineer's final payment request. Work is required to be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and in substantial accordance with the specifications hereunto annexed. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS Each public work contract to which the State, a public benefit corporation, a municipal corporation or a commission appointed pursuant to law is a party and which may involve the employment of laborers, workers or mechanics, shall comply with the requirements of Article 8 (Sections 220-2231 of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day or more than five days in any one week except in the extraordinary emergencies set forth in the Labor Law or where a ,dispensation is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. (See Section 220.2) 2. Each laborer, worker or mechanic employed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as indicated on the wage schedule provided by the.Department, Bureau of Public Work. The prevailing rate, of wage shall be annually determined no later than thirty days prior to July first of each year. The prevailing rate of wage for the period commencing July first of such year through June thirtieth, inclusive, of the following year shall be the rate of wage set forth in collective bargaining agreements for the same period, including those increases for such period which are directly ascer- tainable from such collective bargaining agreements. (See Sections 220.3, 220.5) 3. It shall be the duty of the department of jurisdiction to file -with the fiscal, officer, the classification of workers, mechanics and laborers to be employed on a public work project, together with a statement of the work to be performed by each classification. (See Section 220.3-a) The contractor and every subcontractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place at the work site a statement of all wage rates and supplements to be paid or provided for the various classes of mechanics, workers or laborers. (See Section 220.3-a) No employee shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually registered in a program registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journey -level workers in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to its work force on any job under the registered program. Any employee who is not registered as above, shall be paid or provided the prevailing wage and supplement rate for the journey -level classification of work actually performed. The contractor or sub- contractor will be required to furnish written evidence of registration of its program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage and supple- ment rates for the area of construction, prior to using any apprentices on the contract work. (See Section 220.3-e) (a) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. (See Section 220-e(a)) (b) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national. origin. (See Section 220- e(b)) NOTE: The Human Rights Law also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age, marital status or religion. (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of fifty dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract. (See Section 220-e(c)) (d) The contract may be cancelled or terminated by the State or municipality, and 'all moneys due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of the anti- discrimination sections of the contract. (See Section 220-e(d)) 7. (a) All contractors or their subcontractors shall provide to their sub- contractors a copy of the prevailing wage rate schedule specified in the public work contract as well as any subsequently issued schedules. A failure to provide these schedules by a contractor or subcontractor is a violation of Article 8 of the Labor Law. (See Section 220-a) (b) All subcontractors engaged by a public improvement contractor or its subcontractor, upon receipt of the original schedule and any sub- sequently issued schedules, shall provide to such contractor or sub- contractor a verified statement attesting that the subcontractor has received the wage schedule and will pay or provide the applicable rate of wages and supplements specified therein. (See Section 220-a) PW -3 (12-88). IB - 7 (1 of 28) ATTENTION: ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE INTRODUCTION: Below are the major provisions of the Labor Law covering workers on public work projects. HOURS: A laborer, worker or mechanic is permitted to work on a public work project no more than eight hours a day and no more than five days in a week, except in case of extraordinary emergency such as fire, flood or danger to life or property. You may apply to the Bureau of Public Work for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular public work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for laborers, workers and mechanics employed on a public work project shall be not less than those listed in the current prevailing rate schedule for the locality where the work is performed. If a prevailing rate schedule for the project has not been provided to the prime contractor by the department of jurisdiction (i.e. the governmental entity awarding the public work contract), or to a subcontractor by the prime contractor, the applicable schedule must be obtained from the Department of Jurisdiction, who must make written application to the Bureau of Public Work, Labor Department, Building No. 12, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. The prime contractor is responsible for any underpayments of prevailing wages or supplements by its subcontractors. PAYROLL RECORDS: Every contractor and subcontractor must keep originals or transcripts of payroll records, showing for each person employed on public work, the following: 1.Name, 2.Address and phone number, 3.Social Security number, 4.Occupational classifications in which worked, S.Hourly wage rate paid, S.Supplements provided, 7.Daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification, B.Deductions made, 9. Actual wages paid. When payroll records are requested by the Commissioner each payroll record must be affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury which means a notarized signature to that effect. Such records must be kept on the site of the work when the contractor or subcontractor does not maintain a regular place of business in New York State and the amount of the contract exceeds $25,000. All other contractors and subcontractors must within five days after request produce at the work site the orignal payrolls or transcripts. The original payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years from the date of completion of the project. POSTING: The current prevailing rate schedule must be posted in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the public work project. PW19 (9-88)... IB - 7 (2 of 28) (Continued) • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS (Continued) APPRENTICES: Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates if they are not individually registered under a program or agreement registered with the Commissioner of Labor. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of its program and apprentices and of.the appropriate ratio. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification can be no greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on any job under the registered program. An employee listed on a payroll as an apprentice, who is not registered as above, must be paid the prevailing journeymen's wage rate for that classification of work. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS: When a complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor alleging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay or provide the prevailing wages or supplements, or when the Commissioner of Labor believes that unpaid wages or supplements may be due, payments on the public work contract may be withheld from the prime contractor in a sufficient amount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and civil penalty, pending a final determination. INTEREST AND PENALTIES: If an underpayment of wages or supplements is found, interest must be added at the rate then in effect prescribed by the Superintendent of Banks pursuant to section 14-a of the banking law per annum from the date of underpayment to the date of the payment, and may also include the imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed 25% of the amount due. i DEBARMENT: When final determinations have been made against a contractor or subcontractor in two instances within a six-year period determining that it willfully failed to pay or provide the prevailing rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor will be ineligible to bid on or be awarded a public work contract for a period of five years from the second final determination. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Willful violations of the Prevailing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. DISCRIMINATION: No employee or applicant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age, race, creed, color, national origin,. sex, disability or marital status. Every employer subject to the New York State Human Rights Law must conspicuously post at its offices, places of employment or employment training centers, notices furnished by the State Division of Human Rights. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing workers' compensation insurance and disability benefits must post in a conspicuous place notices of such coverage in a form prescribed by the Workers' Compensation Board. Employers liable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must conspicuously post notices furnished by the State Department of Labor. PW 19 (9-88)... IB - 7 (3 of 28) docm: letter2b • • OVERTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATION 5/31/87 OVERTIME ( A ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( AA) Time.and one half of the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. ( B ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. ( B1 ) Time and one half for the 9th & 10th hour per day & 1st 8 hours on Saturday double the hourly rate all additional hours. ( C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( CC&C1) Double the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. ( D ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. ( D1 )Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. ( E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. ( E1 )Time and one half 1st 4 hours.on Saturday, double the hourly rate all additional Saturday hours. ( E2 )Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather. ( E3 )Between Nov. 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather, provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week. ( E4 )Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week dur to inclement weather. ( F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. ( G ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. ( H ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. ( I ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. ( J ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. ( K ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays. ( L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. ( M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. ( N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. ( 0 ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. ( P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. ( 0 ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. ( R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. ( S ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( U ) Four times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( V ) Incluing benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. ( W ) Time and one half for benefits on all overtime hours. NOTE; BENEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted. Sec220:Para 2. 'Each contract.... shall contain a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic.... shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calander day or work more than five days in any one week except in case of extraodinary emergency.... Whenever such an 'EMERGENCY DISPENSATION'(emphasis added) is granted, all work in excess of eight hours per day, and five days per week shall be considered overtime work... and ... shall be paid a premium wage commensurate with the premium wages prevailing in the area in which the work is performed.' HOLIDAYS The Holidays as listed below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. ( 1 ) None. ( 2 ) Labor Day. ( 3 ) Memorial Day and Labor Day. ( 4 ) Memorial Day and July 4th. ( 5 ) Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. ( 6 ) New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. ( 7 ) Lincoln'S Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Veterans Day. ( 8 ) Good Friday. ( 9 ) Lincoln's Birthday. ( 10 ) Washington's Birthday. ( 11 ) Columbus Day. ( 12 ) Election Day. ( 13 ) Presidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day. ( 15 ) Veteran's Day. ( 16 ) Day after Thanksgiving Day. ( 17 ) July 4th. ( 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. ( 19 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. ( 20 ) Thanksgiving Day. ( 21 ) New Years Day. ( 22 ) Christmas Day. ( 23 ) Day before Christmas. ( 24 ) Day before New Years. ( 25 ) Presidents Day. ( 26 ) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. PW -201 (7-85) docm: letter2c IB - 7 (4 of 28) • NOTICE of ADDENDUM APPLICABLE TO ALL COUNTIES ( ' ) AS NOTED ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULES PAGES. The law requires that for those labor contracts which are not negotiated before May 31, the date for publication of the annual determination, the new collective bargaining information will be incorporated into the prevailing rate schedule by means of an addendum. This addendum will be issued by the Bureau of P ublic Work for those schedules where the available information is incomplete as of May 31. When you review the schedule for particular occupations, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These dates are the effective dates of the latest collective bargining agreements for that occupation. The rates listed in that column were taken from those agreements and will remain in effect until the following June 30th. The only exception is for those collective bargining agreements which expired after May 31st. In those cases the Commissioner will publish an addendum to include the new rates determined for those occupations. These new rates will become effective 30 days after the addendum is received by the contractor. It is the responsibility of the contracting agency or its agent to Provide the addendum prevailing rate schedule to the contractor immediately upon receipt to insure the proper payment of wages to workers. To repeat, if the schedule indicates that a collective bargining agreement expires or where information was not available at the time of publication you should be aware that an addendum will be published and copy of the addendum should be requested. Failure to do so may cause an improper rate to be used and result in the finding of an underpayment. PW -202 (5-87) docm: letterd IB - 7 (5 of 28) r, VERIFYING THE REGISTRATION OF APPRENTICES Certain State "and Federal Laws require that apprentices must be individually registered as such in order to be paid apprenticeship rates on Public Work. The New York State Labor Department is the official registration agency for apprentices in New York State.. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York State. Each year the apprentice training central office in Albany receives hundreds of requests from Federal and State Agencies, Contractors, and other interested parties requesting verification of individual apprentice registrations. The following information is provided in order to clarify New York State procedures. All registered apprentices in New York State are individually registered by name, address, social security number, starting date of training, and other related data. This information is computerized and is available ONLY through the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Persons wishing to verify the apprentice registration of any individual should write to Frank R. Finn, Sr, Employment Consultant, New York State Department of Labor, Job Service and Training Division, Building 12, Room 140, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. All inquiries MUST include name and social security number and will be answered in writing. The response will indicate whether or not the individual is registered, and if so, will provide other pertinent information regarding the registration. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is . written verification from the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprentice Training Offices outside Albany can provide conslusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof that any individual is registered in that program. Furthermore, the existence or possession of wallet cards, identification cards or copies of state forms are not conclusive proof of the << registration of any individual as an apprentice. i • PW - 203 (4-66) docm: letter2e IB - 7 (6 of 28) N BOILERMAKER PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED 9/01/87- State of New York 9/01/89- Case Number Bureau of 8/31/89 Department of Labor Boilermaker.......... $ 24.50 Public Work 26.40 OVERTIME PAY: New Work 8902715 OVERTIME PAY: Repair Work See (B4O) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 8,16,23,24) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) Published -09/02/88 ( 1 - 5 ) ( 1 - 10 ) SUFFOLK COUNTY ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's •Page 1st 2nd 3rd 4th. 5th. 6th, 7th, 8th. 1 60% 65% 70% ASBESTOS WORKER 85% 90% 100% ,SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89 8% 8% 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 15% Asbestos Apprentice Training... .10 .10 .10 'Worker ............. $ 21.97 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 20% Listed supplements PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. GLAZIER SUPPLEMENTALB N F TS:(per hour worked) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- Health/welfare....... 2.64 1.00 to 1.00 to 1.00 to 6/30/89 Pension ............... 6/30/90 1.56 allotted at allotted at allotted at Additional Annuity OVERTIME PAY: See ( 5.00 a later a later a later ............... Vacation .............. ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 2.50 date date date hour worked) Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-12 BOILERMAKER WAGES(per hour) 9/01/87- 9/01/88- 9/01/89- 8/31/88 8/31/89 8/31/90 Boilermaker.......... $ 24.50 25.00 26.40 OVERTIME PAY: New Work See ( C,0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY: Repair Work See (B4O) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 8,16,23,24) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th. 5th. 6th, 7th, 8th. 60% 65% 70% ,75% 80% 85% 90% 100% ,SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/welfare ........ $ 8% 8% 8% Pension ............... 11% 14% 15% Apprentice Training... .10 .10 .10 Vacation .............. 7% 7% 7% Annuity ............... 17 % 19% 20% Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-5 GLAZIER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Glazier .............. $ 20.70 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/welfare ........ $ 2.48 .65 to be 1.00 to be ..80 to be Pension ................ 1.26 allotted allotted allotted Apprentice Training... .03 at a at a at a Vacation .............. 2.00 later later later Annuity ............... 4.75 date. date date Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1087 IB - 7 (7 of 28) • • State of New York Department of Labor CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY 9/01/86- 8/30/87 Building: Draper ............... $ 14.26 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5,6,9,10,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.46 Pension ............... 6 % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 6/30/88 Building: Carpet/Resilient Floor Coverer...... $ 21.66 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 22.66 23.66 8-440 Page 2 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured after 7/01/84 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-2241/2287 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: Millwright........... 19.79 20.29 20.79 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th. 55% 65% 75% 95T - SUPPLEMENTAL 5%SUPPL MENTA B NEFI !:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare....... 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 2.59 2.84 3.09 Annuity ............... 3.79 4.31 4.83 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. 2.82 3.12 3.42 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-740 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Piledriver........... 21.66 22.66 23.66 Dockbuilder.......... 21.65 22.66 23.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured After 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 7/01/84 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1456 IB - 7 (8 of 28) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8902715 Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 3 Carpenter (cont) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Marine Construction: Marine Diver ......... $ 25.75 26.98 28.21 Tender.... 20.02 20.93 21.84 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1456/0 =----------------------------- WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Timberman .........$ 20.10 21.01 21.92 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured After 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 7/01/84 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1536h The following Supplemental Benefits apply to the preceding Carpenter categories and/or occupational titles unless otherwise noted. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) for ALL Categories Except 1st 8 2nd Year Apprentices Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 2.59 2.84 3.09 Annuity ............... 1.65 1.75 1.85 Apprentice Training....17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. 1.80 1.95 2.10 Pension Ins. Fund.... .14 .13 .13 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) for 1st & 2nd Year Apprentices indentured after July 1,1984 Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 1.30 1.42 1.55 Annuity ............... .83 .88 .93 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. .90 .98 1.05 Pension Ins. Fund..... .14 .13 .13 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. IB 7 (9 of 28) 8-nyc/supp • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8902715 Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 4 Carpenter (cont.) WAG S(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: Carpenter............ $ 22.50 23.50 Heavy/Highway: Carpenter............ $ 22.55 23.55 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS:`See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 40% 55% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ $ Pension ............... Apprentice Training... .15' .075 .15' .075 Vacation .............. 1.80• .90 1.90• .95 Annuity ............... Scholarship Fund...... . 01* .005 .01- .005 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (1)1st. 8 2nd. term Apprentice Benefits in second column, all others full benefits. 4-SUF ELEVATOR WAGES (per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Elevator Constructor ... $ 22.82 23.70 24.58 ' " Helper.. 17.12 17.73 18..44 Elev. (Modernization).. 19.55' 20.56' 21.57• ' Helper.. 14.66' 15.42' 16.18' OVERTIME PAY:CONSTR.See ( C,M,T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY:MODERN.See ( B,F,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (5,6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2095'2.095 2.395.2.395 Pension ............... 1..69 -1.69 1.79 •1.79 1.89 •1.89 Annuity ................ 1.40 11.25 1.40 •1.25 1.40 -1.25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)'Modernization' supplements appear in second column. B-1 1B - 7 (10 of 28) IB - 7 (11 of 28 ) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number WAGES(per hour) 5/01/87- 10/31/87- Bureau of 10/29/68- Department of Labor 10/30/87 4/29/88 Public Work 4/30/89 8902715 Electrician 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 19.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, G, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Page 5 ELECTRICIAN ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 2 ) ( 3 - 3 ) WAGES(per hour) 5/02/87- 10/31/87- 4/30/88- 10/29/88- 10/30/87 4/29/88 10/28/88 4/28/89 Electrician.......... $ 23.40 23.95 24.50 25.05 Audio/Sound.......... 23.40 23.95 24.50 25.05 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. 9.5X'=X 9.5X'=X PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. 8.5X•=% 8.5X'=% ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 4 ) ( 3 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 9X'=% tet 2nd 3rd. 4th. Vacation and Holidays. 8.5%'=% 8.5%'=% 8.5X'=% 35% 45% 55% 65% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes *Apprentice Benefits appear in second column. ( x )No 4-25m SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/welfare........$ 11.5 % 11.5% 12.0% 12.0% Pension............... 7.5 % 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% Suppl.Unemploy.Benefit .25 .25 .25 .25 Apprentice Training... .12 .12 .12 .12 Annuity............... 11.5 X' 11.5%' 11.5X' 11.5X' Benefit Fund.......... 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Vacation and Holiday.. 9.5 % 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 'Note: 1st. Term (only) Apprentice NOT included in Annuity Fund Benefit. 4-25 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 5/01/88- 5/01/89- 5/01/90- 4/30/89 4/30/90 4/30/91 Telephone Installer/Repairman $ 18.84 19.40 20.00 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 2 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 6.06 7.04 9.44 10.85 from 5/01/87 to 4/30/88 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/welfare........$ 10.5% 10.5% 10.5% Pension... 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% Apprentice Training... 5/8% 5/8% 5/8% Annuity............... 12 % 12 % 12% Benefit Fund.......... 3 % 3 % 3% Vacation and Holiday.. 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ------------------------------ ( )No. 4 -25t IB - 7 (11 of 28 ) Applicable on maintanence of traffic signals and street lighting only. WAGES(per hour) 5/01/87- 10/31/87- 4/30/88- 10/29/68- 10/30/87 4/29/88 10/28/88 4/30/89 Electrician (Traffic/Street)..... 18.38 18.80 19.23 19.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, G, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 2 ) ( 3 - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 40% 50% 60% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 9 %*=% 9.5%'=X 9.5X'=X 9.5X'=X Pension ............... 8.5X'=% 8.5X'=% 8.5X•=% 8.5X'=% Apprentice Training... 1/2%'=% 1/2X'=% 1/2X'=% 1/2X'=% Annuity ............... 9%'=% 9X'=% 9X'=% 9X'=% Vacation and Holidays. 8.5%'=% 8.5%'=% 8.5X'=% 8.5X'=% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes *Apprentice Benefits appear in second column. ( x )No 4-25m IB - 7 (11 of 28 ) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8902715 Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 6 IB - 7 (12 of 28) IRONWORKER WAG S(per hour) 7/04/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Structural........... $ 20.10 Additional Additional Additional Riggers .............. 20.10 1.15 to be 1.25 to be 1.25 to be Machinery Movers...... 20.10 allotted allotted allotted ° Erectors.... 20.10 at a at a at a OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th. 6th. 10.89 11.49 11.49 12.10 12.10 12.10 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ $ later later later Pension ............... date date date. Apprentice Training... .281 .28 Vacation .............. Annuity ............... Benefit Fund.......... Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. ------------------------------ B-40/361 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 6/30/88 Reinforcing.......... 21.95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1. ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 50% 75% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ $ 1.755.1.755 Pension... .... .985• .985 Apprentice Training... .081 .08 Vacation .............. 2.00' none Annuity.. ..... 3.501 none Scholarship Fund...... .04• .04 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (') Apprentice supplements appear in second column. ------------------------------ 8-46 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Ornamental........... 19.19 Additional Additional Additional Chain Link Fence..... 19.19 .92 to be .92 to be .92 to be OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd 3rd. 4th. _ 5th. 6th. 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BEN F T :(per hour worked) Health/Welfare......2.68 allotted . allotted allotted Pension ............... 3.18 at a at a at a Apprentice Training... .30 later later later Vacation 2.84 date date date • .............. Annuity ............... 5.50 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-580 IB - 7 (12 of 28) Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group # 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group # 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, Power Tool, Trackmen, Landscape, Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Public Work Heavy/Highway Laborer: Department of Labor Group # 1 ............. $ 15.92 8902715 17.95 Group # 2 ............. 15.55 16.52 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Group # 3 ............. 14.34 15.26 Published -09/02/88 OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. SUFFOLK COUNTY PAID HOLIDAYS: See (2,4,6,7;11,12,26) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Page 7 Health/Welfare........$ LABORER 13% 13% Pension ............... WAG S(per hour) 7/01/08- 7/01/89- 13% Vacation .............. 1.00 6/30/89 6/30/90 1.00 Annuity ............... Building Laborer: 1.00 1.00 Suppl. Unempl..... All Classifications ... $ 18.25 Additional 25.00wk Listed supplements apply OVERTIME PAY: See ( A,E,O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. ( )No. 4-1298 PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.35 1.43 to Pension ............... 2.58 be Vacation .............. 1.33 allotted Legal . ............... .15 at a Training.. .......... .50 later Safety Fund........... .05 date Listed supplements apply to A&L classifications ( x )Yes ( ------------------------------ )No. 4-66 Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group # 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group # 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, Power Tool, Trackmen, Landscape, Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Heavy/Highway Laborer: Group # 1 ............. $ 15.92 16.90 17.95 Group # 2 ............. 15.55 16.52 17.54 Group # 3 ............. 14.34 15.26 16.24 OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (2,4,6,7;11,12,26) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 13 % 13% 13% Pension ............... 13 % 13% 13% Vacation .............. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Annuity ............... 1.00 1.00 Suppl. Unempl..... 25.00wk 25.00wk 25.00wk Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-1298 LATHER AW GES(per hour) 7/01/88- 6/30/89 Lather (Wood Wire & Reinforcing)... 21.95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 75% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.975.2.975 Pension... .... 1.50 11.50 Apprentice Training... .OB • .08 Vacation .............. 2.00 *none Annuity. ..... 3.50 *none Scholarship Fund...... .04 • .04 Listed supplements apply to A_" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-46 IB - 7 (13 of 28) • • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY MASON/TILE/TERRAZZO WAGES(per hour) 6/01/88- 5/31/89 Building: Bricklayer............ $ 22.94 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. E, Q, W ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 6 ) APPRENTICES: ( 750 hours) terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1c+ 2nd 3rd 4th. Sth(500hr) 6th(SOOhr) 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........$ 2.40 '2.40 Pension ............... 2.94 •2.94 Annuity ............... 2.85 •1.45 Listed supplements apply to ALS, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. ( ' ) Apprentice Benefits appear in second column 8-NYDC WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Cement Finisher....... 21.72 Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0, V) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. ic+ 2nd. 3rd 4th_, 5th, 6th. 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.61 1.67 to Pension. .... 2.82 be allotted Apprentice Training... .09 at a later Annuity ............... 4.00 date. Listed supplements apply toL4 L classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-780 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 6/30/89 Building: Plasterer ............. 19.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( ) ( ) .APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Sth. 6th. .40% 50% 60% 60% 80% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 3.72 Annuity. .... 3.00 Apprentice Training... .01 Vacation .............. 2.00 Listed supplements apply to ALL, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-852 IB - 7 (14 of 28) Page 8 WAGES(per hour) 4/27/87- 4/17/88 Building: Tile Setter........... 20.98 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.18 Pension ............... 2.25 Vacation .............. 1.395 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-52 WAGES(per hour) 12/01/86- 6/01/87- 5/31/87 5/29/88 Building: Tile Layer Helper..... $ 18.36 18.36 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 1.75 Pension ............... 1.42 1.42 Annuity ............. 1.95 3.20 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-88 IB - 7 (15 of 28) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 9 Mason (cont) WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Building: Mosaic & Terrazzo Worker.. 21.61 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.48 1.00 to be 1.00 to be 1.00 to be Pension ............... 3.25 allotted allotted allotted Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .50 at a later at a later at a later Vacation .............. 2.00 date. date date. Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-3 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Building: Mosaic and Terrazzo Helper..... 19.40 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.48 1.00 to be 1.00 to be 1.00 to be Pension ............... 3.25 allotted allotted allotted Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. 1.40 at a later at a later at a later Vacation .............. .50 date, date. date. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-35 WAGES(per hour) 4/27/87- 4/17/88 Building: Tile Setter........... 20.98 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.18 Pension ............... 2.25 Vacation .............. 1.395 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-52 WAGES(per hour) 12/01/86- 6/01/87- 5/31/87 5/29/88 Building: Tile Layer Helper..... $ 18.36 18.36 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 1.75 Pension ............... 1.42 1.42 Annuity ............. 1.95 3.20 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-88 IB - 7 (15 of 28) • is State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 10 Mason (cont.) WAG S(per hour) 7/01/86- 6/30/87 Waterproofer(Mason) and Tuckpointer..... $ 19.90 Sandblasting(Mason)... 18.95 Steamcleaning(Mason).. 18.30 OVERTIME PAY: See ( ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. M. 70% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 1.75 11.75 Pension. 3.00 '1.75 Benefit Fund.......... 10 % .69 Training Fund......... .08 ' .08 Annuity ............... 2.00 • .55 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 4-66w WAGES(per hour) 1/01/86- 6/30/86 Stone Mason........... $ 21.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.75 Pension - -- Annuity ............... 3.00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-33 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/87- 6/30/87 Stone Setter.......... $ 20.86 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. let 2nd 3rd 4th 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 Pension. ..... 2.00 Security Benefit...... .60 Apprentice Training... .10 Vacation .............. 2.00 Annuity ............... 4.50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-84 IB - 7 (16 of 28 ) • WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Cutters & Setters ............. 19.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr.hour worked) Health/Welfare.........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .40 V'acation.............. 3.75 Annuity .............. 5.00 Listed supplements apply to ASL, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 IB - 7 (17 of 28) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8902715 ' 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY • Page 11 Mason (cont..) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Derrickman/Rigger.... $ 20.92 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.24 .96 1.11 1.11 Pension ............... 2.97 to be to be to be Apprentice Training... .10 allotted allotted allotted Vacation .............. 3.00 at later at later at later Annuity ............... 5.50 date. date date Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-197 I'. WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Sawyer, Rubber 8 Polisher........... 21.88 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. G ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........$ .96 Pension.. 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .25 Vacation .............. 3.25 Annuity ............... 3.25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 6-1 • WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Cutters & Setters ............. 19.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr.hour worked) Health/Welfare.........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .40 V'acation.............. 3.75 Annuity .............. 5.00 Listed supplements apply to ASL, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 IB - 7 (17 of 28) • • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8902715 Public Work 7/01/68 thru 6/30/89 6b- Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 12 Mason (cont...) WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Marble Finishers...... $ 17.57 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6,8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS:(per.hour worked) Health/Welfare........ $ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .69 Vacation .............. 3.30 Annuity ............... 5.00 Listed supplements apply toIASL,, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-10 PAINTER WAGES(per hour) 10/01/86- 7/01/87- 10/01/87- 6/30/87 9/30/87 9/30/88 Steel: • Steel............ 22.00 22.00 23.50 • Spray............ 23.00 23.00 24.50 Sandblasting..... 23.00 23.00 24.50 Power Tool....... 23.00 23.00 24.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 50% 65% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 15 % 17 % 17 % Pension ............... 1.10 1.10 1.15 Apprentice Training... 1/2 % 1/2 % 1/2 % Vacation. .......... 6 % 6 % 6 % Annuity ............... 11 % 11 % 11 % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-806 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 2/01/88- 8/01/88- 2/01/89- 7/31/88 1/31/89 7/31/89 Drywall Taper......... $ 20.95 21.58 22.23 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.56 2.56 2.56 Pension ............... .71 71 71 Vacation .............. 9 % 9 % 9 % Annuity ............... 10 % 10 % 10 % Apprentice Training... .01 .01 .01 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1974 ------------------------------ IB - 7 (18 of 28 ) • • State of New York Department of Labor Painter (cont) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( • )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number 8902715 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAGES(per hour) 4/01/88- 3/31/89 Brush. 22.08 . .............. Structural Steel/Bridge 26.96 Spray, Scaffold........ 24.51 Sandblasting........... 26.96 Paper Hanger........... 22.08 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 Page 13 ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1s+ 2nd 3rd. 4th. 5th, 6th. 50% 50% 65% 70% 8O% 90Y SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ Pension. .... Apprentice Training... .39' .39 Annuity ............... 2.45• = % Other (Legal)......... .15' .15 Safety & Health,...... .50' .50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)1st yr Rate is, H/W=1.60, Pen=1.07, AppTrg=.23, S.& H.=.21 (') Other Apprentice Supplements appear in second column. PLUMBER WAGES(per hour) 5/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Plumber .............. $ 23.50 24.10 24.85 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st 2nd 3rd. 4th. 5th. 10.58 11.75 15.28 16.54 17.53 for 5/01/88 to 12/31/88 10.85 12.05 15.67 16.87 18.08 for 1/01/87 to 6/30/89 11.18 12.43 16.15 17.40 18.64 for 7/01/89 to 12/31/89 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.03'note 2.26'note 2.39•note Pension ............... 4.89'note 5.191note 5.34'note Apprentice Training... .24'note .24'note .241note Vacation .............. 1.30'note 1.301note 1.30'note Annuity .............. 1.00'note 1.00'note 1.00'note Listed supplements apply to AIS classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Note -Apprentice supplements appear below. 5/88 tol2/88.-1st. yr. H/W-1.24 PEN. -3.04 Appr.-.14 Ann. -.53 Vac. -.75 2nd. yr. 1.25 3.07 .15 .53 .80 3rd. yr. 1.30 ' 3.09 ' .16 .53 .86 4th. yr. 1.31 3.12 .16 .53 .93 5th. yr. 1.34 ' 3.15 ' .17 .53 .98 1/89 to 6/89 -1st. yr. H/W-1.38 PEN. -3.16 Appr.-.14 Ann. -.53 Vac. -.75 2nd. yr. 1.39 ' 3.19 .15 .53 .80 3rd. yr. 1.44 ' 3.21 .16 " .53 .86 4th. yr. ' 1.45 3.24 o .16 .53 .93 5th. yr. 1.48 ' 3.27 .17 .53 .98 7/89 to12/89 -1st. yr. H/W-1.46 PEN. -3.31 Appr.-.14 Ann. -.53 Vac. -.75 2nd, yr. 1.47 3.34 .15 .53 ' .80 3rd. yr. ' 1.52 ' 3.36 ' .16 .53 ' .86 4th. yr. 1.53 ' 3.39 " .16 .53 ' .93 5th. yr. 1.56 ' 3.42 ' .17 .53 .98 4-775 IB - 7 (19 of 28) 4-1486 • • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE (•• )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8902715 - 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 14 STEAMFITTER/SPRINKLER FITTER WAGES(per hour) 6/29/88- 12/28/88- 12/27/88 6/27/89 Steam Fitter.......... $ 25.05 Additional Sprinkler Fitter...... 25.05 1.00 to be OVERTIME PAY: See ( C,O,V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ' ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. 4O% 4O% 5OX 5OX 65% 65% 8OX 80 SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.35•= % allotted Pension.. ........ 2.001= % at a Security Fund......... 2.601= % later Training Fund......... .20'.20 date Vacation .............. 2.75•= % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-638s/s IB - 7 (20 of 28) State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 15 ROOFER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/87- 9/30/87 Roofer.. .......... $ 17.52 Waterproofer........... 17.52 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0, E ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 6 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st2nd. 3rd 4th. 5th, 6th. 50% 55% 60X 65% 70% 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ....... $ 3.08 • = % Pension... .... 2.49 ' = % Apprentice Training... .03 ' .03 Vacation .............. 2.92 ' = % Annuity ............... 1.48 • = % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (') Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 4-154 SHEETMETAL WORKER WAGES(per hour) 1/28/88- 8/01/88- 2/01/89- 8/01/89- 7/31/88 1/31/89 7/31/89 1/31/90 Sheetmetal Worker.... $ 23.33 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 7.00 10.19 11.34 12.49 13.63 14.65 15.11 18.14 SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.321note 1.00 to 1.00 to 1.00 to Pension ...... :........ be be be Suppl.Unemploy.Benefit .11' .04 allotted allotted allotted Vacation .............. 2.00'note at a at a at a Annuity ............... 3.00'note later later later Education Fund........ .27' .27 date date date Scholarship Fund..... .02' .02 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)Apprentice supplements appear in second column. H/W-term/amt.-1st-.61; 2nd -.82; 3rd -1.04; 4th -1.26; 5th -1.58; 6th thru 6th -2.82 Vac-term/amt.-1st-.80;2nd-.90;3rd-1.00:4th-1.10;5th-1.20;6th-1.30;7th-1.40;8th-1.60 Ann.-term/amt.-1st-.31;2nd-.56;3rd-.77:4th-.97;5th-1.09;6th-.91;7th-1.32;8th-2.15 8-2 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic performing the work. TEAMSTER Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. GROUP 3: Other WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Truck Driver (Building and Heavy/Highway): Group 1 .............. 17.385 18.36 Group 2 .............. 17.825 18.43 Group 3 ............... 15.59 16.09 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E. P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. • SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ....... .$ 3.51'3.51 Pension ............... 2.8525.2.8525 Annuity ............... 4.3125.3.9575 4.8275.4.395 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( X )No. *Group 3 supplements appear in second column. 4-282nsh IB - 7 (21 of 28) • • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY SIGN ERECTOR WAGES(per hour) 7/01/86- 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 6/30/87 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 Sign Erector......... $ 17.80 18.7.5 19.50 20.25 Page 16 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See( 5,6,10,11,12,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 = 1 ) ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1s+ 2nd 3rd 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th 10th 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65Y. 70% 75% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 1st Yr 1st Yr 1st yr 1st yr Health/Welfare ........ $ 7 % •.41 7 % •.41 7 % '.41 7 % •.41 Local Pension......... 8 % •2 % 8 % •2 % 8 % •2 % 8 % 12 % National Pension...... .43 •.43 .46 1.46 .47 1.47 .48 6.48 Apprentice Training... .10 10 11 11 12 12 12 •.12 Vacation .............. 8 %- •2 % 8 % 12 % 8 % •2 % 8 % 12 % Annuity ............... 1.85 -- 2.00 -.-- 2.00 •-.-- 2.14 •-.-- Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 1st yr.Appr. Supp. appear in second column. H/W-after 2nd yr -7%; Pen. -2nd yr. 6% and after 3rd yr. 8%; Vac. -2nd yr 2%, 3rd yr. 4% and 4th yr. 6%; Ann. -2nd yr 0 ,3rd yr 1.00 per day, 4th yr. 2.00 per day, 5th yr. 3.00 per day. 8-137 HIGHWAY STRIPER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/88- 4/01/89- 4/01/90- 3/31/87 3/31/90 3/31/91 Painter(Striping-Highway etc.): Striping -Machine Oper.$ 14.04 14.60 15.62 " Helper......... 12.43 12.93 13.84 Linerman.............. 14.50 15.08 16.14 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B,E,P,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,8,10,11,12,15,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 11 % 11 % 11% Pension ............... 4 % 4 % 4% Vacation .............. 7 % 7 % 7% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x,)Yes ( )No. 8-230 TREE TRIMMER WAGES(per hour) 10/1/85- 9/30/86 Tree Trimmer: Trimmer -T 7 (start)... $ 7.75 -T 6 after 6 mo. .8.32 -T 5 12 mo. 8.54 -T 4 18 mo. 8.93 " -T 3 24 mo. 9.70 -T 2 30 mo. 10.14 " -T 1 36 mo. 11.56 Driver,Groundsman...... 9.53 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (5,6,7,8,11,12,18,19)) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare........ $ Contr.Provide H. & W. + $10,000 Life Ins. Annuity ............... 35 Holidays......... .. (12 paid). Vacation - after 15 mo./l week. -after 30 mo./2 weeks. -after 10yrs/3 weeeks. - pro -rated if less than 1700 hrs.in prior year. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-1049t IB - 7 (22 of 28) • WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Survey Rates-Heavy/Hiway: Party Chief......... 20.25 Additional Instrument Man...... 16.82 6% to be Rodman/Chainmen..... 14.81 allotted OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.80 at a Pension. .... 1.65 later Apprentice Training... .20 date. Vacation .............. 1.00 Annuity ............... 4.00 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-15Dns DRILLING WAGES(per hour) 10/17/87- 10/16/88 Core Drilling: Driller. .......... $ 15.405 Helper.......... 13.645 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.07 Pension. .............. 2.10.. Vacation .............. .19 Listed supplements apply to _A L, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 8/01/86- 8/01/87- 8/01/88 - 7/31/87 7/31/88 7/31/89 Well Driller: Driller ......... $ 16.40 Additional Additional Helper..... 14.40 1.00 1.00 OVERTIME PAY: See (B,E,P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( S. 6, 10, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare 9 X to be to be Pension ............... 2.75 allocated allocated Annuity Fund.......... 1.50 later. later. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138well IB - 7 (23 of 28) PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 • SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 17 !mpowrHDGSurvEng WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Survey Rates-Building: Party Chief......... 20.26 Additional Instrument Man...... 17.73 6% to be Rodman/Chainman..... 11.85 allotted OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.80 at a Pension............... 1.65 later Apprentice Training... .20 date Vacation.............. 1.00 Annuity............... 4.00 Listed supplements apply to AIL classifications ( x )Yes ( ------------------------------ )No. 8-150bns • WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Survey Rates-Heavy/Hiway: Party Chief......... 20.25 Additional Instrument Man...... 16.82 6% to be Rodman/Chainmen..... 14.81 allotted OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.80 at a Pension. .... 1.65 later Apprentice Training... .20 date. Vacation .............. 1.00 Annuity ............... 4.00 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-15Dns DRILLING WAGES(per hour) 10/17/87- 10/16/88 Core Drilling: Driller. .......... $ 15.405 Helper.......... 13.645 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.07 Pension. .............. 2.10.. Vacation .............. .19 Listed supplements apply to _A L, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 8/01/86- 8/01/87- 8/01/88 - 7/31/87 7/31/88 7/31/89 Well Driller: Driller ......... $ 16.40 Additional Additional Helper..... 14.40 1.00 1.00 OVERTIME PAY: See (B,E,P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( S. 6, 10, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare 9 X to be to be Pension ............... 2.75 allocated allocated Annuity Fund.......... 1.50 later. later. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138well IB - 7 (23 of 28) • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number 8902715 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88 - Building: 6/30/89 Hoist(Multiple Platform) 23.35 Lead Engineer 21.955 Hoist(Tandem Platform 21.73 Tower Crane(Engineer) 21.31 SideBoom Tractor(Used in tank work) 21.015 Scoop, Carry -all, Scraper in tandem - 20.93 Boom Trucks or Cranes (used for stone setting or structural 20.88 CMI or Maxim Spreader, Concrete Spreader, Derrick, Sideboom 20.855 Tank Work 20.78 Hoist, 2 Drum, Hoist, 3 Drum 20.73 Backhoe,Dragline, Gradall, Pile Driver, Shovel 20.755 Elevator, Fork Lift, Hoist, 1 Drum 19.67 Batching P1ant(on site of job), Power Winch(used for stone (Truck Mounted -used for stone or steel), Pump, Concrete 20.655 Dredge 20.315 Roller, Trench Machine 20.555 Welding Machine, Structural Steel Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 steel) Tractor or steel), Power Winch Page 18 20.53 Boom Truck, Crane, Crawler or Truck, Conveyor(Multi), Plant Engineer, Stone Spreader (Self -Propelled) 20.505 Asphalt Spreader 20.48 Fork Lift(Walk Behind, Power Operated) 20.47 Compressor(Structura Steel) 20.455 Boiler, Bulldozer, Compressor(on Crane); Compressor(Pile Work), Compressor(stone setting), Concrete Breaker, Conveyor, Generator -Pile Work, Loading Machine(Front End), Maintenance Engineer,Powerhouse, -Power Winch(used for other than stone or steel), Power Winch, Truck Mounted(used for other than stone or steel, Pulvi-Mixer,Pump(Dble Action Diaphragm), Pumps(Gypsum, Hydraulic, Jet, Single Action- 1 to 3, and Well Point), Welding and Burning, Welding Machine (Pile Work) 20.305 Curb Machine(Asphalt or Concrete), Curing Machine, Pump(Submersible), Maintenance Man 20.15 Grader 20.08 Compressor, Compressor(2 or more in battery), Generator, Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, Portable Heaters, Pump(4 inches or over), Track Tamper(2 Engineers,Each), Welding Machine 20.055 Stiping Machine 19.98 Bulldozer(used for excavation), Fireman, Loading Machine, Powerbroom, Vac -All 19.93 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or without Skip), Pump(Up to 3 inches),Tractor,Craterpillar or Wheel, 19.555 Scoop(Carry-A11 Scraper) 19.93 Hydra Hammer, Ridge Cutter 19.47 Bending Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Generator(Small), Vibrator(1 to 5), 19.305 Power Buggies 19.18 Stump Chipper and Oiler 18.955 Mechanical Compactor(Hand Operated), Trench Machine(Hand) 18.93 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare....... $ 2.47 Pension .............. 2.75 Apprentice Training.. .25 Annuity .............. 4.00 Other ................ .25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( )No. .............................. IB - 7 (24 of 28) 4-138b PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8902715 Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY • Page 19 • Operating Engineer (cont) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 6/30/89 HEAVY / HIGHWAY: Lead Engineer 22.58 Scoop(Carry-All,Scraper in Tandem), Tower Crane(Engineer), 21.105 Backhoe, Crane(Stone Setting)„ Crane(Structural Steel), Dragline, Gradall, Pile Driver, Road Paver, Shovel 20.85 Batching Plant(on site of job), Crane(on Barge), Sideboom Tractor(used in tank work), Tank Work 20.705 Hoist(3 Drum), Power Winch(Truck Mounted -used for stone or steel), Power Winch(used for stone setting and/or structural steel),Trench Machine 20.695 Asphalt Spreader,Boom Truck,Boring Machine(other than Post Holes), CMI or Maxim Spreader, Crane(Crawler or Truck), Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Multi, Plant Engineer, Sideboom Tractor,Stone Spreader(self propelled) 20.48 Boring Machine, Post Holes 20.42 Compressor(Stone Setting),Compressor(Structural Steel), Welding Machine(structural steel) 20.365 Dredge 20.315 Work Boat 20.305 Compressor(on Crane), Compressor(Pile Work), Generator -Pile Work, Hoist,2 Drum, Loading Machine(Front-End), Powerhouse, Power Winch(Truck Mounted -used for other than stone or steel),Power Winch(other than stone or struct.steel),Welding Machine,Pile Work 20.205 Mechanical Compactor, Machine Drawn, Roller(over 5 Ton) 20.02 Boiler 19.98 Pump, Concrete 19.94 Compressor(2 or more in battery 19.90 Grader 19.885 Bulldozer, Concrete Finishing Machine, Conveyor,Curb Machine,Asphalt or Concrete, Curing Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Fireman, Fork Lift, Hoist,) Drum, Loadingmachine, Maintenance Machine,Pulvi-Mixer, Pump(4 inches or over), Pumps (Hydraulic, ,Jet, Submersible and Well Point), Roller(5 ton and under), Scoop,Carry-All,Scraper, Maintenance Man, Vac -All, Welding & Burning 19.67 Generator 19.59 Portable Heaters 19.845 Compressor, Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, Pump(Double Action Diaphragm),Pump-Gypsum, Pump(Single Action 1 to 3), Striping Machine, Welding Machine 19.295 Powerbroom 18.725 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Fork Lift,Walk Behind,Power Operated, Hydra Hammer, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or withour Skip), Power Buggies, Power Grinders, Concrete Breaker, Ridge Cutter 18.58 Vibrator(1 to 5) 18.375 Oiler, Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler, Track Tamper(2 Engineers,Each), Deck Hand 18.27 Generator(Small) 18.265 Bending Machine, Pump, Centrifugal(up to 3 inches), Trench Machine(hand) 18.23 Tractor,Caterpillar or Wheel 18.055 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY:.See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ S 2.47 Pension. .... 2.75 Apprentice Training... .25 Annuity ............... 4.00 Other ............. .25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138h IB - 7 (25 of 28) � 0 is State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8902715 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY MARINE CONSTRUCTION AG S(per hour) 10/01/86- 10/01/87- 9/30/87 10/30/88 Hydraulic Dredge: Leverman 16.41 16.98 Engineer 16.24 16.81 Maint.Engineer 16.01 16.57 Derrick Oper. 16.24 16.81 Chief Mate on Dredge 16.01 15.52 Mate 15.00 13.83 DeckHand 13.36 14.32 Oiler 13.84 16.57 Fireman 13.84 14.32 Shoreman 13.36 13.83 Boat Captain 15.10 ------------------------- 15.63 Tug Boats: Tug Master 15.78 16.33 Tug Captain 15.10 15.63 Tug Chief Engineer 15.38 15.92 Tug Engineer 15.10 15.63 Tug Deckhand 13.52 ------------------------- 13.99 Dipper and Clamshell Dredges: Operator 16.69 17.27 Craneman 16.24 16.81 Engineer 16.56 17.14 Maint.Engineer 16.01 16.57 Mate 15.00 15.52 Deckhand 13.52 13.99 Oiler 13.64 14.32 Boat Master 15.78 16.33 Boat Captain 15.10 ------------------------- 15.63 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E, P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. The following SUPPEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to all to ALL classifications of the above HYDRAULIC, DIPPER, CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG BOATS. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked.) Health/Welfare ........ $ 1.56 1.56 Pension ............... 1.03 1.03 Vacation .............. B % 8% 4-25a WAGES(per hour) 10/01/86- 10/01/87- 9/30/87 9/30/88 Drill Boat: Engineer 17.77 18.39 Blaster 17.96 18.59 Driller-Welder/Mechanic 17.78 18.40 Fireman 17.20 17.80 Oiler 17.01 17.50 Helper 17.01 17.60 OVERTIME PAY: See ( 8, E, P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 1.56 1.56 Pension ............... 1.03 1.03 Vacation .............. 8 X B % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-25/3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING and HEAVY/HIGHWAY SCHEDULES IB - 7 (26 of 28) Page 20 STATE OF NEN YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK • STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, N.V. 12240 TWO or MORE WILLFUL DETERMINATIONS 03/01/89 Page 1 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK Under Article 8 of the Labor Law, if within any six year period two final determinations are rendered against an employer finding that they have wilfully violated the prevailing wage law, they are debarred, that is, they are ineligible to submit a bid on, be awarded, or participate as a contractor or subcontractor on any public work contract let by the State, any municipal corporation, or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. Below is a list of the employers who have been debarred. CONTRACTOR Number Date Date Fiscal Barred of of 1st of Last Officer Until Oeterm's Wilful Wilful Csee Note:J A. N. C. Heating and Air Condi ti oni ng Inc. C 6 J 1/28/85 1/28/85 DOL 1/28/90 104 North Duane Ave., Endicott, N.Y. Warren Brown and Associates, Inc. C 2 J 4/04/86 4/09/86 DOL 4/09/91 602 West Oelevan Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Mid -State Elec. C 2 J 5/11/84 11/2/84 DOL 11/2/89 1914 Dwyer Ave., Utica, N.Y. J.Tuzzolo & Co. C 2 J * NYC -DOL 5/10/89 136 Elton St., Brooklyn, N.V. Signet Construction Corp C 2 J 5/11/82 6/20/84 NYC 6/20/89 Paul M. Ma I I on Co. Inc. C 2 J 6/03/85 6/12/85 DOL ** 3/10/91 1 Highland Ind. Park Drive, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566 Melco Construction Corp. C 2 J 5/14/86 6/27/86 DOL 6/27/91 1334 Gun Hi I I Road, Bronx, N.Y. 10469 Moss Electric air Conditioning Corp. C 2 J 5/21/82 6/26/86 NYC 6/26/91 The Hull Corporation C 2 J 1/03/86 8/07/86 DOL 8/07/91 Emerson & Lewis Company, Inc. C 2 J 9/27/85 9/09/86 DOL 9/09/91 Route 12 South, Oxford, N.Y. 13830 L F L and Associates C 2 J 9/27/85 9/09/86 DOL 9/09/91 Route 12 South, Oxford, N.Y. 13830 29 Ridge Road Contracting, Inc. C 2 J 3/18/86 9/18/86 DOL 9/18/91 1539 New Hyde Park Drive, New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040 Breeze Contractors, Inc. C 2 J 9/18/86 9/29/86 DOL 9/29/91 136 Nicolas Road, Nesconset, N.Y. 11767 Superior Paving Corporation C 2 J 10/21/86 10/21/86 DOL 10/21/91 1.491 Nelson St., Schenectady, N.Y. 12306 Noliam Contracting Co.Inc. C 2 J 6/03/85 6/12/85 DOL ** 3/10/91 1 Highland Ind. Park Drive, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566 Beaver Building Corp. C 3 J 1/2/86 2/24/87 DOL 2/24/92 Bask Road, Gl enmont, N.Y. 12077 IB - 7 (.27 of 28) �e 0 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, N.Y. 12240 TWO or MORE WILLFUL DETERMINATIONS 03/01/89 Page Z (Continued) Cam -Ful Industries,Inc. C 2 ) 6/16/86 2/18/87 DOL 2/18/92 P. 0. Box 1S3, 1522 Carbon St., Syracuse, N.Y. 13208 Hydro -Fab Corporation ( 2 ) 3/13/87 3/25/87 DOL 3/2S/92 416 Stanley Avenue. Brooklyn,NY 11207 Greece Asphalt Company,Inc. C 2 ) 1/16/87 3/30/87 DOL 3/30/92 78 Bennington Drive, Rochester, N.V. 14616 J. W. Duffus Contracting, Inc. C 2 ) 8/7/86 5/8/87 DOL 5/8/92 Associated Safety Lighting,Inc. C 2 ) 11/25/86 10/05/87 DOL 10/05/92 2788 Mohawk Street, Sauquoit, N.Y. Esquire Wire & Fence CO. Inc. C 3 ) 0.6/27/84 4/15/88 DOL 4/15/93 1033 Route 1, Avenel, N. J. 07001 J & B Bilac Contractors,Inc. C 2 ) 10/30/87 10/30/87 NYC 10/30/92 L & M Company, A Di v. of Nieto Roofing Contractors,Ihc. C 2 ) 05/05/87 01/27/89 DOL 02/13/94 501 Willett Ave.,Port Chester,NY 10573 J. L. Bailey, d/b/a Castile Hardware a/k/a Castile Hardware, Plumb. & Mgt. C 2 ) 05/07/87 02/21/89 DOL 02/21/94 1 East Park Road, Castile, NY 14427 Note: * Tuzzolo had a willful) determinations rendered against them on 1/30/84 by NYC and 1 additional on 5/10/84 by DOL. * Date was computed by adding 265 days during which a stay was effective to the 5 year debarred period. Note: Where the Fiscal Officer is denoted "NYC", the information has been provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office, the agency issuing the determinations. Any questions regarding these listings should be addressed directly to the Comptroller. The Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor will respond with regard to listings where the Fiscal Officer is listed as "DOL". Reviewed and Approved: NYS Dept of Labor, Counsel Date: 5/15/87 docm: debarred IB - 7 (28 of 28) • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. N2�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE, INDEMNITY, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE The Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the course of construction, until issuance of the Final Payment Request, an "ALL RISK" Builder's Risk coverage insurance policy in the full amount of the Contract. The policy shall name as co -insureds the CONTRACTOR, the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, HOLZ- MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C., and each of their officers, employees and agents. The original copy of the policy shall be delivered to the Town of Southold, stamped "PREMIUM PAID". INDEMNITY The Contractor and all subcontractors performing work in connection with this contract shall HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY and DEFEND the TOWN and ENGINEER, their consultants, and each of their officers, agents and employees, from any and all liability, claims, losses or damages arising out of, or alleged to arise from, the Contractor's or subcontractor's negligence or inten- tional torts in the performance of the work described in the contract documents, but not including liability that may be due to the sole negligence of the TOWN, ENGINEER, or their officers, agents or employees. The Contractor agrees to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the TOWN and the ENGINEER, their consultants and each of their offi- cers, agents and employees from any and all liability for any intentional torts committed by the Contractor, his subcontractors or his agents. LIMITATION.OF LIABILITY The Contractor and all subcontractors agree to limit the liability of the TOWN and the ENGINEER, due to the Engineer's professional negligent acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Engineer to those named shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) or 5 percent of the contract award amount, whichever is greater. SOHT 89-02 BRI - 1 of 1 �0 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 112A GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PROPOSAL TO THE TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, STATE OF NEW YORK: BIDDER'S DECLARATION: The undersigned, as Bidder, declares that the only person or persons interested in this Bid or Proposal as principal or principals is or are named herein, and that no other person than herein named has any interest in this Proposal or in the Contract proposed to be taken; that this Bid or Proposal is made without any connection with any other person or persons making a Bid or Proposal for the same purpose; the Bid or Pro- posal is, in all respects, without fraud or collusion; that he has examined the site of the work, the Form of Contract and Specifications and the Drawings therein referred to, and has read the Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders and General Con- ditions hereto attached and fully understands all the same; that he proposes and agrees, if this Proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD in the Form of Contract accompanying this Bid, to perform all the work required in accordance with the Plans and as mentioned in said Form of Contract, Specifications, Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders and General Conditions, and he will accept in full payment, therefore, the following sums to wit: SORT 89-02 P -A • • 1-i?Al GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS ana SURVEYORS PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL Gentlemen: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK BID DATE: MAY 25, 1989 The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the Contract Documents and the site of the proposed truck scale and scale house, and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equip- ment, supplies and incidentals called for by said Contract Docu- ments in the manner prescribed therein and in said Contract, and in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer for the base bid, with the exception of Contingency Item No. 1, of: BASE BID: Ninetv six thousand eight hundred Thirty two dollars and-no'cents (S96,832.00 ) (Dollars) CONTINGENCY ITEM NO. 1: (ADDITIONAL PAVEMENT) _Twenty two thousand dollars and no cents ($ 22,000.00 (Dollars) TOTAL BID (SUM OF BASE BID & CONTINGENCY ITEM NO. 1): One hundred eighteeen thousand eight hundred Thirty two dollars and no cents ($ 118,832.00 ) (Dollars) THE ENGINEER/OWNER HEREBY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT AND/OR REJECT ANY COMBINATION OF BASE BID AND CONTINGENCY ITEM LISTED WHICH CONSTITUTES A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN '110 CALENDAR DAYS (SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS INCLUDED) FROM THE DATE OF SIGNING THE CONTRACT. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAYS BEYOND THE COMPLETION DATE SHALL BE THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($350.) PER DAY FOR EACH AND EVERY CALENDAR DAY (SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS INCLUDED). BIDDER: South Fork Asphalt Corp. BIDDER'S ADDRESS:_ P.O. Ilrawer 2028, Springs Fireplace Rd., East Hampton, NY 11937 TELEPHONE: (DAY) :324-1245 (NIGHT) : 324-9833 (EMERGENCY) SIGNED BY: Robert M. Panchak DATE: May 24, 1989 TITLE: Vice President P -B (1 of 2 ) i, is P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON a MURRELL, P.C. H21N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda (if any): Addendum No. Date NONE Signature of person, firm or corporation making this Pro- posal: (Contractor) Vice President (Title) The Town Board reserves the right to award this Contract to the lowest qualified bidder and to reject and declare invalid any or all.bids deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold. P -B (2 of 2) �j • �]P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON 8 MURRELL. P.C. N � 2A ROUENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) Enclose certified check or bid bond for five percent (5%) of the total bid, as stipulated in the foregoing Information for Bidders. The Bidder hereby agrees to enter into a Contract within seven (7) days after due notice from the Town Board, Town of Southold, that the contract has been awarded to him and is ready for signature, such notice to be given in writing within forty- five (45) days of the date of opening of the bids, and on the signing of such contract by him to furnish the indemnifying bonds as provided in the Contract. The Bidder hereby further agrees that, in the event of his failure or refusal to enter into a contract in accordance with this bid within seven (7) days after due notice from said Town Board that the contract has been awarded to him and is ready for signature, as given in accordance with. the Information for Bid- ders, and/or his failure to execute and deliver the bond for the full amount of the contract price as provided in said Information for Bidders, that the bidder's check which is herewith deposited with the Town Board shall, at the option of said Town Board, become due and payable as ascertained and liquidated damages forsuch default, otherwise said check shall be returned to the undersigned. The full names and addresses of all persons and parties interested in the foregoing bid as principals are as follows: NAME ADDRESS Gary A. Swanander 353 Two holes of Water Road East Hampton, New York 11937 NAME OF BIDDER• South Fork Asphalt Corp. BUSINESS ADDRESS OF BIDDER• P.O. Drawer 2028, Springs Fireplace Road, East Hampton, New York 11937 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (DAY) : 324-1245 DATED AT: East Hampton (NIGHT) : 324-9833 THE 24 thDAY OF May, 1989 P- C • 0 i1�►� GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies and, in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that, to the best of their knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at indepen- dently without collusion, consultation, communication or agree- ment for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices, with any other bidder or with any competitor; I (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt has been made, or will be made, by the bid- der to induce any. other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. Dated: Southold, New York i ' May 24, 1989 BY: Robert M. Panchak If this bidder cannot make the foregoing certification, a statement signed by the bidder is attached setting forth in de- tail the reasons therefore: WE • • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON 8 MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK The following is a list showing the name of the Owner, the location, the date of construction and/or performance, a general description of the work, and the amount of the contract of work of a similar nature constructed and/or performed by the under- signed, and which has been completed and in operation for a period of not less than one (1) year (minimum of five such projects): Town of Southold, Entrance Scale, Cutchogue July, 1987, $132,000.00. Town of Southamptah;— - North Sea Landfill, Scale October, 1985, $120,000.00. Town of Southold Highway, Annual Paving Overlay Bid, Misc. Streets, $200,000.00, 1988. Town of Southariipton.,," Ludlum Avenue Park, construct ballfields, tennis court and parking lot, $200,000.00, 1983. Golden View Estates, Subdivision paving, Laurel $200,000.00, 1987. SOHT 89-02 FIRM NAME: South Fork Asphalt Corp. ADDRESS • East Hampton, New York 11937 SIGNED BY: TITLE • Vice President QB - 1 of 1 � 0 GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONTRACT Installation of an exit truck scale CONTRACT IN QUADRUPLICATE FOR at Cutchogue Landfill. AT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, dated o� 19R, BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (herein called the "Town"), and South Fork Asphalt Corp., East Hampton, New York 11937 (herein called the "Contractor"). WITNESSETH, that the Town and the Contractor, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants, considerations and agreements herein contained, agree as follows: This Contract is hereby awarded to the Contractor for the work and material called for under his bid in the Proposal section of the Contract and designated as Items: Supply all work, equipment, labor, materials & insurances required by the Plans and Specifications, with the exception of Contingency Item #1. and if required by the Consulting Engineer, Items: Supply all work, equipment, labor & materials necessary to pave the additional area west and northeast of the scale, identified on the Plans as Ciontingency Item #1. for the sum of: one hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred thirty two and no cents ($ 118,832.00 ) Dollars for the unit and/or lump sum price(s) as listed in the Proposal 0 I herein. SOHT 89-02 C - 1 • HOLZMACHER, MCLENOON 6 MURRELL. ie,.C. / HIM CORP. CONSULTING ENOINELgA ANO ENVIRONMENTAL 9CIENTIST7 CONTIZACT - COWL" I). 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DEFINITIONS The Notice to Bidders, in for Bidders, Proposal, General Conditions, Contract, Specifications and'Plans, together with any Addenda, shall form .part of this Contract, and the pro- visions thereof shall be as binding upon the parties hereto as if they were herein fully set forth. The titles, headings, head- lines and marginal notes contained herein are solely to facilitate reference to various provisions of the Contract Documents and in no way affect, limit or cast light upon the interpretation of the provisions to which they refer. Whenever the term "Contract Docu- ments" is used, it shall mean and include this Contract, the Plans, Specifications, any Addenda, and the Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders, General Conditions and Proposal. In case of any con- flict or inconsistency between the provisions of Lhe Contract and those of the Specifications, the provisions of the Contract shall govern. WORK: The .term "Work", as used herein, refers to all of the work proposed to be accomplished at the site of the project and all such other work as is in any manner required to accomplish the completed project, and includes all plant, labor,. materials, supplies, equipment and other facilities 'and acts necessary or proper for or incidental to the carrying out and completion of the terms of this Contract. The term work performed" shall be construed to include material delivered to and suitably stored at the site of the project. EXTRA WORK: The term:"Extra Work", as used herein, refers to and includes all work required by the Town which, in the judgment of the Engineer, involves' changes in or additions to work required by the Plans, Specifications and any Addenda in their present form. SUBCONTRACTOR: The term "Subcontractor", as used herein, shall mean any person, firm or corporation applying labor and material for work at the site of the project, but not including the parties to this Contract. ENGINEER: In the performance of the work, the Town shall be represented by its Consulting Engineer HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C., (herein called the "Engineer"). - C-2 HOLZMACHER. MCLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. / N2M COR? - CONSULTING ENGINURS ANO ENvIAONMf?NTAL SCIENTISTS •CONTRACT CUNT' U. r i NOTICE - The term "Notice", as used herein, shall mean and include �ritten notice. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served when delivered to, or at the last known business address of, the person, firm'or corporation for whom intended or to his, ,their, or its duly authorized agents, representatives or officers, or when enclosed in a postage prepaid wrapper or enve- lope addressed to such person, firm or corporation at his, their, or its last known business address and deposited in a United States Mail Box. DIRECTED. REQUIRED APPROVED, ACCEPTABLE - Whenever they refer to the work, or its -performance, "directed", "required", "permitted", "ordered", "designated", "prescribed", and words of like import shall imply the direction, requirement, permission, order, designa- tion or prescription of the Engineer, and "approved", "satisfied", or "satisfactory", "in the judgment of", and words of like import, shall mean approved or acceptable to, or satisfactory to, in the judgment of the Engineer. 2: SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor will furnish all plant, labor, material, supplies, *equipment and other facilities and things necessary or proper for or incidental to, the work contemplated by this Contract as required by, and in strict accordance with, the applicable Plans, Specifications and Addenda prepared by the Engineer and/or required by and in strict accordance with, such changes as are ordered and approved pursuant to this Contract, and will perform all other obligations imposed on him by the Contract. 3. COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR (a) Agreed Prices: It is understood and agreed that the Con- tractor will accept as payment in full the summation of products, of the actual quantities in place upon the completion of the work, as determined by the Engineer's measurements by the unit prices bid, no allowance being made for anticipated profit or for reason of variations from the estimated quantities set forth in the Proposal. (b) Extra Work and/or Changes: The Town may, at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, require the • performance of such extra work or changes in the work as it may find necessary or desirable. The amount of compensation to be paid to the Contractor for any extra work, as so ordered, shall be determined as follows: C-3 • • HOLZMACHER, MCL,ENDON 6 MURRELL P.C. / H2M CORP. r1V4V1LnN0 04GINEERI Ano Er4VIRONM04TAL 9CIENTIM CONTRACr - CON'r' D. (1) By such applicable unit prices, it ally, as set forth in the contract, or (2) If no such unit prices are set forth, then by unit prices or by a lump sum mutually agreed upon by the Town and the Con- tractor, or (3) If no such unit prices are set forth, and if the parties cannot agree upon unit prices or a lump sum, then by actual net cost in money to the Contractor of the materials, permits, wages, or applied labor, premiums for Workmen's Compensation Insurance, payroll taxes required by law, rental for plant and equipment used (excluding small tools) to which total cost will be added twenty percent (200) as full compensation for all other items of profit, costs and expenses, including administration, overhead, superintendence, insurance, insurance other than Workmen's Compen- sation Insurance, material used in temporary structures, allowances made by the Contractor to subcontractors, additional premiums upon the Performance Bond of the Contractor and the use of small tools. 4. TIME OF ESSENCE Inasmuch as the provisions of this Contract relating to the time for performance and completion of the work are for the purpose of enabling the Town to proceed with the construction of a public improvement, in accordance with a predetermined program, such pro- visions are of the essence of this Contract. 5. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The Contractor agrees that he will commence work within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after signing this Contract, and t -hat the day !se commences work shall constitute the first of the consecutive calendar days allowed for completion of the work. - C-4 0 • HOlZMACHER. McLENOON S MURRELL. P.C. / H2M CORP. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ENVIRONMENTAL 5CIENT1fTf CONTRACT - CONT'D. 6. TIME FOR COMPLETION The time for completion of this Contract shall be within the number of calendar days stated in the Bid Proposal and the date of such completion shall be the date of the certificate of com- pletion hereinafter specified. The Town reserves the right to order the Contractor to suspend operations when, in the opinion of the Engineer, impro- per weather conditions make such action advisable, and to order the Contractor to resume operations when weather and ground con- ditions permit. The days during which such suspension of work is in force are not chargeable against the specified completion time. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY The time limit being essential'to and of the essence of this Contract, the Contractor hereby agrees that the Town shall be, and is hereby* authorized to deduct and retain out of the money which may be due or may become due to said Contractor under this agreement,the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) per day is hereby agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto as the liquidated damages,. including overhead charges, services, inspector's wages, and interest on the money invested, that the Town will suffer by reason of such default, for each and every day during which the aforesaid work may be incomplete over and beyond the time herein stipulated for its completion, provided, however, that the Town shall have the right to extend the time for the.completion of said work. 8. EXTENSIONS OF TIME - NO WAIVER If the Contractor shall be delayed in the completign of his work by reason of unforeseeable causes beyond his control and with- out his fault, or negligence, including but not restricted to Acts .of God or of any public enemy, acts or neglect of the Town e acts or neglect of any other Contractor, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or freight embargoes, the period herein above specified for completion of his work shall be extended by such time as shall be fixed by the Town. No such extension of time shall be considered a waiv*r by the Town of its right to terminate the Contract for abandonfltgnt or delay by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for performance 9f his obliga- tions hereunder. C-5 • r ■ lHOLZMACHER. MCLENDON S MURMLL. P.C. 1214- coftwLTIM0 EMWMEiK EMYM10M"WAL=&W"6T8_NPIAMMEIM CONTRACT - CONT'D. 9. CONTRACT SECURITY (a) The Contractor shall deliver to the Town executed bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) each of the accepted bid as a security for the faithful performance of his contract and for the pay- ment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in con- nection therewith, prepared on the Standard Form of Bond of American Institute of Architects A-311 and having as surety thereon such surety company or companies as are acceptable to the Town and as are authorized to transact business in the State of New York. (b) Additional or Substitute Bond(s): If, at any time, the Town shall be or become dissatisfied with any surety or sureties, then upon the Performance Bond or Payment Bond, or if, for any other reason, such bond shall cease to be adequate security to the Town, the Contractor shall, within five (5) days after notice from the Town, substitute an acceptable bond(s) in such form and sum, and signed by such other surety as may be satisfactory to the Town. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Contractor. No further payments shall be deemed due, nor shall be made, until the new surety shall have been qualified. (c) Prior to release of the Performance Bond, the Contractor shall deliver to the Town a Maintenance Bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total Contract price, including all extras. This Main- tenance Bond shall remain in'full force and effect for a period of one (1) year after the date of the final payment request prepared by the Engineer, and such bond, which shall be executed by the Contractor and issued by a reliable, solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of New York shall guarantee to the Town that the Contractor shall promptly remedy any defects or faults that may occur within twelve (12) months after completion and acceptance of the work performed by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract. 10. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained and had approved by the Town all of the insurance required under this Contract, as enumerated herein: Compensation Insurance Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance Owner's (Town of Southold) and Engineer's Pro- tective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Automobile Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance C-6 • HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. / H2M CORP. WN]UITINa Emamu_Af AHO CNVIRONWWAL &CICNTIST7 CONTIZAC-r - CUNT" U. The contractor shall name the Town of Southold as the insured party in all policies. The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to commence any operation on the site until satisfactory proof of carriage of the above required insurance has been posted with, and approved by, the Town. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain, during the life of this Contract, Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees employed at the site of the pro- ject, and in any case of any of the work being sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workmen's Com- pensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Con- tractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall pro- tect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract for claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such opera- tions be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in the amount not less than Five Iiundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death to any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.) on account -of one accident. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,0000 for damages on account of any one accident and in -an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thou sand Dollars ($1,000,000 for damages on account of all accidents. The Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance shall include as additional named insureds: The Town of Southold. (c) Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The above policies for public liability and property damage insurance must be so written as to include Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance to protect the Contractor against claims arising from the operations of any subcontractor. C-7 • HOLZMACHER. McLENDON 6 MURRELL. P.C. 1 H2M CORP. C0N3ULnNa a4awms ANO Cmvi.R0NIAC?HTAL acmNnST7 • l CONI 'KACT - CONT' D. (d) Owner's and/or Engineers Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance:' (Town and/or Town Board, Town of Southold and/or Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C.) The Con- tractor shall furnish to the Town with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform, a regular Protective Public Liability Insurance Policy for and in behalf of the Town and/or Town Board, Town of Southold and/or Holzmacher, Mndon.& Murrell, P.C., providing for a limit of not less than $1.00e for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to, or death of one person and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of $3,000,000. for all damages arising out of bodily inju- ries to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident; and regular Protective Property Damage Insurance providing for a limit of not less than $500,000. for all damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident a total (or aggregate) limit of $1,000,000. for all damages arising out of injuryito, orcdes- truction of property during the policy period. fully cover the legal liability of the Town and/or Town Board, Town of Southold as owner and/or Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. The coverage provided under this policy must not be affected if the Town and/or Engineer performs work in connection with the project either for, or in cooperation with, the Contractor or as an aid there- to, whether the same be a part of the Contract or separate there- from, by means of its own employees or agents, or if the Town and/or Engineer directs or supervises the work to he performed by the Contractor. (e) Automobile 'Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall take' -.out and .maintain during the life of the Contract such automobile public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this contract from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Con- tract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them and the amounts of succi insurance shall be as follows: C-8 HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. / H2M CORP. CON]ULTINO ETIQINELRS ANO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTI •I CON'ITACT - CONT" I). r Automobile Public Liability Insurance in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death by any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.) on account of one accident. Automobile Property Damage Insurance in an amount of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.) for damages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.) for damages on account of all accidents. 11. PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE The Contractor shall furnish the Town with certificates of each insurer insuring the Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract, except with respect to subdivision (d) of Paragraph 10. In respect to this paragraph, the Contractor shall furnish the Town with the original insurance policy and a copy to the Engineer. Both certificates, as furnished, arra the insurance policy, as required, shall bear the policy numbers, the expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liability thereunder. Both the certificates and the policy shall be further endorsed to provide the Town and Engineer with any notice of cancellation at least five (5) days prior to the actual date of such cancellation. r -U HOUMACHER, MGLENDON & MURRELL P.C. / H2M CORP. C044SULTINu I?IOINELgS ANO ENVIAONI.Io4rAL SCIENrIST3 • I CON'ITACT - CONT' D. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR AND PENAL LAWS The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Laws, as amended, provide that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work con- templated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood, or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week, except in such emergency; that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as hereinbefore defined, to laborers, workmen, or mechanics upon the work called for under this Con- tract, or for any materials used upon or in connection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade .or occupation in the locality within the State where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor, or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction outside the limits of cities and villages are no longer exempt from the pro- visions of the Labor Law which required the payment of the pre- vailing rate of wages and the eight (8) hour day. Section 222 of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employ- .ment shall be .given to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satis- factory proof of residence, in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 further provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial -Commissioner, the Con- tractor shall furnish a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides that a violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or both fine and imprisonment - C -10 HCUMACHER. McLENDON 6 MURRELI_ F.C. / H2M CO+IY. CONSULnma D4G'HEtA4 ANO Et4VIROHMENYAL SCICNTIST7 • I CONTRACT - CONT'D. Section 220A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of the Laws of 1932, provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of the State or any City, County, Town or Village or other civil division of the State, of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it is the duty of the Comptroller or. the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and each and every sub- contractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satis- factory form, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for daily or weekly wages on account of labor performed upon the work of the Contract, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the amount due each, respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the payment to any Contractor or subcontractor to the extent of the amount or amounts due or to become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on the public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if, for any other reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or other financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct from the whole amount of any payment on account thereof the sum.or sums admitted by any Contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor per- formed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any Con- tractor or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so -shown to..be due for such wages. Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised specifications for every Contract for the construction, recon- struction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, County, Town and/or Village is a party shall contain the provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be 6 paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, 2 to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract, either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum israte of wage. Any person or corporation that willfully pays HOIZMACHER, MCLENDON 6 MURRELL, P.C. I H2M CORP. cON]uLnma cmwmEL s ANO CNVIAONM04TAL BcIENTIM • I CONTRACT - CONT' D. C, after entering into such contract less than such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or by both fine and imprisonment for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and, in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be forfeited; and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum or nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the State pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which the Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of the provisions of this Section. The minimum wage rates established by the Industrial Com- missioner, State of New York, for this Contract, are as set- forth etforth in the Information for Bidders. Section 1918 of the Penal Law, as amended, provides that no person shall discharge explosives in the ground, nor shall any person other than a state or county employee regularly engaged in the maintenance and repair thereof excavate in any then existing street, highway, or public place, unless notice thereof in writing shall have been given at least seventy-two hours in advance to the person, corporation or municipality engaged in the distribution of gas in such territory. The person having direction or control of such work shall give such notice and further, he shall ascertain whether there is within one hundred feet of such street, highway or public place, or in the case of,a proposed discharge of explosives within a radius of two hundred feet of such discharge, any pipe of any person, corporation or municipality conveying combustible gas, and if any emergency involving danger to life, health or property, it shall be lawful to excavate without using explosives if the notices prescribed herein are given as soon as reasonably possible, and to disharge explosives to protect a person or persons from an immediate and substantial danger of death or serious personal in- jury if such notices are given before any such discharge is under- taken. Any such work shall be performed in such manner as to avoid damage to pipe conveying combustible gas. Any violation of the provisions of this Section shall be a misdemeanor. C-12 is I CONTRACT - CUNT" D. U HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON S MURRELL. P.C. / H2M CORP. CON3UITINU CmOINELAA ANO [fmVIRONMENTAL 5C1UImT M 13. QUALIFICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT No person under the age of sixteen (16) years, and no person currently serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution slia.11 be employed to perform any work on the project under this Contract. No person whose age or physical condition is such the to make his employment dangerous to his health or safety, health and safety of others, shall be employed to perform any work on this project; provided, however, that such restriction shall not operate against the employment of physically handi- capped persons, otherwise employable, where each person may be safely assigned to work which they can ably perform. 14. NON-DISCRIMINATION There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed or color in the employment of persons for work under this Contract, whether performed by the Contractor or any subcontractor. Neither shall the Contractor or any subcontractor discriminate in any manner against or intimidate any employee hired for the perform- ance of work under this Contract on account of race, creed or color. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Con- tractor by the Town under this Contract a penalty of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each person for' each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of this paragraph;. -provided that for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms of this paragraph, this Con- tract may be canceled or terminated by the Town and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. 15. PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on this project tinder- this Contract in full (less deductions made mandatory by law) in cash and not less often than once each week. C-13 • r� ■ lt1� HOLZMACHER. MCLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. 24AODMfLLTM0EK1GpWEM fWVM01WfHTAL SCEMTIM wE PLADMIM CONTRACT - CONT'D.) 16. ESTIMATES AND PAYMENTS (a) Monthly: At the end of each calendar month during the progress of the work, the Engineer shall make up an approximate estimate of the work done and the materials furnished, based upon the prices set forth in the Proposal. In consideration of the work done and the materials furnished, the Town will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor the amount estimated by the Engineer as due him, less a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of such amount up to the 50% completion point, five percent (5%) thereafter, to satisfy any claims, liens or judgments against the Contractor which have not been suitably discharged. The making of any such estimate or payment made thereon shall not be taken or construed as an acceptance by the Engineer or the Town of any work so estimated and paid for. The amount of the monthly estimate remaining unpaid will be retained by the Town as a guarantee that the Contractor will faithfully and completely ful- fill all obligations imposed by the Contract and Specifications, and against any damages incurred by the Town by reason of any failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill all conditions and obligations herein contained. All partial payments are subject to correction in any sub- sequent payment. The retained amounts shall be paid as set forth in 16 (b)'. (b) Final Payment Request: Thirty (30) days after the Contractor shall have substantially completed the work required of it under the Contract, the Engineer will prepare a final payment request of all work done. Thereafter, the Town will pay to the Contractor the remaining amount of the Contract balance, less a sum equal to two (2) times the value of any remaining items to be completed, and less an amount necessary to satisfy any claims, liens or judgments against the Contractor which have not been suitably discharged. As the remaining items of work are satisfactorily completed or corrected, the Town shall promptly pay, upon receipt of a requisition for these items less an amount necessary to satisfy any claims, liens or judgments against the Contractor which have not been suitably discharged. Any claims, liens and judgments referred to in this section shall pertain to the project and shall be filed in accordance with the terms of the applicable contract and/or applicable laws. (c) In order to secure the performance of the covenant of the Contractor, prior to release of the Performance and Payment Bonds, the Contractor shall deliver to the Town a Maintenance Bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract price, including all extras. This Maintenance Bond shall remain in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year after the date of the final payment request and such bond, which shall be executed by the Contractor and issued by a reliable, solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of New York shall guarantee to the Town that the Contractor shall promptly remedy any defects or faults that may occur within twelve (12) months after completion and acceptance of the work performed by the Contractor pur- suant to this Contract. C-14 • • HOIZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. / H2M CORP. CON]ULTINO ENGINEER• AND ENVIRON WNTAL SCIENTISTS CONTRACT - CONT" D. (d) Measurements for Payment: The Engineer shall make due measurement of the work done during the progress of the work and his estimate shall be final and conclusive evidence of the amounts of work performed by the Contractor under, and by virtue of, this agreement, and shall be taken as the full measure of compensation to be received by the Contractor. When requested by the Contractor, the Engineer shall measure, re -measure or re -estimate any portion of the work; but the expense of such remeasurement or re -estimating shall, unless material error be proved, be paid for by the Contractor. 17. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT CONSTITU'T'ES RELEASE The acceptance by the Contractor of the -final. payment shall be, and shall operate as a release -to the Town from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor for all things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Town and other relating to, or arising out of, this work, excepting the Contractor's claims for interest upon the final payment, if this payments be improperly delayed. No payment, however, final or otherwise, shall operate to release the Contractor or his sureties from any obligations under. this Contract or the Performance Bond. 18. CONSTRUCTION REPORTS The Contractor shall, submit to the Engineer prior to the commencing of any work under this Contract a detailed schedule and plan of operation, indicating the manner in which the Contractor proposes to prosecute the work, and a time schedule therefore. Such schedules are not intended to bind the Contractor to a pre- determined plan or procedure, but rather to enable the Engineer to coordinate the work of the Contractor with work required of and to be performed by others. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with periodic esti- mates 'for partial payments as required elsewhere in the Contract documents and, in addition thereto, will furnish the Engineer with a detailed estimate for final payment. Prior to being eligible to receive final payment under this Contract, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with substantial proof that all bills for services rendered and materials supplied have been paid. The enumeration of the above reports in no way relieves the Contractor of his responsibility under existing Federal or State laws of filing such other reports with agencies other than the Town as may be required by such existing laws or regulations. C-15 C HOLZMACIIER, McW4DON & MURRELL F.C. / H2M CORP. WN3UIrMa 0401MEE96 Mlo ENVIAOnwCNTAL 6CIt?/rIST13 CONTRACT - CUNT" 1) . 19. INSPECTION AND TESTS All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination and test by the Engineer and other representatives of the Town at any time during the construction and at any and all places where manufacturing of materials used and/or construct - tion is carried on. Without additional charge, the Contractor shall furnish promptly all reasonable facilities, labor and materials neces- sary to make tests so required safe and convenient. I.f, at any time, before final acceptance of the entire work, the Engineer considers necessary or advisable an examin- ation of any portion of the work already completed, by removing or tearing out the same, the Contractor shall,.upon request, furnish promptly all necessary facilities,!labor and materials for such examination. If such work is found to be defective in any material respect, due to the fault of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or if any work shall be covered over without the approval or consent of the Engineer, whether or not the same shall be defective, the Contractor shall be liable for the expenses of or such examination and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such approval and consent shall have been given, and such work is found to meet the requirements of this Contract, the Contractor shall be recompensed for the expense of such examin- ation and reconstruction in the manner herein provided for the payment of costs of extra work. The selection of laboratories and/or agencies for the in- spection and tests of supplies, materials or equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Satisfactory documen- tary evidence that the material has passed the required inspec- tion and test must be furnished the Engineer prior to the incor- poration of the material in the work. Any rejected work skull be removed from the site of the project completely at the expense of the Contractor. C-16 • • HOLZMACHER, McLENDON 6 MURRELL. P.C. / H2M CORP. CONlULTINO ENGINEER/ ANO E"IR0NWNTAE SCIETITIST! CONTRACT CONT" 1). 20. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - INTERPRETATIONS The Contractor shall keep at the site of the work one copy of the flans and Specifications signed and identified by the Engineer. Anything shown on the Plans and not mentioned in the Specifications or mentioned in the Specifications and not shown on the Plans shall have the same effect -as if shown or mentioned respectively in both. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the Plans and Specifications, the Plans shall govern. Any discrepancy between the figures and specifications shall be submitted to the Engineer, whose decision therein shall be conclusive. 21. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FOUND DIFFERENT Should the Contractor encounter subsurface conditions at the site materially differing from those shown on the Plans or indi- cated in the Specifications, he shall immediately give notice to the Engineer of such conditions before they are disturbed; the Engineer shall thereupon promptly investigate the conditions and if he finds that they materially differ from those shown on the Plans or indicated on the Specifications, he shall at once make such changes in the Plans and/or Specifications as he may find necessary. Any increase or decrease of cost resulting from such changes will be adjusted in the manner provided herein for adjustment as to extra and/or additional work and changes. 22. CONTRACTOR'S TITLE TO MATERIALS No material or supplies for the work shall be purchased by the Contractor or by any subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. The Contractor warrants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in the work. 23. SUPERINTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR At the site of the work the Contractor shall employ a Con- struction Superintendent or foreman who shall have full authority to act for the Contractor. It is understood that such represen- tative shall be acceptable to the Engineer and shall be one who can be continued in that capacity for the particular job involved unless he ceases to be on the Contractor's payroll. C-17 • HOIZMACHER, MCLENDON S MURRELL_ P.C. / H2M CORP. CON7ULTINO QrOINUgs ANO ENv1gcr4wo+rAL OCICNn.T7 ICUN'1'lir1C1' - CUN1" D. 24. PROTECTION OF WORK PERSONS AND PROPERTY Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the proper protection of all persons, property and work. The safety pro- visions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. Machinery equipment and all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safety P visiions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, p ublby the Associated General Contractors of America, tothe extent that such provisions are not in contravention of app le law. The Contractor shall furnish entirely at his own expense any and all additional safety measures deemed necessary by theTon The or its Engineer to adequately safeguard the traveling public. Contractor shall give notice to the owners of all utilities which may serve the area and request their assistance in conducts, pre- determining the location and depth of the various pipes, manholes and other underground facilities. The Contractor shall, at all hours of the day, safely guard and protect his own work and adjacent property from anor damage and shall replace or make good any such damage, losstly injury unless cuments, orebydthecTown boreits rcontained such be duly authorized the Contract do representatives. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such watchmen, barriers, lights, flares and other signals, at his own expense, as will effectively prevent any accident in consequence of his work for which the Town might be liable. The Contractor shall be liable for all injury or damage caused by his act or neglect, or that of his employees. 25. PATENT RIGHTS As part of his obligation hereunder and without any a ad- ditional compensation, the Contractor will pay for any p ent fees or royalties required in respect to the work or any part thereof and will fully indemnify the Town for any loss on account of any infringement of any patent rights, unless prior to his use in the work of a particular process or a product of a particular manufacturer, he notifies the Town in writing that such process or product is an infringement of a patent. C-18 HOUMACHER, McLENDON S MURRELL- P.C. / H2M CORP. CON3ULrINa ENGINEERG Al1O GIVIRONMENTAL SCICNTI <T9 • I CONTRACT - CONT' D. 26. REPRESENTATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor represents and warrants: (a) That he is financially solvent and that he is experienced in and competent to perfrom the type of work involved under this Contract and able to furnish the plant materials, supplies and/or equipment to be furnished for the work; and (b) that he is familiar with all Federal, State and Municipal Laws, ordinances and regulations which may in any way affect the work of those employed hereunder, including but not limited to any special acts relating to the work; and (c) that such work required by these Contract Documents as is to be done by him can be satisfactorily constructed and used for the purpose for which it is intended and that such construc- tion will not injure any person or damage any property; and (d) that he has carefully examined the Plans, Specifications, and the site of the work, and that from his own investigation lie has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the character, location, quality and quantity of surface and sub- surface materials, structures and utilities likely to be.encountered, the character of equipmentheand other localfacilities eo nditionsneeded which may performance of the work, general in any way affect the work or its performance. 27. AUTHORITY OF THE ENGINEER In the performance of the work, the Contractor shall abide by all orders and directions and requirements of the Engineer and shall perform all work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at such time and places, by such methods, and in such manner and sequence as he may require. The Engineer shall determine the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of all parts of the work, shall interpret the plans, specifications, contract documents and any extra work orders and shall decide all d:her questions in connection with the work. Upon request, the Engineer shall confirm in writing any oral orders, directions, requirements or determinations. The enumeratiai herein or elsewhere in the contract documents of particular instances in which the opinion, judgment, discretion or determination of the Engineer shall control, or in which work shall be performed to his satisfaction or subject to his approval, or inspection, shall not • imply that only matters similar to those enumerated shall be so governed and so performed, but without exception all the work shall be governed ardso performed. C_ 19 t HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEEM ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS WA PLANNERS CONTRACT (CONT'D ) 28. SURVEYS All benchmarks and layout of lines and grades will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 29. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Town reserves the right to make alterations in the loca- tion, line, grade, plans, form or dimensions of the work, or any part thereof, either before or after the commencement of the con- struction. If such alterations diminish the amount of work to be done, no claim for damages or anticipated profits will be war- ranted on the work which may be dispensed with. If such alter- ations increase the amount of work, such increases shall be paid for according to the quantity of work actually done and at the prices for such work as contained in the schedule of prices. 30. CORRECTION OF WORK All work and all materials, whether incorporated into the work or not, all processes of manufacture and all methods of con- struction shall be, at all times and places, subject to the in- spection of the Engineer, who shall be the final judge of qual- ity, materials, processes of manufacture and methods of construc- tion suitable for, the purpose for which they are used. Should they fail to meet his approval, they shall be forthwith recon- structed, made good and replaced and/or corrected as the case may be, by the contractor at his own expense. Rejected materials shall immediately be removed from the site. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is not desirable to replace any defective or damaged materials or to reconstruct or correct any portion of the work injured or not performed in ac- cordance with the Contract Documents, the compensation to be paid to the contractor hereunder shall be reduced by such amount as, in the judgment of the Engineer, shall be equitable. The 'contractor expressly warrants that his work shall be free from any defects in materials or workmanship, and agrees to correct any defects, breakdowns or adjustments which may appear within one (1) year following the date of the Final Payment Re- quest. Neither the acceptance of the completed work nor C-20 • HCUMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. / H2M CORP. CONSULTING ENGINEER• ANO ENVIRONMENTAL 9CIENTIsT'3 I CONTRACT - CONT' D . payment therefor shall operate to release the Contractor or his sureties from any ot)ligations under or upon this Contract or the Performance Bond. 31. WEATHER CONDITIONS In the event of temporary suspension of the work, or during inclement weather, or whenever the Engineer shall direct, the Contractor will and will cause his subcontractors to protect carefully his and their work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, any work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of the failure on the part of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors removedprotect andhis, replacedtheir thei.e:cpenssuch e ofwork tl�elld materials shall Contractor. 32. THE TOWN'S RIGHT TO WITHHOLD PAYMENTS any The Town may payments duewithhold r om the himasmay, inCtheractor so judgment of the f approved p y the pyTown, be necessary: (a) To assure the payment of just claimsthen ore and unpaid of any persons supplying labormaterials for the work; (b) To protect the -Town from loss. due to defec- tive work not remedied, or (c) .To protect the Town from loss due to injury to persons or damage to the work or property of other contractors or subcontractors or others, caused by the act or neglect of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. The Town shall have the right,as agent for the Contractor, to apply y suchs so withheld in such .manner as the Town may deem proper to satisfy such claims or to secure such protection. Such application of such money shall be deemed payments for the account of the Contractor. C-21 I 0 I CONTRACT - CONT - 1) . • HOIZMACHER. McLENDON 6 MURRELL. P.C. / H'.M COAP. COMWLrma ENGINE.EAS ANO ENVIRONMENTAL 9CICNT13" 33. Tu 1. TOWN'S R I GUT TO STOP WORK OR TERM I NATI CONTRACT: I r, (11) The Contractor shall. be adjudged bankrupt or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or (b) A receiver or liquidator shall be appointed for the Contractor for any of his property and shall not be dismissed within 20 days after such appointment, or the proceedings in connection therewith shall not be stayed on appeal within the said 20 days, or (c) The Contractor shall refuse or fail, after notice or warning from the Engineer, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or (d) The Contractor shall refuse or fail to prosecute the work or any part thereof with such diligence as will insure its completion within the period herein specified (or any duly authorized extension thereof) or shall fail to complete the work within said period, or (e) The Contractor shall fail to make prompt payment to persons supplying labor or materials for the work, or (-f) The Contractor shall fail or refuse to regard laws, ordinances, or the instructions of the Engineer or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of this Contract, then, -and in any such event, the Town, without prejudice to any other righ-ts or remedy it may have, may by seven (7) days notice to- the Contractor, terminate the employ- ment of the Contractor and -his rig1ts to proceed either as to the entire work or (at the option of the Town) as to any portion thereof as to which delay shall have occurred, and may take possession of the work and complete the work by contract or otherwise, as the Town may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid the Contractor hereunder shall exceed the expense of so completing the work (including compensation for additional managerial, administrative and inspection services and any damages for delay), such excess shall be paid to. the Contractor. C-22 • • n+ LjLrVLA." a MU"M".A., r.l.. / f1LM k.4 -Mr. WfOUlTINO Q'IOINLCAs ANO f.MVIAONAA(NTAL BCI04TIM CONTRACT - CONT' U. If such expense shall exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the Town for such excess. If the right of the Contractor to proceed with the work is so terminated, the Town may take possession of and utilize in completing the work such materials, appliances, supplies, plant and equipment as may be on the site of the work and necessary thereof. If the 'rown does not so terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed, the Contractor shall continue the work. 34. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT If the work shall be stopped by order of the Court or any other public authority, for a period of three months without act or fault of the Contractor or of any of his agents, servants, em- ployees or subcontractors, the Contractor, may, upon ten (10) days notice to.tile Town, discontinue his performance of the work and/or terminate the Contract, in which event the liability of the Town to the Contractor shall be determined as provided in the paragraphs immediately preceding, except that the Contractor shall not be obligated to pay to the Town any excess of the expense of completing the work over the unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid to'the Contractor hereunder. 35. RESPONSIBILITY OF WORK The Contractor agrees to be responsible for the entire work embraced in this Contract until its completion and final acceptance, and that any unfaithful or imperfect work that may become damaged from any cause, either by act of commission or omission to properly guard and protect the work that may be dis- covered at any time before.the completion and acceptance shall be removed and replaced by good and satisfactory work without any charge to the Town and that such removal and replacement will be performed immediately on the requirement of the Engineer, notwithstanding the fact that it may have been overlooked by the proper inspector, and partial payment made thereon. It is fully understood by the Contractor that the inspection of the work shall not relieve him of any obligation to do sound and reliable work as herein prescribed, and that any omission to disapprove of any work by the Engineer.at or before the time of a partial payment -or other estimate shall not be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work. C-23 HOLLMACHER. MCLENDON S MURRELL. F.C. / H2M CORP. CON]ULTINO Q/OINE[A! Ano E,IVIRONMQITAL SCIENTIST? CONTRACT - CONT" I), 36: USES OF PREMISES AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS The Contractor expressly undertakes at his own expense: (a) to take every precaution against injury to persons or damages to property; (b) to store his apparatus, materials, supplies and equip- ment in such orderly fashion at the site of the work as will not unduly interfere with the progress of his work or the work of any of his subcontractors; or other contractors; (c) to place upon any of the completed work only such super- imposed loads as are consistent with the safety of that portion of the work; (d) to frequently clean up all refuse, rubbish, scrap materials and debris caused by the operations to the end that at all times the site of the work shall present a neat and orderly and workmanlike appearance; I(e) before final payment request is issued, to remove all surplus material, temporary structures, plants of any description and debris of any and every nature resulting from his operations and to put the site in a neat and orderly condition. 37. POWER OF THE CONTRACTOR TO ACT IN AN EMERGENCY In case of an emergency which threatens loss or injury to property an'd/or• safety to life,.the Contractor will be permitted to act as he sees -fit without previous instructions from the En- gineer. IIe shall notify the Engineer thereof immediately there- after and any compensation claimed by the Contractor due to extra Work made necessary because of his acts in such emergency shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Where the Contractor has not taken action but has notified the Engineer of an emergency indicating injury to persons or damage to adjoining property or to the work being accomplished under this Contract, then upon authorization from the Engineer to prevent such threatened injury,or damage, he shall act as in- structed by the Engineer. The amount of reimbursement claimed by the Contractor on account of any such action shall be determined in the manner provided herein for the payment of extra work. t I nIJLLIA^L.riLM. MCLLNLAJIN S J1AU?4NLLL„ r.L;. / r12M ux1r. C N3ULi1N0 04MH LAG ANO (NVIN014Mp4iAL yC1ENn%T7 0 CON'('!(ACl' - CUNT' I). 38. SUITS AT LAW The Contractor shall indemnify and save Harmless the 'Town from and against all suits, claims, demands or actions for any injury sustained or alleged to be sustained by any party or parties in connection with the construction of the work or any part thereof, or any commission or omission of the Contractor, his employees or agents or any subcontractors and in case any such action shall be brought against the Town, the Contractor shall immediately take care of and defend the same at his own cost and expense. 39. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW DEEMED INSERTED Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted Herein and the Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and, if through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion. 40. SUBLETTING, SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS The Contractor shall not sublet any part of the work under this Contract, nor assign any money due him hereunder without first obtain- ing the written consent of the Town. This Contract shall endure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereunder and upon their respective successors and assigns, but neither party shall assign or transfer his interest herein in whole or in part without consent of the other. 41. WAIVER OF IMMUNITY If any person, corporation, or body contracting with the Town, who when called before a grand jury, head of a city department, or other agency, which is empowered to compel the attendance of wit- ness and examine them under oath, to testify in an investigation concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any polit- ical subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political sub- division thereof or of a public authority, refuses to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, then C -_'S U 6 CUN3uLrINO 1:1,4aimUAs Ano ENVINON&A04TAL 8CILNTISTS CONTRACT - CUNT" Il. (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which lie is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqual- ified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corp- oration or fire district, or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal (b) any and all contracts made with the Town or any agency or official thereof, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which lie is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the Town without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or'work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. C -2G 1KXLUALMM, MCLLNUUM 6 4MUNNCLL. r.L. / mem LAjmc-- CONSULTING QYrIN[(Al ANO cmvim0mwict4rAL SCICNTIST7 l CON'VRACT - CONT" D . � -I* l , IN WI'T'NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. TOWN OF BY: BY: TITLE Murphy, Supervisor (TOWN SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the day of -� , before me personally ------- - came Francis J. Murphy, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the duly elected Supervisor of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, and that at a meeting of the Town Board of.the Town of Southold, duly held on the 1p- day of ,mss 19 J/, the said Board, authorized the said Super- visor to execute all and any contracts on behalf of the Board; that he knows the seal of the said Town, that the Seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is.its corporate seal; that it was affixed thereto by order of the said Board, and that he signed his name thereto and executed the said instrument on behalf of the said Town by like order and authority. NOTARY PUBLIC J0 JUDITH T. TERRY Notary Public, State of New York No. 62-0344963 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 31, 194 C-27 • • CONSULTING 04GINELAa Ano ENVINONAAENTAL tlGI04TIST7 CONTRACT - CONT'' D. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CONTRACTOR , IF A CORPORATION STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Oil this�day of 19 before me personally came and appeared /�to me known, who by me being duly sworn, did depose and say that he. resides at W/ that he is t h e` ��-+,/�/)Q-.�%s%il-e— ° the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing in- strument, that lie knows the seal of said corporation, that one of the seals -affixed to said instrument is such seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. JUDITH T. TERRY Notary Public, State of New York No. 52-0344963 NOTARY PUBLIC Qualified in Suffolk Coun Commission Expires May 31, 19.;U ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CONTRACTOR IF A PARTNERSHIP STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 , before me personally came and appeared to me known, and known to me to be one of the members of the firm of , described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and lie acknowledged to me that he ex- ecuted the same as and for the act and deed of said form. I NOTARY PUBLIC C-28 I[] P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. f-+ GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS GENERAL CONDITIONS INDEX ITEM NUMBER TITLE 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS 2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 3 APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIALS 4 INTERPRETATION OF DRAWINGS, ETC. 5 ADDITIONAL WORK 6 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT 7 SAFETY PROVISIONS 8 SANITARY REGULATIONS 9 RESPONSIBILITY OF ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION 10 LABOR 11 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE 12 INCOMPETENT EMPLOYEES 13 CLAIMS OR PROTESTS 14 NOTIFICATION, INTERFERENCE AND INJURY TO UTILITIES 15 INFRINGEMENT OF PATENTS 16 DAMAGES 17 GUARANTEE/WARRANTY 18 STANDARDIZATION 19 DEFINITIONS 20 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 21 SHOP DRAWING SCHEDULE 22 SHOP DRAWINGS 23 "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS AND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUALS SORT 89-02 GC - 1 of 12 PAGE 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 12 • HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. RTV4 gko"I . RKV0 MOWTAL Kx"Irmrf wE ft""Im GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS The GENERAL CONDITIONS are hereby made a part of these speci- fications and are attached herein. Where any article of the GENERAL CONDITIONS is supplemented hereby, the provisions of such article shall remain in effect. All the supplemental provisions shall be considered as added thereto. Where any such article is amended, -voided or superseded thereby, the provisions of such article not so specifically amended, voided or superseded shall remain in effect. Work, materials, plant, labor, and other requirements of the GENERAL CONDITIONS shall be furnished by the Contractor. No di- rect i- rect payment shall be`made for these GENERAL CONDITIONS, and pay- ment shall be deemed to be included in the contract price of various items of the entire contract. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The contract documents include, but are not limited to, the GENERAL CONDITIONS, GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS, TECHNICAL SPECIFI- CATIONS, PLANS, PROPOSAL FORM, CONTRACT and other sections as either cited on the INDEX page(s) or actually included in the bound documents. Each section of the contract documents is intended to be complementary to the other sections. It is intended that they include all items of labor and ma- terials and everything .required and necessary to complete the work, even though some items of work or materials may not be par- ticularly mentioned in every section or may have been omitted from the drawings or specifications, or both. 3. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIALS Prior to commencing any work under this contract, the Con- tractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a list of a l l the' subcontractors and material suppliers it proposes to use for this contract. No -subcontractor or material supplier will be permitted to deliver materials or perform any work on this contract until it has been approved by the Engineer. GC - 2 of 12 t-tJAHOLZMACHER, McLENDON 3 MURRELL, P.C. CO.WATIO I..Q*W It 1MMK"Ma1iK @Ca*?*" M RANNOM • I GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) Award of subcontracts on projects. receiving Federal specifically forbidden to any firm listed on USEPA's Mas of Debarments, Suspensions and involuntary Exclusions. for should contact Owner Engineer to determine if a firm rently listed. 4. INTERPRETATION OF DRAWINGS, ETC. funds is :er List Contrac- is cur - In the event of discrepancies between the drawings and the specifications, the following order shall be given preference when making interpretations: (a) Addenda (later dates to take precedence over earlier dates) (b) Drawings (schedules or notes to take prece- dence over other data shown on drawings) (c) Technical Specifications (d) General Specifications (e) General Conditions On all plans, drawings, etc., the figure dimensions shall govern in the case of discrepancy between the scales and figures. The Contractor shall take no advantage of any error or omission in the plans, or of any discrepancy between the plans and specifications, and the Engineer shall make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfill- ment of the intent of the specifications and of the plans as con- strued by him, and his decision shall be final. All work that may be called for in the specifications and not shown on the plans, or shown on the plans and not called for in the specifications, shall be furnished and executed by the Contractor as if designated in both. Should any work or material be required which is not denoted in the plans and specifications, either directly or indirectly, but which is, nevertheless, neces- sary for the proper carrying out of the intent thereof, it is understood and agreed that the same is implied and required, and that the Contractor shall perform such work and furnish such ma- terials as if they were completely delineated and described. GC - 3 of 12 • HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. c9wlna 1000uwaa IWVWO +wWrtu w WhOTSM,e PL"WAIS GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 5. ADDITIONAL WORK Additional work, if required to be performed under this con- tract, will be in accordance with the applicable paragraphs of the contract. The Engineer shall be the sole judge as to whether such work was intended as part of the contract or is in addition thereto. 6. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT (OSHA) 1970 The Contractor shall meet all standards of OSHA 1970 and subsequent revisions. This shall include, but not be limited to the following areas: Sanitation, noise, radiation, gases, vapors, fumes, mists, dust, illumination, ventilation, protective equipment, fire protection, waste disposal, electrical hazards, scaffolds and ladders, floor holes and wall openings, and heavy equipment. All specific requirements of OSHA 1970 shall be adhered to. 7. SAFETY PROVISIONS The Contractor shall take such equipment and facilities as the safety of its employees. shall be administered to any who of the work. In addition, the for the removal to the hospital either seriously injured or ill. 8. SANITARY REGULATIONS avery precaution and shall provide are necessary or required for In case of an accident, first aid may be injured in the progress Contractor shall also be prepared for treatment of any employee In addition to compliance with OSHA 1970, the Contractor shall erect and maintain necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of employees on the work. Such conveniences shall be proper- ly secluded from observation, and their use shall be strictly enforced. Such sanitary conveniences shall be constructed in compliance with all laws, ordinances or regulations governing these facilities. The contents of the same shall be removed, with sufficient frequency to prevent nuisance, and disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer. GC - 4 of 12 • • )V HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON 3 MURRELL, P.C. s G9kS&0.TW0 fnaftWIR fWVM}.WMTU WWWt*n M RAM*ft GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall obey and enforce such other sanitary regulations and orders and shall take such precautions against infectious diseases as may be deemed necessary. In case any in- fectious diseases occur among its employees, it shall arrange for the immediate removal of the patient from the work and his iso- lation.from all persons connected with the work. The building of shanties or other structures for housing the men, tools, machinery or supplies will be permitted only at ap- proved places, and the sanitary condition of the grounds in and at such shanties or other structures must, at all times, be main- tained in a satisfactory manner. 9. RESPONSIBILITY OF ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION The Engineer is responsible solely for the general and/or detailed inspection of the work being performed. Such inspection will be periodic and strictly to assure conformance of the Con- tractor with the plans and specifications, such that the end product will conform to the plans and specifications. The Contractor is responsible for complete conformance to the plans and specifications, proper construction procedures; coordination with subcontractors, other contractors, and utili- ties, and safe working conditions for its employees. 10. LABOR All contractors and subcontractors employed upon the work shall and will be required to conform* to the Labor Laws of the State of New York and, the various acts amendatory and supple- mentary thereto, and to all other laws, ordinances and legal re- quirements applicable thereto. All labor shall be performed in the best and most workman- like manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades. The standards of the work required throughout shall be of such grade as will bring results of the first class only. 11. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The Contractor, in case of its absence from the work, shall have a competent representative or foreman present, who shall follow without delay all instructions of the Engineer or his GC - 5 of 12 �-}r)� HOLZMACHER, McLENDON a MURRELL. P.C. � � I� pp.�tti+O lrOwfiK. �rv�OrrErt4 WErt�{t� �e.Vrr:� • GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.l assistants in the prosecution and completion of the work in con- formity with this contract, and shall have full authority to sup- ply labor and material immediately. The Contractor shall also have a competent representative available to receive -telephone messages and provide a reasonable reply as soon as possible, but not later than 24 -hours. 12. INCOMPETENT EMPLOYEES The Contractor shall employ only competent, skilled and faithful men to do the work. Upon request of the Engineer in writing, the Contractor shall suspend or discharge from the work any disobedient, disorderly or incompetent person or persons em- ployed m- ployed thereon, and will not again employ any person so suspended or discharged without the consent of the Engineer. This requirement shall not be made on the basis of any claim for compensation or damages against the Town or any of its officers or agents. 13. CLAIMS OR PROTESTS If the Contractor considers any work required of it to be outside the requirements of the contract or considers any reco.rd or ruling of the Engineer or inspectors as unfair, it shall file a written protest with the Town within five (5) days of said rul- ing. ul- ing. A protest properly filed with the Town shall result in a hearing before a duly designated representative of the Town Board who shall make "Findings of Fact" and "Conclusions of Law". The findings will then be forwarded to the Town Board for their ulti- mate decision. Such decision will be binding. 14. NOTIFICATION INTERFERENCE AND INJURY TO UTILITIES The Contractor shall cooperate in every way with the utility companies. All excavation shall 'be in accordance with Article 36 of the General Business Law and notices given as provided by GBL, Section 761. GC - 6 of 12 • • HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. pomem r01*404MI /MVWj0ftW6"&L KowrNm wW PLAI" a GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT`D.) All conduits, water mains and gas mains encountered in the construction shall be properly and safely taken care of, by the Contractor, who shall, upon encountering same, notify the public corporation to whom they belong in order that they may be changed in such a manner as not to interfere with the final construction. In case any damage shall result to any service pipe for water or gas, or any private or- public sewer or conduit, by reason of negligence on the part of the Contractor, it shall, without delay and at its own expense, repair the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and in case such repairs are not made promptly or satisfactorily, the Town may have the repairs made by another Contractor, or otherwise, and deduct the cost of same from any monies due or to become due the Contractor. 15. INFRINGEMENT OF PATENTS The Contractor further agrees to hold itself responsible for any claims made against the Town'for any infringement of patents by the use of patented articles in any one phase of construction of the work and the completion of same, or any process connected with the work agreed to be performed under this contract or of any materials used upon the said work, and to save harmless and indemnify the Town from all costs, expenses and damages which the Town shall be obliged to pay by reason of any infringement of patents used in the construction and completion of the work. 16. DAMAGES All damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature resulting from either the performance of, or resulting to, the work under this contract during its progress from whatever cause, shall be borne and sustained by the Contractor, and all work shall be solely at its risk until the date of the Final Payment Request is issued by the Engineer. 17. GUARANTEE/WARRANTY This Contractor shall guarantee and warrant its work and that of its subcontractors against defects in workmanship and/or material for a period of one (1) year from the date of the Final Payment Request issued by the Engineer, except as otherwise speci- fied. Upon written notification from the Engineer, the Con- tractor shall repair, replace or reconstruct such defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at no cost to the Town. GC - 7 of 12 • • u HOLZMACHER. MCLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. ■ 1L/ � s cawn+o twr�eaa. twwo-.uwru �aewnsn..r R++�a�s GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 18. STANDARDIZATION The TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS indicate specific manufacturers and/or catalog numbers, etc., for the purpose of standardization with the Town in order to minimize stockpiling of replacement parts. 19. DEFINITIONS The words "or approved equal" shall refer to an approved equal which has in fact been approved by the Town after in- spection n- spaction by the Engineer that such approval is satisfactory. In the event that there is a dispute between the Contractor and Engi- neer as to whether the -item is equal, a hearing will be had be- fore the Town Board or its duly authorized representative who shall make "Findings of Fact" and "Conclusions of Law" after a hearing which would then be forwarded to the Town Board for their ultimate decision and that such decision would be binding. The word "Engineer" refers to HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C., Consulting Engineer for the Town. 20. SCHEDULE OF VALUES Before the first partial payment under the contract becomes due, the Contractor for each contract shall prepare a Schedule of Values which total the amount of the contract, and submit it to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall make such re- visions e- visions as may be required to make this schedule conform to the true value of work, as jointly agreed upon by the Engineer and the Contractor. 21. SHOP DRAWING SCHEDULE If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit a shop drawing schedule fixing the dates for the submission of shop drawings for the beginning of manufacture and installation of materials and for the completion of the various parts of the work. This schedule shall be coordinated with the progress schedule. GC - 8 of 12 • ■ 4� HOLZMACHER. McLENDON d MURRELL. P.C. �OYhlliwp lMOwlE�IE. !YY■10.WEYTAI Edl.ITETiE w0 N.hY.11l� GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 22. SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit for approval of the Engineer all shop drawings called for under the contract or requested by the Engineer or required for the performance of the work, and no work shall be fabricated by the Contractor, save at his own risk, un- til n - til such approval has been given. The shop drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of construction requirements to allow ample time for checking, correcting, resubmitting and re- checking. Submission of shop drawings and samples shall be accompanied by transmittal letter in duplicate. Shop drawings and transmittal letters shall be dated and contain the project name, name of the Contractor, the applicable section and page number of the specifications, and the applicable drawing numbers and detail numbers of the contract drawings. If the item is resubmitted, the number and date of each revision shall be included. Shop drawings prepared by subcontractors shall be accompa- nied by a transmittal letter from the subcontractor to the Con- tractor requesting Contractor's review and Engineer's review. After the Contractor has stamped and reviewed each shop drawing in accordance with the aforementioned requirements, the Con- tractor shall forward the shop drawings to the Engineer accompa- nied by a transmittal letter requesting Engineer's review. The transmittal from the Contractor to the Engineer and the trans- mittal from the subcontractor to the Contractor shall set forth the information outlined above. Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, brochures, cuts, or other written, printed or graphic information furnished by the Contractor to describe in detail the Contractor's intention concerning the visual characteristics of the construction, or the physical arrangement of some part of the work, for the review of the Engineer. Shop drawings shall show the design, dimension, connections, and other details necessary to insure that the shop drawings accurately interpret the con- tract documents, and shall also show adjoining work in such de- tail as required to provide proper connections with said adjoining work. Where adjoining work of more than one trade oc- curs, the Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating shop drawing submissions so that they are received simultaneously for GC - 9 of 12 U • F-i�u HOLZMACHER. McLENDON d MURRELL. P.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) review. Shop drawings shall amplify design details of mechanical and electrical equipment in proper relation to physical spaces in the structure; and incorporate minor changes of design or con- struction to suit actual conditions. Shop drawings shall include a technical specification for the proposed equipment. The technical specification shall address how the proposed equipment meets each section of the Technical Specifications. The Engineer shall have the sole re- sponsibility for determining from the information submitted if the proposed equipment meets the Contract Specifications. Ad- ditional supplementary information shall be submitted, if re- quired by the Engineer. Along with the submittal of the technical specifications, the Contractor shall submit for review a suggested layout of the proposed equipment within the area confines. All shop drawings and samples shall be thoroughly checked by the Contractor for compliance with the contract documents before submitting them to the Engineer for approval, and all shop draw- ings shall bear the Contractor's stamp of approval certifying that they have been checked. Any shop drawings submitted without this stamp of approval and certification, and/or shop drawings which in the Engineer's opinion are incomplete, contain numerous errors or have not been checked or only checked superficially, will be returned unchecked by the Engineer for resubmission by the Contractor.% In checking shop drawings, the Contractor shall verify all dimensions and field conditions and shall check and coordinate the shop drawings of any section or trade with the requirements of all other sections or trades whose work is re- lated thereto, as required for proper. and complete installation of the work. By submitting shop drawings, the Contractor confirms that he has determined and verified all materials, field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto, that he has checked the shop drawings for complete dimensional accuracy, that he has checked to insure that work contiguous with and having bearing on the work shown on the shop drawings against the composite draw - i ng s ; that the work has been coordinated, that the equipment will fit 'into the- assigned spaces, and that he has checked and coor- dinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the work and of the contract documents. Measure- ments easure- ments not available prior to submission of shop drawings shall be noted on the shop drawings as not available and . such measurements shall be obtained prior to fabrication. GC - 10 of 12 is • HOLZMACHER, MCLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. GOPMATPOemoMMIK INVW0.0"WTK KWMI*n wE"L*"Oft GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of all shop draw- ings to the Engineer for approval. After the review of a shop drawing submission, the Engineer will retain two (2) copies, and return the remaining copies to the Contractor. If the Contractor should alter any information on previously submitted shop drawings other than the notations called for by the Engineer, he must circle this new information to bring it to the Engineer's attention. In submitting shop drawings for approval, all associated drawings relating to a complete assembly shall be submitted at the same time so that each may be checked in relation to the en- tire proposed assembly. The Engineer's review of shop drawings shall be given as assistance to the Contractor in interpreting the requirements of the contract documents, and in no way shall it relieve the Con- tractor of any responsibilities under this contract. Any fabri- cation, erection, setting, or other work performed in advance of the receipt of drawings marked "No Exception Taken" or "Make Cor- rections Noted" shall be done entirely at the Contractor's risk. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the shop drawings, and -for the conformity of documents unless the Contractor has notified the Engineer of the deviation in writing at the time of submission, and has received from the Engineer written acceptance by separate letter of the specified deviations. The Engineer's review shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings, product data, or samples. The approval of shop drawings shall not be construed: (1) As permitting any departure from the contract requirements. (2) As relieving the Contractor of the responsi- bility for any error in details, dimensions, or otherwise that may exist. (3) As approving departures from additional de- tails or written instructions previously furnished by the Engineer/Town. GC - 11 of 12 • • HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. • V_su . OOMRT1MOtMWMlq.lWr101rMMTK KJIKTIIlf.M tLYM'�!M GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 23. "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS AND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. "As -Built" Drawings The' Contractor shall furnish to the Town, in a form accepta- ble to the Town before final payment, the complete reproducible set of "As -Built" drawings (mylar sepias and one (1) set of black - line prints). Drawings shall be corrected to show work as actu- ally built, with particular attention to locations of piping, valves, mechanical installations, and such other details of work as the Engineer may direct. The Contractor's attention is directed to the necessity of keeping accurate records of all con- cealed work so that "As -Built" drawings will contain this infor- mation in correct detail and locations. The "As -Built" drawings shall be the same size as the con- tract drawings, with 1/2 -inch margin space on three sides and 2 -inch margin space on the left side for binding. Each drawing shall bear the legend "AS=BUILT" and name of Contractor in heavy black lettering 1/2 -inch high. A set of prints of the Record Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and shall conform to comments before final submission of the Owner. Changes from contract drawings shall be conspicu- ously encircled or otherwise emphasized on the set of prints sub- mitted to the Engineer. B. Operation and Maintenance Fanuals The Contractor shall, at the completion of the contract, deliver to the Engineer, three (3) copies of bound manual present- ing for the Owner's guidance, full details for the operation and maintenance of all equipment and systems included in the con- tract. The Contractor shall include all literature of the manu- facturer's relating to equipment, including motors or other manu- facturing anu- facturing equipment; also cuts, wiring diagrams, instruction sheets and all other information pertaining to same that would be useful to the Owner in the operation and maintenance of same. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of the completeness of such manuals and may reject any submittal for the lack of any information which he may deem necessary and/or for the manner in which the materials are assembled or bound. GC - 12 of 12 t C] t-Jr)►I HOLZMACHER. McLENDON 3 MURRELL. P.C. tLl�� pp.��Two trwrt[�. �wvnoa.rirtu �ae.rtyn.a ru+waRs GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 - GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (a) The GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS of the contract are hereby made a part of this specification and are attached herein. (b) Where any article of the GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS is supplemented hereby, the provisions of such articles shall remain in effect. All the supplemental provisions shall be considered as added thereto. Where any such article is amended, voided, or superseded thereby, the provisions of such article not so spe- cifically amended, voided, or superseded shall remain in effect. 2.0 - WORKMANSHIP It is the intent of these specifications to describe defi- nitely and fully the character of materials and workmanship re- quired e- quired with regard to all ordinary features, and to require first class work and materials in all particulars. For any unexpected features arising during the progress of the work and not fully covered herein, the specifications shall be interpreted by the Engineer to require first class work and materials and such interpretations shall be accepted by the Con- tractor. 3.0 - COOPERATION The General Contractor, all other contractors; and all sub- contractors shall coordinate their work with all adjacent work and shall coordinate with all other trades so as to facilitate the general progress of the work. Each trade shall afford all other trades every reasonable opportunity for the installation of their work and for the storage of their material. In order to facilitate and insure proper coordination be- tween contractors, each contractor and subcontractor shall pro- vide a supervisory representative to attend such job and progress meetings as the Engineer shall schedule. Meeting may be held at the,work site or the Engineer's office (Melville, New York). The Town or its designated representative shall be responsi- ble for coordination of work progress. GS - 1 of 7 • • �)V HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. �� tts�11 �� �� COMMA..n 5600010L wOwoMrrrk So WTSM 04 KAMOM GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) 4.0 - INSPECTION The Contractor shall, at all times, provide convenient access and safe and proper facilities for the inspection of all parts of the work. No work, except such shop work as may be so permitted, shall be done except in the presence of the Engineer or his assistants. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 24 -hours in advance as to when he intends to start or resume the work. No materials of any kind shall be used upon the work until it has been inspected and accepted by the Engineer; all materials rejected shall be immediately removed from the work and not again offered for inspection. Any materials or workmanship found at any time to be de- fective shall be remedied at once, regardless of previous in- spection. The inspection and supervision of the work by the Engineer is intended to aid the Contractor in applying labor and materials to and in accordance with the specifications, but such inspection shall not operate to release the Contractor from any of his contract obligations. 5.0 - PERMITS AND REGULATIONS The General Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits necessary to conduct the work and complete this contract. All work shall be performed in strict accordance with the regulations and requirements of the various civil agencies having juris- diction thereof. Upon completion of the work provided for in this contract, and before final payment shall be made, the Con- tractor shall furnish the Engineer with any necessary certifi- cates of approval issued by these various agencies. No work shall commence without all necessary permits, and should receipt of permits delay the prosecution of the work, no claim for additional payments shall be made. GS - 2 of 7 • • �(ju HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PZ. ■ 1-' CONSULTING EM61NEE15. EmViRONMENTIIL SCIENTISTS -0 PLANNERS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) 6.0 - GRADES, LINES, LEVELS AND SURVEYS (a) The major axial building lines, measurements, grades, lines and a bench mark shall be established by the contractor for the Town. All other grades, lines, elevations and bench marks shall also be established and maintained by the General Contrac- tor who shall be responsible for same. (b) The Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimensions as shown on the Drawings, and he shall report any errors or inconsistencies in the above to the Engineer before commencing work.. 7.0 - TEMPORARY LIGHT, WATER, ETC. The Contractor shall furnish a system of temporary lighting and convenience outlets conforming to NEC, OSHA and Union minimum requirements. The work shall include all fees by the Utility Company and energy charges for the work on this project. Service shall be 100 amps minimum. Non -potable water is available on-site via the landfill wa- ter supply system. All water used shall be provided at.no charge to the Contractor. All temporary piping and appurtenances are to be provided by this Contractor. Should the water supply system be out of service, it is the Contractor's responsibility to pro- vide a supplemental source. Temporary Heat - The`Contractor shall protect his work from freezing and maintain temperatures suitable for the' progress of the work in its various parts, by means oflapproved salamanders, stoves and vents for same. The Contractor shall be solely re- sponsible for all damage due to frost and freezing. 8.0 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES The Contractor may utilize the existing toilet facilities at the landfill, provided same are maintained in sanitary condition. GS - 3 of 7 • C VIAHOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. OpAulTwq lMON!!M, IMrpMYINTIIL lUlMt1/71 wO.IMIMlK GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) 9.0 - TEMPORARY SHEDS (FOR STORAGE) The Contractor shall provide and maintain where directed, watertight storage sheds for materials which might be damaged by weather, them from the site at the completion of the work. 10.0 - PROPER METHOD OF WORK AND PROPER MATERIALS on the premises, storage of all and shall remove The Engineer shall have the authority in general to direct the order and sequence of the work, which shall be such as to permit the entire work under this contract to be begun and to proceed as rapidly as possible, and such as to bring the several parts of the work to a successful completion at about the same time. If, at any time before the commencement or during the prog- ress of the work, the materials and appliances used or to be used appear to the Engineer as insufficient or improper for assuring the quality of work required, or the required rate of progress, he may order the Contractors to increase their efficiency or to improve their character, and the failure of the Engineer to de- mand any increase of such efficiency or improvement shall not release the Contractor from his obligation to secure the quality of work or the rate of progress specified. During freezing or inclement weather, no work shall be done except such as can be done satisfactorily and in a manner to se- cure first class construction throughout. All work shall be done in such a manner as will properly protect and support existing permanent structures, pipe lines, bench marks, etc. 11.0 - GENERAL PROTECTION The Contractor shall place a sufficient amount of warning lights on or near any work accessible to the public and keep them burning sunset to sunrise. He shall erect suitable railings or barriers, and -shall provide watchmen on the work 'by day or night, as required and deemed necessary for the safety of the work on public or adjoining property. The Town reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards the protection of the work which may come to its attention, after 24 -hours notice in writ- ing; except that in cases of emergency, it shall have the right GS - 4 of 7 • • tt�HOLZMACHER, McLENDON d MURRELL, P.C. ocam"rsa t.o rtiM.1wroo-o"Nr4L KWKTNTs wa ftAma s GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) to remedy any neglect without notice, and in either case to deduct the cost of such remedy from money due the Contractor.' 12.0 - NECESSARY DETAILS NOT SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED All work that may be called for in the specifications and not shown on the plans, or shown on the plans and not called for in the specifications, shall be furnished and executed by the Contractor, as if designated in both these ways, and should any work or material be required which is not denoted in the plans and specifications, either directly or indirectly, but which i s , nevertheless, necessary for the proper carrying out of the intent thereof, it is understood and agreed that the same is implied a n d required and that the Contractor shall perform such work and fur- nish such materials as if they were completely delineated and described. 13.0 - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Contractor will be furnished six (6) sets of. the plans and specifications of his contract. Additional sets will be furnished at cost of reproduction. One (1) complete set of plans and specifications shall be kept in a sheltered place on the site. 14.0 - CLEAN UP The Contractor shall remove all debris and rubbish from the site as fast as it accumulates during the course of construction. On completion of the contract, and at the time of final in- spection by the Town, the premises shall be left in a clean, pre- sentable condition. 15.0 - SCHEDULE OF WORK Within ten (10) days after signing of the contract, the Con- tractor shall submit for approval to the Engineer a detailed con- struction schedule of the bar graph type or by the Critical Path Method (CPM). This schedule shall be corrected by the Contractor as required by the Engineer in order to plan the progress of the work under the several contracts. When approved, the schedule shall be strictly adhered to. GS - 5 of 7 • 2u HOLIMACHER, MCLENDON d MURRELL, P.C. -s WMNl7M80I0 1ft.8"VMpYMWAI scawyNn W4 R►"wrtp is I GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall expedite equipment and material delivery, provide additional labor, work overtime, as may be required to complete the work on schedule. 16.0 - WATERTIGHT STRUCTURES It is the intent of these plans and specifications to obtain watertight structures and the Contractor shall prosecute the work in such a manner as to obtain this end. In the event of leakage, the Contractor shall make all necessary repairs to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. 17.0 - MAINTAINING FLOW OF SEWERS, WATER LINES AND -DRAINS The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, provide for and maintain the flow of all sewers, drains, inlet con- nections and all watercourses which may be met with during the progress of the work. He shall not allow the contents of any sewer, drain or inlet connection to flow into trenches, sewers or other structures to be constructed under the contract, except where written permission is given by. the Engineer and shall, at his own expense, immediately remove and cart away from the vi- cinity of the work all offensive matter, using such precautions in so doing as may be directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, provide for and maintain the flow in all water mains or laterals which may be met with during the progress of the work. In case of an accidental breaking of water line, the repairs of such break shall have priority over all other operations. 18.0 - CLEANING AND PROTECTION All materials and equipment shall be properly and effective- ly protected, at least as follows: (1) Equipment shall remain in their crates and/or cartons and -be covered with a waterproof tarpaulin until the Contractor is ready .t o install same and should thereafter be protected ade- quately by similar means to prevent any damage during con- struction. GS - 6 of 7 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. eo.�ano �«o.ra� �nria.rrr� aaeirtsn «R�rr� . I GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) (2) All pipe openings shall be temporarily closed so as to prevent obstruction and damage. Upon completion of installation, all equipment shall be un- covered, thoroughly cleaned, and be in perfect condition. 19.0 - NOISE CONTROL Noise control measures including the use of adequate muf- flers shall be utilized on machinery. Operations which may gener- ate objectionable noise shall be limited to the daytime hours between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. 20.0 - DUST CONTROL Dust control measures shall be required to minimize dust conditions throughout all construction areas. Measures shall include wetting or spreading of mulch. GS - 7 of 7 GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS 0 SCOPE OF WORK 1.0 - WORK INCLUDED The work included under this Contract consists of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary for installation of an exit truck scale at the Town of Southold Cutchogue Landfill, in accordance with these specifications, as indicated on the plans, and as directed by the Town/Engineer. The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and appliances, and perform all operations of the work as out- lined herein and as shown on the drawings. All work shall be performed in strict accordance with these specifications and applicable drawings, and is subject to the terms, general and specific conditions of the Contract. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the following is a general listing, not necessarily complete, of the work to be furnished and installed under this Contract: a) Minor clearing, grubbing and stripping of the project site; stockpiling of all stripped usable material in designated areas is also included. b) All necessary excavation, earthwork, back- filling, rough and fine grading, seeding, curbs and paving. C) Furnishing and installing one new truck platform scale, including foundation, con- crete approaches and aprons, load cells, grounding, wiring, and all associated equip- ment and appurtenances. d) Successful tie-in to existing data management system so as to incorporate both scales to operate simultaneously. e) Furnishing and installing all miscellaneous equipment and items including, but not limited to, lights and guide rails. f) All startup, testing, calibration and cali- bration checks of scale and operator train- ing, as required herein or directed by the Engineer. SOHT 89-02 SOW - 1 of 2 GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SCOPE OF WORK (CONT'D.) g) Complete "as -built" drawings and operation and maintenance manuals. 2.0 - INSTALLATION All work shall be done in a neat, workmanlike manner. The contractor shall coordinate all work to minimize interference with normal vehicle access to the landfill. SOW - 2 of 2 H2jN GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING 1.0 - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING 1.1 - General - The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required for the complete execution of all excavation, backfilling and grading work required by the drawings, the conditions of the site, and as directed by the Engineer, including but not limited to the following: (a) Excavation for all tank footings, foundations, slabs, platforms, trenches, pits and all other sewer structures and piping, electrical and water lines, and all other items under this contract for which excavation is required. (b) Excavation of all unsuitable material in construction areas under this contract. (c) Fill, rough and fine grading of subgrade in accordance with the proposed finish grades as shown on the drawings, due allowance being made for the thickness of topsoil in lawn areas and for the thickness of pavement and sidewalks. (d) Shore, brace and sheetpile, where necessary, for proper support of excavated banks. (e) Backfilling against foundations and of excavated areas as required. (f) Compaction of soils in fill areas. (g) Mixing soils as required. (h) Trenching and backfilling for all sewer, process, water and electric lines as called for on the contract drawings. (i) Location and stakeout work performed by the Contractor shall be performed by a land surveyor duly licensed in the State of New York. 2.0 - TOPOGRAPHIC DATA Topography has been made and is included in the contract documents for reference by the Contractor. SOHT 89-02 EEB&G - 1 of 7 • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING (CONT'D.) This information is for general information of the Con- tractor and neither the Owner nor the Engineer will assume responsibility for variations of existing conditions. The Con- tractor shall use his own judgment as to the actual conditions by inspection of the site, the existing grades and conditions. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preserve the material below and beyond the lines of all excavation in the soundest possible condition. Any damage to the work due to the Contractor's operations shall be repaired at the expense of, and by, the Contractor. Any and all excess excavation for the convenience of the Contractor or over -excavation performed by the Contractor for any reason or purpose, except as may be ordered ,in writing by the Engineer, and whether or not due to the fault of the Contractor, shall be at the expense of the Contractor. Where required to complete the work, all such excess excavation and over -excavation shall be refilled with materials furnished and placed at the expense of, and by, the Contractor. 3.0 - EXCAVATION All site excavation and excavation for all structures and improvements shall include the removal of earth, rock, less than one (1) cubic yard, masonry and other materials of any nature whatsoever that may be encountered. Excavation lines shall be such as to provide sufficient clearance for the proper performance of the work, and unless otherwise required, such clearance shall be not less than one (1) foot outside the footings. Excavation shall not be made below proposed grades except where boulders are encountered or where removal of unstable material is directed by the Engineer. Material removed below grade shall be replaced with approved material thoroughly com- pacted or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Subsurface rock excavation shall include the removal of boulders larger than one (1) cubic yard in volume. Boulders shall be removed to a minimum depth of 12 -inches below subgrade. The cost of subsurface rock excavation shall be paid for separately.. EEB&G - 2 of 7 • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i-i2A+ GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING (CONT'D.) When the excavations have been carried to the required depth as shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall do no more work until after inspection by the Engineer, who shall order the foundation or other work to proceed, or further excavation as the conditions indicate. No further work shall be done until the excavations therefor have been approved by the Engineer. Excavations shall be kept dry and free from frost. No excavations shall be made in frozen materials without written approval. No additional allowance or payment shall be made on account of any materials being wet or frozen. 4.0 - FILLS AND EMBANKMENTS 4.1 - General - Fills and embankments shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. Fills shall not be started until the area has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. Fill material shall be free from frost, stumps, trees, roots, sod or muck. Only approved material from excavation areas shall be used. Additional fill material shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The material is to be clean, well graded, sandy soil, containing not more than 8 percent of fine material. Fine material is defined as that which passes a No. 200 sieve. Material shall not be placed on frozen ground. The fills and embankments for each portion shall be maintained approximately level throughout the entire length of each layer. 4.2 - Foundation Preparation - The foundation for the earth fill shall be prepared by leveling and rolling so that the surface materials of the foundation will be as compact and well bonded with the first layer of the earth fill as herein specified for subsequent layers of earth fill. 4.3 - Placing - The combined excavation and placing operation shall be such that the materials when compacted in the earth fill will be blended sufficiently to secure the best practicable degree of compaction and stability. Cobbles and rock rhB&U - 3 of 7 u • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING (CONT'D) fragments having maximum dimensions of more than 5 -inches shall not be placed in the earth fill. The material shall be placed in the earth fill in continuous approximately horizontal layers not more than 6 -inches in thickness after being rolled. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the surface of the prepared foundation or rolled surface of any layer of earth fill is too dry or smooth to bond properly with the layer of material to be placed thereon, it shall be moistened and/or worked with harrow, scarifier, or other suitable equipment to sufficient depth to provide satisfactory bonding. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the rolled surface of any layer of earth fill is too wet for proper compaction of the layer of fill to be placed thereon, it shall be removed, allowed to dry, or be worked with harrow, scarifier, or other suitable equipment to reduce the water content to the proper amount; and then it shall be recompacted. Tamping rollers shall be used for compacting earth fill. Rollers shall be furnished by the Contractor. Sandy soils shall be placed in 4 to 6 -inch layers and compacted with CATERPILLAR type tractor, tamping roller, smooth wheel roller weighing 8 to 10 tons, or approved pneumatic roller. Clay soils shall be placed in 6 -inch maximum layers and compacted with light tamping roller. Glacial fill shall be placed in 8 - inch maximum layers and compacted with heavy tamping roller. The Contractor may use other equipment, if approved. Places inaccessible to roller shall be compacted with mechanical or hand tampers. Stones in earth fill shall be well. distributed. No stones over 4 -inches in diameter shall be left within 12 -inches of finished subgrade. Each layer shall be free of ruts and shall meet compaction requirements before the succeeding layer is placed. At least the top 12 -inches of subgrade for pavement, sidewalk, slabs, retaining walls, footings and all other structures, shall be of selected granular material. Operation of equipment shall be distributed to avoid rutting and unequal compaction. When the Engineer orders loam or heavy material to be mixed and graded with sandy or light material for sufficient bonding and compaction, the Contractor shall perform this work to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. EEB&G - 4 of 7 • • H?AA GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK,.BACKFILLING & GRADING (CONT'D.) 5.0 - SHORING AND DRAINING Whenever necessary to maintain the banks of -excavation in a safe and stable condition, the Contractor shall furnish and install temporary sheetpiling or planks, braces and shores of good sound timber of adequate strength and shall remove such piling or shoring as the foundation work progresses. Excavations and the job site, in general, shall be kept free from water, ice and snow during construction. This shall include the excavation and maintenance of temporary ditches, and the furnishing and operation of pumps or other equipment needed to properly drain the work. Remove shoring and piling before backfilling is completed, but not until permanent supports have been placed, or as directed. No additional payment shall be made for shoring and draining. 6.0.- BACKFILL After inspection and approval of foundations and other work which is to be covered by backfill, the excavated areas shall be backfilled with clean selected material previously excavated, free from organic matter and frozen lumps, and approved by the Engineer. Material shall be backfilled in 12 -inch layers and thoroughly tamped between layers. Mechanical tampers shall be used wherever possible. If directed by the Engineer, the back- fill shall be thoroughly saturated with water as it is placed. If backfilling is required beneath footings, whether due to Contractor's excavating error or otherwise, this shall be accomplished using 2,500 psi concrete, mixed and placed in accordance with the section entitled, CONCRETE of these specifications. Do not backfill walls or foundations until concrete has attained adequate strength and/or adequate shoring is provided. A minimum of 48 hours is required after applying the second coat of waterproofing, in addition to the strength requirements. Backfill for each layer shall be thoroughly compacted to attain 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by EEB&G - 5 of 7 • • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING (CONT'D:) AASHTO T-99, Method C. The Contractor shall perform compaction testing to the extent considered necessary by the Engineer, to attain specified results, and the cost of all such testing shall be borne by the Contractor. 7.0 - COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS - PAVED AREAS & FOUNDATION AREAS All soils to be backfilled that provide support for footings, foundation slabs and other load-bearing structures shall be compacted to 100% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by AASHTO T-99, Method C. Compaction of backfill shall take place in layers of 6 -inch maximum thickness with clean selected material previously excavated and shall be performed by means of mechanical tampers wherever possible. Field tests to verify specified compaction ''are to be performed on various samples at each backfilled and compacted layer as determined by Engineer. Compaction tests shall be performed by a certified testing laboratory and approved by the Engineer. Method of field testing compacted layers is to be in accordance with ASTM D1556 and results are to be submitted simultaneously to the Contractor and Engineer. No backfilling is to be performed until the previous backfilled layer is properly compacted as specified above. The Contractor shall make every effort to allow for possible provisions in order to enable a second independent soils testing laboratory to perform compaction tests at the discretion of the Owner/Engineer. Results of these tests will be available to the Contractor upon request. Expenses for soil testing borne by the Contractor are limited to those tests whereby results are submitted simultaneously to the Contractor and Engineer. The Owner will bear the cost of the second independent testing. 8.0 - COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS - UNPAVED AREAS In construction of fill areas in areas to remain unpaved, and where no structures will be built, all filled soils to whatever depth is required below finished grade shall be compacted to 90% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D1557, Method C. 9.0 - TOLERANCES Subgrades shall be formed and compacted in accordance with plans and specifications to within a tolerance of ±1/2 -inch. EEB&G -6 of 7 H2 -N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING • & GRADING (CONT'D.) 10.0 - FINISHING SLOPES AND SURFACES All slopes shall be finished to smooth, compact surfaces in conformity with the plans. Blade grader or scraper finish will be allowed on slopes. 11.0 - DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL All excess or unsuitable excavated material over and above the quantity required for fill areas shall be hauled from the site. The Contractor is responsible to load and haul away all excavated material deemed surplus to the needs of this project by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be held to slightly above water level truckloads to insure against spillage on the public streets, and for cleaning such spillage should it occur. The Contractor shall cover trucks to further insure against spillage on roadways -or other property. 12.0 - MAINTAINING ROUGH GRADES Considering that fine grading with topsoil will not begin until some time after completion of the rough grading work under this contract, the subgrades may be disturbed by weather and erosion. It will then become the responsibility of this Con- tractor to restore and regrade all portions of the work which are not within a tolerance of ±1/2 -inch of the required elevations. This will include, but.not be limited to, washed out embankments, gorges, ruts and valleys and deposits of material on lower levels of the work. The Contractor shall include the cost of this work in his lump sum price bid for excavation and grading even though the time lapse is several months. EEB&G - 7 of 7 • 1H21H GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - TOPSOIL SPREADING & FINE GRADING 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes all labor, material, equipment and appli- ances required for the complete execution of all Topsoil Spreading and Fine Grade Work, required by the drawings, these specifications, conditions at the site and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - TOPSOIL SPREADING AND FINE GRADING A. All stripping and stockpiling of existing usable top- soil on the site shall be done by this Contractor. B. Before completion of this Contract, after all rough grading work has been completed to establish new grades, as shown on the drawings, in accordance with the section of the speci- fications entitled, EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING & GRADING, this Con- tractor shall spread and fine grade, to provide a minimum topsoil depth of 6 -inches, all stockpiled topsoil and all approved furnished topsoil within the cleared and stripped area and within the area of the proposed new finished grades. C. Fine grading shall be done with topsoil to bring the subgrade to the proposed finished elevations as shown on the drawings. D. All topsoil brought to the site shall be free of an admixture of subsoil and shall be reasonably free of stones, lumps, clods of hard earth, plants or their roots, sticks and other extraneous matter. The topsoil shall be fertile, friable, a natural loam containing a liberal amount of humus and shall be capable of sustaining vigorous plant and grass seed growth. All topsoil shall be approved by the Engineer prior to delivery to the site. E. Grading of the subgrade within the areas to be covered by topsoil shall be in accordance with the section of the speci- fications entitled, EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING & GRADING. Subgrade shall be 6 -inches below finished grade elevation. F. The Contractor shall either sod or seed, or both, the entire area where topsoil is placed in accordance with the sec- tion of these specifications entitled, SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING, and/or SOD & SODDING. SOHT 89-02 TS&FG - 1 of 2 IH2AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS TS&FG - 2 of 2 • • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes all labor, material, equipment and appli- ances required for furnishing and sowing seed on areas shown on the plans and maintaining work as specified. This item also includes furnishing and incorporating soil conditioners, lime and fertilizer, preparing ground surface for seeding and furnishing mulch and mulching as specified. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Grass Seed The grass seed mixture shall consist of: Minimum % Minimum % Percent Grass Purity Germination 90% Merion Kentucky 90 80 Blue Grass 60% Kentucky 3.1 Fescue 95 90 10% Redtop 95 95 Grass seed shall be fresh, recleaned seed of the latest crop, mixed in the above proportions by weight and meeting the above standards of pure live seed content. Grass seed shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopened containers. All seed and seed labels shall be in accordance with State and Federal Laws, Rules and Regulations as each is in effect on the date of invitation for bids. The seeds shall meet the minimum specified requirements regardless of the guarantee of qualities or dates of testing. Seeds, packing and labeling not meeting the specifications will be rejected. Seed which has become wet, moldy or otherwise dam- aged in transit or storage will not be acceptable. 2.2 - Fertilizer Superphosphate - Superphosphate shall contain a minimum of 20% available phosphoric acid. The guaranteed percentage of available phosphoric acid shall be stated as a part of the name. SOHT 89-02 S P&S - 1 of 5 • 1H2N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING (CONT'D.) 10-6-4 Fertilizer - The fertilizer shall be standard quality commercial carriers of available plant food elements. It shall consist of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, in the ratio of 10% nitrogen, 6% phosphoric acid and 4% potash. At least 50% of the available nitrogen shall be present in an organic form. 2.3 - Limestone Agricultural limestone shall be ground dolomitic limestone containing a minimum of 90% of calcium and magnesium carbonates. One hundred percent (100%) shall pass the #10 mesh screen and a minimum of 50% of the #100 mesh screen. 2.4 - Topsoil Necessary topsoil for seeded areas shall. be from existing stockpiles on site and/or topsoil brought to the site in accor- dance with the section of the specifications entitled TOPSOIL, SPREADING AND FINE GRADING. 2.5 - Water Water shall be free from oils, acids, alkalis, salt and chemicals which may inhibit grass growth. 2.6 - Mulch Mulch shall be low grade, musty, spoiled, partially rotten hay or straw. Mulch that contains detrimental seeds or noxious weeds will be rejected. 2.7 - Physical Soil Conditioners Peat moss shall have a minimum organic matter content of 90% and moisture absorptive capacity of 450 to 500%. 3.0 - METHOD 3.1 - Season Grass seed shall be sown only in the Fall between September 1st and October 15th, or at such other times as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of the time he intends to begin sowing seed and shall. not proceed with such work until permission to do so has SP&S - 2 of 5 • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i-il�►+ GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING (CONTID.) been obtained from the Engineer. When delays in operations carry the work beyond the dates specified, or when high winds, excessive moisture or ice are such that satisfactory results are not likely to be obtained for any stage of the work, the Con- tractor shall stop this aspect of his work. The work shall be resumed only when the desired results are likely to be obtained or when corrective measures and procedures are adopted. When sodding is to be done in the same general areas, the sodding shall be done before the seed is sown and equipment used during seeding shall cause no damage to the sodded areas. 3.2 - Preparation of Soil Areas to be seeded shall be maintained at approved grades, and irregularities which form low places and hold water shall be eliminated. Areas to be seeded shall be harrowed, disced or otherwise completely pulverized to a state of tillage to a depth of 4 -inches. All stone or other unsuitable material over 2 - inches in greatest dimension shall be removed from the site. After the soil has been tilled to the satisfaction of the Engi- neer, superphosphate (20%), at the rate of 2,000 pounds per acre, agricultural limestone at the rate of 4,000 pounds per acre, and peat moss at the rate of 43 cubic yards per acre, shall be applied and thoroughly disced into the soil to a depth of at least 4 -inches. 3.3 - Sowing Seed and Fertilizing Any method of distribution by mechanical distributor will be acceptable, except that seed shall not be injured in the process of spreading. The 10-6-4 fertilizer shall be incorporated into the upper 2 -inches of the soil prior to seeding, at the rate of 900 pounds per acre. The distributor shall be run over the ground to sow the seed at the rate of 160 pounds per acre. No seeding shall be done in windy weather or when the ground is wet or otherwise untillable. After sowing, the seeded areas shall be lightly rolled with a roller weighing not more than 100 pounds per foot of width. All mechanical equipment for seeding and rolling shall be as approved and shall pass parallel to the contours, unless otherwise approved, to obtain uniform coverage of all materials. SP&S - 3 of 5 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. H?�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING (CONT'D.) 3.4 - Mulch After seeding, mulch, at the rate of two (2) tons dry weight per acre, shall be spread in a continuous blanket over the seeded areas. The mulch may be spread by hand or machinery approved by the Engineer. Mulching shall be performed not later than three (3) days after seeding. Mulch shall be anchored on all slope areas. Anchorage to hold mulch in place shall be by a method approved by the Engineer. 3.5 - Watering All seeded areas shall be watered lightly upon completion of seeding and mulching in such a manner that the soil does not wash. 4.0 - MAINTENANCE 4.1 - General The Contractor shall maintain the seeded and mulched areas from the time of planting until one (1) month after the date of Final Payment Request, or such earlier date as determined by the Engineer. Maintenance shall consist of repairing any areas damaged following .the seeding and mulching operations due to wind, fire, water, watering, mulch removal and cutting. Damaged areas shall be repaired to re-establish the. condition and grade of the area prior to seeding and shall then be re -fertilized, re- seeded, and re -mulched as specified herein. In addition to the foregoing requirements, the Contractor shall be responsible for the following operations: 4.2 - Watering The Contractor shall be responsible for any necessary irrigation to secure germination and initial establishment of the grass to the time of the first cutting. 4.3 - Mulch Removal Mulch shall be removed from the seeded areas by the Con- tractor at any time prior to the first cutting or when requested by the Engineer. SP&S - 4 of 5 • 0 i12A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING (CONT'D.) 4.4 - Cutting The Contractor shall be'responsible for the first cutting of the grass only. Clippings shall be to a height of 1-1/2 inches when the grass has attained an average height of 2-1/2 inches. All clippings shall be removed. 5.0 - METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment for the work included under this item shall be included in the base bid for this Contract. The work includes all labor, material, equipment and appliances required for furnishing and sowing seed on areas shown on the plans. and main- taining work as specified. This item also includes furnishing and incorporating soil conditioners, lime, fertilizer, preparing ground surface for seeding, and furnishing mulch and mulching as specified. SP&S - 5 of 5 • • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION 1.0 - SCOPE Under this work, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of all existing paved roadways where required, and shall compact and shape the subgrade, fine grade the earth surface, and construct thereon an asphaltic concrete pavement on a dense graded crushed stone blend base to the thickness specified on the plans, as ordered by and to the approval of the Engineer. Any temporary pavement placed by this or any other Contractor shall be removed under this work. All work shall be in accordance with these specifications and those of the Highway Department of the Town of Southold. 2.0 - SUBGRADE AND FINE GRADING The subgrade shall be cleaned of all loose or foreign mate- rial, reshaped if rutted, and otherwise prepared so as to provide uniform support for the pavement. All soft or unsuitable mate- rial such as loam or clay shall be removed to a depth of at least 12 inches, or as may be directed by the Engineer,and replaced with suitable material approved by the Engineer and rolled in 4 - inch layers to subgrade. - Granular material, if ordered by the Engineer, shall be used to replace suitable soil. Excavation and removal of unsuitable material, however, shall be included in the base bid. Shaping and compacting of the subgrade shall be accomplished by blade grading, where applicable, and by rolling with an approved two -wheel or pneumatic roller. All equipment for prep- aration of subgrade and for placing and finishing of pavement shall be in first class working order and shall be subject to any inspection the Engineer may desire prior to being placed in use. After the subgrade has been prepared and compacted to the required uniform density and to the required elevation, alignment and cross-section, it shall be maintained in that condition until the pavement is placed thereon. Pavement will not be placed upon any frozen subgrade or upon any material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is unsuitable as a pavement foundation. The subgrade to be consolidated shall be compacted to 100 percent (100%) of maximum density at optimum moisture as deter- mined by AASHTO T-99, Method C, except that soils for a depth of 9 inches below pavement subgrades, in both cuts and embankments, shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent (95%). Soils SOHT 89-02 PVT - 1 of 10 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. f-i2h� GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK — PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) which have a maximum density less than 100 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by AASHTO T-99, shall be wasted or mixed with heavier soils to obtain the required weight. The Contractor shall perform compaction testing 'to the extent considered necessary by the Engineer, to verify compaction has been achieved 'in accordance with these specifications. The cost of such testing shall be borne by this Contractor. 3.0 - DENSE GRADED STONE BLEND BASE COURSE Upon a properly stabilized, compacted, finely graded and shaped subgrade, a dense graded crushed stone blend base course shall be placed, graded and compacted to the minimum depths indicated on the plans. 3.1 - Material The base course blend shall consist of crushed stone blended with crushed stone screenings and shall be such as to provide a minimum dry density of 145 pounds per cubic foot when compacted at optimum moisture content when tested in conformance with ASTM D-1557, Method D. The sample shall contain all of the coarse aggregate sizes. That portion of the stone blend that passes the #40 screen shall have a plasticity index of zero. Crushed stone shall consist of clean, durable, sharp angled fragments of rock. Of that material retained on the 1/2 -inch square sieve, not more than 10 percent (10%) by weight, shall consist of flat or elongated pieces. A flat or elongated piece is defined as one whose greatest dimension is more than three times its least dimension. Coarse aggregate when subject to five cycles of the soundness test shall have a weight loss of not more than 5 per- cent (5%) with sodium sulphate or 10 percent (10%) with magnesium sulphate. The base course blend of crushed stone and crushed stone screenings shall conform to the gradation as follows: SCREEN SIZE % PASSING 1-1/2" 100% In 90-100 1/2" 65-85 3/8" 55-75 #4 40-55 PVT - 2 of 10 �A is 112AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) SCREEN SIZE #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 3.2 - Method The base course blend mechanical spreader equipment. piles dumped on the site. particles will be permitted. % PASSING 30-45 22-36 16-27 12-19 7-13 3-7 shall be spread with approved No material shall be spread from No segregation of large or fine It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prepare the subgrade to a dense, stabilized, compacted and unyielding state; and to place, grade and compact the base course blend to the minimum thickness specified (approximately 1 -1/2 -inches below finished grade for pavements without binder course and approx- imately 3 -inches below finished grade in those areas where a binder course will be utilized). After the base course blend has been laid loose and shaped, it shall be rolled with an approved steel wheel roller. During rolling, the base course shall be kept in a moist condition to allow compaction to a maximum density (approximately 6 percent (6%) moisture). In lieu of the moisture requirement for compac- tion, an approved vibratory compactor may be used to obtain initial keying and to permit rolling with the required steel wheel roller. If the base course is left for an extended length of time before placing the asphalt wearing or binder course, the Con- tractor shall add additional base course blended stone, and shall reshape, reroll and recompact the base course to the prescribed grade. Before placing any asphalt, the base course shall be checked in the presence of the Engineer and any irregularities shall be properly corrected to receive the required asphalt thickness to the correct finished grade. PVT - 3 of 10 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i-i:��l GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 4.0 - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BINDER COURSE After satisfactory completion of the base course construc- tion, the Contractor shall construct a one layer binder course (where specified) of asphaltic concrete placed and compacted to a minimum thickness of 1 -1/2 -inches. The rate of asphalt placement shall be such that the yield shall never exceed 12.6 square yards/ton and the average yield shall not be more than 12.0 square yards/ton. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain checks on the actual rate of placement as the work progresses and make such adjustments as are required to insure the proper yield. The surface of the finished asphalt course shall be tested with a 16 -foot straight edge (furnished by the Contractor), where applicable. Any variation of more than 1/4 - inch shall be corrected in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. In those areas where resurfacing existing pavement has been specified on the plans, binder course shall be placed at the direction of the Engineer to provide a uniform surface on which the proposed wearing course can be placed. In those areas where binder is to be placed as a truing and/or leveling course, the existing pavement shall receive. a tack coat prior to the installation of the binder material. Tack coat shall be applied in accordance with the section of these Specifications entitled TACK COAT. 5.0 - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE WEARING COURSE After satisfactory completion of base course construction (or binder course, where applicable), the Contractor shall con- struct a one layer wearing course of asphaltic concrete placed and compacted to a minimum depth of 1 -1/2 -inches. The rate of asphalt placement shall be such that the yield shall never exceed 12.6 square yards/ton and the average yield shall not be more than 12 square yards/ton. It shall be the Contractor's respon- sibility to maintain checks on the actual rate of placement as the work progresses and make such adjustments as are required to insure the final yield factor. The surface of the finished asphalt course shall be tested with a 16 -foot straight edge, where applicable, furnished by the Contractor, and shall be observed after rains. Any variation or puddles of more than 1/4 - inch shall be corrected in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. In those areas where existing pavements are to be resurfaced, the entire area to be resurfaced shall receive a tack coat prior to the installation of the new wearing course. Tack coat shall be applied in accordance with the section' of these Specifications entitled TACK COAT. PVT - 4 of 10 � is • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 1-121 GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 6.0 - MATERIALS FOR ASPHALTIC CONCRETE COURSES 6.1 - Asphaltic Concrete - The asphaltic concrete mixtures shall conform to those specified by the New York State Department of Transportation in the Standard Specifications dated January 2, 1981. BINDER COURSE COMPOSITION (TYPE 3) GENERAL LIMITS JOB MIX SCREEN SIZE % PASS % TOL. 1-1/2" 100 - 1" 95-100 - 1/2" 70-90 ±6 1/4" 48-74 ±7 1/8" 32-62 ±7 #20 15-39 ±7 #40 8-27 ±7 #80 4-16 ±4 #200 2-8 ±2 JOB MIX MATERIAL RANGE % TOL. Asphalt Cement Content 4.5-6.5 ±0.4 Mixing and Placing Temp. Range (Degrees F.) 250°-3250 Asphalt Cement Grade AC -20 PVT - 5 of 10 U2" GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS 0 SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) SCREEN SIZE TOP COURSE COMPOSITION (TYPE 6) GENERAL LIMITS % PASS JOB MIX % TOL. l" 100 , 0 1/2" 90-100 ±5 1/4" 65-85 ±7 1/8" 36-65 ±7 #20 15-39 ±7 #40 8-27 ±7 #80 4-16 ±4 #200 3-6 ±2 Asphalt Cement 5.8-7.0 ±0.4 Mixing and Placing Temp. Range (Degrees F.) 2500-3250 Asphalt Cement Grade AC -20 6.2 - Coarse Aggregates - Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel, screened gravel or crushed air- cooled blast furnace slag, conforming to the requirements for NYSDOT Type 6. 6.3 Fine Aggregates - Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand from the Long Island, New York area. All fine aggregate shall consist of hard, strong, durable particles which are free from a coating or any injurious amounts"of clay, loam or other deleterious substances. �6.4 - Mineral Filler - Mineral filler shall belimes ton e or material dust approved by the Engineer, shall be thoroughly dry and, when delivered to the mixer, it shall be free from lumps and loosely bonded aggregations. 6.5 - Asphalt Cement - The asphalt shall be prepared by refining crude petroleum by suitable methods. The asphalt cement shall be homogeneous, free from water and shall not foam when heated to 347°F. Silicone additives will be permitted in paving asphalts. Silicone may be introduced into the asphalt in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations either at the refinery, FA PVT - 6 of 10 ) il GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) terminal or at a mixing plant -storage tank. Asphalt treated with silicone shall conform to the specifications for untreated asphalt. 7.0 - TRANSPORTATION The mixture shall be transported from the paving plant to the job site in tight vehicles with metal bottoms previously cleaned of all foreign materials. When directed by the Engineer, the vehicles shall be suitably insulated and each load shall be covered with canvas or other suitable material of sufficient size to protect it from weather conditions. The inside surface of all vehicles used for hauling the plant mix must be lightly lubri- cated with a thin oil or soap solution just before loading, but excess lubricant will not be permitted. No loads shall be sent out so late in the day as to prevent spreading and compaction of the mixture during daylight hours unless artificial light approved by the Engineer is provided. 8.0 - MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT FOR PLACING ASPHALTIC CONCRETE Spreading and finishing machines of an approved type may be used where the quantity of pavement and local conditions are suitable. Where the area of pavement exceeds 1,500 square yards, asphalt finishing machines shall be used. Machines shall be equipped with easily adjustable strike -off plates. Rollers used to compact asphaltic concrete binder and/or wearing course shall weigh not less than ten (10) tons, or shall be a vibratory type roller with a minimum weight of two (2) tons, and providing a compactive effort equal to that of a ten (10) ton roller. The wheels of rollers - and paving machines shall be kept clean at all times. Water or a mixture of water and ten percent (10%) lubricating oil may be used to wet the wheels. Hot water, gasoline, grease or oil shall not be permitted to drip from machines onto the pavement. Dump plates shall not be coated with oil. Soap solution, whitewash or other approved material shall be used. PVT - 7 of 10 • 1112"GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON a MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 9.0 - BUYING ASPHALT MIXTURE The Contractor shall state in a letter form, location of the plant from which he proposes t0 asphaltic concrete mix. If this source of materia by the Engineer, then this source of supply shall n without the written consent of the Engineer. 10.0 - INSTALLATION OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE the name and obtain the 1 is approved of be changed Prior to the arrival of the mixture on the job, the founda- tion course shall, be cleaned of all foreign material. Founda- tions shall be dry and clean at the time the asphaltic concrete is placed and in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer. Con- tact surfaces of curb and gutters and other. structures shall be painted with a thin, uniform coating of asphalt material before the course is,placed. The pavement shall then be deposited by a mechanical spreader. Areas totaling more than 1,500 square yards shall be laid with asphalt finishing machines and rolled to specified compacted thickness by a two -wheel roller. Rolling shall con- tinue until all roller marks disappear and the surface shows no further compressibility. Rolling shall be performed by not less than one roller for each 25 tons/hour of asphalt laid. All pavement not accessible to the roller shall be tamped with hot tampers weighing not less than 25 pounds and having an area not exceeding 48 square inches. Care shall be exercised in joint forming with a minimum of one raker with a finishing machine forming joints. Adjacent asphalt shall be made with joint temperature at a minimum of 200°F. To this end, joint heaters and hot irons will be employed to maintain joint temperatures. Materials shall not be placed on wet foundation or placed while rain or snow is falling. When temperature is below 350F., work shall proceed only if directed by the Engineer. 11.0 - INSPECTION AND TESTS The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the asphaltic materials, mixes and base course gradation supplied under this contract- comply with the PVT - 8 of 10 �N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONTID.) • specifications. The services of a testing laboratory of recognized standing, approved by the Engineer, shall be engaged by the Contractor to make daily tests of mixtures supplied and shall furnish the Engineer with reports promptly upon completion of such tests. Tests for asphalt conformance will be made by extraction from the hopper of the asphalt finishing machine. The cost of such testing service shall be included in the base bid for this Contract. One set of tests shall be made for each 2,000 square yards or less of pavement laid in one day. 12.0 - JOB MIX FORMULA No asphaltic concrete shall be laid on the project, nor any mixture accepted therefore, until the Contractor has submitted and received approval from the Engineer for his intended job mix formula, indicating in writing the single definite percentage for each sieve fraction of aggregate and for asphaltic cement which he chooses as a fixed mean in each instance, also the intended temperature of completed mixture at the time it is discharged from the mixer. If a change in the materials is made and approved by the Engineer, the job mix formula shall be readjusted as necessary. 13._0 MISCELLANEOUS Payment will not be made for pavement disturbed or broken by the Contractor due to his own negligence or for pavements removed to facilitate the construction where specific authorization has not been given by the Engineer. 14.0 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE After pavement construction, the Contractor will be respon- sible for his work and will have to make any necessary repairs immediately after notification from the Engineer, to the satis- faction of the Engineer and the Town of Southold, for a period of one (1) year after date of the final payment request. 15.0 - TACK COAT Where the wearing course is to be placed on an asphaltic base, binder or truing and leveling course, or on any type of existing pavement, a tack coat of bituminous material shall be PVT - 9 of 10 �J C, GROUP HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONTID.) applied to the surface prior to placement of the wearing course. Such material shall also be applied to all sawcut joints as a seal coat. The bituminous material shall conform to the require- ments of NYSDOT Standard Specification Section 407, Item No. 407.01. The minimum application rate of this material shall be 0.1 gallons per square yard. 16.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for pavement which is con- structed in accordance with the specifications and so ordered by and to the approval of the Engineer. Payment for all pavement construction shall be included in the base bid, except the bypass road located south of the scale, identified on the plans as Contingency Item No. 1. Payment shall include all material, labor, equipment, testing and incidentals required to complete the work as specified. In addition, payment shall include all costs to alter any utility castings so that they conform to the proposed pavement grades, all costs to maintain the existing traffic flow at the Town Landfill, and all costs to remove and dispose of any existing structures or other objects required to construct the proposed pavement or resurface the existing pavement. PVT -10 of 10 r] • s-ir,bu r-nry ID HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. .MNL, - W 1-11%vv- ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appli- ances required to mix, transport, form, place, test, finish and cure cast -in-place concrete, in accordance with the contract documents and as ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards (latest editions), except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: ACI 301: Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings ACI 318: Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete ACI 311: Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection ACI 347: Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork ACI 304: Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute "Manual of Standard Practice" 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Cement (a) All cement shall be Portland cement and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification C150, latest revision. Unless other types are required by these specifications, or are ordered in writing, Type II cement shall be used. Only one brand of cement shall be used for exposed concrete surfaces of any individual structure. (b) Cement shall be delivered in standard bags containing 94 pounds net weight of cement, or may be delivered in bulk sub- ject to proper conditions for handling and storage. 2.2 - Air -Entraining Admixture - All concrete shall contain an air -entraining admixture conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification C260, latest revision, and shall be SIKA CHEMICAL CORP. Sika -AER; MASTER BUILDERS MB -VR; SONNEBORN DIVISION OF CONTECH, INC., Aerolith; EUCLID CHEMICAL CO. Air Mix; or equal. SOHT 89-02 C - 1 of 22 IH2AAGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS "/ 7 ONCRETE (CONT'D.) • 2.3 - Water -Reducing Admixture (a) All concrete shall contain a water -reducing admixture conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification C494, latest revision, Type A (normal) or Type D.(retarding), and be an integral part of the design mix. The admixture shall be a hydroxylated carboxylic acid type admixture and shall be non- hygroscopic concentrated liquid, and shall not contain more than 1% chloride ions or air -entraining agents added during manu- facture. The admixture shall be SIKA CHEMICAL CORP. Plastocrete (Type A) or Plastiment (Type D); SONNEBORN DIVISION OF CONTECH, INC., Master Builders MB-HCN (Type A) or MB -HC (Type D); EUCLID CHEMICAL CO. Eucon WR -75 (Type A) or Eucon Retarder -75 (Type D); or equal. (b) The admixtures shall be used in the proportions recom- mended by the manufacturer and subject to the approval of the Engineer. (c) In general, the Type A admixture shall be used on all concrete placed at air temperatures below 75°F. When tempera- tures exceed 75°F and/or placing conditions dictate, the Engineer may require a change from the Type A admixture to the Type D admixture. The dosage rate of the Type D admixture shall vary as required to achieve setting characteristics similar to those experienced at 70°F. 2.4 - Other Admixtures - The use of admixtures to accelerate hardening or for waterproofing will not be permitted. 2.5 - Aggregates - Aggregates shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification C33, latest revision, modified as follows: (a) Fine aggregates shall not contain more than 3 percent clay. (b) Fine aggregates shall be capable of developing 100 percent of the compressive strength of Ottawa sand when tested in accordance with ASTM Specification C87, latest revision. (c) Coarse aggregates shall not have an abrasion loss in excess of 35 percent. (d) Coarse aggregates shall not have a loss greater than 5 percent when subjected to the soundness test. C - 2 of 22 • • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) (e) Deleterious substances in coarse aggregates shall limit chert to 1 percent and coal and lignite to 0.5 percent. Where the clear cover to the reinforcement is 2 -inches or more, the maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be 1 -1/2 -inches. Where the clear cover is less than 2 -inches, the maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be 3/4 -inch. 2.6 - Water - Water shall be clear and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, alkalis, organic materials or other deleterious substances. If there is any question as to the suitability of the water, it shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO T-26. 2'.7 - Forms - Form lumber shall be dressed on four sides, and only selected boards shall be used for form surfaces in con- tact with concrete. Where a smooth surface is required, lined pressed wood, plywood or sheet metal forms shall be used. The pressed wood shall consist of non -warping fiberboard not less than 3/16 -inch in thickness, or not less than 1/4 -inch for ply- wood. The lining shall be securely nailed to the forms to pro- duce a smooth concrete surface. Non -staining form release agents that will not deleteriously affect concrete surfaces, nor impair subsequent applications, shall be used. 2.8 - Form Fastenings - Form ties and form hangers shall be provided with a water seal, and shall be of such type, that after forms are stripped, the ties can be broken back a minimum of -2- inches from the surface of the concrete or, after bolts are removed, the portion of the tie remaining in the concrete shall be no closer than 2 -inches to the face of the concrete and shall be watertight. Ties shall not be fitted with lugs, cones, washers or other devices within the form which will leave a hole larger than 7/8 -inch in diameter or an excessive depression back of the exposed surface of the concrete. To assure a breakback of 2 -inches, the portion of the tie which is removed from the con- crete shall be coated with a material which will not prevent bonding between the concrete and the mortar patch specified. 2.9 - Curing Materials (a) Waterproof curing paper shall conform to the require- ments of ASTM Specification C=171, latest revision. C - 3 of 22 • GROUP HOLZMAPHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) (b) Curing and sealing compound shall conform to the requirements of Federal Specification TT -C -800A,, minimum 30 per- cent solids content, having a pink fugitive dye, and shall be MASTER BUILDERS Masterseal; CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION, W.R. GRACE & CO. DeKote 800; EUCLID CHEMICAL CO. Super Floor Coat or Super Rez-Seal; or equal. (c) Polyethylene sheeting shall be 6 mils (0.006 -inch) thick, VISQUEEN DIVISION, ETHYL CORP. VisQueen Film; MONSANTO GER-PAK Polyethylene Sheeting; or equal. 2.10 - Epoxy Grout - Epoxy grout shall consist of a two - component, mineral filled, 100 percent solids thermosetting epoxy polysulfide compound, and shall be TOCH BROTHERS DIVISION, CARBOLINE CO. Epotox 650 Grout; CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION, W.R. GRACE & CO. Epoxtite 2391 Grout; EUCLID CHEMICAL CO. High Strength Epoxy Grout; or equal. The epoxy grout shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2.11 - Non -Shrink Grout and Non -Shrink Concrete - Non -shrink grout and non -shrink concrete shall consist of Type I or II Portland cement and fine sand for grout and, in addition, 3/8 - inch gravel for concrete. The grout and concrete shall contain a compound that will eliminate shrinkage, and shall be SIKA CHEM- ICAL CORP. Kemox-G (metallic); CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION, W.R. GRACE & CO. Vibro-Foil Standard (metallic) and In -Pant (non- metallic); EUCLID CHEMICAL CO. Firmix (metallic) and Euco N -S (non-metallic); or equal. The non -shrink grout shall be pre- mixed, and non -shrink grout and non -shrink concrete shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All exposed grout shall be of the non-metallic type. 2.12 - Sealer and Dustproofer - The sealer and dustproofer shall be a second coat of the curing and sealing compound hereinbefore specified. I 3.0 - STORAGE 3.1 - Cement - Packages received in a damaged condition will be rejected. Cement shall be stored in a watertight structure which will protect the cement from dampness. Cement shall be piled on dry raised floors to a height not exceeding 7 feet. Cement that has hardened or partially set shall be removed from storage and not used. C - 4 of 22 • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. N2�1 GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) 3.2 - Aggregates - Stockpiles of aggregates shall be placed on platforms and be kept well -drained. Different types and sizes of aggregates shall be partitioned ,to prevent mixing. All aggregates shall be stockpiled a minimum of 24 -hours. 4.0 - FORM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION All form work shall conform to ACI Specification 347, latest revision. Forms shall be tight, adequately constructed and securely held in place. to withstand the load of fresh concrete and the effects of the vibrating process, and to prevent the leakage of mortar. Alignment of forms shall be carefully done, and they shall be secured to the lines required. Forms shall be clean and shall be recleaned and repaired for each use. Form surfaces against which concrete is to be poured shall be treated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of the concrete. The material for treating form surfaces shall not stain or injure the concrete, or prevent bonding of required coatings. All corners, edges and rises shall be constructed with a 3/4 -inch chamfer whether or not shown. Larger bevels and bullnoses shall be constructed as shown. The spacing of form ties and form hangers shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendations. All surfaces with slopes steeper than one-on-one shall be formed. At the request of the Contractor and the approval of the Engineer, various vertical surfaces beneath base slabs may be changed to slopes of one-on-one or flatter or, conversely, slop- ing surfaces changed to vertical surfaces. Where vertical sur- faces are used and no construction joint is provided below the slab, sheeting that meets the requirements for form work shall be left in place. 5.0 - CONCRETE MIX REQUIREMENTS The concrete mix shall be proportioned by weight and shall be determined on the basis of obtaining a concrete having suitable workability, density, impermeability, durability and required strength characteristics without using an excessive amount of cement. C - 5 of 22• P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i-i?M GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) • Concrete mixtures shall have the following characteristics: Specified 28 -day Compressive Strength (psi) 4,000 2,500 Maximum Water -Cement Ratio (Gallons/Bag) 5-1/4 5-1/2 6.0 - CLASSES OF CONCRETE Air Content (Percent Slump by Volume (Inches) 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 4 3 to 5 Concrete having a 28 -day compressive strength of 4,000 psi shall be used for all concrete, except as otherwise noted or specified. All interior exposed slabs shall have a maximum air content of 3 percent. Concrete having a 28 -day compressive strength of 2,500 psi shall, in general, be used for all concrete masonry used in pipe supports and cradles, for concrete fill, for pipe thrust blocks, for the refill of trenches, for the refill of excavation below subgrades, and for all other similar construction as approved by the Engineer. 7.0 - MIX PROPORTIONS A minimum of 14 days in advance of incorporation in the work, the Contractor shall design concrete mixtures and submit proposed mix proportions and proving test results for approval. The mix submitted shall be designed in accordance with ACI Specification 211, latest revision, and ACI Specification 318, latest revision. The concrete mixes submitted are subject to the approval of the Engineer,, who may have separate preliminary tests conducted by a laboratory employed by the Owner. If the submitted mixes do not meet the specification requirements, the Contractor shall redesign the concrete mixtures and furnish required materials for additional preliminary tests until the concrete mixtures conform to the specification requirements. All costs of redesign materials for additional tests, and additional tests, shall be at the Contractor's expense, and consideration for an extension of time will not be permitted because of any delays required by redesign and additional preliminary tests. C - 6 of 22 H2A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • CONCRETE (CUNT'D.) 8.0 - BATCHING AND MIXING - Ready -mixed concrete conforming to ASTM Specification C94, latest revision as modified herein, shall be used. The plant shall be properly equipped for the accurate proportioning and proper mixing and delivery of the concrete, including accurate water measurement and control. The plant shall have sufficient capacity and transportation equipment to deliver the concrete at the rate desired. Not less than 40 days in advance of the contemplated use of concrete, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, the name and qualifications of the firm and plant from which he proposes to secure the concrete. During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of concrete placement, so that the Engineer may provide the inspection and sampling, where necessary. Fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and cement shall be weighed separately. Cement in standard bags need not be weighed. Admixtures shall be added separately in solution in a portion of the mixing water by means of a mechanical batcher, in a manner that will ensure uniform distribution of the agents throughout the batch. The accuracy of all measuring devices shall be such that successive quantities can be measured to within 1 percent of the required amount. Mixers and agitators shall be operated within the limits of capacity and. speed of rotation designated by the manufacturer, and shall be capable of producing a homogeneous concrete mixture of uniform color. Upon cessation of mixing for more than 30 minutes, the mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned. The time elaps- ing between the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates and discharge from the mixer shall be completed within one-half hour. The first batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer shall contain an extra quantity of sand, cement and water sufficient to coat the inside surface of the drum without diminishing the mortar content of the mix. Once initial set :has taken place, no attempt shall be made to temper the concrete by the addition of water. Any concrete so tempered will be rejected and shall be removed from the site. C - 7 of 22 • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. f12�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) 9.0 - PREPARATION FOR PLACING CONCRETE Concrete shall not be placed within the limits of the day's pour until all forms, embedded materials, steel reinforcement and concrete surface preparations have been approved. Concrete shall not be placed in mud or water. Surfaces of forms, embedded materials and steel reinforcement that have been encrusted with dried mortar or grout shall be cleaned, as approved, prior to placing concrete. To ensure proper bonding when new and previous ly—_placed concrete are jointed, the contact surfaces of the previously placed concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned by means of stiff brushes or other tools, and by application of a stream of water under pressure to remove all laitance, loose or defective concrete, coatings, concrete accretions and ,any other foreign material. The surface shall be damp and the bonding compound (epoxy or acrylic type) applied. The new concrete shall be placed before the bonding compound is dry. Where concrete slab is placed on existing grade, backfill or fill material, the Contractor shall furnish and place a layer.of foundation material having a thickness of not less than 6 -inches, which shall be blanketed with a polyethylene covering. The covering shall be used in the widest practical widths and shall be lapped 6 -inches and fastened at all edges to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete. All rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free from mud, dirt, oil or other material which may prevent a tight bond between the rock and concrete. 10.0 - PLACING CONCRETE Concreting operations shall be continuous until the place- ment is completed. Slabs shall be placed in one lift and mono- lithically with beams and girders where construction joints are not shown. The maximum rate of placing concrete for walls to prevent movement of forms shall conform to the design require- ments of the form work. Concrete shall be handled from mixer to forms in such a manner that no segregation of ingredients will take place. Concrete shall be deposited in layers approximately level and not more than 18 -inches deep, unless otherwise indi- cated and subject to approval by the Engineer. The placement shall be carried out at such a rate that the formation of cold C - 8 of 22 112-" GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • CONCRETE (CONTID.) C7 joints will be prevented. Concrete shall be placed in such a manner that it will not drop freely more than 4 feet, and shall be placed as nearly as practicable in its final position to min- imize segregation of ingredients. In slabs, concrete may be placed by buggy, bucket, ready -mix truck or pumping methods, provided that for the method selected the specified slump is not exceeded. If chutes are used, they shall be of metal or metal lined. In general, concrete in walls shall be placed by means of a rectangular metal drop chute with hoppers. Drop chutes shall be provided in several lengths so that the total length of chute can be adjusted as concreting operations progress. Under special conditions, for thin sections and sections that are heavily reinforced, concrete shall be deposited through temporary openings in the sides of wall forms by means of drop chutes out- side of forms. While being placed, concrete shall be compacted with the aid of mechanical internal vibrators having a minimum of 3,600 impulses per minute, applied directly to the concrete in a vertical position, and by means of approved mechanical external vibrators. The intensity and duration of vibration shall be sufficient to cause concrete to flow, compact thoroughly and embed completely the steel reinforcement, pipe, conduit and similar work. Vibration shall be stopped immediately when a sheen of mortar first appears on the surface. Vibration shall be supplemented by hand spading, rodding or tamping in the corners and angles of forms while the concrete is still plastic and workable. The next layer of concrete shall not be placed until the previously placed layer has been thoroughly vibrated. Free water on the surface shall be removed by sponging or mopping. Under no circumstances shall such water accumulations be covered up with concrete, nor shall dry cement be used to soak up excess water. Pumped concrete shall conform to the requirements of ACI Committee 304 Report, latest revision. 11.0 - CONCRETING DURING COLD AND HOT WEATHER The Contractor shall have equipment and materials readily available to take protective measures for maintaining the spe- cified temperatures of freshly placed concrete to the approval of the Engineer. Mixing and placement of concrete during hot and C - 9 of 22 is is i -12 - GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) cold weather shall conform, as a minimum, to the requirements of ACI Committee 305 and 306 Reports, latest revisions, to the Specifications herein and to the approval of the Engineer. The ambient temperature of the space adjacent to the con- crete placement and the surface to receive the concrete placement shall not be less than 40°F. Whenever the temperature is below 40°F, or when it is evi- dent that the temperature will drop below that point, concrete shall not be placed, except when approved. If such approval is given, special precautions shall be taken both in mixing and in placing concrete. The Contractor shall provide equipment for heating concrete aggregates and water, and for maintaining freshly placed concrete at a temperature of not less than 50°F, nor more than 80°F. The temperature of the concrete shall not be permitted to fall below 50°F during the curing period, and the Contractor shall provide insulation, tents, temporary heat or take other approved measures to accomplish this. If the atmospheric temperature is expected to drop to 35°F or below, enclosures and temporary heat shall be provided to maintain the temperature of the concrete to at least 50°F. The heating methods shall not subject concrete surface to excessive concentrations of heat,'as to cause rapid drying. The Contractor shall continuously operate heaters, provide personnel for continuous duty at the heaters, and provide adequate fire protection. When heating is discontinued,- the drop in the temperature of the concrete shall not exceed 40°F in 24 -hours. Whenever the temperature is above 85°F, or when it is evi- dent that the temperature will rise above that point, concrete shall not be placed except when approved. If such approval is given, special precautions shall be taken both in mixing and in placing concrete. The Contractor shall provide equipment for cooling concrete aggregates and water, and shall adjust the mix to retard the setting time of the concrete when directed. The cooling of the water and aggregates shall be such that the temperature of the fresh concrete is between 50°F and 80°F. Sunshades and wind- breaks shall be provided in an approved .manner to maintain the required temperature and minimize excessive drying. Sunshades and windbreaks shall be left in place at least 7 days. C-10 of 22 • • IH2AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) 12.0 - JOINTS AND WATERSTOPS Joints in concrete structures shall be provided as indicated, on the contract drawings, specified herein, and subject to the approval of the Engineer. Joints and waterstops shall be in accordance with ACI 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete" and ACI 316, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Con- crete", latest revisions. 12.1 - Construction Joints In addition to those shown on the contract drawings, construction joints shall be provided at locations such that the maximum dimension of any one concrete placement does not exceed 40 feet if the curing period is limited to 7 days. If the curing period is increased to 14 days, the spacing of these additional construction joints may be increased to 60 feet. Construction joints shall conform to the details shown and shall be located where they will have the least effect upon the stability, strength and watertightness of the concrete structure. The location of additional construction joints is subject to approval by the Engineer. Vertical 'construction joints at corners will not be permitted unless specifically directed and/or approved by the Engineer. Reinforcing shall be continuous across construc- tion joints. At construction joints, a keyway shall be provided such that its depth is a minimum of 1 -1/2 -inches and its width is one-third the section width. Where roughened joints are to be installed, the Contractor shall roughen the surface of the concrete so that the coarse aggregate is exposed to an approximate depth of 1/4 -inch. Roughening shall be accomplished by either chipping the concrete or using a retardant coating. Retardant coating shall be SIKA CHEMICAL CORP. Rugasol; SONNEBORN DIVISION OF CONTECH, INC., Sonotex; EUCLID CHEMICAL CO. Surface Retarder; or equal. Before proceeding with the placing of any section of con- crete, the joints shall be located and all forms and metalwork, bulkheads, reinforcement and other embedded materials for that section shall be in place. At horizontal construction joints, the top of all forms shall be erected only to the height of the joint for each placement throughout the entire work. Concrete surfaces shall be brought to a true level line at the top of every horizontal construction ,joint. The form for the con- struction key shall then be forced into place, and then the con- crete surface rodded off to a true horizontal level. Should C - 11 of 22 112-A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) t "water gain" be apparent as the concrete reaches the finished pour line, the water -cement ratio of concrete for a depth of at least 12 -inches shall be of a stiffer consistency, as required by the Engineer. Unless otherwise indicated, all horizontal construction joints shall be made at well-defined lines. Monolithic construction of corners is mandatory. Whenever a stoppage of more than 30 minutes occurs in the placing of concrete due to some emergency, construction joints shall be installed as approved. The Contractor shall have per- sonnel and materials available to install these joints. Emer- gency construction joints in liquid -bearing structures shall be keyed as specified herein, and in the same manner as shown on the contract drawings for the designed joints. Concreting operations shall be so scheduled as to provide a delay between pours as follows: Placements Minimum Time Between Placements (days) Slab to Slab 3 Wall to Wall 3 Wall to Slab 3 Slab to Wall 1 To minimize delays in concrete construction operations, slab placements shall be made in a checkerboard pattern and wall placements shall be made alternately. All construction joints shall have a row of form ties located at a distance of approximately 6 -inches from the joint to permit aligning and tightening of the forms for subsequent sections. 12.2 - Expansion and Control Joints In addition to those detailed and shown on the contract drawings, 1/7. -inch expansion joints shall be provided'in exterior and interior slabs on grade around equipment foundations and at intervals not to exceed 20 feet in any direction. Reinforcing shall be discontinuous across all expansion joints. Addi- tionally, control joints are to be provided at 10 -foot intervals between expansion joints. Control joints shall be 1/8 -inch wide C - 12 of 22 112AN GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) • and constructed to be depth equal to one-fourth the slab thickness. Control joints shall be installed during the period of 8 to 24 hours after concrete has been place. Reinforced concrete walkways shall be constructed with expansion and control joints, such that the length between con- trol joints equals the width of the walkway. Expansion joints shall be located at lengths equal to four (4) walkways widths. Continuous expansion joints shall also be provided along the length of walkways where adjacent structures border on the walkway. Expansion joint filler shall be premolded non -extruding resilient type, in accordance with ASTM D-1752, latest revision. Joint sealant shall be CM 60, two component polysulfide, as manufactured by W.R. MEADOWS, INC., or approved equal. Filler and sealant are subject to approval by the Engineer. 12.3 - Working Drawings Contractor shall submit, for approval by the Engineer, working drawings showing proposed locations of all construction, expansion and control joints, details of joints, related items and a concrete placement schedule. Submission of working draw- ings shall be in accordance with subsections 21 and 22 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS specifications herein. In liquid -bearing structures, tanks and channels, waterstops shall be provided to a height of one (1) foot above the maximum water level. 13.0 - FOUNDATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT Concrete foundations for equipment shall be constructed as shown on the drawings, except for such of those as it may be necessary to modify in order that they may conform to the equip- ment manufacturer's requirements, as shown on approved copies of their shop drawings. 14.0 - FINISHING CONCRETE The classes of surface finishes described herein shall be applied to various parts of concrete structures as specified. C - 13 of 22 �!]� ROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. �{ u 2A ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • CONCRETE (CONT'D.) 14.1 - Formed Surfaces - Immediately after the removal of forms, honeycombing, pockets and open spaces shall be cut out for Engineer's inspection. Patching shall not be done without the Engineer's approval. When approved, cut-out honeycombed areas, pockets and open spaces shall be thoroughly flushed with a high pressure water jet while scrubbing with a wire brush to dislodge loose particles of concrete and aggregate, and then shall be compactly filled with mortar consisting of one part Portland cement and two parts sand (1: 2 ) of the same type and quality as used in concrete. This shall be done on all surfaces even though they will afterwards be coated and/or covered with backfill. The mortar plaster shall be applied over a coating of epoxy bonding compound. Formed surfaces, including plastered surfaces, shall be finished in accordance with their location, as specified below. (a) Finish F1 - applies to formed surfaces which are more than 1 foot below finished grade. These surfaces require no treatment after form removal except for repair of defective con- crete and filling of the rod holes and the specified curing. Correction of surface irregularities and removal of fins will be required. (b) Finish F2 - applies to all interior formed surfaces of buildings, tanks and channels, as well as all exterior surfaces above finished grade and to at least one foot below grade, except where otherwise specified. These surfaces shall be rubbed with power tools until a smooth, homogeneous surface is obtained. Hand rubbing will be permitted only when the final result is equivalent to that attained by mechanical means. The surfaces, shall be thoroughly wetted and kept in that condition until the rubbing is completed. Corners, edges and rises shall be ground smooth, and form offsets shall be leveled by power grinding. The surfaces shall be rubbed until all hollows, lines, form marks and surplus materials have been removed. Grout or mortar shall not be used in the rubbing process except for filling defective places as specified hereinbefore. 14.2 - Unformed Surfaces - Unformed surfaces shall be sloped for drainage where shown or directed. (a) Finish U1 (Screeded Finish) - applies to unformed sur- faces that will be buried underground or covered by concrete or grout. Finish U1 shall also be used as the first stage of Finish U2. Finishing operations shall consist of sufficient leveling and screeding to produce even,- uniform surfaces. C - 14 of 22 • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. li-(2�1 GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) (b) Finish U2 (Floated Finish, - applies to unformed sur- faces not buried underground or covered by concrete or grout and for which no higher class of finish is specified. As soon after screeding and the condition of the concrete permits, and before concrete has hardened appreciably, all water, film and foreign material which may work to the surface shall be removed. Float- ing may be performed by use of hand or power -driven equipment. Floating shall be held to the minimum necessary•to produce a true and uniform surface free from screed marks with no coarse aggregate visible. (c) Finish U3 (Trowel Finish) - applies to all floors within buildings, all top surfaces of curbs in buildings, and all exposed top surfaces of equipment foundation pads. Surfaces, which are to receive a U3 finish, shall first be given a U2 finish. This shall be followed by hand troweling with steel trowels to bring the surface to a uniform, smooth, hard, imper- vious surface free from marks and blemishes. Troweling shall not be started until all water has disappeared from the surface. Over troweling shall be avoided. Dusting with dry cement or other mixtures, or sprinkling with water, will not be permitted during the finishing process. (d) Finish U4 (Broom Finish) - applies to walkways of tanks and exterior entrance slabs of buildings. Surfaces to receive a U4 finish shall first be given a U2 finish. As soon as this is completed, and before the concrete has hardened appreciably, it shall be lightly broomed with a hard bristle push broom. Groom- ing shall be a continuous operation with the broom passing over the concrete perpendicular to the direction of travel in smooth, straight lines. After brooming has been completed, an edging tool shall be applied around the edge of the broomed surfaces. (e) On the interior surfaces of manholes and chambers, all fins and projections shall be ground smooth, but rubbing of entire areas will not be required except where the surface is required to be coated. 15.0 - TESTING 15.1 - General - The Engineer reserves the right to make any tests he deems necessary or desirable on aggregates, cement, water and concrete. The Contractor shall provide complete cooperation -to facilitate the sampling and performance of these tests. C - 15 of 22 112A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) • 15.2 - Testing - Frequent tests by an independent testing laboratory (as approved by the Engineer) to determine the quality of concrete being produced. The tests will be conducted so as to interfere as little as possible with progress of the work, and the Contractor shall cooperate in every way and facilitate the making of such tests, so that concrete of the desired quality will be obtained. All costs of the concrete tests shall be borne by the Contractor. One (1) concrete test cylinder shall be taken for each truckload poured (one (1) per each 8 cubic yards), with a minimum of three (3) test cylinders for a day's pour, or at the discretion of the Engineer. Contractor shall conduct concrete slump tests in accordance with ASTM D-•143, latest revision. One (1) slump test for each truckload poured •(one (1) per each 8 cubic yards) shall be con- ducted at the discretion of the Engineer. All cylinders shall be tested for compression strength by an approved testing laboratory (one (1) cylinder to be tested after 7 days, and 'two (2) cylinders after 28 days). Test cylinders shall be carefully handled and protected to assure valid test results. Each cylinder shall be identified by a tag, which may be obtained from the testing laboratory, and each tag filled out with the appropriate information. Test cylinders shall be made and stored in accordance with ASTM Specification C-31, latest revision. The method of sampling fresh concrete shall be in accordance with ASTM Specification C-172, latest revision. Results of the tests shall be sent directly to the Engineer by the testing laboratory. All testing shall be paid for by this Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. Contractor shall maintain and submit -in a format acceptable to the Engineer, complete and accurate records pertaining to the results of all concrete compression, slump and related tests. If any tests conclude that the specified requirements have not been met, concreting shall be stopped. Faulty concrete shall be removed and replaced with suitable concrete as specified herein, at the expense of the Contractor. C - 16 of 22 • • i-i2A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) 16.0 - CURING CONCRETE Concrete shall be cured for a period of not less than 7 days, unless otherwise specified. Walls and slabs that will be in contact with sewage or sludge and substructures shall be cured by water curing or curing and sealant compound. All other surfaces, unless otherwise specified, shall be cured either by water, by curing and sealing compound or by waterproof paper curing. The Contractor shall have all equipment and materials needed for adequate: curing and protection of the concrete on hand and ready to install before actual concrete placement begins. The curing medium and method, or combination of mediums and methods, used shall be approved in writing. 16.1 - Water curing (a) The concrete shall be kept wet by covering it with water -saturated material or a system of sprays, or by any other approved method that will keep all surfaces to be cured con- tinuously (not periodically) wet. (b) Vertical or steeply sloped surfaces shall be kept wet prior to form removal by applying water on the unformed top sur- faces and allowing water to pass down between the forms and the formed concrete faces. (c) Horizontal construction joints shall be covered with a minimum of ;Z -inches of sand, which shall be kept continuously saturated. These joints shall be cleaned and allowed to dry for 12 hours immediately prior to the placing of the following lift. 16.2 - Curing and Sealing Compound - All slabs shall be cured by power spraying compound. The curing compound shall be applied immediately after the final finishing operation in a continuous operation. Traffic and other operations shall be such as to avoid damage to the compound. Where it is impossible to avoid traffic over surfaces coated with curing solution, the membrane shall be protected by covering with a layer of water- proof curing paper or polyethylene sheeting, which shall be placed on the concrete with a 6 -inch lap on all edges, and sealed with tape. C - 17 of 22 • IH1JN GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT!D.) 17.0 - PROTECTION Fresh concrete shall be protected_ from rains, flowing water and mechanical injury. The Contractor shall not permit walking upon or over the concrete until it has set for a sufficient length of time. Pro- jecting steel reinforcement or inserts shall likewise be pro- tected from disturbance until the concrete -has hardened sufficiently. After the curing period, concrete in slabs, curbs and other similar surfaces shall be covered with waterproof curing paper. All seams of such paper shall be overlapped at least 6 -inches and sealed with tape. Further protection, while erecting equipment, shall be provided by means of planking of sufficient size, and by such other protection as required. No fire or excessive heat shall be permitted near or in direct contact with concrete at any time. The :slab protection shall not be removed sooner than 28 days after concrete has been placed. All concrete shall be protected at all times to prevent damage, staining or any other marring of concrete surfaces. Concrete steps shall be protected with lumber to prevent chipping or crazing. In the event of flooding, the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent water from rising against any structure above any elevation at which flotation, structural or other damage could occur. Should the Contractor be unable to prevent water from rising against a structure above a safe elevation, such structure shall be flooded by the Contractor as approved by the Engineer, in order to prevent flotation, structural or other damage to the structure. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the elevation at which flotation, structural or other damage could occur. 18.0 - REMOVAL OF FORMS Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to safely support its own load plus any superimposed C - 18 of 22 • • 112AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) loads that might be placed thereon. Unless otherwise ordered, forms shall be left in place the minimum number of days specified as follows, from the date of placing concrete: Mean Temperature (°F) 85-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 Walls and Beam Sides 2 3 4 7 Beam Soffits 5 6• 7 10 Slabs 6 7 8 11 For temperatures not listed, the Contractor shall not remove forms until he receives permission from the Engineer to do so. Immediately after forms are removed, the Contractor shall place adequate reshores to prevent injury to the concrete by construction loads. Care shall be taken in removing forms, walers, shorings, supports and form ties to avoid spalling or marring the concrete. Form ties shall be broken back immediately after removing forms. The holes left by such ties shall be immediately filled with mortar consisting of one part Portland cement and two parts sand (1:2), of the same type and quality as used in the concrete, and the surface shall be finished with a steel trowel. If, after removal of forms, if honeycombing, pockets and open spaces exist, they shall be treated as specified in Section 14.0, FINISHING CONCRETE. 19.0 - CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES Variation in alignment, grade and dimensions of the struc- tures from the established alignment, grade and dimensions shown on the drawings shall be within the tolerances specified in the following table: 1. Variation from the Plumb: In the :Lines and surfaces of In 10 feet.. .......1/4 -inch walls and in streets but not more than ..... 1 -inch C - 19 of 22 1112A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • CONCRETE (CONT'D.) 2. Variation of the linear building lines from established position in plan and related position of walls and partitions ......................1 -inch 3. Variation in the sizes and loca- tions of sleeves, floor openings and wall openings ....................1/4 -inch 4. Variation in cross-sectional dimensions of columns and beams and in the thickness of slabs Minus 1/4 -inch and walls Plus. ....... o ..... — 1/2 -inch 5. Footings: (a) Variation of dimensions in ;plan (b) Misplacement of eccentricity 6. Footings and base slab reduction in thickness 7. Variation in Steps: In a single step In two consecutive steps 20.0 - DEFECTIVE CONCRETE Minus...............1/4-inch Plus..................2-inch 2% of the footing width in the direction of mis- placement, but not more than 2 -inches Minus.. ..... .....5% of specified thickness Riser...............1/8-inch Tread...............1/4-inch Riser..............1/16-inch Tread...............1/8-inch Concrete damaged by freezing or by alternate freezing and thawing, or from any other cause, or any concrete work which shall be found defective at any time before the final completion of this contract including, but not limited to, cracking, spalling, honeycombing, etc., shall be removed and rebuilt or otherwise made good at the expense of the Contractor. The Engi- neer shall be notified before such repairs are made and methods shall be submitted for approval. C - 20 of 22 • C7 r GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) If surfaces which are to be permanently exposed become stained or discolored, they shall be cleaned by a method which does not harm the concrete and which is approved by the Engineer. Surfaces not: properly finished shall be ground to an acceptable finish with a power grinder. 21.0 - PLACING BACKFILL AND FILL Backfill and/or fill shall not be placed against concrete walls for a minimum of seven (7) days after placing of concrete, nor shall fill be placed on suspended slabs for a minimum of twenty-eight. (28) days after placing of concrete. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of proposed schedule of backfill and/or fill, which is subject to the approval of the Engineer. 22.0 - SEALER.AND DUSTPROOFER A sealer and dustproofer, as specified in Section 2.12, SEALER AND DUSTPROOFER, shall be applied to all slabs not specified to be painted. The application of the sealer and dustproofer shall be in strict accordance with the recommenda- tions of the manufacturer. The application shall be made just prior to the completion of construction. 23.0 - CONCRETE STAIRS Concrete stairs shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown or approved. Stairs shall be poured in smooth forms for risers and all corners shall be well rounded. Safety treads, as specified in STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK shall be cast integrally with the steps. Concrete treads shall be given a U2 floated finish and protected as specified hereinbefore. 24.0 - ANCHORS AND ACCESSORIES The Contractor shall furnish and place anchors for fastening equipment and materials to masonry, as shown, noted or specified. The Contractor shall coordinate between the mechanical, electri- cal, HVAC and plumbing trades for all required anchors to be cast in the concrete. C - 21 of 22 r� r 1H GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CONCRETE (CONT'D.) Anchors and accessories which are required to be cast with the concrete shall be accurately set and maintained in their required positions. Anchor bolts shall be set.so as to provide not less than 1-1/2 full threads above the nuts. Where the location of anchors can be determined before con- crete is placed, anchor bolts shall be placed in the concrete as shown on the drawings, and drill anchors shall not be used. Sleeves shall be filled temporarily with a plastic compound to prevent filling with water and freezing. The permanent filling shall be of non -shrink grout. Where ;some adjustment of anchor bolt location is required, malleable iron inserts shall be placed in the concrete. They shall be designed for the use of tee -head or square -head bolts or nuts, and shall not be threaded. They shall be ITT GRINNELL CORP. CB -Universal Figure No. 282 Concrete Inserts; HOHMANN AND BARNARD, INC. Universal No. HU -N; or equal. Drill anchors as specified in STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCEL- LANEOUS METALWORK shall be used only where the use of pour -in- place anchor bolts or inserts is impractical. Drill anchors shall not be located so close to the edges or sides of concrete members as to cause spalling or other damage to the concrete. Expansion anchors shall not be used in concrete. 25.0 - BUILT-IN WORK In addition to the steel reinforcement, there shall be built into, set in or attached to the concrete by the Contractor, wherever shown or directed, pipe, sleeves, wall castings; frames, manhole steps, eye bolts, electrical conduits and other objects as shown, specified or ordered. These objects shall be accurately set and properly secured, and all necessary precau- tions shall be taken to prevent them from being displaced, broken or deformed. The Contractor shall place concrete only on one side of a pipe, pipe sleeve or wall casting until it flushes under and comes up on the other side to a level well above the bottom of the pipe., sleeve or casting, after which it shall be placed on both sides. Concrete shall be compacted thoroughly around and against all built-in work so as to secure perfect adhesion. C - 22 of 22 • 1112% GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS 1.0 — SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appli- ances required to furnish and install all steel reinforcement in accordance with contract documents and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - All bar reinforcement shall conform to the require- ments of ASTM Specification A615, latest revision, Grade 60. No re -rolled or,high carbon steel bars shall be permitted in the work. All steel used for reinforcement purposes shall be of clean, new stock, free from defects and bends not required by the drawings. 2.2 - All welded wire fabric reinforcement shall meet the requirements of ASTM Specification A185, latest revision, and shall be supplied in flat sheets. 3.0 - STORAGE AND PROTECTION All steel reinforcement delivered to the site shall. be properly and securely bundled and without rust other than that which may have accumulated in normal transit. It shall be stored off the ground, and protected from the weather. All steel reinforcement shall be kept free of oil, grease, dirt or other objectionable adhering substances, and shall be satisfactorily cleaned of scale and heavy or flaky rust before being placed in the work. If, after having been placed in the work, the concreting is delayed or interrupted for any considerable number of days, the steel reinforcement shall be protected from the weather. Any steel reinforcement which shows scaly rust after being placed shall be rendered wire brush clean immediately prior to the placing of concrete. Bundles of reinforcing bars shall be tagged showing quan- tity, grade, size and suitable identification to allow checking, sorting and placing. Welded wire fabric shall be tagged showing quantity, style designation, width and length. - SOHT 89-02 SR - 1 of 5 t12GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • STEEL REINFORCEMENT (CONT'D.) Unless otherwise shown, steel reinforcement dowels intended for bending with future extensions or steel reinforcement that is to be left projecting for a considerable time, prior to being encased in concrete, shall be protected against corrosion by spray coating with a strippable plastic or by wrapping with a rubber base tape so as to form a waterproof coating. 4.0 - BENDING All steel reinforcement bars shall be bent cold to the shapes as shown or ordered. Bars of a single length shall be used in all cases, except where the length required is such that they cannot be so obtained, or whipping limitations prevent their being shipped, or where the Engineer grants permission to use shorter lengths or allow lapping. Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure the material. Unless otherwise shown or specified, all bending shall be in accordance with the recommended practices as set forth in ACI Detailing Manual and/or CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. 5.0 - PLACING AND LAPPING All steel reinforcement shall be carefully placed and fastened in position so as to maintain the proper spacing between adjacent bars and so as to prevent the bars from becoming dis- placed during the placing of concrete. Reinforcement shall be placed within the tolerances given in ACI 117. 11 Joints shall be wired with annealed iron wire of diameter not less than No. 16 U.S. Standard Gauge or by using acceptable clips. All reinforcement shall be firmly supported by the use of metal bars, bolsters, chairs, spacers or hangers, or by the use of precast concrete piers. Reinforcing bar supports shall be furnished in accordance with the latest specifications of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI). The supports shall be sufficient in number and strength to carry the steel reinforcement in all slabs. Concrete block piers shall be used where concrete is placed on rock or foundation material cushion covered with polyethylene film. Concrete block piers shall be made and of the same proportions of sand and concrete in 'which they are to be used. properly cured for at least seven.(7) days SR - 2 of 5 from the same material cement as that of the They shall be cast and before use. • C7 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON a MURRELL, P.C. f-12�►1 GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STEEL REINFORCEMENT (CONT'D.) Nails shall not be driven into the outside forms to support reinforcement nor shall any other device for this purpose come in contact with the outside form except that wood strips may be inserted between the reinforcement and the forms at intervals to maintain the required clear distance between reinforcement and the inside and outside surfaces of the concrete. The strips shall be pulled up and removed from the wall as the level of the concrete rises. Where steel reinforcement crosses construction joints, openings in the forms shall.be made tight. All lapped bars shall be fastened together securely. Laps, unless otherwise shown, shall not be less than 32 diameter. Where lapped bars are of different diameter, the smaller diameter shall be used to determine the lap. At all wall intersections, steel reinforcement shall be made continuous with adequate splices and/or hooks as shown or ordered. Wherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement otherwise than as shown,, the character of the splice shall be decided by the Engineer. Splicing shall not be made at points of maximum stress nor shall adjacent bars be spliced at the same point. Dowels shall never be placed during or after placing of concrete, nor shall they be disturbed in any way to injure the bond before the concrete is set. Welding of reinforcement shall conform to AWS Specification D12.1 latest revision or as approved. Unless otherwise shown or specified, all placing and lapping shall be in accordance with the recommended practice as set forth in ACI Specification 315, latest revision, and ACI Specification 318, latest revision. SR - 3 of 5 • • 1-{1JN GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STEEL REINFORCEMENT (CONT'D.) 6.0 - CONCRETE COVER Minimum concrete cover over the principal steel reinforce- ment shall be provided not less than indicated in the -following table, unless larger cover dimensions are shown, noted or spe- cified elsewhere: (a) Concrete placed against rock or polyethylene covered foundation material such as bottom slabs, footings, walls without outside forms, etc. 3 -inches (b) Formed concrete that will be in contact with earth or water, or over water, or exposed to weather: Walls, slabs, beams, joists (1) #6 bars and larger 2 -inches (2)' #5 bars and smaller 1 -1/2 -inches (c) Concrete not exposed to earth, water or weather: ,(1) Walls 1 -1/2 -inches (2) Beam and girder stirrups 1 -1/2 -inches (3) Column ties or spiral 1 -1/2 -inches (4) Slabs 3/4 -inches 7.0 - DOWELS INTO EXISTING CONCRETE Where dowels are to be anchored to existing concrete the reinforcement bars shall be anchored by grouting the dowels in place using an epoxy grout as specified in CONCRETE. Holes into which to grout dowels shall be drilled 1/2 -inch larger than the diameter of -the dowel and 24 bar diameter in depth as shown. 8.0 - TESTS. Reinforcement bars shall be inspected and tested by the manufacturer at the mill at which they are rolled.. All tests shall be made on the full size, finished bars, and at least one tensile and one bending test shall be made for each lot of 10 tons or less from each melt of steel from which reinforcement steel is furnished for this work. Two (2) copies of certified mill tests shall be furnished to the Engineer for each lot of 10 tons or less of steel furnished. SR - 4 of 5 • C� GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS: PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STEEL REINFORCEMENT (CONT'D.) When so ordered, the Contractor shall furnish, at no cost to the Owner, sample bars for testing by an approved independent laboratory. The expense for testing shall be borne by the Contractor. 9.0 - SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit sufficiently in advance of need, detailed placing and bending drawings and bar schedules to show number, size, length, bending and placing of the steel he pro- poses to furnish, and no steel reinforcing bars shall be delivered to the site of the work prior to the approval of the bending and placing diagrams. Bending diagrams and reinforcing details shall conform to ACI Specification 315, latest revision, and ACI Specification 318, latest revision,. except as herein modified. All working drawings shall be made to a minimum scale of 1/4 -inch equals V-011. Shop drawings shall conform to the requirements of subsections 21 and 22 of GENERAL CONDITIONS of these specifications. SR - 5 of 5 • F2MGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 1.0 - SCO E The �ork includes all labor, materials, equipment and appli- ances necessary for sawcutting, the removal and disposal of existing pavement, excavation, construction of Portland Cement Concrete Curb, backfilling, compaction and temporary paving in accordance with the specifications at the locations and to the dimensions shown on the plans and as directed by and to the approval of the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERI.ALS 2.1 - Cement - Cement shall be Portland Cement Concrete and shall conform to ASTM Designation C-150-77, Type IA, Air Entrained. 2.2 - Sand - Sand shall consist of clean, sound durable grains free from dirt, dust, clay or harmful substances. Sand shall be uniformly graded from 100 percent passing No. 4 sieve to not more than 10 percent passing No. 100 sieve. 2.3 Aggregate - Stone or gravel aggregate shall be of hard crystalline rock or gravel free from shale or decomposed pieces. It shall be uncoated and clean. The gradation shall be uniform and between -the limits of 1 -1/2 -inch and 1/4 -inch in size. 2.4 - Water - Water shall be clean and free from oil and salt or injurious substances. 2.5 - Expansion Joint Material - Expansion joint filler shall be pre -formed bituminous fiber. 2.6 - Reinforcing Bars - All reinforcing bars shall meet physical properties and tests of ASTM Designation A6 -15-76A, latest revision, for intermediate or hard grade. Minimum requirements for deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement shall.be Grade 40. 3.0 - CONCRETE The concrete shall consist of Portland Cement and fine and coarse aggregates in the proportionate quantities necessary to produce a concrete which will attain a minimum compressive strength of 3,500 psi in 28 days. The total water content shall K17:ilMIRIffli PCCC - 1 of 4 • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. �-i2�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB (CONT'D.) not,excee( 5 gallons per sack of cement. The air content should be 7-1/2 percent and the cement content shall be a minimum of 695 pounds per cubic yard. 4.0 - TESTING The Contractor shall be responsible for concrete testing which shall be in accordance with the section 'of these specifi- cations entitled CONCRETE. 5.0 - REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND TEMPORARY PAVING The Contractor shall neatly remove the existing pavement 12 - inches in front of the face of the new concrete curb. Sawcutting will be required and shall be neat, true to line and to the Engineer's approval. When the concrete curb has cured sufficiently or when directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall place temporary pavement in those areas where the excavation for curb installa- tion has disturbed a travelway. 6.0 - SUBGRADE The subgrade shall be of granular material and shall be excavated or graded to the proper elevation and thoroughly com- pacted by rolling or tamping to a firm surface. Sod organic matter and other unsuitable materials in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable fill material. The subgrade shall be wetted to a penetration of at least 1/2 -inch before placing concrete thereon. Excavation shall not proceed below the subgrade. If the Contractor over -excavates the curb trench, it shall be backfilled and compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO Designation T-99. Compaction test will be required on the compacted backfill. 7.0 - FORMS 7.1 - Alignment - All forms shall be set true to line and grade and held rigidly in place by proper pin or stakes in such a manner that the curb, when completed, will have the required PCCC - 2 of 4 V2AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB (CONTID.) thickness. No abrupt changes in alignment (either vertical or horizontal) shall be allowed. Particular care shall be used where vertical and/or horizontal curves are called for. 7.2 - Materials - All forms shall be constructed of steel or wood. If wood forms are used, they shall be composed of first quality timber. They shall be maintained in excellent condition at all times. Any warped, bent or otherwise damaged pieces shall be immediately discharged. All forms shall be kept thoroughly cleaned and oiled before placing concrete against them. 8.0 - MIXING CONCRETE Concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer of standard type with a drum speed of 200 to 225 peripheral feet per minute. Mixing time shall be one minute for batches of one cubic yard or under and shall be increased 15 seconds for each additional 1/2 yard or fraction. Retempering concrete will not be allowed. Air -slaked or lumpy cement shall not be used. The contents of the mixer shall be -.completely discharged before each new batch is loaded. Transit -mix concrete may be used, provided that it conforms to the specifications herein described and further provided that the central plant producing the concrete and equipment and the transporting of it are, in the opinion of the Engineer, suitable for the production and transportation of the specified concrete. 9.0 - PLACING OF CONCRETE Concrete -shall not be placed until the subgrade is prepared and forms are set. Concrete shall be deposited with minimum rehandling and in one layer. Spading or vibrating shall be done adjacent to forms and joints. 10.0 - EXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joints of specified thickness shall be spaced 20 feet on center. Expansion joint material shall be cut to. the exact cross-section of the curb, except that it shall be set back 1/4 -inch from the front and top faces. This material shall be held in place by means of a bulkhead, such bulkhead being removed immediately after the concrete is placed on both sides of the joint. PCCC - 3 of 4 • • ■ ILJ� GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB (CONTID.) 11.0 - FINISHING Before the forms are removed and while the concrete is still workable, the out top face shall be compacted with a wood float and finished with the required edging tools. The forms shall be left in place until the concrete has set sufficiently so the front form (pavement side) can be removed without injury to the surface finish. Immediately upon removal of the front: form, the surface shall be wood floated and brushed. All "fins" and projections shall be removed. Plastering shall not be allowed. 12.0 - CURING Immediately after all the surface water has evaporated and the concrete has set sufficiently so as not to be marred by the operations, the surface shall be covered with a layer of water- proof paper and sufficient sand placed along the edges thereof to hold the paper in intimate contact with the surface of the curb.. Any joints in the paper shall lap at least 8 -inches, and shall be held in place by sand placed thereon. Any paper which has become ripped or torn, or in any other way rendered unfit for use, shall be discarded and replaced by new paper. The concrete shall be kept moist for at least 60 hours.' 13.0 - FILL BEHIND CURB The Contractor shall furnish and place fill behind the new curb to provide a smooth transition to the new curb as directed by the Engineer. The material used for fill behind the curbs shall be excess trench excavation and/or topsoil. No separate payment will be made for fill behind the curb. 14.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT No separate payment shall be made for concrete curb restoration. The cost of curb construction shall be included in the base price bid. PCCC - 4 of 4 • 1-42Jti GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK ` 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appli- ances required to furnish and install all structural steel and miscellaneous metalwork in accordance with contract documents and as ordered by the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS Except where specifically indicated or specified otherwise, materials for structural steel and miscellaneous metalwork shall conform to the latest revision of the following schedules: METAL STANDARD CLASS OR ALLOY -- Carbon Steel Shapes ASTM A36 -- Carbon Steel Plates ASTM A283 i__ Steel Joists ASTM A242 or A441 -- 'Carbon Steel Pipe ASTM A139 Grade B Stainless Steel ASTM A167 304 Aluminum Castings AA F214 Aluminum Shapes ASTM B308 6061-T6 Aluminum Plates ASTM B209 6061-T6 Aluminum Extrusions ASTM B221 6063-T5 Cast Iron ASTM A48 30 Ductile Iron ASTM A536 60-45-10 Carbon Steel Nuts & A153 -- Bolts ASTM A307 -- High Strength Steel Nuts & Bolts ASTM A325 -- Stainless Steel Bolts ASTM A167 304 Stainless Steel Nuts ASTM A167 316 Stainless Steel Screws ASTM A167 305 Aluminum Nuts & Bolts ASTM B221 2024-T4* Bronze Nuts & Bolts ASTM B98 655 Galvanizing ;Steel Shapes & Plates ASTM A123 -- Galvanizing Steel Nuts & Bolts ASTM A153 -- * Shall have an AA-M10C23A31 anodized finish treatment. An acceptable finish is ALCOA Alumilite Clear 204; KAISER ALUMINUM "Alodine"; or equal. ;OHT 99-n9 SS&MM - 1 of 14 Ut2AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) Where sizes of metal elements are not shown or specified, the minimum thickness shall be 5/16 -inch for steel, 1/4 -inch .for aluminum and 1/2 -inch for cast iron and ductile iron. Welding electrodes for manually shielded metal arc welding shall conform to the requirements of the Specifications for Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, AWS 5.1: Classification Nos. E6011, E6012, E6013 and E6020. Certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer for structural steel to indicate conformity with the specifi- cations. Manufacturer's certification for bolts and nuts and filler metal for welding shall be submitted to the Engineer to show compliance with the specifications. All iron castings shall be smooth and free from blow holes and other defects, and shall conform to the dimensions shown. All castings shall be true and, where required, shall fit prop- erly together. The contact surfaces of the frames and covers for manholes and floor openings shall be chipped and machined, if necessary, in order to give an even bearing for the cover on the frame, and to provide a tight fit. Where required, the surfaces of plates and covers shall be cast with suitable checkering or other raised pattern and lettering. All other metal materials shall conform to the requirements of other sections of the GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS or of the con- tract item specifications, as such apply. 3.0 - STANDARDS Design, fabrication and erection of metalwork shall .be in accordance with the following standards applicable to the character of the work performed. Structural Steel - AISC Specification for Design, Fabri- cation and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings and Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. Steel Joists - Steel Joist Institute Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists. Structural Aluminum - AA Specifications for Aluminum Structures. Welding - AWS Code and AISC Specifications. SS&MM - 2 of 14 01�GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) • 4.0 - CONNECTIONS 4.1 - General - Except as otherwise shown and specified, fasteners shall be made of the metals listed in the following table, at the intersection of the column and line headed by the respective metals to be joined: j METALS JOINED Aluminum Carbon Steel Cast Iron or Ductile Iron CAST IRON STAINLESS OR CARBON STEEL DUCTILE IRON STEEL ALUMINUM Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Stainless Steel Steel Stainless Stainless Aluminum Steel Steel -------- Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Bronze Galvanized Carbon Steel. Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Bronze Galvanized Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Bronze Galvanized Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Bronze Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Stainless Steel Steel Bolts shall have a minimum diameter of 5/8 -inch, except where otherwise noted or specified. Carbon steel and galvanized carbon steel bolts shall be dipped in paint to cover entire bolt prior to assembly of parts. Prior to dipping in paint, galvanized carbon steel bolts shall be pretreated in, conformance with requirements of SSPC PT -2 or SSPC PT -3. SS&MM - 3 of 14 U • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) All bolts and nuts shall conform to the United States Standard sizes, and shall be clean cut and have well -fitting threads. Anchor bolts for bolting steel, cast steel or cast iron to concrete shall be made of steel conforming to.ASTM Specification A307 latest revision.' Anchor bolts for bolting aluminum and other non-ferrous metals to concrete shall be made of Type 304 stainless steel conforming to ASTM Specification A167 latest revision. Other anchor bolt requirements are specified in sec- tion 24.0 of the CONCRETE specification. Drill anchors shall be PHILLIPS DRILL CO., INC., Red Head Self -Drilling Anchors; THE RAWLPLUG CO. Saber -Tooth Self -Drilling Anchors; or equal. Expansion anchors shall be THE RAWLPLUG CO., INC., Multi --Calk Threaded Style; DIAMOND EXPANSION BOLT CO., a Division of GENERAL CABLE CORP., Keystone Double Expansion Shield; or equal. The number of units used per expansion anchor shall be adequate to develop the ultimate tensile strength of the bolt. Drill anchors shall be used for fastening materials and equipment to concrete. Expansion anchors shall be used for fastening materials and equipment to masonry. Where hollow block masonry makes the use of expansion anchors unsuitable, toggle bolts or other suitable fastening devices, as approved, shall be provided. 4.2 - Structural.Steel Connections - Bolting (a) All shop and field connections shall be either bolted with high strength steel bolts or welded, unless otherwise shown, noted, directed, specified or approved. (b) Where structural joints are made using high strength. bolts, hardened washers and nuts tightened to a high tension; the materials, methods of installation and tension control, type of wrenches to be used, and inspection methods shall conform to specifications for Structural Joints ASTM Specification A325 or Bolts ASTM Specification A490 latest revision. The surfaces of the bolted parts in contact with the bolt head and nut shall be parallel. Shear resisting joints shall be of the friction -type. When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those adjacent to the washer, shall be free of paint, oil, lacquer, dirt, loose scale, galvanizing, burrs or other defects that would prevent solid seating of the parts. The high strength bolts used shall have a suitable identifying mark placed on top of the head before leaving the factory. Tightening of nuts shall be done with SS&MM - 4 of 14 • FidM GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) properly calibrated wrenches or by the turn -of -nut method. The minimum bolt tension for the size of bolt used shall be in accordance with the table listed in the above referenced stan- dards. When calibrated wrenches are used, each wrench shall be checked for accuracy at least once daily for actual conditions of application. Bolts that have been completely tightened shall be marked with an identifying symbol. The Contractor shall provide two (2) calibrated torque wrenches for the use of the Engineer in inspecting bolts installed in the structure. (c) Holes for high strength steel bolts shall be drilled or sub -punched and reamed not more than 1/16 -inch larger than the diameter of the bolts to be used. (d) Drift pins shall be used only for bringing members into position and not to enlarge or distort holes.. Burning of holes to admit bolts will not be permitted. (e) All rolled beams and girders shall be connected by means of standard beam connections of series as noted or as approved, and as detailed in the latest edition of the Steel Construction Manual of the AISC. 5.0 - WELDING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Electric arc welding may be -used where welding is called for in the drawings or as approved. Where structural joints are made by welding, the details of all joints, -the technique of welding employed, the appearance and quality of welds made, and the methods used in correcting defec- tive work shall conform to requirements of AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings and AWS Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Con- struction. In addition, welds shall be made only by operators who have been previously qualified by tests as described in AWS Standard Qualification Procedure to perform the type of work required. Welding equipment shall be of a type which will produce proper current so that the operator may produce satisfactory welds. The welding machines shall be of 200-400 amp, 25-40 volt capacity. Electrodes shall be suitable for positions and other conditions of intended use in accordance with the instructions with each container. Field welding shall be done by direct current. SS&MM - 5 of 14 0 • 1i1M GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) Surfaces to be welded shall be free of loose scale, rust, grease, paint and other foreign material except that mill scale that withstands vigorous wire brushing may remain. A light film of linseed oil likewise may be disregarded. Joint surfaces shall be free from fins and tears. No welding shall be done when the temperature of the base metal is lower than 0°F. At temperatures between 32°F and 0°F the surfaces of all areas within 3 -inches of a point where a weld is started shall be heated to 180°F or higher before welding is started. Finished member's shall be true to line and free from twists, bends and open joints. 6.0 - STRUCTURAL STEEL.FABRICATION Unless otherwise shown, noted or specified, the fabrication of structural steel shall be in accordance with AISC Specifica- tions for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Steel shall be punched and drilled for attachment of wood nails and other materials indicated or speci- fied to be attached to the steel. Bearing surfaces, except the bottom surface of plates on grout beds, shall be planed to true beds. Abutting surfaces shall be closely fitted. 7.0 - STORING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL All structural steel shall timbers and blocking so placed the ground, and all surfaces accumulation of water. be stored properly on substantial that the steel shall be free from shall be drained to prevent any 8.0 - ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Except as otherwise indicated on the drawings or specified, the erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with the latest edition of AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings; Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges; and the Steel Joist Institute, Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists; and with modifications and other specific requirements described herein. SS&MM - 6 of 14 • • 112"GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) Templates shall be furnished for setting the anchor bolts. Before erecting any st el, the Contractor shall verify the location and elevation of al anchor bolts to determine that the foundations are at the prope elevation and suitably leveled off ready to receive baseplates. The Contractor shall immediately correct any inaccuracies which come to his attention and which might affect steel erection. The number of bolts used for erection purposes shall not be less than 10 percent of the number of high strength steel bolts to be used. All structural steel shall be accurately erected to lines and grades ;shown. All steel shall be level and plumb within a tolerance of 1:500 before permanent connections are made. The Contractor shall provide -all necessary temporary bracing required for steel erection. Sufficient temporary bolts shall be used to insure_ safety of the structure until final completion. All necessary cribbing on concrete work shall be provided to properly distribute work loads of erection equipment so as not to cause damage to any completed concrete structure. 9.0 - FABRICATION OF MISCELLANEOUS STEEL METALWORK Fabrication of all miscellaneous metalwork shall conform to the requirements of these specifications. 10.0 - ALUMINUM FABRICATION Whenever aluminum members are not specifically sized or detailed, the design shall be based on the Aluminum Association (AA) Specifications for Aluminum Structures. All, fabrication of aluminum members shall be done as called for in the above AA Specification. Where welding of aluminum is required or allowed, all prepa- ration for aLnd welding of parts shall be done according to the requirements of the AWS Welding Handbook adopted by the AA. Parts shall be welded with an arc or resistance welding process. No welding process that requires the use of a welding flux shall SS&MM - 7 of 14 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. IF�2�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONTID.) be used. The filler metal shall be aluminum alloy designated for use in the AWS Welding Handbook. Welds shall be free of poros- ity, cracks or blow holes, and shall be finished to match adja- cent surfaces. Whenever welding is specified .or allowed, the strength of the member is reduced locally by heat, and the , members shall be designed accordingly and in alignment with the above AA Specifi- cation. Unless otherwise specified, all aluminum work shall be given an anodized finish treatment equal to AA-M10C23A41. An accepta- ble finish is ALCOA or KAISER ALUMINUM Alumilite 215R1. Aluminum members such as lintels that abut doors and louvers shall be color anodized to match same. Bolting of aluminum work shall be with stainless steel unless otherwise specified or shown. 11.0 - METALLIC COATINGS Galvanizing, where specified, shall be done by the hot -dip process in accordance with ASTM Specifications A123 or A153, latest revision. Nuts and bolts may be sherardized in lieu of galvanizing. All metal to be galvanized shall be thoroughly cleaned by immersion in pickling liquors prior to dipping in the hot zinc bath. All galvanized articles shall be handled, shipped and erected in such a manner as to preclude any damage to zinc coating. Galvanized materials shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of SURFACE FINISH PAINTING. Cadmium plating will not be permitted as a substitute for galvanizing, nor as a decorative finish. 12.0 - PAINTING Insofar as they apply, all of the requirements of the specifications for painting under SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING are hereby made a part of these specifications. The standard shop paint for steel joist shall conform to Steel Structures Painting Council Specification 15-67T, Type 2 (black asphalt). SS&MM - 8 of 14 J��I ROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. I� I■ 2A ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) Steel that is to be .encased in concrete shall not be painted, but all other steel shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of SURFACE FINISH PAINTING and given one (1) heavy coat of primer as specified thereunder. Surfaces that are to be field welded or bolted shall not be shop painted. After erection, all exposed steel which will become inacces- sible after masonry is erected, shall be given a second coat of red lead primer and two (2) coats of aluminum paint. After erection, all field bolt heads and nuts, and field welds shall be field primed with same primer that was applied in the shop. Shop primer shall be applied to a minimum dry film thickness as specified under SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING. Those portions of aluminum coming in contact with concrete or masonry shall, prior to their erection, be painted with one (1) 20-24 mil thick coat of coal tar pitch paint equal to PORTER COATING DIVISION of PORTER PAINT CO., Tarmastic 103; KOPPERS CO., INC., Bitumastic No. 50; or equal. Where aluminum materials come in contact with other metals, the surfaces of contact shall be thoroughly insulated with the same approved bituminous material. 13.0 - GRATING 13.1 - Materials - Grating shall be of non-skid type, extruded from 6063-T6 aluminum alloy, and shall be BORDEN METAL PRODUCTS CO., Aluminum Plank; WASHINGTON ALUMINUM CO., Type B Heavy Duty Grating; or equal. Individual extruded panels shall be fastened together into the fabricated panels by welding. 13.2 - Fabrication (a) Where required for passage of pipe, valve stems or other devices, openings shall be left in the gratings. All openings for pipes, valve stems or other devices which require the cutting of more than three main bars or members shall be finished with banding strips. The ends of all gratings shall also be provided with banding strips. The banding strips shall be of the same depth as the grating and not less than 1/8 -inch thick. The banding strips shall be welded to the main bars and neatly finished at the intersections with the bars. All grating sections shall be easily removable. SS&MM - 9 of 14 GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) (b) Grating tolerances and clearance requirements shall conform to the applicable standards of the Metal Grating Institute. (c) Gratings shall be sized that a live load of 300 psf will not produce a fibre stress exceeding the maximum allowable with a safety factor of three. No grating shall be less than 1 -inch in depth. The longest dimension of individual grating sections shall not be greater than 6'-0" and they shall weigh not more than 150 pounds. 13.3 - Grating Supports (a) Where gratings are to be erected with the bearing upon concrete slabs, beams or floors, an anchored aluminum angle bear- ing support, as detailed on the drawings, shall be placed in the concrete to receive the gratings. If bearing supports are not detailed on the drawings, extruded aluminum frames equal to Type GF aluminum grating frames as manufactured by ARCHITECTURAL ART MFG., INC.; flush grating frames as manufactured by CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC.; or equal, shall be provided. Unless otherwise approved, these bearing supports shall be constructed so as to make a continuous frame, having all corners mitered and welded or spliced, and having sufficient anchors attached for proper anchoring of the frame into the concrete. The anchors shall be spaced not :Less than 15 -inches on center. The frames shall be fabricated of 6061-T6 or 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. (b) Where gratings are to be supported on structural steel or aluminum members other than the containing frames in the pre- ceding paragraph, the aluminum containing frames will not be required. - (c) Where joints occur normal to the direction of span, they shall enter on the structural supports, with a 'clearance of 1/16 -inch between joints. (d) Where pipe openings cause the cutting of more than three main bars, a galvanized steel angle support shall be clamped on the pipe. 13.4 - Erection - All gratings shall be properly erected in place, at the locations shown. Gratings shall be anchored to all structural supports, containing frames using four (4) approved bolted anchors per section. After erection, all grating sections SS&MM - 10 of 14 I112A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) shall be absolutely flat and true so as to provide an even, uni- form, non -rattling .and non -rocking bearing on the supports. Large heavy duty hinges for hinged sections of grating shall be provided where indicated. 14.0 - HANDRAILS 14.1 - General - The Contractor shall furnish all the materials for and shall erect all handrails shown. Handrails shall be fabricated of aluminum. 14.2 - Material - Handrails and accessories shall be of the following aluminum alloys: DESCRIPTION ALLOY DESIGNATION Pipe for Railings 6063-T832 Cast Alloy Fittings 356-T6 and B214 Wrought Alloy Fittings 6061-T6 Kick Plates 6061-T6 (a) Aluminum alloys specified herein shall conform to the designated alloys of the Aluminum Association (AA) and shall be given an AA-C22A41 finish. (b) Screws, nuts and bolts shall be of stainless steel. 14.3 - Construction �a) Rails and stanchions shall be 1 -1/2 -inches diameter stand rd pipe having a wall thickness of 0.145 -inch and weighing 0.94 pounds per foot. The rails shall be.spaced from the floor as shown. (b) The stanchions and rails shall be assembled with flush type fittings and fastened by welding. Flush type fittings shall be JULIUS BLAUM & CO., INC., Connectorail System; J.G. BRAUN Co., 11000 Series Pipe Rail fittings; or equal. Welded joints shall be made by inert gas arc welding. Welding rod shall be aluminum alloy 5356. All welded joints shall be cleaned. of flux and the weld head shall be ground, rubbed and finished so as to produce a neat workmanlike finish equal to adjacent surfaces. SS&MM - 11. of 14 • • GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL &MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) (c) Spacing of stanchions shall be as indicated, but in all cases shall be uniform and shall not exceed 7 feet center -to - center. Shorter spacing shall be used where required to maintain the maximum spacing. Stanchions will be required on each side of an expansion joint in the structure. (d) All railings shall be erected to line and plumb and fastened in a neat, substantial, workmanlike manner, equal to the best practice. Railing shall conform to the standards of the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers except as may be otherwise specified herein. (e) Where handrails are set into new concrete, the stan- chions shall be set into 2 -1/2 -inch aluminum sleeves and firmly caulked with A -H PRODUCTS, a Division of ANTI -HYDRO WATERPROOFING CO., A -H Poly -Seal BF -gray polysulfide compound; SONNEBORN Division of CONTECH, INC., Sonolastic Polysulfide Sealant, gray in color; or equal. Floor cover flanges shall be placed on the stanchions and fastened in-place with set screws on the side of the stanchions away from the walkway. Stanchions shall be placed so that the centerline is 3 -inches from the edge of the concrete. (f) Where handrails are set into existing concrete, floor cover flanges shall be placed on the stanchions and drill anchored into existing concrete with stainless steel bolts. (g) Where handrails are supported from structural members, it shall be done by the use of approved sockets, flanges, brac- kets or other approved means which will provide neat and sub- stantial support for the pipe railing. . (h) Where handrails are to be fastened to walls, the rails shall be provided with screwed wall flanges fastened to the walls with three (3) 3/8 -inch stainless steel flat head machine screws, anchored in accordance with Section 4.0, CONNECTIONS. (i) Where handrails are supported with wall brackets, the wall brackets shall be JULIUS BLAUM & CO., INC., Cat. No. 316; J.G. BRAUN CO., Cat. No. 4401; or equal. The end of handrails supported by wall brackets shall be finished with terminal caps and shall be JULIUS BLAUM & CO., INC., Cat. No. 716, J.G. BRAUN CO., Cat. No. 11062; or equal. SS&MM - 12 of 14 11-12A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK (CONT'D.) • 15.0 - SAFETY TREADS On all concrete stairs abrasive metal safety treads, con- forming to the details shown, shall be cast integrally with the steps. Safety treads shall have hatched surfaces and cast -on anchors, and shall be AMERICAN ABRASIVE METALS CO., Alumalun Style A treads, A. NITT & SON, 2004 Abrasive Safety Treads; or equal. 16.0 - THRESHOLDS Unless otherwise specified or noted, the Contractor shall furnish and install thresholds for doors equal to AMERICAN ABRASIVE METALS CO., Alumalun Style T, recessed, abrasive alumi- num threshold; A. NITT & SONS,'2009 Abrasive Door Threshold; or equal. They shall be set in grout and anchored with flat head stainless steel anchors. 17.0 - WORKI:NG DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer detailed working drawings of all structural steel and miscel- laneous metalwork, based upon the contract drawings. These work ing drawings shall give all the necessary information for fabrication, erection and painting, and except as otherwise provided herein, structural steel drawings shall be based on AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Working drawings shall include information necessary for the fabrication of the component parts of the structure. They shall indicate size and weight of members, type and location of shop and field connections, the type, size and extent of all welds, and the welding sequence when required. The welding symbols used on the working drawings shall be as adopted by the AWS. No steel shall be fabricated until the Engineer's approval has been received. Hung lintels and similar details shall include all punching, drilling, tapping and supports required to assure proper support and anchorage for all masonry work to be placed. Structural steel connections and details shall not interfere with architectural and mechanical clearances. SS&MM - 13 of 14 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. rte+ GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SS&MM - 14 of 14 • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. IH?�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appli- ances required for painting, as shown on the drawings, detailed in the specifications or as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2..1 - General All materials specified herein shall be manufactured by the TNEMEC COMPANY, INC., North Kansas City, MO; MOBIL CHEMICAL, Edison, NJ; or approved equal. No request for substitution shall be considered that would decrease film thickness and/or number of coats or offer a change in the general type of coating specified in the Painting Schedule. If the manufacturer's literature of the product being offered calls for higher film thickness, the Contractor must apply the greater film thickness. 2.2 - Colors All colors shall be selected as directed by the Engineer. Samples shall be mixed for and approved by the Engineer before any painting is started. 2.3 - Delivery - Storage (a) All material shall be delivered to the site in the original containers, with labels intact and seals unbroken. (b) With the exception of ready mixed material, all mixing shall be done at the job site. (c) Coatings, thinners and solvents shall be stored in weather -tight enclosures at the site in an approved location and manner. 3.0 - WORKMANSHIP 3.1 - Inspection of Surfaces Before :starting painting, the Contractor shall inspect all surfaces to be painted and report all defects therein to the Engineer in writing. Commencement of work by this Contractor indicates his acceptance of the surfaces. SOHT 89-02 SF -P - 1 of 6 is • H2Al GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON a MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS: ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) 3.2 - Preparation of Surfaces All spaces shall be broom cleaned before painting is started and all surfaces to be painted shall be dry. All ferrous metal surfaces, including pipe, pipe supports, equipment and structural steel shall be properly cleaned and prepared for painting. Cleaning methods specified for surface preparation shall remove all dirt, scale, loose rust, loose mill scale, welding flux and scale, oil, grease, and all other detrimental foreign matter which may impair the adhesion of the paint to be applied. Weld projections or irregular portions of welds, which will interfere with the proper coating shall be ground smooth, as approved. Surface shall receive surface preparation prior to coatings according to the requirements of the SSPC Specification as here- inafter specified. Removal of grease, oil, wax, tar, and other organic contam- inants shall be by solvent cleaning conforming to the require- ments of SSPC-SP Specification No. 1. Ferrous metal surfaces shall be shop primed in accordance with the applicable coating system specified, even when such prime cost is not specifically included in 'the coating system. The shop coat shall be construed as meaning the primer, or if no primer is called for, the first coat of the finish paint. Primed ferrous metal surfaces damaged by handling, field assembly, or welding shall be reprimed in conformance with the painting system specified for the surface after blast cleaning or wire brushing the damaged area, as approved. 3.3 - Painting All work shall be done by skilled mechanics in a workmanlike manner. All material shall be evenly applied so as to be free from sags, runs, crawls or other defects. All coats shall be of proper consistency and well brushed out, so as to show the mini- mum of brush marks, except varnish and enamel which shall be uniformly flowed on. All brushes shall be clean and in good condition. SF -P - 2 of 6' • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 114A GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) All coats shall be thoroughly dry before the succeeding coat is applied. Allow at least 24 hours between coats, unless special paint is used that requires more or less time for drying, according to manufacturer's specifications. All metal surfaces shall be solvent cleaned to remove grease and oil. Where rust or scale is present, it shall be removed prior to painting. Wire brush or sand to bright metal. All damage to shop prime coat caused by cleaning, repairing and erection to be spot primed with the same material used for the shop coat. All galvanized metal surfaces to be chemically treated with a phosphate acid solution prior to priming, according to manu- facturer's directions. Temperature of spaces in building where painting is being done or where it is drying shall be maintained above 50°F. All exposed exterior woodwork and exposed interior woodwork in contact with exterior masonry walls or with floor slabs shall be back primed before being installed. Prime all cuts made after prime coat is applied. The paint application requirements of SSPC-PA Specification No. 1, shall govern on procedures and requirements not specifi- cally covered by manufacturer's instructions and shall constitute the minimum standards for painting of ferrous metal surfaces. All paints and coating shall be applied by expert workmen with the coating systems specified herein. Paint shall be applied by brushing or spraying or a combi- nation of these methods, unless otherwise specified. Each coat of paint shall be applied as a continuous film of uniform thickness, free of pores, to the maximum extent practi- cable. Any thin spots or areas missed in the application shall be repainted and permitted to dry before the next coat is applied. If the paint material has thickened and must be diluted for application by spray gun, the coating shall be built up to the same film thickness achieved with undiluted material (i.e., one gallon of paint as originally furnished must not cover a greater surface area when sprayed than then applied unthinned by brush). SF -P - 3 of 6 i-l2M GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) • Where thinning is necessary, only the products of the manufac- turer furnishing the paint, and for the particular purpose, shall be used, and such thinning shall be done with the manufacturer's knowledge, in accordance with his instructions. All surfaces to be coated shall be finish coated in the field, except as otherwise specified. The color of the final coats shall be as selected by the Engineer. No finish coating shall be applied until all marred surfaces have been repaired or repainted. Prime and successive finish coats shall be cleaned, sand- papered, or otherwise treated, before the next coat is applied, in accordance with the recommendations of the coating manufac- turer, and as approved by the Engineer. All coats shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before application of any succeeding coats. All coats shall be applied to the dry film thickness (d.ft) specified. 3.4 - Cleaning Ug This Contractor shall, upon completion, remove all paint where it has been spilled, splashed or splattered on surfaces, including fixtures, glass, fittings, etc. 3_.5 - Painting Schedule (a) Mechanical Equipment and Ferrous Metals. All mechanical equipment and all miscellaneous ferrous metals shall be prepared and coated as follows, unless the finish coat is specified otherwise in the respective equipment section of the specifications. Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaned MOBIL Primer: Finish: Epoxy Primer 13R60 78 Series, two (2) coats, 4-6 mils dit each SF -P - 4 of 6 U1A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) I* M TNEMEC Primer: 37-77 Chem -Prime, one (1) coat, 2.5-3.5 mils dit Finish: 66 Epoxoline, two (2) coats, 4-6 mils dit each OR EQUAL. (NOTE: If blasting is done in field, eliminate the "primer" and apply finish coats immediately.) (b) Galvanized Metals Galvanized metals shall be prepared and coated as follows: Galvanized Surfaces Surface Preparation: TNEMEC Primer: Finish: OR CARBOLINE Primer: Finish: OR EQUAL. SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaned None 66 Epoxoline, two (2) coats, 2.5-3.5 mils dit each None 190 HB Finish, two (2) coats, 2.5-3.5 mils dit each Galvanizing shall be done by the hot dip process, in accor- dance with the specifications of the AHDGA. Zinc coating shall not be less than two ounces per square foot of surface. Galvanizing shall be done in a plant having AHDGA-approved facilities for producing quality coatings and ample capacity for the work required. SF -P - 5 of is P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. i12�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) All galvanized articles, after galvanizing, shall be handled, shipped and erected in such a manner as to preclude any damage to the zinc coating until such time as the entire work is accepted by the Owner. Should any coating be damaged before acceptance, it shall be repaired by thorough cleaning and appli- cation of one coat of 90-93 TNEMEC-ZINC, where deemed necessary by the Engineer. - 3.6 - Repaintinq All ferrous and other surfaces damages by the Contractor shall be restored to their original conditions. The painting system shall. be that of the original coating. 3.7 - Safety Requirements The coating specifications may include materials which are toxic or hazardous. The Contractor shall observe necessary safety requirements as directed by the paint manufacturer and conforming with the safety precautions of SSPC-PA Specification No. 1 and OSHA. 3.8 - Failures Any failures or breakdowns, loosening of the paint or coatings within a year after acceptance of work shall be rectified by the Contractor regardless of the paint systems used. The Contractor shall remove the entire coating where failure occurs. Patch work will not be permitted. SF -P 6 of 6 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 1H2M GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS 0 TRUCK SCALE 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install a truck scale and data management system, ready for use, as speci- fied herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial calibration and testing in the presence of the Engi- neer, Owner and manufacturer's representative, and training of personnel in the operation of the equipment. 2.0 - GENERAL The ;scale system shall conform to the requirements of the National Bureau of Standards and applicable New York State Weights and Measures requirements. The scale platform, indicator, printer and data management system shall be furnished by one supplier to ensure equipment compatibility. 3.0 - TRUCK SCALE The Contractor shall furnish, install and place into opera- tion one (1) fully electronic, low -profile, pitless type truck scale, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. The truck scale shall be Ground Hugger Model 6060 -PRC, as manufactured by CARDINAL, or approved equal. The truck scale shall meet the following requirements: PLATFORM SIZE: 60' x 10' CAPACITY: 60 tons SECTIONAL CAPACITY: 30 tons LOAD CELLS: Six (6) maximum per scale TYPE: Compression CAPACITY: 50,000 lbs. per cell LOAD CELL FEATURES: Temperature compensated Overload protection 150% SOHT 89-02 TRS - 1 of 5 GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS • TRUCK SCALE (CONT'D.) Repeatability 0.02% Hermetically sealed LOAD CELL STANDS: Individual stand for each load cell shall be provided. Each stand shall be self-contained with convex and lower load buttons to maintain load cell in upright position. LOADING: Maintained through vertical axis. Scale and load cells unaffected by expansion or contraction of weigh- bridge due to change in tempera- ture. CHECK: RODS: Lateral and longitudinal for both compression and tension to rigidly check scale platform over load cells. WEIGHBRIDGE: All welded steel with 5/16 -inch checkered plate deck. Weighbridge to be fabricated and painted at manufacturer's factory. Overall height from datum line to be 11" +. Weighbridge to be equipped with conduit to house all load cell in- terconnect cables. Junction boxes are to be mounted on side of weighbridge for easy access, but out of weather condi- tions. Platform to have, at each end of scale, a hinged flap connected to weighbridge to prevent platform binding due to fallen debris. Complete installation shall include unloading off delivery truck; foundation construction; setting -pre -constructed welded steel truck scale and checkered steel deck onto foundation, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations; installation of TRS - 2 of 5 IH2N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS TRUCK SCALE (CONT'D.) all load cell stand bearing plates, including grouting; factory painting and field touchup; and any and all equipment and materials pertaining to the scale platform and related equipment. 4.0 - SCALE WEIGHT INDICATOR The scale platform shall be supplied with a solid state digital weight indicator which meets or exceeds the requirements of Handbook 44 of the National Bureau of Standards. Scale weight indicator shall be CARDINAL Model 738 or equal. The scale indicator shall have the following features and capabilities: Graduated 120,000 lbs. x 20 lbs. with built-in conver- sion capability to convert to tons and kilograms. Low power LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) alphanumeric display 16 characters in length. Weight Conversion (lb/kg or lb/ton). Free standing desk -type industrial NEMA 7 enclosure. Digital set-up and calibration from surface mount keypad. Digital averaging. Self-diagnostic circuitry. Continual calibration check. Sealed solid state touch sensitive keypad located on front panel of indicator. RFI/EMI protection. Keypad serial and pushbutton tare. Automatic zero tracking. Motion detection and indication. Over -capacity indication. TRS - 3 of 5 If-i��N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON a MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS TRUCK SCALE (CONT'D.) Below zero indication. Complete solid state circuitry and modular design to allow easily interchangeable and replaceable circuit boards. Internal battery system to protect calibration program and conversion tables. Battery shall be of a type that can be 'easily replaced without disrupting calibration settings. Data output to the data management system or other compaLtible peripheral device. 5.0 - FIELD SERVICES The manufacturer of the scale shall provide the services of an engineer for a total of not more than five (5) working days for the purpose of instructing and assisting the Contractor and the Owner's personnel in the handling, installation, startup and operation of the equipment. Once the system has been completely installed, testing and calibration shall be performed so the scale will be certified for operation in the State of New York. The scale shall operate within the specified tolerances of the New York State Weights and Measures. A calibration check shall be performed every three (3) months during the first year of operation. 6.0 - MANUALS Five (5) copies of the Shop Drawings and three (3) copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manual shall be submitted to the Engineer. 7.0 - GUARANTEE The truck scale manufacturer shall guarantee for one (1) year from date of final payment request that all equipment shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship. The manufac- turer shall furnish and the Contractor shall install replacement parts for any defective component during the guarantee period. TRS - 4 of 5 P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 112A GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS �N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS ELECTRICAL WORK 1.0 - WORK INCLUDED The work includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary to construct and install all electrical equipment and accessories at the Town of Southold Cutchogue Landfill for installation of an -exit truck scale, as indicated on the contract drawings and herein specified. The work covered under this section shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A) Electrical wiring and hookup of truck scale, and scale indicator. B) The Contractor shall be responsible for inter- facing the new exit truck scale electronic equip- ment into the existing data management system. C) Grounding system. D) All trenching, excavation and backfill for electrical conduits and wire. E) All associated work, incidentals and testing necessary for a complete working electrical system. F) Furnishing to the Engineer, for approval, five (5) sets of shop drawings or catalog cuts of each type of equipment being utilized prior to ordering said equipment. G) Installation of electrical wiring and light fix- ture furnished with prefabricated building and outdoor light fixtures. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits neces- sary to conduct the work and complete this contract. 2.0 - GENERAL The installation shall be in accordance with the latest rules of the National Electric Code, TELCO, and governing local ordinances. The Contractor shall comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the State, Municipal and District Departments having jurisdiction. Upon completion of the work, an Under- writers Certificate shall be submitted, prior to final payment request. All approved SOHT 89-02 electrical equipment being and labeled. - 1 of 5 installed shall be UL P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON B MURRELL, P.C. II-i2�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS ® ELECTRICAL WORK (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall thoroughly familiarize himself with all construction drawings and vendor's detailed drawings concerning this project and shall coordinate his work with that of other trades. In the event of discrepancies, the Owner shall be noti- fied for a disposition prior to proceeding with the work. No structural members shall be cut or penetrated without the approval of the Engineer in writing. The Contractor shall guarantee his entire installation to be free from defective materials or workmanship for a period of one year from date of,final acceptance of the installation. The Contractor shall provide all necessary cutting and patching required for installation of electrical work. Excava- tion, trenching and backfilling shall be in accordance with the section of these specifications entitled, EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING AND GRADING. The basic bid proposal shall be made on the basis of the equipment specified, when specific catalog numbers are given. Substitutes on specified equipment will not be permitted unless approved by the Engineer in writing. The -Contractor shall record installation details and the actual methods of installing conduits, panels, equipment, etc., and shall prepare "As -Built" drawings for this project, as outlines in the General Conditions. 3.0 - INCOMING SERVICE In General, 'service work shall conform to the drawings and shall include secondary underground service entrance cables and connections conforming to Utility Company specifications. Secondary cabling shall be phased per Utility Company require- ments. Metering equipment enclosure shall be furnished per Utility Company requirements. 4.0 - CONDUIT, WIRE AND BOXES In general, all wiring shall run exposed, or concealed in walls, floors or hung ceilings in all finished spaces. Wire shall be copper, type THW, #12 AWG minimum. Service entrance conductors to be type "USE". EW - 2 of • • P HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. N?�N GROU ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS ELECTRICAL WORK (CONT'D.) Conduits shall be run exposed in all mechanical spaces and shall be rigid heavy wall galvanized steel except where "PVC" is indicated. Boxes shall be cast. Intermediate weight steel con- duit may be used in tight spaces when rigidly secured to the structure. Provide PVC coated elbows for all conduits exiting upward from earth or concrete. After wiring has been installed and connected, conduit ends shall be sealed by JOHNS -MANVILLE Duxseal forced into conduits to a minimum depth equal to the conduit diameter. Wireways shall be 611, x 6" minimum hinged cover type. Outdoor boxes and enclosures shall be NEMA 4, cast aluminum or fabricated stainless steel. Depth of cover over underground electric conduit and/or cable shall be 2 feet minimum. 5.0 - LIGHTING FIXTURES The Contractor shall furnish, install and connect all lighting fixtures complete with lamps, hangers, fittings, etc., in'accordance with the fixtures specified herein or as indicated on the contract drawings. Supports, hangers, etc. shall be suitable for the type of building construction on this project and as approved by the Engineer. All fixtures shall be supplied completely wired, assembled and ready for installation and finished as specified or approved by the Engineer. No gaps will be permitted between fixtures and electric boxes, and wiring shall be completely concealed within such wireways. Layout of fixtures :shown on the contract drawings is approximate. Exact locations shall be determined in the field. Fixtures shall be clear of pipes, mechanical equipment, structural openings and other obstructions. 6.0 - CONN'ECTION OF EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall connect each item of electrical equip- ment, whether furnished by him or not and leave it in an operable condition. Provide suitable type "SO" rubber cords and/or matching plugs for all items of equipment not appropriately fur- nished by the manufacturer. EW - 3 of 5 IH2�N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS, SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS ELECTRICAL WORK (CONT'D.) 7.0 - WIRING DEVICES All wiring devices shall be "Specification Grade", as manu- factured by HUBBELL, A&H, BRYANT, or equal. Switches shall be 20 ampere quiet type. Receptacles shall be 20 ampere duplex or 20 ampere single outlets as indicated on the plans. All wall switches and receptacles shall be of the grounded type with grounding done in accordance with the National Electric Code. Where two or more switches are located at the same point, they shall be gang mounted with gang plates. Plates shall be galva- nized, cadmium plated or stainless steel in finished areas. 8.0 - IDENTIFICATION All feeder cables and control wires shall be tagged at terminal points and in all pull boxes. Panelboards, safety switches, remote starting control equipment, time switches, buzzers, bells and pushbuttons shall have "DYMO" nameplates describing function, purpose or equipment controlled. Panelboard directories shall be completely typewritten, as to loads served. All underground utilities shall be marked by a continuous identifying tape buried in the trench above the conduits and shall be 12 inches below finished grade. The identifying tape "Terra Tape", as manufactured by GRIFFOLYN CO., SOMERSET, or equal, shall be an inert material such as polyethylene plastic, highly resistant to alkalis, and/or chemical components likely to be encountered in soils. The tape shall be in bright colors to contrast with the soil, with identifying printing in black letters, one side only. The tape shall have printed thereon in two (2) rows with the word CAUTION on one (1) row and BURIED (type of utility) LINE BELOW' on the other line. Tapes shall be supplied in continuous rolls. The identifying letters shall be repeated continuously the full lengths of the tape. Tapes shall be color coded as directed by the Engineer. 9.0 - COLOR CODING AND TESTS Contractor shall color code each phase and carry code to each panelboard and motor switch. Test shall be made by the Con- tractor at: the direction of the Engineer, when equipment is faulty. EW - 4 0 • • 112A GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS ELECTRICAL WORK (CONT'D.) 10.0 - GROUNDING All electrical installations shall be grounded in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electrical Code, local inspec- tion authorities and the requirements of the electrical utility. EW - 5 of 5 U11N GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CORRUGATED BEAM GUIDE RAIL • 1.0 - SCOPE The work under this section includes all labor, materials and equipment necessary to furnish and install corrugated beam guide rail and appurtenances in the configuration and locations shown on the plan, as detailed in the specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Beams, Terminal Sections and Hardware - Corrugated beams, terminal sections and hardware shall be fabricated to the dimensions shown on the plans. All beams shall be straight unless otherwise shown on the plans, shall be of uniform section and shall have rolled edges. Beams and terminal, sections shall be made from 12 gauge or heavier sheet and rolled from new billet open hearth, electric furnace or basic oxygen steel. Bolt holes shall be enlarged or slotted to permit expansion and contraction and to facilitate erection. All bolts and other hardware shall be of galvanized steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A-307. 2.2 - Posts, Plates and Anchoring Units - Posts, plates and anchoring units shall be as shown on the plans and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A-36. 2.3 - Galvanizing - Beams, terminal sections, posts and all other accessory plates, anchoring units, etc., shall be gal- vanized .in accordance with the requirements of ASTM 123. All sections shall be blanked to the proper shape, fabricated and ready for assembly before galvanizing. No punching, drilling, cutting or welding will be permitted after galvanizing. Bolts and other hardware shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM 153. 3.0 - METHOD Posts,'beam sections, terminal sections, transition sections and anchor assemblies shall be installed at the locations and to the dimensions shown on the plans. Posts shall be driven (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) using approved equipment and methods which will set the posts in their final position, free of distortion, burring or other damage. When posts are driven 89-02 CBGR - 1 of 2 M GROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS CORRUGATED BEAM GUIDE RAIL (CONT'D..) through asphalt or other bituminous material, care shall be taken to minimize damage to the paved area. Any holes or voids caused by driving the posts shall be filled and compacted with a bituminous material matching the existing material. Gaps between the post and the pavement shall be sealed with a bituminous material approved by the Engineer. During erection procedures, the free end of the rail shall be supported in a manner approved by the Engineer while the splice bolts and mounting bolts are fastened. Mounting bolts shall be torqued to 50 percent of average failure value. 4.0 - METHOD OF PAYMENT No separate payment stall be made for furnishing new corru- gated beam guide rail. The cost to provide and install shall be included in the base price bid. CBGR - 2 of 2 �J 1112AGROUP HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS. PLANNERS and SURVEYORS METHOD OF PAYMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL PROJECT NO. SOHT 89-02 This Contract is a Lump Sum Contract, requiring the complete installation of an exit truck scale, as called for in the Speci- fications and shown on the contract drawings. The Base Bid shall include all work, equipment, labor, materials and insurances required by the Plans, Specifications, Technical Specifications - General and Detailed, General Condi- tions, Contract and Addenda, or otherwise required for the proper completion of the contract. The Contractor shall receive the lump sum base bid for the completion of ALL work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and as approved by the Engi- neer, with the exception of the work identified as Contingency Item No. 1. Under Contingency Item No. 1, the Contractor shall receive the lump sum bid for all work, equipment, labor and materials necessary to pave the bypass roadway located south of the scale, identified on the Plans as Contingency Item No. 1. The Contractor shall include in his base bid the cost of paving and patching all other areas noted. SOHT - 89-02 MOP - 1 of 1 CD b F r . x - _ w 50 y tr as N I F c0 N p J =�— r%)1 p / x 1 y a -' . vl • V - 40, On km tyl kA cz ` ., i Ill � (M t / / '�. • ' - x C" . cp �, 0 O� ra oll LD 4 N / CD •; _ a) xU' N / /�� N I xo -4(� 46 _ x -CD fix / N OJ ( / W U0 p N n� oI 1,• �, i -, U N f 8 5O IN co up 46 .16 M' - � `. � \1 i :n _ �`_'-'"� .�----- yam""'" •' � . � ; ; / ,' •r_'�` v. '" \ � S f 1� ... .. - 24J 01 PC CJV k, R N Iµ + -•_ �,' - +It ..wt '' 'k� i,' ' � 1 x01 . • • _ ,. o / � � ,, . i � .. .. 3�i IRT '�._ � -� �_ � i .: O/1D; ti w Ld _PRa�pp�ppSED+AVO ✓'cn _ Y PROPOSE I PAVEMEKT-{REQ,D•) w 0, hsCD ST -s ALE CIA009E J, CD # 00OPOSED SCALE LOCAk S XI 'QQ g'ICAL rl w :' -ADJACENT TO EXI SCALE HOUSE' >< N[/7/T NG NLL I � ID G n RE OVE EXISTING ` XISTIN I GUARDRAIL AND ROAD La , =,� �1► � '/ pr��� RELOCATE AS SHOWN I (sE ... , '. Nr. : '-- w x.- I - C� -- --__ _.. I 1 !k SEE SHEET -1 r! .. OF P,Ive1Md•ov�• M�IDER RE4o. �� ' CONT/n/Gc�A/e'ro ♦71fM , �,,-.-'-...! ,r -r •+�'�.� ---- C .�--- r--- SITE .PLAN NOTES __� , -„ " ► Jr a 7bI�OGRt7,oNy F",'o" TOPO4:5%P•4PA//C M.Lo,• METNO4D.S NORT ROA eY �cEOM.aPs, .wc. F[-1GNT.0ATE: i -2e -8a �.- ` 0 *6NToUR /NTERVAL - 2 FEET .✓"� " '' r-- �,- r•' •1 •: �� �� �y ! , ®' S'�'E S�/EE T 1J�!DDL -- --_ - _-_-- � �--=�------_ __ ..-'r.__._ - __---- � • . , .. . 61-rr, I4[, j5;e, 1 1 1S• It_ 1001 e ' CD b F r . x - _ w 50 y tr as N I F c0 N p J =�— r%)1 p / x 1 y a -' . vl • V - 40, On km tyl kA cz ` ., i Ill � (M t / / '�. • ' - x C" . cp �, 0 O� ra oll LD 4 N / CD •; _ a) xU' N / /�� N I xo -4(� 46 _ x -CD fix / N OJ ( / W U0 p N n� oI 1,• �, i -, U N f 8 5O IN co up 46 .16 M' - � `. � \1 i :n _ �`_'-'"� .�----- yam""'" •' � . � ; ; / ,' •r_'�` v. '" \ � S f 1� ... .. - 24J 01 PC CJV k, R N Iµ + -•_ �,' - +It ..wt '' 'k� i,' ' � 1 x01 . • • _ ,. o / � � ,, . i � .. .. 3�i IRT '�._ � -� �_ � i .: O/1D; ti w Ld _PRa�pp�ppSED+AVO ✓'cn _ Y PROPOSE I PAVEMEKT-{REQ,D•) w 0, hsCD ST -s ALE CIA009E J, CD # 00OPOSED SCALE LOCAk S XI 'QQ g'ICAL rl w :' -ADJACENT TO EXI SCALE HOUSE' >< N[/7/T NG NLL I � ID G n RE OVE EXISTING ` XISTIN I GUARDRAIL AND ROAD La , =,� �1► � '/ pr��� RELOCATE AS SHOWN I (sE ... , '. Nr. : '-- w x.- I - C� -- --__ _.. I 1 !k SEE SHEET -1 r! .. OF P,Ive1Md•ov�• M�IDER RE4o. �� ' CONT/n/Gc�A/e'ro ♦71fM , �,,-.-'-...! ,r -r •+�'�.� ---- C .�--- r--- SITE .PLAN NOTES __� , -„ " ► Jr a 7bI�OGRt7,oNy F",'o" TOPO4:5%P•4PA//C M.Lo,• METNO4D.S NORT ROA eY �cEOM.aPs, .wc. F[-1GNT.0ATE: i -2e -8a �.- ` 0 *6NToUR /NTERVAL - 2 FEET .✓"� " '' r-- �,- r•' •1 •: �� �� �y ! , ®' S'�'E S�/EE T 1J�!DDL -- --_ - _-_-- � �--=�------_ __ ..-'r.__._ - __---- � • . , .. . 61-rr, I4[, j5;e, 1 1 1S• It_ 1001 ILEGEND ---'O— -- - �XISTING CONTOUR' ----ao---=- - PROPOSED CONTOUR x 44. 2s - rXISTING SPOT E.LEVATIONj —= x— - tXISTING FENCE . L - :EXISTING TREE & WOOD _ IN • - 1UTILITY POLE --� r—. - !UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE; •. r"'-""'"� - ;PROPOSED PAVEMENT REO'D T -`TRAFFIC. SIGN ® - kGH TENSION - _ELECTRIC TOWER —iE - jUNDERGROUND ELECTRIC. PROPOSED PAVEMENT ' ! . (CONTINGENCY) LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 " = 2000' .GENERAL NOTES 0 CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT CONSTRUCTION SITE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF BIDS AND SHALL MAKE NO ADDITIONAL CLAIMS REGARDING SITE CONDITIONS THEREAFTER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM DAILY CLEAN—UP OPERATIONS WHICH INCLUDE REMOVAL OF DEBEIS AND EXCESS CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, ETC., TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER. DURING ALL NON—WORKING HOURS, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO STORE ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS WITHIN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER AT THE PROJECT SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE CONSTRUC-DON SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY STANDARDS. CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES SO AS TO MINIMIZE INTERRUP— TIONS TO THE LANDFILL OPERATIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO REVISION IN ACCORDA.NCEWITH THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS, AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. SHOP DRAWINGS FOR SCALE, SCALE HOUSE AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF CONTRACT A WARD. ALL FOOTINGS TO BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. LOCATION OFF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS, STORM DRAINS AND UNDERGROUND PIPING WERE OBTAINED FROM EITHER OLD MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS AND RECORDS SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. THE OWNER AND ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE TO SUCH FACILITIES DUE TO DISCREPANCIES IN LOCATION AND SIZE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, NOR WILL ANY COMPENSATION BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSDE HIM BY ENCOUNTERING THE AFOREMENTIONED UTILITIES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN, OR INCORRECTLY SHOWN, ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPOSIBLE FOR -THE DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS MAINS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS. . THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE PROJECT SITE IS AT AN ACTIVE LANDFILL SITE AND, THEREFORE, CAUTION SHOULD BE USED DUE TO THE POTENTIAL EXISTENCE OF METHANE GAS. CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITY SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS, THE SPECIFICATIONS, AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. TOWN OF SOU TH OLS INSTALLATION OF AN -_i. EXIT TRUCK SCALE* AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 Sheet Title:Sheet # SITE PLAN & LOCATION MAPpi of 4 e . 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ILEGEND ---'O— -- - �XISTING CONTOUR' ----ao---=- - PROPOSED CONTOUR x 44. 2s - rXISTING SPOT E.LEVATIONj —= x— - tXISTING FENCE . L - :EXISTING TREE & WOOD _ IN • - 1UTILITY POLE --� r—. - !UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE; •. r"'-""'"� - ;PROPOSED PAVEMENT REO'D T -`TRAFFIC. SIGN ® - kGH TENSION - _ELECTRIC TOWER —iE - jUNDERGROUND ELECTRIC. PROPOSED PAVEMENT ' ! . (CONTINGENCY) LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 " = 2000' .GENERAL NOTES 0 CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT CONSTRUCTION SITE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF BIDS AND SHALL MAKE NO ADDITIONAL CLAIMS REGARDING SITE CONDITIONS THEREAFTER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM DAILY CLEAN—UP OPERATIONS WHICH INCLUDE REMOVAL OF DEBEIS AND EXCESS CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, ETC., TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER. DURING ALL NON—WORKING HOURS, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO STORE ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS WITHIN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER AT THE PROJECT SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE CONSTRUC-DON SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY STANDARDS. CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES SO AS TO MINIMIZE INTERRUP— TIONS TO THE LANDFILL OPERATIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO REVISION IN ACCORDA.NCEWITH THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS, AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. SHOP DRAWINGS FOR SCALE, SCALE HOUSE AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF CONTRACT A WARD. ALL FOOTINGS TO BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. LOCATION OFF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS, STORM DRAINS AND UNDERGROUND PIPING WERE OBTAINED FROM EITHER OLD MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS AND RECORDS SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. THE OWNER AND ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE TO SUCH FACILITIES DUE TO DISCREPANCIES IN LOCATION AND SIZE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, NOR WILL ANY COMPENSATION BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSDE HIM BY ENCOUNTERING THE AFOREMENTIONED UTILITIES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN, OR INCORRECTLY SHOWN, ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPOSIBLE FOR -THE DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS MAINS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS. . THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE PROJECT SITE IS AT AN ACTIVE LANDFILL SITE AND, THEREFORE, CAUTION SHOULD BE USED DUE TO THE POTENTIAL EXISTENCE OF METHANE GAS. CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITY SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS, THE SPECIFICATIONS, AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. TOWN OF SOU TH OLS INSTALLATION OF AN -_i. EXIT TRUCK SCALE* AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 Sheet Title:Sheet # SITE PLAN & LOCATION MAPpi of 4 LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 " = 2000' .GENERAL NOTES 0 CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT CONSTRUCTION SITE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF BIDS AND SHALL MAKE NO ADDITIONAL CLAIMS REGARDING SITE CONDITIONS THEREAFTER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM DAILY CLEAN—UP OPERATIONS WHICH INCLUDE REMOVAL OF DEBEIS AND EXCESS CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, ETC., TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER. DURING ALL NON—WORKING HOURS, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO STORE ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS WITHIN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER AT THE PROJECT SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE CONSTRUC-DON SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY STANDARDS. CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES SO AS TO MINIMIZE INTERRUP— TIONS TO THE LANDFILL OPERATIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO REVISION IN ACCORDA.NCEWITH THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS, AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. SHOP DRAWINGS FOR SCALE, SCALE HOUSE AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF CONTRACT A WARD. ALL FOOTINGS TO BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. LOCATION OFF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS, STORM DRAINS AND UNDERGROUND PIPING WERE OBTAINED FROM EITHER OLD MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS AND RECORDS SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. THE OWNER AND ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE TO SUCH FACILITIES DUE TO DISCREPANCIES IN LOCATION AND SIZE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, NOR WILL ANY COMPENSATION BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSDE HIM BY ENCOUNTERING THE AFOREMENTIONED UTILITIES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN, OR INCORRECTLY SHOWN, ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPOSIBLE FOR -THE DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS MAINS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS. . THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE PROJECT SITE IS AT AN ACTIVE LANDFILL SITE AND, THEREFORE, CAUTION SHOULD BE USED DUE TO THE POTENTIAL EXISTENCE OF METHANE GAS. CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITY SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS, THE SPECIFICATIONS, AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. TOWN OF SOU TH OLS INSTALLATION OF AN -_i. EXIT TRUCK SCALE* AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 Sheet Title:Sheet # SITE PLAN & LOCATION MAPpi of 4 TRAFFIC f,. � EOTIP,4jCE PAYEMEti/? (SEE DEI"AIG :q HEADsuO! T � H6x �vT TE.F 7Y/4A/ 45'a -To M5E7 To G'f;Arn6 cTr�3 r or --o/ i2"o.c,6.v✓,F-F WWF ff 71-7 4 IT M SAME AS PEP, FOOTItiIG i - ExT�Ns/o� v✓it'N �s c� /2No� • �/KS SECTION)B-6 J 7-1-1/:5, svve �70 A13,6 1AX PA<SE t_3✓G �T— Cy J 0 �� B oT of- `aori�4 6L • 40. Z& "/9"EJrPNI�iTER�.9L (7K A S PEk C ' 1 i e0LOPE r MATER/41_ kv6• O C. r��/2" O.G. SECTION ION - 4-1 5=14 SECTION A -A ;NOTES: 1. ALL FOUNDATIONS SHALL BEAR ONLY ON SUITABLE MATERIAL HAVING A MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY OF TWO TONS PER SQUARE FOOT: 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE SOIL BENEATH THE AREA OF THE. SCALE AND ROADWAY APPROACHES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PERMITTED TO DISPOSE OF THIS MATERIAL ON-SITE AT A LOCATION TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE TOWN. THE TOWN SHALL WAIVE ALL DISPOSAL FEES. UNSUITABLE MATERIALS SHALL 3E DEFINED AS HAVING A MATERIAL CLASS RATING OF, 11-65 IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.Y.C. BUILDING CODE C26-1103. 3. THE •TOWN WILL MAKE ON-SITE BACKFILL MATERIAL AVAILABLE TO THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO THE CONTRACTOR. ONLY BACKFILL MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE UTILIZED IN THE PROJECT. ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TESTING AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR' 'AND THE DIRECTION AND/OR ACCEPTANCE OF THE ENGINEER. 4. TOPS OF PIERS SHALL BE SMOOTH, LEVEL AND TRUE TO PLANE. 6* SLAB AND FOOTING IS DESIGNED FOR 4000 PSF SOIL BEARING. 6. LIFTING EYES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON WEIGHBRIDGE. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WELD ON WEIGHBRIDGE AND RELATED STRUCTURES WHILE IN CONTACT WITH LOAD CELL ASSEMBLIES. 8, ALL CHECK RODS SHALL BE LEVEL AND TRUE TO PLANE, BOTH HORIZON- TALLY AND -VERTICALLY, AFTER SCALE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY SET. 9. TRANSMISSION CABLE FROM LOAD CELL TO INDICATOR SHALL BE IN ONE INCH MINIMUM DIAMETER GALVANIZED STEEL CONDUIT. TRANS- MISSION CABLE SHALL BE AT LEAST 24 INCHES FROM ELECTRICAL LINES AND MAY CROSS AT 90. ONLY. 10.SCALE INSTALLATION. SHALL BE -IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION MANUAL. 111.SCALE SHALL BE DESIGNED, MAESFASTSPECCIFIEDURED AND IBYTTHEENATOIONALT ALL SPECIFICATIONS AN BUREAU OF STANDARDS HANDBOOK 44.0157) 12.CONTRACTOR SHALL USE NON -SHRINKING GROUT FOR SETTING -GROUT PLATES. 13. SCALE PLANS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY , ACONTRACTOR SHALLHOW TYPE AND FURNISH SHOPDRAWINGSOF EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED. OF PROPOSED EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. S A A. 6 o0j S 4 71e .- TOWNXXL Foo7'i n/C./ TOWN OF SOVTHOLD INSTALLATION DF AN,. -...EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 Sheet Title: Sheet # TRUCK SCALE -FOUNDATION PLAN 2 OF 4 �T— Cy "/9"EJrPNI�iTER�.9L (7K A S PEk C ' 1 i e0LOPE r MATER/41_ kv6• O C. r��/2" O.G. SECTION ION - 4-1 5=14 SECTION A -A ;NOTES: 1. ALL FOUNDATIONS SHALL BEAR ONLY ON SUITABLE MATERIAL HAVING A MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY OF TWO TONS PER SQUARE FOOT: 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE SOIL BENEATH THE AREA OF THE. SCALE AND ROADWAY APPROACHES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PERMITTED TO DISPOSE OF THIS MATERIAL ON-SITE AT A LOCATION TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE TOWN. THE TOWN SHALL WAIVE ALL DISPOSAL FEES. UNSUITABLE MATERIALS SHALL 3E DEFINED AS HAVING A MATERIAL CLASS RATING OF, 11-65 IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.Y.C. BUILDING CODE C26-1103. 3. THE •TOWN WILL MAKE ON-SITE BACKFILL MATERIAL AVAILABLE TO THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO THE CONTRACTOR. ONLY BACKFILL MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE UTILIZED IN THE PROJECT. ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TESTING AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR' 'AND THE DIRECTION AND/OR ACCEPTANCE OF THE ENGINEER. 4. TOPS OF PIERS SHALL BE SMOOTH, LEVEL AND TRUE TO PLANE. 6* SLAB AND FOOTING IS DESIGNED FOR 4000 PSF SOIL BEARING. 6. LIFTING EYES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON WEIGHBRIDGE. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WELD ON WEIGHBRIDGE AND RELATED STRUCTURES WHILE IN CONTACT WITH LOAD CELL ASSEMBLIES. 8, ALL CHECK RODS SHALL BE LEVEL AND TRUE TO PLANE, BOTH HORIZON- TALLY AND -VERTICALLY, AFTER SCALE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY SET. 9. TRANSMISSION CABLE FROM LOAD CELL TO INDICATOR SHALL BE IN ONE INCH MINIMUM DIAMETER GALVANIZED STEEL CONDUIT. TRANS- MISSION CABLE SHALL BE AT LEAST 24 INCHES FROM ELECTRICAL LINES AND MAY CROSS AT 90. ONLY. 10.SCALE INSTALLATION. SHALL BE -IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION MANUAL. 111.SCALE SHALL BE DESIGNED, MAESFASTSPECCIFIEDURED AND IBYTTHEENATOIONALT ALL SPECIFICATIONS AN BUREAU OF STANDARDS HANDBOOK 44.0157) 12.CONTRACTOR SHALL USE NON -SHRINKING GROUT FOR SETTING -GROUT PLATES. 13. SCALE PLANS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY , ACONTRACTOR SHALLHOW TYPE AND FURNISH SHOPDRAWINGSOF EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED. OF PROPOSED EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. S A A. 6 o0j S 4 71e .- TOWNXXL Foo7'i n/C./ TOWN OF SOVTHOLD INSTALLATION DF AN,. -...EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 Sheet Title: Sheet # TRUCK SCALE -FOUNDATION PLAN 2 OF 4 I . 1 I I 11 ! 1 r --- — ---- — ____ —I- . I 1 18" HAUW-H 1 4 1 i VAL, gffmvvr- 4 01 1 /_ 1 QII I o PAt4EL I I l SU DI K4 �1 W I N Do l^1s. (MOvE n ExISi • �. �`�' . �r i L Ex15Ti4cS S-TZWC TUBE'dew muiLp1wal f- r .WOO JO 4n►t,t' C Bal44 4G rz' 0,C. £F°'°( CAST to M IJEW f I 6Lfrlr,ley WDW T15V/ LAAO 23a✓ c ovm(Z SHELF �E1..� Wltt. 8E <IT, Ngo Movt.,TM aJ 5/Te r1K E -P WP► r/2 r6Uk1PA 1 oN FL4. i KIEVJ 05 SL i N n16 W i>W su.Iug wew 7/. N f, 1 0 I 9 3111` I F1K>v WINwW 31-0" 1 -7 DI, '71-d1 Coo(- SLA5 P T TOWN OF SOU TH OLD INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 89� Sheet Title: Sheet SCALE HOUSE PLAN &SECTION a of 4. 1 f y TOWN OF SOU TH OLD INSTALLATION OF AN EXIT TRUCK SCALE AT CUTCHOGUE LANDFILL SOUTH FORK ASPHALT AS BUILT DRAWINGS OCTOBER 23, 1989 89� Sheet Title: Sheet SCALE HOUSE PLAN &SECTION a of 4.