HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/2015 Southold Town Shellfish Advisory Committee Meeting; Minutes of May 18, 2015 Meeting -- 3:00 PM in the Town Hall Annex board room . <SoutholdSACMtgMin051815.docx> and <SoutholdSACMtgMin051815.pdf> Members present in boldJohn Bredemeyer Michael Domino : (Chair & Trustees),(Co-Chair), Linda Auriemma, Joseph HintonDean Jaxa Michael Slade, Nate Andruski, , , Arthur Kretchmer, Jim BakerRay HuntingtonJill DohertyMichael Karen Rivara, Leonard Llewellyn Jr, . , (TB Liaison). CollinsScott Wagemann (EnggLiaison). Guest: (CCE). New members 1) Ray Huntington and Jim Baker were welcomed. All members, new and existing members the DNA report of Scott Wagemann, of the 2) Discussed, reviewed and accepted (by consensus) Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE), concerning 2014 DNA non-point source identification (NPSI) sampling/testing in Mr. Wegemann was complimented on the work which is a significant thrust towards identifying local biologic non-point pollution sources. <NewSuffolkWestCCEREPORT.pdf> Copy attached as water quality sampling 3) Discussed of shellfish-lands and. NYSDEC shellfish lab's communication lapses and other frustrations that resulted in lack of results from the February 2015 water sampling by Michael Collins, Mike Domino and John Bredemeyer. Given this experience, and others, it was agreed that improved understandings and practices continue to be needed Inter-Municipal 4) Town Engineer Michael Collins described the concept of a Peconic Estuary-wide Agreement (IMA)Water Sampling Quality Assurance ProgramProtocol (QAPP) to develop a for the Peconic Estuary. Such program to have prior EPA & DEC approval to enable resident committees such as ours to obtain data credible in the eyes of the agencies and better highlight shellfish lands that need regulatory attention. Mr. Collins has (1) secured a grant and is now (2) preparing an RFP describing the expectations of a consultant to be hired. The consultant would (3) meet with Suffolk County, several East End Towns and Villages as well as regulatory agreement on the QAPP agencies to achieve . Water (4) sampled locally by certified samplers would be (5) analyzed by a contracted laboratory to (6) build a like-kind database. This database would illuminate more effective sampling and related analysis so that (7) State resources could be better aligned with the needs of the East End shellfish resource. 5) Ray Huntington proposed a refinement of the Southold Shellfish Advisory Council (SAC) mission statement to be more inclusive of ongoing water quality activities: Mission Statement (drafted March 2015) Proposed \[Changes underlined\] The Shellfish Advisory Committee represents the Town of Southold before the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and other regulatory agencies relating to the sanitary certification and water quality testing of Town-owned shellfish harvest lands. The committee shall develop local understanding and validity of the water management methodologies and facilitate the timely certification/re-certification of Town shellfish lands with the goal of improving the harvests in Town waters The change was adopted by consensus for Town consideration/posting. 6): Ray Huntington was designated to be secretary/recorder for timely meeting minutes of actions and commitments to be filed by the Chair with the Southold Town Clerk. Adopted by consensus. Adjourned at 4:30 PM, respectfully submitted: Ray Huntington 05/20/2015, Checked by: John Bredemeyer Minutes to be automatically accepted not withstanding corrections offered prior to the next committee meeting.