HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Suffolk and West Creek Coliform Enumeration and DNA Bacterial Source Tracking New Suffolkand West Creek Coliform Enumeration and DNA Bacterial Source Tracking Submitted by: Scott Curatolo-Wagemann Marine Program Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 100 Riverhead,NY 11901 Prepared for the Town of Southold 2015 1 Contents Background ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Monitoring Stations .................................................................................................................................. 3 Sampling dates and conditions. ................................................................................................................ 5 Fecal Coliform Enumeration ..................................................................................................................... 5 E.coli Source Tracking ............................................................................................................................... 6 Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Fecal Coliform Enumeration Results ......................................................................................................... 7 E. coli DNA source tracking summary ....................................................................................................... 7 Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix 1: NYSDEC Shellfishing Maps for Cutchogue Harbor and related creeks ................................... 10 Appendix 2: DNA Results by station ........................................................................................................... 12 Appendix 3: DNA Station Graphs ................................................................................................................ 20 Appendix 4: Sample Cultivation .................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix 5:DNA Analysis Methodology ..................................................................................................... 26 Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................... 27 DNA Methodology: ................................................................................................................................. 31 ............................................................................................................................................... 33 References 2 Background The creeks which contribute to Cutchogue Harbor are part of a valuable ecosystem, which supports wildlife, shellfishing, swimming, boating and fishing. Due to their ecological value these creeks are included in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). Some areas within these creeks have been classified as uncertified for shellfishing due to pathogens. Appendix 1 shows the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC) Shellfishing Maps for these areas. An effective way to assess pathogen inputs is through a water quality monitoring program which measures fecal coliforms, a commonly used pollutant indicator organism found in the digestive tract of warm blooded animals. A successful water quality monitoring study involves periodically collecting samples from multiple monitoring stations allowing for the determination of the concentration of fecal coliforms through standard enumeration techniques. These studies often determine the extent of the coliform pollutant problem, but they are not able to determine the source of the pollutants. It has been determined, however, that there are detectable differences in DNA extracted from E. coli (a common type of fecal coliform) which originate from different hosts. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County (CCE) has created an E. coli DNA library which is specific to Long Island. By running coliform samples through the library, it can be determined if the sample likely originated from humans or other potential sources such as domestic animals, birds and other wildlife. In some cases, even the host species (e.g. raccoon Canada goose) can be identified. Identifying the source of fecal coliforms allow resource managers to more effectively focus their remediation efforts. Methodology -®­¨³®±¨­¦ 3³ ³¨®­² Stations were generally chosen due to historical data that had been collected by the NYSEDEC and from prior water quality monitoring projects. The stations were selected by the Town of Southold Shellfish Advisory Committee. 1)New Suffolk (Figure 1-within docking area, off “Galley Ho”). NYSDEC 27-1.0 (NS-1) 2)West Creek (Figure 2). NYSDEC 28-10.2 WEC-1- Kimogenor Point WEC-2- Georges Road WEC-3- N/W/C Headwaters 3 Figure 1: New Suffolk Figure 2: West Creek 4 3 ¬¯«¨­¦ £ ³¤²  ­£ ¢®­£¨³¨®­²ȁ DateEventComments 9/1/2014 Wet 1.0” rain 9/2/2014 Wet 1.0”-Rain 9/26/2014 Wet 0.52”-Rain Samples were collected by trained members from the Town of Southold and the Town’s Shellfish Advisory Committee. All samples were delivered to Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County’s Marine and Environmental Learning Center by designated agents of the Town of Southold and the Shellfish Advisory Committee. All laboratory procedures were performed according to a previous Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Quality Assurance Project Plan and the associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). &¤¢ « #®«¨¥®±¬ %­´¬¤± ³¨®­ Pathogens in aquatic environments are of great concern because they can significantly impact water quality and lead to shellfishing bed and bathing beach closures. One of the most commonly used indicators of pathogens is fecal coliforms. As a means of comparing our fecal coliform findings, we will reference standards established by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) which are used by the New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) in certifying shellfishing waters. The standards require that the geometric mean MPN (most probable number) of the water sample results shall not exceed fourteen (14) per 100 ml and the estimated 90th percentile shall not exceed an MPN of 49 per 100 for each station. The samples should be collected through a Systematic Random Sampling (SRS) protocol which randomly selects the days that sampling will occur regardless of weather conditions. In addition, a minimum of 30 samples should be taken in order to calculate the geometric mean. Samples collected were enumerated through the commonly employed membrane filtration technique using accepted U.S. Environmental Protection Agency methods (8074 and 8367). Our study deviated from the NSSP standards in a few important ways: we did not follow an SRS protocol and we did not collect 30 samples per station. The reason for this is because our goal was to identify fecal coliform sources. So while it is still justifiable to compare our results with the NSSP standards, the data in this report should not be used to assess whether or not areas within Cutchogue Harbor should be certified for shellfishing. 5 E.coli 3®´±¢¤ 4± ¢ª¨­¦ All samples were cultivated and attempted to be grown on E. coli selective media. Since the coliform bacteria level is not known when the samples are brought into the lab, all samples were suspected to have bacteria and thus, cultivation of bacteria colonies is started. When a sample has little or no bacteria often times there will be no growth on the culture media. Coliform counts can then also verify that there is little or no bacteria present to cultivate, so there is no growth. Those plates that do grow bacteria are then cultivated and bacteria colonies are then treated as separate isolates from the same sample, and then verified to be E. coli organisms. For all samples we cultivated 10 isolates, or individual bacterial colonies. See Appendix 4 for sample cultivation methodology. Data Analysis: CCE has developed a technique for identifying the source of fecal coliform bacteria through DNA analysis. Bacteria from stormwater samples can be compared against a DNA library specific to Long Island to determine whether it originated from humans or a particular animal group. This information provides valuable insight when determining the source of fecal coliforms. When samples are run through the DNA library, results indicate whether or not a sample originated from human (e.g. failed septic system) or non-human sources. It may also determine if the sample likely originated from birds or domestic animals. In some cases, the analysis may even indicate the species of animal (e.g. Canada goose). See Appendix 5 for detailed discussion on DNA analysis methodology. 6 Results &¤¢ « #®«¨¥®±¬ %­´¬¤± ³¨®­ Results Samples were collected during storm events. During wet events, stormwater can carry land based contaminants with bacteria constituting part of that pollution. In many cases in this study, fecal coliform enumeration results exceeded the 14/100 ml counts used by the NYSDEC for shellfish closures. Only 4 of the 12 samples collected exhibited counts below the threshold. Samples were collected on consecutive days on September 1 and September 2. For these sampling days bacteria at the New Suffolk location, the counts went down. At the West Creek stations, all stations saw an increase in fecal coliform numbers between the 2 days. Initially these were to be the only samples collected, but to get a larger sample size, a third day of sampling was conducted during a rain event on September 26. Table 1 contains all the enumeration data. DateTimeBottleLab #MPN/100mlDateTimeBottleLab #MPN/100mlDateTimeBottleLab #MPN/100ml New Suffolk NS-1NYSDEC 27-1.09/1/201410:302023NSW14-1469/2/201412:00B12NSW14-5129/26/20148:2512NSW14-964 West WEC-1NYSDEC 28-10.29/1/201411:1514NSW14-2389/2/201412:3038NSW14-6839/26/20148:10 B-83NSW14-1046 WEC-29/1/201410:401AQ6NSW14-319/2/201413:05B146NSW14-769/26/20147:57222NSW14-11106 WEC-39/1/201411:0037AQ4NSW14-42299/2/201413:203001NSW14-88409/26/20147:50B-89NSW14-12124 Table 1: Fecal coliform enumeration data %ȁ ¢®«¨ $.! ²®´±¢¤ ³± ¢ª¨­¦ ²´¬¬ ±¸ Table 2, below shows general predicated sources for each sample. Appendix 5 provides a summary of DNA source tracking methods and a description regarding how the DNA samples are processed. Appendix 2 displays the results from each of the samples including the individual isolates. See Appendix 3 for a graphical summary of the source tracking findings. 7 Station DescriptionDate NYSDEC Predicted Source Bird NS-1 9/1/201427-1.0 New Suffolk 1 DNA Sample Not clear WEC-1 9/2/201428-10.2 West Creek 1 80% Bird, 20% Human WEC-3 9/2/201428-10.2 West Creek 3 80% Human, 20% Bird NS-1 9/26/2014 27-1.0 New Suffolk 1 37.5% Wildlife, 25% Wildlife or Bird, 25% Unknown, 12.5% Bird WEC-1 9/26/2014 28-10.2 West Creek 1 DNA Sample Not clear WEC-2 9/26/2014 28-10.2 West Creek 2 29% Human; 29% Bird (probable herring gull); 14% wildlife; 14% WEC-3 9/26/2014 28-10.2wildlife or bird; 14% unknown West Creek 3 Table 2: DNA General Summary Source Categories -Humans -Birds: herring gull; mute swan; greater black back gull; Canada goose; mallard duck; black duck; cormorant. -Wildlife:deer; raccoon; red fox; muskrat. -Domestic Animals: horse; dog New Suffolk: 2 total DNA samples came from one station, sampled approximately 3 weeks apart. Earlier nd sample contained only bird source, 2 sample contained 20% bird source in addition to 80% human source West Creek: 5 total DNA samples coming from 3 different dates and stations. Station 1 had 2 DNA samples run; the first did not contain DNA material that was not clear enough for analysis. The second sample showed evidence of wildlife, bird, and 25% of which that could not be identified. Station 2 had a single sample analyzed for DNA, but the DNA material was not clear enough for analysis. Station 3 had 2 DNA samples, the first sample contained 80% human and 20% bird. The second sample had a mixture of 29% Human, 29% bird, 14% wildlife, 14% that was not distinguished enough between wild life and bird, and 14% that was unknown and could not be matched to anything in our source library. 8 Summary stnd Two rounds of samples were collected on consecutive days in early September; the 1 and the 2. The station at New Suffolk saw a drop in coliform numbers between the 2 days, while all 3 stations in West stnd Creek exhibited increased counts from September 1 to September 2. The New Suffolk station is within the harbor itself, so it lends itself to get flushed more frequently. For this study the highest coliform counts were always seen at the West Creek station WEC-3. This station is the furthest sampling location from the harbor, so it receives the least tidal flushing. For the DNA analysis, the only major category breakdown that did not appear in any of the samples analyzed was the category of domestic animals (dog, horse). Human isolates were found at 2 locations: the station at New Suffolk and WEC3 in West Creek. Human source isolates were found in both samples that were run at WEC3, at 20% and 29% respectively of each sample. However the larger concentration of human source came from the single New Suffolk station, at 80% of the total sample makeup. st The first sample analyzed from New Suffolk on September 1 contained all bird identified isolates. In most cases the bird source could be narrowed down to be from cormorants. The samples analyzed from th West Creek (WEC1 and WEC3), taken on September 26, seemed to both contain varying sources of bacteria. These contained varying amounts of wildlife, birds, and humans. Additionally with both samples, a component that could not be identified was categorized as unknown. Looking at the DNA makeup of both samples that constituted New Suffolk 1 most of the sources of bacteria could be traced to bird sources, with humans making up the rest. For West Creek 3, half the DNA sources were found to be bird, with humans making up 25%, and then small amounts of wildlife and unknown sources. 9 Appendix 1: .93$%# 3§¤««¥¨²§¨­¦ - ¯² ¥®± #´³¢§®¦´¤ ( ±¡®±  ­£ ±¤« ³¤£ creeks 10 NYSDEC Shellfish Map for Cutchogue Harbor (retrieved from http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/4014.html#12835): (iii) Cutchogue Harbor. (d) New Suffolk. During the period January 1 through December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of the marina, located at the eastern end of New Suffolk Avenue (Main Street, New Suffolk), within the confines of the stone breakwater protecting said marina, and all that area lying easterly of the stone breakwater within 150 feet of the southernmost point of the breakwater on the northern side of the marina basin entrance. (e) West Creek. During the period of May 1 through November 30, all that area of West Creek including all that area of Great Peconic Bay within 750 feet in all directions of the southernmost point of the jetty on the east side of the mouth of West Creek. 11 !¯¯¤­£¨· 2Ȁ D.! 2¤²´«³² ¡¸ ²³ ³¨®­ 12 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DNA ANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NYSDEC 27-1.0 NEW SUFFOLK 1 DatePredicted Source by Isolate 9/1/14 Bird-Corm 9/1/14 Bird-Corm 9/1/14 Probable Bird 9/1/14 Probable Bird 9/1/14 Bird-Corm 9/1/14 Bird-Corm 9/1/14 Bird-Corm 9/1/14 Bird-Corm 13 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DNA ANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NYSDEC 28-10.2 WEST CREEK 1 DNA Sample not clear enough for analysis 14 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DNAANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NYSDEC 28-10.2 WEST CREEK 3 DatePredicted Source by Isolate 9/2/14Bird-Herring Gull 9/2/14Bird-Herring Gull 9/2/14Bird-Canada Geese 9/2/14Human 9/2/14Bird 15 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DNAANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NS-1NYSDEC 27-1.0 DatePredicted Source by Isolate 9/26/14Human 9/26/14Human 9/26/14Human 9/26/14Human 9/26/14Probable bird 16 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NYSDEC 28-10.2 WEST CREEK 1 DatePredicted Source by Isolate 9/26/14Wildlife or Bird 9/26/14Wildlife possible Raccoon 9/26/14Wildlife possible Raccoon 9/26/14Wildlife possible Raccoon 9/26/14Unknown 9/26/14Bird possible Black Duck 9/26/14Unknown 9/26/14Wildlife or Bird 17 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DNA ANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NYSDEC 28-10.2 WEST CREEK 2 DNA Sample not clear enough for analysis . 18 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DNA ANALYSIS RESULTS PREDICTED SOURCE BY ISOLATE NYSDEC 28-10.2 WEST CREEK 3 DatePredicted Source by Isolate 9/26/14Unknown 9/26/14Wildlife or Bird 9/26/14Wildlife 9/26/14Bird probable Herring Gull 9/26/14Bird probable Herring Gull 9/26/14Human 9/26/14Human 19 !¯¯¤­£¨· 3Ȁ $.! 3³ ³¨®­ '± ¯§² 20 New Suffolk 21 West Creek 22 Appendix 4: 3 ¬¯«¤ #´«³¨µ ³¨®­ 23 Samples are grown in A1 Broth with MUG and Durham tube. MUG will fluoresce based on enzyme activity of E. coli. Presumptive E. coli = turbidity + fluorescence ± gas. Dilute bacterial mixture from the presumptive E. coli tube is then grown on Violet Red Bile Agar. Each colony that grows is considered a preliminary E. coli isolate. Isolates are then picked from the VRBA plates and streaked onto sectioned nutrient agar plates and incubated. Each section will produce a “lawn” of bacteria cloned from a single isolate. E. coli Identification: Pure cultures of E. coli are verified using the API system. The API 20E System (BioMerieux Vitek, Inc. Hazelwood, Missouri) is a standardized miniature version of conventional procedures for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae and other gram negative bacteria. It is a ready-to -use microtubule system designed for the performance of 23 standard biochemical tests from isolated colony(ies) of bacteria on plating medium. Used in conjunction with the API Profile Recognition System it is intended to accurately and easily identify members of the Enterobacteriaceae family to the species level. Clear- cut reactions, ease of reading and interpretation, permit valid comparison of results obtained each day in a laboratory, as well as valid comparisons of results obtained in different laboratories worldwide. 0 Once confirmed, isolates are stored in glycerol stock and frozen at –20 C until PFGE analysis can be done. Methodology for PFGE Analysis: Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) has been shown to resolve restriction fragments in the genomes of bacteria yielding DNA fingerprints of these strains (Arbeit, et al., 1990; Goering R.V., and Winters, M.A., 1992; Hector, et al., 1992; Linhardt, et al., 1992). These fingerprints can be compared to determine if the bacteria are genetically similar or clonal. To prevent breakage of large DNA molecules, intact cells are embedded in agarose, lysed, and deproteinized in situ. The agarose matrix protects the embedded DNA from shear forces and provides an easy way to manipulate samples. The DNA agarose plugs can then be loaded into the sample wells of agarose gels for electrophoresis.The CHEFDRIII instrument is based on the pulsed field method of CHEF(Contoured Clamped Homogeneous Electric Field). Analysis of the gel will show more than 10 distinct bands that resulted from the restriction digestion. This band pattern is used for genetic strain identification. Preparation of isolates: Inoculate 4 ml. sterile LB (Luria broth) with 50-100 l. glycerol stock culture and incubate. Isolate DNA from cells. NotI restriction endonuclease will be used to digest the DNA. 24 Utilizing a BIO-RAD CHEFDRIII PFGE system the fragments are separated in a 1% agarose gel. Three molecular size standards ( ladder) and molecular size control (Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes) and one E. coli control are run along with the restriction fragments. This allows 10 isolates to be run per gel with 5 controls.The fragments are stained with ethidium bromide and de-stained in distilled water. The agarose gel is then placed on a GelDoc 2000. The GelDoc 2000 combines a compact darkroom, UV transilluminator workstation, high resolution CCD camera and software to digitize, document and analyze fluorescent gels. Gel images are captured electronically through the GelDoc system. Once the image has been digitized, Diversity Database (Bio-Rad) software is used to optimize the image, define lanes, identify bands, define standards, and add the bands to the database. Diversity Database provides data output in molecular weight. For discriminant analysis (DA), the ban patterns are analyzed with JMP statistical software (version 5.1, SAS Institute Inc.). Variables for the analyses include the number and location of bands produced and the degree of pooling of sources. Each analysis produces a classification set for every known source isolate. The average rate of correct classification (ARCC) for each analysis is determined by averaging the percentages of correctly classified isolates for each source. A database is built for each known source (e.g. human, raccoon, etc.). The DA procedure compares each set of isolates from an unknown source (water sample) against the database of known sources and then classifies each isolate into one of the possible sources. 25 !¯¯¤­£¨· 5: DNA !­ «¸²¨² Methodology 26 Introduction: Various investigations conducted on Long Island, such as the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) (Koppelman and Tannenbaum, 1982), the Long Island 208 Waste Treatment Management Plan (Koppelman, 1978), the Brown Tide Comprehensive Assessment and Management Plan (Suffolk County, 1992), and the Peconic Estuary Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (Suffolk County) have contributed to a better understanding of the impacts of nonpoint source pollution upon groundwater and surface water quality on Long Island. One of the major pollutants in Long Island waters is pathogens such as coliform bacteria. Coliforms are an indicator of the possible presence of pathogenic organisms and are used by various agencies to determine water quality. The use of coliforms as a water quality standard has been in use since the late 1800s and has been a good tool in protecting public health. Monitoring of bacterial counts in estuarine waters following storms shows that stormwater runoff accounted for at least 93% of the total and fecal coliform loading. The water quality standards applicable to shellfish growing areas are the highest standards developed for marine waters in New York State. Fecal coliforms are facultative anaerobic bacilli that ferment lactose with the 0 production of gas within 48 hours at a temperature of 44.5C. A prevalent and well-studied member of this group is Escherichia coli (E. coli). Researchers have developed a variety of techniques in an attempt to identify nonpoint sources of bacteria in surface waters. These techniques are generally called Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) or Microbial Source Tracking (MST) and are divided between molecular methods (genotype), biochemical methods (phenotype) and chemical methods. The principal difference between methods is the subtyping methodologies. Molecular methods include pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), ribotyping (r-RNA), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Biochemical methods include antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA), F-specific coliphage analysis, fatty acid analysis, nutritional patterns for carbon and nitrogen, and fecal bacteria ratios. Chemical methods include optical brightener detection, and caffeine detection. Molecular methods are all referred to as “DNA fingerprinting” and are based on the unique genetic makeup of different strains, or subspecies, of fecal bacteria. Biochemical methods are based on an effect of an organism's genes that actively produce a biochemical substance. The type and quality of these substances produces what is actually measured. Chemical methods are based on finding chemical compounds that are associated with human wastewaters, and would be restricted to determining if sources of pollution were human or not. Molecular and biochemical methods of BST are dependent on building an initial database of profiles from a range of known sources and then comparing unknowns isolated from contaminated waters to the database of known sources. The Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Marine Program, with previous funding from the USEPA and other sources, has developed a molecular methodology to use DNA fingerprinting 27 to identify sources of E. coli bacteria found in surface waters. Using PFGE, we have developed a large DNA fingerprint library of E. coli bacteria isolated from 14 species of common animals, including humans. This source library has shown significant differences in DNA patterns to differentiate E. coli from the various animal hosts. We have developed a technique where we now have the ability to identify the sources of E. coli bacteria collected in surface waters and stormwater flows. Using PFGE and discriminant analysis of the DNA banding patterns we can identify the sources of E. coli into broad categories such as human/non-human; bird/wildlife/domestic animal; as well as to species level for the 14 host species in our library. The EPA funded projects were completed as part of an effort to identify nonpoint sources of pollution by using MST. An initial source library was established through these projects. Through the NYS Sea Grant project we were able to add additional source samples from within the Peconic Estuary as well as areas just outside the estuary, but contained within Suffolk County. Source Tracking: Water quality is an important factor in Long Island’s estuaries where extensive commercial and recreational fisheries exist for both finfish and shellfish. Shellfishing is particularly an important economic and cultural resource on LI, worth many millions of dollars in most years. Good surface water quality on Long Island, and the perception of good water quality, is also extremely important to the area’s large and economically important tourist industry also worth millions of dollars annually. Fecal coliform contamination from nonpoint sources has been recognized as a major threat to surface water quality (Geldrich, et al., 1968; Faust, 1976; Kay, et al., 1994, and others) and can lead to closure of surface waters for purposes of recreation and commercial shellfish harvest. Such closures can have serious negative impacts on the economy of local communities. Often the most challenging aspect of mitigating nonpoint source pollution (NPS) is determining the exact source of pollutants, and then formulating the best techniques of controlling them. One of the sources generally regarded to be a major cause of shellfish closures has been human wastes coming from improperly functioning On-Site-Waste-Disposal-Systems (OSWDS) (Kator and Rhodes, 1993). Human wastes from boats have also been responsible for shellfish closures. While many studies have indicated that OSWDS (Reneau and Pettry, 1975; Hayes, et al., 1990, and others) and marine heads can be a source of potential contamination, other potential nonpoint sources of bacteria have been identified as run-off from agricultural areas (Faust and Goff, 1977), wild animals (Leonard, et al., 1989) and seagulls (Levesque, et al., 1993), as well as other waterbirds and domestic animals. The most successful remediation strategy is one that recognizes and mitigates each unique source, in itself, as each one may require a different type of remediation technique and different Best Management Practice (BMP). The more dispersed wastes of domestic animals and wildlife are considered nonpoint sources of pollution because they originate in many locations and are transported to surface waters and to groundwater at many different points. The magnitude and character of the animal waste pollution 28 problem depends upon several factors (Koppelman and Tannenbaum, 1982); however, the present study will focus on the species type providing the waste source. NPS problems in coastal communities are attributable to coliforms from humans as well as many species of waterfowl and local wild and domestic mammalian sources. It is presently difficult to determine the exact source of bacteria found in contaminated areas. Consequently, most coliform mitigation strategies in use today are based on Best Management Practices directed at controlling the stormwater flows themselves, without regard to the specific animals or animal groups contributing to high levels of bacteria in those flows. The utility of the indicator organism concept is limited by its inability to track organisms associated with fecal contamination to their potential sources. Each year millions of dollars are spent on fecal and total coliform assays to determine the extent of bacterial and fecal pollution of aquatic environments and to satisfy increasingly rigid regulatory requirements concerning the microbiological quality of water. Knowing the sources rather than just monitoring the level of microbial pollution of surface waters would enable water quality professionals and watershed managers to better design and implement programs to control pollution and protect source water based on the source animals. There is evidence now accruing that shows that E. coli bacteria found in the gastrointestinal systems of different species of animals and animal groups vary in genetic identity, and that these differences can be measured (Dombek, et al., 2000; Parveen, et al., 1997; Carson, et al., 2001; Samadpour and Chechowitz, 1995; Simmons and Herbein, 1997; Simmons, et al., 2000). The fecal bacteria in animals (including humans) are very much genetically the same. There are unique differences, but the differences are only in a small percentage of an organism’s total DNA. The key to using molecular methods to differentiate between bacterial sources is finding these differences against a large background of similarity. It is thought that the distinctions between fecal bacteria from different animals (including humans) occur because the intestinal environments (selective pressures) are not the same, and fecal bacteria develop with detectable differences that can be related to sources. These genetic differences in different strains of E. coli may be able to be used to identify the animal species or animal group specific for that strain of E. coli. Populations of E. coli, like other bacteria, are composed essentially of a mixture of strains of clonal descent. Due to the relatively low rates of recombination, these clones remain more or less independent (Selander, et al. 1987). These clones or strains of bacteria are uniquely adapted to their own specific environments. As a result, the E. coli strain that inhabits the intestines of one species should be genetically different from the strain that might inhabit another. All of these various techniques show promise in helping to identify input sources of bacteria at some level. Some may be able to provide evidence to differentiate between human and non-human sources. Some may be able to provide evidence to identify large classes of sources such as human, livestock or wild animals. Still others may be able to provide evidence to identify for the specific animal 29 host species of the bacteria (e.g. human, dog, horse, raccoon, deer, etc.) Researchers are beginning to verify, with different techniques used and at various levels, the differences in E. coli (and other fecal bacteria) isolated from various host animals. Dombek, et al. (2000) found that rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting is a promising method for determining the source groups of E. coli. Paveen, et al (1997) found that multiple-antibiotic-resistance profiles could be used to differentiate between point source (human) and nonpoint source (non-human) sources of pollution. Paveen, et al. (1999) used ribotyping to differentiate between human and non-human source fecal pollution. Carson, et al. (2001) was able to distinguish E. coli ribotype patterns from human and seven individual non-human hosts. Samadpour and Chechowitz (1995) also used ribotyping to differentiate E. coli between humans and several non- human sources. Hagedorn, et al. (1999) used antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci to differentiate between waterfowl, humans, deer and beef cows. Simmons and Herbein (1997) and Simmons, et al. (2000) have used pulsed field gel electrophoresis to differentiate E. coli isolated from humans and some wildlife species in Virginia. Preliminary analysis by Hasbrouck (2000) of PFGE profiles of E. coli isolates from various animals on Eastern LI, is showing banding differences between some of those animals. Wiggins, et al (1999) using antibiotic-resistance analysis of fecal streptococci found differences from various source animals. Bernhard and Field (2000) have described a new PCR-based method for distinguishing human and cow fecal contamination based on Bifidobacterium and the Bacteroides-Prevotella group. The field of BST is still developing and no single method has arisen as the “best” method. As the field of BST has been developing and expanding, it is important for researchers and managers to determine not only which techniques work best under what conditions (or what questions can be answered by each technique) and for what suite of problems, but also how the different techniques can be used in conjunction with each other to solve problems, as well as to compare results between techniques. As these studies have developed, it is important to identify the usefulness of each BST technique over a range of applications so that each can be identified as a specific tool to be used as appropriate and where it best fits. Molecular techniques will generate differences at a finer scale (specific animal host) whereas biochemical and chemical techniques will yield faster results but for larger groups of animals (humans, non-human). Comparisons of the different types of MST have been published, and the USEPA has prepared guidance for the specific use of MST in the development of TMDLs (USEPA, 2011). Specifically, the use of PFGE was found to result in high percentages of correct classifications of human source at 88% and all other sources at 81% (Myoda, et al. 2003). As a means of identifying individual coliform sources and developing a BST technique, a DNA library, specific to eastern Long Island, has been developed by the Cornell Investigator based on E. coli isolated from the scat of animals (including humans) which live in association with estuaries of eastern Long Island. This DNA library consists of “genetic fingerprints” PFGE of E. coli isolates. PFGE has been used to resolve bacterial genomes ranging from microorganisms responsible for nosocomial infections (Allardet-Servant, et al., 1989) and Vibrio species colonizing oysters (Buchrieser, et al., 1995) to coliforms 30 isolated from water distribution systems (Edberg, et al., 1994). We are exploring techniques to extend and develop the use of this method as a BST tool for identifying coliform sources in impacted embayments within coastal areas. All of the molecular BST methods that are being developed rely on building a DNA library of source isolates against which to compare unknown samples. Once the known source library has been developed at a sufficiently large size, and correct source identifications are sufficiently high for the desired purpose, then the task of comparing fecal isolates from unknown origins against the library to obtain source identification can be accomplished. $.! Methodology: The components of the project were carried out as described in an EPA-approved Detailed Work Plan. All field and laboratory procedures were performed according to the approved Quality Assurance Project Plan and the associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). All lab work for the isolation and verification of E. coli from all water samples were performed in the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County (CCE) laboratory in Southold, New York. Isolates were prepared for DNA analysis and then run on the PFGE equipment according to SOPs. Gels were then imaged, quantified, cleaned, standardized, bands and lanes defined and electronically stored using Bio-Rad’s Diversity Database software. Discussions with Dr. Charles Hagedorn of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), a leading researcher also involved in bacterial source tracking led us to use JMP, a statistical analysis software package. JMP is a powerful statistical analysis tool that can be used to analyze a variety of data. Dr. Hagedorn and other researchers at Virginia Tech have developed a method to adapt JMP to analyze DNA isolates. We have worked with Virginia Tech to adapt this software to accurately analyze our DNA data and are very pleased with the results. We are using JMP to perform MANOVA— Mulitvariate Analysis of Variance—on our DNA isolate data. MANOVA is a useful statistical analysis method when there is more than one dependent variable, as we have in our analysis. By using JMP MANOVA models with our water sample unknowns compared against our source isolate knowns we can now identify the source of E. coli bacteria in our water samples. The result is that we have successfully developed a procedure and data analysis program that can identify sources of coliform bacteria with a high degree of accuracy and with a high degree of confidence. We now have a tool—PFGE and JMP— that will provide DNA technology-based approach to remediation of nonpoint source pollution based on known sources of bacterial contamination. 31 The process of using DNA technology to identify input sources of coliform bacteria depends on finding unique banding patterns from E. coli strains that are unique to the species host. This must be accomplished against a background of strains of E. coli that are similar across various species of hosts as well as transient clones that may only appear randomly. Also within the E. coli found in the water samples are isolates of clones that may not be in our source library. Due to the randomness of clone selection in water samples and clone distribution among animals as well as all the various clonal strains of E. coli that maybe found across animal groups and in water samples, a direct high probability match up with the known library for individual species host is not always possible. The JMP model provides us with a probability matrix of water sample matches to the known sources in the library and then provides a predicted source based on the highest percentage in the probability matrix. When comparing our unknown water sample isolates against our known source library, sometimes a very strong correlation is produced by JMP (e.g. 95% probability that the source is a herring gull) and sometimes because of clonal issues discussed above, a weak correlation is produced by the JMP model (e.g. 35% probability that the source is a herring gull). We have chosen a 70% probability as a minimum cut off point. Probabilities above 70% provide a good match while probabilities below 70% do not provide a good match. These correlations are the basis for using an average rate of correct classification to determine the effectiveness of a particular database. Therefore some of the results compared against the library on a species by species basis may produce a source with a high degree of probability, while other results provide a low degree of probability. These results are typical of the various methods being used in the field of bacterial source tracking and are consistent with the results of other researchers. Because we want to be able to determine something about the source of each water sample isolate, with a high degree of probability, we have set up 9 JMP models that we run each water sample isolate against. These 9 models range from species-specific (i.e. each of the 14 source species collected) to the general division of human or non-human. This will allow us to provide at least some information on the water sample with a high degree of probability. It is not always possible and may also not always be necessary to predict the source down to species level. Often just knowing if the source is of human origin will provide managers with valuable information in developing BMPs. Similarly, identifying samples into animal group (i.e., bird, wildlife or domestic animal), or being able to specify what the sample is not, (i.e., not human, not wildlife), will also provide valuable information to address NPS. Therefore by running each sample isolate through 9 JMP models, we can provide some valuable information at a high level of probability (> 70%) for each sample. The 9 JMP models are as follows: 1.Human—non-human 2.Bird, wildlife, domestic animal 3.Bird—not bird 4.Wildlife—not wildlife 5.Dog—not dog 6.Horse—not horse 7.All birds by species 32 8.All wildlife by species 9.The total library by species For this project the following animal groupings with their associated specific animals are as follows: Bird: herring gull; mute swan; greater black back gull; Canada goose; mallard duck; black duck; cormorant. 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