HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2015 Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall Chairman P O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11958 631-765-1800 th 375 Committee Meeting MINUTES February 10, 2015 6:00 PM Southold Town Hall Board Room Present: Herb Adler, Jr., Walter Jackson, Gail Horton, George Cork Maul, Peggy Murphy, Mark Terry Herb-has our website been set-up? Nick is the working with North Fork Promotional Council and is absent. Herb- Where are we with the website Gail – Discussed Libraries Two afternoons in summer for interviewing an old timer. How did they get here? Ex. Ernestine Roy, Carlos Dejesus, Free Slave areas Herb – will it be taped? Gail – Video or taped conversations, the librarians are doing it. Weekends and afternoons Peggy – Seven historical presidents have the archives should be Grand Marshalls for the parade. They are the keepers of history Gail – New Suffolk is the only school that has not answered about digital storytelling. Will ask Bob Ghosio if he could ask for donations from Cross Sound Ferry and Sunrise to bring Fishers Island Kids over for Digital storytelling? Herb – digital story telling where is it going to be displayed? Walter – Southold High School would be good? Herb – ROTC could set up basic, will ask. Gail – could e-mail David Gamberg. Walter – Jennifer Bruer Secretary there could help. Gail – Gave out final project details and can sell DVD’s just pay for them. Peggy – Has Geoff gotten to the point as to what will be in the book? Herb- I did the introduction. Herb – hoped the letters went out to the businesses & Chambers Mark – Thank you letters should go out on letterhead to speakers, donors and Peconic Landing Walter – has sent thank you on behave of the committee. Mark – what is the next event? Herb – Submarine dedication April 12 Herb – Ruthann is in charge of the lectures Mark – Philip would like a list of events Peggy – would like to do an ad for participants for the parade. Mark – can list in newsletter? Herb- when is it going in the paper? Gail – ASAP we get approval for the parade. Peggy – Philip can pick up on the parade. Mark – Yes Walter – do we have dates for Stamp Cancellations? Herb- yes Peggy _ were servers tipped? Walter – Someone came forward and tipped them? Mark – did we receive cake invoice? Carol – Not yet. Mark – do we have money earmarked for the book? Herb – there was a problem with it. The town will not pay for the book. No one told us and we went ahead, spoke with Steven but has not called back. Will call him tomorrow, Town Board will work it out and will talk to Joan. Mark – Mile Marker day – Do we need volunteers? And does Police Department have a problem with it? Walter – Orient Church – Anne Van Clavis will do whatever we want them to do. Mark – Do we need committee money for Mile Marker event? Cork – Don’t need anything because Southold Mother’s Club will help with needs for scope of tasks. Herb – Needed to ask some questions. Karen Lund & Claire Kennedy are going to help. Is there no fee for the event or insurance? Dan McCarthy has the stamp date ready. Post card and Brochure are going well. Can we charge for the event? Mark – we need a filter, Historical Societies can do that. How about an event at tri-angle Park with cake and refreshments? Herb – the town cannot sell the book or brochures directly. Mark – the Budget has $1,500.00 for Mile Marker Budget. First big event of the year for Southampton is March 7, 2015. Herb – Submarine is our next event and it lasts less than an hour. Mark – We should think of a rain Date? Cork – Brochure – simple what the day is and what are the events. Working with the Mothers’ Club Mark- Need map of marker. Cork – 2 markers are missing, maybe have something there in their place or not stop at all at them. Walter – The Church has plenty of Parking Cork – People have mile markers in their yard. How would they feel about the event since it’s on their property? Mark –We could have 4 or 5 markers set-up and GPS maps then at the end have Cake & Celebration. Cork – Maybe a broken wagon & Ben Franklin at one of the Mile Makers. Gail – Any in Greenport? Cork – Non on the North Road Walter – One before Soundview or San Someone. Cork – Can’t ID any of them. Peggy – One across from The Town beach. Cork – Bad spot – We don’t want them to stop in front of there. Gail – Can we get a group together> Mark – We should pick ones were people have to cross the road. Cork – Maybe we can direct them into the parking area. We have to ask Mr. Witherspoon of Cross Sound Ferry about viewing the mark in their parking lot. Mark – Claire Kennedy can mobilize People and McCall Vineyards wants to do an event. Carol will send letter to McCall Vineyards. Mark – We will need Adult Volunteers at every station. Walter – Oysterpond Historical Society could be at theirs. Cork – Will ask them Peggy – I think we should stay away from Cross Sound Ferry. Too much traffic. Mark – Photos & Maps of markers should be enough. Cork – Mr. Orland could have him move the marks he has in Highway Garage. Walter – We should put markers where they we or on town property. Cork – should be where they are supposed to be. Can be lying on the ground. Both markers are in tack. Mark – will speak with Mr. Orlando. Herb – We need someone to watch them. Cork – too heavy to carry away and they are set in gravel not cement. Herb – Where do they go? Cork – Sep’s farm stand and the other is in East Marion. Next Meeting will have a report for each stop. What does Southold want to sell? Walter – Mile Marker Books. 500 or 600. Herb – Sell them thru the Historical Societies. Peggy – Oyster Ponds could sell at the end. Herb – ROTC can help out. Gail – Mary Pickford film to show one night. Walter – Love Lane used to have movie night. Peggy – having trouble with house tours. Thinking about house of worship tours, 10 or 15 minutes of music and history of the place of worship every hour on the hours. Herb – Cancel House and do house of Worship Gail – House tours are tuff. Walter Greenport Churches are close and within walking distant. Herb - Nice with 15 minutes of music and limit hours. Peggy – If we have Clam chowder at Founders Landing it would be a large cost. Historical Society have nice ground, maybe we can do it there. Herb – What is the theme? Competition or selling clam chowder. Peggy – it was just an event idea. Herb – Why can’t park district donate their property? Mark – Let’s just sit tight and see if some winery’s wanted to do any events. Herb – Next meeting, two week intervals? Mark – End of February? ndth Herb – March 2? Monday @ 6:00, March 17 @ 7:00 and March 30 @ 6:00