HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/2015
Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall
Chairman P O Box 1179
Southold, NY 11958
375 Committee Meeting
January 12, 2015
6:00 PM
Southold Town Hall Board Room
Present: Herb Adler, Jr., Walter Jackson, Gail Horton, George Cork Maul, Peggy Murphy, Bob Ghosio,
Mark Terry
Cork – Read his presentation for the Mile Marker Day
Herb asked where the money was coming from for the event
Carol stated that it will fit in the budget
Mark Terry wanted to know if we need volunteers for the event
Herb asked if the state has any problem with us doing it?
Cork didn’t believe so, maybe notify the town police
Herb volunteered to speak with Chief Flatley – he is a neighbor
Peggy wanted to know if insurance was required?
Mark asked if the parade needed insurance? Will ask
Nick said that Clair Kennedy know of one or two missing markers – maybe originals. Some of them were
replaced already.
Cork said that 21 and 26 are at the highway department garage
Herb asked if he needed anything from us?
Cork didn’t think so. May 16 is the mile marker day.
Peggy felt Cork did a nice presentation.
Mark wanted to know how we would install them.
Carol let us know that Aileen Mazzei has some eagles that would like to work on that project.
Peggy asked where we are putting our time capsule?
Carol – Silversmiths Corner
Bob Ghosio reminded us that we need to mark it.
Mark provided the committee with a menu for the cocktail party and asked if we should do just cookies
and no cake?
Nick – Blue Duck and Orient Inn gave price quotes – did we receive any others?
Bob felt we were receiving free cookies we should scape the cake.
Gail asked if we need cookie?
Nick – Blue Duck is giving us 1 and ½ sheet cake for 275 including delivery. Cookie are 105- he thought
no thanks on cookie & yes on cake.
Motion Made by Walter Jackson and Motion Second by Herb
Walter stated that we were have music for the event
The committee felt there should be schedules of events for Scott and to hand out.
Gail brought up the date for the tall ships
Mark wanted to know if we tip the servers.
Nick thought that we should give tips to some maybe Boss.
Peggy felt maybe donations to employee fund.
Walter will ask Brecknock Hall
Bob thought tax money for gratuity may not be right
Walter – We may not have too.
Mark asked if ROTC was coming to the cocktail party.
Walter – Yes
Mark wanted to know if Mugs were ready.
Nick let us know that 50 order and coming. The red color has to be fixed which she is working on. ROTC
or whoever is in charge of mugs can take orders for extras mugs. Pricing is wholesale $4.37 sell for
$10.00, wholesale Discount $7.50. Different Groups maybe interested in selling merchandise: Mother’s
Group, Boy Scouts ets. Hats will be priced soon. Wine for Party from Pindar – buy a case get a case for
Mark asked if any outlets or local store would donate wine.
Geoff Fleming Spoke about the book for the anniversary. He is working with several 20 Century writers
maybe 9 or 10 of them. They would write 3 to 5 pages each and it would be 100 page books. Some
topics would be Orient State park, Automobile, 2 Catholic Camps, Benjamin Brittner, Restoration of
Houses, and Potato picking. Book will go thru editing
Peggy felt it was very interesting.
Herb – one problem for me is the vineyards, they are a big part of Southold
Geoff said that there have been 3 major books on them.
Gail is doing the digital story telling on the same era, she has a lot of photos.
Mark wanted to know the cost of the book
Geoff believes it would be about $5,000.00 for around 100-200 copies. Will not know total cost until
written. Black and White photos and Color Cover should keep costs down. If you want it for summer
than we need to move on it now. Michigan is where it is printed. In theory 8 or 10 dollars to as high as
15 dollars per book. Until it is laid out we will not know price. 8 x 10 size but could be smaller 9 x 7 may
be perfect. Maybe order a small number of special books (maybe in Color). Need to get everything
together so it can be edited.
Bob wanted to know if the committee would like him to write a preface.
Peggy thought it should be the Chairman.
Geoff said it doesn’t matter who rights it.
Herb felt we should authorize the book from Geoffrey for early May and can be released in June.
Nick said not to hold him up, let’s work on book.
Bob will bring cash box and seed money for Mugs. I will ask for Growlers for Party.
Walter stated that tall ships party only supply wine and water,
Nick said that Damianos will match what we buy Pindar Red and Duck Walk white.
Herb would like to know who will be speaking Senator LaValle, Elizabeth Haile, Supervisor, and Al
Bob wanted to know if the press was invited.
Walter let us know that they were invitations went to everyone.
Bob asked about Southold local
Walter Yes, there are about 100 people that have responded that they are coming.
Mark is there any one that should be invited that is interested in coming?
Herb asked when he should start speaking.
Bob said that 5:30 – 5:45 would be good and he would need a list of dignitaries.
Walter let us know that Bob from Peconic Landing would like to speak.
Nick thought maybe some information on the history of the Building.
Herb felt it was too long in a speech.
Gail said that we only have a few hours.
Mark stated that he will be there at 3:30.
Gail met with Mr. Gamberg and he is excited to create a spot for the Digital Story Telling and will set the
date. Gail needs approval from town to travel to Fishers Island and will need to be picked up at the ferry
and taken to school and back.
Peggy wanted to invite Ty and Bill to Cocktail Party.
Mark asked if the committee would be interested in adding the committees name to the Indian History
Committee so they can have a traveling Museum and maybe get grant money from Hotel/Motel Fund so
people of the town could learn more about the Indian Culture and tourists fill hotels and add to fund.
Motion made by Walter Motion Second by Nick
Gail discussed the digital story telling at the library.
Herb says it would end in Late June.
Gail said that we need a place people can walk around and see each exhibit.
Walter thought that Gwynn would be goo or maybe Mr. Gamburg
Gail felt the school is better equipped than legion.
Mark agrees that schools would be the best.
Gail let us know that each school has a display one night.
Mark though the town board could present it.
Bob felt there was not enough room.
Nick wanted Marc McNish to be invited and receive a mug at the cocktail party from Herb or Scott.
Herb believed it was too much and why should one person be singled out.
Mark will get to Brecknock hall early to help out with things and make sure everything was good.
Herb mentioned a movie that was made in Southold by Mary Pickford.
Nick let us know that the website and URL 375 is available and does it make sense for the website to
create a shopping cart. The website would be $2,000 instead of $1,000 but it would be easier to click
and buy. Just food for thought, meeting ended 7:51 p.m.