HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/2015
Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall
Chairman P O Box 1179
Southold, NY 11958
375 Committee Meeting
March 2, 2015
6:00 PM
Southold Town Hall Board Room
Present: Herb Adler, Jr., Gail Horton, George Cork Maul, Mark Terry, Daniel McCarthy, Nick Planamento,
Claire Kennedy, Bob Ghosio
Mile Markers – we received a hand out from Amy Folk in reference to Benjamin Franklin and the mile
Mark – asked if Ruthanne Bramson can she have a substitute sit in for her. If the work is done, it
shouldn’t matter.
Herb – Sunday Stories was Ruthanne’s idea and Jennifer will work with me on Volunteer Day. Sunday
afternoon at the libraries. And as for Amy’s info does Daniel still dress up as Ben Franklin?
Mark – Said that we should not get hung up on this, anything can be disputed?
Herb – If we proceed we don’t have to emphasize Ben Franklin.
Daniel – Peconic Shopper already has an article and set to show up in next month’s edition
Herb – Competing theories.
Claire - #8, 25 & 26 mile makers can be fixed by John & Warner Hollis for no Charge.
Cork – Mr. Grathwohl has a $20,000.00 budget but no money yet.
Claire – The Hollis have done some work on ones in Riverhead Already, very interested in doing these.
Cork – Different Stones – Some Granite, some have worn out numbers.
Gail – So Ben was dead when markers were done.
Mark – Ben set wood markers not stone. 1825 is when stone was put in originally carved. Full steam
ahead with mile markers.
Cork – I have spent hours on research and don’t want to has misinformation. I will need more
information & research.
Herb – will check Amy sources and talk about it with her on Friday Afternoon.
Claire – More information if you find books they are from.
Herb – More primary sources.
Mark – I have that book with letters from Ben Franklin in them.
Herb – Ben was here in 1700’s but didn’t do anything.
Cork – Re-read info from Amy Folk
Herb – If reading notes 2 paragraph, ferry didn’t leave from Orient point.
Nick – 18 Century was Sterling Creek, right
Gail – yes
Cork – No reason for the info to affect my work or research.
Nick – doesn’t know her but not necessarily believe it.
Cork – When in Boston will research more. Can we ask for more info?
Herb – we can
Cork – feels it’s incomplete
Herb – what did she omit?
Cork – When Ben Franklin was on Long Island
Gail – Why was Carriage on the island?
Mark – Town Board must send out letter to people who have markers on their property asking for
permission to fix markers.
Cork – Only 3 are on our property?
Mark – Bob and I were talking about a letter.
Claire – Peconic Monument Works will fix and set #8 in Custer institutes basement and set 21 & 26 for
free, just mention them if advertised.
Cork - Zack and Snodgrass are experts about restoration.
Mark – Expert in this Area.
Herb – send letter to Town Board over ownership issue. C Committee will send a letter approving
restoration and resetting.
Cork – Colin VanTuyle has survey of Markers.
Nick – yes, did he do it?
Cork – his father did a survey for #8 and then surveyed all of them.
Herb – Did you look at the marks, do they look authentic?
Cork – as best as I can.
Claire – Historic tours – Wineries for 1 Day, 5 or 6 winery/ Wickham farm is interested but not Sunday’s.
No answer from Krupski’s farm yet. McCall & Old Fields have said yes. Still looking if anyone else is
interested in the event. Costello/deborgasis was for incorporated winery
Herb – Wine industry needs to be bowed to. We talked about not paying for events.
Claire – Self Guided tours maybe an option.
Cork – maybe on another day.
Nick – solicit different groups for events and add to calendar. Bedell maybe, battle of the bands in
July/August, embrace events from committee.
Gail – 20 century and book history is going on right now. We are all part of history.
Claire – we had a drive-in movie theater.
Cork – Brick kilns we have history of the land.
Nick – How about Hargrave helping with the book.
Herb – Hargrave turned down Geoffrey and the book.
Claire – Trails of New York State and L I path thru History. Submitted event to L I Path thru history.
Should we send to New York State?
Nick- no website yet, we can submit list and see if they will add it.
Claire – You have to submit each event separately.
Mark – we just sent letters out asking business, churches and wineries – if they want to run with it they
Nick – I will work with Claire and have a list of all the vineyards.
Mark – Anyone can us our logo and can go off and do what they can.
Claire- How will the events work?
Nick – by invitation, little or no specifics and later on this year.
Cork – Winery by mile marker day should embrace that date. Ex. Ted Auto or Pindar could be sponsors
of mile marker day.
Herb – report about books – can’t buy books only if we run thru Nor Fork Promotional Council.
Herb, Walter, Nick and Bob are all going this weekend to Southampton’s anniversary ceremony at 3:00.
Gail – going to Oyster Ponds series in Orient, three speakers.
Carol to update list of events for Gail.
Herb- put list in papers. Received call from Dan’s papers.
Cork – Oyster Ponds has not responded to my request about mile marker day.
Gail – will mention mile marker day. If New Suffolk has not responded so ask for Head Teacher.
Bob – Will ask for donations from Cross Sound Ferry and Sunrise Bus when we have Dates and Times.
Gail – I have asked Mr. Gamberg about setting a date.
Bob – When we have more concrete idea, I will approach them.
Gail – will ask Kids about flash drives and disks.
Bob – Louisa asked me if Fishers Island has always been part of Southold Town.
Herb – Yes
Herb- The 3 Saturday of September but will let you know.
Carol – Vincent Orlando and Jeff Standish were given Logo for Old fashion baseball uniforms.
Dan – April 21 will be stamp cancellation day for one month. L
Bob – Maybe we should ask for everything coming out of town hall for that cancellation.
Dan – Houses are off and Houses of Worship are in. Col John Young House still wants to do tour.
Herb – Maybe on parade day, she should do that. Worship tours maybe holiday season with
decorations, music .
Dan – Will talk to Peggy.
Gail – Nice to end the year.
Nick – Parade set yet?
Herb – Peggy is working with Ty and Bill, they have everything set. Historical Chairs to be Grand
Cork – Notifications to be send to owners of Mile markers and Cross Sound Ferry. I need to speak to Boy
Scouts. And need sponsors of events.
Herb – I will talk to ROTC, Dan of East End Beacon need picture for Events.
Dan – Can scan pictures I already sent one to the papers.
Herb – Any more question for Amy & Geoffrey, will say we are taking under advisement.
Cork – Need to find out if Ben Franklin was on Long Island. Would like to know the truth.
Gail – Why did it take so long for them to say anything?
Herb – Amy was just asking about it.
Cork – Last on Oyster Pond Society road, Mile Marker Day will take One hour and 12 Minutes just to
stop @ each marker – from Laurel to the end. Will discuss about what to do at the near end, maybe Ben
Franklin will stamp post card for a price and answer questions. Southold Post Office to far maybe Main
Road/Old Main Road in Orient. Can pull off the road and can get card stamped there.
Herb – Were they supposed to have a church doing something, Congregation at Historical Society.
Gail – Old Main Road is a great spot.
Cork – Sent request to Chief Flatley to update route.
Gail – Karen Lund asked about school doing something for Mile Marker Day.
Herb – Orient not the end
Meeting adjourned 7:30 M/M Herb Adler M/S Bob Ghosio