HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/2014 Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall Chairman P O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11958 631-765-1800 th 375 Committee Meeting MINUTES November 10, 2014 6:00 PM Southold Town Hall Conference Room Present: Herb Adler, Jr., Walter Jackson, Cork Maul, Peggy Murphy, Gail Horton, Ruth Anne Bramson, Daniel McCarthy, Bob Ghosio Bob Ghosio will be polling the Town Board Members indivdually and believe it will be around $10,000.00for the budget. Peggy Murphy wanted to discuss the book. Walter Jackson believes that Shutter fly is more expensive than local printers. Cork Maul discussed that Jeff will get stories together and photos in PDF files. Peggy Murphy asked if book will be available locally? Yes it will. Cork Maul – asked how do you keep track? Town wants to know how LuLu.com will tack, Because of Town position small amount locally but larger amount internet. Bob Ghosio – How are options picked out? Cork stated that the author does it. Gail Horton let us know that text books are done this way. And Jeff Miller has done it this way also. Herb Adler added that the website must be checked out as to options and prices. Peggy Murphy stated that Grants can be applied for but maybe missed the boat on that. All agree on the importance of the book. Ruth Anne Bramson questioning $10,000 for the Book. Herb Adler believes it is viable thru LuLu.com. Bob Ghosio wanted to know who is putting the book together? Jeff at Historical Society was getting everything together. This year is a tight budget and budget approval is next Town Board Meeting. Bob Ghosio will lobby for $15,000.00 for Committee Budget. Peggy Murphy stated she don’t get involved in fund raising. Last Celebration did it better. Not enough money in budget for Book. Should do something special. Ruth Anne Bramson We should focus on other things that are less expensive or free, Advertising is major. Cork Maul discussed on LuLu.com has prices for calendars for reminders of events. Ruth Anne Bramson feels Online and Newspaper best for info and ads Peggy Murphy- Ann Curry Bell- Treasure Calendar as a souvenir. Southampton is doing celebration and received grant money. Gail Horton felt it was a sad commentary about Town Board on our Committee Bob Ghosio felt wasn’t fair because the town has a 2 percent cap on raising taxes and other constraints. Bob will do the best he can to get more money for the budget. Gail Horton read her digital storytelling from her handout that she will distribute to the school. Oyster Pond School very interested and Fishers Island she is working on transportation. Peggy Murphy thought that the Panels could be displayed at Horton’s Point. Gail Horton will need party money and flash drives which could be the inexpensive ones. Walter Jackson thought the Peconic Recreation Center could be used for the event because it has a stage and kitchen. Gail Horton thought she would need $500.00 for the Digital Storytelling Telling. Fishers Island will come over maybe can get a ride to the events. Bob Ghosio Do we know how many will come over? Gail Horton We will have to think about that, usually the whole class. And maybe Gift money from Budget, would like $600.00 for Digital Story Budget. If people wanted a Digital Copy we could make and charge for them. Cork Maul Gave some prices for 6 X 9 Book Black and white Binding Stet up, 8 X 8-$9.05 8 X 11 – $4.40 3.25 for Set up 7.85 for 1 Copy Bob Ghosio Whatever you send them they print – no proofreading, will need to send in stories already proofread and pictures. Herb Adler Everyone will submit stories and photos and Jeff will put it together then send it digitally. Ruth Ann Bramson maybe Jeff could come to next meeting to talk about the book. Herb Adler We could just order the books as you need them. Ruth Ann Bramson Shared what she is doing ,Mark Terry had asked about lecture Series – Term Lecture series needs a friendlier name. Lectures begin in Oyster Pond in January will have 375 logo on them. Southold – Fall September, October or November. She spoke with some people- Reggie back on them, Chris Pickerel, Eric Lamont – LI Ecology-Ray Latham, Oyster and Scallops, a Couples Traveling adventure, Bunkers, Wickham Murders, L I Lighthouses, Fishers Island Rack Rocks, Native Americans. Peggy Murphy though $1500.00 was a good budget line for Lectures. Ruth Ann Bramson discussed biggest expense is ads and speakers may need a fee. Bob Ghosio asked about the letter to the business and Churches. Ruth Ann Bramson asked what the letter said. Herb Adler – stated the letter was an introduction to the committee. Ruth Ann Bramson – Felt it would be letting the community know about the events. Carol Hydell will order a ream of Letterhead and a box of envelopes with the anniversary logo on them. Peggy Murphy felt the Second paragraph could give examples Herb Adler thought maybe change that. Gail Horton though to put in Concerts and dances. Peggy Horton talked about special events sponsors Town Wide. Bob Ghosio will redo letter to Business and Churches Peggy Murphy has Ty Cochran and Bill Whiskey helping out with the parade. Route would be Willow Hill to Boisseau Avenue (Access Better) Hot Dogs would be served. Southold historical sociality would have the reviewing stand in front of Fire House. Cork Maul Grand stand should be Standing County Officials, Grand Marshall, Presidents of all Historical societies, Ev Glover has a Trailer for Float or Cars can be used. Stationary should have calendar on it. Maybe Trailer could be pulled by truck. Bob Ghosio will ask Ev Glover about Trailer for Grand Marshall. Peggy Murphy will call Scott Russell and Jeff Standish about Bleachers. th Dan McCarthy wanted to know when is the mile marker Cork Maul stated May 16 Week before for Post Cards. Peggy Murphy discussed that we need the media for Post Cards. Carol Hydell discussed Time Capsule; someone will speak with John Kalin about subject. Peggy Murphy Southold Yacht Club spoke with Laurie Dandelion. Ruth Ann Bramson brought up Regatta at Orient and Greenport Tall Ships and will consult with Race Committees. Daniel McCarthy discussed Historical house tours in September maybe assign exact date – Decided Sept th 12, Saturday. Memorial day Weekend is Sept 5, 6, 7, Maritime Festival is Sept. 18-20. Should be a fee for tour. Maybe $20 in advance and $25 day off. Gail Horton PayPal or Charge for Tickets and sell at Door. A theme for Historical Houses would be good with certain hours for tours. Map could be a suggested donation – no charge any amount. Bob Ghosio stated that PDF file of Logo could be e-mail to different events. Meeting Dispensed at 7:42