HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/2014
Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall
Chairman P O Box 1179
Southold, NY 11958
375 Committee Meeting
November 24, 2014
6:00 PM
Southold Town Hall Conference Room
Present: Herb Adler, Jr., Walter Jackson, Peggy Murphy, Gail Horton, Ruth Anne Bramson, Nick
Planamento, Bob Ghosio, Jr.
Nick – talked about money for the URL and website address.
Herb Adler noted that the $500.00 for the URL is included in the budget.
Nick discussed North Fork Promotional Council Buying the Web Address and needing $500.00 to start.
Also ¼ of a page for a Suffolk Times ad run about $250.00 and could have the promotional link to
Gail asked about formats for Advertising?
Nick discussed peel and stick for Refrigerators for events, maybe a mass mailing
Bob Ghosio thought that was very expensive-his campaign spent $6,000 on mass mailings
Ruth Ann Bramson that that someone should be in charge of Marketing
Nick – Word of mouth not enough.
Ruth Ann-Lectures in January, February and March and Cocktail Party need to be advertised.
Nick- Doesn’t mind taking that position. Would need maybe $1,000 for four ads.
Ruth Ann – what is the website cost?
Herb stated that we have $8,000 for Advertising out of $20,000. Book is $10,000 half of our budget.
Bob- LULU Discussed Last time about book.
Nick – thought coffee cups might be wasteful. Stickers and souvenirs still in Town Hall. We need money
making projects. Book maybe better use of the money, Multi-Color ads cost $50.00 extra. Maybe ten
items at a time. Logo with four colors when made smaller loses view of logo.
Herb – Budget started must be re thought through, Town Board approved Budget.
Peggy talking about the book – 14 items in the book. Any reason to put in Geoff’s hands and have him
discuss book at next meeting.
Nick – will come back to committee with his report. Will need $1000.00 for website from North Fork
Promotional Council and to purchase URL. Ads for Promotion – Budget Line huge – don’t have to spend
it all.
Ruth Ann We need a key contact which can go on website and calendars and communicate with from
now till end of 2014. It was decided to be Carol Hydell.
Nick let us know that Gene Gluck will be putting the Calendar on the website.
Walter Jackson- Discussed Saturday January 17 2015 for Brecknock Hall for the Cocktail Party. We will
have service people and Wine, Beer, Soda Water will be served. Attendance will be limited to 175
people. Mark will send out invitations for Cocktail Party.
Ruth Ann – time is 5-7 p.m.
Nick – some restaurants are thinking of doing a price fix including Noah’s, Amano and Allure.
Herb – we need stationary finish
Bob – like if everything was on the left hand side will all names and address, Order should be Town
Board, Chairman, Committee members, Vertical on Left. Envelopes could be 2 colors – Gail and Ruthann
approved of that lay out.
Gail Horton – we need to contact Geoff
Herb – will call him tomorrow.
Nick asked about the copy of logo that can be e-mailed.
Peggy thought that Geoff should look into getting prices for the book. Budget has to be stuck too
Bob discussed that $10,000 does not have to be spent on Book; Town Board was not thrilled about
Nick – Time frame for book would be Middle of Year May thru June.
Herb doesn’t’ have to be January
Ruth Ann thought June 1 or June 15.
Bob said that we can take orders now.
Ruth Ann thought that the committee should invite Historical Societies, Head of Librarians - Trustees,
School superintendent and Greenport Mayo and Chiefs of Fire Departments.
Bob want to know about RSVP
Nick felt that at least one third of the invites don’t show up.
Gail – are we including members and spouses?
Herb – yes
Peggy- What about Southampton
Walter – we will invite the Supervisor and Historical society
Herb – need to order on invitations?
Ruth – what about address?
Bob – what about dignitaries?
Herb – Waiting for letterhead before letters for Church & Businesses. Also need Logo so it can be
Herb – in favor of letter written by Bob Ghosio
Nick – maybe easier for Rita to print letter on letterhead so it can be e-mailed out from North Fork
Promotional Council to e-mail addresses.
Herb- we need to look at which churches to invite.
Nick – letters can be a PDF file or manually typed on Letterhead.
Ruth Ann wanted to know who could send her the logo so she can send out also.
Nick – I can do that, will send it to carol and then she could send it to you.
Bob – Guest list – with Clergy and Fire Chiefs that would add 55 plus a guest. Should invite North Fork
Promotional Council President and Chamber of Commerce President.
Nick thought maybe an A or B list, A first wait then send out B list. Need to invite Suffolk Cty Historical
Social President and Chief Flatley.
Bob – we Should consider inviting Mr. & Mrs. Mullen’s, Claudio because they are old established
business. The Soundview is not that old.
Walter – Stated that Jack Levine is gone maybe Richard Van Brenden
Bob – Louisa Evens gave a name to add to the list as well as Bill Ruland.
Herb felt anyone who sponsored anything for us Damienanos or Clovis Point Vineyards. But Clovis Point
was only vineyard to response to sponsor our wine label.
Gail – Mr. Bamberg Offered to have Southold High School media lab to do a video that can be used at a
future time. Or on Channel 22 or YouTube if committee agreed.
Herb felt we should invite Superintendent of schools to Cocktail party.
Gail – needs a ride to Fishers Island Karen McLaughlin not going but Mike Verity is.
Need Letterhead for Gail’s Digital Story telling
Bob – Didn’t talk to Ev Glover about trailer yet.
Ruth Ann would like everyone to send in proposals for next meeting
Gail agreed.
Bob noticed that Daniel did a good job on communications, Mark Terry Apologized for not been here.
Ruth Ann thought maybe a story Sunday where people from town share their stories at libraries.
Nick spoke about having each hamlet speak at a particular spot with different stories and video tape it.
Ruth Ann – yes, Oyster pond, East Marion, subjects could be Saint Thomas or George Koch. Maybe
some talks about famous neighbors.
Bob felt 5:00 p.m. is good for Peconic Landing
Walter agreed
Nick – maybe invite press to cocktail party – Doug Geed.
There was a discussion on Changing Decembers meetings but decided to keep it December 8.
Agenda item – Geoff will discuss book, Nick will give his report and Ruth Ann will have some info.
December meeting will have status report and calendar events.