HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/2014 Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall Chairman P O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11958 631-765-1800 th 375 Committee Meeting MINUTES October 15, 2014 6:00 PM Southold Town Hall Conference Room Present: Herb Adler, Jr., Walter Jackson, Mark Terry, Dan McCarthy & Councilman Bob Ghosio Mark Terry – Read Letter Written by Benjamin Franklin mentioning his visit to Southold. Walter Jackson – gave Prices for Books (Would be a new book) of Ten Thousand Dollars for between 750 to 1000 copies. Material would come from Ruth Ann, Dan and other articles – some from Suffolk Times. The jacket of book could be black and white or in color. Mark Terry- committee to discuss budget and bring before Town Board and also show Committees logo and list of Events. Events – Lecture Series – 6 @ 250.00 = $1,500.00 Stamp Covers - $600.00 North Fork Chorale @ Silversmiths Corner- $350.00 Coast Guard Band – Cost of Transportation (unknown at this time) Parade - $2,000.00 Banners to display across road - $500.00 each (Walter Jackson will do permits for Banners) Flags with logo for anniversary could be put up around town on telephone poles. Composers Contest - $500.00 Discussed Cancel Stamp for each post office – Dan McCarthy will look in to that Some ideas for Post office Stamp was Anniversary Logo or Benjamin Franklin Silhouette or mile marker or Town Seal. Budget for advertisement for anniversary $8,000.00. Walter Jackson Suggested Suffolk Times Booklet for Business to advertise in, he showed us an old copy from last anniversary. Also Philip Beltz does a newsletter of monthly events. Mark Terry suggested a Budget for Stickers. Committee came up with an estimate of $22,000.00 for budget. Herb Adler and Carol will work on Budget. Councilman Ghosio will approach Town Board to discuss budget. Town Board to supply committee with list of guest for cocktail party in January. Mark Terry would like to contact local papers to do historical articles to get people interested in the anniversary. Some examples Suffolk Times, Independent and Peconic Shopper. Herb Adler, Jr. thought that Mattituck and Orient didn’t have enough events, Maybe something could be done at Love Lane Street fair. Walter Jackson Read notes from earlier committee meeting concerning events. Some were Show Town Board Anniversary Logo, List of Events and Collaborators. Baseball Exhibit game in June/July called Dead Ball Era. Teams come from Smithtown and Rockville Centre. Maybe played at Tasker Park. Stealing Flag from Southampton. Peconic Landing in July with Concert. Also Heritage Day and Ice Boating depending on the weather. Dan McCarthy Research historical house to see who would want to be included in a tour for the anniversary celebration. Young’s House on board for tour. Rosel Barrelli said no. No others have responded as of yet. Ruthann was planning a scavenger hunt. Walter Jackson talked about a cocktail reception for Mayor and Assistant Mayor from Southwold. Peconic Landing hold 185 people would need a list of VIPS, Politicians, Churches, Historical Society, Village Board, and Chamber of Commerce. Some Big Businesses Cross Sound Ferry, Mullen Motors Levin Family, Clovis Point, Greenport Brewery, Town Board. Logo needs to be e-mailed to Bob Scott the jeweler.