HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/2014 Herb Adler, Jr. Southold Town Hall Chairman P O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11958 631-765-1800 th 375 Committee Meeting MINUTES September 29, 2014 6:00 PM Southold Town Hall Conference Room Present: Councilman Mark Terry, Walter Jackson, Gail Horton, George Cork Maul Gail Horton: Gave out a hand out for Digital Story Telling and ask secretary to contact maybe trustee, fire marshal or building inspector so Gail can go over to Fishers Island and speak with their School. Digital Story Telling last week of June Secretary need to get more address for Postal Museum which is part of Smithsonian Museum Ben Franklin Museum and sent out the same letter we sent to post master General Two Letters from Peggy Murphy-one to Herb Adler and the other to Scott Russell in reference to Anniversary Parade. Suggestion made that Business can sponsor Banner for Parade. Have Luncheon After with Hot Dogs, st Soda & Hamburgers. Parade will be August 1. Cork Maul will speak to Lenny Sinacore of U S S Holland Submarine about having their Float in Parade. Move Sub Marine Memorial to Waterfront. Need to contact Bands for Parade. Idea of Grand Marshall decided not at this time but maybe the oldest person in Southold. Land markers could be broken down by hamlets. Post Master’s letters were sent out and maybe calls could be made to check on responses. Events could be one day at each mark or pick up something to form a message. Or allow a week to go to markers and pick up a word or a message then go to post office to have it cancelled (Like a scavenger Hunt). Maybe in May or June Heritage Days – One Day a Month – Mile Markers Orient to Laurel – Ruth Ann Bramson Logo Approved in Present state Bob Scott the Jeweler would like to make a pin for anniversary and would like logo forwarded to him. Gail Horton would like PDF for Logo Neb Brashich believes that the French Consular should be included in event of Tall Ships. Mark & Herb discussed Budget which must be submitted to the town. Cork Maul would like a composers Alliance contest with a cash prize of $375.00. Composers would write th a piece for the 375 Anniversary. PA system rental is $400.00 and need cost for Clovis Point Winery for Licensing Label. Herb will ask Town Attorney if committee can accept donate or raise money for events. Discuss of book - Should be from 1900’s to present. Dan McCarthy has on the Town Website approximately 22 article that could be used. Dan McCarthy was not present but let Secretary Know that 2 Stamps for the Post office can be made up within weeks. Proclamations – New Haven Colony, Southwold, Village of Greenport th Southwold will be come to Southold for 375 Anniversary