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Justice Court Modular Office Bldg
$100.00 deposit for 1st set of contract documents, $50.00 for each additional set. r Deosit is refundable if drawings 8 specifications are returne , in good condition, within 30 d5—ys a er e N.Vara oT Ine contract. Full refund to bidders, 1/2 to non -bidders. MODULAR OFFICE ADDITION TO SOUTH -OLD TOWN HALL TYPE OF. CONTRACT:. BID' OPENING : 11:00 A.M. , Thursday, May 18, 1989, Southold Town Hall. CONTRACTOR NUMBER OF SETS NAME PHONE DEPOSIT SIGNATURE DATE ADDRESS INITIAL ADDT'L u t J�I-vi u,5 oe '(f _5 % 4-41 I�-rGcY1 of ales' ONE (1) SET PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS TO DODGE REPORTS - 412E/89. ones S. Mcc fiRrH �oX C RHy con15T. f�. �0UT/fc L .D, fv JC A) ST2A ✓ &1 G /0,4 OGS 60AIr/t y 4. s%G ,4 -7& c vL_.jt Sr2vcr✓�ZerS VE-s—,vltNY /1J-0 33'4��G�TI' c��:c �; 5�9/d'%r //A SS oci iQ TES SNS. 1qq c F C7ivRc H Si. �0HE�1�A� N SCo7- l /UO, DU vpz"'f �/. //7/ G coo E?� Sid — ff CUT hC)L' �S �G L1� �jY Nn Sp 1`C} TCS �E Rt NPf 1`1f�5 �me. F O.BDX 174 ,J tiY /,� 5! i . ,� Zs�i34L 0o c n, cru-; =tic 7v S cv 'T/`fo L fJ v 5100.00 deposit for 1st set of contract documents, $50.00 for each additional set. Deposit is refundable if drawings S specifications are returned, in goo condition, w!thin days after e o contract. Full refund to bidders, 1/2 to non -bidders. MODULAR OFFICE ADDITION TO SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL TYPE. OF. CONTRACT:, BID' OPENING: 11:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 1989, Southold Town Hall. CONTRACTOR NUMBER OFFSETS NAME PHONE DEPOSIT SIGNATURE DATE ADDRESS INITIAL ADDT'L l00`00 ala l5 7Qri1f L c-4 -v/ ONE (1) SET PLANS 8 SPECIFICATIONS TO DODGE REPORTS - 4/2E/89. 7ffon��is �. Mcc A�Pr X.p o� l4 �S 5l6, , G-RHy coniST. y �0vT71fGL9, �.y. /9�l ��s ���d / �a�.o� /C9 - A 1)01{ni S'T_&X ✓ G/4X 01,11 (01)NT2Y 4D. S�/6 d -7CO o vL-,?/Z .S7-2L�crvdL-S V s v2- ti/Y /1.J— d 334 -Gsn') SSoctq TEs SNC' /9a p F Cffv('c%f Si. OoHem' N SCo?- `1y0( of A i 0[l�/�`� CIrQFf-G� t�ovu X105-' ScrNV,'s� M(?kw�//serv1'ce 6716 — f CSfs �S t VI d Lov Qd�IOY k r U t ISG, GO Sl(U/ f )-rc) gE �P, NPS C?S 4H F oOux 04 i54r6APD0ACr-1 A- �34Z stlrlzl-I.FIC-CD) i,y� ,' � CSD 14oM� 0- 6o�C Sab .ti'7PR��Er►,cn�,Stic�� SCC) TtfaLD 7S/i7�F 4e ''1. MODULAR OFFICE ADDITION TO SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL TYPE. OF. CONTRACT:. NAME CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER OFFSETS DEPOSIT !� SIGNATURE DATE INITIAL ADDT'L 0 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the manufacture, delivery and full installation of a one story relocatable Modular Office Building to include foundation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utilities and systems. Location: Southold Town Hall. Modular Office Building shall be delivered on site, ready for installation, not more than one month (3"0 days) after date of award of Contract. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (3'0) days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the return of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract for the project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to advertise for new proposals. Page 2 - Module Building Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope. Proposals must be accompanied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five (5a)' percent of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal opening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (1OOo) percent of the contract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidder. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: April 25, 1989. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 4, 1989, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN' ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the manufacture, delivery and full installation of a one story relocatable Modular Office Building to include foundation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utili- ties and systems. Location: Southold Town Hall. Modular Office Building shall be delivered on site, ready for installation, not more than one month (30 days) after date of award of Contract. Specifications may be ob- tained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each addi- tional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompa- nied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instruc- tions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For per- sons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be retunnd upon the re- turn of the Drawings and Specifica- tions in good condition and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract for the project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as ad- ditional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to ad- vertise for new proposals. Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed en- velope with the name of the Contrac- tor plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope. Proposals must be ac- companied by a completed Non -Col- lusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five (535) percent of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the for- mal opening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be re- quired to furnish Guaranty Bond in the forth of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the In- structions to Bidder. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: April 25, 1989. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 6284-1TMy4 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Christina contento of Mattituck, In said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week fora 1 weeks successively, commencing on the 4 _ day of May 19 89 Principal Clerk Sworn to be �ff me this_ day of 19 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and re- quested for the manufacture, delivery and full installation of' a one-story relocatable Modular Office Building to include foun- dation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on-site utilities and systems. Location: Southold Town Hall. Modular Office Building shall be.delivered on site, ready for in- stallation, not more than one months (30 days) after date of WAT & Contract. Specifica- tions may be obtained at the Of- fice of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the of- fice of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or cor- poration proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the fol- lowing basis: Fifty ($50.00) Dol- lars for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly sub- mitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the In- structions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Spe- cifications, in good condition, and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtain- ing sets of Drawings and Speci- fications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the return of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract for the project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all pro- posals and to advertise for new proposals. Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly en- dorsed on the outside of the en- velope. Proposals must be ac- companied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five (5%) percent of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The reten- tion and disposal of the bidding check,the execution of the con- tract and bonds shall .conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders" No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal opening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may with- draw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Per- formance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hun- dred (10007o) percent of the con- tract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions sti- pulated in the Instructions to Bidder. The bid price shall not in- clude any tax, federal, state or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: April 25, 1989. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1X, 5/4/89 (9) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER -WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler -Watchman once each week for ...................... �.... weeks T � successively, commencing on the ............../_ .. . day of ....., fir . . . . . . . ., 19 ... ..................................... CfSworn to before me this ..................... ... day of I : 1 19.. �./. ...............:- ....y . Notary Public A. SCHNEIDER State of Nei fork "o. 4808846 Q!.iiLe! in Suffolk Cou ty COf:Ii-l: sic,l Expires 4-7.3,, A16� STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the 28th day of April 1989 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is'a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Legal Notice, Notice to Bidders: Modular Office Building, Southold Town Hall, Bid Opening: 11:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 1989, Southold Town Hall. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 28th day of Al2ril 1 89 + Notary Public W''Ut'aTy pw'hkc. State of f'4evv No. 52-8125850, Suffolk County Term Expires October 31, 19,Q&_ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the manufacture, delivery and full installation of a one story relocatable Modular Office Building to include foundation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utilities and systems. Location: Southold Town Hall. Modular Office Building shall be delivered on site, ready for installation, not more than one month (3'0 days) after date of award of Contract. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (3'0) days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the returr of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (3'0) days after the award of the Contract for the project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to advertise for new proposals. 'age 2 - Modula�uilding Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly endorsed on the outside of envelope. Proposals must be accompanied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order c)f the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five (50) percent of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal opening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount, in the I form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidder. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state or local, from 1 which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED : April 25, 1989. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 4, 1989, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the manufacture, delivery and full installation of a one story relocatable Modular Office Building to include foundation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and eilectric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utilities and systems. Location: Southold Town Hall. Modular Office Building shall be delivered on site, ready for installation, not more than one month (3'0 days) after date of award of Contract. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must 'take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the return of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (3'0) days after the award of the Contract for the project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to advertise for new proposals. Page 2 - Modul,Building �• Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope. Proposals must be accompanied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five (50) percent of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal upening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidder. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: April 25, 1989. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 4, 1989, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN' ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board l /X2 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the manufacture, delivery and full installation of a one story relocatable Modular Office Building to include foundation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and eilectric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utilities and systems. Location: Southold Town Hall. Modular Office Building shall be delivered on site, ready for installation, not more than one month (30 days) after date of award of Contract. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A Deposit of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the return' of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (3'0) days after the award of the Contract for the project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to advertise for new proposals. Page 2 - Modul uilding • � Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope. Proposals must be accompanied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five (5%) percent of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal opening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (1000) percent of the contract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidder. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. DATED: April 25, 1989. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, MAY 4, 1989, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVITOF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler -Watchman Town Board Members Dodge Reports Town Clerk's Bulletin Board RECEIVED APR 2 6 1989 April 26, 1989 S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N INVOICE # 1 PROJECT # 0489 Town of Southold Mr. Victor Lessard Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Modular Addition to Southold Town Hall TIME PERIOD: 04/11/89 - 04/26/89 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES PERFORMED: Existing Conditions Working Drawings Specifications Construction Documents ARCHITECTURAL FEES: Principal's hours 42 (D $75. $ 3,150.00 Draftsperson's hours 67 @ $45. 3,015.00 6,165.00 REIMBURSABLES: Express Mailing 8.75 Blue Line Prints 40 @ 1.50 60.00 TOTAL BILLING $ 6,233.75 Thank you, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTS TCS: i f 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 1193 i (516) 734-6405 r - JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS R OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL' 25, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of Samuels & Steelman Architects, in the amount of $6,233-75, to prepare plans and specifications -For the construction of a Justice Court building at the Southold Town Hall site, Southold, New York. udith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk April 28, 1989 �6 S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N _71 ?� L jW April 18, 1989 c:. Victor Lessard, Chief Building Administrator Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Pre -Fabricated Office Unit Town Hall, Southold, NY Dear Mr. Lessard, This letter will outline our understanding of our agreement with you to provide professional services to the Town of Southold. As discussed at our meeting of Wednesday, April 12, 1989, we agree to prepare architectural work drawings and specifications for one prefabricated 24 X 60 foot modular office building to be located at Town Hall in Southold. These documents will be sufficient to procure competitive bids from manufacturers of such units, and for its installation on the site. We shall bill the town on an hourly basis at the rate of $75. per hour for principal's time, and $45. per hour for drafting services. We shall submit an invoice on completion of the work which we estimate to be on or about Wednesday, April 26, 1989. Please call with any questions or concerns or if this letter does not accurately outline the extent of our understanding. Otherwise we shall assume that we have an Agreement with the Town of Southold. Thank you, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Thomas C. Samuels Principal TCS:lf ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11235 1516) 734-6405 C C 0 0 NOTICE TO BIDDERS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sealed proposals will be received until 11:A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold NY, 11971 (mailing address: P. 0. Box 1179, Southold NY, 11971) at which time they will be.publicly opened and read for: MODULAR OFFICE ADDITION To TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY ARCHITECT: SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 1 11 C 0 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Manufacture, delivery and full installation of one story relocatable modular office building to include foundation, all structural systems, rQgfing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utilities and systems. Utility hook-ups (to include electric service, water, and sanitary waste disposal) and exterior stairway, ramp, and connection to existing Town Hall to be provided by owner under separate contracts. Landscaping also by others. Modular Office Building shall be delivered on site, ready for installation, not more than one month (30 days)after date of award on Contract. TYPE OF CONTRACT: One single Contract for the Modular Office Building shall include the following: Manufacture of completed units Delivery and installation Masonry foundation Additional separate contracts shall be awarded by Town of Southold for connection of installed Modular Office Building to existing utilities. -These contracts will be awarded by Town in accordance with all applicable State and Local Laws. Such contrasts shall include the following: Contract for General Work (ramp, steps, landscape) Contract for Plumbing Work Contract for Electrical Work Plans and Specifications may be examined and obtained at: Town Clerk's Office Town Hall Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 C A Deposit of ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($100.00) for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($50.00) for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (30).days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the return of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract for the Project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to advertise for new proposals. k Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope. Proposal must be accompanied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five percent (5%) of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal opening thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) of the contract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidders. SAMUELS=STEELMAN AF IITECTS 25235 Main Road CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 734-6405 TO Town of Southold, Town Hall Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 WE ARE SENDING YOU CX Attached ❑ Under separate cover via_ W Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ LL[EUU[�1 OF URRAMEDUML DATE 0#/26/89 JOB NO. ATTENTION Mr. Victor Lessard RE: Modular Office BuildincT 1 ❑ Approved as noted Set Specifications 10 the following items: ❑ Samples J ] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 ❑ Approved as noted Set Specifications 10 ❑ Returned for corrections Sets Drawings For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted E�DCFor your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. � a S� � w�. C,a+r►pQe"�a, S.a�a f 7 rl a Cvz&a4 ,;L to ny, 06� UC6 lJc.ca c.ax�u �-� cam.. ; eo-.13 ; ar. . AJ .*CL - , SL4� amt's lt Vj� .. 7S'. = 3 o -n ,t.,t„�:t�►, ou.s.. c�dL 1 o��FFour�D� o yp�01 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL 11, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for a Justice Court office building to be located at the site of the Southold Town Hall. /1�ud�itht-.�e�y Southold Town Clerk April 14, 1989 I • • ROOF: Roof to be shed type. Closed Soffitt on window side (low) 46 each overhead tapered (duct type) trusses 16" on center. 1440+ square feet/roof load 30 lbs per square foot. 120 L.F. mate beam; 2 layers 3/4" plywood 16" high, standard 1440 Square ft. suspended type ceiling/aluminum/white 2 x 4 commercial grid. Ceiling Panels to be 2 x 4 x 5/8" fiberglass. Face to be finished with fire retarded paint. All suspended ceiling to be plant installed 1440 sf insulation. R-11 (3-1/2") kraft faced fiberglass. 1440+ sf sheathing 3/8" or better CDX rated sheathing board/complex. 1440+ sf 30 gauge galvanized steel. 3 24"x24" insulated skylights (operable) EXTERIOR DOORS 2-3/10x6/8 "Elixir" commercial door model 262 W/9 Lite window these two doors to swing out/keyed lock, hinged per plans paddle type panic bar acceptable. Wind chain w/spring required. All doors to be hung off wood jambs and trim. 2 - Office doors. 3'-011x6'-8" w/passagelock/prefinished/HC 2 - Conference Doors. 31 -0"x6' -x8" SC/prefinished/keyed locked. 1 - 3/0x6/8 SC/prefinished/dutch style/with 16" counter dead bolted/passage lock. 2 - Bathroom doors: 31-0"x6'-8" H.C. w/bathroom lock CUSTOM WINDOWS 14-31-0"x3'-10" Anderson D/H Hi -Performance w/locks & screens 8/8 lites 14 -Standard Natural Pinewood trim (interior) (exterior -white) ELECTRIC Service 120/240V, single phase 60 hertz or better BKE Panel up 46" to Top B12-20FN . • • a/c disconnect 12-21x4' 4 tube troffer type, standard, recessed ceiling fixtures. 2 exterior porch lights P-5511 or P-5691-60 2-80/90 CFM Exhaust Fan w/light, in bathrooms 1 each bathroom SFCI receptacle near mirror 2 receptacles under unit at plumbing (for heat strip on pipes) Supply and hard wire necessary smoke detectors and exit lites Supply and install emergency secondary lighting 3 way switch system required for conference room SBL- STORY FLOOR 1,440 SF Bottom Board: Rolled asphalt impregnated type 1,440 SF insulation R-11 (3-1/2") Kraft faced fiberglass 1,440 SF joists 2x6 ##2SPF or better @ 16" O.C., transverse 1,400 SF decking single 5/8" T&G sturdi-floor 20" O.C. Span rated 1,368 SF covering 20oz. level loop carpet "federal", for 12' wide 1 each covering class B flame spread (furnish color chart) 72 SF Std. Tile Both Bathrooms w/6" vinyl base. FLOOR NOTES Plywood subfloor requires cut, install, finish at site Plywood subfloor "held back" 1-1/2" at mate line 0 Carpet subfloor "Rolled Back" for site seaming and finish (no carpet bar) Caution required for loose shipping material and removal moldings/trim, at mate line, require site cut and install customer to make color selection for trim/moldings. EXTERIOR WALLS Studs 2 x 4 #2spf or better 16" on center walls 8'-6" height (check overall building height) Top Plate single 2 x 4 Bottom Plate single 2 x 4 insulation (3-1/2") Kraft faced fiberglass Sheathing 3/8" or Better CDX panels Siding, horizontal/Lap baked white aluminum, bevel, with 8" exposed, to underside of roof. Trim baked white aluminum extrusion as required skirting, horizontal lap baked white aluminum beveled siding, to match structure A 500+ sq. ft. package Aluminum lap siding/ends of building/shipped loose and done at site by contractor along with trim at mate line WALL NOTES All interior walls to be vinyl covered sheetrock All base board material 4" vinyl Customer to select colors/trim/vinyl sheetrock/base/from standard color charts M�i�4�it��Z�Iu 1-6 gal. water heater (electric) must be filled before energizing 1 -Standard water closet (tank type) w/open front seat 1 -Lavatory 20 x 17 oval ABS in Vanity W/4" centerset faucet 1 -Handicapped water closet (tank type) 1 -Handicapped lavatory w/4" centerset faucet Both water closets and lavatories to have shut-off valves under fixtures. 2-18x30 mirror 2 -Standard toilet tissue holders, plastic MISCELLANEOUS: Contractor: To install necessary piers (to satisfaction of Town Board) to properly support assembled Unit, at erection site. Contractor to insure adequate accessibility to underside of unit ror proper hookup (by others) of water supply; waste; electric; telephone. Contractor to supply: Hurricane straps; necessary heat tape; gutters, leaders; down spouts. Contractor responsible for plumbing adjustment/flush outs. WORK DONE BY OTHERS: N.I.C. 1. Connecting unit to main supply of water, septic, telephone electric. 2. Handicap ramp. 3. Installing gutters, leaders; hurricane straps 4. Connecting to existing building (passage) 5. Steps and deck at entrance. • 1 0 SECTION 00300 - FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK TO: Town of Southold P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 a 1. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Invitation for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, and other related documents dated April 26,1989;the undersigned having familiarized himself with said documents and with local conditions affecting the cost of the work, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, appliances, devices, equipment, services, and facilities as required for project titled: Modular Office Addition to Southold Town. Hall AT: Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 in strict accordance with the bid requirements, specifications, drawings and addenda thereto, as prepared by Samuels & Steelman Architects and on file at the offices of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Route 25, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. 2. LUMP SUM BASE BID TOTAL: Figures: $ DOLLARS The above lump sum includes all taxes, overhead, and profit on all work of major subcontractors and all allowances required by the specifications, if any. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 00300 - 1 N L1 3. If written notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the undersigned within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the opening thereof, or at any time thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver a Contract, in the prescribed form, and furnish the required bond(s) within ten(10) days after said contract is present to him for signature. 4. ADDENDA Receipt of the following addenda is hereby acknowledged and have been taken into account in preparing this Proposal: ADDENDUM NO. 5. BIDDER'S DECLARATIONS DATE In connection with this Proposal, the undersigned declares that.: A. He is acquainted with all the Contract Documents, the conditions prevailing at the site, the existing utilities and all other matters regarding the site as well as the drawings and specifications. B. He will enter into a contract for the performance of the proposed work and within ten (10) days of his receipt of the notice of the- award of the contract, will commence work in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. He has familiarized himself with the Certification Document on Non -Collusive Bidding which is attached to this Proposal and has signed it as required, with the knowledge that this Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300-2 O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D. He has familiarized himself with the New York 01 "Labor Law" as amended including all prevailing 02 rates of wages to be paid as required by said 03 statute 04 05 06 E. He has familiarized himself with the Bid Bond 07 which is attached to this Proposal and has signed 08 it as required, with the knowledge that this 09 Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. 10 11 12 F. The full names and residences of all persons 13 interested in this Proposal, as Principals of the 14 firm, partnership, or corporation submitting this 15 Proposal are as follow: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BIDDER 28 29 30 BY AND TITLE 31 32 33 34 SIGNATURE 35 36 37 ADDRESS 38 39 40 41 42 43 DATE 44 45 END OF SECTION 00300 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300 - 3 SECTION 00410 - FORM OF BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we the undersigned, as PRINCIPAL, and _ _ as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Town of Southold hereinafter called the "Local Authority", in the penal sum of DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated for NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall not withdraw said bid within the period specified therein after the opening of the same, or, if no period be specified, within thirty (30) days after the said opening, and shall within the period specified therefore, or if no period be specified, within ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enter into a written contract with the Local Authority in accordance with the bid as accepted, and give bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such contract; or in the event of withdrawal of said bid within the period specified or the failure to enter into such contract and give said bond within the time specified, if the Principal shall pay the Local Authority the difference between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Local Authority may procure the required work or supplies or both, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above mentioned parties have executed this Instrument under their several seals this day of , 19 , the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of its governing body. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID BOND 00410 - 1 In the presence of: 01 02 03 (SEAL) 04 (Individual Principal) 05 06 07 (Business Address) 08 09 (SEAL) 10 (Individual Principal) 11 12 13 (Business Address) 14 15 16 Attest: 17 18 (SEAL) 19 (Corporate Principal) 20 21 22 (Business Address) Affix 23 Corporate Seal 24 25 26 By:_ 27 28 29 30 (Corporate Surety) 31 32 33 Affix 34 Corporate Seal 35 36 By: 37 38 39 40 41 42 The rate of premium on this bond is $ per 43 thousand, the total amount of premium charged is 44 $ 45 46 (The above is to be filled in by surety company). 47 48 (Power of Attorney for person signing for surety company 49 must be attached to bonds.) 50 FORM OF BID BOND 00410 - 2 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL 01 02 03 I, certify that I am the 04 Secretary of the corporation named as 05 Principal in the within bond; that 06 who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal was then 07 of said Corporation; that I 08 know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; 09 and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested to 10 for an in behalf of said corporation by authority of its 11 governing body. 12 13 14 15 16 (Corporate Seal) 17 18 19 20 END OF SECTION 00410 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID BOND 00410 - 3 SECTION 00420 - FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS O1 — — 02 03 All questions must be answered. The data given must be 04 clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. 05 06 07 1. Name of bidder 08 09 2. Business address 10 11 3. When organized 12 13 4. Bidder is a(n) 14 (Individual - Partnership - Corporation) 15 16 The full name and addresses of all persons interested in 17 this proposal as partners and/or principal(s) are: (If 18 business is carried out in any other name(s) than that 19 of the principal(s') or partner(s), also state such 2.0 name(s) and address(es.)..')` 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CORPORATION 29 30 Corporation is incorporated in the State of 31 32 President is 33 34 Treasurer is 35 36 Place of business is 37 38 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting 39 business under your present firm or trading name? 40 41 42 43 6. Financial statement: (Attach separate sheet.) 44 45 7. Credit available for this contract $ 46 (Attach letter.) 47 48 8. Contracts now on hand, gross amount $ 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 1 9. Plan of organization: 01 02 03 04 10. Personnel or organization: 05 06 07 08 11. Have you ever refused to sign a contract at your 09 10 original bid? 11 12 12. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? 13 14 13. Remarks: 15 16 17 18 14. Will you, upon request, furnish any other information 19 that the Town of Southold may require? 20 21 22 23 15. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any 24 person to furnish any information requested by the 25 Town of Southold in verification of the recitals 26 comprising this statement of Bidder's Qualifications. 27 28 29 Dated at this day 30 31 of 19 32 33 34 35 (Name of Bidder) 36 37 38 By: 39 40 Title: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDE]R'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 2 STATE OF ) 01 ss. 02 COUNTY OF ) 03 04 05 being duly sworn, 06 07 deposes and says that he is of 08 09 and that the answers to the 10 11 foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are 12 13 true and correct. 14 15 16 Sworn to before me this 17 18 day of 19 19 20 21 22 NOTARY PUBLIC 23 24 My commission expires: 25 26 27 28 END OF SECTION 00420 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 3 SECTION 00480 - FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 01 02 03 Non -collusive bidding certification. By submission of this 04 bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) this bid or 05 proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion 06 with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential 07 competitor; (b) this bid or proposal has not been knowingly 08 disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the 09 opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other 10 bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) no attempt 11 has been or will be made to induce any other person, 12 partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid 13 or proposal; (d) the person signing this bid or proposal 14 certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the 15 accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, 16 and under the penalties of perjury affirms the truth 17 thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as 18 well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) that 19 attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy 20 of resolution authorizing.the execution of this certificate 21 by the signator of this -bid or proposal in behalf of the 22 corporate bidder. 23 24 25 Resolved that be 26 (Name of Corporation) 27 authorized to sign and submit this bid or proposal for the 28 29 following project: 30 31 32 (Describe Project) 33 34 and to include in such bid or proposal the certificates as 35 to non -collusion required by Section One Hundred Three-D of 36 the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such 37 corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in 38 such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under 39 the penalties of perjury. 40 41 42 The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution 43 adopted by corporation at a 44 meeting of its board of directors held on the day 45 of 19 46 (SEAL OF CORPORATION) 47 48 49 Secretary 50 END OF SECTION 00480 FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 00480 - 1 ME SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL . MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING PROJECT: Modular Office Building Southold, New York DATE: April 26, 1989 OWNER: Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SUPERVISOR: Francis J. Murphy TOWN CLERK: Judith T. Terry TOWN COUNCILMEN: Jean W. Cochran Raymond W. Edwards Ellen M. Larsen Ruth D. Olivia George L. Penney IV ARCHITECT: Samuels & Steelman Architects 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 • Cl TABLE OF CONTENTS BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 00010 NOTICE TO BIDDERS 00100 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 00300 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00410 FORM OF BID BOND 00420 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDERS QUALIFICATIONS 00480 FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE .AFFIDAVIT 00490 FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND, LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND 00500 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR (AIA DOCUMENT A101)' 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK 00910 WAGE RATES GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01090 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01501 TEMPORARY FACILITIES 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT • GENERAL WORK GENERAL SUBMITTALS SITE CLEARING ASSEMBLY AND SITE WORE: INSTALLATION STEEL FRAME/CHASSIS WOOD FRAMING FLOOR SYSTEM WALL SYSTEM ROOF TRUSSES EXTERIOR SIDING . ROOFING SKYLIGHTS INSULATIONS DOORS WINDOWS GYPSUM BOARD ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS CARPET PLUMBING HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL TELEPHONE • 0 L� • • 0 BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS • i • 11 NOTICE TO BIDDERS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sealed proposals will be received until 11:A.M. Prevailing Time, on May 18, 1989 at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold NY, 11971 (mailing address: P. 0. Box 1179, Southold NY, 11971) at which time they will be.publirly opened and read for: MODULAR OFFICE ADDITION To TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY ARCHITECT: SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 E • DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Manufacture, delivery and full installation of one story relocatable modular office building to include foundation, all structural systems, roofing, interior and exterior finishes, and complete HVAC, plumbing and electric systems, ready for hook-up to existing on site utilities and systems. Utility hook-ups (to include electric service, water, and sanitary waste disposal) and exterior stairway, ramp, and connection to existing Town Hall to be provided by owner under separate contracts. Landscaping also by others. Modular Office Building shall for installation, not more date of award on Contract. TYPE OF CONTRACT: be delivered on site, ready than one month (30 days)after One single Contract for the Modular Office Building shall include the following: Manufacture of completed units Delivery and installation Masonry foundation Additional separate contracts shall be awarded by Town of Southold for connection of installed Modular Office Building to existing utilities. These contracts will be awarded by Town in accordance with all applicable State and Local Laws. Such contracts shall include the following: Contract for General Work (ramp, steps, landscape) Contract for Plumbing Work Contract for Electrical Work Plans and Specifications may be examined and obtained at: Town Clerk's Office Town Hall Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 E A Deposit of ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($100.00) for the initial set of Contract Documents must be made by check or money order made payable to the Town of Southold. Any person or corporation proposing to submit a bid for this Project must take out a minimum of one (1) set of Contract Documents and may obtain additional sets on the following basis: FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($50.00) for each additional set. Any person or corporation duly submitting a proposal accompanied by a bid security in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions to Bidders, will upon return of the Drawings and Specifications, in good condition, and within thirty (30).days after the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, receive the return of the deposit in full. For persons or corporations obtaining sets of Drawings and Specifications who do not submit a proposal, one-half of the deposit will be returned upon the return of the Drawings and Specifications in good condition and within thirty (30) days after the award of the Contract for the Project. Each bidder shall be required to complete qualification as well as additional forms enclosed with the Contract Documents. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals; reject any or all proposals and to advertise for new proposals. 0 0 • Proposals for this Contract must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope with the name of the Contractor plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope. Proposal must be accompanied by a completed Non -Collusive Affidavit and bank cashier's check or certified check, payable to the order of the Town of Southold, for the sum of not less than five percent (5%) of the total or gross sum bid on the proposal. The retention and disposal of the bidding check the execution of the contract and bonds shall conform to the provisions set forth in "Information for Bidders". No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the formal opening 'thereof. Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw his bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. The successful bidder will be required to furnish Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) of the contract amount, in the form and subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidders. SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 1 SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS O1 02 03 RECEIPT AND OPENING BIDS: 04 05 The Owner invites Bids on the form attached hereto; all 06 blanks in which must be appropriately filled in. Bids will 07 be received by the Owner. 08 09 The Owner reserves the right to consider informal any bid 10 not prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions 11 of these Instructions to Bidders and to waive any 12 informalities in/or to reject any or all bids either before 13 or after opening, or to accept that bid which in its 14 judgment is for the best interest of the Town of Southold. 15 The Owner reserves the right to make selections that 16 will serve the best interest of the Town of Southold 17 in the event of tie bids. No bidder may withdraw a bid 18 within 90 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. 19 20 21 OBLIGATION OF BIDDER: 22 23 At the time of the opening of bids, each bidder will be 24 presumed to have read and to be thoroughly familiar with the 25 Contract Documents, including all addenda, and has carefully 26 checked the conditions at the existing building. The 27 failure or omission of any bidder to receive or examine any 28 form, instrument or document shall in no way relieve any 29 bidder from any obligation in respect to his bid. 30 31 Insofar as possible, the Contractor agrees in carrying out 32 of his work must employ such methods or means as will not 33 cause any interruption of/or interference with the work of 34 any other. 35 36 37 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: 38 39 Before a bid is considered for award, the bidder may be 40 requested by the Town of Southold to submit a 41 statement regarding his previous experience in performing 42 comparable work, his business and technical organization, 43 and financial resources. 44 45 The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the 46 evidence submitted by, or investigations of, such bidder 47 fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly 48 qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and 49 • to complete the work contemplated herein. 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 1 r s • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 2 PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: 01 02 Bidders shall prepare their bids on the "Form of Bid" sheet 03 which follows. Bid security may be attached by staple. 04 Blank spaces must be filled in, in ink, both in words and 05 figures. 06 07 All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes bearing on 08 the outside the name of the bidder, his address, the name of 09 the project, and the branch of work covered by the bid. If 10 forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the 11 proposal, marked as above, must be enclosed in another 12 envelope addressed to Town of Southold, P. 0. Box 1179, 13 Southold, NY 11971. and sent preferably by registered 14 mail. The words "SEALED BID" must appear on the outside 15 envelope with the commodity or service being indicated. 16 17 In the event that a prospective bidder, after securing 18 specifications, decides not.to present a proposal for the 19 work, it is requested that .the Owner be so notified at the 20 earliest possible moment,:prior to the date of receipt bids. 21 22 • INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA 23 24 No oral interpretations will be made to any bidder as to the 25 meaning of the Specifications and Drawings. Every request 26 for an interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed 27 to the Owner. Inquiries received ten or more days prior to 28 the date fixed for opening bids will be given consideration. 29 Interpretations will be in the form of addenda which will be 30 on file in the offices of the Local Authority and the 31 Architect at least seven days before bids are opened. In 32 addition, addenda will be mailed to each bidder, but it 33 shall be the bidder's responsibility to make inquiry as to 34 addenda issued. All such addenda shall become a part of the 35 contract and all bidders shall be bound by such addenda, 36 whether or not received by the bidders. 37 38 39 NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 40 41 Each person submitting a bid for any portion of the work 42 contemplated by the bidding documents shall execute an 43 affidavit, in the form provided by the 44 o the effect that he has not colluded with any other 45 person, firm or corporation in regard to any bid submittal. 46 Such affidavit shall be attached to the bid. 47 48 49 • 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 2 r BID SECURITY O1 02 Each bid must be accompanied by the certified check of the 03 bidder, or by a bid bond prepared on a standard approved 04 form, duly executed by the Owner as principal, and having as 05 surety thereon a surety company approved by the Owner. 06 07 Bid security shall be in the amount of not less than 5% of 08 the total amount of the bid. Such checks, or bid bonds, 09 will be returned to all except the lowest formal bidder, 10 within ten (10) days following award of contract by the 11 Owner. 12 13 14 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT 15 16 The successful bidder, upon failure or refusal to execute 17 and deliver the contract and bond required within five (5) 18 days after he has received notice of the acceptance of his 19 bid, shall forfeit to the Owner as liquidated damages for 20 such failure or refusal, the security deposited with his 21 bid. 22 23 24 • SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (Performance Bond, Labor 25 and Material Payment Bond) 26 27 Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract, 28 the successful bidder must deliver to the Owner an executed 29 bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the 30 accepted bid as security for the faithful performance of his 31 contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor 32 or furnishing materials in connection therewith. The form 33 of such performance bond and the sufficiency of the sureties 34 shall be as set forth in the General Conditions of the 35 Contract and the forms included in this Division. 36 37 38 STATE LAWS 39 40 The Contractor and each and every sub -contractor performing 41 work at the site of the project to which this contract 42 relates shall comply with the applicable provisions of the 43 new York State "Labor Law" as amended, including the 44 prevailing rates of wages included in this Division to be 45 paid as required by said statute. 46 47 48 49 50 • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 3 LJ PERMITS AND REGULATIONS O1 02 The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits 03 including any building permit necessary for the proper 04 Completion of the entire Work and he shall comply with all 05 the laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the 06 conduct of the Work. The Work shall be constructed in 07 accordance with all laws, rules, and ordinances of the 08 .Federal, State and Municipal authorities and public service 09 corporations having jurisdiction, anything specified or 10 shown to the contrary notwithstanding. 11 12 Any labor, materials or process in addition to those shown 13 on the drawings or specified that may be necessary to comply 14 with the laws, rules and regulations shall be at no 15 additional cost to the Owner. 16 17 18 INDEMNIFICATION AND SAVE HARMLESS 19 20 The Contractor does hereby. agree that, if awarded the 21 Contract under these specifications, he will indemnify and 22 save harmless the Owner,'fromsall suits and actions of every 23 nature and description brought against them or any of them 24 growing out of any contract or contracts, written or verbal, 25 entered into between Owner and the successful bidder, and 26 further, that upon the awarding of the contract to the 27 undersigned bidder in accordance with these specifications, 28 this agreement of indemnification shall automatically become 29 effective. 30 31 32 INSURANCE 33 34 The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract 35 until he has obtained all insurance required under this 36 specification, and such insurance has been approved by the 37 Owner, not shall the Contractor allow any sub -contractor to 38 commence work on his subcontract until all similar insurance 39 required of the sub -contractor has been so obtained and 40 approved. 41 42 The contractor shall take out and maintain during the life 43 of this Contract, Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of 44 his employees employed at the site of the project, and in 45 case any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the 46 sub -contractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation 47 Insurance for all the latter's employees unless such 48 employees are covered by the protection afforded by the 49 Contractor. 50 • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 4 The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life 01 of this Contract such Contractual Liability, Public 02 Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him 03 and any sub -contractor performing work covered by this 04 contract, from claims for damage for personal injury, 05 including accidental death, as well as from claims for 06 property damages, which may arise from operations under this 07 contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any 08 sub -contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed 09 by either of them, naming the Town as an additional 10 insured under the policy, such additional insured to be 11 evidenced by a signed endorsement and the amount of such 12 insurance shall be as follows: 13 14 In an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 for injuries 15 including accidental death to one or more persons or damage 16 to property of others on account of one accident. 17 18 The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner Certificates of 19 Insurance Covering: 20 21 Contractual Liability,.: 22 Comprehensive General Liability. 23 Worker's Compensation. 24 25 All coverage furnished hereunder shall be written by 26 insurance companies licensed by the State of New York as 27 "admitted" carriers. Certification of such insurance shall 28 be in an acceptable form. 'He require thirty (30) days' 29 prior notice of cancellation. 30 31 32 CONTRACT NOT TO BE ASSIGNED WITHOUT CONSENT 33 34 This contract shall not be assigned, transferred, conveyed, 35 sublet or otherwise disposed to any other person, company or 36 corporation, without the consent in writing of the 37 Town of Southold. 38 39 If any contractor, to whom any contract is hereafter let, 40 granted or awarded, shall, without the previous written 41 consent specified in above paragraph, assign, transfer, 42 convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of same, or his right, 43 title or interest therein or his power to execute such 44 contract, to any other person, company or other corporation, 45 the Town of Southold shall revoke and annul such 46 contract and shall be relieved and discharged from any and 47 all liability and obligations growing out of said contract 48 to such contract and to the person, company or corporation 49 to whom he shall assign, transfer, convey, sublet or 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 5 _0 otherwise dispose of the same, and said contractor, and his 01 assignee, transferree, or sublessee, shall forfeit'and lose 02 all moneys, theretofore earned under said contract except so 03 much as may be required to pay his employees; provided that 04 nothing herein contained shall be construed to hinder, 05 prevent or affect an assignment by such contract for the 06 benefit of his creditors, made pursuant to the statutes of 07 this state. 08 09 The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid for work to 10 be performed that is in part or whole to be sub -contracted 11 to another firm or person, without permission of the Owner. 12 Work to be performed has specifically been accepted as the 13 province of a specific trade, and shall not be 14 sub -contracted without the bidder, at the time of the bid 15 submitting names and addresses of sub -contractors and 16 percentage of work to be performed by sub -contractor. 17 18 19 EXTRA WORK AND MATERIALS` 20 21 The Contractor's bid shall be,deemed to be a lump sum bid 22 for full performance of the work specified, and no claim for 23 extra work or materials furnished by the Contractor will be 24 allowed or paid, unless prior to the commencement of such 25 extra work, or the furnishing of extra materials, the Owner 26 shall have ordered or approved the cost of such work and/or 27 extra materials. The Contractor shall only proceed with 28 extra work upon receipt of written authorization from the 29 Owner. 30 31 32 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE 33 34 Either before or soon after the actual award of the Contract 35 (but in any event prior to the start of construction), the 36 Contractor or his representative shall attend a 37 Preconstruction Conference with representatives of the 38 and the Architect. The Conference 39 will serve to acquaint the participants with the general 40 plan of contract administration and requirements under which 41 the construction operation is to proceed. 42 43 The date, time, and place of the Conference will be 44 furnished to the Contractor by the Town of Southold. 45 46 47 48 49 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 6 PAYMENT O1 02 Payment shall be as provided for in the laws of the State of 03 New York relating to payment of Public Work Projects. 04 05 The Town of Southold does not; discriminate on the basis of 06 race, color, national origin or sex in its activities which 07 it operates. 08 09 10 11 END OF SECTION 00100 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 22 23 M 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00100 - 7 _ • 0 0 SECTION 00300 - FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK TO: Town of Southold P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 1. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Invitation for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, and other related documents dated April 26,1989;the undersigned having familiarized himself with said documents and with local conditions affecting the cost of the work, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, appliances, devices, equipment, services, and facilities as required for project titled: Modular Office Addition to Southold Towne Hall AT: Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 in strict accordance with the bid requirements, specifications, drawings and addenda thereto, as prepared by Samuels & Steelman Architects and on file at .the offices of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Route 25, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. 2. LUMP SUM BASE BID TOTAL: Figures: $ DOLLARS The above lump sum includes all taxes, overhead, and profit on all work of major subcontractors and all allowances required by the specifications, if any. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 00300 - 1 3. If written notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the undersigned within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the opening thereof, or at any time thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver a Contract, in the prescribed form, and furnish the required bond(s) within ten(10) days after said contract is present to him for signature. 4. ADDENDA Receipt of the following addenda is hereby acknowledged and have been taken into account in preparing this Proposal: ADDENDUM NO. 5. BIDDER'S DECLARATIONS DATE In connection with this Proposal, the undersigned declares that: A. He is acquainted with all the Contract Documents, the conditions prevailing at the site, the existing utilities and all other matters regarding the site as well as the drawings and specifications. B. He will enter into a contract for the performance of the proposed work and within ten (10) days of his receipt of the notice of the- award of the contract, will commence work in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. He has familiarized himself with the Certification Document on Non -Collusive Bidding which is attached to this Proposal and has signed it as required, with the knowledge that this Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300-2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D. He has familiarized himself with the New York 01 "Labor Law" as amended including all prevailing 02 rates of wages to be paid as required by said 03 statute 04 05 06 E. He has familiarized himself with the Bid Bond 07 which is attached to this Proposal and has signed 08 it as required, with the knowledge that this 09 Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. 10 11 12 F. The full names and residences of all persons 13 interested in this Proposal, as Principals of the 14 firm, partnership, or corporation submitting this 15 Proposal are as follow: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BIDDER 28 29 30 BY AND TITLE 31 32 33 34 SIGNATURE 35 36 37 ADDRESS 38 39 40 41 42 43 DATE 44 45 END OF SECTION 00300 46 47 48 49 50 0 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300 - 3 • r SECTION 00410 - FORM OF BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we the undersigned, as PRINCIPAL, and _ _ as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Town of Southold hereinafter called the "Local Authority", in the penal sum of DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated for NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall not withdraw said bid within the period specified therein after the opening of the same, or, if no period be speq:ified, within thirty (30) days after the said 'opening, and shall within the period specified therefore, or if no period be specified, within ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enter into a written contract with the Local Authority in accordance with the bid as accepted, and give bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such contract; or in the event of withdrawal of said bid within the period specified or the failure to enter into such contract and gave said bond within the time specified, if the Principal shall pay the Local Authority the difference between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Local Authority may procure the required work or supplies or both, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above mentioned parties have executed this Instrument under their several seals this day of , 19 , the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of its governing body. FORM OF BID BOND 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 00410 - 1 In the presence of: 01 02 03 (SEAL) 04 (Individual Principal) 05 06 07 (Business Address) 08 09 (SEAL) 10 (Individual Principal) 11 12 13 (Business Address) 14 15 16 Attest: 17 18 (SEAL) 19 "(Corporate Principal) 20 21 22 (Business Address) Affix 23 Corporate Seal 24 25 26 By:_ 27 28 29 30 (Corporate Surety) 31 32 33 Affix 34 Corporate Seal 35 36 By:_ 37 38 39 40 41 42 The rate of premium on this bond is $ per 43 thousand, the total amount of premium charged is 44 $ 45 46 (The above is to be filled in by surety company). 47 48 (Power of Attorney for must be attached to bonds.) person signing for surety company 49 50 FORM OF B:ID BOND 00410 - 2 qE • M 0 i CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL O1 02 03 I, certify that I am the 04 Secretary of the corporation named as 05 Principal in the within bond; that 06 who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal was then 07 of said Corporation; that I 08 know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; 09 and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested to 10 for an in behalf of said corporation by authority of its 11 governing body. 12 13 14 15 16 (Corporate Seal) 17 18 19 20 END OF SECTION 00410 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID BOND 00410 - 3 SECTION 00420 - FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS O1 02 03 All questions must be answered. The data given must be 04 clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. 05 06 07 1. Name of bidder 08 09 2. Business address 10 11 3. When organized 12 13 4. Bidder is a(n) 14 (Individual - Partnership - Corporation) 15 16 The full name and addresses of all persons interested in 17 this proposal as partners and/or principal(s) are: (If 18 business is carried out .in any other name(s) than that 19 of the principal(s) or partner(s), also state such 2.0 name(s) and address(es:).) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CORPORATION 29 30 Corporation is incorporated in the State of 31 32 President is 33 34 Treasurer is 35 36 Place of business is 37 38 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting 39 business under your present; firm or trading name? 40 41 42 43 6. Financial statement: (Attach separate sheet.) 44 45 7. Credit available for this contract $ 46 (Attach letter.) 47 48 8. Contracts now on hand, gross amount $ 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER:'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 1 • M 0 9. Plan of organization: 01 02 03 04 10. Personnel or organization: 05 06 07 08 11. Have you ever refused to sign a contract at your 09 10 original bid? 11 12 12. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? 13 14 13. Remarks: 15 16 17 18 14. Will you, upon request, furnish any other information 19 that the Town of Southold may require? 20 21 22 23 15. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any 24 person to furnish any information requested by the 25 Town of Southold in verification of the recitals 26 comprising this statement of Bidder's Qualifications. 27 28 29 Dated at this day 30 31 of 19 32 33 34 35 (Name of Bidder) 36 37 38 By: 39 40 Title: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDE:R'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 2 W • STATE OF ) 01 ss. 02 COUNTY OF ) 03 04 05 being duly sworn, 06 07 deposes and says that he is of 08 09 and that the answers to the 10 11 foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are 12 13 true and correct. 14 15 16 Sworn to before me this 17 18 day of 19 19 20 21 22 NOTARY PUBLIC 23 49 24 My expires: 25 .commission 26 27 28 END OF SECTION 00420 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 • 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 3 FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 00480 - 1 y SECTION 00480 - FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT O1 ' 02 03 Non -collusive bidding certification. By submission of this 04 bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) this bid or 05 proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion 06 with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential 07 competitor; (b) this bid or proposal has not been knowingly 08 disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the 09 opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other 10 bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) no attempt 11 has been or will be made to induce any other person, 12 partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid 13 or proposal; (d) the person signing this bid or proposal 14 certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the 15 accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, 16 and under the penalties of perjury affirms the truth 17 thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as 18 well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) that 19 attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy 20 of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate 21 by the signator of this'bid or proposal in behalf of the 22 corporate bidder. 23 24 25 Resolved that be 26 (Name of Corporation) 27 authorized to sign and submit this bid or proposal for the 28 29 following project: 30 ' 31 32 (Describe Project) 33 34 and to include in such bid or proposal the certificates as 35 to non -collusion required by Section One Hundred Three-D of 36 the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such 37 corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in 38 such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under 39 the penalties of perjury. 40 41 42 The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution 43 adopted by corporation at a 44 meeting of its board of directors held on the day 45 of 1946 .(SEAL OF CORPORATION) 47 48 49 0 Secretary 50 END OF SECTION 00480 FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 00480 - 1 � THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A311 Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 'that (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, (Here insert lull name and address or legal title of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of Dollars ($ for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect) which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA ® s I EBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of ARCHITECTS, 17 IS V.Y. AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 1 PERFORMANCE BOND NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform said Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or defaults under the contract or contracts of completion extension of time made by the Owner. arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner cost of completion less the balance of the contract price; to be in default under the Contract, the Owner having but not exceeding, including other costs and damagesfor performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Surety which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the contract price," as used in this paragraph, shall 1) Complete the Contract in accordance with its terms mean the total amount payable by Owner to Contractor and conditions, or under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by Owner to Contractor. 2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon de- Any suit under this bond must be instituted before termination by Surety of the lowest responsible bidder, the expiration of two (2) vears from the date on which or, if the Owner elects, upon determination by the final payment under the Contract falls due. Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even Owner named herein or the heirs, executors, adminis- though there should be a default or a succession of trators or successors of the Owner. Signed and sealed this day of 19 Print p.ih (seal; (lNiUle�s) ( Tide) (Wilnr�») r1i(ly) AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERrORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA n FEBRUARY 1970 EO. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 2 • • • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS t AIA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERFORMANCE BOND IN FAVOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:", that (Here insert full name and address or legal Mlle of Contractor) 40 as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, (Here insert full name and address or legal tlUc of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit of claimants as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of (Here insert a sum equal to at least one-half of the contract price) Dollars ($ for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly `by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated 19 entered into a contract with Owner for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect) 0 which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERFORMANCE. BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • A!A O FEBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 3 LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND 0 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as hereinafter defined, for all labor and material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject, however, to the fol- lowing conditions: • 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct con•• tract with the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, labor and material being construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental of equipment directly applicable to the Contract. 2. The above named Principal and Surety hereby jointly and severally agree with the Owner that every claimant as herein defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such claimant's work or labor was done or performed, or materials were furnished by such claimant, may sue on this bond for the use of such claimant, prosecute the suit to final judgment for such sum or sums as may be justly due claimant, and have execution thereon, The Owner shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or"60enses of any such suit. 3. No suit or action shall be comr-henced hereunder by any claimant: a) Unless claimant, other than one having a direct contract with the Principal, shall have given written notice to any two of the following: the Principal, the Owner, or the Surety above named, within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of the work or labor, or furnished the last of the materials for which said claim is made, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished, or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail or certified mail; postage prepaid, in an envelope ad- dressed to the Principal, Owner or Surety, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the trans- action of business, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid project is located, save that such service need not be made by a public officer. b) After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Principal ceased Work on said Contract, it being understood, however, that if any limitation em- bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. c) Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivision of the state in which the Project, or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the Project, or any part thereof, is sit- uated, and not elsewhere. 4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of the payment by Surety Of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record against said improvement, whether or not claim for the amount of such lien be presented under and against this bond. Signed and sealed this day of 19 (WitncSs) (Principal) (Title•) (Surely) (Seal) !W)Inc%>) l (Tills•) AIA DOCUMENT A311 • I'ERrORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA O" w FEBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 Y T H E • is A M E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E AIA Document A101 0 O F A R C H I T E C T S Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1987 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The 1987 Edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. This document has been approved'and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. 49 AGREEMENT made as of the day of in the year of Nineteen Hundred and BETWEEN the Owner: (Name and address) and the Contractor: (Name and address) The Project is: (Name and location) The Architect is: (Name and address) The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. • Copyright 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, ©1987 by The American Institute of Archi- tects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecution. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA° • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 1 r 1 U 11 i 0 ! ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documentelisted in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 3.2 is measured, and shall be the date of this Agreement, as first written above, unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. (insert the date of commencement, if it differs from the date of this Agreement or, if applicable, state that the date will be fixed in a notice to proceed.) Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than (Insert the calendar date or number of calendar days after the date of commencement. Also insert any requirements for earlier Substantial Completion of cer- tain portions of the Work, if not stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents.) , subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. (Insert provisions, if any, for liquidated damages relating to Jailure to complete on time.) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA® • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 2 C! • ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of Dollars (S ), subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Con- tract Documents. 4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (state the numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates are to be made by the Owner subsequent to the execution of This Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing the amount for each and the date until which that amount is valid.) 0 C� 4.3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows:, AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIAm • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 3 • ARTICLE 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the day of a month, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the day of the month. If an Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work and be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This Schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a .basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. • 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less retainage of percent ( %). Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change Order; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retainage of percent ( %); 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided in Para- graph 9.5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Paragraph 5.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: • 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to percent( `Yo) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions. 5.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage, if any, shall be as follows: (if it is intentled, prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work, to reduce or limit the retainage resulting from the percentages inserter! in Subpara- grapbs 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 above, and this is not explained elsewhere in the Gwitrart Uocunnents, insert here provisions for stab reduction or liminuion.) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIAO • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 4 • ARTICLE 6 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when (1) the Contract has been fully performed by the Contractor except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct nonconforming Work as provided in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which necessarily survive final payment; and (2) a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect; such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment, or as follows: ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document, the ref- erence refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. (Insert rate of interest agreed upon, if any.) (t/scary later and requirements under lbe Federal Truth in Lending Act, .similar stale• tool local con,euruer ardit lei u'.s told other regolatiuns ell tbe• Owner :c and Conn actor's principal places oJ•husiness, the location of the /'reject and ellen here nutp aflect the validity oJ'this provision. Legal adrice.cboultl he obtained frith respect to deletions or modifications, and also regarding requirements inch as written disclosures or waivers.) 7.3 Other provisions: ARTICLE 8 • TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 8.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. AIA DOCUMENT Al 01 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA® • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 5 ARTICLE 9 • ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: 9. 1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AIA Document A101, 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, 1987 Edition. 9.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated and are as follows: Document 'ritle Pages • 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9.1.3, and are as follows: (Silber list the Specifications here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreenvent.) Section Title Pages • AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA° • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 6 • 9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated unless a different date is shown below: (Either list the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Number Title Date • 9.1.6 The Addenda, if any, are as follows: Number ]Date Pages Portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also enumerated in this Article 9. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA° • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 7 • 9.1.7 Other documents, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List here any additional documents wbicb are intended to form part of the Contract Documents. The General Conditions provide that bidding requirements such as advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample forms and the Contractor's bid are not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. Tbey sbould be listed bene only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) 0 This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original copies of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner. OWNER • (Signature) (Printed name and title) CONTRACTOR (Signature) (Printed name and title) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA® • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101-1987 8 6 4c TA RLE OF ODNTENIS SUPPI,EMENT'ARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR .,... , PUDC HANICAL..AND.. ELBC'i'RICAL.. WORK TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. General SC -1 2. Limitations of Engineer's Responsibilities SC -1 3. Record Drawings SC -1 4. Submittals - Shap Drawings and Sanples SC -1 5. Substitutions -SC-2 6. Connections to EgWpment• SC -2 7. Chases and Openings SC -2 8. Vermin Control I SC -3 9. Elimination of Noise and Vibration SC -3 10. Guarantees and Services SC -3 11. Operating Instructions and Manuals SC -4 12. Posted Instructions SC -5 13. Aocess Doors - Finished Surfacers 9C-5 14. Excavation, Backfilling and Construction SC -6 15. Underground Utility Marking SC -8 16. Fees, Permits, Taxes, Certificates 9C-8 17. Codes and Standards SC -9 18. Nameplates SC -9 19. Valve Tags SC -10 20. Valve Charts 9C-10 21. Drip Pans SC -10 22. Dielectric Unions SC -11 23. Escutcheons SC -11 24. In =dng Gas Service SC -11 25. Sleeves SC -11 26. Cable Tags SC -12 27. 11)ermoneters SC -12 28. Pressure Gauges SC -12 29. Snubbers SC -13 30. Concrete Work SC -13 31. Contractor's Qualifications SC -14 32. Vacuum Breakers SC -14 33. Starters SC -14 34. Motors SC -15 35. Painting SC -16 4c SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL ODNDITIONS .FOR MDCHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK SUPPLIIrfE NARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR 1. 'General a) These Supplementary Special Conditions are part of the documents governing the work and shall apply equally to all work installed under the Mechanical and Electrical Specifications. b) Where Articles in this suction refer to the same subject matter covered elsewhere, it isnot intended to in any way to modify, mitigate or limit what is said elsewhere, except as specifically noted, hereinafter. 2. Limitations of Engineer!.s..Responsibilities a) Neither the Engineer .or;�.the Owner's Representative will be responsible for the Contractor''s methods of construction, techniques or procedures of construction, nor ' for the safety precautions and procedures incident thereto. Neither the Engineer or the Owner's Representative will assume the responsibility for the observation or correction of any safety laxity. b) Neither the Engineer or the Owner's Representative will be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Record Drawings a) Provide "As Built Drawings" 4. Submittals — Shop Drawings and Samples a) If shop drawings show variations from Contract requirements because of standard shop practice or other reasons the Contractor shall make specific mention of such variation in the letter of transmittal. b) Any Contractor proposing to use an accepted substitute item which differs fran that upon which the design was based, and which requires any redesign of structure, assemblies, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Structural or Architectural. Work, etc. shall redesign,and prepare all drawings or detailing required for any such change for review by the Owner's Representative. All deviations which require a different quantity, size, or arrangement of structural supports, wiring, conduit, switches, controls, piping, ductwork, access or any other building modifications from that upon which the design was based shall be reviewed and all such additional items or modifications required shall be furnished at no additional cost to the Owner and shall be paid for by the Contractor requesting the change. Under no circumstances shall any cost accrue to the Owner by virtue of any such change. • SUPPLa4EN'PARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR MDaIANICAL AND E EMICAL WORK c) Shop drawings shall conform to all specifier) requirements and all laws, ordinances, statutes, regulations and safety codes of all governing bodies. 5. Substitutions a) No substitution of any kind will be entertained under the provisions of this Specification of any product which is not a standard product of a manufacturer, as evidenced by prior published data, nor will any substitution be entertained that has not already been tested prior to submission and in accordance with the same criteria, procedures and standards as the specified product. Further, all such products shall have been a standard product of the manufacturer for at least three years prior to submittal and, where indicated and/or required, the manufacturer shall have'the same servicing capability as the specified manufacturer and such servicing..organization...shall -also.. have,... at ...least. a three year history with the ;manufacturer. It is recognized that products are constantly being modified and/or improved. Therefore, "a standard product" as used above' shall include predecessor models of the same developmental lineage.; W6. Connections to Equipment a) All equipment noted on the Drawings as furnished by the Owner and/or others will be rigged in place, set and installed under separate contracts or under other contracts. All wiring and piping technically and internally a part of the equipment will be previously executed, or executed under separate contracts, unless otherwise specifically shcwn and/or specified herein. b) Contract drawings only indicate the services to various pieces of equipment furnished by others. Each Contractor shall make all connections, necessary connections to such equipment as shown, specified and/or required. c) Connections to equipment shall follow manufacturer's recarmendations as to size and .arrangement of connections and/or as shown in detail on the .Drawings. Piping connections shall be made to permit ready disconnection of equipment with minimum disturbance of adjoining piping and equipment. 7. Chases and Openings a) In general, chases, openings and foundations will be provided for the installation of pipes, ducts, conduits, and equipment by the General Construction Contractor. Each Contractor shall request of the. General Contractor any additional openings or foundations before those portions of the building construction concerned are in places, and shall supply and set in place all necessary sleeves, forms and anchors to provide the facilities his work required. SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS i FOR MDCH MCAL AND EI.D=CAL WORK b) Additional work resulting from failure to set sleeves, forms and anchors shall be done at the expense of the Contractor who requires said work. 8. Vermin Control a) All piping, ducts, conduit, etc., passing through walls, floors, ceilings, and/or other solid construction, shall be sealed to prevent the passage of vermin. b) Seals shall be made by means of rock wool or other approved inert material, packed sleeves or other approved construction. 9. Elimination of Noise and Vibration a) All equipment and accessories - shall cperate without objectionable.noise-and vibration. b) Should cperation of :any :.one or more of the systems produce noise or vibration which - is, �n the opinion of the Owner's Representative,. objectionable,, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, make changes in equipment and do all work necessary to eliminate the objectionable noise and vibration. 10. Guarantees and Services a) Without limiting any specific guarantees and service called for elsewhere in these Specifications, including the technical sections, the following paragraphs address the minimum guarantee to be provided for the entire installation. More extensive guarantees may be required in other Sections of these Specifications. b) All equipment, material and labor shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance. Any defects arising within this period shall be repaired and/or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. c) Each Contractor shall further guarantee that all work to be installed . by him is free from any defects in material and/or workmanship; that all material is new and of grades and qualities specified herein. d) Each Contractor shall supply oampetent mechanics to perform the following services: 1. Start and test all equipment, material, and workmanship supplied under this contract before final acceptance. 2. In addition, provide any and all "emergency" service on a 24 Hr./7 day basis, as required. ,w.-3 • SUPPL941MARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS MR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK e) The Owner's Representative, shall be given a written report on the service performed. f) Each -Contractor shall include as a part of his bid the necessary labor to service the equipment throughout the first year period, including the seasonal changeover, if required. This service shall include, but not be limited to, at least four inspections during the cooling season and two more inspections during the heating season. At these inspection periods the serviceman shall adjust belt tensions and alignments, lubricate all moving parts, add refrigerant and compressor oil, if required, check cleanliness of the filters and operation of controls. The Owner's Representative shall be given a COW of the serviceman's report showing that this work has been clone. All of this shall be performed at no cost to the Owner's Representative, except for the replacement of filters, if necessary. g) Each Contractor shall supply all parts, material, lubricate, refrigerant and all -'other supplies ,.'required by virtue of the services to be rendered as noted above. h) Each Contractor shall deliver, to the Owner's Representative, all manufacturer's warrantees called for under these specifications and/or supplied in the normal course -of business for any and all material and equipment supplied under the respective Contract. 11. Operating Instructions and Manuals a) Upon completion of the installation and before requesting final payment, each Contractor shall deliver, to the Owner's Representative, six (6) complete copies of instructions suitably bound together giving full details for the care, maintenance and operation of all equipment. b) Operating instructions shall include specifications, service manuals and a oomplete parts list on every item of equipment installed under each Contract; copies of all charts, directories, diagrams, printed instructions and all. other such material, required to be posted and/or supplied under this Specification; and copies of all control diagrams and sequences of operation, wiring diagrams for special systems, and instructions for operating procedures. c) A suitable index shall be supplied and bound into the manual to facilitate locating any required information. d) The Owner's Representative shall be the sole judge of the acceptability and am pleteness of such manuals and may reject any submittal -for the lack of any information which he may deem necessary and/or for the manner in which the material is assembled or bound. W 9 12. Posted Instructions �1 SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL 00NDITIONS FOR MECHANICAL AND EIECiRICAL WORK a) Each Contractor shall post and permanently affix in a conspicuous place I as directed by the .,Owner:!.s. Representative- a ---set of typewritten instructions on the proper operation of each and every system installed. These instructions shall be mounted in aluminum metal frames glazed with acrylic plastic sheets as manufactured by Seton Nameplate Co. b) The instructions provided by the respective Contractor shall clearly describe the proper operation of: 1. The heating system. 2. The cooling system. 3. The electrical distribution system and emergency power system. 4. The temperature control system. 5. Fire and smoke System. 6. All other systems. c) In addition, each Contractor shall draw up a detailed list of preventive maintenance procedures for each system which shall be mounted and posted as noted above and which will clearly indicate the requirements for inspections, belt replacements, lubrication, fluid level check, etc. d) Each Contractor shall also mount and post diagrams pertaining to the work installed under his respective contract. A general listing of these diagrams is as follows: 1. Single line piping diagram for each system. 2. Electric Service and Distribution e) Two additional sets of these instructions and diagrams shall be delivered to the Owner's Representative. 13. Access Doors - Finished Surfaces a) Access doors shall be supplied by each Contractor as required for all devices supplied under his Contract but shall be set by the General Construction Contractor. b) Doors shall be constructed of 14 gauge steel with invisible hinge. Frame shall be 16 gauge steel. Loch shall be flush screwdriver operated metal cam. Doors shall be equal to Miloor. Where located in acoustical ceilings they shall be recessed type to accept veiling tiles. . SUPPLI VM SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR NIDMWCAL AND II.,B=CAL WORK c) Where door cannot open fully they shall be the removable type. d) Doors shallbe adequately sized to permit removal and servicing of all equipment, but in any -case shall not be less than 12„ x ..16 - e) Access doors shall be Milc:or, style required by surrounding construction as follows: 1. Dry wall - Style OW 2. Masonry, Tile - Style M 3. Plaster Wall - Style K 4. Plaster .Cei.l.ing . -__Style. AP 5. Accoustical Tile Ceiling - Style ATR 6. SuspendedDrywall Ceiling - Style ATR Access doors are not required in ceiling systems that have lift out panels. f) Doors shall be provided for all devices of whatever sort that is concealed by construction and this shall include, at least: 1. Fusible links. 2. Dampers. 3. Valves. 4. Controls. 5. Expansion joints. 6. Traps. 7. Cleanouts. 14. Excavation, Backfilling and Construction a) All excavation and backfilling and concrete and masonry construction for both interior and exterior work required for the purpose of completing all work called for under each Contract shall be included as a part of that Contract. • M 0) M I PAMMI � I terilt IN 141, 1 b) The furnishing and setting of any -and all exterior concrete, steel, cast iron and/or other construction material required for the introduction of services shall be included under each respective . _...Contract . c) All concrete and masonry construction shall be in accordance with the General Construction Contract. Concrete shall attain minimum strength of 3,500 psi. d) On land adjacent to the work, each Contractor shall protect trees, shrubbery and other natural features or structures from being cut, trimmed or injured. e) Any stock piles of material or any equipment stored shall be in cleared spaces away frau all trees and shrubs and where directed by the•Owner's Representative. f) Trees adjacent to the site of work shall be protected by burlap screening and temporary supports for long branches. g) Where trenches pass under roads and walks, the respective Ccntractor shall at his own expense arrange his work in such a manner that all traffic can be maintained and shall provide suitable and safeguard rails to protect the public. The guard rails shall be maintained in safe condition until the trench has been backfilled. After completion of work, roads and walks shall be restored to their original condition, using approved materials. h) The respective Contractor shall fill around pipe with fine material to a depth of one foot and not use excavated coarse material for backfilling below that point. The material on both sides of the pipe must be kept at equal height and tamped with the same thoroughness. i) Where tunneling has been permitted, backfilling shall be done by washing the backfill in place. j) No backfilling shall be placed covering work until after such work has been inspected, tested and accepted. Any backfilling covering work that has not been inspected, tested and accepted shall be removed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the owner. k) Compaction of all fill shall provide 95% of maximum density to optimum moisture contained in accordance with modified A.A.S.H.O.-T-99. 1) The respective Contractor shall provide the Owner's Representative with satisfactory evidence that the percentage of compaction herein specified is being attained. • 0 r m) The Contractor shall include in his bid the cost of relocating, removing, hauling and disposing of all excess excavation material remaining after backfill and compaction operations. Disposition of excess material .off site shall be....done_.in...a_legal-manner in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and ordinances without any additional cost to the Owner. n) All topsoil shall remain the property of the owner; shall be stockpiled on site where directed and shall be reused. o) All shrubbery that mist be disturbed shall be removed carefully in order to preserve all the roots together with sufficient earth to maintain plant life. The roots and earth shall be carefully wrapped with burlap and tied securly. When work is completed shrubbery shall be replanted in approximately the original location. If shrubbery whose. life.-.is..not..maintained,--daring-- the. time .that the -shrubbery is removed and for- a period' of, ,six months after replanting, shall be replaced with new shrubs. of the. same type, size and shape. This replanting shall be �bne in a mahner suitable to the type of shrubbery. Where it is necessary to excavate lawn areas, the portion to be disturbed shall be removed carefully in sods and preserved. After backfilling and tamping, this portion shall be resodded. Supply such additional sod as may be necessary to -provide a neat, finished, and oomplete lawn. 15. Underground Utility Marking a) Each Contractor shall install a detectable. utility tape 12"-18" below finished grade and above any underground gas, electric or telephone line installed under his Contract. b) Tape shall be 5 mil thick laminated metalized foil nominally 3" wide, with a minimum tensile strength of 26 lbs. per inch of width. Tape shall be vivid color with description of service separated every 30" in the surface of the tape. c) Tape shall be -Tura -Tape -D - detectable - Reef Industries. 16. Fees, Permits, Taxes, Certificates a) Each Contractor shall obtain and pay for all required fees, permits, certificates and taxes as part of his contract. b) All certificates and permits shall be delivered to the owner's Representative before requesting final payment. _ c) Each Contractor shall apply for and obtain all certificates necessary, comply with all other applicable requirements of any Municipal and State Codes and, also, comply with the regulations of the National Hoard of Fire Underwriters and NFPA. n U SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR bIDC HANICAL AND MECTRICAL WORK 17. Codes and Standards a) The following shall apply to all work: 1) Applicable Codes aiid Standards shall include all state laws, local ordinances, utility company regulations and the applicable requirements of the following accepted codes and standards: (Latest editions). a. Industry Standards, Codes & Specifications AGA American Gas Association AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Associations ANSI American National Standards Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration &.Air.Conditioning Engineers _..... ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American -Society of Testing Materials AWWA Americani'Water Works Association FM Factory Mutual IEEE Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association IRI Industrial Risk Insurers NBS National Bureau of Standards NEMA National Electrical Manufacturing Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association OSHA Occupation Safety and Health Administration SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association UL Underwriter's Laboratories NYSBC New York State Building Code USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency 18. Nameplates a) Nameplates shall. be 1-1/4" high x 3-1/2" long x 1/8" thick black laminated plastic with 1/4" high engraved white letters approximately 1/4" and they shall be affixed with special non -parting cement/solvent activating adhesive as required and shall be as manufactured by Setan Nameplate Company, Inc. b) The Contractor shall submit a schedule of reconwzied nameplate numbers and designations for all devices, equipment, accessories, etc. requiring such designations are supplied under this Contract. This shall include: 1) All control devices. (Nameplate shall bear same instrument designation as appears on control wiring diagrams). 0 0 SUPPLEMEMARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK 2) Temperature control and safety devices. 3) Disconnect switches. -4) .. _,.Starters. 5) Fans. 6) Remote equipment switches. 7) Panel boards. 8) Time switches. 19. Valve Tags ."., a) -The Contractor. shall -provide -tags- -on -all --- valves --installed under Contract. Tags shall: be 1-1/2" or larger, square or round in shape and manufactured of plastic:or., brass. b) Tags shall Have 3/8" high engraved letters and numerals against the colored background and shall be affixed to the valve with brass "s" hook or chain loop. c) Valve numerals shall be three digit numbers. 20. Valve Charts a) the Contractor shall post valve charts in the basement listing the tag number, location of service and purpose of each valve installed. b) Charts shall be mounted in an acrylic plastic glazed aluminum frame and shall be secured to the wall with screws. c) Frames shall be as manufactured by Seton Nameplate Co. 21. Drip Pans a) Drip pans shall be provided for all piping passing' over or within 6" of any electrical apparatus. b) Drip pans shall be constructed frau 16 gauge sheet aluminum 24" wide x length as required with a 1" high raised edge. c) Drip pans shall be fabricated so that all corners are watertight and finished to present a net appearance, top edge shall be rolled or, turned over so as to conceal all sharp edges. Pans shall be J provided with 1" PVC drainage pipe and the drain line shall be extended to the nearest floor or funnel drain. Cf` --10 SUPPLDUMARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR MEMANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK d) Drip pans shall be supported and reinforced by aluminum angle irons. e) The Contractor shall submit a detailed shop drawing before fabrications. 22. Dielectric Unions a) Dielectric unions shall be provided to connect piping of dissimilar metals and/or to connect piping to equipment fabricated of metal different than the piping. b) Unions shall be as manufactured by EPCO. 23. Escutcheons a) Chranium-plated, satin -finish, steel escutcheons shall be provided -for all.exposed._piping. ..• passing., through. -or.. protruding frau walls ceilings, and floors. b) Escutcheons shall: be `affixed by spring tension and on projection of fittings special escutcheons as required shall be provided. 25. Sleeves a) steel cc iron pipe sleeves shall be provided for all pipes passing through concrete construction. b) Sleeves in exterior walls or floor shall be caulked with oakum and lead and shall be waterproofed. SC -11. SUPPLOMUARY SPECIAL OONDITIONS FOR t BMWCA.L AND ELECTRICAL WORK c) . Where sleeves are not cast into the construction the space around than shall be packed tight with non-canbustible materials equal to mineral wool insulation. 26. Cable Tags a) . The contractor shall identify all electric cable terminations including control wires in terminal cabinets or pull boxes, panel cabinets, and other locations, as directed, by means of an engraved Plastic identification tag, indicating voltage and phase characteristics. Where there is more than one circuit involved remote from the panel or other. termination, the tags shall also indicate the circuit number and the panel designation. b) Tags shall be no less than 1-1/4" square 1/8" thick with a 5/32" top hole and fastened to cable 'with nylon cord. Tags shall be as manufactured by Seton Nameplate Company, Inc. SC -12 0- 0 SUPPLFMaUARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR MBOiANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK 31. Contractor's Qualifications a) The Contractor shall submit evidence of 5 years experience of having performed service and installations of the type of work described herein. Zhe experience record shall indicate a minimum of 5 different installations with at least 2 such installations having been performed during the past 2 calendar years. 32. Vacuum Breakers a) Provide vacuum breakers on all submerged and/or potentially submerged water inlets and/or all closed vessels. b) Vacuum breakers shall be full size of pipe in which it is installed up to 3/4" size and 3/4" size for larger pipes. c) Vacuum breakers shall be Sloan Valve Ccmpany Model V-100/Watts Regulator No. 36A. 33. Starters a) All three phase motors oombination starters. shall be furnished with suitable b) Starters for three phase and single phase motors requiring automatic or remote starting I shall have H -C -A switches. d) All magnetic starters furnished under these Specifications shall be across -the -line unless otherwise required by the Utility (Contractor to verify) and .shall be responsible to provide proper -starter-in accordance; with the Utility requirements. No extras will be entertained for Contractor's failure to cm ply. All starters shall provide for low voltage and overload protections and shall be arranged to protect three phase motors against "single phasing" i.e., all three legq shall have thermal overload elements. Elements shall be accurately sized for the running current of the motors they are to protect. e) Where required, motor starters shall be provided with control transformers for 120V oontrol voltage. c,,-.-1 d SUPPLEMENTARY SPE )C CONDITIONS FOR MECHANICAL AND ELDCTRICAL WORK g) All starters shall be Allen. Bradley,.. Cutler Hammer, General ...",.Electric..,. -West nghGkMG-.or..-.Square D. 'h) Starters shall be furnished by contractor furnishing motor driven equipment. 34. Motors a) All three phase motors shall be squirrel cage induction type continuous duty cpen type 40 deg. C, temperature rise. Motors in 'wet location shall be Totally enclosed. In any case, all motors shall carply with the startilimitationsg as set forth by the Electric Utility. Contractor shall verify these requirements with the Utility. ...No extra shall --be- entertained -for Contractor's "failure to verify the Utility requirements. b) All single phase,motors shall be of the capacitor type. c) Motors shall be of sufficient size for the duty to be performed and shall not exceed their full rated load when the driven equipment is cperating at required capacity under the most severe conditions likely to be encountered. d) All motors shall be rated for continuous duty and under full load, the maximum rise in temperature shall not exceed 40°C. for open frame rotors and 55°C. for totally enclosed motors. e) All motors shall have 1.15 service factor with "minimum guaranteed efficiency" under full load conditions of 908 as measured by IEEE 112 Method B. f) All motors shall be approved by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for the service and location intended. Where the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. does .not inspect or approve the type of motors, the Contractor .shall furnish open frame motors in dry non -hazardous locations, and totally .enclosed .motors where exposed to dampness or weather. Tbtally enclosed motors, shall be. provided with watertight connection boxes. g) All motors shall conform to the design, construction and performance requirements of Standard C-50 for "Rotating Electrical Machinery" of the American Standards Association and shall cx mply with the regulations of the National Electrical Cade. h) Direct oonnected motors shall be provided with acceptable type couplings and the motors must be cbwelled into the base plates at least at two points. . Motors connected to belt -driven apparatus shall be provided with slotted slide base with take-up screws. SC -15 SUPPLENMARY SPECIAL OONDITIONS FOR MIDMWCAL AND ELB=CAL WORK i) Motors shall be capable of withstanding nrmentary ovarloads of 50% without injurious overheating. 'Ivey shall operate under normal conditions without excessive overheating, flashing or sparking under any conditions of the required capacity of load and speed. All motors shall operate quietly and shall be replaced if, in the sole opinion of the ....Owner's.Representative,....they.do.not operate quietly. j) All motors shall be equipped with ball bearings unless specified otherwise in other sections of these Specifications. k) Motors 3 HP and above shall have energy efficient design as manufactured by Gould E -plus, Balch , General Electric or U.S. Motors. SC -16 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 1 SECTION 01090 - DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01 02 03 PART 1 - GENERAL 04 05 06 RELATED DOCUMENTS: 07 08 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including 09 General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 10 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 11 12 13 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: 14 15 General: This section specifies procedural and 16 administrative requirements for compliance with governing 17 regulations and codes and standards imposed upon the Work. 18 These requirements includeobtaining permits, licenses, 19 inspections, releases and s.im�lar documentation, as well as 20 payments, statements and.. -similar requirements associated 21 with regulations, codes and standards. 22 • 23 The term "Regulations" is defined to include laws, 24 statutes, ordinances and lawful orders issued by 25 governing authorities, as well as those rules, 26 conventions and agreements within the construction 27 industry which effectively control the performance of the 28 Work regardless of whether they are lawfully imposed by 29 governing authority or not. 30 31 Governing Regulations: Refer to General and Supplementary 32 Conditions for requirements related to compliance with 33 governing regulations. 34 35 36 DEFINITIONS: 37 38 General Explanation: Certain terms used in contract 39 documents are defined in this article. Definitions and 40 explanations contained in this section are not necessarily 41 complete, but are general for the Work to the extent that 42 they are not stated more explicitly in another element of 43 the contract documents. 44 45 General Requirements: Provisions and requirements of other 46 Division -1 sections apply to the entire work of the Contract 47 and, where so indicated, to other elements which are 48 included in the project. 49 • 50 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 1 • Indicated: The term "indicated" is a cross-reference to 01 graphic representations, notes or schedules on the drawings, 02 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 2 to other paragraphs or schedules in the specifications, and 03 to similar means of recording requirements in contract 04 documents. Where terms such as "shown", "noted", 05 "scheduled", and "specified" are used in lieu of 06 "indicated", it is for the purpose of helping the reader 07 locate the cross-reference, and no limitation of location is 08 intended except as specifically noted. 09 10 Directed, Requested, etc.: Terms such as "directed", 11 selected "requested", "authorized" "selected", "approved", 12 "required", "accepted" and "permitted" mean "directed by the 13 Architect/Engineer", "requested by the Architect/Engineer", 14 and similar phrases. However, no such implied meaning will 15 be interpreted to extend the Architect's/Engineer's 16 responsibility into the Contractor's area of construction 17 supervision. 18 19 Approve: Where used in conjunction with the Architect's/ 20 Engineer's response to -submittals, requests, applications, 21 inquiries, reports and claims'.by the Contractor, the term 22 . "approved" will be held to limitations of the Architect's/ Engineer's responsibilities and duties as specified in 23 24 General and Supplementary Conditions. In no case will the 25 Architect/Engineer's approval be interpreted as a release of 26 the Contractor from responsibilities to fulfill requirements 27 of contract documents or acceptance of the Work, unless 28 otherwise provided by requirements of the contract 29 documents. 30 31 Project Site: The term "project site" means the space 32 available to the Contractor for performance of the Work, 33 either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing 34 other construction as part of the project. 35 36 Furnish: The term "furnish" is used to mean "supply and 37 deliver to the project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, 38 assembly, installation, and similar operations." 39 40 Install: The term "install" is used to describe operations 41 at project site including the actual "unloading, unpacking, 42 assembly, erection, placing, anchoring, applying, working to 43 dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning and 44 similar operations." 45 46 Provide: The term "provide" means "to furnish and install, 47 complete and ready for the intended use.,, 48 • Installer: "installer" "the 49 The is entity" (person or firm) 50 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 2 • 0 • engaged by the Contractor, its subcontractor or 01 sub -subcontractor for performance of a particular element of 02 construction at the project site, including installation, 03 erection, application and similar required operations. It 04 is a requirement that installers are experienced in the 05 operations they are engaged to perform. 06 07 08 DRAWING SYMBOLS: 09 10 General: Except as otherwise indicated, graphic symbols 11 used on the drawings are those symbols recognized in the 12 construction industry for purposes indicated. Where not 13 otherwise noted, symbols are defined by "Architectural 14 Graphic Standards", published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 15 seventh edition. 16 17 Mechanical/Electrical Drawings: Graphic symbols used on 18 mechanical and electrical—drawings are generally aligned 19 with symbols recommended by ASHRAE. Where appropriate, 20 these symbols are supplemented by more specific symbols as 21 recommended by other technical associations including ASME, 22 ASPE, IEEE and similar organizations. Refer instances of 23 uncertainty to the Architect/Engineer for clarification 24 before proceeding. 25 26 27 INDUSTRY STANDARDS: 28 29 Applicability of Standards: Except where more explicit or 30 stringent requirements are written into the contract 31 documents, applicable construction industry standards have 32 the same force and effect as if bound into or copied 33 directly into the contract documents. Such industry 34 standards are made a part of the contract documents by 35 reference. 36 37 Referenced standards (standards referenced directly in 38 the contract documents) take precedence over standards 39 that are not referenced but generally recognized in the 40 industry for applicability to the Work. 41 42 Unreferenced Standards: Except as otherwise limited by 43 the contract documents, standards not referenced but 44 recognized in the construction industry as having direct 45 applicability will be enforced for performance of the 46 Work. The decision as to whether an industry code or 47 standard is applicable, or as to which of several 48 . standards are applicable, is the sole responsibility of 49 the Architect/Engineer. 50 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 3 0 0 • Publication Dates: Except as otherwise indicated, where O1 compliance with an industry standard is required, comply 02 with standard in effect as of date of contract documents. 03 04 Conflicting Requirements: Where compliance with two or more 05 standards is specified, and where these standards establish 06 different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities 07 or quality levels, the most stringent requirement will be 08 enforced, unless the contract documents specifically 09 indicate otherwise. Refer requirements that are different, 10 but apparently equal, and uncertainties as to which quality 11 level is more stringent to the Architect/Engineer for a 12 decision before proceeding. 13 14 Minimum Quantities or Quality Levels: In every instance 15 the quantity or quality level shown or specified is 16 intended to be the minimum to be provided or performed. 17 Unless otherwise indicated, the actual Work may either 18 comply exactly, within, specified tolerances, with the 19 minimum quantity or quality specified, or may exceed that 20 minimum within reasonable limits. In complying with 21 these requiremepts, the indicated numeric values are 22 minimum or maximum values, as noted, or as appropriate 23 • for the context of the requirements. Refer instances of 24 uncertainty to the Architect/Engineer for decision before 25 proceeding. 26 27 Copies of Standards: The contract documents require that 28 each entity performing work be experienced in that part of 29 the Work being performed. Each entity is also required to 30 be familiar with industry standards applicable to that part 31 of the Work. Copies of applicable standards are not bound 32 with the contract documents. 33 34 Where copies of standards are needed for proper 35 performance of the Work, the contractor is required to 36 obtain such copies directly from the publication source. 37 38 Although copies of standards needed for enforcement of 39 requirements may be required submittals, the Architect/ 40 Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to 41 submit additional copies as necessary for enforcement of 42 requirements. 43 44 Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles 45 of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Where 46 acronyms or abbreviations are used in the specifications or 47 other contract documents they are defined to mean the 48 recognized name of the trade association, standards 49 • generating organization, governing authority or other entity 50 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 4 • 0 ! applicable to the context of the text provision. ;Refer to 01 the "Encyclopedia of Associations", published by Gale 02 Research Co., available in most libraries. 03 04 05 GOVERNING REGULATIONS/AUTHORITIES: 06 07 General: The procedure followed by the Architect/Engineer 08 has been to contact governing authorities were necessary to 09 obtain information needed for the purpose of preparing 10 contract documents; recognizing that such information may or 11 may not be of significance in relation to the Contractor's 12 responsibilities for performing the Work. Contact governing 13 authorities directly for necessary information and decisions 14 having a bearing on performance of the Work. 15 16 Trade Union Jurisdictions: The Contractor shall maintain, 17 and shall require prime subcontractors to maintain, complete 18 current information on jurisdictional matters, regulations, 19 actions and pending actionsf,as applicable to the Work. 20 Discuss new developmentit at"appropriate project meetings at 21 the earliest feasible dates. Record information of 22 • relevance along with the actions agreed upon. The manner in 23 which contract documents have been organized and subdivided 24 is not intended to be an indication of jurisdictional or 25 trade union agreements. Assign and subcontract the Work, 26 and employ tradesmen and laborers, in a manner which will 27 not unduly risk jurisdictional disputes of a kind which 28 could result in conflicts, delays, claims and losses in the 29 performance of the Work. 30 31 32 SUBMITTALS: 33 34 Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For the Owner's 35 records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, 36 inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, 37 notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, and similar 38 documents, correspondence and records established in 39 conjunction with compliance with standards and regulations 40 bearing upon performance of the Work. 41 42 43 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 44 45 46 PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) 47 48 • 49 50 END OF SECTION 01090 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS 01090 - 5 0 0 SECTION 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01 02 03 PART 1 - GENERAL 04 05 06 RELATED DOCUMENTS: 07 08 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including 09 General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 10 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 11 12 13 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: 14 15 General: This section specifies procedural requirements for 16 non- administrative submittals including shop drawings, 17 product data, samples and other miscellaneous work-related 18 submittals. Shop drawings, product data, samples and other 19 work-related submittals`are required to amplify, expand and 20 coordinate the information contained in the Contract 21 Documents. 22 23 Refer to other Division -1 sections and other contract 24 documents for specifications on administrative, 25 non -work-related submittals. Such submittals include, 26 but are not limited to the following items: 27 28 Permits. 29 Payment applications. 30 Performance and payment bonds. 31 Insurance certificates. 32 Progress reports. 33 Listing of subcontractors. 34 35 Shop drawings are technical drawings and data that have been 36 specially prepared for this project, including but not 37 limited to the following items: 38 39 Fabrication and installation drawings. 40 Shopwork manufacturing instructions. 41 Schedules. 42 43 Standard information prepared without specific reference 44 to a project is not considered to be shop drawings. 45 46 Product data includes standard printed information on 47 manufactured products that has not been specially -prepared 48 for this project, including but not limited to the following 49 items: 50 SHOT' DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 1 Manufacturer's product specifications and installation 01 instructions. 02 Standard color charts. 03 Catalog cuts. 04 Roughing -in diagram and templates. 05 Standard wiring diagrams. 06 Standard product operating and maintenance manuals. 07 08 Samples are physical examples of work, including but not 09 limited to the following items: 10 11 Swatches showing color, texture and pattern. 12 Color range sets. 13 14 Miscellaneous submittals are work-related, 15 non -administrative submittals that do not fit in the three 16 previous categories, including, but not limited to the 17 following: 18 19 Survey data and reports: 20 Project photographs. 21 Record drawings. 22 Operating and maintenance manuals. 23 • Keys and other security protection devices. 24 25 26 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: 27 28 General: Refer to the General Conditions for basic 29 procedures for submittal handling. 30 31 Coordination: Coordinate the preparation and processing of 32 submittals with the performance of the work. Coordinate 33 each separate submittal with other submittals and related 34 activities such as testing, purchasing, fabrication, 35 delivery and similar activities that require sequential 36 activity. 37 38 Coordinate the submittal of different units of 39 interrelated work so that one submittal will not be 40 delayed by the Architect/Engineer's need to review a 41 related submittal. The Architect/Engineer reserves the 42 right to withhold action on any submittal requiring 43 coordination with other submittals until related 44 submittals are forthcoming. 45 46 Coordination of Submittal Times: Prepare and transmit each 47 submittal to the Architect/Engineer sufficiently in advance 48 of the scheduled performance of related work and other 49 applicable activities. Transmit different kinds of 50 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 2 • i U 1] 0 submittals for the same unit of work so that processing will not be delayed by the Architect/Engineer's need'to review submittals concurrently for coordination. Submittal Preparation: Mark each submittal with a permanent label for identification. Provide the following information on the label for proper processing and recording of action taken. Project name. Date. Name and address of Architect/Engineer. Name and address of Contractor. Name of manufacturer. Number and title of appropriate specification section. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. Similar definitive information as necessary. Provide a space on the label for the Contractor's review and approval markings, and a space for the Architect/Engineer's.,"Adtion" marking. Transmittal Form: `AIA Document G810. Record relevant information and requests for data on the transmittal form. On the transmittal form, or on a separate sheet attached to the form, record deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents, if any, including minor variations and limitations. SPECIFIC SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: General: Specific submittal requirements for individual units of work are specified in the applicable specification section. Where it is necessary to provide intermediate submittals between the initial and final submittals, provide and process intermediate submittals in the same manner as for initial submittals. Product Data: General information required specifically as product data includes manufacturer's standard printed recommendations for application and use, compliance with recognized standards of trade associations and testing agencies, and the application of their labels and seals (if any), special notation of dimensions which have been verified by way of field measurement, and special 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 3 0 • coordination requirements for interfacing the material, 01 product or system with other work. 02 03 Refer to Division -15 and Division -16 sections for 04 additional general requirements applicable to product 05 data for mechanical and electrical work respectively. 06 07 Preparation: Collect required product data into a single 08 submittal for each unit of work or system. Mark each 09 copy to show which choices and options are applicable to 10 the project. 11 12 Submittals: Product data submittal is required for 13 information and record and to determine that the 14 products, materials and systems comply with the 15 provisions of the contract documents. Therefore, the 16 initial submittal is also the final submittal, except 17 where the Architect/Engineer observes that there is non- 18 compliance with the provisions of the contract documents 19 and returns the submittal promptly to the Contractor 20 marked with the appropriate "Action". 21 22 Provide a preliminary single -copy submittal where 23 • required, for selection of options by the 24 Architect/Engineer. 25 26 Initial Submittal: Except as otherwise indicated in 27 individual sections of these specifications, submit 2 28 copies of each required product data submittal, plus 2 29 additional copies where required for maintenance 30 manuals. The Architect/Engineer will retain one copy, 31 and will return the other marked with "Action" and 32 corrections or modifications as required. 33 34 Do not submit product data or allow its use on the 35 project, until compliance with the requirements of the 36 contract documents has been confirmed by the 37 Contractor. 38 39 Final Distribution: Furnish copies of product data to 40 subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, manufacturers, 41 installers, governing authorities and others as 42 required for proper performance of the work. Shona 43 distribution on transmittal forms. 44 45 Installation Copy: Do not proceed with installation 46 of materials, products and systems until a copy of 47 product data applicable to the installation is in the 48 possession of the installer. Do not permit the use of 49 50 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 4 • 0 0 0 unmarked copies of product data in connection with the 01 performance of the work. 02 03 Samples: Submit samples for the Architect/Engineer's visual 04 review of general generic kind, color, pattern, and texture, 05 and for a final check of the coordination of these 06 characteristics with other related elements of the work. 07 Samples are also submitted for quality control comparison of 08 these characteristics between the final sample submittal and 09 the actual work as it is delivered and installed. 10 11 Refer to individual work sections of these specifications 12 for additional sample requirements, which may be intended 13 for examination or testing of additional characteristics. 14 Compliance with other required characteristics is the 15 exclusive responsibility of the Contractor; such 16 compliance is not considered in the Architect/Engineer's 17 review and "Action" indication on sample submittals. 18 19 Documentation required specifically for sample submittals 20 includes a generic description of the sample, the sample 21 source or the product name or manufacturer, compliance 22 with governing regulations and recognized standards. In 23 addition, indicate limitations in terms of availability, 24 sizes, delivery time, and similar limiting 25 characteristics. 26 27 Refer to Division -15 and Division -16 sections for 28 additional general requirements applicable to samples for 29 mechanical and electrical work, respectively. 30 31 Preparation: Where possible provide samples that are 32 physically identical with the proposed materials or 33 product to be incorporated in the work; provide full 34 scale, fully fabricated samples cured and finished in the 35 manner specified. Where variations in color, pattern, or 36 texture are inherent in the material or product 37 represented by the sample, submit multiple units of the 38 sample (not less than 3 units), which show the 39 approximate limits of variations. Where samples are 40 specified for the Architect/Engineer's selection of 41 color, texture or pattern, submit a full set of available 42 choices for the material or product. Mount, display, or 43 package samples in the manner specified to facilitate the 44 review of indicated qualities. Prepare samples to match 45 the Architect/Engineer's sample where so indicated. 46 47 Submittal: At the Contractor's option, and depending 48 upon the nature of the anticipated response from the 49 Me SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 5 0 0 Architect/Engineer, the initial submittal of samples may 01 be either a preliminary submittal or a final subfnittal. 02 03 Preliminary submittal, of a single set of samples, is 04 required where requirements indicate the 05 .Architect/Engineer's selection of color, pattern, 06 texture or similar characteristics from a 07 manufacturer's range of standard choices is necessary. 08 Preliminary submittals will be reviewed and returned 09 with the Architect/Engineer's "Action" marking. 10 11 Final Submittals: Submit 3 sets of samples in the 12 final submittal; one set will be returned. 13 14 Distribution of Samples: Maintain the final submittal 15 sets of samples, as returned by the 16 Architect/Engineer, at the project site, available for 17 quality control comparisons throughout the course of 18 performing the work. In addition, final submittal 19 sets may be used to,obtain final acceptance of the 20 work associated with 6a,Ch set. Prepare and distribute 21 additional sets of samples to subcontractors, 22 suppliers, fabricators, manufacturers, installers, 23 • governing authorities, and others as required for 24 proper performance of the work. Show final 25 distribution on transmittal forms. 26 27 Miscellaneous Submittals: 28 29 Warranties: Refer to section "Products and 30 Substitutions" for specific general requirements on 31 warranties, product bond, workmanship bonds and 32 maintenance agreements. In addition to copies desired 33 for the Contractor's use, furnish 2 executed copies of 34 such warranties, bonds or agreements. Provide 2 35 additional copies where required for maintenance manuals. 36 37 Project Photographs: Furnish 2 prints each of 3 project 38 photographs at monthly intervals. Comply with Architect/ 39 Engineer's directions concerning desired vantage points 40 for shots. 41 42 Survey Data: Refer to section "Project Coordination" for 43 specific general requirements on property surveys, field 44 measurements, quantitative records of actual work, damage 45 surveys and similar data required by the individual 46 sections of these specifications. None of the specified 47 copies will be returned. 48 49 • 50 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 6 0 • 0 Survey Copies: Furnish 2 copies of general survey 01 data. Provide 10 copies of the final property survey. 02 fabricators, installers, governing authorities, and 03 Closeout Submittals: Refer to section "Project Closeout" 04 and to individual sections of these specifications for 05 specific submittal requirements of project closeout 06 information, materials, tools, and similar items. 07 before final distribution. Record distributions on 08 Record Documents: Furnish set of original documents 09 as maintained on the project site. Along with 10 original marked- up record drawings provide 2 11 photographic copies of marked -up drawings, which, at 12 the Contractor's option, may be reduced to not less 13 than half size. 14 purposes, where action and return on submittals is required 15 Operating and Maintenance Data: Furnish 2 bound 16 copies of operating data and maintenance manuals. 17 possible return within 2 weeks of receipt. Where the 18 Materials and Tools: Refer to individual sections of 19 these specifications for required quantities of extra 20 stock, maintenance.. t661s and devices, keys, and 21 similar physical units to be submitted. 22 23 General Distribution: Provide the additional 24 distribution of submittals to subcontractors, suppliers, 25 fabricators, installers, governing authorities, and 26 others as necessary for the proper performance of the 27 work. Include such additional copies of submittals in 28 the transmittal to the Architect/Engineer where the 29 submittals are required to receive "Action" marking 30 before final distribution. Record distributions on 31 transmittal forms. 32 33 34 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S ACTION: 35 36 General: Except for submittals for the record and similar 37 purposes, where action and return on submittals is required 38 or requested, the Architect/Engineer will review each 39 submittal, mark with appropriate "Action", and where 40 possible return within 2 weeks of receipt. Where the 41 submittal must be held for coordination the Architect/ 42 Engineer will so advise the Contractor without delay. 43 44 Action Stamp: The Architect/Engineer will stamp each 45 submittal to be returned with a uniform, self explanatory 46 action stamp, appropriately marked and executed to 47 indicate whether the submittal returned is approved or 48 must be revised and resubmitted. 49 • 50 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01340 - 7 • • • PART 2.- PRODUCTS (Not Applicable). PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable). END OF SECTION 01340 • SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 01340 - 8 i v SECTION 01501 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES - Ol PART 1 - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings including division -1 section. 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 and general provisions of each prime Contract, 10 General and Supplementary Conditions and other 11 Specification sections, apply to the work of this 12 13 14 15 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: 16 17 This section specifies administrative and procedural 18 requirements for temporary services and facilities, 19 including such items .,.as temporary utility service s 20 temporary construction,.and support facilities, and project 21 security and protection. 22 23 Division of Responsibilities: 24 25 General: Each prime contactor is specifically assigned 26 certain responsibilities for temporary services and 27 facilities to be used by other prime contractors, and other 28 entities at the site. The Contractor for General Work is 29 responsible for providing temporary services and facilities 30 that are not related to other prime contractors' normal work 31 and are not specifically assigned otherwise by the 32 Architect/Engineer. 33 34 Each Prime Contractor: Except as otherwise indicated, each 35 prime contractor is responsible for the following: 36 37 Installation, operation, maintenance and removal of each 38 temporary service or facility usually recognized as 39 related to its own normal scope of work, and the costs 40 and use charges associated with each such service or 41 facility. 42 43 Plug-in electric power cords and extension cords, and 44 supplementary plug-in task lighting and special lighting 45 necessary exclusively for its own work. 46 47 Temporary heat, ventilation, humidity control and 48 enclosure of the building where these utilities are 49 necessary for its work, but have not yet been installed 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 1 i by the responsible prime contractor. 01 Construction aids and miscellaneous services and 02 03 facilities necessary for its own work. 04 The Contractor for General Work is responsible for the 0 055 following: 07 08 Temporary telephone service. 09 10 Disposable supplies for toilet and wash facilities. 11 12 Temporary enclosure of the building. 13 14 The Contractor for Heating and Ventilation is responsible 15 for the following: 16 17 Temporary heat. 18 19 The Contractor for Electrical Work is responsible for the 20 following: 21 22 Temporary electric power service and distribution. 23 Temporary lighting. 24 25 Use Charges: 26 27 Water Service: Water from the Owner's existing water 28 system is to be used. 29 30 Electric Power Service Use Charges: Metered electric 31 power from the Owner's existing system is to be used 32 without payment of use charges. 33 34 Toilet Facilities: Existing Toilet and Wash facilities 35 are to be used. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 TEMPORARY 549 FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 20 i i► QUALITY ASSURANCE: Ol Regulations: Each prime contractor shall comply with local 02 03 laws and regulations governing construction and local 04 industry standards, in the installation and maintenance of 05 temporary services and facilities, including but not limited 06 to the following: 07 Building Codes, including local requirements for permits, 08 09 testing and inspection. 10 Health and safety regulations. 11 Utility company regulations and recommendations governing 12 temporary utility services. 13 Fire Department rules and recommendations. 14 Police and Rescue Squad recommendations. 15 Environmental protection regulations governing use of 16 water and energy, and control of dust, noise and other 17 nuisances. 18 Standards: Each prime contractor shall comply with the 19 20 requirements of NFPA ,Code'241, "Building Construction and 21 Demolition Operations", the ANSI -A10 Series standards for 22 • "Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition", and 23 the NECA National Joint Guideline NJG-6 "Temporary job 24 Utilities and Services." 25 26 Trade Jurisdictions: The assigned responsibilities for 27 .installation and operation of temporary utilities are not 28 intended to interfere with normal application of trade 29 regulations and union jurisdictions applicable to the 30 Work. 31 32 33 JOB CONDITIONS: 34 35 General: Each prime contractor shall provide each temporary 36 service and facility ready for use at each location, when 37 first needed to avoid delays in performance of work. 38 Maintain, expand as required, and modify as needed 39 throughout the progress of the Work. Do not remove until 40 services or facilities are no longer needed, or are replaced 41 by the authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 42 43 Conditions of Use: Operate temporary services and 44 facilities in a safe and efficient manner. Do not overload, 45 and do not permit temporary services and facilities to 46 interfere with the progress of work. Do not allow 47 unsanitary conditions, public nuisances or hazardous 48 • conditions to develop or persist on the site. 49 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 3 0 0 PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: General: Each prime contractor shall provide new materials and equipment for temporary services and facilities; used materials and equipment that are substantially undamaged and in serviceable condition may be used, if acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. Provide only materials and equipment that are suitable for their intended use. Temporary Construction and Support Facilities: Provide facilities that can be maintained properly throughout the course of use at the project site. Heatinct Units: Provide temporary heating units that have been tested and labeled by UL, FM or another recognized trade association related to the fuel being consumed. Tarpaulins: Provide waterproof, fire-resistant, UL Labeled tarpaulins with flame -spread rating of 15 or less. For temporary enclosures where work is being or will be performed, provide translucent tarpaulins made nylon reinforced laminated polyethylene to admit the maximum amount of daylight and reduce the need for temporary lighting. First Aid Supplies: Comply with governing regulations and recognized recommendations within the construction industry. Drinking Water: Provide potable water complying with local health authority requirements. Security and Protection Facilities: of Fire Extinguishers: Provide type "A" fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces were there is minimal danger of electrical fires or grease -oil -flammable liquid fires. In other locations provide either type "ABC" dry chemical extinguishers, or a combination of -several extinguishers of NFPA recommended types for the exposures in each case. TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 4 O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 PART 3 - EXECUTION O1 02 03 INSTALLTION - GENERAL: 04 05 General: Use qualified tradesmen for installation of 06 temporary services and facilities. Locate temporary 07 services and facilities where they will serve the entire 08 project adequately and result in minimum interference with 09 performance of the Work. 10 11 Relocate, modify and extend services and facilities as 12 required during the course of work so as to accommodate 13 the entire work of the project. 14 15 16 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION: 17 18 General: Engage the .local utility company to install 19 temporary service to the.project, or to make connections to 20 existing service. 21 FAVJ Water Service: 23 24 General: Install water service and distribution piping of 25 sizes and pressures adequate for temporary construction 26 purposes during the construction period and until permanent 27 service is in use, including but not limited to the 28 following uses: 29 30 Construction processes. 31 Fire protection. 32 Drinking water. 33 Cleaning. 34 Plant and lawn watering. 35 36 Temporary Electric Power Service: 37 38 General: Provide a weatherproof, grounded electric power 39 service and distribution system of sufficient size, 40 capacity, and power characteristics to accommodate 41 performance of work during the construction period until 42 permanent system is in use. 43 44 Temporary Service: Install service and grounding in 45 compliance with the National Electric Code (NFPA 70). 46 47 Connect temporary service to the local electric power 48 • company main in the manner directed by company officials. 49 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 5 0 n LJ Temporary Lighting: 01 02 Install and operate temporary lighting to fulfill 03 security and protection requirements, without the 04 necessity of operating the entire system. 05 06 Temporary Telephones: 07 08 General: Arrange for the local telephone company to 09 reinstate and relocate service to the project. 10 11 At each telephone post a list of important telephone 12 numbers, including the following: 13 14 Local police and fire department. 15 Doctor. 16 Ambulance service. 17 Contractor's 18 Architect's 19 Engineer's 20 Owner's 21 Principal subc,ontractor''-s 22 23 24 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION: 25 26 General: Provide a neat and uniform appearance in temporary 27 construction and support facilities acceptable to the 28 Architect/Engineer and the Owner. 29 30 Except as otherwise indicated, make the change -over from 31 use of temporary services to use of permanent services 32 and facilities at the earliest feasible date at each 33 portion of the work, to minimize hazards and 34 interferences with performance of the work. 35 36 Maintain offices, storage sheds, temporary sanitary 37 facilities, waste collection and disposal system, and 38 project identification and temporary signs until near 39 substantial completion. Immediately prior to substantial 40 completion remove these facilities. Personnel remaining 41 at the site beyond substantial completion will be 42 permitted to use certain permanent facilities. 43 44 Temporary Heat: 45 46 General: Provide temporary heat where indicated or needed 47 for proper performance of the Work, curing or drying of 48 . recently installed work or protection or work in place from 49 adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 6 Select facilities known to be safe and without deleterious 01 effect upon work in place or being installed. Coordinate 02 with ventilation requirements to produce indicated ambient 03 condition required and to minimize consumption of fuel or 04 energy. 05 06 Maintain a minimum temperature of 45 deg. F (7 Deg. C) in 07 permanently enclosed portions of the building and area 08 where finished work has been installed unless otherwise 09 indicated. 10 11 Heating Facilities: Except where conditions make it 12 necessary to use another system, and where use of permanent 13 heating system is available and authorized, provide properly 14 vented self-contained LP gas or fuel oil heaters with 15 individual space thermostatic control for temporary heat. 16 17 Limit use of gasoline -burning space heaters to the 18 indirect- fired type,,.located outside the building space 19 or space being heated..,..Use gasoline -burning space 20 heaters only where .the specified system for temporary 21 heating cannot be. used. 22 . Do not use open burning or salamander type temporary 23 24 heating units where prohibited by governing regulations, 25 or when combustible materials are located in or near the 26 space being heated, or when work installed or being 27 installed includes work exposed to view in the completed 28 project. 29 30 Field Offices: 31 32 General: Each prime contractor shall coordinate with other 33 prime contractors a temporary office in the existing 34 building of sufficient size to accommodate required office 35 personnel at the project site. 36 37 Sanitary Facilities: 38 39 General: Sanitary facilities include toilets, 40 wash facilities and drinking water fixtures. Comply with 41 governing regulations including safety and health codes for 42 -the type, number, location, operation and maintenance of 43 fixtures and facilities; provide not less than specified 44 requirements. Install in locations which will best serve 45 the project's needs. 46 47 Temporary Enclosure: 48 49 • General: Where openings are cut at exterior walls and roof 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 7 0 provide temporary enclosure of existing conditions, work in 01 progress and completed portions of work to. provide 02 protection to the Work and employees from effects of 03 exposure, foul weather, other construction operations and 04 similar activities on the site. 05 06 Enclosure: Install tarpaulins or equivalent materials 07 securely, using a minimum of wood framing and combustible 08 materials. Individual openings of 25 sq. ft. or less may be 09 closed with plywood or similar materials. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Collection and Disposal of Wastes: 26 27 General: Establish a system for daily collection and 28 disposal of waste materials from construction areas and 29 elsewhere on the site. Enforce requirements strictly. Do 30 not hold collected materials at the site more than 7 days 31 during normal weather or 3 days when the daily temperature 32 is expected to rise above 80 deg. F (27 deg. C). Handle 33 hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials 34 separately from other inert waste by containerizing 35 appropriately. Dispose of waste material in a lawful 36 manner. 37 38 Burying or burning of waste materials on the site will 39 not be permitted. Washing waste materials down sewers or 40 into waterways will not be permitted. 41 42 43 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION: 44 45 General: Provide a neat and uniform appearance in security 46 and protection facilities acceptable to the Architect/ 47 Engineer and the Owner. 48 49 . Except for utilization of permanent fire protection 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 8 facilities, as soon as available in each area, do not change 01 over from use of temporary security and protection 02 facilities to use of permanent facilities until substantial 03 completion or longer as requested by the Architect/ 04 Engineer. 05 06 Temporary Fire Protection: 07 08 General: Until fire protection needs may be fulfilled by 09 permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fire 10 protection facilities of the types needed to adequately 11 protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire 12 losses. Comply with the applicable recommendations of NFPA 13 Standard 10 "Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers". 14 Locate fire extinguishers there most convenient and 15 effective for their intended purpose, but provide not less 16 than one extinguisher on each floor at or near each usable 17 stairwell. Store combustible materials in containers in 18 fire -safe locations. 19 20 Develop and supervise.'an overall fire prevention and 21 first-aid fire protection program for personnel at the 22 project site. Review needs with local fire department 23 officials and establish procedures to be followed. 24 Instruct personnel in methods and procedures. Post 25 warnings and information and enforce strict discipline. 26 Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire 27 hydrants, temporary fire protection facilities, stairways 28 and other access routes for fighting fires. Prohibit 29 smoking in hazardous fire exposure areas. Provide 30 supervision of welding operations, combustion -type 31 temporary heating units, and similar sources of possible 32 fire. 33 34 Where temporary water outlets are available, provide 35 hoses of sufficient length to reach construction areas. 36 Hang hoses with a warning sign, to indicate that they are 37 for fire protection purposes and are not to be removed. 38 Match hose size with outlet size and equip with suitable 39 nozzles. 40 41 Permanent Fire Protection: At the earliest feasible date 42 in each area of the project, complete installation of 43 permanent fire protection facilities, including connected 44 services, and place into operation and use. Instruct key 45 personnel at the site on how to use facilities which may 46 not be self-explanatory. 47 48 49 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 9 0 • Barricades, Warning Signs and Lights: 01 02 General: Comply with recognized standards and code 03 requirements for erection of substantial, structurally 04 adequate barricades where needed to prevent accidents and 05 losses. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics and warning 06 signs to inform personnel at the site and the public, of the 07 hazard being protected against. Provide lighting where 08 appropriate and needed for recognition of the facility, 09 including flashing red lights where appropriate. 10 11 Security Enclosure and Lockup: 12 13 General: Install substantial and durable general temporary 14 enclosure of partially completed areas of construction. 15 Provide locking entrances adequate to prevent unauthorized 16 entrance, vandalism, theft and similar violations of project 17 security. 18 19 Storage: Where materials and equipment must be temporarily 20 stored, prior to and during construction, and are of 21 substantial value or are attractive for possible theft, 22 provide a secure !lockup. Enforce strict discipline in 23 connection with the timing of installation and release of 24 materials, so that the opportunity for theft and vandalism 25 is minimized. 26 27 Environmental Protection: 28 29 General: Provide protection facilities, operate temporary 30 facilities, conduct construction activities, and enforce 31 strict discipline for personnel on the site in ways and by 32 methods that comply with environmental regulations, and that 33 minimize the possibility that air, waterways and subsoil 34 might be contaminated or polluted, or that other undesirable 35 effects might result from performance of work at the site. 36 Avoid the use of tools and equipment which produce harmful 37 noise. Restrict use of noise making tools and equipment to 38 hours that will minimize complaints from persons or 39 residences near the project site. 40 41 OPERATION, TERMINATION AND REMOVAL: 42 43 Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in the use of 44 temporary services and facilities at the site. Limit 45 availability of temporary services and facilities to 46 essential and intended uses to minimize waste and abuse. Do 47 not permit temporary installations to be abused or 48 endangered. Do not allow hazardous, dangerous or unsanitary 49 conditions to develop or persist on the site. 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 10 Maintenance: Operate and maintain temporary services and 01 facilities in good operating condition throughout the time 02 of use and until removal is authorized. Protect from damage 03 by freezing temperatures and similar elements. 04 05 Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, 06 cooling, humidity control, ventilation and similar 07 facilities on a 24- hour per day basis where required to 08 achieve indicated results in the work and avoid the 09 possibility of damage to work or the temporary 10 facilities. 11 12 Protection: Prevent water filled piping from freezing, 13 by use of ground covers, insulation, by keeping drained 14 or by temporary heating. Maintain distinct markers for 15 underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation 16 operations. 17 18 Termination and Removal: Unless the Architect/Engineer 19 requests that it be maintained for a longer period of time, 20 remove each temporary service and facility promptly when the 21 need for it has ended, or when it has been replaced by 22 authorized use of atpermanent'facility, or no later than the 23 time of substantial completion. Complete or, if necessary, 24 restore permanent work which may have been delayed because 25 of interference with the temporary service or facility. 26 Repair damaged work, clean exposed surfaces and replace work 27 which cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 28 29 Materials and facilities that constitute temporary 30 services and facilities are and remain the property of 31 each prime contractor. The Owner reserves the right to 32 take possession of the project identification signs. 33 34 At substantial completion, clean and renovate permanent 35 services and facilities that have been used to provide 36 temporary services and facilities during the construction 37 period, including but not limited to the following: 38 39 40 41 42 END OF SECTION 01501 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 • 50 TEMPORARY FACILITIES - SEPARATE PRIME CONTRACTS 01501 - 11 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 1 SECTION 01631 - PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS O1 02 PART 1 - GENERAL 03 04 05 RELATED DOCUMENTS: 0607 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including 08 09 General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 10 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 11 12 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: 1314 Definitions: Definitions used in this paragraph are not 15 16 intended to negate the meaning of other terms used in the 17 contract documents, including such terms as, "specialties", 18 "systems", "structure", "finishes", "accessories", 19 "furnishings", "special construction" and similar terms. 20 Such terms are self-explana.toky and have recognized meanings 21 in the construction industry. 22 •23 "Products" are items purchased for incorporation in the 24 Work, regardless of whether they were specifically 25 purchased for the project or taken from the Contractor's 26 previously purchased stock. The term "product" as used 27 herein includes the terms "material", "equipment", 28 "system" and other terms of similar intent. 29 "Materials" are products that must be substantially cut, 30 31 shaped, worked, mixed, finished, refined or otherwise 32 fabricated, processed, or installed to form units of 33 work. 34 "Equipment" is defined as a product with operational 35 36 parts, regardless of whether motorized or manually 37 operated, and in particular, a product that required 38 service connections such as wiring or piping. 39 Substitutions: The Contractor's requests for changes in the 40 41 products, materials, equipment and methods of construction 42 required by the contract documents are considered requests 43 for "substitutions", and are subject to the requirements 44 specified herein. The following are not considered as 45 substitutions: 46 Revisions to the contract documents, where requested by 47 48 the Owner, Architect or Engineer are considered as "changes" 49 • not substitutions. 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 1 0 • • Specified Contractor options on products and co4struction 01 methods included in the contract documents are' choices 02 available to the Contractor and are not subject to the 03 requirements for substitutions as herein specified. 04 05 Except as otherwise provided in the contract documents, 06 the Contractor's determination of and compliance with 07 governing regulations and orders as issued by governing 08 authorities do not constitute "substitutions" and do not 09 constitute a basis for change orders. 10 11 Standards: Refer to Division -1 section Definitions and 12 Standards" for the applicability of industry standards to 13 the products specified for the project, and for the acronyms 14 used in the text of the specification sections. 15 16 Separate Prime Contracts: Provisions of this section apply 17 to the work of each separate prime contract. It is the 18 responsibility of each separate prime contractor to provide 19 work that is compatible with the work of each other prime 20 contractor or separate contrd.ctor. In the event a dispute 21 arises between separate prime,,contractors regarding priority 22 where concurrently selectable products are incompatible, the 23 • Architect/Engineer shall determine which products are 24 sustained and which are incompatible and must be replaced. 25 26 Where a proposed substitution involves the work of more 27 than one prime contractor, each prime contractor involved 28 shall cooperate and coordinate the work with each other 29 prime contractor involved, so as to provide uniformity 30 and consistency and to assure the compatibility of 31 products. 32 33 34 QUALITY ASSURANCE: 35 36 Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible, provide 37 products of the same generic kind, from a single source, for 38 each unit of work. 39 40 When it is discovered that specified products are 41 available only from sources that do not or cannot produce 42 an adequate quantity to complete project requirements in 43 a timely manner, consult with the Architect/Engineer for 44 a determination of what product qualities are most 45 important before proceeding. The Architect/Engineer 46 will designate those qualities, such as visual, 47 structural, durability, or compatibility, that are most 48 • important. When the Architect/Engineer's determination 49 has been made, select products from those sources that 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 2 produce products that possess the most important 01 qualities, to the fullest extent possible. 02 03 Compatibility of Options: Compatibility of products is a 04 basic requirement of product selection. When the Contractor 05 is given the option of selecting between three or more 06 products for use on the project, the product selected must 07 =be compatible with other products previously selected, even 08 if the products previously selected were also Contractor 09 options. The complete compatibility between the various 10 choices available to the Contractor is not assured by the 11 various requirements of the Contract documents, but must be 12 provided by the Contractor. 13 14 15 SUBMITTALS: 16 17 Product Listing Submittal: 18 19 General: Prepare a product -listing schedule in a form 20 acceptable to the Arohite'ct/Engineer. Show names of the 21 principal products required for the work, by generic 22 name. Show proprietary product names and the name of the 23 manufacturer for each item listed that is to be purchased 24 and incorporated into the Work. 25 26 Form: Prepare the product -listing schedule with 27 information on each item tabulated under the following 28 scheduled column headings: 29 30 Generic name as used on contract documents. 31 32 Proprietary name, model number and similar product 33 designation. 34 35 Manufacturer's name. 36 37 Related unit -of -work specification section number. 38 39 Specific color and size, as required. 40 41 Submittal: Submit 3 copies of the product -listing 42 schedule within 15 days after the date of commencement of 43 the Work. Provide a written explanation for omissions of 44 data, and for known variations from contract 45 requirements. 46 47 At the Contractor's option, the initial submittal of 48 • the product -listing schedule may be limited to product selections and product designations that must be 49 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 3 • established early in the Contract Time. Submit the completed product -listing schedule within 30 days after commencement of the Work. Architect/Engineer's Action: The Architect/Engineer will respond to the Contractor in writing within 2 weeks of receipt of the product -listing schedule. No response by the Architect/Engineer within the 2 week time period constitutes no objection to the listed products or manufacturers, but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products comply with the requirements of the contract documents. The Architect/Engineer's response will include the following: The Architect/Engineer's listing of unacceptable product selections, if any, containing an explanation of the reasons for this action. A request for additional data necessary for the review and possible acceptance of the products and manufacturer's listed.' Substitution Request'Submittal: Requests for Substitutions: Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution. In each request identify the product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced by the substitution; include related specification section and drawing numbers, and complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions. Include the following information, as appropriate, with each request. Provide complete product data, and descriptions of products, and fabrication and installation procedures. Provide samples where applicable or requested. Provide a detailed comparison of the significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the work originally specified. Significant qualities include elements such as size, weight, durability, performance and visual effect where applicable. Provide complete coordination information. Include all changes required in other elements of the work to accommodate the substitution, including work performed by the Owner and separate Contractors. Provide a statement indicating the effect - PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS the 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 01631 - 4 i substitution will have on the work schedule in 01 comparison to the schedule without approval' of the 02 proposed substitution. Include information regarding 03 the effect of the proposed substitution on the 04 Contract Time. 05 06 Provide complete cost information, including a 07 proposal of the net change, if any in the Contract Sum 08 09 Provide certification by the Contractor to the effect 10 that, in the Contractor's opinion, after thorough 11 evaluation, the proposed substitution will result in 12 work that in every significant respect is equal -to or 13 better than the work required by the Contract 14 documents, and that it will perform adequately in the 15 application indicated. 16 17 Include in this certification, the Contractor's 18 waiver of rights, to additional payment or time, 19 which may subsequently be necessary because of the 20 failure of the substitution to perform adequately. 21 22 Change Order Form: Submit requests for substitutions in 23 the form and in accordance with procedures required for 24 change order proposals. 25 26 Architect/Engineer's Action: Within one week of receipt 27 of the Contractor's request for substitution, the 28 Architect/Engineer will request additional information or 29 documentation as may be needed for evaluation of the 30 request. Within 2 weeks of receipt of the request, or 31 within one week of receipt of the requested additional 32 information or documentation, which ever is later, the 33 Architect/Engineer will notify the Contractor of either 34 the acceptance or rejection of the proposed substitution. 35 36 Acceptance will be in the form of a change order. 37 38 Rejection will include a statement giving reasons for 39 the rejection. 40 41 42 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING: 43 44 General: Deliver, store, and handle products in accordance 45 with manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods 46 that will prevent damage, deterioration and loss, including 47 theft. Control delivery schedules to minimize long-term 48 storage at the site and to prevent overcrowding of 49 iconstruction spaces. In particular coordinate delivery and 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 5 F, -I LJ installation to ensure minimum holding or storage times for 01 items known or recognized to be flammable, hazardous, easily 02 damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft and other 03 sources of loss. 04 05 06 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 07 08 09 GENERAL PRODUCT COMPLIANCE: 10 11 General: Requirements for individual products are indicated 12 in the contract documents; compliance with these 13 requirements is in itself a contract requirement. These 14 requirements may be specified in any one of several 15 different specifying methods, or in any combination of these 16 methods. These methods include the following: 17 18 Proprietary. 19 Descriptive. 20 Performance. 21 Compliance with Reference Standards. 22 23 Compliance with codes, compliance with graphic details, 24 allowances, and similar provisions of the contract 25 documents also have a bearing on the selection process. 26 27 Procedures for Selecting Products: The Contractor's options 28 in selecting products are limited by requirements of the 29 contract documents and governing regulations. They are not 30 controlled by industry traditions or procedures experienced 31 by the Contractor on previous construction projects. 32 Required procedures include but are not limited to the 33 following for the various indicated methods of specifying: 34 35 Proprietary and Semiproprietary Specification 36 Requirements: 37 38 Two or More Product Names: Where two or more products 39 or manufacturers are named, provide one of the 40 products named, at the Contractor's option. Exclude 41 products that do not comply with specification 42 requirements. Do not provide or offer to provide an 43 unnamed product, unless the specification indicates 44 possible consideration of other products. Advise the 45 Architect/Engineer before proceeding where none of the 46 named products comply with specification requirements, 47 or are feasible for use. 48 49 • Non -Proprietary Specification Requirements: Where the 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 6 0 r � U specifications name products or manufacturers that are 01 available and may be incorporated in the Work, bdt do not 02 restrict the Contractor to the use of these products 03 only, the Contractor may, at his option, use any 04 available product that complies with contract 05 requirements. 06 07 Descriptive Specification Requirements: Where the 08 specifications describe a product or assemble 09 generically, in detail, listing the exact characteristics 10 required, but without use of a brand or trade name, 11 provide products or assemblies that provide the 12 characteristics indicated and otherwise comply with 13 contract requirements. 14 15 Performance Specification Requirements: Where the 16 specifications required compliance with the indicated 17 performance requirements, provide products that comply 18 with the specific performance requirements indicated, and 19 that are recommended by the manufacturer for the 20 application indicated. The manufacturer's 21 recommendations may be contained in published product 22 literature, or by the manufacturer's individual 23 • certification of performance. General overall 24 performance of a product is implied where the product is 25 specified for specific performances. 26 27 Compliance with Standards, Codes and Regulations: Where 28 the specifications require only compliance with an 29 imposed standard, code or regulation, the Contractor has 30 the option of selecting a product that complies with 31 specification requirements, including the standards, 32 codes and regulations. 33 34 Visual Matching: Where matching an existing condition is 35 required, the final judgment of whether a product 36 proposed by the Contractor matches the existing 37 satisfactorily will be determined by the Architect. 38 Where there is no product available within the specified 39 product category that matches the existing satisfactorily 40 and also complies with other specified requirements, 41 comply with the provisions of the contract documents 42 concerning "substitutions" and "change orders" for the 43 selection of a matching product in another product 44 category, or for non-compliance with specified 45 requirements. 46 47 Visual Selection: Except as otherwise indicated, where 48 specified product requirements include the phrase "...as selected from the manufacturer's 49 standard colors, 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 7 • patterns, textures..." or similar phrases, the Contractor 01 has the option of selecting the product and manufacturer, 02 provided the selection complies with other specified 03 requirements. The Architect is subsequently responsible 04 for selecting the color, pattern and texture from the 05 product line selected by the Contractor. 06 07 08 SUBSTITUTIONS: 09 10 Conditions: The Contractor's request for a substitution 11 will be received and considered when extensive revisions to 12 the contract documents are not required, when the proposed 13 changes are in keeping with the general intent of the 14 contract documents, when the requests are timely, fully 15 documented and properly submitted, and when one or more of 16 the following conditions is satisfied, all as judged by the 17 Architect/Engineer; otherwise the requests will be returned 18 without action except to record non-compliance with these 19 requirements. 20 21 The Architect/engineer will consider a request for 22 substitution where the specified product or method cannot 23 be provided within the Contract Time. However, the 24 request will not be considered if the product or method 25 cannot be provided as a result of the Contractor's 26 failure to pursue the work promptly or to coordinate the 27 various activities properly. 28 29 The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for 30 substitution where the specified product or method cannot 31 receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and 32 the requested substitution can be approved. 33 34 The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for a 35 substitution where a substantial advantage is offered the 36 Owner, in terms of cost, time, energy conservation or 37 other considerations of merit, after deducting offsetting 38 responsibilities the Owner may be required to bear. 39 These additional responsibilities may include such 40 considerations as additional compensation to the 41 Architect/Engineer for redesign and evaluation services 42 the increased cost of other work by the Owner or separate 43 contractors, and similar considerations. 44 45 The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for 46 substitution when the specified product or method cannot 47 be provided in a manner which is compatible with other 48 materials of the work, and where the Contractor certifies 49 that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. 50 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 8 • The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution when the specified product or method cannot be properly coordinated with other materials in the work, and where certifies that the proposed substitution can be properly coordinated. The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution when the specified product or method cannot receive a warranty as required by the contract documents and where the contractor certifies that the proposed substitution receive the required warranty. Work -Related Submittals: The Contractor's submittal of and the Architect/Engineer's acceptance of shop drawings, product data or samples which relate to work not complying with requirements of the contract documents, does not constitute an acceptable or valid request for a substitution, or approval thereof. GENERAL PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS: General: Provide products.that comply with the requirements of the contract documents and that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, unused 'at the time of installation. Provide products that are complete with all accessories, trim, finish, safety guards and other devices and details needed for a complete installation and for the intended use and effect. Standard Products: Where they are available, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. Continued Availability: Where, because of the nature of its application, the Owner is likely to need replacement parts or additional amounts of a product at a later date, either for maintenance and repair or replacement, provide standard, domestically produced products for which the manufacturer has published assurances that the products and its parts are likely to be available to the Owner at a later date. Equipment Nameplates: Provide a permanent nameplate on each item of service -connected or power -operated equipment. Locate the nameplate on an easily accessible surface which is inconspicuous in occupied spaces. The nameplate shall contain the following information and other essential operating data. O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 01631 - 9 0 0 0 rj Name of manufacturer. Name of product. Model number. Serial number. Capacity. Speed. Ratings. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTS: • General: Except as otherwise indicated in individual sections of these specifications, comply with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of the products in the applications indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work. Clean exposed surfaces and protect surfaces as necessary -to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of acceptance. END OF SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 01631 - 10 • SECTION 01700 - PART 1 - GENERAL 0 PROJECT CLOSEOUT RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of General and Supplementary Conditions and Specification sections, apply to work of DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: 0 Contract, including other Division -1 this section. Definitions: Project closeout is the term used to describe certain collective project requirements, indicating completion of the Work that are to be fulfilled near the end of the Contract time in preparation for final acceptance and occupancy of the work by the Owner, as well as final payment to the Contractor and: the normal termination of the Contract. Specific requirements for individual units of work are included in the appropriate sections in Divisions 2 through 16. Time of closeout is directly related to "Substantial Completion"; therefore, the time of closeout may be either a single time period for the entire Work or a series of time periods for individual elements of the Work that have been certified as substantially complete at different dates. This time variation, if any, shall be applicable to the other provisions of this section. PREREQUISITES TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: General: Complete the following before requesting the Architect/Engineer's inspection for certification of substantial completion, either for the entire Work or for portions of the Work. List known exceptions in the request. In the progress payment request that coincides with, or is the first request following, the date substantial completion is claimed, show either 100% completion for the portion of the Work claimed as "substantially complete", or list • incomplete items, the value of incomplete work, and reasons for the Work being incomplete. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 1 i • • PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 2 Include supporting documentation for completion as 01 indicated in these contract documents. 02 03 Submit a statement showing an accounting of changes to the 04 Contract Sum. 05 06 Advise Owner of pending insurance change -over requirements. 07 08 Submit specific warranties, workmanship/maintenance bonds, 09 maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar 10 documents. 11 12 Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner's full, 13 unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and 14 utilities. Where required, include occupancy permits, 15 operating certificates and similar releases. 16 17 Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project 18 photographs, damage or settlement survey, property survey, 19 and similar final record information. 20 21 Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock of material and 22 similar physical items to the Owner. 23 • 24 Make the final change -over of locks and transmit the keys to 25 the Owner. Advise the Owner's personnel of the change -over 26 in security provisions. 27 28 Complete start-up testing of systems, and instruction of the 29 Owner's operating and maintenance personnel. Discontinue or 30 change over and remove temporary facilities and services 31 from the project site, along with construction tools and 32 facilities, mock-ups, and similar elements. 33 34 Complete final cleaning up requirements, including touch-up 35 painting of marred surfaces. 36 37 Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed 38 finishes. 39 40 Inspection Procedures: Upon receipt of the Contractor's 41 request for inspection, the Architect/Engineer will either 42 proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor of unfilled 43 prerequisites. 44 45 Following the initial inspection, the Architect/Engineer 46 will either prepare the certificate of substantial 47 completion, or will advise the Contractor of work which 48 • must be performed before the certificate will be issued. 49 50 The Architect/Engineer will repeat the inspection when PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 2 • '71 circumstances that are acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. 49 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 3 requested and when assured that the Work has been 01 substantially completed. 02 03 Results of the completed inspection will form the initial 04 "punch -list" for final acceptance. 05 06 07 PREREQUISITES TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE: 08 09 General: Complete the following before requesting the 10 Architect/Engineer's final inspection for certification of 11 final acceptance, and final payment as required by the 12 General Conditions. List known exceptions, if any, in the 13 request. 14 15 Submit the final payment request with final releases and 16 supporting documentation not previously submitted and 17 accepted. Include certificates of insurance for products 18 and completed operation,s,where required. 19 20 Submit an updated fina:l statement, accounting for final 21 additional changes to the Contract Sum. 22 • Submit a certified copy of the Architect/Engineer's final 23 24 punch -list of itemized work to be completed or corrected, 25 stating that each item has been completed or otherwise 26 resolved for acceptance and has been endorsed and dated 27 by the Architect/Engineer. 28 29 Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured 30 record of stored fuel, and similar data either as of the 31 date of substantial completion, or else when the Owner 32 took possession of and responsibility for corresponding 33 elements of the Work. 34 35 Submit consent of surety. 36 37 Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement, 38 acceptable to the Owner. 39 40 Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage 41 complying with insurance requirements. 42 43 Reinspection Procedure: The Architect/Engineer will 44 reinspect the Work upon receipt of the Contractor's notice 45 that the work, including punch -list items resulting from 46 earlier inspections, has been completed, except for these 47 items whose completion has been delayed because of 48 circumstances that are acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. 49 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 3 Upon completion of reinspection, the Architect/Engineer 01 will either prepare a certificate of final acceptance, or 02 will advise the Contractor of work that is incomplete or 03 of obligations that have not been fulfilled, but are 04 required for final acceptance. 05 06 If necessary, the reinspection procedure will be 07 repeated. 08 09 10 RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS: 11 12 General: Specific requirements for record documents are 13 indicated in the individual sections of these 14 specifications. Other requirements are indicated in the 15 General Conditions. General submittal requirements are 16 indicated in the various "submittals" sections. 17 18 Do not use record documents for construction purposes; 19 protect from deterioration and loss in a secure, 20 fire -resistive locatipn;�•"provide access to record 21 documents for the Architegt/Engineer's reference during 22 normal working hours. 23 . 24 Record Drawings: Maintain a record set of blue or black 25 line white -prints of contract drawings and shop drawings in 26 a clean, undamaged condition. Mark-up the set of record 27 documents to show the actual installation where the 28 installed work varies substantially from the work as 29 originally shown. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of 30 showing the actual "field" condition fully and accurately; 31 however, where shop drawings are used for mark-up, record a 32 cross-reference at the corresponding location on the working 33 drawings. Give particular attention to concealed work that 34 would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 35 36 Mark record sets with red erasable pencil and, where 37 feasible, use other colors to distinguish between 38 variations in separate categories of work. 39 40 Mark-up new information which is known to be important to 41 the Owner, but for some reason was not shown on either 42 contract drawings or shop drawings. 43 44 Note related change -order numbers where applicable. 45 46 Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets, bind 47 with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitable 48 titles, dates and other identification on the cover of 49 • each set. 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 4 • PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 5 Record Specifications: Maintain one complete copy of the 01 Project Manual, including specifications and addenda, and 02 one copy of other written construction documents such as 03 change orders and similar modifications issued in printed 04 form during construction. Mark these documents to show 05 substantial variations in the actual work performed in 06 comparison with the text of the specifications and 07 -.modifications as issued. Give particular attention to 08 substitutions, selection of options and similar information 09 on work where it is concealed or cannot otherwise be readily 10 discerned at a later date by direct observation. Note 11 related record drawing information and product data, where 12 applicable. 13 14 Upon completion of the Work, submit record specifications 15 to the Architect/Engineer for the Owner's records. 16 17 Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each product data 18 submittal. Mark these documents to show significant 19 variations in the actual Work performed in comparison with 20 the submitted information,: Ihclude both variations in the 21 products as delivered to the site, and variations from the 22 manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation. Give particular attention to concealed 23 24 products and portions of the Work which cannot otherwise be 25 readily discerned at a later date by direct observation. 26 Note related change orders and mark-up of record drawings 27 and specifications. 28 29 Upon Completion of mark-up, submit complete set of record 30 product data to the Architect/Engineer for the Owner's 31 records. 32 33 Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Refer to other sections of 34 these specifications for requirements of miscellaneous 35 record-keeping and submittals in connection with the actual 36 performance of the Work. Immediately prior to the date or 37 dates of substantial completion, complete miscellaneous 38 records and place in good order, properly identified and 39 bound or filed, ready for continued use and reference. 40 Submit to the Architect/Engineer for the Owner's records. 41 42 Maintenance Manuals: Organize operating and maintenance 43 data into suitable sets of manageable size. Bind data into 44 individual binders properly identified and indexed. Bind 45 each set of data in a heavy-duty 2 -inch, 3 -ring 46 vinyl -covered binder, with pocket folders for folded sheet 47 information. Mark the appropriate identification on both 48 front and spine of each binder. 49 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 5 • .. Include the following types of information in operation and 01 maintenance manuals: 02 03 Emergency instructions. 04 Spare parts listing. 05 Copies of warranties. 06 Wiring diagrams. 07 Recommended "turn -around" cycles. 08 Inspection procedures. 09 Shop drawings and product data. 10 11 12 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable). 13 14 15 PART 3 - EXECUTION 16 17 18 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES: 19 20 General Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for 21 each installer of operating equipment and other work that 22 requires regular or continuing maintenance, to meet at the 23 site with the Owners' personnel to provide necessary basic 24 instruction in the proper operation and maintenance of the 25 entire Work. Where installers are not experienced in the 26 required procedures, include instruction by the 27 manufacturer's representatives. 28 29 As part of this instruction provide a detailed review of 30 the following items: 31 32 Maintenance manuals. 33 Record documents. 34 Spare parts and materials. 35 Tools. 36 Lubricants. 37 Fuels. 38 Identification systems. 39 Control sequences. 40 Hazards. 41 Cleaning. 42 Warranties, bonds, maintenance agreements and 43 similar continuing commitments. 44 45 As part of this instruction for operating equipment 46 demonstrate the following procedures. 47 48 • Start-up. 49 Shut -down. 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 6 0 • Emergency operations. Noise and vibration adjustments. Safety procedures. Economy and efficiency adjustments. Effective energy utilization. FINAL CLEANING: General: Special cleaning requirements for specific units of Work are included in the appropriate sections of Divisions 2 through 16. General Cleaning during the regular progress of the Work is required by the General Conditions and is included under section "Temporary Facilities". Cleaning: Provide final cleaning of the Work at the time indicated. Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit of work to the condition expected from a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with the manufacturer's instructions'for operations. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting the Architect/Engineer's inspection for certification of substantial completion. Remove labels which are not required as permanent labels. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows, to a polished condition. Remove putty and other substances which are noticeable as vision -obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. Clean exposed exterior and interim hard -surfaced finishes to a dust -free condition, free of dust, stains, films and similar noticeable distracting substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original reflective condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment clean. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lamps. Clean the project site, including landscape development areas of rubbish, litter and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas to a broom clean O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 7 condition; remove stains, spills and otheF foreign 01 deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor 02 planted, to a smooth even-textured surface. 03 04 Removal of Protection: Except as otherwise indicated or 05 requested by the Architect/Engineer, remove temporary 06 protection devices and facilities which were installed 07 during the course of the work to protect previously 08 completed work during the remainder of the construction 09 period. 10 11 Compliance: Comply with safety standards and governing 12 regulations for cleaning operations. Do not burn waste 13 materials at the site. Do not bury debris or excess 14 materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge 15 volatile or other harmful or dangerous materials into 16 drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and 17 dispose of in a lawful manner. 18 19 Where extra materials'of.yalue remaining after completion 20 of associated work;:hav6' become the Owner's property, 21 dispose of these:materials:to the Owner's best advantage 22 as directed. 23 24 25 26 END OF SECTION 01700 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 • 49 50 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 8 GENERAL WORK • 0 • GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 9 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division -1 specifications sections apply to work specified in this section. SCOPE The Relocatable Modular Office Building (RMOB) will be basically constructed of 12' wide factory fabricated modulars completely assembled including but not limited to roof, walls and floor systems finished and equipped as required. Finish materials for sealing joints at the connection point of each module shall be furnished and installed on site. The:RMOB shall have the capability of being disassembled iri complete sections as originally installed in keeping with the theme of relocatability. Footings and foundations shall be provided and installed by RMOB manufacturer. Exterior stairs and ramps shall also be provided and built on site by others. Utility hook-up will be by others. Transportation, installation, and mating of components will be by manufacturer. The RMOB shall be inspected and approved by the Southold Town Building Inspector to certify code compliance. In addition, the manufacturer shall be certified by the State Building Code Commission as an approved supplier of modular units. The design shall be in accordance with state building, safety, fire and handicap codes and regulations. u 9 DESIGN CRITERIA: STRUCTURAL FRAMING: Design primary and secondary structural members and exterior covering materials for applicable loads and combinations of loads in accordance with the Metal Building Manufacturers Association's (MBMA) "Design Practices Manual". STRUCTURAL STEEL: For design of structural steel members, comply with requirements of the American Institute of Steel Construction's (AISC) "Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" for design requirements and allowable stresses. WELDED CONNECTIONS: Comply with requirements of the American Welding Society's (AWS);"Standard Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Construction" for welding procedures. • DESIGN LOADS: Basic design loads, as well as auxilliary and collateral loads, are indicated on the drawings. BASIC DESIGN LOADS include live load, wind load and seismic load, in addition to the dead load. AUXILLIARY LOADS include dynamic live loads such as those generated by road transportation and materials handling equipment. COLLATERAL LOADS include additional dead loads over and above the weight of the building systems such as mechanical systems. Design each member to withstand stresses resulting from combinations of loads that produce the maximum allowable stresses in that member as prescribed in MBMA's "Design Practices Manual". Design live load for floor equals 50 lbs./sq. ft. SUBMITTALS PRODUCT DATA: Submit manufacturer's product information, specifications and installation instructions for building components and accessories. SHOP DRAWINGS: Submit complete shop drawings including but not limited to anchor details,bolts settings, sidewall, endwall, and roof framing, transverse cross sections, covering and trim details, and accessory installation details to clearly indicate proper assembly of building components. Additional shop drawings shall include foundation details, HVAC, plumbing, electrical and telephone systems. Fabrication shall not proceed until manufacturer receives returned set of shop drawings approved by owner or owner's professional representative. CERTIFICATION: Submit written certification prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer, registered to practice in New York State, verifying that building design meets indicated loading requirements and codes of authorities having jurisdiction. • • SITE CLEARING DESCRIPTIONS: Site Clearing work includes, but is not limited to: Protection of existing trees Protection of existing subsurface and surface systems. CONDITIONS: TRAFFIC: Conduct site clearing operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks or other facilities without permission from authorities having jurisdiction. PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS: Provide prot.ection;,- necessary to prevent damage to existing improvements indicated to remain in place. Protect improvements on adjoining properties and on Owner's property. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to parties having jurisdiction. PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES AND VEGETATION: Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place, against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning and bruising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials within drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking of vehicles within drip line. Provide temporary guards to protect trees and vegetation to be left standing. 0 • ASSEMBLY AND SITE WORK The manufacturer shall deliver, erect, and provide a completed installation in accordance with approved design drawings and an executed lease or sales agreement both of which will become the contract documents and as such shall supersede all other agreements, specifications and documents verbal or written. Concrete footings shall be provided by and installed RMOB manufacturer and sized based upon soil bearing pressure of 2,000 PSF to a depth of not less than 3'-611. Concrete footing and pier and/or perimeter wall foundation shall be designed by a licensed structural engineer to resist all static and dynamic loading. Piers shall be sized and located to coordinate with structural framing system of RMOB units. Top of foundation shall be formed and transit leveled in accordance 'with existing site conditions. 8" X 8" X 1/2" steel bearing'plates shall be provided on each pier, and anchored securely to concrete, pier and steel framing above. Anchoring straps will be provided at all exterior corners of the building to prevent uplift. The concrete shall test at 3,000 PSI at a curing duration of twenty-eight (28) days. Maximum allowable slump to be 4" nominal. In below freezing temperatures, concrete shall be heated and protected from freezing until completely cured and/or backfilled. • • C� Except as noted, construction joints rebars. all pour stops shall and shall have keys • be treated as and continuous Reinforcing steel shall be deformed bars conforming to ASTM A-615, Grade 60 including supplementary requirement S1. All reinforcement shall -be tied in place before concrete is poured. All reinforcement and fabric for concrete poured on ground shall be supported on precast concrete bricks or approved chairs. All reinforcing bars shall be continuous except as noted, lapped per ACI 318, class "C", with 40 diameters minimum. Foundations shall bear 'on undisturbed natural granular material of 2.0 TSF minimum, bearing capacity. Where indicated, footing may bear on granular backfill, is machine-compacted in layers of 12 inches to a minimum of 95/ maximum density per ASRM D1557. After excavating to appropriate levels, provide engineer with ample time to review excavated conditions before placing foundations. Wood platforms with stairs and railings constructed of pressure treated lumber shall be provided at all exterior exits. Handicap ramps shall be provided in accordance with applicable codes,and as per drawings. (NOT IN CONTRACT) 0 0 0 • INSTALLATION DELIVERY: Deliver to site factory assembled RMOB units ready for installation. Provide all required bracing and reinforcing necessary for safe highway transport, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and without damage to RMOB unit, in whole or in part. All damage to materials or assemblies occurring prior to delivery on site shall be corrected prior to installation. Units shall be installed on foundation true to line, level and plumb, rigid and secure. Level base plates to a true even plane with full bearing to supporting structures. Use a non -shrinking grout to obtain uniform bearing and to maintain a level base line elevation. Moist cure grout for not less than 7 days after,placement. All equipment, labor and materials necessary for complete on-site installation shall be provided by RMOB manufacturer under this Contract. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to existing on-site improvements to remain. Traffic control precautions and pedestrian barricades shall be provided by the Contractor to the acceptance of the Owner, and all applicable codes and laws. Remove all trailer hitches, axels, wheels and other equipment specific to transportation after installation of RMOB units. • 0 0 0 STEEL FRAME/CHASSIS Frame shall consist of welded steel platform built of steel rails, of size and weight required by combined live and dead loads, and dynamic loads imposed by transportation to the site. Perimeter rails shall consist of 10" deep Jr. I Beam ASTM A-36 steel, with ASTM A-570 formed steel cross members as required for rigid construction. Shop drawings shall be submitted for review and acceptance by engineer before fabrication and installation of any work. All framing and walls shall be adequately braced during construction and transportation against movement in any direction at any level until lateral support is provided by other required construction. Structural steel shall conform to ASTM A36; detailing and erection per AISC code except as noted. Structural welding'to conform to AWS and shall be done only 46 by qualified, certified welders. Shop connections to be welded. Field connections to be bolted except as noted. All bolts to be A-325 friction type. All bolts 3/4 inch diameter except as noted. Connections shall be per type 1 construction, per RISC, for portal frames and shall be detailed to develop at least full allowable moment and shear capacity. All remaining steel to have type 2 connections. A-307 bolts may be used for minor connections. A-307 bolts may be used for minor connections when acceptable to engineer. All structural steel to have shop coat of primer paint. Omit primer paint at welds and high strength bolts. Touch up all damaged unpainted areas after installation. Grout under column and beam bearing plates to be non -shrink, propak or equal. 5000. PSI. Hitch, Axles, Tires and all required structures and equipment pertaining to the transportation and installation of Relocatable Mobile Office Building shall be designed by a licensed engineer and provided by manufacturer, and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Is 0 • LUMBER, GENERAL: WOOD FRAMING (GENERAL) 0 LUMBER STANDARDS: Provide lumber to comply with PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. NOMINAL SIZES are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide actual sizes as required by PS 20, for moisture content specified for each use. PROVIDE DRESSED LUMBER, S4S „ unless otherwise indicated. 0 PROVIDE SEASONED LUMBER with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2" or less in nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. RAFTERS AND JOISTS shall be Douglas -Fir Noa.2 or better. CONSTRUCTION PANEL STANDARDS: Comply with PS 1 "US Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood" for plywood panels and for products not manufactured under PS 1 provisions, with American Plywood Association (APA) "Performance Standard and Policies for Structural -Use Panels". • • • • 0 FASTENERS AND ANCHORAGES: Provide size, type, material and finish as indicated and as recommended by applicable standards, complying with applicable Federal Specification for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. Provide metal hangers and framing anchors of the size and type recommended by the manufacturer for each use including recommended nails. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as "T.W." or "Treated", or is specified herein to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA Standards C2 Lumber and C9 (Plywood) and of AWPB Standards listed below: PRESSURE -TREAT ABOVE -GROUND ITEMS with water -borne preservatives to comply with AWPB LP -2. After treatment, kiln -dry lumber and plywood to a maximum moisture content, respectively, of 19 percent and 15 percent. Treat indicated items and the following Wood platforms with stairs and railings constructed of pressure treated lumber shall be provided at all exterior exits. Handicap ramps shall be provided in accordance with applicable codes.(NOT IN CONTRACT) 0 FLOOR SYSTEM GENERAL: Provide framing of sizes and spacings shown. Install with crown edge up and support ends of each member with not less than 1-1/2" of bearing on wood or metal. Attach to steel bearing members by appropriate steel connectors; frame to wood supporting members with wood ledgers as shown, or if not shown, with metal connectors. Frame openings with headers and trimmers supported by metal joist hangers; double headers and trimmers where span of header exceeds 41. Do not notch in middle third of joists; limit notches to 1/6 -depth of joist, 1/3 at ends. Do not bore holes larger than 1/3 depth of joist or locate closer than 211 from top or bottom. Provide solid blocking (21, thick by depth of joist) at'ends of joists unless nailed to header or bearing member. LAP MEMBERS framing from opposite sides of beams, girders or partitions not less than 4" or securely tie opposing members together. Provide solid blocking (2" thick by depth of joist) over supports. FLOOR JOISTS: Nominal 2" thickness lumber, #2 SPF or better, 16" o.c., of depth designed to accommodate the required live and dead loads. Perimeter header shall consist of one 21, thick member of same dimension as floor joists. 9 0 SUBfL00RING: 5/8" T & G UL plywood over 1/2" CDX plywood decking, installed perpendicular to joists with seams offset. Hold back top layer subfloor 1 1/2" at mate line. Provide lap at site installation. FLOOR FINISH: Adhesive applied 20 oz. level loop carpet with class "B" flame spread. Roll back carpet at unit joint for site seaming connection. Provide standard carpet color chart to owner for color selection. Provide 6" vinyl base molding on all walls. Color selection by owner. See section on CARPET. BATHROOM FLOORING: "12 X 12„ X 1/16" service gauge vinyl composition tile, Armstrong or approved equal. Adhere with Armstrong #S-750 adhesive. Provide 6" vinyl base on all • walls. ' BOTTOM ENCLOSURE: 3/8" thick asphalt impregnated temlock board fastened to bottom of joists. FLOOR INSULATION: Kraft -faced fiberglass batt with an R value of 19. See INSULATION (General) 0 0 0 WALL SYSTEM STUD FRAMING: GENERAL: Provide stud framing of size and spacing indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, of the following sizes and spacings. Arrange studs so that wide face of stud is perpendicular to direction of wall or partition and narrow face is parallel. Provide single bottom plate and double top plates using 2" thick members with widths equaling that of studs; except single top plate may be used for non -load-bearing partitions. Nail or anchor plates to supporting construction. PROVIDE FRAMING MEMBERS of sizes and on spacings shown, and frame openings as shown, or if not shown,to comply with recommendations of "Manual for House Framing" of National Forest Products Association (N.F.P.A.). Do Not splice members between supports. ANCHOR AND NAIL as shown, and to comply with "National Design Specifications for Wood construction" published by N.F.P.A. FIRESTOP concealed spaces of wood framed walls and partitions at each floor level and at the ceiling line of the top story. Where firestops are not automatically provided by the framing system used, use closely -filled wood blocks of nominal 2" thick lumber of the same width as framing members. CONSTRUCT CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS with not less than 3 studs. Provide miscellaneous blocking and framing as shown and as required for support of facing materials, fixtures, specialty items and trim. FRAME OPENINGS with multiple studs and headers. Provide nailed header members of thickness equal to width of studs. Set headers on edge and support on jamb studs. • FOR NON-BEARING PARTITIONS provide double -jamb studs and headers not less than 4" deep for openings 3' and less in width, and not less than 6" deep for wider openings. - EXTERIOR WALL STUDS: 211X Wood studs, of dimension capable of providing R-19 wall insulation. Use #2SPF or better at 16" o.c. FOR EXTERIOR PARTITIONS AND WALLS provide 2" X 4" wood studs spaced 16" o.c. PLATES: Single bottom plate and double top plate, #2 SPF or better. MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING: All window headers to be double 2 X 6. All window sills to be single 2 X All exterior . walls to be fastened to floor and roof with: 1 1/2" X 16" X 26 ga. steel straps at every other stud. EXTERIOR SHEATHING: 1/2" CDX plywood panels applied horizontally with joints staggered. WALL INSULATION: Kraft faced fiberglass batt insulation with R value of 19. See Insulation (General) BUILDING PAPER: provide "Tyvek" or approved equal building paper over entire wall surface. • n 11 ROOF TRUSSES: Pre-engineered wood trusses 16" or 24" o.c. with 1:12 roof pitch. Roof trusses shall be fabricated in two portions, one on each half of RMOB. Roof trusses shall be braced and supported as required for transportation to site and installation. Top and bottom cords of trusses shall be mated during installation of RMOB units, to produce an integral, unified roof truss capable of resisting the required combined live and dead loads, and bearing on the exterior wails. Roof system shall be capable of supporting a minimum of 30 PSF, snow load. DESIGN STANDARDS - Design standards shall conform with the applicable provisions of the NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION, published by the National Forest Products Association, and the DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSED, published by the Truss Plate Institute. CONNECTOR PLATES - All connector plates shall be a minimum thickness of 0.0361'and shall be manufactured from steel meeting the requirements of ASTM A-446 Grand A, and shall be hot dipped galvanized according to ASTM A525. Coating Designation G60. In highly corrosive environments, stainless steel connector plates are required. QUALITY CONTROL - Lumber defects such as wane or knots occurring in the connector plate area must not affect more than ten percent of required plate area or number of effective teeth required for each truss member. Connector plates shall be applied to both faces of truss at each joint, and should provide firm, even contact between the plate and the wood. All wood members shall be accurately cut and fabricated so that all members have good bearing and all completed truss units are uniform. See Truss Plate Institute QUALITY STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE WOOD CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES QST -86 for tolerances and other special requirements. SHEATHING: plywood, laid staggered. 5/8" CDX Tongue and groove exterior grade perpendicular to framing, with joints • 0 EXTERIOR SIDING: ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SIDING MATERIALS: FORMED ALUMINUM SIDING: Preformed aluminum panels complying with AAMA 1402, size and profile as indicated, with concealed fastening system, and manufacturers standard flat synthetic baked enamel coating on weather -exposed face. Provide in white color with 8" exposed to weather. Provide prefinished nails in color to match siding where face nailing is required. ALUMINUM SOFFIT AND FASCIA: Provide aluminum sheet fascia and perforated aluminum soffit panels and trim, prefinished to match color and texture of siding. ACCESSORIES: Preformed aluminum inside and outside corner costs, starter strips, drip caps, and trim channels, • prefinished to match siding panels. FASTENERS: Aluminum or hot -dip galvanized siding or roofing nails to sufficient length to penetrate minimum of 1" into substrate. Contractor to install exterior siding and trim on the site to the narrow end elevation after delivery and mating of RMOB components. SKIRTING: frame skirting with 2 X 4 at 16" o.c. treated wood framing between masonry piers, from underside of floor framing to grade. Provide 1/2" CDX plywood sheathing, typical building paper and aluminum siding with baked white finish to match and run continuous with siding on upper portion of building. Provide 8" X 16" aluminum foundation vents as shown on drawings. • • ROOFING: UL LISTING: Provide built-up roofing system and component materials which have been tested for application and slopes indicated and are listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) for Class A external fire exposure. Built-up asphalt roof system with glass -fiber felts and mineral -surfaced cap sheet as follows: SHEATHING PAPER: Single ply of 5 pound rosin -sized sheathing paper. BASE SHEET: Single ply of asphalt -coated heavy -weight glass fiber base sheet. PLY SHEETS: 2 plies of asphalt -impregnated glass -fiber felt, complying with ASTM D 2178, Type IV. Roll back ply sheets during construction and transportation. Lap in ply sheets after installation and mating of RMOB • units for integral roof membrane. MINERAL SURFACE CAP SHEET: Single ply of heavy -weight glass -fiber felt with asphalt coating and factory -applied surfacing of opaque mineral granules; complying with ASTM D 3909. Provide white color granules. Apply cap sheet after mating of RMOB units. NAILING, GENERAL: Comply with governing, regulations, and recognized industry standards; but not less than one nail per 1.5 sq. ft. of built-up roofing. Where possible, nail simultaneously through two ply sheets by nailing at laps as second sheet is installed. Where nailing is intended to prevent slippage, nail each sheet of built-up roofing membrane. Conceal nailing within ply -sheet make-up of roofing membrane, with no exposed nails before roof coatings or aggregate surfacing are applied. 0 E 0 ROOF ACCESSORIES: Miz;c.Dllaneous sheet metal accessory items, including insulation vents and other devices, and major items of roof accessories (if any) to be coordinated with built-up roofing system work, are specified in other sections of these specifications. expansion -type slip SET -ON ACCESSORIES: Where small roof accessories are set on built-up roofing membrane, set metal flanges in a bed of roofing cement, and seal penetration of membrane with bead of roofing cement to prevent flow of bitumen from membrane. COMPOSITION FLASHING AND STRIPPING: INSTALL COMPOSITION FLASHING at cant strips and other sloping and vertical surfaces, and at roof edges, and at penetrations through roof. Install one ply of No. 15 asphalt -impregnated glass fabric and one ply of glass fiber reinforced flashing, each set in a continuous coating of roofing cement and extended onto deck 6 inches and 4 inches, respectively. Nail or provide other forms of mechanical anchorage of composition flashing to vertical surfaces, as recommended by manufacturer of primary roofing materials. Except where concealed by elastic flashing, apply a heavy coating of roofing cement over composition flashing. Provide all necessary flashing at joints between RMOB units, to be field sealed, and to take account of any applicable thermal expansion or movement to assure weathertight seal. GUTTERS: Form gutters in sections not less than 8 feet in length, complete with end pieces, outlet tubes and other special pieces as may be required. Join sections with riveted and soldered or sealed joints. Provide expansion -type slip joint at center of runs. Furnish gutter supports spaced at 36" o.c., constructed of ball strainers at each outlet. Finish to match roof fascia and rake. DOWNSPOUTS: Form downspouts in sections 10 feet long, complete with elbows sections with not less than 1 1/2" Provide fasteners, designed to securely less than 1" away from walls; locate bottom and at approximately 5 feet on Finish to match wall panels. approximately and offsets. Join telescoping joints. hold downspouts not fasteners at top and center in between. 0 • SKYLIGHTS: Provide operable self -flashing, 2'-0" X 2'-0" units with integral, self-supporting double wall formed aluminum curb, enclosing minimum 1" glass fiber board insulation and with minimum 3" roof flanges; welded or sealed mechanical joints at corners. Fabricate units with curbs for mounting at height of 9" minimum above line or roofing. Provide manufacturer's standard glazing system of neoprene, closed -cell sponge neoprene, or PVC gasketing, or of partially vulcanized 'butyl tape or liquid -applied elastomeric sealant. Provide glazing plastic sheet thickness required for 40 lbs. per sq. ft. external loading and 20 lbs. per sq. ft. internal loading pressures; comply with thickness recommendations of AAMA Bulletin No. 1601.1. 0 • 0 • INSULATION - GENERAL Provide' kraft -faced fiberglass batt insulation with thermal resistance rating as shown in drawings. FACED MINERAL FIBER BLANKET/BATT INSULATION: Thermal insulation produced by combining mineral fibers of type described below with thermosetting resins to comply with ASTM C 665 for Type III, Class A (blankets with reflective vapor -retarder membrane facing with flame spread of 25 or less); foil -scrim -kraft vapor -retarder membrane on one face, respectively. Place batts between wood framing members in roof truss, between wood studs in walls, and between floor joists in floor. COMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS for particular conditions of installation in each case. If printed instructions are not available or do not apply to project conditions, consult manufacturer's technical representative for specific recommendations,before proceeding with work. EXTEND INSULATION FULL THICKNESS as shown over entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions, and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections which interfere with placement. APPLY A SINGLE LAYER of insulation of required thickness, unless otherwise shown or required to make up total thickness. SET VAPOR RETARDER FACED UNITS with vapor retarder to warm side of construction, except as otherwise indicated. Do not obstruct ventilation spaces, except for firestopping. TAPE JOINTS and ruptures in vapor retarder, and seal each continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction to ensure air -tight installation. SET REFLECTIVE FOIL -FACED UNITS accurately with air space in front of foil as shown. Provide not less than 0.75" air space where possible. PLACE LOOSE GLASS FIBER INSULATION into spaces and onto surfaces as shown, either by pouring or by machine -blowing. Level horizontal applications to uniform thickness as indicated, lightly settled to uniform density, but not 40 excessively compacted. • • DOORS Exterior doors shall be 310" X 618" X 1 3/4" hollow metal by Ceco or approved equal. Doors shall be prehung in steel frames and equipped as follows: Exterior doors and frames to be 18 gauge. Completely weatherstripped including threshold at exterior exit. Primed and prefinished enamel color. Full mortised 4�" X 4�" A template hinges. Automatic closer. Heavy duty lockset or panic hardware as per door schedule. All hardware US26D mill aluminum finish or equal. Wind chain w/spring. Interior doors shall be 310" X 618" X 1 3/411, or as shown, hollow metal by Ceco or approved equal. Doors shall be prehung in steel frames and equipped as follows: Interior doors and frames to be 20 gauge. Primed and prefini.shed':enamel color. Full mortised 4k"' X 4k", A template hinges. 40 Passage set or keyed lockset as per door schedule. FABRICATE EXPOSED FACES of doors and panels, from only cold -rolled steel. FABRICATE FRAMES, concealed stiffeners, reinforcement, edge channels, and moldings from either cold -rolled or hot rolled steel (at fabricator's option). AT EXTERIOR LOCATIONS and elsewhere as shown or scheduled, provide doors which have been fabricated as thermal insulating door and frame assemblies and tested in accordance with ASTM C 236. Unless otherwise indicated, provide thermal -rated assemblies with U factor of 0.24 or better. FIRE -RATED DOOR ASSEMBLIES: Where fire -rated door assemblies are indicated, provide fire -rated door and frame assemblies that comply with NFPA 80 "Standard for Fire Doors and Windows", and have been tested, listed., and labeled in accordance with ASTM E 152 "Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies" by a nationally recognized independent testing and inspection agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C� J • LOCATE FINISH HARDWARE as indicated on final or, if not indicated, in accordance with Locations for Builder's Hardware", published Hardware Institute. shop drawings "'Recommended by Door and PROVIDE METAL FRAMES for doors, transoms, sidelights, borrowed lights, and other openings, of types and styles as shown on drawings and schedules. Conceal fastenings, unless otherwise indicated. Fabricate frames of minimum 18 -gage cold -rolled furniture steel. FABRICATE FRAMES with mitered and welded corners. SHOP PAINTING: CLEAN, TREAT, AND PAINT exposed surfaces of steel door and frame units, including galvanized surfaces. APPLY SHOP COAT of prime paint of even consistency to provide a uniformly finished surface ready to receive finish paint. APPLY FINISH COAT to doors indicated as prefinished by electrostatically spraying and baking, to produce a paint thickness of 1.24 mils. GENERAL: Install standard steel doors, frames, and accessories in accordance with final shop drawings, manufacturer's data, and as herein specified. FINAL ADJUSTMENTS: Check and readjust operating finish hardware items, leaving steel doors and frames undamaged and in complete and proper operating condition. E • 0 WINDOWS Provide white vinyl clad wood windows (Anderson or approved equal) of size and configuration shown on building elevations and as follows: EXTENT OF EACH WINDOW UNIT, except as otherwise indicated, includes sash or sashes, frame, stops, sill (including undersil or nosing), exterior and interior wood casing and moldings, integral mullions and muntins, hardware and accessories. DOUBLE -HUNG WOOD WINDOWS: Provide units containing 2 balanced, vertically -sliding sash; with 2 pair of manufacturer's standard concealed counterbalancing mechanisms, a pair of lift handles in lower rail, a pair of • pulldown handles on meeting rail of upper sash, except substitute a pole socket for upper sash if meeting rail is more than 6'-0" above floor; provide latch at meeting rail. WOOD: Ponderosa Pine or other suitable fine-grain clear lumber, free of finger -joints, and which has been treated with water repellent preservative after machining and kiln -dried to a moisture content of 6 to 12 percent at time of fabrication. FASTENERS: Comply with requirements of ANSI/NWMA I.S.2 for fabrication and with manufacturers's recommendations and standard industry practices for type and size of installation fasteners. HARDWARE: Manufacturer's standard design for operation indicated. Provide hardware of solid white -metal with a special -coating finish or of solid bronze, with plated steel or brass/bronze operating bars and rods. 0 COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIPPING: Manufacturer's standard nonferrous spring metal or vinyl gasket, designed for permanently resilient sealing under bumper or wiper action, completely concealed when window sash is closed. GLASS FIBER INSECT SCREENING: 18 X 16 or 18 X 24 mesh of plastic -coated glass fiber threads, woven and fused to form fabric mesh which is resistant to corrosion, shrinkage, stretch impact damage, and weather deterioration; black or dark grey. GRILLES (FALSE MUNTINS): Manufacturer's standard extruded rigid polyvinyl chloride, permanent white paintable finish; or prefinished wood, white except as otherwise indicated in designs shown, for removable application to inside of each sash light. VINYL CLADDING: Provide manufacturer's standard bonded vinyl cladding on exterior- exposure of wood members, consisting of a' rigid polyvinyl chloride sheath, not less than 35 mil average thickness, permanent white paintable finish except as otherwise indicated. INSULATED GLASS: Hermetically sealed insulating glass units with SIGMA Class A sealant type edge construction, and dry aid or gas-filled air space enclosed by 2 sheets of glass and warranted for minimum of 10 years against failure of hermetic seal. Provide tinted glass units with "High Performance" insulating and heat gain characteristics. U 0 GYPSUM BOARD MATERIALS: GENERAL: Provide gypsum board of types indicated in maximum lengths available to minimize end-to-end joints. THICKNESS: Provide gypsum board in 1/2 inch thickness to comply with ASTM C 840 for application system and support spacing indicated. FASTENERS: Provide fasteners of type, material, size, corrosion, resistance, holding power and other properties required to fasten steel framing and furring members securely to substrates involved; complying with the recommendations of -gypsum drywall manufacturers for applications indicated. n LJ CORNERBEAD AND EDGE TRIM FOR INTERIOR INSTALLATION: Provide corner beads, edge trim and control joints which comply with ASTM C 1047 and requirements indicated below: MATERIAL: formed metal, plastic or metal combined with paper, with sheet steel coated with zinc by hot -dip or electrolytic processes, or with aluminum. JOINT TREATMENT: Provide materials complying with ASTM C 475, ASTM C 840, and recommendations of manufacturer of both gypsum board and joint treatment materials for the application indicated. INSTALLATION: Install supplementary framing, blocking and bracing at terminations in the work and for support of fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, toilet accessories, furnishings, and similar construction to comply with details indicated and with recommendations of gypsum board manufacturer, or if none available, with "Gypsum Construction Handbook" published by United States Gypsum Co. 0 0 0 INSTALL GYPSUM BOARD with face side out.Do not install imperfect, damaged or damp boards. Butt boards together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16 inch open space between boards. Do not force into place. LOCATE EITHER EDGE OR END JOINTS over supports, except in horizontal applications where intermediate supports or gypsum board back -blocking is provided behind end joints. Position boards so that like edges abut, tapered edges against tapered edges and mill -cut or field -cut ends against mill -cut or field -cut ends. Do not place tapered edges against cut edges or ends. 'Stagger vertical joints over different studs on opposite sides of partitions ON PARTITIONS/WALLS 8'-1" OR LESS IN HEIGHT apply gypsum board horizontally (perpendicular to framing); use maximum length sheets possible to minimize end joints. SPACE FASTENERS in' gypsum board in accordance with • referenced gypsum board application and finishing standard and manufacturer's recommendations. INSTALL METAL EDGE TRIM whenever edge of gypsum board would otherwise be exposed or semi -exposed, and except where plastic trim is indicated. Provide type with face flange to receive joint compound except where "U" bead (semi -finishing type) is indicated. 9 • FINISHING: Apply joint treatment at gypsum board joints (both directions); flanges of corner bead, edge trim, and control joints; penetrations; fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required to prepare work for decoration. PREFILL OPEN JOINTS and rounded or beveled edges, if any, using setting -type joint compound. APPLY JOINT TAPE at joints between gypsum boards, except where trim accessories are indicated. FINISH INTERIOR GYPSUM WALLBOARD by applying the following joint compounds in 3 coats (not including prefill of openings in base), and sand between coats and after last coat, WALL COVERING: Provide integrally pigmented, opaque virgin • vinyl calendared film vinyl wallcovering material treated with mildew and antimicrobial additives and laminated to suitable backing. Comply with FS CCC -W -408A for types required. Provide vinyl wallcovering materials in colors and patterns as selected by the Owner from manufacturer's standard colors and patterns. • 0 • ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS PRODUCT DATA: Submit manufacturer's technical data for each type of acoustical ceiling unit and suspension system required. COORDINATION DRAWINGS: Submit reflected ceiling plans, prepared by Installer for installation purposes, drawn accurately to scale and coordinated with related mechanical, electrical and other work above, penetrating, or connected to acoustical ceiling. Show ceiling suspension members, method of anchorage to building structure of hangers, size and location of initial access modules for acoustical tile ceilings (if any), and ceiling -mounted work including light fixtures, diffusers, grilles, and special moldings. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-011. FIRE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: Provide acoustical ceiling components that are identical to those tested for the following fire performance characteristics, according to ASTM test method indicated, by UL or other testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify acoustical ceiling components with appropriate marking of applicable testing and inspecting agency. SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS: As follows, tested per ASTM E 84. FLAME SPREAD: 25 or less. SMOKE DEVELOPED: 50 or less. PANELS: COLORS, TEXTURES, AND PATTERNS: Provide products as selected by Owner from manufacturer's standard colors, surface textures, and patterns available for acoustical ceiling units and exposed metal suspension system members of quality designated. n LJ GRIDS: STANDARD FOR METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS: Provide metal suspension systems of type, structural classification and finish indicated which comply with applicable ASTM C 635 requirements. FINISHES AND COLORS: Provide manufacturer's standard factory -applied finish for type of system indicated. For exposed suspension members and accessories with painted finish, provide color selected by Owner from manufacturer's full range of standard colors. HANGER WIRE: Galvanized carbon steel wire, ASTM A 641, soft temper, prestretched, Class 1 coating, sized so that stress at 3 -times hanger design load (ASTM C 635, Table 1, Direct Hung), will be less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 12 gage. EDGE MOLDINGS AND TRIM: Metal or extruded plastic of types 40 and profiles indicated or, if not indicated, provide manufacturer's standard molding for edges and penetrations of ceiling which fits with type of edge detail and suspension system indicated. INSTALLATION: GENERAL: Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and to comply with governing regulations, fire -resistance rating requirements as indicated, and CISCA standards applicable to work. INSTALL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS: to comply with ASTM C 636, with hangers supported only from building structural members. Locate hangers not less than 6" from each end and spaced 4'-0" along each carrying channel or direct -hung runners, unless otherwise indicated, leveling to tolerance of 1/8" in 12'-0". INSTALL TILE with pattern running in one direction. INSTALL EDGE MOLDINGS of type indicated at perimeter of acoustical ceiling area and at locations where necessary to conceal edges of acoustical units. r 1 U CARPET PRODUCT DATA: Submit manufacturer's product literature and installation instructions for carpeting material and installation accessory required. Include methods of installation for substrate. Submit written data on physical characteristics, durability, resistance to fading and flame resistance characteristics. SAMPLES FOR SELECTION PURPOSES: Submit manufacturer's standard size samples and color yarns showing full range of colors textures and patterns available for carpet required. SHOP DRAWINGS: Submit shop drawings showing carpet layout and seaming diagrams, clearly indicating carpet direction, and types of edge strips. Indicate doorways, enclosing walls/partitions, built-in' cabinets, and locations where cutouts are required in.ca'rpet. Show installation details at any special conditions. 0 FIRE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: Provide carpeting that is identical to that tested for the following fire performance requirements, by UL or other testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: Class "B" Flame Spread. MATERIALS: Provide 20 oz. level loop synthetic fiber carpet. ADHESIVES: Provide manufacturer's recommended adhesives, produced expressly for use with selected carpet cushion or substrate as shown on drawings. Provide materials which are mildew resistant. 0 • 0 0 INSTALLATION: COMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS for seam locations and direction of carpet, maintain uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. Follow seaming diagram as submitted and approved. At doors, center seams under doors; do not place seams in traffic direction at doorway. FIT sections of carpet into each space prior to application of adhesive. Trim edges and butt cuts with seaming cement. APPLY adhesive uniformly to substrate in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. But carpet edges tightly together to form seams without gaps. Roll entire carpet area lightly to eliminate air pockets and ensure uniform bond. Remove any adhesive promptly from face of carpet by method which will not damage carpet face. Provide carpet "rolled -back" at delivery of RMOB units for . integral site seaming after RMOB mating. Do not provide carpet bar at mate line. Provide protective methods and materials needed to ensure that carpeting will be without deterioration or damage at time of substantial completion. • • PLUMBING SCOPE OF WORK: U Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary for proper and complete installation of all Plumbing System and related work, to include but not be limited to, connections to previously installed site plumbing systems, water supply and distribution pipes, drainage piping,'plumbing fixtures, valves, traps, waste and vent piping, including all their respective connections, devices, appurtenances within the building lines of the premises. Plumbing fixtures to include, but not be limited to lavatories, sinks, toilets, and water heaters. GENERAL PROVISIONS: RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, other applicable technical standards, codes, specifications, and New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Regulatory Agencies: All work shall conform to the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code and the Suffolk County Department of Health. In the event of conflict, the more stringent requirement shall apply. All fixtures, faucets, accessories, etc. shall conform to the New York State Environmental Conservation Law with regards to water saving and conservation. SUBMITTALS: Submit shop drawing detailing complete plumbing installation and specifying all fixtures, piping sizes, and other equipment and materials. Shop drawings shall include riser diagram of plumbing system. 0 • MATERIALS: GENERAL: All materials shall be new, free from rust, flaws and other defects, conforming to applicable ANSI and ASTM Standards as listed in the National Standard Plumbing Code and to requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction. Reference to specifications of recognized authorities is to establish basis of quality. PIPING - COLD AND HOT WATER: Type L copper tubing (ANSI H23.1) with solder type fittings and joints made with 95/5 soft metal solder. Chrome Plated Pipe, Fittings and Trim shall have a minimum thickness of 0.00002" chromium deposited over a minimum thickness of 0.0002" nickel plating. DRAINAGE AND VENT PIPING: • Above Ground Drainage and Vent Piping: Drainage and vent piping installed above ground, with the exception of finished connections at fixtures shall be of PVC-DWV schedule 40. MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING MATERIALS: Flashing Materials: Sheet lead for flashing shall weigh not less than 4 pounds per square foot. All lead shall be not less than 99.5% pure. Unions shall be cast bronze 150 lb. class with bronze to bronze seats and with screw ends, brazing ends, solder ends, or with adaptors, as required. Valves: All valves shall be first quality, free from all imperfections and defects. All valve parts of same manufacture, size and type shall be interchangeable. Unless otherwise shown, all valves installed in water piping systems, shall be built for 12.5 psig WSP. Cleanouts: Cleanouts shall be installed in drainage piping where shown and specified or generally required be standard . practice or Code. • Pipe hangers shall be height adjustable clevis type. Plates shall be polished chrome plated split cast brass. Insulation: Provide cellular rubber foam type insulation with self sealing lap and pressure sensitive adhesive coated butt joint sealing strips. WATER CLOSETS - HANDICAPPED: GENERAL: Handicapped water closets shall be full size fixtures specifically designed by the manufacturer for use by the physically handicapped, and installed with all required clearances and dimensions. CONSTRUCTION: Fixtures shall be vitreous china, with rim flush. Fixtures shall,havel 4" outlet connections; inlet size shall be not less than 3/4" IPS. Traps shall be Is integral and shall•have a water seal of not less than 311. TRIMMINGS: Each water closet shall be complete with all fittings and trimmings such as flush valve, stop valve, vacuum breaker, flush piping, escutcheons, connections and seat, all as specified. ACCESSORIES: Water closets shall also be provided with necessary grab bars and be installed as per ANSI A117.1-1980:4.34.5. Provide toilet paper dispensers in each bathroom as per ANSI. HANDICAP TYPE LAVATORY UNITS: GENERAL: Handicap type lavatories shall be provided as indicated on the drawings complete with all connections, trimmings and supports. 11 • LAVATORIES: The basin shall have approximate minimum inside dimensions of 14" C 11" X 5" deep. All exposed fittings shall be chrome plated brass.' Individual hot and cold water supply fittings, mixing valve with aerator, renewable seats, all brass or stainless steel construction. The mixing valve assembly shall include a goose neck spout and two (2) four (4) inch long wrist blade faucet handles for control of the hot and cold water supplies. The waste fittings shall be pop up type with attached cast metal drain plug. The drain plug shall be capable of being removed for cleaning. Trap shall be cast brass P trap with 1 - 4" inlet, 1 -4" IPS brass nipple to wall. Water supplies shall be 3/8" IPS piping with shut off valves. Thermal Insulation:, Exposed; water piping and exposed drain • piping shall be enclosed in a Z" layer of thermal insulating material. Dimensional Criteria: The top of the lavatory basin shall be 32 inches above the floor. Knee clearance beneath the lavatory shall be 29 inches minimum above the floor and 8 inches minimum from the front edge of the lavatory. The foot clearance shall be a minimum of 9 inches from the front edge of the lavatory. This clearance zone shall be free of all obstructions including drain piping, water supply piping, and the trap. Install as per ANSI. Provide towel bar in each bathroom as per ANSI. WATER HEATERS: GENERAL: Water heater to be six (6) gallons, electric complete with pressure relief valve, and adjustable aquastat control. Water heater shall provide water at 210 degrees F. MIXING VALVES: GENERAL: Mixing valves shall be provided for the control of • water to all lavatories included in this contract. PIPE SIZES: Not less than the following: Size of Water Supplies Fixtures Cold Water Hot Water Lavatories 1/2" 1/2" Water Closets 3/8" - - Fixtures Pipe Water Closet Lavatory Sinks Size of Drainage VENT PIPING: Vapor vents shall be a minimum size of 12" IPS. 0 FLASHING: GENERAL: Flashing for roof vent shall be set in place and built into the membrane waterproofing. INSTALLATION OF PIPING SYSTEM: GENERAL: All piping shall be installed complete as shown. Horizontal runs shall be erected within the ceiling or beams where appropriate. All risers shall be erected plumb and true. Piping shall be erected without sags, humps or air pockets. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: Water supply systems shall consist of water service piping to and :into the building and water distribution piping throughout the building, complete with all fixtures and equipment. All water supply lines installed below the finished floor shall be provided with electric heat tape and thermal insulation back to connection with existing foundation wall. 0 C� DRAINAGE SYSTEMS: Furnish and install drainage systems complete as shown and specified. Drainage systems shall include all drainage piping such as soil, waste and vent piping, along with all drains, traps, (other than fixture traps and equipment traps), fresh air inlets, cleanouts, etc. PITCH - WATER PIPING: All water piping shall have a constant pitch upward of 411 in 10 feet, as approved, from the source of supply to the bottom of the risers. PITCH - DRAINAGE PIPING: All drainage and vent piping shall be installed on a downward pitch of 1/41, per foot for piping 3" or less and 1/8" per foot for piping over 311 unless otherwise noted on the drawings or specified. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: GENERAL: The Contractor performing the work shall furnish all labor, material, equipment and appliances required to perform all of the testing, cleaning and balancing work required in accordance with these specifications and drawings. PROTECTION: the contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all plumbing fixtures, equipment, fittings, trimmings, etc. until all work is completed and accepted by the Owner. Water piping systems shall be tested at hydrostatic pressure of 75 psig for three (3) hours without loss of pressure. Only potable water shall be used. CLEANING: At the completion of the work all fixtures complete with their fittings shall be properly cleaned and left in first class working condition. All glued on labels shall be completely removed leaving no residue on exposed surfaces. 0 E HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, plant tools and services necessary and required for proper and complete installation of all heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems and related work. HVAC systems will include, but not limited to roof -top or through -wall air conditioning units, electric resistance baseboard heating units, venting, ductwork, controls and low voltage wiring and so forth. GENERAL PROVISIONS: RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, other applicable technical standards, codes, specifications, and New:Ybrk:State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. ' • QUALITY ASSURANCE: Regulatory Agencies: All work shall conform to the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code and the Suffolk County Department of Health. In the event of conflict, the more stringent requirement shall apply. All equipment, ducting, controls, accessories, etc. shall conform to the New York State Environmental Conservation Law with regards to energy conservation. All equipment to be U.L. approved. All sheetmetal duct work shall comply with SMACNA Standards. Workmen's Qualification: All work on the HVAC systems shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of an experienced heating, ventilating, and air conditioning mechanic with proven experience on the type of systems specified, including geothermal cooling. Permits, Certifications, Fees, Licenses and Inspections: The Contractor shall obtain, submit and pay for all permits, certifications, licenses & inspections as required by the local jurisdictions, the State of New York, the Federal Government and all other applicable jurisdictions. 0 • 0 0 DIFFUSERS: Ceiling unit to be 8" X 8" units, of number required to meet Design Conditions, with adjustable dampers. Units to have white enamel finish. DAMPERS: Dampers, including volume dampers, shall be supplied at all major branches for balancing purposes. CONTROL WIRING: All control wiring to be furnished and installed by the HVAC contractor. Line voltage wiring to be by Electrical Contractor. VENTILATORS: RESTROOMS: Each restroom acid lounge area to be equipped with a 50 c.f.m. combination light -vent unit equal to Broan Model # 678. i INSTALLATION: GENERAL: Prior to commencing the work, Contractor shall become thoroughly familiar with the drawings, specifications, and approved shop drawings. EXPERIENCE AND PERFORMANCE: System to be installed only by contractors who have demonstrable experience in installation of this type of equipment. INSTALLATION OF DUCT SYSTEM: GENERAL: All duct work to be fabricated in accordance with SMACNA Low Pressure duct Construction Standards, including liners. Duct work to be installed to be free from vibrations, and supported on maximum 8 ft. centers. Duct joints shall be properly sealed 1 inch on each side of joints. • • DESIGN CONDITIONS: All rooms and occupied spaces shall be heated to 70 degrees F. when the outside temperature is 0 degrees with a prevailing wind of 15 MPH. All rooms and occupied spaces shall be cooled to 75 degrees when the outside temperature is 95 degrees and a 75% RH. SUBMITTALS: MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE: The contractor shall provide copies of the manufacturer's HVAC literature for all new equipment to be provided. The literature shall include scale drawings of the equipment, descriptions of operating and service features, specifications, test data, and warranties. LOAD TABLE: Contractor shall provide a complete load table showing the individual zones in the building with Heating and Cooling Loads :in':'Btuh's, and the Ventilation requirements in Cubic feet/minute. is SHOP DRAWINGS: Contractor shall submit shop drawings showing size and location of all HVAC equipment, ductwork, air registers, and controls. No Fabrication shall be installed prior to return receipt of shop drawings approved by owner or owner's representative. COORDINATION: Coordinate all work with other trades. Coordination includes but is not limited to: Scheduling, proposed routing, mechanical equipment layouts, space requirements, mounting details, "roughing -in" dimensions with all other trades prior to roughing and equipment installation. Coordinate locations and installations of anchorage devices, ductwork, outlets, controls, etc. with other divisions prior to equipment bases, or installation of walls and ceilings. C� 0 • DAMPERS: Provide volume dampers, or other approved air balancing device with indicating and locking quadrant whether or not shown on drawings; at each branch from main duct, at each duct take -off and at each neck to individual diffuser or register in supply, return or exhaust ducts. Install fire damper as per Code requirements. ROUND DUCTWORK: Longitudinal joints shall be spiral seam, butt welded, lap and seam welded, or ACME lock -grooved seam. Snap lock seams shall be used on 1/2 - inch w.g. pressure class duct only. ACCESS DOORS: Provide access doors as required for coils, filters, dampers and other equipment that requires periodic service. Doors shall be of the same material as the duct work, and constructed so. as to minimize leakage. DIFFUSERS AND GRILLES: Diffusers and grilles shall be installed with aces plumb, level, and tight against the mounting surface. INSULATED FLEX. all branch runs to have a minimum of 6 feet and a maximum of 12 feet of Thermalflex GKM. All runs longer than 12 feet to be run in insulated hardpipe a minimum of 75% of total branch run. All branch connections to be made with duct tape and nylon ties. INSULATION. All ductwork to be insulated with a 1-1/2" fiberglass scrim. Insulation to be stapled and taped. • 0 • Protection: Provide adequate protection for afl work and property against damage, injury, loss, etc., unless testing and final acceptance. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for protection of equipment and materials during storage, construction and start-up; protect ductwork, diffusers grilles, controls, equipment, pipe etc. during the construction period. Headroom: Generally all ductwork, etc. shall be installed so as to be concealed (in ceiling spaces, walls etc.) at the conclusion of the job. In no areas shall ductwork or other HVAC materials be installed in a manner which restricts or precludes access to ceiling spaces, other spaces, piping, valves, dampers, motors, etc. MATERIALS: GENERAL: All materials:shall be new, free from rust, flaws and other defects, conforming to applicable standards. Heating and cooling systems to be two (2) zones. HEATING UNITS: 15 KW 240V electric resistance baseboard, of size and number required to meet Design Conditions. Provide single 90 amp "HACR" type disconnect for heating circuit. AIR CONDITIONING UNITS: 240V L6 central wall or roof top mounted air conditioning units (2) of size required to meet Design Conditions (Lennox or approved equal). All coils to have appropriate expansion valves. Provide removable air cleaning filters. THERMOSTATS: All zones to be seven day programmable set -back thermostat with lock boxes. DUCT WORK fabricated in accordance with SMACNA Standards including transition, bends, take offs, etc., designed for minimum static losses. Duct material to be galvanized metal of 26 gauge up to 24 inches wide and 24 gauge above 24 inches wide. Seams and joints shall be such that leakage is not more than 2%. Ducts shall have rigid fiberglass acoustical and thermal liners, 1 inch thick for supply and 1/2 inch for return. Round duct to be unlined. Round duct to have a minimum of 8" lined rectangular duct downstream of fan for noise control. C� • 0 0 ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND CONTROLS: Special coordination will be required between the electrical contractor, the HVAC contractor and the plumbing contractor. Each contractor is to insure that his scope of work combines with the other trades to insure a complete, fully functional system. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: GENERAL: The Contractor performing the work shall furnish all labor, material, equipment and appliances required to perform all of the testing, cleaning and balancing work required in accordance with these specifications and drawings. All arrangements, test equipment, personnel and expenses incurred in order to conduct the testing, cleaning and balancing work, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor performing the work. All field tests shall be performed in the presence of the Owner. INSPECTIONS: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment and appliances necessary to meet the inspection requirements of the local building code. PROTECTION: The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all HVAC equipment, fittings, trimmings, etc. until all work is completed and accepted by the Owner. CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES: The Contractor shall be fully responsible for correcting all deficiencies in the HVAC system and its controls. BALANCING: Air system shall be balanced by a person or firm with experience and equipment for balancing of forced air HVAC systems. Certified copies of balancing and flow records to be provided. 0 0 GENERAL: ELECTRICAL E The RMOB shall include a complete electrical system sized to operate the HVAC, outlets and lighting fixtures as installed. All electric work shall be in conformance with the National and State Electrical Codes. Electrical service shall be .120/240 volt single phase, 3 wire, 300 amp. service, taken directly from existing utility pole, as shown on site plan. Electric service and meter by other. See drawings for location of lighting fixtures, receptacles, switches and other electrical fixtures. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, plant, tools, and services necessary and required for proper and complete installation of 'all Electrical Systems and related work to include, but not limited to, wiring, lighting, services, feeders, distribution and protection equipment, connections of appliances, grounding, and including all connections and devices within the scope of the work as shown on the applicable drawings and as normally specified in this type of project and including connections to previously installed transformers and electrical distribution systems. The intent of the drawings and these Specifications is to provide a complete and operative system. Whether indicated on the drawings and/or included in the Specifications or not, provide all materials, equipment and labor usually furnished with such systems. Where job conditions require reasonable changes in indicated locations or arrangements prior to roughing, make such changes without extra compensation. QUALITY ASSURANCE: All electrical work shall be accomplished by competent experienced electricians in a neat and workmanlike manner in conformance with best trade practice. (All work shall be performed in strict accordance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code.) All work rejected as defective, non -conforming or non -operational shall be removed and replaced at no additional contract cost. U ACCESS: Locate all concealed junction boxes, control boxes, etc., above accessible type ceilings. IDENTIFICATION NAMEPLATES: Provide a nameplate on each item of equipment such as service, distribution, and disconnect switches, panelboards, control panels and switches, controllers, motor starters, etc. wired under this Specification. CERTIFICATIONS: As requisite for final acceptance and payment, the following are required: Deliver to Owner two (2) copies of a certificate from U.L. and local authority, showing acceptability of work done under this Contract. SUBMITTALS: Submit Shop drawings prepared by licensed electrical engineer a completed panelboard schedule showing size • and number of main ratings and branch circuit breaker ratings. Schedule shall reflect and adequately service all electric and mechanical fixtures as shown on drawings. EQUIPMENT: Panelboard equipment shall include panelboard centers of plug on type construction. All current carrying parts of the buss -assembly shall be plated. Terminals for feeder conductors to mails and branch neutral shall be UL listed as suitable for the type conductor specified. The load center buss assembly shall be enclosed in a steel cabinet. Connectors - Fittings: GIC, IMC - Standard threaded couplings as provided by conduit MFG. EMT: Set screw 0. Z. Gedney, T & B, Gould/Efcor. • • • Conduits: Standard galvanized, Crouse Gould/Efcor. 40 • Hinds, Appleton, Ground Devices: Of type required - T & B, 0. Z. Gedney or Burndy. PVC - Standard schedule 40 fittings, glued on. Required used: GIC, IMC - Sweeps from PVC to above grade locations, above grade exterior wiring. Schedule 40 PVC - Underground main feeders and subfeeders, stubs up to telephone outlets. RACEWAYS: Provide raceways of Romex electric wire, #14 minimum. OUTLET BOXES, JUNCTION BOXES; PULL BOXES: Provide boxes in accordance with NEC Sections,370-17, 18, 20, 23 and 24. Outlet Boxes: In dry concealed locations, in wood frame construction, use PVC wall boxes and noryl ceiling boxes. SWITCHES: Switches shall have ivory handle, 15 amp. 120/277 volt, back and side wired. Single pole, double pole, three way, as required as manufactured by Leviton. RECEPTACLES: Provide 15 amp. 125 volt back and side wired duplex receptacles on all multi -receptacle 15 and 20 ampere circuits. Provide 20 amp. 125 volt back and side wired duplex receptacle on all single receptacle 20 ampere circuits as manufactured by Leviton. Groundfault circuit interrupting - 20 amp 125 volt with indicator as manufactured by Leviton. PLATES: Provide plates for all outlet boxes (receptacle, switch, telephone, blank or combination). Multi -gang switches, receptacles, etc. shall be in a common, one-piece plate. • ! 9 FIRE PROTECTION: SMOKE DETECTORS: Ionization Type with auxiliary smoke detector - self contained - A.C. power (120/1). Internal horn (85 dB at 10 Ft. from Detector) - Honeywell TC49DIO28 or equal by Simplex, Choride or Pyrotronics. EQUIPMENT ANCHORAGES, HANGERS, SUPPORTS, INSERTS: Provide all required materials and appurtenances required for same in order to achieve a first class "state of the art" installation. MISCELLANEOUS: Provide ground clamps or other type fittings as required for grounding in accordance with NEC. LIGHTING: As per drawings and schedule. . GENERAL OFFICE LIGHTING - shall be recessed fluorescent fixtures with four (4) 40 watt, lamps and prismatic lens. Illumination shall be 70-100 foot candles at desk level and 40 foot candles in corridor, and as approved on submitted shop drawings. n LJ EQUIPMENT, PUMPS, MOTORS, AND CONTROL SYSTEM: All necessary wiring, controls, switches, motors, and other electrical equipment required by other trades (with special emphasis on the heating and air conditioning system) shall be provided as necessary for a complete operational system as shown on drawings and specified. RESTROOM LIGHTING AND VENTING: to be light vent units equal to Broan Model #678. ATTIC VENTILATORS: to be equal to Broan Model #358 roof mounting type. EMERGENCY LIGHT UNITS: to be equal to Progress #P -6025 -WB. Four (4)units to be provided at locations shown on drawings two (2). EXIT SIGN/LIGHT UNITS: to be wall mounted type equal to Progress # P -6022 -WB. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING: The enclosing cases, mounting frames, etc. of all electrical equipment shall be connected to a ground established at the source of supply; this includes fluorescent lighting fixtures and electric heating units. Grounding shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code. FIXTURE INSTALLATION: Lighting layouts shown on the plans are schematic only, Offset or extend fixtures as required to avoid obstructions. Architect shall verify all fixture locations before installation. Securely install fixtures complete with fittings, ballasts, diffusers, lamps and appurtenances. Install in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or as required or directed to insure maximum permanence. Support all fixtures rigidly from structural members. Exercise care in mounting fixtures on suspension systems. Provide additional supports as required for rigidity. All fastening methods shall be capable of supporting a minimum of three times the units weight. , Neatly align and properly secure abutting fixtures. Surface mount, recess, or suspended as shown or specified, and in true vertical and horizontal alignment. Install with necessary supports to maintain ceiling alignment. Wire fixtures complete into branch circuits. 40 m�r.�nun�r� GENERAL: Provide integrated telephone exchange system with centralized switching control panel, AT & T "Merlin" or approved equal. Provide telephone jacks manufactured by same manufacturer as system in locations shown on floor plan. Submittals: Submit shop drawing detailing the telephone system, wiring, jacks, and switches. Submittal shall be prepared by phone contractor. 0 0 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • REQUIREMENTS OF AR'T'ICLE 8 (Sections 220-223) OF THE NEW YORK STATE LABOR LAW PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE: Section 220 of the Labor Law requires public work contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers or mechanics employed in the performance of a public work contract not less than the prevailing rate of wage and to provide supplements (fringe benefits) in accordance with the prevailing practices in the locality where the work is performed. The Department of Jurisdiction awarding a public work contract must obtain a prevailing rate schedule from the Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor listing the hourly rates for the trades and occupations of the workers to be employed on the public work project. This schedule may be obtained by completing and forwarding the Request for Wage and Supplement Information on the reverse side hereof. The prevailing rate schedule must be included in the specifications for the contract to be awarded and is deemed part of the public work contract. Upon the signing of the contract, the Department of Jurisdiction must advise the Bureau of Public Work on a form supplied by the Bureau as to the name of the contractor to whom the contract was awarded, the date and the amount of the contract. A "Department of Jurisdiction" includes a state department agency, board or commission; a county, city, town or village; a school district, board of education or board of cooperative educational services; a sewer, water, fire, improvement and other district corporations; a public benefit corporation; and a public authority awarding a public work contract. • WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS FROM CONTRACTORS: When the Bureau of Public Work finds that a contractor or *subcontractor on a public work project failed to pay or provide the requisite prevailing wages or supplements, the Bureau is authorized by Section 220-b of the Labor Law to so notify the financial officer of the Department of Jurisdiction that awarded the public work contract. Such officer must then withhold or cause to be withheld from any payment due the prime contractor on account of such contract the amount indicated by the Bureau of Public Work as sufficient to satisfy the unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and any civil penalty that may be assessed by the Commissioner of Labor. The withholding continues until a final determination of the underpayment by the Commissioner of Labor or by the Court in the event a legal proceeding for review of the Commissioner of Labor's determination is instituted. The Department of Jurisdiction shall comply with an order of the Commissioner of Labor or of the Court with respect to the release of the funds so withheld. L� In response to your request, enclosed are schedules of the prevailing hourly wage rates and the prevailing hourly supplements for the above project, together with copies of the Notice of Contract Let (PW -16) for your use. The schedules must be annexed to and form a part of the specifications for this project when it is advertised for bids. These schedules have been prepared and forwarded in accordance with Section 220 of the Labor Law, which provides that it shall be the duty of the fiscal officer to ascertain and determine the schedules of supplements to be provided and wages to be paid to workers, laborers and mechanics employed on public work projects, and to file such schedules with the department having jurisdiction. The attached rates are based on the latest information available to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Public Work. Care should be taken to review the rates for obvious errors. It is the responsiblility of the Public Work contractor to use the proper rate. Any corrections should be brought to the Department's attention immediately. This schedule is applicable only from July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989, unless otherwise noted. If your project goes beyond the period covered by this determination, a new determination should be requested when this schedule expires. Note: A 1983 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 220 OF THE LABOR LAW REQUIRES THE PRESERVATION OF ORIGINAL OR TRANSCRIPTS OF PAYROLL RECORDS FOR THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE WORK IN THE AWARDED CONTRACT. • Very truly yours, CHARLES C. DROBNER, DIRECTOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTING AGENCIES : Upon cancellation or completion of this project, enter the necessary information and return this page to the ALBANY OFFICE of the BUREAU at the address listed below: PROJECT HAS BEEN : Date Completed Date Cancelled Date Postponed Until Signature Title Contracting Agency For Additional Information, contact the following District Offices: St.Off.Bldg.#12, STATE OF NEW YORK • 155 Main Street DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 221 Washington St.,Binghamton N.Y.13901 175 Fulton Ave., BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK 333 East Washington St.,Syracuse N.Y.13202 • 207 Genesee St., STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS • ALBANY, NY 12240 Schedule Type -COMPLETE 68 Date 04/21/89 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. T/O Southold PRC 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY 01 to: Thomas C. Samuels,Principal Location and Type of Project Samuels & Steelman Modular Office Bldg, Architects Route 25 behind exist. 25235 Main Road Town Hall,Southold,NY Cutchogue, NY 11935 In response to your request, enclosed are schedules of the prevailing hourly wage rates and the prevailing hourly supplements for the above project, together with copies of the Notice of Contract Let (PW -16) for your use. The schedules must be annexed to and form a part of the specifications for this project when it is advertised for bids. These schedules have been prepared and forwarded in accordance with Section 220 of the Labor Law, which provides that it shall be the duty of the fiscal officer to ascertain and determine the schedules of supplements to be provided and wages to be paid to workers, laborers and mechanics employed on public work projects, and to file such schedules with the department having jurisdiction. The attached rates are based on the latest information available to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Public Work. Care should be taken to review the rates for obvious errors. It is the responsiblility of the Public Work contractor to use the proper rate. Any corrections should be brought to the Department's attention immediately. This schedule is applicable only from July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989, unless otherwise noted. If your project goes beyond the period covered by this determination, a new determination should be requested when this schedule expires. Note: A 1983 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 220 OF THE LABOR LAW REQUIRES THE PRESERVATION OF ORIGINAL OR TRANSCRIPTS OF PAYROLL RECORDS FOR THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE WORK IN THE AWARDED CONTRACT. • Very truly yours, CHARLES C. DROBNER, DIRECTOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTING AGENCIES : Upon cancellation or completion of this project, enter the necessary information and return this page to the ALBANY OFFICE of the BUREAU at the address listed below: PROJECT HAS BEEN : Date Completed Date Cancelled Date Postponed Until Signature Title Contracting Agency For Additional Information, contact the following District Offices: St.Off.Bldg.#12, Campus, Albany N.Y.12240 65 Court St.,Buffalo N.Y.14202 155 Main Street West, Rochester N.Y.14614 221 Washington St.,Binghamton N.Y.13901 175 Fulton Ave., Hempstead N.Y.11550 333 East Washington St.,Syracuse N.Y.13202 • 207 Genesee St., Utica N.Y.13501 30 Glenn St—White Plains N.Y.10603 PW -200 (6-85) docm: letterla • CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS to Each public work contract to which the State, a public benefit corporation, a municipal corporation or a commission appointed pursuant to law is a party and which may involve the employment of laborers, workers or mechanics, shall comply with the requirements of Article 8 (Sections 220-223) of the New York State Labor Law: No laborer, worker or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day or more than five days in any one week except in the extraordinary emergencies set forth in the Labor Law or where a dispensation is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. (See Section 220.2) Each laborer, worker or mechanic employed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as indicated on the wage schedule provided by the Department, Bureau of Public Work. The prevailing rate of wage shall be annually determined no later than thirty days prior to July first of each year. The prevailing rate of wage for the period commencing July first of such year through June thirtieth, inclusive, of the following year shall be the rate of wage set forth in collective bargaining agreements for the same period, including those increases for such period which are directly ascer- tainable from such collective bargaining agreements. (See Sections 220.3, 220.5) It shall be the duty of the department of jurisdiction to file with the fiscal officer, the classification of workers, mechanics and laborers to be employed on a public work project, together with a statement of the work to be performed by each classification. (See Section 220.3-a) The contractor and every subcontractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place at the work site a statement of all wage rates and supplements to be paid or provided for the various classes of mechanics, workers or laborers. (See Section 220.3-a) 5. No employee shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually registered in a program registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journey -level workers in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to its work force on • any job under the registered program. Any employee who is not registered as above, shall be paid or provided the prevailing wage and supplement rate for the journey -level classification of work actually performed. The contractor or sub- contractor will be required to furnish written evidence of registration of its program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage and supple- ment rates for the area of construction, prior to using any apprentices on the contract work. (See Section 220.3-e) 6. (a) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. (See Section 220-e(a)) (b) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on its behalf, shall in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin. (See Section 220- e(b)) NOTE: The Human Rights Law also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age, marital status or religion. (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of fifty dollars for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract. (See Section 220-e(c)) (d) The contract may be cancelled or terminated by the State or municipality, and all moneys due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of the anti- discrimination sections of the contract. (See Section 220-e(d)) (a) All contractors or their subcontractors shall provide to their sub- contractors a copy of the prevailing wage rate schedule specified in the public work contract as well as any subsequently issued schedules. A failure to provide these schedules by a contractor or subcontractor is a violation of Article 8 of the Labor Law. (See Section 220-a) (b) All subcontractors engaged by a public improvement contractor or its subcontractor, upon receipt of the original schedule and any sub- sequently issued schedules, shall provide to such contractor or sub- contractor a verified statement attesting that the subcontractor has received the wage schedule and will pay or provide the applicable rate • of wages and supplements specified therein. (See Section 220-a) PW -3 (12-88). • ATTENTION: ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS ENGAGED ON PUBLIC WORK PROJECTS IN NEW YORK STATE • INTRODUCTION: Below are the major provisions of the Labor Law covering workers on public work projects. HOURS: A laborer, worker or mechanic is permitted to work on a public work project no more than eight hours a day and no more than five days in a week, except in case of extraordinary emergency such as fire, flood or danger to life or property. You may apply to the Bureau of Public Work for a dispensation permitting workers to work additional hours or days per week on a particular public work project. WAGES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The wages and supplements to be paid and provided for laborers, workers and mechanics employed on a public work project shall be not less than those listed in the current prevailing rate schedule for the locality where the work is performed. If a prevailing rate schedule for the project has not been provided to the prime contractor by the department of jurisdiction (i.e.,the governmental entity awarding the public work contract), or to a subcontractor by the prime contractor, the applicable schedule must be obtained from the Department of Jurisdiction, who must make written application to the Bureau of Public Work, Labor Department, Building No. 12, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. The prime contractor is responsible for any underpayments of prevailing wages or supplements by its subcontractors. • PAYROLL RECORDS: Every contractor and subcontractor must keep originals or transcripts of payroll records, showing for each person employed on public work, the following: 1.Name, 2.Address and phone number, 3.Social Security number, 4.Occupational classifications in which worked, 5.Hourly wage rate paid, 6.Supplements provided, 7.Daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification, B.Deductions made, 9. Actual wages paid. When payroll records are requested by the Commissioner each payroll record must be affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury which means a notarized signature to that effect. Such records must be kept on the site of the work when the contractor or subcontractor does not maintain a regular place of business in New York State and the amount of the contract exceeds $25,000. All other contractors and subcontractors must within five days after request produce at the work site the orignal payrolls or transcripts. The original payrolls or transcripts must be preserved for three years from the date of completion of the project. POSTING: The current prevailing rate schedule must be posted in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the public work project. PW19 (9-88)... • (Continued) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Vitinued) APPRENTICES: Employees cannot be paid apprentice rates if they are not individually registered under a program or agreement registered with the Commissioner of Labor. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of its program and apprentices and of the appropriate ratio. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification can be no greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor or subcontractor as to its work force on any job under the registered program. An employee listed on a payroll as an apprentice, who is not registered as above, must be paid the prevailing journeymen's wage rate for that classification of work. WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS: When a complaint is filed with the Commissioner of Labor alleging the failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay or provide the prevailing wages or supplements, or when the Commissioner of Labor believes that unpaid wages or supplements may be due, payments on the public work contract may be withheld from the prime contractor In a sufficient amount to satisfy the alleged unpaid wages and supplements, including interest and civil penalty, pending a final determination. INTEREST AND PENALTIES: If an underpayment of wages or supplements is found, interest must be added at the rate then in effect prescribed by the Superintendent of Banks pursuant to section 14-a of the banking law per annum from the date of underpayment to the date of the payment, and may also include the imposition of a civil penalty not to exceed 25% of the amount due. DEBARMENT: When final determinations have been made against a contractor or subcontractor in two instances within a six-year period determining that it willfully failed to pay or provide the prevailing rate of wages or supplements, such contractor or subcontractor will be ineligible to bid on or be awarded a public work contract for a period of five years from the second final determination. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS: Willful violations of the Prevailing Wage Law (Article 8 of the Labor Law) constitute a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. DISCRIMINATION: No employee or applicant for employment may be discriminated against on account of age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability or marital status. Every employer subject to the New York State Human Rights Law must conspicuously post at its offices, places of employment or employment training centers, notices furnished by the State Division of Human Rights. POSTING OF OTHER NOTICES: Every employer providing workers' compensation insurance and disability benefits must post in a conspicuous place notices of such coverage in a form prescribed by the Workers' Compensation Board. Employers liable for contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Law must conspicuously post notices furnished by the State Department of Labor. • • PW 19 (9-88)... docm: letter2b • NOTICE of ADDENDUM APPLICABLE TO ALL COUNTIES ( ' ) AS NOTED ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULES PAGES. The law requires that for those labor contracts which are not negotiated before May 31, the date for publication of the annual determination, the new collective bargaining information will be incorporated into the prevailing rate schedule by means of an addendum. This addendum will be issued by the Bureau of P ublic Work for those schedules where the available information is incomplete as of May 31. When you review the schedule for particular occupations, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These dates are the effective dates of the latest collective bargining agreements for that occupation. The rates listed in that column were taken from those agreements and will remain in effect until the following June 30th. The only exception is for those collective bargining agreements which expired after May 31st. In those cases the Commissioner will publish an addendum to include the new rates determined for those occupations. These new rates will become effective 30 days after the addendum is received by the contractor. It is the responsibility of the contractina aaencv or its aaent to provide the addendum prevailing rate schedule to the contractor immediately upon receipt to insure the proper payment of wages to workers. To repeat, if the schedule indicates that a collective bargining agreement expires or where information was not available at the time of publication you should be aware that an addendum will be published and copy of the addendum should be requested. Failure to do so may cause an improper rate to be used and result in the finding of an underpayment. PW -202 (5-87) docm: letterd 0 OVERTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATION 0 5/31/87 OVERTIME ( A ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( AA) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. • ( B ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. ( B1 ) Time and one half for the 9th 8 10th hour per day & 1st 8 hours on Saturday double the hourly rate all additional hours. ( C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. ( CC&C1) Double the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. ( D ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. ( D1 )Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. ( E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. ( E1 )Time and one half 1st 4 hours on Saturday, double the hourly rate all additional Saturday hours. ( E2 )Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that week due to inclement weather. ( E3 )Between Nov. 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather, provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week. ( E4 )Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week dur to inclement weather. ( F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. ( G ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. ( H ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. ( I ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. ( J ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. ( K ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays. ( L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. ( M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. ( N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. ( 0 ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. ( P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. ( O ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. ( R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. ( S ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( U ) Four times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. ( V ) Incluing benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. ( W ) Time and one half for benefits on all overtime hours. NOTE: BENEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted. Sec220:Para 2. "Each contract.... shall contain a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic.... shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours • in any one calander day or work more than five days in any one week except in case of extraodinary emergency.... Whenever such an "EMERGENCY DISPENSATION"(emphasis added) is granted, all work in excess of eight hours per day, and five days per week shall be considered overtime work... and ... shall be paid a premium wage commensurate with the premium wages prevailing in the area in which the work is performed." HOLIDAYS The Holidays as listed below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. 1 ) None. ( 2 ) Labor Day. ( 3 ) Memorial Day and Labor Day. ( 4 ) Memorial Day and July 4th. ( 5 ) Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. ( 6 ) New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. ( 7 ) Lincoln'S Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Veterans Day. ( 8 ) Good Friday. ( 9 ) Lincoln's Birthday. ( 10 ) Washington's Birthday. ( 11 ) Columbus Day. ( 12 ) Election Day. ( 13 ) Presidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day. ( 15 ) Veteran's Day. ( 16 ) Day after Thanksgiving Day. ( 17 ) July 4th. ( 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. ( 19 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. ( 20 ) Thanksgiving Day. ( 21 ) New Years Day. ( 22 ) Christmas Day. ( 23 ) Day before Christmas. ( 24 ) Day before New Years. ( 25 ) Presidents Day. ( 26 ) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. PW -201 (7-85) docm: letter2c • A VERIFYING THE REGISTRATION OF APPRENTICES • Certain State and Federal Laws require that apprentices must be individually registered as such in order to be paid apprenticeship rates on Public Work. The New York State Labor Department is the official registration agency for apprentices in New York State. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York State. Each year the apprentice training central office in Albany receives hundreds of requests from Federal and State Agencies, Contractors, and other interested parties requesting verification of individual apprentice registrations. The following information is provided in order to clarify New York State procedures. All registered apprentices in New York State are individually registered by name, address, social security number, starting date of training, and other related data. This information is computerized and is available ONLY through the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Persons wishing to verify the apprentice registration of any • individual should write to Frank R. Finn, Sr. Employment Consultant, New York State Department of Labor, Job Service and Training Division, Building 12, Room 140, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. All inquiries MUST include name and social security number and will be answered in writing. The response will indicate whether or not the individual is registered, and if so, will provide other pertinent information regarding the registration. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is written verification from the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprentice Training Offices outside Albany can provide conclusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof that any individual is registered in that program. Furthermore, the existence or possession of wallet cards, identification cards or copies of state forms are not conclusive proof of the registration of any individual as an apprentice. • PW - 101 14-661 docm: letter2e STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS • ALBANY, N. Y. 12240 Schedule Type COMPLETE 68 Date 04/21/89 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. T/0 Southold PRC 8903055 01 to: Thomas C. Samuels,Principal Location and Type of Project Samuels 8 Steelman Modular Office Bldg. Architects Route 25 behind exist. 25235 Main Road Town Hall,Southold,NY Cutchogue, NY 11935 SUFFOLK COUNTY Agency of Jurisdiction TOWN Nature of Project NEW BUILDING Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work Project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec. 220.3A of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. ACCORDINGLY, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION OF THIS FORM AND RETURN THREE COPIES TO THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY UPON NOTIFYING A SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR THIS PUBLIC WORK PROJECT Project CANCELLED, POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated, will request new rates and supplements. _ ALL Prime Contracts AWARDED - or bid ACCEPTED (complete items 1 - 8 below) . Estimated TOTAL COST of Project Is $ 1(a). Means Used to Award Contract (Check one and indicate date of first legal instrument which bound agency to contract) Letter of Intent Contract Signed Resolution Date Date Date (b). Contracts NOT YET awarded: Gen. Cont. _ Heat 8 Vent. _ Electrical _ Sanitary _ Other 2. Specific Location of Project FOR ALL PRIME CONTRACTORS (NOT SUB -CONTRACTORS) WHO HOLD CONTRACTS DIRECTLY WITH THE SPONSOR OF THIS PROJECT, GIVE THE INFORMATION. IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS. 3.Work to be done 4.Name and Address S.Amount of 6. Approx. dates for by Prime Contractor of Contractor Contract Starting Completion (a) GEN.CONTR. (b) HEAT/VENT. (c) ELECTRICAL (d) PLUMBING (e) OTHER(S)-List on Reverse. /. tsximaieO uaie tniire rrojeui nlll ow VumpieLeu • 8. Signature and Title Date PW -16 (1-85) docm: letter7a STATE OF NEW YORK • DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS • ALBANY, N. Y. 12240 Schedule Type COMPLETE 6B Date 04/21/89 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. T/0 Southold PRC 8903055 01 to: Thomas C. Samuels,Principal Location and Type of Project Samuels & Steelman Modular Office Bldg. Architects Route 25 behind exist. 25235 Main Road Town Hall,Southold,NY Cutchogue, NY 11935 SUFFOLK COUNTY Agency of Jurisdiction TOWN Nature of Project NEW BUILDING Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work Project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec. 220.3A of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. ACCORDINGLY, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION OF THIS FORM AND RETURN THREE COPIES TO THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY UPON NOTIFYING A SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR THIS PUBLIC WORK PROJECT Project CANCELLED, POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated, will request new rates and supplements. _ ALL Prime Contracts AWARDED - or bid ACCEPTED (complete items 1 - 8 below) . Estimated TOTAL COST of Project Is $ 1(a). Means Used to Award Contract (Check one and indicate date of first legal instrument which bound agency to contract) Letter of Intent Contract Signed Resolution Date Date Date (b). Contracts NOT YET awarded: Gen. Cont. _ Heat & Vent. _ Electrical _ Sanitary _ Other 2. Specific Location of Project FOR ALL PRIME CONTRACTORS (NOT SUB -CONTRACTORS) WHO HOLD CONTRACTS DIRECTLY WITH THE SPONSOR OF THIS PROJECT, GIVE THE INFORMATION. IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS. 3.Work to be done 4.Name and Address 5.Amount of 6. Approx. dates for by Prime Contractor of Contractor Contract Starting Completion • (a) GEN.CONTR. (b) HEAT/VENT. (c) ELECTRICAL (d) PLUMBING (e) OTHERS) -List on Reverse. I. CSLlmatou UMLO CrlL lra rr-VJWI L "i r i oc a 11PI-v 8. Signature and Title Date PW -16 (1-85) docm: letter7a 0 • 0 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, N. Y. 12240 T/0 Southold to: Thomas C. Samuels,Principal Samuels 8 Steelman Architects 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Schedule Type COMPLETE Date 04/21/89 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE N0. PRC 8903055 Location and Type of Project Modular Office Bldg. Route 25 behind exist. Town Hall,Southold,NY 6B 01 SUFFOLK COUNTY Agency of Jurisdiction TOWN Nature of Project NEW BUILDING Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work Project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec. 220.3A of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. ACCORDINGLY, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION OF THIS FORM AND RETURN THREE COPIES TO THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY UPON NOTIFYING A SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR THIS PUBLIC WORK PROJECT Project CANCELLED, POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated, will request new rates and supplements. _ ALL Prime Contracts AWARDED - or bid ACCEPTED (complete items 1 - 8 below) Estimated TOTAL COST of Project Is $ 1(a). Means Used to Award Contract (Check one and indicate date of first legal instrument which bound agency to contract) Letter of Intent Contract Signed Resolution Date Date Date (b). Contracts NOT YET awarded: Gen. Cont. _ Heat 8 Vent. _ Electrical _ Sanitary _ Other 2. Specific Location of Project FOR ALL PRIME CONTRACTORS (NOT SUB -CONTRACTORS) WHO HOLD CONTRACTS DIRECTLY WITH THE SPONSOR OF THIS PROJECT, GIVE THE INFORMATION. IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS. 3.Work to be done 4.Name and Address 5.Amount of 6. Approx. dates for by Prime Contractor of Contractor Contract Starting Completion (a) GEN.CONTR. (b) HEAT/VENT. (c) ELECTRICAL (d) PLUMBING (e) OTHERS) -List on Reverse. f. tsilmaleu uaie entire rrujec L n i s i oe � Wvjlp iawu 8. Signature and Title Date PW -16 (1-85) docm: letter7a 11 MSTATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, N. Y. 12240 T/0 Southold to: Thomas C. Samuels,Principal Samuels & Steelman Architects 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Schedule Type COMPLETE Date 04/21/89 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. PRC 8903055 Location and Type of Project Modular Office Bldg. Route 25 behind exist. Town Hall,Southold,NY 6B 01 SUFFOLK COUNTY Agency of Jurisdiction TOWN Nature of Project NEW BUILDING Copies of the wage and supplement schedule for the Public Work Project identified above are enclosed herewith. Sec. 220.3A of the Labor Law requires that certain information be furnished to the Commissioner of Labor. ACCORDINGLY, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION OF THIS FORM AND RETURN THREE COPIES TO THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY UPON NOTIFYING A SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR THIS PUBLIC WORK PROJECT Project CANCELLED, POSTPONED or assigned to agency's own employees. If reactivated, will request new rates and supplements. _ ALL Prime Contracts AWARDED - or bid ACCEPTED (complete items 1 - 8 below) Estimated TOTAL COST of Project Is $ 1(a). Means Used to Award Contract (Check one and indicate date of first legal instrument which bound agency to contract) Letter of Intent Contract Signed Resolution Date Date Date (b). Contracts NOT YET awarded: Gen. Cont. _ Heat & Vent. _ Electrical _ Sanitary _ Other 2. Specific Location of Project FOR ALL PRIME CONTRACTORS (NOT SUB -CONTRACTORS) WHO HOLD CONTRACTS DIRECTLY WITH THE SPONSOR OF THIS PROJECT, GIVE THE INFORMATION. IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS. 3.Work to be done 4.Name and Address S.Amount of 6. Approx. dates for by Prime Contractor of Contractor Contract Starting Completion (a) GEN.CONTR. (b) HEAT/VENT. (c) ELECTRICAL (d) PLUMBING (e)_OTHER(S)-List on Reverse. t. cscimaiea nate mniire rroject niii me 6ompieteu 8. Signature and Title Date PW -16 (1-85) docm: letter7a • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' W NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 2 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 9/01/86- 8/30/87 Building: Draper ............... $ 14.26 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5,6,9,10,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ,SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.46 Pension ............... 6 % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-44D WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: Carpet/Resilient Floor Coverer...... $ 21.66 22.66 23.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured after 7/01/84 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-2241/2287 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: ' Millwright........... 19.79 20.29 20.79 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 55% 65% 75% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENE,FITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 2.59 2.84 3.09 Annuity ............... 3.79 4.31 4.83 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. 2.82 3.12 3.42 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-740 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Piledriver........... 21.66 22.66 23.66 Dockbuilder.......... 21.66 22.66 23.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured After 1st, 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 7/01/84 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1456 is is 0 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 1 ASBESTOS WORKER WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Asbestos Worker ............. $ 21.97 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTALT :(per hour worked) Health/welfare...... . 2.64 1.00 to 1.00 to 1.00 to Pension ............... 1.56 allotted at allotted at allotted at Annuity ............... 5.00 a later a later a later Vacation .............. 2.50 date date date Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-12 BOILERMAKER WAGES(per hour) 9/01/87- 9/01/88- 9/01/89- 8/31/88 8/31/89 8/31/90 Boilermaker.......... $ 24.50 25.00 26.40 OVERTIME PAY: New Work See ( C,0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY: Repair Work See (B4O) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 8,16,23,24) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th. 6th. 7th, 8th. 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100% SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/welfare........$ 8% 8% 8% Pension ................ 11% 14% 15% Apprentice Training... .10 .10 .10 Vacation .............. 7% 7% 7% Annuity ............... 17 % 19% 20% Listed supplements apply to AL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-5 GLAZIER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Glazier .............. $ 20.70 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare........$ 2.48 .65 to be 1.00 to be .80 to be Pension ............... 1.26 allotted allotted allotted Apprentice Training... .03 at a at a at a Vacation .............. 2.00 later later later Annuity ............... 4.75 date. date date Listed supplements apply to _A." classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1087 is is 0 • State of New York Department of Labor Carpenter (cont) 0 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 3 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Marine Construction: Marine Diver ......... $ 25.75 26.98 28.21 " Tender.... 20.02 20.93 21.84 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1456/D ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Timberman .........$ 20.10 21.01 21.92 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured After 1st, 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 7/01/84 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1536h ------------------------------ The following Supplemental Benefits apply to the preceding Carpenter categories and/or occupational titles unless otherwise noted. • SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) for ALL Categories Except 1st & 2nd Year Apprentices Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 2.59 2.84 3.09 Annuity ............... 1.65 1.75 1.85 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. 1.80 1.95 2.10 Pension Ins. Fund.... .14 .13 .13 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) for 1st & 2nd Year Apprentices indentured after July 1,1984 Health/Welfare........$ 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 1.30 1.42 1.55 Annuity ............... .83 .88 .93 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. .90 .98 1.05 Pension Ins. Fund..... .14 .13 .13 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-nyc/supp 0 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 4 Carpenter (cont.) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: Carpenter............ $ 22.50 23.50 Heavy/Highway: Carpenter............ $ 22.55 23.55 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 40% 55% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.46`2.46 Pension ............... Apprentice Training... .15' .075 .15' .075 Vacation .............. 1.80' .90 1.90• .95 Annuity ............... Scholarship Fund...... .01' .005 .01' .005 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')1st. 8 2nd, term Apprentice Benefits in second column, all others full benefits. 4-SUF ELEVATOR WAGES (per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Elevator Constructor ... $ 22.82 23.70 24.58 " Helper.. 17.12 17.73 18.44 Elev. (Modernization).. 19.55• 20.56• 21.57• " Helper.. 14.66• 15.42' 16.18• OVERTIME PAY:CONSTR.See ( C,M,T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY:MODERN.See ( B,F,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (5,6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.095'2.095 2.395.2.395 Pension ............... 1.69 '1.69 1.79 '1.79 1.89 •1.89 Annuity- .............. 1.40 '1.25 1.40 '1.25 1.40 '1.25 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')"Modernization" supplements appear in second column. 8-1 • • 1-1 E State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' 0 NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY ELECTRICIAN WAGES(per hour) 5/02/87- 10/31/87- 4/30/88- 10/29/88- 10/29/88- 10/30/87 4/29/88 10/28/88 4/28/89 Electrician.......... $ 23.40 23.95 24.50 25.05 Audio/Sound.......... 23.40 23.95 24.50 25.05 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th, PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 4 ) ( 3 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year 1st. 2nd, 3rd. terms at the 4th, following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 35% 45% 55% 65% 1/2%'=% 1/2%'=% Annuity ............... 9%'=% 9%'=% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Vacation and Holidays. 8.5%'=% 8.5%•=% 8.5%'=% 8.5%'=% Health/welfare........$ 11.5 % 11.5% 12.0% 12.0% Pension ............... 7.5 % 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% Suppl.Unemploy.Benefit .25 .25 .25 .25 Apprentice Training... .12 .12 .12 .12 Annuity ............... 11.5 %' 11.5%' 11.5%' 11.5%• Benefit Fund.......... 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Vacation and Holiday.. 9.5 % 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 'Note: 1st. Term (only) Apprentice NOT included in Annuity Fund Benefit. 4-25 WAGES(per hour) 5/01/88- 5/01/89- 5/01/90- 4/30/89 4/30/90 4/30/91 Telephone " Installer/Repairman $ 18.84 19.40 20.00 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RAYIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 2 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 6.06 7.04 9.44 10.85 from 5/01/87 to 4/30/88 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare........$ 10.5% 10.5% 10.5% Pension ............... 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% Apprentice Training... 5/8% 5/8% 5/8% Annuity ............... 12 % 12 % 12% Benefit Fund.......... 3 % 3 % 3% Vacation and Holiday.. 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% Listed supplements apply to Alm classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-25t ------------------------------ Page 5 Applicable on maintanence of traffic signals and street lighting only. WAGES(per hour) 5/01/87- 10/31/87- 4/30/88- 10/29/88- 10/30/87 4/29/88 10/28/88 4/30/89 Electrician (Traffic/Street)..... 18.38 18.80 19.23 19.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, G, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentices) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 2 ) ( 3 - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th, of Journeyman's wage. 40% 50% 60% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 9 %•_% 9.5%•=% 9.5%'=% 9.5%'=% Pension ............... 8.5%'=% 8.5%•=% 8.5%'=% 8.5%'=% Apprentice Training... 1/2%'=% 1/2%'=% 1/2%'=% 1/2%'=% Annuity ............... 9%'=% 9%'=% 9%•=% 9%•=% Vacation and Holidays. 8.5%'=% 8.5%•=% 8.5%'=% 8.5%'=% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No •*Apprentice Benefits appear in second column. 4-25m State of New York, Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 6 is IRONWORKER 1/01/89- 7/01/89- WAGES(per hour) 7/04/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Structural........... $ 20.10 Additional Additional Additional Riggers .............. 20.10 1.15 to be 1.25 to be 1.25 to be Machinery Movers....,. 20.10 allotted allotted allotted " Erectors.... 20.10 at a at a at a OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 6th, 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st_ 2nd 3rd, 4th, 5th. 6th. 10.89 11.49 11.49 12.10 12.10 12.10 e....... Health/Welfar2.68 allotted SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) allotted Pension ............... 3.18 Health/Welfare........$ later later later Pension ............... 3.55`3.55 date date date. Apprentice Training... .28' .28 Vacation .............. 2.84 date Vacation .............. date Annuity ................ 5.50 Annuity ............... Benefit Fund.......... ( x )Yes ( )No. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (`)Apprentice supplements appear in second column. ------------------------------ 8-40/361 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 6/30/88 Reinforcing.......... 21.95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) • APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 50% 75% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare....,...$ 1.755.1.755 Pension ............... .985' .985 Apprentice Training... .08' .08 Vacation .............. 2.00' none Annuity ............... 3.50' none Scholarship Fund...... .04` .04 Listed supplements apply to BLL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (') Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-46 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Ornamental........... 19.19 Additional Additional Additional Chain Link Fence..... 19.19 .92 to be .92 to be .92 to be OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th, following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 6th, 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL (per hour worked) e....... Health/Welfar2.68 allotted allotted allotted Pension ............... 3.18 at a at a at a Apprentice Training... .30 later later later Vacation .............. 2.84 date date date Annuity ................ 5.50 Listed supplements apply to may, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-580 E • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY LABORER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building Laborer: All Classifications ... $ 18.25 Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( A,E,Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.35 1.43 to Pension ............... 2.58 be Vacation .............. 1.33 allotted Legal ................. .15 at a Training .............. .50 later Safety Fund........... .05 date Listed supplements apply to _A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-66 ------------------------------ Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group # 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group # 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, Power Tool, Trackman, Landscape, Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Heavy/Highway Laborer: Group # 1 ............. $ 15.92 16.90 17.95 Group # 2 ............. 15.55 16.52 17.54 Group # 3 ............. 14.34 15.26 16.24 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (2,4,6,7,11,12,26) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 13 % 13% 13% Pension ............... 13 % 13% 13% Vacation .............. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Annuity ............... 1.00 1.00 Suppl. Unempl..... 25.00wk 25.00wk 25.00wk Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-1298 LATHER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 6/30/89 Lather (Wood Wire 8 Reinforcing)... 21.95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 75% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.975.2.975 Pension ............... 1.50 '1.50 Apprentice Training... .08 • .08 Vacation .............. 2.00 'none Annuity ............... 3.50 *none Scholarship Fund...... .04 • .04 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. • Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-46 Page 7 . • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( • NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 8 MASON/TILE/TERRAZZO WAGES(per hour) 6/01/88- 5/31/89 Building: Bricklayer............ $ 22.94 OVERTIME PAY.L See ( A, E, O, W ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 6 ) APPRENTICES: ( 750 hours) terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th(500hr) 6th(500hr) 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.40 •2.40 Pension ............... 2.94 •2.94 Annuity ............... 2.85 •1.45 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. ( • ) Apprentice Benefits appear in second column 8-NYDC WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Cement Finisher....... 21.72 Additional OVERTIME PAX.L See ( C, 0, V) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 5th, 6th. 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare:$ 2.61 1.67 to • Pension ............... 2.82 be allotted Apprentice Training... .09 at a later Annuity ............... 4.00 date. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-780 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 6/30/89 Building: Plasterer ............. 19.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY_: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( ) ( ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th. 40% 50% 60% 60% 80% 80% SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 3.72 Annuity ............... 3.00 Apprentice Training... .01 Vacation .............. 2.00 Listed supplements apply to g" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-852 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 9 Mason (cont) WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Building: Mosaic & Terrazzo Worker— 21.61 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.48 1.00 to be 1.00 to be 1.00 to be Pension ............... 3.25 allotted allotted allotted Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .50 at a later at a later at a later Vacation .............. 2.00 date. date date. Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-3 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Building: Mosaic and Terrazzo Helper..... 19.40 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYL See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.48 1.00 to be 1.00 to be 1.00 to be Pension ............... 3.25 allotted allotted allotted Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. 1.40 at a later at a later at a later Vacation .............. .50 date. date. date. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-35 0 WAGES(per hour) 4/27/87- 4/17/88 is Building: Tile Setter........... 20.98 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.18 Pension ............... 2.25 Vacation .............. 1.395 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-52 WAGES(per hour) 12/01/86- 6/01/87- 5/31/87 5/29/88 Building: Tile Layer Helper..... $ 18.36 18.36 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached, PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 1.75 Pension ............... 1.42 1.42 Annuity ............. 1.95 3.20 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-88 L1 LJ is 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( " W NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 10 Mason (cont.) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/86- 6/30/87 Waterproofer(Mason) and Tuckpointer..... $ 19.90 Sandblasting(Mason)... 18.95 Steamcleaning(Mason).. 18.30 OVERTIME PAY: See ( ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 55% 70% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 •1.75 Pension ............... 3.00 '1.75 Benefit Fund.......... 10 % ' .69 Training Fund......... .08 ' .08 Annuity ............... 2.00 • .55 Listed supplements apply to _A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 4-66w WAGES(per hour) 1/01/86- 6/30/86 Stone Mason........... $ 21.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare:$ 2.75 Pension - -- Annuity ............... 3.00 Listed supplements apply to gam, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No WAGES(per hour) 1/01/87- 6/30/87 8-33 Stone Setter.......... $ 20.86 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare:$ 1.75 Pension ............... 2.00 Security Benefit...... .60 Apprentice Training... .10 Vacation .............. 2.00 Annuity ............... 4.50 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-84 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 11 Mason (cont..) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Derrickman/Rigger.... $ 20.92 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.24 .96 1.11 1.11 Pension ............... 2.97 to be to be to be Apprentice Training... .10 allotted allotted allotted Vacation .............. 3.00 at later at later at later Annuity ............... 5.50 date. date date Listed supplements apply to i" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-197 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Sawyer, Rubber & Polisher........... 21.88 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, G ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,8,10,15 )°on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .25 Vacation .............. 3.25 Annuity ............... 3.25 Listed supplements apply to A, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Cutters & Setters ............. 19.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .40 Vacation .............. 3.75 Annuity .............. 5.00 Listed supplements apply to &L classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Mason (cont...) WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Marble Finishers...... $ 17.57 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6,8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .69 Vacation .............. 3.30 Annuity ............... 5.00 Listed supplements apply to A_LL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-10 Page 12 41 PAINTER WAGES(per hour) 10/01/86- 7/01/87- 10/01/87- 6/30/87 9/30/87 9/30/88 Steel: • Steel............ 22.00 22.00 23.50 " Spray............ 23.00 23.00 24.50 • Sandblasting..... 23.00 23.00 24.50 • Power Tool....... 23.00 23.00 24.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 50% 65% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 15 % 17 % 17 % Pension ............... 1.10 1.10 1.15 Apprentice Training... 1/2 % 1/2 % 1/2 % Vacation .............. 6 % 6 % 6 % Annuity ............... 11 % 11 % 11 % Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-806 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 2/01/88- 8/01/88- 2/01/89- 7/31/88 1/31/89 7/31/89 Drywall Taper......... $ 20.95 21.58 22.23 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare 2.56 2.56 2.56 Pension ............... .71 .71 .71 Vacation .............. 9 % 9 % 9 % Annuity ............... 10 % 10 % 10 % Apprentice Training... .01 .01 .01 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1974 ------------------------------ 0 State of New York Department of Labor • Painter (cont) . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' 0 NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAGES(per hour) 4/01/88- 3/31/89 Brush .................. 22.08 Structural Steel/Bridge 26.96 Spray, Scaffold........ 24.51 Sandblasting........... 26.96 Paper Hanger........... 22.08 Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 Page 13 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 5th, 6th. 50% 50% 65% 70% 80% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.73`2.13 Pension ............... Apprentice Training... .39" .39 Annuity ............... 2.45' = % Other (Legal)......... .15• .15 Safety & Health....... .50` .50 Listed supplements apply to rel classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')1st yr Rate is, H/W=1.60, Pen=1.07, AppTrg=.23, S.& H.=.21 (•) Other Apprentice Supplements appear in second column. 4-1486 PLUMBER WAGES(per hour) 5/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 Plumber .............. $ 23.50 24.10 24.85 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th, 10.58 11.75 15.28 16.54 17.63 for 5/01/88 to 12/31/88 10.85 12.05 15.67 16.87 18.08 for 1/01/87 to 6/30/89 11.18 12.43 16.15 17.40 18.64 for 7/01/89 to 12/31/89 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.03'note 2.26'note 2.39•note Pension ............... 4.89'note 5.19•note 5.34•note Apprentice Training... .24•note .24•note .24•note Vacation .............. 1.30•note 1.30"note 1.30•note Annuity .............. 1.00'note 1.00•note 1.00•note Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Note -Apprentice supplements appear below. 5/88 to12/88 -1st. yr. H/W-1.24 PEN. -3.04 Appr.-.14 Ann. -.53 Vac. -.75 2nd. yr. 1.25 3.07 " .15 .53 .80 3rd. yr. 1.30 3.09 " .16 .53 " .86 4th. yr. " 1.31 " 3.12 " .16 .53 " .93 5th. yr. " 1.34 3.15 " .17 " .53 .98 1/89 to 6/89 -1st. yr. H/W-1.38 PEN. -3.16 Appr.-.14 Ann. -.53 Vac. -.75 2nd. yr. " 1.39 " 3.19 " .15 .53 .80 3rd. yr. " 1.44 3.21 .16 .53 " .86 4th. yr. 1.45 3.24 .16 .53 .93 5th. yr. 1.48 " 3.27 " .17 " .53 .98 7/89 to12/89 -1st. yr. H/W-1.46 PEN. -3.31 Appr.-.14 Ann. -.53 Vac. -.75 2nd. yr. 1.47 3.34 " .15 .53 .80 3rd. yr. 1.52 " 3.36 .16 .53 .86 4th. yr. 1.53 " 3.39 .16 .53 " .93 5th. yr. 1.56 3.42 .17 .53 " .98 4-775 0 J State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( • .e NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 14 STEAMFITTER/SPRINKLER FITTER AGES(per hour) 6/29/88- 12/28/88- 12/27/88 6/27/89 Steam Fitter.......... $ 25.05 Additional Sprinkler Fitter...... 25.05 1.00 to be OVERTIME PAY: See ( C,O,V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd, 4t0%h, 5th, 6th, 7th, Bth, 40% 40% 50% 5 65% 65% 80% 80 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2,35•= % allotted Pension ............... 2.00•= % at a Security Fund......... 2.60•= % later Training Fund......... .20•.20 date Vacation .............. 2.75•= % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-638s/s C, J 0 0 • State of New York Department of Labor • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( • 0 NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY ROOFER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/87- 9/30/87 Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 Page 15 Roofer ............... $ 17.52 Waterproofer........... 17.52 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0, E ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 6 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 5th. 6th. 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% SUPPLEMENTAL(per hour worked) Health/Welfare....... 3.08 • = % Pension ............... 2.49 ' = % Apprentice Training... .03 ' .03 Vacation .............. 2.92 _ % Annuity ............... 1.48 _ % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (') Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 4-154 SHEETMETAL WORKER WAGES(per hour) 1/28/88- 8/01/88- 2/01/89- 8/01/89- 7/31/88 1/31/89 7/31/89 1/31/90 Sheetmetal Worker.... $ 23.33 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. • 7.00 10.19 11.34 12.49 13.63 14.65 15.11 18.14 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.32'note 1.00 to 1.00 to 1.00 to Pension ............... be be be Suppl.Unemploy.Benefit .11• .04 allotted allotted allotted Vacation .............. 2.00'note at a at a at a Annuity ............... 3.00'note later later later Education Fund........ .27• .27 date date date Scholarship Fund..... .02' .02 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)Apprentice supplements appear in second column. H/W-term/amt.-1st-.61; 2nd -.82; 3rd -1.04; 4th -1.26; 5th -1.58; 6th thru 8th -2.82 Vac-term/amt.-1st-.80;2nd-.90;3rd-1.00;4th-1.10;5th-1.20;6th-1.30;7th-1.40;8th-1.60 Ann.-term/amt.-1st-.31;2nd-.56;3rd-.77;4th-.97;5th-1.09;6th-.91;7th-1.32;8th-2.15 8-2 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic performing the work. TEAMSTER Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. GROUP 3: Other WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Truck Driver (Building and Heavy/Highway): Group 1 .............. 17.385 18.36 Group 2 .............. 17.825 18.43 Group 3 ............... 15.59 16.09 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 3.51`3.51 Pension ............... 2.8525'2.8525 3.10'3.10 Annuity ............... 4.3125'3.9575 4.8275.4.395 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( X )No. "Group 3 supplements appear in second column. 4-282nsh State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ' NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 16 SIGN ERECTOR WAGES(per hour) 7/01/86- 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 6/30/87 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 Sign Erector......... $ 17.80 18.75 19.50 20.25 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See( 5,6,10,11,12,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th. 7th, 8th, 9th 10th 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 1st Yr 1st Yr 1st yr 1st yr Health/Welfare ........ $ 7 % . .41 7 % '.41 7 % •.41 7 % '.41 Local Pension......... 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % •2 % 8 % '2 % National Pension...... .43 '.43 .46 '.46 .47 •.47 .48 '.48 Apprentice Training... .10 •.10 .11 •.11 .12 •.12 .12 •.12 Vacation .............. 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % •2 % 8 % '2 % Annuity ............... 1.85 '-.-- 2.00 •-.-- 2.00 •-.-- 2.14 •-.-- Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 1st yr.Appr. Supp. appear in second column. H/W-after 2nd yr -7%; Pen. -2nd yr. 6% and after 3rd yr. 8%; Vac. -2nd yr 2%,3rd yr.4% and 4th yr. 6%; Ann. -2nd yr 0 ,3rd yr 1.00 per day, 4th yr. 2.00 per day, 5th yr. 3.00 per day. 8-137 • HIGHWAY STRIPER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/88- 4/01/89- 4/01/90- 3/31/87 3/31/90 3/31/91 Painter(Striping-Highway etc.): Striping -Machine Oper.$ 14.04 14.60 15.62 " Helper......... 12.43 12.93 13.84 Linerman.............. 14.50 15.08 16.14 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B,E,P,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,8,10,11,12,15,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) • Health/Welfare ... .....$ 11 % 11 % 11% Pension ............... 4 % 4 % 4% Vacation .............. 7 % 7 % 7% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-230 TREE TRIMMER WAGES(per hour) 10/1/85- 9/30/86 Tree Trimmer: Trimmer -T 7 (start).., $ 7.75 " -T 6 after 6 mo. 8.32 " -T 5 12 mo. 8.54 " -T 4 18 mo. 8.93 " -T 3 24 mo. 9.70 " -T 2 30 mo. 10.14 " -T 1 36 mo. 11.56 Driver,Groundsman...... 9.53 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (5,6,7,8,11,12,18,19)) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare........ $ Contr.Provide H. 8 W. + $10,000 Life Ins. Annuity................35 Holidays .............. (12 paid). Vacation - after 15 mo./1 week. -after 30 mo,/2 weeks. -after 10yrs/3 weeeks. -pro-rated if less than 1700 hrs.in prior year. Listed supplements apply to A. classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-1049t 0 WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Survey Rates-Heavy/Hiway: Party Chief......... 20.25 Additional - Instrument Man...... 16.82 6% to be Rodman/Chainman..... 14.81 allotted OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.80 at a Pension ............... 1.65 later Apprentice Training... .20 date. Vacation .............. 1.00 Annuity............... 4.00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-15Dns DRILLING WAGES(per hour) 10/17/87- 10/16/88 Core Drilling: Driller............ $ 15.405 " Helper.......... 13.645 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.07 Pension ............... 2.10 Vacation .............. .19 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 ----------------------------- WAGES(per hour) hour) 8/01/86- 8/01/87- 8/01/88 - 7/31/87 7/31/88 7/31/89 Well Driller: " Driller ......... $ 16.40 Additional Additional " Helper..... 14.40 1.00 1.00 OVERTIME PAY: See (B,E,P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 9 % to be to be Pension ............... 2.75 allocated allocated Annuity Fund.......... 1.50 later. later. Listed supplements apply to g" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138wel1 E • 0 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( �± NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 17 !mpowrHDGSurvEng W S:(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Survey Rates -Building: Party Chief......... 20.26 Additional Instrument Man...... 17.73 6% to be Rodman/Chainman..... 11.85 allotted OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.80 at a Pension ............... 1.65 later Apprentice Training... .20 date Vacation .............. 1,00 Annuity ............... 4.00 Listed supplements apply to AJ.L classifications ( x )Yes ( ------------------------------ )No. 8-15Dbns WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Survey Rates-Heavy/Hiway: Party Chief......... 20.25 Additional - Instrument Man...... 16.82 6% to be Rodman/Chainman..... 14.81 allotted OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.80 at a Pension ............... 1.65 later Apprentice Training... .20 date. Vacation .............. 1.00 Annuity............... 4.00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-15Dns DRILLING WAGES(per hour) 10/17/87- 10/16/88 Core Drilling: Driller............ $ 15.405 " Helper.......... 13.645 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.07 Pension ............... 2.10 Vacation .............. .19 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 ----------------------------- WAGES(per hour) hour) 8/01/86- 8/01/87- 8/01/88 - 7/31/87 7/31/88 7/31/89 Well Driller: " Driller ......... $ 16.40 Additional Additional " Helper..... 14.40 1.00 1.00 OVERTIME PAY: See (B,E,P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 9 % to be to be Pension ............... 2.75 allocated allocated Annuity Fund.......... 1.50 later. later. Listed supplements apply to g" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138wel1 E • 0 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )� NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8903055 Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 • SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 18 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88 - Building: 6/30/89 Hoist(Multiple Platform) 23.35 Lead Engineer 21.955 Hoist(Tandem Platform 21.73 Tower Crane(Engineer) 21.31 SideBoom Tractor(Used in tank work) 21.015 Scoop, Carry -all, Scraper in tandem 20.93 Boom Trucks or Cranes (used for stone setting or structural steel) 20.88 CMI or Maxim Spreader, Concrete Spreader, Derrick, Sideboom Tractor 20.855 Tank Work 20.78 Hoist, 2 Drum, Hoist, 3 Drum 20.73 Backhoe,Dragline, Gradall, Pile Driver, Shovel 20.755 Elevator, Fork Lift, Hoist, 1 Drum 19.67 Batching Plant(on site of job), Power Winch(used for stone or steel), Power Winch (Truck Mounted -used for stone or steel), Pump, Concrete 20.655 Dredge 20.315 Roller, Trench Machine 20.555 Welding Machine, Structural Steel 20.53 Boom Truck, Crane, Crawler or Truck, Conveyor(Multi), Plant Engineer, Stone Spreader (Self -Propelled) 20.505 Asphalt Spreader 20.48 Fork Lift(Walk Behind, Power Operated) 20.47 Compressor(Structura Steel) 20.455 Boiler, Bulldozer, Compressor(on Crane), Compressor(Pile Work), Compressor(stone setting), Concrete Breaker, Conveyor, Generator -Pile Work, Loading Machine(Front End), Maintenance Engineer,Powerhouse, Power Winch(used for other than stone or steel), Power Winch, Truck Mounted(used for other than stone or steel, Pulvi-Mixer,Pump(Dble • Action Diaphragm), Pumps(Gypsum, Hydraulic, Jet, Single Action- 1 to 3, and Well Point), Welding and Burning, Welding Machine (Pile Work) 20.305 Curb Machine(Asphalt or Concrete), Curing Machine, Pump(Submersible), Maintenance Man 20.15 Grader 20.08 Compressor, Compressor(2 or more in battery), Generator, Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, Portable Heaters, Pump(4 inches or over), Track Tamper(2 Engineers,Each), Welding Machine 20.055 Stiping Machine 19.98 Bulldozer(used for excavation), Fireman, Loading Machine, Powerbroom, Vac -All 19.93 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or without Skip), Pump(Up to 3 inches),Tractor,Craterpillar or Wheel, 19.555 Scoop(Carry-All Scraper) 19.93 Hydra Hammer, Ridge Cutter 19.47 Bending Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Generator(Small), Vibrator(1 to 5), 19.305 Power Buggies 19.18 Stump Chipper and Oiler 18.955 Mechanical Compactor(Hand Operated), Trench Machine(Hand) 18.93 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare....... $ 2.47 Pension .............. 2.75 Apprentice Training.. .25 Annuity .............. 4.00 Other ................ .25 Listed supplements apply to g" classifications ( )Yes ( )No. 4 -138b ------------------------------ Ll State of New York Department of Labor 9 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( . I& NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number 8903055 SUFFOLK COUNTY Operating Engineer (cont) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 6/30/89 Bureau of Public Work 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 Page 19 HEAVY / HIGHWAY: Lead Engineer 22.58 Scoop(Carry-All,Scraper in Tandem), Tower Crane(Engineer), 21.105 Backhoe, Crane(Stone Setting)_ Crane(Structural Steel), Dragline, Gradall, Pile Driver, Road Paver, Shovel 20.85 Batching P1ant(on site of job), Crane(on Barge), Sideboom Tractor(used in tank work), Tank Work 20.705 Hoist(3 Drum), Power Winch(Truck Mounted -used for stone or steel), Power Winch(used for stone setting and/or structural steel),Trench Machine 20.695 Asphalt Spreader,Boom Truck,Boring Machine(other than Post Holes), CMI or Maxim Spreader, Crane(Crawler or Truck), Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Multi, Plant Engineer, Sideboom Tractor,Stone Spreader(self propelled) 20.48 Boring Machine, Post Holes 20.42 Compressor(Stone Setting),Compressor(Structural Steel), Welding Machine(structural steel) 20.365 Dredge 20.315 Work Boat 20.305 Compressor(on Crane), Compressor(Pile Work), Generator -Pile Work, Hoist,2 Drum, Loading Machine(Front-End), Powerhouse, Power Winch(Truck Mounted -used for other than stone or steel),Power Winch(other than stone or struct.steel),Welding Machine,Pile Work 20.205 Mechanical Compactor, Machine Drawn, Roller(over 5 Ton) 20.02 Boiler 19.98 Pump, Concrete 19.94 Compressor(2 or more in battery 19.90 Grader 19.885 Bulldozer, Concrete Finishing Machine, Conveyor,Curb Machine,Asphalt or Concrete, Curing Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Fireman, Fork Lift, Hoist,1 Drum, LoadingMachine, Maintenance Machine,Pulvi-Mixer, Pump(4 inches or over), Pumps(Hydraulic, ,Jet, Submersible and Well Point), Roller(5 ton and under), Scoop,Carry-All,Scraper, Maintenance Man, Vac -All, Welding & Burning 19.67 Generator 19.59 Portable Heaters 19.845 Compressor, Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, Pump(Double Action Diaphragm),Pump-Gypsum, Pump(Single Action 1 to 3), Striping Machine, Welding Machine 19.295 Powerbroom 18.725 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Fork Lift,Walk Behind,Power Operated, Hydra Hammer, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or withour Skip), Power Buggies, Power Grinders, Concrete Breaker, Ridge Cutter 18.58 Vibrator(1 to 5) 18.375 Oiler, Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler, Track Tamper(2 Engineers,Each), Deck Hand 18.27 Generator(Small) 18.265 Bending Machine, Pump, Centrifugal(up to 3 inches), Trench Machine(hand) 18.23 Tractor,Caterpillar or Wheel 18.055 OVERTIME PALL See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........8 2.47 Pension ............... 2.75 Apprentice Training... .25 Annuity ............... 4.00 Other ............. .25 Listed supplements apply to A classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138h • • • • • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ) NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8903055 6b-7/01/88 thru 6/30/89 Published -09/02/88 SUFFOLK COUNTY MARINE CONSTRUCTION A S(per hour) 10/01/86- 10/01/87- 9/30/87 10/30/88 Hydraulic Dredge: Leverman 16.41 16.98 Engineer 16.24 16.81 Maint.Engineer 16.01 16.57 Derrick Oper. 16.24 16.81 Chief Mate on Dredge 16.01 15.52 Mate 15.00 13.83 DeckHand 13.36 14.32 Oiler 13.84 16.57 Fireman 13.84 14.32 Shoreman 13.36 13.83 Boat Captain 15.10 15.63 ------------------------- Tug Boats: Tug Master 15.78 16.33 Tug Captain 15.10 15.63 Tug Chief Engineer 15.38 15.92 Tug Engineer 15.10 15.63 Tug Deckhand 13.52 13.99 ------------------------- Dipper and Clamshell Dredges: Operator 16.69 17.27 Craneman 16.24 16.81 Engineer 16.56 17.14 Maint.Engineer 16.01 16.57 Mate 15.00 15.52 Deckhand 13.52 13.99 Oiler 13.84 14.32 Boat Master 15.78 16.33 Boat Captain 15.10 15.63 ------------------------- OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, P. S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. The following SUPPEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to all to ALL classifications of the above HYDRAULIC, DIPPER, CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG BOATS. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked.) Health/Welfare ........ $ b.56 1.56 Pension ............... 1.03 1.03 Vacation .............. 8 % 8% 4-25a WAGES(per hour) 10/01/86- 10/01/87- 9/30/87 9/30/88 Drill Boat: Engineer 17.77 18.39 Blaster 17.96 18.59 Driller-Welder/Mechanic 17.78 18.40 Fireman 17.20 17.80 Oiler 17.01 17.60 Helper 17.01 17.60 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 54 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.56 1.56 Pension ............... 1.03 1.03 Vacation .............. 8 % 8 % Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-25/3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING and HEAVY/HIGHWAY SCHEDULES Page 20 TWO or MORE WILLFUL DETERMINATIONS 03/01/89 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK Page 1 Under Article 8 of the Labor Law, if within any six year period two final determinations are rendered against an employer finding that they have wilfully violated the prevailing wage law, they are debarred, that is, they are ineligible to submit a bid on, be awarded, or participate as a contractor or subcontractor on any public work contract let by the State, any municipal corporation, Or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. Below is a list of the employers who have been debarred. CONTRACTOR Number Date Date Fiscal Barred of of 1st of Last Officer Until Determ's Wilful Wilful (see Note:) A. N. C. Heating and Air, Conditioning Inc. C 6 ) 1/28/85 1/28/85 STATE OF NEW YORK 1/28/90 104 North Duane Ave., Endicott, N.V. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Warren Brown and Associates, Inc. BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK C 2 ) 4/04/86 4/09/86 STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS 4/09/91 602 West Delevan Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. ALBANY, N.Y. 12240 TWO or MORE WILLFUL DETERMINATIONS 03/01/89 LIST OF EMPLOYERS INELIGIBLE TO BID ON OR BE AWARDED ANY PUBLIC WORK Page 1 Under Article 8 of the Labor Law, if within any six year period two final determinations are rendered against an employer finding that they have wilfully violated the prevailing wage law, they are debarred, that is, they are ineligible to submit a bid on, be awarded, or participate as a contractor or subcontractor on any public work contract let by the State, any municipal corporation, Or public body for a period of five years from the date of debarment. Below is a list of the employers who have been debarred. CONTRACTOR Number Date Date Fiscal Barred of of 1st of Last Officer Until Determ's Wilful Wilful (see Note:) A. N. C. Heating and Air, Conditioning Inc. C 6 ) 1/28/85 1/28/85 DOL 1/28/90 104 North Duane Ave., Endicott, N.V. Warren Brown and Associates, Inc. C 2 ) 4/04/86 4/09/86 DOL 4/09/91 602 West Delevan Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Mid -State Elec. C 2 ) 5/11/84 11/2/84 DOL 11/2/89 1914 Dwyer Ave., Utica, N.V. J.Tuzzolo a Co. C 2 ) * NYC -DOL 5/10/89 136 Elton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Signet Construction Corp C 2 ) 5/11/82 6/20/84 NYC 6/20/89 Paul M. Ma I I on Co. Inc. C 2 ) 6/03/85 6/12/85 DOL ** 3/10/91 1 Highland Ind. Park Drive, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566 Melco Construction Corp. C 2 )S/14/86 6/27/86 DOL 6/27/91 1334 Gun Hill Road, Bronx, N.Y. 10469 Moss Electric air Conditioning Corp. C 2 ) 5/21/82 6/26/86 NYC 6/26/91 The Hull Corporation C 2 ) 1/03/86 8/07/86 DOL 8/07/91 Emerson & Lewis Company, Inc. C 2 39/27/85 9/09/86 DOL 9/09/91 Route 12 South, Oxford, N.Y. 13830 L F L and Associates C2 ) 9/27/85 9/09/86 DOL 9/09/91 Route 12 South, Oxford, N.Y. 13830 29 Ridge Road Contracting, Inc. C 2 ) 3/18/86 9/18/86 DOL 9/18/91 1539 New Hyde Park Drive, New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040 Breeze Contractors, Inc. C 2 ) 9/18/86 9/29/86 DOL 9/29/91 136 Nicolas Road, Nesconset, N.Y. 11767 Superior Paving Corporation C 2 ) 10/21/86 10/21/86 DOL 10/21/91 1491 Nelson St., Schenectady, N.Y. 12306 Nollam Contracting CO.Inc. C 2 ) 6/03/85 6/12/85 DOL ** 3/10/91 1 Highland Ind. Park Drive, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566 Beaver Building Corp. C 3 ) 1/2/86 2/24/87 DOL 2/24/92 Bask Road, Glenmont, N.Y. 12077 0 i STATE OF NEW YORK 41 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, N.V. 12240 TWO or MORE WILLFUL DETERMINATIONS 03/01/89 Page 2 CContinued) Cam -Ful Industries,Inc. C 2 J 6/16/86 2/18/87 DOL 2/18/92 P. 0. Box 153, 1522 Carbon St., Syracuse, N.Y. 13208 Hydro -Fab Corporation C 23/13/87 3/25/87 DOL 3/25/92 416 Stanley Avenue. Brooklyn,NY 11207 Greece Asphalt Company,Inc. C2 ) 1/16/87 3/30/87 DOL 3/30/92 78 Bennington Drive, Rochester, N.V. 14616 J. W. Duffus Contracting, Inc. C 2 ) 8/7/86 5/8/87 DOL S/8/92 Associated Safety Lighting,Inc. C 2 311/25/86 10/OS/87 DOL 10/05/92 2788 Mohawk Street, Sauquoit, N.Y. Esquire Wire & Fence Co.,Inc. C3 ) 06/27/84 4/15/88 DOL 4/15/93 1033 Route 1, Avenel , N. J. 07001 J & B Bi lac Contractors, Inc. C 2 ) 10/30/87 10/30/87 NYC 10/30/92 L & M Company, A Div.of Nieto Roofing Contractors, Inc. C 2) 05/05/87 01/27/89 DOL 02/13/94 501 Willett Ave.,Port Chester,NY 10573 J. L. Bailey, d/b/a Castile Hardware a/k/a Castile Hardware, Plumb. & Hgt. ( 2 ) 05/07/87 02/21/89 DOL 02/21/94 1 East Park Road, Castile, NY 14427 A Note: * Tuzzolo had a willfull determinations rendered against them on 1/30/84 by NYC and 1 additional on S/10/B4 by DOL. * Date was computed by adding 265 days during which a stay was effective to the 5 year, debarred period. Note: Where the Fiscal Officer is denoted "NYC", the information has been provided by the New York City Comptroller's Office, the agency issuing the determinations. Any questions regarding these listings should be addressed directly to the Comptroller. The Bureau of Public Work of the New York State Department of Labor will respond with regard to listings where the Fiscal Officer, is listed as "DOL". Reviewed and Approved: NYS Dept of Labor, Counsel Date: 5/15/87 docm: debarred 0 THE STATE INSURANCE FUND 199 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 (212) 312-7318 CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSU LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC RECEIVED 1311 LAKELAND AVE JUL 17 1991 BOHEMIA NY 11716 Sout6ld Town C_'lar1- ... .............. PERIOD: C0:VERE0: BK: THIS::CERTIFICATE. :::::::: : 7JOt�8B T1] 91: POLICYHOLDER LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC 1311 LAKELAND AVE BOHEMIA NY 11716 CERTIFICATE HOLDER I. +v* a x , .4 POLICY NUMBER 849 590-5 DATE CERTIFICATE NUMBER 668-801 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD RE JUSTICE CT OFFICE BLDG SOUTHOLD NY 11971 THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION POLICY ISSUED TO THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE HAS BEEN CANCELLED EFFECTIVE 8/24/91. THIS INFORMATION IS FURNISHED YOU IN COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NUMBERED AS ABOVE AND ANY OTHER CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED TO YOU AT THE POLICYHOLDER'S REQUEST UNDER THE ABOVE POLICY NUMBER. CANCELLATION 756 THE STATE INSURANCE FUND ;71. 004 DIRECTOR, INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING THE STATE INSURANCE FUND 199 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 (212) 312-7318 CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD RE JUSTICE CT OFFICE BLDG SOUTHOIC NY 11971 470 RECEIVED JUL 15 1991 S&0101r4 T......, Pl. -4 PERfCD: C0VERE0: BY: THIS: CERTIFICATE:::::::: : 71 t/88:.... 8/ /g1 .........::::: POLICYHOLDER LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC 1311 LAKELAND AVE BOHEMIA NY 11716 rULik-Y ivUiVitsth 849 590-5 DATE 7/11/91 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 668-801 CERTIFICATE HOLDER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD RE JUSTICE CT OFFICE BLDG SOUTHOLD NY 11971 THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION POLICY ISSUED TO THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE HAS BEEN CANCELLED EFFECTIVE 8/24/91. THIS INFORMATION IS FURNISHED YOU IN COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NUMBERED AS ABOVE AND ANY OTHER CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED TO YOU AT THE POLICYHOLDER'S REQUEST UNDER THE ABOVE POLICY NUMBER. CANCELLATION THE STATE INSURANCE FUND DIRECTOR, INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING THE STATE INSURANCE FUND 199 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 (212) 312-7318 CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD RE JUSTICE CT OFFICE BLDG SOUTHOLD NY 11971 I w ;, RECHVEG SEP 10 1990 Southold Tn--- rfI ,k PERIOD COV.EREG BY TH/1�i1��. IS: CERTIFICATE 7/��188 TD 1.0 POLICYHOLDER LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC 1311 LAKELAND AVE BOHEMIA NY 11716 POLICY NUMBER 849 590-5 DATE 8/31/90 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 668-801 CERTIFICATE HOLDER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD RE JUSTICE CT OFFICE BLDG SOUTHOLD NY 11971 THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION POLICY ISSUED TO THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE HAS BEEN CANCELLED EFFECTIVE 10/10/90. THIS INFORMATION IS FURNISHED YOU IN COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NUMBERED AS ABOVE AND ANY OTHER CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED TO YOU AT THE POLICYHOLDER'S REQUEST UNDER THE ABOVE POLICY NUMBER. CANCELLATION THE STATE INSURANCE FUND DIRECTOR, INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING THE STATE INSURANCE FUND 199 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 (212) 312-7318 CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC 1311 LAKELAND AVE BOHEMIA NY 11716 405 Rt(jivE) SEF' 10 1990 So�ithol' I-. 1-1-A :PERFOD COVERED: BY :THIS: CERTIFICATE 71:01.188,T9, 10%10/80 POLICYHOLDER LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC 1311 LAKELAND AVE BOHEMIA NY 11716 POLICY NUMBER 849 590-5 DATE 8/31/90 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 668-801 CERTIFICATE HOLDER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD RE JUSTICE CT OFFICE BLDG SOUTHOLD NY 11971 THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION POLICY ISSUED TO THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE HAS BEEN CANCELLED EFFECTIVE 10/10/90. THIS INFORMATION IS FURNISHED YOU IN COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NUMBERED AS ABOVE AND ANY OTHER CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED TO YOU AT THE POLICYHOLDER'S REQUEST UNDER THE ABOVE POLICY NUMBER. CANCELLATION THE STATE INSURANCE FUND ;71. 004 DIRECTOR, INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N RECEIVED MAY 4 1990 May 1, 1990 C.,,.+t,,LJ T_. Councilmen, Town of Southold Town Hall P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Att: Mr. George L. Penny IV Re: Modular Addition Dear Mr. Penny, On April 19, 1990, in your presence, I conducted a final inspection of the referenced premises. On that occasion, I reviewed our Punchlist, dated January 10, 1990, and found each item either corrected, completed, or accounted for by you. We can therefore certify that all aspects of the project which fall under our direct professional review are complete as drawn or specified. This does not take the place of any other certifications required by the specifications, including structural, mechanical or electrical engineering. Please also find enclosed some typical AIA forms which govern the project closeout phase. Upon review of our manuals, we feel these releases are appropriate for use by the Town. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Tom Samuels TCS:lf encls. ARCHI IECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTC:HOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516)734-6405 A CONSENT OF 1101 SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G707 PROJECT: (name, address) TO (Owner) (— ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: L CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACTOR: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (here insert name and address of Surety Company) , SURETY COMPANY, on bond of (here insert name and address of Contractor) , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to (here insert name and address of Owner) as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this Attest: (Seaq : day of Surety Company Signature of Authdrized Representative Title , OWNER, 19 NOTE: This form is to be used as a companion document to AIA DOCUMENT G706, CONTRACTOR's AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS, Current Edition AIA DOCUMENT G707 • CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT • APRIL 1970 EDITION • AIAO ONE PAGE © 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ SURETY ❑ OTHER PROJECT: (name, address) TO (Owner) (— ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: L CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACTOR: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (here insert name and address of Surety Company) , SURETY COMPANY, on bond of (here insert name and address of Contractor) , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to (here insert name and address of Owner) as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this Attest: (Seaq : day of Surety Company Signature of Authdrized Representative Title , OWNER, 19 NOTE: This form is to be used as a companion document to AIA DOCUMENT G706, CONTRACTOR's AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS, Current Edition AIA DOCUMENT G707 • CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT • APRIL 1970 EDITION • AIAO ONE PAGE © 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 s � • CONTRACTOR'S • OWNER ARCHITECT AFFIDAVIT OF CONTRACTOR SURETY RELEASE OF LIENS OTHER ❑ AIA DOCUMENT G706A TO (Owner) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: -I CONTRACT FOR: L _j CONTRACT DATE: PROJECT: (name, address) State of: County of: The undersigned, pursuant to Article 9 of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, hereby certifies that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, except as listed below, the Releases or Waivers of Lien attached hereto include the Contractor, all Subcontractors, all suppliers of materials and equip- ment, and all performers of Work, labor or services who have or may have liens against any property of the Owner arising in any manner out of the performance of the Contract referenced above. EXCEPTIONS: (If none, write "None". If required by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish bond satisfactory to the Owner for each exception.) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED HERETO: 1. Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens, condi- tional upon receipt of final payment. 2. Separate Releases or Waivers of Liens from Sub- contractors and material and equipment sup- pliers, to the extent required by the Owner, ac- companied by a list thereof. CONTRACTOR: Address: BY: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 19 AIA DOCUMENT G706A • CONTRACTOR's AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS • APRIL 1970 EDITION • AIA® ONE PAGE © 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 CONTRACTOR'S OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ AFFIDAVIT OF CONTRACTOR ❑ SURETY PAYMENT OF OTHER El DEBTS AND CLAIMS A/A Document 0706 TO (Owner) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: -I CONTRACT FOR: L I CONTRACT DATE: PROJECT: (name, address) State of: County of: The undersigned, pursuant to Article 9 of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, hereby certifies that, except as listed below, he has paid in full or has otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished, for all work, labor, and services performed, and for all known indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above for which the Owner or his property might in any way be held responsible. EXCEPTIONS: (If none, write "None". If required by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish bond satisfactory to the Owner for each exception.) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED HERETO: 1. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. Whenever Surety is involved, Consent of Surety is required. AIA DOCUMENT G707, CONSENT OF SURETY, may be used for this purpose. Indicate attachment: (yes ) (no ). The following supporting documents should be at- tached hereto if required by the Owner: 1. Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens, condi- tional upon receipt of final payment. 2. Separate Releases or Waivers of Liens from Sub- contractors and material and equipment sup- pliers, to the extent required by the Owner, ac- companied by a list thereof. 3. Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens (AIA DOCUMENT G706A). CONTRACTOR: Address: BY: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 19 AIA DOCUMENT G706 • CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS • APRIL 1970 EDITION ONE PAGE AIA® • © 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE. OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 1 4 6� L. D �C- JKL ���25 /--"" b� 1 4 LQDUCA ASSOCIATE` - TEL k (516) 567-4401 INC.FAX # (516) 567.4410 General Contractor 1311 Lakeland Avenue, Bohemia, N.Y. 11716 March 7, 1990 " Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd, Southold, NY 11971 Attn: George Penny Re: JUSTICE COURT Dear George, I am writing just to jaio_E, you of thn status of the above project. At our recent sleeting, is t:as di_cusseci Wi:at ite:as would be completed a►f or tite architects purichlisc, and what would be rt.-quired to close out the project. We are preparing the as bui7.t drawings as disct:sled t• sstisfv the architect as to the co ret_tion betWec-ll th.: manufacturers drawings and contract drawings. We are currently awaiting C'It' shipment of the replacment carpet from the factory. Once 4tie delivery is taken, the balance of the work will'be c ,p1 Ced. At present, oar pa_114er is scheduled to be or. site March (11, 1990 to do the remedial paint dorlk on the windows and doors. Ac present I ex;ecc all war!: to ue completed within the next 2 :Jei:Y,S S:iould j,ak; ;itivk' �1�J zLit: E l^vtlS, r 1 -- j teal free tU Contact the unricrsigaed. Thank y,)u �:?r ,Our t;me ,Id GUilSlderatJ.un Very truly youzs, Richard LoDuca President RL/d j LO Ut `ASSOCIATES LINC. TEL k (ai6 J;r' FAX t {`:cJ516y_�+♦ is General Contractor 1311 Lakeland Avenue, Echemas, January 22, 1990 Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Scott L. Harris ITown Supervisor Re: JUSTICE COURT BUILDING Dear Mr. Harris, I am writing to go on record with your office as to my concern over the tactics the Town hoz; resorted to w1rholdir.g payment on the above project. Throughout the work, our contact was with ".!r. Victor Lessard- of the Building Dept. who approved the work: installed in :,ccer arcs. with Shop Drawings he also approved. After the work was co�ll.ta=; a relatively minor punch list was generated and complied with Prior to the week ending December 15, 1939, I was assured b, yetis predecessor chat payment would be made prior to Dacember 32, 19�' This did not materialize. Now after the change of Administrations, I am faced with a new entity, the original architect, who prepares a punchlisc based on no contact or input from my firm, and indifferent to prior approvals. I stopped pe•r-forming private work, to only work on public project-, to eliminate this type of problem. I feel the Town of Scuchal:! is acting in a totally irresponsible manner inconsisc;z.it w:tlr :ts true responsibility. I cannot be penalized, as I am for the internal political conflicts of the Town Goverrctent. The building Is in glace. I must be paid with no Further delay. Sincerely, r Richard LoDuca President RL/dj 0 LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC. TEL General Contractor 1311 Lakeland Aver:ue, Bola ;:ra. January 22, 199U .Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd. Southold, NY 1 197 1 Attn: Scott L. Harris Re: JUSTICE COURT BUILDING Dear Mr. Harris, The followin4 extra work was ordered and performed; paymenC for which Was never made: Plumbing Connect new buildiig waste lines to existing s.nitary system. Connect existing cold water supply to rete buil(, -,. TOTAL PRICE $3,300.00 Electrical 102 Profit and 10% Overhead on $4,200.00 bill paid on account to electrical Contractor to Connect new building to existing. 882 . (;0 Please include the above amounts in balances due.. Sincerely, Richard LoDuca President RL/dj f TO: r� FROM: DATE: Pages to follow: Additional Comments: 11 FAX COVER SHEET U-) 6 LA (�- IF ALL PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL at (516) 765-1800 LL7LACA S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL ADDITION - SHOP DRAWING REVIEW Samuels and Steelman Architects have reviewed the shop drawings, submitted on Thursday January 18 1990, for the construction of the addition to the Town Hall. In certain areas the shop drawings do not meet the criteria set by the architectural drawings and specifications. The following is a list of unacceptable items. Sheet 1 of 6 A. Third note (re: Building to be located only .outside the fire zone and not closer than 15' to an adjacent building.) is unacceptable and should be removed. Sheet 2 of 6 A. Exterior wall should be noted as 8" aluminum siding. B. Ceiling panels should be 5/8" thick, not 3/811. C. Exterior doors should have a 9 lite glazing panel not a 5" x 20" panel. Note the "U" factor and the interior color of the door. The door should also be made of formed metal panels with the design as indicated on the architecturals. D. Tie down straps should note material and anchoring device. E. Windows note to provide 8 over 8 divided lites. F. Heating & cooling wall thermostat not acceptable. thermostat to be seven day programmable set back with lock boxes. G. Locate vents in skirting, one on each elevation. Sheet 3 of 6 A. Provide details of the tie down anchoring system. B. Provide details of the footings. Sheet 4 of 6 A. Indicate full extent of " 1 hour wall." B. Locate telephone switch panel in the file room. C. Locate additional outlet in file room next to light switch. D. Relocate AC disconnect to interior of building, work area. E. Provide smoke detectors with their locations. ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516)734-6405 s F. Legend: 1. Exit light with battery backup to be hard wired. 2. Thermostat to be seven day programmable set back with lock boxes. 3. Bathroom exhaust fan, note duct and vent location on exterior. 4. Exterior door to have 9 lite glazing panel with formed metal panels, design per architecturals. 5. Skylight. to be operable, not fixed. G. Include HVAC load table. Sheet 5 of 6 A. Locate outlet in work area on west wall. B. Relocate AC disconnect to interior of building, work area. C. Include HVAC load table. D. Legend: 1. Exit light with battery backup to be hard wired. 2. Thermostat to be seven day programmable set back with lock boxes. 3. Bathroom exhaust fan, note duct and vent location on exterior. 4. Exterior• door to have 9 lite glazing panel with formed metal panels, design per architecturals. 5. Skylight: to be operable, not fixed. E. Provide smoke detectors with their locations. Sheet 6 of 6 A. Skylight to be operable, not fixed. B. Install J bead on wall surfaces at corners of skylight cavity wall. C. Provide detail and information of hot water heater relief valve drain at air gap. S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL ADDITION - SHOP DRAWING REVIEW Samuels and Steelman Architects have reviewed the shop drawings, submitted on Thursday January 18 1990, for the construction of the addition to the Town Hall. In certain areas the shop drawings do not meet the criteria set by the architectural drawings and specifications. The following is a list of unacceptable items. Sheet 1 of 6 A. Third note (re: Building to be located only outside the fire zone and not closer than 15' to an adjacent building.) is unacceptable and should be removed. Sheet 2 of 6 A. Exterior wall should be noted as 8" aluminum siding. B. Ceiling panels should be 5/8" thick, not 3/811. C. Exterior doors should have a 9 lite glazing panel not a 5" x 20" panel. Note the "U" factor and the interior color of the door. The door should also be made of formed metal panels with the design as indicated on the architecturals. D. Tie down straps should note material and anchoring device. E. Windows note to provide 8 over 8 divided lites. F. Heating & cooling wall thermostat not acceptable. thermostat to be seven day programmable set back with lock boxes. G. Locate vents in skirting, one on each elevation. Sheet 3 of.6 A. Provide details of the tie down anchoring system. B. Provide details of the footings. Sheet 4 of 6 A. Indicate full extent of " 1 hour wall." B. Locate telephone switch panel in the file room. C. Locate additional outlet in file room next to light switch. D. Relocate AC disconnect to interior of building, work area. E. Provide smoke detectors with their locations. ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 734-6405 F. Legend: 9 1. Exit light with battery backup to be hard wired. 2. Thermostat to be seven day programmable set back with lock boxes. 3. Bathroom exhaust fan, note duct and vent location on exterior. 4. Exterior door to have 9 lite glazing panel with formed metal panels, design per architecturals. 5. Skylight to be operable, not fixed. G. Include HVAC load table. Sheet 5 of 6 A. Locate outlet in work area on west wall. B. Relocate AC disconnect to interior of building, work area. C. Include HVAC load table. D. Legend: 1. Exit light with battery backup to be hard wired. 2. Thermostat to be seven day programmable set back with lock boxes. 3. Bathroom exhaust fan, note duct and vent location on exterior. 4. Exterior door to have 9 lite glazing panel with formed metal panels, design per architecturals. 5. Skylight to be operable, not fixed. E. Provide smoke detectors with their locations. Sheet 6 of 6 A. Skylight to be operable, not fixed. B. Install J bead on wall surfaces at corners of skylight cavity wall. C. Provide detail and information of hot water heater relief valve drain at air gap. COUNCILMEN Raymond W. Edwards George L. Penny IV Ruth D. Oliva COUNCILMEN Ellen M. Larsen TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Thomas H. Wickham TO: SCOTT L. HARRIS, SUPERVISOR FROM: GEORGE L. PENNY IV, COUNCILMAN RE: JUSTICE COURT BUILDING DATE: JANUARY 17, 1990 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1891 Attached please find copies from Loduca Associates regarding the Justice Court building. I am forwarding the only copy of the shop drawings to Samuels & Steelman Architects for their review. cc: Town Attorney Superintendent of Highways Building Department M LODU•A • ASSOCIATES INC. General Contractor January 15, 1990 Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Attn: George Penny Dear George, TEL # (516) 567-4401 FAX # (516) 567-4410 1311 Lakeland Avenue, Bohemia, N.Y. 11716 As per our telephone conversation, attached please find a copy of our shop drawing we submitted to the Building Dept. for the Justice Court office building. Also attached you will find a letter dated August 29, 1989, from Mr. Lessard, the building inspector, noting changes required for the drawings to conform to the specifications. This letter from the building department, as far as we are concerned, gave us the release of the shop drawings as submitted. Should you have any questions concerning this, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration. Very truly yours, Richard Loduca President VICTOR LESSARD PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR (516) 765-1802 FAX (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LoDuca Associates, Inc. 1420 F Church Street Bohemia, N.Y. 11716 Attn: Richard LoDuca Dear Mr. LoDuca: REQ. AUG August 29, 1989 Town flail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 As per our conversation of August 29, 1989, with reference to the modular addition.to Southold Town Hall, I am writing this as a follow up, to verify changes required or not in conformance to specifications. Floor:- Joists to be 2x6 #2Spf equal or better Wall Covering:- 1/2" Vinylcovered gypsum (class 1 F.S.) 5/8" Vinyl covered gypsum type "x" (Class 1 F.S.) on roadside wall only. (Vinyl will be done in field) Siding:- Add 8" exposed to specs. Ceiling Panel:- 5/8"fiberglass Tie Down Straps:- calls for (2) two(loose will be supplied) 2 Exterior doors:- Call for 9 lite thermo with U=.40 rating. Miscellaneous:- (1) 36" x 80" door cut Dutch Style (no glass) but 16" wideshelf. Windows:- Add 8/8 Mutten bars to drawings Electrical:- (6) J box with conduit drop for phone. One office on end of trailor overlooked. Coverings:- Rug samples to be shipped imediately. I believe this covers most of our conversation. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Very truly yours, SOUTHOLD TOV BUILDING DEPT. Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector VL: gar S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N January 12, 1990 Southold Town Board Town Hall, Southold Southold, NY 11971 Att: Mr. George L. Penney, Councilman Re: Modular Addition Dear Mr. Penney, Enclosed please find two copies of a "punch list", prepared by this office, of incomplete or incorrect items at the Modular Office Addition. The list was made after site inspections on Tuesday, January 9, and Thursday, January 11, 1990 by T. Samuels and U. Talgat. Please have the Town official responsible for buildings and grounds transmit the punch list to the General Contractor for his action. We will make a final inspection, at your request, to verify completion of the Project as per this punch list. As you know, we were not retained by the Town to administer the construction of the Project. We were available upon request during that time, to inspect the site and evaluate compliance with the documents. We did make one inspection, at the request of Mr. Victor Lessard, to examine the conditions of bearing at the foundation. We followed up with a letter to the Town dated October 12, 1989 with our recommendations. Otherwise, we have not received any submittals, shop drawings or technical data for our action. We have made the assumption that Town officials have administered this aspect of the Project, together with regular site inspections. We are therefore unable to speculate on the compliance of certain aspects of the construction which have been obscured by other construction or finishes. During this inspection we have found no obvious reasons to believe there are serious deficiencies in the structure, aside from those items herein listed (see attached letter re: foundations). We have, however, made a thorough inspection of the premises, upon which we have based our enclosed punch list. ARCHITECTS 25_235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUI_, NEW YORK 11'13, (516) 734-64115 Not all of the enclosed items necessarily require remedial action. Some changes may have been made on the basis of verbal understanding that we were not a party to. Other items may not be the responsibility of the General Contractor, and may have been performed by others. We hope this punch list will assist the Town and its Contractor complete their contractual obligations, and help with the timely occupancy of the building. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or further concerns. Contact us at the appropriate time for our final inspection, or if we can be of further service. Sincerely, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Thomas C. Samuels enclosures: Punch List Letter TCS:lf 0 • Southold Town Hall Addition Punch List January 10,1990 General: 1. Adjust ceiling grid to tight fit with tiles. 2. Install smoke detectors and alarm system throughout structure as indicated on the drawings and specifications. 3. Replace fixed skylights with operable skylights as per specification. 4. Replace thermostats with seven day programmable set -back thermostats with lock boxes. 5. Shop drawings and submittals not received nor approved. Shop drawings include, but not limited to: A. anchor details, bolts settings B. sidewall, end wall, and roof framing, transverse cross sections C. trim details, and accessory installation details D. foundation details with written certification by a professional engineer, registered to practice in the State of New York, verifying that the building design meets indicated loading requirements and codes of authorities having jurisdiction. E. HVAC, plumbing, electrical and telephone systems F. Membrane roofing. 6. Remove red labels from window frames 7. Verify working condition of emergency lights. 8. Repair imperfections on skylight wall wells. Lobby: 1. Fill, sand and paint bench legs. 2. Repair entry door and frame for a tight seal when closed. 3. Sand window trim at sash and repaint. 4. Provide proper threshold at exit door. 5. Remove sticker from "EXIT" sign. Foyer: 1. Install baseboard at conference room door. 2. Repair leak at exterior door at threshold and window. 3. Putty floor moldings at corners and repaint. 4. Repair "EXIT" sign to working condition. S. Provide sealant at threshold/ exit door frame. Office: 1. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. NORTH- 2. Clean paint on carpet. WEST 3. Sand window trim at sash and repaint. 4. Remove sticker's to inside circuit box. Paint door and frame. Office: 1. Sand window trim at sash and repaint. SOUTH- 2. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. WEST 3. Repair cuts in carpet where cable comes up thru floor. 4. Install blank electrical face plate at open receptacle box. 5. Remove stickers to inside circuit box. Paint door and frame Conference: 1. Finish telephone cable installation. 2. Adjust fire door for smooth & proper closure at link. 3. Provide closure, threshold ("B" Label), door locks (keyed both sides) at fire door. 4. Clean carpet where soiled, painted or spackled. S. Sand conference room door jamb at hinges. 6. Adjust conference room door for smooth & proper closure . 7. Clean door at bottom end to remove stain. 8. Provide light fixture at link (between existing and modular building) as shown on drawings. 9. Spackle and paint link between conference room and Town Hall. 10.Instal I blank electrical face plate at open receptacle box. 11.Attach floor molding securely to wall at door entry. Work Room: 1. Repair water leak behind wallpaper at north wall under window. 2. Clean or replace carpet where soiled, painted or spackled. 3. Fill gap at corners in base board. 4. Dutch Door: A. Repair alignment between top and bottom. B. Provide locking hardware. C. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. D. Provide finish on shelf. E. Clean door, retouch finish as required. 5. Repair cuts in carpet where cable comes thru floor 6. Remove stickers to inside circuit box. Paint door and frame. Filing: I. Clean carpet where soiled, painted or spackled. 2. Repair wall finish to remove bubbles and imperfections at west wall receptacle. Bathroom: Handicapped Type 1. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. 2. Provide expansion anchors for all screws at grab bars and mirror hinges. 3. Provide standard type trap for plumbing fixtures (plastic tape not acceptable.) 4. Replace wall mounted light fixture with fixture which is safely mounted to wall. 5. Replace existing receptacle with "GFI" receptacle and cover. 6. Clean floor where soiled, stained, painted or spackled. 7. Repair wall finish to remove bubbles and imperfections. S. Remove paint, spackle and stains from underside of grab bars, clean thoroughly. 9. Attach floor molding securely to wall at door entry. 1O.Remove insulation from plumbing pipes. 11.Replace all exposed copper piping with chrome plated pipe. 12.Clean water closet of dirt,paint and spackle, inside and out. 13.Putty and repaint all holes/ imperfections on moldings. 14.Clean stains, paint and spackle off all hardware and thermostats. Bathroom: Closet 1. Replace wall mounted light fixture with fixture which Type is safely mounted to wall. 2. Clean floor where soiled, stained, painted or spackled. 3. Repair wall finish to remove bubbles and imperfections. 4. Replace all exposed copper piping with chrome plated pipe. 5. Clean water closet of dirt,paint and spackle, inside and out. 6. Place closet door in operable position. 7. Relocate hot water heater (as indicated on drawings) to closet. 8. Provide overflow pipe to drainage system from hot water heater. 9. Reinstall cabinet doors for proper alignment. 10 -Putty moldings(floor and door) and repaint. 11.Place acoustical tile in ceiling at closet. 12.Replace wall mounted light fixture with fixture which is safely mounted to wall. 13.Repair water faucet, so water does not splash onto person using faucet, at high pressure. 14.Putty and repaint all holes/ imperfections on moldings. 15.Clean stains, paint and spackle off all hardware and thermostats. Exterior: 1. Install gutters and down spouts throughout exterior facade as shown on the drawings and specs. 2. Fix roofing membrane at north wall, northeast corner where membrane is stretching out from its connection to the building. 3. Remove construction debris at east court between existing building and modular addition. 4. Repair damaged aluminum siding at northeast corner of north facade, top and bottom. S. Remove remains of electrical switch from north facade, west side of entry door. 6. Clean aluminum siding throughout exterior, remove dirt and grease marks. 7. Provide locks for exterior (HVAC) circuit breakers. 8. Shorten cable and attach cables, from bui 1 d f ng to HVAC units, securely. 9 .Provide foundation vents (8"square) on each facade. 1O.Repair roofing membrane at east and west facade,at peak and corner of roof.Repair also holes in siding in same location. 11.Recess exit lights into exterior walls. 12.Install stockade fence as indicated on drawings. 13.Regrade soil around building so siding meets grade as indicated on the drawings. 14.Install plywood under flooring joists and insulation as indicated on the drawings and specifcations. � 1 � 1 d S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N October 12, 1989 Victor Lessard, Chief Building Administrator Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Modular Office Addition Town Hall Dear Victor, In response to your telephone inquiry, we have visited the site and reviewed the conditions at the installation of the modular components. We have found that the main steel channels which support the structure do not, in all cases, bear fully upon the concrete pier foundation. This may be due to mis-allignment of the modular components on the piers, or inaccurate placement of the piers themselves. Because we did not have the benefit of review and approval of the shop drawings, we can not be certain that this will create a problem. However, we would normally expect to.achieve full bearing under any structural member in such a condition. We recommend that the Town have a licensed structural engineer review the situation and propose solutions, if necessary, on how to increase the bearing area of the girders. We also noted some damage to the channels themselves, in the form of dents, bent flanges and deflections. While these may be superficial, we think the engineer should also review this condition. We can only assume that all structural components of the foundation and modular units were designed by a licensed engineer, and that the Town or a separate consultant reviewed and approved the shop drawings, as per our Specification (see enclosed). Please do not hesitate to call if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Thomas C. Samuels, Principal%RCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD encl . CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516)734-6405 SUBMITTALS PRODUCT DATA: Submit manufacturer's product information, specifications and installation instructions for building components and accessories. SHOP DRAWINGS: Submit complete shop drawings including but not limited to anchor details,bolts settings, sidewall, endwall, and roof framing, transverse cross sections, covering and trim details, and accessory installation details to clearly indicate proper assembly of building components. Additional shop drawings shall include foundation details, HVAC, plumbing, electrical and telephone systems. Fabrication shall not proceed until manufacturer receives returned set of shop drawings approved by owner or owner's professional representative. CERTIFICATION: Submit written certification signed by a Professional Engineer, registered New York State, verifying that building indicated loading requirements and codes having jurisdiction. 0 prepared and to practice in design meets of authorities i FWA u 0 ASSEMBLY AND SITE WORK The manufacturer shall deliver, erect, and provide a completed installation in accordance with approved design drawings and an executed lease or sales agreement both of which will become the contract documents and as such shall supersede all other agreements, specifications and documents verbal or written. Concrete footings shall be provided by and installed RMOB manufacturer and sized based upon soil bearing pressure of 2,000 PSF to a depth of not less than 3'-611. Concrete footing and pier and/or perimeter wall foundation shall be designed by a licensed structural engineer to resist all static and dynamic loading. Piers shall be sized and located to coordinate with structural framing system of RMOB units. Top of foundation shall be formed and transit leveled in accordance with existing site conditions. 8" X 8" X 1/2" steel bearing'plates shall be provided on each pier, and anchored securely. to concrete, pier and steel framing above. Anchoring straps will be provided at all exterior corners of the building to prevent uplift. The concrete shall test at 3,000 PSI at a curing duration of twenty-eight (28) days. Maximum allowable slump to be 4" nominal. In below freezing temperatures, concrete shall be heated and protected from freezing until completely cured and/or backfilled. U Except as noted, all pour stops shall be treated as construction joints and shall have keys and continuous rebars. Reinforcing steel shall be deformed bars conforming to ASTM A-615, Grade 60 including supplementary requirement S1. All reinforcement shall be tied in place before concrete is poured. All reinforcement and fabric for concrete poured on ground shall be supported on precast concrete bricks or approved chairs. All reinforcing bars shall be continuous except as noted, lapped per ACI 31£3, class "C", with 40 diameters minimum. Foundations shall bear on undisturbed natural granular material of 2.0 TSF minimum, bearing capacity. Where indicated, footing may bear on granular backfill, machine -compacted in layers of 12 inches to a minimum of �J 95°0 maximum density per ASRM D1557. After excavating to appropriate levels, provide engineer with ample time to review excavated conditions before placing foundations. Wood platforms with stairs and railings constructed of pressure treated lumber shall be provided at all exterior exits. Handicap ramps shall be provided in accordance with applicable codes,and as per drawings. (NOT IN CONTRACT) INSTALLATION DELIVERY: Deliver to site factory assembled RMOB units ready for installation. Provide all required bracing and reinforcing necessary for safe highway transport, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and without damage to RMOB unit, in whole or in part. i All damage to materials or assemblies occurring prior to delivery on site shall be corrected prior to installation. Units shall be installed on foundation true to line, level and plumb, rigid and secure. Level base plates to a true even plane with full bearing to supporting structures. Use a non -shrinking grout to obtain uniform bearing and to maintain a level base line elevation. Moist cure grout for not less than 7 days after placement. All equipment, labor and materials necessary for complete on-site installation shall be provided by RMOB manufacturer under this Contract. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to existing on-site improvements to remain. Traffic control precautions and pedestrian barricades shall be provided by the Contractor to the acceptance of the Owner, and all applicable codes and laws. Remove all trailer hitches, axels, wheels and other equipment specific to transportation after installation of RMOB units. U 0 STEEL FRAME/CHASSIS Frame shall consist of welded steel platform built of steel rails, of size and weight required by combined live and dead loads, and dynamic loads imposed by transportation to the site. Perimeter rails shall consist of 10" deep Jr. I Beam ASTM A-36 steel, with ASTM A-570 formed steel cross members as required for rigid construction. Shop drawings shall be submitted for review and acceptance by engineer before fabrication and installation of any work. All framing and walls shall be adequately braced during construction and transportation against movement in any direction at any level until lateral support is provided by other required construction. Structural steel shall conform to ASTM A36; detailing and erection per AISC code except as noted. Structural welding to conform to AWS and shall be done only by qualified, certified welders. Shop connections to be welded. Field connections to be bolted except as noted. All bolts to be A-325 friction type. All bolts 3/4 inch diameter except as noted. Connections shall be per type 1 construction, per AISC, for portal frames and shall be detailed to develop at least full allowable moment and shear capacity. All remaining steel to have type 2 connections. A-307 bolts may be used for minor connections. A-307 bolts may be used for minor connections when acceptable to engineer. All structural steel to have shop coat of primer paint. ,Omit primer paint at melds and high. strength bolts. Touch up all damaged unpainted areas after installation.. Grout under column and beam bearing plates to be non -shrink, propak or equal. 5000. PSI. Hitch, Axles, Tires and all required structures and equipment pertaining to the transportation and installation of Relocatable Mobile Office Building shall be designed by a licensed engineer and provided by manufacturer, and shall comply with all applicable"laws and regulations. S A M U E L S& S T E E L M A N RECEIVED January 12, 1990 Southold Town Board JAN 12 1990 Town Hall, Southold rth.4 Southold Southold, NY 11971 T..,• Att: Mr. George L. Penney, Councilman Re: Modular Addition Dear Mr. Penney, Enclosed please find two copies of a "punch list", prepared by this office, of incomplete or incorrect items at the Modular Office Addition. The list was made after site inspections on Tuesday, January 9, and Thursday, January 11, 1990 by T. Samuels and U. Talgat. Please have the Town official responsible for buildings and grounds transmit the punch list to the General Contractor for his action. We will make a final inspection, at your request, to verify completion of the Project as per this punch list. As you know, we were not retained by the Town to administer the construction of the Project. We were available upon request during that time, to inspect the site and evaluate compliance with the documents. We did make one inspection, at the request of Mr. Victor Lessard, to examine the conditions of bearing at the foundation. We followed up with a letter to the Town dated October 12, 1989 with our recommendations. Otherwise, we have not received any submittals, shop drawings or technical data for our action. We have made the assumption that Town officials have administered this aspect of the Project, together with regular site inspections. We are therefore unable to speculate on the compliance of certain aspects of the construction which have been obscured by other construction or finishes. During this inspection we have found no obvious reasons to believe there are serious deficiencies in the structure, aside from those items herein listed (see attached letter re: foundations). We have, however, made a thorough inspection of the premises, upon which we have based our enclosed punch list. ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11435 (516) 734-6405 • 0 Not all of the enclosed items necessarily require remedial action. Some changes may have been made on the basis of verbal understanding that we were not a party to. Other items may not be the responsibility of the General Contractor, and may have been performed by others. We hope this punch list will assist the Town and its Contractor complete their contractual obligations, and help with the timely occupancy of the building. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or further concerns. Contact us at the appropriate time for our final inspection, or if we can be of further service. Sincerely, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Thomas C. Samuels enclosures: Punch List Letter TCS : if Southold Town Hall Addition, Punch List January 10,1990 General: 1. Adjust ceiling grid to tight fit with tiles. 2. Install smoke detectors and alarm system throughout structure as indicated on the drawings and specifications. 3. Replace fixed skylights with operable skylights as per specification. 4. Replace thermostats with seven day programmable set -back thermostats with lock boxes. 5. Shop drawings and submittals not received nor approved. Shop drawings include, but not limited to: A. anchor details, bolts settings B. sidewall, end wall, and roof framing, transverse cross sections C. trim details, and accessory installation details D. foundation details with written certification by a professional engineer, registered to practice in the State of New York, verifying that the building design meets indicated loading requirements and codes of authorities having jurisdiction. E. HVAC, plumbing, electrical and telephone systems F. Membrane roofing. 6. Remove red labels from window frames 7. Verify working condition of emergency lights. B. Repair imperfections on skylight wall wells. Lobby: 1. Fill, sand and paint bench legs. 2. Repair entry door and frame for a tight seal when closed. 3. Sand window trim at sash and repaint. 4. Provide proper threshold at exit door. S. Remove sticker from "EXIT" sign. Foyer: 1. Install baseboard at conference room door. 2. Repair leak at exterior door at threshold and window. 3. Putty floor moldings at corners and repaint. 4. Repair "EXIT" sign to working condition. S. Provide sealant at threshold/ exit door frame. Office: 1. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. NORTH- 2. Clean paint on carpet. WEST 3. Sand window trim at sash and repaint. 4. Remove stickers to inside circuit box. Paint door and frame. Office: 1. Sand window trim at sash and repaint. SOUTH- 2. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. WEST 3. Repair cuts in carpet where cable comes up thru floor. 4. Install blank electrical face plate at open receptacle box. u S. Remove stickers to inside circuit box. Paint door and f rame Conference: Work Room: 1. Finish telephone cable installation. 2. Adjust fire door for smooth & proper closure at link. 3. Provide closure, threshold ("B" Label), door locks (keyed both sides) at fire door. 4. Clean carpet where soiled, painted or spackled. 5. Sand conference room door jamb at hinges. 6. Adjust conference room door for smooth & proper closure . 7. Clean door at bottom end to remove stain. 8. Provide light fixture at link (between existing and modular building) as shown on drawings. 9. Spackle and paint link between conference room and Town Hall. 10.Instal I blank electrical face plate at open receptacle box. 11.Attach floor molding securely to wall at door entry. 1. Repair water leak behind wallpaper at north wall under window. 2. Clean or replace carpet where soiled, painted or spackled. 3. Fill gap at corners in base board. 4. Dutch Door: A. Repair alignment between top and bottom. B. Provide locking hardware. C. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. D. Provide finish on shelf. E. Clean door, retouch finish as required. S. Repair cuts in carpet where cable comes thru floor 6. Remove stickers to inside circuit box. Paint door and frame. Filing: 1. Clean carpet where soiled, painted or spackled. 2. Repair wall finish to remove bubbles and imperfections at west wall receptacle. Bathroom: Handicapped Type 1. Adjust door for smooth & proper closure. 2. Provide expansion anchors for all screws at grab bars and mirror hinges. 3. Provide standard type trap for plumbing fixtures (plastic tape not acceptable.) 4. Replace wall mounted light fixture with fixture which is safely mounted to wall. 5. Replace existing receptacle with "GFI" receptacle and cover. 6. Clean floor' where soiled, stained, painted or spackled. 7. Repair wall finish to remove bubbles and imperfections. 8. Remove paint, spackle and stains from underside of grab bars, clean thoroughly. 9. Attach floor molding securely to wall at door entry. 1O.Remove insulation from plumbing pipes. 11.Replace all exposed copper piping with chrome plated pipe. 12.Clean water closet of dirt,paint and spackle, inside and out. 13.Putty and repaint all holes/ imperfections on moldings. 14.Clean stains, paint and spackle off all hardware and thermostats. Bathroom: Closet I. Replace wall mounted light fixture with fixture which Type is safely mounted to wall. 2. Clean floor where soiled, stained, painted or spackled. 3. Repair wall finish to remove bubbles and imperfections. 4. Replace all exposed copper piping with chrome plated pipe. 5. Clean water closet of dirt,paint and spackle, inside and out. 6. Place closet door in operable position. 7. Relocate hot water heater (as indicated on drawings) to closet. S. Provide overflow pipe to drainage system from hot water heater. 9. Reinstall cabinet doors for proper alignment. 1O.Putty moldings(floor and door) and repaint. 11.Place acoustical tile in ceiling at closet. 12.Replace wall mounted light fixture with fixture which is safely mounted to wall. 13.Repair water faucet, so water does not splash onto person using faucet, at high pressure. 14.Putty and repaint all holes/ imperfections on moldings. 15.Clean stains, paint and spackle off all hardware and thermostats. Exterior: 1. Install gutters and down spouts throughout exterior facade as shown on the drawings and specs. 2. Fix roofing membrane at north wall, northeast corner where membrane is stretching out from its connection to the building. 3. Remove construction debris at east court between existing building and modular addition. 4. Repair damaged aluminum siding at northeast corner of north facade, top and bottom. 5. Remove remains of electrical switch from north facade, west side of entry door. 6. Clean aluminum siding throughout exterior, remove dirt and grease marks. 7. Provide locks for exterior (HVAC) circuit breakers. 8. Shorten cable and attach cables, from building to HVAC units, securely. 9 .Provide foundation vents (811square) on each facade. 10.Repair roofing membrane at east and west facade,at peak and corner of roof.Repair also holes in siding in same location. 11.Recess exit lights into exterior walls. 12.Install stockade fence as indicated on drawings. 13.Regrade soil around building so siding meets grade as indicated on the drawings. 14.Install plywood under flooring joists and insulation as indicated on the drawings and specifcations. October 12, 1989 Victor Lessard, Chief Building Administrator Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Modular Office Addition Town Hall Dear Victor, In response to your telephone inquiry, we have visited the site and reviewed the conditions at the installation of the modular components. We have found that the main steel channels which support the structure do not, in all cases, bear fully upon the concrete pier foundation. This may be due to mis-allignment of the modular components on the piers, or inaccurate placement of the piers themselves. Because we did not have the benefit of review and approval of the shop drawings, we can not be certain that this will create a problem. However, we would normally expect to.achieve full bearing under any structural member in such a condition. We recommend that the Town have a licensed structural engineer review the situation and propose solutions, if necessary, on how to increase the bearing area of the girders. We also noted some damage to the channels themselves, in the form of dents, bent flanges and deflections. While these may be superficial, we think the engineer should also review this condition. We can only assume that all structural components of the foundation and modular units were designed by a licensed engineer, and that the Town or a separate consultant reviewed and approved the shop drawings, as per our Specification (see enclosed). Please do not hesitate to call if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Thomas C. Samuels, Principa]ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD encl . CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 734-6405 SUBMITTALS • PRODUCT DATA: Submit manufacturer's product information, specifications and installation instructions for building components and accessories. SHOP DRAWINGS: Submit complete shop drawings including but not limited to anchor details,bolts settings, sidewall, endwall, and roof framing, transverse cross sections, covering and trim details, and accessory installation details to clearly indicate proper assembly of building components. Additional shop drawings shall include foundation details, HVAC, plumbing, electrical and telephone systems. Fabrication shall not proceed until manufacturer receives returned set of shop drawings approved by owner or owner's professional representative. CERTIFICATION: Submit written certification prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer, registered to practice in New York State, verifying that building design meets indicated loading requirements and codes of authorities having jurisdiction. IN ASSEMBLY AND SITE WORK The manufacturer shall deliver, erect, and provide a completed installation in accordance with approved design drawings and an executed lease or sales agreement both of which will become the contract documents and as such shall supersede all other agreements, specifications and documents verbal or written. Concrete footings shall be provided by and installed RMOB manufacturer and sized based upon soil bearing pressure of 2,000 PSF to a depth of not less than 3'-611. Concrete footing and pier and/or perimeter wall foundation shall be designed by a licensed structural engineer to resist all static and dynamic loading. Piers shall be sized and located to coordinate with structural framing system of RMOB units. Top of foundation shall be formed and transit leveled in accordance with existing site conditions. 8" X 8" X 1/2" steel bearing'plates shall be provided on each pier, and anchored securely. to concrete, pier and steel framing above. Anchoring straps will be provided at all exterior corners of the building to prevent uplift. The concrete shall test at 3,000 PSI at a curing duration of twenty-eight (28) days. Maximum allowable slump to be 4" nominal. In below freezing temperatures, concrete shall be heated and protected from freezing until completely cured and/or backfilled. 1-J • Except as noted, all pour stops shall be treated as construction joints and shall have keys and continuous rebars. Reinforcing steel shall be deformed bars conforming to ASTM A-615, Grade 60 including supplementary requirement S1. All reinforcement shall be tied in place before concrete is poured. All reinforcement and fabric for concrete poured on ground shall be supported on precast concrete bricks or approved chairs. All reinforcing bars shall be continuous except as noted, lapped per ACI 318, class "C", with 40 diameters minimum. Foundations shall bear on undisturbed natural granular material of 2.0 TSF minimum, bearing capacity. Where indicated, footing may bear on granular backfill, machine -compacted in layers of 12 inches to a minimum of 95% maximum density per ASRM D1557. After excavating to appropriate levels, provide engineer with ample time to review excavated conditions before placing foundations. Wood platforms with stairs and railings constructed of pressure treated lumber shall be provided at all exterior exits. Handicap ramps shall be provided in accordance with applicable codes,and as per drawings. (NOT IN CONTRACT) INSTALLATION DELIVERY Deliver to site factory assembled RMOB units ready for installation. Provide all required bracing and reinforcing necessary for safe highway transport, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and without damage to RMOB unit, in whole or in part. All damage to materials or assemblies occurring prior to delivery on site shall be corrected prior to installation. Units shall be installed on foundation true to line, level and plumb, rigid and secure. Level base plates to a true even plane with full bearing to supporting structures. Use a non -shrinking grout to obtain uniform bearing and to maintain a level base line elevation. Moist cure grout for not less than 7 days after placement. All equipment, labor and materials necessary for complete on-site installation shall be provided by RMOB manufacturer under this Contract. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to existing on-site improvements to remain. Traffic control precautions and pedestrian barricades shall be provided by the Contractor to the acceptance of the Owner, and all applicable codes and laws. Remove all trailer hitches, axels, wheels and other equipment specific to transportation after installation of RMOB units. STEEL FRAME/CHASSIS Frame shall consist of welded steel platform built of steel rails, of size and weight required by combined live and dead loads, and dynamic loads imposed by transportation to the site. Perimeter rails shall consist of 10" deep Jr. I Beam ASTM A-36 steel, with ASTM A-570 formed steel cross members as required for rigid construction. Shop drawings shall be submitted for review and acceptance by engineer before fabrication and installation of any work. All framing and walls shall be adequately braced during construction and transportation against movement in any direction at any level until lateral support is provided by other required construction. Structural steel shall conform to ASTM A36; detailing and erection per AISC code except as noted. Structural welding to conform to AWS and shall be done only by qualified, certified welders. Shop connections to be welded. Field connections to be bolted except as noted. All bolts to be A-325 friction type. All bolts 3/4 inch diameter except as noted. Connections shall be per type 1 construction, per AISC, for portal frames and shall be detailed to develop at least full allowable moment and shear capacity. All remaining steel to have type 2 connections. A-307 bolts may be used for minor connections. A-307 bolts may be used for minor connections when acceptable to engineer. All structural steel to have shop coat of primer paint. ,Omit primer paint at welds and high. strength bolts. Touch up all damaged unpainted areas after installation. Grout under column and beam bearing plates to be non -shrink, propak or equal. 5000. PSI. Hitch, Axles, Tires and all required structures and equipment pertaining to the transportation and installation of Relocatable Mobile Office Building shall be designed by a licensed engineer and provided by manufacturer, and shall comply with all applicable -laws and regulations. �J JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS r -n i � j _1 ,•T�✓r OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 10, 1990 Thomas Samuels Samuels S Steelman Architects 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Samuels: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted on January 9, 1990, accepting your proposal to provide architectural services with respect to the modular addition to the Southold Town Hall. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure 0 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS O���FOLK��Gy OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 9, 1990: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of Samuels & Steelman to provide architectural services with respect to the modular addition to the Southold Town Hall, at a fee not to exceed $550.00, all in accordance with their proposal to the Town Board dated January 9, 1990. Judith T.Terry Southold Town lle January 10, 1990 • PROPOSAL FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: MODULAR ADDITION TO TOWN HALI SAMUELS & STEELMAN The services provided will include: On site inspection of premises for compliance with building plans and specifications prepared by office of Samuels & Steelman. Preparation of "punch list" for Town's negotiations with contractor. Final inspection of premises upon completion of "punch listed" items. Fees not to exceed $550.00. Additional service upon request a hourly rate of $75.00 Presented by: (Thomas C. Samuels) Date: January 9, 1990 RtChVED -JUL '20 1989 Southold T,, -,,n ri^•k • STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, N.Y. 12240 T/0 Southold Town Hall to: Robert Brown, A.I.A. Fairweather-Brown/Architects Box 521 Greenport, NY 11944 Schedule Type -COMPLETE 7B Date 07/10/89 Refer to: PREVAILING RATE CASE NO. PRC 8705770 SUFFOLK COUNTY 05 NATURE AND LOCATION OF PROJECT: Justice Court Annex & Walkways, Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southhold, C/O Suffolk Attached is an Addendum to the schedule of wage rates and supplements for the above project. These rates supersede any previous rates issued to you by the Bureau of Public Work for such job classifications on any projects in the counties indicated on this schedule. This schedule is applicable only from July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990, unless otherwise noted. If your project goes beyond the period covered by this determination, a new determination should be requested when this schedule expires. Very truly yours, CHARLES C.DROBNER DIRECTOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTING AGENCIES Upon cancellation or completion of this project, enter the necessary information and return this page to the ALBANY OFFICE of the BUREAU at the address listed below: PROJECT HAS BEEN Date Completed Date Cancelled April 11, 1989 Date Postponed Until Signat Title Southold Town Clerk ContractingTown of Southold Agency WHEN ANY PROJECT IS COMPLETED OR CANCELLED, NOTIFY THE NEAREST DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORK. (see addresses below). St.Off.Bldg. # 12, Campus,Albany N.Y.12240 65 Court St.,Buffalo N.Y.14202 155 Main Street West, Rochester N.Y.14614 221 Washington St.,Binghamton N.Y.13901 175 Futon Ave.,Hempstead N.Y.11550 333 East Washington St.,Syracuse N.Y.13202 207 Genesee St.,Utica N.Y.13501 30 Glenn St.,White Plains N.Y.10603 PW -200.1 (6-85) docm: letter9a $' "I . OVERTIME and HOLIDAY INFORMATION • OVERTIME 5/31/87 A 1 Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. AA) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. 8 ) Time and one half of the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. B1 ) Time and one half for the 9th & 10th hour per day & 1st 8 hours on Saturday double the hourly rate all additional hours. C ) Double the hourly rate after 7 hours per day. CC&C1) Double the hourly rate after 7 and one half hours per day. D ) Double the hourly rate after 8 hours per day. D1 )Double the hourly rate after 9 hours per day. E ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday. E1 )Time and one half 1st 4 hours on Saturday, double the hourly rate all additional Saturday hours. E2 )Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost durina that week due to inclement weather. E3 )Between Nov. 1st and March 3rd Saturday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week due to inclement weather, provided a given employee has worked between 16 and 32 hours that week. E4 )Saturday and Sunday may be used as a make-up day at straight time when a day is lost during that week dur to inclement weather. F ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. G ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. H ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. I ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday. J ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. K ) Time and one half of the hourly rate on Holidays. L ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday. M ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Sunday. N ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday and Holidays. 0 ) Double the hourly rate on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. P ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday. 0 ) Double the hourly rate on Sunday and Holidays. R ) Double the hourly rate on Holidays. S ) Two and one half times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. T ) Triple the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. U ) Four times the hourly rate for Holidays, if worked. V ) Incluing benefits at SAME PREMIUM as shown for overtime. W ) Time and one half for benefits on all overtime hours. NOTE: BENEFITS are PER HOUR WORKED, for each hour worked, unless otherwise noted. Sec220:Para 2. "Each contract.... shall contain a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic.... shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calander day or work more than five.days in any one week except in case of extraodinary emergency.... Whenever such an "EMERGENCY DISPENSATION"(emphasis added) is granted, all work in excess of eight hours per day, and five days per week shall be considered overtime work... and ... shall be paid a premium wage commensurate with the premium wages prevailing in the area in which the work is performed." HOLIDAYS The Holidays as listed below are to be paid at the wage rates at which the employee is normally classified. ( 1 ) None. ( 2 ) Labor Day. ( 3 ) Memorial Day and Labor Day. ( 4 ) Memorial Day and July 4th. ( 5 ) Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. ( 6 ) New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. ( 7 ) Lincoln'S Birthday, Washington's Birthday and Veterans Day. ( 8 ) Good Friday. ( 9 ) Lincoln's Birthday. ( 10 ) Washington's Birthday. ( 11 ) Columbus Day. ( 12 ) Election Day. ( 13 ) Presidential Election Day. ( 14 ) 1/2 Day on Presidential Election Day. ( 15 ) Veteran's Day. ( 16 ) Day after Thanksgiving Day. ( 17 ) July 4th. ( 18 ) 1/2 Day before Christmas Day. ( 19 ) 1/2 Day before New years Day. ( 20 ) Thanksgiving Day. ( 21 ) New Years Day. ( 22 ) Christmas Day. ( 23 ) Day before Christmas. ( 24 ) Day before New Years. ( 25 ) Presidents Day. ( 26 ) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. PW -201 (7-85) docm: letter2c NOTICE of NEW PREVAILING WAGE RATE PUBLICATIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL COUNTIES ( ' ) AS NOTED ON PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULES PAGES. The annual determination of the prevailing rates of wages and supplements for workers employed on public work projects throughout the state will be published on May 31, 1989. The new rates will be in effect July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990 - accept as noted below. A supplement to these prevailing wage rates will be determined on June 30, 1989 to include information from collective bargaining agreements finalized between May 31 and June 30. These agreements must have been in negotiation prior to May 31. The June 30th rates will take effect August 1, 1989 and supercede the original or prior issued wage rates except on projects completed before August 1, 1989. When you review the schedule for particular occupations, your attention should be directed to the dates above the column of rates. These dates are the effective dates contained in the latest collective bargaining agreements for that occupation. It is the responsibility of the contracting agency or its agent to provide all prevailing rate schedules to the contractor immediately upon receipt to insure the proper payment of wages to workers. Failure to do so may cause an improper rate to be used and result in the finding of an underpayment. PW -202 (5-89) docm: letterd VERIFYING THE REGISTRATION OF APPRENTICES Certain State and Federal Laws require that apprentices must be individually registered as such in order to be paid apprenticeship rates on Public Work. The New York State Labor Department is the official registration agency for apprentices in New York State. No other Federal or State Agency or office registers apprentices in New York State. Each year the apprentice training central office in Albany receives hundreds of requests from Federal and State Agencies, Contractors, and other interested parties requesting verification of individual apprentice registrations. The following information is provided in order to clarify New York State procedures. All registered apprentices in New York State are individually registered by name, address, social security number, starting date of training, and other related data. This information is computerized and is available ONLY through the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Persons wishing to verify the apprentice registration of any individual should write to Frank R. Finn, Sr. Employment Consultant, New York State Department of Labor, Job Service and Training Division, Building 12, Room 140, State Office Building Campus, Albany, New York 12240. All inquiries MUST include name and social security number and will be answered in writing. The response will indicate whether or not the individual is registered, and if so, will provide other pertinent information regarding the registration. The only conclusive proof of individual apprentice registration is written verification from the Albany Apprentice Training Central Office. Neither Federal nor State Apprentice Training Offices outside Albany can provide conslusive registration information. It should be noted that the existence of a registered apprenticeship program is not conclusive proof that any individual is registered in that program. Furthermore, the existence or possession of wallet cards, identification cards or copies of state forms are not conclusive proof of the registration of any individual as an apprentice. PW - 203 (4-86) docm: letter2e ti State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )See NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 1 ASBESTOS WORKER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/89 6/30/90 Asbestos Worker ............. $ 24.22 24.72 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL ....... T :(per hour worked) Health/welfare2.64 2.69 Pension ............... 2.06 2.16 Annuity ............... 5.00 5.25 Vacation .............. 2.75 3.05 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-12 WAGES(per hour) 9/01/87- 9/01/88- 9/01/89- 8/31/88 8/31/89 8/31/90 Boilermaker.......... $ 24.50 25.00 26.40 OVERTIME PAY: New Work See ( C,0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY: Repair Work See (B4O) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 8,16,23,24) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd. 4th, 5th. 6th_. 7th. 8th. 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100% SUPPLEMENTAL e.....T..(per hour worked) Health/welfar.$ 8% 8% 8% Pension ............... •11% 14% 15% Apprentice Training... .10 .10 .10 Vacation .............. 7% 7% 7% Annuity ............... 17 % 19% 20% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-5 GLAZIER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/89 6/30/90 Glazier... ........... $ 21.20 Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare........$ 2.48 .80 per Pension ............... 1.31 hour Apprentice Training... .03 Vacation .............. 2.35 Annuity ............... 5.50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1087 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )*NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 2 CARPENTER WAGES(per hour) 9/01/86- 8/30/87 Building: Draper ............... $ 14.26 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5,6,9,10,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.46 Pension ............... 6 % Listed supplements apply to AL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-44D WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: Carpet/Resilient Floor Coverer...... $ 21.66 22.66 23.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured after 7/01/84 1st, 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) - See below. 8-2241/2287 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- Building: 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 • Millwright........... 19.79 20.29 20.79 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C. 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 55% 65% 75% 95% SUPPLEM N T (per hour worked) Health/Welfare...... 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 2.59 2.84 3.09 Annuity ............... 3.79 4.31 4.83 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. 2.82 3.12 3.42 Listed supplements apply to LL.L classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-740 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Piledriver........... 21.66 22.66 23.66 Dockbuilder.......... 21.66 22.66 23.66 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at thefollowing percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured After 1st, 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 7/01/84 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. B-1456 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )*NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8705770 Public Work 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 3 Carpenter (cont) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Marine Construction: Marine Diver ......... $ 25.75 26.98 28.21 " Tender.... 20.02 20.93 21.64 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1456/D ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Timberman .........$ 20.10 21.01 21.92 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: (-1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Indentured After 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 7/01/84 40% 50% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked - See below. 8-1536h The following Supplemental Benefits apply to the preceding Carpenter categories and/or occupational titles unless otherwise noted. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) for ALL Categories Except 1st & 2nd Year Apprentices Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 2.59 2.84 3.09 Annuity ............... 1.65 1.75 1.85 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. 1.80 1.95 2.10 Pension Ins. Fund.... .14 .13 .13 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) for 1st & 2nd Year Apprentices indentured after July 1,1984 Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.67 2.87 3.10 Pension ............... 1.30 1.42 1.55 Annuity ............... .83 .88 .93 Apprentice Training... .17 .20 .20 Vacation .............. .90 .98 1.05 Pension Ins. Fund..... .14 .13 .13 Listed supplements apply to AL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-nyc/supp I 1 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( Oee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 4 Carpenter (cont.) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Building: Carpenter............ $ 22.50 23.50 Heavy/Highway: Carpenter............ $ 22.55 23.55 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 40% 55% 65% 80% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.46'2.46 Pension ............... Apprentice Training... .15• .07 .18• .09 Vacation .............. 1.80• .90 1.90' .95 Annuity ............... Scholarship Fund...... .01• .005 .01• .005 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')1st. & 2nd. term Apprentice Benefits in second column, all others full benefits. 4-SUF ELEVATOR WAGES (per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Elevator Constructor ... $ 22.82 23.70 24.58 " Helper.. 17.12 17.73 18.44 Elev. (Modernization).. 19.55• 20.56' 21.57• " Helper.. 14.66• 15.42• 16.18• OVERTIME PAY:CONSTR.See ( C,M,T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. OVERTIME PAY:MODERN.See ( B,F,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (5,6,7,11,12) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.395.2.395 Pension ............... 1.69 •1.69 1.79 '1.79 1.89 '1.89 Annuity- .............. 1.40 •1.25 1.40 •1.25 1.40 '1.25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)"Modernization' supplements appear in second column. 8-1 • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )FWOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 5 ELECTRICIAN WAGES(per hour) 6/01/89- 5/01/90- 4/30/90 4/30/91 Electrician.......... $ 26.25 27.25 Audio/Sound.......... 26.25 27.25 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 4 ) ( 3 - 7 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 35% • 45% 55% 65% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(percents based on gross wages -others per hour) Health/welfare........$ 12 % 12 % Pension ............... 7.5 % 7.5% Suppl.Unemploy.Benefit .25 .25 Apprentice Training... .12 .12 Annuity ............... 11.5 %' 11.5%' Benefit Fund.......... 3.0% 3.0% Vacation and Holiday.. 9.5 % 9.5% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 'Note: 1st. Term (only) Apprentice NOT included in Annuity Fund Benefit. 4-25 ------------------------------ I 9 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( �ee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Applicable on maintanence of traffic signals and street lighting only. WAGES(per hour) 6/01/89- 5/01/90- 5/01/91- 4/30/90 4/30/91 4/30/92 Electrician (Traffic/Street)..... 20.62 21.42 22.30 OVERTIME PALL See ( B, G, P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 2 - 2 ) ( 3 - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 35% 45% 55% 65% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(percent on gross wages earned) Health/Welfare........$ 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% Pension ............... 8.5% 8.5% 8.5% Apprentice Training... 1/2% 1/2% 1/2% Annuity ............... 9% 9% 9% Vacation and Holidays. 8.5% 8.5% 8.5% Listed supplements apply to A_LL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No *Apprentice Benefits appear in second column. 4-25m Page 6 PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( We NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 7 TELEPHONE Rates below are for telephone work up to Point of Demarcation. Point of Demarcation is defined as the point of interconnection between customer provided equipment and telephone company provided facilities. WAGES(per hour) 8/07/88- / / Telephone System Technician/Cable Splicing Starting.......... 6.90 After 6 mos....... 7.59 12 mos....... 8.33 18 mos....... 9.18 24 mos....... 10.09 " 30 mos....... 11.08 " 36 mos....... 12.20 " 42 mos....... 13.40 48 mos....... 14.74 " 54 mos....... 16.20 " 60 mos....... 17.83 Cable Splicing Technician Helper Start ................. 6.08 After 6 mos.......... 6.68 12 mos.......... 7.33 18 mos.......... 8.06 24 mos.......... 8.85 30 mos.......... 9.74 36 mos.......... 10.71 42 mos.......... 11.78 " 48 mos.......... 12.94 Service Technician Starting.......... 6.90 After 6 mos....... 7.58 " 12 mos....... 8.33 " 18 mos....... 9.15 24 mos....... 10.05 " 30 mos........ 11.05 " 36 mos....... 12.14 " 42 mos....... 13.35 " 48 mos....... 14.66 " 54 mos....... 16.13 " 60 mos....... 17.74 OVERTIME PAY: See ( ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( ) APPRENTICES: (None ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS!(per hour worked) Health/welfare.:.....$ 10.0% Pension ............... 1.8% Savings/Security...... 1.8% Income Protect Fund... .4% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( )No. nytele/ns 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( • )*OTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 8 TELEPHONE(cont) Rates listed below are for installation of customer provided telephone equipment from point of demarcation. WAGES(per hour) 5/28/89- / / Telephone System Technician Starting.......... 6.73 After 6 mos....... 7.43 " 12 mos....... 8.20 " 18 mos....... 9.06 24 mos....... 10.01 " 30 mos....... 11.06 " 36 mos....... 12.21 " 42 mos....... 13.50 " 48 mos....... 14.90 " 54 mos....... 16.46 " 60 mos....... 18.19 Technician Asst. Start.................6.24 After 6 mos.......... 6.85 " 12 mos.......... 7.51 " 18 mos.......... 8.25 " 24 mos.......... 9.05 " 30 mos.......... 9.94 Senior Technician Starting.......... 6.73 After 6 mos....... 7.46 " 12 mos....... 8.29 " 18 mos....... 9.20 " 24 mos....... 10.21 " 30 mos....... 11.34 " 36 mos....... 12.58 " 42 mos....... 13.96 " 48 mos....... 15.50 " 54 mos....... 17.21 " 60 mos....... 19.10 Services Technician Start ................. 6.73 After 6 mos.......... 7.43 " 12 mos.......... . 8.20 " 18 mos.......... 9.06 " 24 mos.......... 10.01 " 30 mos.......... 11.06 " 36 mos.......... 12.21 42 mos.......... 13.50 " 48 mos.......... 14.90 " 54 mos........... 15.81 OVERTIME PALL See (B,I,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5,6,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL SENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/welfare ........ $ 10%'Note Pension ............... 4.8%'Note Training .............. 4.5%•Note Listed supplements apply to 96,E classifications ( )Yes ( X )No. *Note- Listed Benefits are for Full Time & Part Time Employees working 25 or more hours per week. Other Part Time Employee benefits are as follows. 0-16 hrs.- H/W- 0; Pen.- 4.8%; Training- 4.5% 17-24 hrs.- H/W- 5%; Pen. 4.8%; Training- 4.5% att/ + . PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor 8705770 Public Work 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 9 IRONWORKER WAGES(per hour) 1/02/89- 7/03/89- 1/01/90- 7/02/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Structural........... $ 21.00 Additional Additional Riggers .............. 21.00 1,75 per .75 per Machinery Movers...... 21.00 hour hour " Erectors.... 21.00 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following wage. 1st 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th. 6th. 11.34 11.94 11.94 12.55 12.55 12.55 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ Pension ............... 3.25'3.25 Apprentice Training... .18' .18 Vacation .............. Annuity ............... Benefit Fund.......... 3.30"2.30 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-40/361 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 6/30/88 Reinforcing.......... 21.95 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 75% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.755.1.755 Pension ............... 985' .985 Apprentice Training... .08' .08 Vacation .............. 2.00' none Annuity ............... 3.50' none Scholarship Fund...... .04• .04 Listed supplements apply to Aja classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (') Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-46 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 2.68 allotted 12/31/88 6/30/89 12/31/89 6/30/90 Ornamental........... at a 19.19 Additional Additional Additional Chain Link Fence..... 19.19 .92 to be .92 to be .92 to be OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. date Annuity ............... PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. Listed supplements apply ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 4 ) )Yes ( )No. 8-580 APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. St<h. 6th, 60% 65% 70% 80% 85% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL N •(per hour worked) Health/Welfare.... ...T 2.68 allotted allotted allotted Pension ............... 3.18 at a at a at a Apprentice Training... .30 later later later Vacation .............. 2.84 date date date Annuity ............... 5.50 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-580 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( �ee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 10 LABORER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 6/30/90 Building Laborer: All Classifications ... $ 18.80 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A,E,O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/.Welfare........$ 2.48 Pension ............... 2.83 Vacation .............. 1.03 Annuity ............... .30 Legal ................. .15 Training .............. 1.00 Safety Fund........... .05 Listed supplements apply to A4 classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-66 ------------------------------ Laborer(Heavy/Highway): Group # 1: Asphalt Rakers and Formsetters. Group # 2: Asphalt Shovelers and Tampers. Group # 3: Basic Laborer, Power Tool, Trackman, Landscape, Pipelayer, Jackhammer and Concrete. WAGES(per hour) 7/01/87- 7/01/88- J/01/89- 6/30/88 6/30/89 6/30/90 Heavy/Highway Laborer: Group # 1 ............. $ 15.92 16.90 17.95 Group # 2 ............. 15.55 16.52 17.54 Group # 3 ............. 14.34 15.26 16.24 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, H ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (2,4,6,7,11,12,26) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 13 % 13% 13% Pension ............... 13 % 13% 13% Vacation .............. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Annuity ............... 1.00 1.00 Suppl. Unempl..... 25.00wk 25.00wk 25.00wk Listed supplements apply to ,ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-1298 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( Oee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 11 LATHER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 6/30/90 Lather (Wood Wire & Reinforcing)... 22.45 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V• ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. *Annuity & Vacation Only PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 50% 75% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ Pension ............... 1.75'1.75 Apprentice Training... .08• .08 Vacation .............. 2.25' Same % Wage Annuity ............... 4.00• Same % wage Scholarship Fund...... .04• .04 Listed supplements apply to /A," classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. • Apprentice supplements appear in second column. B-46 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )*NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 12 MASON/TILE/TERRAZZO WAGES(per hour) 6/01/89- 5/31/90 Building: Bricklayer............ $ 24.43 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, 0, W ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 6 ) APPRENTICES: ( 750 hours) terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th(500hr) 6th(500hr) 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ Pension ............... 3.04'3.04 Annuity ............... Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. ( • ) Apprentice Benefits appear in second column 8-NYDC WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Cement Finisher....... 21.72 Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentices) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. lst. 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.61 1.67 to Pension ............... 2.82 be allotted Apprentice Training... .09 at a later Annuity ............... 4.00 date. Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-780 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 6/30/90 Building: Plasterer ............. 20.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( ) ( ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 5th. 6th 40% 50% 60% 60% 80% 80% SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 3.97•Appr. % of 3.97 Annuity ............... 3.25• % of 3.25 Apprentice Training... ,01' " % of .01' Vacation .............. 2.25'Appr. % of 2.25 Listed supplements apply to A.LL classifications ( )Yes ( X )No. (') Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-852 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( We NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Mason (cont) 7/01/89- 6/30/89 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 1.00 per 6/30/88 12/31/88 Building: ( )No. 8-3 Mosaic & 7/01/89- 6/30/89 Terrazzo Worker.. 21.61 Additional OVERTIME PAY.L See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.48 1.00 per Pension ............... 3.25 hour Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .50 Vacation .............. 2.00 Listed supplements apply to A,,ja classifications ( x )Yes WAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 7/01/88- 6/30/88 12/31/88 Building: Mosaic and Terrazzo Helper..... 19.40 Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.48 1.00 per Pension ............... 3.25 hour Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. 1.40 Vacation .............. .50 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes WAGES(per hour) 4/18/89- 4/16/90- 4/15/90 4/28/91 Building: Tile Setter........... 22.98 23.48 OVERTIME PALL See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS!(per hour worked) Health/Welfare.......$ 2.18 2.43 Pension ............... 3.00 3.00 Vacation .............. 1.625 1.625 Annuity ............... 1.50 2.35 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes Page 13 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 12/31/89 Additional Additional 1.00 per 1.00 per hour hour ( )No. 8-3 1/01/89- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 12/31/89 Additional Additional 1.00 per X1.00 per hour hour ( )No. 8-35 )No WAGES(per hour) 5/29/89- 5/27/90 Building: Tile Layer Helper..... $ 20.80 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 Pension ............... 1.50 Annuity ............. 3.20 Listed supplements apply to _" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No 8-52 8-88 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Mason (cont.) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 6/30/90 Cutting Cleaner(Mason) $ 22.19 Sandblasting(Mason)... 22.84 Painter, Cleaner,& Page 14 Caulker(Mason). 21.59 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. lat. 2nd. 3rd, 55% 70% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.70 Pension.. ............. 3.13 Benefit Fund.......... 3.55 Education Fund......... .30 Annuity ............... 2.25 Listed supplements apply to ASL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (')Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 4-66w WAGES(per hour) 1/01/86- 6/30/86 Stone Mason........... $ 21.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.75 Pension - -- Annuity ............... 3.00 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-33 WAGES(per hour) 1/01/87- 6/30/87 Stone Setter.......... $ 20.86 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 80% 90% 95% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.75 Pension ............... 2.00 Security Benefit...... .60 Apprentice Training... .10 Vacation .............. 2.00 Annuity ............... 4.50 Listed supplements apply to 9" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-84 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( We NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 15 Mason (cont..) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 12/31/89 6/30/90 Derrickman/Rigger.... $ 22.36 Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st 2nd 3rd. 4th. 5th, 6th. 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.24 1.11 Pension ............... 3.10 per hour Apprentice Training... .10 Vacation .............. 3.50 Annuity ............... 5.50 Listed supplements apply toIgLL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-197 WAAGES(per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Sawyer, Rubber & Polisher........... 21.88 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, G ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .25 Vacation .............. 3.25 Annuity ............... 3.25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1 WAG (per hour) 1/01/88- 6/30/88 Building: Marble Cutters & Setters ............. 19.10 OVERTIM PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(pr hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .40 Vacation .............. 3.75 Annuity .............. 5.00 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-4 0 State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )*NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 16 Mason (cont...) WAGES(per hour) 1/01/BB- 6/30/88 Marble Finishers...... $ 17.57 OVERTIME PALL See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6,8,10,15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ .96 Pension ............... 1.58 Supp.Unemploy.Benefit. .69 Vacation .............. 3.30 Annuity ............... 5.00 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-10 PAINTER WAGES(per hour) 10/01/88- 10/01/89- 10/01/90- 9/30/89 9/30/90 9/30/91 Steel: " Steel............ 24.50 25.75 27.50 " Spray............ 26.50 27.75 29.50 " Sandblasting..... 26.50 27.75 29.50 " Power Tool....... 26.50 27.75 29.50 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C,F,R ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 10 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 50% 65% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 17 % 17 % 17 % Pension ............... 1.45 2.00 2.00 Apprentice Training... 1/2 % 1/2 % 1/2 % Vacation .............. 6 % 6 % 6 % Annuity ............... 11 % 11 % 11 % Listed supplements apply to ALL, classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-806 ------------------------------ WAGES(per hour) 2/01/88- 8/01/88- 2/01/89- 7/31/88 1/31/89 7/31/89 Drywall Taper......... $ 20.95 21.58 22.23 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.56 2.56 2.56 Pension ............... .71 .71 .71 Vacation .............. 9 % 9 % 9 % Annuity ............... 10 % 10 % 10 % Apprentice Training... .01 .01 .01 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1974 ------------------------------ State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( 9ee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Painter (cont) WAGES(per hour) 4/01/89- 3/31/90 Brush .................. 22.49 Structural Steel/Bridge 27.46 Spray, Scaffold........ 24.96 Sandblasting........... 27.46 Paper Hanger........... 22.49 Page 17 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd, 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 50% 60% 65% 70% 80% 90% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ Pension ............... 2.00'2.00 Apprentice Training... .44• .44 Annuity ............... 2.75' = Appr.% of 2.75 Other (Legal)......... .10` .10 Safety & Health....... .45' .45 Listed supplements apply to A.LL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)1st yr Rate is, H/W=1.82, Pen=1.07, AppTrg=.23, S.& H.=.21 (") Other Apprentice Supplements appear in second column. 4-1486 PLUMBER WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 1/01/90- 7/01/90- 1/01/91- 12/31/89 6/30/90 12/31/90 4/30/91 Plumber .............. $ 24.85 25.47 26.24• 27.10 OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 5 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1 ) year terms at the following wage. t. 2nd. 3rd,4th. 11.18 12.43 16.15 17.40 18.64 for 7/01/89 to 12/31/89 11.46 12.74 16.56 17.83 19.10 for 1/01/90 to 6/30/90 11.81 13.12 17.06 18.37 19.68 for 7/01/90 to 12/31/90 12.20 13.55 17.62 18.97 20.33 for 1/01/91 to 4/30/91 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ 2.39'note 2.44•note 2.70•note 2.94•note Pension ............... 1.64'note 1.84•note 1.90•note 1.95•note Apprentice Training... .24'note .24•note .24•note .24•note Vacation .............. 1.30•note 1.30'note 1.30'note 1.30•note Annuity .............. 3.70•note 3.95"note 4.00"note 4.00"note Security Benefit..... 1.00'note 1.00'note 1.00'note 1.00•note Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)Note -Apprentice supplements appear below. 7/89 to12/89 -1st. yr. H/W-1.46 PEN. -1.03 Appr.-.14 Ann. -2.28 Vac. -.75 Sec. -.53 2nd. yr. " 1.47 1.05 .15 2.29 ' .80 Sec. -.53 3rd. yr. " 1.52 1.09 " .16 2.29 ' .86 Sec. -.53 4th. yr. 1.53 1.09 .16 " 2.30 ' .93 Sec. -.53 5th. yr. 1.56 1.11 .17 " 2.31 .98 Sec. -.53 1/90 to 6/90 -1st. yr. H/W-1.49 PEN. -1.14 Appr.-.14 Ann. -2.43 Vac. -.75 Sec. -.53 2nd. yr. 1.50 " 1.17 .15 2.44 .80 Sec. -.53 3rd. yr. 1.55 1.19.16 2.44 .86 Sec. -.53 4th. yr. 1.56 " 1.21 .16 2.45 .93 Sec. -.53 5th. yr. " 1.59 1.23 .17 2.46 " .98 Sec. -.53 7/90 to12/90 -1st. yr. H/W-1.65 PEN. -1.19 Appr.-.14 Ann. -2.46 Vac. -.75 Sec. -.53 2nd. yr. 1.66 1.21 .15 2.47 .80 Sec. -.53 3rd. yr. 1.71 1.23 " .16 2.47 .86 Sec. -.53 4th. yr. " 1.72 1.25 .16 2.48 " .93 Sec. -.53 5th. yr. 1.75 " 1.27 " .17 2.49 .98 Sec. -.53 1/91 to 4/91 -1st. yr. H/W-1.79 PEN. -1.22 Appr.-.14 Ann. -2.46 Vac. -.75 Sec. -.53 2nd. yr. 1.80 " 1.24 .15 " 2.47 .80 Sec. -.53 3rd. yr. 1.85 ' 1.26 .16 2.47 ' .86 Sec. -.53 4th. yr. 1.86 " 1.28 .16 " 2.48 .93 Sec. -.53 5th. yr. " 1.89 1.30 " .17 " 2.49 ' 98 Sec. -.53 4-775 State of New York Department of Labor • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( • )*NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work _ 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 18 STEAMFITTER/SPRINKLER FITTER WAGES(per hour) 6/29/88- 12/28/88- 12/27/88 6/27/89 Steam Fitter.......... $ 25.05 Additional Sprinkler Fitter...... 25.05 1.00 to be OVERTIME PAY: See ( C,O,V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 3 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th, 6th. 7th. 8th. 40% 40% 50% 50% 65% 65% 80% 80 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.35•= % allotted Pension ............... 2.00'= % at a Security Fund......... 2.60•= % later Training Fund......... .20•.20 date Vacation .............. 2.75"= % Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)Apprentice supplements appear in second column. 8-638s/s • State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( �ee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 19 ROOFER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/89- 10/01/89- 4/01/90- 9/30/89 3/31/90 9/30/90 Roofer ............... $ 19.34 Additional Additional Waterproofer........... 19.34 1.20 per hr. .60 per hr. OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. QAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 6 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare.......$ 3.98*Term % Pension ............... 2.78* " Apprentice Training... .03* .03 Vacation .............. 3.00*Term % Annuity ............... 1.69* " Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( X )No. *Apprentice supplements appear in second column 4-154 SHEETMETAL WORKER VAGES(per hour) 8/01/88- 2/01/89- 8/01/89- 2/01/90- 1/31/89 7/31/89 1/31/90 7/31/90 Sheetmetal Worker.... $ 23.83 Additional Additional Additional OVERTIME PAY: See ( C, 0, V ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 1 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 7.15 8.34 11.39 12.56 13.71 14.74 15.91 18.27 SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.32*note 1.00 per 1.00 per 1.25 per Pension ............... 2.69*2.69 hour hour hour Suppl.Unemploy.Benefit .11* .04 Vacation .............. 2.00*note Annuity ............... 3.00*note Education Fund........ .27* .27 Scholarship Fund..... .02* .02 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. (*)Apprentice supplements appear in second column. H/W-term/amt.-1st-.61; 2nd -.82; 3rd -1.10; 4th -1.33; 5th -1.66; 6th thru 8th -2.32 Vac-term/amt.-1st-.80;2nd-.90;3rd-1.06;4th-1.17;5th-1.28;6th-1.39;7th-1.50;8th-1.72 Ann.-term/amt.-1st-.24;2nd-.29;3rd-.77;4th-.97;5th-1.09;6th-1.00;7th-1.42;Bth-2.27/8-28 TEAMSTER Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. GROUP 3: Other WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Truck Driver (Building and Heavy/Highway): Group 1 .............. 17.385 18.36 Group 2 .............. 17.825 18.43 Group 3 ............... 15.59 16.09 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ Pension ............... 2.8525'2.8525 Annuity ............... 4.3125.3.9575 4.8275.4.395 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( X )No, *Group 3 supplements appear in second column. 4-282nsh SIGN ERECTOR WAGES(per hour) 7/01/86- 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 6/30/87 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 Sign Erector......... $ 17.80 18.75 19.50 20.25 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE .attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See( 5,6,10,11,12,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th 10th 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 1st Yr .1st Yr 1st yr 1st yr Health/Welfare........$ 7 % '.41 7 % `.41 7 % '.41 7 % `.41 Local Pension.,....... 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % National Pension...... .43 '.43 .46 •.46 .47 •.47 .48 ".48 Apprentice Training... .10 `.10 .11 •.11 .12 •.12 .12 '.12 Vacation .............. 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % •2 % 8 % '2 % Annuity ............... 1.85 "-.-- 2.00 •-.-- 2.00 '-.-- 2.14 •-.-- Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 1st yr.Appr. Supp. appear in second column. H/W-after 2nd yr -7%; Pen. -2nd yr. 6% and after 3rd yr. 8%; Vac. -2nd yr 2%,3rd yr.4% and 4th yr. 6%; Ann. -2nd yr 0 ,3rd yr 1.00 per day, 4th yr. 2.00 per day, 5th yr. 3.00 per day. 8-137 • PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ) OTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 20 WELDER Welder To be paid the rate of the mechanic performing the work. TEAMSTER Truck Driver(Building and Heavy/Highway): GROUP 1: Chauffeur and Excavation. GROUP 2: Euclid and Turnapull type trucks. GROUP 3: Other WAGES(per hour) 7/01/88- 7/01/89- 6/30/89 6/30/90 Truck Driver (Building and Heavy/Highway): Group 1 .............. 17.385 18.36 Group 2 .............. 17.825 18.43 Group 3 ............... 15.59 16.09 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, P, T ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: ( per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........ $ Pension ............... 2.8525'2.8525 Annuity ............... 4.3125.3.9575 4.8275.4.395 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( X )No, *Group 3 supplements appear in second column. 4-282nsh SIGN ERECTOR WAGES(per hour) 7/01/86- 7/01/87- 7/01/88- 1/01/89- 6/30/87 6/30/88 12/31/88 6/30/89 Sign Erector......... $ 17.80 18.75 19.50 20.25 OVERTIME PAY: See ( A, E, Q ) on OVERTIME PAGE .attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See( 5,6,10,11,12,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 4 ) APPRENTICES: ( 1/2 ) year terms at the following percentage of Journeyman's wage. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th 10th 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) 1st Yr .1st Yr 1st yr 1st yr Health/Welfare........$ 7 % '.41 7 % `.41 7 % '.41 7 % `.41 Local Pension.,....... 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % National Pension...... .43 '.43 .46 •.46 .47 •.47 .48 ".48 Apprentice Training... .10 `.10 .11 •.11 .12 •.12 .12 '.12 Vacation .............. 8 % '2 % 8 % '2 % 8 % •2 % 8 % '2 % Annuity ............... 1.85 "-.-- 2.00 •-.-- 2.00 '-.-- 2.14 •-.-- Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( x )No. 1st yr.Appr. Supp. appear in second column. H/W-after 2nd yr -7%; Pen. -2nd yr. 6% and after 3rd yr. 8%; Vac. -2nd yr 2%,3rd yr.4% and 4th yr. 6%; Ann. -2nd yr 0 ,3rd yr 1.00 per day, 4th yr. 2.00 per day, 5th yr. 3.00 per day. 8-137 r� L State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( leee NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 SUFFOLK COUNTY 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 Page 21 HIGHWAY STRIPER WAGES(per hour) 4/01/88- 4/01/89- 4/01/90- 3/31/87 3/31/90 3/31/91 Painter(Striping-Highway etc.): Striping -Machine Oper.$ 14.04 14.60 15.62 " Helper......... 12.43 12.93 13.84 Linerman.............. 14.50 15.08 16.14 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B,E,P,S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,8,10,11,12,15,16 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIJS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare ........$ 11 % 11 % 11% Pension ............... 4 % 4 % 4% Vacation .............. 7 % 7 % 7% Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. B-230 TREE TRIMMER WAGES(per hour) 10/1/85- 9/30/86 Tree Trimmer: Trimmer -T 7 (start)... $ 7.75 -T 6 after 6 mo. 8.32 " -T 5 12 mo. 8.54 -T 4 18 mo. 6.93 " -T 3 24 mo. 9.70 " -T 2 30 mo. 10.14 -T 1 36 mo. 11.56 Driver,Groundsman...... 9.53 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See (5,6,7,8,11,12,18,19)) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/welfare........ $ Contr.Provide H. & W. + $10,000 Life Ins. Annuity ............... .35 Holidays .............. (12 paid). Vacation - after 15 mo./1 week. -after 30 mo./2 weeks. -after 10yrs/3 weeeks. - pro -rated if less than 1700 hrs.in prior year. Listed supplements apply to gL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-1049t PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )OOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8705770 6/30/91 Survey Rates: 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY 18.01 18.61 Page 22 Instrument Man...... 15.18 SURVEY CREW WAGES:(per hour) 7/01/89- 16.18 6/30/90 12.43 Survey Rates -Building: 13.43 Party Chief......... 21.02 B,E,G ) on OVERTIME Instrument Man...... 18.36 Rodman/Chainmen..... 12.16 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY OVERTIME PAY: See ( A,E,O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ Health/Welfare........ 2.10 1.60 Pension ............... 1.90 Pension ............... Apprentice Training... .20 1.10 Vacation .............. 1.00 Apprentice Training... Annuity ............... 4.25 .05 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( ------------------------------ )No. 8-15Db A E •(per hour) 7/01/89- .05 6/30/90 Vacation .............. Survey Rates-Heavy/Hiway: .72 Party Chief......... 21.01 Annuity ............... Instrument Man...... 17.40 1.50 Rodman/Chainman..... 15.28 Listed supplements OVERTIME PAY: See (B,E,O ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. ( x )Yes PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 2.10 Pension ............... 1.90 Apprentice Training... .20 Vacation .............. 1.00 Annuity ............... 4.25 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-15D SURVEY CREW - CONSULTING ENGINEERS Feasibility and preliminary design surveying, line and grade surveying for inspection or supervision of construction when performed under a consulting engineer agreement. WAGES:(per hour) 8/01/88- 7/01/89- 7/01/90- 6/30/89 6/30/90 6/30/91 Survey Rates: Party Chief......... 18.01 18.61 19.01 Instrument Man...... 15.18 15.78 16.18 Rodman/Chainman..... 12.43 13.03 13.43 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B,E,G ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (Per hour worked) Health/Welfare........ 1.35 1.60 1.85 Pension ............... 1.00 1.10 1.20 Apprentice Training... .05 .05 .05 Suppl Unempl. Benefit .05 .05 .05 Vacation .............. .72 • .72 .72 Annuity ............... 1.25 1.50 2.00 Listed supplements apply to A" classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-15Dc State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( We NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 23 DRILLING WAGES(per hour) 10/17/87- 10/16/88 Core Drilling: Driller............ $ 15.405 " Helper.......... 13.645 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAYS: See ( 5, 6 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTAL 0ENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 2.07 Pension ............... 2.10 Vacation .............. .19 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 8-1536 ------------------------------ WA S(per hour) 8/01/86- 8/01/87- 8/01/88 - 7/31/87 7/31/88 7/31/89 Well Driller: " Driller .........$ 16.40 Additional Additional " Helper..... 14.40 1.00 1.00 OVERTIME PALL See (B,E,P ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 9 % to be to be Pension ............... 2.75 allocated allocated Annuity Fund.......... 1.50 later. later. Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138well State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( ) OTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number Bureau of Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 24 WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89 - Building: 6/30/90 Hoist(Multiple Platform) 23.85 Lead Engineer 22.455 Hoist(Tandem Platform 22.23 Tower Crane(Engineer) 21.81 SideBoom Tractor(Used in tank work) 21.515 Scoop, Carry -all, Scraper in tandem 21.43 Boom Trucks or Cranes (used for stone setting or structural steel) 21.38 CMI or Maxim Spreader, Concrete Spreader, Derrick, Sideboom Tractor 21.355 Tank Work 21.28 Hoist, 2 Drum, Hoist, 3 Drum 21.23 Backhoe,Dragline, Gradall, Pile Driver, Shovel 21.255 Elevator, Fork Lift, Hoist, 1 Drum 20.17 Batching Plant(on site of job), Power Winch(used for stone or steel), Power Winch (Truck Mounted -used for stone or steel), Pump, Concrete 21 . 155 Dredge 20.815 Roller, Trench Machine 21.055 Welding Machine, Structural Steel 21.03 Boom Truck, Crane, Crawler or Truck, Conveyor(Multi), Plant Engineer, Stone Spreader (Self -Propelled) 21.005 Asphalt Spreader 20.98 Fork Lift(Walk Behind, Power Operated) 20.97 Compressor(Structura Steel) 20.955 Boiler, Bulldozer, Compressor(on Crane), Compressor(Pile Work), Compressor(stone setting), Concrete Breaker, Conveyor, Generator -Pile Work, Loading Machine(Front End), Maintenance Engineer,Powerhouse, Power Winch(used for other than stone or steel), Power Winch, Truck Mounted(used for other than stone or steel, Pulvi-Mixer,Pump(Dble Action Diaphragm), Pumps(Gypsum, Hydraulic, Jet, Single Action- 1 to 3, and Well Point), Welding and Burning, Welding Machine (Pile Work) 20.805 Curb Machine(Asphalt or Concrete), Curing Machine, Pump(Submersible), Maintenance Man 20.65 Grader 20.58 Compressor, Compressor(2 or more in battery), Generator, Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, Portable Heaters, Pump(4 inches or over), Track Tamper(2 Engineers,Each), Welding Machine 20.555 Stiping Machine 20.48 Bulldozer(used for excavation), Fireman, Loading Machine, Powerbroom, Vac -All 20.43 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or without Skip), Pump(Up to 3 inches),Tractor,Craterpillar or Wheel, 20.055 Scoop(Carry-All Scraper) 20.43 Hydra Hammer, Ridge Cutter 19.97 Bending Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Generator(Small), Vibrator(1 to 5), 19.805 Power Buggies 19.68 Stump Chipper and Oiler 19.455 Mechanical Compactor(Hand Operated), Trench Machine(Hand) 19.43 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked) Health/Welfare....... $ 3.52 Pension .............. 2.75 Apprentice Training.. .25 Annuity .............. 4.00'Overtime Rate for of hours Suppl. Unempl........ .20 Other ................ .25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( )Yes ( )No. 4-138b ------------------------------ State of New York Department of Labor PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( We NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED Case Number 8705770 SUFFOLK COUNTY Bureau of Public Work 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 Page 25 Operating Engineer (cont) WAGES(per hour) 7/01/89- 6/30/90 HEAVY / HIGHWAY: Lead Engineer 23.08 Scoop(Carry-All,Scraper in Tandem), Tower Crane(Engineer), 21.605 Backhoe, Crane(Stone Setting)— Crane(Structural Steel), Dragline, Gradall, Pile Driver, Road Paver, Shovel 21.35 Batching P1ant(on site of job), Crane(on Barge), Sideboom Tractor(used in tank work), Tank Work 21.205 Hoist(3 Drum), Power Winch(Truck Mounted -used for stone or steel), Power Winch(used for stone setting and/or structural steel),Trench Machine 21.195 Asphalt Spreader,Boom Truck,Boring Machine(other than Post Holes), CMI or Maxim Spreader, Crane(Crawler or Truck), Concrete Spreader, Conveyor, Multi, Plant Engineer, Sideboom Tractor,Stone Spreader(self propelled) 20.98 Boring Machine, Post Holes 20.92 Compressor(Stone Setting),Compressor(Structural Steel), Welding Machine(structural steel) 20.865 Dredge 20.815 Work Boat 20.805 Compressor(on Crane), Compressor(Pile Work), Generator -Pile Work, Hoist,2 Drum, Loading Machine(Front-End), Powerhouse, Power Winch(Truck Mounted -used for other than stone or steel),Power Winch(other than stone or struct.steel),Welding Machine,Pile Work 20.705 Mechanical Compactor, Machine Drawn, Roller(over 5 Ton) 20.52 Boiler 20.48 Pump, Concrete 20.44 Compressor(2 or more in battery 20.40 Grader 20.385 Bulldozer, Concrete Finishing Machine, Conveyor,Curb Machine,Asphalt or Concrete, Curing Machine, Dinky Locomotive, Fireman, Fork Lift, Hoist,l Drum, LoadingMachine, Maintenance Machine,Pulvi-Mixer, Pump(4 inches or over), Pumps(Hydraulic, ,Jet, Submersible and Well Point), Roller(5 ton and under), Scoop,Carry-All,Scraper, Maintenance Man, Vac -All, Welding & Burning 20.17 Generator 20.09 Portable Heaters 20.345 Compressor, Mulch Machine, Pin Puller, Pump(Double Action Diaphragm),Pump-Gypsum, Pump(Single Action 1 to 3), Striping Machine, Welding Machine 19.795 Powerbroom 19.225 Concrete Saw or Cutter, Fork Lift,Walk Behind,Power Operated, Hydra Hammer, Mixer(with Skip), Mixer(2 Small with or withour Skip), Power Buggies, Power Grinders, Concrete Breaker, Ridge Cutter 19.08 Vibrator(1 to 5) 18.875 Oiler, Root Cutter, Stump Chipper, Oiler, Track Tamper(2 Engineers,Each), Deck Hand 18.77 Generator(Small) 18.765 Bending Machine, Pump, Centrifugal(up to 3 inches), Trench Machine(hand) 18.73 Tractor,Caterpillar or Wheel 18.555 OVERTIME PAY: See ( D, 0 ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5,6,7,11,12 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. ALLOWABLE RATIO: Apprentice(s) to Journeymen ( 1 - 1 ) ( 1 - 6 ) SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 3.52 Pension ............... 2.75 Apprentice Training... .25 Annuity ............... 4.00. Overtime Rate for 0. T. hours. Suppl. Unemp........... .20 Other ............. .25 Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-138h PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE ( )*NOTICE PAGE ATTACHED State of New York Case Number Bureau of Department of Labor Public Work 8705770 7b-7/01/89 thru 6/30/90 Published - 7/06/89 SUFFOLK COUNTY Page 26 MARINE CONSTRUCTION 10/01/88- 10/01/89- 10/01/90- WAGES(per hour) 10/01/88- 10/01/89- 10/01/90- Drill Boat: 9/30/89 9/30/90 9/30/91 Hydraulic Dredge: 19.13 19.87 20.42 Leverman 18.00 18.85 19.53 Engineer 17.48 18.15 18.65 Maint.Engineer 17.23 17.89 18.39 Derrick Oper. 17.48 18.15 18.65 Chief Mate on Dredge 17.23 17.89 18.39 Mate 16.14 16.76 17.23 DeckHand 14.24 14.65 14.93 Oiler 14.75 15.18 15.47 Fireman 14.75 15.18 15.47 Shoreman 14.24 14.65 14.93 Boat Captain 16.26 ------------------------- 16.89 17.36 Tug Boats: Tug Master 16.98 17.63 18.12 Tug Captain 16.26 16.89 17.36 Tug Chief Engineer 16.56 17.20 17.68 Tug Engineer 16.26 16.89 17.36 Tug Deckhand 14.41 ------------------------- 14.83 15.11 Dipper and Clamshell Dredges: Operator 18.31 19.17 19.86 Engineer 17.83 18.52 19.03 Maint.Engineer 17.23 17.89 18.39 Mate 16.14 16.76 17.23 Deckhand 14.41 14.83 15.11 Oiler 14.75 15.18 15.47 Boat Master 16.98 17.64 18.13 Boat Captain 16.26 ------------------------- 16.89 17.36 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B. E. P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. The following SUPPEMENTAL BENEFITS apply to all to ALL classifications of the above HYDRAULIC, DIPPER, CLAMSHELL DREDGES and TUG BOATS. SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS:(per hour worked.) Health/Welfare ........ $ 1.56 1.56 1.56 Pension ............... 1.03 1.03 1.03 Vacation .............. 8 % 8% 8% 4-25a WAGES(per hour) 10/01/88- 10/01/89- 10/01/90- 9/30/89 9/30/90 9/30/91 Drill Boat: Engineer 19.13 19.87 20.42 Blaster 19.33 20.07 20.63 Driller/Welder/Machinist 19.14 19.88 20.43 Oiler 18.13 18.66 19.01 Helper 18.13 18.66 19.01 OVERTIME PAY: See ( B, E, P, S ) on OVERTIME PAGE attached. PAID HOLIDAY: See ( 5, 6, 10, 15 ) on HOLIDAY PAGE attached. SUPPLEMENTALBENEFITS: (per hour worked) Health/Welfare........$ 1.56 1.56 1.56 Pension ............... 1.03 1.03 1.03 Vacation .............. 8 % 8 % 8% Listed supplements apply to ALL classifications ( x )Yes ( )No. 4-25/3 OCCUPATIONS APPLICABLE TO BUILDING and HEAVY/HIGHWAY SCHEDULES t' H E A M E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E 0 A R C H I T E C T S AIA Document A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1987 EDITION m THIS DOCUAIENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COAIPLETION OR ,110DIFICATION. The 1987 Edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of June in the year of Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Nine BETWEEN the Owner: The Town of Southold, a municipal corporation under the (A'ameand address) laws of the State of New York, with its principal location at 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. and the Contractor: LoDuca Associates, Inc., 1420 F Church St reet, Bohemia, NY 1171E (.\i'me and address) The Project is: Modular office addition to Southold Town Hall, (Aantecmdluccnion) Route 25, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. The Architect is: Samuels and Stielman Architects (A'ameand adchess) 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. copyright 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 190-, 1974, 1977, © 1987 by The American ]nsntute of Archi- tects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Reproduction of the material herein or subst:uutal yuoution of its pro%-isions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright lacus of the UnIICII States and will he subject to legal prosecution. AIA DOCUMENT A101 - OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT - TWELFI'll EDITION - AIA"' - (0198, THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W. WASHINGTON, [YC 21NNK) A101-1987 1 ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: NONE ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 3.2 is measured, and shall be the date of this Agreement, as first written above, unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. (Insert the date of commencement, if it differs from the date of this Agreement or, if applicable, state that the date trill be Jired in a notice to proceed.) Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than 30 days from (/ttserl the calendar tate or number oft alendar days alter the date of c'000nencentent. Also insert any requircnu'rrus fitr curlier Suhstututial Cnnrpletton o/ cer- lant portions of the Work. if not .Stated elsvithere tut the Comract Iocumrnts.) the date of this contract and to be completed within two we after said 30 day period. , subject to adjustments of this Contract Timc as provided in the Contract Documents. (lite,rt prort.ssos", t) an 1'. for liquidated damages relatng to list lit re to complete on nme.) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • T%X'EI.FTII EDITION • AIA`D • k)Ig87 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WAS)IINGTON, D C. 2(xxxi A101-1987 2 ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of One hundred and three thousand three hundred sixty nine Dollars (S 103, 369.00 ), subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Con- tract Documents. 4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (State the numbers or other identification oJaccepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates are to he made In, the ouvner subsequent to the execution of this Agreement. attach a schedule of such other alternates shoueink the amount Jbr each and the elate until rrhich that amount is valid.) NONE i, 4.3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows: NONE AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-C,ONTRACTOH A(iKEEMEN-r • TWFLFTII EDITION • AIA" . ;CDIgH7 THE AMERICAN INS,rrrUTE OFARCHITF-CTs, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. NAV_ WASHINGTON, D.C. 20(XX) A101-1987 3 ARTICLE 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the day of a month, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the day of the month. If an Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. a 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work and he prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This Schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less retainage of percent ( %). Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, :unounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change Order; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retainage of percent ( t%); 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Paymcnt as provided in Para- graph 9.5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Paragraph 5.6 shall he further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to percent( %) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions. 5.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage, if any, shall he :Is follows: /l/ it is ouerrded. prior to .1ub.vnnGal l.Lrupletton of the entire Work. to reelme or limit tAe retainage rt•srrltmg lr'onr the perrentu,�rs rust-rMd tit %wpeirrt- gnipi,s i. t,. l row i. h _' ubore. and it,,, is nut esplautt•d rlsett•Aere in the con Irata Uotitinenh. insert Acre prorm,onv /or sttaA rethum tit or liit, rtutron./ AIA DOCUMENT A101 - OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT - TWELFTH EDITION - AIA" - ';I9x7 TI IE AMER IC AN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENGE. N.W., u'ASI IINGTON• D.C. 2(XXX) A101-1987 4 • ARTICLE 6 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when (1) the Contract has been fully performed by the Contractor except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct nonconforming Work as provided in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements, if tivrn�ny, which necessarily survive final payment; and (2) a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect; such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment, i5r)Gs�Cf a ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 %Vhere reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document, the ref- erence refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. Ihtse•rt rate of interest agreed upon, if ant y. j (I'surt• taux and requirements under the federal Truth in Lending; Act, stnttlarslale• uud lnc'ul t'onxutar credit lairs e td other rt;gtdatiots at tbe• (ht•ners cold Contractor s prbtt'tped places of business, the location of the Project and elsewhere ntal• allect the• t•cdidill, of this proristort. Legal adt-we should he obtained avth respect to deletions or ntodtjuattatts, cord also regarding requiretntt•tts such as written dtsdosures or tratrers. j 7.3 Other provisions: NONE ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8.1 The Contract may he terminated by the Owncr or the Contractor as provided in Article 1.1 of the (icnertl Conditions. 8.2 The work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the Gcner.Il Conditions. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREESIF.NT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA' • (D1947 TILE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NAV., wASI IINGTON. F)LC. 2(N)U(, A101-1987 5 ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AIA Document A1O1, 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, 1987 Edition. 9.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated . April 26, 1989 and are as follows: Document Title Pages All in accordance with the bid requirements, specifications, drawings and addenda thereto prepared by Samuels and Stielman Architects and dated April 26, 1989. 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project ,Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9.1.3, and are as follows: (/:-Nher list the .specifications here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Section Title Pages Specifications are as stated in paragraph 9.1.3. AIA VOCUMENT Al 01 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTII EDITION • AIA", • '6) 1987 7-I IF AXIF RICAN INSTITUTE OF AR'JIITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W. WASI IINGTON. IO.(: 2(1111)(, A101-1987 6 9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated (Either list the DrattInxs here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Number Title Drawings are as stated in paragraph 9.1.3. if 9.1.6 The Addenda, if any, are as follows: Number Date Addenda is as stated in paragraph 9.1.3. unless a different date is shown below: Date Pages Portions of Addcnda relating to bidding; requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding; requirements are also cnunlerated in this Article 9. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • O)X*%'ER-CO NTRACTOR A(;REE\IENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA'' • '�U19H7 THE AMERICAN INtiTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1'35 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.Ik. V A."I IIN(;TON, U.C. 2OU(gi A101-1987 7 CJ 9.1.7 Other documents, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List here anv additional documents which are intended to form part of the Contract Documents. The General Conditions provide that bidding requirements such as advertisement or invitation to bid, instructions to Bidders. sample forms and the Contractor's bid are not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. They should be listed here only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) This Agreement is entered into as of the da%"tid year first written above and is executed in at least three original copies of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner. OWNER CONTRACTOR 111" rams J . Murphy (zgnalure) LoDuca Associates, Inc. Supervisor_ , Town of by Richard LoDuca Southold, Southold NY 11971 Bohemia, NY 11716 (Printed ncnue told title) (Printed name and title) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION • AIA" • ©1987 TI IF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASIIINGTON, D.C. 20(X)6 A101-1987 8 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A311 Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that LoDuca Associates, Inc. 1420 F Church Street, Bohemia, New York 11716 as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, International Fidelity Insurance Company 24 Commerce Street, Newark , New Jersey 07102 Bond #: 834461 (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor) (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold, Town Hall (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) PO BOX 1179, Southold , New York 11971 as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of **One Hundred Three Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars and 00/100*** Dollars ($ 103, 369.00 � for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, LoDuca Associates, Inc. Contractor has by written agreement dated 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) Construction of a Justice Court Office Building behind the Southold Town Hall. in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect) which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AIA UvCUMCNt A3t7 - PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA FEBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 17.35 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 1 43 PERFORMANCE BOND NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform said Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of time made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner to be in default under the Contract, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly 1) Complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, or 2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with Its terms and conditions, and upon de- termination by Surety of the lowest responsible bidder, or, if the Owner elects, upon determination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and Owner, and make available as Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of Signed and sealed this 20th day of defaults under the contract or contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the contract price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the contract price;' as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by Owner to Contractor under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by Owner to Contractor. Any suit under this bond must be instituted before the expiration of two (2) years from the date on which final payment under the Contract falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the heirs, executors, adminis- trators or successors of the Owner. June 1989 LoDuca Associates, Inc. y`Z_ (Principal) (Seal) ir 1� (Witness) (Title) International Fidelity Insurance Company (Surety) (seal) (Witness) (Title) Denise Alexanian, At orney in fact AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA 0 FEBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITFCTS 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, n?. C. 20006 i 43a State of • I ss. r County of c On this day of , 19 , before me personally came to me known, 41 and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged tome that he executed the same. My commission expires Notary Public --------------------------------------------------------------------- State of County of I ss. r 0 On this day of , 19 , before me personally came E to me known and known to me u. o c u to be a member of the firm of Q described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of said firm. My commission expires Notary Public --------------------------------------------------------------------- State of County of S.GL� 3_0 //C Iss. On this a 0 r day of 19before me personally came —c/K-Ge-t to me known, c who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the_ of LoDuca Associates, Inc. the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said ration; that the seal affixed tc said instrument is such corporate seal; ftN(!`Jalif.q~ by order of the Board of Di c ors of said r7i77- 4- name thereto by like order. Notary Public, State of New York No -4876184 Clualified in Suffolk County %�(My commission expires ,19 gDNotary Public State of New York BRA ss. County of r c E On this 20th day of iJune , 19 69 , befo?e. me personally cam, DENISE AIEKANIAN to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say tha he is an attorney-in-fact of IN TEMATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE CCMPANY the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the sez affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal, and that he signed the saidinstrument and affixed the said seal as Attorney -in -Fac by authority of the Board of Directors of said c*rporation and by authority f this office under the SWOin esol tions thereof. WM T eek ��? My commission expires— �dl_'e'UJL i �i0a� _ —90, Noiky Public FORM # 13 25M INTERNATIOIAL FIDELITY INSURANCE OMPANY 24 COMMERCE ST., NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS AT DECEMBER 31, 1988 ASSETS 1988 Bonds (Amortized Value) ..................................... $37,187,002 Preferred Stock ............................................. 1,000,000 Common Stocks (Market Value) ............................... 1,071,342 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ............................... 88,211 Real Estate ................................................ 60,620 Cash & Bank Deposits ....................................... 6,096,146 Short Term Investments ...................................... 1,868,972 Unpaid Premiums & Assumed Balances ........................ 1,300,138 Reinsurance Recoverable on Loss Payments ..................... 1,198,671 Federal Income Tax Recoverable .............................. 235,000 Electronic Data Processing Equipment ......................... 208,044 Interest & Dividends Due and Accrued ......................... 986,157 Equity in Pools and Associations .............................. . 186 Funds Held in Escrow Accounts .............................. 6,158,212 Collateral Funds Held Under Contract ......................... (6,158,212) Contract Balances Due and Unpaid ............................ 508,861 TOTAL ASSETS ................................. $51,809,350 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS & OTHER FUNDS Losses (Reported losses net as to reinsurance ceded and incurred but not reported losses) ............................ $17,930,319 Loss Adjustments Expenses ................................... 6,276,234 Contingent Commissions & Other Similar Charges ............... 153,582 Other Expenses (Excluding taxes, licenses and fees) .............. 81,222 Taxes, Licenses & Fees (Excluding Federal Income Tax).......... 463,776 Unearned Premiums ......................................... 14,807,880 Funds Held by Company Under Reinsurance Treaties ............ 122,998 Accounts Withheld by Company for Account of Others ........... 21,990 Liability for Unauthorized Reinsurance ......................... 224,724 Liability for Uncashed Checks ................................ 57 TOTAL LIABILITIES ............................ $40,082,782 Common Capital Stock ...................................... 1,330,000 Preferred Capital Stock ...................................... 1,200,000 Gross Paid -in & Contributed Surplus .......................... 544,600 Unassigned Funds (Surplus) .................................. 8,651,968 Surplus as Regards Policyholders ................... 11,726,568 TOTAL LIABILITIES, SURPLUS & OTHER FUNDS $51,809,350 I, PHILIP KONVITZ, President of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, certify that the foregoing is a fair statement of Assets, Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds of this Company, at the close of business, December 31, 1988, as reflected by its books and records and as reported in its statement on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New Jersey. `0 Y /h IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of ��pF S�j9 the Company, this February 28, 1989. RPORq 92 SEAL ter^ m INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY 0 a 1904 0 �d> yFW JERyy as President TEL. (201) 624-7200 POWER OF ATTORNEY � ` INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: 24 COMMERCE STREET NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 DOND NO. 834461 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having its principal office in the City of Newark, New Jersey, does hereby constitute and appoint Efts rd J. Bergawi, TimodW J. Davicbw, DmAse Alexanian and Salvatrice A. Milone New Rochelle, New.York its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature: thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article 2, - Section 3, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and hald on the 23rd day of December, 1968. The President or any Vice President, Executive Via President, Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof and, (2) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given. Further, this Power of Atthoney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 4th day of February, 1975 of which the following is true excerpt: Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimik, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power to executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the fawre with respect to any borid or undertaking to which it is attached. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 1st. day of May, A.D. 1986. DVTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF NEW JERSEY ` .yam 4— County of Essex <00 y *, Executive Vice President On this 1st. day of May 1986; before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, C,t",'•. at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year first above written. 0 •�'•e�e Nt rx B %A NOTARY PUBLIC t NEW JERSEY .• My Commission Expires November 23, 1992 CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 20t flay of June _ 1989, E THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond Bond 41:834461 THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PERFORMANCE BOND IN FAVOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that LoDuca Associates, Inc. 1420 F Church Street, Bohemia, New York 11716 as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, International Fidelity Insurance Company 24 Commerce Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102 I (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor) (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Tonw of SOuthold, Town Hall (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) PO BOX 1179, Southold, New York 11971 as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit of claimants as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of **One Hundred Three Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars and 00/100*** (Here invert a sum equal to at least one-half of the contract price) Dollars ($ 103, 369.00 ,r for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, LoDuca Associates, Inc. Principal has by written agreement dated 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) Construction of a Justice Court Office Building behind the Southold Town Hall. in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Architect) which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA 00 FEBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 3 44 LABOR 4LD MATERIAL PAYMENi40ND NOW, ,THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as hereinafter defined, for all labor and material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject, however, to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct con- tract with the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, labor and material being construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental of equipment directly applicable to the Contract. 2. The above named Principal and Surety hereby jointly and severally agree with the Owner that every claimant as herein defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such claimant's work or labor was done or performed, or materials were furnished by such claimant, may sue on this bond for the use of such claimant, prosecute the suit to final judgment for such sum or sums as may be justly due claimant, and have execution thereon. The Owner shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such suit. 3. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant: a) Unless claimant, other than one having a direct contract with the Principal, shall have given written notice to any two of the following: the Principal, the Owner, or the Surety above named, within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of the work or labor, or furnished the last of the materials for which said claim is made, stating with substantial Signed and sealed this 20th day of accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished, or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail or certified mail; postage prepaid, in an envelope ad- dressed to the Principal, Owner or Surety, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the trans- action of business, or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the aforesaid project is located, save that such service need not be made by a public officer. b) After the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which Principal ceased Work on said Contract, it being understood, however, that if any limitation em- bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. c) Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivision of the state in which the Project, or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the Project, or any part thereof, is sit- uated, and not elsewhere. 4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith hereunder, inclusive of the payment by Surety of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record against said improvement, whether or not claim for the amount of such lien be presented under and against this bond. June 19 89 LoDuca Associates. Inc. (Principal) (Seal) (Title) International Fidelity Insurance Company (Surely) (seal) (Wilnes+) (Tide) Denise Alexanian, Attorney in fact AIA DOCUMENT A311 • PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND • AIA FEBRUARY 1970 ED. • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 200% 44a T C State of u. County of On this day of 19 before me personally came to me known, and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tome that he executed the same. My commission expires Notary Public --------------------------------------------------------------------- State of ss. County of On this day of 19 , before me personally came to me known and known to me to be a member of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of said firm. My commission expires Notary Public -------,—/--,—/--�--------------------------------------------------------- State of A—°*_ County of "2at lk- ss. On this day of %�'T-e-- , 19� before me personally came to me known, gwho being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the Of LoDuca Associates, Inc. the corporation described in and which executed the above insWrment.;.that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed'' tc said instrument is such corporattl>W9, ttat MaMIG affixed by order of the Board of Dire rs of ation, and tha signed hi: name thereto by like orde+ilntary Public, State of New York No.4876184 Lialified in Suffolk County My commission expires— • - xnirF s Novamhwr 1A, 19 9O otary Public State of New York County of BRONX ss. r On this 20th day of June .19 69 , before me personally cam. C DENISE ALEXANIM to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say tha I1JI�TICNAL FIiWITY INSURANCE COMPANY he is an attorney-in•fact of -K the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the sei off ixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal, and that he signed 1he said instrument andaffixed the said seal as Attorney -in -Fac by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation and by outhorij� of tpis office under the St"digshResplutions thereof. My commission expires 1kllr�w % "-Tropm �� �M — _90� Notary Public FORM N 13 2SM ' INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE OMPANY 24 COMMERCE ST., NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 . STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS AT DECEMBER 31, 1988 ASSETS 1988 Bonds (Amortized Value) ..................................... $37,187,002 Preferred Stock ............................................. 1,000,000 Common Stocks (Market Value) ............................... 1,071,342 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ............................... 88,211 Real Estate ................................................ 60,620 Cash & Bank Deposits ....................................... 6,096,146 Short Term Investments ...................................... 1,868,972 Unpaid Premiums & Assumed Balances ........................ 1,300,138 Reinsurance Recoverable on Loss Payments ..................... 1,198,671 Federal Income Tax Recoverable .............................. 235,000 Electronic Data Processing Equipment ......................... 208,044 Interest & Dividends Due and Accrued ......................... 986,157 Equity in Pools and Associations .............................. 186 Funds Held in Escrow Accounts .............................. 6,158,212 Collateral Funds Held Under Contract ......................... (6,158,212) Contract Balances Due and Unpaid ............................ 508,861 TOTAL ASSETS ................................. $51,809,350 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS & OTHER FUNDS Losses (Reported losses net as to reinsurance ceded and incurred but not reported losses) ............................ $17,930,319 Loss Adjustments Expenses ................................... 6,276,234 Contingent Commissions & Other Similar Charges ............... 153,582 Other Expenses (Excluding taxes, licenses and fees) .............. 81,222 Taxes, Licenses & Fees (Excluding Federal Income Tax).......... 463,776 Unearned Premiums ......................................... 14,807,880 Funds Held by Company Under Reinsurance Treaties ............ 122,998 Accounts Withheld by Company for Account of Others........... 21,990 Liability for Unauthorized Reinsurance ......................... 224,724 Liability for Uncashed Checks ................................ 57 TOTAL LIABILITIES ............................ $40,082,782 Common Capital Stock ...................................... 1,330,000 Preferred Capital Stock ...................................... 1,200,000 Gross Paid -in & Contributed Surplus .......................... 544,600 Unassigned Funds (Surplus) .................................. 8,651,968 Surplus as Regards Policyholders ................... 11,726,568 TOTAL LIABILITIES, SURPLUS & OTHER FUNDS $51,809,350 I, PHILIP KONVITZ, President of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, certify that the foregoing is a fair statement of Assets, Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds of this Company, at the close of business, December 31, 1988, as reflected by its books and records and as reported in its statement on file with the Insurance Department of the State of New Jersey. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of \T y /Nv the Company, this February 28, 1989. RPOR q -9 SEAL f� m INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY 0 z 1904 i o X4 kc—APresident TEL. (201) 624-7200 = POWER OF ATTORNEY' INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: 24 COMMERCE STREET NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 BOND NO. 834461 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having its principal office in the City of Newark, New Jersey, does hereby constitute and appoint Bft n-4 J. Bergassi, Timothy J. Diavid w, Denise Alsonian and Salvatriee A. Mika New Rochelle, New. York its true and lawful anorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article 2, - Section 3, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the 23rd day of December, 1968. The President or any Vice President, Executive Vice President, Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof and, (2) To remove, at any time, any* such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given. Further, this Power of Atthoney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 4th day of February, 1975 of which the following is true excerpt: Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking so which it is attached. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate am] to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 1st. day of May, A.D. 1986. INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY y K IW4 STATE OF NEW JERSEY .f County of Essex Executive Vice President On this 1st. day of May 1986; before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. - 11 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, ! �C,t at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year first above written. IOTA 4 YNap% pvL%�::* i S A NOTARY PUBLIC NEW JERSEY y -•'� My Commission Expires November 23, 1992 JLRF'.i "'�•...N.r`' CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals• and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full fora and effect. }, :N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this��t day of June 1989, i - ISSUE DATE (MM/DD/YY) 6-20-89 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EDMUND J. BERGASSI AGENCY, INC EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 35 Portman Road NEw Rochelle, New York 10801 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE LETTERNY A ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY COMPANY INSURED LETTER B STATE INSURANCE FUND LoDUCA ASSOCIATES, INC. COMPANY LETTER 1420-F Church Street C FIRST REHABILITATION INSURANCE CO. Bohemia, New York 11716 COMPANY LETTER D COMPANY E LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BEISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MM/DD/YY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE F x1OCCURRENCE PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ 1000 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY $ X OWNER'S & CONTRACTORS PROTECTIVE PSP 121402 3-1-89 3-1-90 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 000 FIRE DAMAGE (ANY ONE FIRE) $ 50 MEDICAL EXPENSE (ANY ONE PERSON) $ 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A ANY AUTO CSL $ 1000 ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS PSP 121402 3-1-89 3-1-90 BODILY NJURY (PER PERSON) $ X I(BODILLY ACCIDENT) HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS $ X GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM STATUTORY B WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND 849 590-5 7-1-88 7-1-89 $ 100 (EACH ACCIDENT) $ 500 (DISEASEPOLICYLIMIT) EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ 100 (DISEASE EACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER C NYS DISABILITY DBL 23126 UNTIL CA ELLED NYS STATUTORY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS JOB: Construction of a Justice Court Office Building, behind the Southhold Town Hall. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IS HEREBY INCLUDED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE Ek TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Town Hall MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE PO BOX 1179 Southold, New York 11971 LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHAV IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABIL O AN IND UPON T COM NY, W AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AZH�, IZED RESENTATIV THE TATE INSURANCE D 199 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10007 (212) 962-8900 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE EMPLOYER LoDuca Associates Inc. 1420 F Church Street Bohemia, NY 11716 CERTIFICATE HOLDER Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re:Justice Ct. Office Bldg. POLICY NUMBER 849 590-5 UNIT PERIOD COVERED CERTIFICATE NUMBER DATE ISSUED 7/1/88-7/1/90 V- 614999 June 20, 1989 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE EMPLOYER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER THE ABOVE NUMBERED POLICY COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS EMPLOYER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. IF SAID POLICY IS CANCELLED OR CHANGED IN SUCH MANNER AS TO AFFECT THIS CERTIFICATE, 5 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION OR CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER ABOVE. NOTICE BY REGULAR MAIL SO ADDRESSED SHALL BE SUFFICIENT COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PROVISION. THE STATE INSURANCE FUND DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE. H.JACOBS DIRECTOR INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING U-26.3 (1977) THE TATE INSURANCE &D 199 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10007 (212) 962-8900 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE EMPLOYER LoDuca Associates Inc. 1420 F Church Street Bohemia, NY 11716 CERTIFICATE HOLDER Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re:Justice Ct. Office Bldg. POLICY NUMBER 849 590-5 UNIT PERIOD COVERED CERTIFICATE NUMBER DATE ISSUED 7/1/88-7/1/90 V_ 614999 June 20, 1989 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE EMPLOYER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER THE ABOVE NUMBERED POLICY COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS EMPLOYER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. IF SAID POLICY IS CANCELLED OR CHANGED IN SUCH MANNER AS TO AFFECT THIS CERTIFICATE, 5 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION OR CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER ABOVE. NOTICE BY REGULAR MAIL SO ADDRESSED SHALL BE SUFFICIENT COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PROVISION. THE STATE INSURANCE FUND DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE. = H. JACOBS DIRECTOR INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING U-26.3 (1977) JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Richard LoDuca, President LoDuca Associates Inc. 1420 F. Church Street Bohemia, New York 11716 Dear Mr. LoDuca: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 2, 1989 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board accepting your proposal, at a lump sum price all inclusive of $8,646.00, to perform certain exterior work with respect to the Justice Court building behind the Southold Town Hall. Very truly yours, L Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Victor Lessard JUDITH T. TERRY --CZ22ZZZUJ-- TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IT TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute a Change Order, at a lump sum price of $8,646.00, for Loduca Associates Inc. to accomplish the following additional work with respect to the construction of the Justice Court building behind the Southold Town Hall: Connecting link between the new and existing buildings, remove wall and install door at the new connection, erect stockade fence at the connection, erect entry stair and platform at the north entrance, and entry platform at the south entrance, install ramp from south entrance to' north parking lot, a concrete walk and pad at the north parking lot, and a painted steel handrail at the ramp, all in accordance with the proposal of Loduca Associates Inc. dated September 18, 1989. Xtou T. Terry Southold Town Clerk September 29, 1989 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 19, 1989 LoD uca Associates Inc. Richard LODuca, President 1420F Church Street Bohemia, New York 11716 Dear Mr. LoDuca: r Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Enclosed herewith is a check in the amount of $100.00, which amount represents 100% of the deposit for plans and specifications for the justice Court Building behind the Southold Town Hall, for which you have been awarded the bid. Also, as requested by telephone today, I am enclosing one set of the specifications. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk --t— THE K CO Town -t— Town of i � Vu#4vth CU CHOGUOLNY. 1 935Y NATIONAL BANK Southold, NY 11971 50-546 Zia ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF: LODUCA ASSOCIATES INC. DATE AMOUNT 6/15/89 { 41Q0.00 TOWN TREASURER 1:0 2 L40 S4641: 6 3 000004 00 JUDITH T. TERRY �1 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J une 19, 1989 Gray Construction Box 1465 Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Please be advised that the Southold Town Board accepted the bid of Loduca Associates Inc. for construction of the Justice Court Building behind the Southold Town Hall, at the bid price of $103,369.00. As a non -bidder, enclosed herewith is a check in the amount of $50.00 which represents one- half of your deposit for plans and specifications for the project. Enclosure cDawn of '§3�11u#4lath Southold, NY 11971 Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. 11935 FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF: GRAY CONSTRUCTION 50-546 214 DATE 062671 AMOUNT 6/15/89 / $50.00 TOWN TREASURER 1:0 2 140 S4641: 63 000004 00 0 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 19, .1989 Quality Crafted Homes of Long Island, Inc. 365 Sunrise Highway, Service Road North Manorville, New York 11949 Gentlemen: • Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Please be advised that the Southold Town Board accepted the bid of Loduca Associates Inc. for construction of the Justice Court Building behind the Southold Town Hall, at the bid price of $103,369.00. As a non -bidder, enclosed herewith is a check in the amount of $50.00 Whirh ren racantC one- half of your deposit for plans and specifications for the project. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure C170lun .�l of Vut4vtb CU CHOGUEO,LN.Y. 111935 COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Southold, NY 11971 50-546 214 FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF: DATE AMOUNT QUALITY CRAFTED HOMES OF LONG ISLAND 6/15/89 $50.00 TOWN TREASURER 1:0 2 140 54641: 63 000004 00 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 19, 1989 Future Surroundings Ron Stanchfield, President P. O. Box 174 Sagaponack, New York 11962 Dear Mr. Stanchfield: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Please be advised that the Southold Town Board accepted the bid of Loduca Associates Inc. for construction of the Justice Court Building behind the Southold Down Hall, at the bid price of $103,369.00. As a non -bidder, enclosed herewith is a check in the amount of $50.00 which represents one- half of your deposit for plans and specifications for the project. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk omit of . � out4othTHE CU CHOGUOLIKY. 1 935Y NATIONAL BANK Southold, NY 11971 50-546 214 PAY TO THE ORDER OF: FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS DATE FUTURE SURROUNDINGS 6/15/89 1:0 2 140 S4641: 63 000004 Oii' 06269 AMOUNT $50.00 TOWN TREASURER y JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 19, 1989 Bob Kehl's Home Improvements, Inc. P. O. Box 520 Southold, New Yrok 11971 Dear Bob: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Please be advised that the Southold Town Board accepted the bid of Loduca Associates Inc. for construction of the Justice Court Building behind the Southold Town Hall, at the bid price of $ i u3, 369.00. As a non -bidder, enclosed herewith is a check in the amount of $50.00 which represents one- half of your deposit for plans and specifications for the project. Very truly yours, G✓� Judith T. Term Southold Town Clerk Enclosure town of �uut4latb CU CHOGUEO,LN.Y. 1 935Y NATIONAL BANK Southold, NY 11971 50-546 214 PAY TO THE ORDER OF: FIFTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS DATE BOB KEHL'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS INC. 6/15/89 06270' AMOUNT $50.00 TOWN TREASURER 1:0 2 140 S 1,6 41: 63 00000 4 Oji' f ULr JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 14, 1989 John: 0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (5 16) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Refunds for return of plans and specifications with respect to the Modular Justice Court Building: ($100.00 for 1st set of contract documents, $50.00 for each additional set. Deposit is refundable if drawings & specs are turned, in good condition, within 30 days after the award of the contract. -- Full refund to bidders. 1/2 to non -bidders. Loduca Associates Inc. - . - (bidder -full) - $100.00. Gray Construction - (non -bidder -1/2) - $50.00. Quality Crafted Homes of Long Island, Inc. - (non -bidder -1/2) - $50.00. Future Surroundings - (non -bidder -1/2) - $50.00. _ Bob Kehl's Home Improvements, Inc. - (non -bidder -1 /2) - $50.00. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS LoDuca Associates Inc. Richard LoDuca, President 1420F Church Street Bohemia, New York 11716 Dear Mr. LoDuca: 9"1 s M OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 14, 1989 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 This is to advise you that the Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 6, 1989, accepted your bid in the amount of $103,369.00 for the construction of a Justice Court Office Building behind the Southold Town Hall. (Certified copy of the resolution enclosed.) At the present time the contract is being prepared by the Town Attorney. Please make arrangements to obtain the Guaranty Bond in the form of a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond in the amount equal to 100% of the contract amount, as well as the necessary insurance certificates for approval by the Town Attorney prior to execution of the contract. (Copy of requirements enclosed.) Upon execution of the contract your 5% bid bond will be returned to you. Arrangements are also being made at this time for the return of your $100.00 bid deposit for the plans and specifications. Please submit to !this office the necessary bonds and insurance as soon as they are available so we may quickly proceed with the project. Thank you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures • JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 14, 1989 Vincent Saitta, Vice President A to Z Equipment Company 19 Sagamore Street Plainview, New York 11803 Dear Mr. Saitta: • Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 6, 1989, accepted the bid of LoDuca Associates Inc., in the amount of $103,369.00, for the construction of a Justice Court Office building behind the Southold Town Hall, all in accordance with the bid specif- ications. Returned herewith is your 5% Bid Bond. Thank you for submitting a bid for this project. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure JUDITH T. TERRY ` TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -June 14, 1989 Gregg B. Kelly, Vice President Arthur Industries, Inc. South Main Street Terryville, Connecticut 06786 Dear Mr. Kelly: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 The Southold Town Board, at their regular meeting held on June 6, 1989, accepted the bid of LoD uca Associates Inc., in the amount of $103,369.00, for the construction of a Justice Court Office Building behind the Southold Town Hall, all in accordance with the bid specif- ications. Returned herewith is your 5% Bid Bond. Thank you for submitting a bid for this project. Very truly yours, Judith T . Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 6, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Loduca Associates Inc., in the amount of $103,369-00, for the construc- tion of a Justice Court Office Building behind the Southold Town Hall, all in accordance with the bid specifications; and be it further RESOLVED that Supervisor Francis J. Murphy be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement between Loduca Associates Inc. and the Town of Southold for the construction of said building. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk June 9, 1989 F'aieather -Brown T*ANSMITTAL initects • Designers LETTER Box 521, 122 Front Street ort,A/A DOCUMENT G810 Green (516)477 975ew 211944 PROJECT: --S u S-1ic e. C vU r + t4 n o e X' 04- ARCHITECT'S (name, address) New 5+Drctg e 1-1L4 I i✓19 PROJECT NO: IPolic.e. hCQdgacxr -}e r5, Sou+i,-\old I �J• V. (L9 -7( DATE: 5126/8 TO: rSudk+-k Ierry sown Clerk sou Qld oto L4" t I S3ucdG 1'Vl.alvi kd. Bo -X 11-7 i ATTN: 1_5L)ta+ft0[j i ?Q, Y, 1(9-7) L WE TRANSMIT: (X) herewith ( ) under separate cover via ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: 9 If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. If checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. ( ) approval ( ) distribution to parties ( ) information RFalvw ( ) review & comment ( ) record ( )d use ( ) MAY 4 G-09 THE FOLLOWING: ( ) Drawings ( ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles ( ) Product Literature ( ) Change Order P EKY vn S COPIES DATE REV. NO. DESCRIPTION ACTION CODE S 1 705 'C STRTU S ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmitted D. For signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS CODE B. No action required E. See REMARKS below C. For signature and return to this office REMARKS Li nu 1 d �� in P ii e r a We 4--b a,nswere• s Q� �; o� 151 ✓IC e L'Ue- V1 [o t'Aae►— a re: (v\Vblved tin 4Ags pro Ce.JS . "/ avL 4014 COPIES TO: (with enclosures) El 11 El ❑ BY: AIA DOCUMENT G810 . TRANSMITTAL LETTER • APRIL 1970 EDITION . AIA® . JPYRIGHT © 1970 v ONE PAGE THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTNIENT OF LABOR Bureau of Public Work State Office Building Campus Albany, NY 12240 Robert Brown, A.I.A. Fairweather-Brown/Architects Box 521 Greenport, NY 11944 Schedule Type- UPDATE Date 05/15/89 Prevailing Rate Case No. 8705770 Location and Type of Project Justice Court Annex & Walkways, Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southhold, C/O Suffolk The Bureau of Public Work is in the process of updating its files in preparation for dis- tributing the annual determination of the Prevailing Wage Rates. Since our records show that the project listed above is still active, a new determination will be issued to you. To avoid receiving a determination for a project that has been com- pleted or cancelled, please enter the information requested in the PROJECT STATUS section below. Then, return this form to the nearest Public Work district office at th-- address given below. PROJECT STATUS Date Completed: Very Truly Yours Charles C. Drobner Date Cancelled: Bids opened May 18, 1989. Bid has not been awarded. BY: /,'Signature and title Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk ALBANY DISTRICT State Campus Bldg :12 Albany, N.Y. 12240 (518) 485-7535 BINGHAMTON DISTRICT 221 Washington St. Binghamton; N.Y. 13901 (607) 772-1617 5/30/89 Town of. Southold Contracting Agency BUFFALO DISTRICT 65 Court St. Buffalo, N.Y. 14202 (716) 847-7159 HEMPSTEAD DISTRICT ROCHESTER DISTRICT SYRACUSE DISTRICT 175 Fulton Ave. 155 W. Main St. 333 E. Washington St. Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 Rochester, N.Y. 14614 Syracuse, N.Y. 13202 (516) 485-4878 (716) 258-4506 (315) 428-4056 UTICA DISTRICT WHITE PLAINS DISTRICT 207 Genesee St. 30 Glenn St. Utica 13501 White Plains 10603 (315) 793-2314 (914) 997-9507 PW -200A ( 7-88) SECTION 00300 - FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK TO: Town of Southold P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 1. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Invitation for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, and other related documents dated April 26,1989;the undersigned having familiarized himself with said documents and with local conditions affecting the cost of the work, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, appliances, devices, equipment, services, and facilities as required for project titled: Modular•Office Addition to Southold Town', Hall 2. AT: Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 in strict accordance with the bid requirements, specifications, drawings and addenda thereto, as prepared by Samuels & Steelman Architects and on file at the offices of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Route 25, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. LUMP SUM BASE BID1l TOTAL: CFln DOLLARS: Figures: $_�,C{, The above lump sum includes all taxes, overhead, and profit on all work of major subcontractors and all allowances required by the specifications, if any. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 00300 - 1 • 3. If written notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to 01 the undersigned within one hundred and twenty (120) 02 days after the opening thereof, or at any time 03 thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, the 04 undersigned agrees to execute and deliver a Contract, 05 in the prescribed form, and furnish the required 06 bond(s) within ten(10) days after said contract is 07 present to him for signature. 08 09 10 4. ADDENDA 11 12 Receipt of the following addenda is hereby 13 acknowledged and have been taken into account in 14 preparing this Proposal: 15 16 ADDENDUM NO. DATE 17 18 /1i�U NC 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5. BIDDER'S DECLARATIONS 28 29 In connection with this Proposal, the undersigned 30 declares that: 31 32 A. He is acquainted with all the Contract Documents, 33 the conditions prevailing at the site, the existing 34 utilities and all other matters regarding the site 35 as well as the drawings and specifications. 36 37 38 B. He will enter into a contract for the performance 39 of the proposed work and within ten (10) days of 40 his receipt of the notice of the• award of the 41 contract, will commence work in accordance with the 42 Contract Documents. 43 44 C. He has familiarized himself with the Certification 45 Document on Non -Collusive Bidding which is attached 46 to this Proposal and has signed it as required, 47 with the knowledge that this Proposal will not be 48 accepted otherwise. 49 50 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300-2 L' D. He has familiarized himself with the New York 01 "Labor Law" as amended including all prevailing 02 rates of wages to be paid as required by said 03 statute 04 05 06 He has familiarized himself with the Bid Bond 07 which is attached to this Proposal and has signed 08 it as required, with the knowledge that this 09 Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. 10 11 12 The full names and residences of all persons 13 interested in this Proposal, as Principals of the 14 firm, partnership, or corporation submitting this 15 Proposal are as follow: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 E. F. 33 s ac y� cz0 I,.c�� ti c �.t �ivt s i nR� 3 4 SIGNATURE 35 36 %.� 21) F 37 ADDRESS 38 39 20�%Gl�//f tiY l/ 7/( 40 41 42 43 DATE 44 45 END OF SECTION 00300 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300 - 3 SECTION 00420 - FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 01 02 03 All questions must be answered. The data given must be 04 clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. 05 06 07 1. Name of bidder �UtA 08 AA 09 2. Business address 1' 2.0 (,.�ll(UU ST IS()Kemlii �Jy_II"Ji& 10 11 3. When organized NoQ- Ic1�3 12 13 4. Bidder i s a(n) C' C n P JZ A --V1 CNS 14 (Individual - Partnership - Corporation) 15 16 The full name and addresses of all persons interested in 17 this proposal as partners and/or principal(s) are: (If 18 business is carried out in any other name(s) than that 19 of the principal(s) or partner(s), also state such 20 name(s) and address(es).) 21 22 kc"I-iZ 0{�J� c fk ���1P�LP �� �% 23 24 25 26 27 28 CORPORATION 29 30 Corporation is incorporated in the State of ec`.JYdc 31 32 President is33 34 Treasurer is 35 36 Place of business is 1—?441PoWi�4 X1/)'//9/6 . 37 38 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting 39 business under your present firm or trading name? 40 41 �'�7fxS 20- 42 43 6. Financial statement: (Attach separate sheet.) 44 45 7. Credit available for this contract $ % U DSU• 46 (Attach letter.) ���p,q� iF.cow'�i!!O 47 48 8. Contracts now on hand, gross amount $ 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 1 9. Plan of organization: C0RP06Z.U4T1CA^ 01 02 03 04 10. Personnel or organization: 1S 05 06 07 08 11. Have you ever refused to sign a contract at your 09 10 original bid? �12VQ2PcJ�iY►1 Otv�y i�ONOeD `Jc�dL\L 11 12 12. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? NG 13 14 13. Remarks: 15 16 17 18 14. Will you, upon request, furnish any other information 19 that the Town of Southold may require? 20 21 �S 22 23 15. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any 24 person to furnish any information requested by the 25 Town of Southold in verification of the recitals 26 comprising this statement of Bidder's Qualifications. 27 28 -----� 29 Dated at kAPva,, %r'yyY this _%A day 30 31 of19 32 33 34 35 (Name of Bidder) 36 37 38 By: 39 (� 10 Title:- V< c ►c etaw_e 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 2 SECTION 00480 - FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT Non -collusive bidding certification. By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) this bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) this bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) no attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) the person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) that attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this'bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder. Resolved that 4-6 kN,Jr,4 11 (Name authorized to sign and submit following project: two D J L :SOC • =E" %'vf�Ml� �d c is} b e of Corporation) this bid or proposal for the P (--FICC it�'4 ("- (Describe Project and to include in such bid or proposal the certificates as to non -collusion required by Section One Hundred Three-D of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by 2643✓Ct-� 4S -SOC• corporation at a meeting of its board of directors held on the /,?— day (SEAL OF CORPORATION) Secretary END OF SECTION 00480 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 00480 - 1 M STATE OF eek J 'JOCK ) 01 ss: - 02 COUNTY OF .w I-- O C— ) 03 04 05 [S L"Nr ayc A being duly sworn, 06 07 depose and says that he isSips't— of 08 09 c A, L&OC-��i�,c and that the answers to the 10 11 foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are 12 13 true and correct. 14 15 16 Sworn to before me this /27 17 18 day of /f1 19 19 20 21 22 N TA Y PUBLIC 23 24 My commission e, -spires: 25 26 NANCY K MoCABE 27 NOWy Pubk 9WW of New Ywk 28 END OF SECTION 00420 N9.4878184 Qualified in Suffolk County 29 Commission Expires November 10, 19 f-0 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 3 THE AMERICAN: INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A310 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we LoDuca Associates, Inc., 1420F Church Street, Bohemia, New York 11716 (Here insert lull name and address or legal title of contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and International Fidelity Insurance Cog 24 Commerce Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102 (Here insert full name and address or legal till ors rayl a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold, Southold, New York (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of 5% Of Amount Bid Not To Exceed Ten Thousand************************************************Dollars ($10,000.00/100*), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for modular office yildin dd«o&UnbolydrAio N O W, T H E R E F O R E, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 18th day of May 1989 LoDuca Associates: Inc. International Fidelity Insurance Company (Su ety) (Seal) Wide) Edmund J. Bergassi, Attorney -in -Fact • BID BOND • AIA ® • FEBRUARY 1970 ED • THE AMERICAN ' TECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 State of County of On this AckrViedgment by Cbntraittor if Wartnership )ss.. it day of , 1989, before me personally came to me known and known to be a member of the firm described in and which executed the foregoing bond or obligation, and he acknowl ged to me that he subscribed the name of said firm thereto on behalf of said firm for the purpose therein mentioned. NotaryPublic: Acknowledgment y Contractor if an individual State of ) County of )ss.: On this day of , 1989, before me personally came to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged that he executed the same. NotaryPublic: Acknowledgment y Contractor if a Corporation State of A Qui Yo'lc ) )ss.: County of ,S � Fel � ) On this T day of 1989 before me personally came L me known, ho, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in _ 4 n Avy ; that he is the corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrurn -such corporate seal; and that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said c o and that he* ed his name thereto by like order. ^A 7 State of New York )ss.: County of Bronx ) On this 17th day of May 1989 before me personally came Edmund T. Bereassi to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in F.astchester, New York ; that he is the Attorney -in -Fact of the Internatinnal Fidelity ura.nce Company the corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; and that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. % SA MI111CL Munni NOTARY PUPUC. Stale of New Yo,I NotaryPublic: W No. 03.4815451 QUeAliod In OionK Cvunlr / Go MIwon Uphes _ I,N'1'I?,ItN ' 'IONAL FID E LI'Vl' lNf;UltA*'I' CON11'NNY 2 )MMERC:E ST., NEWARK, NEW JI;R��.TT:''Y 07102 STATEMENT017 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER BUNDS AT DECEMBER 31, 1987 ASSE=TS Bonds (Amortized Value) .................................... $32,380,170 Common Stocks (Market Value) .............................. 1,827,928 Montage Loans on Real Estate ............................... 128,527 Real Estate ................................................ 64,330 Cash & Bank Deposits ...................................... 4,333,439 Short Term Investments .................. I.................. 473,445 Unpaid Premiums & Assumed Balances ........................ 961,653 Reinsurance Recoverable on Loss Payments .................... 948,070 Electronic Data Processing Equipment ......................... 214,523 Interest & Dividends Due and Accrued ........................ 769,792 Equity in Pools and Associations.......... I .................. 279 Funds held in Escrow Accounts .............................. 5,597,520 Collateral Funds Ileld Under Contract ......................... (5,597,520) Contract Balances Due and Unpaid ............................ 482,357 TOTA1. ASSETS ................................ $42,584,513 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS & OTIIER FUNDS Losses (Reported losses net as to reiusur:lice ceded and incurred but not reported losses) ............................ $13,472,178 Loss Adjustments Expenses .................................. 4,04 1,659 Contingent Commissions & Other Similar Charges ............... 90,606 Other Expenses (Excluding taxes, licenses and fees) ............. 96,792 Taxes, Licenses & Fees (Excluding Federal Income Tax)......... 518,472 Federal & Foreign Income Taxes (Excluding Deferred Taxes)..... 1,O37,M) Unearned Premiums ........................................ 14,201,930 Funds held by Company Under Reinsurance Trealies............ 50.000 Accounts Withheld by Company for Account of Others........... 38,991 Liability for Unauthorized Reinsurance ........................ 384,539 Liability for Uncashed Checks .............. 57 UOTAL LIABIIAIIES............................ $33,942,224 Common Capital Stock ...................................... 1.330,000 Preferred Capital Stock ..................................... 1,2(N OX) Gross Paid -in & Contributed Surplus .......................... 544,6M Unassigned Funds (Surplus) .................................. 5,567,689 Surplus as Regards Policyholders .................. 8,642,289 TOTAL LIABII.I IIES, SURPLUS & OTHER FUNDS $42,584,513 1, PIIILIP KONVIT7, President of INI ERNATIONAL FIDIATUN' INSURANCE COMPANY, certify that the foregoing is a fair statement of Assets, Liahilities, Surplus and Other Funds of [his Company, at the close of business, December 31, 1987, as reflected by its hooks and records and as reported in its statement on file with the Insurance Department of the Stale of New Jersey. IN TESTIMONY WIII:RI;OF, 1 have set illy hand and affixed the seal of the Company. this February 29, 1988. INTERNATIONAI, 1`1141,1TY INSURANCE; COMPANY SEAL r 1904 I'rrsidcnl TEL (201) 624-7200 'OWER OF ATsTOCEY INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: 24 COMMERCE STREET NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 BOND NO. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having its principal office in the City of Newark, New Jersey, does hereby constitute and appoint EDMUND J. BERGASSI, TIMOTHY J. DAVIDOW, DENISE ALEXANIAN, SALVATRICE A. MILONE NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK its true and lawful attorneys) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and otherwritings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or maybe allowed, required or permitted bylaw, statute, rule, regulation, contract orotherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority ofArticle2, - Section 3, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the 23 rd day of December, 1968. The President or any Vice President, Executive Vice President, Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and aitach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof and, (2) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given. Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 4th day of February, 1975 of which the following is a true excerpt: Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this Ist day of May, A.D. 1986. INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of Essex <�� - /9 Executive Vice President On this 1st day of May 1986; before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn. said that he is the (herein described and authorized officer of the INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY; that the sea! affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. %aI�,'V—"" IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year first above written. NOT4q'. i p V O� D A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY My Commission Expires April 28, 1992 Mew JER?�:� CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL PI DF LITY INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoingeopy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said PowerofAttorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17thy of May 19 89 Assistant Secretary f Bid Bond Edmund J. Bergassi Agency, Inc. 35 Portman Road New Rochelle, New York 10801 Telephone Number 914-576-1700 (0 THE AMERICAN: IN-STITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we LoDuca Associates, Inc., 1420F Church Street, Bohemia, New York 11716 Mere insert lull name and address or legal title of Contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and International Fidelity Insurance Com�ar, Commerce Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102 (Here insert full name and address or legal till of s 124 a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold, Southold, New York (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of 5% Of Amount Bid Not To Exceed Ten Thousand**** 'Dollars (510,000.00/100*)1 for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS the Principal has submitted a bid for modular office ildin Sou old rk P �j�] p ,a (Here insert full name, address an escn ro rot t NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain In full force and effect. Signed and sealed this I18th f day of May LoDuca Associates; Inc. • ,1989 (Seal) ,its � , , . `, >'' •: c International Fidelity Insurance Company (Su ety) (Seal) itle) Edmund J. Bergassi, Attorney -in -Fact • BID BOND • AIA ® a FEBRUARY 1970 ED • THE AMERICAN FECTS, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 I .1 1 Ackr(Wedgment by Contractor if (Wrtnership State of ) County of ) )ss.: On this day of , 1989, before me personally came to me known and known to be a member of the firm described in and which executed the foregoing bond or obligation, and he acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of said firm thereto on behalf of said firm for the purpose therein mentioned. NotaryPublic: -Acknowledgment y Contractor if an Individual State of ) County of ) )ss.: On this day of , 1989, before me personally came to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged that he executed the same. NotaryPublic: Acknowledgment y Contractor if a Corporation State of fy Q w 11cjLlc ) County of ,Sy i ) )ss.: On this day of 1989 before me personally came 1 f C q, N Z4 L 3-p to me known, ho, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in ,vy ; that he is G1 E'S/,¢B of the 1-00ycr� C OC - the corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrume s -such corporate seal; and that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said c r:01 -oft anWth ed his name thereto by like order. NANCY M. McCABE NotaryPublic: .r Notary �� � f of Now Qualified M Suffolk Q -05-mm,ss,on'l-vlresmovA"WMBMedqment bv Suretv State of New York County of Bronx )ss.: On this 1 7th day of May 1989 before me personally came Edmund J. Bergassi to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in F.a�tchPctnr, New York ; that he is the Attorney -in -Fact of the rntcrnat onal Fid li y Insurance Company the corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; and that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like, order. / SMAIRIQ Mil wit HOIARY Punuc, State of New yo,) NotaryPublic: No. 03 4FIM51 11"AM l In nianx faunl►� INTERNIk&ONAL FIDELITY INSURAY; C'OmPANY 2 IMERCI; ST., NEWARK, NI:W MIM, (17102 STATEME-NT 01- ASSETS, LIA131LITIFS, SURPLUS AND OTIM-1Z FUNDS AT DECEM131IZ 31, 1987 ASSETS Bonds (Amortized Value) .................................... Common Stocks (Market Value) .............................. Morlage Loans on Real I:state ............................... Real f'stale......................... ....................... Cash & hank Deposits ...................................... Short Term Inveslmcnts..................................... Unpaid premiums & Assumed Balances ........................ Reinsurance Recoverable on Loss Payments .................... Electronic Dala processing Equipmenl.':........... ....... .... . Interest & Dividends Due and Accrued ........................ Equity in Pools and Associations ... I ........................ Funds held in Escrow Accounts .............................. Collaleral Funds field Under Contract ......................... Contract Balances Due and Unpaid ............................ $32,190,170 1,827,929 128,527 64,330 4,333,439 473,445 961,653 948,070 214,523 769,792 279 5,597,520 (5,597,520) 482,357 TOTAL ASSFA'S................................ $42.584,513 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS & OTHER FONDS Losses (Rcp)rled losses net as to reinsurance ceded and incurred bill not reporled losses) ............................ $13,472,178 Loss Adjimments Expenses .................................. 4,1X(.659 Contingent Conunissions & Other Similar Charges ............... 90,606 Other FxpenseS (Excluding faxes, licenses and fees) ............. 96,792 Taxes, Licenses & Fees (ISxcllrlllllg Federal Income Iax)......... 519.4,72 federal & Foreign Income 'raxes (Excluding Deferred Taxes)..... 1,017,M) Unearned Premiums ........................................ 14,201,930 Funds held by Company llndcr Reinsurance Treaties............ MOM Accounts Wilhhcld by Company for Account of Others........... 38,991 Liability for Unaulhorized Reinsurance ........................ 384,539 Liability for Uncashed Checks ............................... 57 TOTAL LIA1111.II11:S.........................'.. $11,942,224 Common Capital Stock ...................................... 1,330,0(x) Plerelled Capital Stock ..................................... 1,2(9),()(x) Gross Paid -in & Conitihmed Surplus .......................... 544,6(X) Unassigned Funds (Surplus)..................................5,567,699 Surplus as Regards Policyholders .................. --i,642,289 TOTAL LIAIIII,I IIES, SURPLUS & OI'lWit FUNDS $42,594,513 I, PHILIP KONVIUZ. President of INfFRNAIIONAL I:IDI?I.11'1' INSURANCE. COMPANY, certify shat the foregoing is a fair statement of Asscts, Liahililies, Surplus and Olhcr Funds of This Company, at the close of husincss, December 31, 1987, as reflected by its hooks and records and as reported in its slalcmcnt on Iilc with the Insurance Dcparhnent of the Slate of New Jersey. , IN TES'IIMONY Will- EOP, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of the Compvly. this I76rmoy 29, 1988. INTIAMATIONAI, 1'IUII,I,1TY INSURANCE, COMPANY SE/1L r� 4 f 1904 0 I'residcn( { EWER TEL, (201, 624 7200 OF ATTO ..; Y x . DINT ERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY )� HOME OFFICE: 24 COMMERCE STREET t NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 � BUND NO 911:4 � ;; �� ��,�`. a4%+}A ajivw ,s tv�;brtti'f��a''��d,i�'i,r'`'Gr .uu: klk 7yA• : „ups J?'�rt7"d �3a �'Y �i&�',*9 �F�4cfy�,�{� i�•Vi?dS'�Y�fi+.`'.y4'r��i'}`��;i:� ���i��7'�z �,.; ;.t s +x, .. :•i:' 4f, „3'ti. ;, �:+tx+,u'K ti ' , a r:".r "*CRs t 1';,,, ;y,T" a >;�;. £v �,7t1'FS'*11a. '}'.•�,,zr f fit' a� ,�bt ".r;'^x x �r a' w' ' 4. KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and exrshn under the laws of the State of New � Jersey, and havingprincipal office in the City of Newark Jdoes herebyconstitute and appoint 8 its Pal affit New , Jersey,app EDMUND J. BERGASSI TIMOTHY J.DAVIDOW, DENISE ALEXANIAN, SALVATRICE A.MILONE�`�r NEW .ROCHELLE, NEW YORK �} x 3..:.; •x n,.'k" a r, •�;#71 ,y« > vi ate r vet ,r N j,t its true end lawful attorneys) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings. Contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or maybe allowed, required or permitted bylaw, statute, rule, regulation, contractor otherwise, and the ^ execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been dq_ ty executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office t ? d Th1s PoLverofAttornex is executed, and may1be certified to and may be re'yoked. pursuant to and by authorityofArticle2.. Section 3, of the By-t,aws adopted d ,; b}%'the $oatoPDirectora of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meetinit called and held on the 23rd day of December, 11%8.,,; x ht„ x . i. ^r'1 & s n gg�� t s r x x#t ' P %• , .. •xt x ' 2x` }' 1 ., '.t •:::.4y i ,;,:c'1*x , T .'.�& n u`i s '�t 3 t 1a F fit. The President or any Vice President. Executive Vice President, Secretary or Assistant Secretary, ahall have power and authority a " t ft l .at:': a, 4 r ` (1) To appoint Attorneys in -fact, and to authorize them toexecute on'behaif of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company! thereto bonds and ,° undertakings contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof and, e ' 8 B ry � r s � h d 1 ter (2) To remove at any time any such Attorney m -fact and revoke the authority given d _ ' 'J, Y Ma ^„ s:. ..i`I %.` z •s, ,". .'x}€ ,�' Further, this Power ofAttorney is signed and sealed byfacsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors ofsaid Companyadopted at a meeGngduly called and held on the 4th day of February, 1975 of which the following is a true excerpt. A� t , �, - , ; Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be alTixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and :�: any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect, to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. v a x di �°` a5y1ti - ri IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 1st day of May, A.D 1986 { t' 1 fi' r, 6 t Z,'aikx`x�.'.' INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY ,P Y 1NI 2 STATE OF NEW JERSEY «„ County of Essex < ' l t ,• k * " ``F dl's t<1 rets fir 'fr ' °S ak �r ?dt ri4 Executive Vice Prestdent_,' €. `...::, "s:--.:` r ,'k,.; f :, Fc;Y;p 1':. lx� � ,, r4 � ^4 n r h tF'*� �S' ,13r1', •r, w;�. D��xf���r��; �, , a Fd'Y. a•� t On this 1st day of May 1986; before me came the Individual who executed the preceding instrument, to mdpe trsonally known, and, being by me duty sworn ' acid that he is the therein described and authorizeit officerof the INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY; that the seal affixed to said l instrument is the C Com an orporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said p y h i ' 4 b t 6 � � ti"SF �yaiF �d, yet f �i .••�+..���� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal 'i, ". r at the City of Newark New Jersey the day and year first above written 4 , A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY i ��. 'lop_ My Commission Expires April 28, 1492 gig �,i its# ` h ON x CERTIFICATI�y� I the undersigned officerof INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that ha c pared ffier6rigoingcopyort Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company asset forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON ^ *; FILE IN TI IE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the aid originals. andthallhesaid " Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect J a t c d 1 r t� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17tby of May 19 9 x ✓ ;1111. `�' d' s tit fi. Assistant Secretary Bid Bond Edmund J. Bergassi Agency, Inc. 35 Portman Road New Rochelle, New York 10801 Telephone Number 914-576-1700 t, MODULAR srn AZCO MODULAR STRUCTURES 610A OLD COUNTRY RD., WESTBURY, NY 11590, (516) 334-6550, 1-600 435-5004 of Alternate Bid on Modular Office addition to Southhold Town Hall. Lump sum Bid - $99,760.00 The pricing for this building is based solely on attached specifications as an alternate Bid. BOCA NEC ANS1 - are the only codes in compliance. The units are to be delivered, blocked, leveled, joined and skirted on concrete piers. Hook-up of utilities, stairs, ramps and all permits are the responsibility of the customer. We take an exemption on all other code requirements. INC. AJWYUUMY T SECTION 00300 - FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK TO: Town of Southold P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 1. Pursuant to and in compliance frith your Invitation for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, and other related documents dated April 26,1989;the undersigned having familiarized himself with said documents and with local conditions affecting the cost of the work, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, appliances, devices, equipment, services, and facilities as required for project titled: Modular Office Addition to Southold Town' Hall AT: Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 in strict accordance �jith the bid requirements, specifications, drawings and addenda thereto, as prepared by Samuels & Steelman Architects and on file at the offices of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Route 25, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. 2. LUMP SUM BASE BID TOTAL: See alternate bid attached. DOLLARS Figures: $ The above lump sum includes all taxes, overhead, and profit on all work of major subcontractors and all allowances required by the specifications, if any. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 00300 - 1 0 3. If written notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the undersigned within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the opening thereof, or at any time thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver a Contract, in the prescribed form, and furnish the required bond(s) within ten(10) days after said contract is present to him for signature. 4. ADDENDA Receipt of the following addenda is hereby acknowledged and have been taken into account in preparing this Proposal: ADDENDUM NO. 5. BIDDER'S DECLARATIONS DATE In connection with this Proposal, the undersigned declares that.: A. He is acquainted with all the Contract Documents, the conditions prevailing at the site, the existing utilities and all other matters regarding the site as well as the drawings and specifications. B. He will enter into a contract for the performance of the proposed work and within ten (10) days of his receipt of the notice of the- award of the contract, will commence work in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. He has familiarized himself with the Certification Document on Non -Collusive Bidding which is attached to this Proposal and has signed it as required, with the knowledge that this Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300-2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D. He has familiarized himself with the New York 01 "Labor Law" as amended including all Prevailing 02 rates of wages to be paid as required by said 03 statute 04 05 06 E. He has familiarized himself with the Bid Bond 07 which is attached to this Proposal and has signed 08 it as required, with the knowledge that this 09 Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. 10 11 12 F. The full names and residences of all persons 13 interested in this Proposal, as Principals of the 14 firm, partnership, or corporation submitting this 15 Proposal are as follow: 16 17 A to Z Equipment Company 18 19 Division of The Welsbach Corp. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BIDDER 28 29 Vincent Saitta Vice President 30 BY AND TITLE 31 32 33 / 34 SIGNATURE 35 36 19 Sagamore Street 37 ADDRESS 38 39 Plainview, NY 11803 40 41 42 5/17/89 43 DATE 44 45 END OF SECTION 00300 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300 - 3 --9 Specifications for: 24 x 60 State and Code: Job Name: Southold Town Hall Chassis Type Perimeter Beams 10" x 15.3#C Hitch B/0 Axles 3 -Std Tires 12 Ply Floor Bottom Bd. : 3/8" Asphalt Board Joists : 2x6 Insulation : R-19 Kraft Decking : 1/2" Plywood over 5/8 Plywood Finish : 20 oz Carpet Walls Ext. Finish: Hor. Alum. Siding 8" Sheathing : 1/2" CDX w/Tyvek Studs : 2x6x8 Partitions : 130 LF 2x4x8 Insulation : R-19 Kraft Int. Finish: 1/2" Vinyl Gypsum 6" Vinyl Cove Base Roof Ext. Finish: 060 EPDM (White) Sheathing : 5/8" CDX Plywood Trusses : Mono w/Box Beam Insulation : R-30 Int. Finish: 2x4 T -Grid Mansard : 10" Aluminum Fascia Board : Gutter and Downspout Windows Type : 14 - 3/0 x 3/10 Andersen Dbl Hung Ext. Doors Type 2 - 3/0 x 6/8 Embossed Steel w/V.P. Panic, Closer Int. Doors Type : 1 - 3/0 x 6/8 Dutch Door w/V.P. A/C . 5 - H.C. Birch Electric : Ceiling Duct Service : 110/220 Panel : 2-150 AMP Entrance : Greenfield Wire : Romex : 2- Smoke Detectors Lights : 1 -HC Bath Interior : 14 2x4 Troffer Exterior : 2 - 500 WATT HPS Exit : 3 Emergency : 3 HVAC Heat : Baseboard A/C : 2-3 Ton Supply : Ceiling Duct Return : At Unit Fans : 2-50 CFM Fan/Lights : 7 Day Programmable T-Stat Miscellaneous , : Skirting - : 1 -HC Bath : 1 -Std Bath : 1 -Closet w/BiFold Door : 2-2x2 Skylights : Structural Engineers Seal Only : Note: 060 EPDM Roof in lieu of Built VP : Ductwork to be rigid fiberglass : HVAC Balancing by others - Design to be Modular Industry : Standard. : Electrical Inspection by P.F.S. (Third Party) Option: Galv.Duct.....$1,200.00 4 I .. 1 (• Ce THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we A TO Z EQUIPMENT CORP., A DIVISION OF THE WELSBACH CORP. 610A Old Country Rd., Westbury, NY 11590 as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Seaboard Surety Company, of New York, New York, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK P.O. Box 1179, Southold, N.Y. 11971 as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of FIVE PERCENT OF PROPOSAL PRICE Dollars ($ 5% of P.P. ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prem,-! payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 18th day of May 1989 A TO Z EQUIPMENT CORP., A DIVISION OF THE WELSBACH CORP. (Seal) - BY: (Witness) (I itle) ��✓��� SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY (Seal) (Suret (witness) / I� BY (Title) Eleanor ttorney-In-Fact Doudera AIA DOCUMENT A310 • BID BOND • AIA ®• FEBRUARY 1970 ED • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECT$, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006 1 F. 890 REV. -9-70 Form 152 \. Corp. Ack. STATE OF ss.: COUNTY OF Onthis.. ............................................. day of .......... ._........._............................ .......... .............. 1J............. before me personally came .............................................. ............................... ...._................................................................................................................................................ to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in......................................................... ....................................................... I ........ ....................... ...... ................... that he is the ............................................. ............................................................ WELSPACH CORP., of the ...A ... TO ... Z_..E,QUIPMENT.... CORP. ....... A ... DIVISION.._OF....THE................. a corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said cor- poration, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Certified CoPY._ __-� t#� >IL�rt�=�tZi1Q�!! J f�!'!s�' NF f: - - Cort pang or> cefnbet 8tR 927 -with Arrlendments #o -and �ndiudingJant arY X5,1982 andartr stilt fit r fore td effect : -ARTICLSVff,-SEGTlOWf "Policies,:t�onds recognizances, stipulations, consents of surety, Lndetrvriting tndertakingsand nstruments retating_theretcr- lnsurancepoficiesbohds:recognizances,stipulations,consentsofsurelyandunderwirtingundertakingsoftheOampany,andreteasesagre inentsindotfie1 -writings relating ir}�ny way thereto-�r to -any claim or loss thereunder, -shall: lie_signed tmth�name and -On behafLQf the Cofnpany J (a) bylheChairman oftheBoardAhePresident, aVice-PresidentoraResidentYtca-Presidentacid-bytheSecretary,anAssistant"arya-Resident;= Secretary or a-Res,denfAssistant Secretary, (b) bYan Attorney r3 -Fact forfhe gtnpanyappoirited and authorized bythe b irma_q 3Q_ $Oar h _ President or a Vice -President to make such signature; -or- (c) by such other officers or�epresentatives as the Board may fiom time -.to utile determine: =J The seal -of -the Company shalt if appropriate be affixed thereto by an}'such officer AttorrLey in fractorsepresentati-ve ` 1N WITNESS WHEREOF;---f6SEABOARD=SURETY COMPANY has caused these present jo beslgned by oqef tt I - Presidents, and JtS corporate seal Ito hereunto, affixed -and cf tly attested by=one �f ats Assistant Sircretarie5 this Feb da of SEAB D UR C AA = {5ea►� Q-.c-x-tc-a" By °rntw� - Assistant Secretary - _ = = Vire-President STATE OF -NEW OFNEW JERSEY — COUNTY OF. QM ISET 3# February - 87 On this day of _ . i9 before me personally appeared Michael B Keegan _ alftce President of SEABOARDISURET� COMPANY -- - - - - New' Jersey — wlthwhom Tam personallyscquainted, who, being by me dulysworn,`,said that_herestdes-lhthe Stafe-of= _ that is aV ce-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY the corporation described- in -and which executed the flr6going -> - instrument that hektlowsthe corpbrateseal of thesaid Company -,that the seal affixed to send instrument is -such cgrporaie seal that it was sa affixed by orderof the Board of Directors of said Company,,and that he sign ed#ris-naM6 itereti s fce=Presr ntt�f== said Company by like authority. FELICE M� CATALANO - - - - - (Seal NOTARY i'USLfC= Of NE4t!' !> S - - _R EY - CE RTIFiCATE- r �iY Gommissiott Exp June _4. 1991 =N�t ary Pub is 1; the undersigned Assistant Secretary of SEABOARD SURETY COMPAINY do hereby certify that the original Powemf Attorney of whicfY itieforegorng rs a fust, true and correct cop y, is in fulfforce and effect on the date of this Certificate and i do further certify that the Vice-Presidentwho executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the -Officers authorizec,by the Board of_Directors to appoint an_attomey-in-fact as provided in Article VII, Section 1, of the BY -Laws of SEAE30ARD SURETSF:COMPANY. --This Certificate maybe signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of - Directors of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duty called and held on the 25th day of March 1970. RESOLVED _ {2t;.That the use of a printed facsimile of the corporate seal of the Company and of the'Signature of an Assistant Secretary on any; certification of the correctness of a copy of an instrument executed by the President or a Vice -President pursuant to Article VII, Section -T, of the_ 3y Laws_ appointing and authorizing an attorney-in-fact to sign in the name and on -behalf of the Company; surety bonds, underwriting undertaking"ir�tlTer;1- instruments described in said Article Vil, Section 1, with tike effect as -if such seat and such_signature-had _bgen manually affixed an�siada.%ete$T4_ = authorized and approved. - - — =—_ _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the Company to these presents this *Err°o .. i 9th ... ....._ day of MaY. - _� 19 89 1927 ant— -_. o - STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTYOF NASSAU ss.: • i.8.t. . day of ......................................................................Y........................................................ On the ................................... hMa ...in the year 19.89 ,before me personally came Eleanor Doudera to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did _._....................................................__......................... Eleanor _............ ............... _.................... depose and say that he resides in. ..._.._........... ............_._...................... .............Su.... ...0 ............ ...... N. Y.; that he is the Attorney -in -Fact of the SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order; and the affiant did further depose and say that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York, has, pursuant to Section 327 of the Insurance Lav of the State of New York, issued to Seaboard Surety Company his certificate of qualification, evidencing the qualification of said Company and its sufficiency under any law of the State of New York as surety and guarantor, and the propriety of acceptin approving it as such; and that such certificate has not been revoked. / DENISE GAMMARATO NOTARY PUEIUC, Siate of New York J � ....................._......... IC� ...... Nr.. 432LA: A Notary P lic morn, Scu Qualified ;n Nassau County1 Commission Exp;res May 3 0 0 �ZABOAIRRSURETY C�APANY ° ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES: BEDMINSTER, NEW JERSEY FINANCIAL STATEMENT—December 31, 1988 ASSETS *Stocks and Bonds ..................... $175,663,800. Cash in Office & Banks ................. 3,028,839. Accrued Interest ....................... 3,219,861. Outstanding Premiums ................. (4,213,417.) Accounts Receivable ................... 4.910.563. Total Admitted Assets .............. $182,609,646 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ................. $ 58,759,507. Claim Reserve ................................. 39,205,562. Other Reserves ................................ 20,117,414. Capital Stock ................................. 2,500,000. Surplus ...................................... 62,027,163. Total Liabilities ............................ $182,609,646 * Bonds and stocks are valued on basis approved by National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Securities carried at $6,783,833 in the above statement are deposited for the purpose required by law. STATE OF NEW JERSEY COUNTY OF SOMERSET ss.: I, G. F. THOMPSON, President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Financial Statement of said Company, as of December 31, 1988. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this statement at New York, New York, this ....18th ..... day of ......... May .................................... 19.89....... Revised Form 157 The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficaen of she SumetY this &Y Oi s i r� m 9 The within Bond is hereby approved as to Form and sufficaen of she SumetY this &Y Oi s i SECTION 00420 - FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 01 • 02 03 All questions must be answered. The data given must be 04 clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. 05 06 07 1. Name of bidder A to Z Eauipnent Co., Divsion of the W _lshar_h Carp. 08 09 2. Business address 610A Old Country Rd . , Westbury, NY 11590 10 11 3. When organized 1921 12 13 4. Bidder is a(n) Corporation 14 (Individual - Partnership - Corporation) 15 16 The full name and addresses of all persons interested in 17 this proposal as partners and/or principal(s) are: (If 18 business is carried out in any other name(s) than that 19 of the principal(s) or partner(s), also state such 20 name(s) and address(es.) T 21 22 A to Z Equipment Co., Division of The Welsbach Corp. is wholly 23 24 awned by JWP, listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 25 26 27 28 CORPORATION 29 30 Corporation is incorporated in the State of Delaware 31 32 President is James Renwick 33 34 Treasurer is none 35 36 Place of business is Westbury, NY 37 38 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting 39 business under your present firm or trading name? 40 41 ten years 42 43 6. Financial statement: (Attach separate sheet.) 44 45 7. Credit available for this contract $ unlimited 46 (Attach letter.) 47 48 8. Contracts now on hand, gross amount $ 0 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 1 0 9. Plan of organization: 10. Personnel or organization: 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 11. Have you ever refused to sign a contract at your 09 10 original bid? no 11 12 12. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? no 13 14 13. Remarks: 15 16 17 18 14. Will you, upon request, furnish any other information 19 that the Town of Southold may require? 20 21 yes 22 23 15. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any 24 person to furnish any information requested by the 25 Town of Southold in verification of the recitals 26 comprising this statement of Bidder's Qualifications. 27 28 29 Dated at Westbury, NY this 17th day 30 31 of May 1.989 32 33 A to Z Equipment Co., Division of The 34 Welsbach Corp. 35 (Name f Bidder 36 37 38 By: cent Saitta 39 40 Title: Vice President 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 2 STATE OF New y'or < ) ss: COUNTY OF /4655acj ) Vincent Saitta , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Vice President of A to Z Equipment, Div. of The and that the answers to the Welsbach Corp. foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. L/. 661 Sworn to before me this 17 day of h,aT�, 19. Nd BL , f New York No. 4771662 My commission expires: Qualified in Naftau County END OF SECTION 00420 O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 3 JWP INC. and Subsidiaries Selected Financial Data (In Thousands, Except Per Share Data) Year Ended December 31, 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 INCOME STATEMENT DATA (a) Revenues $925,005 $637,116 $378,893 $131,658 $89,764 Net income $27,780 $22,200 $13,510 $5,250 $3,857 Net income per common share (b) $2.22 $1.80 $1.20 $.55 $.45 Average number of common shares and equivalents (b) 12,530 12,340 11,200 9,466 8,572 As of December 31, BALANCE SHEET DATA Shareholders' equity Total assets Long-term debt, excluding current maturities Capital lease obligations, less current portion Redeemable preferred stock 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 $145,069 $112,853 $ 91,352 $ 42,520 $ 26,588 $739,590 $494,034 $372,991 $183,833 $115,565 $213,086 $146,572 $101,031 $ 59,958 $ 40,794 20,990 19,429 16,439 10,892 8,175 6,161 6,436 1,694 1,826 1,958 $240,237 $172,437 $119,164 $ 72,676 $ 50,927 (a) Includes the results of purchased businesses from acquisition dates. (b) Adjusted to reflect two-for-one stock split effective May 23, 1986. 21 JWP INC. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Income Year Ended December 31. Revenues Operating Costs and Expenses Costs of services and products sold Selling, general and administrative Operating Income Interest expense, net Income Before Income Taxes Provision for income taxes Net Income Net Income Per Common Share 1988 1987 1986 $925,005,000 $637,116,000 $378,893,000 702,350,000 465,172,000 281,532,000 154,304,000 114,092,000 60,022,000 856,654,000 579,264,000 341,554,000 68,351,000 57,852,000 37,339,000 23,546,000 15,527,000 9,643,000 44,805,000 42,325,000 27,696,000 17,025,000 20,125,000 14,186,000 $ 27,780,000 $ 22,200,000 $ 13,510,000 $2.22 $1.80 $1.20 The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 25 JWP INC. and Subsidiaries 0 0 Consolidated Balance Sheets December ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings on uncompleted contracts Inventories Prepaid expenses and other Total Current Assets 1988 $ 30,092,000 335,953,000 1987 $ 26,927,000 210,123,000 42,510,000 23,616,000 41,528,000 31,210,000 8,241,000 8,987,000 458,324,000 300,863,000 Investments, Notes and Other Long -Term Receivables 16,449,000 7,702,000 Property, Plant and Equipment, net Other Assets Excess of cost of acquired businesses over net assets, less amortization Miscellaneous Total Assets 26 186,205,000 130,742,000 59,759,000 41,287,000 18,853,000 13,440,000 78,612,000 54,727,000 $739,590,000 $494,034,000 The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements 0 0 December 31, LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities Notes payable Current maturities of long-term debt: and capital lease obligations Accounts payable Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts Other accrued expenses and liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long -Term Debt Other Long -Term Obligations and Deferred Credits Other Utility Long -Term Obligations and Deferred Credits Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiary Redeemable Preferred Stock of Subsidiary Shareholders' Equity Common Stock, $.10 par value, 20,000,000 shares authorized, 12,526,873 and 12,046,341 outstanding, excluding 417,156 and 311,222 treasury shares in 1988 and 1987 Warrants of Participation Capital surplus Retained earnings Total Shareholders' Equity Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 1988 1987 $ 53,478,000 $ 28,035,000 14,998,000 7,621,000 110,832,000 62,434,000 70,123,000 23,107,000 60,834,000 57,475,000 310,265,000 178,672,000 213,086,000 146,572,000 :111 19,377,000 :. 111 2,688,000 2,538,000 6,161,000 6,436,000 1,254,000 1,205,000 576,000 576,000 68,350,000 63,963,000 74,889,000 47,109,000 145,069,000 112,853,000 $739,590,000 $494,034,000 27 0 JWP INC. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, Net Income Non -Cash Expenses Depreciation and amortization Deferred income taxes Other, net Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities Increase in accounts receivable Increase in inventories and contracts in progress Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses Other changes in assets and liabilities Net Cash Flows Provided from Operations Cash Flows from Financing Activities Proceeds of long-term debt Payments of long-term debt and capital lease obligations Proceeds of redeemable Preferred Stock Proceeds from issuance of Common Stock and Warrants, net of issuance costs Acquisition of Common Stock for the treasury Increase (decrease) in notes payable, net Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities Cash Flows from Investment Activities Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired Expenditures for property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of assets and other Net Cash Flows used by Investment Activities Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 28 1988 1987 1986 $27,780,000 $22,200,000 $13,510,000 14,727,000 10,476,000 5,383,000 7,168,000 7,928,000 1,199,000 3,818,000 700,000 3,116,000 53,493,000 41,304,000 23,208,000 (775,000) (34,960,000) (16,499,000) (21,011,000) (4,942,000) (14,419,000) (12,276,000) 7,389,000 17,803,000 3,509,000 (506,000) 3,770,000 22,940,000 8,285,000 13,863,000 87,000,000 32,470,000 45,630,000 (10,734,000) (29,941,000) (8,919,000) — 5,000,000 — 821,000 — 28,872,000 (2,946,000) (5,112,000) (2,234,000) (23,782,000) 38,077,000 (2,861,000) 50,359,000 40,494,000 60,488,000 (45,513,000) (23,820,000) (61,526,000) (30,222,000) (21,727,000) (11,407,000) 5,601,000 3,343,000 3,594,000 (70,134,000) (42,204,000) (69,339,000) 3,165,000 6,575,000 5,012,000 26,927,000 20,352,000 15,340,000 $30,092,000 $26,927,000 $20,352,000 The accompanying notes to eonsol:dated financial statements are an integral part of these statements. JWP INC. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity Capital Stock For the Years Ended Preferred Warrants of Capital Retained Shareholders' December 31, 1986, 1987, 1988 Class B Common Participation Surplus Earnings Equity Balance December 31, 1985 Common Stock offering Exercise of warrants Conversion of debt to Common Stock Other, net Net income Balance December 31, 1986 Common Stock issued in connection with acquisitions Acquisition of stock for the treasury Redemption of Class B Preferred Stock Other, net Net income Balance December 31, 1987 Common Stock issued in connection with acquisitions Acquisition of stock for the treasury Other, net Net income Balance December 31, 1988 $56,000 $ 981,000 $576,000 $29,496,000 $11,411,000 $ 42,520,000 151,000 — 28,540,000 — 28,691,000 42,000 — 1,388,000 — 1,430,000 23,000 — 2,253,000 — 2,276,000 15,000 — 2,918,000 (8,000) 2,925,000 — — — — 13,510,000 13,510,000 56,000 1,212,000 576,000 64,595,000 24,913,000 91,352,000 21,000 — 2,623,000 — 2,644,000 (31,000) — (5,081,000) — (5,112,000) (56,000) -- — (69,000) — (125,000) 3,000 — 1,895,000 (4,000) 1,894,000 — — — 22,200,000 22,200,000 1,205,000 576,000 63,963,000 47,1.09,000 112,853,000 — 40,000 — 7,372,000 — 7,412,000 — (17,000) — (4,038,000) — (4,055,000) — 26,000 — 1,053,000 — 1,079,000 — — — 27,780,000 27,780,000 $1,254,000 $576,000 $68,350,000 $74,889,000 $145,069,000 The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements. 29 JWP INC. and Subsidiaries Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Principles of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and all of its subsidiaries. Significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. Revenue Recognition Long-term contract revenue is accounted for on the percentage -of -completion basis. Utility subsid- iaries generally invoice their customers on a cycle basis and accrue earned, unbilled revenue. Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost. Utility plant and equipment includes, in addition to direct labor and materials, such costs as related employee benefits, taxes, interest and other costs attributable to the construction activity. Non-utility subsidiaries provide depreciation principally using the straight-line method on estimated useful lives. Utility subsidiaries provide depreciation on the straight-line basis at amounts equivalent to a composite rate of approximately 2% of the average depreciable plant. Inventories Inventories, primarily materials, are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined principally using average costs. Net Income Per Common Share Net income per Common Share is based on the weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding and Common Share equivalents relating to warrants and stock options outstanding when such equivalents are dilutive (approximately 12,530,000, 12,340,000 and 11,200,000 shares in 1988, 1987 and 1986, respectively). Fully diluted earnings per share are not presented since potential additional issuances of Common Stock are immaterial. Effective May 23, 1986, the Company de- clared a two-for-one Common Stock split and accordingly all share and per share amounts have been retroactively adjusted. Statements of Cash Flows In November, 1987, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 95 "State- ment of Cash Flows." The Company adopted the provisions of Statement 95 in its 1988 financial statements and restated previously reported statements of changes in financial position of 1987 and 1986. Cash equivalents include highly liquid instruments with original maturities of three months or less. (2) Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment consists of the following $186,205,000 $130,742,000 30 1988 1987 Utility plant and equipment $127,361,000 $113,737,000 Machinery and equipment 51,374,000 30,629,000 Rental equipment 18,099,000 13,687,000 Land, buildings and leasehold improvements 21,719,000 10,290,000 Cogeneration facilities 17,727,000 2,419,000 236,280,000 170,762,000 Accumulated depreciation 50,075,000 40,020,000 $186,205,000 $130,742,000 30 JWP INC. and Subsidiaries • 0 As of December 31, 1988, approximate future minimum lease payments are as follows Rent expense for the years ended December 31, 1988, 1987, and 1986 was approximately $12,800,000, $8,000,000, and $5,000,000, respectively. (8) Segment Information Capital Operating Leases Leases 1989 $ 8,329,000 $12,154,000 1990 6,073,000 10,224,000 1991 5,285,000 8,023,000 1992 4,848,000 6,388,000 1993 2,958,000 5,149,000 Thereafter 18,374,000 12,494,000 Total minimum lease payments 45,867,000 $54,432,000 Amounts representing interest 19,075,000 Revenues $841,472,000 Present value of net minimum lease payments (includes current $49,666,000 — portion of $5,802,000) $26,792,000 6,035,000 Rent expense for the years ended December 31, 1988, 1987, and 1986 was approximately $12,800,000, $8,000,000, and $5,000,000, respectively. (8) Segment Information The Company operates in three principal industries: technical services, energy and environmental, and supply of water. Following is certain financial data for each industry segment $15,541,000 $47,465,000 — $637,116,000 General 52,513,000 Technical Energy and Supply Corporate Identifiable assets at December 31 Services Environmental of Water and Other Consolidated 1988 10,152,000 8,352,000 12,598,000 411,000 Revenues $841,472,000 $33,867,000 $49,666,000 — $925,005,000 Operating income 60,569,000 6,035,000 10,063,000 $(8,316,000) 68,351,000 Identifiable assets at December 31 553,802,000 55,310,000 116,552,000 13,926,000 739,590,000 Capital expenditures 12,811,000 9,745,000 14,131,000 467,000 37,154,000 Depreciation and amortization 8,463,000 2,924,000 2,220,000 1,120,000 14,727,000 1987 Revenues $574,110,000 $15,541,000 $47,465,000 — $637,116,000 Operating income 52,513,000 1,967,000 9,694,000 $(6,322,000) 57,852,000 Identifiable assets at December 31 350,432,000 25,908,000 103,890,000 13,804,000 494,034,000 Capital expenditures 10,152,000 8,352,000 12,598,000 411,000 31,513,000 Depreciation and amortization 6,228,000 1,684,000 2,022,000 542,000 10,476,000 1986 Revenues $329,715,000 $ 6,400,000 $42,778,000 — $378,893,000 Operating income 30,683,000 1,263,000 9,516,000 $(4,123,000) 37,339,000 Identifiable assets at December 31 240,621,000 16,158,000 96,827,000 19,385,000 372,991,000 Capital expenditures 2,984,000 6,021,000 10,161,000 750,000 19,916,000 Depreciation and amortization 2,088,000 1,077,000 1,908,000 310,000 5,383,000 34 • JWP INC. and Subsidiaries 0 December 31, 1988 and 1987 include accrued payroll and benefits of $36,412,000 and $29,223,000, respectively. Long-term obligations and deferred credits at December 31, 1988 and 1987 include capital lease obligations of $20,990,000 and $19,429,000 and deferred income taxes of $15,314,000 and $14,231,000, respectively. Costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts are as follows 1988 1987 Costs incurred on uncompleted contracts $1,235,686,000 $399,845,000 Estimated earnings 206,288,000 %,207,000 1,441,974,000 496,052,000 Less billings to date (1,469,587,000) (495,543,000) $ (27,613,000) $ 509,000 Included in the accompanying balance sheets under the following captions 1988 1987 Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings on uncompleted contracts $ 42,510,000 $ 23,616,000 Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts (70,123,000) (23,107,000) $ (27,613,000) $ 509,000 Pursuant to a 1986 New York State Law, in April, 1988, the City of New York served a Notice of Application to Condemn, "relative to acquiring title under certain conditions" the New York City water distribution system of Jamaica Water Supply Company, a subsidiary of JWP INC. The ultimate outcome of this proceeding is not expected to have a material adverse affect on the financial condition of the Company. (11) Subsequent Event In February, 1989, the Board of Directors declared a 3-for-2 stock split on the Company's Common Stock conditioned upon stockholders approval of an increase in the Company's authorized capital stock from 20,000,000 shares of Common Stock to 75,000,000 shares and from 1,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock to 25,000,000. The proposal to increase the Company's capital stock will be submit- ted to shareholders at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on May 17, 1989. 36 Report of Independent Auditors REPORT OF ERNST & WIUNNEY Board of Directors and Shareholders JWP INC. We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of JWP INC. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1988 and 1987, and the related con- solidated statements of income, shareholders' eq- uity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1988. These finan- cial statements are the responsibility of the Com- pany's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with gen- erally accepted auditing standards. Those stan- dards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstate- ment. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and sig- nificant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presenta- tion. We believe that our audits provide a reasona- ble basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of JWP INC. and subsidiaries at December 31, 1988 and 1987, and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1988 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. New York, New York February 22, 1989 37 • E ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. South Main Street Post Office Box 74 Terryville, CT 06786 1-800-692-1234 ARTNURo May 17, 1989 6 • Proposal No. 00569 CORPORATE OFFICE P.O. BOX 74 • SOUTH MAIN STREET • TERRYVILLE, CT 06786 (203) 582-6552 • FAX: (203) 582-7688 Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall, Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Modular Office Building Thank you for your interest in the products of Arthur Industries, Incorporated. We are pleased to quote on the following Arthur Building: SALE One (1) Arthur 24' x 60' Building coh-sisting of four (4) 12' x 30' units providing 1,440 square feet of space. Purchase Price of Specified Building ......... See your form enclosed. Purchase Price includes the following site work: Delivery Site Layout and Pier Layout Augering, Concrete and Forming Crane Erection Modular Interconnection and Finishing Interior Electrical Connections Finish Building Skirting Site Clean Up PLEASE NOTE, SITE WORK COSTS ARE EXCLUSIVE OF ALL EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING CONNECTIONS AND ARE BASED UPON PREVAILING WAGES DATED APRIL 21, 1989, FROM THE STATE OF NEW YORK, PROPER SOIL BEARING CAPABILITIES, EASY ACCESS AND LEVEL GRADE CONDITIONS. TERMS: Sale: 50Z Down With Order; 40Z On Delivery; 1OX Upon Occupancy TAX: As Applies (not included in costs) FREIGHT: Included DELIVERY: Approximately 6 to 8 weeks from the date Arthur Industries, Inc. receives signed and approved drawings, specifications, execution of Arthur Industries standard Relocatable Modular Building Sale Agreement, building permits and any other governmental approvals not controlled by Arthur Industries, Inc. or customers. ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. EYNNI H -D, MASSACHUSETTS SCHENE.CTADY, NEW YORK 0 c: This quotation is for acceptance within ninety (90) days. I would like to thank you again for the opportunity to submit this proposal and with prospects of serving your needs in the near future, I remain, Very truly yours, r'+ d Gregg B. Kelly Vice President GBK:bc Enclosure ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. TERRYVILLE, CT NORTH BILLERICA, MA LATHAM, NY 0 0 SECTION 00300 - FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK TO: Town of Southold P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 1. Pursuant to and in compliance with your Invitation for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, and other related documents dated April 26,1989;the undersigned having familiarized himself with said documents and with local conditions affecting the cost of the work, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, appliances, devices, equipment, services, and facilities as required for project titled: Modular•Office Addition to Southold Town' Hall AT: Route 25, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 in strict accordance with the bid requirements, specifications, drawings and addenda thereto, as prepared by Samuels & Steelman Architects and on file at.the offices of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Route 25, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. 2. LUMP SUM BASE BID TOTAL: One Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Four OLLARS: Figures: $ 163,624.00 The above lump sum includes all taxes, overhead, and profit on all work of major subcontractors and all allowances required by the specifications, if any. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300 - 1 • E 3. If written notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the undersigned within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the opening thereof, or at any time thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver a Contract, in the prescribed form, and furnish the required bond(s) within ten(10) days after said contract is present to him for signature. 4. ADDENDA Receipt of the following addenda is hereby acknowledged and have been taken into account in preparing this Proposal: ADDENDUM NO. 5. BIDDER'S DECLARATIONS DATE In connection with this Proposal, the undersigned declares that: A. He is acquainted with all the Contract Documents, the conditions prevailing at the site, the existing utilities and all other matters regarding the site as well as the drawings and specifications. B. He will enter into a contract for the performance of the proposed work and within ten (10) days of his receipt of the notice of the• award of the contract, will commence work in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. He has familiarized himself with the Certification Document on Non -Collusive Bidding which is attached to this Proposal and has signed it as required, with the knowledge that this Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300-2 O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 • D. He has familiarized himself with the New York "Labor Law" as amended including all prevailing rates of wages to be paid as required by said statute E. He has familiarized himself with the Bid Bond which is attached to this Proposal and has signed it as required, with the knowledge that this Proposal will not be accepted otherwise. F. The full names and residences of all persons interested in this Proposal, as Principals of the firm, partnership, or corporation submitting this Proposal are as follow: Gregory R. Conlan. Pres., 661-2 Main St. Plantsville, CT Gregg B. Kelly, Vice Pres., 144 Allison Dr., Torrington, CT Arthur Industries, Inc. BIDDER Gregg B. Kelly. Vice President BY AND TITLE SIGNATURE South Main Street ADDRESS Terryville, CT 06786 May 17. 1989 DATE END OF SECTION 00300 FORM OF BID FOR GENERAL WORK 00300 - 3 O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SECTION 00480 - FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 01 02 03 Non -collusive bidding certification. By submission of this 04 bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) this bid or 05 proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion 06 with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential 07 competitor; (b) this bid or proposal has not been knowingly 08 disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the 09 opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other 10 bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) no attempt 11 has been or will be made to induce any other person, 12 partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid 13 or proposal; (d) the person signing this bid or proposal 14 certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the 15 accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, 16 and under the penalties of perjury affirms the truth 17 thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as 18 well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) that 19 attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy 20 of resolution authorizingthe execution of this certificate 21 by the signator of this'bid or proposal in behalf of the 22 corporate bidder. 23 24 25 Resolved that Gregg R_ Ke113�, Vice President, Arthur Industries be 26 (Name of Corporation) 27 authorized to sign and submit this bid or proposal for the 28 29 following project: 30 31 Modular Office Building, Southold, NY 32 (Describe Project) 33 34 and to include in such bid or proposal the certificates as 35 to non -collusion required by Section One Hundred Three-D of 36 the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such 37 corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in 38 such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under 39 the penalties of perjury. 40 41 42 The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution 43 adopted by Arthur Industries, Inc. corporation at a 44 meeting of its board of directors held on the 23rd day 45 of June 19 87 - 46 (SEAL OF CORPORATION) 47 48 (49 s (Secretly 50 END OF SECTION 00480 Greg y1R. Conlan FORM OF NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT 00480 - 1 SECTION 00420 - FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered. The data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. 1. Name of bidder 2. Business address P.O. Box 74 Terryville. CT 06796 3. When organized January 19, 1972 4. Bidder is a(n) Corporation (Individual - Partnership - Corporation) The full name and addresses of all persons interested in this proposal as partners and/or principal(s) are: (If business is carried out in any other name(s) than that of the principal(s) or partner(s), also state such name(s) and address(es).) Gre& Gregg B Kelly, Vice Pres., 144 Allison Dr Torrington, CT 06790 CORPORATION Corporation is incorporated in the State of Connecticut President is Gregory R. Conlan Ciffi nnt is Michael N. Baillargeon Place of business is south Main StrPat, Tarr3wi11a, CT 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trading name? Ravanteen (17) Years 6. Financial statement: (Attach separate sheet.) 7. Credit available for this contract $ See Attached (Attach letter.) 8. Contracts now on hand, gross amount $ 667,696.00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 1 0 0 9. Plan of organization: See Attached 10. Personnel or organization: See Attached 11. Have you ever refused to sign a contract at your original bid? No 12. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? No 13. Remarks: 14. Will you, upon request, furnish any other information that the Town of Southold may require? 15. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person to furnish any information requested by the Town of Southold in verification of the recitals comprising this statement of Bidder's Qualifications. Dated at Terryville, CT this 17th day of May Arthur Industries, Inc. (Name of Bidder) By: Z. I , 4e, re /A-�B. Kelly Title/Vice President Ol 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 2 IF # 0 STATE OF Connecticut ) ss : Terryville COUNTY OF Litchfield ) Gregg B. Kelly , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Vice President of Arthur Industries, Inc, and that the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. My commission etcpires: END OF SECTION 00420 Sworn to before me this 17th day of May 19 89 �x �s / NOTARY PUBLIC MY CortxnfaMon Expires March 31, 1862 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 00420 - 3 t SECTION 00410 -- FORM OF BID BOND 01 02 03 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we the undersigned, 04 Arthur Industries, Inc. as 05 PRINCIPAL, and American Qasualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania as 06 SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the Town of Southold o7 hereinafter called the "Local Authority", in the 06 penal sum of ZIVE PERCENT- 1,5%) OF -THE AMOUNT BID DOLLARS, 09 .lawful money.of the United_States, for the payment of which -10 sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, 11 executors, administrators, successors and. assigns, jointly 12 and severally, firmly by these presents. 13 14 THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the 15 Principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated 16 May 18, 1989 for Modular Office Building 17 -Soulhold. NY 16 19 NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall not withdraw said bid 20 within the period specified -therein after the 6peninq of the 21 game, or, if no period be specified, within thirty (30) days 22 after the said "opening, and shall within the period 23 specified therefore, or if no period be specified, within 24 ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to 25 him for signature, enter into a written contract with the 26 Local Authority in accordance with the bid as accepted, and 27 give bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as 28 may be required, for the faithful performance and proper 29 fulfillment of such contract; or in the event of withdrawal 30 of* said bid within the period specified or the failure to 31 enter into such contract and give said bond within the time 32 specified, if the Principal, shall pay the Local Authority 33 the difference between the amount specified in said bid and 34 the amount for which the Local Authority may procure the 35 required work or supplies or both, if.the latter amount be 36 in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be 37 void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and 38 virtue. 39 40 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above mentioned parties have 41 executed this Instrument under their several seals this 42 18th day of May , 19 89 , the name and 43 corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed 44 and these presents duly signed by its undersigned 45 representative pursuant to authority of its governing body. 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF BID BOND 00410 - 1 In the presence of: (SEAL) (Individual Principal) (Business Address) Attest: - LI (SEAL) (Individual Principal) (Business Address) ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. (SEAS) (Corporate Principal) � P:O. Box 74, South Main Street Terryville, CT 06786 (Business -Address) Affix Corporate Seal B y .1 RICAN CASUALTY COMPANY _ OF READING. PENNSYLVANIA (Corporate Surety) Affix o rate Seal By: William R. Phillips, Att01N- in -Fact The rate of premium on this bond is $ NIL per thousand, the total. 'amount of premium charged is NIL (The above is to be filled in by surety company).` (Power of Attorney for person signing for surety company must be attached to bonds.) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '201 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FORM OF AID BOND 00410 -- 2 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL OI 02 03 z , GREGORY R. CONLAN , certify that I am the Q4 ASSISTANT Secretary of the_ corporation- named as 05 Principal in the within bond; that GREGG B. KELLY 06 who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal was then Q7 VICE PRESIDENT of;- said Corporation; that I 08 know his s-ignature, and his signature thereto is genuine; 09 and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested to 10 for an in behalf of said corporation by authority of its 11 governing body. 12 _ 13 14 -<15% 6 ( rp t l Sea17 r 18 19 END OF SECTION 00410 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so FORM OF BID BOND 00410 - 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SURETY STATE OF Connecticut ) ) S S.: COUNTY OF Hartford ) On this 18th day of May , in the year 19 89 before me personally came William R. Phillips to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did despose and say that he resides in Cheshire CT , that he is the American Casualty Company Attorney -in -Fact of of Reading, Pennsylvania the Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Directors of said Corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (SEAL) Notary Public My Commission expires MY MAPAISSIOrl • American Casualty Corti y 6f Reading, Pennsylvania c&rA For All the Commitments You Make' OffICsWCh$c&w, Illinois POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEYAN-FACT Know AN Mon by these Presents, That AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Richard B. Vannie, Tina Buron, G. F. Langan, William R. Phillips, Individually' of Hartford, Connecticut its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute in its behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By -Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company: "Article VI—Execution of Obligations and Appointment of Attorney -in -Fact Section 2. Appointment of Attorney-in-fact. The President or Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys - in -fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys- In -fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Vice President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-in-fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 11th day of November, 1966: "Resolved, that the signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2 of Article VI of the By -Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by fascimile to any certificate of any such power, and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." In Witness Whereof, AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY QF READING. PENNSYLVANIA has caused these presents to be signed by Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 1St day of September '196 'a' AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA State of Illinois I .cd'a.1,° y County of Cook I ss s •I,� +crPULI J. E. Purtell Vice President. On this 1St day of September 19 88 , before me personally came J. E. Purtell, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides In the Village of Glenview, State of Illinois: that he is a Vice -President of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, the corporation described in the which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authoritygiven by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. C: e. C NOTARY PUBLIC rp `1, It 0%j o°+cO"`� Linda C. Dempse Notary Public. CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires No tuber 12, 1990 I, George R. Hobaugh, Assistant Secretary of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, do certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still in force, and futher certify that Section 2 of Article VI of the By -Laws of the Company and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in said Power of Attorney are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said Company this 18th day of May ,19 89. �—d /� PAT 311 • George R. Hobaugfi Assistan ecret ry 8.23142-0 INV. NO. G -59202-B American Casualty Com p66 66 Of Reading, Pennsylvania CNA For All the Commitments You Make' STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES DECEMBER 31, 1987 Assets Cash Short term investments (principally U. United States government obligations Other public bonds Industrial and miscellaneous bonds Preferred stocks Common stocks of affiliated companies Other common stocks Real Estate Net premiums in course of collection Accrued interest dividends and rents Other assets Liabilities 1987 $ 445,245 S. Government obligations) 37,162,872 10,299,909 363,344,079 237,414 180,650 53,443,849 43,723 779,399 89,732,534 8,052,547 $ 14,890,154 Admitted Assets $578,612,374 Unearned premium reserve $ 81,194,580 Reserve for loss and loss adjustment expenses 375,131,845 Reserve for taxes, licenses and fees (including federal i rlcome taxes) 2,957,480 Other liabilities 18.147.639 Total Liabilities $411,431,544 Surplus Capital paid up ($5 par value) Shares authorized: 470,000, issued: 470,000 $ 2,350,000 Surplus 98,830,831 Surplus as Regards Policyholders $101,180,831 Total $578,612,374 Failure of items to add to totals shown is due to rounding. State of Illinois) ) ss County of Cook ) On this 4th day of April, 1988, before me came J. E. Purtell and G. R. Hobaugh, known to me personally to be the Vice President and the Assistant Secretary, respectively, of the American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania and being fully sworn, certify and attest that the foregoing statement is a true and correct statement of the assets and liabilities of the said company as of the date shown in the statement. G. R. Hobaugh, ssis ant Secretary J. E. Purtell Vice -President Su ed and s=bere4th Notarly P4rbl is IIPC9415/1A G- 54909-A(LG) day of April, 1988. AAAA"AAAALA"AAAAAAAAAAA♦ "OFFICIAL SEAL" Laverne A. Sharkey Notary Public, State of Illinois C CMy ommission vvvission Ev6f19f9T� F4RTHUR.7 May 17, 1989 CORPORATE OFFICE P.O. BOX 74 • SOUTH MAIN STREET • TERRYVILLE, CT 06786 (203) 582-6552 • FAX: (203) 582-7688 Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall, Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 With reference to Item 17 on the Form of Statement of Bidder's Qualifications, Arthur Industries, Inc., has a credit limit of $20 million dollars with Connecticut National Bank and a $7.5 million dollar limit with State Street Bank of Boston for a total of $27.5 million dollars. Arthur Industries, Inc., has an outstanding amount of $22 million dollars leaving us with credit available for this contract of $5.5 million dollars. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Michael N. Baillargeon Controller MNB:bc ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. LYNNFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK * * < ARTHUR'S RELOCATABLE 1 STORY MODULAR BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS t PROJECT NAME CLASSIFICATION: SALESPERSON: BUILDING SIZE: ' ^ BUILIXINB 60 FT: ` TOWN'OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. OFFICE FRANK PALMER 24' X 60' 1,440 OCCUPANCY" UNKNOWN JOB NUMBER: 9161 ' ` /NE BY KF ON: 15 -May -89 ' ON DISK #: 28 _________________________________________________________________+___ MODULE SIZES ' ============ 12'x 30' 4 REQUIRED __________________________________________________________________-__ GTEEL ============= FRAMps- PERIMETER FRAME - 10"x 15.3#[ AS REQUIRED ^ 10"x 9.0# JR I AS REQUIRED 8"x 6.5# JR I AS REQUIRED 6"x 4.4# JR I AS REQUIRED REMOVABLE HITCH ` PROPERTY OF AI% REMOVABLE AXLES/TIRES/RIMS PROPERTY OF AII ^ ------------------------------ _______________________________________ FLOOR DECKS ============ BUILDING FLOOR LOADING 60 #/SF BOTTOM BOARD 1/2" STRU�TODECK FLOOR JOIST- 2x6/16" OCSPRUCE ' INSULATION- 6" - R19 KRAFT PAPER BACKED SUB -FLOOR 1/7"CDX PLYWOOD 5/8" PLYWOOD FLOOR FINISHES- CARPET- ARMSTRONG Commendation II . Ashwood Brown THRU-OUT VINYL CUSHION TILE ' 12"x 12"x 1/8" REGTROOMS � 17 -May -89 ' PAGE 1 '--l- "'- -.r --~-� . � - ^ IN � EXTERIOR WALLS CEILING HEIGHT ALUM I NUM S I D I NG Col or- STUDS- 2x6/16" OC INSULATION- 6" - R19 INTERIORMLL FINISH BASE MOLDING ' NORTH WALL- FIRE RATED 8'0" AS REQUIRED WHITE SPRUCE KRAFT PAPER BACKED VINYL GYPSUM 4" VINYL _____________________________________________________________________ ROQF SYSTEM =========== ' - ROOF LOADING FIRESTONE ROOFING SYSTEM RP]F SHEATHING WOOD TRUSSES- 24" OC INSULATION- 6" - R19 SUSPENDED CEILING- 2x2 GRID Auratone 344 Omni Fissured ALUMINUM FASCIA- 2. HIGH ALUMINUM VENTED SOFFIT OVERHANGS 45 #/GF AGINGLE-PLY 5/8" PLYWOOD #1 DENSE KRAFT PAPER BACKED WHITE BRONZE 12" ON 2 SIDES ------------------------------ _______________________________________ ' . INTERIOR PARTITIONS STUDS- 2x4/16" OC INSULATION- 3.5" - R11 INTERIOR WALL FINISH BASE MOLDING ' HVAC SYSTEM =========== ELECTRIC BARD UNITS -ROOF MTD ' 5 TON UNIT/ RPMH603, 18 KW FIBERGLASS DUCT- SUPPLY FIBERGLASS DUCT- RETURN SUPPLY GRILLS- AMER%-FLO RA250 RETURN GRILLS- AMERI-FLO RA250 EXHAUST FAN- BROANS SPRUCE KRAFT PAPER BACKED VINYL GYPSUM 4" VINYL 120/208- 3 PHASE 1 REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED _____________________________-_____________________-_-_______________ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL POWER ENERGY SAVING TROFFER--- 2x4/Keystone ROFFER-2x4/Keystone 2J440EXALE 2x2/Keystone UJ240EXALE ROMEX WIRE- #12 COPPER OUTLET/PLATE - 15 AMP GFI OUTLET - 15 AMP 89 PAGE 2 ��~� � ��� ` �~ � ' 120/208- 3 PHASE 23 REQUIRED 4 REQUIRED AS REQUIRED 42 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED ^ � SWITCH/PLATE - 15 AMP AS REQUIRED MAIN PANEL- 200 AMP I 1 REQUIRED EXIT SIGN W/BATTERY BACKUP High_Lites #BP -APG -2P 2 REQUIRED EMERGENCY LITE W/BATTERY BACKUP Dual -Lite #EZ -2 2 REQUIRED EXTERIOR LIGHT_ Tam p f Wall Li per- roo ht a g Acme Dunbar #204 � 60 W Incandescent W/Photo-cell 2 REQUIRED EXTERIOR WINDOWS ================ SLIDIN8 8WSSERIES 200 1/2" INSULATED- 4030 W/ SCREENS - EXTERIOR DOORS ` 18 GAUGE DOORS -STEEL- 3068 W/24x26 LITE LOCKSETS PANIC W/T PIECE- #UE53 DOOR HARDWARE ' #2112 HINGES CLOSER- #604PA8N THRESHOLD- 5"x 36" WEATHERSTRIPPING--- 3068 BOTTOM SWEE ' 36" 14 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED 6 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED INTERIOR DOORS ============== ' BI -FOLDING DOORS 1068 WOOD 2 REQUIRED 20 GAUGE DOORS STEEL- 3068 BLANK_ DUTCH 1 REQUIRED STEEL- 3068 BLANK 1 REQUIRED ' STEEL.--- 306 W/24x26 LITE 4 REQUIRED , 18 GAUGE DOORS ' ' STEEL- 3068 BLANK 1 REQUIRED 18 GAUGE/ "C" LABELED DOORS . STEEL- 6068 BLANK 1 REQUIRED LOCKSETS ' OFF%- - #ARS310 4 REQUIRED REGULAR BATHROOM- #ARS320 1 ' REQUIRED HANDICAP BATHROOM- #PDQSV176-1 V 1 REQUIRED STOREROOM-- #ARS352' 1 REQUIRED DOOR HARDWARE ' #2110 HINGES 18 REQUIRED #2112 HINGES 9 REQUIRED ^ CLOSER- #604PASN 3 REQUIRED FLOOR STOP 6 REQUIRED 7" SURFACE BOLT & ASTRAGAL 1 REQUIRED � REMOVABLE MULLION 0 REQUIRED � 17 -May --89 PAGE 3 ��^- PLUMBING FIXTURES ================== TOILET REQUIRED 1 _CADET TANK- #2109.405 1 REQUIRED SEAT-� OIPEN FRONT 1 REQUIRED HANDfCAP^TOILET - CADET TANK- #2109.405 1 REQUIRED PEAT- 2" LIFT SEAT 1 REQUIRED STUDENT TOILET ^ ` LAVATORY ' RO ALYN- #0491.019 1 REQUIRED FAUCET- DELTA #522 1 REQUIRED HANDICAP LAVATORY WHEELCHAIR- #9141.011 1 REQUIRED ' FAUCET- AMERICAN #2385.078 1 REQUIRED HOT WATER HEATER STATE- 10 GALLON 1 REQUIRED PLUMBING ACCESSORIES LAVATORY VANITY 1 REQUIRED TOWEL DISPENSER #B262 2 REQUIRED SOAP DISPENSER #B4�5 2 REQUIRED TISSUE DISPENSER 88 2 REQUIRED MIRROR #B293 1630 2 REQUIRED EMERGENCY CALL SWITCH 1 REQUIRED GRAB ARS ' 2 REQUIRED VC WASTE PIPING AS REQUIRED COPPER: SUPPLY PIPING AS REQUIRED SPECIAL EQUIPMENT � ================= PHONE DROP COUNTER- 1'9"x11'6" SKY LIGHTS- 24"x24" 10 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 3 REQUIRED - BUILDING SYSTEMS ================ 'FIRE ALARM SYSTEM- Fire Lite INDEPENDENT SYSTEM SITE MATERIAL ============= FROST DEPTH'42" - FOOTINGS- 30" DIAMETER FOOTINGS- 36" DIAMETER AVERAGE HEIGHT 36" PIERS- 16"x 16" PIERS- 24"x 24" WHITE ALUMINUM SKIRTING PT RAMP W/RAILINGS PT STAIRS W/RAILINGS 17 -May -89 . _. . ,_ PAGE 4 20 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 20 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 168 LF BY OTHERS BY OTHERS �~ EXCEPTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ~ ' ___________________________ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN OUR BID: - ` PERMITS AND SITE INSPECTIONS. 'DOOR(S) IN E%ISTING'BUILDING LEADING TO MODULAR CONNECTING CORRIDOR, EVEN IF EXISTING DOOR(S) NEED TO BE REPLACED WITH FIRE RATED DOOR(S) PER BUILDING INSPECTOR. ELECTRIC CBCT CABINET AND CONNECTIONS. ELECTRIC METER SOCKET ANDCONNECTIONS. ELECTRIC POWER TO MODULAR BUILDING AND CONNECTIONS TO MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL. . DOMESTIC/SANITARY PIPE TO MODULAR BUILDING, CONNECTIONS, AND TESTING OF THE SYGTEM. / FIRE ALARM WIRING FROM EXISTING PANEL TO THE PANEL IN MODULAR BUILDING AND CONNECTIONS. FINAL GRADING AND LANDSCAPING. EXCEPTIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS: 1. INSTEAD OF A BUILT UP ROOFING SYSTEM, WE ARE USING OUR FIRESTONE SYSTEM. 2. INSTEAD OF DOUBLE'HUNG WINDOWS, WE ARE USING A INSULATED SLIDING TYPE. 3. INSTEAD OF TAPED AND PAINTED GYPSUM, WE ARE USING VINYL GYPSUM. 4. INSTEAD OF METAL DUCTWORK, WE ARE USING FIBERGLASS. 5. WE HAVE INCLUDED JUST PHONE DROPS. THIS ESTIMATE IS BASED .ON URS STANDARDCONSTRUCTION, BUILDING WILL MEET ALLOF THE FOLLOWING BUILDING CODES: BOCA BASIC/NATIONAL BUILDING CODE 1987 BOCA BASIC/NATIONA, BASIC/NATIONMECHANICAL CODE 1987 BOCA BASIC/NATIONAL PLUMBING CODE 1987 ' NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1987 NEW YORK BUILDING CODE SUPPLEMENT NFPA LIFE SAFETY CODE 1988 NEW YORK FIRE SAFETY CODE SUPPLEMENT BUILDING ERIALS/pRODUCTS WILL BE ARTHURS STANDARD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ^ SITE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE IS APPROXIMATELY 0". ASSUMING 4000# SOIL BEARING PRESSURE @ FROST DEPTH. PREVAILING LABOR WAGES ON SITE ARE REQUIRED ON THIS JOB . TH18 ESTIMATE IS BASED ON PREVAILING LABOR WAGES FROM FROM STATE OF NEW WORK, DATED 04-21-89. REMOVAL OF SITE OBSTRUCTIONS, EITHER PRIOR TO OR DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION" WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 'CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE TO RELOCATE "ALL" EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES IF REQUIRED. ARTHUR INDUSTRIES MAY, AT THE CUSTOMER'S REQUEST, ARRANGE FOR OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL ON A TIME AND MATERIAL BASIS PLUS OVERHEAD AND PROFIT. - PLEASE BE ADVISED THATARTHUR INDUSTRIES WILL MEET ALL STATE [ODES, BUT DUE TO ' DEINTERPRETATIONS WE REQUEST THAT THE PAGE 5 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BE REVIEWED BY THE LOCAL AGENCIES ^ ' HAVING JURISDICTION BEFORE WE BEGIN CONSTRUCTION. f ' ] A CQMPLETION SCHEDULE WILL BE PREPAREDWHEN ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, � INC. RECEIVES SIGNED AND APPROVED DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, � BUILDING LEASE, BUILDING PERMITS AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL � APPROVALS WHICH ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY ARTHUR INDUSTRIES,INC. OR CUSTOMER. � APPROVED BY: (GIGNATURE) TITLE: NAME (PRINT): DATE: � .PAGE 6 8 �.•�.�.�:.�•c_.�=:.•#F=.?F_•x•_dF=•iE•_•�=#�iF=•!4•=_.�•-a;•iii•:=•�.:iF•�.�.-::•ik=•;i••:=dE=.!@=•IE•_.�•�.�•.�.�(•_.�•:�:if•.:•iFw•if. :•ae•� ARTHUR'S RELGCATAHLE 1 STORY MODULAR BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS TOWN Of SOUTHOLD, N.Y. CLASSIFICATION: OFFICE SALESPERSON: FRANK PALMER n I•� f.� :i E...�.' I N is SIZE: 24' X 6! 1 ' BUILDING SO FTw 1,440, OCCUt= ANC`t' g UNKNOWN JOB NUMBER: 9161 DONE BY KF ON: 15 -May -8 ON DISK #r;; 2e ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE SIZES 12'., ii' 4 REQUIRED ----------------------------------------------------------------------- S T LEL FRAMES PERIMETER FRAME - 10"x 15.30: AS REQUIRED 10% z•.04 OR I AS REQUIRED 8".•t 6.5# ur 1 AS REQUIRED 6"m 4.4# jR 1 AS REQUIRED REMOVABLE HITCH PROPERTY OF A l l REMOVABLE AXLES/TIRE'S/RIMS PROPERTY OF All --------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOOR DECKS BUILDING FLOOR LOADING BOTTOM BOARD FLOOR JOIST- 2x6/16" GC INSULATION- 6" - R19 SUB --FLOOR FLOOR FINISHES- CARPET- - INI` HES- CARPET- ARMSTRONG Commendation II Ashwood Brown VINYL CUSHION TILE 1 12"m 1/81' 60 */SF 1/2" STRUCTODECk. SPRUCE KRAFT PAPER BAKED 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD 8" PLYWOOD THRU--OU•T RESTROOMS EXTERIOR WALLS ============== CEILING HEIGHT ALUMINUM SI-13ING Color- STUDS- 2x6/16" CC INSULATION- 6" - R19 INTERIOR WALL FINISH BASE MOLDING NORTH WALL FIRE RATED 8'0" AS REQUIRED WHITE SPRUCE KRAFT PAPER BACKED VINYL GYPSUM 4" VINYL 1 HOUR ------------------------------------------------------------- ________ ROOF SYSTEM =========== ROOF LOADING FIRESTONE ROOFING SYSTEM ROOF SHEATHING WOOD TRUSSES- 24" OC INSULATION- 6" - R19 SUSPENDED CEILING- 2x2 GRID Auratone 344 Omni Fissured ALUMINUM FASCIA- 2' HIGH ALUMINUM VENTED SOFT!'' OVERHANGS 45 #/SF SINGLE -PLY 5/8" PLYWOOD #1 DENSE KRAFT PAPER BACKED WHITE BRONZE 12" ON 2 SIDES _____________________________________________________________________ INTERIOR PARTITIONS =================== STUDS- 2x4/16" OC SPRUCE INSULATION- 3.Z" - R11 KRAFT PAPER BACKED INTERIOR WALL FINISH VINYL GYPSUM BASE MOLDING 4" VINYL _____________________________________________________________________ HVAC SYSTEM =========== ELECTRIC BARD UNITS- ROOF MTD 5 TON UNIT/ RPMH60-3, IS KW FIBERGLASS DUCT- SUPPLY FIBERGLASS nUCT- RETURN SUPPLY GRILLS- AMERI-FLO RA250 RETURN GRILLS- AMERI-FLO RA250 EXHAUST FAN- BROANS 120/208- 3 PHASE 1 REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED ------ _______-________-______________________________________________ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ================= ELECTRICAL POWER ENERGY SAVING TROFFER- 2x4/Keystone 2J440EXALE 2x2/Keystone UJ240EXALE ROMEX WIRE- #12 COPPER OUTLET/PLATE - 15 AMP GFI OUTLET - 15 AMP 120/208- 3 PHASE 23 REQUIRED 4 REQUIRED AS REQUIRED 42 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED ~_-_-_- 2 REQUIRED LOCKSETS 20 GAUGE DOORS PANIC W/THUMBPIECE- #UE53 2 REQUIRED SWITCH/PLATE - 15 AMP AS REQUIRED MAIN PANEL- 200 AMP 1 REQUIRED EXIT SIGN W/BATTERY BACKUP 2 REQUIRED WEATHERSTRIPPING- 3063 High-Lites #BP -APS -2P 2 REQUIRED , EMERGENCY LITE W/BATTERY BACKUP 1 REQUIRED Dual -Lite 4EZ-2 2 REQUIRED EXTERIOR LIGHT - 1 REQUIRED Tamper -Proof Wall Light Acme Dunbar #204 ' 4 REQUIRED 60 W Incandescent W/Photo-cell 2 REQUIRED ~- EXTERIOR WINDOWS - 1 REQUIRED SLIDING WINDOWS- SERIES 200 1 REQUIRED 1/2" INSULATED- 4030 14 REQUIRED W/ SCREENS 18 REQUIRED _____________________________________________________________________ EXTERIOR DOORS ============== 9 REQUIRED 18 GAUGE DOORS STEEL- 3068 W/24x26 LITE 2 REQUIRED LOCKSETS 20 GAUGE DOORS PANIC W/THUMBPIECE- #UE53 2 REQUIRED DOOR HARDWARE 1 #2112 HINGES 6 REQUIRED CLOSER- #604PABN 2 REQUIRED THRESHOLD- 5^x 36" 2 REQUIRED WEATHERSTRIPPING- 3063 2 REQUIRED BOTTOM SWEEP- 36" 2 REQUIRED _____________________________________________________________________ INTERIOR DOORS ============== BI -FOLDING DOORS 1068 WOOD 2 REQUIRED 20 GAUGE DOORS STEEL- 3068 BLANK- DUTCH 1 REQUIRED STEEL- 3068 BLANK 1 REQUIRED STEEL- 3066 W/24x26 LITE 4 REQUIRED 18 GAUGE DOORS STEEL- 3068 BLANK 1 REQUIRED 18 GAUGE/ "C" LABELED DOORS STEEL- 6066 BLANK 1 REQUIRED LOCKSETS OFFICE- #ARS310 4 REQUIRED REGULAR BATHROOM- #ARS320 1 REQUIRED HANDICAP BATHROOM- #PDQSV176-LV 1 REQUIRED STOREROOM- #ARS352 1 REQUIRED DOOR HARDWARE #2110 HINGES 18 REQUIRED #2112 HINGES 9 REQUIRED CLOSER- #604PASN 3 REQUIRED FLOOR STOP 6 REQUIRED SURFACE BOLT & ASTRAGAL - 1' REQUIRED REMOVABLE MULLION 0 REQUIRED ------------------------------------------------ PLUMBING FIXTURES TOILET CADET T(-1t'KK- #2109.405 SEAT- OPEN FRONT HANDICAP TOILET (CADET TANK- 42109.405 ;.SEAT- 2" LIFT SEAT STUDENT TOILET LAVATDRY RGNDALYN- 40451.019 FAUCET- DELTA 0522 HANDICAP LAVATORY WHEELCHAIR- 09141.011 FAUCET- AMERICAN 02335.078 HOT WATER HEATER STATE- 10 GALLON PLUMBING ACCESSORIES LAVATORY VANITY TOWEL DISPENSER 2 SOAP DISPENSER 4B45 TISSUE CISPENSER. #B2% MIRROR OB2q3 163C., EMERGENCY CALL SWITCH GRAB BARS PVC WASTE PIPING COPPER SUPPLY PIPING 1 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED I REQUIRED i REQUIRED i REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED REQUIRED RED 2 REQUIRED 1 REQUIRED 2 REQUIRED AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SP Cirte:i_ EQUIPMENT PHONE DRCF COUNTER - SKY L I SHTS:-- 24"x24') 10 REQUIRED i REQUIRED REQUIRED ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM- Fire Lite INDEPENDENT SYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE MATERIAL FROST DEPTH 42'' FOOTINGS- 30" DIAMETER 20 REQUIRED FOOTINGS-- .36" DIAMETER t REQUIRED AVERAGE HEIGHT 36" PIERS-- 16"„ 16" 20 REQUIRED PIERS-- 24"x. 24" 1 REQUIRED WHITE ALUMINUM SKIRTING 168 LF PT RAMI"-' WIRAILINGS by OTHERS PT STAIRS W/RAILINGS BY OTHERS ^ 0 EXCEPTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS --------------------------- EXCEPTIONS: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN OUR SID: PERMITS AND SITE INSPECTIONS. ' DOOR(S) IN EXISTING BUILDING LEADING TO MODULAR CONNECTING CORRIDOR, EVEN IF EXISTING DOOR(S) NEED TO BE REPLACED WITH FIRE RATED DOOR(S) PER BUILDING INSPECTOR. ELECTRIC CBCT CABINET AND CONNECTIONS. ELECTRIC METER SOCKET AND CONNECTIONS. ELECTRIC POWER TO MODULAR BUILDING AND CON�ECTIONS TO MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL. DOMESTIC/SANITARY PIPE TO MODULAR BUILDING, CONNECTIONS, AND TESTING OF THE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM WIRING FROM EXISTING PANEL TO THE PANEL IN MODULAR BUILDING AND CONNECTIONS. FINAL GRADING AND LANDSCAPING. EXCEPTIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS: 1. INSTEAD OF A BUILT UP ROOFING SYSTEM~ WE ARE USING OUR FIRESTCNE SYSTEM. 2. INSTEAD OF DCUBLE HUNG WINDOWS, WE ARE USING A INSULATED SLIDING TYPE. 3. INSTEAD OF TAPED AND PAINTED GYPSUM, WE ARE USING VINYL GYPSUM. 4. INSTEAD OF METAL DUCTWORK, WE ARE USING FIBERGLASS. S. WE HAVE INCLUDED JUST PHONE DROPS. CLARIFICATIONS: THIS ESTIMATE IS BASED ON ARTHURS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION, BUILDING WILL MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BUILDING CODES: BOCA BASIC/NATIONAL BUILDING CODE 1987 BOCA BASIC/NATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE 1987 BOCA BASIC/NATIONAL PLUMBING CODE 1i87 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1987 NEW YORK BUILDING CODE SUPPLEMENT NFPA LIFE SAFETY CODE 1988 NEW YORK FIRE SAFETY CODE SUPPLEMENT BUILDING MATERIALS/PRODUCTS WILL BE ARTHURS STANDARD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SITE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE IS APPROXIMATELY 0". ASSUMING 4000# SOIL BEARING PRESSURE @ FROST DEPTH. PREVAILING LABOR WAGES ON SITE ARE REQUIRED ON THIS JOB . THIS ESTIMATE IS BASED ON PREVAILING LABOR WAGES FROM FROM STATE OF NEWYORK, DATED 04-21-89. REMOVAL OF SITE OBSTRUCTIONS, EITHER PRIOR TO OR DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE TO RELOCATE "ALL" EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES IF REQUIRED. ARTHUR INDUSTRIES MAY, AT THE CUSTOMER'S REQUEST, ARRANGE FOR OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL ON A TIME AND MATERIAL BASIS PLUS OVERHEAD AND PROFIT. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT ARTHUR INDUSTRIES -WILL MEET ALL STATE CODES, BUT DUE TO CODE INTERPRETATIONS WE REQUEST THAT THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BE REVIEWED BY THE LOCAL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION BEFORE WE BEGIN CONSTRUCTION. A COMPLETION SCHEDULE WILL BE PREPARED WHEN ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. RECEIVES" SIGNED AND APPROVED DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, BUILDING LEASE, BUILDINGPERMITS AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS WHICH ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY ARTHUR INDUSTRIES,INC. OR CUSTOMER. APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) TITLE: ------------------------------- NAME (PRINT?: DATE: DONALD T. OSTOP & COMPANY, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS L� rim AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30. 1988 • • le !r i CONTENTS AUDITOR'S REPORT............................................PAGE 1 BALANCE SHEET...............................................PAGE 2 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS...............PAGE 3 0 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION..................PAGE 4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................PAGE 5 - 16 0 0 0 DONALD T. OSTOP & COMPANY, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FARMINGTON COMMONS 790 FARMINGTON AVENUE FARMINGTON, CONNECTICUT 06032 TELEPHONE: 203.677-0779 DONALD T. OSTOP. C.P.A. DONALD B. HARGER, C.P.A. THOMAS J. FIEDOROWICZ. C.P.A. TODD W. DOTEN. C.P.A. ELLEN M. ARCHER, C.P.A. ANN M. SALAMON, C.P.A. 0 The Board of Directors Arthur Industries, Inc. 0 We have examined the balance sheet of Arthur Industries, Inc. as of June 30, 1988 and 1987, and the related statements of operations and retained earnings and changes in financial position for the years then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly the financial position of Arthur Industries, Inc. as of June 30, 1988 and 1987, and the results of its operations and changes in finan- cial position for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis except for the change, with which we concur, in the method of providing for site removal costs as explained in note 2. Farmington, Connecticut November 23, 1988 0 � -1- MEMBERS: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS • CONNECTICUT SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS BALANCE SHEET ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. ASSETS, PLEDGED, note 12 CURRENT ASSETS Cash Notes and accounts receivable, trade, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $27,299 in 1988 and $48,552 in 1987, notes 1 and 4 Accounts receivable, affiliates, note 5 Inventories, notes 1 and 6 Net investment in leases, notes 1 and 7 Refundable and prepaid state and federal income taxes, notes 16 and 20 Deferred income taxes, notes 1 and 16 Prepaid expenses Total current assets LONG-TERM ASSETS, AT COST, notes 1 and 9 Less: Accumulated depreciation Net long-term assets OTHER ASSETS Notes receivable, trade, note 4 Net investment in leases, notes 1 and 7 Cash value, life insurance, note 10 Non -competition agreement, unamortized, notes 1 and 11 Deposits and prepaid expenses Deferred income taxes, notes 1 and 16 Total other assets JUNE 30, 1988 1987 $ 971,525 $ 222,410 2,431,098 4,447,988 639 195,848 7,134,104 2,522,731 744,038 43,214 789,006 770,083 144,682 138,884 17,607 97,924 $12,232,699 $ 8,439,082 $48,455,212 $43,884,444 18,585,932 14,801,232 $29,869,280 $29,083,212 $ 86,936 $ 87,476 31894,526 193,197 753 --- 17,500 29,167 26,148 40,278 498,113 --- $ 4,523,976 $ 350,118 TOTAL ASSETS $46,625,955 $37,872,412 • 11 n u n L I 0 W a ur� 117 0 0 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES • Notes payable, note 12 Accounts payable, trade Accounts payable, affiliates, note 13 Deferred rental income, notes 1 and 14 Provision for pension and profit sharing contributions, notes 1 and 15 • Provision for state and federal income taxes, notes 1 and 16 Total current liabilities 0 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Notes payable, note 12 Provision for site removal costs, note 2 Deferred income taxes, notes 1 and 16 Total long-term liabilities CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, note 20 0 STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY • Capital stock, Class A common, no par value, authorized 20,000 shares, issued 15,120 shares, note 19 Capital stock, Class B non-voting common, no par value, authorized 180,000 shares, issued 136,080 shares, note 19 Retained earnings, page 3 Total stockholders' equity 40 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY JUNE 30, 1988 1987 $10,544,147 $11,173,483 2,956,727 2,258,916 367,725 55,076 341,506 531,414 109,755 515,681 442,478 _ 55,296 $14,762,338 $14,589,866 $ 8,642,949 $ 3,268,845 1,182,699 --- 6,481,884 6,065,220 $16,307,532 $ 9,334,065 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 18,000 18,000 15,536,085 13,928,481 $15,556,085 $13,948,481 $46,625,955 $37,872,412 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 0 -2- STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES. INC. INCOME BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE $ 2,115,284 FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE 1988 1987 1988 1987 --- (2.1) - NET INCOME $ 1,607,604 $ 1,872,076 6.7% 6.3% RETAINED EARNINGS, Beginning 13,928,481 NET SALES, RENTAL AND DELIVERY INCOME $24,054,368 RETAINED EARNINGS, $29,951,738 1-15 536,085 100.0% 100.0% DIRECT COSTS 15,197,352 20,303,372 63.2 67.8 GROSS PROFIT ON NET SALES, RENTAL AND DELIVERY INCOME $ 8,857,016 $ 9,648,366 36.8% 32.2% OTHER INCOME Interest and miscellaneous 336,824 30,080 1.4 .1 INCOME BEFORE OPERATING EXPENSES $ 9,193,840 $ 9,678,446 38.2% 32.3% OPERATING EXPENSES Selling, general and administrative $ 4,141,568 $ 3,882,618 17.2% 12.9% Interest 1,403,794 1,306,175 5.8 4.4 Total operating expenses $ 5,545,362 $ 5,188,793 23.0% 17.3% INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR STATE AND FEDERAL INCOME TAXES $ 3,648,478 $ 4,489,653 15.2% 15.0% PROVISION FOR STATE AND FEDERAL INCOME TAXES, notes 1 and 16 1;533,194 2,617,577 6.4 8.7 INCOME BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE $ 2,115,284 $ 1,872,076 8.8% 6.3% CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE ON YEARS PRIOR TO 1988 (NET OF INCOME TAX OF $374,523), note 2 (507,680) --- (2.1) - NET INCOME $ 1,607,604 $ 1,872,076 6.7% 6.3% RETAINED EARNINGS, Beginning 13,928,481 12,056,405 RETAINED EARNINGS, Ending, page 2 1-15 536,085 $13,928,481 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. -3- i STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. FUNDS WERE PROVIDED From operations Income before cumulative effect of accounting change, page 3 Add: Charges to operations not requiring funds: Depreciation and amortization Non-current deferred income taxes Cumulative effect of accounting change Total funds provided from operations From book value of rental equipment sold From book value of long-term assets sold From increase in long-term debt From increase in provision for site removal costs From decrease in -totes receivable From decrease in deposits and prepaid expenses TOTAL FUNDS PROVIDED FUNDS WERE USED For modular units held for or under lease, capitalized For purchase of long-term assets For repayment of long-term debt For decrease in deferred rental income For increase in deposits and prepaid expenses For increase in net investment in leases For non -competition agreement For increase in cash value, life insurance TOTAL FUNDS USED INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1988 1987 A 0 $ 2,115,284 $ 1,872,076 5,818,473 5,388,623 (81,449) 1,021,790 (507,680) --- $ 7,344,628 $ 8,282,489 --- 35,000 751,015 674,704 23;207 158,395 7,542,113 2,297,176 1,182,699 --- 540 9,459 14,130 ---• $16,858,332 $11,422,223 0 $ 6,914,940 $ 7,530,416 452,156 712,271 2,168,009 4,657,689 --- 55,096 • --- 28,278 3,701,329 193,197 --- 35,000 753 --- $13,237,187 $13,211,947 • $ 3,621,145 $(1,789,724) 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 • 0 FOR. THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1988 1987 WORKING CAPITAL CHANGES - INCREASE (DECREASE) Cash $ 749,115 $ 129,111 Notes and accounts receivable, trade, net (2,016,890) 2,491,541 Accounts receivable, affiliates (195,209) 191,423 Inventories 4,611,373 2,811 Refundable and prepaid state and federal income taxes 18,923 (1,636,169) Deferred income taxes 5,798 26,295 Prepaid expenses (80,317) 97,924 Net investment in leases 700,824 43,214 Notes payable 629,336 (3,080,549) Accounts payable, trade (697,811) (637,473) Accounts payable, affiliates (312,649) 290,043 Deferred rental income 189,908 305,665 Provision for pension and profit sharing contributions 405,926 31,147 Provision for state and federal income taxes (387,182) (44,707) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $3,621,145 $(1,789,724) The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. -4- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES. INC. 0 JUNE 30, 1988 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies followed by the company and the methods of applying those policies conform with generally accepted accounting principles. The policies which materially affect the determination of financial position, changes in financial position or results of operations are summarized below. 0 ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS The provision for losses charged to operations is based on the company's average loss ratio over the most recent six years applied to trade receivables outstanding as of June 30. 0 INVENTORIES Inventories consist primarily of raw materials, trailers and relocatable modular units, and uncompleted units in the manufacturing process. Raw materials are stated at the lower of cost (first -in, first -out method) or market, and trailers and relocatable modular units are stated at the lower of cost (specific identification method) or market. LONG-TERM ASSETS Long-term assets are valued at cost less accumulated depreciation. Site costs capitalized are reported at their unamortized value. The company provides for depreciation and amortization using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives: Relocatable modular units (less 15% salvage value) - 10 years • Trailers (less 15% salvage value) - 5 years Site costs capitalized 3 to 5 years Production equipment - 3 to 10 years Leasehold improvements, office and computer equipment - 3 to 10 years Delivery equipment and other motor vehicles - 3 to 5 years Fully -depreciated assets are retained in the property and depreciation accounts until they are removed from service. In case of disposals, the assets and related depreciation are removed from the accounts and the net amount, less proceeds of disposal, is charged or credited to income. Capitalized site costs relating to leases of relocatable modular units are amortized over periods ranging from 3 to 5 years based upon terms of specific leases. Maintenance, repairs and minor renewals are charged to income as incurred. 0 -5- 0 • NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES. INC. JUNE 30, 1988 • 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) NON -COMPETITION AGREEMENT A non -competition agreement is carried at cost less accumulated amortization. Amortization is provided on the straight line method over its contractual life. PENSION PLAN Effective January 1, 1985, the company adopted the A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated Master Money Purchase Pension Plan, a non-contributory, defined contribution pension plan which is part of a master plan agreement covering qualified employees. Pension • costs are determined by participant earnings. The company is in the process of terminating a defined benefit, non-contributory pension plan which covered qualified salaried employees prior to January 1, 1985. Costs under the plan were determined by the aggregate cost method. . The plan was overfunded with respect to the cost of accrued benefits, and a request for a determination has been made to the Internal Revenue Service on the acceptabil- ity of allocating the excess to plan participants. The request for a determination is pending. If the request is not acceptable to the Internal Revenue Service, the overfunded amount will revert to the company. • PROFIT SHARING PLAN In addition to the pension plan noted above, the company participates in the A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated Master Profit Sharing Plan. The plan agreement has a three-step formula for determining contributions and covers all qualified employees of the company. INCOME TAXES Deferred income taxes are provided for timing differences between recognition of income for financial statement purposes and for income tax purposes. . The company is deemed to be a member of a controlled group under the Internal Revenue Code; however, the company files a separate federal income tax return. The company allocates specified items by mutual agreement with other affiliates as required by the controlled group regulations. 0 0 -6- 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30, 1988 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) LEASE REVENUES Non -cancellable, long-term lease contracts which qualify as sales -type leases in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 13, "Accounting for Leases," are accounted for as outright sales at the discounted present value of rentals to be collected. The related cost of the leased equipment is charged to cost of sales. Other lease contracts are accounted for as operating leases and rentals are included in rental revenue over the terms of the leases. Lease revenue and deposits collected in advance are recorded as deferred income. 2. ACCOUNTING CHANGE In 1988, the company changed its method of accounting for costs associated with dismantling and removing leased modular units from charging actual removal costs against income as incurred to providing a reserve for future removal costs each year. The company believes that the periodic recognition of future removal costs results in a closer matching of costs and revenues, therefore providing a more meaningful measurement of operations. The effect of this change was to decrease net income for 1988 by $300,495. The cumulative effect of the change on prior years of $507,680 is a one-time charge to income as shown below: 1988 1987 1988 1987 Income before cumulative effect of accounting change $2,115,284 $1,872,076 8.8% 6.3% Cumulative effect of accounting change on years prior to 1988 (net of income tax of $374,523) (507,680) Net income --- (2.1) - $1,607,604 $1,872,076 6.7% 6.3% If the new method of providing for future site removal costs was applied retroactive- ly to 1987, the effect, after income tax, would be to decrease 1987 net income by $36,655 to $1,835,421. 3. ACQUISITION On December 30, 1986, the company purchased certain assets of Relco Corporation, a lessor of trailers and modular units with its principal place of business in North Billerica, Massachusetts. The acquisition price of $3,004,144 was allocated to assets as follows: -7- 0 0 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30. 1988 • 3. ACQUISITION (CONTINUED) 101,495 2,133,940 1,415,194 7,134,104 Modular units and trailers $2,824,184 Other fixed assets 102,460 Raw materials inventory and supplies 40,500 Non -competition agreement and other intangibles 37,000 Total $3,004,144 Operations continue at the same location in Massachusetts (see note 17). 4. NOTES RECEIVABLE, TRADE Notes receivable are due in monthly installments of principal and interest. Amounts due are as follows: 1988 1987 Current portion $ 20,138 $ 32,004 . Long-term portion 86,936 87,476 Totals ,07,074 $119,480 5. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, AFFILIATES . Various continuing intercompany charges and credits with companies owned substantial- ly by the same interests resulted in receivables totaling $639 in 1988, and $195,848 in 1987. Because of the intercompany relationship, these amounts have been segregated from regular trade accounts (see note 13). 1988 1987 • A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated $ --- $ 61,796 A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated (Massachusetts) --- 330 Walker Crane & Rigging Corp. 639 67,375 Har -Strom Associates --- 66,347 Totals $ 639 $ 195,848 6. INVENTORIES Components of inventories are as follows: • Completed modular units Work in process Raw materials Totals 0 -8- 1988 1987 $2,802,028 $1,006,042 2,198,136 101,495 2,133,940 1,415,194 7,134,104 $2,522,731 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. S JUNE 30, 1988 • 7. NET INVESTMENT IN LEASES The company is the manufacturer and lessor of certain modular units under sales -type leases which expire in various years through 1993. The company's net investment in sales -type leases consists of: • 1,157,071 1991 1,138,821 1988 1987 Total minimum lease payments receivable $ 4,678,626 $292,523 Estimated residual value of leased property 1,155,401 --- Unearned interest income (1,195,463) (56,112) Net investment in sales -type leases 4,638,564 $236,411 As of June 30, future lease payments receivable under sales -type leases were as follows: For the years ending June 30, 0 1989 $ 1,157,071 1990 1,157,071 1991 1,138,821 1992 937,028 1993 288,635 Total minimum leases payments receivable 4,678,626 • 8. OPERATING LEASE REVENUE Rentals of trailers and relocatable modular units to customers are accounted for as operating leases. Leases are generally for a term of three months to one year with some extending to five years. Revenue under these leases is recorded as earned over ' the term of the lease. In addition to the trailer and relocatable modular unit leases above, the company has a separate lease agreement with Structural Accessories, Inc., an affiliated company. This operating lease covers certain manufacturing and crane equipment, extending to 1991. This lease is accounted for as an operating lease, and revenue • is recorded as earned over the term of the lease. A schedule of minimum future rentals on non -cancellable operating leases is as follows: For the years ending June 30, Customers Affiliate 1989 $ 7,506,773 $ 20,863 1990 5,733,461 9,593 1991 4,255,391 3,518 1992 1,342,148 --- 1993 685,843 --- Totals $19,523,616 33,974 -9- • 0 • 17, i L 0 Ll 0 E 0 is NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30, 1988 9. LONG-TERM ASSETS Depreciation and site cost amortization charged to current operations was 95,806,806 in 1988 and $5,382,790 in 1987. The following is a summary of cost and accumulated depreciation by major categories of assets. Relocatable modular units held for sale or under lease Trailers held for sale or under lease Site costs, unamortized portion Production equipment and improvements Office equipment and improvements Delivery equipment and other motor vehicles Computer equipment Totals Accumulated Cost Depreciation 1988 1987 1988 1987 $32,732,071 $29,716,756 $11,310,436 $ 8,949,463 8,021,132 3,072,890 1,856,536 595,256 7,366,468 2,436,997 1,799,121 519,668 4,150,295 1,330,338 244,088 3,234,417 1,114,842 177,243 1,512,959 1,556,800 1,196,134 1,065,532 664,368 488,634 354,641 259,735 $48,455,212 $43,884,444 $18,585,932 $14,801,232 Relocatable modular units and trailers held for sale or under lease are valued at cost, which includes labor, materials and overhead applied on a basis consistent with completed units sold. Site costs incurred had a cost of $8,080,125 in 1988 and $6,631,102 in 1987. Accumulated amortization was $5,007,235 in 1988 and $4,194,105 in 1987. Certain equipment has been pledged as security on financing agreements (see note 12). 10. OFFICERS' LIFE INSURANCE Life insurance carried on the company president, with face amounts aggregating $500,000 at June 30, 1988 and 1987, had no accrued cash value as of the balance sheet date. In addition to the above, the company is party to "split -dollar" insurance contracts which provide aggregate death benefits of $600,000 for company officers. The company pays the premiums annually and retains the right to receive the lesser of the policy cash surrender value or accumulated premiums paid upon termination of the policy by means of death or cancellation. The insured designates a beneficiary to receive the balance of benefits paid. The cash value recognized at June 30, 1988 totaled $753. No cash value was recognized at June 30, 1987. -10- Ll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30. 1988 11. NON -COMPETITION AGREEMENT A non -competition agreement relating to the purchase of certain assets of Relco Corporation (see note 3) at a cost of $35,000 is being amortized over three years. Amortization charged to operations was $11,667 in 1988 and $5,833 in 1987. The unamortized balance is $17,500 at June 30, 1988 and $29,167 at June 30, 1987. 12. NOTES PAYABLE As of June 30, the following notes were outstanding: 1988 1987 Interest Current Long-term Interest Current Long-term Rate (1) Portion Portion Rate (1) Portion Portion (2, 3) 9.00% $ 6,500,000 $ --- 8.25% $ 6,100,000 $ --- Connecticut (2, 3) 10.00% 159,697 --- 9.25% 1,090,640 159,697 National (2, 4) 9.70% 590,000 1,524,167 9.70% 590,000 2,114,167 Bank (2, 3) 10.00% 1,070,520 2,218,060 - % --- --- (2, 3) 10.00% 911,112 3,188,888 - % --- General Electric Credit (5) - % Corporation (5) 9.25% Shawmut Bank of Boston, N.A. (5) - % State Street (5, 6) 10.50% Bank and Trust (5, 6) 9.49% (5, 6) 10.49% Ford Motor Credit --- --- 9.25% 72,771 123,912 --- 9.25% 199,309 --- --- 11.25% 1,020,914 314,636 --- 10.50% 1,186,971 577,082 --- 9.49% 909,443 293,653 1,710,633 - % --- Corporation (7) 2.90% 3,535 1,201 Totals $10,544,147 $88642,949 -11- 105,332 309,468 575,441 2.90% 3,435 4,740 :11,173,483 $3,26§=1=845 0 0 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30. 1988 12. NOTES PAYABLE (CONTINUED) (1) Interest rates are at balance sheet date. (2) Guaranteed by the principal shareholders of the company. (3) Under the terms of a financing arrangement with Connecticut National Bank dated March 31, 1988, all outstanding indebtedness was refinanced under a $7,000,000 revolving line of credit, extending to March 31, 1989. In addition, a $13,000,000 term line of credit based on contractual lease income was approved in May of 1988. All obligations are subject to an Amended and Restated Security Agreement covering substantially all corporate assets. The agreement contains certain covenants and a subordination agreement whereby under certain circumstances the company may enter into financing arrangements pursuant to which it may pledge certain leases to third parties as security for loans made to the company. Under the arrangement, interest is at the bank's prime lending rate for the revolving line of credit and the bank's prime lending rate plus 1.0 percent for the term line of credit. The agreement and security interest and lien created in the collateral shall terminate when the secured obligations have been paid in full. As of June 30, 1988, the remaining amounts available for borrowing were $500,000 (revolving) and $3,337,556 (term). (4) Under the terms of the Connecticut National Bank financing arrangement in (3) above except that interest is fixed at 9.70%. (5) Secured by trailers or modular units held for sale or under lease. (6) Under a line of credit of $7,500,000 for lease financing approved January 1988 for a one year period. As of June 30, 1988, the remaining amount available for borrowing was $4,603,996. (7) Secured by automobile. Future principal payments of notes payable are as follows: For the years ending June 30, 1989 $10,544,147 1990 2,713,260 1991 2,689,520 1992 2,257,522 1993 939,950 1994 42,697 Totals IL9 I187,096 13. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. AFFILIATES Various continuing intercompany charges and credits with companies owned substantial- ly by the same interests resulted in payables totaling $367,725 in 1988 and $55,076 in 1987. Because of the intercompany relationship, these amounts have been segregated from regular trade accounts (see note 5). 1988 1987 A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated $212,654 $ --- Structural Accessories, Inc. 151,651 55,076 Har -Strom Associates 3,420 --- Totals 367 725 55 076 -12- 0 s 0 n 17, r7 u NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. JUNE 30. 1988 14. DEFERRED RENTAL INCOME Advance rental billings applicable to days following the income year totaled $341,506 in 1988 and $531,414 in 1987. 15. PROVISION FOR PENSION AND PROFIT SHARING CONTRIBUTIONS PENSION PLAN Total pension expense charged against income under the non-contributory, defined contribution, money purchase pension plan was $109,755 in 1988 and $101,959 in 1987. There was no pension expense charged against income for 1988 or 1987 under the discontinued defined benefit plan which had assets in excess of accumulated plan benefits totaling $247,618 as of the December 31, 1984, valuation date. PROFIT SHARING PLAN Under the terms of the company's profit sharing agreement, no contribution was due for 1988. A contribution of $413,722 was charged against income in 1987. 16. PROVISION FOR STATE AND FEDERAL INCOME TAXES The company has provided for state and federal income taxes and has made estimated payments as follows: 1988 1987 Federal income taxes $1,140,620 $2,072,985 State income taxes 392,574 544,592 Provision for state and federal income taxes, current year, page 3 $1,533,194 $2,617,577 Add: Prior year provisions, net of payment 99,329 26,096 Less: Deferred federal income taxes 199,437 850,901 Deferred state income taxes 87,839 144,594 Current year prepayments 902,769 1,592,882 Provision for state and federal income taxes, page 2 $ 442,478 ,$ 55,296 Deferred income taxes have been provided for timing differences between financial and tax reporting. Deferred taxes are classified as current or non-current depending on the classification of the assets and liabilities to which they relate. The sources and tax effects of the differences are as follows: -13- 0 0 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES. INC. JUNE 30. 1988 Provision for state and federal income taxes $1,533,194 $2,617,577 The company has refundable federal income taxes totaling $742,630 in 1988 and . 1987, and prepaid state income taxes totaling $46,376 in 1988 and $27,453 in 1987 (see note 20). 17. RENT - OPERATING LEASES The company leases its facilities in Terryville, Connecticut under a 20 -year • operating lease dated August 1978 held with Har -Strom Associates, a partnership owned by the directors who have beneficial control of the company. Effective January 1, 1988, the annual base rental for approximately 57,780 square feet of manufacturing space and 7,020 square feet of office space was increased to $207,288 from $199,320. Rent expense charged to operations was $203,304 in 1988 and $198,210 in 1987. The company also leases office, shop and storage facilities in North Billerica, Massachusetts under an initial three-year lease term commencing December 1986, with an additional three-year renewal option. Rent expense charged to operations was $49,248 in 1988 and $22,440 in 1987. In addition to the leases mentioned above, the company also leases computer equipment from A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated, an affiliated company, under a three-year operating lease dated January 1, 1988. The lease provides for a monthly rental of $6,250, and for four hundred hours of consulting service over the lease term at $50 per hour, payable in semi-annual installments. 9 -14- A 16. PROVISION FOR STATE AND FEDERAL INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) 1988 1987 Depreciation $ 542,108 $1,425,377 Revenue collected on advance rentals 56,650 (429,882) Provision for site removal costs (123,590) --- • Uniform capitalization costs (187,892) --- Totals 287.276 $ 995.495 A reconciliation of the provision for income taxes and the amount that would be • computed using the statutory federal income tax rate of 34 percent in 1988 and 46 percent in 1987 is set forth below: 1988 1987 Taxes on income before income taxes at statutory federal income tax rate $1,240,483 $2,065,240 Investment tax credit recapture 10,769 23,924 State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit 259,099 294,080 • Other, net 22,843 234,333 Provision for state and federal income taxes $1,533,194 $2,617,577 The company has refundable federal income taxes totaling $742,630 in 1988 and . 1987, and prepaid state income taxes totaling $46,376 in 1988 and $27,453 in 1987 (see note 20). 17. RENT - OPERATING LEASES The company leases its facilities in Terryville, Connecticut under a 20 -year • operating lease dated August 1978 held with Har -Strom Associates, a partnership owned by the directors who have beneficial control of the company. Effective January 1, 1988, the annual base rental for approximately 57,780 square feet of manufacturing space and 7,020 square feet of office space was increased to $207,288 from $199,320. Rent expense charged to operations was $203,304 in 1988 and $198,210 in 1987. The company also leases office, shop and storage facilities in North Billerica, Massachusetts under an initial three-year lease term commencing December 1986, with an additional three-year renewal option. Rent expense charged to operations was $49,248 in 1988 and $22,440 in 1987. In addition to the leases mentioned above, the company also leases computer equipment from A. H. Harris & Sons, Incorporated, an affiliated company, under a three-year operating lease dated January 1, 1988. The lease provides for a monthly rental of $6,250, and for four hundred hours of consulting service over the lease term at $50 per hour, payable in semi-annual installments. 9 -14- A 0 0 0 17, 11 0 0 0 41 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES. INC. JUNE 30, 1988 17. RENT - OPERATING LEASES (CONTINUED) The leases provide that the company pay for real estate or personal property taxes and insurance in addition to the base rental. The following is a schedule of future minimum rental payments for the aforemen- tioned, non -cancellable operating leases: For the years ending June 30, 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Later years Total minimum payments required 18. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS A. H. Harris Har -Strom & Sons, Associates Incorporated Other $ 207,288 $ 75,000 $ 49,248 207,288 75,000 24,624 207,288 37,500 --- 207,288 --- --- 207,288 --- --- 1,070,988 --- --- $2,107,428 187 500 S 73,872 The company has significant transactions with affiliated companies owned substantially by the same interests. The following is a summary of significant transactions not previously disclosed: Income Sales Expenses Purchases, modular units and frames Equipment repairs Purchases, inventory 19. CAPITAL STOCK 1988 1987 $ 64,641 $293,817 $669,687 $467,876 $298,680 $202,883 $160,032 $296,483 Under revised bylaws of the corporation dated November 27, 1985, there are certain restrictions relating to the transfer of capital stock owned by company shareholders. Capital stock must first be offered to the company, then to the remaining share- holders, and finally to outside parties. The purchase price per share is determined by a formula based on the net worth of the company subject to certain adjustments. A principal shareholder and officer of the company died on February 25, 1988. The buy -sell agreement does not require a mandatory purchase of the stock of a deceased shareholder, and it is expected that the shares will not be redeemed by the company. -15- s NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARTHUR INDUSTRIES. INC. JUNE 30. 1988 20. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES PROPOSED INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT The Internal Revenue Service is currently examining the company's federal income tax returns for 1983, 1984, 1985 and 1986. The Internal Revenue Service has proposed certain adjustments to the returns that total $3,173,316 of additional income tax due, including $611,109 of disallowed carryback claims. The disallowed carryback claims relate to $742,630 of refundable income tax shown as a current asset in 1988 and 1987. The company claimed investment tax credits and used a five-year cost recovery method on new modular units manufactured for lease on the basis that these units are tangible personal property. The Internal Revenue Service contends that these modular units are not tangible personal property and therefore are not eligible for investment tax credits and are subject to a ten-year cost recovery method. The company believes that its position is proper, and has contested these proposed adjustments. The accompanying financial statements for 1988 and 1987 do not reflect additional income tax due resulting from these proposed adjustments. GUARANTEE OF DEBT OBLIGATIONS The company has guaranteed a debt obligation of Har -Strom Associates, a partnership owned by the directors of the company, in connection with borrowings secured by facilities leased to the company in Terryville, Connecticut. This debt obligation totaled $377,575 in 1988 and $396,689 in 1987. 21. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS COMMITMENTS • On November 2, 1988, the company agreed to purchase certain assets of McCarthy Mobile Office, Inc., a lessor of modular units and trailers. The total purchase price will be approximately $9,500,000. The closing is expected to occur in early January, 1989. The assets to be acquired include modular units and trailers, machinery, inventory, motor vehicles and office equipment. The company will finance this purchase with bank borrowings. In addition, agreements with the shareholder and related parties will provide that in consideration for their promise not to compete for periods extending to three years, the company will make installment payments totaling $3,485,000 over that period. At the closing date, the company will execute a three-year operating lease for facilities located in Lynnfield and Saugus, Massachusetts, with an annual rental of $120,000. 0 -16- ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. CONSENT TO CORPORATE ACTION We, the undersigned, being all of the Directors of Arthur Industries, Inc., hereby consent to the action set forth herein. This Consent shall have the same force and effect as would our unanimous vote in favor of such action at a regularly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors. RESOLVED: That Gregory R. Conlan, President of this Company, be and he hereby is authorized to execute contracts and bonds in the name and behalf of said Company, and affix its corporate seal thereto; and such exe- cution of any contract or obligation in this Com- pany's name on its behalf by such President and under seal of the Company, shall be valid and binding upon this Company. Dated as of the 22nd day of January, 1986. Arthus H. Harris, Jr. Richard u. Harr.i -` " c 4�iy�i9 Robert E. Harris Rod rick R./Harris ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. CONSENT TO CORPORATE ACTION We, the undersigned, being all of the Directors of Arthur Industries, Inc., hereby consent to the action set forth herein. This consent shall have the same force and effect as would our unanimous vote in favor of such action at a regularly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors. RESOLVED: That Gregg B. Kelly, Vice President, be and hereby. is authorized and empowered to execute, acknowledge and deliver on behalf of the Corporation, agree- ments, leases, assignments, contracts, bonds and like documents arising in the ordinary course of the Corporation's trailer and modular building business. Dated this 23rd day of June, 1987. rtE. Harris Rod"eick R. Harris CM -27I T -CATS AMENDING CSR':I=IC.ATE Cr' INCORPORATION EY ACTION OF EG??D C'F D=R=CTORS AND STCC_{-OLD=RS The came c- the ccc_ cratic:. is Arthur Industries, Inc. 2. The Cer_i_:_ate c= Inccr=cration is hereby amended by the folicwi.^.c rescltfticrs c- Directors and St-ockholders. "RESOLVE D: :'.`.a= A= =-=i = 3 c= the Ca_t_ficat_ of _-•_-- _ = = =:c:. be, and hereby is, amended to =sad as fcllcws: ca_ tal st.:c?c c- the C.=r=cration s! -.all be as fellcws: Twenty Thousand (20,000) shares of Class A Ccr,..,.c.. Steck Without pa= value; and an_ _-c ty ThCusan.. (180,000) S�..c.c W- -,-Cut value. ( If -G. VC = C_- -Jf._-;C.-'-te cL _•---_= =_-�:. be, and_ hereby i=, to as lLvi a_'A.e , ,. a. L(t the the Cc-pc=ai- cr. slna7l be as ( a) ',c- ^C h'__s. vet' ocwe- cd the C.:-=cr=tion s a'_l be vested in the Class Ccm=cn St -c'-, excent i . the case of t c=� act_cns for w ic.. the vete of the CcrTcn Stcc. shall be required by Each hold== of r= cr.. of shares c= cl_Ss c= stock c= the C=-=cration vcta C. an ac =ic^. shall be cn=a.f., e_-. re 1C �.-a i dna of a.e-d. ( ) VcL•-c Recu_=3rents. acticra cn an_f :natter • - _- c= ac ?east b:.= net ....,_ _ than a c= t e iSSued and c tStanding ...._- -� C_ ' .c Cass Z C...a== stock 0 of the Corperaticn, whether or not the vote of a greater propertien of such shares shall be specified by statute. In those cases for which the vote of the Class B C:.,;L^cn Stock shall be re— ire3 by statute, t':e a:fir:�ative vote of at least but not more than a mal crity of the issue and cutstancing Class 3 Cammcn shares shall be sufficient whether or not the vote of a greater properticn of such s ar=s shall be specilla by statute.'" 3. The ab,.. - r esclut_cr_s were accptedl by the Ecar-? of Director= ani t Stcck:_cl cern c= t - C-r=crati^r. 4. Vet_ cf Steck::clders or. eac resclut_cn. Vct� cec•�;r=� Vote Favor;nc 7, 1z,120 'ti= =-=-=, L'_^.Car t_-..�1--== 1c__ of 1915 Ccrnnect._.t. , Gr -'y R. Conlan U ES. ^ar=is, vr. S -,'%-- FI [ ,7 �C'L-rte' �- �%t'� ���� ^►�% l �v' kit a r,1z-�,_ JO L 3 CC -2- t A.n CC3T.?:C1TE AMENOt:tC wy C_RTIiICiT3 OF :Y=ZPORATIUN BY AC -:Cm CF 3CARD OF OIRSC%--RS 10 MCMIOLDERS i :be sce of the Corporation Ls Arthur Ladust=iss. I:sc. The Car^-121.3ze of Inccr_cration :s amended by the fol_z=:-_ rssoluti:a of Ci=eceors and 3tMcx.:OI.''.aCS2 I - • LSC L' =: That Az--' 'ls { of the Carti_icate of Incor;o=at__- be snd hersby is amended to road as follows: 't. T`.o Cerus, laistions and rights e: t`.e st=ck of the Cor^.oration shall be as :oLls•:s. (a) votJas 'Aichts. The eaz-1_a -rating ;o.r•r of the Cela=esti_- be vestad is the Cion Stock. Sae a holder of :*cord of Czemon Stock sha_l _a am= -'t -'ad to one -rate lar •Ach share held. (D) Tat_nc Rec ar—artc. Stockholder action an any mittar rhatac••re: shall rsquirs the at!i.-Zative vats of at least a aa;ority of the aharss of the Cz-----Zn StZCL of he Corporation issued and ou_ati.:- _ .:g the time of such vats, and such =::z - at xt- i:'I rots *hal: be sutfloisnt for stoc�t`.o:-_: ae^r~en Co. any aa•: sr although the nota o 1 g-aatar•�r^po^^.1on of such snores :ay be apecitiad by Statute.— :to i.:ere vas aGresd �:y ..:a 30aSd of Di=aCtc_: .. _ by the Stook :o1.e=s. _ztai Voting Yt�ber of 3`i_es lover of Sha=as 'late Required VCt_ ._ to ':ate 3^ lad to 'roes12T Adooticn kz_- :�00 1000 667 No daces=a r..'ar the of :also stataaent t`az Meats cca:._ad _: `=iJ ram;_ a=a jQ day of .: . T• �c:ayQ.u�s• �a m a�at:�, ?ras:_s-.: Syr • SdZ CF Ckit�:�..T - 1UL Cti• I CTnTTFICATE AMUMI1ta: /•1:nTTrICATF. OF INCORPMATTntI nr AC-TOPI nr Dumto Or olRrC.'ons Aron TrM-Xt1,lu7ERS The same at the Corporation is Arthur Industries, Inc. :he Carrti'icsts of Incorporstian is am4�.ded Ly the followiiq resolution of Dirx tors and Stockholders: \RESOL'17=: 'Mat article 3 of the Certificr•.n t+f Incorporation be and hereby is amended to as follower 13. The authoriaect e3pit2l stock of the Cor- poration shall be as !allow s Nentf thousand (:0,000) shares of Common swcc without par value." The above resolit-4on was adopted by the Hoard of Directors And by _.a S =ck. Iders . .ztsl Voting 4u=ber of Shares power of Shares Vote Required Vote Favoring =nt-lt:ed to Vote :i•=•_ed to 'rote :or Adoction Adoption 1000 1000 501 1000 He deela--s under the penalties of :3134 statement that the 3=t2D4IIt3 rsa.at.-ed is this report are t_a4. laud at e•�.:lc Crnrec_iait, this f JL day of -�,eaen Sanaaz=om. ?rest enc �t.:ur s. Sar=�a, Jr.. Se¢rstsr7 PIC �+ FILED AUu 19 .- •;M.�s:\•.�+-.• .. .. .....•+�Sl._ ..+ :'.vi6..ux�r %�II.'�i�liVl�wi-r•-.•...�3-�� ._ i YCt8I1 , C_' - C.\-:: ARC:IU3 ::1CU3-7:_:, L:IC. T17 we,op-_ • crorator, cer_;y :hat ve ereoy associate our- sei•tes as a--ody politic and corporate under L'te 3toe: Corpora::zz Ac: of -:e State of CZttnee:-Git. .. na sane of the Corporation is Artaur Induatries. Inc. '.:e nature of L5o business to be transacted or the nu.-- ! ^cses t- .e :r=ated o: ca::isd Out by the Carnoration are as fo.- ! :zest '- _-gac: in an -1 _uainess for vnic.: corporations aay be form: r. _-car ss.d Stocx Czrperstion .pct. :t '.cin» understood -::at _`.e foreaot-q statement of Lh+. n4- t4:e of _.e business to be transacted anal taw ourpos" to me przee:sd and carried out by the Corporation are got intendeu to Bast or rest:ict In any wanner th• e<erotze •.f all ewers dnfar:sd upon C%e Carporation by the general eorpor- agog kers at the sesta of Cannec•»est, or any other stats, tarri=rf or gover--watal entity, and that nothina ezata::ad hervin is to be C3nit. as an attempt to secure r- pcw rz ze: properly oata.U%abla by corporation organised un- - f da: of C:nneet.cnt. Corporation +n411 .a ' 1a ...... •3 : -:_wn Stacie vlw%out =.a; s. '.:a tar=s, Ils:za::ens and ._; :a of LYe ■tocx of =.+ " Cz:pc:a:izs iaai: by as !--c l t - (sl na tt tttz. _ •he aa:._s voti-.q pw.r of Corporation snail be v*atkN :a _moa St=ez. dash holds: of record of Corson 'It= -..a ane.- :s Qat-It-ad ..., cns Teti fzr sacn snare !te1i. Stx_:z:Ls: ac:ica on any si::a: vratsaever •mall ra+Tutre a:f:_-.i:-•re nota o: at Iaaa: a aa;Orlty Of _7e Anares •1f .'+ C.37eCn at=ex Of -.4 czr'-pporatioa issVed and otitar�andinq at .'+ y j •r t=a zf sue^ vote, and for Love =utters for vnlen Che vat+ =+ Q! a p:oro::lon of 4=.% snprve gay ho atia'cL!'.wQ �1- _ ,:lata: o: ::rsraorsaon or tat Sy -Girl m` > j _:a ^ ration, ".e afil:satire vote of Cee pravorttOn =' ��a1 i:.ate is ao ar�,eC�f laQ 3.'itll De rwr•11red. - .. :�• _:a:nt-� APCunt of stated QaPttAt vtt:t vhtCR Vl� '�Mc 'C-3-_-3 ina�� �.ai.:C3 ::uaiSeaa Li C.. -.e T%Uuaantl ^Visas• !alae iritaarent, We deClare t:Jt ..`.i I ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. HISTORICAL DATA/PERSONNEL/CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE A. ADMINISTRATIVE President: Gregory R. Conlan - Graduate University of Connecticut - Responsible for overall daily management. - Co-ordinates all phases of company activities, i.e. design, manufacturing and installation. - Approximately fourteen years of modular construction experience. Vice President/General Manager: Gregg B. Kelly - Responsible for daily management and coordination of all departments. - Approximately eleven years of modular construction experience. - Graduate Porter School of Engineering and Design. - University of Hartford. Contract Administration: Brian D. Hobbs - Responsible for contract negotiating and administration. - Attended Villanova University. - Five years' experience in the modular building industry, formerly Assistant Sales Manager for Arthur Industries. B. SALES Director of Sales and Marketing: Robert A. Berube - Responsible for sales and marketing of modular structures, with eighteen years of experience in sales to Federal and State Government, bidding and negotiating contracts. C. ACCOUNTING Controller: Michael Baillargeon - Responsible for the entire range of financial activity within the company. - Coordinates all the daily accounting functions. - Five year's experience in manufacturing accounting. - Graduate of Central State University, New Britain, CT. Received Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. D. PERSONNEL Director of Personnel: John Fortunato - Responsible for entire range of personnel activity within the company. - Six years of personnel experience. - Attended University of Hartford, CT. - Twenty years of general construction experience. E. DESIGN, PURCHASING AND MANUFACTURING Director of Manufacturing: A. William Atwood - E.C. Goodwin Technical School Graduate - Carpentry. - Nineteen years experience in modular construction, formerly superintendent of outside assembly crew; manufacturing and on-site assembly experience. - Fourteen years experience. - Directs the Design Department, Purchasing Department, Electrical Department and Production Department. Purchasing Manager: Wilma Hart - Coordinates and manages Purchasing Department. - Responsible for all material purchases. - Seven year's purchasing experience. Registered Professional Architect: Larry A. Henry - Coordinates and manages special projects. - Twenty-three years construction experience. - Graduate Kansas State University. Registered Professional Engineer: Arthur N. Vendola - Responsible for Third Party engineering approvals, controlled inspections and design review. F. DELIVERY, ERECTION, INSTALLATION AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT Director of Field Operations: Brian H. Gimpl - Fifteen years experience. - Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. - Directs Traffic Department, Service Department, Site Department and Project Management. Field Superintendent: Gene LeBlanc - Sixteen years experience in modular building assembly. - Eleven foreman with a composite of over 100 years experience in modular/pre-fab experience. Traffic Manager: Ron Guenther - Graduate of E.C. Goodwin Tech. - 14 years of modular construction experience. - Five years of traffic management experience. Project Manager: M. Joseph Danaher - Twenty-eight years experience. - Overall project management, -coordinator between client, owner and building officials. Project Manager: Thomas E. Konopaske - Manages and coordinates special projects. - Fifteen years experience. - Graduate Pratt Institute. Project Manager: Roger Seguin - Manages and coordinates special projects. - Experienced in modular construction, formerly plant superintendent. - Fourteen years experience. Project Manager: Louis N. Basso - Manages and coordinates special projects. - Twelve years experience. - Formerly Engineering and Design Manager. - Graduate Paier School of Art. Project Manager: David P. Pernal - Manages and coordinates special projects. - Ten years experience, formerly Estimating and Costing Manager. - Graduate of Roger Williams College. Contract Name & Address Name & Phone N of Number- of Owner Contact Person (P a TZT-N�j Bauer Aerospace Louis Auletta, Jr 60935-102688- Hyde Road (203) 677-9707 11837 Farmington, CT llospital, (PMtJJLUF NO. New Britain General New Britain, CT George Bollins 80940-072088 Hospital (203) 224-5011 8427 100 Grand Street Manufacturing & in- $254,784 New Britain, CT stallation of 30' x City of New Haven Al Rogers 9279 P.O. Box 1917 (203) 787-8421 New Haven, CT Manufacturing h in- $134.592 City of New Haven Al. Rogers P.O. Box 1917 (2.03) 787-84.21 9280 New Haven, CT Modular c1=;��1 czunt� Mamlfacturing & l.n- (PROJECT NO. Dukes County Jail Mlcbael McCornlJ.cic 70440-121087- & house of Correc- (617) 627-5173 6002 tioll I'AlKart-own. MA LJ U SCIIEUUI_C 01' WUltl( UIJ IIAND Mor: Apr i I 1 2 , 1989 AI IACI IMCNf C2 IIIojectTitle trades Performed & Location (lie Specific) Sheet 1 Contract Percent Ammon Completed Il suer Aeroq l Ic hiel..Uf•Icturin •1" 1 11,I24, IUO 98? _ I. g . r Ilvde Road instrl-Hation of I.arnli-ngton, CT 10'x4U' relocatable mu�liila Izli�lcliu>. Manufacturin), & New Britain general $382,747 llospital, instal-lat:ion of 38' New Britain, CT x 74' two story re- _l��t_�l�e Columbus School Manufacturing & in- $254,784 New haven, C'r stallation of 30' x 72' relocatabl.e Modular classroom. Nathan hale Scboo.I Manufacturing h in- $134.592 New haven, CT sta.11ation of 35' x 36' relocatabl-e Modular c1=;��1 czunt� Mamlfacturing & l.n- T1CeS UUnty ;1 E,dgartown, MA stal.latiou of 20' x $126,089 47' relocatable I:1il fa('ility.-- -- — ----- 01 1 Cstinl�tc� Cott to Complei( 5% $3r,1,60') 98/ $.i, 11)O _—I 85 907. ARTHUR INDUSTRIES, INC. (GENERAL CONTRACTOR) LIST OF RECENT PROJECTS Please note that all of the following projects were completed on time and no complaints have been received regarding quality, workmanship, manage- ment, or coordination. GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORPORATION BETHPAGE, NEW YORK Contract Amount: $791,197.75 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Grumman Corporate Services B-08-30 Bethpage, NY 11714 Ed Galluzzo (516) 575-0678 Start Date: March 1985 Finish Date: May 1985 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 9500 GODWIN DRIVE MANASSAS, VIRGINIA Contract Amount: $4,000,000.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Tom Baker (703) 367-1482 Start Date: March 1985 Finish Date: June 1985 PLYMOUTH CARVER SCHOOL SYSTEM 11 LINCOLN STREET PLYMOUTH, MA Contract Amount: $894,634.00 Owner: Town of Plymouth, MA Plymouth Carver Regional District Committee James R. Sorensen, Chairman (617) 747-0110 Designer: Lowrey Associates Richard Lowrey (617) 747-0110 Start Date: May 16, 1984 Finish Date: August 10, 1984 YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC CORPORATION STAR ROUTE ROWE, MA 01367 Contract Amount: $417,000.00 Owner: Yankee Atomic Electric Corp. Brian Wood (413) 424-5261 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: April 1984 Finish Date: September 1984 POWER AUTHORITY OF NEW YORK INDIAN POINT 3, P.O. BOR 215 BUCHANAN, NY 10511 Contract Amount: $122,640.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: July 1984 Finish Date: August 1984 NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES RIKERS ISLAND Contract Amount: $7,800,000.00 - Phase III $4,500,000.00 - Optional Work Owner: City of New York Commissioner Rinaldi (212) 669-7918 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: December 1983 Finish Date: May 18, 1984 SOUTHERN STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY STATE OF NEW JERSEY Contract Amount: $12,000,000.00 $180,000.00 - Optional Work Owner: State of New Jersey James Ton (609) 292-5000 Designer: CUH2A Marvin Jacobson (609) 292-5000 Customer Contact: Robert Edmiston, Superintendent (609) 785-1300 Start Date: December 1982 Finish Date: February 1984 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES MANASSAS, VIRGINIA Contract Amount: $3,828,668.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: December 1984 Finish Date: April 1985 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION EAST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Contract Amount: $370,110.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: April 1985 Finish Date: June 1985 CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES RIKERS ISLAND, NEW YORK Contract Amount: $7,900,000.00 Owner: City of New York (212) 669-7918 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date Finish Date January 1985 October 1985 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES MANASSAS, VIRGINIA Contract Amount: $4,000,000.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: February 1985 Finish Date: July 1985 ATTLEBORO SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ATTLEBORO, MA Contract Amount: $459,900.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: August 1987 Finish Date: October 1987 POLYVINYL/PERMUTHANE COMPANY WILMINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS Contract Amount: $130,305.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: June 1985 Finish Date: August 1985 0 0 STATE OF CONNECTICUT HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Contract Amount: $2,228,850.00 Owner: State of Connecticut Bureau of Public Works (203) 566-3360 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: March 1986 Finish Date: November 1986 MASSACHUSETT DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION LEVERETT SALTONSTALL BUILDING BOSTON, MA 02202 Contract Amount: $5,018,750.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Paul Bousey (617) 722-3315 Start Date: January 1988 Finish Date: July 1988 STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRENTON, NEW JERSEY (CLINTON CORRECTIONAL FACILITY) Contract Amount: $925,000.00 Owner: Branciforte Builders, Inc. 300 Commercial Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: May 1988 Finish Date: August 1988 TRIAL COURT OF COMMONWEALTH OF MA DISTRICT COURT/BROCKTON DIVISION BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS Contract Amount: $465,375.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Charles E. Black (617) 587-8000 Start Date: September 1988 Finish Date: October 1988 MASSACHUSETTS CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE 10 ADMINISTRATION ROAD BRIDGEWATER, MASSACHUSETTS Contract Amount: $3,021,500.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Paul M. Waldron (617) 697-6941 Start Date: December 1987 Finish Date: January 1988 NORTHEAST UTILITIES SERVICE COMPANY P.O. BOR 1928 HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Contract Amount: $354,780.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Ted Swanson (203) 721-2543 Start Date: January 1988 Finish Date: ~larch 1988 NEW YORK CITY HEALTH AND HOSPITAL 346 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NEW YORK Contract Amount: $379,083.00 Owner: New York City Health and Hospital (212) 566-1260 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Frank Ulivo (212) 566-1260 Start Date: May 1987 Finish Date: July 1987 COLCHESTER BOARD OF EDUCATION 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET COLCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Contract Amount: $405,612.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Ed Favolise (203) 537-5440 Start Date: June 1988 Finish Date: September 1988 MAINE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT #75 122 MAIN STREET TOPSHAM, MAINE Contract Amount: $298,935.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Robert D. Cartmill (207) 729-9961 Start Date: June 1988 Finish Date: August 1988 CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW BRITAIN ONE LIBERTY SQUARE NEW BRITIAN, CONNECTICUT Contract Amount: $2,282,832.00 Owner: City of New Britain (203) 827-220 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Marie S. Gustin (203) 827-2200 Start Date: August 1988 Finish Date: September 1988 SOUTHEASTERN CORRECTIONAL CENTER BRIDGEWATER, MASSACHUSETTS Contract Amount: $2,582,375.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Paul Bousey (617) 722-3315 Start Date: April 1988 Finish Date: June 1988 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Contract Amount: $2,999,387.50 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Customer Contact: Raymond P. Turgeon (413) 787-6284 Start Date: May 1988 Finish Date: November 1988 STATE OF CONNECTICUT CARL ROBINSON CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Contract Amount: $223,380.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: August 1988 Finish Date: December 15, 1988 CITY OF HARTFORD HARTFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT (SAND/PARKVILLE/MCDONOUGH/HOOKER/M.D. FOX/BURR/BATCHELDOR) Contract Amount: $2,522,880.00 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: October 1987 Finish Date: February 1988 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON, MA (SOUTHEASTERN CORRECTIONAL CENTER) Contract Amount: $3,021,499.80 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: February 1988 Finish Date: July 1988 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON, MA (PLYMOUTH COUNTY JAIL AND HOUSE OF CORRECTION) Contract Amount: $5,018,749.80 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: March 1988 Finish Date: October 1988 CITY OF LOWELL LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS (LEBLANC, RILEY, PYLAE, MALLOY, MCAVINNUE, DALEY, MOODY, MOREY AND GREENHALGE SCHOOLS) Contract Amount: $3,417,221.25 Owner: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Designer: Arthur Industries, Inc. (203) 582-6552 Start Date: August 1987 Finish Date: April 1988 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 6, 1989: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Loduca Associates Inc., in the amount of $103,369-00, for the construc- tion of a Justice Court Office Building behind the Southold Town Hall, all in accordance with the bid specifications; and be it further RESOLVED that Supervisor Francis J. Murphy be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement between Loduca Associates Inc. and the Town of Southold for the construction of said building. JuT. Terry dith Southold Town Clerk June 9, 1989 AUX �'' r �2 Cl C•�AL ST L, p�LTs �I-vn GLti I/21I ' ll_o11 GF t��•rz/ Rev wloor� 2. 6 k44 10 14A► L f'�IN T E(:�) (T`TIGrAI•.-) 2n2- Gr--r�,N-°'l-L�si' ��- - -Z* .4 r2,A I L .ATTAG0 s��Lt2-SLY To F— pe�L . �x 12 Tr2, �o c-�Ir2•►��� ,= 1 I 1 I I I �N .. I 1 i �dTl N c� Il. fAINrep , K�.It_ING slJ��r2T t4Au 3 �I S"11 fbOl-T L F GC -A L - C_o CFTC ;='�T I rJ <=-T GENERAL NOTES All work shall comply with all.Codes and regulations of all agencies having jurisdiction. See GENERAL WORK portion of specifications for detailed notes regarding construction. In case of discrepancies, specifications shall take precedence. I Drawings are for bidding and contract purposes only. Contractor shall not undertake fabrication or on-site 'construction of any system prior to return of approved shop drawings, as per specifications. Verify all dimensions on site prior to fabrication or construction. Notify Architect of significant discrepancies in dimensions, which prevent execution of the work as shown. Contractor shall protect all existing finishes, utilities, and improvements adjacent. to new construction from any damage. Contractor shall maintain job site in clean, orderly and safe fashion throughout construction. Contractor shall dispose of all left over and removed materials. Contractor shall backfill new foundations with material existing on site from excavation; final grade to equal existing. Architect assumes no responsibility for unauthorized changes made to the structure or other aspects of the work. AXIS T ifJ LIc,► JT POLE �JrTIi1 fF_L—F_c:Tp c, c3F_ -vii P_ --- Got�j �,J fF_G-rl d fJ To TO Pv J 1 w_o IF Ie -.T PJ�f9- � iG - LhJ� �IT� / STo �xIsTLJc� �A�J�T�• rzY To IQ � �yJ Utz els I NG TO rZ Er4.l Q L,1 r,J E.x IST I �-1 61: rA4�vk_- s iTF� T�,At,,J ro Ar- I Z 95L I Vf�y <— rZFACE IJ � � � ll I Lk� I� >=�•.�r=1..o�� A- 2 5^47AtzY LIN1= NIS N� PbinF—t�l Al Xarbn Pt. --l�.iJi� I C�PQ� � P• GG���•I tit G I%�ova- F�1STl�l� LIc I Fl�i �I � Z O 0 T 0 �s z 'Ln LU __J. Z LU <� v F- Q • V cn V) Project No: Drawn By: 1J Checked By: 75 Date: 4 ,.24,b9 Scale: As Sheet Title: � iTF S T7 Ls Sheet No: 1, Z O 0 T 0 �s z 'Ln LU __J. Z LU <� v F- Q • V cn V) Project No: Drawn By: 1J Checked By: 75 Date: 4 ,.24,b9 Scale: As Sheet Title: � iTF S T7 Ls Sheet No: �LYt,Jool'.7 Lm__.� _ sfE/s.-0LF_5� (3r -�r-FjF_;12- T Pol„J I'� 1�-701- I x to 1'AGI� lel L L4/R-I� �A �i2'► pLYIJ� PAQ�� ALJ ��1�11J►� , wl� pAKEC� f= y2�1 PL'Y�oor +-aoT At'r�L►�+� ►JILT !Jp f�LL- FItJc� - 3 c 14�LJ LAS. 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