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HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST The radio set, when contained in its housing, shall meet or exceed all EIA performance specifications at an ambient temperature of +60'C while subjected to a 20% duty cycle, consisting of one minute "transmit, " four minutes "receive, " for a period of five hours. INSTALLATION The radio set shall be capable of being easily installed in the trunk, under the dash, under the seat of the ve- hicle, or in any other suitable location. All mounting hardware shall be furnished. The drawer assembly shall be capable of being withdrawn from its housing for servicing without disturbing the housing, loudspeaker, or cabling installation, and the radio shall , without modification, be fully interchangeable with other radios of the same type between dash-mount, trunk-mount, or other installations. All radio parts and tuning adjustments shall be readily accessible, top and bottom, by simple removal of the radio drawer unit from the housing. A key lock on each unit shall lock the drawer into the mount to prevent the unit from being removed or opened by other than authorized personnel. In dash-mount units the control unit shall plug directly into the front of the radio to provide an integrated control head radio unit. In other types of installation, the con- trol unit shall mount in any convenient location and be connected to the radio set with a suitable cabling kit. For operator convenience, a bracket shall be provided to permit angle adjustment of the control unit. HOUSING The radio set housing shall completely enclose the trans- mitter-receiver-power supply drawer unit and fit with a minimum of required clearance. The housing shall be devoid of any louvres or other openings, thereby protect- ing the radio set from dirt, dust, moisture, and splashing water. The base and top cover shall be at least 18-gauge steel to resist damage and protect internal components. A strong handle shall be provided as an aid in removing and carrying the drawer unit. The radio set and housing shall not exceed 34q " high with an overall volume not to exceed 835 cubic inches. CHASSIS The transmitter, receiver, and power supply circuitry shall be mounted on, and protected by, heavy-gauge metal sub- chassis sections. These sections shall be securely fastened to form a mechanically solid unit. External heat radiators shall be used to keep the final RF amplifier tubes within conservative operating temperatures, without allowing air-borne contaminents to get into the radio' s interior. OSCILLATOR STABILITY The equipment shall employ non-heated quartz crystals to control both the transmitter and receiver frequencies. The crystal , oscillator and all compensating circuits shall be housed in a sealed, factory adjusted, plug-in module to assure precise frequency control. The oscil- lator module shall maintain frequency stability within ±0.0002% of the assigned center frequency over an ambient temperature range of -30'C to +60"C ( +25*C reference ) and within .00015% with a primary power supply voltage varia- tion of ±15%. A variable reactance shall be included to permit setting the oscillator to the exact operating frequency. NETTING FUNCTION The equipment shall have a control expressly intended for use by an authorized service technician in tuning the re- ceiver to the exact frequency emitted by the transmitter. Such control shall turn on the transmitter, at the same time keeping the RF section of the receiver in normal operation. The control shall be easily activated by a screwdriver or similar tool and shall be mounted within the locked housing. METERING Metering of all essential circuits shall be accomplished, while the radio is installed and operating within the vehicle, without removing more than the top cover of the radio set housing. All metering points shall be properly decoupled and connected to two multi-pin metering sockets, one for the receiver circuits and one for the transmitter circuits. Tuning and alignment shall be readily accom- plished with an external 0-50 microampere, 20 ,000 ohms per volt, single scale meter and appropriate cable. The manufacturer shall make available a suitable test set as an optional accessory for fast, convenient testing and tuning of the radio set. CABLING All cabling required to interconnect the radio set, control unit, vehicle battery and fusing facilities shall be in- cluded. All such cables shall consist of insulated, weatherproof material and shall have plugs consistent with the radio set quality. With the exception of the antenna transmission line coaxial cable, there shall be no other external coaxial cables or leads carrying radio frequency energy to the main equipment housing. All cables except the antenna cable shall enter the radio set at a single connector located on the front of the unit. The connector shall have a screw fastener or other means of securing the plug to the drawer unit to prevent loosen- ing by vibration, shock, or other adverse effects of mobile radio operation. CONTROL UNIT A matching control unit, including all controls required for operation of the radio set, shall be included as part of the equipment. This control unit shall not exceed a height of more than 4 inches, nor a volume of more than 60 cubic inches. Only that circuitry required for inter- connection of the controls, the loudspeaker, and micro- phone or handset to the radio circuitry shall be contained in the control unit, with the single exception of the circuit which controls the intensity of the pilot lamps. It shall be possible to convert the control head to two- frequency operation with only minor modifications. Required Controls : 1. An 'fon-off" switch shall control primary power to the radio set. In addition, provision shall be made to control the transmitter-tube filament circuit and the push-to-talk circuit with the vehicle ignition switch so that the ignition switch must be in the "on" position in order to operate the transmitter. 2 . A "squelch" control shall be continu- ously adjustable to regulate the sensitivity of the noise-operated squelch circuitry. 3. A "volume" control shall regulate the audio level of the speaker. 4. Indicator lamps shall be provided which indicate "radio set on" (green) and "transmitter carrier on" (red) functions. 5. An automatic dimmer shall continuously operate to vary the pilot lamp inten- sity with the amount of light falling on the front of the control head. The variation shall be such that a lighted pilot lamp is fully visible under bright- light conditions and is dimmed, to avoid glare, as the ambient light decreases. This circuit shall control both the "radio set on" and "transmitter carrier on" lamps. 6. An "on-disable" switch shall control the tone-coded squelch function to permit monitoring of the radio channel before transmissions are made. 7. An "on-off" switch shall provide actu- ation or disabling of the pulse-type noise suppression circuit. MICROPHONE A palm-type microphone, with built-in transistorized pre- amplifier to reduce stray noise pickup, shall be supplied with the radio set accessories. The microphone shall have a sturdy housing and be ruggedly constructed to withstand the severe use normal in mobile operation. A push-to-talk switch shall be mounted on the microphone housing in such a way that it is easy to use. The microphone cable shall be of the self-retracting, tinsel-cord type and include wiring for the audio and "push-to-talk" functions. The "push- to-talk" function shall energize an antenna relay acting as a slave to the "transmit-receive" relay which shall , when operated, disconnect the antenna from the receiver RF input and connect it to the transmitter RF output. The microphone cable shall be terminated with convenient plug-and-socket connection. LOUDSPEAKER The loudspeaker shall be designed for good sound repro- duction in the voice range used for mobile communications. The loudspeaker supplied shall be housed in a sturdy metal case which can be mounted on the vehicle firewall , dash, or any suitable flat surface. The loudspeaker shall be of the permanent magnet, moving coil type and shall have a nominal diameter of at least 4'h inches. Loudspeaker input impedance shall match receiver audio output impedance. TIME-OUT TIMER To avoid inadvertent keying of a transmitter for extended periods of time, which can result in repeater "lock-up, " channel tie-up or equipment damage, an automatic trans- mitter timer shall be included in the radio. The timer shall turn off the transmitter if a transmission exceeds a predetermined length of time, factory set at approxi- mately 60 seconds. Upon transmitter "turn-off, " an alert tone shall be sounded through the radio set speaker. The timer shall reset automatically by releasing the push-to- talk switch. It shall be possible to change the pre- determined transmission time, in the field, to 30 or 90 seconds (approximately) by moving the position of a jumper wire in the timer circuit. MANUFACTURER'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE The manufacturer shall offer a complete contract mainten- ance service through a factory approved (i.e. , factory supervised, trained and equipped) local service shop. Such services include: (a) Routine preventive maintenance (b) Periodic checks on equipment performance as required by the FCC Rules and Regulations (c ) Prompt repair in case of equipment breakdown. The manufacturer shall also provide a factory field service force capable of performing all needed inspections, train- ing personnel to service equipment, and other services as might arise in relation to equipment servicing. INSTRUCTION MANUAL A comprehensive installation and instruction manual shall be supplied as part of the radio equipment. The manual shall provide sufficient concise information, including schematics, layout drawings , test and alignment procedures, intercabling diagrams, and parts lists, to permit quick and efficient maintenance and repair of the equipment by a competent radio communications technician. REPLACEMENT PARTS The manufacturer shall maintain a Replacement Parts Depart- ment and provide and recommend test equipment when needed. A complete parts depot shall be located in a geographical proximity consistent with the most expedient method of shipping replacement parts. An ample stock of individual components and equipment unit replacement shall be carried for as long a period as de- mand warrants. This period shall extend well beyond the normal life expectancy of the equipment. Test equipment and tools shall be designed, tested and qualified to meet the needs of the product servicing. Calibration service shall be available on all test instruments. POWER SUPPLY SECTION DESCRIPTION The power supply shall provide all necessary high voltages for the radio equipment. The power supply shall be of the electronic switch design, using transistors in an oscillator circuit with step-up transformers, rectifiers and filter networks as required. Power supply transistors shall be furnished as an integral part of the radio set assembly. All rectifiers used in the power supply shall be high-quality, silicon diode types. Primary power input shall be adequately fused to assure fast and positive action. The radio set shall be capable of operating from a nominal 12 volt do primary power source, and shall be equipped with a plug-in, negative-ground kit with suitable reverse polar- ity protection to avoid damage if the radio were to be in- correctly installed. The radio set shall be capable of operating from a positive-or-negative-ground primary source with the addition of an optional , internal , plug-in acces- sory kit. It shall be possible to install this kit without rewiring, soldering or using additional mechanical fasteners. The radio shall be capable of operating from a nominal 12 volt do primary source. It shall be possible to use either a positive- or negative-ground power system by appropriately reversing the position of an internal plug-in polarity kit. This shall be possible without rewiring, soldering, or using additional mechanical fasteners. Suitable reverse- polarity protection shall be included to prevent damage if the radio were to be installed incorrectly. BATTERY SAVER CIRCUIT The radio equipment shall include a "battery saver" cir- cuit to turn transmitter filaments off and disable the push-to-talk circuit during periods of "standby" opera- y tion. When the vehicle ignition switch is "off, " it shall be possible to cperate the receiver only. CURRENT DRAIN The total DC input to the radio set when operating at EIA standard voltages shall not exceed the following: Standby @ 13.8v Receive @ 13.8v Transmit (xmtr.filaments (xmtr.filaments off ) on) 26.0 amp. (100 watts ) 0.425 amp. 1.8 amp. 13.4v TRANSMITTER SECTION DESCRIPTION The transmitter shall fully comply with all EIA Standards and applicable FCC type acceptance Rules and Regulations as stated herein. The unit shall employ solid-state circuitry except for the two transmitter output tubes. Both of these shall be of the "heavy-duty, " industrial type designed to withstand the conditions normally encoun- tered in mobile radio operation. RF POWER OUTPUT The final RF amplifier shall deliver at least 100 watts to the output terminals of the transmitter when the output terminals are connected to a nominal output impedance of 50 ohms, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 2. EMISSION The transmitter emission shall be designated 16F3 (Split Channel ) 25-50 mc , as defined in FCC Rules and Regula- tions, Part 2 , Subpart C, and shall comply with all EIA Standards and FCC Rules and Regulations as stated therein. SPURIOUS AND HARMONIC EMISSIONS Spurious and harmonic emissions shall be attenuated below the maximum level of emissions of the carrier frequency by at least 85 db in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 3. AM NOISE AND RESIDUAL HUM AM noise and residual hum shall be at least -34 db when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Sec- tion 16. MODULATION In accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 89 , Paragraph 89.109 (c ) ; Part 91 , Paragraph 91.105 (c) ; and Part 93 , Paragraph 93.105 (c ) , an instantaneously acting deviation limiter circuit shall be incorporated to permit nominal 100% modulation of the transmitter under normal speech conditions and to prevent modulation in excess of 100% under extremely loud speech conditions. The limiter circuit shall have a continuously variable control to permit setting transmitter deviation to any value (factory set prior to shipment) between zero and maximum permissible system deviation. DEVIATION LIMITER CIRCUIT The deviation limiter circuit shall have performance char- acteristics such that a 20 db increase in audio signal input over that required for 2/3 maximum deviation shall not increase deviation to more than full permissible system deviation. The deviation limiter shall continue to function as specified with input power supply variations up to 120%. A 1000 cps tone shall be used as a standard reference fre- quency in setting the deviation control. AUDIO SENSITIVITY The modulator and associated audio circuits shall exhibit sufficient sensitivity to allow 2/3 maximum deviation from a microphone input of 0.165 volt, 13 db. All audio fre- quencies above 3 ,000 cps shall be attenuated by a post- limiter filter per FCC regulations. AUDIO DISTORTION Audio harmonic distortion shall not exceed 3% at ±5 kc deviation with a 1 ,000 cps test tone at a level sufficient to produce 2/3 maximum deviation, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 5. AUDIO FREQUENCY RESPONSE Audio frequency response shall not vary more than +1 , -3 db from a true 6 db per octave pre-emphasis characteristic from 300 to 3 ,000 cps as referred to the 1,000 cps level , in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 6. FM NOISE AND RESIDUAL HUM FM noise and residual hum shall be at least 60 db below 2/3 maximum deviation at 1 ,000 cps as measured through a standard 6 db per octave de-emphasis network. TONE GENERATOR The radio set shall include a tone generator which modu- lates the transmitter in accordance with EIA Standard RS- 220 requirements. No adjustments as to frequency or output level shall be required for the tone generator. The tone modulation shall be at least 10.5 kc deviation, but less than ±1.0 kc. SQUELCH TAIL ELIMINATOR The transmitter shall include circuits to advance the phase of the transmitter tone at the end of each transmission. The phase and length of the "reverse burst" shall be such that when received on a companion tone-coded mobile or base-station receiver, no burst of noise (commonly known as squelch tail ) shall be heard at the end of each trans- mission. TUNING PROCEDURE Adjustments shall be possible without the necessity of special patch cords or intercabling. All tuning adjust- ments in the tuning procedure (except final amplifier tuning) shall utilize peak meter readings as the indication of proper adjustment. There shall be a switch or suitable adjustment to protect final transmitter tubes during the tuning procedure. TWO-FREQUENCY ADAPTABILITY The transmitter shall have provision for conversion to two- frequency operation. The addition of a second frequency shall not compromise single frequency specifications on channels separated up to ±200 kc (36-42 mc ) from circuit resonance. Greater channel separation shall be possible with operating performance and efficiency reduced as the separation from circuit resonance exceeds this value. RECEIVER SECTION DESCRIPTION The receiver shall be of the double conversion superhetero- dyne type , with two crystal-controlled local oscillators. The circuit shall use high-quality, long-life transistors and diodes throughout; no tubes shall be used. SELECTIVITY Major selectivity elements shall precede the major gain determining elements to minimize effects from signals on other channels. The major portion of the receiver rejec- tion capabilities shall be controlled by fixed-tuned circuits in the second IF section, which collectively ex- hibit a sharp-skirted bandpass characteristic. The fixed- tuned section of the receiver shall be permanently en- capsuled in plastic to maintain optimum selectivity and to protect the components from moisture, vibration and foreign particles. The fixed-tuned section of the receiver shall be unconditionally guaranteed for t,,e life of the equipment, but shall be removable as a unit to facilitate changing the receiver bandwidth. Selectivity characteristics shall be at least -100 db at ±15 kc, as measured by the 20 db quiet- ing method, or at least -85 db at +20 kc with the 12 db SINAD ratio decreased to 6 db when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 7. QUIETING SENSITIVITY An "on channel" signal of 0.35 microvolts or less, when im- pressed across the antenna input, shall produce 20 db of noise quieting in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 4. USABLE (EIA-SINAD) SENSITIVITY Usable sensitivity shall be at least 0.25 microvolts for a 12 db ratio of signal-plus-noise-plus-distortion to noise- plus-distortion, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 3. MODULATION ACCEPTANCE The modulation acceptance bandwidth of the receiver shall be a minimum of ±7 kc when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 6. INTERMODULATION SPURIOUS ATTENUATION The intermodulation spurious response attenuation at the usable sensitivity level shall be at least 60 db when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 9. SPURIOUS RESPONSE ATTENUATION All spurious responses shall be attenuated at least 100 db below the on-frequency signal level which produces 20 db of noise quieting, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 8. AUDIO POWER OUTPUT The audio stages of the receiver shall deliver an output of at least 5 watts into a 3.2 ohm load as measured at the receiver output terminals, as specified in EIA Standard RS-204 , Section 10. Audio distortion using a 1 ,000 cps test tone shall be less than 10%. All noise and residual hum shall be at least 50 db below the rated audio output level. AUDIO RESPONSE Audio frequency response shall be within +1, -8 db of the normal 6 db per octave de-emphasis characteristic from 300 to 3 ,000 cps, measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS- 204, Section 11. LIMITERS There shall be at least two low-frequency IF limiter stages preceding the discriminator stage to reduce amplitude modulated interference. TONE-CODED SQUELCH CIRCUIT There shall be two modes of operation, to be selected at the will of the operator. These are (1 ) carrier squelch opera- tion in which the receiver squelch circuit opens for any sufficiently strong, on-frequency r-f carrier, and (2 ) tone- coded squelch operation in which the receiver is muted until the incoming on-frequency r-f carrier is modulated by a continuous, sub-audible tone of the particular fre- quency for a particular receiver. The control head shall have a switch to select the desired mode of operation at any time. To provide maximum protection against false operation from interference or from signals of other similar types of systems, there shall be available at least twenty (20 ) narrow-band tone channels below 200 cps with frequency spac- ing not to exceed 3.6%. Tone frequency determining elements shall be electro-mechanical resonant reeds in hermetically sealed plug-in units, interchangeable regardless of fre- quency and without any type of adjustment. They shall comply fully to EIA Standard RS-220. The tone frequency shall be stable within 10.50% of its specified frequency over the radio equipment temperature range of -300C to +60°C. Squelch sensitivity shall be fixed at less than 6 db of receiver quieting with a tone deviation of 10. 5 kc and shall not require adjustment. The receiver shall be so designed that no burst of noise (commonly known as a "squelch tail" ) shall be heard at the end of a transmission from an associated base or mobile station which is transmitting a "reverse burst" as described in the SQUELCH TAIL ELIMINATOR paragraph of the transmitter section. PULSE-TYPE NOISE SUPPRESSOR A pulse-type noise suppressor circuit shall be included as an integral part of the receiver. This circuit shall be located in the RF section of the receiver so that noise pulses can be suppressed before they are allowed to enter those receiver sections which would tend to amplify and broaden noise pulses. A. Noise Suppressor Effectiveness The circuit shall have the following per- formance characteristics : A pulse generator shall be set for a pulse repetition rate of 100 kc and a pulse amplitude such that the 20 db quieting of the receiver is de- graded 50 db when the noise suppressor circuit is de-energized. The pulse sig- nal shall then be gated "on" and "off" at a 100 cps rate with an "on" period of 1 millisecond. This gated pulse signal shall be superimposed on a 20 db quieting signal from a standard RF signal genera- tor, and the combined signal shall be connected to the receiver RF input. With the noise suppressor circuit energized, the receiver 20 db quieting shall not be degraded more than 5 db. B. Intermodulation The noise suppressor, whether energized or de-energized, shall have no effect upon the receiver intermodulation rejec- tion capabilities as measured in accord- ance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 9. C. Rate Shut-Off A rate shut-off circuit shall be provided to prevent degradation of receiver per- formance due to overlapping blanking pulses caused by interfering beat products between signals in the sampling channel. D. Sampling Channel Bandwidth The bandwidth of the sampling channel shall be a maximum of 10. 7 me at -20 db and +2 me at -60 db. E. Sampling Channel Adjustment To combat local interference problems, the noise suppressor circuit shall be tunable to another "sampling" frequency should intercarrier "beat tone" interference be- come objectionable at the original "sampl- ing" frequency. Re-tuning the circuit shall , in no way, reduce the efficiency of noise suppression. F. Level Shut-Off The receiver shall be so designed that the noise suppressor circuit shall be electronically disabled, without neces- sitating any manual operation, under strong desired-signal conditions where suppression is not necessary. The sup- pressor "shut-off" circuit shall be activated when the desired incoming carrier signal strength is in the range between 100 microvolts and 800 microvolts. G. Tuning and Adjustments All tuning and adjustments shall be easily performed by use of an RF signal genera- tor and a test set or 50 microampere meter to permit simple field adjustments. No pulse generator or oscilloscope shall be necessary. DESENSITIZATION AND IM INTERFERENCE By moving a specially installed jumper wire, additional intermodulation interference protection shall be provided to the receiver. This adjustment shall be easily performed by a licensed technician in less than 5 minutes, should operating conditions necessitate additional interference protection. TWO-FREQUENCY ADAPTABILITY The receiver shall have provisions for conversion to two- frequency operation. The addition of a second frequency shall not compromise single-frequency specifications on channels separated up to ±130 kc from circuit resonance. Greater channel separation shall be possible with operating performance and efficiency reduced as the separation from circuit resonance exceeds this value. SELECTIVE SIGNALLING EQUIPMENT GENERAL A two tone sequential signalling system, capable of indi- vidual or group call selection, shall be part of the equipment. This system shall permit the base station operator to alert twelve (12 ) individual mobile receivers and one (1 ) group of mobile receivers. The selection equipment shall be capable of system expansion to a mini- mum of 2,450 usable tone combinations. Selective alerting shall be accomplished by the transmis- sion of tone combinations impressed on the transmitted carrier frequency prior to any voice messages. The tone decoding equipment at the receiver shall be capable of activating a call light, of sounding an alerting tone and allowing the voice message following the tone to be heard if desired, and to activate external functions such as lights, sirens , etc. if necessary. The design shall be such that encoding and decoding equip- ment may be added to existing communications equipment without extensive change to existing wiring or components in both base stations and mobiles. TONE FREQUENCIES The two audio code-tones in the frequency range between 288. 5 and 1092.4 Hz shall be detected in the decoder by sharply tuned, sealed, plug-in vibrating reeds. Reeds on at least 50 frequencies in the 288.5 to 1092.4 Hz range shall be available. The reed shall be a contactless-type. The tone frequencies shall be available, systematically spaced, and not harmonically related in order to minimize interference and false response. Sufficient frequency spacing shall be provided to insure absolute freedom against adjacent tone channel excitation. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The radio paging system shall provide a selective signal- ling and voice message service throughout the following area : The Town of Southold The system shall consist of a frequency modulated base station and antenna system with necessary control and tone generating units, mobile radios, and decoder units to ac- complish the specific functions. The RF carrier shall be in the 25-50 MHz frequency band. The system shall provide compatibility so that both mobile paging decoders and portable paging can utilize the same radio frequency and encoding units. SYSTEM OPERATION The encoder shall provide automatic two tone sequential timing as follows : First tone 1.25 ± .25 seconds Interval between pulses .24 to .33 seconds Second tone 3.0 ± . 5 seconds The base station, the mobile radio, and the decoder shall complete the system which shall alert the personnel in or near their vehicle, and leave a call light activated as a record of the page. SYSTEM COMPONENTS DECODER The decoder shall meet all applicable system parameters mentioned above. The resonant tone reeds utilized in the decoder shall be stable within ±0.1% of frequency from -30*C to +85*C (+25*C reference ) . The reeds shall allow code changes without any soldering. The decoder shall be a dual code device which shall respond only to the correct sequential codes, but the second code group circuitry shall have the ability to be easily field modified for two tone simultaneous operation. This feature will provide compatibility with "Quik-Call" group call as defined in DTS file number TIC-1719. With either a sequential or simultaneous group call , there is no upper limit on the size of any one calling group with this decoder. The decoder shall further comply with the following : Size : Dimensions shall not exceed 3h" high x 6h" wide x 4.3-411 deep. Weight: 3.1 pounds complete with reed shall be the maximum. Housing: The housing shall be constructed to retard the effects of dust, foreign particles and moisture from degrading decoder operation. The decoder shall mount on the radio control head bracket and shall provide a bracket to hold the control head. The decoder die cast housing shall fit the control head. All de- coder functions shall be in that one housing. Only one cable permanently attached to the decoder shall exit from the housing, and those wires shall use plug connectors which are compatible with the control head. Alerting Tone The second tone of the two tone sequential code shall be heard from the radio speaker. Sensitivity : With a normally operating radio and with proper decoder installation, the decoder shall respond with less than 6 db of quieting by an on-channel carrier with the correct tone-code transmitted. Standards : The equipment shall meet or exceed the lat- est applicable FCC and EIA Standards and requirements. Power Supply: The vehicle battery which supplies power to the radio shall also supply the decoder. The decoder shall have an attached cable for connection to the radio. The decoder shall operate with a battery voltage of ±13.8 vdc ±20% with no unit modifications. Current Drain: The maximum decoder current drains shall be as follows : Standby: 95 ma Call Light on : 380 ma Call Light and Light Relay on: 530 ma Call Light, Light Relay and Horn Relay on: 685 ma The shunt type receiver audio muting shall short the input to the radio audio stages to ground to conserve current drain in the radio audio power amplifier stages. The audio muting shall exceed 50 db of attenuation below the 5 watt radio audio output level. Option: The decoder with an optional hang-up switch box shall al- ways cause the radio to revert to carrier squelch operation when the microphone is removed from the hang-up box and also reset the decoder automatically. The hang-up switch box shall always override any other decoder switch. Nothing, including the optional hang-up switch box, shall disable the call light except the radio power on-off switch. That switch on the control head of the radio shall control power to both the radio and its decoder. The radio paging units shall have the following character- istics : 1. When one receiver in the system or a group of receivers assigned the same tone-code is alerted, all others shall remain quiet. 2. The audio level and the alert tone level shall be adjustable by the rotation of a single volume control on the control head. 3. The decoder input shall be independent of the radio volume control setting. 4. The radio shall operate as though the decoder were not present if the decoder is switched to a disabled position. The alert position shall quiet the radio. 5. The decoder shall be equipped with an alerting tone only function. Positive action shall then be required to hear the message. 6. The decoder shall also be equipped with a tone and voice function which allows the alerting tone plus all following messages to be heard. Positive action shall then be required to reset the de- coder. NOTE : Reference characteristics 5 and 6 above - Changing from either of the two above functions shall be easily accomplished without removing the decoder from its housing or using special tools. 7. The decoder shall have terminals for con- necting two external alerting devices with current ratings of 15 amperes resis- tive or less. The decoder front panel light control switch shall have three operational modes. An automatic alert mode shall activate a flashing light when the decoder responds to the correct tone code(s ) . The off mode shall stop the flashing light; the on mode shall always start the flashing light even when the de- coder is not powered. The closure shall be isolated from the decoder circuitry so the battery hot switching can be performed. 8. The other external alerting alarm device shall have a decoder front panel horn con- trol switch. The two operational modes shall be off and alert-on which shall have a 3-second timed closure. This closure shall be isolated from the decoder cir- cuitry so that up to 15 amperes battery hot switching can be performed. Repeated horn blowing shall be possible if the correct tone-code is sent repeatedly. PHONE PATCH GENERAL DESCRIPTION It is the intent of these specifications to define the mini- mum requirements of a phone patch unit to enable practical and convenient interconnection between a telephone and a two-way FM mobile radio communications system. For maximum compactness and optimum performance, the phone patch unit shall be fully solid-state, utilizing an in- tegrated circuit monitor amplifier, and shall be capable of automatic operation. The unit shall operate in a simplex mode, and provide the necessary audio levels and terminat- ing impedances for proper interconnection to the telephone system and radio equipment. It shall be capable of con- tinuous duty operation over a temperature range of O*C to 60*C, with a power input of 120 Vac , ±20%, 60 Hz. The unit shall be completely self-contained in an attractive, desk-top cabinet no larger than 411 high, 5h" wide, and 103 " deep. The phone patch unit shall connect directly into a protec- tive network to be provided by the telephone company. No acoustic or inductive coupling to the telephone system will be permitted. The phone patch unit shall be capable of controlling the two-way radio equipment comprising the radio communications system specified elsewhere. OPERATION The phone patch unit shall operate only in a simplex mode. Priority shall be on a first-come, first-served basis . Transmit audio from the telephone system shall be amplified, then monitored in the phone patch speaker. This audio shall also energize the P-T-T circuit in the phone patch which shall present a "closure" to ground to the associated radio control equipment. This "closure" shall be a trans- istor switch for energizing negative ground P-T-T circuits in the associated control equipment. Receive audio from the radio control equipment shall control a voice-activated circuit which shall inhibit the activation of the P-T-T circuit described above. This receive audio shall be fed to the telephone line at the proper level. RADIO EQUIPMENT LEVELS AND CONTROLS 1. The phone patch unit shall have an unput sensitivity of 2.5v rms across 600 ohms (input impedance) . A control shall be provided in this circuit to adjust the output to the telephone protective network. 2. The unit shall be capable of an output level to the radio control equipment of 0 dbm (transmit audio) . 3. The push-to-talk output shall be a transistor switch controlled by the presence of voice from the tele- phone circuit. This transistor switch shall be capable of 1 amp. current and 250 Vdc. 4. The transmitter audio circuit shall contain a com- pressor circuit to provide automatic compensation for variations in the voice signal from the tele- phone line. The compressor circuit shall be such that a 30 db change in input produces less than a 3 db change in output. MONITOR AUDIO OUTPUT The power output to the monitor speaker located in the front panel of the phone patch unit shall be 250 mw mini- mum. This level shall be conveniently controlled by a panel-mounted volume control. Monitoring shall be provided only for the telephone audio being fed to the radio transmit circuits. Monitoring of the audio from the base station receiver shall be accom- plished by the associated radio equipment. TELEPHONE LINE LEVELS 1. The phone patch unit shall have an input sensitivity (from the telephone protective network ) of -30 dbm minimum. This shall be the level necessary to energize the P-T-T circuits in the phone patch. This input level shall also be the point where the compressor circuit (specified above) in the trans- mit audio section shall begin to compress. 2. The unit shall have an output level to the tele- phone protective network of 0 dbm maximum, and in accordance with telephone system requirements. FREQUENCY RESPONSE Overall frequency response shall be within +1/2 and -3 db from 300 Hz to 3000 Hz. DISTORTION Distortion shall be less than S% across the frequency range. INSTALLATION The phone patch unit shall include screw-type terminals for convenient, external connection to the telephone pro- tective network and to the two-way radio control equipment. All connections shall be simple and direct. An AC line cord shall be supplied in a minimum length of six feet. SERVICEABILITY 1. Accessibility. For maximum ease and speed in servicing, the phone patch chassis shall be capable of being removed from its housing simply by loosening two screws at the rear of the cabinet housing and two in front. All compon- ents shall be readily accessible by this means. 2. Test Equipment and Tools. No special tools shall be required to service the phone patch equipment. The only test equipment necessary shall be an AC voltmeter and a DC multimeter. MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICES 1. Manufacturer' s Maintenance Service. The manufac- turer shall offer a complete contract maintenance service through a factory-approved (i.e. , factory- supervised, trained and equipped ) local service shop. Such service shall include : (a) Routine preventive maintenance (b) Prompt repair in case of equipment servicing. 2. Instruction Manual. A comprehensive installation and instruction manual shall be supplied with the phone patch equipment. The manual shall provide sufficient concise information, including schem- atics, layout drawings, test procedures, inter- cabling diagrams, and parts lists, to permit quick and efficient maintenance and repair of the equipment by a competent radio communications technician. 3. Replacement Parts. The manufacturer shall main- tain a Replacement Parts Department and provide and recommend test equipment when needed. A complete Parts Depot shall be located in a geo- graphical proximity consistent with the most expedient method of shipping replacement parts. An ample stock of individual components and equipment unit replacements shall be carried for as long a period as demand warrants. This period shall extend well beyond the normal life expect- ancy of the equipment. Test equipment and tools shall be designed, tested and qualified to meet the needs of product servicing. Calibration ser- vice shall be available on all test instruments. VOICE SCRAMBLERS GENERAL DESCRIPTION It is the intent of these specifications to define the minimum equipment requirements necessary to provide im- proved speech privacy in two-way mobile radio communica- tions systems. The equipment shall be fully solid-state throughout for maximum reliability and minimum battery drain. Specifically, the speech privacy (or "scrambling" ) equipment shall be of the simple frequency inversion type to permit efficient, easy-to-operate units of small size. For greater communications flexibility, operation in the scrambled (i.e. , private) mode shall be optional at the discretion of the radio operator. In addition, the equipment shall meet specific mechanical and electrical specifications as follows. OPERATION AND CONTROLS 1. Mobile Voice Privacy Adapter shall perform in either the "receive" or "transmit" mode. Mode selection shall be automatic upon actuation of the associated mobile microphone push-to-talk switch. A "CODED"/ "CLEAR" switch and an associated indicator lamp shall be provided as an integral part of the Voice Privacy Adapter for selection of either the scram- bled mode or the unscrambled mode. 2. Base Voice Privacy Adapter shall mount easily in- side the cabinet of a T1360-Series Solid-State Remote Control Console. A lighted "CODED" switch and associated indicator lamp shall be mounted on the front panel of the Remote Control Console for pushbutton selection of either the scrambled mode or the unscrambled mode. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Housing (Mobile) shall be sturdily constructed of solid cast metal and shall completely enclose the chassis and associated wiring and components to protect against the entrance of dust and dirt. Overall design and packaging of the unit shall be sufficiently rugged to guard against service interruptions even in the most rugged mobile en- vironment. 2. Installation (Mobile) . The mobile unit shall be designed for quick and easy attachment to exist- ing Town of Southold mobile radio control heads in trunk-mount radio installations. The resulting control head/privacy adapter package shall provide a compact, one-piece appearance and shall utilize the standard control head mounting bracket for convenient under-dash installation. No additional drilling or other modifications to the vehicle shall be necessary. 3. Dimensions (Mobile) . To enable convenient installa- tion and to conserve valuable passenger space, the mobile equipment shall not exceed 2'h inches high x 6h inches wide x 4h inches deep. 4. Weight (Mobile) . The mobile unit shall not exceed 4 pounds, including all cabling and mounting hardware. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS 1. Oscillator. The oscillator shall be a constant- frequency type utilizing a tunable inductor which permits a 7% frequency adjustment. Over the temperature range of -30"C to +60'C and a supply voltage range of 13.6 VDC 120%, the oscillator shall have a stability of +0.6%, -0.2%. 2. Current Drain (Mobile ) . At a supply voltage of 13.6 VDC, current drain shall not exceed 100 ma in the "CLEAR" mode and 275 ma in the "CODED" mode. At 16.5 VDC supply, maximum current drain shall be 95 ma in the "CLEAR" mode and 320 ma in the "CODED" mode. 3. Frequency Response. The mobile adapter shall have an audio frequency response within +1 , -7 db from 300 to 3000 Hz. 4. Undesired Signal Rejection (a) The level of carrier frequency at the output of the voice privacy adapter shall be more than 60 db below a nominal output level of 0 dbm ( .78 VRMS) . (b) Suppression of the undesired sideband shall be greater than 40 db below the signal level . (c ) The input signal feed-through suppression shall be greater than 40 db below the signal level. 5. Distortion. Harmonic distortion shall be less than at 1000 Hz. This specification as measured with a standard harmonic distortion analyzer (HP 330B or equivalent) includes the residual undesired signals in addition to the harmonics generated by nonlinearities in the active circuits. 6. Audio Output. Both mobile and base voice privacy adapters shall conform to the audio output speci- fication of the mobile radio and the remote control console with which it is to be used. 7. Automatic Dimmer Capability. The intensity of the indicator lamp on the Mobile Voice Privacy Adapter shall be automatically adjusted to a comfortable level under all external light conditions when used in conjunction with a pilot lamp dimmer radio control head. ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE The Mobile Voice Privacy Adapter shall operate without sig- nificant degradation when subject to the same shock, humidity and vibration tests established for conventional two-way mobile radio equipment (per EIA Standards RS-152A and RS-204) . SERVICEABILITY 1. Accessibility. For maximum ease and speed in ser- vicing, the mobile adapter chassis shall be capable of being removed from its housing simply by loosen- ing two captive screws at the rear of the adapter housing. Likewise, the base station adapter circuit module shall be accessible by loosening two captive screws in the rear of the remote control console cabinet. All components and printed circuit board shall be readily accessible by this means. 2. Test Equipment and Tools. No special tools shall be required to service the base and mobile voice privacy adapters. The only test equipment neces- sary shall be a standard AC voltmeter,, a DC volt- meter , an audio oscillator and an oscilloscope. MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICES 1. Manufacturer' s Maintenance Service. The manu- facturer shall offer a complete contract maintenance service through a factory-approved (i.e. , factory- supervised, trained and equipped) local service shop. Such service shall include : (a) Routine preventive maintenance. (b) Periodic checks on equipment performance as required by the FCC Rules and Regulations. (c ) Prompt repair in case of equipment servicing. 2. Instruction Manual. A comprehensive installation and instruction manual shall be supplied as part of the voice privacy equipment. The manual shall provide sufficient concise information, including schematics, layout drawings, test and alignment procedures, intercabling diagrams, and parts lists, to permit quick and efficient maintenance and re- pair of the equipment by a competent radio com- munications technician. 3. Replacement Parts. The manufacturer shall maintain a Replacement Parts Department and provide and recommend test equipment when needed. A complete Parts Depot shall be located in a geographical proximity consistent with the most expedient method of shipping replacement parts. An ample stock of individual components and equipment unit replacements shall be carried for as long a period as demand warrants. This period shall extend well beyond the normal life-expectancy of the equipment. Test equipment and tools shall be designed, tested and qualified to meet the needs of product servicing. Calibration service shall be available on all test instruments. POCKET RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL The receiver shall be designed for the Land-Mobile Com- munications Services and shall receive signals on a specific frequency in the 25-54 me band. The receiver shall include a built-in speaker, antenna and battery, and shall be completely operative without any external connec- tions, accessories or power supply. Provisions shall be included for connecting an external antenna, which shall be available as an accessory item. The receiver, when used with mercury batteries, shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratory as being safe for use in Class I, Group D and Class II, Group G hazardous environments. CIRCUIT DESIGN The circuit shall be of the double conversion superhetero- dyne type using crystal control for both oscillator stages. Transistors and crystal diodes shall be used throughout. The low i-f stage shall have all selectivity elements factory-tuned and cast in plastic for permanence of adjust- ment. An adjustable sensitivity, noise-quieting squelch circuit shall be employed to silence the speaker except when signals are being received. CONSTRUCTION The receiver shall be designed and constructed so as to be highly resistant to shock, vibration, moisture and other adverse conditions encountered in normal use. A suitable clip or fastener shall be provided on the housing to secure the unit to the clothing of the wearer. The clip shall be designed for maximum protection against loss of the unit by the user. HOUSING The housing shall be made of a high impact material. This material shall be tough, durable and highly resistant to moisture and corrosion. The housing shall have a separate battery compartment which protects the radio from any pos- sible damage due to battery corrosion. The speaker grill shall be designed to afford maximum dust and moisture pro- tection to the components within. Receptacles shall be available on the housing for connection of an optional lapelspeaker. SQUELCH SENSITIVITY The squelch sensitivity at threshold setting shall be 0.25 microvolt or less, measured at the external antenna ter- minals. RF SENSITIVITY The r-f sensitivity of the receiver chassis shall be 0. 5 microvolt or less as measured at the external antenna terminals for 20 db of noise quieting. INPUT IMPEDANCE The r-f input impedance at the external antenna terminals shall be 50 ohms. ANTENNA CIRCUIT The antenna circuit shall utilize at least one tuned cir- cuit of the variable permeability type. FREQUENCY STABILITY The operating frequency shall be maintained within 0.0025% of the assigned center frequency over the operational band, from -30*C to +50*C ambient (+25*C reference) . TUNED CIRCUITS The receiver shall incorporate at least 13 tuned circuits including 4 in a plastic sealed i-f filter in the 2nd i-f amplifier section. All tuneable circuits shall be readily accessible for aligning the receiver. SELECTIVITY Selectivity characteristics shall be : 30 db down at ±20 kc or 40 db down at ±40 kc SPURIOUS RESPONSE All spurious and image response shall be attenuated at least 45 db. FIELD STRENGTH SENSITIVITY Field strength sensitivity shall be 25 microvolts per meter or less. MODULATION ACCEPTANCE The modulation acceptance shall be ±5 kc. LIMITER CIRCUIT There shall be at least one transistorized limiter stage preceding the discriminator. Essentially, noise excitation alone shall saturate the limiter at all times. AUDIO OUTPUT Audio output of the receiver shall be at least 500 milli- watts at less than 10% distortion with the incoming carrier modulated at 70% system deviation by a 1000 cps tone. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE The audio output circuit shall be designed to operate into a load impedance of 300 ohms. SPEAKER The built-in speaker shall be of the permanent magnet, moving coil type designed to match the audio output im- pedance. CONTROLS The receiver shall have at least two controls, as follows : 1. An ON-OFF switch, designed to minimize the possibility of accidental turn-on or turn-off. 2. A VOLUME control , readily accessible from the outside of the case. ACCESSIBILITY The interior of the housing must be accessible without disassembly of the unit beyond the loosening of screws or operation of manual spring fasteners. Screws or fasteners shall remain attached to the unit when it is opened. ACCESSORIES The following accessories shall be available for use with this receiver : external antenna; lapel speaker with cord and plug-in connection; earpiece with volume control, cord and plug-in connection; leather carrying case and matching belt. SIZE AND WEIGHT The transmitter chassis housing shall not exceed h" x 23111 x 1-5/32" (less pocket clip) and shall weigh no more than 15. 5 oz. BATTERIES The equipment shall operate interchangeable from a comple- ment of mercury batteries or rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries. Battery types shall be obtainable from sources other than the radio set manufacturer. No modification shall be required when changing from one type of battery to the other. The batteries shall be readily accessible without exposing the radio circuitry. BATTERY LIFE Battery life shall be not less than 8 hours per charge with nickel-cadmium batteries and not less than 80 hours with mercury batteries. BATTERY CHARGERS The manufacturer shall have available battery chargers specifically designed for recharging the nickel-cadmium batteries used in the receiver. These chargers shall operate from a 117 VAC power source and shall charge the nickel-cadmium batteries in approximately 16 hours, thus providing for the 8-hour operating period. The following types shall be available : (a) Storage Type, Single Unit Charger The storage type charger shall accommodate the complete receiver unit. A bracket shall be available for wall mounting the charger unit. (b) Storage Type, Multi-Unit Charger This charger shall accommodate five complete receiver units. A single charger shall act as a "master" charger and provisions made for three additional auxiliary chargers for a total of 20 receiver compartments. Facilities shall be available for either wall or 19" rack mounting. (c) Battery-Only Type Charger This charger shall accommodate 24 (12 pairs) of receiver batteries. Facilities shall be available for mounting in standard 19" racks. INSTRUCTION MANUAL A complete and detailed instruction manual shall be supplied with the receiver. The manual shall include directions for replacing batteries, servicing notes, schematic diagram and parts list. The manual shall present a detailed procedure for tuning and metering the receiver. METERING AND TUNING All tuned circuits in the receiver shall be tuned for a peak meter reading. All metering points shall be labelled on photographs in the instruction manual. REPLACEMENT PARTS The manufacturer shall maintain a Replacement Parts De- partment to furnish replacement parts and service. An ample stock of individual components shall be carried for as long a period as demand warrants. This period shall extend beyond the normal operating life of the equipment. This pager shall function on a select call basis only in conjunction with the Quick Call Encoder installed at the base station. remote control operation with one (1 ) remote control with dock and vo- meter, and (a) Voice Scrambler operation, (b) Quick Call operation (select call ) with 12 call capacity, (c ) Microphone, (d) Phone patch facilities. (5 ) Furnish and install eight (8 ) 100-watt transistorized mobile radios with Quick Call decoders, Dual Squelch operation and extender operation. (6) Furnish and install one (1 ) 100-watt transistorized mobile radio with Voice Privacy Adapter, Dual Squelch opera- tion and extender operation, two fre- quency transmit and receive (up to 14 mc separation) , Simul-monitor. (7 ) Furnish one (1 ) tone only pager (hand held) , all solid state with Ni-Cad battery and charger to oper- ate in conjunction with the Quick Call Encoder. MOBILE RADIO GENERAL DATA SECTION DESCRIPTION The radio equipment shall consist of a radio set, control unit, intercabling kit and such other items as shall be required for a complete, highly reliable, two-way FM mobile radio installation. It shall be designed to trans- mit and receive on specific frequencies in the 25-50 me band. The radio set shall be a small, lightweight, rugged, single- drawer type unit consisting of a transmitter-receiver- power supply assembly in a fully enclosed housing. Trans- istors shall be used throughout the receiver, power supply, and transmitter exciter to minimize battery drain and maximize life-expectancy of the radio set, in keeping with good engineering practice. The radio set shall be designed to withstand the severe conditions encountered in mobile radio operation. The radio equipment shall operate on a single transmitter and receiver frequency, but shall have provisions for easy conversion to two-frequency operation. A continuous tone-coded squelch system designed to mini- mize reception of co-channel nuisance noise and skip interference shall be incorporated into the radio set. The radio set shall have a built-in pulse-type suppressor system to minimize the effects of ignition noise. STANDARDS The equipment shall meet or exceed all applicable FCC requirements. All electrical measurements shall be either referenced to a specific test procedure, or shall be de- scribed in full by the manufacturer. The equipment shall be capable of operation without sig- nificant degradation when subject to applicable shock, humidity and vibration tests as set forth in EIA Standards RS-152A and RS-204. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS This bid for radio equipment shall be awarded in total to one bidder -- no partial awards. All equipment furnished shall be manufactured totally by the successful bidder. This specification does not include any proprietary items, circuits, or devices which would preclude any communica- tions equipment manufacturer from producing equipment to meet these specifications. All technical tolerances, rat- ings and technically specified criteria contained within these specifications are considered to be written within the current state of the electronics art and are currently being met by commercially available equipment. The fact that a manufacturer chooses not to produce equipment to meet these specifications, providing the above criteria are met, will not be considered sufficient cause to ad- judge these specifications as restrictive. All bids shall quote equipment unit costs and maintenance rates as separate items. All bids shall include individual per unit purchase price for all units bid upon. Monthly maintenance charges shall be shown as a separate item. Each bidder must be capable of submitting evidence attest- ing to the fact that he has been engaged in the mobile radio business for at least five continuous years. For reference purposes, a list of mobile radio systems sup- plied and installed by the bidder in Nassau and Suffolk Counties shall be supplied with each bid. Bids must be submitted on an F.O.B. destination basis and the installation of all equipment shall be completed within 45 days of award of bid and the successful bidder shall train all County personnel in the proper usage and operation of the equipment immediately upon completion of work. All equipment shall be O.C.D.M. approved for 50% Federal Matching Funds. All equipment shall also comply in every respect with F.C.C. Rules and Regulations, and as such, shall be type accepted. All equipment shall also conform to standards of the Electronic Industries Association and where specific values are not mentioned in the following specifications, the equipment shall equal or exceed the minimum standards of E.I.A. Number RS-152A and RS-204. All equipment shall be delivered complete with all mater- ial necessary for proper installation and operation, even though such material may not specifically be mentioned herein. Should the successful bidder be a different manufacturer other than the equipment presently owned by the Town of Southold Department of Highways, New York, ten per cent spare radios shall be included in the total bid. The Town of Southold Department of Highways reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the County. All radio housings and cables shall be interchangeable with present Town of Southold Department of Highways radio equipment of this type. The successful bidder shall maintain at least two (2 ) factory authorized service stations in Suffolk County. The successful bidder shall manufacture all radios that are quoted in its bid. The attached detailed specifications describe the follow- ing equipment and services required : ( 1 ) Omni-directional Base station antenna, fiberglas unipole type, Motorola #TAB-1053 , or equal , installed on existing tower (601 ) . (2 ) Furnish necessary copper heliax transmission line (Andrew) installed complete. (3 ) Remove old antenna and transmission line for existing tower and building. (4 ) Furnish and install one (1 ) 100-watt transistorized base station with dual squelch and extender operation, tr OEM d EIn A ON r ' BASF,. STATION , r _ S. INTENTION d�� JW � it is the intention o these sgecifcaian�ec�fac �c a� ;{ the minimum requirements for_ the pe f transistorized, two-wad FM radio base station w�� �a ic provide adequaie and reliable comxzuni.cations within � � system* in all details not:, cspecif1alr -► proposed radia stated herein, it i� understood ti1�►�: they ..egzz:.j'jr,��r��a; meet br exceed those requirements OfhexiElac enc l(l tries Association and tle 'ed�r �. which are current at the time Of the award or is�s DESCRIPTION The radio set all be designed and con Sh �itxucteci as a pact, highly rliablev two-way' FM base station c 0V1s3. iTAc Kr: of a transmitter',' receivers and powt-,:r supply in a unit$ It shall be operated by remote control M; frequencies in-.the 30. 50 mc. 1"3ZPAd� Transistors and other solid- e���ic�s� a�►�� 1. ?�� zz >� $ gr8n8i throughout the ,rSup0 eceiver•4 power01yo , t r s ^ tortt3.Ze th 1 and for alb. control f'u!zc.„ 011 � �. e zx; p. -,je�zt un kce PAJ19 with arecy of.the radio � _ practice* � , ^ operation se�a�.l �b� Up. _to four-freg4enc= �p adding ,the required number n�' `Plug, .I n channel however g only ,pane. A `° common transmit or re—A.ve �� �;r��a,��k�* d ti3 .,p Tbf) x:��rcqul wr merit supplied 'under t'h ,se :> {%j =_ , shad.) . to transmit on. er twa frequc�n iraw3 and to rc:eiv4 � za t',r frequencies. F � The radio spat` shall lacorpor ^4e a r�r�f:intzaus Stent � to pi.1, „iii ze reception of squelch S deli , 1. cammuzxications, �.aisa Ca nOise �.�a,xd! Y «:. The radia set' shall. have; a blit The �.�z�.:�e t ,a<: pression system to minimize t h . b M MANUrACTUREWS, MATNTENAT',1C.F. The manufacturer shall offer a complete contract m,'.vJ ance service through a tactoXy a.0py-Ovild (i* supervised, trained. and cquir)p-�,�d) local ser,-,Ace a1V'.' Such service shall includel (1) Routine *e4venti-,"I 'fo (2) Period c :checks on ef.�,j priwa-1,1, per rrn,%V�C(i as required by rcc ar.d man (3) Promptt' epairin case of eqnip t break- down; and (4) A factory field service ,Eorce d"zip"'able ot4 performing all nacdod in--,P*t1--tiona#, train. ing per3onnel to service o.quipment, arid other services as m.ight arise In ,relation to equipment servicing- INSTRUCTION- MANUAL A comprehensive installation and instruction manaul shz�!l be supplied as part of tha radio equipn�ant. �'� This mall"I'.11 provide sufficient concise informatic�nvincludinq layout drawingag test and alignment procedures, it,.terc ing diagrams, and parts listso to permit quick and maintenance and repair of the oquipin at by a qua 1.1. technician, REPLACEMENT ,PARTS shall maintain a' Replace The manufacturer �' Mont Partri- ment, and provide ir�nd recommend test equinment whca r i��d A complete parts depot shall be located in, a c proximity consistent,, with. the most e-pedient nathod Q.` shipping replacement parts,.., 4, 1,3 An ample stock of ,individual c-onp own n t S' ah d ecilullf-ilf?.Int u�.Iit replacements shall be carried for as long a� period is dc�c-:Lna warrants. This period shall extend well beyori-.I. life expectancy of the equipment. Test equipmr-at and t--)1.1 shall be designe4o �ested and qualified ta mei,--� of the product servicing* Calibration ��erv;Lca shall available on all test instrumentso, 14 pa ,. .. rx ,, r "r •" "� IF•+r"""�o`'r�p�n"q�(�'".'p��!.�W!ar� a MERi�A ACCESSOAME$ m y crc �7 s1 to a n�: lr�as °etc. are cir.•,. Acc�assosiea, such as �. p r scribed separateely i'roM .these sipecif 4cati.z� s« t: (y��yryy�pya y{w(�y'.fu�y■ (/�'��,q /�.S.wp•�gpy �ry• .t .. ` •t w 1y.n.4t MNwIM11Tsefwrn'NY�4'M.VYIRM 'N' r 1 ... r , 1 M CABINET { a L The cabinet hc� i ng rad io set Shall b� bompact t at- eBi ed' aria su ,tak�2 ��^ exp sad �.�'t�•3r..or tractivii d. 1 installation an:a� ,.desk, floor or al Shall L:: cc r� M< strutted of `�ateel ,and' teislec wits b� 'eza ,ml r �"r txe 4 equivalent in quality and durability`. Tht� =3iza of the FA � cabinet'# excluding controls v shall no , exce ecl 53324 cuW.c inches. Standard .19 -"ch rack-type i olinting fi1cilitl. -s shall be provided inside the' cabinet for,,tgount-^nrl the equipment chassis 43semblles ." Till f.ront,;and back nf...I r, 3' shall be removable*. but botti hall be capable, o being locked, with .the same .key to ,pryevent accass by mutt ar- H iced persons• e u p �'P MOUNTING Y A The cabinet aha11 be !1aQz m zunted, 011 , pedestal l aso to, put ,�he^'*.-or%tpolo w�.�;h a PCCiXt��:IZ�.�1�t r ACCESSIBILTT ' All parts which .ret uJtee perirpd1c 4erv- ce'. or°�r„a n : i.wr E rd all tuneablee ci ul.t d us wrnerzt: A shall be 'easily s. WIRE : L , When sub eected tp .an ,open flame,, hot soldierlt,lg JUS c,aI short ?Jcuit, the wire used in' thl-; equip n. n %1 o of °X support combustion for mp,, a than five seconds after c:4,9 source has been ramove'd. k > HUMIDITY TESTS The equipment shall- meet or E'xcoed all specjfj,d EIA dards when subjected to high iium .dlty tests i 11 ;i � with EIA Standards AS-152AS2A,, ,.5�ctioa 13 (,for tr.i ;Xri t` F r x l ttAw ,�`' _ _ l r ice* av 3. ,r. a w204SectiQn 14.7 and PZ.-2 fg 7 (for continuous tone...,C(Aad CONTROL ) �T@yhe radio sett' hall be + ,a To piermi ' such control t.7 the base station r :ca �i �. z control 'chi 3sis. facilities can also Le `111xe ati"U,) output circuits shal1 ( s,. tb. f . tat.. to faci means of standard �:e �,`plin,,i a I �^. ._". �°ez�c:�tr� �:;,►r,, chassis shall at�l*�.♦.yprovide, cza-ate anvil ire or. .. Ofls ~W #.4+, l..i gam,,.14 r� .L, ,.�'+4 0.. • .�..L " .4 .�, r_ � i, the audits and d--c co atro X4.6 - t• .C7:a on lines; fou3".-wire.control ,,ne y3,*r of d-c control and one pair shall be provided for reto,rq ck), L!',.t: chassis circuits from.oJ3mi a � oli .d. .*1 fastgd ! . y slep maintenance n3 SS3,t s?o* 1.'S.",.4,.Ly'9C'� pgd}�c��i�++F�4•r �w.� -lw.,�•t 'n e XNTERCOMINTCA.TIZODI With Remote Control optional '1,Af-111.1tie;S''shall be 4, al lr for voice ;CCJwnunicatl,. ,In's ;�.Y° >,a?* .�.t: e� .^:ams tiaLI')ra � al;.'_ and the"_remQte•-tontroI . ,..n:� p - , control"line using the sp ,:?Ize:' of a pQ, '.: able tost sF t the speaker in the metering knit as a ima roplac tip.:x ; , M µ POWER XHPUT These statIons 'hall operate f c;4t ao;.ilnal °117 VAC cps* sin4le--phase prima. y T:o zx: power input to the radio set f:a cm t'l:.. "'r1rua.ry 1,) .;i;:. s o '..t.�,e5 shall not exceed 60 watt:r oii '.I zi t aade_4 a t I a: i oz .3 r.,LJ a watts, during tra,nsmissio:a, ITER EUPP + t m A,, The power s'up'ply.a shall beoZ thc,,,t design to, insure- maximum red lab-111t:r. Tha- pati.~r w.inp ('e sign shall be such that rec�aCL7y', t. C 'r have no performance chani ge ov j� a ?.v j_npu : variation* r , Transmitter filament voltaq'a shall b,,n� regiiIa.ted ov<:, . 120% input voltages varia'bion to 7,ci tube III ' J F ` .. i r wrapMPqa4 OSCILLATOR 14 d. .� k1,RaiF'z'..� tl':, .,f�4.,.��(::1 t�.�..w. '. 1a s..e�a.°�.r}�u '�.'.°.� �.w ::�.��ry ».T' •i„ � control bti t3.•i., . a. he �DC31.1 sod 'R.I 5', ,.. f assure p,ioC, -, y .. aSsjgne<.. 1 y r ,cr4: t15. f� �` $ 'tbt.S ol;,a8. „'a b,_'' �� ,. Ap7gMx.aMaOwMnMee,Annf Nar..+++..yy'+wN+++Nai MM •. i.+r� �M�•4 wi.i... °Mini Q:, I.di t..al.J. .i.I4.n a.'{"Hc li,, t3u:Al y i-or, WrdY. {.'r iio w. ,, .,. , ... w fit, ..,..r. I 1. Wit' '�I:c1J.S B:.'k.� �..i.,C»,nt51w..«..a. .� . ..'.? ..:& 1,.F.l,V`r►a.Si...L. �.4�� C.. .' � '� y }'�i.:�.«:x".�.41'•� a.J.. :i 6 � t"...., F.. ... :�!y +w..9"`i:,` i.•t,.:'M ;a,..,...r,�. �"fr,� _ S ,.b'., ....9 p ;�r, c x gvie '? �.'a}'�. o mu .rc+,i GO4J(, .�.}},ir �..,{ ✓y a� �p la t4 .a,7 `� �,, .� �. U'"� - a }. C,�i iP.3... 1.•. �.' �Y L ,L i _x, k d ., ..r, ,L� :" '�.� < t P. built-I A.°isq �.o '1{.x.3, .� { ,f '4..onditio1._ ok Z, 1. 'kE 7,,,' 9 +° ��'. o:, ,� •..,. 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'l r 3. ,7 : Y .� ,V TM ��+ n,;,r i.:'�',� �.�e::. i .'.%a .�1....'r�' P,• fina yy uuLp"t VW � F SP>tiFR 9 f1TO Ant) yp G k'.{,s w. 2 0 40 W Cand1.1c tud spmciaus nwissions shAll hs`,'1 Meh13.x.. . d b"...ou thn , least 85 ob in Ascordo"C; Wich SIA MOWN 1 :051A, Section 30 . } AUDI F:#?E° UEl raw« R7 5"s±.'1; hudio y {f 6 ti. es Via. 1 5. from a n5 Y 7 YVin'},C M l,. � -�!�,aS .�, k�`• t i'.6�� � t:. �~ y ?, to .3000pp a .�, :f .,_� .,.ac < 3 W its 1000 ns ,�.�. v ,`, in '. .. M Standurl IS -152A, hec :inn G, f ance with Awd.lo `bamo l< 0 to t l R'3 . VII). Pkv. :. K.z,rne _� ;'r �, �r",:e �.��A 0 . � _.,ste.CD`�,. �v 4..s,:�:': ���;.�.,, ..�. .-.�.".,:.�-.�rw1 C; MY! lot ..`.) °"'�•�S�t�`..:�-a .• f:r ... .. ., ., ..•�� J � .Pal NOTS`n gat�swm:wr:.ra-.nww+.a:aewx,.�..,.,..:., .,, .,...•,,., a:,N.,,:-..,.a..e• �r«. - y .. r WWI d p� 1 FAK noise and a ' .4.I X0);:'3 Etc.A 3 )v at 1 '.aat 59 Ob h l,.. 213 .. maximum oc % ,standard t� db per octavo � +s. ' f i, i Atl NOISE QMD RESIDUAL „ AMno 5e c'<.v:J r` »yiduc'l hu;ti3 sho.Ll ta at W,°5t 40 ub vel e��9 appp.�..}} A �yr+.�� � a (' ,.�.a`ir"tir t...l.„..c.- nd.�,t�� i-Fwi"'� ++4 «.�..:'.�4'.`!n isw 4.J A e"". � y6 ' . r e u � .,a c,.i3 � v F. � a r e � Irr µ v V vru �' ' ail•s'S <�t.r.�..7;'y�C•„, r,� r3 ,:. ; "A! �,t;r � "� a �'�� B ? �, ,e;d r* _ .. `- -. ., L tri. .;a: a:� �' .y'• ,t. "� .r .�'!a� , -..i. � �;. � � r .. y �. �.. �1•\ "/ Y 4-,:' l � � :, ri 9. q 4 b 9. w.. Ind'i1;.�4A�; ,k.:,�➢�r�'1B {.e 1� 4 ..':A� � ., r., k r , i a w .S a .i 4•E, t j.. e. 14�'Ar� 8,,",.',1 .. rr-�' ..'a .. I •..� „r �ld,Fedr r1;� , y. yy a ti -"yle-Y[T�':��'� y �A♦A.Jv�II�YiYB'f.Lv�4'.aM.AIMYMYIiM>�Hi�ll� . ', : , .•, x r Ate' `97- IRF7�i s s y � �r• ^ gyp. • r r fi � •v 4 T _ � - Y �'� � 1 � I��M C c i a: x , e t £� d , r ,r , • .: Mpuc:'RawrYCwY.MWrr+a+'M.Wbasvarn..,p ' - '! a r r f •:#��s.� i, 4t yr ny �g �r"l�t»+2�1��'� ��ihe? C>_ o- � Ttie ac..0.r.Ca.0F„, :; i'l'l k. >,_�,'- :}... .f` 4 ,r �d.�� .�. e1r �A k `,#r, a w. . !.° '_.4..�.�.x•s a::,, - � , and, dlod°.t.`'s '�'r'[2.':'�`�it.�A1,�'1� 19�":.) e'.,• k._r�!�. .,,I°1��..A, .. �'�'� t���::��s F .� UT w•. ro �ro,-• •. a '.; - iayy��*�v , t a i t r n ,. The ' c0 var 1nto,fa r, .s .:.i7, to altn.r"i::t,"V .';'{7 �.�' 1. k1 ,sy xrl3 s•'! # 't: R` �G�11+ .�i: s.�a�",'sar �4'. ii SY nCy f !1� sa�.L:i C`? .a r*.i:,? ► Yea ti # , bIx ; oth,.x clvann(�l 4,i, Via' ler bpi �2: w ..i :r (.js le rec1)A'fJ,' x41A, g .� dd ,� e � �C .4J.L J...1. �r ;r:� «aAi%: .�, .. l.. e$i!..r ,r•.P..!».A�.'L:; .., m.....is ,c... ul t'..,`-.9, .:».-k`:���." 5,-,«r. �.,s� `* the, e, S .a 'at"d .wk,p , 'G"l Jt., ,:•.'" o ! ,y :.e.. ,+a�: L T. ' •.� a ;,2 L 4 4...f ''1 s.. tS3� � "r. �i �1 R,�"i L.I'a". fc sncri .� ]�.L s� 4.�1{ v,' M + 1 # 1 #,f. ° „r y "" k � • ' � t F�1-1-. Ib W 0./i�a:. P.. 9y ld rn Lia e r r 12 cfb S-1,41"^e# eL t lw d � b d 1 on ri,c 1,: .,.a t.!1'.» -,e, Alon J .,x 4«, a �.. .a :1.3.. ?.�.�• J .4M � ..e t L.w. .:;k. ,.._ ,9 ,. �.,1, �.. G,3i _:u�»},::�" ..x t 4r• , {.�?:., ':-� � � , s yy 41 - t .. di� .E g ��., °� ..il Sy, j � ,riNr,�Adka,�. �+�C:'atic�Yma•k�• �tawL$4. •.u_ds. c. . ,:t..:,'ui=4 .r'��. .:.;�:.�.ekYr,suB��i:-tir.r' :�a ..8x.;,'::.:A��., as ....satr i�,ac..a.a.,� ��`�� �L�i ;: ,c".r. u^ «,F"�• tr,fie"" "`*a'"1�A"v"ww'rrs'„p'r' ge ".ea"�`'u "'�j ",. p!•'. $'tQ"* �• z a , r - All l1311 „ 'r �y pp J f„a lat JI.h ref the y t ,�wtJ qq k t f x«c n.o~ -R4a "f •fi"i:M". y.. .q:r s'.M .. :"iyr.....,,, .ar,.•,.'; � • } rI• 'k .... 'SII 4' C.jJ,� �4 y J oy1do A11,3,'r��,L�3t���i �),M.AF.Y� '«w.� .,4 °�Il��*4,^..IVA 1@.x .I..,AY,C 4- �� ,/'tLrAx • '�,J�,d 1� �F.A4nK4b ��.. I31 a•:!�»; froil A a. ("I F:iYatem s, Micro shelf i! w' f)o with Lig no's, to e:,a:A 'ad vfi`, ;�� r��w'm shall t l :C �.i?•.�ilh��.a ,1:+:1 .�n �z"._r,q' ��C scaled plug-III U,11 1_-E. o 'LrJ,_ �,�R't�;,'� a'..�.� .. . ,. S?artiIt„ ::>bs o and a x y, a:.Lt.�. r�„ i F J. .'t M •9y y ,.�.d, Ciuency and without d..h � � .3� f:.6r.' i" [p They shall comply Fully to I, �:tl ;t >�«.� ,gid RS,-220. h t 0 r,<: frequency shall l be s* , -)l.c s,, � ��.���� �ce p ar � � 'Of It,; sf";QcCi:f ie'dl frequency 4ovc r the r, :4:',0 ���.1 ,ni -:rid: �t �iperaturo range ,of -30°C to +60°CR �S qurll_`_.b be flxc d at lesu than 6 db of :=yr. l ve : ; ,. ,; .i$ wl th a tone davia lon of e 5 kc and c- te h(a r, . � 1 not xk;tj+,ilre adjLt:itt<1t?X$tK, The rec:e.t vor wFhall' be so dosir. ;'lo d Ul,',tt 1-10 hurt of noise (commonly k,n-),,,M a: a llsgT.elch bO. hL,,,1.:d at th.e � end of a tvvr'i s27'lisidsi on fro 1 a:4T base +::;i: mobile station which is wa �,a� ; ,:a"<:.a.� .burst" a.s described, in the SQ'IJELCH TAIL of the transmitter sedtion* ulse-type noise sunprnssor circuit. shall bre Included as an integral part of thfi roceive « Thi s circuit shall be located in the RP section of ts;,ca ret_ ivar to suppress noise P1 kac for® they rt~er 1t.-hose raceiver sa�ct c.ar. wrlich would bend to amplify and broaden thews. Y PEIF( KANCE CHa'1RACs.I;;R19siT a { A pulse generator shall be set Dor oa pulse vepetition. rate of 100 kc and a pulz(a 'am��u_ tude such, that the 20 db quiet liig of the re- � ceiver is degraded 50 db when the noise suppre:s.!K Sor circuit" is d,,_cenorgized. The pulse signal � ` t shall theca be gated "on" , and $,o�19' at, a� 100 cps, rate ;with an "on" period of pane ,millisecon' d. This gated pulse signal sh-11 be superimpo3 d = " an a 20 db- qulet".ang signal From a standard RF signal generator, and the combined signal cion- � 'netcted to thf,: receiver R$ input. With tete noise suppressor,circuit energi zed, the rem celver 20 db quieting shall not be degraded � More than ,S-db, P v `stir ; y k t Be INT ERMODtJLATI ON x The noise suppressor, jehether energized or de-energized, shall have no effect upon the receiver intermodulation rejection capabilities ' � measured in accordance with EIA Standard R9- 204, Section S# � . C. RATE SHUT -OOP a a A rate shut-off circuit shall be provided to prevent degradation of receiver perform-- ' a ante due to overlapping blanking pulses` caused by interfering beat products between signals in the+ sampling channel. � 6 D. SAMPLING CHANNEL BANDWIDTH ` ty 3 The bandwidth of the sampling channel shall be a maximum of 10.7 me at -20 db and c 12 me at --60 db. , E. SAMPLING CHANNEL ADJUSTMENT k a To combat local interference problems, the noise suppressor circuit shad l be. tune- able to another "sampling" frequency should w. intercarrier "beat tone" interference become objectionable at the original 'sampling" frequency« Re-tuning the circuit shallg in no way, reduce the ef'f'iciency of `noise #up- pression. F. LEVEL SHUT-OFA' The receiver shall be sea designed that the noise suppressor: circuitshall be automatically disabled under strong desired-signal `conditions where suppression is not necessary., The sup- s pressor "shut--off" circuit shall be activated when the desired incoming carrier signal strength is between 100 and 800 microvolts. g G. DESENSITIZATION AND M INTERFERENCE A circuit shall be included as an integral art of the receiver for the p .purpose af . reduc-- ing desensitization and intermodulation $ , interference* This circuit shall be, 'Controlled by a switch on the control unit so that the operator can turn the circuit on or. off as �� k interference conditions warrant. He TUNING AND ADJUSTMENTS a All tuning and adjustments shall, be easily j � performed by use of an RF signal generator and a test set or 50 microampere meter to`permit { field adjustments. No pulse generator or a oscilloscope shall be necessary. y a V A' { l 1 WVt } r. MOBILE RADIO GENERAL DATA SECTION DESCR=PTION The radio equipment shall consist of a radio set, control unit, intercabling kit and such other items as shall be required for a completes highly reliable, two-way FM mobile radio installation. It shall be desi Writ and receive on specific frequencies in the 36-50 me$- band. The radio set shall be a small, light*oight, rugged, sin le- drawer 'type unit consisting Of'a transmitter-.receiver- g Power supply assembly in a fully enclosed housing. Transis- tors shall be used throughout the receiver and transmitter exciter to mi ' pow �' supply, maximi" life -expectanc niraiase battery drain and good engiaeerin Y of the radia set, in keeping with 9 practice. The radio set shall be designed to withstand the severe conditions encountered is mobile radio operation. The radio equipment shall operate on either one quencies in both the "transmit" " of two fre- receiver shall be of such designaAd x'ecelVe� modes. The to operate on and monitor two �oat it shall be possible with frequency se ars channels s3aultaneously tion of either de ire n of 1*0 to 14gn& .0 mc. The recap.. 1 shall i.e. , the strongest signalhall be heard.jeCt to "capture," A continuous tone--coded squelch system desi reception of co-channel nuisance noise and skip interferd to e-se ence shall be incorporated into the radio set. STANDARDS The equipment shall meet or exceed all applicable quirements. All electrical measurements shall be either_ referenced to a specific test scribed in full by the matestrocedures or shall be de- The equipment shall be capable of operation without si nificant degradation when subject to applicable shock g humidity and vibration tests as set forth in EIA Standar RS-152A and RS-204. ds HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST r The radio set, when contained in its housing, shall mee or exceed all EIA performance specifications at an ambient temperature of +60°c while subjected to a 20% duty cycle, consisting of one minute "transmit, " four minutes "receive, " for a period of five hours. INSTALLATION The radio set shall be capable of being easily installed in the trunk, under the seat of the vehicle other suitable location. All mounting hardware shall Or in anbe furnished. The drawer assembly shall be ca withdrawn from its housing for servicing without disturbing le of the housing, loudspeaker, or cabling installation, and the c radio shall, without modification, be fully interchange- able with other radios of the same t mount or other installations. Ype between trunk_ adi adjustments shall be readily accessible, to is and tuning by simple removal of the radio drawer unit fromdthe thous- ing. A key lock on each unit shall lock the drawer into the mount to prevent the unit from being removed or by other than authorized personnel.by The control unit shall mount in any convenient location and be connected to the radio set with a suitable cablin kit. provide For operator convenience, a bracket shall be g Permit angle adjustment of the control unit. d to HOV The radio set housing shall completely enclose the trans- mitter-receiver-Power supply drawer unit and fit with a minimum of required clearance. The of any louvres or other openin s9 therebyng shall be devoid protecting the radio set from dirt, dust# moisture, and splashing water. Y The base and top cover shall be a t least 18 auge resist damage and protect internal components, A stron to handle shall be provided as an aid in removing and carry- ing the drawer unit. y The radio set and housing shall not exceed 3h" high with an overall volume not to exceed 1135 cubic inches. CHASSIS The transmitter, receiver rj6 be mounted on, and ' and flower supply circuitry shall chassis ed nthprotected by, heavy-gauge metal sub- to form a These sections shall be securely fastened mechanically solid unit. External heat radia- tors shall be used to keep the final RP amplifier tube within conservative operating temperatures, without allow- ing air- s borne contaminents to get into the radiots interior. OSCILLATOR STABILITY The equipment shall employ non-heated quartz crystals to control both the transmitter and receiver frequencies. The crystals oscillator and all compensating circus be Housed in a sealed factoryis shall assure precise frequency ca ��usted, plug-in module to shall be available to maintain frequency Oscillator module 10.0002 of the assigned center frequency so�rlaoy within temperature range of nee c n r C . ambient within .000lSX with a primary tt25 C reference) and ation of .0015. A variable Y power supply voltage vari- Permit setting reactance shall be included to quency, g the oscillator to the exact operating fre- -- E-- ING Metering of all essential circuits shall be accomplished, while the radio is installed and operating with the without removing housing. All mtmore than the top cover of the radio set and connected to multi points shall be properly decoupled alignment shall pin metering sockets. Tuning and ©li microampere,shall be readily accomplished with an external and appropriate eable000 ohms per volt, single scale meter shall me able a suitable test set as anhe noptionalraccessoryor fast, fyf avail- convenient testing and tuning of the radio set. CABLING All cabling required to interconnect the radio se unit, vehicle battery and fusing facilities shall eluded. All such cables shall consist t' control weatherproof material and shall have °f insulated radio set quality. With the plugs consistent with exception of the antenna transmission line coaxial cable, there shall be no other external coaxial cables or leads carrying radio frequency energy to the main equipment housing. All cables except the antenna cable shall enter the radio set at a single connector located on the front of the unit. The co... -hall have a screw fastener or other means of secur_. _ plug to the drawer unit to prevent loosen- ing by vibration, shock, or other adverse effects of mobile radio operation. CONTROL UNIT A matching control unit, including all controls required for operation of the radio set, shall be included as part of the equipment. This control unit shall not exceed a height of more than 4 inches, nor a volume of more than 60 cubic inches. Only that circuitry required for interconnec- tion of the controls, the loudspeaker, and microphone or handset to the radio circuitry shall be contained in the control unit with the single exception of the circuit which controls the intensity of the pilot lamps. Required Controls: 1. An "on-off" switch shall control primary power to the radio set. In addition, pro- vision shall be made to control the trans- mitter--tube filament circuit and the push-to- talk circuit with the vehicle ignition switch so that the ignition switch must be in the "on" position in order to operate the transmitter. 2. A "squelch" control shall be continuously adjustable to regulate the sensitivity of the noise-operated squelch circuitry. 3. A "volume" control shall regulate the audio level of the speaker. 4. Indicator lamps shall be provided which indicate "radio set on" (green) , and "trans- mitter carrier on" (red) functions. 5. An automatic dimmer shall continuously oparate to vary the pilot lamp intensity with the amount of light falling on the front of the control head. The variation shall be such that a lighted pilot lamp is fully visi- ble under bright-light conditions and is dimmed, to avoid glare, as the ambient light decreases. This circuit shall control both the "radio set on" and "transmitter carrier on" lamps. 6. Separate frequency selector switches shall be provided to permit the operator to select both the appropriate "transmit" fre- quency and the desired receiver mode; i.e. , R1 or R1R2 (Simul-Monitor) or R2. It shall be possible to convert the control head so that one switch will control _.lboth the re- ceiver and transmitter frequency simultaneously. 7. An "on-disable" switch shall control the tone-coded squelch function to permit moni- toring of the radio channel before trans- missions are made. MICROPHONE A palm--type microphone, with built-in transistorized pre- amplifier to reduce stray noise pickup, shall be supplied with the radio set accessories. The microphone shall have a sturdy housing and be ruggedly constructed to withstand the severe use normal in mobile operation. A push-to-talk switch shall be mounted on the microphone housing in such a way that it is easy to use. The microphone cable shall be of the self-retracting, tinsel-cord type and include wiring for the audio and "push-to»+talk" functions. The "push-to- talk" function shall energize an antenna relay acting as a slave to the "transmit-receive" relay which shall, when operated, disconnect tine antenna from the receiver RF input and connect it to the transmitter RF output. The microphone cable shall be terminated with convenient plug- and-socket connection. LOUDSPEAKER The loudspeaker shall be designed for good sound reproduc- tion in the voice range used for mobile communications. The loudspeaker supplied shall be housed in a sturdy metal case which can be mounted on the vehicle firewall, dash, or any suitable slat surface. The loudspeaker shall be of the permanent magnet, moving coil type and shall have a nomi alshadiameter matcatleast4h inches.} receiver audio Ouputuimpedanceinput ut ANTENNA 1/4 wave mobile whip, MAN UFAC 'URE R1g MAINTENANCE SERVICE The manufacturer shall offer a complete service through a factory a vised� trained and equipped) (i.e,contract maintenance ui , factory super- services include; q peed) local service shop. Such (a) Routine preventive maintenance. (b) Periodic checks on equipment performance as required by the FCC Rules and Regulations. (c) Prompt repair in case of equipment breakdown. The manufacturer shall also provide a factory field service force capable of performing all needed inspections, train- ing personnel to service equipment, and other services as might arise in relation to equipment servicing. IN�ZRt�CTIE}N MANUAL A comprehensive installation and instruction manual shall be supplied as part of the radio equipment. provide sufficient concise infomaion, includinnusch shall atics, layout drawings, test and alignment g em- intercabling diagrams, and parts lists to procedures, and efficient maintenance &nd repair of theqpermit quick competent radio communications technician. equipment by a REPLACEMENT PARTS The manufacturer shall maintain a Replacement Parts De art- ment and provide and recommend tes p A complete parts depot shall be locatedlin at when needed. eogra proximity consistent with the most expedient methodpofcal shipping replacement parts. An ample stock of individual components and equipment unit replacement shall be carried for as long a period as demand warrants. This period shall extend well beyond the normal life expectancy of the equipment. Test equipment and tolls G' shall be designed, tested and qualified to meet the needs of the product servicing. Calibration service shall be available on all test instruments. POWER SUPPLY SECTION DESCRIPTION The power supply shall provide all necessary high voltages for the radio equipment. The power supply shall be of the electronic s,- tch design, using transistors in an oscilla- tor circuit k'.�.th step-up transformers# rectifiers and filter networks as required. Power supply transistors shall be furnished as an integral part of the radio set assembly. All rectifiers used in the power supply shall be high-quality, si Acon diode types. Primary power input shall be adequately fused to assure fast and positive action. The radio set shall be capable of operating from a nominal 12-volt do primary power source, and shall be equipped with a plug-in, negative-ground kit with suitable reverse polar- ity protection to avoid damage if the radio were to be in- correctly installed. BATTERY SAVER g RCUIT The radio equipment shall include a "battery saver" circuit to turn transmitter filaments off and disable the push-to- talk circuit during periods of "standby" operation. When the vehicle igrit!on switch is "Off, " it shall be possible to operate the receiver only. CURRENT DRAIN The total DC input to the radio set when operating at EIA standard voles s shall not exceed the following: Standby Q 13.8v Receive 0 13.8v Transmit (xmtr.#°ilaments (xmtr.filaments off) on) (100 watts) 0.425 amp. 1.8 amp. amp. p � 13 13.4v NOTE: Radio supr ' i ed for Aeration with negative ground vehicles. TRANSMITTER SECTION DESCRIPTION The transmitter shall fully comply with all EIA Standards , and applicable FCC type acceptance Rules and Regulations as stated herein. The unit shall employ solid-state cir- cuitry except for the two transmitter output tubes. Both of these shall be of the "heavy-duty," industrial type designed to withstand the conditions normally encountered in mobile radio operation. RF POWXR OUTPUT The final RF amplifier shall deliver at least 100 watts to the output terminals of the transmitter when the output terminals are connected to a nominal output impedance of 50 ohms, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 2. RMI_... :ON The transmitter emission shall be designated 16F3 as defined in FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 2, Subpart C, and shall comply with all EIA Standards and FCC Rules and Regulations as stated therein. SPURIOUS AND HARVIONIC EMISSIONS Spurious and harmonic emissions shall be attenuated below the maximum level of emissions of the carrier frequency by at least 85 db in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 3. AM NOISE AND RESIDUAL HUM AM noise and residual hum shall be at least -34 db when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A9 Section 16. MODULATION In accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 89, Paragraph 89.109 (c) ; Part 91, Paragraph 91.105 (c) ; and Part 93, Paragraph 93.105 (c) , an instantaneously acting deviation limiter circuit shall be incorporated to permit nominal, 100% modulation of the transmitter under normal speech conditions and to prevent modulation in excess of 100% under extremely loud speech conditions. The limiter circuit shall have a continuously variable control to permit setting transmitter deviation to any value (factory set prior to shipment) between zero and maximum permissible system deviation. DEVIATION LIMITER CIRCUIT The deviation limiter circuit shall have performance char- acteristics such that a 20 db increase in audio signal input over that required for 2/3 maximum deviation shall not in- crease deviation to more than full permissible system deviation. The deviation limiter shall continue to function as specified with input power supply variations up to 120%. A 1000 cps tone shall be used as a standard refer- ence frequency in setting the deviation control. AUDIO SENSITIVITY The modulator and associated audio circuits shall exhibit sufficient sensitivity to allow 2/3 maximum deviation from a microphone input of 0.165 volt, 13 db. All audio fre- quencies above 3,000 cps shall be attenuated by a post- limiter filter per FCC regulations. AUDIO DISTORTION Audio harmonic distortion shall not exceed 3% with a 19000 cps test tone at a level sufficient to produce 2/3 maximum deviation, in accordance with E2A Standard RS-152A, Section 5. AUDIO FRERUENCY RESPONSE Audio frequency response shall not vary more than +1, -3 db from a true 6 db per octave pre-emphasis characteristic from 300 to 39000 cps as referred to the 1,000 cps level, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-152A, Section 6. FM NOISE AND RESIDUAL HUM FM noise and residual hum shall be at least 60 db below 2/3 maximum deviation at 1,000 cps as measured through a standard 6 db per octave de-emphasis network. � 3 TONE GENERATOR The radio set shall include a tone generator which modu- lates the transmitter in accordance with EIA Standard RS-220 requirements. No adjustments as to frequency or output level shall be required for the tone generator. The tone modulation shall be at least ±0.5 kc deviation, but less than ±1.0 kc. SQUELCH TAIL ELIMINATOR The transmitter shall include circuits to advance the phase of the transmitter tone at the end of each trans- mission. The phase and length of the "reverse burst" shall be such that when received on a companion tone- coded mobile or base-station receiver, no burst of noise (commonly known as squelch tail) shall be heard at the end of each transmission. TUNING PROCEDURE Adjustments shall be possible without the necessity of special patch cords or intercabling. All tuning adjust- ments in the tuning procedure (except final amplifier tun- ing) shall utilize peak meter readings as the indication of proper adjustment. There shall be a switch or suitable adjustment to protect final transmitter tubes during the tuning procedure. RECEIVER SECTION DESCRIPTION The receiver shall be of the double conversion superhetero- dyne type, with two crystal-controlled local oscillators. The circuit shall use high-quality, long-life transistors and diodes throughout; no tubes shall be used. The specifications contained herein shall apply to channels separated 1.0 to 14.0 me inclusive. SELECTIVITY Major selectivity elements shall precede the major gain determining el;!rirlen to minimize effects from signals on other channels. gaze major portion of the receiver rejec- tion capabil-ties shall be controlled by fixed-tuned circuits in the second IF section, which collectively ex- hibit a sharp-skirted bandpass characteristic. The fixed- tuned section of the receiver shall be permanently en- capsuled in plastic to maintain optimum selectivity and to protect the components from moisture, vibration, and foreign particles. The fixed-tuned section of the receiver shall be unconditionally guaranteed for the life of the equipment, but shall be removable as a unit to facilitate changing the receiver bandwidth. Selectivity characteristics shall be at least -85 db at '!20 kc (Single-Channel Reception) , when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-2049 Section 7. QUIETYNG SENSITIVITY An "on-channel" signal of 0.55 microvolts or less (Single- Channel Reception) , or 0.80 microvolts or less (Simul- Monitor mode) , when impressed across the antenna input, shall produce 20 db of noise quieting in accordance with EIA Standard RS-2049 Section 4. These specifications shall be met by single-antenna type systems. USABLE (SIA'-SINAL) SENSITIVITY Usable sensitivity shall be at least 0.40 microvolts (Single- Channel Reception) , and 0.55 microvolts (Simul-Monitor mode) , for a 12 db ratio of signal-plus-noise-plus- distortion, in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Sec- tion 3. These specifications shall be met by single- antenna type systems. MODULATION ACCEPTANCE The modulation acceptance bandwidth of the receiver shall be a minimum of ±7 kc when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 6, INTERMODULATION SPURIOUS ATTENUATION The intermodulation spurious response attenuation at the usable sensitivity level shall be at least 60 db (Single- Channel Reception) when measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-2_04, Section 9. SPURIOUS RESPOW' ATTr VUATION All spurious responses shall be attenuated at least 90 db below the on-frequency signal level which produces 20 db of noise quieting (Single-Channel Reception) , in accordance with SIA Standard RS-204, Section Be AUDIO POWER OLTPUT The audio stage of the receiver shall deliver an output of at leant 5 wa - s into a 342 ohm load as measured at the receiver output t Finals, as specified in EIA Standard RS-2049 Section 1,.., Audio distortion using a 1,000 cps test tone shall be less than 10%. All noise and residual hum shall be at least 50 db below the rated audio output level. AUDIO RESP©NSE Audio frequency response shall be within +1# -8 db of the normal 6 db per octave de-emphasis characteristic from 300 to 3,000 cps, measured in accordance with EIA Standard RS-204, Section 11. There shall be at least two low-frequency IF limiter stages preceding the discriminator stage to reduce amplitude modulated interference. SR.rU LCH CIRCUITS Carrier 3 uelch Circuit. The carrier-actuated squelch circa -Mall a of the no se-compensated, adjustable- sensitivity type. At the threshold setting, a signal of 0.25 microvolts (Single-Channel Reception) , 0.35 microvolts (Simul-Monitor mode) , or less shall provide positive squelch opening. The squelch circuit shall be designed so as not to respond to noise bursts. With an on-frequency signal at the receiver input, the squ-Icn control set at the threshold and the audio modulation adjusted and held constant i i i at the maximum rated system deviation, the sensitivity of the squelch circuit shall not exceed the rated threshold sensitivity as the modulating frequency is varied over the range from 300 to 39000 cps. f Tone-Coded SsHelch Circuit. There shall be two modes of operat on, to be selectdd at the will of the operator. These are (1) carrier squelch operation in which the receiv- er squelch circuit opens for any sufficiently strong, on- frequency r-f carrier, and (2) tone-coded squelch opera- tion in which the receiver is muted until the incoming on- frequency r-f carrier is modulated by a continuous, sub- audible tone of the particular frequency for a particular receiver. The control head shall have a switch + j select the desired mode of operation at any time. To provide maximum protection against false operation from interference o_° 4'rom signals of other similar types of systems.* there shag railable at least twenty (20) narrow-band tone chc ,.,I" - below 200 cps with frequency spacing not to exceed. 1. ,%. Tone frequency determining elements shall be a? 4 ': :o-mechanical, resonant reeds in hermetically sealer'` .-=- ug-in units, interchangeable regard- less of frequency A without any type of adjustment. They shall comply ful" „ to EIA Standard RS-220. The tone fre- quency shall be stable within +0.50% of its specified fre- quency over the radio equipment temperature range of -30°C tp +600C, Squelch sensitivity shall be fixed at less than 6 db of receiver quieting with a tone deviation of 10.5 kc and shall not require adjustment. The receiver shall be so designed thaw;, no horst of noise (commonly known as a "squelch tail") shall be heard at the end of a transmission from an associated base or mobile station which is transmitting a "reverse burs-" as des- cribed in the SQUELCH TAIL EL.IMMNATQR paracta aph of the transmitter section. f