HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/2014 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LOSS CONTROL PROGRAM EXECUTIVE SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 18, 2014 Present: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, Councilman William Ruland, Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney, Karen McLaughlin, Human Services Director, John Cushman, Comptroller, Jeff Standish, Director of Public Works, Vincent Orlando, Superintendent of Highways, James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator, Christine Foster, Personnel, Chief Martin Flatley, Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk, Josh Albon, Wright Risk Management, Lloyd Reisenberg, Network & Systems Administrator, Lauren Standish, Secretary to Supervisor Excused/Absent: Scott Russell, Supervisor Meeting began at: 9:00 AM Welcome to Martin Finnegan Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney was appointed to the Executive Safety Committee. Approval of Minutes Approved Minutes of March 17, 2014. Sharps Disposal Policy The NYS Dept. of Health has agreed to supply the Solid Waste District with Sharps containers for public distribution as well as a kiosk for holding such containers delivered to the District and the Human Resource Center. The Town Board has authorized the Supervisor to execute an agreement with All Care Waste Services, Inc. for the removal and safe disposal of Sharps at both locations. Jim Bunchuck will develop strategies to inform public of Sharps disposal. Lloyd Reisenberg suggested the committee consider the idea of medical waste in addition to pharmaceuticals. It was agreed by all that this is a start and medical waste can be considered in the future. Safety Alarm Systems and Surveillance within Town Facilities Jeff Standish met with two vendors, Lighthouse Security and Suffolk Security. Both vendors were reluctant to conduct a full analysis of every asset without direction from the Town Board as to how much they were willing to spend. John Cushman suggested an RFP. Councilman Ruland suggested a priority list of assets in order of need and spread out the expense over time. The Executive Safety Committee will work on a priority list. 2 st Lloyd and Phillip will meet with the Town Board at their next work session on July 1 and propose the idea of a security system with cameras with a cap of $2,000. Annual Site Visit, Preliminary Report John Albon, accompanied by Phillip Beltz, conducted site visits of all the facilities on th Tues., June 17 and we can expect a complete list of recommendations in the near future. He was impressed with the clean-up efforts at the Highway Dept. He reiterated the importance of personal protective equipment such as protective glasses, reflective vests and steel toe boots at the Highway Dept. and Transfer Station and that it was mandatory that the employer provide all protective equipment. He suggested that dutch doors remain locked at all times, especially in the Supervisor’s office. 2014 Mandatory Training Annual training begins in August. The training from Wright Risk will cover Workplace Violence, Bloodborne Pathogens and Right-to-Know. Each session will take approx. 2 hours. Phillip Beltz will proceed with the employee surveys and scheduling. MSDS Global Harmonization Implementation Josh Albon provided the committee with an update on the material safety data sheets. Part of the Right-to Know training will be covered during the training in August. Parking Lot Striping Jeff Standish will include the striping of the Town Hall parking lot in his department’s 2015 budget proposal. Jim Bunchuck requested the Transfer Station be included as well. Vincent Orlando, Superintendent of Highways could possibly provide some of the paint. NYS Dept. of Labor Memorandum Lloyd Reisenberg stated that the local fire departments are aware of the legislation and will continue to research. Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney suggested a risk assessment of the Town facilities. Lloyd will research. Related Injuries/Supervisor Accident Investigation Report John Albon reviewed the accident investigation report with each Dept. Head present at the meeting. He commented that in most cases the corrective actions taken were appropriate. After reviewing the accident reports for the Highway Dept. he recommended that all highway equipment contain a flashlight. Councilman Ruland questioned whether there was a 911 procedure in place. Superintendent Orlando was unaware of any written 911 procedure but they do have a verbal procedure. Accident victims don’t always want medical attention and refuse to be taken to the hospital, in which case we should have a refusal form. It was suggested that we adopt something similar to the Suffolk County Refusal Form. Martin Finnegan will review the form and Josh Albon will provide us with a 911 written procedure. Josh was concerned about tick bites. He provided an OSHA Lyme Disease fact sheet for distribution. Next Meeting Date September 2014 The meeting ended at 10:00 AM Respectfully submitted by, Lauren M. Standish, Secretary 3