HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/2015RECEIVE®
PRESENT: Carolyn, Peabody, Loretta Geraci, Jean LePre, Nidya Portillo, William Ruland, Linda Ruland,
Leroy Heyliger, and Cindy Smith
Excused: Louise Hug and Sonya Spar.
There is a motion to accept the minutes with corrections which were incorrect spelling of Nidya's name
and also that the money from the MLK celebration went into the scholarship account, made by Loretta
seconded by Jean. All are in favor.
Southold- Jean and Nidya will be ABTF reps as Mike has resigned. There is a question about reserve $
and where it is going?
Greenport- Reports that he knows Southold is developing a plan based on our meeting with schools and
Greenport will as well.
Mattituck-last meeting was cancelled due to snow.
ERASE RACISM — Have we had a follow up on our trainings? William reports the town of Southold has
hired a training firm to train all employees (National EAP Assoc), on how to be more effective leaders.
There is discussion about how we have a group of advocates from the Erase Racism trainings that have
been done. Should we do a survey to measure success from the trainings that have been done?. Maybe
in August we can have a meeting of trainees to brainstorm.
COMMITTEE TO HONOR COMMUNITY MEMBER: Date suggested for the event is Oct 5, 2015 (UN day in
honor of teachers). The committee will develop a timeline at their meeting on March 30, 2015 at
Ebenezer deli at 10 am.
ABTF PICNIC- is scheduled for August 8, 2015. It is suggested that we give children flyers re: the event to
families participating at CAST and the Greenport Recreation after school program.
We would like to better understand accounting of ABTF budget. Can that money be appropriated to
ABTF programs?
Next meeting we will discuss term changes for members.
Registration was to be before April 1, 2015. There was advertising in the Suffolk Times. There will be a
test prep in Riverhead but date is not known by members present.
Carolyn makes a motion to adjourn at 11:15. All are in favor. The next meeting will be April 20, 2015 at
Town Hall at 10 am.
Respectfully Submitted
Cynthia A Smith