HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970.. .. �. ,,>�. _.. �— ,. "'wuur.Wmw rlYWiiw.xWiaonrumiw�wii .. 4kmur+6aYuuywq. 4 Wmrvua+. u,a�� •1,.8 mm�nv+n W.uw r iiirvd ,i lmw �uuqlu�nuohm Wk uil�p � a State of NewYork—Department of Motor Vehicles I '.i, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLE 4 I hereby waive my right to sign the Certificate of Sale (Form MV -50) prepared by the seller, and acknowledge the purchase of the following described 0 new used demonstrator O (Year) (Afake) (Model) (Serial or Ident. #, if known) motor vehicle. Date: - 3 Signature of Purchaser NOTE: Regulation 78.10 (e) (9) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles is as follows: The original of the certificate of sale must be appropriately completed and signed by the retail purchaser after it has been completed b�' the dealer, except***(ii) in any instance in which the purchaser deems it impracticable to sign the certificate of sale completed by the dealer, provided asupplemcntaryformprescribedh�, the Commissioner (MV -50.1) is completed and signed by the purchaser, attached to the original of the certificate of sale, and the notation "MV -50.1 filed" is placed upon each part of the certificate of sale he the dealer. _ .1V-50.1(5/64) PRINTEDINU.S.A.. P-2064496SC NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of approximately 500.000 gallons of Asphalt Road Material, more or less, or as much as may be needed for the repairs of Town Highways. Specifications for said material may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N.Y. The sealed bids in duplicate, together with a Non -collusive Certificate, will be received by the Sup't, of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N.Y. until 1:00 P.M., - January 8, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be submitted in duplicate, signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on Asphalt Road Material) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all in- formality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interesf of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt, Dated: December 23, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt of Highways COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK,+ ss: ani `�::. zt: • •�C i', !� .� ..... being duly Sworn, says that .. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ..... .............. weeks% successively commencing on the ..''�1 1 ........... day of �� t 19 .............................. Sworn to before me this �? ... . day of ... .............. 1,. LANCTC )d n] r�I tit * t \,,,w Y01 t: Sup �i Ptlnvc. 52-0770500 30,19..... X1.111_,.:- 1 NOVICE TAIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, id, accordance with the provisions of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 Section 103 of the General STATE OF NEW YORK, ss: Municipal Law, that sealed bids ane sought and requested for one (1) New 1970 Backhoe. ,, , , <..` '` .:' t r ...... being duly Sworn. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the says that is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK Supt. of Highways. The sealed bids, in duplicate, WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by county; and that the notice, of which the unnexed is a printed the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Peconic, N.Y. until 1:30 P.M. April 16, 1970, at which time they once in each week, for . . ......................... ................. week will be opened and read aloud in public.. successively commencing on the ...{-.:.............. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids day of • - ' 19 and to waive any and all in- ) formality in any bid, should it be _ 4 _� ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' deemed to be in the best interest, Sworn to before me this of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and da sof .. > " ` ........ 19.'.... ) sealed in envelopes plainly Y marked (Bid on New Backhoe) toVti. the office of the Supt. of \�.) Highways. 4 i A ,................ . The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: January 31, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, F. C GR . I _ d Supt. of Highways } ITA10. L_ ' i11 COUNTY OF SUFkOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. J ss: ... being duly Sworn, says that ..y4 . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is to printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week. for .... .................... week successively commencing on the ...:.-:.............. day of ... j,4 ..... ...... .................... Sworn to before me this .. AV. ZA :. . -�i�c i day of .. ....... 19, G.. \................. ..` ................ F. LANGTON CORWIN �d[)•,3x�, a...1, SCE` .q Z'4t k —nr utioltl. � i, tido. vi:„�UU .njni s oil l _a? c 3J, 19....I TEL. YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 11980 LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Dear Sir: WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER April 27, 1970 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment covering the pur- chase of one (1) new 1970 Ford Backhoe, Model 5500 as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being nailed to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, L. C. Eckart Deputy Commissioner of Public works M enc. j,/cc. Supt. Raymond Dean FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One (1) New 1970 Ford Backhoe, Model 5500 _ (SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS) (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) entered into this 23rd day of April, , 19 70 , between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk New York, and Island Ford Tractor Sales, inc.. the Vendor, whose principal office is located at Route 25 Mattituck New York ress for a total price ofThirteen thousand nine hundred & 00/100 - - - - - Dollars ($ 13,900.00 This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public. advertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the -purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held March 31, , 19 70 The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations 13, 900.00 TOTAL $ 13,900.00 It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out (1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of 12 months X'j<s and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Peconie, New York not later than the 25th day of May , 19 70. The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interes, therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Tow, Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the onl; intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop erty n scribed. Town Superintendent o/ Highways ( or) By Its (Indicate whether officer or agent) NOTE: This contract is for use when th)TuhL price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de livered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office an within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver on copy to the Vendor. WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY Ol THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. Date of delivery may be a determining factor in the award of this bid. Each bidder shall submit manufacturer's detailed description and all specifications of equipment offered under this bid. Attached specifications are to be considered at all times as part of this official bid form. Under bidder comparison specifications, in the attached specifications, each bidder must note specifically tlrhat is offered as compared to specifications. Exact dimensions and complete descriptions must be noted. The words "as specified" - "equal to" - "equivalent" will not be considered satisfactory. Bids failing to comply, may berrdeclared informal as a result. SPECIFICATIONS General Description: � 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - loader model 140 Dynahoe or equal without athe use of mounting bolts. 2 One piece steel frame weighing no less than 2500 pounds. Engine: 1. 3 cylinder, two cycle diesel 2. 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 3. 202 net torque foor pounds @ 1200 R.P.M. 4. 12 volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner. 6. 27 fuel gallons tank Transmission': 1. Powershift, synchromesh. 2. Three speeds forward 0 to 17.2 M.P.H. 3. Three Speeds reverse 0 to 21.8 M.P.H. Torque Converter: 1. Single stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2. Torque proportioning differential, having power transfer of 24% to the wheel with better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. 42,600 lb. load capacity. Tikes: 1. Front - at least 11:00x16 - 12 ply rib. 2. Rear - at least 16.9x24 - 10 ply utility, Brakes: 1. Hydraulic, shoe type 2. Individually applied 3. Mechanical parking brake on drive sahft. 4. Not less than a14 square in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 32 gallon system 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Vane type replaceable cartridge pump having a capacity of 55 G.P.M. at 2,500 RPM. 4. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to main- tain system temperature 500above ambient. 5 Hydraulic temperature gauge. Loader: 1. Bucket not less than 83" wide, having a S.A.E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yards. 2. Lift capacity to full height not less than 5,300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity not less than 6,950 pounds (based on 50% of tipping). 4. Breakout force not less than 9500 lbs. 5. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting; edge at full height not less than 8'6" 6. Hooks to be mounted on rear center of spill guard. BIDDERS COMPARISON SPECIFICATIONS .. PAGE 1 1 - EPEC Ii'IC.A'ZiO L) Backhoe: 1. Max. digging depth not less than 14"0" 2. 24" wide, 3/8 cubic yards capacity heavy duty bucket with heavy duty replaceable tip teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle not less than 22"0" 4. Dumping height not less than 14''3". 5. Stabilizer width on ground not less than 12'5". 6 Stabilizer reach below wheel level not less than 2'4". 7. Lifting capacity not less than 2250 lbs, (boom and dipper fully extended) using boom cylinder. 8. Lifting capacity not less than 5,000 pounds (boom partially raised) using dipper cylindrer. Hydraulic Cylinders: Cylinsers and piston rods shall not be less than the following diameters: 1. B.H. boom cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 2. B.H. dipper cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, Piston rod 2-1/2". 3. B.H. bucket cyl. 3-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 5. B.H. swing cyls. 4", single acting, piston rod 1-1/2". 6. Loader left cyls. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 7. Loader bucket cyls. 3", double acting piston rod 2". Standard Equipment: Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and rubber street pads. 2. Power steering. 3. Muffler with rain cap. 4. Rear fenders. 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 6. Cigarette lighter. 7. Loader bucket level indicator. S. Parking brake. 10. Tool box. 11. Anti -vandalism instrument panel cover. 12. Engine hood sides•. 13. 3600 rotating upholstered operator's seat with seat belts. 14. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges. 15. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter & fuel gauge . 16. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauge.-. 17. Fully enclosed cab with self -storing rear windshield mounted on nylon rollers. 18. Twin skylight windows. 19. Doors with outside holdback catches. 20. Safety glass throughout. 21. Windshield wipers. 22. Two side mirrors. 24. a flectors. 25. Federal Sign #184 cab mounted rotating flasher. 26. Directional signals with four-way hazard flasher switch. 27. Front & rear license plate.brackets w/ligjtl Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #93-78387 Blue 'Keight: Not less than 14,400 pounds. Production: Mod6l bid at least 3 years. Listing: List present users in Suffolk County. PAGE 1 2 - ISLAND FORD TRACTOR SALES, INC. RT. 25 Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 Tel. 516 298-4716 April 16, 1970 Superintendent of Highways Town 6f Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: Ile are pleased to quote the following: 1- Ford 5500, as itemized $138900.00 As an alternate to the Ford 5500, we submit the follovring bid on a Ford 4500, as itemized. $10,900.00 Very truly yours, ISLAND FORD T CTORR SALES, INC. William Skolnik, President FORD QUALITY PARTS AND SERVICE W*' NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION; (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETER; (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL; (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIES BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF; (e) THAT ATTACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT:- d ll - t i 12„ J'ko.-/r/I x - (Name of Officer) AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT. /&,- 1272a / © g%�� (Described project) AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON -COLLUSION RBQUIRED BY SECTION 103-4 OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTI- FICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY, THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY4wy,�%2v CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THE lS: DAY OF _e/L/[_ 19 76") , AirSec;etary Date of delivery may be a determining factor in the award of this bid. Each bidder shall submit manufacturer's detailed description and all specifications of equipment offered under this bid. Attached specifications are to be considered at all times as part of this official bid form. Under bidder comparison specifications, in the attached specifications, each bidder must note specifically what is offered as compared to specifications. Exact dimensions and complete descriptions must be noted. The words "as specified" - "equal to" - "equivalent" will not be cinsidered satisfactory. Bids failing to comply, may be -declared informal as a result. SPECIFICATIONS General Description::; .� 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - loader model 140 Dynahoe or equal withoutathe use of mounting belts. 2 One piece steel frame weighing no less than 2500 pounds. Engine: 1. 3 cylinder, two cycle diesel 2. 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 3. 202 net torque foor pounds @ 1200 R.P.M. 4. 12 volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner. 6. 27 fuel gallons tank TransmissionY 1. Powershift, synchromesh. 2. Three speeds forward 0 to 17.2 M.P.H. 3. Three Speeds reverse 0 to 21.8 M.P.H. Torque Converter: 1. Single stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2. Torque proportioning differential, having power transfer of 24% to the wheel with better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. A,2,600 lb. load capacity. Tires: to Front - at least 11:00x16 - 12 ply rib. 2. Rear - at least 16.9x24 - 10 ply utility. Brakes: 1. Hydraulic, shoe type 2. Individually applied 3. Mechanical parking brake on drive sahft. 4. Not less than a14 square in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 32 gallon system 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Vane type replaceable cartridge pump having a capacity of 55 G.P.M. at 2,500 RPM. 4. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to main- tain system temperature 500above ambient. 5 Hydraulic temperature gauge. Loader: Bucket not less than 83" wide, having a S.A.E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yards. 2. Lift capacity to full height not less than 5,300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity not less than 6,950 pounds (based on;50% of tipping). ``�' 4. Breakout force not less than 9500 lbs. 5. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting edge at full height not less than 8'6" 6. Hooks to be mounted onrearcenter of spill guard. PAGE BIDDERS COMPARISON SPECIFICATIONS 1. Integrated Backhoe -Loader Model 5500 Ford No mounting belts. 2. One piece steel frame- 2625 lbs Engine: 1. 4 cylinder- 4 cycle diesel 2. 77.1 hp 0 2100 RPM ( note engine speed ) 3, 206 lbs -ft 0 1100 RPM ( note speed ) 4, 12 V system 5 Dry type air cleaner 6, 20 Gal fuel tank Transmission: 1j Power -Reversing , Constant Mesh 2. Six speeds forward 0 to 19,0 MPH 3. Six speeds reverse 0 to 18.8 MPH Torque Converter: 1. Single Stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary Drive 2. Dif lock gives 50% transfer to wheel with better footing, Fr®nt Axle: 1 Box Beam main member 2. 48,000 lb load capacity Tires: 1. Front 11:00x15 - 12 Ply 2. Rear 18:4 x28 - 10 Ply Brakes: 1. Self Energizing disc brakes, ✓ 2. Individually applied 3, Foot operated Parking Brake 4. 215.4 sq in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 67,0 gallon system 2. 10 Micron filter full -flow ✓ 3. Intra -vane Self companaating for wear, �- 28 GPM 0 2100 RPM 4. Separate oil to air heat exchanger. 5. Hydraulic temp gauge. Loader: 78.0" 1. Choice of 1 1/8 cy a Six&" or 96" 1 1/2 cy 21 Lift 5400 lbs. 3i Parrying capacity 7000 lbs 4. BreaXput 11,500 lbe 6 '-101-" dU%p clt&r n*e . 6j,' *qks mountodon rear center of spill guard,* Backhoe:: 1. Max. digging depth not less than 14%'0" 2. 24" wide, 3/8 cubic yards capacity heavy duty bucket with heavy duty replaceable tip teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle not less than 22"0" 4. Dumping height not less than 14''3". 5. Stabilizer width on ground not less than 12'5". 6 Stabilizer reach below wheel level not less than 2'4". 7. Lifting capacity not less than 2250.ibs. (boom and dipper fully extended) using boom cylinder. 8. Lifting capacity not less than 5,000 pounds (boom partially raised) using dipper cylindrer. Hydraulic Cylinders: Cylinsers and piston rods shall not be less than the following diameters: 1. B.H. boom cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 2. B.H. dipper cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, Piston rod 2-1/2". 3. B.H. bucket cyl. 3-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 5. B.H. swing cyls. 4", single acting, piston rod 1-1/2". 6. Loader left cyls. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 7. Loader bucket cyls. 3", double acting piston rod 2". Standard Equipment: Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and rubber street pads. 2. Poker steering. 3. Muffler with rain cap. 4. Rear fenders. 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 6. Cigarette lighter. 7. Loader bucket level indicator. 8. Parking brake. 10. Tool box. 11. Anti -vandalism instrument.panel cover. 12. Engine hood sides,. 13. 3600 rotating upholstered operator's seat with seat belts. 14. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges. 15. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter & fuel gauge! 16. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauge: 17. Fully enclosed cab with self -storing rear windshield mounted on nylon rollers. 18. Twin skylight windows. 19. Doors with outside holdback catches. 20. Safety glass throughout. 21. Windshield wipers. 22. Two side mirrors. 24. Rbflectors. 25. Federal Sign #184 cab mounted rotating flasher. 26. Directional signals with four-way hazard flasher switch. 27. Front & rear license plate brackets w/ligjt� Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #93-78387 Blue Weight: Not less than 14,400 pounds. Production: Model bid at least 3 years. Listing: List present users in Suffolk County. > _;.:.t ;;,) C )il i'ARISOIV Backhoe: 1. Not less ' than *X217.©' 4. 24" wide, 3/8 by capacity'HD bucket with ND replaceable tip and teeth, and hook 3 Reach 261-l" 4 Not less than 15',, 5. Not less than 11'1-4"- 6. Not less than 18" 7. Not less than 2000 lbs} 8. Not less than 4800 lbs Hydraulic Cylinders: Not less than; 1. 5 1/2" Piston; 21/2" Rod 2, 5" Piston; 2 1/2" Rod 3, 3 1/2" Piston; 2 1/2" Rod 4, 4 1/2" Piston; 2" Rod 5. 3 1/2" Piston; 1 3/4" Rod 6. 4" Piston; 2 1/4" Rod. 7. 4" Piston; 1 3/4" Rod Standard Equipment: Accgssories; 1. Hydraulic stab with grousers and rubber street pads. B. Power.steering 3. Muffler with rain cap 4. Rear fenders A. Neutral safety starting switch 6, Not available, Safety hazard. 7. Bucket level indicator 8. Perking brake 10. Tool box 11. Anti -vandalism instrument panel cover 12.Engine hood sides 13. Bussing upholstered"operators seat 14. Engine temp and oil pressure gauge 15. Tach, hourmeter, meter, fuel gauge 16 Trans and hydr oil temp gauges. 17. Fully enclosed cab. 18. Not available 19. Outside holdback cathes 20, Safety glass throughout 210 Windshield wipers 22. Two side mirrors 24. reflectors 25 Fed sign // 184 Cab mounted rotating flash - 26. Dir signals with'4-way hazard flasher swi,_ 27. Ft and rear license brackets w/light Paint: Dupomt Dulux Enamel // 9a-78387 Blue Weight: Not less than 15,500 lbs Production not less than 3 years. List attached PAGE 1 2 - SPECIFICATIONS General Descri.ption:•: 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - loader model 140 Dynahoe or equal without athe use of mounting belts. 2 One piece steel frame weighing no less than 2500 pounds. Engine: 1. 3 cylinder, two cycle diesel 2. 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 3. 202 net torque foor pounds @ 1200 R.P.M. 4. 12 volt electrical system & Dry type air cleaner. 6. 27 fuel gallons tank TransmissionY 1. Powershift, synchromesh. 2. Three speeds forward 0 to 17.2 M.P.H. 3. Three Speeds reverse 0 to 21.8 M.P.H. Torque Converter: 1. Single stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2. Torque proportioning differential, having power transfer of 24% to the wheel with better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. 4,2,600 lb. load capacity. Tires: 1. Front - at least 11:00x16 - 12 ply rib. 2. Rear - at least 16.9x24 - 10 ply utility. Brakes: 1. Hydraulic, shoe type 2. Individually applied 3. Mechanical parking brake on drive sahft. 4. Not less than a14 square in. BIDDERS COMPARISON SPECIFICATIONS 1. Integrated Loader with Backhoe Ford Model 4500 without use of ;.m6fm ing' belts 2. Not 1080 Visa, 20001bs 1. 3 eyl, 4cyc diesel 2. 62.3 hp 0'220ORPM ( note speed j 3. 171,8 lb -ft 0 1300 RPM 4. 12V system 50' Dry type, 6. 16..0 'Gaal 1 Power -Reversing, Corstantmesh 12. 4 speed 0 to 18.8 MPT 1 3. 4 speed 0 to 18.6 MPH 1. Single stage 2. Sep oil to air heat exchanger 3: Warning Light 1,;Plantary drive 2.'Dif lock, 50% transfer to wheel with better footing. 1 Boxed Beam 2. 349000 lb 1, 9:00-16 10 Ply 2, 16.9x24 6 Ply 1 Self energizing disc brakes 2. Individually applied 3 Hand operated parking brake 4. 224 sq in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 32 gallon system 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Vane type replaceable cartridge pump having a capacity of 55 G.P.M. at 2,500 RPM. 4. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to main- tain system temperature 500above ambient. 5 Hydraulic temperature gauge. Loader: '_. Bucket not less than 83" wide, having a S.A.E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yard.s. 2. Lift capacity to full height not less than 5,300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity not less than 6,950 pounds (based on 50% of tipping). Breakout force not less than 9500 lbs. s. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting, edge at full height not less than 8'6", 6, T-?.00ks to be mounted on rear center of ^pill guard. 1. 14 Gal sealed 20 10 Micron full flow 3. Vane type- 27.8 GPM 0 2200 RPM 4. Surface radiation exchanger 5. Not available PAGE l - Backhoe::' 1. Max. digging depth not less than 14"0" 2. 24" wide, 3/8 cubic yards capacity heavy duty bucket with heavy duty replaceable tip' teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle not less than 22"0" 4. Dumping height not less than 14''3". 5. Stabilizer width on ground not less than 12'5". 6 Stabilizer reach below wheel level not less than 2'4". 7. Lifting capacity not less than 2250 lbs. (boom and dipper fully extended) using boom cylinder. 8. Lifting capacity not less than 5,000 pounds (boom partially raised) using dipper, cylindrer. Hydraulic Cylinders: Cylinsers and piston rods shall not be less than the following diameters: 1. B.H. boom cyl. 4-1/211, double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 2. B.H. dipper cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, Piston rod 2-1/2". 3. B.H. bucket cyl. 3-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 5. B.H. swing cyls. 4", single acting, piston rod 1-1/2". 6. Loader left cyls. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 7. Loader bucket cyls. 3", double acting piston rod 2 Standard Equipment: Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and rubber street pads. 2. Power steering. 3. Muffler with rain cap. 4. Rear fenders. 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 6. Cigarette lighter. 7. Loader bucket level indicator. 8. Parking brake. 10. Tool box. 11. Anti -vandalism instrument.panel cover. 12. Engine hood sides. 13. 3600 rotating upholstered operator's, seat with seat belts. 14. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges. 15. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter & fuel gauge; 16. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauge; 17. Fully enclosed cab with self -storing rear windshield mounted on nylon rollers. 18. Twin skylight windows. 19. Doors with outside holdback catches. 20. Safety glass throughout. 21. windshield wipers. 22. Two side mirrors. 24. Kbflectors. 25. Federal Sign #184 cab mounted rotating flasher. 26. Directional signals with four-way hazard flasher switch. 27. Front & rear license plate brackets w/ligjt Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #93-78387 Blue .:eight: Not less than 14,400 pounds. Production: Model bid at least 3 years. Listing: List present users in Suffolk County. PAGE I. Not less this 151-3" 2, 24" wide, 3/8 cg capacity HD bucket with II replaceable tip teeth and hook. 3*2l'-8" 4. 12'-6" 5. 10'-2" 6 V-6" 7. 1625 lbs 8. 2700 lbs 1. '4 1/2" Piston 2" Rod 2. 4 1/2" Piston- 2" Rod 3. 3 1/2" Piston 2 1/2" Rod 4. 4" Piston- 1.3/4" Rod e 5. 4.1/2" Piston 1 3/4" Rod 6. 3" Piston -,2" Rod 7. 3" Piston- 1$ 1 1/2" Rod 1. Hyd stab. with grousers and rubber street pads 2' Power steering 3. Muffler with rain cap 4: Rear fenders 5 Nuetral safety starting ,switch 60 Not avail. Safety hazard 7. Level indicator 8. Parking brake 20. Tool box 11. Not available 12. Not available 13 Reversa.ble seat 14. Temp gauge and warning light 15. Tach hourmeter, fuel gauge and gen . P. wgrning light 16. Convertor warning light 17. Fully enclosed cab. 18. Not available 19, holdback catches 20, Safety glass 21. Windshield wipers 22. Two side mirrors 24. Reflectors 25. Fed sign # 184 , cab mounted rotating flasher.. 26. Dir signals with 4 -way hazard flasher switch. 27. Ft and rear license plate brackets w/lt: Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel # 93-78387 Blue Weight : Not less than 11,500 lbs Production not less than 3 years Listing attached 2 - ISLAND FORD TRACTOR SALES, INC. Superintendent of Highways Torun of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: RT. 25 Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 Tel. 516 298-4716 April 16, 1970 Following is aparti.al listing of users in Suffolk County only. 1.) A & G Hoe Trenching Islip, N.Y. 2.) Frank Carpino Brentwood, N.Y. 3.) Gam Volgraff Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 4.) Orjor Corporation Bayshore, N.Y. Additional listing of 5500 series are being forwarded by Ford Motor Company FORD QUALITY PARTS AND SERVICE ISLAND FORD TRACTOR SALES, INC. Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: RT. 25 Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 Tel. 516 198-4716 April 16, 1970 Following is a partial listing users on 4500 series in Suffolk County only. 1.) Morabito Trucking Co., Inc. East Patchogue,°N.Y- 2.) Sam Fasso Plumbing & Heating Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 3.) Self Help Housing of Suffolk Calverton, N.Y. 4),,- Bistrian Sand & Gravel Southampton, N.Y. Additional listing of 4500 series are being forvrarJed by Ford Hotor Company FORD QUALITY PARTS AND SERVICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: NOTICE TO BIDDERS i STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General �. Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says purchase of approximately 500: that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 000 gallons of Asphalt Road Ma- terial, more or less, or as much TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news - as may be needed for the repairs aper printed at Southold in Suffolk Count and that Of Town Highways. P R !� r y, Specifications for said material the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been may be obtained at the Office of the Supt. of Highways, Peconic, _ published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mattituck Watch - New York. The sealed bids in duplicate, man once each Week for - / 1 together with a Non-collusivie 1+� •k-- wea Certificate, will be received by j / the Supt, of Highways of the successively, commencing on the ...................l.� .Ll........... Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y. until 1:00 P. M., da a$ 7 9(. `. January 8, 1970, at which time y % ` ""' they will be opened and read / i��/ aloud in public. All bids must be 11J C submitted in duplicate, signed .............................. � and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on Asphalt Road Material) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. ` (� The Sup't. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any Sworn to before me this......... } day of and all bids and to waive any " and all informality in any bid. should it be deemed to be in the •.. .- 1.., u•�.,:....., 9..'.. .. best interest of the . Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include and Federal, State or Local Tai:, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. .......... Dated: December 23, 1969 Notary Public RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways AIiRE PA.YfIE 1T-4-1 Notary f FY'ew York rom nissi n Ex, es COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mattittuc/k Watch- man once each week for .......C� lr1 week successively, commencing on the ................. /—.4/.......... day of .... ... 19. 0 Sworn to before me this ........ a............. day of ............1., .. ... :!............ Notary Public Notary Public, DELE PAYNE ate of New York Residigg in Suffolk County C Commission Exp �es�arich 30, 1971 I, L ASPHALT CUTBACK BIDDERS CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR "ASPHALT CUTBACK" This is to certify that the undersigned proposes to furnish Cutback Asphalt which will ccmply with the requirements for Type '96---Zd/f/�1 �Z.37, ,6: S,O,E C , Ac -,Z ,o W x The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by Humble Cil & Refining Company, whose plant is located at Foot of East 22nd Street, layonne, New Jersey. The plant has a capacity of 200,000 gallons peg. eight (8) hour day and has regularly manufactured cutback asphalt for the past forty-five years. The specific source of the asphaltic base is selected Gulf Coast and Venezuelan crudes. If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the item(s) bid upon, we will begin delivery of Cutback Asphalt at the rate ordered to a maximum rate of 50,000 gallons per eight (8) hour day. �) - / /f �J, j/(O G -d-cy /7S�«id 1- % co , Company By: 1/ (Official Title) Date: If the bidder is an authorized ztent of t manufacturer, the following authorizations m st be executed by the manufacturer. This is to certify that 0 AA .1C spW._T Co m,.or/,*/Z (Name of Bidder) � (Street) (City) (Statd) T (Zip Corse) is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in ccmpliance with the above certificate. FP.R,I _LE OTL & REFINING COMPANY By • �' SUffiCi. � le) "Non -collusive bidding certification. By submission of this E bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or.potential com- petitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or.will be made to induce any other person, partner ship or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; a (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the state- ` ments contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being ap- plicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is ` a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or propos5>2in behalf of the corporate bidd r. Resolved that /�'v%�icC/� .i•�1.�% C�d a /T be ,k N ame authorized to sign and submit corporation for the following tDescribe Project) and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required.by Section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under thb penalties of perjury. The foregoing s a ,taua d cor ect copy of the resolution adopted by (,�f day of , 19 2 (SEAL OF 0RP '.TION �— �� BID FORK: FOR ASPHALT P.OAD MATMZS S FOR DELIVERY TO THE TOWN OF S)OUTHOLD, NEW YORK ITEM NO. 1 TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECOhIC, N. Y. 1, The undersigned hereby propose to furnish approximately 300.000 gallons of Grades RC -2 and MIC -2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y, all in accordance with the Specifications of the Superintendent of HiWhways of the said Town dated L ? ,1wo. A. Delivered to the Town equipment in the to of 'Southold r per gallon. 2. The undersigned further states that the location, type and capa. city of the storage facilities in the Town ofS9uthold, are as follows: A. Type of Storage FacilitiesAl S _ ov?U' ,E _... 3..„..7.770 X37-7 RIO" B. Location of Storage Facilities j1/il,ff.FA D I1 /►! Y //go/ C. Capacity of Storage Facilities _Z21� 6W 61-44o�s,_ 3. In submitting this kid the undersigned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same contract. The undersigned further declares that he has or they have care- fully examined the: specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions, and understand that in signing this proposal he or they naive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same, 4. Accompanying this proposal is cash, a bank check or certified i� check for $/� in case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all reapects comply with the specifications and this form of bid. the monies represonted by such cashu or check shall be regarded as liquidated c?an.ages and shadl be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; othem.ise to be returned to the de- positor as provided in the above said ppovisi.ons. 5. On acceptance of ta:.i:s bid the Undersigned does or do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter mato a written contract within ten . days of the date of notice cf the award of the bid with the said Town of Southold, and to comply in all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation •4o the security Cor the faithful performance of the toof r3aid contract. r Dated: , l9 Legal, of person, fir�k or .o,rporation 1- The P. 0. Address of the Di f-Ider is L'0 ` pD,I�ex"l-"S% �1� • Street .rwrrrr.■�r+■rri it • ■ r r i� r na�.r iI.D, 1-I � /v i� City and State .r�r i rr 2 A. Name TS a Corporation president Secretary Treasurer I a Firm Address /*, 4)Zl- C// CO r 3 w 1 n DIDDM-,'S CERTIFICATE For: ASPdMT CUTBACK This is to certify that the undersigned proposes to furnish Cutback Asphalt which will comply with the requirements for type MC2_RC2 Grade The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by Shell ,Oil Co. , whose .plant is 'located .at Sewaren,+i New Jersey, .' r.rrrr■�■r ■ �rir��� The plant bas a capacity of 1,600, 000 gal&ons per 8-hour,' day,and has regularly manufactured Cutb= Asphalt'for the• past 35 _years,, The specific source of the Asphaltic Ease is selected Gulf Coast ;! and Venezueiian Crudes. If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the items) bid upon we will *gegin delivery of Cutback Asphalt within hours of notice to deliver. We agree to furnish Cutback Asphalt at the rate ordered to maximum rate of 100,000 gallons per 8 -Dour day. ASPHALT Presiden Official title Date 1-5-70 If the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer, the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer: This is to certify that ASPHALTS, INC. :Name of. Bidder Naugles''Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 Street City & Zone No... State is zuthamixad our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the abova certificate. Shed Oil -Company Name., -of Manufacturer By le,$ R�qpresentative Official title Date: 1-5-.70 BID FOR ASPHALT ROAD MATERIALS FOR DELIVERY TO TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ITEM NO, 1 TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, N. Y. 1, The undersigned hereby propose to furnish approximately 500,000 gallons of Grades RC -2 and MC -2 Asphalt Road Materials to the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, No Y. all in accordance with the Specifications of the Superintendent of Highways of the said Town, dated 12- 23-1969 A. Delivered to the Town equipment in the Town of Southold * LF�0 per gallon* 2* The undersigned further states that the location, type and capa- city of the storage facilities in the Town of Southold, are as follows: A* Type of Storage FacilitiesPermanent Heated Storage Tanks B* Location of Storage Facilities Naugle: Dr . , Mattituck, New York 119` Co Capacity of Storage Facilities 1,000,000 , 3* In submitting this bid the undersigned declares that he is or they are the only person or persons interested in the said bid and that it is made without any connection with any person snaking another bid for the same contract* The undersigned further declares that he has or they have care- fully examined the specifications and this form of bid and has or have satisfied himself or themselves as to all the terms and conditions, and understand that in signing this proposal he or they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same* 4o AccompJng ;this proposal is cash, a bank check or certified check for $._ �� o In case this proposal shall be accepted by the Town of Southold, and the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and in all respects comply with the specifications and this form of bid, the monies represented by such cash or check shall be regarded as liquidated damages and shall be forfeited and become the property of the Town of Southold; otherwise to be returned to the de- positor as provided in the above said provisions* 5o On acceptance of this bid, the undersigned does or,do hereby bind himself or themselves to enter into a written contract within ten days of the date of notice of the award of the bald with the said Town of Southold, and to comply in all respects with the provisions of the specifications in relation to the security for the faithful performance of the terms of said contract* Dated: 1-5-. o, 19 70 ASPHALTS, INC. , fir_W or corpp-pat .Mash,.—'President The P. 0. Address of the Bidder Naugles Drive Street Mattituck, New York 11952 City and State - 2 - If a Corporation Name Address H.M. Brush president 8 Teapot Lane, Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 Kenneth Rhodes Secretary. 6 Storey Ave.,Central Islip, N.Y.11722 H.M.Brush Treasurer 8 Teapot Lane, Smithtown, N.Y. 11787 Name of Members If a Finn - 3 - Address .....�.,.,.., ,..�....._ _ ...__ .-.-......_.. ,. jj Ot, d% Ou J% I �. I NONCOLLUSIVE CERTIFICATION Section 103-d General Municipal Law (a) By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to "its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices .which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt has been mide or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or net to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition." • DATED: 1-6-70 FOR CORPORATION USE: • ASPHALTS, INC. Name of Corporation (CWMTE SEAL) By H.M. Brush, President TITLE W& RESOLMOK OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS I hereby certify that I an the duly elected and qualified Secretary of ASPHALTS, INC. and the keeper of the records and corporate seal of said corporation and that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a regular sooting of the Hoird of Directors of said corporation at its offices at Coram, Nov York on she 10th day of August. 1965. 8S IT RESOLVED that the President, Vice President are hereby authorised as signators of all certificates, bids or contracts received in supplying equipment or materials as contracted for by municipalities within the State of Now York. Authorised slowtures oft , President ..�.,��..,._...�,= . E. Kenneth Rhodes, Vice President Ili WITSMS WRZRMW, I have hereunto affixed mfr name as Secretary and have caused the Corporate- Seal of said Corter.4tion to be hereto affixed this 0 day of „ A if 1965 r7 Ass • t. Secretary a director of said Cor;.,oration do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct coc,y of a resolution adoptnd as atowe set forth. LEGA,L NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance wititthe provisions of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 Section 103 6f 'the 'Oen`eral 'L:aw, 'that .STATE OF NEW YORK, i ss: Municipal sealed ,bids are sought and requested for one (1) New 19`70 half -ton Pickup.Lo, • !`d- ��' ` ', , , being duly Sworn. The sealed bids in duplicate, together 'with SUFFOLK a non -collusive says that ...�:n , is Pri _er and Publisher of the certificate, will be received by the :Sup't: of Highways_ of the WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N.Y., until '2::06 PM., county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed January 20, 1970, at whichtime they will be opened and read copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times aloud in public. Specifications for the above may once in each week. for . . .... C`lL ............... week be; obtained at the, Office of the Sup't. Of Highways and delivery Viccessively commencing on the date,raust be submitted.. One (1) 1966 I6ternational Pickup must day of be taken in ,trade; as partv��'4, __- .. .. . payment on New Pickup. The Sup't. of Highways reserves Sworn to before me this ... ; the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all in- ; day of , , { 4 19.) formality in any bid, should if be �r u deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. ; , r, .\ ................... . \-� "`"�"��"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • All bids must be signed, and sealed- in -envelopes, plainly .marked (Bid on New Pickup) to the Office; of the Sup't. of High- ways. The bid price, shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or, Local, F. LANGTON CORWIN from which the Town of Southold, Notary Public, Stag C. Nvw i'm' is exempt. Suffolk Co. Offi.ial No. 52x077053((L,, RAYMOND C. DEAN Commission Expires March 30,19-4 Sup't. of Highways Dated: January 13, 1970 1tJa 23 TEL. YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK. 11980 LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York - 11971 Deur Pair. Richmond: WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER February 24, 1970 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one (1) New 1970 Model 1100D International Pickup, as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being mailed to Superintendent Raymond C. Dean. We are also enclosing one copy of the Resolution for Town Highway Equipment Purchases. Very truly yours, R. M. Kammerer Commissioner of Public Works 144K: nmv Encls: cc: Supt, Raymond C. Dean A. C. 142-T. H. 19- 1966 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One New 1970 Model 1100D International Pickup — (SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS) (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) entered into this 10th day of February, 19 _7 , between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk New York, and Tryae Truck Re F =it•i ent Co.the Vendor, � � InC e� whose principal office is located at Riverhead, New York Address) for a total price ofTwo thousand seven hundred fifty-eight & 00/100 - - Dollars ($ _Z,758,00 )• This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public advertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held January 13, , 19 70 . The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: 1966 Internat+onal Pickup $ 12008,00 (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations 1,750,00 TOTAL $ 29758,00 It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out (1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of 365 days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Peconic, N. Yo not later than the 31st" day of March , 19 ?0 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contra_ comprises the entire optract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- erty herein e5 ed. TRYAC TRUCK A 3,U11,'MFVT 00„ DC. own Superintendent of Highways (Vendor) x_y e By APPRO - Its— y Sti�:A County Superintendent of Highways (Indicate whether officer or agent) (% N( TE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de- i dive� (ed to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and wit in ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. ,�$uprintcnb-att of �i iS4fugs (`Z! atoll ofouti�ul4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW 1970 HALF -TON PICKUP STEPSIDE - V8 Engine - 307 Cu. in. displacement 200 Ho Po 115" Wheelbase — (5) G78/15 Tires Deluxe Heater and Defroster Class 'A' Directional Signals Inside Mirror 2 - Junior West Coast Mirrors 2 Speed Windshield wiper Windshield washer 3 speed fully sunchronized column gear shift 1 Commercial Radio Heavy duty rear springs; standard rear bumper, heavy duty Battery Color: 537AC Trade-in: One (1) 1966 International Pickup February 2, 197() Yr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Sir: -Ae are pleased to bid on one (11 new 197n Yodel 11nnD International Pickup with the following specifications: 115 inch wheelbase with 6-,X foot stepside pickup body (5) G78 x 15 tires Deluxe Heater and Defroster Directional signals, hazztird switch, backup lights, dome light Two speed electric windshield wipers and electric windshield Washer Padded dash, sunt visors and arm rests Three speed fully synchronized transmission 12 Volt 37 Amp alternftor Standard rear bumper Heavy duty front and rear springs 7,'.xtra heavy duty battery Radio and !antenna 11 inch H.D. Clutch V-3^4, V8 engine - 194 H.P. Dual Jr. +:est Coact mirrors fmd inside mirror 537AC Color Less allowance on one (1) used 1966 International lickup for a net delivered price of llj75n.rlm, excliusive of all taxes. Delivery to be made in about sixvweeks. �f Yours very truly, TFffA.0 TRUM, & Et UIr?V NT CO., IP"?C. �._Z7.7k C, l� Henry Qtankiewicz Sales Representative Ha:mk NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE " The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for b"ds, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to itp best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the biddtr or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. " INV. OR REQ. M SIGNED) LESTER W. Yq G ( CORPORATE TITLE,) �3I8ZiF1BY IF ANY SOUTHOLD DODGE MAIN STREET SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 - TELEPHONE 765-3532 Februay 4, 19,tul superintendent of nighways Town of z>outhold Feconic, Now York. Gentlenb n - In response to your request; we submit the following bid: 19,tU Dodge D-100 utiline rickup r,ngine-V-8 61b C. I. 21U H. F. 114" Wheel Bnse (5) G-t6xl5 'Vires Deluxe heater and defroster Cla,�,s A jignal Lights lnafde Mirror Left and night Jr. Vest Coast Mirrors 2 6peed u.1ectric Wipers Windshield '.`rasher 6 speed Trans.:Ji3sion Commercial radio Heavy Duty rear springs iiear Bumper heavy Duty Battery, -fV A.H. Battery color to be 5611 A 0 Vie will doliverythe above vehicle for §2o25.U0 plus 1966 International pick up. Above price Includes federal excise tax for which we under- stand you can be reimbursed on application. SOUTHOLD DODGE 9,� r S '- Fir =07M Dodge Trucks AUTHOWED DEAMIR1111pr�ii CHRYSLER AMPMCOMPORMM NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of ti'.s bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or pr9sal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclos- ed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to in- duce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the pen- alties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its be- half; (e) That. attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certi- fied copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certifi- cate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corp- orate bidder, C Resolved that � Q " 7 t4 00 T be (Name of the Corporation) authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project /`i 7z-, Je. oc,e_ P_,,e- c R (Describe the Project) and to include in such or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section one hundred three -d of the General Municipal Law, as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall ,be liable under the penalties of perjury, Signature:_ Official Ti le) :.:..ate- 11101 CHEVROLET• . •_ E. MAIN STREET ON ROUTE 25 . RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK . PHONE PARK 7-1100 February 4. 1970 Town Of Southolrl Department of Highways Peconic, New York We are pleased to submit our bid on: 1 -New 1970 Chevrolet Half -Ton Pickup with the following optional equipment: Heavy Dvty Rear Springs Painted Rear Bumper Jr. West Coast Mirrors Heavy Duty Battery Radio 2tone Paint (color #531 replaces #537) The net cost to you with one 1966 International Pickup as trade-in and less State and Federal taxes would be...............n.................$2000.00 Sincerely, 1 �OITH, JR.ORC� B SALESNN OtKEEVROLET-OLDS. INC. Delivery date to be approximately 28 working days after award of bid. 1z�xexYxT#exz wxt of hxi ;4fuaUs t` ofun of uixtd�ul� rronir, J_ SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW 1970 HALF -TON PICKUP STEPSIDE - V8 Engine - 307 C.uo ino displacement 200 Ho Po 115" Wheelbase - (5) G78/15 Tires Deluxe Heater and Defroster Class 'A' Directional Signals Inside Mirror 2 - Junior West Coast Mirrors 2 Speed Windshield wiper Windshield washer 3 speed fully sunchronized column gear shift 1 Commercial Radio Heavy duty rear springs; standard rear bumper, heavy duty Battery Color: 537AC Trade-in: One (1) 1966 International Pickup - � +.. - ....._ t ,+.+, o......r,;. # ,4 fa**r+R44-M.,Waa.a.gP.p to a, ...✓;N�',*K�lih.' :' . BxDDER" CONTRAC2' CERrPIVIC.ATI'CN F M ik Y (a) 'By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing o:� be .alae GS e y bene certl-,�nes, r~nd i..n the case of a joint bid each part ry thE:reto certie as own orglar, za -ion, under ;penalty of' perjury, that to the gest of his knowledge and bcl� ef.° (:) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently' without ccn, r consultation, co:murtication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting ccmpetiition, as to any,ma,-ter relaying to such pr ices with any other bidder or with any con- p etitor, 5 (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in Lhl bid Mve'not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be dlsclosEa , by,L' .e b: Baer prio.ri to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any com- petitor; and f { ' (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bid e• to induce any, ot~�ier person, . pari�iership or corporation to.submit or not totsu1mit a id'fov;l Purpose xas�ricting cox :petition. �� ` ' •'7 k Town Of Southold Bid On New 1970 Chevrol t Pickup) p (Describe Project) at8a: March 13,1969 O'Keefe Chevrolet -Olds. Inc. (Name f Bidder) ; .{ `, G & tis11 +J i J . z Fre ident , ;{ (Title § . s77 p.7 shall;not be considered for award nor shall any award be made );and (3),aaova h4v.e not been complied with; provided however, that if in any, case t`" "',,'N iddex cannot mare the foregoing certification, the bidder shall so state and shall :orb's:; Y ii„n th a bid a, signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefor. Wrera (a` above have not. been complied with, the bid shall not be considered fo, a4�tac award be made, unless the head of the purchasing unit of the state, pubZxC.ca-; g ent ;fir agency to which the bid is made, or his designee, determines that such dis- o4rf3 'was not made for the purpose of, restricting competition.' ' a� { !"1 + l- .. _ t.+, n y�i v'•^r• a t. the face ghat a bidder (a) has published price lists, rates; or tariffs �ovet�.,yrr,. ..,5 ing procured, (b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending p ab view or revised price lists for such items, or (c) has sold the same items to ow,ar cusp , ;5 ner.5 at the same prices being bid, ' does not constitute, withoutm, ore, a 'disclosu,« d-, thi . i:deaning of subparagraph one (a), z v;� iy.bid hereafter made to any public authority or to any official of any qty .created by the'state or any political subdivision, by a corporate bidder for so*vices Par-or—:ed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, _wh era cow * eat�ve " gs : ec;.ircd by statute, rule, regulations or focal law, and where such b, crji.{a }, tiq'a re�orred to in subdivision ane of t4is sectigao shall ba ri nd by t�.a board of direct ors of the bidder, and such NOTICE TO BIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 accordance with the provisions of STATE OF NEW YORK. } ss Section 103 of the General J Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the ......... being • , , , , , . , being duly Sworn, purchase of the following items, ' more or less, as needed ; says that .... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK 15 - Code No. 31894 Grating, Frame and Curb Inlet Cast- WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said ing - 6" ht. with 4" opening - 22" x 35 otferall of grating. county; and that the notice, of which theannexed is a printed The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a Non -collusive copy, ,has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Certificate, will be received byance in each Week, for ...... • • • • • • • • • • • . weeli^s� the Sup't. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, at his Office, r �f'�' • • • • • • • ' ' Peconic, New York, until 1:00 successively commencing on the . P.M. January 8, 1970, at whichday of 19 L' time they will be opened and read ' . ' aloud in public. -, : C-. �...y... .......... ........... All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly Sworn t0 before me this marked (Bid on Grating) to the 19. Q. j Office of the Sup't. of Highways. day of .. C� ► •• The Sup't. of Highways reserves ...... . the right to reject any and all bids` ." and to waive any and all in- .� r,,,>�.�^L., ................. . formality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not includeF, LANGTON COR«'LN any Federal, State or Local Tax, Nubhc, ~ tiotary Co. tate C' New York Suffolk Offr ia] No. 52-0770500 from which the Town of Southold, ,fires March 30,19.: I is exempt. �;«ril;,nssion Lit Dated: December 23, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways itJa2 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ( STATE OF NEW YORK ss: NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, l in accordance with the provisions f of Section 103 of the General C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says Municipal Late, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the I that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND purchase of the following items, TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, n more or less, as needed — public news- more No. 31894 gating, paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that Frame and Curb Inlet Cast- j ing-6" ht. with 4" opening— 1 the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been 22" x 35" overall of grating. 4 The sealed bids, in duplicate, published in said Long Island Travel er-Mattituck Watch - together with a Non -collusive f Certificate, will be received by man once each week for the Sup .... week Sup't. of Highways, of the . Town of Southold, at his Office, 11 i successvely, commencing on the .............. l .:: Peconic, New York, until 1:00 _ • • • • • • • .......... P. M. January 8, 1970, at which time they will be opened and day of .. .L ........... .�.5�'.. read aloud in public. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on Grating) to the .'/......... ............. Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best Sworn to before me this .,.., ........... ...... day of interest of the Town of Southold, \\ to do so. t- ' j / The bid price shall not include 19,/..h.:. any Federal, State or Local Tax; from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: December 23, 1969 j f RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways i ...........4� —i IT -1-1 h Notary Public J prFi c i'SY^.fF Notary Pu.r York 3,, 1971 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... �. (.�yL.... week successively, commencing on the ..............�_ .......... day of ... r.. .......;9.., QTS® Sworn to before me this ....d ............... day of 19,./..1.:. ............. .....,..r- .... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, S`.2te of New York Fesiding in Suflcl,c Caunty No. 52-3041000 comm;ssion Expires Ma. -ch 30, 1971. MAIN OFFICE 60 Jericho Turnpike MINEOLA Telephone PI 6-0864FI 7-2840 BRANCH OFFICE Route 25, Jericho Turnpike T MIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO. Telephone 732-2424 W. OF 140MPSQ'N 14JERIA S vQRN QUOTATION Date.........1/547C)l... ........... .... .._... .. Quantity We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows:— Unit Price Total 15 Flockhart Code #31894-6.•0 Castings @$ 98.50 1477.5C ea. Delivery: 6 to 8 weeks After Receipt of Order Terms: NET Accepted................................................ .................................................................................. LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO., � By.......................................................... If accepted as an order, please sign and return one copy. .. n Date ................................................ Representative ........ .........:........... `w.................-.-''-.`.: .................................... warner, manageryar QUOTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved in writing by the seller. All quotations and agreements are contingent upon strikes, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. ftIMI' 113'tM6 Shnsls' and 'CtltfdlttSffftt1IMOh'MOfQtlftlbtIIId3Mftb&fDCh2Rgt0"the'S06121 beptwer --. .. .... ... ..._.. _._.. �.n ., ..:r.-��, �_ �'. ..'.` � rei�rt:�""'.,..�TM-�Y`"Y"d+%":s'1tYY:akBwWl1'.Y�SEeBYiYLWil�eedlilhGGYYIYYI�IbMYliil®iFWYiG4YiYYiWIIilYW1l 8�Y ••�YYYii Y OCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO • 60 JERICHO TURNPIKE MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501 PIONEER 6-0864 FIELDSTONE 7-2840 DIV. OF THOINUPSON k A 1 E RI ALS CORP. BRANCH ROUTE 25 MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 11953 SELDEN 2-2424 ?3y submission of t°, s bci, each bidder and each pecan signing on behalf al an Y bidder <�ertil%"Les, and in the care of a Joint bid each party =.hste•to cnrt:i.fi.e�,. av to its own organi- zation, under penalty o-! tser,-jury} that to the rest of his knowledge and belie# q (1) The pricila in this hid have by-ey.. arrived at independ- ently without collusion ccrrsultatacn, �. ?Yattti?'E is ;Mt ion, or agreement, for the purpose of fps•-,i:.•ti.ag com tit -4 n. at; to any matter res. lating to a ith pricer wlth a Ay other bidder nr to any coispetitor; and (2) Unless otherwwse req; ire:I by lzzn, the prices which have been qu:ited in this bid ha - e not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be tdisc'Aased by the bidder prior to opening„ directly or imlirpctly, ta ayiy oiAer bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt hay been made or will be rade by the bieder to induce any other 1per. ,.3on, partnersbip or corporation to submit or not tt% submit a bid -!or the purpose of restricting competition, The corporate bidder and the undersigned affirms the above certification under the * realties of perjury, Div, o Thc: mpson Materials Corp, r F +A OCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO • 60 JERICHO TURNPIKE MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501 PIONEER 6-0864 FIELDSTONE 7-2840 DIV. OF THOINUPSON k A 1 E RI ALS CORP. BRANCH ROUTE 25 MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 11953 SELDEN 2-2424 ?3y submission of t°, s bci, each bidder and each pecan signing on behalf al an Y bidder <�ertil%"Les, and in the care of a Joint bid each party =.hste•to cnrt:i.fi.e�,. av to its own organi- zation, under penalty o-! tser,-jury} that to the rest of his knowledge and belie# q (1) The pricila in this hid have by-ey.. arrived at independ- ently without collusion ccrrsultatacn, �. ?Yattti?'E is ;Mt ion, or agreement, for the purpose of fps•-,i:.•ti.ag com tit -4 n. at; to any matter res. lating to a ith pricer wlth a Ay other bidder nr to any coispetitor; and (2) Unless otherwwse req; ire:I by lzzn, the prices which have been qu:ited in this bid ha - e not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be tdisc'Aased by the bidder prior to opening„ directly or imlirpctly, ta ayiy oiAer bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt hay been made or will be rade by the bieder to induce any other 1per. ,.3on, partnersbip or corporation to submit or not tt% submit a bid -!or the purpose of restricting competition, The corporate bidder and the undersigned affirms the above certification under the * realties of perjury, Div, o Thc: mpson Materials Corp, NOTICE TO BIDDERS: 90 -TIC IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 of Section 103 of the General STATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: Municipal Law, that sealed bids 1 are sought and requested for 1,000 bags of Portland Cement, or ��*- being duly Sworn. • • • •. "4 ` • more or less as may be needed. Specifications for the above says that is Printer and Publisher iof the SUFFOLK may be obtained at the Office of the Supt of Highways. , a newspaper WEEKLY TIMESex published at Greenport, in said The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive county; and that the notice, .of which the annexed is a printed certificate, will be received by copy, las been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times the-Sup't of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, once in each week, for ... ..... .weeks Peconic, N,Y., until 1:00 P.M., June 5, 1976, at which time they sAlccessivc-ly commencing on the will be opened and read aloud in public. day of ... The Sup't of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids -� J .. ...... . . and to waive any and all in- formality in any bid, should it be Sworn to before me this ..: % A :. . deemed to -be in the best interest' 1 19.1:: of the Town of Southold, to do so. day 'of .. .... `•tt-• ..... • • J All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly • • • • • • • • ....... • • • • . ` ...... • • • marked (Bid on Portland .\ - Cement) to the Office of the ••.••••••........•.••••.•••••..•••• .• Sup't. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: May 19, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN,- i; t Sup't. of Highways IT My 29. T> E COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, ss: 4-A--- C�. ........ being duly Sworn. says that ..'ilk . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice. .of which the annexed is a printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week. for . ..... 0-7?: e:......... . weeks -successively commencing on the day of ...1 Sworn to before me this i clay of F. LANGTON CORWIN Notary Public, St'lfl N. %v Y,, Suffolk Co, O:`fi.:al N, 52-0770: U Commission Expires Alarch 30,19.1 GREENPORT LUMBER CO., INC. (Div of George L. Penny, Inc.) MAIN ROAD, GREENPORT, X. Y. 11944 Name% ..... .... . .... 4 .. ....... ..... 7 ........... Address ...... I .......... .......... ........... ... ......... .................... Q,................................... Del.Date .................. .............. .... 1-7..... , ............ I ................ Remarks C�- ce GREWORT LUM"lNG. sub. f rporge l.. Penny, Main Road, Greenp Tl— NON-OOLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATB'7 BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION; (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETER; (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL; (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIES BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF; (e) THAT .KITACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF TCORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT: f 1N ()�_(Na#e of Officer) AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMI BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT. (Described project) AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON -COLLUSION REQUIRED BY SECTION 103-4 OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTI- FICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BYG 1iE-6�y� ��,�,- C_, �RPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THE -z _DAY OF 197 C) f'lTf''TTI FOR GOOD MEASURE! FLEET LUMBER, INC. MAIN ROAD, RT. 25 ¢ol GREENPORT, L. I., N. Y. 11944 V00 o��yerit PHONE: 516 477-1906-7-8 June 4, 1970 sel� ri{ ,�° 1a`�yri9 Lyes tt�tt- L7:i.�.J tl We propose to deliver to Southold Highway barn in Peconie the following: �yi`1 e,ry ¢\ete e "Marquette" cement as: per your sp:ecifisationas �lbririyri 960 BWga 94# oath 0 $105, The above quote is for one deliver on pallets to your warehouses Additional bags deliveded as needed 1.63 f� bey`' Syria°'' 6�y4 r+yelb The above quotation is subject to 2% dise:ount after day of deliver. Thank your for the opportunity to quote. ,y�yri9 °°�•ri9 e{yb"g Fleet Lumber inc.� nuel Copin* vo Po by yC�yeg °l �a 60 9 r �5 V0 \ TJ , ° NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 accordance with the provisions of ss Section '103 of the General STATE OF NEW YORK, j Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items, more or less, as j « L` 4 i 4 = • • • . • • • • . being duly Sworn. ordered: 24-8'x3'6" Drainage Ripgs says that .. A- :.. , is Printer and Publisher" of the SUFFOLK 24-8'x4'6" Drainage Rings WEEKLY TIM'ES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said 15 -Drainage Domes 15-36" Covers county; and that the 'notice, of which the annexed is a printed The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways, of the once in each week, for ... ...... !=': �................ week{ Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y., until 1:00 P.M. January 29, 1970, successively commencing on the at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. day ,of • , The Sup't. of Highways reserves;. . . r . . . . . . . . . 'T..i_...... . . . . . . . . . the right to purchase the above from the lowest responsible Sworn to before m€ this bidder, and to reject any and all i day of �' `� ``_ " " 19 ) bids and to waive any and all informailty in bid, should it • • • •' any ,.�� ���_ :��,� \ • be deemed to be in the best in- • • t terest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. RAYM6ND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways tel: January 13, 1970 , •, 1 "-?` ` r` � ;,� c� iill�Ol1"(� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss: .. � c..f.......... ..... being duly Sworn. says that ..? :. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, .of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week. for . . ...... ?............. weekk successively commencing on the day of � = -1 - L.,--,- �, 9z Sworn to before me this . A.:.. ; day of .. 19./ 0-1 j F. LANGTON COR.wIN, .otary ('abbe, ~tate N Ne�� Y nt t0,V Co.Official No. 5207705001 i s,on Expires March 30,19..... NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal, that sealed bids are sought and ,requested for the following: 200 tons (more or less, as need- ed) of Grade No. 1 Cayuga (or equal) Rock Salt, delivered in 100 lb. paper bags, to Peconic, N. Y., by truck. The sealed bids in duplicate, together with a Non -collusive certificate,, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:30 P. M., November 2, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Sup't of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed to be in the best intey4st of the Town of Southold, --'toy do so. A11 - bidt:) must be signed and sealed iiia envelopes plainly marked. (Bid on Rock Salt) to the Office of the Sup't of High- ways. The bid price shall not in- clude any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Tov, n of Southold, is exempt. Dated: OetBber 6, 1970 RAYMOND' C: t)EAN Sup't of Highways Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mottituck Watch- %' man once each week for .......C..rf: .,. .,J.., :.., weeks successively, commencing on the ........................................ day of ...........� �...". .x....., J9. ........................ I�� :...... ............................ Sworn //to before me this ........:..: ....... day of 17 ...... l�.t'1...4,�........... 19...l.:r. ......... /T.4=,..._._.... Notary Public ADELE PANE Notary P,j[.;ic ,New York Comm �icn L r -ch 30 1371 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .......1.�....�1...,/... weeks` successively, commencing on the .............................. dayof ...........C... .... .� 9.. . Sworn to before me this ............... day of ��...C,�Y..:...., 19...x' ............................ : . ... . Notary Pub11c ADELE PAYNE Notary Putlic, State of New York Resiling in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971 MORTON SALT COMPANY 939 N. DELAWARE AVE. - PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19123.215/923-8030 A DIVISION OF MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. October 29, 1970 Office of the Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 Subject: Rock Salt Bid Due: 1:30 P. M., November 2, 1970 Gentlemen: We wish to thank you for your courtesy in submitting to us "Notice to Bidders" for your Rock Salt requirements during the 1970 - 1971 season. We regret that at the present time we are unable to offer a quotation and respectfully request you retain us on your mailing list for future proposals. Very truly yours, MORTON SALT COMPANY A DIVISION OF MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. F. Hildenber Highway Divisio ;( FJH:jz U INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS CLARKS SUMMIT, PA.16411 October 27, 1970 Town of Southold Office of the Superintendent of Highways Peconic, L. I., New York 11958 Attention: Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways Gentlemen: International Salt Company is pleased to offer the following quotation for your consideration: STERLING ICE CONTROL ROCK SALT Truck Delivery 100 lb. Multi -wall Paper Bags — a;ZA, fZ ,* I Minimum truckload 20 tons 'g n $31.40 per ton The price outlined above applies F.O.B. your storage, Peconic, Long Island, New York, with all transportation charges prepaid. Our terms of payment are net thirty days from shipment. We will protect our price through March 31, 1971, provided our quotation is accepted within thirty days from your bid opening, November 2, 1970. Attached is a Non -Collusive Certificate. Thank you for the opportunity to offer this proposal. Very truly yours, INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY iY r (Mrs.) Virginia Frankenfield Public Contracts Clerk 1-?01DUCTS FOR INDUSTRY, HIGHWAYS, WATER SOFTENING, FARMS, AND HOMES NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION (a) by submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independ- ently without collusion,lconsultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and, (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. (b) A bid shall not be considered for award nor shall any award be made where (a) (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with; provided, however, that if in any case the bidder cannot make the foregoing certification, the bidder shall so state and shall furnish with the bid a signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefor. Where (a) (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with the bid shall not be considered for award not shall any award be made unless the head of the purchasing unit of the state, public department or agency to which the bid is made, or his designee, determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. The fact that a`bidder (a) has published price lists, rates or tariffs covering items being procured, (b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending publication of new or revised price lists for such items, or (c) has sold the same items to other customers at the same prices being bid, does not constitute without more, a disclo- sure within the meaning of subparagraph one (a). 2. Any bid hereafter made to any public authority or to any official of any public authority created by the state or any political subdivision, by a corporate bidder for work or services performed. or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, where competitive bidding is required by statute,°rule, regulatign or local law, and where such bid contains the certification referred to in subdivision one of this section, shall be deemed to have been authorized by the board of directors of the bidder, and sucW authorization shall be deemed to include the signing and submis'bion`of the bid and the inclusion therein of the certif- icate as to non -collusion as the act,and deed of the corporation. The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corpora- tion of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty . or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. NOTE: This certificate must be dated, signed and submitted by prospective vendor with bid. INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY (Mrs.) Virginia Frankenfield Public Contracts Clerk October 27, 1970 0pV UG+9 _ Highway Materials Co., Inc. ROCK SALP e SOUTH LANSING, NEW YORK Am cods Go Lansing LF U244 October 26, 1970 Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent Office of Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, N. Y. 11958 Re: Bid on Rock Salt Dear Sir: We are pleased to submit the following bid pertaining to the delivery of Rock Salt to your Town for the 1970-1971 season. 100 and/or 80 lb. Bags, #1 Grade - $32.40 per ton 100 and/or 80 lb. Bags, CC Grade - $31.40 per ton The above price is firm, includes all costs, and is based on the Truck Delivery of Cayuga Rock Salt which is mined in New York State by New York State labor and meets or exceeds specifications set forth by the New York State Department of Standards and Purchase. Orders may be placed with this office or with our Sales Representative, Mr. Ted Vogelsang. Shipments will be made as soon as possible after receipt of orders, minimum truckload lots of 20 tons. Thanking you for this opportunity to bid and hoping we may be of service to you this coming year. Respectfully, HIG Y MATERIALS COQ, INC. John W. Ettinger President JWE/lp NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) .Tbis bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto is a certified copy of the resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder. RESOLVED that John W. Ettinger, President, Louis J. Ettinger, Jr., Vice - President, Harold D. Hall, Secretary, W. Worth Parks, Sales Manager T. H. Vogelsang, John H. Miller, James C. Franklin or Christine M. Worsell be authorized to sign and submit the bids or proposals of this corporation for the sale of any products or property, including but not limited to mineral rock salt, to be submitted to the State of New York, all agencies thereof, the New York State Thruway Authority, and/or all such political subdivisions regulated by the Laws of the State of New York and to include in such bids or proposals the certificate as to non- collusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inac- curacies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing resolution shall con- tinue in full force and effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Directors of this corporation and shall apply to all such bids or proposals made prior to any such rescission of this resolution. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by Highway Materials Co., Inc. at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 10th day of June 1970, and I hereby certify that this resolution is still in full force and effect at the date of this bid. (Seal of the Corporation) Secretary Signature: � ate: 10/26/70 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 1 ss. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says NOTICE TO BIDDERS that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a in accordance with the provisions public news- in Section 103 of the General paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been following items, more or less, as published in said Lon Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch - may be needed: 9 1,000 lin. ft. 12" dia. 16 ga. x 10' 1g. Ga1v. or Aluminum man once each week fort % Spiral Lock Seam Culvert "' weekY Pipe successively, commencingon the LC'. (PERFORATED) ...... (7 ................... 100 pcs. 12" dia. 16 ga. Con- nee'ing Bands day of ....... .,., .:........_., 19..,x...' 300 lin. ft. 18" dia. 16 ga. x 10' Ig. Galy. or Alum'num Spiral Lock Seam Culvert Pipe. (PERFORATED)X� ................ 30 pcs. 18" dia. 16 gt. Ccn- necting Bands 100 lin ft. 24" dia. 16 ga. x 10' Ia. Galva. or Aluminum Spiral `moi Tock Seam Culvert Pipe (PERFORATED) Sworn to before me this ........!`�......... day or 10 pcs. 24" dia. 16 ga. Con- necting Bands. The sealed bids, in duplicate,f�� together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town. of Southold, at his Office, 6.. Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y.,until 1:30 P. M., August 13, 1970, """••'• C. C.�l :....•• ! ::'�„.,__,. ••,,. at which time they will be open- Notary Public J ed and read aloud in public. The Sup't. of Highways re- ' ADEI_E PAYNE serves the right to purchase the Notary Public. State of New York' Residigg in Suffolk County above from the lowest respon- No 52J11000 sible bidder, and to reject any Commission Ex;;ccs %; arch 30, 1971 and all bids and .to waive any and all informality in any bid. should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall be the price delivered to the Highway Dep't., Peconic, N. Y., and shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: July 28, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't. of Highways 1T-6 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: s C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....oalc__ ....C... f l ... weeks successively, commencing on the ................. 6................... day of ....... .......... -1 19..`,�..I IIiS �7 Sworn to before me this ........{.............. day of Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, Slate of New Yorll Residigg in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items, more, or less, as may be needed: 1;000 lin. ft42" dia. 16 ga. x 10' Ig. Glay. or Aluminum Spiral Lock Seam Culvert Pipe (PER- FORATED) 100 pcs. 12" dia. 16 ga. Connecting Bands 300 lin. ft. 18" dia. 16 ga. x 10' Ig. Glay. or Aluminum Spiral Lock Seam Culvert Pipe (PER- FORATED) 30 pcs. 18" dia. 16 ga. Con- necting Bands 100 Lin ft. 24" dia. 16 ga. x 10' Ig. Galv. or Aluminum Spiral Lock Seam Culvert Pipe (PER FORATED) 10 pcs. 24" 16 ga. Connecting Bands. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y., until 1:30 P.M., August 13, 1970, at which time they will be opened -and read aloud in public. The Sup't of Highways reserves the right to purchase the above from the lowest responsible bidder, and to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best in- terest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall be the price delivered to the Highway Dep't., Peconic, N.Y., and shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of .Southold, is exempt. Dated: July 28, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways ITAu7. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: . . " . • ..:.` 't'z' ` .. .... being duly Sworn, says that .. 9' - , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the noticc, of which the annexed is a printed dopy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... ...... 6-"L - :..... • • . • ... week4 successively commencing on the day sof ... 4t t !% 197.:q �. Sworn to before me this day sof MAJN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 60 Jericho Turnpike Route 25, Jericho Turnpike MINEOLA LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO. MIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. p 746-0864 347-2840 DIVISION OF THOMPSON MATERIALS CORP. Telephone 732-2424 Tele hone QUOTATION 8/5/70 Raymond C. Man, . Firm Town of Southold, Highway Department Indiv.Supt. of Hwys. Tel. 765 3140 ........ ........_ ...._......._ . ... . 734 5211 Address Peconic Lane, Peconic, L.I.,N.Y. 11958 ........ ....... ... ..... ....................__ _ . ....... .._ ..._........ .. STREET TOWN JobBID ....ON. ...PIPE ....&...BANDS ................ . ........ ......... .............. _.......__. .. ._......... .... .......... ...... .... ... ..... ....8/13/70....... Address........_................................................_......................_......_........._...._........... Architect .................... ._... ......... ......................... Bid due .1..:.30.. PM.. Quantity We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows:— Unit Price Total WE OFFER: GALV, SPIRAL DOCK SEAM CULVERT PIPE: 1,000 lin,ft, 12i1 dia,, 16 ga, x 101 lg. pipe @$ 1.69 1690.00 Perforated lin.ft. 100 pcs. 1211 dia., 16 ga. Connecting Bands 1,69 169,00 ea. 300 lin, ft, 1811 dia,, 16 ga, x 101 lg, Pipe 2,39 717.00 Perforated lin, ft. 30 pcs, 18/1 dia. 16 ga. Connecting Bands 2.39 71,70 ea. 100 lin, ft, 2411 dia,, 16 ga. x 10' lg. Pipe 3.10 310,00 Perforated lin. ft. 10 pcs. 2411 dia. 16 ga, Connecting Bands 3,10 31.00 ea, 2988,70 F.O.B.Highway Peconic, Terms: NET Accepted ................. .......... .... . . ......... .... ............................................................................ LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO. .......... Division of T /"S�uii rials Corp. .................................................................. Date ................................................ Representative ..... ..... L. 3-`! r��t �r'...................................... By ....................... p If accepted as an order, s Ae ivan. MJsnaaer please sign and return one copy. QUOTATION SUBJECT TO t "CONDITIONS SET FORTH The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved in writinP g36ffi K�id}6j E�4 DCS 3di}4Dm1QeCt'iII §MDMur control. on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the seller before final acceptance. are based �I '. , •W +a2'a - "''' -�. ++.-r+n , ; "•-xr+r.,�wxr���.w�wr,4u Ww!M R!"awu".. iu". , ­WYike0- WI OCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO . DIV. OF THOMPSO 1 .i• ATE iIALS CORP. 60 JERICHO TURNPIKE BRANCH MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501 ROUTE 25 PIONEER 6-0864 MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 11953 FIELDSTONE 7-2840 SELDEN 2-2424 By submission c, tnis bin?, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each pa: ty 4hereto certafie!�� as to its own organi- zation,, ander penalty a: perju y� that to the best of his knowledge and belief : (1) The prick -t is this bid have been arrived at independ- ently without collusion, coasult.ation, coumninication, or ac reemerrtso for the purpose of resr-icting competition, a.o to any ;atter re- lating to such. prices any other bidder or to any competitor,* and (2) Unless of her-wlse required by law, the prices whizh have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be di-sc-losed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or a.1•directly. •.0 any other hid+der or t-:. any competitor; and (3) No attempt has been made or •41-1. br- made by the bidder to induce any other person., partnersbip or corporation to submit or not to submit a► bid for the uyurpose of restricting couipetitiona The corporate biddwr and the undersigned affirms the above certification under the penalties nfJ perjury., LOCAL STERL & SU=` PL,,YCO, Diu, of' Ttompson Iaterials Corp, ta naaP. r ,, A, Sullivan MAhopac 8-4417 fim CAPITOL HIGHWAY MATERIALS, Inc. ROUTE 6, BALDWIN PLACE PUTNAM COUNTY, NEW YORK 10505 Town of Southold • Highway Department Peconie& L.I.,NoY. QUOTATION Date August 10th, 1970 �' ATTENTION: Raymond Dean, Supt. Due Date 8/13/70 021:30 p.m. DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows: 12" dia. perf. pipe 12" band 18" dia. perf. pipe 18" band 24" dia. perf. pipe 2t}" band Galt'. steel $1:76 2.53 2.46 3.20 3.13 Alum. $7.75 1.80 2.80 2.75 3.75 3.70 TERMS: Net 30 days Thanking you for the privilege of bidding and hoping to be of service to SHIPMENT: you, we remain, Very truly yours, DELIVERY: F.O.B. Peemies LaI. CAPITOL HIGHWAY ATERI LS, Inc. 5976 2M by .1,jtf;V1 J` 7 NON COXCLU 11 rT TT17T01ATION �'��.'x.'..�..iw/eM.►.�rV�.s•7.tmes: a�. b.iY. '<'�--w ��: ,ev ��f11�R�.11��s.� BY submission of this bld or proposal;- tbo bid.der oertMos that: (a) This bid or pro no: r. ). hsA ain 1 ido.r.,.•onAan.tly nr:rlved without colluntan with any ctlaor bl.ddor ov any coxipo ti_tNr or potential compedlf or; (1)> `?:`.►ice b,*3f.1. ,,rope.; al h s no` bion knowingly d.4.sclos3ed, yr:i.ry of bias or proposals for this prolect, to rav i,�V-Par TAdd.s-1r.•m, corped.'-Amt or potential co peditor; (a) Vo af:texnpt has or wJ'A '�� mado indeed to induce and otiher person, p F,--unersri.p or corps-.-1at. ,n to enbr.'.it or not to ovhnt a id or proposal; (d) Thom peraonrx si.gming the bid or propo al ee-o ::1.fies that he ha -.3 f1illy informed himself regarding tae n.cc i.r .^y er ti:, tv'C tomenta-oritained in this certification and a i �,�. �i3rjury affirmos the truth the Fu --.h to the bi d,c3ler as woll aA to the person Y -,t .1 ,,^ (e) That attached horeto (if a corporate 'n' cer '-AficaLo by the signator of bid +.7. of tho ao_por.ato bidder, Raoal �c' I'd I 2—A OA-)�9r.,LAk)lAt) CYT � ty �,t116 ZY Q T 'F' oQI' au horized. to sign !.-abxnit the ?hid or prOPCSa? Cf tho torpor. at %u -,-x tho project. t. ---- C- IC -r Pi Prf�-- kDe:scrlbod ?K -718-0t) And to include in suoh a bJ.*1 or r;=opo R3 1.;�:) certificate an to non -collusion requiAng b;r csoti*n throe -d of the general municipal law as the act and d,?tl, suoh corporation and for any inacouraoies or rtistatomr_L--a in such certificate this corporation bidder el+oll be liable under the penalties of• " Purlury • The f Are oing is a A-nd eorret copy of the resolution adopted by C�c ���1.: " , rporation- at a,�ee ing of its bo o rec• o-ni on �n Day of 19�. CHEMUNG SUPPLY � Telephone (607) 733-5506 HEAVY PLATE AND CORRUGATED CULVERTS CORNING ROAD - RT. 328 P. O. BOX 527 STRUCTURAL STEEL — SNOW FENCE — SIGNS — POSTS ELMIRA, NEW YORK 14902 August 8, 1970 Town of Southold c/o Raymond C. Dean, T.S. Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Gentlemen: With reference to your request for bids on Corrugated, Galvan- ized, Spiral, Lock -Seam Culvert Pipe, we are pleased to quote you on the following: 1,000 lin. ft. 12" dia., 16 ga. x lot lg. Perforated $ 1.69/ft. $ 1690.00 100 pcs. 12" dia., 16 ga. Connecting Bands 1.66 ea. 166.00 300 lin. ft. 18" dia., 16 ga. x 10t lg. Perforated 2.36/ft. 708.00 30 pcs. 18" dia., 16 ga. Connecting Bands 2.31 ea. 69.30 100 lin. ft. 24" dia., 16 ga. x 10t lg. Perforated 3.06/ft. 306.00 10 pcs. 24" dia., 16 ga. Connecting Bands 2.99 ea. 29.90 $ 2969.20 The above price is a delivered price to the Highway Department at Peconic, New York. We agree to all specifications as listed in your Notice to Bidders. In accordance with Section 103-D of the New York State Municipal Law, we are enclosing "Non -Collusive Bidding Certificate." Very truly yours, CHEMUNG SUPPLY CORP. Herman Warshaw HW:cb Enc. NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION Section 103-d of the General Municipal law "By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and, in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: "The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without col- lusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor: *Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or in- directly, to any other bidder or to any competitor, and "No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or coporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition." CHEMUNG SUPPLY CORP. v Title �' 1 �k' Herman Warshaw? President Title Murray Hill 4-1818 MUTUAL STEEL CUTUAL STEEL COMPANY 172 MADISON AVENUP � NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 �utuaCite COPYRIGHT SUITE 602 370 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK I, NEW YORK Aug. 7,1970 Mr. Ray Dean Supt. of Ni.ghways Peconic, N.Y. LAckawanna 4-4150 DID FOR CULVERT PIPE AS PER YOUR ADVERTISEMENT. OPENING 8/13/70• 1000 ft. 12" 16 ga. spiral lock seam According to section 103 of The General Municipal Law,the bidder certifies that he is the person whose signature is attached and that he has not solicited any other bidder, Person or Corporation to refrain from bidding. Further, that he has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to the above named bidder an advantage over any other bidder. Terms are net and delivery is immediate. Respectfully submitted CUTTING EDGES • TRAFFIC AND INDUSTRIAL PAINT • BROOM WIRE • SNOW FENCE AND POSTS • METAL CULVERT TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS • TOW AND TIRE CHAIN • CHANNEL POSTS • SNOW PLOW SHOES ANb NOSE PIECES SCARIFIER TEETH AND TIPS 0 BOLTS AND NUTS perf. - 10t lengths 1.97 ft. 100 pas. 12" 16 ga. bands for above. 1.97 ea. 300 ft. 18" 16 ga. spiral lock seam perf. - 101 lengths 2.75 ft. 30 pea. 1811 18 ga. bands for above 2.75 ea. 100 ft. 24" 16 ga. (not spiral) but riv. annular - perf. 101 lengths 3.89 ft. 10 pea. 24" 18 ga. bands for above 3.89 ea. According to section 103 of The General Municipal Law,the bidder certifies that he is the person whose signature is attached and that he has not solicited any other bidder, Person or Corporation to refrain from bidding. Further, that he has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to the above named bidder an advantage over any other bidder. Terms are net and delivery is immediate. Respectfully submitted CUTTING EDGES • TRAFFIC AND INDUSTRIAL PAINT • BROOM WIRE • SNOW FENCE AND POSTS • METAL CULVERT TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS • TOW AND TIRE CHAIN • CHANNEL POSTS • SNOW PLOW SHOES ANb NOSE PIECES SCARIFIER TEETH AND TIPS 0 BOLTS AND NUTS �it etfa�z �alej CotratczfiaH Quotation ________________ SPENCERTOWN, NEW YORK 12165 Order ----------------------------------------------- 518-353-5901 Materials for Higbu a), Bridge and Server Construction - Aus t 10 70 Dateu -�_ ---------- 19 ---- - bTown of Southold Customer _--Town of Southold Highway Department____________ _______ Location PecOnic..... New__Yn ecoricLane, _____LaP ec onie, ----New- York __ 119.5811 _ _________ Art: -----------x ghWfL -- Supt-•-------------------- ---- ---------------------------- Quantity We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows:— Unit Price Total Spiral, lock seam galvanized corrugated steel culvert pipe, PERFORATED: 1000 lin. ft. 12" 16 Ga. (100 sec. 101) 1.741 1740.00 100 Ea. 12" 16 Ga. Connecting bands 1.74 ea 174.00 300 lin. ft. 18" 16 Ga. ( 30 sec. 101) 2.401 720.00 30 Ea. 18" 16 Ga. Connecting bands 2.40 ea 72.00 Riveted, galvanized corrugated steel culvert pipe, PERFORATED: 100 lin. ft. 24" 16 Ga. ( 10 sec. 101) 3018, 318.00 10 Ea. 24" 16 Ga. Connecting bands 3.18 ea 31.80 Total of above listed items delivered - 3055.80 Delivery within 10 days after rece.7pt of order, as directed. All material confo rms to NYSDOT Specifications, Terms: Net ny edow Sales Cay awtian S encertown, New �ork 12165 xW XMxx Selling — Counties, Towns, Municipalities & Government Agencies 518-353-5901 By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without col- lusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. The corporate bidder and the undersigned affirms the above certification under the penalties of perjury. President RESOLVED that Paul M. Edgerton be authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project: supplying corrugated steel cul vert pipe to Town of Southold Highway Department, bids due august 13, 1970, 1:30 P. M. and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the act and deed of such corporation and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of Sales Corporation at a meeting of its board of August 1970 (Seal) the resolution adopted by Edgerton of directors held on the 7 t h day Secretary NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, Municipal Law, that sealed bids j are sought and requested for the STATE OF NEW YORK, ss: purchase and delivery of 2500 Ions, more or less, or as much as may be needed, of 3/e Blue Stone, • • • , , , being duly Sworn, to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, says that is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK Peconic, N.Y., and each truck must have a weight slip. WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed certificate, will be received by the Sup't of Highways of the copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Town of Southold, at his Office, in each week, for Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y., once • • • • • •'��'•�- ....... week until 1:00 P.M., January 29, 1970, opened sacceSsivel commencing on the ?-Q at which time they will be opened y g ..... . and read aloud in public. If a bid day ;of is accepted, the successful bidder will enter into a contract with the /�..: Town of Southold, within 5 days. `�" "'•"••••••••.••-••••••••••••• .All bids to be submitted in sealed Sworn to before me this envelopes plainly marked (Bids , on Blue Stone) to the Office of the day sof .. , , 19:.x.. ) Sup't. of Highways, Peconic, N.Y. The Sup't of Highways reserves the right to reject any and at] bids • . �.' .� ' :........... . and to waive any defect or in- formality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. I I ANGTON C0P, RAYMOND C. DEAN,' aotaYv pubit�.�tit� No Supt. of Highways uE{o'- C� ii.a s Mar52 0�'+ Dated: January 13, 1970.<,ma,i:�iolt S11 1i 23 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. � ss: .... c a,.. . .f . .. . . .............. being. duly Sworn. says that .: � . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the 'notice. of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ..... 4-P. .............. weekk successively commencing on the ..�- dray of c Sworn to before me this . A .. ... ' i day of . .. \N -1.N g.LANGTtitat�- N,,, Y,,. Jotary Public, : 52 0770• Suffolk G0. Offi�.ial No. <,mmissiQn E�pzres March 30,19•.. GOTHAM SAND & STONE CO. DIVISION OF NEW YORK TRAP ROCK CORPORATION EAST SHORE ROAD, PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. 11050 516 - 767-3860 January 27, 1970 Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Gentlemen: In accordance with your advertisement to bid, we are pleased to submit our quotation on the following: Delivered by truck to the Highway Department yard, Peconic, N.Y. 2,500 tons 3/8 Blue Stone.................$5.77 per ton NET. EAC : c d Enclosure Very truly yours, GOTHAM SAND & STONE CO, Div. of New York Trap Rock Corp. Emil A. Cipriano Asst. Division General Manager NON-Citl,JJJSIVI,. BIDDING; CEIRTIFICATION By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has benn independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competi- tor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation t.o nuhmit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The pet rion 00-s hid or proposal certifies that he has folly inform -d him -in if rogarding the accuracy of the rttntemonts cont.a i.ned in this cortifi cation, and under the pollnl.tieA of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penal- t:ias being applicable to the b;drier as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the exe- cution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or pro- posal in behalf of the corporate bidder. Gntlinm Sand & Stone Company Resolved that hf tri nine Naw Vnrlc Trnn Rork rornn'rnt--inn be Nanta of the Corporation authorized to sign and submit tho bad or proposal of this corporation for the following project 3/8" Blue Stone (Doscribe Projoct) and to include iii Stich bid or proposal the certificate as to nein-collusion required by section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. The foregoing is a trttn and correct copy of the resolution adopted by New York Trap Rock corporation at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 26th day of May , 19 66 (SEAL OF THE CORPORATION) Title) Ass't. Division General Manager NEW YORK TRAP ROCK CORPORATION Excerpt from minutes of BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING May 26, 1966 "RESOLVED, that Joseph A. Dooley, Joseph 1.1. Cook, Emil Cipriano, Alexander Scaramucc.i and Ortando .1. Scaramucci or any one of them he authorized to sign and nixhruit the bids or proposals of this Corporation for the sale of any goods, products or propertyand'/or-for work or services to be performed, to be submitted to the State of New York, any public department, agency or official thereof, any political subdivision of said State, or any public department, agency or official thereof, any fire district or any agency or official thereof, or any public authority or official of any public authority created by such State or any political sub- diviRion thereof, and to include in such bids or propniials the certificate as to noncollusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York as the act and deed of this Corporation, and for any inaccuracies or mis- statements in such certificate, this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury; and further RESOLVED, that the foregoing resolution shall continue in frill force and effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Directors of this Corporation and shall apply to all such bids or proposals made prior to any such rescission of this reso- lution; and further • RESOLVED, that the resolution authorizing certain employees to execute bids and certificates of noncollusion to State and Municipal agencies that was adopted at the meeting of this Board held on Novem- ber 22, 1965, be and it hereby is rescinded. " I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above is a full, true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors or New York Trap Rock Cor- poration, duly held on May 26, 1966, and as mamr. appears upon the; records of said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as Secretary and affixed the corporate seal this 25th day of Augu, i' ; o 1 7 4 O BROADWAY NEW YORK 19, N.Y. CIRCLE 5-5400 January 27th, 1970 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York RE: Bid Due - January 29, 1970 - 1:00 P.M. - 3/8" Blue Stone Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit herewith our Bid covering materials to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, Peconic, New York. 2,500 tons - 3/8" Blue Stone @ $5.87 per ton. TERMS: Net thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Truckload delivery as required. See our Non -Collusive biddding certificate attached hereto. Very truly yours, C¢LONIAL \SAND & STONE CO.,INC. A . R, er Treasurer and ACCEPTED: NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION Non -Collusive bidding certification. By submission of this bid, the bidder, COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC. certifies that: A) This bid has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; B) This bid has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; C) No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid,- D) id; D) The person signing this bid certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this. certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as the person signing in its behalf. E) That attached hereto is a certified copy of the resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid of COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC. COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC. CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE: NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING "RESOLVED, that ANTHONY POPE, FORTUNE POPE, FRANK L. KELLY, A.R. SCHER, AND EDWIN R. IORIO, or any of them, be authorized to sign and submit the bids or proposals of this corporation for the sale of any goods, products or property and/or for work or services to be performed, to be submitted to the State of New York, any public department, agency or official thereof, any political subdivision of said State, or any public department, agency or official thereof, any fire district or any agency or official thereof, or any public authority or official of any public authority created by such State or any political subdivision thereof, and to include in such bids or proposals the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d, of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York as the act and deed of this corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate, this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury." "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing resolution shall continue in full force and effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Directors of this corporation and shall apply to all such bids or proposals made prior to any such recision of this resolution." The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC., at a meeting held on the Fourth day of November, 1965, and I hereby certify that this resolution is still in full force and effect this 27th day of January 19 70 , -�. c er,/ SEC t ASC Treasurer (SEAL) NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items, more or less, as ordered: 24-8' x 3'6" Drainage Rings 24-8' x 4'6" Drainage Rings 15 ---Drainage Domes 15-36" Covers The sealed bids, in duplicate. together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways, of the Torn of Southold, at his Office. Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., February 13, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to purchase the above from the lowest respon- sible bidder, and to reject any and all bids, and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the TOTM of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal. State or Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: January 30, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't. of Highways J7--5 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK J ss. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRA.VELE?. - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has Leen published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mottitucic Watch- � ',.. :.t.. ..i...l.. rnan once each week for ..: .. successively, cornnlencing on the ................ .........`............. clay,; .......... ............ r....................................................... ........ Sworn to before rile this ......... ' dc,y of } : ...... ....... _ .. J * Notary Public f� COUNTY OFSUFFOLK y ss: STATE OFNEW YORK � C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, say that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER 'M/\TT|TU[KWATCHMAN, o public news- paper printed at Southold, /n Suffolk County; and that the notice of which t6eonnoxed is o printed copy, hos been published in said Long Island Travel epMottituck Watch- man once each week for ..... weoke~ ~�. successively, commencing on the -_.---��......... ........... day of ........ .] .................................................. .................... �~ Sworn to before me this ..-..-�l.......... day of ~^~ -'-`--' Not=7 Pub _ ADn£Pr�*­n Nvtarypuu|/c'v^�-P csu��/nSy�'` on sz�r i^Co COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that lie is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news - NOTICE TO11IDDERS paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General published in said Long Island Travel er-Mattituck Watch - Municipal Law, that sealed bids �p'� are sought and requested for the man once each week for 1 �� �......week � (.. following items, more or less, as -'� ordered: successive) commencing on the c 24-8' x 3'6" Drainage Rings Y, 9 ...............�.�..�......... 24--8' x 416" Drainage Rings 15—Drainage Domes day of ..... !l :Z..r........ 1 15--36" Covers 1 The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by ..................................................... ........ the Supt. of Highways, of the, Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., January 29, 1970, at which time they will be open- c ed and read aloud in public. Swann to before me this day at The Sup't. of Highways re- ....................... serves the right to purchase the above from the lowest respon- ..- ........ 19. ... sible bidder, and to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of- ....(. ti../ E. ........ �C.... Southold, to do so. ......... .. ......................• . The bid price shall not include Notary Public any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. ADELE PAY,4E Dated: January. 13, 1970 Nota y r , !Ic e!^r York RAYMOND C. DEAN y Sup't. of Highways 1T-22 ch 30, 1971 PRECAST CLIFF CARLSON & SONS, INC. CONCRETE PRODUCTS PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS OLD NORTHPORT ROAD, KINGS PARK, N. Y. 11754 SUFFOLK - (516) 269.9688 NASSAU - (516) 489.6141 QUOTATION Firm Raymond. C. Dean, Supt.of Highways Date 2-10-70 Address Town of Southold, Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Terms Net 30 days Individual Phone Shipping Date Reference Job We are pleased to quote your requirements, subject to the conditions noted: CONDITIONS: The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved by the Seller. All quotations and agreements are contin- gent upon strikes, accidents, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. Prices are based on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the Seller before final acceptance. Typographical and stenographic errors subject to correction. Purchaser assumes liability for patent and copyright infringement when goods are made to Purchaser's specifications. If the Purchaser fails to fully pay for the goods herein agreed to be purchased within ten (10) days after written demand for payment is mailed by Seller, and Seller places this agreement in the hands of on attorney for collection, Purchaser agrees to pay attorney's fees of twenty per cent (20%) of the amount due hereunder. Conditions not specifically stated herein shall be governed by established customs. Terms inconsistent with those stated herein which may appear on Purchaser's formal order will not be binding on the Seller. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 24 4.611 x 810" Drain flings (dwg. 8-100) O; ,C/ /-S-3G. � 24 316" x 8.011 Drain rings (dwg. 8-100) 15 • �� t �� (dwg. 8-120) 3 0 x 8 0 Drain domes �' �' •3 7 15 3" x3011conc. covers Total $3789.75 Purchaser By Date Seller: % CLIFF CARLSON 8 SONS, INC. / By LLQ 1�1 e'- Date �l/� l_7a_ ' :n - 0in-jn rr Prs Filth CLIFF CARLSON & SONS, INC. PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS OLD NORTHPORT ROAD, KINGS PARK, N. Y. 11754 SUFFOLK -269-9688 February 10th, 1970 Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 Gentlemen: NASSAU -IV 9-6141 Please be advised that the quoted prices on the Bid were arrived at independently and not in collusion with any other manu- facturer. Thank you. Very truly yours, CLIFF CARLSON b SONS, INC. CARL A. HUTTON SALES MANAGER CAH:a enclosure Telephone: 727-2839 (Area Code 516) RIVERHEAD CEMENT BLOCK CO., INC. SAND • CEMENT & GRAVEL BULLDOZER & CRANE Estimates Given on Excavation and Fill P. O. Box 707 0 .cue e / � o — Riverhead, New York 11901 Roanoke Avenue fie" � 17 �3 �� 16. �- 9 #' zz, '�V-o V e'K6 -(/'. Go uo 7,7- yz W. D. Boccard & sons, Inc. .. 145 West 11th Street • Huntington Station, N.Y. • 11746 Suffolk: (516) HA 7-6000 / Nassau: (516) WA 1-6000 JOB No. DATE 2/11/70 CUSTOMER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JOB: DELIVERED TO SOUTHOLD ADDRESS SUPER, OF HIGHWAYS LOCATION: E , ll . R TRUCK _ PFCON I C AVFNt1E. SOUTH n. A. Y. DELIVERY DATE: I N STOCK I TERMS: NET WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. RUANTITY I DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 24 DRAINAGE RIGS EACH CONSISTS OF: 1651, 24 DRAINAGE RINGS FAcH coNsTsTs oFs 1284, M. 15 LFAcHiNG DomFs ELL- 982,5B-11 15 CONCRETE COVERS 6.75 101, 51 i. TOTAL 4018 95' ACCEPTED: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BYD. BOCCARD ONS, INC. DATE BY � SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL APPROVED BY CONDITIONS ALL QUOTATIONS ARE MADE AND ALL ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Seller will not be responsible for delays in shipment caused by strikes, accidents, fire, wars, priorities, allocations, embargoes, car shortaga, delays in t:ansportution or other conditions beyond the control of the seller. 2. No material can be returned for credit except on the instruction of the seller. 3. All quotations are made subject to prompt acceptance and ,prices are subject to change without notice. 4. The only warranty, implied or oiherwise, made by seller is to replace defective goods, or to allow credit for such goods at its option. Seller will allow no claims for damages beyond the price of proven defecrive pieces. Seller will allow no claims for labor, nor for any other liability. All comp!aints or claims must be filed by purchaser with the seller within five days after receipt of shipment. Seller has no control over the placing and handling of any material after delivery and will not therefore guarantee the finished work in which it is used. Except as in this paragraph set forth, the -e are no warranties or guaranties. 5. All orders when accepted are subject to seller's having the items listed thereon in stock on specified shipping date, and if not in stock cider will be held and shipment made as soon there- after as possible. b. In case the purchaser shall fail to make payments in accordance with the prices, terms and con- ditions governing the orders, the seller may defer shipments, or may at his option cancel the unshipped balance of the order. 7. Orders for speciai sizes or shapes are not cancellable by purchaser in whole or in part for material in process of manufacture or completed. Orders not accompanied by specifications and shipping instructions are subject to cancellat!an without notice at seller's option. 8. On all orders accepted for shipment by truck, delivery will be made only to points accessible by the truck under its own power. Adequate equipment and labs, for unloosing to be furnished by purchaser. 9. The foregoing is the agreement between the parties as it exists at this date and it is agreed that all previous communications, either verbal or written, not herein contained are hereby withdrawn and annulled and that no modifications shall be binding upon the parties un!ess such modifica- tions shall be in writing. 10. Payment for special items must be made within 30 days of agreed delivery date. W. D. BOCCARD & SONS, INC. �, c,-,., .�+e �$1P�. tea• ew .;<y,�...sa�,.'-5�.}y�,^# �.a, tw .r _ . W. D. Boccard & ►Sons Inc. 145 West 11th Street - Huntington Station, N.Y. • 11746 Suffolk:(516) HA 7-60001 Nassau: (516) WA 1-6000 STATEMENT OF NON—COLLUSION By submission of this bid, we hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief The prices in this bid have been arrived independently without collusion, consult- antion, communication, or agreement, as to any matter relating to such prices SII with any other bidder or with any com- petitor. Manufacturers of Diversified Precast Concrete Products W.D. Boccard & sons, Inc. 145 West 11th Street • Huntington Station, N.Y. • 11746 Suffolk: (516) HA 7-6000 / Nassau: (516) WA 1-6000 JOB No. DATE 1/27/70 CUSTOMER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JOB: Deliver to Southold ADDRESS Superintendent of Highways LOCATION:F . O. B TRUCK Peconic Avenue, Southold DELIVERY DATE: MATERIAL IN STOCK TERMS: I LESS 5% 10 DAYS NET 30 WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION. SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. aUANTITY I DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 24 rin s 4'-6" High x 8'-0" Diameter 69. 30 1663.20 —Drainage 24 Rings 3'-6" High x 8'-0" Diameter 53. 90 1293.60 -a 15 Leaching Domes 66. 00 990.00 15 Concrete 36" Diameter Covers 7. 00 105. 0' TOTAL 4051.80 ACCEPTED: BY DATE SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED W. D. BOCCARp & SONS, INC. BY APPROVED BY _. CONDITIONS ALL QUOTATIONS ARE MADE AND ALL ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Seller will not be responsible for delays in shipment caused by :takes, accidents, fire, wars, priorities, allocations, embargoes, car shortage, delays in t:ansportution or other conditions beyond the control of the seller. 2. No material can be returned for credit except on the instruction of the seller. 3. All quotations are made subject to prompt acceptance and prices are subject to change without notice. 4. The only warranty. implied or otherwise, made by seller is to replace defective goods, or to allow credit for such goods at its option. Seller will allow no claims for damages beyond the price of proven defecrive pieces. Seller will allow no claims for labor, nor for any other liability. All comp!aints or claims must be filed by purchaser with the seller within five days after receipt of shipment. Seller has no control over the placing and handling of any material after delivery and will not therefore guarantee the finished work in which it is used. Except as in this paragraph set forth, the -.-e are no warranties or guaranties. 5. All orders when accepted are subject to seller's having the items listed thereon in stock on specified shipping date, and if not in stock cider will be held and shipment made as soon there- after as possible. 6. In case the purchaser shall fail to make payments in accordance with the prices, terms and con- ditions governing the orders, the seller may defer shipments, or may at his option cancel the unshipped balance of the order. 7. Orders for special sizes or shapes are not cancellable by purchaser in whole or in part for material in process of manufacture or completed. Orders not accompanied by specifications and shipping instructions are subject to cancellation without nofice at seller's option. B. On all orders accepted for shipment by truck, delivery will be made only to points accessible by the truck under its own power. Adequate equipment and labor for unloa-i'ng to be furnished by purchaser. 9. The foregoing is the agreement between the parties as it exists at this date and it is agreed that all previous communications, either verbal or written, not herein contained are hereby withdrawn and annulled and that no modifications shall be binding upon the parties unless such modifica- tions shall be in writing. 10. Payment for special items must be made within 30 days of agreed delivery date, W. D. BOCCARD & SONS, INC. MALVESE GEORGE HALEE & CO. ,Inc. LONG "ISLAND'S OLDEST DISTRIBUTOR OF POWER EQUIPMENT C O_ N S T R .0 _T 1 O N. A N D I N _D U S, T R_L_A IL E.Q_-U__I_P.M .E N T EXECUTIVE OFFICE P. O. BOX 295 • 530 OLD COUNTRY ROAD • HICKSVILLE, L. I., NEW YORK April 14, 1970 Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 Attention: Mr. Raymond C. Dean Supt. of Highways "Bid on new Backhoe" Due: April 162 1970 @ 1:30 P.M. Dear Sir: We wish to submit the following bid: One new HY—DYNAMIC DYNAHOE Model 140 intergrated backhoe— loader powered by a General Motors 3-53 diesel engine with 97 gross horsepower, torque converter, three speed synchro— mesh power shift, transmission with 3 speeds forward and 3 reverse, heavy duty planetary rear axle, power steering, hydraulic brakes, 11,00x16, 12 ply front tires, 16.9x24, 10 ply rear tires, sealed hydraulic system with heat exchanger 1-1/4 yard self levelling loader bucket with hooks, 24"-3/8 cu. yd. heavy duty backhoe bucket with heavy duty teeth and hook, hydraulic stabilizers with grouser and street pads, fully enclosed cab, windshield wiper, directional signals, heater with defroster fan, r.h. and l.h. side mirrors, 3600 rotating operator's seat with seat belts, front and rear license plate brackets with light and Signal Sign #184 cab mounted rotat— ing red flasher. Above unit painted to your specifications. Net Bid Delivered Price...............................8199950.00 Delivery: One (1) week after receipt of order. Very truly yours, GEORGE MA2IVESE & CO. , INC. Plq 4 P / AftL QALVESE) GEORGE MALVES£ & CO., Inc. April 14, 1970 Highway Department Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 Attention: Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of Highways Present users in Suffolk County of DYNAHOE Model 140, same as model bid: Brookhaven National Laboratories Town of Islip Pat Noto, Inc. (4) Suffolk County, D.P.W. Kenscott Contracting Co. John Redding & Larry Carnevale Wellwood Pool Service Corp. Ace Hoeffner Contracting Co. Long Island Lighting Co. (18) Very truly yours, GEORGE MALVESE & CO., INC. N cho as P. Sbarra, Vice President of Sales NPS:jc ^,J this bid or prbposal, the bidder certtfts t its W ThU bid or pr adp been Independently &"Ivcd at w2hotd colbaeim nth "y ot4or bi d4r or with any competitor or pottatial c ;petltor; (b� '1 U3 bid or ravpogal his not been knowingly disclosed and will rvt be knowingly distill aid, prior to the ope-nirg of bids or proposals for thho project, to any othor badder, eo=- petitor or potential competitor; (c) Ko attempt haa been or wtU be mea to iia&j,ce any other pervm, partnerahbp or crrs*rstt, Wo avbrz1t or rvat to mubrait a told or proposal; {d) The person s1 Lnf1 W3 his: or par cm*U-1 Reis ebzt he has idly Wormed himseV re gwe-Inj the cd the arta. - r- eiet, zo aftined In thio ce rtfifte:aUm, and d the of , rM-mc the traits thered,, ,vueh p i es baing eppReable w. tb* bl-,Ar well as to the pe That at x d heroto (4i' a t,arporato biddor) is a co ted ccpy of rer-.*I = the executi= 0 this car lista tO b7 ibe cfor ct this kid zx pMazai Lu �A corporem latd"r. Nicholas P. Sbarra, V.P. of Sales, of QAl►Cd t1Mt • t iGEORGE MALVESE & Co., INC. 1 . . 6 • • • e • • w i :,. ► .. • _ • p * .a * * ♦ y y * . 1 r y 1 M a b cut`:prised to AM o d mit the bW or pr vi vt WO tpe'rV*UOn itr the, ��rr �s C� on New Backhoe io !•♦silt•�i"►i+Ostia�s►•Mi•s•!►,t*}YlAi•**♦*•r•sn*►•!iA •• q 11 i i q! A► i►► t• Y Y t i g A A t• i i•• i t i i► t i t t•• A w : A i i• i• g A y y• i A w w s r q¢*@*♦• A vz 4 ut itaclnde in A rush bid or propeoval the co► c; cats as to ato-etk7luiotes required Vy xectL-n. ous ttmdred res -d of fbo C=oral mmmialp4A law as the act cM dem of cich ttor a+J.tsa, end ter my & neenAmles or res r is cuoh certMeaft Wo ccr to blddw sal b-7 IWA& =1rr the pe= of MIUry. The foreptna fs a trae correct est wi,,y 7FF W.^•ri.'ilm p+i 4 b7. 04 a a A •• •+alt y • 4 i►s►1•igtti•iiit•itit tltltttii •i###A8 y♦ r•ii tal�`�"5�r�ik mvv%* 4�1'ya of'to � +d of dire ra t+�1.4 to o....: � , aseiM.. * . � .. i * vt •!•• w, .qp .be- wtA it Ai♦ .1/ •� A 1/'�•t� r ♦ii1 i•1+�w �! _ r sy•a � y #A��i#s.q� i�#ar► A. V. Malvese Date of delivery may be a determining factor in the award of this bid. Each bidder shall submit manufacturer's detailed description and all specifications of equipment offered under this bid. Attached specifications are to be considered at all times as part of this official bid form. Under bidder comparison specifications, in the attached specifications, each bidder must note specifically =ghat is offered as compared to specifications. Exact dimensions and complete descriptions must be noted. The words "as specified" - "equal to" - "equivalent" will not be cinsidered satisfactory. Bids failing to comply, may ber-declared informal as a result. SPECIFICATIONS General Description: 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - loader model 140 Dynahoe or equal withoutathe use of mounting belts. 2 One piece steel frame weighing no les!. than 2500 pounds. Engine: 1. 3 cylinder, two cycle diesel 2. 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 3. 202 net torque foor pounds @ 1200 R.P.M. 4. 12 volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner. 6. 27 fuel gallons tank Transmissionv 1. Powershift, synchromesh. 2. Three speeds forward 0 to 17.2 M.P.H. 3. Three Speeds reverse 0 to 21.8 M.P.H. Torque Converter: 1. Single stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2.. Torque proportioning differential, having power transfer of 24% to the wheel wit'r. better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. 12,600 lb. load capacity. Tires: 1. Front - at least 11:00x16 - 12 ply rib. 2. Rear - at least 16.9x24 - 10 ply ut.l.ity. Brakes: 1. Hydraulic, shoe type 2. Individually applied 3. Mechanical parking brake on drive sahft, 4. Not less than a14 square in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 32 gallon system 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Vane type replaceable cartridge pump having a capacity of 55 G.P.M. at 2,500 RPM, A. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to main -L tain system temperature 500above ambient. 5 Hydraulic temperature gauge. r Loader: 1. Bucket not less than 83" wide, having a S.A.E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yare.s. 2. ?ift capacity to full height not less than 5,300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity not less than 6,950 pounds (based on 50% of tipping). 4. Breakout force not less than 9500 lbs. s. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting Adge at full height not less than 8'6" 6. Hooks to be mounted on rear center of spill guard. BIDDERS COMPARISON SPECIFICATIONS 1970 Dynahoe model 140 without mounting bolts. One piece steel frame - 29500 lbs. 3 cylinder, two cycle G.M. diesel 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 202 net torque ft. lbs. @ 1200 R.P.M. 12 volt elec. system Dry type - air cleaner 27 gallons fuel. Powershift, synchromesh 3 speeds Fwd. to 17.2 M.P.H. 3 speeds Rev. to 21.8 M.P.H. Single stage Separate oil to air heat exchanger Temperature gauge Planetary drive Torque proportioning differential having transfer of 24/ to the wheel with the better footing Wishbone - cast steel main member 42,600 lb. load capacity 11.00x16 - 12 ply rib 16.9x24 - 10 ply utitlity Hydraulic - shoe type Individually applied Mechanical parking brk. on drive shaft Not less than 214 sq. in. Sealed - 32 gal. cap. 25 Micron full flow filter Vane type replaceable cartridge pump with capacity of 55 G.P.M. @ 2500 R.P.M. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to maintain temp. 500 above ambient Hydraulic oil temperature gauge. Bucket 83" wide S.A.E. rated capacity 1-1/4 cu. yd. Lift capacity to full height, 5,300 lbs. Carrying cap. 6,950 lbs. based on 50% of tipping. Breakout force 9,500 lbs. Dump clearance under bucket at full height - 81-6" Hooks mounted on rear center guard PAGE 1 1 - cutting edge of spill . liL.A t"14Ji-lil}l�J Backhoe: 1. Max. digging depth not less than 14"0" 1 2. 24" wide, 3/8 cubic yards capacity heavy 2 duty bucket with heavy duty replaceable tip teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle not less than 22"0" 3 4. Dumping height not less than 14''3". ¢ 5. Stabilizer width on ground not less than 5 12'5". 6 Stabilizer reach below wheel level not 6 less than 2'4". 7. Lifting capacity not less than 2250 lbs, 7 (boom and dipper fully extended) using boom cylinder. 8. Lifting capacity not less than 5,000 poundsE (boom partially raised) using dipper cylindrer. Hydraulic Cylinders: Cylinsers and piston rods Standard Equipment: ax. digging depth - 14'-0" 4" wide, 3/8 cu. yd. cap. heavy duty .h. bucket w/heavy duty replaceable ip teeth and hook. each from rear axle - 22'-0" umping height - 14'-3" tabilizer width on ground - 12'-5" tabilizer reach below wheel level 2'-4" ting cap. -2,250 lbs. (boom & dipper ly extended) using boom cylinder Lifting cap. 5,000 lbs. (boom partial- ly raised)_.using dipper cylinder. B.H. boom cyl., 42", double acting piston rod 22" B.H. dipper cyl. 42 piston rod 22" B.H. bucket cyl., 32" Erod 22" B.H. stabilizer cyls., ppiston rod 22" B.H. swing cyls., 4"9 Erod 12" Loader lift cyls., 4" piston rod 22" double acting double acting 4" double acting single acting double acting Loader bucket cyls., 3" double acting piston rod 2" Accessories: shall not be less than the following 1. diameters: 1 1. B.H. boom cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, 1 piston rod 2-1/2". 2. 2. B.H. dipper cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, 2 3. Piston rod 2-1/2". 3 3. B.H. bucket cyl. 3-1/2", double acting, 3 4 piston rod 2-1/2". 5. 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting 4 6. piston rod 2-1/2". 6 5. B.H. swing cyls. 4", single acting, pistot-5 Loader bucket level indicator. rod 1-1/2". Loader bucket level indicator 6. Loader left cyls. 4", double acting pistor6 8 rod 2-1/2". 10. 7. Loader bucket cyls. 3", double acting 7 11. piston rod 2". 11 Standard Equipment: ax. digging depth - 14'-0" 4" wide, 3/8 cu. yd. cap. heavy duty .h. bucket w/heavy duty replaceable ip teeth and hook. each from rear axle - 22'-0" umping height - 14'-3" tabilizer width on ground - 12'-5" tabilizer reach below wheel level 2'-4" ting cap. -2,250 lbs. (boom & dipper ly extended) using boom cylinder Lifting cap. 5,000 lbs. (boom partial- ly raised)_.using dipper cylinder. B.H. boom cyl., 42", double acting piston rod 22" B.H. dipper cyl. 42 piston rod 22" B.H. bucket cyl., 32" Erod 22" B.H. stabilizer cyls., ppiston rod 22" B.H. swing cyls., 4"9 Erod 12" Loader lift cyls., 4" piston rod 22" double acting double acting 4" double acting single acting double acting Loader bucket cyls., 3" double acting piston rod 2" Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and 1 IStabilizers with grouser and street pads rubber street pads. 2. Power steering. 2 Power steering 3. Muffler with rain cap. 3 Muffler with raineap 4. Rear fenders. 4 Rear fenders 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 5 Neutral safety starting switch 6. Cigarette lighter. 6 Cigarette lighter 7. Loader bucket level indicator. 7 Loader bucket level indicator 8. Parking brake. 8 Parking brake 10. Tool box. 10 Tool box 11. Anti -vandalism instrumento panel cover. 11 .Anti -vandalism instrument gauge 12. Engine hood sides.. 12 : Engine hood sides 13. 3600 rotating upholstered operator's 13 3600 rotating upholstered operator's seat with seat belts. seat with seat belts 14. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges,11 4. Engine temp. and oil press. gauges 15. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter & fuel gauge . 15. Tachometer,hourmeter, ammeter & fuel 16. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauge . 16.Conv.&hyd. Oil temp. gauges. gauges 17. Fully enclosed cab with self -storing rear 17 Fully enclosed cab with self storing windshield mounted on nylon rollers. rear window mounted on nylon rollers 18. Twin skylight windows. 18 Twin skylight windows 19. Doors with outside holdback catches. 1 Doors with outside holdback catches 20. Safety glass throughout. 20 Safety glass throughout 21. Windshield wipers. 21 One (1) windshield wiper 22. Two side mirrors. 22 R.H. & L.H. side mirrors 24. EItflectors. 24 Four (4) reflectors 25. Federal Sign #184 cab mounted rotating 25 Federal Sign ##184 rotating cab flasher flasher. 26. Directional signals with four-way hazard 26 Directional signals with hazard flasher flasher switch. switch 27. Front & rear license plate brackets w/ligjt 7 Frt. & rear license plate brackets Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #93-78387 Blue Weight: Not less than 14,400 pounds. Production: Model bid at least 3 years. aint: DuPont Duluxe ##93-78387 Blue enamel eight: 14,400 lbs. oduction: Model bid at least 3 years Listing: List present users in Suffolk County. Listings: see attached sheet PAGE 2 PHONE: 516 727-0200 Tryac Truck & Equipment Co., Inc. Box 98 Riverhead, New York 11902 SYMBOL 7-7. OF INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS TRACTORS FARM AND SERVICE ® INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL _�..� HARVESTER ..__. _ .-.-,.+ ....,_ ... Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways -Torn of Southold Peeonic, New York 11958 Dear Sirs April lb, 1970 Re: Bid on Backhoe We are pleased to quote on the following: (1) International 3800 D 4 ,,heel drive loader - Backhoe with a Sims All i,:;eather Steel Cab, as per enclosed specs. Total price delivered ifi $ 19,420.00 Delivered to your yard. The r,achine can be delivered within thirty days. Thank you for any conside3dion this may receive. Sincerely., TRYAC TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Thomas P. Cassidy Sales Manager TP:mk Enclg. NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE '' The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. '' INV . O R REQ . # LOADEWBACKHOE ( SIGNED)('J,(+� LEST ER W. YO ( CORPORATE TITLE,) SWMAM IF ANY SPECIFICATIONS General Description: ., 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - loader model 140 Dynahoe or equal withoutathe use of mounting belts. 2 One piece steel frame weighing no less than 2500 pounds. Engine: 1. 3 cylinder, two cycle diesel 2. 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 3. 202 net torque foor pounds @ 1200 R.P.M. 4. 12 volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner.. 6. 27 fuel gallons tank TransmissionY 1. Powershift, synchromesh. 2. Three speeds forward 0 to 17.2 M.P.H. 3. Three Speeds reverse 0 to 21.8 M.P.H. Torque Converter: 1. Single stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2. Torque proportioning differential, having power transfer of 24% to the wheel with better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. 42,600 lb. load capacity. Tires: 1. Front - at least 11:00x16 - 12 ply rib. 2. Rear - at least 16.9x24 - 10 ply utility. Brakes: 1. Hydraulic, shoe type 2. Individually applied 3. Mechanical parking brake on drive sahft. 4. Not less than a14 square in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 32 gallon system 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Vane type replaceable cartridge pump having a capacity of 55 G.P.M. at 2,500 RPM. 4. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to main- tain system temperature 50oabove ambient. 5 Hydraulic temperature gauge. Loader: 1. Bucket not less than 83" wide, having a S.A.E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yards. 2. Lift capacity to full height not less than 5,300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity not less than 6,950 pounds (based on 50% of tipping). 4. Breakout force not less than 9500 lbs. 5. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting edge at full height not less than 8'6" 6. Hooks to be mounted on rear center of spill guard. PAGE BIDDERS COMPARISON SPECIFICATIONS General Description: 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe -loader, 4 wheel drive -International 3800 Model 2. Operating Weight 15,100 lbs. with x cab. En gine: 1. 6 cyl. diesel 282 cu. in. 2. 94 H.P. @ 2300 R.P.M. 3. Max. torque net 230 ft. lbs. @ 1700 R.P.M. 4. 12 Volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner 6. 31 gal. fuel tank. Transmis d on: 1. Power shift - 2 epeeds forward 1 reverse 2. Ground speed low range 0 to 5.3 high range 0 to 21., revere 0 to 7.1 Torque Converter: 1. 2 stage, twin turbine 2. temp. gauge and oil gauge Rear and front ' axles:, working load each 9,000 lbsa front axle oscillation 160, rear wheel steer. Tires: 16.9 x 24 10 ply modified grader (R4) Brakes: 4 wheel hydraulic. 16" diameter x 2" parking brake on transmission Hydraulic System: 1. 24 gal. system 2. 20-25 micron filter 3. 2 pump 34 gal. per min. @ 2300 R.P.M. 4. Hydraulic oil cooler 5. Relief valve setting 2.250 P.S.I. Lo rider: 1. Bucket 8211 wide, self leveling, 14 yd. capacity 2. lift capacity 4500 full height 3. tipping load (SZ) IO,OOO lbs, 4, breakout at cutting edge 8,600 lbs. �- 5. dump clearance 816" 6. hooks on spill guard Backhoe: 1. Max. digging depth not less than 14"0" 2. 24" wide, 3/8 cubic yards capacity heavy duty bucket with heavy duty replaceable tip teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle not less than 22"0" 4. Dumping height not less than 14''3". 5. Stabilizer width on ground not less than 12'5". 6 Stabilizer reach below wheel level not less than 2'4". 7. Lifting capacity not less than 2250 lbs. (boom and dipper fully extended) using boom cylinder. 8. Lifting capacity not less than 5,000 pounds (boom partially raised) using dipper cylindrer. Hydraulic Cylinders: Cylinsers and piston rods shall not be less than the following diameters: 1. B.H. boom cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 2. B.H. dipper cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, Piston rod 2-1/2". 3. B.H. bucket cyl. 3-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 5. B.H. swing cyls. 4", single acting, piston rod 1-1/2". 6. Loader left cyls. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 7. Loader bucket cyls. 3", double acting piston rod 2". Standard Equipment: Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and rubber street pads. 2. Power steering. 3. Muffler with rain cap. 4. Rear fenders. 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 6. Cigarette lighter. 7. Loader bucket level indicator. S. Parking brake. 10. Tool box. 11. Anti -vandalism instrument panel cover. 12. Engine hood sides.. 13. 3600 rotating upholstered operator's seat with seat belts. 14. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges. 15. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter & fuel gauge: 16. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauge: 17. Fully enclosed cab with self -storing rear windshield mounted on nylon rollers. 18. Twin skylight windows. 19. Doors with outside holdback catches. 20. Safety glass throughout. 21. Windshield wipers. 22. Two side mirrors. 24. Reflectors. 25. Federal Sign #184 cab mounted rotating flasher, 26. Directional signals with four-way hazard flasher switch. 27. Front & rear license plate brackets w/ligjts Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #93-78387 Blue Weight: Not less than 14,400 pounds. Production: Modoil bid at least 3 years. Listing: List present users in Suffolk County. PAGE �'.:�.,,,,:.;� i;�s,kii'ARYSc3N Sig ��.. ,�•. Backhoe: 1. Digging depth - 24" 7.1 cu.ft. heavy duty bucket 15'. 2. 2411 7.1 cu. ft. w/replaceable teeth and hook 3. reach from pivot point of hoe 18t 4. dump height 121 611 5. stabilizer width llt 4k 6. stabilizer reach 19" below level 7. Max. lift fully extended 14c 2550 -lbs. 8. Max. lift capacity 3200 lbs. with dig_ force of 9500 lbs. and breakaway of 21350 lbs. Hydraulic c linderas loader boom and bucket " double acting 2" rods. lift cyl. ID " G§owd. I.D. 4" bucket ID*", stabilizer IDJ", swing cyl. ID 4j", dual system permits use of more than one circuit Standard Equipment: 1. hydraulic stabilizers with rubber street pads and transport locks 2, power steering - hydrostatic 3. muffler with rain cap 4. rear fenders incorporated with tanks 5. safety starting switch 6. cigar lighter 7. bucket level indicator , 8. parking brake 9. NOT ON ADVEM SED SPECS. 10. Tool box 11, instrument covers 12. engine hood door locked 13. rotating seat with safety belts 14, engine temp. and oil pressure gauge x•15. Tachometer,hourmeter,ammeter & fuel gauges 16. converter & hydraulic oil temp.gauges 17. Sims fully enclosed cab 18. skylight windows front and rear 19. doors with hold lock latches 20. safety Blas- through -out 21. windshield wipers 22. two side mirrors 23. not PR3NTED ON SPECS 24. reflectors 25. Sims rotating light 26. directional signalq with 4 way fla,,her V. front & rear licence brackets w/light 28. working lights Paints #93-78387 Dupont Blue Weights 15,100 lbs. Production: manufactured for three years Userss Herbert Falk, Revis Stagg, Huntington, N. n, has had unit for approx.2 -yrs. Date of delivery may be a determining factor in the award of this bid. Each bidder shall submit manufacturer's detailed description .and all specifications of equipment offered under this bid. Attached specifications are to be considered at all times as part of this official bid form. Under bidder comparison specifications, in the attached specifications, each bidder must note specifically what is offered as compared to specifications. Exact dimensions and complete descriptions must be noted. The words "as specified" - "equal to" - "equivalent" will not be cinsidered satisfactory. Bids failing to comply, may berrdeclared informal as a result. LYON TRACTOR INC. ROUTE 58 TELEPHONE 516 727-2729 RIVERHEAD, N. Y. 11901 April 16, 1970 Supt. of Highways Town of Southold Long Island, New York Dear Sir: We are pleased to bid our 1970 Model 816 Tractor, Loader and Backhoe, as per your specifications. We Lyon Tractor as comparatively new Allis-Chalmers dealers offer our bid price as a very special price. List price of Tractor, Loader and Backhoe is $19,200.00 *OUR BID PRICE FOR THE ABOVE TRACTOR, LOADER AND BACKHOE ISlb._2O,QQ,00 Thank you for your invitation to bid. Yours truly LYON TRACTOR Thomas A. Lyon General Manager * Delivery to be made 1 week after receiving order. R _ a�a f �::e,-Ri4CMERS Backhoe: 1. Max. digging depth not less than 14"0" 2. 24" wide, 3/8 cubic yards capacity heavy duty bucket with heavy duty replaceable tip teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle not less than 22"0" 4. Dumnping height not less than 14''3". 5. Stabilizer width on ground not less than 12' 5" 6 Stabilizer reach below wheel level not less than 24". 7. Lifting capacity not less than 2250 lbs. (boom and dipper fully extended) using boom cylinder. S. Lifting capacity not less than 5,000 pounds (boom partially raised) using dipper cylindrer. Hydraulic Cylinders: Cylinsers and piston rods shall not be less than the following diameters: 1. B.H. boom cyl. 4-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 2. B.H. dipper cyl. 4-1/2", double acting,, Piston rod 2-1/2". 3. B.H. bucket cyl. 3-1/2", double acting, piston rod 2-1/2". 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 5. B.H. swing cyls. 4", single acting, piston rod 1-1/2 6. Loader left cyls. 4", double acting piston rod 2-1/2". 7. Loader bucket cyls. 3", double acting piston rod 2". Standard Equipment: Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and rubber street pads. 2. Power steering. 3. Muffler with rain cap. 4. Rear fenders. 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 6. Cigarette lighter. 7. Loader bucket level indicator. 8. Parking brake. 10. Tool box. 11. Anti -vandalism instrument.panel cover. 12. Engine hood sides.. 13. 3600 rotating upholstered operator's seat with seat belts. 14. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges. 15. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter & fuel gauge: 16. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauge: 17. Fully enclosed cab with self -storing rear windshield mounted on nylon rollers. 18. Twin skylight windows. 19. Doors with outside holdback catches. 20. Safety glass throughout. 21. Windshield wipers. 22. Two side mirrors. 24. M- flectors. 25. Federal Sign #0184 cab mounted rotating flasher. 26. Directional signals with four-way hazard flasher switch. 27. Front & rear license plate.brackets w/li;jt, Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #093-78387 Blue Weight: Not less than 14,400 pounds. Backhoe: 1. 'ti7ax. digging depth 16 feet 1 inch. 2. 24" wide 3/8 cubic yards capacity ' 15, t. �`% heavy duty rep) ace able tip teeth and hook. 3. Reach from rear axle 2218". 4. Dumping height 14'Feet. 5. Stablilzer width on ground, 12 'Foot width - special street pads. 6. Stabilizer reach below wheel level not less than 24". 7. Lifting capacity more than 2250 lbs. (boom and dipperxk fully extended) using boom cylinder. 8. Lifting capacity more than 5,000 lbs. (boom partially raised) using dipper cylinder. Hydraulic Cylinders: 1. B. H. boom cyl. 5" double acting, piston rod 2 1/2 ". 2. B.H. dipper c 1. 5" double acting, Piston Rod 21/ ". 3. B.H. Bucket cyl. 4", double acting, Piston rod 2 1/2'11. 4. B.H. stabilizers cyl. 4", double acting,. piston rod 2". 5. B.H. swing cyls.3 1/2" single acting, piston rod 1 1/2110 6. Loader left cyls. 41,' double acting piston rod 2". 7. Loader bucket cyls 3" double acting piston rod 1 3/4" Standard Equipment: Accessories: 1. Hydraulic stabilizers with grousers and rui -er street pads. 2. Power steering. 3. M- ffler with rain cap. 4. Rear fenfiers. 5. Neutral safety starting switch. 6. C igarette lighter. 7. Loader bucket level indicator. 8. .Parking brake. 9. Tool Box. 10. Anti -vandalism instrument panel cover. ll. En, ne hood sides. 12. 360 rotating upholstered operators seat with seat belts. 13. Engine temperature and oil pressure gauges 14. Tachometer, hourmeter, ammeter, &fuel gauges. 15. Converter & hydraulic oil temperature gauges. 16. Fully enclosed cab with self xkrnaxgz storing rear windshield mounted on nylon rollers. 17. Twin skylight windows. 18. Doors with outside holdback catches. 19. Safety glass throughout. 20. Windshield wipers. 21. Two side mirrors. 22 . Reflectors. 23. Federal Sign #184 cab mounted rotating f lasher. 24. Directional signals with four -way hazard flasher switch. 25. Front& rear license plate brackets w/ligjt. Paint: Dupont Duluxe Enamel #93-78387 Blue Production: Mod&l bid at least 3 years. !Weight: 15,500 lbs. Listing: List present users in Suffolk County. Production: Allis=Chalmers Tractor Division has been building farm and industrial tractors or %iif re_than 40 years, and is one of the top R F' VOT t t t: General Description: 11 1. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - loader model 140 Dynahoe or equal withoutathe use of mounting belts. 2 One piece steel frame weighing no less than 2500 pounds. Engine: 1. 3 cylinder, two cycle diesel 2. 97 H.P. @ 2800 R.P.M. 3. 202 net torque foor pounds @ 1200 R.P.M. 4. 12 volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner. 6. 27 fuel gallons tank Transmission': 1. Powershift, synchromesh. 2. Three speeds forward 0 to 17.2 M.P.H. 3. Three Speeds reverse 0 to 21.8 M.P.H. Torque Converter:. 1. Single stage 2. Separate oil to air heat exchanger 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2. Torque proportioning differential, having power transfer of 24% to the wheel with better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. 42,600 lb.,load capacity. Tires: 1. Front - at least 11:00x16 - 12 ply rib. 2. Rear - at least 16.9x24 - 10 ply utility. Brakes: I. Hydraulic, shoe type 2. Individually applied j 3. Mechanical parking brake on drive sahft. 4. Not less than a14 square in. Hydraulic System: 1. Sealed 32 gallon system 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Vane type replaceable cartridge pump having a capacity of 55 G.P.M. at 2,500 RPM. 4. Separate oil to air heat exchanger to main- tain system temperature 500above ambient. 5 Hydraulic temperature gauge. Loader: 1. Bucket not less than 83" wide; havin- a S.A.E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yards. 2. Lift capacity to full height not less than 5,300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity not less than 6,950 pounds (based on 50% of tipping). 4. Breakout force not less than 9500 lbs. 5. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting edge at full height not less than 8'6" 6. Hooks to be mounted on rear center of spill guard. I. 1970 Integrated Backhoe - Loader model 816 Allis Chalmers without the use of mounting bolts. 2. One piece steel frame weighing more than 2500 pounds. Engine: I. 4 cylinder, 4 cycle diesel 2. (note) Horsepower not tested by N. I. D. A... but we have 248 cu. in. displacement to Dy=ahoes 213C. I. P. 12 volt electrical system 5. Dry type air cleaner. 6. 34 fuel gallons tank. Transmission: I. Power Shuttle Hydraulic. 2. Four speeds for"rd 0 to 16.2 UP. H. 3. Four speeds reverse 0 to 20.7 1,4P. H. Torque Converter: I. Single stage -II 2. Seperate oil to heat exchange 3. Temperature gauge Rear Axle: 1. Planetary drive 2. Torque proportioning differential, having transfer of more than 241/6 to the wheel with better footing. Front Axle: 1. Wishbone, cast steel main member. 2. Pd -re than 42, 600 lb load capacity. Tires: 1. Front... at least 11:00x16 -12 ply rib 2.P, ear.... at least 16.9x24- 10 ply utility. Brakes: 1. Internal shoe type located on each drive axle. 2. Individually applied. 3. Mechanical parking brake on brake shoes. 4. AAore than a 14 square inch. Hydraulic Systexm: 1. Sealed 31 gallon system. 2. 25 micron full flow filter 3. Gear type having a capacity of 40 gallons per minute, at 2000 R. P. M. 4. Seperate oil to air heat exchangertbo maintain system temperature 50o a ove ambient. 5. Hydraulic temperature gauge. Loader: 1. Bucket 84" wide having a S.A. E. rated capacity of 1-1/4 cu. yards. 2. Lift capacity to full height more than 5, 300 lbs. 3. Carrying capacity more than 6, 950 lbs. (based on 50% tipping) 4. Breakout force more than 9500 lbs. 5. Dumping clearance under bucket cutting edgy: ,yt full height not less than 8'4•" 6. Hooks to be mounted on rear center of spill guard. PAGE. I 1 - L EGA L NOTICE NOTICE° U BIDDERS' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK1 Municipal Law, that sealed bids ss' STATE OF NEW YORK, ' are sought and requested for the purchase the following Tires - being duly Sworn, s and Tubes, , more or less, as as . • • • • • • ' needed, f9x'.ttic-aurar Mo. 4 - 14.0x`24 0 10 -ply Tires says that -.. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK 2 -12.00 '20 - 14 -ply Tires & Tubes TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport, in said 2 -12.00!24 - 12 -ply Tires & Tubes WEEKLY 2 -11.00'24 - 12 -ply Tires & Tubes county; and that the noticE, of which the annexed is a printed 2 -11.00 22 - 12 -ply Tires & Tubes 4 - 10.00124 - 8 -ply Tractor type copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times lug Tires &Tubes 15 -10.00 20 -12-ply Tires &Tubes once in each week, for ... .... Fri ..... • • • • • ..... weekk 4- 8.15 15- 4 -ply Tires & Tubes 2 - 8.15 20 - 10 -ply Tires & Tubes successivEly commencing on the ... . . t Yl cZ 4 - 7:50 20 -10 -ply Tires & Tubes 8 - 7.50 16 - 10 -ply Implement Tires & Tubes j} dray sof ....r 2 - 7-17.5 - 6 -ply Tires & Tubesa._ y r- ✓ ................. ............ . 6 - 7.10 15 - 6 -ply Extra Grip Tires & Tubes Sworn to before me this 6 - 7.10 15 - 6 -ply Tires & Tubesday 4 - 6.70 15 - 4 -ply Tires & Tubes 4 - 6.50.16 - 6 Tires & Tubes of y: y,; . 19.9c, .. j • -ply The sealed bids, in duplicate, to- .................. gether with a Non -collusive 'J�14 `�� -. • • -..• • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, at his Office, r0 COR VIN Yrnk Peconic, New York, until 1:0o 1' LA`v� v i�,, P.M. January 8, 1970, at which _pii07�0 �` C)It i_t -tip ,, +,ar I�3..� time they will be opened and read �;,�tEo�� �_.o. �, V�arci•0 L,, aloud in public. , All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on Tires and Tubes) to the Office of the Sup't. of High} ways. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to rejectany and all bids and to waive any and all in- formality in, any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, is 'exempt. RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways Dated: December 23, 1969 1TJa" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. J ss: ...C.a... being duly Sworn. says that . .. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice. of which the annexed is +a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... .... 0: .............. weekk successively commencing on the ... .4:?-�*�y''--.......... day of c. .......................... Sworn to before me thisQ ... . 'r day of ... 19,.6.. �.... .................. F. LANGTON CORN INYoI k Notary 1�UbItC, ~tate o 52-0770500 Suffolk Co. Official No. ` If t'll fission Expires March 30,19. NOTICE T .... , { o BInnElts COUNTY OF SUFFOLK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, STATE OF NEW YORKj ss: in accordance with the provisions of Section ,103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for i i the purchase of the followings C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says # Tires and Tubes, more or less, as needed, FOR THE YEAR 1970: that lie is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 4-14.00/24 0 10-ply Tires Ij 2-12.00/20-14-ply Tires & e TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public nws- Tubes 2-12:00/24-12-ply Tires & i paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Y. Count and that � Tubes the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been 2-11.00/24-12-ply Tires & Tubes published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- 2-11.00/22-12 ply Tires & l r �� nian once each week for ....t'� t.... 4-10.00/24-8-p1Y Tractor type-.-�•-..F,C.. �....l,r'..... weeic5 lug Tires & Tubes 15-10.00/20-12-ply Tires & successively, cornmencing on the ..........�.:: a. ................. Tubes i 4— 8.15/15-4-ply Tires & �! Y of ..... clay � fI Tubes 2-8.15/20-10-ply Tires & Tubes 4-7.50/20-10-ply Tires &.................................................. .................y✓ ...... Tubes 8-7.50/16-10-ply Implement I , 1 Tires & Tubes 2-7-17.5-6-ply Tires & Tubes 6-7.10/15-6-ply Extra Grip Tires & Tubes Sworn to before me this .......... day of 6-7.10/15-6-ply Tires & �. Tubes 4-6.70/15-4-ply- Tires & """""'�" C.:::.�...:., 19........ Tubes 4-6.50/16-6-ply Tires & Tubes The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a Non-collusive / Certificate, will be received by ....... the Sup't. of Highways, of the Notary Public Town of :Southold, at his Office, P D F I F Not •y F; '"'v Yo'k Peconic, New York, until 1:00 Fc P. M. January 8, 1970, at which time they will be opened acid Ca n�s�on �� p �s .,i: 3D• s9;? read aloud in public. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on Tires and Tubes) to the Office of the Sup't. of High- ways. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: December 23, 1969 Sup't. of Highways RAYMOND C. DEAN, lT-1-1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hos been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattit/uck Watch- man once each week for .... �'...,(.../.,).... weeks successively, commencing on the ..........4-:421............... day of ...... :.. L::......1. , 19 .... i Sworn to before me this .................... day of Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, 3'21.c ct 'Jew York Residipg in Su'b; _:runty No. 52- 0 1 E 0 Commission Expires M ch 30, 1971 BRANCH OFFICE: 1'785 FEUEREISEN AVE. k'ONKONKOMA, N. Y. 11779 588-4243 VAN DYCK & YOUSIK, INC. 1165 E. Main Street RIVERHEAD, N. Y. 11901 Phone: 727-4008 January 59 1970 Office of Superintendent of Highways Southold, New York Att: Raymond C. Dean Dear Sir: We are pleased to bid on your invitation dated December 23, 1969. Enclosed ,you will find our quotations. Description Tire Tube 14.00-24 lOply Tube Type 150.19 8.75 of Tubeless 161.54 12.60-20 14ply 130.39 8.58 12.00-24 14ply 139036 7.01 11.00-24 12ply 78.95 7.58 11.00-22 12ply 76.01 7.00 10.00-24 8ply Tractor Type Lug 64.39 5.85 10.00-20 12ply 61.13 5.15 8.25-15 4ply 16.59 1.59 8.25-20 10ply 40.01 4.05 7.50-20 10ply 40.50 3.65 7.50-16 1Oply Implement 21.25 2.48 7-17.5 6ply 24.83 2.78 7.10-15 6ply Custom Extra Grip 22.13 2.21 7.10-15 6ply Traction Hi -Miler 16.54 2.21 7.75-15 4ply 15.15 1.39 6.50-16 6ply 18.65 1.91 This is to certify that there was no collusion on our part with any other company or organization in arriving at these bid prices. 12h#nking .yo f Edward W. Y�`uts'i k Treasurer A$500 1011 III � w ti M�fPEiIYE? ONE DAY RECAPPING SERVICE TEL. YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUI`Fr-)LK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, ii9so LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER *41 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 1199A Dear Sir: WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER March 25, 1970 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one (1) New 197U Pontiac Lxecutive 4 -dr. harutop, as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being sent to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truiv yours, R. M. Kartrwrer Commissioner of Public Works 0-1 encs. cc. Supt. Raymond Dean A. C. 142 - T. H. 19 - 1966 CONTRACT AND SPF�;IFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One 0.) New 1970 Pontiac Executive 4—dr, Hardtop (SEE ATTACHED SPRCIPICATIONS) (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) entered into this 12 day of March, 19 70, between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk New York, and Vail Brothers, Inco the Vendor, whose principal office is located at Pecon4 C. New York _. ---- Address) for a total price of Four thousand five hundred? thirty -t o and 26/100 - Dollars ($ 4, 532, 26 ) This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of scaled bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public. advertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General ;Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held March 24, , 19 70 The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: One (1) 1967 Oldsmobile 4 dr, sedan $ 2,049,26 (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations 2,483.00 TOTAL $ 4,532.26 It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mcnt-'oned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out (1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of 360 days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Peconic, New York not later than the (nth day of April, 19 70 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify- concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation of any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Thi ract comprises the ent' contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- crty li'crcin d scribed. own Superintendent of Highways (Vendor) � r % �1 CMCJ 'M�C.L APPROVED• ounty Su erintendent o ighways B y ICS (Indicate whether officer or agent) AiiT F: This contract is for use when the purchase Price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de- ired to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and wthin to days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. I WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. car. Overall length 223.9 inches Overall width 80.0 inches Wheel base 125.0 inches Tread front/rear 64%64 inches Weight 4,132 lbs. Fuel tank capacity 26 gals. Cooling system 18 qts. Engine - V-8 400 cu. in. 4 -barrel Garb. premium fuel 330 h.p. Trunk Capacity 21.8 cu. in. Turbo-Hydramatic Power Steering Power disc brakes Power windows Vinyl Interior (Morrokide) Radio Electric Clock Positive traction differential Tire Size H78x15 Tinted windshield Color: Gray I NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) New 1970 four -door Se- dan — Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office o: the. Supt. of Highways. (One 1967 Oldsmobile sedan must be taken in trade, as part payment on New car. The sealed bids, in' duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Peconic, N. Y. until 1:00 P. M, March 12, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold., I{ to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on New Car) to the I Office of the Supt. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Lo- cal, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: February 24, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways 1T-3-5 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- / n.an once each week for ` ......... week$ successively, commencing on the -r-- C ay of ............ .... 19. l._... ........ .............. Sworn to before me this ........./............. day of L�..� Vin. .... ? ..... Notary Public TiDPT NyNE I t1i t P r,f ! , ; vo*li Commis ch 30, 1971' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the .annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........ 7z_.0 .... �...... week] successively, commencing on the ...................-.�.. .............. day of ..... P..... ." .... ....., �9 .......................................... 07 Sworn to before me this ........./.............. day of .............. ... :�..... Notary Public ADELE PAyNF Rafm Public, State of NeW lf®FV Residigg in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 19711 VAIL BROTHERS, INC. MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE TELEPHONES: PECONIC 734-6774 a SOUTHOLD 765-3050 PECONIC, NEW YORK T Superintendent of lli&rvay Tw.,,-n of South3ld Pecoilic, *,-,. Y. 11958 Dear 1.1r. Dean: 11ara,. 11, 1970 It would be our pleasure to deliver the Superintendent of Ifig1ways of "3outiiold Town a 1970 Pontiac 'L,xecutive 4dr Hardtop equipped as follows: Very truly yvur8v VAIL BRCIULIRS, lix* 14 Herbert 11. Wells, Jr, Vice—Prooident Base Price $3712,26 344 V--8 400 Cubic inch ena--ne — 4BBL carburetor 330 Horse Power 45.00 351 Turbo hydra—matic transmission 215*00 501 Variable ratio — Power Steering N.0 502 Power Disc Brakes 68,00 551 Power Windows 105-00 Pull Vinyl Intarior (morrokide) 189.00 401 Radio X-1 antenna 83.00 492 Electric Clock 15*00 361 PoAtivo Tracti.-in Differential 40.00 TSR Tires — white wall H78x15 fiberglass belted 32.00 532 Tinted WindolLield 28*OC 07orall 223.9 inches (hroral, -widta 80.0 inches W'Aleol base 125.0 inches Tread — front/roar 64/64 Weight 4,132 Fuel tMIL ca )"City 26 gal. Cooling' system 18 qt. Trunk carAtcity 21.8 cubic inches Total price off car — less excise tax C453e-.26 Less trado—i,-1 allov,,w-icc -,�'or 1967 Udsnobile sedan -)reseni-I 'y oivnr�d by tl--c Towa of Southold and used by th,) juperintendcnt of UCI=ys X203.'26 Ca,-;-i Dif-ference Z2463,00 Very truly yvur8v VAIL BRCIULIRS, lix* 14 Herbert 11. Wells, Jr, Vice—Prooident p+ku.Wr.y�jpy...k'N�. iY1tlWV�.'��.pl..-'"°�'°�"�"'�' i1V�El�f�.�—"""--�""'�NYY�'kYFAUUY �I.�g�LM1Jl�w�L� +' —WY Yll ill lllill I11MYMIiIWYi 'tp liJY�YMM..L. . I,�i_i.i_ " _ .pix dl, ili_ I II Y I Illl 1i 1. 111111 I��� A. C. 143 - T.11. 20 - 1966 Suggested Form of Resolution For Tov; n Highway equipment Purchases Exceeding $1,000 Resolution by (justice of Peace) Martin Suter ................................................................................. Seconded by (Justice of Peace) (TxxxxCxottoxxiac) .......James,. Rich, Jr.,,,, ,, ,, Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the 24th day of .............................ebruary duly recommend the purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the provisions of'Section 142 of the Highway Law, . Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of High- ways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of highways, the following: One (1) New 1970 four door Sedan ...........OU...!� ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... for a maximum price of ...F011x..tkilP. SAt?d.. .XA...)?'1X141 £Cl..t.hkr.t.Y"tW.P...And..WIN..Dollars ($ .,26 ............. ), delivered at ........ Punic.s........................................................................................................... , N. Y., and to be delivered on or about ................... Aprxi ... 6........................... , lg 70.. The Town Superintendent of Highways is authorized (subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways if value exceeds $1,000.00) to surrender to the vendor the following equipment at an agreed trade-in value of $.2x049.,26 .... e...(1)...19.67...01.0mabile...four ... door ... acs.an.o.................................................................................................................... A contract for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed in triplicate between the Town Superintendent of Highways and such vendor, and when approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When the con- tract has been executed and approved, and upon delivery of the item(s) purchased, the supervisor shall pay the following amounts as specified: (1) 2483000 from current appropriations (Item 3) (2) $ from the proceeds of obligations issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law. .................................. (Issuance of such obligations will be authorized by a separate resolution.) Voteof Town Board ............ (Aye) ( ......r4rl eT�....o... mar tOCC�3A.................................................................. Supervisor Vote of Town Board ........... (Aye) (NYyg ......Louis ;'emarest.................................. justice of Peace Howard Vabenti.ne ��`' Voteof Town Board ............ (Aye) (...............................................................................................:........ 'Town Councilman Vote of Town Board ........... (Aye) ......MartxrT SutCr..................................................................... f justice of Peace l TaClxacJ6r==bOXr« ( j'N6� NXXOtCR T=KX Vote of Town Board (Aye) (1$ J James ......ch, Jr. (( ........................................................................................ Town Councilman Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway equipment under Section 14.2 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be followed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should he changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) heuulu r Aw.u�uawwwW.wuuwu xuYuiu u�nr.0 +� f AYE/�� �i•�-�1i�V7:' iEiL't�ii�j>�cax Overall length 223.9 inches Overall width 80.0.inches Wheel base 125.0 inches Tread front/rear 64/64 inches Weight 4,132 lbs. Fuel tank capacity 26 gals. Cooling, system 18 qts. Engine - V-8 400 cu. in. 4 -barrel Garb. premium fuel 330 h.p. Trunk Capacity 21.8 cu. in. Turbo-Hydramatic Power Steering Power disc brakes Power windows Vinyl Interior (Morrokide) Radio Electric Clock Positive traction differential Tire Size H78x15 Tinted windshield Color: Gray NON-OOLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or prq),sal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclos- ed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to in- duce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the pen- alties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its be- half; (e) That, attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certi- fied copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certifi- cate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corp- orate bidder, Resolved that Vail Brothers, Inc. be (Name of the Corporation) authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project Purchase of a 1970 4dr hardtop sedan by the Town of Southold for the use of the Superintendent of highway. (Describe the Project) and to include im such or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section one hundred three -d of the General Municipal Law9 as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. Signature: W (Official Title) Overall length Overall width Wheel base Tread front/rear Weight Fuel tank capacity Cooling system Engine - V-8 400 cu. in. 4 -barrel carb. premium Trunk Capacity Turbo-Hydramatic Power Steering Power disc brakes Power windows Vinyl Interior (MIorrokide) Radio Electric Clock Positive traction differential Tire Size Tinted windshield Color: Gray' 223.9 inches 80.0 .inches 125.0 inches 64/64 inches 4,132 lbs. 26 gals. 18 qts. 330 h.p. 21.8 cu. in. H78x15 MULLEN MOTORS, Inc. Telephone 765-3564 5- 4 E ast Main Street 7: SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 f� 777 -7�; /� =dtir iWjtlllh}; PlymoutFr March 12th, 1970 TO WHOM IT MAY C ONC ERN : We are pleased to submit our bid for One (1) 1970 - New - Vehicle for the Superintendent, Highway Department, Town of Southold, New York, as follows: One (1) 1970 Chrysler - Newport - 4 door Hardtop including all requirements as per specifications of the Town of Southold for Highway Department Superintendent's Vehicle. NET DELIVERED PRICE - INCLUDING TRADE-IN OF 1967 OLDSMOBILE----------- $2,999.00 All Excise Taxes have been deducted from Quoted Price. Approximate Delivery Date: Within Five (5) Weeks of Order. Respectfully Submitted, MULLEN MOT ORS , INC. BY. Richard F. Mullen, Jr. RFM1r:e Vice -President VATLAND OLDS INC. TRAVELER ST. PHONE (516) 765-2304 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 OOLDDSMOeOLC March 10, 1970 Mr. Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold, N.Y. Our bid for the folbowing specifications of a 1970 Olds. 4 dr. Model 98 Holiday Sedan #8439. Overall length 225" Overall width 80" Whhel Base 127" Tread front/rear 62.5/63.1? Weight 4.366 lbs. Fuel tank Capacity 25 gals. Cooling system 18 qts. Engine VS 455 cu. 365 HP Tire size J7R-15 Trunk capacity 20.5 Pydramatic trans Power steering, Power disc brakes Power windows Vinyl interior Deluxe radio Electric clock Anti spin differential Tinted windshield Delivered price with trade-in of 1967 Olds $3597.00 VATLAND GI.HS, INC. Ben�amin Volinski OLDSMOBILE 9 F-85 • TORONADO MARK of EXCELLENCE NON-OOLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION; (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT,, TO ANY O—IHER BIDDER, CORTETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETER; (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON' PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL; (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOFI SUCH PENALTIES BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF; (e) THAT ATTACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF WE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER, RESOLVED THAT: '�;J i- L_ A L A ti p (Name of Officer) AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT. c (Described project) AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON -COLLUSION REQUIRED BY SECTION 103-4 OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTI- FICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY VA T_L-A-✓17 0-95 CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THE DAY OF �' Secre ry . ............ ............................................. E. MAIN STREET ON ROUTE 25 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK PHONE, PARK 7-1100 0 Supt. Of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York We are pleased to SUBMIT the following BID on: . .. ... .... .. .. ...... ... . ONE (1) NEW 1970 FOUR DOOR 98 FOUR DOOR, HARDTOP (equipp;U w1th) ............................................. E. MAIN STREET ON ROUTE 25 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK PHONE, PARK 7-1100 0 Supt. Of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York We are pleased to SUBMIT the following BID on: 11ZX7""P ONE (1) NEW 1970 FOUR DOOR 98 FOUR DOOR, HARDTOP (equipp;U w1th) Turbo-Hyd-Trans Power Steering Power Disc Brakes Power Windows Vinyl Interior Radio Clock Posi-Traction Rear End Tinted Windshield LIST PRICE $49970'42 LESS TAX 251.67 $4745.75 TRADE l.' 30. YOUR COST T3D-15—.33 t'Y 1 -SDD �ti'CO 'TI .ACT' CERTTFMATOV y. ' , g j,. (an y`:sub.;:ission of this bid, each bidder and each person. signing on be alp cif any bidp,er "'' e Pias, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as, to its sv.. # own,:,c under 'penalty oa ' .perj ur y, that to the 'est of his knowledge andbelie"'; The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion±, consultation, :;.comm-anication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting cc:.petition, as to any. matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any cor..� p chlor , # , x a ('2) Unless otherwise required oy law, the prices which have been quoted i.. th, bid eVv r�ot'oean knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the, � ddder. prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any otter bidder or to any ccm- �etar,; and J ' 3n has been made or will be made b the bidder to induce any other attempt , verso:, arinership or corporation to 'submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose o; restrict nq. competition, I fl.4 �7 x+ u a' S IN CF-SOUTHOLD _ ( HIGHWAY SUPT. CAR) (Describe Project) F d pjY Dated;" rN x%10/ �70 O1 Keefe Chevrolet-Olds . Inc. ' Name of dder) . r B ;a �qC + , am Yt Y r °r Pres ent} 'zo (Title) shall not be considered for award nor shall any award be made where (a) () (2) nd';(3) abov6 have not been complied with; provided however, that if in any, casa tie' bidder Cann of make the foregoing certification, the bidder shall so state and shall fur— S' with °t� ,bid a. signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefor. . VJ'rera (a) ° F (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with, the bid shall not be considered or;at�tara nor- shall an award be made, unless the head of the purchasing unit of the state, pualiC'as, •;, baron ent or agency to which the bid is made, or his designee, determines that such-diz ; r* losura was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. :T lS Y 5 r Tki fact that a bidder (a) has published price lists, rates, or tariffs coveri being ;aroaured (b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending o. new or.revised price lists for such items, or (c) has sold the same items to ot:.er cis s t tomer, at;'the`,same prices being bid, does not constitute, withoutmore, a'disclosure �w th-, ; ; r in the rleaning of subparagraph one (a) aA n1 bid hereafter made to any public authority or to any official of any pubLc aw ° .r o: icy created by tr e 'state or any political subdivision, by a corporate bidder fo= wo,—,:� ; 4 or' 4ervices' pe-rz:ormed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, w ,,ara 'iddirRis r$paired by statute, rule, regulation, or local law, and where such bid co , shall be d,;amad to rsv pee: N � ;,:;ic tion : af� rred to in subdivisiQri one of this section,g od "pY t:, board of directors of th,e bigdar, and such authorization shall be c, "'usibn.tharein of tree carlifleat2 .....•..dam �.e .� 7...nq and submission of the aid and tre incl ..—,_,.__..,..,..,..,,..,_,. .., .... _. , ,.,,.....,....,. . _..... .._—, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL 14410E LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN, Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids `FOLK, 5s: in accordance with the provisions are sought and requested for the YORK. of Section 103 of the General cost of repairs and P material for Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one work to be done on a Hough �a i�cc t �> being duly Sworn, (1) New 1970 four -door Sedan -- Specifications for the above Pa loader. Model of the the A list the description is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK may be obtained at the Office of the Supt. of Highways. (One a of f t type of rgpairs and material required may be obtained at the a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Oldsmobile sedan must be taken in trade, as part payment on New Office of the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, he notice, of which the annexed is a printed car.) Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y. ' The sealed bids, in duplicate, Qualifications: Bids will only be iblished in the said Suffolk Weekly Times together with a non -collusive accepted by authorized Dealers of Hough Payloaders. :, for . . ...... �:.Z;L: ............. weekk certificate, will be received by Time for the completion of these the Supt. of Highways of the repairs must be specified. Fencing On the .. > :� . ............. Town of Southold, at his office, The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive .. Peconic, N.Y. until 1:00 P.M. by March 12, 1970, at which time certificate, will be received they will be opened and read the Commissioner of Department ..... , .... ... .... ............. . aloud in public. of Public Works, at his Office at ne this 1 The Supt. of Highways reserves 1:00 P.M. March 12, 1970, at .. .... the right to reject any and all bids which time they will be opened in and to waive any and all in- formality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest and read aloud public. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax, • ..... ' • • • • ' ' of the Town of Southold, to do so. from which the Town of Southold,. , , • • • • , , • • All bids must be signed and" is exempt. sealed in envelopes plainly Dated: January 24, 1970 marked (Bid on New Car) to the RAYMOND C. DEAN, Office of the Supt. of Highways. Commissioner, Dept. of Public The bid price shall not include Works any Tax, Federal, State or Local, ITM6. --- — k { 1, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: February 24, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN Supt. of Highways 1TMa16 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: .. ... ...........:..... .............. being duly Sworn. says that , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . . ...... ............. weekk successively commencing on the .. .............. dray of ........ Sworn to before me this .. G..1.'... ' . t day of .. ....... ....V..... . ......... XS .. ............ F ,_.,\Nt:TON :(-)€{,VIN t9*, t uoi,i.: t(t tk C N, N Y::r k offs iaNa b A77 , NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (D i Used 1970 Interna- tional 112 ton dump truck, V8 304 16,000 lbs. maximum gross weight, two speed axle, rein- forced frame, 156" wheelbase, tow hitch and rear light hookup, OR EQUAL: The sealed �, in duplicate, together with non -collusive certificate, will be eceived by the Supt. of Highwayv of the Town of Southold, at his office, Pe - conic, N. Y. until 2:00 P. M., De- cember 29, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public: Specifications for the above may be obtained .3t the office of the Supt. of Highways. One 1955 Chevrolet dump truck, must be taken in trade, as part payment of the above. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on Used truck) to the office of the Supt. of -Highways. The bid price shall not include any tax, Federal, Staff 'er Local, j from which the Town of South- I old, is exempt. Dated: December 8, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN. Supt. of Highways 1T-17 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for r. ; C_, ...... ..... ,. weeks successively, commencing on the .....................I ................ � d day of ... :.... ._..... ....j;., 179 .............................. ....................... ... Sworn to before me this... ........................ day of Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, S'.ate of New York r ;!dingin SWfolk County 'q'). 52-3041000 Comrn,ssion Expires March 30, 1971 f COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW -YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... .....r1,1. week successively, commencing on the ............. .1..�.7................ day of Sworn to before me this ............... day of ..........,/�i::.l,.��. Q..�:, 19.70 ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residigg in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971 December 29s 1970 Ray,mond G. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Sir: We are pleased to quote on one (1) used 1970 International dump truck as follows: Used 1970 International Dump truck-S/N 3145OlM55734 $ 3,804.00 Less allowance on 1955 Chevrolet Dump 200.40 Net Hid S 3,ZW.-00 Thank you for any favorable consideration this may receive. Sincerely, TRYAC TRUCK & EQUIPl w Co., INC. „...� y P rc���y Thomas P. Cassidy / Sales Manager TPC:mk NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE " The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. " INV.OR RE57� &e2=� ( SIGNED) ` `zU j LESTER W. UNG ( CORPORATE TITLE., EC ARY IF ANY 79— EDWARD E14RIBAl2- NC. Town of Southold Highway Dept. Garage Peconic Lane Peconic., L.I.,, New York 11958 Gentlemen: TELEPHONE PELHAM 8-5100 looSECOR LANE PELHAM MANOR, N, Y. 10803 February 20 1 9 7 0 We have inspected ymr Hough Model H -90C Payloader Scrial No;, 113CH-1198 and A-sh to offer an estimake of the cost of work: shown on the at-Uached sheeto The final cost of the work listed ­oruM x-= either higher ar Inver thzn ths, figums shmrnthij is ox, boat estimate of the cas-k: &r ivvealedby our present insmi.Ation, Fifiva billing will b� on a tine and zate,�Ial basis at our prf,vniling parts prices and 'vete.'!, U0 work. otIer Id -is -n that listed vUI be de-ne vrithout yr-'ar au-'110PJAIr, We g;WJ, apprs,,,;.,IAatz your signIng axFd re�'lxnin'g '41V origin&I estJi-wte to pzevent any misundenitmd-Ing aftir the work is A &o�f­t4d.drnssed envelope ir, enzIosed for y m,- cavvenience,, Thank you for the opportunity s.o qnots cc this 'Uoikv it t4ara cre any further questl=E concerning aor esUmats,, p5j aase let us know before you forward the, au,-,bcrizati. on 'to int.s. Very txqiLy Y*Ur3 * EMARD MUMARI, 11'Ct, R. A. Zupanc RALArg ServJ_-e Department. encl.- ES TIMATE EQi IPe'011.'i -Hough odel- H-,QOC Payloader DATE ,SL- UAL ATO. 113CH"1198 JOB NO* February 20, 1970 Note: Bearings in the articulating hinges are worn out and have elongated the hinge pin holes in the frame of the Payloader. These elongated holes in the arti- culating hinges must be line bored oversize and then steel sleeves inserted in the holes in order to accommodate the new bearings. Repair as follows: 1. Removing the articulating pins and bearings and splitting the Payloader in two. Setting up the boring bar on the front section. Reboring the worn holes on the front binges and installing oversize bushings into rebored hinge holes. Setting up the boring bar on the rear section. Reboring the worn holes in the torques of the rear section. Installing oversize bushings in the tongues or. Uie rear section_. Assembling the front and rear sections together with new articulating pins and bearings and adjust as.necessary. Miscellaneous Repairs: 1, Reseal the transmission dump valve (oil getting into the air brake system). 2. Install a new front seal on the front differential pinion shaft. 3. Rebuild the bucket leveler device. 4. Install new hydraulic oil filters, clean out the oil reservoir and change the hydraulic oil. 5. Repair the dash lights. 6. Repair the rear lights. EZI—ic ate total cast of repair:: 'FG' a cChoi" zo W?Tard ...`'fit 's? ,, Inc. prococd 161th tine wo� Tk ms estirmted. Town cf Southold BY b1TI1 PARTS L_ .00 iiiL.4ilil 1,220.00. TOTAL CO ?DATE 13.230.00 PAGE TWO OF TWO COUNT`( OF SUF=FOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General C. Whitney booth, Jr., being duly Municipal Law, that sealed bids l g y s worn, says are sought and requested for the that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND cost of repairs and material for ii work to be done on a Hough TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- Model H-9oC Payloader, paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that A list of the description of the type of repairs and material the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been required may be obtained at the Office of the Commissioner of published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattitucic Watch- the Department of Public Works, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y. man once each week for } Qualifications: Bids will only ••.. •->--••••••••••••••••••••• week$ be accepted by authorized Deal- l ers of Hough Payloaders. successively, commencing on the f >.................... Time for the completion of these repairs must be specified. day of %" .. The sealed bids, in duplicate, " together with a non-collusive i' certificate, will be received by /I� t*, the Commissioner of Department .........::.. of Public Works, at his Office at ; 1:0o P. M. March 12, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax. from G from which the Town of South- worn to before me this ......... .,.•. day or old, is exempt. Dated: February 24, 1970 � • • • • • • • -• �-• �•+L- 19 � • • •G�• RAYMOND C. DEAN, E Commissioner, Dept. of Public Works 1T-3-5 ........... Notary blit COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....... L7?.�:.... �. �/......... week successively, commencing on the..........�-'�_k.................. day of .... (-� .. :. ., 1, ..70 Sworn to before me this ........ ?.......... day of .. or ,�...................Notary NOTICE TO BIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the cost of repairs and material for work to be done on a Hough Model H -90C Payloader, A list of the description of the type of repairs and material required may be obtained at the Office of the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y. Qualifications: Bids will only be accepted by authorized Dealers of Hough Payloaders, Time for the completion of th#se repairs must be specified, The sealed bids,in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Commissioner of Department of Public Works, at his Office at 1Y00 P.M. March 12, 19709 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public, The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt, Dated: January 24, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Commissioner, Dept, of Public Works A �t���ttg �.e�ttx#n�.extt ofrn of "'E�0111401b . RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 766-3140 8uperintendent 734.6211 RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLVED, that the Supt, of Highways of the Town of Southold, be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, one (1) New 1970 Backhoe. Vote of the Town Board: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia (Yes) (No) Justice Louis Demarest (Yes) (No) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) -(No) Councilman Howard Valentine (Yes) (No) Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. (Yes) (No) Dated: March 31, 1970 Town Clerk, Town of Southold RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent P'tg4futtg clOrpartrarut Zv£un of Svn#holb Peronir, c. U. 11958 NOTICE TO BIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) New 1970 Backhoe. Tel. 765-3140 734.5211 Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Supt. of Highways. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certifi- cate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Peconic, N.'Y. until 1:30 P.M.April 16, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways reserves the tight to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly markes (Bid on New Backhoe) to the office of the Supt. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which.the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated:dav-161;17 31, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways V% WTICE TO BIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Lawr that sealed bids are sought and requested for the cost of repairs and material for work to be done on a Hough Model H -90C Payloader, A list of the description of the type of repairs and material required may be obtained at.the Office of the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y, Qualifications: Bids will only be accepted by authorized Dealers of Hough Payloaderso Time for the completion of thtse repairs must be specified, The.sealed bids,in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Commissioner of Department of Public Works, at his Office at 1 OO P,M, March 12, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt, Dated: January 249 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Commissioner, Dept, of Public Works LIST OF REPAIRS AND MATERIAL FOR WORK TO BE DONE ON HOUGH MODEL H -90C PAYLOADER: Bearings in the articulating hinges are worn out and have elongated the hinge pin holes in the frame of the Payloader. These elongated holes in the 4rticulating hinges must be line bored oversize and then steel sleeves inserted in the holes in order to accomodate the hew bearings. Repairs as follows: 1. Removing the articulating pins and bearings and splitting the Payloader in two. Setting up the boring bar on the front section. Reboring the worn holes on the front hinges and installing oversize bushings into re- bored hinge holes. Setting up the boring bar on the rear section. Reboring the worn holes in the torques of the rear section. Installing oversize bushings in the torques on the rear section. Assembling the front and rear sections together with new articulating pins and bearings and adjust as necessary. Miscellaneous Repairs: 1. Reseal the transmission dump valve (oil getting into the air brake system) 2. Install a new front seal on the front differential pinion shaft. 3. Rebuild the bucket leveler device. 4. Install new hydraulic oil filters, clean out the oil reservoir and change the hydraulic oil. 5. Repair the dash lights. 6. Repair the rear lights. ,iixyerintrnbmt .of �ii�hfvap Tofun of 'Saut4alb Peronir, N. V' RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY RESOLVED, that the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder„ 2500 tons, more or less as may be needed ---'aereo ,car 3/3 Flue Stone. Vote of Town Board: Supervisor Albert M. Na.rtocchia (Yea) (No) Justice Louis Demarest (Yes) (No) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) (No) Councilman Howard Valentine (Yes) (140) Councilman James 11. Rich, Jr. (Yes) (No) Dated: January 1's0 1990 Town Clerk, Town of Southold G i9 s T X/ fav R� � _ �/ o i2 > G✓ /is h` i iY`i Ta � ��� .� C LoN„tL Jr' '3`x'8' °t .</ T<,�,� C G - /7�G �20�ris�✓.�-y/ �' y�(. /✓� G � / �/ - � y � �' (G f✓T �/�c Ti/+/y �i %� 0 - � � j� � � Tc �” �p�°G j Gifurc of '5nutl101b RAYMOND C. DEAN TEL, 765.3140 SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Sectiom 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and delivery of 2500 tons, more or less, or as much as may be needed, of 3/8 Blue Stone, to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, Peconic, Ne Yo, and each truck must have,a weight slip. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non"collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, of his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Yd, until IWO P.M., January 29, 19702 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. If a bid is accepted, the ,successful bidder will enter into a contract with the Town of Southold, within S days. All bids to be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked (Bids on Blue Stone) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The Sup'to of Highways reserves they right to reject any and all bids and to waive any detect or informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do soo The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt* Dated: January 13, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supte of Highways r V% 40 ,�$nyrrinfrn rn# of Pi�4fvays cTofun of "'�unt4alb Feronir, N- V - RESOLUTION BY: SEODNDAD BY: RESOLVED, that the Supt. of Highways of the Torn of Southbld, be (authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, the following items, more or less, as may be needed - 24 - 89 x 3960 Drainage Rings 24 - 8' x 416" Drainage Rings iS - Drainage Domes 13 - 36" Covers Vote of Towns Bow: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia (Yes) (NO Justice Louis Demsrest (Yes) (Nay) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) (No) ODuncilman Howard Valentine (Yes) (No) O:uncila James $.Rich, Jr. (Yes) (No) Dated: January 13. 1974 Town Clerk, Tcrnns of Southold Y RAYMOND C. DEAN SUPERINTENDENT C `z��.��tt�i� C" E31�Tx�zYCE1'C� `Tr -fun of "56ont4vib Frronir' N V1. 1195 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following itews, more or less, as ordered: 24 - 8' x 3'6" Drainage Rings 24 - 8' x 4'6" Drainage Rings 15 - Drainage Domes 15 - 36" Covers The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways' of tho Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., January 29, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. TEL. 783-8140 The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to purchase the above from the lowest responsible bidder, and to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: January 139 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways . '! RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent �t���tt� �e�ttx�z�t�xtt (Tafun of 'SOW1101d FPrunit,. If. 11958 Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLVED, that the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, the following, or as much as may be needed thereof - 200 tons of No. 1 Grade Cayuga (or equal) Rock Salt (more or less as needed) delivered in 100 pound paper bags, by truck, to Peconic, .IV. Y. Dated: October 69 1970 Toltin Clerk, Town of Southold "A el � '4' e-? " — � '� - Vote of To -an Board: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia (Yes) (No) Justit2 Louis Demarest (Yes) (No) Councilman Howard Valentine (Yes) (No) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) (No) Councilman James Rash, Jr, (Yes) (No) Dated: October 69 1970 Toltin Clerk, Town of Southold "A el � '4' e-? " — � '� - 3 afun of "-son#liolb �ecunic, �_ �. 1185 RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following: 200 tons (more or less, as needed) of Grade No. 1 Cayuga (or equal) Rock Salt, delivered in 1^0 ib. paper bags, to Peconic, N.Y., by truck. The sealed bads in duplicate, together with a Non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Siip't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N.Y., until 1:30 P.M., November 2, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any and all Informality in any bid should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and. sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on Rock Salt) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: October 6, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold r �t�%£�rtt� c�.e��zx#zztezc# Eafvn of man#I�oID RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734.5211 RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLVED, that the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold be authorized to advertise for bids and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, 1,000 bags or Portland Cement, more or less, as may be needed. Vote of the Town Board: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia (Yes) (No) Justice Louis Demarest (Yes) (No) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) (No) Councilman Howard Valentine (Yes) (No) Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. (Yes) (No) Dated: May 19, 1970 Town Clerk, Town of Southold 4 RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent tttex#zrten# `C afun of `�Vllt4vlb Veronir, Nd- V. 1.1955 NOTICE TO BIDDERSt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for 1,000 bags of Portland Cement, or more or less as may be needed. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., June 5, 1970, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on Portland Cement) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: May 199 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Tel. 765-3140 734-5211 V. ,�$uyerh enbtr t# of Pighfuays Zofuu of "Sont4alb Feronir, C_ V. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT: Bids shall be accepted for Portland Cement that complies with requirements of the latest ASTM, AASHO or Federal Specifications, Type 1 or 1-A. Portland Cement shall be delivered in suitable paper bags of an approved type with the Brand, type of cement and the name of the Manufacturer plainly marked thereon. A bag of cement shall con- tain 94 lbs., net, considered as containing one cubic foot. The cement may be rejected if it fails to meet any of these Speci- fications. Bidding shall be based upon delivery of 1,600 bags, more or less as may be needed, of Portland cement. Unit price shall also be in- cluded in bid if additional bags are requested. RAYMOND 0. DEAN Superintendent adis*av Pj0Pttr# # Tofurt of Aeut4olb Fewnir, Cv. '1. 11958 RESIXTUFTION BY i SACBD BY: RESOLVED, that the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, be authorized to advertise for b4ds and to purchase from the lowest responsible bidder, one (1) New 1970 four door Sedan, One (1)1967' Oldembile Sedan to be taken in trades as part payment on new care Vote of Taim Board: Supervisor Albert 144 Vartocchia (Yes) (No) Justice Louis Demarest (Yes) (No) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) (N6) Onincilman Howard Valentine (Yes) tft) Clamellman Jwws He Rich,, Jr* (Yes) (No) Dated: February 24# 1970 Town Cler;, Tmm of Southold Tel. 765-3140 734-6911 vfvn of "SOU14R13 FProntr, RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent NOTICE TO BIDDERS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) New 1970 four -door Sedan - Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Supt, of Highway's. (One 1967 Oldsmobile sedan must be taken in trade, as part payment on New car. Tel. 765.3140 734.5211 The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certifi- cate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Peconic, N. Y. until 1:00 P.M., March 12, 1970. at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bid on New Car) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: January 24, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent ` affirt Of "'Slalit4olb Prrordr' C_ -V. 11958 RESOLUTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLVED, that the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, be authorized to advertise for bids for the repairs and repair parts for the track assembly on the D-6 Caterpillar Bulldozer. Vote of Town Board: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia (Yes) (No) Justice Louis Demarest (Yes) (No) Justice Martin Suter (Yes) (No) Councilman Howard Valentine (Yes) (No) Councilman James Rich, Jr. (Yes) (No) Dated: December 22, 1970 Town Clerk: Town of Southold Tei. 766.3140 734.6211 A- 0 RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent �t���r�� �IQ�ttx�mex�t Zvfun of 'suut4olb Perone, N. 1g. 11955 NOTICE TO BIDDERS: Te I. 765 - 3140 734.5211 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the cost of repairs and materials for work to be done on the track assembly on the D-6 Caterpillar Bulldozer, Qualifications: Bids will only be accepted by authorized Dealers of Caterpillar Bulldozers, The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Peconic, N. Y. until 1:30 P.M, 1971, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt, Dated: December 22, 1970 RAYMOND C. DEAN,, Supt, of Highways