HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20152015 BEACH SEASON: Preparations are underway to ensure adequate coverage for this summer. Applications were mailed out to last year's beach attendants, beach managers, lifeguards, and swimming instructors who performed their jobs satisfactorily enough to warrant an invitation to work for the town once again this year. Once all applications are received (deadline is Friday, March 20), it will be determined if any additional personnel are needed. Interviews will then be scheduled as needed. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING: was held on Thursday, February 12 at town hall. Topics covered included: Cultural Awareness Training; State of the Town Address; State Audit; Anthem Security Breach; Kronos Procedures; Gasoline Storage Tanks at the Highway/DPW Yard; and numerous other topics. PARKS, BEACHES, & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING: was held on Thursday, February 12 at Town Hall. Numerous topics were discussed including a possible flag football league, pickleball courts, and numerous other topics. SPRING 2015 BROCHURE: The brochure will be an insert in the March 5th edition of the Suffolk Times. We are now offering not only more recreation programs, but are also expanding our adult education program offerings. The majority of my time this month was spent working on our spring brochure. This is extremely time consuming as it involves a great deal of preparation, communication, and paperwork. SUMMER 2015 BROCHURE: Work has already begun on preparing the summer programs and activities. There is a short period between spring and summer registration dates as residents are trying to plan their summer schedule. The summer brochure will be an insert in the Thursday, May 14 edition of The Suffolk Times. RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly bank statement, deposits made for the month, instructor payroll sheets, and 2015 purchase orders submitted to date. Please note that all withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for those participants who paid with a credit card. Respectfully Submitted, Ken Reeves Recreation Supervisor TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT MONTHLY BANK STATEMENT Balances as of 10:40:32 AM EDT on 03/09/2015 Available $79,538.47 Date Last 03/06/2015 Balance: Deposit: Closing $78,271.47 Current $79,538.47 Led-ger: Balance: Date Last 06/20/2014 Last $77,443.47 Check: Statement Balance: Date Last 02/27/2015 Interest $5.95 Statement: Earned Y-rD: Total Float: $0.00 Days 0 Overdrawn: Interest .05% Interest Paid $24.66 Rate: Last Year: February 11, 2015 Deposit Breakdown 1/23/15 4755 Free 1/23/15 4756 Visa 40.00 1/23/15 4757 Check 120.00 1/23/15 4758 MC 110.00 1/23/15 4759 Check 54.00 1/23/15 4760 Free 1/26/15 4761 Check 81.00 1/28/15 4762 Free 1/28/15 4763 Check 60.00 1/28/15 4764 Visa 27.00 1/28/15 4765 Check 90.00 1/28/15 4766 Check 35.00 1/28/15 4767 Check 60.00 1/28/15 4768 Check 60.00 1/28/15 4769 Check 140.00 1/28/15 4770 Free 1/30/15 4771 Free 1/30/15 4772 Cash 10.00 1/30/15 4773 Free 1/30/15 4774 Check 27.00 1/30/15 4775 Check 27.00 1/30/15 4776 Check 20.00 2/2/15 4777 Check 105.00 2/4/15 4778 Check 20.00 2/5/15 4779 MC 45.00 2/5/15 4780 Check 40.00 2/6/15 4781 Check 20.00 2/6/15 4782 Free 2/10/15 4783 Check 35.00 2/10/15 4784 Visa 140.00 Totals 914.00 10.00 362.00 80.00 February 11, 2015 Deposit Breakdown N; Date Prepared By: 2/11/15 Date Reviewed By: 2/11/15 Ken R vg, Recreation Supervisor Judy McCleery, Princip4 Clerk Checks: #914.00; Cash: $10.00 Credit Card: $362.00 Total Deposit: $924.00 1 deposit ticket DEPOSIT TICKET FOR CLEAR COPY, PRESS FIRMLY WITH BALL POINT PEN, BRIDGEH"WTON 34970 MAIN ROAD e/ ``NATIONAL SOUTHOLD,NY11671 BANK WWVKWApnb=m DATE February 26, 2015 Deposit Breakdown 2/11/15 MR, 4785 Checks 0.00 40.00 2/13/15 4786 Free 0.00 2/13/15 4787 MC 140.00 2/17/15 4788 Check 34.00 2/17/15 4789 Cash 68.00 2/18/15 4790 Check 35.00 2/18/15 4791 Visa 70.00 2/19/15 4792 Free 0.00 2/19/15 4793 Check 60.00 2/19/15 4794 Check 60.00 2/20/15 4795 Checks 34.00 50.00 2/20/15 4796 Check 0.00 20.00 2/20/15 4797 Cash 70.00 2/23/15 4798 Check 34.00 2/23/15 4799 Check 35.00 2/23/15 4800 Check 0.00 20.00 2/25/15 4801 Check 10.00 2/25/15 4802 Check 0.00 40.00 2/25/15 4803 Check 35.00 2/25/15 4804 Check 35.00 2/26/15 4805 Free 0.00 Totals 372.00 138.00 210.00 170.00 Date Prepared By: 2/26/15 Date Reviewed By: 2/26/15 Ken RekvesRecreation Supervisor Judy McCleery, PrinpijaClerk P Checks: $372.00; Cash: $138.00 CC.- 170.00 Total Deposit: $510.00 DEPOSIT TICKET FOR CLEAR COPY, PRESS. FIRMLY WITH BALL POINT PEN. 1 BRIDGEHAMMN ua�o mmN nowO NATIONAL wurxOLo,. Nr r ra» BANK www.brldpenb.cpm DATE o� I S O M� O�Z . a O voaN < �o IT! Orr Date PO # Amount Vendor # Reason Budget Line 1/12/15 27585 1299.00 Tobay Printing 20463 Spring Brochure Printing A.7020.4.400.300 1/12/15 27586 800.00 Times Review Newspapers 20331 Spring Brochure Insert A.7020.4.400.300 3/11/15 27587 2584.00 NY Yankees 14187 52 tickets to 8/4 game A.7020.4.500.420 PAYROLL WINTER'" 2015 SA SU MO TOWN TU WE BOARD:- TH FR SA 3/10/15 SU # $$$ TOTAL. INSTRUCTOR NAME MO TU WE TH FR & CLASS BATES 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/1 HRS RATE AMOK No Class 2/4/15 Wednesdays -1/14 - 2/25/15 Bennett, Dawn Dog Obedience Pre -Therapy 1/10 --2/21/15 $90/person 0 t Saturdays Bennett, Dawn Dog Obedience Puppy STAR $70/person No 247 14 # ,XIWI5 Tuesdays- l-houe $30/hour No Class 2I4 & 2/1$ 1/14 - 3/19(15 Wednesdays 2 hours IV N Boucher, Thomas Guitar Adults ,,vi 1/13-3/3115 S30/hour Tuesdays 1.25 hours Dome, Lenora Belly Dancing $30/hour 1/13-313/15 Tuesdays 1.0 hours Dome, Lenora Belly Dancing Intermediate $30/hour No Class 11191 2/4, 2/16 115 -3/25/15 Mondays & Wednesdays Eagle, Martha Aerobics 1/6-3/27/15 $30/hour Tuesdays & Fridays Eagle, Martha Pilates •--�- $30/hour 119 -3/13/15 Fridays 3 hours Fokine, Suzzanne Painting on Fridays (A $30/hourur V 1/15-3/12/15 Thursdays 2 hours Forte, Susan �� Tr� Ipad No Class 2/14,2/21,3/14,4/4,4/11 $30/hour 1124-5ays3 Saturdays 3.25 hours Gats, Bili Youth Basketball --------- $30/hour q INSTRUCTOR NAME MO TU WE TH FR SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA —SU # $$$ TOTAL & CLASS DATES 2/16 i/-1-7-2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21 2122 2/23— —2/24 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/1 HRS RATE AMOUNT 1/15 - 3/12115 (No Class 2/19) —2/25- Thursdays 2.5 hours Gillies, Denise Tai Chi A&B $301hour UR s Thursd",s !.25 hours 12/5,12119,1/2,1/16,1/30,2113, $30/hour V27,3/13 Fridays 1.5 hours Gladstone, Daniel String Orchestra $30/hour No Class 2/-14,2/21,3/14,4/4,4�/-11 1/24-5/9/15 Saturdays 3.25 hours Izzo, Eric Youth Basketball ey No Class 2/14,2/21,3/14,4/4,4/11 $30/hour 1/24-5/9/15 Saturdays 3.25 hours Ino, Kevin Youth Basketball $301hour No Class 1/19 & 2/16 1/12-3/16/15 Mondays 2 Classes Martilotta, Rosemary Yoga In - 1/21/15 $58/class Wednesdays 2.25 hours MeCleery, Judy Digital Photo Smart Phone x 2/4-2/18/15 S30/hour Wednesdays 2.25 hours McCleery, Judy Digital Photo Friends x 3/4-3/18/15 $30/hour Wednesdays 2.25 hours McCleery, Judy Digital Photo Lightroom No Class 1/19 & 2/16 S30/hour U5- 3/23/15 Mondays I hour McNeil, Lara Weight Loss No Class 1119 &2116 $30/hour- 1/5-3/23/15 Mondays 1 hour McNeil, Lara Health Program $30/hour Fgi; 1111111 1 lI IIIIIIp I'll�l I III 11; IIIIMT11211101'11 2! ff M, INSTRUCTOR NAME MO- TU WE TH -FR -SA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA Su- # $$$ TOTAL & CLASS DATES 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/1AMOUNT BRS RATE 1/13-3/3/15 --- Tuesdays 1.5 hours Mundell, Maribeth Singing No Class 2/16 S30/hour 0 2/2-3/16/15 Mondays 1.5 hours Nemeth, Linda Watercolor x 2/18 - 3/I1/15 $30/hour Wednesdays 2 hours Pasta, Kathy Cake Decorating No Class 2/22 $30/hour 1/11-3/8/15 Sundays Poplarski, Dr. Jeffrey Golf Fitness 3/28/15 $55/class Saturday R&C Agency Management CPR Course 2/28/15 S55/person Saturday jr R&C Agency Management Driving --Defensive NoGass-1/19,2/16,2/19 $30/person US -3/26115 Mondays & Thursdays I hour Short, Laurie Boot Camp Circuit (Pu No Class 1/19,2/16,2/19 $30/hour 1/5 -3/26/15 Mondays & Thursdays I hour Short, Laurie Drop Set Training No Class 1/19,2/16,2/19 $30/hour 1/5 -3126/15 Mondays & Thursdays 1.5 hours Smith, Steve Weight Training Jr 1/13 - 2--/17/15 $30/hour Tuesdays I class MainStage Dance Academy Baby Ballerinas & Mommy x x No Class 2/14,2/21,3/14,4/4,4/11 S30/hour 1/24 -5/9/15 Saturdays 3.25hours Suglia, Jocelyn Youth Basketball TAI PAYROLL, WINTER 2015 TOWN BOARD: 3/10/15 INSTRUCTOR NAME MC? TU WE TH FR SA SU MU TU WE TH FR SA SU # $$$ TOTAL & CLASS DATES 3/18115 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 2127 2128 311 HRS RATE AMOUNT Wednesday Tettelbach, Lisa Greeting Cards Na Class 2/16+& 2123 $30/hour 2/2-3/23/15 Mondays Triggiani, Alfonso Ballroom --�—"" Dancin $65/person 4125 & 5/2!15 Saturdays U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating - Adults' $50/person; No Class 2/21,3/14 $90/couple 1124 5 Saturdays 2S 5 hours Watts, Christine Youth Theatre " Class 2/17 $25/houriso 1/13 - 6/9/15 Tuesdays 1.5 hours Jens, Rebecca Volleyball y 1 V t1 qq ,y,.e "'+�K $25/hour