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COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 ss: NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF NEW YORK J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, j in accordance with the provisions of - Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one ` C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says (1) New 1969 International truck, I Model 1300 D, OR EQUAL— f that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND The sealed bids in duplicate, together with a non-collusive i TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- certificate, of Highways of the Pa , will received by the Supt. printed at Southold in Suffolk County; and that I Per Town of Southold, at his Office, !I the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been Peconic, New York, until 1:00 P. M., May 16, 1969, ,at which I published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- time they will be opened and read aloud in public. Specifications for the above I man once each Week for ... ;,,:k......(......�... weelye may be obtained at the Office-of the Supt. of Highways, and de- successively, commencing on the ................%� ................... livery date must be submitted. The Sup't. of Highways re- `��,c.... „ , . 19.5; t day of ......... ....., serves.the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all 'informality in any bid, should !....... ::...... �.t............. ;,,,it be deemed to be in the best........................................... interest of the Town of Southold, to-do, so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark%, ed (Bid on New truck) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. ` Sworn to before me this ................... day of The bid price shall not include any Tax; Federal, State or Local, 9 C from which the Town of South== • • • • • • • •. 19.�.. t. old, is exempt: - Dated: May 6, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways 1T-$................ Notary Public ADE[ r PP,YN� Notary Pi,'Yory TEL. YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 11980 LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Dear Sir: WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE, JR. CHIEF ENGINEER May 21, 1969 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one (1) new 1969 Internation- al Model 13OUD Truck as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being sent to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, R. M. Kammerer Commissioner of Public Works hl encs. ,,r cc. Supt. Raymond Dean FORM A.C. 142-T.H. 19 F -5-65--6M 14B3-73) CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One (1) New 1969 1'at"n"10nAl AbdOl 1300D truck ................................ I .................................................................... I .......................................................................................................................... (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based.) .. ........ ............. ........ ( SEE ATTAC FMD ....................................................................... I ........... .................................................... SMIFICAT ............................ MRS.) .................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..... I .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... entered into this.�....day of... r ............................. 19W.., between Raymond C. I)ean Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ......................... 4�thll:ad........•••...........•... , in the County of .............................. Suffcdk ............................... . New York, and ... SqUAP.M. t .. qq*S ... PAC# .................... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ................................ Riverhe"V... ft.- -Aydoft ........................................................ for a total price of Three ...tbmtse.nO-...thr**"ht&Uft*d.-tl?Cnt.7 .. & - -00/100 .. . ......... Dollars (001?'Mp ). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public advertisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Of ............................. SQU-thOLd ............................................. at a meeting held ... ....................... M&$...6. ....................... 1 19.. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Ven- dor dor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of $ (Strike out if not applicable) -13 (2) By a check for $... 20.00................................. ... .. drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ (strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at " (1) " above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of 12 montha ,= ••••• ......................... days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at ......... c 0 NOW York ................................................................................................................................................... 320th May not later than the ................day of ....................................... ........ , 19 ... 69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any Political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any Political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal Prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Hiqhway,�# lVr to sf;eir hands k,zp and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: .................... d .. ..................... N ... ?gg- ..............(SEAL) d B. . ....... ....... y .................... ................... ................................ ........ Count y Suvqr*t"denA 'of-MigAwdys . *(*ind'i*c'a"t*e ... whether officer cTagep . ....... SEAL) fown Supe7int�e enWt of High ways* NoTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price t triplicate and delivered to the Afir-;hc eq county superintendent of highw vs. If equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in one copy in his office and within Ys. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment Townof ........... 9mth.P.1.da............................................. County of .......Suffolk, .................................................. Dated.............. .M..UJ. x.................................... 19. 9... If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. 1>TION OF MACHINERY VALUE i .............................................................. $ .......................... ............................................................... $ .......................... .............................................................. $ .......................... .............................................................. $ ......................... a............................................................. $.......................... aleU Approved .............................................................. 19........ b E County .g Superintendent of Highways. 02 P4Filed:... .................................. .. .........., 19........ . W Ctf W Ei O........................................ .................... x l_ SPECIPICKiIONS FOR A NZI 1969 == 1300D I,%-rMV.TIONZZLTRUCZ - OR EQUALS 134 Inch Wheelbase 3,000 lb. Front Axle 7,500 lb. Rear Axle • • - 4.30 to 1 Ratio heavy duty Rear Springs with Auxiliary V-304, V8 MGine - 304 Cu. Inch Displacement Cigar Lighter Vive Front Cab Lights 11 Inch Heavy Duty Clutch Over size radiator i Idraulic Brakes with Dual Operation System with Warning Light Fre;h Air Heater and Defroster Outside sued Inside Rear View Mirrors Padded Sun Visors, Dash and Arcs Rests Electric Windshield Washer Scat Belts 12 Volts 37 Amp, Alternator Dome Light, Backup Lights, Front Side Marker Lights Directional Signals, Traffic Hazza-rd Switcho Reflectors 4 Speed Neavy duty Synchromesh Tran Taission 7.50 x 10-6 ply Tires with Tabes -Front 7.50 x 16-6 Ply Tires with Tubes -Dual Rear B Foot x 6 Foot Steel Dump Body - 2 to 3 Yard Capacity 13 Inch Sides with 19 Inch beds 6 Ton Hoist Painted Red PHONE: 516 - 727-0200 Try ac T rua Equipment Co., Inc. Box 98 Riverhead, New York 11902 SYMBOL OF INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS TRACTORS FARM AND SERVICE LJ INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL ..... HARVESTER 1 May 16, 1969 Mr. Raymond Dean Superintendent of Highways Thwn of Southold Peconic, New York Dear Mr. Deans We are pleased to bid on one (1) Nbdel 1300D International truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight of 10,000 lbs.; with an 8 foot x 6 foot Dump Body; with Cab protector and Jr. West Coast Mirrors, as specified, ex— clusive of all taxes, for a net delivered price of $3,320.00. Delivery guaranteed four days after receipt of order. We appreciate this opportunity to bid and hope that we may be favored with your order. Very truly yours, TRYdC TRUCK & EQUIPMENT CO.., INC. Henry Stenkiewicz Sales Representative HSsmk NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE " The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. " MeORREQ, # May 16, 1969 ( SIGNED) W, LESTER-We { CORPORATE TITLE.) SECLY IF ANY SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NZ4 1969 =9L 1300D INTERi+ 10NMILTRUCK - OR EMALs 134 Inch Wheelbase 30800 The Front Axle 7,500 IN near Axle - - - 4.30 to 1 Ratio Meavy duty Rear Springs with Auxiliary V-304, VS Engine - 304 Glu. Inch Displacement Cigar Lighter Five Front Cab Lights 11 Incas Heavy Duty Clutch Over size Radiator Hydraulic Brakes with Ducal Operation System with Warning Light Fresh Air Heater and Defroster Outside and Inside Mesar View Mirrors Padded Sun Visors, Dasa and Arm Rests Electric Windshield Washer Seat melts 12 Volt, 37 Amp, Alternator Done Light, Backup Lights, Front Side Marker Lights Directional Signals, Traffic Hazzard Switch, Reflectors 4 Saeed heavy duty Synchromesh Trz n=- ission 7.50 x 10-6 ply Tires with Tubes-Ftont 7.50 x 16-6 Ply Tires with Tubes -Dual Pear a l=oot x 6 l=oot Steel Dump Body - 2 to 3 Yard Capacity 13 Inch Sides with 19 Inch Ends 6 Ton Hoist Painted Red f LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in STATE OF NEW YORK, ss : accordance with the provisions of � Section 103 of the General Muni- cipal Law, that sealed bids are t,Cc Ist -y sought and requested for one (1) ' ' 'rr' ' . ' ' ' ' • • • • • • .. being duly Sworn, 1966 (or later model) Model says that ..•75 . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK V-202 International Truck Cab and ,Used Chassis, OR EQUAL - WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said The sealed bids in duplicate, to- gether with a non -collusive certi- County; and that the 'notice. of which the annexed is a printed ficate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of South-� copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times old, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., September 25, once in each week, for . . . . • • . . 4t -T- . • • . • week 1969, at which time they will be • . • • . • opened and read aloud in public. successively commencing on the ..�? Y� �c'�'- Specifications for the above may a be obtained at the Office of the ' ' ' ' ' ' ' day .of Sup't. of Highways, and delivery date must be submitted. The Sup't. of Highways reserves j the right to reject any and all bids, ' Sworn to before me this �.. :... ' !and to waive any and all informal- G 'r day of lg ity in any bids should it be deemed to be in the .best interest of the •� • J '!� ................. Town of Southold, to do so. ' be �. All bids must signed and seal-' in marked " ' " " " " " " " " " " ed envelopes plainly I (-Bid on Used truck to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid F. I ANt ON CORWIN price shall not include 'any Tax, 'State �ntary . New York No. 52-0770500 Federal; or Local, from which _ .iirolk C;o. 0f1;,:i',11 'larch 30, 19.4 the Town of Southold, is exempt. �;r.; ;.is4on Ls�)ires Dated: September 9, 1969 R, AYMOIND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways 1t519 TEL. YAPHANK 4.3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, i 19so LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER October 10, 1969 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, Covering the purchase of one (1) Used 1966 Model V-202 International Truck Cab and Chassis as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being mailed to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, R. M. Kammerer Comm&ssioner of Public Works hl enc. V/ cc. Supt. Raymond Dean FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One (1) Used 1966 Model V-202 International Truck (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) (SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS 19 69 between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the entered into this 2$thiay of September in the County of Suffolk Town of Southold the Vendor, New York, and whose principal office is located at Riverhead New York Address) for a total price o g`WO thousand eight hundred & 00/100 - - - - - - - - -Dollars ($ 2,800.00 )• -- This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a publicadvertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held September 9, 19 69. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations TOTAL $ 2,800000 It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the gime mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Tow until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out (1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of I mnntha days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Peconic. New York not later than the 15th day of Ort berg ' 19-69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand iury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state any political sub - y public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof division thereof, a public authority or with an or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- g awards from or entering into any contracts with any qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receivin municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, his tight, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contact comprises the a t' coptract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- erty. herein de 'cribed. ` f TRYAC TRUCK & E)UIFM%T CO.t INC • e Town Superinten ent of Highways !/ B APPROVED: ounty Superintendent of Highways J, JOIN A. CUSHW Its TR SUM (Indicate whether officer or agent) NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000• It must be executed in triplicate and de - within ten the county the superintendent erintendedate of taof high file two copies copy the ownd by the tclerk. 1The town clerk inten dent, he ssh ll file one copy and dehall file one copy in his liver one copy to the Vendor. WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. 1 1 - Used IP66 - Model V-202 - International Truck Cab & Chassis 175 Inch Wheel Base, 102 Inch Cab to Axle - Ser. # FD 112534H G.V.W. 35,000 lbs. 12,00n lbs. front axle 23,000 lb. 2 speed rear axle - ratios 6.50/8.56 to 1 V-461 - V8 En gin e 461 Cu. inch Displacement, 226 H.P. ® 3600 R.P.M. Air Brtkes w/Piggy back parking brake 14 inch H.D. clutch Ammeter, fuel, water temperature, air and oil pressure gauges Tachometer 5 speed direct in 5th Transmission Bucket type, individual driver and passenger seats Signal, lights, front cab corner and marker lights West Coast type mirrors 11.00x20 tires -dual rear w/7.5 inch rims September 22,, 1069 Mr. Raymnd Dean Superintenden of Highways Town of Southold Peoonic, New York Dear Mr. Deans Wye are pleased to bid on one (1) used 1066 Model V -2n2 International truck cab and chassis with a groes vehicle weight of 359W lbs. and components as specified, exdlusive of all t axes, for a net delivered price of $2,,8M,t14, We appreciate this opportunity to bid and hope that we may be favored with your order. Very truly yours, TRYAC TRUCK & S MMMT CO., INC. Henry S3tankiewics Sales Hapresentative HStak NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or argent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bids ' e INV. OR REQ. # SIGNER) W ( CORPORATE TITLE,) IF ANY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss' C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that NOTICE' IS HEREBYY GIVEN, NOTICE TO BI13the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been in accordance with the provi- published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- sions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that / sealed bids are sought and re- man Once each week for ,...G �fx� ,. �.r�. ....L..l.,,l:.. weep quested for one (1) Used Chev- 7 rolet ''10" Carryall, Deluxe, OR successively, commencin on the `� EQUAL:— 9 .... �. ............... The sealed bids in duplicate, \ � � day of .......... �...; �. �--..... 19...�a. . together with a non -collusive ••• a certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, :................. Peconic, New York; until 1:00 •'"'•'••••'•••• .................... P. M., December 11, 1969, at which time they will be opened _ and read aloud in public. C of Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't. of Highways, and de- Sworn to before me this ................... day of livery date must be submitted. � The Supt. of Highways re- ��,r ,•, J 9,GL.. serves the right to reject any /T and all bids and to" waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so.�! " All bids must be signed and Notarq Pub sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on Used Carryall) to the Office of the Sup't. of High- ways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State _ or Local, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. = ,. York Dated: November 25, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN Sup't. of Highways 1971 1T-4 A. C. 142-T.H.19- 1966 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment Chevro"10 rr (SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS) (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) entered into this day of Dec=bers 19_6.9 , between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of _ s�4d.� in the County of Suffolk a New York, and O'Keefe Chevrolet -Olds, Ince the Vendor, whose principal office is located at E, Main rat• Route 259 Riverhead New York ress for a total priceThree thousand three hundred and 00/100 • - • - - - • Dollars ($ 3300000 ) This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public. advertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held November 25, , 19 69. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations 3,300,00 TOTAL $ 39300,00 It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out (1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Penn ie, N. Y. not later than the day of DP_C�mbRr� 19__69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire co ct between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- erty, ein escribed. OT ME CIffiVf30LE"I'-OLDS, INC. Town Superintendent q Highways (�Ve By- APPROVED: y APPROVED: Its County Superintendent of Highways (Indicate whether officer or agent) O E: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de- livered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION. 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. .• SPECIFICATIONS - - Used 1969 Chevrolet "10" Carryall, Dcluxe Equipped - 350 cubic inch V-8 engine Turbo-hydromatic transmission Power brakes Power steering Radio All gauges including tachometer Approx. 10,000 miles at 11/20/69 3 seats with seat belts in front 9 passenger 1 I III ..��i�� .r.•._ .. �. .. i. ��,�� � � � ii ���� � � li�iio � • .1111 un I I 1 n null I I III II III I I Ills lul I I I IIII IIII I II II II 1111111111111111 1 III VIII 111111 III II 1111111 III IIII II 111 III IIII II II III Im ^amu ul Illy,,. ,����.ii wiw�� I..... .._.. �_...... I. 1 u I.J er..�- :.1970 Chevrolet r A O'KEEFE CHEV.-OLDS, INC. E. Main St., Route 25 Riverhead, New York Tel. 727-1100 December 9th, 1969 To whom it may concerti: We are pleased to sub•nit our bid for one used Chevrolet "10" Deluxe Carryall with approximately 10,000 miles at 11-20-69. The vehicle is a three seat, nine passenger with seat belts in front. It also has the following equipment: 350 Cubic inch V-8 engine Turbo Hydra gatic Transmission PowerBrake s Power Steering Radio Complete gauges including Tachometer The delivery date would be at your convience. Our bid price is $3300.00 excluding any tax. Hoping this meets with your approval, I remain HSC: cc Sincerely, 01�EEPE CHEV11S.,INC. _9V s' Hull S. Chew Salesman On the move. The Chevrolet'70s. NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE BY SUBMISSION OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT: (a) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS BEEN INDEPENDENTLY ARRIVED AT WITHOUT COLLUSION; (b) THIS BID OR PROPOSAL HAS NOT BEEN KNOWINGLY DISCLOSED, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THIS PROJECT, TO ANY OTHER BIDDER, COMPETITOR OR POTENTIAL COMPETER; (c) NO ATTEMPT HAS OR WILL BE MADE TO INDUCE ANY OTHER PERSON, PARTNERSHIP OR CORPORATION TO SUBMIT OR NOT TO SUBMIT A BID OR PROPOSAL; (d) THE PERSON SIGNING THE BID OR PROPOSAL CERTIFIES THAT HE HAS FULLY INFORMED HIMSELF REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS CERTIFICATION AND UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY AFFIRMS THE TRUTH THEREOF, SUCH PENALTIES BEING APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER AS WELL AS TO THE PERSON SIGNING IN ITS BEHALF; (e) THAT =, ACHED HERETO (IF A CORPORATE BIDDER) IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE BY THE SIGNATOR OF THIS BID OR PROPOSAL IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATE BIDDER. RESOLVED THAT: John J. O'Keefe III (Name of Officer) AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SUBMIT THE BID OR PROPOSAL OF THIS -CORPORATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT. one (1) Used Chevrolet "10" Deluxe Carryall (Described project) AND TO INCLUDE IN SUCH BID OR PROPOSAL THE CERTIFICATE AS TO NON -COLLUSION REIQUIRED BY SECTION 103-4 OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW AS THE ACT AND DEED OF SUCH CORPORATION AND FOR ANY INACCURACIES OR MISSTATEMENTS IN SUCH CERTI- FICATE THIS CORPORATE BIDDER SHALL BE LIABLE UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY, THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY O l K e e f e Cog -p. CORPORATION AT A MEETING OF ITS 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON THE 9th DAY OF December 19 9 Z / z" ohn J. Keefe I II t President LEGAL .NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Munici- pal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) Used 1969 Chevrolet "10" Carryall, De- luxe, OR EQUAL: - The sealed bids in duplicate, to- gether with a noncollusive certifi- cate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of South- old, at his Office, Feconic, New York until 1:00 FM, December 11, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in ;public. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Sup't, of Highways and delivery date must be submitted. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informal- ity in any bid, should -it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopesplainly marked (Bid on Used 'Carryall) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid pricg shall,,.not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the 'Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: 'No'vember 25, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN ltD5 Supt. of Highways COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 - ' .. .NATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: `... • .. : 'C?-c�".... being duly Sworn, says that .. . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice. of which the annexed is a printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... .... t-7, -e -, • • • • • • , , • • • , , , week$ successively commencing on the ... , , , , , , , , , , day of awe -- ` • i ..< `.T: `................... . Sworn to before me this ... day sof r !? ✓ .... 19 j ) . ............... c. ................ . F. LANGTON CORWIN Votary Public, State o, New York Suffolk Co. Official No. 52-0770500 . aniimission Expires March 30,19..7. ( FO. 1 A.C. 142-T.H. 19 5-25-67: 6M (4B3-73) CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment 9" 1.) New 1969 Model 12444 .................................................................................................... International Tractor with Model 1110 .Hydraulic mower............................................................................. (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based.) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ orm ATTAaMD SPBCIPICATIOW ) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27th December, 68 Raymd C. Dean, entered into this................day 119 ........................................ 19........, between Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ................. ............................... ...� mid............................., in the County of ............................... I ........... I ................. I New York, and ...... .y. C T1'tl!*..!k... EwAp 11'C.JPR!t... 3iG..R............... Riverhead, New York the Vendor, whose principal office is located at..................................................................................................................I......................... (P. O. Address) for a total price of F.I.V. 1. thousaa.d.. five ..hundred ninet' .—.91 ...&...95/10q -..Dollars ($... �.f.��i.9;�.........). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public advertisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Southold December I, 68 of................................................................................................ at a meeting held........................................0............................, 19......... The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Ven- dor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of 1,743.98 (Strike out if not applicable) $......................................................... (2) By a check for $.........3+.85.3.:.97 .................. drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for$......................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of 90Peconie, New York ..............................days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at.................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... not later than the.111.t*.... day of ... Apr.1%...............................1 19......69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering --into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in Town writing, of the Ton Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved:+........* !4► (SEAL) Hff To wu / (/`.......................................:.................`..................... Its .... T..........:::............................................................................. .... ........ .. . . County Superintendent of Highways (Indicate whether officer or agent) i` t' ............ (SEAL) Town. Superintendent of Highways i' NoTE : This contract is for use when the purchase price of 4be equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. o Contract For bPurchase of Machinery and Equipment Q 44 P4 Town of ......... S.QtitliOds..................................... ca 0 County of ....5M f®4.a d December 2? 68 Dated..........................................�........................., 19...... W F 0................................................................................................ z If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the oVendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price 4 named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. b d DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE 0 o � m d one (1) 1956 Far»all Teactor $ Model "A" 1,743.98 P, .............................................................. $ .......................... bb cd a .............................................................. $ .......................... aFiy P.s 0 o o � g.............................................................. $ .......................... n � d f+ H y WU Appr 19........ ved :..................... ..................................9 Superintendent of Highways. 0 Filed:..................................................................... 19........ 3 � eu � x W F 0................................................................................................ z rt0tatoft 4. v'f - box *.Adyuw "pft "* Power X T % M t (2) 1' 36 " .WM "A" �iMML T P ° TA IMAM',, p AS PART ., M :. C. 142 -T -H, 19 5-25-: 6M (4B3-73) CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law qq!k..�4)..New Wdot .'E' ........................ This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment . ........................... ....... ..1kAV.)r .. Dutyjct ... Cwtrol ... Sp.reader ... !-!� ............. .................................................. I .................................. I ................................. (Set forth herein or at detail specifications upon which bids were based.) .................................................................................................................................................................................... I ........................................... ........... .................................................... .... ................................................................................ I .......................................................................................... I— ....................................................................................... I ......................................... ............................................................... I .................................................................................................................................. I ............................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ entered into this..0 ... day of J* IMPbOX-9 ................ 19,6A-1 between Raymnd Co Dean ;?Q Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ................................................. S.6.Ut.hOIA ............................ in the County of .. .. .... ....... Tt .................................... New York, and ........................... 111C ....................................................... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at WfY.-A119*4 ...Lft (P.0. Address) .... U4 ... ........ Ww ........... for a total price of Three .. thousand -four -hundred ... eightp!�five ... &..0.0/1,00 ... Dollars ($... 3*485,00 .......... This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public advertisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Of .................................... fio? held ....... NPO#049- APS .............................. P 19... jog .4t ............... at a meeting The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Ven- dor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: e side hereof at an agreed value of (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on revers (Strike out if not applicable) ......................................................... (2) By a check for $.....3#40.100..•• .••....... ike odrawnf not aponplicablehe tmachinery fund. (Strut i) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $ ............ ... ..... .... ... .................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is ;agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of .......90 ..................days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at........ f:pqq*!� I ... N A ... Y!R ...................................... ................................................. .................................. ..................................................................................................... .................................... not later than the... . �Tt.-..day of ..... P0 Y'!±" .......... ............ . 19 ... �9 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with upon the ref or official of the state the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. of this contract, or his right, title, The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose tion without the previous consent� in or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corpora writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. . .......................................... (SEAL) Approved: .......... (Vendor) By.... ................. .................. a .................. . ............. Af......... Its ............. T.r.r- c7tq -11r.e.r .......................................................... ....... /. ........... ................................................ (Indicate whether officer or agent, Count ySuperintendent of Highways (SEAL)....... ....... .. ............... ;*�j Highways To -um Superintendent NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. it must be executed in o the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file riplicate and delivered 1, town clerk one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The to shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. e Contract For bPurchase of Machinery and Equipment Townof Sc%thold,................................................. ........ Countyof ..................................................... F ...Suffolk ` ...................................................................., 19........ ADated d If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the a Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price V named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. .a DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE m d .................................. ........................... $ .......................... ani d ani $—....................... FFa P. b 'O .............................................................. C3 0 (d CO to 9 .0 O.............................................................. $ .......................... O $ ......................... .............................................................. F4 ce v Approved: ...................................... 19........ w Suffolk .......................County 'd d Superintendent of Highways. 0 W 4� mFiled :..........:....................................................... ., 19........ v g a� .a vs1................................................................................................ W E O........................................ ................................................... z SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEAVY-DUTY SELF-CONTAINED HOPPER TYPE SPREADER GENERAL: The Spreader required under these spi_"cific&tions shall be self- con`ta ni ed, hopper -type, designed to be mountet,I in truck body now the property of the Town of Southold. The Chit shall consist of a steel body, feed conveyor, spinner disc, power drive, and all components necessary to make a complete operating unit. It shall be capable of spreading uniformly sand, cinders, salt, calcium chloride, or mixtures up to a width of 40 feet. Bidders must submit with their bid complete specifications on the unit they propose to furnish. Bids with exceptions to these specifications shall be considered informal. BODY: Body shall be of all -welded 10 gauge steel construction and not Bess than 6.1 cubic yards struck capacity. Body dimensions shall be as follows: Length (Inside) - Not less than ll' Over-all height - Not greater than 50 1/2" Width (Inside) - Not less than 78" (Over-all height shall be measured from bottom of support channels to the top of hopper) Body sides shall have not less than forty-five degree (450) pitch to insure free flow of materials to conveyor. The body shall be rigidly constructed and the entire top of the body is to be channel -formed for additional support. Body sills shall be of at least #10 gauge steel with longitudinal flanges supported on 3", 4.1# structural steel channels. There shall be an adequate number of "Z" -type, 12 gauge body side supports rigidly tying in the structural steel channels with the body sides to give the highest degree of resistance to warping or twisting under heavy loads. The body shall be provided with four lifting hooks and an adequate number of tarpaulin hold-down hooks. CONVEYOR: The conveyor system shall be of the #4 belt over chain type running longitudinally with the body, feeding materials to the distributor disc. The minimum width of the conveyor shall be 24". The conveyor chain shall be all -steel, 2 5/16"pitch, riveted roller chain consisting of 7/8" diameter rollers and side bars with a 1/4 x 1 cross section. Chain bar flights shall have a cross section of 3/8" x 1 1/2", the flights being ros i L i -r c --d on approximately 4 1/2" centers. Each chain roller link assernl'' v shall have a minimum tensile strength of 38,000 lbs. Pintle type chain will not be acceptable. The conveyor gear case shall have a 50:1 reduction and consist of a hardened and polished worm gear, driving a cast aluminum bronze gear mounted to steel hub. Conveyor drive sprockets shall be 8 - tooth drop forged steel, keyed to a 1 3/4" (minimum) SAE 1045 alloy steel shaft mounted in tapered roller bearings. Two heavy -spring loaded cadmium - plated adjustment screws with a minimum of 3" travel shall be provided to maintain proper conveyor tension. Removable and replaceable conveyor chain shields shall be provided, properly formed and of sufficient strength to resist binding. There shall be an inverted Vee above conveyor belt to reduce the load pressure onto conveyor. An oiler shall be provided for conveyor chain. continued: `, Page - 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEAVY-DUTY SELF-CONTAINED , HOPPER -TYPE SPREADER DISCHARGE GATE: An adjustable discharge gate of the screw jack type ;Tal ocated-at the body rear to properly adjust the flow of material to the spinner. Maximum feedgate opening shall be 11" high x 18" wide. DIVERTER CHUTE:Deflector baffle within distributor hopper to allow disc harging of material from spreader without striking spinner for stock piling. DISTRIBUTOR DISC AND DRIVE: The distributor disc shall be 20" in diameter ofabras nio resistant steel, equipped with six removable fins designed to obtain a controlled spread of four feet to forty feet. Material. shall be guided from the conveyor end to the distributor disc by means of a tapered hopper, equipped with a dust -free tubular housing in which a sealed cart- ridge -type ball bearing supports the distributor disc drive shaft. Ad- iustal-,Ie internal deflectors shall be provided to control direction and evenness of spread. BAFFLE: The baffle shall be of four -section type, hinged and complete with hood, easily adjustable and positively locked without the use of tools to control direction and width of spread for ice control and/or sealcoating. The baffle and hood shall completely enclose the spinner on both sides to the front and to the rear to prevent throwing materials onto vehicles. POWER DRIVE: Air-cooled gasoline engine of not less than 18 H.P. shall drive Both conveyor and spinner. Engine shall be equipped with 12 -Volt electrical system and include starter, generator, battery and battery mount, ammeter, ignition switch starter switch, gasoline tank, and integral clutch reduction unit. Clutch shall be of the positive over center type, operating in oil, and not less than 4 1/2" diameter. Reduction shall be engine manufacturer's standard, fully -enclosed and running in oil. Engine to he left rear mount between last two stakes. Engine to have protective hood. CONTROLS: Complete remote control shall be furnished, including engine throat -Te, ignition switch, starter swithc, ammeter, and vacuum clutch control with all-weather breakaway plug in line between cab and spreader. SCPEI'`.S nVER HOPPER: Sectional screens shall be hinged to a 3 1/2" O.D. noa � : + ' ripe runninq lon7itudinally the full length of Spreac or ho',' er. . Screen sections to have a 3/8" x 2" frame with 3/8" rods laced through 1/4" x 1 1/2" flat steel forming openings of 2 1/2" x 5 3/4"/ Screens shall not increase over-all height of spreader more than 4" down center. DUMP P_0rY PA0T".JTIh'G: The spreader shall be provided with a minimum of .four heav�7 told-doclamps to securely fasten unit to dump body. A distri- butor hopper extension shall be furnished to position spinner disc approx- imately 20" from the ground. ' BUMPER: To he installed on the rear of spreader. TAILGI,TF LATCHING DEVICE Unit shall be equipped with tailgate latching _.. ..� MISCELLANFOUS: An instruction manual and parts list shall be furnished ._ _ .. ., .��h. n,., ., .v. ,n •,, •.:,� �,� a.+� iw r•a i^�^� {�-,r.�.n 1"rlY � c: �, }l llin NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for one (1) New 1969 International Truck, Model 2010A, Fleetstar, OR EQUAI_ The sealed bids in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Pe - conic, New York, until 1:00 P M, July 24, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. Specifications for the above may be obtained at the Office of the Supt. of Highways and de- livery date must be submitted. The Sup't..of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on New Truck) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: July 15, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN Supt. of Highways 1T-17 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 SS STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .......45_eiC _.//.../... weely successively, commencing on the.................%.7............. C y of ........ /� 9 ............................................. ,t ................ ............. Sworn to before me this ........ ••0 .•••.... day of ....., 19.2. -�r ................... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New YON Residiw0 in Suffolk County No. 523041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971 July 249 1069 Mr. Raymond Deer Superintendent of High=,=iays Town of Southold Peconiev Now York t),- ar Mr. Deans Pursuant to your 'Notice to Bidders", dated July 1% in6Q, we wish to sub— mit our quotation as follows$ one (1) 1069 Model 201nA Fleetstar International Truck Chassis and Cab# as specified, with no except ion e Total delivered cost exclusive of all taxes 7,625.00 Delivery Dates welve Weak, om orris We thank you for the opportunity of bidding and trust that our quotation will receive your favorable consideration. Yours very truly, TRYAC TRUCK & KQUIPMW T CO., LNC. Henry Stenkiewics Sales Representative HSsmk NON -COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE " The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been commun- icated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its em- ployees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. " INV. OR REQ. # t SIG JOIN A. CUSB�IAN l C PORATE TITLE, ► TREASURER IF ANY n Haw 1968 international Truck - Cab & Cha .s , OR BQUAL - Ybdol 2010A :International Fleetstar 7,500 lb. front axle 18, 500 lb. 2 speed rear axle, 0.50/8.87 to 1 ratio 136 inch wheelbase - 72 inch cab to axle 14 inch 15 spring clutch 6 cylinder in line engine - replaceable cylinders 450 cu. 3n displacement,.- 199.3 MO Q 3000 RPM 418 1b. Torque p 1600 RPM 2 front towing ey©s Cil base air cleaner - replaceable ,type oil filter .kir brakes with low pressure indicator Tachometer, voltmeter, oil pressure, fuel and water temperatuxe gauges Cab grab handles individual driver and passenger seats 50 gal. left side fuel tang: with center stop Fash air heater and defroster Windshield washers, dual padded sun visors,, dual air wipers Five (5) front cab lights - domo 'light Double face front directional si&reals with hazzard switch Dual stop and tail lieits with turn sipals and integral'reflectors 10.00-x:20 12 ply front tires and tubes - cast wheels 10.00x:20 12 ply dual rear tires and tubes - cast wheels Inverted L -type full length heat treated frame reinforcement 16"x:2-�11 front brakes 16J -11x 6 re rear brakes Power Steering 12 Volt 55 amp. Alternator H.D. front and rear springs with =dliary Steel butterfly hood with removable fenders• 5 Speed direct in 5th transmission Dual Wrest Coast type mirrors Color: GP= TEL. YAPHANK 4.3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 119eo LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road .Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE. JR. CHIEF ENGINEER August 12, 1969 We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one (1) new 1969 Madel 2010A Fleetstar International Truck Chassis and Cab as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being mailed to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, R. M. Karwwrer Commissioner of Public Works hl encs. V/cc. Supt. Raymond Dean T,H.19 -'1966 ODNTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS i his is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One (1) NeW 1969 Model 2010A Fleetstar international Truck Chassis and Cab. (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) - ,SEE AMMID SUCIFICATIONS -� entered into this _29th day of July , 19 69 , between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the 'Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk New York, and Tryae Truck & Equipment Coo . Inco the Vendor, whose principal office is located at Riverhead New York Address) for a total price of Seven thousand six hundred twenty-five & 00/100 - - Dollars ($ 7,625.00 ). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public advertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held _Ju1Y 15, , 19 69 The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations s 7,625.00 TOTAL It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at "(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out (1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of 360 days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Peconics N. Y. not later than the 1St day of November- , 19 69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. 1 lie Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer a purchaser. 3 ract comprises the en ' e co ract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- erCy herein d scribed. �.' Town Superintendent of HighwaysTFM •� ' APPROVED: As 093" Cp6nty Superintendent of Highways ther officer or agent) iI, l(: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de -rod to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and -1 )in ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one py to the Vendor. WHFRE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. �� s a�yg,.nyu.�ypi:cu.a.+. y yi gw+�.;t+".+y^ �PLil2AE!YbYlfikikWiilidiflW�lf4n�yhieifwYS.iWNFe�wJkR4LTutililYNImYM��u��YruNu1W':ni YfLlulilY�wf6iiaY iLWiii3wYi�$$YL u1�r NY t'u brio �uWWuu'�myni�� Wire. ..aI I—I A'. ljliil4 111 Lill IIIA III,H (' Now 1969 International, Truck Gab & Charms , OR EQUAL - Modal 2010A International. F1eotsltar 7,500 lb. front axle 15,500 lb. 2 spend rear axle, 6.50/8.87 to 1 ratio 136 inch wheelbase - 72 inch cab to axle 14 inch 15 spring clutch 6 cylinder in line engine - replaceable cylinders 450 cu. in displacement 399.3 M0 Q 3000 RPM 41.8 lb. Torque ® 1600 RPM 2 front towing eyes Oil base air cleaner - replace able type oil filter Air brakes with low pressure indicator Tachometer, voltm@ter, oil pressure, fuel and water temperature gauges Cab grab handles J) Individual driver and passenger seats 50 gal. 'left side fuel tank with center stop Frash air heater and defroster Windshield washers, dual padded sun visors, dual air wipers Five (5) front cab lights - domo light Double face front directional signals with hazzajd switch Dual stop and tail lights with turn sipal.s a.1d int egral 're fl ectors 10.00x20 12 ply front tires and tubes - cast wheels 10.00x20 12 ply dual rear tires and tubes - cast wheels Inverted L -type full length heat treated frame reinforcement 16ttx2-111 front brakes 16-PIZ tt rear brakes Power Steering 12 Volt 55 amp. Alternator H.D. front and rear springs with auxiliary Steel butterfly hood with rerrova►;.;o feaders' 5 Speed direct in 5th transmission Dual driest Coast type mirrors Color G?J= LEGAL ;NOTICE i NOTICE TO BIDDERS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 (NOTIiCE IS ,HEREBY GIVEN, in STATE OF NEW YORK. � SS: accordance with the provisions of J Section 103of the General Muni� � �,j Y��� being duly Sworn. cipal Law,w, that sealed bids aree • • • • • • sought and requested for the follow- ing: I says that .. l . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK 200 tons (more or less, as needed) of Grade No. 1 Cayuga (or equal) WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Rock Salt, delivered in 100 lb. pa- per bags, to Feconic, N.- Y., by county; and that the notice. of which the annexed is a printed truck. The sealed bids in duplicate, to- copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times gether with a Non-Collusive Certi- ficate,once in each week, for week( will be received by the Sup't. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ;,' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • of Highways of the Town of South- old, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1,00 P.M., September 18, day of 19 . 1969, at which time they will be " opened and read aloud in public. , The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Sworn to before me this and to waive any and all informal- ity in any birds should it be deemed day of .. '� r'-... 19 .rG �f .s J to be in the best interest of the Town of 'Southold, to do so.~�t� NN, � �..... ... All bids must be signed and seal- ed in envelopes plainly marked ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' (Bid on Rock Salt) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid. F. LANGTON CORWIN price shall not include any Tax, t'ublic, State o- New York Federal, State or Local, from which', ,uffolk Co. Official No. 52-0770500 the Town of Southold, is exempt, ummission Expires March 30,19-21 Dated: August 26, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways ' Town of Southold 1tS12 INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS CLARKS SUMMIT, PA. 18411 September 12, 1969 Town of Southold Office of the Superintendent of Highways Peconic, L.T., New York Attention: Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways Gentlemen: We are very pleased to submit for your consideration the following quotation in compliance with your notice to bidders for Rock Salt: STERLING RETSOF NO. 1 TCR AND SNOW REMOVAL ROCK SALT Truck Delivery 100 lb. Multi -wall Paper Rags Minimum truckload - 20 tons $30.40 per ton The price offered above applies for delivery f.o.b. your storage, Peconic, L.T., New York, and we will prepay all truck transportation charges. Our terms of payment are net 30 days from shipment. We will protect the truck delivered price quoted through March 31, 1970, provided our quotation is accepted and acknowledged within 30 days from your September 18th bid opening date. In compliance with your notice, we attach our Non -Collusive Bidding Certificate form. Thank you for the opportunity of offering this quotation. Very truly yours, INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY �-)Virginia Frankenfield Public Contracts Clerk VF:bjw Attach. NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION (a) by submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of his knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independ- ently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and, (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. (b) A bid shall not be considered for award nor shall any award be made where (a) (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with; provided, however, that if in any case the bidder cannot make the foregoing certification, the bidder shall so state and shall furnish with the bid a signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefor. Where (a) (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with the bid shall not be considered for award not shall any award be made unless the head of the purchasing unit of the state, public department or agency to which the bid is made, or his designee, determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. The fact that a bidder (a) has published price lists, rates or tariffs covering items being procured, (b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending publication of new or revised price lists for such items, or (c) has sold the same items to other customers at the same prices being bid, does not constitute without more, a disclo- sure within the meaning of subparagraph one (a). 2. Any bid hereafter made to any public authority or to any official of any public authority created by the state or any political subdivision, by a corporate bidder for work or services performed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, where competitive bidding is required by statute, rule, regulation or local law, and where such bid contains the certification referred to in subdivision one of this section, shall be deemed to have been authorized by the board of directors of the bidder, and such authorization shall be deemed to include the signing and submission of the bid and the inclusion therein of the certif- icate as to non -collusion as the act and deed of the corporation. The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract with the state, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corpora- tion of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. NOTE: This certificate must be dated, signed and submitted by prospective vendor with bid. INTERNATIONAL SALT COMPANY (Mrs.) Virginia Frankenf field September 12, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in, accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Muni- cipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the fol- lowing items, more or less as may be needed: I Item No. 1 - 20,000 • lin. feet of { snow fence with pickets" 11/2 by 1/a !inches, spaced 2 inches apart, 4 feet 'high stained red, with five (5) double strands of 121/2 gauge gal- vanized wire, in 100 lin, foot rolls. Item No. 2 - 2,000 .- 6 ft. studded. steel. 'T_ Posts, with flanges or an- chor plates on posts; posts shall not be less than 8.65 lbs. each. The Sealed bids, -in duplicate, to- gether with a non -collusive cer- tificate, will ,be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office in Peconic,, L. I., until 1:00 P. M., August 14, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public.. The Sup't. of Highways reserves, the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or infor- mality in any bids, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall be the price delivered to the Highway Dep't.,, Peconic, L. I., and shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold,, is exempt. Dated: July 29, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold 1tAu8, 1 f� k t ' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, � ss: ,�c c • L ' ..�� , ? -a. ... Vic.•; . ... being duly Swarn, says that .:2- . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ....0-11Z ............... week successively commencing on the, .� Ly ........... day of .. �: .__ ...... 1. . Sworn to before me this ....... day of ...�4-�:�� .............. . ..\ .. ..................... . C(I.R%VIN C, New New York �,,fEolk (",c. Offic;11 No. 52-077050 __ue„�nis�ion Eti��ires ivlarcli 30, 19.... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ( sS STATE OF NEW YORK '--�^ ' " �-` •�- — — C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says NOTICE To BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND of Sectid not .with the provisions TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news - Municipal Law, that seated bids paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that are" souot and requested for the following items, more or less as the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been may be `deeded rrm"NO.1-2o,000 iin: feet of published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch - ;snow; :Pence with pitlltets 1lh .`,by �- 1/z �'�,... inches, spaced 24fiches apitrt, man once each week for L -' Z. wee"/ 4 feet high stained fired, with° five t (5) -double strands of 121A gam successive) commencing on the galvanized wire in 100 lin. loot Yr 9 ............. 7 ........................ � roller ITEM Na 2-2OW-4 ttstiff day of ...... ... .............. ded l-sLeelf,T Posts,114ith flanges or anchor:: plates-ort,*sts; Hosts I, shall not be less them 8.65 lbs: each. . ......:..... The sealed bids, in duplicate, 4 together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't of Highways of the ToWn of Southam tat. his Office in Pd - "conic, -L. I., until 1;00 P. 'A,I Sworn to before me this.. ......... day of August : 14, 1969, at 'which time they will be opened .and read aloud in public." The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids ands to waive any defect or infornls3fty in any bid, shoffid � it be de6hed ' to be in= the best interest of the // Town of Southold, to do so. '= ..:....... L.. . .1........... The bid price shall be the price Notary Public delivered to the Highway � Dept., . Peconic, L. I., and shall nat in- ADELE PAYNE elude any Federal, State orlmal Notary r u' �; . !;,,ate rf New YorK Tax,: from which` the Town of Resiiii4i .n Sn``oJk County Southold, W exempt. Comm ssor!!E f -3341000 30, 1971 Dated: July 29, 1969 RAYMOND 0. DEAN, Supt, of Highways Town of -Southold 1T-7 MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 60 Jericho Turnpike Route 25, Jericho Turnpike MINEOLAMIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. PI 6-0864 LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY Co. Telephone 732-2424 Telephone { FI 7-2840 QM OF IrMMPSON MATERIALS GORP4 QUOTATION Date....ugu8t 13, 1969 Firm .... T.owa....oX..... o.tathold,............................................................................. Indiv. Raymond C. Dean Tel........... 7 ............... .............. Supt. 61Hightilrayis Address .... P.econi.c...,..... ew.... York .. .... .. ..................... ..... _ .................... . STREET TOWN .lal;6_.............. Bid.: Snow Fence and Snow Fence Post s ....... ........ ......... ..... ..... Address............................................. ....... .................................. ..................................... ...... _ ... Architect .. ............... ...................... ......................... Bid due 814'/6.9... • Quantity We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows:— Unit Price Total 20,000 lin.ft. Snow Fence with pickets lyz by 1/2 inches, spaced 2 inches apart, 4 feet high stained red with five double strands of 1 gauge galvanized wire, in 100 lin. ft. rolls 200 rolls 19.80 per 2 000 ea. 6 ft. studded steel T Posts with flanges n -r anchor plates an Posts; posts shall not be less than 8.65 lbs. each 1.05 ea The rice bid shall be the price delivered to the Highway Department, Peconic L.I. N.Y. Terms: NET 30 days t_ Accepted................................................................................................................................. LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO._ OM OF 714ON4nQN MALS BDate ................................................ Representative .......`............................................................--'................... If accepted as an order, F.(Z-. Warner Manager please sign and return one copy. QUOTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved in writing by the seller. All quotations and agreements are contingent upon strikes, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. Prices are based on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the seller before final acceptance. 'ffd g OCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO � 60 JERICHO TURNPIKE MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501 PIONEER 6-0864 FIELDSTONE 7-2840 DIV. OF T1101 a SOty sI ;r IIAALS CORP. BRANCH ROUTE 25 MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 11953 SELDEN 2-2424 By submission of this bid, ~h bidder and ~-h person si.gni.ng on behalf of any bider certifies, ane in the case of a joint hid each party thereto certifis� as to its earn organi..s ratis,> , under petMtlty of porjwyo that- to the gest of his km wr:ledcae and belief a I; The prices in this bid have been arrivied at indeapend- entiy without collusion, Consultation— colmunication, or $greeneeIA" fer the m3 p=)se of rc%styactirwQ- co titioin, :as to any spatter re- lating to such prices with .any other bddder or to any covqset.itoc and (2) Unless otherwise required b5y leu,� r*e pricers whi.ce, have, been quoted in this bid have E-%ot been. i.s CM4rAyly cisclosed by tho bidder and willnot knowingly be by the hi dder prior To cloning, directly or indirectly, 4.'o any other -0AddPf b. lo any �� tbmpe t i t or i and (3) No attempt has been wade or be oade by the bidder to induce any other person.. partnership or corporation to subvi-t or not to submit a bid for the p"rpose of resT letim competition, Th? corporatA- bidder and the i erslg7ed ffij ms toe above certi.ficati.on under. the perxalt es Df oe ury-, LOCAL ISITIIERL --�UPPLY C() - Div,, of coxa" � J MA;iopac 8-4417 Branch Office 50 JOURNAL SQUARE Jersey City, N. J. CAPITOL HIGHWAY MATERIALS, Inc. OLdfield 6-0876 ROUTE 6, BALDWIN PLACE PUTNAM COUNTY, NEW YORK 10505 QUOTATION Date August 12th, 1969 TO : Sup' t. of Highways • Town of Southold Peconic, L.I.,N.Y. • ATTENTION: Raymond C, Dean, Supt, Due Date B/,.11 /b9 01:00 P.M, DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows: Item No. 1 - 20,000 line fett of snow fence with pickets As by I% inches, spaced 2 inches apart, 4 feet high stained red, with five (5) double strands of 121!§ gauge galvanized wire, in 100 line foot roils. Item No. 2 - 2,000 - 6 ft, studded steel T posts, wit i flanges or anchor plates on posts; posts shall not be less than 8.65 lbs. each. $ 22.98 per C ft. I$ 1.0091 ea. FRMS: Net 30 days Thanking you for the privilege of bidding and hoping to be of service to HIPMENT: you, we remain, EL.IVERY: F.O.B.Peconic, L.I.,N.Y. 78 2M 4.64 TOTAL Very truly yours, CAPITOL HIGH%Vy MATERIALS, Inc. by 4111111111111VIIIIoIIIIVIIIIIIII _L.V. _.._.Jill �: ��II L ,_„ 111 -.J 1_ VIII Vl IIJIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIII,UIVfIJIII III IlliIIIll11111 Uilmumi�uumuiimmuniouui�+.� "•' NON CONCLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION BY submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This .id or proposal has been independantly arrived without collusion with any other bidderor with any competitor or potential c_ompeditor; (b) This bald proposal has not been knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bias or proposals for this proiect, to any other Kt bidder, compeditor or potential compeditor (c) No attempt has or will he made indeed to induce and other person, partnership or corporaltion to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) Them persons signing the bier or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the acc uracv of tae statements co ntained in this certification and under the penalties of pur ury affirmes the truth thereof, such penalties being a )gl.icable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; W That attached hereto Or a corporate) bidder is a certified certificate by -the sionator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidden Resolved that ---- ll ���TT 1l /71W-1-1,4Aj1 (Name of officer) authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of the corporation for the following project. (Described Proiect) nd to include in such a bid or proposal the certificate as to non- collusion requiring by sc:c+ion one -hundred threemd of the general municipal J.aw as the ae and deed of such corporation and for any iia.ccuraci,-s or misstatements in such certificate this corporation bidder s'heAl he .Liable under I:h,-� penalties of pur ury. The foregoing as a true and correct cop+ of the resolution adopted corporation at a meeting of its board 3 Ca :e f C. t o o a can aflay ®f l pm� 114 4A I dav� (:ecretar Jaw -0. 0'*n7 PRODUCE COMPANY AGWAY. INC. SOUTHOLD, L. L. N. Y. TIM. 50 5-3432 August 8, 1969 Supt. of Highways Raymond C. Dean Town of Southold Southold 11971, N.Y. Dear Sir: We wish to submit our bids as follows: No. 1 — 20,000 lin. feet of snow fench with pickets L11* xIt378 inches, spaced 2* inches apart, 4 feet high stained red av* five double strands of 12-j gauge galvanized wire, in, 100 lin. foot rolls. Delivered price $18-50 a roll Item No. 1 — 20,000 lip, feet- of ,now fence with pickets li x i inches, spaced 2j inches apart, 4 feet high stained red, with five (5) double strands of 12-j gauge galvanized wire, in 100 lin foot rolls. Delivered price $24.72 a roll. Item No. 2 — 2000 — 6 ft. studded steel T Posts, with flanges or anchor plates on posts; posts shall not be less than 8.65 lbs. each. Delivered price $1.05 each. The bid price shall not include any federal, state or local tax from which the Town of Southold is exempt,,, JB/gz QUOTATION Firm Town of Southold Date 3-12-69 Address Peconic, New York 11958 Terms Net 30 Individual Wr. Raymond Dean, Supt of Hwvs. Phone Shipping Date— Reference Job We are pleased to quote your requirements, subject to the conditions noted: CONDITIONS: The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved by the Seller. All quotations and agreements are contin. gent upon strikes, accidents, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our contrgl. Prices are based on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are subject to change by the Seller before final acceptance. Typographical and stenographic errors subject to correction. Purchaser assumes liability for patent and copyright infringement when goods are made to Purchaser's specifications. If the Purchaser fails to fully pay for the goods herein agreed to be purchased within ten (10) days after written demand for payment is mailed by Seller, and Seller places this agreement in the hands of an attorney for collection, Purchaser agrees to pay attorney's fees of twenty per cent (20%) of.the amount due hereunder. Conditions not specifically stated herein shall be governed by established customs. Terms inconsistent with those stated herein which may appear on Purchaser's formal order will not be binding on the Seller. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 24 316'1 x 81011 Drain Rings (Our Dwg. 8-100) 24 4161► x 810" Drain Rings (Our Dwg. 8-100) 15 31011 x 81011 Drain Domes (Our Dwg. 8-120) 15 3" x 30" Concrete Covers Sales Tax not included. $ 3,220.38 i urchaser Seller: CLIFF CARLSON & SONS, INC. y Date By Date CLIFF CARLSON & SONS, INC. PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS OLD NORTHPORT ROAD, KINGS PARK, N. Y. 11754 SUFFOLK -269-9688 NASSAU -IV 9-6141 NON -COLLUSION STATEMENT 11103d. (a) By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and, in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitio; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt hhs been made or Vill be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition." DATE -3- /Z• (p SECRETARY Telephone: 727-2839 (Area Code 516) Roanoke Avenue RIVERHEAD CEMENT BLOCK CO., INC. SAND • CEMENT & GRAVEL BULLDOZER & CRANE Estimates Given on Excavation and Pill P. O. Box 707 — Riverhead, New York 11901 March 10,1969 Raymond Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic L.I.N.Y. Dearx Sir r, We quote the following price on 24.. 8�x3t4" Drainage Rings 24 8rx4t6" 15.. Drainage Domes 15 36" Covers Total price of $3818.23 Del, Net 30 Days. Yours truly, Cox ::.. Pres. Riverhead Cement BlocdiCo. Inc, Telephone: 727-2839 (Area Code 516) RIVERHEAD CEMENT BLOCK CO., INC. SAND • CEMENT & GRAVEL BULLDOZER & CRANE Estimates Given on Excavation and Fill P. O. Box 707 — Riverhead, New York 11901 Highway Dept. Town Of Southold Peconic L.I.N.Y. 11958 Roanoke Avenue Ma rch 10.1969 Resolved9 Riverhead Cerent Block (-o. Inc., Authorized to sign and submit the bid for Drainage Rings This bid to include the certifcate as to Non -collusive as requested by section 103 D of general Municipal Law. Riverhead Cement Block Co. Inc. Pres ,� W. D. Boccara & sons, Inc. 145 West 11th Street • Huntington Station, N.Y. • 11746 Suffolk: (516) HA 7-6000/ Nassau: (516) WA 1-6000 Jos No. DATE March 13,1969 Town of Southold Del, To Southold CUSTOMER JOB: ADDRESS Supt, .of Highways LOCj Southold F. O B. Truck DELIVERY DATE: TERMS: Material in Stock WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTATION, SUBJECT TO. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. UANTITY I DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 24 Drainage rings 8' 0" Dia x 3' 6" High 48 30 1139 20 24 Drainage rings 8' 0" Dia x 4' 6" High 62 10 1490 4C 15 Leeching Dome 57 50 862 50 — 15 36" Dia. Concrete Covers 4" Thick 5 00 75 00 F. 0. B. Truck Jobsite Note: This is to certifV as to Non Colusive public bidding required by Seca # 103-D of General Municipal Law Michael J. Erhardt TOTAL 10 ACCEPTED: BY DATE /OBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED D. BOCCARD & SONS, INC. BY , APPROVED BY CONDITIONS ALL QUOTATIONS ARE MADE AND ALL ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Seller will hot be redponsible for delays in shipment caused by strikes, accidents, fire, wars; priorities, allocations, embargoes, car shortage, delays in t,ansportation or other conditions beyond the control of the seller. 2. No material can be returned for credit except on the instruction of the seller. 3. All quotations are made subject to prompt acceptance and prices are subject to change without notice. 4. The only warranty. implied or otherwise, made by seller is to replace defective goods, or to allow credit for such goods at its option. Selter will allow no claims for damages beyond the price of proven defective pieces. Seller will allow no claims for labor, nor for any other liability. All complaints or claims must be filed by purchaser with the seller within five days after receipt of shipment. Seller has no control over the placing and handling of any material after delivery and will not therefore guarantee the finished work in which it is used. Except as in this paragraph set forth, 'there are no warranties or guaranties. 5. All orders when accepted are subject to seller's having the items listed thereon in stock on specified shipping date, and if not in stock arder will be held and shipment made as soon there- after as possible. 6. In case the purchaser shall fail to makepaymentsin accordance with the prices, terms and con- ditions governing the orders, the seller may defer shipments, or may at his option cancel the unshipped balance of the order. 7. Orders for special sizes ar shapes are not cancellable by purchaser in whole or in part for material in process of manufacture or completed. Orders not accompanied by specifications and shipping instructions are subject to cancellation without notice at seller's option. 8. On all orders accepted for shipment by truck, delivery will be made only to points accessible by the truck under its own power. Adequate equipment and labee for unloading to be furnished by purchaser. 9. The foregoing is the agreement between the parties as it exists at this date and it is agreed that all previous communications, either verbal or written, not herein contained a.e hereby withdrawn and annulled and that no modifications shall be binding upon the parties unless such modifica- tions shall be in writing. 10. Payment for special items must be made within 30 days of agreed delivery date. W. D. BOCCARD & SONS, INC. NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or pro'sal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclos- ed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to in- duce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the pen- alties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its be- half; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certi- fied copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certifi- cate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corp- orate bidder. Resolved that �� ��� -L C j be (Name of the Corporation) authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project r�cctic h n-4 S (Describe the Project) and to include in such or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section one hundred three -d of the General Municipal Law, as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury, Signature: (Offic' Title) NOTICE TO BIDDERS I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- t eral Municipal Law, that"sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and delivery of 2500 tons, more or less, or as much as may be needed, of 3/8 Blue Stone, to be delivered by truck to the Highway Depart- ment Yard, Peconic, N. Y., and each truck must have a weight slip. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 2:00 P. M., January 30, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. If a'bid is accepted, the success- ful bidder will enter -into a con- tract with the Town of Southold, within 5 days. All bids to be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked (Bids on Blue Stone) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways, Peconic„ N. Y. The Sup't. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: January 20, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NLW'YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...... '!� �:;;` weeks/ successively, commencing on the .............:�j : ................... day of .......�: :« ., ........ 19 .. ... ................................. ......�........ °A.- ......... Sworn to before me this ..........?....... day of .. L .: .. ........... 19.x: f .......... E,..c.�. l f ✓ . w. 4.f, ........... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary PubAc, Stat,of New YorK Residirr :-i [':.ii0ik County Commission Expires March 30, 191 f COUNTY OFURFOLK ss. STATE OF NEW YORK } C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ......E1/.li'!�... l., weekls/ successively, commencing on the ...................... day of .......... 4-. ................................. .... Sworn to before me this ........ ....... day of .......... 19. ............V.. ......... Notary Pubulc ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30. 191V GOTHAM SAID & STONE CO. DIVISION OF NEW YORK TRAP ROCK CORPORATION EAST SHORE ROAD, PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. 11050 516 - 767-3860 January 29, 1969 Supt. of Highways Town of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Gentlemen: In accordance with your advertisement to bid, we are pleased to submit our quotation on the following: OS:cd Delivered by truck to the Highway Department yard, Peconic N.Y. 2,500 tons 3/8 Blue Stone ..... $5.29 ton NET. Very truly yours, GOTHAM SAND & STONE CO. Div. of New York Trap Rock Corp Orlando Scaramucci Division General Manager ti iinY...... 1'��IWxil y i dii NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competi- tor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penal- ties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the exe- cution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or pro- posal in behalf of the corporate bidder. Gothnm Sand e Stone Company Resolved that III vin4nn Maw Ynrle Tran RnrZ rnrnnratinn be Name of the Corporation authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following project 3/8 Blue Stone (Describe Project) and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required by section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by New York Trate Rock Corp_ corporation at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 26th day of May , 19 66 (SEAL OF THE CORPORATION) (Title)Division General Manager nM10 kUldlltUirii" "L,.. ,—A h i _ .v.+.�i�i i er-a.ln— � iYiIYAYI�Y A_ NEW YORK TRAP ROCK CORPORATION Excerpt from minutes of BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING May 26, 1966 "RESOLVED, that Joseph A. Dooley, Joseph H. Cook, Emil Cipriano, Alexander Scaramucci and Orlando J. Scaramucci or any one of them be authorized to sign and submit the bids or proposals of this Corporation for the sale of any goods, products or property andY/or.-for work or services to be performed, to be submitted to the State of New York, any public department, agency or official thereof, any political subdivision of said State, or any public department, agency or official thereof, any fire district or any agency or official thereof, or any public authority or official of any public authority created by such State or any political sub- division thereof, and to include in such bids or proposals the certificate as to noncollusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York as the act and deed of this Corporation, and for any inaccuracies or mis- statements in such certificate, this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury; and further RFSOLVE''D, that the foregoing resolution shall continue in N1.1 force anti effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Director. -4 of this Corporation and shall apply to all onch bids or proposals made prior to any such rescission of this reso- lution; and further • RESOLVED, that the resolution authorizing certain employees to execute bids and certificates of noncollusion to State and Municipal agencies that was adopted at the meeting of this Board held on Novem- ber 22, 1965, be and it hereby is rescinded. " I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above is a full, true and correct excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors or New York Trap Rock Cor- poration, duly held on May 26, 1966, and as same appears upon the records of said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as Secretary and p , affixed the corporate seal this 25th day of Augw NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase and delivery of 2500 tons, more or less, or as much as may be needed, of 3/8 Blue Stone, to be delivered by truck to the Highway Depart- ment Yard, Peconic, N. Y., and each truck must have a weight slip. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 2:00 P. M., January 30, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. If a bid is accepted, the success- ful bidder will enter into a con- tract with the Town of Southold, within 5 days. All bids to be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked (Bids on Blue Stone) to the Office of the Supt. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: January 20, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ` ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for.... lir ..,�,.:da.��..... .,�:�,e.�.. weeks/ successively, commencing on the ................,�,:L.,,,,,,,, day of ........ .......... 19.��• �; Sworn to before me this ....... 1,. ... .......... day of y...0,�l:sr........, 19.tC./.. ............ Notary Public / ADELE PAYNE Notary Pub•.le, Sty>e of New York Residing in 3u '.:a County snmmissror tzr_ rls Varoh 30, 19' �� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ,% ....U.I.. weekX successively, commencing on the ..............car. ....... day of ........ ..6..ar�,..r.......... 19.0. Sworn to before me this/.............. day of rL....., 19.GP Notary Pubilo ADELE PAYNE Notwy Public, State of New Yorl Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1911/1q "4y 4 y 1 7 4 O BROADWAY NEW YORK 19, N_ Y. CIRCLE 5-5400 January 29th, 1969 Superintendent Of Highways Town Of Southold Peconic Lane Peconic, New York RE: Bid Due: January 30th, 1969 2:OOPM Gentlemen: We are pleased to quote you for the following: 2500 Tons 3/8" Blue Stone to be delivered by truck to the Highway Department Yard, Peconic, New York - $5.53 per ton -Net Truckload Delivery As Required. See our non collusive bidding certificate attached hereto Very truly yours, COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO., INC. Frank L. Kelly Vice -President FLK:mn ACCEPTED: NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION Non -Collusive bidding certification. By submission of this bid, the bidder, COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC. certifies that: A) This bid has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or potential competitor; B) This bid has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; C) No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid; D) The person signing this bid certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this.. certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as the person signing in its behalf. E) That attached hereto is a certified copy of the resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid of COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC. f c Vice -President COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC. CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE: NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING "RESOLVED, that ANTHONY POPE, FORTUNE POPE, FRANK L. KELLY, A.R. SCHER, AND EDWIN R. IORIO, or any of them, be authorized to sign and submit the bids or proposals of this corporation for the sale of any goods, products or property and/or for work or services to be performed, to be submitted to the State of New York, any public department, agency or official thereof, any political subdivision of said State, or any public department, agency or official thereof, any fire district or any agency or official thereof, or any public authority or official of any public authority created by such State or any political subdivision thereof, and to include in such bids or proposals the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d, of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York as the act and deed of this corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate, this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury." "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing resolution shall continue in full force and effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Directors of this corporation and shall apply to all such bids or proposals made prior to any such recision of this resolution." The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of COLONIAL SAND & STONE CO.,INC., at a meeting held on the Fourth day of November, 1965, and I hereby certify that this resolution is still n full force and effect this 29th day of January 19 69 - 5�116�f Vice -President (SEAL) NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions,' of Section 103 of the General r Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items, more or less, as ordered: 24 — Code No. 31894 Grating, Frame and Curb Inlet Cast -11 ing 6" ht. with 4" opening—' 122'1 x 35" overall of grating. 18 —' Code No. 15805 Circular Frame & grate. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the r; Zup't. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, at his Office; Pe - conic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:30 P. M., March 13, 1969, at which time they will be opened' and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to purchase the above from the lowest respon- ` sible bidder,and to reject any and; all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should It. be deemed to be in the best in-: terest of the Town of Southold. i ' to do so. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: February 25, 1969 f RAYMOND DEAN, 8 Supt. of Highways 9 1T-6 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-MattituckWatch- man once each week for ....... /.�.� ..%.,l...... weeks successively, commencing on the ...................C.:.. C.r........... day of ....... ., 19_ ............................................. ........ a 1'\ Sworn to before me this .........�........... day o .................. Notary Public Neal yor! ,�. aunty ro r.issor Fa'.es i4arch� 30, 191C 111 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove I e r-Mattituc k Watch- man once each week for ...... .,....� � ... weel z successively, commencing on the...................(?...C.�f........... day of .......l � �-. %J' 9 n �, Sworn to before me this //....... ............ day of �J.PCaK_ .................. Notary Pub11c ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yort Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 191��I MAIN OFFICE a;l ► I„ „� - 60 Jericho Turnpike Route 25, Jericho Turnpike MINEOLA MIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. f PI 6-0864 LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO. INC. Telephone 732-2424 Telephone l FI 7-2840 QUOTATION Raymond C . ...an..........3/12/69......................... Da e�e, Firm ...............Town of Southold...... Indio.... Sup.'.t....._.o.f._HwyS...... Tel............................................ Office....of...SUpF.to df.. Hwy$o............ Address Peconic Lane, Peconic, L.I.,N.Y. 11958 ............................... ............. ........................... ...................... ......... ................................................ .............. ..... I ....... . . STREET TOWN BID Job....................... ....... ............................ _._................................. _......................................._............._..........................._........................................ Address........................... ............................................................ ........................................_ _ .. Architect ...................................... ........................ Bid duel. �.30....P,..M..... Quantity We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows:— Unit Price Total 24 Code #31894 Grating, Frame and Curb Inlet Casting - 6" ht. with 4" opening - 2211 x 3511 overall of grating C$ 89.00 e .2136.00 18 Code #15805 Circular Frame & grate @$ 37.00 ea. 666.00 2802.00 Terms: NET Accepted............................................... By..................................................................... If accepted as an order, please sign and return one copy. .................................................................................... LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO., INC ..................... Date ................................................ Representative....................................................................... F.J. arner, Manager QUOTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved in writing by the seller. All quotations and agreements are contingent upon strikes, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. TrtM'3re'11J4e'B en�oaPs calt�IllEff!EflittiR�ahlfa4ft!tf;'Gdfa11b1FVMff!ffi* ff;!Mmgvftff� walac�6Eewce. �oc�� STEBI �^e SUPPLY GO.IhC• OCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO • 60 JERICHO TURNPIKE ®1 OF THOMPSON MATERIALS CORP. BRANCH MINEOLA, NEW YORK ROUTE 25 PIONEER 6-0864 MIpDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK FIELDSTONE 7 - 2840 SELDEN 2 - 5611 By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies;, and in the case of a joint bid teach pag'l- t re o certifies as to its ovrt organi- zation, unee-4 penalty olf rjury, that to the best of bis bali.�f.- The pricea in this bid have been arrived at independ- ently without. toll-usion,, consultation, communication, or agree nt ,, for the purpose of restrict"*"ung com tition$ as to any Matter re- lating lating to sugch pricey ukth any other bidder or with any competitor; (2) UnTless otherwise required by lacers the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder an wiRl not knvaingly be disclosed by the bldder prior to opening, dire ctly or indirectly, to any ether bidder or to ass's' competitor; F.�.nd (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or cot-poration to subuit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. The corporate bidder and the undersigned affirms the above certification under the pervalt ies of perjury,, LCCAL STRFL & S,rs" TYLY CO Div., of Thompson MateriAlt Corp© NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items, more or less, as may be needed: 1,000 lin. ft. of 12" dia. 16 ga. Galvanized Copper Corrugated Steel Culvert pipe -10 ft. 18- 100 pes. 12" dia. 16 ga. Con- necting Bands 1,000 lin. ft. of 18" dia. 16 ga. Galvanized Copper Corrugat- ed Steel Culvert pipe -10 ft. 19. 100 pes. of 18" dia. 16 ga, Connecting Bands. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., June 26, 1969, at which time they will be open- ed and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to purchase the above from the lowest respon- sible bidder, and to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall be the price delivered to the highway Dept. Peconic, N. Y., and shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: June 12, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold 1T-19 COUNTYOF SUFFOLK STA ft OF NEW YORK { C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for successively, commencing on the ..........:.......................... day of ...;,�C.0 �� Sworn to before me this y of 19..E f ............... . Notary t J F NR P�; . Vete YON n t, Commssic �. 0, 1971 1 1 j COU, TYiOF SUFFOLK STAB IE Or NEW ;YORK ss C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..... ... 1.../ .. week successively, commencing on the ........... ..V Z4 ............. r c} %a, Sworn to before me this ....... ........ day of t7 I ..., 19.. .........."Nokp� . ...... b14c". ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New YoR ResiLJgv in Sutfol!s County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971 MAhopac 8-4417 TO : CAPITOL HIGHWAY MATERIALS, Inc. ROUTE 6, BALDWIN PLACE PUTNAM COUNTY, NEW YORK 10505 Sup t t. of Highways • Town of Southold Peconic Lane • Peconic, New York Branch Office 50 JOURNAL SQUARE Jersey City, N. J. Oldfield 6.0876 QUOTATION Date June 23rd, 1969 ATTENTION: Raymond C. Dean, Supt. Due Date June 26th, 1969 @1:00 P.M. DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS UNIT PRICE TOTAL We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows: 1000 lin. ft. of 12" dia. 16 ga. gals. copper corr. steel culvert pipe - 10 ft. lg. $1.65 $1650.00 100 pas. of 12" dia. 16 ga. Connecting bands 1.65 165.00 1000 lin. ft. of 18" dia. 16 ga. gals. copper corr. steel culvert pipe - 10 ft. lg. 2.30 2300,00 100 Pas. of 18" dia. 16 ga. Cnnnecting bands. 2.30 230.00 $4345.00 TERMS: Net 30 days Thanking you for the privilege of bidding and hoping to be of service to SHIPMENT: you, We remain, Very truly yours, DELIVERY: F.O.B. Peconic, N.Y. CAPITOL (�IHIGHWAY MATERIALS, Inc. `1\\�/jam 5978 YM 4-64 by � - NON CONCLUSIVE BIDDING C.1: rRTI PICRTI'ON BY submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that (a) This bid or proposal has been independantly arrived without colla,ei9p_,with any other bidderor with any competitor or potential compeditor$ (b) This bid proposal has not been knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this proiect, to any other bila bidder, compeditor or potential compeditorp (c) No attempt has or will be made indeed to induce and other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal.; (d) Them persons signing the bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracv of the statements contained in this certification and under the penalties of pur ury affirmes the truth thereof, such penalties being app ica'ble to tae bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) ''hat attached hereto (if a corporate) bidder is a certified certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder - V that ��-�� PVAF�rw k/twrr�,4644) (Name of Officer) authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of the corporation for the following project. a eo- c V P7 Pla (Described Project) And to include in such a bid or proposal the ceetificate as to non- collusion requiring by section one -hundred three -d of the general municipal '.aw as the act and deed of such corporation and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporation bidder shall be liable ander the penalties of pu iury. The foregoing is a tar€ar and correct co p� of the resolution: adopted th M*TE21N(L5 -Tk)c- Corporation at a meeting of 'ts I>oar€� ofhrectors:—rI 1-1 3ay ofI AIJ19..ssa (Secretary LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTILCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Muni- cipal Law, that sealed bids are COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, lowing and requested for the fol- lowing items, more or less, as may STATE OF NEW YORK, ss: be needed:. 1,000 lin. ft.. of 12" dia. 16 ga. Galvanized copper Corrugated t--" .. : o- i�wcz,,.�. being duly Sworn, Steel Culvert pipe - 10 ft. 19. 100 pcs. of 12" dia. 16 ga. Con- says that .. ... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK netting Bands �'E'EI�L�' TIMES, a news 1,000 lin. ft. of ls" dia. 16 ga. Gal- paper published at Greenport, in said vanized Copper Corrugated Steel county; and that the notice. of which the ,annexed is a printed Culvert pipe - 10 ft. 19. 100 pts. of 18" dia. 16 ga. Con- netting Bands. copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times The sealed bids, in duplicate, to- once in each week: fo'r gether with a non-collusive cer- ... z :............... weekk tificate, will be received by the Successively commencing on the � �= yt."t CI Sup't. pf Highways of the Town of ...... Southold at his Office, . Peconic day ,of Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., C ��-<q. June .4C JM, at.. whish time they - will be opened and read aloud in ............... public. Sworn to before me this The Supt. of Highways reserves , the right'to purchase the above from day of • • .... r..... _ ... the lowest responsible bidder, and 1 to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of } Southold, to do so. !!! The bid price shall be the price delivered to the Highway Dep't., Pe- conic, N. Y., and shall not include i;. LANG"t ON any Federal, State or Local Tax_ Notary Yiiiili., Stscc c N�"•� 1 ,. from which the Town of Southold,, Suffolk Go. Official No. 52 077(7500, is exempt I �,. M11]1ssion Expires March 30,19..... Dated: June 12, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways ltJu30 Town of Southold MAIN OFFICE 60 Jericho Turnpike MINEOLA Telephone { FI 6-2864 LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO. low DIY& OF TMOMPSON MATERIALS CORN QUOTATION BRANCH OFFICE Route 25, Jericho Turnpike MIDDLE ISLAND, N.Y. Telephone 732-2424 Quantity We are pleased to quote your requirements as follows:— Unit Price Total WE OFFER: GALV. SPIRAL LOCK SEAM CULVERT PIPE: 1,000 lin.ft. 12" dia., 16 ga, x 10' lg. pipe @$ 1,68 lin 1680.00 100PCs* 12" aiia 16 ga. Connecting Bands 1.68 set 168 0 1,000 lin.ft. 18" dia, 16 ga, x 10, 1g. Pipe @$ 2.32 lin 2320.00 100 PCs, 18" dia. 16 ga, Connecting Bands 2.32 set 232.00 4400.00 f.o.b. Highway Dept, Peconic N.Y. Terms: NET Accepted........ .................................................................. .... By.......................................................................................... Date ............................................... If accepted as an order, please sign and return one copy. LOCAL STEEL AND SUPPLY CO., I x Representative ...................... .............. F. arner, Manager/ar QUOTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH The prices and terms on this quotation are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved in writing by the seller. All quotations and agreements are contingent upon strikes, fires, availability of materials and all other causes beyond our control. P1iLti IMRd •i+ceste�aed�eo++ditiense�ei�stin�on+deteo4�geotetierrern! are�nbjectioc hen�abrtl+e seHerbelore fiwthaECeDt�rR.t" 60 JERICHO TURNPIKE MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501 PIONEER 6-0864 FIELDSTONE 7-2840 DIV. OF THO1,4PS0 3 D1y.-F'7 .T. CO,1p. BRANCH ROUTE 25 MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 11953 SELDEN 2-2424 ily submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of an'� bidder cer•- ifi.es , a- d in the case of a joint bid each party ,-�herety certi.fie!r as to its own organi- zation, under penalty ore per.-fuxy, that to the. best saf his knowledge and be lief s (1) The pr cwsr in this bid have been arrived at independ- ently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agremant, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter `re -y luting to such prices with any tuber bidder or to any competitor; and (2) Unless otherwise required by .haw, the prices which Have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bid&w and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to fining: directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any coapetit or ; and (3) No attempt has been ode or wi.l.l be made by the bidder to induce any other person., partr-mrship or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. The corporate bidder and the undersigned affirms the above certification wader the penma t ies a: per jury r LOCAL STEEL & SiIPPLY CO. Div. of Thompson Materials Corp. F. J. uArner, -mmu Ige3r g t TEFL AND SUPPLY CO MMI DIV. OF THO1,4PS0 3 D1y.-F'7 .T. CO,1p. BRANCH ROUTE 25 MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 11953 SELDEN 2-2424 ily submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of an'� bidder cer•- ifi.es , a- d in the case of a joint bid each party ,-�herety certi.fie!r as to its own organi- zation, under penalty ore per.-fuxy, that to the. best saf his knowledge and be lief s (1) The pr cwsr in this bid have been arrived at independ- ently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agremant, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter `re -y luting to such prices with any tuber bidder or to any competitor; and (2) Unless otherwise required by .haw, the prices which Have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bid&w and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to fining: directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any coapetit or ; and (3) No attempt has been ode or wi.l.l be made by the bidder to induce any other person., partr-mrship or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. The corporate bidder and the undersigned affirms the above certification wader the penma t ies a: per jury r LOCAL STEEL & SiIPPLY CO. Div. of Thompson Materials Corp. F. J. uArner, -mmu Ige3r NOTICE TO BIDDERS, NOTICE 7S HEREBY GIVEN, In accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following items, more or less, as may be needed: 1,000 lin. ft. of 12" dis. 16 ga. Galvanized Copper Corrugated Steel Culvert pipe -10 ft, lg. 100 pcs. 12" dia. 16 ga. Con- necting Bands 1,000 lin. ft. of 16" dia..16 ga. Galvanized Copper Corrugat- ed Steel Culvert pipe -,10 ft. 19. , 100 pcs. of 18" die. 16 ga. Connecting Sands. The sealed bids, in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of . Highways of the Town of Southold at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M.,. June 26, 1969, at which time they will be open- ed and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to purchase the above from the lowest respon- sible bidder, and to reject any and all bids and towaive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall be the price delivered to the Highway Dept. Peconic, N. Y., and shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, is exempt. Dated: June 12, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold 1T-19 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ► ss STATE OF NEW YORK j C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........ weeks' successively, commencing on the .................................. day of ... ���:'.�:%. y.., 19..i~ .................................................. ................... C is Sworn to before me this ......... c..J....... day of .,....... 19..lr�.1 .. d y.L+.�i..... ..:.�:4.............. Notary Pub p AP'Rr °AYr.E Comr iSsicix ; Jh 30, i971 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK �. ss STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .......��..e.. �`,�... weep successively, commencing on the ...........,�-1/ ...................... day of ......'.... -�-6L. .., 1 A x? L/ W Sworn to before me this .........cd ....... day of y��...., 19.. ............. 6�. ,. ...5, ..'.............. O. ADELE PAYNr Notary Public, Sate of New YorX Residiq, in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1971 CHEMUNG SUPPLE' xa" Telephone (607) 733-5506 HEAVY PLATE AND CORRUGATED CULVERTS CORNING ROAD - RT. 328 P. O. BOX 527 STRUCTURAL STEEL — SNOW FENCE — SIGNS — POSTS ELMIRA, NEW YORK 14902 am4j 6 Q t� -� q o� �s P ( to Q � � �, i a - d ,oma l�) s cs 1% � ) _Tj c, a - o- a\ C -6M >MA VA�� ---� `f o�c� 06j •�^`.._....._.. _�.. �—+�w+.�+..• .�..�. � .••�.� i�.+�W e. �� yin um min I npJll�llli uluul111 �lup u�lu�ll llllll�I 11 llulitll��1111011�I�lull llpw��agnwWA���I1�A���••�"'�•�••"^"�'•`._ NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION Section 103-d of the General Municipal law "By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and, in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: "The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without col lusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices -with any other bidder or with any competitor: "Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been; quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or in- directly, to any other bidder or to any competitor, and "No,atte.mpt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other `person, partnership or coporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition." CHEMUNG SUPPLY CORP Title MUrray Hill 4-1818 LAckawanna 4-4150 MUTUAL STEEL COMPANY Kta.he COPYRIGHT 370 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK I, NEW YORK June 23,1969 Supt, of Highways Town of Southold Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y. Dear Sir: In accordance with your advertisement in seeking bids for plain galvanized copper steel corrugated pipe and connecting bands, we wish to hereby quote you. Attached you will find the necessary non -collusive certificate. 1,000 lin. ft. of 12" dia. 16 ga. Galvanized Copper Corrugated Steel Culvert pipe -10 ft. lg. 1.73 ft. 100 pas. of 12" dia. 16 ga. Connecting Bands 1.73 ea. 1.000 lin. ft. of 18t1 dia. 16 ga. Galvanized Copper Corrugated Steel Culvert pipe - 10 ft. lg. 2.38 ft. 100 pas. of 18" dia. 16 ga. Connecting Bands 2.38 ea. Terms are net and delivery can be made within 10 days of receipt of order. Thanking you for the opportunity of bidding on this product, we remain, Very CUTTING EDGES • TRAFFIC AND INDUSTRIAL PAINT • BROOM WIRE • SNOW FENCE AND POSTS • METAL CULVERT TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS • TOW AND TIRE CHAIN • CHANNEL POSTS • SNOW PLOW SHOES AND NOSE PIECES SCARIFIER TEETH AND TIPS 0 BOLTS AND NUTS Murray HIN 4-1818 MUTUAL STEELCOMPANY Ktu.l to COPYRIGHT 370 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK I, NEW YORK LAckawaurp 4-4150 NON -COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION: By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under pealty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and beliefs The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be discbosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor, and no attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or corporation to submit or not to submit for the purpose of restricting competition. CUTTING EDGES • TRAFFIC AND INDUSTRIAL PAINT • BROOM WIRE • SNOW FENCE AND POSTS • METAL CULVERT TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS • TOW AND TIRE CHAIN • CHANNEL POSTS • SNOW PLOW SHOES ANb NOSE PIECES SCARIFIER TEETH AND TIPS 0 BOLTS AND NUTS NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of 500,000 gal- lons of Asphalt Road Material, more or less, or as much as may be needed thereof, for the repairs of Town highways. Specifications for said material may be obtained at the Office o1 the Supt. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The sealed bids in duplicate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peoonic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., January 30, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be submitted in duplicate, signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bids on Asphalt Road Materials), to the Office of the Supt. of High- Ways - The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best in- terest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: January 20, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold f s lf - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 STATE OF NEW YORK j ss. i` C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....(.C.,..:,�:G.c (././.. / .. wee{ successively, commencing on the .............�.�.......,.. .. day of ....... (.:.; ....(...l ' ...... Sworn to before me this ..... y of s........... ..........(..L..0 4. <..�..0........... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary P,,f!,i; State of New York Resh4,1,g in Soffo!k County No. 52-3041000 /� Commission Expires March 30, 19.' !/ l COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Fr t, r, C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hos been published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mattituuck Watch- man once each week for ....IC.C�,1... weep successively, commencing on the ........... ....�......... dayof.....��L•.........., Sworn to before me this ...g...17�....... day of �.�. �........... I q..6.,1 .........� ...... ..��': ......... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County CommissiN on Exp res3 Mar h 30. 19! LEGAL 'INdTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Some used road equipment for sale, may be inspected at the South - 'old Town Highway Department, Peconic, bane, Peconic, N. Y. Bids on above will be received by 'the-Sup't. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, until 1:00 P.M., July 10, 1969. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, should it .be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. Dated: June 10, 1969 RAYMONDC. DEAN Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold ltJy4 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss: • :C'"ec, �E• • -2.,z �.. being duly Sworn. says that .. . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... ...... 21. ......... . .. weeks successively commencing on the .. • • • • • • • • • • • day of 1'- 1 Sworn to before me this ..-:... day of ... t <.,; ....... 19%`.. j r... ...CYV.. .mac ;• �......... . ................ F. LANGTON CORWIN Notary Public State c New Yot 1, Suffolk Co. Official No. 52-0770500 d Commission Expires March 30,19...., COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK. � ss: �• . �c. �-Q'.. being duly Sworn. says that ..�-e- . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for . ......U? :............ week successively commencing on the .. ............ / day of ... ............. . 1 .. . . .. ...... ........ Sworn to before me this .. �:.. . i. day of .... V L . ....... 19 r. ................ °J F. LANGTON CORWIN Notary Public, State c New Yoi w Suffolk Co. Official No. 52-0770500 Commission Expires March 30,19..,,, 1 l STATE ME NTJ I' FROM TO - ---� ADDRESS ---- CITY y 19 a �3 TEL. (516) 734-5252 or 734-6641 Leander Glover, Jr. C0X'5 LANE CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 11935 �O '" O 6LI / _ 6-1 f LATHAM SAND & GRAVEL PRE -CAST CESSPOOLS - SHOVEL LOADERS - BULLDOZERS - CRANES SAND - GRAVEL - FILL - TOP SOIL ORIENT, N. Y. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for....... .......t..�. , ,:`.i....... �..,.r.'� weeks successively, commencing on the ............... .......... dayof ............. ... ... ........... NOTICE TO BIDDER$ Some used road equipment for _ sale, may be inspected at the!s Southold Town Highway Depart- ment, Peconic Lane, Peconic, ` X. Y. Sworn to before me this ......................... day of Bids on above will be received r r by the Sup't. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, until 1:00 P. M., July 10, 1969. The Supt of Highways re- f serve$,the right to accept or re- ject any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the...... Town of Southold, to do so. �.........::.... ` Notary Pub11c RAYMOND C. DEAN, 1 Sup't. of. Highways Town of Southold Dated: June 10, 1969 AC!'! -E PAYNE 1T--3 1 No`iry Public, S"JJ e ,,( New Yorw County Ccvrm�i�r. , 30, 1971 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituc k Watch- man once each week for ....... ,�,,i1ti.,e....<l / eelyo W successiv I commencing on the .............. ....... day of .. ... 19 Y_�.Qr. i i Sworn to before me this .......... ......... day of Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New YotR Residigg in Suffolk County No. 523041000 Commssion Expires March 30, 1971 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of 500,000 gal- lons of Asphalt Road Material, more or less, or as much as may be needed thereof, for the repairs of Town highways. Specifications for said material may be obtained at the Office of the Supt. of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The sealed bids in dupcate, together with a non -collusive certificate, will be received by the Supt. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., January 30, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be submitted in duplicate, signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked (Bids on Asphalt Road Materials), to the Office of the Supt. of High- ways. The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best in- terest of the Town of Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, State or Local Tax, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: January 20, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ... 4/' ..... weeks successively, commencing on the,.' ..........-�. Lam :............... day of ... 19.. ... . � Sworn to before me this .......;.. ......... day of .,.�.:. l......, 19.: tel' ............i :K .r ......... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in suffoik County NL), 52-14, =1, L;'' c Commission Expires warch 30, 19'cl l COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK � ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Travel er-Mattituc k Watch- man once each week for ... ...�!C.!?. � ...... weeks oo�� successively, commencing on the .......... 91a"ZG :."�l ............. day of ... ......... .0 ........ , 19.. .. . ................................ ......... . Sworn to before me this//....... ....... day of .��..��.�....., 19.�r. i ............ ...... Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, state of Now YQf1 Residing in Suffolk County No. 52-3041000 commission Expires March 30, 19'6 BIDDERIS CERTIFICATE For ASPHALT CUTBACK This is to certify that the undersigned proposes to furnish Cutback Asphalt which will comply with the requirements for type M2 RC2. Grade The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by Shell Oil Company whose plant is located at Sewaren, New Jersey The plant has a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per 8 -hour day and has regularly manufacture Cutback ,asphalt for the past 35 years. The specific source of the Asphaltic Base is selected Gulf Coast and Venezuelian Crudes, If we receive an award of order or contract on any of the item(s) bid upon we will begin delivery of Cutback ,`asphalt within 8 hours of notice to deliver. We agree to furnish Cutback Asphalt at the rate ordered to maximum rate of 100,000 gallrns per 8 -hour day. ASPHALTS_ INC . ar Co� h f President OffTelal title Date 1-23-69 If the bidder is an authorized agent of the manufacturer, the following authorization must be executed by the manufacturer; This is to certify that ASPHALTS, INC, Name of Bidder Naugles Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 Street City & Zone No. State is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. Shell Oil Company N of Manufacturer e ws , es epresen ve Official e Date 1-23-69 TO TES" TCI,,4N "'-'0UTII0IX0 INEW YUM TO U1, 6UP L -T iDLNT UY P, I* The tmdorei:,med hemby propoao to furnlsh approximate2y 500.000 ea,11= of Gra4os M-21 and IZ-2 Ro� .%:atorias to V -4a To -wit of li 4,sup fo2% Cat.,-.Aq, U. Y.# 0-1 in accordance with tLe spocitica-tims 02 t4lo SU."GIOL140.1weat of V! 01" the 6aia- To -on CLAcd 1-2.3.-69: A 3 -69- A.* LeliverZcd to tho To,,m in tho Town of �;outhold 7. __por eaalor.* 2& Tho widerslt;md fuxlthor atatuj that t location, typo orLd capa- cV4 c2 tLo istoraZp facllitie3 in t Tvwn� of 6outbold. are at-, Wzowa: Ae Typo of oto.-a,;o raoilities permanent Heated Storage Tanks, B. Location of ;�torac�,a Facillticp !!!!!ilea Dr., Vattituck, Now York 11952 C* Q�.paeity o: ;;toruL;p Foci Utllea 1,000,000 3. In vub-,AttirZ thin bid tbo =.derzig.cd declares, aat, to is o-- thC7 am tho onIy pQmm or par ons 1-ntoreoted Li said bid and Uiat it is zade without my comection vitt 4zq pawn = zing another bid for the fmxo contracto Tho ux4arslLmed ;Curta.or doo"va that he has or they have care - A -I Z ully 4``5:ciiSr 1:� d t"'.0 ball: i H. M. brush f1 Zr :1, �: * 8 Zeapot Lane, Smithtown, New York 11787 Kenneth Rhodes 6 Storey Avenue, Central Islip, N.Y. 11751- H.M Brush Y 6 Teapot Lane Smithtown New York 11787 i 14* Fi �i i,�, illAil inu iini�Ni�l NuilluW lull lilli...11AluiuWuiYuniWYl4�l�W�x'�1111 n—��nei.uw� i pllWd�W��rPuu a 111.fIlY N ii III II I III NON -COLLUSIVE CERTIFICATION Section 103-4 General Municipal Law (a) By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder, certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to Its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices .which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowlingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition." r DATED: 1-23-69 Signature of individual bidder FOR CORPORATION USE: ASPHALTS, INC. ame of C ra ion (C(fWIGATE SEAL) r sident TITLE r - ' R640Lii?IOy Or BOARD OF DIRECTORS I hereby certify that I an the duly elected and qualified Secretary of ASPULTS, IN. and the keeper of the records and corporate seal of said corporation and that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Hoard of Directors of said corporation at its offices at Coram, Now York on the 10th day of August,196$. U IT"ROOLUD that the President, Vice President are hereby authorised as sipators of all eartifioatas, bids or contractee received in supplying equipomt or eaterials as contracted for by emmicipalities within the State of Now Tork. President ,es, Vice President IN YIt M Wim, I•have hereunto affixed xW nam as Secretary and have caused the Corporate Seal of said Corporation to be hereto affixed this :..10 day of .. ....AWWJL...._ .1965 ecretary #I. ` 4 94MU , a director of said Corporation do hereby certify that the CF.( fwogoimg is a correct copy of s resolution adopted as above set forth. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of l Section 103 of the General Munici- pal 'Law, that sealed bids are sought, and requested for the purchase of 500,000 gallons of Asphalt Road Ma- terial, more or less, or as much as `may be needed thereof, for the .re- i pairs of Town highways. Specification for said material may be obtained at the Office of the` Supt, of Highways, Peconic, N. Y. The sealed bids in duplicate, to- gether with a non -collusive certifi- rate, will be received by the Sup't. of ,Highways, of the Town of South- old, at his Office, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P.M., Jan- uary 30, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. All bids must be submitted in duplicate, signed and sealed in en.- velvps plainly marked (Bids on AGphalt Road Materials), to the ,Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The Sup't. of Highways reserves the right to .reject any and all ;bids and to waive any and all informal- ity in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of 'Southold, to do so. The bid price shall not include any Federal, ,State or Local Tax, from which the Town of Southold, iss exempt. Dated: January 20, 1969 RAYMOND G DEAN, Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold AJ24 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss: `'t •�k�- u �-.. being duly Sworn, says that .. .. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the 'notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ... ......11. ............... weekk successively commencing on the ...A. �C day of .. 19 f . Sworn to before me this 4. •. . r day of ....19.E ) ....... .. `... ...... ..... ...........:..... ...... tar. >_,., Fidelity and Deposit Company HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE, MD. 21203 BID BOND NO. 82 35 566-2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned -----------------WELCH --- ASPHALT----C�-ONI� ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- -1064 WOODCREST_--AVENUERIVERHEAD,N_._Y.------------------------------ as Principal, -- ------ --- ----------------- ------- ------- arid FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound unto -------------------TOWN- OF__SOUTHOLD--------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in the penal sum of -------- FIVE__PERCENT___(`%)---- FAMOUNT--- ID----------------------------------------------------------- for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Signed this 70TH day of JANUARY 96 --- THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, WHEREAS the Principal has submitted to------ --------------------------------------------------- TOWN- OF---SOUTHOLD------------------- a certain Bid, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, to enter into a contract in writing, for the FURNISHING_ -AND___ DELIVERING---LIQUID---ASPHALT---FOR---196 9: -------------------------------------- NOW, THEREFORE, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or, in the alternate (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a contract in the Form of Contract attached hereto (properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a bond for his faithful performance of said Contract, and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the agreement created by the acceptance of said Bid, Then, this obligation shall be void, otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the Obligee may accept such bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals, and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year first set forth above. NY2424a—IM, 6-68 179854 W- H ASPHALT CO ----------------- ri ipa By--- - -- - - - ------------------- -- ------ - FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT', CO PY OF B' 4v `` V(cGRAT ATTOR —IN FACT STATE OF_. ------- --- ------- ------------- ss: COUNTY OF--. _ - .--c----_. Onth is ---A------------ la ".-----------_---------� -------------- --- 6_141A41 A -member of t firm of... to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and 19-�,/,before me personally appeared executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowl- edged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of t e id rm ............... ........................... Notary lic, WALLOCK LUC14 County NY2473-2M, 4-58 149386 Notrry Pub!` , 7t.,7tR Naw M No, 52-14194, S Yolk Ganott CORlmia an E$plres Manch 30.18 %9 Fidelity and Deposit Company HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE, MD. 21203 STATE OF NEW YORK l ; ss: COUNTY OF ---------- -- NEW --- �y_v o ------ On the -'BOTH----------------------------day of-------------ANUAI�Y--------------------------------19---69 before me personally came ------ .--------- ----------- _----------------------------- , to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides at -------------- STO ZARD---ROAD}_-LAKESIDE_ in the County of ----- I ----------- LITCFiFIEL1)------------------------------- State of --------------------- ONNECTICUT _--______ _ that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order; and that the Fidelity and Deposit Com- pany of Maryland is duly authorized to transact business in the State of New York in pursuance of the statutes in such case made and provided; that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York has, pursuant to Chapter 28 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, known as the Insurance Law, issued to the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland a Certificate of Solvency and of qualification to become surety or guarantor on all bonds, undertakings, reco nizances, guaranties and other obligations required or permitted by law; and that such certificate has no een revoked. U Notar! York J Quc' ` la nt- --- - -- -- --------- ---- - a Notary Public At a regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, held in its office in the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland, on the 11th day of July, 1968, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: "RESOLVED, That J. M. Henderson, W. E. Henderson, Jr., James M. Grant, Allan Major Race, John L. Brissel, D. R. Buonomo, C. C. Lewis, M. V. McGrath, James A. Lang, James J. D'Amico, C. F. Messinger, A. A. Cella, M. S. Lennon, Joseph E. Dacunto, Alfred C. Handschuh, P. L. Fallot, Robert J. Frey and Dorothy M. Troy, of the City of New York, State of New York, be, and each of them is hereby appointed Attorney - in -Fact of this Company in the State of New York, and authorized, and empowered, acting alone, to execute and deliver and attach the seal of the Company to any and all bonds or undertakings for or on behalf of this Company and any and all reinsurance agreements covering bonds or undertakings, also to perform any and all acts for or on behalf of this Company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust and the performance of contracts other than insurance policies, and executing and guaranteeing bonds, consents to orders and waivers of citation in proceedings in which this Company is a party, or other undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law required, and to attach thereto the seal of the Company. "And Be It Further Resolved, That the above named Attorneys -in -Fact are, and each of them is, further authorized and empowered to certify under the seal of this Company, to this Resolution within the limits hereinbefore specifically prescribed for each. "This Resolution revokes that of February 15, 1968, in behalf of J. M. Henderson, James M. Grant, Allan Major Race, John L. Brissel, D. R. Buonomo, C. C. Lewis, Jerome W. Green, M. V. McGrath, James A. Lang, James J. D'Amico, C. F. Messinger, A. A. Cella, M. S. Lennon, Joseph E. Dacunto, Alfred C. Handschuh and P. L. Fallot." I, J. J. MOORE, Assistant Secretary of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, have compared the foregoing Resolution with the original thereof, as recorded in the Minute Book of said Company and do hereby certify that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original Resolution, and that the authority granted to the individuals specified in said Resolution of July 11, 1968, is in full force and unrevoked as of this date. Given under my hand and the seal of the Company, at the City of New York, this ---------- 3QTH______________ day of-------------- _JANUARY------------- ....... 19----69 ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- NY2171d—SM, 8-68 180215 Assistant Secretary L1458 -30M, 8-68 180352 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Financial Statement JUNE 30, 1968 ASSETS *Bonds and Stocks ................................................ $111,182,359.53 Real Estate ..................................................... 4,019,885.55 Cash in Banks and Offices ........................................ 4,931,616.89 Premiums in Course of Collection (less than 90 days old) ............. 5,832,908.29 Reinsurance and Other Accounts Receivable ........................ 944,957.57 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ..................................... $126,911,727.83 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reserve for Unearned Premiums ................................... $30,235,302.35 Reserve for Claims and Claim Expenses ............................ 9,116,181.00 Reserve for Taxes and Expenses ................................... 1,674,074.92 Reserves, Miscellaneous .......................................... 631,601.17 TOTAL LIABILITIES ........................................... 41,657,159.44 **Capital Stock, Paid Up ............................. $5,000,250.00 Surplus ........................................... 80,254,318.39 Surplus as Regards Policyholders .................................. 85,254,568.39 TOTAL ...................................................... $126,911,727.83 Securities carried at $953,583.71 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. *Bonds carried at amortized values and stocks at June 30, 1968 market quotations, except stock of the wholly-owned subsidiary, Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore, which is carried at its book value. On the basis of June 30, 1968 market quotations for all bonds owned, the Company's total admitted assets would be $124,475,729.83 and surplus as regards policyholders $82,818,570.39. **Includes 157,396 shares purchased and held as treasury stock. I, HARRY Y. WRIGHT, Treasurer of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit of the assets and liabilities of the said Company, on the 30th day of June, 1968, according to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. Harry Y. Wright Treasurer STATE OF MARYLAND CITY OF BALTIMORE SS: Subscribed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland in the City of Baltimore, this 16th day of August 1968. Notarial seal Elenor K. Mitchell Notary Public My commission expires July 1, 1969 Fidelity and Deposit COMPANY OF MARYLAND SINCE a 1890 Bonding and Insurance METROPOLITAN DEPARTMENT 140 William Street, New York 10038 Phone COrdandt 7-8700 WILLIAM F. TYNAN, JR., INC. 140 William Street Now York, N. Y. 10038 Phone 267-3113 "Non -collusive bidding certification. By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any competitor or.potential com- petitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or.will be made to induce any other person, partner- ship or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the -state- ments contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being ap- plicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidde Resolved that 'S oI,141, % be `(Name of the Corporation) authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporation for the following nroiect Mescribe Project) and to include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non -collusion required.by Section one hundred three -d of the general municipal law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under thb penalties of .perjury. e foregoing a nd correct c he resolution adoo corpora at a meeting so D rect n day 19 ' (S OF TIS R PORAT I ON)/ a _ BIDDERIS CERTIFICATE For ASPHALT CUTBACK This is to certify that the undersigned proposes to furnish Cutback Asphalt whiAom, h will comply with the requirements for type al.0 �W . Grade The Cutback Asphalt is manufactured by � �+►~'�� �'� �� whose plant is located at U The plant has a capacity of 0-0 0VV gallons per 8 -hour day and has regularly manufactured Cutback Asphalt for the past -_years. The specific source of the Asphaltic Base is selected Gulf Coast and Venezuelian Crudes. If we receive an award of order bid upon we will begin delivery hours of notice to deliver. We at the rate ordered to maximum 8 -hour -day. or contract on any of the ite (s) y of Cutback Asphalt within agree to furnish Cutback Asp al t rate of 1W. 00 0 galltns per By. Date If the bidder is an authorized agent of following authorization must be executed ,ccs/ XS",4 ,c r C'B c omp ny Official e �. l manufacturer, the the ma nuf act ure r ; This is to certify that R 0 Welch AsQh&1j Co. Name of Bidder 1064 Woodcrest Avenue Riverhead, L. I. N. Y street City & Zone No. State is our authorized agent and is capable of making deliveries in compliance with the above certificate. ESSO HUMBLE Name of Man f acture By. C s Official e a ,�kyNr 1k ` �+ ,r , w.N.rr.r�.rrr�� F M Al 5i +i .9�Fi �tUD " W. rE,11+iM.5 F U% ilZV L'✓RY TO THE T0l.Z,- L$ ��OUIUULDo NEW YLRK a i, P1 rn. h �y . « TO Tai 6UPli; W:b4TMluD» "� W L s yu: 10 'rho w,-Zor: iL. and hero L -j propozo to fu ish a p )noxi at4y 500.000 Caamu cf Grzdoa u cars Z -Z c"i.,,ph It Road »° atorizas to the % of sola .oidv au=&33� Cotullty$ U. Yoo all in accordance with the v-pociticatirnro cf tho o: R�Z� of the ate,► Toum Clated Southold Z Alone 2. he wid rsij;n , fur't2uur :eta -W -a that tC 4 location. typo carni calA. city a tLo storaze fac=tiej in the To= of Southold. = as Follous s A* Typo of «:jUraoo ;;oilltioa B. motion of Ztoraeo FZ►ciliUe C. Capacity cif toraZo Facili .aa, 3. in aWx tt.ln t, a bid, the wideraigod d ol=s At, lie Is or ax aro t o only p==ors or porsons intorevt d in U o said bid wui Viat it Is made without arW comaeat.%o:a with uXt psjro= r4adng unothor bid for tLo o" ,contract. Tho urslorzipied fust .or dool4miz that he has or they bave aaav» Ilk � 1. L gully ex.,a ittod the specificaticna and this bid f o= aid Iw or have undorzUnd that in viva r i t ila p �apoD h€� G�' "�»�� ' 7+� t7fA �. rl h W to plwd wg ismiderstwAir, reLardixZ Cho same. 4. ' Acc ap gi t�' e propoaal is ca ro a bank chock or cortificd bo accoptc4 b j tk o Toi .cif you tho. Lr id urdorsiLmed al 1 rail to wwouto fakir contract ard in all reu:p�zaats eorvply with Vic. �-iCelr .tions and c � t uia forz of bid. t o wnioz repress t ed by such cast or check skaa.?. i .�,t� � ,2. a, da,-,-a,r:,sem e^^1 -0 'z '#� �"v�wrCi�d s� � t..o,~� d,..,,.�.;,��. �;:�..�..��.�. :�arfr�,;.t�d �o:�d. bE3C� . the p ."eaPEXtY . o$ tLe Tvwn o;C a.Z outhold. c :: we to be ratumcd to t'"o do- } oaltor as i�rovldod Ln t,v c. avo provi ions. , .L -n a ccept,&-nee of ti -.10 bid : a ci.or : ;a 3 do s or do har,,Apy bind hirzi.0 or t ozzolwa to e. t i ito a writtcru co ttet 12iU.4 t =0 daya of he dato o o,N. ric to f%ea Cx the =,-. i of vhe- bid WId t1m said iowA of i5outizld# and to* ccx.ply in all m*x,vcto with tlw� prvvIE4oxz of the s ecificaationz; Lz. rol aticn to tho sccVlty far tho CaltkXul perZor .nca of the to=w of zmid comtra t. Dateds AT C 1 y� 'The PO 0. �ddr��a of the Bidder ► t j i I .M � .. `� � '�� r COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 103 of the Gen- eral Municipal Law, that sealed C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says bids are sought and requested that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND for the following: 2W tons (more or less, as need- TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ed) of Grade No. 1 Cayuga (or equal) Rock Salt, delivered paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that in 100 lb. paper bags, to Pe- the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been conic, N. Y., by truck. The sealed bids in duplicate, published in said Long Island Trove Ier-Mattituck Watch- together . with aN on—Collusive received the Supt. of Highways of the ' ! man once each week for .i. r s:- :.y C,. ..i..l. wee < ` � ..... • • • • - Town of Southold, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., f successively, commencing on the .............../................ September 18, 1969, at which time ! they will be opened and read day of ..... 19,• ....../ aloud in public./' The Supt of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any and all I............................................................ : %..... informality in any bids should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so.; F All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- to before me this ................. day of ed (Rid' on Rock Salt) to the Sworn c.r Office of the Supt. of Highways. 19 9•••�r�• The bid price shall not include • • ; any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exernt. —) Dated: August 26, 1969- RAYMOND 969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of highways j ..................... ... ......... . Town of Southold Notary Public 1T-11 A fie ''r' York COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .......weeK successively, commencing on the ............... .../. ........ dayof ......... . .. . ..,�..... ! 19 .............................................••• !!�'`?';�C`Y•` • ••. Sworn to before me this ........... /a ...... day of ..............� .. .. 6L ......... Notary Pub110 � ADELE PAYNE Notary Puhlic, ^'a'e cf New York Residip >]u` County No. n2-;1'47:;00 Commission Expires March 30, 1971! Highway Materials Co., Inc. Mri Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold Peconic, N. Y. 11958 .1 W.MT VPY uC9 �� ROCKSALT SOUTH LANSING, NEW YORK Area code 6o7 Lansing LF 3-4244 September 12, 1969 Re: Bid on Rock Salt Dear Mr. Dean: We are pleased to submit the following bid pertaining to the delivery of Rock Salt to your Town for the 1969- 1970 season. 100 and/or 80 lb. Bags, #1 Grade - $30.40 per ton 100 and/or 80 ib. Bags, CC Grade - $29.40 per. ton The above price is firm, includes all costs, and is based on the Truck Delivery of Cayuga Rock Salt which is mined in New York State by New York State labor and meets or exceeds specifications set forth by the New York State Department of Standards and Purchase. Orders may be placed with this office or with our Sales Representative, Mr. Ted Vogelsang. Shipments will be made as soon as possible after receipt of orders. The above prices are based on full truckload lots of mini- mum 20 tons each. Thanking you for this opportunity to bid and hoping we may be of service to you this coming year. Respectfully, HIGHWAY MATERIALS CO., INC. John W. Ettinger Vice President JWE/lp By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or with any Icompetitor or potential competitor; (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed, and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the signator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder. RESOLVED that Louis J. Ettinger., Jr., President, John W. Ettinger, Vice President, Harold D. Hall, Secretary, W. Worth Parks, Sales Manager, T. H. Vogelsang, John H. Miller.,, John F. Sloat, James C. Franklin or Christine M. Worsell be authorized to sign and submit the bids or proposals of this corporation for the sale of any products or property, including but not limited to mineral rock salt, to be submitted to the State of New York, all agencies thereof, the New York'State Thruway Authority, and/or all such political subdivisions regulated by the Laws of the State of New York and to include in such bids or proposals the certificate as to non -collusion required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, Section 139-d of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, or Section 2604 of the Public Authorities Law of the. State of New York as the act and deed of such corporation,'and for any inaccuracies or misstatements in such certificate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of perjury. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing resolution shall con- tinue in full force and effect unless and until rescinded by action of the Board of Directors,of this corporation and shall apply to all such bids or proposals made prior,to any such rescission of this resolution. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted'by Highway Materials Co., Inc. at a meeting of its board of directors held on the 18th day of August 1969, and I hereby certify that this resolution is still in full force and effect at the date of this bid. (Seal of the Corporation) Secretary Signatur Date: 9/12/69 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the following: 250,000 gallons of Premium gasoline, or as much as may be needed, thereof, for the Town of Southold. The sealed bids in duplicate, certificate, will be received by the Sup't of Highways of the Town of Southold, at his office, Peconic, N. Y., until 1:00 P. M., September 18, 1969, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Supt. of Highways re- serves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informality in any bid, should it be deemed to be in the best Interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mark- ed (Bid on Gasoline) to the Of- fice of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid price shall not include any Tax, Federal, State or Local, from which the Town of South- old, is exempt. Dated: September 9, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN Supt, of Highways 1T-11 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK I ss C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATI'ITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .....���,.$.�..�:. .�..... weeks successively, commencing on the ............ ��..................... day of .... �l.7_4�:••19 ............... /..... �`_ -.. ..... ......... /, ............ U-1 Sworn to before me this ......../1........... day of .. C fi..�..., 19.E , i _"""CCC...--- (/,{'(A .......... .f .• )�C.• • .....1 •...M .' iT. •..�'i Y........... Notary Pub i �tafork STATE OFvNEW YORK ss C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...../'0..�...r weeks successively, commencing on the ........../.. /.................... day of ....... ......., 19. G?��All !wLnto before me this ........l...�....... day of ........ ..... �..., 19-� L2�6.. .... .... .... . Notary Pub ADELE PAYNE Notary PuUc, State of New York in Suiiollr County No. K-3- 1600 Com m,ss on Expires March 30, 1971 SCHOENBERG SALT CO. INC. 4702 SECOND AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 TEL: 768-6801 September 16, 1969 Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold, N.Y. Dear Sir: Kindly enter our bid for 200 tons (more or less) of No. 1 Grade Rock Salt delivered in 100 lb. paper bags to Peconic, N.Y. by truck, 20 ton minimum: MJS:CD 5 n OVER L T at $38.00 per ton - Terms Net 30 days. Very truly yours, SCHOENBERG SALT CO. , INC. YER SCHOENBERG Orf 11 AdOJ �OtJ aAttl la OCS.3 Nua-COLLU31VE BIDDING CERTIF tiyTION By submission of this bid or proposal, the bidder certifies that: (a) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other bidder or With any competitor or potential aowpo ti top ) (b) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids or proposals for this project, to any other bidder, competitor or potential competitor; (c) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any `other per3on, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; (d) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf; (e) That attached hereto (if a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this certificate by the sig- nator of this bid or proposal in behalf of the corporate bidder. Rccolved thatc#-V01V J6- SyA.Y Co. /K&. be (Name of Corporat on authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of this corporationfor the following project: SvPPsY 7owAf of Soil—r*ss.# w,.yK R-0&lf .rA&I— 'f IV .0y r/r ,v e y (Describe Project) Bond to include in such bid or propo3al the certificate as to non-collusion required by section one hundred throe-d of the general municipal law an the act and doed of such corporation, and for any inaccuracies or misstatements 1.'n :such certificate this corporate. bidder shall be liable under the pen- alties of perjury. The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by S'c /a o,� w t?k r G o. / N G corporation at a meeting of its board of direeto-a held on the 1&. day oI' 1961. (SIAL OP THE CORPORATION) Seore ,... .....:J Y'!I •Y.l.-iC^.. �•...,....-;+rY^R!�u�... �.+;.. K'R...s.�S,L.. �.-.. , ... ,... -,r.�! •_ .•aLra'�.-fri�le c_'4"�P'.�Jpwlr_'.^stiC7/�s-^A+axlu�+w+l+rr�sfle� LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS G COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss: accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Muni- i �.�-c c� being duly Sworn. cipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the follow- says that .. . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK ing: 200 tons (more or less, as needed) WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said of Grade No. 1 Cayuga (or equal) Rack Salt, delivered in 100 lb. pa- county; and that the n'otic'e, of which the annexed is a printed per !bags, to Peconic, N. Y., by i truck. dopy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times The sealed bids in duplicate,, to- gether with a Non-Collusive Certi- once in each week, for ... ..... ��4 � ............... week ficate, will be received by the Sup't. of Highways of the Town of South- successively commencing on the ..��.�� .......... old, at his Office, Peconic, N. Y. until 1,00 P.M., September 18, day of 1969, at which time they will be�--y�— opened and read aloud in public. • • • • .... • • • .. • ... • . • .. • . • • . • ... • . The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Sworn to before me this and to waive. any and all informal- day of 19q.. J ity in any bids should it be deemed t to -be in the best interest of theU1�©�� Town of 'Southold, to do so. " ax ' " " " " " " " " " All bids must be signed and seal-. ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ed in envelopes plainly yaarked (Bid on Rock Salt) to the Office of the Sup't. of Highways. The bid F. LANCrTON CORWIN price shall not include any Tax, 4otary Puhhc, state c. New York Federal, State or Local, from which uffolk Co. Official No. 52-0770500 the Town of Southold, is exempt. .;rsmxnission I?xpires March 30,19.:^l i Dated: August 26, 1969 - AYMOND C. DEAN, Sup't. of Highways Town of Southold "'iffi1tS12 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SELF-CONTAINED HOPPER -TYPE SPREADER GENERAL: The spreaders required under these specifications shall be of the self- contained, hopper -type. The unit shall consist of a steel body, feed conveyor, spinner disc, power drive, and all components necessary to make a complete operating unit. It shall be capable of spreading uniformly sand, cinders, salt, calcium chloride, or mixtures up to a width of 40 feet. Bidders must submit with their bid complete speci- fications on the unit they propose to furnish. Bids with exceptions to these specifications shall be considered informal. BODY: Body shall be of all -welded steel construction and not less than ( ) cubic yards struck capacity. (Select one: 4. 0, 4. 6, 5. 2, 5. 6, 116. 2 or 6. 7. ) Inside length to be not less than ( ) feet. (Select one: 8', 9' , 101, 111, 20, or 13'.) Over-all height to be not greater than 51" above (Select either truck frame orumoT�Ioor.) Inside width to be not less than 74". Body sides shall have not less than forty-five degrees (450) pitch to insure free flow of material to conveyor. Sides and endgates to be minimum { p gauge steel. (Select either 12 ga. or 0 ga ) Body shall be rigidly constructed and the entire top of the body is to be channel -formed for additional support. Body sills shall be of at least # 10 gauge steel with longitudinal flanges supported on 3", 4. 1# structural steel channels. There shall be an adequate number of 12 gauge body side supports rigidly tying in the structural steel channels with the body sides to give the highest degree of resistance to warping or twisting under heavy loads. • CONVEYOR: The conveyor system shall be of the chain bar flight type running longi- tudinally with the body, feeding materials to the distributor disc. The minimum width of the conveyor shall be 201'. The conveyor chain shall be all -steel, 2-5/`16" pitch, riveted roller chain consisting of 7/8" diameter rollers and side bars with a 1% 4'' x 1" cross section. Chain bar flights shall have a cross section of 3/8" x 1-1/2", the flights being positioned on approximately 4-1/2" centers. Each chain roller link assembly shall have a minimum tensile strength of 38, 000 lbs. The conveyor gear case shall have a 50:1 reduction and consist of a hardened and polished worm gear, driving a cast alumi- num bronze gear with 90, 000 psi (minimum) tensile strength. Conveyor drive sprockets shall be 8 -tooth drop forged steel, keyed to a 1-1/2" (minimum) SAE 1045 alloy steel shaft mounted in tapered roller bearings. Two heavy -spring loaded cadmium -plated adjustment screws with a minimum of 3" travel shall be provided to maintain proper conveyor tension. Conveyor bottom shall be of 10 gauge (or better) flange -type construc- tion for rigidity of conveyor chain surface floor. An adjustable discharge gate of the screw jack type shall be located at the body rear to properly adjust the flow of material to the spinner. Maximum feedgate opening shall be 11" high x 14" wide. CONVEYOR: 7" O.D. auger conveyor having 114" flighting with variable pitch for level unloading of spreader. Flighting to be welded to 4" O. D. pipe and mounted at each end in 1-1/2" double tapered roller bearings. Drive shall be through a primary, in line, • cast iron 6:1 reduction gear case with sealed bearings enclosed running -in -oil and a secondary sprocket and roller chain drive. Auger bottom shall be bolted in for easy removal and of a minimum of 10 gauge steel. Form No. 5-1364A r AGITATOR.: Shall consist of a 2" heavy duty pipe running longitudinally above the auger • conveyor. It shall be mounted in 1-1/2" sealed flange type ball bearings and have 1%2" dia. steel spikes welded at 900 on 4" centers. There shall be a support bearing at cen- ter of agitator to eliminate any possible flexing of pipe. Agitator shall be driven by a #80 roller chain and sprocket drive from auger conveyor input shaft and have a minimum of 3:1 reduction. DISTRIBUTOR SPINNER ASSEMBLY: The distributor disc shall be 18" in diameter of abrasion resistant steel, equipped with six removable hardened formed fins designed to obtain a controlled spread of four feet to forty feet. Material shall be guided from the conveyor end to the distributor disc by means of adjustable material flow deflectors, mounted in enclosed chute, equipped with a dust -free tubular housing in which sealed cartridge -type ball bearings support the distributor disc drive shaft. Spinner to be approximately 17"' fro e ground when mounted on (select either truck chassis o ump body " from the ground. _* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWIN DISTRIBUTOR SPINNER ASSEMBLY: To be fully enclosed and have two 16-1121, dia. spinners with overhead mounted gear cases sealed with anti -friction bearings and hardened machine cut gears running -in -oil. An adjustable material flow deflector shall control direction of material from conveyor to spinners. Spinner disc to be of a mini- mum 10 ga. abrasion resistance steel and have six removable hardened formed fins each. Spinners to be approximately 17" from the ground when mounted on (select either truck chassis or dump body) " from the ground. BAFFLES: To control direction and width of spread. Shall have (S.elect one of the following: 2 sections over right and left side of spinner; over right, left and rear side of spinnerfor 4 -section over right, CL -sections left, rear and fronto pinners. Sections shall be easily adjusted without use of tools • in desired positions, from full down to horizontal. Form No. S -1364B • DIVERTER CHUTE: A deflector baffle shall be provided in enclosed distributor spinner hopper assembly so that it can be positioned in such a manner that material can be un- loaded from spreader without striking spinner. MOUNTING - CHASSIS: To include necessary angle type tie -down brackets and hardware to securely attach spreader to truck chassis. -•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J MOUNTING - DUMP BODY: To include four screw adjustable hold-down clamps, mount- ing brackets, and hardware to attach to dump body long and wide. AUXILIARY ENGINE E: An auxiliary engine mounted on the (select either front left side o rear , shall power both the conveyor and the distributor spinner assembly. Engine shall be air cooled, 2 -cylinder, 4 -cycle, 18 H. P. @ 3200 RPM with governor, oil bath air cleaner, i2 -volt electric starter and generator, battery • ignition, battery, battery mount, ammeter and starter switch, automatic choke, reduc- tion drive and clutch. (Select one of the following: Over -center 2 -disc type, centrifugal, or electric. Form No. 5-1364C r • ENGINE HOOD: To be of the one-piece removable type that fully encloses engine with sufficient shielded air inlet openings to insure proper air circulation for cooling engine. HYDRAULIC DRIVE: To be driven by truck (Select either transmission P. T. O, or crankshaft P. T. O.) Two separate gear type hydraulic motors, one powering conveyor and the other powering distributor spinner; control valve to be cab -mounted and shall be of the pressure compensated type having built-in independent speed controls for conveyor and spinner motors; pressure relief valve set @ 1500 PSI; master "off -on" control. Hydraulic reservoir shall have minimum of 20 -gallon capacity and include screen filter. Gear type hydraulic pump shall have a minimum rating of 20 GPM @ 1000 PSI @ 1000 RPM. _* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P. T. O. MECHANICAL DRIVE: To include 1" cold rolled steel, minimum SAE 1045 shafting; needle bearing type u -joints and sealed roller bearings --drive shaft from truck transmission P. T. O. to power spreader. No sprocket and chain drives between P. T. O. and conveyor reduction gear case will be accpeted. Drive line must go down side of spreader (select either right-hand or left-hand, depending on location of truck transmission P. T. 0.). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� POWER TAKE -OFF: For truck transmission. Make Model No. To turn enginewise at approximately 50% of engine speed. To be in the heavy duty class. • Form No. S -1364D • POWER TAKE -OFF: To be driven by truck engine crankshaft. To have approximately 2:1 reduction and P. T. O. to have hydraulic pump integrally mounted with lever to engage and disengage P. T. O. CONTROLS: Full cab control of auxiliary engine to include control panel with wiring loom including ignition switch, starter switch, ammeter, all-weather breakaway plug type throttle (select one of the following: cable type, cable type with quick disconnect, a ectric and clutch control. ___6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS: Remote mechanical control for auxiliary engine. Clutch lever to be access- ible to truck driver from truck cab with engine throttle installed to lever. CONTROLS: Cab control for P. T. O, mechanical driven spreader to incorporate a multiple disc clutch enclosed running -in -oil into P. T. O, drive line with cab operated • lever for engaging and disengaging spreader. Form No. S -1364E • TRANSMISSION: Two speeds installed in such a manner to give two conveyor speeds with a 65% reduction in low speed and direct in high. TRANSMISSION: Three speed installed in such a manner to give three conveyor speeds with first gear having 3:1 reduction, second gear having 2:1 reduction and third gear having 1:1. --•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATWALKS: Shall be provided for right and left side of spreader. They shall be of heavy tread plate, channel formed on outer edge and supported by and bolted to heavy angles bolted to each body side support. They shall be full length of spreader hopper and approximately 18" wide. BOTTOM HEATER: The conveyor bottom of spreader shall incorporate an exhaust baffled heater fully enclosed to the underneath side of bottom with a pipe inlet at front •of spreader and a pipe exhaust at rear. The exhaust from (select either auxiliary engine or truck engine) will be piped to heater inlet and exhaust baffled heater shall be of sufficient strength and design to withstand the engine exhaust pressure. Form No, S -1364F • INVERTED "V": An adjustable inverted "V" steel shield supported from cross channels with a minimum of three vertical positions shall be provided to reduce load pressure on conveyor. SCREENS OVER HOPPER: Sectional screens with a maximum length per section of 6' shall be hinged to a 3-1/2" O. D. heavy duty pipe running longitudinally the full length of spreader hopper. Screen sections to have a 3/8" x 2" frame with 3/8" rods laced through 1/4" x1/2" flat steel forming openings of . (Select either x 5-3/4"> or 2-1/2" x 2-1/211.) Screens shall not increase over-all height of spreader mor c/tlian 4" down center. SCREENS OVER HOPPER: Sectional screens with a maximum length per section of 6t shall lay flat across top of spreader. Screen sections to have 3/8" x 2" frame with 3/8" rods laced through 1/4" x 1-1 /2" flat steel forming openings of (Select either 2-1/2" x 5-3/4" or 2-1/2" x 2-1/2".) I BUMPER: Shall be straight channel bar type and be designed so as to protect the rear • of spreader from damage. Form No. S -1364G T ; " • LADDER: An access ladder shall be provided to mount on the (s--lect one of the following: Right forward side, left forward side, or rear) of spreader. It shall be constructed of a minimum of 1/2" dia. pipe. • LIGHTS: Clearance light and reflectors shall be provided including 4 red and 4 amber reflectors, 2 red and 2 amber clearance lights and one cluster of 3 red lights. All wiring clips, brackets, and hardware for installation shall be included. Form No. S -1364H SPECIFICATIONS - HEAVY DUTY WOOD/CHUCK CHIPPER, OR EQUAL:_ Rotors Steel forging, 11 1/2" diameter, 16" lengths, Dynamically balanced. Rotor Shaft: 1144-C strain tempered alloy steel. 3" diameter. Rotor Knives: Four, hi -carbon, hi -chrome special alloy. Quick changing corrugated back, interlocking full length support. 3/8" x 3" x 16" lengths. 7/16" maximum setting. Rotor Speed: 3000 RPM, Rotor Drive: Sheaves are hi -speed, dynamically balanced. High capacity power band, four section belts, Bearings: Double row spherical roller, self aligning. Each bearing has basic dynamic load rating of 29,500 lbs. Grease -pressure gun lubricated. Rotor Housing: Welded construction of steel plate up to 5/8" thick. Feed opening as rotor is 16 1/4" wide x 10" high. Bed Plate: Heavy duty reinforced steel weldment. Quickly adjustabieo removablem Bed Knife: Special hi -alloy abrasion resistant steels 3/4" k 3" x 16" long. Four cuffing edges. Regrindable many times. Flywheel: Solid steel ship plate. 18" diameter x 4 3/4" thick, Weighs 350 lbs. Dynamically balanced. Discharge Chute: Round sectional. Adjustable for height, length and direction (3600). Easily disengaged from cutter housing for knife inspection and adjustments Feed Apron: Heavy duty 10 gauge high strength, low alloy steel. Fo;ds up. 48" wide, 36" long. Overall length aof feed table from outer edge of rotor is 60"9 7110 WHEEL TRAILER: Axle and Spring Assembly: 5000 lbs. capacity. Seven leaf springs. Drop center wheels. Tires are 7:00 x 15 6 -ply tubeless. Rear Rest Support Jack: One. Pin locking (Optional) Rest Wheel: Retractable and adjustable. Safety Chains: Two. 5/16 coil chain with safety snaps. Gas Tank: 38 Galion gas tank rests on top of chipper frame. Fenders: Individual fenders are standard equipment. Frame: Solid, formed, low carbon high tensile 6" steel frame unitized. Trailer Tongue: Tubular, telescoping. Trailer Hitch: Adjustable for heightvand lengths Standard hitch has 2 1/2" pintle eye; or Ball Type for 2" ball on request. Engine Housing: Flip top, heavy duty 12 gauge, formed high strength, low alloy steels Standard flip top hood. Lights: Conform to Federal Specs, ENGINES: Heavy Duty Ford Industrial Types Any combination of engines and heads may be used together* Nov of Cylinders Displacement (Cu. In.) H.P. at 2800 RPM Ignition System Muffler Starter Generator, Alternator Governed Speed Clutch Fuel Cooling System Fuel Pump Water pump Temp. UQntrol 8 330 155 12 Volt 2 Electric 38 Amp, 2600 RPM Self Adjusting, Truck Type Gasoline .Series Type Mechanical Diaphram Prelubricated, Centrifical Type Thermostat in Coolant outlet Connections Continued: SPECIFICATIONS: - HEAVY DUTY WOOD/CHUCK CHIPPER Page - 2 - OR BQUAL:_ ACCESSORIES: Instrument Panel: Mocated on left rear of gas tank for clear visibility and easy accessibility to operator, Dust Suppressor: Electric pump has automatic dry tank cutout. Fog type nozzles. Rust inhibited, 25 gallon water tank is set on top of gas tank. Provides full capacity$ continuous operation for 2 1/4" hours with one filling. Trailer Brakes: Electric. Blower: Large capacity high -efficiency, squirrel -cage type blowers integral with rotor shaft. Hour Meter: Direct reading. Tachometer: Shows engine RPM for maximum chipping efficiency. SPFCIPTCATIOIRS - HRAVY DDM "OODICHZICK CHIPPER CNIPPER UNITr Rotor: Steel forqing, 11 1/2" diameter, 16" lengths. Dynamically balanced. Rotor Shaft: 1144-C strain tempered alloy steel. 3" diameter. Rotor Knives: Four, hi -carbon, hi -chrome special alloy.Quick changing corrugated back, interlocking full length support. 3/8" x 3" x 16" lengths. 7/16" maximum setting. Rotor Speed: 3000 RPM Rotor Drive: Sheaves are hi -speed, dynamically Lalaneed. Riah capacity potter band, four vection belts. Bearingsr Double row Spherical roller, self --aligning. Each Nearing has basic dynamic load rating of 29,500 lbs. Grease-rressure aun lubricated. Motor Housing: Welded construction of steel plate up to 5/8" thick. Feed opening as rotor is 16 1/4" wide x 10" high. Btd Plate: Meavy duty reinforced stool weldment. Quickly adjustable, romva.',. � 4 . Bed Knife: Sneicial hi -alloy, abrasion resistant steel. 3/4" x 3" x 16" long. Four cutting edges, Regrindable many times. Flywheel: Solid steel ship plate. 18" diameter x 2 3/4" thick. Weighs 350 lbs. Dynamically balanced. Discharge Chute: Pound sectional. Adjustable for heicg3:t, length and direction WOO) . Easily dixongaged from cutter ',ouninq for Vnife inspection and ad justinent. Feed Apron- Heavy duty 10 gauge hi.g-.n strenot:h, lows alloy steel. Folds un. 48` wide, 36" loner. Overall length of feted table: from outer edge of rotor is W. TWO WHEEL TRPxLFR: Axle and Spring Assemblya 5000 lb. capacity. Seven leaf springs;. Dror center wheels. Tires are 7:00 x 15 6 -ply tubeless. Rear Peat Support Jack: One. Pin locking (optional) Asst Wheel: Retractable and adjustable. Safety Chains-. Two. 5/16 coil chain with safety snaps. Gas Tanks 38 Callon gas tank rests on top of chipper frame— Tenders: Individual fenders are standard oeuipaent. . Frame: Solid, formed, law carbon high tensile 6" steel frame unitized. continued: Page - 2 - SPECIFICATIONS: - HEAVY DUTY WOOD/CHUCK CHIPPER TWO WHEEL TRAILER: - Continued: Trailer Tongue: Tubular, telescoping. Trailer Hitch: Adjustable for height and length. Standard hitch has 2 1/2" pintle eye, or Ball Type for 2" ball on request. Engine Housing: Flip top, heavy duty 12 gauge, formed high strength, low alloy steel. Standard flip top hood. Lights: Conform to Federal Snecs. ENGINES: Heavy Duty Ford Industrial Type. Any combination of engines and heads may be used together. No. of Cylinders Displacement (Cu.In.) H.P. at 2800 RPM Ignition System Muffler Starter Generator, Alternator Governed Speed Clutch Fuel Cooling System Fuel Pump Water Pump Temp. Control ACCESSORIES: 8 330 155 12 Volt 2 Electric 38 Amp 2600 RPM Self Adjusting, Truck Type Gasoline Series Type Mechanical Diaphragm Prelubricater?, Centrifical Type Thermostat it f'oolant outlet Connection Instrument Panel: Located on left rear of gas tank for clear visibility anJ easy accessibility to operator Dust Suppressor: Electric pump has automatic dry tank cutout. Fog type nozzles. Pust inhibited, 25 gallon water tank is set on top of gas tank. Provides full capacity, continuous operation for 2 1/2 hours with one filling Trailer Brakes: Electric $lower: Large capacity, high -efficiency, souirrel-cage type blower, .integral wwt —rotor shaft. Hour Meter; Tachometer: Direct reading. Shows engine RPM for maximum chipping efficiency. PLOW BLADES GRADER BLADES BULLDOZER BLADES TRUCK AND TOW CHAINS TOOL STEEL TOW CABLES WASTE RECEPTACLES Capitol Highway Materials, Inc. ROUTE 6, BALDWIN PLACE PUTNAM CO., NEW YORK MAHOPAC 8-4417 Traffic Signs to meet specifications of the New York State traffic manual. Spec:- Scotchlite, prismo reflective signs and plain signs on .080 gauge alum. back ground in the followiag sizes: 12 x 18 30 x 30 sq.or dia. 18 x 24 30 x 30 Oct. 12x36 36x48 24 x 24 sq. or dia. 36x 36 dia. or sq. 24 oct. 42 oct. Delivery to be made in 72 hours. Certificates re: Non -Collusion must be submitted with all bids. DISTRIBUTORS OF: CABLE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS TRAFFIC SIGNS AND POSTS STREET SIGNS AND POSTS MARKING PAINTS DOW CALCIUM CHLORIDE DOW WEED, BRUSH AND POISON IVY CHEMICALS CORRUGATED CULVERT PIPE THOR POWER TOOLS TRUE TEMPER TOOLS PARKING STANCHIONS RUST SELE PAINTS TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRICADES GUTTER BROOM STEEL STEEL AND FIBRE DRAG BROOMS IFICATIONS. JPPLY WELL CO ACITY TEST ELL SITE llnffl' SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELL AND PUMP INSTALLATION: All bidders must have been established in the business of installing well water systems of the type called for in this specification for a period of at least 5 years. Bidders must show that they have drilled a minimum of ten wells of the capacity and depth contemplated here and must furnish a list of installations they have accomplished on Long Island showing the job, name, location, capacity, depth and contract value. >TRUCTION: Well is to be of the gradulated filter wall type, with either natural or artificially introduced filter wall, developed by air or mechanical surging t remove the finer sands and create a stabilized filter wall surrounding the well. The casing to be not less than 8" inside diamiter. Casing to be of standard ful weight wrought steel drive pipe either welded or screw couplings. If screw couplings are used, they are to be dtandard. drive well couplings with long re cessed threads so that pipe will butt. If welded casing is used, wells are to b made by experienced welders to accepted and recognised standards. ,discharging pri It is estimated that a suitable water supply can be obtained from a well with a depth of 100 feet below ground surface and the bidder should base his bid on this depth. Well screen is to be constructed of silicon red bronze continuous "V " slot son struction as made by E. E. Johnson, Inc., A. D. Cook Co.or approved equal. Slot sizes to be selected by the Contractor to conform with water --bearing stratum encountered, Inlet area of,screen to be not less than 30% of outside screen ar< Contractor is to take full responsibility for selecting the slot sizes of the screen. Screen to be less than 15 feet in length. These specifications are issued for minimum acceptable standards for this well construction. However, inasmuch as the Owner takes no responsibility for the water yield to be produced, the Contractor may deviate from these specificationE in a manner as may be K necessary to produce the minimum guaranteed water supr Owner's approval must first be obtained before any deviations may be made from these specifications. In no case, however, shall the final construction in any way be below the standard intended by these specifications. Upon completion of well, C6ntractor is to conduct a continuous pumping teat for a period of not less than 4 hours to establish the well capacity and pumping level for pump installation. Testing equipment measuring equipment and power fc this test is to be furnished by the contractor. Test to be made in the presenct of the Owner's representative. Should the test of the well indicate that the yield is below the minimum of 400 Gallons per minute required under the contract, the Contractor shall immediately take steps that may be necessary to reconstruct or recondition the well to attai the required capacity yield. Should the Contractor, after reasonable time, fail to attain the required total capacity yield of 400 gallons per minute from the well, the Owner has the privilege to discontinue operations, under this contracts and to declare the contract null and void, and any monies advanced in payment tc the Contractor, shall be returned to the Owner. In this event the Contractor h; the privilege of salvaging any materials he may have used. Definite location to be mutually agreed upon. Site will be made accessible for standard well drilling equipment by the Owner. SIBLE PUh1P: One (1) submersible pump having a capacity of 400 gallons of water per minute and capable of pumping from the well and dischaeging against 50 lbs sure. Pump to be equipped with high efficiency type impellers and bowls. One (1) automatic across the line starter with overload and low voltage protecti Started to be furnighed and approved by pump manufacturer. Drop pipe to be a minimum of 4" inside. Furnish suitable well seal. Suitable size Electrical cable to be used on drop line. PUMP HOUSING'? Housing for electric motor controls and pump discharge to be furnished by Owner, Owner to furnish suitable Electrical power to pump house at well site with xkxi: knife switch. on, PIPING MEC HAN I CAL G1 2 Discharge piping to be taken into pump house full size. Inside piping not included in this bid. ANTEE: Contractor is to guarantee all material and equipment furnished by this Contractor, against mechanical defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance and furnish without charge any material, parts or cquip-- ment that prove defective during this period. INSTALLATION 11 Installation must be complete within 3 weeks after acceptance of the bid. IA 1111l" '.:NC jI IIISNCE All fencing materials furnished shall be manufact_z;d in accordance with the rigid standards of the Chain Link Pence Manufacturers I�Astitute and complies with appli commercial standard of U. So Department of Coimrierce. Line posts shall be round (tubular) wit'la a minimum, diameter of 1.90 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 2,72 pound,,;. Cor-aier shall be round with a minimum outside diameter of 2,375 inches and a minimum \v,,..:Zght per foot of 3,65 pounds. Gate posts shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outs -de diameter of 4.00 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 9,10 pounds, All posts shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrics.,.Uon. Line posts shall be spaced not more than 10 feet on centers* All posts shall be of sufficient length to receive the Six foot chain link fabric and to extend into the two foot concrete base. All pos-cu shall be set plumb. Top rails shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 1.660 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 1,806 pounds. The top rail shall be installed along the entire length of fence. The rail shall be in lennths of not less than 18 feet, and shall be fitted with couplings for connecting the into a continuous run* The couplings shall not be less than 6 inches long, shall p�:ovide a substantial connection, and Shall allow for expansion and contraction of the rail. Suitable tie—clips shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric securely to the top rail at intervals not exceeding 2 feet* Means shall be providQd for attaching the top rail to each corner and gate post. Post tops shall be of the ornameital type and shall be provided with a hole suitable for the through passage of the top rail. The post tops shall fit over the outside of posts and shall exclude moisture from the tu'Lzalar posts. Stretcher bars shall not be less than 3/16 by 3/41 inch and shall be of length 1 inch less than the full height of the fabric with which they are to be used. The stretcher bars shall be arranged to the fabric by threading througa the fabric., by clamps, or by e� other positive mechanical means. One stretcher bar Shall be provided for each gate post and two for each corner post* Clips or ties of adequate strength shall, be provid,::d in sufficient number for attaching the fabric to all line posts at intervals not cxceeding 15 inches, Bands or clips of adequate strength shall be providod in 'sufficient number for attaching the fabric and stretcher bars to all terminal posts at intervals not exceeding 15 inches. Fabric shall be 2 inch mash No. 9 steel wire, hot dipped galvanized, 6 feet high with barbed edges top attached to the posts, so that thc: bottom of wire is not more than 1 inch above the curb. Post braces shall be provided for each corner and ;ate post and shall consist of a rourkt tubular brace with th a minimum diameter of 1*660 inches and a minimum weight per .Loot of 1,806 pounds extending to each adjacent line at mid1eight of the fabric, and a truss consisting of a rod not less than 3/8 inch �:i nominal diameter from the line post back to the corner or gate post, with a turnbuckic or other equivalent provision for adjustment. slxM �;if ications I 11age Gate openings shall be 14 feet with double gates having a 180 degree swing, Gate frames shall be made of 2 inch outside diameter p.`.pe or 2 inch square tubing weighing: not less than 2072 pounds per foot, hot galvanized with malleable iron corner castings or welded at all corners and properly braced against Hinges shall be of malleable iron securely fastened to gate and post, Allgates shall be double gates .,equipped with drop bar locking device* The bottom of tlic: gates shall be not more than 2 inches above the curb, The center block shall be of a design type which is easily cleaned, A pipe center block shall not be used* , ix$uyandenbrn# of 'HiOjaus v` jn of Sont4otb Veronir, W_ V SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW 1970 HALF -TON PICKUP STEPSIDE - V8 Engine - 307 Cu. in. displacement 200 H. P. 115" Wheelbase - (5) G78/15 Tires Deluxe Heater and Defroster Class 'A' Directional Signals Inside Mirror 2 - Junior West Coast Mirrors 2 Speed Windshield wiper Windshield washer 3 speed fully sunchronized column gear shift 1 Commercial Radio Heavy duty rear springs; standard rear bumper, heavy duty Battery Color: 537AC Trade-in: One (1) 1966 International Pickup While installing the curbing and the concrete in which the posts are encased, the Contractor shall install the posts and the galvanized steel rods, which will be later bent through the fabric of the fence, The Contractor is to do whatever work is required at the time the curbing is being installed to insure that the fence and gate map be properly erecte& FENCE All fencing materials furnished shall be manufactured in accordance with the rigid standards of the Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute and complies with applicabl= commercial standard of U. S. Department of Commerce. Line posts shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 1.90 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 2.72 pounds. Corner posts shall be round with a minimum outside diameter of 2.375 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 3.65 pounds. Gate posts shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 4.00 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 9.10 pounds. All posts shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication. Line posts shall be spaced not more than to feet on centers. All posts shall be of sufficient length to receive the six foot chain link fabric and to extend into the two foot concrete base. All posts shall be set plumb. Top rails shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 1.660 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 1.806 pounds. The top rail shall be installed along the entire length of fence. The rail shall be in lengths of not less than 18 feet, and shall be fitted with couplings for connecting the lengths into a continuous run. The couplings shall not be less than 6 inches long, shall provide a substantial connection, and shall allow for expansion and contraction of the rail. Suitable tie -clips shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric securely to the top rail at intervals not exceeding 2 feet. Means shall be provided for attaching the top rail to each corner and gate post. Post tops shall be of the ornamental type and shall be provided with a hole suitable for the through passage of the top rail. The post tops shall fit over the outside of posts and shall exclude moisture from the tubular posts. Stretcher bars shall not be less than 3/16 by 3/4 inch and shall be of length 1 inch less than the full height of the fabric with which they are to be used. The stretcher bars shall be arranged to the fabric by threading through the fabric, by clamps, or by other positive mechanical means. One stretcher bar shall be provided for each gate post and two for each corner post. Clips or ties of adequate strength shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric to all line posts at intervals not exceeding 15 inches. Bands or clips of adequate strength shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric and stretcher bars to all terminal posts at intervals not exceeding 15 inches. Fabric shall be 2 inch mesh No. 9 steel wire, hot dipped galvanized, 6 feet high with barbed edges top attached to the posts, so that the bottom of wire is not more than 1 inch above the curb. Post braces shall be provided for each corner and gate post and shall consist of a round; tubular brace with a minimum diameter of 1.660 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 1.806 pounds extending to each adjacent line post at midheight of the fabric, and a truss consisting of a rod not less than 3/8 inch in nominal diameter from the line post back to the corner or gate post, with a turnbuckle or other equivalent provision for adjustment. Specifications Page 2 Gate openings shall be 14 feet with double gates having a 180 degree swing. Gate frames shall be made of 2 inch outside diameter pipe or 2 inch square tubing weighing not less than 2.72 pounds per foot, hot galvanized with malleable iron corner castings or welded at all corners and properly braced against sagging. Hinges shall be of malleable iron securely fastened to gate and post. Allgates shall be double gates equipped with drop bar locking device. The bottom of the gates shall be not more than 2 inches above the curb. The center block shall be of a design type which is easily cleaned. A pipe center block shall not be used. Specifications Page 2 While installing; the curbing and the concrete in which the posts are encased, she Contractor shall install the posts and the galvanized steel rods, which will be later bent through the fabric of the fence. The Contractor is to do whatever work is re-, auired at the time the curbing is beim installed to insure fence and aat r v e-,ected. -05 Fence All fencing materials furnished shall be manufactured in accordance with the rigid standards of the Chain Link Fence Manu- facturers Institute and complies with applicable commercial standard. of U. So Department of Commerce. Line posts shell be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 1.,90 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 2072 paunds, Corner posts shall be round with a minimum outside diameter of 2„375 inches and a minimum weight per 'oot of 3.6.5 pounds. Gate posts shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 4.00 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 9010 pounds. All posts shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication„ Line posts shall be spaced not more than 10 feet on • centers. All posts shall be of sufficient length to receive the six foot chain link fabric and to extend into the t� oot concrete base. All posts shall be set plumb. "�V-o Top rails shall be round (tubular) with a minimum outside diameter of 1.660 inches and a minimum weight per foot of 1.806 pounds, The top rail shall be installed along the entire length of fence. The rail shall be in lengths of not :.less than 18 feet, and shall be fitted with couplings for connecting the lengths into a continuous run. The couplings shall not be less than 6 inches long„ shall provide a sub- stantial connections and shall u'_low for expansion and contraction of the rail. Suitable tie -clips shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric securely to the top rail at intervals not exceeding 2 feet. Means shall be provided for attaching the top rail to each corner and gate post. Post tops shall be of the ornamental type and shall be provided with a hole suitable for the through passage of the top rail The post tops shall fit over the outside of posts and shall exclude moisture from the tubular posts, Stretcher bars shall not be less than 3,16 by 3/4 inch and shall be of length 1 inch less than the full height of the fabric • with which they are to be used, The stretcher bars shall be arranged to the fabric by threading through the fabric, by clamps, or by other positive mechanical mean. One stretcher bar shall. be provided for each gate post and two for each corner post. Specifications Page 3 Clips or ties of adequate strength shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric to all line posts at intervals not exceeding 15 inches, Bands or clips of adequate strength shall be provided in sufficient number for attaching the fabric and stretcher bars to all terminal posts at intervals not exceeding 15 inches. 5/1 cur 2 f 11 ed Fabric shall be 2 inch mesh No. 9 steel wires; hot dipped galvanized, 6 feet high wAth barbed edges top a , attached to the posts, so that the bottom of wire is not more than 1 inch above the curb. Post braces shall be provided for each corner and gate post and shall consist of a round tubular brace with a minimum diameter of 1.660 inches and. a minimum weight per foot of 1.806 pounds extending to each adjacent line post at midheight of the fabric, and a truss consisting of a rod not less than 3/8 inch in nominal diameter from the line post back to the corner or gate post„ with a turnbuckle or other equivalent provision for adjustment, • Gate openings shah. be 1feet with double gates having a 180 degree swing, Gate frames sha'l1 be made of 2 inch outside diameter pipe or 2 inch square tubing weighing not less than 2,,72 pounds per foot;, hot galvanized with malleable iron corner castings or welded at all corners and properly braced against sagging. Hinges shall be of malleable iron securely fastened to gate and post. All gates shall be double gates equipped with drop bar locking device. The bottom of the gates shall be not more than 2 inches above the curb. The center block shall be of a design type which is easily cleaned. A pipe center block shall not be used,: 0 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MARLOW PUMP MODEL 4ElS OR EQUAL PUMP: hand operated safety quediant discharge check valve with 4" female threaded connections, flanged suction with 4" mating companion flange. Special irrigation type strainer for suction line, 20' of 4" suction hose with fittings and strainer. Combination pressure gauge and water -failure cut out switch, vacuum primer, self lubricating Remite mechanical type shaft seal, 1-3/8" shaft, maximum size solids handled is 11/16", 4" discharge adapter to irrigation pipe. ENGINE:240 cu. in., 6 cylinder, 12 volt starting system, oil bath air cleaner, 20 quart cooling system, positive valve rotators, 16 gal. fuel storage, low oil -pressure and high water -temperature engine cut out switches, TRAILER: 50Ox15 tires and tubes, two adjustable supporting feet and two bar type tongue hitch. CLE M INSTANT DRY TRAFFIC PAINT SP'ECIU ICATION FOR WIIITE AND YELLOW PIGMI-N'f ID BINDER. ICOR REFLECTORIZED TRAFUIC PAINT 1. , GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.1 Scope: This specification covers white and yellow pigmented binds r, on which are to be applied by the Drop -On Method, glass beads separately purchased, to produce a rcflcctorizcd t:.ra:ffic. paint. 1.2 Application: The rcflcctorizcd surface marking shall consist of an application of pigmented binder with glass beads partially embedded therein. The glass heads, in proper ratio, shall be applied immediately onto the pigmented binder following binder application. It is intended that the pigmented binder will bind the glass beads in such a manner that it will produce maximum adhesion, refraction and reflection. The pigmented binder shall show proper capA-IlarX action at the interstices existing between the beadsto pro- vidc proper anchorage and refraction. The capillary action of the pigmented binder, however, shall not be such as to cause complete envelopment of the glass beads. 1.3 Previous Successful Experience: The successful bidder shall be required to submit satisfactory evidence of previous successful manufacture for not less than five (5) years prior to submission of bid, and must show satisfactorily his ability to fulfill the specified re- quirements herein sot forth. 1.4 Performance Bond: A performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (1000 of the contract will be required of any successful bidder before contract is valid. This bond may be forfeited as liquidated damages if the material fails to meet the requirements of this -2 - invitation 2 - invitation and/or if delivery is not matte in accordance with the terms of the successful bidder. If the bidder is unable to execute a satisfactory performance bond within fifteen (15) days after notice of award, his bid will be :rejected. 1.5 Protection: The contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices or processes used on, or incorporated in the work, and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the contractee, its director, engineers and duly authorized representatives, from all suits at law, or actions of any nature for, or on account of the use of any patented materials, equipment, devices or processes. 1.6 Warranty: It is required that the supplier shall guarantee that the manufactured articles, materials or supplies furnished will have been mined or produced in the United States, all from articles, materials or supplies mined, produced or manufactured, as the case may be, in the United States, except as noted below or indicated in the bid. 1.7 Certification: Each bidder shall furnish with his bid a certificate from an established and recognized inde- pendent testing laboratory certifying that the pigmented binder which the bidder intends to furnish to the City has been tested and found to conform without exception to each and every requirement specified herein. The Certification shall be dated within six months prior to the date set for the opening of the City bid. An attached format is provided as a guide for use by the independent testing laboratory in preparing its certification. Furnishing the Certification will not relieve the vendor of the responsibility to furnish shipments complying with each and every requirement of the subject specification. No bid will be complete -3 - and no bid will not be considered in any manner if proper certifications of the materials exactly as required therein is not submitted with the bid. After a contract is awarded, we reserve the right and intend to check materials delivered by the vendor (even if the contractor had furnished an independent laboratory certification with his bid) to verify com- pliance with each and every requirement of subject specification. If the contractor had furnished an independent laboratory certification with his bid, we will bear the costs of such test. We further reserve the right to reject any and all bids, and further reserve the right to waive techni- calities in the interest of the purchaser. 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS: Where reference is made hereinafter to Specifications and Standards, the intent shall be to specify the edition of such Specifica- tion or Standard in effect on the date of the contract advertisement; notwithstanding any reference to a particular date. 3. DETAIL REQUIREMENTS: 3.1 Quality: This material shall consist of a pigmented binder specifically d --tailed hereinafter, supplied in bulk for marking highway surfaces. The material shall be of the best quality normally used for the purpose in good commercial practice, and shall be free from all defects and imperfections that might affect the serviceability of the finished product. 3.2 Binder: THE PIGMENTED BINDER SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: -4- 3.2.0 Formulation and Manufacture: The pigmented binder shall be formulated and processed specifically for service as a suitable binder for glass beads for use on traffic carrying pavements, such as concrete, brick and bituminous. It shall be well mixed or otherwise properly processed to meet the requirements hereinafter specified. The pigment shall not settle excessively or cake in the container; shall not thicken or thin in storage so as to cause appreciable change in consistency. It shall not liver or curdle and shall be readily broken up with a paddle to a smooth uniform con- sistency. The pigmented binder shall dry to an elastic adherent finish that will not turn dark in sunlight, nor show appreciable discoloration with age. It shall further permit ease and uniformity of application and covering properties. WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT PROVISIONS IN THE DESIGNATED SECTIONS OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATION TT -P -115a (1) AND/OR AS FOLLOWS: THE BINDER, TESTED AS LISTED BELOW, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE STIPULATED REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH TESTS: 3.2.1 Color: The color of the yellow pigmented binder shall be within the green and red tolerance limits of the standard yellow for highway signs and markings of the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 3.2.2 Dilution: (Section 4.2.7) The thinned pigmented binder shall be uniform throughout and shall show no separation, curdling or precipitation. 3.2.3 Flexibility: (Section The pigmented binder shall be applied with a 0.0025 inch Bird Film Applicator. There shall be no cracking or flaking. 3.2.4 Bleeding: (Section 4.2.3) There shall be no per- ceptible bleeding. -5 - WHEN TESTED BY THE STATED METHOD OF FEDERAL TEST METHOD STANDARD NUMBER 141 AND/OR AS FOLLOWS: THE BINDER, TESTED AS LISTED BELOW, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE STIPULATED REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH TESTS: 3.2.5 Weight per Gallon: The white pigmented binder shall weight not less than 11.7 pounds per gallon at a temperature of 770F. The yellow pigmented binder shall not weigh less than 11.5 pounds per gallon at a temperature of 770F. 3.2.6 Water Content: (Method 4081) Not more than 1 percent by weight. 3.2.7 Composition: (Method 4021) The pigment content shall be 52% f 3%. (Method 4051) The vehicle solids shall be not less than 35%. 3.2.8 Consistency: (Method 4281) The consistency shall be 72 Krebs Units with an allowable tolerance of f3 Krebs Units. 3.2.9 Fineness of Grind: (Method 4411) The pigmented binder, white and yellow, shall have a fineness of grind of not less than 2. 3.2.10 Skinning: (Method 4141) Entirely free from skinning after orae week. 3.2.11 Dry Opacity: (Method 4121) A suction box shall not be used. The film shall be applied by itse of a 0.005 inch Bird Film Applicator. The minimum contrast ratio of the White Pigmented Binder shall be 0.96. The minimum contrast ratio of the Yellow Pigmented Binder shall be 0.95. 3.2.12 Daylight Reflectance: (Method 6121) Reflectance (Apparent Reflectivity) of the White Pigmented Binder shall be not less than 80%. IM WHEN TESTED BY THE FOLLOWING METHODS, THE PIGMENTED BINDERS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE STIPULATED REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGNATED TESTS. 3.2.13 Water Resistance: The pigmented binder shall be applied on a standard glass panel which has been cleaned with benzene. A film of the binder shall be applied to the clean panel by use of a 0.003 inch Bird Film Applicator. The application shall be started approximately one inch from an edge of the panel. The edge of the panel where applica- tion has been started will be considered the TOP of the panel. The coated panel shall be air-dried for 90 hours at a room temperature of 750F. 150F. The panel (TOP down) shall be immersed to a depth of 4 inches in distilled water. The panel shall be removed from the water after 18 hours of immersion and allowed to air-dry for 2 hours. The binder shall then be examined visually and shall show good adhesion to the panel with no apparent wrinkling, blistering or other form of deteriora- tion. 3.2.14 Stability: A one pint standard friction top paint can shall be filled to one inch from the top with a thoroughly mixed sample of the pigmented binder. The consistency of the binder in the can shall be determined by the method specified here- inbefore. After leaving scaled the can with a tightly placed lid, the sample shall be further mixed by shaking the container vigourously for at least five minutes. The sealed container shall then be placed in an air -oven and left therein for a period of 18 hours at an oven temperature of 1400F. f2.00F. The container shall then be re- moved from the oven and all wed to cool to a room temp--rature of 750F. t 50F. The container shall then be opened, any skin on the contents -7 - removed, and the contents closely examined visually. The examination shall show no apparent livering or other obvious deteriora- tion. After thoroughly remixing the contents of the can, the consistency shall be again de- termined by the method specified hereinbefore. Any change in the consistency from that previously determined shall be not more than 5 Krebs Units. 3.3. THE REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC MARKING: THE PIGMENTED BINDER AND GLASS BEADS WHEN COMBINED AS I-iEREINAFTRR SPECIFIED AND WHEN TESTED BY THE FOLLOWING METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPU- LATED REQUIREMENTS: 3.3.1 Drying Time: The pigmented binder shall be applied to a clean glass panel at a wet film thickness of 0.015 inches by use of a suitable doctor blade. Beads shall then be immediately applied on the wet film at the rate of 6 pounds per gallon of pigmented binder. Set to touch: When lightly the surface of the sample shall show set in not less than 5 minutes. touched, as dry - No Pick -Up: When tested by the method provided in A.S.T.M. D-711-55, the drying time for no pick-up shall be not more than 30 minutes. 3.3.2 Weathering and Wear: Samples of the pigmented binder plus glass beads shall be applied to suitable cement -asbestos panels("Transite" or equal), 2" x 7" x 3/8" in size. Samples as hereinafter referred to in this section shall be pigmented binder plus glass beads. The top surfaces of the panels shall be brushed with a fluid mixture of Portland cement and water; allowed to set under damp -curing conditions for 24 hours; allowed to dry for a sufficient period of time; and then lightly buffed to provide a smooth finish. (All to eliminate any porosity in the original panels.) The samples shall be applied to four pre- pared panels first by applying pigmented binder at a wet film thickness of 0.015 inches by use of a suitable doctor blade and then immediately by applying beads uniform- ly on the binder at a gate of 6 pounds of beads per gallon of pigmented binder. After allowing the samples to air-dry for 72 hours at a temperature of 7501F,t 50F., three of the four samples shall be subjected to seven consecutive cycles, each cycle re- quiring 24 hours and consisting of the follow- ing tests: 1. IMMERSION One Hour The samples shall be completely immersed in a salt solution and maintained therein at a temperature of 25017. 30F. for a period of one hour. The solation shall be prepared by dissolving a mixture of 6 pants of Sodium Chloride and 4 parts of Calcium Chloride in 90 parts of distilled water; by weight. After Immersion, the samples shall be removed and wiped dry. 2. ABRASION Six Hours The samples shall be placed on a Hickson Abrasion Machine as described in Federal Specificat:ion TT -P -115a and modified to accommodate the panels described above. The samples (panels) shall be subjected to abrasion for a time period of. six (6) hours. 3. WEATHERING 16 Hours After completion of abrasion, the samples shall be weathered for a time period of 16 hours in accordance with the specified requirements of A.S.T.M. E-42-57. 4. TRANSITIONS One Hour The time period of one hour is allotted for handling and examination of the tramples. 5. ABRASION SUBSEOUENT TO WEATHERING After the 7th cycle as described above has been completed, the samples shall be continually abraded on the Hickson Abrasion Machine for a period of 18 hours p --r day until a total of 50,000 revolutions have been obtained. The samples as processed shall conform to the following requirements: 1. No sample shall show excessive discoloration, loss of beads or other deterioration due to weathering. 2. At least 2 of 3 samples shall show a loss of wear of not more than 15% of the binder and/or not more than 2017 of the beads. -9- Unless otherwise directed, the pigmented binder shall be shipped in five -gallon non -returnable containers meeting the following requirements; The lids shall be of approximately the same diameter as the container; all lids shall be eguippod with rubber gaskets; the containers ,shall have bails with handles; and the containers shall be so designed that they may be stacked one upon the other in tiers at least four high. Five gallons of paint shall be placed in each container. The paint shall be measured by volume, the unit of measure being a gallon of 231 cubic inches at 770F. Each container shall bear a label which shows the kind of paint contained therein, the manufacturer's name, the purchase order number. The batch number of the paint and the month and year the paint is packaged shall be included either on the label or shall be stenciled on the container. CERTIFICATE 011 TESL' RESULTS WHITE AND YELLOW REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC PAINTS Report for: Baltimore Paint & Chemical Corp. Certification Date: 17 April 1967 Code Identification of Samples: A300 and A301 3.2 BINDER SPECIFICATION TESTRESULTS Whit Yellow 3.2.1 Color Match as stipulated Yellow -Yes Yes 3.2.2 Dilution Uniform - Yes Yes Yes Separation - No No No Curdling - No No No Precipitation - No No No 3.2.3 Flexibility Crackiiig - No No No Flaking - No No No 3.2.4 Bleeding Perceptible - No No No 3.2.5 Weight per Min: 11. 7 pounds - White 11.8 Gallon 11. 5 pounds - Yellow 11.7 3.2.6 Water Content Max: 11110 0.2 0.35 3.2.7 Composition Pigmcnt: 5276=37o 53.3 50.8 Vehicle solids Min: 35% 39.8 38.7 3.2..8 Consistency Krebs Units: 72.=3 72 72 3.2.9 Fineness of Min: 2 2.5 2. Grind Skinning; None None Nonc 3.2.11 Dry Opacity Min: 0.95 - White 0.97 0. 95 - Y cllo\v 0. 97 I , r -2- CERTIFICATION We certify that we are an established and recognized independent testing laboratory and that the samples submitted to this laboratory have been tested and found to conform to the requirem^nts as specified above. Respectfully subtnitte FOSTER D. SNELL, INC..- Chester NC. Chester A. Snell., Ph. D. Director, Analytical Departtnc:nt CAS:acm 2c, 2p, f. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OIC' NI:W YORK )SS: On this 17fli day of April, 1967 before me came Chester A. Snell, to me known to he the individual %%?Ilo elecuted tic, forc,,,01'11,� instrun-icnt and acknowled-ed tl1;�.Tj lie cx<'cut('d NYS, fy BINDER SPECIFICATION TEST RESULTS White Yellow 3.2.12 Daylight Reflectance Min: 80% - White 85 -- 3.2.13 Water Resistance Deterioration - No No No 3. 2. 14 Stability Max. Change: 5K. U. 3 2 3.3 Reflectonized. Traffic Markim,: 3.3.1 Drying Time Set- To- Touch Min: 5 minutes 6 6.5 No Pick -Up Max: 30 minutes 23 24 3.3.2 Weathering No excessive discoloration loss of beads or other de- terioration conforms conforms 3.3.2 Wear Resistance Binder: Max. 1576 loss 10 10 Beads: Max. 2070 loss 15 15 CERTIFICATION We certify that we are an established and recognized independent testing laboratory and that the samples submitted to this laboratory have been tested and found to conform to the requirem^nts as specified above. Respectfully subtnitte FOSTER D. SNELL, INC..- Chester NC. Chester A. Snell., Ph. D. Director, Analytical Departtnc:nt CAS:acm 2c, 2p, f. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OIC' NI:W YORK )SS: On this 17fli day of April, 1967 before me came Chester A. Snell, to me known to he the individual %%?Ilo elecuted tic, forc,,,01'11,� instrun-icnt and acknowled-ed tl1;�.Tj lie cx<'cut('d NYS, fy SPECIFICATIONS FOR SELF -»CONTAINED HOPPER -TYPE SPREADER GENERAL: The spreaders required under these specifications shall be of the self-contained, hopper -type. The unit shall consist of a steel body, feed conveyor, spinner disc, power drive, and all components necessary to make a complete operating unit. It shall be capable of spreading un- iformly sand, cinders, salt, calcium chliride, or mixtures up to a width of 40 feet. Bidders must submit with their bid complete specifications on the unit they propose to furnish. Bids with exceptions to these specifications shall be considered informal. BODY: Body shall be of all -welded steel construction and not less than 6.2 yards struck capacity. Inside length to be not less than 121. Over- all height to be not greater than 51" above dump body floor. Inside width to be not less than 74". Body sides shall have not less than forty-five degr)aes (450) pitch to insure free flow of material to con- veyor. Sides and endgates to be a minimum 10 gauge steel. Body shall be rigidly construct4d and the entire top of the body is to be channel - formed for additional support. Body sills shall be of at least #10 steel with longitudinal flanges supported on 3", 4.1# structural steel channels. There shall be an adequate number of 12 gauge body side supports rigidly tying in the structural steel channels with the body sides to give the highest degree of resistance to warping or twisting under heavy loads. CONVEYOR: The conveyor system shall be of the chain bar flight type run- ning longitudinally with the body, feeding materials to the distributor disc. The minimum width of the conveyor shall be 20". The conveyor chain shall be all -steel, 2-5/1611 pitch, riveted roller chain consisting of 7/8" diameter rollers and side bars with a 1/4" x 111 cross section. Chain bar flights shall have a cross section of 3/8" x 1-1/211, the flights being positioned on approximately 4-1/211 centers. Each chain roller link assembly shall have a minimum tensile strength of 38,000 lbs. The conveyor gear case shall have a 50:1 reduction and consist of a hardened and polished worm gear, driving a cast alumintam bronze gear with 90,000 psi (minimum) tensile strength. Conveyor drive sprockets shall be 8 -tooth drop forged steel, keyed to a 1-1/2" (minimum) SAE 1045 alloy steel shaft mounted in tapered roller bearings. Two heavy -spring loaded cadmium -plated adjust- ment screws with a minimum of 3" travel shall be provided to maintain proper conveyor tension. Conveyor bottom shall be of 10 gauge (or better) flange -type construction for rigidity of conveyor chain surface floor. An adjustable discharge gate of the screw jack type shall be located at the body rear to properly adjust the flow of material to the spinner. Maximum feedgate opening shall be 11" high x 14" wide. DISTRIBUTOR SPINNER ASSEMBLY: The distributor disc shall be 18" in diameter of abrasion resistant steel, equipped with six removable harden- ed formed fins designed to obtain a controlled spread of four feet to forty feet. Material shall be guided from the conveyor end to the dis- tributor disc by means of adjustable material flow deflectors, mounted in enclosed chute, equipped with a dust -free tubular housing in which sealed cartridge -type ball bearings support the distributor disc drive shaft. Spinner to be approximately 17" from the ground when mounted on dump body 11 from the ground. ♦ A SPECIFICATIONS FOR SELF-CONTAINED HOPPER -TYPE SPREADER Page - 2 - BAFFLES: To control direction and width of spread. Shall have 3 sections over right, left and rear side of spinner. Sections shall be easily adjusted without use of tools in desired positions, from full down to horizontal. MOUNTING - DUMP BODY: To include four screw adjustable hold-down clamps, mounting brackets, and hardware to attach to dump body long and wide. AUXILIARY ENGINE DRIVE: An auxiliary engine mounted on the left side rear, shall power both the conveyor and the distributor spinner assembly. Engine shall be air cooled, 2 -cylinder, 4 -cycle, 18 H.P. t� 3200 RPM with governor, oil bath air cleaner, 12 -volt electric starter and generator, battery ignition, battery, battery mount, ammeter and starter switch, automatic choke, reduction drive and electric clutch. ENGINE HOOD: To be of the one-piece removable type that fully encloses engine with sufficient shielded air inlet openings to insure proper air circulation for cooling engine. CONTROLS: Full cab control of auxiliary engine to include control panel with wiring loom including ignition switch, starter switch, ammeter, all-weather breakaway plug electric type throttle. INVERTED "V": An adjustable inverted "V" steel shield supported from cross channels with a minimum of three vertical positions shall be pro- vided to reduce load pressure on conveyor. SCREENS OVER HOPPER: Sectional screens with a maximum length per section of 6► shall be hinged to a 3-1/2" O.D. heavy duty pipe running longitud- inally the full length of spreader hopper. Screen sections to have a 3/8" x 2" frame with 3/8" rods laced through 1/411 x 1-1/211 flat steel forming openings of 2-1/2" x 5-3/4". Screens shall not increase over- all height of spreader more than 4" down center. BUMPER: Shall be straight channel bar type and be designed so as to protect the rear of spreader from damage. SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEAVY-DUTY SELF-CONTAINED HOPPER -TYPE SPREADER GENERAL: The Spreader required under these specifications shall be Self -Contained, Hopper -Type, designed to be mounted in truck body now the property of the Town of Southold. The unit shall consist of a steel body, feed conveyor, spinner disc, power drive, and all com- ponents necessary to make a complete operating unit. It shall be capable of spreading uniformly sand, cinders, salt, calcium chloride, or mixtures up to a width of 40 feet. Bidders must submit with their bid complete specifications on the unit they propose to furnish. Bids with exceptions to these specifications shall be considered informal. BODY: Body shall be of all -welded 10 gauge steel construction and not less than 6.1 cubic yards struck capacity. Body dimensions shall be as follows: Length (Inside) - Not less than 11' Over-all height - Not greater than 50 1/2" Width (Inside) - Not less than 78" (Over-all height shall be measured from bottom of support channels to the top of hopper.) Body sides shall have not less than forty-five degrees (45") pitch to insure free flow of material to conveyor. The body shall be rigidly constructed and the entire top of the body is to be channel -formed for additional support. Body sills shall be of at least #10 gauge steel with longitudinal flanges supported on 3", 4.1# structural steel channels. There shall be an adequate number of "Z" - type, 12 gauge body side supports rigidly tying in the structural steel channels with the body sides to give the highest degree of resistance to warping or twisting under heavy loads. The body shall be provided with four lifting hooks and an adequate number of tarpaulin hold-down hooks. CONVEYOR: The conveyor system shall be of the #4 belt over chain type running Longitudinally with the body, feeding materials to the dis- tributor disc. The minimum width of the conveyor shall be 24". The conveyor chain shall be all -steel, 2 5-16" pitch, riveted roller chain consisting of 7/8" diameter rollers and side bars with a 1/4" x 1" cross section. Chain bar flights shall have a cross section of 3/8" x 1 1/2", the flights being positioned on approximately 4 1/2" centers. Each chain roller link assembly shall have a minimum tensile strength of 38,000 lbs. The conveyor gear case shall have a 50:1 reduction and consist of a hardened and polished worm gear, driving a cast aluminum bronze gear mounted to steel hub. Conveyor drive sprockets shall be 8 - tooth drop forged steel, keyed to a 1 3/4" (minimum) SAE 1045 alloy steel shaft mounted in tapered roller bearings. Two heavy -spring loaded cadmium -plated adjustment screws with a minimum of 3" travel shall be provided to maintain proper conveyor tension. Removable and replaceable conveyor chain shields shall be provided, properly formed and of sufficient strength to resist binding. There shall be an inverted Vee above conveyor belt to reduce the load pressure onto conveyor. An oiler shall be provided for conveyor chain. SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEAVY-DUTY SELF-CONTAINED HOPPER -TYPE SPREADER DISCHARGE GATE: An adjustable discharge gate of the screw jack type shall be ocated at the body rear to properly adjust the flow of material to the spinner. Maximum feedgate opening shall be 11" high x 18" wide. S'f DIVERTER CHUTE: Deflector baffle within distributor hopper to allow dischargli—n-g--of material from spreader without striking spinner for stock piling. DISTRIBUTOR DISC AND DRIVE: The distributor disc shall be 20" in diameter of abrasion resistant steel, equipped with six removable fins designed to obtain a controlled spread of four feet to forty feet. Material shall be guided from the conveyor end to the distributor disc by means of a tapered hopper, equipped with a dust -free tubular housing in which a sealed cartridge -type ball bearing supports the distributor disc drive shaft. Adjustable internal deflectors shall be provided to control direction and evenness of spread. BAFFLE: The baffle shall be of the four -section type, hinged and com- plete with hood, easily adjustable and positively locked without the use of tools, to control direction and width of spread for ice control and/or sealcoating. The baffle and hood shall completely enclose the spinner on both sides to the front and to the rear to prevent throwing materials onto vehicles. POWER DRIVE: Air-cooled gasoline engine of not less than 18 H.P. shall rive of conveyor and spinner. Engine shall be equipped with 12 -volt electrical system and include starter, generator, battery and battery mount, ammeter, ignition switch, starter switch, gasoline tank, and in- tegral clutch reduction unit. Clutch shall be of the positive over center type, operating in oil, and not less than 4 1/2" diameter. Reduction shall be engine manufacturer's standard, fully -enclosed and running in oil. Engine to be left rear mount between last two stakes. Engine to have protective hood. CONTROLS: Complete remote control shall be furnished, including engine throttle, ignition switch, starter switch, ammeter and vacuum clutch control, with all-weather breakaway plug in line between cab and spreader. SCREENS OVER HOPPER: Sectional screens shall be hinged to a 3-1/2" O.D. heavy duty pipe running longitudinally the full length of spreader hopper. Screen sections to have a 3/8" x 2" frame with 3/8" rods laced through 1/4" x 1-1/2" flat steel forming openings of 2 1/2" x 5 3/4". Screens shall not increase over-all height of spreader more than 4" down center., DUMP BODY MOUNTING: The spreader shall be provided with a minimum of our heavy hold- clamps to securely fasten unit to dump body. A distributor hopper extension shall be furnished to position spinner. disc approximately 20" from the ground. BUMPER: To be installed on rear of Spreader. TAILGATE LATCHING DEVICE: Unit shall be equipped with tailgate latching device. MISCELLANEOUS: An instruction manual and parts list shall be furnished with unit. The Unit shall be mounted by the Contractor at the Contractors Shop. SPECIFICATIONS eOM A MANUFACTURER*3 LATEST MODEL 2 -TE -4 MOBIL SWEEPER, OR BQR U r s Engine: Engine shall be a Ford Model 65PG, six cylinder overhead valve gasoline engine (Propilsion) with a seven main bearing crankshaft, approximately 8.4 to 1 compression rati6 having not less than 300 cubic inch displacement and developing 168 governed htrsepower at 30300 RPM. A Donaldson Donaclone heavy duty air cleaner and hour meter shall be furnished, also a 24 gallon fuel tank, Engine: Engine in rear of sweeper to drive brooms, elevator and water pump, shall be a (Auxiliary) 4 cylinder Ford Industrial water cooled gasoline engine with not less than 194 cubic inch piston displacement with reversing transmission wbth all operating controls in the cab, 12 volt electrical system combined with main system. Auxiliary engine to be equipped with hourmeter, heavy duty Donaldson Donaclone air cleaner and shall be well ventilated and accessable from the ground for wm:Vxmstntz=a 4z= easy maintenance. R Dirt Hopper: Dirt hopper to have a capacity of not less than four cubic yards and shall be filled by a rubber type squeegee conveyor, driven by steel chains on rubber sprockets and dumped by a hydraulically operated, fiat reinforced steel, quick opening dumping gate, Conveyor chains and sprockets to be guaranteed for two years or 12,000 miles whichever occurs first. Rear Broom: Sweeper shall have a rear pick up broom not less than 36" in diamtter and 60" long filled with Danline wire or equal. It shall be hydraulically raised and lowered, full floating; and self aligning, with variable speeds forward and re- verse. Distance from centerline of rear wheel to centerline of rear broom s shaft shall not exceed 62" in a down position, s way Gutter Broom: Sweeper shall be equipped with two 42" free floating, full side tyx aoscillatt ing, hydraulically raised and lowered gutter brooms, having variable speeds ! forward and reverse, broomed with 26" standard steel wire. Final drive to use shafting and mitered bevel gears. Operator shall bw able to see gutter broom from a normal driving position with cab door closed without the use of mirrors.! Sprinkler System:Sweeper shall be equipped with a. 280 gallon water tank with a sprinkler syste� covering the sweeping path for dust control. r Rear Axle: unit shall be equipped with a heavy duty truck type two speed rear axle, rated at not less thhn 17,000 pounds, having ratios of 12.64: 1 and 6.75: 1, allowing' four speeds forward and one reverse in low range and four speeds forward and ont reverse in hijgh range, making a total of eight forward speeds and two reverse speeds and legal! travel speeds to 55 MPH. Front Axle: Front axle to be rated at no less than 6,500 lbs., and have full hydraulic power cam and lever type steering. Tires: Front tires shall be at least 7.50 x 20, 8 ply and rear tires 10.00 x 20, 12 plt. Brakes: Sweeper shall be equipped with not less than four wheel hydraulic brakes with Hydrovac booster, Transmission:' To be Heavy Duty, Cru13-0-Matics dual range transmission with three speeds forward and one reverse, which will permit sweeping speeds from 2/3 I*A.P.H. to 12 M.P.H. and legal travel speeds to 55WH, by use of the two speed rear axle. GEAR RATIOS First: 2.40:1 Second: 1.47:1 Third: 1.00:1 Reverse: 2.00:1 TORQUE CONVERTER RATIO 2,1:1 At stall. Hydraulic Converter to operate in a completely enclosed fluid filled housing and continue to multiply torque until turbine is driven at 9/10 impeller speed. A heat exchanger for cooling the transmission oil will be supplied. Automatic transmission must be in use in model sweeper for at least two (2) years or more. Electrical knit shall be equipped with a 12 volt electrical system, a 55 amp heavy duty System: alternator with dual belt drive and 70 amp battery. PAGE ONE - Controls: All operating controls shall be mounted on the dash -board in full view of the ,f operator so he will not have to divert his eyes from the road. 3 Bumper: Front bumper shall be channel type without counter weight. Frame: i Sweeper using a standard or modified truck chassis as opposed to having a full sweeper frame, will not be accepted. Cab and Accessories: Sweeper shall be equipped with the following: A fully enclosed cab with roll up and down windows, having shatter -proof glass throughout, and doors that hinge at the rent and lock baCK AGAINST CAB 3 to keep them open during the summer months. A heater and defroster, self -- cancelling directional signals with four way hazard flasher switch. Federal i Sign #184 revolving cab flasher or equal, mountings steps and fender., gutter g broom and rear broom spotlights, two nest Coast side mirrors, (convex mirrors not acceptable) dual electric windshield wipers, dual stop and taillights, rear license plate bracket with light, 14 spare gutter broom segments wire filled, one spare rear broom assembly, Danline wire filled or equal, one 15' length of 2�2-" hydrant hose with couplings, reflectors, clearance lights, two adjustable operator's Bostrom seats with sea: belts, and front and rear towing eyes. Miscellaneoust t Turning radius not to exceed 19' Overall height including cab, not to exceed 84" Overall sweeper i i length not to exceed 213'7". Wheelbase not to exceed 115". k Bidder shall complyvtwith the following: r 1. Model on the sweeper bid shall have been in production for at least five ye4 2. Visual proof of spare parts stocked for model bid. 3. Unit bid shall be designed to accomodate a snow plow. i 4. List five (5) users of sweeper bid, in Nassau and Suffolk (bunties equipped with automatic transmission. 6 Z PAGE TWO �. R 3 f 5 GPECIFICATION EOR - VACUUM CATCH BASF CLEANER The catch basin cleaner shall be a Tarco Model CV -2D or equal, and shall meet the following requirements. SLUDGE RECEIVER BOX: 6.2 cu.yd. - This container shall be all steal, liquid tight for sanitary storage of typical catch basin water, sludge, and debris. The container shall be self -dumping by hydraulic actuation, to not less than a 47° angle. Both Power -Up and Power -Down operation shall be provided. Means shall be included to insure a uniform even rate of elevation, or lowering, of the sludge box, regardless of uneven box loading, or irregular terrain on which the supporting vehicle might be located. Hydraulic power to operate the self -dumping mechanism shall be supplied by a self-contained hydraulic system independent of vehicle, in- corporating a built-in oil tank, filter, relief valve, and control valve. Conveniently located grease fittings shall be provided for lubrication of the sludge box pivot pins. These pins to be constructed of low carbon, cold finished steel and shall be not less than 1 1/2" diameter. Body sides, roof, ends, including door, shall be of 8 gauge steel. Sides, roof, and bottom shall be rib reinforced. Such ribs to be spaced on centers no greater than 12 inches. Provision shall be made for readily attaching a catch basin suction hose to conveniently located ports, one on each side of receiver box, and one at the rear of the receiver box. Internal prinaTy and secondary screening shall be employed. The primary screens shall b fabricated from stainless steel and shall measure a minimum of 13 square feet in effective area. The screens are to be readily accessible for jet spray or broom cleaning from outside the box. The secondary high velocity steel screen shall measure a minimum of 2 square feet and to be readily accessible for cleaning without the necessity of opening the sludge dump- ing door. The box shall contain an air labyrinth conduit system to also restrict the passage of material and water from the proximity of the suction impeller. A full width self -opening dumping door shall be provided having a minimum area of 24 square feet. The door shall be of 8 gauge reinforced steel construction fitted with four (4) adjustable cast bronze locking fittings. The door shall be both air and water tight, and to be equipped with an independent "hold open" device. The door is to be opened and closed by hydraulic power or may be actuated by gravity as sludge box is raised or lowered. The door is also to be equipped with an adjustable over -center opening and closing latch on outside of body. Dual semi-tubular adjustable rubber seals are to be provided on all four sides of the dumping door. The entire sludge box is to be so designed as to be easily removable from the base -frame which is common to both the sludge box and power unit. The sludge box and power unit are to be mounted on an integral skid type base - frame consisting of full length longitudinal and horizontal trussed 5 inch steel channel members. The rear door shall contain a minimum of two water drain ports, at different levels, to permit returning evacuated water to cleaned catch basins. The air labyrinth conduit system shall have provision for readily draining any entrapped water. An adjustable, self -locating break -away joint shall be provided in the vacuum system between the sludge receiver box and the inlet to the suction impeller case. continued: Pane - 2 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR -- VACUUM. CATCH BASIN CLEANER To facilitate dump truck body installation, six holes, three per side, shall be located in the outside 5 inch base -frame longitudinal steel members, suitable for accepting 5/8" minimum diameter bolts for securing unit to dump truck floor. _Front end of unit to be equipped with two adjustable restraining members to further secure unit in dump body. These members to have a combined strength rating of 110,000 p.s.i. ENGINE: Industrial heavy duty gasoline, water-cooled, 8 cylinder, with a minimum of 330 cubic inches displacement. Gross brake horsepower rating of 154.5 H.P. at 2800 R.P.M. Engine to include a standard 12 volt elec- trical generator system having 30 amperes capacity, replaceable oil filter, oil bath air cleaner with pre -cleaner, valve rotators, muffler, gas tank of 20 gallon capacity, governor controlled throttle, and fuel pump. Engine controls: ignition switch, starter switch , electrical and oil pressure warning lights, choke, throttle, water temperature gauge, hour meter and tachometer. Two 12 volt batteries with'a minimum rating of 70 ampere hours shall be supplied. Engine to be equipped with a heavy duty, 11 1/2" clutch, over --center type, with 350 ft. lbs. torque rating delivering power to a matched set of five (5) high strength, stretch resistant, "V" belts. Cooling ,system to have a capacity in excess of 25 quarts. SUCTION IMPELLER: Impeller blades and back plate to be constructed of 1/4" thick low carbon, quenched and tempered, alloy steel, having a tensile strength of not less than 115,000 p.s.i. Suction impeller to be both statically and dynamically balanced. Impeller to deliver not less than 28,000 cubic feet of air per minute. Vacuum system shall produce not less than 90 inches negative static water pressure at 2700 R.P.M. and shall, under actual working conditions, pro- duce not less than 36 inches negative static water pressure at working end of a 10 inch diameter catch basin assembly. Impeller to include a keeper plate and puller device. Impeller to be independently mounted on a ground and polished shaft of not less than 2 3/16" diameter, supported on two sealed, self -aligning ball bearings having conveniently mounted external frease fittings. SUCTION CASE: To be 10 gauge welded steel. To be fitted with a two piece, .1345 thick abrasion resistant liner. These liners to be conveniently " supported on all sides and secured without the use of bolts or welding to facilitate ease of removal. Housing to have a 9" x 4 1/2" inspection open- ing with cover. Full size housing cover plate to be secured by bolting to an external steel flange welded to housing scroll to simplify removal of housing liners. A 3/16" thick steel protective housing guard shall verti-, cally cover the full width of both sides of the vacuum case. Suction case discharge port to be fitted with a steel safety guard and an automatically operated rain shield. Entire suction case to be bolt fastened and re- movable from power unit frame. A residual water drain shall be provided on the bottom of the suction housing. Suction case shall have a diameter of 47 inches. SWIVELING HYDRAULIC BOOM: A hydraulic lift cylinder shall be used to actuate a 108 inch spring cushioned steel boom. It shall be equally useful for supporting the suction intake hose and tube assembly, raising the sludge box dumping door, and lifting catch basin covers and grills. It shall be capable of raising 500 lbs. weight from a point 33" outboard of its vertical pivot point. continued! Passe - 3 -- SPECIFICATIONS FOR - VACUUM CATCH BASIN CLEANER SWIVELING HYDRAULIC BOOM. -- continued Without extensions, it can accomplish a vertical lift differential of 9 feet. The boom shall be capable of rotating 210° with the use of two large rollers including four sealed ball bearings:. Hydraulic power to operate the boom shall be supplied by a self-contained hydraulic system independent of vehicle, incorporating a built -in -oil tank, filter, and relief valve. A weather proof remote control switch shall be provided to allow for boom operation from either truck side or to the rear. Provisions shall be made for securing the boom in a locked position for traveling, in such a way that no part of the boom shall increase the overall length or width of the complete catch basin cleaner. HIGH PRESSURE WATER SYSTEM: The pump shall be of a high pressure approved piston type and shall be capable of delivering two gallons per minute at an operating pressure of 500 p.s.i. Pump to be independent of truck sower and may be easily made operative or inoperative without a clutch. it shall be equipped with a suction strainer having a removable 100 mesh brass screen. It shall also be furnished with a pressure gauge, adjustable unloading valve, and surge damping device. A bypass valving system is tr be incorporated in such a way as to eliminate any clutching mechanism fox ON-OFF operation. To be equipped with 25 feet of high pressure hose having a minimum burst rating of 9000 p.s3.i. fitted with a 6 foot long, 1/4" dia- meter valve controlled, brass jet -type nozzle. A 145 gallon water storage system shall be furnished which shall include internal surge plates. CATCH BASIN SUCTION ASSEMBLY- Shall connect to any of the suction inlets without the use of tools. Shall have a flexible length of 9 feet 10 inches diameter. Flexible conductor tubing shall be of steel reinforced, neoprene impregnated laminations. A stainless steel nozzle shall be 7' 11" long, 10" diameter, and have provision for easily adding 3 foot sections for ex- ceptionally deep catch basins. Nozzle inlet to have hard surfaced, serrated cutting teeth. The nozzle shall he equipped with a circular, hinged nozzle control to aid in ease of manipulation. A 10" diameter hose nipple plate shall be provided to reduce wear at the point which the hone is connected to the sludge box. Appropriate means shall be provided to carry the hose and nozzle assemblies when the unit is being transported between sites. The: suction assembly shall be support- ed by a system of clamps, cables and pulleys which shall be furnished for securing the assembly to the hydraulic boors. FLASHER LIGHTS AND REFLECTORS: Two flashing lights having at least 7" diameter lesnse, amber color, shall be installed on upper rear portion of receiver cabinet. These lights shall be fully wired and controlled with a brass plunger type marine electrical switch. A corrosion resistant, weather protected, vibration proof, flashing element haveing 126 candle power capacity shall be used. Two rear mounted red reflectors and two side mounted amber reflectors shall be installed. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: The following items shall be provided with each machine: One 1 lb. lever type grease gun, one 10 ft. steel rake, one 10 ft. spoon shovel, and one 36" wrecking bar. continued. Page -- 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR - VACUUM CATCH BASIN CLEANER BALL JOINT: A galvanized and silicone treated ball joint 10" diameter, which shall provide not less than 34° of angular movement shall connect to any of the suction inlets without the use of tools. The ball joint is for added ease in the manipulation of the suction assembly and also to prolong hose wear. CATCH BASIN NOZZLE EXTENSION: A 10" diameter stainless steel nozzle ex- tension shall be provided which is 3 feet in length. This extension section to be so designed as to be easily added to standard nozzle for use in deeper than average catch basins. CATCH BASIN CLEANING NOZZLE: A stainless steel nozzle, five feet long, 10" diameter. Nozzle inlet to have hard surfaced, serrated cutting teeth. Connects to suction assembly without the use of tools. useful in clean- ing shallow catch basins. EXTRA RECEIVER BOX PORTS- Three (3) extra portae capable of accepting 10" diameter suction assembly; inlets being located passenger aside, driver side, and rear. PAINTING: The entire unit shall be thoroughly cleaned and given one coat of zinc chromate primer and a finish coat of chrome yellow enamel. Rear of machine alternate black and yellow upright "V" striping. APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS (overall):. 6.2 Cu. Yd. Length 10' 6" Traveling Height 7" 9" Width at Base 6' 8" Weight (Approx.) 8000 lbs. 7 Speci.4ca;aorw L I 0 yenenal: La Speci4i.caz vnj on %.i.ehu Sweepea #lav ng the FoLtowing AZ&i uo SpeciAcationA These dpeci.Acati-o" dedcA"e a 4et�-plwpeUed, ga4vli.ne- e- dai ven, pi chug d est aweepen v� the 3 -wheel type_, having Z)zont A.Lvcng, whee.Ld and 1 dual teat d a wheel. /Ae ®weepen . Aa.0 ' have: a main p chuP 6.womq; brio 2 u#.te t bavom4, one each 4.ide; a dweeptng pa ch rw t le e4 .than 10 �eet wide; a wa,tea 4 Aag 4� em Pt du4,i co A4- a hoppeiz o� not .-e d d #pian 22 cubs -c capacc� h C` operated and Capable o� dumalei'Ai4 up #o �9-T Bei above ground level; a Ait4-encio.eed a.C(-weatheA opeaa ,t .a cab o� dtee7 and 4a4e y gia e.a con4#iutc. .vn. The 4weepea 4ha U be .the zen'4 latest model .in cu4Aent paoduction, and 4ha.0 be AvuuAAed wi fA aoU d-;taacua ea",cment, aece.s4o/ue.d and coniw.ls whe#hea Ouch ii-ema4 be expteddly de.ec&Lbed heaeut oa no4 The bo and fume 4haoU be o all -eel heavy-du#g con4Lucti.on, pavp teinptced, gu4.jeted� 4.tand braced to w.c.f And a.11 .Loads t5m.j undea noxma.L opeicab-ag condUton4. The emp4 weiot o4 ;Me machine 4ha U be nod 1e44 AAm 12,500 pounds. The cab 4hall be an aU-weaihe2 de qn, o� dieet and 4a�e� j4 conJiauc�i.on, 4ealed and .insulated, iv4-.th dual cont otj and .Aee�r..i.rug wheel4, ut th 4U doo u and adju a#ab le w.i.ndow4, and w.i.#h an uplu?,Ute.,ced ad fu4#able o e4ato t 4 4ea4 The cab 4ha.0 be "p'ped w.1,#ii. no.t le s4 #han Ae wiiV heatlea, wi"Ai.eld dei w dies; dual dun vi..eo u, dual exte4a.oa neax-vi era mz',vw u; 2-4peed elect&Lc w.inzIdAi.eld wipe"; and conbwl con .pole. The con tical console 4ha U have no; te44 .than. ate Pllow ' x'A4Lvunenj-ls and co&&w.Cs: 4peedomeien; amme eu hey a dw.i.&A; hand LW iil.e; manual choke, odvmeleh, 4ue.0 level gauge; engine tempenahme gauge, oil p,tee4uae gauge. Continued on page 2 U 10 - 2 - Speci. ca�vn4 (Conte nue 0 Thee .d a.0 be a liquid -cooled 9"oli.n.e eru),ine having, not led.© 6 c Iinde&a and 260 cubs -c .cn.chee o� p�e vn di.eplacemen�t, and devel o not lej d Aan SO max cmm baah e ho" epowe& and 245 Poi -pound a maxims n toRque. /he n 'ne aha.l l be e�uc. ped with at lea.# #h e �Pvllory i tem,a:u.Cl-:Cou� e'u�,i'+ e v i�L �C.fe�, heavy -duck aiA cleaneir, ccel C LteR, duel peon , 12 vo" eleciAi.ca.0 4YAt tem elecil c e a�.tcn� mo#vn; Rwwnum ampeRe altenrtatvR; cltan�e irate A� ;�� n'' orate& pump; cooL4 �=; minimum 70 ampe�t.e-hour. DR.i.ve Line: Ln * e pvwe& d a.0 be ian emi tted & a �ull�-eac.Co.4ed 4vv�-vpeRated c c fu#ch o� nod Tedd Aan 11 .i.n.cAe.e di amezt, to a heavy -duly 4 -,speed b uch #ape t4an ami.e,divn and 2 -.speed oveAd&Zve auxLb: V iAit a►nc.. ,d -Lon, p&vvidZWg 8 Pnwaad .dP ee I4 and 2 &eveue .ep ease, and bo a #Ruch e dc44e&en�ii al axcle with �u.Lly-eaclo sed )wtZet chain do i.ve ;to each #�Ive wheel. Wheele and T r.aed: Stee. n� BRahee: The whee.lA .ehaU be dieel di -dc .type eqcciPPed wilt heave -dui -iube- pe .tAuch iced. DAi..ve wheel &Ae e ehaU be not le -4,j iAan 11: 09-20, 147Y. Stee ing wheel ti.&e4 .dhaU be not' lend bran 7.50-15, 8 /10R. The dieel * .aytem dAa.0 be a heavy-du�ty .much 4pe w.i.IA hydnauli..c Powe& a d.4Zj . Se&v -ce btahee ehaU be poi-ope cried hydAau.li.e type on whe feiz, wZ,4A vacuum powe& a ed.i d t, and w.i..th no -t lead b&ahe lining. A hand-leve&-opeaai-ed Aive dha4 poAh.iru, al�dv be pw vided. P.Lchup B&vom Aan 315 equate .inched Ao aha dhaU The pickup btvvm dh rU be wiAe, cAinhled Alled b&ovm nol- ledd than -j6 .encAed in diameter, no# lead Aan 68 .cached lvru�, and having. not le.a.e Am 35 dpi Aal4 on a d#ee-i cote. The broom cv&e .eh Ua be &eP*--Uable ori tic. any 04 th.e notmallcy used �"ea.e and the cable-windAjW me#hod. Con#inued on page 3 - 3 - Sped aca-i o" rConti.nued% The broom dAaU have variable opeaa#i.ng, .dpeed4 and�dAa,U be raided and .Cowe&ed lwm Ue opeaaioR �e po.ei;Uon in e cab, w' a�c tabi.Lity Pt down pte44ute. Thete 4hall be a bloom po.d.i-ii on inzaca 't in the cab. Side B won 4: The ii.de brvom4 4hall be o� the 4egmented 4pe, not 1e44 .than 6 ,cached .i.n di.amete.q, Pi.Ll ed wi-th 4tect rui.t and hav ' vaR,i ab -Le opera AAA 4 eeda. The 6toon4 4ha.0 be ta,i.4ec+� lowered and po.di;aoned �L'� tom the o eAato2 ' control in the cab. The ope4u tvt 4Aa U afro be able to aZZu t down pte44ute on the btovm4, and there dhaU be bloom po.d i -&on .t &catvtid in, the cab. ono t: The convergot jha U be an euUe44 6eJU ty of e&ua, deign capable o4 loading the hop,pper tv 100!nV)Leve&de i.te m zea capac.�..t The cvnveyoa d a.LL have vatiab.Ce 4omvatd dpeede. {!vP'O The poppet d aU have a capaci-ty not 1e44 .than 2Y cub -Le ode. .qt 4ka-U be dumped by hydlrau a -c power, contaolled Lwm the opeAatot a po.d.i i. on in. the cab, and 4ha)l be equipped ljvUA a po dz&ve loch ' devcce. The hvppe� 4ha.(.L 6�r h�°�CQ -ca,Ll4 elevahi and pivoted oa di.iceci di�achaage at variable heughtc, �tvm and leve[ tv a dump L he p# v� a ptv x rmat elry l 1, j .inched, and dhaJ t have a teach o � at .Ce;Z' 32 inche4 vt &.P n, tato i ch4. Watea Spray Sy,j.tem: The wa,4-ea 4p.,my d ptem have have a capac 4 ot at lea et 180 ga,L.Lon4 and 4haa,U have 4 ray no 5le4 located P,% mort e� ' ci.en i duet con ttvl. The .dp.iem dAa.0 .in a pte4.du,%e pump, a 20 of l�#h o4 22 .i.ncA �i Ue2 hv.de wi th. coonp lL u},e, and a �"Yzec 4� tem �vt c.4eaning, the h:oppe2 and r. f1.GL conveyor. conttv.Lv 4hall be at the vpeaatot 4 po4z;uon .in the cab. The 6rw-iem 4haU be protected w. -4A a dtirai,net and te.Li.e� valve. and The . weeppea jAmU b epped w.tA 2 sealed beam heaeLLi gh te, 2 comb Aa. i.on .atop-ia i.l e� , 4e4—tante[! ing tuitrt 4 (gna.Ld, 4 c.Lealcan ce Continued on page 4 0 r —4— SpeciAcat iv vni Hued% 6 tejUecto u, and 2 a4u4table d i de barvom gvd ighZ4. %he r -on Aacto�t .ahndl PtA& A wi th each..eweep,e Z, one .apaze comp. e#e main, 61wom, wt -&e c& led��� atmv compte.te .deta o� di�po.aab.Le s.mUe2 6,toom degmeni-j, wiAe Lub,zica.�ivn: Sui-table, Lead lu accea a.i.b.Le lubit.i..ca ion dev -ce.e on#ijm4 dAa.0 6e p w vi_decd at a l.� po4j t4 whe xe l uba i..ca t,�:.on .i d itequ i.� ed. Lube ica ti on yu.trtuctLon4 .d a l.( ndc mte #h.e pzopeA matte and .type o� . ubAZcant to be uaed at each pot" Paint Fi i,dh. Highway ye.L.lvw Comp&i wtndow and Axg t -d.,-de mounted, W, 7 K u o itQ. Z o n io Town o� Sou#ho-U f )X006101-ei eill-lecGcSo//..< BRANCH CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT JERICHO TURNPIKE HUNTINGTON, L.I..N.Y. 516 FOREST 8-2200 Town o� Soai old Sou#ho.(d Long, ,9d1an4 New YoA yeai lmen: MAIN OFFICES 145-18 LIBERTY AVENUE JAMAICA, N.Y. 11435 212 JAMAICA 6-5100 Aa&cA 15, 1966 T haougA ih,e cou.a tedcy o� ou % Au Ne.l aon §zmeavih, we ate pteawed -to ogea out %Lwia.aon ad Pdlowd: 1 - New 64in Dua.4Ya-a Speed % e.li.can. Sweepe.4 ba c d attached eq", pvn pen dpeci i.ca n ghee ached and in.c,Ludi a� Ae A .lowcnq,: COwi..A w).L-down w.indowd We LlLance .0 g td - det o� 4 tWd#ea �lg" eciioaaL RejUeate" - Ae 04 dzx (6) Reaie,m 2 - Weda eAZA s. owe Powelc 6"e" �nit' b comp ci w.cndow - � hand .vide only painted diandaAd a oq h4hway ye.L1.ow Ati.ce .................0...0.0.0...................... 1730010.00 Lead #rade-in allowance on you& ud ed 1.957 yuiteA.&Upe Sweepex 500.00 Net cods I- o. b- de.L Versed ............................. $12,500.00 Continued on page 2 ,jt i_4 our ReiponJiLity to be de 1 eit " qp 0 0 INC. Town o� SouVw U - 2 - The PUowi g. options ad exta" ase gaoled below: Man bloom - wi t e ckLghl ed fLUed &t,R,a. d6in 6,coom - wi to cAinded Pj--Zed �x iAa guiiet 6noonu (,jet) w.iAe ALted Ext m yu tet 6tvonti (4et) &.Vo.4able dlatch. 15, 1966 110.00- 355.00 94.00 , 48.00 l.Lea4e note Vwi the Aig.A .speed 4eatu4ee w&Zch, we o��et inctude a 264 cu. jack engine and 11:00 z lox 14 PR �wni &4e4. We ttwt out quoiation w.i U zeceive bout Rind co"i.dewtivn, and aema i n., Vev ttu.Ly you".. T1160W 6 Y. l3l.TTW & SaN, AC. LLS;Lawrence iW. Smith. cc: /:�.Liuthe, yenetcL Auxaget N. tzdmezv�/L. R.,an RAYMOND C. DEAN SUPERINTENDENT Rix#zrtex�# Totun of �svut4o b Feronir, W V• 11958 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Some used road equipment for sale, may be inspected at the Southold Town Highway Department, Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. y. Bids on above will be received by the Supt. of Highways, of the Town of Southold, until 1:00 P.M., July 10, 1969, The Supt. of Highways reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, should It be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. Dated: June 10, 1969 RAYMOND C. DEAN, Supt. of Highways Town of Southold TEL. 765-3140